#third fun fact is she can't make up her mind about her gender
birdghosting · 1 year
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Day 3 with my oldest active character 🥰 She was originally created in 2014 as a Mienfoo inspired cat for a rp group on deviantart, so she'll be 10 this upcoming March!
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sixth-light · 7 months
I've been thinking a lot lately* about how artistic works are so intimately products of their moment and in conversation with it, and how easy this is to overlook both in terms of discussing a work and in terms of anticipating or considering new additions to an older work.
The first is important because so many judgements that can be made about a work are only meaningful when you know what their context was. What readers need or want to see, particularly in terms of representation, is hugely mediated by what else is available to them at the time. Yeah this is about stuff like "Rocky Horror was progressive when it was created" but also it's about stuff like "the John Carter movie bombed because it was regarded as derivative", when in fact the source material originated a bunch of the 'derivative' scenes and tropes that were then used by better-known movies before a John Carter movie ever got made.
The second is important because...even if you come back to a work, as a creator, you can only make new parts of it as the person you are now, in conversation with the world and genre as it is now, not as it was when you started. Taking a mildly-infamous-among-fantasy-fans example, Melanie Rawn's unfinished Ambrai trilogy; she's often said that she can't finish it because her life has moved on and...as sad as I am it was never finished, I think that's probably smart! She could write a third book one day, maybe, but it never could or would be the third book she would have written in the 1990s. And even if she did manage that somehow, the genre has moved on in such a way that it would feel weird and probably quite offputting to read a book doing with gender and feminism what the Ambrai books were doing in the '90s, because they are/were inherently in conversation with an era of fantasy that is now past.
All of which is to say that:
as a reader (or watcher) I think it's good to hold in mind, when engaging with a work from a time and/or place unfamiliar to you, the extent of what you don't know about the context of the work
as a creator, I think it's good to be very realistic about what you're going to actually achieve when you are making something over a long time period or coming back to something you left unfinished. You can totally do that! It can be incredibly rewarding! But the thing you make now is not the thing you would have made then, probably not even the thing you imagined you were going to make then, and that's just the nature of art.
*The reason I have been thinking about this is partly books I have been reading (Mara of the Acoma, you are my blorbo) and partly a very fun podcast I have been listening to which has re-read The Ruins of Ambrai and done a lot of discussion about its context, finishing up with a great interview with Kate Elliott about writing fantasy in the '90s (and writing it now, as she is still writing great but different books!). Anyway go listen to the Hot Nuance Book Club, it's a good time.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Omg I absolutely need part 3 of housewife with 🤰 reader
*Authors note~ the long awaited part 3 for you all and my house wife series. This is just one version of what could happen so don't worry angst fans it's coming*
Trigger Warnings~pregnancy and birth
Prompt~ tumblr anon~ Omg I absolutely need part 3 of housewife with
A bug indeed. A little wriggly bug that would take nine months before making their way into the world. The sickness continued for a few days before you decided to take a test while Larissa was at work. The flashing plus sign had you in floods of tears as you took in the news. You'd be starting a little family with your lover. It was everything you could've ever dreamed of and desired. You knew you wanted to tell your wife in a cute but tasteful way. But the way you felt right now you knew you'd burst into floods of happy tears. A baby.
Larissa was shocked to come home and find a bun in the oven. No not the baby, a literal bun in the oven. You couldn't help but giggle at her reaction, "hi" you murmured coming to hug your wife. "Hi darling, you do realise you left something in the oven? Are you feeling okay or did you get sick again?" Her worry was adorable but you were hoping she would've caught on by now. "Baby, you left something in my oven" you purred and wriggled your eyebrows at the blonde, your hand resting against your flat stomach. "Really?" Your teary wife whispered causing you to nod and bite your lip. Safe to say that night you and your wife celebrated your news and she made sure to take good care of you.
Two months in, the cravings began, Larissa happily waking up at ungodly hours of the night to grab you what you desired. It was rather hard to find specific pickles at three in the morning but she was determined to grab them, not wanting you to suffer through not having the craving. Another thing Larissa found to be an adjustment was not being able to have you smelling coffee. She couldn't have her morning coffee in bed with you without your unborn child making you feel too nauseous. You couldn't help but chuckle at her pouting when you told her. But it was a sacrifice she'd happily make to have you comfortable.
You started to show around your third month, and Larissa couldn't have been happier. Seeing you grow with her child was causing her libido to skyrocket. Luckily, your hormones were just as bad and there was no complaints from either of you. Every night and morning Larissa would talk with the baby, even though you teased her about it, this was your favourite part of your routines. The way her hand gently stroked your small bump and the way she would smile as she told your child of all the things she can't wait to teach them or about how good of a momma you'd be.
The twenty week ultrasound told you the gender of the baby, neither your or Larissa truly minded what they were but you did have your guesses. To make it fun you included the Nevermore students, they could all guess and even tried to get you doing a few old wives tales to work it out. Unsurprisingly, the students were divided equally, staff leaning more towards a boy but either way you wouldn't mind as long as they were perfectly healthy.  Yourself and Larissa decided to keep the gender between yourselves.
By your seven month mark you were definitely feeling it. You felt as if you were bigger than a house, constantly hungry and always so tired these days. Nothing fit well anymore and you struggled to do your housewife duties. Larissa didn't mind though, she reassured you that it was okay and that growing a tiny human is hard work. But that didn't stop you getting frustrated with yourself and the fact you couldn't do what you use to do. The positive sides would be that your child would wriggle and kick allowing you and Larissa to feel the movement. There's been a few cases where Larissa will talk to the baby and receive a kick to her ear in a response. Those moments made the rest of it all worth it.
At eight months you were so done with pregnancy, itching to hold your baby and it seemed that everyone and their mother and Mary was having their babies before you. Also the fact your pregnancy was nearly over had you feeling rather emotional, you didn't know if you'd get this chance again, to give your child a sibling so you want to savour every last moment of it. Before yours and Larissa's lives change forever and you become a family of three.
On the nine month mark you were anxiously awaiting the little ones arrival. But on your due date they were no where to be seen. You'd had some practice contractions, nothing out of the normal for the past few weeks, but no signs of labour. Larissa liked to joke and say she's just like you and loving her warm cosy bed with her mommys heartbeat soothing her. But you couldn't help but be sad and want to hold your baby now.
Labour was like nothing else you've ever had the experience of. The pain excruciating but the idea of having your tiny baby in your arms and your wife by your side got you through. Poor Larissa thought you'd break her hand as you got to the ring of fire. But once your baby's head was born the rest came easier now. Hearing their first cry had you in tears of joy. You'd done it. They were here safe and sound. Once the baby was born they were scooped up on your chest for a moment or so before being taken to be cleaned off. You instructed Larissa to go with them. Not wanting your baby to be alone now.
