#they're the kind of happy couple who will NOT be killed off for drama points
ghostsandfools · 2 months
But hasn’t she said several times that Monty makes her happy? I’m not mad at you for not liking this pairing, I just wanted to point out what she’s said before.
Keep in mind while you read this that i do NOT like Monty, so this might be completely biased. She has said she's happy with Monty, and I don't doubt that. Maybe it's not that they're a bad couple, they'd just be so so much stronger as something else.
Like, I feel like they would've been cooler as just friends. Monty getting a crush on Earth was totally random and based completely off of looks, which is fine, crushes develop more as you get to know the person better. But I feel like that didn't really happen for them, their relationship is just so random. Also, whenever someone asks Earth "What do you like about Monty?" her only response is "They're nice, they make me happy." And again, that's a good foundation for a relationship, you need someone who's nice and who makes you happy. But WHAT ELSE??? Genuinely what else does Monty offer Earth as a partner???? They're loyal, I guess? And they AREN'T nice, they're only nice to Earth. They're a jerk to almost everyone else, which is not great.
Also. That episode where Earth has a dream about Monty hating her, THAT WOULD BE SO FASCINATING! It would add an extra level of drama, because Earth and Monty have mutual friends and work at the same place. It would be WAY more interesting than the bland relationship that they have going on to just watch them have to deal with each other. They don't wanna kill each other, they aren't rivals, their personalities just clash. If their arc had gone like that, not only would it add more drama. Earth would have to deal with the feeling of just not liking someone. Not because they hurt her or tried to kill her, but because she just doesn't personally like them. I wanna see how she'd deal with that, it would be so so interesting. And maybe Monty could grow too, and learn to get along better with people. And maybe they could still start dating but after a long arc of hating each other and having to warm up to each other's personalities!
Again, they're OKAY. I just don't like Monty in general, they're a jerk, but I guess they are trying to change??? Kind of??? I dunno. I just feel like their relationship is very bland. Monty and Earth are interesting characters individually, but I don't see how them being together adds to their characters.
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gengarghast · 5 months
Howdy, folks!
It has come to my attention that an anon may be going around and dropping hate messages in my mutuals' askboxes, claiming that I am a pedophile and a sex freak!
Continued below the cut- This is gonna be a long one. TLDR, they're either making shit up, exaggerating things and taking them out of context, or bringing up stuff that happened in the past.
TW: Pedophilia mention, kink discussion, drama.
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Note: I didn't censor the word in the top line, the person who told me about this did and didn't wanna tell me what it said.
These are not new accusations, unfortunately. I've dealt with them before, and I promise this is 100% just a smear campaign fuelled by a personal vendetta.
The 17 year old they reference here is my good friend and ex, @/manix-valentine, who I do not have romantic or sexual feelings towards- Our relationship is purely platonic. Well- They COULD be talking about someone else, but it's highly unlikely.
As for the "disgusting fetish" they claim I need to "satisfy"... It's hypnosis. I got a hypnokink. Which I used to do with Val when we were dating, because- And I feel like I must emphasize this- It was consensual. She wanted me to do it- I'm not some kind of hypno-rapist like you see in the pornos. Consent is extremely important to me, and I would never force someone to do erotic roleplay with me. Regardless, Crushon.ai would be my go-to should I ever need to "satisfy" my fetishes- Not my ex who is also a minor.
The anon also mentions my Twitter- Which you wouldn't find under the name 'Gengarghast' because that one was suspended a couple of years ago because I told too many zoophiles to kill themselves. But that's beside the point- What they were referring to with my Twitter were the unsavory things I did there when I was 16 years old, namely lying about my age and pretending to be an 18 year old to erp. Which, yes, shitty fucking thing to do, but that was 2 years ago- I have grown and changed since then, and I don't lie about my age to erp with strangers anymore.
Of course, there are other things I've done- I've been an unfaithful internet partner, a crummy friend on occasion, and I've done some other things that I am deeply ashamed of, but can explain or rationalize. However, I personally think that I do not deserve to be hunted down and have smear campaigns launched at me wherever I go.
And yes, this is a smear campaign. Both Valentine and I have gotten similar messages from an anon, Valentine's message shaming her for her own kinks and telling her to delete her account. The message I got was about Valentine, claiming that she 'stole her name from someone else' and that she was 'obsessed with me' and 'stalks an adult user she used to be friends with'- All three being complete lies or exaggerations, same as with this new message. Both times, the anon spoke as if they knew the person beforehand, which gives me all the reason I need to believe that this is intentional slander and an attempt to paint myself and her as morally disgusting people in order to get us driven off Tumblr with mocking and hate from people they turn against us, as I was from Twitter.
I don't have a way to close out this way-too-long post, but- I'm really fucking tired of getting called a pedophile because I just turned 18 in January of this year and still have underage friends. I mean, I even got called in to the fucking principal's office over this.
So! If you receive a message similar to this, don't respond to it. Just screenshot, delete the message, and let me know about it- Preferably alongside sending me the screenshot. I would be happy to answer any questions you have to the best of my ability.
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zachsgamejournal · 2 years
PLAYING: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
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Well...making progress, though slow. Tatooine seems nice...
See, last we spoke we had discovered the Star Forge. So the game is just typical fantasy: Some jerk is born a chosen one that has exceptional skill and magic "just because" and now the fate of the whole wor--galaxy rests on our shoulders. Instead of developing interesting plot to move us around the galaxy, we're just going to be looking for other star forges to complete our set. It's trope of all fantasy adventure, for sure...but you know, I thought KOTOR would be different since it's like "the best Star Wars game".
Anyway, I still have some unfinished side quests. So I go out looking for the chief mandalorian. I find him, kill him. Done.
Also, there's two "houses" that kind of hate each other. One of the sons is missing and they blame it on the other house, so kidnap their son. After being told I'm not allowed to look around the house, the patriarch's daughter is like, "Yes, he's totally here--please rescue him." So I kill some battle droids and steal from various storage chests around the home. But when I try to rescue the son he insists on the daughter coming too. They're in love, you see. So I rescue them both and the patriarchs catch us. In a rather comedic scene (though I'm not sure how intended the comedy was) the way to bring peace between the houses is to have the son and daughter be allowed to get married. I, a barely trained Jedi and amateur relationship therapist, mediate the whole situation. While the patriarch's agree on the marriage they refuse to let the other house the new couple, so the agreement is to go in on a house for the new couple to live.
It's stupid as fuck.
I'm really not sure what the tone of this game is, because it seems to want to be serious and deep--but too often (on this planet at least) fallen into sitcom territory.
The Jedi are now sending me out to find the star forges, there's some bloated drama about hiding the fact that I'm a Jedi while acknowledging that I won't be able to, and who gets to go with me. Ah well.
On our way or at Tatooine, I hear about our food being eaten. After searching the ship I find a young girl stowaway that doesn't speak english. In a somewhat annoying, but interesting mini-game I have to choose dialog options to guess the understanding of her words. This "teaches" my character her language and we begin to communicate. The game seems to insist that I need to kick her off the ship, but I don't want to. It's weird that I don't have many alternatives in the dialog options. But Imma delay having to kick her off because she seems like a nice girl.
Tatooine was immediately intimidating. I guess it's about as big as the first planet, now that I think about it, but I'm obviously going to have to talk to EVERYONE before I get into the missions. The Jedi planet had fewer people to really talk to and was mostly just a battle-planet. So far I've already made a woman happy by buying a 500 credit item from her. I'm doing pretty well credit wise and don't spend money on things.
At this point, I'm going to be sticking with Bastila and Carth. They seem very integral to the plot. Bastila and I are both jedis and have some sort of connection that will be crucial to the success of the mission. Carth and I have been working together for some time and he seems committed to the cause of the Republic. I like Mission and my Wookie friend, and would rather travel with them--but Mission mostly just wants to confront her brother and the Wookie owes me a life debt. So there's not much about the center plot that concerns them. I also have another Jedi that convinced to come back to the light side as part of their test. I think it's possible to kill her in the game, but I'm a good negotiator when it comes to scripted events. Then I also have a battle droid that doesn't really talk or have a personality and shitty mandalorian mercenary that only joined me because of a mutual need to escape the first planet. I'm sorry--I just don't see the plot/story value of this fuck head.
So I went into this Hunter's Lodge on Tatooine and it was filled with people. GREAT. So I spoke to all of them, got lots of information--I mean that's the point. I just kinda want to move on with my mission. I kinda hate all these dialog options just to get fairly surface level information from everyone.
This is where I think Elder Scrolls does it better. Yes, you might be given dialog options specific to character or event, but usually you can ask any character about anything--and if they've got something to say, they'll say it--or they'll say they have no input. But the game doesn't weigh you down with one-off dialog options that don't carry the plot or relationship with that character further. In my youth, when I had fewer games and more time, I loved digging deep into these conversations. But now I'm sorta bored by it. I guess I need to slow down and just enjoy the experience the game is offering me.
Oh, and the music. Something has been lacking in the experience and I think it's the music. It's just not very Star Wars. John Williams's score is so iconic and woven into the fabric of Star Wars to not match it's timbre is to alienate the experience a little bit. I know many Star Wars shows have been going in their own direction lately, such as Andor. But Andor is telling a different type of Star Wars story--it makes since to break the form. For this game to rub light sabers, Jedi's, and other common Star Wars elements in our faces and not match the musical score of the films is a missed opportunity. While the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games aren't likely held in as high esteem as KOTOR, the use of familiar musical tones and notes constantly make me feel "a part of that world".
I mean, this game takes place hundreds or thousands of years in the past, but yet all the art design matches...tsk-tsk.
0 notes
marlynnofmany · 3 years
Lost and Sideways
For years I’ve wanted to write about a place where a fantasy world and a sci-fi world collide. The kind of place robot magicians might come from, once the culture clash settles. This is a fine start.
Plus it has the “little kid makes friends with nonhuman entity” trope, which is always good.
(3134 words)
Emilina sat atop the runestone in front of her parents’ store, happily thumping her heels against the carvings. Usually the grownups told her not to climb it without someone there to catch her, but today they were too busy to notice. Some important new customer was coming soon. Everything had to be clean, the stuff the customer wanted had to be boxed up and ready, and all the adults had to run around worried. That was the rules.
Emilina had seen this at least three times before, so she figured this made her an expert in how it all worked.
Mom Kelga shouted directions that everybody already knew. Mom Aemi checked the enchantments on the box each time she went past. Tomothy stood at the front counter in case other people came in, and Sammymander dusted everything with the pixie dust featherduster that Emilina wasn’t allowed to use.
Maybe Sammy would put it down somewhere she could reach today. She wouldn’t make a mess; she just wanted to send some of the dirt up toward the ceiling for herself. It made such pretty swirls when it gusted out the windows.
“Emmy, where are you?” called Mom Kelga.
“Outside,” Emilina said. She turned to climb down, sticking her soft boots into the carvings and holding on tight. Maybe she could get down before she was caught.
