#this feels more like a fragment than a full fanfic
A New Dawn
Pact Commander Siggi Vilodsdottir woke up at her usual early morning time, but the light peeking through the flap of her tent was - different. Wait, of course. Sun's Refuge. The exhaustion of actually getting the damn place up, or just leftover grogginess from her first night of decent sleep in ages, had momentarily made her forget, to expect the sun outside her tent flap.
No, these were caves, and it would be cave living for a while. As they formulated a way to take care of Kralkatorrik, they had made the subterranian lair their home - The massive Elder Dragon could never dig this deep, and even his smaller minions would find themselves hard pressed to pass through the narrow redoubts and defeat the magical defenses left by Sunspears past - now reactivated in service of Sunspears present - so here they remained, for the moment. The light from the giant braziers, reflected off the crystals, natural and brand alike, embedded in the walls, certainly made for adequate light, but it wasn't quite the same as the wide, wild sun.
Still, If anyone knew how to live without the sun, it was the Norn.
Pulling on a Jerkin, Siggi stood and threw back the flap of her tent, eager to find something to break her fast - perhaps the foragers had found some good venison - when she nearly tripped over it. A wreath.
A wild grin broke across her face. That dork. He was really going to do this proper, wasnt he? She reached down, ready to pluck it off the ground, but about halfway there, she hesitated as something caught her attention, a quick movement out of the corner of her eye. She looked up. Yes. There, behind that rock column. Trying VERY hard, and failing nearly as hard, to look inconspicious, was Braham Eirrson himself.
She hesitated, not out of second thoughts, but just because the boy could probably stand to sweat a bit. Good for his humility. Wasn't right for a Norn to hold a grudge long as he did.
Then again, she was Norn too, huh? And there was another way to handle this...
Finally, she turned back into her tent - but only for a moment, snatching up her best travelling stein. As she exited again, she saw Braham, who had been hunched over, suddenly straight again, looking desperately, wildly at her.
She plunked the stein down in the center of the wreath, crossed her arms, and raised an eyebrow at him. Braham coughed, nodded, and slunk off.
A few hours later, after she'd had a chance to eat and answer about 1000 different questions from various Pact Officers and Sunspears, help out a few Refugees, and discuss possible dragon tracking measures with Taimi and her boys, she finally came to the Vigil tents, where everyone had pooled what alcohol they had for a kind of tavern of sorts, a place to go to take a break, relax, and, if needed get just a bit drunk, to take the edge off. Braham was sitting at the end of one of the longer, less populated benches, and Siggi stopped at the the makeshift bar just long enough to grab their first round - Iron Legion Ale, Charr Beer. Almost as good as Ice Ale from the Wayfarer Foothills, in a pinch. As She walked up to Braham, Steins balanced in hand, he had just finished glaring down a poor Vigil soldier who looked like they were coming to sit across from him. Siggi chuckled, more at Braham's seriousness than the poor Soldier's misfortune, and easily slipped in across from the other Norn.
"Hey Kid. Shake off the Spiders yet?"
"What!? N- I mean Yes- I mean, it's fine why would I care about Spiders? We killed them all! Er, we did kill them all, right?"
Siggi couldn't help herself, breaking into an uproarius laugh at Braham's attempts to keep a slight panic under control, "I'm sorry Braham, I just teasing! If there's any spiders left, I'd imagine they're staying hidden for good, after the drubbing we gave their queen."
Braham nodded, blushing slightly with embarassment, "Oh. Yeah, It's fine. Spiders are gone."
Siggi pushed one of the steins toward Braham, "Iron Legion Ale. Not as good as a good Wayfarer Ice Brew, but beggars can't be choosers."
Braham took the Stein gratefully and took a huge gulp straight away. Siggi smirked again and followed suit.
As they set their mugs down, Braham cleared his throat, "So. How many mugs of these do you think we'll need to put this behind us?"
"Eh," Siggi waved a hand dismissively, "It's all snowmelt, far as I'm concerned. I forgave you a long time ago, just needed you to come around."
Poor Braham made a confused face, "Then Why not take the wreath in?"
"Listen," Siggi continued, with a small smile, "I gave you the Stein in the wreath for a couple reasons. One, I wanted an excuse to drink, and two, it's been way too long since we just sat down and TALKED, you know?"
"Oh. Yeah. I guess it has, huh?"
So they talked, avoiding the subject of their fight for the moment, speaking of Braham's adventures in the High Shiverpeaks, of Siggi's own adventures combating Balthazar - most of it he had heard second hand, but he wanted to hear it from Siggi. Ale after Ale appeared before them, and by the time conversation wound down, Siggi could confidently declare herself pleasantly tipsy, warm and buzzing down to her toes, and judging by Braham swaying on the bench across from her, he was somewhere in the same steading.
"Huh," he chuckled, "Imagine if I hadn't been such a Dolyak's ass. Could have helped you take down a human God. That would have been something to see."
Siggi chuckled, "Maybe. Then again, I did have to die to do it."
Braham frowned, "And maybe if I was there, I could have stopped him from killing you. I AM sorry, Commander..."
"Hey." Siggi set down her stein again for a moment, staring seriously across the table, "Already forgiven, remember? Wreath-sworn. Besides, Losing a parent affects a lot of us pretty badly."
"Hell. Losing my Mom probably affected you, huh?" Braham murmured, staring at the table, "I've been thinking about that, lately. She was your mentor. You two hunted together, built a legend together, she even sponsored you into the Pact."
Siggi nodded, "Yeah. She was... special, to me."
"And you kept on anyway."
"I did. I had a lot of people to save. If I had stopped to mourn her, how many more would have been lost?"
Braham took an especially long swig of ale after that, stared off into the middle distance.
"I... wonder if maybe the real problem was... I was jealous of you. You were closer to her than I was. Eir handpicked you as a champion of the great hunt. She recommended you to the orders, sheparded you until you were a force to defeat an elder dragon on your own. Hell, she was almost more of a Mom to you than she was to me."
Siggi raised an eyebrow, "C'mon, I'm not THAT much younger than her. Eir was more like..."
Siggi paused for a moment. Her mind flitted back, as it often did, to a certain night by a campfire, a night in while the bitter cold of the Shiverpeaks pierced even the hardy hides of the norn, and they found it prudent to share a bedroll for warmth. But then, prudency gave way to an awareness of bare skin touching skin, of a desire that no longer seemed worth hiding. No, Braham wasn't ready for that story. She wasn't sure she'd ever share that with anyone else anyway.
"...Let's just say, cool older sister?"
Braham chuckled, "Huh. yeah, that makes sense. And I guess I'd describe you the same way."
"That's me, cool older sister to thousands of squabbling pact children." Siggi raised her stein one last time and drained the current contents, a far-too-weak human brew. Really had to strengthen the supply lines here if they were already down to the human-brewed stuff, she thought absent-mindedly.
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dduane · 2 months
I just wrote a thousand words on my trek fanfic and I feel incredible. How do I maintain moment like this without burning out? any advice appreciated. Also I'm interested to hear your thoughts on how medicine is handled in the Star Trek Franchise. Part of my fan fic is an exploration on the operations of a big hospital vessel (some of my favorite background set pieces in Trek)
Let me take this in two parts.
First of all: don't worry about burning out any time soon. It sounds a bit like you're experiencing the flip side of performance anxiety—the "Having Performed" anxiety, where some nervous fragment of your writer-mind runs around tearing its hair and moaning "But what if it stops?!" ...This is way too familiar: I think we all get it from time to time.
The simplest thing to say about this is: Don't sweat it. You didn't get where you are as a writer overnight, and my guess would be that it takes at least as long to reach a genuinely non-writing state as it took to reach the writing one.
Also, and in particular, the kind of momentum most writers find themselves dealing with is not necessarily visible as words on the page. The Writer Brain has many forms of continuing creativity that don't show on the surface. Work, sometimes quite important work, is continually going on in the background without any exterior sign that even you can perceive. (Which is probably one of the things that drives a lot of writers furthest around the bend. We are all black boxes, full of processes we don't fully understand and routinely can't supervise or control. All we can do is learn to live with it, and keep on working.)
The thing to remember about your fanfic work (and indeed, of all writing work, but it's most obvious with fanfic) is that it should be for having fun. And yeah, you'll suffer and twitch and sweat your guts out over it as well! But regardless of facile simplistic bullshit "inspirational" mottoes about finding a job you love and thereby never working a day in your life, writing is usually work, and it's okay for it to be work... because some work is both worth doing, and worth doing well.
Meanwhile, especially at the fanfic end, you get to have the fun anyway! Fanfic, as we (mostly) make it and share it these days, is pure gift. It's grace made manifest. When you read it, you know that a stranger made this fabulous stuff for you, for nothing. Makers of fic inhabit a very special place. Be proud of your spot in it.
So for now just concentrate on sitting down as regularly as you can (the write-every-day thing isn't workable for some people, and maybe not for you: find your own rhythm) and let it slide out at its own speed. I'll be fine.
...Now. Re: medicine in Trek: what I do, mostly, is look at what's cutting edge right now, and then go further. Then I think a little about whatever I've created so far, and think about how to go further than that. And then write about it as if it's not merely casual, but a bit boring.
For example, as off this news story: McCoy shrugging and saying casually, “Well, we can handle this a couple of ways. We’ll either turn their pancreas back on, or print them a new one.” And then adding, “So what’ll we do after lunch?”
Just be bold in creating new approaches, because even now things are starting to look more wildly interesting than usual.
Hope this helps!
