#theyre v small and not noticeable but. just in case
spiralstain · 2 years
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haifengg · 4 years
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A = Affection (How do they show their affection?) The kinship type of guy. A lot of holding hands and smiling forehead kisses. Almost everywhere does he wrap his arm around his s/o’s shoulder. At a basketball game or something he will pack an extra blanket or jacket to give to them if they’re cold. He is very thoughtful about the little things in a relationship.
B = Breath (What could their s/o do to take their breath away?) Their smile. Seeing their whole face light up when they are happy or amazed. How their eyes sparkle and maybe their dimples show? It’s his favorite thing in the world. His s/o’s smile makes his aches go away and his day clear up. It clears his mental acne really.
C = Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?) Huge cuddler. All the time. (See more at H)
D = Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?) He would want to take his s/o to Chicago and show them where he grew up. Introduce his parents and show his partner around. Make them taste his favourite pizza, maybe a road trip? The open road (the highway to heaven....), sunsets and gas stations. Have midnight pancakes and black coffee at a diner!
E = Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?) This I am not sure about. I would say he puts in a normal level of effort. Pretty much the same amount as his s/o. He shows them they are precious and his most valuable thing in life but he won’t go full bonkers on valentines day or something like that.
F = Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?) Johnny handles it very well. He is very educated and cautious about mental health in general so he would take every fear seriously. If his s/o is anxious about anything he will do his best to make a situation more comfortable for them or try to avoid the situation as a whole. G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?) Accessories. Johnny strikes me as a men who gets his s/o small things likes designer bracelets or card holders. Things they wouldn’t buy themselves because it’s unnecessary and expensive but if he knows they will accept and like it and most importantly use it - he will get it to them. And if they say they can’t accept he would say something like “It’s alright, don’t worry. I got a discount on it because I worked with them earlier this year.” Even if it’s a lie.
H = Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?) Johnny is tall and he has long arms. Perfect to wrap around someone and should them from cold wind at a busstop or pull them in after a long walk in the rain. He knows how much his s/o craves those hugs and how protected they are feeling when he holds them tightly.
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?) Has this man issues with intimacy? No?? Have you seen him??? I would be just as confident if I was him. J = Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?) Jealous boyfriend right here. Johnny might act chill about his s/o hanging out with other men on days he is also available or seeing them walk out of lecture together on a day he wanted to surprise them by picking them up. He won’t let it show because it would hurt his reputation as LBBY (Laid Back Boyfriend of the Year) but his s/o will notice. Maybe by how short his answers are or because of all the questions he asks about that friend. Or maybe by the way he kisses them later that night. Maybe he also dislikes this side about himself because he knows he can trust them. K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?) Johnny’s kisses are to melt for. Just the perfect mix of soft pecks and slightly rough ... idk how to describe it. He would randomly bite his s/o’s lips to catch them off guard and if they blush he will laugh about it and pull them into a long lingering and smily kiss ... 
L = Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?) Constantly. He will say it. He will text it. He will moan it. He will ask you “You love me right?” There won’t be a day his s/o won’t hear or read it or both.
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?) In a committed relationship Johnny would think about marriage 100% but he doesn’t have to get married right away. Maybe ever. He strikes me as the kind of guy who is happy just being with his s/o. Maybe he will think different if they’re ever thinking about having a kid. But in that case time will tell.
N = Night out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?) Goofy dates! Game nights! Haunted houses where his s/o clings on to him! Arcades and hours of dance dance revolution! O = Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?) I don’t think he would go to fancy restaurants. Not even for an anniversary. It’s just not his thing and this casual red wine at the river or beach is more his thing than make dinner reservations and letting waiters tell him what wine he’s having. I am not saying that he doesn’t do it at all - maybe he enjoys it on some occasions (when he has to impress parents for example) but overall with his s/o ... I think a chill open air wine tasting might rather be his thing. P =Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?) He messes around all the time. He will make himself a bra out of lather when he’s in the shower try to seduce his s/o, he will mock the radio moderator and make up an semi-interesting newsflash about their breakfast. Q = Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?) Loves to ask their s/o for their opinion so he does it a lot. Sometimes he even changes his decision if his s/o has some really good points or perhaps even better ideas. R = Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?) This man is so goofy how is he not random. He will wake his s/o up in the middle of the night just to go see the stars. He would make last minute dinner reservations and trick them into a dinner date by asking them if they come pick him up. He is so random and I love it. Though it would drive me insane. S = Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?) A lot of cuddles and soft temple kisses during the early state of the night or the going-to-bed/settling in but once everyone is comfy and tired they slew butt to butt. He jokes about that constantly. T = Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?) He lives off and thrives on trust. A relationship in which he wouldn’t fully trust his s/o is no relationship to him.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as a s/o?) Johnny radiates positive vibes, which makes him insanely attractive. He is so comfortable with himself and empowering towards literally everyone it’s as if you would have your very own personal cheerleader. With him on their side his s/o could literally accomplish everything. V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?) He is pretty open about his feelings and concerns so I don’t think it would take a long time for him to talk to theyr s/o about everything. He shares his worries with a lot of friends/close friends but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s less significant when he tells his s/o. He might talk to a lot of people about things but he might only take advice from a few. W = Weather (What would he do during a cloudy and rainy day?) Coffee and galleries. A day with rolling thunder or just light annoying rain for him is the most welcome excuse to take his s/o for a classy museum tour. It doesn’t matter if it’s modern art or some good old fashioned photography. He would love to spend hours there and not missing out of anything in the outside world. X = Xylophon (What does he think about their s/o’s taste in music? Is it different?) If you they like the same music as he does - he would love it. But honestly he is such an open-minded man we would listen to anything at least once and even though he doesn’t like it would say something like ‘It’s interesting.’ On a car ride or something they would agree on something they both enjoy or put on a shared playlist and he would peacefully endure the songs he doesn’t like or enjoying them just as much because they make his s/o visibly happy. Y = Yuck (Is there anything that might bother their s/o about him? Any flaws?) So... we all know how much he enjoys coffee. Sometimes maybe a little too much. And we also hopefully all know the rules of basic hygiene and how you shouldn’t overdo it. What I am trying to say it that boy has coffee breath. He has so much coffee during the day that he can’t possibly brush his teeth every time. Not saying that he is dirty or anything. Just ... take a hint - pop a mint.
Z = Zeal (Are they passionate as a s/o? Do they want or like passion?) This man breathes passion. I honestly don’t think he could be with someone less passionate than him. More reserved? Yes. Someone who doesn’t take the lead? Yes. But someone lacking in passion is a no-no. I’m not even talking solemnly about passion in a sexual way. It also applies to interests or hobbies. Being passionate about a certain topic or sport, music, politics, ... you name it. He is the utmost passion able person and we all know it. Period.
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@kpopsnowball​ @starrdustville @jeonghanmoon
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(1/2) Is it just me, or does nobody talk about the racism in Lisa: the Painful? I liked the series for a good few years, most of its slipped my mind by now, but looking back on it - the entire premise of Bloodmoon Mountain is horrifically racist. There’s the antiblackness sprinkled around the game of course, but I feel like the racism goes overlooked when talking about Painful’s flaws.
(2/2) It’s a little conflicting since there’s things that the game does really well, like depictions of complex trauma for one. I don’t know. You honestly just seem like one of the more (if not, most) normal Lisa fans so I wanted to hear your thoughts. Feel free to delete or ignore these if you’re not comfortable responding though.
this is one of many very sad drawbacks of the games niche appeal; because it stayed popular primarily in circles where people either didnt notice the racism or didnt care about it (i.e. /v/), its an oft unmentioned issue with the game.
i actually did talk somewhat at length about the bloodmoon tribe already and imma just leave it at what i (and that other anon LMAO) said before cause i think we covered it pretty well. its an extremely lazy and stereotypical section of the game, and i do find this extremely frustrating because the area itself is VERY cool and the music goes off. but even taking the bloodmoon tribe out of it, the other depictions of indigenous characters throughout the game are lazy as fuck too and go the same stereotype route. i dont doubt that he meant for this to be a loving send-up to his home state (he is from colorado, “olathe” is a town name in colorado as well, and obviously there is a sizable native population there), but the execution is just so god awful that any good intentions are lost completely, i think.
as for the antiblackness, i DO see it and can think of a few scattered incidents of it, but tbh i find the anti-native racism to be much more overpowering in this case. the most racist thing i can think of off the top of my head is rick’s kid being black in an obvious cuckold joke, and yeah that was pretty god awful, but im at least appreciative that the scene ends very quickly (and if im being honest, i actually didnt get this for a while after playing the game and thought the joke was that the kid was adopted but rick was pretending he wasnt LMAO).
theres also the moment when salvation black says “no race jokes please!”, but as mentioned in the other ask, thats a reference to the old rumor that the black power ranger quit due to being given a color stereotypically associated with his race. i dont consider this one particularly racist on its own
that aside, if memory serves there are a few black characters (rick’s kid included) who have red lips, but i actually think this is less an issue with austin actively using an antiblack stereotype and more an issue of his design style. a LOT of his character sprites have red lips, both big and small, and the majority of his sprites are white (or at least, not visibly characters of color), so its obvious that hes just like. taking some of those characters and making them brown instead, without actually considering the ramifications of those same traits on a brown character. yikes LMAO
again this is not to excuse any of this stuff, as its all pretty bad and he ABSOLUTELY shouldve had someone vet this shit before he published it; this is just the impression i get as a fan and as someone who has played this game entirely too much. i think an actively racist voice wouldve had a lot more malice behind it and come up much more often, but the majority of these cases are very blink-and-youll-miss-it, which i guess is what makes it so easy to not realize theyre there in the first place (with the bloodmoon tribe being the obvious exception). i do love this game with all my heart, but if he ever does rerelease it i sincerely hope he does a fuckton more research, ideally WITH actual people of color, and improves or removes this stuff entirely. this is definitely something fans need to be more aware of, and i think if he was to be open about it and admit he fucked up, it would really speak well on who he is as a person.
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babysizedfics · 4 years
okok so i dont know if virgil would like it (bc of the separation anxiety) but how does he feel abt peek a boo? i imagine his cgs would make it super fun! like have him on his mama’s lap with his papa in front of him and theyre like “wheres the baby??” and pat covers his eyes “there he is!!” and pat gets all happy and excited to see virgil so v gets all excited which makes pat even mOre excited so v gets lil happy kissies!!!! (can u tell ive been wanting to play peek a boo hdhdj)
I hope you don't mind but i made this into a fic it was essential it was unavoidable i was crying as i wrote this
Title: Peekaboo!
Summary: Logan is a shy new caregiver, Patton learns what separation anxiety is, and Virgil disappears then reappears and is a very confused baby.
Word count: 6,600
Note: Set before the events of Little Accidents, Big Developments (AO3 | tumblr)
Also on AO3
It had been a somewhat slow day. Roman had been holed up in his room for most of it, rehearsing for an audition that Thomas had landed for the following week. He was working rather relentlessly, though Patton had been sure to request that he at least leave his room for mealtimes - and Logan had outright demanded it when Roman stubbornly refused. After a very speedy lunch, Roman was back in his room and the other three were left to their own devices in the living room.
Quite understandably, Patton had noticed Virgil was much antsier that afternoon. Probably because Roman was constantly talking about how absolutely essential it was that Thomas did not mess up a single line in next week’s audition and that he personally would “enter into a state of devastated mourning should this chance at stardom be killed and dashed across the stage floor”.
That had evidently sent Virgil’s anxiety into a downward spiral. After the fourth shaky sigh in as many minutes from the younger side’s lips, Patton shook his head and twisted on the couch to look at him.
‘Okay, that’s enough,’ Patton said, giving a rare stern look to the boy who was currently pacing the living room floor and looking just about ready to tear his hair out. ‘No more worrying, Stormcloud.’
‘I can’t help it!’ Virgil whispered quite fiercely. His eyes were wide and though they looked in Patton’s direction, it was as if his gaze was fixed a mile in the distance, likely imagining a variation of disastrous scenarios. ‘We could choke or trip or literally do the worst performance ever and Roman would be depressed and then we might not be able to make videos for months because he’s so distraught and what if it was all my fault? What if I was the one to make Thomas mess up and then Roman would hate me and -’
‘Breathe,’ Logan commanded from where he sat in the armchair reading a book.
As if being shaken from a spell, Virgil’s frantic pacing halted and he gasped in a breath.
‘It was not your fault because it has not happened. Roman won’t hate you because even if it did happen, the blame could not fall solely on your shoulders. Everything is going to be all right, Virgil.’
At Logan’s reassuring words, Virgil nodded slightly to himself, his eyes fixed on his feet as he took in steady, though shallow breaths.
Patton bit his lip for a moment in thought. It was obvious that Virgil would not be able to get past this anxiety without a distraction… and what better distraction than being a baby?
With a firm nod to himself that meant Yes, this is definitely the only solution. Not just because I love looking after my baby, of course, Patton switched the TV over from the show he had been watching to Guess How Much I Love You, one of Virgil’s favourite cartoons in littlespace.
As soon as the bright musical score started playing, Virgil and Logan’s gazes both snapped up to the screen. The older one smiled slightly while the younger side’s thumb flew to his mouth in an instant. He began nibbling on his nail as a young child’s voice sang the opening song:
“Dancing through springtime,
Flowers are raised in summer sun,
Catching white snowflakes on your nose,
Running through autumn leaves that float from trees from high,
With a love that is bigger than the sky”
Patton beamed at how Virgil seemed fully enraptured by the animated rabbit and bright flowers on the screen. The moral side happily joined in singing his favourite part of the song, all while gazing at Virgil.
‘Guess how much I love you, guess how much I love you -’ he held his arms out to Virgil in an invitation for a hug ‘- Guess how much I love you!’
‘’M not little,’ Virgil mumbled with a strong blush gracing his cheeks. It was so quiet that Patton wouldn’t be surprised if Logan had not been able to hear it, being slightly further away from them.
‘I know, sweetheart,’ Patton said gently through a smile, knowing that Virgil’s statement wouldn’t be true for very long. His arms remained open. ‘But maybe we can just watch a bit and see if it helps you calm down.’
There was a stiff nod and within a few seconds Virgil had plopped down onto the couch beside Patton, instantly snuggling up to him.
Patton allowed himself a small chuckle as he wrapped his arms around Virgil and pulled him into his lap. Seeing Logan’s proud smile filled him with far more joy than he was currently able to express if he didn’t want to accidentally fling Virgil off of his lap, so he let it fizzle away in his chest with a bright grin. As he settled back to watch the show, he pretended not to notice his baby’s thumb slipping into his mouth.
