#this feels like one of those trick questions you see in mythology stories
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emojitournament · 2 years ago
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themushroomgoesyeet · 1 year ago
I apologize for breaking schedule already; this took me a while to figure out and I guess I accidentally forgot to actually write this up yesterday (Sunday is going to be the day that I post these, unless I decide otherwise btw)
Arcana characters as cryptids
(see I told you it wouldn't all be Disney)
Asra - the Loch Ness Monster
Water theme? Check
Mysterious to a mind boggling degree? Check
Is it a dinosaur that the asteroid missed? Is it an ancient Celtic creature with nebulous shape-shifting magic? Is it just a hoax? Who knows! Certainly not us, and I feel like this fits Asra's "no gender only magic and adventure" vibes
Both of them have an increasingly frustrating ability to disappear at random and only be seen when they want to
Julian - Mothman
Big, blanket shaped, black and red color palette, sexy for some people
Did I just describe Mothman or Julian?
Both also have a bad habit of materializing from/melting into the shadows
I think if Julian were to find this post likening him to such an edgy, mysterious creature he'd be thrilled
Muriel - Bigfoot
I mean is there really even a question about this one
Literally all you have to do is make Muriel hairier and have bigger feet and you're all set
Both of them live out in the middle of the woods & don't seem to care for company
Bro basically is a cryptid to some Vesuvians
Lucio - Goatman
I feel this needs even less explanation than Muriel's tbh
Especially since a nice chunk of this fandom double as BuzzFeed Unsolved fans
Fuck you goatman
Nadia - sphinx
Ok so I'll admit this is where I started running out of ideas
Hear me out tho
I know that some of you will say that sphinxes are mythological creatures and not cryptids, and personally I disagree; I bet in a thousand years archaeologists and the like will look back on our cryptid studies and be like "man, these guys had a weird mythology"
So long story short sphinxes are just ancient cryptids
There are two flavors of sphinx, both of which I think fit Nadia well
Greek sphinxes were usually portrayed as guardians - usually of cities, gates, and doorways - and (in the case of Oedipus) challenged people with riddles. As ruler/protector of Vesuvia, I think it's safe to say that Nadia slots into the guardian role quite nicely
I'm not as familiar with Nadia's route but I imagine she'd also enjoy riddle games
Then there's the Egyptian flavor of sphinx; while these are also guardians (of tombs and temples specifically), they are also representations of Pharos and their closeness to the gods, as well as symbols of their strength and ferocity
And of course we love the strong & independent queen that is Nadia
Portia - Tonttus/Nisse/Gnomes
For those who don't know, Tonttus are creatures from Scandinavian folklore; they look like tiny men with white beards and colorful, conical hats
While their description doesn't fit Portia (aside from being incredibly small in stature), their actions and temperament certainly do
If treated well, Tonttus will become guardians of homesteads and farms, helping with chores, caring for livestock, and warding off danger and misfortune.
If treated poorly or insulted, Tonttus will instead cause mischief in the place that they live, playing tricks, stealing from the family, and sometimes even killing livestock
Now Portia may not go as far as killing animals, but she's definitely got a short temper at times and is a wild prankster
I almost forgot about these homely little creatures but I'm glad I found something that fits Portia's cottage core vibes so well
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inkedinshadows · 5 months ago
santa is back!!! hope your week has been filled with the magic of the holidays (it's almost halloween, right?) I have a couple more questions for you (there's kind of a lot this time, sorry!):
do you prefer canon or au fics? is there a specific kind of au you like? a specific part of canon you wish was explored more?
what's your favorite thing about elain? about azriel?
we've talked a lot about mythology! are there any myths that you feel like fit with acotar beyond the classic hades/persephone trope (personally I feel like that IS elain and az)
how many holiday vibes should we put into this baby? hallmark-level decorations? solstice like we see in acofas? some vague winter celebrations? no holiday at all?
what is your favorite part of the end of the year? I've been loving the cold weather and dirty pumpkin chais--does it get cold where you live? do you like fall holidays or winter holidays more?
hope your week was stress-free and that your weekend is blissful :)
Ahhh hello Santa! I have so much fun answering your questions that I giggled when I saw this!
The answers are below the cut because it's a bit long oopsie
I actually tend to stick with canon fics. I do enjoy some good AU fic from time to time, but I usually cherry-pick them, while I read pretty much anything within canon. As for a specific part to explore... there's so much that we still don't know that I can't choose. But if we narrow it down to Elain and Azriel, I'd say maybe their powers? We still don't know exactly how either her visions or his shadows work and I think it'd be interesting to know more about that.
My favorite thing about Elain is probably her quiet strength. She's often underrated and regarded as boring because she's not as "loud" as her sisters are, but I love quiet, introverted people as one myself (until you get to know me and then I overshare lol). Elain's not a talker, she's a listener and an observer, and we see that multiple times. She's not a fighter, but it doesn't mean she won't grow claws to protect those she loves. I always thought that if I were an acotar character, I'd be Elain. Maybe that's also why I like her so much and I can't wait for her book to see what happens inside her head.
And about Azriel... where do I even start? If I had to choose, I'd probably say his kindness and thoughtfulness. It's not something I take for granted, especially considering how he spent the first few years of his life and how he was treated. Yet he makes sure not to appear threatening in front of the priestesses, he gets his friends meaningful gifts, and he makes time to teach Feyre how to fly and later on to train the priestesses (when we know he's a workaholic and there's a war going on in both stances). And I love his humor lol.
I do have a few myths, actually. Sticking to Greek mythology, I think there are many similarities between Feyre and Tamlin's story and Eros and Psyche. Oh and I can see some parallels between Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus and Azriel, Elain, Lucien. Also, the Valkyries. I believe they're going to play a bigger role in the next books because they were really important in Norse mythology. (If I were a theorist, I would probably also come up with something about Elain and the cursed prophet Cassandra bc I thought about it a couple times, but I don't really engage in theories)
I love Christmas sooo... as many holiday vibes as you like! You won't hear any complaint form me eheh
It's winter holidays for me. Also because Halloween is not really a big holiday here in Italy. It became more popular in the last few years under American influence, but I never once dressed up, went trick or treating, or even went to a theme party. Last year I simply watched Nightmare Before Christmas lol. But Christmas is my favorite holiday and time of the year in general because I love the music, the decorations, the atmosphere, the snow (though it hasn't snowed enough to make even just a single snowball in years).
Unfortunately my week had a lot of ups and downs, but hopefully the weekend will be better ✨️ and I hope you have a lovely weekend too 🩷 and so sorry for yapping, I got carried away!
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fairylandblog · 8 months ago
Faerie Riddles
Faerie riddles have been a magical part of folklore and mythology for a long time. They are enjoyable, enigmatic, and challenging, captivating the imagination. People often associate these puzzles with faeries, who are mysterious and hard to catch. Many stories depict faeries as cunning guardians of secret knowledge, employing puzzles to gauge the intelligence and cleverness of those who venture into their realm. The nature of faerie riddles is derived from the customs of many cultures, especially those that are Celtic or European in origin. These riddles possess an otherworldly quality that elevates them beyond mere problem-solving. They frequently contain things from nature, such as trees, animals, and the changing of the seasons. This demonstrates the close connection between faeries and nature. Sometimes the answers to these puzzles are challenging to find and require both logic and an intuitive grasp of the faeries' mindset.
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In myths and stories, faerie puzzles have more than one use. People use them to safeguard faerie treasures or secrets, and those who correctly answer can access hidden worlds or receive magical gifts. On the other hand, solving a riddle incorrectly can lead to negative outcomes such as enchantment, entrapment in the fairies' realm, or enduring faerie tricks. This duality demonstrates how unpredictable faeries are and how close it is to having good or bad luck when dealing with them. The Scottish ballad "Thomas the Rhymer" contains a well-known faerie question. In this story, the Queen of Elfland takes Thomas to her magical world. Before he can return to the real world, he must solve a set of puzzles given to him by the queen. These puzzles challenge his knowledge and his ability to discern hidden truths. The answers to the riddles are often not obvious at first glance and need a lot of thought and intelligence. In literature and pop culture, faerie riddles are also a familiar theme. They show up in everything from Shakespeare's plays to current fantasy books. In Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream," the characters meet magical beings who talk in puzzles and use mysterious phrases, which adds to the play's dreamlike and otherworldly feel. Authors of modern fantasy books often use the practice of faerie riddles to add a sense of mystery and give their characters real challenges. Faerie puzzles are always popular because they make you think and imagine. They encourage us to think creatively and logically. To solve a fairy puzzle, you need to know more than just the right answer. You need to know what the puzzle means and how it all fits together. This process is like a trip into the faerie realm, where the rules of reality are both fluid and deep and where the familiar and the strange mix.
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Whether told orally, in books, or on their phones, faerie tales continue to captivate people even today. Their stories connect us to the past and the myths and tales that shaped our culture. In contrast, they are a classic way to have fun and think critically, pushing our knowledge and imagination. In the end, faerie questions show how strong folklore is and how people are naturally interested in the magical and unknown. They tell us that the world is amazing, and that the way we understand it is just as important as the end goal. Whether found in an old ballad, a new book, or a story by the fire, faerie riddles continue to enchant and inspire. We want to see the world through the faeries' eyes and discover the hidden truths.
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sserpente · 4 years ago
First of all, it’s bold of them to assume that we need a “previously on”. It’s not like we don’t know the first episode by heart already, hahahaha!
Alright, so first of all: LOKI USE YOUR POWERS BABY. Was he stalling? Was he trying to get more information? Is “Lady Loki” really that powerful?! It kind of looked like he didn’t really WANT to fight her, does that make sense? It makes sense to me! Also add telekinesis to Loki’s powers, YES BABY!
Speaking of "Lady Loki”--I was SCREAMING because she looks so FREAKING BADASS I LOVE IT but I still don’t buy it! YES, she’s got the Loki costume. YES, she’s got the horns even but hear me out: SHE’S BLONDE. I don’t mind Lady Loki being blonde, it looks REALLY COOL but that MUST have been a conscious decision of them then because as far as I’m concerned, Sophia is not naturally blonde, neither is Lady Loki in the comics but you know who is?! SYLVIE. And when Loki called her “Loki” she was like “ugh, don’t call me that”. EXCUSE ME, WAS THAT A HINT? Also did Loki recognise her? He didn’t have any lines after that, so I can’t tell? I have to watch it again! if he didn’t recognise her, then maybe the story will stray a little further from what we know about Loki and Sylvie in the comics (in which Loki gives Sylvie her powers so they’d have the same magical signature or whatever). Or with all the different timelines and multiverses, our Loki never met Sylvie in this one, who the fuck knows? I feel like there’s gonna be another plot twist. Don’t forget we get a “Young Sylvie” at some point, that’s gotta mean something!!! I still believe this is the Enchantress! And/or, taking up my previous theories on it being both Lady Loki and Sylvie at the same time, she might have changed her identity for whatever reason and now firmly believes she’s Sylvie or something. IDK, GEEZ.
Guys, I have to be honest with you, I have NO CLUE where this is going! I’m completely BLANK! WHAT does she want?! WHY is she doing this? Honestly, I don’t think she’s evil, I don’t think that her goal is the annihilation of everything. There’s gotta be more to it than that but we just don’t have enough information yet to put the puzzle pieces together. AND NOW THAT CLIFFHANGER HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WAIT UNTIL NEXT WEEK?! Where did they go? IDK. Could be that “purple” place from the trailer. They sure are going to have a  proper conversation though in the next episode.
Now I freaking love Loki’s outift, I just RAAAWR. That TIE. That JACKET. I WANT THAT JACKET. He ALMOST got his daggers back, my poor baby, SO CLOSE! This episode made me cackle so much, it’s soooo different to see Loki like this; first of all, again, knowing his usual tricks don’t work and he doesn’t have the upper hand per se makes it really interesting to see how he acts around Mobius and the rest of the TVA. Away from Thanos and the influence of the sceptre, Loki seems so much more... blithe? Does that makes sense? It’s a completely different side of him but then again we get those darker scenes where we see the intimidating Loki we know and it’s like we’re getting to know Loki all over again? JUST IMAGINE WHAT HE’S LIKE IN A RELATIONSHIP THEN, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It just makes SOOOO MUCH SENSE that Tom said that Loki acts differently around dfiferent people.
Now, two more things (I’m really just randomly throwing things at you here):
First of all, LOKI SPEAKING LATIN. Again, I’m not quite sure how or if the Allspeak still affects him (since the Mongolian thing in the first episode made us wonder about it already) but I’m just gonna go ahead and say that Loki is fluent in Latin because he FREAKING COULD.
Second of all, I thought it was very suspicious of Mobius to say “I don’t care what makes you tick” because in the first episode he wanted Loki to explain to him just that. Was he lying? I still don’t trust him. NOTHING IS REAL, honestly! That conversation they had in the cafeteria really proved to me that the TVA isn’t to be trusted. When Ravonna and Mobius talked I even thought maybe the Time Keepers don’t even exist at some point.
AND LOKI IS NOT LETTING ANYONE GET TO HIM ANYMORE. Did you see him read of the destruction of Asgard?! He was TEARING UP, you could see the grief on his face and then when he told Mobius (RIP Mobius’ salad) and he went like “I’m sorry” Loki was just like “Yes, very sad,” in a nonchalant way and moved on to tell him what he’d found out rather excitedly. This is the PERFECT example of Loki continuing to do what he does so much, just concealing his feelings and his vulnerability behind mischief and I STILL WANNA HUG HIM.
All the different Loki Variants they should the team, I freaking loved this but it does raise the question at what point in the “sacred timeline” these Lokis hopped off the timeline to cause mischief? Which in turn raises the question if we’re right not to trust the TVA and the sacred timeline is a bunch of bullshit? Also, you know what would have been hilarious too, if they had included a Norse Mythology version of Loki. You know, ginger hair and all. I feel like Loki would have approved of that cameo, hahaha!
Speaking of the Norse Myths, it’s funny how Loki freed those goats in Pompeii because in the myths, he once tied a goat’s beard to his testicles to make Skadi laugh. Thought that was a fun little connection!
It’s now canon, by the way, that there’s no candy on Asgard. Not even chocolate?! We know that Loki looooves chocolate, don’t we? Awww, baby! Now I feel like writing an Imagine where you take Loki to a candy store and he gets to try everything and then gets a sugar rush, hahaha!
And, last but not least, “PROFESSOR LOKI” HIT DIFFERENT. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. He’s such a smart cookie I LOVE IT.
I might add some more stuff and reblog this post once I’ve watched the episode again, I’m still processing everything, hahaha!!!
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dadsbongos · 4 years ago
Movie/Game/Show: Danganronpa: Killing Harmony Dynamic: Korekiyo Shinguji/Reader (and his sister shit but i actually take it seriously, unlike kodaka) Warnings: korekiyo’s backstory/trauma (his sister), sexual/physical/mental abuse implications (and outright said but not described in detail except the emotional and mental), anxiety in both kork and reader and mental breakdown(s?), airhead shit but it’s sad Summary: It’s all her fault. ~~~
Korekiyo suddenly turned to the girl beside him in his quiet research lab, “Have you ever heard of Jack of Fables, (Y/n)?” at her, albeit confused, nod, he continued, “Well, all those myths, fairy tales, and even nursery rhymes in reference to ‘Jack’ are actually about the same man. What this means is that Jack Be Nimble, of the candlestick, Jack the Giant Killer, who sold his cows then murdered and robbed a giant, Stingy Jack, who tricked the devil so relentlessly that he was banned from both afterlives, Jack of Jack and Jill, who cracked open his skull, Jack o’ Lantern, Spirit of Halloween and Headless Horseman, and Jack Frost, Spirit who ends autumn and begins winter are all one in the same. He made so many poor life decisions that he now serves as an immortal representation of winer with a pumpkin serving as head and flashlight. Is that not fascinating?”
