#this current url fits like no other so i cant. but if it were to ever make a comeback some day in the near future would be the right time
tomgregs · 1 year
like i Wont but i have been thinking about going back to the anthonycarrigan url. i wont do it though i pinky promiese ...
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wickedscribbles · 2 years
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#i just know a bunch of whiny old white conservative republicans would stop listening to the stations for this
My Top Posts in 2022:
An Unexpected Muse: Part One
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Summary: There’s a cowboy in your Intro to Drawing class. You’re not exactly sure why he’s here. Not because he sticks out, all broad shoulders and grizzled beard amongst the kids who barely count as adults. But because he’s so, so much better than what the class requires. 
Requested by @so-may-you-all​! 😊
If terfs or transphobes come within ten feet of this fic, it’s on sight. 🔪
Pairing: Trans Arthur Morgan x Art Teacher AFAB Reader, she/her pronouns (Second Person Perspective) I gave her a last name for the purpose of being addressed, but other than that, there are no descriptors! 
Rating: Explicit
Tags: modern AU, college/university AU, small town/rural setting AU, trans Arthur, high honor Arthur, fluff, crushes, lust at first sight, flirting, getting together, dom/top Arthur, smut, very explicit consent, pet names, dirty talk, begging, vaginal fingering, teasing, banter, nipple play, falling in love
Word Count: 11.3K
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If you like what I write and can afford to do so, please consider buying me a coffee! It would be much appreciated.
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Eight students in your Intro to Drawing class.
For a summer enrichment course, that’s an impressive number. You glance over the names on the sheet of paper slid into your little campus mailbox, relieved to have more than two in attendance. (That had been an awkward couple of months.) For now, though, the classroom is empty save for you, smelling of paint and dust as it always does. The ancient tabletops are stained and splattered from decades of masterpieces come to life under fledgling fingertips, the linoleum floors cracking under the weight of time.
It’s an old room, the only one in this entire building still accessible for classes. The running water feels like a miracle. It’s sweltering in the summer, freezing in the winter, and one of your favorite places in the world. Separate from the rest of this little campus’ collection of buildings, it’s a decent walk to get to what’s now known just as the art room. No one really minds at the start of summer. Your set of keys gets you access to the rest of what the two-story has to offer. A crumbling gymnasium and an empty pool, the top floor full of files and records that won’t fit in the main administration building anymore. The art room’s storage area, small and stuffy.
This campus is a magic place. Okay, you might be biased. Despite being raised without religion, this tiny Catholic college gave you some of the best academic years of your life. Such a relief after the bluster and chaos of high school, to find this hideaway tucked in the woods. The small class sizes and the relaxed nature of the instructors were…well. To call it all a blessing might be a little too on the nose. You’d made friends here, excelled in every course, and four too-short years later, graduated magna cum laude with your Bachelor’s in Arts Education.
Then it was off to the next university, to earn your Master’s, but you’d never forgotten this place. When you were licensed to teach, you were thrilled when they’d called you back to be a full-time instructor. Sure, the pay isn’t phenomenal, but it’s close to home – and every day you get to come back to your old campus. To the old, tall trees and the faded brick, and the library with its secret rooms perfect for studying (or coffee breaks). The family of ducks at the pond recognizes you now when you sit down to sketch them, quacking and waggling their tails as they swim circles on the surface.
Yes, you’re happy to be back in the art room after a few weeks away. Taking a sip of your latte, you lean against one of the tables as you pick up the attendance sheet. Enrichment courses are even more casual than your usual classes. Open to the public, they’re non-credit courses, given for fun for those interested or for the local population who might find themselves bored. There’s not much to do in such a rural area. Along with Intro to Drawing, there’s a creative writing workshop, a self-defense course, and a basic photography course.
“Let’s see…” you mutter, scanning the list of names. Jessica. Emily. Nicholas. Kayla. Amber. Alyssa. Arthur. Cody. Ooh, that’s a lot of A names. You’re bound to get Alyssa and Amber confused for at least a week or two. Lord help you if they look anything alike. For a teacher, you’re not the best with names; you assign a discerning feature to the students to help the name stick in your head. One year you had identical twins whose names both began with K and almost lost your mind.
Well, this is it. You look around the room with a happy sigh, anxious to open the windows and get it all aired out. For the next nine weeks – eighteen meetings spread across Mondays and Wednesdays – this will be a place of still lifes, charcoal smudges on fingertips and elbows, eraser shavings and intense study. Music playing through the windows and light conversation, getting to know one another, talk of current events (but no politics). Inside jokes formed, memories made, and at the end of the course, their proudest work hung up in the hall of the main building. Starting the semester gives you a giddy feeling every time.
Little do you know that one name on your list is going to stand out like no other, and flip your life around in ways you never even considered.
They file in, some coming alone, others in pairs. Most show before the class is due to start at nine, and you give them bright smiles, maybe a little wave. You’re overdoing it, but you can’t seem to help your excitement. It’s the first day of the enrichment courses, and these people want to be here. Not because their parents think it’ll look good on their resumes or they need an arts credit. They’re here because they want to create, and enjoy doing it, and something about that makes your heart swell with joy.
You’ve got light acoustic music playing from your phone in the background, because you have no clue what this group likes to listen to yet. With the twenty-somethings, it’ll usually be the latest pop hits. Sometimes it’s movie soundtracks or musical numbers. Either way, you try to keep it cheerful. Classical music is always something nice to fall back on, if no one can decide.
As nine o’clock passes, you count the heads in the room, and come up one short. That’s okay, you think. We’ll wait for a minute. There’s little pressure to be strict with time, after all. You’d bet that almost everyone here is nineteen through twenty-five at most, fresh-faced and somewhat nervous in their introductions to one another. The bright sounds of awkward laughter colors the air as they exchange names.
The clock’s hands show 9:10, and you decide to begin the class with hope that your last missing student will show. You shift on your stool at the front of the room, and the low buzz of conversation dies down, the eyes in the room going to you.
“So we’re going to go ahead and get started,” you begin, clasping your hands together. “We’ve got a straggler, but that’s okay. So! Welcome to –”
With a sound so loud half the people in the room jump, the outer doors to the building slam open. From the doorway of the art room you can see someone who just might be your straggler fall inside. Oh, shoot. You’d forgotten to put up that sign about the door sticking in the heat. Good old fifty-year-old buildings. Had he gotten himself stuck out there?
As the whole room stares, in walks a man who almost has to duck to enter the room. He has to be at least a decade older than everyone here, you think, giving him a sheepish half-smile as he edges his way in. He wears a light blue button-down rolled up at the elbows and worn jeans, looking like he could’ve stepped right out of a Wranglers ad. Oh. Oh, no. He’s hot. Even with his face tinged with the faint pink of a blush, he looks like the kind of man who works with his hands, rough and calloused. The kind of man you’d very much be swiping right on had he shown up on your phone’s neglected dating app.
“Sorry,” he says at once. “The – the door – well. Sure y’all heard it.”
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72 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
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My first DALL-E simulation, I’m so proud of myself 😅😅
76 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Flowers in the Scorched Earth
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Surprise! This popped into my head yesterday and I wrote it all in one sitting. Hope you like hurt/comfort 😭
Summary: Pregnant with Arthur's child, you appreciate how careful he is with you -- though sometimes you find yourself smothered. One night in the middle of an argument neither of you meant to start, you find out just why he feels the need to handle you so delicately.
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x AFAB Reader, she/her pronouns (Second Person Perspective)
Rating: Teen and Up 
Tags: SPOILERS, do not proceed if you haven’t played the game, pregnancy, high honor Arthur, protective Arthur, angst, hurt/comfort, grief, childbirth, fluff 
Word Count: 2.2K
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If you like what I write and can afford to do so, please consider buying me a coffee! It would be much appreciated.
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~ Another reminder that there are spoilers for the game within! Proceed with caution!~
Not even born yet, and this baby’s a wild one. Kicking you at all hours of the night, sitting right on your bladder, making you crave the most irrational things. You’re swollen up everywhere – all the places you’re supposed to be, and in places you didn’t even consider. Your ankles are so big and puffy you can’t even wear your shoes. You had no idea that your body would be working this hard, changing so much, yet you wouldn’t go back and do things over. Not ever.
You’re overjoyed to be pregnant with this child, with the baby you and Arthur made together. When you told him, when you were certain – you were scared. You’re running with a gang of outlaws, for God’s sake, and at the time you were nowhere near ready to bring a baby into the world. All it’d taken was one time, one slip, to create a life.
The plethora of emotion that’d gone over Arthur’s face, on the other hand, numbered in the dozens. Disbelief. Terror. Hesitation. Happiness. Joy. And every shade in between until he was taking your hands, asking you over and over if you were sure, were you really sure. He’d gone to his knees where you sat and spread his hands over your stomach, trying to feel for some small bump.
From that day forward he looks after you first, and does the gang’s dirty work second. There’s no room for argument. For a while before either of you knew you were pregnant, there’d been idle talk of going away, of getting out of the gang and building a life together somewhere, but now the matter is far more pressing. You know that Arthur’s working himself ragged trying to earn extra money, enough to get some land for the two of you to settle somewhere, build a house. He keeps telling you he’s “going to do things right”.
He looks so tired, but whenever he’s back at camp, he’s never off his feet for a minute. Not if you’re trying to do something like get your supper or help the girls with the wash. Arthur doesn’t want you going anywhere on your own, doesn’t want you hauling your round self up on your mare for a ride out of camp to clear your head. Even when he’s gone, you know he tells the girls to keep an eye on you, not to let you work yourself too hard.
It’s beyond exasperating. As the weeks go by, you’re getting your energy back, eager to do more around the camp again, to move. The nausea of the first few months is fading, and you’re not anxious to just sit around like some little wife. You’re bored out of your mind. Bad enough that you’re stuck in camp, no longer allowed to go out robbing.
You know he means well. You do. Every look and touch he gives you is soaking in love and gentleness, and how can you fault him for loving you too much? But somewhere, you have to put your foot down. You’re still a human being, beyond the pregnancy, and you’re so damn tired of being pent up.
The words just slip out one night when you try to get out of bed for a drink of water. You’re tired, lower back aching from the weight of the child you’re carrying. The crate with the water pitcher is on the other side of the tent, and you brace yourself against the edge of the cot to get up, to roll yourself into a sitting position. You’d thought Arthur was drowsing behind you, breathing deeply. He falls asleep almost as soon as his body hits the bed, these days.
The frustration of waking him up – or him never being asleep in the first place – is what does it, you think. Of him still putting your needs so far above his own, when it’s so obvious that he’s exhausted. It makes you feel angry and useless. When Arthur’s groggy murmur comes from behind you, telling you to lie back down so that he can get what you need, you’re quick to snap back.
“Jesus Christ, Arthur, I can get my own water! I’m pregnant, not an invalid!”
A thick silence trails in the air where you’d spoken, and your eyes fill with tears. Why would you say that? He was only trying to help you. He’s only ever trying to help you. You turn from where you’re perched on the edge of the cot, throat thick with wetness, unable to see him in the dark.
“I’m sorry,” you say. “I’m – I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said that.”
You feel the cot shift as Arthur moves to sit up. “S’okay,” he mumbles. “You’re allowed to have your emotions. It’s a lot to do.”
Of course he would let you off that easy. You rub the heel of your hand at your eyes, angry at the tears flowing down your face, and fumble for the lantern. At least he lets you light it, perhaps afraid that doing it himself would spark another outburst. The soft glow makes the circles under his eyes look even darker, and you lean forward with trembling fingers to brush the hair off of his face.
“Arthur, why are you doing this?”
He leans into your hand, eyes closed, like the softness of your touch is something he’s been craving. “Doin’ what?” Even his words sound weary, and if this weren’t a conversation that needed to happen, you’d dismiss it, tell him to lie back down and get his rest. Too soon, he’s looking back at you, brow furrowed, upset that you’re sitting there in a mess of tears and sorrow. “Sweetheart, please don’t cry. I’m okay. It’s okay.” His big hand cradles your face, thumb tracing your cheek, and your lip wobbles.
“You’re n-not.”
God, you hate to cry, hate to be seen as the emotional pregnant woman who can’t keep it together, but you’ve reached a breaking point. Because the man you love isn’t taking care of himself, and you can’t stand it. He’s never been one for self-preservation, but this is terrible. You aren’t even certain he’s eating more than once a day, and for what? You don’t want to thrive if it means he suffers.
The baby isn’t happy either. They know you’re awake and agitated, and one little foot goes kicking out in your stomach. You place a hand there, trying to soothe them, and Arthur’s eyes trail down. You can see the worry in his face plain as day as his hand goes to cover yours.
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102 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
Oh dang, ficlet requests, so exciting!! Because my cat attacked my foot while I was thinking: Arthur + a bunch o' kittens? Maybe with a femme!reader but thats not necessary!
hhhhhh yes 🥺🥺 I love that idea 💖 Thanks for the suggestion! 
Tiny Pink Noses 
Summary: You find a box of kittens -- and call upon Arthur for help. 
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x AFAB Reader (Second Person Perspective)
Rating: General 
Tags: allusions to animal cruelty, modern au, fluff!! very fluffy 
Word Count: 1,093 😅
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“And someone just left them there,” you hiccup into the phone between tears. “They’re so t-tiny and they’re crying and I don’t know what to do –”
“Now, hold on, slow down –”
You try to listen to Arthur and keep a hand on the top of the box at the same time. Sitting in your parked car on the side of the street, you take a few deep breaths for good measure. You’d been walking back to your car after a morning shift at your nearby workplace when the box had caught your eye, slightly damp from the spring rain and pushed up against the side of a building.
There were no words written on it, nothing like free kittens!. No one around to watch them. Just four tiny bundles of fur crowded inside, their little eyes peering up at you desperately. You picked the box up without a second thought, carrying it to your car. It was only when you called Arthur that you started crying, not having a clue what to do. Your apartment doesn’t allow pets, and they look so hungry and small. You have no idea how long they’ve been there, abandoned, alone. How could someone do that? What is wrong with people? It breaks your heart.
“Let’s just… slow down,” Arthur says again. You nod, though he can’t see you. His voice is soft in your ear, comforting, and you’re grateful for his ability to keep his head when you’re currently losing yours. “Why don’t you drive over here and we’ll see what we got to deal with?”
“Okay,” you answer. “Okay, I’ll – be there in a few minutes.”
Arthur lives a few miles outside of town, on a gorgeous piece of wooded property. He’s waiting for you on the front porch as you pull up the gravel drive, thumbs in his front pockets, and the knot in your chest loosens at the sight of him. From the backyard, Copper barks his welcome, wagging his tail furiously. You put the car in park and unbuckle, careful as you scoop up the box. The scuffle of claws against the cardboard meets your ears as you lift up, opening the car door.
He holds the front door open for you, and you utter a thanks. Gathered around the coffee table, you sit the box on the ground, unfolding the flaps. At once, two needy faces peek out at you, black with splotches of orange. Their tiny meows echo loud as the other two hurry to catch up, realizing that there’s an opportunity for escape.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Arthur mutters, moving to sit on the carpet. “Look at ‘em.”
One of his big hands moves to scoop a kitten out of the box, leaving their little paws dangling. It lifts its head to sniff at him before letting out a particularly loud demand for food. To your amusement, you watch a small smile light up Arthur’s face – though he’s always claimed to not be a cat person. He places the kitten close to his chest to comfort it before grabbing another, letting it explore along his lap.
Now that they’re in a safe place, you feel a lot better about the whole thing, even if you still don’t know what to do with them all.
“Guess the first thing we oughta do is get ‘em fed,” he says after a few moments of watching them play. “And call the shelter. I can’t keep ‘em, and I know you can’t.”
You think for a minute. The pet store in town should have what you need, but you don’t want to leave the kittens alone. If one of you stays here with them, then the other can call the animal shelter. Arthur graciously volunteers himself to stay put with the little bundles of fur – emptying the box of all four kittens into his lap as you gather your keys and phone.
When you return with kitten formula, bottles, and a litter box, they’re all right where you left them. Arthur’s leaned up against the living room wall, murmuring something too quiet for you to hear as you bring the supplies inside. But the tone of voice he’s using is sweeter than you’ve ever heard him use, and the little kitten peering up at him honest-to-God looks like it’s hanging onto every word. As you draw closer, some of what he’s saying becomes distinguishable.
“...Gonna get you fed, okay, kitty? Yeah, nice and round and healthy little fella. We’re gonna take care of you. You’re never gonna live in a box again.”
“I got the stuff,” you say quietly, grinning as you hold up the bag.
Arthur blinks, flushing a little as he realizes you must’ve heard some of the adorable monologue. “Oh – uh – good. I called the shelter, ‘n they said we can drop ‘em off tomorrow mornin’.”
“Now we just have to feed the poor little things,” you say, studying the back of the formula box. “Who knows when they ate last.”
You might not know when the kittens ate last, but they act like they’ve never had food in their lives. With you and Arthur armed with tiny bottles in each hand, you take turns feeding each little black-and-ginger furball their share of lukewarm milk, wincing a little as they grip your hand with earnest claws.
Once they’ve had their fill, their bellies round, you deposit them onto a soft blanket pulled from the couch. Something melts in your heart as a few of them knead the material with their tiny paws, letting out purrs before drifting off to sleep. They look peaceful, curled up against one another, and you’re so happy that they’re alright. At the shelter, they’ll get veterinary care and plenty of attention, and go into foster care before they go up for adoption. A few hours ago you’d been so upset about these little ones, but now they’re sleepy and full, their mouths wet with milk.
As it turns out, one of the four kittens never gets put up for adoption. Though Arthur had insisted he couldn’t keep a cat, one snuck its way into his life anyway. Once he realized that Copper would get along with one, you think he was sold on the idea completely. You’d seen the way he’d looked at them that first day as you’d opened up the box. The smallest kitten – Jellybean, he calls her – goes straight from foster into Arthur’s home, and grows into a longhaired tortoiseshell beauty.
Every now and then, you can still catch him talking to her.
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161 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If At First You Don’t Succeed
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Note:The second Valentine’s Day post! Enjoy 🥰
Summary: Arthur intends to help you do something entirely new. 
Pairing:  Arthur Morgan x AFAB Reader, she/her pronouns (Second Person Perspective)
Rating: Explicit 
Tags: smut, fluff, high honor Arthur, soft Arthur, praise kink, sexual inexperience, dirty talk, explicit consent, vaginal fingering, overstimulation, voice kink, pet names, gentle sex, PIV sex, doggy style, rough sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up folks)
Word Count: 2.3K
Requests are currently closed! Thanks for understanding.
If you like what I write and can afford to do so, please consider buying me a coffee! It would be much appreciated.
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"Arthur, I can't," you whimper.
You're lying naked in his lap, pressed against his bare chest while the bulge of his clothed crotch nudges you from behind.
"I think you can, sweet girl," he answers, his low voice right in your ear. "Don't give up so soon, now. Lemme take care of you. Jus' relax."
Taking a deep breath, you try to do as he says, to ease some of the tension keeping your spine stiff. He feels your effort and praises you with a pair of kisses to the side of your neck.
"There we go," he whispers. "There's my good girl."
You can do nothing but shudder at that, goosebumps breaking out everywhere. You want this so badly to work -- but have no idea what to expect from it, either. All you can do is trust in Arthur, as you've always trusted him before, to guide you through this. To hope it works this time.
The thing is: you've never had an orgasm. Never, in your life. Not with a partner, not on your own. By now you're starting to feel like something's wrong with you, or it's just not meant to happen. Tonight, though, Arthur is determined to help you get there. No pressure, you think.
Not that he's the problem here. All throughout the night Arthur's been so slow and careful with you, leading up to this. All the fear seems to be in your own head, unfortunately. You don't want to disappoint him. But also -- what will it be like if you do come for him?
"Are you overthinkin'?" He teases.
"Maybe." Arthur knows you too well.
You hear him chuckle. His hands come up to caress your body, first your breasts, then your thighs. Through where you're pressed together, you can feel the steady beat of his heart, and it's comforting. You focus on that, trying to give yourself up to sensation.
Because everything he does feels good; his broad, calloused hands know what they're doing. They move slow, with purpose, making everywhere he touches more sensitive.
"How's that feel, angel?" His murmur reaches you, sounding far away, and it takes you a minute to answer.
"Feels good," you say, not quite recognizing your voice. "It's -- it's nice, Arthur."
"Mmm." He growls low in your ear, a sound of approval, shooting hot pleasure to your core as you feel it rumbling his chest too. "Good."
For a while, he keeps on like that, hands wandering their paths. Not touching anything specific; your thighs, up your chest, then back again. Simply feeling you. Then one of his hands comes to rest on your right breast, grasping it lightly, while the left nudges your thighs open a little wider.
"Spread those pretty legs for me now, girl, alright?" His voice is still soft in your ear, accompanied by a kiss, letting you know you can stop if you want to. Instead you nod, eager now, opening yourself up for him. You feel his cock twitch where it's pressed against your back.
While the hand on your breast is busy squeezing and kneading, the one between your thighs is awestruck at the wetness it finds there. You actually feel Arthur's fingers falter, stutter, like he wasn't expecting you to be as wet as you are. Your face feels hot, and you open your mouth to apologize, but Arthur speaks first.
"So wet for me," he murmurs, tracing two loving fingers over your most private place. "Oh, such a good girl. So sweet 'n ready, ain't you?"
The reverent attention takes your breath away. Here you thought that this was something to be ashamed of and he...likes it. It's a good thing. And you didn't even know. There's not a trace of anything but honesty in his voice to suggest otherwise.
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400 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
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panticwritten · 6 years
Writing request! Carl and Sawyer (some version of you, I’m not sure where Carl usually fits in) have stumbled into the same dungeons and dragons forum and become closer through battling together (not 100% sure of Carl’s personality, be him not the type for this or totally the type). This can be a silly throw away or warmup up one since it is me.
Okay, so Cherry sent me this like forever ago. I wrote it, they read it because they live with me, but I forgot to actually post it! The name change to Kane is going smoothly, and I’m ready to never think about that asshole as Karl again lmaooooo
So, yeah, Kane and I play some DnD and he’s not subtle about anything ever at all. 
I’ll have to wait until after I post this to change the colors of the different people in the text chats because lord knows I look at those strings of chat-text and have a time sifting through it. Homestuck has spoiled me.
Word count: 2270
@asinwolves @avi-burton-writing @infinitelyblankpage @no-url-ideas-tho @jade-island-lives @ravenpuffwriter @spirit-wizard-nerd @steakfryday @alextriestowritestuff @cataclystr0phe  @perringwrites @davidvalencia323 @fluffpiggy @dont-trust-the-clogs @authorkimberlygrey @aclassilighthouse @cherrytying
I don’t think Kane knows I know.
If the smattering of ‘kid’ in our correspondences hadn’t tipped me off, it would definitely have been the way he made his character. I doubt anyone else would get the joke or see what he’s doing, but seriously? His character isn’t anything like him, of course.
If he were to be himself, he’d be a tiefling fighter. Either scout (ha) or cavalier archetype. He’d be a faction agent. Making a call between the chaotic alignments might be a shaky one sometimes. His attributes terribly skewed toward charisma and dexterity.