Once the doctors had sorted out with you the after birth gore you were sitting up in bed as Larissa bought your baby to you. "Hi love bug" you whispered to the now sleeping and clothed infant in your arms. Happy tears trailing down your cheeks as Larissa wrapped an arm around your shoulders. The infant sleepily wrapped their little first around your finger as you trialled their features. "They have your nose and lips Rissa" you murmured happily, so entranced by the new born in your arms. "She's perfect" Larissa concluded, "ten fingers and ten toes and a good set of lungs, our Imogen Faye Weems is everything and more." Now here in the hospital bed you are not only a house wife but now a mother to the most beautiful little girl in the world, your little love bug.
Word count ~ 1152
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aspoonofsugar · 2 years
fun fact in the original version of snow white tale she was poisoned by her actual mother not step mother (so jacques is a gender swap to her snow whites mom)in the original cinderella stor was a greek slave girl named Rhodopis Charaxus (Χάραξος) of Mytilene, brother of Sappho of lesbors the poet ( whose works were painted on terra cotta pottery shards) referenced with jaunes sister and in law. ) and in some stories he married her
Tbh I think there is too much fuss on the idea of "original fairy tales" in the RWBY fandom... just as much as there is too much fuss on Disney fairy tales :''')
In short, I think RWBY makes use of fairy tales in their most iconic versions without letting the disney movies influence the writing too much. For example, of the 4 MCs only Weiss and Blake's story has been adapted successfully by Disney, and even in their case they make full use of other versions of their fairy tales. What I am trying to say is that RWBY is not trying to adapt a specific version of a fairy tale, but to use fairy tales as motifs and metaphors of their characters' arcs.
So, when it comes to Weiss I think they are clearly going with the Grimms' version of Snowhite. It is really no surprise as it is very famous and the one used in the Disney adaptation. Differently from the Disney fairy tale, though, they are going with the original 3 deaths of the fairy tale. Still, they are making use of some very clear Disney imagery, like the focus on the forest animals and on singing, which is a Disney invention.
When it comes to Jacques specifically, he is Weiss's biological father, but focus is put on how he married into the family:
Weiss: I have done nothing but fight to uphold the honor of my family name, a name that you married into!
Symbolically, he is not a real Schnee to the point he doesn't even share his semblance with the rest of the family. He has usurped the family name tricking Willow into marrying him and Nicholas into giving him the SDC. So, he fits the part of the "evil stepmom". All in all, though, there is not much difference between a stepmom and a mom in fairy tales. The idea of a stepmom is honestly used to mask the fact fairy tales are actually talking about mothers and fathers. In Snowhite, for example, you can see the Evil Queen as the mother and the good natured, but weak minded Hunter as the father. They are archetypical characters that call back to the parents. This is because Snowhite is ultimately a coming of age story. It is about a child growing up and realizing she can't be like her mom forever (so the mirror stops showing the Queen and starts showing Snowhite), which brings some struggle and the need to redefine her own identity (the 3 deaths and resurrections), so that she can become her own person (a Queen). This is also Weiss's story in a nutshell.
As far as our Cinderella is concerned, it is instead clear RWBY is making use of several archetypes and symbols common to many versions of the story. There is a Stepmom, two Stepsisters, a Prince, a Fairy Godmother and Slippers. These elements are present both in Perrault and the Grimms' versions of the tale.
In general, I am sorry, but I don't think Jaune and Cinder's relationship is meant to be seen as romantic. Jaune and Ruby are set up as the 2 people, who will eventually help Cinder out. However, Ruby is the one presented as the Prince (in a platonic sense):
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Cinder and Ruby fight the night of the Dance, which is a call back to Cinder dancing with the Prince. This means Ruby is Cinder's Prince. She is the one who must save Cinder with her eyes and I wouldn't be susprised if this happens on the top of Beacon Tower. After all, Ruby and Cinder face each other twice in that setting. The first time, it is the night of the dance, the second the night of the Fall of Beacon. These 2 face offs represent 2 dances, so we still lack a third final one as per the Grimms' fairy tales... I would not be surprised if this happens in the finale.
Jaune is instead set up to have a role when it comes to helping Cinder become a true Maiden. Why? Because this is Pyrrha's legacy:
Pyrrha: Do you believe in destiny?
Jaune is meant to inherit Pyrrha's legacy and to succeed where she failed, which is to convey the meaning of being a true Maiden to Cinder. Very fitting for a character whose allusion is called the Maide of Orleans.
This reading also fit with RWBY playing with gender role. Ultimately, the young child is meant to be the Prince who saves Cinderella (again not in a romantic sense), while Jaune is meant to be the Maiden at Heart who inspires Cinder into becoming the true Maiden of Choice. If you want, you can headcanon Jaune may become a new version of the fairy that makes sure Cinderella can dance and become a Queen. Still, it is too soon to say.
Thank you for the ask!
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
SO's Bookclub: The Love Hypothesis
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Title: The Love Hypothesis Author: Ali Hazelwood Genre: Romance
Goodreads Summary:
As a third-year Ph.D. candidate, Olive Smith doesn't believe in lasting romantic relationships--but her best friend does, and that's what got her into this situation. Convincing Anh that Olive is dating and well on her way to a happily ever after was always going to take more than hand-wavy Jedi mind tricks: Scientists require proof. So, like any self-respecting biologist, Olive panics and kisses the first man she sees.
That man is none other than Adam Carlsen, a young hotshot professor--and well-known ass. Which is why Olive is positively floored when Stanford's reigning lab tyrant agrees to keep her charade a secret and be her fake boyfriend. But when a big science conference goes haywire, putting Olive's career on the Bunsen burner, Adam surprises her again with his unyielding support and even more unyielding... six-pack abs.
Suddenly their little experiment feels dangerously close to combustion. And Olive discovers that the only thing more complicated than a hypothesis on love is putting her own heart under the microscope.
There's a trend, at the moment, in adult contemporary romance of writing really Hallmark Movie of the Week-slash-fanficy type plots. And you know what? I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I think taking fanfic-ish tropes and diving head first into cheesy fun is a lot more interesting than the heavily gendered (and often misogynistic) bodice rippers that had been dominating the genre for so long.
When I first found out that this novel was a rewrite of Star Wars fanfic (specifically Kylo Ren/Rey) I was a little weary. I mean, just looking at the cover - you can tell that Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley were the inspiration for the characters. I was worried that I'd be tripping over Star Wars references left and right. And surprisingly?? Other than the fact that the male love interest is literally named Adam - and you can't get away from the Adam Driver-ness of him, I couldn't spot any SW references in it. The cringiness I had worried about just wasn't there.
