#this chapter was HELL on veteran though
eorzeashan · 9 months
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johnwickb1tsch · 2 months
andar conmigo ~ part 14
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gif by omg-imagine
A Walk in the Clouds/Don John crossover outline/fic- Paul Sutton x fem!Reader x Don John triangle ~ You grow up at Las Nubes vineyard, and have to go home to your dying father. You take your fake new husband, Sgt Paul Sutton, with you...Your old flame don John does not like this at all. Warnings: violence, fire! chapter map
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After Juan’s goons drag you away, it is Anjélica who slips from the chaos and entreats every man she finds at the fiesta wearing a uniform to come to Paul’s aid. By the time she is done the Sheriff has a mob of angry vets outside his jail, demanding the soldier’s release. 
Don Juan’s money was good, but it didn’t seem worth getting lynched over. 
When Paul roars up to Las Nubes in a Willy’s Jeep filled to bursting with fellow veterans, night has fallen, and the flames have just begun to lick out of don Juan’s bedroom window. The few workers who remained home from the fiesta are frantically shouting and passing buckets of water, fighting like hell to keep the rest of the buildings and the fields from burning. 
The house is already a lost cause. 
There is a rumble of thunder in the distance, a late summer storm too far, too late. 
Paul leaps from the Jeep before it has even stopped, running for the house. He knows you are in there, and that you need him. 
Some of Juan’s toughs emerge to meet the Jeep filled with interlopers, and Paul’s brothers in arms surge to meet them head on.
Paul bursts into the house, rushing down the hall on long legs, towards the flames.
Don Juan’s bedroom door is locked. Paul throws himself at it. It takes one, two, three tries before the heavy old wood gives. The burst of heat from the room sends him back a step, before he charges inside. 
His heart falls as he sees you laying there on the floor, crumpled and bloody as a flower crushed under foot, and for a heartbreaking moment he is certain you are dead. 
“Y/n?” he pleads, diving to his knees beside you, gathering you in his arms. 
He’s never been so relieved in his life, as when you stir in his grasp, your question of “Paul?” barely audible over the roar of the flames. 
“I’m getting you out of here.” He adjusts his hold so he can carry you out–and you see the ominous shadow in the doorway. Juan has returned, and he is holding an ornate saber that has been hanging in the hallway for longer than the two of you have been alive combined.  
“Paul–look out!” You try to warn him, but your voice is so weak. Maybe he sees the fear in your eyes, for he ducks just in time for the blade to slice just over his head. 
“You’re just in time for the barbecue!” hisses Juan, slashing again. 
Paul tries to evade, but doesn’t quite. The blade clips his arm, blood spurting. Though enraged, Juan is no swordsman. Before he can swing the heavy sword around to strike again Paul tackles him to the floor, wrestling for the blade. 
An old, familiar fury fills Paul, that consuming savagery from his war days slipped from its cage, and he wants to tear this horrible man to pieces with his bare hands for what he’s done to you.
They fight viciously, rolling, cursing, hitting and biting.
“You dishonored my house!” snarls Juan. “I will kill you both!”
The heat from the fire is scalding. You feel as though your skin will melt right from your bones, and you try to roll away from the growing flames.    
In the end Paul is victorious, pounding Juan’s hand on the floor until he must let go. The soldier throws away the fancy sword into the flames on the far wall. The room is a furnace now, and the fire is spreading out the window, up the house. You all need to go now, but Juan still will not quit, rendered mad by the desire for vengeance.
Desperate to get to you, Paul punches Juan in the jaw, hard enough to knock him out cold. 
“Paul?” you cry out, coughing on smoke. 
The decision is easy for him, to leave Juan behind to the flames, when he scoops you up and barrels into the hallway to make your escape from the burning house. As he passes through the door part of the grand old hacienda collapses behind him.  
He carries you away from the blaze as far as he can before his legs give out beneath him. “Y/n?” He cradles your head in his hands,desperate for you to answer him. Tears make sooty tracks down his cheeks. You both look like you rolled in a coal bin. 
“Paul?” Your eyes open to slits, and you cough violently. 
Are you alive?
For a moment you’re certain that if Paul is here before you–you’ve died, and this is your version of heaven. 
“Thank God,” he sobs, clutching you to him. 
Maybe you’re not dead. 
How marvelous it is, to breathe fresh air, and be cradled in this man’s strong arms again. 
Maybe you should start going to church again, because when the heavens open up and the rain falls down, it feels like a special blessing from above. You sit like that in Paul’s arms for you don’t know how long, soaking wet but warmed by his body sheltering yours. 
“I thought I lost you. Jesus Christ, I thought he’d killed you.” Paul’s words are a low litany in your hair. 
“I’m fine now,” you assure him, your voice rough from smoke inhalation.  
You absolutely are not fine, but you’re alive, and right now, that’s something. 
Even better, in your eyes, Paul is alive, and that’s the greatest miracle of all. 
You tilt your head in question, and without a word Paul answers with his lips on yours, a life-giving kiss that soothes the inferno in your soul as surely as the rain outside.
You sit together in a sodden pile, watching the house burn, before the rain starts to damper the flames. Too late for don Juan, you both are certain. On whose head lays the blame? Yours, for starting the fire? Paul’s, for leaving him? Or Juan’s himself, for being the man he was? 
You are too numb to suss it out, and Paul gingerly loads you into the Jeep to take you to the doctor in town, certain you both have worn out your welcome at Las Nubes.
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*divider by animatedglittergraphics
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imliketheiceifreeze · 2 years
Norman Nordstrom x reader
A rose by any other name-part one
warnings: violence, eventual smut, age gap, possible abusive relationship, slight stalking, minors DNI
945 words
[Just a short story, not sure where it's going yet lol]
Master list:
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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You walked passed the house once again. You would never admit to anyone the purposeful detour you took in hopes of seeing him. Norman Nordstrom, you thought his name was, whenever your eyes laid upon him he would be tending to the flowers at his border, or walking his dog around the yard. The poor man had lost his eyesight in the Gulf war, not shortly after he lost his whole family due to a reckless drunk driver. You weren't sure why you felt this pull to the old man, easily old enough to be your grandfather, yet you couldn't deny the dreams that came to you during lonely nights and your cheeks burned as you turned away from the house, a small smile dusting your lips.
Strange, the door seemed open but you couldn't see Norman or his dog anywhere. Should you investigate? I mean what sort of person wouldn't check on a vulnerable blind man? That was the justification you used at least when you ventured towards the open door of the house of a man you had never so much as spoken to.
"Hello. Is everything okay? I was just walking passed and noticed your door was open,"
you called into the house as you poked your head round the door. Your voiced trailed off into a gasp as you noticed the man curled up on the floor, blood pouring from his right side as he gasped for air.
"Oh my goodness,"
you murmured as you rushed to his side, falling to your knees as you fumbled with your phone.
"Sir? What happened?"
He barely acknowledged your presence, only wheezing and clutching at his side.
"You need to keep pressure on the wound,"
you mumbled as you pressed your hands above his, feebly attempting to stop the flow of blood as you clumsily punched the three magic numbers into your phone with the other hand.
He managed between gasps as he finally seemed to register you.
"You were shot? Okay don't worry, I'm calling for help, you're going to be okay,"
you spoke firmly, looking him dead in the eye, even though you knew he wouldn't be able to see your determined expression. You couldn't help but rub your thumb reassuringly over his hand as you turned your attention back to the phone.
"Yes please help, a man's been shot, he's losing a lot of blood, please."
You were on the verge of tears from the stress as the dispatcher attempted to calm you.
"We'll be there soon, just keep pressure on the wound, is the victim responsive?"
You couldn't remember anything after this, only concentrating on Norman, watching the life fade from his face as tears dripped down your cheeks.
"Don't let go, please stay with me Norman, stay with me."
"News is with us that visually impaired war veteran, Norman Nordstrom, has been the victim of a vicious home invasion. However, he is stable, suffering only minor injuries, and should be making a full recovery."
One week later
You sat in the hospital waiting room, heart beating out of your chest, clammy hands fiddling with the flimsy petals of the flowers you'd stupidly brought with you as some kind of get well soon gift. You felt so out of place.
You jumped to your feet, flattening the creases in your clothes, before making your way over to the nurse.
"He's ready to see you dear, just follow me."
Wordlessly, you shadowed her to the outside of a private room.
"He's just in there."
She spoke so softly, as if she were worried her words might break you. You smiled nervously in her direction before pushing down on the handle, entering the room slowly.
"Hi, Norman?"
Your voice trembled
"and who the hell are you?"
His words cut through you like ice, chilling you to the core. You knew this was stupid, this is what always happens, how could you have been so fucking moronic.
"Well?" His gravelly voice ran shivers up your spine,
"I, uh, well I was there when you were shot, I mean I found you, and I just wanted to uh bring you these,"
you squeaked out, moving closer to the bed and pressing the flowers gingerly into one of his hands. His gaze seemed to soften at your words as he brought the flowers to his other hand, inspecting the petals.
"You brought these for me?"
He seemed bewildered
"I know you can't see them but I always notice you tending to the flowers in your garden and I thought maybe they'd remind you of home, I don't know, it's stupid..."
You trailed off. a small smiled tickled the sides of his mouth as he replied
"Have you been watching me?"
"I live a few houses down, I just walk past from time to time, I'm sorry I never said hello."
"Well thank you... what's your name then? I assume you know everything about me from the damned news papers."
There was a twinge of sadness in his gruff voice as he seemed to get lost in thought.
"Its Y/N, Y/N L/N,"
you said softly, eyes trailing across the lines in his handsome face, down to the soft white beard and cracked lips, turned upward at the corners.
he repeated you, the sound of your name on his lips making your cheeks warm.
"Well I guess I should go... I hope you get better soon Norman,"
you blabbered as you turned on your heel, practically sprinting out of the door. Norman said nothing as he attempted to quell the possessive feeling burning in the pit of his stomach.
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shadowbends · 2 years
It’s me again, folks. Do you enjoy good fanfic? We’re reaching the end of the line, but I’m here to hook you up! Whether you’re new to the fandom and diving into the ROTTMNT fic scene for the first time, or a veteran looking for content you might have missed, my hope for this project is to point you to something you’ll enjoy!
This rec list is the last of three and focuses on longfic in the fandom, with a word count reaching anywhere over 15,000 words. You’ll find a variety of fic here, from novellas to full-blown novels—some complete, but many still ongoing! Though it may be heresy on the streets of New York, this is the list you want when you’re craving something really thick to sink your teeth into: a sit-down experience exploding with flavor. Don’t have time for that, actually? Then consider checking out my previous rec lists as well!
If you enjoy any of these fics, make sure to reblog and spread the love! Don’t forget to check out the other works by these authors; many of them have written multiple wonderful stories not featured here that are just as good. Additionally, consider leaving the authors a comment! I’m not always the best at that myself, but fic writers work hard and deserve all the love in the world.
With all of that said, it’s time for the recs. Let’s dig in!
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Quick note: On previous lists, I separated the recs by the general time period they took place in. I’m not going to that here, largely because—uh. Well. Nearly all of them are post-movie! This fandom’s sure been active in the last couple of months, huh? Given that, I’ll be sorting them by a broader method, but yes. If you’ve not seen the movie, this is your warning that spoilers abound in the recs below. 
The Aftermath by Starrcrossrose
57,262 words, 9/? chapters (last updated 11/03/2022)
Character Focus: Everyone (Leo-centric)
Genre: Angst, Family Drama, Hurt/Comfort
It would’ve been easier to say what he was feeling, but he honestly didn’t know how. He wasn’t sure why, either. He knew his brothers would understand and comfort him and be there if he wanted them to be. Hell, Donnie’s surprise sleepover and everyone showing up for it in the living room had been proof of that.
Yet he still couldn’t do it. He’d tried to talk to Donnie and the pain on his brother’s face had been enough to make him never want to speak about things ever again. He didn’t want them to hurt the way he did; he wanted them to be okay and normal and happy.
You know they aren’t happy. Why do you keep pretending to be fine when the others aren’t either?
Leo squeezed his eyes shut and buried his face into his knees as he pulled himself into an even tighter ball. He wanted to go into his shell as much as possible, but at the same time, a searing energy was making his legs feel like he could run or swim for miles. He could just go and go and go until he collapsed.
Maybe… maybe that'll help.
Set a few months after the movie, Leo struggles with the long recovery time needed for his injuries to heal, both physical and mental. Unable to talk about it, he turns to unhealthy coping methods instead. The rest of the family is doing no better from the fallout of the invasion, however, with each of their own stresses mounting the longer things go unaddressed. That is until Chapter 8, when things come to a head...
There are a lot of post-movie recovery fics out there, each one unique. The Aftermath’s hallmark has to be in its slowburn foreshadowing, and excellent character writing. Throughout many chapters, we get a glimpse into the heads of just about every beloved character the series has to offer, including April and Casey Jr. Little clues to what’s going to go wrong are set up early on, but just like the characters, I was blind to how serious of a turn things were about to take until the problem finally reared its head. This fic does a good job of showing how important it is to talk to one another, even if it’s hard.
Aftershocks by Katiemonz, McBethins, octolingkiera, theashemarie, and this_kills_the_man
153,543 words, 12/15 chapters (last updated 11/06/2022)
Character Focus: Everyone
Genre: Family Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
“Good game,” Leo said to Donnie, smiling at Mikey in the same sly way as before.
“Thank you, Leonardo, but as I’ve said Uno is—”
“But you still lost,” Leo continued. He swept the cards up and began to straighten them for another shuffle.
“Second place is hardly—”
“Honorary title,” Leo cut in again. “Mikey won, so we owe him.”
“Owe him what? I have—”
“Keep your money, Don. In this game we’re dealing in secrets.”
“Yeah, specifically what’s up in that brilliant, big head of yours after all that Krang shit. C’mon. You owe him one secret.”
Picking up from the end of the invasion but spanning the weeks after, the day’s been won, but no one came out of the Krang’s attack completely unscathed. There’s a lot of trauma to unpack here—unfortunately, talking about it is the last thing just about anyone in the family wants to do. 
Another recovery fic, Aftershocks is unique for being a story told from five perspectives (the boys and April), as written by five different authors. As the brothers avoid each other, each arc’s events end up having quite the different take depending on whose POV you’re currently following, even in moments where the same scene is being retold. Truly an ensemble fic that focuses on everyone’s trauma, I’ve especially enjoyed that April was included. As the longest fic on this list, Aftershocks is heavy on introspection and exposition, but the characterization always manages to shine through in the details. I especially love the scene I quoted above; “Trauma Uno” is totally a concept I could see the boys coming up with. 
A Tale of Spirits by unorthodoxx
47,202 words, 6/? chapters (last updated 11/06/2022)
Character Focus: Ensemble
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Crossover
"I need to find my brothers," Raph mumbles.  "That's if they're even here."
"And then head back to the spirit world."
"It's not the spirit world!"
"Right," Toph grins. "This so-called 'other dimension' without benders."
"There are no benders in my world."
Toph reaches and places a hand on scaled skin.  Huge muscles twitch under her palm and the spirit stops.  "No benders?"
She nods.  "Like the spirit world."
Raph throws his arms up with a scream and Toph cackles.
For a crossover, this fic requires quite a bit of investment in the second fandom to follow; you’ll want to have seen all of ATLA Season 1, and potentially even Season 2 if you want to keep track of what’s going on, especially for moments when episodes are retold, but with the turtles added in. Additionally, the POV is solely with the ATLA characters. Is this fic worth recommending despite that? Abso-freaking-lutely. This might be one of the most creative crossovers I’ve seen in any fandom, and I’m absolutely hooked.
The plot is deceptively straightforward—the four turtles mysteriously appear in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender, separated and with no idea where the brothers are. Their arrival changes everything, with the people of the world seeing them as powerful spirits and guardians. I won’t spoil who ends up with who beyond what’s shown in the excerpt, but it paves the way for fascinating political intrigue and character development on all sides, our fave turtles included. Donatello’s position is perhaps the most fascinating for what may come of it, but everyone’s new groupings have been an utter delight. The banter feels charming and wholly in-character, and I can’t wait to read more. This is definitely a fic to keep your eye on, if you’ve not found it already.
