#thinking of him doing her hair and tying her corset around her waist
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natasha-in-space · 1 year ago
Why am I suddenly thinking about a butler!SE Saeran/princess Natasha au.......
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evilpixieoffluff · 2 years ago
Through shadow, cloud, and shade: Intro
Boromir x OC (Mae) 
Not certain how to begin this.  Characters belong to their creators. Cannon Typical Violence. Slow burn. Cannon divergence (But I won’t tell you where to keep things interesting). Some addition to events and switching narrative perspectives but focuses mostly on Boromir and Mae. 3rd person. Future smut, will add specific warnings as we get closer. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating a character to adventure with. Approx. 3,000 words. 
 “I cannot wait any longer,” Mae whispers as she continues packing her bags.
“No, Eowyn,” she replies, “Every day our king, my father, fades further and further away. We need help. Grima has gotten his claws into him and our kingdom, our people are suffering. I will not sit idly any longer”. 
“Where will you go?” 
“Imladris,” she replies quickly, “The elves will know what to do. Maybe help me find Gandalf the grey”. She tucks her brother's white tunic into her riding breeches. 
Eowyn hands her a leather corset, “I’ll do what I can here in your stead. My brother and yours won’t be happy when they hear you’ve gone alone”. 
“Why do you think I waited until they were both out of the castle?” Mae replies with a mischievous smile. Eowyn smiles back at her as Mae finishes buckling the leather. She looks around quickly, grabbing her dark mustard cloak and tying it around her shoulders. Eowyn hands her sword which Mae is quick to belt around her waist. 
“Promise you’ll be safe?” Eowyn whispers. 
Mae is quick to wrap her arms around her little cousin's waist, “I promise, I’ll be back as soon as I can”. Mae grabs her bags and sneaks out of the palace, saddling up her horse and is gone long before dawn. 
It takes her a little over two fortnights to travel to Imladris. She keeps to herself and travels as fast as she can. She meets some on the road and luckily has no run-ins with any unsavoury people. She’s spent much of her childhood adventuring around the plains of Rohan. She travelled with her brother and father when her father was in his right mind. She’s always been stubborn so when they'd travel she’d always insist on being with her brother while hunting and preparing food. It’s honestly refreshing, being on her own, out in the wilds. All her life people have held expectations of who she should be and how she should act. Out here she is entirely herself. But she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t relieved to finally arrive in Rivendell. Being greeted by Lord Elrond and shown to a guest room to bathe is a blessing. Bathing properly for the first time in over a month is a luxury. She changes into the gown the elves left for her, the silky dark blue gown floating around her feet and her hair pinned up in an elegant updo. She dines with Lord Elrond and his daughter, Arwen. They discuss the darkness unfolding in the world, Mae agrees to stay and await Gandalf in the hopes that he’ll be able to help her with her father. Elrond says he should be back soon. So Mae waits. She enjoys exploring the library and grounds. She also meets an older sassy gentleman called Bilbo. Mae had never met a hobbit before but she finds his company pleasant. It’s only a few days later that she hears a large amount of commotion, Arwen arrives carrying another hobbit, gravely injured to her father. Gandalf arrives, looking significantly more ragged then she recalls, and finally a few days later three more hobbits arrive with a man. She learns from Arwen that Aragon is a dear friend to the elves. Her and Arwen grow closer as they await news of the hobbit, Frodo’s condition. More men arrive from all across the land. Rivendell is full of guests from far and wide. She brings flowers to Frodo’s room and after he awakes she is finally able to speak to Gandalf. 
“My dear, I am sorry to hear about your father, unfortunately there are more pressing matters at hand,” he explains, his voice ancient and exhausted, as they sit in Frodo’s rooms drinking tea. 
“I know these are dark times,” Mae replies, “I admit I was unaware of these events before your arrival but knowing what my people have been struggling with for months… it does make sense”. 
“We are having a meeting tomorrow,” Gandalf begins, “I would like you to attend. Represent your kingdom as its heir in these important discussions”.
 “Are you certain that’s wise? You know as well as I do that my opinions will be valued less because of my sex. Though I have worked hard in my own kingdom to be heard, I don’t know these people”. 
“I think, my dear, that you arrived here at this time for a reason,” Gandalf replies, “What that reason is yet, I do not know”. 
She nods, thoughtfully, “Very well. I trust you, Gandalf”. 
Mae walks into the meeting the next evening, her head held high. She dresses as she has since she arrived in borrowed gowns. Today the deep red gives a striking appearance. She leaves her hair braided loosely down her back, a borrowed circlet of gold upon her head, and her signet ring upon her right thumb, the larger ring previously only worn by male heirs rests coolly against her skin. 
“Are you certain--”. 
“Arwen, they are already going to see me as a woman, and value my input less because of it. Reminding them that I am heir to the throne of Rohan may provide me more sway”. 
She walks into the room, ignoring the questioning gazes of the men. She pauses to greet Lord Elrond with a small curtsy, “My lord”. 
Elrond bows his head formally, “Lady Mae, welcome to our counsel”. 
She nods with a kind smile before she finds a seat beside Gandalf. She winks at Frodo as she passes, gaining a small smile from the lad as she does. She sits upon the wooden chair and looks around the gathered group of men. To her left sits a few elves, all with long silky hair and sharp eyes. Beyond them sits a group of three dwarves, their hair braided and their facial hair impressive. The human men are next. Some older men who murmur behind their hands and their greedy eyes rake along her figure. She catches the curious gaze of one of the men, younger than the rest with light brown hair hanging around his shoulders and piercing blue eyes. He frowns thoughtfully as though he carries a large burden. His gaze, older than perhaps his body. She wonders if he were to smile, would his eyes brighten? His neatly trimmed beard accentuates his square jaw and highlights his defined cheekbones. She’d go so far as to say he’s rather handsome, even with the cool concern darkening his eyes, working as a shield against his true self as he watches her and the rest of the group. She’s always been good at reading people and this man is not different. Beneath the strategic concern in his eyes she finds more, fear, yes but bravery, loyalty, and kindness as well. She finally tears her gaze away from his to look at the rest of the gathering, finding Arwen’s love just beyond the broad stranger.
 Boromir waits for the meeting to begin, assessing the gathered men for potential allies or enemies when a woman walks into the room. She is greeted formally by Lord Elrond before taking her seat just across from him. He’s caught off guard by her appearance. Who would send a woman to a gathering such as this? Mae, that is what he called her. The name is familiar but with so much on his mind he cannot recall where from. Is she meant to distract them? She’s certainly beautiful enough to distract. He watches her as she scans the gathered group, her blue-grey eyes like the sea after a storm, meet his own. And, for just a moment Boromir forgets why they are gathered. As he looks into her eyes he feels as though he is peering into her very soul and she into his. Honest, playful, and strong. She is no mere distraction, her eyes, far too intelligent and knowing. He holds her gaze pondering who she might be and why she is present until her eyes slide from his own to continue looking around the group. His heart hammers in his chest as he is finally freed from her searching gaze and Lord Elrond stands to speak. 
“Strangers from distant lands, friends of old, you have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle earth stands upon the brink of destruction. You will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom. Bring forth the ring, Frodo”. Frodo stands slowly and moves to where Elrond gestures, carefully placing the one ring onto the center of the stone pillar. Gasps and murmurs break out amongst the gathered men. 
“So it is true,” Boromir whispers as he stares at the gold ring before them all. She listens as with a heavy sigh he gets to his feet, his words eloquent and clever, “I had a dream,” he begins as he looks at all those before him, “I saw the eastern sky grow dark. But in the west a pale light lingered. A voice was crying, ‘Doom is near at hand, Isuldir’s bane is found’,” he says as he walks toward the ring. 
Mae looks cautiously between the man, his hand inching closer to the ring and Gandalf. 
“Boromir!” Lord Elrond calls as he gets to his own feet before Gandalf interrupts. The sky darkens and the sounds of thunder crack as he rumbles in a tongue unfamiliar to her ears. The man, Boromir, withdraws his hand as though coming out of a daze, stumbling back toward his seat. A number of the elves in the circle close their eyes at the pain the black speech elicits as Gandalf rises to his feet. The warm evening light comes back as Gandalf finishes. 
“Never before has anyone uttered the words of that tongue here in Imladris,” Elrond says pointedly. 
“I do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond,” Gandalf replies as Elrond sits back in his chair, “For the black speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the west. The ring is altogether evil,” he finishes firmly staring at Boromir before walking back toward his seat by Mae’s side. 
“It is a gift,” Boromir says, leaning forward in his seat and rising once more, “A gift to the foes of Mordor. Why not use this ring? Long has my father, the steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay, by the blood of our people, are your lands kept safe,” he monologues passionately, “Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him”.
 “You cannot wield it,” Aargorn cuts in, his voice a low rumble, “No one can”.
 “The ring was made by the dark lord,” Mae adds seriously, “And only by him can it be wielded. It has no other master”. 
“And what,” Boromir replies, glancing between the two, “Would a ranger and a woman know of this matter?” 
“This is no mere ranger,” an elven man gets to his feet, his voice smooth and delicate, his blond hair swaying as he addresses Boromir, “He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn, you owe him your allegiance. And this is princess Mae, daughter of Theoden, heir to his throne of Rohan”. 
Boromir spares a surprised glance at Mae, finally placing her lilting accent and name before turning his attention toward Aragorn, “Aragorn? This is Isidur’s heir?” 
“And heir to the throne of Gondor,” Legolas adds sternly. 
“[Sit down, Legolas],” Aragons orders softly. 
Legolas turns to Mae, “My lady,” he murmurs with a small nod before sitting. Mae nods back at him before looking at the changed faces in the room. With her introduction, many of the men peer at her with further interest as Boromir walks back to his seat. 
“Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king,” he stares at Aragorn with contempt. 
“Aragorn and Lady Mae are right,” Gandalf cuts in, “We cannot use it”. 
Elrond gets to his feet, “You have only one choice. The ring must be destroyed”. Mae watches the varying emotions across the room. Some look skeptical, others annoyed, Boromir looks both disappointed and relieved, which she finds curious. 
“Well then what are we waiting for,” A dwarf growls, his voice rough like an anvil against steel, as he gets to his feet. He grabs a nearby axe and with a mighty roar lands a blow upon the circle of gold. Mae gasps as the axe shatters, sending the dwarf flying onto his back. Frodo gasps with a wince, his hand moving to his forehead. Mae and Gandalf send him a concerned look as Elrond speaks. 
“The ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli son of Gloin by any craft we here process. The ring was made in the fires of mount doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. One of you must do this”. Mae leans her elbow on the armrest thoughtfully. 
“One does not simply walk into Mordor,” Boromir says with a sigh, “Its black gates are guarded by more than just orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. And the great eye is ever watchful. Tis’ a barren wasteland riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. This is folly”. 
Legolas jumps to his feet, “Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said! The ring must be destroyed!” 
“And I suppose you think you’re the one to do it!” Gimli growls. 
“And if we fail, what then?” Boromir asks as he gets to his feet, “What happens when Suaron takes back what is his?” 
“I will be dead,” Gimli continues as he gets to his feet, “Before I see the ring in the hands of an elf!” 
Mae leans back in her seat, watching as most of the gathered group get to their feet, shouting and arguing over who should be the one to carry the ring. She watches as Gandalf gets to his feet, arguing with Boromir. She looks at Frodo, noticing the distress on his face, as the shouting gets louder. She gets up from her chair, intending to move toward his side when he jumps to his own feet. 
 “I will take it!” he shouts with determination over the voices of the men, “I will take it!” The voices of the men die down as Frodo strides forward, “I will take the ring to Mordor”. Gandalf turns to look back at him as Mae moves forward as well. She watches him, feeling the air shift, it feels right that Frodo should be the one to carry the ring. “Though,” Frodo adds seriously, “I do not know the way”. 
Mae’s feet carry her to his side, her hand going to his shoulder as she squats down to meet his eyes, “Frodo, are you certain?” she asks kindly. 
He nods firmly, “I am, my lady”. 
Gandalf walks over to Frodo as well, “I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear”. 
Mae gets to her feet, keeping her hand on Frodo’s shoulder, “As will I,” she says firmly, “You have my shield and my protection, so long as you have need of them”. 
Aragorn stands and walks toward Frodo, “If by my life or death I can protect you, I will,” he walks quickly and kneels before Frodo to look him in the eye, “You have my sword,” he vows before he moves to Mae’s side. 
“And you have my bow,” Legolas declares as he walks to stand beside Gandalf.
 “And my axe,” Gimli adds, moving toward the group. 
Boromir walks forward, “You carry the fate of us all, little one. If this is indeed the will of the counsel,” he glances around once more before stating, “Gondor will see it done”. 
“Hey!” a voice calls before rustling is heard and Samwise rushes from the bushes, “Mister Frodo is not going anywhere without me,” he states as he stands by Frodo’s side. 
“No, indeed it is hardly possible to separate you,” Elrond says with a sigh, “even when he is summoned to a secret counsel and you are not”. 
Mae smirks watching Sam throw a sheepish smile at Frodo before another voice is heard, “Oi! We’re coming too!” Merridoc shouts as he and Peregrine rush from the pillars, “You’ll have to send us home tied in a sack, to stop us”.
 Mae bites back a laugh as the two other hobbits rush to Frodo’s side. “Anyway, you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission...quest… thing,” Pippin defends as Mae’s shoulders shake with suppressed mirth. 
“That rules you out, Pip,” Merry teases. 
“Ten companions,” Elrond declares looking at the gathered group, “So be it. You shall be the fellowship of the ring”. Mae feels a sense of ease and purpose settle on her shoulders much as it did on her 21st name day and she was named heir. 
“Great,” Pippin says, looking around, “Where are we going?” 
Mae laughs, loudly, her hand clutching Gandalf’s elbow as her head falls back. Gandalf chuckles along with her as she tries to get a hold of herself. “Sorry, sorry,” she says between laughter as she uses her other hand to wipe tears of mirth from her eyes. Her laughter fades into sparse giggles as the group disburses to pack and get a good night's rest. Pippin looks up at her as she giggles, “Oh aye, I like you, laddie,” she says fondly. Pippin preens under her praise before she walks off with a final squeeze to Gandalf’s arm and Frodo’s shoulder, shaking her head fondly.
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silverdelirium · 4 years ago
idk if ur request are still open but if they are, could you write something with the marauders?? maybe dilf!sirius or stripper!reader?? (only if you’re confortable with it!)
btw i loved your theo smut😭<3
ty baby<3
summary: your best friend’s dad finds you working at a strip club.
warnings: small sir kink, squirting, oral ( female receiving ), fingering, bit of drinking at the start, small degrading, praising.
sirius needed a drink and he needed it now.
he didn’t even acknowledge what club he stumbled on, but from the view it gave, they had alcohol. and that’s all that mattered to sirius. he needed to wash away all stress, rage, and irritation from today; and what better way to do it than getting drunk?
“one firewhiskey” he demanded once he settled on the barstool at the bar. the young bartender giving a quick nod and getting to work.
it was then that sirius had a chance to look around, the place was cluttered with people. loud chatter almost drowning out the music. he realized everyone’s sight was settled onto the centre of the room.
sirius craned his neck to get a good look at what seemed to be catching everyone’s interest.
ah, he thought.
this is a strip club.
he hummed in acknowledgement when the bartender placed his drink in front of him, whisking it away and walking closer to the scene as the alcohol burned his throat, a low vibration bubbled from his chest at the taste, already getting rid of all that pent up tension in his muscles.
the atmosphere in the club had suddenly changed when sirius finished his drink. everyone went quiet before cheering loudly when two beautiful women stepped on the stage. the one at the right had red lingerie on, hugging her body in all the right places. her bronze skin seemed to compliment the colour of her attire and her long dark hair moved in rhythm with her movements. the one at the left had a pink with a black corset on, a small thong leaving little to the imagination. sirius eyes travelled from her smooth legs to her defined waist, to her pushed up cleavage and to her- face.
the realization came crashing down on sirius like a bucket of cold water.
there you were. his daughter’s best friend all dolled up dancing to the beat of the music around the pole. and he silently cursed himself for getting hard at the same little girl that visits his house every weekend. did you always go to his house after giving this people a good show? giving them something for their little wank-bank?
as much as he hated to admit it, the mere image of you dancing sensually could’ve had him cumming on the spot. he also hated to admit that the fact that he wasn’t the only person in this place was bringing back that wrath that he had earlier.
was he supposed to be able to compose himself around you from now on? was he supposed to not have you over his knee the next time he had you alone. giving you an orgasm for every set of eyes that were watching you waltz around the stage?
his fingers twitched along with his cock when he saw you bend down to let a batty old man hand you a 100 dollar tip.
and that’s when your eyes met his piercing ones.
you seemed to freeze at his presence for a few moments before you were back to dancing, your vision still glued to his.
and the subtle smirk he sent your way was enough to confirm that— you were getting your brains fucked out by sirius black after this.
after a few more dances and tips, you and your friend got off the stage, your head snapping back to meet sirius’s direction; who was still staring at you with hooded eyes.
you threw him a lazy smile before making your way to the loo, knowing damn well that sirius was just a few steps behind you. the door barely touched the doorframe before he was wringing it open with such force that had you giving a small gasp when he abruptly grabbed ahold of your jaw, turning your head up at him.
“i didn’t know you could dance like that” were the first words he spoke to you in the whole evening.
“you barely know me at all, sir” you teased. the nickname you addressed him as seemed to spark something in him. and a short chuckle came from sirius before he was smashing his lips to yours, letting go of your face to knead the softness of your bum, he hooked a finger on the waistband of your thong before letting it snap back on your flesh, coaxing a whimper from your mouth.
“you filthy little thing, getting me all hard in front of everyone. you’re gonna have me thinking of this pretty pussy for the rest of the week, and i’m gonna have you looking all ruined once i’m done with you” he growled in between kisses, hoisting you up on the counter and advancing his kisses downwards on your neck.
you threw your head back with a blissful sigh as sirius grazed his teeth against your sweet spot, your body ignoring the alarms going off on your brain that screamed: this is your best friend’s dad! what are you doing? but with the way sirius crouched down so he was at level with your sopping cunt, his beard giving you that delicious burn that you were gonna feel for the rest of the night, you really couldn’t give less of a fuck that this was wrong.
“oh fuck” you whispered as sirius dragged your panties down, groaning slightly at the sight of your dripping pussy. “fuck baby, can’t wait to have this tight pussy milking me dry” he mumbled before diving in, lapping up at your juices in an instant.
you released a strangled moan as sirius flicked his tongue over your buzzing clit, the pads of his fingers teasing your slit. your hands flew down to grip his hair as he entered two fingers at one, sucking around your bundle of nerves in a way that had you curling your toes.
“oh my god, sir-” you moaned out, thighs shaking with anticipation at the same time sirius curled his fingers upwards, caressing your g-spot in the most dazzling way ever.
he continued his assault on your clit whilst his fingers pumped in and out of you, the stimulation provoking that coil in your belly to snap without a warning. “i’m gonna fucking cum” you managed to whine out, bucking your hips up before cumming around sirius’ fingers, not even giving him time to respond.
your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you cried out in pure euphoria— your mind barely registered when was it that sirius had stood up, fingers working rapidly against his belt before letting his engorged cock spring out, he stroked a few times before nudging your stimulated clit with the tip, watching with hungry eyes as you jolted your hips upwards as a silent plea.
“beg” he demanded.
“beg for it. show me how much of a desperate slut you are.” his eyes were darkened with lust as he spoke each word.
“please— please. i need it, i want you to fuck me hard and fast, sir. please” you pouted, giving him your best puppy eyes that you knew would always get you what you wanted.
“atta girl” he purred before pushing himself inside your gushing pussy, quivering cries leaving your lips like a chant.
sirius settled for a bruising pace since the start, rocking his hips into yours until you had your back arched, giving him a clear view of your breasts that were still trapped in the corset from earlier.
“so tight baby— can’t wait to see my cum painting this pretty thighs” he moaned, gripping hour hips harshly before fastening his speed, dirty sounds of clapping skin echoing throughout the bathroom.
you went cross-eyed as his tip destroyed your g-spot, tiny stars decorating your vision with every harsh thrust. you screamed his name over and over again until your throat became tired, reaching your fingers down to soothe your aching bundle of nerves.
your hand was swatted away by none other than the male who gave you a look before massaging your clit tightly. “who is making you feel this good, pretty girl?” he taunted, a prideful smirk making its way to his lips as he watched you babble his name, cunt squeezing his cock that was still drilling into your hole.
“look at that sweet cunt squeezing me. i’m gonna have the whole club knowing who’s making you feel this fucking good” he grunted.
you went to answer him but the only thing that came out was a shattering moan as you squirted all over the bathroom’s counter, soaking yours and sirius’ thighs.
“fuck!” he moaned as he pumped you full with his load. rope after rope spraying your walls.
ragged breaths filled the room as he carefully slid out of you, both slowly coming down from cloud nine. sirius grunted at the view of your overused pussy blowing out his cum. counter completely drowned in your arousal.
“round two at the house?” you suggested.
🏷: @selenesheart @malfoy-girl
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creamwh0re · 3 years ago
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Ghostface Karube
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Cw: public sex, fingering,squirting, loss of virginity, toys, mask kink (slightly?), hard/soft dom, impact play(pain play), drinking and smoking, mention of breeding, sex , slight spice of mira
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Slipping on the loose fitted dress, you grab the corset off the arm of the chair, safely putting it around your waist and tying it into a cute bow. “C-Chishiya!” You call out to the male as he appears in the room, the only thing different is that he has cat ears and a tail, “can you zip this in the back, please?” He slightly nods as he walks over to your figure , his cold hands on your skin as he zips your dress up, a warm smile on your face “your forgetting something chis “ he looks at you clueless. “Turn around its apart of your costume” “why?” he answers back “because I said so” you look out a huff. “Okay okay” he turns around, as you wrap the bell around his, it dangles. You face him towards a mirror “look!” He looks at the bell on his neck as smug smirk appears on his face, “well, we should get going , little cow” he chuckles before walking off.
“Hey! , get back you back jerk!!” You grab your bag and chase as he slightly starts jogging down the hall, before stopping at the door, you both escaping the building as you walk down the sidewalk, chishiya opening the car door for you as you smile getting inside. He gets in the driver side, putting the key in the ignition has the car starts up, he starts backing out as your now both on the road to biggest party ever. The beautiful lights illuminate the windshields, as you reflects onto you, the window were down as you and chishiya hair blew in the wind, the night was chilly, the ride there was amazing the lights and the vibe you got from it, made your night. As you guys pulled into the parking lot, chishiya dropped you over in front of the gate telling you he was gonna look for a parking spot knowing damn well he was looking for that two-faced tongue pierced idiot, you shook your head playfully and waved at him as you entered the gate, the party host was Hatter and Mira, you could recall Mira from your “interactions” you’ve had with her but overall she’s a pretty good person , very calm and understanding.
The kitchen was empty as Karube pushed you against the kitchen counter, his bulge touching your ass as he wrapped his hands around your boobs “here?!” You say , trying to look at him “your a slut right? You can take it anywhere by anyone” “ I forgot your a virgin but you let anyone’s hand in your that little pussy of their hands all of your breast. As your face is hot, he pulls your panties down the cum and slick from you and Mira session, present in front of his eyes. “Seems like you’ve already had your fun” before you can respond his rough fingers are inside of you, finger fucking you rough and fast, with no mercy , his hand completely covered in your cum and slick as the noises bounce off the walls. “Since your such a slut and it seems your well prepared let’s see how you can take my dick as your first time” pulling his hand away from your pussy he unzips his pants , pulling his cock out, it’s thick and long, you gulp as you think about how you can take that “it’s not ..gonna..fit” you say lowly , he smiles at you “we’ll make it fit” he grabs your ass making you hike your leg on the counter the position was uncomfortable but you’d soon learn why he’d have you do it. He uses your arousal as lubricant as he starts sliding in slowly you feel your hymen being stretched painfully as you let out a cry , he’s not even half way in as he looks at you with a soften gaze, rubbing your head as he kisses you, pushing in more and more, it’s unbearable painfully as you feel something running down , it’s blood as you try and bear it and ignore the blood , he’s all the way in letting you get use to his cock
Your mind is blank, but the feeling of his cock making you feel full , sets something off inside of you, you let out a soft moan as you buck your hips together him, he took it as a sign to start moving his cock hitting every muscle and groove inside of your wet gummy walls, the more be thrust the more he pushed inside of you , continued thrusting inside of you picking up his pace as he pulled something out of his pocket it was small and round pressing it on your clit and turning it on it started sending vibrates through your body, moans leaving your mouth as he started pulling out and slamming in the combine actions making you try to grab onto the smooth counter as he continued fucking into you senselessly is this what it felt like to have sex, it was amazing you were losing yourself and your mind.he started toying and playing with your nipples at the the same time as he fucked you, the toy was on the counter. He started slapping your clit as he fucked you, slapping it harder as your body shuttered and jolted , grabbing your leg he kept it on the counter letting him reach deeper inside of you your fingers couldn’t even reach
Your mind is blank, but the feeling of his cock making you feel full , sets something off inside of you, you let out a soft moan as you buck your hips together him, he took it as a sign to start moving his cock hitting every muscle and groove inside of your wet gummy walls, the more be thrust the more he pushed inside of you , continued thrusting inside of you picking up his pace as he pulled something out of his pocket it was small and round pressing it on your clit and turning it on it started sending vibrates through your body, moans leaving your mouth as he started pulling out and slamming in the combine actions making you try to grab onto the smooth counter as he continued fucking into you senselessly is this what it felt like to have sex, it was amazing you were losing yourself and your mind.he started toying and playing with your nipples at the the same time as he fucked you, the toy was on the counter. He started slapping your clit as he fucked you, slapping it harder as your body shuttered and jolted , grabbing your leg he kept it on the counter letting him reach deeper inside of you your fingers couldn’t even reach
Your hair was sprawled all over the counter, your vision getting blurry as tears started to fall and stain yout face, Karube wrapped his hand around you neck as he started to pound faster into your tight cunt, your body didn't how much it take before you crumbled into nothing. Fighting to breathe as broken moans fell out, white spots started to appear alll over your vision, sweat drenched bodies slamming against each other, the sloppy mess of skin slapping and your wet cunt echoed the room. Karube letting go of your necks, your eyes were hooded, drool dripping down the side of your face as you caught your breathe, breathing heavily and thighs starting to shake, trying to make your words out to karube as it came off as nothing, trying once more K--Karube!, I- I'm going t-to cum!" he smirked at you and went down rubbing your clit and slapping it, your breathe hitching as your face burned letting out a loud moan as your vision was a complete blur, your whole bodu spramsing under his touch as you fell into his touch if it wasn't for his strength you'd be on the floor but you were in his arms.
