#this bar always reminded me of him ever since i put started bopping to this song heavily
silusvesuius · 1 month
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mogrul && slitter to the tune of deep cover
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davidpastrsnack · 4 years
girls need love - mikko rantanen
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a/n: here it finally is! mikko is absolutely adorable but also so hot and i think it’s time he gets some more love on here. this is filthy, but you probably already knew that lol. the title is from girls need love by summer walker ft drake, a bop that gave me so much inspo. also major shoutout to @hookingminor​ for always screaming about mikko with me. i hope you all enjoy and please let me know what you think!
word count: 5k
You were completely zoned out, the sounds of the bar overcoming your senses as you stirred your nearly empty, watered-down drink. Nate and Tyson were howling about some locker room argument they had earlier that day while Tyson bumped into your shoulders, falling over in laughter at their foolery. The bodysuit you had on was driving you crazy, you wished so badly that you could be laying across in your sweats at home instead. 
You needed more alcohol if you were going to get through this night. Your gaze trailed to the bar, only to catch a glimpse of the one person you had been avoiding all night, a beautiful girl hanging off his arm drinking up whatever story he was telling. You subconsciously rolled your eyes at the way they were drooling over each other, pushing off the table with a scoff to go get another drink. 
It had been a rough week for you, but Tyson would not take no for an answer when he called you that morning asking you to go out with everyone. Just five days ago you had broken up with your boyfriend of a year and a half after finding half a lingerie set that did not belong to you under the bed in your shared apartment. Sure, you were beyond hurt that Alex would betray you like that, but it was almost alarming to you how quickly your anger turned to relief. 
It wasn’t that Alex hadn’t treated you well, until he didn’t, of course, but as the months passed in your relationship so did the excitement and passion. The two of you coexisted in that apartment, always saying hello and goodbye but there was barely anything in between. Not to mention the sex had plummeted downhill. He was never amazing in bed, but in the beginning, you still enjoyed it because you were having so much fun with him. Now you couldn’t even remember the last time you had an orgasm at the hands of someone other than yourself. 
You stomped up to the bar, your heeled booties clicking against the hardwood floor before they rested on the base of the stool you sat on. You easily grabbed the bartender’s attention, giving her your order before your head fell into your hands, running them through your hair while you waited. 
But of course, you couldn’t just get your drink in peace. Only minutes later you felt a body slide in next to you, shame crashing over you as you immediately recognized the scent of his cologne. You slowly lifted your head, your gaze locking with his as you confirmed that it was, in fact, Mikko. 
“What do you want?” you groaned, eyes squinting as you looked up at him.
It was taking everything within you not to drag your eyes down his body. He looked incredible, per usual. He was wearing all black, except for his crisp white designer sneakers. His bright blonde hair was longer than usual, the soft waves hanging over his forehead. His baby blue eyes were sparking down at you, slightly glazed over making it clear that he had his fair share of drinks tonight. His dark pink lips curved in a smirk as he heard your words, a comeback already falling off the tip of his tongue. 
“Why so grumpy, Y/N?” he teased, leaning his arms against the bartop encroaching on your personal space even more than his big body already was. 
“Not in the mood, Mikko,” you warned, smiling at the bartender as she slid you your drink. “What happened to your little friend, hmm?” 
The smirk on his face grew bigger, your jealousy not going over his head. 
“So you were watching me?” he grinned, patiently waiting for your response as you sip your drink. 
“It’s pretty hard to miss you when you’re eight feet tall,” you threw back, swinging your legs off the stool before heading back to the table. You meant it as an insult, but Mikko saw your bluff, just laughing as he watched you saunter away, his eyes lingering across your frame. His height was one of the things you found so disgustingly attractive about him and he knew it. 
You and Mikko had a complicated relationship, to say the least. 
You befriended Tyson over two years ago, one of your roommates briefly dated him and you hit it off when she introduced him to the group. You stayed in touch even after they broke up and you now considered him one of your closet friends in Denver. You were immediately welcomed into the crew of his teammates and Mikko caught your eye right away, the feeling mutual. He was in awe of you: the way you laughed at Gabe’s dad jokes, the way you blushed when EJ forced you two to talk, the way you cared so deeply for everyone in your life. You were perfect, but Mikko was as shy as they come. He stayed in his comfort zone, admiring you from a far distance despite the constant encouragement from the guys. He never garnered the courage to get to know you more personally, and before long you were with Alex. 
From that point on, your relationship turned from polite acquaintances to the two members of the group that were constantly going at each other. Mikko had been beating himself up for letting you go and it was easier for him to deflect his feelings through meaningless chirps. You felt the same way. You loved spending time with Alex but part of you always wondered what it would have been like if you had just made a move with Mikko. 
Now that you were single again, you couldn’t help but think about if things could change. So much had happened since you first met, but the physical attraction was still heavy between you two, if not more now that you didn’t have any reason to feel guilty for it. 
You slid back into the booth, resting your head against Tyson’s shoulder as you observed the conversation. He was in for one tonight, his cheeks already flushed bright red and his eyes glazed over. Great, you thought to yourself, already imagining the struggle you were going to have when you tried to get him home later. 
Your moment of peace was short-lived, however, your stomach dropping when Mikko sat down directly across from you, his legs brushing up against yours under the table. You picked your head up and rolled your eyes in disgust, bringing your drink up to your lips for a long sip. He left you alone for the time being, but it didn’t take him long for him to turn his attention back to you. 
“So, Y/N, where’s our favorite Alex?” he questioned, eyebrows raised as he looked at you, his sarcasm almost as thick as his accent. 
Your heart sank and you just stared back at him dumbfounded. Did he not know? There was no way none of the guys told him, right? Was he just playing a sick joke on you? You decided that it couldn’t be the latter, Mikko was a lot of things but he wasn’t cruel. 
The table was silent, everyone’s eyes on you waiting for your response. 
“Well, Mikko,” you hissed, emphasizing his name, “We broke up so I have no idea where Alex is.” 
His face fell as he heard your words, he had no idea. The guilt washed over him instantly, eyes trailing down to where your hands were anxiously twirling the straw of your drink. The awkwardness at the table was like nothing you had ever felt before, and you wished you could disappear at that moment. You were doing fine without Alex, more than fine actually, but you didn’t need to be reminded of your failed relationship in such a cold way, by Mikko of all people. 
The tension was finally broken by Tyson, his drunk rambling in full swing as he raised his glass. 
“We love you, Y/N,” he slurred, throwing his arm around your shoulders, “Plus, when’s the last time that asshole got you off?”
Your eyes went wide at his words, your head snapping to glare at him. You and Tyson were very close, and for better or worse you shared nearly everything with him. You trusted him with anything, but you couldn’t count on him keeping his mouth shut when alcohol was in the picture. 
Your cheeks heated up with embarrassment, only getting worse when you caught Mikko’s eye. He had a soft expression on his face as he stared at you, but there was a glint behind the blue of his irises that you had never seen before. 
That was the last straw and you quickly left the booth, heading straight to the bathroom in hopes of gathering yourself. Ever since you and Mikko had started going at each other, you always kept up the facade that Alex was the perfect man. It was now very much so obvious that he wasn’t with Tyson exposing the fact that he barely managed to satisfy you for over a year. You didn’t know what was worse: your embarrassment or your anger. 
After almost ten minutes of wallowing in the filthy bathroom, you pulled yourself together enough that you were ready to go back out. Hopefully, by now they had moved on, Tyson’s slip up just a faint memory. You opened the door, only to run into a broad chest as soon as you stepped outside. 
Goddammit, Mikko. 
You didn’t need to look to know who it was, pulling back right away to put some distance between the two of you. 
“Mikko, please,” you begged, “Can you please just leave me alone tonight?”
You finally raised your gaze to meet his, the emotion making your voice shaky as you pleaded with him. 
“No,” he spoke, his voice deep as he inched closer to you. 
You shook your head, a small laugh slipping out of your lips in disbelief of his audacity. You backed away from him even further until your body bumped against the brick wall. You were stuck, his scent intoxicating you as he inched closer. 
“I don’t want to leave you alone,” he continued, his fingertips dragging up the skin of your exposed forearm. 
Your breath hitched as he touched you, the close proximity clouding your senses and leaving a trail of goosebumps up your arm. 
“I want to take care of you, Y/N.”
Your eyes slipped shut as he spoke, his body nearly completely encroaching on yours now in the dingy corner of the bar. 
“Mikko,” you whispered, your head falling to look at your feet. There was no way he was saying what you thought he was, what you secretly hoped he was. 
He placed his thick pointer finger underneath your chin, urging you to look at him. 
“I’m sorry about Alex, I really am, but I don’t think you are. I was a complete idiot when I met you and I’m not doing that again.”
Your eyes were wide as you stared up at him, waiting for him to continue. Your heart was racing beneath your chest, your cheeks flushed as his eyes burned into your own. 
“Come home with me, Y/N. Let me take care of you like I should have been doing all along,” Mikko finished, his voice trailing off as he stood before you. 
One of his hands snaked around your waist, just lingering there, barely touching you as your head fell to rest against the hard brick. His other hand was pressed to the wall right next to your head, his bulging bicep clouding your peripheral vision. 
Two years. You had spent two years admiring Mikko from afar. And now here he was, offering himself up to you on a silver platter. There was no doubt in your mind that he would absolutely worship your body if you let him, and you wanted to let him. You were ashamed to admit how many times you had thought about him while getting yourself off over the years. He was just so big, so strong, and you couldn’t stop your mind from imagining what it would feel like to have him wrapped around you. 
“Take me home, Mikko,” you whispered, the slightest smile creeping onto your face as he smirked down at you. 
“Yeah?” he questioned, wanting to check that you were sure. 
“Yeah,” you nodded, “But hurry up before I change my mind,” you smiled, your hand brushing against his chest as you teased him. 
He rolled his eyes, a deep laugh coming from his throat. But the tension was back right away, your heart stopping as his gaze flickered down to your lips and he leaned in. You closed your eyes in anticipation, so ready to finally have him touch you, but just as your mouths were about to connect he swerved, instead pecking your cheek. You pouted as he pulled back, a cheeky grin across his lips as he started to back away from you. 
“I think you can wait a little bit longer, prinsessa,” he spoke, urging you to follow him back to the table. 
Less than fifteen minutes later you were in the back of an Uber, Mikko’s hand sitting dangerously high on your thigh as he stared out the window. After your encounter outside the bathroom, you told the guys that you weren’t doing well and you were going to head out. He took his chance to slip out with you, claiming that he wanted to make sure you got home okay considering his comment was why you were leaving. Or so they thought. 
The ride to his place was quick, and you were grateful because you didn’t think you could go much longer without him touching you. The tension in the car was palpable and you were convinced even the driver could feel it in the air. Mikko got out first, offering you his hand to help you slide out. You gulped as you felt his hand completely engulfed yours, your mind wandering to what else was that big. 
The painful anticipation didn’t last much longer, Mikko pinning you against the door as soon as you both were inside. His lips found yours immediately and you sighed into the kiss, two years of tension finally being released. You worked perfectly against each other, the first moan of the night coming from you as he bit your bottom lip between his teeth, letting it snap back so he could re-tangle your tongues. His hands were wrapped around your waist, fingertips sneaking under the hem of the black top you had on. He pulled away from your mouth, trailing wet, hot kisses down your jaw and neck. 
“Fuck, Mikko,” you whimpered, your hips rutting up as he found your sweet spot below your ear. He smirked against your skin and knowing exactly what you needed he moved one hand down to your ass so he could hike your leg up across his hip. His hardening length was now pressed against your core and you couldn’t control the moan you let out, desperately needing more from him. 
“Mikko, please,” you begged, your hands tugging the base of his blonde curls. 
“Okay, baby,” he whispered, lifting you up with ease and carrying you to his room, his lips still attached to your neck. 
He dropped you down on the bed, pulling back from you only to take his shirt off before he was hovering over you. You ran your hands across his pale skin, the ripples of his muscles in contrast with your soft fingertips. He stared down at you, his baby blue eyes burning into yours, and leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead. Your eyes shut at his tender action, your hands wrapping across the expanse of his back. 
He continued his assault on your neck, this time soothing the many marks he made in the entryway. The tops of your breasts were now spilling over your blouse, his plump lips biting into the flesh. You pushed him away just enough so you could yank the shirt off, Mikko swearing under his breath as he saw the black lace bra you had on. His hands slipped around your back, unclasping it before attaching his mouth to your nipples. Your body arched up into his at the contact, Mikko smiling as he trailed down your stomach before pausing at the waistband of your jeans. 
“How do you wanna cum first, baby, hmm?” he cooed as you squirmed beneath him, “Tongue? Fingers? Both?”
“Anything, Mikko,” you pleaded, “Please just touch me.”
“Whatever you want, prinsessa.”
Mikko finally unzipped your jeans, sliding the denim off your legs painfully slowly. He groaned as he saw your matching panties, a dark chuckle leaving his mouth at the wet spot seeping through the lace. 
“You really need this, huh?” he smirked, his middle finger delicately tracing the outline of the material. 
“So badly, Mikko,” you whined, lifting your hips in search of more friction. 
Mikko didn’t waste any more time teasing you, instead hastily ripping the panties off and hooking your legs over his shoulders, attaching his mouth to your dripping core. You cried out at the contact, his tongue licking a long stripe up your slit before reaching your clit. He moaned into you at his first taste, the vibrations sending shockwaves through your body. Your head was thrown back against the pillows, your hands tangled in his blonde hair as he flicked his tongue against you. He moved one of his arms to rest against your stomach, keeping you in place as he pulled moan after moan from you. 
“Fuck, fuck,” you cried out. Alex hadn’t gone down on you for at least the last six months of your relationship, but even when he had it didn’t feel anything like this. Mikko seemingly already knew your body inside and out and he was getting just as much pleasure out of it as you were. 
“So good, prinsessa,” he groaned, “So good for me.”
His dark pink pout wrapped around your clit, the pressure overwhelming your senses. He switched between flicking and sucking, your back arched off the mattress as you felt your climax approaching. 
“Fuck, I- I’m gonna cum,” you moaned, “Don’t stop, don’t stop.”
Mikko didn’t stop, rather he went faster, your high crashing over you as your mouth hung open in a silent scream. Your hands pulled his hair so tight, your body tensing as his tongue coaxed you through your high, only stopping when you pushed him away, the sensitivity getting to be too much. 
He pressed a gentle kiss to your swollen clit before pulling away, trailing kisses down the inside of your inner thighs while you came down. 
“Feel good, baby?” 
You laughed at his question, you had never felt better. 
“So good, Mikko.”
Your body felt numb, still not recovered from one of the best orgasms you’ve had in years. Your hand pushed Mikko’s hair out of his face, his eyes meeting yours as he smiled up at you. You played with the curls for a few minutes, the smell of sex thick in the air, before he got antsy again. 
“Ready for another?” he asked, a cheeky smirk on his face as you looked down at him.
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and gave him a slow nod, having an idea what he had in mind. 
You were right, as soon as you gave him the all good Mikko’s middle finger was back on your core, spreading your cum around before slowly slipping inside. Your head fell back at the stretch, it only took one of his thick fingers to make you ache. He stared up at you as he moved it in and out, gaging your reaction before adding a second. 
“Yes, Mikko,” you whined, your breath hitching each time he brushed your g-spot. 
He picked up his pace, the filthy sounds of your wetness filling the air as he pumped in and out. The contrast between the roughness of his fingers and the smoothness of your walls was making your eyes roll back, your high already approaching. 
“You want another one, baby?” he hummed, his accent growing thicker. 
You couldn’t find the words to respond, just nodding as you looked down at him. He looked so pretty, his face hovering above you as his blue eyes stared up at you, smiling as you lost control of your body. His arm was flexing with each movement, hitting your g-spot perfectly over and over again. 
“Mikko- Mikko,” you screamed, your climax overtaking you as he added his thumb to the equation, rubbing tight circles on your clit. 
Your legs started shaking, your heels digging into his back while Mikko fucked you through your high, words of encouragement falling from his lips as you cried out his name. 
“So pretty, prinsessa,” he cooed, “Such a good girl.”
He finally pulled back, slipping his fingers out of you and licking your cum off of them one by one. You were in a state of complete bliss, your body tingling from the two orgasms and his pants hadn’t even come off yet. He kissed up your body, smiling into you when he reached your lips. You sighed into him, the taste of yourself lingering on his tongue. It didn’t take long for you to get desperate for him again and you could feel him resting heavy against your leg.
You separated from him, whispering, “I need you, Mikko.”
“Fuck,” he groaned, sitting up so he could shake his pants and boxers off. 
You audibly whimpered as you saw him completely bare in front of you, he was large. Without even realizing you were doing it, you reached out for him begging him to come back to you. Mikko let out a chuckle at your eagerness, grabbing a condom from his nightstand before leaning over you again. 
“I got you, Y/N,” he murmured, throwing the foil to the side. 
 “How do you want me?” you purred, giving him your most innocent eyes as you gently stroked him. 
Mikko nearly gave out at your touch, mumbling a fuck before he responded. 
“Turn around,” he ordered, his hands spreading over your ass when you did what he said. 
A soft smile crept onto your lips, you had a feeling that’s what he would want. You arched your back, your ass resting against his lower stomach as he gripped your waist. A whimper escaped your lips as he teased your entrance with his tip before finally sinking in. Your mouth fell open as he stretched you out, he was without a doubt the biggest you had ever had. 
“Shit, so fucking tight, prinsessa,” he murmured. 
He made sure to go slow, pausing once he was all the way in to let you adjust. 
“Mikko, please,” you moaned out once you were ready. 
He took the hint right away, swiftly pulling out before slamming back into you. Your mind went blank as he moved, he was hitting so deep within you with every thrust. He slid one of his hands from its post on your waist to the back of your neck, holding you there for more leverage. 
“Fu- Fuck,” you cried, surely loud enough for his poor neighbors to hear. 
“Feel good, baby?” he questioned, continuing his relentless pace. 
He leaned down to rest his body against yours and you whined at the feeling of having him completely envelop you. Your head was pressed into the pillows when you felt his hot breath on your neck. 
“Were you jealous when you thought about me fucking that girl like this, hmm?”
His accent was so heavy at this point that his words were barely understandable, but you knew what exactly he said. You couldn't muster up a response, rather a deep groan came from your throat as you nodded. 
“Don’t worry, baby, I only fuck you like this, like that piece of shit should have been this whole time.”
Your body almost collapsed at his words, the contrast between the cute, funny Mikko everyone loved and the filthy one that was fucking you into next week clouding your senses. 
“I- I’m so close,” you whined 
Mikko snapped his hips even faster and snaking one hand down to your clit. 
“Come on, baby, cum for me.”
The pressure on your sensitive nub was too much, his small circles sending you over the edge right away as he continued to brush your g-spot. 
“Mikko, Mikko, Mikko,” you screamed, your mind completely blank as he fucked you through your climax, prolonging your pleasure for as long as possible. You had never had an orgasm so intense, stars filling your vision as the pure pleasure overtook your body. 
The way you cried and clenched around him had him giving in as well, his loud moans as he came the hottest sound you had ever heard. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” he groaned as he finally slowed his hips, leaning over you once again to press a trail of kisses across your spine while you tried to regain your breath. 
He stayed like that for a few minutes, moving your hair to the side to continue kissing around your neck before he finally slipped out. You winced at the sudden loss of contact. 
 “It’s okay, baby, it’s okay,” Mikko cooed as he went to throw out the condom and get a damp towel to clean you up with. 
You laid on your stomach as you waited for him, your body too weak to even think about moving. Before long you heard his footsteps coming towards you, a soft smile on his face as you turned your head to look at him. 
“Come here, honey,” he spoke, a quiet laugh leaving his lips as he saw you completely fucked out on the bed. 
Mikko grabbed your waist, gently flipping you over so you were now resting on your back. You winced again as he brushed the washcloth against your still so sensitive core, but he tried to relax you with a kiss to your forehead. You opened your eyes to watch him walk around the room, his arms flexing as he pulled on a fresh pair of boxers. Your eyes slipped shut once again, the physical and emotional exhaustion hitting you. 
“Here, prinsessa,” you heard from just above you, looking up to see Mikko sitting right next to you. You were surprised that he was still using pet names now that the activities of the night were over, but you were even more surprised to see a shirt in his hands. 
“Oh, I-,” you stumbled, “I don’t have to stay, Mikko,” you whispered, realizing that now you would have to figure out what your relationship was going to look like moving forward. 
“I want you to stay,” he rebutted, “I mean- if you want to.”
“I want to,” you reassured, sensing that he was feeling vulnerable after his confession. 
“Good,” Mikko smiled, moving his hand to push a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
You took the shirt from him, slipping the soft fabric over your head. It was huge on you and you didn’t miss how his eyes lingered on the Rantanen 96 that was written across the sleeve. Mikko lifted the sheets so you could slide beneath them, pulling you flush against his body as soon as he was under them as well. 
Mikko’s strong arms wrapped around your waist, his fingertips resting under the hem of the shirt on your bare skin. His legs tangled with yours while he tucked his head in the crook of your neck. You were completely enveloped by his large frame, your body relaxing as he gave you a gentle squeeze. 
After just a few minutes of comfortable silence, you heard his quiet voice tickle your ear. 
“Y/N?” he whispered. 
“Yeah?” you responded, your voice barely loud enough to hear. 
“I really mean what I said before. You deserve so much better. Someone who can treat you right. And not just with sex, but obviously that too,” he nervously laughed, his tired rambling continuing, “I don’t know if I’m totally out of line here, but I really want to be that for you.”
You couldn’t contain your emotions as Mikko spoke, the tears burning the back of your eyes as you took in his tender words. You had settled for mediocre for so long, and he was right, you deserved better. You turned in his grasp, your hand gripping his forearm as you looked up at him. 
“Oh no, don’t cry, prinsessa,” he cooed, his thumb catching the single tear that was rolling down your cheek. 
“I’m fine,” you chuckled, blinking until you could see clearly again. “I just- yes, Mikko. I really want that too.”
The grin that spread across his face was one of pure joy, his arms tightening around you as he pulled you even closer to him. Your head fit perfectly in the crook of his neck, smiling into his skin when he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. 
“I have to say, I’m impressed that you went so long pretending to hate me,” Mikko chirped, the playfulness of your relationship coming right back. 
You pulled back with an exaggeration gasp, your eyes wide as you stared up at him. His dark pink lips were spread open as he laughed, his blue eyes sparkling in the dim light. 
“Keep that up and I won’t be pretending anymore,” you challenged, nuzzling back into his bare chest. 
“No this is way more fun,” he giggled. 
You rolled your eyes at him, sliding your arm around his toned middle as you felt your eyelids grow heavy. 
“Good night, prinsessa.”
“Good night, Mikko.”
This was the last place you expected to find yourself tonight, but you knew it was exactly where you were supposed to be. 
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winterrose527 · 3 years
but I've never felt this way for no one
for @simple-aphorisms who gave me this delicious prompt. apologies, I went full feral.
I got my driver’s license last week, just like we always talked about…
If he had to guess, he had heard the opening lines to that song roughly 40 bajillion times. Ever since it had come out over the winter, every party he went to devolved into a raucous, off-key chorus no less than three times as everyone stopped what they were doing to sing that song.
He wasn’t going to lie. It was, for lack of a better, less cringey word, a bop. The first weekend it had come out, he’d listened to it a fair bit. The first time he’d ever heard it at a party, was because he had been the one to put it on.
So he got it. Olivia Rodrigo was a talent. Possibly the next Taylor Swift, though that was a debate he never wanted to get into or hear again after the Great War between Sansa and Theon that had lasted for seven days and eight long nights.
That being said, nothing, and he meant nothing – not even the day her full album had come out and he’d come out into the living room to see Jon and Theon crying to Enough for You – had prepared him for this car ride.
He was sitting in the back seat of Myrcella Baratheon’s Range Rover, Grey Wind sprawled out on top of him. His sister Sansa and her best friend Myrcella were in the front seat, where they had been for the last three hours as Myrcella drove them all back to school from Winterfell, where they’d gone for the long weekend.
Of those last three hours… no less than 2 hours and 45 minutes of it had been dedicated to Olivia Rodrigo. The lion’s share of it to this song.
Now he considered himself a patient man. He was possibly alone in this opinion, but nevertheless he did. But on the thousandth rendition of red lights! Stop signs! He’d lost it.
Not his temper, his mind.
Because the thing was. Myrcella Baratheon was singing at the top of her lungs. Putting her little heart into it.
It wasn’t like she had a bad voice or anything. In fact, she had a beautiful voice. The first time he’d ever heard it he’d gotten actual chills.
The trouble was, this was a song about a break up. And he was fairly certain they were still very much together.
He had, after all, woken up in her bed that morning. And what they’d done after that had given him every indication that they were together.
The thing was though, that’s all he had.
An indication. A feeling.
Okay, a lot of feelings. A mess of them.
These were the facts as far as he understood them.
Early on this semester, around the same time this blasted song had come out, he and Myrcella had been at a party. She’d come with some girls from the Art History program, he’d been there with a few guys from his rugby team. Sansa was nowhere to be found, and neither was Jon or Theon.
He’d seen her from across the room, standing with a couple of girls, and crossed over to her.
Myrcella Baratheon was just the sort of girl you had to cross a party for.
“You’re here!” she exclaimed, as though she’d been waiting for him all night.
“Where else would I be?” he asked.
“On the dance floor maybe,” she grinned.
“Doesn’t sound like me,” he grinned back.
And then her hand was in his, pulling it gently, her eyebrow raised, “Not even if I asked reeeeally nicely?”
So they’d danced. Things had gotten pretty messy. There was a sloppy dance floor make out, followed by a rather aggressive one up against the side of whatever house they were at. A cold walk back to his. His bedroom. Clothes removed. And then just her.
And ever since then it had sort of just continued on like that. They were always together, since her friends were his, and there were always more dance floors to make out on.
He and Myrcella had been having sex with regularity for the past two months, and as far as he knew, Myrcella didn’t do casual sex. But she was also the only girl in the known universe who didn’t press the what are we? talk.
Not only did she not press it, she seemed unconcerned with it entirely.
It was unnerving.
And now, here she was, singing her pretty little heart out to one of the best break up songs of all time with conviction.
“Sing it, Robby!” Sansa turned around.
“No,” he grunted.