No such luck.
“Emmy, you know better!” Mom Kelga crossed the yard in quick strides to pluck her misbehaving child from the boulder. “Not by yourself! Here, come sort the berries. Quickly now.”
Emilina straightened her skirt when her mom set her down, then followed obediently through the shop. Grownups were still fussing about everything, though it all looked fine to her. The displays of glow-fruit had even been arranged in straight lines. That was probably Mom Aemi’s doing.
The new customer must be really important.
Mom Kelga led Emilina past an old customer buying something boring like tooth-cleaning tubers, and into the back room. The door was open so it wasn’t as stuffy as usual. Emilina decided not to complain. Mom Kelga was too busy to hear her anyway.
“Here you go,” Mom Kelga said as she hooked a stool with her foot, pulled down a basket from a top shelf and grabbed two clean buckets from a lower one. “You can eat a few berries, but don’t make yourself sick, okay? Good ones go in here, bad ones in here. Wash your hands when you’re done. Thank you, honey.”
With a kiss to the top of Emilina’s head, she was off and shouting to Mom Aemi about when the important customer was expected to arrive.
Emilina heaved a sigh, sat down in front of the basket, and began separating ripe blueberries from wrinkly ones.
This was very boring. She ate a particularly nice one, listening to the grownups panic. It sounded like the customer was late. This meant they’d be panicky for longer. Yuck.
She sat sideways to look out the door in hopes of something interesting out there. Birds maybe, or pixies on an errand, or a stray kitten that she could convince her parents to let her keep.
Nothing exciting appeared in the doorway, though there was a faint sound that Emilina couldn’t place. It sounded almost like the whir of a pixie’s wings, but different. Maybe it was a hurt pixie? Tangled in spiderweb or something?
Clearly she had to check. Emilina rubbed blue fingertips on her skirt and hopped down from the stool.
Outside was the quiet alleyway between shops, most of which had their doors closed. Somebody was taking out trash way over there, and another person was getting a delivery there, but otherwise all of the action was on the busier streets of town.
What was that buzzing?
Something tapped against the trash can next to the door. Emilina moved to look, expecting a pixie.
Instead she saw a tiny box. It was floating, but whatever magic powered it was no hover charm she’d ever seen. The glowing blue lines were crisp and straight, not runes at all, and it had little spots that blinked orange like a confused spider. Were those eyes?
It wasn’t even really a box — it was shaped like one of Emilina’s alphabet blocks with the corners cut off. A weird shape. What was it?
“Hi there,” Emilina said. “Do you need help?”
The little box whined in a different tone. It drifted sideways, looking lost, and bonked into the trash can again.
“Careful,” Emilina said, the way her parents always said it to her. “You’ll hurt yourself.” She put out a hand so the tiny thing would bump into her palm instead of the metal can. It was warm, strangely so for something that looked like it was made from rocks. Or metal. Crystal? Emilina didn’t know.
Maybe the adults would.
“Can I bring you inside?” Emilina asked the floating box. Square? Cube! It was a cube, just with the corners missing. She wondered if it had a name.
Either way, it wasn’t any better at talking than it was at flying. Just whirrs, whines, and the occasional click. When Emilina cupped her hands under it, the cube hovered just above her palms.
She carried it around the trash can with the utmost care, but before she reached the door, it floated out of her grasp to bonk against the wall.
“Careful!” Emilina repeated, trying to catch it. “Mom, look what I found!” She was loud, but none of the busy adults responded. “Mommy!” Still nothing.
The little cube picked up speed and swayed across the alley to crash into a pile of wooden crates. Emilina ran over, worried.
It was still blinking there on the ground. Emilina scooped it up like a strange square kitten, dusting it off and cooing encouragements.
“There there, you’re okay. You’re not hurt. Just a bump. Do you want a hug?”
It didn’t say no to the hug. At least not in a way Emilina understood. She held it close and again yelled for the grownups, to no answer. When she looked around for anyone else who might know what to do for the lost little cube-kitten, she caught a glimpse of something else floating near the ground.
The cube lifted off and moved toward it.
“Is that your friend?” Emilina asked in delight. “Careful. Let me help.” She trotted after the floating thing with her arms out, ready to catch it if it wandered toward the walls again.
The second one looked exactly like the first. Emilina urged the first one forward. When they touched sides, they stuck with a click. The blinky orange lights glowed a solid green where they met.
“You found each other!” Emilina cheered, clapping for them. “Good job! Now where do you need to go?”
The pair still looked lost. They drifted a little more slowly, but they were definitely headed for the wall when Emilina caught them again. She was gently scolding them to watch where they were going when she heard a telltale whirr-clunk from farther down the alley.
“Another friend!” Emilina carried the first two off to meet the third, and she hadn’t reached it before she saw the others bumbling about. She cast a quick glance back at the door to her parents’ shop, then set about gathering up all of the lost little cubes. They clicked together happily and lit up green as she did.
* * * * *
Aemi tested the lock on the shipment. She didn’t need to check the stasis enchantment yet again, but she did anyway. This had to be perfect. Even if the customer was late, the shop would have only the best to offer.
Kelga hurried past, and Aemi caught her attention. “Where’s Emmy?” she asked.
“Sorting berries,” Kelga told her. “I told her not to eat too many.”
“Good, thank you.” Aemi took a cleansing breath. “I hope something didn’t happen to the customer. This is the first time they’ve come through the portal. Do you think we should have sent an escort?”
“No, that would be insulting,” Kelga said. “It’s not far. Something probably came up on their end.”
“I hope it’s nothing serious. Maybe we should message them again.”
“I don’t think it will help.” Kelga gave her wife a hug. “I’m sure they’ll be here before we could hope to get a message through that portal to them. No ambient magic on that side, so we can’t even hire a pixie to nip over and find them. Not unless we also spring for a power crystal that’s small enough to carry but powerful enough to keep them in the air.”
Aemi returned the hug. “How did they place the order? I wasn’t there for that.”
“They sent a messenger of their own,” Kelga said, giving one final squeeze before pulling back. “A regular human, though with no end of strange gadgets. One of his hands was even made of metal, which is shocking to see with no enchantment.”
“Bizarre,” Aemi agreed. “Well, I hope they’re okay. Maybe we should send somebody to ask at the portal if anyone’s seen them.”
“Give it a little longer,” Kelga suggested. “Who knows how punctual people are in the sideways world? For all we know, this is normal.”
Aemi laughed. “I hope not.”
“Me too. I’m going to see if the trumpet flowers need any water.”
* * * * *
“Where did you guys come from?” Emilina asked the hovering block of tiny friends. It was bigger than her head now, though not in any shape she recognized. The cubes just stuck together at the closest place when she found a new one.
They whirred in unison. Emilina couldn’t tell if it was meant to be a word or just the sound of their weird flying magic.
Now that she thought about it…
Emilina gasped. “Are you from the no-magic place? I’ve never met somebody from there.”
They didn’t answer, but Emilina was sure. The grownups all talked about how strange that place was, how the people there got by with something else instead of magic. Emilina couldn’t remember what they called it. Tek-mumble-mumble. Anyways, the portal was just outside of town, and Emilina had seen visitors pass by the shop carrying things that glowed with no magical aura.
She’d never gotten to talk to one before, much less help it find its friends.
“Do you need to go back home?” she asked the hovering bundle of cubes. They all glowed with blue stripes, though the ones on the inside had calm green dots while the ones on the edges blinked a lonely orange. “Or do we need to find more of you first?”
Emilina stood at the end of the alleyway, indecisive. She knew that her parents would be furious if she wandered off alone. But she wasn’t alone! She had her new friends, who needed her help! And the grownups were all too busy anyway.
If she was quick, they’d never notice she was gone.
“Okay,” Emilina whispered to the collection of friends. “I’m going to get you back to the portal. Mom Aemi says that when I’m lost, I should wait somewhere my family can find me, so maybe that’s where the rest of your friends are.” She gently set her hands on either side of the glowing, hovering shape, and ushered it toward the busy street.
The individual cubes beeped and whirred a little, but didn’t fly away. Emilina walked faster.
“We have to watch for carriages here,” she said. “See, that one didn’t stop. Now it’s safe to go, as long as we look both ways. Come on.”
Keeping up a running stream of instructions for the tiny friends who probably didn’t know how to safely navigate the city, Emilina made her way to the edge of town. It really wasn’t far. She’d walked the distance before with Mom Kelga, and knew exactly what she was doing. The adults should be proud of how good she was at this.
Emilina found two more lost cubes on the way, and happily rejoined them with their friends. A few people stared. They were of course impressed with the good deed. Emilina smiled and hurried the rest of the way.
There it was, right where she hadn’t been allowed to go last time she was here: a giant hole in the air behind a fence, with two scary-looking city guards keeping watch. The fence was wooden, taller than Emilina, and it sparkled with magic in the empty spaces between the bars. Not something she could climb or slip through.
The guards were both frowny-looking men with metal armor that also had a magical shine. They held staffs with red mage-stones at the top. Emilina knew they could make blades appear out of those, though she’d never seen it. She didn’t really want to.
A whirring at her ankle caught her attention. Emilina looked down to find one more little cube friend to be scooped up and added to the stack. It beeped happily when it joined up.
Emilina squared her shoulders. They needed her. She would be brave, no matter how scary the guards looked. She approached them with her head high and the glowy bundle in front of her.
“These guys are lost,” she declared before the guards could tell her to go away. “I found some of them behind my parents’ store, and the others on the way here. Is anybody looking for them?”
The guards glanced at each other. “Not on this side of the portal,” the shorter one said. “Let me check with the other side.” He nodded to his partner and opened the gate in the fence, then walked with quick steps toward the portal.
Emilina watched through the open gate. She’d thought the hole in the air was a blank gray magic surface, but now she saw things moving past in the distance.
That was a sky she was seeing.
Right, Mom Kelga calls it the sideways world, Emilina thought in fascination. I thought that meant they were weird, not really sideways.
But as she watched, the guard crouched and set down his staff, then grasped two handle bars Emilina hadn’t noticed before. Setting his feet between poles on the ground that Emilina realized must be a ladder, he climbed improbably forward in a way that should have had him falling flat on his face. But instead he disappeared, stepping over the edge on the other side. More distant things flew past overhead.
“Wow,” Emilina said.
“Yeah, it’s sure something,” the remaining guard said. “I suppose we should thank whatever mad wizard caused it. We still haven’t even found out if it was someone from our side or theirs.”
“Will his magic armor work over there?” Emilina asked, wondering about the guard. “My parents said there’s no magic on that side.”
The guard tapped his chest where a green stone was inset. “We’ve got a backup charge prepared,” he said. Then he looked down at her bundle of friends. “The folks from the other side tend to need something much like it, when they have free-floating stuff like those. They lose their communication without it. I suspect that’s what happened to them.” He nodded downward.
