#this ask made me laugh out loud the first time i read this I CANT EVEN LIE
dipperscavern · 2 months
request: letting robb stark take me feral like the wolf he is
unfortunately this is giving me thoughts.
usually, he’s ever so gentle. passionate, attentive, unapologetic in his desire for you. but he’s stressed. constantly frustrated. angry, even. so, you offer for him to take it out on you. an outlet to release all of his pent up energy. he’s hesitant at first, unsure & unwilling to hurt you, but you trust him — and you tell him as much.
so here you are. your throat & chest littered with marks, some areas bitten. he didn’t even bother to prep you, bottoming out in one swift push that knocks the air from your lungs. his nails leave indents from where they tightly grip your hips. or, anywhere he can reach, really. his pace is relentless, harsh & setting your nerves on fire. you squirm, wanting reprieve as you lose track of the amount of times you’ve peaked.
he merely pulls you closer, back flush against his chest as he leans forward, positioning his head next to your ear so you can hear him.
“where you goin’? hm?” he doesn’t get a reply. he doesn’t expect one.
“thought you could take it? y’said you could.”
he sets a new pace, tantalizingly slow as he fully bottoms out & then pulls himself almost entirely away. and again. and again. his hands roam you, and you’re not sure this is the same robb you married. he’s rough — harsh. he’s mean.
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
Gaming Noises
Max is loud af when he games. There comes a point where his girlfriend cant' sleep without his noise.
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Before meeting Max, she hadn't been able to sleep without complete silence. She needed the perfect conditions: Silence in her bedroom, the bed to be the right temperature and for the blanket to not be folded up inside of itself.
Pretty small asks, if you ask me.
The first night she stayed at Max Verstappens house, she hadn't expected things to be any different to this. And, for that first night, they weren't any different.
No, Max waited until they were a few months into the relationship, until her staying at his happened more often than not, until he showed his true colours.
After they shared dinner, Max got up to put everything on the counter. "Schat, I'm gonna hop on the sim for a bit," he said as he leaned down to kiss her.
"Okay, Maxie," she whispered, closing her eyes as he kissed her head. "I'm gonna go read something before I sleep."
While she was reading, she had her earphones in, music blasting as her eyes moved across the pages. She didn't know just how loud Max was being as he gamed with Team Redline.
It was only once she took her shut her book, took her earphones out and snuggled down under the covers did she hear it.
Max. He might have been in another room, but his voice was so loud. A frown crossed her face, but she still shut her eyes and tried to sleep.
It wasn't happening. She couldn't keep her eyes shut as Max's voice rang out, loud and clear. She grabbed a pillow and placed it over her head, but that did little to drown out the noise.
Wrapping the blanket around her body, she walked out of the bedroom. "Maxy," she groaned as she walked towards him. Max moved his head towards her, but he didn't look away from his screens. Not even when she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "You're so loud."
She was at such a state of tiredness that she didn't care that he was streaming, that the world could see her in this state.
Max leaned towards her. "I'm sorry, Schat," he whispered. "I'll try to be quieter."
Spoiler alert, Max wasn't quieter. She didn't get to sleep that night until he crawled into bed beside her. But she didn't mind when he wrapped his arms around her and held her close, kissing her head.
This continued on for the next four times she was sleeping at his. Every morning she woke up incredibly exhausted. Suddenly it made sense how Max drank so much Red Bull.
It was getting annoying, but she'd never be annoyed at him. He didn't know how loud he was being. Plus she just loved him too much.
She didn't know when she got used to Max's gaming noises. One day, while he was being loud, she fell asleep. She actually fell asleep while Max was shouting, laughing, and raging on the sim.
Max couldn't help but smile when he slipped into the bed beside her and held her close.
She stayed at his for three more nights in a row. For those nights, she fell asleep with no issue, snuggled between his sheets.
But then Max went to a race. She headed back to her own apartment to watch his race from the comfort of her sofa while getting on with work.
She'd spent so much time with Max recently that it was hard to be without him. Her apartment was too quiet, too cold, too lonely. She hated it.
But she stayed up and watched his race with a glass of wine with hand. The great thing about being with Max Verstappen is that you never have to worry about him. He was so far ahead of the rest of the grid that he was never really in any danger of crashing. She'd watch him win for the rest of her life she could.
She tried to go to sleep after the race. Got changed into her pyjamas, got under the covers and tried to get to sleep. It didn't happen. She tried to softly play whale noises. It didn't help.
Again and again she tried to get some sleep. But, no matter what she tried, it didn't happen.
Groaning, she unlocked her phone and called her boyfriend.
It was a minute before Max picked up. As soon as he did, she could already tell he was on his laptop. "Hey, Schat," he said, his voice raised slightly.
"Maxy," she groaned, clearly incredibly tired. "Somehow I'm used to how fucking loud you are when you game," she said. "Co you think you can keep me on the phone until you go to sleep?" She asked.
"Of course, my love," Max said.
He did just as she asked. Max continued to game, continued laughing, shouting and raging (but not seriously) as he played. In no time at all she was sleeping.
Max kept her on the phone beyond that. He kept gaming, kept the phone call going until he was ready to go to bed.
As soon as he logged off of the stream, Max picked up the phone and walked over to the bed. "You there, Schat?" He asked as he sat on the bed.
He got no answer.
"Goodnight, Mijn liefje. I'll be home tomorrow," he said and ended the call.
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savannahsdeath · 11 months
call me silly but i cant stop thinking about hogwart au ellabs uhhh istg . i cant . also im pretty sure im the first one to make a hogwart au so please give ib if you want to make your own fic🤭 if im not the first one then sorry and please lmk who is !!
summary: you're roommates with your best friend and girlfriend, which don't seem to get along well.
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you and abby often wondered what's ellie doing in gryffindor, as the setting hat had doubts itself, wanting her to go to the slytherin for a split second.
"i mean, i'm happy she's with us." you quickly explained, realizing she might hear you through the bathroom door.
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abby frowned, not looking away from her book. "oh, you are? and why, exactly?"
you laughed, leaning in to see what is she reading about, but she slammed the book shut with a loud bam! right in front your nose. "well, first of all, she's my girlfriend. self explanatory—"
"but... why?" she cut you off and sat up. "what do you see in her?" oh, you knew that one. it wasn't the first 'you deserve better' talk you had with abby. "wouldn't you rather to be with someone smarter, stronger and, i don't know, just... not a total loser?"
for a moment you sat there, so close to her your shoulders were touching, with your mouth parted and lips going dry. a moment passed as the door opened and ellie came out, sloppily wiping ruffling her wet hair with the towel. her gaze wandered between the two of you and she raised her eyebrow, but her obliviousness made her shrug the weird feeling off. "how much time do we have?" she asked, ignoring abby's presence, who just went back to reading her book.
"less than an hour." you annouced, getting up and taking the towel out of her hand, replacing it with a little bottle you picked up from your bedside shelf. "drink up."
"the fuck is that?" she twirled the unappetizing green liquid around the glass, noticing it's weirdly dense texture.
abby chuckled, winking at you as if to laugh at your low standards. "just listen to your girlfriend."
you smiled at the blonde girl before looking back at ellie. "it's going to rain, i don't want you getting sick."
"yeah, we don't want to hear you whining like a baby just because you catched a little cold." abby added, smirking as you gave her the stare. her comment passed by ellie's ears, not getting any reaction out of her.
she downed the potion in a few sips, wincing and letting you take the glass bottle out of her hands. she took a deep breath, trying to get rid of the taste. "i'd rather be sick." you giggled and rised on your tiptoes to reach her forehead, placing a loving kiss on it. she smiled for a second, before her face flashed with a grimace again. "wait— it's going to what?"
"it's going to rainnn" abby cooed, mercilessly but melodiously drawing out the vowels. you frowned, seeming to be the only one who doesn't see a reason to panic. yet, ellie was now pacing around the room, stopping to look outside the window. the clouds above the horizon were, in fact, dark blue, what predicted a downpour.
you came up to her, wrapping your hands around her tensed waist. "are you scared of some water?" you teasingly asked, nuzzling your head in the crook of her neck.
"that's not the point." she turned around, taking your hand and parting her lips. you just knew you'll probably spend the next minutes listening to the rules of quidditch, hopefully not enough to be late. "you see, when it rains, it's usually quite... foggy. pretty hard to see anything, yeah?"
"yeah, but..." you walked towards the bed, ellie following closely after. "slytherins won't see anything too, so it's fair, isn't it?"
she quickly shook her head and pursed her lips in a tight line, as if disappointed you don't get it. "someone gifted them special lenses. someone— i mean, anonymously, but everyone knows who it is. their captain's father." she stood in front of you as you sat down, fiercely gesticulating. "fucking bastards. they think money can solve everything... well, it kinda does but—"
"can you shut the f..." abby chimed in, deciding against cussing in the last moment. "...up. jesus, i'm just trying to study." she rolled her eyes as the attention was now on her.
"what are you even studying?" ellie walked closer to her, trying to see the book's cover through the blonde girl's pulled up knees, which she used to lean the volume on.
abby was quick to get defensive, closing the item as soon as she made sure the tab is on a right page. "none of your business."
"it doesn't look like one of our student's books at all..." ellie teased, tauntingly smiling as she got closer.
you sighed, taking a deep breath before speaking. "come on, els, we gotta go - get you ready and everything." you stood up and started rummaging through the drawers to think what should you take with you. ellie nodded and left your dorm, promising she'll wait for you before entering the quidditch's pitch.
"you really should go, it can be fun." you friendly nudged abby's shoulder, trying to keep your eyes away from the pages of her book, which seemed to attract your gaze and curiosity.
she looked up at you, visibly annoyed that she has to repeat it for the hundredth time. "that's not my thing."
that's not my thing.
yet, about fifteen minutes after the match started, you felt her warm presence next to you. she didn't say a word, probably too embarrased to admit she somehow got convinced to get her priorities wrong.
yet, you could hear her breath hitch when she saw your rivals score another point. no matter how hard the rain would hit her, soaking through her clothes, she'd calmly stand her ground and squint her eyes to see how bad the situation is.
yet, you eventually noticed she was holding her wand the whole time. and you noticed how her grip tightened as she mumbled a few words under her breath, inaudible because of the cheers. you couldn't believe it, but after a few minutes the clouds turned purely white and bright sun rays made people take off their coats. the same abby anderson, who always had to be the best student, not letting herself be distracted from studying just broke one of the school rules.
"you know you're going to have problems if anyone finds out?" you innocently looked up at her, gratefully smilling.
"then don't snitch on me." she shrugged, admiring the weather, which was her own creation.
yet, she made gryffindor win.
let me know if you want to see more!
