#this film is health class core
steponremix91 · 2 years
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Last Resort (1996) dir. Lyman Dayton
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mochinomnoms · 5 months
Funfacts about PTM Characters!
Still chilling out from finishing my thesis, but I had a few fun facts about the side characters for PTM that I'd thought you'd all enjoy in the meantime! It's gonna include some of the canon characters as well as the ocs!
This includes some very minor, but not story defining, spoilers for PTM so proceed with caution! As a reminder, PTM takes place a school year after the current timeline!
Canon Characters:
Jade and Floyd made bets on who would get together with their crush first during their 3rd year. The loser has to let the winner(s) plan and execute the most humiliating way to confess. Neither twin is winning. Azul is currently winning with his bet of “neither of you will, you cowards.”
Ortho went to most of Idia's classes during his time at NRC, so he was allowed to “skip” repeating those years when becoming an official student by taking a competency exam. However, he is still staying for a year since the test only allows for core classes and not his electives. He's happy to do so, though.
Idia stayed at NRC to complete his internship with the school, much to his disappointment. He works as a Technomage Intern with the college's technology department.
The overblot cast got closer with each other and Yuu than expected over the summer due to Crowley and S.T.Y.X. requiring them to take part in a “summer camp” to monitor them and their health. Leona still hates Malleus though. Malleus is still mostly unaware of this.
Malleus still does not know how to use technology. Sebek and Yuu have a weekly call with him via a looking glass mirror that acts like a video call. Malleus enjoys it very much.
Kalim switched places with Jamil and is now vice housewarden, while Jamil is now housewarden. Neither's families were happy about this, but were shut down by Kalim being surprisingly firm about his decision. To everyone's surprise, Kalim does very well as a vice over a housewarden, though Scarabia has had significantly fewer parties since the switch.
Nearly all the clubs that had the 3rd years as captains/heads had one of the 2nd years take over into their 3rd year. Ruggie is now Spelldrive Captain, Azul is head of the Board Game Club, and the Gargoyle Studies Club is headed by Yuu. The Pop Music Club is also more formalized now, with Kalim as the head. The Science Club and Film Studies have an NPC 3rd year as heads.
Yuu isn't actually that bad at singing as everyone has (and will continue to do so) suggested. Most of the student body had classical training growing up as part of their privileged upbringing, and Yuu has to compete with that.
At least two pairs of canon characters will get together at the end! Guess who tehe.
Silas likes to eat bugs and regularly digs in the dirt behind Ramshackle to find something crunchy to munch. They did it once in front of Jamil and the poor guy screamed in horror.
Yev became the new Pomefiore housewarden due to being able to produce the best posion, as per tradition. However, he's actually quite bad at being a housewarden and his vice is the one that everyone tends to listen to.
The Salson triplets are from the TWST equivalent of Salem, and have a North easterner accent, similar to Boston I think. Wynfred and Marion mimic English, or Rosarian, accents, but Silas does not.
There are two more mermen in the school, minus the canon cast and two ocs. They aren't important to the story, but their names are Mariano De La Reyes and Benji (last name still pending). They're based off of Marina and Benjamin from the third Little Mermaid movie.
Speaking of mermen, Aspen is a squidmer and is based on the colossal squid. He's about 18 ft long and still growing. Tony is based on a tiger shark, but is the runt of his litter, hence why he's so small.
Tommy, the white rabbit beastmen that was introduced as Riddle's new vice, is notorious for always running late. He never has actually been late to anything due to parkouring everywhere and climbing the castle walls to enter the classrooms through the windows. Floyd learned how to parkour from him. Riddle hates everything about this.
Briefly mentioned in the last chapter was the botany professor, Kallpa. Kallpa is based on Kronk and the uncle of Yev.
Nurse Goethel has a wife and two daughters that she brings with her to family days on campus. The daughters are roughly age 11 and 13 and each time they've come have designated a student as the new person they want to marry. Two years ago it was Leona and Trey, last year it was Azul and Jamil, this year it's Jack and Ortho. There is no reasoning behind their decision, it's all based on vibes.
James has met Jade and Floyd when they were all very young. James was on his Great Aunt's ship, who was meeting with Papa Leech for unknown reasons. James only remembers them due to their heterochromia eyes, but the twins don't remember anything.
Marion has a really strong sense of smell that is on par with the beastmen. He hates Pomefiore because the dorm and students are heavily perfumed and it gives him a migraine.
Yaqub actually has a twin brother that goes to RSA. He thinks it's funny that it turned out that way and they like to shittalk their schools together on the weekends. RSA is much more chaotic and full of troublemakers than NRC realizes.
At least two pairs of the freshmen will get together at the end of PTM, but it will be a surprise as to who!
And that's all! I have more but I think I'll save them for another time!
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deep-sea-scholar · 2 years
Okay I need to rant about Glass Onion for several paragraphs
Glass onion is phenomenal, and I personally enjoyed its themes more than the first Knives Out movie.
Now don’t get me wrong, Knives Out is arguably the better film, but its strengths lie in the complexity and brilliant execution of its core mystery.  It’s a fantastic self-contained story about a shitty rich family and the people they directly affect.  The members of the family range across the political spectrum and all express different ideologies, but the moment a migrant working-class woman has a legitimized shot at their inheritance they band together to prevent her from improving her life.  It's interesting commentary on how wealthy people can talk a big game about helping others and being good people, but ultimately fall morally short when such actions threaten what they feel they “rightfully deserve.” But that's arguably the limitation of the film as its focus is entirely on the interpersonal conflict between the Thrombey family and Marta.
Glass onion isn’t limited by that.
The entire thematic core of Glass Onion concerns the damage that the rich and powerful can do to the world if they aren’t supervised, criticized, or limited. 
Aside from our lovely detective Benoit Blanc, the murdered Andi Brand, and her twin sister Helen, all of the characters are shitty people that are damaging the world in a uniquely horrible way as a direct consequence of the unchecked power and wealth they wield.
To start we have Governor Claire Dubella.  Her success in her political career has relied almost entirely on monetary support and influence from the films big bad and Elon Musk/Jeff Bezos analogue Miles Bron. Her platform has good objectives, and she’s passionate about hard topics like climate change, but her ability to act is entirely limited by the influence Miles has on her.  If Miles wants her to do something, she feels like she has no choice but to, which results in her greenlighting an experimental powerplant that Miles wants built to advocate for his new fuel source.  It’s untested technology, it’s volatile and dangerous as fuck, and Claire feels like she has no choice but to go along with it because if she doesn’t Miles will withdraw support from her career, or worse, support her opponents.  She likens it to selling her soul, and it really is.  She willingly undermined the health of her constituents for the sake of saving her career, and the shitty part is that Miles only controls her because she lets him.  She could deny the power plant, or leave Miles, at any time, but she doesn’t because she perceives the personal risk as to great.  She is a politician that won’t stand up for the people she represents, and no one calls her out on it.
Next, we have Duke Cody, the Alpha male men’s rights streamer who is just like, the absolute worst person in this film.  His views and opinions are incredibly toxic, his actions and beliefs directly hurt the people he influences through the hurtful products he promotes, and thanks to Mile's wealth and influence both he and his terrible, terrible, terrible opinions have official backing and some form of legitimacy.  He’s almost the direct inverse of Claire, being someone who really shouldn’t have support, but is getting it anyway because he’s Mile’s friend.  And because Miles doesn’t care and is giving Duke support and helping him dodge legal trouble, he enables Dukes terrible opinions and lets them influence and hurt people.  
Then we have Birdie, my personal favorite of the disruptors.  She is a fashion designer, media star, and breathtakingly, beautifully, stupid. She’s not actively malicious like some of the other characters, but she is just so fundamentally incapable of thinking things through. When paired with her wealth and influence, this results in horrifying real-world consequences.  She has her iconic fashion line of sweatpants made at the most infamous sweatshop in Bangladesh not because she doesn’t care, but because she thought a sweatshop is just a shop where you make sweatpants.  She’s just very stupid, but at the very least has the decency to be aware of it.  She even decides to own up to her Bangladesh mistake of her own volition, independent of the plot.  The problem is that no one corrected for her, or guided her, or worked to influence her decisions.  Miles just cared about what her brands could do for him and was perfectly willing to throw her under the bus to preserve his image.
