summoncrsins · 7 years
" w-wait clarissa i-- ah.. w-we shouldn't-- " u asked for dom!clarissa, u have dom!clarissa
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                 Oh no, thatface, those words, that tone… Clarissa couldn’t help but gulp at that face. Hewas giving her the worst ideas now. She wanted to see better, how Alfonse’s face canchange when she was having her way with him. She did not expect him to be sopassive towards her. Or was it her who became twice as aggressive and bold. Shedid not expect that from herself. Ah, wait, no. She did. After all, beneaththat cute appearance hid a slight sadist that was just waiting for a rightmoment. She was not scared to show him this side of herself: perverted, dark,desirable.
                 Thefact that he tried to stop her like that only made her feel more turned on. Shedidn’t want to stop. She won’t stop. Alfonse didn’t seem to be so against this idea.After all, she doubted that anyone would come in without knocking. No, today, noone supposed to come in to the office. No one supposed to try to find themtoday. Almost everyone was out of the castle to rest and have fun in Askr.
                 Shehad the young prince all to herself. She had him all to herself. The summoner gulped at the thought of that. 
                 Shewas like a fire spirit before him. Her shirt was unbuttoned, opening the viewof her body and part of her chest. Her stomach and her collarbones were shown.She felt no shame or embarrassment like before. He had seen everything before.But now, her eyes were like two suns --- shining like never.
                 Clarissawanted him so badly now. Now that he was being so adorable. He was making herwant him so badly. Her cheeks were flushed. Her lips’ corners twitched and anexcited smile was shown on her face. Her perverted side was crying out, herbeast was already laying hands on his body. But only in mind, on the outsideshe was biting her lower lip and trying not to throw herself on him. Herscarlet eyes were clouded with lust.
    “What doyou mean, Alfonse?”  She inquired, herhands were placed on his shoulders, not letting him get up. She started unbuttoninghis shirt without waiting for his answer. His hands grabbed hers once shealmost got to the last button. She looked up, finally snapping out of herlustful mode. And yet, he simply tugged her forward, kissing her on the lips.Clarissa moaned into their kiss as his hands caressed her back.
                 Thesummoner didn’t let his charms get the best out of her. She broke the kiss andstarted placing soft butterfly kisses on his cheek, the neck, then collarbone.Alfonse’s breath quickened and she heard it. The fact he was listening to herwas making Clara’s heart beat faster.
       “C-Clarissa…”   Even his voice sounded sweeter than before.It was like an alcohol, she was getting drunk just from hearing it.
                 Herkisses traveled down to his stomach. He flinched. She smirked. Once again, shelooked up at him. His face was flushed. His lips parted. It was amazing. Shefelt like she could do whatever she wanted. She could just take him right now.Right there. In this library.
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         “Let metreat you today, Alfonse. I want to hear you moan my name...”
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summoncrsins · 7 years
“O-oh ... then uh.. i am going to put it in now…” // 👀👀👀 now part two becuz why not and u asked for it---
sexual encounters.              accepting.
@prinskr asked for a part two oops
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                 Finally,finally, finally! Clarissa was so happy to hear that he was going to finally doit. She was dripping, her pussy asked him to be inside. She wanted to feel himinside of her, to feel how his hard cock would bring her so much pleasure. Thered haired summoner was panting hard, her body was completely exposed to him.Only her shirt remained unbuttoned, but she didn’t care. She needed him, sheneeded to feel him.
                 Herlegs wide open to him as she tried her hardest not to close them because of herembarrassment. She always wondered if it looked weird, if she was pretty enoughfor him. If she will be able to please and satisfy him. She was worried aboutthose things. Even if she had experience, but this was Alfonse—he was not likeothers, he was not an animal who needed sex simply because of their desires. Hewas kind, thoughtful, gentle --- she did not know if she was dreaming or not. Andshe hoped she will not wake up and this will not be her perverted dream.
                 Hergaze met his, they were both desired for more. They were both aroused and wereready, but she could see him hesitating for a bit. She knew what he was thinkingabout. He didn’t want to hurt her. He was always like that, but once he willunderstand that she didn’t want anything but this --- maybe he will let her seehis inner beast, if it was presented, of course. A vague nod and a smile wasoffered to him, reassuring that it was alright and she was ready. He noddedback and …
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    ❝ Ah!❞     Clarissa couldn’t help but moan aloud alongwith him. Her back arched as she felt her walls tightening around him. Finally,she thought. It felt so good, he was just perfect. She could him filling her.And yet, she could hear him asking to relax a little bit. Once she relaxed,Alfonse let out a soft sigh. Her quiet “I love you” was followed by him making thefirst move. Clarissa moaned once again as her own hips moved slightly towardshis.
