#this gets me misty-eyed sometimes
cowboysmp3 · 1 month
i think the most evil thing testosterone did to me is rid me of my ability to cry. it’s not that i feel the urge to cry less in fact i feel the urge to cry the exact same amount and yet there’s a terrible barrier !!!!!!!
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sindumpster · 2 years
What kind of movies or tropes make Wiggy cry? 👀
Why do you want me to cry tho? D8
Honestly tho I don’t “cry” often at movies/shows, I just get kinda misty eyed thing. And idk prolly stuff that gets most people like when the dog dies or losing best friends/family. The first 5 minutes of Up. Or bittersweet endings—Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio is most recent one that got me ngl, but I feel like it got most people. Sentimental stuff gets me too because I can be very sappy at times lol. And just animation in general resonates better when dealing with heavy themes for me, tho that’s not an absolute rule lol.
And I guess more specifically found family and unconditional acceptance gets me, but it gets me irl as a trans guy too. I bawl when people tell me I am loved and that I can be myself around them—so stuff with those themes gets me even tho it’s warm and positive. And just general stuff that can feel like a trans metaphor—I can’t watch that one song from Mulan without getting misty-eyed, because I do relate to that reflection stuff even if it wasn’t intended that way. And I like war movies (does that make me problematic lol?) so themes like great personal sacrifice or just horrors of war and the psychological scars it leaves behind. And shows of solidarity and compassion among ordinary people, like when you know none of you may make it out alive, but you do it to save/protect others. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few kinds of sacrifice, but also meaningless sacrifice can be incredibly tragic too. Or just heavy shit like lovers dying in each other’s embrace, friends comforting each other before the end, or the despair that hits once you begin to process intense loss—but yanno, I think that gets most people. It’s heavy for a reason. And like, most heavy themes, if done well and intended to be highly emotional, it will make me feel something. It’d take forever for me to list every trope that can do it. And plenty of times where a trope gets me in one instance but completely fails in another. I dunno if there’s a singular trope that gets me 100% of the time, and my movie/show tastes are uh…very eclectic lol
I almost never ‘cry’ at stuff though. And few times it did happen was because I accidentally watched something too close to my own traumas. So like, not exactly a good thing even if it’s 100% ugly waterworks guaranteed. I try to avoid those themes tbh. Certain tropes I just can’t do, even if I know it’s really good movie/show/whatnot.
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I don't need god I have parents that loved and welcomed me at my worst and love the me I'm making myself regardless of anything I ever did
"But god loves you unconditionally!"
I'm sorry your family don't
"But you'll go to hell!"
I'm sorry that your family threatened you like that instead of helping you when you struggled
"God forgives you for all your sins!"
I'm sorry you think joy and adventure should be repented for and not added to your Shelves Of Memories that make up who you are
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technicolorxsn · 1 year
wish I knew where those CDs were..
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animezinglife · 3 months
Nyx Headcanons
Headcanons for my favorite little bean, because we don't talk about him enough.
He 100% inherits Rhys's "earth-shattering" power. That extra chapter where Feyre and Rhys were deciding on a name and basically felt powers shifting in the Force when Nyx came up makes me firmly believe that.
He's a good, sweet kid but also goes through a few phases where he's an absolute nightmare to raise through no fault of his own. Nyx is a happy baby, but has zero concept of his power when it starts to show, leaving one very tired High Lord and High Lady when he shatters a window in his nursery when wiggling his arms excitedly.
He's an intuitive little guy though and very quickly figures out he needs to be careful when Feyre and Rhys try to teach him to get a handle on that power. He learns this the hard way after accidentally nightmisting one of his toys.
Nobody for the life of them can figure out why he adores cranky Auntie Amren so much. Though he's not old enough to explain it, he thinks she's another child to play with. Cassian suggests this and Amren nearly rips his head off.
Nyx is a full-fledged mama's boy. He adores Feyre and is a complete snugglebug with her. He's also very protective of his mama.
That said, he idolizes his dad too and copies everything he does. He follows Rhys around and mimics everything, right down to trying to copy the High Lord's graceful swagger. Feyre, naturally, absolutely melts at the sight of him waddling after his dad with one hand in his pocket looking too cool for school on his tiny little legs.
Nyx is obsessed with Starfall, and his first-ever painting is a finger painting of him with his parents under those stars. Rhys gets misty-eyed when he sees it.
He's besties with Kallias and Viviane's little snow angel. The fact they're the same age is perfect--when the grown-ups are too boring tending to one courtly matter or the other, Nyx and his friend can easily pass the time playing in the snow. Nyx already has met his match in the realm of snowball fighting, and takes a new tactic or two back to absolutely wallop his uncles. Rhys could not be more proud of this fact.
Nyx takes his role as Eldest Cousin very seriously, but there's one cousin in particular who absolutely does not and will not listen to a word he says. Guess whose kid that cousin is.
Nyx takes a little too much after his mother sometimes in that he befriends every semi-civil demon-thing or dark spirit that walks the face of the earth. To Uncle Cassian's absolute horror, Nyx is apparently friends with Bryaxis...and Bryaxis loves this kid.
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forever-rogue · 3 months
I’m really missing nurse!Steeb x pregnant reader lately, what have they been up to??🥺
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AN | I love Nurse!Steeb and his clumsy girl! Besides being pregnant, again, things are as chaotic as always in the Harrington household! 💕
Warnings | Mild Language, Pregnant!Reader
Pairing | Nurse!Steve x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2k
Masterlist | Steve, Main, Nurse Steve
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Guess what,” you walked into your bedroom, inadvertently scaring Steve who had been reading intently. He yelped slightly as you offered him an apologetic grin and got into bed next to him, “sorry babe. But guess what!”
“What's up?” He set his book on his night stand before reaching for your hand and lacing your fingers together.
“I'm twelve weeks today,” it took him a moment to put together what you were saying but as soon as he did, his entire face lit up, “I think its time we told people, what do you think?”
“Yes. Yes,” he agreed eagerly. He'd been wanting to tell people since the day you told him you were pregnant but also understood why you had wanted to wait, “I can't wait to tell everyone. They're going to be so excited.”
“And what about you, Steve Harrington?” You clutched his hand tightly before bringing it to your lips and pressing a kiss to his knuckles, “are you excited? Truly?”
“Of course I am,” he scoffed sweetly as you relaxed, giving him an innocent shoulder shrug, “you know you don’t ever have to question that, sweetheart. I’ve been dying to tell everyone, but I know you wanted to wait. Which totally makes sense.”
“I was just worried,” you whispered softly, “I didn’t want anything to go wrong. I’m really glad it didn’t. I’m excited too.”
“I can’t believe I’ve got you, Cami, and now another baby,” his smile stretched from ear to ear as your face lit up, “I couldn’t ask for anything more.”
“What if I get weird cravings in the middle of the night?” When you were pregnant with Cami, there hadn’t been anything too crazy, but you wanted to be prepared. And you didn’t want to annoy Steve - not that you would ever be able to do such a thing, especially when you were pregnant, “what if I complain all the time? What if I can’t sleep? What if you get annoyed with me? What if Camila doesn’t want-”
“Hey,” he put a finger gently to your lips in order to tenderly cut off any more of your doubt, “I will never get tired of you. You know that. And even if all those things happen, we’ll get through them and I’ll try my best to help you. And I have a feeling that Camila will be very excited for a brother and sister.”
“How can you be sure?”