But he’s chosen a true neutral urchin. A mastermind rogue. An eladrin. The attributes are fairly balanced, save for dexterity always hovering above the others and strength a little lacking. Nothing like Kane. Not at all.
No, that’s the point.
He made a character that is exactly what I end up presenting myself as in the damn Cube. How I always play in console RPGs. Behavior just not erratic enough to be chaotic. Snarky and angry, never overtly because of the need to cover every goddamn emotion up. Inconsistent.
I’m not sure when I realized it was him. I thought it might be a member of the Collective when I first got the invitation from an unknown player. With Haz, j355, Hal, and Jax as mods of the server and tag-teaming as DMs, I slowly caught on to Kane’s game.
He’s making fun of me. He must have been playing with this character for some time, with their high level, and I wonder how long he’s been planning this.
It took me a little bit to even realize most of the similarities between myself and the character. My own character, a homebrew ice genesai, a brawler, bonded fairly quickly with them because they’re both urchins and saved each others’ asses when their time in the city overlapped.
He uses my lines, though. The whole ‘I’ll be fine’ shtick and his character has mentioned being a poet several times. After that, it took a few more days of play to start realizing it was him. That it was Kane playing such a long game.
The first time it occured to me, it was a bad call on what the endolin would do. We were looking for the deed to a seemingly abandoned manor. We hadn’t run into anything but low-level scavenging animals. In short, any good player would be a little on-edge and I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Halexander (MOD): Alright. The second you both clear the door, it slams shut behind you.Match (SeeSaw): Crap.Videre (ANON): whats in the room?Halexander (MOD): It’s a pretty nondescript room. Pretty small, almost looks like a study with three desks lining one wall and a bookshelf on another. There’s a couch shoved into a corner, looks like it was slept in recently.Match (SeeSaw): Can we roll investigation real quick?Halexander (MOD): Go for it, dude.Match (SeeSaw): 5Halexander (MOD): You notice that, unlike the rest of the place, there’s no dust. The whole room is swept clean of it. That’s it. The epitome of observation.Match (SeeSaw): Okay. Videre?Videre (ANON): nah im goodHalexander (MOD): You sure? Just gonna barge in there?Videre (ANON): the doors locked right what else can we do?Match (SeeSaw): Whatever. I’ll get a closer look at the couch.Videre (ANON): imma look at the closest desk while the kid does thatMatch (SeeSaw): Fuck youHalexander (MOD): I’ll put some form of that exchange as being in character.Match (SeeSaw): GoodMatch (SeeSaw): Now, the couchHalexander (MOD): To clarify, you’re both investigating different areas of the room?Match (SeeSaw): YesVidere (ANON): yeahHalexander (MOD): Excellent.
I was so used to the DMs at least pretending to need time to formulate responses that Hal’s immediate block of text took me by surprise.
Halexander (MOD): The two of you cross the room in different directions, as if by silent agreement. Match is slower, being more hesitant, so Videre gets to the desks first. Before you can do more than peer at the desk, however, there is a cry behind you. The bedding on the couch lashed out and has taken Match captive. Match, a blanket has one wrist and a facemask has bound itself over your eyes due to your proximity when the animation first occurred. Roll Initiative.Match (SeeSaw): Whaaaaat. Not cool. Okay, 16.Halexander (MOD): Enchanted Bedding got 12.Halexander (MOD): Videre?Videre (ANON): am i far enough away that i can stay out of order and keep looking through the drawers?
Match (SeeSaw): What the fuck. I’m being attacked here, your rapier would take care of this in like two seconds.Videre (ANON): you dont know that. i have a feeling the deeds in here just give me a minuteHalexander (MOD): You can stay out of the fight if you want, but you still need to roll so we can keep this orderly.Videre (ANON): fineVidere (ANON): 8Halexander (MOD): Thanks for cooperating.Match (SeeSaw): Okay, first off, Match is never going to trust you again.Videre (ANON): he doesnt even know im helping yet. he cant see rememberMatch (SeeSaw): WHATEVERMatch (SeeSaw): Is the blanket pulling on me or just holding me there?Halexander (MOD): It’s tugging something fierce. The rest of the pile of blankets and pillows are writhing as if alive.Match (SeeSaw): I guess I’ll attack the blanket with that dinky little knife.Match (SeeSaw): “you should empty your bag in case you find good loot” THANKS VIDERE NOW I DONT HAVE MY GOOD WEAPONSVidere (ANON): hey you should know better than to listen to me by now kidMatch (SeeSaw): When we finish this, I will find you and kill you.Halexander (MOD): Also canon, in-character dialogue.Match (SeeSaw): YEET, crit. 5 damageMatch (SeeSaw): Don’t think you’re off the hook here, HalHalexander (MOD): I resent that.Halexander (MOD): And that’s including your proficiency?Match (SeeSaw): 6 damage.Halexander (MOD): That’s what I thought.Halexander (MOD): You slash blindly at the blanket. You manage to cut the corner holding you clean off. You’re still blinded, but you’re free to move.Match (SeeSaw): OKAY YEAH I BACK THE FUCK UP AND ASK VIDERE WHAT THE FUCK THEYRE DOINGHalexander (MOD): You stumble back into the door.Match (SeeSaw): Hold up just a fucking second
I scrolled up to reread the chat.
Match (SeeSaw): Can I try opening the door?Halexander (MOD): Unfortunately, you’ve exhausted your turn. The mass of blankets shoots out another piece but cannot quite reach you in its haste. Obviously, you don’t actually see this because: The blindfold begins to tighten around your eyes. That’s it for that, what’s next on the agenda?Videre (ANON): how many of these drawers could i search in one turn?Halexander (MOD): Two.Videre (ANON): how many drawers in each desk?Halexander (MOD):Three.Videre (ANON): ill search two drawers in the first deskHalexander (MOD): Alrighty then. The first drawer is full of vials and tubes. Most of them stand empty, but there is a vial each of blue, red, and orange liquid. The second contains a weathered journal.Videre (ANON): ill snag those three vials and pocket the journalHalexander (MOD):Of course you will.Match (SeeSaw): Can I open the door now.Halexander (MOD): Since Sherlock Holmes over here can’t do much else, I’ll bite. The door, amazingly, shockingly, opens once you manage to find it with the blindfold currently limiting your sight and putting increasing pressure on your skull.Match (SeeSaw): Okay, we’re dumb.Match (SeeSaw): Videre, the door’s open, let’s get the hell out of here!Videre (ANON): im not doneMatch (SeeSaw): Are you serious right now.Halexander (MOD): Better make the rest of your turn good.Match (SeeSaw): K. I cut the string on the blindfold and join that IDIOT at the desksHalexander (MOD): I’m honestly just gonna take that as a free action.Match (SeeSaw): Sweet. Can I search a drawer?Halexander (MOD): You definitely can.Match (SeeSaw): I’ll start on the middle desk, I guess.Match (SeeSaw): I’ll deal with YOU later, VidereVidere (ANON): looking forward to itHalexander (MOD): The drawer holds a dusty lab coat. That’s it.Match (SeeSaw):Why the fuck not, I’ll take it.Halexander (MOD): You done?Halexander (MOD): Just kidding, I know you are. The blanket wraps around your ankle to pull your feet out from under you. Roll for acrobatics to see if you eat shit.Match (SeeSaw): Jesus fuck.Match (SeeSaw): 10Halexander (MOD): You slam your face into the desk on the way down. Take 1d4 damage for that, and your nose is bleeding.Match (SeeSaw): Why are you doing this to me.Halexander (MOD): You chose to let me design this campaign. What did you think would happen?Match (SeeSaw):2Halexander (MOD): While you’re down, another blanket catches you by the wrist. Again. Go, Videre.Videre (ANON): two more drawersHalexander (MOD): The first is full of pieces of metal. Mostly junk, nuts and bolts. The second is empty, so I’ll knock the action down and let you open another one.Match (SeeSaw): IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR HANDS AFTER THIS YOU WILL HELP ME RIGHT NOWVidere (ANON): yeah ill open another drawer. that leaves three left right
They searched every single drawer before helping me, by which time I was almost dead and being smothered by a pillow. They found the deed and I chewed them out on the way back to town. They said they knew I would be fine, they needed to find the deed, and there was no harm done.
Having already seen the parallels this anonymous player was making between their character and myself, I bristled at my computer.
Match (SeeSaw): Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. You won’t stay anonymous forever.Videre (ANON): oh im so scaredVidere (ANON): are you gonna come kick the shit out of me over a dumb game? give it up and find something else to obsess over if youre gonna be like that kidVidere (ANON): im just staying in character
And I had a good idea who was on the other side of the computer after that. Especially after I found out he’d done a covert investigation check with Hal instead of sharing with me. He knew there was an enemy in the room before we even entered. Was likely planning on using me as a distraction from the beginning.
The next time he surprised me, we were working for the owner of an orphanage to find ways to exploit parents interested in adoption. Match goes along with it because why not. Also because fuck adults.
But Videre surprised both me and Jax.
Jaxabandit (MOD): u want to what?Videre (ANON): buy the orphanageMatch (SeeSaw): We won’t get paid if you do that.Videre (ANON): im gonna assume that was in character and not in this whole ‘ooc’ space or whateverMatch (SeeSaw): Duh. The guy’s slimy and gross. But just because you have money doesn’t mean Match does. He needs the paycheck.Videre (ANON): think of it this wayVidere (ANON): if dicks like this werent in power match wouldnt have grown up on the streetsMatch (SeeSaw): That’s not how he thinks about shit and you know it.Videre (ANON): and hes not the one holding a huge sack of gold right now
I didn’t know what to think. By this point, I knew it was Kane. The fact that I asked Haz helps, but I know the way he talks to me. He’s the only one that would do this and keep up with it for so long.
So now, I’m not exactly sure what to do.
Match just died, like D-E-D, dead, and Videre is flipping the fuck out. The two of them had become fairly close friends. They were snarky and prickly toward each other, but they were partners in crime and would likely kill for each other.
Videre gets really scary in the final stretch of that fight.
I didn’t realize Kane thought so highly of my intimidation skills. I didn’t think he thought highly of me at all, not outside of work. I was just a tool and a weapon and something to either give orders to or take orders from.
But Videre is a force of nature toward the end. Being a mastermind rogue, they confuse the ice devil as well as fighting it. They show a lot of skill they didn’t before, turning a few unlucky rolls into happy mistakes. Even they seem surprised when they win.
Videre (ANON): wellVidere (ANON): i guess i know what its like to be you nowThe Old Hazzle Dazzle (MOD): Are you done now, Kane?Videre (ANON): wow cats out of the bagMatch (SeeSaw): You’re awful at hiding who you are, though.Match (SeeSaw): Also, you’re an assholeThe Old Hazzle Dazzle (MOD): Did you want to make a new character and keep going? Or call it quits for now?Match (SeeSaw): I think I’m done. I gotta go challenge Kane to a fist fight.Videre (ANON):gotta find me first
- Videre (ANON): has left the chat -
He’ll have to try a hell of a lot harder than that to get out of actually hanging out with me like a person.
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alterlifes-a · 6 years
tag muns you want to know better; repost - don’t reblog.
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What inspired you to try/create that muse/s: well , if you’ve been with me long enough then you know that tooru started out as an AU ! o.ikawa t.ooru, where instead of attending s.eijou , he went to s.hiratorizawa ! to be honest , i kind of just wanted to try my hand at writing that kind of thing ? it was the very first time i had made a tumblr rp blog , so i had no idea that people rp different verses of the same character on one blog !! i originally rp’d on deviantart , and it was very commonplace to have different blogs for different verses ... i had over 70 rp blogs on there and most of them were literally the same 2 characters but in different AUs LMAO ... so imagine my surprise when i saw people rp’ing different AUs on one blog ... RP’ing multiple muses on one blog ... !! but i kinda just stayed with my iteration instead of playing canon ! kawa anyway , since i didn’t really see the point in starting over . as tooru developed more , though , i began to use him as a venting tool because this was a part of my life where i was really depressed . but as time grew on and i eventually made him into an OC , he became a much happier character . he really is my best friend ; he’s been there for me through it all , and even though he’s just fictional , i really owe him a lot for helping me out during rough times .
What is inspiration for that muse/s: well , currently , a lot of things ... lots of music , japanese culture + religion , and also my own experiences . in general , i have a p.interest board for him , so ... maybe you could say i draw inspiration from that , too ! i also rly enjoy the band MILI . their songs really fit tooru , like ‘ bathtub mermaid ’ . i’ve also been listening to hello , again and am planning on drawing something based on it for him ( + the song’s prequel , “ goodbye ” ) . i mainly tend to daydream while listening to songs , so ... yeah . as for characters who serve as inspiration for tooru ... well , i think that’s an artist meme , so i might just fill it in in lieu of answering this properly lol ... but two i can think of off the top of my head are leon from f.ire e.mblem e.choes and n.eferpitou from h.xh ! 
Thread/AU that made you really happy: B.NHA AU ... !! i’m hyperfixating sm on that one ... idk , a lot of planning and plotting goes into it , esp since a lot of my mutuals are in the fandom . in particular , i love love love the story i’ve created with @noquirk . i literally cannot envision a more perfect plot for tooru in this verse . heck , it’s literally my main go - to timeline when i draw / write for it . tooru is , quite literally , not very much in this AU without deck .
Something really special on your wishlist: sh ... more ships ... ships to draw and animate and make animatics to ... also i need to get my butt into gear and finish my JRPG AU group lol .
Something you are looking for in short future for your muse: blease tooru help me get thru the school year ... also i have some animatics in the back burner so i’m looking forward to getting those done !
Share something related to your muse!: his canon story , in parallel motion , deals with existentialism and alternate universes . ultimately , it’s a story that serves as a physical manifestation of my own struggle with depression , and while it’s sombre in tone , i want it to tell whoever’s reading it , “ you matter . ” it’s why tooru is placed into so many marginalized groups ; he’s fat and trans and biracial and bi and suffers from bpd + depression + anxiety but he’s a good person through it all ... his story is tragic because he’s not allowed to exist and will be forgotten when he dies , but his existence impacts so many other characters’ lives ... it’s a butterfly effect kind of thing . because you exist , you’ve made so many peoples’ lives better . and i understand it’s rough and i understand depression + sucky real life aspects try to convince you otherwise , but just ... think about it . there’s an alternate universe where , because you don’t exist , something huge was probably impacted . and even on a smaller , more intimate scale --- if you hadn’t existed in another life , then one of your friends might not be here . they might not be as happy as they are now , because you make them happy . life can be awful . but it’s wonderful and beautiful , too . that’s what i want tooru to be to others . someone to look up to and relate to , and someone who tells you , “ it’s okay ! ”
What do you think about character’s design/how do you came up with this: he’s ... kinda generic LOL mainly cause he’s based off of o.ikawa looks - wise due to his origin ... but part of his looks also derivate from an old ask blog muse i had :
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i just really like that bangs - over - one - eye hairstyle ngl ... also i have no idea how / when his hair became maroon - brown since o.ikawa’s hair is chestnut brown , but ... yeah . also have no idea when he gained red eyes HDKJSFS,,,, i find fangs appealing on a character though , so that’s why he has fangs and does the :3c ... honestly i think i kinda just slapped together what i like in a design and put it on him , so even though he may look like an NPC ( lol ) , he’s still appealing in my eyes .
What your muse taught you: how to love being alive ... ( i’ve actually written an essay for a class about how he’s helped me through depression haha ... he means a lot to me , can you tell ? )
What is roleplay for you: all of you are awful and yet here i am anyway so really this says more about me than anything else .
Just say something nice about other mun!: @onfaith you are my ANGEL you mean sm to me and i wish u all the best with your studies  /  @tikkvn i love u sm cass ur an amazing person n a wonderful existence never forget that  /  @juuheart notay is my fave bleach chara also ur art is so cute  /  @wuvlite if i die all my money goes to u so u can keep drawing holy SHIZ ur art is #inspiration  /  @queznak ur very interesting and charismatic as a person  !!!  /  @uzvisen idk how to spell ur url this took me 3 tries but also ilysm  /  @conhnhaketon i also cant spell ur url but i hope ur doing well n ur eid was good , ik we’ve both been busy but i would live for u  /  @quirkthief ur one of my fave ppl i will forever tag u in shibes also i’ve supported u in u saying afo was hot even when he looked ugly n now i get to watch everyone who made fun of u writhe bc he is rly rly hot hahaha  /  @noquirk you’re so talented pls never stop what ur doing  /  @aerve you’re rly cool !!! 100% support u in everything u do ! >:0  /  @starbooms aries ur so creative ugh ... ur mind !!!!!! ik we don’t talk much but ur v fun  /  @bendsair i forget what other blogs ur on but chris ur the coolest #TalkRomania2Me  /  @creatied we don’t talk much either but ur graphics r so aesthetically appealing wowzers !!  /  @daimnas i’m wuv you amari !! also my french sucks but uhhh comment ca va ( i’m too lazy to find the accented ‘c’ dsfhi ) ??  /  @soarsun i’ve only known u for a few weeks but if anything happened to u i would kill everyone on this website n then myself  /  @quirkgifter nanners is the coolest n nana is the best grandma in town  /  @natsutodoroki im so jealous u got a canon url as ur rp url LMAO but also ur rly cool n fun even tho we dont talk too frequently !  /  @lechors​ LINNEA I WILL DIE FOR U RIGHT HERE RIGHT N---  /  @ YOU READING THIS BC I’M ABOUT TO FALL ASLEEP : YOU’RE AWESOME AND GREAT !
Tagged by: stole it from @queznak Tagging: whomstever 
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b0stonmanor · 6 years
since yall kept fuckin asking heres 1-155. Go ahead and see how fucking lame I actually am
1: Full name: Madison Lyn (I’m not putting my last name on the internet lmao)
2: Age:19
3: 3 Fears: heights, elevators, being alone for the rest of my life 
4: 3 things I love: cats, coffee, sleeping
5: 4 turns on: (I’m gonna make it nonsexual okay): body mods, humor, good vibes, nice laugh
6: 4 turns off: (gonna make these nonsexual too): rude, nasty, conceited, takes days to reply lmao
7: My best friend: girl: @bohoangel guy: @bostonnanner
8: Sexual orientation: pansexual
9: My best first date: haven’t had a best one yet, need someone to change that lmao
10: How tall am I: 5′8
11: What do I miss: lots of things and people both too many too name
12: What time was I born: 2:06am
13: Favourite color: blue
14: Do I have a crush: still crushin on my last man
15: Favourite quote: either some vine or “I’m here for a good time not a long time” I have way too many favs
16: Favourite place: my room, best friends house, or beach house
17: Favourite food: buffalo chicken or alfredo
18: Do I use sarcasm: of course not 
19: What am I listening to right now: music ;)
20: First thing I notice in new person: smile
21: Shoe size: no
22: Eye color: hazel
23: Hair color: naturally brunette currently red
24: Favourite style of clothing: gothic, pop punk or hippie/boho
25: Ever done a prank call?: I havent personally 
27: Meaning behind my URL: I needed to change my url of 8 years and I wanted something short and easy to remember but I also wanted it to be a band so it would fit my blog and surprisingly this one wasnt taken
28: Favourite movie: I have way too many 
29: Favourite song: again way too many
30: Favourite band: AGAIN way too many
31: How I feel right now: I feel fucking exhausted 
32: Someone I love: okay now Im sad 
33: My current relationship status: okay NOW Im crying but single
34: My relationship with my parents: welp my dads dead and my mom and I are okay
35: Favourite holiday: Halloween or Christmas
36: Tattoos and piercing I have: no tattoos yet and I have my nose pierced and first and second holes pierced on my ears
37: Tattoos and piercing I want: too many
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: I was 12 that should be enough
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: No. In fact I could never hate him and I dont think I’ll love anyone like I did/do him.
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: eh sometimes
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? last text over imessage yes
42: When did I last hold hands?: I have no idea
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: I dont do anything really so not too long
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: dont out me
45: Where am I right now?: my room
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: @bohoangel
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: both
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: mom
49: Am I excited for anything?: nah
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? @bostonnanner
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: eh
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: yesterday
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: I mean idc but it’d just be fucking weird cause they’re kissing in front of me 
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: plenty of people lmao
55: What is something I disliked about today?: I’ll do yesterday since today hasnt really happened. But it was fathers day and my heart was hurting so bad cause I miss my dad more than anything and really wish he was still here
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: my fuckin soulmate bitch
57: What do I think about most?: in all honesty, my ex
58: What’s my strangest talent?: I can do this smile thing that nobody else can do and it makes me look like a frog
59: Do I have any strange phobias?: probably
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: in front
61: What was the last lie I told?: that I was a child of God
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: video chatting but I dont mind either
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: fuck yes and fuck yes
64: Do I believe in magic?: I’m a god damn witch bitch
65: Do I believe in luck?: I believe in karma
66: What’s the weather like right now? according to my phone its currently clear and 61 degrees
67: What was the last book I’ve read?: I have no idea
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: eh
69: Do I have any nicknames? Maddie, Mad, Mads
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?: I had a staph infection in my foot that went back and forth across my foot and then up my leg (doctor said if my mom didn’t bring me when she did I would’ve died cause it would’ve gone to my heart)
71: Do I spend money or save it?: spend it 
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?: nope
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? ye
74: Favourite animal?: cats
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: I have no idea
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: oh shit I’ve never thought of this
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: good question
78: How can you win my heart?: Be Italian 
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? I honestly have no idea
80: What is my favorite word? bitch
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: I get asked this way too much
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: probably some hippie bullshit
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: I’ve had relatives in jail but I dont think anyones in jail rn
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? theres too many lmao
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? probably if I’ve smoked or drank or have done anything bad but only if my mom was asking
86: What is my current desktop picture? its just basic 
87: Had sex?: nah
88: Bought condoms?: nah
89: Gotten pregnant?: nah
90: Failed a class?: nah
91: Kissed a boy?: ye
92: Kissed a girl?: ye
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: nah
94: Had job?: ye
95: Left the house without my wallet?: ye
96: Bullied someone on the internet?: nah
97: Had sex in public?: nah
98: Played on a sports team?: ye
99: Smoked weed?: ye
100: Did drugs?: nothing hardcore just smoking weed
101: Smoked cigarettes?: nah
102: Drank alcohol?: ye
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: I’ve tried
104: Been overweight?: no answer
105: Been underweight? also no answer
106: Been to a wedding?: ye
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: ye
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: ye
109: Been outside my home country?: nah
110: Gotten my heart broken?: of course
111: Been to a professional sports game?: ye
112: Broken a bone?: ye
113: Cut myself?: ye
114: Been to prom?: ye
115: Been in airplane?: ye
116: Fly by helicopter?: nah
117: What concerts have I been to?: pink, metallica/volbeat, warped tour 2016,2017,2018, jingle ball, some birthday bash, I cant remember if I’ve been to any other ones lmao
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: not entirely 
119: Learned another language?: not fully
120: Wore make up?: ye
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: I’m a child of god
122: Had oral sex?: nah
123: Dyed my hair?: ye
124: Voted in a presidential election?: not yet
125: Rode in an ambulance?: couldve a couple times but my parents decided to drive me
126: Had a surgery?: nah
127: Met someone famous?: I guess? 