Last of the four Disruptors is Lionel Toussaint.  Not much to say about him actually, he’s fairly straightforward.  He works directly under Miles as a scientist and is a parallel for the people that want to have confidence in tech ‘pioneers’ like Elon Musk.  After all they’ve been successful, and things have worked out in the past, surely, we can give them leeway with new technology development.  But there’s a reason why technology is prototyped and tested, and that’s because things always go wrong, and you need to take time and care to figure out how to ensure new technology is safe.
Which leads us to this asshole.
Miles goddamn Mona Lisa Burning Bron.
The absolute, motherfucking, shithead moron directly responsible for everything bad that happens in this film.
I lied about Duke Cody because this absolute buffoon is the actually the worst person in this film.
He manipulates politicians into endangering their constituents for his own gain, he enables the absolute worst and most toxic people by giving them legitimate platforms, he promotes influencers without caring for what their unchecked actions result in, and he deludes the people that work for him and want to believe in him with self-assured delusion.  This man is arrogant, an indiscribable moron (worse than Birdie because at least she acknowledges her failings), dangerously delusional, obsessed with control, and most damning of all, unchecked.
Miles Bron is a direct look at how too much unchecked power, wealth, and influence results in unmitigated disasters.  He doesn’t care about helping people, because he doesn’t take the time to make sure untested technology is safe for the public, handwaving legitimate concerns with denial and false assurance.  He doesn’t care about his friends, because he murders two of them the instant, they become a threat to his control.  He’s not smart, because all of his genius is the result of other people, he’s just skilled at advertising it as his own to get the credit.  All he cares about is doing what he wants and being in control, because his opinion and self-worth and legacy is more precious to him than any other thing in the world.  The man is a lie so absolute, so convoluted, and so stupidly straightforward that the slightest piece of truth will bring the facade of his existence crumbling down.  And it’s hard to acknowledge something like that in the real world because someone that successful being that malicious and dumb sounds incredibly stupid.  It’s an easy lie to buy because it’s more believable than how stupid the truth is.
Anyway, ultimately my conclusion is that we see a strikingly accurate portrayal of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk in this film, and it was very cathartic seeing their hopes, ambitions, and house burn down around them.  Because billionaires like them are shithead morons that lie to and manipulate everyone, and their arrogant and harmful self-delusions compound through the people they manage to influence.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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Am I the asshole for telling my mum she's being ignorant?
cw// racism .
I (18MtF) have a really, really good mum all things considered. She's been amazing about my transition, has gone to marches, spoke on radio, written articles and gotten into public spats on twitter (she's a semi-public figure) defending me. We live in the UK, so this is really a big thing on terf island lol. She's pretty good about mental health, and advocated in my youth aswell when I got diagnosed autistic.
Here is where it gets messy. My mum works in education for context, so is very clued in to the news and things. She's a hard-core feminist (I would probably call her a radical feminist to be honest). All of her friends are older women in education and journalism professions, and she speaks to them about feminist topics regularly. The thing is that ALL of them are white. Most of them are upper class (my parents both grew up dirt poor and had to work hard for everything they had). I have a number of bipoc friends, and there has been some weird instances of my mum accidentally breaking out the microaggressions that made me uncomfy, never anything massive, but enough to make me feel just a bit weird.
Tonight we watched the new Martin Scorsese film Killers of the Flower Moon. Often on the way home from seeing films like this, my mum and I will discuss politics and society, but I usually steer the conversation away from race because it isn't something I want to bring up with her, especially in a space where i cant exactly roll my eyes and go quiet without annoying her. However, race is a key topic in this film. Discussions were going fine, and then my mum did this weird thing I've noticed her do before. I had been explaining that indigenous women go missing and are often barely looked for because of factors of racism and misogyny, she immediately chimed in talking about a very different situation, about the cervical cancer scare in Ireland where tests for cervical cancer weren't carried out properly, but all the women were told they were clear anyway, resulting in many women suffering from a disease that could've been caught much earlier.
Normally I would just move on and engage with this, but it enraged me this time, mostly because it was an evocative film that left me with a lot of emotions and also because earlier that day she'd said something microaggressive about my girlfriend, who is black. I told her that it was obviously awful and I get she was just trying to empathise, but that it was a completely different situation because it didn't have that intersection of race and misogyny. She made some point about how she was "Sure there were people of color affected by the scandal" but I told her that that wasn't the point and that she was being ignorant. She got passive aggressive and didn't talk to me for the rest of the night.
I seriously don't know if it would've just been better to engage with her on that and then steer our conversation back to something more focused on race or to just abandon it altogether or whatever. I guess im also sick of not being able to talk about race at all with her, and feeling embarrassed bringing my friends over because I feel like she's gonna say something. I just don't really know how to bring it up because the only thing she can ever compare it to is misogyny, when obviously these are very different things, but I don't feel like this was the best way I'd gone about it.
Was I the asshole ?
What are these acronyms?
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victoriansecret · 1 year
How did you get into living history as a profession?
In eighth grade, on my big school field trip, we visited my current museum. At the time I didn't think about it as a job, I just wanted to live here. Which I now literally do: I live in one of the reconstructed buildings inside the historic town. The same year, my history teacher was very good, and structured his class in ways that worked for me very well. For one thing, he'd tell the anecdotal, often amusing parts of history, not just pure dates and names. And more importantly, he had couches in the back of the classroom arranged in a circle, where after reading the chapter we were on the whole class would go back there and talk about it. I am a very auditory person, so this helped me tremendously. It also, not so coincidentally, is very similar to how this field works. The term for the work I do, internally, is called "historic interpretation". I try not to use that term with guests unless I can explain it, but basically, if you can imagine what a language interpreter does - that is, turning a foreign language into something a person can understand - that's what we do with history. Help people better understand it, who may not otherwise know much about it. There's a lot more to it, and for anyone interested in the field, I highly recommend the seminal work on interpretation (not just historic, but also nature, science etc.): Freeman Tilden's Interpreting Our Heritage. He had been contracted by the National Parks service for decades to observe how park service guides interacted with guests, and from that develop an understanding of what works and what doesn't, and did a lot of training for the parks. This book was the culmination of all that, where he breaks interpretation down to his six primary principles, to each of which he devotes a chapter explaining them in depth. There are updated works which expand on it, but part of why his work still stands up (and is, in my opinion, still far better than any of the others) despite being published in the 1950s is that he really gets down to the basic core of what interpretation is and can be. I am not ashamed to say I literally cried the first time I read it, because it exemplifies why I care so deeply about the work that I do. To quote what is, in my opinion, the most important and core of his principles, he writes that: "Interpretation is not information, but provocation." That is to say, all interpretation is based on information, but the goal is not to come away with every guest interaction having shared so many facts, but rather to have inspired them to be interesting in the subject more deeply and want to learn more. This is what happened to me, all those years ago. Between that class and that field trip, it made me realize I loved history. In hindsight I now realize I already did - I loved Jane Austen film adaptations, for example, and was already beginning my obsession with servants - I just didn't like or connect with the way it had been taught to me up until that point. And again, interpretation as an idea in and of itself, beyond just the things being shared, also became something I was enamoured with.