Rubbing your back as you came down from your high, he grabbed a paper towel, cleaning up the mess he had made, your spoiled panties in his pocket as he fixed your costume, rubbing the drool off the side of your mouth, he tried his best to make you look presentable, he grabbed your thighs as he gave a gentle soft kiss as he smiled at you "you did great", smiling at the words a voice interrupted your moment, looking up it was chishiya, rubbing his fingers through his messy hair, his outfit was messed and rumbled as he shot at you both "seems like you enjoyed yourself tonight" your face was red as you yelled at the blonde male "chishiya!!" he started to bolt as you ran after him.
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Writers note; Part 2? Happy late Halloween everyone!!
Taglist: @trilldesigner1 @chxshiya
(Wanna be added to my taglist? Message me or leave a note )
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thebadboyfanclub · 4 years ago
You Are Family Now (Sherlock x Reader)
So I had to repost this, @elanna-elrondiel​ was the one that requested it and i’m so happy they did, I feel like since I had to post it once again I should name you for this brilliant idea. Enjoy!
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“Mister Holmes may I introduce you to my niece, miss (y/f/n)”
A young woman smiled at him as she extended her arm for him to take, her hands were covered but a pair of silk black gloves and her white dress complimented her complexion perfectly. Sherlock took her hand and gave a gentle kiss, before looking straight into her eyes, however she could swear that he looked in her soul.
“Sherlock Holmes, Charmed”
“Likewise, what brings you to my dear uncles event? I don’t recall being in your presence before”
“Destiny I hope, only that could explain being around such an ethereal woman”
After that fatal meeting Sherlock had pursued her, he was astonished by her kind heart and lively spirits, she looked at the world in rose colored glasses and her curiosity about everything was so heart warming to him, it was also a reminder that not everything has to be a mystery and sometimes you need a little sugar in your coffee.
“Happy birthday beloved”
“Oh Sherlock, you spoil me way to much”
“As I am expected to do, especially since it’s your first birthday we spend together”
Sherlock had asked he to spend the night in his home, after their engagement a few days ago she was free of the judgmental eye of the public and could do whatever she wanted with her fiancé in public or not. Sherlock touched the button of her nose with the red rose he had brought with the breakfast, he could not believe how fast he had fallen for her, she was needed in his life, she grounded him, she was the sensitive happy little tune in his head that brought a smile on his face.
“Happy birthday dear”
“Thank you honey”
He leaned in to give her a gentle kiss that made her smile in between the quick little pecks that moved from her lips to her entire face. She started giggling at the matter and tried to push him away.
“Sherlock the food tray”
He swiftly placed it on the floor and dove under the covers yet still on top of her. She kissed him back as her hands held on the material of his shirt on the side of his torso. She loved how smitten he was behind closed doors, how his hands felt almost like feathers by how gentle he was with her, as he pulled back and looked at her, her right hand traveled to his hair, combing through his curls with the feeling of it making her smile once again.
“How did I get so lucky?”
“I don’t know, I guess my uncle hosts great events”
The scene was interrupted by a ring of his doorbell. He wasn’t expecting anyone, he had made sure to not be disturbed today, it was all about her today so a sudden visit was the last thing he needed.
“Maybe it’s your brother”
She spoke, sensing his irritation and questioning the rude visitor. He looked back to her and gave her a kiss once again, dreading the fact that he had to go and open the door.
“Whoever it is, they are getting a brief excuse as for why they can’t come in. I’ll be back in a minute darling”
He put on his robe and to cover his pajamas and left her with her breakfast. (Y/n) didn’t mind it, her stomach was very excited about the delicious treats she was offered by her love, the smell of the pastries and the orange juice definitely made up for the few moments he had to be away from her.
As Sherlock opened the door he was met with the very last person he expected it to be.
“Oh Sherlock, it’s so nice to see you”
Eudoria didn’t miss a beat nor took into consideration her sons wide eyes and shocked demeanor, she hugged him tightly as a way to show how much she had missed him, even thought she valued her kids independency, they were still her children.
“I wasn’t expecting you to visit”
“Oh dear how could I not? As soon as I got your letter informing me of your engagement I had to come and meet the girl that will be a part of our family, you have a lovely home by the way”
She said as she looked around. It was the first time that Sherlock didn’t know what to do exactly, his mother was in the same home with his fiancé that has no clue of what is going on.
“Is she here? Of course she is, you were never fond of high heels”
She let out a small giggle as her gaze found the shoes that were placed right next to his from last night. Sherlock quickly regained his cool and smiled at his mother.
“It’s her birthday today”
“Oh good, go get her for me please. I’ll wait in the living room for you two”
Without even waiting for a positive or negative response, she walked away from the hall and onto the living room. Sherlock huffed as he walked up the stairs, he had no doubt that his mother would adore (y/n), however (y/n) always became nervous whenever the topic of meeting his family was brought up. As opened the door of his room, there she was eating the breakfast he had made for her, she looked  up at him with her mouth full, it was such a sight to see her do anything, she truly looked like a princess.
“Who was it?”
Silence. As (y/n) waited for him to laugh or show any hint of this being a silly joke of his to tease her, as she waited the chances of it being a joke became thinner and her heart started to beat faster by the second.
“I wrote to her about our engagement, she came to see you”
“no, no, no this can’t be”
“Darling, calm yourself”
He approached her, his hands taking hers. Of course she wanted to meet his family, she always tried to get some stories of them out of him, his mother sounded like a very interesting and excellent lady. Yet, this wasn’t the way she wanted to meet her, wearing the dress she wore last night, her hair is a mess and she didn’t have a stitch of make up, she couldn’t meet her in this state.
“Sherlock I can’t meet her, i’m not prepared”
“Dear she will love you no matter what, come on let me help you with your corset”
Sherlock took the tray and placed it at the table a few steps away from his bed. He was expecting her to be on her feet when he turned around, to his surprise she was still in bed, looking utterly mortified.
“(Y/n) come on now, she is waiting”
“What if you tell her i’m sick?”
“Dear, she is not stupid and she traveled all the way here just to see you, wouldn’t it be rude if you didn’t come down to meet her?
“I suppose so”
“Let’s get you ready”
(Y/n) let her feat touched the ground and slowly collected her dress. She stood still as Sherlock started tying her corset, he was.... used to assisting her tying it back up.
“What if... she thinks I’m not enough for you? What if she advised you not to marry me?”
“Then I guess we have once less invitation on our wedding”
“Don’t be ridiculous Sherlock, we can’t marry without your mothers blessing”
“And we won’t have to, you are a remarkable young lady that I am blessed to have in my life, I am sure my mother will think the same”
with one final tie, her corset was ready. Sherlock placed a light kiss on her shoulder and span her around to look at those eyes of hers. His arms wrapped slowly around her waist, bringing her closer to him.
“I will give you a few minutes to get ready, I will be right next to you through the whole thing alright?”
“Fine. I’ll be down in a minute”
He left her get prepared and for one last time went back down to his mother was had sat down in one of the chairs next to the window. The light of the sun brought warmth in the room and showed off the furniture that he had chosen.
“She is quite nervous to see you mother”
“Oh nonsense, I’m not some stuck up mother that thinks no one is enough for my son.”
“She just really wants to make a good impression, she always asks about you”
He sat in the couch close by her, patiently waiting for lovely little (y/n). Not even a minute went by before she appeared, her her up and away from her face and a nervous smile on her lips, she walked to Eudoria and bowed to an extent that made Sherlock think she touched the ground.
“Miss Holmes, it’s an honor to meet you”
“The pleasure is all mine dear. Let me look at you”
(Y/n) straighten her posture and smiled even brighter at the woman. Eudoria took in her sons fiancé before smiling herself.
“Oh my, you are a true beauty dear. My son is a very lucky man”
“I think I am lucky to have him in my life, you raised a very noble man miss Holmes”
“He is alright, but you... I see why he chose you”
Sherlock decided it was a good time to join the two women. He stood next to (Y/n) and took her hand in his, giving it a light squeeze just to let her know he was there for her. He looked over at his pleased more that was still staring at (y/n)
“She is even more wonderful once you get to know her mother”
“I have no doubt about that. What is your name love?”
“A  beautiful name for a beautiful lady. My so told me it is your birthday today”
“Yes miss Holmes it is my birthday”
“Oh please call me Eudoria, you are family now aren’t you”
(Y/n) almost collapse to the floor. Joy took over her and it was shown by how red her cheeks had gotten, with shaking knees she held herself and nodded at the request Eudoria had made.
“We must celebrate then, Sherlock I’m sure you can make a reservation to a nice restaurant for dinner”
“Of course, if (y/n) wishes to do so”
“I would love to have dinner with your mother”
“Excellent, now I have reserved a room for me in the Lenox hotel, I’ll give you two some privacy now”
“Allow me to walk you out mother”
Before she stepped out of the room, Eudoria opened her arms and hugged the young girl. (Y/n) restrained herself from fainting and hugged her back, the nervous smile was replaced by a big happy smile that reached her ears.
“Welcome to the family (y/n)”
“Thank you miss- I mean Eudoria”
Eudoria giggled at the flustered (y/n) and walked away accompanied by her son. As they reached the door she turned to her son who was also smiling, of course he was sure that they would get along but it was even better now that it actually happened.
“She is a lovely girl Sherlock”
“I know mother, she is perfect”
“Now Sherlock, marriage is not an easy thing so please don’t make me come here and beat you with a stick, cause I will if I find out you are being a bad husband”
“Mother if I recall correctly marriage is between two people, not just one”
“Oh please Sherlock, the girl almost passed out when she saw me, I saw how she relaxed when you took her hand, she loves you”
“And I do as well”
It was true, Sherlock loved and adored (y/n), she was his one and only. Eudoria hugged her son once last time and walked out of the house. As Sherlock was returning to the living room, he heard quick footsteps coming towards him and in a blink of an eye (y/n) had ran to him and hugged him tightly, making him take a few steps back by the force of hers
“Well now, someone’s excited”
“She called me family”
“You are family (y/n), I told you she would like you”
“Yes you did but.... she did as well”
Sherlock could only giggle at her cute outburst of excitement. (Y/n) had a lot of friends and family members that were already married or engaged so she had heard the mother in law horror stories, she was delighted that Sherlocks mother was not one of them.
“We must find an excellent restaurant for tonight”
“Yes, before that”
A squeal was heard that had escaped (y/n) as Sherlock swiped her off her feet and took her in his arms bridal style. Another kiss was given to her that she responded almost immediately this time.
“I have to give you one of your birthday presents”
“Of course, one for your personal pleasure and another to flaunt to those rude little “friends” of yours”
“They are better than your brother”
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hrina · 4 years ago
The Thrill of the Chase, Pt. I
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hi! it’s been a while since i’ve posted something on here lol, i wonder if anyone still remembers me 🤕
this is PART 1 of the hunter!AU that i’ve been writing. while the story is a patreon-exclusive, my patrons gave me permission to post the first chapter here on tumblr for anyone who’s curious about the kind of content i offer on patreon. 
if you want to read the rest of this series and unlock access to my other exclusive work, you can sign up for my patreon here. and as always, please reblog the fics you like and leave feedback for the authors, because we pour a lot of time and effort into our stories. happy reading 💌
Harry’s life is simple.
He performs only the essentials—wakes up and eats an apple for breakfast. Drizzles some lemon juice into his flask of water to keep his teeth healthy and clean. Shrugs on a few heavy furs. Lets Magnus outside to keep him from howling and pawing at the door. Sharpens his arrows. Knocks on the threshold of the cabin once for good luck. Goes hunting.
Upon returning, he crouches next to the firepit, laying out his kills and skinning them. He cooks one for himself—something small, like a squirrel, or a rabbit. Others, he saves for the market—fox, deer, coyote, boar. The pelts, tusks, and antlers are extremely sought-after (particularly by nobles), and often earn enough coin to carry him through the rest of the week.
He doesn’t entertain visitors, because who in their right mind would trek up the side of a mountain just to seek out one lonely hunter? Despite that, he’s come to appreciate his solitude. The silence is familiar—comfortable. Besides, Magnus proves both excellent and useful company, if the sheer volume of their kills offers any indication.
A simple life for a simple man.
Harry doesn’t need anyone else.
“Ready to go, mutt?”
He scratches behind Magnus’ droopy ears. One of the hound’s hindlegs thumps frantically in response. Harry chuckles, slinging his bow over his right shoulder and pulling open the cabin door.
“Come on, then.”
The sky is a dark, cloudy grey, and the smell of oncoming rain is unmistakable. Still, the two of them persevere, ducking past the trees at the edge of the clearing.
It’s a bad day to hunt.
With the threat of a storm looming just above the canopy, the animals have forgone their typical foraging patterns in favour of taking shelter. Harry only manages to kill a rabbit, and even then, it’s a messy shot. He usually gets them right through the eye—a quick, neat splice that results in minimal suffering. This time, however, his foot slips on a damp stone; he fumbles, and the arrow buries itself into the creature’s stomach.
The rabbit is still alive when he reaches it, its furry body heaving with shaky, uneven breaths. Harry kneels down, apologising quietly. His hand finds the scabbard strapped to his waist, and he draws a silver dagger from its depths.
He slits the poor hare’s throat just as rain begins to fall.
It’s easy work, after that. He pins the animal’s fluffy forelimbs together, tying them in place with thick, coarse rope. Magnus whimpers as Harry slides the creature’s limp body over his shoulder. He shoots the hound a tired look and shakes his head. Damp brown curls stick to his temples.
“Think that’s enough for today.”
The two of them have nearly made it back home—Harry’s boots squelch as he jumps over the small creek that flows close to the clearing—when Magnus perks up, lifting his snout and sniffing the air.
“What is it, mutt?” Harry asks.
Magnus releases a loud bark and takes off in the direction of the cabin. Harry sprints after him, one hand clutching his game while the other wraps around the leather grip of his bow.
“Magnus!” he yells.
The dog skids to a stop next to the wide trunk of a tree. He barks again and wags his tail feverishly.
Harry releases his bow, approaching with slow, cautious steps.
“What’s got you so—shit.”
You’re slumped in the mud, unconscious. Harry’s gaze rakes over your form, from your tattered blue gown to the leaves and twigs tangled in your hair. There are a few cuts littered across your face, arms, and chest. Rivulets of blood trickle down your wrist, spiderwebbing across your skin.
Magnus sticks his tongue out and pants.
“Good boy,” Harry mutters, bestowing a rugged caress atop the hound’s head.
He gathers you into his arms, paying no mind to the extra weight of your sodden dress. Your neck lolls over his bicep, sternum rising and falling with shallow, barely-there breaths. Harry carries you out of the forest and into the clearing. When he kicks open the cabin door, your eyelids flutter.
“Bear?” you mumble, lifting your head slightly. Your voice is grating, hoarse.
He looks at you. Your face contorts for only a moment before you slouch back into oblivion.
He sets you down onto the thick, woven rug splayed out in front of the hearth. He works quickly, shrugging off his furs and his game and discarding all of it without a second thought. Rain thrums against the roof, but the sound is lost amidst his heavy footsteps.
He hurries into his bedroom and pulls open the top drawer of his wooden dresser, fumbling for a glass jar and a spool of bandages. When his fingers finally make contact with the desired supplies, he darts back into the other room and kneels beside your motionless body.
He draws his dagger again, gripping the intricate material of your gown and slicing through it. Your corset proves far more challenging, practically embedded into your skin. He sets his knife aside, not willing to risk it. Instead, he hooks his fingers beneath the top of the girdle, rough knuckles brushing against your soft bosom. With a mighty tug, the structured fabric splits under his palms.
He screws open the lid on the jar and dips his thumb inside. The salve is sticky, viscous, and smells faintly of lavender. He smears it across your scrapes before inspecting your wrist.
The flesh is slashed and bloodied—how did you acquire such an injury? Canines? Claws? Harry uses the frayed edges of your dress to clean the mess. He then unwinds a few bindings from their roll, expertly bandaging your wound.
Once he’s finished, he sits back on his haunches, expelling a stale breath. His work is far from over—he needs to wash you, to scrub off all the dirt and grime staining your skin. He’ll go down to the creek with a cloth, he thinks, and saturate it with cool water. He’ll pick the leaves and branches out of your hair, and cover you in spare furs to keep you warm. He’ll prepare a hot meal so that you may eat when you wake. You’ll be ravenous, certainly.
These thoughts whirl around in his head, along with the realisation that you might expire here, lying on an old rug in the middle of a stranger’s secluded home. Still, he watches your chest rise, swelling with proof of your vitality. The sight puts him at ease.
Harry aims a cursory glance over his shoulder. Magnus is stationed at the door, wet snout resting on the ground. The dog gazes at your limp body with big, solemn eyes, as though he somehow understands the severity of the situation.
“Don’t worry, mutt,” Harry tells him, knees shuffling against the floor. “I won’t let her die.”
Three days pass.
Harry curtails the duration of his hunts. He kills only the essentials: a hare or a squirrel, something small enough to cook over the fire. He has enough coin saved up from his previous trades to last him another few trips to the market.
Every morning, he prepares a simple, homely meal for you should you wake. When you do not, he eats the food in your place—he’ll be damned if it goes to waste.  
On the fourth day, he carries a bowl of soup into his room. He’s expecting to see you tucked into his bed, still unconscious. Instead, you’re alert, sitting upright and studying your surroundings. The furs that previously covered your body now pool around your waist, exposing your naked chest. When you catch sight of Harry lingering in the doorway, you gasp, fumbling for the pelts and clutching them to your sternum.
“You’re up,” he says gruffly, stepping through the threshold.
You scramble back, eyes widening in fear. He pauses.
You’re afraid, he realises, tilting his head to the side. This may be more difficult than he initially thought.
“Soup,” he says slowly, holding out the small clay bowl in his hands. “You need to eat.”
“Who are you?” you ask. Your voice is patchy and frail. “Where am I?”
He sets the dish down onto his dresser before shooting you a stern, expectant look.
Upon exiting the room, he strains his ears and listens carefully. The creak of a loose floorboard—you’ve climbed out of bed. The sound of nimble footsteps pattering across the ground—you’re moving toward the door. And finally, the quiet scrape of clay against wood, indicating that your hunger has prevailed.
He nods to himself.
You’re not dead. That’s a start.
That evening, Harry is perched next to the firepit outside the cabin. The orange sun crawls down the horizon, kissing the tops of the trees. He basks in the warmth, knowing that it will soon be eradicated by the cool chill of nightfall.
He fiddles with the spit poised above the flames. He caught another rabbit, today. The creature’s fur is laid out across the grass, scrubbed clean of blood. The rest of it cooks over the fire, darkening with each passing minute.
A faint creak reaches Harry’s ears. He perks up, glancing at the door.
You hover just beyond the threshold, leaning nervously against the strong wooden beams. Harry relaxes and turns back around. He uses a long stick to poke at the charred logs; the kindling pops, and a few embers float into the air.
“What are you doing?” Your inquiry is soft, shaky.
His reply is curt: “Dinner.”
You approach warily, bare feet treading through the grass. When you spot the hunk of meat roasting over the flames, a feeble gasp tumbles from your lips.
“That’s barbaric.”
Harry rubs his palms against his thighs. “That’s sustenance.”
He stands, and you retreat. His attention then falls to your torso. You’ve covered yourself with the furs from his room; they hang just past the swell of your bottom, rendering you exceptionally vulnerable. Goosebumps crop up on your bare thighs, visible in the golden light of the sunset.
He hums. “You need clothes.”
You look down at the ground.
“That would be nice,” you whisper at last.
He merely grunts in response.
You follow him back inside, albeit from a distance. He strolls into his bedroom, pausing in front of a large trunk shoved against the far wall. Twin latches click open, and he begins rifling through its contents. After a few moments of silence, he produces a pale linen shirt and a pair of dark leather trousers.
“Here,” he says.
He dumps the fabric into your arms. You huff in surprise, instinctively relinquishing your hold on the pelts covering your body. They fall to the floor in a heap, exposing every inch of your skin.
An embarrassed squeak echoes in the back of your throat. Harry averts his eyes, staring pointedly up at the ceiling.
“Put those on,” he murmurs.
You nod quickly, sidestepping his broad frame. Now that you’re no longer in his line of sight, he lowers his gaze. Part of him wonders if he should say something else, but he decides against it. His legs carry him forward, and he disappears through the door.
You emerge from the bedroom a short while later, smoothing your hands over your hair in an attempt to look a bit more presentable. Harry resists the urge to tell you that here, in the mountains, appearances are hardly significant. He doesn’t own a mirror—such luxuries can only be afforded by the rich.
His clothes are too big on you, but that was to be expected. You’ve rolled up the sleeves of his linen shirt and cuffed the brown leather trousers so that they cinch at your ankles. You’re anxious, incisors gnawing on your bottom lip and eyes darting around the clearing, like you’re waiting for a monster to burst forth from the bushes.
Harry cuts a sliver of meat from the cooked rabbit carcass resting on the spit. You sit down on a wide, round tree stump as he holds the food out in your direction.
At first, he thinks that you may vomit. Fortunately, though, he finds himself mistaken. After a long moment of deliberation, you accept the protein, bringing it up to your nose and sniffing it warily.
“It’s good,” he rasps, slicing off another strip for himself. “Rabbit—all white meat.”
He pops the piece into his mouth and chews. Slowly, you copy him, sighing happily as newfound flavour erupts over your tongue. You waste no time, then, impatiently shoving the rest of the meat into your mouth.
Harry’s lips twitch.
“Thank you,” you say after swallowing.
He simply nods. The two of you continue to eat in silence, grinding the remnants of supper between your teeth.
Eventually, your curiosity overwhelms you.
“What’s you name?” you ask, timid.
Harry sits back, wiping his dagger with the hem of his cotton shirt.
“And how did you find me, Harry?”
A low chuckle resonates in the back of his throat.
“Wasn’t exactly hard. You were lying in a puddle of mud not far from here.”
Your lips part. “How long have I been asleep?”
“Three days.”
“Three days?”
“I don’t remember any of it,” you say softly, playing with your fingers. You hesitate before elaborating: “But I—I remember seeing your face. I thought you were a bear.”
He recalls that day, how you lifted your head weakly and uttered the word before sinking back into unconsciousness. It led him to believe that you’d been attacked. Your side of the story, however, proves much more entertaining.
“Well,” he says, exhaling brusquely, “I’m not.”
You examine him with big, tender eyes. He shifts awkwardly under the intensity of your gaze.
“No,” you finally agree. “You’re not.”
He swallows and flips the conversation around.
“Who are you?”
You stiffen, caught off-guard.
“That is…hardly relevant.”
“Perhaps,” Harry says. “But it is fair.”
When you don’t reply, he continues.
“You’re a lady, aren’t you?” he guesses. “A duchess. Your gown was too pretty to have belonged to a commoner.”
“My gown?” You perk up at the mention of the dress. “Where is it?”
“Gone. I tore through it.”
You gasp. “Why on earth would you do that?”
“It was the only way to keep you alive,” he says simply. “Your corset was impeding your ability to breathe.”
“My corset…” you mutter, mostly to yourself. You grimace after registering the implications of his words, thoroughly scandalized. “So, you—you—?”
“Yes. I had to.”
“God,” you choke out, covering your mouth. “How dare you? You should have just—!”
“Let you die?”
His query successfully squashes your disapproval; your lips flatten into a thin line, and you say nothing else. Harry watches the creases in your forehead dwindle as you realise that he’s right. You fiddle with the collar of your shirt, turning to the side and regaining your composure.
“Thank you,” you finally murmur, trying to hide your face from his piercing stare, “for not letting me die.”
He grunts. “You’re welcome.”
Brief silence ensues. A light breeze blows through the clearing, tousling the curls atop Harry’s head. The gust is enough to extinguish the last few flames frolicking over the kindle, until glowing embers are all that remain.
“I am a lady,” you suddenly add, though you refuse to meet his eyes. “But not a duchess.”
Harry leans forward, prodding at the residual ash in the firepit.
“What were you doing in the woods?”
You tinker with the bandages wrapped around your injured wrist.
“I was to be wed,” you confess, peeking up at him. “But I—I could not bear to go through with it. One should not marry for duty, but rather—”
“For love?”
You pause at his intrusion, lips parted in surprise.
“Yes,” you breathe. “For love.”
Your gazes lock. He clears his throat, breaking the contact quickly.
“You ran away, then.”
It’s not a question. You nod, and he hums.
“What is it?” you ask, brows knitting together.
“Nothing. It’s just…I may find good fortune in this situation.”
“How so?”
He shrugs. “Any man with sense would carry you down this peak, deliver you back to your family, and collect a hefty reward.”
Though he’s not looking at you, he can tell that you’ve recoiled.
“Please don’t,” you whisper.
He examines your face in the periphery of his vision. Your eyes glisten with unshed tears.
Just then, Magnus races out of the cabin, his tail wagging eagerly behind him. He trots over to you, sniffing your shoulder and releasing a high-pitched whine. You use one hand to swipe hastily at your cheeks; the other migrates to his head, tickling his floppy ears.
Harry watches the interaction unfold, completely stunned.
“He—he likes you.”
You glance over at him, still wary of his previous threat.
“I suppose he does,” you say quietly.
Magnus paws at your thighs. You direct your attention back to the keen bloodhound, pressing a feathery kiss to the tip of his wet nose.
Harry blinks a few times, trying to pinpoint the reason for his mutt’s newfound behaviour. At first, he wonders if his eyes are simply playing tricks on his brain. Yet with each flutter of his lids, the sight before him only seems to solidify.
“He doesn’t usually take well to strangers,” he mumbles.
When you don’t respond, he clenches his jaw tightly. Countless thoughts zoom through his head, spinning like wheels, tangling like thread.
Any man with sense would carry you down this peak, deliver you back to your family, and collect a hefty reward.
Harry is not a sensible man.