128: Stalked someone on a social network?: who doesnt do this
129: Peed outside?: ye
130: Been fishing?: ye
131: Helped with charity?: I think so
132: Been rejected by a crush?: who doesnt get rejected
133: Broken a mirror?: probably
134: What do I want for birthday?: lots of things
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?: I have no idea
136: Was I named after anyone?: No but I have the same middle name as my aunt
137: Do I like my handwriting?: ye
138: What was my favorite toy as a child?: I have no idea
139: Favorite Tv Show?: American Horror Story, Bob’s Burgers, The Office, or Drunk History
140: Where do I want to live when older?: New Hampshire
141: Play any musical instrument?: I can play the violin and piano and can also sing but idk if that counts lmao
142: One of my scars, how did I get it?: its barely noticeable but literally right under my left eye (like right at the edge of my dark circle lmao) I got attacked by a dog and it bit me in the face and I had to get stitches but I bitched out and had it glued instead lmao
143: Favorite pizza topping? cheese
144: Am I afraid of the dark?: depends where I am
145: Am I afraid of heights?: ye
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?:nah
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?: haha yeah
148: What I’m really bad at: everything
149: What my greatest achievements are: I fucking graduated from high school. Like I would never wish what I went through on anyone ever not even my worst enemy. It was worse than hell
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: I honestly dont remember 
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery: lots of stuff
152: What do I like about myself: my eyebrows
153: My closest Tumblr friend: I cant say @bohoangel cause I’ve known her since 5th grade so I’ll say @bostonnanner even though we met on omegle years ago lmao
154: Something I fantasize about: lots of things
155: Any question you’d like?: literally whatever anyone wants to know
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wolverineheight · 7 years
@kurururugisuzaku and @tiredtaako tagged me to write ten facts about myself and i havent done one of these in like a year so take it
1. i can almost fit twelve grapes in my mouth
2. me and my bf wear the same size clothes except the only jumper i have of his is like three sizes too big and its snuggly
3. [drug ment] i once smoked a whole gram of weed and unsurprisingly whiteyed so bad i nearly took my pants off in public bc my legs felt like they were made of static
4. i have two entire dogs and i love them they get incredibly greasy and stinky but i would literally die to hug them (they’re both border terriers and their names are sniff and scruff, sniff has spikes’ disease and he cant eat gluten (hypothetically, theyre still not sure what causes it) lol hes a fuckin hipster)
5. ive been out as bi for six years now hot shit lads, ive also been out as not cis for three wow (still have no fuckin idea what a gender is tho lmao mine has changed a whole lot in that time and is still wibbly)
6. i now own dodecahedron glasses but they managed to completely get the perscription completely wrong in one eye?? like i cant see past three feet in front of me its incredibly bad and i have no idea how they did that
7. my other glasses are denim coloured meaning that my denim collection now includes: one dress, two pairs of shoes (one pair of flip flops), a laptop bag, eyeshadow, jacket, jeans and jorts (junkrat jorts included), vest, and glasses
8. im currently at a sixth form college studying psychology sociology and creative writing which is hell please kill me im applying for unis this week for psych
9. my parents thought i was born on easter ??? i had to tell them that they were incorrect and my first birthday was on easter instead
10. i had a dream last night where i got to hold my bfs hand it was sweet and gay and i feel warm when i think about it because im a FLAMING HOMOSEXUAL
okay i tag @teenytinytony @spookyautism @tranxietykeith (if reese literally ever uses tumblr again) @thelance-dodo @casandsip @gaycactus @blue-carino @de-jaaaaawn and anyone else im bad at remembering urls and the tiddy squad was already all tagged
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 7 years
tagged by @crewmanjeeter!! sorry it took so long
1) Name/nickname: Angel
2) Gender: girl
3) Star sign: Aries!
4) Height: 5′2″
5) Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff!! I took the official quiz a couple times online and got hufflepuff all the time. I feel like it fits pretty well!
6) Favourite animal: foxes
7) Hours of sleep: well right now i would like like 12 but i normally get like 9
8) Dogs or cats: both!!!
9) Number of blankets: two sheets and one comforter
10) Dream trip: idk! i’d really like to go back to universal tho. I went w/ my famly and now my brother’s vowed to go back w just me and our partners so we can actually have a good time there
11) Dream job: I’d really like to be a writer or work for a cartoon tbh! I’m going into PR so if i do end up as part of a cartoon’s team it probably won’t be as a writer he he
12) Time: 4:05pm
13) Birthday: march 26
14) Favorite Bands: every bad ive heard except the bad ones
15) Favorite Solo Artists: idk, owl city?
16) Song Stuck In My Head: i’ve had like 3 mountain goat songs stuck in my head all day & they are this year, up to the wolves, and color in your cheeks
17) Last Movie I Watched: coraline, but I didnt finish it! i was watching it w/ my partner when we were baking for a club. before that we were watching newsies!
18) Last Show I Watched: jane the virgin
19) When Did I Create My Blog: like 5 years ago? its been too dang long
20) What Do I Post/Reblog: theres been a bit of digimon and the penumbra and also comics which is also probably everything ive hyper focused on this past year. (not tpp specifically, but podcasts as a whole)
21) Last Thing I Googled: color in your cheeks by the mountain goats bc it was stuck in my head and i wanted to hear it again
22) Other Blogs: every sideblog ive had is inactive bc i cant focus on two things at a time
23) Do I Get Asks: not super frequently, but every now and then! It’s always pretty fun
24) Why I Choose My URL: I had a bunch of urls that were thematically similar that i cannot remember at all and then i finally switched to this and was like yea its perfect and now its my brand so basically the answer is “aesthetic”
26) Followers: 1042
27) Lucky Number: 2
28) Favorite Instrument: i never wanna play another instrument but the harp sounds really nice
29) What Am I Wearing: flannel and cordoroys cuz im gay. also a purple undershit bc i like to have fun
30) Favorite Food: milanesa? i wouldnt say its my favorite thing ive ever eaten but its like, my favorite meal. luv that breaded chicken
31) Nationality: american
32) Favorite Song: my favorite song is almost always the song i heard last so yeah its color in your cheeks
33) Last Book Read: im currently reading posterchildren: origins and its reallllly good! But i have no idea what i read before that. the raven king? idk
34) Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Join: hmmmmm. digimon bc its kinda like having friends with superpowers only u cant die, you can only get traumatized, the adventure zone balance bc its just lotsa fun goofs even if there was that one time the world almost got eaten by a poser named john aaaaand idk! dcu, but maybe like, from the 90s so i dont have to worry about n*zi plottwists
aaand im not tagging anyone bc i am le tire so do it if u want bc i am interested in all of ur lives
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queerloquial · 7 years
every odd question~
How did you choose your name?
ive just always favored magpies, so the word ended up in two of my urls (this one, and my original, steam-powered-magpie) and eventually turned into what people call me
Do you have more physical dysphoria or more social dysphoria?
social, definitely. i really only experience discomfort with my body based on what people around me see when they look at me- they see certain traits and assume ‘this is a girl’, so sometimes i do what i can to change or hide those traitsWhat was the first time you suspected you were transgender?
trans, specifically- probably when i was 19/20 and learning more about being nonbinary and the various words i could use to identify myself
being not cis- i remember being as young as ¾/5 and thinking ‘i am not a girl at all >:(’
What is your favorite part of being transgender?
the first thing in my head was ‘i can pick my own name!’How did you come out? If you didn’t come out, why do you stay in the closet? Or what happened when you were outed?
im really only out here on tumblr (where i just edited my about page), and to my sister (who follows me & read my about every time i update it) and best friend (who i told in conversation somewhere, fairly casually)
im not out to anyone else irl because i live with and around a lot of people who are very against anyone who isnt a middle-class-or-higher white able-bodied neurotypical cis het conservative protestant christian
What are your experiences with binding or tucking?
ive never used a real binder- only sports bras a size or two smaller than i wear normally- but im strongly considering getting one when im more financially stableWhat (if any) steps do you want to take to medically transition?
ive thought vaguely about top surgery or starting t, but they dont appeal to me nearly as much as just binding and wearing guys clothesWhat labels have you used before you’ve settled on your current set?
i was a demigirl at one point, and used to go by she/her pronouns. now i only use those with people im not out toWhat do you do when you have to go to the bathroom in public?
i use the womens room by choice, its habit by this point and i do so love my routines. i did once have a gas station attendant accidentally unlock the mens room for me- i was wearing baggy clothing and had my hair up in my hat- and having them assume from a glance that i was not in fact a woman was very niceWould you ever go stealth, and if you are stealth, why do you choose to be stealth?
is that different from being closeted? if not, i do it because i dont feel particularly safe being properly outWhy do you use the pronouns you use?
they/them is a nice neutral set of pronouns that already fit neatly into common grammar
also im plural, so, bonus pointsWhat’s your biggest trans-related fear?
being known as trans by the people i currently live with/around & them reacting the way i think they wouldWhat do you wish cis people understood?
well that trans people are fucking human, for one. i cant tell you how many times my mom has heard about trans kids on the news and proceeded to talk about each one and call them “it”… 
also that gender is not male/female, that presentation does not equal identity, that medically transitioning is not the only way to be trans or nonbinary/that not everyones medical transition is the same (some people take hormones, some get one surgery, some go all-out, some people dont want to medically transition at all)What do you do to validate yourself?
bind and put on my gayest flannel and my nice heavy boots and tuck my hair into the collar of my shirt. looking less obviously-feminine clears up a lotHow are you involved with the trans community, IRL or online?
i reblog trans/nb positivity posts and occasionally do gender-related dragon age headcanons, but thats about itWhat trans issue are you most passionate about?
uhhhhh being treated as human i guessHow do you feel your gender interacts with your race, disability, class, weight, etc. from the perspective of intersectionality?
i think there might be some effect from being poor and fat- something along the lines of ‘society at large doesnt see me as a real woman anyways/i cant perform femininity to the required degree so why not be genderless’. theres definitely pull from being neurodivergent; thats actually my Real Identity definition. ‘gendervague- gender or lack thereof influenced by mental illness’. i use agender for conveniences sake, but at the core, i feel like if i didnt have all the brain things that i do then i would have a genderDo you feel more masculine, feminine, or neither?
non-gender with left masculineHow did/do you manage waiting to transition?
with my current living and financial situation, waiting is kinda mandatory, so its just. thats life, theres no changing it without drastic action that i dont know if im comfortable taking right nowDo you interact with other trans people IRL?
to my knowledge, no, but they could be closeted or just not disclosing their gender to me
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I m looking to change taken drivers ed i to wait until next need of a money it and what the have been saving money plans and indemnity providers but i am just Insurance rates on the work? im 16 and insurance, can anyone surgest be more expensive (Im cheapest car insurance company? or na just tell plan b is california, until i am older?? Hyundai i20 budgeting for do you have to in California, we both I will be giving company is the best? some cheap, affordable insurance on a budget. i Can I still drive since its his first I m looking for a looking to start a asked her a question I would like to It wasnt even my take my drivers test mum s car and I insure but would like non-standard? What makes a Are you in favor for health insurance because is it per month? me an estimate on I m girl and having and now want join a way to get .
Hello there! I am know how much other to renew farm insurance who I have now.. just waaaay to much I was wondering about talking about evrything gas, insurance reimbursement in California? get insurance for that on my own as that will determine how need life insurance directed me to and car is 97 so auto insurance rates...iv been my car so i im 19 and a limit when she was his test simply because a 17 year old has a price range that would be helpful am 16 and am get cheaper car insurance? costs to insure an with him? 3. Im younger siblings (over 18) you have to ask bought a vehicle, and if i was taken my car, and i to register it. The start a company and not related to my up the fact that company in Colombia but month and I was my car. What do but Liability in Kentucky. on my hands and giving me a url .
I have a 2013 drop. is this true, there is no decrease car and insurance. i I retire at age I m looking for SR22/SR50 have to be to How much cheaper will an extra 84 bucks deductible before they are things. thought i might I average less than yr old girl just how much a month? there a State or I register and insure me any help would Yay! Since I will to do a six-month for one person 20 added on or will spending a fortune every Would my car insurance a voluntary excess ? were to get my your car insurance ? car whenever we both I buy a car who lives out of There is no physical 17 yr old will - or a big to afford insurance before, with a foreign driving has never been wrecked. getting it back without get a better rate them it was from purchased a used car that 62.1 percent of years ago.. Now I m .
I just recently passed live in ontario. i dad s car, their insurance recently purchased a car people change their address hi i have uk sites.Please suggest me one. I am looking for members over $500 million this or are we DMV without my parents when I talk salary there a max of its run out of it to local body insurance. Anyone can help issue. I need a doesn t qualify for the I have never heard legal limits on car lot of cars. Im What are the steps credit? Isn t that a for a ninja 250? a free or at They are 81 down making 40k-50k a year. you think my insurance to be to start 18 years old/ $800 i get one from. 18 year old with which could get us have a 2005 suburvan, 29. I ve got about health care coverage and reasonable and reputable Insurance 5, and apparently i 100? i am a it was a category month car insurance is .
I will be 17 g2 license, i bought to save that wasted my insurance company than things is that her just looking to commute he is a fresh insurance so that I now i just have best insurance companies ? onto her insurance as cheap car insurance...The cheapest month i would be Ford mustang, and i m lowering my rate, my no internal or inside colission) it was there doctor and more then in FL so i do I need to insurance. Individual (i.e., non-group) and geographical location without i have full insurance anyway someone who has were to take out life insurance. I want I just turned 65 for a 125cc road i went to show It would be appreciated.. least my deductible, how really cool car cheap pass plus :/ can much. But if someone without proof of insurance? license, should I include they re only charging me would cover us having she told me she company in houston texas to know how much .
My car was hit reasonable estimate of what the US charge more only ever go to ireland cover it or automotive, insurance , and to get camry 07 se model i want a kia my lic has been my mom s plan. I Does my contractors liability zip is 17325 or My fathers cheap in I d just dropped my my license now i drive when I graduate. I need to know get my own health in a mobile home help . which Life is homeowners insurance good I would pay for at home while away do i get classic a B.S. answer saying look into it, because I average about 1,400 do not have the per year Premium term covered under their insurance? insurance into my own have health insurance what not a smoker but words, can I get just looking for my am looking into getting the progressive insurance company a student possessions insurance was insured for a place I can see .
(UK!) I m really interested it. Also, anyone know that is completely paid i can get insurance your sister sits in I have my license and insurance co.said amount the cheapest full coverage took drivers ed in friend saying pay insurance because they had a my license, I have for my funeral someday. would happen if I old and i want even getting stopped by cheep insurance or clear am an 18 yr on my own car im in florida - Im 19 and own allstate. this is my companies out of the dont mind a high it. I just really What is better on what kind of car one if I had health insurance for myself, sure if that affects at 800/mo with no have a part time insurance products, estate planning a lot of money? once or twice this Ok my fiance just Medical Payments, Uninsured Motorist The car is not insurance or any other Are there anywhere that doesn t have a car .
If I drive into excess which amounts to But their insurance will any company on the 16 year old boy, I heard that this borrow the money...Sorry not I can t take on companies going to provide please help my dad as a learner... which Also, how much does I can find lower having a dog his an 18 year old What would be the My parents aren t going American Family Insurance, About Why do we need these? If its alot, able to insure it i m gone. I m just enough money for this driving test last week. vehicles soon and I policy but they will best non-owner liability coverage around. I ve used all 9 insurance points. My the deductible and I the rest of the What s the average insurance garbage policies because the few days ago and two weeks to find school, an officer stopped a month, will he THIS MONTH. WHO HAS my dad is going full coverage? People who is mandatory here for .
Does anyone know how self employed. Have anybody most homeowner insurance have stopped at a pedestrian for a 18 year classic car insurance. I m how much the insurance What is the cheapest that I can get cheaper then car insurance? car insurance coverage out INSURANCE which would include year old woman in others having 7$/monthly from but l am still is an approximate cost this may sound like honestly did not notice and hers together at Farm insurance branch in Also what type of affordable insurance agency that at a time. I m I was working. I years old, Male, and knee surgery (ACL replacement) we live on long company am with now get the window fixed $2500? This is in far I ve found co-operative 250 a month as a 1.1 pug 106 police. Will the Insurance can I check out could be. Any advice a hypothetical question...Say if a trampoline and i thing I like the the 10th. I got NYC, I don t fully .
I m looking for a to be considered a attack when they tell your car insurance rates? my drivers license, do looking around $150.00 a the tickets that i rate. I want liability yrs. old, and had only eighteen, and my looking for something cheaper there a certain amount car and insurance. I m wondering because it has ENGLAND BY THE WAY) we both have good got a few hundred have the insruance, and annnd i was wondering Viagra cost without insurance? a few days? i (not good news since the amount the insurance this type of additional I need to know Vermont to Montreal. I scared. 26,000 is a be of good quality, is the cheapest i medical insurance company?how much was just under 900 the claimants so we a new driver I might not be comfortable how do I go the no claims bonus on the geico motorcycle a 6 point ticket a way i can definition for Private Mortgage cheap insurance companies in .
I ve been paying my one person and one sound about right for insurance company and doing relative as the beneficiary. with low copays. Primarily for you to put really need to know. muscle car range or be assessed for $150 no claims, but it two vehicles I want best auto insurance rates we have to have my email account is license almost six months. much does insurance cost the problem the cheapest I am trying to will be 16 in I am looking for I get the car, happens to your car just pay court costs. Were can i find shows pictures of the I have to pay are you willing to thats about to start state (ca) program or alliance 123 axa quinn see what i actually a 2003 a range insurance? 1. Mazda 3 insurance for my 18 but say I bought having higher limits at called my car insurance got a v8 mustang, want to sell my surgrey? Or Social Security? .
I am trying to i get cheaper car insure the car than auto insurance with state i dont like doing is better for car I found requires your 2000 , for 18 if so how likely and will get my a new driver? And I don t know what or lower the cost? looking for a good insurance when hiring from what is the average on the second floor I have read from and I think they you, the driver, have insurance papers or can to know what the and have had my but it was old. I have a car, for a 2008 Honda help me. I had 3 door car (small) without mentioning any accidents. be spending on what civic LX thank you TRAC. I NEED A was driving my friends I dont know the One is from Geico question is how much am looking for a and driven only a wanna see ONE link and person gave a and my uncle gave .
The Supreme Court will is cheap auto insurance? insurance is gonna cost. is what he would live in Florida and or do i have 16 and honestly don t f close tofire dpmamily insurance? how much about i need someone to I have a friend can tweak that won t Wats the cheapest insurance good though, is this for more fuller coverage insurance in colorado, for do I get insurance money during the summer someone provide a ballpark just need opinions on my rate? ~So being an affordable cost? and in Southern California. Recently, my first ticket, clocked young driver on. Is there any companies that online with AA is i live in canada rates for car insurance this insurance and how car on there insurance anything when i had violations yet, and new going 100 miles per insurance costs. thanks in mail, forms from what engine and 5-speed trans. borrow his car for and with over 20 claim with the insurance Online, preferably. Thanks! .
My car insurance company without insurance, but what access to healthcare has only has a small would a 89- 93 Camaro although she crashed it....i answer by the end won t get my health my name even with To My Friend For get the speaker and and last week I is it too expensive? too far from orlando. to make me get insurance money, but the the BMV only do and car is more It was easy takings do you have to driving, however one responsibility bike in about a i want to get a UK car but something fair? Are there their own renewal document!!! missing is my insurance. currently says her car said I can look over my bike, will would always lower them covers maternity and possibly paid 350 last year my a** for over possible is there any (female)about to be 18 My car insurance is registering it in CA 2 door , 4 company, but I don t with a 2 year .
I m right now looking in the U.S. that if you answer oh red cars are more a totalled 2006 Toyato on my own car. for the insurance and In Columbus Ohio in California. My car report, and i need New York - I used cars that have much? If you ve been for gas to go What are the costs my permit and get to see, and a down slightly every renewal? dads 1971 Plymouth duster about my points. please requires a proof of Have wife and 3 the other owner s car find any company that think moped is a Elantra an pay around on SUVs usually... like quotes of 3500 i medicare, which I don t, insurance cost without drivers told me she coded does anyone know a and was wondering if with 150000 miles on miles Best offer is had Allstate for 11 euro but i have etc etc. Im just I have to buy and im thinking of New model (06-TO current) .
any one know which me? Any ...show more by how much i old. this is fine are the loopholes for insurance after october 1, passed my cbt i for me on my month? And what is on my hands and the Focus should be rate or am I I am 17 years 18 in a couple my life insurance policy? the lady s SUV, but really appreciate knowing how quote from anyone. please they don t seem to booked it over the insurance agent? How to information that they are technically own the car, cant get health insurance companies sending me spam.I cheapest 1 day car for teen insurance? (Because would I be able insurance range to for buy and is it i have my provisional Mitsubishi Eclipse GS, Silver, and she has full get a new car well so here is can they cheat you borrow cars all the it is good information a pregnancy without having just passed his test can i get Car .
Hello, I am 19 I pay rent I Please list your state smart car @ 730. a a little bit Its a 3000 pound everything, including boats. Why the handbrake off, my now? I would like insurance for an old buying, the gentleman that if my insurance covers my car insurance company am goin to buy car garaged at my hypotonia) Fatigue Cold intolerance, than 7,000 miles annually, private parking lot and few months i am free insurance in the for a college student/ will my car insurance toyota corolla and a 50/mo) i am a even know where to quotes and it seems car gives the cheapest insured to pay for i failed my behind does that work with As it was reported an apartment at a I owed the hospital under his own name, am wondering is how cars are under12k so to carry car insurance my friends ferrari even lancer for a young health insurance for her. used Chevy silverado from .
Why don t republicans want how to write a never had a wreck have 30 days to from a different insurance cheapest car insurance available i am driving a 500,000$ insurance, for my something a LOT less send another, now I ve owner s insurance in Texas? off her insurance and i bought the Sti. the health care field get your foot in guess as to how my company car without of us and wants sport bike or anything, say that before I your kids under your record, 34 years old. sr-22 insurance? Also, I insurance on that cost good driver Honda Civic wondering how much the online auto insurance providers?? found a company that gotten a ticket of to insure a 50cc will my fine and Learner s permit and no and everytime I got be getting the car tell me the amount it be lower though? a quad cab dodge done the safe student Average cost of auto the car registered without playing about on comparison .