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0utpost-alpha · 4 months
Personal Thoughts On Red vs Blue: Restoration
Alright so, it’s been a few weeks since Red vs Blue Restoration hit the internet. I’ve had time to sit, think, cry and process RvB and Rooster Teeth as a whole ending. As I stated on a previous post, I got into RVB around 2015? I think Season 13 had ended then. So I haven’t really spent as much time with the Sims Troopers as many others have. But those 9 years were wonderful and I’m grateful for finding such an entertaining show and fandom. Any show that can make me laugh my ass off and also make me full on sob my eyes out is 10/10 in my book.
Anyway, moving on. I said I’d put out my own personal thoughts and feelings for Restoration in the form of a Pro’s and Con’s post; so here it is:
The AI Fragments: I LOVE them going back and focusing on the AI fragments again. I remember hearing that Miles was talking about how he was going to do something similar with them after the Chorus Trilogy but things happened and Jason ended up taking over after Season 14. I personally always adored the idea of the Reds and Blues each getting one of the AI fragments that suited their personal needs and would lead to more character development for them later on down the line.
Tucker and the AI’s: On the subject of AI’s, After Season 13, I remember reading a lot of fan theories and fanfics that often brought up what possible side effects Tucker could go through with Epsilon not only shattering but having all those fragments at once helping him power the Meta suit. And it looks like a lot of them weren’t far off! While we will never know what actually happened once those doors were opened, at some point either immediately or not long afterwards, the AI took control and ran off with poor Tucker.
Caboose’s Voice: While it was a little jarring at the beginning, being so used to Joel’s, Michael Malconian did a phenomenal job as Caboose’s voice. I feel like he got that child-like, not all there, but still ready to help out however he can personality down perfect. NGL, I think I actually prefer this voice to the old one. I’m just sad that we won’t get to hear more of this Caboose.
Speaking of Caboose: I love how they had Caboose have a big brain moment. Instead of bringing back Church, something he wanted more than anything, he knew Tex was their best chance against Meta!Tucker. Also, destroying the Memory Unit. Talk about huge character development for Cabooses character. (It’s also possible that this was what Church asked Caboose to do when he was whispering to him in the ship? I need to go back and rewatch it)
Simmons: I know there was already an image or video around showing Simmons with the robotic arm, but I kind of fell off the RvB bus after Zero came out so I missed a bit of content that was floating around on the internet. So me and @yourscientistfriend were tickled pink when we noticed his arm for the first time. It’s small, but nice to know that RT remembered that specific detail about Simmons.
Sarge’s Sacrifice: alright, this one is probably on a lot of peoples Con’s lists but I personally feel like, if any of them were gonna be killed off Sarge was the best because; he died doing what he loved. Fighting. He protected his boys and went down on his own terms. His farewell to Grif definitely hit the hardest. I think deep down we all knew Sarge cared about Grif, but actually hearing him say it was so satisfying.
Memory is the key: the boys sitting around the campfire reminiscing about everything they had been through together in the last 23 years was such a bitter sweet nostalgia blast. The fact that they also got BNL to do a song over it was kind of a nice surprise too.
A lot of characters didn’t really get a chance to shine. It mainly focused on Simmons, Grif, Tucker and Caboose for a majority of the movie. Donut was only there in a thought bubble for a gag, Carolina didn’t even show up till the very end, and Wash didn’t even get to fight, he honestly didn’t really even serve a purpose except to fall off a fucking cliff to get Carolina’s attention and I feel like that wasn’t even necessary. Hell, I think they even forgot about Lopez after that one scene at the beginning. I honestly feel for the Donut and Doc fans. They seriously got screwed over.
“Come With Me”: So. Grimmons didn’t become canon. I am, severely disappointed as I’m sure a majority of the fandom is. I wasn’t expecting a kiss or a make-out section or anything that extreme. But I feel after all these years of teasing us they could have given us SOMETHING.
Tucker Trauma: As I said in the Pro’s, I loved the set up they did with Tucker and the fragments. However, what I didn’t like was how they didn’t address the trauma Tucker went through with them controlling him. They forced him to kill innocent people, attack his friends and mentally tortured him in order to get him to cooperate or wear him down enough to take control. But after they remove the fragments, he’s just ok now? Back to his regular bow chika bow wow self? Don’t get me wrong, like with many of my other cons I realize that a lot of things had to be scrapped or cut because of time and that because Season 19 had to be turned into a movie instead of a full blown season they couldn’t properly address a lot that they probably wanted to. But I wish we could have at least got something along the lines of Wash taking Tucker back with him to get physically and mentally checked out.
Also, wtf is up with Grif just up and leaving. I know Season 15-17 was retconned (update: they weren’t retconned) but damn man, Grif really doesn’t care about any of them? Even after the whole reminiscing scene? It just feels out of character for him. I feel like after everything was said and done he would have taken those papers and shot them or something. Said something about how someone’s gotta give the new leader of the reds a hard time, said something about not leaving till he figure out why they were there!?  Anything than whatever the hell that was.
Thing’s I’m sad will never happen now that Red vs Blue is officially over:
More time with Locus’s character as well as character development and redemption (as well as possibly becoming one of the Reds and Blues)
Simmons’s getting an arc that better fleshes out his character and would give us more background into his history (I mean come on. From the bits and pieces we got over the seasons, it’s very clear Simmons’s had a shitty past. Yes, I’m still mad that his labyrinth was turned into a alien probing joke)
Never seeing an actual conclusion to the fight at the end of Season 13. (I get they wanted to let the fans play around with ideas on what happened but it still bugs me).
Wash and Simmons bonding during a knife training session
Wash and Tucker bonding over AI Trauma
Tucker and Junior bonding
Overall, it was an ending. And probably the most decent one we could have gotten considering everything that was going on. A lot of other shows didn’t even get that. So I honestly can’t complain too much. They also deliberately left the ending pretty open so the fandom could easily write their own ending if they wanted to which is awesome of them.  
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enihk-writes · 10 months
[when i was still the one you want]
based on lyrics from right where you left me by taylor swift
paring: various!hwasan characters x gn!reader
summary: it's breakup season (because everyone around me are ending their relationships so something's in the air)
characters: geumjon (pbss) // geumhyeop (mhdd) // tang bo // baek cheon // jin geumryong // namgung dowi // jang ilso // tang soso // yu iseol
author's note: so funny story,,,,,,, i saw that post about gaylors being less credible than jungkook as reincarnated princess diana truthers... went on a taylor binge, and had some fanfic thoughts,,, so now bone apple teeth for yall ig <333 i would have added tang gunak but me personally? i would NOT fumble a dilf like that ever.
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GEUMJON thinks it was nice while it lasted, like a sparkler you play with on summer nights — a passionate romance that ignited and died out by the end of a season. he was the pinnacle of your youth, but everyone had to grow up someday. and when neither of you felt that same fluttering sensation in your stomachs. you both agreed that you should end things. there was no hard feelings from either side, that's just how life was. and he heard years later, through the grapevine, that you had gotten married. to which he raises his cup of wine to the full moon in your honour.
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GEUMHYEOP was the type of guy to try and fail. he'd be the first to lose interest in a relationship, and he was honestly a little panicked by that revelation. it didn't make sense to him that this could happen. you hadn't done anything wrong, you didn't deserve that. how could he have let this happen to you? he would shift his attention more on you ever so subtly, trying his best to rekindle whatever feeling he used to have for you as you remained blissfully unaware. though he finally gives up, and can only hope that you would notice. you do. but only when he starts to avoid you more often, missing out on almost every milestone in your relationship. avoiding confrontation, making excuses so that he doesn't have to come face-to-face with the hurt and confusion all over your face. this back-and-forth wears you out, and things just die out without so much of a word.
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TANG BO was only with you because amongst all the marriage candidates the elders of his family had him meet, you had been the most tolerable one. you were easily forgettable, and something about that intrigued him. he was sure that one day, he would come to love you the way you had with him. it didn't. and it never did for all those decades, and he always remained as your betrothed up until the very end. you had both grown old, and it became ever so obvious that things just weren't going to work out the way either of you had hoped. he feels guilty for wasting a good chunk of your life with so much will-we-won't-we, and tries to help you stand back on your feet when you finally leave the tang estate. somewhere along those lines you two became a little more then friends, definitely far from lovers, maybe you and him ended up a little bit like family, or the next closest thing to that. you passed not too old, not too young. and he made sure that he sent you off to the afterlife proper. not realising you had taken a fragment of his heart with you.
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JANG ILSO is a fickle guy. his obsessions die out as quickly as they appear. in exchange for the luxurious life you were gifted as his lover, you were expected to be at his every beck and call. can't be too obvious about it, he hates clingy lovers. can't get too nonchalant, he loves a little chase, sure. but he hates having to lower himself to ask for attention. he wasn't a needy dog. it was commendable that you lasted as long as you did — a whole three years wasn't an easy feat. you were lucky he felt nice and had only kicked you out of his estate with your belongings. including the gold and jewels he had gifted you. there was nothing more you could have asked for, you never had to work another day in your life, and thank god it seems his new obsession was keeping him busy enough to have him forget about you.
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NAMGUNG DOWI wonders if he had done something wrong for you to come up and tell him you wanted to break up with him. you both wanted something different in life, he never really seemed to be on the same page as you when it came to things you both wanted for the future. he was distraught, telling you he would change and please stay here — you would but you had dreams too, and he had his commitments he had to fulfil. maybe, someday in the future, you both might find each other again but right now, you bade him adieu with kisses on his tear-stained cheeks.
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TANG SOSO, she kept you like a secret while you kept her like an oath. something, something about how it wouldn't end well for either of you if you were found out. her, the daughter of the tang patriarch and you a child from a branch family she had supposedly fallen for. you only realised she wasn't that serious about you when she eventually left home for mount hua. you had seen the way her eyes sparkled when that girl with amethyst eyes cut down a new path she never knew she could have taken in life. she left because you didn't have the cards to give her what she wanted. well, at least one of you was happy. at least one of you found something they wanted to do.