“She’s been talking about how some of her friends have little brothers and sisters that she thinks it’s really cool,” that made you feel immediately better, “trust me, she’ll be excited.”
“So we’re all excited?” you hadn’t realized a few tears had rolled down your cheeks until Steve gently wiped them away. You reached up and held his hand to your face, offering your husband a misty-eyed smile.
“We’re all excited,” he confirmed as he brushed his thumb along your cheek, “I love you.”
“I love you too, Stevie.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Mama?” Camila's small voice cut through your internal monologue as you shifted your gaze to find her watching you with a worried expression on her little face, “what's wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, my love,” you wiped the tears from your face with the sleeve of your sweater, motioning for her to come over. She padded over and crawled onto the couch next to you, “I'm just feeling a little sad.”
“Why are you feeling sad?”
“There was a commercial with a really cute dog,” you sniffled as she looked at you in confusion, “I know it doesn't make any sense. When you're pregnant your hormones go all crazy and sometimes even happy things can make you cry.”
“Oh,” she considered what you were saying before shaking her head, “I don't think I could ever do that. What's the point?”
“Well, baby, that's how Daddy and I ended up with you. And I'm pretty glad we did,” you pulled her into your lap and pressed a kiss to the top of her dark curls, “and that's how we're going to end up with your brother or sister.”
“Daddy thinks I'll get a sister,” she grinned at you, a gap toothed little smile that you adored more than anything, “what do you think?”
“I think you're getting a little brother,” you whispered softly, “but we're just going to have to wait and see.”
“How much longer?!”
“Four months…ish,” you gently touched your ever-growing belly and sighed, “sometimes babies come a little early but it should be about four months.”
“I'm excited,” she said with wide eyes filled with wonder. She hesitantly reached over and touched your belly as well, “that's cool that they're in there. Does it hurt?”
“It doesn't hurt but sometimes it doesn't feel good,” and that was putting it lightly, “but it's worth It in the end.”
“I hope so,” she nodded solemnly before sliding off the couch and walking towards the kitchen, “can I have some ice cream?”
“Camila Mae,” you slowly stood up and walked after her, “only if you promise to share!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Steven Harrington,” you pushed your sunglasses to the top of your head, raising an eyebrow at him, “my eyes are up here.”
“Baby,” he huffed, his eyes turning a pretty shade of pink. He had not so discreetly looking at your chest and your belly, “its not fair. You're so hot. Gorgeous. Sexy. Beautiful. All of it.”
“Please,” you rolled your eyes at him before gently pushing his chest, “I'm five months pregnant. I'm hardly anything but a beach ball.”
“You're gorgeous,” he insisted, settling his large hands on your waist as he pulled into him and pressed a kiss to your lips, “plus the bathing suit you're wearing? Fuckin’ killing me.”
“Steve,” you squeaked softly as your entire face warmed up, “you just like it when I'm pregnant.”
“I like you always,” he insisted sweetly, “but there is something about you being pregnant that drives me crazy. And that way everyone knows you're mine.”
“I'm all yours,” you agreed, biting the inside of your cheek, “I love you, Stevie.”
“I love you, baby,” he grinned, “so much-”
“Daddy! Mama!” Cami sounded so adorably annoyed as the two of you looked over at her. She was motioning towards the pool, clearly ready to get into the water, “stop being so gross!”
“Yeah Daddy,” you nudged him towards your daughter, “stop being so gross and hitting on Mama.”
“Stop,” he groaned softly, pressing one last kiss to your lips, “you're doing to be the death of me, I hope you know.”
“So dramatic,” you snorted in amusement, “go have fun and keep our kid from drowning!”
“And you put on plenty of sunscreen,” he insisted pointing at the bag you had packed, “join us when you're ready.”
“I will,” you smiled softly, already feeling some tears welling up. It seemed like everything made you cry these days. It was just one of the many perks of being pregnant, “go have fun. I'll keep an eye on this kid.”
You could hear Steve laughing as he went over to Camila. Her entire little face lit up as her father picked up her and threw her over his shoulder to climb into the pool. It was still crazy sometimes to think that these two people were your favorite people in the entire world.
“And you're pretty special too,” you sat down, slowly of course, on your beach chair and rubbed a hand over your belly, “I can't wait to meet you. You've got a while lot of love waiting for you, just so you know.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You groaned as you walked through the front door and closed it slowly behind you. It had been a long day, and one of the few that you had to work later into the evening. By the time you got home, the Harrington household was already quiet for the evening. 
“Hi honey,” Steve was at the door and already reaching for your bag before you could even wonder where he was. You relaxed as you melted into him, gladly taking the kiss he offered you, “let me help.”
You weren’t even going to bother arguing with your husband. He set your bag down in its usual spot before taking your coat and helping you slip off your shoes. When he was done, you instantly felt better. He reached for your hand and slowly led you to the kitchen, “thanks Stevie.”
“You’ve had a long day, it’s the least I can do,” you sat down at the kitchen table and let out a large sigh, running a tired hand over your belly, “how are you feeling?”
“I’m feeling like I’m very pregnant,” you huffed with a small laugh as you watched him put together a plate of food from dinner. He caught your eye and gave you a soft smile, “I can’t believe there’s still like months of this left.”
“If it’s any consolation, I think you’re doing a fantastic job,” he set the plate down in front of you and pressed a kiss to your head before grabbing a drink from the refrigerator. He set it down next to your plate before sitting down next to you, “I don’t think I could ever do it. I mean…growing a whole human is crazy.”
“I agree,” you took a big bite of the warm, delicious food, savoring the flavor before swallowing, “and I’m the one doing it. But I know it’ll be worth it. Blob number two will be worth it, just like Cami was.”
“You’re never going to let that go, are you?” he asked with a hearty laugh, as you offered him a big smile.
“Never,” you promised, “not even if we have another kid in the future. I’m telling you, they look like blobs on the ultrasound and you can’t even say I’m wrong. I mean, you’re a nurse! You gotta admit they just look like blobs more than anything else.”
“I’m going to agree with you because you’re my wife and pregnant,” he folded his arms over his chest and leaned back in his chair, playfully narrowing his eyes at you. You stuck your tongue out at him, “I know better than to argue with my pregnant wife. Whom I love very much.”
The sweet tone in his voice caused you to soften as you set down your fork, “I love you too, Steve. So much.”
“I know,” he gently nudged his foot with yours, “is there anything else I can do for you? Whatever you need. Bubble bath?”
“Oh, that sounds lovely,” you agreed, “I feel like even my bones are tired. They could use a good soak.”
“And then you can tell me all about your day,” he insisted as you nodded at him.
“But only if you tell me all about yours,” you replied, “and Camila’s. I’m sure the two of you got up to no good.”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about,” and that told you enough to know that the two of them definitely got into something, “we’re practically angels.”
“Shut up,” you laughed at him, shaking your head in amusement, “that’ll be the day. But luckily, I love and want to keep you both around.”
“I want you around too,” he stood up and slowly stretched before reaching for your hands, “do you want seconds first or bath now?”
“Bath now,” you let him take your hands and help to hoist you to your feet, “dessert later?”
“Dessert - “ he paused for a moment as you raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to put together what you were actually insinuating, “oh. Oh. Y-yeah, we can do that. Definitely.”
“Come on then,” you tilted your head towards the upstairs, “how often do we get this much peace, quiet and alone time?”
“Almost never,” he agreed, “you’re right. Let’s go.”