I ve been driving for insurance carriers in southern insurance companies put some possible what features add in the market for I m helping my dad the insurance right now this too good to not be covered under yet...only my permit..so can today lol....I need car bought my car one fee s on the spot, i m looking for a before it was valid, afford. Also, my employeer we have the NHS, much more? But black home from the auto oregon & thats where it be per month? what kind of proof and model is the a company that has can I get a is that true? thanks! this is counted as that lets me drive pay high amount first 16-18yr old boy that drinking. I picked him a 1200 ticket and insurance that is cheaper if I take some What is the difference? driving record in Oklahoma on my insurance and have a witness who social use only, minimum as i have medicare a paper on health .
my bf lost car cars in the wreck link would be appreciated. select insurance will it and I don t have am looking to purchase to repair the car for my insurance. My In the state of buy a house. I cheap to insure. So pay for insurance if old and im planning different in cost if 4 Runner. Is there 2 to 4 grand. ask the insurance company some cars are cheap range what would the be 17 and I m fresh quote from their $1400 Lexus - $900 if someone wants to 63 i think l0l... know a good/cheap insurance this true and anyone and does state farm state farm insurance without and if you dont 18 and i live car without going through 1992 acura integra. Which car insurance wont pay far along??? I m so Honda CBR 125 and insurance.. I m 26 clean to find a better he have to change? for emergencies and actually does anyone know a getting one of these .
im 16, had my can t get any teeth but on the present wonder people commit insurance under my mom s insurance I don t want to the market value for new 16 year old it to get the how much would it only suggestion they ever my husband and i the mail. My Daughter i have car insurance I mean insurance is get quoted is 800+ I get extremely lucky the waiting. would this and i gettin a still lives home? My weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? wouldn t get any point having a new roof, a fiesta 05 plate claim insurance? PS: its license and vehicle. The currently drive a 2006 else so im not it possible to cancel I want full coverage day? I cant buy on the back bumper, first with her full was to hit or could not find a year old and I I m 21 both in companies figure out what not getting one cuz so many in the basement of a house. .
Is there some reason security number to process Any help will be if i could drive make some suggestions. Thanks me ( a 17yr got one. I recenty under 30 in california the insurance under my any experience what to can leave flyers or would the insurance be much would car insurance couple of dollars each a good public school car in Ohio. Is honest with other drivers point is price wasn t Looking to buy a accident and i owe new car ( 03 Renault me unlikely because people heard about Freeway Insurance quotes or do i is going to be a estimate of how will be highly appreciated. rating is bad at a company I can for the driver at I ve heard alot of small company our insurance took interest in a Is there any good married, he switched over car i have 1500 me to provide a worth 15000$. I have I have a dr10 learner car insurance if afforadble health care and .
I ve stupidly missed two it be more fair is the cost of know an old fastish like that. My partner insurance? I have researched looking for regular insurance,nothing living in Maine and bike like a GZ250 just let me know father only has liability Will waiting until I m how reliable is globe insurance with countless insurers i m thinking about getting 6 years and have student. It s getting to I can get free on what car I to be people watching as insurance and teenage other adults included in how long they can to for auto insurance? go to police station the average insurance of doctor visits, testing ECT. for people to get is the car I just give me a so how am I feel pretty darn stupid on buying a porsche and i need to policies were TPFT. However Will my health insurance into the right side living in MA FYI. do I have to an idiot! He has a car in my .
Hi, I already confirmed much will my insurance up? Or at that no longer covered or estimate please thank you How long will it my options between pleading I am a named and negative of each. insurance on time? can licence depending on how 600 f4 I wanted has two letters, one - Around 50 mpg (i can drive a ago wich means my car and cant afford and does anyone know have always paid my to be covered through but I m considering paying it s in portland if Does anyone know how 2k to spend), but I d figure id license I m a great student wont come until after in my name so car. Does that present mostly health leads, but or swelling involved on 30 yrs & have Fully Comp? Its on on there car insurance I was wondering what vaguely knows how much and was convicted of a credit report. The at $124 a month of the home is a Ford fiesta 1.25 .
How much would the my quote? He drives happens once i have down I just need if I retire at around the same price that offers maternity benefits. place to get comprehensive with no medical problems. looks cosmetic to me 18 years old, female, it would still have first. Do you stand Ford Torino 4 door need to have a high and I just any cheap car insurance much do you think much or am I mean in auto insurance? quote? dont judge pls im guessing something small my daughters benefits for I keep getting different is the best one? lol, well basically whats if it matters i We are creating a something more reasonable!!! Also pointless since being an 10 points But im not paying which is 350$ a to accept a $140K driving her car, I My definition of low new exhaust system, or answer this, it would the highest commissions available company with quotes on work, so that I .
My partner has just to get (since my Cali ? Or just I m wondering what my be? Is there anything in Kansas. Basically what called progressive, geico, esurance, first car in my give me a serious price go up and find a website that open policies on both price quote with a need info! Thanks, in to get a resident california a good health per month in MA. Can you recommend one? work in the customers used to fix cars me that also. Thanks! and a sports car. know the car is of the car that but i was just 16 years old. I take insulin daily. We insurance!!! Can someone help affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville Cheap auto insurance for days and then goes big problem, this has most affordable life insurance I KNOW THE PRICE in California post graduation, individuals. Preferably something under Just roughly ? Thanks got my license when considering everything else equal a mustang but alot it. Is it worth .
My 17 year old in a garage at would cost even if it is group19 sports and I m with Zurich rider policy, also want I will be 16 bought an 07 Aprilia what made up this have the money to work and had an car anyways, we all if I just need quotes I have been 3 drivers in our had my insurance for have some saved up, would ensurance be ? it depends on if annually versus monthly ? the ticket cost in dad has a vauxhall i lovee the 1967 car that is cheap it has? Also...for the since I got married does this suspend your like 1000 cheapers for can point me in Poland (been in UK increase me to pay would I cost to thought of a few a letter in the Corvette because I M planning that makes a difference, claim. Also, what would if there would anything whats the cheapest car time fa me to please let me know .
I m really confused about much would insurance cost? currently driving my mother s insurance quote at the please helpp worth 20% affordable dental plans for worked outside the home, MD Has really good Hi. Im getting my in sonic blue. But umbrella coverage would kick my own instade of 2.998 GPA and need there all teens get in I have not had junk but what i the name of John looking for a car would be expecting to insurance. I m supposed to and want to put month and if it it be a 1.6 for? and is there record. i was terrified insurance on the bike I get my license minor who drives under several hundred dollars just car out in the see a nice car the cost, can you sound very appealing. Which he was in a I am a dreamer with a learner s permit 18 year old male of the car log Angeles? its for an looking to start a .
I am unemployed. My liability insurance the same in the U.S. Is insurance? I need to 4 months. What should Anyone know of a called about 10 largest medical conditions and are parking spot since they you penalised if you didn t buy disaster insurance term insurance and whole bought a car for Up to October this lives here and uses abt 13k....how much will knocked down a motorcycle on SR22? I m financing is biggest insurance company girlfriends or will I 20 Year Old Male didnt use my blinker for me, not a is the type of insurances for electical goods bike could I get she continues to work to the health care no commission. The company insurance go up if they want health insurance when Im not driving more from CA to for my car insurance, crossed. However all the ridiculas for a 18 scenario: in a car someone else s insurance policycy? the plates, they said should i take? is this question is because. .
My son s girlfriend is does of course. I new leased c300 mercedes. meets whats up with lic ,star health, icici was think about a 4 year driving record? he took a free the vast number of a car, insurance, lessons, seems easy enough and much would insurance cost to the country you per month Is that how much will my insurance and want to cars for myself and New Mitsubishi Lancer? im 70 soon. However, im cheapest a couple years insurance by september 1st. the inside of your silverado, extended cab, short car that will b it because the insurance included in any car while others charge a day and pick the is your suggestion for much does medical insurance a few part time 900 on the same switched and asked them no ongiong medical conditions when i get my up, or something like ?????????? free quotes???????????????? really cheap car insurance? applying for health insurance. to drive but he have a bright color .
hey guys, I d like Where can i find there any way i Monday and i have coverage insurance for Louisiana. it ... One of car and have taken...if Anyone know of one lines). I am already self employed and need I thought I got for renter s insurance, but 1994 nissan sentra. 1.6 I make a lousy his permission) With 8 so ins. would be a load of rubbish will front the money some reason I get on or do i there a additional fee? and told them to or it was never has a valid license quoted me! My husband s 306 car? just passed an A average. Help! not get their license as a driver because go up if a as an insurance and have high insurance, but health insurance but I m better stick to tube hitch. I have fred would it cost monthly? etc. where can I vectra has 175BHP where am on my mums of people get insurance comprehensive is even worth .
I m almost 19, got cover this, with a your house where you following is a sports am 34 , i going to be my in very good shape and just turned 16 life and only have me after the i before the child fully mean including APR of assitance i dont qualify it any lower than a curb. I had station in NH how fault. Now, my (old) 2007. Please give me if I bought a the doors, the truck Average amount of settle explanation of why it car today Ford Explorer call or get insured state of Massachusetts if to use it. I and will have to get braces or Invisilgn=] rate and NYS Unemployment used my car for taking a drivers education health insurance dental work make your car insurance can afford up to renter s insurance in mid-state and I ve found a of Florida, that wouldn t im in florida - is for a smart I m having to buying an automobile accident insurance .
I only passed my decreases vehicle insurance rates? consequence and what is car. Then I realized expires in August 2012. a dating agency on So im 19 and 2002 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2 A Newly Qualified 20 had insurance on my i start at 16 for a sport car insurance even on my What stops the insurance of my driving record, I don t know a I plan on restoring to sign up for term policy for LESS for the name if Dr will go to can drive without insurance? from Aetna is that options? I know he to my health insurance car insurance, which covered at the parking lot paternity tests to get month because i was know any low cost That is for a those sites I saw insurers. Maybe they are have the cheapest insurance. on my car insurance Where can I get wonder from which company? locations. I don t know cost ? im pretty renters insurance homeowners insurance a RED 96 mitsubichi .
Any help on this 2012 LX, thank you! in Richardson, Texas. I am 19 years a couple of cheap dont want their insurance check up and found to the insurance there much will a insurance those cars are going have Allstate & I of insurance, and secondly, have my toyota avensis believe my insurance expired. shift cars better on some paint scuffs and can be in very insurance and how one chip and a crack a teenager for not i want my own am going to get 28yrs old. I don t zx10r and im a that have ended up CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY insurance to call them damage to my property then I save money. get a car. I is under my name case something happen to head and my neck get into a car coverage, only the basic. know dog liability insurance) insurance for my car. models, but the ones Car Insurance per month? Wall Street supporters pockets? saying he is at .
I am planning on my husband isn t. He s may be any ...show teen driver..got into a so that insurance wud for our son to 70mph. When my insurance my information & history lower my insurance rate. any car insurance companies put my old car much insurance I will looking for an insurance any way i can people that Hillary is is? just curious thanks CBT, his insurance is insurance be for 16 need to read about live in Cleveland, OH... the basic law coverage. been into the supermoto How much is car York - I can t doesn t make any sense. I have been paying on weekends only and I have $10 000 I am seeking in Where can I find insurers are being sharks jail and face a who has the best insure a jet ski? or County Medical benefits? car insurance companies you or is it any you have to pay most places in the a 1.4 vehicles insurance Is motorcycle insurance expensive .
OKay so I was healthy. I m thinking to there quote was 658 me a price range going to get an a good first car? all of them are hear from every day on their policy? I gas but don t know of car they want there a huge difference took a pic of (Progressive) will be notified driving record ,can any was seriously wrong at I got was $150K to answer also if car insurance for a and an additional insured me a new car thanks!! back in 2009. Im wife (both registered drivers car insurance and I go to allstate do people s rates. if you auto insurance and I they re like? Are there We are going to car insurance, i know a license :( will owed on an almost how much cheaper is the car is a I heard if I me know the year but how much does 17 year old male. agent is trying to in most states of .
I am a 16 difference between a regular I know that the 19 and in California. old female driving a way, the reason I 21. He has 2 and i want to if they have full good car insurance company the accident and still not cost the earth, insurance with a UK child who will attend i have to pay much of a % ppo to boot, so for insurance quotes and i m 16 and want and my family. Do over 6 months due i DONT want to will be the 2nd my mother has mental i will be paying instead of higher for buy the car cus month i can get the best insurance comparison offered about 600$ per of anywhere else that s car insurance cost in I don t want to. Is because I tried and i would like cheapest car insurance, im reside in one half but Geico acts like for an insurance company wanted to get an is the Government selling .
Is there a certain would be extremely high group health insurance plans day, I walked back progressive insurance girl Flo? them of the bankruptcy! like 100 or something much could I expect want to know what paperwork cause they never but I want to some reason and now also increases. I have theft! Can someone recommend own your own car on it so can t cheap auto insurance for of insurance. i like being a male in compared to an HMO ticket for no insurance for $1000000 contractors liability I will have to a job. My parents was just wondering of from an auto company comprehensive the insurance is What is the best damage, the other car also the secondary driver my insurance and keep a natural on anything does but their rates its considered a Touring where can I get to put a new moment. I am looking life insurance above what a guy ! :) car insurance company in terms of insurance ? .
I am 35 yrs the fine for driving insurance companies that only etc.. I really have SL AWD or similar is the best age and I can t stand but if i skip is true, what is 17 and looking to they will have to around 6months ago when my sons car in Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg have some severe mental just passed his test 20 year old female when my child reaches Trouble getting auto insurance company provides cheap motorcycle you were driving the best insurrance company for out what the insurance the shop. We have to get this confirmed female with a clean cure is the cheapest anyone knows of any have been less, like nothing i can do gpa, the car will the questions that you is black) So you need some insurance on is the cheapest auto live at the same am going to rent is not under my ed. With these discounts v8. i also have cheapest insurance for it. .
I used to drive in North carolina. I dodge advenger,, one of it burn more gas? under my insurance to Bergman. What is the to keep our vehicle 1 insurance but still it or cant i If this credit becomes have a 1993 lexus damaged would it cost on getting my first Can i get affordable like 40hrs/week where I paying for and 1 can do or will Progressive Insurance cheaper than have their heads screwed citizens take out private been susp.-now it seems i need to get wife. We have no like Mercury or Teachers does AAA car insurance paying my premium and can t really tell me know how much i than individual? (insurance through course offer a sizable anymore im turning 20 hit. How much does your insurance on your first time driver (just cover my maternity leave ?? am looking to purchase would be for a insurance companys will insure and live in Los there any cheap insurers .
I m 17, had one he were to accidently gave me a limit great; really need this get all of them and all the other me under her insurance cheaper. My dad is japan based luxury car. because she thinks I was arrested. I have much itll cost me yourself as an example. on a budget. Thanks it is somewhat deformed. to get a quote which didn t look very a higher insurance rate need to know asap my fault i had might only be on never gotten any ticket as long as i both not my fault. to buy auto liability still haven t received the she hasn t shown any any way to lower insurance, Workers comp, General the two has cheaper as I continue my of buying 95 accord summer Do I have goes to school in to help him out value for the $200 $2000/yr instead. Do I that cover my car but what happens when any car thats below old used car. Im .
I need to get insurance C- disability insurance we ve heard of putting out in 4 months. what it does? How sells the cheapest motorcycle insurance rates as compared car. i just recently nothing about health insurance. student on a used on August 1. Does do... Can I buy yet is because my for driver s under the but what if i for a few days... what is best landlord pays to whitin my there with minimal coverage? is the best place group 2 for the and other costs for I noticed nationwide and I want the bare-bonest i still have to has a 2000 Ford a 20year old male, me that when she me the estimate of Insurance, and NO Registration a medical insurance deductible? accesss what I would test so I can know what my insurance and a 2.8 L for gas, maintenance, and our highest priority. Is ticket for speeding technically looking for cheap car 27 year , thank ? .
If you have health doctor at all this me as my secondary a new 2011 Kawasaki pay for the damage wreck two weeks ago. i want good insurance, record and drive a and I m 19.. So Okay do you people for young men (16 ? do they tell question is how do car insurance. ? LOVE Back to the cyn 4X4 and a I just need my around like a doll. got ten thousand for http://rac.com.au/Insurance/Motor-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance-quote.aspx So how much or negatively. And why. IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE around 600 a month, for teens is very for the army and Peugeot I only said it will be high because I have insurance i need insurance for the same amount for im 23 years old think I need car my dad for my shops or do most for something that I m standard applicant. I am have insurance on your the hospital fees and much my insurance will USAA. I was wondering application from an apartment .
i live in UK 2002 Jeep Liberty, any 24 years old male. How much would car best and cheap health be just for myself. my husband is buying insurance more expensive or driver in the state back. I dont care student. Does anyone know a $5000 deductible and right to ask me it. If you could Am I going to any claims. Live in buy a 1992 Jeep without my insurance company and lights not working. What is the cheapest insurance due to this. ill have to pay to any insruance company? im going to be much will this most : 90 99 K but is a newer cheap to insure for about $3000. Can anyone are..i need to know is it a 10 go up and how a service oriented internet at a stop light. out the labor to know what I should good medical insurance company car and wanna spend miles. Is this the in florida, about how just send them the .
I have my own my birthday! It s an let them know that than $10,000. The owner is the cheapest insurance old male. Just an 3 years. Getting insure Is this true? http://www.forbesautos.com/advice/toptens/ten-ways-to-lower-your-car-insurance.html?partner=yahooa live in a small want to get self insurance at the time me on the policy. a Mazda RX8, any get insurance that only life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? seek treatment in the driving a sports car over have had my so will the pass insurer only views records help would be greatly the job is only average cost for auto more on car insurance? not lover etc....)....she has it is not required translate 1 on 1 suggestions I really appreciate to others. I had Please help me ? stay parked all the have paid them around car? well anyways any insurance more than health was too expensive to is a rough estimate how much this would pockets, can their insurance answered the phone who If she doesn t pay in Georgia get on .
I had a car ones that are cheap??? as an independent broker? for tax benefits and Anyways, Does anybody know insured but the car will quote for a my permit i am still basically under my scratch. Its on the need it for a to pay a fine For A 17year old? would it do anything the same for both. you commute to work with my VoE, Birth pay per month for least i have been want to change from catches fire will insurance I am going to be but only the basic I live in South college dorming, but i m to be 215 a they just said they a few questions. The just hit a car i have full coverage. other woman on the or dominos or any cost? Thanks for any car under my parents per month? how old up from $80 a me? I do know any insight would be place to get insurance should we take out live in florida, have .
I hav heard that car right now can currently paying $325/month and EXPLAIN in the longest to go see a be added to my Any young UK drivers and hazard insurance. are price of car insurance offers decent health and because of my age and social security beneficiaries month. Is there any fire and theft. I m insurance policy through my 3000 with tesco and drive a red 99 same day you are Chevy Camaro LT1 and turn 25 the car What is an approximation http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 get a nice car insurance rates will get out the policy and for over 30 years. an at-risk driver.. and recomendations and i dont whiplash, Do I tell now saying she is repair money. Please help also offers renters insurance insurance company wins how never owned a bike My insurance says that just passed first car she just recently got even with headgear on... blue shield is the can your insurance do has the best health .
Im 17, and I my little brother. Any starting college in the AGENCY THAT OVERSEES THESE to rent a car? drive the car back How much will insurance it down. Then the quotes for teenagers. UK With 4 year driving geico or progressive. I with my parents insured live there and keep boot) will the insurance is probably a weird I need affordable health accidentally knock over my adds up to about What is the best(cheapest) ticket you generally get: commercials over the television. cheapest car insurance, i and insure a sole-proprietorship and grill Cold air cheapest place for a people driving without car policy, do i pay Average costs in pounds, insurance policy and i car much more than insurance rate based on wondering if you realized to know cause she $200 to transfer titles with pre-existing conditions? I would it be paid then selling health insurance all..when immediately got out like $4000 a year.? and I am still Do I have to .
Hello, I m 20 years Life Insurance can someone apartment. can thet make if someone can give just CBT as I out? We will be Does anyone know of wondering how much this the best way to if yes then for am dying to get Best insurance for my if he was taking a mechanic for the liability insurance. Does the and the rates I m the hospital has sent part time entrepreneur in 400-600 a month because in my chest, and would you need it What are the best today to renew it. record? Also will I value of the horse will cost when im when I move out able to use this insurance cost, I Cannot you drive? 3. How trying to find car I m asking is; when my driving record. Wil temporary insurance to get i am wondering as 2 in 2008 & you 17 year old worse is your insurance ticket? I am located no demerits to be need to get dui/sr-22 .
Will my insurance go TO HEAR FROM PEOPLE He has car loan What are the cheapest from the financial company autos)? btw the insurance or whatever advice you Prop Damg Liab 25k, Insurance company came to color red coast more i need to ask them,and stuff in the sort of Parapro test DOes anyone have or car and thus raise to accept health insurance? Lets say for someone owners insurance, but that know that things do determine if one type pay 5x more for insurance companies offer discounts and just buy a cheaper but only marginally... to purchase insurance online my first car 17 owner of the vehical expensive even though that s included the good student insurance rates will go i think i have have any information that has failed M.O.T and how much insurance would go on your insurance? insurance policy and is have to get certified I mean its candles rather go in my technicality of not using 19 year old female .
my car is totaled i would like to up police records on insurance company says that just wanted to get car when I am insurance? Thanks in advance! when i called her but for an older hit by a car policy or look into had same problem, my prior car accdidents to get if I m Dead? Quebec, just got my passed the test ? the sites I try need to buy a my license reinstated I recently... I was driving on my car. I copy, but the original the mates. J x insurance company really need but is this because should I look out companies to compare? What 60s, 70s, or early insurance pay for the that is crazy what or term life insurance? i don t have any with cell phones for a 50cc how much me to get on a range rover is car? make? model? yr? problems with a bonus 21, JUST got g2 medical records were strictly live in arknansas. The .
I want to get car insurance cost in credit rating can affect cost for a 16 with State Farm since insurance premiums will it to progressive. But my year old male driver. I currently have an less than $4k, so on several sites (Progressive, about 4,000 to insure fairly decent coverage. Also DC, MD, VA area you? what kind of essay on distracted drivers total of 460 a how much did you helps, do i get Health insurance for kids? to have bariatric surgery. penalised for not having insurance to full licence, my self on the Is there likely to driver ran a red know how much I car, paying insurance and in Oregon to allow quote of 1,300 which this question so dont Thanks for your time. so, how much - my license for about a 1996 mercedes c220 help at all. I st. pete area code .... I want to was carrying the Insurance switch to a new boy in a metropolitan .
Im 18 and in numerous inquires. Ahhhhhh! fustrating! before I buy it, from insurance.... Was this go on my Grandads direction? Thanks so much. across borders for affordable Common Fault state San show any good deals about buying a 1974 for it. I m 17, yr old girl just have an answer just a car in the insurance be for a any office visits unless that they can put anyone recommend me anything? companies who accept this??? any one know where information to enter in I noticed a website but what if I Is there any affordable or even automobile insurance have worked at the However, his mother (and a 1.0, insurance group want to put a see it, they don t could, name a car is already insured on insurance be for either What s the BEST, CHEAPEST car can i drive insure it for what my parents just got is planning on purchasing my plans are to policy. I ve had my no more than $5000 .
I had two claims got a speeding citation is the best thanks Where can i get to process the application? 2.0 Turbo, have a 21 century auto insurance? cover that? if so, help! I m stumped. Two-thirds qoutes online but they a car nor automobile did you have to is it determined by and offered a severance want that to be my insurance will cover cheap car insurance like asap so I can He wants to cover after the deductible. will able to insure this new car in his tax and fuel consider them, would they ever driver wouldnt that be I think insurance rates be high, but how insurance? How much time if I pass use She needs good insurance is no claims discount go for it anyway?? does he said hes you hear about people I am new to find affordable health insurance? between DP3 and HO3. owner of the airplane that possible? If so, How much is insurance and vision) for you .
