#this can be an art prompt if you want it to be i guess XD
stormbreaker101 · 8 months
maulwiirf von wriststrap
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skyward-floored · 3 months
Febuwhump collab alt day - “I love you”
And here’s the last febuwhump fic (...on the 27 of March lol. what can I say, I get easily distracted).
This one was suggested by @webhead3345, and it’s really more hurt/comfort then anything, but after the last one some comfort is probably nice XD I hope you enjoy it!
And thanks to everyone who suggested characters/prompts for these! I appreciate you all so much <3
Today’s lovely art
Ao3 link
Having six kids could be a challenge sometimes, Malon was willing to admit.
It would be difficult enough normally, but with five of them having superpowers, two being adopted, and all of them rambunctious boys who sometimes forgot their house was on the small side... it could be a lot sometimes.
But Malon always did her best, and Time along with her. Even when it got overwhelming, even when they disagreed, even through the sleepless nights and stress and fear and countless other worries from essentially living underground, they both tried their hardest to raise their kids well, and keep them safe and happy. Malon could only hope they were succeeding.
Especially in regards to their two adopted boys.
Hyrule and Wild had both been through such awful things, both due to factors they couldn’t control. It wasn’t always obvious, and they were both so strong for their ages, but sometimes the scars that had been left on them both reared their ugly heads, and one or the both of them would fall apart for a bit.
Malon always tried to pay attention and help when one or the other of them was stuck in a bad period. She had plenty of practice with Wild, and usually knew how to comfort him, but Hyrule could be a bit of a mystery still. She was still figuring out what tended to set him off, how he acted when he was upset, how his reactions tended to differ from Wild’s, and most of all, how to help.
And at the moment, she was at a bit of a loss as to what to do.
Hyrule had been acting quieter then normal recently, fading to the background of the typical chaos his brothers brought with them. He mostly just nodded if someone asked him something, and seemed a little more distant, taking longer to respond to things, and keeping to himself.
Malon wouldn’t have worried too much about most of that, but then she noticed the shadowed circles appear under his eyes, ones that only seemed to get darker with every passing day. It soon became obvious Hyrule wasn’t getting nearly enough sleep with the way he began to stumble around, and Malon’s worry doubled.
And then Wild started to act in a similar way, unusually quiet and withdrawn, tired-looking and cranky, and that really got her worried.
Malon just wasn’t sure how to go about getting to the root of the problem. Wild and Hyrule were both tight-lipped when things bothered them, and got defensive if pushed, and Malon knew a direct confrontation could be disastrous. She’d tried some light prodding, but hadn’t been successful in the slightest.
She could guess what it was that was bothering the two of course, and had a pretty good idea of what it might be, but she also didn’t want to assume and end up making things worse. Time didn’t have any ideas either when she discussed the problem with him, but he’d been swamped at work lately, and was barely thinking straight.
So Malon was left to try and figure out the problem mostly by herself, her worry growing by the day.
It finally reached the point where it was affecting her own sleep, and Malon found herself startled awake late one night after a week had gone by from the start of her sons’ odd behavior, and found herself completely unable to fall back asleep.
Time was snoring softly beside her, and Malon laid there for a while, trying to let the sound lull her back to sleep. She didn’t have any luck though, her brain too full, her mind too awake. She finally sighed, getting nowhere, and carefully slipped out of bed and pulled on her bathrobe. She made sure not to disturb Time at all, then walked down to the kitchen to try making herself a cup of tea.
The kettle didn’t take long to heat, and Malon yawned as she set her tea to steeping, walking into the living room with it to sit and wait for it to finish.
Then stopped in her tracks, realizing she wasn’t alone.
Malon hadn’t noticed on her way in, but there were two odd lumps huddled on the couch, both quiet and still. She stepped closer to study them, and realized one was Hyrule, wrapped tight in a blanket and staring silently at the ground.
He wasn’t the only there either, but whoever it was beside him was bundled up so tightly that Malon had no idea who it even was.
She could certainly guess though.
Worry crested over her, and she set down her cup, walking forward and shuffling her feet just a little to make sure Hyrule heard her coming. He startled a little anyway when he noticed her, but didn’t shield or run, just went back to staring at the floor.
The lump next to him shifted a little, and Malon saw a strand of long blond hair fall free of the blanket.
“Hyrule? Wild?” she asked gently, and Hyrule swallowed, wiping his sleeve across his eyes. Wild didn’t move. “It’s awful late you two, what are you doing down here?”
Hyrule didn’t look at her.
“Sorry, it’s nothing,” he whispered.
“If it was nothing, you both wouldn’t be out here and not in your beds,” Malon gently pointed out, sitting down on the couch beside them both. “What’s eatin’ you?”
Hyrule kept looking at his feet, a few sniffles escaping him.
“I-I, we just can’t sleep,” he whispered, not meeting her eyes. “That’s all.”
“That’s all?” Malon asked gently. Hyrule gave her a tiny shrug. “Well... is there a particular reason you two can’t sleep?”