The three of you retreat indoors when the last shards of sunlight fade from the sky. Magnus circles the large woven rug poised in front of the hearth. Eventually, he collapses onto the mat, his snout drooping over his front paws. You stretch your arms into the air and yawn gently.
Harry is the last one to enter the cabin; he shuts the door behind him.
“Thank you again for dinner,” you say lightly.
You spin around and nearly crash into the hard barrier of his chest. Reflexively, his hands fly up to grasp your biceps, steadying you. He peers down at your face in the darkness, his thoughtful gaze tracing the contours of your cheeks. Your eyes are wide, lips split apart as you suck in air.
“Sorry,” you say, frozen in place.
He only grunts, releasing your arms and stepping away.
Your attention lingers on him as he approaches a wide pile of furs stacked into the corner of the room. He’s been sleeping on the makeshift cot for the past three nights, and though his back is always sore the next morning, he has yet to find a better alternative.
“What are you…?” You hesitate, rethinking your question. “What is that?”
“My bed.”
“Do you…always sleep there?”
“No,” he rasps, lowering himself onto the thick pelts. “I prefer to sleep in my room.”
He shoots you a pointed look, and you frown when the realisation sinks in.
“We—we can switch,” you say, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. “I don’t want to impose.”
“I insist.” You try again.
“As do I.”
You clamp your mouth shut, unsure of how to respond. Magnus has already dozed off—his soft snores filter through the heavy silence hanging over your heads.
“He’s lovely,” you suddenly say, referring to the quiescent hound. “Well-trained, too.”
“I won’t take credit for that,” Harry grumbles, rubbing his palms against his thighs. “He was a palace dog.”
You blink. “W-what?”
“A palace dog,” he repeats. “I found him alone in the woods after a hunt. His leg was broken—the guards left him there to die.”
“That’s awful.”
He hums in agreement.
“You took him in, then,” you say. When he nods, you add, “It seems that you have a knack for nursing others back to health.”
He doesn’t reply.
“The hunts—” you start, chewing nervously on your bottom lip. “Do they…occur frequently?”
“Why do you ask?” Harry says. His shoulders wobble with a hollow chuckle. “Are you afraid of being caught?”
You inhale sharply, and he realises that yes, you are.
“No,” he says, shaking his head. Subconsciously, his voice drops an octave, taking on a soothing quality. “They don’t come around often. And even if they did, I doubt that a single runaway lady would be of much concern.”
You blow out a relieved sigh, though the uneasy expression on your face never wanes.
“You’re probably right.”
A few hushed seconds draw out, during which neither of you speak. Your bare feet shuffle clumsily against the cold floor. You appear to be waiting for some sort of cue—a sound, a gesture, anything.
“Er—” Harry breaks the peace, cocking one eyebrow. “I sleep naked.”
The exclamation is unbelievably breathless. Your throat bobs amidst a difficult swallow, and you totter back.
“Of course,” you stammer. “I’ll just—”
With a trembling hand, you motion toward the entrance of his bedroom.
He nods wordlessly.
“Right,” you mumble, retreating. “Goodnight, then…Bear.”
At that, he pauses. Your cheeks twitch with a feeble smile, but you don’t comment on the sweetness of the simple endearment.
Harry remains completely still as you scurry into his room. He sits there for a prolonged moment after the door shuts, trying to make sense of his thoughts. Your features have been stamped onto the backs of his eyelids, practically seared into the skin.
At last, warm air spills past his lips, and he allows himself to utter the low, relentless reply pulling at his tongue.
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toointofiction · 4 years ago
Cardan's Birthday Surprise
Pairing: Jude x Cardan
Genre: Romance
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Summary: Jude has been gone all morning. Cardan wonders where she could be and what she could possibly be doing when he walks into their bedroom only to find Jude there waiting for him with a really fun surprise. It appears he forgot it’s his birthday.
Check it out on Ao3
Or read it below
Cardan is walking back to his room, his guards trailing behind him, after a particularly long and dull meeting with the Living Council. This time it felt like they just refused to let him go. It didn’t help that Jude, inexplicably, did not show up for the meeting. This seemed highly unusual given that she is the most responsible out of the two of them. And this is not all. She was also out of bed before Cardan woke up this morning. No one seemed too concerned about it, which only made things more suspicious. In fact, upon asking the guards for his wife’s whereabouts, this morning, they were being suspiciously vague in their responses with a lushed, almost uncomfortable look on their faces. Like they were hiding something. He did not think much of it at the time but now he was starting to worry. Could she mean to put herself in danger again? Putting everyone under oath not to tell him anything certain that he would try to stop her? He found this to be entirely too possible.
Trying to stop himself from panicking prematurely, he reaches his bedroom door and pushes it open only for his eyes to practically jump out of his skull at what he beholds. Jude sitting up in bed with a wicked grin on her face and a mischievous glint in her eyes, wearing the craziest dress Cardan has ever seen. A long silky black skirt that stopped at her ankles with a wide split on the left side right above her hip revealing her long muscled leg. Its bodice, also black, was skin-tight, like a corset and delightfully diaphanous bushing her breasts up in a way that caused Cardan’s skin to tighten.
After a minute or so Cardan finds his voice. “What is this?” he asks hoarsely.
“Happy Birthday,” she says in a low, seductive voice. Still grinning like a cat that cornered its prey.
He completely forgot what day it is today. But Jude apparently didn’t. “Is this why you were absent since this morning?” he asks with disbelieve and awe clear on his face.
“Well, one of the reasons,” she reaches over to the bedside table and grabs a brown paper bag that Cardan didn’t even notice and holds it out in front of him. “Here.”
Cardan takes the bag. “I know it doesn’t look like a present in the paper bag, but I promise you’ll love what’s inside.” And sure enough, Cardan opens the bag, reaches inside, and pulls out a handful of candy, and based on how heavy the bag was, there are still a lot more inside. This is the same candy he tried while visiting Vivi in the mortal world with Jude a few months ago. Cardan remembers the fervour with which he ate them, relishing their sweet and sour flavour. He had never tried anything this deliciously sweet before and he was actually looking forward to having them again.
It occurred to him then, that he never told Jude about his newfound love for mortal sweets and didn’t know how she could have known to get him some for his birthday. He asked her about it.
“What,” she asked, coyly. “Did you really think I hadn’t noticed you devouring Oak’s candy like a starving man last time we visited them?”
He smiles softly, feeling a warmth rise in his chest at how well she knows him. At how often she watches him without him realising. At how lucky he is that she loves him so much.
“So,” Jude’s voice brings him back from his musings. “Which present do you want to open first?”
At that Cardan’s smile turns feral, he put the candy back in the bag, drops it by the bed, and climbs on top of his wife. “Do you even have to ask?”
He bends down and kisses her deep and long. He feels her arms wrap around his neck and pull him closer to her as he blindly reaches one hand for the straps in the middle of her dress’s bodice, pulling them undone, while the other is on her thigh slowly inching up to her hip. Higher. He notices then that she is, in fact, not wearing any underwear and feels a deep growl comes from his throat. “You are a menace.” Jude chuckles at that and bites his lower lip suggestively.
Cardan moves from Jude’s mouth to her neck, kissing lower and lower as he reaches the parted bodice of her now loosened dress. Then he pauses for a short moment to pull the dress down and off of her, sliding it down her supple legs as she unbuckles his breeches, pushing them down until he takes them off himself. His shirt follows soon after. They stay still for a moment, looking at each other, wide grins on their faces, panting slightly. Cardan’s tail wraps itself around her calf. We haven’t even started, yet.He feels a surge of wicked delight at that thought only for his mind to go completely blank as he feels Jude’s hand moving between his thighs and caging him in her palm, giving him a slight squeeze.
To retaliate Cardan bends over one breast and takes her nipple into his mouth. He sucks and bites until he hears Jude moan softly, feeling the hand that grips him squeeze a little tighter and move up and down at a slow, agonizing pace. Her other hand, then, tangles in his hair, pulling at his roots hard and urging him for more. Cardan is more than happy to comply, switching from one breast to the other while using one hand to pinch and pull the nipple he just abandoned and the other to slip between her thighs, find her clit with his fingers and coax louder moans out of her.
He, then, slips two fingers inside her, feeling her clench and unclench around him, pumping in and out of her until she arches her back into him, gasping his name over and over. “Cardan. Cardan. Cardan.” He uses his thumb to rub her clit, forcing her to clench her thighs around his hand as she lets out a loud moan, tightening her fist in his curls and coming on his fingers.
Cardan lifts his head from her breasts, shoots her a wicked smile as he begins a descent down her body only to be stopped by Jude gripping both his shoulders hard. He looks at her in confusion but before he can say anything Jude wraps her legs around his waist and twists them so she’s on top of him. She smiles at him again and Cardan feels like he could die looking at her. Before he realises what’s happening, Jude has both his arms trenched above his head and is tying him up on the bed’s headboard with a silk rope. Once she is done tying him up, she looks down at him with that same wicked grin she had when he walked into their room and says, “Happy Birthday” in a low, sensual voice. Cardan’s eyes follow her as she starts kissing him down his chest and across his abdomen until she reaches his cock, taking him in one hand, pumping him once, kissing his tip. And then she looks him in the eye as she slowly, inch by inch, takes him in her mouth. The sensation, the sight. It’s all too much to take. He has to shut his eyes tight, lean his head back in sweet agony while biting his lip hard enough to draw blood.
Jude continues to torture him delightfully, with her warm mouth tense around his cock, the scraping of her teeth on his soft skin, the swiftness of her tongue driving him crazy. “Jude. Oh fuck. Jude.” He doesn’t last long. He comes hard and fast spilling into her mouth and down her throat. She takes it all. Never breaking eye contact. Once she’s finished with him, she licks his length slowly up to his tip, gives him another kiss, and moves up to kiss him hard on the mouth.
“How are you liking your present, baby?” All he can muster for an answer is a pathetic grunt that sounds more like a purr. She chuckles, leaving feather-light kisses on the side of his neck, under his ear. She whispers, “Want me to keep going?” There’s a shiver crawling down his spine at her voice, at what she’s asking him. He barely gets out a “Yes”. She kisses him once more, hard on the mouth, and moves to straddle him. “Good.”
She grabs his shaft once more, lining him up to her entrance, and pushes him into her slowly. Torturously. They both moan loudly at the sensation. He will never get sick of this, he realises. Never get sick of her. Every moment with her feels like an unbelievable dream. Like he’s somehow mortal, under gees. She slowly picks up the pace. Going faster and faster the closer she gets to climax. Cardan can do nothing but watch as she guides a hand downwards and starts rubbing herself. The other goes to her beast, catching her nipple between her index finger and thumb. The sight is too much. He tugs unconsciously at the robe, forgetting momentarily that he’s still tied to the headboard, thinking he could touch her himself. She rides him faster and harder, the room fills with their groaning, grunting, moaning. Until Jude abruptly stops, throws her head back, and lets out a long, loud moan that sends Cardan over the edge, breathes out Jude’s name as she falls limp on top of him.
Several moments pass as they both try to catch their breath. Jude finally reaches out and unties him. He wraps his arms around her almost immediately and asks, “Should we have some candy?”
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syilcawrites · 4 years ago
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a/n: hi I’m alive and I wrote this bc of a prompt that @zelink-prompts​ put out!! I thought it’d be a fun little exercise for tonight! It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, so I’ve been wanting to get something out ehe. Here’s to posting at 2 AM (I apologize in advance for any typos)! Hope you enjoy!
summary: [Pre-Calamity] It’s Zelda’s 16th birthday and King Rhoam decides to throw a lavish masquerade ball in celebration. Zelda is not happy (when is she ever happy pre-calamity ;-;)
a party of floating eyes
“I just simply—” Zelda grunts and winces as Impa tightens the corset around her waist, “—simply do not understand why this is such a necessary tradition!” Her fingers dig into the fabric of her vanity chair with enough force to chip her nails.
“Your Highness,” Impa starts, tying the lace, “if we start straying from such traditions, the people will begin to worry.”
Her frown deepens—she knows Impa is right, but every second she spends lolling around with trivial palace affairs, she can feel her precious time slipping away from her.
“Besides,” Impa continues, pulling Zelda’s hair back and smoothing it out, “you’ll be turning sixteen—your birthday has always been a big celebration.” 
Zelda straightens her back out, squirming uncomfortably under the tightness constricting her waist. “Well, if people cared so much about me, I wish they’d let me spend my birthday as I please,” Zelda grumbles, picking up the black, lacy mask that sits on her chair before plopping down onto the cushion. She crosses her arms, staring at her reflection with tinged annoyance.
“I know, I know.” Impa laughs softly. “Just try to focus on all the possibilities that will open up to you once you do hit sixteen though,” she encourages. “Besides, doing this will let the people know that we have everything under control. The less worried they are, the less chaotic the future will be.”
“But everything’s not okay,” Zelda sighs out, rubbing her temples. “I have yet to unlock—”
“You still have the Spring of Wisdom to go to next year. Don’t jump to conclusions, Your Highness,” Impa rebukes quickly. Her fingers work quickly through Zelda’s hair as she begins braiding down her back. “And we shouldn’t give up on the Shrine of Power and Courage, no?”
 Zelda remains quiet.
Of all the things she could be doing to prevent a catastrophe, she has to attend another cursed ball. A celebration for her birthday is far from something she wants.
“Only one night,” Zelda mutters, lightly slapping her cheeks. If she dutifully plays along with her father’s antics, perhaps he will ease his expressions of disappointment toward her.
“A little bit of hair here…” Impa tugs out strands of Zelda’s hair to frame her face. “There! You look lovely,” she says with satisfaction as she places her hands on her hips. Zelda flits her gaze away from her reflection against the mirror to her ajar bedroom window. She can already hear the sound of carriages bumping along the roads and the neighs of the horses resounding through the dark night.
“He’ll be there, won’t he?” The corset feels even more constricting when she thinks about him. That boy . She has to keep up—she cannot afford to fall behind any further than she already has.
“The young knight?” Impa inquires, squinting her eyes in thought as she maneuvers around Zelda to look inside her jewelry box. “I believe he’ll be patrolling the castle grounds.” Zelda relaxes her shoulders as she stares at Impa’s back. “Zelda. You shouldn’t avoid him. You know that you will have to cooperate with him in the future.”
“I’m not.” The lie feels sharper against her tongue than Impa’s gaze. “I’m not avoiding him. I was just… curious.” A half-truth is better than none. Zelda toys with the black ribbon straps of her mask, picking at an unraveling thread. She lifts the mask up to her eyes and tilts the corners of her mouth up.
Zelda has many masks, and adding another one is harmless.
Be graceful. Be elegant. Be poised.
Don’t blink too often. Don’t eat too much. Don’t laugh too loudly and never laugh without a hand over your mouth.
Zelda sneakily picks at the piece of bread that Impa had snuck to her earlier, nibbling on it in between greetings and returning plastic smiles—but the music. The music is irritating Zelda. There’s an instrument out of tune—a violin, maybe—and every time the bow strokes the A string it lets out a glaringly out-of-tune high-pitched squeal.
The only good it does is mask the growls of her stomach. She is starving, but starving is something that she has grown familiar with. Starving for food, starving for affection, starving for power, starving for—
“Your Highness?”
Zelda immediately hides the piece of bread behind her back and glances up at the soft voice. A Zoran who resembles that of a Fuschia flower—Princess Mipha, wasn’t it? If she recalls correctly, Mipha is one of the candidates for the Divine Beasts.
“A-A gift,” she continues, her cheeks tinted pink. “For your 16th birthday.” She holds a palm-sized box out to Zelda—baby blue with a white ribbon.
Zelda blinks at it for a moment, a bit dazed. No one has ever really handed her a gift-wrapped present before. Most of the guests have been handing them to her father—extravagant gifts that were mostly catered to him anyway—and now there is a gift for her here, directly being handed to her. They’ve only spoken to each other once, during Zelda’s mother’s funeral. Aside from that, whenever they had the pleasure of being in one another’s company, they acknowledged each other.
“Thank you,” Zelda says stiffly, accepting it with her free hand as she stares down at it. She brushes a thumb over the smooth surface of the box. Zelda sneaks a glance at her father, who is busy talking to another guest. She stuffs the bread in her mouth—earning a wide-eyed look from Mipha. “Pardon me, I haven’t eaten all day,” she admits sheepishly, gulping it down quickly. 
“Oh dear, you haven’t eaten at all?” Mipha almost gasps, her expression strung up in worry. Zelda waves her hand at her and shakes her head.
“I’m sure the last guests will arrive soon.” She holds the box with both hands now. “Is it alright if I open it up now?” Zelda asks, lowering her voice a little. A warm smile spreads across her face. She nods.
Zelda tugs the ends of the ribbon—it slips out of the knot easily—and lifts the lid. The object sits comfortably against a red velvet cushion: a stained glass flower. Zelda lifts it up slightly up in the air—an array of colors dance across Mipha’s face as she views her through the glass.
“I’ve recently taken up glass welding,” Mipha says quickly, fidgeting with her fingers. “I’ve heard that you’re currently researching an endangered species of flora. Although this won’t particularly aid in your research… I apologize…” she trails off, sounding faint.
“It’s beautiful!” Zelda clasps her hands over Mipha’s. “This is the best gift I’ve received today, there’s no need to apologize.” A smile breaks across Zelda���s face. A handmade gift? For her? A recreation of the Silent Princess at that! She tries her best to keep the excitement from brimming out of her voice. “It’s lovely, Princess Mipha. Thank you.” She clears her throat as she catches her father staring at her from the corner of her eyes.
“I’m grateful that you like it, Princess Zelda.” Mipha beams happiness, with a look of relief. She glances at the entrance—and does a double-take.
“Oh, please, enjoy the celebration and the food.” Zelda gestures to the ballroom, sitting back down. “We’ve cooked our finest dishes.” Food that she wishes she could eat herself, but she has to stand at the entrance with her father because he won’t let her get up until everyone has come through the door.
Mipha curtseys—she has always been so elegant—as she wishes Zelda a year of happiness, before quickly hurrying to the door. 
Zelda follows her trail, and watches her happily clasp the hands of—Zelda involuntarily scrunches her nose at the sight that she sees before her. Impa had told her he was patrolling outside on the castle grounds. Why in Hylia’s name is he inside the ballroom?
“Zelda, I would advise against raising your voice like that. People are watching.” Her father’s voice isn’t unkind, but chastising. She hates it.
She looks down at her dress, to straighten out the wrinkles of the dark blue ballgown. The sheer fabric has been irritating her the entire night, and she’s almost positive that she’s lost a diamond droplet or two that had been sewn onto the dress. “Father,” Zelda whispers, glancing at him. “This feels like a waste—”
“It is important to remain friendly with our diplomats. You know this. Especially with the prophecy—we must remain united with the others.”
Well, it wouldn’t matter if they were united or not if she couldn’t unlock her sacred power. She’d rather spend her birthday standing in the water of a Spring than next to her father.
“Just do as I say tonight for once, Zelda. For my sake.”
She balls her hands into a fist, scrunching up the skirt of her dress as she does so. “All I ever do—”
“Your Majesty!”
Her voice gets drowned out by the incoming guests, and she is soon tossed into the shadow of her father once more.
Zelda makes sure to stay across the ballroom from Link—it’s easy to do so, considering how much he sticks out like a sore thumb. It’s easy enough to avoid a stranger—the lack of familiarity makes the task simple.
“A drink, Your Highness?” a passing maid asks, lowering the metal tray for her.
“So much for a masquerade, you can recognize me from a mile away can’t you?” Zelda murmurs lightly, grabbing a strawberry pink drink.
“Your beauty is unmatched. It’s hard not to notice you,” the maid says kindly as she bows her head.
Zelda lets out an uneasy laugh—compliments never sit comfortably with her. “Well, thank—”
“His Majesty would like to formally introduce a faithful knight of the Hyrule Kingdom, who has proven his worth and skill at the young age of ten,” the Court Poet announces, ceasing side conversations down to a murmur.
Her father—looking rosy-cheeked and kind, as he always is in front of guests—ushers the knight out of the crowd, and into the middle of the room with him. “This young man has risen through the ranks and proved his devotion in keeping peace within our lands at a very young age, and even the Goddess Hylia has blessed him—Link, the Knight who has drawn the Sword that Seals Darkness.” Her father’s voice is nothing short of impressive. He’s able to cease conversations within seconds, by the strength of his voice and presence. Zelda quirks an eyebrow up as she stands on her tiptoes to see above the sea of heads—a very stiff-looking boy standing next to a large, bulky man who is taller by half his height is quite a scene to see. “He will fight alongside my dear beloved daughter Zelda, to maintain this peaceful, prosperous time.” 
Eyes shift to her—black and beady behind the masks they adorn. Zelda grits her teeth as she bows into a deep curtsey.
One… two… three…
She straightens her posture and clasps her hands in front of her gingerly. As long as she doesn’t make eye contact with anyone, she’ll be fine. Just smile.
Zelda tilts the corners of her mouth up.
Coos of oh’s and ah’s reverberate off the walls of the ballroom, shaking her to her bones as they clap.
“To commemorate, the Hero and the Goddess-blood Princess will offer the first formal dance of the night,” the Court Poet announces loudly, spotting her almost immediately.
Her smile drops from her face, and she methodically shifts her narrowed eyes to Link.
He stands as stiff as a board.
She takes long, brisk steps to the center of the room.
Be graceful, elegant, poised.
Do not look into their restless eyes, because they will worm their way through the black of her irises and find out she is a Goddess-blood Princess who has been abandoned by their savior.
Zelda stares at the creases between his eyebrows as she approaches him—they’re one step away from bumping noses.
He places a hand on her waist, but it mostly hovers over her, like he’s afraid he’ll burn himself if he gets closer. Zelda places one hand on his shoulder. His other hand floats in the air, unsure. She grabs it hesitantly, and settles to look at his lips instead: pressed into a thin line. He doesn’t want to be here, either.
The music starts jarringly, like the morning bell that rings at six in the morning. The violin is still a pitch to high—why hasn’t anyone noticed it yet? Not even the conductor?
Zelda digs her nails into his shoulder as they move—the brush of wind that follows their movements eases the anger that has risen in her.
“Just do as I say tonight, for once, Zelda. For my sake.”
And dancing with the boy who has fulfilled his part of prophecy will help complete hers?
They miss a beat—he steps in at the same time she does, and her forehead almost smacks against his. Zelda almost trips over the skirt of her dress as he accidentally steps on her foot.
She glances up at him—his mask is simple, but it’s as light as starlight and makes her squint a little. Her eyebrows furrow together. It doesn’t last long once she remembers the hundreds of eyes that watch their every movement.
But then he does it again.
Zelda sucks in a sharp breath. “You do know that there is plenty of space for you to step upon aside from my feet, right?” she murmurs between her teeth, making sure her smile is still plastered on her face. The edge of his ears flushes red.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers with a brief, apologetic smile. There’s a finality to his voice that makes her tilt her head in curiosity.
He steps on her toes again.
Zelda’s mouth twitches—she bites her tongue to distract herself from the pain shooting up her foot. “You don’t know how to dance, do you?”
His ears turn a shade darker.
A small sigh escapes between her lips. She straightens her back and tightens her grip on his hand. “Keep your eyes down and follow my feet.” She repositions her other hand to rest more securely on his shoulder. She would prefer not to have a mouthful from her father for messing up the first formal dance of the ball.
Their eyes catch—vibrantly blue and innocent. He nods. 
Even though he concentrates on the pattern of her feet lilting across the marble floor, he still brushes against her heels. She glances up at him—beads of sweat roll down the side of his face as he concentrates on their feet, with the tip of his tongue sticking out ever so slightly.
Zelda swallows back the giggle bubbling up her throat.
“Hm, think of it as… sword fighting practice, maybe? There’s formation in that is there not?” Zelda inquires. A good knight must be efficient at their footwork, or else they’d stumble over during a fight and fall. “Try to be light on your feet like when you’re fighting.”
“Like fighting,” he echoes, his face lighting up at her suggestion—she feels the tension chip away from his shoulders as they make their rounds, passing by the ambassadors and royalty encircling them. 
Zelda keeps her voice low: “Left, back, right…” she instructs him quietly, as her own shoulders relax at his slight improvement. At least he isn’t stepping on her anymore. The music becomes tolerable, once she decides to focus on their own two pairs of feet sliding across the floor and the sound of his breathing.
The loud, booming round of applause drags her back to reality—she releases her hands from him immediately and takes a step back to do a quick curtsey.
“Thank you.”
The sound of his words catches the tail end of the wind—quiet, almost inaudible. She raises her head, but by the time she does so, the crowd greedily surges toward them to fill the empty space that used to belong to them.
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ackermans-freedom-inc · 4 years ago
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Hi anon! I hope you're still waiting for this! I have to admit im not 100% pleased with this but I had to post it after so many revisions. Hope its ok! I changed up the spying part of the ask a little bc I felt like Levi’s s/o wouldn't go off on a date with a dude without Levi. hope you like this!!! sry for blueballin yall at the end *wink wonk
Tease - LawyerAU, kinda spicy, kinda fluffy
The day had started like any other. Rolling over in bed, you were greeted by the delicious sight of Levi sitting on his side of the bed, a dress shirt half on as he tugged the sleeve over his arm. Reaching out, you traced the ink on his still uncovered arm, following the tendrils that curled, wrapping around his arm and ending just at his forearm. You pouted as you received a shirt thrown on your face. Pulling it off, you gave your best glare at the now clothed man who was assessing his wardrobe. “This for today?” he asked, holding out your favourite maroon dress with one hand as the other dangled his dark grey suit, his herringbone tie complimenting it while matching you. You nodded, taking a final whiff of Levi’s scent on the tshirt you had in your hands before swinging your feet onto the plush carpet that lined your side of the bed. As you stretched your arms above your head, a devilish idea popped into your head. Scurrying to your drawers, you snatched a couple items before running into the bathroom.
When you walked out moments later, Levi’s tie fell slack against his chest, fingers losing their hold on the pattern he was tying as he gawked. You were clad in a gorgeous lingerie set, perky breasts barely covered with sheer black fabric that was mirrored on your panties, little red ribbon lined up along the sides in a corset pattern. You stalked over, doing your best impression of a coy jaguar who had its prey in her sights. “Who’s the poor bastard on the receiving end of your power suit?” Levi murmured as he closed the gap, dipping his head, lips tracing the parts where your bra did not cover. Giggling, you pulled against his hair as he moved from your breasts to tasting the skin of your neck, butterfly kisses against your skin making your knees weak.