Needless to say, by the end of the ten-minute episode, Virgil was entirely gone.
Patton nearly squealed. He wasn’t quite over his excitement for Virgil’s new nickname for him. ‘Yes, my sweet little fieldmouse?’
‘Peas Minpy?’ Virgil garbled around his thumb, twisting his head to look pleadingly at Patton.
That look… Virgil had no idea what that look did to Patton’s heart. With a firm hand on his chest, Patton said, ‘Okay, baby. Let’s go upstairs and get Minty.’
‘I can fetch them,’ Logan quickly announced from the armchair. Patton watched as he snapped his book shut quite hurriedly, stood, paused for a second as he clearly got a head-rush from standing so fast, then made his way over to them. ‘I’m going to go and get Minty for you, Virgil,’ he explained, leaning down to be eye level with them.
His hand reached forward hesitantly and patted Virgil’s head twice, to which the regressor replied with a giggle and a poke to Logan’s wrist.
Patton fought very hard to contain an adoring smile as Logan’s cheeks flushed before he bustled out of the living room. The logical side was a little awkward in his attempts at physical affection, but they never failed to put a smile on Virgil’s face so Patton could hardly tease him about it. And it wasn’t Logan’s fault that cuddles and kisses didn’t come as naturally to him as they did to Patton. He was trying, and it only made Patton all the more smitten with him.
Feeling his cheeks warm at that thought, Patton quickly busied himself with holding Virgil’s hand (the one that was not currently glued to his chin while he sucked his thumb) and started circling his finger on the little one’s palm. ‘Round and round the garden, like a teddy bear…’
After a short while of singing and tickling and giggling, Logan returned with Minty in tow. One of Virgil’s little baby blankets was slung over his shoulder. At Patton’s raised eyebrow he shrugged it with a short explanation of: ‘Just in case he needs it.’
Virgil snatched his thumb out of his mouth with a muted pop and held his hands out to the soft toy with a whine.
‘Can you remember what word we say when we want something?’ Patton nudged Virgil slightly, though kept him in a firm embrace to make sure the boy didn’t topple off of his lap with his lack of balance.
Virgil’s face turned back to him. He opened his mouth as if ready to say something then frowned and snapped his jaw shut with a pout. Another whine came forth, this time sounding a bit upset.
‘Aww, are you too little, sweetie?’ Patton cooed. Virgil’s head suddenly collapsed onto his shoulder and he heard a sniffle. ‘No, no, it’s okay. It’s all right, baby,’ he hastened to reassure, bringing his hand up to stroke Virgil’s hair soothingly. He really was so sensitive when he was this small, it was difficult to avoid upsetting him. That was one thing that had been difficult to come to terms with when Patton first became Virgil’s caregiver. ‘You’re allowed to be as little as you want.’
The cushion beneath him dipped and he realised the sudden firm warmth pressing against his arm was Logan, who was sitting incredibly close to him. It was difficult not to blush. And so Patton did blush.
‘Virgil, look who has come to see you,’ Logan said so warmly that it melted Patton’s heart.
A curious baby pulled his face off of Patton’s shoulder and all remnants of upset on his features were quickly replaced by sheer happiness. Patton thought it would never get old, seeing Virgil’s eyes sparkle with such rare joy.
A lopsided grin stretched Logan’s lips as he pressed the stuffed dinosaur into the crook of Virgil’s arm. ‘There we are.’
The sweetest little squeak sounded as Virgil sat more upright on Patton’s lap and hugged the toy tightly, burying his face in its fur.
‘So much for not being little,’ Logan murmured lowly by Patton’s ear in an amused tone. The rumble of it resonated right through the moral side’s chest and left him dumbstruck.
‘Yeah,’ Patton breathed, not being able to think of anything much smarter to add.
Twenty minutes and a couple more episodes of Guess How Much I Love You later, Patton and Virgil (now with a pacifier) were being silly on the carpet. By being silly, they were quite literally just making funny faces at each other and then taking a minute’s break while they calmed down from all of the giggles and aching smiles than ensued.
Logan, being “not one for such tomfoolery”, was back to reading in the armchair. Though Patton had noticed that he was tending to spend more and more time on each page as he cast more and more glances over to the two on the carpet.
It was quite evident that Logan was eager to take care of Virgil, and it was becoming more prominent every day. He was incredibly passionate about the idea when he had first discussed it with Patton nearly a month previously and had been damn near ecstatic when Virgil had agreed to the suggestion. Though, going by his timidity and shy glances when Patton was caring for Virgil around him, it seemed his nerves were getting the better of him. Well, Patton couldn’t have that at all.
‘Oh, you’re such a silly baby!’ Patton chuckled when Virgil scrunched up his face as if he had eaten a lemon slice. ‘Papa’s gonna be right back, sweetheart.’
Without much delay, Patton jumped up with a big smile and ruffled Virgil’s hair, only just noticing that his face had fallen as he walked away. He would be fine, especially with Logan looking after him.
‘Where are you going?!’ Logan practically shrieked, his eyes wide and staring at Patton in disbelief.
Patton couldn’t help but giggle. ‘I’m just going to pee. You can watch Virgil while I’m gone!’ he cried a bit too excitedly if the look of suspicion on Logan’s face was anything to go by. ‘Come on, Lo. You are his other caregiver, aren’t you?’
That seemed to humble Logan as he looked to his lap and fidgeted with his tie. ‘Yes, I - of course.’
As Patton moved out into the hallway he heard Logan sliding off of his chair and talking to Virgil in quiet, gentle tones. He smiled, knowing that Logan truly did have it in him to be a carer, he just needed some encouragement.
Within mere minutes Patton was on his way back to the living room. If he took his bathroom trip quite languidly and chose to use the upstairs bathroom just to have a longer journey, he was sure no-one would have noticed. It was all for a good cause, after all. Though, he began to doubt this reasoning when he became aware of wet sniffles and whimpers and frantic hushes coming from the living room.
‘Logan, is everything okay?’ Patton asked as he pushed the door open.
He was met with the sight of a red-faced, tear-stained Virgil pulling very harshly on his pacifier handle. Logan was knelt beside him, holding his hands out in a placating gesture and looking quite concerned.
It only took a second or so for Patton to drop by Virgil’s side and immediately wrap him in a warm hug. The younger’s crying slowed as he buried his face in Patton’s chest.
‘What happened?’ Patton whispered, looking up at Logan’s bewildered stare.
‘He started crying the minute you left,’ Logan said, his brow furrowed (beautifully), ‘but I could not find any indication of injury or anything in the vicinity that might have caused such a sudden drop in mood.’
‘Oh, sweetheart,’ Patton murmured sadly as he gazed upon his curled up baby, suddenly understanding. He lifted Virgil slightly to bring him into his lap. ‘It’s okay, Lo. Sometimes he does that when I leave him for a bit.’
Just as with every time previously, Virgil’s tears had completely subsided now that he was in Patton’s embrace. Rather than whimpers and sniffles, the only sounds coming from him were the suckling of his pacifier and a small sigh of content.
Logan seemed thrown off by the sudden change. ‘He cries when you leave the room? Is there no suggestion that he could be upset by extraneous variables in these situations?’
‘I don’t know much about “ex-trainer vary balls” but nothing else happens to make him cry.’ Patton tightened his hold around Virgil protectively. ‘He just misses his papa.’
The way Logan’s frown pulled down even more was slightly less cute this time, only because it made Patton worry.
‘Patton, I don’t believe this qualifies as “just missing his papa”. This may be a case of separation anxiety.’
Even as his baby snuggled into him further, Patton felt his heart sink. ‘That doesn’t sound very nice. What is it?’
‘In short, it means that he is aware enough to realise just how dependent he is on you, but not in an old enough headspace to have a solid understanding of object permanence.’ Patton’s confusion must have shown on his face because Logan immediately elaborated, ‘When something leaves his line of sight, he believes it has ceased to exist.’
‘Oh, that can’t be right.’ Patton looked down at the sleepy boy in his lap. ‘No, he must know I’m still gonna come back to him. I always come back to him.’ Purple tendrils of hair parted around his fingertips as he stroked his little one’s head.
‘Allow me to demonstrate,’ Logan said, then picked Minty up from where they had apparently been abandoned on the carpet. ‘Virgil,’ he called, ‘Vee, look over here. Look at Minty.’
With a little snuffle, Virgil lifted his head from Patton’s shoulder. It was noticeable how his eyes sparkled upon seeing his favourite toy. ‘Minpy!’ he squealed in excitement.
‘Aww,’ Patton cooed, unable to hide his adoration for just how sweet his little boy was.
‘Don’t you think he was surprised to see Minty?’ Logan questioned, holding Minty just out of reach from Virgil who was starting to whine as he held his arm out to the toy.
‘Well… I guess so, but that doesn’t mean -’
Minty was suddenly pulled away and hidden behind Logan’s back, completely out of sight. An expression of fake-surprise crossed Logan’s features as he looked at Virgil. ‘Where did Minty go, Vee?’
Watching Virgil’s reaction, Patton was beginning to understand what Logan meant. A mild panic had clouded over Virgil’s eyes and he looked frantically between Patton’s face and Logan’s now empty hand. It wasn’t long before the whimpering started anew.
‘Sweetie, it’s okay,’ Patton murmured, rocking him slightly on his lap. ‘You remember where Minty went, don’t you?’
Wet eyes locked onto his. ‘Gom,’ Virgil whispered forlornly.
‘He’s not gone, baby. See.’ Patton sent a pointed look to Logan, to which the logical side at least had the decency to appear embarrassed by his experiment and pulled Minty back out from behind him.
Virgil gasped through his pacifier, apparently shocked by the toy’s sudden reappearance. He whined and made desperate grabby hands at the toy.
‘There you go, Virgil.’ The toy was pushed into Virgil’s hands and instantly squeezed against his chest in a tight hug. Logan looked back up to Patton a little shyly. ‘I apologise for upsetting him. I had to prove my hypothesis.’
A sigh escaped Patton as he swayed his baby gently. Logan did honestly look remorseful, and he had shown Patton what object permanence was (or more what it wasn’t) so perhaps it was all right. Even if it hadn’t been in a very fun way. ‘So, does he think I… I die when I leave the room?’ he whispered shakily.
‘Not nearly so morbid,’ Logan reassured, actually reaching out to stroke his finger across Virgil’s knuckle. It was a very small act of affection, but Patton appreciated it nonetheless. ‘He does not have the mental capacity to think about anything that he cannot see. When you leave him, he cannot see you and so all he can think about at that moment is your absence, rather than believe you could exist somewhere that is not with him.’
The strangest bittersweet feeling swirled in Patton’s chest. Sure, it was kind of cute that Virgil loved and needed his papa so much that he always wanted to be with him. But Patton couldn’t be with him all the time. He did his best, of course, but he couldn’t exactly go hours without needing to go to the bathroom or fetching something from the cupboard.
‘Can we maybe fix it?’ Patton asked.
That crinkle in between Logan’s eyebrows came forth again and Patton longed to press his lips against it and smooth it out with a kiss. ‘There are simple activities we can do to try to reinforce object permanence. Though given the fact that he is not truly a developing child, I am unsure if they will have any effect on him.’
‘It’s worth a try though, right?’ Patton didn’t want his baby to be needlessly upset if they could help it.
A soft smile stretched Logan’s lips, and it made it quite tricky to remain worried. ‘It’s worth a try.’
And try they did. They really did.
As per Logan’s suggestion, they started with Patton leaving the room for progressively longer bouts of time. Thirty seconds, then one minute, then two minutes, and et cetera. At least, that had been the plan. In practice, it was much more resemblant of ten seconds, Virgil’s distressed whimpering, and Patton dashing back to comfort his baby. Then ten seconds, then Virgil whimpering, then Patton dashing. Ten seconds, whimpering, dashing. All in all, they considered it a failed attempt. (Patton was very glad that Logan didn’t reprimand him for ruining the experiment.) (‘You didn’t ruin anything, Patton.’)
The next activity was hiding objects and showing Virgil that they would always be revealed again. Minty had been the first choice, though Virgil was still rather distressed from their first activity and was clinging onto the toy tightly. The caregivers came to a silent agreement that it would not be fair to take away his comfort item. They instead attempted to hide things from around the room; little trinkets such as a photo frame or one of Roman’s sketchpads he had left lying around.
Virgil at least did not start crying whenever they were hidden behind Logan’s back or under his baby blanket. In fact, he hardly seemed to notice them disappear at all. No matter how much baby-talk and coaxing from Patton and Logan, the regressor did not react to them and only frowned and buried his head against Patton’s chest with a whine that almost resembled a groan of annoyance. Apparently he was entirely uninterested in the activity when it concerned such boring objects.
‘Virgil, look. Roman’s drawings are all gone,’ Logan announced, pulling the blankie over the sketchpad for the fourth time. Patton felt Virgil’s head roll on his chest lazily to look. ‘And now -’ Logan pulled the blanket back with a little gasp, revealing the book, ‘- there they are, they came back!’
‘Wow, would you look at that!’ Patton gasped, shaking Virgil very gently to try to excite him.
A soft grunt sounded before Virgil buried his pouting face in Minty’s tummy.
Both caregivers sighed.
‘Perhaps this activity is too impersonal to interest him,’ Logan mumbled, looking more than a little disheartened.
It wasn’t a surprise, given how passionate Logan was about educational activities. Despite the logical side’s hesitance with being solely responsible for a regressed Virgil, he had displayed plenty of interest in the boy’s wellbeing. Over the past few weeks wherein he had been subject to Virgil’s regression, Logan had had plenty of input in ways Patton could play with him and similarly teach him things that his regressed self had not known before. Patton, in turn, had convinced Logan that he himself partake in the activities too, and hence Virgil’s comfort around him had been gradually growing.
So seeing how disappointed Logan was by Virgil despondence for this activity, Patton absolutely had to do something to remedy it. He just had a fussy baby to get through first.
‘Oh no!’ Patton cried, knowing that it would be enough to get Virgil’s attention. As expected, the baby looked up from his toy still adorning a frown as he suckled his pacifier. ‘Vee, I’ve lost something very important and I can’t find it!’
Virgil’s grumpy expression melted into a worried one and he looked over to Logan. Then he pointed at the other side and whined at Patton.
A giggle worked its way through Patton’s words as he explained, ‘No, I didn’t lose Logan. I can’t find my happy little baby anywhere!’
Shyness replaced Virgil’s confusion as Minty was pulled up to cover most of his face.