Myrcella’s eye flicked to his briefly in the rearview as she banged on the steering wheel.
Sansa turned back around and pointed to a sign for a rest stop, “Oh can we go in there? I want a coffee.”
The last bars of the song played as Myrcella pulled in, dropping Sansa off in front of the complex.
“I’m going to fill up with gas,” she told Sansa who promptly ran inside and then glanced at him, “Are you going in?”
“So you can leave me here?” he asked.
She bursted out laughing as she drove to the gas pumps, “Well you have been rather grumpy but not enough to justify abandoning you on the side of the road just yet.”
Myrcella parked and turned off the car and he got out and slammed his door shut, undoing the gas cap.
“What are you doing?” she asked him. Suddenly she was next to him.
“You hate pumping gas,” he reminded her.
She was such a priss about things like that. It was so annoying and hot.
“You have a unique ability to be a complete ass and a total gentleman all at the same time,” Myrcella informed him, “Anyone ever tell you that?”
“Not lately,” he growled. Watching the numbers go up. Ignoring her fresh face and her golden curls pooling out of the neck of her cream fleece. “Because I am not dating anyone else. Are you?”
“How would I be dating anyone else?” she asked him, “I mean just logistically in your brain how would that work? Do I have a time machine? Oh because if I did have a time machine I would definitely use it for sex reasons. Because I’m Theon. You incredible asshat.”
“What did you just call me?” he asked, angrily closing the gas cap.
“An asshat,” she repeated, “Meaning your head is so far up your ass you are literally wearing it as a hat!”
“Why are you singing the song like that?!” he growled at her.
She bit her lip, “Well, because it’s an incredible song.”
“Are you singing it about someone?” he asked. “You were near to tears on the last one!”
“Well maybe,” she brushed her fingers up his chest, “I was thinking how I’d feel if you ever decided you didn’t want to be with me. Though that was before this conversation.”
His hands went to her waist, pulling her towards him, slipping underneath her fleece and t shirt to her bare, warm skin.
“You called me an asshat,” he told her.
She grinned, her arms looping around his neck, “Well you’re acting like one.” She laughed, “And I must be one too, because even when you’re a total asshat, I’m pretty sure I love you anyway.”
“Baby,” he lifted her up, nuzzling his nose against hers, “I know I’m not perfect, but I’ve never felt this way for no one.”
She laughed. Cackled. Her head thrown back, exposing her creamy neck that he couldn’t help but kiss even at a gas station.
“You do realize you just quoted Olivia Rodrigo, don’t you?” she asked.
He hadn’t realized that. Apparently after 40 bajillion listens it had somehow just come out.
“Well,” he teased, “She is the next Taylor Swift.”
“Oh no!” she wrestled out of his arms.
“What’s wrong?” Sansa asked as she came to them holding a tray with three coffees in it.
“We’re leaving Robb here,” Myrcella told her, “Say your goodbyes.”
“Myrcella!” he laughed.
“Why don’t you call Theon for a ride you reductive asshat!” Myrcella argued.
With that she started walking around the car and he chased after her, picking her back up and carrying her to the passenger seat.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“I’m driving,” he told her, “You’re too worked up. You’re being a little crazy.” And then he kissed her cheek, “But uh I love you anyway.”
He felt her grin even though she rolled her eyes as she buckled her seat. Sansa got in the back and he went around to the driver’s seat and got in. It took him a few minutes to adjust the seat because his girlfriend was teeny, and he used the time to plug his phone into the USB.
“Do you know what the best thing about being the driver is?” he asked them.
“What’s that?” Sansa asked from the back.
“You get to control the music,” he informed her.
And as he pulled away from the gas station, and the opening bars of Driver’s License came on through his phone, Myrcella Baratheon leaned over and kissed his cheek.
He’d forgotten how much he truly loved this song.
11 notes · View notes
louloubarnes-99 · 4 years
Darcy the Librarian part 1
Darcy x Steve x Bucky nsfw (eventually! omg)
this is 7k 🥰✨
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“Casey, I’ve read this sentence six times.”
Darcy pulled the earphones out and gave the younger woman her full attention. The poor thing was shrugging helplessly, her hand covering the mouthpiece of the landline receiver.
“It’s Ned, I’m sorry –”
Darcy took the phone, swapping seats with her, putting the phone to her ear as she tried to remedy the situation.
“Hello, Ned? It’s Darcy.”
The man on the other end was already yelling, sounding frustrated.
“Hello? Can I – Am I calling the foot doctor? Hello?”
“Ned! I don’t think you can hear me! It’s Darcy. Hello? Ned?”
“Yes, it’s Darcy,” she half-yelled, giving Casey a thumbs-up. “You’ve got an appointment with us tomorrow at 11. We’ll see you then!”
“Eleven?” Ned repeated. “Okay. I’ll see ya.”
Darcy hung up and she let out a low sigh, swapping seats with Casey again. She glanced at the clock, then at the screen in front of her. It was mid-morning at the podiatry clinic, both of the receptionists on duty running steadily through the routine. Darcy had been writing another letter to be sent out for auditing purposes, and if it was her working alone she’d be doing them in her sleep. She’d had plenty of dreams of her writing reports and doing work that was piling up and up. Today she was training Casey, reviewing what she’d already written, listening to the Dictaphone, her boss’ voice in her ear.
“Please confirm Ned’s appointment, Casey. The right-click, yeah…”
Casey sat back, giving a little smile when she was done. She was beginning to remember everything, and Darcy could remember that distinct relief. That Thank God something’s finally going right kind of feeling. She didn’t want to burst her bubble, but she found several errors in the letter Casey had typed out.
“No, it’s hyperkeratosis,” she said, picking up her pencil and crossing out the spelling mistake. She tried not to see Casey’s face fall. “And onychauxic.”
She handed it back to Casey, standing up.
“All good. Just fix those and we’ll send it off. I’m going on my break.”
She patted Casey’s shoulder and stepped away, walking down the corridor to the break room, seeing Patrick sitting at the table with his sandwich in his hands.
“Hey,” he mumbled, mouth full. “She doing okay?”
Darcy made a so-so movement with her hand. She hoped he’d keep that to himself, since Casey was his wife’s little cousin. Patrick was the podiatrist, and probably the best boss Darcy had ever had. He was at least one of the friendliest ones she’d had, pulling out the chair beside him for her to sit down with her yoghurt she retrieved from the fridge.
“She’s fine,” she amended, pulling up the chair as she sat down, the legs scraping across the linoleum. “You can tell Linda she’s doing a great job.”
Patrick gave a little chuckle, shaking his head. “I swear, I won’t bring another one like her in again, I like you too much.”
“Well, maybe not so much when I abandon you at 5.30.”
She was referring to what she’d already reminded him of twice that day. She needed to leave a little early tonight because Ian asked her to that morning when she jumped out of bed. Her boyfriend didn’t ask her to do that often, to come home early, unless it was a special occasion. She had already read into it enough to start thinking about engagement announcements. She didn’t want to call her mother but she knew she’d be the first one of her family to know. She hoped Ian didn’t cry too much, because Darcy knew she would when he got down on one knee. She always liked hearing how other people got together, even when people said “oh we met online”. She wanted to ask what exactly drew people to one another.
She took a spoonful of her yogurt and shoved it into her mouth, smirking at Patrick.
“How’d you and Linda meet?”
“Group of friends, mutual friends at a bar,” he murmured, looking away. He blinked. “Christ. I think about that time, all the uncertainty, and now…”
He’d been married several years. Darcy didn’t necessarily like Linda very much, since she was perpetually condescending and always acted like work was what kept Patrick from her, and therefore Darcy was in part to blame, but she thought Patrick seemed happy with her.
Also he’d paid for her boob job last year, not that they ever spoke about it, but Darcy more than noticed those things when she was at his fortieth birthday party last year.
“I feel like we’ve been married longer than we’ve known each other,” he murmured. “I know that doesn’t make sense.”
“I get it,” Darcy said, ducking her head, smiling. “Me and Ian met seven years ago, and I can’t remember life without him. I don’t remember how I used to feel. It’s so weird.”
Patrick nodded, finishing his next mouthful.
“I was a kid when I met him,” she added, rolling her eyes. “How’d you propose?”
“Didn’t really, sort of decided it together,” Patrick murmured. “I didn’t get down on one knee, it was after – uh…”
Darcy watched his face change, his cheeks flushing, and she began to chuckle.
“Yeah, we were both in a really good mood, you could say.”
“Right,” Darcy said, laughing. “Good to know.”
They lapsed into silence and Patrick nodded, chewing. He finished the rest of his food and balled up the plastic wrapping to throw away, checking his watch.
“I better get back.”
“Yeah,” Darcy said. “I’ll be right out.”
He paused at the sink after he washed his hands, drying them on the towel that hung over the oven handle.
“Hey, congratulations, when it does happen,” he said, and Darcy looked up.
He was smiling at her and she returned it, feeling a familiar warmth in her stomach.
“Thanks, Pat,” she murmured.
He left her there and she watched him leave. Unable to truly be professional, her eyes fell to his rear as he went out the door. He wore forty well. She knew his schedule, she knew what he ate for the most part, and she knew that he worked out. If she met him on the street, she’d think he was some kind of sports psychologist or physical therapist if he told her he was a doctor. His clientele was mostly elderly people, the majority of them diabetic, and feet was the last thing that came to mind where Patrick was concerned.
Darcy’s best friend Jane had the pleasure of meeting him once last year, grinning at him like she couldn’t stop herself, and ever since then he was Hot Doctor, or Hot Boss when she and Darcy spoke on the phone.
He was very handsome, and very kind to Darcy, considering how much shit she put him through for the first six months she was there. The office manager had quit, the archives were a mess, and Darcy wasn’t going to put up with it. She drew a line in the sand and fixed so much, and made sure it wouldn’t be so disorganized ever again. It had happened soon after she finished her library studies diploma, and she’d been hoping to use her new qualification somewhere else, but she still got to flex her diligent cataloging skills from time to time.
She returned to the front desk five minutes later, after sending Jane a text:
I think Ian is proposing tonight
She couldn’t keep the thrill from coursing through her, grabbing her bag from under the desk with her phone. She smiled at Casey.
The waiting room had an elderly couple waiting, the Needlers, who both rose their hands to wave goodbye to her as she slipped out down the corridor.
She stuck her head in Patrick’s office, seeing him throw out a plastic sheet, preparing for the next client. She knocked on the doorframe and he spun around.
“You’re gone?”
“Yeah,” she said. “I have my phone in case, y’know… something blows up. Or if Casey blows something up.”
“Have a good night,” he said, and she smiled. “I’ll have a beer in your honor.”
She laughed, turning away and walked out, her stomach flipping. On the drive over, she tried to keep herself calm, but she kept bopping along to the songs on the radio. She kept watching the people in the street. She saw a couple with their toddler in a stroller with a dog on a leash.
She could picture it. A few years ago she’d have rolled her eyes at such a suggestion – her, as a married woman with a kid? But now she’d settled into the podiatrist clinic, she could feel things were stable enough. It wasn’t so crazy. People fell in love all the time, and stayed together...
She pulled up at the apartment block, switching off the car, taking a few deep breaths. She got out and walked up, seeing kids playing in the street.
She paused in the hallway, taking out her deodorant to spritz as subtly as she could. It was August, and her A/C was still broken – she was saving up – and she didn’t want any memory of the proposal to be tainted by her body odor. She stuck the can back in her bag and unlocked the front door, stepping inside and looking around.
She was tempted to yell out “honey, I’m home” but she was so excited she blurted out the first thing that came to mind, and Ian appeared a few seconds later, his hands in his pockets as she moved down the hallway.
She moved to kiss him on the cheek and he took out a hand, touching her arm.
“I got here as quick as possible. Patrick wasn’t too swamped, thank fuck…”
She gave a little laugh, taking his hand in hers, their fingers twining together. He walked with her in silence, until they reached the living room, and he promptly let her go, gesturing to the person sitting on the couch.
“Darcy, you remember Amy.”
Amy was a petite blonde woman, her hair so light it was almost white. She wore a pastel pink dress, looking like she’d come straight from a garden party. Darcy tried to place her and finally did – she was a friend of theirs through Ian’s sister. She flashed a wide smile, and Darcy watched as Ian moved to sit beside Amy.
“Hi,” Darcy said, shaking her head a little to right herself, trying not to feel the disappointment begin to settle in. She’d completely mistaken this occasion. It was unusual that he didn’t tell her it was Amy coming over. She felt like she’d be better prepared.
She froze as Ian’s hand slipped down to rest on Amy’s thigh, squeezing it.
“Could you sit down, Darce?”
“What’s going on?” she said, staring at his hand. She looked at Amy, seeing her smile falter.
Ian turned his head to look at Amy.
“Darling, could you get her a glass of water?”
Amy nodded, standing up. Darcy gaped after her. She knew where the glasses were in her apartment.
“I was hoping we’d talk about it like adults,” Ian said, his voice soft.
She snapped her eyes to meet his.
“I appreciate you getting here quickly tonight.”
Amy returned with a glass of water, handing it to Darcy. She held it, staring at Ian and Amy on the couch.
“Sit down.”
“I don’t want to take this sitting down,” Darcy blurted. “Whatever this is.”
“I’m moving out,” Ian said, his tone changing. He was edging toward defensive. “I thought it was better that way. I’m moving into Amy’s place.”
She woke up this morning with a completely different person. At least, it felt that way. Darcy could feel she’d gone into shock, unable to feel much at all as he went on in his English lilt.
“I’ll come by when you’re at work, to take my things. We started packing this afternoon.”
Darcy studied Amy’s hand resting in her lap, her nails squared off and clean.
“How long has this been happening?”
Ian stopped mid-sentence, something about an internet bill that Darcy had tuned out. He blinked, clearing his throat.
“Uh, I suppose about eighteen months.”
She let out a breath, looking down at the glass in her hand.
“I know it’s hard to hear –”
“You don’t know how it feels to hear this,” Darcy said, looking up again, staring him down. “You have no idea.”
She hadn’t been cheated on before. She’d seen her mother go through it.
“Those trips, the ones to California?” she asked, looking at Amy.
The blonde nodded. “Yes.”
“Well,” Darcy murmured, finally putting the glass to her lips to drink, unblinking. “That makes sense.”
He had a West Coast franchise she knew nothing about. She let out a harsh little chuckle, only because it was the only other thing she could do instead of crying. She felt her eyes prickle.
“We’ll go,” Ian said, glancing at Amy.
In that moment, Darcy truly hated them both. She wasn’t sure who she’d attack first if there were no repercussions. Ian would be harder to overpower, since he had the reach of a basketball player. Attacking Amy would be satisfying if she managed to make her scream. She looked elf-like in her features, except for the ample cleavage she had partially hidden beneath her dress.
He was her type, then. Little and curved in all the right places. Except she seemed to be daintier than Darcy ever could be, moving off the couch gracefully, moving into the corridor.
Ian lingered, and Darcy clutched the glass a little tighter, glaring at him.
“Darcy, I know it’s not right –”
“It’s not,” Darcy bit out.
“- but I wanted to be honest.”
Why couldn’t he have broken up with her months ago, years ago? She thought of the last time they had sex and it had another dimension to it – he’d teared up at the time, and she thought he was in one of his rare overwhelmed moments. At the time, she’d comforted him, thinking he’d be embarrassed by being overcome with love.
He’d been crying because he felt guilty.
“So when you came inside me the other night –”
Ian’s eyes widened slightly and she hoped Amy heard every word.
“- you didn’t think that was the ideal time to be honest?”
“Darcy –”
“Whatever, you’re in love. You don’t want anyone to think you’re an asshole,” she muttered, scowling at him. “But are an asshole, Ian. You’re an asshole.”
He drew back, his jaw set. He let out a sigh.
“Fine, I’m gone.”
“Go,” she snapped, and she turned away, doing her best to suppress the sob that bubbled up.
When she heard the front door shut and she knew she was alone, she let out a gasp, the echoing quiet of the apartment haunting her. She put down the water and sunk to the floor, putting her face in her hands.
She spent the night looking back on seven years, wondering when he decided to betray her. She tried to think of a moment that was the catalyst. Was it when they moved in together? Eighteen months ago she was at the podiatrist clinic. Ian was working for the investment firm.
She remembered they told each other they were soulmates. She’d never been closer to someone in her entire life.
He’d hardly spoken to Amy the night they met her. It was his sister’s engagement party and she was a random stranger in the background, someone Darcy had never thought she should note. Ian was her person, and she was his.
She hardly slept, crying and fuming, rolling around, so alone. She wanted a time machine. She wanted ignorance. She wanted to find the moment when he switched. She still wanted him, despite how confused and furious she felt.
How had she not seen this coming? Had he hinted at it, ever? Had he laid clues somewhere for her to find? She’d never suspected it. He was always such a dork, he had no ability to flirt with anyone but her in his clumsy, awkward way.
She dragged herself down to the clinic and opened up for the morning, feeling puffy-eyed and exhausted. She heard Patrick come in and walk up behind her like he did every day, and she thought of what to say, every option sounding so humiliating and stupid.
“Hi,” she murmured, unable to force the smile. “Your files are there for the morning.”
Her voice was rough and she cleared her throat. She kept her eyes on the screen, pulling up the emails. She began scrolling and heard Patrick pick up the stack of files.
“Bit of a rush today?”
“Yeah,” she replied, nodding. She was thankful that he wasn’t asking her anything personal. He sounded subdued.
She turned around, seeing him search her face and she smiled, a little one that didn’t reach her eyes.
“Ned Campbell will probably run late. His daughter’s meant to pick him up and she’s in Buffalo.”
“I’ll try to work around it,” Patrick replied, and he gave a little smile of his own. “Get yourself a coffee, okay?”
“Yeah, I’m on it,” she said, standing up fast, walking out before he could say anything else.
She covered her mouth as she waited for the coffee to pour through the machine. She dabbed at her eyes with a tissue when she returned to her desk, hearing the first clients come in.
“Shelly, hi,” she called to the little old lady. “You didn’t bring Buffy!”
Buffy was her dog. Shelly waved at Darcy, shaking her head.
“Too hot in the car. And on the pavement, too…”
“Right, that’s a good call,” Darcy said.
She was able to lapse into the role soon enough, except every half an hour or so she’d come back to the realization that last night was not a dream and she’d blink up at the ceiling. It was harder when Casey came in, fifteen minutes late, her smile dropping when she saw no ring on Darcy’s finger.
“Bummer,” she said. “I brought you prosecco.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that,” Darcy said, waving her off. “We… we broke up, actually.”
Casey’s eyes bulged and she scooted closer to Darcy, her mouth falling open.
“No! Why? What happened?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Darcy said, and she went back to the paperwork in the pile next to her, scanning the text. “We need to work on this letter together.”
She took her lunch break later than usual, but she wasn’t able to avoid Patrick, since Casey passed on the bad news. His eyes were trained on her as she slipped into the chair next to him.
“Are you alright, Darcy?” he asked, his voice quiet.
“I don’t need to go home,” she murmured.
She opened her yogurt and scooped some out, taking a mouthful. It tasted too sweet. In truth, she wanted a stiff drink, but this would have to do for now. She realized she hadn’t answered his question.
“I’ll be okay,” she added.
“Are you sure?” Patrick asked, and he looked toward the doorway. “We could manage, if you want to go…”
“I’ll stay,” she said, patting his hand on the table. “I might even stay back, there’s shit to do.”
Her cursing always made him smile at her and he didn’t disappoint. They ate in silence, until Darcy heard Casey calling for her, sounding out of sorts.
The rest of the afternoon flew by, and Darcy sent Casey home, telling her she’d do the end of day banking and paperwork. Casey gave her a little sympathetic hug that made Darcy want to shove her away, but instead she patted her shoulder twice before they drew apart.
“You know, if you need someone to talk to, I’m always here,” Casey whispered. “I’m the one all my girlfriends talk to.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, thanks,” Darcy murmured, trying her best to grin and bear it.
Casey held up the little bottle of prosecco, enough for two drinks, handing it to Darcy.
“Thanks,” Darcy said again.
When she was finally alone she let her head fall onto the desk, hitting it there a couple times, sighing when she sat up again. She grabbed the prosecco, twisting it open and put it to her lips, taking a long gulp. She added up the cash in the till, taking sips from the little bottle, moving steadily through the work.
“Hey, Darce?”
Patrick was calling to her from down the corridor and she stopped midway through shutting down her computer.
He didn’t answer and she frowned, ducking down to grab her belongings, snatching her prosecco before trudging down the corridor, stepping into his office.
Patrick was sitting back in his chair, a beer open, his sleeves pushed down to his elbows. His eyes fell to Darcy’s bottle and he smirked.
“Glad to see I’m not the only one who can drink on the job,” he murmured.
She walked in, throwing her bag on the floor as she sat in the special chair, putting her bottle to her lips again. Technically, neither of them were working.
“How long will you stay back?” she asked, Patrick’s back to her once more as he opened his emails up again, scrolling down.
He gave a little shrug. “I dunno. Don’t really want to go.”
He clicked off, turning again, and Darcy watched him move closer, looking at her sneakers. She’d replaced her kitten heels with them, since no-one was meant to be impressed by her after 5PM, at least no clients.
She nodded, thinking of having to drag herself back to the empty apartment, to see the photos on the shelves and the two sets of everything all over the place. Ian had left his toothbrush in his hurry yesterday, and that morning she’d contemplated scrubbing the toilet bowl with it and not telling him.
“I don’t wanna go home,” she whispered.
Patrick got up and Darcy stared at him, sitting back in the chair as he moved toward her, his hand coming up…
“Darcy –”
“What’re you doing?” she cut in, and she felt his hand touching her face, tracing her cheekbone.
He’d never come this close to her before. She’d given him a hug before, like at his birthday party, but this felt like something beyond a platonic touch. He was watching her, licking his lips nervously.
“We could maybe – I thought, I-I…”
“Patrick,” she whispered, and he lowered his face to meet hers, pulling her into an embrace.
She felt his lips brush against her neck and she went still.
“Patrick. Pat. Honey –”
“God, I want you,” he breathed, and he drew back, searching her face. “I think you and Ian breaking up was a sign, for me to finally do something…”
“What are you talking about? Since when?” Darcy said, her eyes widening.
“Since always,” he said, and he kissed her, a peck on the lips.
Darcy’s face felt hot and she felt like she couldn’t breathe, her heart racing as he kissed her again, deeper, his tongue pressing into her mouth as he moaned.
“I love you,” he breathed, pulling back, and Darcy shook her head.
“You don’t love me,” she whispered.
“Yes, I do,” he said, and he kissed her neck, moving down.
Darcy kept still as his hand went under her skirt, reaching between her thighs, and she was pulled back the second his fingers brushed the seam of her, over the crotch of her underwear.
“I have to go,” she yelped, and she pushed him against his chest, stumbling off the chair and grabbing her bag from the floor.
“Darcy, can we talk about this?” he said, and she shook her head. He was sitting on the floor, reality catching up with him, too. “Oh, fuck…”
He passed a hand over his face and Darcy closed her eyes to steady herself.
“I won’t come in tomorrow,” she said, and he nodded.
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” he said, and she nodded, just trying to get out the door, inching toward it. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
“Please don’t,” Darcy breathed, and she ducked out, feeling the blood rushing in her ears as she fled, the door slamming behind her.
She got to her car and slammed the door shut, breathing heavily as she tried to understand what the fuck had just happened. And she felt, beneath it all, that she was turned on.
“Oh, God,” she gasped, putting her face in her hands, letting her face rest on the steering wheel.
She tried to think of what to do, her mind going to that office, picturing racing back in and confronting Patrick by climbing on top of him and kissing him. The last 24 hours had been hell, and she might be lonely enough to do that – but she knew, not even deep down, that she’d hate herself for it. He was married, for fuck’s sake.
“Oh, God,” she said again with a groan.
She shoved the keys in the ignition and took off down the street, flipping through the channels on her radio until she found a song she knew.
She began to sob as she sat at the traffic lights, Angel Of The Morning unable to drown her out. A woman stared as she crossed the road, since Darcy made such a racket. She cranked up the speakers louder, her car shuddering with the bass.
She bought a frozen pizza and a giant family-sized Caesar salad, before stopping by the liquor store, where she grabbed two cold 40s and retreated to her apartment. She drank and ate while she watched Love Actually and cat videos, growing more miserable the drunker she got.
She fumbled for her phone the following morning, her head throbbing with the hangover headache she sustained, and she saw Jane was FaceTiming her as she squinted down blearily at her phone.
“Hey – what the fuck, what happened to you?”
“I guess the radio silence could, um, be a red flag,” Darcy mumbled, rubbing her eyes. She didn’t remember taking her makeup off, so there was a high chance that she was resembling a raccoon.
Jane looked good, the sun in her hair, her brow furrowed with concern.
“Uh, Ian left me. And my boss tried to hook up with me,” Darcy said, and Jane’s eyes bulged.
“Oh, Darcy. Darcy –”
“I don’t want the –” Darcy waved around, the movement a terrible idea in her condition. “- fuss. I’m fine. I drank too much last night, but I’ve got the day off.”
Thinking about having to make herself go back tomorrow had her filled with dread so sudden and shame-filled that she shut her eyes, groaning.
“You should get another job.”
“Yeah, probably,” she muttered. “But where? I don’t have any references.”
“Put me down.”
“I can’t keep doing that. I helped you out one summer. I need Patrick…”
Jane’s lips were pressed together in a thin, grim line. Darcy hated that she tended to only hear about her problems, never good news. She hoped she’d be telling her she was going to be her Maid of Honor. That hopeful, pleasant little world felt so far away. Darcy sighed.
“I’ll ask around. Some places are trying to hire new librarians for the new school year. They’re going back soon.”
“Right,” Darcy said, but she didn’t think much would come from it.
She was a qualified technician with limited experience. She didn’t know the right people, and she knew it was all about networking. She learned that far too late, which was how she ended up at Patrick’s office instead of in a library.
“Seriously, I’ll check for you. Ian left…?”
“He did, he went to stay with his girlfriend.”
“What?” Jane snapped, appalled. “Since when would he -? That fucking weasel –”
“It’s Amy, his sister’s friend. Go on Instagram, she’s got tits out to –”
Darcy gestured holding two heavy things in her hands, shrugging.