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aweskeetskeet · 1 year
Bartender Bakugo pt 2
Prt 1 ⬇️
:read more:
After about an hour of you two falling in and out of sleep Bakugo climbed out of bed and looked down at your still sleeping self smiling. He walked to the kitchen and started dicing up some chives, tomatoes, and onions. Throwing them into the beaten eggs before tossing it into a pan to make the worlds fluffiest omelet. You wake up in his empty bed confused but then you came into reality with the fresh scent of omelets flowing through the house. You followed your nose out of the bedroom and to the kitchen to see katsuki standing over the stove in a cliché ‘kiss the cook’ apron. “Mornin' princess, omelets? Not that you have a choice, both are almost done so….” “An omelet sounds really good right now” you say smiling. He passes you your plate and he sits down next to you. “Thanks for the food” You say in unison as you both take a bite. “Dude, a mixologist and chef? Crazy. What else can you do?” “We’ll see last night was you first time with me so I went easy on you and-“ you cut him off “NOT WHAT I MEANT KATSUKI” he smirked. This boy really does have a dirty mind. I met this man at a bar, we went back to his house, we fucked, and now I’m in his kitchen eating omelettes with him cracking jokes like a damn married couple. What the hell is going on. His phone began to ring. “Who the Fuck is calling me right now” he groaned picking up his phone. “God dammit” he scowled as he answered. “What the fuck do you want nerd- NO YOU CANT COME OVER- NO I DONT CARE IF SHITTY HAIR WANTS TO COME TOO NONE OF YOU ARE COMING TO MY DAMN HOUSE IM BUSY” katsuki was practically screaming into his phone before abruptly hanging up. “Stupid fucking deku” he grumbled putting his phone back down. You were trying to hold back your laughter but couldn’t help it as you bursted out laughing. “What’s so funny princess?” He said watching nearly fall out of your chair. “YOU- YOU JUST WENT FROM FUCKIN MR. COOL GUY OVER HERE TO SCREAMING AT SOMEONE ON THE PHONE FOR ASKING TO COME OVER I JUST- I CANT- YOU SWITCHED UP SO FAST!” You shouted laughing. “Shut up crazy woman, you don’t know what you’re talking about that guy deku is just so damn annoying” you could see katsuki trying to hold back a smile. “Such a hot head- its adorable” you say finally getting ahold of yourself. Bakugo turned beet red. “Hey! I am NOT adorable!” You smirked “You totally are” you stood up “you’re like a little Pomeranian” he stood up and you ran off with him chasing you. “AN ADORABLE LITTLE POMERANIAN” you shouted as he chased you. He caught up pretty quickly and scooped you up tossing you onto the couch. As he hovered over you he whispered. “Pomeranians bite ankles, I bite everywhere else” he said and you looked up at him, blushing as he towered over you. “Still think I’m adorable, pretty girl?” “I do, yes” you say smiling and nodding your head. “Tch, I’ll show you adorable” and right as he was about to kiss you a loud ass doorbell rings through the house. “What the FUCK” he groaned and got up. You heard bakugo mutter ineligible words of annoyance as he made his way to the front door as you sat on his couch giggling. “I wonder what he ordered” you think assuming that it was just a package delivery until you hear a voice “yo waddup Bakubro!” You immediately shrink into the shirt katsuki gave you to wear as you social anxiety immediately hit you. You didn’t have any makeup on, you weren’t in your regular cute clothes, your hair was probably a wreck. “Get out of here shitty hair” you could hear katsuki grumble. “No way man, I havnt seen you in like a week and we both know if I listened when you said no the gang would never be able to hang out.” “Come on kacchan it’ll be fun let’s watch a movie or something.” THERES MORE THAN ONE?? You thought as you shrunk deeper. Another voice pops up. “Yeah kacchan~ we never hang out anymore, you just do your stupid bartending gig. And keep to yourself. You never go out, you never hook up with girls like kirishima and I-“ “AYE I DIDNT SAY YOU COULD COME IN”
all of a sudden all the talking stops as 3 guys and one very angry katsuki bakugo are standing staring at you. “Yo bros are you seeing what I’m seeing- Bakugo actually has a girl over?” The one with spiked red hair not much different from bakugos asked. “I’m seeing it, and a pretty one at that” the one with yellow hair stepped forward. “Hey darling I’m kaminari what’s your name?” You start to breathe a bit heavy being overwhelmed. You’re picking at the fabric of the shorts in an effort to distract yourself and calm down and trying to avoid eye contact. Total fear taking in, your eyes start to well up. You’ve always been fine talking to people but only when you know it’s coming. Like at work you know you have to talk to parents at drop off and at pickup so you are able to prepare yourself. But currently you feel so exposed, like a deer in headlights. “Guys, leave her alone, she looks terrified” the boy with the green hair says calmly flashing you a smile in an attempt at reassurance. Bakugo can see everything going on. He can see the silent plead for help as you look at him tears threatening to fall. You are completely different from the girl he talked to last night and all morning. “Yo she’s wearing kacchans clothes! Did you guys fuck?!” The boy you now know as kaminari shouts excitedly. You wanted to get up and run away, you wanted to run and hide in the bathroom, you wanted to hide in bakugos shirt, you wanted to be in your bed under the covers safe and sound. You wanted to be anywhere but the position you are in right now. “Everybody leave. Now.” The vibe bakugo gave off when he said those lines made everyone pause. He was genuinely angry. Not his regular yelling and barking orders that you could tell his friends got their fair share of. This was a true moment of ‘fuck around and find out’ the room was silent. You were shaking. Near hyperventilating. The boys paused. And looked at bakugo. “Let’s go guys” The one with the red hair said. As they all shuffled out. Katsuki followed behind and once the door finally shut you broke into a full on sob. Why was kaminari so forward. Why was the green haired one staring at me for so long before even saying anything. Why did this have to be the first impression. Why did katsuki have to see me like this. I never let people see me like this. All the different thoughts were racing through your head. Your heart was pounding so hard it felt like it was going to burst. Then all of a sudden a hand fell gently on your shoulder and you jumped at the touch. You turn to see katsuki standing here looking down at you. You scurried away. “No, no I’m sorry, I embarrassed you in front of your friends, I’m sorry I’m so sorry” you pleaded in apologies.
“Im so sorry bakugo I’ll leave, I won’t go to the bar I’ll give you back the clothes I-“
“I should’ve like hid in the bathroom the second I heard the other people I couldn’t move I’m sorry- I-“
Katsuki shouted and you fell silent
He walked over to you and picked you up off the floor. “I’m sorry, I should’ve closed the door the second I saw it was them, I should’ve told them that I had someone over, you didn’t do anything wrong and I don’t want you to go” he wiped your tears away with his thumbs and you looked up at him. “I’m sorry I’m not as cool as you thought I was” he was shocked. “Shut up crazy woman, you’re still just as cool as before. Still just as hot, still just as funny, still just as sweet, you got anxious. It happens.” “Any normal person wouldn’t stiff up an introduced themselves but I sat there shaking” you said with your head resting in his shoulder as he carried you back over to the couch “normal is boring”.
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myfanstories · 2 years
Where's Bob?! (part 2)
pairing: Bradley (Rooster) Bradshaw x fem!reader (callsign: Cheetah), dagger squad x platonic!reader
read part 1 here
Read part 3 here
Summary: The gang is slowly starting to puzzle together the pieces of the crazy night they had together but they still cant find an answer to the most important question... where's Bob??!!
A/N: part 2!! Thanks for the love on part 1 guys :)) next part is gonna be the last part where the main question will finally be answered! Enjoy xx feedback always appreciated
Trigger warnings for alcohol, some swear words, alluding to smut, smoking, nudity // English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes
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Slightly wincing, you placed your third empty shotglass down and turned around to Jake who handed you another one "Oh god" you quickly downed it as you closed your eyes, shaking your head as you felt the liquor burn down your throat "I love tequila" you breathed out, voice strained as Jake slammed his shot glass down on the bar "I love you" he slurred, eyes slowly opening and closing. You pouted placing a hand on your chest, affected by drunk Hangman's words "I love you too" "No I love you Cheetah" his finger pointed to you as you copied his movements, raising your finger to him as you used your other hand to support yourself "No but like Hangman, I love you" he looked at you for a second, eyes slightly crossed as he suddenly moved forward. You let out a loud yelp as you were thrown over Jake's shoulder. He dragged you back to the dancefloor to the rest of the squad "Rooster, I love your girlfriend man" placing you back on your feet in front of him you couldnt help but stumble back, hitting someone in the chest with your back in the process. You turned around and let out a loud gasp as you saw Bob standing behind you "Bob" your hand bawled up in a fist around the fabric of his shirt as you pulled him closer "I love you" you said and he smiled, swaying a little from left to right "I love you too, I love all of you" he yelled out the last part and you cheered, throwing your arms around your boyfriend and Bob "Group hug!" Phoenix yelled out and soon you were all laughing like crazy as the group made one big pile, everyone holding onto someone... best night of our lives
“I’m just saying, Phoenix and Cheetah making out after that group hug… hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life” for that comment alone Rooster threw his empty water bottle at Jake’s head “Okay guys focus, what happened after we left the next club”
“I bet you a box of chicken nuggets right now you cant win in a fight against me” you stopped dead in your tracks, raising your eyebrows at Coyote “Oh yeah?” you puffed out your chest a little “You’re on mister” Rooster lost his balance for a second as he stepped of the sidewalk, 3 bags of McDonalds in his left arm and carrying Phoenix on his back while supporting her with his right “I got everything guys, I g- OW DAMN” Coyote’s body was slammed into the ground as soon as you placed your arm around his shoulder, another around his waist and tackled him to the floor as you put your feet infront of his legs “Go baby!” Rooster yelled, stuffing his mouth with fries. As Coyote went down, he managed to pull you down with him making you scrape your knees on the asphalt in the process. You rolled on your back and let out a painful huff before looking at Coyote, who was supporting a drunk smile “Get me my freaking chicken nuggets you little bitch”
You looked at the 3 empty bags of Mcdonalds that were spread around the room and you pointed at them “We brought the Mcdonalds here, so there cant be too much time between that and us booking the hotel” You said and Phoenix nodded “Exactly, but was Bob with us at that time?” She asked and you shrugged, rubbing the side of your head “For all we know, he’s dead somewhere!” “Oh dont be so dramatic” Jake said and if Phoenix could shoot lasers out of her eyes, he truly would be dead “Hangman, he doesnt have his phone which means no one can reach him and he cant reach us… he doesnt have his glasses and I dont know if you’ve noticed… but without them he’s FUCKING LEGALLY BLIND” Coyote held Bob’s broken glasses in front of his eyes and winced “Yeah that bitch cant see shit without them… how in the hell did he pass the military exam?!”