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YU ISEOL hasn't been the most vocal person between the two of you. it was always you that had to pull the weight, always you that had to watch out for the other. you had fallen in love with her because of her deep passion for the blade, it was also this deep passion for the blade that had driven her further and further away from you. somewhere along the way, you realised that there was almost nothing you had in common with her anymore. you had cried yourself to sleep that night, only waking up the next morning to end things with her properly. she was the same as always, swinging her sword, retracing her steps ever so diligently. even as you poured your heart out, she never once faltered — that's good. because you know that if she had staggered for a single moment, you would know she still cared, and you would have taken back everything you'd said. she didn't lose focus, and that was what you used to love about her. you let her be, not once turning back.
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JIN GEUMRYONG could only watch from the corner of his eye what your expression was like as the elders brought him to meet the guests. with how he had been pushed forward as the leader of the next generation, the elders — his father included, had been looking into suitable marriage candidates for him. what they all didn't know was that he was already seeing someone. that someone being you. and what you yourself didn't know was that the elders had been looking into potential matches for him, something he hadn't told you about up until the day of the marriage interviews. you'd believe he'll explain it to you, assure you that you were still the one he'd choose. but you should have known he was a man who was duty-bound, and he would have never picked you above what he believed was his duty to the sect. if this was how it was going to end anyways, why did he even bother to ask you to be his?
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BAEK CHEON knows he's never been good enough to call himself your lover. not when there were so many others that could fill his spot. you could assure him all you want but it wasn't enough to convince him, he was always trying his best, and you had always been so happy with it. but it wasn't enough. nothing you did or said was ever enough to calm his paranoia. all these feelings bubbled over to a tipping point, an argument of no return and you decided enough was enough. he had never known what it was like to actually wake up without you by his side until then, and he knew it was too late to take back all that he'd said. how dare he have the audacity to break your heart and try to fix it? he did this to himself, and now he has to lie in the grave he dug out.
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psalacanthea · 3 months
Fanfic Friday
voted most (when I closed voting in my head {i will get to 3rd place possibly}) was a Dragon Age WiP well GUESS what they dropped DA4 news and I was too bitter to acknowledge it, but it got into my brain anyways.
So here's a bit from the next chapter of that old fic (that I am still editing yes) When the World Fell, starring two idiots that doomed each other to godhood.
Ellana and Solas travelled the streets of Minrathous together the rest of that night.
Hands remained apart, hearts shuttered back to the private spaces, protected from the nighttime miasma of the city that grew more dangerous with each passing day.  Minds in sleep were twisted by the growing public perception of their presence to give even more pressure to force them into their roles.  Again, however, Ellana realized they weren’t evil roles.  Not precisely.
Adversarial, yes, but not evil.
But oh, how thin that thread was separating the two.
Solas became but a shadow, stalking her footsteps.  Occasionally he would emerge as a wolf, brushing against her thigh before returning to the swirling darkness between the magelights.  She did not begrudge him the escape.  It was difficult for her to keep moving, to not hunt after those small sparks of pain and suffering she felt in the air.  How difficult would it be for him to resist, twisted so harsh and cruel by their sleeping thoughts?
The world was full of traps, lures to drag them further into godhood and away from reality.
He had been gone too long.
“Come to me.”
She knew that he heard her.  A spike of annoyance lodged itself inside her mind when he failed to appear immediately.  Frustration made her voice all the sharper.
“Come to me.”
The Lady's steps stalled, pausing at a railing that overlooked a lower, dingier district.  He was there, in the maze hunting something, and she had a feeling if she did not distract him it might not go well.  It had been foolish for both of them to come here, but it was unthinkable for only one of them to be here.  This place was miserable, a pit of opinion and views that twisted them heartlessly into something they did not wish to be.
“Give it to them,” her shadow suggested.
As she glanced back to it, the blue-washed blot of darkness rose from the ground, its vague form gradually gaining sharpness.  The Wolf emerged from that darkness, stepping out of the shadows to join her at the railing.  His temptation was ignored.
His bad behavior was not.
“Return my shadow.”
“If you insist,” the wolf said amiably, a small opalescent orb appearing in his gloved palm with a flick of his fingers. Glints of icy reflection danced across its surface, picking up distant flickers of ruby, green, gold. Opalescent.
Almost too pretty to destroy.
A manipulation.
Irritated with him, she glanced from the sphere to his face, taking it from him in her fingertips.  It felt like glass, but far finer than any glass created by sand and hands.  It reminded her of the windows in Arlathan.  “Why do you do that?”  Frowning, she stared at the orb, turning it over in her fingers.
Her shadow was within, a blot of darkness in the center that shifted as she rotated it.
“I feel a need to wander, and wished to bring you in some fashion or another. You could give it back if you liked.”
“Why do you do it to other people?” she said, ignoring his deflection.
“It is harmless, if unnerving, and I find it satisfies the desire for mischief they seem insistent I should have.”
Well, when phrased in such a fashion, how could she find offense?  Sighing, she offered him the orb back.  “Then you may keep it.  I have little use for my shadow, unlike you, but I think people may find my lack of one unnerving as well.”
“Forgive me saying so, but people already find you quite unnerving.”
“True,” she acknowledged tiredly.
The orb shattered in her fingers, turning from fragments to a scattering shower of glittering dust. Her shadow slithered free of her fingers. It dripped like ink, pooling at her feet and then reforming away from the light.
"I know a better target for your mischief, Fen'harel," she said, turning her attention from the cries of suffering back to the heights, the source of it.
Why not?
They were leaving tomorrow for the Deep Roads.
"Then, my Lady, my I have this dance?"
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wordsandrobots · 6 months
Falling for a Fool: Afterword
A confession: I cannot get through episode 45 of Iron-Blooded Orphans, properly, without coming to the verge of tears. I have discovered that if I turn the sound off, I can make it about as far as the back half of episode 46 without that happening. Which made it a lot easier to take screenshots, but it still got me, in the end.
And that's exactly why I fell in love with this show.
It's trite, but I think everyone should have the chance to be moved by something, whatever it is and wherever it comes from. Stories, all artworks in fact, are there to make us feel something. To convey emotion and meaning, to play on the keyboard of our minds and allow us to hallucinate meaningful things in safety. A couple of years back, the thing that moved me was an anime about child soldiers in space, produced to sell model kits. It worked. I did buy a lot of model kits. I also got to have my emotions twisted to bits by a superbly crafted tragedy.
I can wax lyrical about the technicalities of that process. I can do the writerly bit, as I've said before, of pulling apart the mechanics of how this show works and why it hits me so hard. That doesn't change the fact it *does* hit me, hard, and that's why I've spent my time since first watching it writing so much about it. It was exactly what I needed to see, when I saw it, and the inspiration it has given me has been absolutely wonderful.
I guess the reason I decided to run back through the imagery of the series, and specifically that concerning Yamagi and Shino's relationship, is that I wanted to check my working. I'm nearly at the end of the huge story I developed off the back of my first fanfic for IBO, the culmination of two and a half years of work. When I post it, likely at the start of August 2024, I will have approaching 650,000 words worth of 'here's how I would do a follow-up' on Ao3. That's a lot. For me, it's a hitherto unheard-of amount of consistent work.
Yet it started, very simply, with this: how do you save Shino?
Because the end to his arc in the show is a moment of deliberate pointlessness. It's got to be, for the narrative to work. But I have a soft heart and more than that, I'd fixated on what precedes the failure of Shino's daring gambit. Those scenes between him and Yamagi throughout episode 45 and the fundamental, unintentional cruelty of asking someone who adores you to enable what is, however much it wasn't supposed to be, your suicide run.
There are any number of ways to save Shino, in the sense of imagining he wasn't actually dead when Flauros was blown off into space in the next episode. It's easy! But which option allows one to best drill into what he and Yamagi are to each other, in that moment where he finally demonstrates he isn't the totally oblivious himbo after all? What is the method that allows them to come together again, not as comet and tail, but something more equal? Something that, rather than just clicking one's fingers and declaring, 'all is well', admits to everything dire and disturbing about Tekkadan.
Because those things are the point. And to me, they are vital to my love of the original work.
So. My apologies for a couple of days of scab-picking on main. I needed it, I think, to look back and see that, yes. What I have done follows (in my own mind at least) from what's on-screen. As much as my fic is essentially a work of reconstruction -- of redeeming love from hopelessness -- the heart of it remains full of rust and sharp fragments, of blood and pain, and a bitter understanding that the world does not care about you in the slightest.
And that the point is to care anyway.
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I saw requests are open was wondering if you wouldn't mind doing some NSFW head canon's for a soft dom Solomon x female master with dirty talk and foreplay. Also sorry if this is too many things but can you do NO penetrative sex please?
Hello anon, thanks for the request, that is perfectly okay! Sure, that's okay with me. So that's Solomon foreplay including dirty talk concept. I can do that. I hope you enjoy, and thanks for waiting for so long!! As for the Soft Dom part, that will focus on him giving a lot of praise and care to the master. I should warn you though, this may become full of angst, as well.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW Fanfic tagged as 'lemon fanfic'. Includes a lot of fluff and ANGST, soft dom(?) Solomon, FGO SPOILERS, dirty talk, fem! master character, outercourse and foreplay (no sex).
Solomon x Fem! Master NSFW (Foreplay, Soft Dom, Dirty Talk, A LOT OF ANGST!)
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✰ Facing him at the apex of your journey; standing as two juxtaposing forces at the very precipice of the end, your meeting with Solomon is fraught with anticipation. With such a precious wreath of memories of his time fighting on behalf of the Chaldeas as Romani, to the lacerating pain that engulfed you with his final self-sacrifice.... to see him standing before you, right in the flesh- was like a dream.
