#this design is so gender to me. i wanna put it in my mouth
beepccore · 4 months
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ooh yuh get it i guess (wip)
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deejadabbles · 1 year
The right parts (Tech x Reader) Western AU
Summary: You have been Pabu Creek's blacksmith for a long while, a fact that the local inventor, Tech, appreciated, since you were more than capable of making his custom parts.
Wild West AU with a gender neutral reader. No warnings, just sweet, awkward Tech, and first-kiss cuteness.
A.N: I've been seeing western AU stuff for the bad batch for a while, but I directly credit @emperor-palpaminty for this, as falling into their western au tag really got me inspired ❤️
If you wanna read more headcanons I have for my take on this AU, I have some here, and this might become a series of oneshots. Also, this has a bit of a steampunk-y vibe, hope you don't mind!
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Most in town avoided the workshop. They were put off by the strange bangs and pops and hisses that rang behind those barn doors at every hour. Tech was treated...well enough by the town folk, but most would admit they were more put off by him than the other boys in his family.
Mostly, they just didn't understand him, his ramblings and rantings. They could admire Hunter and Wrecker's strength, Rex and Echo's veteran past, but Tech's mind? All those lofty textbooks and strange contraptions?
It was all just a bit much for the average person.
Still, most knew and appreciated how much their little town had benefited from Tech. His knowledge and inventions had helped many of them, just as much as the crops his brothers grew and the protection his cousins offered. And they appreciated it nonetheless.
But what they appreciated just as much, was the fact that you were one of the only persons willing to brave the infamous workshop.
Your satchel was hefty today, clinking with Tech's newest order, and you adjusted it on your shoulder as you lifted your fist to knock on the iron-braced door.
There was a metallic clatter on the other side, a muffled curse, and the shuffle of feet. In a groan of hinges the door opened, and there was Tech. Soot smeared across his cheek and forehead, sleeves rolled up well past his elbows, and glasses askew.
It was a true testament to how fond he was of you, that a small smile lifted his lips when his eyes met yours.
"Perfect timing," he greeted, eyes darting down to the bag resting on your hip.
Leaving the door wide open, Tech quickly turned and headed back into the depths of his workshop, knowing you would follow.
"Evening to you too," you smirked, stepping in after him.
As you shut the door behind you, you lifted your satchel off your shoulder, relishing the lifted weight. Tech's main set of workbenches (yes, set, not one simple table) sat along the adjoining wall, with blueprints, scribbled notes, broken parts, and tools scattered atop every surface. There was a clear space directly in front of where Tech stood, and that's where you set his order.
He untied the strap with care and tilted the bag so its contents rolled out with ease. The hum of approval that followed made your skin tingle just a little.
"Yes, yes," Tech muttered, lifting the first piece of metalwork to the light shining through the window, "these are just as I hoped. Exquisite work, as always." He looked over at you then, adjusting his glasses, "Then again, I expect nothing less from talent such as yours."
Your face was burning at the compliment, mouth dry even as you gave him a smile of your own. "Well, your sketches are always easy to work with," you said, reaching for the papers tucked into your vest pocket.
Tech repeatedly expressed how thankful he was that the town blacksmith was versatile in their work, as he always seemed to need custom parts for whatever machine he was working on at the moment. You were always happy to oblige, welcoming the challenge and change of pace. One could only make so many nails and horseshoes before they got bored.
While you tossed his latest specs back onto the pile of design sketches, Tech completed his examination of your work. Then, he slid off his round spectacles and grabbed his goggles, another piece of your handywork.
"As I said, your timing could not have been better, my dear," he tightened the strap, "as I'm a hair away from completing my latest project.
"Do you need any help?"
He paused as he reached for his tool set, "Oh, I- yes!" he cleared his throat, "If you don't have anything else pressing to attend to, an extra set of hands would be appreciated."
You waved your hand at the rest of the open building, "Lead the way."
Tech had, many projects. Some with thick layers of dust, some in several pieces, others he came back to often. To the untrained eye, it all looked like piles of junk, but you had been in here enough over the years that you recognized that it was just a result of Tech hyperactive mind. He had trouble staying on one project for long, though sometimes, like this current machine, he managed it.
After leading you to the very back of the barn-like building, Tech set down his toolbox beside the strange contraption. For lack of a better comparison, you likened its shape to a metal bull of sorts, with thin wheels for legs and a large opening where its head might have been. Though, if Tech heard you collating it to an animal, he'd probably raise a confused brow. He cared little for aesthetics, after all.
"If you could hold this," Tech cut through your musings, holding up a paneled section of the machine's side.
You took it from him, holding it up on its hinges so he could all but climb inside.
"Ah, now I get it," you smiled seeing what part he was working on, "you're trying to increase the pressure."
"Precisely, there was too much steam loss, which resulted in slower forward motion, which itself resulted in the wheels getting caught on every minor obstruction in its path."
You let him ramble on as he tinkered with this, adjusted that, working your new parts in one at a time. He did use your hands, asking you to press down on one thing, hold another in place, it all made the process faster.
When he was done there, Tech threw open the barn doors in front of the machine, giving it somewhere to go when he as he ran his final test. Then, he asked you to help him load the fuel source to start that test run. The thing seemed to roar to life the moment it had its food, and the gears Tech had commissioned from your last week began to turn- before stalling almost instantly.
"Oh no no no no!" Tech ran his fingers through the tight curls of his hair as he looked about, "That should have worked! Why isn't it working!?"
"Tech," you grabbed his arm and pointed to the ceiling, "you still have it chained up!"
His eyes went wide as he looked at his suspension rig, which he often used to lift machines for easier alterations. Without a word, he leapt onto the would-be bull, climbing onto its back and began working at the chains, worried something would break from the strain.
The moment the machine was free it lurked forward, gears cranking and turning- and throwing Tech off its back as it took off. Your heart leapt into your throat as he came soaring down, and your arms flew open without another thought.
With a great thud, Tech's body collided with your own, sending you both tumbling down to the dirt floor. You could smell the coal and tang of metal that clung to Tech like a cologne, being that he was laying right on top of you. He drew in a shaky breath, nose brushing against your cheek as he propped himself up on his elbow, which also just so happened to be on either side of your head.
He fixed his goggles, which had gone askew, and blinked down at you, "My apologies," he breathed, "I did not mean to-"
"Tech," you cut him off, cupping your hands on his face so you could turn it in the direction of the doors, "it works, your machine works!"
Indeed, the large contraption was grinding and lurching down the open field surrounding his workshop with great power. He let out a laugh, turning his head back to you.
"It does indeed! This is wonderful, Wrecker's next harvest will go much more smoothly now."
You were sure the way you smiled up at him was soft, too soft to be just a friendly smile, but you didn't stop yourself from saying, in an equally gentle tone, "Your brilliant mind never ceases to amaze me."
You saw him draw in a sharp breath, and thought something in his eyes...shifted. "And you, my darling, never cease to amaze me with your handiwork." Was he..was he leaning in closer to you? "Not many people can understand me, and you always do so without fail."
His eyes were half-lidded now, as he placed one of his hands over yours, which was still holding his face. You couldn't help but hold your breath as he just looked down at you, thumb caressing the back of your hand.
"Your palms, they're...rough," he whispered rather absent-mindedly.
You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, "So are yours," you grumbled back, and watched his eyes widen.
"Oh! No, I like them- your hands, I mean. I like that they're rough."
This time your eyes held interest, and you leaned up ever so slightly, "You do, do you?"
He gulped and this time, you knew he was moving closer to you, "Yes, very much so. I dare say, I love everything about you, my sweet."
And then his lips were on yours.
They were chapped but moved with an unexpected grace. The hand that had been placed over yours moved to cup your cheek. You responded in kind, taking your own hands and sliding them back to curl into his hair. He let out a moan, a moan that caught in his throat when you tilted your head to deepen the kiss.
It was then that you were fully reminded of the fact that he was laying atop you. His leg moved seemingly of its own accord, pressing between your thighs in a way that had your chest stirring with something new.
Unfortunately, a sound echoed from across the field, and you pulled yourself out of your heated haze long enough to pull back just a little. Tech was not discouraged, his mind fixated on the task before him, and he simply moved his mouth to your jawline.
"T-Tech," you all but moaned, and the deep hum he gave in response had your mind spinning. He must like it when you say his name. "We- need to go catch your machine."
His breath was hot against your ear as he nuzzled your skin, "Do we have to, my dear? I am far more intrigued by my current project."
You didn't have time to unpack whether or not you liked being called his project, because you were untangling your finger from his curls to gently push on his chest.
"We can always continue this later, mr beautiful mind, but for now, I'm pretty sure that thing is heading for Cid's saloon."
Again, Tech's eyes went wide, any aforementioned lust vanishing. "Oh, dear!"
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spiritshaydra · 2 years
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Okay yeah gonna say screw it and just post the fullbody I finished back in November because her ref is taking too long and I wanna share my cringe ass nae nae hellspawn 😭
THIS IS REQUIEM (Or just “Em”)
And she’s a Megasound fanspawn,, bear with me, I’ve never made an oc like this before so I’ve been extremely nervous to show the creature off. 💀(especially since this is the fancharacter type I avoided making at all costs when in high school despite it leading to some very interesting character development.) Eventually I just said screw it, I’m proud of the design and character work I’ve been developing since August, I’m going to show her off.
I don’t really take her all too seriously as I originally made her to shitpost because I thought it’d be funny. And like my main TFP OC Quantum, she eventually grew past that and became something more. (While still keeping her silly at the same time)
I have. A LOT. Of development for this single celled organism that prolly won’t fit in one post, so on here I’m just going to do a sort of character bio thing (based on the format of Quantum’s Toyhouse bio) to introduce her. (Maybe I’ll do a Q&A sort of thing if anyone’s actually interested in that?)
Name: Requiem (Em for short)
Name Origin: This is what happens when you put a poetry/mythology nerd and a music nerd in a room together and have them name something. You get a name with origins in both music and literature (A music or literary composition that acts as a form of remembrance for the souls of the dead.) annnnnnd a reference to a mythological figure (the name of Megatronus/The Fallen’s weapon, the Requiem Blaster. Gee sure wonder who’s idea that was.) Unfortunately, the goblin who was given that name has a grand total of two brain cells and has as much class as a hagfish.
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Cybertronian
Height:  12ft approximate (for design depicted above)/ 30ft (adult; not pictured)
Alt-Mode: (Base) Cybertronian heavy bomber/ (Earth) Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack
Home Planet: Earth
Faction: Decepticon
Pre-War Occupation: Did not exist before the war.
Personality: Requiem is loud, stubborn, rude, mischievous, a little naive, and all around a feral mess. Absolutely no filter. Textbook example of “curiosity killed the cat”. The champion of the age-old schoolyard discussion of “my dad can beat up your dad.” For… obvious reasons.
She’s easily bored and easily distracted, and thinks it’s entertaining to mess with other bots in the form of stupid pranks and barrages of questions.
Has a bit of a potty mouth and gets creative with her insults.
A fembo (but a lil mean) was told to use her head in a fight, but ended up head butting the opponent and subsequently knocking them out as a result.
As a result of (EXTREME) helicopter parenting combined with adrenaline junkie behavior, Requiem has the tendency to be an escape artist and to purposely seek out potentially dangerous situations such as but not limited to: Diving into a hurricane (to see what would happen), storm chasing (the bigger the better! Also to see what would happen), playing Icarus and getting struck by lightning on the Flight Deck of the warship (STRIKE ME DOWN ZEUS), sneaking out of the Nemesis and simultaneously smuggling all sorts of creepy crawlies and other organic critters back on board (has to be shaken out just to be sure.), being a little too interested in volcanic activity, sneaking weapons out of the armory and attempting to join the fight, and sneaking away from the ship to “explore”. Em wrangling is a very tiring objective.
If Rumble and Frenzy were alive, they would’ve definitely gotten along. (And would’ve been an unstoppable force of chaos oh gOD.)
She likes the pastel magical horse show about friendship, LOVES stickers, and her absolute favorite color is the most obnoxious eye bleeding shade of pink imaginable. (She was denied changing her PRIMARY paint job color to it for obvious reasons. Honey, that is a LOOK and not exactly a good one.)  She likes to pretend to be a gladiator. She likes to give people really stupid and bad nicknames for the hell of it. A favorite being combining the first few letters of a name or descriptor with “uncle”. She thinks it’s hilarious. A little too interested in arson and explosives. Her music taste can be described as “2012 Warrior cats amv” and “noise”. Really likes slasher films for some reason.
She exhibits several behaviors that could only be described as those of a cryptid. (…or cat.) These range from being able to sneak up on others and move without making a sound, staring unblinkingly and expressionlessly at things and other bots, climbing up and perching on top of things, noise mimicry, recharging facedown in a deathlike manner, and the worst thing being how she used to skitter across the walls and ceilings of the Nemesis as a sparkling. There were a handful of instances where she got into the vents of the ship and it was a nightmare trying to coax her back out. Oh yeah. There was a biting problem.
Requiem either hates or actively dislikes things ranging from water, being told to stay still, the thunder part of thunderstorms, the medbay, and being quarantined.
Her social ability leaves much to be desired, as she was raised in total isolation from her own age group, so she lacks most social skills as a result. Because of this, she often comes across as “weird” and as a bully, even if unintentional. Due to her isolated upbringing, she is a very lonely individual despite not exactly acting the part. Being routinely quarantined does not help that feeling of loneliness in the slightest. Em wants nothing more than a friend, or at least an acquaintance to spend time with. It’s just that, given who her parents are, that makes things impossible.
She has a very unhealthy view on death, as it isn’t exactly rare onboard the Nemesis. Surprisingly, she was actively kept away and shielded from most of the fighting as a child- however, in wartime there’s only so much one could be protected from even as the child of the highest ranking individuals of the faction.
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starkettes · 2 years
you have inspired me . and i am indeed a child with figurines that i will absolutely show off to you even if you just nod and give a thumbs up at the end <33 my love language is pulling up a blackboard and sitting whoever im talking to down for The Talk and this will happen. you cannot refuse it <33333
(for real tho it took me months to also learn how to discern the links from each other AJSJSJAJ so yes to make it as simple as i can i will only deal with the canon 3D games . im listing them by order of their game release, but definitely not in the correct order of their place in the timeline(s). ily so so so much and im sorry in advance for the long infodump of an ask)
Ocarina of Time + Majora's Mask
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the original 3d little man <33 hes like . the only 3d (adult) without chainmail bc he lived in a forest full of immortal children for his entire childhood (we dont talk about his age in majoras mask bc its complicated but just trust me hes a literal manchild) so AJSJAJAJ i differentiate him by that and his pants being distinctly white. the entire franchise and lore did him SO dirty but thats not the point of this (frothing at the mouth to rant about it but at another time)
Wind Waker
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littlest of little men <33 hes the easiest link to distinguish from the others mainly bc of the art style, to the point that the fandom also calls him toon link. you can also tell ww link by the little swirly belt buckle thingy he has. also ALSO his tunic having a combo of dark + light green. literally forced the gods to choose him as his era's hero (he never held the hero's spirit in the first place) all bc his sister got kidnapped. absolute force to be reckoned with but still has voice cracks and Will Not Swear in front of his grandma in my hcs. all links are gremlins but this one literally sails with pirates so he has the background AHSHSHAHH
Twilight Princess
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fr tho hes so <333 AUGH. can literally turn into the goodest of good boys (wolf link). hes the disney princess of links bc animals Cannot And Will Not Hate Him. differentiated by the chainmail and his pinchable cheeks in game <333333 (also one of the only links imo that is absolutely not compatible with their zelda bc midna is rIGHT THERE. once again not the ask for this but i have. thoughts and things about tp zelink and tp link in general)
Skyward Sword
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HES SO SOFT AUGH IM CRYING I WANT A PLUSHIE FRFR AJSJSJAJA but fr . absolute himbo and dumbass but vv much in love with his zelda <33 he has such a similar design with tp and its hard to be sure its him bc both tp and sksw link wear chainmail, but the art style of the game makes it so that the one who has the brighter and more pastel green is sksw link. his hair is also kinda diff and more soft looking, and hes also right handed <33
Breath of the Wild
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do i need to explain. im so sos sos ssoss s9 r9rbf mentally ill over this reincarnation specifically <33 i really hope that i ruined this character for you now with my ability to not shut up about him for more than one (1) week. distinguished by blue and gender and hair and literally just everything bc im crying nintendo really hit peak character design with him and if somebody were to ask me to give a ted talk on him i wouldnt even know where to start bc hes just so PERFECT and augh look ok his character is so complicated starting wi-
okay it’s currently 3:30 am i will read this when i wake up
okay good morning im putting on my glasses cracking my knuckles and reading this like a grandma reading the news
the first two and twilight princess is crazy who the hell needs a hat that long i wouldnt be able to resist i would yank that thing off his head and run away jack sparrow style
wind waker link is so damn small he using a needle or something for a sword like he's desperaux 😭 😭 also didnt know he had a sister always assumed he was only child bc..well idk he just seemed like it to me
i was aware of wolf link (bc of how much u like him :3) but i didnt actually know anything so again i went to the fandom wiki and read it he's so cute (and midna rides on his back they look so cute 😭 <33) i am putting him in a puppy carrier and taking him with me
yeah breath of the wild is the main link i know of like that is the representative of the links to me thats the guy i know ALSO HE'S 4'11 I AM JUST BARELY TALLER THAN THIS GUY well a win is a win when ur short
this was great to learn actually and just know that if i ever get around to writing my head (1968) essay i’m gonna do this to you too <3
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awritingarrow · 2 years
skitters in here like a feral little beast
so first of all it’s a good time to mention i have a content sideblog @aroacearrowace for my fics n art bc i have like 6k posts on this blog and none of them are coherent. that blog is the one u will see coherency on. this one is chaos and horrors and a tag system that only i can navigate. as u can see, i’m posting on this one. so we’re going to be crazy tonight
usually i’m like not active on tumblr at all bc discord is My True Home. so usually u will just see me going feral on discord BUT i am currently thinking abt @andizoidart​‘s boy and idk their discord/if they have one/what kind of servers they’re in so now i’m just going to b going feral on here for the next however long it takes to fic idea.
normally i am only this unhinged on private discord servers with 10 people including me inside. u are all about to witness the horrors sooo badly get exposed to my mental illness get consumed by my chaos
normally i would put long posts behind a read more but when u read more u can only find the posts on the Account It Was Posted On and unless u archive.org it u literally cannot find it if ur blog is deleted for whatever reason. also i get really annoyed when ppl put things behind a read more bc i wanna see the content i don’t wanna GO TO A SEPARATE PAGE. also this is my blog i do what i want. so anyway no read more bc again, i’m feral!
anyway i spent so long just explaining my incoherency so now u will witness the me
first of all: ghost apples! they’re really cool. i want to squish one in my hands like soap. watch it break like glass. very stimmie very gender very ogh. my immediate keyword associations: ice, glass, ghost. i could EASILY make an oc sans that’s all of those things and then shove them in to kiss dream and nightmare on the mouth but that’s the easy route. what i want to do is use ghost apples as a theme to an overarching story full of slowburn and suffering.