It was now nearing 4am, still drunk out of your minds. Phoenix was leaning up against the window of the nightshop, holding on for dear life as the world slowly started spinning for her. Coyote was sat on the ground, head in his hands. A door opening up next to her shook them awake again as the little bell above said door let out a rinkle “Okay, I got everything I think” Rooster said and reached into the plastic bag “I feel 20 again” Phoenix chuckled as she opened up the packet of Camel cigarettes, popping one into her mouth and handing one over to you “Thanks babe” you reached into your totebag to find your lighter and lit the cigarette, handing it to Phoenix who offered a cigarette to Jake. He shook his head and held up the vape Rooster gave him “A vape? Really?” You laughed and he took a drag, blowing out the smoke in your face “Strawberry kiwi baby” Coyote opened the bottle of whiskey and took a sip “Okay, where to next?” He asked and you all looked at each other “The beach!”
You scanned around the room, checking your bag one last time to see if you really didnt forget anything in your hotelroom before closing the door behind you “You good babe?” you looked at your boyfriend who looked quite disheveled with his hair a mess and you reached up to fix it a little. He placed his hand on your back and rubbed it lightly “I’m sorry” he said and you tilted your head a little “What are you sorry for?” he shrugged his shoulders “You didnt wanna come out last night but you went for me and now we cant find Bob… And if I just respected your wishes of staying at home you wouldnt be stuck in this stupid situation with us” you smiled and cupped his chin “Dont ever apologize to me for something like that again okay. I could have went home after the Hard Deck but I stayed because I was having an amazing time with you guys.” You kissed his lips gently and he nodded “Okay… lets go find Bob” you walked towards the elevator where the rest of the squad was waiting for you guys and let out a small laugh, you all looked really pathetic right now. Jake still wearing your sunglasses, Phoenix had Roosters hoodie on with the hood over her head and eyes so small you were beginning to question if she could even see, Coyote was using his arms as support against the wall as he dry heaved a little with a bag ready in his hand in case it was needed and you still wearing Roosters boxers since your pants were literally nowhere to be found.
“I dont like to say this, but do you guys think we’re too old for this shit?” Jake asked as the elevator doors opened, making you all step inside of it. Rooster pressed the floor button and sighed “I’ve had some big hangovers in my life before, but this one triumphs every single one of them” he answered. The elevator came to a stop as you reached the lobby of the hotel “Who even paid for that room anyway?” You asked “Oh god, did we even pay?” You whisper yelled and before anyone could answer a woman at the front desk greeted you “Ah Captain Mitchell, hope you had a good stay at the hotel! You can drop of the key here and once again, big thanks for the generous donation. I didnt know the military was that free with their money but thanks anyway” confusion riddled through your body as the woman stared at Rooster, who blinked mindlessly before deciding to play along “oh- Oh! No problem ma’am. Do you by chance have a receipt from the donation? We always keep them” she nodded and typed away on her computer before walking to the printer, grabbing the piece of paper and handing it over to Rooster “I scanned it in yesterday, but here’s a copy! Once again, I hoped you guys enjoyed your stay and we hope to see you soon. Thank you all for your service to this country” you quickly grabbed the piece of paper and your eyes moved to the bottom of the document, Jake leaned over your shoulder to read it with you and you two looked at each other in utter shock before turning to Rooster “Bradley Bradshaw… you are in so much trouble” you laughed, since it seemingly was the only thing you could do right now. You handed the piece of paper to Coyote and he and Phoenix read it to before they turned their head to Rooster so fast “You put Mav’s credit card information up as payment?” Rooster swallowed hard “I’m so dead” Phoenix turned back to the lady at the front desk “Excuse me, when we arrived here last night.. was it just us checking in?” She looked at the five of you and nodded “Yes, well you looked a little different since you had your regular glasses on but I’m 100% sure it was just you guys” all the heads turned to Jake “Glasses?” He asked, slightly dipping the sunglasses so that they were balancing on the tip of his nose “Yes and if I may… I know serial killer glasses are all the hype right now but I think you look better without them” she winked at him and went back to typing on the computer “Excuse me, hi-sorry” Jake said and the woman looked up again, this time slightly annoyed “Did I happen to say what my name was?” she scanned the group, hand on her waist as she sighed “You said your name was Bob”
As you made your way out of the hotel you guys quickly realized the only way to get back home was to walk alongside the beach and somewhere along the way you guys decided to walk towards te water for a second. “Okay so we know Bob wasnt with us went we booked the hotel room but then where did we lose him?” Walking in silence, you let the sun radiate on your body and you slowly started to feel yourself truly come back alive again “Uh Cheetah?” Coyote asked and you looked up at the boy, taking a sip from your water bottle “Arent those your pants?” he picked up a pair of black trousers that were covered in sand and showed them to you “What? Let me see” you whisked them out of his hands “They are? How did they get here” Jake snapped his fingers, pointing to you “We went skinny dipping!”
You were leaning against Roosters chest and in between his legs as he supported his weight on his arms, keeping him up. Sitting in a tiny circle, Phoenix had her head in Jake’s lap and Coyote was set next to them with his legs crossed “I think this is one of the best nights I’ve ever had… the squad missed out on this one I’ll tell you that” Rooster said and the group agreed “We’re so far away from home tho… how will we get home?” Phoenix yawned and Jake took another sip of the bottle of whiskey the group was sharing “There’s a hotel right there, maybe if we’re lucky we can still get a room” Jake said, you noticed the sky was slowly coming back alive again and scanned the waves crashing the shore when suddenly an idea came to mind “Have you guys ever gone skinny dipping?” You asked with raised eyebrows, the group looked at each other.. tension building up and Coyote was the first one up, running to the water. You quickly jumped up, dragging Rooster up with you as Phoenix and Jake started running to the water as well. Your laughs echoed loudly in the air as you began removing your clothes. You saw Coyote’s bare ass jump into the ocean, his clothes ditched a little too close to the water. Jake pulled of his shirt, threw it away and started jumping out of his pants. Phoenix’s bra flew in the air and yours followed. Soon you were all naked in the water, swimming around and splashing each other with ocean water. A pare of hands found its way around your waist and you turned around facing Rooster. You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and legs around his waist as he swam you guys out a little further into the ocean, away from the 3 other aviators “You know, we can fuck like literally right now and nobody will know” he said and you just leaned in, kissing him hard. He took this as a sign to position himself better against you and a moan slipped out of your mouth as he slowly but surely slipped inside of you. A slight smile crept against your face as you held him close, the rest of the squad blissfully unaware of what was happening a little further into the ocean
“How do we explain to the rest of the group that we lost Bob” after walking a good hour, you saw the hard deck closing in on you in the distance “How do I explain I booked a hotel room under Mav’s name?!” Rooster fired back “One problem at a time buddy” Jake patted Roosters back, jogging up ahead to catch up with Coyote who was already on the steps up to the entrance of the cafe. The sun was now really starting to annoy you and all you wanted was atleast 2 liters of water, a cold shower and 5 days of sleep. Out of breath, you followed the rest of the squad up the stairs and braced yourself as you entered the same bar it all started last night. Upon entering, heads turned in your direction “What the hell guys?! I was this close to sending a search party for you guys” Payback yelled and Coyote moved towards him, putting a finger to Payback’s mouth and sushing him “We are not yelling today” he then moved to the bar where Penny was observing the 5 dead looking aviators “Water… ice cold dear Penny” Coyote whimpered, his voice barely above a whisper as he placed his head on top of the bar and covered it with his arms “Rooster!” A firm voice sounded from behind them and they turned around, facing a clearly pissed off Maverick “Mav look we can explain” You said and Mav shot a deadly glance to you “I want an explanation… now!” He said and you all looked at each other, no one daring to speak up before eventually you did “Mav, we’re so sorry” the bathroom door opened, but you paid no mind to it as you struggled to find the right words. Phoenix on the other hand let herself get distracted and turned to the person entering the bar from the bathroom “I’m so sorry Mav… but we lost-“
To be continued...
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hi i know this is rlly random but i just thoight of it while trying to read cursive. A platonic reader x lesso where reader cant read cursive and since lesso weites in cursive never does the work which leads to a confession and not sure how to finish it x
*Authors note~ I love this idea so much it's gonna be a Drabble because I also don't know what else I could add to it*
Trigger warnings~ dyslexic reader
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
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School work was always something you struggled with. Reading was tricky when the words seemed to just blur together so adding in the extra fancy loops and swirls just made it ten times worse. You were embarrassed about how much you struggled, that's why you never told anyone. To afraid of being laughed at and made to feel stupid. You aren't stupid. In fact you were rather bright, especially when it was something spoken. Languages you seemed to excel at the oral portion of it. But literature? Never.
Unfortunately for you, Leonora Less, the teacher for curses and death traps, loved to write in cursive. It came naturally and truly it was magnificent penmanship just like everything else she did. Normally you'd be able to appreciate that, but not when you were drowning in work for her class because you hadn't been able to take notes effectively which meant you were missing chunks. Apparently quite important chunks of information that you needed for the work.
Maybe that's why you weren't confused to be kept behind in your lesson. She wanted to know why you hadn't bothered to do her work and she wasn't going to rest till she knew why. The moment tears started to brim in your eyes she knew this was more than laziness or blatant disobedience. You weren't stupid and she knew that, your verbal answers were always the best of the class. So why wouldn't you do the work? Suddenly it dawned on her.
You were expecting to be shouted at or dragged off to the doom room. After all you'd heard the stories so it was safe to say your confession was evident as you watched her walk to the blackboard. She wrote a sentence in her usual penmanship and asked you to read it out loud. The moment you visibly paled she knew she was on the right track. You did the best to contain your feelings and took a guess based of the lengths of the words and the sentence.  You watched as she nodded and flipped the board over making sure to write the words even spaced and simply. No loops or fancy lines. She once again asked you to read it out loud which you did with ease. The gaps helping your brain register each letter one by one.
Leonora watched as you carefully sounded out the sentence, the concentration on your face and the slight fear of being wrong told her everything she needed to know.  "Sweetheart? You can't read the first one can you?" She asked gently, not wanting to upset you but wanting to find the best way possible to help you. All you could do is break down and cry, you're secret was out now she would think your stupid.
"Oh little one, why didn't you tell me? I could've made more of an effort to help either changing the way I write or getting a separate sheet just for you." Her suggestions only made you cry more throwing yourself into her arms. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm not dumb, I just I'm sorry god I can't even draw straight lines with rulers maybe I am stupid" you mumbled into her shoulder the hot tears soaking the clothing there.
"You darling, are not dumb your the brightest in your class, you just need some extra support and I'm willing to give it to you. All you have to do is work hard and be the best you can be. Can you do that ?" You nodded at her words. You could do that.
With new measures in place to help you you were now successful in every class you took, lesso keeping your secret between just you and her.
Word count~ 708
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kpopscruggles · 9 months
i just saw the first anton pic LIKE OOOH FUCK ME anyways so i thought of this trope - 🏳️‍🌈 (sungchan dont get angry pls baby) ALSO DIDNT PROOFREAD THIS IS ALL BRAIN FART AND IMPORPER RNGLISH SORRY IDK WHAT TO DO W PRONOUNS
i was listening to underwater by red velvet and lucid dream by aespa while listening so i recommend listening to that while reading
"its senior year y/n, and you're still watching his swim meet? you really lost it huh. that man is obvi straight/he obvi not into you."
