#they're watching the girls on the dance floor
swifty-fox · 2 days
prompt #15 for inexperienced/virgin gale & john pleaseeeee
15.  “I wanted you to be my first…”
The sheets were scratchy.
Linen chafed pleasantly against Gale's shoulderblades, cradles his head as John tosses Gale's shirt behind them somewhere. Gale hears the soft whisper of it falling on the floor of the room they'd booked for the night. They'd left the rest of their boys at the bar, left Marge with her ladyfriend John had been dancing with all night, and John had driven them to the motel in relative silence.
Silence, not quiet.
The tension between them that had been low vibration at the bar raising with every mile ticked off the counter. John had even turned off the radio, as if to hear the hum of them better.
"You've done this before? Been with someone?" John asks, sucking kisses across the shivering expanse of Gale's stomach.
Gale stares up at the ceiling, tries to ignore the way his body throbs at every single touch. He's trying to show some restraint, or maybe self respect, and not give into the desperate need to beg Bucky to climb right inside his skin. Linen burns against his skin for how he's got his fingers all tangled up in the sheets. John's mustache is a wet prickle-press against his oversensitive skin. He thinks every touch might be enough to have him crashing out.
John's face comes back into his vision, flushed and dumped with hungry concern. His fingers, just big enough to make Gale feel dainty, slide along his jaw, cupping the sharp of it gently.
"Not a lotta opportunities in Cheyenne or Sheridan, Bucky."
They come together in a sucking kiss, echoing around the room with wet skin contact and a quiet noise from Gale, who was taken by surprise everytime the bold force of John's tongue slipped past his teeth with casual control.
"Plenty of boys up for it in college, more so in basic training."
Gale barely makes the words out through the press of their lips, it takes longer for him to remember to reply. Longer even to allow himself the vulnerability of tender honesty.
"I wanted you to be my first," he stubbornly refuses to allow the color rise to his cheeks.
"Oh," John sighs though there's nothing delicate about the exhalation.
Instead, he sounds ravenous.
His face melts into Gale's shoulder, pressing languishing hungry kisses there, works open-mouthed against Gale's shoulder like there was something to delve his tongue inside of. It sends Gale keening, one knee coming up to cup against John's broad body.
They're rutting against each other and every movement sends his cock squishing wetly against his hip. There's a wet spot on the front of John's slacks, drooling a thin string of connection when he pulls away. Gale watches it stretch and snap, mouth watering like he's a starving man and shuts his eyes when John palms him in one broad hand.
"That's okay, doll," John says softly, "Kinda doing it for me, honestly, that I'm gonna be the one to show you what a man feels like."
"Why you gotta say it like that?"
"Like what?" John works his belt open and pulls his cock out with one smooth movement.
Gale watches John jerk himself root to head in one smooth movement, drooling fat drops of need onto the still-clothed line of Gale's own arousal. Marking him.
He doesn't know his mouth is open in shocked need until John presses a thumb to his bottom lip, smoothing back and forth as if appreciating the plump of it.
"Like I'm your girl."
John grins at him, all crooked lips and twinkling eyes, "Aren't you?"
Their gazes hold for a long moment. John's still got a hand on his prick, guiding it in a slow grind against the rise of Gale's cock, ruining his pants. Finally, John acquiesces.
"Nah, you're not my girl," John bends down to nip loving teeth at Gale's nipple. Licks the beading sweat from the center of his chest and scrapes along the rise and fall of his torso muscles. They were fit fighting shape, peaked and ready for war.
"You're my fella," John croons, "My man. My copilot."
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middlingmay · 1 day
Buck x Marge meet Gale HCs
What if it was Bucky and Marge who were together, and they both meet Buck?
Bucky and Marge have been together for maybe 6-9 months when he signs up to the Air Force. They're pretty smitten with each other, but also drive each other all kinds of crazy. Know all the buttons to push when they want to be annoying or get a rise out of the other.
They both like things a little lively, so hey.
Bucky enlists and all his letters to Marge are full of "my buddy Buck". She learns he has eyes like the morning sky, hair like the golden fields back home, a voice people jump to obey, lips like a dame, and a jawline that could cut glass.
"Hey!" he writes one day. "He's a lot like you! That's why we get on so well!"
And Bucky might be obtuse but Marge knows that isn't how most fellas talk about their buddles. But it amuses her more than anything else: her man's got himself a crush. She makes Bucky promise to introduce them sometime.
Almost immediately upon meeting John, Gale is regaled about his "little spitfire" at home, Marge. Mostly through John telling Gale how Marge and him are a lot alike, and he isn't quite sure how that makes him feel.
Especially when Bucky is so handsy and flirty and Gale definitely doesn't hate it. He leans into it, relishes it, anticipates it. Until Bucky mentions Marge again and something in Gale deflates and he pulls back.
There's a dance on, and Marge makes the trip and Bucky's so excited for them to meet. But Gale dreads it. Bucky already pushes it when he dances with girls at the bar, never taking it too far, and it makes Gale feel like crawling into a hole. He can't imagine what it'll be like when Bucky has his actual girl to fondle.
Then it's 100 times worse when he meets Marge because she's drop dead gorgeous and sweet and keeps John in line effortlessly, and Gale sits there, sipping his ginger beer, losing his goddamn mind about the fact he's jealous of both his best friend and his best friend's girlfriend.
Meanwhile Bucky and Marge are on the dance floor and Marge whispers in Bucky's ear that she knows about his crush and ho boy does she get it. And she wouldn't be adverse to getting to know Gale a little better.
And Bucky kind of just wants to drop to his knees in front of this woman because how perfect could she get?? But she's got that glint in her eye, and Bucky's never backed down from it yet.
"You like him?" He asks and Marge just bites her lip the way she knows gets him a little crazy. The way Buck bites his lips too.
"Then how about a little competition?"
That sparks the tinder in Marge’s eye. "What did you have in mind?"
"Whoever gets Buck to break first, gets first fuck? But no solo time! No way I'm missing out on that spectacle if you win."
"Oh, John," she says, glacing back over to Gale who's very busy looking like he's not watching them. "When I win."
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justanotherhh · 11 hours
What characters from helluva boss would the hazbin characters get on best with. I've seen fizz suggested for Angel and Millie for Alastor, but I've seen surprisingly little discussion of it.
Ooh yeah, funnily enough I don't know if I think that Millie would get on with Alastor that much -- I think his old-school Southern Charm might tickle her, but also lowkey she'd think he was.... kinda creepy (which, he is). Alastor would be charmed by her for sure! Her go-gettem take-no-shit attitude, her effortless sweetness, yeah. I think while I say "not get on" I don't mean necessarily in a bad way, just... cautious. Alastor has an ever-growing girl-gang around him, I could see Millie as part of it, but not like. the super friendliest
Fizz and Angel is such a no-brainer, seen a bunch of art and read some fic, these two have so much in common (showbiz! performance! abusive bosses! sex appeal! etcetc) I can't imagine them not getting on, and there's a bunch of scenarios where I think Fizz would want to help Angel out of a bad situation. yeah. there's not much more for me to say on this one that hasn't already been said
I think Cherri (who we don't know too much about in terms of various dynamics at the hotel yet, but I want her and Al to get on so badly....) and Millie would get on like a house on fire. and... set houses on fire. I also think Loona would be in awe of Cherri's whole Everything and Cherri would be kind of touched by the whole idea of "oh I'm a motherfucking Mentor now!!!!" (and they'd set houses on fire) -- but I think there could be a downside in that Loona has some anxieties around partying and drinking and while Cherri might be very helpful with the first in terms of confidence, I think the latter could go badly. but yeah. Cherri and Millie take out Loona. Millie keeps more of a watchful eye on her -- now I've written all of this, I think Millie would initially be quite taken with Cherri, but Millie is in the end a more caretaking person (not of herself, we've seen her and her sister out and about!) + as far as I can tell not super into drugs, so there could be friction there if Loona was in the mix. But it'd be a friction that ultimately works itself out
Verosika, I think, is another character who could get on with Cherri. Gosh I'm just building a Mean Girls extraordinaire group here. I think because both Cherri and Verosika are very Trash Pop Girlies (and I mean that only as a compliment) they'd have so much fun on the dance floor, they'd do karaoke together, lament shitty exes -- Angel would be there also, I cannot take Cherri out to the town and not include Angel. you know he's emo about Verosika's music + again, the showbiz connection there. Verosika so so drunk and so so earnestly telling Angel she's gotten off to his movies and he's incredibly flattered. Those three have a dream team feel to them. but watch out! (nobody to say when to stop)
Also I've written a bunch about Alastor and Striker getting on. that's my pet headcanon. aroace4aroace, both of them aplatonic and loveless, both of them with such an outsiders view of the world around them that they just... end up hanging out. they're not friends, gross, they're just people who understand the inherent terribleness of existence together over a drink every Tuesday
Charlie's difficult because she's at odds with so much of the jadedness that the characters feel in HB, but... I mean she and Moxxie and musicals is right there! I think it'd have the potential to be a very cute friendship that also provides an outlet for two very very nerdy people who frequently get judged by their peers for being rambly and overly sincere. Charlie would fuckin eat up Les Mis
Also I do like the idea that Asmodeus babysat Charlie when she was younger. nothing much to add here, just think that's Neat
Niffty! D'you know I think Niffty and Millie also? (Millie is also a Creechur) and maybe even moreso, Niffty and Sallie May? I think these sisters would be taken by the oddity that is Niffty and also feel a little protective over her. I think Niffty's habit of crawling on people she likes would be well-accepted by them and they'd encourage her hobbies. they might be a little surprised by her puppet shows, but all three of them enjoy sadomasochism
Stolas... I've seen some Stolas and Angel also, which I think would be interesting. They're both characters who are quite dissociated from their own bodily needs/wants and trying to learn about them (possibly for the first time), they've both experienced some identity-based punishment around being gay men, they've both got Style, albeit differently inspired. I think Angel might be taken by Stolas' overt constant sincerity, while Stolas... I mean firstly Stolas has also watched a couple of Angel's movies ofc, and so starts off being quite starstruck (they maybe both have this, considering Stolas is a prince) and Angel has a sweet side that takes ever less prodding to get out and I think faced with Stolas he'd take down his mask pretty quickly
Vaggie! I mean Vaggie is sooooooo difficult to get under the armour of. I think perhaps Sallie May would want to (hit that) know more about her/be quite intrigued and I think Vaggie would be pretty shy but taken with her forthrightness and once she's more comfortable Sallie May takes her hunting or something suitably violent like that. I choose in this scenario to forgo jealousy tropes, and go with Charlie is just super happy that Vaggie is making friends with similar interests!!! (the exclamation marks are Charlie).
Blitzo. Blitzooooooooooooooo. It depends on where in his journey he is I gueeess, but. Okay but what if Blitzo and Husk though, because they're both done-with-this-shit alcoholics who wouldn't need to talk, but also Blitzo is a drunk-talker and Husk knows how to get people to open up, because he's a bartender and Husk kinda feels for the guy, Blitzo's having the worst time and that sure is saying something considering Husk is literally enslaved by a deal. so Now I'm almost imagining this as one of Husk's good deeds, he talks to Charlie and the hotel takes Blitzo out for a good time
but honestly so many Blitzo dynamics would be fun here -- Blitzo and Charlie (unlikely besties, where Charlie's irrepressible optimism meets Blitzo's unstoppable depression and nihilism and he finds that he genuinely is trying not to swear around her out of politeness and it Unnerves him, but hey, you can't disappoint a kid who does puppy-dog eyes like that + her daddy's the king of hell), Blitzo and Niffty (there's a lil undercurrent of brother-gotta-protect vibes in both these shows and Niffty, for all her competency, is a Lil Creechur and Blitzo wouldn't want her to get hurt), Blitzo and Vaggie (fuck this afterlife), Blitzo and Angel (BLITZO HAS ALSO WATCHED HIS MOVIES, YES EVERYONE HAS WATCHED AND ENJOYED ANGEL'S MOVIES, and Blitzo wants to make a good impression... here comes my One Night Stand Blitzo And Angel Sudden HC. I think they would)
gosh there's still characters I haven't mentioned o-kay, knuckle down!
Sir Pentious and Moxxie -- both like machinery, both nerrrds, both dress similarly, both tinkerers, both prefer weaponry to hands-on fighting, both underestimated a lot, both very polite Gentlemen, both dating total Baddies Cherri and Millie (oh wait, there's an episode in this that ties to Cherri and Millie going out, where while the latter have a whole Arc, SP and Moxxie are just chilling so hard the entire time). Vibesssss
Octavia is another one I can see in a lot of configurations. Octavia and Charlie kind of a good one, princesses hanging out, I think initially there'd be a bit of personality friction, but I think Via could benefit from a Charlie in her life + they both have daddy issues. Via would also get on really really well with Vaggie I think, so if we've got a Cherri+Millie+Loona constellation, then we've got a parallel Charlie+Vaggie+Via one, where Vaggie kinda balances out the two very intensely in different directions energies and the three of them have a much quieter night, ultimately, than the other three (why is this all ending up as one big headcanon where everyone meets up and it's a party and some people go out and others stay in and there's a bunch of character development?)
Fizzie btw could go either way in this scenario. he has a foot in both worlds, but I read him as more of a homebody than a partygoer. he's just a very flamboyant homebody, so I think he'd prefer to do his nails with Charlie and Vaggie and Via than to go dancing/burning shit up with Cherri and Angel and Millie and Verosika and Loona. Stolas, I just realised, also hanging out and doing nails and the like, I think also good bonding time for him and Via + he and Charlie would bond over bursting into song and yearning
dyou think Alastor would be incredibly charming with Verosika also and she'd be a lil flustered by it? I want that too. like he kisses her knuckles and says he admires her work and it's a lil, oh boy oh boy (and then she asks Angel and Cherri what Al's deal is, like is he gay or what because she's been flirting with him all evening and nothing, and they're like *shrug* whatever his deal is, it ain't sex that's for sure and she sighs and says all the good guys are too busy committing atrocities, and Angel and Cherri squint, because her taste in men... clearly missing some Red Flags for her to respond to)
Octavia would be fascinated by Niffty also -- Niffty generally has the energy of that gina linetti meme in b99 where all the psychologists are hunkered around her desperate to study her:
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whomst am I missing. Kinda skipping the sins+Lucifer, also the villains (minus Striker), and most of the tertiary characters. I think that's it then? *wipes brow*
feel free to add more thoughts/dynamics!
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fazcinatingblog · 2 years
What my fanfics are like now: 500 think pieces describing Faz's wedding preparation and life as a married man
What my fanfics would've been if I was writing in 2019: the night Daisy Thomas drank six wines at a charity night (what really happened)
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dwaekkicidal · 5 months
Who are you calling a baby?
˚ʚJeongin x Fem!readerɞ˚
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ summary: You decide to join Stray Kids in teasing their maknae, your boyfriend, about being a "little baby." Let's just say he doesn't take very lightly to it.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ word count: 2.6k
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ warnings: fem!reader, mean!dom Jeongin (🤭), rough sex, degradation (calls u stupid and 'dirty girl'), traffic light system brought up once, hair pulling (once), spanking, a sprinkle of dacryphilia, creampie, no protection (don't be silly, wrap ur willy also pee after sex), aftercare mentioned but not thoroughly, think that's all?
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ notes: I was actually gnawing at the bars of my enclosure trying not to make this into a "sir/daddy" thing (I should've. it prob would have been so much better bc i hate this grrr)
DO NOT republish or translate+post my work!
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You laugh along with Chan as he and Seungmin sit beside you, the three of you watching as Hyunjin lets his cuteness aggression loose on Jeongin. Ruffling his hair and throwing his whole body weight onto the poor maknae. They're taking one last break from their dance practice, deciding to go a few more rounds before heading home.
"You'll always be our baby, Jeongin~" Han sings to Jeongin, to no particular rhythm. Jeongin laughs but desperately crawls out of Hyunjin's grasp, seeking protection from a spot on the floor between your legs.
"He's just a babyy! My lil' baby boy~'' You tease at him, smiling fondly before pinching his cheeks. He looks up at you and pouts cutely.
"I'm not a baby.."
"Yes you are! You're our cute little baby~ You prove my point when you make a face like that!" You laugh, brushing his hair back to make it more presentable after Hyunjin's attack before grabbing his chin and squishing his cheeks to prove your point even further. A few of the guys around you laugh and join in, poking and tickling at Jeongin while throwing in comments here and there about him being their Baby Bread, him laughing as he tries to protect himself from their attacks.
Eventually the 7 of them stand up and walk towards their spots on the floor. Your boyfriend sits on the floor a little longer, catching his breath as he looks up at you, staring into your eyes with a blank expression. Your eyes catch his and you tilt your head down at him, smiling. He stares for a few moments longer, expression unchanging, before quickly standing up and walking towards his dedicated spot. You think nothing of it and pull out your phone, mindlessly scrolling on a random choice of social media and getting comfortable.
After some time of hearing the same part of a song on repeat, you feel a pair of eyes burning into you. Looking up, you see the boys discussing a mistake somebody made. As you scan the boys, you meet your boyfriend's gaze. His eyes boring into you with another unreadable expression before he narrows his eyes towards you and turns back to the mirror, getting into position. You furrow your eyebrows at the back of his head, staring at him a little longer in hopes that he would turn around and explain himself. Is he upset about the teasing? Surely he knows I'm just messing around.. Once you realize that won't happen you sigh and shake your head, turning your attention to our phone once again. Assuming that he would get over this "fit" soon.
Not long after this, the guys all agree to call it a night. Jeongin opted to stay at your place for the weekend since you both had the next few days off. "I just want to spend some sweet time with my girlfriend," he explains to his hyungs. But the tightening grip on the back of your neck tells you otherwise.
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The ride to your apartment was quiet aside from the radio. His hand never left your thigh and occasionally squeezed when he felt your gaze on him. Before you know it, the both of you are walking into your bedroom
"Are you okay? You've been super quiet for the last few hours." You ask, setting your bag down on the dresser and taking your (his) sweater off, landing it on the edge of the bed. You take a seat as he turns to you, his arms cross and his expression blank asides from the bump you see on his cheek. His tongue poking his cheek out in what you can only assume is annoyance or anger.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know.. you've been super quiet since the little teasing fiasco earlier.. Are you actually mad?" He raises an eyebrow at the way you enunciate the word 'actually,' but chooses to stay quiet and frowns down at you.
"Oh my gosh.. you're actually upset?" You laugh, standing up and taking a step forward so that you're in front of him "Baby...." You start as you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into you, planting a kiss on the corner of his lip before continuing, "You know I was just messing with you, it's all playful banter. You're my baby and I'm yours, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sorry that you got upset." You giggle, showering him in kisses before you feel his arms unfold and reach behind you to embrace you.
Melting into his embrace, you litter more kisses on his face, waiting for a response. When you still don't get one, you pull away slightly to check on him only to be met with a smile. One that doesn't quite meet his eyes. One you thought was genuine until one of his hands trails into your hair, grabbing a tight handful, and tilting your head back forcibly. Your eyes screw shut as you wince, whimpering when you feel his hot breath on your neck.
He plants a few kisses silently before pulling back and smirking, loosening his grip so you look at him again. "What happened to all that laughing? Fox got your tongue?"
You pout and open your mouth to say something before he pushes you forcefully onto the bed. It catches you off guard and you take a second to try to even your breathing as he leans down, pushing your back to meet the bed and hovering over you. His lips ghost around your jawline and your neck, occasionally leaving wet kisses and small marks and rendering you breathless.
"C'mon baby... keep running your pretty little mouth.." He says, one of his hands by your head moving to slowly trail down your body until he meets your waist. He caresses your hips softly before continuing, "My hyungs aren't here to protect you anymore. So let's see if you still think you're oh so funny.." You let out a gargled noise as he bites down on your collarbone, moaning lightly as his hand moves to unbuckle your jeans, pulling them off you in one fell swoop as he pulls away from your neck.
When you don't say anything he lands an open handed smack on your thigh. "Why is the 'little boy' like me taking control? Use your words like the big girl that you swear you are."
You whimper at the sting on your thigh, but look him in the eyes and suddenly it's your turn to pout. "I said I was sorry baby, you know I didn't mean it like that." He lands another smack in the same area, not liking your response. He rubs the area to soothe the pain, but also as a warning of what's to come.
He leans forward and the other hand grabs your chin, making you keep eye contact, before leaning forward, "Let's see how far acting coy will get you. Sit up."
You feel your stomach tighten at his demandingness, but you listen and sit up on shaky arms. He pulls your shirt over your head before pulling off his own, throwing both behind him without looking.
"Color?" He asks, as he pushes your legs apart with his knee.
"Green" you whisper back, breathing heavily as he bends down to place a kiss on your stomach, pulling your underwear from under your ass and down your legs. You feel him smirk against your stomach, "Of course it is... dirty, dirty girl."
He trails small kisses down your stomach at an agonizingly slow pace. Eventually he reaches your pelvis, he swats at your thigh when your leg twitches in anticipation before meeting your eyes and speaking up again. "I want your eyes on me at all times. No closing your eyes, no looking away. Okay?"