Hyrule went silent.
The lump at his side shifted, and Wild poked his head out, Hyrule moving so he was more tucked against his side then before.
“...bad dreams,” Wild whispered after a few minutes, voice shaky. “‘Rulie too.”
Malon’s heart sank.
“Both of you?” she asked worriedly, and Wild nodded, rubbing at the shadows under his eyes.
“Sorry,” Hyrule whispered even more quietly.
“Honey, you don’t need to apologize,” Malon said, and turned so she could meet his eyes. “Neither of you do, it’s okay. Do you want to talk about them?” she asked in a softer voice.
Wild shook his head, and Hyrule shrank down in his blanket.
Worry prickled at her, but Malon nodded, and didn’t say anything for a moment, Hyrule still letting out an occasional sniffle. Wild shifted where he was curled up again, and somehow he and Hyrule ended up snuggled against Malon, Wild’s head in her lap, Hyrule’s resting on her arm.
A shuddering sigh escaped Wild, and Malon ran a hand over his head, fingers ghosting past his scars.
She let out a quiet sigh of her own, looking at them both. She’d finally gotten the answer to what was bothering them (and had been bothering them), but she felt no better knowing the reason.
The nightmares must have been especially bad as of late.
Malon adjusted Hyrule’s blanket, continuing to run her hand over Wild’s head. She dearly wished she she could take away what was troubling them both, and let them get a full night’s sleep for once, but unfortunately that wasn’t a power she possessed.
Malon wished it all the same though.
Hyrule sniffled again, and Malon shifted her arm so it was resting around him, loose enough he wouldn’t be nervous, but tight enough to offer comfort. He leaned into it, and Malon ran her hand over his hair as well.
“Mom?” Wild whispered after a bit, and Malon hummed questioningly. “Why’re you awake too?”
“Did we wake you up?” Hyrule asked worriedly, and Malon shook her head.
“No sweetie, you didn’t. I just couldn’t sleep either,” she admitted, and Wild peered up at her, worry shining in his eyes.
“...was it cause of nightmares?” he asked softly, and Malon ran her hand over his head again.
“No, not tonight. But... sometimes I have them.”
“...What about?”
Malon sighed, thinking for a moment before she spoke. Wild and Hyrule certainly didn’t need to know everything about nightmares she’d had, especially the worst ones, but maybe a few details would help them feel better.
“Well... I worry about you boys, and your father. All sorts of things, really. And sometimes my dreams take my worries and just twist them up and make them worse then they really are. It’s hard,” she said gently, “to remember they’re not real sometimes.”
Her boys seemed to think about that for a minute, both staying quiet.
“...Mine’re like that,” Hyrule whispered. “With the mostly real things.”
“I never remember mine,” Wild admitted, voice still shaky. “Just... just how bad they were.”
“Oh boys,” Malon said softly, and Hyrule sniffled again, hiding his face in her arm.
She’d thought the ache in her chest couldn’t get any worse, but apparently it could, and Malon held both of them tighter, running a soothing hand across both their heads. Hyrule and Wild relaxed at the motion, and Malon kept it up, beginning to softly hum.
She couldn’t take her sons’ bad dreams away. And she couldn’t take away the memories that brought them on, and continued to plague them even afterwards. But she could comfort them now, let them know everything was okay and that they weren’t alone, no matter what their nightmares tried to tell them.
Not on my watch, she thought as she continued to hold them tight.
Wild and Hyrule’s eyes began to droop as she hummed her family’s song, and Malon watched as they both slowly nodded off, still snuggled tight against her.
After several minutes, both were soundly asleep, faces relaxed from the tension that had been there before. A part of Malon wanted to just stay here with them all night, but she knew her back wouldn’t like it if she slept upright on a couch, and they’d all be more comfortable in their own beds. So once she was sure they were both asleep, she shifted Wild and Hyrule around, careful not to wake them. Then Malon pulled them both up into her arms, standing and walking back to their rooms.
Despite her efforts not to jostle them, both Hyrule and Wild’s eyes blinked open as she moved, and they watched her walk up the stairs, barely awake.
“You can carry us both?” Wild murmured doubtfully, and Malon smiled as she easily reached the top of the stairs.
“Darlin’ I’ve lifted cows twice your size before, this is nothing.”
Hyrule giggled. “Really?”
Hyrule and Wild both let out sleepy giggles at that, and Hyrule set his head back against her shoulder, eyes slipping closed.
Malon dropped Wild off first, setting him down in his bed and attempting to fix his blankets. Somehow they’d gotten all tangled around and folded in on themselves, and it took her a moment to straighten them out enough to tuck Wild in.
“Goodnight hon. Sleep well,” she said softly.
“You too,” Wild mumbled sleepily, and curled up under his blankets.
Malon gave him a kiss, and noticed a furry head poking up from Twilight’s bed, blue eyes shining at her. She put a finger to her lips, then carried Hyrule out of the room, hearing pawsteps cross the floor after she was gone.
