uhxiety · 8 months
Funny but...
A funny song by Bo Burnham but with some deeper meaning. Oops.
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racheleng1369 · 10 months
The Dangers of Social Media Reliance for Public Health Campaigns
Public health is a crucial part of social life that has evolved with the changing landscape of digital platforms and communities. Social media, a powerful tool with global reach and influence in disseminating information, has also become a hub for health-related information and communities. Wakefield et al. (2014) state that like-minded individuals come together to share and learn from each other regarding public health campaigns. However, the reliance on social media platforms for public health campaigns and communities comes with its own set of dangers, as the information shared on these fast-paced platforms may not always be credible.
Digital communities on social media platforms have undoubtedly become powerful channels for public health campaigns. These online platforms allow individuals to search for health-related information, share their recovery experiences and bring awareness to lesser-known diseases and sicknesses (Wakefield et al. 2014). As a result, digital communities have played a vital role in promoting online public health campaigns.
Despite these benefits from online communities, inevitable dangers that can compromise public health have also arisen from this. One main concern for these campaigns is the spread of misinformation. Social media platforms have a decentralized structure that allows for the rapid spread and exchange of information regardless of credibility (Lledo et al. 2021). This is especially dangerous for public health campaigns and communities as inaccurate information can lead to misguided practices, treatment hesitancy and the general faith that the public has in healthcare services.
Misleading posts or videos regarding healthcare can trend easily and quickly, reaching a wide audience before public health officials can respond with remedial measures. According to Lledo et al. (2021), a total of 69 studies on health misinformation were found, and it affected the ability of healthcare workers to provide treatment to the ill. As a result, public health officials must share accurate health information in a timely manner in order to battle against the tide of misinformation.
Furthermore, the disseminating of misinformation can be worsened by the echo chambers on social media platforms. These isolated communities can cause the reinforcement of existing beliefs and perspectives that may be inaccurate health information (Gyenes et al. 2017). As a result, individuals in these echo chambers may grow to be more resistant to even evidence-based health information as it contradicts their existing thoughts and views on health matters. During the Covid-19 crisis, healthcare officials were having immense trouble sharing accurate information to the public as echo chambers were formed, which led to certain groups refusing to listen and follow the instructions given by officials (Jiang et al. 2021). Consequently, it can be seen that polarization of health information in digital communities can impede the effectiveness of public health campaigns, especially when attempting to reach a diverse audience.
Moreover, the steady rise of social media influencers promoting health-related products and information has also developed its own fair share of problems. Although influencers can be useful entities in aiding the spread of health messages, an influencer’s motive may not always align with public health goals and objectives (Poyry et al. 2022).  Not every influencer will research the health product or practice they are being sponsored to promote if it is credible and has scientific backing. Oftentimes, they cannot speak of any bad side effects it may cause due to the sponsorship or contract preventing them from doing so. As a result, influencers can inadvertently contribute to the spread of misinformation and undermine public health campaigns. According to Poyry et al. (2022), social media influencer mothers promote refusing or hesitating to take vaccines for their children.
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Although there are many dangers from social media reliance on public health campaigns, there are a few ways to help alleviate them. One way is for healthcare officials, online digital platforms and social media influencers to collaborate with each other so credible health information can be shared with the public. Clear and concise guidelines should be enforced to ensure health information dissemination is fact-checked with scientific research backing (Zenone et al. 2021).
Besides that, social media platforms should also implement algorithms to detect and stop the spread of misinformation. According to Zenone et al. (2021), the algorithm developed should accurately flag potentially harmful content, allowing public health campaigns to thrive on safer social media platforms. This in turn, will allow the public to read and learn about health information that is credible and accurate.
In conclusion, these digital communities have offered vital opportunities for public health campaigns to reach a global audience. However, the dangers of social media reliance, namely misinformation, echo chambers and influencer content cannot be denied. Healthcare officials, digital platforms and social media influencers should therefore work together to foster the ethical distribution of healthcare information to the public for the betterment of public health.
Wakefield, MA, Loken, B & Hornik, RC 2014, ‘Use of mass media campaigns to change health behaviour’, Lancet, vol. 376, no. 9748, viewed 17 November 2023, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4248563/>.
Lledo, VS & Galvez, JA 2021, ‘Prevalence of health misinformation on social media: Systematic review’, Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 23, no. 1, viewed 17 November 2023, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7857950/>.
Gyenes, N & Seymour, B 2017, ‘Public health echo chambers in a time of mistrust & misinformation - Digital health @ Harvard, February 2017’, Berkman Klein Center, 23 February, viewed 17 November 2023, <https://cyber.harvard.edu/events/digitalhealth/2017/02/GyenesSeymour>.