“Well, they’re out like mine…”
“You can’t stay there,” Jane said. “It’s full of Ian.”
Darcy picked up the remnants of her Old English 800 that sat by her bed and took a swig, making a face. She tried to remember last night and only could get snapshots of things.
“Yeah. Just – moving? A new job? I don’t wanna do that again…”
Jane went quiet and Darcy felt a wave of dread like yesterday, her eyes misting. She’d known Jane longer than she’d known Ian. She wondered if she’d be able to tell her what she was like before he came around.
“Darcy, it’s going to be okay.”
“Yeah, well,” Darcy whispered, her voice thin. “It’s gonna have to be.”
She nursed the hangover, cleaned up the mess of the leftover pizza, the empty salad carton, and the empty bottles. She did laundry, threw things into boxes, and tore up pictures.
By the late afternoon, she sent an email through to Casey, informing her that she was taking tomorrow off as well. She tried to not think about the clinic falling to pieces without her there.
She changed by the hour. She’d be destructive and throwing Ian’s belongings around, ripping up mementos while playing loud music through the TV, and then she’d be wracked with sobs and wishing he was there to hold her.
She looked at the classifieds and tried to find somewhere to go – she wasn’t sure how desperate the situation was when she didn’t have a job to go back to, not if she wasn’t going to show up again on Monday. It felt less likely with each hour that passed on that Friday.
She called up landlords the Saturday, feeling wretched, since the last time she didn’t have to do this alone. She’d had Ian, and the process was shared. She wished she had someone to bear that weight with her, but she knew she had no choice. She had a fleeting moment of clarity – she should move out and sleep in her car! Then she reeled at the thought of being that alone and vulnerable in the world.
She found a listing an hour away from her and took the plunge, calling the number. In the rush, she asked to see the place as soon as possible. The owner sounded friendly enough, maybe a little surprised that she was insisting on seeing the advertised piece of shit.
“How much is the bond?” Darcy asked, within a few minutes of being there.
The owner was a middle-aged woman named Maureen, who for whatever reason didn’t seem bothered by the stifling heat that was affecting Darcy. She was sweating through her shirt, dripping down her bare legs.
“It’ll be about eleven-hundred,” replied Maureen. She frowned. “Do you mind me asking what the rush is, hon?”
“I’m not fleeing, like, a bounty hunter or something,” Darcy said, and Maureen didn’t laugh. “I, uh, ended a relationship.”
She got a few texts that morning from Ian, asking when he could come over to get more of his things. She’d told him she’d be out for a few hours, when in truth she’d packed up most of her things when she could sleep last night and had shoved them all into her car, ready to escape the apartment as soon as possible. She’d even taken the key off of her chain and left it on the table.
“Can I move in today?”
“Sure,” Maureen said. “You got cash?”
“I can go get some.”
Darcy departed, came back ten minutes later and Maureen handed her the keys, giving her a shrewd look when she was done counting the notes Darcy laid in her unturned palm. She signed the tenancy agreement, handing it back to Maureen, waiting for the signal that everything was okay.
She rose her fingers to give Maureen a cautious peace sign, a little smile forming.
“Yeah? We good? Awesome.”
She only cried later that night, nursing her beer as she heard the echoes off life outside the walls.
She got a phone call on the Monday, when she’d been expecting Patrick chasing after her, only to find an unknown number on the display.
“Hello?” she said when she picked up, shifting to sit up on her elbows.
She’d slept on the floor in her sleeping bag. She hadn’t bought a mattress yet. She was close to asking for money from her mother, who had only been told the bare minimum about the breakup with Ian.
“Hi, am I speaking to Darcy Lewis?”
She didn’t recognize the voice. It wasn’t Patrick’s wife as far as she could discern, and she cleared her throat.
“Uh, yeah. This is she.”
“Great, I was wondering if you could come in for a meeting. My name is Maria Hill, I work at Sacred Heart –”
“I’m sorry?”
“Doctor Foster passed on your resume, and we’re hoping to find someone to help us with the library at our school. Is this a bad time?”
Darcy began to crawl out of the sleeping bag as fast as possible, looking around, before taking the phone away from her ear to see the time. It was after 10AM and she wondered if it was that obvious she’d been sleeping.
“This is a great time, Maria, thank you for calling me,” Darcy said, frantically snatching her bra from the floor, looking around for her pants. “I would love to meet.”
“Is today too soon, or -?”
“I can-I can do today,” Darcy said. “Whereabouts?”
Maria gave her the address and Darcy made a vague affirming sound, pretending she knew exactly where it was. She walked over to her laptop on the kitchen bench and flipped it open, Googling the name of the school as Maria confirmed a time.
“See you then.”
“Yes, I’m looking forward to it,” Darcy replied, promptly hanging up and scrolling through the search results.
A “rich tradition, with Christian values”, the website read. The children on the homepage wore navy and yellow uniforms.
“What the fuck,” Darcy muttered, making a face.
She pulled up at the school’s front parking lot, stepping out in her pencil skirt, hoping she hadn’t sweated through the sharp blazer she wore on top of her silk blouse.
She shoved her feet into her kitten heels and grabbed her handbag, looking around.
It was a quiet street, which was understandable for the time of year. No-one would be around, except maybe maintenance staff, and Darcy’s car was the only one parked there. She felt her phone buzz and she checked it, seeing Ian texting her back:
What the fuck????
He must have found her key, and the note that told him the lease was his problem to solve. She turned off her phone, shoving it back into her bag as she took a deep breath, walking up the front steps.
She knocked, trying to peer into the stained-glass window in the door. It was trying to see through a piece of boiled candy and she stood back, glancing over her shoulder. There was loud, distant banging sound that made her jump and Darcy went rigid, eyes wide.
The door burst open and she startled again, the sweat on her brow dripping down.
A woman with a short brown ponytail met her eye, offering her hand.
“Yeah,” she replied, taking her hand to shake. “Maria?”
“Yes,” she said. “You find everything okay?”
“Yeah, am I – can I park here?”
“You probably could get a spot in the teachers’ one around the back, but we use both during the summer anyway. Follow me.”
Darcy nodded, watching as Maria turned her back and walked inside. The front hallway was dimly lit, and Darcy was hit with the scent of paint and dust. She saw a large painting of Mary holding baby Jesus and tried not to react to it, her eyes swivelling over the walls as they walked down the hall into a larger corridor.
“Classrooms,” Maria said, gesturing. “Kindergarten down here and then first grade. I’ll take you in somewhere here…”
“I kinda heard a loud, uh, ruckus earlier?” Darcy said, and Maria glanced at her, her brow lifting, and she smirked.
“A ruckus?” she repeated.
“Was that not an appropriate word –?”
There was a second bang, much louder, unadulterated by the school’s walls. Darcy flinched, while Maria only glanced toward the sound, vaguely interested.
“That’s Mr. Barnes, he’s moving things around,” she murmured. She smirked again. “He’s the ruckus.”
She pushed open a door marked 1R and Darcy followed her. She was met with a couple dozen tiny desks, all of them lowered, with tiny chairs, sitting in a horseshoe shape. There were posters for the alphabet and numbers on the walls, along with a painting of Jesus above the clock, his eyes fixed on Darcy as she moved to copy Maria, who was grabbing a regular-sized chair from the front of the classroom.
“I was sent your resume at a pretty good time, all things considered,” she said, and Darcy nodded, looking away from spooky Jesus, only to see a photograph of the Pope waving at her on the whiteboard.
Maria didn’t seem to notice how distracted Darcy was.
“Our situation has changed a lot in the last semester, even in the last couple of months,” she said, placing her hands in her lap. “Our library is in dire need of organization, re-organization. We’d want our students to have a better library environment in this new school year.”
Darcy bit her lip.
“I’m – I’m a technician, I’m not a librarian,” she said. “I can’t teach.”
She wasn’t selling herself at all. She figured the unconventional style of this interview had thrown her off-balance. There was another distant bang but she didn’t jump that time, instead staring at Maria, waiting for her reply.
“We had needed to juggle our staff after our librarian left quite suddenly in May,” Maria said. “Other teachers are stepping up, but our collection is in dire need of help. From what I heard from your references –”
“Y-You spoke to Doctor -?”
“Yes, I spoke to Doctor Foster and Doctor Chandler,” Maria said, flipping open the file she had, showing what Darcy recognised as a copy of her resume. “They both said you were a remarkable young woman.”
Darcy’s brows lifted, especially since Doctor Chandler was Patrick.
“Really? What did the podiatrist say, specifically?”
“Basically that I’d be a moron if I didn’t hire you immediately,” Maria said, another smirk forming. She shut the file, glancing out the window. Her eyes swung back to meet Darcy’s. “I’m not the principal. I’m the deputy. To make a long story short, Miss Lewis, we’re in a pretty messy situation as a school. The kids are back in less than three weeks and the library looks like a pipe bomb went off in it.”
Darcy blinked. “Right.”
“I would be taking you on as a technician, not a teacher.”
“I don’t know if I’m… I didn’t apply for a job here, I don’t remember anything being advertised –”
“Your name popped up in my network,” Maria said, and she stood up suddenly.
There was another bang.
Darcy mirrored her, smoothing her skirt down, hoping she hadn’t left a sweat patch on the chair. Maria didn’t seem interested, instead moved to walk out, pausing when she took hold of the doorknob.
“I’m not going to sugar-coat it. It’s a big job, and you wouldn’t have a lot of time if you were aiming to finish it enough for kids to use the library on the first day back.”
Darcy nodded. “Right.”
“I have other people to see as well. We didn’t advertise for this role but word of mouth tends to work better than any recruiting website.”
Darcy nodded again. She didn’t think she’d get this job. A better qualified person, maybe a teacher librarian looking for a change, would get it. She departed from the classroom, slipping into the corridor. Maria took her hand and shook it.
“If you don’t mind, I’ll be heading toward that ruckus you heard earlier,” Maria said, and Darcy nodded, feeling her face flush.
“Good to meet you,” Darcy said.
She stopped walking and watched Maria walk down another hallway and out of sight, another bang ringing out in the distance, and then a couple yells. It sounded like Maria was investigating, muffled yells going back and forth, and Darcy gave a little sigh, adjusting her bag on her shoulder before she moved back the way they came through.
She stopped at the Mary painting, leaning forward to see the tiny brushstrokes on the blue gown she was swathed in, along with the tiniest text beneath.
Sister Siobhan O’Keefe, 1908
“Holy shit,” she whispered, stepping back. “Go Siobhan…”
She walked outside, the sun in her eyes, and she got in her car, putting her keys in the ignition. She turned them, but the car remained silent.
At that moment, another car pulled up, parking several spaces away from her, and she felt her cheeks flush again with embarrassment. Her car had been idling the other day when she was in traffic but she hadn’t taken any notice, of fucking course, because she was on her way home the day Ian told her about Amy.
Her battery was dead. She waited for the person in their car to get out, hearing their door shut. She tried again in vain, closing her eyes.
She couldn’t afford a tow truck. She gnawed at her lip, feeling the bullets of sweat glide down her back as she tried to shove down the growing anxiety. She had money for a bus ticket, at least…
She glanced over at the car and saw a man standing there wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, watching her.
“Fuck me,” she said under her breath, because he was cute as hell.
Blonde with blue eyes, muscular and tall like a football player. He frowned, signalling her to lower her window. Darcy shook her head hastily, opening her door.
“My battery’s dead,” she called, feeling like her face was on fire.
“I thought so,” he said, and she nodded, flashing an awkward smile.
He went to his trunk and held up a jumper cable and Darcy blinked.
“You want help? Unless you wanna call someone –”
“No, please, I mean, thank you –”
She motioned for him to come closer. He walked over, leaning down, and Darcy wiped some sweat from her face.
“I just – I was in there before, I don’t want – I mean, I already fucked up the job interview, I don’t want this to end in mortification.”
The man’s eyebrows lifted. “Really? Interview?”
“Yeah, you work here?”
“Yeah,” he said, and he gestured to her hand resting on the keys in the ignition. “One more time, see what happens.”
She tried again, but nothing happened. She let out a sigh.
“Yeah, I’ll need that jumper cable.”
“Just a sec,” he said, moving back.
Darcy watched as he moved the car closer until it was facing hers, and he slipped out again to pop the hood, which was when Darcy decided she needed to move out of the front seat and try to pretend she knew what was happening.
She’d only been in this situation once before with Ian and he took over. She’d taken that for granted, not knowing something as basic as this. She knew how to change a tyre, too, but she didn’t think it was something she should do, necessarily.
He seemed to be doing fine without her pretending to supervise him, and Darcy watched him attach the cables, moving back and forth between the two cars.
Her car sprang to life after he told her to give it another try, and she let out a laugh, so relieved.
“God, thank you so much,” she said, and he smiled at her.
“Anyone else woulda done it,” he said, and Darcy kept smiling.
She was fucking lucky he showed up when he did. He went to his trunk to get out a carton of books and rose a hand in a short wave.
“Thank you!”  she called from her window, pulling her seatbelt on.
He walked up to the front door and disappeared inside as Darcy drove off.
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Crushing Too Late
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           I always loved coming with Dad and Papa to work. I knew with everything in me that one day, I was going to be just like them. That I was going to be a wrestler and people were going to say that I was the best.
           For as long as I could remember, I’d wanted to be like them. I’d wanted to do everything that they did. Whenever Mom would let them, they’d pull out an old ring they’d bought and put it together on the tennis court or the back yard. Then Papa and Dad would get in it with me, tell me stories about everyone they’d wrestled in that ring as they taught me everything they knew. And what they didn’t know, Uncle Kenny, Uncle Adam, and Uncle Cody would show me. Sometimes Uncle Brandon or some of the other people who worked with my dads would train with me.
           Whenever I went with them to shows, Dad and Papa always promised that I could train in the ring after it was set up. And no matter how many times I came with them, they never once broke their promise.
           “You’re getting better at that,” Dad said as I ran into the corner and flipped over onto the apron, just like he did. “Now let’s see the rest of it.”
           He stood next to the ropes while Papa stood outside. I looked between the two of them and grinned.
           Papa got close, I kicked out and slapped the outside of my thigh as he took my shoe on the palm of his hand. “See ya!” I grunted just before I leaned between the top and middle rope and put my shoulder into Dad’s stomach.
           He let out an exaggerated oof as I jumped onto the top rope, sprang off and pulled him face-down onto the mat. Then I flipped into a handstand and kicked my legs through the top and middle rope. My feet landed on the apron, I took half a second to make sure Papa was right there, and then did a moonsault. Everyone else called this the perpetual offence machine. Mom called it Dad showing off.
           Papa caught me over his shoulder, but instead of falling back, he grinned at me. “Caught in a counter, Tea. What’re you going to do?”
           I looked at how Papa had caught me. I honestly had no clue what to do. I’d never ever seen anyone counter Dad’s move before.
           “Nyla or Shida would have driven you into the ring apron by now,” Dad said from the ropes.
           Before I could think further, a voice came shouting down from the stage area. “DDT!”
           “What?” I shouted back. When I looked up from Papa’s back, I thought I was going to choke. Trent and Chuck were walking down the ramp with their friend Orange Cassidy right behind them. I blushed and tried to wriggle out of Papa’s hold. Instead I kneed him in the ribs hard enough for him to drop me onto the mat at ringside.
           I felt the heat burn through my face as I looked up and saw them standing there. Cassidy smiled as he offered me his hand to pull me up. “DDT would do the trick,” he said as he heaved me easily to my feet. He was in street clothes and wasn’t wearing his trademark sunglasses or jacket.
           I didn’t like how my tongue got tied into knots whenever they were around. Chuck always told jokes and made me laugh. We traded bad jokes and insults about how stupid the other one was. Trent would let me sit on his back while he did pushups until either he fell over or I couldn’t stop laughing. Then he’d do pull ups while I clung to his legs. Cassidy was almost always there, usually sitting quietly in the corner watching the three of us act like idiots. But he never said much, and I never knew what to say to him.
           But when he did speak, it made my heart sink into my toes and I thought I was going to be sick. He had a nice voice and really pretty eyes. I couldn’t stop staring at him, even as I felt my face go redder and redder with each passing second.
           I heard Dad’s voice from the ring. “Remind me not to use that in the match tonight. I can’t have the King of Sloth Style show me up.”
           Cassidy laughed and I got that sick feeling in my stomach again. It was like a straight drop on a roller coaster without a safety bar. It made me dizzy. “Dude, we both know you move too fast for me.”
           “Aww, I’m sorry, Cass. Let’s have dinner first, how about that?”
           Papa snorted. Trent hid his laugh behind his fist. Chuck hopped up on the ring apron. “Only if you have him home by eleven, Nick. Doesn’t do well if he misses his bedtime.”
           I looked up and saw Dad grinning ear to ear. I always loved seeing him smile. It made Papa and Mom happy. Especially since there was a time when Dad didn’t smile all the way. But being with his friends, being around everyone at the show, it always brought out his easy grins. I felt myself mirror his expression. Everyone said I looked like him. Sometimes I thought that bothered Papa and, honestly, I didn’t like it all the time either.
           But when it came to smiling, Dad had the best one. And I was glad I’d gotten it, too.
           Nick, Chuck, and Cassidy traded snappy remarks and comebacks while Trent and I watched them like a tennis match. It wasn’t unusual. The five of us had done enough bits for Being the Elite to have a pretty solid rapport by now.
           Our eldest stood in the midst of it, looking up at Nick and beaming when he smiled. The more I saw it, the easier it was to see that she was his twin. Mischievous, funny, whole-hearted, and exceptionally aware of her place in the world. Mattie had Nick’s eyes and his smile, and hair that was somewhere between mine and her mother’s.
           Like them, she was also a completely open book. Oh Jesus, I’m not ready for this.
           I flopped onto the mat and rolled out to sit up on the apron. Mattie was a few steps away, her face bright red. She hopped up onto the ring next to me and tucked herself beneath my arm. I gave her a squeeze and kissed the top of her head. She was fifteen, and I was afraid that the day was coming when she didn’t want to be our little girl anymore. I’d take what I could get until then.
           “Dad, can I come to ringside tonight?” she asked quietly.
           I grinned at her. “Sure, Tea. We’ll get you a spot in the front row.”
           Our daughter grinned at me and kissed my cheek. “I’m going to go annoy Uncle Adam.” She slid onto her feet and hugged Matt around the waist.
           “Yeah,” Chuck said throwing his arm around Mattie’s shoulder. “Let’s go annoy Adam.”
           Cassidy and Trent fell into step with the two of them as they walked up the ramp and disappeared backstage. I watched until they were out of sight.
           “God, she’s growing up so fast.”
           Matt crossed his arms and glared in the direction they’d left. “Too fast. I’m not ready for this.”
           “Ready for what?” I queried as I joined him at the base of the ramp. “Matt, she’s not going to get in the ring or be on TV for a while.”
           My brother grunted. “I’d rather put her on TV tonight than this. Did you not see what I just saw?” When I didn’t answer, he threw his hands up. “She’s looking at Cassidy.”
           I laughed. I couldn’t help it. “Matt, relax. She’s fifteen. And he’s our age. Plus… Jesus, she’s known him all her life.”
           “I don’t like it.”
           “I don’t know where Uncle Adam is,” I said nervously, standing outside the locker room that was usually his. “Maybe he’s not here yet.”
           “Pushups?” Trent asked, his brows raised. There was a slight smirk to his smile that made me grin.
           “I’ve got some yo mama jokes you haven’t heard yet,” Chuck offered.
           I looked up at him, hoping I looked very serious. “You talk about my Mom and I’ll superkick you in the teeth.”
           Cassidy laughed from where he leaned against the wall. “I would pay money to see that. Actually…” He dug his wallet out of his pocket and pulled out twenty dollars. “I’ll give you this right now, Mattie, if you do it.”
           “Come on, Orange. You know she’d never—”
           Before Chuck could finish, I’d leaned back and delivered a superkick that Dad and Papa would be proud of. The very tip of my sneaker bopped Chuck in the chin. It was habit to slap the outside of my knee at the contact, and the noise echoed down the hallway. He staggered dramatically and plopped onto his butt on the floor. I laughed.
           I lost my balance. Wobbling on my planted foot, I saw the floor come rushing up at me. An instant later, a set of arms locked around my chest. Cassidy took a moment to steady me before settling me upright.
           My whole body tingled. I could feel my face burning bright red as I smiled nervously. Cassidy grinned. “That was perfect.”
           I beamed beneath his praise. My heart raced in my chest. I thought I was going to faint. I couldn’t catch my breath for the life of me. He was so close, and his eyes were so pretty and brown.
           “Dad’s going to get me a ringside seat tonight,” I blurted out. The moment the words were out of my mouth, I wanted to slap myself. Why did I say that?
           Cassidy grinned even wider. “That’s going to be fun.”
           Papa took me out to my seat before the show started. “Be good. And enjoy the show, Tea.”
           I reached over the barrier and hugged him as tight as I could. “I love you, Papa.”
           He squeezed me hard and kissed my forehead. “Love you too, sweetheart.”
           After he went backstage, I watched the fans file in and take their seats. I loved the noise and the crush of people and the signs and energy. It was one of the reasons I wanted to be a wrestler.
           Dad, Papa, and Uncle Kenny were starting the show against Chuck, Trent, and Cassidy. I grinned as The Elite music thundered through the arena. Dad, Papa, and Uncle Kenny came out, paper money came flying out of the cannons by the ramp. My heart thumped and thudded in my chest as they came down to the ring. I shouted and waved, jumped up and down, screamed in joy. Each time I saw them was just like the first time—exhilarating and terrifying and beautiful.
           Once they were in the ring, new music started. Chuck and Trent came out, Cassidy right behind them. I always giggled when Trent and Chuck walked to the ring arm-in-arm or holding hands. They all looked so ready to fight, so determined to best my dads and Uncle Kenny. I waved at them too, screaming in happiness.
           They hopped into the ring together. Cassidy crossed the mat and shrugged out of his denim jacket, tucking his sunglasses in the pocket. Instead of tossing it to the ringside table, he rolled beneath the bottom rope and handed the jacket to me. He winked, and I felt the heat tear through me. I blushed and stammered.
           “Take care of that while your dad kicks my ass.”
           I clutched it to my chest and tucked it against my nose to hide the way a smile split over my face.
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@mox-made-me-do-it​ @not-that-kinda-gurl08​ @lilred91​ @imagineall-the-fandoms​ @maelleoute​ @librathepheonix13​ @justamess44​
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coruscantguard · 4 years
Before the by-and-by
@loving-fox-hours - Fox Week - Day 4 - Undercover Mission
Commander Fox, Ysanne Isard, Armand Isard (mentioned)
Warning for child endangerment, references to child abuse, shitty parenting in general, abuse apologism, and general horrific implications masked by humor and Fox complaining.
(Ao3 Link)
Coruscant, Level 1329, 22BBY
"Do you know who I am?”
Fox freezes as a young voice-- a child’s voice, really-- cuts him off. He waits for a second, to see if anyone else is going to reply, and when no one does, he sighs and sends the bartender what he hopes is an apologetic smile, but probably looks more like a pained grimace.
The bar is much too empty for the kid to be talking to anyone else, and considering how nonexistent his luck is, Fox is pretty damn sure the kid is talking to him.
The kid is small, humanoid, and she’s making a face at him. The kid is much, much too small to be in a bar. The kid is dressed like a tiny bounty hunter.
But Fox is undercover right now. And that means the answer should be no. Is no. Because his undercover self doesn’t know anyone.
So he’s already saying the word no when he realizes that no, actually, that’s not correct. He does know the kid.
He’s seen the kid around the Senate building before. He’s seen the kid around RCMOP before. Osik, he’s seen the kid in both Senate Bureau and Republic Intelligence meetings before. He vividly remembers wanting to ask why a child was in a briefing, and he remembers not doing that, because contrary to poular opinion, Fox is not stupid or suicidal.
(It’s not like it was that weird the kid was there--  Fox learned about similarly brutal massacres as a cadet, just not via military briefing. If her father is fine with it, and the Chancellor is fine with it, then yeah, a kid who barely comes up to his elbow can sit in on a briefing about the Malevolence and the ion cannons. Fox supposes that the weirdness is probably because he’s used to natborns... coddling their children more. Maybe it’s just a Senator thing?)
“You’re Director Isard’s daughter,” he tells her, and he’s certain of that. Now that he’s looking, it’s obvious. She’s a spitting image of her father, from the inky black hair and white stripe above her temple to the casual look of chilly disdain on her face as she readjusts her stance.
He silently pleads with the Force that the kid doesn’t want him to actually know her name, because he’s got no idea about that little tidbit of information.
Thankfully, it doesn’t seem like the kid wants that, because she just sends him a toothy grin, before putting her hands on her waist and tilting her head to the side. Since cadets tend to loose their teeth at around three standard, and because he’s pretty sure it’s the same for natborn humans, the kid is probably at about seven standard in human years.
“I am!” she says, and waits for a second, before leaning in to whisper, “and you’re the Clone Commander of the Coruscant Guard.”
Fox blinks in surprise. Because, well. He’s undercover. “Right now I’m a bounty hunter from Coreilla,” he quickly corrects, keeping his voice at a low murmur. “But yes, I am,” he replies, because she’s not wrong, and he’d rather her not fight him about actually being a clone.
“I know,” the kid says. “I know what I’m going to be,” she informs him matter-of-factly. Fox blinks again, because. Just. What.
“Do you now?” he finds himself asking as he slowly backs up, bringing the two of them away from prying ears and eyes. He’s not exactly sure what the kid is talking about, but if it’s going to break his cover, he’d rather be near a door for it.
“Mmmhmm,” she says, nodding vigorously as she follows. “The Director of Intelligence. “
Kark’s sake, what the kark, Director Isard, why is your child here--
“After all, I am to be my Father’s heir,” the kid announces as they spill out onto the street. ‘So maybe you’ll work for me one day!”
“Maybe,” Fox allows, and he grabs the kid’s hand as he starts moving down the street. He’s obviously not going to meet with his contact when there is a cadet-aged child there, so his plan has to change. “It’s good to have drive,” Fox says noncommittally, and he could find the leather-rats and drop her off with them, but the CSF is corrupt at best, and he’d rather not be the reason Director Isard’s kid turns up dead in a ditch--
“Dad says that when children aren’t given purpose, they grow up to be unmotivated and... in-comp-e-tent.” She pauses, scrunches up her nose. “I think that’s what he said, anyway.”