About 12 years later, I was working at a restaurant which was destroying my mental and physical health, and I knew I needed a change. I also desperately needed to get away from my home town. I thought about the things I liked (history), was good at (talking to people), and wanted to do (wear period clothing -- and again, get away), so I thought maybe I could work at a historic museum. Long story short, I began applying to various places, including my current museum. Eventually, I ended up working at a seasonal site in Michigan, where I spent four 'summers' (for the last three, I was there from beginning of May until end of October), and with that experience was able to get my first full time job at my current place. Which I eventually left to go to another museum, only to come back about a year and a half later. ..... as an aside, and I like to tell this story especially for anyone aspiring to get into this field, or really in general, my first boss once told me why she gave me an interview. My restaurant job was my only job ever, and while by that point I had my GED, I was a highschool dropout and have never been to college. I've worked with hundreds of colleagues since, and not counting people still in school, I think I can count on one hand the people that do interpretation specifically who are not college graduates (not to mention many with Masters and PHDs etc), let alone have never gone at all like me. In my cover letter for that first job, I made an analogy. My job at the restaurant was running the salad bar, and because it was in the middle of the dining room, I said something along the lines that it meant I was "always on display", so that would help me in being in such a visible job in period clothing etc. and always having to be 'on' for guests. Because analogies, and connecting to things people understand to help them better grasp the information being shared, are such a huge part of the job, she, in her own words, "knew she needed to give me an interview." And because I am, in fact, good at talking, I knocked it out of the park. ..... which is not to say I didn't have a lot to learn when I started, it was truly a struggle at first on a lot of levels, but these days I think I am an excellent interpreter. And considering I have very low self-esteem overall, it's one of the only things about myself that I'll say that about.
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What I think Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys would teach. PT 2: ELECTIVES
PT 1: Here
By the time you are in ninth grade, they give you the option to choose classes you would want to take. In this context, you're choosing a class that will help you on your way to villainy.
PERFORMING ARTS- If becoming a Disney villain is your dream, then they definitely have the options.
Drama, Orchestra, and Choir.
VISUAL ARTS- Knowing how to print, take photos, and produce a film COULD do something for a villain It's just an extra skill.
Printmaking, Digital Media, Photography, and Film Production.
BUSINESS- If you wanna be one of THOSE villains that are RICH, then this is definitely the route you wanna take.
Marketing, Personal Finance, and Entrepreneurship.
TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION- In Ninjago, for someone to know a LOT about technology can get you really far. (REBOOTED for example)
Computer Science and Media Studies/Technology.
FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE- Why the fuck would a villain need this?? For one, learning how to cook for poison (this is a villain school) and CPR is a really good way villains can "deem" themselves as a good person.
Culinary Arts, Retail Marketing, and CPR.
VILLAIN EDUCATION- The prime electives in the School. For this AU, students have to pick a minimum of two of these classes. For Criminology, it's recommended to have it in the 9th grade so it can set up your core classes.
Criminal Justice, Criminology, Networking, Robotics, Metalworking, and Automotive.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION- This is where the brawns part of the "Brains and Brawn" saying. Students at a minimum have to pick two classes (one for the first semester, and the next for the second) to actually pass the requirement to be a Villain.
Group one: Health, Wellness, Physical Education.
Group two: Gymnastics, Weight Training, Martial Arts.
So like, this is where students could pick what they actually want to do and this would set up their future careers. For 8th and under it's a little bit different, but this AU only includes the older kids (cuz I'm too lazy). But, this is my take on Darkley's electives if it was an actual functioning school for Villainy.
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agorejessstone · 10 months
How Hira Changed My Life - DRAMA
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At just 29 years old, I was diagnosed with Uterine Cancer.
Sort of the cherry on top of a sundae made Sjogren's.
As the eldest daughter of a lower middle class American family, I was responsible for more than just my education growing up.
While I was an avid writer, reader, dancer, artist, and vocalist, I was never given the same opportunities as my siblings. When they were being totted off to this practice or that recital, I was forced to focus on my homework, and whichever sibling was not old enough to attend.
That's not to say I didn't get to play a sport or join a club here and there, but overall, I was heading down a path of self destruction.
A people pleaser, avidly ignoring all the issues I'd acquired along the way, in pursuit of other's happiness.
There is nothing quite like a near-death experience to make you reevaluate your life.
6 years ago, I beat cancer, or at least, began my journey into remission, where I remain for the time being.
I decided that it was time to put down the dish rag, quit all but one of my three jobs, and get to know myself better. I'd carried the need to be the caretaker in to adulthood, and the effects were devastating.
I set out to write and publish my first full length novel. I'd written plenty before, but I never had the time, energy, or confidence to publish.
In July of 2021, I published my very first novel in a six part series that I am still working on today: Legend of the Sylph, but that wasn't all I wanted to do.
In 2016, I'd started a podcast, during my diagnosis, I'd been forced to focus on my health, and put that podcast on hold.
By 2018, fond memories resurfaced, and I decided it was time to try again. Heiress Anonymous was born as a faceless online artist, with a heart of gold, and a lot of stories to tell. I even included a weekly advice section, and things were going pretty well.
Until my youngest brother took his own life January 2019, 2019.
Being one of only two siblings that I was close to, and only 19, that loss shook the very core of our family, and it nearly defeated me a second time.
Struggling to keep my depression, anxiety, PTSD and bipolar under control, I did the only thing I thought I could do.
I got help.
During my inpatient therapy, I spent a lot of time reflecting on what made me happy, so that when I left that place, I could find something, anything, that made life seem less like wading through the layers of hell, slowly as an ant through tar.
I'd lost so many pieces of myself and I was tired of slapping a bandaid on a gaping wound and telling myself, and everyone else, it was just a scratch.
Dealing with everyone else's needs and desires, while neglecting my own was causing my Sjogren's to flare up more often than it should. My body wasn't cooperating, and my mind, oh that poor fella was more foggy than a black and white film.
Again, I started to do things I was passionate about.
I started with an online game after Duskwood's completion.
Each month, I'd write a new story, and a team of artists would help me develop a location map, clues, and characters for up to 30 people to play. It was the most fun I'd had in a while.
During this time, I was also playing other immersive games.
Mystic Messenger, The Seven Endgame series, and The Sign.
During my playthrough of the Seven series, I happened upon some... rather cancellable translation errors. In a moment of "Please don't cancel the only games I enjoy", I typed up an email to Reality Games, the developers, offering to scan the rest of their games for similar issues.
I was surprised when my wonderful friend Mel emailed me back, offering to let me test and correct The Healing, their upcoming title.
I accepted right away.
Then I had a thought... What if I took the team I'd been working on games with, made an actual game?
Astro Hollow was born. (Hopefully we'll be completed by 2025. It's not easy now that I have such a small team.)
During The Healings production, I asked if there were any unfilled roles. After knowing me for some time. Mel suggested Hira, and the rest is history.
Reality Games Fandom group was started on FB.
There, I met many great fans.
And some not so great fans.
One of them stood out to me. Stefi, who plays Ina.
She came to me as a fan, but we became fast friends. Similar to some of the others. She expressed her desire to become a voice actress, but was hesitant.
I spent weeks, months even, building her up, encouraging her, offering to help coach her lines, etc.
I introduced her to the group, set her up to mod the RG Fandom so she could learn the ropes and get used to fan engagement.
I even invited her to co-host a podcast.
Things seemed to be running smoothly. Until she decided that she was too busy to steam, but with the German meet and great looming, and her insistence that she go, I wholeheartedly understood.
I offered to hold her place on the podcast, until she had more time.
Tongue Tied Games and I had chatted before on reddit. Imagine my surprise at how small the world is, when I found out he played Charlie! We streamed together for the first time about a year ago, and we just clicked.
Preston and I became fast friends as well. (Cedrik - The Sign EN) His sense of humor is the stuff of legends.
I met all sorts of nice people.
Serge definately stands out to me. Such an amazing, witty guy.
I can't say enough good things about the Author's.
Daniel and Tim especially.
I'd forgotten how dark the internet can be, with all the light surrounding me.
I hadn't stopped to think about the fans, and how this could easily turn into an introverts parasocial hellscape.
For months, I tried to be the bigger person.
I ignored the whispers, the rumors, the blatant disrespect, but something happened that made me realize that if I don't stick up for myself, no one else will.
So here I am, explaining how one of the most important turning points in my life, has become the darkest time.
A fan, whom I will not name, and whom I've never had a conversation with, immediately disliked me. For the past 8 months, I've tried and tried and tried to figure out who or what or why this happened. They don't seem to know themselves. But to anyone that would listen, I was "mean". I didn't "value my friendships".
I was so dead set on not disrupting the community I loved, that I didn't speak up.
Ina was one of those people who turned their back on me.
I asked them why they'd take their word over mine, after everything I'd done.