Emilina held the whirring bundle closer. “Poor little guys,” she said. “We’ll find the rest of your friends.”
“Here he comes,” the guard said.
Emilina looked up in time to see the other guard tip forward to fall into the portal and come walking out with only a little stumble. It must have seemed like he was doing a belly-flop into a puddle on the other side. So weird.
“Nobody left a message,” the guard said as he approached, “But the people stationed there say they have a portable thingy that this little flock can have.” He stopped in front of Emilina and held out his hands. “I’ll take it over.”
“Be careful with them,” Emilina told him. She reluctantly let go and gave the bunch of cube-friends a gentle push. “Goodbye! Good luck!”
The bundle floated into the guard’s hands, blinking. Emilina waved as the guard carried it away.
“I’m sure they’ll get where they need to go,” the other guard said.
Emilina nodded. She missed them already.
When they disappeared into the portal, followed by the guard climbing up the ladder, Emilina sighed and turned toward home.
“Do you need somebody to walk with you?” the guard asked.
“No thank you,” Emilina said politely. “I know the way.” She hurried off, making sure to check for carriages even though it was hard to see through tears. She wiped them away. No need to cry. She’d done a good thing, and should be proud of herself. Now she just had to get back home before the grownups noticed she was gone.
She’d just turned a corner when she heard familiar whirs, only faster this time. Two more little cubes zipped past her, glowing green and moving like they knew exactly what to do. They were going back towards the portal.
Emilina ran after them. Another cube buzzed past her ear.
When she rounded the corner, she saw something grand: between the portal and the gate was a growing shape made of tiny cubes that were all humming with joy. The guards stood well to the sides.
While Emilina stared, the last cube clicked into place to form a hovering person-thing: it had no legs, but strong arms, and the tiny lights on its face were lit up in a smile.
Emilina ran forward. “You did it!” she said.
The guards politely ushered the cube-person through the gate while Emilina skidded to a stop. To her delight, it spoke to her, in a voice that sounded like a friendly beehive.
“Thank you for your help,” it said. “Would you like a ride back? Your parents are waiting for me to pick up my order.”
Emilina laughed. “You’re the late customer!”
“Hopefully not too late.” One arm curled in front to make a chair, while the other formed steps. “Will this do?”
“Yes!” Emilina said. She dashed up the steps and settled into place on the seat made from many tiny friends. “This doesn’t hurt, does it?”
“Not at all,” the voice assured her, coming from everywhere at once. The steps re-shaped into a seatbelt bar that she could hold onto. More clicking told Emilina that the person was turning its head to look at the guards. “Thank you as well.”
“Our pleasure,” one said.
“Now, on to see your family.” The hovering person moved forward, in the smoothest ride Emilina had ever taken. “Not to worry. I will fly carefully.”
Emilina laughed in joy. She couldn’t wait to see her parents’ faces.
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punderfulowl · 3 years
Top 10 Anime (That I've Seen) in 2020
Well now, it has certainly been awhile. I'm currently sitting at eight months too late for posting this, but, y'know, something something life happens. More accurately, I already made this list, but wanted to try out what response I'd get from Reddit. Turns out, they're not as cool as you guys!
Anyways, as the title states, this is not a list of my favorite anime that came out during 2020, but instead my favorite anime that I just so happen to see during that year. While it's fun to have an end of the year retrospective, I find that having a list in this format not only adds variety, but also helps bring attention to anime that might have been lost in the shuffle in previous years (I also don't have enough time to stay caught up in seasonal releases).
Honorable mentions:
Aggretsuko S3, My Hero Academia S4, Today's Menu For the Emiya Family, Interspecies Reviewers (yes, really), and I Couldn't Become a Hero So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job
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10. Maid-Sama (2010)
In hindsight, I find it a bit funny that I wanted to watch something wholesome to kick off 2020. Anyway, Maid-Sama is about a high school girl that is also a no nonsense Class President and she kind of has to be at a school where, until recently, was an all boys school. While she kills it in academics and is good at shutting down any shenanigans from the male student body, her financial situation isn't the greatest and has to balance a job at a maid cafe along with her school-related responsibilities. She does her best to hide her employment there to keep up appearances, but is one day found out by one of the boys who happens to be a big flirt and, yeah, hijinks ensue. While this anime doesn't have too many surprises, our main leads bounce off each other well enough to keep me entertained. Nothing I haven't seen already in other anime Rom-Coms, but I think it has more than earned its place at the start of this list.
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9. Haganai NEXT (2013)
It's a personal rule of mine when making these lists that I don't include sequels of shows that were in previous lists. While I DID see the first season of Haganai a couple of years ago, it didn't quite make it into the top ten at that time. Because of that, it meets the criteria for this year's list. While I found the characters were just as charming here as I did during the first season, the development of their relationships really took off. It's a shame that it will most likely not get a third season, but I'm happy with what ride this show gave me. But hey! At least I can read the light novels/manga to continue the story! Wait, nevermind, the Haganai fans on Reddit are saying that's a bad idea.
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8. Engaged to the Unidentified (2014)
Based off of a Four Panel joke manga, Engaged to the Unidentified tells the story of a girl in high school suddenly getting some life changing news. As it turns out, her grandfather made an arranged engagement with her and the son of a family he knew. Next thing she knows, the boy in question, as well as his little sister, moves into her family's house! While the boy is unassuming at first, there may be more to him and his family than he lets on. Plain and simple, this anime has charmed me. There's a decent amount of drama and mystery despite the source material and I applaud it! Even though this also doesn't have much new to offer, even to the point where I would compare this to Maid-Sama, what made me pick this at the 8th spot were the color choices and animation quality. Give this a shot if you can!
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7. Grimoire of Zero (2017)
It's a fantasy/adventure story starring a loli sorcerer and a huge, anthropomorphic white tiger man. I honestly can't say anything else. I won't be able to do it justice. That first sentence should intrigue you a lease a little bit. Read it, again. Please check it out. It's an underrated gem that no one is talking about.
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6. ID: Invaded (2020)
Hey, here's something recent! Unfortunately, this is also not something I can say much about. There may not be too many deep characters and the secret bad guy isn't hard to figure out, but BOY is this anime cool! The best way to describe this series is that it's like the movie Inception, but instead of brain heists, it's brain murder mysteries.
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5. Carole and Tuesday (2019)
A runaway rich girl has a fated meeting with an orphan and they decide to make music together...oh, this also takes place Mars. Joking aside, this show was something special with its music (a new song almost every episode no less), interesting setting (freaking Mars, dude), and endearing main cast. Shoot, the music itself would be top 3, maybe number 1, but what bogs it down is the show's second half. I can easily see myself watching this again someday, and maybe my opinion will lighten up, but for now, 5 is a dang good spot.
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4. Fate/Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front - Babylonia (2019)
Part of me hesitates placing this high up on list due to this show being animated, fan service spectacle for Fate fans. However, that hesitation is overshadowed by the fact that I am a Fate fan myself and I can do whatever I want with this list. Even if you're not a Fate fan or play FGO, if you enjoy some solid fight animation, this is worth a look.
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3. K-On S1 (2009)
I'll admit it, I might regret not watching the second season then putting the series on the list as a whole, but this how I've been doing these lists and I'm such a creature of habit. There's not much I can say about K-On that hasn't already been said. By itself it's an anime classic and one of Kyo-ani's biggest properties. It's a sweet and wholesome watch, but be sure to have some insulin within reach.
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2. Princess Principal (2017)
Imagine you're working with a team of programmers trying to make a mobile game then all of a sudden someone asks to make a show out of it. You know, a show with different character motivations, plot, twist and turns and all that? Most might say that's just a shameless, shallow cash grab, but it turns out okay for Princess Principal. Sure, most might summarize this anime as, "cute girls doing espionage things," but with its cast, visuals, and interesting alternative timeline, it works! Apparently there's a new season or movie in the works and I am all for it!
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1. Beastars (2019)
I was not expecting this to be number one, but with much deliberation (with myself obviously) this feels right. It tells a pretty unique story while showing itself to be the exception to the rule when it comes to 3D anime.....it being that it's actually good. While I acknowledge that shows like K-On are classics and deserves to be number one on many different lists, it didn't line up with my personal criteria like Beastars did. My biggest deciding factor is: Now that I've watched this, do I want more? It's true that while I'm excited to start K-On S2, Beastars intrigues me more and ever since season two was announced, I'm looking forward to that more.
Sorry again for this list being so late, but at least the silver lining is that the next end of the year list is about four months away (in theory)!
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Fake dating au where demetris on his third strike with the school counselor so when they're about to fight again he holds his hand instead. Hawk cant help but blush and counselor Blatt jumps to conclusions and tries to be overly accepting
PFFFFT okay this is fuckin great
Like I’m just imagining Demetri doing the PETTIEST bullshit to get back at Hawk for that destroying-his-science-project business, like he writes “COBRA KAI SUCKS” all over his locker in sharpie in cleverly-disguised handwriting or pours soda on Hawk’s karate equipment and tough dude sportsballs (because come ON--Eli’s had the same locker combination for years, and just because he’s badass now doesn’t mean it would occur to him to change it) or steals his portable hair gel so that the ‘hawk will be sad and sagging by 6th period, and as soon as Hawk catches on to what’s going on, it doesn’t take long for him to figure out who’s behind all this chicanery. And he fuckin goes RIGHT up to Demetri during the next passing period (he knows exactly what part of the school that little nerd is in because he figured out and memorized Demetri’s class schedule SOLELY for harassment purposes and not because he likes him or anything) like “BRO YOU WANNA GO YOU WANNA FUCKIN GO” and Demetri gets ready to fight like “COME AT ME ASSHOLE” and Demetri’s getting ready to throw the world’s meanest punch to start the brawl (because his douchebag ex-best-friend ain’t the only one who can strike first) when the accursed Counselor Blatt rounds the corner.
She turns and fixes an icy glare right on them, and Demetri has to think fast. He unclenches his fist mid-punch and wraps a hand around Eli’s wrist. Eli’s hand flexes out in surprise, and before he can react, Demetri’s fingers have found their way up his wrist and laced with his own. Hawk’s face goes redder than his (already, sadly, beginning to sag) mohawk.
And fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Hawk was absolutely not prepared for this. He absolutely was not prepared for the same goddamn helpless sensation of vertigo to hit as that time he held Demetri’s hand during Red Rover in the 6th grade (how in the hell did a couple of losers like them get invited to play, anyways? The teacher probably made the other kids include them or something). And Hawk fucking hates how warm and pleasant Demetri’s hand feels in his own, and how it fills him with the same hopeless longing that he hoped he could punch away into oblivion as soon as Kreese started training him.
But here comes that stupid-ass counselor, and something tells him that now is not the time to yank his hand away and slam Demetri into the lockers behind them, no matter how much he would like to.
“Demetri? Eli?” Counselor Blatt looks back and forth between the two of them, perplexed. “What’s this?”