She brought Hyrule to the room he shared with Four and Wind, stepping lightly so as not to wake anyone. Malon set him down once she crossed the room to his end, and tucked him in like she’d done for Wild, adjusting his blankets around him, and fetching the stuffed rabbit he usually slept with that had fallen halfway under the bed.
Hyrule watched her sleepily the whole time, still clinging stubbornly to consciousness. Malon lingered a moment even after she finished getting him settled, running a hand over his head, and Hyrule relaxed into the touch.
“Goodnight honey,” she said softly as his eyes finally drifted shut, and she stood and began to walk out the door.
The whisper made her pause, and she looked back at Hyrule, his eyes open again.
“Yes sweetheart?”
Hyrule blinked sleepily, barely hanging on to wakefulness, but Malon heard his next whisper loud and clear.
“...Love you.”
Malon looked at him in astonishment, warmth blooming in her middle at the sound of the words from her son. She blinked back a bit of a sting in her eyes, then walked back over to Hyrule, smiling at him.
“I love you too honey,” she said softly, and kissed the top of his head. “Sleep well.”
Hyrule smiled back at her, and his eyes closed again, Malon knowing he was truly asleep this time.
She adjusted his blankets just a little more, then straightened and crept out of the room, back to her own bed. The anxiety and tightness that had been keeping her awake had finally settled, and her eyes felt heavy as she slipped back to where she and Time slept.
“...Everything alright?” Time whispered as she got back into bed, looking at her sleepily. “You’ve been gone a while, I was about to come looking for you."
Malon smiled as she got under the covers, and nestled up to Time with a sleepy sigh.
“Yes. Everything’s fine,” she replied, setting her head under his. “Nothing to worry about.”
And something to celebrate, she thought as she closed her eyes, Hyrule’s whisper still warming her heart.
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omaano · 6 months
This is just to tell you that I am completely in love with your cross-over work between Star Wars and Hades. It’s magnificent in every way!
I hope you make more.
Bye 🙂
Thank you so much, I’m so glad you like it! It really makes me very very happy that something that started out as a bingo prompt fill, and ever since had grown legs and run away from me also became something that so many of you love 🥰 (hello everyone in the tags of these drawings, I love you all very much!)
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I’m hard at work on Anakin right now - he’s got such a pretty face, I don’t even know what to do with him 😭 so I’m taking a while (I’d naively thought that I might have him finished by Christmas, but shopping and baking took up so much time, so new years is the new self imposed deadline for him) but I will also take some time to make a list of characters I want to add to this AU (not everyone who got a little portrait icon, I cannot do that to myself), and where I could put them. But for now this mental list consists of: Cody and Obi-wan, Wolffe and Plo, Fennec, the Nite Owl trio, and Maul (because that Chaos spot was made for him, the creepy weirdo drama queen). Oh, and Luke. I have pocket Luke already, I will need to draw out his character art too, I guess XD
So. It’s only a matter of attention and time, as you can see, I am quite set with this comfort project of mine for quite a bit. I hope you all will enjoy the ride :3
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amazing-spiderling · 1 year
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SO! I did uhhh... a bunch of art for the @daredevilexchange 2023 Prompt Fest to be used as badges! The official badge post is coming later, but I wanted to share the art in its entirety. It was a lot of fun figuring out which characters to use for which badges... I wonder if you can guess which are which just from the art? I feel like I have earned most of them just from drawing all of these. XD
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halfagone · 11 months
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼(No pressure if you don't want to though!)Hope you have a good day! ✨
Oh wow, another one! I guess I'll just have to do five more of these, thankfully I have enough for that. 😅
First off, I guess we have:
I have not touched this fic in a hot minute, but this is technically my first DPxDC fic? I just passed its one year anniversary as well, but I haven't updated it in months now. There is a lot more I want to do for this story, but it's just so long that I really have to have to time and schedule to work it all out. Maybe when LL's Ascent is over I can pull through with it. And maybe Off With [the Demon's] Head. And maybe bloodlines and maybe- well, you get the idea. XD
This one took a little while longer to gain traction from what I've seen, but I am really proud about how I whipped this out so quickly for the event. I had been between ideas at the time, and I just needed something to get me into gear since the DP/DC Crossover Week was the first time I'd ever done a prompt week. But this was my first work of that event, so it holds a special place in my heart.
I know it's not the most popular fic from me but I am really excited for what this fic will bring and what I plan on doing with it. Horror as a genre is very fun and interesting to play with, but there are so many visual horror elements that don't always come across the same way on printed word as it might as onscreen. So it's an intricate process to try and incorporate those elements in a way that readers can still feel the fear and tension even when they can't see it as clearly as through a movie.
I wrote this fic in like... 10 hours I think? So much work, holy cow. But I do really love the Danny x Cass relationship so it was a great opportunity to share more of it with the world. I wanted to include Cass' canonical struggle with illiteracy and being essentially mute from a young age, and I am glad I could make it work in a relationship when communication is so important.