“Aw,” (Y/n) grinned, nodding once again, “Like the American ‘Florida man’.”
Korekiyo sighed, disappointment palpable in his tone, “That is… actually much more accurate than I wish to admit.”
“Wait, wait,” she tilted her head, patting the man’s arm despite his attention already being on her, “So… like, was he also Jack the Ripper…?”
His eyes widened at her statement, “(Y/n), I must be grateful you were not born to the life of a woman of the night in Victorian London because I assure you, Jack the Ripper was incredibly real.”
“Oh, that’s so sad…” she pouted before clearing it back into her usual smile almost instantly, “Well, thanks for the folklore fun fact, Kiyo! I didn’t know that Jack was so dumb! God, I’d hate to be like him…”
“You do realize you’re not so bright yourself, yes?”
She shrugged, “I’m fine with that, but at least I’m not tricking the devil!”
So sweet and kind, the Ultimate Composer was. Against all expectations, she wasn’t highbrow or traditionally genius, but she was more than excellent company. And, to top it off, the idea of turning her into one of Sister’s friends was oddly… sickening.
It should’ve been perfectly fine - she was a deeply respectable young woman unlike Miu and Maki, there’s no reason he could have against her.
It just felt wrong.
“Oh! Oh!” she burst out, clapping her hands together, before turning and reaching into a bag slung around her hip. Rooting through scrapped sheet music and notes, once she found what she’d been searching for she held it up excitedly, “Boom!”
Korekiyo took the item, just barely brushing his wrapped fingertips against hers, “Cleopatra’s Pearl Cocktail… much appreciated,” he pressed the small bottle into a pocket on his uniform, “If you enjoy giving gifts, perhaps we can discuss cultural gift-giving practices?”
“Ooh, Kiyo’s gonna teach me?”
“Hmm,” Korekiyo hummed quietly to himself, “Well, perhaps… you would prefer I tell you of a composition piece in relevance to mythology, yes?”
“That’d be nice,” the girl giggled softly, rubbing the back of her neck, “To be honest, I just like when you talk… you sound so smart all the time!”
“My thanks, (Y/n),” he nodded curtly, muttering to himself before coming to speak up, “Alright, I believe that the composition for you would be The Ring of the Nibelung, of Germany.”
“Oh, I know that one!” she knew most ‘ones’, to be fair.
“I had suspected so, but have you heard of the heroic legends behind the pieces?”
“Ah, no… are those what you’re gonna explain?”
“I had planned to, yes. Alright, well, the four parts, as you know, are The Rhinegold, The Valkyrie, Siegfried, and Twilight of the Gods. Nowadays, they are most commonly played as individual, separate works despite making one complete story. They were always intended as a sequence - as The Ring cycle, cleverly. Each piece revolves on a loose basis to German heroic tales and Norse legendary sagas, with the overarching tale of the magic ring forged by the Nibelung dwarf, Alberich, which grants the power to rule the world,” he paused at the sight of (Y/n) yawning, his lips pursed and eyes shot down to his shoes before flickering back up to the girl, “Ah, my apologies for taking far longer than necessary. You must find this- “
“Ah, no!” (Y/n) shook her head, waving her hands about as though it would physically prove how far from needed his apology was, “That’s not it! I’m just kinda tired, ya know?” as if to prove her point, another yawn washed over her, “I hadn’t slept well last night after Kirumi…”
“I see,” Korekiyo nodded, closing his eyes to think over his words, “I apologize for making it about myself. If you wish, I could walk you to your dormitory. Now that you mention it, it has been quite the long day.”
“You don’t have to, Kiyo, I’d hate to bother you so much in one day let alone one sitting,” the composer puffed her cheeks out, “That’d be so obnoxious…”
“I don’t find it obnoxious whatsoever, especially if it’s to aid- “ he hesitated, “to aid a friend.”
He hadn’t had friends before. People usually found him creepy and that was the end of the story - nobody approached him and he didn’t branch out. Life went on. The world spun. His loneliness was everlasting and yet nonexistent. He has Sister. Though, deep down, he knows. She’s on another plane of reality with loneliness stronger than his, that’s why he sends her respectable young women.
Just like (Y/n).
But just… not (Y/n). For reasons he personally chooses to not disclose to even himself.
“Aww, Kiyo! You care!” the girl placed a hand over her heart as if to show that the organ itself was squeezing in delight at his offer.
“Of course, I do,” Korekiyo didn’t like how quiet she made him. How jittery and nervous. And he didn’t like how it made him question the way Sister made him feel.
She also made him nervous but it felt different. He liked to pretend it was the nervousness of a love you don’t quite have yet, but he fully knows he’d be lying. She was a mean girl, a bully in school before being hospitalized. Prone to violent and outright frightening outbursts when she had the energy to do more than force him to her side.
But he didn’t like questioning those feelings for Sister. Who he was, was based on her. His uniform. His passion and talent. His hair. His perfect complexion. His life as the universe knows it is an ode to her.
It’s too late for him to go back now… he’s already done so much in her name it’d be cruel to give up now. He might as well continue for Sister.
“If you really don’t mind, then yeah, I’d like it if we could walk together… I get a little nervous going around at night, you never know who’s gonna snap…”
“And you trust me?”
Shit. That’s what gets him in trouble. It’s as Sister always said. ‘Too naive to make his choices, and once he’s free, too inept to make the right ones.’
“Well, yeah,” (Y/n) spoke as if there was hardly any thought to the answer, “All you’ve shown me is somebody worth trusting,” then, she’s quick to remember poor Kaede, “Well, maybe I’m being silly. But hey, if I have to choose between dying trusting my friends and paranoid beyond myself, then maybe I’d- “ she paused, “Ehhh, I don’t like the way that’s coming out.”
“I understand what you’re attempting to say,” Korekiyo reassured, turning towards his research lab’s exit, “Let us start towards the dormitories, yes?”
“Right!” (Y/n) nearly found herself jogging to catch up to Korekiyo’s long-strided head start, she clutched the strap of her bag as she did so, “So… you heard about Angie’s plan, right?”
“To perform a resurrection?”
“Do you think it’ll work?” she seemed antsier than was typical for her, “I mean, you’re into anthropology, so, like, has there ever been a case where that did work? Do you know?”
“No, besides, that would be more akin to history, remember?” she probably didn’t, her memory failed her at an ungodly amalgamation of best and worst of times.
“Oh, yeah,” she murmured and nodded, pretending to recall the difference between the two.
“Who would you desire back into this game, if you could?”
“Rantaro,” her answer was quick, her fingers looping together nervously, “We didn’t really talk much, but uhm, whenever we did - he was really nice. He said I reminded him of a sister of his… so that’s a good thing, right?”
Depends on who you ask, really.
“You grew attached to him so quickly?” there was no jealousy there, he tried to convince himself.
“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wish I’d gotten to know him more. He was always running around, trying to save us, and in the end… it got him killed.”
A lot of things will get you killed.
Korekiyo shook off the thoughts racking his brain, “Your care for him even through his estrangedness and peculiarity is truly beautiful, (Y/n),” he fiddled with the locket piece hanging around his shoulders, “Even your care for myself. I’d be lying if I’d said it wasn’t endearing.”
“You’re not…” her words died out, not wanting to lie to a dear companion of hers, “You’re a little off-putting but you’re not undeserving of love, Kiyo.”
It was a complete 180 from what Sister had told him his entire life. A new lesson coming in far too late. He had to earn love. He should’ve been crawling on his knees and pleading for affection, but now he was supposed to simply receive it? It sounded so incredibly fake. A fictitious tale told alongside gumdrop fairies and candy trees.
No place for someone of realistic standard.
No place for him.
“You’re far too kind, (Y/n).”
“Maybe you just haven’t known nice people,” she suddenly stopped, slapping a palm to her mouth and muffling against it, “I’m so sorry!”
“Worry not,” Korekiyo continued walking, “I’m unphased.”
Because maybe it was true.
Maybe Sister wasn’t so nice.
There was an itch at his skin in the thought and he shook his head.
Sister was kind enough to love someone like him. Who was of rotted soul and rancid heart.
“I shouldn’t have just said that, especially since I don’t really know your life…”
“Would you like to learn it someday?”
(Y/n) was fairly shocked at how quickly he seemed to breeze by her insult to his family and friends - well, if he had any friends - but she wouldn’t refuse. It was extra time with Korekiyo! Who could turn that down?
“I’d love to.”
“Tea and cookies,” (Y/n) pumped a fist in the air, “What could be better than enjoying those with a friend?”
Korekiyo felt his lips twitch up behind his mask at the rhetorical question, he reached out for his teacup, “Perhaps freedom from this killing game?”
“Oh, yeah, huh…” she deflated, “Jeez, I can’t believe I’d say that…”
Oh, great, of course, now he’s gone and made the local ball of sunshine in this school upset.
“Nevermind that, (Y/n), it was a tease…” he gripped the cup a little tighter, cheeks heating up in humiliation at his failed joke, “I apologize if it seemed like anything other than such.”
“No, don’t apologize, it’s fine! It was kind of a dumb thing to say, now that I put some brain into it,” so it made sense she’d said it, (Y/n) frowned at the bitter thought.
“Ah,” the clink of a cup against the table caught the girl’s attention, “I must change my mask in order to properly enjoy this tea and these cookies,” as the anthropologist went to turn, he was stopped by another outburst from the girl.
“No, don’t! Uh, here!” she clenched her eyes shut, papped her palms over her face, and turned her head downwards, “See? Now I can’t!”
“You don’t have to go to such lengths, I could simply turn- “
“No, no, I want you to feel comfortable and I heard once that doing things to make your friends comfortable is, like, a way to make them like you more?” she huffed at the wording, “Just, I don’t know… I want you to know that I care. Ya get it? No need to turn yourself away like that when I can just not look.”
A tuft of air passed through his nostrils at the girl.
Sister would adore a friend like her.
Korekiyo pulled down his mask, brows drawn tight towards his eyes at the new realization. It was no longer a matter of her being respectable, it was now the knowledge that someone as tender-hearted as (Y/n) would be loved beyond comprehension by Sister.
But… no. Sister couldn’t have her. She’d understand, right? Of course. She could have someone else - the other bubbly girl, what’s her name? Angie. She could have Angie.
Korekiyo just… he just needed (Y/n). Something about her was calming and sweet. He picked his mask for eating from a pocket in his uniform and carefully adjusted it over his lips so as to not smudge his lipstick. It wouldn’t anyway, he knew this, but it usually never backfired to be too sure.
The lipstick in itself was quite the hassle. Another homage to Sister that she might not even be seeing. So was the hair. It got tangled and knotted and was hell to dry after a shower.
“Not to rush you at all, but are you done? Cuz my eyes are starting to hurt… I think I’m squeezing them too hard.”
“Right, yes, I am.”
He really shouldn’t think like that… Sister deserved to be honored.
As if she’d been reading his mind, (Y/n) leaned over slightly, pointing at Korekiyo’s hair, “Hey, hey, how do you manage that? It always looks so silky and soft and well-kept.”
“Ah, well, it is quite troublesome most days, but with patience and rather expensive products, I keep it together.”
“I was wondering, too, do you ever put it up?”
“Not usually, though, that would be… nice on occasion,” he sipped at his tea, enjoying the way (Y/n) shyly glanced away to prove she didn’t want to invade his privacy. She was too delightful to be in a place such as this, even if he did enjoy the beauties of law-absence.
“Uh, I don’t want to come off pushy or like you have to let me, but if you want, I’d love to put your hair up! To be honest, I’ve been wanting to for a while,” her eyes widened at her own statement, “Oh, that sounded creepy. I’m so sorry.”
“I am hardly one to judge,” he reached over for a cookie, “But, if you’re so inclined, I won’t protest.”
“Yay!” she bounced slightly in her chair, “Oh, that’s great, Kiyo, thanks.”
“Shall we go to your dorm after finishing our refreshments?”
“I’d like that,” (Y/n) grinned.
And to think she almost didn’t approach Korekiyo on that first day in the school. How ridiculous could she have been to judge based on looks? Sure, he was a little strange and the way he spoke was unlike any teenager she’d ever met, but he was still a person. He deserved to be given companionship.
Besides, he’d only ever shown her kindness and support.
He didn’t even make fun of her when she said something stupid in front of everyone.
She cringed at the memory of every time Kokichi or Miu or Maki prodded at her. Even Ryoma and Kaito had picked on her when she misspoke during the first trial and just brought up a point the class had already proven. It made her heart wrinkle and shrink at the mere thought. Kokichi still made fun of her for questioning Tsumugi’s whereabouts during Rantaro’s murder.
“You’re staring into your tea, it will grow cold if you only look at it.”
“Oh, yeah,” shaking her head, (Y/n) silently cursed herself for spacing out. What an awful habit of hers, it was, “Sorry for taking so long.”
“You shouldn’t apologize, I’m not upset in the slightest,” he felt his heart lighten at the tiny smile that illuminated her face, “I simply enjoy spending this time together.”
“You’re too nice sometimes, Kiyo,” she giggled, but they both recognized the tingle of nervousness jumbling within it, “If you’re not careful, I might fall for you or something…”
“Maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing?”
I wouldn’t mind, she wanted to say.
If you’ll have me, he wished to murmur.
Then he felt his chest tighten.
“Can I…” he tapped a finger to the table, “ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“Have you ever been in love?”
“Uhm,” she bit her lip as she thought back, “No… why?”
“How do you think it feels?”
“Like, you could be free and yourself around the person? I’m not too sure, but I think if you and someone else are in love then you’ll accept each other completely, you know? Sure, there’s flaws in every person, but I think you accept those, too.”
“I see…”
“Kiyo, why do you ask?”
“I…” his brows furrowed, “A lot has been on my mind as of late.”
“Alright, I won’t pry,” standing from the dining table, (Y/n) clapped her hands together, “Now, if you’re still down, I’d love to put your hair up!”
“As it stands, I am still, as you put it, ‘down’,” Korekiyo nodded before joining the girl and starting towards her dorm room.
“Nice!” she pointed directly ahead, “Now, onward!”
A total airhead at her truest, Korekiyo thought. He didn’t usually partake in the type, but something about (Y/n) just pulled him in tighter every time he tried turning away.
So, what’s the harm in giving in? Swimming against the tide only ever led to drowning anyway, so why fight it?
Sister… Sister was dead. Is dead. Resurrection isn’t possible and hasn’t been in human history. And she had changed so much of him. (Y/n) would never force him to bend to her ideal.
The more he thought about Sister in comparison to (Y/n), the more he realized that Sister felt like a ball and chain - and (Y/n) felt like a breath of fresh air.
Just her name inside his own head sounded as sweet as the best form of heaven.
“Here we are!” (Y/n) cheered upon their arrival to her room, “There’s probably a bunch-load of unfinished works in here so just… don’t judge them too harshly, okay?”
“I could hardly judge an unfinished masterpiece.”