“What’s what, Counselor Blatt?” Demetri pulls Hawk closer and swings his other arm around the shorter boy’s shoulders. Hawk can only bristle in barely-concealed rage.
“Did I just...see you about to punch Eli?” she continues. “When you’ve been to our seminar on respectful alternatives to physical aggression?”
“Oh no, you misunderstand!” Demetri laughs, and Hawk wants to smack him. God, his laugh is annoying. He’s annoying. Hawk wants to scream into a wall and he’s not sure why.
“I was just in a hurry to hold my boyfriend’s hand,” he goes on gleefully. “I haven’t seen him all day! Is that okay with you, Counselor Blatt?” He gives the counselor a challenging stare, and Hawk almost feels sorry for the woman and how utterly lost she is.
“I thought you were upset with Mr. Moskowitz here for ruining your science project,” Counselor Blatt says slowly.
“Oh, that?” Demetri snorts. “We were just on a little break. I think that was my indication that good ol’ Eli wasn’t taking it too well. But we worked everything out, and it’s alllll good now!”
He gives the counselor his most winning grin, and Hawk just turns to gape at him. Out of all the absurd directions Demetri could’ve taken this thing, framing him throwing a soccer ball across the cafeteria to smash Demetri’s project as a couple’s fight was one Hawk had not seen coming.
But then again...that did kind of let him off the hook, didn’t it? If all of his messing with Demetri was nothing but silly relationship drama. After all, Counselor Blatt hadn’t lifted a finger when the utter spectacle that was Kyler and Sam LaRusso’s breakup had ravaged the school’s gossip chain.
“You know, you really should be more accepting of LGBT relationships,” Hawk says, making a point to pull out the kicked puppy expression. “It’s hurtful enough that my boyfriend and I get as many stares as we do from other students.”
“I...! Well! I mean!” Counselor Blatt splutters, looking everywhere but their eyes. “I think it’s great you boys are able to...express yourselves so freely! I want this school to be an environment where students of all sexualities are able to be themselves. I’m so happy West Valley High is such a diverse place!” She smiles, brightly but still very confused.
“With all due respect, Counselor Blatt, we’re not just some token gay couple.” Hawk doesn’t let up on the puppy dog eyes. “We’re just two guys who love each other. That’s all. All we want is to be accepted for who we are.”
He feels Demetri stiffen beside him with surprise, but the grip on his hand and around his shoulder doesn’t loosen in the slightest.
Demetri’s really acting like he doesn’t want to let go. He’s really committing to this façade.
Makes sense. When they were in middle school, Demetri always tried to be the class clown--not that it ever worked. Eli would always cheer him up by insisting he had a natural talent for improv. The kid isn’t half bad at acting, he’ll admit.
“And...you are accepted!” Counselor Blatt reassures awkwardly. “I’m...sorry I misunderstood your relationship, boys. I should be better about checking my heterosexual privilege.”
“Not to worry!” Demetri says cheerily. “Anyone who works at being a good ally to the community is always appreciated!”
Hawk resists the urge to roll his eyes. What was this, a fucking gay Sesame Street episode?
“Sorry again, Demetri. Eli. Have a nice day.”
As soon as Counselor Blatt shuffles around the corner and out-of-sight, Hawk tears his hand away (as...reluctant as he admittedly is to do so. Feeling another hand curled around his made him feel calmer and safer than he had in months, no matter what utter pussy’s it was. Disgusting. Kreese would never train him again if he found out, that was for sure.). He shoves Demetri hard--not into the lockers, not in any way that’ll make a noise to be noticed, but enough to knock the wind out of that fucking runt.
“What the fuck was that?” Hawk snarls.
Demetri crosses his arms and glowers at him. “I just saved both of us from a month of detention. It was only so long before she figured out Cobra Kai’s the aggressor around here just as much as Miyagi-Do is.”
Hawk surges forward and tries to shove him again, but Demetri is ready this time and quickly blocks. “What the hell was your grand plan, anyways?” he scoffs. “Pick a fight with me in the middle of the school day?”
Demetri sighs, starting to back away. “Eli, Eli, Eli. I know you’ve got a good brain in there, buddy. Maybe start using it, if all the punches to the head haven’t messed it up too much.”
He taps his head a couple times before turning and disappearing into the throng of students around them. Hawk groans.
Mitch doesn’t make matters better as they walk away. “Dude, were you blushing?”
“Shut the fuck up, man! I was just fucking embarrassed!”
Bert sniggers. “I’ll say. Should I start planning the wedding?”
“Don’t make me fucking deck you! Look...he wanted to stay out of trouble, and I realized I could spin it to our advantage. So I did. We’re in the clear for now.”
“Yeah, only took a bit of...hand-to-hand combat,” Mitch snickers. “What’s next? Judo wrestling him in the janitor’s closet?” He and Bert break out in giggles, and Hawk shoots them both his most seething glare.
“If you mention any of this to Sensei Kreese, I will kill you,” Hawk growls.
“Fair enough,” Mitch says, shrugging. Bert nods in agreement.
Hawk reminds himself to wail especially hard on both of them during practice today.
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gay-otlc · 4 years
Perfect (Keefitz)
Summary: And yet... he can't shake the feeling that, if he wasn't a Vacker, if he wasn't stuck in the cage of perfection... he would love to be with Keefe.
That didn't matter. Whether he likes it or not, Fitz is in his cage of perfection, so he can't want Keefe.
He can't. Because he's perfect.
(Alternatively: 4.5K words of Keefitz angst and about 100 of Keefitz fl*ff)
Trigger warnings: Internalized homophobia, cursing
Words: 4352
(Read on AO3)
Fitz Vacker is perfect.
His friends call him Wonderboy, and that's for a reason. He knows they're making fun of him when they say it, but he can't help but feel the smallest glimmer of pride when he hears the nickname. Maybe a bit more than that. Yes, people are making fun of him for being perfect. That still means they see him as being perfect.
And that's good. That's exactly how he wants it to be.
No, he corrects himself- not how he wants it to be. How it is. People don't just see him as perfect- he is perfect. (Or so he tells himself. But is he, is he really perfect? Or is he just lying, trying to convince himself. Convince everyone else.) Wonderboy is at the top of his class. He's passable at Base Quest and actually quite good at Bramble. Even though his father doesn't approve of the hobby, his talent at baking is undeniable. Every girl at Foxfire is in agreement that he's handsome, with bronze skin, teal eyes, and a smile that makes all of them swoon.
(He doesn't care how many girls like him. He's never liked any of them.)
And Sophie. He's a key member of the Black Swan, and he's Sophie's cognate. They're cognates. And everyone expects them to be a couple.
He's supposed to love her. He can't.
They would be a perfect couple, if only he could feel what he was supposed to.
He can't.
The point is, Fitz is perfect. He's sunshine, blue skies. Flawless. Golden.
Fitz Vacker is perfect. And he can't shake the feeling that perfection is a cage.
Keefe Sencen is anything but perfect.
It's obvious from the very moment they meet. Keefe is too loud, too energetic, too obnoxious. He barely pays any attention in his classes and lands in detention every other day. Taking anything seriously seems to be impossible for him. Even his appearance, with messed up hair and the way he "forgets" his cape, reflect on his personality.
Alden disapproves immediately. Keefe would never be a good influence for Fitz, could get him in trouble, damage his reputation. Blah, blah, blah. He does make sense, too; Fitz is a Vacker, and he's the golden boy, so he can only be surrounded by the best. Which likely doesn't include Keefe. But after one conversation with that boy, he finds himself inviting him over to Everglen after school.
After that, they're inseparable, no matter what Alden says.
And Keefe is still far from perfect. He hides everything in jokes and spends too much time obviously crushing on Sophie. (A fact that gives Fitz a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. He isn't sure why; maybe it would be weird if two of his best friends started dating?) Keefe's mom is part of the Neverseen and the council banished him to Exillium and he makes reckless decisions.
Odds are, Keefe is a ticking time bomb, and Fitz needs to get away. That's what his brain tells him to do. Then, Keefe tells him Lord Cassius's theory on head and heart emotions, and something clicks. In his head, he wants Keefe gone. In his heart, he needs Keefe to stay.
Shit, he thinks.
Keefe is anything but perfect. He's a hurricane, a natural disaster. Flawed. Broken glass.
Keefe Sencen is anything but perfect. And Fitz cares about Keefe way to much to ever let it come between them. Shit.
Fitz nearly dies once, a time most people have forgotten about. He remembers it perfectly.
It's soon after he, Sophie, Dex, Biana, and... Keefe, though Fitz doesn't yet know why he has the ellipses, run away to join the Black Swan in Allavuterre. When they break into Exile to visit Prentice, and the Council comes to stop them. It's the most stupid way to nearly die, but a giant bug stabs Fitz. An arthopleura, eight feet tall and full of poison, stabs him.
And he nearly dies.
Even though he doesn't have a photographic memory, the time plays out perfectly in his mind- everything suddenly aches, he can barely breathe and the world swims before his eyes. His brain feels foggy, clouded by the poison. Through the fog, he can only think of one thing. A name, that he clings to like a lifeline.
And it should be Sophie's name. It should be Sophie's name. He's usually perfect enough to keep control of his thoughts, make sure he wants the right thing and doesn't spend too much time ever longing for the wrong thing.
In his poisoned state, that sort of control is gone, and all he can think of is what he actually wants.
The name echoes in his mind, over and over. When he feels himself only at his last point of consciousness, Keefe's name is still repeating, but he doesn't remember what it means.
Who's Keefe? he thinks.
A memory tickles at the back of his mind. Keefe... he... I... I think I'm in love with him.
He gives into the poison, consciousness gone.
When he wakes up, his head still feels foggy and slow. Keefe's name is still there, and it doesn't take long for the rest of Fitz's memories to come slotting into place. I think I'm in love with him.
Where the fuck had that thought come from?
Fitz isn't in love with Keefe. He can't be. He isn't. Fitz is the perfect Vacker, the golden boy. He's going to marry someone on his match list that his father approves of, and then he's going to further the Vacker family name and not dishonor generations of Vackers before him. He'll continue being perfect, something that can't happen if he loves Keefe. Because Keefe is so far from perfect, nothing like anyone those generations of Vackers want him to marry. He's chaotic and disobedient and, well, a boy.
If Fitz is to be perfect, he can't like Keefe.
And he will be perfect.
No, he is.
His friends come in, full of concerns and well wishes. Keefe comes in carrying Mr. Snuggles, and thought he's laughing at Fitz, all Fitz can think about is how cute his laugh is, how Keefe hasn't smiled in so long and he's so happy that Keefe is happy. Keefe lights up Fitz's world, and after a bug-induced realization, Fitz notices that Keefe is... well, really hot.
Don't think about that.
Eventually, the rest of his friends leave, and Livvy gives him various elixirs. Della and Biana stay behind, but eventually, Livvy and Della have to talk about something, and he's left alone with Biana.