(prepare for technical writing terms that were literally made up by me and never elaborated on)
i usually write in a very metaphorical, emotional way. when you read each line of my work, i want it to make you feel an emotion and carry you to the next paragraph, which makes you feel a different emotion, guiding you on a journey of my very own design. metaphors. i like metaphors
now the keywords i chose were “ice,” “glass,” and “ghost.” i have two options here: make each segment of the story pertain to a different keyword, or make each character pertain to a different keyword. i like metaphors! so i’m doing the latter.
easily, i come up with:
nightmare - cold like ice, frozen to the touch. standoffish. you know elsa from frozen? like in that one scene the do u wanna build a snowman scene? yeah yeah that.
dream - glass. instantly, glass, bc of the statue thing. fragile, delicate, easy to break. i really really like a dream who can kick ur butt for no reason whatsoever so i have elected to put my own twist on this: dream is treated like glass, but he’s made of stone. (see what i did there?)
with that, nightmare feels like ice, but is treated like fire. dream is treated like glass, but feels like stone.
then, somnus.
definitely. would b very fun. if somnus felt and was treated the same, as a foil to dream and nightmare.
somnus’s keyword was ghost. i’m realllyyyy torn on what to do with this one bc there’s so many options.
i could literally kill him off, and then make him a ghost, but that’s like, obvious. there’s not a metaphor in that. also what’s the point of writing a fic about a character if u kill them off in the first five seconds.
according to andi’s post, he has dysfunctional magic. instantly makes me think of a disabled metaphor, i like it. he searches for artificial magic, and he’s a little worm guy. goes digging in the dirt and pulls out a fistful of worms. brilliant, absolutely brilliant.
it might be a lot of fun to change the dreamtale story around a lot. i want nightmare to get corrupted, that’s definitely staying. maybe i want to give them wings, for funsies. not for any particular reason, just funsies. buuuut idk if i want dream to get stoned in a physical sense.
my metaphor was that nightmare feels like ice, is treated like fire. dream is treated like glass, is made of stone... so i think what if i made that metaphor really really apparent with the apple incident part of the story
i really like the idea that in like, any dreamtale au, both dream and nightmare get abused. nightmare is physically abused, yeah, but dream is emotionally abused. with somnus, it might be fun to include neglect as a third form of abuse, just so we get all of the abuse. i never said i was going to be nice to these characters
i think that, with somnus left in the dust, and dream being treated as though he’s made of glass, and nightmare being treated like a threat, dream would be the first to act. dream eats the apple, first.
i’m guessing the sort of idea behind somnus is that he’s the wood? dream is the gold apples, nightmare the black, somnus is the wood. so i’m not doing a shattered dream scenario bc i wanna stick with each of those themes. idk what the positive apples would do to you if you ate one, bc like in canon they just make you really lucky?? i guess???? but in this i want something DRAMATIC to happen. since this is just a fic outline i’m metaphorically inserting brackets that say [something dramatic happens that get all three triplets fighting against the villagers]
nightmare gets corrupted like ice, dream like stone, and somnus..? hm. i mean i have to figure out what somnus does to the tree bc i don’t think it’s good to just up and eat tree bark from some random apple tree. i don’t think that’s healthy. there was a mention of a palismen in the post i think unless i read it wrong so i think,,,,, mb the tree starts falling apart bc the other two are eating the apples so then the tree just goes YOINK ur getting stolen into the tree now.
and since somnus’s prompt is ghost i think. i think. i think it would b very fun if the fic was about dream and nightmare trying to find their brother.
welcome to my brain everyone xD
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Pregnancy Test Roulette // Charlie Gillespie
Summary: As a college student living with your three best friends is the best and even better when they get along with your long-term boyfriend. However, one of your best friends decides to film a video inspired by another tiktok video. You just had to jinx yourself.
Warnings: Swearing, unplanned pregnancy, allusion to abortion (doesn’t use the actual word), college, and reader has a gender-neutral roommate and best friend named Lu.
Words: 2.4k
A/N: This inspired by a video I watched of someone announcing her pregnancy by taking a test with her friends. They each took one and put in a box to shake and hell exploded with the positive, the actual person was aware before the pregnancy roulette
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They say your ’20s are your best years and maybe that comes from being able to bounce back from a night out with your friends. A night that turned your memory into episodic moments you could recall and others you had to guess about. Maybe it’s because you’re in the years where you aren’t under lock and key with your parents but not at the point where you’re expected to have a marriage, kids and mortgage.
It was the sweet spot in life. Now you didn’t drink as much as you did your first year, but you did enjoy the odd glass of wine occasionally—a beer with your older brother or a shot with your best friend. But more often than not you were in bliss nestled into your boyfriend’s side watching an old movie with a bucket of popcorn you had argued over who would make. However, Charlie was in Vancouver filming for Julie and the Phantoms leaving you in your house for the upcoming season. The home you shared with your three college friends to save money but not be stifled in dorms.
“I have an idea!” Sophie spoke, sliding into the living room in her thick socks with duckies on them. Her sudden appearance received both Alice and your attention from the movie Bad Moms playing.
Sophie’s recently dyed blue hair concealing her face from you as she flipped the long strands from her hair. Her bright brown eyes glittering with the same happiness that typically exuded from her.
“What’s this idea?”
“Where’s Lu?” Sophie inquired scanning for them in the room, “Did they have a date?”
“Nah, I’m right here Phee,” Lu announced their presence from the kitchen island going over work emails.
Sophie quickly dragged them from the counter to Alice and you on the couch with a box in her hands. Everyone in the room shared a look as the blue-haired girl went into one of her tangents that could continue indefinitely.
“Phee, calm down. What do you want to do?” Lu questioned whereas Alice had leaned forward to grab a look at the box.
“I think the best question is: what does it have to do with the box of pregnancy tests in your hand?” Alice asked flicking her ocean blue eyes at the girl sheepishly looking at the group, “Do you think you’re pregnant?”
“What! No! I thought it would be hilarious to take a test each and put in the box.” Sophie replied, pursing her lips together with a pleading look in her eyes, “Plus I wanna know how you do it…?”
You sighed with a shake of your head, “You saw this on Tiktok. We’re all damn careful at preventative measures. There’s no harm in taking the test. Hand one over.”
Sophie was quick to hand you a test along with the rest of the group before splitting off to the attached bathroom to your master suite room. You hadn’t even fought for the room when you moved in your sophomore year of college. Lu had been quick to announce that as the only one in a relationship Charlie would be over and they didn’t want a show.
The instructions were straight forward enough you had capped the test brought it the hallway to drop in the box held by Sophie. The camera catching everyone as they did so. Lu followed with their test followed by Alice, and you wandered back to your seat in the living room.
“Is there a reason you made us pee on sticks?” You inquired grabbing one of the decorative pillows Alice had bought. It was mostly Alice’s touch that brought the living room together with her minor in interior design.
“I thought it would be fun.” Sophie simply shrugged joining Lu on their couch, leaving Alice back in her seat.
The movie still paused as per Sophie’s request, so no one forgot about the tests waiting to be revealed. You had no clue why it mattered to not forget about them, as you had said before. Everyone had a pact to keep up on contraceptive, hell there’s a box near the hallway filled with condoms. Everyone just added a few to the box if it was lower than twenty squares.
“Okay.” Lu trailed off, clicking their fingers on the phone in their hands. Their attention is easily taken away from the game Sophie wanted.
Sophie was always jumping on trends on Tiktok, a few even before they became real trends, so this wasn’t anything new. Sophie even had a few viral videos on the app that sometimes took all her attention for a few hours. That being said, you weren’t overly scared about the outcome.
“Ooh, Charamader is calling.” Lu snorted leaning overseeing the cheesy photo of Charlie kissing your cheek. His contact photo in your phone had been taken by Luk as well.
“One moment.” You told Sophie with her wide eyes pointedly staring at the box on the coffee table littered with magazines, “It will be a second!”
Sophie waved you off to the kitchen where you clicked on the green button.
“Hey!” Charlie beamed from the kitchen on the apartment he shared with Owen during filming. His wide eyes crinkled by the grin he wore, “What’s new? How was that exam?”
“I think I did a lot better than I had expected.” You admitted to the Canadian guy brushing the hair away from his face. He had to recut to Luke’s style when filming for the new season happened.
“I told you!” Charlie cheered, flipping his gaze from his phone to the pan he was carefully inspecting, “How lucky am I? My girl is going to graduate with a fancy degree! I’ll be front row when it happens.” 
“Just as I will be right there when you win an Oscar.” You teased your boyfriend as Sophie loudly counted down from the living room. Charlie’s attention was drawn to the trio of your best friends waiting.
“Did I pull you away from something?” Charlie’s brown brows furrowed as he mentally went over the plans you had informed him of.
There wasn’t a single plan he remembered so he relaxed marginally when the fear of missing something faded.
“Sophie’s made us do this video for TikTok. We’re halfway through-“
“Hey Charlie, she’ll call you back. We had pregnancy tests to check!” Sophie interrupted ending the video call with your boyfriend.
Both Charlie and you frantically talking as Sophie ended the call with that bomb and not clarifying further on it. To take it further, the blue-haired beauty pocketed your phone as well to avoid her video being interrupted.
You had no doubt the Canadian actor was freaking the fuck out that you were taking a pregnancy test. If he was spamming your phone, Sophie wasn’t reacting to the vibrating other than to aggressively point over to the couch.
“Just text him,” Sophie grumbled throwing your phone back at you when the line formed between her eyebrows. The frustration of Charlie overcoming her excitement for the video.
“PREGNANCY TEST?” Charlie screamed as soon as you accepted his phone call, “Am I missing something?”
“Sophie wanted to do a video of Alice, Lu, her and I took one. We’re good.” You soothed the ruffled feathers of the male who released a gasp.
“Sophie, you gave me a heart attack. Holy shit, I just about knocked Owen unconscious.” The man in question was speaking, but you couldn’t hear the words he spoke, “What! I thought my girl needed me!”
“I’m Charlie but I won’t if I don’t end the call-“
“We can mute the call.” Charlie interrupted dancing on the balls of his feet with anticipation in his blood even if you had denied being pregnant, “This sounds like-”
“Nice try Gillespie. Y/N will call tomorrow, it’s roomie night.” Lu spoke before ending the call for you just like Sophie had, “AS much as I like the dude, this is getting interesting.”
You simply shared a look with Alice as Sophie expertly stationed the camera to get everyone, Alice was the one to shake the box again. Each of you was given a test to hold with snickers falling from lips. Lu’s hand ran through the recently chopped hair while Alice repositioned her body on the floor.
“Okay…one, two, three.” Sophie calmly spoke before flipping her test around. Everyone followed suit.
“Negative.” You informed the group. Lu was quick to announce the negative in her hand.
Sophie simply shook her head before everyone turned to Alice, “Alice?”
 The brunette pixie-haired girl stared at the test before she lunged for the box, “What’s a positive?”
“The test is positive!” Alice snapped shakily reading the instructions as she gripped the test in her hand. Her lips mouthed the words she read with a speed that greatly impressed you.
Everyone was huddled around her after Sophie had ended the video in pure shock, reading the test that very much said positive. Your lips parted in stunned silence sitting back on your heels just as Sophie did.
“Who’s test is it?!” Sophie exclaimed roughly running her hand over her face, “Holy shit.”
“Not mine.” Lu informed the group with a nervous smile on their face, “The last person I was with was Susan from Statistics.”
That left three people.
“Eliminate the options.” You breathed looking at Alice, “Wasn’t the last guy you were with a few weeks ago? Jas or something from-“
“Jasper from my Mythology course, but that was like four months ago! I’ve been swamped with classes and work.” Alice spoke with a small smile, “He was terrific. I should see if he’d like to grab a- “
“Not the time Alice!” Sophie screeched frantically looking around the room, “Oh my god, what about you?”
Sophie’s eyes came down on you with a pleading look in her eyes at this very sudden twist on her once innocent game. Your mind went over the last few months, but you were blanking at every opportunity.
“I can’t. Shit. I need to call Charlie.” You grumbled tapping the screen of the phone, “Alice, can you go grab a box of tests from the store? We used all of them.”
“-grab as many as possible!” Sophie cried, shaking in her slippers and cosy clothing. This was not how she had expected the night to go.
“I thought it was roomie night.” Charlie spoke as soon as the phone connected, “Something wrong?”
“When was the last night we had sex?” You inquired, leaving the man in Canada to choke on his beer.
In Vancouver sharing a beer with Owen with a film that had interested the pair playing Charlie hadn’t expected your call. Owen barely blinked at the interruption when the movie was fascinating, but he did turn when he heard Charlie choke.
“W-what?” Charlie coughed wiping his chin with the back of his hand, “Is this some weird part of a card game-“
“Charlie, when was the last time we had-“
“Jesus, I stayed the night before we left for the airport two months ago? We had a quickie in the bathroom at the airport as well.” Charlie scrunched his face recalling the lack of time he had been physical with you. His face turning red with Owen’s full attention on the flustered Canadian actor.
“Everything good?” Owen asked his best friend but only received a wave off.
“You sound scared. Is everything okay?” Charlie now demanded while your lips parted to ask if it was possible the condoms you used broke. The frantic breathing of Alice interrupted you, however.
Your e/c eyes found the pixie-haired girl leaned over, catching her breath with the box in her hands. Without thinking, your phone fell from your fingers as you lunged to the box with three tests. Alice had thought ahead and bought a box each for you and Sophie.
“Sophie’s waiting in the living room. Lu’s got her.” Alice softly told you both deaf to the two males on the phone, “I’ll be right here.”
“Thank you, Alice.” You choked marching into the bathroom, “If it’s me…I-“
 “If you’re the one pregnant, then this baby will be blessed if you decide to continue the pregnancy. If you don’t, I’m right here for you. If you’re not pregnant, we can do a couple shots.” Alice squeezed your hands unintentionally, sending Charlie into a frantic moment once more.
Your feet stopped suddenly remembering you hadn’t hung up the phone with Charlie, “Fuck.”
Alice, already reading the situation, tossed your phone to you with a smile as she sat on your bed. With a thankful one sent back, you entered the bathroom with your thumb, clicking the FaceTime button.
“This is the second time!” Charlie exclaimed scanning the background for one of your roommates, “I thought you weren’t pregnant!”
“So did I! Until one of four tests turned out positive, and now I have three more tests I need to pee on!” You exclaimed, “I jinxed us! I literally said how all of us are so good keeping up with preventative measures!”
“Apparently not as well.” Owen spoke, shoving his head over Charlie’s shoulder to see you with his kind smile, “Can you take three slow but deep breaths for me?”
With a few words coaching your breathing, you calmed down enough to mute the call and turn the phone to the ceiling for your privacy. Once the toilet was flushed, tests capped waiting on the counter, and your hands washed, you turned back to the call.
“What’re we gonna do Char?” You sobbed with a deep ache to be in his arms just as he felt the same, “We don’t live together! How can we do this!”
As Owen had led you through the calming breathing, Charlie had dug deep to calm down eternally for you. He found clarity even in the storm of being terrified and somewhat guilty, which he knew was misplaced.
“If you’re pregnant I’ll be there for you. No matter what, I will be there for you. If we keep the baby, we will rock parenting. We have friends and our family.” Charlie soothed you with his pretty hazel eyes glittering at you, “We’ve been together since we were eighteen. We’ve talked about marriage and kids.”
“Should I le-“
“You can stay.” You softly told Owen who squeezed Charlie’s shoulder while you sat in silence with Alice quietly sitting by your side.
Alice’s hand grabbed yours in comfort and support, waiting for the minutes to end and when they did you cried.
Separated in different countries you and Charlie took in the news that there was, in fact, a child on the way. Charlie’s lips parted in glee as he easily read the excitement in your facial expressions amid the fear.
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faeflowerz · 2 years
Happy Birthday Vil Schoenheit! 🦚
I finally got around to reading his chapter so this is fresh in my thinkpan.
Vil is that guy who i would absolutely love to have in my life. He's a kind man but he has a way of showing it that many deem unconventional and harsh. I like it. I NEED someone to hold me accountable for my bad habits and Vil is relentless in his efforts to make any potato useful. Does he push too far? Sometimes. But honestly, i wouldn't mind having someone who can bite back. Im too bratty.
But i wont bore yall with my love of blonde men who are probably strong enough to snap my neck. We gotta talk about Vil!
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So I think I learned a lot about Vil in such a short amount of time thanks to finishing chap 5. I learned that he’s quite...expressionless. I noticed while doing lessons that he doesn’t open his mouth that wide when he talks. Idk why i noticed it, but it's interesting. He also mentions that he's usually stoic because hes so goal oriented.
And that's his problem. Vil doesn't show us how he feels. Like the other leaders, his complex is exacerbated by his mask. Vil doesn't allow himself to be a young man who emotes. There's one scene in chap 5 where one of the guys notes its weird to hear him refer to himself as a young man. He's so mature that many forget that hes only 18. He's not even the eldest out of all the seniors (fae + leona excluded). And he takes offense.
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But Vil, by design, you continue to perpetrate an image of yourself that makes people forget that you're a baby. You are a child, especially when you nearly poisoned Neige for just existing. Your reaction to him proves that you're immature and it's okay to be immature.
Actually, let's discuss his relationship with Neige. Vil is forcing all of his energy into this guy who thinks the world of him. So much so that he's (literally) grooming Epel to be some weapon of mass destruction. Sure, Epel is a little goblin, but making him into a show dog won't resolve your feelings towards Neige. Like, Neige LOVES him some Vil. Look at this
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I think it's because Vil doesn't want to accept Neige's love. I mean like, the guy sings his praises like everyone else but when it comes to Neige, he brushes it off or even gets Hostile. Neige brings out that immaturity in him, and it breaks our imagination of Vil. He's still a child in many ways.
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Thats the aries in him taking. A common trait for some is their immaturity, temper, and RECKLESSNESS. The gap moe between Vil's facade and the emotions he has to force himself to suppress is so fascinating!
That being said, no. I don't think Diasomnia is his fit. Sure, the reasoning is solid, but he's fit for Heartslabyul way more. Of course, I'd love to see him in everyone's uniform, but Vil's strict and meticulous nature is quite on par with the QoH. He does carry Dia's elegance, but i unno, i just think it'd be fun to see him in an environment that has such unique rules. Plus, he would probably meet his match with how unkempt the 1st years are there. It's wacky, diverse and i think vil needs to be put out his comfort zone.