✰ "I-is that really you...? Roma- Solomon?!" Rushing haphazardly through a mass of broken fragments floating lifelessly upon a realm that was unknown to either the world of man or gods- it stood an atelier that only you and he alone could access, cut off from the rest of the universe. Whether it was a dream, or possibly even a new reality was anybody's guess.
✰ As you gradually make your way towards him, crystallized tears frozen within the air; the solemn figure standing before you smiles wistfully as he turns to face you- his golden eyes burdened with a sense of suffering so deep and profound; carrying the truths of the world within their glistening depths.
✰ "...You've come a long way, to find me here; meeting me at the end of all realms of existence. If Romani was here, I'm sure he'd be glad." Within an instant, he materializes before you, his sun-kissed bronze hands lightly tracing themselves across your face, his expression taking on an unreadable hue. "Even if it was only for a short period of time, I was able to live as a human by your side. Thank you, Master of Chaldea."
✰ Bursting into tears at his words, you wrap your arms around him as your faces draw but a hair's breadth away from one another, breath misting upon another's faces as he gently wipes away your tears, kneeling down to support your fallen form. Though he reassures you that there's no need to cry, you can't help but wail, inconsolable gasps rippling through your body, as you press your forehead to his, desperate to rekindle any form of connection, to feel any sign of warmth.
✰ Romani, Solomon. You him, Mash and Da Vinci. The benevolent Doctor of Chaldea who had been a loveable goof, a massive Magi Mari simp and an invaluable ally to all... no, he was even more than just that to you. He was the one you held dear to your heart, committing every memory, every moment of his existence to mind. But now for you both to meet like this...it was certain that this was likely to be the last time you'd be able to hold onto him for a while.
✰ It seems as if Solomon is acutely aware of this as well. Despite seeming distant- as if the version of him you grew to love and adore in Chaldea is no more- his grip has yet to be loosened from your figure, his flowing locks of flaxen hair tickling your face. As his fingers absentmindedly rub circles into your cheeks, almost on instinct; his body recalling the movements of a part of him that may now possibly cease to exist.
✰ Taken aback by his familiar touch, and the nostalgia of having your chests pressed against one another; hearts beating in unison, you open your mouth to speak, to beg for him to return in some way, only for him to sadly shake his head.
✰ "My return isn't currently prophecies within the stars as of yet. However," He pauses, as his gleaming, ring-laden hands softly trace themselves over your lips, a tender hue entering his eyes, "If you are to oblige, then let me touch you. Let me feel you one last time, and embrace you like I did as when I was a human. Roman- no, I... I wish to commit how it felt to be with you to my mind, for one last final time." Although his words are resolute, his fingers tremble slightly, as his nonchalant mask finally begins to crumble.
✰ Lips locking in what feels like forever, the kiss is tender yet also bittersweet; the two of you savoring every moment, hungrily gasping for more as your form blossoms beneath him, kisses trailing down your neck, your eyes misting with a sense of longing. Oh how long it had been since the last time you had kissed! How deeply you craved for more!
✰ "You're beautiful. Sprawled before me with such need in your eyes... he surely must've felt blessed to have been by your side." Despite the indomitable nature of his words, his touch becomes even gentler; sinking down to fully embrace you as his robes flutter against the ground, spread out like a canopy of ancient paintings.
✰ Holding onto your waist for dear life, the two of you become entangled within a passionate cuddle; your limbs entwined between one another's as he begins to grind against you. As you whimper with bliss at how delectable it feels- and at how unfair it was to be delighting in a warmth that would soon be ripped from you, eventually to become naught but a fleeting memory; tears prickle at your eyes as you pull him back in to a passionate smooch, breaths quickening from the action.
✰ Mewling his name repeatedly- like a solemn prayer to the heavens- your body completely yields to his addictive touch, that tickles and rubs against your most vulnerable zones. You cared for him, yearned for him- so, so much. Desperately avoiding even spending a fraction of a second apart, your entire body clings onto his form as you warble words that bleed with love.
✰ "That's right. Hold on even tighter, so tightly that it becomes impossible to let go. Let me feel you in your entirety." He's also been entirely consumed by the moment, losing beneath tidal waves of passion, as well as ones of heart-wrenching melancholy.
✰ Continuing to rub his body against yours in a soothing circular motion, Solomon parts from by sucking onto your bottom lips as his gaze locks into yours- it's so deep and profound that it leaves you trapped, unable to look away.
✰ By this time, you're a sweaty mess- Chaldea uniform all crumpled, as your body fills with electrical tremors of desire, tingling with pleasure. To Solomon, such a sight is alluring- though a twinge of something so forlorn (that even he can't quite grasp it) lacerates his heart at seeing you so laid so emotionally bare before him.
✰ "...Despite overcoming numerous hurdles, you are still so precious, so fragile a human. Romani- I- no, I'm sorry that I was unable to see things through with you until the very end. I... I love... you." Sealing his hesitant vow with lips that softly regaled your forehead, your eyelids; every facet of your face, loose tears make their way down his face, his once steely golden eyes now a pool of melting amber.
What a sorrowful finale this was turning out to be.
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chewbokachoi · 8 months
For both Cassan and Ryu!!
8. What are some internal obstacles that your character has to overcome?
18. Who/what comforts your character?
36. What are the things that make your character enter a full rage/cold mode? (Depends on their character.)
8. What are some internal obstacles that your character has to overcome?
Ohohoho--so many.
Her "thing" is quantum immortality gone awry. Rather than "waking up" in the 'what if you narrowly avoided getting hit by the bus' universe after getting hit by a bus, she'll wake up with a version of her that led a totally different life. She doesn't know why, but sometimes when a version of her in another world dies, it wakes up in her. Hence her awareness of the multiverse as well as her fear of it--she's terrified of what she could wake up with next. It's totally random--she can go for months without a 'fragment' (as she calls them) showing up. Other times weeks--but never a full year.
She's terrified of what she could become given what she's woken up with at times, and she always absorbs something from a fragment. Which she also can't choose or predict. This has resulted in her developing mod-severe OCD where she "has" to do a number of things to keep herself in check.
18. Who/what comforts your character?
Who: Avery, Max, and Ryu are the most reliable people for her. Avery's the one she goes to for a hug--he's huge and can pick her up like she's nothing. She goes to both Avery and Max when she wants to fangirl about something (or bitch about something). Ryu is her adopted father, so he's the one she goes to when scared about her fragments.
What: Reading or jigsaw puzzles with something on. She loves movies. And fanfiction. So much fanfic.
36. What are the things that make your character enter a full rage/cold mode? (Depends on their character)
Oh boy. When she was much younger and not good at understanding her mind reading, she had a tendency to bide her time and go after those who hurt the people she cared about. But that made her "the weird" kid and so very few friends stuck around. But ultimately, threatening her found family is a good way to think you have spiders crawling on your face for the rest of your life.
8. What are some internal obstacles that your character has to overcome?
Did he end up creating a new family on accident via taking in a bunch of wayward misfits and addicts trying to recover and did he really make their lives better? OR did he take advantage of equally broken and devastated people and is using them to avoid the pain of losing his own family?
The world will never know!
Hint: it's the former, Ryu.
18. Who/what comforts your character?
Who: Those who he has deemed to be part of his new family. Avery and Cassan are more or less his kids (there's a couple others, I think). So, they make him feel better by just being around and not dead--bonus points if they're having a light saber fight in the staff room with taped-together paper towel tubes. Max is like an obnoxious younger sister that keeps him on his toes. Marle, as Ryu describes their dynamic: "One of us is the left arm and the other's the right arm." To what, Ryu won't say.
What: Drinking barley tea at the base of his eldritch tree. Or sitting in the sun and photosynthesizing. It's unknown if he's serious or not when he says he goes outside to photosynthesize.
36. What are the things that make your character enter a full rage/cold mode? (Depends on their character)
A shocking amount of things. Ryu may or may not be living off of spite, love/hate, and barley tea. The top No-No list
-Threatening his new family, those in his community, his bookstore... -Telling him to forgive Liu Kang -Standing by and insisting nothing's your fault
Doing any of the threatening things (and we're talking actual threat--like Frost walking in and deciding she owns the place, not some idiot blowing hot air) and he won't regret taking a life in the slightest. Telling him to forgive Liu Kang will result in him kindly asking you to leave. If you don't, then he kicks you out--literally. Standing by and insisting there was nothing wrong with that results in him deciding that person is worthless of his time--and that's a big deal. Ryu thinks everyone should be forgiven.
Except Liu Kang, apparently.
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ferusaurelius · 11 months
Get to know your fanfic writer!
I was tagged by @callista-curations and actually got to the end of the week with a bit of energy for once, so... here we go. ;)
When did you post your first ever fanfic?
The first EVER was on ff.net probably around 2000-2004? For a friend, for an obscure show nobody's heard of. My first fic I posted for myself was 2020.
First Character(s) you wrote?
I actually wrote original characters in the Mass Effect fandom. My short thought experiment on machine translation.
Main Character(s) you’re currently writing?
Nihlus Kryik, David Anderson, Commander Rentola
Character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan to write about soon?
Nyreen Kandros, Ashley Williams. Though they might take a bit since I'm still kinda marinating on what I want to do there.
Fandom(s) you’re currently writing?
Mass Effect! Hyperfixation fandom, go! (I write meta posts for Our Flag Means Death, but do not intend to write fic.)
Platonic pairing(s) you’re currently writing?
Commander Rentola and Ashley Williams
Romantic pairing(s) you’re currently writing?
Nihlus Kryik/Saren Arterius, David Anderson/Saren Arterius (yep!).
Your top AO3 tags?
Romantic Comedy (LOL). Good job, barfics!
Current platform you use for posting?