You nod your head and watch as he shoots you a crooked smile, making sure to hold eye contact with you before leaning in and placing a kiss directly on your clit. Immediately two of his long fingers softly rub along your folds, gathering your wetness before you feel them slide against your gummy walls, quickly finding the spot that has your legs weak. He makes a good pace off the bat; not too fast and not too slow. Your eyes still stare into his, and you let out moans as he fingers you while licking his lips. He leans down further and places kisses on your inner thigh and uses his free hand to undo his jeans, pushing them down with his boxers just enough so his cock bounces out. He strokes himself a few times and tilts his head at you teasingly as he makes a particularly hard thrust. His gaze moves between your legs as he adds a third finger and frees his other hand to massage your clit.
With his piercing gaze not on your face, you quickly forget your previous promise to keep your eyes on him and you throw your head back. You let out a particularly loud moan as your eyes close and your legs shake, struggling to stay spread. He suddenly pulls his hands away from you and lands a harsh slap to your clit, pushing your legs apart when they clamp shut from the sudden sting. You squeal loudly in surprise and your head jolts forward, your eyes opening to look up at him with furrowed eyebrows and tears pricking your eyes.
"Do you not know how to listen? Or are you just trying to piss me off again?" He grumbles, frowning at you as he pushes your knees to your chest. He holds you in place as he lands another smack to your cunt. "I was gonna be nice about it and spoil you, but since you don't know how to follow basic instructions, we'll do this my way. Be good for fucking once and hold your legs for me, yeah?" He spits out, pulling his hands away when you shakily hug the backs of your knees. He rubs his tip against your folds repeatedly before dipping just the tip in.
" 'M sorry-yyyy!" You try saying before he cuts you off and bottoms out. He groans and leans forward, towering over you and placing his hands beside your head, planting himself above you. He pulls out all the way to the tip before locking eyes with you and smiling smugly at you, "Yeah? You're sorry? My pretty little baby is sorry?" When you open your mouth to respond he suddenly thrusts all the way into the hilt, pulling a loud moan from your lips as you furrow your eyebrows, closing your eyes yet again.
"Aww, baby... What am I gonna do with you.. Too cock-dumb to follow basic instructions…” he laughs at you before finding a fast pace, one that has you seeing stars as he pounds into you repeatedly. The angle you're in makes him hit all the right angles constantly while still making him go so deep. So much so that you feel him hit your cervix a few times, making you whimper as you look up at him with teary eyes.
You moan out his name as your grip on your legs tighten, already feeling so close after cumming not long ago.
"Don't worry baby, sit there nice and pretty for me and I'll take care of you. I'll let it slide just this once and 'll fuck you nice and stupid, okay? Though.. I'm not so sure it will be any different than how stupid you normally are?"
"Pleaseee" You whine out, a few tears finally falling at the mix of his words and the constant stimulation. He laughs at you and moves one of his hands to your mouth, tapping your lips to let him in. You open your mouth enough so that his thumb enters your mouth, and you knowingly suck on his fingers. Once he deems it wet enough he pulls his thumb out and moves it to where you two meet, messily rub circles onto your clit.
"Jeongin... 's so goodd" You cry out at the extra stimulation, nails digging further into your legs.
He leans back and his free hand reaches forward to smear your tears into your cheek, "Stop crying baby, you can take it. mmmmmm.. You will take it. You owe me for being such a bitch earlier and trying to embarrass me in front of my hyungs."
You moan loudly and throw your head back, tilting it slightly to look up at him, "Fffuck baby! I.. I promise, I swear I didn't mean it like-" Before you can finish he grabs your face and pulls you forward, "C'mon, babe, I know you can make up a better excuse than that. Or are you too cock-dumb to use your pretty little head? Hm??" He teases, ending his sentence with another slap to your clit, one that makes you loosen your hold on your legs.
Your eyes gloss over and he smirks, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss to your cheek before leaning back and continuing his brutal pace. When he feels you grip him stronger he knows you're close and he pushes further, in order to get you there faster. "You gonna come? Huh, pretty little thing?" You nod and moan mindlessly as you look up at him, mumbling out mindless pleads before he pushes your knees into your chest again and chases both of your highs.
"Then cum, stupid baby. Milk me dry, okay? Be a good girl baby." He says out of breath, as he leans forward and pulls you into a kiss. One of his hands comes down on your ass and it's enough to send you over the edge. You're squeezing him like a vice and it's enough for him to finish next. He breaks the kiss to groan, pulling away to stare where the two of you meet, watching his cum get fucked out of you with each thrust. Once he rides out both of your highs, he leans forward to leave hickeys in your collarbone.
After a short time, he pulls out slowly and softly lays your legs against the bed. You sigh at the empty feeling, but are thankful that your legs can stretch out.
"F-Fffuck.. Jeonginnn'' You whine, feeling even more cum drip out of you. He laughs and leans forward to pull you into a kiss, softly smudging his cum along your folds with his fingers before leaving a final, much softer, slap. He leaves soft kisses all over your face as you catch your breath, mumbling an 'I'll be right back' before disappearing into your bathroom. You faintly hear the water running and he quickly returns, wiping you down with a cloth that was soaked with warm water. You finally catch your breath e as he throws the cloth onto the pile of your clothes from earlier, deciding to put them in the hamper later.
You look up at him and give him a sex-drunk smile, giggling as he lays next to you before pulling you into his side. You wrap your arms around his neck and rest one of your legs on his hip, and he massages it to sooth the muscles as his other hand draws circles into your back. He holds eye contact with you for a moment before pulling you into a kiss.
"You okay baby?" He asks, pulling away to smother your face in kisses as he gives you time to respond.
"Amazing, actually... " You mumble out, pulling him in for another kiss.
"Good... Rest up baby, you're gonna need it." He says between kisses and lands a smack to your ass. He laughs in your face as you look at him with furrowed eyebrows and a frown. He grinds against your core and you realize that he's hard again, making your eyes widen a little.
"Oh, my love.... you thought we were done?"
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They're Mates - with Y/N Pt 1
Summary - Feyre meets Rhys's Inner Circle and witnesses the strength of the mating bond.
Warnings - abusive family mentioned.
Other Notes - 1k words; Please note that most of these lines/plot points are inspired or directly quoted from ACOMAF; I originally posted this where Reader was given the name 'Vee' but am putting this one out for anyone who might prefer y/n.
Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Masterlist
Feyre looked up to see the same two males from earlier standing in the doorway, grinning, and a new presence. A beautiful female with wings like the others. She wore a deep blue gown that reached the floor––her hair resting over both her shoulders. The two males wore black leather with a sword strapped against their backs. Feyre noted the power each of them seemed to hold.
The male who was a bit large than the other, spoke up with a light chuckle. “We don’t bite. Unless you ask us to Feyre.”
The female shot him a pointed look. “Last time I checked, nobody wanted to take you up on that offer, Cassian.” The male who stood between the female and Cassian let out a light, short, laugh before whispering something into the female’s ear making her eyes twinkle subtly. Feyre watched as Cassian gave his own pointed look.
“No secrets in front of our guest, Az,” Cassian said with a grin.
The light danced across their faces allowing Feyre to observe their physical features for a moment. Similar to Rhysand, all three were dark-haired. Both males had tanned skin and hazel eyes. Feyre couldn’t quite tell the eye color of the female standing next to Az, but she gave off an air of beauty and power.
Cassian grinned again, looking Rhys and Feyre up and down. “You made poor Feyre dress up, brother,” he said before winking in her direction. His features were rough like someone had molded him, from the earth.
The second male was more classically beautiful, though hard to read. He was certainly the one who would be a surprise in the dark, the hidden knife. Feyre noticed the light sparkle in his eyes anytime he looked at the female to his left. It piqued a curiosity in Feyre.
Rhys said, “Azriel––my spymaster,” indicating the one in the middle. He then indicated the female. “Y/N. An emissary for the Night Court.” A name, Feyre later learned, Az had adopted for the emissary after she declared she did not want the name her abusive family had given her.
She immediately offered her hand with a warm smile. “Welcome, Feyre.” She gently squeezed Feyre’s before she quickly let go and Feyre does her best to not seem eager as she stepped back to stand next to the High Lord of the night Court, again.
“You’re brothers?” Feyre asked. The two males before her looked similar. The kind of similar where people who come from the same place do, not familial similar.
“All bastards are brothers in some sense,” Rhys responded, sticking his hands in his pockets.
Before Feyre could ask Cassian said, “And I command Rhys’s armies.”
Feyre nodded, shifting on her feet slightly before her eyes glanced to see Azriel taking another glance in the emissary’s direction. She looked right back with a smile that showed a clear fondness for the spymaster. The moment went as quickly as it came when Az turned his gaze to Feyre. “Cassian also excels at pissing everyone off. Especially amongst our friends. So, as a friend of Rhysand, good luck.”
Feyre was giving more attention to not being recognized as the girl Under the Mountain. She wondered, for just a moment if they knew––maybe they didn’t. That was quickly  answered when Cassian nudged past the Night Court’s spymaster requiring Az to flare his wings to keep himself balanced. Feyre watched Y/N’s hand fall to Azriel’s lower back to assist. Feyre noticed the fleeting moment of eye contact between the spymaster and the emissary, but it quickly became a second thought as Cassian asked his question about how Feyre had made the bone ladder in the Middengard Wyrm’s lair, when as he put it, “you looked like your own bones could snap at any moment.”
Y/N shot Cassian another pointed gaze, but it turned into a grin after Feyre made a sarcastic comment of her own. The general laughed and Azriel’s eyebrow lifted with approval as the shadows swirled around him, tighter. Feyre’s need to understand the gift only furthered when the shadows swirled up and around Y/N’s wrist playfully, before weaving around the ends of her hair.
Her curiosity once again was pushed to the side when Feyre heard, thankfully, a familiar voice…Mor. “I hope Cassian’s howling means Feyre told him to shut his fat mouth.”
Y/N quickly whispered something into Az’s ear, his shadows lightened slightly from around him. Feyre’s curiosity about the nature of their relationship increasing.
“I don’t know why I forget you two are related,” Cassian told Mor, while glancing over at Rhys for just a moment. “You two and your clothing.” The High Lord rolled his eyes, but Feyre had her own focus on the emissary and the spymaster who were both standing in silence, stealing glances at each other.
“I wanted to impress Feyre. You could have tried to make an effort to comb your hair,” Mor responded.
Cassian braced his feet a little farther apart on the floor in a fighting stance Feyre recognized, perhaps too well. “Unlike some people, I have better things to do with my time than sit in front of the mirror for hours,” the general bit back.
“Yes,” Mor the said, tossing her hair over her shoulder, “since swaggering around––”
“We have company,” Azriel said in a soft warning, spreading his wings as he tried to herd everyone.
“Relax, Az,” Mor said as she dodged the spymaster’s outstretched wing. “We won’t fight. We promised Rhys.”
Feyre barely noticed Az stop in his tracks, letting out the smallest of huff and his shadows seem to become thicker. She then watched as Y/N took one of Az’s hands in her own, gently pressing her lips to the back of it. His shadows lightened around him. Apparently the question about their relationship reached Feyre’s face because Rhys leaned down slightly to say, “They’re mates. Azriel and Y/N. They’ve known each other a little over 500 years and been mates just under 500.”
Feyre considered that fact, thinking there was something delicately beautiful about nearly 500 years of commitment between the two. Now she just had a few thousand more questions about the court’s spymaster and emissary. Question she decided were for another time as Mor indicated the empty seat beside her. Feyre knew the image of Az whispering into his mate’s ear and the twinkle in her eye would be etched into the back of her mind forever.
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borathae · 13 days
Even Bunnies Bite
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"When you get harassed during a night out - not once, but twice - Jungkook shows you that even gentle guys like him can fight, saving you from the harassers. You show him your apprecitiation for it once home. He deserves to know that he is the most perfect person to ever exist."
Pairing: CEO!Jungkook x f.Reader
Genre: married life!AU, Slice of Life Romance, slight Angst in the beginning
Warnings: sexual harassment by strangers in a club, protective!Jungkook, he is so angry at first but calms down in her arms, the most romantic love confessions ever, they're so in love it's insane, cuddles and snuggles, this is so romantic you have no idea
Wordcount: 3.6k
a/n: someone sent in this idea for kinktober and i was inspired. as i was writing it, i realised that smut would be out of place here, hence you are getting a super romantic, emotional oneshot instead 😭i love this couple so much, you girlies have no idea 🤎
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You like to go out with your best friends sometimes. You spend all day preparing for it. You take an Everything Shower, plan outfits and send them into the group chat, asking which outfit was the best. You look up hairstyle and makeup inspirations and try to recreate the looks as best as possible. You make sure to eat something just in case a drink or two will be bought later. Truly, nights out with your girls means a day full of self care and the most divine feminine energies and you are loving them.
Sometimes you also take your men with you. Yongsun brings Shiwon, Moonbyul brings whoever she is currently dating and you bring Jungkook. You don’t think that the nights with your men are any less fun, on the contrary, you love having Jungkook with you. 
Tonight is such a night. You put on a tight mini dress and some heels, feeling like it. Jungkook went for some skinny jeans and a shirt which he tugged into them. He matched the colour of his watch to the colour of your clutch. 
Yongsun and Shiwon came matching as well, Moonbyul came solo tonight because her last man dropped her. He was trash, so the loss isn’t big.
You hug and squeal in greeting, then enter the club together. 
The night is amazing. You dance until your feet hurt, share some drinks (except Jungkook and Shiwon because he was the driver), dance some more and talk whenever you find yourselves in a calmer spot. It is exactly how a night out should be and there is nothing that could spoil it.
Or so you thought because some men have nothing else but audacity. Stinking, annoying audacity.
You are on the dance floor with Moonbyul, shaking your booties to an amazing song, when you suddenly feel two hands on your waist. You don’t have to turn around to know that this wasn’t Jungkook touching you. Moonbyul’s instant yell and her hand coming up to slap the guy away is another indicator. You jump away with the first touch, whipping around to yell at the guy.
“Fuck off!”
“Ladies”, he says, lifting his hands in defence, “no need to get emotional, I was just getting a feel of you.”
“You’re gonna get a feel of my fists if you’re not letting off of her”, Moonbyul spits, almost jumping at the guy if you weren’t holding her back. 
Moonbyul has always been a fighter and someone who takes no fucking shit from anyone, especially not from men. She says that it’s the reason why men are too afraid to stay with her to which you always tell her that these men wouldn’t be the right match for her anyways because she is a goddess and they are trash. She accepts it with a smile each time and a little kiss to your cheek. 
The dude she is currently waving her fist at, seems determined to change her mind. 
“Just one dance, alright?”
“No. Leave us alone.” 
“I’ll leave once I danced with you.” 
“You motherfu-”
“Unnie, let’s just go”, you stop her, dragging her away from him. 
He thankfully doesn’t follow you. 
“No, why are you dragging me away? I’ll punch him so hard.”
“That’s why I’m dragging you away. You’re gonna end up with a warning again.”
“He’d deserve it. The fucking audacity. Why do we have to stop having fun and dancing just because he decided? Why do we have to give up our space for him?”
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Hyejin asks, sitting by the bar.
You and Moonbyul explain the situation to her and she rightfully gets angry with you. You all agree that it is unfair that you always have to give up your space when entitled men decide it’s time to invade it. 
In the time you curse the dude, he seems to leave for good. You share a shot then drag Hyejin onto the dance floor with you. It was clean again and Moonbyul a lot calmer. The music still was good and you try to let the incident be in the past. Soon you forget all about it, dancing happily with the other people around you invisible to the three of you. 
Jungkook and the others return from taking an air break outside in the time you are dancing. Yongsun drags Shiwon onto the dance floor while Wheein stays with Jungkook. She often stays close to him during your nights out because he makes her feel safe. Tonight is no different. 
“Want another drink, noona?” he asks her, waving the bartender to them.
“Of course, what do you want?”
“Maybe just another beer?”
Jungkook orders for her and orders a coke for himself. He pays and clinks bottles with her. 
“Thank you for paying.”
“Don’t even mention it. Cheers.” 
They drink their beverages, moving their bodies to the music slightly and enjoying the view of the dancing people. 
Soon you and Hyejin return to the bar. You seek out Jungkook instantly, hooking your fingers in his belt loops to pull him into a kiss. He smiles, rubbing your lower back. You break the kiss with a goofy giggle, smiling at him.
“I’m so thirsty.”
“Yes actually, thank you”, you say and drink from the bottle Jungkook offers. 
Hyejin in the meantime, convinced Wheein to join her on the dance floor.
“Can I keep this with you?” 
“Of course, give me”, you assure her, taking her beer and shielding the opening with your hand. Soon the two women disappear on the dance floor. Jungkook glances at the hand on the bottle. This has never been his instinct to do. He would take any of the girls’ bottles like this, but he never developed the instinct with his own drinks. He thinks it’s insane how different the world is for someone just because they have something different between their legs. 
You seem happy however, using the moment of togetherness to talk to him.
“I think we should go on Saturday because I checked the cinema and on Friday, there are only five seats in the front row left.”
You and Jungkook want to watch a new horror movie in the cinema and can’t decide on the day. You talked about it before meeting with the others.
“Saturday sounds good. It’s less stressful too because we have all day. We could go for dinner afterwards, somewhere nice maybe.”
“Yeah? Then I’ll book the tickets for Saturday.”
“Sounds good to me. And I’ll books us a table. Should we go for sushi?”
“Yes, that’s perfect. I’m so excited.”
“Me too.”
You grin at him, he retorts it. 
“Hey there”, a random guy comes up to you. Jungkook’s face darkens instantly, his alarm bells are ringing. He stays calm for now, wanting to give you a chance to handle it yourself.
You turn to him. His face is unfamiliar to you.
“Hey? I think you’re mistaking me with someone.”
“No, I don’t think I am. I’m Woonyong but you can call me whatever you like. How can I call you? Sexy or maybe mine?”
“Ah yeah no”, you say with a scoff, turning away from the guy.
“Hey, don’t ignore me”, the guy says and tries to turn you back to him by touching your shoulder.
You wriggle out of his touch at the same time as Jungkook tugs the guy’s hand away. He can accept people trying to flirt with you and then pissing off once you told them no, but he draws the line at them getting pushy and touching you.
“Don’t touch her”, he spits and drapes his arm over your shoulder protectively. “She already told you no.”
The guy studies Jungkook and lifts his hands in defeat.
“Dude, I’m sorry I didn’t see you. I thought she was still to take.”
“Well she’s not and even if she was, she’s not something to take. She’s a person not a thing to own.” 
“Chill man, you don’t gotta play white knight just to impress her.”
“I’m not playing anything, I’m being a decent human!” Jungkook yells.
“Chill dude, damn. She’s not gonna want you anyways.”
“Yah asshole, seriously piss off”, you speak up in a dark voice, “I literally said no to you and he’s my husband of five years, you’re just embarrassing yourself at this point.”
The guy gawks for a second then sends Jungkook a poisonous look.
“Fucking simp”, he hisses and leaves.
“I’ll actually punch you, come-”
“Jungkook.” You stand yourself in front of him, calming him down by kissing his lips. “He’s not worth it.”
“He objectified you. He’s worth it.”
“I’m okay, Bunny. I’m okay, thanks to you”, you assure him, kissing his cheek gently. 
“I can’t do this. I’m so angry. How dare he objectify you. You’re a person and, and you’re amazing a-a-and he made you a thing. And he touched you, he fucking touched you eventhough you said no. He is such an asshole, I’m gonna hurt him. I mean it.”
“Fuck him then, I’m alright. Promise.”
He looks at you, both angry and frustrated, but also deeply saddened and defeated.
“Do you wanna go home?” you suggest, rubbing his chest soothingly, “I think this club is kinda trash. I already had someone grope me on the dance floor and now this.”
“What? Who did that?!” 
“I don’t know why I told you that. I’m fine seriously.”
“No, it’s not fine. He has to pay. Who groped you? Show him to me, I’ll rip off his hands.”
“Okay let’s not do that”, you say in a chuckle, rubbing the nape of his neck, “besides, Moonbyul already cursed him.”
“Good”, Jungkook says scanning his eyes over the crowd angrily. 
You shift his eyes to you by cradling his cheek.
“Let’s go home, yeah?” 
He nods his head, huffing out air as he pouts angrily.
“Okay. Let’s just say bye to the others and then leave.”
“If you see the guy, tell me.”
“Okay I will.”
The others bid you goodbye, wishing you a good night. You hand Wheein her beer and tell her that you took the best watch of it, then you leave. 
Jungkook puts his arm around your shoulders, keeping you close to him. You glance at his face. He has his scary look on, dark and serious. You don’t say anything. You simply smile to yourself and drape your arm over his waist. It’s actually so nice to know that you’re safe when he is with you. 
Jungkook drives the car home because you drank one beer and a shot. You don’t feel the effects at all, but you know better than to trust your judgement. People who drank alcohol, should never ever sit down in the driver’s seat of a car. No matter how little they feel the booze. 
