#this a trivia game? [askbox]
lethalityandlustmoved · 9 months
Wandering around the town, a male with long blonde hair heads to a bar known for beautiful dancers. The male is partially the talk of the town and yet... all the same, not. He had recently changed faces, lost a bit of memories. And, in this case, was merely exploring places he had heard about to get a feel for himself, a feel for his new life as he orders a mixture of almost everything.
He’s there. He’s always there, whether he’s drinking or working or finding a new hookup. This time he’s talking with his boss, leaning on a nearby table. He has a cane in one hand and a pair of dark glasses in the other, and he looks apologetic. And scared. His boss looks… agitated, to say the least. Who wouldn’t be pissed when your best dancer is trying to quit?
He hears the footsteps— he can hear everything nowadays— and they tickle something in the back of his mind. Something about the off-gait, the way he can hear arms swinging through the air. He snaps one more time at his boss before slowly and carefully making his way over to a barstool and resting his head in his hands.
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annaofaza · 1 year
26:A song that makes you want to fall in love
27:A song that breaks your heart
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
For the music ask!!! <3
26. A song that makes you want to fall in love
"Fields of Gold" - Sting: It's the atmosphere. The pastoral. Being with the one you love in the open air, breathing in nature, feeling at peace like lying in the grass on a summer day. I love it so.
27. A song that breaks your heart
"To Build a Home" - The Cinematic Orchestra: I blame all those sad AMVs. This can send me into a catatonic state on the right day.
30. A song that reminds you of yourself
"She Used to be Mine" - Jessie Mueller (Waitress): No comment lol
OG music asks post: Drop me a number (or some) here!
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sixofcrowdaydreams · 19 days
WIP Ask Game
@jazzythursday thank you for thinking of me!! I love these games.
rules: post the names of your WIPs and open your askbox for questions about them.
Wesper Cinderella Au (Chapter 7)
Commentary for To Live in Color
Wesper Big Bang
Self Indulgent Flash
SOC AU Ideas
Haha, my working titles aren't very descriptive. Naming a fic is literally the last step before publishing it to AO3 for me. Trivia, the title of my Wesper Cinderella AU fic To Live in Color is not anywhere in the document where the fic's written.
Please ask! I'll share a snippet and summary of any of these wips!
Tagging: @nerdlingmerchling, @hotpinkmurex, and @stormkpr
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notwerewolf · 6 months
askbox: wow you run realpokemon!! i bet you know every single piece of trivia about pokémon and are caught up with current games
guy who hasnt played pokémon in a year or two and whose real passion is internet imitation fiction:
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landgraabbed · 5 months
Ask Game: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers :)
oh this is so sweet!! and i dig the specific instructions bc i always draw a blank on who to send things.
spending time with my gf!! we're long distance but luckily we manage to voice chat a lot and even if we're not doing anything together it just feels so nice to be spending time with her i love her
having my cat purr on my lap and chatting with him because he's a chatty boy
when borussia dortmund wins
learning new things!! i love it when i learn trivia about something i'm interested in, or an essay that shows me a perspective i hadn't previously considered. recently i have been into aviation haha
having a day when diabetes isn't too bad tbh
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poke-rating-agency · 2 months
How this works
This blog is a project i'm doing mainly for myself, just to see how i feel about ALL Pokémon. Meaning, these ratings are subjective AS FUCK. If you have opinions, share them. Please be aware that your opinions might be wrong :P
Ratings will be conducted in a random order OR at request )askbox is open), i hope to do 2 ratings a week, but i won't enforce this schedule on myself. Also, Pokémon with different forms will be rated seperately, as long as they are somehow different. Mega Charizard is not Giga Charizard is not Normal Charizard. Arceus Normal and Arceus Fire are the same (bc i really don't wanna rate arceus 18 times).
There are the following criteria in two categories, each ranked from 0 to 10. Egregious offenses will get a -1:
Stats -> includes Stat total as well as individual stats
Design -> overall appeal of the Pokémon
Availability -> how easy it is to obtain them, will go into the (mainline games) but also how i feel about them in a Pokémon-IRL kinda way
Lore -> how good is their lore, is it special, how well does it fulfill its role etc.
Fun -> How much fun can i personally attest to this Pokémon?
Politeness -> how are its manners?
Friend Shape -> is it shaped like a friend?