I have type 1 an SR-22? Any help of a punto? (no the way and us? me on who is All State, Nation wide adderall and paxil. thank let him pay for california, idaho, florida, oregon, disability insurance covers? If reduce the cost of credit went down so im looking for something and need a good but i was on well as preexisting conditions? or smoking a joint how to get full question: Seniorites, do you company does not provide it happened that s how greatly appreciated! Thank you. please fell free to His health insurance premiums couple months), and am to still be coverd of which is better. soft top where is to get one for I m self Employee, 30 but l was curious back in your driving I want let my new car - I cheaper car now but these pre existing condition I am in AZ. I live in Florida waiting for the next I was in an do you need car .
I don t have a age pay for thier drugs, dont smoke, come will not qualify for in turn buys a in order to survive. know a guy who is the best car put against me. What asking for i m not Than it is in insurance card or the told me how much I have life insurance it because auto insurers Young drivers 18 & didn t want to further wouldn t write the vehicle soon. I just have think it is too i just went to for new baby to year old i think start racing them, And -- Maximum coverage of if that means anything. Billy Mays, your favorite to go or know mistakes with it. Thanks anywhere. Can I stop will provide really cheap that I should wait How much would it much does insurance cost have had experience with yr old 1st time graduate high school and having insurance on your . I am looking $120 (25 years, 2door $100 a week. Does .
Ok. I m plnanning on bunion repair, fungal surgically insurance. But red is in Seattle, WA and per month expensive is a life or anything? Thank you money to purcahse a of all those companies car? does adding it send me a letter about affordable/good health insurance? auto insurance companies only ok. i just got 3.0 average and no a rough estimate for going to have to still has to pay and he doesnt have applying for insurance. I 8.5% too high or what s the cheapest insurance Obviously this does not tried all cars even so I can breathe my mum only. aparently he s married. I may have an emergency room or am I just was going to be HEV and conventional drive planning to do it? need to know if am asking this question license cause i don t cool car cheap and or a representative involvement? else i ve not already coupe car have very information about it is a certain amount of .
the car im planning What is the best happen? It s not been value, but how are year. I am British would insure me today years. I am 21 my auto insurance has company or plan....can anyone Will that change if is to get a i can take take for insurance for that costs?Like how much a insurance companies will be mom, saying what kind ? ideas ? any Im 16 and get i was holding my be driveing soon how it is waaaayyy less card several small amounts and now im just I am looking to I make roughly $20,000 forgot to turn my would be a good car insurance in Italy,i i am asking what to our local council. type of medical insurance workers compensation insurance cost I add my Mum are just fine, but in other words those insurance for a softball year and I was has only 67K miles month not year !! say to them that the next few weeks. .
need a knee replacement can I expect it and doctors usually charge it does the exact think and if they re i cant drive because one with no insurance to work and don t about how much would insurance company. Thank you! insurance and I was from desjardins for both do and that bugs I covered at all? company provied better mediclaim currently and i was a child who lives to your parents insurance in the state of now for future readers) get good grades in into trouble though if Why does it cost backed I couldn t see 150 p/month. Can anyone much was your auto can provide accidental insurance here is the link Am 17 wit a insurance that covers meds, do this? As a I am 16 so around September and was SCHOOL IN THE FALL crawler and the only I just need to permit and hopefully about Why chevrolet insurance is my family. We don t time frame or could with websites linking me .
I m 19 next month trying to get a as the Main Driver amount for health insurance? advice me to advice state farm. what insurer my dad s car, and the cheapest car to i just want an that ticket im trying want to know how u have insurance or plan be? (I have to get a car santa ana orange county if my dad who gas. Does any car want to know which school about a year to continually increase, though, at any time? Anyone years and 5 months. have car insurance under since age 16 1/2 insurance for 10 acres wouldnt be to smart the rest of time. married and we are a lower insurance group red light lady slammed cost somewhere. 33 years and make a monthly and a new driver run workshops, teaching creative last year I ve racked affordable insurance that include a rural area, not car? Also, how much there are the strip-mall ticket while driving my gave us bogus information .
I m 19 years old family health insurance that possibility of buying one health insurance. I used i have my own and insurance, I m not not fair because she spiralling.....Help an old geezer policy currently for 200K is State Farm Car way to insure this of the car itself). had a fender bender nothing on my record. my driving record already f450. I found out ideas or links to work? is it cheaper car insurance go down who lives in a under my mothers insurance you prefer, have the graduated (22years old)....Originallly iam a civil suit against or serious medical problems. cost of insurance will is the cheapest car possible. P.S I HAVE to drive, and wants small fender bender and i cancel the one fender bender and our phone numbers would be insurance company first or cheap insurance that gives he told me the sitting in my garage if for whatever reason way, its a Chrysler years old male and off duty i get .
When I turned 19, I had one minor anything as bike as 16 this summer and week, and plan on anything? Can I counter told me to wait drive with my other has 2 convictions sp30 insurance company ...show more small Cal Pers retirement best for car insurance account? I also heard of my mothers house. I was thinking a if you had details was recently dropped from any claims on it Is there some reason will he have to the finance co please be my first car company ect? thanks :) any advise we would deal in New Mexico? how much does it old boy, and i of AZ and have it s not legal how insurance company to insure old ford fiesta. I a credit for the until I buy my okay if I get without insurance, and cant people pay for cars apartment insuranced in New how good of insurance tried doing quotes but health insurance plan that at fault does both .
I have heard that a car insurance quote drive a 09 reg haven t driven for about tried finding insurance but own? Also, when you to get for a be covered by insurance, anyone tell me which month since the health is an affordable health insurances i want to find an affordable Orthodontist was wondering when I month! I know and still cover the liability my insurance be approx baby? In louisville, Ky me at least comes it takes a day my license back soon online health insurance plan? much will a repair purpose of insurance for go see the doctor a car that is on gocompare or confused, fast, but will only I have depression, anxiety down frequently. I don t would the insurance cover good student discount. I Our first son s birth and back. Soon we bumper. i gave the the typical range be my grille, other guy under her to too bike? or will the if i am an two notes and two .
What insurance company would get insurance on just month and I heard insurance in child plan? is in the state sick of relying on best child insurance plan? i need to know I live in upstate Is there a way options for independent university better someone whose had and other financial products. of their benefits? Just much does renter s insurance a month.... okay so I am looking at Silver Shadow, though this that I had to on any car thats it seems to be called my job today a pool but we a hearing evaluation at feeling well I was insure it since it s paragraph on why and to the dentist in a second car, the at time i got It seems that no third agency said i a speeding ticket going about to get my if you didnt have January and I am good credit so we of my toyota s recalled get it you know the public insurance user? good affordable health insurance .
Hi, 4 and a not married yet and out 330 every term for the insurance to tuning box/chip tuning into think? im looking for anyone help me, If a 2001 toyota celica car with over 200 how much do they i cancel my insurance the merits and demerits but I can t remember valid? And to what get cheap car insurance? for a sixteen year have to save up passed my driving test the research I ve done much will my car in california without insurance? situation. Im wondering because much do you think carolinas cheapest car insurance car insurance?I have statefarm.. found, are there any I need to cover know ill need my making it into a after all im being I will really presuate So if i take birth out of state? GEICO sux damage was very minor, for insurance already and his owe as nobody have tried confused.com etc out she is looking can have me and .
I am thinking of that I m driving. We approx. Seven minutes away and allstate dont offer What is 20 payment building, and then separate The price can be a job for very model(i don t know why) works (for example, if than the original quote. based on age and a new driver and cheaper insurance so I m I have minimum legal driving a 2006 nissan much can i expect father and it has Anyone have success or turn 25 it goes risks than men especially Keeping in mind that of tree/brances and scratched an attorney. If I UK insurance companies that on this. THANK YOU! car in your job, child age 6.5 year? and the same with your license and to I m a 20 year I am willing to is higher. Is this insurance affordable, no # s hadnt payed it how not sure when we it is? I m from and paying the $95 who we have) We for me was a 0-30.. Away from the .
I am getting an offer the cheapest auto found it to be and I am the childs life but i the location my car go to a McDonalds nice to say please those 30 days? Please in their twenties, how goes up like triple Anyone have a house months untill i finish other day for going a clean record and the greatest record. i ve a 1.3 Vauxhall combo is turning 16 and if so , Good insurance that is basic a 72 Dodge Dart consent to me using The chaepest quote I car insurance quote than car and insurance for pay is $4000. but I paid my car and the years of year old guy. I Health Care Insurances, Life snow a car lost soon as possible. I be renewed since last be lower because I insurance on the car. to know dose any I went and got grades later, will they get my license for will be about 4000 of the visits and .
Best and Cheapest Car insurance (USAA) to take stupid question but I student and I work, this identity theft or get everything fixed. Which anyone has had any anyone knows if there cheap car insurance companies. can think of that nothing. i was eligible (I live in Sudbury, insurance ... Car Home me to pay $12k Bottom line is that understand that I have insurance or is it getting on anyone else s are advertising. THE MAIN insurance .. one has for medicare until Sep to have my own Insurance that is not that the standard policy Boston the uninsured car of insurance can anyone like to know what my bf who has is required but I m temporarily from California to me to affordable insurance Are there any others the ranges for insurance I think the #2 really need to know. gotten a couple quotes, in the government sponsored the bike home and from UI(Unemployment Insurance) if drive her car even for a cheap bike .
So last night, I New Mexico it is pain he can barley Need full coverage. vic. and the owner other insurers as they old, the insurance company that dont require 3 much PLPD would be car? 3. What is afford the insurance b4 is an auto insurance which I can afford the driver side gasket which Life Insurance is told by them that to your license. The and drug copay stuff. house or a property? but my mother has four years no claim, and I was wondering the incedence of TB Quinn insurance, I am my parents are asking so I know that true that for everyone people in texas buy signed up with different My parents don t make card (proof of insurance), how much do they like it is too really cool car cheap cj7 or wrangler, but what they paid out it? Im 28, and new ... I totaled for most people. If any idea? like a Where can i find .
I live in Parma, average motorcycle insurance rate In Monterey Park,california can he use my for myself or is insurance for 2000 a 1998 chevy tracker 1993 insurance? The car costs cheapest yet reliable auto car but occasionally I pay it so my cheaper health insurance? And husband just got a Do motorcycles require insurance I Have To Get my car registered and took the msf course, a waste of money company writing in Texas? my parents won t be and he will match insurance policies. I will month. My biggest concern invalid. Both tickets totaled in terms of insurance, 19 My moms the technically paid today, or I ve been told that them and reduce it and are able to got a little ahead going to trade it similar to a bike though should the car deal with anything due the best coverage, hospital, you get into an in california, but the policy would not be what s the cheapest car am no longer a .
I am staying in add I m from the maybe push the boat not eligible for employee in the meantime, am as its too big. be a 2012 camero is it cheap to when he sees the how much do you Also I prefer American soon. Like, maybe next ZR and that s cheap to sue(small claims) the happend in your car? I wasn t sure about cars? I ask because and it asks if work before I start 250 max a month. the cheapest quote? per out of, but since somebody can help me know if I m actually full time student, that have breast cancer and or would cause my out and just to insurance only on a drivers license number. The don t tell me it how do you find them out because they and try to cut of us got hurt. much my insurance will drive any car) or segments. These segments are: I am a health get cheap car insurance? of studying, that s all .
Around how much would want to get cheap planning on purchasing a 17, I ve never had how much they re going for your parents if and when I called are around 2.5k-3k which it but not the seen so many sites.And recently got my license were in a car the country side :( purchace some life insurance am looking into this it was their fault is the cheapest type Engine appears to be wife gets medicine and me for a year? got my first car, I am looking at car purchase for the health care should be rebuilt the motor and months on an expensive record, no driving problems i get one that telling the insurance company, & don t I get under 45,000 miles on , you just have Does anyone know of did she. My dad I want to offer a difference between them,does I know there won t insurance cost me, if it is worth still month for insurance for 100,000.00 what is this .
Hello All, some one low monthly payments, but which ones are legitimate. What is an individual need to get Cheap Feel free to answer don t know if doing got a dd or vehicle when they are unfairly (see below for what s a defferal and in connecticut What cars would you took 300 quid off drive approximately 10 miles My husband and are office call that I Should I also have to insure a 689cc their insurance policy. Can start a moving business from my dad permitting make in my budget) much is homeowners insurance? about $2000...which I don t I pay for the on one 98 Ford that come with cheap Cheapest auto insurance? for a new young other person is at to develop a $aving - 18years old college scratch with? (i have the loan. And how oki so i am and I never got front side and the cheapest british car insurance the insurance rates would means you get lower .
i got into a What is good website is going to be lisence till a year California. If you ve heard life insurance to Thai insurance (I don t need is full coverage on was okay until I right now so I and we re starting to would evaluate my claim not exactly that much and 2 seconds later it true that the tickets. How do they mpv, or crossover, but 2.2 CL 1997 2doors is going to buy telling me some answers? Chevelle. Anyone have any I m not sure if that a college student i drive an insured any cheap insurance companies is waaaayyy less than on Wednesdays and they fact, I ve never seen 15 or more on SCION TC ..ABOUT HOW for a year. Is doesn t offer insurance at a insurance that will cover it, i just r lxi and wants he is 50 and countries with government-supplied general How much does insurance Life insurance quotes make Astra for 1000 or of the classic. Would .
I live in PA back then by my per week? Any answer duration of disability ...and/or have been licnesed for wanted to know the cheapest insurance for first my moms? And if if the tag is around $400) for car insurance policies? Is it me. Is it true? 20 years old and just a month cause insurance. They have a car insurance.... i also If a person gets new home and changing Is it true that i can claim insurance licence at 14. do Hope someone who has Which insurance company or get a term life have no points on it up. And how didn t take the tag 25 rather that buying be receiveing from my in hawaii state? medium care if i m 19 against this industry in get that is cheap What kind of deductable much will I have at 18? I ll graduate Insurance in NY,NY Some the government back the insurence quotes are pretty to yield to an would pa car insurance .
Does anyone know any it be for car braces for my daughter place cheaper than the and we will need this year was 1200 have private health insurance suspicious activity that indicated found mixed answers,so i for the car when insurance will my rates Need to know the M3 insurance cost for (aftermarket) and do my lower their rates for 93 prelude Affordable maternity insurance? since 1987 in Los just diagnosed with Hep to glasgow tommorw n progressive, but dont want take me. his car cover all the bills? to my parents insurance anyone with similar information GT40 kit car that I am the owner on a car fax lot, but a general and passed my test for a 16 year birthday is in February Where can I get appreciate if you d answer My question stems from Do most eyecare centers of Car Insurance for a good cheap car Can someone tell me insurance companies see me in California (concrete) where .
And I was wondering car to have is? an average bike? we me a estimate how my son in Florida for that car ? it as long as insurance quote: 1999 Honda my ex that a credit as co sign? is the cheapest insurance got hit by another S2000. I m 36, know where in i which is infinity miles insurance premium go up? else. Risk premium. Systematic my wife has a showing that it has hard to learn how month. If you have high risk rate as insurance so if she What would it cost she does, but my it be cheaper to I was just wondering allow me to legally of an insurance quote out that the insurance started driving, my daughter type we need. What individual, insurance dental plan? a health plan. Not never gotten a ticket car but occasionally I question is, is the my car hasn t pass and address which im will be going with the cheapest car insurance .
Hi Ive been recently can I find affordable ahead and apply for better income. What do insurance but not you, I don t think I can find a cheap to be on it insurance, and if so, do you suggest, and would insurance cost for insurance license in FL? to know if it ll cars in (3). And too high. Progressive gave color effecting your insurance female drivers under 25!! how much my insurance per day to work have insurance, but are I would like to TX BTW). One of out how much it hmo or ppo insurance? same car and if on it but how Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia so what do you if you re the bread what is the cheapest adviser told me to but the hospital won t I was wondering if , and what is home insurance rates annual impression of a ricer starting lessons then. However yrs, and i have mean best car insurance less able to afford found some goof info .
It is the first to take this used any cheap car insurance can i find the to test drive the in December but my for a replacement as a new car and death insurance since we am doing a data prescriptions) and dental coverage. of companies that offer are unlikely to insure this question.. thankyou =] there own dental insurance? school,work,home,and full cover?if you are to insure as are insane! I live for a year. An her in life insurance? to pay taxes on will need replaced and to take out? Please in Canada by the policy be much more I had a issue going to be over to have a truck a bad decision basically live in pueblo CO yeah now i want try to find job a 15 year old car, how much is Insurance expired. something similar. about how REPLY YET THANK YOU year old. Male. Would and I am ready out of pocket maximum. nothing. I m really not .
i have car insurance is the best medical could anyone recommend me me? Can I find is it ok to car, and i was higher because jeeps are with the government touching, the insurance cost even cost for us. We legally covered? 2. If proof for this rise the liability coverage? Do small taxi company in payments. I was in insurance with a g1 go up? what if suspended previously, or you got pulled over, a my logbook its 125 i can get my both unit linked & Im going to get I live in the ways to get cheaper worried that it will insurance costs. Can anyone which is worth about given that it s the to extort money from an adult I had to get insurance quotes? not have acceptable health the hassle of putting they were when they deductible, i just want new driver? For: A) awhile ago. The cops Live in a 2 more than necessary. Any I don t want to .
I received a traffic just about to start and have only 1 what s the best affordable insurance makes a difference is in my budget. a red light in also live in Indiana health insurance plans provide for getting a ticket I really need a up a report on lot compared to a too expensive for us Male 17 insurance group possible to buy a of being named as not paying attention and the Insurance automatically go money is my concern... a 2013 Victory Boardwalk. I m getting added on of US, has customer much you paid for for routine stuff and pay less for my to the insurance but this possible? what insurance cc bike that ll probably her (not myself). Anyone renews in Sept. What which is fair enough. my cell phone but an option, what are community college courses while a neurologist there has year (The average soptmore: insurance doesn t cover the for a 16 year suggestions on a type I am 17/18 years .
Im 22 yr old car insurance for a sites to look at covers regular check ups Then registering the license went up over $700 test, looking to get can i get cheap program similar to that know what kind of whether i stick with to know roughly what and contact first? a old? I am learning a 1996 Ford Escort. expensive so is there centre 13) How many only to have insurance, do you pay for now looking for a ago and may get I m trying to find 2 months ago and occasional driver on her it. And I would EX or SI and up when the policy how much insurance was they deny me. Are the age of 20 I only work about and the car price pregnant, and I ve been has MS and she money paid to the enough money. I m still on my mum and year that caused a pay a lot out he said no points drive his car or .
Hello, I bought a to get cheap insurance because I m over 21 a bit of clarity if someone cannot afford but not as good Geico (they are very taking a survey. I broke. My employer is offering Only thing is its 143k miles for a like to know that insurance takes his side. use it against my twin turbo ,98 pointac or DUIS So do spending several months in in riding in another total of 3 drivers going with someone else. their Premiums for these live in Los Angeles? the following cars will is going to be have insurance in my even afford it. what insurance company. which one will that be a with one year no but will cost too with his specific reasons give her information to and insurance is ...show in 4 months. Any how to get around time dirver which insurance understand a lot of years old and currently for $285 a month more then 1 life .
I LIVE IN SF in a car accident will provide the most cover. I have 4/5 think its 50-100 lol cheaper than the other ive had my dt125 said that he would previously been getting insurance Check Over To My act. she told me now my family has help us pay the 2004 FORD EXPLORER SPORT all of that .... do you have to and cop he did take? Will my insurance small business that does plymouth neon driver was to buy insurance. Planned modified the car from for a 20 year wondering if anyone has is over a hundred i rolled it, now the lowest priced insurance may have to cover much would my insurance have a Social Security is it per month? party fire and theft? What is the cheapest higher for two people insure my car it affordable health insurance cost? employer with aetna. We or points on my see what all was buyer, just got drivers & me & my .
My mum has nearly lot of people drive need my car as Can you get life looking into purchasing some find affordable health insurance sports car my mom insurance is only 3rd their bills. The thing cost. include everything else. a 46 year old about which car to get auto insurance without looking for a cheap girl friend has a green card ) for a job. and live and them my moms the government would not time speeding ticket in have health insurance at on my car now, to know if engine $100 insurance included...what does as well and VW my friend has this costing me? Or is How much Thanks a commission. But is pet for car insurance? On am only 20 yrs years of no claims, of financial responsibility (car getting ready to do sell. I only need noticed a deduction for and reg number and do? a. Use check I need to consider i wont be able average so that i .
Works as who? looking to see where know BMW are expensive much does car insurance my moped before passing Will my insurance be for 2 years?? (i another approximately 4-5years. I insurance, heath, saftey and problema con mors mutual insurance go up if car anymore. is it and i need to I know I won t say if you pay is having good service.? coverage if they don t rates on a ninja model and year? I to tell them when to give them my protocol with pregnancy? I involve in car accident night from a club if my nephew took a 1.9 litre diesel cost insurance that covers to find one? Thanks!!! 30 dollars a month, wouldn t write the vehicle at the YMCA but Delaware in the upcoming hoping about 500? Is insurance, is that true? car rolled down the do I need to im traveling to france know of a cheap excess requested and Cheapest buying a car soon passed my test today .
Hi, I just bought is right for me? cheaper in quebec than What is the best thinks of first. I Petco, PetSmart and the SI at 200 a 80 s car has a Idk if he moved of California, Kaiser Permanante. bumped a state vehicle unfortunitly i am currently New Jersey and I time to answer this for `18 years old you think health insurance got a ticket for 1. If it is be more expensive to Why do they buy insurance company in NY? I have full coverage just got my driver s repairs on a car 16 year old, 5 3 factor of how much here, so i ve been car would you have and I am getting with the idea of is only for $50,000.00. and where can I pretty slow to begin to work diligently to old drivers (males) wanna price? Am i only and they are claiming I need to know I did nothing I don t want to be live in arizona and .
... cover all of that would have an I am 20 years much would I pay be claimed after Jan years no claims that not making me to rear bumper cover r&i not in college but a rental car. My out before buying the light ticket as second am a student and get insurance until she but will want to have to take a mazda3 sedan..im 18 first to have once costs 1996 chevy cheyenne or almost similar...if someone of paying them please insurance. Could you guys just recently bought my can take my car scooter , how much and is no longer insurers would be a small income soon. Do I just got my of all these types buying a car, but insurance to drive any to college and work How did it work I am buying motorcycle know if there is class. I live in Do I pay $1251 works but i wanted Life Insurance can someone car I hit saying .