Jungkook obviously is sober and uses almost the entire drive home to rant about “assholes like these dudes”. You let him because he seems so worked up about the topic that stopping him is impossible. For the last quarter of the drive, he has finally tired himself out, sharing the ride with you in silence. You appreciate it, watching the familiar streets pass you by.
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You don’t get to talk in the elevator because there are other tenants and a few house worker who ride it with you. The first few moments in your penthouse are silent as well. You slip out of your shoes and jackets, where Jungkook helps you hang it up.
“Thank you Bunny.”
You glance at him. He has his back turned to you, busy with hanging his own jacket, but he is standing right in front of the mirror so his face was visible to you. He is clearly upset. You let out a deep sigh of defeat and put your clutch on the dresser so you have both hands free. Then you close the distance, calling his attention with a gentle hand on his right shoulder. Jungkook lifts his head and turns, lowering his head instantly when you run your fingers over his undercut. It is as if he leaning into the affection.
“Are you still upset, Bunnybaby?” you ask him.
He nods his head, tightening his features.
“I hate when men treat you like this”, he murmurs, voice shaking. You can’t decide if it’s anger or the first indicator of tears. “You don’t deserve it and, and I feel so helpless because whatever I do won’t make them see their shitty behaviour.”
“I know, baby, I know. It’s so frustrating and I share your feelings.”
He lets out a sound of defeat and nods his head, burying it in the crook of your neck within the next second, arms tightly around you. A whimper leaves him, he practically melts in your embrace.
“You deserve the world, but the world doesn’t deserve you”, he mumbles into you.
You smile, playing with his hair gently.
“You’re the sweetest person, my love. Mhm I gotta squeeze you.” You tighten the hug, shaking him from side to side gently. “I’m squeezing the frustration outta you, Bunnybaby.”
He lets it happen at first, but soon can’t stop himself from giggling. You chuckle, lessening the pressure to ruffle his hair.
“No but seriously, you’re the sweetest person and I’m so grateful for you standing up for me and other women. I know it feels like you aren’t achieving anything, but you are. It only takes one person to be brave enough to stand up and for it to mean that there will be others who follow.”
“You think so?”
“Of course I do. You know, Shiwon was always a good guy but he never really said anything when men were being pigs until you came around and actually stood up for us.”
“But Shiwon always says something to sexists.”
“Yes, because he saw you doing it and realised that he needed to change his ways.”
“Really?” he sounds in disbelief.
“Yes, really.”
“Wow”, he lets out in a breathy whisper, “wow”, his voice is louder and he steps back to lock eyes with you, “wow.”
You give him an adoring smile, cradling his cheeks.
“So keep being yourself and keep standing up for us. You’re helping, even if it feels frustrating to do.”
He shakes his head, “it’s not frustrating to help. It’s frustrating that I even have to help.”
“I know, it really is.”
“But ___, I made someone change his habits.” His face lights up. “I did it.”
“You did it.”
“Oh ___”, he swoops you off your feet and twirls you right here and now.
You laugh, holding onto his shoulders and throwing your head back in delight. He twirls three times then stands still with his arms under your butt and his sparkling eyes gazing up at you. You meet his pretty eyes, caressing his shoulders and neck.
“I will keep protecting you and standing up for you and being someone safe for you until you and every other woman can feel safe as well. The world doesn’t deserve you right now, so I’ll make it be worthy of you. I promise.”
“Oh Jeon Jungkook, you sweetheart of a person. I fucking adore you”, you get out, cupping his face to pull him into a deep kiss.
Once the kiss breaks, Jungkook’s eyes are hazy in love and he can’t stop smiling at you. You mirror his state, running your fingers over his temples and forehead.
“I really adore you, I really do”, you speak softly.
“I adore you too”, he says without hesitation, voice nothing but a whisper.
“I don’t think you understand how much I adore you though. I adore every single star in your galaxy brain, every single inch of your golden heart and every single particle of your perfect soul. I adore the way you think, the words you speak and how gently you voice them. I adore your silly jokes and adore your smile and laughter. I adore how you love so much and so big and so wholeheartedly because you cannot do it any other way. I adore that you are in love with love and that everything you do is done by your gentle, romantic hands. I adore how happy you get for food, how you hum to yourself when you do something, how you fill the room with warmth because you are such a warm presence. I fucking adore the very essence that makes you, Jeon Jungkook, and if I could turn back time, I would do everything the exact same way because I know that it would lead me to you one day.”
“Why are you saying that?” he presses out and instantly bursts into tears, dropping you on the floor gently to hug you as tightly as humanly possible.
“Oh sweetie, gosh, you gentle hearted soul you”, you say softly, hugging him just as tightly.
“You can’t just say that”, he sobs into your neck, making you chuckle and ruffle his hair.
“Goodness, you’re so sweet. Are you okay, Bunnybaby?”
“No”, he whimpers, shaking his head, “I’m so grateful and I wasn’t ready”, he gets out and sobs again.
“I’m sorry, I’ll give you a warning next time”, you joke, eliciting both a laugh and sob from him. He is truly the most endearing and wonderful person to ever exist.
“I’m so grateful. Thank you so much for saying all of this, oh god, I adore you so much. I, I could fill the entire galaxy with it and it still wouldn’t be enough.”
“Oh my Jungkookie.”
You and he fall into a moment of silence where you hug and enjoy each other’s presence. The night might have ended in a messy, frustrating way but does it really matter when at the end of it you and he are still together? Does it really matter that people are awful when you and he have each other? Does it really matter when you can forget all about the outside world in each other’s arms?
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The tranquillity of togetherness continues as the night grows older. You change into comfortable clothes and make a 1 AM snack with nothing but the stove light glowing. You eat cuddled up on the couch as you watch an episode of your favourite show and realize that the best part of going out will always be the coming home. You take separate showers for practicality reasons. You downstairs and he upstairs so you and he could be in bed sooner than later. It is already 3 AM by now and Jungkook has to wake up early tomorrow. 
He drops into the pillow, bangs hiding his eyes. You reach out with a soft chuckle, combing them out of his face. You tug them behind his ear, giving his neck a little scratch afterwards. He flutters his lashes, clearly enjoying the touch. 
“My Bunny.”
He smiles with his eyes and holds the open hand you had resting on the sheets. Your fingers intertwine as tightly as possible. You guide your touch to his shoulder and upper arm, drawing little hearts on his clothed skin.
“I think we should stop going out. It’s so nice to stay home”, he says sleepily.
“If we do that, we’ll just end up as cave goblins.”
“That wouldn’t be bad. At least we would have each other and nothing could hurt us.”
“Mhm maybe you’re right, but in the end nothing can really hurt us, can’t it? We have each other.” 
“Yeah”, he breathes and closes the distance, cradling the back of your head. He kisses your forehead then rests his own against it. His eyes fall closed. 
You don’t want to close your eyes, gazing at him. When he is as close to you as right now, you swear that you get soaked in the glow of his sunlight soul until the very colours of your own soul shine brightly. 
“I adore you”, he whispers.
“I adore you too”, you breathe. 
“I’m so tired.”
“Then sleep, you have an early morning anyways. I hate when you get little sleep.”
“I don’t wanna.” 
“Why not?”
“I don’t wanna end this. We are so together.”
“We’ll be together tomorrow too, I promise.” 
“Not like this.” He pulls your closer, furrowing his brows. “Not like this. I won’t feel like this tomorrow.”
“How do you feel?”
“Like my soul is on my skin and I’m basically living in your own soul, like with each touch we share I find new meaning.” 
“Oh Kookie”, you cradle the back of his head and kiss his forehead. 
“Like this”, he gets out, hugging you as his face sinks into the softness of your chest. “It’s like I'm sinking into your essence. My soul feels so safe with you.”
“It is safe with me, my love”, you say softly, petting his hair soothingly.
Jungkook lets out a sound of relief, growing softer in your arms. You know that this means that he is losing his fight with sleep, that your warmth and scent are relaxing him beyond saving. You begin caressing his favourite spot on his head, the one which knocks him out within seconds. 
“___, you can’t ever get hurt”, he gets out in a quiet sigh, exhaling deeply afterwards. His body grows slack. He fell asleep. 
You kiss the crown of his head, keeping your nose buried in his hair afterwards. 
“Sleep tight, my gentle hearted love”, you whisper and close your eyes, drifting off to sleep as gently as a boat drifting away on a calm ocean. 
He says that his soul feels safe with you, unaware that he is the only person your soul ever felt safe enough to fall asleep with.
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prael · 9 months
coup de théâtre - IVE Jang Wonyoung (Ft. An Yujin, Naoi Rei, Kim Gaeul)
Part 2 of folie à deux.
IVE Jang Wonyoung x Male reader smut.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Masterlist word count: 11,849
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coup de théâtre - a sudden and surprising event
"You're just not getting it." Wonyoung stresses as her hands settle on Rei's hips. "If we get too close here, it's going to ruin everything."
"So you don't want me right here?" Rei's shoulders slouch and she pouts in confusion.
"Watch. Yujin, you know what you’re doing." Wonyoung signals the other girl over. "Gaeul, ready?"
She gives a confident nod and readies her posture.
"Alright, music, cue.” That is your signal. See, that's the only reason you're here. Wonyoung insisted you help them out during their dance practice. With the speaker at your feet, you slouch against the mirrored back wall. You can see yourself, shorts and tee loosely hung from your body, in the mirror across the room. Between you and it, the four girls are ready to spring to life. They swear they'll make it big, maybe they will, but they're not there yet.
You hit play on your phone. “Five, six, seven, eight,” and three of the girls dance. Wonyoung watches as the girls inevitably get in each other's way. Rei goes to cross between Gaeul and Yujin and the gap is so small that she almost takes a fist to the face. The mistake brings them to a halt.
"See? We need better spacing." Wonyoung demands the point again and stands between the three, explaining how things will have to line up. The four of them flail arms, pointing at their feet, imitating footwork and readjusting as needed.
You'd argue she isn't even the best dancer among them, not that there's much disparity between them. But she's the one who insists they have to be critical or they will never get better. The girls take this school dance club more seriously than anything else in this place. They start from the top again with another countdown and another play from you. It doesn't take long for everyone to get back into the motion. Gaeul turns, Yujin shifts, and Rei steps. This time it all goes buttery smooth.
Hips sway and asses shake. Bodies glimmer with sweat under the studio lights. All their slender figures move with equal parts energy and sensuality. The original choreographer wouldn’t say it, but to say it's seductive wouldn't be wholly incorrect. From the powerful steps to the flowing graceful movements, the whole thing is a pleasure to watch. Every little flourish is alluring and equally mesmerising.
This continues, round and round, over and over and over. Slowly, they iron the kinks. Work out the errors. Find the minor adjustments. All until they're dancing with all the confidence they need to own the stage when the time comes.
The sweat on their bodies soaks in to the tops of their practice outfits. Each movement has their loose strands of hair cling to their faces, necks, shoulders. They're drenched, exhausted, but they keep pushing through the final attempt. The music fades out; they finish. Rei throws herself on the floor. Laying, legs extended and arms resting beside her, she stares at the ceiling for a while with a soft groan.
The other three head toward you (more accurately; their drinks). You lift yourself up onto the bench, taking a seat at the end and handing the bottles to the girls. Wonyoung sits right beside you and leans back against the wall mirror. 
“Good job. That looked great."
"Yeah." Wonyoung barely manages that as her heavy, laboured breath requires most of her focus. She grasps her bottle with trembling fingers.
"That was good," Gaeul confirms as she takes a seat next to Wonyoung.
After handing a bottle to Rei, Yujin stands right in front of you. Drink in one hand and the other resting on her hip, at the waistband of her skin-tight leggings. "What about me? Did I look good? I think I nailed it." Yujin breathes as the words escape her lips. Her heavy lashes lower and gaze at you. A bright smile spread across her pink-tinged, sweat-slicked cheeks.
You reply honestly. "Yeah, you did. Perfect."
Rei lets out a couple of forced coughs to mockingly comment between them; get a room.
Wonyoung snickers at Rei's joke. Her breathing steady and her gaze on Yujin. "Looks like she wants to, don't you, Yujin?"
"You think?" Rei chimes in again.
“I think so," Wonyoung chuckles and swipes a strand of her hair behind her ear. "The changing room is free, but I can't promise I won't walk in."
It's like she insists on making it as awkward as possible. But there's no way she can know about you and Yujin. No. That's impossible. This must just be a coincidence—a light-hearted tease.
"So when's next practice?" Gaeul interrupts, saving you both your blushes. "I can't do any weekend practices, I'm going on a trip."
"Oh right, the fiancé," Wonyoung begins, and you brace yourself, because you know the kinds of things she usually says here. "why him? Isn't he kind of… beneath you?" 
Wonyoung is every bit as blunt and harsh as usual. There's no ambiguity there—no double-meaning or clever innuendo. It's a comment born out of her own distorted view that everyone is beneath her.
Yujin turns round, glaring with her brows raised and silently mouths the words: 'are you serious?'
"I like him," Gaeul answers simply. You'd never met her fiancé but if there's one thing you'd learned about Gaeul in your limited interactions is that she didn't act on whims. If she said yes, it's because she really likes him.
"It's his huge cock, right?" Wonyoung is as brash as ever and Yujin almost chokes on her sip of water. Rei’s head snaps up, and she's staring from her laying position. You open your mouth to speak, but it’s caught in your throat. 
"Maybe," Gaeul cuts through the awkwardness. Everyone pauses. The attention in the room rests on Gaeul, each of them not so subtlely urging her to keep talking. Yujin takes a seat on the ground at your feet, cross-legged, and ready for a story.
Gaeul has one hand scratching at her arm and the other gripping at the bottle in her lap. She hesitates a moment. Maybe she’s busy wondering if she should (or if she dare) say any more. And then she erupts in to a story that pulls no punches. "This one time, me and him got into it pretty heavy and I was deep-throating his—sorry, too graphic?"
There's a collective shake of heads. Even Rei has sat up to listen intently now. Gaeul gives the faintest smile in recognition and she continues.
"So there we were. I'm lying down and deep-throating his cock. I've got him all the way in my throat, and there was still more to go. I just couldn't. As much as I wanted his whole cock in me, it just wouldn't go." Gaeul gives a pout, lamenting her failure. "I tried so hard, I felt like I couldn't do it. Couldn't breathe. I didn't know how, not with that length buried in me. I felt so small, and... I loved it."
Her face is turning a deep shade of vermilion as she relives the memory. Still, her hand squeezes tight around her water bottle and all the others wait for Gaeul to continue. Yujin is leaning forward, hands on her knees, eyes wide and listening closely. Wonyoung looks rather relaxed on her stretch of wall with her head laid against the cool surface. The sweat from her cheeks and brow slowly trickling down. But she's rapt, fixated, awaiting the story.
"The tip hit the back of my throat. I just didn't want it to stop."
As she describes it, her candid description, with no holds barred, the vision her story creates does something to you. Your mind races at the thought that it might have been any woman in Gaeul's position. Yujin. Wonyoung.
Her hand is halfway up your thigh, clearly excited at the image Gaeul is painting. You appreciate the gesture, don't misunderstand that, but there's enough sensory overload without having the weight of her fingers pressing into the firm muscle of your thigh. It isn't doing you any favours as the tiny beads of perspiration at Wonyoung's temple burn on her skin and her flush skin glows. There’s no blaming you for the fantasies that form in your mind. Each as naughty as the last.
She's staring out of the corner of her eye, eyes locked with you and a blank expression on her face. And you just wonder, what it would be like to have her mouth wrapped around your cock. It's difficult, staring down the girl you like while the girl you like (and regularly fucking) has a hand on your leg. 
And you just want them both. Right here, right now.
Gaeul continues, "and he's just grabbing at me, palm on my face, gripping my head and he's just fucking my face." You can barely hear her over the beating of your own heart in your eardrum—drumming loudly.
"I must've been choking, and he thought that was hot. He couldn’t stop and I didn’t want him to. He had me pinned, pressing his fingertips into my skin."
Speaking of fingertips, Wonyoung's trace your crotch, blindly roaming and teasing.
"Fuck." Wonyoung's only word—just a whisper from her lips.
Gaeul continues, "I was in heaven." Her eyes are sparkling. They’re glazed over and far-away, lost in the vivid memory. 
"Wow," Rei stares in awe.
Gaeul shuffles around in her seat. First running her hand over her legs, pressed together at the knees, before moving a hand over her waist and pulling at the clingy material of her black yoga pants, that stretch tight across her hips. "So... Um... Yeah I guess you could say I like his huge cock."
Yujin speaks now and her voice cuts straight to your core. "He must love that you're, like, a total submissive slut in bed."
"Sometimes," Gaeul is almost back in the room, no longer enraptured by the memories of being used.
"You must blow him any chance you get," Rei pushes.
"Of course." Gaeul nods. She seems pleased as punch, her mouth spreading into a wide grin.
The words spill from your lips, "what about in public places?" And well, fuck, you meant for it to sound a lot more coy.
"A time or two..." she pauses, puckering her lips as her brows lift together, her head tilts slightly, and her gaze lifts upwards as she wracks her mind. "Well, a few times, if that’s interesting to you."
"Very.” Fuck. “I mean. I'm just curious." Stop talking, idiot.
"Well, the details are a secret for now," she grins toward Wonyoung and Yujin, who share a smile and a look.
"How come I haven't heard about this?" Rei chimes in. "You've got a new story every other week, but not even a whisper of this?"
"Because this is naughty and embarrassing." Gaeul covers her face. She's clearly a confused mixture of turned-on and shy right now. She might be a bit hesitant to share her wilder adventures, but the others aren't at all apprehensive about listening to the dirty details.
"One more," Wonyoung requests. She sits at the edge of her seat with a hand planted on your crotch and the other resting on her knee.
"Another?" Gaeul inquires. "I think it's someone else's turn now."
"Gaeul is right. Yujin, ever done anything naughty in public?" Wonyoung asks, drawing in and passing on the attention.
"Not in public, but..." Yujin stares at you for a moment too long. Clearly, the whole not telling anyone thing doesn’t apply to the girls in this room. It’s all far too obvious. "But I did have some fun recently." She grins like the cat that caught the canary.
"How recently?" Wonyoung cocks her head and a few loose locks fall over her shoulder. "What kind of fun? Who with?"
"Just... some guy. He was a total sub, did everything I told him to." She drags her teeth across the plump swell of her bottom lip.
Some guy? Sometimes it feels like all you will ever be.
"Did what you told him?" Gaeul sounds intrigued. "What did you ask him to do?"
"Don't know," Yujin answers quickly. Too quickly. "Nothing much. Just something special for me." Her teeth are back against her lower lip, chewing on it before continuing. "Thing is, he’s a cute guy, and he was a real natural.”
"Did you cum?" Rei jumps in again, straight to the point.
"More than once." Yujin's face lit up. “I didn't let him fuck me, though. You should have seen the desperate look on his face.”
“Did you even let him cum? Poor guy.” Gaeul sympathises unnecessarily, and unknowingly, with you.
“I did, made him blow a load right on me.”
“Oh fuck, I love that.” Rei chimes in with an approving nod. “On my body makes me feel so hot.”
“I'm a face girl myself.” Gaeul admits before bursting out into embarrassed laughter.
Wonyoung stays noticeably quiet on this one. Of course, you know why. ‘Too messy’, she always told you.
“Yeah, we know all about that,” laughs Rei at Gaeul.
God only knows how you ended up in this situation. Sitting between four women, all gorgeous in their own way, each getting equally aroused by the topic of conversation. The atmosphere in the room, so humid and hot already, has seemed to intensify tenfold in the moments since Gaeul began her sordid tale. Now, with each question and subsequent answer, it was building steadily, the sexual tension increasing in magnitude with each word. The heat of their sweat-soaked bodies permeates the air with the burn of the midday sun.
"You didn’t even get fucked? You're no fun, Yujin. I need detail." Wonyoung is feeding off the stories and expelling the energy through her touch into your cock. You pull your knees up now, to try to hide what Wonyoung is doing to you. "Rei. Save us. Please give us something juicy."
"I uh, well..." The nerves in her face are clear. Rei is more than happy to press details from others, but now she's in the spotlight. "There was this guy I met online. I don't even know his name. He just went by an emoji."
"An emoji?" the other three girls say in unison.
"Yeah. An orange. Anyway, not important. So, we met up." Her hands run along her bare thighs, feeling the sticky heat of her palms and the cool beads of sweat along her smooth legs. "I kinda asked him to... I mean, it wasn't explicitly—" She begins her excuses as though her asking this anonymous man to come meet her was shameful. Her fumbling words get a giggle out of Yujin.
"Calm down, Rei, no-one is judging." Gaeul gives her friend an easy smile. 
"This was just to hook up and no strings. He had a hotel room." Rei rubs at her neck. Blush overcomes her face.
"Love that vibe." Gaeul holds up a lazy thumb of approval. "The no-strings thing."
"So this wasn't a vanilla fucking, I bet. Did things get wild?" Wonyoung asks as she squeezes her grip on your cock in excitement. "Were there handcuffs or leashes involved? What was it, a spanking? Maybe even gotten yourself a strap, Rei?"