“I don’t know about masterpieces…”
“If you create them with heart and soul, there’s nobody who can effectively say they aren’t except for yourself,” Korekiyo enters the room after her, legs carrying him towards her desk as she roots around her bathroom for a hairbrush and hair tie, “Sadly, this is also applicable to disasters with effort put into them. However, just from skimming these, I can tell you they are not such disasters.”
“Aw, thanks, Kiyo, you know - I know I’m the Ultimate Composer and junk, but jeez it gets so nerve-wracking when people hear my stuff. I like what I write, but who’s to say other people will?”
“I understand that. Showing others your work is extremely unsettling at times,” he followed the girl to her bed and sat between her knees on the floor, “I recall feeling that way when I would dabble in artistry.”
“You can draw?”
“I would when I was much younger,” he felt her fingers run over his scalp and through his hair and the weight looming over his shoulders practically melted off, “I haven’t held onto any of them, and they’ve likely aged poorly, but I know how I felt showing them around.”
“Why’d you stop? If you don’t mind my asking,” reaching around, (Y/n) threaded her fingers through Korekiyo’s bangs and, as gently as humanly possible, pulled the hair hanging over and around his face back into a slicked style.
“My… sister, she always rathered that I participate in anthropology with her. I wasn’t all that good anyways.”
“Aw, that’s kinda sad. Even if you weren’t good, you could’ve improved over time.”
“Do you truly believe that, (Y/n)?”
“Of course, I mean, talents are just developed over time, right? Angie didn’t pop out of the womb an art genius and I didn’t start off great at writing music, you just keep at it and eventually your skill level is way better than when you started.”
Sister always said he’d be garbage at drawing. Somebody like him could never learn.
She tied off and twisted until the bun was perfect - well, not perfect. It was presentable enough, and it was just a bun anyway! Not like they had anywhere to be.
“Sorry it’s messy,” she scratched at her cheek, feeling anxious that he’d be upset with her work.
“I…” he felt another little smile peek over him, it was indeed messy with stray hairs sticking out here and there and a few tiny bumps running over his head, but even so, “I love it.”
“You do?”
“It’s a gesture from you, why wouldn’t I?”
Standing beside Korekiyo at the mirror, (Y/n) twiddled her thumbs before spewing out her question, “It’s totally cool if not, but can I hug you? Sorry if that’s weird!”
“No… it’s…” Sister never asked to touch him, and now that he thought about it, she never seemed to care when he told her to stop, “That would be wonderful.”
As her arms slowly came around him, he felt truly at ease. With Sister, there was always this fear of never being what she wanted. That she hated him deep down. With (Y/n), it felt like finally being attached to someone you were meant to. Returning to a place of deep affection.
“You truly do care about me, don’t you, (Y/n)?”
“What kind of question is that?” she back-pedals, “I mean, of course, I do. You’re very dear to me, Kiyo.”
Maybe even a little too dear, considering the current climate of the killing game.
But even so, neither of them pulls away. Neither cares enough to wrangle themselves from indulging in the other’s touch. It feels too good against their skin.
It’s then that Korekiyo’s brain strikes the flint to create the burning thought - maybe Sister wasn’t all that great. Maybe Sister didn’t love him.
She’s only ever made him miserable, now that he recalls it all.
(Y/n) doesn’t. She makes him feel human and alive and adored. He likes the way she makes him feel. And between the two, he much rather would be praised than berated.
Oh God, what did this mean again?
Where do the creation myths go?
Who’s Princess Kaguya?
Her head throbs at the thoughts rumbling through her. She tried to get Korekiyo to get someone, anyone, but her to organize his notes.
Shuichi would love this stuff! You two should bond!
Gonta could learn about being gentlemanly from you! It’d be a great learning experience!
I know you don’t like Miu that much, but maybe spending more time together could make you understand each other more?
And yet, Korekiyo denied. He liked spending time with her. He wouldn’t mind answering every question she had - no matter how many times she asked it. He was a patient person, he could handle it.
(Y/n) looked at all the books and stray papers surrounding her alike, bottom lip tugged between her teeth in focus and face beating hot in vivid embarrassment. He wasn’t even looking at her, thank God, but still… it was so mortifying that she’d already lost track of what she was doing.
She tried so hard to pay attention, she really, really did!
She wanted to help so bad. She wanted to be useful so bad.
But she knew… she’s not a smart person, per se. It was beaten over her head repeatedly her entire life by her family, schooling, peers, and even her friends. She was an idiot who couldn’t do anything right.
It’s why she wanted Korekiyo to ask someone else.
But how could she say no to him? He was always so nice, it’d be downright mean to refuse him. Right?
She felt her eyes burn, vision growing blurry through tears. Setting down the papers in her hands - (Y/n) covered her eyes to keep any wetness from splotching the notes below. It was the least a fucking moron could do.
“(Y/n)? Are you feeling okay?”
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
She nodded shakily, just wanting Korekiyo to ignore her and continue his work. Better yet, he’d kick her out and she could dodge the incoming humiliation altogether.
“Yeah,” her voice cracked, lips trembling.
She heard papers rustling before she could feel the presence at her side. Fingertips just barely grazing her body before hesitating back, “You’re lying.”
Understatement of the year.
“I just… I’m so sorry, Kiyo. I’m such an idiot, I knew I couldn’t do this,” she whimpered, desperately trying to grab and suffocate down her bubbling sobs before they wracked her throat, “I’m too fucking dumb to do anything right… I’m sorry…”
“No, no, don’t apologize. You’ve done nothing wrong and you’re no idiot,” he’s immediately slammed with every memory of every time he’s called her such a thing. No matter how nice he tried to be about it, he still aided her insecurity, “I’m sorry for ever saying you were. Intellect is not measured by how well you can do a task nor should everyone’s mind be measured the same. Intelligence is fickle and is spread over a vast variety of subjects. You’re not an idiot for not being able to do something you’re not accustomed to.”
“I just… I- I wanted to help you but then I forgot everything you said about organizing them and then which regions are which and what even is a gorgon?”
He chuckled quietly at her question, “A creature in Greek mythology most commonly in reference to three sisters - Medusa, Euryale, and Sthenno - with hair made of living, venomous snakes that turned those who so much as looked upon them to stone,” he glanced around at what (Y/n) had gotten done, “I see that the filing in relation to music is nearly completed for your half.”
“That’s about all I’m good for.”
“And I would not have managed that so easily, music was never an incredible strength of mine - though I do admire it.”
“Don’t lie to me, Kiyo…”
“I would never,” he moved his notes away to sit more comfortably next to the girl, “In fact, if you’d be willing to listen…” his throat tightened and heart thumped in his chest, “I would like to tell you of something that’s been troubling me for quite some time.”
“Yeah,” she wiped away her tears, sniffling, “of course.”
“I told you of my sister, correct?” he waited for her nod of confirmation to continue, “Well, it’s my belief that…” his fists clenched.
What if she didn’t believe him? What if she blamed him? How do you tell someone your older sister raped and abused you when you’re barely even coming to terms with the fact yourself?
“(Y/n), I…” he stopped, gut bunching in knots before he suddenly ripped down his mask and turned to face her, “I think I need help…”
“What? You’re just wearing lipstick, Kiyo, there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“No, no, no, no,” he shook his head, hands shaking wildly as he pulled out the ponytail (Y/n) had done up earlier and yanked through his hair, “E-everything I am is because of her! She consumes me even in death! She- she- she hurt me…”
“Oh,” the girl moved to sit up on her knees, hands reaching out but not yet touching him, “What happened, Kiyo? You can tell me, I’m listening.”
“She told me I was an awful boy, nobody but her could love someone so foul and creepy… she- “ he moved to grip his sleeves, “She touched me,” he looked into the girl’s eyes, “Is it my fault? Am I so disgusting? Why would she do this?”
“Do you want me to hold you or no?” at his shaky nod, she instantly took Korekiyo into a hug, cradling his head and shoulders to her body and stroking through his hair, “You’re more than what she made you. You’re bigger and better than her manipulation. And it’s not your fault she did what she did. It’s completely and totally on her. She took advantage of you, Kiyo, that’s not your fault.”
He grabbed her arm and pressed his face into her shirt as she held him, “Am I rotten? Am I lovable?”
“You’re the best person I’ve ever met. You’re worthy of love and care.”
His lipstick smeared over her shirt and across his cheek and neither of them minded. It would wash off eventually. Her stain on his life would come out.
“When we get out,” (Y/n) began again, “do you want to seek professional help? You can get it, Kiyo.”
He was slow to nod, beginning to grow tired from dosing out tears and trauma at once, “I do… thank you, (Y/n)...”
“No need to thank me.”
“(Y/n)?” she hummed quietly in acknowledgement, “Even if it isn’t for field work… I wish to travel the country with you. I want to show you the beauty of humanity as I know it… for our sakes.”
Looking down, (Y/n) caught the gentleness in his eyes, tender and soft and awaiting her response, she smiled softly, brushing back his hair, “I would love to, Kiyo. If it’s truly something you want to do, I would be happy to go anywhere with you.”
Nighttime was quickly approaching and with the atmosphere and turmoil of the class, (Y/n) didn’t feel very safe being out so late.
“You’re certain you don’t wish for me to walk you to your room?”
“No, you finish up here,” (Y/n) waved off Korekiyo’s offer, “Don’t be such a worry-wart, yeah? I’ll be fine! You better take care of yourself while I’m gone, though.”
He nodded, a small smile stretching over him, “I will, dear (Y/n), don’t worry.”
The girl’s eyes widened slightly before she returned his beam, “You have a cute smile, Kiyo.”
“Oh,” right, he didn’t have his mask on at the moment. It was refreshing to wake up and not trouble himself with makeup for a woman he wasn’t sure even cared - dare he say it, it was nice, even.
He’d only taken his mask off around (Y/n), it felt intimate. Sweet. Something passed only between them.
“Thank you.”
She nodded before turning back and pressing outward from his research lab, “I’ll see ya tomorrow, Kiyo! You better have the sweetest dreams, ya hear me?”
“You as well.”
He returned to cleaning up his lab, occasionally stumbling over a floorboard looser than the others. How troublesome.
That’s when her voice picked up from within his brain.
“You never loved me.”
He looked around despite knowing exactly where the voice was coming from.
“You let her do this to you. You let her take you from me.”
Pushing past them, he persisted in rooting through his notes and organizing his papers.
“She hates you. She’s scared of you. She’s just trying to be nice. You scare her. You scare all of them. You rotten, rotten boy. You’ve been ruined - only I could love a face so hideous and broken. A horrible, horrible boy lucky enough to be given the love I did.”
His hands shook, fingers twitching and heart thrumming heavy, “No. (Y/n) likes me. She enjoys my company.”
“Why would she enjoy the company of someone so lonely and depressing? So gross and foul? She probably hates you for partaking in your own sister’s touch.”
“No, she- she doesn’t… she knows it’s not… it’s not my fault…”
“Are you inside her head? How do you know? How are you certain? I’m the only one who ever loved you - and you’ve abandoned me. Left me all alone.”
“No, I- I haven’t abandoned you, Sister! Please, believe me, I never abandoned you.”
“So, you know what you must do to prove yourself to me.”
“(Y/n) wouldn’t like that…”
“(Y/n) wouldn’t like you anyway.”
She’s right, right? She’s right. Someone as wonderful and beautiful as (Y/n) could never adore him the way he does her. He loves her and she must find him repulsive. Staying out of fear.
Out of pity for the boy abused by his sister. And so, who better to return to than the more predictable of the two?
(Y/n) may have felt more like coming home than Sister - but Sister was home. (Y/n) was comfort. Sister was familiarity.
He found his foot planted against the loose floorboard once again. He knew how he had to make up for his misdeeds and abandonment.
“I’m truly relieved to see that you got to your room safely,” Korekiyo murmured to (Y/n).
“Huh? Oh yeah,” she pointed over to their local gentle giant, “Gonta and I crossed paths on my way and he wanted to walk me to my room and I just couldn’t say no to him. It’s nice to have someone you trust in this ‘game’. Well, other than you,” the elevator jumbled slightly as it dove down into Monokuma’s makeshift courtroom, “I trust you, obviously.”
She shouldn’t. And he wants to tell her that.
But as Kokichi and Shuichi take glances at him from across the elevator, he knows that she’ll figure things out soon enough.
And, during the trial, when Shuichi’s convicting Korekiyo of the murder of Angie Yonaga and Tenko Chabashira - she does. And she cries and screams and throws a fit. Demanding Korekiyo to fight back harder. Demanding Shuichi to stop lying and get serious. Because Korekiyo would never kill somebody.
He was nice. He was a gentleman. He cared about people. He had stolen her heart - and a man who managed that wouldn’t kill anybody. So, of course, Shuichi was lying.
“Do I have to remind you of what’ll happen if you don’t vote?” Monokuma bit out.
(Y/n) clutched at her hair - she knew what she had to do. But every time she went to vote for Korekiyo, her body wouldn’t let her.
Reaching over, the boy himself took her hand in his, “Allow me,” as he guided her hand over her voting panel. No matter how she swatted at his hand or tried to wrench herself from Korekiyo’s grip, he pressed her vote into his name.
She was forced to watch as he was strung up and spun. Made dizzy and sickly. She was made to watch as he fell into the melting pot. Fires eating at his body until he was no more than spirit.
As Monokuma and the sister who had harmed him so horrifically worked as one to rid the world of his soul.
Eyes went to (Y/n) as the execution subsided. Her sobs and hiccups drawing everyone’s attention.
Gonta was the first to approach, a large hand settling on the girl’s back as she cried, silently taking her into a hug.
Her heart wrenched, fingers squeezing at Gonta’s suit and throat rubbing raw with her wild wails.
He could’ve gotten help. He could’ve gotten out with everyone. If she’d just stayed with him then she could’ve done something. Angie and Tenko would be here. Korekiyo would be here.
“Alright, that’s enough,” Kaito’s voice peeked through, “Don’t cry because he’s gone, (Y/n). Move forward - for both of you.”
“I…” she shook her head, choking on a sob, “I don’t think I can…”
Shuichi placed a hand on Kaito’s shoulder, “Just give her a little time.”
As the group moved out of the courtroom, Gonta stayed by (Y/n)’s side up until she clumsily made her way into her dorm room.
Immediately, she collapsed into her bed sheets. Dreading tomorrow. And the next day. And the one after that. And the one after that. And so on. And so forth. Maybe she should’ve known better than to go around falling for a guy in the killing game. Maybe she should’ve held herself up in her room all alone.
There was no escape from this feeling. No hiding. It may get better over time - but Korekiyo would always be gone.
A buzz at the door caught her attention. Her movements were sluggish, honestly just hoping that whoever was there had given up and left by the time she finally answered.
Shuichi stood there, classically uneven, anxious smile and all, “I think there’s something you might be interested in? If you’ll follow me.”
No verbal response was given, only (Y/n) stepping out of her room and shutting the door behind her to give him her confirmation.
He began towards the casino. With a sigh, (Y/n) was about to tell Shuichi off - she didn’t need to start gambling to get over Korekiyo’s death - until he stopped in front of the building.
“I mostly just wanted you to get some fresh air,” he says earnestly before digging in his pocket and pulling out a key with a heart-shaped handle, “I got this from here. You can get your own or keep this one, I think you need it more than I do,” at her confusion he continues to explain, “It can take you into this weird dream-like state where you can see what ‘ideal’ you play in our classmates’ minds… I think you know who I gave this to you for.”