"NO. you gotta stop being dumb, i heard his dating this wonyoung girl anyways. like, i get that he's like one of the ten men in the whole university not making you feel like shit for liking them but its been a year? all he did was look st you every time he wins" Your friend leaves dissapointed at you in the school gym watching another swim meet where your crush, anton is playing, but this time will be your last, you hope.
You spaced out during the whole competition, even after anton inevitably wins first place again. You even try to pass anton looking at you then losing his smile as him knowing how you feel but you subconsciously know it was just your delusion.
Everyone left, the gym lights are closed, and the only thing illuminating is the pool itself. You walk towards the edge and put your feet in it. "Is there going to be a man whos gonna love me? I swear i'm getting tired of me being single, why would i even be dumb enough to think that anton would even look at me like that i swear i gotta be d-"
"FUCK. BITCH?!/&:" You fell in the pool but you realized that it was the DEEPEST part of the pool and your ass cant swim
"I HATE THIS SM WHY IS IT SO SLIPPERY ANTON COULD LITERALLY STAND HERE WHY IS IT ACTUALLY SO DEEP" You say trying to save yourself from drowning but great at least youre not leaving college single, you'll end it with a black and white picture and a whole section of you in the yearbook.
You felt an angel holding you and raising yourself out of your misery. you didnt knew you were going to heaven with how much shit you did but- oh wait you're alive.
As you open your eyes you realized the guy that saved you was ANTON LEE ?/&,&,&,&?@?&??
and two things might happen:
one. anton is actually a hot buff merman (stfu 😘)
"h-hi" yn said to anton shyly "hi cutie what are you doing here, yk drowning in the pool hehe" anton laughed pulling himself closer to you. the two of you stared at each other with just a few inches away from each other. anton is strong enough to keep you and him standing afloat as he goes nearer to your face and caressing your cheeks. "You don't know how much i wanted to do this to you" Yn said getting their body closer. "Oh trust me, I saw how you looked at me everytime we see each other" Anton pulled you nearer to him and the both of you started touching each other. You held his body and felt his toned arms, abs, and TAIL??
"WOAH! Yeah this is a wet dream, yeah waking up now" Yn said out loud "Huh?" Anton said laughing "No Like, I love every moment of this like literally I had a similar dream where you're this hot merman and im this cute pretty merman hunter and you fucked me an-"
"OUC-Ohh" You didn't realize that Anton went behind you and pulled you towards him as he went to the end of the pool and started to suck your neck. "You still sure its just a dream?" Anton asked before sucking your neck more and leaving love bites on your neck "An-Anton- Ygh- Stop pls calm down"
"No, I've been wanting to be with you, love you, hold you, carress you, taste you for three years and you just say its a dream? I'm as real as i could be" Anton said sternly removing your clothes and throwing it off the pool. He hugged you from behind pulling you to his body as he placed his dick in your hole. "Anto- Babe" You kissed Anton while he keeps thrusting you in the edge of the pool. You can't handle the pace and you came before him.
"Pretty Baby already made a mess huh" He kisses your head "Don't worry i'm close too" You moaned when he played with you while thrusting deep inside you. you were overstimulated you dont remember much after that other than the pleasure that he was giving you and the kisses he keep laying on your face. The both of you cum in the same time.
"Woah, we need to do this with my human form" That statememnt waked you up from your high "YOUR WHAT" Anton just laughed before He carried you on the edge of the pool and pulled himself right after. And you swore you could make out him right then and there. So you did.

The two of you made out for god knows how long before he broke the kiss. "Babe. I'm strong but you holding my abs like that really hurt" Anton smirks before kissing you again "Wanna move this to the showers?" But you were busy being insecure with what he said before "Babe, I didnt say I dont like you holding me like that, I wished for you to hold me like that" He said and you smirked while laying on his chest "Can we stay like this for a minute?" You asked. He played with your hair "Ok" He answered and the both of you held each other's prescence for the next hour.
two. hes just a little shy baby
Anton just looked at you not muttering a word as he saved you from drowning
"Th-Thank You" You said shyly as you try to stand up to go to your seat while anton is just seated on the edge of the pool. "I have extra clothes if you do-" "No its okay" Yn quickly shutted the idea out.
"No its fine i insist" "Its okay, really wouldn't your girlfriend be weird-" Anton got visibly shocked when he heard that from yn. "Girlfriend?? First of all i dont have a girlfriend, second of all why are you interested in my love life" "Uh- Uhm well you're really cute and I-i think youre fine uhm sorry i'll just leave you alone now" you were scared (and kinda turned on) with how anton looked at you but you werent sure if it was because of how scary anton is or because of how embarrassed you were or if it was the cold but you started tearing up which was not anton's intention, he quickly went to you and started comforting you
"I'm sorry u-uh did i scare you I didn't mean it" Anton began rambling trying to calm you down "Its just that i was just surprised that people think me and my bestfriend who is obviously into women and has a girlfriend are dating and especially because you think were dating when i only had eyes for you, i like you okay, i like your glances at me, i like how you smile back when you look at me thats why i was surprised you didnt even look at me when i won, i like your little rambles when we see each other, i like the photos you send to me and the little storytimes you say to keep our conversation going, i like the way you look, i like your flustered fsce right now, Ugh" He went silent with the water from his body dripping as the only noise in the whole gym before screaming (but its anton his scream is probably like 4 decibles) "I liked you okay" He rolled his eyes before saying "And its really annoying that he keeps being oblivious on my feelings for him for three years just called me cute then saying he'll leave me alone because he thinks im dating this random ass girl"
Yn just laughed after the revelation. "PFft. Well here I am thinking im the one whos gonna ramble on how much I crushed on you since last year and how my friend keeps saying you and wonyoung were dating making me think i have no chance with you" Yn smiled before hugging Anton "I love you" yn said burying your head on his chest "Gimme a kiss" Anton said "No" You said looking at him. He pouted "Gimme a kiss" He said more whiny than the last time. You pecked his right cheek "Thats not what I mean" Anton rolled his eyes before looking straight at you "Say pleaseeee" You said teasingly. "UGH. Please Gimme a kiss" He received a peck on his lips and he was opening his mouth to yap about some nonsense when you shutted him up with a deep kiss he groaned before kissing you back.
You weren't shy to put your tongue in and as he moaned he put his tongue in too and the both of you started making out. Anton broke the kiss "I love you, I wanna be yours" He said albeit really randomly. "Don't worry i'm all yours"
The both of you went to shower and because theres no smut yet here it is
"You sure you wanna shower together? The cubicle is really small" Anton said "And you think i dont wanna be all up close to your body" he rolled his eyes trying to hide his blush.
"You can't keep your hands off me? I just opened the door" He said laughing at your horniness you just rolled your eyes then entered in the cubicle. Anton is really shy, REALLY shy, and it honestly turned you on. He faced away from you while he was busy showering so you wont see how red he is looking at you but that just turned you on more.
You held his face making him face you and kissed him. He was obviously stunned and his cute face made you squish his cheeks. "Let me show you what I'm all yours means babe" You kiss anton's lips, then kiss his adam's apple, marked his chest leaving hickeys on it, tracing his abs with your tongue and finally planting a kiss on his dick
Looking up was a sight to see, a flustered anton looking at you so lovingly but also so sexually. "Yn. I'm a virgin" He said pouting. "Don't worry I'm a virgin too" You said before trying to fit his dick in your mouth. You had a hard time pushing all in so you opted to teasing him by licking his shaft and kissing his tip and jerking him off but you gathered enough courage to suck it all in.
Anton was livid with what you're doing with him. He could hardly keep himself standing with him playing with your hair as a way to keep himself in reality. Moaning at every action you did to him. So when you finally put his dick in your mouth he felt estatic he moaned really hard before cumming
"Oh Fuck. Sorry, Shit. I told you its my first time and you did all that to me I thought you were a vo- Oh woah Ughh Yn what are you- UGH" To his surprise you didnt stop sucking even though you just had a load of cum that he kept for 2 weeks in your face.
"Yn. Ugh Yn. Ynnnn. UGH. I love you I love you" He kept on repeating these words while you were busy sucking him off again. He felt really good, He leaned on the wall and put his thighs on each side of your face and forced you to keep sucking while pushing his dick deeper in your head. It wasn't long before he came again.
"Yn, Oh fuck I'm sorry" He said but you just stood up giggled before swallowing every seed he released in your mouth. "I love you" He hugged you slowly and kissed your head over and over.
He saw how tired he looked and he cleaned you up and made you wear his clothes.
"You look good wearing my clothes" Anton said giggly. "I'll look even better if you take it off-" He kissed you "Yeah next time when your voice is not super hoarse cause of my dick" He kissed you again and it took all his might to not make it another makeout session
JBDBDNENSNDND OKAY BUT HEAR ME OUT!!! What if you think he’s a little shy boy but deep down he’s fooling you and he is a siren that’s like living on earth because he hates the ocean and wants too see the world (lil sprinkle of Ariel scenario) !!! (So scenario b for a moment)
After your guys little moment he starts watching you from Afar but slowly luring you into him and becomes addicted to your taste and smell. Almost to the point where when you get close he just has to put his lips on yours…nibbling slightly in your bottom lip
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lishadrart · 2 years
Ok so its not so much an ask as it is me wanting to gush about ‘From the Stars’ I don’t have a AO3 account yet so I couldn’t comment there, but I just wanted to say I have LOVED reading and rereading your fic. I literally found this fic on Friday night while resting in bed and I stayed up until 3am binge reading it. I also reread it again later on Saturday and Sunday and still reread it during lunch breaks at work. I’ll be honest, this story made me GIDDY which I don’t typically get from most fanfics out there. It literally boosted my mood this whole weekend. Your writing is great, the 2 first chapters were lovely in getting the story established and I loved the details that went into describing everything in terms of the scenery and even down to the scents. You have a great eye for timing and progression and just laying out a scene. I loved reading the reader and Ratchets early interactions. I think my favorite bit to read is during the icebreakers scene in Chapter 4. The way you closed that chapter with Ratchet’s answer was very sweet and it honestly felt like it was something that could have been written into the actual show. Also, you portrayed ALL of the canon characters perfectly. From KO’s brief scene to ALL of team Prime. I especially love how just incredibly accurate Ratchet is. Seriously, I can HEAR Jeffery Comb’s voice as I’m reading his dialogue and I love how you include his mannerisms and movements too. Your writing is incredible in depth, true to character, and thoughtful. The reader character is darling and their attitude and reactions are very realistic and similar to how I’d probably react in those situations. Its very easy to see why Ratchet starts to fall for them as time goes on. The canon chapters were great too, but I think your writing truly shines when you’re writing original parts. Also, there were SEVERAL parts that made me literally laugh out loud. A few of them I had to set my phone down because I had to get over my laughing fit. KO’s ‘Common sedan’ line and the ‘”Did you see that shit” scene from the shootout with Soundwave killed me. Ugh, sorry this is long and wordy, but I really wanted to reach out and let you know how much of a positive effect this story has had on me. I even made a very short playlist on Spotify for it with some songs I like to listen to during long runs or drives when I just need some positive chill music. Cant wait to see more if you do continue it! Keep up the amazing job! You’ve def got a fanbase from this and it’s been amazing to binge read over and over.
