#this bitch being my cobbled together mortal form
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rabbitsonthemoon · 11 months ago
If I keep shoving nutrients into this body it'll give me enough energy to get through the day, right? Right?
This body: yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery and today is also a mystery. fuck you. also, you're low on iron now.
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misterewrites · 4 years ago
Inhuman Interrogation (Welcome to the Underground!)
Hello everyone! E here hoping you are all safe and sound! Here’s the next chapter of the Underground!  A special thank you to everyone who reads my stories. I know they’re not everyone’s speed and I get wordy but I really do appreciate it! I really hope you are having some fun with it. Okay stay safe, sound, keep your loved ones safe, wash your hands, wear masks and get yourself vaccinated, push for vaccines worldwide. Here's the next chapter, enjoy! Feel free to leave likes, tell your friends, reblog and leave feedback I love it all! have a good week and I'll see you later! E is out byeeeeee!
If you want an easier way to read my story here’s the newest chapter at ao3
Curious what this about? Here’s the first chapter
Want an overview of my works, you can find me right over here! Fun fact I do, on a occasion, write stuff for fandoms! Shocking I know :D
Summary: Oliver's been caught red handed and there's only one thing to do: Claw and lie his way out of the situation. However, the bard might be a little over his head from this stranger who watches all.
Oliver could feel a chill run down his spine, fear gripping him tightly as he scrambled to keep himself calm. Being found out was always a possibility he’d calculated in his plans, he just hadn’t wanted to deal with it tonight. Well you know what they say: When life gives you lemons, squirt lemon juice in life’s eyes and run like hell.
He’d been caught so the next step was to determine by who.
Oliver blew cool air onto his face as he pivoted around to see which person had been acute enough to catch onto his antics.
He had been expected to looking at an unhappy Lea with his sword drawn.
What found waiting for him was worse.
It was good looking man though Oliver couldn’t hazard a guess to his age. His hair was short wispy dark brown like the color of copper. His face was scratched by dozens of tiny whites line, healed scars that somehow did not detract away from his handsomeness. He wore a plain white tunic with black leggings, a large bronze hued cape hung over his unusually thin frame. The most striking feature were his golden eyes. Not golden in shade but actual gold, metallic shimmering and shining like metal caught in the glow of the sun.
He was a sight to behold, perfection made flesh and blessed by the gods.
And Oliver knew he was utterly and terribly inhuman. He was not a mortal being for no human could ever been so perfect.
The Stranger tilted his head quizzically, his eyes dilated into pupil-less orbs.
“You” He spoke in a raspy, low voice “You’ve been busy.”
Oliver coughed, trying to get his dry throat working again.
The Stranger took a step closer, his gaze unflinching “Yes, very busy.”
Oliver chuckled nervously “I haven’t the slightest clue what you mean increasingly creepy man. If you excuse me.”
As Oliver turned to leave, his blood turned cold when the stranger harshly whispered, his words booming in Oliver’s ears.
“How’s Death I wonder? He’s an old friend for you, right?”
Oliver whirled around, fist clenched but the Stranger hadn’t taken a step forward. In fact he had taken a step away, furthering the distance between them.
Oliver gulped nervously, trying his best to stop his racing heart.
“And you” he murmured quietly, trying to hold onto his fleeting courage “Smell of it.”
It was true: Even this far away, Oliver could smell the stench of decay, of death and blood wafting off the Stranger as if he’d come straight from a bloody battle.
The Stranger made no indication he heard Oliver’s comment, just stared with golden eyes unblinking.
Oliver let out a tense breath before closing his eyes. He centered his will, he reached out into the universe and drew in the power of his magic.
He could hear the scrawling of a pen across the scratchy surface of parchment, the squishy wet sounds of paint drying, the tuning of a lute among excited laughter and cheers.
‘I need to escape.’ Oliver spoke in his mind.
Knowledge filled his mind: Spells and their uses. The hand gestures necessary to tug at the weave to make his will, his need a reality.
An unknown force guided his hand, raising it high and surging with magical power. Oliver’s eyes snapped open with a fierce determination. He took a deep breath, his fingers at the ready as he prepared to recite the incantation.
“I…” Oliver began when the Stranger struck. There was a blink and there was the stranger in front of him, his hand wrapped tightly around Oliver’s wrist.
“So.” the Stranger spoke in an oddly smooth voice “You ready to tell me what you were doing squirreling about?”
