#this applies to both smut and the plot buildup
diremoone · 25 days
.. when am I gonna get to the plot sighs
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Bheem × Reader cause I don't see any such fics yet.
2 part fic where part 1 is purely plot and buildup and part 2 is complete utter filth filled with loads and loads of smut.
Me, Seetha, Malli, Lacchu and Ram's babai were awaiting Bheem and Ram's arrival. I could see the worry on Seetha's face as she kept shifting her weight from one leg to another.
"They're going to be okay, Seetha. This is Bheem and Ram we are talking about. It's the governer that should be worried." I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"I know, Y/N, but I just can't-" Seetha started but was cut off by Malli.
"Bheem Anna! Ram Anna!" She screamed out of happiness as she saw the truck approaching, Bheem being the one driving, Ram sitting beside him.
I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding as I saw Bheem park the truck right in front of us. Ram got down first, wearing very indian clothes, his normal attire nowhere to be seen.
"Are Anna! This looks good on you. Don't you think so too, Seetha?" I asked, a cheeky but genuine smile on my face. Seetha's face seemed to turn just a little red at my statement.
"You two should just-" I was cut off by Bheem as he got out and limped towards us.
"Get married." He said, "I agree with Y/N. Ram and Seetha. So perfect."
"Yes yes, just like You and-" Bheem nudged Ram in the ribs before he could complete his sentence.
"We will talk about all this when we get home. Seetha, Y/N, why don't you go tend to Ram and Bheem's wounds while Me and Lacchu get the things for our travel ready?" Babai suggested as we all nodded and me, Bheem, Seetha and Ram walked towards the forest where we could find the herbs to cure their wounds.
We made them sit down on a big rock as we searched around for what we needed. As soon as we found what we needed, Seetha sat down to grind the herbs and I looked for a cloth to tie around their wounds after applying the paste.
I soon realised that there was nothing around and started thinking for alternatives when Bheem said, "Wait, you'll need a cloth to wrap around the wounds right? I don't see anything around" He completed, taking of his Kurta.
My eyes widened as I saw the ugly big bruise that ran from his shoulder to his abdomen. It was really deep and I was sure it hurt like hell.
"OH MY GOD!" I ran towards him, taking the kurta from his hands as I sat on my knees in front of him, looking at him as he winced a bit because of my hand touching the long gash.
Seetha was done grinding the herbs and quickly made her way towards where all three of us were.
"Here, Y/N." She gave me a leaf-bowl of herbal paste, "You apply this on Bheem, I'll go apply this on Ram."
"Wait, no. That gash on Bheem's chest looks really deep. It would be better if you apply the medicine on him since you are a doctor and would know exactly where to apply it correctly." I took the bowl in her hands and kept mine in hers.
"Yeah, you're right. It is deep. I'll do it." She sat on her knees in front of Bheem as I went up behind Ram to apply it on the wound on his shoulder.
I snapped my head towards Bheem's direction as I heard him wince loudly, the medicine burning after being applied on the gash. I quickly finished applying the medicine on Ram's shoulder and ankles
"Hey, did you get something to tie around the medicine?" Seetha asked and I remembered that Bheem's kurta was still on my shoulder.
"Yeah" I handed her the Kurta, "I couldn't find anything else." I said, seeing her confused expression. Seetha handed me a piece of the cloth and I tied it around Anna's shoulder and ankles.
"Anywhere else you're hurt?" I asked as Anna got up.
"No, just these two spots. The others are just small scratches. They'll heal in no time." He smiled at me, looking content and happy at finally having fulfilled the promise he made to his father.
"Let's go then, Babai and Lacchu must be waiting" Seetha started walking towards the truck, Ram following her.
"You both go. We'll come in a minute" I caught Bheem's wrist.
As soon as Ram and Seetha were out of site, I turned Bheem around and smashed my lips on his. It took him a second to comprehend it but once he did he kissed me back with the same passion, one of his pulling me closer by my waist, the other one around my neck. The kiss was wild. It was the reassurance we needed, reassurance that yes, we were both safe, safe in eachothers arms, away from trouble, atleast for the timebeing.
After what felt like an eternity, we pulled back from eachother, completely breathless, resting our foreheads against eachother.
"I'm completely fine, priyatama. It's all okay." Bheem whispered to me, his voice so full of love that it made my heart hurt.
"Yes. I know you're fine but I just can't seem to get this stupid worry out of my head." I replied, pulling him closer than we already were.
"Come on now, Priya. I'll make you forget everything except me when we reach home." He leaned down, whispering in my ear, his voice raspy, before he grabbed my wrist and we ran towards the truck.
We had now almost reached Adilabad, the place that was home for us, after dropping of Ram, Seetha, Babai at Vishakhapatnam along with the weapons. Lacchu drove the truck as me, with Malli currently being asleep in my lap and Bheem who sat opposite to me, staring out the window, sat at the back.
Bheem looked so much different than I had last seen him about eight months ago, before Malli was taken away and he left with Lacchu and the others to rescue her.
"Are you planning on burning a whole right through my cheek, **darling**?" He had caught me staring at him and I looked down, blushing hard at being caught.
"It's okay, *priyamaina bharya*. Nothing wrong with staring at your darling husband" He said, a smirk on his face as he put a finger under my chin and made me look into his eyes that were filled with desire and anticipation.