I am… flabbergasted. Thank you SO much for this, this is perfect and everything I wanted to hear. (And apologies for the lack of updates with the story - life has gone tits-up and I’m trying to get it sorted first)
I definitely want to work more on little interactions rather than adapting episodes, ‘cause those drive me to create more. Anyway I’m keeping this ask forever, bless
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queenizy1441 · 2 years
Imagine going on a hunt with Sam:
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"Hey, careful." Sam had warned you protectively.
"You overreact sometimes, I'm not gonna fall to my death." You say with a chuckle at the end.
"You are standing on a cliff, made of dried mud." Sam said walking closer to you in case he would need to snatch you before you did indeed fall to your death.
"Sam if your gonna stand on the mud cliff thing with me it's sure to give way because it can't hold your 8 foot tall ass as well as me." You joke.
"But you are so small with your 5 foot cute ass, it's like your not even standing there so it won't matter." He said joking with you. You smack his shoulder and keep walking on as both of you laugh.
You and Sam were at a forest hiking spot looking for an abandoned shack which had stories of a ghost sighting. It was 2 pm.
Backstory: **You had met the Winchesters at a hunt, about 3 years ago and ever since then, you have been part of their family. And just 6 months ago you started dating the scholar and taller brother.**
Dean was at a hotel gathering some much needed shut eye after last night when he got so drunk, he started drinking Vodka which he never does.
"We have been walking for dayyyss, are we even close?" You exaggerated, you have only been walking for a good 20 minutes.
"Yeah it should be just up ahead." Sam looked at the map in his hands. And sure enough you both got up a hill and it was right there.
"Luckily there is no one here, we can hunt in peace." You said sighing and throwing your backpack off your shoulders. You got out an emf reader and started scanning the place, outside first, then you went in. You had a 9-11 pistol filled with salt bullets in your free hand just in case.
"Sam! I'm getting strong emf reading inside the shack but I don't see anything!" You yelled just loud enough for Sam to hear, he was still outside. As soon as he heard you, he came in.
"Maybe we should wait it out, ghosts like to come out at nighttime." You added when you saw Sam next to you.
"Yeah, let's go catch a break and rest outside." He held your shoulders as if guiding you out.
"Ooh, this rock has our name on it." You laugh.
"My chest has your name on it." Sam smiled.
"Aww." You smile back. Sam laid down with his upper back on the rock and you laid down next to him and angled yourself diagonal so that your head was on his chest. You felt safe here always. Sam's arm came around and laid on your chest and started rubbing your shoulder softly. This made you snooze off.
Sam hearing your small snores made him giggle and comfortable, he snoozed off too.
In no time, it became 10 pm and completely dark apart from the single hanging light that was above the door of the shack.
"Y/N" You heard a soft but eerie voice call your name.
"Y/N" it called again. You quickly opened your eyes and got up. You looked at Sam and couldn't make out if his eyes were closed still or not. You couldn't see anything, but you decided to crawl around and hope to get to the backpack you threw on the floor which had a flashlight in it. Eventually you did touch your hand on a soft fabric that was your backpack. You reached around for the zipper and got out the flashlight. You turned it on and immediately screamed.
There was a dead body right in front of you.
Sam shot up and got out his gun and pointed out of instinct of protecting his girl that screamed.
You backed up flashlight still in hand pointed at the body, until you were behind Sam and both of you stood up.
What was really unsettling is that the body looked as if it has been decomposing for days, but you didn't see this body when you got there.
"It's ok." Sam reassured you, lowering his gun.
"Is that, Mr. Waters?" You asked. Henry Waters was the ghost that you guys were hunting, it is said that his corpse was still attached to something in the shack.
"We need to start figuring out what he is attached to so we could burn it." Sam quickly said.
"Still dont understand why we cant just blow up the cabin." You reply.
"We can't arouse suspicion and go to jail for destruction of private property." Sam answered with an emphasis on the word 'private'. You started interrogating the ghost. It was said that his spirit was positive and friendly. Let's hope it stays that way.
"Mr. Waters! I brought something for you." You said slightly yelling so that the ghost could hear you wherever he was. While this is going on Sam has his hands equipped with his gun, looking out for you. You pulled out a small arm size mangled and somewhat dirty stuffed toy giraffe.
"This was my first toy." You started. Just then as you turned around, you shined your flashlight into the face of the ghost. You gasped. You try to calm your nerves.
"This was my first toy," you repeated "I've never let go of it since I was an infant. It's like a good luck charm. I always say that I want to take it with me to the afterlife." You and Sam (from afar) watched as Waters looked confused at you and your toy. Finally, with the strength that he had as a spirit, he took it and held onto it.
"You must have something you cherished as much." You hinted. Waters made a sound that you couldn't make out if it was supposed to be a word or just a noise. Soon you had this big headache, it knocked you to the ground.
"Y/N!" Sam cried aloud, concerned. You were gripping your head.
"Ahh. It's fine, he's... giving me... a - a vision!" You struggled getting out the words.
"Gold handled hatchet!" You yelled out. Just as, Sam hurried to find that.
"You want to get rid of me" Waters spoke very clearly this time.
"No! We want to- help... you." You say still struggling.
"Trying to get rid of me." Waters repeated as he grabbed you by the collar of your jacket and that's when it hit you. Henry Waters was a hunter. He knew what this all meant.
"Hurry, Sam!" You yelled.
"Hold on!" Sam yelled back.
How long? You thought in your head.
"Don't you want peace? Do you want to live eternity like this? You have a chance to go to Heaven, and Heaven is whatever paradise you make of it!" You say. You think its working, Waters was slowly less tightening his grip on you.
"You can have anything you ever wanted, see anyone you always wanted to." You shed a tear, these are the words you needed someone to tell you in life.
"Gabbie" Waters sighed faintly. You remember Gabbie Delilah Waters was his adopted daughter that died 2 years before him from cancer.
"Got it!" Sam had found the hatchet and now was salting it and burning it. While it was happening, Sam shot twice at Waters to get him off you. He had disappeared into thin air and shortly you heard a screech. You and Sam both turned and saw that Waters was bent down and looking at his hatchet burning. After a few seconds he turned his neck to look at you both and soon after that he disappeared into flames. Through his eyes, in the last moments, you saw nothing but pain.
"You ok?" Sam turned to you. You nodded, tears forming in your eyes.
"Let's go home." Sam suggested. Sam covered the axe in a rain coat so the flames would die out and not cause a forest fire and you both started walking back to the impala and drove back to the hotel to meet up with Dean who was eating a burger and drinking beer with Cas just as you and Sam walked in.
"How'd it go?" Dean asked.
You told.
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silveme · 1 year
i will admit that since im mobile-only i cant actually read the playlist description BUT, i can very clearly tell characters/themes sections , and that some sections made me laugh out loud when certain songs would play, like specifically, hitting us with back to back songs that make made me laugh way harder than i probably should have been laughing, memorably,
Puppet Boy immediately followed by Under My Skin, so meaaan to them
the one-two punch of fuck my boss and da biggest bird.........
the combo of Just The Two Of Us and Thats Life,
the cars themed songs, ejsus fucking ..
starting out with a man without love is Perfect ... the first four songs paint such a picture like thr opening of a film except the fourth song is camel by camel of all things,
heaven knows im miserable now. i was looking for a job and then i found a job. making plans for nigel. then ghost.
i can go on (which would be me continuing to state the obvious) but im not planning on editing this ask once i type it out so (sweating) im so sorry....
there are some fantastic choices you can kinda tell who listens to what via vibes , even though obviously no i couldnt actually figure out that marc listens to will smith. but there is a VERY clear switch between steven music, marc music, jake music, plot music, setting music, show mystery atmosphere music, etc. even their mercenary background,
this is only somewhat related to the playlist, but i didnt realize that My Way Of Life was the song that jake was playing in the last scene, and then when you put frontier psychiatrist in there, did yoy know that that song is sampled in there. the That Boy Needs Therapy song. sampling the song that was playing when jake makes his appearance at khonshu's behest, a song that is all in one an admission of defeat, a prayer, and a claim. can i speak to the directors was this on purpose (shaking someone wildly by the shoulders)
your sense of humor shines through the entire thing even from the photo and the GET THE FRIES title reference which im still laughing to myself about it like an idiot and as i finished the playlist i was thinking to myself like. Thats it, Thats The Whole Show 👍👍 We've Covered Literally Everything yknow i marathoned this playlist but this playlist is so long that by the time i hit the end of the playlist after marathoning it i was driving home from work free bird'ing down the highway like I DID IT ... WHAT AN EXPERIENCE...
literally kicking my feet in the air giggling and silently screaming while reading this THANK YOU!! AND YES IT IS THE PERFECT PLAYLIST TO MARATHON I ALWAYS PUT IT ON WHILE WORKING. Also good to know that everyone else can’t see the description on mobile too, damn I thought I was doing something wrong. it goes like this “We’ll need the energy in the coming days…THE ULTIMATE MOON KNIGHT PLAYLIST In order: miscellaneous, Marc, Steven, Jake. I’m always updating and curating this! Also check out my Layla playlist”
Followers who don’t care about the best moon knight playlist ever pls scroll now or forever hold your peace cause I’m about to wig out✌️
This whole playlist is very much my personal music taste both old and new so I’m so glad other people love it too. Like I’m 20 and I’ve been listening to some of these songs since middle school (and one since elementary school….”awoken” LOL) and some is my more recent music taste
So anyway without further ado, here is some of my personal favorite moments on the playlist, I’ll try to keep it in order, strap in.
• Nutcracker suite Arabian dances: im very much a classical lover as you can probably tell by now but this has always been my favorite classical piece. It’s just sooooo “I’m tired and injured and trudging through the desert under the light of the full moon. I’m exhausted but I have to keep going” love itttttt
• Leopard: this song is literally always switching up!! Just like moon knight lol. One moment it’s sad and slow, next moment it’s anxious and fast, and then it’s smooth and chill. Need I say more.
• Back from the dead: “BLOW, YA TAKIN 2 SHOTS TO YA CHEST”
• Hunter: this one is very special to me cause it’s probably my favorite song of all time at the moment. It’s sort of the same deal with the nutcracker suite where it’s like you just have to keep on marching and do what you can to survive cause there’s not really a home you can go back to. It feels lonely, ghostly, desolate, and steadfast. So marc and so knightly. “I tried to organize freedom- you sussed it out didn’t you? You could smell it so you left me on my own, to complete the mission, now I’m leaving it all behind.” Very him and Khonshu am I right or am I right. HES GOING HUNTING. HES THE HUNTER!