Oliver was strained against the Stranger but his grip was as strong as iron. Unless he could complete the hand gestures and motions along with the incantation, the spell was incomplete and he was as helpless as a kitten in Stranger’s grasp.
Oliver grimaced in pain “Now you’re remembering to be human? No creepy staring or awkward conversations about death?”
“Sorry, sometimes my lady speaks through me. I am her will incarnate on this plane.” The Stranger gave a sheepish grin
Oliver smiled uneasily “Right mysterious lady sure. That’s totally normal. How about you let me go and I won’t take the psychotic act personally?”
“But it is personal.” The Stranger’s smirk widen, his teeth too sharp to be mortal “You’re up to something and I’d like to know what.”
‘Great.’ Oliver thought to himself, his eyes darting about for a sign of assistance: a cloaked figure nearby fidgeted awkwardly but ultimately did nothing, a few nobles conveniently glanced the opposite direction of their altercation. Even the guards were nowhere in sight. Whoever this person was, he was the luckiest son of a bitch in the world.
Oliver pursed his lips, his mind desperately grasping at ideas to escape this situation.
“Party planner” Oliver offered helpfully “My job is to keep track of everything, make sure the party is moving smoothly and ensure there is no issues. You know how Mr. Brambleoak dislikes unnecessary distractions.”
The Stranger nodded in understanding “Party planner? That’s a good one. Feasible. If were I shade dumber, I might actually believe you. However…”
Oliver winced in pain as his grip tightened. The bard had been manhandled once or twice before but never this single handedly.
“Now” The Stranger’s golden eyes narrowed threateningly “Let’s try this one more time before you really anger my lady. What were you doing?”
Oliver opened his mouth.
“There you are!”
For one nerve wracking moment Oliver thought the Stranger had backup but he seemed just as confused as he was.
Maria cut in between two men gracefully and forced the Stranger to release his grip. He backed away as she linked herself arm in arm with Oliver.
“Sweetie!” She spoke with honeyed words, patting his arm lovingly “You ran off so quickly. I was worried I’d upset you.”
“Umm.” Oliver eyed the Stranger carefully, wary at any sudden movements “Sorry honey. This person thought I was someone he knew.”
Maria peered closer, getting a good look at the man.
The Stranger smiled cheekily “Fraid I got the wrong person.”
“You should really be careful, the guards here dislike any disturbance to the festivities.”
Almost as if magically summoned by her words, the guards began to approach with hands on their blades.
“Of course. Of course. Wouldn’t want trouble.” the Stranger bowed mockingly “Besides, I don’t think he’s the one I want.”
“That’s certainly ominous.” Oliver murmured under his breath.
Maria jabbed him with her elbow though her gaze never left the Stranger’s golden eyes.
“We should go.” Oliver offered helpfully “I think I’ve overstayed my welcome.”
Maria beamed cheerfully “No worries, I was feeling a bit tired myself. Good night good sir.”
“Good night miss” the Stranger tilted his head “Bard.”
Maria hurriedly dragged Oliver away.
“Thanks for the save.” Oliver said gratefully.
Maria blew a strain of hair from her face “You’re welcome.”
“Not mad about using you as a distraction?”
“Normally I would be” Maria admitted “But that little stunt you pull got the harpies off my back for the rest of night.”
Oliver chuckled “Basking in the admiration of their adoring fans?”
“You have no idea.” she replied wearily “I’m just happy for a moment of peace. So thank you for that.”
“You are welcome then.”
The two made their way outside and straight into quite the scene: a massive cheering crowd formed around a handful of people. Most of the combatants were faced down, sprawled across the cobbled streets though Oliver spotted two familiar faces standing tall and victorious over their fallen foes.
“ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!?” Terri screamed into the roaring masses, arms flexed. Tyrell looked like he was about to pass out from exhaustion.
Oliver spotted Lea among the thundering crowd, his eyes alive with excitement and joy.
Terri caught Oliver’s eye and gave a proud smile. Oliver offered a subtle thumbs up as Maria led him away from the bank.
“I take it you can’t go far.” Maria stated simply.
“No” Oliver spoke honestly “I’m afraid my business is not yet concluded.”
“Is it alright if I stay with you for now?”
Oliver bit his lip nervously “Sure. Of course. I have a moment. Not curious about what I was up to?”