‘Is he…’ Patton hummed in thought for a moment, then fluttered his finger under Virgil’s ear, ‘over here?’
A little squeak was muffled behind Minty as Virgil’s eyes crinkled. But, Patton thought in amusement, he still couldn’t see Virgil’s smile, so technically it didn’t count.
‘No?’ Patton gasped, then moved his finger down to wiggle over the sole of Virgil’s socked foot. ‘Is he under there?’
With a strained giggle, Virgil dropped Minty to push at Patton’s hand quite weakly. His dimples were starting to show.
Biting his lip around a grin, Patton released Virgil’s foot but then started circling his finger around in midair teasingly. ‘Oh, I wonder where my happy little one could be.’
‘Papa!’ Virgil called, giggling around his pacifier.
‘Oh my, I think I heard him!’ Patton’s finger started wriggling and moving towards Virgil’s tummy. ‘Could he be in here?’
He slid his finger under Virgil’s shirt and started squiggling over his tummy. Virgil was immediately squirming in his lap, giggling uncontrollably.
‘There’s my happy baby!’ Patton laughed.
For another couple of moments, the room was filled with the sounds of Virgil’s bright laughter and the soft kicks of his feet against the carpet. Then Logan spoke up:
‘Actually, this poses another suggestion.’
Patton twisted in his place, keeping a firm hold on Virgil who was still calming from his giggles. At some point during the tickle attack, Logan had apparently moved back to the armchair. While he was sitting quite stiffly and avoiding Patton’s eyes, there was a slight twist in his lips that suggested he was holding back a smile.
‘What’s that, Loganberry?’
A half-hearted scoff greeted that nickname, though Logan continued regardless. ‘Playing Where’s the baby? - otherwise referred to as Peekaboo - is a commonly used tactic in teaching object permanence in infants.’
‘Oh, how adorable!’ At once, Patton shuffled both him and Virgil to face Logan on the carpet, supporting Virgil in sitting upright. He was eagerly peering over Virgil’s head at Logan. Patton wouldn’t miss this for the world! ‘Whenever you’re ready.’
Logan bridled in his seat a little. ‘I, um… Well, I anticipated that you would want to do it, Patton.’
‘Oh.’ The slump of Patton’s shoulders was probably more noticeable than he would have liked. Was he asking too much of Logan to play a game like that with their baby? The logical side has always been sensitive to looking less than serious. ‘Of course,’ Patton nodded, regretting that his voice sounded strained.
‘Wait, no. I -’ The words stuttered to a halt as Logan closed his eyes and took a deep, likely steadying breath. When his eyes opened again, he looked down at Virgil with a soft, open expression. ‘Shall we play a game, Vee?’
Pride swelled in Patton’s chest.
The weight on his lap shifted as Virgil turned around to look at him. His expression wasn’t too easily read, but Patton knew he was simply seeking affirmation and so he encouraged him. ‘That’ll be fun, won’t it, baby?’
Seemingly satisfied, Virgil turned back to Logan and made a hum of assent.
It would never be spoken aloud, but Patton was quite sure that both he and Logan acknowledged just how awkward the logical side felt in that moment.
With a quiet clearing of his throat, Logan lifted the baby blanket from the floor and held it up in the air in front of him, concealing his face. After a moment, the fabric dropped to his feet to reveal Logan’s face - adorned with a faint blush.
‘Peekaboo,’ he said in an incredibly unfitting monotone.
A wince fought to crumple Patton’s face, but he battled it fiercely. As was to be expected, Virgil did not react much to Logan’s weak exclamation.
‘That did not have the desired effect,’ Logan grumbled, his cheeks a deep shade of pink now.
‘Aw, come on. Maybe you could try again with a bit more, y’know,’ Patton stalled, shrugging his shoulders with a guilty smile, ‘feeling.’
Logan’s eyes darted between Patton’s face, the blanket on the floor, and Virgil. Then he shook his head rapidly and muttered to his lap, ‘This was a silly suggestion. Forgive me.’
Being overcome by a wave of sympathy, Patton offered, ‘Here, why don’t we switch?’
He gripped Virgil tightly and rose from the floor with his baby in his arms. Virgil only had the chance to whine for half a second (he didn’t respond too well to being picked up a lot of the time) before Patton was easing him into Logan’s lap.
‘Uh, Pat - Patton…’ Logan stuttered, going stiff in his seat.
Ignoring the nervous protest, Patton persisted and situated Virgil further back on Logan’s lap so that the regressor leant against Logan’s chest. ‘There we are, sweetheart.’
It was met with a high-pitched whine and one of Virgil’s hands reaching out to him again as he leant forward to chase his papa.
Logan quickly caught Virgil’s shoulders before the boy swayed too far to one side. ‘Are you certain this is all right?’ he asked quite breathlessly. ‘I haven’t held him before, I don’t -’
‘Logan, don’t worry.’ It was almost amusing how wide Logan’s eyes were. Patton sent both of his boys the most comforting smile he had to offer. ‘I’m sure Mommy Logan is plenty capable of holding a baby in his lap.’
Both sides on the couch spoke simultaneously:
‘“Mommy Logan”?’
Virgil’s tiny voice filled Patton with such intense awe, he could hardly breathe past the swell of adoration in his chest.
He just smiled and with each hand offered a supportive touch to the two on the couch - a hair stroke for Virgil and a shoulder squeeze for Logan. He directed his next words at Virgil, knowing Logan wouldn’t be able to argue with his baby-talk. ‘Yes, baby. You’ve got a papa already, haven’t you? So now you’ve got a mama too!’
In a somewhat unexpected change of heart, Virgil’s upset at being away from his papa dissipated and he sank back against Logan’s chest quite happily.
Logan’s arms had fallen forward to secure around Virgil much in the same fashion as a seatbelt.
The decision to be so unapologetic and forward about suggesting “Mommy Logan” had been a risky one on Patton’s behalf, though seeing the gentle smile that softened Logan’s face thwarted any lingering doubts he had harboured about it.
‘I suppose that makes sense,’ Logan murmured, absently stroking his thumb over Virgil's shoulder and gazing down at him as if in a trance. ‘I can be Mama Logan.’
Going by Logan’s expression, Patton was sure he recognised the feeling that lay behind it. Patton knew it well; being entranced by the vulnerability and innocence and sweetness of the person who now relied on you to take care of them. It was the feeling of protectiveness. The paternal instinct. It was love.
He did his best not to tear up at seeing it displayed so openly in Logan’s eyes.
‘Okay, baby, are we ready to play?’ His happy tone was only moderately hindered by his tearfulness.
Virgil bounced a little in Logan’s lap (which earned him a surprised chuckle from the logical side) and nodded, squeezing Minty tighter in his hands.
‘Here we go!’ Patton announced, then leaned forward. He covered Virgil’s eyes with the palms of his hands. The confused squeak from Virgil forced Patton to bite his lip to conceal a giggle. After a couple of seconds, he lowered his hands and with a bright smile. ‘Peekaboo!’
There was certainly more of a reaction in comparison to Logan’s monotonous attempt, though it was not exactly the expected one. Where Patton expected to find an excited glimmer in Virgil’s eyes, he only saw confusion and upset.
Undeterred, Patton simply laughed it off. ‘There you are! And now…’ He covered Virgil’s eyes again, slightly concerned at his small whimper. When he lowered his hands and called, ‘Peekaboo!’ again, Virgil outright pouted at him.
‘What’s the matter, baby?’
‘I think he may have sensory issues with you covering his eyes,’ Logan suggested gently.
Patton observed how Virgil had instantly started rubbing at his eyes once Patton’s hands had pulled away from them. ‘Was it a yucky feeling, Vee?’ he asked.
A little nod and whine from the regressor confirmed the suspicion.
‘Aw, honey, I’m sorry,’ Patton cooed, feeling his heart sink with guilt. He had to remind himself to be careful of Virgil’s sensitivities. It was certainly proving to be a learning curve for the touchy-feely father figure.
Logan seemed to have regained some of his usual confidence and spoke without an ounce of hesitation, ‘I suggest you attempt it with his blanket instead.’
Glad for Logan’s to-the-point problem solving, Patton picked the blankie up. The material was unfathomably soft and always calmed Virgil down after he had been subjected to “yucky” textures, so he was sure it would help with their game.
‘All right, let’s try this again. Ready?’ Patton held the blanket taut and dropped it over Virgil’s head. An even louder whimper this time sounded from underneath it and Patton shared a concerned glance with Logan.
‘Papa!’ Virgil called out in panic. His grip on Minty was tight enough that the soft toy bulged between his fingers.
Patton hurriedly lifted the blanket again, ready to exclaim “peekaboo”, but was heartbroken to see Virgil’s eyes glossed over with tears.
Virgil whined as soon as he seemed to notice Patton. He dropped Minty to Logan’s lap so that he could hold his arms out. ‘Papa,’ he whispered, sounding close to tears.
‘Hey, hey, don’t cry, baby,’ Patton soothed, wrapping Virgil in a quick hug (that just so happened to include Logan, seeing as how he was so close behind Virgil). ‘It’s all right, Papa’s here.’
‘This separation anxiety is far more intense than I initially thought.’ Logan sounded troubled. 
It made Patton’s stomach flip. Would Logan want to test it more? Would he say it was bad for Virgil’s mental health? Would he want to separate Patton and Virgil? A sick feeling surged through Patton and he quickly plastered a big grin on his face, pulling back from Virgil despite his baby’s reluctance to let go.
‘No, no, we can do this,’ he assured. ‘Can’t we baby?’
Virgil didn’t seem to know what Patton was asking him, so he only whined and stretched his arms out further towards Patton.
‘It may help if you speak while he is hidden,’ Logan whispered. ‘That way he will still sense your presence.’ He offered a slightly awkward smile. It was beautiful to Patton.
He picked the blanket back up from where he had dropped it to the couch and, as per Logan’s instruction, repeated the game but this time spoke when Virgil was covered by the blanket.
More whines met his ears, though Patton quickly gasped and said, ‘Uh oh, I can’t see little Vee anywhere!’
To his relief (as well as Logan’s, going by the drop of his tense shoulders), Virgil’s whimpering stopped.
‘Where’s the baby?’ Patton sang.
A confused coo came from Virgil. It was such an unmistakably babyish sound that the remains of Patton’s concern were overridden by thoughts of My baby is so frickin’ adorable!
Then he snatched the blanket from Virgil’s head with a wide smile. ‘There he is!’
Virgil blinked slowly a couple of times before twisting around to look up at Logan.
The logical side smiled down at him and nodded. ‘You came back,’ he stated simply.
For a moment Patton was unsure of what would happen next. Virgil’s silence could have meant anything from shyness to fear. It could have been followed up by hysterical giggles or heartbreaking sobs.
Instead, Virgil turned back to Patton and mumbled, ‘Bwankie.’
How on Earth Patton had not yet suffered a heart attack from the sheer amount of adorableness coming from his baby, he had no idea.
‘Shall we play with your blankie again?’ Patton asked.
When Virgil nodded, so much pride and happiness filled Patton that it spilt out of him in a joyful giggle.
‘Oh my gosh, okay!’ He bounced on his toes as he lay the blanket over Virgil’s head again. His baby did go slightly rigid upon being left in darkness, but it was quickly remedied: ‘Where’s my little baby?’
Virgil’s body relaxed back into Logan and he shook Mento in his hands with a squeak. With a strong suspicion that his little boy was excited, Patton pulled the blankie away. ‘There he is!’
And it was true! Virgil was smiling behind his paci and flapped Mento in the air in front of him with a giggle. The anxiousness of the previous few minutes had completely disappeared.
‘Logan, he liked it!’ Patton cried, unable to contain how ecstatic he was.
He was a little surprised to catch Logan staring at him with a distant look and a soft smile etched onto his features. With a little start, Logan seemed to catch himself and nodded stiffly.
‘I am glad,’ Logan said and with the hand that wasn’t keeping Virgil secure, he scratched at his cheek. It only drew attention to how rosy it had become. ‘It might be worth keeping it up. Solely for the educational merits, of course,’ he hastened to add.
‘You don’t have to tell me twice,’ Patton laughed and looked back at his baby. ‘Again?’
Virgil bounced a little in Logan’s lap and his dimples sunk in his cheeks. ‘Gen!’
‘Anything for my little stormcloud.’
Virgil was promptly hidden behind the fluffy material. 
‘Oh dear, where did Virgil go?’
The blanket giggled.
Logan chuckled quietly as Patton winked at him. ‘Where’s my itty bitty baby?’
‘Papa, Papa!’
Patton gasped with an exaggerated surprise, ‘Oh my goodness…’ He swept the blanket off of Virgil's head to be met with a very happy baby with fluffed up hair. ‘There he is!’
The sound that came from Virgil could only have been described as a squeal of delight. His face was glowing with joy and he squished Minty against his face. He tended to do that when he was either shy (which he certainly wasn’t at that moment) or when he was so overwhelmed by emotion that he had to hide and process it for a moment. The fact that he was hiding from intense joy, rather than intense fear as usual, was nothing short of heartwarming to Patton.
‘I love you, honey,’ he whispered and leaned down to press a firm kiss onto the top of Virgil’s head.
‘Um, Patton?’ Logan asked quietly.
With a growing embarrassment, Patton realised he had his hands on Logan’s thighs to steady himself in leaning forward. He quickly retracted his hands. ‘Sorry.’
‘No, no, that wasn’t - you can -’ Logan cut himself off by clearing his throat. His eyes darted up to Patton quite hesitantly before they settled on Virgil. His hold on the regressor visibly tightened. ‘I wondered if perhaps I could try playing again.’
Patton had not, in fact, known true pride until that very moment.
‘Gosh, yes, please, of course,’ Patton rambled, instantly crouching down to be eye-level with Virgil. He had to seize this window of opportunity lest Logan shy away. ‘Let’s move you around, sweetheart.’
With a little help from Logan (and a little blushing as Patton’s hand brushed his), they were able to get Virgil to face Logan whilst in his lap. There was only a slight protest when Virgil reached out to hug Patton but couldn’t because of his position, but it was soon brushed over when Patton sat beside Logan so that Virgil could clearly see him. Perhaps the separation anxiety had not been helped so much by the game, but it was fun nonetheless.
‘We’re gonna play with Mama now,’ Patton announced and smiled when Virgil looked expectantly at Logan.
The logical side faltered a bit, though as Patton nudged him slightly with his shoulder he seemed to come out of it. ‘Are you ready to play, Vee?’
The baby nodded and hugged Minty tightly to his chest.