I'd vouched for them, coached them, let them sit with me while I edit, introduced them to the group, supported them, helped them learn and grow, shared with them, both professionally and privately.
I could not fathom this turn of events.
In fact, I had not even considered it as the catalyst for her quitting the podcast.
It wasn't until a very dear friend of mine, nearly took her life, because she was bullied by this very same member (I'd give you there name, but honestly, I suspect there are many many names they go by) that I'd finally had it.
See what I mean?
I'm quick to defend and protect other people, but I'll let others tear me apart before I disrupt the peace.
I reached out to my mods, and let them know what was happening. They were appalled, to say the least. One even tried to mediate, but of course that didn't work out.
There was nothing to mediate.
This was a para social nightmare.
Growing up, being sickly, I'd never found myself beautiful, but in recent years, that has changed.
Health and happiness have made me a better person, physically and mentally.
Imagine my surprise when I was edged out by women who were intimidated by me, in a group that I was part of, long before most of them.
Imagine consitently helping others, and being forced to step back for a few months, only to come back to someone new, determined to make themselves "Queen PICK ME" or some shit.
I truly still do not understand it.
I've tried countless times to figure it out, but in the end, these are people who want to keep someone to themselves.
Who flirt with a stranger online, thinking they know them, but chastise anyone else who dares to do the same.
I'd seen it.
I'd recognized it.
I choose to ignore it.
FFS - I've got someone I care about already. Who in their right mind would intentionally ruin that for someone they've never even met? Someone they don't know? That's just a silly thought to have.
It has to be jealousy....
Do you know how many times I've been told that, and chose to ignore it, because I cannot fathom what there is to be jealous of?
After I shared my story with mods, the universe answered with a call of it's own.
Message after message from others within the community, who'd been wronged by this person.
Who'd felt unwelcome in the community.
Who'd been attacked, bullied even, out of the groups.
I was shattered.
A near death, a dozen victims.
I reached out to the group owners, and cleaned up my own, but no one made a move to correct the behavior.
Is that what being an "influencer" is?
Should I be reaping the benefits without any of the responsibility?
I refuse to let people suffer, because I don't want to speak up.
I was scared, truth be told, because I thought if I just ignored it, it would go away.
By time I realized that wasn't the case, so many other people had been influenced by this person's word.
This person, whom I'd never had a conversation with.
This person, who I'd promoted their "fan art".
This person, who was continually looking for excuses to hate me.
This person, who clearly knows nothing about me.
And yet, this person was going to win.
I haven't said a word in 8 months.
I've blocked and removed myself where ever I can, but this person, these people really, still haunt me.
The horde gets larger every day I stay silent.
The one who said they weren't feeling the podcast, took the name I had for the post finale of Orphans, and the people I had invited, and did their own, but I knew that was happening, and said nothing.
Until someone came to me and asked me, "Weren't you the reason that Stefi joined the cast as Ina?"
I replied yes, and the flood gates opened.
Stefi was a fan.
She came to me as Hira. Said she liked the character.
We started to chat. Became friends.
I encouraged her to email her audition to the team.
I reached out to the team and told them to give her a chance.
I coached her lines from the first few episodes.
She now gives credit to TT.
If you don't believe me, I have the podcasts still up on YouTube, where we talk about it in detail.
At first, I was sure that she was being manipulated.
Part of the reason that I was adamant that she join the team, was who she is as a person.
She's LGBTQ and on the spectrum. It's very important to me, especially after all of my struggles, to make sure that everyone finds something they're passionate about and doesn't let anything hold them back.
For months I thought she was being taken advantage of. Manipulated.
To discover otherwise was absolutely heartbreaking for me.
Imagine how shattered I was, when someone from the German fan meet up, said she's been telling people that since the German Fan Meet and Great in AUGUST 2023.
I feel used.
I'm at a low I'm not sure I can recover from, especially because she continues to say and do things just to get at me.
I've done what I can to block and move on, and I continue to leave communities I cherish, because of these ghosts.
It's like I'm Sandy, but for real this time, and trapped in that damned Orphanage.
Will we share a similar fate?
Will I let devistation consume me?
Have I made the right decisions?
Time will tell.
I'm leaving most names out of this on purpose, but I'm setting the record straight on how Ina came to be part of the community.
I'm so sick and tired of supporting people from behind the curtain, while actively being used as a doormat.
I love working for RG.
This has nothing to do with the company itself.
Cast will be what cast will be.
I love voice acting. I love writing, so even the editing process is fulfilling, but man I still had a lot to learn about how selfish the industry is.
How competitive.
How jealous and manipulative.
Watching people argue over someone they've never met.
Someone they've never seen.
Someone they don't know.
Watching them gatekeep the communities they stay in, running off anyone who isn't an OG.
Kind of defeats the purpose of supporting that creator, when you're driving good people out.
I'm starting to wonder if the internet isn't going to be our downfall.
If we'll ever truly understand the effects of parasocial relationships.
While I love the work I do, and many of the people who follow me, I cannot condone gatekeeping, lying, manipulation, cheating, stealing, copying, and outright bullying.
Stay in your lane.
At the end of the day, you don't know me.
Very few of you do.
You don't know her, him, they, them.
You just don't.
Speaking or acting on the behalf of others, lying about the people who helped get you where you are, no matter how you feel about them, is just plain messed up.
As with everything else in my life, I've learned a lot here.
I don't love parasocial relationships.
They fascinate me, until they piss me off.
Obviously this is NOT all of what occurred here. There are plenty of screenshots, and stories, but the bottom line is that I'm being pushed around, and I'm tired of staying silent. I work too hard, and help too many people, while barely being able to lift my head up to do so.
I've had it.
If you want to join a discord community where bullying, will not be tolerated: https://discord.gg/C6Edjk3AhX
Please remember. Just because you recognize their face and you know about them through the internet, does not mean you KNOW them.
Please treat actors/streamers as human beings, but also as "entertainers".
Respect their privacy.
Do not speak on their behalf.
Do not bully their followers, even if they are extremely hands off, or they expect the community to police.
You can easily turn one of the BEST things that's ever happened to someone, into one of the worst.
The results can be deadly.
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sintassays · 1 year
The Fascist Themes of Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
I recently put together a presentation for my campus' Sociology Club analyzing the political messaging of Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. This story is very unsubtle in promoting fascistic ideas. I was shocked during my first watch how in-your-face these ideas are throughout the story.
I say "watch" because I watched the 2013 animated film adaptation. I haven't read the 1986 comic, but from what I know, the movie adaptation is almost 1 to 1, so I don't think there's a need to focus much on the distinctions.
The premise of the story is that after ten years of Batman's retirement, Gotham City has gone to hell. Super villains have either completely disappeared or been detained. The city's crime rate is at its highest in history, and hopelessness dominates Gotham. It is at this point that Bruce Wayne comes out of retirement as Batman to fix this horrible state of affairs.
I'll structure this post in the same way I structured the powerpoint presentation: Organized by the core themes of fascism that appear throughout the narrative.
Rehabilitative Justice Doesn't Work:
This film is very hostile to the idea that criminals are worth rehabilitating. One of the core antagonists of the story, the Mutant gang, is portrayed as purely sadistic, committing crime for their own sick pleasure rather than for profit or out of desperation. They commit violence for violence's sake. This fact heavily implies that an effort to turn them into normal, functioning members of society would be a waste.
The Mutants are hardly Batman's only enemies in this story, however. Two of Batman's most famous villains, Joker and Two Face, are in a rehabilitative mental health facility.
Two Face, embracing the identity of Harvey Dent at the beginning of the film, receives plastic surgery to correct his facial deformities and make both of his sides match. This surgery, combined with a decade of therapy, is sufficient for the mental institution to release Harvey and let him reenter society. However, within days of his release, Harvey suffers a psychotic break and returns to crime, threatening to blow up the Gotham City Life Building if he doesn't receive $22 million. Batman quickly moves to stop Two Face and bring him to justice, and at the end of their confrontation with, Harvey reveals that he believes the surgery failed and that he could never re enter society. He perceived his facial surgery as making the whole of his face scarred and deformed rather than normal. He told Batman that the therapists at the mental facility could never fix him. He embraced being fully consumed by his dark side.