• Pluto: this is a more recent addition, it’s just so visceral and violent. Like Marc! I also specifically added the live version with the strings cause it sounds so much moreee. Unhinged? Enraged? “Excuse me, I just have to explode this body” “I’ll wake up tomorrow brand new, a little tired, but brand new” just like going to bed as maRC AND WAKING UP AS STEVEN CMONNNNNN
• Dirty Harry: mercenary days marc moment
• mercure scene 1, la nuit: same thing as nutcracker suite and hunter. WE GOTTA KEEP MOVING EVEN THO WE’RE SO TIRED
• Off with his head: middle school classic of all time to me. It’s so “ugh. Gotta kill all these people to sate this ancient gods will. Sorry, I promise I don’t want to 😬”
• Awoken: relistening to old mlp fandom songs I used to love when I was little and then realizing one of them fit Marc Spector of all characters actually incredibly well felt like unearthing an ancient cursed relic. I literally still cannot believe it
• All the Will Smith songs: Marc speeds on the highway when he drives. And when he does, he’s blasting this. Also he doesn’t like any other musician besides will smith. He has literally had the exact same music taste since 1997 #comfortmusic
• Get out of my house: MARC IS THE HOUSE.
• All the love: the phone calls. THE PHONE CALLS. Did I mention the phone calls? The sighs too UGH. I’m imagining Marc coming back to that storage locker and listening to all the voicemails Steven had left him thinking he was calling their mom. Also am I crazy thinking the last “good night” sounds EXACTLY like Steven?
• Sandpaper kisses: “your gonna a leave her. You have deceived her. Just a girl, with featherweight curls” Layla 😭
• The moon/ Awake: EVERY. LYRIC. HITS. It fits the relationship between him and Steven amazingly. “When sins of sons to fathers come, too heavy is the weight. THE SPIRIT SPLIT IN TWO” <- when I heard that while looking for songs to add to this playlist my jaw dropped. ITS TOO REAL
• Ok let’s go: the moon/ awake to ok let’s go is the transition from Marc to Steven. It’s basically Steven being like “is this too much to take? That’s ok, I’ll take it from here” like he’s there to put Marc’s pieces back together after everything. It’s stevens introduction bc that’s his purpose after all. He’s picking up where Marc left off
• Diary: Goldfish problem vibes. “Dear diary, What a day it’s been. Dear Diary, it’s been just like a dream” “at night I can’t sleep, I toss and turn” also the guy is British so that’s a plus
• the miku song (I can’t type Japanese) : Steven grant anime opening. He’s running late to work with toast in his mouth
• COUNT THOSE FREAKS: literally episode 2. Mr knight vs that jackal vibes
• Sinking feeling, Only dreaming: I’m gonna lump these 2 together cause they have the same gist. Steven realizing that he isn’t completely alone and those strange occurrences and dreams are much much much more than they seem. His life is a lie! Poor man’s being put through the mental ringer.
• Linger a while: It’s just so british sounding you know what I mean? It’s so Steven nervously plodding along
•Oivomaintnt: steven grant walking simulator
• Wake up ( it’s 1984): “two worlds apart, BUT SO!! CLOSE!!!!!!”
• Is anybody here?: ohhhhohhh so Steven. Everything abt it is so perfect but here’s my fav lyrics “I left my soul exposed to frail hands who hold my fate up in the air.” Aka khonshus spindly witch fingers. “Waking in the afternoon, a captive in a passive tomb, moments turn to long Decembers, stoking fires from dying embers. I try To move a limb, but there's a disconnect within. A devil in the alchemy. A phantom staring back at me.ITS YOUUUUU” disassociation moment. He is quite literally slipping out of consciousness and losing days or even months of time. Also….a phantom….OR A SPECTOR
• Steal away: ok I lied this is the one song that’s based off vibes. It’s just Steven what can I say
• It only takes a moment, somethin stupid, might tell you tonight: HES FALLING IN LOVE FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME 😭😭😭
• Ghost: Steven being like “hey maybe actually not being alone isnt so bad :)” again, a ghost….OR A SPECTOR! Ehhhhhh? ;D
• you belong to me: Marc and Steven may be free, but Jake? mmmm not so much :/ wherever they go, whatever they do, he still belongs to Khonshu.
• What you won’t do for love: “I guess you wonder where I’ve been”
• Desalento: I don’t speak Portuguese so I don’t exactly know what this song is about but it’s just so Jake vibes. Esp near the end
• The most cursed hands/ who am I: first part is cool but disregard it. The real reason why I added it is at the very end. “Who am I? Just a gambler, holding aces in the devil's eyes. What is wrong? What's the sin? Where's the answer? Where the hell do I fit in? Or could it be, there's just a little demon lost in the debris? And I, should idly bide my time until a wager releases me” cmonnnn that is so good. Where does jake fit in in all this? Steven and Marc are already a team but Jake is disconnected from them, where does he go in the story? Also the little demon lost in the debris is KHONSHU, they thought they defeated him but heyyyy he’s still there just in secret now. And what can Jake do but follow his orders till he’s released! “It can’t remain unknown” his existence can’t stay hidden forever! Also the vibes at this part are just so suave and Jakey.
• how I could just kill a man: marc and steven are soooo free and don’t have to do shit anymore but guess who’s left to do all the dirty work now? JAKE! And he’s pissed! “When your up on the hill in your big home, I’m out here riskin my dome”
• Vroom Vroom: obligatory
• Tardigrade song: Jake lockley is one tough son of a bitch. He can take pretty much everything you throw at him, since that is literally his purpose. He wakes up after years of hibernation, kicks ass in the most inhospitable conditions imaginable, then goes to sleep again. Just like a tardigrade!
• We fly high: I have this image in my head of Jake rolling up to an avengers meeting and you can hear this from the parking lot blasting in the moon knight mobile before he gets out and slams the door. They’re all looking down at him from the window like “ughhhh who invited that guy” “not me” “me neither” “I think he just invited himself” *door bursts open* “eyyyy fugeddaboutit” It’s like his theme song to me, it’s what plays when he rolls up into frame wearing sunglasses. He’s just balling. Simple as. Steven: ouch! He bit me!😰 Jake: no I didn’t 😎😏
Freebird: and what a perfect way to end the playlist. Wow look you made it way to go, now let’s make our car do flips and donuts in the avengers office parking lot 🥳🙌
Sorry if that was too much, I always think about these when I listen to it which is still fairly often. I’ve never gotten to discuss these things with anyone! Delighted to hear that you enjoyed it!!!!! Hope it helped you discover some really amazing songs. THANK YOU!!!!!!! 💕
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tezzbot · 2 years
Osomatsu, Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu (🏳️‍🌈💌💔🧸🪀💬🎃🔊)
not gonna do all of these for all 3 ive been trying since last night my brains gonna melt lmfao
🏳️‍🌈 lgbt hc
osomatsu thats a dyke
jyushimatsu i think w regards to gender probably doesnt give tht much of a fuck tbh. hes just jyushimatsu also woman liker
todomatsu uhhh . hm idk.. theres smth fruity going on there i mean look at it. not sure how id label him hes like a lgbt what all at once type u know HDHJDG
💌 fluff hc
osomatsu has always really loved horse racing even before he had a gambling addiction lol i think as a kid hed go to the library or smth and just Read n Learn about horses and races in general thats the tism baby he knows literally everything you ask him who won whatever race in like 1976 he Knows its like scary impressive (literally how else wld he remember horse racing results from Ten Years In The Past in the movie!!!!) if you gave him a horse he would fully know how to take care of it
jyushimatsu and homura, tho not dating cus i dont think theyre ldr kinda people, they do still stay in contact, they talk on the phone n write each other letters tgey r the world
some of the friends todomatsu has do legitimately enjoy hanging out with him like the barista girls what r their names. aida and s. saachi? they like him a lot! as a friend! he just is in the mindset of im bottom of the social barrel so he doesnt always see it lol
💔 angst hc
do i even need to do this these guys r miserable little freaks as is lmfao
osomatsu. cant think of anythin original just uknow usual. childhood trauma, dependency issues, oldest child 3rd parent syndrome, etcetc
jyushimatsu feels bad abt how he treated ppl in high school, despite the fact tht it was a defence mechanism he didnt Like being so angry all the time :( its why he tries so much to make people happy now. tht anger does still make its appearances but hes better with it now
🧸hurt/comfort hc
osomatsu when he feels like trashgarbage will go and find one of his brothers and if he finds one of them in the house he'll go n sit by them n try strike up a conversation but if hes feeling like considerably bad he'll just sit and maybe lean against them just for the pressure remind him that theyre there keep him grounded
💬 fav line
jyushimatsu - literally all of his big long stupid internal monologues are great but literally the best line in the show is "Samples, my guy" it legitimately made me laugh So loud when i first watched that episode by myself
🎃 sth i think theyre afraid of
osomatsu hemophobia not a fan of blood, why he freaked out so bad in the movie over a scuff
jyushimatsu probably claustrophobic n being restrained fr long not of his own accord, man needs to fidget
todomatsu literally so scared of seeing the hat man in the dark. he watched one five nights at freddys video in 2015 and now his brain thinks hes gonna see bonnie in the bathroom at night he closes the door facing into a room so he has a full view of the room w his back On the door to make sure he hasnt been followed despite the fact he Knows he hasnt. just in case lol (no i am not projecting [lying])
🔊song that reminds me of them
oso - get well city by felix hagan and the family (a lot of their songs make me think Matsus in general tbh lol)
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jyushi- dumb dumb by mazie
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todo is kinda hard to nail down but - secrets by p!nk
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b1ueoff1ine · 2 years
you missed a day! how dare you! so im giving you a challenge: any mix of smut and fluff and it has to be over 1k words- since you only seem to write under 800 words- with any character you want!
A/N: Of course. And apologies for missing not one day but two. Hopefully this Fic will make up for it. Also, it was either Loki or Norman, but I chose Loki because I dont write for him as often as I do Norman.
Full 14 Days Of Valentine's Collection
billionaire!human!Loki x Reader
Prompt/Summary: A billionaire loses much of his wealth in a legal battle with your family. To your mutual surprise, what begins as hatred turns into romance as you find a way to give him back the fortune he lost.
Warnings: Implied Smut. Curse words. Me not knowing how lawsuits work XD. NOT PROOF READ (Let me know if I missed any!)
Word Count: 1.1k
"Ah ha!" You exclaimed as you read the email awaiting you. "We won the lawsuit! That bastard had it coming."
"Yes, yes, dear." Your mother said, seemingly uninterested. But you knew she was just as pumped as you were.
Your father was coming home from the courthouse after the lawsuit was won, and said he was grabbing you a treat. You were excited- you were taught to never take anything for granted and that not everything was free. The rest of the drive was sat in silence.
The mansion was pitch black.
"Oh, fuck..." you muttered.