“Are you sure it’s not you?” you teased, a sharp intake of breath cutting your moan short as you were nipped by the man in your arms. Separating, Levi not-so-subtly adjusted his pants as you giggled, earning yourself a spank as you ran off to put on your dress.
You should’ve known better than to tease him. You should have known that if you started the fight, you should have fully intended to win. Halfway through the day, right before lunch, you had dismissed your last client, shaking their hand as they thanked you again. Having some extra time for yourself, you decided to peek your head out your office door, only to be called back to your desk by your ringing phone. “Y/N speaking.”
“Come to my office. Now”
You gulped. It was Levi.
Stepping out of your office, you looked around wildly for someone to bear witness to your fate. Unfortunately, Levi must have sent Hanji out to lunch early, and no soul would dare disturb Levi without Hanji there. Walking into Levi’s slightly larger office, you were about to plop down onto his couch when he barked from his chair, “Oi. Come here.” Your own eyes narrowing in suspicion, you hesitated, walking over with calculated clicks of your heels against the floor. Swivelling around in his chair, Levi regarded you coolly, chin resting on his hands as his elbows leaned against the armrests.
You fidgeted.
Just when you were about to open your mouth to ask what he wanted, Levi stood, grabbing you by the waist and plopping you on his desk, lips already latched onto your neck. You squeal of surprise quickly turned to a moan, but your sneaky boyfriend quickly muffled it with a gently hand over your mouth. “You reaaaally shouldn’t tease me Y/N…” he whispered, taking his time to press soft kisses along your jaw. “All I could think of during those stupid management meetings was your sexy little outfit…” Running a hand down your body, he showed you exactly what he was thinking about as one hand ghosted over your dress-clad breasts while the one that was over your mouth slid underneath the bottom of your dress, which had ridden up, to caress your thighs. “Levi…Not here!” you mewled, body betraying you as you leaned into his touch. You were putty in his hands by now breathing hard and fast, willing your hips not to buck as your body burned with desire. Pressing himself against you, Levi hissed as his hand made contact with the soft fabric of your panties. Please.
Suddenly, you felt cold. Opening your eyes, your jaw fell open. In front of you, holding your panties in his hand, a shit eating grin on his face was your boyfriend. “You!...You!!” You breathed, absolutely furious that you fell for it, a little embarrassed, but mostly frustrated. “I told you. You really shouldn’t tease me.” He reiterated, tucking your undergarments into his trouser pockets. He did not intend to give them back. The fiend!
Just when you were about to give him a piece of your mind, someone knocked on the door. Pulling your dress down to a more appropriate length, you turned to greet them, already knowing who it was. No one in the firm would have the guts to approach Levi’s office without Hanji there. No one except…
“Erwin!” you chirped, voice compensating for your still weak knees.
“Y/N.” the blonde man smiled, “Levi. Figured I’d find you two here. I need to speak with you regarding an important matter.”
Willing your knees not to buckle, you somehow made your way to the couches with some elegance before sitting down, squeezing your knees together to protect your modesty as you shot a glare toward Levi, who had sauntered over to take a casual seat next to you. Erwin sat himself across the coffee table, and leaned forward, hands on his knees as he regarded you. “Levi. You know my first client?”
“Yah, the Reiss fellow no?”
“That’s the one” Erwin nodded “He is one of the biggest clients this firm has, he holds much sway over local politics, and he is a loyal client and old friend. His son Roger called me today with a request. He sat in on the last meeting we had regarding his old man’s acquisition of MP Inc. Seems he has taking a shining to Y/N and requested her as a date to tonight’s fundraising gala at the museum.”
“Absolutely not” Levi spoke before you did, eyes blazing. “No way is he using his father’s influence over this firm to get a date. No way.”
“Levi” Erwin’s voice was pained. “I know how this must feel for you, but old man Reiss is a really important client. We cannot afford to lose his business, and it’s just one dinner engagement, and besides, they won’t be alone! We have extra tickets to the gala and you could accompany Petra and I.”
“Erwin. I don’t care who the man is, but he is NOT taking Y/N out on a date” Levi was fuming now, having gotten up from the couch and paced around his office, something you had not seen him do since one of his high profile cases had fallen apart years ago after a key witness suddenly refused to testify.
You bit your lip, your loyalty to Levi and your loyalty to the firm tearing you apart. “Levi…” you started, “Levi maybe I should go. Mr. Reiss is really important to the firm.”
“Erwin.” Levi seethed, unable to understand why you would even consider this ridiculous plan. “Erwin. Send. Someone. Else.”
“Levi. Believe me I’ve tried!” Erwin begged, a hand running down in face in exasperation. “I asked if he would like to go with Hanji, maybe Mikasa, or maybe even Sasha, hell I even offered him go with Petra, but he refused. He just wants to go with her.”
“Erwin she is NOT going!” Levi screamed, hands coming down to slam against his desk. You jumped. You had never seen Levi so angry before.
Standing quickly, you nodded towards Erwin, who was looking rather queasy himself. You knew how hard of a position he must have been placed in as well. Between his closest friend and his best client was not a good place to be. “Erwin. Tell Roger I’ll be there tonight. I’ll convince Levi. Don’t worry.” You whispered, giving the taller man a pat before turning to Levi. “Babe” you said, trying to calm him down by reminding him that he was your man. “Babe, why don’t we do what Erwin suggested. I will go on this measly little date with Mr. Reiss’s son, and why don’t you ask Hanji to go with you. That way, we can accomplish what Mr. Reiss wants, and you can be there to protect me if anything happens. We can even leave together right after the auction.”
“I’ll drive Hanji home, they live on the way” Erwin offered from his spot near the door.
Levi glared at the both of you. He was not blind to the fact that the firm needed wealthy clients, and he also had the pleasure of working with Reiss in the past. The man paid on time, never argued over the billed hours, and respected the time of others. And while he might trust Reiss, Levi sure as hell did not trust his son. At Erwin’s insistence, his anger dissipated enough for him to think slightly clearer. Your plan of action was not bad, after all, he could be there the whole time, tailing you to make sure the man didn’t do anything untoward. Closing his eyes, Levi took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, he gave a tiny nod towards Erwin, who immediately breathed a sigh of relief. The blonde ran to you, shaking your hand before marching out the room, no doubt to go place a call.
You closed the gap between you and Levi, enveloping him in a hug, soothingly combing through silken locks between your fingers as you spoke. “Babe I will be in sight all night. We can get Erwin to arrange seats at nearby tables, and I promise you. It will be okay.”
Levi only grunted, still barely on board.
Thankfully, the rest of the workday passed without a hitch. Levi seemed to be in a better mood after a nice lunch date, Erwin encouraging you to take as long as you needed as neither of you had any more client meetings. At lunch, Levi had his hand on your thigh, and as he felt you squeeze your knees together, he had flashed you another knowing grin, hands creeping higher and higher under the table before you had to kick him in the shin for teasing you.
You were now waiting by Hanji’s desk as they packed up. All three of you were heading to your home to get ready. You had to find a dress to wear, Levi had to change into his tux, and Hanji had decided their work-clothes were formal enough, opting to just tag along to minimize hassle for later. Just when you were breezing out the door, one of the ladies at reception caught up to you, handing you a large white box.  “This came for you Miss. Y/N.”
“Oh? From who?” you inquired, the lack of words on the box giving you no clues.
“Oh, it came from a man named Roger” she replied. You pretended not to notice the darkness that came over Levi’s face.
When you arrived home, Levi and Hanji both hung around you, trying, but failing to mask their interest in the contents of the box. So of course, you had to open it. As you took the lid off and tore apart the tissue paper, you were greeted by luxurious black fabric. It was a dress.
Levi swore he was going to kill everyone at the gala, murder charge be damned. The dress Roger had sent, he had to admit, looked absolutely divine on you. It was a full-length black dress, barely above the floor as you walked in your heels. There was a sinful cut that revealed a glimpse of your leg each time you took a step, and the way the neckline was cut did wonders for your modestly sized breasts. You looked like something out of Old Hollywood, classy yet sexy, leaving just enough to the imagination to keep people guessing. And god help him, Levi was going to make sure everyone in the room would be kept guessing. As you walked down the plush carpet that led to the museum entrance, that horrible man’s arm around your waist, Levi seethed to himself. Thankfully, Hanji had stuck by his side, and was currently whispering to him about how rat-faced Roger looked, and how you looked way too classy to be next to the likes of him. As you approached, Levi barely suppressed a smile as you removed Roger’s hand from your waist. He decided he was to make the first move. Stepping towards you, he stuck out his hand, “Levi Ackerman, Senior partner at Smith LLP. I believe we have not yet had the pleasure?”
You snorted as your date just blinked, caught unawares. He stammered his reply, “N-nice to meet you Levi. I’m Roger Reiss, I believe you’re familiar with my father.”
“Ah indeed.” Was Levi’s smooth reply.
The conversation quickly got awkward after that, and before long, Roger had excused himself to find his seat, you following close behind. When dinner was served a while later, you looked across the way to the next table, and was pleased to see Levi, making true on his promise and keeping an eye on you. You flashed him a smile, letting him know everything was okay. As you focused back on your actual date, you found him to be a nervous mess. He had been drinking, two flutes of champagne earlier, and he opted for both the red and the white during dinner. He ate quickly, barely paying you any attention and blowing you off when you tried to offer contributions to the things he was talking about. As the tables around you emptied, people choosing to go mingle, he was still rambling. This time talking about how he had first met you during the MP Inc acquisition and saying something about how beautiful he found you. You smiled and thanked him. But before you could say anything more, he cut you off again, continuing. “And you know, Miss Y/N, I love that you’re a lawyer. I like a woman who can talk back to me. But if you were my woman, would you quit your job? I’m the type of man who likes dinner on the table when I’m home, the laundry done, and the little ones tucked into bed.”
You were not impressed. Leaning away from his touch, you steeled your eyes at the man before you. He was nothing like Reiss, and you absolutely hated him. “Roger, I think what you’re looking for is a housekeeper. Not a wife.” You said, ice in your voice. “Unfortunately, I have my heart set on someone already.”
“Oh? And who might that be” was the reply as he leaned towards you once more.
“I believe that would be me.” You saw Levi before you heard him, one hand flying out and holding Roger back by the forehead while the other took your hand, helping you stand as you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend’s free arm.
Roger was now at the receiving end of two death glares as he gawked, the poor man not registering what happened. At that moment, Erwin chose to make an appearance, Reiss Senior beside him as Petra followed. You immediately smiled, remembering how nice the elder man had been when you handled his business. Apparently, he shared the sentiment a he shook your hand in both of his, eyes little half-moons as he smiled at you. Turning his attention away from you, he turned to Levi, shaking his hand the same way. “What’s this? Levi! Do my ears deceive me or are you saying Miss Y/N here is spoken for?”
“I am indeed sir.” Levi nodded.
“A thousand apologies my boy! I would not have put Erwin in such a spot if I had known you and Miss Y/N were an item! When Roger told me he was taking Miss Y/N to the gala, he said they had been seeing each other for weeks! It truly speaks to your professionalism that you even entertained Roger’s request!” Reiss clapped a hand on Levi’s shoulder before smiling up at Erwin. “You got good people Erwin. Let me deal with my son, I’m afraid I have much to educate him on.”
As the elder Reiss walked over to collect his son, who was now sitting in his chair, wilted and dejected, Petra, Erwin, and Hanji’s eyes fell on you. “Well” Erwin started, “That…went surprisingly well?”
At that, you started to laugh. “I thought Mr. Reiss was going to kill me!”
“Thought the old man was going to kill me for laying hands on the fool” Levi spoke from your side
“I thought Y/N was going to punch little Reiss in the face!” Hanji exclaimed
As your group laughed, you caught sight of Reiss senior dragging Roger out the door by his ear, sounds of him scolding his son about “respecting women” and “can’t believe you lied to me” fading as they departed.
You and Levi had left the gala soon after, preferring the sanctuary that was home to the lights and the glamour. You took off the dress that Roger had sent, and Levi took no time in boxing it back up, declaring it to be sent to the donation bin first thing in the morning. Opting to shower together, your kisses became hotter and hotter as the water slowly got colder. You were frustrated after Levi’s teasing all day, and after the fiasco with Roger, you wouldn’t wait to show Levi how much you appreciated a man like him. You practically dragged him into bed, small damp footsteps leading leaving marks on the bathroom floor. But you didn’t care, and you hoped Levi wouldn’t either. Collapsing onto bed, you pushed Levi onto his back and crawled up in between his legs. When he tried to sit up to kiss you, you placed a hand against his chest and heaved him back down onto his back. Quirking a brow at his surprise, you flicked your hair back, thankful you hadn’t washed it, and got to work.
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thecandywrites · 4 years ago
Blood For Gold Part 9
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Short and sweet but powerful and impactful. Also this is just an excuse to show how GORGEOUS Chinese hanfu is. Look at it. I want to wear it and feel like an empress too. Not that I’m fetishizing it or anything, I just think it’s gorgeous. Thanks to @kriskukko for letting me use that regency orc art. He’s gorgeous. Don’t worry the troll will be coming up soon. I haven’t forgotten about him, not at all. Also thank to you @punkhorse96 for all your amazing feedback. 
Blood For Gold 
Part 9
Demsey woke up early and quickly got dressed in one of his nicer, and more flattering suits, eager to not miss a moment of your presence before he got out at about the same time as his brothers, also dressed in some of their nicer clothes only to see the moura men come out of their rooms across the hall, all of them wearing silk robe like garments that flowed like water around them, but the way the robes were designed and patterned, they were clearly more than just..robes, at least they looked that way as they all greeted each other good morning cordially before they rounded a corner to see Calla, Bennie and yourself also leaving Bennie’s room, dressed in similar robes, all the women had their hair down and these robes were much prettier and in striking colors as you all kissed each other’s cheeks and warmly murmured your good mornings to each other. 
“So what kind of dress is that?” Sierge asked Bennie curiously. 
“It’s Chinese hanfu, it’s extremely comfortable, it’s cool in the summer, warm in the winter depending on which layers you use and how many layers you put on and it’s easy enough that you can dress yourself all by yourself and it provides freedom of movement. Mouras really love anything we can move around a lot in and do so comfortably and there’s pants under it so you can ride horses, pegasus’, griffins and dragons easily, we decided earlier this morning that every day for the next two weeks, we would want to show our English counterparts Dorierran culture which is a world culture and show you all the different styles Dorierra has and embraces in all of it’s quarters and we decided that today was hanfu day, we already informed the Dauphine who was delighted at our choice and had her old moura clothes pulled out of storage while Audra gave Charlotte one of her other hanfu dresses to wear since Charlotte and Audra are similar in size.” Bennie revealed just as Demsey’s sisters were coming out of their rooms from across the hall and stared in awed wonder at the clothes. 
“Those are gorgeous!” Callie gushed as she came over and looked closely at the dresses. 
“Thank you! It’s Chinese hanfu, we have spare dresses, would you like to change into one of ours?” Calla offered before Callie looked to her brothers before her parents came out of their rooms. 
“Calla offered me to wear what she’s wearing could I?” Callie asked hopefully. 
“Sure.” Gwen, Callie’s mother answered. 
“Would anyone else like to change in hanfu?” Bennie asked Demsey’s sisters before they gave a look to each other and nodded yes before all the girls went back into Bennie’s room where you all helped Amara, Kiera and Callie dress into traditional chinese hanfu, taking off their corsets and trading them for the more traditional moura and much more comfortable undergarments which other than securing the bosom were not nearly as restrictive.  
“Ooooh, this is nice, I like this.” Amara said as she appraised herself in the mirror as you walked her through tying the sash around her waist before you lent her one of your other fans. 
“Isn’t it?” You laughed as Bennie helped Kiera and Calla helped Callie who because of her smaller size ended up needing one of your hanfu outfits to fit her better. 
“So what do you think?” Calla asked Callie
“I love it, do you guys just pick whichever kind of dress you want from whatever culture you want every day?” Callie asked. 
“Yup. We can dress in Chinese hanfu for breakfast, we can dress in Japanese kimonos for lunch and be in Indian sarees for dinner.” Calla answered. 
“But kimonos are very restrictive, and they take at least one or two helpers to get dressed into properly. Because while Chinese hanfu is flowy, kimonos are very stiff and try to put your round body into a straight box shape. But Indian saree’s are like hanfu in that they’re meant to move in, they’re prettiest when you dance and twirl in them actually.” You pointed out. 
“But my favorite style is the Dorierrian style, it’s a mixture of all of them, elements of everything all together to make something perfectly unique and it combines comfort, beauty, ease of movement and functionality.” Bennie insisted as she finished getting Kiera put together. 
“Now twirl in front of the mirror.” Bennie instructed before Kiera obeyed as she began and couldn’t help but giggle and laugh as she did so before all her sisters did the same, all of you laughing together. 
“I’m never going to want to take this off and get back into that blasted corset.” Kiera said as she smoothed her hands down the fabric. 
“Me either.” Amara confessed before you all left and went to breakfast where the Raymond’s had already began eating. 
“Well aren’t you all just as lovely as pictures.” Yalin cooed when she saw all of you, herself in the royal red and gold hanfu befitting an empress. 
“Yes, they duchesses wanted to try out hanfu.” Bennie reported proudly as she took her seat between Sierge and Demsey as Ramsey eagerly had you sit next to him as you reluctantly agreed and sat down in your own seat next to Ramsey but across from Demsey again as Jane meekly sat next to you. 
“Do you think my parents would be mad if I dressed in hanfu too?” Jane murmured to you. 
“Even if they did, I wouldn’t tell them if you wouldn’t.” You murmured back to her. 
“Do you have another hanfu dress?” Jane whispered.
“I do, I can get you changed into it after breakfast if you’d like.” You offered her before she nodded in confirmation. 
“And your excellency, how exquisite you look in hanfu, like a proper empress.” You complimented Yalin from her spot next to her husband. 
“Thank you so much Sultana,” Yalin thanked you graciously. 
“Please, won’t you dispense with the formalities? You may simply call me Audra.” You offered. 
“Only if you will call me Mama Yalin.” She returned happily. 
“Bennie!” Benyana insisted.
“Calla,” Callalea chimed in. 
“Amara,” Amara followed suit before it was quickly agreed to go by first names, even the Dauphin, Gregori agreed to it as Demsey’s parents rose their eyebrows in surprise but agreed to it as well, thinking it was novel and fun and it would give them a chance to get to know the jewel orcs better. But even still, Gwen could see from her spot that Ramsey was already making his intentions towards you crystal clear and feared that Demsey was already in over his head and was headed for at the very least disappointment, if not disaster, but she also knew her son well enough that once he set his mind to something, he wouldn’t quit until it was all said and done, she just hoped he wouldn’t be wounded too deeply or get his hopes too high only for them to be dashed to pieces. 
After breakfast, the group decided to tour the grounds where Bennie took Gregori and Yalin aside. 
“So I have a report,” Bennie began as Yalin and Gregori turned towards her eagerly. 
“Audra states that only love will induce her into matrimony this time around and because of the abusive treatment she received at Broadcove, she is a shell of her former self and it was like trying to pry open an oyster with a wooden spoon to get her to talk about anything. But there is leverage. She insisted that she has “insurance” against the Morrigans should they ever decide to stop paying for her silence, which is smart because she’s used that insurance to double the living Edward afforded her, I think if you enticed her to share that insurance with you, you could double that number even still and gain at least fifty to sixty thousand pounds a year out of the Morrigans because you can “sue” them for damaging Audra who will be a member of the Raymond household and Ramsey especially can sue them for damaging his future fiance and the Morrigans will pay anything to keep whatever insurance Audra has from going public or going to the royal family or whatever. However, if you truly wish for Audra to join your family, there is a simple solution- use a messengerari, use this address at lunchtime because it’ll be breakfast time there, and that is the family’s main one. Tell them that you have Audravienne safely and comfortably at your palace and that they are welcome to come and see her and talk with her with no interference, no strings attached and that she will confide in them how and why she became a shakan and Audravienne will take their council and advice which I can’t imagine them ever giving her any advice that would be against joining your family. Make sure to especially invite her twin brother Axalarize, or Axal for short. And if anyone can bring Audra back to her full glory and most importantly to her senses and her wits so that she can clearly and plainly see that Ramsey is the man for her and allow herself to give her heart to him- it’s Axal, and once she does, the rest of her will follow, you’ll have grateful inlaws, you’ll have a grateful daughter in law and a very healthy and substantial income and an ally under your thumb. Because the Morrigans should know that for every drop of life and blood you squeeze from a moura, must be paid back in gold, and don’t worry about having to pay a fee for them to come, they will come on their own dime and all you need to do is open your house up to them when they come.” Bennie suggested as she handed Yalin and Gregori her slip of paper with the address of the Saharrazat’s messengerari address as Gregori took it and grinned triumphantly. 
“Excellent work Bennie.” Gregori praised. 
“Well the royal family paid a pretty penny to get us here, it’s the least we can do to make sure you get your monies worth.” Bennie smiled charmingly. 
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a Duke to charm.” Bennie excused herself before she practically skipped away. 
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multifandomwriter · 4 years ago
Swooning (John Laurens x (y/n) Washington)
Being a Washington seems like it would be fun, I suppose. A life living in luxury, party's galore, and of course, the money for make-up. I mean, it may seem pretty extravagant to have your father as the president. But, in reality, it's not. You have to tend to different things like picking out dresses, helping mother bake, trying to learn at least one thing in this place known as the schoolhouse. You also have to learn how to be prim-and-proper. Even on the days where you just want to act like a pig and roll around in the dirt and mud like the boys did when they were younger before they were mature.
I believe my favorite part about it is the literature. You see, my dream is to become an author. An author of what? Well, I don't know quite yet. But, just sitting under an apple tree, enjoying the green grass that tickled my feet, snacking on the fruit and watching the sun arise with the beautiful colors of orange and pink gives me peace in the early mornings so I could have a little calmness throughout the day. Like today.
"(y/n)? Are you almost ready?" my Mother, Martha Washington, asked me from her bedroom. She must've been getting ready for the party we were going to, as was I. It was a celebration called the Winter's Ball.
"Yes mother," I responded, purposefully making it sound as if I was irritated, which I was. She'd asked me the same question not even two minutes ago.
"Watch your tone, missy," said Mother in a playful tone. I laughed, and heard footsteps heading toward my room. It was my Father.
"Well, don't you look pretty?" he smiled, adjusting the lapels on his uniform.
"I guess?" I shrugged, rearranging my own clothing: a beige colored medieval dress, the sleeves long and wide, the outfit finished with a inky black half corset. I also wore a golden necklace littered with diamonds and flats. Red ones at that.
"Oh wow," said my Mother, who'd now joined us. "You'll be getting lots of male attention, I'll tell you that."
"Martha!" exclaimed my Father. "Don't say such foul things!"
"Sometimes honesty can be brutal, darling," Mother waved him off, sauntering over to me. Her hands reached up to my (h/c), silky hair, delicately touching the tight braids I'd twisted together on my own. There was about 4 small ones were intertwined with my hair that wasn't interlaced. "Now, shall we go?"
"We shall. Ladies first, as always," my Father smiled, gesturing to the door way, politely letting them go first.
"Are we going in the carriage?" I asked, slipping on the rings I had in my hand. One was black and the other silver.
"But of course!" said Father excitedly. "Look outside." So, I did, smiling at the blue beauty on the street, a male coach on the high seat attached, the horses both a smooth white, not spec of dirt as far as I could tell from there.
"Well then, let's go! I'd like to get to this Winter's Ball!" I exclaimed.
The ride to the rather big light yellow house was boring. As much as I love nature, like I've stated previously, it was quite dull compared to a ball. We arrived, the coach hopping down from his perch, tying the horses to a rogue fence that was meant to hold them temporarily until he let us off. Then he'd go to the stables behind the house. How do I know this so well? This wasn't my first rodeo. I've ridden once or twice.
The coach strolled over to our doors, quickly opening them and releasing the metal stairs for us to get down. He first helped Mother, then Father, and finally me. I didn't mind this of course. I was never one to follow to rules, anyway. As I walked down the path, people turned, making me a bit self-conscious. I moved a stray piece of hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear. I felt all eyes on me, the men scanning me up and down. Men I didn't know, and I didn't care to either.
Walking in, I heard a voice yell my name. "(y/n)!" It was Eliza Schuyler. More or less one of the richest family names in New York.
"Eliza!" I yelled excitedly back to my best friend. "How are you? I haven't seen you since last Christmas."
"I know. It's been awfully painful," Eliza hugged me. "I've been good. You?" My eyes accidentally roamed the room, landing on someone. And was he handsome.
"I've been... fine. Holy crap, who is that?" I murmured from the side of my mouth to the woman in front of me, not taking my eyes off the man.
"Oh him? That's John Laurens. He's one of the many in Hamilton's friend group, I presume. He talks to them all the time." I slowly nodded, scanning his features. From there, I could see the brown freckles that contrasted with his ivory skin. He must've been a soldier, for he had his uniform on just like my Father had his. His brown curly hair was tied up in a bun, and his laugh felt like the sound of music to my ears.
"You're flushed," acknowledged Angelica Schuyler, Eliza's older sister. "You do know that, right?"
"Am I?" I turned to her abruptly. "Dang it."
"I don't think he minds," said Eliza, who smirked.
"How could you possibly know that?"
"Because he's coming over right now," said Angelica.
"What?!" I whisper-yelled to both sisters. My eyes glanced to John, who was walking over to right then. "Oh dear God."
"Good luck~" Angelica dragged out, pulling Eliza away. I gulped, seeing the man I felt like I would swoon over any second approach me.
"Hi," he smiled, his pearly whites shinning bright in the light. "I'm John Laurens. You are?"
"Umm," I stumbled over my words. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. "(y-y/n). Yeah, yeah. That's my name."
"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl," said John, winking at me. I felt myself flush even more.
"Aw t-thanks."
"You're welcome, sweetheart," he said. "Wanna dance?" Laurens stuck out a hand.
"Sure," I said, taking his in mine. He pulled me along, eyes looking to his friends who whistled. John laughed, twirling me into his grasp. "Have I told you you look nice tonight?"
"Well then, you look nice tonight."
"You do, too," I smiled, letting one of his hands fall to my waist.
"So, what's your last name?"
"Getting to second base already?"