What do i wanna see with him? Well, that's just it. I want to see Vil uncomfortable and vulnerable to the people who love him. He's surrounded by people who adore and respect him. He has a prolific career and lots of promise in any road he picks in life. He's beautiful on the inside. But...Vil doesn't believe it. Ive been there. I've doubted myself because there's someone who i think is better than me. And it freaks me out...Neige isn't better than Vil. Vil isn't better than Neige. They compliment each other outside of their villain/hero archetypes, especially when Vil lets Neige pull him along.
Can yall l tell i hardcore ship em? I just think Neige is a better hype man than Rook. He needs emotional support and I want to see Vil emotionally vulnerable.
Oh! I also want to briefly touch on Vil's gender expression. I adore it. Some people have defined headcanons for his gender, but I just think it's nice to have a GNC guy in an isekai game...a DISNEY isekai game. Vil is certainly unapologetic in how he presents himself. I adore that aspect of him. In fact, it makes his dynamic with Epel that more interesting. Epel is a dirty country boy (who would totally be a little homophobic) who is so sure that he needs to be a manly man's man. Vil's masculinity is subtle but striking. He's tall, powerful, and demands people make room for him. At the same time, he wears heels, makeup and even uses pronouns that are (usually) used by women. His beauty covers all aspects of the word.
I think that's all i gotta say. His interview with trey was kind of uneventful. It's cute how Trey was excited to throw the pie at him tho. And i love that he has a ponytail. I wanna pull it so bad. Out of all the third years, Vil is my top three, which is a high honor since i...uh, well, let's say the younger ones get my attention more.
With all that said, yaaas kaween slaay.
Happy Birthday Vil Schoenheit! 🦚
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All I wanna do is write about gnc characters and androids.
So, here’s something for Do Androids Dream of Cyborg Angels, a continuation of this story.
Also, I need something to do to kill time while I’m baking a Halloweenie cake.
As always, AJ0440 is Crowley before they gave themself the name, and Aziraphale goes by Ezra because reasons (but his name is Aziraphale).
On with the fic!
AJ0440 sat happily at the kitchen table, looking at the bottles of nail polish set before them. The fake nails they had put on earlier are still secured to the tips of their clear finger tips, standing out against the hard plastic.
Ezra finally sat down in front of them, after having prepared himself a mug of hot cocoa. “Now, do you know what to do?” Ezra asked, pushing the red and black bottles closer to the android.
“I am programmed to meet the needs of owners of different genders, and that includes the ability to apply make up and nail polish if they so ask. Though I think that task was aimed more at mistresses than masters.” AJ0440 stated, and Ezra winced at the use of mistresses and masters, ah, yeah, he didn’t like the whole ‘ownership’ thing.
Not that AJ0440 could blame him. 
“Right, well, let’s see what you have in mind with your color choices. And the silver one?” The human picked up the bottle with sparkling silver polish inside.
“That will go on last, for a design.” AJ0440 replied as they opened the black bottle first. They looked at their left hand and carefully started to apply the polish to the thumb nail, then the middle, and then the pinkie.
Ezra quietly watched as AJ0440 took great care to paint each nail on their hand, then moved to the right, doing the index and ring in black. “Doing a pattern, yes?” Ezra asked.
“Yep, that’s the plan. Gonna do the same for yours when I’m done with mine.” AJ0440 said, sticking out the tip of their tongue as they did, noticing that Ezra’s attention was on their mouth, before he made a small grunt, taking a long drink from his mug.
The android cocked an eyebrow at the action, what was that about? “Soooo... I saw you repairin’ a book earlier, before we headed out,” they started to create a conversation, “wanna tell me about it?”
“Huh?” Ezra blinked, then perked up. “Ah, yes! I was repairing a copy of an American story that’s quite famous! One that’s been famous for centuries, though also controversial.” He said with a stage whisper, and AJ0440 grinned.
“Oh? Do tell.”
As Ezra explained the story of Huckleberry Finn to AJ0440 as they painted their nails, cooling the tips of their fingers to allow for the polish to dry faster, they started work on Ezra’s fingers. 
AJ0440 felt nervous as they held the cyborg’s warm, soft hand, being so very, very careful as they applied golden nail polish to his fingers. Why would they be nervous, they were programmed to do this simple task with no problem, were they worried that Ezra might not like the job they were doing? 
They didn’t know, and it was bugging them.
They applied blue next and moved to do the other hand, when Ezra said something that made AJ0440 react in a way they had never done before.
“Oh, AJ, you did such an amazing job! Not even my manicurist could do such a perfect coating like this, and she’s a professional!” Ezra said, truthfully delighted. “Thank you, dear.”
AJ0440 paused, eyes wide.
Did... did Ezra just call them AJ? Like... like a name? Instead of a serial number? 
And did he just praise and compliment them, with nothing but honesty?
“Oh my! I didn’t know you could glow!”
AJ04- AJ blinked, eyes making a clicking sound as they looked at their fingertips, glowing pink. They glanced at their shoulders, where more of the see-thru parts were, a faint, pink light shone under their shirt.
“I... I didn’t know I could do that.” They said, completely stunned. “I-I knew that I had internal lights in case of a blackout and I needed to be a light source, but there is no blackout, nor any-any need for...”
Was this their way of blushing?
The lights grew brighter and they heard their fans going, things clicking inside of their chest, like a sped up heartbeat.
“Well, whatever it is, I think it’s quite lovely. A fetching shade of pink, very fitting for you.”
That only made the glowing worse. “T-thanks, angel...” AJ said, trying to return to painting the human’s fingernails. 
I’d like the image that when AJ is really glowing, there is a faint pink glow around his eyes as well. 
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Skirts and dresses Part 4
Part1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 5
Tag list: @purplefreakwolffish  @mayucerise​
This chapter is for @sarcastich​​ and @starkeraddictbaby​
Thanks to Gypsywoman13 for beta-reading!
CW: genderfluid Loki, Kinda asshole Thor
PeterParkerBingo2021: square Pet Names (card below)
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Thor & Loki
Because Peter had been fairly young when he moved inside the compound, they had put his room next to Tony’s quarters since he was the one in charge of their youngest member. Then one day a door appeared in the middle of his room, connecting it to the Stark’s private quarters. They had a long discussion about boundaries: “Ask before putting doors in my bedroom” and “don’t threaten people because they hurt me” etc. Tony had argued it was easier (it was, but that was not the question) because they spend more and more time together. Which was true. 
Tony and Pepper had started to teach Peter some things about business practice. They took him to smaller meetings and introduced him as Tony’s intern; it suited Peter very much. That, plus his patrols, as well as other Avenger business, like training, and his new business classes...Peter was now even busier than he already was.
Except on Sundays. Sundays were days Peter could rest, sleep, visit his aunt May, hang with Ned and MJ, and watch movies with Bucky the other Avengers.
Every Sunday morning, before leaving their quarters, Peter and Tony would eat the most decadent brunch that Peter would let Tony buy him. From all the changes that happened in his life since he got adopted by Tony Stark, Sunday brunches were certainly Peter’s favorites. He loved those calm moments with the man that he admired so much. He also loved that he could put on whatever clothes he wanted because FRIDAY would only let people in the know enter.
That Sunday, they were finishing their meal when Steve entered. He briefly stopped at the soft pink hoodie, gray and pink plaid skirt, and long white socks Peter was wearing before dismissing it and greeting the two men.
“So, Steve, what can we do for you?” Tony asked, forgoing the pleasantries. Peter knew Tony hated being interrupted during Sunday brunches, and saw that Steve started to move from one leg to the other, a bit nervous. Peter frowned.
“Oh, I-I mean, I wanted to apologize for-” Peter tried to interrupt Steve, he had told him many times that Steve was forgiven, but the man was stubborn and didn’t let him talk. “I know, you already told me, but I- I made this for you.” Steve gave Peter a piece of paper. 
On the paper was a beautiful drawing of Peter in the purple dress that he had been wearing when Steve had discovered his secret. Peter was startled out of his stunned silence when his dad gently took the paper from his hands.
Tony simply whistled when he saw the drawing. “Aunt Peggy had told me you could draw, Rogers, but this is something else.” Steve looked at Tony, in shock.
“Au-Aunt Peggy? But you-you weren’t-” 
Tony snorted, irked. “I went to her grave later, Rogers, because there was an emergency, and if there was something Aunt Peggy could understand, it was emergencies. She was Howard’s friend, and my godmother.” Peter, who had been told the story, silently stroked his dad’s back in support as he continued. “We also fought a lot when you came back.” Steve opened his mouth to speak, but Tony didn’t let him. “Not that it’s any of your business, Capsicle, but who do you think covered the truth about Howard’s death? Who do you think had enough power for that? Peggy Carter. She let me think my father killed my mom because he was a fucking alcoholic.”
Steve looked as if he had swallowed a lemon, grimacing. “I didn’t know. I am sorry, Tony.”
Tony lifted his hand. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” He lifted the paper with Steve’s drawing on it, looking at it pensively. “You’re very talented. We should make you an art studio. There is an empty room with great lighting.” Tony turned to Peter to watch him. “What d’you think kid? Wanna design it?” 
Peter felt excited to be offered this opportunity; he nodded with way too much enthusiasm. It made Tony smile, proud.
“You’re gonna make some blueprints, and we will see with the Captain what he needs and likes. No, Cap, don’t argue, it will be good training for the kid. Now, Steve, if you don’t mind, I was having brunch with my kid.”
Peter only had 30 seconds to thank Steve for the drawing and promise him he would make the best art studio there was before Steve left. After Brunch, Peter framed the drawing and put it on his shelf with the piece of his first skirt and the picture of his dad in a dress.
Later that day, while Peter and Tony were looking at a movie, before heading out for a diner with Aunt May, someone crashed into their quarters through the window.
Tony was ready to fight in seconds; his watch changed into a piece of armor around his right fist, while his left arm pushed Peter behind him, only to find that it was Thor, son of Odin, that had crashed on the ground. Peter couldn’t help but find it kind of cute that his dad would try to protect Peter with his body when Peter could take the most damage.
“For fuck’s sake, Point Break, what the ever-loving fuck?” Tony let the gauntlet recede back into his watch and put his hand on his heart. “I have a heart condition, you know? And we have doors. FRI, baby, tell everyone in the compound there is no immediate emergency. Put the compound in code orange until further notice,” Tony turned to look at Peter, seeing the pink skirt, the hoodie, and the panicked glances his kid was giving, then added, “Tell them there is no need to come and lock the quarters immediately.” 
Peter relaxed some and started to play with the hem of his skirt. 
“I apologize, Man of Iron. It seems like I missed the door.” Thor stood up from where he had crashed, and he opened his arms to hug Tony. “It has been too long my friend. How are you doing?” Tony frowned, but he let the god hug him. 
After they separated, Tony started to give instructions to FRIDAY for the reparations while Thor turned to look at Peter. There were a few seconds where Thor paused to take in how Peter was dressed before he widened his eyes.
Before Peter could react, Thor bowed deeply before speaking. “Good day, Lady Peter.” 
Peter winced. Why would he be a lady? Just because he was wearing a skirt?
“I-I, no, Thor. I-I am a man.” Peter hated how his voice shivered. 
Thor righted himself, beaming at Peter as if nothing had just happened. “Good, how are you doing Man of Spiders?” 
Peter looked at the god, completely lost by what had just happened. “I-I am fine? Thank you, mister Thor,” Peter said with a small voice. 
The god nodded happily. “I am happy to hear that.” Thor promptly turned to Tony. “Man of Iron, I am in great need of a favor.” 
Tony scowled looking at the damage. “Is it more important than repairing the hole in my wall?” 
Thor’s face became serious in a blink, making Peter shiver. “I am afraid it is really important, my friend,” Thor said in a deep voice. 
The meeting had been going on for hours, and Peter was exhausted. 
Thor wanted their help to get some information out of his brother Loki. The Asgardians had a reason to think that Loki hadn’t been the one behind the invasion and could even have been a victim of the scepter like Barton and the others, but Loki wouldn’t talk. Thor hoped that maybe someone on Earth could help them because they had tried everything.
The news was welcomed by an uproar, led by Hawkeye and Fury, and had calmed down after Thor had explained that if his fears were correct, there was something worse coming to Earth. He also promised that they wouldn’t need to bring Loki for them to interrogate him and that there was a magic mirror they could use to talk to him.
It was decided the mirror would be locked in Tony’s lab, the most secure room at the compound.
However, they all forgot Peter had unlimited access to the room.
The first time Peter saw Loki, Peter was walking along the glass walls of the main lab. He could see Natasha and Maria Hill looking frustrated at a mirror. In the mirror, there was a gorgeous woman with long, raven black hair; she had piercing green eyes, green lipstick, and she was wearing a stunning, black leather dress. 
If Peter hadn’t been gay, and stupidly in love attracted to Bucky, he knew that he could have fallen for this beautiful lady.
Then his brain started to work again and realization clicked: The woman was Loki. Loki was wearing (and rocking) a dress. He looked like a woman, but how? When she/he/the God of Mischief saw Peter, they winked. Peter startled and simply walked faster to the B-Lab where Bruce was waiting for him.
Peter couldn’t get Loki out of his mind. The God didn’t look uncomfortable wearing a dress or looking like a woman in front of his enemies. 
After some days, Peter decided to go to the main source of information about Loki: Thor.
“Oh, yes, Loki sometimes, uhm, switches? Mother always said to respect the gender he looks like, but you know that Loki is my brother, so it was difficult at first.” Thor massaged his neck, uneasy. “But then, Loki started to play vicious pranks on the people who would call him a man when he was dressed like a woman. So, I learned to, uh, call Loki a lady when he wears a dress.”
And then Peter understood. “That's why you called me a lady the other day!” 
Thor nodded. “But luckily you don’t ask me to call you a woman.” 
Peter frowned. “Why do you say luckily? I mean, I don’t think there is anything wrong with asking someone to call you a woman if… you feel like a woman?” Thor, confused, looked at Peter and was about to reply, but Tony (since when had he been in the room?) answered first, making Peter and Thor startle.
“No, there is nothing wrong, Peter. Loki is genderfluid, which means that they don’t identify themself as having a fixed gender.” Tony, who was at the door, walked into the room and up to Peter. “We asked Loki and he said you could use the pronouns depending on what he looks like. It’s easier because Loki is a shifter, and can change depending on his moods. But if you ever meet another genderfluid person, you can just ask them what gender they identify with at that moment.” 
Peter nodded. It made sense. 
Thor looked a bit crushed when he started to speak again. “So, it’s not only Loki?” Tony simply shook his head. “Oh. I think I need to talk to my br-Loki.” With those words, the god left the room.
Peter did some research about genders - Tony helped - and he concluded that he was a man that liked to cross-dress and that there was nothing wrong with that. Peter had felt very loved that his dad, who was always so busy, had taken the time to explain all of those terms to Peter until they found the ones that felt right.
But Peter was a curious person, and it was what led him to be bitten by a radioactive spider in the first place... Peter wanted to talk to Loki. He wanted to talk about the dress, and about being genderfluid. He knew that the god was not a good being, but Loki was already in prison. What could go wrong?
“The mighty Avengers are sending me a child, now? Interesting.” Loki’s bitter words made Peter flinch. Peter silently closed the door behind him, before he entered the lab.
“No. I- I mean, I am an Avenger, but they didn’t send me.” Peter nervously played with the plaid shirt he was wearing that day.
“Then why are you here?” 
Peter lifted his head and looked directly at Loki for the first time. He noted that Loki was in a male form. 
“I learned that you are genderfluid. I- I just wanted to talk.” 
Loki’s face softened a little bit. “Oh, yes. People of Midgard have been strangely open-minded about it.” His face then hardened again. “What do you want? Do you want to see the shift? Do you want me to become a female?” 
Peter winced. 
“What? No! Only if it’s what you want. But, no, who would want you to do that? You’re not some kind of animal.” Peter was horrified, just thinking about it. Loki huffed but said nothing, watching Peter with piercing eyes. Peter took a deep breath and gathered his courage. “I-I like to wear dresses. It is called cross-dressing here.” 
Loki looked at Peter like he was analyzing Peter’s very soul. “Why are you telling me this, human?” he seemed perplexed.
“I saw you in that dress the last time, and you were gorgeous. I mean, that dress, it looked like it had been made just for you.” Peter couldn’t contain the excitement in his voice. Loki raised an eyebrow, but Peter could see that he was fighting a smile.
“That would be because it was crafted for me. I am a prince of Asgard, little one.” The reply was unexpected, and Peter felt his eyes open with shock that was rapidly replaced by glee.
“Oh yes, my da- Mr. Stark let a tailor come to the tower, and he wanted to tailor some things, but I wasn't ready yet. Mr. Stark said that the man could come back later. ” 
Loki didn’t fight his smile this time.
“And why weren’t you ready, yet, dear?”
Peter and Loki talked a big part of the night until Peter started to yawn too much, then Loki sent him to his room. As days went on, after his patrol and doing some homework, Peter visited every night to talk about stuff with Loki.
“By the Norns! Dear Spider, why would you not simply tell the man that you want him?” Loki asked, sitting against the wall of his prison.
“What? No! He doesn’t feel that way about me,” Peter answered stubbornly while painting his nails with a green nail polish that had been approved by Loki.
“You won’t know until you try, dear.” Peter shrugged and changed the subject.
Of course, after a visit one night, they were discovered. While Tony and Natasha (and Bucky) hadn’t been really happy about it, there was nothing they could do or say to change Peter’s mind.
“You what?” Peter asked, dumbfounded.
“I stabbed the mongrel,” Loki answered, way too smugly if you asked Peter.
“Because he slapped your ass? Isn’t that a bit extreme?”
“Oh my sweet, sweet, little Spider. If you let men get away with unwanted touching, they will think it is alright to do it again and again. No one should dare touch a lady like that without consequences.” Loki played with the knife that had been in his hand since they started to talk that day.
“Yes, but still, Thor is your brother.” Peter never had had a sibling, but if he had, he wouldn’t have stabbed them, for sure.
“After that, neither Thor, nor any of the savages he called ‘friends’, ever touched me without my consent.” The smile Loki sent his way made Peter shiver.
“Yeah, ok, fair.” The god did heal fast, so Peter guessed that it was okay-ish.
Peter had been surprised when a raven had given Peter two identical letters one morning after breakfast. He was even more surprised when the letters ended up being Loki’s complete confession. One had been addressed to ‘The Mighty Avengers’ and the other to ‘Sweet Spider’. 