The story is pretty straightforward (and oh god, so trope-ish that it's delicious). Olive is a STEM student, who to cover up issues from a bad break up, has to fake date one of the professors. And hilarity ensues. I do love the fake dating trope, and this one really doesn't disappoint. I can't say that there's anything new here -- I'm sure i've read every twist the book had coming a thousand times before in actual fanfiction. But I'm okay with that. One of the nice things about the book is that it knows, comfortably, what it is, and runs with it.
There is a somewhat larger plot around Olive working through her studies. And while I'm more than thrilled that this book celebrates women in science (yay!!) I'm gonna be honest and say that I really didn't care all that much about Olive trying to work out future in science. There's also a 'bad guy' of sorts in Olive's world, and I was somewhat uninterested in that aspect of it.
This book is at its best when it's trying to navigate the fake dating trope. No, I wouldn't say it is at all realistic, but it's a ton of fun in the way that reading your favorite fanfic over and over is fun. The characters, while maybe not the most fleshed out or deepest of creatures, are still entertaining enough to make it an enjoyable read.
The writing is pretty straightforward and easy to read. The book never takes itself too seriously, and manages to stay on point throughout the full novel. The romance between the two leads is believable enough, and I'm fond of the grump/sunshine trope, so this one works for me.
I think if you want something light and airy, romantic and fun - this is a great book to check out! I highly recommend it!
Rating: 4.5 Stars
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sakuramidnight15 · 2 years
-DAC OC Information-
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Character Bio
Name: Addison Hill
(Japanese: アディソン・ヒル)
Romaji: Adison Hiru
Quote: "Please don't mind the dorm leader, just focus on your training."
V/A: Coco Hayashi (Japanese)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Birthday: August 10
Star Sign: Leo
Eye Color: Ash Grey (Left-Normal Eye), Light Wood Brown (Right-Beast Eye)
Hair Color: Medium Grey
Height: 175 cm
Race: Inner Beast
Species: Large Four-eyed Falcon
Homeland: Revoltion City (3rd Level District)
Family: Nomero Hill (Father)
Rina Hill (Mother)
Unnamed 5 Older Brothers
Unnamed Family Relatives
School Status and Fun Facts
Dorm: Ketsuekitöten
School Year: Third
Class: 3-A
Student no. 3
Occupation: Student
Vice-dorm Leader
Pro Assassin/Hitwoman
Club: Fencing Club (Leader), Wrestling Team (Member)
Best Subject: Endurance Training, Physical Education, and Firearm Handling
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous (Left Hand Mostly)
Favorite Color: Dark Grey, White, and Beige,
Favorite Food: Carbonara Pasta, Dried Salted Sardines, Sushi (Raw), BBQ Flavored Chips,
Least Favorite Food: Sweetness, Too much Frosting, Goat Meat, and Stale Food,
Likes: Fire-arming, Collecting new weapons, Practicing on Targets, Self-creativity on weapons, Reading Manga (Various, Would get the whole collection-), Taking a Break (From Chaos),
Dislikes: Clementine causing a ruckus (Mostly), Akira and Clementine's Bickering (Mostly), Chaos in the Dorm, Plans have gone wrong, Revealing the ���real’ Venom Queen, Toshihiro's Candy Minions and his antics (Mostly- she can't stand it),
Hobbies: Assassination Missions, Collecting New Weapons, Practicing on Targets, Fire-arming, Reading Manga, Making Weapons, Fast Running in the woods,
Talents: Inner Beast Sight, Beast-mind Takeover, Assassin/Hit woman Skills, Fire-arming Abilities, Knife/Dagger Skills, Flight Skills, Sharp Large Claws,
Nicknames: Addy (From her family and friends)
Falcon (Assassin Nickname)
Addison-senpai or Hill-senpai (From the freshmen students)
Vice-dorm Leader (From the Dorm Members)
Aison (From Clementine)
Mrs. Plain (From Akira)
Miss 'I won't get diabetes' (From Toshihiro- Got pissed off literally-)
Other Nicknames:
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Allison has rather slightly with q muscular but slender female body build from up-close. She has shoulder-lenght medium grey colored hair which it reaches to the back of where her spine was. Like her companion Clementine, she too has heterochromia colored eyes, ash grey color on her left eye which it revealed to be her normal eye while her right is light wood brown colored which it revealed to be her inner beast eye, which her right eye can glow whenever she uses her inner beast abilities. Allison is on of the fire-arming assassins, she's stern and up-lightly serious.
Personality: Born as the only girl aside from her five older brothers in her family's side, when she was a child she was either watched by her mother or one of her five brothers, her father on the point didn't seem to have any plans on letting her to have the experience of an assassin's life, around at age ten, he had let her to have childhood freedom like a normal life alongside with joining her brothers and other of her family members.
That was lasted when she turned had twelve, when she had encountered one of the large monsters after wandering too far from home after school to the forest entrance one afternoon. Allison quickly acted fast despite getting scared and ended up eliminating it as her brothers arrived only to find her in a mess alongside with the corpse of the dead beast she had killed with a nearby weapon.
Nearly after about three weeks of slow recovery, her parents had asked her if she wanted to become an assassin, needless to say Allison agree to do it not just because of what had happened to her, but for other reasons. After hearing her statement, her father agrees as she joins her five older brothers training sessions till she became one of the rumored fire-arming assassins in the city.
The current Allison we're now looking is a sharp-headed individual and tends to be serious around with her duties around the dorm and other that she is assigned to. Is mostly seen with her fellow dorm member Clementine, either preventing her from clashing with another student or so on. She does get tired a lot from antics, such as Akira and Clementine's troubles for an example, does get worn out pretty well.
Although she can be a bit too serious from time to time, she can be wise on advices well mostly on battle tactics on assassins, offers her new dorm members demonstrations to show how it has to be handled to get the job done, she seems to hold a serious big sister figure to others. Won't change much if you get close to her.
To beware that her skills as an assassin and fire-arming is also another warning for her limits, being underestimated is something that she doesn't want to have in her life, will might give you a feed back of the same warning but perhaps in another method that can send a message to know your place in the end, after all sugarcoating her words are her specialty in the after fight.
She's both scary but seems calm, but Clementine would probably annoy her as much, pretty something to see.
-The name 'Allison' means noble, while her surname 'Hill' means 'a person who lived on a hill'.
-She based on Tadaomi Karasuma from the series.
-Like Clementine and a few of her dorm mates, she too knows the other races.
-She too hides the 'real' venom queen's identity with Clementine as well.