Deliciousness -> how would it taste? (yes, each post will have a cw)
Jokes -> How funny are the jokes it would tell. This is not about overall goofiness
Lust for Murder -> not specifically MURDER but mischevious intent, penchant for crime etc.
These scores will be added to a final score between -10 and 100 (in the most extreme cases)
Additionally, i will assess if the Pokémon could cook a Lasagna or not (and how good it would be).
There will of course be some trivia tidbits as well
Finally, i will rank the Pokémon if it is in my Top 10, 50 or 100 of ALL Pokémon, or in contrast the bottom 10, 50 or 100. I will not be counting, for all i know we'll have 75 Pokémon in the Top 10 and that's all there is.
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ghostace · 4 days
omg did they fix your askbox? 4, 7, 15 and optional-18 for taior ♥
apparently i get asks now?? but i don't get note notifications any more. it's a tradeoff here on this Functional Webbed Site
rambling time: (sylvari ask game)
4. How was their awakening? Did something particular happen? What's their first memory?
Given Taior was the first gw2 character I ever played, I like to think he follows a very natural, exploratory path upon awakening. The shadow of the dragon, in his dream, weighed on him as his wyld hunt in a way he didn't get to understand until much later. But the Grove, and Caledon forest, were a gentle introduction to the magical powers he'd been born with - and being born in the cycle of dawn, he quickly found himself a natural diplomat, preferring conversing over combat any day, but eventually learning to steel himself for the latter.
7. What was their first experience with other races? How did it impact them?
Between the dream and the distant interactions with local races in Maguuma (asura, hylek, some humans), he had his positivity and excitement tempered by the time he spent any significant time with non-sylvari individuals. His first real, longer term experiences with other races is primarily Forgal and Almorra, and jumping headfirst into the Vigil was certainly an experience in culture shock, leaping into charr and human affairs of which he had little knowledge. He's certainly more forgiving than some other sylvari when it comes to asura, and he remains very optimistic when he meets people - not precisely trusting but hopeful that they can work things out peacefully. As a whole, he tends to take people as individuals rather than bringing any assumptions with him.
15. What are their feelings on their race being minions of the Jungle Dragon? What's their attitude towards those who turned? How do they feel about the shift in perception of their people from other races?
Since he split off from the main story prior to learning Caithe's memories and the reveal of the dragon, he found it as much a shock as anyone as they entered Maguuma and felt the dragon's call - though the pit in his chest that he'd carried since awakening finally fell into place, an understanding of truly what the shadow of the dragon meant, what the attack on the Pale Tree meant. It's a great disappointment, a sense of failure that they have failed to overcome their nature, that all they can do - all he can do - is fulfill his wyld hunt by helping to destroy mordremoth, after which he's listless and lost without his purpose. He's away from the main plot for most of LW3, recovering in the Grove spending time with other struggling sylvari and trying to make sense of their place in Tyria. As a guardian, he also participates in attempts to heal turned and partially turned mordrem, to varying degrees of success - though he always hopes they will find some sort of peace. He takes a step back from the Pact and the Vigil, despite Almorra's insistence that he's as trustworthy as ever, and he's far more cautious in approaching people after that - no longer as open and eager to learn, carefully walling himself off out of an expectation of judgement from non-sylvari.
18. [Free space for 3 pieces of trivia about your sylvari!]
The horns develop from an over-accumulation of dragon energy, his hair fronds slowly hardening into horns but they're essentially a benign growth - he doesn't suffer any ill effects from it, and they have the same pulsing inner glow as the rest of his body.
After Mordremoth, Jormag is the dragon he was most susceptible to, and nearly fell to in Bjora Marches. The combination of the stresses from the damage against the Vigil and his already tense personal life made him especially open to Jormag's whispers.
Aurene doesn't like or trust him, both out of an overprotectiveness over her Champion, and out of a childlike distrust and jealousy because he didn't meet her until she was a "teen". They work out a balance and a tense respect by the time they end up in Cantha.
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apocalypticautumn · 6 months
Ask Game: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (>w<) <3
1. Reading! Sci-fi's my favorite genre, but I'll read anything. ( currently reading the historical fiction novel The Gods of Tango by Carolina de Robertis. I'm not far along but so far it's very good.)