Loki explained how he had fallen into Thanos’ lap after the destruction of the rainbow bridge; he mentioned the torture, the scepter, and how the beating that the Hulk gave him had helped him evade his conditioning. He also laid out Thanos' strengths and weaknesses, including how and when to beat him.
At the end, Loki wrote that he would never have written his confession if it weren’t for Peter. 
Peter then took the last page, where Loki had drawn them both and had it framed to be placed on his beloved shelf.
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bentforkent · 4 years
spencer reid x gender neutral!reader
no content warnings (except sweet fluff and banter, as per usual)
word count: 1581
in which spencer is your cute roommate 
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“spencer reid, i swear to god, if you don’t take out this trash like i asked you to two days ago, i might scream.”
“you’re screaming anyways, to be fair.”
you let out a frustrated groan, shaking your head at him and stalking to your room.
spencer was a great roommate, usually. he’d listed his guest room for rent years ago, and you, desperate for a space to call your own, had jumped. his apartment was nice, dark walls covered in organized clutter spencer had accumulated over the years. when you came to tour the space, you peered up at his walls. there were newspaper clippings, receipts, nightclub wristbands, polaroid photos, all organized into a neat grid.
“okay, i’ll take the room,” you said, deciding that a man who was this meticulous and sentimental couldn’t possibly murder you in your sleep.  you would’ve rented the room either way, honestly, the price of the place was too good to pass up. you figured that’s probably because not many people wanted to live with a random man, but you had chalked spencer up to be pretty much harmless. “under one condition,” you stated.
spencer was taken aback by this, not really believing you were in the position to put stipulations onto your agreement. “what’s your condition?” he inquired, choosing his words carefully so as not to promise you anything.
“i get to put some of my stuff up on the walls too.”
this he could get behind. at least you weren’t asking to completely overhaul his interior design. in fact, you embraced it, and wanted to be involved. he liked that. his last roommate had been somewhat of a recluse, and as much as spencer was okay with not being bothered, the roommate’s presence made his apartment feel significantly less like home.
but when you moved in, you never left him alone. spencer’s introverted nature means he should’ve been completely bothered by this. but you’re so warm, such a presence, that he embraced it. every time you begged him to watch a movie with you, go get dinner with you, or to just sit at the kitchen table with you while he did his paperwork, his heart stirred. he enjoyed living with you, and you him. except when he forgets to take out the trash.
“y/n,” he whines, following you. spencer, in all of his softness, can’t handle when you’re upset with him. “i’m sorry i didn’t take out the trash,” he says, pushing your door open and flopping onto your bed next to you.
you look up from your phone to glance at him.
“i would love to get takeout tonight, but we can’t because there’s nowhere to throw the containers away,” you say dryly, turning back to your phone, and carding one hand through his hair. he makes a noise of dissent and sticks out his bottom lip. you twirl a strand of his hair around your finger.  
“well i could go take it out now, but you’re playing with my hair,” he says. you scratch at his scalp gently, then remove your hand.
“go, then. i’ll order food. thai?”
when he comes back, you’re sitting on the rug of the living room, flicking through your dvd collection.
“wanna watch a movie?” you ask. “i’m picking.”
he shakes his head with a laugh. “i can’t remember the last time i picked, y/n.”
“yeah, you like boring movies.” you look up at him, and he gives you a pleading look. “fine. you can pick.”
he ends up picking some foreign movie you have to rent online. he promises profusely that he’ll translate in your ear the whole time, and that’s enough to sell you. when your food arrives, you place his meal on a plate like he likes it, and opt to eat yours out of the styrofoam box. you curl up against his side, and he wraps his arm around you.
“thanks for taking out the trash, finally,” you murmur. he shushes you. god forbid you interrupt his movie.
he begins to whisper translations to you, and you’re immediately tense. you’re overwhelmed. his arm is around you, his lips brushing against your ear, his hand in your hair. and spencer’s just your roommate, you know this. but that doesn’t mean he’s not attractive. anyone with eyes could see that. you just had to keep that to yourself, because you lived together and it would be weird if he ever found out you had a tiny crush on him.
okay, a big crush on him.
you discovered your feelings for spencer a few months ago when the two of you had spent the night at a hotel for the weekend, simply because spencer was off of work and you wanted to lounge by the pool with him. both of you needed to relax, and a mini-vacation had been perfect. there was only one bed in the room, because you booked the smallest (and cheapest) room possible, but neither of you were phased. you’d spent the night in each other’s beds multiple times before, usually after a particularly long, deep conversation or a movie night.
“do you think god exists?” you asked, lying in bed with him.
“oh my god, go to sleep, y/n,” spencer groaned. you pouted, turning away from him and hiking the blanket up to your chin.
a beat passes.
“do you want to go explore?” you asked. there was always something exciting about finding a weird room in a hotel you’d never been to before.
spencer let out a heavy sigh and sat up, flicking the lamp on. “no, y/n.” you knew he was irritated with you. it was 3 am, but you just couldn’t sleep. his dark circles were pronounced, his shoulders tense. “how can i help you right now?” he asked.
“you don’t want to help me, you just want to go to sleep,” you said petulantly, back still turned to him.
“if i help you, i can fall asleep, because you won’t be bothering me with all your questions,” he replied, voice low and gravelly.
“no, turn the lights off.”
“you’re so dramatic.”
“leave me alone, i’m trying to sleep, spencer.”
spencer was too tired to argue with you, so he turned off the light and laid back down, desperate for sleep. it took all of two minutes for you to open your mouth again.
he didn’t answer, but you knew he was awake from the pattern of his breathing.
“spencer,” you said again, dragging out the word in a sing-songy tone and flipping to face him.
he opened his heavy eyes and gazed at you. “shut up and go to sleep,” he said, and punctuated his sentence with a firm kiss to your lips. you were stunned into silence by the action. satisfied, spencer turned away from you and promptly fell asleep. you didn’t say another word until morning, and even then, neither one of you brought it up, falling back into your normal relationship with ease.
as you’re watching spencer’s russian movie, he can tell you’re on edge. he intentionally brushes his lips against your earlobe just to watch you squirm. didn’t you know he’s a profiler? he’s had you figured out for years. he knows all your tells. he knows that you’re head-over-heels for him. he likes this, because he feels the same way. spencer takes pleasure in bothering you simply because it gives him power that he doesn’t generally have with you. you’re so headstrong, so sure of yourself. but when his breath is fanning over your neck, he’s in control.
you pull away from his grasp suddenly, accidentally flinging a bit of pad thai across the couch. he chuckles, and you narrow your eyes at him at the sound. “you’re doing this on purpose!”
“doing what on purpose?” he says coyly.
“getting me all hot and bothered!”
“is that what’s happening?” he asks, a teasing tone to his voice. he sets his plate down on the coffee table, but you hold your takeout container to your chest as if it creates a barrier between you and him. your eyes are wide, and again, you’re surprised into silence.
“when are you gonna admit it, y/n?” he asks. if this were a normal conversation between the two of you, you would ask him “admit what,” but you knew what he was talking about.
“you’re mean,” you say simply, placing your meal down and crawling over to him. “you win. kiss me now.”
he cups your face gently and pulls you into a deep kiss. there’s no hesitation before you’re kissing him back, moving closer to straddle his waist. he moans softly into your mouth, and you take his parted lips as an invitation to deepen the kiss. your hands find their way into his hair, tugging softly. for all of his cockiness earlier, you’re in control now. he’s putty in your hands. his hands reach the hem of your shirt, and he pulls away to ask you for permission.
“wait!” you exclaim. you clamber out of his lap, grabbing his polaroid camera off of the shelf where he keeps it. he gives you a questioning look, but you shake your head. “smile, spence,” you sing. he grins. he looks happy. his lips are swollen, you note, but you think only you would notice. his eyes are honey colored, illuminated by the forgotten tv playing across from him. you snap the picture, and pin it to the wall.  
(author’s note: if you’re reading this and you liked it, read my series to the moon and to saturn!)
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youngbloodlisk · 4 years
Punished // Lee Juyeon and Choi Chanhee
- smut
- dom gender neutral reader
- obedient sub juyeon is acting up
- bratty sub chanhee
- non-ship aka all that happens between the boys is because of desperation and neediness, not attraction
- implication that reader doms both juyeon and chanhee at different times
- kinda more juyeon than chanhee, which was unintentional but that's just how it ended up lol
- bxb for most of it, a lot of which is instructed by the dom
- use of bad/good boy
- finger sucking
- handjobs
- edging
- rutting
- blowjob + deepthroat
- cum swallowing
- spit (into one's own hand) used as lube
- hickey
- kinda short lol
- really bad like this fucking sucks but i still wanna post it??? idk !! logic
- plz excuse typos and stuff
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Upon entering the familiar dorm, it doesn't take long to see that it's empty.
Empty kitchen, empty lounge room, even the bathroom doors and bedroom doors are left open.
Not a single soul...
Until a bit of movement catches my eye and I quickly turn to see a pair of black shorts in the doorway to Juyeon's bedroom. They're soon followed by a pair of tan shorts, clearly having been tossed to the side without care.
I hear light grunts and sighs, seemingly of relief.
I slowly creep up to the door, making sure I can't be seen or heard, and listen closely.
"Ah- oh p-please-"
"So... good..."
I peek my head in doorway, catching my two favorite boys rutting their bodies together in their underwear.
Juyeon in a pink jumper and Chanhee in a white tshirt with a design on it, both oversized and draping over their bodies like small tents.
Neither of them seem to be taking any control, both of them just clinging to each other the same way they, respectively, cling to me.
Juyeon reaches a hand into the gray fabric covering Chanhee's lower half, sending a chill down the blonde boy's body and making his breath hitch.
Chanhee starts tugging Juyeon's own underwear down in response, Juyeon quickly doing the same for him.
The two boys shimmie out of the garments and pull their bodies together again, now rutting their bare, hard, dripping cocks against each other.
Both boys appear and sound to be very sensitive as the smallest of friction is making them lose coherency.
The room is full of mumbling and slurred words and the sound of skin rubbing against skin and fabric.
Chanhee suddenly chases Juyeon's lips with his lips and gives him a lustful, needy kiss.
The boys reach down and wrap their hands around both their dicks together, creating friction from the outer ring of hands and from each other.
I know I probably shouldn't be watching, but it's as if I'm unable to move or look away from the beautiful sight before me. Both of my boys so desperate and needy like this.
I knew when they both sent me photos earlier that they were needy, I just didn't realize just how much.
Their hips are rutting in irregular patterns and they lean on each other for support, moaning and whining, getting closer.
A thin layer of sweat has formed on the soft skin of each of the boys, their breathing becomes heavier and their sweet sounds are music to my ears.
"I'm..." Chanhee chokes out. "I'm gonna c-"
"Me t-too."
They keep their pace, thrusting up into their hands and against each other in a rhythm, until Juyeon finishes first with a soft moan.
He covers both of their shirts and their hands in the white substance and slows his pace, yet he continues groaning from the friction he's still getting as Chanhee chases his own high.
A choked moan leaves Chanhee's lips as he, too, releases his own cum onto himself and Juyeon.
Juyeon slowly sits down on the floor right where he was standing, bringing Chanhee with him. They lean against each other and each try to catch their breath.
Suddenly, Juyeon catches sight of me out of the corner of his eye.
He quickly jumps and sits up perfectly straight, causing Chanhee to lose balance for a moment and look thoroughly confused until he follows Juyeon's gaze to me.
Their shirts have fallen to cover them, but the twitching points under the shirts are hard to miss.
I enter the room, kicking the shorts inside so I can shut the door behind me. I drop to my knees on the floor in front of them.
"That was quite a sight." The boys bow their heads, but I place my fingers on their chins and push their heads back up to look at me. "Chanhee, I expected this kind of disobedience from you but... it's Juyeon I'm really surprised by. My obedient Juyeon..." I push a bit of his black hair out of his face and caress his cheek, bringing my hand slowly closer to his mouth. "Chanhee?"
The smaller boy hums in response.
"What happens to boys who disobey?"
"They get a spanking?" The bratty boy sarcastically responds.
"Sometimes. But come on, baby." I look towards him, seeing the precious pink tint on his cheeks and the way his sweat glistens. His mouth sits slightly agape, clearly in a needy trance, despite the attitude in his voice just moments ago. "You should know the proper answer better than anyone."
"They get... punished."
"Exactly." I turn my eyes back to Juyeon, straight into his pleading eyes, and push my thumb between his lips. He instinctively starts to suck on it. "That's it... there's my good boy... Maybe I should have spoken up before you were able to cum. Then again, I think this might just be more fun."
Juyeon's desperate eyes turn confused.
"Yes?" Chanhee leans closer, listening expectantly.
"Tease him with your palm."
Chanhee shifts, surprised. "Me?"
"Yes, you. Can you do that, baby?" I look at him genuinely, making it clear that it's a real question that he can say no to.
Chanhee nods and mutters a small "yes" as he reaches towards the tent in Juyeon's shirt, before hesitating and pulling his hand back.
"Is this okay, Juyeon?" I give the same genuine look to Juyeon, to which he nods. Juyeon pulls the hem of his pink shirt up to expose his cock. He reaches over to grab Chanhee's wrist, gently pulling his hand closer.
Chanhee places his warm, soft palm on the tip of Juyeon's cock and slowly rotates his wrist to create a small amount of friction on the highly sensitive area.
Juyeon's breath catches in his throat and he hums around my thumb.
His lower body shakes subtly. Chanhee applies more pressure for a moment, causing Juyeon to emit a whiny moan. I pull my hand away from his mouth and run my fingers through his hair.
Juyeon is still extra sensitive from his first orgasm. It doesn't take long before he starts jerking his body, right on the edge of a second orgasm.
"P-Please... Please, I'm so... close... Please..."
I abruptly pull Chanhee's hand away, to which Juyeon quickly responds by trying to bring it back.
"Please, please, please- Please, I need it-"
"Juyeon. Off." I command. He draws his hand back and pouts. "You're such a bad boy lately, huh? What's come over you?"
"Please, I just... I need to cum..." He wraps his hand around his shaft, but I hold it still.
"If you can make Chanhee cum first, then I'll let you cum."
Juyeon snaps his head towards Chanhee.
"Is that... okay with you?" He asks the smaller boy.
"Uh- um... yeah, it's okay." Chanhee swallows sharply.
"What should I do?" Juyeon asks me.
"Since you keep begging to cum," I run my thumb across his lips and pull at the bottom one. "Maybe you should use that pretty little mouth for something else."
I sit back and watch as Chanhee spreads his legs and Juyeon leans down.
He glances at me, his face only a couple inches away from Chanhee's hard dick.
I nod.
Juyeon pulls up the bottom of Chanhee's shirt and places a hand on his leg for balance. Juyeon keeps his gaze towards me as he draws his tongue from the base to the tip. Chanhee throws his head back when Juyeon wraps his lips around Chanhee's cock.
Chanhee instinctually puts one hand in Juyeon's soft hair, using the other hand to lean on.
Juyeon takes as much of Chanhee's cock in his mouth as he can, which is surprisingly almost all of it.
Slowly, Juyeon begins to bob his head with hollowed cheeks.
Chanhee's moans fill the room, along with the wet sounds of Juyeon's mouth.
"You're doing great, Juyeon. Keep it up." I encourage him, seeing the way Chanhee's legs are shaking and the way his hips are rolling.
Juyeon keeps his pace steady, using one hand to gently play with Chanhee's balls.
After a couple minutes, Chanhee is jerking his hips up and mumbling about getting close.
Juyeon pushes himself all the way down onto Chanhee's dick, taking every last inch down his throat. Juyeon gags around Chanhee as the boy winces, with a loud sweet moan, and cums down his throat.
Juyeon slowly pulls himself off of Chanhee, swallowing thoroughly.
Chanhee's support arm buckles at the immense pleasure and hard orgasm. Chanhee lays on his back and closes his eyes, his breathing heavy.
Juyeon looks at me expectantly, his eyes practically begging to cum yet again.
"Good job, baby." I crawl over to him and sit directly in front of him. "You earned it."
I spit in my hand and rub a mix of my saliva and the liquid from his dripping tip around.
I don't waste much time before jerking him quickly and roughly.
A continuous "ah- ah- ah-" spills out of his mouth. His jaw slacks and his back arches a bit.
"S-So- close- already... please-"
"I know, you were edged and you're sensitive. It's okay, baby."
I keep my pace and lean in to kiss on his jaw. As I find my way to his neck, I start to suck on the skin.
He holds out for a few moments, my hand moving up and down and running my thumb along his slit when I reach the top.
"Gonna... gonna..."
I bring my lips up next to his ear.
"Go ahead." I whisper.
He thrusts up into my hand as his cum sprays onto our clothes and my hand.
My lips meet his and I kiss him hard, finding a lingering taste of Chanhee in his mouth.
When I pull away, I watch his glazed eyes as he lays on his back next to Chanhee. I catch a glimpse of the red-ish purple-ish mark I left on his neck.
The boys' chests move up and down slowly with their deep breaths.
"And now... what are you two gonna do next time your needy and I'm not around?"
Chanhee giggles, still a bit breathless but just as bratty and cocky as he usually is.
"I don't know... I mean... you were right about what you said earlier. This was pretty fun."
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dearest-kibble · 4 years
could you please write something for haikyuu where reader is kidnapped by their crush and (let's just say they have issues as well) so they're just flattered by the attention of the yandere and completely down with it 😥
Ok!! So this strikes me as a very Daichi (he’s very soft) thing to do? That or Oikawa? Also shoot I try to keep these gender neutral, but I think I accidentally made the reader more feminine (dresses are in your closet, calls you princess
Tw: Implied former abuse (From a family), yandere content, stalking. 
Daichi Sawamura
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You were warm. A soft fuzzy light filters through white curtains as you sit up on a plush bed. Blankets cover your legs. Those aren’t your blankets, those aren’t your curtains. This isn’t your house. You hear a knock.
“Come in?” It’s a meek, meek sound you make as the door creaks open so delicately. You’ve never really liked when your family came into your room, but this wasn’t your room, and chances are that wasn’t your family knocking. So when the captain of the famed volleyball team walks into the room you’re a little taken aback. It’s not everyday where someone so normally levelheaded and polite keeps you in their house for one reason or another.