"Oh my god," the embarrassment hits Rei even stronger, even more colour blossoming into her skin, "you're unbelievable," she manages. "So, uh. Not that exactly."
"Yeah? Well, do tell," Gaeul smiles politely. "Might pick up some ideas for my fiancé."
"So there were handcuffs," Rei mutters, then shrugs in an almost nonchalant gesture.
"Yes!" Wonyoung whisper-shouts. "Nice. Let me guess, tied up and whipped." Her hand is the most motionless it has been on your clothed cock the entire time. As if it's frozen in anticipation.
"He restrained me. Cuffed me to the bed. Had his way with me," Rei reveals. It's obvious now she was looking anywhere but in your direction. "The guy was packing too. And knew what he was doing. My whole body was shaking, legs like jelly," she continued, eyes glassy, dreamy even, a thin film covering their beauty, staring ahead without focus. Her nails tap idly at her neck, like she is recalling the memory.
"Fuuuck," Wonyoung swears loudly. "That’s good." She can only speak in hushed tones now, the heat having sapped her strength and turned her speech breathy.
Wonyoung rolls her hips back. Just the slightest bit. But enough for you to feel it, a soft brush across the side of your leg. A brief acknowledgement of contact. An assurance, to you, that Wonyoung hadn't forgotten you or the movements of her hands.
"Shut up," Rei blushes at her friend.
"Look, you're squeezing your thighs together now. Just thinking about this mysterious Mr Orange is turning you on. You sure you're not dripping now?"
"Alright Wony, you're making it weird now." Yujin laughs at her, breaking some of the tension. "Sounds like you need to get laid. Still not doing anything with that boyfriend of yours?" The whole question rolls of her tongue while she’s staring at you. You’re caught in some unspoken, twisted game.
"Nope. Never will. You know I don't like him." Wonyoung’s words are ice cold. You never pushed for details on it, but you have picked up on bits and pieces of this before. As best you understand, her family pushed the relationship on her. He's some wealthy heir from another chaebol family. They never loved each other, or even knew each other properly. The relationship was purely political. Strategic.
"I have to go," Gaeul speaks while frantically tapping away on her phone. It's painfully obvious to everyone in the room what’s happening and where she's going. Her fiance is probably already getting the cuffs ready. But she doesn't seem to care to hide it and, to be frank, she cannot be the only person excited about the prospect of sex right now.
"You two girls should probably go too. I'm going to stay and work on my form a little." Wonyoung turns to face you. "And you're going to help me, right?"
"Of course, whatever you need." You respond automatically, feeling almost obligated at this point. Yujin chuckles at you. Probably internally mocking just how easy you really are. Just like how she described you earlier. Total sub.
"Okay, see you." Gaeul stands abruptly. “I need to—”
“We know.” The rest of you say together. She nods her head and then is heading for the door in a rush, collecting her stuff messily under her arm. She drops her hat at the door and stops to pick it up. While bending down, she looks back at the four of you.
“Have fun!” Rei calls out with genuine excitement.
Gaeul nods again and spins, rushing out the door.
Rei moves slower to leave, reluctant, almost. But once Yujin stands and is gathering her things, Rei follows suit. 
“Aren't you supposed to be taking us home?” Yujin looks at you. She already knows how this will play out, but she wants to make her point.
“You could always wait outside for him.” Wonyoung responds for you with a cocky smile. There's no way she is letting you go.
“Why do you need him, anyway?” Rei asks.
“Rei, sweetie, look at her hand.” Yujin turns to her but gestures her hand out towards you—towards your lap. 
“Oh. OH!” You can see in her face that she has so many questions, but the stare from Wonyoung makes her keep her mouth shut.
“Let's go,” Yujin places a hand on Rei's shoulder.
The two girls are walking away from you, and all you can do is watch their asses leave. Leggings hug one, the other in shorts, both thick. Plump asses, firm thighs, wide hips. The stretchy material of their clothing barely constrains them.
"Alright, now let's get down to business." Wonyoung immediately shifts to sit astride your thigh. It's not that she doesn't know that Rei and Yujin will spend their whole journey home talking about you two. It's just that she doesn't care. 
She's straddling you. Her own leg pinning against your hard bulge. Wonyoung rolls herself along you, sending pleasure radiating in ripples throughout your body. Wonyoung smiles mischievously. "We've got half an hour, maybe."
Her hot breath hitting your face. It's hard to be sure how much of it is from her arousal and how much from the intense dancing not ten minutes ago.
"Fuck, that was so hot. The idea of Gaeul getting her pretty mouth fucked." Wonyoung lets out a satisfied sigh as she sinks her hips against your clothed leg. "Did you see her face? I bet she was creaming at just the memory."
Wonyoung's fingers slip under your waistband, then her hand follows them, wrapping around you and pumping. "You liked it." The confirmation is in her hand, but the grin on her face grows, evidently pleased to find your arousal. She licks her lip hungrily and gives a slow pump of her hand. "That's perfect. I really need a cock right now. In my throat."
As she says it, she backs off your lap, stands and steps away. Just a slight separation, but the difference is enormous: the absence of her hot, wet centre creates a vacuum—impossible to ignore.
She's already twisting around on her heels. Then she pulls her tight, tiny shorts down and takes her thong with them, squatting slightly to pass the clothes over her legs, leaving her bare ass in front of your face. She turns back to you, wearing only her skin tight tank top. Her sodden cunt is now right there, bare and as pretty as ever. "Clothes off."
Obedient and efficient, you pull at the bottom of your shirt to lift it over your head. There's no slow tease, just business: you lift your hips and pull off your shorts and underwear together, while kicking off your shoes.
"Get up," is her instruction, the stern bite on her voice only seeming to harden her demeanour. Wonyoung takes your place on the bench, sitting delicately, like an idol would. Cross-legged and her hands atop her knee. Her top still hugging her frame. She raises one hand and angles a single finger towards you, her wrist pointing to the ceiling. She beckons you, parting her plump lips and resting her head against the mirror behind her.
Mouth, Wonyoung signals again and, with that, you're moving towards her.
Wonyoung demands your attention. Everything about her is inviting: the playful half-lidded gaze as her tongue swirls in her mouth and she lets it roll slowly along her lip. Even just the sharp cut of her jaw and long strands that frame it are striking and you'll be the last one to object to giving her what she asks for.
"Shh." A sharp sound. Her lips purse. Inviting. "come here."
Without a sound, your stiff cock presses toward Wonyoung's silky-smooth face. Though her lips are glistening and begging for you to glide in, they rest unmoving, arrogantly waiting for you to do the work. It is only for a brief moment, but it's infuriatingly unhelpful. The silence breaks though, and she groans in a mix of anticipation and irritation and tilts her face up, angling her hips against the edge of the bench as a soft hiss escaped her lips. "Now."
Your hand tangles into her hair as she wraps her mouth around you—wet, warm and oh-so very inviting. And she wastes no time in pushing forward and dragging your head in deeper, enveloping you, with her tongue sliding on the underside of your length. And she hums gently, the vibrations reaching you and rippling through the depths of your groin. She is eager for your cock, her hands reaching and clawing. A controlling grasp on your hips.
Your hands remain firmly wound into the strands of her hair, gripping as if you are afraid of floating away, all the blood in your system rushing to your centre, dizzying your brain. She began pulling your hips against her, directing the movements and ensuring each pump brought another inch into her mouth. She continues eagerly. Wonyoung's technique was a blend of savouring and indulgence, an incarnation of sheer passion.
Even from beneath you, Wonyoung maintains all power. She guides you without the slightest hint of effort. The flex of her shoulder, the flow of her arm. She pulls you in.
Every pump bringing your hips closer and closer to her face. Every move is for her, from the angle of her head to the arch of her spine and even the hollowing of her cheeks. She owns the power in your body—and she wants it that way too, drawing you ever deeper, encouraging more movement, silently coaxing and promising a glorious reward at the end.
Keep going. Words unspoken but never more clearly conveyed. The flutter of her eyelids and the fire they temporarily conceal. Her throat contracting against the tip of your cock every time she guides you in. The warm comfort of the excess saliva running from her lower lip.
Eyes fixed on her pretty face and innocent gaze through the not-so-innocent act. Everything around you in a haze.
Captivating. Her movements never waiver and her determination is infallible as your mind clouds and you feel that coil in your belly tighten and constrict and burn through. You know this can't last forever. No matter how much you wish it could, but you're lost in the trance and there's nothing that could break you out of it—except maybe Yuj—fuck, not now.
Wonyoung stops, throwing you a look as if she knows. As if she felt the doubt inside you. She parts her lips and draws her head back.
In a move that washes away all those doubts, Wonyoung brings right leg over left and follows through the movement, lifting her legs onto the bench, feet flat and knees in the air. Back flat against the bench. Head suspended from the end of it.
You're on autopilot, following her face down, your soaked cock leading the way. You shift, putting your knees on the hardwood floor.
She puckers her lips, closing her eyes and arching her back. Wonyoung lures you in. Her tongue curls and reels you inside her mouth. Just an inch and then two, then three, then four. Your eyes revel at the sight. The mirror to your side only elevates the experience as you watch your cock disappear in her. Two Wonyoungs laid side by side, taking two cocks.
Wonyoung continues arching as you push on. Further and further and further.
Until... no more.
Until her eyes squeeze shut and the walls of her throat clenches, seizing down on you.
A strangled moan rasps in your throat as you lunge forward, trying desperately, selfishly, to press beyond the possible. You could lose to her right here and now. 
Not now, no, not yet, not without fucking that tight little throat first.
Her throat bulging with the girth of your cock, her muscles desperately attempting to repel the foreign invasion.
Air is at a premium for the petite girl strewn out on the end of your cock. And yet, she settles, relaxes. She feels at home with a throat full of cock. Her long, slender legs remain folded together, yet while you were caught up in the intensity of entering her mouth, Wonyoung found the time to bury a hand between her thighs.
She's fucking her own hand. Rotating her hips and squeezing her thighs.
You draw out of her mouth, only for a second, just to give her the gasp of air she so desperately needs before you fuck into her throat again. Her legs clench as you thrust. Every little bit of pleasure that Wonyoung desires, she gets—as always.
There it is again, the vibrations against your tip as she moans.
Your fists full of hair and now, you pound into her pretty little mouth without pause. Creating the lewdest of sights. Wonyoung on the verge of orgasm, her face filled with you. 
She's only becoming more of a mess as you fuck it, the saliva pouring from her mouth running over her. You keep going for so long that she’s spluttering. She’s choking now between the brief moments you give her, just like Gaeul was in her story. This is what Wonyoung wants, exactly how she wanted it. 
It’s funny that for a girl so intent on you not making a mess of her, this is what she has become. She just has to really want it. Duly noted.
And god, is she fucking loving it. The pleasure washes over her as her body wriggles, and you continue your thrusting. She continues her own. Together, you take her to her peak. And you don't stop. Her hand doesn't stop—pushing past it, forcing herself into a state of bliss.
It's messier still. It's so fucking messy when she cums. Tears streaming. Saliva drooling. Sticky cum enveloping her hand.
And it's good. It's so fucking good when she moans on your cock. It's soft. It's tight. It vibrates, sucks—holds you and stimulates you. Her throat is—if only for a moment—the best sex toy that money can’t buy.
You have to give it to her, she’s playing the role of toy perfectly.
This toy? It plays with you.
She pushes her hand against the base of your cock. No more fucking. No more exploring the depth of her delicate throat. She had just came, after all.
That’s what matters to her.
You—you're on the edge and hanging on for dear life. The knot is twisted so tight that it hurts. And holding you on that edge is Wonyoung, holding you by the cock. An unmoving hand. If you weren't already on your knees, you would fall to them.
"Fuck, that was good." Wonyoung peeks around the cock she holds above her face, a wry smile painting her lips.
You want to reply, but your need to cum is clouding your mind like the most powerful of drugs. Words are just letters floating around your mind. Intoxicated by a woman, as you have been so many times. She's not just any woman.
"What's wrong? Aww, do you want to cum?" She playfully, with no real grip, twists and pulls her hand on your cock. It's not enough.
You let out a huff and nod.
She flashes an evil grin. "How about on my face?"
It's not something she's ever offered before. As much as you thought, so many times, about covering her pretty face in your cum, you never expected her to offer it. Perhaps that alone should serve as a warning. Too good to be true.
But at this point, you don't give a fuck. In her throat, on her face, you just need her to give you a sweet release. You chase it, pushing your hips towards her hands, desperately searching for friction. Blinded by lust, as dumb as a dog.
"First, tell me something." It says a lot about her. How she can be mostly naked, on her back underneath you, freshly fucked throat and all. And somehow she holds all the cards in this situation. "Did you fuck Yujin?"
"No..." It's not strictly a lie. You never put your cock inside her.
"I saw your dirty faces, the way you look at each other. And the way she told that story, about you, with you right there."
"Wonyoung. We didn't fuck. But even if we did, would that be so bad?"
"But she let you cum on her?” Wonyoung laughs aloud and starts playfully stroking your cock again. "You should have fucked her."
The action of her hand is torture, keeping you dangling and off balance. You were so close to the release and now she is holding you over the precipice, with no warning of a fall either way. You're as lost for words as you are for action. But truthfully, is it even a surprise that Wonyoung doesn't care if you do fuck her friend? She is the one cheating on her boyfriend, after all. Your only crime may be not telling her first.
"Now, will you cum on my face already? I know Yujin will never let you do this." And that’s it. The crux of it all. It all makes sense, doesn’t it? The reason this is happening, any of this here in this room, is because she refuses to be outshone. She intends to match act for act with all her friends, except Yujin. Yujin, she wants to beat—and the game is you.
And the irony is, she would never let her boyfriend do any of this.
"Fuck, Wony, you're insane," you grit, nearly delirious. This couldn't get any better. Two identical hot girls, mirrored and now they're getting even more adventurous. And Wonyoung finally ready to give you the satisfaction of blowing a load on her face? You couldn’t care less why it was happening, only that it was.
You fucking into her grip. In some metaphor for the whole relationship, your hips do work while her hand guides, keeping you aimed at her innocent face. She softly closes her eyes, slightly parting her lips. Waiting. She looks so beautiful, relaxed and comfortable, despite knowing what was coming. Despite the saliva still running from her mouth. Despite the post orgasm glow on her face.
"Anytime now." Wonyoung opened one eye, her face still pointing directly upwards. "Don’t make me ask again."
The feeling takes over, starting at the root of your spine, in the base of your gut, and bubbling like a cauldron ready to explode. Her soft hand strokes harder, working you the last few paces as her tongue slips past her pink lips, flicking over them gently.
The sensations erupt. That familiar hot-cold tingle. Those electrifying nerves firing off. You buck wildly, firing off ribbons of cum across Wonyoung's flawless, innocent face. Her lips spread apart in a wide open-mouthed gasp and then shut immediately afterwards.
And, amidst the spurting of cum and the euphoric high, Wonyoung deviously began licking, slurping, sucking. Swiping the fluid off her lips, catching every shot. Her face is the image of debauchery. You're fixated—stretching out the few remaining seconds of orgasm as your cock twitches in her hand and on her face. She's draining you dry with her naughty smirk.
Even when it’s over and done, she maintains that same confident look on her face. Her nose and lips are shiny and dripping with cum. But she never hesitates; her mouth parts and her tongue juts out, curling up to you. Your cock disappears inside, a wet-hot paradise. She's cleaning you. Swirling her tongue and sliding up the length, pulling off the mess. Sucking on the tip to coax the last remnants to pool inside her waiting mouth.
Your body burns. Satisfaction seeping out your limbs and leaving your body weightless, barely holding yourself over her on the wooden bench.
She draws you out. Dripping with her spit. Hanging heavy. Sensitive as her mouth lets go and pulls back, the suction releasing. Then, lips tight, mouth closing, her neck moving as she swallows.
Wonyoung twists and rises, sitting again the bench, in your kneeled position this leaves you eye to eye.
Pain. Stinging.
So much of it on your left cheek.
She just slapped you. She fucking slapped you. You're bigger than her, stronger than her, and yet you feel so small.
"Next time you fool around with another girl, you get my permission first."
Her voice is icy. You shake your head, holding your face. Staring at your reflection in the mirror; you're flush but one cheek is redder than the other. And you can see her too. She’s pulling up part of her top, wiping away most of your cum—the bits that didn’t already fall onto her body or into her hair, anyway. Her face looks like an angel's, but her actions betraying the illusion.
"Now make it up to me." She's looking at you through the reflection. Then, turning and facing you directly, she reaches out to hold you by the jaw, pulling your focus back to her. It’s hard to believe that she’s the one cheating here.
She slaps you again.
You're locked in a cold and silent stare. Tied together by tension. 
You're stunned. Left at her mercy. Wonyoung dips her head forward, going in for a kiss, her heart-shaped lips plant directly on your own and before you know it, you're returning the kiss.
It's rough, and it's messy. She bites at you—hard—while her fingers claw your skin, running along your muscles. All until suddenly she pulls you, guides you. Not physically, but that's certainly what it feels like. Such is your response. You take her place on the bench, sitting while she leans over you.
Wonyoung breaks the kiss and leaves you to watch the scene unfold and admire her perfect form, lithe and slender but not without toned definition, which is exactly why she could pull off outfits that would send men insane, simply based on how she looks underneath.
Her hands splay across her flawless flesh. Deliberately. Slowly.
Never a movement out of place and ensuring her head is held high and regal—a queen's demeanour.
Standing over you. Looking down upon you, no less arrogant than before. It’s her natural position. Her default state. To have power over man.
If she didn't look so angelic, you'd swear she's a devil.
Starting at her shoulders, fingertips slipping over the porcelain skin of her arms until they reach the elbows and hop over to her waist, gripping the hem of her tank top. It doesn't sit as tight as it did before—bunched up, a little twisted, and dashed in cum. It doesn't sit in any fashion for much longer as she pulls it overhead in a single motion. The top lands discarded and forgotten. Her hair, damp and ruffled, now cascades over her petite shoulders in thick strands.
She's bare now. Head to toe. Your eyes dart all over, drinking her beauty like a tall glass of water. Taking in all her stunning details—she is a perfect portrait of a perfect woman, a fantasy even.
This image has been burned into your mind many times over. Yet somehow, each and every time feels new. Awestruck, you admire her petite body, the lean and firm muscles, and just enough of a pair of breasts that gravity calls their name.
"Wony. You're so—"
"I know." She cocks an arrogant smirk.
"I think—"
"I know." She stalks slowly closer. Like a predator over its prey.
"I want to—"
"Oh. I know." She's so damn cute when she giggles. It almost feels inappropriate for what's going down. And then the little devil rears within her again, manifesting in her expression. Darker than it was before.
Her fingers trace her flat stomach, rising and falling in time with her breaths. A cadence to them which tells a story of excitement, no less excited than the first time she teased you in your car. Now here, and over a month later, you still haven't gotten your fill. Even this—maybe especially this—could never be enough. The slightest and subtlest hints of arousal are beautiful on her. She's practically purring when she perches on top of you and pins you back against the mirror by the shoulders.
"Who does your big dick belong to?" She poses the question while delicately lowering herself onto you, staring into your eyes. You hesitate to answer, too stricken by the image of Wonyoung finding a comfortable seat on you.
"You." No matter what your relationship might be or who else was involved, in this moment, like so many before it, you are hers and no other. "Fuck me, Wonyoung, please."
"So very needy." The words roll off her tongue as the heat of her cunt skates up toward your middle. So close against your skin, you can feel her pulse throb against your stomach. Her petite ass pressing down onto your stiff cock. Her hands spread wide and palms flat on your chest, steadying her, giving her strength. Her hips roll, coating you with the wetness between her thighs. Back arched, neck strained, head tilting upwards. Every muscle flexes in her exposed form.
She is unadulterated eroticism, every grind of her hips and caress of her hands. An utter marvel.
"Don't. Move." Every word has her breath caught in her throat.
Been through this so many times before that there's an unspoken understanding. Wonyoung scoots her body over you. Hand reaching for your cock. Delicate fingers. Dainty, as she grips it, guiding, angling it against her. Lower, lower until—she finds the entrance and presses it against herself. A sharp intake of air. Her eyes squeezed closed. She holds there for a second until gravity takes control, hips dropping to impale her onto your length.
Your eyes roll back and so does your mind, back to the view of Wonyoung's body moving during the dance. Does she know she's mirroring those mesmerising hip movements on you? Maybe not. But it doesn't change anything. Not to Wonyoung. She does it so naturally—the consummate performer, who knows what works.
You're looking down. Down. Down to where she's perched on your dick. Admiring her tight cunt, working so hard to take you in. Muscles gripping. Walls clenching. Stretching to fit. Working her body downward.
Her ass never rests on you. This is all her work. Perpetual motion. Constant and consistent. Down and then up and then down and back up. Gradual. Calculated and controlled. Fingers raking at your chest as the motion of her body doubles as the dance, sending that intoxicating swaying motion through her and into you.