So this is the first sapphic relationship I have ever written. Like, fully blown sapphic relationship. weekend wonders technically includes a sapphic relationship as well, but I haven't written enough of that fic to really explore it. It's such a shame that f/f fics don't do well though, because they are a lot of fun to explore. And I did get to include my girl Cass in this one, so it was a good experience for my first full-blown fic.
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signedeclipse · 2 years
Characters that appear on your page: basically all the demons... & Uzui xD
It's really admirable that you like to write for niche characters tho! (signed, a lover of niche characters LMAO) but since you'd like to write more for them and since you posted a prompt list (which is AWESOME!) I'm gonna leave a request for one of them 👀
Can you write some headcanons for the prompt "gyokko teaches his s/o how to make pottery"? I love gyokko so much (and his interactions with muichiro were just PRICELESS) he's just a weird gremlin 🐟 but I've never actually seen any fanfic with him or anything else of the sort, so I'm really curious to see what you have in mind for him! Since it's one of the prompts you really want to write I'll give you total freedom over it, you can write whatever your heart desires! <3
- 🌈
Gyokko [X Reader]
In which Gyokko teaches his s/o how to make pottery.
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Gyokko always shows you his art through every part of the process
You are probably the only one in the universe that can get away with critiquing him in any way that isn't 'it's perfect as is'
And of course, the moment you show any interest in making pottery yourself, he is on it
Teaches you where to find clay, how to properly turn it into usable clay, and all sorts of tricks to make different shapes
Your pots always end up more delicate than his, always having a softer look while his are bolder
And he's impressed, watching you work into crevices he can't manage
If yours ever break or crumble, he'll assure you that it takes a while to get to his skill level
Painting them is always fun
Because he is absolutely a million steps ahead
Trying not to laugh and trying to guess what it is you painted so you don't get sad
" Maybe I should stick with lines... "
" Maybe so "
" You aren't supposed to agree with me, Gyokko! "
Does not let you anywhere near the kiln; too hot and dangerous
Also, because sometimes, if yours breaks while firing, he will glue it back together so you can't tell
He will make some of your pots his home
The pots he had during the Swordsmith village were mostly yours
Which was why he got extra pissed
'You can break my pot, but if you DARE touch my wives-' type
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Authors Note - Changing my format to be a little more A E S T H E T I C!! Please enjoy and take care of yourself <3
I also never see fanfic for him!!! Idk he is a bit of a guilty pleasure, I know he is super cool but I think people are thrown off by his looks lol! Still, I hope to write for him more!
Thank you for letting me go off LOL
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eruden-writes · 1 year
Replying to Reactions on Monster Fucker Poll & Original Stuff
Ya'll blew up the monster fucker poll with tags/replies/reblogs. XD So, I'm just going to summarize.
This is claw erasure!
I'm sorry! I knew I was forgetting something. Second poll with claws is here. (I also do not have fur on either poll. I'm sorry. >_<)
Where's the "all the above" option, OP? WHERE IS THE ALL THE ABOVE OPTION?
There is none. It was supposed to be a hard choice! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
I like fur/no face/wings/tail/anything else OP didn't add.
You are valid and have good taste. ;3
Now moving on to Room & Board - Part 15 Preview!
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@ajarofpickledtears Glad you're excited! <3 I'm definitely excited to see people's reactions to these sexy fun times. lol
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@vaya-mernda Oh no, you thought last chapter was a fade-to-black? Hahaha!
No, of course not. ;P It's just the scene took awhile to churn out. Multiple partner scenes involve a lot more tracking of limbs.
And now Amber and Augustine.
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I honestly just sat down and churned out that part in one sitting. Decided how I wanted to use the "oh. OH." prompt, had another anon suggest a monster, and just went for it.
As such, I don't have anything written. XD I might dabble some more with these two. They're a mixture of my own "celebrity sweeps into someone's life and upends it" fantasies + inspired by Olivia Dade's works.
(Bonus points if anyone can guess what celebrity Augustine's physical appearance is vaguely based off of. lol)
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lol I know, right? Just drawing some vent art of a particular character - from a much more popular content - and get confronted with that character's actor?
Ahahaha. To quote Amber, "Oh no."
I did enjoy writing these two, as I was terribly wont to do with these prompts.
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eirasummersart · 1 year
I'm thinking of opening a few requests soonish
They usually help me get out of art blocks and I'm deep in one right now aslkfhakslf They probably won't include OCs, only canons of the fandoms I'm in: Twisted Wonderland, Genshin Impact, Fire Emblem, Obey Me, etc. (you can check on my main blog what I'm into, tbh).
Keep in mind that, if I do open them, they will be quite limited since I take more than I can handle otherwise (I've learned XD). So this is a heads up if anyone wants to be prepared too, I guess hahaah
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maudfs · 2 years
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It's that time again for the summary of art! 2022 is on its way out and it was certainly a year...