                 Shecould feel him moving inside her, she could feel how every time he was movingforward, he was hitting her G-spot. Clarissa’s gasps and Alfonse’s soft groanswere echoing in the room. The perverted sounds of their bodies clashingtogether as they were making love were long forgotten. They both were simply drowningin their own passion.
    ❝A-Al…Alfonse… I--- I love you! Mhmm! H-harder--- please, ah! ❞    Her voice trembled as she was moaning hisname. She could not help but wrap her hands around his neck and bring faceclose to her. They shared a kiss, their tongues trying to show the same passionas their bodies. Clarissa could feel saliva sliding down to her chin, but shedidn’t care. She wanted to kiss him, she wanted to feel him even closer.
                 Shecould remember him calling her name, she could remember her legs wrapped aroundhim to make their contact even better. She could remember how her wallstightened and relaxed around his cock, making Alfonse let out groans that madeher even more aroused. She did not remember how many times they kissed and whisperedeach other’s names…
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summoncrsins · 7 years
“ woah… your skin is… really soft… ” from ylisseborne tho bc im too lazy to switch accs. blows kisses.
affection & seduction.          accepting. 
@chrommiies / @ylisseborne
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                 Hedidn’t have to say that! Now she was even more embarrassed. Clarissa was self-conscious,her body was something that she did not know if it was attractive or not.Sometimes she thought it was, but sometimes she thought that it was not. Shedid not expect things to turn this way, but she wanted it. She was not going toback away. She was not going to stop him. She wanted Chrom to continue. Toexplore her body, to touch her whenever he wanted. She will be submissive andpassive until she will see that she needs to act aggressively. After all, shehad heard that men liked when they could take their time.
                 Andyet, she was not as patient. Well, it was cute to see Chrom saying that. Thather skin felt soft. She was glad that he thought so. She was relieved that herbody was to his liking. After all, she loved him and she wanted to be prettyfor him. But still, it was so embarrassing! Lying in her underwear before him,her scarlet eyes were shining with lust and desire. If he’s going to touch herlike that, she will explode at some point.
                 Asharp inhale followed by a soft moan were heard once he started placingbutterfly kisses on his neck and down to her chest. The summoner shut her eyesand tried to hold back her moans. No, that was impossible. No after he stoppedand placed a kiss on her forehead, saying that she has a beautiful voice andshe doesn’t need to hold it back. Clarissa quickly took the opportunity to wrapher hands around his neck and press a kiss on his lips. A deep kiss filled withemotions, their tongues danced in their months, trying to show each other justhow long they’ve waited for this to happen.
                 Chrom’shand slid up to her chest, getting under her bra and lifting it, only tosqueeze her chest. She moaned right into the kiss, breaking seconds later. Hereyes were clouded with lust, her desire was taking over. She could feel herselfgetting wetter down there. And yet, the prince did not stop. The moment thekiss was broken, he licked his lips --- oh just seeing that made Clarissaalmost scream. Even though he was nervous, even though they were both not sosure what they could and could not do to each other, this was so intimate andhis touches were filled with love.
    ❝ Hey,Chrom… Would… Would you like me totake care of you? ❞   A simple request. After all, he was still wearing most of his clothes.She didn’t want to be treated alone. She wanted to make him feel good as well,and she knew how to bring him to his peak.
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summoncrsins · 7 years
“is it alright if i touch you here?” // 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
sexual encounters.              accepting. 
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          extreme nsfw under the cut // if you are underage please do not read. // i like being detailed about sin so forgive me. i’m nasty. clarissa’s nasty too. this is otp. and i got too excited. 
    ❝ Mhmm---!❞    Clarissatried her hardest not to moan once the prince whispered into her ear. He didnot expect their first time to be like this. Bolder than expected. Was itbecause she herself said that he can do whatever he wants to her body? Shenever thought he was a teasing type, and yet that was exciting her a littlebit. His hands were caressing her skin, learning every centimeter, andexploring every curve. She didn’t remember when they changed positions and hewas hugging her from behind, giving kisses and making her feel good. Ah, so notfair --- she wanted to make him feel good first, but his voice was like a siren’smelody, making her succumb to his asks and let him do what he wanted to.  
