#Tom Hiddleston in theatre
justzawe · 10 months
Tom telling Zawe “You look absolutely lovely” 🥹
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insanityclause · 10 months
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Evening Standard Theatre Awards 2023 - Arrivals
LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 19: Tom Hiddleston and Zawe Ashton attend the Evening Standard Theatre Awards 2023 at Claridge's Hotel on November 19, 2023 in London, England. (Photos by Tristan Fewings/Karwai Tang/Getty Images)
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psqqa · 1 year
okay but if we’re going to go with theatre major phoenix we need to go full fucking theatre major phoenix
like he shows up in germany the first time like “if there’s time for it i’d love to catch a show while i’m here, germany has such a vibrant theatre scene”.
and edgeworth's like “absolutely we can make that happen, i believe there’s a major schiller production running at the moment and it should have english surtitles”.
and phoenix is like “oh yeah no i’m sure it’s really solid but actually there’s a shakespeare production i’m interested in”.
edgeworth is like “okay odd choice for someone supposedly interested in the german theatre scene, but yeah who can say no to shakespeare". but they get there and it turns out it's this like peak weird experimental avant-garde german theatre production of coriolanus that’s set in a bdsm club. for like four hours edgeworth keeps looking over at phoenix like “what in the actual fuck is happening right now right now” but no matter what is happening onstage, phoenix just keeps watching it intently, finger pressed to his lips, the same pensive furrow to his brow that he gets in court when listening to testimony.
but afterwards when they're sipping their after-show aftercare tea in the lobby phoenix is waving his arms all over the place as he's like “SUCH an effective use of consent! the way they just continually wove it into everything. the almost brechtian emersion it created. the way it laid bare the underlying themes around consent of the governed. and then tying that in with the obvious angle of the performative masculinity of militarism and an audience that demands to be played to, and drawing the comparison between that and both bdsm AND theatre itself. an obvious comparison of course, but SO well done! just wow!"
and edgeworth who still hasn't quite managed to process anything beyond that first moment when coriolanus walked onstage in full leather daddy get-up and has a white-knuckled death grip on the after-show aftercare blanket wrapped around his shoulders just nods weakly and croaks out a vague “i'm glad you enjoyed it”
like he's gotta be into weird and experimental theatre. he can't have been a theatre major and NOT be into weird and experimental theatre. sure he'll go see the schiller production and enjoy it, but bdsm coriolanus is what gets his Theatre Kid blood pumping, y'know.
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smolvenger · 1 year
Twenty-Seven Wounds (Coriolanus x fem! Reader)
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Summary: In ancient times, in a place that calls itself Rome, you find yourself married to the general Caius Martius or Coriolanus. He has fought so many battles he has twenty-seven scars on his body. Scars that he has not shown you yet...
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: Mentions of sex but no actual smut, discussions of war, violence. Drunkenness and brief harassment but the asshole is put in his place. Grumpy and Sunshine trope. I do my best to write Caius accurately. But at the end of the day, it's MY indulgent fic and here he's a big tough warmonger who becomes a simp that kisses the ground his cinnamon roll wife walks on. References to the play and to ancient Roman customs and words. A fake kidnapping.
Word Count: 3K
Taglist: @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @muddyorbsblr
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
“General Martius has asked me for your hand in marriage and I consented,” your father announced.
Your vision went dizzy. You had to sit down. You knew many things about General Caius Martius, otherwise known as Coriolanus since his great victory in the land of Corioles. 
As you sat back down to process the news, you recounted every instance of interaction. You met him in the chariot races. Menenius introduced you to each other- the senator's bald head shining like a crown and his chest as puffed as a peacock's.
"This is the great General Martius! And General- this is the lady Y/N-isn't she one of our city's great beauties, hm?"
"Sir! Uh-I-thank you!" you replied, very flustered and surprised he would say that.
General Martius made no reply. Only a polite greeting.
You talked with him at dinners. The odd banquet or party. Saw him in the audience of the Gladiator fights, plays, or chariot races.
But Caius was no run-of-the-mill man. He was a renowned general in the army and known as the fiercest warrior Rome could wish for. Notoriously ferocious on a battlefield. A man who breathed war. He was also notorious for his arrogance and stubbornness and sometimes his anger. You knew he was sensitive to smells- his nose would often crinkle as he walked by the streets.  You knew his mother, Volumina. You knew he enjoyed the Gladiator fights. Though you sometimes turned away when it got too gruesome. If it was too much, he would escort you out. When you came to chariot races, he would be there.