“I didn’t mean to, but please stay here? I’ll take good care of you.” He’s leaning against the door unthreateningly. “Oh this is probably - I’ll give you some space okay? Food’ll be ready soon, I’ll bring some to you if you don’t come out of your room.” He seems to realize that he might be intruding as he stares at your blushing face. He closes your door gently and you hear the popping of a stove as it turns on. You start shedding the blankets off of you, swinging your legs over the lavish covers of your new bed. You could live with a gentle captor after the years with your family. Your feet hit the hard wood of the ground and a chill is sent through you. To stop the chill crawling through your body, you wrap one of your large, fluffy blankets around you. Your room is decorated in soft pastel greens and whites and lots of books. Your closet has been filled exclusively with  long floral dresses. Which begs the question, what are you wearing right now? The Volleyball captain seems to have put a mirror in your room, several pictures of you from school are stuffed into the side of the mirror. You sleeping in class, were you two in the same class? You didn’t think so but maybe you were wrong. Shedding the blanket for a quick second reveals that you are in the same clothes you remember putting on before... what exactly happened? Feeling the return of the cold on your body you pick up your blanket and seeing as you need some questions answered, you go to find your chef and photographer.
“So, uhm” You don’t know his name do you? 
“Sawamura Daichi, I should’ve introduced myself earlier, huh?” He chuckles a little as he turns from a pan to look at you.
“Sawamur-” You start.
“Everyone calls me Daichi, you especially, shouldn’t be an exception.” He turns back to preparing some pan fried dish. 
“Daichi? I Guess I should’ve known that, everyone talks about the volleyball captain!” You smile at him, he’s being sweet and anyone would appreciate that. “So, my mind seems to be blanking on what happened before i came here, would you mind telling me?” Well that was presumptuous to assume that he actually knows. Maybe you passed out and he was kind enough to pick you up off the side of the road. 
“I took you from your house. I’m not very keen on putting you back though, so please try to get used to living with me.” He’s spun on a dime at your words and offers a sympathetic smile.
“You took me from my house?” You feel like crying as you speed over to him by the stove. “Thank you Daichi,” He seems a little taken startled at your willingness to hug him but wraps his strong arms around your waist anyways. “Thank you so much.” Your pretty sure the wetness on his clothes is because you’re crying,
“Of course, I knew you’d be happier with me than stuck there,” He smiles as he leans his face down into your hair, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. It’s the first time you’ve been kissed.
“You look really cute y’know?” His palms are on your shoulders, pushing you gently away from his chest. “Wrapped up in that blanket, it’s so big on you.” He’s blushing as he looks at you.
“Oh uhm, thank you,” Though your cheeks are still wet, they’ll evaporate at this rate. “What’re we having to eat?” 
“Fried eggs, if that’s alright. I’m afraid I mainly eat protein.”
“Oh that’s fine! It’ll be nice to eat with someone!” 
“Do you wanna eat in the kitchen or your room?” He’s asking if you want to eat somewhere and you’re pretty sure it’s more than anyone in your family’s asked before.
“My room, if that’s alright? It’s very comfortable.”
“I’m glad you like, I designed it for you!” Daichi smiles a lot, it’s the most anyone had smiled at you and you can get used to it. He hands you a white plate with a fried egg, perfectly brown and with the now free palm, guides you to the door you had left open. “Have you looked at your closet yet?” You nod as he sets a large towel that you hadn’t seen him take on the bed. “One second, I need to get my plate. Don’t start without me!” He dashes out of the still open door and returns equally as quickly with his plate, also with one egg. You sit one the towel he’d laid out.
“You ready yet?” He sets down his plate and is about to sit next to you on the bed before doing a quick double take. 
“Shi- I forgot utensils, sorry to make you wait.” The way he physically restrains himself in front of you is cute and you can’t help but let out a small giggle.
“No no, you’ve already done so much today, tell me where to find the utensils and I’l-”
“I couldn’t very well make my guest,” He trails off for a second with some uncharacteristic muttering. “Lift a finger! Let me get the forks.”
“Thank you Daichi, you don’t have to do all of this for me, but I really appreciate it.” His eyes go a little soft at your words. Before he seems to realize that he should be getting forks and once again, exits the room calling back,
“Be right back!” And true to his word less than thirty second later, he is sitting on the bed, two forks in hand. 
“Thank you again! You shouldn’t be the only one doing work though, let me do something for you!” You cut a piece of egg, and place it into your mouth. It’s much better than you thought it would’ve been.
“Well you’ve seen the closet, right?” You affirm this fact with a quick nod. “There’s this one dress I’d love for you to try on if you wouldn’t mind.” Its a more sheepish smile this time, like he’s a little embarrassed.
“You’re embarrassed!” You can’t contain your fit of giggles this time. This volleyball captain is so much more than the typical jock. 
“Wh- what?” He sputters with a dusting of color on his cheeks. “I’m no-”
“It’s cute!” You say through a mouthful of egg as you wiggle your fork at him. He ceases to know how to respond at calling him cute. You suppose it wouldn’t be to bad to help him out a little. HIs reactions truly are, quite cute. “What’s the dress?” 
“O-Oh, it’s uhh,” He buries his face in his hands. “It’s with with blue flowers embroidered on it, it’s my favorite dress.” He’s almost mumbling and he hasn’t eaten any of his egg.
“Well,” You raise a morsel to your lips. “If you’ll eat and get out, I’ll change for you.” His cheeks burn at the words ‘for you’ escape your mouth. 
“O-okay, you don-” He stops speaking before he can finish his sentence, instead noticing the egg on his plate. The fork he had’t touched since it was put on the towel finds its way into his hands and he scarf up the egg in three bites, 
“Ok,” You swing off the cushy bed for a second time today and walk to your closet. Sifting through the clothing you find a simple white dress, at the bottom of the skirt, purple-blue blue bells grow from the hem. Holding the dress out, you turn towards Daichi. “Is this it?” His eyes are wide as he nods quickly before evacuating your room. As soon as your door clicks shut, you are slipping out of your cloths and into he blue bell dress.
“Okay! You can come in, you may have to zip it up a little though!!” You call a little louder than normal and you’re half convinced that Daichi was just waiting with his hand on the doorknob for you to be finished as he tumbles into the room holding a camera. 
“You look, uhh - may I take a picture? You look adorable.” 
“Thank you! And sure, you can take a picture, but please, zip the rest of the dress up, i can’t reach it.”
“Of course!” His legs stride nimbly over to you at the mirror and you are reminded of the pictures he has stored on the edges. 
“You have a favorite picture of me?” 
“It’s the one where you’re sitting in your room, trying on a dress.” The sound of a zipper is white noise in the background as you scan the edges of the mirror for when you were trying on a dress. You find it quickly, it’s in the top right corner. You were probably awake in the middle of the night, when everything was quiet so you could be left alone. 
“So, should I ask about why you have all these pictures of me? Do I have a stalker?” Really you don’t mind, the teasing in your voice got it across quiet well you hoped. 
“No sweetheart, I’m just-” His voice stops and if you look at the mirror close enough, you can see his posture has become more ridged.
“Sweetheart?” That came out of left field, but it wasn’t unpleasent.
“Can I call you that?”
“I’ve just. Never been called that before, it’s sweet.” He’s finished zipping your dress and you can see it’s been made to fit your exact measurements. 
Daichi breaths a sigh of relief. “Oh,” He moves out of the reflection in the mirror, throws the towel you two had used to eat on and picks up the camera he had set on a bedside table. “Could you sit on the bed for me?” 
“Now, tilt your head a little and smile for me Princess. Just like that, exactly.” The clicks of a camera are loud in the pastel room that is now yours. 
“Did the-”
“We’re not done yet, i’m going to rearrange your position okay?”
“Okay Daichi!” He’s so kind to let you know what he’s going to do. So gentle as he tilts your head to look towards the ceiling. 
“Give me a sec, stay right there sweetheart.” His voice is so happy and affirming and you can’t help but smile at it. He comes back about five minutes later. “Hold these please!” He hands you what feels like a bouquet. It fits snugly into your two hands and you take a flower out, bringing it to your nose. A rose. “Hold there, sweetheart.” You’re sure you hear a whisper of, “You look so good sweetheart, just like that.” Your lips can’t help but smile as the thorns poke into your finger. Blood drips down the rose like a raindrop on a windshield. Daichi breaths a “Perfect” before you hear the snap. “Thank you Princess, you look so beautiful like that, lets say we get that finger bandaged?”
“Of course!” You’ve never felt more happy in your life.  “I love you Daichi, you’re so kind.” He doesn’t blush this time, instead he puts down the camera and picks you up.
“I love you too Sweetheart. You’re such a good girl.” You giggle, he’s so cute and sweet.
“Thank you Daichi, I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”
So fun fact! I was gonna add an Oikawa but then Daichi demanded that i make his segment longer because I love him. Fun fact two, Oikawa is gonna get his own post! Third fun fact? I hate the pet name sweetheart. Anyway, I’m so sorry requester that it took me so long to get this out to you, I hope you see it and enjoy what i’ve done with it!
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here4theheartbreak · 3 years
My Tentacle Romance (ksj)
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AO3 Link Here!
Relationship: hamster hybrid!Seokjin x Eldritch Horror!Reader
Genre: smut, pwp | Rating: Explicit | Word Count: ~7.2k
Summary: You didn’t mean to scare him. You didn’t to fall in love with him, either.
Tags: agender reader, gender neutral reader, tentacle monster, first kiss, meet weird, and they were roommates, getting together, tentacles, tentacle monster, tentacle dick, come inflation, come swallowing, excessive cum, gagging, choking, dirty talk, oviposition, multiple penetration, multiple orgasms, switch!Jin, switch!reader, mild bondage (but with tentacles)
A/N: This fic was written for @aroseforyoongi​ both filling a request from my 2k followers event (”you need to stop pulling my tail”) and for Eva’s birthday! Happy birthday, ilysm!! 
A/N 2: The banner for this fic was made by the awesome @i-live-so-i-love​ - thank you so much!!!
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The first time Seokjin saw you, he was terrified. Reasonably, you assumed; most people would have that reaction if a humanoid tentacle monster oozed from underneath their bed the first week in their new home. He didn’t need to throw that stupid book at you though. Books really hurt when the spine struck a sensitive tentacle tip. He also didn’t need to scream the way he did. Your ears ached for an hour after. You didn’t know a human male could make that sound. Well… Humanoid. 
He had looked human, at first glance. And then you saw his ears. They were large and round and most definitely not human. And his face – with a streak of light tan fur over his nose and a smattering of whiskers on his cheeks – You’d found yourself rooming with a hybrid of some sort. Which was okay, hybrids scared just as easily as humans, in your experience. But you were curious what kind of hybrid he was. Not that he would tell you, what with all the book throwing and screeching he was doing.
A few weeks later, you attempted to meet your reluctant roommate once more. You snuck out from under the bed once more and peeked over the bed, watching the handsome humanoid. He was lying on his bed, reading. At least it looked like he was attempting to read. He was squinting and turning the book this way and that. You spotted his glasses a few feet away and slid a tentacle out, snagging them and bringing them to the bed. You dropped them next to him, and he startled again, head whipping around.
“Don’t scream,” you said, plugging your ears in preparation. He put his glasses on and drew in a gasp of breath, mouth open to scream. “I said don’t,” you pleaded, one tentacle whipping out to cover his mouth. He promptly bit it. You screamed, that time. Who the hell thought biting a slimy black tentacle was a good plan? 
You yanked the tentacle back, holding it in your hand as it throbbed. “Why would you bite me, you fucking lunatic?!”
He spluttered, scrambling back into the far corner of his bed. “What are you?!”
“You don’t go around biting people, Jesus Christ, are you an animal?” You snapped, crawling the rest of the way out from under the bed. 
He squeaked, covering his mouth with both hands. You could see his chest rising and falling rapidly, and hear his heart racing. 
“Dude. Calm down. You’re gonna have a heart attack.” You glanced down at yourself, chuckling a little. “Just calm down,” you repeated. You shuddered a little; this was never an entirely pleasant experience. Bit by bit, you withdrew the multitude of tentacles from various parts of your body back into your skin. Your magic allowed you to appear in somewhat human clothing, simple pants and a shirt, though your left arm remained rather… Tentacle-y no matter how hard you tried to change it. “Is this better?”
His breathing seemed to slow a little. “W—What are you?” He asked again, letting his hands drop from his mouth. 
“I’m ___. I’m the Eldritch God that lives under your bed.” You grimaced, looking around. “What is that horrendous sound?” You asked. You spotted a radio on the dresser nearby, blasting some male voice screeching and snarling about dancing to the tune of someone’s death, loving, or something—A tentacle shot from your back and slapped the pause button on the noise. When the room was silent, you turned back to Jin and stuck your right hand out for him to shake, holding the tentacle arm your back. 
“Eldritch God?” He repeated. “Also, that was a good song.”
“Yep. I’ve lived in this area for hundreds of years. Scaring humans or… Hybrids. Just generally enjoying life. I’m a low-level god. Pretty young, so I just kinda have to find stuff to do until the end of the world. Scaring people is fun. Never had one bite me though… I won’t comment on the… musical taste.”
When he didn’t move, you blinked at him. “Don’t your kind shake hands? What’s your name? What are you?”
“Th—I— Jin. S—Seokjin,” he finally spluttered. “Kim Seokjin.”
You dropped your hand, realizing he wasn’t going to shake it. “Okay, Kim Seokjin. What are you? Those ears – Are you a mouse?”
“Hamster,” Jin murmured. His ear twitched and he pawed at it. 
He seemed to be relaxing a little. You approached slowly, raising your human shaped hand in surrender when he pressed himself against the wall. 
“Look, I live here, I’m not leaving,” you said simply. “This is my apartment!”
“I’ve lived here since this place was built. I think it’s technically my apartment,” you clarified. “Just because I don’t hand the humans money doesn’t mean I don’t live here.” You pouted a little as you spoke, wrapping your arms over your chest. “I don’t want you to leave. Humans need a place to sleep too. I just… Want to work something out.”
“Sure, leave.” Jin snapped, his whiskers twitching madly. “You smell like water and… Storms.”
“It’s the Eldritch in me, sorry.” You smiled a little sheepishly. “I’m not leaving. Normally I’d get my kicks scaring the shit out of the humans in this place, but I’ve never had one that had the gall to bite me. So I wanna work something out with you.”
“I’m a rodent hybrid. You scare us, we get nippy. Especially when we can’t see.” Jin crossed his arms over his own chest, mouth thinning into an annoyed line. 
“How blind are you?”
“Pretty blind.”
“I can’t see in the sunshine,” you said. 
“It hurts my eyes. They don’t dilate so well.” Jin touched his glasses. “It’s why the curtains are always shut.”
“I appreciate it, honestly. I can be in the sun, but it doesn’t feel good to bump into everything. Plus with tentacles… A little more of a hazard.”
“Those were tentacles…” Jin’s face contorted into an awful grimace. He slapped his hand over his mouth. “Oh God – I bit that thing. Was that like biting your dick? In the pornos—”
You truly couldn’t help it. You really tried, but you had never seen a human look so horrified. You doubled over in laughter, holding your stomach as you did. 
When you were able to right yourself, Jin was still staring at you, the horrified expression now blending with a shocked one. 
“Sorry, sorry,” you said between gasps of breath. “No, no you didn’t bite any of my genital tentacles; it’s more like an arm. They look similar though so I get the confusion.”
Jin’s eyes bulged comically. “Y—You have more than one? Are you…” He hesitated, seemingly searching for the right way to phrase it. “Boy?”
“I’m an Eldritch horror.”
“Right, but… Genital tentacles. Plural? You don’t…” He motioned to your crotch area. 
You chuckled. “I existed before the concept of gender and sex was even a flicker in the DNA sequence of the somewhat sentient slimes that would someday become your species. I’m a god, Seokjin.”
“But you look human,” Jin mumbled. You noticed his cheeks and ears had begun to take on a reddish hue. It was kind of cute. 
“Sure I do. I like this shape. But it’s not my true form.”
“What is?”
“Your eyes would burn from your skull and your brain would melt into sludge if you saw my true shape even in your peripherals. Why are you so pink?”
Jin blinked. “What?”
“It’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to a human, or a hybrid,” you explained. “I seem to have forgotten their ways a bit. And most of the time the color they change around me is a paler hue. Or purple, occasionally, when one has choked on something and been unable to breathe…”
Jin swallowed audibly. “Ch—Choke on something?” 
He touched his mouth, his cheeks brightening more. You could hear his heart thudding rapidly. That was a familiar scent… You moved forward a little, surprised that he didn’t shy away, and sniffed. Oh. Oh. You smirked.
“Nothing, nothing.” You backed up, letting him relax a little. “Well, I’m going back to my space. Perhaps next time I come out, you won’t screech at me.” You sank down and Jin scrambled up.
“Wait!” He reached out, touching your shoulder before you slid under the bed. His hands were firm. And big. You felt your own body begin to warm up. 
“What is your space? Do you just… Live under my bed?”
“In a way. I live in the depths of the shadows under your bed that allow my form to transcend the plane of this existence and rest in an area of my own design.”
Jin blinked owlishly at you. “Uh…”
“Portal. To another dimension. Under bed.” You spoke in simpler terms, assuming his humanoid mind was unable to compute. He nodded slowly, ears twitching.
“So when you’re in there… Can you… See up here? What I am doing?”
“If I choose.”
“Well, don’t choose.” 
You blinked, scowling a little at the firmness of his tone. What did he mean by that? Was he intending to tell someone about you? That would be a problem. Most humanoids and humans you scared were too terrified to have a conversation about what you were. People would think they were nuts. But this one… Seemed different. He smelled different, that was for sure. Almost like he was interested in you. 
“Well, I’m going to go now. I’ll see you again.”
“Knock on the wall before you come up next time. It’s scary when you just appear like that.”
“Right. Bad eyes.” You smiled at him. “I’ll knock.” 
You sank back down on the floor sliding fluidly under the bed, oozing into the shadows. You heard the bed creak before you fully disappeared and peeked out, a simple black mass with red eyes. You met Jin’s wide gaze and smiled… Not that he knew it was a smile … Before disappearing into the shadows.
You tried to rest. You really did. Floating along in a sea of nothingness, the distant screams of a billion galaxies colliding, dying, and reforming all at once. It was normally a lullaby to you. But tonight, your mind wandered. Not to the murder and bloodshed of a million cruel lesser Gods, or the agonizing scream of terror as someone is riddled with nightmares from your very presence… But rather… Of Jin. Seokjin. The hamster boy Jin. His ears looked so soft, you wished you could pet them. And his big, dark eyes… That soft smattering of fur. The balls it took to bite you.
Heaving a sigh, you unwound yourself from your tentacles and drifted back up to the space where your world connected with his. You slipped out from the shadows, peeking out from under the bed. It was dark in his room – he must be sleeping. You could smell him above you, that musky fur scent, the bitter scent of human-  sweat, the rich scent of sex. A pang shot through you. Sex. Was he mating with someone? 