Suddenly, he feels a tug on his hand, and realizes that she’s stopped in the middle of the road. Of course.
“Lady Isard,” he starts, and her eyes widen.
“Nope!” she says, cutting him off, and she goes digging in her dress’s pockets until she pulls out a small black comm unit. “Undercover, remember?”
The kid slaps the comm on her wrist before he can even begin to consider how to reply to that, and she hits a button. A digital passport pops up, with a photo of her on it. “Right now, I’m Anne Antilles! Your daughter. Uh, here. Dad told me to give this to you,” she says, and shoves a crumpled up piece of flimsi at him. And--
Director Isard sent his karking child to level 1329 alone to play messenger?
Right. Okay. That’s, whatever. Not important. Not his jurisdiction, not his business.
Fox nods once, but then he sees something out of the corner of his eye, and he’s moving. He grabs her under her arms, lifts her up so he can get both of them off the main street. The shadows of an alley greet them, and his pace is brisk as he moves away from what might be one of the leather-rats’ patrols. The kid  masks her surprise in seconds, and she wraps her legs around him as he settles her on his hip. Her arms loop around his neck automatically, and osik, at least the Director’s kid knows how to make a quiet getaway.  The kid is silent-- impressively so, he can barely hear her breathing-- and they make it out onto another street without any fanfare.
Fox skims the updated mission parameters flimsi with one hand as he walks.  This could... go very badly very quickly if he’s not careful. Director Armand Isard is not a forgiving man. The fact that his daughter is apparently joining Fox on this mission is a fact that threatens to be a Problem with a capital peth, and he’d really rather it not be. 
Force’s sake. Why didn’t Thire get this mission? Thire is good with kids. Thire likes kids. Thire would probably like this.
“Can I have a blaster?” the kid suddenly asks in an exaggerated whisper.
“No,” he says, because he learned that lesson well enough.
“Come on! I know how to use them,” the kid protests.
“Still a no.”
“Dad-uh, my other dad would let me have a blaster,” she complains, and Fox snorts. He does not doubt that for even a second. “Wait, should I call you Papa instead of Dad?”
“But I can’t call you both Dad.”
“Yes, you can.”
“Here, I’ll call my dad Dad, and you can be, um... Buir!”
Oh Force karking hell, lords of kriffing atron, kark me--
“Wait, you clones do know Mando’a, right?”
“Most of us do, yes” Fox grits out, as he silently resolves to never go on an undercover mission ever again. It’s not a resolution he’ll be able to actually fulfill, but it’s nice to at least consider it. “And you can just call both of us dad. In fact, that’s what you’re going to do. Okay?”
He is going to get so, so drunk after this mission, and hopefully forget the entire goddamn thing. Thank the Force that Cody isn’t here right now, kriffing hell. If his batchmate made a crack about him being in a relationship with the karking Director of Republic Intelligence, Fox would be obliged to kill him, which would then make both Wolffe and bottle-blonde pissy, and he has enough problems as it is.
“Ugh. Fine. You’re boring.”
“Didn’t you just say that I’m Dad?”
The kid hits him for that, which, okay, that’s fair. He’d hit Cody if Cody made that joke.
Then she tightens her grip around his neck, and he has to actually fight back a snicker. The kid is maybe 50 pounds soaking wet though, so strangulation isn’t an effective method of punishment. He then tells her so, because he’s pretty sure Thire once said something about how helping children grow and improve their skills is important.
“If I want to strangle you, you won’t see it coming,” she shoots back, but she slowly loosens her hold again. “You’ll be dead, because I’ll actually strangle you.”
“Oh, yes, I’m sure you will,” he replies, voice dry, as they turn onto a smaller, more crowded street. “Sometimes miracles do happen.” This is where the contact the Director wants him to meet with should be...
“I don’t believe in miracles,” the kid replies haughtily, sounding almost offended, and she sniffs in what Fox guesses is distaste. “I’m an Isard! We make our own luck.”
I’m an Isard, she proclaims, and the flinch Fox stifles is instinctive, his body reacting and putting him on high alert before his mind has even started processing. I’m an Isard, she says, and he casts his eyes out to the crowd to check and see if anyone reacts to the name, because kriff, worst timing ever there, kid. If the Director’s contact is paying attention, hears the Director’s name, and if he thinks he’s about to be brought in--
Well. It’s best not to consider that possibility prematurely. He can deal with it if it occurs.
(And Fox is pretty damn sure that this, this, is why the Republic doesn’t use cadets for undercover missions. No matter how good one might be with a blaster, they’re still shinier than the gleaming armor of the bastards in blue, and that’ll always show in some way.)
“You’re an Antilles,” he reminds the kid, and he forces himself to breathe through the instinctive flash of both anger and annoyance. Director Isard’s kid, he reminds himself. Could ruin your life with one word.
The kid’s eyes widen as she realizes what she did, and he can tell that she’s seconds away from looking back over his shoulder in panic, which would undoubtedly give them away, so he bops her on the nose.
The kid punches him in the neck in retaliation, but she manages to keep herself from giving them away, so Fox dismisses it. “We do make our own luck, though,” she mouths to him after a few seconds of silence, because apparently someone really wants the last word.
Fox just nods in response, ceding the point to her. He’s not about to argue with an eight year old about luck, and considering her tone of voice, he’s 99% sure that she’s just repeating something that someone told her. Probably her father, honestly. Director Isard is not one to wait for the tide to shift in his favor. He’s more fond of doing whatever he must, and sacrificing whomever he must, until he can bend the tide in his favor with his own two hands. It would make sense that his daughter has a similar point of view.
It’s also a point of view Fox has never had the privilege of having, and the truth of that stings as it settles into his chest. Because none of his brothers have gotten to even consider having that point of view, without immediately being laughed at. They’re clones. They belong to the Republic. You don’t get to just gaff off and make your own luck when the kriffing Republic is the one that holds both your leash and noose. Not unless you want to choke on it, anyway. 
Kriffing Natties.
... But that’s his own karking problem, and it’s not a problem he can afford to ponder during a mission. Or ever, honestly.
Force. Hopefully the Director’s contact will show up soon. Fox would really rather start forgetting this mission sooner than later, but he can’t do that while there’s a child in his care.
RCMOP: Republic Center for Military Operations
Leather-rat: Slang for the Coruscant Underworld Police, insult
Bastards in blue: Insulting version of “Boys in Blue” which refers to the Senate Guards (And the police, but here Fox is insulting the SG)
45 notes · View notes
mrsrcbinscn · 4 years
Franny’s 30 Day Cover Challenge
Franny’s 30 Day Cover Song Challenge: (categories are mostly from here, and here, with some from here, and a couple I made) in September 2020 one of her musician friends challenged her to do the thing and she was like “It seems like a fun way to show everyone what kind of music has influenced me as a musician, singer, songwriter, and just like, person. So I’m going to do it.”
In reality, she recorded most of them in 1-2 days to distract her from how sad she is because Wilbur hates her and he’s sad lmao
It helped a little.
(If you want me to drop the playlist she mentions in #24 let me know, I have it started I can finish it)
TW: mentions of Franny’s political beliefs so tw: politics, an allusion to suicide though the word isn’t directly used, mention of 9/11 and the subsequent invasions...nothing graphic with any of these triggers but worth a forewarning
Day 01 - A song that makes you happy
Honey Spiders by The Parlotones
“The Parlotones are this fantastic indie rock band out of South Africa. And I actually thought about doing their song, uh, Stars Fall Down for day sixteen, but I’m going with Honey Spiders for day 1. There were lots of Parlotones songs, I mean. Push Me to The Floor, We Call This Dancing, Should We Fight Back...but ah, Honey Spiders always puts me in a good mood.”
Day 02 - A song that helps you clear your head
Light of a Clear Blue Morning by Dolly Parton
“I grew up on Dolly, and it’s funny because for the longest time this song wasn’t really on my radar as much as it is now. But when I was twenty-two I was going through something really difficult, and my then-fiance now husband was abroad for work, so I was alone in our apartment and just. Really, profoundly sad and lonely. So I put on a Dolly Parton record and just laid on the bed and Light Of A Clear Blue Morning played and I had a good long cry and felt so much better after that. When I need to think about how to solve a difficult problem, or I feel overwhelmed, I just listen to that song.”
Day 03 - Song you love from a band/artist you hate
Should’ve Been A Cowboy by Toby Keith
“Honestly, he’s called me a nasty lady to my face and I’ve called him a facist enabling pig to his, so I have no qualms openly saying I hate Toby Keith. That being said, Should’ve Been A Cowboy is one of the best country songs of the 90s, undeniably. I loved that song when it came out when I was thirteen, and I still love it.”
Day 04 - A song about drugs or alcohol
Whiskey Lullaby by Brad Paisley and Alison Krauss
“This is probably cheating, because my lovely best friend Daniel and I cover this a lot at Dara & Danny shows. But today look who I have! My friend Max from Seoul Hanoi’d! Max the Korean Scot who can’t hide his accent to save his life, so let’s see how it sounds in a Scottish accent.”
Day 05 - A protest song
Talking Vietnam Blues by Phil Ochs /// and Here’s to The State of Mississippi by Phil Ochs
“This one was hard because I. Fucking. Love. Protest music. I could have done a whole 30 days of protest music - wow, let me know if I should do that and give my husband a heart attack with all the twitter threats I’ll invite. Huh. Right, so I was going to do Your Flag Decal Won’t Get You Into Heaven by John Prine. But I decided to do two Phil Ochs songs because I don’t think Phil Ochs is talked about enough. It’s a shame we lost him so young. Ochs’ sardonic humor and honesty in his writing has influenced me as a songwriter deeply. When I write political songs, I don’t hold back, and it’s because of Phil Ochs’ writing that I have that courage. I’ve been singing Love Me, I’m A Liberal since I was in college with constantly updating lyrics. It was so hard to even choose which songs of his to do because for his fairly short career his songbook is lengthy and full of gems. I’m Going to Say It Now, Draft Dodger Rag, Spanish Civil War Song, I Ain’t Marching Anymore...I couldn’t pick one so I’m cheating and recording two.”
Day 06 - A song you wish you wrote
When I Think About Cheatin’ by Gretchen Wilson
“I will forever be pissed off that I didn’t write this song. I’m absolute trash for my husband, so it’s never -- I’ve never had to be in a situation to ever consider -- but this song gets me every time. It feels like I could have written it. Because we do spend a lot of time apart travelling for our work. And the sentiment expressed in the song is a little too real.”
Day 07 - A song in a language you don’t speak
Khattar by Khine Htoo
“This will either be a charming attempt to sing in Burmese or I’m about to offend a lot of people. Which, being a politically outspoken woman on the internet, I’m used to anyway. So. 1, 2, 3, okay here goes.”
Day 08 - A song by an artist no longer living
Phop Samnang by Sinn Sisamouth (inspiration)
“Haha, you thought I’d see the name of this category and not do a Sinn Sisamouth song? You were wrong.”
Day 09 - A song you want to dance to at your wedding
Devoted To You by The Everly Brothers
“I’m already married, so this was actually our first dance song at our wedding. Day three of our wedding, like the more Westernized wedding ceremony day. We had a three day long traditional Cambodian wedding and I felt like a princess. An-y-way!”
Day 10 - A song that makes you cry
Borrowed Rooms and Old Wood Floor by Emily Scott Robinson
“Unfortunately, Emily Scott Robinson and I aren’t related. Sad, I know, because she’s so talented. Almost her entire album Traveling Mercies is...sad as hell. The record reminded me of early Dolly Parton, and my second solo album. You know, all those sad-ass songs. The Dress is honestly the song that makes me the saddest but I can’t even listen to it without crying so.”
Day 11 - A song that you love hearing live
Prove My Love  by Violent Femmes
“There is nobody I have seen in concert more than Dolly Parton, but Violent Femmes and George Strait come incredibly close. The Cranberries, the amount of times I saw them in the 90s and early 2000s...close fourth. Probably. The very first concert I dragged my husband to was a Violent Femmes concert, he was not prepared for how hard college me went.”
Day 12 - A song from before 1960 
There Ain’t No Sweet Man That’s Worth The Salt of My Tears by Libby Holman
“This song is from 1928. I came across it when I was in grad school and it’s, as the kids say, a bop.”
Day 13 - A song you think everybody should listen to
White Man’s World by Jason Isbell
“I think perspectives of people of color should of course take precedence in these conversations. But I find this song to be a good faith attempt of a white man coming to terms with the institutional racism and sexism in the world around him. And I think this song can be a useful tool to explain certain concepts of racial justice to ignorant but well-meaning folks. As a woman of color I think Jason Isbell did a great job not centering himself even though it was from his perspective. This song is great musically and necessary socially.”
Day 14 - A song from the 1970s
You’re No Good by Linda Ronstadt
“Linda Ronstadt is grossly underrated, that’s all I have to say here.”
 Day 15 - A song people wouldn’t expect you to like
Racists by Anti-flag
“I mean, I’ve talked about how much I like punk in the past, and I remember a video of Seoul Hanoi’d doing Spanish Bombs at a San Antonio show made the rounds, but I don’t think I’ve talked about how much I like Anti-flag. People don’t expect me to like punk for some reason. But I agree with...everything punk music is all about.”
Day 16 - A song that holds a lot of meaning to you
Blue by LeAnn Rimes
“It’s silly, but I won a county fair singing competition with this song in high school and it really fueled my passion for music, that win. It’s also the first song Cornelius heard me go full Georgia on, with the yodels and all, at the little bar in my hometown on his first trip meeting my parents. The song doesn’t cut to my very soul ot anythin’, but it’s special to me.”
Day 17 - A song attached to a memory
Supernova by Liz Phair
“I remember buying Liz Phair’s Whip-smart album when I was eleven. And in college, when I was getting ready for dates with Cornelius in my dorm room, I would dance around to a CD I burned and wrote on it with a sharpie, ‘Pre-date Movie Scene Music.’ God, what was even on there? I’m about to expose myself as the most basic 1999-2001 bitch. I remember Head Over Feet, I mean, Alanis Morisette? I was a young woman in 2000, obviously I loved her. Mm, Dreams by The Cranberries...oh, Kiss Me, Sixpence None The Richer...yeah, anyway, Supernova was on there.”
Day 18 - A song from the year you were born
Call Me by Blondie
“...I can’t believe Call Me is as old as I am.”
Day 19 - A song that reminds you of someone you miss
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (yes, of course she does a cover with banjo)
“This was my late best friend Molly’s favorite hymn. And I sang it at her funeral at her husband’s request. Molly and I grew up together in the small town of Payne Lake, Georgia and Molly was the most devout Christian...but she was also the first person I came out to as bisexual when I was a teenager, and she said that Jesus taught her that love was the greatest commandment and that meant I was automatically twice as good at it as her. Her faith guided her every action but she never talked down on her two best friends - Dan(iel Maitland) and I for not sharing it. Molly was doing the whole emulate Jesus thing beautifully. I miss her every day and it’s been seven years. If you ever think that people won’t miss you...you’re wrong. All right, let’s see if I can get through this without crying.”
Day 20 - A song by an artist you discovered this year
Hello, Anxiety by Phum Viphurit
“I just discovered this quirky Thai-Kiwi singer and not to be dramatic, but he’s my favorite thing in the world right now.”
Day 21 - A song with a city or country in the title
Oh! Phnom Penh (track 20)
“This song was written after the fall of the Khmer Rouge, and after people began to make their way to what was left of their homes, alone, or with what was left of their families. If you want to learn more about what that was like to actually live it, my cousin Reena Boran has a video interviewing her parents and paternal grandfather and uncle about it. Reena is a journalism student currently studying in London but she lives in Cambodia. Her mother is my aunt Malisruot, my mother’s youngest sister. The video is English subtitled on her channel, I’ll link it in the description box below.”
Day 22 - A song from the 1960s
To Sir, With Love by Lulu
“I didn’t actually discover this song until I heard it covered at a 10,000 Maniacs concert in the 90s. My friend Allison was standing next to me and I just started crying and she’s like ‘are you okay?’ and all I just blubbered out ‘My dad!’ For the uninitiated, my dad married my mom, who’d raised me alone until then, when I was six and he adopted me when I was eight. My dad didn’t have to adopt me, he didn’t have to call me his daughter, he could have just been like half of my friends’ stepdads and give me a place to live and nothing else. But my dad was my biggest supporter from day one. He convinced my mom to let me join the dance team and show choir instead of science club, he was the one that talked my mom down from probably killing me when they found out I was only studying music and not music and political science at NYU. I am who I am today because he is my dad. And this song just says everything I’ve always thought about him.”
Day 23 - A song from your childhood
Una Lacrima Sul Viso by Bobby Solo
“But Franny, aren’t you a Cambodian raised in the US? Yes, but you were fooled. My very white father is also an immigrant. He is from Switzerland and while he didn’t teach me to speak Italian and German growing up, he played German, Italian, and French records all the time. My parents often spoke to each other in French and I picked up some French but properly studied it starting in high school, and I didn’t study Italian until college -- and my German is still …. [points to a spot on the screen where she later inserted a card linking to a video on her cousin Köbi Framagucci’s YouTube channel titled ‘Can My American Cousin Speak German?’ where he tests her Standard and Swiss German speaking and comprehension]. But hell if I couldn’t sing every one of the songs from my father’s French, German, and Italian record before I knew what the words even meant.”
Day 24 - A song that gives you chill vibes
Glorify by Ivan & Alyosha
“Dan(iel Maitland) and I actually have an entire playlist on my Spotify accounts of songs to listen to to get us out of writers’ block. And one that I often will put on repeat and just absorb through my headphones with my eyes closed is a song called Glorify by Ivan & Alyosha. I think it touches on a lot of the themes I include in my songwriting. Christian mythology, the darker side of humanity, it often reminds me of what I love about songwriting. If you say please I might drop a link to that playlist.”
Day 25 - A song that’s your signature song
Long Gone Lonesome Blues by Hank Williams“Right, so I chose this instead of a Kitty Wells song or I Get A Kick Out of You (her being
featured on a 2005
recording propelled her career majorly) because if you’re familiar with me you might have seen a video that went around in like….2017? 2016? of Dan(iel Maitland) and I doin’ the song at our hometown bar in 2014. I posted it in response to some tweets because hoes mad when a WOC calls out racism and sexism in the Nashville music industry. ‘Bet she don’t even know Hank’, really? You think I wouldn’t know the history of one of the two music industries I work in? Please. Anyway, she knows Hank and nails the incredibly technical yodel -- the
most difficult
one in Hank’s songbook - in Long Gone Lonesome Blues. Mm...Lovesick Blues though, that also strikes fear into my heart. Anyway stay mad I guess?”
Day 26 - A song by your favorite band
Gun Shy by 10,000 Maniacs
“10,000 Maniacs was one of my favorite bands when I was in like 5th grade through 10th. I listened to them for a little while after Natalie Merchant left for a solo career, but the Natalie Merchant era was really what resonated with me the most. Gun Shy was a bit too advanced for my little 5th, 7th grade ears to really appreciate when I first discovered the album In My Tribe. Merchant’s voice -- because like, I don’t have a very conventional voice either, so her and Dolores O’Riordan really changed my entire perspective on what a woman’s voice can sound like in rock music. Um, yeah, so her voice more than the lyrics just wowed me. And as I got closer to graduating high school and especially in college I actually understood what What’s The Matter Here, Hey Jack Kerouac, and Gun Shy were talking about. Gun Shy...really became a significant song to me because...being born in 1980 I grew up in a relatively peaceful time. The Cold War was all but thawed by my tenth birthday. But I was getting ready to leave my then-boyfriend-now-husband’s apartment for class at NYU on the morning of 9/11. We stood in line for hours to donate blood. And then my government invaded two completely unrelated countries and jingoism and terrifying, fervent nationalism, and xenophobia just smacked me in the face. And friends of mine from high school were convicted to drop out of college and join the Army, and died, for an unjust, imperialist war, and suddenly Phil Ochs, John Prine, and Bob Dylan lyrics hit a lot different, and I understood what Gun Shy was really about.”
Day 27 - A song you hate by an artist you love
Mrs.Robinson by Simon & Garfunkel 
“Paul Simon is one of my favorite songwriters ever, um, and I actually used to like Mrs. Robinson….until I got married and everyone sang it at me. It’s kind of my fault, I did choose to take my husband’s last name. And I leaned into it by making my social media handles all Mrs. Robinson...but still. Only play the song around me if you want to die.”
Day 28 - A song that a younger you would have loved
Mean by Taylor Swift
“I’m so genuinely glad that I am older than Taylor Swift. Middle school Franny did not need Taylor Swift to enable me and fuel my ego. Some of her singles, while not really 35 and 40 year old Franny’s cup of tea, young me would have played until my mother hid the record or cassette from me. Although - fuck if Tim McGraw didn’t immediately give my happily married ass flashbacks to my first love and make me bawl like a baby? Right, so when Speak Now came out and I listened to it, Mean, while not a song that adult me has listened to maybe more like ten times, I immediately thought ‘wow, I needed this song when I was in middle and high school.’ I could literally picture 7th grade me with my little guitar and my little cowboy boots my dad bought for me singing this at the talent show making eye contact with the kids who bullied me as if it was some kind of own when it’s not. I could still, almost thirty years later, name them if I really wanted. So, for 7th grade me, Mean by Taylor Swift.”
Day  29- A song that reminds you of your partner/spouse
ផាត់ជាយបណ្តូលចិត្ / Phat Cheay Bon'dol Chet by Sinn Sisamuth (translation) (female singer covering it) (modern, studio recording of a male and female singer dueting it) (a cool violin cover) (another female singer) (cool guitar cover)
Feat. some members of Seoul Hanoi’d. Andy Chaiyaporn (violin), Max Cho (piano), Jodie Batbayar (cello), Aisulu Niyazova-Li (percussion) and Franny has her guitar
“The song, lyrically, only reminds me of my husband a little bit. But Phat Cheay Bondol Chet has several memories with my husband attached to it. The first time he heard me sing in Khmer was at my mother’s house in Atlanta when I had him visit the first time to meet my parents. My mom had a little dinner party at our house to show him off, like Asian moms do when they think their daughter snags a good one, and I was hand washing the dishes while my mom and the other Cambodian parents were listening to Sinn Sisamuth records. I’ve always loved the song I’ll be showing y’all today, like I’ve always just stopped what I was doing and -- so it came on and I just started singing along without really being aware of it. And then at a different diaspora get together that summer, that song came on and I just kinda. Pulled him aside to the side yard of that person’s house to look at the stars with him and translated the song. It’s one of the Khmer songs he instantly recognizes now, so it’s special.”
Franny did NOT say in the video that college her 100% had him sit in the grass with her outside that person’s house, where nobody could see, so she could makeout with him 
 Day 30- A song by one of your favorite songwriters
Reincarnation by Roger Miller
Feat. Seoul Hanoi’d, done more in the style of the Cake cover 
Also instead of singing the lyric “you’re a girl, I’m a boy” she goes “you’re a girl, so am I” because she doesn’t ever change pronouns, she just makes it gay because she is a bi-con
“Roger Miller, to me, is as important as Dolly Parton, Paul Simon, Bob Dylan, in the American songbook. He’s not as talked about which is a shame because his discography is iconic. Getting to be a part of King of The Road was one of the highlights of my career.”
0 notes
Nothing's gonna stop us now.
Summary: After singing and dancing your hearts out during karaoke, you and Joe confess your feelings to one another.
Warnings: None! Just lotsa fluff
A/N: A little fun fic based off the song 'Nothing's gonna stop us now' by Starship with the karaoke king/dancing queen Joe. Lyrics are bold italics! Enjoy! 💖
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"One song!" Joe pleaded with huge eyes and his bottom lip pouting as he squeezed your hand.
"Not a chance in hell," you replied and took a swig of your beer. You were in a fairly quiet bar with Rami, Lucy, Gwilym and Ben...and it was karaoke night. You wondered if Joe had strategically planned it. You and Joe had been friends since you both could form a sentence. Of course, as you grew so did your feelings for him. You found yourself wanting to be more than just his friend but a part of you didn't want to jeopardise what the two of you had so you mainly kept it to yourself, confiding in Lucy when you felt like you were going to burst.
"Y/NNNNNN!" Joe groaned out your name and dramatically lay across the table. "I'll buy you brunch for a week."
"A month!"
"That's a good deal, Y/N," Ben spoke up.
"If you think it's such a good deal then why don't you sing with him?" You asked and Ben laughed into his glass.
"He's sang with me in cardboard form!" He argued back with a grin on his face.
You rolled your eyes "I'm going to the bathroom," you stood up.
"I'll come with!" Lucy chirped and linked arms with yours before you left the boys.
They all huddled in around Joe "When are you going to grow a pair and ask her out? Like out out?" Rami questioned and they all looked at Joe.
He deeply sighed. He wished he had asked you to date him sooner but the thought of breaking a friendship with you shattered his heart. There was no way he wanted to lose you from his life. Joe had drunkly confessed to Ben one night that you were the love of his life and that he didn't really have feelings for the cardboard cutout in his room at home. Of course, the next morning Joe had no recollection of this until Ben teased him about it and Joe lunged at him in the makeup trailer begging him and the two others not to say anything to you. A part of Joe was happy to have them knowing- it meant he could talk to them about how he felt and get everything off his chest. He told them how happy you made him, he showed them pictures of the two of you and rambled on about how good you looked or how much he wanted to ask you out at that moment in time, or he'd show them a meme that you had sent that reminded you of him or a memory you both shared along with a 'She knows me so well' while he smiled at the screen.
"I'm trying, I just..." Joe sighed again and ran a hand down his face "I gotta think carefully about this. I could screw everything up for good if I don't plan what to do."
"Mate," Ben chuckled and grabbed Joe's shoulder "I'm afraid love doesn't work like that. You've got to throw caution to the wind. Being spontaneous could work in your favour...go up and put both your names down to sing with a song of your choice. When her name's called out, everyone will cheer her to go on stage and she'll have to go then."
Joe looked over at the DJ. He knew the perfect song. "Okay, I'll be back shorty."
"Joe looks good tonight, hmm?" Lucy grinned like a Cheshire Cat while leaning on the sinks, her back facing the mirrors while you looked into one to pick out an eyelash that had fell out and was annoying you.
