#theyre usually really freaked out and confused about being in a kitchen and just want to hide
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hollowedskin · 10 months ago
Not to detract from your point that most dangerous stuff isn't in cities, but I used to do snake collection and relocation in Brisbane and would get at least one a week (in spring and summer) in my collection area where I'd have to remove an eastern brown from people's homes. I wouldn't go more than half an hour's drive away from my house and there were at least 6 other people in the city who did it.
I also kept an eye on local populations of redbellies at my local bushwalk park because they were neat and I knew where they liked to sunbathe.
There are snakes in the cities, there are venomous snakes in the cities. Snakes are not evil or aggressive (though brown snakes will tend to get defensive instead of flee), and they're not out to get you.
But there are very definitely snakes in cities and that's why you need to keep junk like dead cars and tin sheets out of your yard, keep the grass mowed, and wear appropriate footwear if you're going walking off a path.
Sometimes they get into your house and you call a guy who comes and puts it in a bag, but you're only allowed to release them within 2km of where they were collected, they are not driven multiple hours away or anything. Usually they go to the first patch of scrub nearby, because they live here and are supposed to be here.
Snake safety is basically if it's outside, keep your kids and pets inside and it will eventually fuck off. Don't try and attack or kill them, that's when people get bitten. Most bites are people trying to attack the snake. If you're super worried call a snake guy.
If it's inside, leave the doors open, keep an eye on it from a safe distance, keep your kids and pets away, and call a snake guy to come remove it. Do not try and catch it yourself, even if you have experience with pythons. You should have training to catch venomous snakes.
(if you don't know how to handle pythons, same rules apply. If you do, use your judgement but know that it's still illegal to harm, trap, or kill them without the proper paperwork and its something like a 75k fine)
As an Australian I love the whole "Australia is a death trap full of vicious deadly animals" cultural myth. Every place has some deadly animals in it who will fuck you over if you don't understand them; we're not more dangerous than anywhere else. BUT we get to look badarse by existing when people pretend we are. No downsides.
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lolacola01 · 6 years ago
The New Girl
Can you do an imagine with David where the reader and him are dating and he takes her to his home town to meet his family? And his family and friends love her? Please x             
AN: I was going to write something like this but about David brining home Natalie and confessing to his parents that theyre secretly dating. Only to have his parents bring out all these childhood photos of them both and tell them they knew all along they’d get together. But his one works too. Hope you like it. 
“So I was thinking when you and Natalie go to Vernon Hills I could get someone in to clean up your floors properly. They’ve not looked the same since the ten million party.”
“You don’t have to do that.” David smiles. He’s busy editing his latest vlog before he packs for another trip back to his home town.
“It’s just since you guys won’t be here I’ll be at my own apartment. It’s the perfect time for the floors to get cleaned properly.”
“That’s true,” David nods his head before looking back at his laptop. “Or you could leave the floors and come to Vernon Hills with us.” He keeps his eyes on his laptop as he waits for you to answer.
“I… I…”
“Are you freaking out?” David asks. “I’m too afraid to look up at you and see.”
“You want me to go to Vernon Hills with you?”
“I know you’re all about keeping us a secret from viewers, but I was thinking it might be time to introduce to you to my family. I mean it’s been six months since we started dating.”
“You want me to go to Vernon Hills where your family is?” you stutter out. “Your family.”
“Yes my family,” David smiles as he finally looks at you. “And we’re the Dobrik family not the Mason family. You don’t have to look so freaked out.”
“Who says I’m freaking out?” you say as you start to pace back and forth at the bottom of David’s bed.
“I say,” David’s smile grows wider. “Y/n you know my family aren’t that bad. I’m sure they’d love to meet you. They already suspect that I’m dating someone.”
“Yeah you told me they thought it was Natalie,” you point out. At the sound of her name being mentioned Natalie pops her head around the bedroom door.
“You need me?”
“Natalie can you please explain to my wonderful girlfriend that there is nothing wrong with meeting my family?” David smiles. “I suggested she come to Vernon Hills with me and she’s freaking out.”
“Oh you’ve got to come,” Natalie gasps as she grabs your hand. “Please Y/n you have to come.”
“I’m busy this weekend,” you try and explain. “I’m getting your floors cleaned.”
“Natalie could you give us a moment?” David abandons his laptop on the bed and climbs off it.
“Just think about it,” Natalie pleads as she gives your hand one more squeeze. “If you don’t go that means it me David, Jonah and Jason. You have to come.”
You Wait until Natalie has left the room before turning back to your boyfriend. “I just…”
“Just hear me out,” David interrupts before pulling you down to sit next to him on the bed. “I think it’s time you meet my parents. And the next time your parents are in town I want to meet them too.”
“Ok hear me out. I think it’s time your floors got cleaned.”
“Y/n,” David whines. “Why are you fighting this. You know if I didn’t know any better I’d think you didn’t want to meet my parents.”
“That might be because I don’t,” you mumble, but David catches it.
“You don’t?” he gets a hurt look on his face and you instantly regret saying anything.
“Please don’t think that this has anything to do with us,” you quickly say. “I just…I’m scared that this next step might spoil things for us.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well the last time you took a girl home… the only time you’ve took a girl home it was Liza,” you explain. You keep your eyes focused on your hands sitting in your lap. “And we all know how much your parents loved Liza. I just don’t know how well our relationship would hold up to something like that so soon.”
“You think my parents would compare you to Liza?” David asks confused.
“David they sent her a Christmas present this year,” you point out.
“Because they don’t know you exist. If they knew you were my girlfriend and not just some girl they see here and there in the vlogs they would have sent you one too.”