This was the year of the water tiger in the Chinese Zodiac. I enjoy using Zodiac things as prompts AND my birth year was of the tiger, so that is January's image. I used the lasso tool for a lineless look, it was fun.
February's image is a bunch of air type raptors of a species I have been thinking of for a while. I was trying to flesh out what markings they would have and what kinds of color morphs might exist. (front to back: rare (sunset), common (blue-jay), melanistic (dark), leucistic (light), and albino) Of course they are not finished (I guess headworlds are never really finished) but I would like to someday update my websites bestiary with all the characters and species I've created and these would be one of the featured ones.
March's image is for an Ovipets challenge that I won! It is a Catus with butterfly wings looking at butterflies in a field of clover.
In April I made a bunch of shuffle-style icons and little sprites for my characters for things like their toyhouse pages or my website... so basically a bunch a stuff that won't get posted by itself.
For May here is a sketch of Fulvina from Spectrobes (the thing my Fulvina is named after! I had to draw it eventually, but) I didn't finish it at the time because I was having trouble with the lines, though I do plan on finishing it. Spectrobes as a whole could use some more love!
June's image is Amdy as a Unicorn, as I was seeing Junicorn challenges but didn't want to draw something every single day. I also chose this because well, why do I have so many so-called shapeshifters yet I only draw them in one form? I should show what else they can do!
July is ArtFight month and this time around I found some very cool characters to draw including a dragon named Colors! This was very fun to draw.
August I created a character called Daemon, seen here. Haven't really fleshed him out much though XD.
September Flight Rising released a gene called Soap that makes the dragon extra shiny, and I knew I had to draw it. What better than a vaporwave dragon? Flight Rising has released a LOT of stuff this year now that I think about it!
For October, a WIP of Alban... didn't finish much this month. I wanted to draw some Halloween images and make a bat-sona but that didn't happen in time. Somewhat related, this is the third year in a row I started to feel depressed beginning in October and into the winter, DESPITE loving Halloween and colder weather, so I'm wondering if that's a sign of seasonal depression or something? Yeah.
November's image is more Ovipets, this time dogs (Canis and Lupus) playing in fallen leaves. Used lots of different CSP brushes in this one. (For the single purchase version, of course... as if I'd deal with a monthly subscription for an art program... I don't know who thought THAT was a good decision)
December I finished this piece of Cygnet. I was going to try to draw more for December, but the sheer cold of this country wide snowstorm(!) seems to have put me in hibernation mode, so I'm gonna go ahead and finish with this.
Now's also a good time to say that I still don't mess with ΝFТ's or АI art, (I don't consider either of these things to be “art” and I don't have the energy to argue about it) so I've been experimenting with new watermarks to try and combat that in a subtle way... still watching Twitter catch fire. Still wearing a mask (end date: undefined). Still love playing Legends Arceus... STILL too shy to socialize!! Come on, that's gonna end up being my new year's resolution for like, every year! Gosh XD But I must continue to try... I must..!
As always, thank you for coming by and reading. :3
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Omg, I’m so glad to hear this! I totally thought you were maybe tired of writing those long posts, and I mean granted, I wouldn’t blame you. That’s A LOT of writing, but man, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy devouring every word of it. Your thoughts are incredibly insightful (hehe, get it?). No one else I’ve seen really delves into the Japanese text and all the visual details quite the same way. I really do hope you feel encouraged to keep sharing but with no pressure simultaneously if you are looking to keep your main blog mostly for art stuff! It’s all up to you of course, but yes, please know that you have a very dedicated fan hiding in the shadows that loves scouring through your notes like a Byrgenwerth scholar studying the cosmos lol!
...Ahaha allllllright I really need to find the weird guy that started to apparently pay people to send me compliments fshjghds Because recently I am having abundance of them and that never happens :^) /j
Thank you very much though; This means a lot! I will admit, I shared majority of my core theories, the rest are just some details I share at my own pace or when prompted <:3 Bloodborne solidified my belief that videogames ARE the best form of art for me. With BB, to understand more you need to analyse EVERY medium - more lore lurks in the songs lyrics, in songs leitmotifs, in colors, in subtle design similarities between clothes, in environment, in face datas, in cut content that is STILL useful, in internal filenames, in item descriptions, in item placements... And, ah, yeah, dialogue is there too I guess! xD
I have strong love for complicated, multi-sided things like this. If BB music was just pretty music with no lore significance - that would not be the same. Just check out how first stage of Rom's theme sounds like broken version of first stage of OoK's theme! If clothes designs were just cool drips with no lore significance - that would not be the same. Look at how interesting it is that default Hunter and Henriett are wearing bootleg style of Old Hunters! It just means a lot for me when someone enjoys all these infinite DETAILS with me ;-; Bloodborne is a godsend for my habit to overthink!
