#this book is AMAZING
demigods-posts · 9 months
did i read the chalice of the gods in its entirety the day it came out? yes.
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immediatebreakfast · 11 months
The total dissonance between the two main events of this entry is so funny, and brilliant. It's not even about how the story is slowly putting their pieces together as the important parts connect. It's all about how:
On one hand we have Mina being absolutely rejoiced since she finally got sister Agatha's letter, and how she already is preparing herself to go to Budapest to get to Jonathan as fast as she can. Her prose opens like a waterfall as Mina pours all of those feelings she held tight on her chest.
"I have cried over the good Sister's letter till I can feel it wet against my bosom, where it lies. It is of Jonathan, and must be next my heart, for he is in my heart."
On the other hand we have back doctor Jack Seward being so offended that Renfield doesn't acknowledge him as a superior anymore that he took a whole long paragraph to complain about it. To the point of Seward insulting Renfield while he records on his phonograph.
"but the God created from human vanity sees no difference between an eagle and a sparrow. Oh, if men only knew!"
These two events may belong in the same novel, but they certainly are different literary genres right now.
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Brighty of the Grand Canyon (1953) by Marguerite Henry, illustrated by Wesley Dennis
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rrainydaydreams · 8 months
I don’t even know where to start with this. I swear to god, Pacat has outdone her/himself. THE TWISTS. THE TURNS. THE TRAGEDIES. It’s everything I hoped for and more. The way this book is written is so good, with every chapter leaving you wanting more. I couldn’t put it down and finished it the day I got it.
We learn A LOT more about different characters past, such as Violet, Will and definitely the characters from the old world. The relationships between the characters are so well written, and you can FEEL every emotion the way it’s written.
I don’t even know wha else to say but praise for the book. Can’t wait for the third one to come out, I need to know more!!
“I will always find you, try to run.”
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flyingsassysaddles · 7 months
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how buttercup realized she was in love with Westley according to the book
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emma-incarnate · 2 years
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this book is amazing. I can’t believe something so perfect exist. put me in this book NOW. I’m not kidding.
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somewhere-and-once · 1 year
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sorchasolas · 6 months
Fuck Harmony
Ion like her i knew her plan was shady
QUINN NOOOOOOOOOOOO kinda called it tho
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yasmeensh · 2 years
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Inspired by the book "Growing Up in the Ice Age" By April Nowell. After reading the section on archeological evidence of novices (aka children) learning to make stone tools and being bad at it 😭. I had a little scene in my mind as I read that, so I drew it out.
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excessivebookshelf · 1 year
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You Could Make This Place Beautiful, Maggie Smith
"Life is short and the world is at least half terrible, and for every kind stranger, there is one who would break you, though I keep this from my children. I am trying to sell them the world. Any decent realtor, walking you through a real shithole, chirps on about good bones: This place could be beautiful, right? You could make this place beautiful."
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sprnkleofsorrow · 1 year
Finally got around to finishing The Book Thief, I laughed, I cried and then I cried some more
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Some guy at a college basement party: Hey man, you want to smoke? [Passes bong]
Richard, on drugs, fresh off murdering one member of his Greek speaking esthetic cult: Wow.... I've never been so moved, so grateful... people... real people, salt of the earth people.... they are so good.... I am honored and privileged to be among you
Weed guy: What the fuck
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rapha-reads · 9 months
"The Queen is in Queens, contemplating the stochastic processes of a trinomial tree model, on the strange warm day when everything changes. The Queen—whose real name is Padmini Prakash—doesn’t want to be working on her Computational Analysis project, which is why she happens to be daydreaming about some Lovecraft meta that she read on Tumblr, and looking outside, in the moment of the city’s rebirth. The meta wasn’t so much interesting as funny, science-side Tumblr arguing with fantasy-side over the comical notion that non-Euclidean geometry could somehow be sinister, and concluding that Lovecraft was probably just scared of math."
(From The City We Became, N. K. Jemisin)
I feel like I actually did read that meta? Like. That's an actual post somewhere around here, I'm pretty sure.
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vriskasbrother · 1 year
i am loving tsats so much. I love that Will and Nico get to be cringey gay teens and helping eachother heal and learn. It feels like people are judging the book kinda harshly. they are like 15. chill out. that is how 15 year olds in love act.
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kkayslibrary · 1 year
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Fourth book for June. This one DOES NOT disappoint. I called that ending though…so happy I was. Still ends in a cliffhanger so consider this your official warning.
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