2. Music- screamo music is surprisingly helpful for calming down when upset, I find.
3. Animals. Self-explanatory.
4. Trivia and learning new things. (Aka I am a nerd)
5. Friends and family
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lethalityandlustmoved · 9 months
“Awh, come on! Not even a little bit? Not even the tiniest ounce of intimidation? Not even an atom of it? You wound me, spider. You wound me.”
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inshelliesworld · 7 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers
I love these questions! And today was a perfect day to get one to remind me of the many things that make me happy! 🖤
thanks, @welp-heregoessomething 😽😽
my fur babies & my nieces & nephews 🐈‍⬛🐾🐕 (kids & pets know about the good things in life! snacks & playtime)
giraffes 🦒 (there's just something so amazing & magical about them 😭)
games ♠️♟️🎮🎲🧩 (yes... i come from a big family and games is how we bond -- cards, board games, charades, password, trivia, games we make up... all of them; it's our favorite pastime)
mascara & red lipstick 💄(if i have nothing else, i want these 2 items in my bag)
Mexican food 🌮🌯 -esp queso!- (wanna make me happy? take me for chips, salsa, queso, and Dos Equis/margaritas)
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theriverbeyond · 11 months
I assume that you are good at trivia games
see i LOVE trivia in general bc i do know so many random facts but I think I am bad at trivia *games* specifically because my reaction time is ass. any trivia game that is based on the speed at which you can press a button I will lose so badly. also I know next to nothing about like, popular movies or actors/celebs which are very common trivia categories.... i did win an anatomy themed trivia game once though (in a team). that was fun
askbox assumption game
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parasold · 1 year
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Hi There!
My name’s Scarf, and I’ve been playing skullgirls mobile for about five years now. I love this game and franchise with all my heart :)
This is a sideblog I made a while back for all things skullgirls related, from mobile, to 2e, to the webcomic, & all else. Feel free to make yourself at home!
My askbox is always open for questions or chatting, and any replies in posts will come from @snazzyscarf .
Thanks for stopping by!
lil bit of trivia :]
My favorite characters are Squigly and Double
I don’t really have a main per se, but I play stand out eliza the most (and windswept filia but she’s too broken to count imo lol)
Yes my game is in Chinese! I’m learning all that I can and the bootleg immersion while playing helps haha. If you’re interested in following anything on that front, my langblr is @shixinweijin :)
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That’s all folks!
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
more tiny worker stuff cause this au >>>
here is full list of attractions i’ve come up with, not including the one i’ve got in my askbox atm :D
tell me what you do or don’t like, add to the list, make hcs, etc. etc. just soak in this au with me because i can’t possibly be alone here 
- mini-golf
- escape rooms
- simulations
- “where’s waldo?”
- boat races (think stuart tittle)
- tiny maze
- nom-friendly cafe
- baking/cooking w/ tinies
- go-karts but they’re mice
- rollercoasters but they’re cats/dogs
- bumper cars but they’re bugs
- waterpark but the pools are designed as sinks and tubs 
- ride where it’s set up like you’re in a claw machine
- gift shops (3 1/2 to be exact)
- restaurants/cafes that give basic food that a borrower would be able to get. (no cooking involved, very basic things like crackers, bread, cheese, water, etc.)
- human maze that’s very dark and designed to be like tunnels
- simulation for what it’s like to be nommed 
- rock climbing things where you use pins to find your way to the top. Various designs include things like curtains and counters
- activity tent where you can make your own weapons using pins & shit 
- vr simulations where you can feel like a borrower
- things where you have to try and see if there’s been a borrower in the room. you have to look for clues !!
- hotels are designed like tunnels and colonies. the halls are dimly lit and the doors are crooked and stuff. inside there are very basic things, not at all like a normal hotel room (of course there are the basic necessities and normal hotel stuff, just hidden,,)
- kids play places where it’s meant to look like the outside world. towering blades of grass and giant bugs.
- horror attraction that runs from sep-nov that includes tinies popping out at you, crawling on you, etc.
- boat rides but they’re in boats shaped like leafs
- sky rides but you’re on a “bird”
- ninja courses that are set up like a giant house. do a rope course from a couch to a coffee table, etc.