Needless to say, things were as hectic and chaotic as ever in the Harrington household.
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ardentpoop · 5 months
many people in spn fandom used to (and probably still) do this thing where they flattened sam into a collection of stale jokes and/or just dean’s docile little brother who is There Sometimes. a wall for dean to bounce his shimmering personality off of
obviously i hated that shit for several reasons lmfao but first and foremost you’re missing out on a character with SUCH a rich inner life. gentle giant who’s actually almost as much of a killing machine as his big brother. monster-freak-abomination since childhood. boy who fought his dad for the right to get a college education. boy who could’ve been a professional writer instead of a professional murderer. dean’s “trusty sidekick geek boy” who is the heart of their operation, who gets the witnesses and the surviving victims to open up. written to be “effeminate” for laughs but it draws discerning women to him. only dean gets to call him “sammy” even though he once hated that nickname in dean’s mouth too; he once wanted to be his own person. violated as an infant in his crib and stalked by dark things that infiltrated his life even when he thought he’d rebuilt it from scratch. the devil’s rebellious meat puppet. fighting for control over his own body for the entire duration of this story. “pathetic infant,” “misty-eyed milksop,” “sweetheart,” but also highly trained and dangerous and sharp-tongued. the bonnie to dean’s clyde, the scully to his mulder, the sundance to his butch cassidy. always “running away” from men who want to control him, including dean. I could actually keep going forever lol
the absolute best thing this show ever produced and you’re just gonna gloss over him like the fucking writers eventually did? couldn’t be me <3
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adoreddestiny · 3 months
I adore your LADS fics sooo much <3 if you’re up for it, may i request a rafayel x fem!reader where raf got emotional/not knowing how to express himself as he’s afraid to lose her because of a stupid mistake and him trying to mend things up? raf has been trying to dethrone zayne as my fav these days and imagining him being vulnerable & flustered is not helping ooof ~anon🌻
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ೃ⁀➷ MISTY EYED — rafayel x gn!reader
for a long time, the sounds of the foaming sea were rafayel's faithful companions. there's something so serene about the warmth of the ocean enveloping him. sound doesn't travel very far and bubbles kiss his cheeks whenever he swims past a school of shimmering fish.
but on the surface, the world is noisy. his mind overcomplicates things and the humans around him look at him like a need, a want, a possession. but on the surface, there is you.
rafayel stares out the window of his art studio. the summer sun is fading in the horizon turning his faithful home into decadent shades of purple, orange, and crimson. you stare at him with misty eyes, jaw locked as you reason through the words he previously spat out at you.
his eyes tear themselves away from the sea and back to you. he can see the reflection of himself in your stunned eyes. he tenses, glancing away from your crumbling figure. your voice is distant as if surrounded by water.
"i'm... sorry," he whispers. his throat tightens and his palms grow slick. he can't find the proper words as his cheeks grow pink. for a moment, he is a child unable to apologize.
"i didn't mean that," he says. his eyes finally meet yours and this time they're just as misty as yours. "i'm not..." his chest lurches. "I'm not... good at being honest."
you bite back your own words, crossing your arms over your chest. he steps forward, arms still stiff at his side.
"but i didn't mean that. i still want you here," he murmurs, "but you're always busy and sometimes...." rafayel swallows the bile in the back of his throat. "sometimes i'm scared you're going to tire of me one day."
your eyes soften. he watches as you step forward, meeting him in the middle. you sigh, speaking gently, "i'm not ever going to get tired of you. i will be here whenever you need me. i wouldn't ever forget."
rafayel bites the inside of his cheek. where has he heard that before? he stiffens before you swallow him up in a tight embrace. he takes a moment to soak in your scent. slowly, his arms wrap around your waist. for a moment, he feels the endlessness of seafoam adrift around him and the echoes of waves along a summer shore.
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cocomochicakes · 7 months
I love the way Larian narrates mental health and healing from trauma.
I used to work in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and I saw a LOT of individuals of all ages come in with absolutely horrible trauma that was so unfathomable it felt surreal even hearing the things they went through. Sometimes people learned how to look at their scars, acknowledge them, and move on with their lives. Other times, they did their best but those scars would always be the first thing they saw in the morning and the last things they saw before bed.
Watching the way Larian narrates trauma, especially the way it was written for Astarion, hits home in a way that is almost indescribable after seeing how it manifests in real life. What I can say is that watching the Epilogue for Spawn Astarion made me misty eyed. Not because he got a "happy ending" or me as the player gets to experience it but because there is a single line he says that just encompasses how beautiful and messy the healing process can be: that the last 6 months together has been more meaningful that the last 200 wretched years of his life.
When he says it and goes into detail, we know he's not completely past the visible and invisible scars that he's been left with but in the last 6 months, he's started his journey of healing finding a new normal. For the rest of his existence he won't always have good days when he's able to smile nor days he won't fall back into old habits but what we can glean from this is the following: he's given value and meaning to this new life he's been given and will eventually be able to live his new normal on his own or with whomever he fell in love with, scars and all.
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ghouljams · 2 months
*gnawing on the bars of my enclosure* please please please tell me more about distribution system Gaz, I promise I can be trusted with it *swallowing tetanus* I can be normal about him I swear *bending metal* I know how to behave
It's hard to explain the Gaz Distribution System without the understanding that Gaz is the Gaz Distribution System. He spots you on a Tesco run and decides you'd be a pretty thing to come home to. So he makes it happen. He checks the time, makes note of the street, where the nearest tube station is, bus stop, cafes, and comes back the next day. He waits to see you, and when you don't see him, he follows you a few blocks to see if he can figure out where you're going. He figures out what pub you go to with your coworkers on Fridays, and glances your credit card for a name when you pull it out to for the tab.
Gaz finds you, he knows you, before you ever see him coming. Your partner breaks up with you on a Sunday, it's completely out of the blue, and it absolutely shatters you. By Friday you barely feel up for after work drinks but your friends are so insistent about getting you out of the house that you relent. You're still a little misty eyed, your lip still wobbles when the wrong song comes over the pub's little speakers, but you stand at the bar to order, and Gaz sidles up beside you to do the same. You notice him --finally-- when he settles his hand on the bar next to you, bracketing you close to the wood as he leans just a little too close to catch the bar tender's attention.
You look up at him, and he must sense your attention because he looks at you and his smile falls into concern. He asks if you're ok, if someone's bothering you, no here let him buy you a drink, poor thing. He tells you that sometimes it's easier spilling your sorrows to a stranger, in a soft voice that drips with care. You're drawn in to him, and confess that you're recently heartbroken, that your friends are trying to cheer you up but everything reminds you of your partner. Gaz listens with a look of concern, hums at the appropriate places, and tells you he's so sorry, with such a genuine tone that you'd almost think he was apologizing for breaking you up(and how silly would that be! You don't even know this man, never seen him before in your life).
You wake up the next morning to an unsaved number texting you to ask if you got home alright, if you need any help getting rid of your ex's stuff, if you need any muscle to make sure they don't try anything to get back at you. You have to assume it's Gaz. But you don't remember giving him your number...
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turtletaubwrites · 5 months
One Shots & Requests Masterlist
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18+ ONLY. MDNI. SOME FICS CONTAIN DARK CONTENT. Currently writing for One Piece. All of these fics are NSFW and Fem!Reader unless marked otherwise. Content warnings and Ao3 links can be found on each post. This post updates frequently! Check out the main masterlist for completed and ongoing series, as well as WIP updates and announcements! One shots related to the poly fic We've All Got Needs can be read on their own, and are marked with a 💜
The Only One I Want ~ (1657) ~ You have a delicious dream about a certain swordsman. Your boyfriend, Ace, is not pleased when you wake up. (Brief Zoro x Fem!Reader in a dream.)
