#theyre stupid and in love your honor
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nezzpezz · 4 months ago
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ranchdressing3 · 2 years ago
this is one of the funniest moments in the entire series
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gunstellations · 1 year ago
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a little family
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I love how you can tell the suits were patricks idea but the fire hats were petes. Patrick was so smiley in his big ass suit and did that stupid little shimmy at the end of their performance vs patrick sweating more than usual and staring at the camera like he's being held hostage as Pete has the time of his life on stage next to him
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artbysarf · 1 year ago
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Kaeya when Rosaria beats people up in front of him:
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r1ver-6 · 5 months ago
You ever think about the fact that Shawn’s advice for dating is, “You treat a woman like a person, then a PRINCESS, then a Greek goddess, then a person again…”
Gus has the line, “I’m nobody’s pawn, Shawn. I’m a QUEEN.”
Anyone else think about that or is it just me?
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taesnix · 4 months ago
BACK from the void to present to you: Nico, who wears the most absolutely ridiculous socks ever because no one can see them.
Gods, he has so many.
Most of them are thick and warm for maximum comfort, and they go up to just under his knees with the stupidest little things and patterns on them. For summer, he has an equally impressive collection of crew socks that are still thick enough to not get easily worn out, but don't make him sweat buckets trudging under the sun.
Nico knows that he'll forever be a collector at heart but it's not like he wanted to choose socks of all things as his next prized possessions. He didn't wake up one day and decide "man, these things are pretty great, let's go amass an army's worth of SOCKS!" It just happened. He had no control over that. They just feel nice, okay. And perhaps the colour combos and sheer variety of everything makes him happy.
Is it kind of embarrassing? Yeah. Would he cease to exist if anyone found out? Holy shit, maybe. But it's not like anyone has been able to tell underneath his daily go-to of heavy jeans and combat boots, so he's been in the clear so far.
Until he gets distracted for a split second while sparring with Percy and riptide cuts a huge slash across his leg.
Nico's fast, so he's able to jump back just enough so that the sword barely catches any flesh, but his jeans unfortunately don't come out unscathed.
"Keep your head in the game, Neeks!" Percy teases with a grin. He's got an annoying glint in his eye to match and Nico just knows he's about to say something worse. "No matter who walks in."
And—shit. Nico feels his face flush scarlet despite him screaming internally at his body to not react. He pointedly does not look at the new blob of neon scrubs sitting next to Kayla in the stands. "Shut up, Jackson. Like you're any better when Annabeth so much as blinks at you."
Percy shrugs. "Hey man, at least I acknowledge it."
And—fine, he does. Nico will give him that. Jackson was peak levels of embarrassing about his girlfriend on a good day.
"I think you should go get that patched up," Percy smirks. He then makes a big show of squinting at the stands, pulling a similar face that Jason makes trying to read highway signs without his glasses. Basically, he looks really fucking stupid. "Impeccable timing, too! Whaddya know? There seems to be a free medic right there."
One day, Nico will kill him. It'll fix almost all of his problems, and gods know he'll always have too many at any given point in time. But he'll do it. Maybe Annabeth will even take pity and give him a pass.
Before Nico can even open his mouth and retort with something snarky, Percy raises his hands and hollers. "Hey, Will! The King here is in need of some dire medical attention!"
"No, I'm not!" Nico shouts when Will's eyes grow wider. "Nothing happened, I'm fine."
Percy snorts and claps him on the shoulder. "As if that's worked before. Good luck, little man. Same time tomorrow?"
And he doesn't wait for a response, just gives a one-handed salute and begins to make his way to the stands. Percy says something to Will as they pass by each other and Will's brows furrow.
One day.
"What happened?" Will asks as he jogs over. His blond curls rise and fall with every step and if you zeroed in on only them, the loose coils look like they're in zero gravity. Bouncing with an impossible grace as they get closer and closer.
Not that Nico was looking. Or that he'd even noticed at all. Man, is it getting hotter here? He should definitely drink some water soon.
"Nico?" Will waves a slow hand in front of his face. "You alright? Percy said his sword mostly caught your jeans, but you never know."
"Huh?" Nico chokes. Right, this is the dire medical attention part.