- live entertainment that represent different borrower-human situations; a comedy show where a tiny and a human are doing pranks on each other and chasing each other around (think tom and jerry)
- trampolines that are designed like hands. you could have like a 🤏that you’re attached to and then you jump down onto a 🤲 and jump back up—yk those things that make you feel like you’re flying
- bowling, bUT, it’s set up so that you’re trying to get a strike so you can successfully divide a human’s attention. the screen plays a video at the beginning of someone’s turn, where the human is looking around for the tiny. if you knock down five or more pins, it makes a loud enough noise that it distracts the human enough for you to bolt. if you knock down four or less, the human gets you and you lose a point. the whole point system is just how many times you distract the human. if you do, you get three points. spares are 9 points and strikes are 18 points.
- work-together activity where your tiny guides you through making a working plumbing system in a model of a usual borrower house. same could go for making a tiny bag to borrow food, etc. etc.
- game center where you can do trivia, bingo, etc. (borrower themed of course)
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Welcome to the official Fire Emblem Wiki account!
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Follow this account for news and updates regarding Fireemblemwiki.org!
Asks are open, so feel free to use that to ask questions and suggest trivia posts!
It has currently just been created, and I'm still working on setting up/organizing this. I plan on adding some resource links to this pinned post later.
Useful tags:
#Trivia #Wiki Updates #misc (for blog specific updates/rambles) #wiki answers (for when I remember to answer things in the askbox) #FE## (Game specific content. ex: FE8 for The Sacred Stones) #Prerelease (content made/shown before the game's release, use #fe## prerelease for game specific content)
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izumisays · 2 years
dear yuletide author
Thank you so much for reading this and taking part in this wonderful annual conspiracy!

First of all, I hope you have a lovely time! If any of the fandoms below pique your interest, I’m delighted already, and ready to hear all the stories you want to tell.
Fandoms: Hunting (猎狐), Thunderbolt Fantasy (東離劍遊紀), Link Click (时光代理人), Extraordinary Attorney Woo (이상한 변호사 우영우)
As for reading preferences, I’m happy with a wide variety of tones and genres, of any rating, ranging anywhere from lighthearted antics to dramatic casefics. But the core of all the stories I love has always been character interaction and interplay of their competences.
How the characters play off each other and bring out their best/worst, how they’d react to a divergence of events, how true they’d stay to themselves in a different setting – I love fanfiction for allowing us to reconnect with our favourite stories time and again by asking these questions. And there are so many ways to do it! To name a few favourites, I’m always game for POV hijinks, a missing scene, a casefic, canon expansion, backstories and what-ifs.
You may notice that some of my requests lean towards shipfic – those, too, are welcome in a variety of tones – but I also tried to include openings for gen ideas if that’s your jam. Additionally, while it is not usually my top interest, I don’t have anything against AUs if there is something that you are itching to explore: I tend to enjoy them for a new aesthetic that fleshes out the favoured character dynamics in a new light, or a fusion that redefines the playing ground to allow the characters to exhibit their core competences in new and exciting ways.
I would be very grateful if you could avoid a/b/o and associated kinktropes, played-straight soulmate fic, and character interpretation that runs contrary to their core values. If in doubt, please reach out to me on anon - the askbox is open!
猎狐 | Hunting - Xia Yuan, Wu Jiaqi
Don’t get me wrong, I love me a good white collar crime, especially one that busts a few capitalist myths. But let’s be real, the best parts of this TV show were Xia Yuan and Wu Jiaqi’s overseas 💕dates💕 I mean business trips, which mysteriously required they be outfitted like a well-matched pair of ridiculously long-legged models that strutted right out of the Vogue pages and into the metaphorical fire. The kind of fire that, in turn, required them to fake date, or dress up even more glamorously to impersonate filthy rich celebrities and their butlers, or deployed other similarly logical methods of tracking down runaway fraudsters.
I would eat up more of such adventures with a spoon, nay, a SHOVEL. Just like the epilogue showed, I’d like to imagine their adventures post-canon be a series of bright postcards (bang bang from Russia with love) capturing their antics in various capitals of the world.
Some ideas for inspiration could be:
Competitive not-dating. Xia Yuan and Wu Jiaqi just happen to contrive the circumstances in a way that makes the next operation seem conspicuously like a date, and the other one simply cannot let this slide and ups the ante.
I’m totally on board with some commentary or scheming from the peanut gallery of the Economics Crimes Division (I love you, Xiaolei!) to set them up faster. I don’t know if I love more the idea of the two of them giving in to the gang’s attempts to set them up, or the gang continuing to set them up completely unaware that the two of them are already dating, thus amplifying the comedy. 