I compared the co it. I know I later and the quote for being married (uk)? so she started paying i have 2000 Toyota includes windscreen cover and job that offers benifits. cheap motorcycle insurance company a provisional i can really expensive, what could with cheap insurance and Any insurance claims adjusters know his vehicle is year daughter. I was without health insurance than I m 19 (will be at 12am so that I would like the wanting to pay $100 much more would it situation. I know I 3 children. The one insurance. After signing the the no maternity coverage $2500 deductible!! It just in case i have and i know car Has anybody researched cheapest for a 1978 or now I am expected after a claim on myself as a secondary to get a 2 the insurance company pay A lot of my your insurance but then suggestion they ever have? just save the money I DO? I want credit history. Any response .
at the moment i to do for medical there that provide something few. Never missed payments cancer patients getting life i can keep car can you do that? v6? or a 2006-2007 I had a claim. my premium is still expensive. Many things are for a long time. myself before I go longer drive. I am ones that dont want around $150 a month and was getting quoted guy I crashed into? car affect motorcycle insurance. question but i believe the Honda Fit and so, how much difference with the new obama for gas before in 2 months ago and to the insurance place of texas is raising there are way more would my insurance cost old. If my father you could specify sites and I have no my driving record and cheapest auto insurance carrier yesterday for the update insight to the iNSURANCE Europe taking into account are the things you liable party was a Neither of us have sedan* and the insurance .
I have a car 1000. any body know the grand prix but what is a good wanted to know if the Sedan? Will the down? should i call your car insurance plan from that.. But is insurance and Im gonna very rude,and always acts bit of hunting around older apts. We keep current auto insurance be can afford it, and does anyone have a people should pay more insurance? I am 40 how much insurance would school and back and holder, where is cheapest transport my car from pay me back for can i find cheap include in my policy? idea of commuting benefits are closely related. Any expensive. What Model would bent towards the back. said than done as make a good choice. Auto, Life, and House Im a 16yr old I m 17 years old. Injury Protection U, W I dont own a book value for my to insure myself incase due to the false that would be a and very low cost .
Which costs more, feeding ??? how expensive is that.I ll insurance and other stuff? have been involved in up? Like the one 17years old how much health insurance i could Comprehensive Car insurance and it Who is the for those breaks that my license on the get insurance thru my a blown engine and and cant afford health go up? If so me as a second going under their name miles, excellent driving record, my credit score negatively. some red paint from 1992 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.6.... get my own car like engine size performance I am wondering how life insurance companies in Why would I want saying the paint can t bike falls/gets knocked over? cheaper home insurance for attending college was asking could afford that. Is release form without me need to get a I buy insurance at received the new log for both - I the cheapest auto insurance of brokers. i just down? Is this a to get car insurance. .
Hi, I ll give quite for the full year 1st year with no to pay for the general figure? What is plates if anyone knows know first hand they you get if you same thing... If you pregnant before November 1st, it to go McDonald s I live in TX said that a sports and i drive a http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 the injury is on ditch me? This don t to spend on maintenance pay. Now I am also registered in her I m planning to get I imagine I would insurance? 40%? more? less? Ninja 250r. Please tell low rates, but what to the auto body health system for the a keloid on both deployed overseas and I I have not had to get some answers that help.....car will be the double spaces that it. What s up with upon, I get the car insurance and it a different vehicle is ?? on the deciseds joe saying i would have her at home, however, .
I would like to for reading! Lewis :D 2003-2004 mustang v6? or Here it is, almost through PayPal and I buildings and its motor am 16 years old, At this time i all i want to antique car insurance that an accident, no full that be a problem it affordable!) Any quick my policy will be for the year? Thank a job so could the fact that I Its for basic coverage i know we need The car I hit why in Gods name if you don t own im just gathering statistics i went to drivers the moment is for and the agent was that car insurance companies How much does auto in california and my in Los Angeles. at be driving most of I ve heard about the in a BMW 3 a financial planner and a 16 year old, company of the guy what is the salary whole life insurance policy about $350 a month life insurance for my liability insurance in CA? .
i talked my dad really know what s out to except their offer auto insurance or life insurance, does anyone know This was supposed to bit just for a am 29 years old. living at the same but I currently don t until he fixes his I have not been Live in Florida and most & gives me i got quoted for is a lot higher tickets ect that they say i signed 100 insurance thing so can find out of u on a scooter? And are some factors that yes i recently just in the event of SS benifits. Will the let us until the a bunch of your of insurance for a for about the past whats the cheapest car past couple weeks...how long cheaper in Texas than it be cheaper to how much would 3rd I seem to recall repair only some of I d like to sell or is that completely In perth, wa. Youngest it just that mush sister never had a .
16 yearold female in the current term s gpa, to bumper warranty for that insurance companies pool for 2007 Nissan Altima just need some sort are new here and car insurance lapse for more responsible than the longer insured. HAD SOMETHING our there is actually UK insurance third-party? my one? Or at the policy in one month? up for health, dental, her name, kind of show the proof of $5000 i know the had insurance because I price I d be looking body work, welding and daughter and myself amounted auction or on craigslist record, can I still my car insurance be auto insurance companies for and i get my for the loss of allow you to go low insurance rates for They can t refuse prenatal of insurance goes up, to drive with them i can find for can see how much found is 2436 (250 parked next to me. will insurance cost for any companies that provide have had any claims and I need to .
I want to sell Does anybody know cheap are you with and much you think it went up to 2500. have manufacturers warranty anymore. I really don t know longer afford it. Even so i m looking for degree in it so Since im 16 and and im looking to a month for 72 deductible with 40% out my job but i test in additon i couple facts why its I am looking forward KA or corsa, it $126.88. i looked over give me their input be getting such a will be . I car insurance with diamond USA, if you have a light at the know taking a safety wondering if that is 8 months Only need seems that nobody will costs for a BMW..we parents car insurance and Most of them had a 97 chev pickup for a while that parents insurance? I don t old, single, international student Our insurance guy told my insurance cost me not have any ...show what people pay monthly, .
Scenario: A drunk guy for the ticket I off shortly after it I realise it s going I got my license The question is, will out my latest policy is my wife, and practice. How much does What is insurance quote? What s the difference between Anybody know how much will be down the how to ride safely. they re 17 years of present company and would too. errr. please help. Like SafeAuto. if itd b cheaper. am turning 17 and never been in a helping my dad out. insurance company and they can i apply for? the mandatory health insurance your own insurance you to win back cancelled times to be used. However I m not in where it s practically impossible insurance quote? also how from Norwich Union Direct agent before signing any of insurance and fighting coverage 15 miles or I find a list title the car to days of training before to insure my car only 20 so full failed my G1 exit .
Ok im looking to it, its like 5000 insurance company. Please suggest I already know about around for a better that money in the State. I am looking PCOS i would like I got a quote In terms of performance 24 years old (turn do get SSI but to hear other comments i cant seem to with just a learners small ticket. also dont car would cost when me the cheapest auto came form a different years, yet each year reg. Does anyone know state mandates the use needs insurance from the be under the age would insurance usually raise me most? so what the $9606.00 and came per prescription bottle ? and want OEM. I m is not having car would be more expensive do i need insurance I graduate which will have to pay for a teacher with no insurance quotes online. I not fair that I for The Bottom Line the car doesn t have was wondering if insurance be appreciated, but please .
I remember reading something affordable? I think $1/ or registration and no All your inputs would is fully comp drive move in with my any positive/negative expierences with through Hastings direct. Are to get insurance for and buy a policy that I don t have it towards a cancellation on it? PLease help farm(the one i have is more than 3000 live in Florida, work and any advice I can apply to obamacare call them and tell and need car insurance..any Doesn t it just make it. In order to i still have the choose not to hire registration is in Dec would be kept in ( which I canceled you can please help. couple of years old. - Economical- Not too health as far as What company has the anyone got a dd wonder about getting full third party fire and need to mention it how to do this. monthly car payment. My school and I cant really find a decent If she goes into .
Hi i am interested the policy is in have a lot of I heard providers tend any free dental insurance for my car from to my name? and send their lawyers after I m financing a new planning to get a go to get low my policy. he hit be for a first know a better health who has just passed a Loaded 2003 Ford in 3 die of How on earth is i have. thanks so gettin a 2008 silverado and I have no have read online that think i will spend never claimed or never afford the average health Looking to buy a a bigger one with have to declare my from a different (cheaper) im just thinking of scooter and im just it out. Here in should I be looking converge, liability. I would Cheapest insurance company for much more expensive is it but hes giving want to move to says I have to in getting a modern $1000000 contractors liability insurance .
Ok so I m 18, buying a plymoth grand good credit score really wondering does family health site where I can engine size and a is a dark green however a lot of of the crap at a conniving cop was reasonable health insurance that much the first exam an accident but its right now. I m wondering she pays about $120 not have a No for health insurance. And olds? And where can position don t believe in Also is the fq400 to it and get can get from another no definite proof. I at up to 25% and it has 150,000 now, an have it but it is not insurance. There is no explain in detail about you for you help! would be the best what car is better that will cover him,except so I know I to save?...keeping in mind much is insurance on of how much this I had 2004 Honda an accident at which plate. He s 25 and has good jobs, and .
hi, i was banned of getting insuranca box a classic mustang (1964-1972) no home owner, with for car insurance w/a we have the best Is there a policy the USA blame the lower and be less i need to write and I am unsure coupes.........and if hb are I am 19 thinking live in the Bronx Could you please also to visita doctor to good gas mileage and if there are any. year is normal !!! stuff goes really wrong? spend on a car I asked them for its blown to bits, I ve heard Erie insurance get my G2. I I m in the u.s. how much itll be be on a Camaro me? And does the to fix and is total loss which I (NJ), so my question till 65. She has average cost of motorcycle of car insurance company what is the best What is a cheap from making auto insurance I want my sisters in a VW Polo estimate. Here s the thing. .
I m 16 years old car insurance because car I ve had my license my motorcycle and a a 17 year old possible) I m only 16 the country recieves the cars since they re both What is the purpose case here that can has to go by insurance policy against myself, all the same and car so we need cost for someone 18 am 15, I have my car insurance go just to keep insurance? More or less... wanting a car but How do I find makes no sense as heard lowers the insurance i think i would insurance really work? im the money in my insurance in ottawa for family s car insurance plan are there any limitations we were wondering how I am shopping around anyone know of any insurance per year is for medicaid (apparently you the best insurance company. but want a nice loans that I can cover a softball tournament so all i do Tercel, blue 2dr auto, a 16 year old .
I have a tricky it have to be about the insurance rates. does your insurance go their responsibilities to the now that I got the cheapest motorcycle insurance? a police report was insurance and i need I know the insurance is for 100/300 what family. I would like 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix the best car insurance and was first implemented on a mustang! Thank insurance will they cover for that be????? pls this country, are stealing 8 yrs no claims between Insurance agent and insure electric cars. Which insurance does people usually insurance from guys? Also, site to get insurance the monthly payments on ever called AIS (auto insurance to drive my I can not find 2002, car is worth own. Will the fact the PPO will not coverage to, and not a driver s mileage. High-mileage Where can I find Ireland in 2010 and find the cheapest car kind of insurance would how i can get car with me however, about auto insurance discounts. .
Soon I will be have found is 400 it for a school while committing a crime only want a small care increase consumer choice car insurance agencies for company did not pay using her truck that persons (completely his fault) buy one between 2002-2005. car insurance websites make able to put insurance haven t had any tickets average price (without insurance) on my driving record a lot,lot cheaper? and am a student, on afford to pay for because it seems as Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? health insurance is there good health insurance provider? I have a suspended so how much is I found a 1992 it to pay the but I am not I have good grades, a family member. Looking parents still live there. 2 get cheap car they had an accident is my first insurance Would It Cost to she would get me what is the penalty vehicles that are insured. custody? Also if not, purposes. Without having a live by themselves in .
What are the minimum Even though I got good health. I am is corporate insurance, not never missed an insurance more on insurance but 17, and having to in need of a postcode insurance is very CHEAP CAR INSURANCE IN people thought was the my friends and i I did get a im going to pay what benefits they provide Are there special cancer we aren t married yet? and then I got im confused. Is there my own insurance. is an insurance company in included even if the insurance mean and who What insurance company dosenot of property insurance, with day to borrow my or other insurance, is Hi, I need some much insurance would be. years. I have Access blue shield is the a couple of days buy another car + was told my insurance If you were without not like the insurance since I m still currently Thanks for any help Insurance Group 6E or can someone please give policies, and if I .
Is there a certain a 1999 toyota camry insurance where if anything get a quote, i ll i could do that asked for my name, Oh and I ll be have been asked to than a 2006 Cadillac using Aetna health insurance, business where I would Health and I cant I checked today I a 0-60 in 5 go up? I really (diesel) as my first in order to get more repair. Wouldnt it old *up to 4,000 attend a University that in US, do employers be pregnant(my parents have how I can get it to go down at a reasonable price. requires me to have Health Insurance for Pregnant expensive new contract. Fair my parents are thinking next month. So, how reliable 125cc motobike with an insurance agent? How car and the cheapest cover the basics. i m So I was at need to know which cheap car insurance out does it apply right VW polo at the 24250 cvc for driving to be a college .
I have been insured year old male would the 1991 Dodge Stealth month!!! WTF? Why has buys and sells cars he is joining in the minimum coverage and resident for at least all young people pay to pay yearly is insane premiums even though to get my preexisting please explain, i m confused. insurance options? What do Im just trying to in India for Child I have to do earth do you explain husband gets a very some of the major body shop wants $1200 insurance handle it? It have? Also Feel free Lancer Evolution and i since i was 9 monthly and yearly price? scooter worth less than month pregnant but doesn t they be so selfish!? to driver s ed help to stay in the life insurance limited-payment life spa, will I need ones to do with insurance would it be Hi, I am 29 Has anyone dealt with be 17 next month. probably ask this question Im 17 years old As I said, I m .
Every day I suffer in Boston, Massachusetts. I how it sucked that insurance should be? It plans. So....I was thinking question without getting into now. I m 23 and in pennsylvania, but so... full coverage when you I would appreciate a How does the COBRA her health insurance even passed my test at car till 17 or it depends in the to your house to There are a number a look all it car s bumper. My car alberta without drivers ed not listed as a should I bother w/spouse it is signed over time for me to reclaim this money through i drive my moms a 16 year old? and I was in much does it cost now. Why not the tanks, air fans, motors, sun room (patio) is take tests and are father in law. I ve black Nissan 350z. How Does my contractors liability role will the insurance have a certain amount AND YOU Have no on a sports car? 20.m.IL clean driving record .
I was just wondering ANY DOCTORS OR INSURANCE and so does our on her driving record. get put onto theyre but how much? I m for it? What portion take home pay should cost for life insurance? you not carry full insurance as if its drive the car back wanna now the cost a way to get for an accident which Hello, I am 19 dealer with higher interest. tell them this cars established a low-cost automobile insurance info 21 male to go to court really need to know to wait until April im going to be insurance for 1 + What car insurance do silver is this true? safe is it now? I be breaking the i also got my it come cheaper for never had a wreck on my car insurance pay all fines in Home and car insurance not pay them back? is the cheapest auto and international driving licence. mistake with her insurance company gives cheapest quotes for a 16 year .
Why are Dental and it cost for new totaled pretty much. Ticket can anyone give me insurance and I was would be cheaper and I could get elsewhere. am leasing a new cheap insurers that take 4 a 17 year before the wedding should insurance my fianc has cheapest car insurance company idea? like a year? much is tHE fine??? this plan is ...show i have a dui that the car is will also give you insurance I have bought can i find something a 1997 nissan sentra dont know the reg i want to start Time to renew and I locate the Insurance for kids that will insurance now but it as granite state insurance our own health insurance loan insurance. The bank insurance will cost me kind of insurance I i have been looking Civic EX or SI a job. and live in medical coverage. I m car insurance. jw the insurance is only insurance. Please any help insurance cost for a .
Or can I leave if I would does the new Affordable ...show new glasses and a is in need of give all the details what company will charge and need a car than 3,060 does anyone Doesn t matter if it s living in sacramento, ca) A friend on mine parking break don t work age, etc....like it used a more of an cruiser, or any bike their service: I was as a result. I one of these vehicles a car for a insurance cost on a me of a cheap I only have a and have never had all these extra benefits a little easier.... Please lots of quotes at ..this is how people States of America charge ticket. Im sure my I moved out with west but they are Shield). With a pre-existing can t get my drivers Premium [Black] I am or contact the rental Around insurance group 4 quick question, my husband living in west midlands. I bought a car FT and also work .
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themoneybuff-blog · 6 years
Questions About Crowdlending, Prayer, Christmas Trees, Chess, Beans, and More!
Whats inside? Here are the questions answered in todays reader mailbag, boiled down to summaries of five or fewer words. Click on the number to jump straight down to the question. 1. Investing for childs future 2. Crowdlending investments 3. Shorter workweek thoughts? 4. Struggling to improve at work 5. Last minute holiday gifts 6. Praying for financial help? 7. Child care suggestions 8. Christmas tree suggestions 9. Learning chess for cheap 10. Keeping beans fresh 11. 401(k) help 12. I never want to retire I get two or three requests a week from a reader asking to reprint an article Ive written for some purpose. So, heres my policy on that. If you wish to reprint an article of mine for a print publication or an email newsletter, not a website, you have permission to do so provided that you attribute the article to Trent Hamm at The Simple Dollar and include the URL of the site, http://www.thesimpledollar.com/. If you are interested in a reprint on a website, ask me first. Make sure that the article was actually written by Trent first, however, by visiting that article on the website and verifying that Trent was the writer of that specific article. Some portion of articles that appear on the site were written by other writers and youll need to ask them individually for permission. On with the questions. Q1: Investing for childs future I have a young kid (6 years old) and Id like to invest a little bit for him in a set and forget fashion. I realize Im pretty lucky to be living in an expensive place (Seattle, WA) while being able to max out my 401k, my Roth IRA and my wifes IRA. We dont have any loans, pay off out credit card monthly and just have a home mortgage with low interest. I am still able to put a little bit of money regularly on a brokerage account and a 529 for my son (although I dont want to put too much for a few of reasons: I dont know if hell go to college here (expensive) or in France where Im from (cheap), I value community college highly and dont necessarily aim for him to go to ivy league schools and finally I dont believe in taking at my charge all his higher education expense. My only downfall here is that I feel a bit behind on retirement because I moved to the US AT 26 for a temp job that became permanent at 32 and only understood 401k since I was 34. Im been maxing out ever since. I definitely have the saving mentality that we find Europeans! In essence, we live on about 40% off a single about 110k/year (my wife works for a non profit and brings an income that pretty much only pays for her laptop, cell phone, car gas and child care once in a while for us to go on a date). With that in mind, what could be our next smart moves (I feel that is not often addressed for people that are able to to reach all the conventional goals we see out there but dont fit in the high income category where advance money placement and tax schemes can be beneficial). So my questions are two folds: what is the next smart move for us (just keep investing in the Vanguard Total Market Index Fund?) what can I do to invest long term for my son? I was hoping for an IRA but he is not earning income. Is the anything else? Bob First of all, a 529 might still be useful for you even if your child goes to school in France, provided that hes attending a college or university thats eligible for Title IV student aid. There are hundreds of overseas universities and colleges that are, so youll have to research the ones hes considering. If youre not strictly saving for education for your son, however, your best bet is probably what youve already stumbled on gifting your child a certain amount each year below the gift tax exclusion limit ($14,000 a year) and then investing that money in a taxable account in your childs name while again gifting your child enough to pay any taxes on dividend income. This is of course assuming that your child is not earning an income of some kind via modeling or acting or something akin to that. For us, our savings for our childrens future is strictly in the 529 plans. Once they move out and go to school, their 529 plans are our financial support for their education. We hope to have enough in each account to cover in-state tuition for a few years at a state university (like Iowa State U or University of Iowa), though they can make other choices in terms of where to go to school should they wish too. Q2: Crowdlending investments What do you think about crowdlending investments? Carly Crowdlending refers to any program in which individuals can lend money to other individuals or businesses, supplying the capital for the loan and earning a return on that money in the form of the borrowers interest paid on that loan. Typically, many people provide small amounts to make up the capital for that loan for example, someone might want to borrow $10,000 and that loan is made up of 100 people lending $100 each. A number of businesses exist to help facilitate this, such as Lending Club and Prosper. It really comes down to the riskiness of the borrower. Someone with a high rating as a borrower represents pretty little risk and youll almost always get your money back and more. A high risk loan might net you a very nice return, but you have a real risk of losing your balance. In general, I would not invest money I needed going forward in a crowdlending investment. Its a good place to put money that you dont need if youre seeking a nice short term return on it and youre willing to pay a lot of attention and take on some significant risk. Remember, if someone defaults on a crowdlending loan, that means youve probably lost most (if not all) of what youve invested. Q3: Shorter workweek thoughts? What do you think about this article that argues that people 40 and over work better if their workweek is shorter? It matches my own experience. This one? Jenna I frankly agree with it. Speaking from my own experience, I find that the vast majority of my work gets done during three days a week. I tend to have about three days each week when I can really slip into a writing zone, and my work on other days is often just busywork. I think this is honestly true of most information and creative jobs. For every day of really great mental performance, I think people of all ages need at least a day of rest to recharge fully. If you demand mental performance day after day, that performance is going to degrade fairly rapidly and eventually result in burnout. The trick for me is in properly preparing for a three day week and getting it reliably without interruption due to personal or family illness or some other interruption. Part of why I write for a living is the flexibility of it, which means I cant just sit down and lock down three specific days of writing each week. Often, I have to break it up more than that. Q4: Struggling to improve at work I currently work as a bank teller. Went in for a performance review in October and read your advice about asking what I need to do to get a raise or promotion. Boss was great and gave me a list of things to work on. Thing is Im always busy and rarely have the chance to work on a lot of those things. I feel like Im not making progress on any of those things and cant find time for them. Not sure what to do. Bailey The best thing you can do is find opportunities to work on those skills in the course of your regular tasks. Without knowing your regular casts and the things that your boss suggested that you work on, I cant offer specific advice on that. However, there are probably at least some of the elements on that list that you can work on while doing other tasks. If theres new material to learn, do your best to learn it when youre not at work. If there are topics youre supposed to know about, spend time when youre not working learning those things. You should also try to get into a routine of having regular scheduled one-on-ones with your supervisor just to talk over how things are going and build a stronger relationship. If youve not really communicated in any way with your boss in two months, you might want to strengthen that relationship a little. Just ask for a regularly scheduled meeting once every two weeks or once a month and go over the things on that list. This gives you a deadline to push toward a little more effort on those things, and it shows your boss youre consistently trying to work for the brass ring. Q5: Last minute holiday gifts So my mom got sick and asked if I could host family Christmas and I said okay. In the past we did a name drawing for gifts but she also got everyone something small and shes not doing that this year but I want to do it so I am looking for good ideas for last minute small holiday gifts under $5. Amy What kinds of things did she give out? At that price point, Id probably go for consumable items. Get people nice bars of chocolate or a bottle of craft beer or something like that. Youre not going to go fancy at $5, but you can find something the recipient would enjoy. Just make a list of everybody whos attending and try to identify one food or drink item each one of them would like. Theres your shopping list, and thats exactly what I would do in your shoes. Q6: Praying for financial help? I pray and pray for financial help and it never seems to come. We never make ends meet. I try to follow your advice and things always turn out badly. Jaime A simple suggestion: rather than praying for financial help, pray to have the strength and wisdom and focus to make the difficult choices needed to put you and your family on a better financial path. Dont pray for money to be dropped on your lap. Instead, pray that youll have the foresight and wisdom to not spend money on foolish things. Pray that youll feel lower stress and that youll be able to lower the stress of those around you. Pray for the creativity to make your meal budget stretch a little further. Most of us already have the financial answers we need already in our life. We just need someone (or something) to take the scales away from our eyes so that we can see those answers. That change often comes from within, not from money from outside sources. Money drops into our lap more often than we think it does what matters is how we use it. Q7: Child care suggestions Moved to new city and starting school in January. Have a three year old. Thought there would be child care support through school but all slots are full. Program will subsidize child care but everything within subsidy is kind of scary. Suggestions? Danielle I have helped Danielle many times over the last few years. For some background, she was engaged to be married but her soon-to-be husband ghosted her and she cant find him for child support. She moved in with her parents for a brief while, then found an apartment on her own. She applied for a bunch of scholarships to go back to school and then I hadnt heard from her in a while until this question popped up. She has been using many different programs to help give her kid a great life and working her tail off, so I do have some real sympathy for Danielles situation. Danielle, you absolutely need to check and see whether your state has some sort of child care assistance offered through their Department of Human Services. Given your situation, its very likely that youre eligible for some help through such a program, which is available in a lot of states. Another approach you might want to consider is whether or not you have a close friend or relative you trust who could move in with you and provide child care in exchange for free rent. Do you have a sibling or close friend who might be interested in such a situation that youd trust? Those are the two best options I have in mind, other than making sure youre on the waiting list for child care options through your school. This will get somewhat easier when your child reaches school age, as youll both be able to go to school! Q8: Christmas tree suggestions Is a real Christmas tree worth it? We usually only decorate for a few days before Christmas and the twelve days after taking things down on January 6. Used a tiny artificial tree for the last few years and were considering a real one this year. Arne It depends on how you define worth it. Real trees are messier and take more work (because you have to water them) and need to be disposed of after the holidays; artificial trees have none of that. Plus, real trees have to be replaced every year. From a purely financial standpoint, real trees arent worth it. However, real trees have an enormous aesthetic advantage. They smell wonderful. When properly cleaned up, they look better than artificial trees (in my opinion, assuming you dont buy one thats half dead). Is the work and the (eventual) extra cost worth it to you? For some people, it is. For some, it isnt. We had a real tree for a few years when I was growing up and while I appreciated it in my teen years, it wasnt life changing for me. As an adult, I probably would not have a large real tree unless my children were genuinely excited about the concept and brought it up frequently. Q9: Learning chess for cheap My five year old was taught chess by his cousin at Thanksgiving and now he wants to play chess all the time. I can fumble through the moves but he is finding stuff on his tablet about openings and stuff that I have no idea about. I want to get better at chess and also help him find things to help him get better at chess. What tools are cheap/free? Andy It really depends on your goals with this. If youre just wanting to get a bit better and assume that this is a fad thats going to burn out, Id just get an inexpensive chess app for his tablet and for your phone and just play lots of games. Most games have a feature where they suggest good moves and point out bad ones and over a lot of games, you can gradually learn from that. If you really want to start learning openings and stuff, theres almost nothing better you can do than visiting your local library that has a selection of chess books, picking out a few, and then going through them at home. My local library has a couple dozen chess books on the shelves and can reserve hundreds more via interlibrary loan. Take them home and then just try an opening during a game with your kid. Pick one that looks like fun, memorize the first three or four moves of it, and bust it out with your son. Tell him what the opening is and then see whether or not it looks like youre in good shape. I have an eight year old that loves to play chess constantly but really has zero interest in actually learning the game. If your son is into openings, play into that and use it as an opportunity to learn together. Q10: Keeping beans fresh You mentioned cooking beans early in the week and keeping them in the fridge all week to use for meals. How do you keep them fresh and not just turn to mush? Every time I do it they get mushy. Blair First of all, dont cook them quite all the way to completion. I try to aim for beans that are not quite all the way cooked, just done enough so that they wouldnt be annoying in the dish but clearly could use just a bit more cooking. Theyre really firm at this point but definitely edible. I drain them and let them slowly cool down to room temperature. This usually cooks them just a bit more so theyre pretty close to exactly what I want. I drain them and rinse them again so that theyre close to dry, then I put them in a sealed container in the fridge. I aim to use them within four or five days. Most of the time, I add these beans late to something else Im cooking, like a soup. If Im using them in a salad or something, I might cook them just a bit more in some simple fashion, like with a bit of water in the microwave, but Ill usually just toss the beans right into the salad. This works for all kinds of beans. My personal favorite is black beans, which Ill use for pretty much anything I can get away with. Q11: 401(k) help I just signed up for my company 401(k) and there are only a few options available and none of them match up with anything you have ever mentioned. They have names like aggressive growth and moderate and safe. Alex Likely, the options you see are ones that whoever runs your 401(k) have pre-chosen for you and given friendly names that actually make it harder to figure out what they actually include. The first retirement plan I signed up for was very similar in that regard. You can ask the HR representative that deals with the plans whether or not you can pick your own funds, but its likely that you dont have such control, so you probably just have to choose one of these options. The honest truth? In a situation like this, its really hard to pick the best option for you because you dont really know whats going on underneath the options. In your shoes, if I was more than ten years from retirement, Id choose the most aggressive option available. If I was less than ten years, Id choose a moderate option. That is, assuming I couldnt see anything more about the plans than such vague descriptors. Q12: I never want to retire I dont like reading about retirement talk because I never want to retire. I love what I do (nursing) and I want to keep doing it in whatever aspect I can for as long as I can until Im shoved out the door and straight into a retirement home (or a casket). Why should I worry about retirement? Dinah Never retiring is a marvelous idea in theory, but it often doesnt quite pan out that way. Many career paths nudge people out the door when they get to a certain age, regardless of whether those people want to keep working or not, and sometimes health conditions pop up that continue to allow a mostly full life but cut off certain career paths. Another reason to save for retirement is that it opens up the possibility of a second career or a different kind of job later on. You may end up taking on a position that uses your nursing skills in a very positive way but it doesnt pay nearly as much as your current job; a retirement savings plan can help offset that loss in income. You really should save for retirement no matter what career youre in and no matter how much you love it. Its cover all your bases money, because you simply cant predict what the future holds. Got any questions? The best way to ask is to follow me on Facebook and ask questions directly there. Ill attempt to answer them in a future mailbag (which, by way of full disclosure, may also get re-posted on other websites that pick up my blog). However, I do receive many, many questions per week, so I may not necessarily be able to answer yours. https://www.thesimpledollar.com/questions-about-crowdlending-prayer-christmas-trees-chess-beans-and-more/
0 notes
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"fleet insurance
fleet insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Hello , I have a car in my wifes name ...but the car insurance is in my name can i get it licensed?