Will gives him a wobbly smile, like he's trying not to laugh but failing miserably. "Okaaay then. Can I check your leg?"
"Um, sure."
He's still so out of it that he doesn't hear his subconscious screaming at him why Will kneeling down to lift the denim is a terrible, horrible idea.
Nico feels the lithe fingers carefully cut down the fabric with scissors that have seemingly appeared from nowhere. He feels them gently peel back his jeans with a confident precision, minimizing the disturbance to the wound. He hears the faintest of gasps and he feels the other boy go completely still.
He tilts his head down to see what the issue is—surely Percy hadn't slashed him that bad—and then, like a statue, he freezes in place too.
In the most obnoxious shade of yellow possible, rows of mischievous rubber ducks beam back at both of them. He says mischievous because they've got annoying smirks and eyebrows strong enough to rival the Stoll brothers on the first of April. Which is quite a concerning amount. The smallest flecks of red from his cut take the whole "sinister menaces" thing to an unholy level.
Neither of them breathe for the next 30 seconds. Or maybe it's 30 years. Hell, if Nico knows now, his damn heart stopped working properly ages ago.
Then, either his saving grace or the final nail in his coffin, Will sucks in another shaky mouthful of air and clears his throat.
"You know," he starts, scarily neutral. Not a single waver in his voice. "I'm beginning to think Kayla's got a point."
Kayla talks a lot, running through an average 5 conversation topics in a record of 7 minutes with Nico himself, so that narrows it down by exactly nothing. "Uh, about what?"
Will doesn't reply, simply carrying on with cleaning and dressing his injury like he hadn't said anything. It drives Nico crazy, but he knows Will's priorities, so he holds his tongue. Will had drilled them into Nico's brain during his first infirmary stay; treat first, talk second.
So he waits. He lets Will dab the tiniest bit of nectar across the cut and wipe away blood. After a minute or two, his leg is wrapped neatly with a bandage, and suddenly, there's no more treating to be done.
"We're matching," Will finally says.
Nico blinks. Because—what.
"I mean, it's a slightly different shade, but eh, close enough to count."
Nico breaks out of his stupor when Will traces one of the ducks with his nail. Soft but accurate, light but impossible to ignore, like everything else he does.
"Yellow?" Nico whispers. He can't seem to muster up his voice to be louder than that.
Will looks up at him with a particular glint in his eye, and Nico's heart stops a second time.
"Mhm," he grins, dusting his knees as he stands up. He winks and it has no right to kickstart the thumping in Nico's chest. "Same wavelength."
"You're ridiculous," Nico lightly shoves at Will's shoulder and prays that his face isn't burning red.
Will just laughs and catches his hand, holding it in place. "Sure, but I'm also right."
"Are not."
"Are too."
"Are n—"
"Okay," Will interrupts, "I hate to break it to you, Neeks, but we're both wearing obnoxious shades of yellow. You've got the added bonus of sly rubber duckies, and my scrubs glow in the dark. Ergo, we're both ridiculous and both on the same wavelength."
Gods, who the hell says, "ergo". Why is Nico so enamoured with such an idiot.
"And how, exactly, does Kayla have a point here?" Nico sighs, ignoring that his hand is still on Will's shoulder and that Will is still holding it there. He'll take his silent wins as they come.
Now, Will's cheeks become a rosy red. It makes Nico want to trace a finger around his freckles to check if his skin has become warmer, too.
"Well..." He trails off. He glances down to Nico's leg again, where some of the damn ducks are peeking out behind his jeans.
With a grounding deep breath, Will shuts his eyes for a moment. When they open, he meets Nico's gaze head on, calm yet confident once more.
He's beautiful like this, like he always is.
Against his own will, Nico smiles. Will shines underneath the sun and his stupid blond curls are golden.
"She said we're soulmates. And I think she's right about that."
And Nico thinks she's right about that, too.
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sweetlittlestarbursts · 1 year ago
I'm under the strong impression that Henry Clerval was the type of kid who would just randomly walk up and kiss Victor on the lips and then giggle his way out of trouble.