Jiang, J, Ren, X & Ferrara, E 2021, ‘Social media polarization and echo chambers in the context of COVID-19: Case study’, JMIR Publications, vol. 2, no. 3, viewed 18 November 2023, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8371575/>.
Poyry, E, Reinikainen, H & Aho, VL 2022, ‘The role of social media influencers in public health communication: Case COVID-19 pandemic’, International Journal of Strategic Communication, vol. 16, no. 3, viewed 18 November 2023, <https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1553118X.2022.2042694>.
Zenone, M, Kenworthy, N & Barbic, S 2021, ‘The paradoxical relationship between health promotion and the social media industry’, Sage Journals, vol. 24, no. 3, viewed 18 November 2023, <https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/15248399211064640>.
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yongsmae · 10 months
Choppa Logo + 3rd Post
First was to make a logo for Choppa, i imported the font png. file from finalcut pro into Canva. As i was thinking of what to design for the background, i remembered a lesson Brian gave us on a software called Argeïphontes Lyre. so i opened the software and used the L'attraction etrange image tool to generate the background.
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i adjusted the parameters and tried to generate a background i think fits with the theme, it took me awhile to get it. After that i took it into photoshop to crop out the circular shape.
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this was the first iteration of the logo, the background was a lot cleaner than the font i exported from final cut so i brought it it into finalcut a added the same filters and effects to it and exported the frame.
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these were the next iterations..
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After completing the draft for the poster, i showed it to the team to see if there anything they want to add or remove, after that, the poster was finalized.
As the previous year's post were in a 9 grid format, to align it we needed another 2 posts before we could add out 9 grid posts (suggested by Gladys) as well.
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we decided on having the poster as one the thirdpost, my next step was to make another post for the alignment.
Reflections: Getting the team to look at the posts, helps me to get another fresh perspective, and point out any missed details.
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artnwords · 2 years
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euniceyounice7 · 5 years
Protest & Activism (REAL WORLD vs SOCIAL MEDIA)
Is PROTEST the same as ACTIVISM?
Protest is something that people do not show publicly that something is wrong and unfair (protest | meaning of protest in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE 2019).
Activism is a doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue (Definition of ACTIVISM 2018).
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Both protest and activism involve movement and encourages action. Both issues also happen when there is dissatisfaction among the public involved. So, are there any differences?
Here’s some backstory.
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaCyHD2QreA) 
Daryl Morey, the Houston Rockets’ General Manager, tweeted “Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.” on 4th October which showed his support towards the ongoing protests in Hong Kong due to opposition of controversial legislation that would allow criminal suspects to be extradited to mainland China. His tweet was a damaging one that caused several China sponsors such as Li-Ning sportswear and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank cut ties with the Rockets (He 2019). The main media partner of the NBA in China, Tencent, with a streaming deal worth $1.5 billion for the next five years also stated it will stop broadcasting Rockets’ games that which leads to drop in views for further NBA games, in which the aftermath of the situation could be seen in the recent Brooklyn Nets and Los Angeles Lakers game in China. 
Two days after the tweet, the NBA league responded that Morey had deeply offended most of their China’s fans and friends, which is regrettable. Adam Silver also commented “I think as a value-based organization that I want to make it clear that Daryl Morey is supported in terms of his ability to exercise his freedom of expression.” (Houston Rockets GM’s Tweet Controversy Simmers On in China 2019). Morey emphasized that his tweet did not intend to offend Rockets fans and his China friends. He stated that he was just giving his opinion (NBA-China issue: Latest news resulting from Daryl Morey’s Hong Kong tweet, what it means for the league 2019). Despite their explanations, the people of China, including Yao Ming, a former basketball player for the Houston Rockets who the current chairman of Chinese Basketball Association (CBA), to further boycott the American basketball league as a protest. 
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9EFFoQtWrY)
What about your point of view?
This whole back and forth between the Chinese and the Americans could be seen as a protest against each other. At the same time, there was also the involvement of activism in the Chinese side when they stopped all broadcasting, merchandise and sponsorship relating to the American league.
In my opinion, I think that protest and activism is pretty much the same. They are both the expression of a voice. They all come down to having a voice and the desire to express, discuss and take action on the matter either on social media or through physical conversations. In the end, how you feel about it, it can all be subjective. Leave your comments down below and share what you think. Thanks for reading!
Definition of ACTIVISM 2018, Merriam-webster.com.
He, L 2019, Backlash from China after NBA manager’s Hong Kong tweet, CNN, viewed 15 October 2019, <https://edition.cnn.com/2019/10/07/business/houston-rockets-nba-china-daryl-morey/index.html>.
Houston Rockets GM’s Tweet Controversy Simmers On in China 2019, Voice of America, viewed 15 October 2019, <https://www.voanews.com/usa/houston-rockets-gms-tweet-controversy-simmers-china>.