My Pretty Little Thief ~ (2004) ~ Ace knows where he left his hat. But when it's not there, he hunts it down, only to discover the culprit. How can he convince the thief to return his precious hat?
You’d Do Anything For Me, Wouldn’t Ya, Doll? ~ (2104) ~ You are Captain Buggy’s Vicious Dagger, his blade tossing beauty that recently became his lover. You’d do anything for him, and tonight you prove it.
Wrong Side of the Bars ~ (3990) ~ Your promotion landed you in hell, otherwise known as Level 6 of Impel Down. All you wanted to do was work this shit job so you could move on up, but there's one prisoner that won't leave you alone. It turns out those long nights go by faster with a bit of company.
Cross Guild 
Numbers Game ~ Masterlist ~ (Oops. Turned into a series.) ~ You left your stable/boring life as an investment banker to have some adventure. Unfortunately, that sweet Warlord of the Sea didn't follow your financial advice, and now you and your clown are at the mercy of his biggest lender and his new business partner.
Sweet Abduction ~ (4084) ~ Part 2 ~ (2175) ~ Part 3 (End) ~ (3781) ~ Times are tough, and you're afraid you'll have to give up the family business, until you find people who cherish your work. Who knew making doughnuts would gain you the attention of an Emperor of the Sea, and her second son? Will your new life be as sweet as it seemed?
More fics below the cut 🖤
See How You Like It ~ (1927) ~ Law is back from another fiasco with the Straw Hats. You think he's cute when he's grumpy. He thinks you should have some more respect for your captain.
Bend Until You Break ~ Masterlist ~ (Oops. Turned into a series. Completed) ~ !! YANDERE!Law x Fem!Reader !! DARK CONTENT !! ~ You have struggled with mystery pains and injuries for most of your life, and had resigned yourself to suffer after every doctor told you there was nothing wrong. But when a world renowned doctor/pirate comes to town to offer aid in exchange for supplies, you decide to give hope one more chance. Maybe you'll finally find a doctor you can trust.
Misty Eyes ~ Masterlist ~ (Oops. Turned into a series. Ongoing) ~ (Includes Doflamingo x Fem!Reader in the past & flashbacks) !! DARK CONTENT !! ~ You were the weakest member of the Donquixote Family, so Doflamingo found another way you could serve him. Until your childhood crush found you, freeing you from those chains. What will Law expect in return?
Such a Softie ~ (461 ~ Drabble) (SFW) (GN!Reader) ~ Law is struggling to help you with your pain, until he has an idea. This is the coziest treatment you've ever received.
My Favorite Kinds of Nights 💜 ~ (2375) ~ Part 2 ~ (3625) ~ You are enjoying a quiet moment away from the feast while the crew celebrates another victory. Your three partners, Robin, Sanji, and Zoro are occupied for the evening, so you take time to relax. Until you receive an unexpected request from your captain.
Multi and/or Character x Character
Same Time ~ (1123) ~ Zoro x Fem!Reader x Sanji ~ Your boyfriends are always arguing, but sometimes you're the one that wins the fight. Tonight the battle is for who gets to go first.
So What? ~ (SFW) ~ (1096) ~ Zoro x Sanji ~ An enemy catches Zoro eying Sanji in the middle of a fight. Zoro doesn't care, until they make the mistake of threatening the cook.
One Piece x Introverted!Reader (SFW) ~ Headcanons & Drabbles ~ Zoro, Sanji, and Robin
The Sounds You Made 💜 ~ (1422) ~ Sanji x Fem!Reader, Zoro x Fem!Reader ~ Sanji overhears you discussing and enjoying your casual arrangement with Zoro. He doesn't like the way Zoro talks to you, so he listens in to make sure you're okay.
Lucky Boy 💜 ~ (2561) ~ Sanji x Robin ~ Robin and Sanji have been dating you for a while, but tonight is their first date together. How will the cook and the archaeologist get along?
In Control ~ 💜 (2599) ~ Zoro x Robin ~ Robin and Zoro have been dating you for a while, but tonight is their first date together. How will the swordsman and the archaeologist get along?
You Never Shut Up, Do You? 💜 ~ (1323) ~ Zoro x Nami ~ Nami has watched you enjoy your poly relationships with Zoro and Sanji for a while. She's got an itch that needs scratching, and she decides to see if Zoro can help her out.
I Saw You First 💜 ~ (1451) ~ Part 2 ~ (1309) ~ Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader ~ You have a casual arrangement with Zoro, but he isn't happy that you'll be seeing Sanji tonight. He tries to get his mind off of things, but overhears you enjoying your time with the cook. Can he control his anger?
Touching What's Yours 💜 ~ (815) ~ Part 2 ~ (2344) ~ Part 3 ~ (6048) ~ Zoro x Sanji, Zoro x Fem!Reader x Sanji ~ You have a casual arrangement with Zoro, but he isn't happy that you had your first night with Sanji tonight. Zoro overheard some of your time together, and his rage kept him from sleeping. Instead, Zoro has gone to confront the cook for taking what's his.
Sleeping Beauty 💜 ~ (2646) ~ Your boyfriend has yet another kink he'd like to explore with you. You tell Sanji that you trust him to take care of you, even while you're sleeping.
Filthy Little Angel 💜 ~ (1323) ~ Sanji requests to try a new way to worship your body. You know your boyfriend will take good care of you.
Parted Lips (SFW) ~ (1734) ~ Sanji has made another meal just for you, but it's still too painful to eat. You open up to Sanji about your jaw pain, and he offers to help you work through it.
Sanji's Super Birthday Present 💜 ~ (988) ~ Part 2 (End) ~ (1105) ~ You work up the nerve to ask Franky for help with a gift for Sanji. You hope your birthday boy will like his new toy.
Gag Order ~ (3268) ~ You catch your boyfriend flirting with another woman, and you can't stop your worries. Until you decide to use your talents as a hypnotist to make sure you're the only one Sanji flirts with. He told you he only wants to be with you, so what's the harm in helping him keep that promise?
A Good Catch ~ (4367) ~ Part 2 ~ (5030) ~ Part 3 ~ (4613) ~ Part 4 (End) ~ (4275) ~ You are an unlucky fisherwoman having a bad day, until a red haired pirate captain offers to help you out. You're pretty sure he only makes it worse.
My Lovely Patron ~ (1300) ~ Part 2 ~ (1922) ~ You are a journalist following a story about fishmen attacking a floating restaurant. You try to ply the head chef with wine for some details, but end up getting something else instead.
Just a Dream ~ (1288) ~ You have a delicious dream about your captain's brother. Your boyfriend, the first mate, is not pleased when you wake up. (Brief Ace x Fem!Reader in a dream)
Hogging the Blankets 💜 ~ (1210) ~ Zoro hogged the blankets, so you try to wake him. He tells you what you need to do now that you've woken him up.
Fighting Dirty 💜 ~ (2341) ~ You can’t help it when you get distracted by Zoro during training sessions, so he brings the sparring mats to the bedroom to teach you a lesson.
Mama Bear ~ (2606) ~ (Modern AU) ~ You're a gogo dancer, and you bring Zoro to a rave on your night off, wanting to show your boyfriend what that part of your life is like. Zoro can't help but notice how much you like to take care of people, and he has some thoughts on the matter.