“Yeah. You can see him again, if you want.”
She wanted to be strong and push the key back into Shuichi’s hand - instead, she just looked between him and the key in her hold and nodded slowly, “Thank you, Shuichi…”
He placed a hand on her shoulder, “Sleep well, (Y/n). I know you can grow past this.”
Because he did.
“I’ll try.”
But he wasn’t her. And Kaede was gone far before Korekiyo. And their grief was not the same.
“Thanks again, Shuichi.”
“Just take your time, okay?”
“Yeah, okay.”
Her knees felt like collapsing under the weight of her nerves, hand falling to the doorknob of the hotel room.
She pushed through her anxiety and found herself in a red-tinted room, a large heart-shaped bed in the center with a merry-go-round circling it. Then, she found Korekiyo standing to the side.
What would his ‘ideal’ version of her be? A friend? An out-of-touch acquaintance? A lover?
Her heart throbbed at the last possibility.
“Ah, my dear, back so soon?”
“Oh, yeah, sorry…”
“Why are you apologizing?”
“I’m, uhm, not sure?”
I’m sorry I couldn’t help you.
“Then don’t,” he seemed to glide across the room, taking the girl’s cheeks in his hands, “You’ve always had a problem with that, my love.”
My love? My love.
“Ah, yeah, sorry,” she huffed at her own word selection, “Oh…”
Korekiyo chuckled quietly, pulling down his mask to kiss her forehead, “I already took my medication while you were out.”
“Your medication?”
“Yes, from the doctor. You were the one who pushed me to go, have you forgotten?”
“Right! No, no, I just blanked,” she quickly lied, giving the boy a broad grin, “I’m glad, though.”
“It’s only medication, dear.”
“Still,” (Y/n) reached up to cup Korekiyo’s cheek, “it’s good that you’re following through with your meds.”
“Your support always helps,” he pressed another kiss to the girl’s forehead, “We’ll be leaving early in the morning tomorrow, I should warn you,” at her furrowed brows he explained, “In order for us to catch the first train to Iwate prefecture. Did you forget, darling?”
“Wait, wait, let me guess…” she waited for his nod before tossing out her suggestion, “We’re traveling for field work!” she was then quick to tag on, “As a couple that’s, like, super in love?”
“You didn’t forget at all, my love,” Korekiyo pulled away slightly, and sat on the bed, removing his shoes, “You play that memory of yours down too much. You’re far more intelligent than you think.”
“You think that?”
“Of course, I do. It’s not just because I love you dearly, either. You mustn’t let the words and actions of others control your opinion on yourself - you’re better than they say.”
This is his ultimate fantasy. He’s her lover. They travel and see the beauty of humanity together, just like what he said he wanted. He loves her. He thinks she’s so great.
He’s wrong.
She should’ve stayed with him that night.
He’s wrong.
She could’ve done so much to keep him with her.
He’s dead.
Because she should’ve stayed.
“Kiyo,” her eyes burned and began to soak, “I’m sorry!” her lungs rapidly expanded and contracted with her sporadic breaths, her hands clutching at her shirt. Her knees finally buckled and she collapsed to the ground, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry for being a stupid, stupid, stupid failure! Please… forgive me…!”
Korekiyo immediately stood up and rushed to (Y/n)’s side, bringing her into a tight hug as she fell to the floor, his fingers running through her hair. He kisses at her temple and cheeks, waiting until her cries settle enough for him to be audible in the room, “It’s interesting, dear, I first realized I’d fallen in love with you in a situation similar as this. I desired to comfort and reassure you just as I do now. You’re not stupid nor a failure, and I adore you above all else.”
Shaking her head, (Y/n) only began to cry harder into Korekiyo’s chest. This could’ve been their future. This could’ve been what they had to share and hold between only each other. If she’d only stayed. If she’d been with him that night.
“Oh, my dear, I’m sorry for upsetting you.”
“It wasn’t you,” she clamped a hand over her mouth, trying to keep back her cries, “I- I- it’s all my fault… it’s all my fault…”
“You haven’t done anything wrong, darling,” Korekiyo held her tighter, “I love you, my dearest (Y/n). No matter what you’ve done, I will always forgive you.”
And once again, her tears only came out harder. Her head pounding ruthlessly at the ache and consciousness fading out in her exhaustion. Korekiyo was dead. And no amount of her tears could ever bring him back.
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pyrrhiccomedy · 4 years ago
the People have requested my book report on The Library at Mt. Char so this is now a Mt Char book club.
if you have not read The Library at Mt Char there is no reason to keep reading. I hope you're having a nice day, stay safe and don't do drugs.
So Mt Char has a couple of problems, but in my opinion only one grave problem.
Not a grave problem:
Erwin doesn't need to be in this book. An astonishing amount of ink is spilled on giving us Erwin's POV and I am at a loss in regards to what that's supposed to bring to the story. I mean, it's kind of neat to see Carolyn's "trick shot" from the POV of one of the people being manipulated, but that perspective could have just been provided by Steve. Everything Erwin does of any plot significance could have been done by Steve, a character who actually matters.
Please note that I don't hate Erwin, he's perfectly fine as characters go, he just contributes nothing, and it is baffling that he and Carolyn get the last scene in the book (instead of just ending on her reunion with Michael, a scene that was emotionally affecting and felt like a natural end point to her story). We are taking no questions, Erwin needed to be cut.
Also not a grave problem in my opinion, but I am sure others feel differently and I understand why they would:
Yo, the scope of what the catalogs cover is mad vague. I mean, I get that that's the point: when you have a character whose magic powers are "anything that has to do with death or murder," that's a broad license, and I'm fine with that. These are supposed to be demi-gods. I don't require a rigorously explicated magic system.
But then like...why can't Jennifer, the healer, also heal minds? That seems weird. Or like, it's implied that she kinda can, maybe, but none of the kids talk about their therapy sessions with Jennifer: they explicitly call out that she heals their bodies. But then she talks about how Margaret and David are sick (meaning mentally) in a way she can "no longer help?" Aren't you supposed to be the God Of Healing? Why can't you help anymore? And were you actually trying to help them before - or anyone else? That's never shown. You could have just said you only healed bodies, not minds, but then it's repeatedly implied that she CAN diagnose mental and emotional problems (and therefore should probably be able to do something about them).
So that's weird.
Or like, why is there Alicia, who "sees the future," and Rachel, who "sees possible futures?" That, uh, just sounds like the author was running out of ideas. Also, if Alicia could see the future, she probably shouldn't have been in that house when the SWAT team hit, yeah?
Stuff like that. The magic the kids can do is very "they have the powers the author needs them to have when the author needs them to have them, and they can't do anything the author would find inconvenient for them to do" but that's not a deal breaker for me because overall the vibe being put off by their various magical specialties works for me. Still, there were ways of getting us where we needed to go without begging quite so many questions.
Also not a grave problem, although more of a problem than the other stuff:
You know that anime trope where a super-genius character is having an entire conversation with another super-genius character through a screen, and it's revealed that the whole conversation was a distraction and pre-recorded so that Character 2 could Complete His Scheme against Character 1? And used his super-genius brain to predict every single thing Character 1 would say? And your suspension of disbelief staggers bloodied into the alleyway and collapses because you're really trying to hang in there, Code Geass, but that's fucking stupid, you're asking for me to believe that this character's intelligence is flat-out supernatural now and you've given me no reason why that should be?
That's how I feel about Carolyn, by the time she takes over the Library. Like, okay. The kids canonically have not even been at the Library long enough for any of them to master their catalogues except for Jennifer. None of them but Jennifer are masters of even their own subject.
Carolyn has been studying in secret from multiple catalogues - which is cool! I like how she slowly reveals over the course of the latter half of the book that she has powers from other people's specialties.
...But like...
She seems close to mastering her own catalogue. She is a competent healer and can raise the dead (Jennifer's catalogue). She can block attempts to read her mind, beats David in a fight, and understands how to kill Father (David's catalogue). She speaks lion and controls the dogs that surround the Library (Michael's catalogue). She could make the mathy "Denial That Rends" thing that kicks off the whole plot, and she can make a new sun and correct orbital rotations around it (Peter's catalogue). She can predict the future with such specificity that she knows how to cause Steve to drop a clip of bullets while he's being attacked by dogs exactly where Erwin will need to pick it up later (Rachel's catalogue, also this one is stupid, she could have just given Erwin an extra clip or something, but whatever).
That's half the catalogues. Carolyn doesn't seem prodigiously more intelligent than the other kids. She's smart, sure, but they're all weird demi-gods with a genius for their specialties. The rest of them haven't even mastered their own catalogue, and I'm supposed to swallow that Carolyn has attained 'competent or better' status in six? When she has to research five of them in secret? Without falling behind in her own studies?
It would be fine if they had all been masters of their own catalogues for years and years; that would mean they would begin to stagnate, while Carolyn kept learning. But that's not the case. By the end I wasn't impressed anymore at Carolyn's resourcefulness, it just felt like she could do anything and everything, shh, don't ask questions, she's the Chosen One so she just can.
The reason this isn't a grave problem to me is because Carolyn's journey isn't about becoming more powerful: it's about her emotional journey, which isn't affected by her being stupidly OP for no reason by the end of the book. She still sucked at the things that mattered, like "feelings" and "relationships" and "not being a shitty person." But I do think it hurt the story. I should be cheering on my protagonist when her wild schemes come together, not rolling my eyes.
Anyway. All that was the aperitif. Let's talk about
So everything that happens in the book stems from Carolyn's thoroughly justified hatred of Father (and David, but David was made that way by Father). Father treated her, and all of the other kids, with extravagant cruelty. If you haven't read the book in a while, here's a sample of the kinds of things Father did to the kids, or, if David did them, that Father did nothing to prevent:
- Cooked David alive over 2 full days in a giant bronze bull (and made the rest of the kids bring the fuel)
- Put Michael's eyes out with a hot poker every night for 2 weeks (and made the rest of the kids watch)
- Murdered Margaret every few days, often in drawn-out and painful ways
- Made Rachel repeatedly give birth, raise the babies to about 9 months, then murder them with her own hands
- Allowed David to rape all 11 of the other kids (except Jennifer, probably because she was the healer and he wanted to stay on her good side)
- Allowed David to crucify, brutalize and rape Carolyn and Peter
- Gave Carolyn a loving new family for a year when she was nine years old (those two deer), then had David murder them in front of her and blame it on her for not remembering her homework well enough, then served the two deer at a feast to 'celebrate' her returning to the family
- Whippings, skinnings, and bone-breakings as standard disciplinary actions
Whoo-ee! Okay! We are talking about mythological cruelty. I am fine with this! The story takes place on a mythological scale. As outlandish as all of that is, the cruelty feels proportionate in a story about killing and replacing god. Father is cruel, indifferent, controlling, and alien. I have no questions, Carolyn please proceed with your revenge. We seemed on track for a tale in which Carolyn defeats Father, but in doing so she runs the risk of becoming him. Will she step back from the brink and retain her humanity after all of the trauma and brutality she's endured? Let's find out!
And then
and then.
Oh boy.
And then.
...It turns out, Father is a good guy after all.
And let me be clear: THIS IS NOT, IN AND OF ITSELF, A PROBLEM.
By the time you learn that Father is actually benevolent, and loved those kids, and cares about being a responsible steward to the world, and tried to leave the universe a better place than he found it, and genuinely regretted the suffering he inflicted on them when they were growing up, it feels kind of...natural? Like, I was surprised, but also not, because there were 90 pages of book left and Carolyn had already become god. This seemed like a thematically meaningful place to take the rest of the story.
It turns out Father was training Carolyn to replace him the entire time. He had to make her hate David because it was important that she "defeat a monster" on her path to becoming god. (It's not explained why she had to defeat a monster, but sure, okay; it's the kind of mythic feat that fits with the story we're in.)
Why did he choose Carolyn to be his successor? Well, originally he chose David, but David wasn't strong enough: every time Carolyn was the monster in David's story, she defeated him, and went on to rule the universe as an unspeakable tyrant. Since Carolyn always won, Father swapped their roles. He knew he had made the right choice when he put David into the bronze bull, and heard David begging for mercy: because when Carolyn had been the fated monster, she had never begged.
...Okay, so...hang on.
Hang on.
The only rule that we've established on "how to become god" is "you have to defeat a monster," right? I'll even grant you for free that it has to be a monster who is personally meaningful to you, although that part is never stated. Overcoming a great evil which has cast you down and abused you many times before, sure, okay.
...Why the FUCK did all that other awful shit have to happen??
I did not have this question when Father was just evil! That was a good enough explanation! But now that he's not evil, you HAVE TO EXPLAIN why he treated all of the kids so brutally!
Like dude you're GOD. If you need a monster for Carolyn, I'm sure you can make that happen without TORTURING CHILDREN FOR DECADES.
There didn't even need to be any other children! You could have two kids: the languages-kid, who is the chosen one (the chosen one has to be the languages-kid so they can read the Onyx Codex or whatever it was called at the end, the one written by Original God), and the war-and-murder kid, who is the monster. They could have just been forbidden to read the other codices, if it's important to you that your chosen one still prove her resourcefulness or whatever.
Why include all of the other kids??? It wasn't to give your chosen one a sense of family: Carolyn didn't feel close to any of them except for Michael (who I liked, but whose contribution to the plot was negligible).
Or keep the kids! But then why make them, and Carolyn, hate you?? You could just say, "Hey Carolyn, I am raising you to be my successor, you have to figure it out yourself because part of proving your worthiness is this kind of abstract, big-picture thinking, but I love you and whatever you end up deciding to do, just believe in yourself." And meanwhile you're off torturing the fated monster in order to get him piping hot and ready to be served.
Was the idea that Carolyn had to endure so much horror in order to prove she was 'tough enough' to be god?? Because that's not how trauma works! Kids who have been brutally traumatized are usually not made tougher by the experience! A fact that even the book understands, because 10 of the 12 kids are completely destroyed by their upbringing (I'm giving marginal exceptions to Michael and Carolyn herself).
And like
if Father doesn't have a good reason for having treated them so badly, the whole book falls apart!
Because getting revenge for that cruelty is Carolyn's whole motivation!
We are clearly supposed to feel okay about Father going to make a new universe at the end of the book: he's going with his cool tiger friend and that little girl with the connection to the elemental plane of joy who used to be the sun, he's happy to see Carolyn embracing compassion and kindness, which means he cares about compassion and kindness. He invented light and pleasure. Carolyn does nothing to try to stop him from going. He seems like a pretty good candidate for god. And I do feel okay with him leaving! I was convinced! Father is not evil after all!
But then you have! to explain! the abuse!!
It can be a throwaway line!! "Carolyn realized that everything she and her siblings went through had to happen the way it did, because [X]," embedded in the middle of a paragraph! That would have been enough! But I need an explanation!
"They were raised the way Father was raised himself" WHY? He was raised by the Emperor, an on-the-record awful fucking dude! Father proceeded to rule the universe in a far more benevolent way than the Emperor did, why would he feel like he had to raise his kids the way the Emperor raised him?
"Carolyn needed to overcome challenges on her path to godhood" how is TRAUMATIZING HER SO BADLY SHE ALMOST BECOMES INHUMAN - SOMETHING YOU WERE OSTENSIBLY TRYING TO PREVENT, see Steve being preserved as something that could give her hope, etc - A "CHALLENGE??"