AO3. I've read a bunch of fic for different fandoms over the years and I'm pleased to be able to contribute when I have the energy.
Snippet of the WIP you are currently working on?
So bar!fics are going to have a long!fic sequel. Keep in mind I AM A SLOW WRITER with multiple wips, to the point where the 'easy' one-shots get published first.
I'm not sure about POV or pacing, but it'll be in a different voice and tone than the originals and have actual mission-oriented plot and some developing relationship stuff.
If you don't want spoilers, I've put it below the cut. ;)
This is a Very Rough high-level outline of a fragment of the entire plot, because my 'other' current WIP is maybe gonna be a nano project. I have various wip possibilities dueling it out for my attention and will see you in December. xD
Normally I would tag a few people to play (and if you feel like playing and you are reading this, IT IS YOU WHO IS TAGGED xD), but specifics are beyond my brain tonight.
Outline time~
Saren entertains Nihlus with his own history and experience of the Skyllian Verge, as well as being a sort of guide to the full intelligence picture, as he understands it.
Nihlus (with a snap of intuition) puts together that something bigger and more urgent than Saren thinks is happening or likely to happen, and it makes him restless and want to investigate immediately, because what if his intuition is right?
Saren insists that Nihlus should go as soon as his ankle’s recovered. He has his own authority.
Nihlus declines to ‘rush’ into something and presents an alternative of walking Saren through his process and treats this as a getting-to-know you thought exercise to keep Saren distracted from how fucking miserable the detox process is.
Saren and Nihlus together, working the problem over food and no access to other sources of information beyond what they can recall, come up with a terrible plan.
Nihlus can infiltrate the merc group by having a public falling-out with Saren.
Saren can get sent to hunt down “Rogue Spectre” Nihlus in the Verge.
Nihlus treats this seriously and starts workshopping different options while Saren is getting increasingly agitated about the whole concept of the frame-up.
Saren: I can’t ask you to do this.
Nihlus: Fine, you’re not asking. I’m volunteering.
Saren: I don’t know if I can let you do this.
Nihlus: It’s my decision.
Saren: -can’t dispute this, even if he doesn’t like it-
Saren: -eventually agrees, though he doesn’t like it-
Saren: Alternatives.
They come up with others that have less advantage in discretion, timing, or access.
Saren is forced to admit that Nihlus’s idea about infiltrating a group directly is the best one, since it allows them the most flexibility in cover story and depth of access. Plus, Nihlus is marked.
Saren: I’ve never asked.
Nihlus: -tells him-
Nihlus: What are you going to need for your part to work?
Saren: You, eyes open, and no hesitation. Trust me to manage my end no matter what you hear or what happens.
Nihlus: -kinda loves this about Saren- With my life.
Saren: It may come to that.
Nihlus: We’ll worry about that when it happens.
It will happen.
Saren: A better medical regimen.
Nihlus: I’ve never asked.
Saren: -tells him-
... and that's all you get to see for now. xD Be intrigued! Be very intrigued. If you can guess what canon event this is gonna be AU for, you get bonus points. ;)
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The Snake Who Lived: What if Harry made Slytherin? (Year 1)
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(What started as a simple ask from one of my anons prior to the #InboxPurgeOf23, has now evolved into a full, multi-post AU. Proceed at your own risk.)
So the first question we need to ask ourselves is how this happens?
The "Out of Sorts" TLSQ in Hogwarts Mystery seems to confirm what fans have speculated for years: That Harry's canon Sorting wasn't a rarity or a fluke. The Hat sorts students based on what they want. Perhaps not always on what they directly ask for, as Neville begged for Hufflepuff - but I suspect he dreamed of being a daring Gryffindor hero, (especially if his parents went there) but felt as though he was unworthy and would never be brave enough. That he would never rise to the occasion. But the Hat could see into the deepest corners of his mind, and knew what he truly wanted - even if Neville himself wasn't conscious of it entirely. The Hat did the same thing when it came to the Sorting of Tulip Karasu.
Harry didn't particularly want to be a Gryffindor. All he asked of The Sorting Hat was not to place him in Slytherin. The Hat was on the fence about these two Houses, and it chose to respect a genuine wish on Harry’s part, especially since he was offered the chance at obtaining great power - which he immediately rejected. That, itself, is pretty non-Slytherin in the first place. But what led to this point of view? What caused Harry to feel this way? Mostly a combination of Draco being Sorted there, Hagrid and Ron warning him against them, and probably his finding out that Voldemort was a Slytherin as well. I'm not seeing how Harry could shake that instinct unless we just flat-out erase these events from the story, but that feels a bit cheap. So long as we're doing that, we could just as easily have Harry run into Lucius at King's Cross instead of Molly, y'know? (I’ve read the fanfics. I know how these things go.) 
Something we cannot forget is that Harry has two souls. I feel like that changes way more than we realize, but the bottom line is that there's no reason The Sorting Hat couldn't pick up on that second presence. "It's all here, in your head." We all know what Voldemort's Soul Fragment would have wished for if it was given a say, and why couldn’t it be?. If The Hat were to be thrown off, confused by the warring opinions that Harry himself isn’t even aware of...it could have come to another decision. So in our AU, that's exactly what happens. The Hat seemingly ignores Harry's pleading and Sorts him into Slytherin House.
So what happens next? Let’s take this book by book. 
Once they’re in the Dormitories, Draco reaches out to Harry once more, gloating that he was right, and he "knew" Harry was no blood traitor. He asks if Harry now intends to play nice. Harry, reminded of Dudley and still loyal to Ron, rebuffs him again. At which point, Harry likely begins sleeping in the Common Room, either by his own decision or because he's forced out by Draco’s gang. Or maybe it’s more ambiguous. 
Snape has no idea what to make of Harry. James Potter's son, his worst enemy’s doppelganger...but he has Lily's eyes, and he made Slytherin. So I think Snape reserves judgment until he has the chance to observe Harry. From Harry's perspective, even the Head of Slytherin is strangely distant and he doesn’t know why, but he definitely does not appreciate it.
Though he and Ron were friends prior to the Sorting, Ron is young and immature with an Anti-Slytherin bias. His opinion of Harry would change after this, even if he’d still see Harry as redeemable. The fact is, if he were to treat Harry any lesser for his Sorting, (and he would. I love Ron but he would.) I don’t think Harry would take it well. He wouldn’t be the bigger person. We know this because of how the two of them handle their fights in the canon ‘verse. Harry would try to reach out to Ron but at this point, I don't see it turning out well for either of them. Ron would make some kind of comment that Harry would snap back against, and they’d fight. They'd have a falling out.
I am pleased to say that Hagrid would likely not think any less of Harry, certainly not after a single conversation with him. He'd see how miserable Harry was, and offer up tea and rock cakes. He'd still refuse to reveal anything about Snape or the Gringott's break-in, but he's Hagrid, so Harry still gets the scent. Not that matters, as you’ll see, since Harry doesn’t wind up learning a lot of things in this book that he otherwise would have. 
The Midnight Duel doesn't happen the same way, if at all. Draco and Harry live together so he wouldn't be able to lure him out of bounds after dark. Meaning Harry never discovers Fluffy. Harry would still stand up to Draco in the first Flying lesson, and Ron would take notice of this. But I don't see Harry making the Quidditch team, at least not this year. McGonagall isn't really in a position to appoint him Slytherin Seeker, and why would she do that in the first place? Nonetheless, Harry's reputation in Slytherin plummets. But his reputation with the other Houses slowly improves.
Halloween on the other hand, that changes quite a lot. Ron never complains about Hermione to Harry, as they're not speaking right now. He probably complained about her to Seamus or Dean, but either way, it wasHarry in the original timeline, who spearheaded this adventure. He was the one to suggest they search for Hermione, and in this timeline, he doesn't even know she's missing. He barely knows she exists. So does Hermione just...die? The teachers could save her, but they don't know she's missing either. Harry and Ron got to her a lot sooner, and Hermione directly states that if they hadn’t..oh. Actually, yes. As horrible as it is to say, the troll kills Hermione. Well holy hopscotch Batman, we’re in real AU territory now. 
The school now collectively mourns the poor, brilliant first year, and Harry is appalled to see Draco and his cronies celebrating her death. (Sorry Draco fans, but we all know he would.) Meanwhile, Ron, of course, blames himself and sinks into a depression. The attempt on Harry's life during the Quidditch match doesn't happen, since he's not Seeker. Still, Quirrell would find some other way to try and kill him, whatever that might be. But the school is on high alert after Hermione's death and Snape has been watching Harry like a hawk. He stops the attempt, but Harry likely misunderstands and assumes Snape is trying to kill Quirrell. His scar also sears with pain for a second time when this happens, and he notices the correlation to Snape.
Harry now begins to suspect Snape of letting the Troll in, though Hagrid shoots this idea down. Meanwhile, Harry hasn't had nearly as much opportunity to be caught breaking the rules, so Snape has less excuse to proclaim him as Mini James. In fact, Harry sticking up for Neville against Draco would stand out. As a Slytherin who once failed to stand with his Gryffindor, Muggleborn friend...I think Snape would see in Harry what he should have been. Granted, it's Snape, so he still hates Harry for this, but it's a different kind of hatred. It’s complicated and confusing for him, but it’s also a strange kind of respect. And also envy. 
Harry never finds The Mirror because he never goes into the Restriction Section. Keep in mind, he only learned about Nicholas Flamel from Hagrid, and that only happened because he already knew about Fluffy. Which at this point, he doesn’t. Perhaps Quirrell might have tried to lure Harry to Fluffy in an attempt to kill him, but that’s veering into speculation. So I’m gonna say Harry doesn't know about The Mirror or Flamel.