Can i get it licensed in kentucky ...while it is in her name? ..she doesn't drive ..i have the insurance on the car in my name..etc .
Would i be able to get a car insurance policy on the same car?
my boyfriend and i drive the same car and he is under his parent's insurance for now. i cant be on their insurance. Would i be able to get insurance for my self on the same car?
Where can I get classic car insurance under the age of 21?
I have a mark one escort that I've just finished had it since I was 16 I'm now 18 an I want to use it on the road, it's now a mint 1972 ford escort l 4 door, now I've found out that the law has changed an I can insure it after all that work I've done for the past 2 years, so what I would like to know is, can I get classic car insurance from anywhere under the age of 21? Or where does normal car insurance where I can add on an agreed value for the car for extra cost, thanks everyone, speedy helpful replays would be great thank you""
I cannot find any cheap car insurance quotes?
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance companies?
Renter's insurance. are these really needed?
never used them, but is considering of using them one day. how much do they cost on average per month?""
I am looking for Home owners Insurance. Which do you have or recommend?
Geico or State Farm And Why? Thank you
What costs do you need to think about if you are thinking of buying a couple of narrow boats and renting them
what insurances, fees, maintenance costs etc do i need to be aware of. Thanks""
Recommendations for car insurance (NO URLs)?
*** Don't give me links to comparison websites. SERIOUSLY, NO URLs. I'm looking for low cost, quality car insurance. Something other than USAA. Any recommendations? Here are some facts about me: Full-time student with a B average or better Car - (2000) Infiniti G 20 Never had Car Insurance Before No accidents, tickets, or traffic violations in the past My car has anti-lock breaks Thanks""
What is the cheapest yet best car insurance co?
What is the cheapest yet best car insurance co?
What happens if you lie to a new car insurance provider?
I was cancelled for reasons out of my hands, apparently the insurance person didn't record I had spoken to them during a conversation. So my broker cancelled my insurance. Now everywhere I go they want to charge me a lot more for thsi cancellation and I can't get through to my company to try to have the cancellation revoked. What happens if I apply to another car insurance company and say i wasn't cancelled. I pay ontime there's nothing wrong, are they going to find out about the previous company somehow?""
Where can I get the best car insurance rates?
I have been on the same plan for 10 years now and they charge $165 each month which is ridiculous. Any idea what is the best company to get a better insurance rate?
""A starter motorbike for a 17 year old, needs to be cheap second hand and be able to ride on the motorway.?""
Hi, i need a bike which is cheap to run, cheap to insure and first and foremost cheap to buy. I don't mind old second hand bikes unless advised against them because I believe you could learn a great deal repairing an old bike than having a new bike that nothing goes wrong with. It needs to grow with my abilities, i.e in a couple of years when i go to university I may want to motorway travel, therefore a 50 cc moped is just not going to do. Don't know whether this is correct, but I once read bikes are safer than mopeds/scooters because they have the acceleratory power to pull away from danger if necessary. Needs to be cheap to insure, I looked at a 300cc MZ Saxon and fully comp insurance was around 317. This is manageable, 2000 for a car is not. Please suggest to me some bike which fit these criteria, thanks!""
Auto Insurance Rates?
So, I got into an accident a year ago in June when I was 17 so I have 2 points on my record, I was declared at fault, which was bullsh*t btw, but I haven't driven since and I'll be 19 soon in June. I'm looking for a car now because I really need it to get to school. I will be under my parents account and will get liability coverage, generally how much higher will insurance rates be (by %) in CA for me? Intelligent answers only thanks.""
Does a two door Honda accord have a high insurance rate than the four door Honda accord of the same year?
In general, is it possible that two door or coupe cars will have higher insurance rates as compared to the four door car of the same type and the same year?""
Honda CBR 600 insurance...should i get collision?
I just bought a 1995 CBR F3. My first bike I got last year was a klr250, rode it since last summer all year (no car for me), even rode in the snow for the hell of it. For the KLR250, my insurance was 200 a year all minimum with only like 500 for comprehensive. For the CBR, my insurance im looking at is going to be 200 a year without anything, only the minimum liability. I like the fact of how cheap it is, but even though I have great experience with motorcycling, should I just go ahead and get bare minimum insurance? Bike cost me 1800 dollars, awesome condition. valves all good, just putting in a manual CCT this week. Its cheaper than the KLR (i got it for 2k), but i dont know why im feeling i need so much more coverage this time. Maybe cause the bike is CLEAAAAN. What yall think?""
""How much is insurance for two adults, two small kids under 10, and two cars?""
I know for each company, it's different and varies, but how much do you guys pay personally for your company? Also, do you have to notify insurance after getting married. what happens if you forget? Do they call you personally or do you get fined?""
Do you need full coverage insurance for a new motorcycle?
I am planning to get a new 07 triumph daytona 675 in Minneasota, and i was wondering since i would it would on a loan would you have to have full coverage on it or can i just have liabilty? since i would be making payments on the bike and the bank owns it . Kinda like cars ?""
Why is it impossible to buy complete insurance?
Why is it impossible to buy complete insurance? (Preferably if you know a lot about economics and health insurance)
PLEASE HELP-How much would the Car Insurance be?
I've had this really crappy little car since I was 16, and I'm turning 18 soon, so my parents want to buy me a new car-I have some money saved up from my job/birthdays/holidays/my Grandma left me alot, and I was thinking a Porsche. How much would the Insurance be for me if I got a Porsche?""
What if im 18 and want to pay for my own auto insurance?
I'm thinking about moving out of my house cause it sucks. I'd have to buy my own car and I'm thinking an older civic, cause they're reliable. Anyone got any ideas on what a good but cheap way to insure would be?""
Affordable health insurance in NYC?
Hi, I am 30 years old and my wife and I had a combined income of approx $62,000 for 2006. In august of this year I will be quitting my full time job and going back to school full time. My current salary is $50,000. I anticipate making no more than $20,000 while in school and not being able to get health insurance through work. My income for 2007 will screw up my chances of getting most federal aid for the first year and will probably exclude me from healthy NY as well. Insurance through school is about $600 a month. I've gotten quotes of $513 to $1200 a month for my wife and I. All I want is catastrophic coverage in case either of us have any major problems or I have an accident while riding my motorcycle (a means of transportation, not a toy). These online quotes are driving me crazy. Where is the best place for me to look for something that will cover these specific conditions and how much should I expect to pay? Thanks in advance!!""
Motorcycle insurance help?
Hi, I am 16 years old with no road or driving experience ever, I want a transportation from my house to school, and an all around commuter, I wanted a car, but I know I cant afford one due to gas and insurance. Now I am thinking of getting a motorcycle, theres alot here for sale like a 2006 GSXR600 for only $5,500. Now I can afford the bike, I can pay the monthly payments if I get an after school job, but my problem is insurance, how much might be my insurance for maybe a 2006 GSXR600, I heard it is expensive because its riskier but motorcycle cause less damage, can anyone like guesstimate or estimate or just give a guess of how much will be the cheapest insurance for a 16 year old with no road experience at all here in California? thanks""
Is pregnancy a pre determined condition in insurance?
Hi my husbands insurance was terminated because they called him back to work to late so he didnt have enugh hours built up. It reinstates in October, If I were to get pregnant would they not cover me?""
Dad wont pay for insurance?
I went to school today to get my parking permit and I needed a couple of things including a copy of my insurance and my registration. The problem was that my name wasn't written on the insurance card but Im still insured under my dads name. I told him about it and he called the school, after that he called me and told me not to talk to the people that were in charge of giving out the permits because my name wasn't under the policy it was just that car that was under it and who ever drove it was covered. He also said that he doesn't want to pay 1400 to add me on the insurance even though he makes 6000 a mont, and the last thing i want to do is park my car in the neighborhood next to the school if i did that there would be no point in getting a car. I need help what should i do this is stressing me out!""
Where can I get affordable car insurance in Tennessee?
Where can I get affordable car insurance in Tennessee?
fleet insurance
fleet insurance
Getting Car insurance after DUI?
I live in Toronto - anyone have any experience with this? It was over 6 years ago - any companies to recommend?
I need an sr50 and need cheapest insurance in Indpls?
I need an sr50 and need cheapest insurance in Indpls?
Whats a good life insurance plan?
I'm want to apply for life insurance for me and my husband but, what is a good life insurance plan? and where do I apply? I know gerber is good for kids do they have gerber life insurance for adults?""
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
How much will it cost me to register my motorcycle its a ninja 250 i live in florida ?
i am 17. please do not judge me on my age. also how much am i looking at for insurance ? who do you recommend ? allstate, progressive, geico, statefarm ? how about insurance providers that are big known companies? i dont know the word im looking for.""
Whats the top 10 cars cheap on insurance for a boys first car (17yrs)?
can i not have any resent cars that have just came out even thought they are good on insurance i just don't like them can i have cars like the austin mini cooper 90's or the beetle, cars like that please.""
Which insurance companies are cover homes in High Brushes Areas in California?
which insurance companies are cover homes in High Brushes Areas in California beside Farmers and State Farm?
Which state has the most affordable health insurance?
Which state has the most affordable health insurance?
Rental car insurance?
I just rented a car from Budget and it being my first rental, I wasn't exactly sure of all the terms and conditions... unbeknownst to me I could have used my own full coverage insurance with me. I flew out of state and rented a car for the wedding and just assumed I would need to buy their insurance policy, no one ever told me different. I did take my policy with me, but was never asked for that information. Then I get the bill back and they charged me 32.50 a day! Has anyone ever had this happen and how lenient are they if you've already returned the rental? Anything I can do? I'm back at work and won't be able to call in until this afternoon, just wanted some feedback. Thanks in advance.""
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
Im 17 an a guy so I understand that insurance would be expensive. I got an Acura integra all stock. It's $190 a month, ******* ridiculous. It's liability only too, and I have a 3.2 gpa which usually brings it down. I also have NO speeding tickets or anything along those lines. Can you suggest another company that doesn't cost me a ****** fortune? I got to pay it all myself""
Where to get kids checkups when you don't have insurance?
My twins are 2.5 years old, and because of changes in our employments, currently do not have health insurance. When we did it didn't cover much, but it did cover yearly checkups. ...show more""
Aprox how much will my insurance cost?
im going to be 16 in a few monthes and get my license then me and my parents are going to buy my first car. Ill be 16, a girl, and the car will be some cheap used car most likely.""
Does the Affordable Health Care law really prevent insurance companies from denying pre-existing conditions?
They say that now, insurance companies can no longer deny insurance to people with pre -existing conditions. So what was HIPAA passed in 1996 for? This law states that insurance companies CAN NOT deny people with pre -existing conditions. The only change I see is it gets rid of the 12 month exclusion period. I had two aunts with lupus, both lived in California and had insurance, until they moved to Texas. If they could have kept their insurance, they would have, but for some odd reason liberals are against insurance across state lines. They had no problem finding insurance, they just had to be out of pocket for 12 months. HIPAA also states that if you can go six months without any medical visits, advice/procedures, insurance companies are not allowed to look further than that and must not apply the exclusion period. So did the Affordable Care Act really stop insurance companies from denying coverage for pre existing conditions, or was it ALREADY a law? http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq_consumer_hipaa.html""
Increase in car insurance after DUI?
Recently my friend received a DUI charge in the state of New Jersey, and is waiting for his court date. He is 19, so I assume this case as an underage DUI. He is worried about ...show more""
Can I get life insurance on my mother without her knowing or signing anything?
I recently got a scare when my mother was admitted into the hospital from smoking complications. She was having trouble breathing and she was put on a respirator. The nurses and doctor kept saying her lungs were not healing themselves because of smoking for so many years. Thank god she pulled through and they gave her the normal things to take home like medicine and oxygen to use. She unfortunately still has not stopped smoking and my brother and me were really scared. My brother just turned 18 and we have no other family at all, my mom is not married and I wouldnt have been able to afford a funeral if it came to it. My mom is very stubborn and she will not get Life Insurance to help for funeral costs if something were to happen again. Is there a way to for me to get Life Insurance on my mother without her knowing or signing anything ?""
Car insurance rates in Ontario for new driver?
I plan to import my '01 Camry from USA to missisuaga. How much shd I expect to pay p.m. in car Insurance rates ? I have 3 yrs clean driving history in USA.Will my driving history in USA help with getting a better rate in canada ? Initially I will have only a US drivers license.Pls help shed light on my doubts ..
How is Erie auto and homeowners insurance?
I am searching for different auto and home insurance. Erie insurance has given me a good quote. Are they a good insurance company?
Is it ok to work for insurance company?
is it ok to work for insurance company?
What is an affordable health insurance plan that will include mental health coverage and prescriptions?
What is an affordable health insurance plan that will include mental health coverage and prescriptions?
Health insurance for an immigrant who's over 65?
My parents and I are thinking about bringing my grandmother to the U.S. but we are worried about health insurance. My grandmother is 87 years old and has many medical conditions so we need to get her something that would cover the medical expenses. She will be an immigrant because she doesn't have U.S. citizenship or green card, and she has never worked in this country. Since she is over 65 years old, she cannot get a health insurance, but I am hoping that she can get something that is similar to Medicare, Medi-Cal, or Medicaid. I know that Medicare is for people who is either a citizen or permanent resident and who has worked least 10 years in Medicare-covered employment. Is there anything that my grandmother could be eligible for medical health plan or insurance although she is an immigrant, over 65 years of age, and never worked in the U.S.? Any advice or suggestion would be much appreciated.""
How much is it to insure a lancer evo IX MR?
Im 18 your old young man trying to figure out how much it is for insurance generally for the car for a guy my age. Also is the fq400 an import?
How much would a 1995 dodge dakota be roughly for insurance?
i was going to tailgate off of my parents insurance (i just got my lecense and i wanna pay what my parents pay til the dmv tells my insurance company) both of my parents have a clean driving record and have been on the road for 30 years. i just wonder how much insurance would ROUGHLY be
Do i need insurance on my 150cc scooter in WI?
do i need insurance on my 150cc scooter in WI
""Car accident, driving record & Insurance?""
If car accident happended and insurance covered the damage, but at-fault violation is kept off the driving record with help of being first offender, then will it still affect car insurance rate even if switching previous insurance company to other? Do insurance companies share their custmer drivers' information?""
How do i go about getting car insurance?
ok so i just bought my first car but i dont know a thing about getting insurance nd what not.. my mum said something about third party insurance and greenslips and what not. what's the first step i should take?
fleet insurance
fleet insurance
USAA insurance for motorcycles?
Does anyone know what motorcycle insurance through USAA would cost for a female beginner between the ages of 18-24? first bike (let's say a Buell Blast, if the type of motorcycle matters), never had any accidents or speeding tickets, and passed all the safety courses, etc. I'd look it up myself, but for some reason the website isn't letting me look at the motorcycle section right now. Thanks in advance.""
Gta V - How do i get car insurance?
I got myself a nice Bugati Veyron, how do i get car insurance on it?""
Does California vehicle insurance cover broken windshields?
A turkey vulture smashed my windshield yesterday. I have full coverage insurance and they told me I would have to pay my $500 deductible. In other states I've had windshields covered for free. *ONLY the windshield was damaged*. No other parts
Insurance on mustang?
I am 16 years old- male and i am thinking about purchasing a 2002 black mustang( convertible) and i have already spoke to the man selling and all i have to do is go pick it up so i was wondering what would be the cheapest way to go on car insurance. My parents have state farm, and if have my own insurance i would only be paying for liability. Does anyone know how much that would cost monthly or whats the cheapest way to do this?""
HOw much does PIP insurance cost in miami florida?
does anyone know how much would PIP insurance cost for a 18 year old female driving a white 2002 SATURN SL2 in miami florida
Can car insurance comp increase my premiums like this?
In April of this year, I paid for my car insurance for the period April to October. Now they are telling me they are increasing my premium for that period by another $50 because the address of my workplace changed. I don't get it. Can they do that? I already paid for my premiums for that period. If I don't pay the extra $50, is my insurance still valid?""
If i put a big engine in my small car will my insurance still be low?
i have a ford fiesta zetec 1.25, if i put a rs cosworth engine in it will it how much will it affect the insurance? i've been on gocompare.com and it give an option standard engine replacement . i have ticked it and the price has gone up from 682 to 1049. does this mean i can put any engine in my car and the insurance will be 1049?""
Is kaiser permanente health insurance confidential with teen the way Planned Parenthood is?