Biana smirks. "Does Fitzy have a crush?"
His face burns. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Please," she scoffs. "You've been making heart eyes ever since our friends came in. Spill."
"I don't- I'm not-"
"Fitz, you're a terrible liar. Come on, just admit you like Sophie."
Sophie. Yes, he likes Sophie. Sophie is the Moonlark, the most powerful elf; just who the perfect Vacker boy should like. She's pretty, and she's a girl, and she's just as perfect as he is. They're meant to be together.
"Yes," he lies. "Fine. I like Sophie. I realized it after almost dying. Happy now?"
"But don't... don't tell her." Fitz knows that Sophie has a crush on him; no matter how hard she tries to keep it a secret, it's fairly obvious. He doesn't want her thinking that he likes her, though, because then they'd have to date, and he wouldn't like her. Well, he likes her a lot, but not like that. He likes her enough to not lead her on like that.
Biana gives him a strange look. "You know she likes you, right?"
Shit. Now he has to think of a lie, and as Biana pointed out, he's not good at lying. "I'm... I don't really want a relationship right now. While we're dealing with the Neverseen and all that. I kind of just want to wait, and I'm worried Sophie will take that as I don't like her."
He feels Biana's eyes on him for a long time, but she finally nods. "Makes sense. I'm gonna go... get some sleep, Fitz."
When she leaves, he feels like he can finally exhale. He was nearly caught with a crush on Keefe Sencen, of all people. He managed to lie and divert the attention to Sophie... but that was fucking hard.
It shouldn't be hard. He should forget all about Keefe right now, before he falls in deeper, and like Sophie instead. That's what he has to do, to be perfect again.
And yet... he can't shake the feeling that, if he wasn't a Vacker, if he wasn't stuck in the cage of perfection... he would love to be with Keefe.
That didn't matter. Whether he likes it or not, Fitz is in his cage of perfection, so he can't want Keefe.
He can't. Because he's perfect.
As the world continues on, with a mess of Neverseen attacks and near death experiences and drama with their friends, Keefe Sencen never fucking leaves Fitz's head. His stupid smirk and stupid Hair and stupid, stupidly imperfect beauty. He's so stupidly funny and caring and brilliant, and oh, Fitz is so stupidly in love.
It's infuriating.
And yes, he's well aware it's kind of an asshole move, but ever since he recovered from the bug stabbing incident and the feelings for Keefe didn't go away, he's been avoiding him. Every second he spends with Keefe makes him fall even deeper in love. And as he falls deeper in love, he comes closer and closer to falling off his throne.
He can't risk that.
Even strained conversations are difficult. Fitz feels something he can't name, a combination of fury and frustration and love bubbling up in his chest, and he sometimes thinks he'll explode if he doesn't scream it. I'm in love with Keefe. I'm in love with Keefe.
But he can't scream it. So he'll just have to stay away.
Keefe thinks he's jealous, that he and Sophie have something going on, because he thinks Fitz likes Sophie. Fitz is jealous whenever Keefe and Sophie are together, it's true. He wishes he were jealous of Keefe. It's safer to have him believe that. Safer to stay away.
It kills him.
But he can't have both Keefe and perfection, and he's chosen perfection.
The perfection he wants (this isn't what he wants, he wants Keefe, he's never wanted this) comes in the form of Sophie Elizabeth Foster and a walk through Everglen. They're discussing matchmaking, dangerous territory- and then the danger becomes real, tipping Fitz into the deep end of a conversation he'd rather avoid.
Sophie starts crying. He's not an idiot; he knows why.
Because she thinks he'll never like her.
(And she's right. He can't like her. He can't like girls.)
Before he can think it through, the words are out of his mouth: "I want it to be you," he blurts. "I want it to be you. On my match list." It's not a lie. He wants her on his match list, and him to be on hers, so they can be matched, and together... and, well, married, as horrifying as that thought is. Married to Sophie. Together for eternity.
(That sounds like a nightmare. He loves her, but not like that. The mere thought of spending eternity together feels like he's already trapped. Caged within perfection.)
He wants to want Sophie like that. And that means he wants her, right?
(He wants Keefe.)
This is what he wants, he reminds himself, as he leans towards her, ready to kiss. He'd never admit it to anyone, but when they're interrupted by Silveny, he's overwhelmingly relieved.
No he isn't.
This is what he wants.
He's relieved again when he and Sophie break up. And terrified. She was his safety net, and now, when he falls for Keefe, nothing is going to catch him. Then, he regrets feeling any bit of relief- what kind of boyfriend does that make him?
A gay one.
That's what he is, isn't he? He's not perfect. He's gay. And he thought it would go away. It hasn't. It isn't going to. He's gay, he's gay for Keefe Sencen, and he'll never be perfect. Never be fucking perfect. Unless he pushes the feelings down until he forgets about them. Unless he never tells anyone. Unless he bites his tongue and marries a woman and does everything exactly right. Never slips up. Convinces himself, and everyone else, that he's... normal.
Not just normal.
Fucking perfect.
His plans to repress all Keefe-related emotions fails horribly within a few days. Keefe, the fucking idiot, manages to get himself in a coma, and now Fitz doesn't know whether he'll wake up, and dammit, even ignoring Keefe was better than this. 
He just wants Keefe back, even if it'll be harder to be perfect.
The universe rewards him, the time he spends by Keefe's bedside whispering I'll stay away from him, I won't fall in love, I'll forget all about him, if he can stay alive works, or maybe it was just luck. Either way, Keefe is awake.
At first, he has no idea what to feel. Overwhelmingly happy, for one. It's hard to push that down.
He's your best friend. It's normal to feel happy about your best friend not dying. It's fine. This is fine. You're fine.
You're still perfect.
Then, everything spirals very quickly, and it turns out Keefe's mother- shit, Fitz hates her- has managed to ruin everything once again. Fantastic. Now Keefe is scared of himself, and if Fitz is being honest, he's a little scared... but then again, he was always scared of Keefe, wasn't he? Scared of how his laugh made Fitz feel like he'd won a million lusters and how he could be so imperfect yet so wonderful and how sometimes, Fitz thought maybe, it'd be worth it to not be perfect, as long as they could be together.
And scared of how he can't stop thinking about Keefe, so he buys flowers- fucking flowers- and goes to visit him at Elwin's house.
Elwin opens the door. He glances at Fitz, then the flowers, then Fitz again, and smiles knowingly. Fitz wants to shrink into a hole, knowing that Elwin knows- or even suspects- his secret, that he's so far from perfect. Elwin doesn't think of it as a bad thing, though. It's still terrifying. "Keefe is in his room," he says. Fitz nods, not trusting his voice, and walks up the stairs.
Keefe opens the door. "Elwin, I said I'd- you're not Elwin."
"Not unless something very confusing just happened, no," Fitz agrees.
"What are you doing here?"
Fitz swallows. "I came to check on you," he says. Then he holds out the flowers. "And to give you these." Keefe stares at the flowers for a long time, long enough to make Fitz extremely uneasy. Oh why did I do this, this was so stupid, Keefe thinks it's stupid, it obviously is, and now Elwin knows, or at least suspects, and maybe Keefe suspects too, and why am I such a fucking idiot? But Keefe takes the flowers eventually.
The word is clipped, not particularly grateful, but Fitz lets his eyes meet Keefe's and he seems sincere. "No problem." Awkwardly, he shuffles his feet. "How are you?"
"I'm... I'm alright, I guess."
"You guess?"
"I don't really want to talk about it, if that's okay." When Fitz nods, Keefe gives a small smile. "How about you? I heard you and Foster broke up."
Truth be told, Fitz had nearly forgotten about that, which didn't bode well for his whole Yes, I definitely like girls act he was trying to do. "I'm... I think it was the right decision for us. Can I tell you a secret?" he blurts, the last sentence not planned. He hopes Keefe will say no, but of course he says yes, so Fitz swallows. "I don't think I ever liked her, really. I mean, I like her a lot. But not like that. Never like that. I've never liked a girl like that."
Instantly, Fitz regrets specifying a girl, but that was the only way to keep it truthful. Despite that, he regrets not lying as he watches Keefe connect the dots. "You like me, don't you?" Before Fitz can say anything, really even register the question, Keefe continues "It's not bad if you do. In fact, it's good, because I... I like you. A lot. Like that. So it's okay to tell me if you like me. And I promise I won't tell anyone unless you're alright with it."
Fitz nods. Almost in a whisper, he answers "I like you. I... I really like you, so much, so much it physically aches, but Keefe, I can't. You know I can't."
A look Fitz can't quite decipher comes over Keefe, a mixture of pain and anger and joy and... determination. "Tell me if you want me to stop," he whispers, before cupping Fitz's face. Even before their lips touch, Fitz knows it's so unlike the times he and Sophie almost kissed. This time, it feels exactly right.
It feels perfect.
That word, that fucking word, draws Fitz back abruptly away. "I can't," he repeats, taking a step back towards the door. Twists the doorknob. "I can't. I'm sorry, Keefe, but I can't."
Keefe nods. "I know. You have to be perfect." He doesn't sound angry; just resigned.
"I have to be perfect," Fitz agrees, and he leaves.
Once again, the world continues on. Keefe slowly begins trusting himself around other people again. Fitz still doesn't trust himself around Keefe. If they're too close for too long, he thinks he might just disregard everything and kiss him again. He thought it was hard before, but after he knows who fucking wonderful it is to kiss Keefe, it's nearly impossible. Keefe is like a drug, and Fitz has to do everything he can not to relapse.
So he stays away.
They fight the Neverseen a few more times. Nearly die once or twice. Elwin basically adopts Keefe. He and Sophie work to rebuild their trust as cognates, but it's hard, because now he's keeping such a big secret.
I never liked you.
I don't like girls.
I'm gay.
I like Keefe.
I kissed Keefe once.
He can't tell her any of that. Can't tell anyone. Keefe is the only person who knows, and even that is far too many people. He has to trust that Keefe won't tell anyone- though Keefe doesn't have as much to lose from it, it can't be good for him either. And Sophie... she's a really good friend, but he still... he can't. He just can't.
Even as their friendship repairs itself, they never date again. He's glad.
And disappointed.
Because he really needs a safety net, now more than ever.
Alden convinces him to get a match list, one without Sophie on it. One with a hundred girls, each one of them someone he can never love. Maybe he'll find one he likes well enough. And he can pretend to love her until he's convinced everyone, including himself. A new safety net.
A new mask of perfection.
He throws a Winnowing Gala then, mostly for the food. Unfortunately, he doesn't get to just eat the whole time. He has to dance with people, talk to them, hope to find some sort of spark. It never comes, of course. When he first met Keefe first, he knew that boy would be bad for him, but he couldn't stay away. Every moment talking to him felt like electricity. This is just... dull.
It's nearly torture.
Also, it's what the rest of his life is going to be like.