Logan did as Patton had - covering Virgil over with the blanket and immediately wondering aloud, ‘I appear to have lost Virgil. Wherever could he be?’
To Logan’s credit, the performance was far more expressive than his first attempt. It wasn’t quite as resemblant of a children’s TV presenter as Patton’s coos and gasps were, but it was certainly enough to get Virgil smiling, as was quickly revealed when Logan pulled the blanket back with a joyful, ‘There he is!’
They kept at the game for several more minutes, none of them getting bored of the repetition.
It was quite difficult to be bored by Virgil’s squeaky giggles, Patton found. Especially when they were supplemented by Logan’s soothing voice and a grin brighter than Patton knew the logical side would have ever dared to display in any other situation.
By the last round, Virgil was getting sleepy; his laughter was interrupted by quiet yawns (which sent Patton’s heart racing as he questioned how a human being could so closely resemble a kitten).
‘Last one, Stormcloud,’ Patton chuckled as Logan covered the boy with the blanket once more. ‘Then it’s naptime.’
‘Where’s Virgil?’ Logan called. ‘Where’s the baby?’
Virgil’s giggles were quiet, and it was noticeable how he was swaying a lot more now, being too tired to support himself. It was a good thing that Logan refused to release him from his careful hold.
Patton had shuffled further toward the other two as the game went on and now he was fully leaning up against Logan’s side. When they both looked at each other with bright smiles, Patton actually dared to wonder whether Logan’s cheeks really were just flushed from all the laughter, or if maybe Patton wasn’t alone in feeling a spark where their arms touched.
‘Together?’ Logan suggested.
Patton was sure his smile was completely goofy by this point, but he hardly cared.
Logan smiled. ‘Two…’
‘One…’ Patton pulled the blanket from Virgil’s head.
‘Peekaboo!’ the caregivers said in unison, their happy, sing-song tones identical.
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jess-do-it · 4 years
(Transcribed w/ Permission from @jessfromonline) Thread: Many people are now out on the streets for the first time. as such, let's talk very basic, everyone should know this, 'this should be general and not sensitive knowledge' protest, action, and street tactics. let's get organized and be effective!
Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/jessfromonline/status/1268620358950649858
(Note: I am not this person, this is a transcript of their twitter thread I made with their permission)
Have a protest buddy. do not go to a protest without a buddy. preferably have a crew. 
if you have a crew, it should still be split into buddies. crews should choose a spoke (spokesperson) who calls movements and communicates with people.
if you have a large crew, you should have a spoke + lieutenants/LTs/whatever you wanna call them. their job is disseminating calls but more importantly, to track the people grouped under them. when shit pops off, it's easy to lose people. LTs watch to see if anyone in their subgroup is missing, and spoke checks for the LTs. a system of accountability. STILL buddy up in subgroups. 
If you've got a good bloc on the ground, you can call 'spokes' to get a spokes council together and make larger decisions about what to do.
Your crew should have a basic, 1-syllable, generic word, that changes at every action, which you can call and each crew member replies with the word. feels dorky but worth it. arrange all this ahead of time. this allows you to quickly count your crew & check no one dropped.
You should have an offsite person, preferably two. Here is a guide for doing offsite.
designate 1-2 comms people. they have phones and retrieve info on cop movements from offsite via signal. on a vpn, burner phone if you can.
ideally no one besides comms should have a phone on them. easier to track. tradeoff: if you lose someone makes it harder to figure out what happened. consider battery-out phones for non-comms people. 
write a number for legal support hotline in your area on body in sharpie
Before a protest, work out with your crew what your risk levels are. you can have different levels but try to avoid buddying across levels. will you brawl with fash? cops? risk arrest? loot? burn? graffiti? dont make those decisions in the moment.
I have no easy advice for what happens if you lose someone. have comms immediately report to off-site who can try to track them down. if you're large you can send an lt+subgroup to look, but they may have just gotten out and left. they could be arrested or with medics. off-site can start checking jails and hospitals for them. see off-site guide for what info you need for this and how to collect. if you have better advice for when people drop unexpectedly, put it in the replies.
Never talk to cops never talk to cops never talk to cops never talk to cops. if you're arrested dont talk. if they approach you during dont talk. you can yell harassment but dont do it once you're arrested. you can sing if you want. group singing in jails keeps spirits up. (Singing is a super spreading activity for covid, pointed out at end of this thread).
If you can, know your local PD. some departments publish whitepapers on their tactics. talk to local protest veterans in your area to learn about what your city's cops do. every area is difference and this can make the different between success or failure.
Use all the gear you got. helmet, goggles, gloves, umbrella, etc. carry water if you can (ONLY ONLY WATER TO FLUSH EYES. ONLY.) you gotta stay hydrated too. generic clothes, packs, etc. if possible. more common the better. Don't carry too heavy but it's really worth it. helmets feel ridiculous? you'll regret not taking it when you take a round to the head.
Consider having handles for your crew. it's a lot better to yell someone's handle than their name when you need their attention. Handles should be short (1-2 syllables) and minimally linked to the person. practice using only a person's handle. let's move on to broader thinking (might jump back if i think of stuff)
Situational awareness. you can practice this all the time but it's v important during an action. What are your exits? have they changed? what are your numbers vs. their's? what's their posture? what's behind, in front, sides? what gear to they have? re-evaluate constantly. i'm going to say it again. exits exits exits. where can your crew go if it gets too hot. if you dont have a clear exit try to move as soon as possible.
Extending on that: police will often try to kettle, aka surround you and trap you in. keep the bloc moving to the cops' weakest side to avoid a kettle. don't be afraid to tell people what to do. they'll thank you if you avoid a kettle. move without em if you have to but dont isolate your crew too much or you're easy to pick off and arrest. Also, be careful: cops may take advantage of this to get you to slowly push farther and farther from your objectives. sometimes you gotta stand your ground. know your numbers and know your strategy. sometimes it's time to stay. a spokes-council might be able to decide. talk about this ahead of time.
Don't yell where the exit is with cops around, but do disseminate it in a crowd. your crew, minimum, must always know.
Keep your crew looking in all directions and regularly switching. dont get snuck up on.
Don't get picked off. cops will arrest 1 person quicker than 10, 50. non-covid times, the advice is to "tighten up!" the bloc, so they cant snatch and grab. YMMV during these times. evaluated based on the situation.
Banners rule for this. theyre not just propaganda. if you have a heavy banner (tarp, etc.) in the front, they can't as easily grab through and arrest. stay behind it if you can. 
Learn to communicate clearly and tersely under pressure. people underestimate this skill. you dont need 'please' or extra words.  Don't chatter. learn to give a 'sitrep' (situational report) in which you report all the info from 16. spokes, ask you LTs for sitreps. give them when new folks arrive.
Back to the individual: if you can't keep up, DON'T GO. hard lesson to learn. as a person with chronic digestive issues, i've fucked this up. if you're incapacitated you're a liability. consider learning to run offsite, or going to less intense actions. know what to expect based on recent police activity, level of risk planned for the action, the capabilities of your crew, etc. i know you might feel obligated to be in the streets but if your crew has to care or slow down for you instead of acting, that's hurting not helping. but try not to let this discourage you from trying if you can. unless you're sure with your health and/or fitness you can't, it is good to try. we need numbers. but dont push yourself when you cant. there's more to the work than the streets.
Dont share unconfirmed info. dont repeat info from people you dont trust. ive seen so many actions where someone thinks they see a cop and then everyone is yelling "cop" and freaked out and scattering and theres no cop. be careful. misinfo is worse than no info.
Some of this is gonna feel ridiculous and tryhard. being good at this takes trying hard. be vulnerable and push your crew to do this. you'll be safer and more effective because you do.
Eat well, plenty of protein rich food the day before. hydrate well day of. physical condition matters for this.
Sometimes you gotta pee. you can pee in an empty bottle, or you can pee on the ground. MANY people wear diapers. this isnt the time for shame. do what you need.
When you gotta do something like pee, change, sometimes even drink, if you're in bloc, you gotta hide. get to the center of the bloc if you can. call 'cover me' or 'flag' (if the crowd has flags) and they'll wrap you. kneel and do what you gotta do.
Some of this advice is for when you have a coherent bloc, but there's been less of those in this round of protests. still, keep it in mind.
If you're in bloc, consider bringing generic clothes to change into in a bag. gym clothes and local team sportwear are great. either do 28 and slip out somewhere under cover, or scatter and hide, and change in your hiding place. bring a bag to put your bag in.
How are you getting in and out? can you pay for public transit in cash (this still means being on cameras, keep your hat down)? can someone drive you in (drop off far, so they cant see plates)? lock up your bike somewhere?
This is counter-intuitive, but unless it's a covert action, where your goal is to get in and out without ever being noticed, keep your ID and a bit of cash in your pocket. ID will get you in and out of jail faster. again: NOT FOR COVERT ACTIONS. and dont drop it.
Try to know your success and failure conditions before your crew goes out. when is it no longer worth it and time to bail? what are you trying to accomplish and how do you know you're doing so? try to create criteria if you can
in large, multi-site protests like we're seeing rn, if all you're doing is occupying cops, you're helping a lot. standoffs mean they arent somewhere else. looting they HAVE to respond to because property > people for cops. small groups can make big differences here.
Share your sitreps with other spokes if you can. if you notice a kettle, tell everybody and try to move everyone. have some chutzpah: you can do it.
Consider carrying print maps of the area. dont mark them with objectives in case they get taken. review maps of the area ahead of time.
We already talked offsite and comms, i won't cover offsite much here, read the guide
Scouts! a good scout team is invaluable. especially bike scouts. get a signal chat and people on bikes in strategic locations reporting movements.
Don’t put everybody in the scouts chat. keep a few offsite people reading the scout chat and relaying in to comms people.
If somebody gets arrested that you're in a chat with, put 'dead the chat' and everybody should immediately leaved. someone should contact the person that killed the chat to find out who got picked up and exclude them from the new chat.
If y'all are super coordinated and have a ton of planning (not happening much right now) consider having a marshal in charge of calling moves for the whole bloc. spokes-council should still be convened and can challenge, but even the spanish anarchists elected military officials. in the field, you need a chain of command to operate quickly and effectively and outcompete cops.
Read this thread. remember, you dont have to be able to go toe-to-toe with cops. you just have to make your group not worth the consequences of dealing with.
Where are you going when the protest/action is done? are you all rallying at one point? have a plan.
Everyone check in with offsite when you get back. you all need to know everyone got home safe, or start checking jails/hospitals.
Offsite should know who is organizing jail support so they can pass that off when needed.
This is all easier if you know folks ahead of time.  show up to your local left orgs. even if it doesn't feel like you're doing a lot yet, those relationships matter.
WHITE PEOPLE: put yourself between police and people of color. they are much less likely to be as brutal with you. this should be established policy in your crew, esp if your crew is (as it ideally should be, if not ask why) multiracial.
WHITE PEOPLE: while Black opinion isnt a monolith & you dont have to regard the scolding of every Black liberal (see thread): if there are Black people/other people of color around and they're not escalating tactics, you shouldnt be unless its agreed. See this thread.
What does your crew and your bloc do if someone is injured? for some blocs, if medics have them, you leave them behind with medics and keep moving. it can be bad to jeopardize and trap the whole bloc for one person who is with medics who they are gonna be with anyway. on the OTHER hand, some blocs reasonably dont want to leave anyone behind and want to stay to cover people with medics (police sometimes respect medic neutrality, sometimes don't.) most important is: KNOW WHICH Y'ALL ARE DOING. DONT WAFFLE BACK & FORTH, DONT SPLIT THE BLOC.
Quick addition cuz it shouldn't be missing: if you're carrying a phone dont have touch ID on your phone, police can legally compel you to activate touch ID but they can't compel a password. also turn off location services and wifi unless you absolutely need them.
diff cops have diff legal options as well! in the middle of old city in philly, there's a federal park with park rangers. if they nab you, it's probably a federal charge, way worse. we're more scared of the rangers lol. know local uniforms if you can.
While we're here, some other extremely useful threads:
buying shit and not getting caught
riot control projectiles
take shifts! i didn't think to include it because it's longer term, but it's vital. we've certainly been dealing with it in philly.
this is a good COVID-19 specific tip. need to be a lot more careful about singing in custody during the pandemic.
having regular check-in times with offsite are a good idea
there's 50 tips for being effective in the street. might come back and add more later. i'm not the 'expert' and YMMV and you can disagree and your city might operate differently. that said:
i can tell you these are learned lessons from years out there & if you use them you'll do a lot, lot better than if you dont. you and your crew will be safer, and youll achieve your objectives more often. ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure. put in the work, and let's win.
End transcript. People should take a look at that thread because it is being constantly updated with a lot of good information. Stay safe out there and fight this shit.
Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/jessfromonline/status/1268620358950649858
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nighttimepixels · 5 years
what are the ladies styles of flirting,,, like who normally flirts and teases playfully all the time but then gets more serious about it when they realize they have a crush? who is more subtle doing small things in the background hoping you'll notice in your own time and come to them,,, and who treats you like some kind of rival someone to trade quips with and raised eyebrows and cheeky smiles before theyre like oh my god ive been flirtin this whole time,,,,,
Stars help me, why do your asks always have to be so excellent! Alright, I’ve been sitting on this so heck yeah I’ll bite ✧(ô▿ô ) 
Serif: casual flirting - so casual you won't even realize it for the longest time, honestly - her friendship always includes a lowkey teasing/flirting style that becomes the norm, so it backfires a bit when she actually wants to make that impression on someone, woops. She'll just kind of inch up the sincerity a bit and hope you'll catch on sooner or later - she's in no rush, after all, not as long as you're still at her side as her friend, even if she's just itching to close that last bit of distance...
Vellum: Compliments! So many compliments, oh stars help you. She's already effusively complimentary as a friend, but there's something extra sincere and heart-skippingly sweet when she's flirting with you through them. She'll make eye contact, lean that little bit closer, and stars, you're blinded by that million-watt smile. How can you resist?