"Always does..." you coolly replied and finally managed to get the eyelash. "Everyone does." You added when she shot you a knowing look with the biggest smile on her face.
"Make a wish!" Lucy grinned and you playfully rolled your eyes, secretly making one before you blew it off your finger. "What did you wish for?" She asked as you left the bathroom.
"Now if I told you, Miss Boynton, it wouldn't come true!" You jokingly said and she giggled. You joined everyone at the table and sent Joe a small smile but he barely met your gaze. You suspiciously narrowed your eyes and took a drink of your beer as the DJ's voice rang through the bar.
"Now next up we have a duet from Joe Mazzello and Y/N Y/L/N!"
"You are kidding me!" You snapped and almost spat out your drink "Joe!"
He stood up with a sheepish smile "Hey! The winners get a round of drinks on the house and a bottle of their choice!" Lucy grinned and nudged you with her elbow.
You shook your head and Gwil and Ben, who were sitting either side of you jabbed your side and you flinched so hard you rose to your feet. "No!" You sternly warned Joe as he tried to drag you to the stage- it was like trying to get a cat in a bath. "No!" You were close to smiling but mad that he signed you up.
"Joe and Y/N!" The DJ enthusiastically announced your names and you glared at Joe who was just grinning and embracing the experience. The bar wasn't busy- around ten people or so including the cast- but there was still enough people in it to make you shy and nervous. They all clapped, your group of friends ecstatically cheering and whistling when you both got up on stage. You turned your back to the crowd but Joe smiled and turned you around to face them. You compromised by facing him and the screen.
Joe flashed you a smile "It'll be fun! You'll love it!"
"They'll be singing," the DJ checked his sheet "'Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now' by Starship!" 'Of course we are...' you thought to yourself with a ghost of a smile on your face. "Give it up for Joe and Y/N!" Your little group erupted into cheers again and you placed a hand over your eyes, not wanting to look at anyone. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire they were so hot.
You both didn't need the lyrics on the screen, you knew the song he picked by heart. That's why he chose it...it was yours and Joe's song. The song that the two of you both bought when you first went to a music store together. The song that you both sang at the top of your lungs at all hours of the day and rocked out to in your pyjamas when having a sleepover. The song you sang when you were a bit beyond tipsy and the lyrics were slightly slurring towards the end. The song you both determined at the age of nine years old that when you both got married- that song was going to be the song that you both had your first dance to.
"I'm going to kill you..." you grumbled.
"I know," Joe smirked "But I'll die happy knowing that I got you up singing karaoke with me."
You sighed hearing the drums when he song began and stood still on the stage while Joe began swaying, clicking his fingers together and spinning around...it was only a matter of time before he was full-blown dancing. He was singing his part first so you just stood on the spot thinking that if you didn't move for long enough, you might become invisible. That didn't happen.
"Lookin' in your eyes I see a paradise
This world that I've found is too good to be true
Standin' here beside ya, want so much to give you
This love in my heart that I'm feelin' for you..." he reached his arm out and you shut your eyes with a small sigh and began singing.
"Let 'em say we're crazy, I don't care about that," You opened your eyes feeling a burst of confidence when your friends started cheering, you were still singing quietly into the microphone compared to Joe who practically screamed out the lyrics. "Put your hand in my hand, baby, don't ever look back," you gently slipped your hand into Joe's outstretched one and he began swaying you. "Let the world around us just fall apart," he let you go again and danced on the spot while biting down on his bottom lip while your lips curved into a smile. It took every nerve inside you not to laugh. "Baby, we can make it if we're heart-to-heart!"
You both belted out the chorus together. "And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other," You both pointed to one another at the same time, you were getting into the song and started bopping along with the beat.
"Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us now, whoa no."
Joe sang his part again and you smiled, finally immersing yourself in the experience and starting to dance along with him. "I'm so glad I found you, I'm not gonna lose you," he winked and your heart skipped a beat.
"Whatever it takes, I will stay here with you
Take you to the good times, see you through the bad times
Whatever it takes is what I'm gonna do!"
"Let 'em say we're crazy, what do they know?Put your arms around me, baby, don't ever let go!" You laughed out the lyrics when he dramatically threw himself at you, his arms wrapping around you and swaying you from side to side.
"Let the world around us just fall apart
Baby, we can make it if we're heart-to-heart!"
"And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever!" You both flexed your arms like bodybuilders and the boys jokingly wolf whistled while Lucy let out a loud 'Woo!'
"Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us, ooh..."
"All that I need is you," the song slowed down and Joe intertwined his fingers with yours, he was singing to you and only you- not for anyone else at the bar- just you.
"All that I ever need" you sang back, looking into his eyes, noticing a twinkle that you never quite noticed before. Both your smiles faltered a little as curiosity clouded over- he saw it in your eyes too.
"All that I want to do!" His smile returned and so did yours as you braced yourselves to belt out the next line together.
"Is hold you forever, forever and ever!" You then passionately and enthusiastically began playing the air guitar. You both giggled away, rocking out on stage while the cast clapped- they only encouraged you more and you both really got into playing the invisible guitar.
"And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now!" Joe wiggled his finger with a grin on his face before taking your hand and spinning you on the spot. "And if this world runs out of lovers we'll still have each other," you both gave each other a high-five but then laced your fingers together. "Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us
And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us now!" You both screamed out the last line before the crowd burst into cheer when the song ended. But you didn't hear them- it was all static. You were still looking at Joe who was holding your hand and standing close to you. You began to run away with the moment and you both felt yourselves being pulled towards one another.
"Joe and Y/N everyone!" The DJ yelled in your ears right beside you both, giving you a fright. You didn't see the group sigh with irritation and disappointment at the DJ ruining the sweet, almost intimate, moment. You pulled back from Joe and sent everyone a small wave and smile before returning to your seat, Joe following close behind.
"That was amazing! You two were great!" Lucy cooed and squeezed your arm.
"It's our song," Joe spoke up and your eyes flickered up to him, he was already looking at you with a shy smile. "Course we'd be great at singing it!" He half-heartedly joked. You could hear the serious undertone in his voice, everyone else laughed.
"Next up we have...Ben! Singing 'I'm in love with my car'!" The DJ called out and Ben spat out his drink into his glass.
"Which one of you bloody did that?!"
"We were robbed," Joe complained while walking you back to your hotel room with everyone. The two of you were now in the hallway with Ben who was the only one who hadn't reached his room- excluding the pair of you.
Ben smugly smirked "Hey, don't hate me because my singing is impeccable!" He was holding a bottle of drink in his hand like an award. He had won the karaoke contest.
"That's karma for getting me up on that stage, Joe!" You nudged him with your elbow and he pretended to be mad despite having the huge smile on his face.
"Well, this is my room- see you both tomorrow!" Ben opened his room door and bid you both goodnight.
"Night, Ben!" Joe waved.
"Sweet dreams!" You grinned "And well done again, karaoke king!" You chuckled and so did Ben while wiggling the bottle.
Joe scoffed "Prepare to be overthrown soon, Benjamin! I am the karaoke king!" He then slowly walked you along to your room in comfortable silence.
When you reached your door, you hesitated opening it. "Uh...want to come in for a little bit?" You asked, not wanting to get rid of Joe so soon. "We could have a chat and raid the mini bar?" He nodded with a small grin on his face and followed you into your room. You crouched down to the level of the fridge and pulled out a can of coke for the two of you. You joined him where he was standing at the window looking out over the city, trapped somewhere between the ground and the clouds. You handed him the can and stood next to him staring out the window.
Joe looked down at you "You're miles away, Y/N..." he observed aloud. "Where are you at?"
"I'm right here beside you," you flashed him a small smile and took a small sip of your juice before putting down the can- Joe did the same. You let out an amused huff of air seeing him mirror your actions. He was so special to you. He meant the world and so much more to you. 'I'm so in love with you and I'm petrified.' Was what you wanted to say- or rather scream- while looking at his face being illuminated by the various colours of night lights outside the safety and intimate space of your hotel room.
The room was quiet. Until Joe opened his mouth. "Why are you petrified?" You swore you died the second after he said that. Did he just say that? Did you just say that?! You went to move back but Joe softly grabbed your wrist. He smiled with glossy eyes "You don't have to be..." he whispered, letting a tear fall while his smile grew wider. You brushed it away with your thumb.
"I'm petrified that you won't feel the same," you managed to speak, your voice was trembling. "That I'll ruin what we have- that we can't be friends anymore." You croaked and swallowed hard.
Joe laughed and softly shook his head "Y/N," he took your hands, his eyes boring into yours. "Over the years...I think we've stared at each other, laughed with each other and sang with each other a little too much just to be friends." You softly chucked and nodded, pretty much in defeat- he had a point. "I love you, Y/N, and I have done for almost all my life." You both leaned forward and softly pressed your lips together. You both pulled back grinning like idiots "Now we're finally doing something about this," Joe motioned between him and yourself and then smirked when he thought of a perfect thing to say. "Nothing's gonna stop us now."
You playfully rolled your eyes and pushed his chest a little "You're lucky I love you, Mazzello..."
"That bad?" He grimaced slightly but still kept smiling.
You grinned "It's alright because I know if this world runs out of lovers, we'll still have each other," you winked and Joe leaned in again.
Before he kissed you, he stopped and let his lips hover over yours. "That was just as cheesy, Y/N." His lips were on yours again, years of repressed feelings finally flowing freely.
You made a mental note to tell Lucy that your wish came true.
Tags- (Tag list is open! Just let me know if you want to be tagged or not or if I've forgotten to tag you!)
@rrrogah-tayluhh @rogerofmylife @phantom-fangirl-stuff @pyrotechnic789 @deacytits @mercurys-bike @happy-at-home @mhftrs @dannydelay @queenismylifenow @whitequeen-blackqueen @stateofloveandvedder @blondyfel @mespetitestortues @trickster-may @xtrashmammalstefx @the-garnet-rain @makapaka11 @killerqueenbucky @hodgepodge-of-rog @fredthelegend @killerqueen-gunpowdergelatine @bowiequeen @princessleiaqueen @asgardpapi @mizzallfandomz @fangirlofeverythingme @ellee677 @the-killer-queenie @bucket-of-kittens @jamiethewallflower @rogernroll
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capraqua · 5 years
Blank: a songfic
Hey guys! I just spent 6 hours inside our school’s library writing fanfiction haha. Time flies when you’re having fun! I got this idea from a challenge posted by @ilsanghyuk, one of my favorite people here in the amino. This is a sad song to write a fic about so I’m anxious to know your reactions about it as well. Sorry if Zuho’s part is a bit short but I hope you guys enjoy this one!
Dawon: a blank space that can never be filled
I feel the heat of the sun burning against my hand. I wake up slowly, another boring day at school. I look at her seat, a mannerism I developed from the previous year and I see no one there. I chuckle to myself and remember that no one has been there for a month. I sat up slowly, scrubbing my eyes and the teacher notices. She was about to call me out but then looked at me as if she just remembered something. She looked at me with pity.
“Dawon, why don’t you go to the clinic to rest up. It looks like you’re going to be more comfortable on a bed rather than your desk.” I didn’t say anything. I just got up, took my bag, bowed to her and walked out of the room. The other students are in their classes now, it makes the school look more quiet and I feel more isolated. I’m not usually like this, sleeping in class, not paying attention to the teacher. I’m always at the top of my class, always studying, always hanging out with friends, always smiling with her. Her smile resurfaces from my memory. I shake my head, trying to get rid of the thought as I neared the clinic. I looked through the windows and saw that the nurse was writing down something on a clipboard. She looked distracted enough that I stealthily sped past her door and went out of the school doors. I can’t stay here, everything reminds me of her. I walked past the gates, ignoring the protest of the guard and turned the corner towards the bus station.
I stand still, waiting for a bus. I don’t care where it goes. I just need to get her off my mind. A bus arrives, I go inside and I take a seat at the farthest one from the doors. I plug my earphones in and tried to listen to some songs but all of them reminds me of the times when we ride the same bus home, sharing earphones and bopping at the same time to the beat of the song. The bus stopped and I notice that I’m the only one inside. The driver tells me that this is his last stop. I get out and walk absentmindedly. I don’t know where to go. I feel lost. There’s something in my chest that feels so heavy and it gets heavier as time goes on. I stopped at my tracks as I realized where I was. Standing at the same soft grass a month ago, it looks like someone had replaced my flowers from a week before. I sat down infront of the cold, stone slab and stared at the date engraved.
Tears started stinging my eyes as I remember all the times that we shared. She was my life, my sunshine, my everything but my world came to an ubrupt stop a month ago when she got into that accident. I was sad. I was angry. I was depressed. I felt like drowning and everything hurts to death. I can’t remember me without her. I can’t even remember being happy. My heart will always have this blank space that will never be filled.
Taeyang: cold, empty and blank
I noticed someone walking outside the classroom. It’s Dawon again, I wonder where he’s going to this time. He’s been like that ever since she died. I feel so sorry for the boy. I focus on the lesson instead and listen to the teacher in front. A piece of paper flew from my right side. I side eye Chani and he mouths that I should read what was written on the paper.
Check out the latest school news!
I stealthily got my phone from my pocket and made sure that the teacher wasn’t looking my way. I logged onto the school’s news webpage when the bell rang for lunch. I almost fell from my seat in surprise as I gripped the phone in my hand. My classmates stood up to go to the cafeteria when Chani approached me, putting his arms around me.
“Well? Did you check the website?” Chani asked. “Not yet.” I replied. “Let’s eat first.”
I opened my phone as we walked to the cafeteria. There she was, her face strewn across the webpage. They wrote another article about her because her group made a comeback recently. I still remember the last time we spoke to each other. It was a nasty break up but I love her so much that I just let her go to do what she wants.
“Taeyang, jagi, we need to talk” She looked at me quietly but her hands are fumbling with her necktie. Something was up, she has a problem. She always does that with her clothes if she has something on her mind. I follow her outside where we sat on a secluded bench behind the school building.
“What is it, jagi? Is something wrong?” I asked her as I rubbed circles on her back.
“Taeyang, I’m gonna drop out of school soon to work on our group’s debut.” She admitted.
“You’re gonna leave me here?” I asked her with puppy dog eyes. She looked at me, sighed and took my hands in hers. I sat up because she never does that. I’m usually the one who initiates skinship. I face her and she breathed deeply.
“I don’t think we should continue this relationship further. Taeyang, I’m breaking up with you.” she finally said, eyes closed, wincing, like it was painful to let out.
“Oh,” I said. I stayed quiet, dumbfounded by her statement. I mean, we are drifting farther apart from each other lately but I always send her texts and call her when she’s resting. I look at my hands and stayed seated on the bench. She got up and stood in front of me. She took my face in her hands and wiped the tears that I didn’t notice were falling already. She gave me a quick peck on the lips, said she was sorry and turned to leave me crying quietly on the bench. I didn’t go to school the next day. I didn’t even get up from my bed. I was feeling cold and empty. I was feeling blank.
Jaeyoon: Gone
I sighed as I notice another student bringing out his phone while I am in the middle of my lesson. I ignored it and continued to point out the relationship of demand and supply to these highschoolers as I heard the bell ring for lunch. I dismiss the class and head to the teacher’s lounge to get some coffee. Another teacher, clad in a brown sweater approaches me.
“I heard you we’re moving apartments. Do you need any help moving? I have the weekend free.” Youngbin asked.
“Aren’t you going to Busan with your girlfriend?” I asked back. He shook his head and pat me on the back.
“Nah, something came up and she couldn’t go.” he replied.
“It’s okay. I’ve already moved some of the big stuff last weekend. Thanks for the offer.” I said. He nodded his head okay and went back to his desk, sipping the coffee he got from the machine. I just couldn’t wait for this day to be over.
I wait for the elevator as another person arrives and wait with me. It’s my neighbor, I think his name is Rayoon or something. I nodded my head to say hello and he nodded back. The elevator dings and we both went inside. The elevator ride was quick and we both arrived in front of our apartment doors in due time. I mumbled something about him having a good night and I heard a muffled ‘you too’ as I closed the door to my apartment. My apartment was too big. I mean yes, it has a nice view of the Han River but it’s too lonely to live in alone, considering that she moved out without even telling me in person. She only left a letter taped to the refrigerator that she wants to breakup and for me not to find her. I shiver at the memory. I put my bag and takeout dinner on the kitchen counter and proceeded to clean up some of the boxes. Something in the corner of the room caught my eye. I walked towards it and breathed deeply as I saw her old pajama top hooked on the corner of the bed. I sat down on the duvet and unhooked the piece of cloth. I smile at the memories we shared together and wonder where we got everything wrong. It just seemed so sudden that she left without a goodbye. Now everything’s so quiet and empty and blank.
Rowoon: ”i don’t remember, me without you”
I wait for the elevator doors to open as I felt the heaviness of the plastic bag holding my dinner get heavier as it begins to slip from my fingers. I caught it at the last second as the elevator doors open revealing a hallway of doors. My neighbor walked behind me as I fumbled with my keys. He said something about having a good night and I replied ‘you too’ at him as he closed his door. The apartment was dark when I got inside. I almost stepped on bottles strewn on the floor from my previous dinners. Everything is a mess, the kitchen sink with unwashed dishes, the table filled with beer cans and takeout boxes. I staggered towards the bed and sat down as I got a can of beer from the plastic I brought earlier. It opened with a hiss and I took big gulps as I layed down on the bed, not caring if the beer spills on me. I just feel so helpless and tired. My sunshine was gone. Left me for another guy. I chuckle. She said that she wants someone more stable, one that can give her more time than what I was giving her. I laugh at her reasoning. She just wants a richer man. I can’t help it if I work long hours at the office. I was saving up for our wedding. I guess that money’s just gonna go to the alcohol I consume nowadays. I sit up and look out the window. The Han River looks so pretty in the night, with the lights reflecting from its surface. I notice a motorcycle speeding along the sidewalk and watched as it caused some paper held by a boy walking along the sidewalk fly away. I smirked at the event, took another swig from the can and layed down with a thump on the bed. I took a deep breath and caused my chest to heave as I stared at the blank, white ceiling of the apartment.
Inseong: blinking bar
The wind moves against my chest as I sped along the sidewalk by the Han River. I had to feel something. I feel so numb right now. I didn’t notice the boy was holding something when I sped past him. I just looked behind as the papers he held flew from the sudden harsh breeze from my bike. I stopped as the boy immediately fell on his knees to gather the papers but some of them were already in the water. I looked at him in pity but turned to start my motorcycle once again and began to speed past the couples walking on the sidewalk. They were giving me glares but I don’t care. Love is a bitter pill and I was forced to swallow it. How could someone so small and innocent break my heart with only five words.
I don’t love you anymore.
Tears sting my eyes as I came to a stop and unmounted my motorcycle. I sat on a nearby bench and held my head on my hands in between my knees. I gripped my hair in anger and wonder where I went wrong. I love her so much that it hurts to breathe. I see her face everywhere I go. How could she leave me like this. I open my SNS accounts to check up on her but what greeted me as I open our messages was a blank screen. She had deleted me from her conversations, she deleted me from her life as well.
Hwiyoung:”scent that remains is sweet”
I gather up the letters she sent me from months before and close my eyes in delight as I smelled the sweet smell that came with those papers. I start to open one to reminisce in the memories when I suddenly heard muffled shouts from the apartment next door. I glared at the wall and stood up to get my wallet and keys. I gathered the papers once more and decided to go down by the Han River to let her go once and for all. Muffled screams and shouts were still heard throughout the apartment complex floor as I rode the elevator down to the main entrance. I walked slowly and tried to collect my thoughts when a motorcycle sped past me causing her letters to fly away. I immediately got down to pick them up but some of them flew farther from me and landed on the water. I sighed in disbelief and looked for the motorcycle that is now speeding away. I leaned on the railings beside the river and stared at the papers on the surface get wet. I sighed and let go of all of the letters I had in my hands and watched as they tumbled onto the river, never to be read again. Her letters were the only thing that got me by in the city. I left my little hometown to study but I still continued exchanging letters with her even if the only communication we have are letters. She doesn’t have a phone and she can’t visit me either. Her frail, weak body stops her from visiting me here in the city. I was so excited to visit her because of the winter vacation when I recieved a letter from her,weeks ago, telling me not to go home. I got confused and sent her a letter immediately. When she didn’t respond, I felt that there was something wrong. I focused on my studied in the last week of school when I recieved a different letter. I’m used to receiving girly, fragrant stationaries but this letter was inside a white envelope and was written by her mother. She...
She passed away, succumbed to her disease. She was keeping her illness a secret from me and clueless me just thought that she was too frail and weak. I stared at the letter in shock and cried for days. I still remember her sign-off from her previous letter.
Remember that I will always love you. Keep in mind that a blank piece of paper will always symbolize a new beginning. I love you so much, Youngkyun. Goodbye.
Youngbin:”regrets... excuses... complaints”
“I don’t know what your problem is! You always complain about this and that and I don’t know what to do!” Youngbin shouted. He couldn’t help but raise his voice towards his girlfriend as they argued for the fifth time today. Their scream-off matches always end up with Youngbin sitting on the bed and her standing behind the kitchen counter as they held their breaths, exhausted from screaming at each other.
“That’s the problem, Youngbin! You always don’t know what’s going on! You always pretend that things are okay when they’re not!” she shouted back.
“Problem, problem, problem! There’s always a problem with you. Everything’s a problem. We couldn’t even order food without running into a problem.” Youngbin retorted.
“You know what, I can’t deal with you right now. Maybe it’s better if we just break up.” she replied.
“Then maybe we should!” Youngbin spat out immediately. She stopped and looked at Youngbin, surprised at his words. She ran towards the door and slammed it shut. Youngbin stood up to chase her but when he opened the door again, the elevator door just closed. He slammed his door shut and slid his back down against the door. He massaged his forehead. He couldn’t even remember what they were fighting about. Will it just end like this? He just realized that his words were just blank and empty, constructed to negate what she was arguing about. How could it end like this.
Zuho:”end of the night starts and ends with you”
The scream-off match next door ended with two door slams. I chuckle as I remember how she and I argued like that before we broke up. I stood up from my table, wiped my eyes as I got dizzy from writing down lyrics on a piece of paper. I walked to the refrigerator to get a drink of water and stared at the picture magnetized on the refrigerator. It was a Polaroid of me, wrapping her in my arms for a backhug as she looked up at me smiling. Those were happy days. I chuckle and returned to my seat. I stared at the piece of paper in front of me and stared at the words I wrote down. After realizing that they won’t work together, I pulled out a fresh piece of blank paper from my paper stack. A new beginning indeed.
Chani: “now the spot you were in is just empty”
“Thank you for coming!” I shouted as the last customer exited the cafe. We still have two hours left until we close. I proceeded to wipe the mugs I just watched earlier as the cafe doors open.
“Welcome!” I shouted at the customer, not looking to know who it was. I look from behind a counter and saw the same set of uniform I was wearing earlier. I got my notebook and pen out and neared the customer and realized that it was Dawon. He looked so tired and roughed up. I cleared my throat as I stopped beside him.
“Dawon, nice to see you here, what’s your order?” I asked him.
“Chani? You work here now?” Dawon asked in confusion. I nodded yes and he told me to that he wants a latte. I wrote it down and thanked him. I barely got to the counter when three people came inside the cafe. It was Taeyang, followed by two teachers of ours, the one who teaches economics and the one who always wears that hideous brown sweater. They all seemed to be tired as well. I took their orders, two americanos and a caramel latte for Taeyang and watched as the three of them sat with each other, talking about something in hushed voices. Our economics teacher, I think his name is Jaeyoon, rubbed circles on the back of the other teacher, comforting him and Taeyang is hunched over the table, talking to the teacher in front of him, I think his name is Youngbin, trying to cheer him up. I swear Taeyang is such a teacher’s pet.
I went behind the counter and started to make their drinks. I put all of them on a tray and balanced it as I gave Dawon, Taeyang, Youngbin and Jaeyoon their drinks. The door opened again and in staggered this tall boy who stank of alcohol. I caught him before he fell and sat him down on a nearby chair.
“Coffee please, black with two packets of sugar.” he slurred. I guess he’s here to sober up. I nodded at ran to the counter to make his coffee. I didn’t want to stink of alcohol too. When I served his coffee, he smelled it, took a slurp and smiled at me to thank me. He looked normal after a few gulps of coffee. I went back behind the counter to arrange some of the pastries inside the display refrigerator. The door opened to reveal two of my frequent customers. They always come here together, they’re brothers, after all.
“Zuho, Hwiyoung!” I greeted. “ I guess you want the usual?” I asked them. Zuho nodded as they both sat down on a table opposite to Dawon. Hwiyoung looked like he had been crying. Is there something wrong? The door’s bell rang again, causing me to shake from my daze and in comes a man in a jacket, helmet on one hand.
“Is it safe if I park my motorcycle outside?” he asked. I nodded yes.
“Okay, a latte please, and a piece of your strawberry cheesecake.” I confirmed his order and began working on it, along with the previous ones, americano for Zuho, hot chocolate for Hwiyoung and a latte for the motorcycle guy. I cut three slices of cheesecake and put it on different plates, one for Helmetman, and another for Hwiyoung because he always orders this with his hot chocolate. I cut one out for Dawon too because I rememeber that he like strawberries. I proceeded to distribute the orders to Helmetman and Zuho and Hwiyoung. Dawon sat up when I put down the plate of cheesecake on his table.
“I didn’t order this.” he said waving his hands to refuse.
“It’s on the house.” I said. He smiled a small smile and thanked me for the cake.
I went behind the counter to clean up my previous mess and observed my customers from the counter. They all look so sad and tired, like they’re hurting. I feel sad for them, their faces look blank. I guess that’s what a broken heart does to you.
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rainbows-fanfics · 5 years
Two Dearest Friends (Chapter 24)
Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, meets Sally, a ragdoll created by Dr. Finklestein. A friendship blossoms between them as he introduces her to the world outside of her tower. Sally is falling for him as their relationship grows into something more, and Jack finds the same is happening to him.
A story where the Christmas incident never happens, and Jack and Sally find their happiness on their own.