Fitz already knew perfection was a cage. He chose the cage instead of Keefe. Now he's living with the consequences. This was his choice, and he made his choice, but it's still... so hard. It feels like he's suffocating.
"I need some fresh air," he chokes out to the girl he's dancing with now. He can't even remember her name. She's nice, but nothing like Keefe. All of these girls blend together, because none of them are Keefe, and he's too focused on surviving the next few hours to concentrate on any of them.
Without waiting to here her response, he stumbles outside.
"Fitz?" a voice asks. He groans. Keefe. Why did it have to be Keefe?
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"It's nice to see you too. I came to pine as you chose a girl to marry, of course. Didn't expect you to come outside."
Fitz groans, burying his head in his hands. "Sorry to snap at you. I just..."
"You hate this. You hate this so much."
"How do you know?"
"Empath. Also, I know you," Keefe says. Fitz sighs. They fall silent for a long time, but finally, Keefe speaks again. "I still... I can't stop thinking about the kiss. It feels like forever ago, and I still sometimes feel your lips on mine like some sort of phantom. All I can do is think about kissing you again. I really want to kiss you again. I... I really want you." He takes a breath, then resumes, cutting off whatever Fitz was about to say. "But I know. You can't. I understand."
"I... it doesn't feel like I can. At all. But..." Fitz took a deep breath, gesturing at Everglen. "I can't do this either. I can't keep doing this, pretending to be perfect."
Keefe tilted his head to the side. "Fitz?"
"I'm done pretending," Fitz said, and he kissed Keefe once again.
When they finally separate, Keefe's ice blue eyes are wide, pupils dilated. "That was... incredible." He touches his fingers to his lips, never taking his eyes off Fitz. Fitz can't see himself, but he's sure he looks just as lovestruck. He's wanted this for years, and finally, finally...
"I want to tell people," Fitz says, his own voice sounding foreign to his ears. He didn't plan to say that, but repeats it. "I want to tell people about... about us."
"You know there's no going back after that," Keefe says, the beautiful smile on his face widening anyway.
Fitz nods. "I know. I don't want to go back. I told you, I'm done pretending."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure." He pauses. "Unless you don't want to?"
After a quick kiss that makes little fireworks go off in Fitz's head, he smiles again and says "No, I want to. Do you know what you're going to say?" Fitz shakes his head. "Just making it up as you go along. That works. Honestly, the best way to do things. Can I come in with you?" In response, Fitz takes Keefe's hand in his and squeezes it. "Great. Let's go."
With every step Fitz takes, he knows his time being perfect is running out. He's never been happier.
"I want to thank you all for coming tonight," Fitz says, waiting for the room to fall silent from the talking and laughing and music. While he waits, his eyes meet Keefe's. His boyfriend's. Keefe smiles, and he gives a tentative smile in return. His stomach flips with anxiety, and doubts of Do I really want to do this? start to creep back in. He briefly closes his eyes and lets the memory of the kiss wash over him, and it's the only thing to get them to go away.
Distantly, he hears a girl whisper-scream "Is he about to propose to someone?"
He clears his throat and continues. "I've really enjoyed getting to speak of all of you and get to know you. Unfortunately..." he swallows. "None of you... my perfect match. There's nothing wrong with any of you, and if I could be attracted to any of you, I would have some good options to choose from. But... I'm not attracted to girls. Any girls. At all."
Behind him, he hears his father hissing "Fitz, what are you doing?"
"Let him finish," his mom murmurs, voice low.
After letting his eyes drift back to Keefe, he takes a deep breath and blurts it out to the entire room. It's been bubbling up in him for so long, with no one knowing, and by tomorrow, everyone in the Lost Cities will know. That's terrifying. But strangely liberating. No more pretending. "I'm gay."
"Fitzroy," his father snaps, instantly. "Stop talking at once."
"Fitzroy Avery Vacker-"
"No," Fitz repeats, meeting Alden's eyes and ignoring every voice of wisdom telling him to look away. "No. I'm done pretending. And I'm done being perfect. I'm gay, and I'm in love with Keefe, and you're just going to have to fucking deal with that."
Without waiting for a response, he turns and walks over to Keefe, collapsing into a hug. "I'm proud of you," he hears in a whisper.
"That was terrifying," he breathes.
"I know. But it's going to be okay."
Fitz tangles his hands in Keefe's stupidly beautiful hair and meets their lips in another earth shattering kiss. "I love you."
"I love you too, Wonderboy."
Things won't ever be perfect again. Alden and Della divorce, and though neither of them says it, Fitz knows it's his fault. Keefe's father is furious, which he knows upsets Keefe even though he lives with Elwin now. Some elves are supportive, and some even come out after Fitz- including Sophie and Biana, who have apparently been dating for months- but other elves whisper about the gay Vacker boy, and how unfortunate it is for the family. The Council has been arguing for months about whether or not Fitz should be allowed to be matched with Keefe. Fighting the Neverseen is still a necessity, and they keep getting hurt.
Things won't ever be perfect again. Fitz won't be "perfect" again.
But it doesn't matter whether he's perfect. He's happy.
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griff-us · 3 years
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Title: Being So Normal Part: One Pairing: Black!Reader/Bucky Barnes Summary: Neither of them are very good at being normal. Good thing the spectrum of normalcy these days is anything but the definition of the word. In other words: two broken people mend together. Warnings: typical canon level violence, mentions of past abuse both physical and emotional, alcohol abuse and mentions of, drug abuse and mentions of.
Chapter Theme: Being So Normal, Peach Pit
Notes: Just a little self-indulgent series that's been sitting in the back of my brain that I have finally decided to work on after kinda scraping the previous one.
Sort of a Neighbors's AU mixed with a Coffee Shop Au. Lots of character introspection for the reader, and Bucky, and some fun and drama along the way. This will no doubt be a slow slow burn.
Hope yall enjoy and feel free to leave any comments or hit me with questions! Oh, mood board slapped together by me! Also, no Beta. Tbh I'm lazy and impatient so excuse any mistakes.
Saturday: 11:30pm
Sam was the one who convinced him to come---or maybe forced would be the better word. Life has been returning to somewhat normal for the two of them; Sam shouldering his mantle as Captain America, and James slowly easing into his role as Sergeant Barnes rather than The Winter Soldier. But, it’s not all easy, at least not for James. Normalcy is not his strong suit, not when the urgency of survival had been drilled into his skull for the past hundred years or so. Sure, he was comfortable, but not necessarily happy. James is lost, and no one can tell that more than Sam.
And that is how he’s found himself in this crowded club with flashing lights and a bass beat that he can feel in the pit of his stomach. It’s not that the environment is too much---it’s just that he feels so...odd out. After all, Jame’s idea of a night out used to be something more akin to a jazz bar and dancing. Not whatever gyrations and wiggling around the kids called dancing was these days.
God, he really is old.
“You gotta loosen up man, you’re killing my vibe.” Sam, as if on cue, shoulders into him. James scowls, making sure to keep a tight grip on his beer---if you could even call it that. The brewery it was from managed to pack so many damn spices and fruit in it that it tasted more like a cocktail than any beer he’s come to like.
“You’ve got a weird vibe then, Sam.” the other man laughs, elbows resting against the bar top behind them while he scopes out the scene. It’s a typical New York club; fashion being the forefront of it all, the entire reason anyone is out right now is to be seen and admired. Among other things.
“That cutie over there keeps tossing you looks, you should go say hi.” James follows Sam’s gaze across the bar. A gaggle of young women crowds around a booth, all of them eyeing them and whispering to one another. He rolls his eyes and takes a long swig of his beer.
“I think you mean they’re looking at you, Sam.” The super soldier turns back toward the bar to push his empty glass to the bartender who only nods his way and produces a refill without another word.
“Eyes up, Sergeant, they’re coming over.”
James doesn’t pay any mind to the coming onslaught; it’s always the same really. Sam is descended on by a group of gals excited to meet the new Captain America and even more enthralled when they realize he’s pretty damn charming. Not that he’s jealous in any way. Annoyed? Sure. See, he just isn’t one for new people---especially the kind that Sam tends to attract sometimes. The airheads, the young ones just waiting to hook up and never talk again. He just can’t vibe with it, can’t grasp it. Maybe he is too old for this modern age of love and romance.
James just turns his attention to the muted TV over the bar, his back facing the chatty group of women behind him while they flock to Sam like vultures starving for a meal. The news flashes between stories from all over; follow-ups on the last of the Flag Smashers, some weird disturbances in a tiny town somewhere far off, and a local story on a stray cat that is just “too cute to not have a home.” He snorts, lips smacking from the twang of his beer.
“Sorry about them.” The tiny voice from his left nearly makes him jump, and James can only blame the blaring music for his lack of attention.
“Huh?” He peers down to see an average height woman; with big brown eyes and skin a deep tan and sunkissed. By all accounts, she is stunning---and looks nearly as out of place in this massive club as he does.
“My friends---” her head jerks towards the group of women still fawning over Sam, who no doubt is loving all of the attention. “I tried to explain to them that you guys are just normal people too," she thinks they're normal? "but the alcohol made them all braver than they normally are.” The woman rolls her eyes but by the soft smile she wears he can tell she means no malice.
“And what about you?” James leans his full weight on the bar top now all the while inching closer to the woman. He can read the confusion on her face. “Are you feeling braver than normal?” she flushes at his clarification, and an easy shrug rolls from the shoulder.
“I’m just the mom friend trying to make sure my friends don’t end up dead, in jail, or worse.” James can’t help but laugh at that.
“A mom friend, huh?” gloved fingers pluck the pint glass from the bar and neither of them breaks eye contact while he swallows nearly half the glass.
“Yeah, kind of how I’ve always been; just an eighty-year-old woman at heart I guess.” James gives her a crooked grin: he could understand that.
“You’re too young to talk like that.” he elbows her gently, suddenly so comfortable with her presence that he can feel himself loosening up a bit.
“Then what’s your excuse?”
Brows cock high, that twisted little grin never once wavering from his face. He likes her---the idle and quiet wit, the way she matches his quips with equal stride.
“What’s your---” but before he can finish the group of girls are flagging her down, yanking her arm in one direction while they all gossip about how someone managed to snag Captain America’s number. James watches while she shoots him an apologetic smile while she is all but dragged back to their booth across the dance floor. Before he knows it, her face is lost in a sea of people.
“You would pick up the prettiest one.” Sam’s voice yanks James from his thoughts, and he looks up with narrowed eyes. “Don’t think I didn’t see that little flirt session. You get her number?”
“I’m going home.” James slaps a crisp bill on the bar top and Sam laughs, all loud and boisterous.
“You didn’t even get her name, did you, man?”
“Good night, Sam!” with hands shoved deep in his pockets, James turns heels and heads home.