Brother Dearest by Wardenov
69,666 words, 22/? chapters (last updated 11/03/2022)
Character Focus: Everyone (Donnie-centric)
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi, Horror
“You came here looking for answers, weakling, because you messed with powers far beyond your understanding.” “I’m not-” She doesn’t let him continue. “Our brother may be dead, but the glory of our kind is that we are never truly defeated, not as long as our mark remains.” And as if to make her point, she raises a tentacle and delicately touches the glass - tendrils spawning from the point of contact, rapidly expanding across the surface like a frenzied contagion before freezing in place and crumbling under the extreme cold. “We cull the weak and assimilate those worthy, we bestow the blessing of Krang upon those who deserve it. You-” she spits, remaining tentacles scrambling to climb the glass where Donnie stood, “-you have stolen our gift.”
He says nothing.
“But,” she continues, sadistic smile returning, “your transgressions have ensured our survival. Our continued conquest. Whether you like it or not.”
Set a few months after the Krang’s invasion, things have seemingly gone back to normal for the Hamato family. Everyone’s doing their best to get by, and back to familiar routines and hobbies. Donnie, though? His newest project throws all of that into new chaos, showing that no matter how well-meaning, there are some things man (and turtle) was never meant to tamper with. 
I’m absolutely feral for this fic, and desperate to impress upon anyone seeing this why they should read it. It might be one of the very best fics the fandom has to offer. Seriously. You want plot and worldbuilding on par with the Season 3 we never got? Exploration of the Hidden City, and the Council of Heads that run it? High stakes, suspense, action, and family drama? Look no further, fam. Brother Dearest has it all, and every character (even Mayhem!) has a big role to play. April’s sleuthing, Mikey further develops his new mystic powers, Leo has some heavy choices to make as leader, and Raph isn’t as home free after the Krang invasion as he thought. Make no mistake, though, the star of this show is Donnie in his unwitting supervillain arc. Will his family be able to save him from himself? Only time and new chapters can tell, but this fic dug its claws into my heart and won’t let go, it’s so good. 
Drift and Chemical Reaction by Bronte
26,949 words, 7/7 chapters (split between two fics)
Character Focus: Donatello & Leonardo, Ensemble
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Family Bonding
"Piña colada?"
"What the—?" Donnie cuts him off before he can finish, cramming a green and yellow striped straw between his teeth. Leo wears some of it, the yellow, smoothie-like drink dribbling down his plastron. "Wait, where did you—what is this?"
Donnie smirks. "Pineapple, coconut, rum. A taste of the tropics."
Leo blinks and glances down apprehensively at the ‘Better Late than Ugly’ mug in his hand. "...does this have alcohol in it?"
"Does this have—pfft, I would never. Do you know who I am? Donatello, upstanding citizen of Manhattan proper?" Donnie barks a laugh, tossing his head back before leveling him with a look. "Of course there is. As the Bard himself said, self-love, my brother, is not so vile a sin as self-neglect."
As two sides of the same story, these fics are being recommended together! Set after the movie, Drift is told from Leonardo’s POV, both during and after leaving the prison dimension, where Chemical Reaction tells the story from Donatello’s POV. 
The real charm of this fic, though? It has to be the banter. Reading this, I could totally hear the character’s voices in my head, which was only made better once the piña coladas came in. You think the twins are disasters; just wait until they’re drunk. These fics would be worth reccing on their own for that scene alone, but there’s actually a little bit of plot involved as well as Leo struggles to regain his ninpo, while Donnie... Well, something weird is going on with Donnie. Needless to say, both of these are a great read!
Every Night the Longest Day by ashtreelane
33,731 words, 13/? chapters (last updated 10/27/2022)
Character Focus: Leonardo & Family
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Medical Drama
“What’s wrong, Leo?” Raph asks from where he is curled around him, the snapper’s chin nestled on the top of his head.
“Can’t sleep,” Leo mutters. He smells worry, sudden and sharp, and when he opens his eyes Raph has whipped around to look at Donnie, eyes blown wide, looking for an answer. Donnie is looking at him too, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“We- okay. Raph, don't freak out. This is to be expected, remember?” Donnie is saying, his voice just barely on the wrong side of too calm. He’s freaking out too. Why? What’s happening? Oh, he’s being addressed now, he should probably pay attention.
“Leo, you were cursed six days ago to be unable to fall asleep. Your memory is suffering because of it, but we’re all right here, okay?”
Leo kind of knows what they’re talking about. He remembers it, he remembers that it happened, but the… events are… foggy. What- what had they been talking about?
“What are we talking about?”
When Leo is cursed to be unable to sleep, he and the family must wait for a new moon to break the spell through a ritual. Unfortunately, that new moon is nearly two weeks off. As Leo is forced to stay awake for days on end, his mental and physical condition quickly begins to deteriorate. Through it all, Leo’s family stays by his side to help him through it, beautifully balancing hurt with comfort through the beginning. As the story goes on and Leo’s condition worsens, though... Well. Things aren’t looking good, let’s say.  
I have such a soft spot for this fic, though. It’s grown quite popular lately, so many of you reading this list may have already heard it, but there was a point when I was following early on where the author was debating shifting the POV around or sticking with Leo as an unreliable narrator. I was really proud of them for sticking to their guns and going with the latter, and I think it’s paid off in spades. The way the author experiments with formatting styles and missing scenes really makes the fic stand apart from the standard whump setup, and turns it into something akin to low-key psychological horror. If you’re into that sort of thing it’s a lot of fun; even if you’re not, the moments of family bonding peppered throughout the fic are so wholesome, and definitely worth your time.
Fallout by GauntletKnight
50,677 words, 20/? chapters (last updated 11/05/2022)
Character Focus: Everyone
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Family Drama
“We are here. We are alive. Raph and Mikey are downstairs. Dad and April and Casey are on the way. You’re alright, Leo. You’re safe. We are all safe. No one is here to hurt you…or us.” There is no special inflection to his voice, but his words are firm, unmoving. Leo shakes for a moment, squeezing Donnie’s hand…and then he blinks, his eyes clear and he tries to take a breath.
Violent coughs wrack his body as he tries to dislodge the blood that had built up from his sobs. Bright red spatters down his front and across Donnie’s hands as he holds onto Leo’s arm. Each breath is like nails on a chalkboard.
Draxum steps in instantly, checking the monitor for vitals. “I’ve gotta get to that punctured lung…or else getting this blood transfusion in him isn’t going to do anything.” He turns to Donnie, holding out plastic gloves, “Can you-”
Leo shakes his head, finally getting a rattling breath into his chest. “N-no…Don’s…not great with this kind of thing. S’ok…he’s so good at everything else he had to leave some for the rest of us.” He smiles up at Donnie like Donnie hung the damn moon and stars, his eyes still shining with painful tears. It’s…a weirdly genuine moment between the two of them…
Donnie doesn’t like it.
Set between the final fight and grabbing a slice in the movie, this fic follows the immediate aftermath of pulling Leo out of the prison dimension with a bit more urgency and attention to everyone’s injuries. 
As I’ve said before, every movie recovery fic I’ve found has their hallmark, and I’d say Fallout’s is its heart and emotion. By focusing on the aftermath of the battle where everyone’s stresses are still running high, there’s a lot going on here, and it makes for some tense, but evocative moments. The story is lightly focused on Leo’s mental state especially, but everyone is going through it and as the POV shifts every chapter, each character gets some focus as they work through their injuries and messy feelings. Fallout is very satisfying read, and one I often come back to over and over.
hamartia by Punable
40,364 words, 9/? chapters (last updated 10/30/2022)
Character Focus: Donatello & Family
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
It felt nothing like how he imagined dying would feel.
Donatello was a man of science, so it would have been foolish of him to have not, over the years, devised theories around what results certain situations would generate, what or who they might take out of commission, and what he would need to do personally in order to gain the best possible outcome. He would sometimes note down how he believed these situations might affect him or his brothers, both physically or mentally - he wasn’t an expert on emotions, far from it, but he could at least logically assume that getting, say, struck by lightning (one of his planned-for possibilities) would leave its own traumatic scar on any man or turtle that happened to experience it, so he’d dragged in April for those certain emotional areas and promptly abandoned her as a research partner when she’d told him he was being obsessive. He was not obsessive, just thorough.
He couldn’t help but feel as though some of that research time may have been wasted, though, as he lay on his side, his newest project slash rework shattered into almost unsalvageable pieces on the floor across from him. (And really, that felt almost like the harshest blow - how was anyone except him supposed to salvage that hunk of junk? Was that all that he was leaving behind?)
He felt it had been time wasted, maybe, because dying didn’t feel at all like the soft, slowing breaths of passing peacefully into sleep, or the fast tight gasping of someone going out from a bullet wound. If anything, it felt like he was breathing too deeply, every breath filling his whole body and stretching out every wound and puncture and fracture, oxygen making his head light (or maybe that was the blood loss). He didn’t feel at peace, and he certainly didn’t feel as scared as he thought he should’ve been, as he had read he should have been.
Mostly, it just felt like an inconvenience.
Donnie almost dies, and that’s just the start of this angsty tale. What follows is an interesting exploration of what Donatello thinks of himself and his role in the team, and his family’s growing concerns when he won’t give himself time to recover. Donnie’s brush with death has lasting consequences, and a large part of the fic is dedicated both to how much they affect him and how long he can hide it from his family (and the audience). Once the truth comes out, though? Oof. 
The newfound disability is handled well, imo, and you really feel for everyone involved. There’s a lot about mental health that the author just does really well in general, actually. The focus on family and everyone’s concerns for their brother is where this fic really shines, though, and there’s a lot of emotion that hits just right. Basically, the hurt is done so well, I’m looking forward to when we get to more comfort.
i go there with you by bobtheacorn
21,649 words, 15/? chapters (last updated 11/04/2022)
Character Focus: Everyone
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Humor
"But seriously," Donnie says seriously, brandishing his tablet screen above Mikey's head and pointing at it, "I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that you be Very Honest when I ask you to scale your pain using this -" He cuts his eyes toward Raph, who grins. "Emoji Scale. Which dramatization would you say you find the most relatable at the moment?"
"Okay, so defo… this guy," Leo says. He thinks he manages to lift his finger but that's all the juice he's got. "On the… left."
"That would be the thumbs-up emoji, Leo," Raph says cautiously.
"Awww," Mikey gushes, "Is that one because you love us?"
"Hang on," Leo says around another small huff of maybe-laughter, "You… can't prove anything. But also…" He moves his finger again. "Also this guy on the… on the far r-right. Like, for-real for real."
"Oh, the sad-angry-crying emoji, fantastic," Donnie says with a bit more pep, tossing the tablet and turning to Splinter, who's closest to the monitor, "Papa, would you do Leo a huge favor and smash that morphine button, please? Like, right now, immediately."
Set immediately after the invasion. This fic is a series of interconnected one-shots originally written for Whumptober, but by Chapter 9 breaks into its own thing. The whump remains a focus, but it’s tempered by a good dose of comfort and humor as well, which the author is a master of. 
If you want a recovery fic after the events of the movie that matches the feeling of the show, i go there with you is the fic to start with. The characterization and banter are spot on, as is the emotional whiplash. All of the characters gets some love and introspection in this one too, which is always fun.
Now That’s What I Call A Vacation! by WayWardWatson
56,238 words, 9/? chapters (last updated 11/06/2022)
Character Focus: Splinter & Family
Genre: Family Bonding, Adventure, Hurt/Comfort
Splinter turned his attention back to Big Mama, the flirtatious mood from earlier dissipating. “I am calling in your favor.”
It was like he had slapped her with his rat tail with how she reared back in visible disgust. Her fangs clicked in irritation and she scuttled further down, closer to where Splinter was standing. “Remind me, when have I ever owed you a measly-weasly favor?”
“When you misused demon armor for profit that nearly resulted in the end of human and yokai kind alike?” Splinter evenly said. “Oh, and the time I rubbed your feet, all eight of them, when you were on bedrest.”
“I thought that was an act of love.”
“Kindness.” He corrected because his heart hurt too much when she said love. “I was being kind. Though, if you want,” Again, his voice dipped into a purr, splaying out his arms wide in open invitation. “You could be kind enough to give me and my family a free round trip to Japan? I know you can do it.”
More scuttling as a low hiss escaped her maw. “That is a big, dimbly favor to ask.”
“I thought we were calling those acts of lo- kindness?”
“Why,” She drew the word out as she finally reached the bottom and pressed her broach. Suddenly, a swirl of light engulfed Big Mama and, with a whoosh of mystic energy that smelt like nutmeg, he watched as her stature began to diminish. Just as quickly, the light fractured and then separated into small motes of bioluminescent dust, casting a dim, golden glow around them. Now in human form, Big Mama stepped in close enough to touch. “Do you want to go to Japan?”
Without thinking, Splinter’s eyes trailed down then up and he swallowed. His heart was beginning to pick up, but certainly not from fear. He took a moment to gather himself. “My children need a vacation.”
Splinter takes one look at the S2 finale and the movie and decides that’s it, this family needs a break. Deals are made, mystic disguise brooches are acquired, itineraries are made, and with that, the family (including April!) are off on an exciting vacation to Japan! As with all scenarios involving the Hamato Clan, however, nothing goes so simply.
You’re getting so much bang for your buck picking up this fic. A family trip to Japan is charming in and of itself—and the author has done so much research on the country that some passages feels like taking a tour of your own—but this fic actually has a lot going on for it. How they even get to Japan involves some fun mystic worldbuilding, and the cloaking brooches open the door to interesting commentary on body dysphoria. And of course, things take quite a turn when the fam runs into a figure from Splinter’s past who has questions he struggles to answer. A refreshing story with creative ideas, Now That’s What I Call A Vacation! also has an excellent grasp on all of the characters, in and out of vacation mode. It’s a darling read.
odd man out by cosmocrow
22,676 words, 4/? chapters (last updated 10/29/2022)
Character Focus: Future Leonardo & Leonardo, Future Leonardo & Casey, The Hamato Family
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Family Drama
“Master Splinter,” he greets, almost impressed by the fact that his voice isn’t wavering like he feared it would. “I’m sorry for barging in– like. Barging into your timeline? I– I can explain.” He really can’t, but that isn’t the point.
Splinter only raises a hand. “Don’t worry, Casey has brought us up to speed.” He turns to deposit the tray onto a cart, before folding his hands into the sleeve of his robe. Leonardo can feel those yellow eyes look him up and down as he straightens up again. Splinter takes a step closer, craning his short neck to be able to look Leonardo in the face. Melancholy dances on his features, but the rat smiles nonetheless.
“Look at you, you’ve gotten so tall, Leonardo.” The soft usage of his name almost makes Leonardo stumble. He hasn’t heard it from his father’s mouth in a long, long time. A familiar burn starts to prickle within his eyes, so he starts blinking in order to quell the itch, pressing his lips together, so his mouth won’t wobble. He isn’t sure why he’s trying – he knows that Splinter knows.
His father always knew everything.
Splinter steps even closer, lifting a hand from within the confines of his sleeves. Like a magnet, Leonardo bends down, so his dad can cup the side of his face. Gently, the old rat rubs his thumb into his cheek, just below his mask, over his red markings. Splinter’s sad little smile falls, and he tugs down the blue mask over Leonardo’s face.
“But,” he says softly, “you look so tired, my son.”
Several months after the movie’s conclusion, a familiar face from Casey’s averted bad future appears, just as everyone else is startling to settle back in. Predictably, this throws everything into confusion.
Tl;dr, Future Leonardo is sent back into the past and has to adjust back to a world sans apocalypse, and the family takes him in with open arms. Things between him and younger Leo are a lot more tenuous, but there’s a resolution early on that feels very true to their personalities—one less sure of himself, and the other who’s learned his lessons the hard way—that resonated strongly with me and made me fall in love with the story. Add to that some genuinely heartwarming moments with the family bonding, and you’re in for a good, if bittersweet time. 
Recoil by unorthodoxx
63,236 words, 10/10 chapters
Character Focus: Ensemble
Genre: Action, Team Bonding, Angst, Crossover
“Hey guys,” he yells.  “You might want to see this.”