-Would often separate Clementine and Akira whenever it's possible, even during dorm training sessions.
-She's annoyed with Toshihiro, whom that he had called her through a nickname that she dislikes sweets. Would get into a daily fight with him whenever it's possible.
-Is a fond of Himari, the two are seen in P.E. classes having a normal interaction.
-As mentioned, she encountered one of the monsters after wandering off to the first entrance. After her experience, she declared to become an fire-arming assassin.
-Is very skilled in fire-arming and shooting, making her being rumored in her homeland during her missions.
-Probably knows who to make customizinh weapons, such as guns.
-Her voice sounds pretty deep, needless to say but sounds sane however the tone changes whenever she's shouting. Which is why I chose Coco Hayashi to be her voice actor.
-Seems to have an interest at collecting some materials to make new useful weapons, although Clementine would have bragged her about it though.
-Has a pet black husky named 'Rion'.
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amindofstone · 3 years
let me hold you for a bit
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a/n: And here we have another scenario I made up in my head before going to sleep just to make myself sad over basically something none existing. GREATTTTT!!! Anyways, while writing this I honestly got hella mad over the word swordsman. I googled it and found out that this is a neutral word and can be used for the male but also female gender. It's just like the word mankind. Like the fck?! Why is language so patriarchal?! I'm going to have a looooooong discussion with my professor about that... Anyways have fun and enjoy this little work of mine. ;)
Genre: anime image?
Character(s): Eustass "captain" Kid × Serena (reader)
Words: 2295
Spoiler(s): none
Info: For better reading keep in mind that the words in italic are either Kid's or readers train of thoughts. It is both written in italic but it is understandable on who's thoughts it is (Hopefully).
Warning(s): a bit of cursing and swearing, I guess. But nothing to be worried of. (+ grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I'm still improving in every aspect. (Please have mercy on that))
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. This took me a lot of time. So please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner @nan50ku (on Twitter). !!!
One and a half year ago he send his first mate to recruite her as a swordsman although some of his mates weren't really fond of his choice for a long time. So he took it upon himself to convince them to agree to his word. He might be the captain but he cherished his crew a lot although he never said nor really showed it because he is not the type of man who likes to openly show emotions since he considered it as weak.
So after a few days of long arguments between the stubborn captain and his first mate he was able to make him and his crew accept his decision to make the female fencer a part if their life and goal. Although the captain was really fond of her being the crew still took her presence on board with a lot of scepticism and caution since they barely knew anything about her. Not only took it the entire crew but also the woman itself a lot if time and patience to get used to their new environment. Lucky for her she was not the only female on board. There seemed to be another woman who was recruited by the pirates long ago. She however had nothing against her and welcomed her with open arms just like the captain who unlike her had more than just one reason to accept her with joy.
Days passed and she slowly started to open up more and socialise with the people on board more and more. Weeks passed and she laughed and fought side by side with them. Months passed and she shared memories of her childhood with the people off the Kid pirates and heared a few of theirs. But it was after a year with them when the woman Eustass Kid took in his crew with pure joy, told the people she grew fond of that her father was a important person at the revolutionary army and that she therefore was also a part of them. She thought that they might throw her out and get mad at her secrecy but nothing happened. In fact they were glad she told them something important as this. But most of all they were happy to see that the woman that kept quiet for so long opened up to them to this extent.
While they all thought nothing else of it and kept going as if nothing happened one person in particular seemed to grow angrier day by day. He locked himself up in his cabin or his workshop and only came out when it was necessary which got the crew worried more and more.
It was well known for his mates that their captain was a naturally reckless man but never over nothing. He was going mad at the most unnecessary and simple things. When they docked on islands Kid would usually celebrate, drink more and more. He wouldn't give a damn about anyone and would have a great time. But since he became quite temperamental and gloomy for no reason in particular he kept staying in his cabin. He would always give all of his crew mates a list of supplies and get back in his workshop and ignore his first mates question if he doesn't want to come out for a while. Even when he slammed the door shut behind him his first mate who was also his best friend would keep telling him that it was not okay for him to stop talking to his people. After all it was them that worked for him and respected him. But the only thing the blond man would get was a annoyed and angry "Fuck off!".
Now one and a half year later, after he recruited the female bold fencer, the crew would find him knocking on the door of her bedroom at least twice a week. And when she wouldn't be in her bedroom when he came he would simply enter and just wait for her inside, no matter how long it took her to come back to her room. Just like now.
Kid took a quick glance at the clock at the wall over her desk that was occupied by probably a dozen books for her researches. A smile spread over his red lips that turned into a small chuckle when he remembered how happy she got when he came back yesterday with a bunch of new books. When he told her that Killer included some novels to the already enormous pile of books they came back with her face light up. How can someone like reading that much. It's a waste of time when it's not informative. Kid who was sitting on her bed stood up and walked up to her desk and took a look at her notes of the task he gave her. With a little too much of a proud smile he leaned back and took her notebook in his hands and went through it to kill some time. Not long after, the door to the room he was sitting in was opened by its owner.
"Oh I'm sorry did you wait long?", a woman with two swords attached to her small waist entered with a genuine smile on her plum lips with the colour of a deep pink. "Not at all. I was going through your notes and I'm am surprised how much informations you found out in such a short period. It really was a good idea to get you to be a part of my crew.", said the red haired man without looking up from the book in his hands. He was taking his time reading because he didn't wanted to leave so soon. He wanted to have a reason to stay in her room with her without anyone else. He wanted her to himself all alone. But he never dared and will never dare to say it out loud.
He came to her again just like any other time since months now with the hope of her coming and sitting on his lap on her own. He wanted her to hold his face in her small and tender hands while caressing his cheeks in the painful slow pace she always did. He wanted to bury his face on her neck and breath in her scent that got him addicted. He felt small, he felt weak, he felt stupid when she was around. Because he knew that he was helplessly in love with a woman that was to good for him and would probably leave as soon as the no. 2 of the revolutionary army would order her over. The thought of a man that could get her to any place in the world got him angrier than necessary.
Kid pushed everything aside. All of his emotions and the need to hold her just to lean on her desk and take a pen and paper and work on her notes. Focus and ignore her you fool. He told himself off and tried his best to bury his need to take a look at her in the deepest corner of his heart. So it came that he was now working on her notes while every now and than asking her what she meant with a specific note or if the information that was given to her is trustworthy or not. A hour passed and Serena took a shower and changed into a pair of shorts and an oversized sweater she recently purchased. She was sitting in her bed and read a novel when she let out a quiet yawn. She put her book on her nightstand and got under her blanket just to realise that she wasn't alone. Her green orbs fell upon her captain that was silently doing her work. When was the last time he had eight hours of sleep? Can't he relax for a bit? Every time I see him he is either in his workshop or on sea. "Kid? Aren't to going to sleep or at least rest for a bit?"