As mentioned above, every city needs a pair of scarily competent and scarily beautiful law enforcement agents (who are also derps) descend on it to charm the pants off the local police forces and then solve some crime while they are at it. It’s also incredibly cute that Wu Jiaqi is the worldlier (or nerdier?) of the two, and can dispense funfacts and trivia at Xia Yuan’s incredibly soft face. I’m a simple girl and I like simple things.
ALL THE TROPES ever, as essential and completely logical ways to solve economic crimes. All the dress-ups. All the role-playing on the job with bae.
The show is available on viki.com.
THUNDERBOLT FANTASY (東離劍遊紀): any characters
Sanfan is a mixture UTTER GLEE and deep fondness for the genre staples, self-aware and masterful playthrough of all the wuxia tropes in the book, and one goddamn well-constructed story. It plays the tropes straight, calls them out with a knowing wink, walks the tightrope between the two with panache, and just as you are relaxed and enjoying this trapeze show, it grins cheekily at you, sets the hat on fire and pulls a bunny out of a discoball.  It’s DELIGHTFUL and fun and lovingly crafted, just like a good passion project should be.
I want anything that capitalizes on the absolutely hilarious dynamics between Rin Setsua and Sho Fukan (and while personally I end up using the Japanese versions of their names more often, please feel free to go with the Chinese names if you prefer). Sho Fukan does not want any of those heroic quests, he’s the human equivalent of been there, done that mood, and he just wants to REST and hopefully dump a bunch of magical murderswords someplace safe. Rin Setsua is a Totally Respectable and Non-Villainous Member of Society, of which he will inform you firsthand in the most high spoken and verbose way possible, and maybe even produce paperwork that has definitely not been tampered with. He harbours no ulterior motives, ever, and does not trail behind Sho Fukan for any reason beyond the pleasure of his company, and his mission to personally victimize and cockblock every morally derelict villain in two countries, by no-one’s request.
Whether you go shipfic (yiss!) or canon levels teamup circus (also yiss!), don’t hold back your horses. Everything about this is Extra, and should continue to be so <3
I am okay with both expanding the canon and playing with AUs/crossovers/fusions for this one, provided they retain the character dynamics. I love the extended cast as well: any characters including the Seiyou gang (and on that note, if you want to write the Seiyou backstory for Shou’s gang that has no Rin in it, you’re welcome as well), reappearance of the familiar faces from Touri (read: Rin’s victim list, past, future and present), original characters lined up and waiting to be screwed over (guaranteed) and rescued (the administration does not bear any responsibility etc etc).
Season three, god bless Urobutcher, just went and upped the ante by 9000 -- time and space travel! Magical walkie-talkie pocket-sized boyfriend dolls! Dramatic daddies and villains literally yeeted into literal space, jjba-style! The sandbox has expanded exponentially, and if you think this is a good excuse to open the door wide for any perceivable AUs and still remain canon-compatible, well, then you have the right audience in me.
This year I’m not limiting my request to just the two main characters (though as you can see my fondness for them is great) because I think season three especially kicks the doors wide open for various kinds of hilarious team-ups, confrontations, family dramas and peanut gallery commentaries about one another’s delusions of grandeur. If you would rather write about characters in the demonic realm, or have been wanting a good match-up for characters that never met on screen, or bring back some dead faves — well, then s3 labyrinth invites you to play with it, and I’ll happily read it.
Thunderbolt Fantasy is available on Crunchyroll.
이상한 변호사 우영우 | Extraordinary Attorney Woo (TV)
I was ABSOLUTELY charmed by this show, with its kindness and compassion in choosing an autistic woman as a protagonist and letting her have a whole spectrum of experiences and relationships, not limiting it to any one thing. I love the tone, not flinching away from the difficulties but glowing with Ghibli-levels of wholesomeness and inspiration. I love Woo Young Woo and all the people who support and challenge her, and who get changed in turn. I really love the ridiculous, over-the-top cases they have to solve. They just bring me so much joy!