Before I get to Joker, I have to introduce psychiatrist Dr. Bartholomew Wolper, the man in charge of the rehabilitation of criminals like Joker and Two Face. Dr. Wolper is portrayed by the film as naive, self righteous, and even arrogant in his confidence in the rehabilitative, compassionate approach to dealing with criminals and the mentally ill. He uses cheesy slogans like “Hey, I’m ok” and “Get real” in his promotional book and other promotional material for his work, implying that there may be a financial incentive involved in his stances. In his TV appearances addressing the Batman controversy, he blames Batman for his clients' wrongdoing, claiming that they're drawn in by Batman's "narcissistic hero complex" and compelled to fight him. The film makes him the personification of the conservative stereotype of the "soft on crime liberal."
On we go to Joker: He is brought onto a late night talk show with Dr. Wolper as “proof” of the effectiveness of the rehabilitative approach. Not long into the show’s recording, Joker shows his true colors and kills the entire studio and host with his laughing gas. Dr. Wolper is his first victim, with his throat slit by a coffee mug that Joker broke in half. This demonstrates the idea that "liberals will fall victim to their coddling of the criminal class."
Batman: Outside the Law
Now you might be thinking, "How does disregard for the law line up with fascism?" But just bear with me here, I can explain.
Throughout the film, there is an ongoing debate among the public and the media over Batman’s apathy toward civil rights. Batman beats, captures, and sometimes even tortures people in pursuit of his vision of justice, all without due process of any kind. Batman does not abide by the Bill of Rights in any capacity in his approach to criminal justice.
Batman's interactions with police are also helpful in analyzing this theme.
Under pro-Batman Police Commissioner Gordon, the cops tend to step aside and let Batman go about his work. Early on in the movie, during a scene in which both a squad car and Batman are chasing after a group of armed robbers, an older cop in the squad car tells his younger partner to step aside when he realizes Batman is on the scene. Cops under Gordon are used to letting Batman do their dirty work, especially when that dirty work involves violating people's civil rights. Batman tackles one of the robbers, breaking his leg and choking him out in an effort to make him talk and spill information related to the robbery. The younger officer, insistent on doing things by the book and obeying the law, is disgusted by Batman's excessive force and cruel and unusual punishment. However, Batman's methods are portrayed by the film as effective, and Batman's detractors, like the young police officer, are portrayed as naive, unreasonable, and weak. Batman gets the job done, while the liberals who whine about civil rights just get in their own way.
In contrast, under anti-Batman Police Commissioner Ellen Yindel, who takes the role of police commissioner after Gordon's retirement, Batman is an outlaw. Intent on following the law, Yindel issues a warrant for the Batman's arrest on the charges of assault, battery, and vigilantism, among other crimes. On the night of Joker's mass murder during his talk show appearance, the police intercept Batman on the roof of the studio engage him in direct combat when he attempts to evade arrest. Batman's fight with the police goes on for an extended period of time, and once Batman is forced to flee from the cops, Robin informs him that Joker successfully fled the scene, evading capture from both the police and Batman. The police, in their pursuit of holding Batman accountable for his crimes and civil rights violations, let a serial killer get away. Their "soft on crime" approach, favoring due process and reasonable use of force, failed to apprehend a criminal and keep people safe.
Before moving onto the next theme, I'd like to bring up a character who is a stark contrast to Batman: Superman. In this film, Superman takes direct orders from US President Ronald Reagan. Rather than resorting to vigilantism and work to better society in whatever way he sees fit, Superman believes it is best to work within the system in order to create social change. Batman sees him as a government lackey, a sellout without the spine to break the chains of the existing liberal democratic order do what needs to be done for the public good.
Democracy is a Sham
In this movie, elected officials at all levels of government are portrayed as incompetent, weak, and/or disingenuous.
The mayor of Gotham City (who is never actually named, oddly enough) is weak and indecisive, relying heavily on opinion polls and frequently repeating himself in a weak attempt to appear capable and sure of himself. In an attempt to boost his approval rating, the mayor attempts to enter into negotiations with the leader of the Mutant gang rather than taking a bold stand against them. Immediately after he enters the Mutant leader's jail cell for the negotiations, the mayor is murdered by the mutant leader, who slashed the mayor's throat. He attempted to pursue peace and order through civility diplomacy, through compromise with criminals, and fell victim to those criminals as a result.
Upon taking office, the new mayor, Mayor Stevenson, states he is still willing to negotiate with the mutants even after their leader killed his predecessor. This is as weak and pathetic as it gets.
Local officials are hardly the only elected leaders criticized by this film. President Reagan is portrayed as not fully understanding the seriousness of his office as well as being a bit dim and goofy. In a conversation with Superman, Reagan compares Batman to a "wild bronco, kicking down the fence and making the other horses crazy." These cheesy cowboy metaphors are common in his approach to presidential policy, and he is hard to take seriously as a result. He is also transparently apathetic to the needs of the people, letting it slip that US troops were fighting the Soviets to “protect our interests” before immediately correcting himself to “stand up for freedom.”
Additionally, the president, governor, and mayor of Gotham all run away from taking a clear stance on the Batman issue, with each deferring to a lower ranking official when pressed for comment by the press.
Batman views his crusade on crime as a war. He refers to Robins as "good soldiers," saying of the late Jason Todd, "He was a good soldier. He honored me." And when the Robin of this story, Carrie Kelly, nearly loses her life falling from a hang glider, Batman catches her, pulls her up to him, and holds her close, patting her back and saying "good soldier, good soldier." Additionally, he brought a literal tank into the Mutants' hideout (with rubber bullets. Even Frank Miller won't let Batman kill, thank goodness).
One Great Man
The most memorable scene in this film for me was Commissioner Gordon comparing Batman to FDR in his "too big to judge" speech. He gives this speech in a conversation with Yindel about why he supports the Batman.
Gordon recounts the state of the United States in the immediate aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attacks in 1941. He says that the American people were scared and uncertain after the bombings, shaken to their core. But then president Roosevelt rallied America together to enter the war and defeat the Axis, motivating the populace with his "strong and sure" voice and oration skills. Later, it was rumored that FDR knew that the attack on Pearl Harbor was coming and decided to let it happen. "That rolled around in my head for days," Gordon said. "How horrible it would be if that were true." But Gordon eventually came to believe that it was FDR that won the US the war, and it was the Pearl Harbor attacks that drew the country into the war to begin with. For this, Gordon decided, he was "too big to judge." Sure, it would have been awful to let such a horrific attack happen, but that attack got the US into the war and eventually led to the defeat of the Axis. Similarly, Batman may violate people's rights with his brutal and illegal methods, but he lowers Gotham's crime rate, makes people safer, and gives people hope. Gordon's point: A leader who does horrible things should not be condemned if those horrible things ultimately contribute to the greater good.
Additionally, when a nuclear explosion above the US knocks out electricity in the country and plunges society into chaos, it’s Batman who leads Gotham to stability after everything falls apart, making Gotham the only major US city to maintain order. Despite this, Reagan still orders Superman to go through with the plan to get Batman out of the picture. In Batman’s words, “They only want me dead because I’m an embarrassment. Because I do what they can’t. What kind of an authority is that?” With the failure of the existing system, it is only Batman that is able to put Gotham back on a good path.
Closing thoughts:
As I stated in the beginning, I don't think this film's messaging is subtle in the slightest. It is very up front about everything it has to say, the vast majority of which I think is completely reprehensible. Still, despite being a staunch progressive who opposes pretty much everything this story stands for, this movie captivated me. Despite all the problematic elements, I still really enjoyed it and would honestly call it one of my favorite movies ever. I condemn its themes but wouldn't call it "bad" on a creative or artistic level at all. I thought it was incredibly compelling, even if I strongly disagree with it. I see why The Dark Knight Returns is revered as a classic, and because of its popularity, I thought it was important to do a deep dive into the significant problems of the story it wants to tell.