“It’s not really about the gift,” you sigh. “I just don’t… look it doesn’t matter. Cant you just accept that it might be too soon?”
“You just don’t what?” David frowns. He grabs hold of your hand forcing you to look at him. “Tell me what you’re thinking Y/n.”
“I don’t want you to start looking at me the way your parents would,” you explain but it only confuses your boyfriend more. “You want to know why I love hanging out with Natalie and Jeff the most?”
“Because they have a dislike for Jonah just as much as you do?”
“Because they weren’t around when you and liza were together,” you explain. “They didn’t get to see the greatest love story ever like everyone else did. I know everyone doesn’t mean to, but they really do rub it in my nose sometimes. There’s isn’t a week that goes by where one of them doesn’t remind me of how great you and Liza were together. Sometimes they make me feel like I’m the rebound girl and when Liza is over whatever this thing is she’s going though, she’s going to come and want you back.”
“Do I make you feel like that?”
“You did at the start,” you nod. “At the start I thought I was the rebound girl, but the past few months have been good.”
“You didn’t think I was serious at the start?” David looks at your hurt.
“Do you remember the second time I hung out with everyone?” you ask causing David to nod his head. “We went to that snapchat party and half way through the night Liza showed up and everyone practically ran towards her to hug her… including you. Only me and Natalie stayed seated. At the end of that night I went to climb into the front of the car where I had been sitting on the way to the party and you told me to ride with Natalie in her car because you wanted to film something. When I got into Natalie’s car I could see Liza climbing into the front seat of yours. That night I thought maybe I was the rebound girl, and that if Liza would have asked you back that night, you and I would have finished.”
“But it was just for a bit,” David frowns. “I told you to go with Natalie because you two were still uncomfortable in front of the camera. I just didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Y/n I really didn’t know you were feeling this way.” He shakes his head and sighs.
“I don’t feel that way now,” you say reassuringly. “You have proven time and time again that this relationship is just as important to you as it is to me. Maybe that’s what you’re doing right now. Proving that I’m important to you by introducing me to your family.”
“Does that mean you’re coming?” he asks with a wide smile.
“Just don’t be too shocked if your family all hate me,” you answer as he pulls you into his arms.
  You had forced Natalie to promise you if everything went wrong at David’s parents house she would let you stay at her family home. It was either that or sharing a hotel room with Jason and Jonah, and that was never going to be an option.
You had seen so many of David’s Vernon Hill vlogs that when you sat in the back of the cab driving from the airport to David’s parents house you felt like you had been there before.
“And there’s…”
“Don’t tell me,” you interrupt your boyfriend. “That’s the lake you used to run to late at night when you couldn’t sleep.”
“How did you know that?” he asks surprised.
“You only have so many stories,” you smile as he playful nudges you with his elbow.
“Well we’re pulling into my street,” he sighs. “My house is the last on the corner.”
You feel all the nerves that had been sitting at the bottom of your stomach bubbling up as the cab pulled to a stop. “What did your parents say when you told them you were bringing me?”
“What did they say?” he frowns at you. “What do you mean?”
“David you did tell your parents you were bringing me, didn’t you?”
“Was I supposed to?”
“Oh my god.”
“Al right let not freak out,” David says as he pays the cab driver and climbs out to get your bags from the trunk. “They’ll be cool.”
“oh my god someone’s looking out of the window,” you hiss as you turn your back to the house.
“That someone would be my mother,” David nods. “The kids will be at school and my Dad will be at work. That’s why I picked this time for us to come. A few quiet hours with my Mom is all you need.”
“Is she the nice one?”
“She’s coming towards us,” David whispers before turning his attention behind you. “Hi Mom.”
You turn slowly and find David’s Mom standing right behind you. “Hi,” you say softly.
“David,” she smiles. “I didn’t know you were bringing someone.” She pulled her son in for a hug before turning her attention towards you. “You’re Y/n right?”
You look up at your boyfriend shocked. “I…”
“She watches every vlog,” David pointed out. “Yes Mom this is Y/n.”
“Actually I know you from the mukbangs you do with Josh,” David mom explains. “It’s nice to meet you Y/N. why don’t we go into the kitchen while David takes the bags in. I assume you’re spending the night here?”
“If that’s okay with you,” you nod nervously as David’s Mom guides you into the house.
 Your time with David’s Mom is very pleasant. She asks you the usual getting to know you questions, but nothing about you and David. Once three thirty hits the house is filled with the rest of the family. David’s siblings all fuss around you for a little while until their mother sends them to their rooms to do homework. That’s when you’re left alone in the kitchen with David and his parents.
“So,” Davids Dad begins. “Is this a Natalie thing or is it something else?” he pointed his finger between you and David causing  your boyfriend to laugh.
“It’s a something else,” he looks at your confused face before explaining. “Dad’s asking if our relationship is like the one I have with Natalie or is it less friendly.”
“Oh,” you nod your head but don’t say anything else.
“Y/n is my girlfriend,” David explains as he slips his hand over yours as it sat on the table.
Before anyone can say anything else, David’s younger brother Toby calls from the top of the stairs. “I need help with my words.”
“David go help your little brother with his home work,” David’s Mom says, causing you to grip your boyfriends hand tighter.
“Y/n do you want to come…”
“Y/n can stay here,” David’s dad says. “I’m sure she doesn’t want to watch an eight year old do his homework.”
David slips his hand from yours before leaning in and kissing your cheek. “I wont be long.”
You feel the air leave the room along with your boyfriend as his parents sit across from you not saying anything. You know this is it. This is the moment they tell you you aren’t good enough for their son. Everything is quiet until they hear David get to the top of the stairs. It’s David’s Dad that speaks first.