Zoro x GN!Swordsman!Reader (with a powerful/unique sword) (SFW) ~ Headcanons & Drabble
A Swordsman's Shame ~ (SFW) (GN!Reader) ~ (1530) ~ You and Zoro have the same dream, and it's built a passion between you. But something has been holding you back, keeping you from opening yourself up to your crewmate, your rival, your fellow swordsman.
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zwhoreo · 11 months
⋆. Link to pt 1 :> ⋆.
gray moon pt 2 - luffy x f!reader
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summary: a sequel to the first gray moon. You and luffy get an overwhelming need to express your desire for each other 
Includes… very virgin luffy, oral both ways, brief mention of reader’s sexual/romantic trauma
words: 2.7k
You’re pinned on the deck. You’re pinned on the deck with a view of the night sky and Luffy’s face, the trickle of saliva from his lips, you’re both stunned with your own desires and you just stare at each other, drinking in each other, before he kisses you again. Hard. You didn’t even breathe yet and neither did he, he’s panting into your mouth, and he seems to function off raw instinct as he shifts himself to rest between your legs, his hips against you, you’re lifted against him off the deck with flexed, powerful arms as he tries to get so close that you’re one with each other, heart beats in sync. He kisses your neck, collarbone, shoulder, heavy, wet kisses and licks of his tongue.
“What’s happening…” he murmurs and you reach up to pet his hair. His nails start to dig into your skin and there’s the first jerk of his hips, rocking your body up against his. It’s an instinctual, hungry movement, starvation for something he never wanted until now. His lips find your neck and he’s biting and kissing so hard that you’re afraid there will be blood, but he’s Luffy so he’s being gentle still, since he loves you. 
But you’re overwhelmed and push away a little, which surprises him and snaps him out of his state. You stare up at him and your heart squeezes in your chest. It’s going too fast, like these things have for you before. Being vulnerable, feeling trapped, being kissed, being held with so much passion, when you didn’t have time to breathe. Tears come to your eyes again.
Luffy looks confused and sad, he pulls you into his arms and you’re warm again. “What’s wrong?” he whispers against your face, being so genuine. 
“I don’t know. It’s just… this is all hard for me. I’ve gotten hurt before. I love you but… I just need a second to calm down and get a hold of myself, ok?”
“Gotten hurt? Did you get beat up by pirates? That’s dumb, you’re strong, you-“
“No, Luffy… not like that, not that kind of hurt. Sometimes when you love someone, or want to make them happy, you let them do things to you that you don’t really want. Being with someone like this… it hasn’t been easy for me before.”
“Oh…” Luffy looks at you, misty eyed. “I thought you liked being kissed? And hugged?”
“I do. By you. But sometimes you can get reminded of something terrible, just with the smallest similarity. Remembering the last time I was kissed like that… it didn’t feel good like it does with you.”
“Oh.” He says again, looking upset at the idea of you being hurt, holding you in his arms a littlel tighter. “Then… I guess we should make this time really good, huh? So you can remember this instead?” He grows a hopeful smile, eager to get back to kissing you, to seeing you happy and comfortable.
“Mhm, I’d really like that, I think…”
“You’re not gonna get hurt again. Not ever, ok?” Luffy almost commands, quietly. He wants another kiss. His breath is heavy but he’s so patient.
“I won’t, not with you around.” Your lips return to his, your hands to his, your tongue to his. You’re going to make him happy but out of pure love and pure desire and out of the trust you’ve built for countless months, because you know that love and happiness will come back to you a million times over. Because it’s Luffy. 
You don’t want “real” sex right now but you still want something insane tonight. Fingers trail down his chest and take hold of his waist. Weight and balance shifts to you, you lean against him and suddenly he’s so excited to just hold you while you do things to him he’s never felt. 
“I wanna touch you somewhere special, Lu. I wanna touch you down there.” You murmur as you hide your face from him, deep in his neck, as you kiss and nibble at the tender, chewy skin. You say it so sweetly, so comfortingly. 
“Why? Is it fun?” He stares down at you with wide eyes as he tries to process this all, relaxed in spite of everything. 
“Yeah. I think it’ll be really fun… but you can tell me if you don’t like it, ok?” You place your hand on his shorts between his legs, he’s half hard and he probably doesn’t know why, or what that sensation is. But a low groan escapes his lips, so he likes it. 
“Yeah, ok!” he agrees happily, giving your forehead a kiss. He’s smiling, he’s ready for any kind of new adventure you want to give him, no tension in the muscles that flex beneath your hands. In the clothed cock that twitches in excitement at a graze of your fingers. 
Breath hitches inside a kiss as his zipper is pulled down, he’s not wearing underwear which takes you by surprise as your fingers sink into thick black hair. It’s warm and sweaty, a furnace was ablaze in there, it feels good against this cold night. You meet his eyes for encouragement and he’s grinning, shivering in excitement. So you move lower and the heat builds, sensitive, paper-thin skin over taught muscle meeting your touch and Luffy leans in to kiss you again, desperate for more contact to soothe his explosion of pleasure. 
“God… oh…” he says under his breath, followed by a little whimper when you wrap your hand around it and draw it out of his jeans, free to pulse and throb in your gentle hold, Luffy looking down in curiosity at his own body and how it burns in such a nice way. “It’s bigger…” he comments innocently, “and it feels nice, this feels… mm…”
“Does this feel ok?” You give him a slow, loving stroke, leaking tip to base, squeezing veins and swiping your thumb over his slit. All so carefully.
He just gives you a choked moan, hips faltering as they thrust into your touch. His cheeks are pink and his tip is blooming red. 
You kiss his neck as your hand moves. Making all his nerves flare at once and his arms grip you tightly, pulling you close, cock bouncing against you. You kiss his collarbone and shoulders, he smells like strong, palpable male arousal, so thick you can taste it on his skin. Your strokes become rhythmic as he squeezes his eyes shut, trying to soak in all of it at once. He moans in your ear.
“I want you to kiss it,” he says simply, looking up at you, face flushed as you reach up to touch his cheek. 
“Yeah, I can do that…” you murmur a bit nervously as you push him gently back against the mast, settling yourself between his legs, lying down. You kiss his stomach lovingly, still stroking him up and down. You look up at him for encouragement as he nods eagerly. 
You give the tip a soft, tiny kiss, and even just that makes him thrust his hips forward in excitement, before you quickly put your hands on his waist to still him. “Luffy! Hey… this is important… you can’t thrust or push my head as I’m doing this, ok? It’s gonna hurt me. Can you promise you won’t do that?”
“Oh… I’m sorry!” He looks at you in embarrassment, as his eyes still beg you. “I promise!”
So your lips return, in a quick yet delicate motion he’s taken a couple inches into your mouth, your tongue swirling the flower petal skin. He gasps in pleasure and excitement, hand resting on your shoulder but careful not to push. It’s a strong, sweaty taste, but you’re surprised how much you like it, probably because it’s him. And you like everything about him. You close your eyes since you don’t really know where to look, you just focus on doing what you never thought you’d get to do, moving your head up and down, a hand wrapped around anything you can’t fit in your mouth. Luffy’s gasps turn to moans turn to groans turn to whimpers. He’s trying so hard not to jerk up into your throat, he’s doing so well. But he’s shaking in pleasure, so you know he’s enjoying himself, you feel your own arousal build in time with his, everything in sync, you feel his heartbeat in the veins on your tongue. 