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dailyexo · 2 years
[SCHEDULE] EXO’s Schedule for March (2023)
[RELEASE] - Music releases; [BIRTHDAY] - Birthdays; [PERF]️ - Performanc evenst; [SIGN] - Fan-signing events; [MEET] - Fan-meeting events; [BROADCAST] - Live or pre-recorded televised broadcasts; [RADIO] - Radio broadcasts; [REC] - Programme pre-recordings; [LIVE] - Live streams; [AWARD] - Award ceremonies; [OTHER] - Other events.
Only confirmed schedules are included. The number of entries will grow as further schedules are announced.
(Last updated: 230312)
March 3
[BROADCAST] Acqua di Parma Pop-Up Store Opening Event - (Chanyeol)
March 6
[LIVE] Harbin Beer Q&A - 20:00 CST - (Lay)
March 9
[BROADCAST] SBS No Math School Trip Ep.1 (SBS 수학없는 수학여행 제1회) - 21:00 KST - (D.O.)
March 12
[OTHER] Attending BoA 20th Anniversary Live - 'The BoA : Musicality' - (Suho, Xiumin)
March 13
[LIVE] 'Rover' Countdown Live - 17:00 KST - (Kai)
[RELEASE] 3rd Mini-Album 'Rover' - 18:00 KST - (Kai)
[RADIO] SBS-R Power FM Wendy’s Young Street (SBS-R 파워FM 웬디의 영스트리트) - 20:00 KST - (Kai)
March 14
[RADIO] MBC-R FM4U Kim Shinyoung’s Hope Song at Noon (MBC-R FM4U 정오의 희망곡 김신영입니다) - 13:00 KST - (Kai)
March 15
[RADIO] KBS-R Cool FM Lee Gikwang’s Gayo Plaza (KBS-R 쿨FM 이���광의 가요광장) - 12:00 KST - (Kai)
[OTHER] Soochunhyang University Ambassador Appointment Ceremony - 15:00 KST - (Suho)
March 16
[BROADCAST] Mnet M! Countdown (엠넷 엠! 카운트다운) - 18:00 KST - (Kai)
[BROADCAST] Yong Jinho's Health Centre Ep.1 - (Kai)
[OTHER] Keens by ED 'Rover' Artist Class - 21:00 KST - (Kai)
[BROADCAST] SBS No Math School Trip Ep.2 (SBS 수학없는 수학여행 제2회) - 21:00 KST - (D.O.)
March 17
[BROADCAST] KBS Music Bank (KBS 뮤직뱅크) - 17:05 KST - (Kai)
[BROADCAST] The WillBen Show - 18:00 KST - (Kai)
[SIGN] ‘Rover’ fansign - 20:00 KST - (Kai)
March 18
[BROADCAST] MBC Show! Music Core (MBC 쇼! 음악중심) - 15:15 KST - (Kai)
March 19
[BROADCAST] SBS Inkigayo (SBS 인기가요) - 15:40 KST - (Kai)
[RELEASE] FILM : Kai - (Kai)
[BROADCAST] ‘Rover’ fansign - 19:00 KST - (Kai)
March 21
[SIGN] Oneday Café in Jeju - (Kai)
March 22
[OTHER] Xiumin's Birthday Party - 19:00 KST - (Xiumin)
March 23
[BROADCAST] Mnet M! Countdown (엠넷 엠! 카운트다운) - 18:00 KST - (Kai)
[BROADCAST] SBS No Math School Trip Ep.3 (SBS 수학없는 수학여행 제3회) - 21:00 KST - (D.O.)
March 24
[BROADCAST] KBS Music Bank (KBS 뮤직뱅크) - 17:05 KST - (Kai)
March 25
[BROADCAST] KBS Music Bank (KBS 뮤직뱅크) - 17:05 KST - (Kai)
[RADIO] SBS-R Power FM Park So Hyun's Love Game (SBS-R 파워FM 박소현의 러브게임) - 18:00 KST - (Kai)
[BROADCAST] tvN Amazing Saturday - DoReMi Market (tvN 놀라운 토요일 - 도레미 마켓) - 19:30 KST - (Kai)
March 26
[BIRTHDAY] Xiumin's Birthday
[BROADCAST] SBS Inkigayo (SBS 인기가요) - 15:40 KST - (Kai)
[BROADCAST] WOWOW Kai Japan Special Live 2023 - 21:00 JST - (Kai)
March 28
[OTHER] Watches & Wonders Geneva 2023 - (Lay)
[OTHER] Hublot Dinner - (Lay)
March 30
[BROADCAST] Eunchae's Star Dairy (은채의 스타일기) - 19:00 KST - (Kai)
[BROADCAST] SBS No Math School Trip Ep.4 (SBS 수학없는 수학여행 제4회) - 21:00 KST - (D.O.)
Credit: dailyexo.tumblr.com. Material not to be redistributed in part or whole without prior permission.
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Copying this directly from my Letterboxd review cause I wrote a fucking essay inadvertantly and I cant post it in just one place. There are no spoilers as I mostly just talk about the themes and what Kon's work means to me.
My Satoshi Kon obsession over the last week climaxes with his only series, and what a series it was. I'll have to stew on it a bit before i say it definitively, but this very well could be my favorite anime I've ever seen, and a strong contender up with Mr Robot and Sopranos for a favorite series period.
I have a troubled relationship with tv. I think most stuff these days that tries to emulate film (prestige tv so called) fails to capture the clarity of vision of a good film while maintaing the traps that hold tv back (having to structure itself around getting you to watch the next episode for one example). At times I feel like I wish tv never left its episodic phase, at least then you were guaranteed a complete story in 20-40 minutes.
The shows I mentioned before, including this one, all do something that most dramatic tv fails to do; and actually use the episodic format to divert from the core narrative and explore themes and characters in ways that a movie just really cant. You can have an entire episode that follows three characters who never show up again, you can have an episode structured like a play (Mr Robot), you can just have the characters get lost in the fucking woods for an entire episode and have it be one of the most memorable in the series (The Sopranos). Using the medium to experiment and take swings at different ideas and ways of conveying intentions to the audience, imo, is what tv needs to be if it really wants to elevate itself to something akin to or above the best films.
Paranoia Agent, as you can probably surmise from the five star rating, does just that. While the show is complete narrative with a defined beginning and end, the format is mostly episodic, typically following one or two characters, some of whom who never really play a big role in the series again. Kon has said that PA was his way of testing out ideas he had for films that he couldn't work in, and it definitley shows here.
I can see why some may be frustrated with the show taking the scenic route on a lot of things, i think its a testament to Kon's dedication to his own themes and ideas that he is able to explore them in so many different ways within a single series, and still have it all imo add up perfectly at the end. The show manages to cover themes of class and work anxiety, social exclusion, mental health struggles, personal responsiblity, escapist culture, responsibility, generational trauma, the fear and anxiety around the youth, and a littany of other themes that still manage to tie all together in a coherent way.
Kon's playfulness when it comes to the line between reality and imagination is core to this work as well. The central message of the show is explained explcitly, perhaps moreso than id like but the work still has enough elements open for interpretation that I don't think it crosses the line into beating you over the head with it.
Oh and the animation and music are great of course, I think that's a given with a Kon work tho. Having now seen all of Kon's major works I'm of course a bit let down that I'll never seen anything new from him. But if i've learned one thing from all that I've seen in the past week, the last thing Kon would want is for people to wallow in misery and wondering what could have been. Something doesn't have to be forever for it to mean something to you and better your life for having experienced it. I and countless others can say that Satoshi Kon's far too short life on this Earth is one that made an impact on us, and we're certainly better for being able to experience the art of such a thoughtful and creative person.
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mysticmayhem1337 · 5 days
Movie Review #017
Promising Young Woman
Directed By: Emerald Fennell Year: 2020 Length: 1h 53m Rated: 7.5/10 Genre: Thriller/Mystery Stars: Carey Mulligan, Bo Burnham, Alison Brie & Laverne Cox.
Trigger Warning! This film deals with sensitive topics including sexual assault, rape and heavily implied suicide. While my review is fairly tame when discussing these topics, the film is not.
Please look after yourself and reach out to someone if you're struggling with your mental health. You are not alone; there are people who care and will listen. <3
Summary Cassie is a woman seemingly without purpose. Plagued by a past only she seems to remember, she sets out to remind those involved when an unexpected opportunity arises.