NBA-China issue: Latest news resulting from Daryl Morey’s Hong Kong tweet, what it means for the league 2019, CBSSports, viewed 14 October 2019,<https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/nba-china-issue-latest-news-resulting-from-daryl-moreys-hong-kong-tweet-what-it-means-for-the-league/>. 
protest | meaning of protest in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE 2019, Ldoceonline.com.
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thelocaltableonline · 5 years
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As perfectly captioned “we bleed craft beer” by @brewdogindia the Worlds #1 craft brewer at @thegrubfest by @bookmyshowin . . . . . #thelocaltable #grubfest #grubfest2020 #Mumbai #brewdog #craftbeer #beerstagram #beerporn #punkipa #foodfestival #thirdpost (at BKC Bandra MMRDA Ground) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8t8o2mJPUN/?igshid=k18p007gbvmo
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morerandomemails14 · 5 years
I am making my third post.
That is all.
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ladybutterscotch6 · 5 years
So about that last post...
Dear Viewer(s),
      Apparently, my first post was better than my second. On my first one, I got one like in less than forty-eight hours. Pathetic, I know. Then, my second, awful post that no one, not a soul on this planet liked besides myself (and that’s being biased) and CloddyPearl. And CloddyPearl took longer to like than my first post. Pearl girl, you’ll probably never see this, but thanks. I know I don’t have the best grammar and don’t know how to really use commas. And I ramble about stuff no one cares about. So yeah, thanks CloddyPearl. 
     I think I joined this site thinking it would be therapeutic to write out all my problems and maybe have people see them and be able to relate. But all this site has brought me is a bunch of random thoughts and hopes. I know I shouldn’t do it but I check my likes/notes hoping they’ll be higher. Hoping that one day I will wake up and on my site I have tons of new followers. And I know I’m being dramatic. I mean, god dang! This is my third post! I really need to stop imagining myself being some bigger blogger that people check to see if I’ve posted. I’m annoyed as heck by myself but, what can I do? 
     So here’s my plan, I’m gonna say screw and do randomness. Who gives a crap? I’ll say what’s going on in my life and tell my opinions on my life. I might post some of my crappy stories. And I’ll post pics of the most adorable cat in the world and some good quotes to make people wanna stick around. Since I’m being all not caring and crap that means I have to stop with some of the self self- deprecating jokes.
The trying her best to not care too much: Lady Butterscotch.
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oneweekoneband · 6 years
A Tale of Two Jumpin Jack Flashes
Ok- stop me if you’ve heard this one before. Five teenage boys from different corners of the country pack up and move to the big city to follow their rock n roll dreams. So what do they do? Well first, they literally write a song called “Move to the City.” Now what?
Let’s start with a tale of two “Jumpin Jack Flashes.” In 1986, two bands, Guns n Roses and The Replacements, were on parallel paths to make rock n roll history. (Sorry ‘Mats fans, this will not be the last time the two groups cross paths.) On the one hand you have GNR (a bunch of Californians nee Hoosiers), who deliver a sleek version gleaming with LA studio sheen. On the other hand, you have The Mats, too indifferent to actually follow their dreams to LA, and too bored to actually rehearse.
GnR’s ’86 cover of “Flash” points at the various pressures already pulling at the band early in their career.  For all their desire to be The Stooges or The Misfits, GnR couldn’t shake their classic rock influences; their version of  “Jack” is a note for note cover- turned up to 11.  Even as early as 1986, this cover hints at the east with which GnR would soon step into classic rock-dom.
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veril-is · 6 years
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Here you go, my third post on this blog¶:
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rahullodhaniamchr · 2 years
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एक दूसरे से बिछड़कर हम, कितने रँगीले हो गए। मेरी आँखें लाल औऱ, उसके हाथ पीले हो गए।। @sadstatusforever #rahullodhaniamchr #mchr #mchr_mychoicehasnorange #thirdpost https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf7WccPB_5V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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benfundamentals2022 · 3 years
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Here are the Hand Drawn References from the Illustrator Bèzier Tool Practice.
It’s a lot easier to draw straight on a computer.
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brinjalpea-blog · 4 years
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plumfwingy-blog · 7 years
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I still feel the blow but at least now I know, it wasn’t love, it was a perfect illusion #PerfectIllusion @ladygaga 🤙🏻🎼💕🎹🖤🎶🎵🦄 . . . . . . . . . #ladyGaga #lady #gaga #love #loveYou #joanne #music #art #beauty #magic #cowboys #cowgirls #insta #instagood #instagram #instadaily #fullbody #fullbodySelfie #selfie #bffs #red #pink #thirdpost
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Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get.
Forrest Gump
I like this quote because it combines two things I like, sugary foods and deep thinking.
Thanks luv,
Sophia Whyte
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