Your saliva builds around him, he feels warmth like he never has, softness, a massage of a tongue, it feels like a kiss but on his nervous system, or his heart. Somewhere unimaginably sensitive. He watches you intently with hooded eyes as he feels his world shrink and build towards a point of full connection. Tension grows in his stomach. He wants to say something but he doesn’t really know how to explain what’s going on, just that something is about to happen.
You know at least a little, how his cock is a burning fire on your tongue, picking up in heartbeat, shuddering from his body growing more and more and he can’t resist anymore, digging his hand into your hair.
He cums into your mouth, down your throat, with a sudden and inescapable force. You choke, but you swallow, pulling away to cough after a moment.
“Sorry…” he murmurs, dazed.
“It’s ok.” You smile up at him, wiping your mouth, letting him admire you as his high fades. You lean up to kiss him and he flinches at his own taste on your lips. But he kisses back, hard. 
“I liked that. Can I do that to you?” His eyes are curious, bright, full of genuine desire to make you feel what he just did. You take his hand as he rests his head on your shoulder. 
“Y- yeah…” You lay back down. You face away from him. You look up and nerves shoot through your body as he admires you, reaching for your pants as you did to him. He’s confident. He grabs your belt line and digs his fingers into the soft flesh down there, making you squirm and whimper. His eyes are soaking in every part of you, flicking from your face to your body to his hands. He pulls down your pants, exposing soft lace panties, a murmur stuck in his throat. His lips are trembling.
“Woww. Can I take these off, [name]?” He’s grinning widely as his thumb snaps mindlessly at the line of fabric over your hip. 
“I’d like that…” You turn your eyes to the sky as it feels freer than here. A breeze comes from the ocean and hits new skin just as Luffy pulls your panties off, you shiver and he immediately returns his fingers to the flesh on your hips. But now his breath has gone labored again. He pinches you to try to get you to look at him and when you do, you see his eyes are brighter than the stars behind him, amazed and excited over you in a way you’d never seen from any man before. 
“You’re real pretty,” he says softly. His hands are moving in circles now, all around your thighs, he’s smiling and it’s infectious, even though you’re still gripped by nerves. You smile. You thank him. 
You tell him, “So are you.”
And as you pet his hair his eyes return to your legs, your inner thighs, your bare pussy. He is captivated by the way it shines, he doesn’t quite know what he’s seeing but he wants to do what you just did to him so he leans in and gives you a kiss on your clit, making your eyes squeeze shut and your body flicker like lightning. His warm breath cools you. He gasps after that tiny taste and immediately returns his lips to the sweetness he found there. His tongue presses against the silky folds it finds and he moans and speaks indistinctly against you there, saying something about how good this tastes. You’re staring up at the gray night sky again, you’re overwhelmed with emotion and sensation from every direction but his arms clamp around your thighs to spread you open and hold you in place. That’s grounding. You’re being held. 
He is in awe of the abundance he’s found as his lips press past a juicy shell and he sinks his teeth into something so tender, like the inside of a fruit, you have just enough time to tell him, “No biting!” but he bites anyway. His high from earlier mixed with the smell and the taste and the feel of you have set him alight and he wants more, more, more.
He makes no attempt to hide noise or motion as he eats you out, gnawing on the softness now in reach of him, you’re like satin on each other, his tongue greedy and ceaseless, your walls eager and melting. He gets up onto his knees, dragging your thighs over his shoulders, face buried between your legs as he devours messily with no coordination but with so much care. You hear the sounds of swallowing, of true, real enjoyment, he tries to talk to you again but he’s muffled and he’s talking into you now which sends vibrations shooting through your body. You melt against his mouth. You reach up to give his head an encouraging pet, he’s exploring, his tongue is tracing roughly through your pussy to each corner, another bite on the clit, another swipe through each fold. He finds your slit, the hole into you, he moves his tongue in a slow circle in simple curiosity before diving in with a smile, making you moan as his tongue slithers inside your body. It’s an overwhelming explosion of sensation, maybe his rubbery tongue is stretching out inside of you or maybe it’s just crazy that this is happening at all and you’ve never felt something like this. 
“Yeah, you’re doing good, Luffy! You’re doing… so good…” you gasp because he probably likes hearing stuff like that. 
He tightens his hold and then — where did he learn this? He’s sticking two fingers inside you, pumping in rhythm with the laps from his tongue, you feel and hear the wetness build as he murmurs praise and you let yourself get lost here. It’s so much, it’s so everywhere. 
It takes awhile but Luffy doesn’t slow down, in a burst of shooting stars and white light and you feel your body spasm and you orgasm into his mouth, he makes a surprised sound but is overjoyed to be able to taste more of you, and he doesn’t set you down or move away from the glistening, swollen skin until you’re clean, clean from his mouth, his endless appetite. You’ve never felt anything like that. You didn’t know that was possible, even, for it to feel that good, that loving.
Luffy sets you down and then with no time for breath he scoops you into his arms and places you on his lap, his hug firm and protective. “Was that good? Did you like it?”
“God, I liked it so much, Luffy. It was perfect. You’re so good at that. How’re you so good at that?” You whisper into his ear, rubbing appreciative circles on his upper back, your body spent. 
“I’m good at it? I just did what I thought would work… and it made you happy!” He says with a smile, face pressed against your cheek. 
You sit like that for a long time. The night is freezing but there’s nowhere else you need to be than in his arms. 
There’s nothing but wind and breath in the air, a quiet, foggy night, a gray moon, faded stars, a sky made from India ink. Your bare skin prickles from the cold. Luffy presses his face against yours in a kind of love you’ve never felt before in your life. You wonder what it will be like now, if you’ll be a couple after this, or just go on like this forever without closer inspection, if things will feel different or strangely the same. But none of that matters in this moment, right?
Eventually, Luffy pulls away and looks at you. “Wanna go hang out in my bed? It’s really cold.”
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strwberri-milk · 11 months
Could I request Kaeya and Diluc revealing their engagement to their s/o when someone notices their engagement rings?
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Kaeya's ring is always going to get noticed. He's never going to let it be anything but the focus of attention. It's symbolic of his love for you, the commitment that he's wanting to make for the rest of your lives.
It's a spectacular ring and one that he's been flaunting ever since you said yes. It's made painfully clear whose fiance he is, someone just breathing in his direction in a way that makes it seem like a question about his relationship status he's going to take it and run with it.
He likes to play up the bashful bride, recounting the story of how he proposed and how the world stopped spinning when you said yes to him. Every time he talks about it he gets all misty-eyed, finding himself recollecting all the quiet moments the two of you have had together over the years.
When he gets like that most people know to just leave him alone and let him think by himself. The peaceful expression on his face as he takes a sip of his drink is more than enough for people to know to leave him alone for now.
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Diluc's ring is a little understated. He didn't want something that he couldn't easily slip gloves over when needed or something that would be too flashy for him to catch too much attention. That's why when people finally notice it they start asking him questions.
He also strikes me as the person to want to wear his ring on a necklace. He likes having both options available because of his moonlighting. If it means ensuring his commitment to you is safe, then it's a win for him.
He doesn't talk too much about your relationship, being someone who prefers a private relationship. It's better for things to stay just between you two, but he can't help but talk a little bit about you when someone asks about where that ring on his finger came from.