As if on command, the bed creaked, and Jin whimpered softly. You could smell no one else, only him. In the silence, you could hear a slick squelching noise, and a soft, electronic babble from a device on the bed. Curiosity piqued, you slid further out, peeking up over the edge of the bed. Jin was stretched out on top of the covers, naked. You could see a smattering of the same creamy light fur on his chest and belly. His fist was sliding rapidly up and down his hard cock, glistening with lube and precome. His head was turned, earphones over his round, twitching ears. You peeked a little further, spotting the laptop on his bedside stand. The video on it was some sort of cartoon. A male figure was being suspended in the air by a multitude of tentacles, his ass being spread open as one drove into him in an obscene manner. His mouth was filled as well, tears streaming down his face. 
You couldn’t deny that the video was quite attractive. You glanced back at Jin and smirked. So that smell earlier was arousal. You were right. Hm. Well the feeling was mutual… Why should he have to do this alone?
Slow and careful, not wanting to terrify your skittish roommate, you slid one tentacle up over the bed. Moving slowly, you reached the laptop and poked the pause button. Jin’s hand hesitated and he scowled, eyes widening when he spotted the tentacle on the keyboard. He looked down at the foot of the bed. You grinned and waved another tentacle at him.
“What the fuck?!” Jin howled, yanking his blanket over his lap and jerking the headphones from his head. The fabric was raised ever so slightly where his erection was, doing nothing to really hide it from you. 
“Sorry,” you apologized, “you were masturbating to tentacles…” Jin reached out and snapped the laptop shut, nearly pinching the tip of your tentacle in the process. 
“So what? It’s my room!”
“It’s a room we share,” you corrected, moving out from the bed and coming around. “I was worried you were going to tell someone about me with how determined you were that I didn’t come back through… And I couldn’t stop thinking about you in other ways, so I was going to come back to talk and… I stumbled onto this.”
Jin remained silent, his lips pinched in annoyance. You smirked and moved closer to the bed, noting that he didn’t cringe away this time. 
“So that scent from earlier was arousal.”
“What scent?”
“Oh, I smell you very well. When I talked about choking humans… I smelled what seemed like human arousal. But I figured I was just imagining it. Why would a pretty humanoid like you be aroused by me?” You reached out with a tentacle, brushing the smooth skin of Jin’s chin. His eyes fluttered shut.
“I’m interested in you too, you know. I’ve never had a human so brave face me down. I admire that.” You hesitated and looked at his lap, the blanket still lifted. “Shall I help with that?”
“Wh—” Jin’s eyes snapped open. “What? No, please, I’m so ashamed,” he lamented, setting a pillow over the spot.
“Why are you ashamed? You are decently endowed for a humanoid of your height and weight ratio. The phallus seemed healthy and firm, and I sense no chemical influences so it can be safely assumed that you can get and maintain an erection capable of breeding, with no help.”
Jin’s cheeks reddened more and more as you spoke. 
“Please!” He cried, waving his hands in front of him. “Stop talking about it like that.”
“Oh.” You frowned a little. “I suppose that wouldn’t be arousing for you… If you were wanting me to speak in a way that aroused you… I suppose I should rather say that your cock is beautiful… It looks so hard and I’d love to make you come…”
You heard Jin’s heartrate pick up and couldn’t help but smirk. “Would you like that, Jin? For me to make you come?”
Jin swallowed hard and nodded, meeting your dark eyes. 
A tentacle shot out, knocking the pillow out of the way. It yanked the blanket down, revealing Jin’s cock, still mostly hard despite the conversation. 
You moved down to the foot of the bed, relaxing and allowing more tentacles to emerge. Jin’s eyes grew wide as you did, darting from side to side as he seemed to try to process.
“You enjoy this,” you said. It was a question you already knew the answer to.
God, that felt good to hear. You slid a group of tentacles up over Jin’s chest, feeling the smooth skin and delicate hairs. Your touch left goosebumps in its wake, and Jin shuddered softly. 
You used another set of tentacles to push open his thick, muscular thighs. You made a soft noise of surprise. At the base of his spine, visible when he spread his legs, was a tiny tuft of fur, and a fuzzy tail. Only about two inches, thin and blunted, it was potentially the most adorable thing you had seen on a humanoid being in all your time living with them.
More tentacles to lift Jin’s hips off the bed. 
“Oh my—Your tail,” you commented helplessly. You reached out with your human-ish hand and grabbed it, petting the soft fur above it. Jin’s entire body went tense, and you watched his cock twitch. You cocked a brow. “Oh…” 
Curious, you tugged the tail, ever so lightly, and Jin grunted. You pulled again, with the same response. A third time, and he moaned softly. 
“Please—Stop pulling my tail,” he pleaded.
“Why? Does it hurt?” 
You smirked. “So then, it’s good…” You tugged once more and Jin’s back arched off the tentacles suspending it. 
“Please—” He whined.
“Would you like my help, Seokjin? I could make you feel quite good.”
Jin huffed, swallowing hard. “Th—This is so strange.”
“Mhm. I’ve never, if I may be blunt, seen such a willing person.” You let one thin tentacle circle around the tight rim of Jin’s hole, leaving a trail of slick fluid behind. “I’d love to see just how much you want.”
“Everything,” Jin confessed, his body relaxing against your tentacles.
“What was that?”
“I want everything…” Jin opened his eyes, blinking a few times before focusing on you. “If you want it, I—” He nodded. He let his thighs fall open further, smirking. “I want it.”
Excitement coursed through your body. He was so willing, so aroused. It was the most intriguing and exciting thing you’d done in a millennia. 
You pushed the leaking, swollen tip of the tentacle into Jin’s tight heat, barely able to resist moaning. His rim clamped down around your tentacle like a vise, coaxing a little of your warm slick to squirt from the tip. You were gonna wreck this pretty rodent.
You drove the tentacle deeper into him, smirking when you reached a resistance. Jin whimpered, biting his bottom lip. 
“Deep—“ he whined.
“Do you enjoy it?”
“Yes—” Jin groaned. You pushed your second tentacle in; this one a little thinner and slicker. Jin shouted, his back arching. The movement tightened the skin of his stomach. You gasped, spotting the barely there swell. You worked the thinner tentacle up to where the first was and relaxed, letting it balloon and expand. The swell in his belly grew, and you groaned, reaching forward and touching it. You could feel yourself in his body. 
Jin tried to lay back on the bed, hiding the beautiful swell. You reached out with two of your tentacles, catching him and arching his back once more.
“I like this,” you growled.
Jin sobbed brokenly, and you worried for a moment you’d hurt him. But his cock was hard and leaking, and his face was twisted up in a grin.
“___— Please...” 
“I’ll take care of you,” you promised him. You wrapped a tentacle around his neck, letting your suckers rub over the smooth skin there. So easily torn. Jin’s cock twitched on his belly and he moaned. You began to squeeze his throat, ever so gently. You relaxed your grip and prodded his plush, swollen lips with the flattened tip of another tentacle. the movement left behind a glossy, oil slick sheen. 
“No biting this one, Jin,” you warned. He huffed and rolled his eyes, opening his mouth. You slid the tentacle in, sighing as Jin eagerly lapped at it sucking softly. You stroked the smooth flesh of his tongue with your tip before sliding deeper. You bumped his uvula, smirking when he coughed. 
“Open wide.”
Jin did his best to obey, and you pushed in, nudging past his tonsils and down his throat. His eyes bulged and he swallowed, squeezing your tentacle delightfully. Cool air whistled past it as he struggled to breathe.
“You liked being choked, didn’t you?” You cooed, squeezing his throat once more.
Jin’s cock throbbed on his stomach and began to shoot come onto his belly. His eyes rolled back and he gagged hard, moan muffled. His ass clenched rhythmically around your tentacles, milking fluid from them.
You couldn’t help but laugh even as you moaned from the stimulation. Two suckered tentacles slid up, rubbing through the hot come on his belly and up to tease his hard nipples. Jin sobbed what sounded like your name, but you couldn’t be sure. You allowed the rest of your tentacles to surround Jin, touching and rubbing and leaving little streaks of oily slick on his smooth, clean skin. The one that started this all, wrapped firmly around his dainty tail, yanked once more. 
You’d been saving the best for last. A tentacle no thicker than his pinkie wound up his leg. You could feel his muscles quivering from the overstimulation, his breath whistling around your tentacle firmly lodged down his throat, his eyes already rolling back. Up, through the mat of curly dark pubic hair, around his still hard shaft, stroking and squeezing. It was so warm and smooth. Your mouth watered. You’d have to taste it one of these days. And finally his tip. 
The tentacle released and touched the tip of his cock. Jin’s eyes widened, still somewhat unfocused. Slow and steady, you let the tip your tentacle open, sliding down, down, swallowing Jin’s cock.
You moaned, quivering as you were filled with his thick girth. It had been a century since you let something penetrate you in this way. His cock was perfect, solid and warm and hit every single spot inside your channel just right.
Jin reached out with the hand not being held by a tentacle and grabbed his cock, rubbing his fingers lightly over the smooth outside of your tentacle. He began to stroke, up and down, firmly, jerking off with your body.
You moaned brokenly, head falling back. Your tentacles caught you as you sagged, legs spread. A pressure built deep in your guts as he used your channel to jerk off, sucking the tentacle in his mouth and clenching his ass around the ones inside him. He knew exactly how to drive you wild. This wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair— He was just a human—
You screamed his name as you came around his cock, squirting thick and wet. Jin moaned, gagging hard when the tentacle in his throat swelled a bit.
He continued to jerk off with your tentacle, his eyes losing their focus once more. He was going to come again, you could feel it. The wet squelch of your released as he used your hole filled the room. It was music to your ears. 
A tentacle whipped forward and grabbed his wrist, yanking it off his cock and pinning it to the bed. You wrapped another tentacle around his cock, squeezing yourself against him as you began to jerk it. 
“You’re gonna come in me, Jin,” you cooed. 
He tried to nod.
“I’m going to come in you.” His eyes rolled back, a full body shudder making you moan as well. Enough foreplay.
The tentacles holding Jin’s arms and legs went taut, pulling his arms above his head and forcing his legs open wide. You jammed a third, slender tentacle up his gaping asshole for good measure, shuddering at the impossible tightness of it. 
At once, every tentacle buried inside your new humanoid plaything began to thrust, the room filled with the obscene glugging noises of his throat and the wet squelch of his ass as you added more natural lubricant. You were still pumping his cock with your other tentacle, squeezing that and his throat playfully.
Jin came first again - not that you were surprised. You moaned as he spilled ropes of come into your channel, swelling it a bit. You continued to milk him with the slender tentacle and the one wrapped around it. Another tentacle slipped up to play with his balls, urging every drop of come out of them and into you. You moaned softly at that, smiling down at him. Time to return the favor. 
You began to fuck his throat hard and fast, mouth hanging open in pleasure as he choked on you. Jin’s eyes screwed shut and you growled. “Look at me, pretty.”
He struggled to do so, drool and your own slick bubbling up around the tentacle in his throat. His throat was painfully tight. 
“You wanted me to choke you. Is this how you wanted it, Jin?” You purred. 
Jin nodded, gagging and coughing hard. His eyes rolled back in his head, cock dribbling once more into the slick channel of your tentacle.
“That’s it… Give it all to me, baby. I’ll give you what you want too. Swallow it.”
Your body tensed, a knot of pleasure squeezing tight and drawing all of your nerves to a near painful edge. The tentacle began to spurt down Jin’s throat. He coughed hard, some of the dark fluid escaping around his mouth and nose. A tentacle caught the back of his head, holding it as you pumped your release down his throat. 
You threw your head back, moaning loudly. At the same time, you continued to fuck his ass, your secondary climax nearing. 
Some of your smaller tentacles that you’d been using to tease his tail and skin began to spurt as well, streaking thick, hot ropes of dark, oily release over his heaving chest and tearstained face. And over his tense stomach, now swelling with amount of fluid you were pumping down his throat.
Your second climax ripped a scream from your throat, surprising you. The tentacles buried in Jin’s ass began to spurt, shudders wracking your body as you filled his with release.
A pressure grew in the base of your groin and you whimpered. With fuzzy eyes, you watched the base of the tentacle swell just a little larger than a chicken egg, before moving down the length of the tentacle. And another… Another… Seven total eggs made their way down your length. The first caught on Jin’s clenched rim, making him sob wet and broken around your tentacle.
“Shh… Let me in,” you whispered. 
Jin seemed to try to relax. You shuddered and strained, helping work the thick egg into Jin’s body. It slipped past the rim and down the inserted part of your tentacle. You moaned and shuddered when it released. Time to repeat. Again, and again, you worked the eggs into Jin, tiny aftershocks of orgasm washing over you each time your tentacle ejected one. 
Jin’s stomach was swollen with come and eggs, and his body was lax, eyes half closed and glassy with exhaustion. 
You pulled out slowly, smirking a little at the little rivers of come that followed both from his ruined ass and his mouth. Carefully, you laid him back onto the bed, still cocooning him with your tentacles as you crawled onto the bed and kissed his sweaty cheek.
“Still with me?”
“Mhm…” Jin touched his stomach. “Eggs?” He croaked, as if speaking through a mouth full of caramel.
“Yes. They will dissolve harmlessly within you in a few hours, don’t be alarmed. I should have warned you.”
“No, not at all… It’s good. I liked it… I feel so full…”
“You look absolutely ruined.”
Jin blinked tiredly at you, looking mildly concerned. You smirked and kissed his come stained lips. “It’s a beautiful look. We should get you cleaned up, shouldn’t we?” You sat up, your tentacles slinking back into your body. Jin reached out, grabbing one and holding onto it. 
“Do you like being this way better?”
“I have no preference, but it’s more comfortable with some of them out,” you admitted. “I’m not used to using these.” You held up your human-ish hands. 
“Leave them out then. I like them.”
“They don’t frighten you?”
Jin’s ear twitched. “No. Not now.” 
A smile crossed your face before you could stop it. “I’ve never really let a human look at me so long.” 
Jin ran his hand up your tentacle, his soft skin tickling and warming you. “I’m so different from you. Why did this happen?”
You hesitated at his question, unsure how to answer. Jin smiled when you did. 
“I’m not saying I’m mad or… I dislike it. But the problem is… I’m human. At least human adjacent. And the way I feel emotions… It’s strong but I don’t know how your kind does. I just…” Jin frowned at a spot in the corner, clearly deep in thought. “I guess I just want to know what this is going to be before I let myself get too attached.”
You chuckled a little. “This is absurd.”
“What is?” Jin’s face drooped.
“We’re having this deep conversation... While you’re lying on the bed naked and messy. Come on, let me clean you up. We’ll continue when we’re both a bit more put together.” 
You scooped him up with your tentacles, laughing a little at his surprised shout. With minimal effort, you carried him out of the room and down the hall to where you knew the bathroom was located. Jin laughed, wiggling in the firm grip of your tentacles as you did.
“Aren’t I heavy?”
“Not really. Rather light, actually. Do you obtain ample caloric sustenance to maintain humanoid organ function?”
“Do… Do I what?”
“Eat. Enough food,” you supplied. You turned on the water of the bath with another tentacle, turning to face Jin, who was still firmly wrapped in your grip.
“Yes, I eat enough,” Jin huffed. “I’m a good weight.”
“You are certainly well built,” you agreed, letting your eyes roam Jin’s body. Even covered in the oil slick iridescence of your come… He really truly was stunning. Broad shoulders, firm chest, thigh, muscular thighs… Even with the tiny swell in his stomach where your eggs were slowly disintegrating… He likely drew the attention of anyone on the street. 
“___...” Jin drifted off. “You’re staring.”
“I’m admiring,” you argued. “Do you have a human partner?”
“No. I’m single.”
Jin blinked, seeming surprised at the question. “I—I don’t know. I guess… Nobody’s ever really struck my fancy.”
“Why not?” You turned, reaching a tentacle out to test the water. Deeming it warm enough, you shifted, settling Jin into it. 
“I have no idea. I guess I just know what I’m looking for.”
“And what’s that?”
“Join me?” Jin asked, shifting to sit in the tub and make space. 
You let your tentacles disappear back into your body save for a dozen smaller ones, and stripped out of the clothing you’d donned. You crawled into the tub, sighing a little as the warm water lapped over your skin. 
“I want someone who is there for me,” Jin continued after a moment. Someone who knows what I need both physically and emotionally, and someone who is willing to let me provide for them too. A give and take.”
“Do you desire offspring?” You reached out and snagged a washcloth, wetting it and adding soap. You began to wash Jin’s skin clean. 
“Someday, maybe. Not now. I am young, I wanna use that youth.” Jin shifted, sighing. “I like you, ___.” 
“I know you do. And for some bizarre reason… I rather like you too.” You sighed a little, frowning at the confession. It was the truth. That much you knew. But why did it feel so scary?
“Bizarre? Have you never liked a human before? Or a… Hybrid?”
“No.” You continued to wash his shoulders and back. “I tend to just scare the pants off them and call it good.”
Jin laughed a little. “Well you got my pants off in some way, it just wasn’t by scaring me.”
“Oh, I scared you,” you argued, laughing as well. “You threw a book at my head.”
“A giant tentacle monster appeared in my room, of course I threw something at you.”
“You also bit me.”
“I’m starting to think you liked it.”
You paused, brows raising. “I guess… I sort of did.”
Jin’s smile faded a little, the laughter dying. “I asked you a question in the room, ___.”
“You did.”
“And you didn’t answer.” 
“Because I didn’t know how to. I still don’t.”
“Do you have feelings? Like… Happiness or sadness or affection?”
You nodded. You sank down a little more in the tub, and Jin reached out, gently sliding his hands over your legs and tentacles where he could reach. “I do. I’m sure it’s slightly different but the result is the same. I do find you interesting, both physically and otherwise. I want to get to know you more, and spend time with you. Being on this plane of existence is… Different. I don’t normally do it, but I feel content to be in this form, because it means a chance to learn more about you. I’d watched you for a while before but… Face to face.”
“I understand.” Jin took the cloth and washed his face and ears. “So, you do like me then.”
You nodded once.
“And I like you,” Jin continued. He set the cloth in the water, using the tip of one finger to gently slide it back and forth. 
“It would seem that way. For some strange reason.”
Jin smiled softly. He scooped up the cloth and ran it gently over one of your tentacles. The slightly rough texture sent shivers through your body, and you couldn’t stop the smile that formed. 
“That feels nice.”
Jin shifted, the sound of the water sloshing in the small tub the only answer he gave you for the moment. The tub was truly too small for the both of you, but he was able to make it work, shifting over to settle closer. He used the cloth to wash over the exposed tentacles and the humanoid form of your body, meeting your gaze every few seconds. His ears were perked forward, nose and whiskers twitching. 
You reached out with a free tentacle, stroking his back and running down to his ass. You touched his tail. The fur was soft and silky where it seemed to blend into his skin, and his tail was covered in the same soft down. It wiggled a little under the water and Jin made a small noise between a squeak and a sigh. 