“So you and David?”
“Yes,” you nod. “I…”
“Were you two dating when you did that pasta mukbang with Josh?” David’s mom interrupts.
You’re confused for a few seconds before you nod your head. “We started dating around Halloween time.”
“Makes sense,” David’s dad says, giving his wife an knowing look.
“Fine you were right,” Mrs Dobrik sighs before smiling at you.  “My husband has been saying for a while now that David seems different. He’s… happier.”
“Lighter,” Mr Dobrik nods in agreement.
“I was convinced that the whole Liza thing was finally behind him,” Mrs Dobrik explains. When you hear Liza’s name being mentioned you feel yourself flinch.
“Not a fan?” Mr Dobrik asks.
“Liza’s wonderful,” you add quickly. “I mean we don’t really hang out, but from what I’ve heard.”
“She was,” Mrs Dobrik nods. “Until she wasn’t.”
“Carful,” Mr Dobrik warns his wife.
“I’m just saying she strung him along for a long time,” Mrs Dobrik explains. “I mean he was obsessed with her, she continues.”
“Not that he’s not with you,” Mr Dobrik adds quickly.
“Of course,” Mrs Dobrik smiles. “But she wasn’t obsessed back.” She adds. “It was a one sided relationship.”
“Not like he has with you,” Mr Dobrik says looking across the table at you.
“How do you know our relationship?” you ask confused. “You’ve only just met me.”
Mr Dobrik shares a smile with his wife before looking back at you. “I told David’s Mom after we watched that pasta video that you two were dating.”
“It’s so clear now that you think about it,” Mrs Dobrik says rolling her eyes.
“I don’t understand,” you say looking at both parents.
“He was like a little puppy dog in that video,” Mrs Dobrik says. “Everything you said was the funniest thing ever. And he kept staring at you when you weren’t looking at him.”
“And then there was that little moment when the pasta sauce was all over his lips and you went to wipe it off but stopped yourself,” Mr Dobrik added. “Your face got so red after that.”
“Yeah it was total flirting,” Mrs Dobrik nodded. “And last week when I was facetiming him. You were behind the screen weren’t you? Because at one point you walked around the sofa and behind him and his neck nearly snapped following you.”
You sit there in silence as his parents list off little moments of you two being in love from the vlogs. It’s only when David joins you back at the table do you shake yourself from your stunned silence.
“Well?” David asks taking your hand in his again. “What did I miss?”
“Well you and your Dad were about to go grab us all pizza while me and Y/n stay here and she tells me how you two met,” Mrs Dobrik answers.
“We are?” David and his Dad ask at the same time.
“And stop by the ice cream place,” Mrs Dobrik answers before smiling warmly at you.
“We never get take out,” David remarks confused.
“We’re trying to impress Y/n,” David’s dad jokes as he pulls his son up from the table. “We want her to stick around.”
Davids whole face lights up as he looks at you. “See I told you, they’d like you.”
“Yeah, now I just have to impress your siblings,” you say with a sigh.
 “You just had to go and impress them, didn’t you?” David whispers as he looks across the bed at you.
You smile down at Toby laying between you both. He had insisted on a sleepover and refused to sleep in his own bed. “I promised the girls we’d take them shopping tomorrow,” you whisper back. “I told them their big brother would be more than happy to treat them to some new clothes.”
“Of course you did,” David says shaking his head in amusement.
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glowstickhaloboy · 8 years ago
AU where jack is a librarian and bitty accidentally studies
jack loves books. bitty hates studying.
but bitty needs to try something, bc whatever hes doing now is not working, and finals are coming up, so he thinks maybe if he gets some silence and solitude things he needs to know will start sticking
so he goes to the library and lo and behold theres an adonis behind the counter with a pencil tucked behind his ear as he intently reads a biography on Joan of Arc. bitty hears his conscience speak to him in beyonces voice, telling him that this boy is his
but hes a nervous wreck now that he knows theres someone hot here so yeah hes definitely not getting any studying done
except the cute boy doesnt even look up, and bitty remembers that hes probably straight anyway because thats the way the universe likes to be, so he keeps his head down and makes his way to an empty table (but he chooses one that keeps the cute boy in sight, and he isnt sure if thats because he is a masochist or isnt one)
he does his best to vibe this guy, who only looks up from his book when someone comes to check out or ask for the bathroom key, and bitty decides that hes gotta play it cool. that boy likes knowledge, so bitty will have to pretend that he also likes knowledge and isnt absolutely boy crazy, so he opens his textbook and gets down to business, hoping that that cute boy will look over at least and notice how studious this southern young man is
and almost three hours passes where bitty actually studies. he looks at his phone and realizes what hes just tricked himself into doing. he checks back on the cute boy, who is looking at him holy hell it was only for a second and then he quickly looked at his book again and relax eric relax he was probably just zoned out and happened to be staring at your face but maybe he could also sense how good you are at making pies and is deciding whether or not your boyfriend material
its already been three hours, but bitty definitely cannot leave now that developments are taking place
but its only fifteen more minutes before someone else shows up and takes the cute boys place behind the desk. the cute boy walks into the back and comes back with a jacket slung over his shoulder. “see ya, chris,” he says, and bitty wonders if hes being loud enough for his voice to carry on purpose, and when cute boy leaves, bittles insides all start screaming and he wonders if hes being blessed or punished because that boy must do squats or something.
bitty plays it cool for another half hour after that, because he cant look like he was only here because that cute boy was, but hes really only on twitter now. then he packs up his bag and spends the entire walk back to his room thinking about the moment he glanced up and the cute boy glanced down.