Maria gave a cheeky smirk “Naturally but I have a feeling secrecy is important here. Better to not ask than force you to lie to me."
“Thank you. I don’t like lying to you.”
The two stood side by side, arms intertwined together in a quiet comfortable near silence.
Maria smiled softly “You know my father used to warn me about my sentimentality for people. About they would use it against me.”
“People like me?”
She smirked mischievously as she puffed out her chest, speaking in a mocking tone “There will come poet whose weapon is his word. He will slay you with his tongue.”
Oliver snorted loudly, trying to hide his flushing skin “Oh lei oh lai oh lord?”
“Oh quiet you.” Maria scolded with a chuckle “Surprise you didn’t take the set up.”
“Too easy.”
“Should I be offend?”
“I mean those are pretty good lyrics” Oliver replied, hand high in surrender “Surprised they came out of your father’s bitter lips.”
“I suppose everyone has their moments. However rare.”
“I suppose so.”
Maria’s hazel eyes met Oliver’s brown, curious yet expecting “Do you remember what you said to me two months ago? At the last competition?”
“Umm…” Oliver scratched his chin thoughtfully “I say a lot of things. You need to be specific.”
“That my voice was utterly angelic?”
“Ah, I didn’t think you actually heard me.” Oliver’s cheeks blushed a bright red.
Maria giggled sweetly “Did you mean it? What you said inside?”
“Yes” Oliver answered without hesitation “You don’t need them. You would be amazing by yourself.”
Maria’s smile was sad. She sighed tiredly as she threw a glance towards the bank “My father won’t let me but you knew that, didn’t you?”
Oliver nodded in confirmation.
“I feel like I am a disappointment. A puppet controlled by a father who craves nothing but influence and status.”
“You’re not.”
“How do you know?”
Oliver shifted uneasily.
“That’s what I thought bard. Nice try though.”
Oliver caught sight of Flora and Sel making their way outside, signaling the others the mission was complete. Terri and Tyrell broke free from the fight circle and began making their way towards the rendezvous point.
Maria slipped her arm out of his “It is time I suppose.”
“Enjoy your night off.” Oliver took her hand in his own and softly kissed it. Maria flushed a pink hue but still curtsy in response.
Oliver turned to face her, his eyes gentle and understanding “You aren’t a disappointment.”
Maria rolled her eyes “You don’t have to lie to me.”
“I’m not.” Oliver firmly stated.
Maria’s eyes stared quizzically into his “Certain, are you?”
Oliver cleared his throat “You aren’t a disappointment to me.”
“That’s sweet but I’m afraid I barely know you. Besides you’ve been a thorn in my father’s plans consistently. Technically, I shouldn’t be talking to you let alone assisting.”
Oliver gave an impish grin “Yet you are.”
“You are far too charming for your own good.” Maria frowned mockingly
“Nothing compared to you.”
“Sweet words are nothing without meaning beyond them bard.”
Oliver took a deep calming breath, struggling to get the words out before he lost his nerve “The boy who used to climb your fence still loves you.”
Maria’s eyes widen with confusion before realization dawned upon her hazel eyes “How did you…?”
but Oliver ran, bravery failing. He disappeared into the crowded streets without another word. He ducked and weaved through the people in case Maria decided to chase him though he doubt she would. Perhaps those words didn’t have the same weight as they once did. Oliver really did not want to stick around to find out. He shouldn’t have said anything but he’d never been good at keeping his mouth shut.
It hadn’t taken long for Oliver to meet up with the rest of the crew. Everyone managed to gather in a nearby alley, their chatter excited and cheerful.
“Boss man!” Terri boomed, arms opened wide “WE DID IT! See the pile? Do I get results or do I get results?”
Oliver gave a weak chuckle “Yes you do. Remind me not to piss you off.”
“Damn straight.” Terri flexed unnecessarily once more. Flora gave a playful wink towards her girlfriend which turned Terri a lovely bright pink.
Tyrell looked haggard and sick “I never want to do that again. Ever.”
“You did amazingly Ty! You can be First Chair in no time if you keep this up!” Terri patted his back approvingly, Tyrell nearly went sprawling to the floor below.
Oliver gave a sharp whistle, grabbing the attention of everyone “We did great team and it was an honor to work with you. If you require my assistance, I’ll be in town for a few days at the Right Hook. Ask for Ollie.”