“Just don’t pull it,” he whispered.
“We know what that does. Is it difficult?” You asked. You let go of his tail in favor of stroking along his smooth back.
“Is what difficult?”
“You’re a hybrid. I know your kind is not common still. I’ve never seen one of your species specifically.”
“It can be. I’m a pretty timid animal by nature. So I used to get bullied. But I enjoy being different. In the long run. It’s what makes me who I am and I wouldn’t change that.”
“That’s admirable. You are a beautiful specimen.” When Jin frowned, you paused. 
“Being. I don’t mean specimen as an insult.”
“I know,” Jin sighed, sitting back. He pulled his knees up to his chest. The air in the bathroom seemed to thicken a little, and you frowned. Though human emotions weren’t your forte, you could still sense enough of the shift in Jin to get it. 
“I’ve upset you.”
“You haven’t. Not on purpose.” Jin rose and grabbed a towel, beginning to dry himself off. His stomach was back to normal, and it felt like all sense of afterglow had worn off. You followed suit, rising and opening the tub drain. As you stepped out of the tub, you allowed your powers to work, drying your body and re-clothing it instantly. As you did, Jin turned around, about to offer you a towel. His face drooped when he saw you clothed. 
“Oh.” He pulled it back and looked at it for a moment before dropping it into the hamper and heading back toward the bedroom. You followed from a safe distance, unsure how to help the humanoid you’d found yourself so attached to.
When you reached the bedroom, you hesitated at the foot of the bed while Jin stripped the mattress, messy from your activities. 
He glanced at you, but said nothing. Instead he tossed the sheet into a hamper and went the closet, digging around to get a clean one. He hesitated, rubbing at the back of his ear. 
“Jin.” You repeated yourself more firmly. He turned, his whiskers twitching. 
“You’re not human.”
“No, of course I’m not.”
“Even with the… The tentacles. It’s easy to forget. You look humanoid.”
You nodded. 
“But then you do something like… Like what you did in the bathroom or you call me a specimen like I’m so different and I just—I like you, ___. But can you like me? Do you want to get to know me and maybe be… Something more?”
“Of course I do, Jin,” you answered. And the reality of it was – you were being honest. You stepped forward, reaching out with your tentacles to pull him closer. When he was near enough, you wrapped your arms around him, nuzzling his neck. “I want to know you. You’re the first human I’ve ever wanted to be around like this. I know we’re different… I’m sorry I’ve upset you. I don’t mean to.”
“I’m not upset, ___. I just know things are… Difficult.”
“They don’t need to be.” 
You stepped back and shifted a little, the tentacles sliding into your body. You changed your clothing with a simple thought into something a little baggier, pulling your left arm more out of view in the fabric. “I can look human. I can be anything you need to make you comfortable.”
Jin pouted a little, his plush bottom lip sliding out. “But this isn’t you. I don’t want you to change. I like you.” He pushed the sleeve up and grabbed your tentacled arm. “I like all of you. If you meet my friends, of course… This works, but… When it’s me. I just want you to be yourself. As much as you can be.”
“I don’t frighten you? Make you feel different?”
“You do.” Jin shrugged. “But that can be okay.” He sighed softly and reached up, stroking your cheek. The motion was unfamiliar to you, but not unwelcomed. You could feel the calluses on the pads of his thumbs from use, hear his pulse throbbing softly against his wrist, feel the brush of his fingers against the baby hairs on your current form’s face. It was soothing. Your eyes fluttered shut and you smiled a little. 
“Do that again…” You whispered when Jin pulled his hand away. He repeated the motion, and then on the other side, cupping your face in his hands. 
You opened your eyes, surprised to see him so close to you, his dark gaze trained on yours. “Have you ever been kissed?”
“Never? Wh—”
“It’s never really come up,” you admitted. 
“Well… I’m going to kiss you, okay?”
Jin closed the gap between your faces, tilting his head a little as his eyes closed. His lips pressed against yours, soft and silky. You could feel his breath tickling your cheek, and you giggled a little. 
Jin pulled back, a smile of confusion brightening his face. “What are you laughing at?”
“Humans do this a lot?” You asked. “I’m sorry, it feels funny,” you laughed a little.
Jin laughed too, nodding. “They do. It’s an affection thing… But now that I think about it, you are right, it’s kinda weird.”
“It’s cute,” you said, reaching up and touching his cheek. “I don’t hate it. I’ll do it if you like it. But know I might laugh every time you do.” 
Jin nodded, kissing you again quickly. “It’s okay. You have a delightful laugh. I want to hear it more…” He sighed softly, seeming to search your face for something unknown.
You remained quiet, letting him look. Being honest, it gave you a chance to really look at him. Humans – even humanoid hybrids like Seokjin… Were so simple. Their genetic makeup was easily replicated, reproduced, altered. You could reach out with your true self and shatter his genome sequence. You could change him completely – turn him into a hideous monster, or a beautiful human, devoid of any rodent features. You could kill him, or make him live a thousand years longer. Simple creatures. Yet there was one thing that even you – with all your age and knowledge… Couldn’t master. 
Their minds. 
Sure, you could scare or arouse one, you could tweak simple emotions, but not for long. They always compensated. And each one compensated differently. Some coped, some panicked, some lost their minds. The answer to the human equation had long eluded you. Not that you’d bothered to care much before now. Before this humanoid being had blazed into your existence. And now… You found yourself caring, but not to overpower or control humans. But to make the one that was offering himself to you… Happy. The feeling was foreign. You didn’t want to scare or change or fiddle with this one. You just wanted to be with him.
Cautiously, you reached your hand up, letting your fingers brush over his whiskers, then up, over his large ears, covered in soft, fur. They twitched, as did Jin’s nose, and you smiled. 
“Do you eat?” Jin asked suddenly.
“Yeah, like food. Burgers or rice or a steak…”
“I am capable of it, yes. I can almost perfectly mimic a humanoid existence in this form.”
“Wanna get a midnight snack?”
“Shouldn’t you sleep? Humanoids need an ample number of hours of sleep per night in order to maintain proper f—”
“You’re worth a night of no sleep,” Jin cut you off. 
“I—I am?”
Jin grinned broadly. “Of course you are. I want to learn more about you. I want to spend more time with you. Do you have to… Go back? To your… Space, I guess?”
“Not with any pressing need. It simply exists because I’ve created it.”
“I want to know more about it. More about what you can create.” Jin took your hand, and your tentacle. “Everything.”
“There is far too much to tell.”
“Then we’ll just have to spend more time together. Is that alright?”
“It is.” You felt the smile spreading across your face before you could stop it. 
What a human response. Could spending time around this human make you more of one? The thought would have been horrifying to you a month ago. Now… Looking at Jin’s bright gaze, and broad smile… Maybe a little humanity was exactly what you needed. 
One tentacle drifted out and over to the radio on Jin’s dresser, poking the play button. The same male voice from your meeting earlier in the day filled the air, though it was an entirely different song now.
“You’ll never make me leave, I wear this on my sleeve…”
Jin’s eyes darted to the radio before landing back on your face. “I thought this was horrible noise?” He asked, a grin causing his cheeks to fill out adorably. 
“Give me a better cause to lead…”
“I can learn to like it. I want to. For you.” You closed the space between your faces this time, kissing Jin’s soft mouth gently. 
“Give me a reason to believe…”
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Watching the Premiere for RPDR Season 14
+ Angeria is sooooo soft 🥺🥺🥺 Wasn’t exactly living for her outfit but god the second she started talking I was like “damn you’re adorable”
+ Alyssa my Puerto Rican queen 🥰🥰🥰 I’m hype to see her runways honestly cause so far her outfits seem VERY busy design wise. Can’t tell whether I love her outfit or hate it honestly- leaning towards loving it though.
+ Bosco opening their mouth to talk about their dead dog gndnfnffbf Her humor is really getting me, she’s just so funny but also her voice is so chill and steady and it’s hilarious. ALSO SHE’S ORIGINALLY FROM MONTANA?????
+ DAYA BETTY LET’S GO!!!! Lowkey hate her outfit and hair though 😳 Her shoes are killer though!!!!
+ Deja sewing her entire outfit 😳😳😳 I am already impressed ma’am 🥰 keeping an eye out for her in future design challenges!!!
+ Jasmine seems sweet but honestly I’m not like crazy obsessed with her- I love her outfit though!!!
+ Jorgeous 🥰🥰🥰 is really fun it seems like - like her energy is infectious and I stan a Texmex queen!!!!
+ JUNE MY BELOVED!!!! She’s sooooo pretty omg I just wowie wow like how does it feel to be so pretty???? Her outfit is giving me Kendall Gender’s promo look from CDR2 but like elevated 😳
+ Kerri is also not one I’m like obsessing over but she also seems like a fierce conpetitor and I enjoy the details on her outfit!
+ KORNBREAD AHHHHHH the second I saw her promo look I was obsessed ngl and she’s just SO personable! Like her talking about how she’s out the bar the second she performs gjdnfnfnd Iconic I love her so much she is gorgeous this season is giving me gorgeous black girls and I am living
+ Lady Camden sounds soooo posh first off, secondly I love her outfit very fun and campy, I am definitely intrigued by her and am looking forward to what she brings to the season!
+ Maddy Morphosis seems like a really chill person honestly and I have mad respect for her, showing that cishet people and cishet men can be feminine and like things like drag while still being cishet. Like yessss fight against toxic masculinity! Though I can tell production kept asking her about it via their questions cause she keeps mentioning it and like mmmmm I don’t care that much please stop bringing it up production team 😤😤😤 But that’s not Maddy’s fault she’s being weirdly tokenized so please don��t send her hate! Also her outfit is iconique- not a bald headed queen person myself but she rocks it!
+ Orion Story - first off banger name. Second off - her hair is giving off like Jersey Shore energy idk why. She seems very chill and down to Earth though - which is actually quite endearing, like she’s just chatting and not putting on a performance or anything. Not a big fan of the chocolate colored dress though, but it fits the theme.
+ Willow Pill!!!!!!! Very pretty!!!! I’ve seen some of her digital drag shows in the past and I’ve been obsessed with her!!! Also her outfit is adorable as hell!!!! She seems really sweet not gonna lie, and I kinda wanna give her a hug. Definitely a Willow Pill stan at this point.
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devendrasbeard · 3 years
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Only If For A Night
Prompt: They’ve had a few drinks Relationships: Eskel/Jaskier Rating: E Content Warnings: Drunkness, Drunk Kissing, Drunk Confessions Summary:  Eskel is a private driver for a very famous and very successful fashion designer. Having seen the more private side of his boss, he eventually develops feelings for him. One night of drunken confessions can bring a massive change to their professional relationship.
Also on ao3!
"My dear friends, acquaintances, sponsors and clients!" Jaskier's happy voice, amplified by several speakers around the small stage, echoed across the hall. "Thank you for gathering here tonight, so that you'll be the first ones to see, admire, and buy the newest designs from my Dandelions collection!"
A round of applause and excited gasps was heard as a group of androgynous models dressed in wonderfully flowy gowns joined Jaskier on the stage. The clothes were kept in a gender neutral fashion, the fabrics thin as if made of morning mist, but at the same time vibrant with colors, their ethereal vibe contrasted with black hemming at the edges.
"In the next hour the models will be available for you, so that you can get a feel of the clothes, talk about how comfortable of a wear these are. You can even try something on, if the models let you!" Jaskier continued into the microphone. "Just remember - these are real people, not coat hangers! I expect respect towards them and no stepping over any boundaries!"
Eskel stood at the far end of the hall, leaning comfortably against a wall, now and then taking a sip from his glass of water. The day was very hot as for late May, so he was wearing a simple white buttoned up shirt with short sleeves and some black slacks instead of his usual suit ensemble. He loosened the knot in his thin black tie, as he watched Jaskier walk down from the stage and fall into the embrace of his enthusiastic friends.
He liked watching Jaskier, his boss, from afar. Jaskier was fierce, flamboyant and bubbly around his friends, at events, and in front of the media people, but when he thought nobody was looking, his face turned pensive, sometimes even sad. That melancholic, brooding side of Jaskier showed up mostly in the evenings, when the lights went out, his friends went home and it was just him and Eskel driving him home. Eskel liked that side of him.
A few hours into the after party Jaskier approached him, hugging a whole bottle of bourbon to his chest. His cheeks were flushed, blue eyes glistening, his elaborate hairstyle already mussed a little. "Fuck me if this isn't the best collection I've made so far."
Eskel nodded, trying to suppress a chuckle. Whenever Jaskier was tipsy, he forgot about any conventionalities and talked to Eskel as if he was his long time buddy, not his private driver. "It's really good." Eskel admitted. "Need my assistance with anything?"
Jaskier placed a warm palm on Eskel's chest, his bright blue eyes looking up at him. "I wanna go home, my head feels dizzy from all the hugs, fake kisses and congratulations."
"You're sure it's the congratulations and not the bourbon?" Eskel cocked his head, raising a brow in amusement.
"Hey!" Jaskier's long finger was now poking at Eskel's chest. "I pay you to drive me around, not to judge my life's choices."
"Let's go then, I'll drive you home," Eskel nodded and led Jaskier to the door, desperately trying not to wrap a protective arm around his boss' frame.
Jaskier ducked his head through the partition divider, resting his chin on his hands. The strong smell of alcohol mixed with Jaskier's flowery cologne hit Eskel's nose. "Do you like me, Eskel?" He whispered, too close to Eskel's ear.
Eskel shot him a quick glance through the rearview mirror, clearing his throat. "How do you mean?"
"Am I likeable?" Jaskier pouted and cocked his head to the side, to lay it on the cold metal frame of the divider. "Do you like me as a person? I know I am trying to be a good boss and I hope you're satisfied with the work you're doing here for me and that I'm not a pain in the ass for making you drive me around... But am I likeable as a person? Can you even look at me as a person and not your boss, slash famous designer?"
Eskel huffed, feeling goosebumps creeping up his neck. So today's drunk Jaskier's mood was philosophical. Through his last year of driving Jaskier around he's seen him in every sorry state - from being awkwardly horny after a hook up gone wrong, through being insanely euphorical and singing at the top of his lungs in the back seat, to being absolutely shit-faced, making Eskel stop the car every five minutes, so that he could get out and barf on the sidewalk.
But Jaskier asking him if Eskel liked him caught him off guard. What was he supposed to say to that? That ever since he started working for him, he wanted to wrap his arms around Jaskier and kiss him so hard he'd forget his own name? That his heart fluttered everytime Jaskier sent him that deep look and loving smile when they accidentally locked eyes in the rearview mirror? That he's been yearning to spend every second of his life with him? That he loved everything about him - his generosity, his laugh, his creative mind? This wasn't Eskel's place, he was just Jaskier's employee, yet he felt compelled to say something. "You're a good person, Jaskier." He tried.
"Then how come that on the day my newest collection premieres..." He stopped, interrupted by a series of hiccups. "Why is that, that people hug me and kiss me and yet..." He plopped dramatically onto the back seat and sighed. "Why am I yet again going home alone?"
Eskel sighed, a feeling of a thousand needles prickling on his skin. He wanted to pull Jaskier up and wrap him in a tight embrace and scream at the top of his lungs that he was there for him, always, forever! Instead he sighed again, turned to Jaskier for a second and asked, "Should I put your fave music on?"
"Yes, please," Jaskier mumbled. "Thank you, Esk."
"We're here," Eskel turned to Jaskier after he parked the limo outside of Jaskier's apartment building. "Is there anything else I can do for you tonight?"
Jaskier smiled at him, sitting splayed all over the backseat, his hair a mess and his shirt already halfway open, giving Eskel more than a sneak peek of his thick chest hair and the several necklaces dangling on his torso. Eskel swallowed thickly, his mouth suddenly dry, and then Jaskier leaned forward and whispered, "You can come upstairs with me."
Eskel's eyes widened, a hotness creeping up his neck. It was all he ever wanted, but he felt he shouldn't do it tonight, not with Jaskier in this state of mind. He had to think and be reasonable for them both. "Jaskier... You're drunk and tired, I don't think that's a-" A warm finger on his lips shut him up.
"That bottle of bourbon won't empty itself," Jaskier tried for a seductive smile which turned out pretty wonky, but still managed to tug at Eskel's heartstrings. "C'mon, just one drink? You can probably drive after one drink?"
Eskel huffed, his mind racing and trying to weigh all the pros and cons of the situation he's gotten himself into. Jaskier looked at him with pleading eyes, not saying anything, waiting for Eskel's move. "Okay, one drink."
They got out of the car, Jaskier propping himself up on Eskel's shoulder as they entered the building. "Good morning, Jerome," Jaskier addressed the concierge with a wide smile.
"It's midnight, Mr. Pankratz," the concierge rolled his eyes, the look on his face indicating he's seen Jaskier in this state more than once.
As soon as they got into Jaskier's penthouse, Jaskier moved straight to the alcohol cabinet, leaving Eskel in the middle of the spacious living room. Eskel looked around the place, admiring all the art pieces on the walls and various trinkets scattered around the furniture. But the view from the vast windows was what truly mesmerized him - he moved towards the glass walls, gazing down at the night city, so calm and otherworldly from here.
"Thank you for joining me," Jaskier's voice next to him startled him a little. "I really didn't want to be home alone tonight," he added quietly.
"No problem," Eskel smiled at him, noticing that now besides the bourbon bottle, Jaskier was also nursing a flask of red wine. He held both up for Eskel to choose his drink from. Eskel took the wine bottle and asked, "Should I fetch us some glasses, or do I just chug straight from the bottle?"
Jaskier patted his shoulder lightly, laughing too loud, as if Eskel told a joke, then hiccuped a little. "I'll get us some glasses, you..." he waved towards the sofas and armchairs, "you make yourself comfortable."
Eskel didn't get to sit yet when he heard the sound of breaking glass and a sharp hiss coming from the kitchen. He jumped up, leaving the wine bottle on the table and moved towards Jaskier.
"It's nothing, it's nothing," Jaskier was already kneeling on the floor, clumsily collecting the broken pieces of a wine glass. "Guess everything went too smoothly for me today."
The sigh that left Jaskier's lips sounded more like a broken whimper and Eskel's heart physically hurt at the sight of his famous and successful boss looking so small and pitiful in the middle of his kitchen. He felt like crying. "Leave it, I'll clean it up," he offered. "Maybe you should go to bed, lay down a little?"
Jaskier looked up at him, the gaze of his blue eyes unfocused. He pointed at Eskel with his index finger while standing up. "No, you-... You've promised me that one drink!"
Two hours later Eskel knew he wasn't going to make it home that night. The wine bottle in his hands was almost empty, and he felt slightly light-headed and dizzy, but not drunk. Jaskier, on the other hand, was already edging on wasted, his shirt now unbuttoned, cheeks red, his words incoherent and slurry.