Again, none of this is a problem if Father is just evil! YOU CHOSE to make him not evil! And that's fine!! I think it's a good choice for the story actually!! But then you have to, you have to, HAVE TO explain why all of that bad shit happened!
Because all of that bad shit is the reason Carolyn made there be a story.
And it turns out it doesn't make sense.
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thelibraryloser · 4 years ago
The Moon in Two Pieces
Ladybug tells Chat that she can’t ever love him, and he misunderstands her meaning.
This is a little drabble story for @ladynoirjuly day 20 “Save Me” (so it’s a bit angsty ‘cause Chat Blanc) and I would love it if you checked it out on AO3 by clicking here 
or you can read it below the cut 
“I can’t.” Ladybug took a shaky breath and looked into her partner’s eyes. “I’m sorry—it’s not you. I just can’t. Please don’t ask again.”
Chat’s brows furrowed in frustration—not with her, but with himself. He’d thought things were changing between them lately. These days she watched his movements with something like interest, though she’d glance away every time he caught her looking. She laughed at his jokes, even when it wasn’t his best material, and blushed at his winks. And tonight he knew he hadn’t imagined the catch in her breath when he let his lips linger on her knuckles during his goodbye. He’d let himself hope.
It was a stupid mistake.
“I understand,” he said. “It’s my fault—I misread the situation.”
She frowned at him, her eyes intense with some emotion—irritation, he thought maybe, or possibly derision. He took a step back and played his favorite card, which was worn at the edges but usually took the trick. He shrugged and gave her an off-hand grin. “Had to ask one more time. You know what they say about cats and curiosity.”
She didn’t smile. “We should…”
“Finish patrol, yeah.” He needed to get out of there anyway. He had about thirty seconds of lighthearted banter left in him before she’d see his pain and know how deeply he was affected. He didn’t want to change things between them.
Because there was nothing new in his asking the question.
But this was the first time in a long time he’d felt the possibility of a new answer.
Ladybug watched her partner disappear into the night and she ached to call after him. He said he’d misread the situation.
He’d never been more correct in his entire life. Because she’d told him the truth and he didn’t seem to understand a word of it.
I can’t. I’m sorry, it’s not you.
That was what she said, but what she’d meant by it was
When I say I can’t love you, it’s not because you’re unlovable. You know those stars you think I hung in the sky? Have you ever noticed how they look so much brighter in the dark of the wild, far from the city lights?
That’s you. I don’t know the first thing about your real life, but I know when you are pasting a smile over a broken heart. I have seen the defeat in the curve of your shoulders and the tightness around your eyes and the way you think a pun will distract me from your pain. I let you teach me languages and constellation mythology and the premise of every anime you’ve ever seen because you’ll talk about anything rather than go home. Somehow you keep shining out of the darkness, brighter because of it, enough to bring me light when I need it most.  
You lend me strength when I’m weak and smiles when I’m sad. You’re warmth and contentment. I’ve never met anyone so worthy of love. So when I say I can’t love you, it’s not because of you.
When I say I can’t love you, I don’t mean I’m incapable of it. I had to tell you not to ask again because I’m weak. It takes every bit of my strength not to love you. Sometimes I think the denial is beyond my power. I could love you with so little effort. It would be like stumbling on a cliff’s edge—a mistake followed by a free fall. Thrill and terror, the work of physics and my own foolishness, and then a very destructive conclusion.
Because when I say I can’t love you, it’s because I once did. I know you don’t remember and neither do I, but it happened. I loved you.
I loved you and I saw the sky split open and the world flood. I stood in the silence of an empty city. I saw myself crumble to ash and dissolve into nothing. I saw you broken and shattered and beyond my reach. I know you think this is hopeless, but you have to believe me when I say I’ve seen a greater hopelessness.
It’s you and me against the world, Kitty, but not in the way you imagine. It’s not a battle but a choice: you and me, at the expense of the world? We’re superheroes, of course, so there’s a certain expectation that we endeavor to save the world. On top of that, you’re so innately selfless and good that I’m certain you’d weigh the cost of us and arrive at the same conclusion I did.
It’s not the story I want. But it’s the story that ends with the moon in one piece.
You asked me if I thought I could ever love you.
Please understand me when I say that I absolutely can’t.
But I do.  
That was what she'd meant.
Ladybug brushed her fingers over the knuckle of her glove where she could still feel his kiss, and she weighed the cost again.
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zorilleerrant · 3 years ago
How do I trick more people into picking up Monkey Prince? Demographics, babey! We got to break down what comics people like.
Batman. Hands down the most popular DC character and series. But, you know, I’m also obsessed with Batman, so that should work okay? Marcus is already in my Batfam Beyond AU, I’ve just got to put more work into getting him into the other stuff.
Thor. Did you know Marvel is more popular than DC? Ridiculous. This guy’s comic is a big one. But here’s the thing, is I love Loki? I’ve written Loki before, I can write them again! And Loki is a great one, on account of...the shapeshifting! Shapeshifting into animals especially! And the whole pantheon thing, which is a good sandbox
X-men. This one seems doable, on account of there’s no particular powerset, and you can get mad political with the conflicts. Would Monkey Prince be friends with Magneto? Probably! He seems slated to be a bit of an anti-hero, so let’s see!
Spider-man. I can do that! I mean that’s just a spider that swings around from rooftop to rooftop, how hard can that be to mesh with a story about a monkey that flies around from rooftop to rooftop? Probably not very?? I will have to make them the same age which seems to piss off the hardcore Marvel fans but I don’t know what to do about that.
Venom. I’ll be real with you, I know nothing about Venom. I mean I know about Symbrock from tumblr obsession, but I think that may not be what comics fans are going for.
Because I want people who read comics to read this comic!! Other topics I may want to research to broaden the fanbase (feel free to chime in if you have information or opinions on that):
What superhero movies are the most popular? What TV shows, both live action and cartoon? I mean I know the MCU but I also feel like that may be a little oversaturated at this point.
What comics are poc and specifically Chinese people more likely to read and/or care about? Likewise, probably, movies and TV that could draw people in with crossovers.
What comics get at the mythology crowd? I feel like Thor is going to be one of those again, maybe Wonder Woman? There have got to be a lot of people who like various pantheons in their comics.
Actually, what fandoms are going to draw in the mythology nerd overall? I might need to draw in PJO fandom, that seems like probably a good in. They might like all this monkey business. There’s a huge general Greek Mythology fanbase on tumblr, too, how do I get them invested?
I have GOT to find a way to target the Hanuman fans.
Figure out what’s the biggest nerd fandoms overall. The question is whether this is just current trends, or should I go with the biggest historically? Like people are still into Buffy crossovers just fine, but will that attract new readers?
Marcus is also in high school, so maybe I should get on the teen soap angle? What even are teen soaps these days?? (I’m watching Euphoria but I think that may be the wrong one)
Monkey fans? Like fans of monkeys, the animal? Is that anything? Maybe fans of other primate superheroes?
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vampiredev · 3 years ago
Tumblr media
Since I have been asked about the lore behind Vampire's Bit a couple of times recently I decided to organize my ideas a little and post them here. When I started working on Vampire's Bit my main goal was to recreate the feeling of early ARCADE/NES games, since keeping it as simple as possible both in gameplay and graphics was a main priority, considering it was my first time taking part on a game jam, and my first time working under a very tight deadline too.
This minimalistic approach would also reference heavily some of those old games that I used to play a lot in the past and that were a big inspiration for this project, like Bomberman, Pac-man, Berzek and Lode Runner.
Since most games from that era couldn't rely on a story heavily due to technical limitations I decided to keep Vampire's Bit a little bit vague and mysterious too, as I'd love to see other people filling the blanks with their imagination, and coming up with different stories and interpretations based on it, in the same way most people would come up with their own ideas, stories, and even their own character designs based only the small amount of information those old games could provide them.  As time went on and I kept working on the game I deviated a lot from that initial view and style, and while that's something I have been struggling with recently, I'll address it with more detail in another post later on.
So, for the lore aspect itself, let's list all the details I have set on stone:
The main character of the story is a vampire called Elizabeth, a name both her family and her friends usually shorten to Elzie afectionally, and that I also use often when talking about her. As you can imagine her name is an obvious reference to Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed, who has become popularly associated with vampires, and also as a reference to one of the stories from the book "Vampires Are" by author and vampirologist Stephen Kaplan. In that story Kaplan is approached by a woman named Elizabeth who claims to be a real vampire, and not only manages to evade all his trick questions, but also introduces him to a very interesting and detailed account on how a vampire survives in our current times. As for Elzie's appareance she was inspired by romanian strigoi mythology, which noted people with red hair and blue eyes as someone suspicious of being or becoming a vampire.
The events in Vampire's Bit take place during the Victorian era (1830~1900) and Elzie has been a vampire for some time already.  She's quite experienced with her vampire powers, and the only thing drawing her back is that as she was quite young when turned into a vampire, she is very short and thin physically, and also not very strong. This part of her characterization also takes heavy inspiration from other famous vampires from popular literature like Claudia from "Interview with the Vampire" by Anne Rice, and Eli from "Let the Right One In", by John Ajvide Lindqvist. Before becoming a vampire, she probably was the spoiled daughter of a rich family, something we can see small hints of not only in her bratty attitude but also on her taste for fancy looking places and fancy looking dresses.
And this lead us to analyze her personality with more detail. If I had to choose a word to describe Elzie I'd say mischevious is a good one. At first glance she will be antagonistic without any doubt, as I thought that a game where you play as "the villian" was a very interesting twist on what we usually get from vampire themed games. Growing up as a rich and spoiled girl, she is quite used to things always going the way she wants them to go, and using her unnatural powers gives her an extra advantage to do whatever it takes her to ensure that's exactly what happens. But deep inside she is not really evil, and a big amount the questionable things she does, she does out of necessity, such as killing people, because she needs to feed herself, or out from boredom and lonelyness, leading her to sometimes keep people as pets or slaves, or doing risky and dangerous things just get a thrill, like dancing outside at the brink of sunrise. In the same way  Pendleton Ward's "Adventure Time" explained Marceline, their own vampire character, Elzie is not actually evil, but very very old and has "lost track of her moral code".
At some point in the future we will have a couple of chances to see Elzie interact with other characters, like Layna, the main character from @lightspiritdev 's "Project Light Spirit", which will give us a better insight on her personality, and how she relates and interacts with others. But that's also something for a different post too.
So, this is pretty much al the lore I always had in mind for Vampire's Bit, and more specifically for Elizabeth as a character. With this as a starting point let your imagination fly and feel free to come up with anything you want, and of course, please share it with me too, as I love to see different interpretations of her and the game.
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devinescribe · 4 years ago
Can I request something that is related to greek mythology since I very much liked your cupid stories. Where Chishiya is Hades and the reader is Persephone. Idk how it will go but yeah something like that. They were doing their thing in the underworld and one day they lose their powers as gods and they were transported to the borderlands. Thanks!
I- yes, love it, here we go-
I don't think you guys know how obsessed I was with Greek mythology as a kid, and how it translated into my life as of right now. Like... I'm a full blown witch now for the gods' sake. Like, I'm excited-
Love Older Than Time
Chishiya Shuntaro × Reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of kidnapping, your mom is kinda sorta psycho
"Y/N? Have you been in the fields of Elysium this whole time?" You heard a voice ask behind you. You recognized who it was almost immediately, even without turning around. It was Chishiya. You turned to face him with a bright smile, nodding. "I'm sorry if I worried you... it's just pretty here," you apologized, standing up. You dusted off your dress of any dirt that might have gotten on it, walking to him. He sighed as you walked over to his side, grabbing his arm. "My dear, you have your personal garden within our palace, you don't need to come out here. You could get hurt, I don't want you getting hurt," he softly repremanded. "I hope you don't plan on becoming like my mother," you joked. He laughed, and shook his head, kissing the top of your head. "No, I won't."
It wasn't that you didn't like your mother, she was just a helicopter parent, never letting you do anything yourself. And ever since the incident with Chishiya, things had become more awkward.
You two walked back inside, the guards greeting you as you made your way through the halls of the palace.
"I mean, it's a ways away from spring my love. I'll still be here for a while more," you said, intertwining your fingers with his. "I'm quite aware, but it still makes me... upset you'll have to leave once more," he explained. You knew that he meant he would be sad when you left. Everyone else had told you. Everyone in the Underworld said the first two weeks, he always asked where you were or looked for you, before realizing you were in the upper world. Others said they caught him in your garden late at night, sleeping in there as it gave him comfort. Sure, he may not have expressed it, but you knew he didn't like it when you left. "Well, I'm glad you miss me when I leave," you whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "You know, there is one person who misses you more than me and that's Cerberus," he said. You laughed, leaning your head onto his shoulder. "I would rather you never leave, but that would be a punishment for you... and I hate seeing you unhappy," he stated. "Now, if I recall, you kidnapped me knowing full well I would be unhappy," you laughed. He looked at you, and back down to the floor. "I did do that, didn't I?" He questioned out loud, not really looking for an answer. "Yes, but you didn't harm me, or force me to do anything. You let me be, and showed me love, patience, and compassion, even when all I did was spit insult after insult... you didn't force me to fall in love with you. You let me be, and let me discover things by myself. Something I'd never been able to do. You didn't treat me like a prisoner. I felt more free with you than I did with my mother," you explained, playing with his hands. He hummed in acknowledgement as the large, dark doors to the thrown room opened. You two ruled over the underworld, there was citizens you two had to hear out. It was basically the same as being a king or queen in the mortal world.
You both sat down, ready for the endless complaints of people. "Chishiya, it's rather dark in here my dear," you said softly, noticing how it could seem intimidating to new and old spirits. He flicked his hand, the room being filled with blue light from the torches. "Is this better for you darling? He asked. You nodded happily, and he noticed the yellow flowers growing around you. He smiled softly, knowing that meant you were happy. He never knew making someone else happy would make him feel good, but it did. But only with you.
"So, we only have one person left?" You questioned the guard. They nodded. "It says they're from... well... fuck," Chishiya cursed. You turned to face him. "What's wrong?" You asked, reaching to grab his hand. "Our last and final person is from Tartarus. Please be on your guard, I don't trust any of the people there,'' Chishiya warned, talking to everyone in the room.
Tartarus was the place were all the bad people went. You would have had to do something extremely wrong to get sent there. Heroes got into the fields of Elysium. That's where all the greatest people went. The common person would go to the Asphodel Fields, where their souls would slowly lose who they were. Few people from Tartarus ever came to see you two. To do that, you had to be on almost perfect behavior for the Furies. Which almost never happened.
He noticed the roses and poison ivy that had grown around you. Those were intentional, he observed, seeing as your hand had softly stretched over your legs. You were ready to create a barrier incase of an emergency. The doors swung open, and a woman limped in. There were bruises that covered her body, and her long gray hair was messy and frazzled. Her eyes were completely white, making you shiver.
"And what may we help you with today?'' Chishiya asked, looking around cautiously. "To ask why I'm suffering, when the so-called 'heroes' get to live an eternal life of glory," she croaked. You looked over at Chishiya, who was studying the woman. "Explain," he stated, willing to hear her out. After all, he didn't decide who went where. The person's own morals were weighed, and they were dragged into whatever place the spirits you'd placed in charge saw fit.