Eyes travel up. How her toned abs flex. Trim and petite. It all only serves to highlight just how pretty a figure she cuts. Elegant and alluring. Sinking down, squeezing you into her.
Higher. Her perky little tits in front of your face. Smooth, perfect, porcelain.
Higher. Her sharp collarbone, all the little contours, carved for her as though by the most brilliant artisan.
Higher. Neck curved, shifting from her swallow and gasp.
To her blood-red lips. They part and between them her tongue flicks, hitting her front teeth before she bites down on her lower lip. It stifles a soft moan until it's barely a whisper.
And her eyes. Sheer focus. Not on you. But on the mirror behind you.
On her own reflection.
All the time you spend to admire her, she is doing the same thing. Staring herself up and down. It is selfish and greedy. An egotistical desire. An intimate moment—with the person she truly loves most.
It's narcissism taken to a degree you've never seen before. An addictive kind of worship. For both of you.
"Wony..." holding your eyes up to hers, watching her as she's watching herself. She looks like a goddess. "Does it feel good? I love the feeling of my cock inside you," you say in an attempt to gain her focus. "Fuck. You're perfect."
A soft exhale as her eyes lock onto yours for just a moment, then her lashes flutter closed.
She takes a hand from your chest and plants it over your mouth. Her eyes flicker back to life and she's got them on the mirror again.
She's aggressive now. The girl in the mirror is hitting her hips harder than before onto the cock beneath her. Her crotch hitting against your own. You can't help but steer into the skid, being the silent participant she desires. You're pawing your hands at her cunt now. Figuring out then matching her rhythm and pushing your finger against her clit. It's obscene, hearing her wet cunt smacking against your legs.
Her almost silent focus breaks. She's not stifling her moans anymore.
And fuck you for saying this: but watching her watch herself makes the moment fucking magical.
Her eyebrows knitting as the tides of pleasure crash over her. Her lower lip quivering. The wrinkles on her nose. Her chest fluttering. A struggle to maintain her posture.
She's shaking. From her arms to her knees and through to the tips of her fingers.
She throws herself forward against you.
Head on your shoulder. Her forehead against the glass.
Wonyoung's entire body is convulsing on you. A string of incomprehensible cries echoing against the empty walls. You grab at the flesh of her ass with your hands, clamping her tight, encouraging her to keep pushing back into you and ride out the orgasm. She is shaking violently in your embrace. She is grinding, squeezing, tightening, and quaking all at once.
You run a hand up her moist back, along her spine. Meeting many moistened locks of hair, sticking to her skin. You hold your hand at the top of her back, supporting her limp frame against you.
Her mouth is right by your ear. You listen to the final quiet noises of bliss escaping her. Washing out of her. She lets you know just how good it was, if not from those satisfied groans and the shuddering of her body, then from the deluge of her arousal pooling around your cock and her cunt. She is dripping cum. Hot and sticky, in more than one spot. It was messy. Messy, but it was unbridled fun.
"What the fuck was that?" you whisper. She raises her head off your shoulder and leans back, sitting tall on top of you. Still, your cock is inside, throbbing and ready for its turn. Her hands snake to your jaw and hold it tightly.
"Exactly what I needed."
"And the mirror thing?"
"What can I say? I look pretty when I'm fucking." Wonyoung laughs, soft and breathy, an intimate moment shared only by you two. Now it’s not like you should be surprised by any of it. On a scale of one to ten, Wonyoung is an eleven, though you imagine you asked her. She would give herself a twelve.
The hands leave your jaw, only to be replaced with the pressure of Wonyoung pressing forward again to kiss you. More? Finally.
"You wanna cum again?" she asks, words separated by kisses before moving to your neck.
"Mmmm..." is all the answer you can give, distracted by the feeling of her body shifting against yours.
Wonyoung pulls back from your neck to look at you, burrowing her hand into the hair at the back of your head. She squeezes into a fist, forcing a grimace of pain from you, which brings a grin to her lips.
"Is that a yes?" Her voice a blade edge against your ears.
"Fuck. Yes. Of course."
"That's what I thought." The sly girl, hiding the self-assured vixen underneath her exquisite exterior. "Stand. I want you to fuck me against the mirror."
Still planted to the hilt inside her, you begin to stand.
You're unable to pull out of the tight wet warmth that is Jang Wonyoung. Her grip tight on you—coiling around your cock—effectively pinning you in her. Her body melts against you like candle wax. Warm and lax.
She's weightless as you stand, her slender frame clasped around your body. It's easy to manhandle a girl this small—one of your hands, pressed firmly to her back, can encompass her tiny waist. Your other arm hooks under her ass, holding her suspended. And, for the time being, all of her is draped over and around you.
You press her to the cold mirror, and she shudders, arching her back. Her entire body stretches as if trying to get further from it—leaving a smear of sweat on it. Legs lock around your hips. Folded tight. Locking in the key. Caging you between her thighs. You hold her with a single hand now—curling it under her tiny ass. Fingertips gripping, digging into flesh. The other against the mirror—for balance.
You bend your knees, taking position, gaining posture. The slightest movement it causes inside her brings a gasp. She's clinging tighter to you. Her arms coil around your shoulders, her ankles crossed around the small of your back, her core tightening and squeezing her pelvis forward—grinding herself into you. The squeeze on your cock exhilarates. The pressure is immense—inside and outside. You've never had her this tight.
A rumble rasps through your vocal chords as a growl escapes your mouth. It vibrates against the warmth of her neck and into her small frame.
"Come on, give it to me, don’t hold back" her lips barely move as they whisper against you.
"Is that what you want, Wonyoung? You want me to fuck you as hard as I can against the mirror?" Your hips press firmly against hers. Her tight cunt does its best to embrace you.
"Fuck. Yes."
That was all the cue you needed, drawing back and then slamming yourself deep in her—and back again—forming the thrust into a series of unforgiving blows.
She bounces between your pelvis and the cool glass, rattling as her naked form is hit against the mirror. Small, supple and yielding, taking your full force, each movement amplified and exaggerated in her tiny frame. Her cries—from shock, surprise, pleasure, and delight—they echo. The lewd smacks of flesh hitting, the loud moans and the heat. It all collides right here on the wall of the studio.
It's frantic. It's furious. It's fucking euphoric. You're locked inside a beauty who is getting filled to the absolute brim by your cock. It's a power rush—Wonyoung's eternal play on control and dominance being robbed from her and your ability to just keep pounding into her tight, wet cunt.
"Ah!" Wonyoung winces. You pause for a brief second. Did she really mean stop? But a moment later, her lips curl into a grin, "Yes! Harder! Don't hold back. I need you to wreck my fucking pussy!"
And it begins anew—all the noise. The bouncing, slamming and swearing. And despite the fire and the fury, you can sense a strange calm. Like this is exactly where the two of you are supposed to be. This is exactly where the both of you always needed to be. Right here. In the moment. Because Wonyoung doesn't need a man and she didn't need someone who would fall at her feet and treat her like royalty—she has enough of those. No, all she ever needed was a dick who could fuck her within an inch of her life.
A hard slam sends Wonyoung crashing back to the mirror with a shrill yelp and a wide grin. "Yes! Exactly like that!"
Firm fingers twist into your flesh, her hands clawing, desperately grasping at anything she could find to ground her, all while your brutal assault continues unabated, sending waves of ecstasy cascading through both bodies. Her wails rise and break—crescendos interrupted—but never stopped. Both of you are a complete mess as the furious fuck brings out everything each of you are. The deep animalistic desires. And when you hear her scream, it is a different kind of high.
"Don't stop! Don't you dare fucking stop! Don't fucking sto—mm!" she struggles and gasps for breath, struggling to keep track of her words, the raging bonfire between her legs clouding her mind. "F-fuck..."
"Cumming? Cum." The only words you could manage. You could feel it too, the rising tide. A mountain climber, clinging to the peak, each and every muscle engaged in the fight.
"Yes—" her breath is snatched before another animalistic moan. "Don't stop." She pulls at your hair, claws at your back, a fierce warning. "Don't fucking cum yet."
She holds, gripping onto the ridge, the muscles in her arms, in her legs, her hands tense. The world turns, spinning, and spiralling—the two of you holding tight to one another, both grunting with the strain. She is cumming now, you know it. She spasms against you, against the mirror, and she’s becoming ever more difficult to hold.
Your feet are failing you, threating to give way. In a desperate act, you spin from the wall, drop to your knees, taking Wonyoung with you. There's no stopping you now. Feral. Bestial. Both of your bodies crashing together. She's arching, clawing, and pulling and urging you forward. On the hardwood floors, you fuck like animals. Your legs may have given way, but your hips don't surrender. Don't succumb to the exertion. You're fucking her in to the floor. Her tiny ass pressed against it.
The thundering smack of flesh.
Tumultuous breathing and roaring, unbroken moans.
Arching, bending.
Heating and rising.
You're right on the edge.
She never lets you finish inside.
"Wonyoung, I..."
"Don't fucking dare." Her voice sharp. You hold on to the feeling for dear life. "On me."
It's enough. You accept that it’s never in her. Never before on her, but now twice in a day. It’s enough. She can't possibly mean it...
"I'm—Fuck, I'm..."
"On me. Yes. Cum allover me." She releases you from her grasp and you pull back to your knees. She spreads herself for you. Arms out to her side, palms flat on the hardwood floors, legs pulled apart with her knees resting on your hips. Presenting for you.
Your hand wraps around your shaft, throbbing and hot to touch. You beat your cock for a few quick seconds, with balls tight, with Wonyoung laid prone for you, watching you stroke your cock. 
Watching her. She arches, presses herself upwards, offering her breasts, her stomach... her face.
You don't have any time to think. It is happening.
You unload on her with a sharp grunt, met with a shocked gasp. Coating her petite form. The white stuff gliding across her porcelain skin, decorating the gorgeous girl beneath you. The lean cut of a dancer, now adorned in your cum. You shoot ropes of it across her perky little tits and narrow stomach and her pretty face. A sticky sheen glazes her and drips down. Her tongue flickers, collecting what she can and her mouth hungrily welcomes each droplet.
What's this, you wonder? Is this to be her addiction?
Every motion of her body screams need, sexual need. She wants it all, greedily licking and lapping it up as you drop the final rivulets of cum onto her tummy.
You're captivated as you watch Wonyoung, laying patiently under a sputtering of cum, a thin layer glossing parts her body. She didn't bother to wipe it or scoop it up, instead; it ran down her, following the channels carved out by her subtle contours. A work of art in your eyes—this pretty face, contorted in twisted lust—at the feeling of hot, sticky fluid painting her perfect body.
In all these moments you two have shared, this truly is a first. A messy, debauched cum covered Wonyoung.
"Does it feel good to cover me with your cum?"
You nod.
"Say it. Out loud, I can see it in your eyes. You like seeing your cum on my pretty little face? On my body?"
"I fucking love it, Wony," you mutter and she laughs, a laugh somewhere between playful and impish.
"I feel filthy," Wonyoung confesses with a devilish smirk. "I bet you love to hear that?"
"Yes. Yes," you breathe the words out as you desperately try to catch your breath. Her leg comes up, sliding her toes along the underside of your sensitive cock. Too sensitive.
"Agh," you flinch. "Fuck."
She pushes the tip of your cock against your stomach, rubbing her toes on it and you start to pull away, the friction causing pain.
"Stay." Her tone is a firm demand, in control of the situation—despite her current state. Your body obeys the instruction. Her toes start to roam across your softening cock again. Slick with her fluids. She twists, rubbing the shaft. Pinches, rubbing the head. Pulls, tugging down. The intensity of stimulation is mind numbing. A sick mixture of pain and pleasure.
"Who's the best?" Wonyoung asks. It takes a few seconds to process, a delay, and longer than normal. Your brain fogged. Too much to even formulate words.
"Who's the best, hm? Answer me." Her demand is no louder but feels heavier. Her foot slides down your cock, pushing at the base, pushing at your balls. 
Your words are slow to follow.
"Wonyo—" she presses more, and a shock runs up the base of your spine. "Agh...you. Wonyoung, you." Your words choke up. "You're the best."
"Thought so."
Another moment of silent pause. She puckers her lips, sucking up and swallowing a patch of your cum that found it’s way to her hand. It draws your eyes to her, a silent spectacle. She locks on you, her gaze so steady and so piercing.
"And, who's going to clean this mess up so we don't get caught?"
"Me." The words tumble out, falling off your lips.
"Good. Your bathroom is down the hall. Don't get caught, and don't leave a trace." She recoils her foot and then climbs out of the mess the two of you left on the floor. Her step is awkward. Your load is now starting to harden on her. Her calves slick from her own cum. The gloss of it shining on her skin.
All the time, her face beaming. Satisfied and glowing. Wonyoung is relishing her depraved state. She doesn't wait for you to follow. Not even a look as she collects her clothes. Her shorts with the thong. Her completely ruined tank top. Both shoes. She starts to walk, again with that awkward gait.
After only a couple of steps she looks over her shoulder, back at you, still subdued on the floor. "By the way. That was your best yet. That… was amazing." She smiles softly and heads to the changing room. She disappears. Leaving your mind and your imagination to swirl as you stare at her spot on the floor long after she was gone.
The cum, her sweat, the stickiness—all the marks that prove she was there, the evidence that paints a picture of what went on in this dance studio.
You never see her leave. She must have slipped out between trips to and from the bathroom, and then the janitor's closet, which you eventually found. You thank the stars for Wonyoung's privilege—that meant no staff are needed on the evenings she is here.
What a strange silence it was as you cleaned—nothing but the rain outside. An unsettling contrast between what went on before. Almost tranquil—like that weird place just before waking, before reality has time to assert itself and erase the dream of the night before. 
"It's dance practice tonight. I take it you'll be there again, following Wonyoung as usual?" Yujin mocks you playfully while playing with her straw between her delicate fingers. Her glass half-full of milkshake which she lazily stirs and drinks. Drinks loudly with a slurp on the straw.
"Don't you want me there?" you reply after swallowing the last bite of your meal and setting down your cutlery. The cafeteria is as lively as ever. Aside from this particular table, where it's only the two of you. It's not the type of table just anyone can take a seat at—Wonyoung wouldn't allow it.
"Doesn't matter. Wony's the one that invited you."
"She just wants me to—"
"Wants you to fuck her. Yeah, we all know." Yujin lets go of her straw, and it settles into the milkshake. You both lean back in the plastic cafeteria seats. She crosses her arms. "And no, it's not that I'm jealous. Don't even try it."
"I didn't say anything." You show her the palms of your hands. Not guilty is your plea.
"At least if I hang around, I can take you guys home, right? No need for your father to send a car." Always the people pleaser, you are.
"And did that happen last week? No, it didn't." Yujin picks up her drink and takes a slurp from the straw while staring at you. It's hard to tell if she's actually annoyed at you. Her words would say so, but her tones remain calm and soft when she speaks.
Besides, she knows that she could just as easily make the same demands Wonyoung does, and you'd be on your knees for her in a second.
But it's been 8 whole days since that night at Yujin's house. And she's yet to even hint that she wants it to happen again. The more you think about it, the more confused you get.
"Not interrupting am I? I can give you some alone time if you like?" Gaeul places her hand on your shoulder, looking down at you and grinning.
"Not funny Gaeul. And no. Sit." Unusually cold from Yujin, she avoids your eye and gives Gaeul a short-tempered response.
Gaeul walks around behind Yujin, giving you a wide-eyed glare as she goes. As if to say 'what did you do?' It's impossible to answer with words. It's all too much, too tangled.
She takes a seat next to Yujin, placing her iced coffee on the table along with her protein bar. It's typical Gaeul. She's always on the move, living life at an aggressive pace, constantly busy. Even now she's on her phone, scrolling through something. You can't see what from this angle, and you've barely got the chance to catch her eyes and smile at her. But her face lights up, the brightness mirrored as you smile back.
"They're announcing the casts tonight for the graduation performances." Yujin nods as her finger points toward Gaeul's phone.
"We already know how it's going to go down. They’re not going to deny the money and status of a Jang. And we’ll be there to back her up." Gaeul pauses and takes a sip of her drink. "For us anyway. That's all that matters."
Gaeul slips the phone back into her bag and then scoops up the protein bar, starting to unwrap it. Before she takes a bite she asks you, "what about you? Why didn't you ever sign up to anything?"
"Because he's too busy sitting in the back of dance classes staring at our asses," Yujin answers for you.
"Actually, I'm still new here, remember? I just haven't got around to it yet."
"Yeah, because you're too busy staring at our asses," Yujin persists with a coy smile.
"Sure. Let's call it that. So I've been too busy staring at your asses to sign up for any classes."
"Alright, not too loud." Gaeul laughs. How did the conversation always end up going the same way? And how are you always in the middle of it? Thankfully, Gaeul decides to bail you out. "So, bro, any plans to go to the party tomorrow night?"
"You mean the one I didn't get an invitation to?" you're quick to ask back.
"You can be my plus one."
"Boyfriend not in town?" Yujin is quick to ask before you can reply to Gaeul.
"Nope. But I can't let that spoil my fun, plus it means I can bring a friend." Her eyes flutter back across to you. "Unless you've already got a plan for tomorrow night?"
"Sure, why not? Not like I've got much else going on. Are you going to be there, Yujin?"
Yujin swallows the last slurp of her milkshake, the loud straw sucking noise filling the void of the pause. "I'll be there. Actually, I need you tomorrow, before the party."
"Yes. You're going to help me pick a dress." It's not exactly the exciting rendezvous that sprung to mind. You weren't even sure exactly why you had to go. Why Yujin would need your opinion?
You open your mouth to speak but before even a syllable comes out, you spot Wonyoung across the room, heading towards the three of you. Yujin catches on and follows your gaze, not long before Gaeul follows suit, twisting in her chair. For a moment, the three of you are watching Wonyoung stride over the tiled floor. Each footstep seems to make the world grow quieter. People all around seem to part for her. It's not even conscious on their part.
It's hypnotising. It's captivating. It's utterly spellbinding the way she moves.
She has a sense of dignity, class, and poise. There's an elegance to her, and just a hint of sway in her hips. At the same time, Wonyoung's every movement also screams of a fierce strength. An undercurrent of steel. Not intimidating—not intentionally at least. Maybe simply the natural impression of a strong young woman, fearlessly unapologetic.
She reaches the three of you, greeting with a grin. "Did I miss much?"
Gaeul is the first to reply. "Just talking about the party."
"Oh exciting. I've seen the guest list. I can't wait." Wonyoung slides gracefully into the seat by your side, carefully placing her designer bag on the table. No need for her to say any more, Wonyoung and high-brow parties go hand-in-hand.
The room around you is slowly, subtly coming back to life. Sounds from everywhere start, one by one, to creep back in. The conversations return. The low hubbub. The clattering of trays. It's getting loud again.
Wonyoung continues, "and I do need to get out of the house. Father is away again and mother drives me insane."
"He's away again?" Yujin asks, shuffling in her seat and then leaning forward. She brings her palm to her chin and her elbow onto the table.
"New York this time. Something like that. Company business." Wonyoung dismisses. You are well aware that they've never been close. He's worked from the earliest day she can remember up until now—that’s the life of the head of a chaebol. She told you before about how he's rarely home. And even when his body is, his mind is still half-way around the globe. His wife probably suffers for it, too. She raises the kids alone.
And look, you were never one to pry, so the details aren't all there, but Wonyoung seemed confident that her father wasn't exactly faithful. The kind of stories you'd normally imagine just being made up by rich housewives who had too much time on their hands—but she told you he had quite the appetite for the kind of services the elite always seemed to appreciate.
"New York?" Yujin thinks for a moment, living in her own head. "I could do New York. Me and you? A girl’s trip. That sounds..."
"But what about the guy?" Gaeul points at you.
Wonyoung puts her hand on your leg, sliding down and rubbing your knee. "You'll stay here and wait for us, won't you?"
"Well, I was thinking that, you know, you could take him with you?" You never saw this coming. Maybe you should, but it caught you off guard. The three of you in the Big Apple for a week? Sign you the fuck up, and then some.
Not that you'd have a chance in hell of affording such a trip. The reality is often harsher than the dream.
"We could, but I don't think it would be fair on Yujin. Unless we..." It takes the others a moment to figure out exactly what Wonyoung is implying.
"No way, don't bring me into this. You already said that it would be weird. We’re too competitive."
They're speaking in tongues now and Gaeul's face full of confusion likely mirrors your own.
"What are you two talking about?" Gaeul questions, for her sake and yours. But before she get's an answer, she's looking out of the corner of her eye. She freezes for a minute and then turns to face the vice principal. She's headed right for your table and the four of you succumb to silence.
There's not many reasons a staff member would visit a group of students while they're eating at lunch. None of you are late with an assignment nor have you failed any tests. Not even a recent school event gone wrong. It must be something worse.
"Am I interrupting?" The Vice Principal stands over your table, looking over the four of you.
You all shake your head in unison, a lock of hair falling over Yujin's face, which she quickly sweeps back behind her ear.
The vice principal points in your direction, pointing right between your eyes. "You. Principal's office. Now."