Pairings: Jack Skellington/Sally
"Fellas! Come look an' see!" The two members of the Halloween Town Band quickly rush over to their remaining accordion player by the Graveyard's gate. They press themselves against the bars as their eyes naturally come over to the Spiral Hill, where they find two small figures kissing. They notice this because of the pair of arms wrapped around the taller one, and the white skull pressed against the smaller face is an obvious takeaway. Different noises emerge from their mouths all at once, but before they can attract any attention, they flip over to conceal themselves behind a wall. In this moment, they look at each other in disbelief. Could it be? Have Jack Skellington and Sally finally...become a couple? After all of this time waiting, watching them together, relying on this bet the band has engaged for such a long time...has it finally been proven true? In utter disbelief, Jimmy brings himself to look at the scene again, only to see the two embracing each other closely. He decides this is all he needs to see and turns to his fellow musicians in defeat. "I guess you guys were right...They sure look happy together." "But how do we know who confessed first?" John asks. "Hey, thas' right!" James snaps his fingers. "Jimmy, ya' owe us 20 each, I expect ya' to pay up ta'morrow, but, eh....you an' I will have ta' figure out which one o' us won, John. Deal?" "Deal." He narrows his eyes in thought. "Let's see, 's been a year or two, so that puts me at 35 and James at 40." "Sure hope ya' have all those coins, bud!" He slaps him on the back roughly. "'Cause I'm certain Bone Daddy fessed up first...I knew he'd settle down eventually!" "But what if Rag Doll did? She seemed so quiet an' always hovered over him...looked to me like she'd let the black cat out of the bag first." "Doesn't matter who confessed. I jus' lost 20 coins." Jimmy admits sadly, leading the three of them away from the gates. "'Sides, how are you guys going to know who told who first? 'S not like we were there." "Mmph...thas' th' hard part." James rubs his chin in thought. "We'll have ta' ask Bone Daddy. I'm sure, with some sweet talkin', he'll tell us, no problem!" "Seems a little personal." John points out. "And a little selfish jus' to know for a bet." "Since when has Jack ever been 'fended by us? He wasn't 'fraid ta' tell us 'bout Halloween, was he?" "Yeah, but...isn't this his gal?" "Give it some time. We'll wait 'til we have th' right opportunity, you'll see." -------------------- Waiting for the right opportunity means waiting for a time the Band will be able to talk to Jack in private. Which, in itself, is more of an occasional thing if they aren't hanging around close to his mansion. But they never get much business there, and seeing as they are due for a bet, they are forced to shift around as the day goes on. Which results in them seeing the Pumpkin King, but unfortunately, not getting any chance to speak with him. They are watching him purchase some things one day whilst performing in the town's outlet. As nearly everyone does when they see Jack in public, the Band naturally takes a break to watch him from the corners of their eyes. They all note that he seems more out-and-about lately, greeting and talking to people with more enthusiasm than normal. Even when they witness some of the ghouls flirting with him, Jack politely excuses himself right away. It was subtle differences like these that they picked up on, knowing the skeleton for many years. "He really seems happier," Jimmy whispers to them while discreetly watching as he buys a loaf of bread. "He always smiles, but this one looks so...genuine." "I get what you mean." John agrees. "Look at that extra pep in his step! That's a man who's got himself a lady, for sure." "When was th' last time we saw Bone Daddy this happy?" James thinks to himself. "I think it was when he had that really impressive scare streak..." "That was 10 years ago," Jimmy informs him. James nods. "My point exactly."
They continue watching until he eventually turns to them. They jump up at his attention and stiffen for a moment, believing he had caught their stares. But then he widens his smile and waves to them, dismissing himself with a nod and leaving through the gates. The Band leans forward to watch him and notices his new posture while walking - nowhere near as slumped over like it had been when he was alone. As they listen closely, they even hear him humming under his breath, looking at each other with widened eyes. "Wow." Was all John had to say. "I didn't know Bone Daddy hums!" James gawks. Jimmy nods slowly in agreement. "He's really good at it, too..." "Sally must be one hell of a kisser, huh?" John chuckles. The looks he gets from his fellow band members hushes him down right away. James suddenly snaps in realization, turning to them with a gleam in his eyes. "Say, that reminds me! We should check up on how Dolly's doin'. Been 'while since we've seen her, right?" They agree, more than delighted with this idea. Picking up their instruments, the three trudge on until they reach the Outskirts. Then, they follow the familiar path that leads them to Finklestein's Tower, where they set down their things in their usual spot. As soon as they have their instruments in their hands, playing a recognizable Halloween melody, they feel a watchful pair of eyes on their shoulders. That's when they all glance up and find Sally at the window. She is wearing a big smile at this moment, pressing herself against the bars to listen to them better. Noticing their stares, she beams and waves politely at them. They glance at each other before returning the gesture, finishing the song and watching as she retreats back into her room. She at least stuck around, and they noticed her bopping her head along to the beat and syncing her lips where the lyrics would go. Almost like she was...singing along to it in her room! As soon as she is out of sight, the three of them immediately stop playing and look at each other seriously. They don't need to state the obvious, because they're all sharing a similar look, but one of them feels the need to point it out. Jimmy happens to be the one, clearing his throat and letting go of his accordion to let it dangle from his neck. "Not sure 'bout you guys, but that look in her eyes seemed a lot more...happy." "Yeah. She didn't have that 'help me' look in 'em, either! Nothin' desperate or pleadin'....she seemed so content." James adds. "Makes me wonder if that 'ol geezer quit botherin' her, too..." "Well, they're both really happy. We know that, now." John concludes. "No doubt 'bout it: they're together." "N' you said they were jus' a 'gossip couple'!" James points his finger at Jimmy and laughs. "But I knew...I felt it seein' em together. Somethin' seemed to click." Jimmy looks at him from the side. "You sure know true love when you see it, eh, boss?" "I guess I do!" ------------------------- A couple of weeks go by as the Band continue to hover by Jack's house. It is proving to be a little difficult catching him at the right time. He'd be long gone before they set up in the morning, and when he returned in the afternoon, they'd be performing elsewhere. Night was the trickiest part to even catch sight of him. He used to leave for nightly walks much more frequently before, but now they wouldn't see him leave his house for a majority of the time. The one night they found him leaving, he seemed in a hurry. They left to follow him just to see where he was going, and predictably found him on the route to the Graveyard. After all of these attempts, they ultimately decide to stick around his manor. They might be risking a little business, but it is worth it just to appease their curiosity. They stick by his main gates and keep an eye on them while they perform, only getting a few tips throughout the day. It is until the sun starts to set do they find Jack returning home. The moment they see him approaching his gates, James decides enough is enough and finally calls out to him. "Hey, Bone Daddy!" The skeleton looks up and notices the Band off to the side. He returns his keys into his pocket and approaches them with a patient smile, not bothered in the slightest. The Band quickly glance around to ensure no one is nearby to eavesdrop, and slightly lead him into the shadows behind his own house. Jack doesn't take note of this as he stands in front of them and gives a brief but polite wave of the hand. "Evening, fellas! Going to work late tonight?" "S'pose ya' can say that..." Jimmy starts, still peering around cautiously. "Hope ya' haven't minded we've been performin' 'round yer' parts?" "Not at all! The music helps with my work before I head off to bed." He shuts his eyes momentarily before opening them again. "I hope business has been going well?" "Eh. Same as it's always been." Jimmy replies for his boss. "You've been helping us out a lot lately." "I'm happy to support you in any way I can. Has anything new been happening lately?" "Decided ta' check out how business is 'round here. 'S alright." James shrugs. "What 'bout you, Bone Daddy? Anythin'...new in yer' death?" He purposely emphasizes the word and leans forward. Jack doesn't pick up on the hint right away and thinks of the question. He ends up shrugging. "Can't say there have been many changes. Halloween is so far away, you know, and we typically find the time that-" "--Yer' sure there's nothin'...new goin' on?" This is when the skeleton stops in his tracks and looks at him confusedly. As his gaze quickly goes to the other band members, he finds a similar look in their eyes and their bodies purposely leaning forward as well. That's when he picks up on the shift in the mood, and tugs at his collar as the three continue to stare at him. They must know something, He thinks to himself. "And what makes you say that, exactly?" James waits for the approval from his band mates, who nod in return. He takes a deep breath before moving a step forward towards the skeleton, flipping a coin in his hand casually and avoiding eye contact. He's attempting to be as discreet as possible about this, but in reality, he is just gradually making Jack uncomfortable. "Weeeellll, we aren't sayin' that we've been seein' somethin' new with ya', but...well, that's exactly what we're sayin'. You've got an extra kick in yer' step, Bone Daddy. Like somethin's got ya' buzzed. An' we were just wonderin'....what is it?" He chuckles uncomfortably. "Ah...I forget how...attentive you three are." He notices their looks and clears his throat. "Well, something has happened to me a little while ago that's darkened up my mood, is all-" "-So it IS Sally!?" His skull turns hot very quickly. "What-" "We've been payin' close attention, Bone Daddy!" James laughs. "You an' the dolly, sneakin' out every Friday night, meetin' at the Graveyard...how could we not know?" He understands there is no point in rebutting any of this. Instead, he folds his hands together and shakes them in a begging matter. "Please, fellas, don't let word of this slip out? I wanted to keep this a secret, and I promised to Sally-" "Don't worry. We understand." They nod in unison. "Ya' know how jealous those girls would get? N' no tellin' what that old man 'll do to ya' once he finds out...yer' in quite a pickle, eh, Jack?" "Not really. It's going rather well, as a matter of fact. Although, I assume you three already know that?" They snicker, nodding again. James waves his hands in front of him. "--No worries at all, Bone Daddy. This ain't a blackmail discussion. We're very happy fer' th' two o' ya. Had a feelin' this would happen th' moment we saw ya' together. You both do a horrible job makin' each other happy." A meaningful expression grows on his skull. He rubs the back of it with a smile. "That means a lot from you three, really...I'll be sure to-" "-But there IS somethin' we jus' gotta know!" He drums his fingers along his saxophone. "Who told who first?" "Come again?" "Just a bet between us. Nothin' personal." He waves it off. "Did you fess up to Dolly first, or did she? We know th' two o' ya' been hidin' it from each other, an' we just wanna' know--" "This seems a little personal to ask, don't you think?" "That's what I said," John mutters in the background. James shoots him a look before giving the skeleton a pleading one. "See, I placed my bet on you bein' th' one ta' tell her first. But John said Sally would be th' one to crack, an' I really doubt that. But it's just killin' us! Th' least ya' can do is put this to rest, an' we won't say a word more 'bout your little relationship here. Cross my missing heart." Jack sighs, not out of impatience, but defeat. It means a lot to him that the Band will keep this a secret and that they have their full support, but this 'betting' situation just reminds him of what it'll be like once their relationship is known, and all of the gossip that will inevitably come from it...But, at the same time, he trusts James more than anybody. It will most certainly be kept secret, and he won't be bothered about trivial things like this again. It is just a harmless bet, right? "I don't see why it matters, but..." He hesitates for a few moments, loosening his suit to get rid of the hot air building up. "I was the one who asked Sally out first, but she was...she told me she loved me before I told her." "Ahhh, so it seems I win." John comments smugly. James' jaw hangs open in disbelief, and he shoots John a quick look before turning back to the Pumpkin King. "Alright, alright...ya' told us, n' we got th' answer. No more questions 'bout it. We swear not ta' tell anyone. Lips sealed--" They zip their lips closed for effect. "--But if ya' two ever need anythin', just let us know n' we'll help ya' in any way we can." "Again, that means so incredibly much." He smiles sincerely at them. "Thank you for keeping this a secret. I assure you, it won't be like this for much longer..." He is about to dismiss himself from them, holding a hand up as he begins to walk away, but something catches his arm in time and he hears a frantic 'wait!'. He turns around and finds that it's James, who withdraws his hand once he has his attention. He looks like he's thinking of what to say, or how to put his words together. "Jus' so ya' know...well, not that ya' need to, but I jus' think it'd be nice for ya' ta' know..." He hesitates for a few seconds. "Before ya' two got together, Sally used ta' ask us all kinds of questions 'bout you. Said she wanted ta' know everythin' 'bout ya'. Told her she should ask ya' herself, but...th' look in her eyes told me everythin'. She's always been nuts 'bout ya'." The smile grows on his skull. His tone is very soft, and his gaze is fixated elsewhere. "...Really?" "Yeah. Even asked us where ya' were when no one else could find 'ya. She was always worried 'bout ya' and wanted ta' know what was botherin' you. I, eh, trust you already told her..." He slips the coin in between his fingers. "Anyway, jus' know th' gal's crazy 'bout ya'. Not that everyone else isn't, but, well, I'm sure ya' know." "I understand. Thank you for telling me this, James...I'm not sure how I can thank you guys. For your support, and all." "Keep her happy." Jimmy buts in. "The girl's been through a lot. Every time she talked about you, Jack, she lit up in ways we hadn't seen before. We know you'll take better care of her than her old man does. But that's the best way to thank us; keep her smiling." At this point, the skeleton is unsure of what else to say. He wasn't expecting to be hit with all of these sentimental things at once. He's known the Band for as long as he can remember, and learning Sally was friends with them was...quite a revelation! They knew the most of him before she came along in his death, and he owes a lot to them for keeping his secrets and sticking around whenever he wanted to talk of them. Not that it happened often - but he's had a lot of weight lifted off of his shoulders since the last time he's talked to them, and he owes that very much to Sally. Just the fact that they know is...very relaxing, in a way. "Believe me, I will. You have nothing to worry about. I intend on making things better for her." He fingers the outlines of the keys in his pocket. "Goodnight. And thank you three again - for all this." Finally, he bids them goodbye, and they watch in silence as he opens the gate to his own home and disappears behind the door. As soon as he's gone, James feels John elbow him in the side. He looks at him angrily before finding the shorter man's hand outstretched. He rolls his eyes and digs deep in his pockets to drop his coins into the awaiting hand. He may have given up his hard-earned tip money, but he feels very satisfied, in a way. Knowing what he knows for certain, and how this will determine the future of the town's very own Pumpkin King, and the local ragdoll... The band situate themselves for the night, and decide to play a certain song. The same one they played when they first saw Jack and Sally together - the melody they came up specifically for them; a gentle but dark tune, suited to two dreamers who are destined to change each other's deaths. They play it loud enough so the skeleton can listen to it from above, and for the tune to carry in the alleyways that eventually comes through Sally's window. ------------------ A few days pass, and in this time, Sally is busy knitting herself a sweater. She hasn't had much practice since her last session with the Hanging Tree, and she intends to join him next Halloween so she can show him her improvements. By the looks of the black-and-purple sweater she's working on, she's doing very well! She pretends the Hanging Tree is next to her, attempting to picture the movements he'd make and trying them for herself. This results in a very smooth knitting session, with her making notable progress on this little project of hers. She even plans to show the final product to her friend, who she is sure will love it just as much as she does! It feels nice to have this hobby, She thinks. Besides reading novels, cooking, and cleaning... Her work continues quietly and diligently, with her humming a certain song she recalled hearing a few nights prior. As she is just about to set down her work, she hears a tapping sound coming from her window. She turns her head slowly to it, peering quizzically around the area. There's no way something can be tapping the window...I'm so high up... The ragdoll continues on very cautiously until she's at the window, then she peeks outside and looks around. That's when she notices a pebble come flying by her, missing her head by several inches. She turns her head towards the source and finds a small figure on the ground below. Her imaginative heart skips a beat. "Jack!" She exclaims cheerily, hoping he can hear her. Judging by the way he lights up from below, he has. "Sally!" He yells, cupping the sides of his mouth. "Would you mind finding your way down here?" She nods, excited more than anything just to hear his voice. She comes away from the window sill for a moment, leaving the skeleton alone several yards below. Jack waits patiently where he is, expecting her to come through the front door in several minutes or so. Possibly sweet-talk the Doctor, poison him, or find a way out....What he doesn't anticipate, however, is finding his girlfriend tossing herself out of the window and approaching him at a rapid speed. "WOAH!" By instinct, and because he has done this before, the skeleton swoops in at the near last minute to catch her. He puts a little strain on his ankles, having been caught off-guard, but is relieved to find Sally unharmed. He helps her to her feet and cracks his spine, wishing he had been warned or something prior to this moment. He scratched up his pants the last time this happened... "I...wasn't expecting you to do that." He admits. She holds her hands behind her back, batting her eyelashes. "It was the quickest way to get to you, wasn't it?" "Well-" She has a point, but he isn't going to say that! "-I think there could have been other steps to this process..." Ignoring how unsettling it was to find her willingly tossing herself out of a window, he still offers her his hand. She takes it without hesitation and lets him lead her away from the tower. Obviously, the Doctor doesn't know of this and hopefully he won't discover her absence from her room...but he's been neck-deep in his work, so she doubts that will happen. Not that it's any of her concern anymore! She's much busier with Jack, and he's always been her first priority. "So, is there a reason you wanted to see me..?" She asks slowly, twirling a finger in a strand of her hair. Jack perks right up, as if he had forgotten why he exactly fetched her. "Oh! Right. Well, I wanted to take you with me to have some lunch together, if that's alright." He holds his breath until she agrees, then relaxes. "-It's a little hard planning things out with you. I've found a lot of our plans happen...on a whim, more than anything." She nods slightly, her tone low in disappointment. "If the Doctor wasn't an issue for us, we could talk together a lot more. I don't know about you, but it's a little troublesome having to read notes and dates on papers all the time..." "Communication is key." The skeleton rubs a thoughtful finger on his jaw. "We're going to have to figure something out soon." The two of them spend some time thinking further on this issue, but by the time either of them can find a solution, they're already climbing down the residential hill. It doesn't seem that busy here today, but there are still a considerable amount of creatures walking around. The skeleton and the rag doll let go of each other's hands out of habit by this point, the frowns deepening on their faces having to disengage so soon. Sally gets quickly snapped out of her disheartened feelings when she finds all of these exciting things on the streets again, including little shop stands and children playing games together, which humor her enough along the way.   -------------------- Several minutes pass until Jack finally takes her to a bistro type of place. Immediately are they seated in a small, separate room. Sally is almost overwhelmed with how quickly they're attended to, and they get their orders taken in an instant. This leaves the two of them to sit alone together while listening to the music from a nearby gramophone. The ragdoll gawks at all of the decorations and refined details around the room while Jack rests his skull in his hand and watches her face light up continuously. "What do you think?" He asks. She's surprised to hear his voice, being completely wrapped up in their surroundings. "It looks so...nice. I'm not used to going to places like these." She brushes her hair aside shyly. "The last time you took me to a restaurant, we weren't alone like this..." "This place has a reserved room for special occasions. Or guests." He shrugs. "Every time I come here, they always bring me back here." "That must be nice. It's so quiet and wonderful, I think it's an honor to be alone with you..." He smiles, placing his hands over her own and squeezing them gently. He can feel the twitching of some of her fingers - she seems a little nervous, which is completely understandable. They may be alone right now, but the fact still remains that they are out in public - just having the waiter seeing him with Sally was quite a risky step, but he just hopes for the best of this afternoon. Not that it's really any concern of his, seeing as he's good friends with the owner and all. "So," He starts up the conversation, tapping on the edge of the table. "-You seemed really quick to jump out of that window." She blushes, attempting to laugh it off. "Was I?" "...Why is that?" "Why is what?" "I don't think it's a normal impulse to just throw yourself out of a window like that." He peers at her suspiciously. "It almost seemed to me like you've done it before." She laughs again. "Jack, that's silly...why would I-" His look doesn't change. "-Well...maybe, you're a little right-" "Sally--" "It doesn't hurt me! I know you've caught me before, but, when I land, I don't feel a thing." She defends. "And whatever falls off, I can just sew back together. The most I've lost is just a few leaves." "But what on earth would tempt you to throw yourself out the window?" She bites her lip and looks away, answering quietly, "When the Doctor gives me no other way out..." The skeleton grows quiet at her response, feeling nothing but sympathy for her. She avoids his gaze by looking around at everything else instead. He grows a little cold at this and frowns, wishing he hadn't pushed it. The moment Sally does look back at him, she quickly looks down at the tablecloth instead and says nothing. "I'm sorry. It's just-- It worried me, seeing you jump out like that on your own." He fidgets with his cutlery. "I know it doesn't bother you, but I'd have been upset if you did hurt yourself. Even if it's your last resort, I wouldn't want you doing anything rash for me." She smiles, very softly, hearing him worry about her. He really does care, She thinks to herself. More than the Doctor ever will... In a moment of gratitude, she takes his hand to lays a kiss on the top of its skeletal surface, holding it close to her. She looks for his reaction and finds him choking on the air, his stitched smile curving in many places. He looks very flustered, which makes her feel slightly accomplished knowing it only took one small kiss to cause that. He chuckles, slightly withdrawing his hand. "I believe we have the roles here a little mixed up, Ms. Sally-" "-Not at all, Mr. Skellington," She replies as dignified as she can. "That look on your face was priceless..." If he had any skin, she was sure he'd be blushing at this moment. "Considering it was the first time a lady has ever kissed my hand, I would certainly say I was taken a little aback." He moves his hand for it to cup the side of her face. "But you're very good at doing that to me, aren't you?" She leans into his palm, fluttering her eyelashes at him. "I guess you can say that." He looks at her for a moment or two with his smile turning more endearing, then slowly removes his hands. His gaze travels about the table in thought, remembering just why exactly he had wanted to take her out today. He wonders how he can approach the topic appropriately, so he won't alarm her with the sudden news or lose her trust in any way... "By the way, there's something I wanted to tell you..." "What is it?" "You remember how I told you that it's better for the both of us if no one knows about our relationship?" She nods. "Well...about that..I learned, just a few days ago, that there is someone who knows-" "-Someone knows?" She repeats in worry. He bites his lip. "Well, technically, not someone. More like, 3 people." He sees the panic on her face and quickly clarifies, "-The Halloween Town Band. James, John, and Jimmy. They know." "Oh." Her face turns a dark red, embarrassed that their secret has been caught. "What did they say?" "I didn't tell them - they just, well, they suspected it from the beginning, funny enough. I confirmed it, and they told me that they're very happy for us. We have their full support. But the funny part of this story is that they had a bet-" He places a hand over his mouth. "-Of which one of us would tell the other who loved the other first." She is completely red as a tomato by this point, her skin smoking from the heat. "You didn't tell them, did you?" "Well--" "Jack!" "It's not like they're complete strangers! I know you've been friends with them for awhile, and they've known me for a long time-" "Don't tell me you told them that I told you first??" "To be fair, Sally, I also confessed that I was the one who asked you out first." She holds a hand to her face and looks away from him, trying to catch her breath. Despite the situation, Jack finds it somewhere in him to laugh at how bashful she is reacting. He wasn't expecting this - something more like her being upset with him. She turns to him with a sour look, which gets him to quiet down. She takes a few minutes to cool off. As soon as she's fully composed, he takes this opportunity to tease her some more. "You know, they also told me a certain someone kept asking about me. Wondering where I was and wanting to know what I did in my free time-" "JAAAACK!" She swats at him this time. He dodges her hand with a smile. "What are you embarrassed about? I thought it was adorable! Even when we were friends, you worried about me and cared enough to get to know me. If anything, they did a favor telling me what you did." She attempts to get her breath back, insisting to ignore what he just said. "I guess you have a point. They are our friends, and they know us better than anyone else. But....maybe it's a good thing that they know..." This gets his attention. He perks up in his seat with interest. "What makes you say that?" She opens her mouth to tell him, but they are interrupted when the waiter comes in with their food. He sets down a petite sandwich for Sally, and a cup of noodle and eyeball soup for Jack. They both thank him and carefully watch as he leaves the room, letting the silence linger for a few more minutes before they turn back to each other. Sally takes this time to marvel at her sandwich, wondering just how she can word this to him... "Jack, I-I've also got something to tell you, and...and I think this is the right time to discuss it." Her eyes dart back to the door. "-I think we should start to tell people about us..." He doesn't say anything at first. Worried from his lack of response, she quickly adds, "-It's just, we've been keeping it a secret for awhile now, but it's getting a little hard having to keep it from everyone. And maybe, if they knew, you wouldn't have to get touched by your admirers anymore. If they just knew you were with me-" "--I was wondering the same thing, actually." He grips his spoon and stirs it in his soup thoughtfully. "Frankly, it's torture not being able to hold your hand whenever there's someone else around, and only being able to kiss you if we're in private. I was going to ask you eventually, but I didn't think you'd want it so soon." She breathes a sigh of relief hearing him agree. "Don't get me wrong, it's wonderful being alone with you, and doing all of these things in private, but...I don't want anyone else to hold and cling onto you thinking you're not with me." He lets out an amused noise. "I don't, either." He takes a quick sip of his lunch and furrows his eye sockets together. "To be honest with you, Sally, I'd be a million times happier telling everyone that I'm a taken man." "Then why don't we just tell them, now? That we're together, and no one should be touching you like they are anymore. That even when I'm not with you, it still matters?" She slithers her hand into his, entwining their fingers on the table. The skeleton grins at her words, the smile growing with every sentence she tells him. She feels his grip tighten and his body perk up in his seat, elated at just the image of what she's telling him. "--Sally, that sounds terrific! I've been waiting to do this for so long, now...it was rather hard not to let it slip as it is!" "The Band knowing about us can be our first step to letting everyone know." She says confidently, taking a small bite of her sandwich. He nods along in agreement, taking a few more sips from his soup. "A baby step, yes. What I was thinking, on telling everyone, that is -- is to set up a town meeting-" "Jack--" "-Not finished." He holds a finger up. "I can set up a meeting to discuss Halloween or something of the sort, and somewhere in there, I'll find the opportunity to tell everyone I'm in a relationship! It kills several crows with one stone. You know how many people show up to those things..." "That's not a bad idea..." She chews her food in thought. "Would I have to be there?" "For emotional support? I'd very much appreciate it." "I'll be sure to be there, then." "There's just one thing..." He starts slowly, setting down his spoon altogether. "-How do you plan on telling the Doctor?" She drops her sandwich in surprise. "Oh! Um..." Her hands climb up to her hair. "I-I wasn't planning on it-" "You want me to do it?" "No....I'm not sure." She narrows her eyes in thought. "I don't think he'd like hearing it from me, but I don't know how he'll react if you tell him...he-he sort of already knows about my feelings about you as it is--" Jack arches his eye socket. She freezes in her seat and struggles to find the right words. "Um, what I mean, is...he knows I'm in love with you, but he doesn't think we're together. Like I'm one of your admirers, or your fans. That's what I mean..." "Ah. I see." He finishes the rest of his soup and puts it aside, looking at her seriously. "Well, maybe it would be better if he hears it from me...I doubt anything bad will come from it. As far as I know, I still have his respect, and there shouldn't be any issues accepting it?" "You'd be surprised..." She murmurs. "I know he's not the easiest person to get through. But I have my ways." When she looks up at him, she finds his content smile. "Everything will be fine, Sally. I promise. And just to make sure of anything - the Doctor will know first before anyone else." She smiles and nods in agreement, finishing her lunch quickly. They sit around and continue to talk a bit afterwards until the bill comes. Jack pays for the meal and soon leads Sally out of the bistro, both of them content with their lunch and the plans they have yet to achieve. As soon as they're on the streets again, finding the rest of the monsters going about their days, they look at each other's hands with hesitation. "Should we- I mean, would it be appropriate to start...now?" She asks him uncertainly. He looks between the two of them a few times before smiling, carefully taking her hand into his own. "We have to start somewhere, right?" He squeezes it, and the smile on her face is very loving. She allows him to walk her back home with their hands never leaving each other. They do their best to ignore the surprised and puzzled looks from the residents they'd pass, and instead stare at each other. Talk about how great it feels to finally not be afraid, and come closer together so everyone else knows it as well. ------------ Dr. Finklestein is staring out of Sally's open window. He needs no explanation; whatever happened here is obvious. He was outraged when he first discovered it ajar, but fumed once he realized his ragdoll was nowhere to be found. He recalls the time he found she had fallen out of her window, but he knows for certain this was no accident. It was done intentionally, and it was partly his fault for never even locking it. How foolish of him to believe she wouldn't do something as crazy as jumping out of her own window...But how stupid it was to not think of such a thing...she couldn't hurt herself doing it, so that's why she did it. He drums his fingers along his armrest as he watches the town quietly. He is partly at fault as well, not keeping a closer eye on her by busying himself so much with this project. But he knows it'll be all worth it in the end, and witnessing something like this just reminds him why he is doing this. Her sneaking off gives him more reason to finish this project soon as possible; to be rid of everything that is happening and begin his new, peaceful death. With something much better than Sally... He is snapped out of his thoughts when he finds two figures heading their way towards his tower. He leans forward and adjusts his glasses, and in his blurry sight can he recognize the black-and-white figure of Jack Skellington. The colorful figure beside him is, without a doubt, his own ragdoll. He feels a twinge of pain where his heart once was, and scowls as he sits back in his wheelchair and leaves the room. He answers the door far before they ever knock on it, and pretends to be the clueless oaf he always has been.