Review At its core, this is a tale of grief. Clever misdirection is used a few times in this film, to its benefit. The horror of certain events is often dressed in colour, reflecting how casual and normal its real-life counterparts can be, and how sometimes it's impossible to see these things happen to you until they do.
Honest Thoughts This film speaks to the rage in women. The constant threat of everyday men is exposed, because it's not all men, but there are so many who don't look dangerous while being so. I spent this whole film waiting for everything to fall apart because it was simply too good to be true. Regardless of the sexual assault and rape, this film speaks to anyone who has lost a loved one due to the cruelty of others. Nina and Cassie's story could very easily be the same if it were bullying instead of SA, so complaining about it being too "female-centric" for men to understand is ridiculous. The impact of sexual harassment/assault is ever-present in the way many women conduct themselves and the lessons they teach their daughters. I think this film accurately portrays the feeling of generational exhaustion. The broken record of every story. Change requires effort on all fronts, men and women. Men need to start holding themselves and each other accountable. Now more than ever. I'm really looking forward to studying this film in class, as an older sister, a best friend and no stranger to grief, this film really spoke to me.
Scores Performance: 5/5 Plot: 5/5 Effects: 4/5 Flow: 4/5 Engagingness: 5/5 Overall: 5/5
Watched On: DVD Information Source: IMDb
0 notes
mi4017yunuszahid · 2 months
Final Assignment (Group)
Yunus (me)
For this assignment, we were asked to compare a film with its source text or other adaptations.
The film we chose to compare to its source text was Fight Club by David Fincher. The source text is the novel by Chuck Palahniuk.
The factors I chose to research on were
Who is the filmmaker (and/or) author and what are their major creative contributions.
Explore the context, geography, and era in which they have produced their work.
Author - Chuck Palahniuk
Novel: "Fight Club" (published in 1996)
The novel explores themes of identity, consumerism, mental health, reality, artifice, psychosis, repression, and masculinity. It is known for its satirical and nihilistic tone, broken narrative structure, and unreliable narration.
The context of why Palahniuk produced "Fight Club" was inspired by his own experiences and the disillusionment with the American Dream. He wrote the novel during the 1990s, a period marked by economic abundance but also a growing sense of existential malaise among the middle class.
Filmmaker - David Fincher
Film: "Fight Club" (released in 1999)
The film consists of core themes relevant to the novel but adds a visual and stylistic dimension unique to Fincher’s directing approaches. His style is known for his meticulous attention to detail, employing dark and moody aesthetics, and innovative use of visual effects that suit the themes implemented throughout the novel.
The film was produced during the 1990s, providing the context of capturing the era's atmosphere and skepticism towards consumer culture and the industrialization of society.
Context, Geography, and Era
Context: Written in the mid-1990s, a time characterized by relative economic stability in the U.S., yet also marked by a growing sense of disillusionment and disenchantment with consumer culture.
Geography: Set in various unnamed American cities, reflecting a sense of prevalence and privacy that emphasizes the themes of alienation and identity crisis.
Era: The 1990s, which was a time of easing tensions after the Cold War, also sparked important discussions about globalization and its impact on individual identity.
Context - Released in 1999, The film skillfully depicted the pre-millennial tension and the widespread introspection about the meaning of modern life as the new millennium approached..
Geography: Like the novel, the film is set in anonymous urban environments, emphasizing the pervasive nature of the protagonist's struggles.
Era: Late 1990s, a time when the internet and digital technology were beginning to reshape society, enhancing themes of disconnection and the search for authenticity in an increasingly virtual world.
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4shreya · 3 months
What to Expect in Your First Year Studying in Germany
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Studying abroad is a dream for many, and Germany stands out as a top destination for international students. Renowned for its world-class education system, vibrant culture, and picturesque landscapes, Germany offers a unique and enriching experience for students from around the globe. However, the first year of studying in a new country can be both exciting and challenging. This article will guide you through what to expect in your first year studying in Germany, from academic life to cultural adjustments.
Understanding the German Education System
Germany is known for its high-quality education system, which is structured differently from many other countries. Universities in Germany are categorized into three main types: Universities (Universitäten), Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschulen), and Colleges of Art, Film, and Music. Each type has its unique focus and approach to education.
Universities are research-oriented and offer a wide range of programs. Universities of Applied Sciences focus on practical training and application, making them ideal for students pursuing technical and professional fields. Colleges of Art, Film, and Music specialize in creative disciplines.
Admission Process and Documentation
The admission process in Germany can be rigorous, so it's essential to start early. Most universities require a recognized secondary school diploma, proof of language proficiency (either German or English, depending on the program), and a motivation letter. Some programs may also require an entrance examination or interview.
Language Barrier and Learning German
While many universities offer programs in English, learning German can significantly enhance your experience. Not only will it help you in your daily interactions, but it will also allow you to immerse yourself in the local culture. Many universities offer German language courses for international students. Additionally, there are numerous online resources and language schools available.
Navigating Academic Life
German universities emphasize independent study and self-discipline. Unlike in some countries where continuous assessment is common, German universities often have fewer exams, but they are comprehensive and demanding. Lectures, seminars, and practical sessions form the core of academic life.
It's crucial to manage your time effectively and seek help when needed. Most universities have academic advising services and tutoring programs to support students. Building a relationship with your professors can also be beneficial, as they are often willing to provide guidance and mentorship.
Accommodation and Living Expenses
Finding accommodation is one of the first challenges you'll face. Options include student dormitories, shared apartments (Wohngemeinschaften or WGs), and private rentals. Student dormitories are usually the most affordable option and offer a great way to meet other students.
The cost of living in Germany varies by city. On average, you should budget for rent, food, transportation, health insurance, and leisure activities. It's advisable to create a monthly budget to manage your expenses effectively.
Cultural Adjustment and Social Life
Germany has a rich and diverse culture, and adapting to it can be both exciting and challenging. Germans are known for their punctuality, efficiency, and direct communication style. Understanding and respecting these cultural norms will help you integrate better.
Engaging in social activities is crucial for a fulfilling experience. Join student clubs, societies, and cultural events to meet new people and make friends. Many universities have international student offices that organize events and activities to help newcomers settle in.
Healthcare and Insurance
Health insurance is mandatory for all students in Germany. There are two types of health insurance: public and private. Public health insurance is generally more affordable and covers most medical expenses. Ensure that you have valid health insurance before you arrive, as it is required for enrollment.
Part-time Jobs and Internships
Working part-time is a common way for students to support themselves financially. International students are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during the semester and full-time during semester breaks. Popular student jobs include working in cafes, restaurants, and retail.
Internships are also highly valued and can provide valuable work experience in your field of study. Many universities have career services to help students find internships and part-time jobs.
Exploring Germany
Germany is a beautiful country with a rich history and stunning landscapes. Take advantage of your time abroad to explore different cities and regions. Popular destinations include Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, and Frankfurt. Each city has its unique charm and attractions.
The Deutsche Bahn (German railway) offers various discounts for students, making travel more affordable. Additionally, many universities provide student discounts for local transportation.
Dealing with Homesickness
Feeling homesick is a natural part of the study abroad experience. Stay connected with family and friends through video calls, social media, and emails. Create a routine that includes activities you enjoy and make time for self-care. Remember, it's okay to seek help if you're feeling overwhelmed. Universities have counseling services available for students.
Your first year studying in Germany will be a transformative experience filled with growth, challenges, and unforgettable memories. Embrace the journey with an open mind and a positive attitude. By understanding the German education system, managing your finances, adjusting to the culture, and seeking support when needed, you'll set yourself up for success. Enjoy every moment of this incredible adventure and make the most of the opportunities that come your way.
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theadmiringbog · 6 months
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Read the following statements and circle the number that corresponds to how often they apply to you, using the following scale.