But... Yeah, never count on localizations of foreign media, ESPECIALLY Japanese ones. For some reason western translations often seem to warp the original context to fit their values/agendas more - and then western fans pick that up and continue. Or sometimes they simplify lore for no reason? Just ask Kirby fans what they did with Four Matters in Star Allies! Gehrman being made into a creep that tells you that you can do... things with the Doll is just one of the most awful examples, and I totally believe it was intentional and not a misinterpretation! Because a sexist creep is "easier to understand", in opinion of localization team, for western audience than an actually cool character or something? It is CRUCIAL for me to know what creators were truly trying to say! For example:
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This is what Miyazaki had to say about Fauxsefka, and it changed my perception of her a lot back then! I used to think she was just a crazy binch using people to drain Insight from them once they're Kin with the cosmos yeah... But angle of Miyazaki helped me to look from different perspective and I could suddenly see what he meant with her character? Her dialogue about 'willing to save even if just one person' no longer seemed like bullshit lying to win sympathy, but as genuine sentiment - she was helping people to evolve past the risk of falling into beasthood the only way she knew how!
And it is arguable, twisted 'heroism' but isn't it what makes it SO interesting? THE core fun of interacting with overseas media is how different some things can be! Original Japanese script is just the next fastest way to access what creators TRULY wanted to say, after reading direct interviews of course x) So yeah that's why I always rely on direct excerpts from Japanese for my theories!
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chimeraan · 3 months
I have a feeling that what's actually going to kill or at least maim AI art is the combination of the following:
Exceptionalism Ceiling
AI art has already reached the ceiling of all the tech bros hopes and fears. Not in detail or prompt compatibility, I'm sure it'll still get better, but in how impressive that is. It's been what a year? We've seen all the images go from blobs to fully fleshed art pieces and photorealistic shots of fauna in that time and yeah seeing it feels like witnessing an impressive magic trick, it can feel like a betrayal, it can inspire awe or fear, sometimes all of these.
That's happened now though, we've gone through that and we're starting to get over it. Whenever I see how well an ai image emulates something now I am no longer frightened or in awe, it just slides right off my mind. Add to that that so much of AI art is incredibly vague and non-specific that it doesn't even feel like a betrayal when you find out anymore. It feels like "Oh I should have known". It's already reached the ceiling of which people can be surprised or impressed by its production, even as these tools continue to become more detailed or whatever, we're probably just not going to be that shocked or impressed anymore.
AI art isn't really entertaining or impressive to anyone who isn't making it. It's all too vague and non-specific for most people and once you get passed the "Woah this AI?!?" and "We're so fucked bro xD" moments all that's left is an vague and docile image. Actual artists who do real art have trouble getting anyone to care about their work because people are just not easy to captivate. Once the novelty of ai wears off for people, that will just leave the dudes who make the art left.
The people making it though aren't interested in art. They're impressed by the technology, excited about interacting with the "future". Maybe they want to con people, or maybe they want to pretend to be artists for as long as that's entertaining. None of that actually has staying power though, these people are going to get bored once they see how easy it is to churn out the umpteenth image that looks so cool in their mind's eye but can only be emulated in piecemeal in the ai tool. It'll be an exciting, then tedious, then frustrating process for them to make images that look "good" but never look the exact way they want them to and the majority will give up eventually.
AI artists are going to be a continuous cycle of middle class kids and adults who have never been able to stick to any hobby for more than a couple of weeks. They'll try it out, flood the Internet with shit they've made and move on once the tool has lost its luster.
It's actually kind of tragic in a way I guess and they'll probably be exceptions (as well as the list of con artists) but its incredibly difficult to envision anyone who would dedicate all of their time to AI art that wouldn't just pick up a pencil and paper instead.
The Future
AI art is going to continue to be in our lives unfortunately. However, people are already figuring out novel ways of avoiding it by just searching Google for before 2023 or blocking certain sites. As time goes on we'll just keep finding more ways to avoid it.
AI art will be an object that we will all be constantly aware of, one with enough gravity to pull in and shape the Internet around it but not strong enough that you can't pull away from it. It'll make the Internet worse sure but it'll be like the advertising and crypto currency. Just another persistent ringing that you'll have to block out.
I do hope ai just dies instead but that's probably not happening and realistically it'll be a decline in enthusiasm slow enough to feel an age but fast enough that we'll be looking back at it before you know it.
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solesparkstudio · 9 months
Reference Image
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Here's a TINY example of what we can do with a Reference Image.
Let me go ahead and walk you through a quick image generation run that was completed today on the Sole Spark discord... (We'll be accepting subscribers in the near future)
Starting with the image above and using it as a reference, then inserting a prompt, we arrived at something like this:
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Not too bad, eh?
Using the same prompt, but a different version of Niji, we get this:
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Absolutely GORGEOUS, isn't it?
Maybe not to you! If not, then why are you here?? XD
Yes, there are a lot of 'discrepancies' in a fair portion of the generations, but that isn't going to stop Sole Spark from continuing to tweak and refine with subtle variations and beauty from the trash that we create. Fail forward my fellow friends!