Sunday: 8:am
The mornings were his favorite time to jog. Consider it a coping mechanism---not that he necessarily needed to go for mile-long runs or work out, what with the serum, but it was the only time his mind was truly quiet. So, James kept to a strict schedule of an hour or so run every morning followed up by a tall dark roast. Only today, he is late by nearly an hour to get to his usual coffee spot; which wouldn’t be terrible but James lives for routines. Without one, his entire day is skewed.
It’s eight in the morning when he strolls into the coffee shop, a tiny little place sat precariously on the corner of two streets only a couple blocks from his apartment. Clad in joggers and a simple black t-shirt, he strides up to the counter; eyes glued to the menu board for any new sweets that may catch his eye.
“Well hi again.” brows grow taught at their center---he knows that voice. James looks down to see the same woman from the night before. Black hair is piled high on her head and rather than the slim little dress from the night before she sports simple leggings and a graphic shirt of which the reference he is utterly lost on.
“Oh. Hi...uh....” blue eyes look for a name tag, and he finds none. Damn it.
“Y/N” she smiles wide at him, much like she had in the club only this time, with better lighting, he can make out the dimples that crease each of her cheeks.
“Y/N.” he repeats her name back slowly. “Uh, nice to meet you, or see you again. I guess.” he points to himself, “I’m Bucky.” said so lamely, so simply, he really can’t blame her for laughing at him.
“I know. What can I get for you, James?”
That throws him; tosses him so off-kilter the man can hardly remember his order. Sure a couple people call him James, well really only his mother and his therapist when he’s in deep shit but…. To hear a name nearly forgotten to himself, and from her? Well, it turns his brain to static.
“Just a large black coffee and one of those brownies please.” She nods and starts to prep his order, all the while he stands there like an idiot with a ten-dollar bill in his hand and his heart in his throat. Finally, he finds a safe landing back on earth.
“How was the rest of your night with your friends?” Y/N groans while she pours him a fresh cup of coffee.
“Catty. I finally got the last one home around three in the morning. Got home just in time for a nap before I came in here.”
“That sounds---awful.” James trades her the coffee for the ten, and watches while she works the register.
“Wasn’t so bad. I don’t sleep much these days anyway.” Y/N offers the change back to James but only nods his head toward the tip jar.
“Sounds like you earned it. Did you just start working here?" he's never seen her working here before, and per his routine, James is here around this time at least five times a week.
"Covering for a friend, I usually work the closing shift if I'm not teaching." Teaching? James would assume she'd be on the younger side to teach.
"I'll have to come more often around that time then." he watches while round cheeks twitch, and flush.
“Deal. I’ll uh...see you around, James?”
“Y-yeah. See you around, Y/N”
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buggiesbuzzing · 4 years
AMARANTH [ c. cullen ]
TITLE :: Amaranth
CHAPTER ZERO :: The Beginning of the End
PAIRING :: Carlisle Cullen x reader, various x reader
GENRE :: Drama
SUMMARY :: Once leading a life of what she seen as relative normality, a sudden change sends poor y/n into a disastrous spiral.
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Y/n had a normal life, as normal as she could possibly have, and she was happy with the mediocrity. She was rather successful; she was getting married soon, she was working as the personal assistant to a regional manager for some big corporate business and made good money — hell, she even made an effort to reconnect with her parents, before they passed away, that is — she even planned on going to college after getting married so she could pursue a career as a pediatrician. But, of course, life hardly ever goes as planned.
Her life came crashing down towards the beginning of January, during her bachelorette party with a few of her close friends. At first, she hated the idea of having a bachelorette party, but after endless pestering, her friends convinced her to go to a club with them. However, Y/n happened to more introverted and somehow came up with an excuse to hang out in the empty alley behind the club for a breather, and sneaking a secret smoke. She lit the tobacco and inhaled the chemicals, her lungs stinging since she'd abstained from cigarettes for a while. She knew they were toxic to her health, but in overly stressful situations, she would break out the ol' cancer sticks for a bit of relief.
The cool night breeze sent shivers down her spine. She was not wearing the most comfortable winter outfit. Quite frankly, she was freezing her tits off at the chill. The outfit she was in was a pretty small dress with a pair of black boots, revealing a lot of skin, which was borrowed from one of her friends’ closet.
Her cigarette had almost completely burned out when she heard some gravel being kicked around while feet quietly shuffled around on the ground. She became slightly paranoid at the thought of someone being in close proximity to her. She dropped the cigarette butt and stomped out the faltering flame, picking it back up once it was out and tossing it in an outdoor trash bin. When she turned back to see if an animal was causing the little noises, but she was met with a man who had stunningly pale skin and blond hair held up in a ponytail. She was terrified, and her eyes scanned him, looking for any sign of familiarity. Alas, she found none. He was wearing a pair of jeans, but no shirt, which she found strange, especially because it was January and there were flurries of snow falling to the ground.
Y/n had no idea what was going on, but couldn't help the small, scared whimper that she let out when he clamped his cold hand around her mouth with fast, bruising force, ensuring that she couldn't scream out for help. Tears streamed down her cheeks as he sunk his rather sharp teeth into her clavicle. She was terrified, she could only see a glint of red in his eye, before a rush of intense pain coursed through her veins. The blond pulled away from her neck, a bit of red liquid dripping from the corner of his mouth. She choked out a sob and fell to the ground once his hand left her jaw, bare knees hitting the rough, loose gravel.
The doors of the club opened, to reveal a couple of Y/n's girlfriends, worriedly chattering; the stranger darted off, not wanting to be caught. She struggled to stay conscious, her vision becoming worse by the second, black dots spotting her surroundings. She squeaked out a small "help" before collapsing on the ground entirely, the ache still running through her body.
The girls panicked, seeing their dear friend fall unconscious in their peripherals, turning and running toward her. At first, they thought she was a goner, but one of them thought to pull out a small mirror from their purse and stuck it below her nose. Although it was minor, her breathing caused a slight fog on the mirror, letting them know she wasn't dead yet. They let out sighs of relief and did their best to pick up their friend, but the heels they chose to wear were no help to them. Instead of attempting to lug her out and flag down a cab, they focused on trying to find out exactly what happened and who they had to kill for causing this.
One of the girls, Stephanie, looked her up and down, seeing if she had any injuries, and came across a large, bleeding wound on her neck that looked like a bite if you squinted. Stephanie pointed out the spot to the other girl, Lisa, while she fished a makeup wipe out of her purse. She used a wipe to clean up the injury, but Y/n hissed in pain as the wipe made contact with an open part of the wound.
Y/n's eyes opened, and she took a moment to regain herself, pressing her back against the wall of the building. "I. . . I'm gonna go home." She grumbled, bending down to pick up her clutch.
"Are you kidding, Y/n? You need to go to the hospital! That thing on your neck is disgusting!" Stephanie was shocked, she was clearly concerned about the wound, but Y/n didn't seem to care as much.
Lisa chimed in, "It could get infected if you don't get it treated, Y/n, you should have it checked out."
The corner of Y/n's mouth twitched upwards, a weak smile appearing. "Steph, Lis, I can take care of this, it's nothing," It was definitely not nothing. She could feel an ache all throughout her veins and her head felt like it was about to explode. Y/n didn't want them to worry, she knew them all too well and she knew that if the weirdo who bit her gave her some disease they wouldn't stop blaming themselves. "I'll go home, get some bandages and antibiotic ointment, then I'll be good as new. Don't worry."
The girls, very reluctantly, let her go — trusting her instead of arguing with their stubborn friend. "Do you want me to come with? I can help, it's kind of an awkward spot to be fixing up on your own." Stephanie offered.
Y/n shook her head and politely murmured, "No thanks, Steph." They respected her wishes and headed back inside while she caught a cab driving by.
It took only about fifteen minutes for the cab to get her home, opposed to the usual twenty — the driver had seen the dried blood that had stained her skin and decided that it would be best to get there as fast as he could. She thanked the man and paid her fare, plus a hefty tip, before stumbling into her home. It was around midnight when she decided to stop waiting on her fiancé, Tyler, to get home since he was working late, yet again. She dressed her wound in bandages and took some pain killers along with a shot of whiskey to dull the ache, then retired to bed.
The next morning, she felt nothing but the raging pain of her blood coursing through her veins like poison. She swallowed it down with a few shots of hard liquor and her daily medicine. The entire day she was on edge, always looking over her shoulder. She took the day off from work, but her husband hadn't; something about extra paperwork to file before dinner. His parents were coming over to celebrate their engagement over dinner, and although Y/n wasn't feeling good, she wasn't going to up and cancel.
Instead of making a meal, Y/n called a nearby Japanese catering company, ordering a few plates of assorted sushi rolls to be delivered by four o'clock. She didn't worry over the cost, but rather plopped down on the couch, trying to rest before she'd have to deal with her to-be in-laws.
She must've lost track of time because before she knew it, there was a knock at the door, and she was mindlessly getting up to open it. There stood an awkward-looking teen with a few insulated cases in hand. "Ms. L/n?" In response, she nodded and he gestured to a receipt sitting on top of the boxes. "Sign on the dotted line," The delivery boy pulled a blue pen out of his pocket and handed it to her, which she took with hesitation. She signed for the food and took the boxes. "Have a nice day!" He spoke quickly as she shut the door.
"Why can I still smell him? He smells like Frito's dipped in guac," Y/n grimaced, however, the stench made her hungry. "Whatever, I can dig in once they're here." She sighed.
Only moments passed before the door opened, revealing her soon-to-be husband, Tyler, and his parents. Tyler took it upon himself to set the table and help his parents settle in for their stay. Y/n stood in the bathroom, observing her neck and shoulder — whatever used to be there was now but a faint ring mark. Unfortunately, that didn't mean her pain stopped. Thankfully, she had a higher tolerance than most, and a bit of liquor helped.
They were part-way through dinner, and Y/n was picking at her second California roll. She could just barely stand the scents her nose was taking in — and the sushi wasn't the cause. She could separate the smells too; one of them smelt like rotting pears, another was a variation of sour wine, and the final one was by far the one that made her hunger plunge deeper — it was floral, and yet bitter. The sushi was no longer of any interest to Y/n; those smells, though, they were mouthwatering.
"Oh, dear, Y/n," Tyler's mother, Jill, started. "I just don't understand why you couldn't have made the food yourself; then again, you've always been quite a lazy lady." The last part was more of a reminder to herself but still, hurt Y/n nonetheless.
Y/n smiled, but everyone could tell it was fake, and there was nothing but pure rage behind it. "Oh, Jillian, you always critique my cooking skills anyways, so I thought why not save you the trouble and just get food elsewhere." Bitterness seeped from every word she spoke as she glared daggers at Tyler's monster of a mum.
"How thoughtful." The father, Wayne, added, shoving a spicy tuna roll down his gullet.
Jill obviously wasn't happy with the retort and turned to her beloved son. "I can't see why you didn't try to get with that Jessy girl at your office, she was an absolute sweetie; but I guess you like the sour bunch."