Sapphire: A deadly combo of sincere words and teasing, Sapphire's outright dangerous when she truly turns her charm on. She's another lowkey friendly flirter, but when you find yourself the focus of her actually flirting, you find yourself very suddenly aware of just how wrong you were. There's no way you can keep from flustering at least a little when she's truly flirting with you. She's got an impeccable way with words and a sincerity that hits you right in the doki-dokis ;D
Amber: Flirts with teasing for sure, but also compounds it with flirty touch. A graze of the hand over your arm, an arm slipped around your shoulders, pulling you gently to stand in front of her at a crowded event so you can get the prime viewing spot over the balcony railing while she frames your back... you'll have a hard time with this one, to be sure, but a very good time too ;)
Crimson: Oh stars above, Queen of Flirting right here. Flirting's as easy as breathing for her - and if she really means it, she doesn't back down. It'd be easy to think you could write it off as just more of Crimson Being Crimson™, but... if that switch has flipped in her, and she realizes she's truly serious about you? She's not only gonna flirt, but she's gonna be upfront about it. The first night you truly question or push back, claiming she's just teasing you, you'll likely find yourself kabedon'd... her face hovering so close, and in that fluid accent of hers, husky and warm, she'll tell you she's dead serious when it comes to you, cariña...
Scarlet: Ahhh here she is, the first contender for Rival Flirting. Even if you've already been friends, she'll absolutely start... challenging you to things. Cooking competitions, dance offs, first to convince the others of a movie for movie night, first to kiss each other- wait, no!! she meant!!! to... tooo..... miss... each other? A traveling competition! Yes. For... a day. A day trip. That's what she meant.
*coughs* she'll get her game together eventually though, really - besides the excuses to be in close, high-adrenaline settings leading up to this... one of these days something's gonna happen, and you're going to find yourself in her arms unexpected as she's caught you from falling, and... something deeply romantic is going to spill from her. Oh man, woops, she's actually a natural romantic, she's just... lacking practice >v>
Pepper: Rival Flirting, part two! Only Pepper's maybe a little more... deliberate ;)c you'll find yourself getting... self-defense lessons, as well as a curiously even more active Pepper who happens to protect you from things you don't even notice. But in your new self-defense classes with her, you'll find her egging you on more and more as time passes, and touches that are surely just instructional, and yet - there, your shirt's pushed up a little, and you swear you feel her phalanges linger for a moment - but then they're gone... or there, where she's caught your wrist and twisted you around, now your back is to her chest and your breath's coming a bit too heavy- cheeky smiles and quips come more and more as the atmosphere continues to grow tighter with every session~
Cinnamon: A natural flirt, to be sure - she's great at the wooing, great at the flirting and flattering... but when she actually falls for you? Well, she's the most romantic flirter from the get go. It comes so naturally from her - what is she, a reborn Cyrano de Bergerac?? But you can't even doubt her sincerity. She's extraordinarily eloquent... so long as you haven't caught her off guard with an unexpected sincere flirtation first  ;)
Blade: another subtle type.... usually. There's a lot of casual things that you just... don't even notice, really? Not consciously, at least. But things ramp up - physical touch, slowly but surely, especially - you don't even realize it until it's missing, probably some night where there's a larger group and she's more on edge for something. She'll likely wait for you mostly... unless you happen to push one of her buttons just right, in which case... stars help you, she's up close and personal, and if you need it, certainly willing to tell you just what you do to her...
Twist: Surprisingly sly as a flirter, actually! She's high on the quip list, cheekily grinning and waggling a brow as she looks towards your general direction. She's got a hell of a wit, in fact, and she, uh, might not realize immediately she is treating you differently. When she does, though, she's going to have an entirely freakout for a minute, before deciding, well, yes, this one right here she's mine, so! flirting continues, increasingly so ;Dc
Alpha: Sassy and witty, she's a total charmer to the umpteenth degree. Flexible, too - sometimes the flirting will be subtle, you may or may not catch it - but be certain she's watching very closely to see how much you reciprocate... if at all >v>;;;; Other times, her flirting is purposefully very clear, and she has a bit of a thing for getting a reaction out of you, admittedly. In a good way, of course - and stars, when she turns her full charm on, stars help you resist because let's be real, you probably won't want to ;)c
Glyph: Easygoing and flirts as naturally as breathing. Her touch is a big thing for her, as is her music; she'll absolutely pull the 'singing her song in a crowded room but making eye contact directly with you' trope. Most of all though, you know her flirting's serious when she pulls you aside or takes you on some adventure with her, and you find yourself breathing heavy after finding shelter from a storm or pursuing calls after a little questionable trespassing - pressed up against her with her finger pressed to your lips to signal you to be quiet... she'll do something as simple as wink, then lean in- and kiss the other side of her finger, just a breath shy of your lips. The moment'll hold... and then you're on the move again, laughter bright as the flirting transitions just as smoothly into more of a wild ride of a night under the stars with her ;)c
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hermannsthumb · 5 years
ohoho, the return of prompt memes!!! i'm still blazing through your entire ao3 collection but it's v cool to actually be here for one! 12 + 1 or 26? :o
Anonymous said: Yoooo how are you feelin about number 12 from the spring prompt thing. I love love love your writing
(edit: forgot an anon requested it too!)
WOOO PROMPT MEMES!! theyre just fun yknow… i did 26 earlier yesterday so i think i’ll do the 12 and 1…ripe for melodrama….
1. Rain and 12. Panicked/Accidental Confession
from spring fic prompts meme here
Hermann’s aware he must be a sight as he tears out onto the loading dock, parka unzipped, shirt untucked, one Oxford unlaced, and he’s aware he’s forgotten his umbrella and becoming more drenched by the second, and he’s aware, most of all, of the bewildered and frankly concerned looks being cast in his direction, but he’s in a bit of a hurry and can’t find it within himself to care in the slightest. Ten minutes ago, he was sitting in his bunk, stripped down to his undershirt and idly flipping through some old research, when he received a call that Newton–well–
“The boat,” he half-shouts, scarcely audible over the rain, as he catches a random Shatterdome worker by the shoulder, “the boat that went out this morning, has it returned?”
The man sets down the wooden crate he’d been toting. “One with the team?”
Hermann nods.
The man points further down, at the next dock over. More workers in their dark blue PPDC jumpsuits are hitching a rope from a boat to a post, and more still are beginning to unload more crates from it. “They’re getting in right now.”
Hermann wheezes out his thanks, and, cane slippery in his grasp, hauls himself over as fast as his legs will take him.
“Dr. Geiszler,” he shouts to the crew, squinting into the sheets of rain and trying, desperately, to seek out any even vaguely familiar blur, anyone who will know, “I’m looking for Dr. Geiszler, has anyone–Newton Geiszler, he was meant to–”
“Uh, Hermann,” a familiar voice says.
There, shivering on the edge of the boat under a small awning, soaking wet, reflective blanket around his shoulders, and only just visible, is Newton. “Hi,” he says sheepishly.
Hermann is struck with the overwhelming urge to slap him across the face. He settles, instead, on storming over, reaching out, and smacking his shoulder. “You’re a moron,” he hisses. 
The events of the day were this. Hermann awoke to find the lab suspiciously empty. Assuming Newton was taking a sick day, or was hungover, or had just overslept his alarm again, he resumed his work from the previous evening and thought nothing of it. When the lab remained suspiciously empty through lunch without even a text from Newton, Hermann–purely out of worry for their research, which would suffer without Newton there, of course–marched ‘round to his bunk and knocked repeatedly on the door. Newton did not answer. Hermann debated retrieving the spare key Newton gave to him in case of emergencies, but decided, instead, to call it a day as well. If Newton was going to be so blase about work, then so could Hermann, by Jove.
Early evening, once Hermann’d already showered and dressed for bed, he received a message from LOCCENT informing him that Dr. Geiszler had tagged along with a team going out on a boat that morning at five to survey the Breach up close, and had, subsequently, fallen off the boat. Hermann scarcely waited to hear if they’d even managed to fish Newton out or not before he was out the door.
They had, it appeared, managed to fish Newton out.
Newton has the decency to hang his head, at least. “It was an accident,” he says.
Hermann swats at his shoulder again. Newton pouts. “What was? Deliberately not telling me you were going out, and in a storm at that?”
“Falling in,” Newton says, and then, in a rush, “It was windy, and I dropped my glasses on the deck and I was trying to find them, and there was a wave, and I kinda–” The noise Hermann makes–something akin to a small growl–clearly startles Newton, because he speaks even faster. “I was wearing a life vest, okay! I was only in the water for, like, five minutes tops. Tops. And I’m alive! So, no harm done?”
“No harm done,” Hermann echoes sarcastically, though his heart rate has gone down significantly since seeing Newton in one piece. He begins to fuss with Newton’s blanket. “Look at you. Didn’t they give you a towel first?” He presses the back of his hand to Newton’s forehead. “You’re freezing.”
“It’s sixty degrees out, Hermann,” Newton says, though he is shivering and leaning in to each one of Hermann’s touches. The moment the rain lets up a little, Hermann’s going to force him inside the lab at the side of the contraband space heater and wrap him up in three more blankets. Make him some tea. Now, with just the blanket from the emergency medical kit to work from, Hermann shoves Newton’s damp leather jacket off his shoulders and to take stock of the man, purposefully ignoring how see-through his usual white button up has become.
“And your glasses,” Hermann tsks, finally noticing their absence. Newton always seems strangely naked without his glasses. He tsks again. “Newton.”
“I have a spare pair!” Newton says, as if it makes the loss of them, expensive as it is to find anyone who’ll fill their prescriptions in a timely fashion these days, remotely better. Hermann adds that to his mental checklist of things to do: bundle Newton up by the space heater, make him tea, and go off to find the spare pair while Newton warms himself up. Newton fidgets. “Jesus. See, this is why I didn’t tell you I was going in the first place. I knew you’d get all–”
Hermann clenches the fingers of his left hand around one end of the blanket. “All what?”
“All pissy,” Newton says. “Like you are right now.”
“I’m only pissy,” Hermann shouts, and Newton winces, “because I thought you’d gone and gotten yourself drowned, and that I’d never–” He shuts his mouth. His cheeks feel hot. “I was worried about you,” he continues, moderately calmer.
“Oh,” Newton squeaks. “…You were?”
“Of course I was,” Hermann says.
There’s a tense moment of silence. Then Newton reaches out, very carefully, and covers Hermann’s right hand (still clutching the slippery head of his cane) with his left. He’s gazing at Hermann with wide eyes. Hermann swallows. “Newton–”
“Hey,” a crewman says, suddenly appearing over Newton’s shoulder, “you know, you guys aren’t technically supposed to be here–”
Newton drops his hand. “Sorry,” he says. He scrambles off the edge of the boat to the concrete of the base’s dock as Hermann stands, dazed and useless. “Uh, let’s–”
Hermann shakes himself. “Let’s get you inside,” he finishes. His face feels hotter than before.
“Inside,” Newton agrees. “Yeah.”
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thebeethathums · 6 years
Observers - 44
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader
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With your voice what it was, you took a few days to recover and you spent that time avoiding Sherlock to appease John as you coped with all the emotions that had come up. It wasn’t hard, Sherlock was focused on the case and both he and John speculated about the involvement of whoever this Moriarty person was in hushed whispers when you were out of earshot. At this point, you didn’t have the energy to be curious and instead let them be, opting to spend the time drawing by the window or down in your flat. Days seemed to meld into each other and before you knew it, John was tentatively approving you to go back to a somewhat normal schedule.
At the end of the week, you went back to work intending to make up for the missed time to Annie by working the entire day without pay and found that, as usual, Mycroft came in and sat in your section. You could feel him looking you over as you moved to finish serving a couple of other patrons before coming over to greet him, “Bonjour, Monsieur Holmes. How may I help you today?” He gave you a soft smile, “Just tea for me today, (F/n)… You know you can drop the formalities. It is good to see you back. Your injuries are healing well I take it?”  You gave him a wide grin, placing a hand on his shoulder, “Yes, quite well and I know, Mycroft. I just enjoy greeting you that way so very much. I’ll be right back.” He chuckled softly, watching you skip away to get what he’d requested of you. You got someone to cover the rest of your section before returning to sit down across from him as he noted, “You look nice today. I see you’ve been shopping.” You blushed lightly with a nod, “John insisted I get a work outfit that fit me properly.”
You felt pretty today, funny how a change of clothes could do that. You were wearing the same simple outfit as before, a white button down and black trousers, but your pants now hugged your waist nicely and the button down had a more feminine v-neck then the one you had had before. You’d also gotten a little fancy with your hair and covered the bruises on your neck expertly. You had only been chatting with Mycroft for a few minutes, mostly about the case, when Sherlock walked through the door looking for you. You gave him a little wave, motioning that he should come over, and he did, glaring daggers at Mycroft the entire way. You greeted him warmly, “Bonjour, Sherlock, What are you doing here?” Mycroft smirked at him, “Yes, little brother, what are you doing here?” He narrowed his eyes at his brother suspiciously as he flatly stated, “I could ask you the same thing,” and then turned to you, his expression softening, “I need to speak to you alone for a moment.” You tilted your head at him and then looked to Mycroft politely, “Would you mind, Mycroft? My break is nearly over as it is.” He shook his head, “Go, my dear, he will behave like a child for the rest of the day otherwise.” You let out a soft giggle, making Sherlock’s fists clench, “That is very true. Shall I see you tomorrow?” He gave a small nod, “You shall. Goodbye, (F/n).” Fed up with the situation, Sherlock pulled you away as you called, “Au revoir, Monsieur Holmes.” You let him lead you to the other side of the café, as far away from Mycroft as possible, and slid in across from him when he picked a cozy booth, “What’s up, Sherly? I hope you aren’t going to make it a habit of showing up at my work simply because you're bored.” “You don’t seem to mind when Mycroft does it,” he stated flatly, pursing his lips unhappily. Your lips twitched up in a smile as you teased, “My, my, is the great Sherlock Holmes jealous?” He didn’t respond, working his jaw slightly, and you brushed your hand across his knee, making his eyes snap to you curiously, “Sherlock, I have no interest in your brother, certainly you can see that. Not to mention the fact that he hardly has any interest in me either. If anything, we are friends and even that is a stretch. He acts the way he does when you are around because he knows it bothers you.” He was still pouting and you sighed, getting up to sit next to him and cautiously lean your head on his shoulder, “You may come to visit me every day if you’d like. I would gladly give up my time with Mycroft for time with you… but I warn you it’s pretty boring. Now would you please tell me why you’re here before I have to get back to work?” He seemed satisfied with this, as well as your little display of affection, and a hesitant expression crossed his face before he leaned his head lightly on yours, murmuring, “I brought you something.” You pulled away from his shoulder to look up at him in confusion and he reached into his jacket, producing a new set of art pens and a single teal daisy before hurriedly shoving them into your hands. You let out a surprised giggle, putting the daisy behind your ear as you ran your hands over the pens, and then looked up at him with a questioning frown, “W-Why? You don’t have to buy me things just because John said to treat me right…” He tucked the daisy more securely behind your ear, letting his fingers stroke down the curve of it as his thumb traced along your cheekbone, and softly explained, “I couldn’t help but notice your pens were running low and I knew you were planning on replacing them when you had enough money, but based on the amount you draw, the fact that the final two you have left from your old set are both running low on ink, and your average weekly wages… you were going to run out long before you could afford them. I’ve saved you from having to wait.” Your breath caught softly as the skin under his fingers warmed, a fact that he noted as it made his heart flip. You flashed him a giddy grin before leaning up to press a quick kiss to his cheek, “Thank you, Sherlock. I really appreciate it.” He was glad to see you genuinely happy, hoping that it could distract you from the sadness he noticed in your eyes, and let a tiny smile tug at his lips despite rolling his eyes at your little public display of affection. In truth, it had been the only way he could think of to improve your mood that didn’t involve an overt touchy-feely type moment and he could write it off in his mind as a practical gift for both him and you in that he could avoid the feelings as well as your inevitable annoyance at running out of pens. Your phone buzzed, notifying you that your break was over and you needed to get back to work, and you sighed, “I have to go… Would you like me to get you anything? Coffee? Or maybe a biscuit?” He had watched your expression go from happy to flat and almost dejected and didn’t like it one bit, catching your wrist as you got up to straighten your apron, “Come home with me.” You tilted your head at him as you frowned, “I can’t, Sherlock. I already skipped out on Annie last time I worked.” “I need you for an experiment.” You rolled your eyes, “Can you get John to do it? Just don’t tell him what you're doing. By the time he realizes-“ “It needs to be you.” You sighed, trying to hide the excitement over what it could possibly be that was bubbling up inside you, and firmly tried again, “Sherlock, I can’t. I’d be happy to when I get home but for now, you’ll have to wait. I’ll bring you some tea and a croissant.”