He was still an incredibly attractive man- dark reddish-blonde hair. Beautiful blue eyes. Tall, broad, and striking. When the betrothal was confirmed, he visited where you stayed. Your father joined your hands together. He held them with a delicacy. He then brought them up and kissed them.
“Y/N…I promise you-I will be an honorable husband. You will be protected. You will want for nothing. And they will revere you as they do for me.”
He brought you a little closer so that your hands became entwined. You were not scared of marrying him. No- what scared you was that you were not scared. What scared you was how badly you wanted to marry him. You should have been frustrated that your father agreed to the match without consulting you. All fathers had complete and total say over their children’s marriages…but you were not angry in the least.
“You will be…gentle to me, Caius?” you asked quietly.
“Yes. Yes, I will,” he replied. He placed another hand over yours.
“Ah! What a pretty picture! Come- let us make an offering to the household gods! Let us pray for a blessing for our Y/N and her warrior groom!” your father announced, rubbing his hands together. 
Your wedding happened not too long after. It seemed your family was in a rush to have a connection to the wealthy and famous general.
After the ceremony at the temple of Hera, all of you sat down at your house to a feast. Caius- no, no longer “General Martius” or “General Coriolanus” but just Caius!- sat down next to you. He leaned back and kept an arm around you, his hand rubbing against the side of your arm.
One guest with more wine in his body than decency spittled something that made your stomach curl in offense. He staggered before your seat and pointed a finger at you. 
“Ah! Where can I get a twin of this pretty nymph like Martius’s? Hm? Her breasts will look even better without her wedding gown over them!”
Before you could say a word, Caius lept to his feet. He ran before the drunkard and yanked him by the collar to his face. 
“You will speak with respect to the wife of a general or you will remain quiet!” he barked at the rude guest. 
The room went quiet. You knew if the impulse struck him, Caius would get out his sword and have the bastard sliced in half. The man began to tremble and utter apologies as a friend of his took him away.
“Everyone…let’s have some music now! Before we close the feast-I think it would soothe everyone!” you announced.
Glancing at the musicians frozen with their lyres, they began to play again. You returned to your seat as did your new husband.
“Would you have be different than I am, Y/N?” he whispered to you.
“You were only protecting me…how could I be angry at you or want you different?” you asked.
You gave him a peck on the cheek. He blinked rapidly. You saw him turn bright red and his frown melted into a tiny smile. 
Right as the feast started to wind down, your heart began to drum in your chest. There was the staged kidnapping- for all of Rome knew that the best bride was a maiden who was unwillingly taken from home. So every consenting bride had to pretend as a ceremony for the end of the celebrations. Put on a show good enough to fool the gods for luck.
Getting up from the table, Caius went to the other end of the room to exit through the door. Your mother put her arms around you. He then stormed in on cue like in a Euripedian tragedy.
“This house has something I want! Give me Y/N or I will kill every being who keeps me from her!” he announced in pretense. 
 You could feel yourself trying not to laugh. Your own mother was trying a forced frown.
“Please- mother- don’t let the General take me!” you wailed dutifully.
He went up with his sword out so others stepped back. Then he sheathed it and looked at you, licking his lips.
“I am here! I claim this woman- she is mine now- for my house and my bed!” he declared. 
He took you easily from your mother’s arms and then slung you over his shoulders. You let out a brief squeal- trying to make your laughter sound like tears.
“Mother! Mother! Help!” you cried out in pretend. Glad no one could see your smile as he carried you out. And especially glad you could still ogle his pert behind from where you were dangling for the rest of the “kidnapping.”
He carried you down the streets over his shoulder. Then when you arrived at his place, he transferred you so that he carried you with an arm over your back and the other supporting your legs. For it was bad luck for a young bride to trip. And he kept you in his arms as he ignored his mother and the slaves greeting him and took you straight to his bedroom without a word. Everyone gave each other a look and then went on with their business. 
Caius’s restraint left him as soon as he entered that room. He set you on your feet and then grabbed you. He kissed you so much you could already feel his tongue inside.
“Gods, you are mine now…” he whispered.