Sometimes, if he's in an especially generous mood then he'll talk about you a little more freely. His voice will take on a softer tone and his hands get a little busier remembering your voice in his ear. Somehow for him, the world gets a little quieter even with just the memory of you.
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writing-ca-ira · 1 year
DC various x Reader
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Just some of my favs and what I think their first dances at their wedding would be like. What song they would choose, if they’d cry or not, etc.
Reader is gender neutral.
Contains: wedding dances, romantic relationship between character and reader, a shit ton of fluffy mushy thoughts, DC men are allowed to cry because yes.
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Clark Kent — Easy choice; Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley. I can imagine this song being Jonathan and Martha Kent’s song when they got married. He has a 60% chance of crying; 70% if he catches a glimpse of Ma and Pa holding hands, softly singing the lyrics to each other. There’s also a game that wedding DJs will sometimes do to see which guests have been married the longest (if you aren’t familiar, they’ll call up all of the married guests to dance, and they’ll periodically say, “if you’ve been married for X amount of years, sit down.”), so I can imagine At Last by Etta James beginning to play after your first dance, and you and Clark would be smiling as you watch the last couple standing; Jonathan and Martha Kent.
Bruce Wayne — Just Breathe by Pearl Jam, and he’s 100% crying. That’s what happens when you make eye contact with a misty-eyed Alfred. He wouldn’t do any fancy spinning or dipping with you because he’s too busy holding you close (both to hide the fact that he’s crying and because he never wants to let go). Other songs that may start playing afterwards range from Check Yes, Juliet by We The Kings and Super Bass by Nicki Minaj (a surprise for the both of you). Also, a picture of your first dance may or may not end up on the cover of some tabloid magazine, despite any of your efforts to keep your wedding from the public’s eye.
Hal Jordan — No one was surprised to hear Stand By Me by Ben E. King start playing for your first dance. However, what they were surprised by was how watery Hal’s eyes were. He has a 50% chance of crying during your first dance, though he’d cover it up by laughing as he let you goofily twirl him around. The last minute or so would just be you two with your arms around each other, foreheads touching, eyes filled with love and adoration for each other… and then the beginning of Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey would cause you two to collapse into each other with fond laughter. Expect to see Hal absolutely shred the air guitar.
Dick Grayson — You’d probably have to get through a few ABBA songs before your first dance (because Dick is The Dancing Queen™), but it’s worth it when All of Me by John Legend starts up. I’d love to think that the two of you have slow-danced to this song under the stars as a date, so of course you two would agree on this song. Has a 75% chance of crying (despite crying earlier during the actual ceremony) because you’re just so stunning to him while you sway in each other’s arms. He’d probably want a more upbeat song to play afterwards, like La Da Dee by Cody Simpson or Sugar by Maroon 5, and he’ll absolutely dramatically sing the lyrics to you.
Jason Todd — A lot about your wedding may differ depending on if Jason is comfortable with an actual ceremony or not, but one thing that stays consistent is Falling Like the Stars by James Arthur as your first dance song. He’d probably have a 30% chance of crying in front of other people, but if your wedding something more private, that number easily spikes up to 80%. Be prepared to be held tight against him. Heck, he might not let you go even after the song ends. If you have a traditional wedding, he’d have an arm around you as the two of you sit down and watch everyone else dance to Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen.
Tim Drake — I can see First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes being your song. Tim’s not exactly a dancer, so it may be the two of you just swaying back and forth, but he’d gladly let a spin or two happen if it makes your face light up. The odds of him crying are pretty low at 25%, meaning the most you’ll probably see is the slightest shimmer in his eyes (but Cassie, Bart, Kon, and Dick are 100% in shambles as you two dance). He’ll stare at you with complete adoration, contempt with just being with you, along with a giant smile gracing his lips for the duration of your dance. Something punk-rock/emo like Sugar, We’re Goin’ Down by Fallout Boy has to be the follow-up song. I don’t make the rules.
Wally West — Because I imagine your first date being a Disney movie marathon, Can You Feel the Love Tonight by Elton John fits perfectly. He’d probably hum the melody while bringing your foreheads together, eyes sparkling if you hum along with him. Be prepared to be twirled or dipped unexpectedly (he loves catching you by surprise). I’d say there’s a 50% chance of him crying, since he might be able to hold it together until something preppier plays like Shut Up and Dance by WALK THE MOON (and yes, much like Dick, he’ll dramatically sing the lyrics to you). You two will do so many goofy dance moves together, I can guarantee it.
Victor Stone — “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” is an underrated movie date idea, which is why I declare your first dance song to be Moon River by Audrey Hepburn. Slow dancing with Vic is so soft; he’ll gently sway with you and hold you so delicately. Not a big crier, so you’re at a 40% chance of that, but it’ll easily jump up to 60% if you rest your head against his shoulder or chest. Afterwards, I can totally see something like Without You by David Guetta playing. The energy on the dance floor would go from 0 to 100 when the chorus hits, everyone jumping on the dance floor like it’s a concert, while you and Vic spin each other around with warm laughter.
Kara Danvers — A few Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson songs later, you’d find yourselves dancing to Unchained Melody by the Righteous Brothers. It’s a classic, and I can totally see you two having your first kiss at an ice cream parlor with this playing in the background. I’d say there’s a 45% chance of you seeing happy tears in Kara’s eyes. There’d be a big smile on her face as she let you spin her, your arms wrapping around each other. And of course Teenage Dream by Katy Perry plays afterwards. Clark will come up to you two with a teary congratulations, and you’ll start doing a goofy three-way dance, and that somehow evolves into a giant conga line with Clark in the lead.
Jaime Reyes — I have this feeling that Jaime gets really insecure about himself, so Corazón Sin Cara by Prince Royce is the natural choice. It’s a reminder that you’ll love him as he is, just as he’ll love you as you are. While there’s a 60% of him full-on crying, there’s a 100% chance of him getting teary-eyed at the lyric, “solo sé que yo te quiero así” (I only know that I love you like this). He’s big on hand holding — he loves to rub his thumb over the back of your hand — so he’ll have at least one of your hands in his through the entire dance. After Royce fades out, I can see either Kiss You by One Direction playing, or Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley (you both forgot about the conversation you had about how funny Rick Rolling your guests would be… effectively Rick Rolling yourselves).
Zatanna Zatara — Like I’m Gonna Loose You by Meghan Trainor has that swing sound that Zee loves to dance to. She’d get a little playful with dips and spins, but that’s only to cover up the fact that she’s at a 75% of crying; you can tell by her breathy chuckles as she rests her head against your shoulder. I think it would be really cute if she did a spell to make the air sparkle like fireflies around you two near the beginning of the song. And she’ll definitely whisper an I love you backwards to you, something I’m sure you’d be familiar with in your relationship. Also, Magic by B.o.B was suggested by you as a joke, but Zatanna was like, “that’s actually so good,” so that’s the song playing afterwards. Whoops.