My cheek seemed to take an even darker shade of red as he said, "don't you look really lovely being all shy and blushing for me, hmm?" He was about to kiss me but the truck went over a pit just as our lips were about to touch and both our hands instinctively went to cover Malli's head.
Tagging people who might like this-
@manwalaage @lil-stark @contemporarykafka @adrakchutneyofficial @gauri-vishalakshi @rambheem-is-real @zaddylokiandthorsimp @aurora2238 @slurrrrp @seherie @eremin0109 @itsfookingloosah @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see
Part 2 will (hopefully) come out tomorrow
I hope you enjoy this babes ✌️
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
fandoms & smut
hi there! i'm looking to roleplay in either the mcu/marvel or detroit: become human universes c: 
a few quick things before details, though!
i only play over email. discord's fine and dandy for ooc chatter, but not the actual rp.
i'm looking for at least three posts per week -- longer posts that range from three paragraphs upwards. more is ofc encouraged, but not necessary.
i'd prefer my partner be 18+, both because i'm in my upper twenties and because i like my smut. that said, if you fade to black, i am not the partner for you!
limit-wise, mine are fairly standard; i'm not into toiletplay, bestiality, incest, pedophilia, or extreme gore. please let me know yours when you contact me!
i am open to any pairing dynamics (m/f, f//, m//, etc) though mine will mostly be m/f with very few exceptions.
i'm more than happy to double (or more) on characters, unless you're willing to play a canon(s) for me.
i've seen all the movies to date except for ant man & the wasp. i'm only looking to play opposite loki or dr. strange, though you might be able to talk me into hela or thor. 
in turn, i can try my hand at the majority of characters in this verse; i have no real desire to write bucky barnes, t'challa, loki, peter parker, or dr. strange for you though. you can ask ofc, though i make no guarantees. i heavily prefer canon/oc pairs for this universe, though i have a select few canon/canon pairs i'm willing to write -- ask if you're curious!
detroit: become human
i've played through the game three times now, and i've got a pretty good handle on characters and storylines. i'm only looking to play opposite connor, and i'm willing to try my hand at just about anyone in return, though i will say i write a damn good markus c; again, only really looking for canon/oc pairs, though you could easily sway me into a markus/simon...
i've had the itch for smut lately, and i'd love some smut-focused threads based on either of the above fandoms? the rps don't have to lack plot by any means, but i don't want to have fifty back-and-forths and a ton of buildup before getting there. aus are wonderful, and i have several ideas already (at least for marvel). not really looking to double up for the more smutty scenarios, though i'm a little desperate so if you ask i'll probably do it. xD; your ideas are, ofc, very welcome. 
same characters apply as mentioned above. kinks can certainly be discussed and employed as well. the exact ratio of plot and smut can be discussed -- i want us both to enjoy the rp! 
anyway. if i've piqued your interest please don't hesitate to contact me ;v; those who disappear in the middle of plotting or after i've sent the intro need not apply. 
i would also super appreciate if, when you contact me, you include as much pertinent info as you can -- your limits, what you want to play, characters you want to play/play against, how often you typically post, post length details, etc. it just helps get the ball rolling. any emails i receive that include nothing in the way of information will be ignored -- assume i'm still interested! 
thanks ;v; 
contact me via: grimmsandhooks at gmail dot com
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by Anonymous
Corin was incredibly important to him, and that was all that had mattered. Really, it should've scared Din how hard he'd fallen for Corin.
But, it didn't scare him at all, not anymore.
In fact, he was very much proud of the little aliit they'd formed, with them and the kid.
Speaking of whom…
To put it honestly, it was exceptionally difficult for them to secure much alone time with him around. They'd waited a while to try and be intimate, taking it slow. Unfortunately, this wasn't very effective after the drawn-out buildup they'd experienced. But, they hadn't really considered the factors of 1. small ship and 2. baby on board. Both of which made it nearly impossible to do anything.
Don't get him wrong. He'd die for the foundling (and almost had, a few times) without hesitation. Every flap of an ear, toothy grin and giggle would warm his insides in a way he'd previously never known. But, was it too much to ask for just a few minutes of uninterrupted privacy?
Clearly, to the kid, it was.
Words: 1978, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of corin and mando getting their shit together because they're frustrating me to no end
Fandoms: The Mandalorian (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: The Mandalorian (The Mandalorian TV), Baby Yoda (The Mandalorian TV), Corin (LadyIrina)
Relationships: The Mandalorian (The Mandalorian TV)/ Corin (LadyIrina), The Mandalorian/Corin
Additional Tags: i'm gonna give the gays everything they want part 2: electric boogaloo, Smut, Gratuitous Smut, perhaps that fits, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, What Was I Thinking?, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Established Relationship, mandorin, i noticed a lack of this in our little niche corner of the fandom, so voila, Blow Jobs, Frottage, Non-Penetrative Sex, Mando'a, Dirty Talk, in mando'a, yes you read that correctly, i'm sorry ladyirina, pls forgive me, we're in deep now lads, not necessary to read part 1 but it may add to your experience, Not Beta Read, We Die Like Men, Hair-pulling, a bit kinkier than i intended, Praise Kink, If You Squint - Freeform, Idiots in Love, mando's perspective, POV Third Person Limited, if it says part 1 its Wrong bc this is part 2, it might be bc anonymously tho, not the first smut ive written but the first ive posted hoo boy, now if youll excuse me i am going to destroy some pizza rolls, oops almost forgot this one, First Time
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