#this ask made me so happy
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desertduo-but-everywhere · 5 months ago
I just want to share I've been playing this game with myself for a couple months now where I block with my hand the tags and try to guess where the daily screenshot is from and I've learnt to differentiate between series I haven't even watched with just looking at the background (sometimes, not all) (yet) so I wanna say thank you for this very useful skill and I love this account to the point it should begin to concern people (/pos)
Absolutely DELIGHTED to hear this. The only series I haven’t finished are either of Grian’s or Scar’s hc s6 (I am getting there but it is. so long) so getting to hear your experience of these screenshots in unfamiliar series is just so interesting to me..
AND the game of trying to figure it out and learning to differentiate which is which without any context from the series sounds so fun! If you ever did go and watch the series you haven’t it would be so cool to go like Oh! I recognize this moment from the but-everywhere blog! I am so glad to hear you enjoy this silly account of mine, and thank you for sharing your experiences with it. I always love to know that people enjoy this blog as much as I do :D
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acoraxia · 9 months ago
I just found your blog and your cotl stuff and It has absolutely taken a hold of my brain, so I was wondering if I could maybe perhaps draw some fanart of your cotl designs?? Especially long haired Narinder I love him so much
Hell YEAH feel free to draw my designs and pls tag me in them I would LOVE to see it raaaaAAAAH
pro-tip if you feel like you need to change certain aspects of the designs, you have my permission you can even give them ✨✨ different hair styles ✨✨
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solifloris · 7 months ago
what pet names would the twins use 🤔
I HAVE VERY SPECIFIC THOUGHTS ON THIS. in general, obv "miss hunter" is there, "kitten" would be there too but ironically/probably very mockingly and mainly bc of sylus' influence, but also probably things like "missy"/"baby"/"babe"/"pretty" (playful stuff)
and i'd also like to pat rp blog admin's brain bc "lil birdie" definitely seems very Very fitting for them too <3 so with maybe specifications sometimes like "lil robin"/"lil dove"/"lil canary" <3
i do have hcs for what pet names they'd likely use individually, but <3 hehe that's a surprise for when i finish writing! 🥰✨
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takami-takami · 9 months ago
In the span of an hour I've reevaluated my opinion on jumping spiders multiple times. To clarify i have arachniphobia so while this little guys would probably scare tf outa me irl THEY ARE SO CUTE. CUTIESSSS LOOK AT THOSE EYES AND HOW TINY AND OMMGGGGG THEY CAN DO JUMPS AND THEY HAVE REALLY GOOD VISION!!!
YAYYYYYY SPIDER LOVE AND APPRECIATION!! Yes jumping spiders are the cutest because of their big round eyes they are LITERALLY the 🥺 emoji in real life.
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poetry-draws · 1 year ago
I was just scrolling through your awesome Lotro Ranger Art (❤️) and found Roary, Baby Corunir's plushy aurochs friend and i now i imagine grown up Corunir carrying around the (little worn out) plushy all the way to Gondor xD
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darkness comes and goes, but friendship is forever
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solo-piper · 2 months ago
very late happy new year <3 we dont talk often but seeing you in my notifs makes me smile & ill always remember the time we spent together fondly, never forget youre awesome !!
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deputyrook · 2 months ago
i saw you reblog some marazhai fanart a while ago, thought, hmm, he looks interesting. bought the game. played it all the way through. read ur fic about him. i am a changed man. i am obsessed with marazhai and i dont even like warhammer. he is everything to me. UR FIC…is everything to me like omg it was soulchanging. u stay improving peoples lives for the better girl
omg this is such a compliment thank you anon 🥰 every now and then I have to let the freak flag fly and write something truly deranged and depraved and Marazhai is perfect for that 🖤
And god I KNOW, Owlcat absolutely nailed the Marazhai romance, it’s exactly what I would have wanted. Toxic, fucked up, dependent, masochistic, but somehow also romantic and genuine- honestly the entire third act of Rogue Trader is one of my favourite parts of any game, I absolutely love it. Rogue Trader is definitely my game of the year, it’s fantastic.
There is some CRAZY good Marazhai fic out there- Tervantias too, if you’re into that kind of thing (like I am.) Honestly Rogue Trader got me into Warhammer 40k more broadly (🥲) it’s a very fun universe for incredibly dark concepts.
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dappledpaintbrush · 1 year ago
Are you the one who wrote 'A Jester's Lament'?
What inspired you to write it? (41 chapters!)