He held you so close. You could feel his heat, his desperation, his need to have you. He kept a hand on your back and kept you close. You were getting wet with each touch of his.
He went down to the belt that held your dress. It was tied in a special knot for today- The knot of chastity. And symbolically, one only your husband was allowed to undo. Your heart raced as he began to touch it, a thumb going over the long threads. 
“Caius…I want you…yes-it’s our wedding night, please…” you heard yourself voice. 
 He pulled and fought at the knot almost so much, that he swore that it wasn’t coming off fast enough.  That he would need a knife. Then he used his thumb to edge it out so it would loosen. With several swift tugs and a grunt of his, he yanked the knot undone and the cloth belt came off. He eagerly found the edges of your clothes.
“Yes…my wife…”
You wrapped your arms around him and kissed him again. He then removed the lower parts of his clothes.
There were slaves playing music in the other room. He preferred some quiet music in the evenings. And tonight was no exception. They were to keep playing. To hear him take his wife- no, you. To hear Your cries of pleasure among the soft strings. They were playing when he led you to his lectus and your marriage was passionately consummated. 
You adjusted to married life surprisingly well. And in private, Caius was not the fearsome dragon some heralded him to be. Yes- he was arrogant and stubborn at his worst. But he could be…persuaded, you discovered. 
“And the peasants were crying that they wanted more grain! Grain from our storages!” he reported to you one day over dinner.
“Well…couldn’t we spare just a little bit, dear husband?” you asked.
A Slave brought you a bowl of dates and then left to refill your wine glasses. 
“For the rabble? No-let them hang!” he dismissed.
He tore a bite of meat from its leg and chewed on it like a bear with prey. But you kept your eyes soft and gave him a smile.
“They’re only hungry. Even I become cross when I am hungry! And we have so much food here. Really, it’s more than I can eat! And there are always so many leftovers…surely….just a little grain could be spared, Caius? It would warm my heart to see so many hungry people be fed…they do not complain without reason…perhaps then they won’t complain about you anymore. Just a little bit of grain, Caius? Please?”
You saw his shoulders start to sag. With a deep sigh, he gestured to one of his slaves
“Tell them that five percent of the grain stored will be gathered and distributed to the protesters,” he said. 
You smiled as you looked down.
He was content to sit quietly beside you in some evenings. You could weave your loom and the man who craved battles would merely go over parchments beside you. His desire was like that of an animal though. It only took a look or a smile from you before he was on you, kissing you, and pulling at your clothes to have them come off. The nights when you both did not make love, he still wanted to touch you. He would pull you onto him to rest your head against his chest. You would permit him to rub your back with his hand and wrap his arms protectively around you. As if not even Zeus himself could get past Caius Martius to the treasure that lay in his arms. He often would touch you gently. Even as you walked past him, he would softly just touch a cloth of your skirt, feeling the fabric slip through his fingers longingly as you had to leave. 
There was one dinner where your mother, Volumina, decided to put you to the test. You knew it. As you sat down on the floor enjoying your food, she turned to you and declared something most people would find offensive.
“Ah! I hope in the next battle that my son will receive another scar! Don’t you, Y/N?”
On one hand, you did not want your husband to suffer. But this was Volumina. Her whole life’s purpose was to create a soldier of her boy. To serve the wars in her own way through what she could do behind the scenes. To see him either victorious or dead was her life’s work. Glory in battle meant glory for her and the Martius family. 
Carefully, you added a reply with a dutiful nod of your head.
“Yes- should the scars not be fatal, I see them as badges of honor. And if they were-I am proud to have a husband willing to give his life for the safety of Rome’s people. And if I must sacrifice him for all our sakes, I will make it,” you replied.
“Ah! What a sweet woman you have for your wife, Caius!” Volumina praised, her stained lips curved into a smile. 
There, the middle ground. It wasn’t that bad. But as she slid aside her plate, her talk turned. She looked at you, dressed in her dark clothes with her dark hair done up. Her smile was still big on her creamy face. 
“Did you know, Y/N, that my son bears a total of twenty-seven scars from battle!?” she asked.
“No-he never told me it was that many,” you said with a quick glance at him.
“Yes! And may Ares bring him twenty-seven more!” Volumina said. 
But you had never seen such scars. 