"I didn't do anything wrong, in my opinion. All those heroes, however have killed countless and sacrificed hundreds for their own success," she said, glancing over at you. You gripped onto the edge of your throne, your knuckles turning white. You and Chishiya were both aware of what she was trying to do. She was using the fact that you had more empathy towards people, and using it to her advantage. She somehow knew that Chishiya didn't have the final words in everything, and that you helped decide as well. It was pissing him off that someone would use your kindness against both of you. He snapped his fingers, and a piece of parchment appeared in a puff of blue fire. "Would you like to read this out loud, or should I my dear?" He asked you, a sly smirk finding it's way across his face. "I'll read it," you said. He handed you the parchment, and you began reading it in your head quickly. "It seems you practiced magic? Lady Hecate must be pleased," you commented. She hummed, and you continued on. "Alright. I don't se- oh my... Chishiya, darling... you read this please," you said, reading why the spirits had chosen to put her in Tartarus. "You kidnapped children? For magic?" He questioned. "They were going to turn out evil. The oracle told me so," she said. Your stomach churned in disgust. "Where did you find the Oracle?" You questioned, knowing full well mortals loved to pretend to be the Oracle of Apollo, just to trick others. "In the woods. She was there everyday, and would tell me which ones," she explained. She was obviously lying. She kidnapped them out of her own free will, and you could prove it. Chishiya could see that she was lying. Was she stupid or just that narcissistic that she lied to two gods?
"See, we can both see through your lies. Given the fact that you did horrible things to children, and lied to both of us, I see no mistake with where you were placed. Have a good day," Chishiya said, dismissing her. She began laughing, and you clenched your hand tighter. The roses growing around both of you weaved together even more, the thorns becoming sharper and thicker. She began saying something in a different language, and Chishiya pulled you up with him. "Guards, please take her back," He ordered, holding you protectively. Before the guards could grab her, however, a cloud of purple and blue engulfed both of you. You screamed at the burning sensation it brought, holding onto Chishiya tightly. The pain was to much for you, and the last thing you remembered before passing out was Chishiya yelling something.
You woke up with a stary, sitting up quickly in fear. You looked around, seeing Chishiya besides you. You gasped, shaking him gently. "Chishiya! Chishiya, wake up!" You shouted, scared at the idea he might not. Sure, gods couldn't die, but they could be stuck in comas. And that was a big fear. He groaned, his eyes slowly opening, and you sighed in relief. "Chishiya, where are we?" You asked, hugging him tightly. "I... have not the vaguest idea, (Y/N)," he answered softly. You looked around, noticing abondoned streets, and plastic bags along with other articles of trash getting carried away by the wind. There was not a single soul in sight. "What do we do then?" You asked. "We send ourselves back home," he said. You nodded, and placed your hands down on the floor. Nothing happened. You stared in confusion, trying again. "I-its not... it's not working," you stuttered. You were nervous, and scared. He could tell, even without the flowers that grew around you. That's when it pressed in his head that flowers that showed your emotions always grew around you. You couldn't even control thay, they just did. "(Y/N)... I think that witch sent us to the mortal world... and somehow took our powers," he suggested. Your eyes widened, and you looked at him. "B-but only... only gods can do that to other gods! An-and.... wait.... look Chishi," you stammered, pointing at a piece of paper. This one was different, seeing as it wasn't moving like the other pieces of trash. You crawled over to it, picking it up. "Do forgive me (Y/N), I was only meaning to send Chishiya, but as usual, he finds a way to rope you into his business against your will. You're both stuck here until you complete the deadly games with the other mortals. And yes I say other mortals, because... well, you're mortals until you complete the games. I hope you know I only wanted to send Chishiya away so you and I could be together for a bit, I do miss you so. Love, and Goodluck, mom..." you read, tears filling your eyes. Chishiya held onto you tightly as your tears fell onto the paper. "Your mother is a psychopath. Noted," he whispered. You chuckled through your tears, as he rubbed circles into your back. "What do we now?" You whimpered. "Play the games, I assume. It's the only way to get back," he answered. "But she said they were deadly... we could die!" You exclaimed. He brought you closet to him, placing your head on his chest. He placed a hand protectively behind your head, trying to calm you down. "I won't let you die.... and neither would your mother. And it won't come to that either, because I will do everything in my power to protect you," he said quietly. You took several shaky breaths, grabbing onto him. "You mean we protect each other, right?" You questioned. "I'll that makes you feel better," he answered.
"I promise."
Yay!! This was so much fun to write and I'm so glad I got it done! Also, I apologize for any spelling mistakes I may not have caught!
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lowkeyorloki · 5 years ago
I just spent the last three hours rebooting my masterlist to make sure it’s tidy, legible, and updated! It looks completely different and I’m really happy with it. There’s a link to it on my blog, but to anyone who may want it in the form of a textpost, I’ve done that for y’all too. Hope this is helpful to someone out there :)
In each section (one-shots, headcanons, and multi-chapters), the most recent works are at the top. This means the further you go down, the older the fics become. I have written multiple drabbles on this blog, but they are not included on my masterlist. Just search ‘drabble’ on my blog and they’ll come up.
As of 2020, my imagines do not use any type of pronouns or biological descriptions (i.e, breasts or genitalia) unless the fic is smut. This is to make my work as inclusive as I can.
Last updated: July 16th, 2020
🌶️ means the fic contains smut. PLEASE only consume if you are 18+
⭐ means the piece is one of my personal favorites
Enjoy 🐍
Glass Warrior- 🌶️
You’re so beautiful, and so breakable. Loki would never forgive himself if he hurt you.
You begin to question the nature of your relationship with Loki as he calls you sweet names and looks at you with soft eyes.
Stay Kind
As you lay dying in Loki’s arms, you work up the strength to tell him one final thing.
Wounds- ⭐
You’re injured, and Loki shows a new side of himself as he nurses you back to health.
True Form
You’re intent on seeing Loki’s Jotunn side, even if he doesn’t want you to.
Release- 🌶️
A sensual situation from our favorite god’s point of view.
lbd- 🌶️⭐
After a fight with Loki, you wear the smallest dress you can to an Avengers press event.
Aftermath- ⭐
Loki always hated weakness. Because of this, you try to remain strong- even after being kidnapped.
Wine Drunk
The Asgardian wine Sif gave you is stronger than anything Tony Stark has in his liquor cabinet.
Tell Me You Love Me
You know it’s hard for Loki to be vulnerable, but sometimes, you need to hear those three words too.
An Heir
You have an honest conversation with Loki about the possibility of children.
3:33 In the Morning
You comfort Loki after a nightmare.
Loki experiences jealousy over a certain one of your past lovers.
Loki’s Perspective- 🌶️⭐
We always read about your first time with Loki through your eyes, but what is Loki thinking?
Phantom Pains
Loki can’t get his encounter with Thanos out of his mind.
Not the First, But the Last- ⭐
You ask Loki about his previous loves on Asgard.
A Different Loki
After Loki’s death in Infinity War, you awake to see him standing next to your bed… and it isn’t a dream.
Snapshots- ⭐
Having moments with Loki isn’t all that it seems.
The Wading Pools
Loki takes you to one of his favorite places in Asgard.
The Other Brother- ⭐
We all tell the story your romance with Loki through his eyes or your own. But what does it look like to the only other person who loves Loki as much as you do?
Loki returns from the events of Ragnorak after leaving you without a word, and finds you look different than he remembers.
Not His Tricks, Not This Time
After having a dream that may be telling of the future, Loki begins to train with you and become protective.
A Proposition
Loki is at a bar trying to forget you when a woman approaches him.
Loki awakes looking as perfect as ever- except for his bedhead, that is.
His Eyes- ⭐
After having a dream that may be telling of the future, Loki begins to train with you and becomes protective.
Through Loki’s Eyes- 🌶️⭐
Loki is so guarded around you. Now you can find out why.
Erstwhile- ⭐
You’re different than all the other girls Loki has been with. You’re sure of it.
Professor! Loki x You
A fun AU where Professor Laufeyson invites you to dinner, as he knows how bad the dorm food can be.
Burdened With Glorious Purpose- ⭐
Loki doesn’t have anything he came down to Midgard for. But he has you.
Villains have started to get wind of how much you matter to Loki, and soon enough, one takes you.
Loki gets candid with his love for you.
You’re engaged to Thor but in love with Loki, and it’s hard for both of you.
The First Time- 🌶️
You lose your midgardian virginity to Loki.
After Thor’s banishment in the first “Thor”, you confront Odin about lying to his second-born son.
Hate Unguarded
You promise Loki his Jotunn form does nothing to deter you.
What Now?
You ask Professor Laufeyson what will become of the two of you now that classes are over.
I Can’t- ⭐
Loki never wanted to fall in love with you. He isn’t sure how to handle it.
Loki is a god, and you were always immortal. This was always going to happen.
Shrouded Secrets- ⭐
This is what being in a forbidden relationship with Loki entails.
Loki patches up you, his Asguardian lover lover after a battle.
Soulmates (?)
Loki doesn’t believe in soulmates. He does believe, however, in choice.
The Battle of NYC- 🌶️⭐
You’re an Avengers, tasked with protecting the citizens of New York as Loki and the Chituari attack. You find Loki on the ground- but fighting doesn’t seem to be where your head is right now.
What Loki Learned For You
Deaf! reader x Loki request where he learns sign language.
Sleepy Mornings
Loki is cuddly when he first wakes up.
A fic inspired by the slander that was Infinity War to MAKE EVERYTHING OKAY.
Get It Together, Laufeyson
Loki isn’t sure how to tell you his true feelings, so he goes to Thor and Valkyrie for help.
I Thought You Were Dead
Loki is overcome with relief after you return to Avengers Tower.
The Throne- 🌶️⭐ (for a version with he/him pronouns, go here)
Loki sits on the throne of Asgard, and it’s everything he ever wanted- you decide to make his fantasy even better.
Loki and Lightning
For Loki, lightning brings less than pleasant memories.
Mythology Nerd
As someone who has loved and studies Norse myths for as long as you can remember, you’re thrilled to meet Loki- not that you would want him to know that, of course.
I’m Not Like Thor- 🌶️
Years of being compared to his older brother have taken a toll on Loki.
Thor’s a Flirt- 🌶️
…and he really should have known better than to court you in front of Loki.
You and Loki gradually grow closer and closer.
Loki x Plus Size! Reader- 🌶️
Loki is more than willing to show you how truly beautiful you are.
Five Kisses
Five different types of kisses, each to prove your love.
Charity Event
Stark is always forcing the team to smile for the cameras, but the world hasn’t been accepting of the love you found with Loki.
This is the fic that put me on the map! Loki suffers from nightmares, and you only acknowledge each other at night.
Friday Nights- 🌶️
Loki comes to your apartment every Friday- in multiple meanings of the word.
Kiss Me
Both you and Loki know he loves you, but he won’t say it.
As you and Loki grow closer and closer, he notices the shift in his true emotions towards you.
Loki Gets Headaches After NYC- ⭐
Sensual Loki Headcanons- 🌶️
Misc. Loki and Loki x Reader
Loki’s Vices- ⭐
Domestic! Loki Headcanons- ⭐
Random Loki and Loki x Reader- ⭐
Loki and Reader Meeting In the Avengers Compound
Taking A Bath With Loki After A Long Day- 🌶️
Loki’s Jotunn Form Provides Him With High Levels of Stamina- 🌶️
Friends With Benefits to Lovers With Loki- 🌶️
Loki After An Argument- ⭐
Loki’s Favorite Positions- ⭐
Being Pregnant With Loki’s Child Would Include
Does Loki Like Vocal Girls?- 🌶️
Losing Your Virginity To Loki (Established Realtionship)- 🌶️
Dating Loki Headcanons
These are all stories I started when I was a lot younger. They won’t ever be completed, but I have left them up because people enjoy the little there is!
Betrothed: 1, 2, and 3
You and Thor are engaged, but it’s Loki you’re in love with.
Lugh: 1 and 2
Loki died, leaving you to raise your child he never got to know about alone. But then, Loki shows up on your doorstep, and neither of you know where to go from there.
She Shall Have
She Shall Have is a multi-chapter I started on tumblr but moved to ao3, where it is now updated every Saturday. It is the fic I am the most proud of, and I am SUPER passionate and excited about it!
Chapters 1, 2, and 3 can be found here on this blog. It is continued on my ao3, where I write under the pseud lowkeyorloki. Check it out and come say hi!
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uomo-accattivante · 5 years ago
Fantastic (but long) article about Theater of War’s recent productions, including Oedipus the King and Antigone in Ferguson, featuring Oscar Isaac. The following are excerpts. The full article is viewable via the source link below:
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“Children of Thebes, why are you here?” Oscar Isaac asked. His face filled the monitor on my dining table. (It was my partner’s turn to use the desk.) We were a couple of months into lockdown, just past seven in the evening, and a few straggling cheers for essential workers came in through the window. Isaac was looking smoldery with a quarantine beard, a gold chain, an Airpod, and a black T-shirt. His display name was set to “Oedipus.”
Isaac was one of several famous actors performing Sophocles’ “Oedipus the King” from their homes, in the first virtual performance by Theater of War Productions: a group that got its start in 2008, staging Sophocles’ “Ajax” and “Philoctetes” for U.S. military audiences and, beginning in 2009, on military installations around the world, including in Kuwait, Qatar, and Guantánamo Bay, with a focus on combat trauma. After each dramatic reading, a panel made up of people in active service, veterans, military spouses, and/or psychiatrists would describe how the play resonated with their experiences of war, before opening up the discussion to the audience. Since its founding, Theater of War Productions has addressed different kinds of trauma. It has produced Euripides’ “The Bacchae” in rural communities affected by the opioid crisis, “The Madness of Heracles” in neighborhoods afflicted by gun violence and gang wars, and Aeschylus’ “Prometheus Bound” in prisons. “Antigone in Ferguson,” which focusses on crises between communities and law enforcement, was motivated by an analogy between Oedipus’ son’s unburied body and that of Michael Brown, left on the street for roughly four hours after Brown was killed by police; it was originally performed at Michael Brown’s high school.
Now, with trauma roving the globe more contagiously than ever, Theater of War Productions had traded its site-specific approach for Zoom. The app was configured in a way I hadn’t seen before. There were no buttons to change between gallery and speaker view, which alternated seemingly by themselves. You were in a “meeting,” but one you were powerless to control, proceeding by itself, with the inexorability of fate. There was no way to view the other audience members, and not even the group’s founder and director, Bryan Doerries, knew how numerous they were. Later, Zoom told him that it had been fifteen thousand. This is roughly the seating capacity of the theatre of Dionysus, where “Oedipus the King” is believed to have premièred, around 429 B.C. Those viewers, like us, were in the middle of a pandemic: in their case, the Plague of Athens.
The original audience would have known Oedipus’ story from Greek mythology: how an oracle had predicted that Laius, the king of Thebes, would be killed by his own son, who would then sleep with his mother; how the queen, Jocasta, gave birth to a boy, and Laius pierced and bound the child’s ankles, and ordered a shepherd to leave him on a mountainside. The shepherd took pity on the maimed baby, Oedipus (“swollen foot”), and gave him to a Corinthian servant, who handed him off to the king and queen of Corinth, who raised him as their son. Years later, Oedipus killed Laius at a crossroads, without knowing who he was. Then he saved Thebes from a Sphinx, became the king of Thebes, had four children with Jocasta, and lived happily for many years.