                 Hisquestion made her cheeks flush even more. Touch her…? He was already touchingher, but the moment she understood where, she hesitated for a second. Notbecause she didn’t trust him, but because she was embarrassed. She could feelhis lips kissing her neck, his hands cupped her breasts and gently massagedthem. He was patient, he wanted her to feel comfortable. She could feel itthrough his actions and the tone of his voice.
    ❝ Y-yeah…You can…  ❞    Finally, those words left her mouth asplaced her hand on top of his which rested on her stomach. She could feel himpressing his lips against her shoulder, softly saying that if she will feeluncomfortable she needed to tell him right away. Her nod was everything he neededbefore his hand slid down to her panties. Clarissa immediately closed her mouthwith her hand, trying to hold back her moan. The moment his finger entered herso easily, she closed her eyes. Clara knew too good just how wet she was downthere, she didn’t even need a comment about how excited she was.
                 Clarissawanted to ask where the hell he learned such moves.  Finally, she let herself moan out loud whenhe added another finger. By then, she could feel something poking her back. Itwas not hard for her to understand that he was aroused as well, and yet he wasstill taking care of her. Now Clarissa did not even try to hold back her moans…
                 Gods,she wanted to beg him to just take her at this point. She was not as patient ashim. Clarissa couldn’t wait for too long. She was getting easily excited; herbody was reacting to Alfonse’s touches and teasing. She wanted him to finallytake her, to kiss her lips, to let their tongues dance with passion and lettheir bodies become one.
    ❝ A-Alfonse…Please--- I can’t--- I can’t wait any longer… Ah, d-don’t… mhmm… don’t tease methat much… ❞
             Hervoice was so feminine and weak, and her moans and pants did not let her speaknormally. The sounds that she could hear when he was fingering her only madethings worse. If his fingers felt so damn good, how would she feel once he willfinally make love to her.
    ❝ Ineed you… inside of me… Right now… ❞    
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summoncrsins · 7 years
another flirty/nsfw sentence meme .
  ( since we all have different tastes ! )
❝ for the date, do you have any… tighter jeans~? ❞ ❝ those ripped jeans are just a tease… i want to tear them apart. ❞ ❝ you know i love to hold your hand, but today you just look too good from behind. ❞ ❝ come on and dance with me~ if you can move in those pants, that’s it? ❞ ❝ let’s not… take of our clothes just yet… this is just too hot. ❞ ❝ oh lord, i just can’t stop staring at that piercing… ❞ ❝ ahah… p… please be nice to me… my asthma might kill me otherwise~ ❞ ❝ no, don’t sit… i’ll go down on my knees. ❞ ❝ woah… don’t you have an early morning tomorrow? ❞ ❝ i don’t care for being bullied in bed, so you should just stop. ❞ ❝ you don’t think sweatpants are hot? i mean… these are an expensive brand? ❞ ❝ there’s nothing dangerous with a little party make-out, right? ❞ ❝ candles? nah, that’s a fire hazard. i can set the mood very well without it. ❞ ❝ there’s just something so extremely irresistible about a uniform… ❞ ❝ let me smudge my lipstick in all sorts of places, hm? ❞ ❝ that paperwork seems awfully boring… wouldn’t i look better on your desk? ❞ ❝ my paperwork is killing me… i’m just imagining you laying on the desk instead. ❞ ❝ victoria’s secret? don’t tell me it’s a bag of perfume now~ ❞ ❝ fuck… you can step on me in those heels. ❞ ❝ i know i slept with a lot of people, but… it wasn’t making love. ❞ ❝ i’ll be your type, if you would only tell me what it is. ❞ ❝ i’m not sure if i’m comfortable being someone’s first time… ❞ ❝ you should keep the boots on~ ❞ ❝ these underwear are so… smooth… ❞ ❝ oh…~ i didn’t expect you to shave all the way. ❞ ❝ i’m not sure if i can… do that… i’m scared i’ll hurt you… ❞ ❝ i know you like it, but i’m not… comfortable… ❞ ❝ is that… lace i see? ❞ ❝ why from behind? well… i like the thought of showing off what i got. ❞ ❝ oh my god… here? really? are you sure? ❞ ❝ do you think i could… put my fingers in your mouth? ❞ ❝ ahaha… want to make me sweat right after i showered? ❞ ❝ the sweater… do you have anything under? ❞ ❝ anything you want to do, before i get dressed? ❞ ❝ wow… aren’t you even going to touch the food first? ❞ ❝ i put this on, thinking… dessert? ❞ ❝ i… put on a little weight, but… it’s okay, right? ❞ ❝ what’s with the layers? playing hard to get~? ❞ ❝ come here… warm your hands. ❞ ❝ my marks suit you. ❞ ❝ holy shit… i love stockings. ❞ ❝ if i break them with my teeth… will you hate me? ❞ ❝ i really… want everyone to know i’m yours. ❞ ❝ i like my reflection a little more with you all over me. ❞ ❝ a—ah! a bite?! ❞ ❝ the more the merrier, don’t you think? ❞ ❝ i got a new apartment, and i need someone to put clothes on the floor. ❞ ❝ let’s climb into the backseat… ❞ ❝ oh, look! my hand fits perfectly in your back pocket! ❞ ❝ look at the mirror… don’t you look cute? i know you do… ❞
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summoncrsins · 7 years
affection & seduction .
