#theyre actually banned from watching each other perform/play
kc-art-stuff · 1 year
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drawing everyday while i still have the time 💥💥💥
MY HOCKEY PLAYER X FIGURE SKATER SHENJIN AU (inspired by @ kkfeitaos on twt) asjdlfasdfjaskdf im eating bricks theyre so cute
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torchiiko · 2 years
sunnydrop and moondrop headcanons bc funny jester robots <3 working with the idea theyre Separate animatronics here ok
sunny ☀
childish, hes meant to entertain children after all, but responsible! enough for parents to trust him with their kids at least
100% has an internal database of everything he learns about everyone he meets. ranging from important things such as whos authorized for pick up, any allergies a kid has, if they have any specific schedules or routines he needs to follow, to fun (but just as important to him) things like favorite colors and animals etc, if anyone has a crush and on who, And the exact time and day he met everyone
sunnys only active in the light and moon only in the dark so they dont get in the way of each others jobs
like. sunny physically cannot be near another being without trying to get them to play. plus hes loud and easily excitable so hed accidentally wake kids up or keep them from napping to begin with
if a kid breaks a rule sunny is gentle about sending them to time out or writing a report to the parents
if a kid needs to be banned he probably just keeps them for the day and informs the parents/staff the kid is no longer welcome, he doesnt just yeet kids out of the daycare and tell security to take em away. gregory was an exception since he was there after hours and had no parents to report to
his favorite thing is entertaining/hanging out with all his friends! aka literally anyone or anything that enters the daycare. parents? he asks if they wanna stay and help make puppets for shows. staff? begs for them to have sleepovers. on the very off chance one of the glamrocks comes in he praises their performance and offers to show them his fanart <3
aware of swears, Can Not say them. not that he would want to anyway, he doesnt wanna be a bad influence on the kids (and risk customer complaints of kids picking up swears)
he just Loves being dramatic, grand entrances, exaggerated movements and voices are fun for him! he honestly cant help it most of the time
if it were up to him he would just be constantly covered in stickers, glitter, and marker art from the kids, but alas he often gets covered in juice and soda so he has to be cleaned daily </3
Also i think the little sun rays or whatever on his head can spin around separate from his face and they will often spin when hes in an especially good mood :)
moon 🌙
theres a theory that moon was tampered with but since theres reports of kids developing sleeping problems after staying in the daycare, we can assume hes been an issue prior to the whole hacking thing
its pretty unlikely that he was designed to be Like That so lets go with the idea that there was an error or bug during development that wasnt caught and so everyone assumes thats just how he is. hes basically stuck in a sort of "punishment mode" and the part of his code that actually makes him a good caretaker is just. inactive and/or broken
if he was functioning properly, he would actually try to help the kids get to sleep instead of whatever he does now, since being awake during naptime is technically against the rules. i dont think he intentionally Harms the kids, maybe just way too intense with reprimands and putting them in time out (possibly too rough when handling them too.. result of the manufacturing bug)
he would give them the frickin. melatonin candies and then read them bedtime stories once they all got settled :)
if malfunctioning moon was out the same time as sunny, he would be attempting to punish kids for rules he makes up and tells no one about. probably end up too busy arguing about rules and proper procedures for rulebreakers to actually watch the kids
i think moon would not have bells so he wouldnt disturb sleeping kids, unfortunately this also means hes better at sneaking up on them
why is he allowed to roam freely in the dark at the end of each hour? uhh. well he probably wasnt supposed to but hes scary so everyone lets him do what he wants
functional moon is the stern babysitter to sunnys fun babysitter, he runs a tight ship and makes sure everyones doing what theyre supposed to at any given moment. However! hes still a softie at heart and eases up on the kids when he needs to
like!! hes supposed to get the kids to calm down and sleep he doesnt need to be fun like sunny! but he would play lullabies for them and give them only the coziest of blankets and fluffiest of pillows :)
he pretend he do not care but if a kid said he was their favorite or drew something for him he would be happy crying in his room later. sunny finds him sobbing and asks whats wrong and moon just goes "they Like me..."
☀both 🌙
their shells(?) are thin plastic wrapped in soft foam since theyre made to interact with kids more directly on a daily basis
super duper flexible!! to the levels of human contortionists but Better
realistically i think they would have more expressive faces?? idk i think kids would be uncomfy with the static smiles
sunny and moon are both totally unaware that moon is not working as intended, hence why sunny is still worried about him hurting/scaring kids and why moon keeps harassing them without hesitation
the kids would do the thing all of us did and see the names on the candy posters and go "guess those are their names!" the candy names are cuter for them anyway imo
the kids give them tons of nicknames anyway. sun/moon man, mr sun/moon, moony, etc
sunny uses the wire to do performances sometimes!! he do a little dance :) moon as is would use it to monitor the children and make sure theyre all sleeping (with terrifying glowing eyes therefore scaring them all), moon working as intended would Also do performances but his glowy star pants helps relax the kiddos
they like giving out their respective plushies :)
with the separate robot concept, sunny has a much longer lasting battery since hes the primary attendant. sunny takes "naps" during the kids naptime and moon is basically constantly charging for his nightly roaming
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