and he comes back the next day. bittle may play the slow game, but he has to see where this is going. day one, a glance, and maybe if hes really lucky, by day two he might get a pleasant “good afternoon. welcome to the library.”
he doesnt. he walks right in and sits in the same spot as yesterday, and the cute boy is reading the same book, but bitty tries to keep his face controlled, because this time cute boy looked up as he came in, and unless bittle was reading too much into it, cute boy looked down again as though this wasnt supposed to mean anything, like that was what he wanted bitty to think, but secretly it did.
they continue like this for two weeks, and eric is blessed to discover that the cute boy works a four hour shift every single day. which means theres never a day bittle has to miss out on seeing his sculpted-by-the-gods face.
and then valentines day rolls around.
bitty wonders what in the world am i doing so often while he bakes on february 14th that he knows he has lost any semblance of self-control
he walks into the library thinking the exact same thing, and of course, theres the cute boy, who has moved on to reading an account of the cuban vie for independence from spain, and for the first time, bitty actually approaches the counter
“um, hi,” he says, slightly breathless from the cold, and the cute boy looks up and smiles and says “hi” back. bitty has to ignore his pounding heart and continue on with the words hes been rehearsing since he turned the oven on.
“so, ive been spending a lot of time in the library recently, and i bake a lot, and since today is valentines day, i thought it would be nice to make these cookies for everyone today, so would it be alright if i left these on the counter and people sort of just... helped themselves if they wanted one? i made a card to”
bitty reaches into the basket and holds up a card designed by his friend lardo that reads “happy valentines day! please take one (1)”
the cute boys smile widens, and he says, “yeah. wow, they look great!”
after all the work bitty put into making them, they damn well better. he hasnt worked this hard on a batch of cookies since he campaigned for ninth grade class president. still, he cant help but turn as pink as the frosting on them when the first thing this boy ever says to him is a compliment on his baking.
“its nothin’” says bitty, setting the basket down and stuffing his mittens into his pockets
the cute boy latches onto bittys damnable accent and asks with interest “where are you from?”
“oh, georgia”
“nice. im jack, im from montreal.” he sticks out his hand and bittys suddenly clams up with sweat. oh no this cant be a horrible first handshake, it needs to be warm and nice
bitty decides he has to keep the mitten on, though, because that could be considered cute, right? sweat definitely couldnt. “eric,” he says, and doesnt allow himself to think about the fact that hes just put a bright red mitten in an adonis’s hand. they both seem to be running out of charm, though, so bitty muddles through
“um, they might be a little frozen from the walk over, but they should be good in a few minutes,” he says, then scurries over to his table because two weeks is way too soon to start talking
he distracts himself with literature homework to try to forget what a darn fool he just made himself out to be, but he cant completely tune out the rustling coming from the front desk as jack makes a careful display out of bittles basket and card, even allowing it to block the laminated sign warning patrons the repercussions of keeping overdue books.
a few more students trickle in, and a couple of them go for the basket, and Professor Whitmond tromps in with his two grandkids, who leave covered in powder and sprinkles, but bitty exercises all of his willpower to block it out because he cant believe he did this
but he also wonders if jack is going to take a cookie. hes obsessed with the thought of it. he needs jack to eat one of those cookies and realize that bittle is not just a pretty face. bittles entire body is on high alert, praying for it.
and then it happens. jack reaches into the basket, pulls out a cookie, and takes a bite. bittle thinks, checkmate.
he notices jack glance over at him, and bittle is now confident enough that he chances a bright smile. those cookies are good. they would never have made it out of his kitchen if they werent his best.
jack points at the cookie, his expression one of utter astonishment, and mouths, these are amazing.
bitty raises an eyebrow. i know.
jack makes another expression of astonishment, then waves bitty to go back to his studying. bitty pretends to, but really, hes wondering if bringing in a batch of cookies every friday would be too much.
(he does it anyway)
fridays become the staple of his relationship with jack. bittle brings in a basket of cookies, jack says something that makes bittle wonder if hes flirting or teasing, and bittle feels satisfaction drop into his gut as jack helps himself to the first of the bunch. there has never been a day where every cookie is not eaten.
and then jack changes the schedule. bitty comes in on friday with his usual basket, and jack says, “Eric. I had a question.” and bittles heart starts thumping in its stupid, traitorous way, and jack continues, “About these cookies...” and bitty thinks, oh great, theyre too much, hes only been pretending to like them for my benefit, enough is enough, “Would you mind making me a batch to send to Montreal? My parents want to try them.”
and bittys mind goes completely blank. Something about the way Jack says it completely straight throws bitty off guard. Because, yeah, hes caught on to the fact that Jack can be a bit socially awkward, but this definitely takes the proverbial cake.
“Your parents?” asks Bittle. “How do they know about my cookies?”
“I told them,” says jack, as if its obvious. “We call every friday night, and I always talk about your cookies.”
Bitty’s mind hurriedly re-writes his knowledge of the past few weeks to include the fact that Jack From The Library Has Been Speaking To His Parents About His Cookies And Now Jack’s Parents (IN MONTREAL!) Want To Eat Them.
“So, would that be too weird?” asks Jack.
“Not at all!” says Bitty, laughing slightly because hes terrified. “I can bring some in tomorrow if youd like!”