It doesn’t take long for the three of them to spill into his lab.  Leo comes in first and drapes himself across the back of Donnie’s chair.  “What’s up?  You find the secret ingredient to Luenzo’s Pizza yet?”
“No,” Donnie scowls.  “They’re locked down tighter than Fort Knox, but it’ll fall soon.  They always do.  No fellas,” He enlarges the email, “We’ve been invited to a meet-up of sorts.”  
Raph’s hand settles heavily on his shoulder as the larger turtle leans in to read.  “Dear Genius Built…….Talk about…….agree to meet…..love…”
“IRONMAN!!?!?”  Mikey shouts.  “THE Ironman wants to meet us!”
“Wow,” Raph whistles.  “The Avengers.  That’s some top-level hero stuff.”
ROTTMNT crosses over with the MCU! Set in a world where both universes exist in the same setting, this fic takes place after the Krang Invasion, but fairly into the MCU’s history, long before the superheroes have their falling out. So long as you have any familiarity with the first Avengers movie, you’ll be able to follow the story fine, as it’s straightforward: the appearance of the Krang was as abrupt as their defeat, and Tony Stark can’t let sleeping dogs lie. After uncovering the turtles’ involvement, an in-person meeting is arranged to handle the fate of the Krang Key.
Most of this fic is just a fun excuse to let the ROTTMNT characters bounce off the MCU characters, and it’s fun to see who gets along and who doesn’t. That’s the thing I love in particular about this story—the author is true enough to their characterization that not everyone is friends by the end, in a way that makes whole sense. The Avengers are disasters themselves, after all. The plot of handling the key is done exceptionally well too, and there’s a lot of high octane action at the end that’s quite thrilling. If you’re looking for a good time, you’ll fine it in Recoil, and if you enjoyed it, there’s more where that came from! The author has planned out several other stories set later on in the same series, the first of which (where the turtles meet Spiderman) is already out. So keep an eye on that!
this kind of weather by ihaveathingforpink
21,526 words, 2/4 chapters (last updated 09/18/2022)
Character Focus: Leonardo & Michelangelo, Raphael & Donatello, Ensemble
Genre: Action, Hurt/Comfort, Crossover
“Well, if it is business you seek, Krang has a proposition for you. There are two turtles Krang wishes for you to…remove from the board as their tenacity has proven to be as obstructive as it is predictable. For our plans to proceed, it’s too dangerous for either to remain alive.”
Takeshi takes another sip before asking, “Turtles? As in the ninja turtles that reside beneath the city, whom everyone pretends doesn’t exist? The people of New York won’t be pleased if I do anything to harm their heroes.”
“Oh, I want you to do more than simply harm them. First, they need to suffer.”
“Suffering costs extra. I don’t do anything for free.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to.”
“Yet you said two turtles when, last I checked, there’s four.”
“Ah, yes. They are of little concern to me. Krang only need you to get rid of two, and you must follow Krang's instructions precisely. Otherwise, you will fail. First, you will need to get rid of the little orange one; he may not look like much, but he’s one of the strongest mystic warriors of all time. I suggest you handle this one quickly—he can be quite slippery—but the blue one, Krang implores you to take your time.”
This story has one helluva hook. A surviving Krang puts a hit out on Mikey and Leo, and saying more than that would unfortunately spoil the twist of the first chapter. With just two chapters, though, this story is fascinating and deserves a lot more attention than it’s gotten. It has high stakes, great action, and is an emotional roller coaster that doesn’t let up. It’s also a bit of a crossover, though longstanding fans of the TMNT franchise will recognize these faces right away. That’s right, this is a crossover with Usagi Yojimbo! Besides characters of that series, though, there’s also a lot of familiar faces from previous TMNT series that Rise never got enough time to tackle, like Tiger Claw and Renet. 
You can probably guess from the latter’s name that things are about to get timey-wimey up in here, and you’d be correct. There’s an absolutely killer plot at work here, emphasis on the killer, and whether they want to or not the turtles have to take a divide and conquer approach to it while at one of their lowest points. Seriously, check this one out. 
Under Pressure by ParvumAutmaton
21,560 words, 4/4 chapters
Character Focus: The Boys & April
Genre: Suspense, Angst
“You know April, right?” The voice on the other end of the line asked. “You’re one of her gamer friends?”
Donnie blinked. The voice sounded familiar but that didn’t help him at the unholy hour where way too late morphed into way too early.
“And you are?”
“Her mother. Please, did she spend the night at your place?”
“No, she did not,” Donnie answered, forcing himself upright, his exhaustion evaporating with that question. “I believe she was planning on some extracurricular club activity yesterday afternoon. So we weren’t planning on seeing her.”
“I don’t suppose you know which club?”
“No, I do not.”
“Ok,” The waver Donnie heard in her voice implied that it wasn’t. “You will let me know if April gets in touch?”
“Of course Ms. O’Neil.”
The call ended.
Donnie stared at his phone.
One of the few fics on this list not set after the movie, this story takes place after the S2 finale on a dismal day when April goes missing. Investigating her disappearance leads the boys to a van and a lake, and an exploration on the dangers of cave diving. 
As you can guess from that description, this fic has quite the creative setup that’s both atmospheric and suspenseful. Be sure to heed the tags because it does get dark, but it’s still a great read, and the turtles’ determination to find their sister pulls at the heartstrings. 
big sister by Darth_Sunny
18,090 words, 6/? chapters (last updated 10/24/2022)
Character Focus: April & Family
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
April O’Neil wasn’t an only child anymore. She had four younger brothers, whom she loved with all her heart, and who she’d burned the world down for if anything were to happen to them. She’d fight every ancient mystic evil the world would throw at her if it meant keeping them safe. And if she couldn’t be there for them at the moment, she’d be there for them in the aftermath. She was their big sister, their oldest and only sister. : was the self-proclaimed protector, but even he needed someone to protect him and to help protect their younger brothers.
So that’s why, when she watched the portal close up, slicing the Technodrome in half, stopping the Kraang for good, knowing that he was trapped back in that prison dimension, April O’Neil felt her heart break into hundreds, thousands, millions of little pieces.
This one’s a fic following April’s perspective on the end of the invasion, from Leo’s sacrifice, to picking up Casey, and reuniting with the boys. It mostly follows canon, but there is a fairly major change revealed partway through that makes it canon divergent from the movie’s ending. It’s unclear if other changes will follow, but just in case it’s being slotted in the canon divergent category all the same. 
That’s not the focus, though. No, this fic is centered squarely on April and her relationship with the rest of the Hamato Clan. I love that it impresses how much April is a part of the family, and that the boys aren’t just her friends but her brothers, and that their pain is her pain. Watching the aftermath of the invasion unfold from her perspective is a fresh and evocative take. 
Like Father Like Son by eternalglitch
132,982 words, 25/? chapters (last updated 11/02/2022)
Character Focus: Everyone (Leo-centric)
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
“Here, Boss!” Huginn darted back across the room, wings straining, as he carried a very… familiar…
“Uh, wait up, no,” Leo said, eyeing the blue object as Huginn dropped it into Draxum’s waiting hand. “Do you even know where that thing’s been? Have you properly washed it at least?”
Draxum’s roots suddenly shift, dragging Leo upright until he’s forced to stand on his tip-toes to have any sort of purchase. “I happened to have had it offered to me by the mutant that you call Meat Sweats,” Draxum said, admiring the collar (for that’s what it actually was, even if Leo had never called it that when it was just a gift from his brother) in the light. “He was quite helpful once I mentioned what I wanted to use it for.” Draxum started to approach, the collar held aloft.
“So, what,” Leo bit out. “You’re gonna stop me from saying my one-liners? Big whoop.”
“I think you’ll find,” Draxum coolly said. “That this has been modified to do so much more than that.”
This fic needs no introduction. In fact, there’s a high chance some of you heard of LFLS before they even saw Rise; I’ve heard of people who only watched the show just so they could read it! It’s the most popular fic in the fandom for a reason. If that’s scared you off, though, or if you’ve avoided it for other reasons, let me tell you why you should give it a chance. 
The fic takes some of Rise’s best villains and settings, and explores the darker sides of them (do heed the warnings in the tags). Leo goes through the absolute wringer, but the effect his disappearance has on his family plays a central part of the story as well, with all of the brothers getting full blown introspection and character arcs. Donnie’s in particular hurts me. The emotions are high and the plot is juicy, with some of the tightest writing the fandom has to offer, including intelligent plans and dialogue. As far as hurt/comfort goes, this is definitely a slow burn with a lot of angst, but the author has promised a happy ending. Between that and consistent updates (it’s been going strong for two years), what more could you ask for?
Three Days to Live by Werepirechick
93,992 words, 13/13 chapters
Character Focus: April & The Boys
Genre: Cyberpunk, Action, Human AU
The heiress and former target lowers her hands, keeping them placidly by her sides. “K-tech is a vicious, unrelenting company,” she says, glasses gleaming in the room’s light as she lifts her chin in defiance. “The people who run it are the same. They don’t let people get away, and they don’t leave loose ends. You were all on their shit list as much as I am, the second you signed on.”
Leo shifts his stance, tightening his grip on his gun. “So what are you proposing?” he asks coolly.
“Like y’all said. I’m the heiress to the company. In three days I’m going to walk into a courtroom, sign the papers that frees K-tech from the control of my guardian, and walk out the richest, most powerful person in North America.” O’Neil smiles bitterly. “That is, if I can survive the next seventy-two hours. That’s where you come in.”
“You want us to guard you,” Raph states.
Ohhh, this fic is an absolute gem. You can’t say no to a good Human AU in this fandom to start, but to top it off with a cyberpunk twist? Trust me, this is a match made in heaven. The plot kicks off when the boys—hitmen in this universe—are hired to take out April O’Neil, an heiress to one of the world’s largest tech companies. When things take a turn, she makes them a deal: protect her for three days instead, and she’ll make them rich beyond their wildest dreams.
The plot that follows is filled with danger, intrigue, and high octane action. The world is incredibly thought out and immersive, and makes for a great way to work ROTTMNT’s mystic powers into a new genre. The banter, though. If you’ve read any of Werepirechick’s other fics, you’d know that’s their specialty, and it’s no different here in Three Days to Live. While on the run from the powers seeking to destroy her, the boys and April bond and their friendship is perfection. The series also blends in characters from other iterations of the franchise, but it’s not too distracting, and for the most part remains firmly rooted in the Rise style. Do yourself a favor, and give this one a read!
Posted: 11/06/2022
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false-cowboy · 28 days
Do you have any litrpg recs?
I will attempt to give little descriptions but I'm not the best at writing so if nothing else I hope the names pique your interest! This post will be more personal opinion than direct plot summary, though if you'd like I can add those too
Noobtown: Humor is a bit high school boy especially in this first one, but it definitely gets some full body cackles outta me. Though this is a comedy series supposedly, it knows how to tug at your heart strings with some genuinely good characters and an interesting break of the system surrounding the book itself. More than anything, this shits Fun. It gets really interesting, Shart the demon is a pathetic mound of anger issues, Jim’s name is the equivalent of a dog’s in this world, all hail Badgalor king of the badgers, fuck the fecking puma forest.
Chaos Seeds: Classic of the genre, though definitely dated and the series degrades with the more recent books. Very nice magic system, one of the better uses I've seen, and the characters are notably very colorful/fun. Good fights and damn graphic, isn't afraid to be gruesome though there is a beating heart of humanity through the series I personally enjoy
Dungeon Crawler Carl (mix of LitRPG and apocalyptic dungeon elements, what it says on the tin): one of the best, and I mean BEST of this genre in my opinion. extraordinarily dark and horrifically funny. This shit will depress you as you giggle at it. But its just so damn good with some really nice underlying as well as overt commentary. More gorgeous character writing though here it's all Carl and the beautiful Princess Dount (his show winning, talking, cat whom deserves the universe in her paws) all the way. Very absurdist humor by the by, if that's your thing
Ascend Online (town builder litrpg): I mainly love this one for something that happens I think at the end of the first book though it might be the second. It sort of flips the magic system against our hero in a wonderfuly monstrous way. This one is Very Big, and honestly a little boring at times. But the game mechanics and magic system are drooling off of the page, begging to be thought about. Our main character is smart and resourceful, as a veteran of video games he capitalizes his knowlage for a satisfying build. If you’re really into game mechanics this shit was MADE for you, it is also just plain interesting. Good ideas and good fight scenes to go around for everyone! And mainly I just consider it a bit boring because I listened to the audiobook and the narrator read off the Entire Status Page ever like chapter which, if you're an avid LitRPG reader, you’ll understand the pain involved in such a thing
He Who Fights With Monsters: Another insanely long book, another absolute banger. While personally I'm not a fan of the series as it progresses, the first one is a full experience all on its own, lightning in a bottle to me. The main character is one of the best I’ve read about, the magic system is deliciously unique, the side characters are memorable as hell, but most of all I adore the worldbuilding in HWFWM SO fucking much. I have like full posts thirsting after it GOD. I could sit here and just talk. This is one of the best on the list to me, right up there with Dungeon Crawler Carl; even better in the side character department
Ritualist (The Completionist Chronicles): This one’s strengths are a surprising mix of absurdist comedy and a somewhat well thought out magic system. The writing is,,, Not The Best especially compared to some others, but it was a fun and very quick read, especially compared to some others on this list. a popcorn turn your brain off read
System Apocalypse (While most LitRPG exist in fantasy worlds, this one is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi vibe): This is another short one. It takes place in Canada and the main character is a ball of severe anger issues and angst, he has a very cool motorcycle and kicks hella ass. It’s great. His companion is top tier as well, there may or may not be a hot space elf prince involved. If you don't like romance you’re still good though because there isn’t any since John is a pussy ass bitch. Sorry, sorry, I'm trying to be fair and balanced. It's good! John is definitely a flawed individual, I think people often miss a lot of the little nuances in his character and write him off as petulant and pissed (to be fair, he is) but to me at least there's a bit more going on. Even if he can be genuinely irritating to read about
And finally, my two favorite series... and guilty pleasures
The Good Guys: A quintessential barbarian. Think of a barbarian character. Boom. There it is. That’s our man Montana Coggshall. this series is my version of embarrassment exposure therapy, Montana is constantly being humiliated and nothing good ever happens to him. But Also, this is not a sad or angsty or dark series at all. Its fun and light and god are the fights amazing. a fantasy romp to its core. Charming and delicious and fun and action packed to the gills.
The Bad Guys: A quintessential rouge. Think of a rogue character. Boom. There it is. That’s our man Clide Hatchett. This series has a style and comedy and charm to i cannot physically understate and there are So Many genuinely clever moments
there are so many characters that fuck around with morality and right/wrong and different view points that make the world feel so lived in
Everything from plumbing to lumberjacks is explored and given loving attention.
Reading it feels like coming home, I honestly don't care that the plot has turned into side quests and atm the side characters haven't gotten enough time in the spot light
The main character and fucking sheer amazing awkward kind conflicted energy of his dialogue, I've developed a connection to Eric ugland's style of writing further than I thought and I can't get enough of this shit. Also every problem Clide Hatchett has is solved with some sort of fucking batshit way I Adore
He's the guy who used a dagger that could travel through liquid to travel through a guys stomach and out the other side. Did I mention how gorey these books are? Because Yeah. I adore Clide Hatchet, my favorite character to ever be written in any place ever. He walks into places he absolutely shouldn't be, gets called elf boy, kicks everybody's ass while simultaneously being the most awkward and uncoordinated mess elvenly possible, then leaves. He is in the palace throne room profusely apologizing to the servants for getting dirt on the floor and beating the shit out of the king, he is at the altar of your wedding punching you in the face and then turning around and tripping on his dress, he is calling himself a hero before robbing a home blind. And also he keeps on shoving acid globs down people's throats and managing to do that while maintaining pure silly little guy energy is genuinely character writing talent. He's perfect. Yes it is very dorky.
