#this also is me rlly wanting to incorporate a fight / anything that happens during that time that results in erza losing her hair bc i need
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mamorigami · 8 months ago
i think its so inevitable for the team to take up a 100 yr quest at SOME point in time so i might keep the idea that they're doing it, but i won't involve the story & plotlines in the current series. do u get me.
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rosecocoas · 7 years ago
Kirli: 1, 2, 3, 5, 19... Chris: 2, 3, 17... Angie: 2, 17... Emery: 3, 5, 8, 17... El: 5... Jaspar: 19... Ravi: 19... Glen: 19... All/Your Pick: 11, 15, 18... Running Out Of Hell characters: 13... + any other questions that catch your eye :D
I AM SO GLAD TO KNOW YOU WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THESE ASSES?!! YOU ASKED FOR IT:(heads up, this is very long and idk how to do the read more thing)1. what was the first element of your oc that you remember considering?Kirli: I wanted a demon severely loyal to Mephistapheles, who was the main villain at the time. Both Chris and Ravi, the only other demons, were against Mephi for a most part, so I felt the need to have SOMEONE side with her? I also really wanted a demon OC with succubus tendencies lol2. did you design them with any characters or ocs from their universe in mind?Kirli: She was originally supposed to be the parallel of Chris; driven and passionate, instead of lazy and uncaring like him. I also wanted to give Tessa a designated demon , so she was built around Tessa as well! Chris: I really wanted to give Emery, who was the first to be created in ROoH, a friend, but not a GOOD friend, so Chris was brought to life! I also wanted a dynamic akin to Jonathan and Sock from W2H , which I was (and still am) very into at the time!Angie: Lol I looked at Emery and Chris, the only two ocs I had for this story atm and thought, "holy shit, they're basically two incompetent fools. I should give them a voice of reason." Levelheaded Angie joined the story then. She had, no significance to the plot other than to tell them not to do stupid things??? She's more rounded out now tho :D3. how did you choose their name?Kirli: Her original name, Twyla, was because we read a story in English class about two girls, Jessa and Twyla, and it was a story I found interesting, so I wanted to incorporate an Element from it into my own story! For some reason, I really wanted to make her name mean 'dirty carpet', so Twyla changed to Zikina Tapis, and then the Kirli Tapis we all know and love Chris: .... I actually have no recollection on WHY I decided his name should be Chris???? He just kinda, felt like a Chris.Emery: I think I met a girl named Emorie at a church thing, and her name was just so pretty , that it stuck with me an I desperately wanted to use it somehow? I looked up different ways to spell it and decided on Emery!5. is there any significance behind their hair color?Kirli: she dyed her hair pink after seeing a rlly cute girl with pink hair! It drew attention to the girl, which, Kirli craves attention, and decided to do that as well! Her hair color is originally a medium brown.Emery: His most cherished memory from his childhood was seeing a rainbow for the first time. His mom and dad had taken him to the park for a picnic, and it rained on them for a while at the beginning, but they ate under a gazebo and waited for it to let up. He was so mesmerized by the beauty of the rainbow. It felt like pure magic. When his mom was reduced to a vegetable state, he tried to cling to his happiest memories for stability, because his dad was isolating himself and he had nothing else to lean on. When he ran away from home as a teen to perform magic, he dyed a part of his hair rainbow (he had to bleach the whole section, then dye small segments the different colors one at a time) to remind himself of how he felt that day.El: Hers was purely for the color scheme, but I think I've decided that all mermaids from where she's from have unnatural hair colors? (wow what a jarring difference from Emery's reason lol)8. what, if anything do you relate to within their character/story?Emery: honestly, I based a lot of his childhood off of mine, so I relate to him in that way? We were both forced to grow up a little too early due to parental problems, but Emery's dad was a bit more of an extreme case. His dad turned to drugs to forget the loss of his wife, or at least the woman he fell in love with. On a bit of a lighter note, I've always loved magic, so I relate to Emery's fascination with the unexplainable!11. did you know what the oc's sexuality would be at the time of their creation?All: Not really. I never really consider romance in my stories, so their sexualities weren't thought of until much later! Jaspar was the first oc from ROoH to get a confirmed sexuality, I think ? Emery and Angie were the most recently decided, and Chris and Kirli's are still To Be Determined.13. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?ROoH: I dont have anything decided AFTER the story, but I do have what happened BEFORE ? Chris, Angie, Jaspar, Kirli, and Ravi all have more or less ideas on how their human lives played out, if this counts as an answer. Chris and Angie met while trying to immigrate to America in theeeeee 1800s-ish, Angie from Iran and Chris from Switzerland (haven't fully decided??) they fell in love , Chris died in a fire, Angie died of ,,, something (haven't decided this either). Kirli lived and died in 1300-ish England, Black Death. Jaspar lived in Minnesota, early 1900s, cause of death unknown. Ravi lived in Germany all his life, cause of death: not sure yet, again. Probably something random like food poisoning knowing him.15. what is something about your oc that can make you laugh?All: Every time I think of Chris's power to turn things into lawnmowers I laugh because,,, what a dumb power omfg,,,, ALSO THE FACT THAT A MAIN BAD GUY IS JUST. AN EVIL SNOWMAN THAT CURSES A LOT. LIKE,, WHAT. 17. Is there some element you regret adding to your oc or their story?Chris: I mean, the whole thing he does at the end (not gonna spoil :3 ) was pretty shitty?? Like he didnt talk the person out of sacrificing theirself, just kinda accepted he was gonna Stab™. At least he felt guilty afterwards...Angie: I think at one point she was a narcoleptic??? which, that served no purpose to the plot. I regret having that as a trait for her. I also feel bad for not letting her bond with Tessa? She's her guardian angel and still doesn't care for her as much as she should :(Emery: ...... just his entire backstory. so sorry my child I love you I swear-18. what is the most recent thing you've discovered about your oc?All: The fact that Angie remembers all of her human life was a recently discovered thing (so, she remembers her and Chris's relationship, while he doesn't. She dislikes him a lot because now she looks at this trash demon and thinks "I,,,,,, dated that thing???? *barf emoji*") she also hates that he doesn't remember at all, she finds it annoying.Also a recently discovered thing! A reason for Kirli's hatred of humans! Thanks to you Lea!!!!! Kirli died during the Black Death epidemic, so her death went unnoticed. She was brought back as a demon quickly after her death, so she got to watch as her corpse was just tossed to the side without a second glance. Kirli watched as humans dropped dead and were treated in the same respect, and it disgusted her. She reasoned that all humans must be like this: jaded and uncaring towards each other. She refused to look at anything humans did as redeeming in any way, and even any good they did she labeled as a negative trait. "American humans fighting for freedom? well who took away their freedoms in the first place: humans. Famous artworks? All made to prove to others their life is worth something, even though the paintings often went unappreciated until the artist's death."19. What is your favorite fact about your oc?Kirli: The fact that she tries fake like she has a French accent to make herself seem more impressive?? And also the fact that she had a French SO (who was also a demon) that actively taught her the wrong French words for things. "How do you say 'Die a slow and painful death' in French" "omelette du fromage" "thanks hun"Jaspar: The fact that he tries so so so hard to become friends with Emery? Who he knows everything about because he's Emery's Guardian Angel, and he just loves Emery to bits and wants to be around him forever. His passion for Emery and humans in general, for short?? Also he has a strong Minnesotan accent which I LO VE. Ravi: The fact that he has this awful power to make someone relive their worst memory just by touching them, and he refuses to use it just because he is a soft boy who doesn't want anyone to suffer. Also the fact that he's a hella big Mephistapheles Fanboy.Glen: He's always getting nosebleeds from fighting so much??? And his solution is to put A BAND-AID on the bridge of his nose??? Honey that's not how it works. He knows nothing. Luckily angels heal over a short amount of time regardless, so his ignorance doesn't cause any long-lasting damage.Lea you are a trooper for sending me OC asks, bless you and thank you for wanting to know about these garbage babies(and also watch out for some questions about YOUR ocs :333c)
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