Its only when Jack smiles that Bitty feels relieved, like hes successfully navigated a minefield correctly. “Thatd be great!” says Jack. “I’ll pay you, if you want, to cover the cost of the ingredients-”
Bitty waves him away. “That’s not necessary, Jack, I’d love to.”
he goes to his seat and cuts his study time in half because he cant stop freaking out about making baked goods for jacks parents, who have never met him, and need to decide within their first taste whether bittle has any worth in their sons life
hes up half the night, and it definitely shows on his face when he brings into the library the next day. all he wants to do is say get them out of my sight.
jack accepts them with a confused look on his face, thanks bittle as bittle marches to his table and begins spreading out his books
oh yeah, and bitty has been getting weirdly good grades since all this started?? it turns out that bi-weekly flirting is the perfect reward for someone who needs to study more. his test scores have gone up dramatically, and even his GPA has gotten a modest boost.
thats only the secondary goal here, though, his real goal has always been getting jack to notice him
for three days, including baking night, bittle sleeps horribly, angsting over what jacks parents - whoever they even are - will think of his cookies. on monday, he gets his answer
“Eric!” jack greets as bittle walks into the library. hes smiling wide. “ive been told to tell you that youre moving to montreal to become my parents’ personal dessert chef.”
relief smacks into bitty like a forty-pound fist. he feels slightly whoozy. “they liked them?” he repeats.
jack just stares at him. “Eric. Have you ever had one of your cookies before.”
“No, I mean, well, yes, obviously I have, but it’s just that I’m always worried whenever new people try them that they’ll hate them, and since baking is the only thing I’m really good at, it’s important to me that people, you know, like my stuff.”
“Eric,” Jack says, for what feels like the thousandth time. “Everything you make is incredible. And baking isn’t all you’re good at. You study like a champion.” He offers Eric a fist bump.
Eric takes it for what it is, a sign of friendship, as he belatedly registers that Jack just called his baking skills amazing. Even if the boy is straight, he knows how to play Eric like a fiddle. And Eric is just gone enough to let it happen.
spring weather is finally setting in, and bitty starts to think about just how many days hes spent in the library this year, all so he can gawk at a boy he doesnt have a chance with. all this time, and he couldve been actually out there looking for someone who will genuinely be with him and make him happy.
he stops going to the library on a tuesday. by friday, he feels bad because the people on campus have come to expect his cookies every week, and he owes it to them to keep their stomachs satisfied with finals approaching. he makes a batch, not knowing what hes going to say to jack, or if jack will even care that bitty has been out by the pond enjoying his afternoons with his friends instead of hanging out inside.
he walks in with his basket, and jack seems to look both relieved and slightly cross. “Eric,” he says, because thats all he ever says. “You haven’t been here.”
Bitty shrugs. “I made cookies,” he says, and offers Jack the basket.
Jack’s brow furrows. “Is something wrong?” he asks.
“No,” says Bitty, which, because he doesn’t know what on Earth he’s feeling, is almost the truth.
Somewhat stunned into silence, Jack accepts the basket Bitty offers him and watches Bitty leave again. Bitty walks until he’s out of sight of the library, then sits on the nearest bench and wipes his eyes. He’s being ridiculous. There was literally never even anything between him and Jack. It was all made up in Bitty’s head, a fabrication based on a few standard conversations and lies garnered by baked goods. Maybe Bitty is crying because he’s such a fool. Why did he waste so much time on a needless fantasy? What was wrong with him.
“Well,” he mumbles to himself, standing. “At least your grades went up.”
this is the part where he looks up, hoping that jack might have followed him and was now waiting, out of breath, to say something meaningful and restore all of bitty’s hopes. but the sidewalk is empty, and bitty is left exactly like normal--creating a version of jack that doesnt exist based on the picture he has in his head
he goes back at the end of the day, when he knows jack will be gone, to collect his cookie basket from the library. a boy named chris hands it to him. “yeah, thanks for bringing these in today!” says chris. “the guy i work with seemed kinda down, so i think he needed a pick me up. i mean, he said that theyre for the patrons, but i got him to eat one, and i could tell he even felt better afterwards. theyre super good! i mean, i always ate them, i didnt know jack didnt, but-”
“thanks,” said bitty. he thought that if he didnt interrupt, this young man would never have stopped talking. “er, thats sweet of you.”
so for three weeks, bitty only comes in on fridays to drop off cookies. he and jack dont say a lot to each other. but as bittys mood steadily improves, jacks mood steadily worsens.
im healing, bitty thinks as he walks in on the third friday. that wasnt healthy, eric, it was sensible to get out of that.
“hey jack,” he says happily, setting the basket of cookies on the counter. “special delivery.”
jack squints at him for a moment, with a smile that seems more like a grimace. “thanks,” is all he says. he says it in a very particular way. flat. thanks.
bitty’s brow furrows. he thinks about asking, but he grew up in the hospitable south, where the popular motto was let everyone get on with their own business or get cussed out for pryin’. “um. youre welcome.”
he almost walks out, then shouts screw it! in his mind and turns around. “are you mad or somethin’?”
jack looks up as though feigning ignorance. all the lines on his face look hard. he sighs. “no, eric. its nothing to worry about. thanks for the cookies.”
“because my mama used to teach me lessons in passive aggressive bullshit when i used her pan sheets without askin’.”
“its nothing. its me. have a good day.”
“only she never tried to brush me off when i wanted to talk to her about it.”
jack considers him. “you dont come into the library anymore,” he admitted. “im not mad at you, im just... grumpy.”
bitty has to fight hard to keep his heart bolted down. he misses his friend, he tells himself. do. not. read. into. it.