A soft and gentle voice replaced the calm silence and made the red haired man's heart race while his body turned warm. He felt like he had a fever and was about to collapse when he heard the bed behind him shift. He didn't move a bit or said anything until he felt her soft hands on his shoulders. "You should go to bed. Rest a bit. You need a healthy dose of sleep and resting otherwise you won't be able to fight properly, you know?"
Kid said nothing. He didn't reply to her or move. "Kid? You alright?", and again he didn't gave a answer but closed his eyes and turned around just to sit her down on his lap. "Stay. Stay like that for a while. I know that you want me to leave and I will do so but for now just stay like that and let me hold you for a bit."
The usually loud and aggressive captain was holding onto the female fencer like a child while his face was buried between her shoulder and neck. The feared captain was slowly breathing in her scent and letting out a hardly audible whimper. But Serena heard it what made her shiver slightly out of shook. She carefully placed her hands on his face and made him look in her eyes but the stubborn man refused to do so. He kept his eyes closed and his jaw clenched out of anger towards himself. What the actual fuck am I doing?! What is wrong with me? Why is my fucking heart racing?! GOD, stop it!! The captains cheeks were softly caressed by the woman he sat on his lap. While doing so she waited for him to hopefully open his eyes and allow her a look into his onyx black eyes. She didn't want to push him to something he didn't wanted so she kept quiet and gave him time to relax. While doing so she place her forehead against his and hummed a soft melody that seemed familiar to the captain of the worst generation but he couldn't quite get why it was so familiar and comforting.
Still not opening his eyes Kid spoke in a low and quiet voice "Would you mind me sleeping next to you for tonight?", a smile grew on Serenas lips and made a chuckle follow. "How come you are able to speak so nice and so.. I don’t know... gentleman like? No, thats not it. Let's just say it was really really nice and respectfully said.", said the green eyed woman while leading him to her bed and tugging him in. "Don't make me regret my word choice. I can go back to cursing and insulting you in any minute, woman."
The laughter of Serena filled the comforting silence that lingered in the room. A laughter that made the heart of the man laying at the right of the bed jump in joy. "And there we have our rude captain back. I kinda missed your rudeness around me. It's kinda entertaining and funny. I mostly like to see you and Killer fight with him always stating facts and you just yelling around a bunch of angry - No's- like a child.", with a smile upon her lips she made a little fun of the man she loved to have close to her. She liked spending time with him. She loved it when he came to her to complain about a failed plan of his or that of his first mate. She really appreciated when he searched for her whenever he needed to calm down and get away form his responsibilities as the captain. And everytime she would drop anything and anyone just to give him all of her attention as long as she could help. But everytime she did so the tall and muscular man wondered why she acted that way towards him because he knew that he wasn't someone easy-going.
"You're really annoying. Everytime I come to see you, you make me regret it.", Kid rolled his eyes to show his annoyance to support his point while still wearing a tiny friendly smile on. Serena laid down and pulled her blanket up to her shoulder right before she placed a hand under her pillow and her other hand lovingly on her captains cheek. Kid closed his eyes and did exactly what he asked her for. Sleeping and laying next to her with the hope of being able to suppress his need to hold her tightly in his arms and to calm his racing heart. But sadly she only knew about his wish of just being allowed to sleep next to her. Carefully she went through his hair to help him sleep when he took her wrist and held her back from making any other move. "Woman, your annoying. Let me sleep in peace."
Serena was hurt and felt her heart aching more than any other day but she said nothing else beside apologising and taking her hand back. "Good night cap."
She slowly turned around with now her back facing the sleepy big figure of the man beside her. Out of all the men around the world her heart chose to love him. A reckless and unpredictable man. A man that does not hesitate to kill and destroy when he wanted or needed to. She, a woman with a loving and sweet personality. A woman who probably could marry a king or a Prince ended up loving a pirate, a criminal hated and feared by any person with a sense of sanity. I should have stayed with my father and never accepted this mission Sabo gave me. A tear fell down her cheek when she heard the man, who owned her heart and soul without even knowing, lightly snore.
And just like that another night passes for the two lovesick pirates without them knowing that their feelings were actually returned.
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linawritesocs · 2 years
Lina! What you're doing with Sammy seems fun! I wanna do it too!! I'm giving you Slyvan, Irene, and whichever one of my ocs you have the most to say about. >:) Might send you more ocs for your thoughts, but that's for later. I'm looking forward to your reply, and finding out which ocs you'll pick for me to talk about. <33
sure! i chose iris for the third oc and i'm giving you roland, hayden and a third oc of your choice as well!
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tbh i don't have that much to say about slyvan, but i think his design is so cool?? a goat beastman!! a goat boy, if you will. i think it's interesting that he ended up being a pomefiore student? i mean, that's to be expected because he's good at making herbal medicine and potions, but still, his energy is so different from most pomefiore students, i wonder what his dynamic with them is like. also him giving people crystal-themed nicknames? amazing. as someone who likes crystals a lot and collects them, i love that idea a lot fhjksdkd. still can't get over avery being called "rose quartz".. so cute.. i also wonder why he doesn't like fishing? does he find it too boring? overall, a very good boy, would love to try baking an apple pie for him. i can't bake though
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okay, as someone who thinks that their gender identity is most similar to being a demigirl, i like the fact that irene is a demigirl a lot dhjdkslsk as i said before, i really love their unique magic! i think it's cool and again, i like that the consent is needed before irene can actually communicate telepathically with someone. it's pretty refreshing, considering that usually telepathy just.. happens. someone just reads your mind and that's it. i also feel like irene is hiding something? a secret, perhaps? that's just the vibe i'm getting. but maybe she's just like that and she naturally has that ~mysterious vibe~ so yeah, i like her a lot! i would love to know more about her!
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listen. the moment i see a cute blonde girl who's very outgoing and energetic, that's it. she's going to my faves list. i don't make the rules. IT JUST HAPPENS I CAN'T CONTROL IT. i think iris is a very interesting character and i feel like there's more to her than just her fun-loving personality i mean. "when dawn comes" exists i like her design a lot, i think she's really pretty.. also her talent is improvisng sea shanties? how fun is that? i'd also love to know more about her unique magic, i feel like it has a lot of potential? like, huh.. a girl like iris being able to learn other people's desires.. for some reason, i'm getting some angsty vibes from this.. and her hobby being painting is a nice detail, i think it shows that iris has a calmer side and i think it's neat :)
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LT1 Startalk Interview at the Bristol Hotel 25/01/20
with Petra Stumpf
That was back then, Tom Neuwirth alias Conchita Wurst, a diva who won the Eurovision Song Contest for Austria in 2014.