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wildeheathen-blog · 5 years
Grave Robbing - Chapter One
Warnings: None for this particular chapter. Perhaps brief mentions of having a gun in ones face?
Summary: Reader gets in over her head when taking a midnight drive for ice cream.
Pairing: Sam | Plus Sized Reader
Word Count: 2,741
Chapter: 1/??
“Call 1-800-SLI-MNOW to try a thirty-day free trial of EVER SLIM Tea!” 
“Ugh…” Rolling your eyes, you grabbed the remote from your bedside table and hit the power button, the screen fading to black and the babbling of the infomercial going silent. Late-night television was always a mixed bag of bad soft-core porn, diet ads and infomercials for erectile dysfunction. You had been watching reruns of Law and Order SVU but after those had ended you’d gone down a rabbit hole of bad TV. It was nearly eleven pm now and most of the ‘day time’ television channels had been replaced with order-by-phone ads. You were surprised they were still around, honestly. On a night like tonight, when even the TV was reminding you of how ‘big’ you were, you had decided that enough was enough. You were either going to commit a crime or pig out on ice cream and it didn’t take long for you to decide which.
Rolling off of your bed, you hiked the penguin printed leggings you wore up over your hips with a shimmy, huffing under your breath as a result of the action displaced one of your boobs from the too-big tank top that you wore.  “Girl just can’t win, can she?” Your words were muttered under your breath as you pulled your top off and grabbed a sports bra off of the top of your hamper of clothes that were clean -- and had been for almost a week if you were being honest with yourself. Picking the shirt you’d been wearing back up, you sniffed it and then shrugged. You’d showered that morning and it wasn’t like you’d done any strenuous exercise unless you counted running across the lawn after your cat who had wormed its way out the front door earlier that afternoon. 
“I’m just going to get ice cream, I’m not even getting out of the car.” You reassured yourself and pull the tank top back over your head, your car keys snatched off of your dresser and a quick check done in the mirror to adjust the messy bun that sat atop your head. It’d been a few days since you’d brushed your hair, but if you were being honest, the lion’s mane had a mind of its own, even with the best of discipline. “There and back. No getting out of the car. It’ll be fine!” You muttered the words once more as if to scold your anxiety into submission. You’d never liked going places on your own, especially this late at night but something had you craving ice cream from the twenty-four-hour drive through that was five miles down the road. 
Bending to give your cat a kiss on its head, you cringed as it sneezed, painting your features with saliva and cat snot. “Gee… thanks a whole lot, Gouda, I appreciate it.” 
The ten-year-old cat that was a few pounds overweight (much like yourself) simply rolled over and exposed its belly with a languid stretch. A certain trap, to be sure. Still, you took the bait and ruffled his fur, the mainecoon in him giving him enough hair that by the time you were done it looked as if he’d been electrocuted. 
“Alright, be good! Don’t be going into Olivia’s room and bothering those ferrets! You know she’s allergic to you!” You whisper-scolded your cat and gave him another pat for good measure before standing up and leaving your bedroom, a hoodie grabbed from one of the hooks on your wall on your way out. 
Making your way down the stairs of the shared townhome, your roommate (who was your exact opposite in both looks and habits) peered at you from the kitchen. She was up late meal prepping and often offered to teach you, though you would rather watch paint dry than plan any meal that involved eating kale willingly. “(Y/N)? Where are you going? It’s almost eleven-thirty. Don’t tell me you’re going to that skeevy drive through again.” Olivia’s voice was worried, and while she had always looked like she had walked out of a fitness magazine she never once judged you for your habits or your appearance. She had been your friend since middle school and while she had grown into her body, you had simply grown into your ‘baby fat’. 
“I’ll be back in like… thirty minutes tops! Promise!” You called from the entryway of the small home, your eyes scanning the various ‘live laugh love’ messages that dotted the walls. It wasn’t your idea of decor but you didn’t own the place so who were you to judge? Hearing a heavy sigh from the kitchen, you groaned and leaned against the wall. You were waiting for her to scold you about your late-night drives. Counting down in your head, you reached ‘one’ right as she appeared from the kitchen, her arms crossed over her slender chest.
“(Y/N) you’ve been going out a lot recently. I don’t really care what you do with your time as you pay all of your bills on time and keep yourself safe but it’s late out, and there was that story on the news about that girl who--”
Holding up your hand, you smiled when she paused. “Livvie, I promise, I don’t exactly fit the profile for being kidnapped. My thigh is bigger than your waist, those creeps would have a hell of a time getting me into the back of a van, especially considering my social anxiety. Puppies or candy aside, they’re not going to fool me. Besides, I’ve got my mace. Like I said, twenty minutes tops.” You knew you had won the argument when she sighed and waved a hand. 
“Fine, but if you get snatched up--”
“If I get snatched up, I promise I’ll ask the bad guys to let you know so that you can bore them to death with your top ten favorite avocado recipes, alright?” You offered her a smile when she rolled her eyes. You always had been sarcastic and now wasn’t any different. 
“Alright, alright, go, just… keep in touch if you’re going to be gone longer, alright? Cute leggings, by the way.” 
Nodding and mumbling something that sounded indicative of confirmation and ‘thanks’ combined into one word, you opened the front door and took a deep breath. Sweet freedom. You loved Olivia but you would have been lying if her health-conscious mannerisms didn’t weigh on your patience occasionally. 
Making sure the door was closed tight behind you, you jogged down the stairs and onto the cracked sidewalk that stretched out between a small, but neatly managed yard. There were garden beds to either side, raised and lush with different herbs and flowers. On either side of the chain-link gate were lawn flamingos, atop which were garden gnomes holding cats. They had been your idea and after much pestering, Olivia had relented. 
Pulling the gate shut behind you as you exited, you hit the button on the fob for your car, sighing disdainfully when the red light blipped but did nothing. The damn thing had been broken for years and yet every time you left the house you still tried to make magic happen. Manually unlocking the door to the 2001 banana yellow Toyota Celica you pulled open the door and dropped into the front seat. Fall was just around the corner and it had the nights a little frostier than usual, which meant when your ass hit the seat, you hissed and shivered.
“Dammit, Larry…” The name slipped between your teeth and you grinned, remembering where the nickname had come from. Your ex had called the car hideous and had abhorred the fact that you had named it. After your breakup, you’d gotten a custom license plate that said L30N4RD so that every time he saw you in town he’d be forced to remember you. It was spiteful, sure, but he’d cheated on you with your ex-best friend and you’d walked in on it; karma was a bitch though, and he’d ended up getting an STI from the girl he’d done the dirty with. 
Shoving the key into the ignition, you said a silent prayer and hit the gas as you started the car, a sigh of relief as the engine sputtered to life. “Thank you, Larry, for once you do something right the first time.” Backing out of the driveway you were careful to avoid Olivia’s Prius, the yellow headlights from your car basking the quiet suburban street in a dim glow. 
Ten minutes later you and Larry were putting down the road, the drive-through was at the other end of the small town you had lived in for the past five years and it was the only thing open this late. While the town was quiet, it was boring and it had made ‘McKreevey’s Drive-Thru” the only place worth going. Tapping your fingers on the steering wheel, you tried to ignore the way Larry clanked and whirred as you drove. A few more miles and you would be there and ordering your favorite sundae -- you just had to drive passed Saint Christian’s Cemetery in and you’d be home free. Ever since you had lived there the place had given you the creeps and tonight was no different. 
Turning up the radio as you drove by, you hummed and bopped your head, doing your best to ignore the way the street lights had disappeared, leaving you in the dark save for the soft glow of your car’s headlights. Another clank, followed by a shattering pop and finally a whir as your car sputtered to a stop and died on the side of the road. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me right now…” 
Your voice was a quiet murmur as you looked out of the windshield to see smoke rising from beneath Larry’s hood, a groan leaving your throat. “Great, this is fucking perfect. I just wanted some god damned ice cream. Pulling out your phone, you squinted as the screen lit up and then rolled your eyes as the single bar of service flipped over to roaming. 
“Really? Goddess above I hate this fucking city.” 
Pushing open the door, you shoved the seatbelt away from you and slid of your car, the flashlight on your phone illuminating the ground at your feet and showing off a thick, sticky puddle of fluid that trickled out from under Larry’s beat and battered frame. 
“I have no idea what that is Leonard, but you should be ashamed of yourself! That is disgusting!” You scolded your car as if it might suddenly become sentient and realize the mess it left you in. Instead, you were left to look around for any sign of life. On the right, there were fields upon fields of corn that swayed in the breeze. To the left, the cemetery. 
“Great. I feel like I’m in a horror movie. I’ll bet I’m about to get murdered by some hobgoblin hiding in that damned corn. Walking around the front of your car, you quickly decided on the graveyard with the reasoning that you might be able to find a live-in groundskeeper or something to at least let you borrow a phone for a cab. Using the flashlight on your phone to light the way, you stopped halfway across the sprawling plot when an orange glow of light caught your distance. 
“Oh! Maybe there is someone. Digging a grave I’ll bet. Jeez, what a shitty job. Shittier for the person going in it, I suppose.” You snorted as you caught yourself talking to yourself. It happened frequently and most of the time it was someone else that caught you, the look on their faces often worth the awkward silence. Creeping slowly closer, you were maybe ten yards away when a figure jumped out of one of the graves, his toned frame tossing a shove to the ground. 
“Figure they’d at least use a backhoe or somethin’.” You whispered under your breath and leaned against the tree. Maybe it was best to wait until they were done, as they seemed to almost be. Squinting and killing the flashlight on your phone, you watched as a second figure stepped out of the shadows, a canister of something in his hand. 
“What the…?” 
Watching as the taller figure poured something into the hole followed by the smaller one (the one who had jumped out of the hole in the first place) squirting some sort of liquid, you watched as one of them struck a match and dropped it into the grave. 
“Okay what the-- OH MY GOD!” 
Your voice rose three octaves as a plume of fire shot from the hole in the ground, followed by what could only be described as a wraith from some b-horror movie that screeched louder than any cheerleader at a pep rally who’d just seen her friends ever could, it’s spectral body engulfed in flames before disappearing into the night sky. 
“Whatthefuck?! Oh god, what the fuck… shit… fuckity shit!” 
At this point, you had forgotten all about the people by the grave and had instead focused on what had just come out of the grave. 
“Well, at least that’s done. It’s nice to have something nice and easy for once. Can we get out of here now? It’s cold.” Sam shivered and rubbed his hands over his bare arms. He hadn’t thought to bring a jacket. Beside him, Dean shoved the lighter fluid and salt back into the duffel bag, picking it up and slinging it over his shoulder a few moments later. 
“Sammy you’re the size of a literal moose and you’re bitching because it’s cold out? Bring a jacket next-- wait, shhh.” Dean lifted a hand to his mouth when something in the distance cracked, followed by a high pitched wheezing. Looking to his brother, who shrugged, Dean pulled his gun out and stalked forward, having passed the duffel off to Sam who followed close behind. 
Wheezing quietly, you cursed the fact that you’d decided to get ice cream. All you wanted was something sweet and now here you were, stuck in a creepy ass cemetery with grave robbers that had just lit a corpse on fire for the fun of it! You weren’t sure what had come out of the grave afterward but you were willing to convince yourself that you were seeing things for the sake of your sanity. 
“Oh cheese on a tortilla, Gods of the gobstoppers and Nephilim of nerds ropes I swear I will never leave the house again if-- click”
Freezing solid when a very familiar sound clicked behind your ear, you slowly stood from behind the three you’d hidden behind and turned; only to come face to face with the muzzle of a handgun held by a man that looked about as happy as a hare in a field of copperheads. Swallowing thickly, you screamed as loud as you could -- a technique taught to you by Olivia. When the scream did nothing but make the male furrowed his brow deeper, you struck out with your chuck covered foot and nailed him between his legs, a fist following shortly after to meet his face with a crunch. 
“Hey Woah! Woah, miss!” The taller male behind the gun-toting one lifted his hands in mock defense as the first crumpled to the ground with a groan and a barely audible ‘sonofabitch’ that was choked from between gritted teeth. Lifting both of your hands, you prepared yourself to try and take on the colossus that had come up behind the smaller one, your (Y/E/C) eyes darting to and fro and your heart slamming against your chest. 
“I’ll kick your dick all the way to Fort Worth you creep sonuvabitch! Don’t try me! I’ll… I’ll do it… you burnt a thing and… I…. I think I’m gonna--” 
Your fear and anxiety got the best of you a moment later and you collapsed to the ground with a dull thud, your body having looked none too graceful in your penguin pants and messy bun (now complete with mud stains and leaves stuck into it, respectfully). You had seen plenty of crime shows, but never once had you seen anything about grave robbing, screaming corpses, or being an accomplice to a heinous crime. And to think, all you had wanted was some god damned ice cream.
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larryfanfiction · 6 years
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Star_Henderson @tommosgun
💚 We are timeless (WIP!) (64k)
“These are the ones I was telling you about.” Niall leant into Harry’s ear. “Write all their own stuff. Lead singer is a natural.”
Harry nodded, tilting his head to listen to the sweet rasp of the singer’s voice. The song started off soft and lilting, giving Harry shivers, the back of his neck prickling as the song picked up tempo. He loved it, bopping his head and tapping his foot. Niall nudged him, smiling and Harry gave him the thumbs up. Harry watched them, he couldn't quite see the singer because of a spotlight in his way, but as he moved a step, the light hit his face and Harry blinked. He gripped the chair arms and leaned forward. Was it him? Was it? His hair was longer, his face no longer soft and boyish, instead angular with heavyish scruff, but the eyes, that mouth, were still the same. A rush of adrenaline flooded his body, heat creeping up his spine. It had been over four and a half years since he’d last seen him. He slumped back into his chair. He’d never given up hope of finding Tommy. Never. Or
Louis and Harry meet as teenagers and have a sweet encounter in Ibiza. Years later they meet up again...
💚 Can I just be the same?  (17k)
“Are you skint?” Louis studied his face. “I can give you the bloody bus fare home, Harry. You don't have to walk.” His voice was soft. Caring.
Harry stopped, his body tingling. Fuck. He shouldn’t have crossed the road. Keep walking. Always keep walking.
“I’m not skint, but thanks for the offer. There’s not many kind people like you around. You’re lovely, you know that?” Harry reached his hand out tentatively, cupping Louis’ elbow and squeezing. “Thank you.” His voice hitched a little.
He’d roamed the country for centuries, coming in and out of people’s lives, never able to forge bonds. Or, if he did, breaking them and suffering the pain of lost love. That was his life forever. Stuck in this limbo with not one other person in the whole world who cared about him. So the kindness of a stranger really hit home, and this stranger with the bluest eyes and brightest smile was making Harry feel alive again. Reminding him of what he was missing
OR Harry is a two hundred year old Vampire with no one in the whole world and Louis is the kind hearted stranger who comes into Harry's life bringing something that Harry had missed. Love. But Harry is forever running, can Louis be the one to change all that?
💚 King of wishful thinking (38k)
“Don't umm don't get on the bus, come inside.” Louis blurted the words out, speaking quickly.
Harry looked startled.
“Just. Look I don't know if I want..” Louis scrubbed his face with his hand. “I'll pay for your time. Just come in.”
Harry stepped away from the bus stop and the bus sailed straight past.
“What's umm what do you guys make these days?”
Harry shuffled his feet. “Depends. Like two hundred an hour.”
Louis hummed. “Reasonable.” He gestured towards the hotel. “Come up for a drink or some room service or something.”
Harry scraped the toe of his already scuffed boots on the floor. “You don't have to do this, I feel like… like you're a nice person who feels bad but it's fine. I get it. You don't have to make it up to me.”
Louis stared at Harry. It'd been so long since he'd even spoken to a guy let alone hung out with one. He'd enjoyed the banter and the flirting.
“Come up.” Louis’ voice was soft.
Harry’s face bloomed into a smile. “Ok.”
💚 Day 25: Are you mine?  (4k)
And the thrill of the chase moves in mysterious ways So in case I'm mistaken I just wanna hear you say you got me baby Are you mine? Louis hands over the reins to Harry to organise a night away from the kids. Harry wants to watch Louis in action. Watch him dance, flirt, attract other men. But it's Harry who gets to take him home at the end of the night.
💚 Rise up like the sun (41k)
“I wasn't taking a sneaky pic.” Louis blurted out, the guy stood at one of the urinals taking a piss. “You were.” The guy answered coolly. “I would've taken a pic with you if you'd just asked.” “No I didn't want a pic with you.” The guy turned his head, quirking his eyebrow sardonically. “No you're far too cool for that, you just wanted to violate my privacy.” Louis squeezed his eyes shut. “I'm sorry. Look..” He walked towards the guy flicking his phone out. “Hey.” The guy hunched over, hiding his junk. “Oh no no, I wasn't gonna take a pic. Fuck.” Louis threw his hands up, stopping in his tracks. “Look I'm going to show you I'm deleting it.” Louis turned his phone and the pic disappeared. “You looked familiar, I was going to send it to my friend and ask who you were, I'm sorry, dick move.” Louis sighed, smiling apologetically. The guy zipped and walked to the basin. “So you invade my privacy then insult my level of fame by pretending to not know who I am.” The guy was turned away from Louis. “Look I'm...shit.” Louis inhaled noisily. The guy turned, a grin spread over his face. “I'm fucking with you.”
💚 Sail away with me  (47k)
“It’s inhumane putting four blokes in one cabin.” Louis stripped off and climbed up into his top bunk. “And why did we get the smelliest twat on the whole ship and bore of the century?”
Harry shrugged. “We clearly pissed someone off along the way.”
Louis snorted softly. “Who do I have to bend over for to get us an upgrade?”
Harry barked out a laugh. “If only it were that simple.” He rolled his eyes wistfully at Louis.
“The only way I’m going to get a two berth is to throw Payno overboard and be next in line for the deputy cruise director's job.” Louis leaned up on one elbow to look over at Harry. “Would you help me weigh his body down so I don’t go to jail?”
“Only If I can share your cabin.” Harry shuffled about, tucking the duvet between his legs, sweeping his hair up into a bun and securing it in a band. “I’m not being an accessory to murder and then still having to share with them two, no fucking way.”
Louis and Harry are part of the entertainment team on board a luxury cruise liner. They hate sharing their four berth cabin with two other guys and would do anything to get a cabin of their own. One drunken night the solution was simple. They'd just get married...
💚 Looking down from the clouds (18k)
“He's funny and cute and hot and he's not like the other young VIP’s that we get, he's like…” Louis wafted his hand. “Kind and he seems genuine and he has these legs that go right up to his bum.” Anna sat watching Louis with her usual bemused smile. They had this conversation at least once a week. “So what are you going to do about it?” Anna asked for the hundredth time. Louis groaned loudly. “Nothing, as per usual. Just come and have a meltdown to you.” Anna pushed her chair back, filling both their cups from the coffee pot, handing Louis his and leaning in his desk. “What's the worst that can happen? He can only say no if you ask him out.” “Go-ddd you make it sound so simple. Excuse me, Mr wonderful, I'm crazy about you and can't stop talking about you, you're perfect to me so how about slumming it down to South Beach for a big dirty delicious empanada? No? You like napkins and real food with beautiful interesting people? Oh ok, yes of course you do.” Louis banged his head against the wall. Anna despaired of him. “Try,” she pushed. Or Louis is security officer at Miami airport and regularly has to escort Harry through. Will they ever go on that date?
💚 Soul wiped clean  (91k)
The door to Harry's left opened and in walked a man, slight frame but managing to fill the room with his presence. Harry stood up and turned towards him.
“Boss.” The man nodded at Paul, his eyes whipping over to Harry. Harry’s lungs somehow lost every ounce of breath, like a suckerpunch to the gut, winded. The hairs on Harry's neck pricked with what he thought was fear. He held the back of the chair to steady himself, trying not to stagger, eventually remembering to breathe. Paul cleared his throat. “Tommo, this is Harry, the journo who is joining us. Harry, this is Louis Tomlinson.”
Can Louis, an ex convict with secrets and lies, keep hold of them when he has to share three weeks with a journalist. And does he want to?
💚 The light to guide me home  (65k)
He was mesmerised by the guy on the bar. Laughing and singing along to the song, grinding and thrusting in time to the music, shaking his cocktail shaker.
“Relax, don’t do it when you wanna come . Relax, don’t do it, when you wanna suck do it, relax don’t do it, when you wanna come..”
Harry’s throat felt constricted, rooted to the spot.
“When you wanna come…”
He came to his senses and edged through the crowd, not taking his eyes from the guy, gyrating and tossing his shaker. He flipped it down to a girl behind the bar and concentrated on his moves, grabbing his crotch, throwing his head back, tongue out.
Harry could feel himself getting hard in his pants. It was the most erotic thing he had ever seen. The guy was standing on the same spot but stamping his feet, arms aloft, rolling his hips suggestively. He brought his head forward to the crowd and locked eyes with Harry. His jaw fell open, mouth slack, pupils blown.
Or the one where Harry and his friends hit Vegas for post Uni blow out, he meets a bar owner called Louis who rocks his world. Pure lust overtakes them both but it's more, it's just so much more than that..
💚 Can I lay by your side?  (59k)
"Harry, tell me what you are going to do when you leave here."
“I’m going to drive to a hotel, drink some of that vodka, enough to give me dutch courage." Harry looks down at his feet, colour blooming in his cheeks. “I’m going to find a bar, find a man who wants to sleep with me, find some weed and lose myself for a few days.”
“Look, do you even know your way around Manchester, do you know anyone here?”
He shakes his head.
“So you are just going to pick up a random man and sleep with him?” Louis huffs out incredulously.
“There’s a first time for everything.”
Fate brings Louis to Harry. Alone, Harry's buying vodka in Louis' local shop. He takes him home, this beautiful stranger, giving him his undivided attention and the weekend of his life. Together they tick off Harry's 'to do' list and fall in love at the same time. Harry has secrets and despairingly, on Monday morning, he has to go back to his old life. Louis and Harry meet up six months later by accident in quite different circumstances.
💚 If this feeling flows both ways.  (72k)
'You're a massive flirt Tommo, you were practically shagging on skype.' Zayn punches me playfully in the arm.
'Did you fucking see him? My god he is so my type. Thank god I chose that agency, he's hot, it will be great fun, can't wait.' I squint my eyes at him.
'You're actually doing this then yeah?'
'Yeah I am Zayn, I have been dreading turning up at that wedding alone. I can stop worrying now and just enjoy it. He seems cool, think we will hit it off and if he's used to this kind of thing then I'm sure he will be a true professional and ace his role.'
'Mmmh, I just worry Lou that all. Me and Liam, we just want you to be happy.'
'I know love, I know and I'm sure Prince Charming is just around the corner.' I eye roll at him. 'But until then, I'll act it out with a hot dude.' ~ Or the one where Louis hires an escort to go as his boyfriend to Lottie's wedding and to affirm his sexuality at several work engagements. Louis is very rich and very successful, Harry is an escort, hired to attend to your every need. From the Sony winter ball in Vegas to the Grammys. From Malibu to Miami, the Bahamas to London, follow the journey of Louis the songwriter and Harry the male escort.
💚 We will find a way (54k)
Shag, Marry, throw over a cliff...
'Ok, Kate Upton, Emma Watson, Nicole Scherzinger?'
'Aww shit, ummm Ohhh this is hard Haz, umm ahhhh shag Emma, marry Nicole, chuck Kate over a cliff.'
'You'd chuck KATE UPTON over a cliff, whats the matter with you?'
'I know I know but that was impossible.'
'Hmmmm, ok come on hit me with my 3.'
'Ok ok I'm thinking ummm gay men gay men ermmmmmm.'
'They don't have to be gay, you can hit me up with straight men too, I have an imagination.'
Cheeky grin.