Nonetheless, Dumbledore would summon Harry to his office at this point to check in on him. Harry, friend-starved as he is, vastly appreciates this. He likely admits how miserable he is in Slytherin, and perhaps even asks to try The Hat on again. Whether or not Dumbledore consents doesn't change anything because both he and The Hat would give Harry the same advice: That he belongs in The House he was placed in, but this will not stop him from making his own choices. Dumbledore gives cryptic advice about Harry needing to make his own decisions and figure out what he "truly desires." It's also at this point that Harry begins to sleep in the dormitory again, after Dumbledore promises to have a "talk" with his roommates.
Inspired by Dumbledore's life advice, Harry once more reaches out to Ron. While it's possible that Hermione's death would affect the Weasley's decision to visit Charlie, this is also his first year away from home, so let's say it still happens. After all, Arthur and Molly wouldn’t know about Ron’s “role” in her death unless he told them, which I doubt he did. Harry attempts to bond with Ron, to rekindle their friendship. Ron initially lashes out before breaking down and finally confessing to his indirect role in Hermione's death. Harry urges him not to blame himself. Ron now echoes Harry, having a death that traumatized him on Halloween, and Ron can point this out. For his part, Harry wouldn't have known until now that his parents died on Halloween. This may come up later. 
Next term sees Harry and Ron back to being tentative friends, but it's still not the same as the bond they had prior to the Sorting. Time heals all wounds, we’ll just have to see. Meanwhile, it's quite shocking to me how much doesn't happen, how little Harry knows compared to the Gryffindor timeline. But I think he would still learn about Norbert(a) since he could easily be visiting Hagrid without a plot related reason. This plotline would go largely the same way - Harry has bonded with Ron and now knows about Charlie, so that's still the answer. Ron still gets bitten, Draco still interferes and gets caught, though this time I assume it's Snape who catches him as he's been Harry's unseen bodyguard and Harry still gets detention.
Neville isn't there since he and Harry don't share a House, it's just Harry and Draco this time. Snape still punishes them harshly, or at least he does for Harry. This is the first time that, in his mind, Harry has shown James-like qualities, and in Snape's twisted psyche, that's as much a betrayal as it is anything else. He'd believed in the boy. He'd dared to open his mind, to consider the idea that the boy was more Lily than James… but as it turns out, Potter is just another arrogant rule-breaker like his father.
I don't see him taking House points from Slytherin, his favoritism is still too blatant. But the Forbidden Forest detention would still happen. Draco and Harry both go, as does Hagrid and - here's a surprise - Snape himself. I suppose Draco doesn’t have to go - as it’s Snape, he could probably talk his way out of this, but honestly it doesn’t much matter. Either way, Snape sneaks in after them. Suspecting Quirrell/Voldemort of being behind the Unicorn murders, and knowing that Harry is bound to lure him out. I honestly think this was Dumbledore's plan all along, and the reason Harry was sent into The Forest for his detention, even in the OG books. Whether or not Snape approved, he would continue to guard Harry from the shadows.
Which means that it's not Firenze who saves Harry, at least, not alone. Snape attacks Quirrell as well, and since he's carrying a wand, he has the means to subdue everyone's favorite stammering Death Eater. In other words, Quirrel is captured. Snape escorts Harry and Draco up to the school while Harry asks for answers. Why would Quirrell kill a Unicorn? How did Snape know it was him? Does this have something to do with Snape trying to kill Quirrell before? Snape refuses to comment, but returns the boys to the Slytherin Dungeons and warns them to say nothing. With no one else to talk to, Harry asks Draco for input, but having been in genuine danger, Draco is pale faced and quiet.
The next day at breakfast it is announced that Professor Quirrell has sadly passed away of some cause or other. Harry nearly swallows his fork - not daring to believe that Snape actually killed him. He wants to go see Dumbledore straight away, but Dumbledore already wanted to see him, and Draco, to set the record straight and make sure they're alright. He explains that Quirrell was possessed by Voldemort, who left his body after he was captured and that Quirrell subsequently died because of the possession. He sends Draco, who looks far too excited at the idea, to his classes. Dumbledore communicates further with Harry and reveals Snape's history with James - further revealing that James was a Gryffindor. Now Harry doesn't know what to think. He feels like a failure, as though he's let his father down. Here is also the first moment that he truly begins to dislike Snape, though we'll see if that sticks.
From here, things are quiet until the end of the school year. Harry doesn't know about Fluffy, the Trapdoor, The Mirror, or the Stone. He has no reason to go poking around the Corridor. What's more, Voldemort has left Quirrell's body. His disembodied spirit is now in the Forbidden Forest, which may be a game changer for later. On the other hand, he might simply go back to Albania, though I don't know why he would. He’d likely just possess various creatures in the forest, still sniffing about for information. Slytherin wins the House Cup. Apart from Hermione's death, not a lot changes. Except the Stone is never discovered and therefore it probably isn't destroyed.
So there we have it. The first year of Harry as a Slytherin. Future years coming soon!
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Hired you get started with fanfic? And tips for aspiring writers?
What a fun ask!😍
I apologize in advance as this will probably be more than you wanted to know; I will add a cut. I love talking about writing and helping fellow authors if I can.
The first tip, and in my opinion the most important, is to just write. I have notebooks and pens everywhere. I have fragments of ideas in the Notes app on my phone and tablet. I have dozens of google docs with snippets of dialogue or scenes. I have random sticky notes and pieces of scrap paper full of scribbled words. Inspiration comes at the weirdest times, so be ready for it.😏🤣
Aqua notes are a great way to preserve those shower ideas.
My second tip is to write for you, write what you enjoy. I don't care if it sounds cliche or cheesy. If you are not writing about something you enjoy, then how do you expect others to like it? A lack of delight in what you are writing will definitely show in the finished product.
Read. When you find stories that you love to read, try to pinpoint what you like most about them. Chances are the things you like to read will be part of your writing style.
Your writing will evolve over time. Everyone has their own style and skill level. Don't be too hard on yourself. I cringe a little reading my first fics. However, I still love those stories.
On the technical side, follow proper grammar rules, but don't get hung up on them. A couple of typos are not going to ruin your story. A lot of typos, though, will make it difficult for others to read.
If you are not confident in your grammar skills, find a good beta and/or alpha reader. Someone who understands your style of writing and communicates well. It may take a couple of attempts to find that person. Don't be afraid to not agree with your beta reader.
I can't underscore this enough, it's about communication—from both parties. They should not be forcing their suggestions on you and you should not be rude when disagreeing with them.
Try not to self-edit and proofread while you are writing. Get those ideas on paper or in a doc first. It's a draft—there will be mistakes, and changes will be made. Edit, then proofread. Or have someone else proofread for you. That should be the last step before posting or publishing.
I have a few more tips/thoughts on writing, but I feel like the ones above are generally a good foundation. You are welcome to contact me through my DM if you want to chat.☺️
As far as my personal journey into fanfic ...
I've always been a creator. When I was younger I wrote poems and short stories. Even won a couple of awards in high school. Papercrafts, knitting, and crocheting are on-again off-again hobbies. I had my own business for a while-mixed media art and home decor.
About six years ago it cycled back around to writing. I knew about tumblr through my kiddo.
Yes, I have a kid old enough to be on this site. Yes, they know what I write. No, they don't read it. It's not their genre/fandom of interest. We don't interact on here.
After falling in love with SPN and more specifically Dean, I joined the site to find like-minded individuals. I had already started writing a very self-indulgent fic which I will probably never post. Some things you just have to keep for yourself.😁
After lurking for a few months and connecting with a couple of people, I decided to join a challenge and posted a fic.
It spiraled from there. 🤣🤣🤣
Once again, I apologize for the length of this response. If you read any of my fics, though, you should know how wordy I can be.
Thanks again for this ask. I hope you have a wonderful day!🤗💜🤗
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e17omm · 2 years
what IS your favorite fic? or maybe a rec list?
Undoubtedly the one fic I enjoy the most and will recommend to anyone that knows of the Fate series is: "Fragments of Chaldea" (just search it on AO3, should be the top result)
You want 100+ different Servants developing realistically over 120 chapters?
In total, the Fragments of Chaldea series (The main Fragments Series, the Lost Shards (concept chapters that arent finished) and supplemantary fics that are too big to be their own Fragments) has a total of 2,049,162 words.
That is more than Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings COMBINED. And FoC's quality never really drops. It just keeps getting better the further you read.
I know that 2 million words is just, a lot, but ALL of it is great character development for so many different characters that never feels like "that character would NEVER do that" no. It all feels real. It all feels like if these Servants lived at Chalea that this is how they would develop. GhostXavier nails down so many different personalities and makes it feel real.
My Snippets of Sirin Schariac's life is loosely inspired by Fragments. Maybe more in hindsight. Fragments are connected oneshots as all Fragments progress the story, but each chapter is like a oneshot focusing on one, sometimes more, Servant(s) at a time. One chapter we follow Jeanne d'arc, another we follow Artoria Pendragon, another Kiyohime, another Mashu, another Hyde and Jeckyl, another Scathach, another Mozart, and so on. But they all move the story forward.
Now, Fragments is more straight than my Snippets, it barely jumps back and forth in time, so it is (admittedly) far easier to follow than my Snippets. Basically just connected oneshots is the most borrowed idea from Fragments.
Now, given that, the tag list and character list for Fragments is HUGE, too much to list here. And it is a heavy AU setting - the surviving Chaldea staff is over 100 rather than the measly 20 in canon, plus theres a robotic staff. As they explain in the notes of chapter 1: "A humanity saving organization on such a tiny staff count is beyond absurd."
So, a basic understanding of Fate lore is needed to be able to comprehend Fragments of Chaldea, but if you want to REALLY enjoy it, you kind of need to play Fate/Grand Order and clear the first 7 Singularities, the 4 Epic of Remnant Singularities, and have started the Lostbelts. That's kinda far. But that is just for full enjoyment and attention to the changes. But if you know what Fate is, you can watch a summary explaination of FGO and enjoy Fragments plenty.