"Y'know, I'm fully aware of my... My pre... my pry... My privilege," he blurted out, "but yet I give myself permission to feel miserable from time to time... And now is the day!" he gestured with his hand, in which he held the bourbon bottle, spilling a little on the table.
"Okay, I'll take this," Eskel grabbed the bottle from him as Jaskier plopped back onto the sofa.
"How do you know who's your friend?" Jaskier asked, his gaze focused on the ceiling as if he was trying to find an answer there. "People hug me and kiss me and invite themselves into... Into my life and then what? They want free stuff, they want contacts with my famous friends, they want..." He stopped and looked over at Eskel, his blue eyes sad and pleading, as if he waited for Eskel to give him a solution.
"Look for those who stick around when the lights go out, when the party's over... For-for those who ask you how you feel and not what you can give to them." He felt the hotness of embarrassment creep up his neck, his ears turning red. He was talking about himself and he only gave himself permission to do so because Jaskier was drunk and wouldn't remember it the next day.
"That's... wise," Jaskier nodded and reached out with his hand to pat Eskel's cheek. Then his eyes narrowed as if he was trying to remember something important. "You never asked me for anything."
Eskel cleared his throat, and turned his face away from Jaskier, to hide his unease. "I'm... I'm fine. I'm happy with my job."
"Yeah? What do you do for a living?" Jaskier asked.
That caused Eskel to chuckle, and Jaskier followed with his pearly laugh, although he didn't know what was going on, and in a moment they were both laughing loudly and snickering like children. Jaskier patted Eskel's knee several times before leaning back onto the sofa.
"Jaskier, I work for you. I drive you around, remember?" Eskel said, wiping tears of mirth from the corner of his eye.
"Right." Jaskier nodded. "I hope I pay you well."
"You're a good boss," Eskel smiled. They locked eyes for a long moment, not saying anything. Jaskier licked his lips subconsciously and Eskel had to look away, the sight causing a warm feeling to coil in his stomach. "Alright, boss, time to get you to bed," he cleared his throat. "I'll crash on the couch if you don't mind, can't really drive now."
"Oh no no, no sleepin' on couches in my house! I have guest rooms for guests!" Jaskier stood up abruptly, too quickly for the drunken state he was in. His foot kicked the table leg and he wobbled a little, losing his balance.
He landed in Eskel's lap, Eskel instinctively putting a protective arm over him to save him from falling over and onto his back. Jaskier grabbed Eskel's shoulder for balance and suddenly their faces were incredibly close. So close Eskel could smell Jaskier's cologne, now suppressed by the tangy scent of bourbon. He was so close that Eskel could see those tiny crows feet forming at the corners of Jaskier's eyes, he could notice his flared nostrils and the wet shimmer on his lips. He swallowed audibly.
"Whoo, that was close. Thank-... Thank you," Jaskier laughed lightly and squeezed his shoulder. In a silent reply, Eskel caressed Jaskier's back gently, so delicately as if he didn't want Jaskier to feel it. But apparently Jaskier did, because he leaned forward and pressed a soft butterfly kiss to Eskel's lips. He pulled away and looked Eskel deep in the eyes, while undoing his tie. "Could you... Can you, just for tonight, forget that I'm your boss?" he asked quietly.
Eskel looked at him wide eyed, frozen in place and unable to speak. But when Jaskier gave his tie one last slight tug, he was lost. He's been waiting for that little sign, for a nod of permission, and as soon as he got it, he launched forward, pushing Jaskier off his knees and pressing him down onto the sofa with his weight.
He kissed him, reluctantly at first, but when Jaskier let out the first quiet whimper of pleasure, Eskel was all lost on him. He pressed his lips to Jaskier's, with his eyes closed, trying to put into that kiss all that yearning and longing he'd felt for Jaskier for months.
Jaskier was under him, sighing and panting, arching into Eskel’s touch. Responding to every kiss with passion. Eskel moaned into Jaskier's mouth as his hands roamed under his already open shirt, caressing the soft skin on Jaskier's sides, skimming over his chest hair and slightly tugging at the multiple necklaces on his neck.
Jaskier sat up and fumbled with the buttons on Eskel's shirt, his now clumsy fingers too uncoordinated to undo them. He tugged desperately at the shirt, causing two buttons to pop off and fall to the floor. They both looked at them, Jaskier with a hint of embarrassment, Eskel amazed with Jaskier's strength. Jaskier pulled at Eskel's shirt and dragged him into another heated kiss. "Off! Just take that shirt off," he demanded between kisses.
As he stripped off of his shirt, Eskel noticed how Jaskier's eyes glistened and how he licked his lips lusciously, before launching himself at Eskel. He peppered his face, neck and chest with kisses, murmuring "You're beautiful" and "I love you so much" between kisses, making Eskel writhe with pleasure and whine with emotions, because he so wanted Jaskier to mean it.
"Can I take you to the bedroom?" Jaskier asked while tugging at the waistband of Eskel's slacks. "God, why is the belt so complicated?" He threw his hands up losing his balance and landing on the floor. Eskel reached out to help him up, only to be dragged down to the floor right next to Jaskier.
"Okay, bedroom it is," he laughed into Jaskier's mouth, who already managed to slot their lips in another heated kiss.
Eskel woke up with his head feeling very heavy, his mouth dry as if he'd eaten sand. He sat up, rubbing at his eyes, taking in the situation. He was naked, with only the bedsheets tangled around his legs. Jaskier was sleeping next to him, lying on his stomach, one hand draped comfortably around Eskel's waist. He was equally naked, his perky ass sticking out from under the covers.
Eskel watched him mesmerized, noticed how beautifully lean and supple Jaskier's body was, he watched how he moved slightly with every breath... And then tiny bits of memories of last night hit him like a wave. He remembered the passionate kisses Jaskier showered him with, how unbelievably soft and pliant Jaskier's body was under his touch, he recalled the weight of Jaskier's cock on his tongue and how wonderfully he moaned Eskel's name with his hand tangled in Eskel's hair...
One part of him wanted to leave before Jaskier would wake up, spare him the awkwardness of a morning after. They never planned on something like that, after all they were boss and employee, they just let alcohol get the best of them. The other part of Eskel wanted to stay, to savour the moment of absolute intimacy and vulnerability between them. That other part wanted all this drunken mishap to turn into something more than just a one night stand.
Then Jaskier stirred next to him, waking up, pulled himself closer to Eskel's chest and murmured a soft "Good morning." He sat up, dragging one hand through his disheveled hair, taking in the sight of their naked bodies. "So... I guess last night ended up better than expected?" He shot Eskel an embarrassed smile. "Did we... You know. Go all the way?"
"I honestly don't know," Eskel admitted sheepishly, pulling the bedsheets up to cover the both of them. "Are you okay, Jaskier? You didn't go easy on the bourbon last night."
"I'm fine," Jaskier waved him off, but his eyes narrowed and he worried his lower lip and Eskel knew he was trying to recall what happened last night. "I hope I didn't take advantage of you?"
"Everything I did, I did because I wanted to," Eskel said firmly, though he felt the hotness on his cheeks and ears at the memory of their naked bodies tangled together and Jaskier moaning so sweetly into his ear.
"Yeah?" Jaskier scooted even closer to him under the bedsheets. "Care to remind me what did you actually do?"
Eskel exhaled deeply, feeling Jaskier's hot breath on his neck, making his own skin feel too tight. The memory of Jaskier's body arched beautifully under Eskel's touch flashed before his eyes, and he cleared his throat. "I'm... I'm pretty sure I sucked you off."
"Oh." Jaskier's face was painted with astonishment, but only for a moment. In the next he was already straddling Eskel's lap, braiding his fingers in his dark hair, looking him deep in the eye. "I think it's only fair if I return the favour now?"
Before Jaskier moved down on him, Eskel grabbed his hands and made Jaskier face him. "Listen..." he started, mouth extremely dry, more of nervousness than hangover. "You said some very weighty things to me yesterday, that I really wished were true... But I know this could be just the alcohol's doing." He huffed, pressing his eyes shut. "If it's not what you meant, or how you feel about me, I'd rather leave now."
Jaskier sighed, deeply, but he didn't lower his gaze. He intertwined their fingers and placed a kiss on the top of Eskel's palm. "I remember one thing vividly from last night," he said. "And that is feeling loved and wanting to give as much love as possible back." He kissed the fingers on Eskel's hand. "If you felt the same, I'd rather you stayed. Forever, if possible?"
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uwuwriting · 4 years
The writings on his skin Shinsou Soulmate au
Soulmate au with communication via writing on their skin.
Oh god this is bad, I’m not happy with it at all. My original draft got deleted and I had to rewrite this at 2 am and I’m dead. I didn’t proof read it because I swear I’m gonna pass out so I’m so terribly sorry for butchering this. I love Hitoshi to the moon and back I hope he has the most wonderful birthday I LOVE HIM. Hope this doesn’t suck that much. Love ya. 💖💖💖💖💖
warnings: mentions of bullying, some angst, fluff
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When Hitoshi was young he used to believe in soulmates. He couldn’t wait to meet the person that would fit him like a puzzle piece. In the early age of five, Shinsou Hitoshi was filled with positivity and hope. Hope that in the future he would get to enjoy all the things he liked with someone special. 
He was so excited for the first day of school. some of the kids from his neighborhood would be in his class; they didn’t like him they were really afraid of his quirk and would make fun of him all the time, but he didn’t care. He would make new friends and just ignore them. Stepping into the classroom he was met with about 18 new faces. 18 possible friends. A smile spread across his face as he made eye contact with one of the kids. The boy was playing with some LEGOs as Hitoshi made his way to him. 
“Hi I’m Shin-”
“AHH IT’S THE MONSTER!!!” the boy cried out as he stumbled backwards putting a respectful distance between them. The whole class turned to look at them and one by one all the kids slowly took a step back. They were all afraid of him. They all wanted nothing to do with him. They-they.
“He’s a villain!!!”
“Someone call All Might!!!!” 
More children joined the mocking and the cries for help. A group of boys, two of which he knew, walked up to him growls leaving their mouths as -even though Hitoshi was a tall child- they towered over him. Pushing him to the ground, one of them snatched his backpack emptying the contents on him before throwing it at a corner of the room. 
“Villains are not allowed here! Jihiko-sensei will kick you out, villain!” Right on cue, Jihiko-sensei stepped into the room, her eyes landing immediately at his wide eyed face and trembling form. 
“Boys that’s rude!” grabbing his backpack she started putting back his scattered supplies.“Apologise to Shinsou right now!”
Reluctantly the four boys bowed their heads, mumbling an apology before rising their noses up in the air and walking away, leaving a terrified Hitoshi on the floor. 
During the first day of school he knew that he wouldn’t be getting new friends and with that his doubts of even having a soulmate bloomed to life. 
Middle school was not as bad as elementary. He had gotten used to the teasing and the name calling. He couldn’t say that it didn’t bother him; it really did but he had learned not to show it. Even now, years after that fateful first day in kindergarten, he had no friends. All of them pushed him away, some more politely than others, leaving the word ‘villain’ lumming over their heads as they turned him down. He was fine though. No soulmate mark had appeared but at this point he couldn’t really be disappointed. After all, someone like him -a monster, a villain- didn’t deserve to have a soulmate.
It was a normal day in his boring middle school. So boring that Hitoshi had turned to doodling on his arm. It was not a habit, he hadn’t done it before since he saw the doodles as tattoos and he didn’t want to give others more reasons to call him evil. Plus he liked his arms clean. But he was bored and it was hot and he wasn’t functioning correctly. At some point during his history class, he fell asleep. He woke up to a light tickling sensation running up his arm and a dim shine appeared on a spot near his wrist. 
‘You can’t draw….’ 
He blinked once, twice expecting the words to disappear but they didn’t. They didn’t fade, they were real. Bold black letters stared back at him as he marveled at the sight. He … he had a soulmate and he could actually speak to them. Snapping out of his trance he scrambled for a pen and thought of a response. He didn’t wanna seem desperate. Deciding on sarcasm he wrote beside their own message. 
‘Well excuse me Picasso’
 He waited for a response for what felt like centuries. This was amazing, incredible, astonishing all of those long pretty words writers use to describe their female characters in poems. Would they want to meet him? Did they live nearby? Were they the same age? So many questions swirled inside his head he almost missed the mandala pattern that appeared on his wrist. The design became more vibrant and visible as the minutes ticked by. It was beautiful. 
‘What’s your favorite color?’
‘Be patient sweet soulmate of mine, you’ll see.’ 
His heart skipped a beat. Oh lord he hadn’t even met them yet and he was already getting butterflies in his stomach. Slowly purple highlights started to appear on his skin, matching the black outlines perfectly. They truly were a Picasso. 
‘There now you have true art on your hand.’
‘Confident are we?’
‘Only when it comes to inter-soulmate communications.’ 
He liked them. He knew that from the first moment. A smile took its place on his face as he saw new letters forming on his skin, warmth blooming in his chest as he stared at their conversation. Soulmate...maybe he wasn’t so lonely after all. 
UA High. This is it. He was finally here. A place where heroes were made. It’s his time to show all those pesky brats that called him a villain that he could be a hero. A fine one at that. Getting placed in the general department was a disappointment and kind of a let down. He thought he did well on the exam. Apparently, having a grape quirk was more hero material than his brainwash. He wasn’t fazed though and neither was his soulmate. They hadn’t stopped speaking since their first conversation back in middle school. His day would start with a small, sloppy good morning scribbled on his wrist. They were there for him whenever he needed someone to rant to and he was always their shoulder to cry on. Well inky shoulder? They had agreed to keep their identities a secret along with their gender leaving everything to the hands of fate. 
‘She shall bring us together, babe.’ They always called him that, not that he minded. 
‘Well she should hurry up kitten.’ And he in return he given them that pet name. They never complained. He hadn’t mentioned which school he applied to, only that he would be becoming a hero. So when they mentioned something about a Bakugou Katsuki he was intrigued. 
‘Yeah he is in my class. Super annoying 0/10 would not recommend.’
 They went to the same school. What a coincidence. Maybe fate did work fast. Choosing his next words wisely he replied. 
‘So you are in class 1-A huh? Funny.’
‘How do you know that?????’
‘I’m in the general department that’s why.’
There was no response for some time. He knew Aizawa was a harsh teacher when it came to discipline, he gets a taste of his discipline every afternoon at six,  so he didn’t write anything else. Later that day, during his training, the familiar tingle distracted him. Glancing down on his arm, he totally missed Aizawa’s capture tool coming straight for his leg. Before he knew it, he was swiped off his feet and started hanging upside down from a branch of a nearby tree. 
“You are distracted Shinsou!” Aizawa sighed below him. Hitoshi read the message quickly before turning his attention back to his teacher. 
“I’m sorry Aizawa-sensei.” 
“Yeah yeah just don’t be like that during your training with my class. You remember that it starts tomorrow right?” Aizawa said as he got him down, letting him fall with a loud thud. 
“Yes sensei I know.”
“Great, now go get some rest I don’t want you passing out the moment you step in the forest.” 
Shinsou had never gathered his things quicker. Draping his jacket over his shoulders he sprinted to his dorm, an idea forming in his mind. He didn’t know if you wanted to meet him yet but he sure as hell wanted to see you. Grabbing a pen from his desk he scribbled under your previous message. 
‘Can you draw one of your mandalas on my wrist?’ 
Y/N was late. Like super late. She had missed her first alarm and had only gotten up because of the pounding at her door. She had stayed up the previous night drawing something for her soulmate. She kept messing up and redoing her work one too many times. Reaching her classroom she slid the door open and tiptoed to her seat seeing as Aizawa-sensei hadn’t gotten out of his sleeping back yet. Sitting down she let out a sigh of relief as her friend leaned over to her. 
“Late night with your soulmate???” She sang teasingly which only made Y/N roll her eyes. 
“Shut up Sky!” Soon they were instructed to put on their hero costumes and meet their homeroom teacher at the edge of the mini forest right in the outskirts of the school grounds. 
Skipping out of the girls locker room she looked down at her wrist where the mandala from last night looked back at her. She ran her fingers over the lines wishing she could see the design on the recipients skin.  
“Come on man! We’re gonna miss the intro move your ass!” Sky grabbed her arm and yanked her forward, ruining her moment of longing as they made their way to the forest. 
Aizawa-sensei was accompanied by another person. A boy almost at his height with vibrant purple hair and the most tired eyes Y/N had ever seen. He was staring at the class giving small nods when someone asked him something. 
“This is Shinsou Hitoshi. Most of you will know him from the sports festival, he fought the problem child.” Midoriya hid his face in his palms at the name. “He will be joining the hero course come next year so have fun training with him.”
Shinsou raised his hand to scratch his neck, a nervous habit Y/N concluded, when she saw the intertwining lines on his wrist. The purple stood out. It was more vibrant on her design, slightly losing it’s shine on his pale skin possibly because he received it. Was that? Was he? 
“Who wants to pair up with him?” at that her arm shot up instantly, without even thinking. Aizawa motioned for the rest of the students to find their partner as she made her way to him. He was taller up close, her head barely reaching his chin. Extending her drawn on hand she greeted him. 
“Y/N L/N, nice to finally meet you Shinsou.”
The house was quiet. Oddly quiet. Hitoshi let his bag drop next to the coat hanger as he took off his shoes. The TV could be heard playing from the living room but no voices accompanied it. Where was she? Making his way to the kitchen he found a bowl full with steaming soup that looked like it had just been made. He left it on the table, his first priority being to find the girl he was looking for. Slowly walking up the stair he heard a humming coming from the room down the hall. 
Once at the top he made his way to the pastel violet door, grasping the knob and pushing it open. He was met with the back of his soulmate, humming the soft tune he had heard earlier as she rocked steadily back and forth. The mess of purple hair on her shoulder raised its head revealing those stunning e/c eyes he adored so much. 
“Daddy…” the little girl in Y/N’s arms let out a low sleepy mumble. Turning around she saw her husband standing in the doorway of the nursery, a smile adorning his face as he looked at Kei. Kei, at the sight of her father, started doing grabbing motions trying to leave her mother’s embrace. Hitoshi let out a low chuckle as he took the two year old in his arms, letting her wrap her chubby arms around his neck and nuzzle into his neck. 
“Happy birthday Toshi.”
Shinsou Hitoshi could have never imagined he would be here today, holding his daughter as his soulmate stared back at him. He was happy, beyond happy actually. Words could not express. Extending an arm out to her, she took it tucking herself under his chin as one of her hands came to rest on the back of her baby. Kissing both of his girls, he squeezed them closer to him.  
 “Thank you kitten. For everything.”   
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAG TEAM AY:
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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