After a few months, you realized something- you had never seen him bare. That was odd. Most women would tell you of how the first time they saw Octavius Cato’s or so-and-so’s willy they burst into laughter. But even the hundreds of times you made love, Caius kept his shirt on. He preferred to bathe alone, never going into the bathhouses. The times he did bathe, sometimes you heard him groan in pain outside the room. As if the scars were still fresh. He always went behind a screen to dress. In bed, he only wore a toge that had short sleeves. You saw a cut over his shoulder peep out. It looked almost like the crack of an earthquake on the soil. But whenever you tried to nudge it in bed, he would move your hand away, asking you to stop. 
You were still unequal. He had kissed every inch of your bare skin. But you had not even seen it. As frightening as that scratch looked, you had to see more. 
That is, until one night. It was uncomfortably warm. You sweated on your shared lectus, tossing and turning in discomfort.  You turned over to see Caius was still awake. He then rolled over of you confirming to the other that you were not asleep. You slept in your underclothes and he still had that toge. And he was sweating. 
“I think you should undress,” you said. 
He turned around, though you could smell his sweat dripping down.
“It’d be better if I didn’t,” he huffed. 
You touched his shoulder, turning him to face you. 
“Caius…why do you show no one your scars?” you asked.
He swallowed.
“They’re….they’re only when Rome needs to see them. When they lose sight. When they lose respect.” he said. r.
“Am I not part of Rome, too?” you asked.
He paused.
“Yes…yes you are…” he answered.
“You’ve never…bared yourself to me like I have to you,” you commented.
“They’re gruesome. It would…it would have scared you, I thought. You wouldn’t want to sleep beside them…too gruesome…” 
He sat up.
“I’ll sleep somewhere else tonight-you don’t want to look at them,” he announced.
But you stopped his hand and kept him still. 
“Caius…may I see them, please?” you asked.
You gingerly touched his chest, right over the toga he wore to bed. You only saw the scratches around his collarbones.
“Are you afraid?” he asked. 
“No. They’re a part of you…I want to see them…” you urged.
His eyes softened. Then you both sat up in bed.
“Then…then remove it for yourself and see.” he permitted. 
You went to the corner edges of his own robe. He helped you as you lifted it over his head. You then got a candle to see it better.
You knew he was a strong man, but there were so many scratches, lashes, and cuts you could not make out the muscles clearly. There were so many cuts and lashes-they looked so dark across his skin. All over his torso. Then there were the newer ones from the battle at Corioles-they still looked red. You set the candle back down on the table near the bed.
“I understand if you wish not to lie with me anymore…I will make arrangements where-”
“No, you don’t have to!” you interrupted.
For once in his life, Caius Martius Coriolanus closed his mouth and he listened.
“Twenty-seven of them. Twenty-seven times you have been wounded. Twenty-seven times you could have died…and didn’t,” you said.  “Can I touch them?”
“Yes,Y/N, you can…”
You lightly took your hand and felt the bumps and edges. He flinched only slightly, then relaxed into it. You could feel the warmth of the sweltering night on him. 
“Caius…may I kiss them?” you asked.
You gently kissed the back of your three fingers and pressed them over the lower scars. You knew putting your mouth lower would stir something in him. Now was not the moment…and it seemed he would agree. His breathing was deep as your kissed fingers touched the lower ones. Such chaste, light kisses like a butterfly's wing.
As they moved up to his chest, you peppered one kiss across one. Then another. You paused, your mouth over his skin, his steady pulse shaking from your touch.  
“Each one…you survived. You defeated your enemies…you protected your allies…and you protected me…and you survived, Caius,” you whispered.
He put a hand to touch your cheek and you leaned into it.
“Dulcissima…my sweetest…thank you…”
“Do they hurt right now?” you asked.
His voice smoothed and spoke with such tenderness as you had never heard before. He put an arm around you as you kept kissing them. 
“No…they never felt more relieved…my wife, her kisses have their own little medicine…”
You moved up to his shoulder from the first fresh one from Corioles, sweetly kissing them. His soft voice spoke on and you could feel yourself burst from his words.
“Dearest of my heart…my gift from Hera and Aphrodite themselves…”
You kissed the gash on his upper left arm. Then you lifted up to meet him, his eyes brimming with tears. 