Eric Ugland (who wrote both the Good Guys and Bad Guys series) has this way of writing, this STYLE I cannot properly articulate how much I find myself in love with it. though I will warn you I'm definitely bias, since I've been following both of these series almost since conception my perception could be entirely skewed by nostalgia
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izfaish · 5 months
[go go loser ranger manga spoilers - vol. 6 | ch. 43-42]
i don't even know if i can be coherent here odjdjfjf
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what a way to start the volume. GOD i love the internal struggle. the imaginary dream sequence. the way it almost mirrors the meal scene with the dragon keepers, with peltrola coming in and killing that chef the way akabane killed his jfc. it's nit a 1-to-1 comparison but it just reminded me of that same old rottenness. and the fact that sakurama is d's conscience so to speak... oufjfjfjfj
it makes sense that d would resolve to get rid of both the dragons keepers AND the executives. to him, they're the same. it is heartwarming to see him regard his cadet buddies as special, so much so that d is unsettled by the idea that HE would hold such power over them. the same power and authority that he despises from the dragon keepers and executives.
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ok i just wanted to say that this made me laugh. like first nadeshiko's panacea thing was funny and then suzukiri pulls out a tv remote like HELLO????
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i love d standing up for himself like this but i can also see the slippery slope of becoming like the executives... getting what you want and forcing that onto others... i wouldn't be surprised if d one day becomes an executive and has to grapple with that. hell, maybe in the later chapters he becomes a dragon keeper AND executive... damn.
i will say, peltrola is an interesting antagonist. someone so holier-than-thou who sees themselves as a god,,, an interesting match-up to the dragon keepers' divine sense of authority, what with their divine dragon tools.
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okay i did not like blue keeper when he was introduced, but i think that's normal. i still don't like him but i do find him a lot more interesting and i appreciate his sense of self-awareness. living your life knowing you toe the line between good and evil, never committing fully to one, and feeling that your resolve wavers because of it... like damn. you did not deserve to die. you deserved to live and commit to doing better. death isn't redemption, it's just a tragedy. speaking of..
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holy hell. the way d's murder of blue keeper was actually horrifying. just... the juxtaposition between d achieving his goal but feeling empty with loss anyway just hit so hard.
also (backtracking a bit) lil hibiki and tokita!!!!!! would not be surprised if tokita modeled his look after aogama. also aoyome and aogama's relationship is sweet. i like how she sees the best in him even if the worst of him shouldn't be ignored or excused.
OKAY i didn't realize there's an image limit so here's my other fav panels:
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;u; xx,,,, they're both just trying to carve meaning out of their existence (that backstory into d was also just... ough. there's,,, probably parallels there with blue keeper. raised to be a shield, a scapegoat, a loser... god...
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the fav is alive i am JUMPING FOR JOY
NO IDEA if koguma will be like,,, a friend or ally. or used as bait or get hurt again,,, leave him alone pls. also rip sojiro, you were a real one. really symbolic that the oldest veteran cadet of them there died, kinda symbolizes the passing of a baton... damn. rest in peace.
also - suzukiri! achieved her goal once more. she's so so interesting. i wonder what sakurama is up to...
okay look. i like sesera a lot but her thing with sakurama is NOT IT DNDMFNND. i know it's a trope but the fcking body pillow was so weird, like cmon. i still like her though, she's my fav of the dragon keepers. that,, might change going forward im not sure. i do like,,, sharks,, green keeper arc is next? shark teeth a+ design heeeee.
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executethyself35 · 7 months
Let's See How Far We've Come: Episode 1
pairings: BoB x ocs
a/n: the time throughout the day might seem wonky, has actually been proofread, for future chapters: this is based off of the show and the actors representations of these men, i mean no offense to the actual veterans.
warnings: slight cursing
Toccoa, Georgia, 1942 
Everyone got to the barracks at different times, trains coming from different states and cities taking somewhat longer or shorter. The first one there was probably Eliza Thomlin. With her being from Asheville and all. Eliza arrived at 5 am and waited for maybe five hours until another girl came. The girl was taller than Eliza. Her skin was much paler than Eliza's, with a near-white complexion. Her curly blonde hair framed her pretty face. The girl then introduced herself.
“Hello my name’s Torrance, everyone calls me Torrie though,” she had a British accent, which was strange being that they were in the south.
“I’m Eliza, ain’t you supposed to be on the other side of the pond?” asked Eliza. 
Before answering, Torrie let out a laugh, “Yea, I guess so, but I haven’t been to the other side since I was 15.” 
 “Well, I didn’t expect that, where are you from now?” Eliza let out a chuckle.
 “Hattiesburg, Mississippi, you?” 
 “Asheville, North Carolina, I’ve been sitting here for 5 hours waiting for someone to show up.” 
 “Well, you got someone to talk to now,” Torrie laughed again. Eliza smiled, she knew she was gonna have a friend here. About an hour later, a dark-skinned girl showed up, who spoke quickly with a clear New Orleans accent. “Y’all here for the female parachute infantry?”
 Eliza immediately replied, “Yup, what’s your name?”
 “Olive-Marie LeBeau, most people call me Olive though,” the girl replied.
 “I’m Eliza.” 
 Torrie piped in, “And I’m Torrie,” her accent seemed to surprise Olive.
“Well at least it’s nice to see a familiar face,” Olive replied. Over the hour that Eliza and Torrie were talking, Eliza found out Torrie was mixed and just so happened to be albino also. “Yea, it is, you look shocked by my accent” Torrie replied.
Olive laughed, “Well, you don’t hear a British accent in America all that often.”   Torrie replied, “Well you got that right.” 
A few hours later two other girls showed up. They were around the same height. One had olive skin and medium brown hair, and the other had tan skin and black hair. The black-haired one spoke up immediately, “What’s all y’all’s names? I’m Bianca Hernandez.” 
 Everyone introduced themselves except the brown-haired girl. “What’s your name girl?” asked Olive.
“I’m Marselle Rosaliano,” the girl answered in a sweet tone. “I like your hair, Eliza, it suits your eyes.” 
Eliza was bright ginger with bright green eyes, and that comment made her face as bright as her hair. It was later into the afternoon and the girls who had shown up already had retreated inside the barracks. There was a knock on the door, Bianca had yelled for whoever it was to come in. In walked the tallest of the girls gathered, she was built and had long black hair and dark eyes, and she looked menacing. Bianca asked, “What’s your name?”
“It’s Zipporah Fieldman,” said the girl. 
Bianca grinned while lying on her side in one of the barracks beds. “Well, I’m gonna call you Zippo because there’s no way in hell I’m gonna remember that.”
Zippo let out a chuckle, “That’s better than Zippy, what’s your name?”
 “Bianca,” she replied. 
“Well, I’ll call you B.”
 B chuckled, “That’s creative.”
“Yea and so is Zippo asshole,” Zippo replied grinning. Everyone started talking and having a good time and started creating nicknames for the ones who didn’t have one already. Olive became Ollie. They tried to make Eliza ‘Lizzy’ until she shot that down in a heartbeat angrily, no one questioned it and they moved on. Marselle politely declined being given a nickname. 
It was about 2 hours later and what seemed to be the last of the girls had arrived. She seemed to be about Marselle and B’s height, she had dark red hair and pale skin, she and Eliza looked like they could be sisters. She knocked on the door and walked into the barracks. Everyone stopped talking and looked up at her. Until Zippo perked up “What’s your name?”
“Mary McCullen,'' the girl introduced herself.
“I’m Zippo, that’s B, that’s Ollie, that’s Torrie, that’s Marselle, and that’s Eliza,” Zippo introduced herself and everyone else. Everyone greeted each other and started shooting the shit. Until one last girl barged into the room. She looked like she was ready to give everyone an order, she glared at all of them. A look that made all the girls get out of their beds and stand at attention. Now, she was the tallest out of all of them, she had short straight blonde hair. She spoke with an authoritative tone. “I’m Lieutenant Harten, I’ll be leading you ladies. You girls are now officially apart of the 101st Airborne, you neanderthalettes are gonna be apart of the 506th’s E Company, you all better prove yourself tomorrow and show that a women’s division isn’t a stupid idea, because tomorrow is when you meet the boys of Easy and show them what you’re made of. Now go get some food because for some reason they decided to keep y’all separate from the boys for as long as possible,” the Lieutenant let out a laugh. And so it begins…
Taglist!!: @1waveshortofashipwreck, @dontirrigateme, @blueberry-ovaries, @montied, @scotchballs9, @xxluckystrike, @ithinkabouttzu, @themysciraprincess, if you want to be added or removed from the list, message me or send me an ask and i'll take you off or add you!!
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waywardxwords · 1 year
4. No Going Back Now
Chapter 4 of Little Secrets
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Female Reader
Word Count: 1,611
Warnings: Fluff? No warnings, really.
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The drive was so far silent besides the music coming from the cassettes Dean had chosen for the nine-hour road trip from Sioux Falls to Cicero. This was fairly normal; their drives were usually filled with the likes of ACDC, Kansas and Metallica over real conversation. The thoughts running through Y/N’s mind weren’t as common. Sure, she had thought about Sam before. He had crossed her mind on more than one occasion and definitely more times than she really wanted to admit. But this time was different.
Her phone brought her out of her thoughts as it vibrated from within her denim jacket pocket.
How ya doing back there?
Her eyes glanced from the bright iPhone screen to Sam’s profile, but he was unreadable. His jaw was set in a firm line; his eyes stared off into the oncoming traffic.
She moved her fingers along as she wrote back.
I’m not sure, exactly. What are you thinking about?
It sounded stupid in her head, but her fingers moved faster than her brain could process and she somehow hit send before she could recant anything she had typed. She tried to stealthily hide the fact that she had texted someone; her eyes glanced up to the rearview mirror where Dean was focused on the road. He hadn’t seemed to notice Sam’s phone light up, but Y/N observed Sam steal a side-glance at his brother before opening the screen to his phone.
She watched his fingers type back and gnawed on her bottom lip gently before her phone vibrated against her thigh once more.
I’m thinking about you.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile, but she quickly pulled her face into a straight line, afraid Dean might catch on. Why am I hiding from Dean? The question didn’t make sense to her, but Sam hadn’t said anything either. And in their defense, this was all so new…whatever exactly this was, neither of them had figured that out yet.
Y/N quickly typed back. 
Okay, Romeo. Reign in.
The text made Sam laugh out loud, which was sweet, until Y/N noticed it had caught Dean’s attention. Dean glanced at his brother with a furrowed brow, then back to the road, and then to Sam once more. Sam cleared his throat and straightened his expression, pulling his lips into a tight line.
“You doin’ alright over there?” Dean asked tentatively with a curious look. “Anything you wanna share with the rest of us?”
Y/N’s heart beat rapidly in her chest.
“Just…” Sam’s voice trailed off as he tried to come up with something to say. “Just a funny text from Bobby, that’s all.”
Dean’s reaction was one of disbelief. “Since when does Bobby text?”
Sam became visibly defensive. He ran his palms down the thighs of his jeans and straightened in the seat. “I don’t know, since now?” Great answer, Y/N thought sarcastically as she rolled her eyes. They were doomed.
Thankfully, they were officially in Cicero and an exit was rapidly approaching. Even though Sam’s response to Dean had been less than stellar, he somewhat redeemed himself by changing the topic.
“We should probably stop soon, it’s a holiday weekend so hotels are probably going to be slim picking,” he averted his gaze out the window. Y/N tried to think of what holiday Sam was referencing but came up with nothing.
“Holiday weekend?” Dean’s what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about tone was in full force. 
“Yeah, Dean. It’s Veteran’s Day,” Sam looked at his older brother like he was an idiot. Oh. Thank you, veterans, for saving my ass, both in the past as well as this present moment. Y/N felt her stomach tumble as she nervously eyed Dean’s reaction in the rearview mirror. He was too focused on trying to picture a calendar (and probably recall what day it even was). He finally raised his eyebrows and muttered a “hmm” in thought. 
“Well, damn. I guess you’re right,” Y/N was certain Dean had no idea whether Sam was right or not, but he merged onto the exit ramp, nonetheless. “I doubt Cicero is much of a holiday get-away kinda town, but might as well. Beats sleeping in Baby.”
Y/N would second that. While she loved the Impala wholeheartedly, Baby cramped her style when it came to sleeping arrangements–quite literally.
“Besides, I doubt I’m gonna need a place to stay tonight. Think I’ve got that one covered,” he smiled a smug grin in Sam’s direction. Sam rolled his eyes but didn’t say a word; the subject had been changed, that was all he cared about.
Dean pulled into the parking lot of the first sleazy motel he found. Y/N barely had enough time to shut the back door as he hit the gas, turning up dust and dirt from the parking lot in his path.
“You kids have fun!” He yelled as he drove off towards his old flame’s neighborhood.
Y/N scoffed as he took off, flipping him the middle finger, which he graciously reciprocated out the driver’s window. “He’s such an ass,” she mumbled, her frustration distracting her from the tall man who stood next to her.
Sam smirked and shook his head as he slung his arm across her shoulders and took her heavy duffel bag from her. “Let’s just check in, alright?”
Y/N felt the frustration drain from her body with the weight of the duffel. It was bizarre to her how Sam could do that–just make every ounce of stress dissipate from her body. It was something he had been able to do ever since she started hunting with the Winchesters.
Sam headed into the lobby to get two rooms, one for the boys and one for Y/N, while she waited outside with the bags. She folded her arms across her chest and rocked on her heels as she waited, trying desperately not to focus on the butterflies fluttering around in her stomach.
“You ready?” Sam’s voice took her out of her thoughts and she nodded quickly as she followed him to the row of rooms. Sam grabbed both duffels and Y/N pulled her backpack up onto her shoulder. He handed her the key that belonged to her room and she took the lead. She pushed the door open and tossed the bag to the floor by the end table.
All sorts of thoughts flooded Y/N’s brain as she settled onto her queen-sized bed in the motel room. Sam had his computer open, researching the reason they had come to this town in the first place. Y/N was still convinced the poor vic had simply endured a freak accident, but she admired Sam’s thoroughness. He would treat it like a case until he could prove otherwise…maybe that was the lawyer in him.
They rested with their backs against the headboard of Y/N’s bed, Sam’s arm draped over her shoulders while the other hand typed various keywords into Google searches. His eyes scanned various newspaper articles and clippings that had been posted online related to any mysterious deaths in Cicero recently.
Meanwhile, Y/N rested her head on Sam’s shoulder with her knees pulled towards her chest. She flipped through the entries of John Winchester’s journal, though she really wasn’t sure what she was looking for. She wasn’t as motivated as Sam; in her mind, they had traveled all this way so Dean could have a hook-up with an old fling. Sure, the accident was crazy, but she didn’t think it was their kind of crazy.
She found herself distracted with a loose thread dangling on Sam’s flannel right by the buttons that kept the shirt secured over his abdomen. Close proximity was not necessarily new for Sam and Y/N. The kissing, holding hands, arms around each other–that was new.
“What do you think Dean would say about all…this?” She didn’t really know how else to ask but it was something that had been replaying in her mind and there was no escaping it.
Sam tore his gaze from the screen of his laptop and glanced down at Y/N. “Initially? Probably something like ‘about time’. Bobby, however, would probably call us idgits. Dean might agree a little…”
“Why would they call us idgits?” Y/N met his stare with her eyebrows pinched together in confusion.
“The whole ‘saving people, hunting things’,” Sam sighed as he pulled the laptop off of his lap. “It’s risky.” He shrugged. “Dean and I don’t get involved with people because it’s dangerous for them and it’s dangerous for us.”
Y/N contemplated only for a second before she answered. “Yeah, but I’m already a hunter. Doesn’t that count for something?”
“It does,” Sam answered as his gaze fell to Y/N’s hands. He played with her fingers absentmindedly in the palm of his hand; she sensed a ‘but’ coming… “But demons usually focus on hitting our weaknesses and for me and Dean, we’re weak when it comes to people we care about.” 
Y/N felt a smile tug at the corners of her lips. It was a ‘beat-around-the-bush’ way for Sam to express that he cared about her, but he expressed it, nonetheless.
“I care about you too, Sam,” her words were soft and barely audible, but Sam heard her loud and clear. Before his brain could process anything else, he lifted her chin with his index finger and lowered his lips to hers.