7K notes · View notes
summoncrsins · 7 years
sexual encounters // nsfw .
slightly nsfw (soft)
“kiss me… there again —”
“mm… please… i love it when you do that…”
“i love the way you touch me…”
“you’re ~ making me so hard…”
“you’re ~ making me so wet…”
“come closer; i want to feel you”
“your hips feel so good in my hands”
“your butt is so cute… i could eat it up ~”
“your pussy is so cute… i could eat it up ~”
“a–ah… that ~ tickles…”
“you are already turned on ~?”
“i can’t wait until we’re alone…”
“is it alright if i touch you here?”
“ ~ that’s my baby…”
slightly more nsfw
“can i take it in?”
“i am going to put it in now…”
“please… ~ i need you”
“i’m dying to feel you inside me…”
“you’re so ~ wet”
“mm… that’s right; spread a little more for me”
“you look gorgeous…”
“you look so hot like this”
“i love the way you blow me…”
“i’ll go slow for now”
“faster, please…”
“wanna… sit on my lap?”
“bend over baby… i’ll do the rest”
“god… you look so delicious standing like this…”
“mm… i love the way your mouth feels around me”
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summoncrsins · 7 years
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“ ahh --- I hope he/she will like it !! ”     clara, thinking about her s/o.
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summoncrsins · 7 years
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summoncrsins · 7 years
' you know .... i'd like to see YOU in one of those bunny costumes. '
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    ❝ B-Bunny costume --- L-Like Camilla’s? Um, I can try. B-but... I doubt you will...um... like it... I don’t have such body like her, so I don’t know if it will suit me. But, um... Wait here, alright? ❞    
             The summoner was not sure if that costume will even fit her. She thought that such cotumes will not suit her, and yet--- well, here she was, trying it on. How embarrassing. Seriously, this was damn embarrassing. Her cheeks flushed as she looked at herself in the mirror. Damn it, she felt too discourage. She wanted to die. Was she even looking good in this? But Chrom asked and... she wanted to make him happy. 
    ❝ I---I’m done... B-but don’t laugh, ok? ❞   
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    ❝ How is it? ❞  
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summoncrsins · 7 years
❝ oh, look! my hand fits perfectly in your back pocket! ❞ blows a kiss @ u
nsfw & flirting.          accepting. 
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                 Whywas he like this today? Clarissa’s cheeks flushed and his hand slid down to herbutt, slightly squeezing it. Yeah, his hands fit perfectly in her back pockets.Was this because she was wearing clothes from her world? These jeans, shemeant. But seriously, he was so unusually charming today. She did not expectsuch a move from him as well! Did Niles give him an advice how to get the girlto feel all shy and stuff? To let her guard down? She was confused.
                 Andyet, she didn’t hate it. It was Chrom. He was not someone else. He was theusual. Kind of. Well, he’s was bolder than before. She was so close to him, herchest pressed against his Oh gods, this was so unusual for her. Being likethis, feeling kind of excited, hopeful. And was it just because of his action?She was really sexually frustrated it seemed like it. Well, yeah, her mind wasplaying so many jokes on her. Erotic dreams, for example. Clarissa couldn’t saythat, she couldn’t let him know just how dirty her mind was.