And this is nowadays. Wurst, fetish look and electro pop. With his third album Tom has freed himself. We meet the Upper Austrian in his adoptive home Vienna at the hotel bar in the Bristol next to the Opera. What hasn't changed is that the star is punctual to the minute.
Petra Stumpf: Welcome to LT1 startalk, my guest today - how do I address you Conchita, Tom or Wurst, which do you prefer?
Tom: It's up to you, I use to say at the end of the day it's always Wurst (it's all the same to me). With a certain look I feel more like a woman, whatever that means and in certain looks I am more masculine, whatever that means and at the end of the day I don't care. One cannot generalise, of course for many people their identity is important and how they see themselves. I realize more and more that gender should be completely irrelevant in a society.
P: I was very curious in which look you would turn up today, blond, bald, long hair, short hair, at the moment everything is possible when it comes to you. Does it depend on your current mood or is it calculative if you turn up as a male or female?
T: There are concerts and events where I know I want to wear an evening gown and release my inner Mariah Carey, on other days I have no concept at all and put up what I fancy at the moment. Some things need a certain preparation, when I want to bleach my hair, I can't decide it on the spot and two hours later I'm blond and the story about the bald head was, that I wanted to express - I did't want to express anything with the bald head per se - but I had joined the Opera Ball to advertise the EU elections and when I shaved my head, I hadn't even known yet that I would go to the Opera Ball. In retrospect it had been destiny and was supposed to happen exactly like that and to answer the question, I seldom reflect, sometimes I fancy something but if something else comes up that is more in line, then I change my mind.
P: Your impact on me is that you feel very liberated since this transformation, is that true?
T: I started to reconsider rules I don't even know who made them and to discard them and find out what makes me happy instead of saying: I have to be the president's wife, that's what people expect and what sells, I'm also in the priviliged situation to say, I don't care, I do what I want and feel but during the process I develop and reconsider so many things and I don't know if everyone thinks it's funny, but I always say it's essential to learn how to read and write. It's important for communication, but how needs spelling?
P: Seriously?
T: If I understand what you want to tell me, for example if you write an essay in German full of blooming imagination and there are twists in the story and it's interesting to read, and then you have 5 spelling errors and fail to pass the exam.
P: I agree about that, but it repels me if someone writes to me on Whatsapp and there are 1000 spelling errors. That's awful.
T: It doesn't matter to me, as long as I understand what you mean.
P: Since you say it is Wurst to you, you recorded your new album as Wurst, finest electro pop, it is autobiographic and was a kind of therapy for you, is that true?
T: Yes, the lyrics and music were written by Eva Klampfer, Lylit, an Upper Austrian and it was produced by Albin Janoska, who is the electro guru in this country. In this triad we made this great album. Eva spent many hours with me and learned a lot about me and I often repeat it, I'm not sure if she wanted to know all of it. But when one doesn't write the lyrics oneself, one can only achieve an authentic piece of music when I'm candid and all of these titles are of course metaphors of all the things I experienced and I know what each song is about and considered if I should explain it or write it into the booklet but then I thought, it's nobody's business and I want to keep it to myself and don't want to impose to the audience what to interpret into those songs. I love to make music videos, I can't write songs, but I hear music and see pictures and I can convert that, that's my essential part and I love to do it but with it I already open a world that indicates a certain direction and emotions, but it's too much fun to miss out on it.
P: I have to show the booklet and for example this picture, videos and booklet are very revealing, very erotic with fetish outfits, did it take you a lot of effort, because your parents and your granny see it too.
T: I'm a very sensual person and I'm not shy with my family, they know me so well, they have known me when I still wet my pants. I don't have to pretend what I am and sometimes I think it will not be her favourite topic for my granny in her crochet round but I am what I am and that's the result of their upbringing. My parents have no reason for complaining about my liberalness or that I live my life in the public, I am the person I am because they raised me that way.
P: Did your parents teach you the facts of life or was it your grandmother, sometimes the grandparents do that.
T: Funny that you address this topic. No, it was my aunt, she's awesome and during Christmas one discusses everything. My aunt is responsible or was a good deal involved in my fashion aesthetics. Listen, my aunt took me to the first musical I have ever seen, Rocky Horror Picture Show, imagine I was about - when is one admitted into such a show, I think 12, and I remember my aunt asked me: "Do you know what a virgin is?" and I replied: "My Mum was born in August, so she's a Virgo." and then there was a talk with my mother if she was allowed to explain it to me and she did and then I came into this show as a 12 year old gay boy and was amazed. What, one can do this, this is allowed? And everyone thinks it's awesome, she revealed a whole new world to me and I still remember what she wore, a transparent Woolford body that only covered the breasts in the shape of a lava lamp and Yoko Ono flares with slits at the sides that where overlapping, so when she walked her bare legs were displayed. My aunt is a fashion icon and that's where my liberty comes from, I think nobody was surprised.
P: You don't often come to Upper Austria, where your family is, but on 12th March you will come to the Posthof in Linz because you are on tour with the new songs. This home game in Linz is something special for you?
T: I'm totally looking forward to it. Linz is always special for me. I have a tour, there will be some concerts in Germany, I'll be in Poland and will also be in Austria and Linz is magic, I can't describe it, it's also the audience that likes to experience music and there are people who are not my fans per se, but who are interested in new music. That's so cool, I'm not always that open-minded, I think rock is not my cup of tea, but okay I'm going to listen to it. People in Linz are totally relaxed and I'm looking forward. And it will be different with my live band and it will be awesome.
P: You are a fantastic live performer, I've often seen you and take my hat off to you. Back then in Linz, international fans had come completely dressed in Conchita outfit. How do they deal with the transformation, do they go along with it and come now with short hair?
T: It's exciting you mention this, I love my fans and they are crazy in an affectionate way and travel from everywhere around the world and then sit there and listen to this concert for the 14th time and are still enthusiastic and have fun to ponder, ah there he didn't know the lyrics, he has forgotten them again and that's so cool, because it's simply the truth. Without those fans who come regularly, I wouldn't exist and without them I wouldn't be able to shine in certain situations, because sometimes you come to an event and notice, ah maybe they don't find me that awesome but there are always people present I can rely on and who say I don't care what happens behind my back, I'm here because of you and I celebrate you so much and then it spreads. It's exciting how such a relationship we have after all develops, particularly because of the different look and music and there are many who sighingly say, I want to hear the ballads and I understand that, I also love the ballads, but there's a time for everything.
P:  Variety is that extra something.