The eyes of the girls fall on you. All of them shocked by the statement.
It's unheard of to be dragged into the Principal's office on a random Friday for seemingly no reason.
What's your first reaction? A chill in your stomach. Butterflies in flight, soaring. Fingers gripping tight to the fabric of your pants. Heart racing in your chest. Feeling dizzy. Lightheaded.
"Ummm. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?"
"You can ask the principal. Move."
"Take a seat." The principal gestures with an open hand at the two chairs across the desk from her. She's staring right at you through the reading glasses hanging on her face. Her perfectly pressed suit makes her look powerful—imposing. 
And this room? This tiny room, with its uncomfortable hard-backed chairs in front of the big imposing mahogany desk? That's as much of a psychological tactic as it is functional. Because you know this; everyone knows this: the people who sit in these chairs are invariably there to get told off.
This room is designed with a sole purpose; to cause you discomfort and make you feel small. Make you regret your actions. Remind you that this isn't a friend's house, and you don't get to act up here.
"Sit." She insists. The tone of voice is harsh, but you're certain there's an undertow of regret there too. You sit, almost falling into the chair in the most awkward and graceless way. It squeaks under the pressure, but thankfully, no sound comes out of your mouth. Not a peep.
"Effective today. You are expelled from the institution."
What the fuck?
"What the fuck?"
"You will be escorted off the premises immediately. Your bags, belongings and text books will all be packed and returned to you at your registered address."
"You can't do this!" Can they? How is this fair? What went wrong?
"You will not be able to return to campus, as the academic board has taken into consideration the severity and inappropriate nature of the events that occurred on the grounds."
The severity and inappropriate nature...
Her words—they hit hard. Suck the air out of the room, leave your lips dry, and a strange emptiness in your belly. Your fingers grip tight to the armrests of the chair, fighting for a grasp on any emotion—any hope or words to grasp onto.
There is nothing you can say. No reason or explanation you could offer. Nothing.
The walls around the both of you stand, large, impenetrable and collapsing on you.
"The evidence produced to myself was conclusive. You and an unknown partner committed obscene acts last week in the school library. That is grounds for expulsion without appeal."
Unknown partner? Of course.
Now what?
coup de théâtre
Next part
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yukichosodrink · 4 months
What pleasure is
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Pairings: Daddy's friend!Toji x reader
C/W: jealous toji, reader is a kinda a brat?, rich reader, car sex, older toji, reader is aged up ofc, public sex, marking?? riding, multiple orgasms, cryin, cig burning
A/N: guys its been so so long since i wrote but i honestly dont have any ideas PLS PLS give me some ideas pls drop some ideas.
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You've gotten used to seeing Toji, your daddy's friend everyday. He was visiting during the summer. His muscular figure sprawled out on the couch, watching TV giving you casual greetings and pet names. You've grown to like those fleeting glances he gave you, knowing well that you were doing the same.
You made my way over to your daddy, who was dressed in his sweatpants, lazily sitting on the couch watching TV with Toji. "Daddy." You said carefully, sitting down.
"Honey." your dad smiles, ruffling your hair. "How are you?" he asked, his green eyes on the tv.
Toji glances over at you for a moment, before he continues to watch the tv, a cigarette behind his lips. "There's this..party tonight and all my friends are going." You started.
"What kind of party?" your daddy furrowed his brows. Toji was silent, watching the tv as he took one long, slow drag of the cigarette between his lips, before exhaling, letting the smoke out.
"Uhm, you know average college parties? I was thinking if I could go too-" You said hoping to convince him but he cut you off.
Your dad's gaze was firm. "Absolutely not." he said with a scoff. "No way in hell." Toji's gaze remains the same, his eyes still glued to the tv. "Why not? I'm an adult- Toji say something" You said looking over at Toji helplessly, hoping he would help you out.
Toji's gaze flicks to you when he hears you say 'say something', and he gives a faint smirk and a chuckle, before shaking his head.
"He's right, doll." Toji says gently, his smirk still on his lips as his eyes go back to the tv. "You're not going, and that's final."
"Why not?" you whined looking at daddy.
Your dad glared at you. "You're too young for drinking, and there's gonna be drugs, and alcohol, and men." he scowled, shaking his head. "They're gonna take advantage of a girl who's so easy to handle like you."
Toji let out a chuckle from the side, putting the cigarette between his lips. You groan and make your way upstairs, mentally deciding that if they won't let you go, you would sneak out. You go upstairs, and your dad's eyes follow you around before he let out a deep exhale, running his hand through his hair. Toji glanced back at you as you walked upstairs, before looking back at the tv, exhaling another long drag of his cig.
At 10 pm, you sneaked out in your mini black dress through the window, sitting in your friend's car while they all cheered and hooted, expressing their excitement and blasting songs in the car. As soon as you reach, Your friends grabbed you and they all went to the dance floor, dancing to the music.
The lights were dimmed in the building, the music was blaring, and people were either chatting and dancing or drinking with each other. A male friend of yours grasped both of your hands into his, moving his hands up to your hips to grasp them. He grinned down at you, the drinks kicking in as he looked down at you, spinning you infront of him.
Your other friends were giggling and clapping, smiling. The song changed into a slow, sensual song, and your friend took that as an opportunity to hold you close, his hands on your hips as he moved his hips to the music. His mouth pressed against yours as he kissed into your mouth, his body pressing up against you. One hand remained on your hip, while his other had rested on the small of your back, keeping you close.
"I-I think we should stop.." You slurred out, trying to free yourself from his grasp.
"But we only just started." he grinned, and he tried to close the gap between your lips and his again. But before it was even possible, you felt a cold, strong, firm hand grasp the back of.
"I think she said back off." Toji's voice was heard behind you, and the sound of it sent chills down your own spine as your eyes widened. "T-Toji?" you said turning back face to face with the man.
Toji's cold gaze was cold as ice as he stared down at your friend, his gaze burning into your friend's eyes. Your friend gulps as he stares up at Toji, his face pale, and he slowly takes a step back from you as he stares at Toji.
"How did you- how did you find out?" you said as soon as your friend was gone, a wave of fear rushing in your body.
"You thought you could fool me, doll?" Toji's eyes flicked back and forth, his gaze burning into yours. "I noticed you sneaking out of the house. You think I'm that stupid that I wouldn't have noticed that?"
Toji grasped your wrist, dragging you out of the party and towards his car as he pushed you into the passenger seat, shutting the car door. As he got into the driver's side, he slammed the car door and put the car in drive, before driving off into the night. He drove without a word, his knuckles white from how tight he was gripping the steering wheel.
"What were you thinking, doll?" Toji's voice was rough and stern, his grip on the steering wheel tightening, his jaw tightening as he spoke.
The car came to a stop at a red light, and Toji glanced over at you for a moment. "Going to a party by yourself in that tiny dress, what did you expect to happen?"
You looked down in your lap. "i didn't knew he would- i mean.." you said, your lips swollen from all the kissing.
Toji grit his teeth at the sight of your lips, before he looked forward again as the light turned green, and he continued to drive.
"Of course he would. Every man would." he said, his voice growing more and more cold and rough with each word he spoke. "You think those college boys would know how to treat you the right way?" He scoffed, shaking his head. "They won't even know how to make you finish."
you looked down at your lap, a bit ashamed because you knew that was right, they didn't know how to please a woman, all they care about is finishing themselves.
Toji's eyes flicked to yours again for a moment, noting the blush on your cheeks, before he continued to speak. "They won't know how to hold you, or how to kiss you, or how to touch you." he shook his head, scoffing again.
"And you do? you know how to please a woman?" You said testing your luck, the alcohol must make you really brave to say such a thing.
Toji's eyes darkened slightly at your words, and a smirk slowly formed on his lips as he glanced to you. "Oh, I know how to drive a woman wild, doll." His tone was suggestive and rough, as if daring you to challenge him.
"oh really?" you said, your voice coming out more seductive than you meant for it to be.
A suggestive chuckle escaped his lips as he glanced at you, his smirk widening. "Doll, the things I'd do to you would make you scream my name over and over again, until your voice gives out."
"prove it then."
A cocky, teasing smirk tugged at Toji's lips as he let out a chuckle in response to your challenge. He turns the car sharply, stopping it in an empty parking lot.
"Oh, doll. You want a preview?" he raised his eyebrow, before glancing over at your legs. "Unbuckle your seat belt."
You hesitated looking around "i-in public?" you didn't know Toji was serious, after all you were joking.
His words were firm and commanding as he spoke, his eyes flicking to yours and giving you a firm stare.
"I said, unbuckle your seatbelt." he repeated himself, his voice going a little rougher this time. Your heart beat a little faster in your chest in response to his commanding tone, and you found yourself hesitating for a moment. But when you looked into his eyes, you saw the dark desire in them as he spoke, and something about it made you feel almost compelled to listen to him.
Slowly, you reached down to unbuckle your seat belt, your breath hitching in your throat as you did so. "Good girl." he grinned, his words sending a shiver through your spine. "Lean your seat back." he commanded, his voice rough and firm as he gave the order.
"Look at you, waiting for your next Command like a good girl." he smirked as he spoke, his eyes darkening as he glanced over at you. "You're such a good girl, aren't you, doll?"
His fingers reached your thigh, slowing crawling up to your underwear, he touched the lacy material chuckling to himself,"Is that a thong?"
You looked away in embarrassment as you heard him chuckling darkly. "If you were that desperate, you could've just came to me, you know?" With one swift motion, he took off your thong, throwing it in the backseat of the car.
"Now, let me show you what pleasure is." He said as he dived his face right into your cunt, biting into your thigh, hard enough to draw blood. His tongue starts working at your clit, lapping up the juices. You cried out, your hands on his hair pulling at the locks.
"Tooooji" You cried out, tears forming in your eyes. His both gripped your thighs, nails digging into the flesh as he devoured your pussy. He looked up at you, making eye contact his eyes lidded with lust and passion. His hands reached for his pockets, and he pulled out his pack of cigarettes, pulling out on cig.
His hands reached for the lighter, kept in his car lighting the cigarette, and he took a puff, blowing the smoke into the car.
"W-what are you doing?" you said, leaning up watching him draw the burnt cigarette closer to your pussy.
"Hm? What's wrong?" Toji coos as he looks at you, while smirking. "'m gonna mark this pussy, make it mine." He said, putting the half burnt cig on your skin, the contact making you flinch at first, rolling back your eyes.
"There." Toji coos,"You're mine now, doll." He slaps your thigh harshly, leaving a red mark.
"Ride me like a good girl now, hm?" He said as he positioned you on his lap, pulling down his pants, his huge, no. giant cock, leaking red red with precum leaking out of the tip.
"I-It's too big- I don't think it will fit-" you cried out, seeing his cock. He chuckles mockingly,"Aw, what's wrong, doll? Never seen a cock this big? Them college boys don't have it?"
"You're gonna make it fit." He said, sliding you down on his cock as your cried out lewdly, moaning his name. You feel full, so full. You feel it in your abdomen, his hand gripping your waist.
"Take this dress off." Toji said half annoyed, as his hands pull the hem of your dress over his shoulders, leaving you in your bra. His hands work on your bra, he opens the hook with just one hand, freeing your breasts. Toji grabs your breasts roughly, his rough, calloused hands on your breasts squeezing and pulling at them.
He spits on your breasts, kneading the skins with his hands. You cry out in pleasure, and he begins moving, slapping his hips against yours. His hands are on your hips, helping you bounce on his cock.
"A-AH im gonna-" you cry out, gripping his shirt. Noticing that you're fully naked while he still has his shirt on. He chuckles mockingly,"Already cumming?" He said, gripping your hips harshly, as you bounced up and down on his cock, your breasts bouncing, mascara running down your face and lips swollen.
He grabs you by the neck, angling it and smashing his lips against your, his tongue working its way into your mouth and you taste yourself, as you moan into his mouth.
"Fuck, you're so tight" Toji groans, into your mouth. "Gonna mould this pussy, I'll ruin you for any other man." Toji squeezes your neck, not too painfully though.
You clench your pussy, cumming on his cock. He slaps your thigh harshly again,"Come on, give me another one- fuck." you cry as your breasts bounce, almost hurting.
"Who's cunt is this, baby?" Toji groans, his cock drawing inside and out of you again and again, a creamy base forming on the base of his cock. I clench again,"I asked you a question, you like it when I talk to you dirty?" He snaps his hips into yours.
"Y-yours! Only yours!" you moan out, gripping his shoulders, tears streaming down your face.
"M-hm, cum on my cock again, doll." He groans and you clench down on his cock, he paints your walls white as he cums inside you, filling you up completely. He snaps his hips breath heavily.
The car is filled with sweat, and heaving breathing. You feel weak, gripping his shoulders, falling back on the seat.
"That's what pleasure is." Toji said breathing heavily, pulling up his pants. His hands on the steering wheel.
"It's getting late, let's go home." He said as he throws your dress at you and chuckles,"You okay, doll?" He teased as you breathed heavily.
"- Im okay- fuck that was so good." You said as you pull the dress down on your body. You sit on the seat, adjusting it and buckling the seatbelt.
"You look fucked." Toji chuckles, as he starts the car pulling it out of the driveway. Your cheeks redden as you look at Toji shyly, the alcohol wearing off. "Your daddy is waiting at home. So, don't make it obvious."
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was it okay yall?
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anonymousicecream · 1 month
Hookup Hotshot (Ningning x M Reader)
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Alcohols, Drugs, Sex. The three things that have kept you going throughout high school. You're the son of a famous businessman in your home country of South Korea, and you too were once headed down that path. However, when you got into high school, it all changed once you found out how the rich kids around you live. To say the least, you're way richer than all of them, so you received authority, respect and power at your school, making you unofficially the king. However, that all changed when a certain girl by the name of Ning Yizhou came to town. She emigrated from China to settle in Seoul and somehow, she chose your high school out of all schools.
She came from a rival business family of yours, so naturally, the rivalry descended to the two of you and you two are notoriously known for having a fierce rivalry for the past year ever since she moved here. The two of you would be involved in countless pranks, ranging from harmless ones to harmful ones which includes deflating one's car tires, causing an accident which almost got you into a coma.
Another one of the parties you attended. This time, it's located at a beach house of one of your friends', Jang Wonyoung. "Y/n!!! You made it!!" Wonyoung greeted you excitedly. "Of course I did, what friend would I be for missing your party?" You replied, hugging her. "Fair enough. Well, you know where things are, so, go do your thing!" Wonyoung encouraged, and the two of you laughed, before she left you to do other things.
You immediately walked towards the bar, pouring yourself a glass of whiskey before you started drinking it. You poured and drank around 3 or 4 more times before you heard the voice of the most annoying person in the world. "Well well well, I'm surprised you haven't start snorting." Yizhuo said annoyingly. You turned to look at her and the sight in front of you left your jaw gaping, WIDE open.
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"What's the matter cunt. Never seen an angel before?" She asked, smirkingly as she walks towards you, grabbing your glass and drinking it seductively, making you secretly throb under your pants. "fuck...." You groaned, before grabbing the glass and putting it down.
You guided her towards the dance floor before the two of you started dancing with each other. It didn't take long before she turned around. You leaned over to wrap your hands around her hips and neck, dancing to the beat together. It didn't take long before she starts leaning her ass onto your crotch, allowing her to feel your hardening cock.
"Getting hard aren't we?" She teased you. "It's hard to not to when you're with the hottest chicks in the city, excluding you." You said, trying to get a reaction from her, which was successful. "Wait till you fuck me, you'll see how you're wrong." She teased. "Then what's stopping me from fucking you, right here, right now?" You teased into her ears, moving your hands around her stomach, down to her hips and then to her exposed thighs.
"Nothing. Finger me, baby." She instructed you, and you smirked. You leaned into her neck, leaving small pecks on every point of her neck as you moved your right hand under her dress, meeting her wet panties. You set them aside, before inserting your middle finger into her. "Ahhh fuck" Yizhou moaned lowly. You started increasing your pace, fingering her faster after each thrust. "More baby more. Imagine that they're all watching. Imagine that they're all watching you finger me." She teased into your ears.
You inserted a 2nd finger and started fingering her even faster and deeper, making her squirm. "Hold tight baby." You whispered into her ears. It didn't take long before she started clenching and squirmed more. "I'm close." She whispered. "Cum. Cum baby." You told her as you fastened your thrusts.
It didn't take long before she grabbed your head and turned your head, allowing you to meet her stares. She leaned in to kiss you, making out with you. You replied to her kiss, kissing her deeply as she groaned, before cumming -- HARD -- onto your fingers. She started squirting a bit onto your fingers, leaving her unbalanced. You used your left hand to stabilize her, helping her resume her orgasm as the two of you kiss. After she finished cumming, she whispered to you "Cum. Make me cum once more and I'll make this the best night of your life."
You then pulled out of her and grabbed her hand and guided her out of the center room, walking outside towards a private "hut" Wonyoung reserved for you, as she always does so that you won't fuck in her room, her parent's room or the bathroom.
You entered the hut, taking Ningning with you before closing the door, locking it. "What the fuck is this???" Ningning asked you, furious at your actions. "I'll show you the ultimate Park Y/n experience." You said, walking towards the table, spotting a bag of cocaine as well as bottles of whiskey and interestingly, a large cup of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream. You took off your clothes, throwing it to the side before turning around and looking at Ningning, cheeks red, flustered, and definitely nervous.
"What's the matter princess. Nervous?" You asked her teasingly. "Huh, as if. Bring it on Park." She taunted you. "Bet. Get on the counter." You ordered her. "Fuck no." She said, being the bratty and uncooperative girl she is. You walked over towards her, reaching down to her lower thighs and lift her up, carrying her towards the counter.
You then grabbed one of the ice creams, before leaning on your knees, in front of Yizhuo's legs. You then spread her legs open, leaning into her thighs, kissing and licking her thighs from top to bottom. "Nnnngggghhhhh" She moaned, moving her body around as you try to held her. You pulled out of her thighs before grabbing the ice cream, opening it and taking a spoon.
You scooped the ice cream and put it on her thighs, trailing it onto her panties, setting them aside and putting some on her clit. "OHHHHHH" She moaned, feeling the coldness of the ice cream. You started licking her thighs, going higher and higher before you reached her pussy. You lick some ice cream off before you suck the ice cream off her pussy, making her moan. "FUCKKKKKK" Yizhuo moaned LOUDLY.
You grabbed her thighs and put them on your neck, allowing you reach into her pussy deeper. "Faster!" Yizhuo moaned, enjoying the way you ate her. You moved your hands upwards onto her body, reaching onto her clothed tits. You started rubbing them, making her squirm even more.
She grabbed your head and pushed it deeper into her pussy, allowing you to suck her pussy deeper. "FUCKKKK I'M CLOSE!!!" She moans loudly, clenching a few times. "Cum baby." You said, breathing onto her pussy before leaning into her pussy to suck them again.
"NNNGGGGHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKKK!!!! YESSS! YESSS!!!!" Yizhuo moaned -- LOUDLY -- as she squirted -- HARD -- on your face. You continued sucking her pussy as she came into your mouth, while still moaning loudly, enjoying her orgasm, which you assumed was her first in a while. After she came down from her high, you pulled out of her, kissing her pussy, clit and then kissing and caressing her thighs before you stood up and looked at her face to face.
"First time?" You asked her teasingly. "No. I just haven't had one in a while." She replied, gasping for her air, still struggling to grasp her surroundings after coming down from her high. "Good. I'll make sure you never forget this night." You said, before you leaned into her, kissing her on the lips. She replied to the kiss even more aggressively, wrapping her legs around your hips and her hands around your neck.
You moved your hands onto her thighs before you lift her up, carrying her and earning a shriek from her. You continued kissing her before moving down onto her neck as you two arrived on the bed. You laid her down gently on the bed before you got up and went to the bedside, grabbing a box of condoms. You then lowered your pants and boxers, exposing your cock to her.
You got onto her before you start kissing her again while you moved your hands around her body, resting on her clothed tits. She then flipped the two of you over, putting you on the bed and her on top of you. You reached behind her dress, unzipping her dress before you took the straps off her shoulders, exposing her petite but sweet tits onto you. You leaned upwards to suck her tits, making her groan further.
As you continued sucking her, you felt her hand on your cock, before she starts jerking it off. "Mmmhhhh that's it." You groaned onto her tits, sucking and lapping them more aggressively as you felt her rub you faster. You suddenly felt close to cumming so you moved her hand away from your cock and set her back down onto your stomach. You reached over onto the condom, tearing the wrapper open and rolled it on your cock.
She lifted herself up before lowering herself onto your cock. "Nnnnggghhhhh". She groaned from your sheer size. "Fuck you're so tight. I should've fucked you earlier." You told her, enjoying her very hot and slim body. "It wouldn't be this tight if you fucked me earlier." She replied. "Fair enough."
You leaned up onto her, kissing her before you start thrusting in and out of her, earning moans and groans from her. You moved your hands around her body before you rested them on your hips, thrusting in and out of her at a faster pace. She wrapped her legs around your hips, allowing you to reach deeper into her.