Terri slipped her hand into Flora’s “We won’t be in town much longer. We have business up north but we wish you well! Permission to leave?”
“Granted.” Oliver waved them off “No making out until you leave our sights.”
It was impossible to know who was a redder shade: Terri or Flora.
The pair bowed respectfully before taking their leave, Flora’s head resting lovingly on Terri’s shoulder. Oliver couldn’t help chuckle at Terri’s proud “And you didn’t poison anyone! Great work sweetheart!”
Oliver turned to the remaining two “Sel, destroy the paper and report back to the local Conductor. If there’s any more trouble come get me.”
Sel gave a single nod before disappearing into the crowded streets without another word.
“And me?” Tyrell whispered anxiously “What about me?”
“You.” Oliver stretched his neck, trying to relive the tension of the night “You’re gonna tell me how to get into the Clifftop Distract.”
“E-excuse me?”
Oliver waved his question off “Don’t even. I know you’re a noble born. Your clothes are way too nice to be a simple baker or blacksmith’s son. And barely frayed means you ran away from home recently.”
Tyrell glanced away, fidgeting nervously “You noticed?”
Oliver nodded.
“And you don’t care?”
“Not in the least” Oliver admitted honestly “You got into the Choir. That means you’re good in my book.”
“Thank you.” Tyrell smiled softly “I appreciate it. May I ask why you need to get into the Clifftop Distract?”
Oliver scratched the back of his neck sheepishly “Someone I know has business up there. Figured I might as well ask you to make our lives easier.”
“You’re a good friend.”
“I’m really not.” Oliver murmured quietly, unable to stare Tyrell in the eyes.
Tyrell shook his head is disagreement but didn’t press further “Every month they change the password. This month’s is Knightly Valor.”
“Knightly Valor, thank you.”
“No, thank you for not telling the others. May I go now?”
Oliver ruffled Tyrell’s hair playfully “Go on scamp.”
Tyrell bowed and with a skip in his step, made his way out of the alleyway.
Oliver stood there alone for a moment before turning towards the shadows.
“You gonna keep follow me or we’re finally going to talk?”
The figure did not break the silence of the night as they stepped out seemingly from darkness itself.
“You knew I was following you? Impressive given not many can sense my presence” the cloaked figured spoke. unable to keep the curiosity out of her voice.
“Mhm.” Oliver grunted “Ever since West End. You were in the bar the night Abigail and I hired Archie. I heard you moving about when we camped for the night, just down the tunnel out of sight. I assume you lost us when we went down the side tunnels and decided to stake out West Haven for us to pass through. You’ve been tailing me all night since I left the Right Hook.
The figure said nothing.
“That’s what I thought.” Oliver sighed tiredly “Alright, we gonna have a problem? I've had a long night and I've been threaten one times too many today.”
“No problem.” The figure muttered.
Oliver narrowed his eyes suspiciously “Then why show yourself?”
“You need to know my presence.”
Oliver sighed “You are being very cryptic.”
“Now you know how everyone else feels.”
Oliver smirked mockingly, unable to hide the sarcasm from his voice “Thanks, I hate it!”
“Be careful bard.” the figured glanced about, worried “Something is coming.”
“Nice and vague, thanks for the tip ninja.”
The figure shifted uncomfortably but remained silent.
“Fine, go on then if you're not gonna be any more helpful.” Oliver shook his head before closing his eyes. When he opened them, the figure was gone, upped and vanished into nothingness.
Oliver ran his hand through hair tiredly as he began making his way back to the Right Hook.
“And I still have to climb two stories. Fucking hell, what a night.”
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idreamtofmanderleyagain · 6 years ago
MCU Kind Of Always Sucked (Mostly), You Guys
So this is a spoiler-free post for Endgame. I haven’t seen Endgame, I’ve only seen the mixed (leaning negative) reactions to Endgame. And let’s be real, that specific reaction isn’t in itself even a spoiler because bitching and moaning is a cultural pastime these days…
Here’s the thing though. I’m not really personally surprised that people hate it and think the story is broken. Because honestly? Marvel wasn’t ever really putting out a ton of great work to begin with. A lot of their stories just kind of suck, fam. What duped us all into believing they were great was the performances.
The actors put in 100% into creating dynamic, human people out of their characters. Unfortunately, the MCU writers continuously seemed to fail to make those characters grow and mesh together into a cohesive story about a group of people becoming team, their relationships to other people around them, and their relationships to their antagonists.