T: Absolutely. It's a challenge for me and a whole different vocal field, suddenly it's about voice colours and textures and not how long can I scream this note, and I can hold it for a long time.
P: Will you play none of your ballads on this tour?
T: Not at the moment. I have the occasional concerts with an orchestra, the next ones will be in Sydney and I'm thrilled to go back to Australia after many years, the current situation there is everything else but delightful but I'm very content not to let this orchestra programme die either, because it's so much fun. Also From Vienna With Love I recorded with the symphonic orchestra is a gift for me and then retrieve it a year later and say: I still can do it! That's cool, you know.
P: We are in Vienna today and not in Upper Austria, as you hardly come to us anymore.
T: Don't emphasize it that much, it's like that at the moment, I will come back.
P: On 12th March at the latest he'll be there at the concert. But we are now at the hotel Bristol in Vienna and you also have a special connection to this place.
T: I have a deep attachment to this hotel, one of my all-time favourite photos was taken by Mrs Ziegelböck, who also comes from Upper Austria. There was a fashion photo shoot for Rondo and we are often here and everytime I give interviews we get support from the staff and they provide us with these awesome suites and catering and we are pleased to see each other, there's appreciation and it's such a traditional building, rich in history and I was allowed to work abroad, but when I come back home, I love Austria, I love Vienna so much, in my opinion it's the coolest city in the world.
P: It was ranked the most livably city too. And the most unfriendly one.
T: If you allow to be insulted, I'm above that.
P: I continue with the word rap.
Question: Do you prefer to be man or woman?
T: We already discussed, I don't care.
Question: I can imagine having children one day.
T: That's tough. I've considered how I would raise a child, what values I would convey and what it would mean. But I'm not ready to have children, because I'm so egocentric and have some interhuman deficits. You wanted a short reply. I have no idea.
Question: I like to sleep...
T: For a long period of time and you want something provocative. I sleep in the nude.
Question: What are you not able to do?
T: I'm bad at waiting and I sometimes get bitchy. My friends who work with me know me well enough to know that when I start giving curt replies.
Question: Your favourite place?
T: My apartment, my nest. After a period of travelling a lot, one's own bed is priceless.
Question: I learned most things from...
T: All people I meet. I recognise afterwards when one sits together during the holidays, I have it from you that I always run around half naked.
Question: The inscription on my tombstone should read.
T: I hope I won't have a tombstone. I'll be cremated.
P: But there has also to be a place for the urn. Maybe in someone's cupboard at home.
T: If I want to annoy them I'll write into my will: You have to place me beside your television. I want it to be stagy, get cremated and scatter the ash around.
P: Then one cannot visit you anymore.
T: You don't have to. That's overrated, everyone shall carry me inside their hearts.
P: No grave of honour in Vienna?
T: The dress from the Eurovision inside a showcase is sufficient.
P: Thank you, it was very funny.
T: What a great interview.
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baesketballers · 7 years
Kise likes Midorima's younger sister (made up and not canon), but she hates him. She puts more faith in astrology more than her brother does. She doesn't want to be with a Gemini guy since she can't trust them when it comes to relationships. Kise reminds her so much of her dad, who had cheated on their mum and who can't entirely devote himself to her. She thinks Kise will eventually grow tired of her and take their relationship for granted years later if she gives him a chance now.
You’re Midorima’s sibling in this story (no mentions of gender)! Here, the reader and Kise are friends, though they aren’t best friends. Just hanging-out-with-each-other type of friends.
WARNING: Long, but not my best. I might have misinterpreted the ask all in all, sorry!
Plug-ins: If you want to commission me or want to donate, I’ll be happy to accept! Commissions are wide open!
When you said no, he almost couldn’t believe his ears.
You acted as if you were happy around him, always smiling, laughing, and having fun despite the slightly disapproving-slash-annoyed looks from your brother. But no, saying that you ‘acted’ happy is not at all right, because Kise knows that you really are happy, and that the two of you are really friends. You aren’t like his admirers, keeping up the friendly farce to please him and eventually win his heart—you rejected him, anyways.
He laughed it off and told you to forget it ever happened in order to keep your friendship, but he still remembered your face. Downcast in a mix of awkwardness and veiled heartbreak—weird, since you were the one who turned him down. Kise did not say anything else to give you a chance to speak, and you did.
“Look, this might sound ridiculous, but,” you paused, “I’m never going to date a Gemini.”
Kise’s eyes were as wide as saucers, feeling a horrible desire to scoff at your statement. So you were just like your brother, after all. Why was he even surprised? Kise feels something at the back of his head materializing thoughts of how easy it would be to change your mind, but first you had to give him a chance—he would have said something out loudto ask for that chance if it were not for your next words.
“You’re exactly like my dad,” you said, which startled him further. “He’s popular, cheerful, and just dashing, even in his age. I thought we were a normal, happy family until Mom caught him fucking some other woman in the office.”
Mouth suddenly dry, Kise mind reeled backwards, undoing the terrible suggestions of his own voice. He had no idea. The one thing he knew at that moment was the fact that you were trying so hard not to let the emotions seep into your voice, like you were just talking about the weather or some other menial thing.
“I was seven,” you said again, your gaze lost in space, “I remember he begged for Mom’s forgiveness, asking for another chance, swearing to never do it again. Mom was heartbroken—Shintarou and I could hear her cry from the room next door every night after she tucked us in.”
Then you looked down at the tiled floor of the restaurant. They were white, yet blotched with some dirt from your shoes, sort of reminding you of your tainted naivety. 
“She took him back, and two months after, he started coming home late from work. Then coming home late turned into not coming home at all.” You tapped your finger at a silver knife and Kise felt as if you were murdering your father in your mind. “It was obvious he was sleeping around. You should’ve seen the look of pity his colleagues gave my mom whenever they met her.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Kise whispered, to which you shrug.
“I should be the one apologizing,” you continued. “You can think whatever you want: that I’m a stereotyping girl full of angst from a tragic broken home background, I don’t care. I’ve met plenty of Geminis, guy and girl, they’ve been my friends and enemies, but they’re all the same.”
He swallows the bile in his throat.
“You’re the same, Ryouta.”
It has been a full week since that conversation in the empty restaurant, and since then, the two of you haven’t met yet. You did say that you still want to keep him as a friend as long as he understands that romance is off limits—not wanting to lose you just like that, Kise of course agreed. 
It has also been a full week since he was left in a daze. Every night as he tries to sleep, his mind wanders and thinks of how someone could be so deeply hurt and heartbroken.
And within the course of that one week, Kise realizes another thing: that he hasn’t give up on you yet. If it were anyone else, he would have dropped them and moved on, friendship or no friendship. He would not want to waste his time sulking for someone who clearly isn’t interested in him.