1 = Never 2 = Rarely 3 = Sometimes 4 = Often 5 = Very Often
I attend music, dance, theatre, museums, and/or digital art activities. 1 2 3 4 5
I see beauty when I look at or experience art. 1 2 3 4 5
I am emotionally moved by music. 1 2 3 4 5
I am impressed by symmetry in artistic works. 1 2 3 4 5
I sculpt, paint, draw, craft, create films/video, or design. 1 2 3 4 5
When I look at art, I feel positive energy or invigoration. 1 2 3 4 5
I write poetry, lyrics, nonfiction, and/or fiction. 1 2 3 4 5
When I view art, my heart beats faster, or I have other physical effects. 1 2 3 4 5
I appreciate the visual design of buildings and interior spaces. 1 2 3 4 5
I take (or have taken) classes in art, craft, creative writing, aesthetics, etc. 1 2 3 4 5
When making or beholding art, I experience a sense of connection and community. 1 2 3 4 5
When experiencing the arts, I feel a oneness, unity, or connectedness with the universe/​nature/​existence/​deity. 1 2 3 4 5
I am deeply moved when I look at art. 1 2 3 4 5
I experience joy, serenity, or other positive emotions when I am making or beholding art. 1 2 3 4 5
The scale is organized into three categories:
Aesthetic Appreciation is the degree to which a person is responsive to the aesthetics of experiences and of their environment.
Intense Aesthetic Experience is the degree to which a person regularly responds to aesthetic experiences in a very intense way as opposed to more commonplace forms of appreciation.
Creative Behavior represents the degree to which a person engages in creative behaviors such as art-making.
Individual scale scores: Count your score for each question below and divide by the number of questions.
Aesthetic Appreciation: Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 13, 14 _____ Divided by 8 =______
Intense Aesthetic Experience: Questions 8, 12, 13 _____ Divided by 3 =______
Creative Behavior: Questions 5, 7, 10, 11 _____ Divided by 4 =_____
Cumulative scale score: To determine your cumulative score add all fourteen of your individual question scores together and divide by 14. ______ Divided by 14 =______
Low Below Average Average Above Average High For example, you might have a 3 in Aesthetic Appreciation, a 2 in Intensive Aesthetic Experience, a 5 in Creative Behavior, and a cumulative score of 4.
arts and aesthetic experiences will improve your health and well-being and enhance your ability to learn and flourish.
Ivy carries tuning forks in her bag, because the resonant sound of the notes C and G combined can soothe a stressful moment.
In a study, Girija Kaimal, assistant dean for special research initiatives and an associate professor in the creative arts therapies program at Drexel University, found that for the majority of people, making art for as little as forty-five minutes reduces the stress hormone cortisol, no matter your skill level or experience. Making art is physiologically calming.
Stress isn’t a feeling or an emotion, rather it’s a physiological response to our emotions.
Sound vibration has the capacity to return the body to homeostasis and out of a fight-flight-freeze reaction.
The notes C and G, which Ivy struck with her forks that day at work, resonate with the Earth’s core frequency and are known to be soothing vibrations. These frequencies are used together all over the world because the ratio, or interval, between the notes creates a universal feeling of harmony.
One study concluded that the frequency of blues and greens in mild hues help calm people in a work setting, reducing stress and fostering more creativity. The same study found that yellow promotes attention and focus. For some, red can be highly stimulating.
Studies have found that coloring can have a similar physiological response in the brain as the act of meditating by reducing outside noise and allowing for focus. In one study, anxiety was measured in participants before and after they drew and colored, and their heart rate, respiration, and skin conductance were measured throughout. The results found all physical indicators of anxiety reduced when coloring, and that perceptions of anxiety lowered as well.
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niucollege1 · 9 months
Hands-On Learning in the City of Angels: Best Trade Schools in Los Angeles
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Los Angeles, often referred to as the City of Angels, is not just a hub for entertainment; it's also a thriving center for vocational education. As the demand for skilled professionals continues to rise, trade schools in Los Angeles stand out for their commitment to hands-on learning and career-focused programs. If you're ready to dive into practical education that prepares you for the workforce, explore the best trade schools the city has to offer.
1. Los Angeles Trade Technical College (LATTC)
Located in the heart of Los Angeles, LATTC is a prominent institution known for its hands-on approach to education. With a diverse range of programs spanning automotive technology, construction, and culinary arts, LATTC equips students with the practical skills needed in today's competitive job market. The campus serves as a dynamic learning environment where theory meets application.
2. American Career College
Specializing in healthcare education, American Career College places a strong emphasis on hands-on training. From medical assisting to surgical technology, students gain practical experience in modern facilities under the guidance of experienced instructors. The immersive learning approach ensures graduates are well-prepared for the demands of the healthcare industry.
3. North-West College
North-West College is renowned for its commitment to small class sizes and personalized attention. With hands-on training at the core of its programs in allied health fields, including medical assisting and vocational nursing, students develop the skills necessary for success in their chosen careers. The supportive learning environment sets the stage for hands-on exploration and skill refinement.
4. West Coast Ultrasound Institute
For those pursuing a career in medical imaging, the West Coast Ultrasound Institute is a leading choice. The institute's hands-on ultrasound technology programs blend classroom instruction with clinical experience. Students learn through direct application, ensuring they are proficient in the use of cutting-edge medical imaging technology upon graduation.
5. Los Angeles Film School
In the heart of the entertainment industry, the Los Angeles Film School provides hands-on training for those passionate about film, animation, and game production. With industry-experienced faculty and top-notch facilities, students immerse themselves in the creative process. The hands-on approach extends beyond the classroom, preparing graduates for the dynamic and competitive field of entertainment.
Embark on Your Hands-On Learning Journey Today
The best trade schools in Los Angeles offer more than just education; they provide hands-on experiences that shape future professionals. From technical skills to creative pursuits, these schools prioritize practical learning to ensure graduates are not just knowledgeable but also adept in applying their skills.
Trade School Los Angeles Embrace the opportunity to learn by doing and discover the hands-on learning environment that suits your aspirations in the City of Angels. For more information and to start your hands-on journey, contact us at +1 818-960-6685.
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yessadirichards · 1 year
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Ken Loach at Cannes: 'Working class is undefeated'
At 86, British director Ken Loach showed he still had fighting spirit at Cannes, presenting his latest moving homage to working class solidarity and saying: "we're still in the game".
Loach has had no fewer than 15 films in competition at the Cannes Film Festival -- and won the top prize Palme d'Or twice.
His dedication to left-wing causes and showing the often harsh reality of working class Britain remains undimmed in his 16th entry, "The Old Oak", which premiered on Friday.
It tells the story of a struggling pub in a depressed ex-mining town in northern England, whose landlord helps Syrian refugees despite his own problems.
Deadline called it a "vital, moving social parable" and The Guardian a "fierce final call for compassion".
Despite widespread anti-immigrant feeling in Britain, Loach said there are still many working class communities who have shown solidarity with refugees.
"We have a tradition of solidarity born out of industrial struggle," Loach told AFP at the festival. "There are whole sections of people who campaign for refugees."
He said "The Old Oak" was a necessary blast of positivity after more downbeat recent films, "I, Daniel Blake" (which won the Palme in 2016) and "Sorry We Missed You".
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"Without hope there's despair, and then you're open to the far right and that destroys us," Loach said. "The working class is not defeated, we're still in the game."
Asked about still directing in his mid-80s, Loach joked: "If you get up and read the obituary columns and you're not in them, it's a good day. But I've been lucky to keep some health."
His long-time writing partner Paul Laverty was full of praise for Loach's dedication, saying the director still worked late for months on end to cast the film from local communities.
"That was like six months hard graft," Laverty said, before having a friendly dig: "That's fine when you're 30 but when you're 105..."
Laverty had far less kind things to say about Britain's politicians, saying that Home Secretary Suella Braverman, known for her anti-migrant rhetoric, displayed "remarkable cruelty".
"She's a scumbag who lives off the misery of other people," said Laverty.
Solidarity used to mean "joining together and sharing," Loach said.
"Today, it means charity... giving a small amount to the poor provided they are grateful and deserving and don't cause a fuss and look like victims."
Speaking about the deterioration of the National Health Service, Loach said "the extent of the crisis is catastrophic".
"We have the most sophisticated political class in the world controlling the image of Britain, but you look inside and it's rotten to the core."
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