He made a small face but nodded, watching you leave the table to get it for him, and then locked eyes with Mycroft across the room. His eyes narrowed when his brother gave him an amused look with a teasingly raised brow as if to say ‘I saw all that just now’ and he was about to retaliate when you returned with his tea.
“Stop allowing him to antagonize you, Sherlock,” you hummed softly, setting it in front of him, “Enjoy your tea and then go home. I’m sure there is some way you can annoy John for entertainment until I’m finished.”
“I’ll wait here.”
You blinked a few times, processing that, “Are you-”
“I am perfectly capable of waiting, (F/n). Don’t ask pointless questions.”
You rolled your eyes and went back to your work, glancing at him occasionally, and after about an hour, it because very clear that he was not, in fact, capable of waiting. He was certainly trying... but failing, rather like a cat that wanted attention. When he ‘accidentally’ spilled the small bowl of sugar cubes you’d brought for his tea across the table and the adjacent floor with a small crash, you came to clean it with a hiss, “Quit making a mess and go home.”
“Only if you come with me,” he insisted and you gave up, “Fine. I will go ask Annie if I can leave… again.”
He gave a smug smirk as you swished off to find Annie and came back with her trailing you, a look of guarded curiosity on her face. She offered him a small smile, “May I ask why exactly you need (F/n) to come home with you?” Deducing a number of things from her in a blink, he decided to answer honestly, “I intend to conduct an experiment that will allow her to begin painting again.” You gaped at him for a moment, “That’s what this is about? I’ve given up, Sherlock! I can’t dwell on something that’s never going to happen again.” Both he and Annie ignored your protest and she gave him a small approving grin, “For that, Monsieur Holmes, you may have her. I wish you success.”
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uzchis · 5 years
* idol v. / drabble / soul searching 
he thinks it’s the quietness that started it all. it’s not. it’s definitely not. but the clean cut image that was forced to be carried out through his teenage years was finally over. he was free to be himself, whatever that meant. because so much hiding and compressing surely damaged him in many sorts of ways, right? damaged him in the many sort of ways he’s not sure is even possible. but he decides to look for those broken pieces everywhere and anywhere.
on his own... he looks for them. 
001. he tries finding it in alleyways and streets. in the crowded and in the isolated. in the shitty streets that smell like piss, vomit, and anything in between but has this night scene that makes the high-end bourgeoisie streets pale in comparison of what freedom & liberation should feel like. not the piss and vomit, though. that shit could go. he means the ability to do whatever, whenever, without having clean-cut eyes stare at you like youre defected or something. like youre a doll--- their doll and should therefore be acting this way & that way, and all sorts of way except your way. shit, if vomit and piss was the trade off then he might as well keep that on the list too. no complaints on his end. but he finds it mesmerizing--- the night scene that is, with its boisterous, loud people even though he later finds out he much rather be in a lulled and comfortable sort of quietness. but for the moment this is what he wants--- people. being surrounded but not being noticed. to experience & experience & to get lost in this wave of faceless nobodies. 
002. then he tries smoking--- it’s okay. he doesn’t get the habitual fondness of it though and quits soon after. something about the smell and the burning, and the--- just no. he moves on to the other stuff. y’know, the amphetamines, the cannabis, the ecstasy and the hallucinogens. they’re better. for the most part, at least. some offer this soft buzz he likes. the buzz that focuses on the pleasing things and serves as a momentary escape from this nothingness he calls an identity. others give off this high energy booster that he also likes. it keeps him occupied, keeps him distracted and running, so to speak, but for all this escaping and for all this forgetting, he doesn’t find the pleasure in the side-effects. no one does, actually. and he’s seen how people have chosen to easily resolve those side effects. has seen how lost theyve gotten, how irritated and different theyve become, so he decides to leave.
003. he finds it in the allure of people sometimes. finds the allure in their presence, in their existence, in their touches and smiles that are never quite genuine but neither are his because the setting theyre in doesn’t quite garner for such pretty meetings and first dates. it’s not supposed to be that kind of place except for y’know, casual ones. the casualness that comes in following strangers into bathroom stalls or in cabs or their houses or wherever. he wanted to know what it felt like to feel. what it felt like to belong somewhere, anywhere, with something or someone if possible. the kisses. the touches. the blemishes & marks. for the time being, they did its job in finding that thing. like being alive or like being grounded. like existing. but then he’d wake up in strange places--- most of the time with strangers, and other times alone. when a person or people were by his side though, he’d take it all in--- take in his feelings and register an unprecedented emptiness within that regardless of his surroundings, regardless of all the touches and kisses and the blemishes & marks that he remembers, he still felt nothing, still felt driftless, still felt like something was missing, and so he kept on searching...
004. he finds solace in gigs,,, whether big or small, whether the singer or the electric guitarist, the face or the shadow, the shitty pay or none at all. he finds it in the strum of his once abandoned guitar whose strings were all weak & silly & rusty yearning to be furnished like pretty forgotten weapons. and for the time being, they were--- forgotten, that is. left in the utility closet, left in its case, left under the bed & in truck moves when he and he his members moved to larger, more luxurious places. he had left it to be forgotten, never to be touched again ever since that day five or so years ago when he was laughing with glee, eyes bright and innocent and childish and purely endeared by the friend in front of him who sang along with his antics and strummed talented nimble fingers against his own guitar. it was fun, he remembers. in the training room, muscles aching, heart palpitating, sweat trickling and voice hoarse from all the exaggerated notes. it was fun.
in this small stage right now with dim lights, some broken, others cracked but the people still there and actually listening to the notes he strung along, listening to the voices & the rythm and appreciating what music meant and what music did to people? my gosh. he’d almost forgotten why he entered the industry, almost forgot his goal & himself & his quiet whispered promises to that one friend whose words were tangled with his own somewhere in notebooks and in loose pages, inside books, behind printed pictures, on coffee stained napkins and on street floors laden with chalk. they were inscriptions of their life & dreams & goals written on frosted windows and wet sand imprints by the beach that told people they existed. that he existed. that his friend too, once existed and continues to do so in their unsung songs, waiting to be told to these crowds of people before him that listened & listened & listened.
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moonshxdows · 6 years
book 2 trailer analysis
ill be posting some screencaps of the trailer sometime tomorrow as well so keep an eye out!
okay so a quick rewatch before I go through it frame by frame and just. god im so excited i love this show so much
anyways everything's gonna be under the cut bc its long and spoilery if u havent seen the trailer yet
okay so the opening clip looks like its in a human town. dragang is being chased across the bridge by some angry humans with pitchforks. raylas wearing the human cape. they got caught?
some clips from s1
okay. ezran ellis and zym are outside this white building. its shaped similarly to the star elf buildings we see later on. did they have to sit out some stuff that rayla and callum got to see? or is this like. lujanne's house or something
the fire (?) dragon is coming down on "a town of katolis" that soren is in. im assuming this isnt near the castle and claudia is there but out of frame, so did they get caught up in something on accident or were the dragons drawn to them because of the spell? lujanne recognized it, the dragons might too
wife (sunfire knight)
if my blog wasnt more cool toned that would be my new header oh my god
in the upper left corner of the screen theres a castle. there aren't any human kingdoms that are on the banks of a lava waterfall so is that an elf castle? or is this the place where all the royals got that fire background?
im dumb thats probably a halfway castle and the lava river is the border i forgot they said border over this
fuck off vitriol
elves attacking amaya and her squadron. these are likely the sunfire elves at the border, since amaya is also at the border. the castle in the last shot is probably more of a fortress
wife kicking ass! w her cool ass sword
something i noticed about the sunfire elves, or at least the warriors. the headdresses they wear are actually armor to protect their horns! they also have markings/tattoos like moonshadow elves, but they seem less elaborate (at least on their face)
does this mean horns are as important in all elf races or just sunfire elf races?
opeli ur the only bitch in this house i trust. is viren keeping the missions w the brodigies under wraps or does opeli think that's not enough?
boat! are they on their way to evenere?
star elf bitch there u are u sexy bastard. zi @moonxadia made a fantastic theory on that elf here, but tl;dr that's elarion being shady (as much as ive liked the aaravos theories i dont think thats him)
viren being shady (spell had similar look as star elf from last clip)
zym i would die for you
the background to that looks interesting- are they having a big dinner of some sort?
ik other people have said this but that's definetly runaans strike crew from early s1. the very dead strike crew. zombie elves!
also if they touch a hair on aanyas head i Will Cry she looks so small in that throne...
(altho they dont really seem to be attacking her at all?)
okay so i know people have been saying the on fire shot are elves but i really dont think so. none of them have horns or the sunfire headdresses. i think that's a human army
(its another moon moth. same one as from earlier in the trailer?)
so in the shot of dragang on The Bird, callum looks really upset. like, seriously upset. this might be part of a joke bc hes holding bait, but im worried
ezran baby boy. hes so worried
zym!!!! i love you!!!!!!!
these pillars look real cool. is this a magic place?
okay so runaans deceased elf crew again, but pre-zombification (or post?) did lujanne summon them? is it a moon elf thing? why are they stars? is it a star elf clearing?
so zoom out, theyre in these... gazebos? made of starlight? nothing to comment it just looks real cool
hey claudia maybe... not.
im very concerned that when claudia said "you take creatures that are born with magic inside and squeeze it out of them" it panned over zym briefly
callum looked concerned so im hoping its a flashback of some sort? but they look like theyre in an elf place... idk. im worried about him this season
i know i said what i said but dark magic claudia is hot
wtf was that thing tho
rayla is suspicious™ (and she should be tbh)
sword fight!! im both excited and scared
callum is having a rough time and i want to hug him
thankfully raylas there
so a lot of people have said this but i do think thats because of harrow, not the dark magic. idk why i think that but. shrug
so i wanna talk about the audio playing over these last few bullets real quick. rayla says they cant trust soren and claudia, followed immediately by lujanne saying "real trust is about accepting the dark parts we will never know" which makes me curious. did brodigies and catch up with dragang while they were still with lujanne? since the group splits sometime during the season
if it is the case im curious how theyre gonna go from hating elves to being in a traveling party with 2 of them and a baby dragon
and if thats not the case, what is lujanne talking about?
wait i just had a really horrible thought what if they lied to win dragang's trust and rayla is the only one that's suspicious
moving on,
rayla and callum both look Real Concerned wtf are they talking about
so it looks like lujanne is leading callum to some Elf Thing; maybe its right before she shows him the star elf ghosts? it does look to be around sunset
even if its not tHATS THE POSTER DRAGON HELLO!!!!
rayla i will never not love you
sarai Hes Not Worth It
im excited about flashbacks though 👀
hello lord voltron. perish.
okay so thats the same fire dragon from earlier, but w its face all cut up. soren was prepared to go sword vs dragon and i think he won
"watch yo fuckin dog bitch" "he dont bite" "yES HE DO"
thats the vibe coming from that wolf/badger thing. also that guy screaming at the cat in his backyard
but fr what is that
thunder kinda looks like voldemort from this angle ngl
okay. okay. dark magic callum is a go
buddy what the FUCK do you think youre doing
ive seen some things saying that he's being controlled but i dont think so. i think he listened to claudia and im very curious to see how this affects his relationship with rayla
i think he was missing being the mage? which is why he tried to learn primal magic from lujanne but failed ultimately
depending on the theory, i wonder how people will spin half-elf!callum for this
i dont actually know if elves can even use dark magic fjnshfk like i assume they can but?? who knows
fire golem?? and who has the sword
my bad theres soren v dragon i thought it was earlier
mr fire dragon sir how the fuck did you lose. you have teeth? claws? wings? presumably fire powers?