The amount of times the MCU managed to sell an emotionally evocative moment for me is pretty small, and most of the time those could be attributed to performances elevating the material.
There are of course some exceptions to this rule. Iron Man was the first of the bunch, and so it HAD to sell the franchise to the audience. RDJ was also their biggest actor. I haven’t seen Black Panther yet, but the majority of the noise I hear say it was fantastic. GOTG2, which I also haven’t seen, was praised for it’s emotional development. People loved Captain Marvel (same thing here with not having seen that one. I stopped following MCU a while ago). So I’m not saying every Marvel Movie is bad.
I’m saying that it seems like the majority of the time, the MCU character and narrative arcs themselves are fundamentally broken, unsubstantial, and/or dull.
The fire and ice clash between dull, unrealized narrative arcs against strong emotional performances left us with a very confusing quality level, where we had just enough from the actors to connect emotionally with the Marvel characters and what mattered to them, but there was always a feeling of disconnect in the paradoxical absence of dynamic, well-rounded stories for those characters.
It feels very much like a plan was set in motion to write large, bombastic good vs. evil plotlines, but little to no plan was ultimately solidified for the cohesive emotional arcs of the MCU characters. Consider MCU’s massive franchise predecessor, Harry Potter. Consider the highly cohesive connections between the characters of Harry Potter which developed naturally over time, and contrast that with the disconnected, half-baked feel of the MCU characters.
Something was always amiss with MCU. Characters have relationships to other characters that don’t really feel connected to any context (Nat/Bruce, Hawkeye’s secret family). They have angst that lacks authenticity (Nat’s infertility) Relationships that people waited to see form never really did (Bruce and Tony). Relationships that we wanted to see develop never really did in a substantial or logical way (Thor and Loki, Steve and Tony). More characters were added in when we needed earlier characters to develop.
As an example, I posit the first Thor film. The film with my fave character (Loki), the film that made me bother following the MCU story in the first place.
Chris Hemsworth did a fantastic job bringing Thor to life. Hiddleston did a fantastic job bringing Loki to life. But let’s take a good hard look at Thor’s core character arc in his debut film.
Thor’s arc is meant to be a classic redemption arc, right? There’s a set formula for that:
1)Ignorant Jerk does something harmful and foolish
2)Ignorant Jerk faces consequences for his actions that directly relate to the impact his actions had
3)Ignorant Jerk learns why he was ignorant and why he was a jerk
4)Ignorant Jerk fixes the problem and/or makes amends for what he did.
Thor follows that narrative logic, right? I mean, Thor definitely is a better person at the end of the film, right? On the surface, maybe.
If you look a little deeper, you start to realize that Thor’s arc is totally hollow and dysfunctional. Let’s run through the list:
1)Thor, an arrogant prince, goes to Jotunheim and almost starts a war. His brother Loki resents him due to his shitty behavior/the favoritism of their father towards Thor.
2)Odin punishes Thor by sending him to earth, among a different race than the Jotuns (who have a different relationship with Asgard and a different cultural history), and he is stripped of his powers.
3)Thor learns that being mortal is hard. He learns that he has to work for his goals sometimes. He learns that humans are nice. He learns that some humans are attractive.
4) Thor sacrifices himself, therefore he’s now worthy of the power of Thor again. He defeats Loki and stops Loki from destroying Jotunheim.
Are you starting to see the cracks, here?
When does Thor learn that what he did in Jotunheim was wrong?
When does Thor learn that the people of Jotunheim deserve their safety?
When does Thor learn that he was kind of a jerk?
When does Thor accept that he hurt Loki and try to make amends for his actions?
HOW does Thor change? Does any of that really, finally happen in the subsequent films featuring Thor and Loki?
The movie (tells us) suggests that all these things happen, but it never shows us that journey, not really. It shows Thor in a moment of weakness, making friends with humans and caring enough to fight for them. At best, Thor learns how to chill a bit when it comes to arrogance. He has the capacity to be more humble now.
You can see similar fundamental flaws scattered throughout MCU. There’s a lack of substantial weight or emotional logic to many of the ideas they wanted us to connect to. These problems left MCU feeling cobbled together haphazardly, with a few stronger patches that couldn’t really structurally protect the whole.
So people feeling like Endgame failed them makes a lot of sense. We were waiting for arcs that just never happened.
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