"henry, what are you doi-" smooch "where are you goin-" kiss "can i come?" mwah "what do you want to be when you grow u-" SMOOOCH "i found you this flowe-" kisses ensue
(note: sleepovers must've been fun.)
I am also under the impression that Henry Clerval's advances would pale as they grew up. Innocent kisses and joyous giggles would become guilty glances and sorrowful laughter. they wouldn't kiss anymore, and when they'd touch hands, accidentally, and just for a second, they'd both blush and turn away, acting as if it had never happened.
I AM ALSO UNDER THE IMPRESSION that Victor and Henry probably had that "what do you want to do when you grow up?" conversation, and that Henry's answer was "i want to love somebody…"
and Victor probably said "oh…who?"
and then Henry woul blush and hide his face beneath the covers of their shared bed (its a sleepover, duh) and they'd just be quiet for awhile, before falling asleep in each other's warmth.
i aLsO bELiEvE - according to hours of studious work, blood, sweat, and tears - that every. last. one. of Henry's poems over the years were about Victor, but Victor never knew, because he wasn't allowed to read them… and secretly that "favorite poem" Victor mentions Henry reciting for him in the book was actually written by Henry, for Victor, but Victor wasn't aware of who it was written by, he'd just heard Henry recite it before, and he liked it so much that he asked Henry to recite it again and again…unaware that the words were about him.
(i'm losing my sanity over these two. send help.)
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cyberxangelzi · 7 months ago
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“You idiot!” *proceeds to make out in space*
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justanotherjaydrawing · 6 months ago
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with the olympics being in Paris I couldn't help but think of them.
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gunk-ice-tea · 2 years ago
Soulmates ♡
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rafyki · 5 months ago
It's so incredibly funny to me that by ep 12 Peem and Phum have kissed like a hundred times already and done and said the sweetest things to each other, yet they're not together yet
Phum finally confesses and Peem has the guts to play hard to get asdfghkljkkll "no I will not tell you I like you too, but I'll let you kiss me and kiss you back tenderly and lovingly, I'll be your safe place, I'll book a trip to the beach for just the two of us, and I'll even get a room with only bed so we have to sleep together" lmao they've been hitting on each other since day one, pleaseeeee
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puppppppppy · 3 months ago
hey just to let you know, I wrote the dick pic comic from you abogagos post into a fic! I found the situation hilarious and decided to give it a go.
here's the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60821428
feel free to give it a read!
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brobiwan-kenobi-412 · 2 years ago
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i will never get over the fact that he’s seeing roy for the first time since roy came to his house and literally picked him up by the shirt and offered him a place in the military, and like the FIRST thing ed does is bark at him.
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mad-cosmos · 2 years ago
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I fucking love them please
I cant stop drawing them in memes
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bruciemilf · 2 years ago
(If you have Bruce as part of the JL where TJ exists)
The other JL members think it's weird that Bruce doesn't see the need to do much when his kids start fighting under the excuse "They're not fighting that hard with each other" until they watch one of the times where all it takes for Bruce and TJ to start fighting is to just look at each other.
The BatBrats thinking they're the elite when it comes to sibling rivalry? Bruce looks at them and thinks how cute.
Clark watching Jason threaten Tim with horrible 10 ways to die if he won't give back his book and looks at Bruce like, are you gonna stop this?
Bruce shrugs, " If they don't break bones, I'm not getting involved,"
I feel like TJ would definetly be the type to expose Bruce in front of his friends. Like, oh, yeah, the guys so scary right? You should see him suck on his thumb when he's napping. Or his blonde era, now that's terryfing.
Diana's eyes sparkle, "...Blonde?"
" Blached hair, heavy make up, very Avril Lavigne of him. Oh, and did I mention he used to write love letters to Gerard Way?
Bruce seeths, " Want ME to tell them you used to make out with the bathroom mirror when you were drunk? At TEN?"
" No, but maybe you'd like to tell them you had your first boner when you saw that Gray Ghost episode when he snapped a guy's spine in two!"
" Or maybe I should tell them you annoyed our last nanny to death!"
" I told her to stay off the stairs. Besides, I didn't push her that hard. Anyway, anybody want pics of Bruce eating pudding with a knife cause I said it's less calories?"
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