The rush they both felt as their lips landed together cautiously was overwhelming. Both were only slightly wary as they deepened their movements, carefully exploring each other. Even in being cautious, Y/N couldn’t help herself as she moved to place her body as close to Sam as possible. He instinctively reached underneath her thighs to pull her onto his lap, her legs straddling either side of him.
Y/N’s hands cupped Sam’s face, her fingers rubbed along the light stubble of his jaw line. She felt herself get lost in the moment as Sam’s lips moved against hers. He tested the waters as he pulled her bottom lip into his mouth. His tongue tentatively glided out over her lip, crossing yet another border. At that point, Y/N felt her body completely succumb to Sam.
His large, calloused fingertips pressed down on her hips–their movement had caused her to squirm a bit, which had in turn caused her t-shirt to rise slightly. Goosebumps bubbled all over her as his fingertips made contact with her warm skin.
Y/N barely pulled back, her breathing heavy. Sam’s lips found their way to her neck, kissing and sucking and nipping until she couldn’t take anymore.
“Sam,” she whispered breathlessly, her eyes closed shut as she reveled in the feeling of his lips upon her flushed skin. Her fingers tangled at the nape of his neck in locks of his hair, ultimately holding him to her. She pulled his head away gently and opened her eyes. “Sam, we should stop.”
Reluctantly, Sam detached his lips from her neck and took a few steady breaths. His eyes found hers as he seemed to search for an answer. 
“So we both agree that we care about each other…” she began to dissect the situation. She forced herself to look away from his eyes–those damn eyes made her drunk, practically. She watched him nod in agreement as his hands toyed with hers again.
“But we both also realize this is dangerous,” he interjected, his voice disappointed.
“So…” Y/N trailed on. “How about we just don’t tell anyone?” She asked, hopeful. “No one has to know…” she tried to reason. The warmth that had managed to pool in her stomach when Sam had kissed her the way he had made her want more. No monster, Dean or Bobby could stop her, as far as she was concerned.
Sam smiled with a chuckle but rolled his eyes as he focused on intertwining their fingers. “Dean’s too smart for that. I was pretty sure he had us made in the car earlier.”
“Yeah, well, he didn’t,” Y/N seemed to think she could master reasoning with the youngest Winchester. “Or maybe he did and he doesn’t care?” She took her bottom lip between her teeth again, a nervous habit.
“Highly doubtful,” Sam laughed gently. He used his thumb to pull on Y/N’s chin, freeing her lip from the grasp of her teeth. “Yeah, well, if we’re going to keep this a secret, you’re going to have to stop doing that.” 
Y/N laughed as she felt her lips with her fingertips just as Sam’s cell phone sounded with a call from the nightstand. He reached over for the device and flashed the screen towards her. It was Dean.
“Hey,” Sam said into the receiver, putting the call on speaker phone.
“Dude, there is a job here,” Dean’s words echoed off the walls of the motel room.
While Sam and Dean talked specifics, Y/N mentally prepared herself. She felt Sam’s hand tighten around hers in a comforting squeeze. Well, there’s no going back now.
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localicecreambiter · 7 months
Chapter 2 is finally ouuutt and it only took like... a montth
ignore that :P
heres the Ao3 link, but I'll post the chapter text below this time too
Legend was not having a great day… then again, when did he ever?
New quest from the Goddess was going just great. Absolutely fantastic. Because apparently 6 adventures wasn’t enough as it stood. No, the goddesses seemingly were not satisfied with that, so a 7th was sent his way. Perks of being the favorite I guess, he thought with a tired bitterness. He stopped tracking the time they’d spent on the road after the first two weeks. It wasn’t worth the upkeep with everything going on, so why bother? Clearly Hylia’s business (it was easiest to blame her) wouldn’t be resolved any time soon, so there was no point in torturing himself by timing how long it took to get back home.
They’d gone through dozens of worlds, multiple Hyrules: some places unknown to any of them, some they call home. To say Legend had anticipated another world hopping adventure so soon would be lying, but who would know? Hylia knows not anyone else in the Chain. He could lie his ass off about virtually anything, and they’d believe it without a second thought. The few graces of being the group veteran. …not that he intended to do that. No, he liked the group too much to be that much of an ass to them.
Ah yes, the group. The Chain. His brothers in arms. His annoying compatriots that enjoyed loud mornings and exaggerated stories around the fire at night (also very loud). They were a rowdy group, sure, but Legend found he didn’t mind it all that much as the days went on. Wild may set things on fire more often than not; Twilight smelled of wet dog and talked too much about goats; Wind couldn’t keep his mouth shut, bombarding the group with questions about the most mundane things (seriously! He knew the kid was from the middle of the ocean but Legend refused to believe their resident sailor didn’t know what a pinecone was). Warriors had an ego the size of Death Mountain (great battle strategist all things considered); he admittedly knew little about Four, seemingly the most level headed of their group, but they got along together just fine. Hyrule was… well, Legend quite liked the traveler (though he’d hardly ever admit it). Time liked to keep to himself, only fueling the chaos on a few occasions, looking out for each and every one of them no matter the situation. Despite his qualms and complaints, the past however long they had spent traveling together weaved a tight knit trust and deep seeded care within the group. Not even Legend could escape from that, not that he really wanted to anyway. It was nice having someone to watch your back from time to time.
Now, back to his griping, “Ugghh! We’ve been on this stupid trail for hours! How have we not found a town yet?” The ground squelched beneath bootfalls, still puddled with rainfall from the night before and the muggy air did little to raise his spirits. It left his hair frizzed and hands sticky with moisture no matter how many times he wiped his palms on his tunic. Over the years, a lot of things had made their way onto the Things That Really Annoy the Hell Out of Legend list: humid weather made the top 20. They might as well be swimming at that point, really.
“Oh, chill out Legend. A little humidity never killed anyone,” The captain was quick to quip back, but there was no mistaking the underlying agitation in the ways Warriors fidgeted with his cape and gloves. “Your hair will be fine.” Legend snapped his hand away from his head, leaving tousled locks tangled in order to prove a point.
The vet smirked, arms crossed across his chest, “Projecting your worries onto me won’t make ‘em go away Miss Prissy Pants.” He had the pleasure of witnessing the older hero whirl around indignantly, mouth open in preparation to fire another shot.
“Enough from both of you.” Great, so it wasn’t just him growing more irritated with the humidity. Time shot the pair a warning glance, signaling there was to be no fun or joy had on their trek. Whatever, he still claimed the victory in stride, a smug grin blooming once the eldest turned away. With everyone being so tense — frankly more agitated than Legend was on a mediocre day — their impromptu hike lapsed into an awkward silence. The low rumble of storms rolling on the horizon and the abundance of cricket chatter was the best he was going to get as a distraction. So yeah. The quest was going great.
“Whose Hyrule do you think we’re in?” Legend’s ears pricked to attention, mumbled conversations behind him (usually gone ignored) peeking his interest. The two shortest — and if he had to guess, youngest — of the Chain trailed in the back, Epona clopping at their side. Wind’s hair puffed out more than usual, lower pant legs caked in mud and what Legend hoped was very pigmented clay. The kid seemed perfectly content in the weather, the son of a dodongo. Four kept running a hand through tangled locks, cringing at the way his fingers harshly caught on the knots.
“Traveler’s. Too barren to be anywhere else,” yet despite the gross weather, the smithy always held that level headedness to him. If Legend were to admit it — and he himself knew he wouldn’t — he was a bit jealous. The hero could probably watch someone keel over dead and it wouldn’t outwardly affect him. Or maybe Four was just better at compartmentalizing things for later. Either way, the kid knew how to hold himself together.
“Didn’t he say the air was toxic or something?” Legend didn’t even need to look to know the expression Wind was wearing. Left brow raised, eyes squinted slightly, pouty frown tugging his lips downward, and skeptical glint in his eye. A kid far too expressive and open for the uncaring world he was thrown into, a sinking familiarity always followed that thought. He’d been like that too when he first started, after all. Just some bright eyed kid who got thrown in the midst of something bigger than himself, paying the price for an evil he had not committed.
“No, Sailor. That was the water.” It was around then that the veteran slowed his pace slightly to walk next to Wind, expression light and curious. He had no input yet, but the message was clear: I want to be included in the conversation. It wasn’t often that Legend sought out a connection like that, letting it come to him rather. No matter how strange it felt to initiate, the others clearly didn’t mind it. He may be prickly, but he could be good company in his humble opinion.
“What?!” The two other heroes grimaced at Wind’s sudden volume, Legend skillfully suppressing a grin when a hand slapped over the kid’s mouth. “Oops. I mean… What?! Poison water??”
“No, toxic water. If it was just poison, it wouldn’t hurt you unless you drank it.”
Legend cocked a brow, deciding, “Same difference,” was a good contribution to the conversation.
Four scowled, lower lip sticking out just a tad too far. If he looked any more upset, the veteran would think he’s pouting. “No, it’s not. The difference in meaning is crucial when relaying dangerous informa-”
“How are you supposed to go sailing on that? At least back at home it’s just poison water.” Wind stared up at the pair innocently, eyes wide with questions crackling in his ocean hued gaze. Neither decided to question what the second half was supposed to mean, already having contemplated the logistics of a “great flood” before. Poison water wasn’t that far fetched when it came to the sailor’s Hyrule.
Legend snorted, “You aren’t, dimwit.”
“With a raft?” The new voice startled the trio, all three heads whipping to gawk at Hyrule. If he thought the sailor was sneaky, leave it to their traveler to catch them with their pants down (another reason he never wore pants. Never have them on, and you never get caught with them down). “…What?”
“You’ve actually sailed??”
“Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it sailing. More just floating around on the lake until I can get to where I need to go.” Legend narrowed his eyes, gauging how Hyrule was affected by the weather while the other three chatted. He, like the sailor, seemed to have no qualms with how astoundingly horrendous it was. It irked him more than it probably should have. In the veteran’s time, it never got this nasty unless he was close to a swamp. The fact things got so fucked after he passed… It wasn’t his fault, that was for damn sure. Not very much you can do about darkness overtaking the land when you’re dead.
“It’s gonna storm soon,” the subject change ripped him from his thoughts, eyes landing on Wind. The kid was looking off at the darkening horizon, watching the clouds churn into a tempest that hopefully they would never have to brave. “I’d say in ‘round 5 flips of a sandglass.”
The group blinked owlishly, Four being the first one to put things together.
“…So 2 and a half hours?”
“Yup, sounds just about right.”
“You know, you can talk like a normal person, right?”
Wind cracked a grin, “Where I come from, that is how normal people talk.”
Legend let the conversation fade into the background, eyeing the stormy horizon just as the sailor had. With how their journey was going so far, a storm was the last thing they needed. Sure, it’d probably clear away the sticky air, but running around in the rain wasn’t something he really wanted to do at the moment. His boots were muddy enough as it was. Just as he thought to mention Wind’s storm theory, there was a buzz in the air. Magic. It was familiar — a far away familiar, but familiar nonetheless.
He stopped walking for a moment, violet eyes narrowing at the muggy surroundings. The treeline was silent, the rolling fields of dying yellow crops whipped violently in the breeze, the sky rumbled, but there was no sign of a source. The veteran’s brows furrowed further, face screwing up in suspicion that something was amiss. He knew that feeling, and he knew that he did. Something that reminded him of home in the most warped way possible, feeling almost wrong yet right all at the same time. It was confusing, eluding his conscious efforts to pinpoint just where he had felt that before.
Footsteps died out, Legend having yet to notice the rest of the Chain slowing to a stop. The burning gazes of 8 other pairs of eyes falling on one person should have alerted him, but being so caught up in that feeling… Where had he felt it before? Goddesses it was on the tip of his damn tongue. Think Legend…
A firm hand grasped his shoulder, sending a jolt through the veteran hero who instinctively reached for his sword. “Hey! Hey, easy there partner!” Legend blinked, eyes shooting up to stare down an admittedly alarmed Twilight. “You alright there? Hear a monster?” Looking past the furry blockade, everyone else was on high alert. It wasn’t like the vet to freeze up like that, not without warning.
“No. No monster from what I can tell. I’m fine I just…” His eyes landed on Wild, with his bow pulled taught and poised at the ready for an ambush, “remembered something, is all.” Technically, it was a half truth. He recognized something, yet struggled to remember where he recognized it from and what exactly it even was. It was an adequate enough answer, as the rancher backed off with a nod. Silence returned to their group, but Legend could hardly care less about that now. His mind was elsewhere. It was going to bother him for the rest of the day if he couldn’t figure out where-
A blood curdling yowl — seriously, a yowl — nearly blew out his eardrums as a particularly ugly moblin burst from the treeline with 3 more in tow.
“Why’s it making that face at me?!” Metal screeched as it clashed against steel, but there was no mistaking Four’s perturbed cry through the fray.
“Sorry about that,” came the sailor’s response, “It’s one of mine! They make some really stupid faces!” Legend had to duck and roll out of the way of an oversized shield nearly wacking into him. Two were focused on one, three on another, Time facing one alone, leaving the last to Sky, Wild, and himself.
“This one’s mine,” the Skyloftian announced to the group. “I’ll distract it so you two can get in a few backstrikes.” He hopped away, slashing for the brute’s shield while Legend crept up from the side. Drawing his tempered sword, dark blood soon seeped from the moblin’s back with no more than a few swipes and a couple arrow shots. The monster tried to turn, only to get sliced by Sky’s blade, regaining its attention. Lucky for them these things were stupider than dirt, not even able to take the defensive right. With a group of nine seasoned heroes, now more used to fighting together, it took less than 10 minutes to clear out the lot of them. With no further signs of another attack, they were free to check for injuries.
Hyrule got nicked in the side, nothing he couldn’t fix himself, Legend was sure. Twilight seemed to have taken an impromptu trip to the tailors with the new scratch marks in his undertunic. Warriors’ nose was bleeding, but other than that and a few scrapes he was fine. Everyone else got off with nothing more than a scratch or a bruise here or there. Good. That meant the veteran wouldn’t need to be dishing out any potions any time soon.
“Are we all accounted for?” Everyone turned their attention to Time, standing with a hand on his hip and the other on the hilt of his sword. He continued once he got confirmation, “If they attacked now, it probably means there’s more at a camp nearby. We’ll split up and look for it: Wind in one group and Wild in another. If one of us finds it we’ll alert the other via your.. Rock things.” The sailor beamed, ushering everyone to line up because it “was his turn to be team captain,” whatever that meant.
Ultimately, he was placed in Wind’s group with Warriors, and Time. They had more than enough manpower with the two war veterans, the sailor, and the actual vet. Wild had a map, and Wind was their best navigator, so getting back up would be easy as pie… if that pie was on fire with raw crust and half cooked filling. Yeah, splitting up in unfamiliar woods is never a good idea.
Especially when you’re trying to fight off an archer ambush and your navigator is being shot at.
“I’m gonna need a second- FUCK!!” An arrow shaft stuck haphazardly in the sailor’s arm, jostling with every move he made. “Shit! Oh, that’s gonna hurt-”
“Focus! Make sure Wild can find us. We’ll cover you!” Warriors, on cue, blocked another volley with Wind’s dropped mirror shield. If it weren’t such a high stress situation, Legend could’ve sworn the captain would say something stupid like “return to sender” or “eat shaft.” The thought made him smirk, distracting him long enough that their attackers managed to graze his leg.
“Oh, for the love of Zephos!” The vet didn’t have time to turn around and check on their youngest, reflecting back another volley himself in hopes to hit something. A flash of grey caught his eye, loud snarling following a blur of fur and monster parts. Back up had finally arrived.
“Took long enough!”
“Hey, blame Wind! Would’ve been here faster if he held onto his rock!” Long, unruly hair streamed behind a dirt covered, scared face. With a few THUNKS a handful of their assailants went down, yellow energy crackling out of the disintegrating bodies.
“You try and hold a stupid rock while being shot at!” The sailor grabbed Legend’s arm and yanked him to the side just in time for an arrow to narrowly miss piercing his nose, much to the veteran’s dismay. “I had that-”
“Sure you did!” Wind ducked out of the way of a sword slash, coming face to face with more moblins. “Think we found that monster camp yet?”