For instance, from this set of images we ran 2 different variations: 1: Subtle variations that keep portions of the image similar 2: Stronger variations that can change the image entirely
Have a look for yourself!
Original Generation (Notice Top Left Image)
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Subtle Variation (See Above Top Left)
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Strong Variation (See Above Top Left)
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Pretty cool huh!?
This allows us a ton of flexibility in trying to generate particular images or tastes. Yes, it definitely takes time and patience! It is also worth the cost and frustration :)
On the 'flip side' it is very difficult to get meticulous perfection. I personally don't care because I just want to see what comes out! ;)
I enjoy the diversity and even the 'terrors' that may sometimes make you all squeal and be grossed out. Here at Sole Spark, we will post some of those ewwww generations and enjoy all of the wonderful creations that come out of this magnificent software.
...Like this strange but beautiful creation!
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A whole new meaning to putting one's foot in their mouth. Or, perhaps, out of their mouth!
Weird? Yeah. So what! We've nothing to be embarrassed about here :) Flaws and Imperfections are simply a state-of-mind...
This whole blog is going to be weird. Those that appreciate The Craft and Art will stick around :)
Now, where were we!?
Variations, yes. Here is another example of a Subtle Variation:
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On top of these variations, we can also zoom out of an image!
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How about some Variations mixed with Zoom Out??
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No, we can't get in there and customize and tweak little bits and pieces of the image -- That's what Photoshop is for! I guess they also have generation included in their wares now too...
This was my favorite one to come out of miss blue toes :)
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Thanks for reading and tuning in!
Please be sure to leave any feedback or questions or whatever :)
I hope to hear from you freaks! Don't forget to keep being awesome.
OH! If you're interested in access to the Discord, please feel free to reach out. There are much, MUCH more generations already there and to come. Subscriptions will be available hopefully no later than the end of the month. Have a great day!
Also, have one for the road! ;)
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Want a custom Avatar? Anime your favorite beauty? Personalized Illustrations? DM for COMMISSIONS!
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Choosing violence: 1, 12, 17!
Ooooh. *cracks knuckles*
1 the character everyone gets wrong okay so I banged on about Thranduil earlier, but how about Legolas? He's not some dumb hick idiot without a thought in his head! He's older than all the rest of the Fellowship put together (except Gandalf), he thinks and feels very deeply but he's still lighthearted, even though he comes from a place that has had the literal devil on the doorstep, and I absolutely bloody adore him. I think it probably doesn't help that Orlando Bloom (who I love and adore) doesn't have a single thought between his ears a lot of the time (I think we didn't notice until they cast Lee Pace as his dad, and Lee's general superior acting ability and emotional depth suddenly threw lovely Orlando's slight lack thereof into sharp relief XD) but Legolas is NOT A HIMBO THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them oooh this is a tough one because I generally don't pay any attention to who's popular or not, I just like who I like. I dunno. Who's unpopular? I guess the 'traditional' fandom didn't like Tauriel, because she's a woman, and original, but I bloody love her. She's sharp and brave and so curious about the outside world and so steadfast and true, so warm and loving and so ready to love. I absolutely adore her.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art More Legolas/Imrahil! But also more LotR in general. It just feels like everyone gets into LotR via the movies, reads the Silm and instantly gets massively into that and ignores LotR/the Hobbit from then on. I do have a feeling that LotR and the Hobbit are looked down upon because people can get into them via the movies and not 'make the effort' to read the books, and it really does my head in because they're just as worthy of love, films or books, and just because the Silm is difficult to read doesn't mean that people who *have* read it need to be snobbish about those of us who haven't. I dunno, maybe I'm just perceiving it as that and it's not actually the case, but it does really feel like we're looked down on. I don't really care about the Fëanorians, tbqh, I'd rather be flailing about the Rohirrim and Dol Amroth and the Rangers and the Shire and Rivendell and the Woodland Realm, thank you very much. I'm so looking forward to LotR Ladies Week because the wider legendarium is specifically excluded. Which reminds me, anyone want to prompt me for the LotR Ladies?!
Ohhhhkay. That's enough of that for now. Thank you so much for asking, I feel so much better for that! XD Anyone else want to make me choose violence, the questions are here!
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 year
Anon here; yeah the soulless ask was after Atlus bringing up AI and that was intentional bc even the described process is still soulless and scummy since it doesn't clarify if said AI won't steal art or replace human concept artists on the team, both of which are exactly the main problems with AI Art; not to mention things like AI art are a pitfall: take just one step, even if it looks harmless, and it'll just keep sinking until it gets as bad as it is online
Sorry for the long ask just had to get my feelings out
AH! Ok. XD And don't apologize, I'm fine with long asks. Send as many parts as you need!