"No," he laughed. "You just didn't tell me your last name."
"Washington. (y/n) Washington."
"Ooo, you're the big guys daughter."
"You know what, Laurens?"
"What, Washington?" he fired back. I blushed at the way he said my last name. Oh, tonight would be a fun night, wouldn't it?
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kwanisms · 5 years ago
To the Sky 01: Min-ah, the Florist
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⇢ genre: steampunk au, sky pirates, ateez au, angst, fluff, smut ⇢ pairing: Seonghwa x OC ⇢ warning: alcohol consumption, mention of death, major character death, sexual content, strong language, more warnings in each chapter ⇢ summary: Living in the sky is not always easy, especially with a religious sect policing everything you do. One florist, Bang Min-ah, has always dreamed about life outside Arcadia. Little does she know, she’s about to find out how very different life is when a group of sky pirates accidentally kidnap her. ⇢ word count: 6.4k
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a/n: The prologue was narrated by Min-ah but from now on, everything will be in third person. I will include the days of the week at the top to show passage of time as well as the time in 24 hour format. (If you have a question about the days of the week, I’m using the same one as in Skyrim. When new parts go up, the previous and next links will be at the top and bottom of each part to navigate the 20 parts. I hope you all enjoy this part and as always, feedback is much appreciated! 
“This indicates the character is speaking in Korean.” “This indicates the character is speaking in English.” ‘This indicates the character is thinking.’
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January 14, NY263 Loredas, 07:21 Arcadia
The sun filtered through the curtains bathing the room in a soft yellow light as Min-ah awoke. She peered around the room, eyes falling on the dress that hung on her closet door. She let out a groan and rolled over to face the opposite side of the room. ‘It’s a week away,’ she told herself internally. She wasn’t ready. She never thought she would be. She must have had this conversation with herself a hundred times now. ‘You’re going to marry Kim Woojin. There’s nothing to be done about it.’
She opened her eyes to look at the dress that had been laid out for her. ‘Now who would have done that? Surely it can’t have been Mother,’ she thought as she slowly sat up. It was unlike her mother to pick out a dress for her, let alone set it out for her anymore. She hadn't done that in years.
Min-ah pulled back the covers and slipped out of bed, walking over to her vanity. She sat down and let out a yawn before shaking her head and looking at her reflection in the mirror. She chuckled at the unruly mess of hair and started working on taming it.
Half an hour later, she heard a knock at the door. "Come in," Min-ah called. The door opened and the maid came in, giving a small curtsey before walking around the bed.
"Good morning, ma'am," she said softly. Min-ah smiled at her. "Good morning, Sooyun," Min-ah replied, giving herself a final once over in the mirror before standing up and turning to Sooyun. "Has my mother gotten up?" she asked, grimacing when the maid shook her head quietly. Min-ah sighed and stood up straight.
Sooyun helped her strip down and start getting dressed, tying her corset tightly. "Tighter ma'am?" she asked. Min-ah shook her head. "I'm working today, so I think I'd like to breathe today," Min-ah jokingly replied. Sooyun smiled as she knotted the ties and turned to pick up a cream colored blouse.
Min-ah slipped it on, buttoning it up from the base and up the neck. Sooyun picked up the skirt, a dark blue damask pattern and held it open for Min-ah to slip over her head. Min-ah held the skirt in place while Sooyun tightened it in place. Once it was on, Min-ah sat down while Sooyun helped her put on her shoes.
After standing back up, Min-ah looked over herself in the full length mirror, giving her wedding dress a disdainful look before turning to smile at Sooyun. “Thank you, Sooyun,” she said and the maid gave another curtsey before heading for the door. Min-ah called out to her and she turned around. “Has my brother woken up yet?” Min-ah asked. Sooyun shook her head. “I’m not sure ma’am. I haven’t checked on him yet.” Min-ah smiled. “Please do. I’ll head down and start breakfast.”
Sooyun gave another curtsy before opening the door and disappearing down the hall. Min-ah walked around her bed, stopping by the closet to shut the door, hiding the dress from view, ‘I can’t keep looking at it.’ She walked to the door, stepping out into the hall and shutting the door behind her. Min-ah made her way down the stairs to the foyer, stopping to check the pile of mail on the floor at the front door. She sorted the post and headed into the kitchen to begin preparing breakfast. 
About halfway through cooking, Sooyun entered the room, following behind her was Min-ho. He glanced up at Min-ah and gave her a smile. “Morning, sister,” he said as he moved to sit at the counter, watching his sister as she cooked. “Good morning, Min-ho,” she said with a smile as she plated his omelette. Min-ho let out a sigh as she set the plate before him. 
“How did you sleep?” she asked as she continued making food. Min-ho opened his mouth to respond but cut himself off and looked down at his food. Min-ah turned to see what had caused his lapse in response to see their mother had entered the room, looking a little worse for wear. Min-ah stood a little straighter. “Good morning, mother,” she addressed the woman. Her mother waved her hand, dismissing her as she moved to open the liquor cabinet.
Min-ah glanced at Min-ho who kept his head down. Min-ah glanced back at her mother who was busy pouring herself a glass of some brown liquor. She capped the bottle and grabbed the glass, lifting it to her lips and taking a heavy sip. She walked past Min-ho, patting him on the back. “Morning, Min-ki,” she grumbled and it took every ounce of self control she had to keep from biting back at her mother.
Min-ah watched as the woman stumbled out of the kitchen and towards the parlor before turning to look at Min-ho. His expression was unreadable. “Min-ho?” Min-ah started hesitantly. Min-ho silent got to his feet, grabbing his bag and his plate. “I’ll bring this home after work,” he said, feigning a smile before turning and walking out of the kitchen. 
Min-ah heard the door slam in the distance and she threw a dirty glance towards the parlor where she could see her mother lounging in a chaise lounge, sipping on her drink, not a care in the world. Min-ah finished the omelette she was making and plated it before turning the stove off and setting the skillet aside as Sooyun walked in. Min-ah turned to the main, forcing a smile.
She handed the plate to her. “Please give that to Mother for me,” she said. Sooyun took the plate with a nod as Min-ah undid the ties of her apron and removed it, hanging it from the pantry door. “I’m off to the shop. I’ll be gone most of the day,” Min-ah said as she smoothed down her skirt. “I’ve set out your coat, madam,” Sooyun said with a curtsy. Min-ah thanked her and left the kitchen, heading for the front door.
As Min-ah reached the door there was a sharp but loud knock. She opened the door and was surprised to see a young man, maybe a few years older than herself, standing on the front stoop. Min-ah gave him a pleasant smile. “Can I help you?” she asked politely. The man had an aura about it, something Min-ah couldn’t quite place.
He stood several inches taller than she, had light brownish blonde hair. He wore plain clothes, seemingly a member of the middle class though that didn’t matter to her. Min-ah wasn’t of the mind to judge someone based on their social status but rather on their character and manner. The young man before glanced inside the house before fixing her with a stare.
Min-ah waited for him to speak, still smiling politely. When he spoke, he did so in Korean. “I’m looking for Bang Min-hyuk,” he said, his voice deeper than Min-ah expected. He spoke with an accent, one she’d heard before from the lieutenant of the guard. “Is he home?” he continued. Min-ah shook her head. “No, I’m afraid he’s not. I haven’t seen him in some days,” she explained. “He’s probably away on business.”
The young man nodded. “Is there something I can help you with?” Min-ah asked, always eager to be of assistance. The young man gave her a peculiar look. “I’m his daughter,” Min-ah explained, not taking note of the way the stranger’s eyes widened as he looked her over. He shook his head. 
“No. Just, give this to him when you see him next,” he said, handing over an envelope. Min-ah took it and looked down at it before back up at the young man. “Who shall I tell him stopped by?” she asked but the man said nothing, instead turning to make his way down the steps.
Slightly put off by this, Min-ah shook her head, withdrawing back inside and shutting the door. She turned to set the envelope with her father’s mail before grabbing her coat from the rack by the door. Min-ah shrugged into her coat, grabbed the door knob and turned it, opening the door and headed out.
The temperature outside was pleasant as the sun hadn’t risen over the tops of the buildings yet, sun light filtering between the buildings as Min-ah walked from her home. Her parent’s house was located in Blush Gardens, a district on the middle steppes of Arcadia.
Most of her peers lived on higher steppes but Min-ah didn’t mind. Blush Gardens was known for its foliage and was considered by some to be a hidden gem and the most beautiful district in Arcadia. As she made the short trek to the market, Prosperity Plaza, Min-ah noticed many people coming out of their homes to head off for work, children heading off for school.
Upon reaching the market district, Min-ah made her way toward her shop, reaching the door as the sun broke over the tops of the building and starting to cast the square in golden sunlight. Unlocking the door, Min-ah stepped inside her flower shop, shutting the door behind her and locking it. She made her way to the counter, stepping behind it and walking through the door to the back.
Hanging up her coat, Min-ah grabbed her apron, tying it around her waist in a knot and began moving arrangements to the front of the store. On her third pass, she heard a knock at the front door and looked over, eyebrows raised. She set the vases in her hands down and walked over to the door, wiping her hands on her apron, she peered through the glass and rolled her eyes.
Unlocking the door, she opened it, smiling up at the man on the other side. “Woojin,” she said as he smiled down at her. “What are you doing here?” she asked. Woojin held up a paper sack. “The bakery opened early. I know you forget breakfast sometimes,” he said. Min-ah stepped back, allowing him to enter the shop. He stepped over the threshold, leaning down to kiss her cheek.
Min-ah shut the door behind him and locked it. She turned to face him as he walked to the counter. She followed him, stopping when he turned abruptly to hand her a small bouquet of flowers. Min-ah let out a chuckle, taking the flowers from him. ‘Really?’ she thought to herself. “What are these for?” she asked, looking up at her fiance. “I saw them on my way to the bakery and thought of you,” he admitted.
Min-ah took them behind the counter, grabbing an empty vase and started transferring the arrangement to the glass container. “You always say that when you buy me flowers,” Min-ah said as she worked. “Flowers always remind me of you,” Woojin said as he watched her work. “I would hope so,” Min-ah said with a laugh. “I am a florist after all. Flowers are my job,” she reminded him.
“Why are you buying the competition anyway?” Min-ah asked, turning as Woojin opened the bag from the bakery and pulled out a couple bagels. He pulled out a small container of some sort of cream cheese spread and set them on a napkin for her. “I can’t buy your flowers from you to give to you,” he said with a chuckle. “Besides,” he added as she used a small knife to spread cream cheese over her bagel.
“Isn’t it customary to understand your enemy so you can defeat them more easily?” he asked, raising his eyebrow at Min-ah. “They aren’t my enemies,” Min-ah said as she brought the bagel up to her lips to take a bite. “Just competition,” she reminded him. Woojin narrowed his eyes at her playfully. “Is it not more fun to say they’re your enemy?” he asked. Min-ah shook her head. “You’re preposterous,” she said light-heartedly. Woojin watched her take another bite of her bagel.
“Are we still on for tonight?” he asked softly, causing her eyes to shift, fixing her gaze on him. There was something in his tone. She recognized it. 
In the past, Woojin had hinted at wanting to be alone with her for intimacy but Min-ah firmly believed that they should wait until they were married before they went that far. Not that there hadn’t been stolen kisses here and there and maybe some inappropriate touching and of course words; there were always words. She knew how her fiance felt about her but he also knew how she felt about sex before marriage.
She just wasn’t ready.
“Dinner, you mean?” Min-ah asked, hopefully to remind him that she still wanted to wait, even if they were only a week from their wedding. Woojin gave her a soft smile, nodding his head. “Of course,” he said. “Dinner.” Min-ah nodded quietly, taking another bite of her bagel, finishing it off. Woojin pushed the second one towards her but she shook her head. “I’ll be fine,” she said, pushing it back. “You go ahead.”
Woojin placed the bagel back in the sack and closed it. “Save it for later,” he said, watching as Min-ah started from where she left off, setting out the new arrangements. Woojin craned his neck to look through the doorway as she disappeared in the back. “Anything I can do to help?” he asked.
Min-ah peered around the door frame. “Come help me move these arrangements?” she asked. Woojin stood, removing his coat and setting it on the counter. He unbuttoned the end of his sleeves, rolling them up, exposing his forearms as he moved to help Min-ah. With his help, she had moved all the arrangements she’d made last night to the front to put on display. She finished making the price markers and was setting them out when Woojin checked his watch.
“Oh, I’m going to be late,” he said, walking to grab his coat from the counter. Min-ah turned to look at him. “Late for what?” she asked, walking him to the door. Woojin put his coat on as Min-ah unlocked the door. Before she could open it, Woojin pressed his hand against the wood, keeping the door shut with one hand and with the other, he took Min-ah chin in his fingers, tilting her head up to look at him.
Without a word, he pressed his lips to hers. Min-ah had grown accustomed to his boldness and reciprocated, feeling him smile into the kiss. “I’ll swing by to pick you up after my errands tonight,” he whispered before kissing her again. “Wait for me.” When he pulled back, Min-ah looked up at him. “About dinner,” she said but Woojin gave her another short peck before opening the door. “I’ll see you later tonight,” he said before stepping out into the square that had started to fill up with people.
Min-ah sighed as he walked away, disappearing around the corner before she shut the door and returned to her work. She wanted to ask if they could do dinner at his place. She didn’t much feel like bringing him back to whatever state her mother would be in. Min-ah continued setting up the shop before she moved to unlock the door and flip the closed sign to display the open side.
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“Thank you for your patronage!” Min-ah called with a wave as the last customer of her lunch rush exited the shop. So far, she had over several dozen orders of bouquets and other arrangements. She was doing well, though she could attribute it to today being the last day of the week. ‘If only the weekdays were so prosperous,’ she thought as she turned her back to the front door.
The ringing of the bell caught her attention and she turned around to see Ahn Jae-hwa, the baker, entering the shop. Min-ah smiled, turning to face him as he looked around before approaching the counter. “Jae-hwa,” she said as he stopped before him, fixing her with a warm smile. “Good afternoon, Min-ah,” he replied. Min-ah always liked Jae-hwa. He was an exceptional baker and not to mention a very kind soul as well. “How can I help you today?” Min-ah asked.
Jae-hwa pulled out a paper from his apron and unfolded it. “I’m catering an event,” he said, handing her the paper. “It’s for a party Han Boreum is throwing. She wants…” he said trailing off as Min-ah took the paper and looked at it. “Whatever that is,” he finished waving his hand at the paper. Min-ah held back a laugh as she read the paper. “This is fairly simple,” she said as she looked up at the baker.
“How many of these arrangements do you need?” she asked, setting the paper on the counter and grabbing her pad of paper and a pen. “Two dozen,” he said, watching as she removed the cap of the pen and began writing down what he needed and how many he needed. As she finished up, Min-ah looked back up at him. “Anything else?” she asked with a smile. Jae-hwa nodded slowly.
Min-ah waited for him to speak but he said nothing. She smiled at him and gave him a pointed look. “Well,” she said with a chuckle. “What is it?” she asked, noticing the way the baker’s cheeks flushed. “I need a bouquet of roses,” he blurted out. ‘Roses?’ Min-ah raised her eyebrows at him before regaining composure. “Alright,” she said, bringing her pen to the paper again. “What kind of roses?” she asked.
Jae-hwa opened and closed his mouth several times as Min-ah glanced up at him. “I don’t know,” he admitted. Min-ah chuckled softly, setting the pen down. “Well, what kind of gesture were you hoping for?” she asked. Jae-hwa stared plainly back at her. Min-ah sighed. “Are you trying to be friendly, sweet, enthusiastic, grateful, thoughtful, or romantic?” Min-ah asked, leaning against the counter top.
Jae-hwa perked up at the mention of romance. “Romantic,” he said, nodding. Min-ah smiled and grabbed her pen, scribbled down a few words. “How many?” she asked. Jae-hwa thought for a moment and said “a dozen.” Min-ah smiled. “Regular dozen or a baker’s dozen?” she asked cheekily. Jae-hwa smiled at her. “Make it thirteen,” he said with a shrug. Min-ah wrote that down. “Alright, thirteen red roses. I have that added to your order,” she said ripping the paper from the pad and moving to ring up his order. “And because you’re a member of the merchant class, I’m going to give you a discount,” she added.
Jae-hwa smiled at her as he watched her work. “So, how are the wedding preparations coming along?” he asked. Min-ah froze momentarily before continuing on. “Well, it’s in a week,” she said, dodging his question. Jae-hwa glanced around to make sure the shop was empty except for the two of them. “Min-ah,” he said in a low tone. “You can tell me,” he added. Min-ah hesitated before looking up at him.
“It’s just us,” he said. Min-ah’s eyes swept the room to confirm that they were indeed alone. She set her pen down and let out a sigh. “The preparations are done, I’m just…” she trailed off, looking down at the paper under her hand. “Nervous?” Jae-hwa asked. Min-ah shook her head. “Scared is more like it,” she admitted. Jae-hwa looked taken aback. “Scared? Why?” he asked, his voice full of confusion but his face full of concern. “I’ve just been wondering if this is the right choice,” Min-ah said in a small voice.
Jae-hwa was silent for a moment before he inhaled deeply. “If you aren’t sure that it’s right, then don’t go through with it,” he said simply. Min-ah let out a dry laugh. “As if it were as simple as that,” she muttered darkly. Jae-hwa leaned over the counter. “But it is,” he replied. “It is that simple, Min-ah. If you aren’t sure you want to marry Woojin, then don’t. Wait until you know for certain. Don’t do something you’ll spend the rest of your life regretting and wishing you hadn’t done.”
Min-ah forced a smile. ‘If only the world worked like that,’ she thought sadly. She finished ringing Jae-hwa up and gave him his total. “Can I pay half now and the other half when I pick up the arrangements?” he asked. Min-ah nodded, moving to start his arrangement of roses. She walked into the back, grabbing her supplies and then back into the sales area to pick out thirteen of her best roses.
“So,” Jae-hwa said, watching her as she worked. “Tomorrow’s the day, isn’t it?” he asked softly and Min-ah froze, her hands shaking slightly before she willed the thoughts away and continued working. “Yes,” she replied in a soft tone. “It is tomorrow.” Jae-hwa must have noticed the shift in her tone. “I’m sorry.” His voice was somber, genuine sympathy laced with his voice. “I shouldn’t have brought it up.”
Min-ah shook her head, forcing a smile while simultaneously forcing the lump in her throat down. “It’s quite alright,” she replied. “It’s the anniversary. Everyone knows that,” she added, trying to keep her voice even. “I just can’t believe it’s been almost ten years since it happened,” she said. Jae-hwa nodded, keeping an eye on her in case her mood turned south. 
Min-ah moved from behind the counter to grab a small bundle of baby’s breath, clusters of tiny white flowers, to use as an accent. She added them in and started securing the stems carefully. Once she finished, she took his payment, cashing it out and then wrapping the bouquet for him.
“Here you are,” she said, handing him the finished arrangement. Jae-hwa smiled at it and thanked her again. “So,” Min-ah asked, catching his gaze. “What’s that for?” she asked, nodding at the roses. Jae-hwa smiled and shook his head. “Ah, no. If I told you that,” he said, starting to back away towards the door. “I’d have to kill you.” Min-ah laughed out loud as he reached the door.
“While a rolling pin does make a very good weapon,” Min-ah said thoughtfully. “It’s far too obvious. You’d be figured out instantly,” she added. It was Jae-hwa’s turn to laugh. He opened the door, thanking her again and exiting. Min-ah started cleaning up her work space, looking up at the clock on the wall to see the time. It was getting late. She decided to start closing up for the day, knowing Woojin would be there to pick her up within the hour.
As she was misting the flowers, the bell above the door rang, signaling she had another customer. “I’ll be right there!” she called, giving the carnations a few more spritz of water before setting her mister down and wiping her hands on her apron. Min-ah walked through the doorway, into the front part of the store to see a woman looking around at flowers, stopping to inspect the petals of a few. She was dressed from head to toe in black. A high neck, long sleeve black dress, a black fur shawl, and black sunhat.
Min-ah forced a smile, ignoring her heart which was now thundering in her chest anxiously.
Lilith Foxe had come to her shop.
“Ah, Ms. Foxe,” Min-ah said, pleasantly, flexing her English skills as she walked out from behind the counter, catching the woman’s attention. Lilith Foxe was the great-granddaughter of one of the founders of Arcadia and as such, she was a notable member of society. “Miss Bang,” Lilith replied, a small but polite smile resting on her face. “I hope I’m not intruding,” Lilith added. Min-ah shook her head. “Of course not,” she said. “I’m still open for another half hour,” she added.
Deciding to get straight to the point, Min-ah asked “how may I be of service?” Lilith looked around at the flowers. “I need flowers for a grave,” she said softly. Min-ah said nothing but nodded before moving to show her a couple arrangements she made the night before. Lilith looked over them carefully. “These are lovely but do you have anything in black?” she asked. ‘This woman and her damn black!’ Min-ah smiled.
“I have some lilies,” she said beckoning Lilith over as she walked around the counter and down one of the rows. Lilith followed behind her. Min-ah pointed out the flowers she had in mind. A calla lily in a deep burgundy. “Is this the darkest you have?” Lilith asked, inspecting the flower. Min-ah nodded. “No flower is truly black,” she said as Lilith looked over the lilies again. “Dark purple is the closest you can get to black.” Lilith stood straight before nodding. “I’ll take them,” she said. Min-ah smiled and picked out a few of the flowers, leading her patron to the counter to ring her up and arrange the lilies.
After cashing her out, Min-ah worked fast and carefully to secure the lilies together. She wrapped them and handed her work to Lilith who looked pleased with her purchase. “Thank you,” she said. She reached into her purse and pulled out a small pouch. She handed it to Min-ah. “For your time,” she said. Min-ah hesitantly held out her hand and allowed Lilith to deposit the bag into her hand. “Thank you, ma’am,” she said softly. Lilith turned and headed for the door, sweeping out into the dying light without another word. Min-ah untied the pouch and looked inside. She had received a rather generous tip.
‘What an odd woman.’
Half an hour later, Min-ah was sweeping dirt and other debris out the back door when she heard a knock at the front. She set the broom down, leaning it against the wall before she headed to answer it. Woojin smiled as she let him in. “You ready?” he asked, leaning down to kiss her cheek. Min-ah nodded, returning the gesture. “Let me just finish sweeping and I’ll grab my things,” she said, rushing back to her broom. Woojin followed behind, stopping to lean against the door frame behind her and watch as she swept the dirt out onto the back patio. Behind her shop, in the rather large fenced yard was her garden.
Min-ah finished sweeping and shut the door, locking it and hanging up her broom. She moved to grab her coat, forgetting her apron still tied around her waist. Woojin let out a chuckle and moved to stand behind her. “Here,” he said softly, his hands moving to untie the apron. He pulled it from her and hung it up next to her other aprons. Min-ah let out a breathless thank you and pulled her coat on, making sure her keys were in her pocket. 
Min-ah followed Woojin through the shop, letting him out first. She turned the open sign around, indicating she was closed and shut the door behind her as she followed her fiance out. She locked the door and made sure it was secure before turning to Woojin who offered her his arm. “Shall we?” he asked. Min-ah nodded, taking his arm and following his lead as he started off through the market.
“Could we have dinner at your place tonight?” Min-ah asked suddenly, looking up at Woojin who looked at her with wide eyes. “At my place?” he asked, making sure he heard her right. She nodded. “My mother has been drinking all day,” Min-ah said softly and Woojin understood immediately. “Of course,” he said with a smile. “What about your brother?” he asked. “Sooyun will no doubt make him something,” she said softly. Woojin nodded and started in the direction of his place.
The walk took no time at all as they walked through the darkening streets. The lamp lighters were out, lighting the lamp posts as they continued on, their conversation light as they went. ‘I just don’t understand why your father didn’t pick a house in Lion Terrace,” he said, shaking his head. Min-ah shrugged. They’d had this conversation before. 
She lived in Blush Gardens, a lower district than Lion Terrace or Castle Hill but Min-ah didn’t mind. She was close to the market and her family had a very beautiful home. “It’s not that bad, Woojin,” Min-ah said as they rounded the corner and his manor came into view. “Still, I’d prefer if you moved in with me. I’d feel much better knowing you were safer here,” he said. Min-ah let out a sigh.
“It’s too premature,” she said, reminding him. Woojin approached the gate and opened it, allowing her in first. “We’re going to be married in a week, Min-ah. I don’t think anyone would object to it,” he said as he shut the gate behind him, locking it and heading up the stairs to the front door, guiding Min-ah with a supportive hand on her back. “I have plenty of rooms for you to stay in before we’re married.”
He opened the door, letting her in, following behind and shutting the door. They were greeted by his butler. “Have Eun-ja start dinner as soon as possible, Dong-hyung,” Woojin said to him. The butler nodded before taking Woojin’s coat. Min-ah felt Woojin’s hands on her shoulders to help her out of her coat and she allowed him to slip it off and handed that to Dong-hyung who then headed to put them away and no doubt have dinner started. Woojin gestured for Min-ah to start up the steps.
He led her to a room to wash up for dinner, leaving her to do so, shutting the door behind him. Min-ah looked into the mirror before her and sighed before looking down at the basin with water in it. She undid the buttons of her sleeves, pulling them back to wash her hands of any remaining traces of dirt from her activities of the day. Jae-hwa’s words repeated in her head.
‘If you aren’t sure you want to marry Woojin, then don’t. Wait until you know for certain.’ Min-ah looked back up at her reflection. Did she want to marry Woojin? Was she certain she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him? Min-ah grimaced. The honest truth was no but what choice did she really have? Her father and mother expected her to get married. 
In every aspect, Woojin was the perfect suitor. He was a rich man of status, handsome, polite, caring, and intelligent. There was a reason other women were jealous of Min-ah for her engagement. Woojin was the perfect gentleman. Min-ah should be ecstatic to be marrying such a fine man of society.
Only she wasn’t.
Sure, Woojin had been nothing but kind and generous towards her since they met but something was missing. Something Min-ah couldn’t put her finger on but it gave her serious doubts about her potential happiness with the man she was due to marry in a week. She wasn’t sure if she could go through with it. What would they say if she canceled the wedding now? Min-ah was interrupted from her thoughts by a sharp knocking on the door. She dried her hands quickly, rolling her sleeves back down and fastening the buttons. She turned to open the door and was met with Woojin’s smile. “All done?” he asked.