Legend really didn’t know how the kid could keep up the quips while avoiding getting smacked in the head, pulling his blade back out for round 2. Digging in his bag, he fished out a hookshot for some spontaneous strategizing. Latching it into a tree somewhere off in the fray, he took the opportunity to zip around and stun anything and everything. Battle was serious, sure, but having a little fun with it when you’re winning couldn’t hurt.
When the dust settled, all that was left was a single black lizalfos.
The black lizalfos.
Who made a break for it the second it realized it was outnumbered, like the damn coward it was.
Chasing did little for the group, as their path ended in a clearing with a large portal swirling before them. He caught Time making a mental check of everyone before pairing them up to go through: Twilight and Wild, Sky and Four, Hyrule and himself with Wind tagging along, leaving Time and Warriors to follow up at the back.
“Stick close together. So far these portals have spat us out in the same place, but we never know when that will change.”
“I just hope the weather is nicer wherever we end up,” Legend heard Warriors mutter, most likely jinxing the group with his stupid wishing. If the weather was anything but pleasant he was going to throttle the captain.
“Best get goin’. The storm be upon us soon,” Wind ever so gently (read: not at all gently) pushed Wild toward the swirling vortex. Everytime Legend saw one of the portals, he was reminded how little the light mattered as it was eaten away by the vast darkness before them. In some strange, twisted way, he found solace in that. If there were to be one constant, he’d rather it be the comfort of darkness than a blinding light… but maybe he was biased. After all, few of the best people came from the Darkness. A flash of purple rabbit ears and sharp red eyes pulled at his lips, threatening to spill his happy memories for all to see. But no, he grabbed at those images, shoving them back into their respective places and neatly filing them away in the crevices of his mind. Those were his and his alone to keep, for none to see and not to be shared. Not yet, at least. Not after what had been said. Not until apologies were made. Until then, the fleeting feeling of fond annoyance and steely, yet soft gazes hurt too much to remember.
“Hey, earth to Ledge! We’re about to go through!” Right, the portal. They were on a completely different quest. Now was not the time to be taking a trip down memory lane. With a deep breath, hands firmly held by the traveler and the sailor, he stepped into the void churning before him.
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across-violet-skies · 8 months
Febuwhump day 1: helpless
Whumpee: Legend
Whump Rating: 5/10
TWs: panic attacks, being forced to face trauma
The second he stepped through the portal, Legend knew he was in trouble.
He had been dropped in Wind’s world, on an island, thankfully, and not the sea. Unfortunately for him, the island wasn’t exactly capable of housing their group of nine. It was just a long strip of rock, interrupted by the occasional pillar. There wasn’t any plant life in sight. There was no way they could stay here.
As the rest of their group passed through the portal behind him, Legend immediately took on the defensive. He scowled, crossing his arms and wrinkling his nose while he waited for everyone else to come to the same conclusion he had.
Wind’s grin was bright as he looked around. “My world!” His smile dimmed only slightly as he hummed to himself. “We’ll have to get off this island, though… I’ll call Tetra!”
The sailor already had his strange rock necklace out by the time Legend spoke up. “I’m not getting on a boat,” he insisted, turning his nose up.
“...What?” Wind shook his head, frowning. “We can’t stay here, we have to sail!”
Time held a hand out, sighing. “Sailor, contact Tetra.”
Wind saluted playfully, nodding once. “Aye-aye!”
“Veteran.” Time turned toward him slowly, unamused. “When the boat gets here, we’re getting on and sailing to a better island. This rock isn’t big enough for all of us.”
Legend scowled, gritting his teeth. “Like hell it isn’t!” (It wasn’t). “We can stay here just fine!” (They couldn’t).
The Old Man pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaling. “We’re leaving as soon as we can. I don’t want to argue about this.”
“Tetra’s on her way!” Wind announced excitedly. “And there’s nothing to worry about! Tetra’s boat is one of the best around; it’s perfectly safe!” The sailor grinned, elbowing Legend.
The Vet stepped back, almost growling at this point. “I am not worried,” he hissed, narrowing his eyes. “I just don’t think we have to leave this island. It’s a waste of our time.”
“Staying here is a waste of time!” Wind argued, frowning. “And I want to see Aryll! It’s not often we get to be here, and we always go to see Ravio when we’re in your world!” He shoved a finger into Legend’s chest, forcefully enough to make the Veteran stumble.
“Wind, enough!” Warriors stepped in, scolding the younger hero. He glanced between Wind and Legend, brows furrowed. “What’s the problem?”
“Legend’s refusing to get on Tetra’s boat!”
The Veteran bared his teeth, nose scrunching with the movement. “I do not partake in sailing or boating of any kind,” he reminded, practically seething. “And I absolutely will not get on a boat!”
Legend kept feeding his fire, hoping that his explosive anger would keep everyone from seeing the real reason he refused to sail.
Ever since Koholint, Legend had been unable to even be near the ocean, let alone sail on it. He had managed to work through some of it with time (and thank Hylia for that, because it was hard to avoid oceans during this adventure), but boats were still very much out of the question for him.
The Captain sighed, shaking his head. “So what, then, are you just going to stay here and starve to death while the rest of us have Grandma’s soup for dinner?”
Wind hit Warriors in the stomach, huffing. “She’s my grandma, not yours!”
Legend scowled, fully prepared to go head-to-head with the Captain. There was no way in hell he was getting on a boat. Absolutely no way.
“Hey!” Wind’s shout caught the attention of the rest of the group, all eight of them looking at the sailor with confusion. “Tetra!” He pointed out to sea, where, if Legend squinted, he could indeed see the outline of a ship. His heart rate picked up at the sight of the large, hulking pirate ship, painfully aware that his time was running out.
Legend didn’t often feel helpless, but in this moment it was difficult to feel otherwise. The fast-approaching ship felt like a time bomb, and his heart was the ticker.
The Captain crossed his arms, nodding in approval. “She got here quick,” he commented, humming.
“She must’ve been nearby,” Wind mused, shrugging. “But it doesn’t matter. We’ve got a ship!”
Time rounded up all the stragglers (Hyrule and Wild, mostly), bringing them all closer together. “Does everyone have their stuff?”
Despite the chorus of affirmatives brushing past Legend’s ears, he didn’t hear any of it. He heard the blood rushing in his ears like waves upon a sandy shore, the distant tune sung by a voice too good to be true. It all materialized before his eyes– Legend saw the rough seas in the thick of a thunderstorm, rolling and tossing as he struggled to cling to his tiny raft. His sail blustered in the horrid winds, and as he looked to the sky, he gasped, bracing himself for impact-
“-Legend!” Hyrule’s voice was the one to drag him out of it, small, calloused hands gripping his shoulders, shaking him roughly.
The Veteran gasped, neck and shoulders tensing as he quickly pushed Hyrule away, eyes wide. The traveler looked hurt for a brief second before the worry came back. As Legend glanced around, he realized they were all looking at him with varying degrees of concern and confusion.
“Breathe,” Twilight reminded, frowning.
Legend frowned. Breathe? He was breathing! He was- oh, he wasn’t breathing.
He wasn’t breathing.
Mind still overrun with panic, Legend desperately scratched at his chest with the notion that it would help him to breathe. He fell to his knees, gasping as he scraped at his throat. His lungs finally gave in, but each breath was short and almost wheezy, desperation and panic fully in control now.
It was Hyrule who snapped him out of it– for the second time now. The traveler kneeled beside him, wrapping Legend in a loose hug. “Breathe, just breathe. You’re okay, everything’s okay. Nothing bad is gonna happen, I promise,” he whispered, holding the Veteran close. “We’re all here with you. It’s gonna be okay.”
Legend choked out a breath that sounded almost like a sob, resting his forehead against Hyrule’s shoulder with a shudder. His hands dropped to his lap, trembling from the ferocity of his fear. Hyrule kept whispering words of comfort to the Vet until his breathing was calmer and steady, albeit a little shaky. The traveler was the only one who knew anything about Legend’s adventure on Koholint, and even he wasn’t filled in on most of the details. What Hyrule did know, however, was that Legend had been sailing when the whole thing started, and it was this adventure that made the Veteran the most bitter.
“Um…” Wind looked uneasy, glancing between the pair on the ground and the fast-approaching ship. “Tetra’s almost here, should we…”
“It’s okay,” Hyrule answered quickly, interrupting. He leaned in closer to Legend so that his words would only be audible to the Vet. “We have to get on the ship.” Legend shook his head. “We have to. But Wind said it wouldn’t be far, and once we get to Outset we don’t have to go anywhere else. Even if the others decide to sail somewhere else, you and I can stay on land. Is that okay?”
Legend gripped Hyrule’s tunic, grabbing fistfuls of the fabric. “I don’t want to get on a boat.”
“I know,” the traveler murmured. “But we have to. They’re right; we can’t stay here.”
“...Don’t make me get on a boat,” Legend whispered, so quiet even Hyrule barely heard him. “Please don’t make me.”
Hyrule frowned, sighing. “It’ll be okay. I’m sure we could wait in the bottom of the ship if that would be better,” he offered. “But we really do have to go. I’d be happy to stay with you the whole time, and it doesn’t look like there’ll be any storms.”
Legend tensed at the mention of storms, shuddering. He looked up at Hyrule miserably, searching for any sign of a lie in the traveler’s soft brown eyes. He found none, so despite the fear eagerly gnawing through his heart, he agreed. “...Okay.”
Hyrule lit up, eyes wide. “Really?” He smiled, squeezing Legend’s upper arm as he stood up. “Thank you.”
Ignoring the stares from the others, Legend allowed Hyrule to help him up, holding on to the traveler’s hand for comfort. Despite the way his heart hammered in his chest at the sight of the large ship, Legend held strong, facing his fears head-on. He was their Veteran, for Hylia’s sake– he could handle sailing. He wasn’t alone this time– he had his predecessor for support as well as the rest of his brothers. And this was a real ship– it would take a lot more than a storm to take it down.
A lightning strike would probably do the trick, though.
It was different. It was fine. He wouldn’t get caught in a storm and locked away in a dream this time. Probably.
The ship slowed to a stop, a ladder tossed out to them. Wind climbed up first, then Wild followed, and soon enough everyone was on the ship except for Hyrule and Legend.
The traveler smiled encouragingly, nodding. With a deep breath, Legend released Hyrule’s hand, climbing the rungs of the ladder with ease. He reached the top, pausing as he looked down. Hyrule was right below him, still smiling.
Legend took another breath, exhaling slowly. He could do this.
He hoisted himself up onto the ship, immediately gripping onto the side as the waves swayed them gently. He closed his eyes, startled when a gentle hand rested on his shoulder.
Hyrule beamed at him, bright and sunny despite the overcast sky. He held out a hand. “Wanna go sit in the downstairs of the ship? Tetra said ‘Niko’ will watch out for us, whoever that is.”
Legend sighed, accepting the traveler’s hand with a ghost of a smile. “Yeah. Let’s do that.”
–> support me on ao3!
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TWST Character Ranked Based off Whether I Think I Could Live With them
Pt: 1
Note:I am listing this from Worst to Best and giving descriptions as to why
This man falls into the hell no category. Not because I know he will be running his blender at 5 am, or even because I would be worried about a stalker fan or the media or some shit. No no no, I would not tolerate him being my room mates for three reasons.
1. He would be yelling at me to go to bed at 10pm
2.He would be Horrified at my dark circles and overall lack or self care and I can already hear his nagging
3.Me and Vil are very particular and control freak people so the way we decorate may clash and I would not be appreciative of his bland ass diet food.
I love this boy I adore him, but I would not be able to handle him. As much as he would be useful financially he would also be a huge responsibility and I am not willing to handle him like Jamil dose purely because I don't want to put him and his family out of a job.
Not to mention he is way to friendly and as much as I would love to have him tell thr waiter I want fries I could also see him being the roommate that brings Home a bunch of friends and drags me out of my hole so no thx bby.
No, I don't need him constantly filming my home. I think he is respectful enough to ask if he could film me or post stuff about me but it's a no for me. Not to mention I think his sister's kinda fucked him up and I don't think he would be completely comfortable with a female roommate because of that.
I would be on the less tolerable side with him, like he is on the maybe train, cause like I feel like we could somewhat vibe, but I also feel like he would not stop commenting and making sarcastic remarks about my appearance and nerdyness, I would definitely punch him in the face at some point.
Not to mention this man would not do his chores and he is kinda broke so he would barely pay rent
Yet another maybe baby, I mean I dig the country shit, and the fact he is 5"1 and can kick anyone's ass, but it depends on where he is at mentally. I have personal experience with being raised in a extremely traditional and borderline sexist household with strong beliefs that are somewhat similar to what he was raised with so I get how hard it is to snap out of that mentality.
But my home is a safe space and there is no way in hell I'm letting him nring his gender norms in my house since that's a hole can of toxicity I can not deal with on a day to day basis.
TLDR: Yes to post Chapter 5 Firm no to Pre Chapter 5
Eh- I mean like maybe??? I think he would be good with his chores and would definitely be useful if a incident happened with my family, and I can deal with his screaming since i listenin to rock and shit on full volume anyways and have a tallent for tuning people out.
But then again I feel like he would be screaming in my ear every 5 minutes out of absolute horror about what I read and watch or my habits or the food. Like
HUMAN! What is this.....Media?
Uh- it's a murder podcast
I would tolerate him as a roommate, I wouldn't be too stoked about living with him, but he gives good video game and movie recommendations. I think it would be pretty enjoyable to watch a movie or play a video game with him.
I think he could handle my rants pretty well. I also feel like he is decent with chores and wouldn't be bothered by my appearance or humor since it's similar to his brothers.
Ah yes! Our goth emo bat war veteran.... I would.....mmmmmmmm...it's a cross between toleration and acceptance. I would definitely enjoying his music 10/10 and I feel like we could definitely vibe. He definitely would not be bothered with how late I stay up and I could definitely see us having a 3am conversation over Down With the Sickness by Disturbed in the background while I bake cupcakes.
He would be banned from my kitchen though, it's permanent. No takebacksies, I will litterally make Azul write up the contract.
Yet another yes but no, yes because he seems tolerable and that he wouldn't comment on my sitting in dark corners or spinning in a desk chair on the middle of the room at 2Am if I let him just have his rocks and mushrooms.
But he also kinda gives me the eerie vibes like If I piss him of or summ he won't complain but I would definitely be paranoid of stange mushrooms in my dinner.
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amongthe141 · 11 months
The Giver - Chapter 1
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By: @amongthe141
Fandom: Call of Duty Video Game
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Y/N female reader, John Price, Frank Woods, more 141 to follow
Tags: Slow burn, Captain John Price x fem!reader, first ever shared writing...eek, sorry for grammar or lack of edits I tried, starts 2019 remake universe, yes I made Frank Woods look like a Santa and not sorry, w
Summary: Y/N is introduced to Captain John Price via Frank Woods and Y/N's life is about to become...more complicated.
Words: 1586
The knock on the door should have been promptly replied back with a bark somewhere to the tune of "...the hell you want" from the eighty some old senior man purposely sitting within the walls of his room in isolation.  Whether it was for peace or reliving of fading memories but in the case of Retired Master Sergeant Frank Woods it was more likely choosing to avoid the realization that he was old when the other residents and staff constantly make one such has himself remember it on the daily.  There were those who Woods allowed acceptance to enter freely…the evolution of his bark differs greatly from the first day he resided to now…the bark wasn’t so much as a bite if it was one of the favored few, which Y/N could be counted as one of them, if not the top tier of them.  It wasn’t an easy achievement but one with a bit of patience and a bit of stubbornness Y/N was able to conquer.  It also helped that Y/N and Woods were the troublemakers under this roof when they set their minds to it.  This is why the absence of this familiar greeting put her on edge and her breathing hitched in concern.  