    ❝ C-Chrom—W-what’sup with you today? ❞    Hervoice sounded so feminine for some reason, so soft and quiet. Shyness wasshowing. She was not a virgin, she was not innocent, and yet--- she wasinsecure and shy at this moment. Was it really ok for him to be like thistoday? Didn’t they need to leave in the afternoon tomorrow?   ❝ I-Ifyou’re gonna touch my butt like that… You’re… you’re making me feelembarrassed. A-At least do that in... in private... What if someone will see? ❞  
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summoncrsins · 7 years
another flirty/nsfw sentence meme .
  ( since we all have different tastes ! )
❝ for the date, do you have any… tighter jeans~? ❞ ❝ those ripped jeans are just a tease… i want to tear them apart. ❞ ❝ you know i love to hold your hand, but today you just look too good from behind. ❞ ❝ come on and dance with me~ if you can move in those pants, that’s it? ❞ ❝ let’s not… take of our clothes just yet… this is just too hot. ❞ ❝ oh lord, i just can’t stop staring at that piercing… ❞ ❝ ahah… p… please be nice to me… my asthma might kill me otherwise~ ❞ ❝ no, don’t sit… i’ll go down on my knees. ❞ ❝ woah… don’t you have an early morning tomorrow? ❞ ❝ i don’t care for being bullied in bed, so you should just stop. ❞ ❝ you don’t think sweatpants are hot? i mean… these are an expensive brand? ❞ ❝ there’s nothing dangerous with a little party make-out, right? ❞ ❝ candles? nah, that’s a fire hazard. i can set the mood very well without it. ❞ ❝ there’s just something so extremely irresistible about a uniform… ❞ ❝ let me smudge my lipstick in all sorts of places, hm? ❞ ❝ that paperwork seems awfully boring… wouldn’t i look better on your desk? ❞ ❝ my paperwork is killing me… i’m just imagining you laying on the desk instead. ❞ ❝ victoria’s secret? don’t tell me it’s a bag of perfume now~ ❞ ❝ fuck… you can step on me in those heels. ❞ ❝ i know i slept with a lot of people, but… it wasn’t making love. ❞ ❝ i’ll be your type, if you would only tell me what it is. ❞ ❝ i’m not sure if i’m comfortable being someone’s first time… ❞ ❝ you should keep the boots on~ ❞ ❝ these underwear are so… smooth… ❞ ❝ oh…~ i didn’t expect you to shave all the way. ❞ ❝ i’m not sure if i can… do that… i’m scared i’ll hurt you… ❞ ❝ i know you like it, but i’m not… comfortable… ❞ ❝ is that… lace i see? ❞ ❝ why from behind? well… i like the thought of showing off what i got. ❞ ❝ oh my god… here? really? are you sure? ❞ ❝ do you think i could… put my fingers in your mouth? ❞ ❝ ahaha… want to make me sweat right after i showered? ❞ ❝ the sweater… do you have anything under? ❞ ❝ anything you want to do, before i get dressed? ❞ ❝ wow… aren’t you even going to touch the food first? ❞ ❝ i put this on, thinking… dessert? ❞ ❝ i… put on a little weight, but… it’s okay, right? ❞ ❝ what’s with the layers? playing hard to get~? ❞ ❝ come here… warm your hands. ❞ ❝ my marks suit you. ❞ ❝ holy shit… i love stockings. ❞ ❝ if i break them with my teeth… will you hate me? ❞ ❝ i really… want everyone to know i’m yours. ❞ ❝ i like my reflection a little more with you all over me. ❞ ❝ a—ah! a bite?! ❞ ❝ the more the merrier, don’t you think? ❞ ❝ i got a new apartment, and i need someone to put clothes on the floor. ❞ ❝ let’s climb into the backseat… ❞ ❝ oh, look! my hand fits perfectly in your back pocket! ❞ ❝ look at the mirror… don’t you look cute? i know you do… ❞
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summoncrsins · 7 years
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          Let’s be honest. Clarissa masturbates in her room when she feels horny, because we all once in a while are getting horny and she’s a human being with a wild imagination. And she tries to be as quiet as she can. And when she feels horny, she tries to run away from the meeting as soon as possible. 
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summoncrsins · 7 years
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--- oops, i did it again. 
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