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dontkyeom · 7 years
Monsta X: Beautiful in San Francisco - Fan Experience
ayooo i was asked to post about the monsta x concert i just went to (and also i want a record of what happened before i forget) so here it is!! under the cut are my pre, during, and post-show experiences/thoughts!!
okay so my friend and i planned to get boba from boba guys and fries from super duper for dinner
me being me, i planned for us to meet at 5 so we had enough time to eat and digest for the show
i leave my house around 3:45 bc i was gonna bus over while my friend was gonna get dropped off at boba guys
in the end we ended up getting sharetea and meeting at super duper an hour later than when we were supposed to meet for the following reasons:
i got to the area before my friend
the line for boba guys was out the door and down the block so i was like girl… we gotta yeet
i left to get sharetea but my friend for some reason thought we were still gonna meet at boba guys so she had to walk down to the mall
she ended up getting lost and going to chinatown
meanwhile i was trying to find sharetea bc i didnt even know they had one in the mall
ended up ordering for both of us and agreeing to meet at super duper
also i saw some monbebes in the mall while i was waiting for my drinks hehe i peeped ur shirts
we got to the warfield at 7 when the doors were supposed to open and y’all the line was so long that it like wrapped around the block and the end was right by the entrance
i got gnarly cramps in both of my legs within five minutes of each other and they hurt like a damn bitch let me tell you
i felt really bad bc i like fell to the floor in the middle of the line and some of the people behind us were like omg are you okay and i was like yes pls just go around me i’ll be okay
and then the cramp went away and the people held our spots for us!! such kind people ily if you’re reading this
we got in right at 8 when the show was supposed to start (but they ended up starting later which im just assuming was so that everyone could get in)
y’all everyone kept screaming even tho the boys weren’t on stage yet and it hella freaked out my friend and i when we left to get water
we literally rushed back and my friend tripped up the stairs but it’s fine we made it back in time
anyway their energy is just off the charts like i was hyped as hell from beginning to end. they really know how to bring a crowd up and their stage presence is amazing. no awkward moments whatsoever and very smooth transitions from one stage to the next i was actually really impressed
and they said the bay had the realest energy and i was ready to NUT
my heart cried when they left a mic stand for hyungwon for ex girl, i really love how thoughtful the boys are when a member is missing. they take ohana to a new level it’s just endearing to see how much they truly care for one another
i would also like to have a moment of appreciation bc they didn’t say san fran at all?? i was lowkey expecting them to but they didn’t :’) (pls never say san fran it’s a big no from me)
wonho lowkey tried to throw chocolate to the upper balcony i saw him aiming a bit higher and i appreciate his effort so much
also as a former tech crew member in high school, a moment of appreciation for all the tech effects, they really added to the whole experience of the show and i thoroughly enjoyed the different effects and the timing of everything
appreciation for the stage hands who brought the bench on stage, i hope y’all heard me cheer for you bc i know what that’s like
also… i really loved seeing all the spike tape on the stage for whatever reason
anyway back to the boys
minhyuk jooheon kihyun and i.m came out and they asked us who was the most romantic (i said kihyun bc that boy was smooth as shit in that one video) and a lot of people said minhyuk so they made him do aegyo and OMFG MINHYUK’S AEGYO HAHAHAHA THAT SHIT WAS SO FUNNY all he said was “san francisco… oh my god” and then he kept repeating oh my god and OMG and he and jooheon were switching off and their voices were getting lower and i.m was like “yo this is not cute this is just weird” i got it on video if anyone wants to see it lmao
and then wonho and shownu came out like “…what kind of weird things were you guys talking about”
speaking of videos, all the videos i have of their songs are shaky af bc i was bopping at the same time but if anyone still wants to see them i can send a google drive link your way hehe
from zero was the cutest shit ever. im still really sad hyungwon couldnt make it but the sub did a great job in his place!!
i needa take a moment to just talk about wonho bc that man can go from cocky daddy to a total sweetie. like… he totally knows he’s a walking sex god (a small moment of silence for when kihyun just like pulled wonho’s jacket down to try to expose his arms during his intro) but then he’ll talk about how he tried to perform extra well to make up for hyungwon not being there and he’s trying to put on a better show and you can really tell how much he cares about us and ugh 
i popped the FUCK off at the 24k magic cover oh my god y’all i love bruno and i got so excited when shownu minhyuk and i.m covered it, and it was so damn lit. like i was a lil bummed when i found out they werent gonna do the second verse bc it’s my fav part of the song but i.m’s rap was AMAZING and fit really well and oh my god don’t even get me started on the dance breaks omfffff
their outfits were cute as shit too
also appreciation for i.m’s voice. i just really like his voice im such a slut for deep voices ok this is why he’s my wrecker
jooheon and kihyun are just something else when they come together, i love what they’re able to offer to each other and able to create as a unit it’s just really cool to see :’)
also i must say… seeing jooheon’s deep ass dimples and kihyun’s nice ass cheekbones are such a blessing
i almost cried when broken heart came on, such a beautiful song AND THEY LEFT A SPACE IN THE MIDDLE FOR HYUNGWON UGH MY HEART
blind, trespass, and rush were arguably the most hype songs of the night, like ive never went so hard in my life
also a moment to talk about shownu bc like… idk i’ve noticed he’s a lot more quiet than other leaders of idol groups so i wasn’t really sure what to expect but i gained so much respect for him?? he has great stage presence and is really well-spoken and charismatic damn gemini AND HE’S JUST SO TALENTED
omg there was this one part where wonho said “hyungwon actually made a recovery earlier than expected” and like the way he said it made it seem like hyungwon was gonna make a surprise appearance but nah
but it’s okay bc they all said they wanna come back to the bay asap and y’all can BET i’ll be there
i appreciated their english speaking, like during their intros and goodbyes it was heartwarming to see their efforts to communicate w us
surprisingly they didnt really talk much about how it was their 800 days?? idk i was kinda expecting them to address it but they didnt
omg their bows were adorable, they like held hands and moved across the stage in a line to bow to different parts of the venue it was so cute to watch
my friend and i waited in the merch line that moved pretty quickly actually?? but there were only stickers left and i thought it was more important for my friend to get something bc it was her first concert and she really wanted something to remember it by so i passed (also stickers were $25 what even)
but it’s cool bc she let me have a hyungwon sticker (and a cute lil logo bc there were two of them)!! theyre probably gonna live in my phone case bc i have a clear one so y’all BET im taking my mans everywhere w me
she really enjoyed herself which i was really happy to see!! being there for someone’s first concert is magical 10/10 would recommend
i also enjoyed myself in case i didnt make that clear lmao. despite the rough pre-concert experience, seeing those boys do their thing made everything worth it and i’m so glad i got to experience their first world tour :’) also ive never let loose to the extent that i did sober tonight so props to monsta x for bringing out my bay area hyphy lmaooo
i just wanna say thank you to monsta x for coming to sf, putting on a good show, and making us feel loved and appreciated. i was hella surprised when an sf show was announced considering most groups usually just go to LA, so thanks for giving the bay a chance and showing us such a fun time!!
and shoutout to the monbebes for being such a cute crowd. i loved seeing everyone waving their light sticks and arms and just having a good time, and cheering so hard for these talented and hardworking men
also seeing everyone come out of hi-touch all happy and smiley and starstruck was the cutest thing, so if you got to experience that i’m so happy for you and i hope you enjoyed seeing those boys up close!! would’ve done it myself but im an unemployed college kid so anything over $100 wasn’t an option for me
((another also, im v sorry to everyone behind me if my aggressive arm waving got in the way of your view i was enjoying myself way too much))
all in all, my first kpop concert was a huge success!! came in not knowing what to expect (it’s a bit different from the other shows/concerts ive been to in the past, but a good different!!), but still had a lit ass night :)
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squishylotus · 7 years
Distances Plot Pre-Draft
I thought you might find it funny to read the pre-draft for Distances. Basically, it’s plot points, dialogue bits, and notes to self. It’s step 2 of my writing process (which I can write about if you’re interested, let me know) I literally just copy-pasted it in so it has all the typos all the weird stuff, and the old order (I ended up changing a fair amount of stuff as I was writing) I knew it would end up being a longer fic than I had intended (I was aiming for about 7,000?) because just the plot is over 2,000 words long lol
Alright here we go!
Plot to the bokuaka story in your sketchbook that is literally fading away:
Akaashi CK bokuaka with background iwaoi and maybe matsuhana
Bokuto is at a resort in Hawaii with the Japanese Volleyball team following a difficult training camp Akaashi is the drop dead gorgeous guy that Bokuto gets a huge crush on They find out they live relatively close to each other back in Japan The volleyball team gets on Bokuto's case, particularly Oikawa but that's because he's deflecting
DAY 1 OF 8
Akaashi's stay is 2 weeks long, it's the beginning of his second week when the volleyball team arrives for their 1 week vacation (that Oikawa surprise booked for them as team captain) Bokuto first sees him at the beach when the team is at the beach bar after unpacking their suitcases He can't say shit, he just openly stares. Akaashi probably sees him but doesn't really think about it or make it obvious. Oikawa teases Bokuto plenty. He doesn't see him for the rest of the day
DAY 2 OF 8
Next he sees him at the pool. Akaashi is an excellent swimmer. Insert classic ladder scene at the foot of Bokuto's chair. He shakes his hair and some of the water lands on Bokuto and he mutters a quiet sorry before walking away and Bokuto is like. Oh. I. I gotta. I have to say something (but he cant yet lol) He pesters a few people around him and someone from the team gives him a line in spanish and like. they're in hawaii and he's p sure akaashi's shirt label was in Japanese but he's not creepy, okay? He's gonna make this work!
DAY 3 OF 8
They finally talk at breakfast the next day, Bokuto is a super early riser so he's usually the first one there but some guys from the team wanted to go for a run around the resort so he's there at more normal human hours today and there! he! is! Bokuto gets to use his line. Akaashi is flattered (he goes to resorts every year, knows a lil bit of spanish for it) They are at the breakfast buffet on either side of it, bond over a love of breakfast meats, share tips. Bokuto gets called over by his team who cant see that he's finally talking to his crush. Bokuto quickly says  'lets meet on the beach later!!' Akaashi smiles a small but powerful!! smile and goes with his plate to sit outside. Bokuto takes that as a yes, has to like fan himself for a minute before sitting with the team and telling them everything.
Akaashi goes to the beach, gets a drink and wanders around. He walks with his feet in the water away from the resort, and walks back when he realizes Bokuto won't be in that direction. Upon his return, he sees a group at the volleyball net, Bokuto included. He walks over calmly. They take off their overshirts to reveal matching volleyball jerseys for the Japanese national team (because theyre fuckin extra like that, and a few of them think it'll help them score. It probably does tbh) They want to play 6 on 6 but they're missing a setter (the entire team isnt here, just the people who wanted to come. People like Kageyama and Ushijima stayed behind to practice more, thinking this trip was a waste of time)
Makki is about to volunteer to do it when Akaashi (who approached without any of them noticing) speaks up. 'I'm a setter' or 'I can set' Bokuto is over the moon!!! The team is trying to be good about it but they clearly have doubts. They basically divide the team in who wants to be set to by Oikawa and who wants the challenge of someone they think won't be very good. (so like Yaku is playing as a wing spiker on Akaashi's side even though he's the libero because otherwise they'll still be one person short) They divide into shirts/skins and Bokuto wants to volunteer their side for skins because ulterior motives, but he's halfway through his exclamation and the other side is already stripped. They're doing this to make sure Akaashi is comfortable but Akaashi kind of just rolls his eyes (unseen by anyone but Bokuto, which signals to Bokuto that Akaashi is comfortable with his body, which is a good thing for Bokuto to know)
So of course Akaashi sets brilliantly. The surprise factor for the other side, along with how great Bokuto and Akaashi suddenly work together, is enough to make them win a set, and by then the other side is already getting a sunburn so they stop. Oikawa marches to the net and demands to know Akaashi's play history. Akaashi calmly states that he played for Shinzen and Bokuto went to Fukurodani? They're very impressed because it's hard to set for so many synchronized attacks. Akaashi is in the team's inner circle now basically. They invite him to join them for supper (to help Bokuto and his massive crush out especially)
Subplot Time!!
So far Oikawa has seemed pretty distracted except for when they were playing volleyball. He keeps looking around like he's searching for something or someone and it's driving the team nuts, more so than Bokuto's crushing. They finally corner him after he takes even longer than usual getting ready for supper. It turns out that Iwaizumi his childhood friend works at the resort and he's been trying to find him so they could be reunited! They talk on facebook back in Japan but Oikawa has his phone on airplane mode so he hasn't been able to contact him this whole time and he forgot to ask in what department Iwaizumi works, etc.  He tells them to go on without him.
They all show up for supper looking pretty spiffy. Akaashi is already there ofc looking amazing. Fem-cut shirt, pants that look sort of like a skirt, all in black, very androgynous. Bokuto is possibly even more taken? They have a nice night with the team. Oikawa shows up late but with Iwaizumi in tow, causing a great ruckus. They all drink and laugh and have way too much to eat and most of the team goes dancing after but Bokuto only has eyes for Akaashi so they split from the group and head off to one of the bars on the resort to keep chatting.
(The chunk that goes here is still in your sketchbook)
Ok dont be chicken here it is:
They walk on the beach back to Akaashi's room. He invites Bokuto in. They do it with the lights on, very romantic. Akaashi is still stuffed, Bokuto too tbh. Akaashi is totally the type to have brought a toy in his suitcase so he is already ready for Bokuto from the night before while Bokuto litterally jamed 3 boxes of condoms in his suitcase and has a handful of fresh ones in his pocket lol Akaashi: did you think you'd get with lots of people? Bokuto, blushing probably: I only want to get with you tho (this is super cheesy but probably still totally happens lol) They're not even tipsy, they never were actually drunk, there is very clear consent (tag it enthusiastic consent)
DAY 4 OF 8
The next morning, they have sex again. V nice, all soft, glowing in the sunrise (leave me alone) Bokuto lost his shirt somewhere between the bar and the room (he finds it later with the team, it's hilarious) so he borrows one of Akaashi's. (also later, Akaashi tries on the national jersey and looks great in it, it fits like a crop top)
They hang out with the team, Akaashi makes friends, the iwaoi subplot continues in the background. They play pool games. Akaashi doesnt think Bokuto can lift him on his shoulders but he totally can, although they get toppled almost immediately. They go dancing with the team and Iwaizumi that night. OFC Akaashi can dance really well lol Iwaizumi attemps to infuse Oikawa with some semblance of rhythm. Some spotlight on the few straight players lol Halfway through, Mattsun shows up, he's working at the discotheque that night. Makki: *lands eyes on him* *mouth hangs open as Mattsun walks away* *to iwaizumi* Is he?? Can I?? *wild hand motions*Iwaizumi: nods, laughs out a yeah as Makki rushes in Mattsun's direction, disappearing in the crowd. Akaashi walks with the group until they get to his building and he kisses Bokuto goodbye. Bokuto is too smitten to mind that they won't sleep together.
DAY 5 OF 8
Akaashi is a little bit like a cat and at first Bokuto is dejected about it, but the team pulls him out of it. He's worried he won't see him again now that they've had sex but it's not the impression he had of Akaashi. They can't text because of their phone plans and he looks around for him but can't find him. They meet up around supper and it turns out that Akaashi was at the spa all day. He really is sorry for forgetting to tell Bokuto about it the day before. They have supper separately from everyone else and talk about personal habits and needs and it goes really well. Bokuto invites him up to his room then remembers that it's a mess, but it doesn't matter. (this is when Akaashi tries on the jersey)
DAY 6 OF 8
This is the last day of any vacation that truly feels like a vacation tbh
It's the time where everyone thinks ok, what's the things I said I would do that I haven't done yet? They probably go on a fieldtrip, Akaashi to a local art place or something, they venture off-resort.