The next group of knocks were louder, though knocking loud was always a must for any resident under this household because their hearing is shit if they were normal  but they weren't. These men who lived here at this privatized retirement home had extra damage to their ears from enemy explosions, recanting to  Y/N's ears in downtime storytelling or reasoning as to why their screams would wake her up at night from constant night terrors. So this last extra loud knock on Frank Woods door should have had him absolutely hysterical at her even to somewhere deep down finding superpowers to strengthen his bad knees to walk out of his bound chair to rock across his room to open the door to relay such hysterics. But as the seconds ticked and still no reply a moment of fear hit her hard. Many veterans had passed in their sleep here, death was an all too familiar experience since Y/N started five years ago, but she wasn't ready for the stubborn old man that lived to prove what a grumpy old man should be, nor one who relished in the delight of being called an asshole. She would never admit it but he was her favorite person in the converted old Victorian house they called home and Y/N wasn't ready to say an early goodbye or any goodbyes at all. 
Pushing through her fear, the dark stained door opened with an eerie scream from its hinges as the room came to life as the soft glows from the afternoon sun seeped through the countless windows. The same dark stain of the door flowed adjacent to the corners where ceiling and walls and floors  met in this cream colored room that belonged to Woods. Military flags stretched on the walls here and there  as if it was some piece of classic art.  Photos littered in frames or lay about every surface of Frank Wood’s room where there were hardly any surfaces left,  unlike the floor which he needed ample space for his wheelchair to get by. The faces that stared at her back, some she knew of from when Frank allowed himself to tell her tid bits from his past, others were of the younger Frank, a more dangerous yet addictive Woods who didn't give five fucks and would do as he pleased. 
Y/N could see herself getting in trouble with a younger Frank, she already did with the senior version ever since he first stepped within these hallowed halls (yes, he was a younger old man then… too proud to submit as the new guy lifebound eventually for his wheelchair) into the retirement house with other old geezers (his words at the beginning, not Y/Ns, never hers). 
Y/N had been in this room a million times, could tell you where everything was and should be, but in the first moments of entering  her fear made it all seem like a stranger's room instead as her eyes reluctantly stared at the empty but made up bed. One area cleared but…, what if he fell off the bed and was behind it? A sigh from Y/N released as again another spot cleared after as she approached closer to the bed to see to the other side. Y/N shifted the large ice bucket in her grasp as carrying the terror of finding him dead in the room subsided. Before asking "but where the hell was he" a coughing fit of laughter snuck in like a cool breeze from the screened door and she allowed herself to smile a silly smile as she shook her head, the bottles in the bucket clinking against each other as if rejoiced the location was given away to where a very live and fiery Woods would be. Y/N quickly crossed across the room and  pushed through  the reluctant screaming screen door that led out to the covered patio with her free hip,  she couldn't help but  tilt her head as she stared at Woods and his unexpected guest.
"Y/N!" Frank mustered to say when he was able to speak instead of cackle (it's what Y/N used to describe the coughing fits most life smokers end up getting) "Where the hell have you been?"
"Working very hard apparently being your bar wench" she said playfully as she went about carefully placing the basket of chilled beer on the table between Woods and his guest, who stood up as a bulky tower over the two of them to help her set it down very gentlemanly…probably a beer enthusiast as Woods where no drop of spilt beer should fall! He waited for Y/N to lean against the arm of the only free chair before sitting back down "Well this is certainly unexpected".
It wasn't till he spoke did she actually make eye contact with this man. Maybe it was the British accent that gave it clearly away that he wasn't a relation to Woods (as if any did visit if there were any) , perhaps the mutton chops of a beard adorning his face peppered with graying and light patches of hair teasing his age, or perhaps the beanie that bound his hair underneath…Y/N stopped processing every little detail of the man in her brain to jumpstart the point that his clear ocean blue eyes had her hooked, lined, and smitten and very much addicted instantly. Woods leaned over and passed him a cold one before jabbing one at Y/N’s closest though before taking his own, breaking her concentration on purpose but more likely for the urgency to enjoy a cold one.  
Y/N smiled before twisting the cap off as Woods unceremoniously hit the cap off the side of the wheelchair’s many metal perks, deeping the dent. "What can I say, privatized retirement houses do come with perks" Woods said before downing half the bottle and then nonchalantly introducing "Y/N meet Captain John Price". 
Y/N was greeted with a "Pleasure" and courteous nod with a non-mistaken smirk surrounded by his beard before he continued "When you said Woods you were in a private home, let alone a Veteran one, I indeed was not expecting this to be so…" "Homely". "Exactly".
"Thank you, when my Aunt inherited this place she didn't want it to be a place someone couldn't call home. Most other retirement homes are too hospital-like and…" "Cold". Y/N couldn't help but smile wide at them completing each other’s thoughts, "Exactly. Most have to come to retirement homes involuntarily, if bringing a bucket of cold beer helps then that's what we do." Y/N explained after more small inquiries came from Price that there were 6 other residents at the house. The staff was there 24/7 by shifts or by personal employment by the resident but Y/N was the only other person who resided there full time with her Aunt. "Life functions as a normal everyday household besides the times I get to boss this guy around" Wood’s playful eye roll earns him laugh before Y/N continues. "We make sure everyone makes their appointments, gets their meds, therapy, etc."
"Reliable and recommendable" Price said almost in a prideful tone before Woods snorted "More like lucky. VA benefits and regulations nowadays are death sentences to places like this. You won't be able to find this when you're my age for military men like us, for what we do!" Those words pulled every scar and blemish on Price to Y/Ns eyesight immediately. She's seen them hundred times over on the Veterans who have come and gone. The war battle scars they took home and relive most nights. "I better enjoy it then when I can aye?" A known silence is shared between the men as Woods nods in answer. 
"Well I better go check on things and leave you two at it. Anything needed before I go?" "No, not at this time". "Well if you do, Woods will make sure we know" and she did the same thing she's done a hundred times over with her favorite grumpy old man, no matter the state he was in, it always calmed and reassured him, with that gentle and soft squeeze of her hand on his shoulder incase it was ever the last time to do it. Y/N just didn't know how soon that time was nearing. 
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ohandcounting · 11 months
Oblivion Theory / Pile of Snow Theory by WandyDoodles / @wandydoodles
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Oblivion Theory link
It's a good read! Go read it! It's way faster than 190 pages looks like because the font is big and plenty of pictures too. Almost like reading a comic book level of difficulty to focus, I like it a lot. My specific thoughts below the read more
I think this is potentially dead on for at least the symbolism that's going on, though it's still probable to me that there is also an "in-universe" angel. I'm also not sure if I agree with the assumption that the red soul we pilot is special beyond it being a human soul either? Like, there's no reason (YET) to believe that a different human couldn't also seal fountains just from their soul being able to float around in dark worlds like ours does. (like the Susie jail escape, Ferris wheel, literally every battle, etc.) Like, they could just be a magician like those dudes who did a big magic barrier in Deltarune.
On the ending thoughts: I was going to add that Sans' could be talking about Flowey, but...No. Flowey hasn't revealed himself to anyone except us in this timeline. How the hell would he know our type if not from something that happens in DR?! I never noticed it before! Flowey does explain other dialog, like "our reports showing timelines jumping around" and what not even if you did Geno first run/on a true reset. It's why I never thought about it before.
The proposal for The Vessel being The Knight seems very, hard to believe at first. I'm still not settled on it myself, but: The Vessel could be mistaken for Kris if they throw on a hood maybe? "There's that creepy Kris going to the library. We're used to our 1 human in town!" With a lot of characters showing a knowledge on what's going to happen (like Jevil) they might just know when to go do things already without raising suspicion. Only appearing when Kris wouldn't, and/or slipping by without people seeing. It's interesting to me that they never bothered addressing that tbh. I wonder if it's just something they couldn't explain well so rather than bringing it up, they're just hoping we explain it ourselves/wait for new chapter dialog to confirm this.
I am 100% sold on the knight not wanting to end the world though, I've been calling it the "Conspiracy Theory Theory" where the Bad Guy™ is not the Bad Guy™ but rather someone trying to make us Stronger so we can help fight The Really Bad Guy™ (like Kill La Kill kind of[the 10th anniversary was recent, so it's just the only example I can think of atm.]) It gets that ridiculous name because I believe MANY characters are in on it, including Kris themselves, Ralsei, The Red Soul, The Knight, Goner Maker Sequence Voices 1 & 2, Mystery Man, Geoff, Gaster, etc. Pretty much everyone who could be except Susie.
The save file analysis is wrong I feel? When Flowey takes over the save file, that is a veteran with literal near-godlike powers who knows how to manipulate saves. He hasn't had control for 9999:99 yet, despite what the timer shows. That info could be missing for Kris because we weren't there when it was made, what we use to see save file information shows what's missing because it literally doesn't know how long Kris has had that save nor where it was made. We get to see the name because we're in their body though. Like we see empty save files, and they're just empty. After a true reset? It's just empty, just like erasing a file in Deltarune. Kris having ANY information means something more than "just to establish you as a separate entity even harder than Undertale." Especially if the cut intro of Susie trying to wake us up is still hinting towards something like a timeloop being canon. (instead of being cut because it's not longer true)
Save file part 2 break in paragraph for easier reading: It might also be because Kris doesn't have the soul they made that save with anymore, if you're a Kris Is Toy Knife Kid Equivalent Truther like me.
It also falls for the trap of thinking what Chara says at the end of genocide is strictly a metanarrative statement, not something Chara believes will be possible. In a game where characters consistently say things that apply both in and out of universe, which I've never liked. Like Flowey after restarting the game after in TPE talking to both: 1.) us in the meta, but believes he is giving his parting words to 2.) Chara IN universe.
But like everything with depth, people are gonna make mistakes. Especially mistakes they don't think are mistakes and are much simpler answers without constant "catches" and clarifications. It's kind of like explaining King Crimson to people, where I'm the only person to do it right. (not a serious statement)
They also point to Mettaton's nebulous "Ratings" when mentioning the amount of monsters in the underground, instead of the echo flower where it's stated there's literally thousands of monsters??? This is something I see people do all the time?
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izumi-fanclub · 10 months
A3! Event Story Translation “NEW ERA GARDEN” [Chapter 5]
This time around, we get to see Hiro and Zen's past behavior during the first gen.
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—Alright, let’s take a break.
Kasumi, you’re really getting the hang of sword fighting.
Ehehe, it’s rare for Syu-san to give me a compliment.
He left me no choice but to train him.
You don’t have to act like you’re a busy guy.
I taught you and you got the nerve to talk like that.
You must’ve endured Yuzo’s spartan lessons, huh?
Pretty much… I don’t even think he has the heart of a human anymore.
——Wait, don’t tell me you taught the newborn kids this gruesomely!?
Are you seriously trying to fool me by looking the other way…!? I’ll sue you for harassment! I have to write an article…
Oi!! You can’t just make up an article without my consent!
Must be nice to still have fun with your childhood friend. Meanwhile, on the other hand…
What the hell was that just now? That wasn’t even the same as last time!
I’ve been a blank slate, you’re a veteran actor. You should come up with something on the spot.
Hiro Couldn’t you have given me a heads-up or something!?
I just forgot to.
You’ve always been like this!
Forgot that too.
Not even a sorry!
The same as usual over here.
Even back in the first gen this happened a lot too.
I’ve missed this…
Sigh… I’m gonna go get some fresh air.
Just like back in those days.
Haven’t grown at all.
And you remember that of all things!!
Just go already.
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(That’s right, even back then this used to happen too…)
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“No one’s gonna keep up at this rate.”
“Autumn Troupe can do this much just fine.”
“I know you’re used to these kinds of hurdles but think of the Summer Troupe!”
Zen said that it was a good thing that the troupes don’t branch out and act together,
It was the first time for both Summer Troupe and Autumn Troupe to work real hard in rehearsals for a mixed performance.
The performance had a lot of fight scenes, but due to the difference in experience between Summer Troupe and Autumn Troupe, and the difference between the way Zen and I did things, we ended up bickering a lot.
“I mean, Zen-san’s movements look better, don’t you think?”
“Try it, if you’re not up to the task, you can always try again.”
“You guys, it’s not that easy——.”
Eventually, the Summer Troupe members sided with Zen, and the blood was rushing to my head.
“——Tch, I need to cool off!”
I said that in denial, as I stormed out of the rehearsal room.
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“Damn… the hell is up with those guys…”
“What, another fight with Zen?” “A shock to no one~.”
I guess it was obvious on my face that even the other troupe members that were passing by called me out on it one after another with a knowing look on their faces.
I felt awkward, so I looked for a place in the dorms where I could be alone.
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“Here…? The warehouse? Alright, I guess…”
The warehouse wasn’t populated and it was nice, so I went in thinking of cooling my head off.
And it did, the quietness calmed me down just as I wanted it to.
No matter how pent-up I was, the only solution was to go back to the rehearsals.
In the end, I had no choice but to bicker again in the rehearsal room.
With that in mind, I tried to go back to practice… that was the plan until the door wouldn’t open.
“Huh? What the hell?”
It opened earlier, but now it wouldn’t budge.
The door didn't move as if it was merged with the wall, no matter if I pushed or pulled, even though there wasn’t a lock attached.
“Useless… I can’t get out.”
I tried everything, but there was no sign of the door opening.
A piercing regret punctured my chest, wondering what I was even doing.
I had a play I wanted to do right now, and I didn’t have any time to act all weird about it. If I had another chance, I’d do anything to make up for it.
“Forgive me, God of Theater! Please let me out!”
As soon as I got down on my knees and shouted, the door swung open.
“...The hell are you doing.”
Zen held the door open with a dumbfounded look on his face.
With an expression just as flabbergasted, I turned to my heels and acted like it was nothing.
“I came to get you since it was time to eat, didn’t mean to intrude.”
He tried to close the door once more,
In desperation, I slid my body through the gap in the door and stopped it.
“You don’t gotta rush.” “I rushed out cause I’ve been stuck since the door wouldn’t open!” “No reason it wouldn’t.”
I felt like salt was rubbed into my wounds, but it didn’t matter anymore now that I was finally free to go out into the hallway.
“...What’s for lunch?”
“It’s karaage.”
“That’s my favorite! Wait, no way…” “...”
“Ugh, gross…” “It was just a coincidence. Don’t make it weird.”
“I’M making it weird——!?”
We still had a fierce fight at the next rehearsal in the end, but we had a great first day of the mixed performance which was made from repeated clashing.
I was never on the same page with him no matter how hard I tried to.
But it all turned out well in the end.
*Door opens*
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You got back pretty quick, surprisingly.
I can’t make a habit of just loitering about. I ended up just buying some water.
Besides, the only solution lies in the rehearsal room.
Guess you’ve matured a little.
I don’t usually get upset even during a performance like this in a long while, but I just really can’t get along with Zen.
Things like this, it takes you back, doesn’t it?
I guess…
Your one-track mind when it comes to devoting yourself to a play, your sincere beliefs in your ideals and your determination to protect those ideals are exactly the reasons why I chose you, Hiro, to play Isami Kondo’s role.
So I’m glad you’re still the same as ever.
Hiro I see, so that’s how it is. If that’s the case then I’m fine the way I am.
Your simple mind hasn’t changed either.
Now I feel like a fool if you’re gonna say it.
…Hey, you remember the whole room opening thing?
The room opening?
Hiro The one I told you where I couldn’t get the door open!
Ahh… You mean that one dream you had.
You still don’t believe me? It really happened!
Doesn’t really matter.
Honestly, why are you like that——!
There’s no really no end to this.
They really are the same as ever.
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cafecourage · 10 months
Of Hero and Hijnks - Chapter 4
(This is heavily not edited I am sorry and its been a while that I have written the boys™️)
After some story telling around the campfire, then slowly and surely each hero of courage head to bed. As the night shifts started (Y/n) couldn’t really sleep that night as everything that happened was finally once again falling on their head.
They needed air, but even they knew the Great Plateau wasn’t that safe even if the blood moon isn’t around anymore. As they travel to the entrance they notice someone had beat them to it. (Y/n) had to file through what to call the pinkish hair Link. “Mind if I join you?” They whispered as they got closer as they sat down they took note that Wolf Link was also resting here. It was to tempting to reach over and pet the good boy.
“Not like I have a choice.” Human Link huffs as he leans back a bit. It made things a bit awkward as (Y/n) tries to remember who this Link was. They had theories the pink hair is their main one. Given that their are still Hero’s missing that means there is around thirteen different heroes to match to a person in this small group. They called this one the Veteran. Meaning he would have had the most adventures which limited it. “I knew someone with the same name as you.” The veteran said after awhile, rudely interrupting their train of thought. “It sounds like a similar case to the old man. They were invisible as I traveled around, no matter where I was. If there was an adventure they were there to commentate.” He explains looking into the moon as he thinks about those memories “the thing was they grew up weirdly, almost like they aged backwards as they helped me.”