That’s where Sophocles picks up the story. Everyone would have known where things were headed—the truth would come out, and Oedipus would blind himself—but not how they would get there. How Sophocles got there was by drawing on contemporary events, on something that was in everyone’s mind, though it doesn’t appear in the original myth: a plague.
In the opening scene, Thebes is in the grip of a terrible epidemic. Oedipus’ subjects come to the palace, imploring him to save the city, describing the scene of pestilence and panic, the screaming and the corpses in the street. Something about the way Isaac voiced Oedipus’ response—“Children. I am sorry. I know”—made me feel a kind of longing. It was a degree of compassion conspicuous by its absence in the current Administration. I never think of myself as someone who wants or needs “leadership,” yet I found myself thinking, We would be better off with Oedipus. “I would be a weak leader if I did not follow the gods’ orders,” Isaac continued, subverting the masculine norm of never asking for advice. He had already sent for the best information out there, from the Delphic Oracle.
Soon, Oedipus’ brother-in-law, Creon—John Turturro, in a book-lined study—was doing his best to soft-pedal some weird news from Delphi. Apparently, the oracle said that the plague wouldn’t end until the people of Thebes expelled Laius’ killer: a person who was somehow still in the city, even though Laius had died many years earlier on an out-of-town trip. Oedipus called in the blind prophet, Tiresias, played by Jeffrey Wright, whose eyes were invisible behind a circular glare in his eyeglasses.
Reading “Oedipus” in the past, I had always been exasperated by Tiresias, by his cryptic lamentations—“I will never reveal the riddles within me, or the evil in you”—and the way he seemed incapable of transmitting useful information. Spoken by a Black actor in America in 2020, the line made a sickening kind of sense. How do you tell the voice of power that the problem is in him, really baked in there, going back generations? “Feel free to spew all of your vitriol and rage in my direction,” Tiresias said, like someone who knew he was in for a tweetstorm.
Oedipus accused Tiresias of treachery, calling out his disability. He cast suspicion on foreigners, and touted his own “wealth, power, unsurpassed skill.” He decried fake news: “It’s all a scam—you know nothing about interpreting birds.” He elaborated a deep-state scenario: Creon had “hatched a secret plan to expel me from office,” eliciting slanderous prophecies from supposedly disinterested agencies. It was, in short, a coup, designed to subvert the democratic will of the people of Thebes.
Frances McDormand appeared next, in the role of Jocasta. Wearing no visible makeup, speaking from what looked like a cabin somewhere with wood-panelled walls, she resembled the ghost of some frontierswoman. I realized, when I saw her, that I had never tried to picture Jocasta: not her appearance, or her attitude. What was her deal? How had she felt about Laius maiming their baby? How had she felt about being offered as a bride to whomever defeated the Sphinx? What did she think of Oedipus when she met him? Did it never seem weird to her that he was her son’s age, and had horrible scars on his ankles? How did they get along, those two?
When you’re reading the play, you don’t have to answer such questions. You can entertain multiple possibilities without settling on one. But actors have to make decisions and stick to them. One decision that had been made in this case: Oedipus really liked her. “Since I have more respect for you, my dear, than anyone else in the world,” Isaac said, with such warmth in “my dear.” I was reminded of the fact that Euripides wrote a version of “Oedipus”—lost to posterity, like the majority of Greek tragedies—that some scholars suggest foregrounds the loving relationshipbetween Oedipus and Jocasta.
Jocasta’s immediate task was to defuse the potentially murderous argument between her husband and her brother. She took one of the few rhetorical angles available to a woman: why, such grown men ought to be ashamed of themselves, carrying on so when there was a plague going on. And yet, listening to the lines that McDormand chose to emphasize, it was clear that, in the guise of adult rationality and spreading peace, what she was actually doing was silencing and trivializing. “Come inside,” she said, “and we’ll settle this thing in private. And both of you quit making something out of nothing.” It was the voice of denial, and, through the play, you could hear it spread from character to character.
By this point in the performance, I found myself spinning into a kind of cognitive overdrive, toggling between the text and the performance, between the historical context, the current context, and the “universal” themes. No matter how many times you see it pulled off, the magic trick is always a surprise: how a text that is hundreds or thousands of years old turns out to be about the thing that’s happening to you, however modern and unprecedented you thought it was.
The riddle of the Sphinx plays out in the plot of “Oedipus,” particularly in a scene near the end where the truth finally comes out. Two key figures from Oedipus’ infancy are brought in for questioning: the Theban shepherd, who was supposed to kill baby Oedipus but didn’t; and the Corinthian messenger to whom he handed off the maimed child. The Theban shepherd is walking proof that the Sphinx’s riddle is hard, because that man can’t recognize anyone: not the Corinthian, whom he last saw as a young man, and certainly not Oedipus, a baby with whom he’d had a passing acquaintance decades earlier. “It all took place so long ago,” he grumbles. “Why on earth would you ask me?”
“Because,” the Corinthian (David Strathairn) explained genially on Zoom, “this man whom you are now looking at was once that child.”
This, for me, was the scene with the catharsis in it. At a certain point, the shepherd (Frankie Faison) clearly understood everything, but would not or could not admit it. Oedipus, now determined to learn the truth at all costs, resorted to enhanced interrogation. “Bend back his arms until they snap,” Isaac said icily; in another window, Faison screamed in highly realistic agony. Faison was a personification of psychological resistance: the mechanism a mind develops to protect itself from an unbearable truth. Those invisible guardsmen had to nearly kill him before he would admit who had given him the baby: “It was Laius’s child, or so people said. Your wife could tell you more.”
Tears glinted in Isaac’s eyes as he delivered the next line, which I suddenly understood to be the most devastating in the whole play: “Did . . . she . . . give it to you?” How had I never fully realized, never felt, how painful it would have been for Oedipus to realize that his parents hadn’t loved him?
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If we borrow the terms of Greek drama, 2020 might be viewed as the year of anagnorisis: tragic recognition. On August 9th, the sixth anniversary of the shooting of Michael Brown, I watched the Theater of War Productions put on a Zoom production of “Antigone in Ferguson”: an adaptation of Sophocles’ “Oedipus” narrative sequel, with the chorus represented by a demographically and ideologically diverse gospel choir. Oscar Isaac was back, this time as Creon, Oedipus’ successor as king. He started out as a bullying inquisitor (“I will have your extremities removed one by one until you reveal the criminal’s name”), ordering Antigone (Tracie Thoms) to be buried alive, insulting everyone who criticized him, and accusing Tiresias of corruption. But then Tiresias, with the help of the chorus, persuaded Creon to reconsider. In a sustained gospel number, the Thebans, armed with picks and shovels, led by their king, rushed to free Antigone.
“Antigone” being a tragedy, they got there too late, resulting in multiple deaths, and in Isaac’s once again totally losing his shit. It was almost the same performance he gave in “Oedipus,” and yet, where Oedipus begins the play written into a corner, between walls that keep closing in, Creon seems to have just a little more room to maneuver. His misfortune—like that of Antigone and her brother—feels less irreversible. I first saw “Antigone in Ferguson” live, last year, and, in the discussion afterward, the subject of fate—inevitably—came up. I remember how Doerries gently led the audience to view “Antigone” as an illustration of how easily everything might happen differently, and how people’s minds can change. I remember the energy that spread through the room that night, in talk about prison reform and the urgency of collective change.
Again, the full article is accessible via the source link below:
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platonic-prompts · 4 years ago
Creatures from Folklore: Slavic Region A-D
You ever need different creatures to base things off of, or just want some legends for a setting? Or heck, you ever just want to chuck a creature at someone and say you’ll figure it out? Well, do I have the posts for you. This one will focus on the Slavic Region but I’ll make more at a later date
Ala are considered to be demons of bad weather in several folklore, including that of Bulgarians, Macedonians, and Serbs. Their main purpose is to lead thunderclouds that produce hail towards fields, vineyards, or orchards to either destroy the crops or to loot and take them. They are very voracious and really like to eat children. Though one shouldn’t assume they limit their tastes to Earth, no. They sometimes try to devour the sun and moon which lead to eclipses and if they succeed it means the end of the world. People who encounter one may find their mental and physical health as well as their lives at risk. It is, however, possibly to gain her favor by approaching with trust and respect. These good relationships can be very beneficial since she (the ala) can make those with her favor wealthy and save their lives if they are in danger. Ala can take on many different forms: black wind, giant creatures with no distinct form, a monster either humanlike or snake like witha  huge mouth, a female dragon, a raven, various human and animal shapes. Ala can also possess people’s bodies. They live in the clouds or in lakes, springs, hidden remote places as well as caves, inhospitable mountains, forests, or even a huge tree. Usually hostile towards humans, they have powerful enemies capable of defeating them like the dragons.
Alkanost have an incredible voice, capable of making anyone who hears her song might forget everything in their search for paradise. A creature of good who resides in the garden of the gods or whatever version of heaven required, the alkanost has the head and bust of a woman and the rest of the body is that of a bird. Sometimes this creature lays eggs which assist in the changing of winter to spring. Basically she wouldn’t sit on her eggs just dump them into the Ocean-Sea and when they reached the bottom the weather would turn fair. Though i think that takes her out of the running for parenting awards.
Anchutka is a small malevolent spirit, residing most often in water or a swamp. Even without wings, it is capable of flight. One of its nicknames is the one without heels. This is a common theme to look for, as oftentimes evil forces have a limp. Though in some storied this spirit has lost their heels because they got bitten off by a wolf. This spirit is often a sidekick to a water spirit called Vodyanoy, and as such you should never say its name aloud since it will always show up.
Aspid, a type of dragon with a beak and other birdlike elements, resides primarily in the mountains, preferring solitude. When it invades a region, nearly always it caused universal devastation.
Baba Yaga: I’m pretty sure a lot of people know about Baba Yaga, the witch who lives in a hut with chicken legs and goes around in a mortar and pestle. She does carry a broom though, but she only uses it to sweep away her tracks.
Bannik is a spirit who rarely does any good for anyone. A mischievous spirit that has the appearance of an old man with long claws, he’s a spirit that inhabits the banya (steamhouse). Whenever people bathed in the banya, they would always leave on the third or fourth session to let Bannik have his privacy. They would leave him offerings of soup and regularly thank him. Bannik had the power to tell the future and if asked a question he would softly touch the askers back if it was a good future or flay it if it was a not so good future. Oh and Bannik, when angry, would claw off the skin of those who annoyed him. The banya was also the place of Russian childbirth, so there were measures taken to keep him from interfering. Part of the midwife’s job was to keep him away. And with good reason. Legends say that he ate or flayed children. So therefore the midwife would dip stones in the water and throw them in the corner to distract the steamhouse spirit.
Bauk hide in dark places and holes and abandoned houses. There they wait to grab, take away, and devour their victims. They have a clumsy gait and can be scared away by light and noise.
Babay, possibly the same thing as the bubak, isn’t often described so children will come up with what is most terrible for them. But despite this, Baby has been described as a black and crooked old man. When he is descibed he tends to have some traits such as muteness, lacking arms, or walking with a limp. He carries with him a bag and a cane. Baby lives in a forest or a swamp or a garden only to come out at night to walk the streets and scoop up the children he meets. He will walk close to windows and watched the children sleep. If they aren’t he’ll scare them with noises. Or sometimes he even hides under kids beds to take them away if they get up.
Błędnica is a forest demoness, who leads people astray before leaving her victims alone in the midst of the forest to die of starvation or be eaten by animals. She is usually described as a young and pretty girl. The only way to chase her away is to use strong spells or to sacrifice something at home or during your hunt.
Blud is a fairy in Slavic mythology. An evil deity who causes disorientation and leads a person around and around aimlessly.
Bukavac lives in lakes and pools, coming out at night to make a loud noise. A six-legged monster with gnarled horns, it would jump people and animals and strangle them.
Bubak is often represented as a scarecrow with a skeleton as frame, which is connected with darkness, it is a type of boogeymen used to scare children. The skeleton often is describes as wearing a heavy black coat where it hides the children it steals.
Cikavac, a mythical creature from Serbian mythology and it kinda feels like a basilisk but way weirder. This thing is a bird that has a long beak and a pelican-like sack. You can acquire one at the low low price of your sanity and clear face. For you see, in order to get one, you need to take an egg from a black hen which a woman now needs to carry under her armpit for 40 days ( is now a good time to note that chicken eggs hatch after 21 days or so) and one cannot confess, cut nails, wash their face, or pray. After that the cikavac would suck the honey from other people’s beehives and suck milk from other peoples cows and then bring it back to their owner. It would fulfill its owner’s wishes and it would allow its owner to understand the animal language.
Chort, a demon or a humanlike spirit in Slavic folk tradition.  They are not exactly evil characters. Yes they try to trick people into selling them their souls in exchange for useless gifts. Yes those people are carried off into hell. But they are sometimes tricked into doing such things as building castle walls in a day. Sometimes is depicted as trying to bring evil characters to hell. A small, hairy man with a tail, horns, and one or two hooves. But due to shapeshifting abilities, the chort is able to appear in nicer forms and tries to trick people while in them. Though these transformations aren’t and can’t be complete, so there’s a way to know if one is dealing with a chort whether it be by small horns in curly black hair or a hoofed leg hidden within high boots. Though they share similarities, a chort is not the devil.
Čuma, aka kuga, is a personification of the plague in Serbo-Croation myths. Typically appears as an old woman wearing white, though in some cases has been depicted as a young woman. Direct mention of them were avoided and were usually referred to by godmother or aunty. According to belief, they lived in a far away land where they came from to infect people. Due to their hatred of dirtiness, if they found a dirty household they would be eager to infect it. Due to this, if a plague appeared,every house and its occupants must be thoroughly cleansed. In addition one could make offerings to of food, clean water, basil, and a comb.
Domovoi are household protectors, generally seen as kind spirits though they would harass the family they protect if said family was rude or unclean. This usually took the form of pulling small pranks until the family corrected their behavior. While domovoi are shape shifters, most depictions show them as small, bearded masculine creatures which are reminiscent of hobgoblins. In order to complete his chores and to fulfill his duty of protecting the house, the domovoi would assume the shape of the head of the household, sometimes working in the yard while the real head of household was asleep. (Guess spirits don’t have to worry about identity theft charges). They were also capable of turning into animals, rarely taking the form of a dog or a cat. Another facet of the domovoi was their ability to act as an oracle. Predictions are as follows
Dancing and laughing= Good fortune would come
Rubbed the bristles of a comb= a wedding would happen soon
Extinguished candles= Misfortune would fall upon the household.
Dziwożona, a type of female swamp demon from Slavic mythology, sometimes called Mamuna or Bognika, who lived in the thickets near rivers and streams and lakes. Thought to appear with foul weather around trees and swamps, they are known for being malicious and dangerous, and usually were previously living humans. Several types of people would be at risk of turning into one after death, such as: midwives, old maids, unmarried mothers, pregnant women who die before giving birth, and abandoned children who were born out of wedlock. Some depictions include an ugly, old woman who had a hairy body, long straight hair, and I quote “breasts so huge she uses them to wash her clothes”. I don’t know what that actually means and I don’t want to find out. She also wore a red hat with a fern twig attached. In case she wasn’t weird enough, she’d watch women with their little children.  Just chilling around making the kid sick and making schemes to get the mother away from the kid when she’d replace the kid with one of her own, a foundling/changeling.
