doctortwhohiddles · 6 months
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So Tom is condescending because he won't speak for Zawe? Seriously? What he did is the very opposite of condescending. He acknowledged that the best person to talk about it was Zawe and not him. He didn't make her role in The Marvels about him. As for him being a father, it's clear to everyone that his family life is off topic.
It's clear this anon is still desperately trying to convince herself that one day Tom will give her the details of his personal life she feels entitled to. And that she's still pissed he didn't stay single.
Of course, ZFC gave this anon a platform without calling out her bitterness. It's another anon who did it for her.
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thezfc · 1 year
Imagine spending your free time reading and taking screen shots of blog posts of someone you hate and commenting on every single one. It's unhinged! Yall, I promise there are more fun things to do with your time. We over here at thezfc are having fun. Sorry yall seem to be giving yourselves an ulcer with your hate. Sounds exhausting.
Now we’re giving them something to do all weekend! Meanwhile I’m off the pool then dinner with my friends - maybe try to get some of those whatever your name is.
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justzawe · 2 years
Don’t you understand that both you and TheZFC are as bad as one another?
So why are you here? Why are you there? Why are you anywhere?
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winchesterszvonecek · 8 months
if you’re a marvel fan and you’re looking for anti bs content then follow @thezfc as she is great and cuts out the bs
for my own sanity I'd rather not
I tend to enjoy things without going out of my way to look for drama
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iamanartichoke · 4 years
I genuinely hope Tom is doing all right. <3 <3 <3 
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the-insomniac-cat2 · 3 years
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Empire magazine, June issue, pub. 15.4.21
Scans by thehumming6ird.
@starscreamloki @thezfc
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kaleidoscope-vol2 · 2 years
@thezfc made me watch Thor: Love and Thunder.
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Let's just get it out of the way: The Dark World was 100 times better than this. I would watch that over this movie every single time.
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Natalie Portman continues to be a bad actress in these movies and her and Chris continue to have zero chemistry. It has always been painful watching them and especially in this when there is a rush to have them be in love because he has no one close to him anymore since Taika killed off Thor's remaining friends and family previously.
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Christian Bale was clearly in a different movie. His scene in black and white while the others are tied up was the best part of the movie only because the others couldn't make dumb jokes. But at the end of the day, all he was doing was playing Voldemort, whispering in their ears and tormenting children. He even looks like Voldemort and this movie just turned into Harry Potter complete with love being the answer.
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Even if they had wanted to, somehow adding Tom Hiddleston to this movie wouldn't have made it enjoyable either. This movie was just joke after joke after joke after joke and the jokes weren't even funny. And within that was the jarring shifts to 30 seconds of cancer talk every now and then. There was no flow to this movie whatsoever and everyone phoned it in.
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motleymusings · 3 years
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Live extract from play ... https://www.instagram.com/tv/CXKqdB1DKox/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Lol what a shock for the audience!
@thehumming6ird @starscreamloki @thezfc
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the-empress-7 · 3 years
What do you think of Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift’s PR relationship? The blogs @/thezfc and kaleidoscope-vol2 (I think those are the names) have posts that detail it rather well. What do you think was the reasoning for him to do it? He’s from a well to do British family and was very respected at the time (he was a tumble darling ffs!). Do you think it was real love and a genuine betrayal or just a PR nightmare? I presume the latter but maybe it’s just my faith in him having enough intelligence, breeding and good sense to not fall in love with someone of Taylor Swift’s calibre after spending 12 weeks with her.
I honestly don't have an opinion, I tend to not have any opinions on TS.
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doctortwhohiddles · 7 months
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I just love how the Deniers are so hell-bent on trying to convince themselves that Tom is has miserable as they are.
They also seem to have forgotten that Tom has found regular work since 2017. Loki took a lot of his time because of the pandemic and because he was very involved in planning the show. He did Betrayal, Hamlet, The Essex Serpent, The Play What We Wrote, numerous voice-over for Apple documentaries, The Life of Chuck and has 2 projects in pre-production. That doesn't sound like someone who doesn't get cast anymore.
Tom also became a father. That must have changed his sense of priorities. As in: choosing projects that don't take too long to shoot and allow him to spend as much as possible with his family.
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mcfiddlestan · 3 years
holy fucking shit, man!
Lol I assume this is about the slew of Hiddles posts today?? I blame thank @thezfc for all the awesome posts she’s doing for Non-Loki Hiddles Week. 🤗
Also. Sorry not sorry. 😬
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thezfc · 1 year
You can represent the LGBT community without making it all about questioning ones gender or sexuality, you know that right? Gay people & trans people exist & just are. There’s tons of media with gay & trans leads who simply exist and it’s not a huge impact on the story because it’s literally people existing. 🥴 How hard was it for Kate to hire a Genderfluid person & not write in “omg a WOMAN LOKI?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” as a line in the script.
But it also felt like it was for the headlines and not actual character development because then they had him googoo eyes over a blonde female “variant” of himself. I happy to see representation but not just lip service.
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justzawe · 2 years
Bruh why do thezfc ppl seem to hate tom so much, i thought the were his fans
I think that this time they are even more pissed, not only because Z&T rs, differently from his other rs, became very definitive (engagement and baby), but because also this time the media are being very supportive and even protecting of them (summer of 2016 really spoiled these people too much, with the media endorsing all their nasty shit).
They keep insisting that he became a joke in the industry because *checks notes* he got engaged to Zawe and they are expecting, and this is his punishment, when actually nothing and no one are saying or implying that. It's just them trying to convince themselves. They are not saying out loud the whole "Go woke, go broke" shit that some racist stans already used, but they are heavily implying it.
These are grown ass women and they need to get over it. Oh no, an actor you lust over is getting married and having a baby with someone you don’t like. Boo hoo, sucks to suck
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thelonesomequeen · 4 years
If Anon is looking for a Hiddleston blog that’s similar to this — meaning you don’t put Chris on a pedestal and call him out on his BS — I suggest thezfc (used to be thezerofucksclub). There are other Hiddles blogs but most are pretty gullible and Z is pretty honest in her opinions. She likes him obviously but she doesn’t think he’s invincible and always in the right (there are blogs like that). I’ve been following since the Summer of Terror. You can guess when that was. (It was 2016 lol)
Thanks! 🦎
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insanityclause · 4 years
thezfc,tumblr,com/post/623572038970408960/with-him-in-atlanta-and-her-in-toronto-it-wont Oh look, there it is 🤣 They even ignore Tom's own words and actions around his work life balance because they desperately want him unattached. I wonder how he feels about his adoring fans saying he'll never make a relationship work?? They're also clinging to the "few weeks" line in The Sun when we all know she's been there since March 😊😊😊
We all know the Sun doesn’t care about minor details like that. Just like I don’t believe the renovating his house at Easter part from last fall’s story, because 1) he doesn’t renovate stuff (he’s said that himself); and 2) they had shows on the Saturday and Monday, IIRC. Those are the kinds of details the Sun will get wrong/not corroborate. 
Sucks to be them. My bingo card is almost full at this point. Still need, “The smile doesn’t reach his eyes.”  
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Betrayal 1983 - Jeremy Irons & Ben Kingsley
The full movie’s on here..... Interesting to see the differences if you’re one of the lucky ones going to see Betrayal NYC
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