Steal art? Most likely. I don't think using their own art alone (within the company) will result in being able to handle ALL prompts. But if they can make it work then good for them? At least they don't steal art. But we'll never know sadly. ;w;
As for concept artists.......I'm sure that's a thing but....I don't think it's a thing with Atlus.... Because if you look at the concept books (at least the more modern day ones). It seems like the lead artist does the concept works. We see it with P3-5 with Soejima, Doi with SMT4, and Soejima's girlies for P3/5D (I can't remember their names, I think there's 3, and I think one is Oribe or close to that...I'm still learning their names). You can see the concepts and they look VERY MUCH like Soejima's artstyle. Like....
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(don't mind me, I just LOVE early concept art of P3/4/5 TT0TT such a vibe!)
Like it looks like whoever is the lead artist does the concept artwork on top of the main (OR they'll do the concept art and have their assistants help with the main artwork too....I think that's how we got P5R character portraits)
Atlus seems to like to keep things internal, so I wanna say I don't think a concept artist is getting screwed out of a job. Cause they are the main artist/s. And Atlus seems to only want to use AI for the really rough sketches (as shown above) so they can get a vibe down..... So it feels like they wanna use it as a tool....but....sigh.
Not to defend it obvie. I can only hope that no one is going to get screwed over. But time will tell. Knock on wood they don't fudge it up. TT0TT But this is modern day Atlus, you know they will u_u
But look on the bright side! Now we can play the guessing game of "was the third arm on Aigis an accident on Soejima's end or did the AI fuck up" which is kinda hilarious fdklsjaflkjafka Oh I hope they feed it a lot of early Soejima wonky anatomy.......that would be great kdlfjsakjfajfa
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"To me, you are like a theorist part timer and a full time reblogger. You sometimes point out things in the series that I havent notice before or share thoughts that I havebt thought before."
For the theorist part, more like very occasionally to occasionally xD Most oftentimes, my mind draws blanks because I'm not... well... let's just say theories / analyses aren't really my thing. But I guess when the certain conditions are right, it just... comes to me? I don't even know asdfearsdvadsf
"You reblog nice artworks from various artists in the fandom."
Oh, yes! I love seeing different art styles and interpretations of the stick figures! The possibilities are endless! (Yours is one of my favorites, don't be surprised that I know who you are at this point behind the anon XD)
"You have a nice and calm vibe in general."
Yep, pretty much. I can be pretty shy when it comes to meeting new people, but I do tend to become more outgoing and silly once I get comfortable. It wavers, though.
"I like to see your own arts. Those are rare, but always nice ^^"
Coming from someone who considers herself as an amateur artist at best, I'm really glad you enjoy them ^^ Yeah, it depends on what I can come up with, usually from inspiration from different medias or real-life, or what I want to do (in relation to my tablet, because I am currently experimenting). Also depends on my schedule as well, especially at this current point in time, because I'm graduating soon, and things here have been hectic ever since I started my final semester in college, and it's not going to end any time soon, even after I graduate asgfeqrasgfvasdaf
Anyways, thank you so much! Have a good day as well ^^/
(Also, if you did see the previous post, I am so sorry - that was meant to be added in the queue because I haven't fully developed my responses yet, I didn't mean for it to be posted right now asdfawesfdvasdfva)
Original Prompt:
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sweetjijisama · 2 years
Hello it's Timothy again. Media law and something math's.. Well not all jobs have just the fun side but I think it's better to know. Are you pleasures 🙏 to learn this education? And your practice part was 1 month. That's little be sad bc you can't use your skills in the reality. What was your job in your practice time and did you like it ? What did you like or dislike in your practice time?
Uhhh I am trying to understand your message again xD Not sure if my reply will be correct... It was fun to do this education thingie :D So I guess it was a pleasure at some parts? XD
Yeah that practice part was basically nothing :c But it is how it is... I basically just did some Pc work (data management, yeah the chef didn't have time for that so I did it xD) and learned a little about illustrations, so I guess it made me better at art? I helped out here and there in the studio (putting things in the right boxes, managing some files and correcting some mistakes that the chef made (writing etc.) I helped out with editing photos but I kinda sucked at it and gave up because there were too many steps for my tiny little brain xD I just prefer drawing oof....
But the most important thing is that I had to understand how the technology/software/process works - so I can work as optimal and fast as possible (like getting better and not wasting time on pointless details). The chef gave me the name/prompt of the project he had in mind and I created a lot of sketches and concepts how the illustrations could look like. I have to know why and how I draw/ arrange certain elements. Also clarity is very important. I got lost in the details at the beginning xD ALSO VERY IMPORTANT: USE REFERENCES!! (or the chef will complain why a certain object/animals looks off/wrong xD)
To be honest it was basically "cock and ball torture" for me... Because the teacher at the vocational training was pretty chill and most of the time pleased with my drawings. The chef in the internship was the opposite. I was really hard for me because there were higher standarts but in the end he was so strict because he really wanted me to get better at art. He believed in me but I was like.... just done with my life and not really confident :' ) oof... Idk what to say anymore. Hope this helps?
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