Sadly, due to burnout, Fragments technically ends at chapter 116. The last 4 chapters are overviews of the planned storyline that GhostXavier had for the future and Lostbelts.
But there is still enough for days of enjoment from Fragments of Chaldea
Now, I have some other fics that I really like, but I wont go into as much detail about them here because this post is already long enough.
There is Matters of the Heart by Vengfulfate, it's a RWBY fanfic where Ruby gets a heart injury and her father becomes overprotective, which results in her running away while still young, and she ends up growing up to be far more serious than she is in canon. It also gets rid of the worst parts of RWBY, being Cinder and Salem, writing them completely out of the story to focus on Ruby and her family drama.
There is also There Are No Thought Crimes (HI3 fanfic), which is a horny FuKiMei story with vampires. Its a fun and spicy read. Instead of Honkai there is vampires and a lot of horny vampire biting.
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edennill · 3 months
Perhaps predictably, I want to hear about the Celebrimbor Fanfic. Also Aftermath of Partings and Decapitations is intriguing 👀
Thanks for the ask! ❤️
The Celebrimbor WIP is to be a longish fanfic (though keep in mind that my average word count would be at only several hundred words so my baseline for 'long' is probably skewed) following his life from his early days to -- here's the problem: I don't know. Logically it should be till his death but there's no chance of me finishing it that way; I write in fits and starts when I have the inspiration and if I don't finish a fic while I have it, I don't return to it until it comes again.
Boring answer, I know, so I'm attaching a fragment I already have to remediate:
Despite everything, Celebrimbor remembered well the golden-silver days before the Dark, his mother's soft voice; the puzzling, laughing speech of his father and uncles; the way he felt when his grandfather held him, as if he were suspended above a raging fire, exhilarated and terrified as if his grandfather might drop him in if he weren't careful, but he wouldn't, because Clebrimbor could trust them all back then. Back then, he was only supposed to be the first of many grandsons. There would be seven times seven, Fëanor joked, and people shook their heads and said that Valinor would implode if it had to deal with fourty-nine Fëanorions. And in the end, seven were enough. His father and grandfather argued good-naturedly over who was to teach him. They started him early - and even earlier than that, he already knew their workrooms and forges better than his own nursery, when one would hold him and explain and the other make. He could never remember a time before he could understand the workings of jewel and metal, of fire and song. His mother worried he was too young sometimes, but she also took part in it, she too taught him the names of her tools before he could speak full sentences. At four he presented her with his forst brooch, cold work, copper-gold wire and sapphire bead, imperfectly done, but she wore it regularly till the day they parted.
Aftermath of Partings... is about a Noldorin exile finding his one-time Telerin fiancée in the Halls of Mandos, cue: horror setting in etc. (The Noldo is Gelmir, brother of Gwindor fame, but that's more because I didn't feel like inventing an OC -- still, it fits with my headcanon that Gelmir was significantly older and born in Valinor, while Gwindor was not, and provides additional context that I like.)
It's not really progressing rn, I'm afraid -- I can't get the girl's characterisation right, and at the same time I don't think she's very original, being strongly inspired by a different character.
But, in a semi-morbid way, I'm very proud of the title.
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cherylplus · 1 year
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TW: discussions of death and mortality, sex, and mental health.
The one thing that people need to know about me is that I’m always writing. 
I scribble in notebooks. I paraphrase streams of consciousness in journals. I process the world in mini case notes, like a good psychologist. I jot down fragments of ideas on sticky notes -- one per sticky, like a good UXer. At 8, I became enamored with the smell of toner and the sound of my mom’s typewriter whirring at the same speed as the stories forming in my mind. At 35, my dip powdered nails clickety-clack against my laptop keys to Morse-code-transmit those same stories into the ether. Even when I’m not physically writing, I’m writing in my brain, the ultimate cloud. 
So it scares me a little to admit that I haven’t scribbled, journaled, noted, or typed anything new in nearly a year. 
At first, I thought there was something wrong with me. I was stuck with this image of my brain like a dried up well, roaches and rats skittering through the cracks in shit-caked brick. After nearly 2 years of prolific creation, I found myself uncomfortably still. And it has taken this past year to begin to understand some of the factors that led to this stillness.
My grandma slowly dying. Watching my dad processing her death. Aching as he now grapples with the idea of his own. Feeling chills when, during my grandma’s funeral, my younger brother turned to me and asked, “Do you ever think about who will show up at your funeral?”
A job promotion. The unsteady undertaking of a new role. The mourning of my old identity. Needing to take time to figure out how not to equate usefulness with worth.
Juggling relationships. Shifts in paradigms. Redirection of energy.
Pushing myself to stop using the pandemic as an excuse to hide.
Actually re-entering the world.
And figuring out how to make space for More.
New, profound, and beautiful.
I’ve always wanted More. The people I keep close, even people who are relatively new to me, have very quickly assessed that I am insatiable. My dad loves to tell this story about me as a baby. When he and my mom were starting to wean me off the bottle and feed me solid baby food, I would cry at the sound of the spoon hitting the bottom of the glass jar, a Pavlovian response quickly and hilariously connected.
So it isn’t surprising that I started craving More than my dusty old notes.
I realized that I had spent 2 years writing stories that had been pent up in me for 10 years, and now that they were all out, I needed to quiet my clickety-clacks and do some reflection. I needed to go back into research mode.
I crave More experiences. In the wake of death, I need to live more of my life.
I had written so many stories about representation and connection. I wanted to be out in the world actually representing myself. I wanted to connect past my keyboard.
I wanted to deepen amazing friendships that I had made online through my fanfic writing during the pandemic. I wanted to meet new people. I wanted to date. I wanted to fuck. And if I found someone who also wanted More of me, I wanted to test the waters of romantic relationship, something that I had not truly been open to until this time. 
Most of all, I wanted to make room for the full spectrum of experiences that I knew I had been pushing away. Being vulnerable. Being joyful. Being present.
To do that, I needed to stop writing. 
Now, I’m getting the itch to write again.
I think I’ve hit a point where I want to document what I’m feeling and thinking. Maybe to help with processing. Maybe just to make room for more new experiences. To help me stay present when I’m having those experiences.
So I think that’s what this blog will be. 
It’s not really well-defined. As an evolution from my fanfic blog (which is, if you’re curious, a BTS blog @bonvoyagenoona​), I am not writing fiction as metaphor for or commentary on the experiences I have had. I am processing somewhat in real-time the everyday experiences that I am opening myself up to.
It’s an experiment.
Feel free to join me if you’re interested in exploration. In discovery. In the tender interplay between loss, gain, and redefinition. Share your own experiences with me, whether you relate or not. Experiment with me. Design your life with me. Teach me. Learn with me. 
Cheryl Plus is open to it all.
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The Queens Gambit: Snippet Collection
Hi and welcome to my little collection for my FanFic The Queens Gambit. Since I don’t know how to duel for my life, right now I can’t make the Fanfiction I want, so I decide to upload snippets of the story which don’t need a Duel and are in not chronological order. I will write when I have inspiration for a scene, but you don’t have to worry I will always put time and place at the start so you know when in the timeline these things happen.
With nothing more to say, enjoy the first snippet.
Also in my DeviantArt Gallery you will find the base which inspired this little snippet, go and take a look!
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Snippet 1: Ancient Egypt
This takes place in Atem and my OCs Afya, his future wife and queen, childhood. Atem is 8 and the OC 10. You will now finally know her real name.
Yanara know that she had messed up.
Just…Atem made her sometimes so angry!
Younger than her, but taller and being the future pharaoh of their beloved home, made him act arrogant at times.
It was not her fault that she wasn’t that good at summoning her Ka she still was only 10, not anybody could be a genius like him!
Why does he always has the need to rub it under her nose when he was better at something then her?
She was his older cousin, she deserved some respect from him!
Being the crown prince should give him a free pass at acting like a brat!
“Ah, I had a feeling, I would find you here.”, she heard the lovely voice of her mother.
The little girl stopped leaning on the balustrade of her favorite balcony and turned to her mother.
The full moon shine down on them and the stars were twinkling. It would be a great time to stargaze, something Yanara loved, but Princess Renenet saw the sorrow and anger in the orange eyes of her beloved daughter.
Her dear nephew must have acted out really bad today with her.
“Mother, do you need me for something?”, asked Yanara.
Renenet moved so she could face her daughter and clasped her hands together.
“I heard from Mahad how you and Atem got into an argument again.”
Her daughter sighed.
“Of course.”
“He is only worried, you know?”
“Yes, for Atem.”
“For you too.”
Yanara just turned to her mother and shook her head.
“You know, my heart, I think Atem is just testing your border.”, she started to explain to her daughter her own theory. “You are his elder, yet you don’t demand from him the respect you earn. You will be queen one day. I think Atem wants to know if you can be a strong queen.”
“I still don’t won’t marry him, he is always so mean to me.”, whined her child.
As a mother, her heart bleeds, but as a princess of Egypt, Renenet knows of the role she had to fulfill.
“Princess Yanara, this is the duty that was bestowed on you. You can’t run away from it. Didn’t you tell me you wanted to help turn our home into a better place? As a queen you will have the power.”, she lectured her.
“But Atem is going to make the decisions as pharaoh, what do I have to say?”
“I will tell you a little secret.”, whisper Renenet playful and waved her daughter over to her.
Curious her child came and wanted that she kneeled before her so she could whisper in her ear.
“Your aunty actually helps your uncle a lot in his decisions. The Millennium Puzzle and Fragment are connected mentally to each other. So if your uncle needs your aunty advice he will ask her in their minds and no one is wiser. Also if he is about to mess up, she will warn him.”