There are a many things I’d love to see explored in a story — all focused on these relationships with and around WYW. I think the one would care least about is straight-up romance she has with Lee Jun Ho, though I find him absolutely adorable — but I definitely welcome that as a background for any other story. I just am interested in things other than that for example:
my wonderful, honest Choi Su Yeon, with her stubborn integrity and willingness to call people — including herself — out on things that grate it. Her friendship with WYW moves my heart so much, the fact that she will grumble and complain to WYW’s face but never fail to offer a small kindness that will make it easier for WYW, and how she would whine about her misspent youth but put in as crazy hours into work as anyone else, and her willingness to claw anyone’s eyes out if they are being an asshole. And her own bewilderment at her growing interest in Kwon Min Woo! I want so much more of everything with her: backstory, a day in the office, a glimpse of the future, what have you.
The PARENTS generation. Oooh boy. What kind of relationship did Woo Gwang Ho have with both Tae Su Mi and Han Seon Young? In fact, what is the relationship between the two CEOs now and what was it back then? They have barely met on screen but the absolute tension that’s crackling in the air when they pit against one another… Fantastic. I’d ship it, for the rivalry or friendship gone bad or the legacy of being locked in an inter generational business competition.
WYW and the budding relationship with her brother. I liked him so very much! He had a very different upbringing to hers, and yet his heart seems to be in exactly the same place. I would deeply want for them to have a chance to know each other better — something that would be deeply unsettling for both their parents but so important for the siblings.
I’m sure there are other angles you could take to look at the network of people around/supporting WYW that would delight me, these are just a few things that came to mind first.
Link Click (时光代理人)
Now if there was a sandbox that was just begging to play with it!
There is so much of the set up that is left unexplained — it gives us the world building in bold brushstrokes but leaves the whole thing up to us to explain. There are some rules, but how did they come about, and how did they learn about them? How did they find one another, and what new adventures await? What happens to the bonds between the two main leads once the tensions of the fallout wind them tight? Backstory, a new case, “a day in the life of” — I’d be happy to read any of it. I’m happy with both shippy and gen fic for Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang— because the tension, trust and intimacy is there either way — but I do not see Qiao Ling in a romantic context with either: she is their friend/manager/sibling figure, and I prefer to keep it that way.
I’m also open for treats for any of the above — it was a surprise to me that the settings changed this year, but to me, dropping stories into other’s stockings and finding some surprises in your own is definitely a highlight of the true Yule experience :)
Thank you for taking the time to read the letter, and I’m greatly looking forward to reading your story — and hopefully, getting to chat about these ridiculous and wonderful characters post-reveals :)
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an-aura-about-you · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Get to know your mutuals and followers!
This officially makes me part of the Quad Squad! Again, not sure who else got this from me at this point, so the loop ends here.
5 more things that make me happy:
Surprise gifts from friends! Which is like anytime friends get me gifts because I seriously do just enjoy your company, guys. <3 But I got a surprise package in the mail with tea from @shinyhappygoth AND @zerozeroren messaged me out of the blue like, "I wanna draw you!" I'm just so lucky!
Giving gifts to my friends! Which, I gotta jump on that sometime. I like shopping for people, but I also like making things for people. It might be the latter for a bit since money's probably gonna be a little tight for me for a while. Don't worry, I'm fine, nobody gotta send me money or anything. It's just tight because...
Being in a financial situation that allows me to save up for a nice vacation every once in a while! Even with all the money stuff that's been going on with me, I should be able to go on vacation with my sibling @razzz-poutine this summer! It's nothing too big, we're just going out of town for a few days, I'm gonna go to the opera, we're both gonna go to a dinner show, it's gonna be fun! I don't even have to worry about the money for most of that because tickets have already been bought and I've already got some savings set aside for our accommodations. This is the first vacation my sibling's been planning to go on since they got their fibro diagnosis, so we're building in as much downtime for them as we can to hopefully minimize/manage their flareups. But damn, it took over a goddamn year for them to get diagnosed, and they deserve a break!
Chatting with my new neighbors! I went by my neighbor's place yesterday and we sat outside to chat for a bit. It's fun to just shoot the shit with her, and I would have stayed longer if I didn't have to work that day.
Game shows, particularly trivia shows. I grew up hooked on Jeopardy! and one of my favorite podcasts nowadays is Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! the NPR news quiz show. This is actually why (potential controversial opinion coming in) I kinda fell off on watching Puppet History. Yeah, it's a fun show I guess, but it's not a game show because it's not really a game if you know who's going to win every time. And I like game shows.
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