Oh no no no, I’d HATE to be that weirdo who wrote 400 pages worth of mario fanfiction! haughty laughter is then interrupted by 500 drawings of Lament Dimentio falling out of my pocket
Tbh what inspired me was. Myself? Weirdly enough? I mean of course SPM being my biggest interest was absolutely part of the reason why it’s so long and why I wrote it to begin with. But what specifically sparked the story of AJL was the fact there was an extremely specific type of Dimentio redemption story I was looking for. Of course, I’m not saying AJL is the first of its kind or something because it most definitely is not lmao😭😭 But there were just some things I preferred in an AU that tries to redeem Dimentio, and after searching for a while for, again, that extremely specific story, I thought, “DUDE JUST MAKE IT YOURSELF💀💀💀💀” and so I did. And a lot of people just ???? happened to like it??? :
Even though story length was one of my specific wants, I highly doubt I could’ve completed 41 chapters without the immense support I received. I genuinely cannot thank you guys enough. Seriously, if you like a fic, I highly highly reccomend commenting. You have no idea how much that means to writers 🤍
I’m putting this under a read more so I don’t clog people’s feed, but if anybody’s curious, some of my specific wants were:
- Length. I needed this fic to be almost unbearably long. I needed people to say GODDD DAAMMMNN when they looked at the word count.
- Dimentio somehow getting more unredeemable before he got redeemed (idk if I fully accomplished that, but I tried) (it’s hard to get worse than the complete annihilation of life) (I just tried not to purposefully write him in a likable way early on in the story)
- Dimentio dying the same amount of times he killed Luigi in the game
- Dimentio in general getting shit absolutely rocked
- Dimentio having a backstory that’s emo enough to explain the person he became but not emo enough to be his main source of redemption via pity if that makes sense. I think I achieved this? But of course that’s subjective, and looking back there were better ways to go about it. Basically what I tried to do is give him a good childhood with loving parents- minus the “accident” of course- and have Dimentio himself clarify in Chapter 15:
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Basically: the loss of his family and the shit he went through definitely played a role. However, instead of a Blumiere-like “My loved one(s) died, now all worlds are without meaning and deserve to be destroyed,” Dimentio’s grief triggered a very deadly greed that did not revolve around the ones he lost. Blumiere’s motivation for destruction, including himself, was purely the loss of Timpani. Dimentio’s motivation for destruction, excluding himself, was, well, himself. For once, Dimentio wanted to earn, not lose. Making Dimentio have an understandable backstory but be “less sympathetic” than his counterpart, Blumiere, was important to me during the creation of AJL. But this gets extremely complicated because something like hmm uh idk erm MASS MURDER is impossible to truly make sympathetic. Regardless of intention, Dimentio and Blumiere did the exact same thing. Regardless of intention, Dimentio and Blumiere were both selfish. You can’t exactly destroy life itself in a non-selfish way. Both characters are equally unredeemable (or… equally redeemable, technically). Strip their actions down for their bones, and all you’ll see is two characters that tried to ERASE EXISTENCE. Sure, you can FEEL more sympathy for one than compared to the other, but feelings are subjective. Facts are objective. And the fact is, Dimentio and Blumiere attempted mass murder. You see why this is difficult to explain and even more difficult to write? I have a headache. God speed everybody
- More shit I’m probably forgetting
- Picture of a cat I found
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richietoaster · 1 year ago
mother please give me some crumbs ive been waiting for another fic from you in over a YEAR!! I NEED to know- in your richie pov of grow as we go, can you tell us what we can expect? like are we gonna get it like a carbon copy of grow as we go, but just richies version (no hate/shade lol im genuinely curious cause i know some people do that- which isnt a bad thing ofc!!) or are we getting bonus scenes?
Lmao your opening is hilarious I love you 🤣🤣🤣 I do apologize for not posting anything for so long, it’s been the longest I went without doing so.. Ya girl has had a rough past year, but NEVERMIND THAT
You ask and I shall deliver!! I’ll tell you what I plan to do without giving anything away (not that it really matters ig??? bc if yall read grow as we go then you know how it will pan out lol)
SO. There WILL be carbon copies of only some things, especially conversations. Not EVERYTHING and probably not EVERY conversation, except with Eddie. It’s going to feature the same dialogue in that aspect, but from Richie’s view and his emotions. I also would LIKE to add more dialogue to some scenes, I’ve been rereading Grow As We Go a lot to see what exactly I need to do to make this fic work and flow well, without accidentally having any plotholes, and I think that adding more dialogue to some scenes would be nice.
There are going to be different scenes too. Obviously in GAWG there were points in time where Richie was not present around Eddie. This doesn’t mean I’m going to write what Richie was doing, as things were happening with Eddie without him
Just like in GAWG, I plan to have a few flashback scenes.
I’m also going to touch on a few things that were mentioned more than once in my fic, but didn’t delve too much into detail with.
I hope this answers your question, nonny! I’m excited for this fic, as I DO think it also has the potential to be even longer than GAWG. And she was over 14k words long! My goal is to hit 20k words in “Richie’s version” 🤣 that may be a stretch, but I think it’s very possible.
She’s still a work in progress and it PROBABLY won’t be done by Christmas but I am hoping!!!