"You alright?" Yoir mother asked
You leaned against the wall while your mother searched for the lights. "Yeah, just stubbed my toe."
Ring... Ring...
Your phone rang. You snatched it from your pocket and answered it.
"Ms. L/N speaking."
"So you won the lawsuit. Congrats. Your family was destined to win over mine."
"Evening, Loki. What are you doing calling me this late? Especially after what happened today?"
Your mother had a look of confusion on her face
"I just wanted to congratulate you. You deserve it. I apologize for the msifortunes my family has bestowed on yours."
Your mother flipped on the lights.
"Well thank you, but I dont you should be calling me this late. Even calling me at all. How did you find my number anyways?"
"Your number was on the contact papers with the lawsuit claim. And I dont care about how I shouldn't be calling you."
"Okay? And?"
The two of you talked until midnight, which was strange since you were supposed to hate him now.
Turns out he wanted to be friends, not enemies. Your mother was convinced he was up to something, but you knew Loki better than your mother thought.
He had asked to see you the following day, and you agreed- one one condition: no funny business and no romantic advances.
You knew the second part was going to be out the window, for it was just in Loki's nature. He even made advances towards your mother, which was disgusting.
"Loki." You nod your head as he approaches with his car window rolled down. He was picking you up from your family's mansion. Your mother had a look of distaste as you stepped into his car.
He smiled as you closed the door and he drove off, leaving your mother on the sidewalk with a sneer on her lips.
Once you were some distance away he slowed the car to a stop on the curb and turned to you.
"Y/N, I cant deal with hating you for the rest of my life... I like you to much." His face went pale. "Did I just say that out loud?"
Your face went pale as well. "I think you did..."
The car was quiet as Loki started it back up and drove to a park. You both got out and went to sit on a park bench.
"So, about earlier in the car-" You both said at the same time, stopping yourselves and laughing. "You first." Loki says.
"Okay. Look, I dont mind that you said you liked me too much- in fact I'd say I like you too much- but I never want you to say anything of the sort again."
"Sorry, but I can't do that." Loki seemed angry as he stood and speed walked to the car.
"Wha-" you stood as well and charged after him. He got in the car and you soon followed.
Once you were safely in the car and turned to him, he grabbed your face in his hands and kissed you.
His toungue sought entrance, which you denied him of.
"I cant help liking you, Y/N." He said as he broke the kiss.
"Loki... I cant help liking you either, but we cant be together. My parents wouldn't allow it." You sighed. "Unless... That's it! Drive me home, ASAP."
"If you say so." Loki started the car and drove. He shot you a few longing glances, and your own eyes held the same longing. He held your hand the whole way there, and didnt want to let go once you arrived.
"Wait here." You told him before you raced into the mansion.
"Mama? Papa?" You called into the home.
"Yes, dear?" Your father asked, coming down the stairs.
"Loki just told me the worst news!" Your lie about Loki and his family having no money to pay the medical bills for Loki's brother rolled of your toungue in such a manner that they believed you, but your idea of how to save their company seemed like a sketchy plan to them.
"You sure your okay with taking this risk? Loki could be fooling you." Your father asks.
"I'm sure. I just need to discuss it with Loki."
Your father sighed. "If you're sure. But I'm not sure marriage between the two of you is the best option."
You shook your head. "I know. But I know it will work. I kinda feel bad for them, honestly."
"Honey, we love that your willing to take matters into your own hands. But I dont trust him." Your mother says.
"I know you dont trust him! But I trust him, so I'm asking you to trust me."
"Fine." Your parents finally agreed.
"We're all good." You say to Loki as you hop in the passenger side door.
"All good for what?"
You sped through what you told your parents, but Loki seemed skeptical.
"A marriage?"
"Mhm." You smiled. "If we can't stay away from eachother, then might as well find a way, right?"
"Sounds good to me." Loki says as he starts driving. "Have you ever seen my mansion?" He smirks.
Loki's mansion was massive. It was almost twice the size of your own.
Loki held your hand as he led you inside.
He took you on a tour of the building, starting with the dining room and ending in the bedroom.
"I hope your up for some fun." Loki smirked mischievously as he pinned you against the bedframe.
"Oh, I'm up for it."
If you'd like to make a request, see my pinned post for more!
I may or may not add a second part, anyone wanna be tagged?👀
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villanevehaus · 2 years
okay. 2 asks in one because efficiency ! i ask the post purchase payment thing because it was also literally 2 am and i was so not present so it sounded a lot more interesting than it actually was. also i had that thing where trixie mattel says klarna in a swedish accent stuck in my head. off topic but second-lee i wanted to inquire on how you keep up motivation to write ?? i wrote so much when i was younger but now its like i have 9 million google docs with 6 words each - letterboxdanon
the first part of this made me laugh so hard out loud oh my god? u rly said this is probably interesting, slam 'send ask'. sidebar i love swedish and am lazily learning it! altho im focusing WAY more on regaining my french now bc im moving to The French Part of canada soon.
secondable ive kind of sort of touched on this in some of the lengthy asks ive answered about my writing process (i think they're just tagged "process" if youre interested) but it feels moreso like a drive that needs to be released rather than a goal to achieve or a task to do. i can probably count the amount of days ive gone without opening docs over the past year or so on two hands, but thats not because im Pushing myself to write or because im trying to #riseandgrind, its really just because i enjoy it and it feels almost already under my skin. i am also a visual artist and i can really only liken that feeling to the push/pull to create a piece until it calms down a bit.
on a less internally-me-oriented note, id say deadlines and variety. sure, my fic deadlines are self imposed, but it helps my brain segment my time and see it as an attainable point in the future. i can work backwards from the "due date" like i already do in classes! variety means kind of like if im not really clicking with fucked up murder cannibals, i can hop over to 50s western sweetness- or maybe an undoing, or cleaning up a document for kofi, or peeking around individual scenes just for fun. reading, also!!!!! one of my favourite ways to think about creativity and creation is that you cant wring out a dry sponge, so maybe youre in the step of the process where you stay still and absorb
they changed docs's ui like 2 days ago and im still propa fumin abawt it, luv
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ficauthor · 16 days
Im watching gravity falls for the first time but i have some knowledge. (ie im reckless and look at tags knowing there is spoilers lol)
I know there are two grunkles both possibly named some variation of stan. One with six fingers and that one fucked a triangle. i also tjink theyre exes? Or like theres a book that says they are. Either way ?
I know theres books and the other stan(?) wrote them? There is... A portal? And it somehow facilitated the situationship betwixt man and angle.
Bearded man also fucked stans twin? the picture i have of stan 2 the squeakwel is just of a messy messy man who has alot to clean up from his ho era.
I also know that things are about to go very very wrong. It hasnt yet cause im only up to fight fighters but like i feel in my bones something more than the 8.5th president is going to occure
anyways I've had thoughts.
One: robbie is fucking hilarious. Hes 15 deeply deeply insecure and beefing with a Twelve yearold. Like you won. You got wendy to say yes to a date theres negative reason to challenge a child to a fight. Hilarious cant wait for him to lay awake at night and cringe at that memory. especially bc dipper giving her a black eye was his wingmanning! Funny dude cant wait to see what happens with his disaster of an ass. (also during the time travel ep i was like damn robbie can suck a little but hes not that bad. Timing was strange but him asking out wendy was kinda sweet. Then fight fighters happened lol. Man is so wrapped up in making a child feel bad he ignored his gf. Terrible give me five more.)
Two: holy shit the wax figure thing mustve been so upsetting for grunkle stan. Like he shrieked upon seeing it! He crawled away backwards. I might be reading to far into that but he seemed scared (?). I love how quick he recovered for mabels sake tho their dynamic is so sweet. Shes a little weird girls and hes like taking her under his wing. the definition of dad who didnt want a pet. I love how they understand each other.
Did he wonder, even for a moment, if it was his dead/missing brother??? Like i have brothers if we still looked alike enough to be twin levels of similar and someone made a statue of me id also scream. Also like his investment in having the "murder" solved feels so weird knowing he has a mysterious disapeared twin. his investment feels heavier. Like hes projecting his grief.
Does watching Mabel and Dipper interact happily make him miss other stan? also how do other family members feel about this diapearance? Clearly bad since they never told dipper and mabel. But them being the grunkles implies they have at least on more sibling. Howd they feel about the disappearance?
I cant wait to get more details on those two. i feel like their relationship has to be all levels of fucked for him to never mention having a twin. Like no matter how mad i was with my bros id fucken mention them at least once even by accident to their nibblings.
Three: i like how often mabels outfit changes i love her silly themed sweaters and fun earrings. The cross fingers gag on the back of her sweater after lying to her grunkle stan made me laugh. Shes so weird and fun and loud and i love her. Dispite now being a guy i see myself in weird little girl characters. Like yeah i too would've glued a hot glue gun tomyself and wore chips as earrings. I too would have lost my mind over losing my pig. delightful i adore her randomness.
Four: dipper is equally relatable but in a way that makes me scream lol. His anxietys are so familiar to me hope he sees someone for that. And that book cannot be helping. The author was clearly paranoid and while dipper wrote that he trusts mabel i worry that he wont always.
I dont have a five but i might reblog in a few eps and rambke further
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magisland · 2 months
chapter III : “i dont have a soulmate”
wc: 818 words + screenshots
“good job everyone! the practice is over, yall can go now” the director said, ending today’s practice for the musical. seokmin nodded, clapping and telling the other actors that they did a great job today before starting to take his things to leave the auditorium.
“minnie?” seulgi called him while touching his shoulder, he turned around and look at her with a smile, “yes?”
“i was wondering if you want to go to my place, we can grill some meat, drink some beer and i also have kimchi at home” she said with a smile on her face, but seokmin only smiled weakly and rubbed the back of his head before speaking, “i would love to, but i have to go somewhere else”
“oh, somewhere else? is seokmin cheating on me?” seulgi joked, the boy laughed and shook his head “please, give me break” he chuckled, “i just need to go to a place before it closes”
“relax, i understand. you did great today, see you tomorrow”
“see ya, take care, okay?”
seulgi nodded and watched seokmin leaving the auditorium before going back to grab her things to go home. meanwhile, seokmin checked the time on his phone and cursed under his breath, “shit, the bookstore will be closing soon” and with that, he ran towards the bookstore.
you were already closing the bookstore when you saw the bookstore-guy knocking on the locked glass door, you pointed to the “closed” sign and seokmin pouted, mouthing a “please”. you thought for a while, turning around to look to the empty bookstore and then to the guy who was outside, you sighed and opened the door.
“thank you so much, i swear ill be quick”
“its okay”, you smiled, “take your time to pick the book you want”
seokmin nodded and went straight to the section about the invisible string, searching for more books about not sharing a string with someone. “want a help with it?” you asked quietly.
“huh? you already read those books?” seokmin looked at you with a curious look, “yup, all of them. i dont have a soulmate so i thought the books would help me out”
“you… dont have a soulmate?”
“no,” you chuckled “i suppose you also dont have one..?”