“Oh,” says Bitty. “I, um. I didn’t mean to make you upset. Er. Have you been reading anything good recently?”
jack defrosts a little and they have a nice conversation about the true crime novel jacks gotten into. bitty feels a little bad for ghosting him, and maybe he misjudged things a little by saying there was nothing there, because hey certainly got along well, but he wasnt naive enough to think there was any use kidding himself about something romantic.
by the end of it, jacks laughing, and eric finds it in himself to giggle along too, and it feels like a nice resolution. maybe you cant have it all, eric thinks, but you can have this.
he bids jack goodbye, feeling better about the whole mess, glad that he said something.
at the end of the day, chris returns bittys basket, and bitty cant help but ask how jack was today. all chris says is, “Glowing.”
For the first time, bitty and jack run into each other outside the library. theyre at the campus coffee shop, perhaps both gearing up for finals week, and jack is leaving just as bitty is entering.
“Eric,” says Jack, genuinely smiling. Bitty’s smile is also completely real.
“It’s weird, but it just kind of clicked for me that you’re a real person,” says Jack, then makes a soft face of pain. “I mean, obviously you’re a real person, but I’d only ever seen you at the library before. Now that we’re somewhere else-”
“I get it,” bitty assures him. “Are you working there next year, too?”
Jack shrugs. “Who knows? I’d like to, but someone with work-study might take my place. I’m always getting yelled at for reading when I should be re-shelving books. And I get cookie dust all over the counter on Fridays.”
Blushing, Eric says, “That is entirely your fault and no one else is responsible for that.”
“Not at all.” He’s still smiling, which Bitty thinks is ridiculous. “Are you doing anything right now?”
Bitty gestures to the line ahead of him. “Buying coffee,” he says.
“Anything else?” Jack clarifies. Bitty shakes his head. “I’ll wait with you. We can sit down and drink it together.”
He has to know what he’s doing, Bitty thinks. Once again, blind hope fills his chest and Bitty says, “Sure. That’d be nice.”
by the time their cups are drained, theyre too deep in conversation to move. when a pause comes, however, jack clears his throat. “Um. Actually. Eric. I, um, just wanted to clarify something, because I think I didn’t before.”
Bitty sighs dramatically. “I knew it. You’re using me because your parents want more cookies.”
Jack’s laugh is music for Bitty’s soul. “They seriously have not stopped asking about you since I sent those cookies. I didn’t know what to say to them when you stopped coming to the library.”
Bitty turns a little quieter. “Sorry about that,” he says. not because he feels sorry for not going, but because hes sorry that jack was hurt because of it.
“It’s okay, Eric, really,” Jack says, and hes so earnest that bitty believes he means it. “Anyway, what I wanted to say was, I think I didn’t clarify that when I asked you to sit down. You know. With our coffees. I sort of intended that to be. You know. Asking you out for coffee. Because I think you’re great.”
Bitty’s heart starts beating triple-time. His eyes turn to saucer plates. “This entire time, I was trying so hard to convince myself that you would never be into me!” he all but shouts. “I couldn’t deal with having a crush on a straight boy so I avoided the library like the plague.”
Jack blinks. “I never told you I was straight, Eric.” It’s not a reprimand, but it also totally is. Bitty puts his head in his hands.
“I thought I was being a fool for one thing,” he says, “but I was being a fool for something else entirely. I am so sorry, Jack.”
“You could make it up to me by letting me buy your coffee next time.”
Eric peeks at him through the gaps in his fingers. “Don’t try to fool me into thinking you’re smooth, Mr. Zimmermann. I know you too well.”
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sanders-sides-rebloger · 5 years ago
Word count: 2,899
Paring: Prinxiety
Summary: Virgil didn't expect his life to turn completely upside down when a feathered winged fellow flys through his apartment one morning and crashes right into him. He also didn't expect to grow drastically close with this man either. 
Virgil meets Roman when he suddenly gets a full vision of dark red feathers that flys straight into his apartment patio door and crashes into him.
He leaves that door open one time and this is what he gets.
Virgil freaks out and questions who the man with bright red wings is.
The man introduces himself and apologizes.
Roman automatically becomes amused with Virgil in the way he threatens him with a throw pillow.
The angel tells the stranger a bit about himself and how winged people have always exist but rarely introduce themselves on earth much.
He figured he could since he has nothing better to do.
They talk for a bit, surprisingly with Roman being talkative and chattering quite a lot.
Odd to someone you just meet, without knowing them at all.
The winged man did just that, asking questions about Virgil’s life (seemingly actually interested in what the brooding figure has to offer).
So, there they are. Roman plopped on the floor of his living room like a child in kindergarten, awaiting for the others answers in excited filled tension.
Virgil sits with him and answers him with hesitation. He asks Roman about his life, what it’s like to be a Winged person and all that. So on and and so fourth.
 He eventually leaves with a promise to see Virgil again soon, hopefully without any pillow threats.
 Virgil, although confused and slightly scared, Roman seems like an interesting guy who genuinely wanted to get to know him.
With numerous times of Roman going through Virgil’s door (and the window beside it too, for literally no reason at all) they become extremely close friends within two years.
Virgil learns that Roman has the ability to turn himself invisible to others (they can still hear and touch him though), and can turn his wings invisible making him look human.
 He introduces Roman to what earth is really like and they do almost everything together.
 Roman once decides to carry Virgil and fly him around town when it’s dark out.
At first, he clung to Roman for dear life out of fear.
But in seeing the lights contrast to the black surrounding night almost made him forget about his fear of heights. Roman enjoyed seeing the look of pure amazement in Virgils eyes for the first time.
 Roman always made it an effort to see Virgil every day if he could.
 He did on most weeks but on others he couldn’t.
Every time they met up they became closer and closer with each and every passing day.