Min-ah nodded, stepping out of the room and heading downstairs, Woojin just behind her. The two of them entered the dining room where Woojin pulled Min-ah’s chair out for her before taking a seat next to her. The food was brought out to them, Min-ah thanking one of the servants before digging in.
She’d missed lunch and was ravenous. Woojin smiled as she ate, taking his time with his own food. “You’re always so kind to everyone,” he noted. Min-ah glanced up at him. She gave him a smile and returned to her food as he started telling her about his day. “I saw your brother at the bank,” Woojin said as he set his utensil’s down. Min-ah looked up at him, her fork in mid air as she was about to take a bite.
“You did?” she asked. Woojin nodded. “I did. I had business there today. He looked stressed,” he said. Min-ah set her fork down and sat back in her chair. ‘What has him so stressed?’ she wondered. “I’m sure it was just work,” Woojin said reassuringly. Min-ah nodded, staring at the wooden surface of the table. She didn’t hear Woojin push his chair out and get to his feet. He slowly made his way around the table, pulling out a chair next to Min-ah who looked up at him as he took a seat beside her.
“Are you finished?” he asked, nodding at her plate. Min-ah nodded and the plate was whisked away without a word. Trying to lighten the mood, she looked up at Woojin. “So, what kind of business did you have at the bank?” she asked. Woojin smiled. “I needed to pull out some money,” he said casually. Min-ah tilted her head to the side quizzically. “What for?” she asked. Woojin smiled before getting up from the table and walking over to the door. “I’ll be right back,” he said, disappearing from sight.
Min-ah sat still for a moment, waiting for him to return. A few moments later, he did, a small white gift bag in hand. He returned to sit beside her, setting the bag on the table before Min-ah. She stared at it for a moment before turning to give Woojin a bewildered look. “Open it,” he said with a chuckle. Min-ah shifted forward in her chair and started opening the bag.
She pulled the tissue paper out, setting it aside and peered inside the bag. Inside was a small square box coated in black velvet. Min-ah pulled it out and inspected it. It was flat and rectangular. She glanced up at Woojin who was watching her carefully. Min-ah threw another glance at her fiance before opening the box revealing a beautiful dainty silver chain. At the middle of it was a small charm. A small sterling silver loop with a tiny rose quartz bead in the middle, suspended. Min-ah stared in awe at the necklace.
She glanced up at Woojin, her lips parted in shock. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered. Woojin stood and took the necklace from her, walking around behind her to put the necklace on her. Once the chain was clasped together, Min-ah reached up, her fingertips brushing the delicate charm. She felt Woojin’s hands linger on her shoulders, gently massaging. “Do you like it?” he asked uncertain. Min-ah turned to look up at him. “It’s beautiful. I love it,” she said with a smile.
Woojin leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to her lips before pulling back as the chiming of a clock sounded from deep within the house. Woojin pulled his watch out and checked it. “It’s getting late,” he said, tucking the watch back in his pocket. “I need to get you home,” he said, helping Min-ah with her chair as she stood. 
Woojin led her out of the dining room and into the foyer before going to retrieve their coats. Once Min-ah was in her coat, he led her out of the house and down the front steps, unlocking the gate and escorting her back to her home in Blush Gardens. Night had fallen, with only the lamps and the light of the moon to illuminate their path. The walk took much shorter than Min-ah expected.
Soon, they were stopping outside the front door of her family’s home. Woojin pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Go on in,” he said, caressing her cheek and watching as she unlocked the door and stepped into the warm foyer of her own home. Min-ah gave him a wave as he headed down the steps and up the street, disappearing into the dark. She turned to find her father peering into the hall from the kitchen.
“Oh,” Min-ah said with a smile. “Good evening, Father,” she said, walking to greet him. Her father pulled her into a hug, a smile on his own face. “Daughter,” he said, giving her a once over. “And where are you been?” he asked. “I had dinner with Woojin,” Min-ah said, noticing the bright smile that overtook her father’s features. “Ah, good,” he said before patting her shoulder. “Well, it’s getting late,” he said.
“Go on and get ready for bed,” he said, his words interrupted by the annoying tone of his wife, slurring her words as she stumbled into the hall from the kitchen, the brown liquor in what was probably her twentieth glass of the day sloshing around and spilling onto the hardwood floors. “You’ve been at our son-in-laws?” she asked, her tone a bit louder than necessary. Min-ah forced a pleasant smile.
“That’s right, Mother,” she said before starting to turn away. “Don’t turn away from me,” her mother said but her father intervened. He turned to give her a look. “Go on upstairs. I’ll take care of your mother,” he said reassuringly. Min-ah nodded and turned away from her parents. She headed for the stairs, taking them up to the third floor. Min-ah entered her room, shutting the door and starting to strip.
She had just removed her coat when there was a knock at the door. Sooyun entered, curtseying before hurrying over to help Min-ah remove her dress and corset. “How much has she had to drink today, Sooyun?” Min-ah asked. “More drinks than I could count, ma’am,” she said softly. Min-ah heard the front door open followed by silence as Sooyun helped her into her nightgown. She grabbed a robe and walked to the door, cracking it open and peering out the crack.
She could hear her mother’s high pitched tones as she spoke in a babying tone. “Min-ki,” she cooed. ‘Min-ho,’ Min-ah thought and in an instant, she threw open her door as Min-ho was making his way upstairs. He glanced at her and gave her a faint smile. Min-ah returned it as arguing escalated between her parents. Min-ah returned to her room, bidding Sooyun a goodnight and quietly, she got into bed.
A few moments later, everything grew quiet outside Min-ah’s room, allowing her mind to finally wander. She extinguished the light beside her on the bedside table, throwing the room in darkness. Settling back into the covers, it didn’t take long for Min-ah to drift off to sleep, forgetting momentarily what tomorrow brought with it.
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bittybattybunny · 4 years ago
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It’s still the 5th on the west coast it 100% counts
Day five! In anotehr Au’s Clothes!!! You actually.. can’t see Ru well at all. he’s in the outfit he wears for Triassic Planet and Eclipse is sporting her look from the Tangled AU (end outfit)
Ficlet time~! This one’s a lil long sorryyyyy
“Don’t you look smart,” She teased as the ghost fixed the cuff sleeve with an annoyed huff.
“Ever since they lost their disguise, that nth dimension shifter keeps making weird requests,” he grumbled as he reached to mess with his hair.
“Come here I’ll put it up.” she grinned holding the bright blue hair tie.
He sighed and shifted, kneeling a tiny bit as she combed his hair. He leaned into her hand as she did, causing her to laugh.
“Prince! I can’t fix it if you just go soft!” she snickered.
“I’m sorry I like the sensation.” he huffed as she began to gather the unruly curls, “Your claws are nice when you comb it.” he admitted, “like when you play with Snatcher’s mane.” he felt his face glow as he thought about it.
“Yeah?” she paused and pursed her lips, “I guess then at least they have a decent use other than ripping rifts.” she snickered.
“Or cutting wolves.” He added with a laugh.
“Or cutting perverted nooses.”
“I asked them to knock it off.” he sighed, “Are they still making comments?”
“Not at me but I overheard them talking to Hattie.” she huffed. She finished pulling his hair up, “there we go!” she beamed.
He stood up and brushed a strand off his shoulder, “Thank you. Normally I don’t mind it loose but I feel this weird outfit needs it out of the way. I just…” he scowled, “Have a lot of hair.”
“You do!” she laughed, “But it’s pretty and soft~!”
He covered his face embarrassed, “Not as nice as yours… mines just….” he sighed. “I sometimes wish I wasn’t a shade.”
“Oh?” she asked curiously.
“I.... normally I’m fine with it but some days…” He looked at her and gripped his chest, “If we met when I was alive…” he sighed and shook his head.
“Maybe we have!” she laughed as she went to open the garment bag Craft had left for her, “I wouldn’t know! I have no memories of my past! Well. I have bits and parts. And Papa said I am two years younger than you! And I’m from Solgario! So maybe we did!”
She frowned, “How.. Do I even put this on?” she pulled out the gown that shimmered with silvers and blues. She frowned, “Prince what do I do with this?”
He choked a bit looking at it, “Are they being funny?!” he shifted to help fully remove the intricate gown with a shocked expression, “T-This is a royal gown?!”
“Oh?” she tilted her head, “So they want me to dress like a princess?” she scrunched her nose, “are they mocking you?”
“I wonder….” he scowled with a heavy sigh and hung his head, “I can help you put it on. I used to help Vanessa sometimes.”
She turned a bit red, “Mmhm… I just… I don’t think---?!?!” she huffed as he pinched and pulled on her cheek with a scowl, “I-I’m not being negative!!!”
“You were going to say you don’t think you fit a princess weren’t you?” he huffed, “What. Have. I. Said.” he scolded.
He let go and she rubbed the spot tenderly with a pout, “But I’m just an idiot wolf…”
“A very pretty idiot wolf.” he smiled. Looking at the gown again he sighed, “Come on, sooner we show them the outfits sooner we can put our normal clothing back on.” 
He knew he was blushing as he looked at the outfit, “I… want to see you in it… we can even take a picture for Snatcher…” he chewed his knuckle as he thought about it, “Shame they had me dressed as a scientist… If I was in my normal outfit the two...of...us…would maybe…. Look...like a...” he shook his head and gave a loud laugh, “Anyhow let’s get this over with!”
“R-Right!” she huffed as she looked at it. She frowned as she began to strip down to her underwear, the grey stretchy material clinging to her as she took the gown, “Do I go under the skirt or?” she huffed.
“It’s in parts.” he helped shift it, “we’ll put this underskirt on first. Just step into it,” he explained.
She nodded taking it to pull it up and frowned, “this is going to be a pain to move in!” she fretted.
“Yeah…. Our clothing was more for showing status than moving. I hated my formal clothing. My casual was odd but I could at least run.” he laughed.
“Even with the heels?” she asked innocently, causing him to turn yellow and look away. She giggled as he handed her the next part, “Undershirt?”
“Yes.” He helped with the strings in the back, “Corset is next…. Have you worn one before?”
“Only costume ones for Craft.” she flinched when his cold hand touched her waist as he helped with the shirt. She felt her face grow hot, “S-Sn.. I mean, so how many layers is this?”
“Looks like they simplified it so about 3ish.” he admitted as he unlaced the corset, “Arms up. This may hurt a little since you’re unused to it. Gods know Vanessa despised the corset some days but it’s needed to help the gown stay up.”
She gulped and did as instructed. She tensed as he moved behind her, brushing her hair over her shoulder.
“Alright. Brace.” he grit his teeth and pulled on the laces. She squeaked as it tightened and gasped. 
He scowled, “yeah I know. I’ve worn one too.”
She gave a small laugh as he finished tying it up and patted her back.
“All set.” he huffed. He stared at her as she stood in the undergarments and corset. Even though he’d seen her in her underwear plenty of times, normally when forcing her to wash her clothes, he couldn’t help turning a bright yellow as his eyes trailed the dip in her side as the corset fit her. She turned around and he yelped as he accidentally looked right down. He forgot corsets did that.
He coughed to regain his composure, “O-Okay let’s put the actual gown bit on.”
He took the outfit and noticed his shaking hands, “A-arms up.” he instructed. He just needed to finish getting her dressed, then he’d be fine. Right?
She huffed arms up as he helped pull it over her head. She fixed her hair, letting the silver fluff behind her as she moved to fix the sleeves and such. She looked at herself with a small frown, “Hrmph.”
Snatcher could only look at her a little slack jaw, he covered his mouth and looked away, “it fits.”
“Mmhm. Well, Craft knows my siz---”
“No I mean… it fits... You… you look good…” he covered his mouth as he looked at her shyly. He moved closer walking around her. He knelt in front of her with a smile and took her hand kissing it lightly. “You look amazing, my lunar princess.” he smiled.
She turned bright red, the shorter parts of her hair fluffing up in shock at his gesture, “S-Sn--Stop T-Teasing me!” she gasped when he stood up and scooped her up. She yelped and gripped his shirt as she looked up at him with wide eyes. She buried her face in his shoulders with a pout.
He laughed as he spun around holding her, “I guess that nth shifter has some good ideas….”
“Typically.” Craft leaned in the treehouse, leaning on a patchwork covered hand, “Glad to see it fits.” they smirked, “Too bad Snatcher isn’t here.” they sneered looking right at the ghost.
Snatcher scowled a bit as he set Eclipse down.
She huffed, “H-He’d tease me more than P-Prince does!”
“I’d say he’d most likely get the ghost version of turned on. Or I hope he does.” the shifter pulled up into the house and dusted off. They walked around both, before giving a proud smirk, “God I am good!” they laughed.
“Are you?” snatcher scowled.
“Well, judging from the color on both your faces, mission semi accomplished. But considering ‘Snatcher’ isn’t here then it’s another failure.” they sighed.
“W-What does that mean?!” the prince tensed up angrily.
“Oh nothing.” the shifted huffed and took Eclipse’s hands spinning her to see how the gown behaved, “Hrm. maybe this fabric is too heavy. I want it to flow a bit more when she dances.”
“Maybe you aren’t dancing right.” Snatcher sighed and stood beside them. He held a hand out which Eclipse took with a laugh. “You’re a nine-foot pile of ooze. Let me dance with her.”
“I think it’s heavy.” she admitted, “I don’t mind layers but.” she huffed, “I can’t move like I want to.” 
She held the prince’s hands as he began to dance with her, gown flowing with their movements, “See? Moves fine with traditional dancing.” he huffed.
The shapeshifter frowned, hand up to their face in thought, “Hrm. Yeah but I still want more flow. I want it almost like she’s underwater with how it ripples.” they scratched the back of their head and removed their hood with a sigh.
“I don’t think you can do that with this style dress, Craft.” She laughed as she danced. She felt her foot catch the rug and gasped as she fell into the ghost’s chest causing them both to flush. She pulled away and fixed her hair with a small squeak.
Craft watched and sighed again shaking their head back and forth, “Well. I’ve never backed down from a challenge!” they grinned, 7 eyes alight with mirth, “Just you wait! Anyhow, thanks for wearing them again!” they pulled their phone out, “Hold still.”
The two smiled as the shifter snapped a photo and put their phone away, “Alright I am gonna head back to Birdopolis, Connie dear is going to blow a gasket if I’m not on set again. Honestly it’s not like the owls WEAR most the costumes I make. They just DRESS like that...” the ink on their features shifted as they took human form and kissed Eclipse’s cheek, “Enjoy taking the outfit off as much as on.” they teased before heading out in a flurry of feathers.
She stood there slack jaw, “W-what does that mean?! C-Craft!?” She shouted in a huff. She stared at the sky where the owl-shaped shapeshifter had already vanished from view. She gave a heavy sigh before she turned to see Snatcher holding his face.
“Ah.. Did the prince leave?” she tilted her head with a pursed expression.
The ghost fluffed up, “Y-Yeah. Had something to do…” he lied and used his tail to hide the discarded clothing he’d slithered out of in his shock.
She sighed but made a small noise when the ghost touched her cheek. She gave a small smile, “Do you like it?” she asked leaning into his hand.
He grinned and kissed her cheek, “You look decent.” he cackled.
“I’ll take it.” she laughed.
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m0mmat0rtle · 4 years ago
Her Voice
Chapter four
Warnings: non
Words: 834
<Chapter Three
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The second calypso entered her shared room with her eleven other sisters the chatter between them instantly died. All eleven girls froze to stare at her and whisper as she walked to her bed by the window. The white sheets were soft under her touch and comforted her. Caroline, the eldest, sighed as she watch the youngest sister. She had always acted like the girl's mother ever since their true mother, Queen Dalia, was tragically lost to them. Carolina crossed the room and walked over to Calypsos and sat next to the youngest sister. She instantly picked up Calypso's silver hair brush that rested on a bedside table and began brushing Calypso's long golden hair. "You really should have been more careful, Calypso. You know how much father worries." The mute girl didn't respond. Slowly the conversations between the other girls began to start back up. "Be more careful next time, okay?" Caroline added, dragging the cold brush through her hair. "And please stay within the palace gates." Caroline stated and Calypso's eyes drifted to the window as her sister spoke. She could see the courtyard and the palace gardens. That's when her eyes widened. She could see the same clone troopers from before, waiting idly in the palace gardens as their Jedi spoke with the senator about her meeting. Her eyes searched for find that one clone who could understand her sign language. Kix. Her eyes quickly found him. She turned to her sister and began to sign to her. "Have Miss Turner draw me a bath and prepare my gowns." She informed her. "I want to spend some time in the garden."
The warm soapy water relaxed all of Calypso's tense joints. All the anxieties melted away as the smell of sweet perfumes filled the air. "So missy, what's gotten in to you? Why do you want to go out into the garden's all of a sudden? You usually only prefer to spend spring time in the gardens, not the heat of summer?" Miss Turner asked as she poured a basin of water over Calypso's soapy hair. "Friends in the garden." She signed to her quickly. "Friends?" Miss Turner replied with a raised brow. "These 'friends' wouldn't happen to be those fine clone men you were talking to earlier today, would it?" This time Calypso only responded with a shrug and the maid laughed. "Oh Miss Calypso. Do be careful with your feelings towards such men. They are not for the finer sides of royalty such as yourself." That was the painful truth. She was right. But Calypso couldn't stop thinking of the way that one clone looked at her. How his honey hazel colored eyes looked into hers. Calypso had to see him again she just had to. "Now, your majesty, I did take the freedom to pick out one of your favorite gowns. The blue one with the seashell and flower prints." Miss Turner said as she gestured to the folded clothes by the tub. "Now I suggest we get you all dolled up for these men that seem to be your 'friends'." Miss Turner added with a wink as she helped the girl out of the large tub.
The white shift hung loosely from Calypso's body as her maid helped her dress in her fine clothes. Miss Turner helped the white petticoat over her shoulders and down to her waist where she secured it by tying its silk ribbons around her waist. The next part was not as enjoyable for Calypso and was also her least favorite part. She took in a deep breath as her maid helped her fasted a pale blue corset around her waist and covering her bust. It was tied tightly in the back and made it difficult for the girl to breathe. Next a brown hip pad was added, tied over the corset and around her waist. Calypso didn't care for this much either but it was part of her favorite gown and according to her sisters these things were "the keys to modern fashion on Atla." A second cream colored petticoat was added to her ensemble and Miss Turner made quick work out of tying it around her waist. A third and final light blue petticoat was added and also secured around her waist. Calypso was growing quite tired of the lengthy dressing process but she knew by the time it reached her third petticoat it was nearly over. Finally the decorative part of the gown, pattered with tiny sea shells and delicate flowers, was added over top of the other layers and pinned along her corset to secure it. Miss Turner then moved on to the golden hair of the princess which she had curled into pin curls. She gathered up all the delicate curls and fastened her hair behind her with a decorative barrette. "There you are princess." She said before handing her a small silk fan as an accessory but also for the intense heat. "As pretty as a peach."
Chapter Five>
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princessozera · 4 years ago
Not OM, I just wanted to post here the first ever fic I actually wrote and published
The Only Exception
 (Aged up/Older Damian Wayne x OC)
The seats are filled, the air is comforting, music and perfume floating in the air. Today Rosella Anderson is to be wed to Damian Wayne. But, weddings never quite go according to plan. Talia and Ra's Al Ghul have made it clear they don't like her, on multiple occasions. But with no less than 50 trained fighters and investigators on both sides of the aisle, nothing can interrupt or ruin her special day...... Right?
Chapter 1: Getting Married Today
"Come on, suck it in!"
       "I HAVEN'T EVEN EATEN TODAY!" I whined as Alice yanked the ribbons on my corset tighter.
       "WATCH IT!" Crystal swats away Alice's hands and undoes the ribbons a bit. "Suffocate her and she doesn't make it down the aisle, pack her like a sausage and my hours of makeup will have gone to waste!" She huffed and finish tying the ribbons, satisfied that they weren't too tight.
       "I don't think I ever really appreciated the amount of work it takes to make curly hair not be frizzy," Barbra Gordon says between sips of champagne, lounging on the hotel bed.
       "That's why I don't do my hair that often," I laugh, sitting on an ottoman so Alice can put my veil on and Crystal can help me put on my garter. My maid of honor, Cassandra Cain, came over and tried to feed me some fruit slices. I tried to argue, but I couldn't hold my own as she stared me down. I let her feed me some cantaloupe slices until she was satisfied and went off to finish getting ready.
       "You really are a queen today!" Stephanie laughed as she walked around the room again, holding a video recorder. I tried to hide my face, but she grabbed my hand and swung it around. "A beautiful princess for Gotham's own prince! Tell us, your majesty, how are you feeling, about to be married off to Gotham's richest stone statue?" The girls laughed but I just shook my head at her. "Me, Tim, and Dick are making a documentary for you two. Any words for the lucky man? Anything you want to say to your future self, your family, your future kids? " Whistles and laughs went around the room and I couldn't help but blush.
       "Well, let's take this one step at a time," I laughed to hide my own embarrassment. "Damian," I started, looking directly into the camera, "I don't believe in love at first sight, but damn did we square up on first sight. Not many people can say they had a full on MMA fight with their future spouse within minutes of meeting them. Yet, after that whole fiasco was solved, you've never been anything but gentle with me. People always said we wouldn't last; lava and ice. Water and a drought. Incompatible. But you were the first to look past who I had to be, to see who I was trying to be. You brought me a family, and I like to think I've brought you some serenity. I don't believe in destiny, and I'm not too sure about fate, but I believe in us. I believe that I'll fight for you until the end of time because you'd do the same for me. Because you are my home, and there's no place I'd rather be." I get choked up, wanting nothing more than to have him in my arms right now. I missed him like hell, even though it's only been 2 days since I've seen him.
       "This isn't the time to start reciting your wedding vows silly," Cass said and I couldn't help but giggle. She wipes away the tears that I hadn't felt form, making sure to not mess with my mascara. Stephanie sighs happily and puts the camcorder down, reaching over to hug me.
       "I'm so glad I get to be your sister," she whispered to me, and I hugged back tighter. We both jerked in surprise at the knock at the door. I immediately reached for my bag, looking for my well-worn notebook, but Cass's hand steadied me. Barbra got up, fixed her dress and went over to the door.
       "Who is-" She stiffens up immediately, hand pulling back from the handle. "It's Talia." Stephanie immediately got in front of me, and I grabbed Cass's hand as she reached for her own bag, searching for her gun. I'd never told my friends about Talia, but they took the hint found their way to their respective bags, throwing knives and whips at the ready. Truthfully, I was finding it a little hard to breathe and I doubt it was the dress. The knock came again, more insistent, but no one moved.
       "It's your call Rose," Barbra said, her eyes never leaving the door.
       "Let her in," I tug on Cass's arm and she helps me stand up. "If she wanted me offed, she would have gotten someone else to do it. Or at least she wouldn't have knocked." Crystal and Alice look between all of us in alarm and decide to take the window as Stephanie goes to back up Babs by the door. The door opens, and there stands Talia, as beautiful and regal as ever. She glances over everyone before finally meeting my eyes.
       "Lady Al Ghul, please come in. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I said, fidgeting with my dress. She steps in, nodding to Babs and Stephanie.
         "I'd like to have a word with you before the ceremony," She says, running her hand along the wet counter cluttered with makeup. "Alone," She said with a pointed look when no one moved. That harsh edge was enough to get everyone to cover or flank me again. She didn't respond to this, simply staring at me. I put my hand on each girl's back, one by one.
       "Go, I'll be fine. We'll be right here," Babs stares me down, but I nod back. She caves and starts to leave; Alice, Crystal and eventually Stephanie following behind, after she grabs something off the bed. Cass refused to move.
       "Do I need to remind you that you can barely move your waist in that monstrous dress? She'd get to you before any of us were the wiser," She whispered in my ear, holding my arm pretty tightly. I wormed my way out of her grasp and grabbed the worn notebook from my bag.
       "I promise, it'll be fine. Anyways, I forgot there were 2 more things I needed to do," I flipped through the pages quickly, finding what I needed and handing it to her. "If you could please take care of it? You should be done by the time we're done talking and we can head to the venue." Cass read through it quickly, then looked at me again. She gave a curt nod and walked out as well.
       "We'll be right outside," Babs says pointedly before closing the door. Talia and I stood in silence for a moment, before she slowly stalked towards me until she was less than 6 feet away.
       "Lady Al-"
       "Your still not worthy of my son." oop. Right to the point, as always. Can't say it didn't hurt.
       "You're a commoner, a nobody. No title, no land, not even superior health to your name. You failed classes in high school, went to college on scholarships, and couldn't land a proper role in your field until a year in. Failure, after pitfall, after failure." JESUS CHRIST THIS LADY DID HER RESEARCH. My face burned in humiliation, but nothing I could say now would justify everything she just listed out. "And yet... Damian loves you."
             "I may not like you, but I know how I raised him, and Bruce has done a good job of bringing up a boy worth more than the names he was born into. Wayne. Al Ghul. Damian. I will have faith in his choice, he is not a stupid boy. Foolish and stubborn yes, but not stupid. If he thinks you are worthy, there may be hope for you yet." holy shit, no way, is this actually happening? I'm too stunned to say anything, just grateful that my mouth isn't hanging open.
       "When you return from your honeymoon I expect you to face me in a formal duel and undergo training as necessary," she puts her hands on her hips, challenging me to argue with her, but I was so happy I had to restrain myself from hugging her.
       "It would be an honor to battle you Lady Al Ghul," I say, finding my tongue, stifling my giddiness with a bow, and a hand over my chest.
       "Talia is also acceptable." She says with a nod, taking another step forward and adjusting the skirt of my dress and finally my veil before turning starting to walk back to the door. "My father and I will also be in attendance to this event, but if you ever wish to gain even an ounce of his approval, you'll need to do another more traditional ceremony at a later date." My heart swelled, and for a second, I legitimately thought I was going to break down crying. This was better than anything I could have prepared for. I couldn't just let her walk out like that.
       "Damian'll be elated!" I yelled out to keep my voice from cracking. Talia stops, and I gush on. "I know you haven't had the easiest of relationships, with conflicting ideology and all, but he really does love you, and Ra's, even if he doesn't say it. He looks up to you guys and wants to make you proud. You being here will mean the world to him." I force myself to stop talking before I say something weird or bad. Talia turns back to me, walks up swiftly, and hugs me. I'm stiff in surprise, but manage to hug her back before she gives me one last nod and walks out. Everyone runs back in the second Talia is out.