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c0rpsedemon · 4 years ago
i am curious, as someone who’s only exposure to arthurania was reading jane yolen’s young merlin as a child, would you mind saying why hnoc is a bad adaptation? i’m super curious but no worries if not <3
this has been sitting in my inbox for months bc i kept telling myself i needed to write a full essay with proof from medieval lit to make myself feel smarter.  however, since i’ve recently lost all credibility bc i can’t articulate points to save my life, and since i’ve realized that i could answer this in a just a couple paragraphs, now seems like the right time to answer this ask. sorry for the wait.
under a cut bc length
also warnings for mentions of racism bc this is hnoc we're talking abt and sexual assault bc this is med lit we're also talking abt
the basic problems are pendragon polycule itself, the story beats of the album, the fridging and lack of characterization of morgan le fay, the clear influence of pop culture arthuriana, and whatever the fuck happened with gawain/e.
pendragon polycule is... just not a good take.  there’s a bit in the lancelot-grail abt arthur viewing lancelot like a son (and lancelot not giving a shit abt him).  also arthur knew his parents for years before lancelot was even born.  plus lancelot just Doesn’t care abt him and i can’t stress this part enough.  arthur repeatedly tries to have guinnevere killed, mostly in the lancelot-grail, and guinn didn’t really have any say in marrying him bc she was a teenager.  lancelot and guinnevere is a lot better but that’s not saying much.  guinn doesn’t exactly treat lancelot too well... like at all, BUT it’s not intrinsic to their relationship and is completely caused by medieval misogyny and i’m all in favor of modern retellings saying fuck that.  but also lancelot has multiple pseudo-canon boyfriends (this is med lit after all), and one pseudo-canon husband so like... there were better options.  (also lancelot’s husband is basically in a lavender marriage with guinnevere’s maybe girlfriend who most authors just eventually forget abt as the story progresses).
this next one is a problem with a lot of modern arthurian works bc the inclusion of elayne of astolat is too much to ask apparently.  the grail quest isn’t tied to the fall of camelot, it just happens to be one of the last grand adventures the knights of the round table have.  the event that traditionally sets off the fall is the death of the maiden of astolat/the lady of shalott/elayne of escolat/she has a lot of names, her story has a few variations but usually she either is cursed to stay in a tower and weave and only be able to see the outside world through a mirror positioned across from her window, until lancelot rides by and she rushes to see him out of the actual window and her mirror shatters, setting off her death, or she lives with her father and brothers and takes care of lancelot bc he was injured for a time and she gets to go on adventures to find him and she’s friends with gawaine and she dies bc lancelot rejects her and this version’s a lot more fun but also more happens which makes it harder to explain.  the way her story ends however, is that she dies after she makes arrangements for a glorious boat to drift from astolat to camelot carrying nothing but her dead body and a letter explaining that she died of love for lancelot du lac and the court mourns the death of such a beautiful and young maiden (her age varies a lot but i’ve always read her as a young teenager at most).  but the important thing is, camelot is doomed from the moment she washes up on its shore bc she’s an omen of the end and has symbolic meaning and all that, the maiden of astolat washes up on camelot’s shores, the court mourns the loss of a maiden in her prime and she marks the end of camelot’s prime as well, morgan le fay reappears after being presumed dead and warns arthur of guinnevere and lancelot’s affair, aggravaine and modred conspire to bring lancelot and guinnevere’s affair to light, they succeed but lancelot escapes, guinnevere is to be burnt at the stake and lancelot rescues her, killing aggravaine, gaheris and gareth (gawaine’s brothers) in the process, gawaine drags his uncle and camelot to war bc he was driven mad due to the loss of his brothers, lancelot accidentally kills gawaine, his best friend and maybe boyfriend (i have RECEIPTS), and gawaine forgives him on his detahbed while lancelot and guinn rejoin arthur, meanwhile modred, who practically had the throne handed to him, usurps and invites the saxons in, camlann happens, and camelot is destroyed.  no where in there is the grail quest.
morgan le fay is honestly the most questionable part of the album bc there’s not a single text where she dies.  like....  at least with eurydice in udad she died in the original... there’s no basis for morgan dying.  also she is NOT modred’s mother and anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar, she interacts with him once in the vulgate bc she had three of her nephews over and that’s IT.  it’s a horrible take which originated in the mists of avalon by marion zimmer bradley who is an honest to god monster for reasons i don’t want to trigger tag this post for.  also she’s one of the most dynamic and thought-out characters in the entire canon and they just made her a watered down morgause (modred’s actual mother, morgan’s sister, canonical milf)... there was no reason for it to be her apart from the fact that she’s more well known......
pop culture arthuriana is,,, one of my least favorite things.  no, morgan wasn’t modred’s mother, no, morgause wasn’t abusive but her husband sure was implied to be, no, aggravaine didn’t kill his mother, that was gaheris, he loved his mother, you’re only saying that bc he has a reputation as the “evil” orkney, no, the once and future king is not a good descriptor for arthur, stop making me read it, no, morgause wasn’t the one to initiate the thing with arthur resulting in modred, no, lancelot and arthur weren’t friends, no, tristan wasn’t a self-centered asshole, tennyson is a fucking liar, no, galahad didn’t have sex or want to, he’s one of the first ever explicitly asexual characters out there, no, galahad’s conception was NOT consensual, lancelot was tricked, and no, elayne of astolat wasn’t galahad’s mother, she’s implied to be younger than him.  those are just the big glaring ones, but i swear it’s bc of arthuriana’s reputation as a mythology and the connotations belonging to that word (no one true canon (which is true but there are still things that just AREN’T canon, not completely written down, passed by oral tradition) that causes ppl to see mediocre modern texts and go “oh. well this is abt as close to the original as i’m going to get” and don’t bother to look into so much as malory (who i only name bc he’s one of the most well known medieval authors with the most commonly used storylines, don’t read malory kids, he’s a mediocre-at-best writer even by medieval standards).  the big perpetrators of modern arthurian tropes are the books the once and future king by th wh*te, who is a shitty person and lets it bleed into his writing (which isn’t like... nice to read or anything, seriously why do ppl love this book so much it doesn’t have redeeming qualities), and the mists of avalon by marion zimmer bradley (it’s poorly written, the story is a mess, and mzb is honestly a monster and one google search will tell you that), and unfortunately the writings of tennyson, which are mostly good but he clearly didn’t read the povest (a later text that’s also my favorite, known for significantly improving ppl’s opinions on tristan, isolde and co.) before deciding he hated both tristan and isolde and he has HORRIBLE takes on them.  high noon over camelot is SEEPED in pop culture arthuriana and i think it would have been so much better if the band had read so much as a SUMMARY of the events of le morte.  it’s evident in the song “the once and future king” bc it’s,,,, literally named after one of the worst books in existence.  it’s shown in the morgan le fay thing, and it’s shown in the pendragon polycule thing.  and hell, i think you can even explain away the lack of elayne of astolat with pop culture arthuriana, bc ppl have had bad takes on her ever since th wh*te combined her character with that of ela*ne of corbenic, and the band probably went “huh, let’s write lancelot’s abuser out of this” and they would’ve been right to do so if that’s who elayne of astolat was.
the final big issue is gawaine, the closest thing the genre has to a protagonist, he’s pretty much canon bi and, in some texts, arospec, he’s a dashing knight of great reknown and he derails every romance to steal hearts, commit murder, and make out with every knight and lady mentioned.  and in hnoc he’s... racist.  that’s it.  it’s,,, almost completely unfounded by the arthurian canon and shows a major misunderstanding of his motivations (like i said earlier, he wants to avenge his brothers bc there’s a reoccuring motif of how much the orkneys value family).  i say almost bc in one text it’s his motivations for killing palomydes but i’ve never heard it mentioned by name bc that’s just what it’s known for.  most arthuriana fans just look away from it except when critiquing hnoc but that one text is an outlier, shouldn’t be counted, and i highly doubt the mechs made hnoc gawain how he is bc they found this text.  it’s just a bad text.
hnoc has,,, quite a few more minor issues, such as villainized ladies of the lake (their ONLY crimes were sealing away merlin bc he tried to assault teenage nimue/ninniane (proto-nimue/vivianne from the vulgate), and that one time vivviane/ninniane kidnapped adopted baby lancelot), assigning brain to merlin (y’know,,, the predator who helped arrange the [redacted] of arthur’s mother and tried to assault a teenager,,,) although merlin is portrayed in a positive light throughout modern arthuriana so i don’t think they knew, giving a song to pellinore, who my perception of has been forever altered bc i was introduced to him through malory and the explanation of torre’s conception, which you can just look up “sir torre arthurian” to find out abt if you can’t just Guess, if they wanted a song abt the questing beast palomydes was Right There AND has been associated with the questing beast for longer, but once again i don’t think they knew.
also namedropping a bunch of knights in the fiction is... it Suggests a bigger world full of all these other stories but they just don’t work bc the world of hnoc wasn’t designed in a way where the appearance of half these characters would make sense.  like,, tristan is referenced as dying in the grail quest in the same sentence as bedevere (one of the characters who is known for almost always surviving), but tristan Isn’t one of the knights who dies on the grail quest, his possible deaths (ignoring the potentially happy ending of the povest for a second) are either being murdered by his uncle, king mark (bc mark married tristan’s gf to try and get tristan killed and also to spite him), bc he was driven into a fury bc of tristan and isolde’s affair, or he’s injured and only isolde (the best healer in the world) can save him so he sends for her and if the ship he sent for her is supposed to fly white sails if she’s there, or black sails if she’s not, and the ship flies white sails but his wife (also named isolde) says it’s black sails (the why depends but usually comes down to jealousy), and so he gives up bc he thinks all hope is lost and usually succumbs to his injuries, either way isolde dies of a broken heart over his body.  there’s no way for the tristan and isolde story to play out like it’s supposed to in the world of hnoc, just as there’s no way for any story with gawaine (and Oh Boy are there a lot of stories with gawaine) or pretty much anyone else, without severely altering the canon.
of course, there are still parts of hnoc i like a lot, most of the music i adore and i just like the idea of space cowboys and the secret good hnoc that lives in my head.  and it has one of my favorite characterizations of galahad, even though galahad hnoc is nothing like galahad arthuriana.  it’s not GOOD but i like it and it’s fun to turn my brain off too, and i’ll always value it as my introduction to arthuriana.
also there are modern arthurian tropes i do like such as characters being genre-savvy/knowing they’re fictional/knowing they’ve done this before (which hnoc does wonderfully!) and bedevere-as-the-storyteller (everyone say thank you lord tennyson).
WOW that was longer than expected, i feel very passionately abt this, when i was planning to write a fully sourced essay i meant to include a bit at the bottom with recommendations to get into better arthuriana and i think i’ll keep that in this post.
if you like hnoc for the arthurian music i’d like to suggest heather dale’s arthurian music to you, she does occasionally fall into the trap of modern arthuriana (some parts of lancelot and arthur being close, morgan as modred’s mother), sometimes she’s just wrong (galahad at lancelot’s trial, a lot of tristan and isolde), and her stuff is kinda straightwashed sometimes (sir gawain and the green knight, for example) but i’d be lying if it wasn’t catchy, and it’s not quite as bad as hnoc adaptation-wise.  culwch and olwen is pretty accurate (albeit abridged bc culwch and olwen has SO many tangents), as is lily maid (it’s abt elayne of astolat!).
if you liked hnoc for king arthur... in space! then may i recommend to you my own fanfic? it's not posted yet but the second i finish writing the first chapter i'm going to make a Big Deal out of it that'll be impossible to miss!
if you want to learn abt arthuriana through tumblr-osmosis like i did at first, i’d like to recommend the love of my life @acegalahads, first and foremost (it’s me on a sideblog i’m just obsessed with myself), and i can’t recommend my arthuriana mutuals over there, @/gringolet, @/merlinenthusiast, @/jcbookworm, @/elayneofshalott, and @/elaineofascolat (the elayne urls have been popular recently), also i know for a fact that my mutual-in-law, @/itonje makes great arthuriana posts that i look forwards to whenever i open the tag.
here are a few good reference posts, a quick guide to the characters, a guide to characters of color, and a much more comprehensive intro to arthuriana post with even more texts linked to it.
if you want to ease into med lit, i’d like to introduce you to pre-raphaelite poetry, alfred lord tennyson and william morris are my favorites, although tennyson can’t be trusted with tristan and isolde.  the poem the lady of shalott is basically a rite of passage for arthuriana fans, although when it comes to tennyson’s writings abt elayne of astolat, i prefer lancelot and elaine, which is part of his much larger story, idylls of the king.  for morris, don’t trust what he says abt aggravaine killing his mother, but my favorites of his are sir galahad, a christmas mystery, which sounds like a shitty disney sequel, and palomyde’s quest, which i blame for my love of palomydes (that and the one bit of the povest where he asks tristan to be his greatest enemy and that he wants nothing more, gay ppl,,,,).
if you want to read abt lancelot and his husband, there’s the lancelot-grail cycle, which i believe was taken off of archive dot org and i think i found it on @/tobeisexhausting’s blog but don’t quote me on that.
the povest, which was a religious experience for me and i can��t reccomend enough if you want to like tristan and isolde, is here, i don’t know who scanned it but i think i found it on @/lanzelet’s blog
the dutch texts are just good in general, here’s a link to their section of a(n unfinished) site for hosting various texts by my former mutual @/reynier (who’s no longer on tumblr).  i’d like to recommend lancelot and the white hart specifically bc it’s mainly just just gawaine being gay for lancelot.
if you want older works, here’s my scan of the history of the kings of britain, and here’s culwch and olwen and pa gur.
oh wow this is even longer than i thought it would be so i’m going to wrap this up by saying that i always love to talk abt arthuriana more than anything if you have any questions or just are curious!
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cure-your-delusions · 4 years ago
how would you explain possession? especially those that are prayed over, & then they are healed. i’m genuinely just curious, i love these discussions. i respect your views, just so you know! 🤍
i’ve had experiences where there’s no scientific explanation. my blankets were ripped off of me & thrown across the room when i was 19 years old. i was sober, no mental health problems... just no explanation. there’s other things that have happened as well, but this one was the most terrifying/CRAZY. if something “satanic” happened to you, do you think it’d change your mind? would that experience be your evidence for God? i’m just asking because i used to be an atheist as well, or maybe agnostic.. but that experience is what changed my life forever.
hi and thanks for the questions. so let me answer in the same order:
there is not one single case of possession that has been scientifically substantiated, null, zero, nada. demonic possessions are usually wrong interpretations of how an occurence was perceived or fantasy stories that can not be verified (i am afraid that also goes for bullet point 3).
same for prayers. if you remove all distracting variables, there is no evidence whatsover that prayer does anything for the one prayed for. a double blind experiment performed by british physicist russel stannard had even shown more evidence to the contrary: no effect for the ones being not prayed for and the ones being prayed for but not knowing it. a negative effect on those who knew that theres 1000s of people praying for them; basically they suffered under the pressure of having to feel better.
see 1. i am afraid i am one of those who does not believe that what you tell happened like this. our brain can play a lot of tricks on us...
"satanic" things strangely only happen to those believing in satan. i have never heard that atheists are possessed by demons or anything. does not happen. full stop. but yes, if satan would come around and say hi, i would definitely believe in satan. same goes for tzitzimitl (monstruous deity in aztec mythology), freddy kruger, hobbits, the smurfs, etc
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