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shmeegles22 · 4 years ago
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👆👌... #truth #randomwisdom #wisdom #wordsofwisdom #wordstoliveby #relationshipadvice #relationshiprules #thingsnottodo https://www.instagram.com/p/CODkg_epJ7R/?igshid=13hrtkshk2s9o
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bassaultshubham · 4 years ago
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Don't Allow!! #bassaultshubham #noexcuses #staycommitted #thingsnottodo https://www.instagram.com/p/CMC4S0egAKi/?igshid=y099zxut9rh5
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theuptownwriter · 4 years ago
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Almost takes the cake in what it means to drive a lemon...or rather a melon!.....#creative #baddates #baddatestories #imagination #automotive #whimsey #flightoffancy #thingsnottodo (at Lafayette, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKtzBvkgVHy/?igshid=1s0d7lyqc6zrl
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ezjobs-blog · 5 years ago
Somethings we should not do are listed here. 
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incurableoptimistest1994 · 6 years ago
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Things Not To Do; shave your legs when you have had five hours sleep and get chronic spasms/tremors and have ataxia... oops! #thingsnottodo #shaveyourlegswhenyouretiredanddisabled #opps (at Llansamlet) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwwVbt-FeDJ/?igshid=1r2bmophr8ngv
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sincerelytoyat · 5 years ago
The most important life lesson I learned from reality tv in 2019 is TO NOT PAT YOUR 😼 IN PUBLIC! Evelyn Lozada from Basketball Wives taught me this important lesson as she violently pounded her vagina during an argument with her castmate OG. She thought she was making a point about how she was blessed with kids, great credit, and f%*king great 🙀 that OG’s boyfriend would f%*k all day and night. Instead Evelyn ended up looking STUPID!!! Learn from Evelyn’s poor decisions and don’t pat your 😿 in public. ————————————————- Listen to this full episode on iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, or Stitcher. #figureoutyourlifepod #podsincolor #dopeblackpods #podcastingwhileblack #wocpodcast #wocpodcasters #blackpodcasts #blackpodcaster #blackpodcastsmatter #blackpodcastnetwork #supportblackpodcasts #dopeblackpodcasts #blackgirlpodcaster #blackwomenpodcast #blackgirlswhopodcast #podcastingwhileblack #basketballwivesla #evelynlozada #patyourpumpum #thingsnottodo #lifelessonslearned #realitytvshows https://www.instagram.com/p/B7MVwe_FS1S/?igshid=58mux8s771ep
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coachjazzelowe · 5 years ago
** WARNING** Here's some tips to keeping u alive around a Pregnant Woman 😉 #yourewelcome #14weekspregnant #thingsnottosay #thingsnottodo #donttouchmyfood #pregnantbelly #youvebeenwarned #protectyourneck #tiktok #tiktokaddict (at Saddle Brook, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5281f6ltUS/?igshid=yo75hc0co3ic
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unifiedsuccess · 5 years ago
Kids do the damniest things, they are very curious about life, people and shown above toys. He wanted to see how powerful his toy gun really was but chose the wrong spot to test its power. Lol I hate to laugh but this is FUNNY... and a big lesson to all children... #funnymemes #funny #kids #hilariousmemes #hilarious #hilariousvideos #thingsnottodo #childrenof_instagram #meme #memes #memesdaily #memes😂 #memesquad #funnyvideos #funtimes #toys #children #laughs #laughing #laughs #funnyshit (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4y8ENdgGYd/?igshid=1iwsm5ajbx8dr
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nightworld7 · 7 years ago
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#thingsnottodo not the list i was expecting! Lol
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theartofplants · 8 years ago
I will never buy a poor hamster one of these horrible wheels again. #humanhamsterwheel, #thingsnottodo, #imabigbaby, #playground
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adijamaludin · 8 years ago
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: I've been getting this mailer and i don't know why. The company that designs and mails this to me seem to be not proud of their company's logo and identity. The whole mailer is about how one can utilize their skills future credit in social media marketing course and an ugly poster. #thingsnottodo #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing #dontdothis
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indieandyuk · 5 years ago
💢Things NOT To Say To Autistic People💢
Watch here 👉 https://bit.ly/2RD0igW
Hi indie people & welcome back! There are many examples of things not to say to autistic people such as "you don't look autistic". But with so many misunderstanding about autism and autistic people out there, I want to address some of these things you should never say to an autistic person.
What things should people not say to autistic people?
Stay you, stay indie!
#autism #autistic #autisticadult #autisticperson #autisticpeople #neurodiverse #neurodiversity #doilookautisticyet #thingsnottosay #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismo #autismadvocate #autismeducation #autismspectrum #autismspectrumdisorder #autisme #thingsnottosaytome #thingsnottosayoutloud #thingsnottodo #actuallyautistic #autismcommunity
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pubalimukherjee · 8 years ago
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Sometimes in our haste to enjoy the winter, we fail to keep track of what not to do things in winter. Check out here if you know about what not to do things in winter. http://www.top5life.com/5-not-to-do-things-in-winter-2/ #winter #dryseason #nottodothings #thingstodo #thingsnottodo #nottodothingsinwinter
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preventativepractices · 8 years ago
I've been following this mess all day. There is so much wrong here. 1. He makes a mockery of the violence and death of black men at the hands of law enforcement. 2. He states that this was the best way to gain the love and trust of the woman he shitted on for years. 3. He put the woman he claims to love through a traumatic experience and inadvertently forces her to prove her love for him as she puts her own body between a perceived threat and him. This is a total and complete mindfuck and people are out here cheering this mess on saying this is how "true love" looks and they are relationship goals. #bullshit Why are women always put to task to prove their love and worth to ain't shit men? Fuck that! #dobetter #thisaintlove #viralstories #viralvideo #ahotmess #thingsnottodo #proposalfail #failedproposal
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hookndhaul · 9 years ago
"What I Would Not Like To Be Doing" #thingstodo #thingsnottodo #johnnyrandom #8c3being8c3
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manutelly-blog · 10 years ago
Today's #thingsnottodo on a football pitch is brought to you courtesy of Gary Linekar, who managed to sh1t himself🙈 at italia90
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