       "Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere?" Babs immediately grabs my arms and starts inspecting me up and down for any sign of injury.
       "Don't cry don't cry!" Alice pleads with me, fanning my face to prevent the tears from falling.
       "Talia hugged her, check her back and skirt for anything weird," I look over to Stephanie, who was staring down at her camcorder. Had she left that hidden on the bed? I didn't even notice. But it was so sweet. I could show Damian later all the sweet words his mother said about him.
       "Jesus, you're so teary today," Cass mumbles as she does her own inspection of my dress. When she's done, she sees my tears are of joy, so she hugs me. "Your journal's impressive," she says handing back my heart covered notebook. I'm still choked up and trying not to bawl in relief so once everyone was satisfied that I wasn't going to drop dead in the middle of the aisle, they sat me down so I could calm down while they finished up. I collected myself, the extremity of these emotions leaving me exhausted. I drifted off with the warm glow of my friend's laughter and love filling the air.
       "No way, you did not fall asleep!"
       "Get up get up get up!"
       "Cass, I'm fully warning you right now. If she falls asleep at the ceremony like this, I'm throwing my bouquet at her head"
       "You might have to beat Stephanie to it," Cass giggles, as she gently shakes me awake. I take a second to reorient myself, blinking the drowsiness out of my eyes, and stretching.
       "Ooh, we could coordinate it though!" Stephanie perks up, "if she falls asleep; Alice and Crystal, take your flowers and make it rain, and then Babs, Cass and I hit her in the head. Guaranteed it'll wake her up!" We all laugh and I get up, taking a minute to appreciate my beautiful friends. It was a debated choice, but the deep purple fit everyone perfectly. We did have to make a few adjustments to Stephanie's overall look though, to keep her from looking too similar to her alter ego, Spoiler. Bouquet in every pair of hands, key cards in garter wallets and phones on silent, we made our way down to the venue.
         "We're only running 10 minutes behind, it couldn't be helped," Babs tries to calm my nerves as I all but start jumping in the elevator. Cass also had to put a hand on my waist to pull me back when I almost ran to my place. She escorted me around to the side doors; the girls and I were coming in from the right, Damian and his groomsmen were coming in from the left. He had wanted to avoid any issue of who should walk him down the aisle; I thought it was cute how he couldn't choose between Dick and Bruce. Cass and I were slow dancing to calm my nerves when the rest of the girls came back.
       "Pianist and minister are ready" -Babs
       "Decorations are gorgeous and on point, everyone is in their seat and there are no fussy children" -Alice
       "Lights, audio and AC are perfect and photographers are also ready" - Crystal.
       I nodded, yes, everything was going smoothly. Of course, I had used everything I had when planning this. I was floating on cloud nine, simply nodding along when Babs spoke up.
       "Has anyone seen Stephanie?" she asks, grip tightening on her bouquet. No one knew so we all just waited around for 5 minutes, everyone starting to get fidgety. Stephanie came back, 10 minutes later, looking a little out of breath and a bit pale, even under her makeup.
       "Ok so there's a situation,- the guys are running late but it's okay they're o their way, they'll be here in 20 minutes!" Stephanie sped through the second half of her sentence when she saw that I was going to panic. I breathed out in relief and nodded, satisfied.
       "I'll make the announcement, Dick probably went overboard trying to do his hair again," Babs snickered and headed into the ceremony hall. We played a light game of ninja as we waited to hear from the guys, but I soon became hyper-aware of time passing. I don't have the best perception of time, I don't even have a good memory, but I caught the looks my bridesmaids were giving each other. 
The questioning looks. 
The worry. 
         I let myself get kicked out of the next round and walked a little ways off, pulling my phone out and calling the number I knew by heart, ignoring the time that read that I was now almost 40 minutes late to my own wedding. The phone rang 3 times, and I turned away from my girls who were really getting into this game, rooting for Cass or Alice to win.
       "Damian!" I sighed in relief when the line clicked. "hey, how much longer do you think you guys will be in traffic? If it's going to be another while, I can have it arranged so snacks and drinks are handed out so no one gets restless. I could also give the pianist a break, he's been playing the same chorus on repeat for the last half hour-" I let my voice trail off as I was met by a stone wall of silence. Not even a joke from Dick or Tim or Duke. I waited him out, after a minute of silence, Damian spoke up.
       "I'm sorry beloved, I can't do this."
         "What?" I asked, but my voice was so thin and breathy I doubt he heard me.
       "I can't go through with this. This marriage, this wedding. It's all a joke. Who even cares about this mess? It's all so... stupid. Pointless."   not a hint of hesitation, voice more ruthless than I had ever heard it.   No. No way. was he serious!? I struggled to find my words, I shook with the pure effort of breathing normally even though I felt like I was having an actual heart attack; tight chest, palpitations, the whole 9 yards. Tremors ran through my body and I finally managed to choke out "Damian-"
       "Goodbye Rosella" the line clicked off and I take a shuddering breath.
       "Rose?" Cass says, gently putting a hand on my shoulder.
       "He's not coming."
          "He's not coming!" I shriek, clutching my waist to stop my stomach from churning but to no avail; at least I didn't have much of lunch to throw up.
           "What do you mean he's not coming!" Babs demands, yelling from where she was
          We all turn and there stands Jason, looking uncomfortable as hell and very much like he didn't want to be here. That confirmed it for everyone. Alice, Crystal, and Babs started yelling questions at Jason. Stephanie pulled out her own phone and started dialing a bunch of numbers but it seemed like no one was answering. Cass tried to speak with me, but my ears were ringing, it all sounded like white noise. And I felt cold. but hot. but freezing. I raise my hand and draw everyone's attention, all becoming deadly silent.
             "Alice, Crystal. please go tell the pianist, the minister, and the photographer. Give them my email so I can settle up the charges later. Stephanie and Cass, please go see if we can keep the party reservations for tonight. Everyone else should enjoy them, even if there is no.... Barbra, could you please break the news that I... we..." everything got really blurry for a second and the floor rushed up to meet me, but I caught myself on the table before I could pass out completely.
Not here, not in front of them. Don't put them through a breakdown.
               Everyone was fussing, but I couldn't stand here for another second. "Go. I just want to be alone. Please. go. GO!" I yelled and they all dispersed, shooting me worried looks. Cass gave me a long hug before she decided I needed a moment alone.
           "Don't move from here." She instructed me. "Go get the guys," she demanded to Jason before going off. Jason looked at me sadly, trying to find the right words to say.
          "Please leave." he walked away without another word. Once I was sure he was out of earshot, I ran with everything I had out of the hallway.
Pardon me is everybody there
 because if everybody's there id like to thank you all for coming to the wedding
 I appreciate you going even more
 I mean you must have had better things to do.
 Thank you all for the gifts and the flowers, 
Thank you all, now it's back to the showers 
but I guess I'm not getting married today
       The perfume is suffocating, overly sweet, fake as plastic, thick as sugar. I can't breathe, but I don't need air to run. Don't stop, move. Move. Move. The ribbons are strangling me. The garter is cutting off my circulation. Gloves are hurting me.  High heels, weak ankles. My rolls of fat spilling out of the dress. rolls and rolls and rolls and rolls and rolls.  can't stand. can't wait, I throw open the door to the stairs and take them in 3s.
Listen, everybody, 
look, I don't know what you're waiting for.
 A wedding. What's a wedding? 
It's a prehistoric ritual 
Where everybody promises fidelity forever,
 Which is maybe the most horrifying word I ever heard of, 
Which is followed by a honeymoon, where suddenly he'll realize
 He's saddled with a nut, and want to kill me, which he should. 
Thanks a bunch, but I'm not getting married
               I scream as my veil gets caught in the handrail, yanking my head back, falling down a couple of stairs. No question, I rip it off. It stings, it hurts, bobby pins forcefully ripped out. The shoes go too, heels are stupid, why are they so tall. Tall and tall and make my knees wobbly. The taller they are the harder they fall. Up the stairs, 3 at a time, legs on fire. Don't stop, don't stop, hike the dress up and keep running all the way to the 50th floor.
Go have lunch, 'cause I'm not getting married
You've been grand, but I'm not getting married
Don't just stand there, I'm not getting married
But I'm not getting married today.
       I slam open the hotel room door, to hell with neighbors. Suffocating, burning, melting heat. I rip off the gloves, scream as I can't get the ribbons out of my dress. I scream, jump, squirm and throw myself around until it finally comes off.
He didn't come. shut up.
He didn't want to. SHUT THE HELL UP
       I felt everything to an extreme degree. Too much. Why am I breathing so heavily? Why am I sweating bullets!? I throw my hair up in a ponytail, yank the garter off, tripping over my own two feet. My phone falls next to my head and the only thing I can think to do is to throw it into the toilet. I grab my honeymoon bag- no, my emergency bag that happened to have cute clothes instead of food, and switch into my leggings and a t-shirt. It's all I had. It's all I could ask for.
Go! Can't you go?
Why is nobody listening?
Goodbye! Go and cry
At another person's wake.
If you're quick, for a kick
You could pick up a christening
But please, on my knees,
There's a human life at stake!
        I'm parkouring down the stairs, jumping entire sections, falling on knees, but ignoring the pain to jump again. Emergency phone in one hand, I order the uber, start the bank transaction, even though I have to read everything 10 times for it to make sense. What do? where go? don't know. not here. One bad jump and I collapsed entirely, but as I scrambled to throw everything back in my bag, I see the plane tickets. yes. away. out. not here. leave.
Go! Can't you go?
Look, you know I adore you all
But why watch me die
Like Eliza on the ice?
Look, perhaps I'll collapse
In the apse right before you all
So take back the cake
Burn the shoes, and boil the rice
       Out of the stairway, but slammed into a wall. Around the corner, Alice and Babs and Crystal and Jason and Stephanie and Cass and Bruce and Selina and Duke and Tim and Dick and Alfred.
Remember when you first met them? He swore he'd protect you but that they'd love you. please stop! I begged myself, think of anything, anything but him. anything but this. Get out, then we can cry, but not here, not now.  I watched them split up, so I hid behind a corner farther back. Steph and Cass took up the stairs. Everyone else was gone so I ran out the back door. Out of the hotel, away from the perfume, away from the flowers, the candles, the dresses. From them.  And by some small miracle, the car was already here. I jump in, only taking a second to notice that it was, in fact, an uber.
       "Hello, ma'am! How are-"
       "Please! Just go!" my voice breaks and the tears start up again. I brush them aside furiously/ doing everything in my power not to start sobbing, but he listens to me and speeds off.
(A twist on this song that actually inspired this whole fic)
Chapter 2: On The Run
I'm going to kill him
Why didn't he show up?
How fucking dare he
Was it something I did?
I was nervous too bitch; I drank a shot of tequila and sucked it up!
Was it something HE did? Was Talia lying? Did Ra's kidnap Damian? Why did the boys wait to tell us? Did Stephanie know that something was up? Do any of them even-
       "Ughhhh," I groaned audibly as my thoughts and emotions started to run together. It had been a while since anything left me this.... discombobulated. Exhausted. A mess. I'd almost forgotten how awfully I reacted to being overwhelmed and out of control. The uber driver shot me a curious look but didn't say anything. Keep it together Rosella. Just, go home and.. I flinched, chagrined at my own stupidity. "Get somewhere safe" I amended under my breath, "and then you can have as big of a breakdown as you want. Just, be a stone again. Close it all out. Suppress the fire, drown the noise." I rubbed my eyes, the dry burn giving me the weirdest throbbing headache.
        The ride to the airport was stiff, to say the least. My driver kept trying to talk to me, but my responses were so dry he gave up. He didn't question the extra stop at the bank, even while he waited outside for half an hour while I verified with tellers inside that I was, in fact, the owner of the account and that I was draining it. 
Erase your tracks. You were never here. Are you even alive? 
         Still, we got to the airport as quickly as I could have hoped for and made sure to give him a large tip for his troubles.  I walked through the airport, undoubtedly looking like some pompous bitch with only a stone face and backpack, my actual suitcase left behind in my whirlwind out. I only had some snacks, a Nintendo ds, some stationary things, deodorant, and a toothbrush. I hadn't even remembered to grab my disposable water bottle, toothpaste, or hair brush before leaving. Whatever.
        It was almost flawless. I bypassed the checked bag lines, slid right through TSA (bless you TSA Pre-check), although I did get some looks when they checked my bag. I guess overall I looked like I should be getting on a school bus instead. I sat down at a cafe and pulled out the tickets, 2 first class tickets to Malaga, Spain.
        I'd set up our honeymoon as a complete surprise to Damian. Bruce and the boys had worked so hard to help me clear out a whole month from his schedule. I'd gone through hell and back to make sure all of my project managers could handle any situation that could happen either in making or transporting our different projects out... We were supposed to be jumping cities for a month in Europe. Cities with small populations, so we could avoid drawing attention, but full of gorgeous architecture and delicious food for me; significant art history and cultural relevance for Damian.
       It's going to be a technical nightmare to cancel all of those reservations and getting the tickets switched and sold. Do people even actually do that? But I have to, I don't know where I'm going but I don't want any of them to tra- SHIT. My head snaps up and one quick look around tells me I'm already too late. I spot 5 cameras easily.
       I grab my things and head over to a gift shop. I grab bunches of clothes and accessories off of the shelves, hurrying off to pay and doing my best to avoid cameras now as I sneak off into the restroom. I throw on some atrocious sundress, flats, and a baseball cap, flipping my hair twice in an attempt to make it look like a pixie cut. For a second I consider actually finding something sharp to hack my hair off. 
         I need you to not be a social breakdown cliche for a minute, it took you years to properly grow those curls out. Please don't waste my efforts. Yeah, it's for the better, I look like Dora the Explorer with short hair anyway. Tim wouldn't sell me out to Damian, right? LMAOO he bailed at the wedding you really think he wants to hunt you down?? Or what if Tim wants to find me? Or anyone else? Damian's pretty good at following people. Even then, Babs, Cass, Roy are competent hackers, any of them could find my data and track me down... Are any of them even on my side?... I couldn't help but let out a whimper. I pursed my lips, placing my hands on the cold sink to calm myself. What's my plan anyways? I can't go to any of the cities in Europe where I already have reservations. Too easy. I could go to the Netherlands...
        "But Damian knows where I lived there, because of the time we visited my friends," I sigh out loud, facepalming. "But not entirely a bad idea..."  I say as I start flipping through the different cities I've lived through. Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Croatia, Portugal, Malta,  Romania, Hungary, Austria, are all out. We'd either been there or they were part of the honeymoon plan. I didn't want any reminder of him.
         Actually, all of Europe is out. I've raved about it too much. We've been too many places, we both had too many ties scattered throughout Europe. I can't speak Russian, Talia and Ra's have connections all across the middle east, and the north half of Africa. Jason and Cass had some unexplainable ties across north and south america. With every city I named, I hated myself more for talking so much. For trusting him with these memories.
      Honeysuckle kisses on cotton candy memories.
       shut up. 
      Isn't there ANYWHERE I've lived and worked that my big mouth hadn't mentioned? As I was starting to get desperate and the headache started acting up again, I found actually ecstatic relief. That would be actually literally perfect. God bless my forgetful memory. The apartment I'd never sold. The country I actively avoided talking about because Damian would get jealous.
      I snuck out of the bathrooms and headed over to customer service. I had to work my way past a large group of people. Overhearing snippets of conversation, apparently, their flight is somewhere between delayed or canceled. Inspiration hit me. Give the ticket to someone here. Send them to Spain, let them stay at the hotel. He could follow a cold lead. This would give me enough time to go to one country and get a ticket to where I actually wanted to go. 
     I look around the group. Too many were in pair or more. Some looked very buisness-y type. There! A girl who looked like a backpacker was chilling, glancing through her phone. You're going to sound absolutely mental. I approach her nevertheless. I pitched her my idea, but she was rightfully skeptical. I swallowed my pride and told her a cold version of the truth. 
     "My fiancee left me at the altar. I'm going to Mongolia. I don't want his ticket, I don't want the hotel. Either take it or I'll give it to someone else. Or let it go to waste. I don't care. I don't want it. I'll even pay the name change charge." The anger in my voice came out clear, and by another miracle, she accepted it. We walked over to the help desk and I spoke with the dude behind the counter. He seemed hesitant at first, but he gave me a double take when he checked my reservations. With a brighter smile, he got me on the first flight he could to Mongolia.
       "Will that be for both tickets Mrs.Wayne?" He asked cheerfully before reeling back, caught off guard by my watering eyes.
       "Anderson. And no," I managed to spit out. I signaled for the girl from earlier to come closer. "I'm transferring the other ticket to her, we need to get the name changed." He looked uncertain but went ahead. If he was accommodating before, I could tell he was bending over backwards now to get everything situated. I could see his concentration as he tried to bypass things without having to question me again.
       "Umm, your profile says you've actually been to Belgium before, how was it?" he asked, trying to lighten the mood.
       "Beautiful and quaint. Great place to relax and enjoy nature if that's your thing. I'd recommend Lithuania too, or Leinchestein." I say, trying to keep a light tone. He nodded happily, seeming to take my recommendations seriously before handing the girl the new plane tickets. We thanked him and headed off on our respective paths, the girl taking a minute to hug me.
       " I hope you can heal soon, and wish you a bright future" she whispered to me. I hugged back, trying not to cry again. She bought me a bag of peach gummy rings and left me at my terminal. I dropped some calls out to friends, blessed that they all decided to take one or more of the reservations around Europe I'd had. I kept the details to a minimum but they figured out pretty quickly not to mention me to Damian if they happened to see him. Some small part of me, thankfully more aware than the rest had the foresight to call some utility companies and get everything at my apartment working again. 
       The help desk attendant worked miracles, my nonstop flight boarded less than an hour later and I had managed to keep a first class seat. I sat down and started doodling nonsense in my journal, blasting music in my headphones. But around 6 hours into this 19-hour flight, exhaustion overcame me and I drifted off to sleep.
       "Beloved," Damian sighed as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "It's almost 11, we need to get out of bed," he murmured into my hair.
       "Nooooooo" I whined, stretching further into the sunlight. The doors were ajar, a nice breeze keeping us cool. I snuggled into him. "We're on a vacation, orders from Bruce. And on vacation, you can stay in bed all day."
       "But there might be monsters nearby-" He said mysteriously, catching my attention.
       "I didn't get reports of any- AH!" I scream as Damian proceeds to tickle me. "No! Sto-" I try to gasp out between laughing. I manage to fight him, tumbling out of bed. He laughed at me as I tried to untangle myself from the blankets.
       "That's a dirty trick Wayne!" I gasp, trying to catch my breath. I grab a pillow and chuck it at him, but he just catches it and throws it back. We have a small impromptu pillow war before he taps out after a good hit knocks him onto the balcony. "BOW TO MY PROWESS!" I jokingly declare, jumping up and down on the ottoman. Damian runs over and sweeps me down.
       "Please. Don't. Fall. And. Break. Your. Head" He accentuates every word with a kiss, making me giggle. He lets me go and takes the bathroom to shower first. I head out into the kitchen, humming to myself. I grab some of the fruit we bought yesterday and start making a fruit bowl. I'm halfway through cutting the Jicama when Damian's arms are around my waist again.
       "What are you doing?" He asks, resting his chin on my shoulder. Before I could answer, his grip around me tightened. "Be careful!" He whispered harshly, putting his hands over mine. "Your knife skills could use some work, you could have cut your finger off like that!" He scolded me but I scoffed.
       "Haven't lost a finger yet"
       "No, but you did set your oven on fire. THREE TIMES" He elbowed my side and I pouted.
       "Excuse you, that 2nd time wasn't my fault, remember? Dick broke into my place and fell asleep making fish sticks," I retaliated, squirming out of his grip and started making some sandwiches for lunch.
       "I really should improve the security at your apartment," Damian says as he finished cutting up the Jicama and strawberries, plating them and dropping them off at the table.
       "As if that would stop every vigilante from the northern hemisphere from breaking in," I snorted, bringing over the sandwiches. We ate in peace, letting the soft instrumental music from the radio fill the silence.
       I sigh happily, turning in my chair, reaching out for Damian's hand. The second I touched the cold seat next to me, my body freezes too. "Damian?"  I muttered drowsily, sitting up straight. His bag isn't under his chair. Why am I wearing a dress? Why are my leggings rolled up? I start to panic, breathing rapidly and trying to blink away the tears in my eyes. It's enough to pull me awake and I remember what happened.
       "Oh... oh" I hiccup and bite my lip, looking back out the window into the starry night. The tears start falling, but I'm being quiet so I let them. My skin itches. My neck, my wrists, under my eyes. I start scratching, trying to ignore my memories. The trip to Italy, our joint project to improve the villain resistance of the infrastructure of Gotham, the charity events we attended.
       "Ma'am?" I look up, a stewardess in the aisle leaning over. I wipe my eyes, catching the furious red color my wrists had become, before turning to her. "Uh, you missed your meal earlier and I was wondering if there was anything I could get you?" She looked uncomfortable now, glancing between my red eyes, red nose, and now red wrists and presumably red neck. I glanced over the menu she handed me, ordering a full meal. She dropped the food off and scurried away, not meeting my eyes.
        The meal was laid out beautifully; tomato soup, grilled cheese and grilled chicken with a slice of cheesecake. Yet, I couldn't seem to muster the strength to eat. It didn't really seem appetizing, and I wasn't hungry. 
        The last time you ate was over 10 HOURS ago, and that wasn't even a full meal. C'mon, one bite. I picked up the fork, but simply twirled it in my hand, watching the metal catch the light. You'll get a raging headache if you don't eat soon. Might get that deep vein thrombosis. I take a bite of the chicken, tasting nothing despite its obvious layer of seasoning. I swallowed it with half a glass of water. It felt thick, heavy, almost like swallowing a rock. But I had to eat. When I didn't immediately throw up, I set up my phone to play a cache of 65 action movies to distract myself and started eating bit by bit. I could tell I was drinking a ridiculous amount of water, but the stewardess replaced my glass without it ever going entirely empty so I didn't really notice how much I had downed. She cleared my tray when I was done, and I just kept watching movies. Whenever I thought I was going to fall asleep, I'd crank the volume up, scroll forward to fight scenes and take a drink of sprite. I was about 4 movies in when I threw off my headphones, whimpering with how severe my headache had gotten despite eating and drinking water.
       "Good morning passengers, it is 10 pm and we're about to start our final descent so if you could all please put up your trays and turn off the wifi in your electronics, we'll be landing shortly." Not gonna lie, the time zone jump threw me for a minute, I had taken a second to figure out how we made the flight in 8 hours instead of 19. I shoved everything into my bag, forcing the zipper closed. I wanted to put on some rock or pop punk songs, “Battle On!” seeming weirdly appealing, even though I hadn't heard it in a while. I felt a vein in my neck twitch, so I settled on music from the swan lake instead.
       The second we touched down I was up.  I only had my backpack so I was able to squeeze by people, ignoring protests and complaints to get off the plane. Off the plane, past the luggage claim, I was going down the escalator when I spotted them. Advika was talking to Zay, looking mad as hell, but she noticed me first. She ran over and almost tackled me to hug me, Zay taking my bag. "Princessa, baby girl, I'm so sorry." She cries into my hair, "I didn't think he was an asshole, oh god, how could he do that to you!"
       "We have the plane ready to go," Zay says, joining in on the hug. I let Advika cling to me as we make our way to the opposite side of the airport. Once we're in a more private area, Advika speaks up again.
       "I'm going to kill him. How fucking dare he!" She squeezed my hand, and now started pulling me towards the airplane.
       "Isn't that Rosella's line?" Zay prods before looking back at me. "But in all seriousness, we will absolutely end him, just say the word. Don't even say it, blink morse code, ASL, anything." I keep my mouth shut and let Advika continue to rave about the different ways she'll end Damian; financially, socially, whatever I wanted. We went out onto the runway and I couldn't help but chuckle.
       "The company jet? Isn't that a bit much?" I say as Zay escorts us in, before heading to the back.
       "The boss said it's okay. Nearly bit my head off when I called to ask but said it was ok. You did help establish our company in the foreign market," Advika takes a seat but gestures for me to lay down on the couch. "No offense mi princessa, but you look like a fucking mess. Please take a nap."
       "I don't know if I can do that," I say, letting out a long sigh. Zay comes back, handing Advika a small purse and laying a platter of cheese and crackers on the table across from us. He sets up instrumental music, from “Carmen” if I'm not mistaken, as Advika takes my hat off and starts combing my hair. I lay back into her, letting her brush out my hair, counting her impeccable pattern. 2 squirts from a spray bottle to moisten my hair, 10 brush strokes. 2 then 10 then 2 then 10. My eyes started feeling heavy so I forced myself to take a deep breath and sit up. The motion made her accidentally yank my hair and woke me a bit. As she apologized I alternated my breathing patterns to try to stay awake, noticing for the first time that we were already in the air. 
      "Please, just go to sleep," Advika begged, grabbing my hands and forcing me to look at her. I stared at her for a moment before answering.
       "I did... on the plane. I dreamed of him. The disorientation of waking up made me think I was on my way to my honeymoon," I let out a bitter laugh and she flinches, looking over to Zay, unsure what to say.
       "You look pale," Zay interjects. He comes over to me, placing a hand on my head and then my neck. He doesn't comment on the marks, but he and Advika share a look. "Change your clothes, drink some water, then these, we don't want you getting sick." He puts 2 pills in my hands before going off to find me some water.
       "Yeah, getting sick is the absolute worst thing that can happen to me right now. How silly of me," I roll my eyes and Advika snorts, trying to mask her laughter. I leave the Nyquil pills on the couch and get changed. I come back and take the pills, leaning into Advika again so she can continue to play with my hair. She spoke about anything and everything, filling the silence with her happy chatter. Undoubtedly, she was trying to distract my conscious so if I did dream again, it wouldn't be about him. It worked, her happy banter following me into my dreamless slumber.
       I awoke to Zay gently shaking me, thankfully a lot less disoriented than last time. I gather up my things, helping myself to the bottles of water they had around. I ignore the bandages wrapped around my wrist, but the one on my throat was quickly starting to freak me out. Advika seemed to sense my discomfort, immediately coming over and cutting the bandages off.