Wayne chuckled. "Yeah, if I were in your situation, I'd take the bait," He paused, taking a bite of another sushi roll before speaking up again. "Put in some extra hours, if you know what I mean." He spat, a piece of rice shooting out on his mouth and onto Y/n's nearby plate. Tyler let out a nervous laugh, looking towards his fianceé.
As she got angrier, the smells got more intense and the sound of rhythmic beating and rushing liquid filled her ears. She snapped her eyes shut so she could try to focus, but she just couldn't. Tyler attempted to bring her out of her pained expression with aggressive shoulder tapping, he was met with a push with massive force behind it. Said push sent him hurtling backward into a wall, causing his body to leave a hole in its place before he fell to the ground. Wayne stood up in shock, confused at what had just happened, and something had completely taken Y/n over.
No longer could she ignore her hunger, or the pent up fury within her. She leapt at Wayne, smacking his head against the wall harshly, before looking at Jill, who was going through her purse desperately looking for her Blackberry.
"No phones at the table, Jill." Y/n hissed before, kicking the leg of her chair, snapping the wooden block off, and making Jill fall to the floor.
To Jill, all hope was lost. Within seconds, Y/n fell to the floor and grabbed Jill's arm, biting it. The latter cried out, but Y/n quickly grabbed as much sushi as she could handle and shoved it into her mouth, muffling the screams.
Sharp and strong teeth replaced Y/n's former ones and she mercilessly sucked the blood from Jill's arm. Y/n's eyes had gone dark, and that was all Jill saw before she'd lost a large amount of blood and lost consciousness.
Y/n physically had to rip herself away from her would-be mother-in-law to prevent herself from draining the body completely. Once she had seen what was done, tears streamed down her face. Panic set in, and Y/n stood up and looked around at the mess she made.
Something felt off. Her hands wandered to her mouth, poking at her mouth to realize that her teeth felt much stronger than before and there was a thick layer of blood on her bottom lip. "Holy shit. . ." She gasped, scared of what idea came to mind. "Am I a fucking vampire?"
It sounded even more ridiculous out loud.
Her mind circled back to the blood dribbling down her chin and onto her blouse. What a shame. It was one of her favorites. How was she ever going to rid herself of this mess? This was her house, people in the neighborhood knew her, she would obviously be suspect number one and she had zero idea how to drop off the face of the earth.
Y/n's eyes shifted around the room, looking for some sort of sudden solution to her problems. Sushi, blood, candles, broken wood. . . Candles. . . Fire. She could burn the evidence. Her mind wandered back to the gas canister for her lawnmower; Tyler always kept it full so it would be there when he needed it. She rushed out to the garage, surprised at her speed, and retrieved the red can.
She poured gasoline on the floor, making sure the bodies were doused in the extremely flammable liquid. Let's be honest, if the bodies burnt enough, the police of this town probably wouldn't care enough to look too far into it — they'd most likely mark her off as deceased as well.
She had changed into a pair of thick spandex, a pair of comfortable sneakers, and a hoodie two sizes too large; and at the ripe, late time of '1:27 AM', Y/n snatched one of her lighters and her pack of cigarettes and went outside. She lit a cigarette and took a couple of moments to reminisce. She adored her house, but it could no longer be her home. She wouldn't be safe there, and she couldn't come back. She needed to be far, far away. She couldn't spend a second more there, so she took one last hit and flicked her lit cigarette through the door of the house and took off as flames spread through the house.
Hour, upon hour — they simply passed like minutes. It felt exhilarating to not be tired. She ran all night and the sun was starting to peek over the horizon, soft rays of light filtered through the crowds of trees. She was in a forest of some kind, and she had absolutely no idea where she was. After a couple of minutes of nothing but trees for miles, she stopped.
Somehow she felt absolutely no exhaustion from the obscene amount of physical work she'd just went through. She must've been at least a couple of states away, she should be safe.
tags :: @whattheheckisevengoingon​
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Review #69: Love in the Moonlight
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I was going to write about this drama after I finished the last episode, but I'm halfway through and I just can't contain myself anymore.
This drama is such a joke. I'm honestly laughing incredulously here. Well, I'm up to the part where Yoonsung goes to fetch Raon with a bunch of guards behind him to - in his own words to his dad - "test the depth of his feelings for her". What a joke. You know and I know and he knows and we all damn know that he's too soft hearted to hurt anyone. And the writer is expecting us to believe that he would hurt Raon? The girl he's in love with? The girl he would go against his long-term friend and family for? The only girl he's ever liked even after frequenting a hundred kisaengs? Yeah, right.
That is this writer's biggest downfall. They're just too much of a softie. I'm pretty sure this writer fell in love with their own characters, so much to the point where they're too mushy-hearted to do anything bad to them. This happens multiple times throughout the drama, I can't even count. Nothing bad EVER happens to the characters. Well, let me rephrase that. Nothing bad EVER lasts for long with these characters - because the writer just can't bear to see them suffer for long!
Think about it. EACH damn time Raon and Young have to go through a tearful and heart-wrenching separation, they just get back together in the next episode or even earlier. The writer can't pull through with their own storytelling. The separation of the two main characters is always presented in this intensely tear-jerking fashion as though it's the hardest thing they have to go through, but in less than an hour there the prince is AGAIN, and all I can do is sit here and cry out in frustration because there are no stakes! How are we as the audience supposed to be sad and emotionally invested and feel like their love is a life and death situation when it just really ISN'T?
The examples go on and on. Think about the time Byeongyeon sacrificed himself for Raon and the prince. (Don't worry, Raon's unbearable passivity is coming up in another huge post of its own.) I actually liked that scene. I mean, yeah I love Byeongyeon as a character (more than Raon for sure) but his death meant something. It was an incredibly meaningful moment. You could see how much love he had for the prince and the entire scene was done pretty well, including the dialogue. And then what happens? HE DOESN'T DIE. Like, really? Okay, so he got shot by several arrows (and one of them definitely hits very close to his vital organs) and gets slashed by a sword and he still LIVES? So a hundred other people who gets slashed just once in the drama all die but this dude LIVES? Oh please. I swear, the moment I saw him lying down getting taken care of I wanted to smash the wall. That's not how it works! When you do that, you totally destroy the meaningful scene that you initially set up. If he comes back to life so easily, what was his death for? What meaning does it hold now? Ultimately, it tells the audience that nothing really is at stake, and that all of the "important" characters will come out unscathed. Nothing bad will ever happen to them. And what does this do? It destroys every ounce of tension in the drama. Nobody in the audience is going to ever feel that the situation in the drama is a life and death situation. Because it isn't.
That's really bad writing. One of the first things I learned in my screenwriting class was that you gotta put your main character through hell and you gotta have zero sympathy. You have to keep making bad things happen to them. The moment you become a softie, the tension just goes splat. It's really got to feel like a life and death situation and the stakes have to feel REAL. At the moment, the drama does none of that.
That's why I had to stop watching and rant when Yoonsung (of course) takes out his sword and slays the guards. Of course. I wasn't expecting anything else anyways. Who in the world would even think Yoonsung would do something other than protect Raon? Well, for a second I guess I was kind of hopeful - but only for a second, because the drama of course ruined it as quickly as possible. The drama never lets things simmer and turn bad. The writer is too weak-hearted for that. They probably can't bear to see any of their characters suffer for long. So of course Yoonsung would take out his sword but of course it wouldn't be to harm Raon. Of course he would stop at the SLIGHTEST squeak from Raon and start slaying all of his guards lol. I was trying really hard from not typing lol but I really can't help it. It's just too incredulous.
If only the writer would pull through with their threats. If only they would actually let things go bad. Then the tension would rise and rise and the rubber band would be pulled and pulled tight until all that's left to do is for it to snap and all hell breaks loose, which is when you reach the story climax before the happy happy ending. Other dramas do this really well. Especially when they make the main couple break up for reasons outside their control. You really gotta milk that situation. But this drama just can't do that and has never done it. It's supposed to do that the most right now, when there are only so many episodes left until the end. However, the drama DOESN'T do that when it most needs to. I'm so frustrated.
Don't get me started on how much I hate Raon. Well, more like, how much I hate the way Raon is written by the writer. Raon used to be a great character in the beginning. But the moment she falls in love with the prince - well, let's say "falls in love" but where's the evidence that she even loves him? I could write ten pages on how much Raon doesn't love the prince and how passive and wide-eyed she is while the prince actually loves her and ACTS it out ALL the time. Okay, let's have a pause here, and I'll go watch the rest of the episode (well, try to) before going on another huge rant.
If you're going to do a sageuk, do it like 100 Days My Prince or don't do it at all. Or even like Scarlet Heart. At least the stakes there were huge. So many people actually died and the main girl was ACTUALLY tortured. The biggest advantage of sageuks (compared to modern dramas) are the fact that the situations can get really life-and-death. This drama didn't use any of that strong point. What a waste.
Okay. I just came back from watching the rest of Yoonsung's sudden attack on the guards and wow. I was not expecting HIM to die. After all that ranting I did up top about how the drama doesn't pull through and doesn't kill any of their important characters, this is kind of a huge blow. But I have to say, I don't understand why he had to die. When Byeongyeon sacrificed himself, it made all the sense in the world - with his sacrifice, he was able to save Raon, her dad, and even the prince. But didn't Yoonsung lead the guards to Raon himself? He then attacked the bunch of guards himself. Then you see Raon actually try to do something FINALLY but it might have been better if she hadn't done anything this time, cause he clearly got stabbed trying to save her. I guess I just wish his death was worth more than this. I really liked him as a character and I still feel like the drama did him dirty. He could have died a more meaningful death. Not like this.
Now everything is being wrapped up and I honestly feel like there was no real climax in this drama. Maybe it's coming up. Let's see. But from the look of things everything is being wrapped up like a pretty gift box with no imperfections. Have I also mentioned just how much I hate the fade out transitions in this drama? I honestly hate it. It feels like a cop out each time. It feels like a lazy cop out instead of following through with the action that is presented at the time.
As the drama wraps up, I gotta say that I've grown to really love the second female lead. I started off disliking her (just cause I liked the main couple too much back then) and thinking she was just a plot device but she's shown a lot of character throughout the time she was in the drama. SHE is the one who truly loved the prince and actually acted it out each time. And just as I say this, here we go again - the writer lets her off easy, making the king erase her princess-to-be history and ultimately making her sacrifice useless and bland. Sigh. Just LET people sacrifice and be selfless and just let the audience see and feel the deep worth in that! Why you gotta keep taking that away from us?!
I have finally finished the entire drama. I loved Young as a character and I love Park Bogum as the actor who acted him out. Young was BY FAR the best character in the drama, followed by Byeongyeon. Raon was annoying until the very end and even seeing her smile was annoying me. All I could think of was the fact that she was lifeless and had no personality and didn't even properly love the prince and even despite all that she was standing in front of him receiving his love. The prince deserves better.
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