It was like a light bulb went off for them as they stopped petting Wolf Link. “Did you turn into a bunny?” It was a shot in the dark that hit this Link like a bullseye.
“Wait…” He whispers almost in horror at the realization and the reality “what the fuck are you doing here? Just how many of us do you know?”
“Technically none of you but I’ve seen all of your adventures.” (Y/n) distracted themselves with Wolf Link again. Alternating between bushing out his fur and giving him head scratches. “I’ve been trying to figure out who is who and also struggling to figure out a good nickname for each of you with out giving away anything. Cause you know not everyone wants their adventures out in the open. Like, I was honestly just settling with hero titles since that’s easier on my brain.”
Link crosses his arms sighing again “you never shut up when you get going.” He sighs out making him deflate a bit. “First Koholient now this?” He covers his face as he mutters to himself.
Now thats a sentence (Y/n) did NOT want to get into at the moment but they will remember that for later as it was just the first day. “Well not my fault.” They went straight back to their attention on Wolf Link. “I will try to not be dead weight, like hell I will stand by while you guys fight. Done that to many times apparently.”
Another scoff comes from this Link as he props his head up on his hand. “You can fight with that thing?” He gestures towards the bow they had on hand still.
“Truthfully? I don’t know. I’ve never actually killed a monster with it. Since my world is peaceful and lacking of magic so…” They really didn’t think they could only because LARP is different from reality. Yes, they did take some lessons so they knew what their where doing with a sword and bow. “I want to try though, I can use it. I can aim and I like to think I’m fairly good. Not as good as you guys though.” They didn’t want to admit that the thought of actually being in battle scares them. (Y/n) looks out to the cave entrance, it was quiet out.
“Where did that rancher go? He’s been out on patrol for a while now.” Wolf Link had perked up as he realize the time, (Y/n) stopped and let him get out.
“The Rancher?” Was that Wolf Link?
“I thought you knew everyone.” Link fire back instantly it almost sounded as a tease. “He’s the one with the wolf pelt.”
“I do know everyone, but some of you look way different from when I saw you last.” There was a pause “I was going to reference the pink hair, but the last time I saw you was when it was brown. I didn’t think it would stick though.”
“Can you let that go?” Link shakes his head as they assume he wants to forget it.
Though honestly to (Y/n) his natural hair was pink but to each their own. “No, but I’ll stop bringing it up.” Yawning they were finally feeling a bit more tired. “Two more questions thought.”
“One. Nicknames who is called what.” That was probably the most important thing to know. “I would assume its by profession but Old Man isn’t a job.” It was really at that point were (Y/n) didn’t know what the Hero of Time’s job is if he even got one after the whole debacle.
“It was by professional at first but we kinda made nicknames along the way.” (Y/n) almost screamed as Wolf link spoke suddenly as he was heading up the hill. “I’ll take over Second watch for the Sailor.” He said as he almost flops onto (Y/n) dropping his pelt onto their shivering form.
The Vet could only watch in slight amusement before shrugging “good luck.” He said to (Y/n) taking this as his escape before he was also trapped with the wolf man.
Once (Y/n) was sure the veteran was further away they turned to look at Wolf Link properly. Studying the markings that had been tattooed onto his face for a few seconds before finally speaking up “you suck at hiding the wolf thing.”
There was another pause as Wolf Link stares back horrified at what was just said. “Huh?”
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dumfanting · 1 year
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Lost and Found
AO3 Link
Rating: M, mature
Warnings: Order 66, post Order 66, being shot at, canon-typical violence
Notes: F Jedi reader, second person perspective, present tense
2638 Words
(A big shout out and thank you to @rain-on-kamino for ‘Still Life’ which gave me the idea for this fic. [As if I don’t have enough multi-part series going already!] I actually posted this on AO3 a few days ago but work has been exhausting so it’s a little late coming here. I’m really excited for this new project, I hope you will be too.)
(Edit: I realized that I got the troopers name wrong so I’ve gone back and fixed it, along with a minor edit that makes this chapter flow better)
F Reader/ Nax (clone veteran)
You managed to escape Coruscant during Order 66, but didn’t expect anything to come back for you on Daiyu.
You’ve been on Daiyu for nearly ten years now, and every day has been the same. You work your quiet midday shift at the lounge, avoid having to speak to anyone beyond that, and rush home, all the while keeping an ear to the ground for any news about the remaining Jedi like you. It’s your routine, and it’s incredibly monotonous and lonely, but it’s kept you safe. You came to this planet specifically because it’s populated with people just like you. People who want to disappear and go unnoticed and unbothered. Everyone here minds their own business, and it’s exactly the kind of place you need.
You didn’t think you’d be found. And you certainly never expected who would be the one to find you.
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It’s been a normal day so far, for the most part. On your way back from work, as you keep your head down and move through the busy street, you suddenly Sense someone familiar. Someone you haven’t seen since you left Coruscant. In shock, you freeze, your eyes darting around and sweeping over all of the faces passing you by. You find nobody, and try to Sense them again, but get nothing. Tired from a tough shift, you decide that the fatigue is getting to you, and continue home, moving quickly.
When you arrive at your small apartment, you double lock the front door and check that all of the windows and balcony doors are also still locked. Another step in the routine. Once you’re satisfied, you step into the refresher, stripping off your Spotchka stained tunic as you go. Undressed, you get under the shower head, the pulsing hot water relaxing your tense muscles. As you soap yourself up, your mind keeps wandering back to whatever you thought you had sensed outside. You repeat to yourself that you’d simply imagined it (even though you’ve never experienced anything like that before). Whatever it was, it doesn’t sit right with you.
You finish your shower, dry off, and get dressed into a plain robe. You return to the living area, lit in shades of cyan blue and magenta from the neon lights just outside your windows, and sit heavily onto the floor. It’s been too long since you last meditated, you think, so maybe that’s what the odd occurrence on your way home was: a side effect of a clouded mind. You settle into position and close your eyes, trying to clear your head.
It takes over an hour, but you manage to do so, then a sudden, urgent knocking at your door shatters your concentration. You get to your feet, confused. You haven’t ordered any food, and you don’t know anyone well enough for them to stop by like this. You cautiously approach the door and check the intercom camera to see who it is. It’s Haja Estree, and a stone of resentment drops into your gut at the sight of him. You know who he is, and what he’s been up to; you want nothing to do with any of it, and he knows that. He knocks again.
“What the hell do you want?” you say, your voice crackling through the old speaker.
He looks toward the camera while saying that someone needs your help. You activate the speaker again and your voice is cold.
“Haja, I’ve told you before, I won’t-,” you start, but he cuts you off.
“It's not me,” he says, then steps aside and makes room for someone else to move into view. They look directly into the camera and appear to make eye contact with you. Your heart nearly stops as you gasp, and you Sense it again, whatever you had picked up on only a few hours ago, except now you know exactly who it was.
It’s Master Kenobi. He’s gotten older, like you, but he looks aged beyond his years, like a ghost of his former self. Looking past the deep lines and heavy shadows, you recognize his eyes, even if they’ve gone a bit dull, and there’s no doubt in your mind that it’s actually him. You shut the camera off and unlock the door.
“Master Kenobi! I thought you were dead,” you say, keeping your voice down, as the door slides open.
“That was the idea,” he says, and he sounds worn down, defeated, nothing like the confident and decisive leader he once was. Your heart aches for him. He’d clearly been through just as much as you, if not more. You step back and invite him inside. Estree, who you had forgotten was still there, tries to follow, but another hard glare from you stops him in his tracks. Master Kenobi looks over his shoulder at him.
“Go, but don’t wander too far,” he says. Estree nods, and sets off down the nearby stairs. You shut the door and double lock it again, then lead Master Kenobi into the small kitchen to brew him some tea. He settles in at the table, watching you. You can tell that there’s something urgent on his mind, but you have a few questions for him first.
“How did you find me?” you ask, handing him a steaming mug and sitting across from him.
“Pure chance,” he says softly, sipping at his tea. “Only a few hours ago, I thought I saw you in the street, but told myself it was merely someone who looked like you. I was sure you hadn’t survived. Then it was confirmed once I Sensed you. Estree knew where you were.”
“I didn’t see you, but I Sensed you too. I thought I had imagined it,” you say, also speaking softly.
You want to ask Master Kenobi what happened to him, but hesitate. He seems to know what you’re thinking, though, and quickly recounts his fight with Master Skywalker on Mustafar, not long after the clones turned on him. You listen with rapt attention, shocked by what you’re hearing.
After a long, silent moment, he finally sips at his tea. You can tell that he wants to ask what happened to you too. You take a moment to collect your thoughts, then sigh and tell him your own story.
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You didn’t work with Master Skywalker and the 501st, but you knew them well enough, and happened to be in the hangar when you noticed a large group of the men standing around. You stepped closer, scanning over the familiar faces for one in particular, but he found you first. Nax wove his way through his brothers and smiled at you, his amber eyes shining in the late afternoon sun.
“Commander,” he said, inclining his head at you.
“Trooper,” you said, doing the same. You glanced around to make sure that nobody was watching the two of you. Satisfied to find that everyone else was focused elsewhere, you subtly jerked your head toward a darkened maintenance hallway. Nax picked up on what you were implying immediately and followed you inside, first making sure nobody had noticed.
About a dozen feet from the open doorway, you came to a stop and leaned back against the shadowed wall. As soon as you did, Nax was on you, his lips crashing against yours while he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you as closely as he could. You reciprocated with enthusiasm, running your fingers through his closely cropped hair before clasping your hands together behind his neck. You opened up and after your tongues slid together for a few seconds, he pulled back with a groan.
“Good Maker I missed you,” he said, kissing you along your jaw and down your neck.
“It was only three rotations,” you said, chuckling at him. You moved a hand to cup the side of his face, his tanned skin smooth and freshly shaven.
“Mesh’la, three hours is too long to be apart from you,” he said as he straightened back up, and your chest fluttered at his words. You kissed him deeply again, gripping his shoulders and holding him close. The kiss intensified, and when he set his hands on your hips, something loud echoed into the hallway from the hangar, and the two of you were abruptly reminded that you could be caught here.
Nax pulled away from you and rolled his eyes before he pressed his forehead into yours. You took a moment to close your eyes and breathe him in while he did the same.
“God I wish this war would just end, I want to be with you so badly,” you said. He hummed thoughtfully.
“I know, love. I do too,” he said, though he sounded unsure of something. You knew what he was thinking though. The Jedi Order forbade attachments like this.
“I’ll leave,” you said, and he stepped back, looking confused.
“For me? Are you serious?” Nax said in disbelief. You stepped forward and softly kissed him again.
“Yes,” you said. “Then we wouldn’t have to hide.”
“Cyare,” he whispered, holding you closely again, and you can sense a bubble of hope rising in his chest.
A split second later, you pushed away from him without realizing it, suddenly overcome by an intense feeling of doom within the Force. It was suffocating and your head spun from the intensity of it. This was unlike anything you had ever felt before, and on top of this, there was a sudden explosion of blaster fire and hollering from the hangar. You grabbed at either side of your head and fell into an odd crouch while groaning with fear and confusion.
Nax was halfway through asking what was wrong before he just as suddenly froze and stood stock-straight. A feeling of desperate conflict pulsed out of him and hit you hard enough to drown out the sense of panic that was threatening to overwhelm you. You lowered your hands from your head as you stood and looked towards him, but held them up again when you found Nax pointing his blaster at you with one hand.
Despite the shock of this, you noticed how badly he was shaking, and it looked like he was in physical pain, so you stepped closer to him, obviously worried.
“Don’t!” he shouted, startling you into backing away by a few steps.
“Nax?” you said, lowering your hands again as you took a step forward, reaching out for him.
“Get away from me!” he shouts again, now pointing his blaster at you with both hands. You felt something overshadow his conflict. Whatever he was doing, it terrified him.
“Nax, what-?” you said as you took another step closer, but he cut you off by growling and firing at your feet. You barely jumped backward in time, and the shot left a smoking scorch mark on the ground where your left foot had been only a second before.
Also terrified now, you pulled out your lightsaber and activated it, the bright green light filling the dark hallway. With this, you were able to see his face more clearly. Whether it was from exertion or emotion, tears were streaming down Nax’s face and fear filled his eyes.
The two of you stared at each other for only a second. Nax, panting, met your eyes and said, in a shaky whisper, “Run,” before firing at you again, but this time he aimed for your chest. You barely deflected the shot, and after another was fired, Nax roared for you to get the hell out of there.
Confused and scared, you did just that, sprinting away from him down the hallway and dodging more blasts as you went.
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When you finish speaking, your hands are trembling enough to spill a few drops of your tea onto the table. Master Kenobi watches you with an unreadable expression.
“I always had a feeling about the two of you,” he says. You brace yourself for a reprimand, but when it doesn’t come, you simply sit there, unsure of what to do or say. You both stay quiet for a while as you relive the worst day of your lives.
After a few seconds, you wipe a few stray my tears off of your cheeks, and get Master Kenobi’s attention again.
“What are you doing here?” you ask. He hesitates, but the feeling of urgency you sense in him intensifies. Stalling for time, he drains his mug and appears to be having a silent conversation with himself. “Master Kenobi?” you ask, and despite your soft voice. He can hear the concern there. He takes a deep breath, sets the mug down, and begins speaking.
He tells you that Master Skywalker and Senator Amidala had two twin children, Luke and Leia, a boy and a girl. You’d already suspected that something was happening between Master Skywalker and Senator Amidala, but never would have guessed it had gotten that far.
In the moments after their birth, Senator Amidala had died. He and Senator Organa decided it would be best to split the two of them up, for their own safety. Luke went to Tatooine to live with his uncle and aunt, and Senator Organa had taken in Leia. Master Kenobi also went to Tatooine, keeping an eye on Luke from afar. A few rotations ago, Leia had been abducted, and Senator Organa and his wife called Master Kenobi to help get her back. So far he had been able to track her down to this sector of the planet, and he suspected that the Empire was involved with it.
Master Kenobi pauses to sip at his tea again, but sets the mug back down. “I’ve told you too much. I’ve put you in danger now,” he says gravely, his eyes scanning your face.
“Who am I going to tell? I don’t know anyone I can trust here,” you say.
“And you managed to stay hidden for all this time,” he says, sounding like he’s trying to convince himself.
He stops talking for a moment and hesitates again, making your heart sink. You both know what he’s about to ask of you. He meets your eyes, but you look away.
“Master Kenobi, I-,” you say, but he softly interrupts.
“I stopped being a Master the moment I left Anakin on Mustafar,” he says, barely audible. “It’s just Ben now,” he continues.
“Oh,” you say, trying not to outwardly react to the strong wave of regret and grief that just rolled over you from him. “I’m sorry, Ben, but…,” you say, trailing off.
“You can’t take the risk,” he says, finishing your sentence for you. You meet his eyes, but look away again, unable to take the way he’s scanning your face.
“I’m sorry, I really am,” you say, and your voice trembles.
“Don’t apologize,” he says, gently placing his hand, rough from years of labor but still just as warm, over yours. “I know that I’ve asked a lot of you, I understand.”
When he says your name, you look back up at him, and despite the tears shining in your eyes, you hold his gaze.
“You’re alive,” he says, speaking softly. “But more importantly, you’re safe. I don’t want to jeopardize that.” You blink back the tears threatening to spill over and apologize again. He says nothing, withdraws his hand, and gets back to his feet. You follow suit, taking a moment to pick up the empty mugs and set them down in the sink nearby.
Wiping at your eyes, you walk back to the front door with him. As it slides open, you get his attention one last time.
“If you really need me, come back. In the meantime, I’ll keep an eye out for Leia,” you say. “Please, be careful out there,” you continue, your eyes pleading as they meet his for the last time.
Master Kenobi, or Ben, that is, says the same to you before stepping into the hallway where Estree is waiting for him.
Next: Chapter Two
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