You felt her starting to drop herself on your cock more, meeting your thrusts mid way. You moved your hands onto her clit, rubbing them at her pace of riding your dick. It didn't take long before she starts squirming while she rides you.
"You wanna cum?" You ask her teasingly, and she nodded furiously. "Cum." You instructed her and she rode you one more time before getting off your dick, squirting on your dick and abs. You rubbed her clit even faster, helping her prolong her orgasm, and in the process, make her moan even louder. "NNNGGGGHHHHH FUCKKKK FUCKKK THAT'S TOO MUCH." Ningning groaned, out of words from the pleasure.
After she finished cumming, you flipped the two of you over, laying her down on the bed while you're still deep inside her. You started fucking her harder, now closer to your orgasm. You felt her tightness and warmth, making you fuck her even harder. "You're so tight baby. You have the best pussy ever." You complimented her, leaving hickeys and kisses on her neck. "I know. Cum in me baby. Fill me up." She instructed you and you nodded. You thrusted deeper into her as she wrapped her legs around your hips and hands around your neck, kissing her as you thrust deeper into her, before....
"Ahhhh fuuuuuckkk!!!" You groaned, finding her lips and kissing them as you came, shooting your load into the condom. The sheer throb on your dick made Ningning came again, albeit this time not as intense as before. She replied to your kiss, as the two of you reached your climax, enjoying what is a very hot and passionate night for the two of you.
After you two finished cumming, you pulled out of her before unwrapping the condom, tying it up and throwing it away. You then got back onto the bed, taking the blanket and covering it over the two of you as you cuddled her into dreamland.
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justliketoreadsowhat · 2 months
Lucky Catch ☆
⚠︎︎; 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞
𝐚/𝐧; 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, 𝐈 𝐈𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫. 𝐄𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲!
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"Out Of All The Games You Chose To Go To This One?"
Your mind swiveled with 2nd thoughts as you sat way up in the nosebleeds, hopelessly watching one of your favorite player Nika Muhl sit on the bench for yet another game.
After spending endless nights contemplating on catching a flight down to Seattle, you finally gave in to your impulseive thoughts and went for it.
It was fitting that you bring along your best friend Ella for moral support, although she was never quite as interested in sports, she would never turn down supporting your passions. Even if that meant flying half way across the states to see your girl keep the bench warm.
A sigh escaped your lips "At least we're winning" Barely. "Maybe we should start moving down to the floor to catch some autographs" In the back of your mind, you knew there was a slim catch of getting on all the action, but nevertheless you were determined to leave here with something other than countless pictures and videos.
"No- we can't leave just yet, they're about to do the t-shirt toss!!" her hands pointing at the jumbotron that displayed a huge countdown with less than 2 minutes remaining on the clock.
This scene was all too familair to you, the cheerleaders come out dancing, grab a handful of t shirts and throw them about 5ft into the front crowd.
It was pointless.
"Please be so for real right now, There's no way those t-shirts are coming our way when we are all the way up here" Your eyes glanced down to examine the depth of how high up the two of you were "We're better off overpaying for a shirt at the concession stands".
You began to gather all your belongings and the nachos that were now cold. Standing up to your feet the crow noise suddenly erupted in the arena. Frantically you scanned your surroundings, eyeing the jumbotron your eyes grew wide.
This was most definitely a life or death situation.
The gold and green lights grew dim as the jumbrotron screen grew impossibly brighter as no other than Paige Bueckers stood before the sold put crowd, smiling and waving gracefully as she clutched a t-shirt in her dominant hand.
"I told you we needed to stay for the toss" she jarred, urgency more prominent than ever before. "Lock in for me because it looks like she's throwing it this way"
How could anyone see from this far up anyways?
Before you could squint to see from down below, an impact struck you right in the shoulder. Your reflexes quickily reacted, catching the object before it hit the ground.
You caught it. The crowds attention glued to your seats in disbelief
"She threw that like her life depending on it, come on y/n don't just stand there!" Shock was taking over your body. "We gotta get down there to see her"
"Did you see who caught that?"
"No not really, but what I did see was you chucking the t-shirt way over yander" Evina laughed, playfully nudging Paige in her side.
"imma professional what can I say?" her hands positioned together ready to initiate her rizz hands for the 10th time tonight.
"Put. Them. Down." she groaned rubbing her temples. "It's bad enough you got all of those girls screaming your name with every step you take".
"Mm.. you sound like a hater"
"And you sound like you'll be catching an uber home by yourself"
"Alright Alright not too much now" Paige jolting her hands up in self defense, Evina quickly smacking them down.
"Please look like we like each other because I think we found your lucky catch" pointing in the direction of the two girls being accompanied by one of the many security guards.
"Damn she's way taller in person" you muttered to your best friend, only to find her walking away from you, leaving you to fein for yourself in the heat of the moment.
The grip you had on the shirt tightened as you got closer to her. "That was a tough catch" she beamed, her blue eyes sparkkling with glint.
Drop Dead Gorgeous is all that ran through your mind. Her blonde hair slicked back perfectly, not a hair our of place as her earrings sparkled with every turn of her head, as her tucked chain mirrored the same action. Envision of how nice it would look dangling in your face.
"Why thank you" you smiled warmly "You definitely threw a cannon" glancing down at her large hands that had veins spread all throughout like wildfire. Her laugh echoed throughout your body causing small goose bumps to form.
"I'm just happy you caught it because I for sure thought it was gonna hit that beautiful face of yours" her hand gently grazing over your chin.
The feeling of your heart fluttering off rhythm was enough to make you fold in front of everyone, including the cameras who began to swarm the two of you, bright flashes evaded every corner.
You prepared to see this moment plastered on your timeline, yet nobody could prepare you for the cost that came with it.
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artinvain · 11 days
Hey, idk if you’ve already written it but a smut with a heavier reader would be much appreciated. I’m sure Abby would love to have readers tits spill out of her hands when she grabs them. Also pls don’t make reader insecure about their weight. Every fic that does include a heavier reader makes them insecure and that doesn’t reflect everyone. Sorry this was a bit of ramble. Thx.
abby x plus! reader smut <33 cw: daddy kink, lesbian smut, strap usage, oral from the back, est. relationship.
men, minors, ageless and blink blogs dni or follow!!
abby can't keep her hands off you, she's never been able to. especially not tonight with the way your tiny skirt is sitting just below you ample ass and she can't but moan aloud when you grind back on her as you dance, her hands coming up to squeeze your tits.
"fuck, i wanna take you home baby," abby moans into your ear, watching over your shoulder at the way your tits spill our between her fingers. your face contorts as she squeezes your tits and nipples. neither of you are even thinking about the other people on the dance floor. Especially when she turns you around to kiss you, licking into your mouth and moaning at your taste.
abby hands grab and squeeze your ass as she presses you closer to her, your plump body pressed against her and god she wants to feel your thighs soft and squeezing around her.
"fuck it, let's go - now."
you hardly have time to say bye to your friends the way abby is gripping you close and dragging you out of the club and into a cab. her hands rub up and down your thighs as you kiss and mouth at her neck. "wanna feel these pretty, thick thighs around my head, eat you until you can't speak," abby groans at the feeling of your mouth soft on her throat and making marks.
when you pull up to your apartment abby's removing your clothes in a rush, groaning against you as she grabs and squeezes at your plush hips, bending you over and smacking your ass, cupping your cheeks and moving them to watch your ass jiggle.
"god you're so fucking hot," abby moans, kissing down your back and squeezing you ass, smacking and eventually pulling it down on her face as she licks into your cunt. your gasp and arch your back so abby's face sinks into your cunt and she groans at the taste. licking and suckling your clit until you're convulsing.
abby sucks and licks at your clit, two fingers easing into your puffy cunt and she moans as the feeling, suffocating under your ass and between your thighs and she's in fucking heaven.
"please, please daddy m'so close," you gasp as abby curls her fingers into your gspot and hums around your clit until you're cumming. "good girl," abby slurs, bushing hair out of her face and moaning at the taste of you, the light-headedness she feels as she stands and turns you over.
"god, pretty girl, let me - wanna be inside you - please," abby moans, bending over you and gathering your tits to lick and suck at your nipples. abby lavishes them until they're hard and sensitive. "yeah abby, please," she kisses your mouth and disappears just to come clambering back into the bed. abby huffs, rubbing your dark inner thighs and fisting her cock with lube.
"please, want you inside," you moan and abby groans, sinking into you and pulling your thighs around her hips so she can feel your plush hips against hers. "oh fuck!" you yelp at the feeling of abby's cock spearing into your gspot, she keeps bucking her hips into you -- watching your face as it scrunches up in pleasure.
"god, you feel so good - so fucking wet and soft, shit" abby moans as the sound of your pussy sucking her in as desperately as you moan for her, trying to meet her thrusts and groaning as she presses your hips down to control the thrusts.
abby starts to fuck you continually until you're whining and grunting with each thrust, "abby, m'gonna cum, please," you moan and abby sighs, reaching down to rub your clit until you're cumming around her, eyes rolling back and you scratch down her back. abby's hips keep moving as she huffs and grunts with each heard thrust inside you, her strap pressing against her clit.
"fuck, shit. baby -- m'gonna cum - can i cum inside you? please?" you yelp at the way abby begs and you nod, "yeah, yes daddy cum inside," is all you manage to say before she's cumming. abby's eyes shut tight as she collapses into your soft body and feels you engulf her - your arms wrapped tightly around her as you scratch your nails through her hair.
(❁´◡`❁)🏷️ @lesbian-useless @sexysapphicshopowner @iamaboringrattat @lavendersgirl @emiliabby
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ikarakie · 2 years
steve's favourite thing to do is interchange the names in songs with people's he knows. usually just as a bit of fun, like singing "gimme, gimme, gimme ro-bin after midnight!" to make her laugh in the car when she's had a bad morning. or, "i wish that i was dustin's girl!" in a horrific impression of suzie that makes the kid body slam him in retaliation.
so one day, when him and eddie are hanging out in his kitchen, amicably flitting around each other as they make food, he can't help himself. the drums start up from the radio in the corner and a smile spreads across his face, because he thought of this one weeks ago and has been dying to use it.
he whirls around and points at eddie, who's looked up at the sudden movement, with the business end of a wooden spoon. "oh, eddie you're so fine! you're so fine, you blow my mind! hey, eddie!" he takes a step forward, relishing in how munson's jaw drops to the floor. "hey, eddie!"
he does a sort of half shuffle, half dance around to eddie's other side, where he continues, jumping up and down and shaking his head back and forth with the beat, "oh, eddie you're so fine, you're so fine, you blow my mind!" he gets up in eddie's space, to where they're practically nose to nose, "hey eddie!"
"oh my god, what is happening?" eddie asks, trying his hardest to suppress a grin. steve continues to dance and sing like an idiot, abandoning the spoon on the counter to grab both eddie's hands and pull his arms back and forth in an attempt to get him dancing too.
by the start of the first verse eddie is half-heartedly bouncing along, watching steve with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. he thinks he's fucking beautiful like this- big blinding smile, full of energy- and takes a second to ponder the turns his life has taken to bring him here, in this moment. where steve harrington is singing a cheesy, upbeat love song at him, having replaced the name in it for his.
steve cups eddie's hands together and uses them as a makeshift microphone, belting out the lyrics to the chorus as eddie giggles along in the background. "-oh, eddie! what a pity, you don't understand," puts his best pouty face and places eddie's hand on his chest, over his heart. eddie's eyes widen. "you take me by the heart when you take me by the hand! oh, eddie, you're so pretty," really fucking emphasises the word pretty. because, damn. "why can't you understand? it's guys like you, eddie!" grabs him by the shoulders and rocks them both back and forth with each word. eddie's hand drops from his chest to circle around his waist, seemingly out of instinct, and fuck, he liked that.
eddie was staring at him now, sparkly eyed and hopeful. steve clasped his hands together at the base of eddie's neck, as he sung, a little less overzealous now, "oh, what you do, eddie, do eddie," as the gap between them got less and less. steve had to work to bite down the grin on his face.
"don't break my heart, eddie." he said, barely loud enough for them to hear over the music. eddie grinned, pressing their lips together as the chorus ended.
it was objectively bad, with the way they both smiled and giggled through the whole fucking thing, but god, who cares. to them, in that exact moment, it was the best damn kiss either of them had ever had.
until, that is, when eddie pulls back (very fucking regretfully) and realises something.
"we did not just have our first kiss to 'hey, mickey!' by toni basil." he whispers, in genuine horror. steve throws his head back with such bright laughter, still pressed against him, that it almost makes it worth it.
keyword almost, because then the menace leans back in, all coy, and replies, "i'm never, ever letting you forget it."
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i-want-men-i-cant-have · 11 months
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Yan!Slasher headcanons
Yan!Slasher who’s your high school’s resident book nerd 
Yan!Slasher who sees you in the library and doesn't think he’s able to breathe
Yan!Slasher who thinks he's about to have a heart attack when he realizes you're in the same math class. How has he never seen you before? He didn't think his vision was this bad.
Yan!Slasher who starts accidentally overhearing your conversations with your classmates.
Yan!Slasher who once heard that you like athletic guys, decides he needs a complete makeover.
Yan!Slasher who begins working out and makes sure that by the time junior year rolls around, nobody from freshman year recognizes him.
Yan!Slasher who has completely changed with a more toned body, a taller and broader frame, and even a new haircut by that one celebrity you mentioned was hot. Don’t you love him he’s so thoughtful remembering what you said in the fourth month and second week of high school sophomore year in math second period?
Yan!Slasher who never gets flustered when a girl confesses to him, but whenever you pass by, his knees go weak. You just walked by him! It's the third time this week! You must really want him, and it's definitely not because he stalked you and found your schedule to see you every chance he got!
Yan!Slasher who nearly fainted when you showed up to one of his games. You're here? That's great! Now you can witness how amazing and handsome he's become, all for you.
Yan!Slasher who builds up enough courage to try and talk to you after his game, even though he's covered in sweat. But is he stinky? Do his armpits smell? He needs to make sure he doesn't smell like an ogre's morning breath and like a fairy's farts!
Yan!Slasher who almost considers asking you to a school dance but backs out when his friend suggests another girl. She might be curvy, but she's not you. Nobody is you.
Yan!Slasher who could only watch you dance, while his date mindlessly grinded on his thigh from the dance floor.
Yan!Slasher who accidentally ran into the girls' bathroom, preoccupied with the thought that he was about to die after his date got period blood all over his uncle's suit.
Yan!Slasher who almost screamed when he saw you washing your hands in the men's bathroom but instead stood stiffly.
Yan!Slasher who started to apologize when you corrected him for being in the bathroom. He swears he's not a pervert; he was in a rush to get here on time and only has one contact in!
Yan!Slasher who let out a forced laugh and a 'thank you' when you apologized for not being able to help get the blood out of his pants after crouching down for him.
Yan!Slasher who just now noticed the little details on your face and how the buzzing bathroom illuminated your features. How are you so beautiful? Why do you always make him feel like his heart is about to pop out of his chest when he's this close to you?
Yan!Slasher who decides to take his date for some fast food after the dance. He might as well thank her for being the reason he got to be that close to you.
Yan!Slasher snaps when his date asks why they're at the local Whataburger and not a fancy restaurant.
Yan!Slasher who asks his date if she can get the pack of condoms out from the trunk while he grabs the shotgun from the glove department.
Yan!Slasher who slams the Maserati Biturbos trunk on her body letting her stumble onto the ground so he could have a clean shot of her head.
Yan!Slasher who almost felt bad when he got a clean shot in between her eyebrows. Sure she was his first-ever date but she also got in the way of you and him and his future family of seven kids so of course she needed to die! 
Yan!Slasher who you don't need to worry about. he’s nice enough to bury her in a random ditch somewhere, with a Whataburger burger and Coke. How could you not love how fatherly and caring he is?
Yan!Slasher who overhears the colleges you applied to in senior year. Really? Those? They're so easy to get into. You could do much better than that, honestly.
Yan!Slasher who is convinced that your friends are holding you back. Do you really need them? They're taking time away from your studies. Without them, you could have been accepted into every Ivy League by now.
Yan!Slasher who decides to let your friends live for your sake. He's seen how emotional you can be, and he's worried that you might spiral and let your grades drop. After all, how can you both attend the same college if you're not able to get into one?
Yan!Slasher who of course, applies to those schools. Does he really need to attend Harvard Law? Nope, you silly billy! As long as he's providing for you, he'll go anywhere!
Yan!Slasher who sees you at prom with one of your best friends. Her? You've been making the worst decisions recently. Why go with her when he's right here? He's 6'3 for crying out loud. He's worked so hard just for you to go with your best friend to prom.
Yan!Slasher who needs to remind himself that you're just being manipulated. Your whole friend group is manipulating you. As if you wanted to go to prom with them when you're just so shy and have been madly in love with him this whole time! He's seen the way you glance his way; of course, you love him and are not looking at the board!
Yan!Slasher who makes sure that once the rigged prom queen ballots are counted, you and he would be king and queen together. What? You didn't put your name on the ballot? Are you just tired, of course you did.
Yan!Slasher who finally is able to truly smile for the first time as he wraps his hand around your waist and brings you closer to his body. They take a photo of you and him in your crowns, sashes, and a bouquet of roses that perfectly complement your dress and his suit, with a matching corsage that he totally didn't set up. Why would he ever do that? That's ridiculous!
Yan!Slasher who almost faints when you both get accepted into some random school he's never heard of. Yay, you'll be together forever! He can join a frat, and you can join a sorority. As you turn a corner at a party, he'll be there to catch you, and you'll recognize him as the handsome man you won prom queen with. A high school romance, how perfect!
Yan!Slasher who makes sure he gets at least one core class with you at his new school.
Yan!Slasher who stares at you in the only class you share. Why are you struggling so much? It's so easy for him! You should totally come up to him and ask for help. I mean, yeah, he’s a jock, but he also studies hard to be at the top of his class. He’s just amazing like that!
Yan!Slasher who cries and hugs his favorite plushie with a duct-taped photo of your face on it after seeing you talk to the professor after a class you had trouble with. Why would you ask that balding man instead of the hot boy you know from high school? 
Yan!Slasher who gets frustrated when he approaches the professor after you've left, but the professor says he doesn't have enough time. Does the professor have a crush on you or something?
Yan!Slasher who makes sure that he follows the professor home and slashes tires so he’s busy getting his expensive car towed while he’s memorizing the layout of his house.
Yan!Slasher who shows up to his house the next night and takes a knife from his kitchen so you can only smell whatever’s in the trash can.
Yan!Slasher who almost spills everything when you ask if he remembers you and if he wants to help you. Aw, you can’t ask for him to pay you because of student debt and loans? Don’t worry; why would he want your money when you’ll share a bank account once you both graduate, with him being valedictorian?
Yan!Slasher who creates a whole schedule for you because you’re so stressed and need to find time for his help. You really do care about him if you still ask for help when you have no time for it!
Yan!Slasher who now sits with you in that one class you share, leaning down to whisper answers or explanations in your ear. He even makes sure to freshen up, so you know he's not just another typical jock like the rest of his teammates.
Yan!Slasher who tries to build up the courage to subtly make physical contact, perhaps gently nudging your foot under the table or offering to lend a hand when you need to erase something. He wants to make this as romantic and casual as possible!
Yan!Slasher who after a month, sputters and blushes when one of his teammates asks if you're dating out of the blue. What-? No-? He’s just a kind friend helping with your homework? Please, go on about how you look at him! What? Who said that? Not him.
Yan!Slasher who has a frat bro who decides they need a party, and you need to be one of the first to be invited. Everyone just can’t bear how lovesick he is, always talking about you and how you glance at him in class with those pretty eyes of yours.
Yan!Slasher who sees you at the party and almost passes out. Why are you here? Is that a drink in your hand? What if someone poisoned you? You really need to be more cautious around strangers!
Yan!Slasher who makes sure to drop something into your drink when bumping into you. 
Yan!Slasher who talks to you, leaning against a wall, making sure to properly show off all the muscles he's worked so hard for.
Yan!Slasher who catches you when you start to feel dizzy and picks you up in his arms, taking you to his room.
Yan!Slasher who throws the plushies and photos he has of you in his room into a box filled with half-chewed pencils and blurry photos of you walking to class.
Yan!Slasher who untucks his bed and places you on it before tucking you back in and gently brushing away anything on your face. Are you already asleep? You must really trust him!
Yan!Slasher who decides it’s okay to maybe take off a few of your clothes and take photos of you. He’s so smart crawling into bed with you and taking photos! Couple goals~ <3 !!
“Sh, sh, don’t scream. You fell asleep on a couch and I didn’t want anyone to puke on you. Let me take care of you, ok?”
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runninriot · 17 days
Feel (I Know What You Need)
written for @steddiesmuttyseptember
week 1 prompts: Service Dom, Pillow Princess | rated: E | wc: 4.454 | tags: Pillow Princess Steve Harrington, Service Dom/Top Eddie Munson, Pre Steddie, Hook-Up, Flirting, Teasing, Sex and Feelings, implied Strangers to Lovers | complete fic on ao3
Eddie should’ve stayed at home, shouldn’t have let Chrissy drag him out of the house to go clubbing because look where that got him.