“There…twenty-seven kisses for each scar…”
Then he relaxed, your hand tracing his chest. You blew the candle out to the dark. The room suddenly became cooler. Then you nuzzled into him, settling into him. How warm he felt-so close and so real. His chest moving and falling.
“Caius…why did you want to marry me?” you asked.
“I thought…you would do well, being married to me. You…you’re good to me. You…you smiled when you saw me. You weren’t afraid…” he confessed.
“I was nervous every time you noticed me!” you recalled.
You felt the smile in his voice. His other hand found yours and wrapped itself over your palm. He went on.
“So was I! I hate banquets and parties…but I went to them in case you were there. I watched you squirm at the gladiator fights and look away and wish I could…just take you in my arms and take you away from them. But…then there was the time I was with your father’s…. You said something, and it made me laugh…I laughed! That was…when I knew…when I knew I had to be your husband.”
You looked up at him. His eyes were shiny. But you did not see tears. He swallowed, perhaps looking away made him more honest. You nestled back into him and clung to him. He kept talking.
 “I kept…thinking of you. Of what you would say. I kept going to the market. Every day. Just to see you. Even just a glimpse of you passing by. Just one glimpse-not much. To see you walk up to the bathhouses….”
“And you never went in to see me in there…because of your scars?” you asked.
“I knew you frequented them. I confess- I am a man. As much as I would have loved to see you naked and wet, it meant scaring the others away when I removed my clothes, it would have scared you away…”
You went back to look at him. This time you touched his face, looking directly into his blue eyes. 
You pressed a forehead to his.
“They don’t scare me…not anymore, and you don’t scare me…” you whispered. “Caius…Caius, I love you…”
“Y/N…I…I love you too…”
That evening, as the night settled over a place that called itself Rome, you relaxed into bed with your husband. You wrapped your arms to embrace him and he did not put on his toge to hide his scars. He only held you tight. His scars only barely brushed against you. Badges of war. Badges of honor. Badges of protection. He kissed the top of your head as you both settled into sleep. 
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pattytasm · 2 months
Tom Hiddleston on why he loves Much Ado About Nothing - AV Club
Much ado about nothing 2025
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spooky1980 · 4 months
"Romeo And Juliet" Opening Night - Arrivals
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LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 23: Tom Hiddleston and Zawe Ashton attend the opening night of "Romeo and Juliet" at the Duke Of York’s Theatre on May 23, 2024 in London, England. (Photo by John Phillips/Getty Images)
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the-real-zhora-salome · 2 months
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tinchentitri · 10 months
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The 67th Evening Standard Theatre Awards - Inside
LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 19: Tom Hiddleston and Zawe Ashton attend The 67th Evening Standard Theatre Awards at Claridge's Hotel on November 19, 2023 in London, England. (Photos by Dave Benett/Getty Images)
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emys-123 · 9 months
The latest what if must be Tom Hiddleston’s easiest pay check. Show up, be yourself and enjoy. Episode done.
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Hi, guys. 😊💕
So someone asked me for the recording I have of Betrayal, and since I have it uploaded now I thought I’d share it here in case anyone else wants it, too. 
(Be forewarned that, as it was recorded by an audience member, the sound isn't always the clearest but you can still hear most it.)
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justzawe · 10 months
Zawe and Tom via ES Culture instagram stories
The ass pat! 😂
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insanityclause · 10 months
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LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 19: Tom Hiddleston and Zawe Ashton attend the Evening Standard Theatre Awards 2023 at Claridge's Hotel on November 19, 2023 in London, England. (Photos by Tristan Fewings/Getty Images)
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kateslife15 · 6 months
World Theatre Day with Tom Hiddleston at Coriolanus @NationalTheatre
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wolviestars · 10 months
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darokimagic · 10 months
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#NEW pic of Tom and Zawe at the 67th Standard Evening Theatre Awards
source: https://eveningstandard.pressreader.com/evening-standard-west-end-final-extra-es-magazine/20231124
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uhlikzsuzsanna · 10 months
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The 67th Evening Standard Theatre Awards - VIP Arrivals
LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 19: Tom Hiddleston and Zawe Ashton attend The 67th Evening Standard Theatre Awards at Claridge's Hotel on November 19, 2023 in London, England. (Photo by Alan Chapman/Dave Benett/Tristan Fewings/Getty Images)
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