“what?! no, i have a soulmate!”
“oh- sorry! i just thought.. y’know, buying books about it every week and the way you freaked out the first time you came here to buy a book..”
seokmin sighed, “was it that obvious?” he paused, “yea, i dont have a soulmate.. god i never said that out loud”
“its okay. its kinda hard, isnt it? seeing everyone having a soulmate like youre just watching them being in love and being happy”
“its so hard…” seokmin said, not wanting to extend the subject since talking about it hurts him badly and you seemed to notice, you smiled a bit and grabbed a book on the bookshelf, “take this one, i think you’ll like it”
seokmin took the book and gave you a small smile, “thanks.. ill pay now”, you nodded and walked towards the cashier so he can pay for the book.
“you know.. is nice to know there’s actually people like me in this world. i always knew i wasnt the only one who doesn’t have a soulmate, but it was lonely to not have someone like me around me, it made me wonder if i wasn’t really the only one”
seokmin nodded while paying for the book, “its weird and you cant even talk to your friends about it because they wont understand you”
“well, you can talk to me now”, you said while handing him the book “im yn”
“i know,” he chuckled and pointed to the name tag on your shirt. you looked down and chuckled at the sight of the name tag “im seokmin”
“seokmin.. its a pretty name”
“thanks,” he smiled “look i wont take your time anymore, thank you so much for opening the bookstore for me, i promise i wont get here this late anymore. i was just busy and i really needed a new book, just finished the last one this afternoon”
“its alright, really. dont worry about it”
“well… goodbye, yn”
“wait!” you said while looking for something inside your bag, you took a book and handed it to him, “i would also like to recommend this one. its mine, but you can take it, ive read it too many times”
“oh.. thank you so much” the guy took the book and looked at you kinda shocked by your action “ill make sure to read it and tell you my opinion about it once i get back here”
“sure! now you should get going, i really need to close the bookstore” you chuckled, “of course, right. goodbye, yn, thanks for the book and for letting me in” he said bowing at you and smiling.
you just smiled back and waved at him as he walked away.
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in a world where when you turn 18 you share an invisible string with your soulmate that only you and your respective soulmate can see it, seokmin, also known as dokyeom, is an actor in the musical theatre world that doesnt have a soulmate and keep it as a secret. meanwhile, yn works in a bookstore and doesnt seem bothered at all by the fact of not sharing a string with someone. is it possible to change the destiny and find your soulmate even tho you dont share the invisible string with anyone?
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good morning/day/evening, catmom! i feel like this floof actually when i go out... OMG I WANT TO HEAR YOU SO BAD TT 'im going to answer your ask privately' you can do this??? but cant see the time an ask was sent. TT ok i dont know how this thing works. i absolutely encourage you to link your cover publicly!! but if you want me too, i can send you ask non-anon. let me know. but im sure your talent is worth of all people seeing it. actually, ive read not a bunch but 2-3 fics about dream and well i also frequently judge a book by its cover (or face). so ig i understand his character enough. hope you can perform next time too!! im sure youll be the best! and it doesnt really matter what makes you feel like the main character but the very feeling, so good for you. the most important is that you enjoyed it, hottie-cutie) 'that means manual labor is just not for you' not really tbh. the main reason of my irritation was the story about men being disappointment which tumblr made me delete. actually, i feel pretty calm about and during manual labour. i love cleaning up, sewing, knitting, gardening and so on. i dont mind working with the hands. but the stories. 1) in the 8th grade the only 2 girls (me and my classmate) were carrying a sofa that was as heavy as a concrete slab while the boys were just staring. and we both had our periods. yeh feminism and all but?? they werent even doing smth?? we could even carry it together but they sucked. men = disappointment. maybe it has smth with my trust issues. 2) every time i was working in summer during the summer break in school, the job required digging, carrying heavy staff, gardening and all. and while me and the other girls were digging like we're not teenagers, the boys were just standing next to a woman who's planting a tree. herself. pretending to help her but actually not doing a thing and then laughing at us and saying we had done nothing. sorry if it seems to angry or too off-topic or anything. these just really annoyed me. 'WE GOT 2 FREE MEALS' OMG SLAY!! free food is the most delicious!! 'i now think russian is the superior language because of this 😔✊' YEY ig my mission is finished, i can die peacefully. slavik languages are slay!! stan russian for kisses from cats. 'WHY MY BABY BUILT LIKE THAT GIGA CHAD?' nature is a mystery. hope this cats doing good. 'maybe that means russians are secretly filipino and filipinos are secretly russian' omg how do you know??? actually all our frogs came to you in search of some warmth and yours came to cool down a bit. international frog exchange. 'i love making obnoxiously long titles' so i cant send you messages bc there are too many symbols?? 'i believe in the power of words' respectable. 'you hate literature?' not that i hate-hate it but i definately dont love it. and i hate it sometimes. bc literature isnt just reading things and appreciating it and all... idk what about your all literature but here we have a joke about blue curtains not being just curtains but a symbol of sky and all (usually its stated this way but its not a stable meme). but yeah. i just love you. no, i do like your fics and all. but i really like your personality. i like when people are emotional. maybe its bc im too dry myself but doesnt matter. i love your emotions and your (straight)forwardness, your kind and warm attitude and welcoming image, your intelligence and the way of thinking, the way you see fanfiction too (i still hate first person pov, its just for you). maybe its a little overwhelming for me sometimes but its not your problem. its not really a problem even. so yeah. i just love you <з i mean i wake up and come here obviously not to read a new fic, i come for you. tumblr didnt let me finish it again so... parts 2 are back, look for it ig. see you soon<з
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i feel like this floof actually when i go out...
'im going to answer your ask privately' you can do this??? but cant see the time an ask was sent.
HHAHAHAH SO REAL HAHAAH yeah but ig it only works on asks out of anon. still cant see the time
TT ok i dont know how this thing works. i absolutely encourage you to link your cover publicly!! but if you want me too, i can send you ask non-anon. let me know. but im sure your talent is worth of all people seeing it.
i just T_T dont want people who read my smut to know my face AHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHH and i dont want people who know my face know i write smut and read so many unhinged stories T_T HAHAHAHAHAH its not a talent thing. its that HAHAHAH shhh im hannah montana, singer by day, smut writer by night HAHAHHAH
actually, ive read not a bunch but 2-3 fics about dream and well i also frequently judge a book by its cover (or face). so ig i understand his character enough.
omg ur such a judger T_T HAHAAHAH maybe try not to judge people by their face T_T because im sure if you met me irl you wouldnt like me because a lot of people think im mean because well because im pretty T_T [cries in conflicted hot person] HSL:DHFSHD ON A REAL LEVEL THOUGH ITS SO WEIRD TO TALK ABOUT because ???????????????????? like i used to believe i was ugly AF then people would say i was pretty T_T but then ????? IDK and then when i started to believe i was pretty T_T idk thered be times were i feel weird accepting it because ??? people are uncomfy over the fact i am self aware?? and just my face and my height in general but yeah /: [cries in conflicted hot person]
hope you can perform next time too!! im sure youll be the best! and it doesnt really matter what makes you feel like the main character but the very feeling, so good for you. the most important is that you enjoyed it, hottie-cutie)
<3 <;3 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 i wanna perform the song i made a cover to so badly. im a rock star. everyone in school should know it.🤟🤟🤟 thank you for believing in me my star <3
'that means manual labor is just not for you' not really tbh. the main reason of my irritation was the story about men being disappointment which tumblr made me delete. actually, i feel pretty calm about and during manual labour. i love cleaning up, sewing, knitting, gardening and so on. i dont mind working with the hands. but the stories.
omg slayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy she said im good at everything
1) in the 8th grade the only 2 girls (me and my classmate) were carrying a sofa that was as heavy as a concrete slab while the boys were just staring. and we both had our periods. yeh feminism and all but?? they werent even doing smth?? we could even carry it together but they sucked. men = disappointment. maybe it has smth with my trust issues.
nah feminism is empowering women not letting them do all the work men could have helped doing 👎👎👎👎 men are L maybe you shudda tried askin em too either way their so L for that
2) every time i was working in summer during the summer break in school, the job required digging, carrying heavy staff, gardening and all. and while me and the other girls were digging like we're not teenagers, the boys were just standing next to a woman who's planting a tree. herself. pretending to help her but actually not doing a thing and then laughing at us and saying we had done nothing. sorry if it seems to angry or too off-topic or anything. these just really annoyed me.
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not too angry or too off topic. men are L. EW. id be so annoyed too L LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
'WE GOT 2 FREE MEALS' OMG SLAY!! free food is the most delicious!!
'i now think russian is the superior language because of this 😔✊' YEY ig my mission is finished, i can die peacefully. slavik languages are slay!! stan russian for kisses from cats.
LOL STAN RUSSIAN FOR KISS FORM CATS AHAHHAHHH. PRIVET lol thats all i know i used to have a russian twitter mutual i think her name was anya anastasya i loved her so much i didnt even think of saying goodbye when i deleted my twitter i miss her she was so sweet T_T her fav food was fried egg T_T she so basic T_T but i love her
'WHY MY BABY BUILT LIKE THAT GIGA CHAD?' nature is a mystery. hope this cats doing good.
T_T same i hope this cat good
'maybe that means russians are secretly filipino and filipinos are secretly russian' omg how do you know??? actually all our frogs came to you in search of some warmth and yours came to cool down a bit. international frog exchange.
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i dont even like frogs but KWOA makes them so cute. i dont like cold blooded animals T_T
'i love making obnoxiously long titles' so i cant send you messages bc there are too many symbols??
yes. (:
'i believe in the power of words' respectable.
'you hate literature?' not that i hate-hate it but i definately dont love it. and i hate it sometimes. bc literature isnt just reading things and appreciating it and all... idk what about your all literature but here we have a joke about blue curtains not being just curtains but a symbol of sky and all (usually its stated this way but its not a stable meme).
HAHAHAA NO I KNOW THIS MEME ABOUT MAKING LITERATURE DEEPER THAN IT IS HAHAHHAHAHHA i understand what you mean about hating it then HAHAHHA it;s like when i say i hate my favs even tho i love them HAHAHHHA
but yeah. i just love you.
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no, i do like your fics and all. but i really like your personality. i like when people are emotional. maybe its bc im too dry myself but doesnt matter. i love your emotions and your (straight)forwardness, your kind and warm attitude and welcoming image, your intelligence and the way of thinking,
the way you see fanfiction too (i still hate first person pov, its just for you).
maybe its a little overwhelming for me sometimes but its not your problem. its not really a problem even. so yeah. i just love you <з
<3 <3 <3 i love you <3 <3
i mean i wake up and come here obviously not to read a new fic, i come for you. tumblr didnt let me finish it again so... parts 2 are back, look for it ig. see you soon<з
im honored you come to tumblr for me. i have to go out of the house so ill reply to your p2 later T_T ill try to reply before doing my assignments
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