 When the red winged boy was introduced to Logan and Patton by Virgil, they both loved him and dramatically grew close to him as well.
Introducing himself as a winged person was definitely a shock to Logan. And Patton was as shocked and an overly excited cinnamon roll.
Roman hung out with Logan and Patton on many occasions. Eagerly wanting to know more about them with as much enthusiasm as he did with Virge.
Since Virgil introduced Roman to his friends, Roman only thought it was appropriate to show Remy and Remus to him.
At first though, Roman didn’t really know how. So to start off Roman gradually showed Remy around earth and taught him everything he knew Virgil, Patton, and Logan told him.
Logan and Patton saw them around a couple times and assumed Roman made a new friend.
 When the two told Virgil, he didn’t believe them bc “He would’ve told me. Why would he keep any secrets from me?”
 When Virgil did see Roman and Remy walking down a random street one day, laughing and joking, he may or may not have assumed some things.
He’d even become slightly bitter towards Roman at times, to his confusion and hurt.
Then when Roman showed Virgil to meet Remy as “his childhood friend” Virgils heart immediately fell. Roman, Virgils really close friend of his, just wanted to introduce Remy to him like he did with Logan and Patton. Virgil felt a lot of regret for sure.
That’s when he started thinking.
 If Remy was Romans childhood friend then they had to be-
 With a smirk on Remys face he stepped a little ways from Roman and opened out his black wings for Virgil to see. Revealing himself as a winged person.
 Virgil was shook to say the least.
 Roman explains everything about how he wanted to introduce Remy to him for a long time since he was so grateful for knowing Patton and Logan.
 Remy notices the few times Virgil glances back to the leather jacket clad. A smug look on Remys face looking into Virgil as he does.
 Because he’s seen the way Virgil looked at him and Roman as they passed by on the outside world. It was a mixture of jealousy and protectiveness he hasn’t seen before. So he had a good feeling it was already him.
 Virgil, Remy, and Roman talk for a bit and get to know each other.
Virgil hates how similar Remy and Roman are. His quips and sass being worst than his best friend.
They both eventually leave with Remy teasing Roman about how Virgil was totally jealous of him.
Roman brushes him off and quotes Virgil as “not the jealous type.”
 Remy rolls his eyes and takes his leave next to Roman as they fly out.
Virgil, Logan, and Patton get to see Damion again after a long time since he left for a trip for a few years and came to move back.
He’s excited to see the group after so long of traveling and doing work. But he’ll never show it.
 Virgil shows Roman to Damion and he’s skeptical at first but he soon grows to trust him.
 Patton suggests that everyone should all hang out together in celebration of Damien’s arrival after so long and allows Roman to bring any of his friends if he wants to, since he trusts him.
 Just the perfect time to invite Remus to come along!
 It wasn’t as smooth as Roman hoped for but he’s glad his only family got to meet his other friends that are important to him.
For a couple of minutes, Virgil and Remus have a relatively normal conversation. His loud tone making him seem dominating without even doing much.
He’s surprised that this man is actually related to Roman, theyre nothing alike yet practically the same person with switched personalities. Remy seemed to fit more into that brother category more than anything in Virgil’s opinion.
 It wasn’t long until their conversation switches. Remus soon gets in Virgil’s face, loud and obnoxious as he over dramatically goes on and on about something he is too overwhelmed to pay attention to.
 He looks over Remus’ shoulder, and right at his brother. Begging him with his eyes for some sort of help. But Roman just stupidly laughs, winks at him, and walks off in a different direction towards Logan.
 Virgil’s eye twitches and it only takes him one second to question whether murder should be considered legal or not.
 Drink in hand, Damien sees Virgil’s little predicament with Romans brother and quickly asserts himself in the situation.
Before the greatly annoyed man had time to process his escape plan from Remus’ boisterous attitude he feels an arm looping around his own. Secured in it tightly.
 “If you don’t mind us, I actually have something important I have to speak to Virgil with. If you’ll excuse us.” Damien tugs on his arm and quickly leads them to the empty kitchen.
 The other silently sighs in relief.
Remus lets them go and sits on the couch with Remy (who is also there), bouncing a little in place.
Although he keeps getting distracted with the man dressed in yellow. He sees his swift movements and the way he speaks in a low, mellow tone. Seemingly always proper and never off track.
Something sparks a match in Remus’ head and he suddenly wants to know what makes this man tick.
 Remy approaches Virgil when he’s available for some small talk. He teasingly flirts with him to see if anything would come of it.
He only rolls his eyes and jokingly made fun of him.
However when Roman would tease Virgil Remy could’ve sworn he’d see a slight redness to his pale complexion every time.
Several months after the party, Virgil started noticing how Roman became touchy-feely around him more often.
Putting his arm around Virgil a little more than usual, Roman subconsciously cuddling him when they had late night movies nights, and the subtle flirting he’d do towards him.
Virgil felt like his heart would explode but he was luckily able to tease back a few times and brush it off.
 Roman wasn’t doing much better.
 He couldn’t help but notice how cute Virgil would react whenever Roman teases him about anything or everything, how attractive he now seemed when he would see his best friend in anything else other than his usual patchwork jacket.
 He suddenly felt like what he’d been doing had crossed some type of line and started making Virgil uncomfortable without notice.
 Even small touch gestures that would usually comfort the both of them in everyday situations, Roman couldn’t bring himself to do at all (but is still managing from time to time). He felt bad. Itd always turn Roman into a shaking and flushed mess.
 After some convincing from Patton and Logan, Roman concluded he has a major crush on Virgil. He felt so happy in his realization and wanted to tell him in the most romantic way possible.