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archangeldyke-all · 8 months
a request for butch tattoo artist sevika pls 🙇🏾‍♀️🙇🏾‍♀️
anon ur a genius!! i hope u like it <3
men and minors dni
in a modern au, i always filp flop on how to incorporate sevika's mechanical arm into her character. sometimes i think she has a prosthetic, but sadly prosthetics today can't move and function as well as her prosthetic in canon, so sometimes i think she just has severe nerve and tissue damage on her arm from a fire.
which is what we're gonna do for tattoo artist sev.
she starts getting into tattoos because of her arm. she struggles with its appearance, so she teaches herself how to do stick and pokes with household objects. she practices on oranges and bananas until she feels comfortable enough with it, then she starts tattooing her arm.
it starts with a few stars on her wrist, a lightening bolt on her pinky.
she likes it.
she likes it so much, that every time she feels especially depressed about her arm (about once a week) she adds a new tattoo. it always manages to cheer her up-- the ability to create something beautiful on something (she considers) mangled.
she starts sketching ideas for new tattoos-- skulls, flowers, various animals.
she starts practicing different fonts too.
eventually, when she's got about a quarter of her arm covered up in simple line art stick and pokes, she gives in and buys herself a tattoo gun.
within a year, she's got a full sleeve-- all done by herself.
her friends start asking her for tattoos, which leads to friends of friends asking for tattoos in exchange for money, which leads to silco finding her and offering her an apprenticeship at his tattoo and piercings shop.
she says yes without hesitation.
it's the first job she's ever had that she actually loves. once she's finished with her apprenticeship, she specializes in tattoos that cover scars-- whether they're from injuries, surgeries, or self harm.
seeing her clients cry in the mirror at the sight of their new art-- something beautiful drawn over a painful memory-- never fails to get her a little misty eyed herself.
she always wears wife-pleasers to show off her ink. even in the winter-- she'll bundle up under sweaters and coats until she gets to the shop where she strips down until her arms are bare.
she's not too fussy about her clothes-- prefers comfort over fashion. cargo pants, jeans, and sweatpants are her go-to's. she keeps her hair slicked back with gel, out of her face and behind her ears.
the first time you meet-- you almost pass out at the sight of her.
you'd come in for a piercing on your nostril. it had gone smoothly, silco instructing you to breathe in, then out as he shoved the needle through your skin. he shoved the stud in, and helped you stand when sevika walked in from her lunch break.
silco helped you sit back down, explaining that sometimes people get shaky from the shock and adrenaline. you nodded along, not wanting to tell him you were actually weak in the knees because of the woman standing before you.
sevika didn't notice you until you were checking out at the front desk. she nearly fucked up her client's leg tattoo she was so busy gawking at you. you caught her staring and smiled shyly, waving at her. she grinned.
sevika's silco's best artist-- which is why he doesn't give her any shit when she puts her gun down and tells her client "one second," before dashing out the store to follow you down the street.
"'scuse me!" she calls out. you whip around, shocked to see the handsome woman jogging after you. "i, um..." she gets choked up standing in front of you, nervous and cursing herself for being crazy enough to chase after a complete stranger.
"i like your tattoos." you say to fill the awkward silence as sevika tries to find her voice. a bashful smile creeps up her lips.
"yeah." you say. "'specially this one." you say, pointing to the 'DYKE' knuckle tattoos on her left fingers.
sevika sputters and blushes, it takes her a solid minute to reply to you.
"do you... ever think about getting some of your own?" she asks eventually. you raise an eyebrow.
"who says i don't already have some?" you ask. she blinks, her eyes quickly scanning up and down your body like she's trying to figure out where, exactly, you were hiding your ink. she has to clear her throat and shake her head to stop the dirty thoughts from clouding her mind.
"well... if you ever want some more..." she says, nervously scratching the back of her neck. you giggle.
"i dunno. tattoos are pretty expensive, it'll be a while 'til i can save up for another." she deflates in front of you and you grin. "but, you know, dinner for two is much less expensive." you suggest. sevika's jaw drops.
you exchange names and numbers, sevika reluctantly returns to her work, only to be interrupted by a ping on her cellphone twenty minutes later.
sevika opens the message and grins when she sees a message from you. she opens it, and nearly falls out of her rolling stool when she sees a picture of your tits barely concealed by your lacy bra, a tattoo peeking out between them. you'd captioned the message: "sneak peek."
it's then that she realizes that she's found her soulmate.
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ju1cyfru1t · 10 months
Yellow!! How are you? Hope you are doing good! Just wanna say your whipped Donnie?? Soft Donnie?? Headcanons?? :((( it was so cute :((( literally I’m like your pfp rn :((( absolutely adorable
Idk if you are accepting requests (if not you can ignore it!!) but could you do a similar one for either Raph or Mikey?? I adore the disaster twins, but Raph and Mikey get so little recognition, Headcanons or scenarios :( if you are not feeling it that’s totally ok!! Hope you have a good day! ♥️🧡💜💙
I’m so glad you liked it!!! Have some soft Raph hcs 🫶🏻❤️ hope this is alright???
Rise! Raphael x reader
fluff :D, gn reader, romantic
soft raph hcs :(
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- the first time you told him you loved him he just said “thank you” out of panic but tbh it was the funniest shit ever and his brothers never let him live it down.
- More than happy to help you with anything, he is doing it ALL for you.
- Opening and holding every door for you
- You can’t reach the top shelf? Don’t worry, Raph’s got it.
- You need help carrying your groceries in? You need help changing that lightbulb? You need someone to walk you home? Literally anything at all? He’ll be there in 5.
- You’re tired? Sure, he’ll carry you!
- He would pick up hot coals directly from a fire with his bare hands if you asked him to.
- He loves quality time and the little things! Like watching movies, playing games together, having lunch together, almost anything! All that matters to him is that he’s with you.
- He is so scared that he’ll accidentally hurt you yk cuz he’s big and spikey :( so, so gentle
- Treats you like you’re made of glass sometimes
- you make him very nervous, he’s scared he’ll say or do something wrong
- he lacks confidence sometimes, poor Raphie
- will explain all of the Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim lore to you as best he can + would insist that you watch all of the movies together (he just wants to spend time with you but he doesn’t know how to just say that)
- tries really hard to think of gifts that you would like
- protective and always looks out for you, not in a possessive way but in the way that he just wants to keep you safe yk? they got a lot of enemies
- “LEO! I told you not to make a mess!” “It was me, sorry-“ “don’t worry about it, let Raph take care of everything.”
- He wants to take care of you. It’s just how he’s used to showing his love.
- esp from his dumbass brothers (Mostly Leo. Donnie and Mikey USUALLY let you live in peace)
- -> “I thought I told you to leave Y/N alone!” “Whaaat? I was just saying hi!”
- Softens and completely drops his usual intimidating, angry demeanor whenever he sees you and the quick switch is painfully obvious. He just thinks you’re so cute. but don’t worry his brothers won’t forget to point out how obvious he is (LEO)
- idk why but I feel like he would have some kind of stuffed animal that you guys act like it’s your child and you take turns taking care of it 😭 yk what I’m talking abt?
- one time he accidentally called you babe in front of Leo, Mikey, Donnie, and April but denies it ever happened
- would never let anyone say anything bad about you
- really appreciates your private moments when you two are alone, he feels much more comfortable this way
- Hesitant, but he will be vulnerable with you because he knows he can be without judgement.
- Please give Raph any kind of reassurance and he is misty-eyed. Tell him he has nothing to worry about, that he is a great leader and boyfriend and you’re proud of him, too many things to list. TELL HIM HE’S PRETTY.
- He LOVES to hold you to his chest, it makes him feel like he’s keeping you safe that way.
- Stares at you all the time, and is embarrassed if you catch him. “sorry-“
- if he were to call you a pet name, most likely to call you ‘baby’ or ‘babe’, maybe even a ‘babydoll’ if he’s feeling bold
- very very sweet overall :(
ty for reading <333 rlly appreciate all the notes on everything
still working on + accepting requests !
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