Wow, Yanara didn’t know that.
That was cool!
“Really, Mama?”
“Really, my heart.”
Yanara frowned and touched her mother cheek.
“So…Atem is just being a brat to me to see if I can talk back to him?”
“Pretty much.”
Renenet smiled and kissed the still chubby cheeks of her little girl. Yanara still had a lot to learn, but she was sure her daughter would be one day a fine queen.
Yanara means Light if anyone would like to know. ;)
Hope you enjoyed this!
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pleasantanathema · 4 years
Pleasant’s Writer Recs!
I’ve gotten a few asks in my inbox over the past few weeks asking me for writer recs, so I thought the best way to do this was to compile a list of my fav authors on tumblr and rec my favorite fic of theirs! A lot of these amazing authors are moots—I’m very lucky to call many of them close friends. This list could be much longer, and I could go on for days about every single author, but I’ll try to keep it brief. Most all of these authors, like myself, write 18+ only content. Hopefully this can be a useful tool for authors and readers alike looking for amazing fanfic 💕
@bakatenshii | Angel is so phenomenal with her writing that I almost can’t put her style and amazing ability into words (but I’ll try). Angel’s work is beautiful, masterful, full of poetry, elegance, and smut that will all leave you gasping. Fav Fic: Blitz [Ushijima x Reader]
@blahkugo | Sunnt, Thunnth, Sunny, whatever you call her, she is brilliant. No one writes Tsukishima quite like she does. She is beyond creative and her writing style flows like the sexiest water, it’ll make you thirsty and quench your aches. Fav Fic: Tower [Tsukishima x Reader]
@deathcab4daddy | Tay is all about details, details, details. She fills in every gap and paints gorgeous, sexy pictures and situations for the reader to feel immersed in. Fav Fic: Cerulean Blue [Akaashi x Reader]
@dymphnasprose | Dymphna is all about fun, sex, and slowly filling out her holy bible of smut. She’s amazing at creating realistic sub/dom relationships and her smut almost always comes with a healthy dose of build-up. Fav Fic: Green Scrunchies [Ukai x Reader]
@enjifuckersupreme | Ketsl reigns supreme over pure, unadulterated porn. They are phenomenal at making me the reader wet, and every fic is crafted with so much care. Enji fuckers should bow down at their feet, no one loves and writes Enji like Ketsl. Fav Fic: Attitude Adjustment [Enji x Reader]
@hisoknen | Raph is one of the first dark blogs I ever started reading, and she never, ever disappoints. She writes pieces that chill you to the bone, but warms your sex- her writing is casual, smooth, and realistic, always giving you everything you need, but leaving you wanting a little more. Fav Fic: Sleeping Beauty [Dabi x Reader]
@hoe-doroki | Ana is one of the sweetest writers I know. Every time I talk to her, she’s working on comfort requests or beta-reading for other people. Her writing is such a pleasure to read, as you can tell she pours love and consideration into every fic for her readers. Fav Fic: Can’t Find My Breath [Bakugou x Reader]
@joyousandverywarlike | Zo...holy fucking shit. Zo is a writer who consistently blows me out of the water with her skill. This woman is a novelist blessing us with juicy, rich smut and love stories like no one else can. She is incredibly poetic and her writing is an absolute joy to read; she also writes amazing fics for black readers and has an amazing voice that she uses for asmr audios! Fav Fic: How We Met [Ushijima x Reader]
@lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten | Leah is an author who takes immense care with her work. She works incredibly hard to craft sexy, healthy bdsm fics for bnha. She is a great blog to go to for bdsm education, and she’s also got a side blog @lemonlordleah-extra-sour for all you extra naughty readers who like the darker side of fanfic. You should also check out her Patreon! Fav Fic: Between the Evergreen [Aizawa x Reader]
@linestrider | Nyki’s work is like smooth water, it’s calming, refreshing, but she also adds a nice, chill bite to it as well with her darker style. Nyki puts such an impressive amount of care into her work; a word is never out of place, every sentence has meaning, every paragraph gives you something new. It was very hard to choose just one fic to recommend. Fav Fic: What’s Said is Said [Hawks x Reader]
@lookslikeleese | Leese is one of the most fun writers on Tumblr, and by that I mean you just have a shitload of fun reading her fics. They are like little, sexy treats to take in right before bed and feel a little more full than you were before. She is also the Cucking Queen. Fav Fic: Cola [Enji x Reader] 
@messwriting | Lee is also another fun writer! Her writing is exhilarating to read, and you’d never guess she’s a sexy Brazilian whose second language is English based on how well she writes. She’s a little sex goddess who will give you everything you want and more in every fic. Fav Fic: What We Could’ve Been [Tsukishima x Reader]
@mindninjax | Marquie is a full on sweetie with a sexy side. She. Is. So. Creative. Every fic of hers is so unique and her masterlist is a whole reading experience. She writes Bakugou Katsuki so damn well, she’s a master at characterization, even in au’s. She also writes beautiful fics for black readers. Fav Fic: Bound to You [Bakugou x Reader]
@nekokoafanfictions | I first found Ai on Ao3, and then was fortunate enough to come across their blog here on Tumblr! I’ve said this before in previous rec lists, and I’ll say it again, I still read their fics some nights to fall asleep to, they are just that good, every fic will have you coming back at some point to read it again. Fav Fic: City Lights [Enji x Reader]
@present-mel | The. Queen. Of. Dialogue. Mel is a master at making her fanfic feel real, gritty, sexy, and beautiful all at the same time. This woman pours her heart and soul into fanfic, especially into her Erwin series Fragments of Memories. I was so captivated by her work that I just had to become her friend, her work is enchanting and thrilling. Fav Fic: Until the Fire Played [Enji x Reader]
@rat-suki | Annie makes me horny. Like, real horny. Her smut is fantastic and are often little thrill rides within themselves. Fuck rollercoasters, just go to Annie’s masterlist to find a joy ride. Fav Fic: Hell Fire [Enji x Reader]
@rivendell101 | I’m such a big fan of Alisha, that I sent her a request months ago before we even became friends. This author knows how to craft a story, her work is very meticulous with details and her plots are always so spot on. Fav Fic: Sweet Thing [Natsuo x Reader]
@smutbardpeach | Smutbard is the most accurate title for Peach, as her fics read like poetry and song, filled with beautiful language, imagery, and allusions to the brim. If you’re ever looking for something romantic, sensual, delightful, and just overall magnificent to read, this is the blog to go to. Peach’s work is like reading poetry and classics right off the shelf. Fav Fic: Truth in Wine [Hizashi x Reader]
@spicyness | Are you thirsty? Do you like fun, sexy headcanons? Ness is the author for you. Ness is so, so fun and sweet, and is active with her followers and is always posting something new and creative for us to nibble at. Her blog is full of fun thirsts and she’s always a joy to see pop-up on my dash. Fav Fic: Pride [Bakugou x Reader]
@sugardaddykenma | Lin has the most amazing brain. I wish I could just...see and understand how she thinks. Her blog is full to the brim with hilarious, iconic, and down right fucking true headcanons for haikyuu characters. Many nights I have stayed up laughing my ass off and saying “why is that so true?” while reading through her astonishingly creative work. Fav Fic: Haikyuu on Drugs
@thewheezingwyvern | Wyv is a writer who gets straight to the point; her words are poignant, meaningful, and always paint a very clear picture. She is a Shinsou and Aizawa lover/fucker all the way to her core, and she’s amazing at bringing those characters to life in her work. Fav Fic: Salt Lines [Aizawa & Shinsou x Reader]
@thisisthehardestthing | Claudia is one of the most talented writers I have ever met. Period. She has a vocabulary, a depth, an ability to craft the most intense, alluring, and magnificent fanfic you’ve ever read. Most of her work doesn’t even seem like fanfic, it reads like love letters stuffed into the pages of a book that stand the test of time with her marvelous writing abilities. She always awes me, as every single fic is unique and powerful it its own way. Fav Fic: Tocka [Tanaka x Reader]
@tomurasprincess | The Queen of Darkness herself, Mari is amazing at fulfilling all of your dark desires. I’ve never met anyone else who is as active as she is with her followers, as she’s constantly pushing herself to answer requests and give people exactly what they want to see. She has such an expansive masterlist, any dark fic lover can find something worthwhile from her! She’s almost made a Shigaraki fucker out of me, almost. Fav Fic: Wraith’s Touch [Shigaraki x Reader]
@undermattsun | Miki taught me what a skate rat is. Do I understand it yet? Not really, but I fucking like it. Miki is so much fun and is always active with her followers, giving out awesome thirsts, visuals, and headcanons for her fav haikyuu characters. Fav Fic: Flavor of the Month [Matsukawa x Reader]
@vixen-scribbles | Vixen is someone who cares about everyone around her, and her blog reflects that. Amongst all her amazing writing, you’ll always find her recommending her friends and supporting other writers. Her writing is fucking sexy, she knows her way around the bedroom when it comes to fics, and she’s got a lengthy masterlist to fawn over. Fav Fic: Take All of Me [Ushijima x Reader]
@whats-her-quirk | Truly, the best has been saved for last. June’s work is the heart and soul of classic, fucking amazing fanfic. I can’t even explain how much I love her fics, like they will put the biggest smile on your face and have your thighs rubbing together in anticipation. June is writing her fantasies and having fun, and we are privileged to enjoy the ride with her. She knocked kinktober out of the fucking park, with each fic being a new, fresh delight. Fav Fic: Once in a Blue Moon [Karasuno x Reader Gangbang]
This list could honestly be twice as long, and perhaps in the future I’ll make a companion to it as I meet new authors and read more amazing fanfic. Please give all these authors a follow or at least check out their blogs. 💖
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