 Virgil’s realization surfaced slowly, and when he eventually does realize he started acting more off than he usual.
 The small touch gestures Roman would casually do (and cherished the moments he did) Virgil would pull away from.
Every time Roman would ask him about it in worry, he’d change the subject or become frustrated about it.
 Virgil seemed to become more distant as time went on and it broke Romans heart. He truly started thinking that Virgil was hating him for no reason.
 In reality that couldn’t be further from the truth. In discovering his feelings for Roman, Virgil was slowly trying to make sense of his feelings and how to confront his closest friend (and now crush) about it.
Virgil unknowingly became distant without even realizing he was.
 Roman stormed off one day bc the lack of communication angered him greatly and flew off without another word.
Virgil confronts Damien about their argument.
 He mentions Virgil’s coping mechanisms with his romantic feelings towards Roman and he slowly puts the pieces together.
 He didn’t even realize he was neglecting Roman! He was caught up in his feelings he didn’t consider how he even treated his best friend.
 He was so stupid and selfish for doing that!
 Convinced that Roman hated him, Virgil spams Roman with hundreds of texts of apologies, backtracking, and explanations. He never mentions his feelings once.
Roman turned off his phone while he slept, moping in his own frustration.
 Eventually seeing tons of text messages from Virgil definitely threw him off and was the last thing Roman expected.
He read through every single text Virgil sent him and he felt his worries wash away in an instant.
Roman no longer felt any resentment towards Virgil, he hated the thought of how much he could be blaming himself at this very moment.
He smiled when he read Virgil’s last text.
Meet me at the abandoned amusement park at noon, in my time zone, if your willing to talk. If not then I understand.
 “Oh Virgil.” Roman thought in amusement and hope. “I’m more than willing to talk.”
 The next morning Roman was more restless than anything. The time couldn’t tick down fast enough. Remy had to calm down not only Roman but also Remus for worrying over his brother too much. He quickly kicked some sense into remus. (quite litteraly)
 Afterwards, Remy gives Roman an entire cheesy pep talk that he knows Roman would appreciate. Speaking in his best friends language really does has its perks.
 The second noon arrived for Virgil he couldn’t stop pacing the empty dense park. The only thing he hears is his own heartbeat and his shoes clanking on the concrete, (checking the time and biting his nails as he waited.)
He just really wanted to see Roman again after knowing how much he hurt him.
 When Roman flys down to meet Virgil he immediately hugs him from behind. Virgil jumps at this at first but when he sees it’s Roman, he wips around, wraps his arms around his neck, and hugs him tightly.
The emo lets out various series of apologies he continuously speaks out. He does this as Roman strokes the back of his head and tells him how much he forgives him as many times as he needs to.
 “For the longest time I thought you would hate me.” Roman says.
“Its my stupid fault for not saying anything sooner Ro.”
 A few tears slip from Virgils eyes. Roman pulls away as the other wipes them, and helps him calm down.
 Without really knowing how to phrase his feelings, Virgil bluntly confesses to Roman.
 “It’s just- I love you so much Roman-.” Virgil blurts out. Upon realizing what he just said, his face turns beet red. He babbles statements of apologies.
Roman smiles wide at this.
 “You mean it Virge?”
Virgils words stop. He looks up to Roman eyes. Oh god the way his eyes shine with adoration as he’s looking straight at him and no one else. He feels so much love he never thought he’d get from a single person.
 “I do.” He says softly as a grins slowly forms on his lips.
 In an energetic haste, Roman chuckles as he hugs Virgil around the waste tightly. He suddenly grabs him and twirls them in the air filled with excitement.
 “I love you too Virgil! I always have but I didn’t know how to tell you and I kept overthinking how I should do it,” He lowers them both down to the ground. “this is so much better!”
Virgil laughs heartily in response, his chest swelling with relief and pure joy. The man he once thought would never forgive him again had just swooped him right off his feet and held him tight like Virgil’s the most important thing in the world.
 Roman sighs softly through his nose with an embarrassed smile. His arms wrapped around the other, subconsciously pull him closer. The warmth that radiates off the other feeling like a relaxing, comfortable blanket.
 Roman glances down to his lips. And before he can process everything completely, he feels the weight of his body pull him forwards in a love filled haze.
Virgils hands slowly run up the angles arms, leaving blazing, hot trails of fire in its path. He tilts his head and leans just enough to meet Roman halfway to capture each other in a sweet, yet firm kiss.
  Virgil’s mind is racing in so many different directions he couldn’t keep up with. He feels so much safer and happier with Roman this close to him in his arms.
 He believed this moment would be close to impossible but with how things worked out in the end, the road to honesty is more bearable if it means he gets to see the loving trust in Romans eyes.
Virgil never wants to let go him again.
 One of Romans hands trails up the curve of his back causing the other to go flush against his body, leaving absolutely no space between them as possible.
 When there’s suddenly a hand softly running through his hair, Virgil melts. He groans in response and winds his arms securely around Romans neck.
 Roman never thought he’d find anyone as amazing as Virgil. He’d would do anything for him if it means he gets to spend as much time with him as possible.
When Virgil tenderly pulls apart, he breaths heavily for air. His cheeks flushed red.
 In this moment, he believes that he’s possibly one of luckiest men in the world. When Roman leans his head against his, staring into his mixed hues of brown, he has an aching suspicion that he definitely feels the same way.
Their first date involves a picnic. They go out and do the fun things they normally did and have a great time. The day hardly felt like a first date while the idea of it still hung adoringly in the air.
Everything felt right between them.
That is, sadly, until one day Roman is caught and he’s on trial with the council back at home.
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