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shardkn1ght · 1 year ago
Sweet angel
Pats your snoot*
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leftdestiny-posts · 1 year ago
Happy New Year, Shiro!! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
JESSAMINE!! :DDD I'm a bit late [something irl came up and I wasn't able to be online :((] but I'm back now, sooo,,, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU TOO!!! ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ I'm wishing you a year of good health and lots of happiness!! May 2024 be kind and fortunate for you <33 (and may we have many more interactions!)
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underthetree845 · 1 year ago
heyy!! i saw your message to mai about like what she thought about dazai and siblings, and dazai is loosely based off of yozo oba from no longer human and yozo grew up in a wealthy household with i think 7?? older brothers/sisters. and i mean the show is dead author fanfiction so like don't take that as concrete but in my own head i think that dazai probably ran away from home or something and his childhood somewhat resembled that of yozo's.
sorry if this message is a nuisance to you!! i just thought i would share🩷
HI I SAW THIS IN MY INBOX AND GOT SO EXCITED I know it's been a few days, so thank you for your patience!
I really appreciate the message- it was smart to look to the source material!
Dazai is a very adaptable/versatile character. I could see him in a mentor/older brother role (albeit not the most responsible but still), a middle child who took their own path, the youngest whose took the expectations and threw them in the trash, etc. etc. If he does have siblings, my brain has settled on middle child for the most part. He definitely did some learning but now he's passing it on.
Thank you very much for the message! Not a nuisance at all, it means a lot that you took the time to write this/cared enough to keep the conversation going!
I hope you're able to rest well tonight, have a lovely day/night/morning/evening! ^^
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anchoeritic · 2 years ago
please do post your poetry, literally nothing is more beautiful to me than seeing how people express all of these emotions and thoughts into these magical little words that can mean so little yet so much & ik i will deeply fall in love w u immediately
it’s all just sappy hopeless romantic bullshit but i love it so much. writing poems is the same as when i write some of my fics. there’s something deeper beyond just words, it’s the emotion of feeling through the message you’re trying to put out. which is also why i like.. love.. handwriting them out instead of typing them up. if that makes sense? it’s very love letter-like.
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takami-takami · 2 years ago
I absolutely adore your blog, it makes me so happy when I see new posts especially about everyone's favorite bird boy 💖💖💖
Wahhhh thank you!!! 🥺💞
We love the bird boy SO much here. So much love going his way...
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erenscherub · 2 years ago
Hello! I recently discovered your Eren fic 'Seasons' and I absolutely LOVE it <3 Will you be updating it in the future / ever because its honestly a masterpiece I would love to see how it carries out. I promise there's ABSOLUTELY NO pressure or expectation on you - if you've moved on that's perfectly okay and I hope you're enjoying life!
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Thank you so much for popping into my inbox to leave me such a lovely message.
It always makes me happy to read messages like these and this was something I really needed to hear. Honestly, my depression had gotten really bad to the point where there wasn’t anything in life I enjoyed anymore. But I’m doing better now and am just trying to take it one day at a time.
I’m trying to find joy in the little things and get back into my old hobbies. I went to a swap meet and bought a new keyboard that makes the loud clicky noises. Writer’s block has been crippling me for the longest time and it’s been a year since I have been able to even write something more than a few sentences for a draft. For the meantime, again just taking it one day at a time, trying not to be so hard on myself, and practicing writing some drabbles since I feel like my skills are rusty.
Still, Seasons really has a special place in my heart. Though it has been a labor of love, it’s something I also want to see finished through along with all of my readers.
It may not be the answer you wanted, but one day, I will publish a satisfying conclusion to Seasons. Hopefully soon though, because I can’t tell you how it’s killing me the number ideas I have floating around but I just for the life of me can’t write down coherently.
I wish you all the best anon. Love you to the moon and back
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angxlwiings · 2 years ago
I saw you like Taylor Swift and well-developed, researched, authentic sapphic historical fiction (such as Portrait of a Lady On Fire) and I've just gotta ask you: have you heard of Burn the House Down by Kenna Jenkins? It's an alternate history novel abt the 1st woman president in 1945 and her secret interracial sapphic relationship and her bearded marriage with her mlm best friend/biggest foil. It also has Taylor Swift vibes (especially illicit affairs, gold rush, I Did Something Bad, anti-hero, and last great American Dynasty), a subplot about arson at the White House, ft. an entirely queer main cast and really fleshed out characters, and has a really satisfying ending!
Oh I haven't heard of it actually, but that definitely sounds like it'd be right up my alley!!!
Im currently reading this is how you lose the time war, and I'm liking it but it's a bit too flowery for me to the point i feel lost at some points😅 I'll finish it because I don't like leaving books halfway through, but it definitely left me wanting a more tangible romance and story. It sounds like this recommendation came right on time 🤩
Thank you!!! I'm adding it to my goodreads right now and will try to find it/start it soon. I'm so excited!!
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