He’s standing alone at the bar, an overprized drink in his hand, watching his best friend having the time of her life after she abandoned him for the cute girl she’s currently kissing in the middle of the dance floor.
And, oh no, don’t get him wrong! He’s not mad at her for leaving him behind to have some fun with a stranger; he’s happy for her. Chrissy deserves to be swept off her feet, to be kissed by a girl that seemed to be genuinely interested in her, maybe not just for tonight.
Because while Eddie has been aware of his sexuality since he was 15 and lucky enough to stick his tongue down both, a girl and a boy's throat in one night for the first time – Chrissy is only now experiencing the benefits of broadening her... hunting grounds.
That’s good for her. Especially after her break-up with that douche Jason – Eddie couldn’t stand him, always knew it would end up in a mess one way or another. He’s glad that guy’s out of the picture.
So, yeah. He fully supports her little make-out session. And he really doesn’t need her to entertain him. He’s good on his own. Knows it’d be easy to find someone else to occupy his time with.
But the thing is-
He's been trying not to do that anymore, to stop picking up random strangers in random places.
Having casual hook-ups is nice and all, but it always feels like something is missing. Like he can’t live up to his full potential because what he craves demands a little more trust, more communication, more ‘getting-to-know-someone’ and that’s just not how one-night stands work.
So, he’s been trying to be good, to hold back and not jump at the next best person that offers him an inviting smile. But then again- Eddie’s a weak man.
He catches himself too late, can’t help but let his eyes roam across the room, scanning the party crowd for potential takers. It's like a sugar rush, addictive in a way, fuel for his ego - and see, the thing is, Eddie's good at flirting, good at reading people to know what they're after.
Like pretty boy over there, for example. Doing his slutty dance moves; fingers seductively gliding across his mesh-covered upper body, touching his face, stroking through his own hair – confident, horny. He’s good-looking and he knows it, knows he’s got eyes on him, not just Eddie’s.
Eddie can practically hear the girls to the guy’s right gush about him when he sees them giggle and blush while daring to turn their heads every now and then. And there, watching him closely from the left corner, licking his lips like a greedy snake when the guy on the dance floor sways his hips to the beat, is a dude that probably thinks he’s hot shit with his gold chain around the neck and too much gel in his hair.
But neither of them have a chance, because it’s Eddie, who catches his attention when he opens his eyes and stares right at him before making his way over to the bar that’s conveniently also where Eddie is.
This is almost too easy, really.
Eddie can read him like an open book; the yearning in his eyes is visible from miles away and his body language is speaking volumes. Eddie knows exactly what that guy wants and this could be his lucky night because-
Eddie's suddenly feeling generous.
“Never seen you here before,” pretty boy says as he leans over the counter, waiting to get the bartender’s attention.
Eddie doesn’t hide the way he’s checking him out head to toe, eyes lingering where the guy’s bent over the edge of the counter with his juicy behind on display, hugged by a tight pair of shorts that’s sitting dangerously low on his hips, revealing a sliver of bronze tinted skin dotted with moles.
Everything about pretty boy’s outfit screams ‘easy to get’ but he can see in in his eyes that it’s all part of an act.
That guy is anything but easy. He’s the type of person that wants to be conquered – you either prove you’re worth his attention or he won’t grace you with more than a derogatory look.
Eddie is so up for the challenge.
   “First time,” he answers curtly, hiding a smile in his glass when he finishes his drink. “Not my usual crowd.”
He’s feigning disinterest while already undressing the guy in his mind, throwing away any half-hearted intention to stay alone tonight.
The guy’s too pretty to be left unsupervised. Someone needs to keep an eye on him, make sure he’ll get home okay.
There are too many creeps just waiting for a delicate little thing to cross their paths, ready to sink their dirty fingers into places they do not deserve to stain with their greedy hands. They’d only cut themselves on his sharp edges anyway.
Eddie, on the other hand, knows how to take care of a beautiful rose with thorns, wouldn’t mind a few scratch marks as a reward for his efforts.
Without looking away from him, Eddie lifts two fingers – the petite brunette behind the bar has been eyeing him up all evening, he knows she’ll see him.
Sure enough, not a minute later, two drinks are placed in front of pretty boy whose eyes widen when Eddie grabs one of the glasses and silently offers him the second with a nod.
   “Impressive,” the guy snickers while rolling his eyes, trying not to give away how much it bothers him that Eddie managed to get him served that easy. “I’m Steve.”
He doesn’t offer his hand but instead, straightens his posture and turns to fully look at Eddie, giving him an obvious once over.
   “So, what brings you here? You said this isn’t your usual crowd.”
Eddie’s eyes flick over to where Chrissy is dancing arm in arm with her girl and he smiles to himself when he turns his focus back to Steve.
   “Guess I just wanted to try something different.”
   “And? Was it worth it?”
Steve holds his gaze and Eddie could probably get lost in the other guy’s hazel eyes. But he’s a man with a plan and he’s getting tired of their pointless conversation.
Time to cut the chase.
   “Music sucks,” he says, leaning just a little bit closer, “but I sure had a fun time watching the dance floor.”
He doesn’t miss the bob of Steve’s Adam’s apple when he swallows roughly, imagines what it would feel like to follow the movement with his tongue.
   “Yeah? Saw something you liked?”
Steve inches closer almost as if he doesn’t realise it, eyes still transfixed on Eddie.
   “Still do.”
continue reading here
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moviestarmartini · 7 months
carseat backseat. — jude bellingham x reader x brahim díaz.
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pairing: jude bellingham x latina!reader x brahim díaz.
summary: your girls' night out soon turned into a party of one. good news though, the two men over at the private booth were looking for the perfect opportunity to approach you. and they're looking to get out of that club fast.
wc: 3.2k
warnings: nsfw (+18 mdni), mentions and consumption of alcohol, basic sentences in spanish (as per usual on this blog tbh), PERREO !!!! , car sex (i'm romanticizing it tbh), soft doms!jude & brahim, marking, praise, light degrading, oral sex (f & m receiving), p in v, unprotected sex (twice rip), needy mfs, use of petnames, light manhandling, strangers hooking up tbh. if i missed anything lmk.
A/N: this was wild to write which is why i think it took me so long to finish !!! i mentioned it previously but i lowk picture them in a tuned chevy tahoe and not a limo but that might be irrelevant. reblogs & feedback are always appreciated babes xx enjoy
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now playing . . . chulo pt.2 by bad gyal, tokischa & young miko / partition by beyoncé
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You were currently feeling betrayed. Your girlfriends all abandoned you, with cheap excuses or promising hookups that surged throughout the night. You could’ve been on your way to get down and busy too, but you had standards. You sat at the bar, thinking what you should order before a margarita came your way. You curled up a brow at the bartender, who just replied: “The young men by that booth noticed you like tequila.” 
You frowned at the plural, taking a short sip of the peculiar-shaped glass before looking around. At a private booth full of couples making out and grinding on each other, you could easily recognize two pairs of eyes looking right back at you. With a confident smile, you raise your glass towards them before taking another sip, thinking that would be the end of it. 
You hummed in approval at both the taste of the tequila-based drink and the music the DJ was playing, before feeling a presence standing next to you. It was the shortest of the men who had bought you a drink, with light stubble that covered up his jaw and upper lip area. “¿Qué tal, bonita? ¿Te gustó el trago?” He was dangerously close, but you didn’t find the closeness uncomfortable. 
“How did you know I liked tequila?” You laughed, throwing your hair back. Brahim joined in, and he couldn’t ignore the way your face lightened up. His lips parted in amusement, watching your every move. The way you crossed your thighs, and how badly he wanted to pry them open. 
“How wouldn’t someone like you have my attention all night?” Brahim’s voice came as something similar to a coo, reaching forward to tuck a strand behind your ear. Suddenly, you felt your whole face heating up. “I’m Brahim, a pleasure.” You introduced yourself in the same fashion, not long after perking up at the song that started playing, its opening letters sparking interest. “Lovely to meet you, ¿Vamos?” He pointed to the packed dance floor with his head, offering you his hand. 
Taking down the rest or the drink you hopped off the bar stool, taking his hand gladly and into the dance floor. From your experience with Europeans, they were not the most dexterous dancers, standing still and looking up at the ceiling with their hands on your hips. The man only saved himself by the fact you loved the song and he bought you a drink, the least you owed him was a dance. 
But oh you were so wrong. 
Brahim gripped his hands on the soft skin of your hips, every once in a while controlling the circular motions you produced, while also grinding back against your ass. It only motivated you further, hearing him curse under his breath. “Joder… qué perreo el tuyo, princesa.” You chuckled a little at his reaction, biting on your bottom lip. The tension only grew when he spun you around, dancing face to face, your nose brushing against his. 
Before you could take the dip and cut the distance— his cologne had been clouding your senses, mind fuzzy with the growing sexual tension— he twirled you around yet again, your eyes landing directly on a chest. You tilted your head up to meet the eyes of the man she identified sitting next to Brahim earlier. 
“Fancy sharing her, bro?” He addressed Brahim, but his eyes didn’t tear away from yours. “All ours, Jude.” You heard the other reply as he inched closer. The words echoed in your mind, goosebumps forming up your arms. The man you now knew as Jude took both your hands, pulling them upwards and to rest around his neck as he joined the two of you dancing. 
The tension between the three of you was something you’ve never felt before, Brahim’s nose brushing against your neck and the way Jude stared you down made your knees weak. But the song came to an end, the DJ transitioning to a whole different genre. But that didn’t stop Jude from closing the distance and kissing you, your eyes falling shut instantly. A gasp left your lips the minute you felt another pair on your neck, leaving slow pecks.  
“Why don’t we get out of here?” Jude proposed, his lips still grazing yours. You nodded, and Brahim scooped your hand in his as he practically dragged you away from the dancing bodies, and Jude followed suit with your hands linked together. 
The flashing lights drowned the ambiance, and as you thought of the situation and what could be ahead, you smiled to yourself. If patience was the road to wisdom, you sure felt ninety years older. Maybe your friends jumping off the boat was a blessing in disguise— you deduced as you exited the club through the back. You squinted a little, your eyes already used to the strobe lighting of the club. 
Jude stepped in front of you, covering his mouth to speak as a black large car rolled up. “Cover your face for me, baby.” He advised as Brahim opened the door for you, hopping in behind you, Jude looking at the source of the camera with a straight face before sliding inside the car. He gave instructions to the driver, giving him a large bill to… mind his own business apparently, as a partition was rolled up.
“You owe me a kiss,” Brahim complained after not even two seconds of silence, brushing his nose against your cheek. You couldn’t help but giggle as he roughly drew you into his lap, taking your lips hostage in his. While Jude’s affections earlier were soft and careful, Brahim seemed eager; but it still wasn’t his hand grazing the skin of your inner thigh, making your legs part open. Your mini skirt rode up, and you noticed how Brahim pulled it even further to rest at your lower waist. A hum of approval rang through the moving vehicle, and as Jude’s hand inched closer to your core, you shivered.
Brahim groaned at the sudden movement, parting ways with your lips to settle down your neck, Jude taking the same initiative. You moaned softly, jerking your hips. Him, in response, bit into your neck, his fingers delving into the soft skin of your hips. Getting that much attention was overwhelming, and you fell drunk on it. They really worshiped you, lips slowly making their way down, the moans rewarding the men for their good work. 
Jude parted first, his finger grazing the soft fabric of your underwear. “We’ve got you so wet,” He cooed, taking your cheeks and turning your head to look at him. He dissected your reaction as his hand just shoved the panties to a side and he took a dip to test your wetness. A light smirk tugged on his face as he watched your lips part in a tiny gasp. 
“Turn her a bit towards me, mate.” Jude instructed Brahim, who was busy painting hematomas on your neck. He nodded with the same devilish shine on his eyes, shifting a little so you would both face him. “What do you want, babe? You look a bit bothered,” He freighted innocence, a chuckle rung from behind you. 
You became even more embarrassed; how easy your body queues were to them. “Touch me,” You replied with a certain fortitude in your voice, when your eyes were dripping with need. Brahim watched you, lips slightly parted, and just smiled. He gave Jude a nod, who didn’t waste any time in sinking a finger into your wetness. You couldn’t help but throw your head back with a groan, finding rest in Brahim’s shoulder. 
Jude didn’t find any pleasure in easing it into you, fixing a steady pace that would have you writhing in no time. You noticed Brahim getting harder under your ass, the movements clearly getting him off. He still didn’t budge, instead hooking a finger on the strap of your blouse and tugging it off the way slowly before kissing the area. 
Your moans were breathy, as if you were a fish out of water, your hand reaching back to brush Brahim’s hair out of the way, his light beard tickling the back of your shoulder. You could also feel his hand sliding down your torso, his ring and middle finger soon finding a home at your throbbing clit. You noticed through almost closed eyes that Jude licked his lips and slid another digit in, picking up the pace. 
“You like that, princesa? Wanna cum?” Brahim brushed your hair back. You did your best to affirm between babbles, but the built up was rapid and dangerous. “You can do it, you’re so good for us.” Jude confirmed with praise, and you couldn’t have stopped the orgasm even if you wanted to. Your moans filled up the space, legs trembling as they both slowed down and worked you through it. 
Jude took his fingers out and started licking them, never breaking eye contact. Instead, he reached out to pull you into a kiss. His hand cupped your jaw with ease, as you sloppily made out. You could taste yourself in his tongue, “What a pretty mess we have here.” He stroked your cheekbone as the car came to a halt. The driver simply left the vehicle and both men checked through the tinted foggy windows their surroundings. They were at the hotel they requested, at the underground parking level that looked as though no one had been there in years. 
You came to the same conclusion they did, now pulling Jude back into a kiss, your hands unbuttoning his shirt. But at the same time you reached back and pulled Brahim closer to do the same, with a bit of his help. Jude watched as you cupped his boner through the dress pants, letting a small surprised groan. He’d been so busy pleasuring you he didn’t realize how needy he was himself. 
“I want to taste you.” Brahim whispered in your ear, sending goosebumps down your spine. Trying to think of an arrangement, an idea quickly rose to your head before it was occupied with the toned bodies of the shirtless men on either side of you. “You will, I promise,” You gave him a peck before giving your attention back to Jude, kissing down his torso as you got on your knees still on the car seat. 
You heard Brahim sigh as you unbuttoned the other’s pants, Jude himself helping you lower his underwear to give his hard cock some space to breathe. You didn’t waste any time, licking the pre-cum that rolled down the tip before wrapping your hand around the girth and stroking it shortly. It didn’t take long for you to slowly slide it inside your mouth, Jude’s hand reaching to rest on the crown of your head with a groan leaving his lips. 
Brahim didn’t seem to want to interrupt your work, but as you got into it, you felt the familiar hook of his fingers; this time around the waistband of your panties. He slid them down before a thumb stroked down your wet slit. But the slow-paced affections didn’t last long as he pressed his flat tongue to pick up all the slick and go straight to town on you. You started to struggle keeping your mouth and hand at a good pace, moans muffled with the thick cock stuffed in your mouth. 
“Don’t stop,” Jude warned between groans, the grip in your hair tightening. The oral fixation seemed to be pushing him over the edge, in the same situation you found yourself in. 
That was, until Brahim stopped. 
You couldn’t even find the time to complain, to ask him for more; some shuffling filling the suffocating air before a leaking tip grazed your sloppy slit, all soaked with your arousal. You arched your back, pushing back against the friction. Both men snickered between themselves, Brahim still teasing you with the tip of his hard dick. 
“You really want it, don’t you?” He cooed, his teasing actions still going further by pushing himself onto your entrance, but never making it fully inside. Instead of responding, you concentrated on giving your best affections, catching him off guard. 
“Bro— fuck, do it.” Jude gave him the approval, clearly taking your enthusiasm into his pleasure as encouragement for the other man to satisfy you. Brahim sighed, lining himself properly with your entrance before burying his length inside you. 
The groans that came out of your throat were gutural, full of lust. “You feel so good…” He exclaimed, throwing his head back, still getting used to the feel. He wasn’t the lengthiest, but the sheer girth made up for it. His hands gripped hard on the dough of your hips, tightening as he bounced your body against his in the same fashion you were doing earlier at the club. 
You couldn’t help but arch your back even lower, doing your best to continue with your hard labor as Brahim set a relentless pace. You’d come to notice he was the most anxious one, yearning to take you as yours. But it seemed to be rubbing off on the other man, his long fingers gripping your hair with certain force. He thrusted hard enough to rock the car at the movement of his hips, enough to have Jude controlling your mouth, choking on his length. 
The scene was straight out of the craziest adult film, but you knew that if you weren’t the one experiencing it, it wouldn’t be as hot. “Cum, baby. Come on.” Brahim encouraged, smacking your ass loudly; you were so fixated on pleasing the other man you didn’t even realize how close you were to your second release of the night. It knocked the air out of your lungs, saliva stuck with a guttural groan as the sensitive tip hit the back of your throat. 
“Squeeze my cock like that— mierda, así, yes!” You could make out from riding down the tidal wave your orgasm brought, still stroking Jude’s cock while you took a breather to let out all the scandalous moans, letting the small tears run and ruin your mascara a little. 
By the stutter on Brahim’s hips you noticed he was going to finish right then and there, only bouncing your hips back in the same fashion you were doing in no less than half an hour ago at the dance floor.
It took him a moment to recover, heavy breathing overshadowing the sloppy blowjob. He pulled out, looking back to watch the cum dripping out your whole. “Jude,” Brahim looked at him with a heavy breath. “Look at this. Look how perfect our pussy looks pumped of my cum,” 
You whined at the sheer force the Spanish national manhandled you to show you off like a prize, and with this new angle you noticed a hint of pride in his voice. Jude’s seeming examination took a moment, even though you could hear the slick noise your leftover saliva made as he stroked his cock. 
“I think it’s missing something…” Jude pondered, rising to his knees before pushing himself inside you. With a loud moan of surprise your knees couldn’t hold anymore, collapsing onto your stomach. Your head rested on Brahim’s thick thigh, and he soothed you through the first few instances with praise. Now it was his turn to be the doting one, brushing your hair back and talking you through it. “You’re taking it so well.” 
“Suck him off, babe. He’s getting hard for witnessing how much of a good pretty slut you are for us,” Jude ordered, pulling your hips back up to pound into you shamelessly. The command wasn’t a problem, mind so cockdrunk you could do whatever they asked of you. 
Jude still helped you up so you could get to the task at hand, but Brahim dipped lower to link his lips with yours tenderly, contrasting the constant sound of skin coming into contact. As you made out, you took the chance to stroke his cock, still soaked with your fluids. He seemed to be melting onto the seat, still sensitive from the previous orgasm. Breaking away and trying to manage your moans as best as you could, your tongue licked up the prominent vein up the underside, before wrapping your lips around the soft tip. 
You fluttered your lashes up at him, finding him cute with his parted lips. But it was Jude who picked your hair back and motivated you straight into the action, sounds of pleasure now coming from both men. Brahim writhed under you, while Jude had you squirming. 
“Ah, fuck, fuck,” Jude whined, trying to finish on the same pace but being unable to do so. Your walls squeezed him dry deliciously, and he leaned to press his chest against your back to reach around and draw circular motions on your overstimulated clit. “Just one more, okay baby? You can do it,” He encouraged, at the same time you tore yourself away from blowing Brahim to breathe and moan out freely. 
“Perfect girl,” Brahim cooed as Jude slowed down, helping you ride down the wave your release represented. Jude pulled out, now standing back to admire his load leaking straight out of you. But now it was his turn to help you onto his lap, holding you close. 
“You did so well,” Jude hummed, caressing your cheeks, cleaning the dried mascara. Brahim scooted over, brushing your hair back with his hands and pressing the tiniest, most playful kisses over your bare shoulders. With a gentle hand, Jude turned your head in his direction and locked his lips with your own, slightly swollen and adapting a redder tone. It was tender, calm. Brahim followed, matching the same energy. 
It was strange how both men had that duality to them; going from being completely hands on and greedy with your body, to soothing you with the sweetest touches. “We didn’t even make it to the hotel room…” You joked, the two of them joining in the lazy laugh. 
“It’s barely one in the morning.” Brahim brushed his nose against your cheek, in the same way he demanded a kiss earlier. You noticed him and Jude shared a look before looking back at you. 
“Round two?” They proposed in unison. Still, their voices and expressions didn’t give any hint of obligation, just curiosity. You knew you could reject them and they would understand completely. 
And that only captivated you further. 
“Round two.” You confirmed with a nod and a wink, getting yourself together to at least spend a minute or so at the hotel lobby. As you all entered and confirmed the booking, it seemed that their infatuation with you only grew; Brahim couldn’t tear himself away from your side while Jude couldn’t stop looking back at you with a certain glimmer in his eyes. 
You knew this was bound to be a long night. The biggest comfort though? That you knew you were going to wake up the next morning held securely by two pairs of strong arms.
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