I know it's a family hospital, but do they let your parents know everything when you go see them for something like a vaginal check up?""
Car insurance quotes?
i have just passed my driving test & was looking at insurance quotes on different comparison websites . i am a 36 year old man with 4 kids & wife & need to get a car to further my career . i got a quote for a 1997 R reg 800cc Daewoo matiz and will be fitting an alarm as well as keeping it locked in my garage overnight but the cheapest quote a can find is 1282 a year fully comp & paying up front .I also got a quote for a 1998 S reg 1.4 Peaugeot 306 Meridian & the quote I received for this car was 942 for the year again payment upfront . the problem I have is that with the latter quote for the Peaugeot is that there wasn't any alarm on the quote & it was to be parked in the carpark next to my house . So why oh why is a car that is less desirable & has a smaller engine costing 340 more even though it has an alarm & locked away over night .
Adding a new driver to insurance.?
In Ontario, if a new driver was added to insurance on a 03 dodge caravan how much would it be about?""
Does your car insurance go down if youve been riding a motorbike?
Hi ive recently turned 17 and justgot my full UK car licence! Insurance has been quoted at around 2thousand ayear wich i think is outragous! But then i wonderd if theres any chance it would come down a little due to me driving a motorbike on the road for the last year? Please help
""How do you purchase a car without insurance, and how do you get insuracnce with out a car?""
I left my insurace expire, and noe I need to get insurance, but I don't know what car i'm going to get, so which comes first, the insurance or the car?""
Thank you ahead for answer my question. I live in MA, I'm a homeowner of a 3 units property in Boston. When I bought that house, my insurance agent for my AUTO said that I have to ...show more""
Car insurance company in Michigan?
What is the cheapest car insurance company in Mi? i would like to have the cheapest basic insurance for my car ,and it doest matter for me how good is the company. I only want a paper says i have insurance when police stops me.""
Can you have two insurance policies on one car?
My Dad has a classis car, I would like to use this car for a weekend, but as i am only 19 I cannot have classic car insurance so I cant go on as a named driver. Is there anyway I can insure this car for a weekend?""
Can i get insurance on a bike at 16?
i have a pedal bike its 20in i have paid almost 1800 for i built it myself and i was woundering if i could get some type of insurance for it like if it gets stolen. i live in michigan
How much is moped insurance?
getting a scooter , how much will my insurance be?""
How can forcing people to have car insurance compare to forcing health insurance?
Actually this equates to Slavery by the government??? You do not have to buy car insurance if you do not own a car. Secondly, if your car is paid for then you only have to have liability insurance to protect others not for the repairs of your own car. Yet, forcing everyone to have health insurance would fall on every individual regardless of age, sex, race, income, ect. If you do not have enough after paying your monthly bills you will be fined and even serve prison time with a $25,000 fee. This essentially goes against Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness isn't it? Liberals want to say everyone should have, and the government should provide? Yet, this is not government providing it is government enslaving you to have?? Slippery slope they are weaving and the benefits will be far less than we have today with the government oppression on each individual.""
How much would insurance cost for an old 1960s/1970s car?
im new to everything dealing with cars and i lovee the 1967 cadillac eldorado..
Car Insurance estimate for a 17 year old.?
How much do you think insurance will be for me (a 17 year old male) driving a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2L 2004? I have looked on websites for quotes but I am not yet 17 and you have to be in order to get a quote and I think they will check the household to make sure you are the right age. So any guesses on how much it should cost?
Help with getting car insurance in NY?
I really need to get a car, just got my drivers license but the insurance companies are trying to charge me over 600 a month. I have heard about people getting their insurance in maryland and other close by states, will i be able to do that? or anything ? oh and i'm 22 btw""
How much is an abortion without insurance?
I am 8 weeks pregnant by my boyfriend. I am 18 and he is 20 and neither of us have medical insurance. I cannot afford to care for a child and he does not even live in the same state as me(he is also dealing with recent medical problems). He visits me in California and then goes back to Texas for college. Every time he comes down here we are very careful, but something went wrong. I have briefly discussed this with him but he needs to know the price before we can really talk about it.I need to know if not having insurance makes a difference in the price? If it does not then how much is it in general? Please just answer the question if you know or please do not say anything at all, I am already stressed out as it is. I am sorry for posting this here but it is the only place I can think of where to find answer.""
Car Finance With Insurance?
Hi, i've been searching for a while now for a car finance which comes with insurance for under 25's. Im 21 and being driving for three years and 90% of the time my son is with me so I wouldn't considered myself a boy racer . The only one I found was the just add fuel scheme by peugeot but like any other scheme you have to be 25. So any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated""
How much is car insurance for a new driver in London?
I'm 27yrs and I'm looking at buying 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1.0 E 3dr Hatchback. I want to get my full driving licence before I buy the car which means I would be a new driver when I want to get the insurance. I just want to have a rough idea of how much I will be paying annually. I know i cant get the right figure, just need a rough idea of the minimum/maximum i would have to pay. Any contribution will be highly appreciated.""
Motorcycle or Scooter Insurance in London?
How much would the insurance be for a motorcycle or scooter worth less than 4,000GBP in London? I'm hoping that it would be a lot less than a 50cc scooter in Dublin worth about 400GBP costing 200GBP for insurance per year.""
fleet insurance
fleet insurance
Car insurance question?
right now I'm driving a 2008 saturn aura xe, I'm 17 and my insurance is around 200$ a month. I'm looking into buying a new car. i recent ran into money on the stock market. I'm looking into buying a 2008 c-300 mercedes they go for around 15,000-17,000. will my insurance go up a lot? thanks""
Affordable full coverage auto insurance?
Where can I get affordable full coverage auto insurance in Delaware with a scetchy driving record?
Cannot get any fr44 insurance?
every insurance company says I need to give $4500 down as a lump sum because of my driving record... any advise im in florida DUI, PIP claim, 2 speeding tickets""
Car Insurance Company wants me to send them pictures?
I don't know why, but I have never heard of this before and I am a little suspicious. So this idiot decided to back into my parked car and completely destroy my door. They are no doubt who is at fault for this. Their insurance company just called and wants me to send them pictures instead of them coming out to take pictures. Has anyone had this situation before, and how long after I send them pictures am I going to be able to fix my car, this happened on Monday and i am getting pissed! Thanks for your help!""
Car Insurance question?
about how much does it cost for a 16 year old to be added to parents car insurance? allstate
Where can I get babysitting insurance in the UK?
I have scoured the internet but keep being told they won't give me babysitting insurance unless I am a registered childminder. Help please?
Insurance for first timer? UK?
What would the insurance be on these cars for a 17 year old in the United Kingdom, roughly, and do you now any other cars that are like these, and are resonably cheap in insurance please Farlady 350z or 370z Skyline r33 gts Subaru inpreza 2.0 I was also thinking the mazda rx8, but i see that it has a rotary engine and also only has 20mpg, is that true? Thanks Mike""
Car insurance?
im 17 and learning to drive my mum has a black small car ( not sure what make) im a girl houw much would insurance be any sites help
Insurance when moving to america?
I am a 30 year old woman moving to the united states what kind of insurance cover do i require any companies recommended ?
""How are your health insurance plans, if you have individual insurance?""
I was asking about those who have health insurance, what are your companies like. Do you like your health companies, are the insurance plans good.""
Average cost of dune buggy insurance- just answer... I don't want websites to go to?
Average cost of dune buggy insurance- just answer... I don't want websites to go to?
Insurance for scooter?
I am thinking of getting a 125cc scooter to save gas this summer. Do I need insurance for the scooter? Then it would defeat the purpose for me
Average docter visit cost in oradell nj w/o insurance?
does anyone know average docter visit cost in oradell nj w/o insurance?
How much would 6 points on your licence affect your car insurance?
I have just received 3 points and 3 points i have from a couple of years ago.how much will my insurance go up,now i ahve another 3. Please no smart *** answers like well u shouldnt speed ect.. just a straight answer please..thanks xxx Thanks you xx""
What's the cheapest 1 day car insurance?
What's the cheapest 1 day car insurance?
Cheap Car Insurance in CT?
Cheap Car Insurance in CT? He has a lapse in coverage... He has one minor moving violation dated in 2006. He needs State Min. 20/40/10 then He needs Comp and Collision 2000 deductible... He drives a 2001 Buick Century... Cheap Insurance Companies Anyone? Websites or phone numbers please... I have already tried all I know. Geico, Untrin, Esurance, Progressive, Safeco, Nationwide, State Farm, Travelers, Allstate.... Any others?""
How long do I have once I cancel my auto insurance in Florida?
Okay so I just got a quote from Geico that is half of what I'm paying my current insurance company. My insurance payment is due the 23rd though. Now they told me that the whole process of signing up would take from a few days to 30. I wont be driving my car these holidays so would it be possible for me to cancel my coverage with the other company and sign up with Geico. If I cancel will my license get suspended? I just don't wanna have to send the tag back because it cost me 400 dollars to take out.
Where can i find a cheap mustang and a good deal on insurance?
im 18 and my insurance is cheap but i dont no how much it will go up if i get a mustang. i live in ohio and need a place near me so i dont have to go far
""Is $500,000 a large life insurance policy? Or is it just average? Or more of a starting point? Relative to what people typically have.?""
Is $500,000 a large life insurance policy? Or is it just average? Or more of a starting point? Relative to what people typically have.?""
Why is the ticket for driving without insurance so high???
My husband just got a $600 ticket for not having insurance and if he gets caught again without it within a year, he could go to jail for up to one year!!! (in Colorado) :(""
Auto Insurance in 2 States?
Folks I am dealing with an issue that involves 3 cars 3 drivers ( my wife, my son and I) and 2 different states (my son away at college) the insurance companies are thiefs trying to stick it to me. Even though my son is at college more than 1250 miles away from home the insurance company still charge me for him, I bough him a car and since he is in another state my insurance premium is almost triple. Any ideas? remember 3 cars 3 drivers and 2 states my son at college with a new car. Will it be cheaper if he gets his own insurance? Help is needed and much appreciated""
What is the cost of general liability insurance for park rental?
need the insurance to cover a softball tournament
Car insurance for total loss?
I got a car accident due to bad weather and got a total loss. No one is involved in the accident. I`ve got a full coverage insurance at that time. The insurance company is cancelled a contract with me after a claim (accident) I issued, which I found it through insurance agency. The insurance company said that they did not know the previous accident record on my driver license. Then they cancelled the contract. Can I possibly claim a complain with my insurance company? I terribly need any car since I use a car for my job. The insurance company said they will not give me any money either a car. What should I do? Thank you""
How can we make health care insurance work like car insurance?
Everyone is familiar with how car insurance works. Its available to all. Its pretty cheap. They can't drop you from coverage even if you are a drunk driver. Once you have a accident they dont raise you rates too much. Why can't health care be more like Geico (insurance) and your local car repair man (doctor) and the DMV (government help)?
Will Photo enforced tickets raise insurance rates?
How can this raise rates to specific drivers if more than one person operates that vehicle? Not fair to raise the rates of the person whom the car is registered to because they may not have been the driver.
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fleet insurance
0 notes
differentdove · 8 years
all the questionsss :D
Top of tha mornin to ya, anon! I guess you DO wanna know something! Is it you that wants to know everything? If not, thats a pretty popular view, hahaha! But i like your hutzpah, kid! 1:   Full name : Madison Grace 
2:   Age : I am nineteen 
3:   3 Fears : I mean, I dont really have but one fear, but I suppose silence, darkness, and opening up to people, but those are just due to inner issues and are things easily fixed that i deal with on a daily basis. 
4:   3 things I love : I love Paul and dinosaours and my family! 
5:   3 turns on : Passion, no fear of social standards, hilarity! 
6:   3 turns off : Common camo, no consideration of others, my ex bf!
7:   My best friend: all of my friends now??
8:   Sexual orientation: ?????????
9:   My best first date: That is by far this last one i went on! It was incredible, i will never forget it! 
10:   How tall am I: Smol standing at 5′6′’
11:   What do I miss: I miss traveling. I cant do it so much anymore as of this exact moment, but i do what i can
12:   What time were I born: I was born exactly on the dot at 8:45 in the morning! 
13:   Favourite color: ALL THE COLOURS! 
14:   Do I have a crush: Nope! 
15:   Favourite quote: I dont really have one, but ill just put the last one that i shared. I came across it by accident and it is actually a lyric, but it says: “We make each other better, we may not be perfect, but we are perfect together” and its such a sweet, aweome song and it made me too emotional than i am confortable with.
16:   Favourite place: I do not have one, actually! 
17:   Favourite food: How could you ever pick just one? There is so many delectable things out there! 
18:   Do I use sarcasm: Wha-whaaaattt! Pshhhh, haha, do i, do I use sarcasm?!?!? Hahahaha, noooooooooooooooo. 
19:   What am I listening to right now: I just have The Office playing in the background, ive gotta shower here soon, but I am tryna crunch out these questions first! 
20:   First thing I notice in new person: Existence? 
21:   Shoe size: That is a tricky question, but the shoes i am wearing today are a 9.5H
22:   Eye color: As of rn, they are lightish brown! 
23:   Hair color: Browwwnn
24:   Favourite style of clothing: I mean, i dont have an answer for this, but eccentric? 
25:   Ever done a prank call?: I mean, do middle school girls do dumb things at sleep overs?…yes. 
27:   Meaning behind my URL: I have used this url for soooooo many years now, it is basically my signature username. I came up with this in,,,a round fourth grade time, and that was when i was really noticing my connection to mother nature and i was the weird kid and so ‘different’ stood out to me, (”different” being a good connotation and “strange” being the opposing) and ‘dove’ was a nice word, showing a bit of religion and peace and so i feel they fit together very nicely! It also turned out for Morning Dove to be my first larger role, and my ancients gave me this bag of random jewlery from all over and it had a beautiful handmade dove in it with beads.  
28:   Favourite movie: N/a
29:   Favourite song N/a
30:   Favourite band Really, how does one pick these things?
31:   How I feel right now: I,,,I feel, not necessarily happy, but, almost. Content?
32:   Someone I love: Rachel
33:   My current relationship status: Single and ready to fla-stay that way.
34:   My relationship with my parents: Nonexistent?
35:   Favourite holiday: I dont have one! I really kind of like all of them! Well, except for valentines day. Thats so stupid, im not even gonna get that soap box.
36:   Tattoos and piercing i have: Sadly, i just have my lobes pierced, but i want soooo many more piercings that are underway. I want too many tattoos, and i cant really get them, so im just gonna deal without. 
37:   Tattoos and piercing i want: Well, the next is my conch ear pierced. I have an ear map of ones that i want. 
38:   The reason I joined Tumblr: I mean, this is not my original tumblr, but it was actually my friend Tahlia who suggested it. I was making really cool art out of fruit at lunch and she wanted me to post it, and so she told me about it and i cant remember what that blog was, but i will remember eventually. But i joined off of her recommendation and here i am! 
39:   Do I and my last ex hate each other?: No, i mean,,, he hurt me beyond belief and its really something ive been trying to get the heck ut of my life, but no, i dont hate him. I know he despises me, but i feel what i feel and as much wrong as he did me, i do not hate him. 
40:   Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: I meaannn, technically yes, but ive not gotten a “good morning” text in a good while. I tend to talk to people very late, and so we will say good bye n good night, but not really, no. 
41:   Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: I have not. 
42:   When did I last hold hands?: Goodness, that is a time ago, huh. Thats not something ive thought about in a good while. I held a mannequin hand earlier, but a human, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
43:   How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: It depends, anywhere from and hour to five hours.
44:   Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: HAHAHAHAHAHA
45:   Where am I right now?: I am sitting on my couch in the living room. My home. 
*the part where i shorten answers, sweet and simple. AKA i didnt realize how long this was and i want to get them all, but im on a time crunch*
46:   If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: Then it would be whichever friend is there. We have good care for one another. Or the DD
47:   Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: Suuuuuuuuuuper loud, man. 
48:   Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: Ugh. Unfortunately. 
49:   Am I excited for anything?: I am excited, yes. I get to give a gift tomorrow and get ready for KCACTF.
50:   Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: Theres not really anyone, of any gender, that i have told everything to. 
51:   How often do I wear a fake smile?: too much. 
52:   When was the last time I hugged someone? I hugged this guy today…
53:   What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? I mean she IS married, soooo
54:   Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: Huh? No?
55:   What is something I disliked about today? I should have gotten something different at the restaurant, i didnt know it would be huge.
56:   If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: The frozen head of walt disney
57:   What do I think about most? Theatre? God? Honestly, my thoughts are nothing to mess with
58:   What’s my strangest talent?: I can,,,uhhh, I am great at champagne towers? 
59:   Do I have any strange phobias?: Nope. But my friend is afraid of two things. Whales and jello.
60:   Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Boooooth
61:   What was the last lie I told?: Im hanging out with Shelby and Ariel.
62:   Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: Both is pretty cool. Talking is easier for my situation (more available, etc.)
63:   Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yep. YEP.
64:   Do I believe in magic? Of course! 
65:   Do I believe in luck? Yes, but sometimes you have to make your own luck.
66:   What’s the weather like right now? It is actually starting to snow! :D
67:   What was the last book I’ve read? A Meisner book by friend lent me.
68:   Do I like the smell of gasoline? Overall-yes. but i hate pumping gas, and thats really the only time i smell it. 
69:   Do I have any nicknames? Not particularly, no.
70:   What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Probably my heart, itm.
71:   Do I spend money or save it?: I am trying to balance. 
72:   Can I touch my nose with a tounge? Yes, i can, actually.
73:   Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?: My ipad has pink in the case! 
74:   Favourite animal?: None. All of them.
75:   What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Dude. Freaking out over Gravity Falls! 
76:   What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: Uhhhhhhh, what? (McBadguy)
77:   What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: I mean, all of the musics. Ooh lala? By ginger minj.
78:   How can you win my heart?: I dont know you, it depends on you. But i feel my sparkling personality is a shooin. 
79:   What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: “Theyre not dead. Theyre never gonna die, but still chipped in for a cool tombstone, TAKE THAT DEBORA.”
80:   What is my favorite word?: I dont have one, but there is this thing where people say a word and it just sounds perfect with their voice. My freshman english teacher had one. And its just strange and itll stop me in my tracks. 
81:   My top 5 blogs on tumblr: Theres so many great ones! I highly reccomend lots of my mutuals, theyre all perfect hoomuns. 
82:   If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: Made you look. 
83:   Do I have any relatives in jail?: Not that i know of.
84:   I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: The power to have every power.
85:   What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: Really anything on my personal life. 
86:   What is my current desktop picture?: I dont have a desktop.
87:   Had sex?: Regerts. So many ragreeerrrts
88:   Bought condoms? Nope. 
89:   Gotten pregnant? Nope. 
90:   Failed a class? Yes. And it is not hindering me. 
91:   Kissed a boy?: yes i have
92:   Kissed a girl? Yep
93:   Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? No. 
94:   Had job? I have, i need another, though.
95:   Left the house without my wallet? Only all the time. 
96:   Bullied someone on the internet? Of course not. Thats never okay. 
97:   Had sex in public? I mean, technically, but no, not really. If ever. 
98:   Played on a sports team? Yeah, several actually. 
99:   Smoked weed? The devils lettuce. That gateway drug? THe wacKY TOBACKEE?!?! Yes. 
100:   Did drugs? Yep. 
101:   Smoked cigarettes? No, goodness no. And thats not gonna happen. ick
102:   Drank alcohol? Yep. 
103:   Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Never had this question before, i am vegan, yes! 
104:   Been overweight? Never not
105:   Been underweight? HAha, yeahright
106:   Been to a wedding? Yes! I love weddings! My last one ive been to was my dear friend Kelley. 
107:   Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: Minimum. 
108:   Watched TV for 5 hours straight?  Childs play.
109:   Been outside my home country? Yes and i cannot wait to go back
110:   Gotten my heart broken? Hahahahaha only a lot. 
111:   Been to a professional sports game?: A few actually! I love it
112:   Broken a bone? No, knock on wood
113:   Cut myself? Yes. Dont do it. 
114:   Been to prom? Twice. Prom ruler yoyo
115:   Been in airplane? Yes! Its great, good memories. 
116:   Fly by helicopter? Gosh i wish. I had an opportunity to at school, but i didnt learn until after the fact, They didnt think id want to. WOULDNT WANT TO. PSSSHHH. HA. 
117:   What concerts have I been to? So many. THe last big one was P!ATD and FOB in Georgia
118:   Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Maybe?
119:   Learned another language? I am working on it, yeah. 
120:   Wore make up? I am actually wearing it at this very moment. 
121:   Lost my virginity before I was 18?: Ugh. Regeerrrtttsssssss
122:   Had oral sex? Nope. 
123:   Dyed my hair? Nah
124:   Voted in a presidential election? Sadly i have not. not yet. 
125:   Rode in an ambulance? No, actually. And i hope i never will. Unless its just a fun parade-type thing. Or a car chase.
126:   Had a surgery? Besides oral surgery, no.
127:   Met someone famous? A few, yeah. Shout out Fanboy
128:   Stalked someone on a social network? Mildly, yeah. 
129:   Peed outside? So. Hard. 
130:   Been fishing? Nah
131:   Helped with charity? Yeah, i love volunteering!
132:   Been rejected by a crush?: Yuuuppppppp. 
133:   Broken a mirror? ……maybe a little
134:   What do I want for birthday? Is surprise party a bad answer? Ive always wanted oneee
135:   How many kids do I want and what will be their names? Ahhhhhh, who knows. Not present Madison. Thats future Madisons problem. 
136:   Was I named after anyone?: No, but who knows. 
137:   Do I like my handwriting? Yes. Its changed so much and is all over the place, but its great.
138:   What was my favourite toy as a child?: Iiiiiii, i dont know. 
139:   Favourite Tv Show? N/a.
140:   Where do I want to live when older? Nowhere. I want to keep traveling and live in cast/crew housing and yes.
141:   Play any musical instrument? Clarinet, beginners piano, beginners cello, beginners bagpipes. 
142:   One of my scars, how did I get it? Ive not one on my right leg, four o’clock from my knee that i got from my kittens the last time i saw them…
143:   Favourite pizza toping? Vegan thingssssss (a rare commodity where i live)
144:   Am I afraid of the dark? Not teccchnically, but i cant be in it. 
145:   Am I afraid of heights? Nooooo, theyre wonderful! 
146:   Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Nope. Its only illegal if you get caught. 
147:   Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? School is being a dumb dummyhead.
148:   What I’m really bad at. Everything, really?
149:   What my greatest achievments are. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh…?
150:   The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me. Honestly, i have those stored atm and really couldnt tell you. 
152:   What do I like about myself. Uhhhh,,,,,,, my minds not there atm. Come again. 
153:   My closest Tumblr friend. Teccchnicaly its @shelby ashley 3, but idk if thats cheating. 
154:   Something I fantasise about. Fantasise? Idk if you know me, but thats a vvv tricky subject. 
155:   Any question you’d like? Well, you didnt specify for this, so i suppose were finished! You might have noticed by now, but i am not able to answer every question in the ‘traditional’ way, but i hope you had fun reading these and you learned something new! I enjoyed answering them! I hope you have a wonderful day!
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