       "Sorry, your skin seemed a bit raw so we wrapped it up," she explains calmly, alternating to rubbing her hand up and down my arm to soothe me.
       "S'ok," I mumble, taking my bag from Zay.
       "We called you a cab -it got here a couple of minutes ago-, but you're more than welcome to stay with either of us back in Mongolia. Neha and Juniper also moved here ya know, I'm sure she'd-" I cut Zay off with a shake of my head, and follow him out of the plane.
       "I just really want to be alone for a while, ya know?" As alone as I can be with my differing opinions yelling at me and my endless train of thought that does NOT SHUT UP. Zay nodded but Advika grabbed my arm before I could hail the cab closer to the plane.
       "I know you want to be alone- and you absolutely do need some time alone, this is going to be a lot to process- but...." She hesitated, biting her lip. "I know how you can get Ro. don't even try to argue with me on this. Please, take some time, but do not hesitate to call me or anyone else." Would this be a bad time to throw up? That's one way to diverge the conversation. Advika held me but I wouldn't meet her eyes. "You know what? If you don't check in with me in a week I will track you down and drag you to live with me. I'm not joking. Do you understand" I want to protest, but then I remember she didn't even have my phone number. Game on. I agree and they both give me a hug before I board the cab.
       "Good morning"
       "Good morning, where should I take you?" ah. another thing that I hadn't thought of. Without even bothering to check my bag, I knew I didn't have my keys. But I knew someone who might. I give the cab driver an address and I pull out my phone. But I can't even ask because I don't remember her number. I sigh, hoping things hadn't changed as much as I thought.
       We're in downtown Seoul before I can start properly stressing myself with the "what ifs". Had she moved? What if she didn't have the key? Would she yell at me for arriving at... Almost 3 am? I decided to do the math to distract myself, reworking the math on how a 4-hour flight turned into a 5-hour flight for a solid 10 minutes before I realized that I had not taken another time zone into play. Small miracles were on my side today. Yesterday? Tomorrow? Whatever the fuck day it is. Since it was so early, there wasn't much in the way of traffic, and the doorman was the same one that had been here when I lived her for however long it was. I explained to him that I was here to see Hong and after some reluctance, he let me in.
       Up the elevator to the fifth door, doors opening to crisp air, reminiscent of fall. Exactly 30 steps forward to a door with 4 pastel sierra sunset decorations on the door. I knock, timidly at first as to not wake the neighbors. In 5 minutes, again, a little louder. I did this for an hour before I gave up and simply stood there with my head on the door.
       "Hong. Hooooonnnngggggg" I whined quietly. Wow, thank goodness it's so early, everyone would think you're a creeper. lmaooo just imagine getting arrested your first day back. I whined into the door, contemplating just sleeping out here.
       "Rosella?" a soft voice came from behind me. I turn to see Hong with Geo's arm around her. There were 2 more people behind her but I barely had the awareness to nod as a greeting. "What are you doing here? Wasn't yesterday your-" She stops, noticing that my lip had begun to tremble. 
      "Rosella-" she comes over and wraps her arms around me, hiding my face from view of the others. Someone unlocks the door and she drags me inside. The sequins on her dress start to itch, but I continue to hug her. Once I'm ready to let go, she sits me down and goes to change her outfit while Geo sits with me. in awkward silence for a while.
       "Rose, what happened?" He eventually asks, sliding over a glass of ice water. "I thought your wedding was yesterday. Wasn't your honeymoon suppose to be in Europe?" I couldn't seem to muster the strength to answer, simply staring at him and sighing.
       "You have no tact," Hong comments, combing back in her usual floral pjs. She flops down next to me, placing her hand on mine. "You don't have to tell us now, but I would like for you to tell us eventually." I can't help but smile, she always has a soothing air to her. It's impossible to be mad or upset near her. " I have some clothes you can borrow; I have friends over today so you'll have to take the couch, but you can have the guest room tomorrow." I shake my head, forcing myself to pull away from her motherly touch.
       "I could never impose on you, I was just wondering if you have my spare key? I really want to go home." I let my voice crack at the end, hoping she wouldn't push for me to stay here. Geo looked at me like I was crazy, staring particularly long at my single backpack.
       "Okay. Geo, could you get her key? It's in the top dresser with a purple tip," Hong nods to him and he leaves. " I do feel the need to remind you that you pretty much purged the place when you left. I don't remember the last time I visited either, so its probably super dusty too."
       "I'll make do for tonight. I'll go to the store tomorrow for food and cleaning supplies, ok?"
       "You'd better, you forgetful dip stick," Geo grunts as he hands me the key. "Actually, we could probably find somewhere open rn. We could swing by and-"
       "I was actually going to walk home it's a nice night and-"
       "Absolutely not." Hong interrupted me, sounding her top tier forceful. "I know you've been through some shit in the last 48 hours but I'm not going to let you commit suicide by stupidity!" I took a minute to process this, for a second I thought I was back in Gotham.
       "It's not far... I only have my backpack and the crime rates here aren't even that high Hong. You know I took mi-"
       "Yes yes, I know about your MMA history, but I draw the line. I don't know how much the others have let you get away with but you are not walking alone at night!" I don't fight her, letting her drag me to her car, Geo driving. We're at my complex within minutes.
       "Take care of yourself Rosie." Hong says, giving me a half hug through the car window, Geo simply putting a hand on my head. "I'll come to check up on you- and if you don't answer the door I'll call the cops" she threatened before letting go.
       "Thank you, seriously, this is so great that you had my key, and for dropping me off." I hesitate before heading up. "If you don't mind me asking, how long have you two been dating?" Geo's blush was extremely visible against his skin, even in the shadows.
       "It's that obvious huh? We've been together for about 5 months," Hong replied, blushing as well.
          "I always thought you two would look cute together," I said, this time with a genuine smile. I wave them off and opt to take the stairs up. I opened the door to my apartment. 
        It's freezing, dust dancing in the waning moonlight. I set my bag down, pulling out another change of clothing from what I had bought at the airport. I threw it into the bathroom before heading over to my emergency closet. Never though the emergency stash would be used like this. Maybe we shouldn't use it? Earth shattering heartbreak is too an emergency, fuck off. I'll restock it anyways. I pull out some towels and bath supplies. I get in the shower, letting the steaming hot water run over me.
         Since when have I not been able to feel my fingers? I ask myself, flexing them one by one. It's like the stakeout in Boston that one winter, Dick brought us hot chocolate-
         No. Don't even. Dust! This place is messy and I want to properly disinfect it- unconsciously increasing the pressure with my loofah- I'll need Lysol, tide pods, scrubs, dish rags. Probably should buy more plates too. Damian always had a peculiar adoration for matching cutlery sets, when he bought me some ramen bowls-
OW OW OW OW OW OW OW! I jerk up, my hand immediately going to my upper spine. I breathe in too quickly, taking in some water. I pull open the curtain and lean over the tub, cough and sputtering, trying to catch my breath.
       "What- the- fuck-" I manage to gasp out. I was sitting down in the tub, I guess I had fallen asleep???? I shake the drowsiness off, turning off the water and getting out. Despite, or maybe because of, my broken sleep this last day I was still exhausted once I had gotten changed and my heartbeat had slowed down. I looked to my room door, but collapsed on the sofa, letting the musty leather suffocate me to sleep as my bones sunk into the couch.
Chapter 3: Safehouse
 I awoke the same way I fell asleep.
        I wanted to get up, find a tissue to blow my nose, but every muscle in me ached a million ways. Did I fall off the empire state building while I was asleep? Did some cannibal beat me with a meat tenderizer for hours and just leave me on this couch? Holy FUCK.
        Even twisting my face away from the couch so I could get some fresh air strained my neck. Every joint felt dislocated, limbs lifeless like a broken marionette. The dust. Allergies. I can't breathe...
Can't breathe
Can't breathe
      Suffocating! DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE- I panic, throwing myself off the couch. Landing on the ground actually didn't cause any more pain. I laid there for a minute, mentally trying to put my joints back in their sockets. It isn't a large enough distraction, and I'm soon hyper-aware of everything. My skin was burning where the sunlight touched, the dust in the air was so heavy I could have sworn I lost my vision again. I could hear the meaningless hustle of cars and people outside on the sidewalk, but worst of all was my pounding heartbeat in my ears.
I forced myself to get up, groaning as all my muscles pinched as they got back into place. I made a lot of unnecessary noise as I cleaned up my mess from last night. Throwing the shower caddy under the sink, flipping my backpack and letting everything fall out, slamming my dirty clothes into a pile in a corner. And I couldn't help but look around every couple of minutes, not entirely understanding where I was. Trying and failing to compensate for the noises that usually find me when I wake up. When I threw open the balcony windows, I realized I was still waiting to hear another window slide open and a soft "I'm home", even though it was well past noon.
        How wild would it be if he actually went on parole after all that? Would a fight have broken out? Would it have been like the whole Owls mishap again?
       Get your head out of your ass, they're his family; blood is thicker than water.
Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.
He's been helping and fighting alongside them much longer than you have you dip. I storm into the kitchen, only grunting as I smash my hip against the counter. I set out 4 pages of stationary in front of me and made lists; food, clothes, furniture, extra. I took my papers and started walking around, jotting notes of what I needed. Talking to fill the void.
"More toilet paper, hand soap, towels," I hum under my breath, not really checking the cabinets. "As for clothes I should-" my voice caught when I walked into the bedroom. It was freezing. I reflexively bit my lip,  eyes watering. Instead of goosebumps, this cold sat in my stomach. The same cold in my hands, from the airplane seat, returned- lacing up my arms, down my stomach and legs. Stabbing my heart and restricting my lungs.
I'm alone.
"I should buy like 4 interchangeable outfits," the whimper barely sounded through the silent tears. I shut the door tight, almost running back to the living room. I sat just outside the ring of light, hunching over my paper. "Jeans, underwear, toothpasTE-" I sniffled but my vision only got blurrier.
"BoOKcASes, a bEd, mayBE a BeAr," my heart squeezed every time my voice broke, and in seconds I couldn't write on the soaked paper. The hiccups were my only air, snot streaking my trembling chin.
  "What did I do? What. diD. I DOOO?" I sobbed, wailing into my hands. I curled around a leg of the coffee table, letting its corners cut into my stomach. Wailing until I was dry heaving, scratching my eyes to get rid of these acidic tears, blowing my nose with my shirt- moist blotches sticking to my skin. "Day- Damian" I cried to myself until I passed out again.
Afternoons spent silently reading with each other
Matching outfits for galas, some he designed himself, just for me
Our home downtown- bought to have some peace and quiet from his family. Although half the time they broke in, the other half we ended up back in the manor.
Traveling for work, for fun, for missions he didn't think were dangerous.
Sparring with Jason and Cass.
Jason showing me a hundred new bands when I got him into new music genres, trying to help each other find less aggressive ways to vent. Giving him the cream to completely erase the J from his cheek was different, the first time I saw him cry. He understood that blood family wasn't always loyal, and that I didn't mean it when I'd punch or insult someone to hide softer feelings.
Cass just vibing, understanding me and letting me get close. She was always the first to come help me when I was hurt, I became the person she could cry to. The way her face lit up when we were just able to chill a whole night, singing, watching movies and simply understanding each other on a fundamental level.
Barbra growing aggravated as she tried to teach me how to do more with technology than just googling things. Her forgiving my stupidity after I built her a new computer.
The long talks I had with Dick. Anything and everything. The first time hurt, when I called him out. He was giddy and chipper, dramatic as ever but when he caught me staring and stopped for long enough to look back, the pain in his eyes was clear as day. He had just broken up with Kory after all. He didn't need to lie, he didn't need to lighten the mood, he just needed to be honest. But once he could smile honestly again, I couldn't help but remember that he was the one who found out about me and Damian first. He'd been there to spy on our first date, hiding it from Bruce. He was the first to take me out for ice cream then subtly threaten my life if I harmed Damian, the first to swing by for spontaneous days out. To get to know me, to see if I was right for Damian.
Stephanie, Tim and I bonding over teasing and pranking Damian.
Tim and I being forced into caffeine and sleep interventions. Coffee and Coke. And then the beautiful irony of us falling asleep halfway through, especially after I taught him how to sleep with his eyes open.
Cooking with Alfred, learning his famous cookie recipes. Showing him more authentic Hispanic recipes, and him comforting me and being the first to compliment me after I was duped into cooking for the ENTIRE family.
Philosophical and political discussions with Bruce. Talks about war and power, cultural similarities and their origins. Talks about Damian as a child to mess with him. Opening up about paranoia, fear of losing loved ones, the controversies of being "too much" for some people. He understood, sometimes the ultimate sacrifices had to be made in a second. He understood because he was the same. We'd give up our lives before anyone else.
It's all gone.
So much of my past, and now, my whole future.
it's cold. i stripped off my shirt and blew my nose.
blood. eww, it's hot. i hold my shirt to my nose, crawling under the table, balling up until i could feel all 4 legs pressing into me.
tuneless humming, watching the room light up until my eyes burn.
I have to pee.
I wash my hands, the water making me aware of my bone dry mouth. My tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth. I let the water pour through my fingers for another minute before walking away, laying back under the coffee table.
long grains. shades of brown. like dead grass. my fingers run over the million tiny bumps watching the wood fade from a blurry brown to a million tiny wooden grains.
My hair is on fire. The sun reaches it from under the table.
There are people in the hallway. They're as loud as the cars outside.
the ac is running. i start humming to drown it out.
i'm melting. i force my eyes to blink but they continue to burn. 
I can't breathe. I stagger to the bathroom and after a few minutes of moving my jaw up and down, my mouth manages to open. I swig some water before throwing some on my face. fever? headache at least. I grab a towel to wipe my face, fumbling back into the hall. fuck was i looking directly at the sun? there is only one place colder than the sun. i walk to my bedroom, the cold imperceptible to me now.
but the second i put my eyes directly onto the empty bed frame, i could almost hear them sizzle. it exhausted me. I hadn't realized how hot my face was until i laid it on the floor. like a refreshing bath, calming. i just focused on my heat being transferred to the floor, unaware that I was falling asleep again.
((The writing for the last chapter is intentionally like that, I was attempting to write Rose being in a type of  disassociated kind of state; where you aren't aware of time passing, noting seems real, even things in your immediate vicinity. Knowing that you should be doing something, drinking water, changing clothes, listening to music, ANYTHING-but still not doing it. The capitalization/simple sentences and repetition on the latter part was intentional. ))
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The Girl in The Blue Dress
Chapter 14: Joining the Crew 
@megatraven I never realized that I’ve never really said what Rose’s accent is. I wanted to say that it’s Greek :)). This whole story is kinda centered around Greek mythology (even if it’s a little twisted to my fantasy) so most likely everyone will have a Greek accent. And thank you Meg for helping me describe Rose’s outfit♥! And I do not know much about ships and just let my imagination take control. Plus, I hope you read to the end bc I love the ending because foreshadowing and I’ve been desperately trying to write that part for awhile so yeah. And not much proofreading. And sorry it’s so long LOL-
Apollo looked at the person and he saw that they had green eyes, blonde hair poking out of the black hood, and a smile on their face. But before they could stare anymore, a voice called out. “Ellie! Don’t scare the poor man!” Ellie sighed and got up and walked somewhere. He felt a bit better, so he finally could manage to sit up. He sat up and looked at his surroundings and saw that he wasn’t in a home or on any type of ground, he was on a ship. Panicked, he turned to the other side of him to see he was still at the ship dock. He knew it was the same place because the castle is the same, but farther. “How did I get all the way over here?” 
“Well, you were poisoned and I dragged you here,” a woman said at his side. He turned to the side and saw Rose standing up and looking down at him, but she wasn’t wearing a mask this time and wearing something that really resembled pirate gear. She's got a leather corset over her brown vest, with a sheer, white undershirt with leather, light brown cuffs just above her wrists. Two buckles are drawn over the top of her corset, and a baldric over her waist that holds her dagger. She looked very intimidating, yet she had a nice smile on her face. “I’m not that surprised,” he said with a quiet laugh. Rose’s face changed to a worried look. “Yeah. You said you were new, so people will take advantage of that. They’re all cruel,” she said with her face changing to an angry look. “Well, you will possibly be weak for a little while, so I hope you don’t mind staying with us.” Her face went to a neutral look and waited for an answer. Apollo was going to think about it, but if they were truly going to hurt him, he could fight back, and he didn’t want to get himself hurt worse because of the poison. Then his thoughts went back to his friend and he really didn’t want to somehow spread to him (if that’s even possible). When he realized he was staring, he smiled and nodded his head.
“Sure, why not?” She smiled and nodded in response. She then held out a hand for him and he took it and was really surprised at her strength. Rose was not necessarily weak, but to pick up a man his size? Made him really impressed and he noted that he shouldn’t go against her. She turned to the side and moved her hand from one side to another, showing him her crew. Some were sitting or standing and talking, some working on tying the ropes to something, working on the sails, some looking or tinkering with their weapons, and some disappearing down into the inner ship. “I don’t have as many as other captains do, but these are people I trust with everything in me, so I keep them here and we explore the seas!” Her voice rose in excitement and she seemed truly excited about this ship, and it spread to him. “I’ve never really been out to the seas before.”
The only time he’s ever really heard about the ocean and its creatures was when Poseidon managed to find him and tell him tales of the ocean. He did find the tales interesting, even if almost all of them were dangerous, and he liked the sound the waves were making. Rose leans forward with her hands clasped behind her back and turns only her head to look at him. “So, you said you wanted to stay? You will have to do work, be prepared to possibly fight, share a room with a few people, and be ready for anything. Apollo looked in her eyes and saw her smugness of testing his patience, or maybe even trying to make him scared, but he didn’t back down. He’s seen too many things already and knows how to handle almost everything. Apollo’s mouth formed a smirk and lifted one eyebrow. “You trying to scare me off?” Rose straightened her back and turned to him, her playfulness gone. “Maybe, but I’m also warning you. The seas are dangerous for anyone and I don’t want people to regret joining me, and not know what they’re getting into.” 
Apollo found her genuine concern sweet and kept his eyes locked with hers as he nodded. “I’m ready for it. But I might need some training with swords and daggers, I’m not too sharp on that.” Rose lets out a little chuckle and smiles at him. She quiets down and holds out her hand and he shook it without hesitation. Rose crosses her arms and points towards the ship floor, “Well, how about we get started immediately? You’re still a little weak, and I do not want to push your limits, so I’ll just show you the gestures.” She grabs her dagger from her side and moves it between her fingers in a fast gesture and it ends up in a tight grip with the tip facing the sky. Apollo feels a little excited at the opportunity and agrees to follow her. She walks over to a door that’s attached to the floor, lifts it up, and guides him down a ladder that leads to an empty room that has many weapons. Some small, some huge, some bows and arrows, some bottles filled with what looks like poison, and things to help someone if they’re injured. “Wow, you guys sure are prepared,” he let out a breathless laugh in awe. Rose turns to face him and gestures to the entire room. “It’s always better to be over prepared than under prepared,” she said with a cocky smile. “Anyways, I’m going to start you with a dagger,” her eyes seem to light up with excitement, “which is my specialty!” 
Rose walks over to the wall with weapons and picks up a dagger that looked like hers but only had a black hilt and a red stone in the middle of the hilt. She hands it to him and shows him how to properly hold it. “Now, you don’t want to hold it to close to you, but not too far from you. You have to get close to the enemy to land a critical strike, so you cannot give them a chance to grab it.” She walks very close to him and wraps his hand around the hilt with his fingers holding it and his thumb resting against the beginning of the actual dagger. “But don’t press your thumb too hard because you’ll hurt yourself and we do not want an infection.” She looked up at him with a neutral expression and looked like a teacher that is being patient with a student who has no idea what they’re doing, “Now, what did I just say?” He looks at her eyes and the blue once again captivates him and, since she’s so close, he manages to smell lavender and it distracts him for a moment. When he realizes he’s staring, again, he shakes his head and clears his throat, a blush spreading across his face from embarrassment. 
“I’m not supposed to hold the dagger too close but not too far, and hold it tight with my fingers but keep my thumb not heavily pressed on the actual blade,” he looked at her and saw her smiling. “Yes, that is correct. Now, I’m going to teach you one way of actually attacking,” she positions his arm so his left arm is twisted to the left, arm raised a little in the air, the dagger now facing the ground and titled slightly to the right. Now she moves his fingers to be on the hilt and not on the blade, and squeezes his hand so he will tighten his fingers. “Do you know what kind of attack this is?” He looked at the position and tried to think of different attacks a dagger could actually do, and she waited patiently. “It’s to stab someone? Cut them?” She does a slight smile and shrugs her shoulder. “You’re halfway right. This is used for cutting someone, but it is also used for a specific and bloody attack. This specific position is mainly used for stabbing someone in a vulnerable place, but it also used when you’re swiping the dagger to a side to cut someone in a quick way.” She moves behind him, grabs his hand, and moves it in a diagonal way, as if he is cutting someone invisible. “However, you could also use the previous position to also swipe cut someone, you can use either or.” He nods and she teaches him more ways of holding the dagger where he won’t hurt himself, won’t drop the blade, how to protect himself with even a small weapon like a dagger, but she ends it after a few hours.
“I will teach you more later, but this is how far I will go since you are still hurt from the poison. It will make you feel like you have a fever and I would not like for you to pass out,” she says with a smile, but a small worried look on her face. He nods and he suddenly realizes that he does feel a little dizzy, dying for water, and limbs feel a little limp and weak. “Oh, I really do need to rest,” he said as he ran his hand over his face. She laughed and ran her hand through her hair and sighs. “I do, too, but I can’t go to sleep just yet.” Despite her fatigue, she smiled and seemed excited to do something, so he decided to leave her be. “One of the rooms for the men is down this hallway,” she turns to the door behind her and points at it, “you’ll need to go down until you see doors on each side, and you need to take the second one on the left. I’m sure that one has room. I’ll get someone to bring you some water and food.” She smiled once more at him and did a little bow of her head and excused herself to go to the deck. He stared at the ladder she went up and got lost in his thoughts. He thinks of how she really was caring and patient, but he shakes his head after a moment because she probably acts like that to every new crew member. He begins to fall over for a moment but catches himself and realizes he really needs to go lay down, so he does. 
He goes down the hallway, finds the room, and lays down on the bottom bunk of one of the two bunk beds. The ship slightly swaying from the ocean manages to rock him to sleep and he only wakes when someone brings him food and water. 
The next time he opens his eyes, he’s not where he expected to be. He wasn’t on the ship anymore, and he was still laying on his back, but it felt softer than the bed did, and he saw the stems of flowers surround him and the sky above him. He sat up and looked around and he was in a small flower area and saw a slim path in front of him. Plants and bushes surrounded the sides of the path and trees blocked his vision of any other sight other than the garden. He stood up and brushed some dirt off of him and turned around and saw something strange. He only saw the small flower field and nothing was beyond it. His head hurt when he looked at it because it was so bright and he realizes this isn’t real. It looked like a white void, but his attention shifted when he heard a voice singing. It was light pitched, quiet, and he heard footsteps somewhere in front of him. He begins to walk down the path and the voice is quiet, but slowly getting louder. Then, he sees a person in front of him as he walks. A girl with a dress was walking in front of him. 
The back of the dress had a white top that formed an X in the design, showing her shoulders and part of her arm. The white top ended at her waist, but before it ended, there was a golden corset that wrapped around her middle. The dress part was navy blue, and she had sleeves on each arm, but it looked like robe sleeves. The sleeves started a little above her elbow and ended at her wrist, it hanging down to almost the bottom of the dress, and he then notices she’s barefoot.  “That has to be a little inconvenient,” he thinks in his mind. He then looks up a bit and sees that her hair is a dark brown, it’s in a braid, and is going all the way down to her mid back. After he takes in her appearance, he focuses on her voice and is confused.
It sounds like Rose.
Is this Rose? Did she take him somewhere? Why is she walking away? What is she holding? Why is she so quiet? The questions go through his head, but then he hears a sound among her quiet singing: a cry. A cry comes from a baby and he sees her begin to rock the child, her singing stop and turning into quiet shushes. He can’t see her front and assumes it’s a child. What else could it be? He’s confused and tries to walk faster, but he can’t, as if he isn’t in control anymore. He then hears her speak in Greek, but it’s ancient Greek. It’s the Greek language type that only the Gods know , yet she speaks it fluently. No stutter, no incorrect words, and her Greek accent is strong. However, she stopped suddenly (he does too) and straightened her back and held the baby closer to her body, as if she is afraid they’re going to be taken away. He suddenly feels that way too, feels that something is coming, something...bad. He tries to turn around, but he can’t move and he watches as the woman slowly turns to face him, and the breath is stolen from his lungs when he sees her face.
It is Rose. Everything is the same. Her bright blue eyes, her freckles on her nose and cheek, the dark brown hair, the voice that was singing quietly seconds before, her facial features were the same, but he couldn’t focus on this reveal for long, because he saw her eyes widen, her lips slightly part with a gasp coming through, and fear showing her posture and face. The baby began to cry louder and she just stared at him, but it felt like her gaze was behind him. He wanted to turn, to see what was scaring her so bad, maybe try to fight it away, and he finally did get to turn around, but when he did he wished he didn’t. When he looked behind him everything was the same. The flowers, bushes, trees, and everything was the same, but then he heard a noise he hated. 
A scream rang out into the area, echoing in his head so loud to the point where he had to hold his hands over his ears. After a few moments, it stopped, and he turned back towards the woman, and saw no one. She was gone, the only thing left was a tiny spot of blood, and the white glow and peace began to fade from his mind. Fear, despair, and horror began to go through him a shudder went down his body, and the area disappeared and he heard another voice, but it was too deep and fast for him to even translate.
He woke up with a gasp and sat up in a hurry. However, he forgot he was in a bunk bed and he hit his head really hard, but that pain wasn’t as bad as the pain in his heart that he felt, but...
He doesn’t remember what caused it. 
HEHEH SO...The ending is something I’ve tried to write before in, like, a different story that is still connected to this story (I mean like a little tale not an actual chapter story), but then I decided, “Nah this is the PERFECT time to slip this in :’).” I hope this wasn’t too long and I hope you liked the ending because I finally was able to write what was in my mind correctly, kinda. But yeah hehe I hope you liked the little bit of fluff only to be destroyed at the end :’’’). And here’s the dress I had in mind. The girl is Yuna and she’s from Final Fantasy.
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