You are a special case of love sickness, he diagnoses, sighing into his pillow. Logic tells him to abandon this dead end, but somehow he’s already thinking of how he’s going to slowly chip and eventually crack the ice wall around your heart. It isn’t his ego that makes him to be the one to do that. Rather, he understands having to put up his guard and how tiring it could be, how eventually the pressure will break you from the inside. 
He just wants you to be able to love again.
The first thing he does is tell you that he values whatever friendship he shares with you, but at the same time he can’t ignore his feelings.
“—but ___________-cchi, at the same time I can’t ignore my feelings,” he says over the phone. You are quite busy, and so is he, yet he feels that it’s so urgent to tell you this that he can’t wait any longer. He can hear you sigh from the other end of the line.
“Ryouta, are you sure about this? I’m only going to hurt you,” you say, “I’m not romantically interested in you.”
“I know, you made that clear last week,” he replies, sounding slightly anxious, “but what I’m telling you now is that I still can’t ignore my feelings and that if you would let me, I’m still going to try.”
You pause, unsure. You want to believe in him and in the prospect of falling in love, you really do, but you know from your mother’s personal story (and plenty of others) that it all starts with rainbows and butterflies, ending with a free fall into a bottomless abyss that robs you from the ability to heal. 
If you were honest with yourself, you have a sliver of interest in the golden boy and you treat it like a delicious poison. 
“I warned you.”
And with that, you end the phone call. Little does he know that you are playing push-and-pull with yourself, reaching into the crevices of your mind for fantasies of a happy ending before putting it back down, like someone changing their mind while grocery shopping. 
You force yourself to sleep that night to stop your thoughts from running wild.
The second thing Kise does is hang out with you a lot more.
He’s smart enough not to cling on you like a koala and sometimes makes your meeting for work instead of for fun: helping each other with homework, shopping for a new look, photo-hunting. It’s like he has different excuses to hang out with you, and though you realize this is part of his ploy to make you fall for him, you strangely don’t reject his invitations.
That’s because outings with Kise are fun and productive, most of the time. He makes it easy for you to laugh and let go.
“There’s fluff on your jacket, ___________-cchi!” He’d say and proceed to blow it away instead of brush it off, breath brushing the side of your neck. Those are the times when you can actually feel him sinking under your skin, penetrating your defenses. Those are the times when you actually want him to be closer.
But then you remember your father and you retract back into your shell.
“Quit it, Kise,” you chuckle, trying to swat him away, “what if I want that fluff to stay on my shoulder?”
The third thing Kise does is get into your head.
To be fair, he probably doesn’t do it consciously. You blame it on hanging out with him too much. At night, you would find yourself thinking about him. It started off small: wondering if he’s asleep grew into fantasizing about what the two of you will do the next time you meet, which soon also grew into something more magnanimous. 
Would he kiss you on the forehead before going to sleep every night? Is he the type to offer his scarf to you when you’re cold? What would he smell like—cedar wood or geraniums?
“Are you okay,___________-cchi? You’re kind of spacing out.”
“I’m okay,” you lie, obviously too caught up in his yellow-brown eyes, “I think I didn’t get enough sleep last night.”
He touches his forehead against yours, a gesture that is considered innocent below the age of 12, probably. You know it’s his way of measuring your body temperature, but considering your weird relationship with him, he might be using it as a way to get closer to you. At this point in time your heart is beating fast from the exhilaration of having his face right in front of yours. On the contrary, you feel your core trembling with fear because you have already acknowledged his power over you.
“What are you doing to___________?”
The two of you snap back to reality at Midorima’s harsh voice, meeting his equally harsh gaze. 
“No indecent behavior is allowed in this house,” your brother says as if he were the head of the family, “either you do your homework or get out.”
“But Midorima-cchi,” Kise interjects, “I was just checking if___________-cchi was sick!”
“Are you sick?” Your brother asks, looking your way. You shake your head.
“I don’t think so,” you murmur, “just tired.”
“I’ll get you something to drink,” is the only thing Midorima says before he leaves your room, and the two of you are alone once more. Kise’s words of concern go in one ear and out the other as your thoughts find a way to occupy your mind.
I’m just in so deep, you correct yourself.
The last thing Kise does is nothing.
You happen to be waiting for him outside of his school for another study session (he was somehow doing okay with English conversations) when you stumble upon a scene which looks so much like a shoujo manga. The air is so private and intimate that even you breathing in would feel like an intrusion, but that did not stop you from eavesdropping behind a concrete wall next to the gates.
Beyond that wall is Kise and another female student. You can only pick up some of her words since they are mostly hushed—”I like… long time… go out… me”—and it really doesn’t take much to make you figure out what is happening.
A confession.
There is a few seconds of silence during which you think about how upset you would be if he ends up accepting. You rejected him after all, and after all this time he might have grown tired of subtly chasing you, leading him to look for another plaything to amuse himself with. This girl might be the lucky one. Your stomach is churning and bile seemingly gathers at the base of your throat. You swallow it.
And that is how you find out your true feelings about Kise Ryouta.
“I’m sorry, I like someone else.”
You can nearly hear the girl gasp, but your ears focus on Kise’s next words.
“Funny story, really,” he chuckles, the sound sad and forlorn, “I was rejected, too. But my feelings won’t go away, even after all this time. I really tried not thinking about it and moving on, but it’s like I’m glued.”
You feel the strength leave your knees, yet you still manage to stand on both feet.
“I don’t even know why I’m telling you this,” he laughs out. From where you are hiding, you cannot see the girl’s confused and heartbroken look. “I guess I just want you to understand that I was rejected, too, so I know how you feel right now, and I’m sorry for being the one to cause it.”
“Kise-kun… was rejected?”
“Yeah,” he sheepishly answers, “that doesn’t change how I feel, though.”
You can no longer hear anything except for the gradually increasing crunch of leaves beneath the girl’s feet as she exits the scene, probably too dazed to notice your figure standing next to the gates. You find that you are light-headed, as if your mind is filled with smoke and all this is a dream. 
The next person you see passing through the gates is Kise himself, looking somewhat lonely. He notices you, however, and surprise enters his eyes as he stares into yours. You overheard that conversation.
The last thing Kise does is nothing because you are the one bringing him into your open arms, embracing him as you sob into his chest. He feels that reality is out of touch for one exact second—that you are not really hugging him and he is not really smelling your hair and everything is an illusion—but the wetness of your tears against his school uniform clears the fog in his head.
He leans down to kiss your forehead with gentleness more than you have ever imagined, an unspoken message of I will never let you go.
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