DAY 7 OF 8
It's Saturday, Iwaizumi has the day off, this is the peak of the iwaoi subplot. Deal with the MatsuHana subplot too, maybe. Start thinking about the return, about volleyball, about the rest of the team in Japan. Bokuto and Akaashi spend some time together, some time apart. Bokuto gets an earful of the iwaoi subplot from Oikawa. Maybe gives advice? Who knows.
This is also the day to insert sunset sex on the beach lol Akaashi is still mostly clothed. They almost get spotted but it's dusk, theyre backlit and the guard thinks it's just a rock or something. They lay there really still and burd out laughing once he walks away.
DAY 8 OF 8
The day goes as a last day goes, last swim, getting ready, having to leave the room, waiting with your luggage and a final drink. Akaashi is on the same bus to the airport as the team, but not the same plane seeing as he is with a different airline (definitely in first class tho) Iwaoi goodbyes, bokuaka goodbyes (exchanging numbers and addresses) Makki doesn't think Mattsun will come but it turns out he overslept, he rushes in at the last minute and lifts Makki off the ground. Bokuto and Akaashi kiss one last time before Bokuto has to cross the gate.
Flash forward to the Olympic qualifiers, Team Japan kicking ass, Akaashi cheering uncharacteristically loudly, Bokuto looking up from the court with love in his eyes. Akaashi sticking around after the win to give Bokuto a few tosses before they go celebrate with the team.
0 notes
imabookmarkaddict · 4 years
or would the ex gf just stick to the simple script of 'how could you do this to me'?
WelshenToday at 1:12 AM
Uh idk i like to think they liked each other so maybe not cussing bu like youre the worst i cant believe u did this to me
[1:12 AM]
Like me when u mention star trek
puzzlezToday at 1:12 AM
ur the ex gf
[1:12 AM]
i c
WelshenToday at 1:12 AM
[1:12 AM]
U trusted sadi tho
[1:12 AM]
Thats on u man
puzzlezToday at 1:13 AM
and okay, i know some people can get monstrous with their language when they're really upset and i didn't know if the ex gf would be the type to hurl insults to hide her hurt or if she'd be a lil more 'mature' about it
[1:14 AM]
also would she care that it was a guy trevor 'cheated' with or would that not rly faze her/be something she mentions?
WelshenToday at 1:14 AM
I dont think she noticed
[1:14 AM]
That comes up next time
puzzlezToday at 1:14 AM
there's a next time omg
[1:15 AM]
idk if i feel worse for trevor or markus having to put up with angry ex gf popping up and making their budding (and doomed) love awkward
WelshenToday at 1:17 AM
Well yeah she doesnt give up duh
[1:17 AM]
I think she comes back like im pregnant
[1:17 AM]
[1:18 AM]
And trevor has half a backbone and says no go to my ex best friend is it even mine no ofc it isnt lol
[1:19 AM]
Eventually tho the best friend just vanishes so trevor thinks its immoral to let a pregnant woman live on the street right obv she has it very difficult
[1:20 AM]
But he kind of asked markus to move in and now has to amend it to move in with me and my preg ex
[1:20 AM]
Eventually they get marrued for the child even if its not his so
[1:20 AM]
  puzzlezToday at 5:51 AM
i'm assuming that markus overhears most/all of the convo between trevor and his ex gf since the apartment isn't that big?
WelshenToday at 5:51 AM
[5:52 AM]
He doesnt really care about cheating, he would never do it but most of his customers obv cheated on wives and stuff
puzzlezToday at 5:53 AM
so i know markus wants to just hide under a blanket and die but does he ask trevor at all about what happened with the ex gf or is he okay with just not talking about it?
WelshenToday at 5:53 AM
[5:54 AM]
Well maybe he asks if the chocolate didnt work out or smth
[5:54 AM]
And trevor just mentions that apparently his best friend was giving it to her
[5:54 AM]
[5:55 AM]
But not really more than that, maybe later when trevor goes boyfriend? Markus asks if the ex is an ex(edited)
puzzlezToday at 5:58 AM
so what happens after the little talk about the ex gf? like, does markus mention anything about hanging out again/does trevor?
[5:58 AM]
basically, how do they decide to keep in touch
WelshenToday at 5:59 AM
[5:59 AM]
Well markus doesnt really carry a phone
[5:59 AM]
So thats out
puzzlezToday at 5:59 AM
[5:59 AM]
i wasn't sure if like they didn't establish communication and bump into each other again or if they decide while still in the apartment that they want to hang out again
WelshenToday at 5:59 AM
So idk a normal way to deal with that,
puzzlezToday at 6:00 AM
like trevor saying something like "well we never finished that movie so u wanna come over again some time to try again" or smth
WelshenToday at 6:00 AM
God thats so perfect lol
[6:01 AM]
Markus is prob awk saying sorry dont have a phone, you cant come over
[6:02 AM]
Cuz he's staying with another family
[6:02 AM]
A friend of jonahs cousin its complicated
[6:02 AM]
So trevor is like well i work at the mall at x clothing store bla bla
[6:03 AM]
And markus goes yeah i work at the crepe/non usa pancake bar
[6:03 AM]
So they mostly hang out at trevors apt, at work or the mall. Meet me at x tmrw at 4 or whatever people do(edited)
puzzlezToday at 6:05 AM
so i was picturing the original convo (after the ex gf leaving) kind of being like a little awk and then when markus tries to flee, trevor dropping a comment about like "hey come back at x time to finish the movie with me" and markus agreeing
WelshenToday at 6:06 AM
Oh yeah that makes sense, markus cant say no if he feels he owes something
puzzlezToday at 6:07 AM
and that's kind of the end of the scene, and i guess the next scene being the movie?? i'm kind of wondering like
WelshenToday at 6:07 AM
Thats kind of fuzzy
puzzlezToday at 6:08 AM
did u want to do something dumb and cute like the two running into each other at the mall somewhere and that's when they both say they work there?
[6:08 AM]
like idk they're on break
[6:08 AM]
or trevor is on break and wants a quick snack but damn gf packs lunch and shes not there so he didn't pack a lunch and gets cheap/quick junk food and -- oh hi markus how u
WelshenToday at 6:08 AM
Oh hey that second one is cute
[6:09 AM]
Im pretty sure markus workplace is like a 10min walk from the mall or smth but its well recommended
[6:09 AM]
So it would make sense i think
[6:10 AM]
Idk im incompetent at cute
puzzlezToday at 6:10 AM
omg no ur fine
[6:11 AM]
over the past few years i feel like i've gotten good at bouncing ideas off of ppl because despite doing v little actual rp'ing i've planned a shit load of details for the rps and it mostly involved me concocting ideas until the other person says "i like that one"
[6:11 AM]
so if i make a rec u don't like ur not going to hurt my feeings btw
WelshenToday at 6:11 AM
Well im kind of particular
[6:12 AM]
But more about personality
[6:12 AM]
Also why would u care about yr feelings when u go for yoga and skurk
puzzlezToday at 6:15 AM
so it could be like the next work day (i forget but i think the amusement park was on a saturday? so its sunday rn? so next work day is monday unless markus works whenever/whatever days) markus sees trevor and there's that little burst of surprise at seeing each other, and trevor explains i work at the mall, and markus is all oh never seen u here just surprised and trevor semi awkwardly explains yehhhh ex gf packed lunch so now i gotta figure out food for myself/didn't have anything today buuuut won't complain at seeing a friendly face (or something kinda friendly and flirty)
[6:16 AM]
and maybe they have a small flirt fest and at the end trevor says something about "oh i never got your number?" and markus admits he doesn't have a phone and trevor is all well sighs guess i gotta wait until saturday (whatever time they agreed to see the movie)
WelshenToday at 6:16 AM
Yeah that sounds about right
puzzlezToday at 6:17 AM
and markus feels a bit tickled at someone expressing excitement at someone seeming a bit excited about meeting up
WelshenToday at 6:18 AM
The only attention markus has gotten is from spencer so yah now he's a pretty easy flirt
puzzlezToday at 6:18 AM
is trevor a sweet tooth that he would start to casually show up at markus' work every now and then for a bite of food and a quick flirt with markus?
[6:18 AM]
...wait what kind of crepe place we talking actually
WelshenToday at 6:18 AM
Im sure he would do it anyway, see taking care of ex gf
[6:19 AM]
Swedish pancakes are apparently called crepes in usa
puzzlezToday at 6:19 AM
the traditional ones like in france were there are also savory crepes (filled with meat/cheese) or the kind where they just have desert (piled up with sugar/fruit)
[6:19 AM]
u have ur own omg
[6:19 AM]
google time
WelshenToday at 6:19 AM
[6:19 AM]
But yeah i think its at most cheese
[6:20 AM]
Not meat really ? Idk how they stay in business
[6:20 AM]
But hey we eat pancakes w jam for lunch in sweden so f u america
puzzlezToday at 6:20 AM
[6:21 AM]
they look like crepes idk taste difference obv
[6:21 AM]
we have places here that only sell sweet crepes
WelshenToday at 6:21 AM
Ifbwe were to make crepes
[6:21 AM]
They would be even thinner and smaller
puzzlezToday at 6:21 AM
most americans think crepes = dessert only even tho in france they're mostly a savory snack/light meal
[6:21 AM]
yeah the swedish ones look a little thicker than french crepes but other than that they look similar
[6:22 AM]
what do u want me to call them in the story
WelshenToday at 6:22 AM
Probably are idk
puzzlezToday at 6:22 AM
i mean i can call them the swedish name if u want
WelshenToday at 6:22 AM
Theyre called crepes in the next story
[6:22 AM]
Which is the nsfw of markus workplace
[6:22 AM]
Please dont eat there its unsanitary
[6:23 AM]
Every surface has been banged on
[6:23 AM]
Maybe not the stove
puzzlezToday at 6:24 AM
omfg figures
[6:24 AM]
wtf r they called in swedish tho
[6:24 AM]
none of the recipes i'm looking at call them anything but crepes
WelshenToday at 6:24 AM
[6:24 AM]
Or pannkakor
puzzlezToday at 6:25 AM
huh okay
WelshenToday at 6:25 AM
Literal translation
puzzlezToday at 6:25 AM
does markus' workplace have a name or is it just "that crepe place"
[6:26 AM]
same goes for trevor's workplace actually is it just "the clothing store"?
WelshenToday at 6:27 AM
Rofl idk remember unnamed bf
[6:27 AM]
Idk if i use real ones or made up ones
[6:28 AM]
Instead of an h&m store its m&h maybe shrug
puzzlezToday at 6:30 AM
that works, yeh
[6:30 AM]
i tried looking up cute crepe store names but the best i found was "cut the crepe"
[6:30 AM]
(pun on cut the crap but not very good if u ask me)
WelshenToday at 6:31 AM
Snort its cute tho
[6:31 AM]
Im bad at puns
[6:31 AM]
Markus loves puns, its not compatible
puzzlezToday at 6:32 AM
omg well if it comes up do u want the crepe place to be called cut the crepe?
WelshenToday at 6:32 AM
[6:32 AM]
And if we come up w something better i can just edit shrug
puzzlezToday at 6:33 AM
[6:33 AM]
idk if it will come up tbh since i'm not rly the type to shove details in unless it feels natural if that makes sense?
[6:34 AM]
like idk if i'm writing from markus' pov for example i'm not going to wax poetic about how he looks every time he glances at a mirror because realistically how often do u look at urself in the mirror and analyze ur every detail
[6:34 AM]
ur more likely to give it a quick glance and be done
[6:34 AM]
stuff like that
[6:34 AM]
but yeh it's good to know small stuff in case it does come up for any reason
WelshenToday at 6:36 AM
Sure thats fine
[6:36 AM]
Fun to think about tho
puzzlezToday at 6:36 AM
WelshenToday at 6:37 AM
Thats more if i do art for it
[6:37 AM]
puzzlezToday at 6:38 AM
okay so for now it's ex gf shows up, melt down, awk convo and trevor asks for markus to come back to finish the movie, meet up at markus' work, and then movie
[6:38 AM]
omg yes
WelshenToday at 6:38 AM
Yah sounds very good
puzzlezToday at 6:40 AM
so should it be like trevor shows up earlier in markus' work week (like mon or tues) and then again later in the week (friday or smth)? or would trevor not rly think too much about markus after the first encounter at the crepe place cuz moping about gf off and on?
[6:41 AM]
i'm wondering if maybe they agreed to meet up like friday at 7 pm or smth and would/do you want trevor to show up after his shift at the crepe place for a sweet bite and then lingers and asks if markus wants to walk back to his apartment after markus gets off?
WelshenToday at 6:41 AM
Idk i think he was suspecting her for a while? Which is why he blew up at markus for "cheating" the wheel
[6:42 AM]
So hes probably okay with how it turned out
[6:42 AM]
And hes got a rebound now too
[6:42 AM]
Whos very compliant
[6:42 AM]
But yeah he can border on stalker
[6:43 AM]
Very simpleminded guy we're talking about
[6:43 AM]
And i guess hes worried about losing contact?
puzzlezToday at 6:44 AM
omg well it could also be like idfk trevor feels a little excited at the idea of moving on if he was okay with how things went with the ex gf
[6:44 AM]
thought it might make markus happy to have a guy kinda acting like a dope at the idea of a date-not-date thing
[6:45 AM]
like trevor kinda being like "well if ur not doing anything after u get off u don't have to wait until 7 to come over u could walk home with me"
WelshenToday at 6:47 AM
Yeah definitely
[6:48 AM]
Markus is happy to have a friend first of all
[6:49 AM]
Well a nice friend
[6:50 AM]
So yah markus does kinda see sex as an unevitable payment for a relationship tho
puzzlezToday at 6:50 AM
poor kid
[6:51 AM]
so would trevor make moves for 'round 2' of the failed sex on movie day or would they just chat and hang and flirt?
[6:51 AM]
idk how fast things actually get sexual with them so
WelshenToday at 6:55 AM
I dont really know either
[6:55 AM]
Whatever ur comfortable with to start
[6:55 AM]
But yeah im sure trevor is the kind of guy who goes hey i studied lots of porn
[6:56 AM]
Watch what i can do and markus just finds it adorably vanilla lol
[6:56 AM]
Maybe he tries to proper date on date one a kiss on date two etc
[6:57 AM]
Markus finds all of him adorable but in the end too naive for a longterm relationship i guess
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