'Ok Becks, ummmm Chris Hemsworth and ermmmmm me.'
'Ok well this is easy, I'd shag Hemsworth, marry Becks and you'd be head first over that fucking cliff.'
Or alternatively... Harry Styles, fresh out of Uni, his first job is assistant tour manager to 17 Black, join them on their tour of European Summer music festivals. Temptation takes over and Harry and Louis become a thing, but can Louis handle this thing? He's not even into guys so why is he in Harry's bed?
Some angst, lots of fluff and sex and music.
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spockismyspermdonor · 6 years
Matt Murdock x reader based on the song Like Real People Do by Hozier because every Hozier song makes me wanna fall in love and who better to fall in love with than mah boi Matt
Matt Murdock x reader based on the song Like Real People Do by Hozier because every Hozier song makes me wanna fall in love and who better to fall in love with than mah boi Matt
I’m currently rewatching all of Daredevil and the Punisher (almost finished with season 1) and I have been strongly reminded of how much I love Matt Murdock and I really hope his character is still as incredible in season 3. I’m very nervous.
Also, the reader is based on a character I made for the Punisher series that I need to start working on. Basically, she’s a mutant with cool healing powers and she can identify people’s injuries and illnesses just by focusing her energy on them.
This takes place a little after season 1.
Like Real People Do.
Strong alcohol and heavy smokers give the dingy bar its never-changing scent. The lighting is scarce and the patrons even scarcer. A total of 6 people are here tonight, all of them alone. You included. You would say the night has just begun, meaning things could still liven up, but you wouldn’t mind if it didn’t. You sit in the far corner of the room, back against the wall, able to see everything but the front door.
Just then, another loner walks into the establishment, bringing the body count up to 7. You stop in the middle of taking a swig of your Guinness. There’s something familiar about this newcomer. You turn your torso to look.
A man in a cheap gray suit with dark shades and a white cane is walking up to the bar.
“Jameson on the rocks, please.”
His voice is scruffy and somehow soft at the same time. You recognize it in the same moment you recognize all the bruises and cuts below his clothing. You sensed them just yesterday, although that man had seemed quite different than the one sitting a few yards from you now. You swallow the last of your beer and decide you just have to say hello.
You walk up to the man with a purpose, doing a good job of keeping your slightly tipsy ass completely on balance. He doesn’t turn towards you as you sit on the stool beside him and order another beer. Then you glance over at him.
“You know, a handsome man such as yourself shouldn’t be out alone at night. You never know what could happen, especially in this city.” You make sure to lay on the playfulness so he knows for sure that you’re joking.
The man chuckles lightly, shifting ever so slightly in your direction.
“Does me being blind have anything to do with that?”
“Oh, it was the main concern. Of course.” You then lean in a little closer and talk a little softer.
“Don’t want you running into anything dangerous, do we?”
“I think I can take care of myself, but thank you for the concern.”
“Mmm… I know you can.”
“And how’s that?”
Making sure no one can hear what you say, you scooch your mouth as close to his ear as you can without it being weird.
“Because you’re the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen.”
The man’s demeanor stiffens at the turn of a dime. You can tell he’s gone on the offensive and is ready to fight, so you take a step back.
“I believe we met last night in the alley behind the Salvation Army on 46th street. My name’s Y/N.”
You extend your hand, exuding all the sincerity and warmth you have to help him relax and prove to him that you’re on his side. He surely remembers your little chat last night. It was mostly about how he was confused as to who you were because he’d never heard of or seen you before, which was fair. Still a little insulting, but fair because you were new to the scene. You started going out not long before Fisk was exposed.
Your soft smile and steady heartbeat prove to your companion you mean no harm, but he’s still a little hesitant in taking your hand and shaking it once.
“Matt Murdock.”
“A Matthew. Interesting. It’s nice to meet the daytime you.”
“Likewise.” You appreciate the small upturn at the corners of his mouth.
“Let’s move this conversation to a more secluded area, yeah?”
Matt lets out his held breathe, “yes, please.”
You lead the way with your arm reaching out behind you, barely grazing the side of his wrist as a guide that you know he doesn’t need. You return to the table you were at before, the best private vantage point in the whole bar.
The two of you take seats opposing one another. Matt’s body has fully relaxed, but you know he is still keeping his guard up.
“So, why a suit?”
“I’m a lawyer. My partners and I actually just got Fisk convicted.”
“Ah, so you take care of criminals in more ways than one. I’m impressed.”
“What about you though? You help people in more ways than one. I know you heal and can somehow heal others, but you also have some serious skills with a blade. AND you’re a doctor, right?”
“Not anymore.”
You weren’t expecting Matt to bring up such a sore subject so soon. You liked the guy but you didn’t want him knowing your whole backstory already. You quickly changed the subject.
“So, you can’t use your eyes to see, but you know everything that’s happening around you. How does that work?”
“That’s a bit of a long story.”
Yikes. There’s his backstory. He doesn’t seem ready to share that yet either. You glance over Matt’s shoulder and see the dusty jukebox in the back corner.
“Do you dance, Mr. Murdock?”
“A little, Ms. L/N.”
“Perfect. Give me one moment.”
You swiftly move your way over to the jukebox, throw in the dollar that you have left for tonight and pick the first song that pops up in the “smooth tracks” section. A soft melody on a banjo rings out.
I had a thought, dear, however scary
about that night the bugs and the dirt.
You go back to Matt and gingerly take his hand into yours. He stands with a grin and follows you to the small place between the speaker and the bathroom.
Why were you digging? What did you bury
before those hands pulled me from the earth?
You place your left hand on his right shoulder and continue holding his left hand with your right. Matt takes his glasses off and places them in his pocket with his free hand before placing it on the back of your waist. The pair of you start slowly swaying to and fro, shimming around in a circle.
I will not ask you where you came from.
I will not ask you, neither should you.
You take a glance up and are stunned by Matt’s irises. In the dim yellow glow of the bar lights, their shade of brown is somewhere between honey and chocolate, appearing to be two little sweets for you to hunger for. Even though they aren’t able to focus on you, it somehow feels like they are looking deep into yours. The blind trust you give to him scares you for a moment.
Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips.
We should just kiss like real people do.
“So how did you know it was me?” You’ve been anticipating this question.
“I can sense injuries and illnesses in people. I do have some influence over a person’s healing too, but it’s mainly my medical training that does the trick. I recognized your bruises, which are everywhere, and your many fractures and cracks, new and old.”
“That’s incredible… but also weird.”
You both laugh and break a little tension that has built from everyone else in the bar noticing your dance.
“I don’t think you have any room to talk.”
“You’re probably right.” Matt remarks with a little chuckle.
I knew that look dear, eyes always seeking,
was there in someone that dug long ago.
“What we do- it all feels like a lot, but... it’s worth it. Don’t you think?”
Matt takes a moment to think about his answer.
So I will not ask you why you were creeping.
In some sad way, I already know.
“I think it can be, yeah. It also feels way less daunting when you’re not doing it alone.”
You smile. He’s right. You didn’t realize it until he just said it, but ever since your encounter last night, you felt a little lighter, as if you didn’t have to hold so much on your plate anymore. It allowed you to take a breath and go out to the bar for once. You earned it.
“I agree.”
I will not ask you where you came from.
I will not ask you and neither would you.
The both of you continue to sway as you feel the song nearing its end. That song was your last dollar so you were done drinking tonight. You thought about how badly you now wanted to be out in the city, helping whoever you could. With Daredevil by your side, you could know about anyone that was in trouble and he could have backup to take on even more bad guys. You both could accomplish so much more.
“What if we went out and kicked ass together? Right now.”
The possibilities are starting to build in your gut, pushing up adrenaline. You both stop swaying.
Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips.
We should just kiss like real people do.
“Well? What are we waiting for?” Matt smiles and you copy.
Before even thinking about it, you pop up on your toes and kiss your lips to Matt’s cheek. His scruff tickles your nose and chin and his aftershave zips into your nostrils, leaving a minty burn behind.
With his hand still in yours, you bop back down and lead the way out of the bar and into the next adventure of your life.
I could not ask you where you came from.
I could not ask you, neither could you.
Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips.
We could just kiss like real people do.
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Coming Home Part 2
Harry realizes his mistakes and hopes his girlfriend will take him back.  Hope you all enjoy!  Feedback and Requests are welcomed!  Lots of love!
           Harry sipped the red wine, staring out at the beautiful Italian architect.  Harry’s heart bled with sorrow, stopping his mind from writing music.  Three weeks passed since that fatal night when his relationship died.  Harry never returned home, sending Jeff to pick up his bags.  Harry missed his girlfriend, but his pride stopped his fingers from dialing her number.  His mind wondered how she was.  Did she assume they broke up?  Did she move on with some loser from the bar?  Did she miss him?  Harry missed her.  Harry sighed, tossing the last remnants of the wine down his throat.  Harry slipped off of the comfortable lounge chair and headed inside of the villa he booked.  Jeff ditched Harry, searching for the perfect gelato.  Harry flipped through the pages of his latest read, but his mind constantly landed on her.  She surprised Harry with the book since he took an interest in bettering himself and his soul.  Harry groaned, chunking the book across the tiny living room.  Harry gripped the remote, surfing through channels for anything to calm his mind.  Benedict Cumberbatch’s soothing voice reminded Harry of that awful night. Harry’s heart throbbed with pain. Harry was alone.  Mitch and Sarah ventured out to explore as a couple. Jefferey assumed Harry needed time alone.  Harry wondered if everyone were with him, would he still feel this overwhelming shadow of loneliness hovering over his fragile body?  Harry shuddered, picturing life without anyone.  It wasn’t until that moment that Harry understood her argument. His girlfriend spent months waiting for him to return home.  She had multiple friends and family around her, but the chains of loneliness locked up her heart.  Harry dreamed of holding her, kissing her, and talking nonsense with her.  Why did he ever leave her?  He surely wasn’t going to write any music without her by his side.  Harry scrolled through his phone, booking the next plane to London.  Harry didn’t need someplace new to inspire him.  No, Harry needed the love of his life by his side. * * * 
           Y/N stacked the boxes of cereal in her pantry.  She hummed along with Lewis Capaldi’s heartbreaking lyrics. The warm sun shined in her house, creating a joyful glow around her body.  Since she didn’t have work, she decided to shop and clean up the messy house.  Her mind wandered between dinner and the next spot she needed to clean.  Her friends messaged her nonstop, worried about her recent break with Harry.  Sure, she cried for days, but she was not the type to sit around and wallow in sorrow and self-pity.  In fact, without Harry in her life, she managed to work harder than ever before.  She straightened out her wrinkled shirt, breathing in the scent of lemon cleaner. Her phone dinged with a message from Nick.  Nick checked on Y/N every day since Harry disappeared.  Nick spilled that Harry rented a villa in Italy, and Y/N hoped he finally found happiness.  She pictured beautiful women and men draping themselves over her handsome boyfriend. She huffed, shaking her head.  Was Harry even her boyfriend?  Y/N answered Nick’s call, afraid that he might send an entire emergency squad to her house.   “Good morning, Nicholas.  How are you?” She chirped. Nick snorted, “I’m well.  Are you still putting on this front?” She quirked an eyebrow, “I’m afraid I do not understand what you are getting at.  I am happy.  Harry is happy; therefore, I must move on and be happy.” “Harry is miserable,” Nick admitted. She rolled her eyes, “Then he shouldn’t have left me.  It isn’t my fault that he stormed out of our house and flew his ass to Italy.” Nick chuckled, “You sound quite bitter. Are you sure you don’t love him?” She huffed, plopping down on the lumpy couch, “Nick, you know that I love him.  I cannot sit around and wait for him to return because he might never come back.” Nick hummed, “I agree.  We should celebrate your happiness with alcohol. Are you busy tonight?” She shook her head, “No, unless you count clipping fingernails as a busy night.” “It depends on the length.  I’ll pick you up around seven.” “Great, I’ll be waiting,” She cheered.   Nick hung up, smirking proudly to himself. Y/N still loved Harry, and she needed to realize that Harry loved her too.  Nick saw through her façade and planned to expose her inner sorrow.   * * *
           Y/N sipped the fruity cocktail that Nick ordered for her.  Nick leaned against the bar, giggling obnoxiously at some man’s dance.  Y/N grinned, bopping her head with the beat.  Did her heart clench every time a couple passed her?  Yes because she once had a love that deep.  Did she want to vomit every time a man flirted with her? Yes because to move on feels like cheating.  She was pathetic.  Harry broke up with her that terrible night.   “Hey, what are you thinking about?” Nick asked, flicking her hand. She faked a smile, “I’m thinking about work.” Nick nodded, “Isn’t this Harry’s song?” She froze, listening to Harry’s smooth voice. Her heart melted, relaxing upon hearing her lover’s voice.  Her eyes widened, tearing up whenever she heard the solemn tune.  From the dining table always sent chills down her spine. She told Harry that the song contained a harsh breakup that she never wanted to experience.   “Hey, are you okay?” Nick asked, watching his friend fall apart. She shook her head, “I miss him.” Her chin wobbled as the tears slipped down her pale cheeks.  She stood up from the sticky barstool, adjusting her dress.  Nick followed her lead, paying the bill before she darted. She inhaled, exhaling a shaky breath. Her jagged breath sent her heart into a panic.  Her wide eyes looked around for an exit.  She escaped through the heavy wooden door, vomiting into the nearest bin.  Nick stumbled out of the bar, rushing to her side. She dropped to the floor, sobbing dramatically into her palms.  Nick knelt beside her, rubbing her back in small circles.   “It’ll be okay.  Everyone goes through heartbreak,” Nick stated. She sniffled, wiping under her runny nose. Once her legs gained the courage to stand up, she walked to Nick’s car.  Silent tears streamed down her cheeks the entire ride home.  The events from that dreadful night replayed in her mind.  Why didn’t she stop him from leaving?  Why didn’t she buy a ticket and surprise him in Italy?  Why did she argue with him that night?  She opened the car door, saying goodbye to Nick.  She shuffled up the stairs, unlocking the door.  She dropped her keys in the bowl beside the door, slipped her jacket onto the hook, and kicked off her uncomfortable heels.  Her tired eyes flickered up, catching sight of a single rose sitting on the hardwood floor.  Confused, she followed the rose into the living room, finding another rose on the coffee table.  Another rose waited for her near the backyard door.  She slid the door open, shivering under the chilly night air.  The last rose sat in Harry’s large hand.  She gasped, stumbling backward.  Harry jumped forward, catching her hand.  His messy hair flew up with each gust of wind.  His emerald green eyes looked darker and even more tired than the last time.  Stubble grew on his angelic face.  His raw lips twisted into a hopeful lopsided grin.  Harry looked as if the world chewed him up and spat him out, but she still loved him.  Her heart stammered, wondering if this was real.   “What are you doing here?” She croaked out. Harry smiled, wiping away her tears, “I came home.  I’m sorry. Why did I even leave you?” She sobbed, collapsing into his sturdy arms. He gripped her body closer, missing the way she felt against him.  She shook her head, pushing his body away. “I was okay without you.  You left me all alone, and I learned how to live on my own. Now, you come back after spending weeks in Italy.  Do you want me back because you love me, or you are bored and alone?” Harry whimpered, reaching for her hands, “I love you.  I was a fool to leave you.  I was crazy to suggest leaving you alone.  When I was in Italy, all I could do was think about you.  I couldn’t write any music because you inspire me.  Will you take me back?” She smiled, “Harry, I would always take you back.  I love you.” Harry grinned, “I love you more.” She giggled, leaning on her toes so her lips could press onto Harry’s frozen lips.  Harry sealed the gap, kissing her as if she might disappear.  She broke the kiss, staring wide-eyed at Harry. “What?” He wondered. She gasped, “I forgot.  I have this project for work, and I want to leave for a few months.  Will you be okay alone?” Harry glared playfully, pinching her hips, “You are the worst.” She giggled, slapping his arm, “I’m kidding. I hope you know that you owe me.” Harry smirked, “Let me start making it up to you then.” Harry lifted her up, leading her inside of their house.  Harry shut the door, ignoring the rose petals blowing away in the wind.  Harry’s empty suitcases were locked away in his closet. Harry planned on not leaving her side for a while.  
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stargirl-ae · 6 years
Soundtrack of my Life (Teen Vogue)
I will be making up the ^Playlist of my Life inspired off the many people who have made them already on Teen Vogue’s YouTube channel, so let’s get started here. 
So, hello. My name is Anely and I had always hoped to breakout as a musician but we gotta think realistically here don’t we? This would be the play list of my life if life had actually worked out in my favor. 
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Helena - My Chemical Romance: I was apart of that handful of people who really didn’t have an emo phase, this song is very special between me and a friend of mine. He and I have been friends since our freshmen year of high school and one day I had been courageous enough to talk to him cause I though he was a cute guys, anyways he actually thought that I was cute too, WHICH IS VERY RARE SINCE I LOOK LIKE A MUSHROOM. Eventually we starts hanging out and everything and we would skype couple times a week and we would listen to MCR and Disney music and yeah. We had planned to be Gerard and Helena for Halloween but it never came to be. Him and I are still friends and this song will always mean a lot to me. 
Bad - Michael Jackson: First of all, Rest in Peace Michael, we all still miss you so much. But this song takes me way back. In one of my old houses when me and my brother were little, we had these music channels and they would have music videos we could watch. And me and my little brother would watch the music video for Bad and we would act it out and do the choreography and it's a little funny to think about it now but yeah. We still do dance to that song. Plus, Michael’s outfit in that music video is literally so iconic. 
Remember Me - Miguel ft Natalia Lafourcade (Coco): Coco is such an amazing movie to begin with, and just saying to Disney, yes I’m talking to you, you guys need to make a Hispanic Disney princess, Elena of Avalor does not count. I will gladly voice her. Anyway, this song in the movie where it shows the flashback of Hector singing to Coco it makes me really sad but in a good way, because of the ending, which I will not spoil for those who haven't seen it. It's an amazing movie and the first time I saw it I cried … a lot. 
Machines - Crown the Empire: Crown the Empire was my little screamo band phase, and Machines is such a loud song and I really like the music video. I sing that song in the shower a lot. And plus I had the biggest crush on the vocalist at the time, Andy Leo. Yeah they were my middle school band. They always gotta little place in my heart. 
Hotel California - Eagles: Hotel California is a song that my dad had showed me my freshmen year of high school and honestly with the first time hearing it, my whole aspect behind songs having meaning really changed. And plus there’s a lot of conspiracies around that song being about a lot of dark stuff but the actual members of Eagles denied the theories, which I honestly don’t believe. Anyway, it’s a badass song, with the drums and the guitar solos. My favorite version of the song is when they performed in 1977 and it’s just a good oldie. 
Si Una Vez - Selena: Now, this song is amazing. And Selena is the queen of Tejano music, but this song at her last performance at the Houston Astrodome was an amazing thing. She put a lot of power into that performance and the lyrics in the song are very straightforward, saying not to play the one you love. Such a bop, and we miss this legend, 
Dime Mi Amor - Los Lonely Boys: This band has been involved in my life since I could remember, they make some badass music and the guitar in this song is amazing. I would love to see them live, but i’m pretty sure that they don’t tour anymore. If they do - they can take my money. 
You Should See Me In a Crown - Billie Eilish: Billie is such a bad bitch,and her voice is so beautiful voice, especially when she did her isolated vocals when she broke down her songs with Genius, and with this song it can be like one, two o clock in the morning and I’ll have my headphones going full blast with song and I’m just in my room feeling like a badass. If I had the chance, I would love tp collaborate with her and see what comes out of it. 
Enséñame A Olvidarte - Intocable: Intocable has been apart of my life for a very long time, like Los Lonely Boys and within the past year I have been more into Tejano music, i’m not exactly sure why but it’s happening. I had to use this song to translate this song completely from Spanish to English. Fun fact; Spanish is my first language, and I’m fluent in the language yet I passed the class with a B. But yeah the song is about a guy and he knows his ex girlfriend has found another man and he treats her so much better than he ever did and now he feels bad for not treating her like a queen.
If I Ain’t Got You - Alicia Keys: Her vocals, the piano, the freaking vibes this song gives out always got me feeling some type of way. Alicia Keys has to be one of the best female vocalist of like the early two thousands to now. Her voice can make you feel so many things, ya know? 
Sola - Jessie Reyez: I love the way this song is written, and Jessie Reyez, she really be out here writing bop after bop. She sings about all these girls being devoted to their significant other and she sings from her perspective that she is just a girl, who isn't perfect who won’t be glued to your side all day, everyday. She is always singing about the real ish out here. 
Sleepwalk - Johnny & Santo (La Bamba): This song reminds of when me nd my family had gone to florida one summer for vacation and it was raining a lot when we had gone and the song went perfectly with the thunder and grey skies. It also plays during the ending of La Bamba which is one of my favorite movies of all time. It’s a cool song since there is no vocals in it, it’s just Instrumental and the old 1950′s vibe from it makes me really happy. 
Edge of Seventeen - Stevie Nicks: For the people who have seen the movie School of Rock, when Jack Black and Joan Cusack are at the bar and then that song comes on it’s pretty funny to me because Joan as the principle seems to be all preppy with her private school, next thing you know she’s sipping on beer and letting loose. Plus, Stevie Nicks is a bad bitch, and she reminds me a lot of American horror story since she popped in a couple times throughout Coven and a time in Apocalypse. I would love to see her in the studio. 
That’s it for the soundtrack of my life, very important songs to me. Hope everyone enjoyed. 
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harrys-oh-anna · 6 years
Karaoke and Tequila: Part 1
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You sit there at your favourite cafe with your best friend Janina. Catching up with each others life while sinning on these amazing little cupcakes you both loved so much since the first time you both visited New York. You’ve worked so hard to achieve your life goal: Owning a hotel. Even though it is a crooked little buildung, people are always buzzing around in the cosy foyer, giving it an special atmoshere of exitment and radiance in contrast of the hectic city life. Years back your friends scolded you that it would never work out to own a hotel in busy New York with such a laid back interior, full of flowers and little belongings guest preseted you from their home countries. But you were lucky to succeed with a warm and light place people liked to stay at. You were happy, totally and fully happy. Especially with your best freind sitting next to you after months apart, finally moving to the same city as you did years ago. You’ve missed these care free times with her.
“Y/N? Are you even listening?” Janina scoffed, interrupting your thoughts.
“Of course. You said that you’ve got the biggest hangover ever. Maybe you should stop drinking Tequila then. Seems like you’re not as keen as you were in our good old days” I mocked her.
“Oh my goodness, you make it sound like we’re 80, Y/N. You’re 23! Many good Tequila nights will lay a head of us! ″ she uttered. “Anyways, do you know any good Karaoke Bar here? I really feel like singing tonight and you definitley need a night out with that mindset of an old lady.”
“Alright, alright. Let’s go to the one in midtown. It’s said to be awesome. But it’ll be only one Margarita for me, I have a hotel to take care of in the morning” You told her, taking a sip of your tea.
“We’ll see, I know you won’t resist a second one” Janina answered while taking a glimpse at the her rinning cellphone “Shit, it’s Luke, probably wondering why I’ve been groceries shopping for the last 3 Hours, while he’s alone painting the walls in the flat”
I chuckled “Go and help this poor guy before he finds out you were rather sippng tea with me.”
“I need to grab some food though or he will be suspicious” she exclaimed while putting her jacket on.
“I’ll pick you and Luke up at 9pm then?”
“Sounds perfect” She hugged me tight “I’m glad I’m finally here with you.”
“I am too” you shouted after her while she was already sprinting out the door but not without turning back, wearing a mischievous grin “And by the way Luke’s friend is coming along. His name is Harry. Be nice to him”
And with that Janina was off into the cold april weather.
You stormed out into the hectic city as well, leaving the warmth of the Cafe behind. It wasn’t the first time Janina tried to persude you into meeting a new guy. A potential new boyfriend. The boys she intodruced you to before weren’t bad but there were never the sparks you wanted to feel and with your hotel you had to take care of, you were way to busy to keep up with a boyfriend. You shook your head, but maybe this was exactley what you needed. A little fling with a guy, no strings attached, just a little fun from time to time. Some one who takes you out from time to time. Some one who takes care of you from time to time. Your hopes weren’t high with meeting this random stranger called Harry. He kind of damped your mood for the Karaoke Bar and you couldn’t withhold a sigh as you stepped into your cosy hotel, greeting your receptionist with a nod. Her head bopping up and informing you about the latest stuff, making you work a little more before getting ready for the night out. At 8pm you were done and stared at yourself into the mirror being more or less happy with how you looked. You flatened out you shirt and threw on your coat. Before you could even think of this stranger Harry again you headed out and found yourself inside the Karaoke Bar with Janina and Luke, already drowning your second Margarita.
“Y/N look, what are we going to sing? We have to sing a song!” Janina shouted over the loud and very wrong singing of a guy, handing me the iPad to choose a song. “Let’s go for a classic” I spoke out while clicking on ‘Angles’ by Robbie Williams, feeling a little dizzy after drinking this fast. Janina yelped out an exitied squeel while Luke just decided to roll his eyes and taking a sip of his beer and excusing him to the bar to order another round for us all. Janina and you were blurting out the song from the bottom of your heart, the song that reminded you of your graduation party and many more events of your youth. You started to scream your Solo into the microphone as Luke came back with a stranger following him holding a beer and a Margarita in his hand. You chocked. Fuck, was this Harry? You couldn’t make a lot out from where they made their way through the crowded place to your booth. You couldn’t believe your eyes, this man was handsome. He really was, with his curly brown hair. You chocked on your last words you had to sing out as the stranger turned to you, smiling, waving and showing his dimples. Janina laughed out, instantley reading your reaction and whispering “He’s a good one, isn’t he?!”. All you could do was nod and being relieved that the song was over and you could stop screaming in the micro, not making an even bigger fool out of yourself as he sat down next to you in the booth. “I’m Harry” he offered you his hand and you took it, getting crimson red. “Y/N” He chuckled, handing you your Margaria “I really do love Margaritas as well, but don’t tell Luke or he’ll make fun of me forever.” You just smiled and took another sip, realizing he’s wearing a Hawaiian Shirt. You had to chuckle.You were sure this night won’t be over soon, maybe he wasn’t that bad.
so this is the firtst part, i really hope you like it. You can give me some ideas on how to continue this! Lots of love and spread kindness!
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