#they're the bestest boys
flame-x · 2 years
I see you say Munkustrap is your favourite character and I have to say you have good taste.
What are your Munkustrap HCs?
Well, anon, I have many. Thank you for the ask! <33333 And yeah I have impeccable taste! /lh. I'm afraid this post is going to be extrememly messy.
I'm gonna answer this in relation to my au cos I have many hcs all over the place and my au is the only thing where I have them all together in comprehensible format sashjsdhakda XD
cw: mentions of death and attempted murder below the cut
Where do I start? Probably with explaining the family stuff. (most of this part is taken directly from my notes so excuse the roughness)
Macavity, Munk and Tugger are brothers. Old Deut is their father. Mother dead. Macavity is the oldest but Old Deut always favoured Munk because he was "perfect" but like not really yk. Macavity tried to kill Munk when they were younger but Alonzo intervened, saving Munkustrap’s life (this is why Macavity was exiled). Demestrap is canon and they're parents to Sillabub and Jemima. But first, earlier on he adopted Misto and Quaxo and soon after Vic too (before Demeter came back to the tribe- single dad Munk!)
He has blue eyes because yes XD
He and Alonzo are so close I just hsjkdhag I love them so much! Platonic alonzostrap give me life!!
He had such a hard time when he became head protector. Ramses and Sibylla (Munk's predecessor and his mate and second) were killed in an unexpected Pollicle attack and their premature deaths were a shock to the tribe. Munk had a tough time between having three adopted kittens (one possessing unpredicatable magic) and no mate to help him, having to take some time to choose a second wisely (for the record, his first instinct had been Lonz but his brain said 'no u should wait a while' even tho he was sure but he waited anyway) and having to deal with doubts about his leadership- his brother was Macavity, after all. He just wasn't fully ready. Just as he had found his feet, he was flung into the turmoil that was the return of Demeter, Mungo and Teazer to the tribe.
When Straps has a spare moment, he goes to the mursery to tell the kittens a daring story about adventurous and heroic cats- a lot of whom just so happen to have the same names as them or other cats in the Junkyard. (This is a tradition Gus began a long time ago- even before Munkustrap himself was born)
He has an owner but he spends the majority of his time in the Junkyard.
His patience levels are insane. He is also the ultimate Dad(TM) and doesn't sleep enough.
Munkustrap is a very gifted Storyteller- which is a type of ancient Jellicle magic, often passed down in families. Old Deuteronomy also has a bit of Storytelling magic, though Munk's talent far, far, surpasses his father's.
Munkustrap's favourite colours are the exact shade of Demeter's eyes, and the moonlight reflecting off of Victoria's coat as she dances at the Ball, and the exact pink of Sillabub's tongue when she stops washing her paws in excited wonderment with her tongue still out to listen to another of his stories, and the many different glittering shades of the light on Misto's coat as he does his Conjuring turns, and the colour of the sunlight on Jem's reddish coat, and the rich, velvety black that covers Quaxo from head to tail (except, of course, for the white markings on his ears and the tip of his tail and his little white toes), and the beautiful oranges and brown and golds of Tugger's mane in the evening sunlight and the black and white of Alonzo's coat that he knows better than his own. But if anycat asked, he'd say he didn't have one.
I'm always playing around with other hcs for him. But also Alonzo, who I think has just wormed his way into sharing the top spot with Straps at this point XD.
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hoperays-song · 7 months
Gooseless's Favorite Sing Ships
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seawherethesunsets · 2 years
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Inyeop when meeting new people. Youth MT/ Young Actor’s Retreat - tvN, 2022
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bbbrianjones · 1 year
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all of my fav classic f1 drivers because um yeah everyone has been asking me about it all the time for sure totally
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monsamborabutterfly · 10 months
I feel totally normal about these guys🥹
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whenthegoldrays · 6 months
Twinkling Watermelon is so good I wish teenage boys were real
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baifengxis · 1 year
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ophelianated · 2 years
So, Dazai canonically likes to follow Arthur around for...whatever reason (probably for his depression vibes tbh). He also has a strong dislike for dogs, to put it mildly (irl Dazai did anyway, so I'm gonna say he does too).
Ever since Arthur figured this out (because of course he did), whenever he is on the last of his nerves when it comes to dealing with Dazai, he will take Vic out for a walk because that way Dazai stops following him, if only for the time being.
For a while he thinks he has galaxy brained it at last and a good part of his clown problems are solved. Except after a time Vic starts to associate Dazai with walks, and because walks = good, he becomes super hyper and excited whenever he catches sight of Dazai and launches 7 pounds of puppy love at him at the speed of light, much to the chagrin of both writers.
Vic 110% chases Dazai around the mansion, and the only reason Arthur is able to suppress his jealousy ("why would you choose that slippery twat over me? a queen really ought to have better taste than that") and not intervene is that watching Dazai finally let his mask slip while he runs for his life is too good an opportunity to examine what's underneath to just pass up over something as petty as jealousy.
(he will absolutely hold extra long cuddle marathons after Vic has tired himself out though)
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bragganhyl · 4 months
btw today when i fucked around with the deadfire cc i saw that one of the ranger specializations have a ghost companion and i've been sad about it since
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ruvviks · 7 months
Lemme get uh 🍟 🌺 📷 for Vitali ☺️
oc asks!
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
vitali likes cooking a lot but he regularly just doesn't have the time for it because he is very busy with work :( usually vincent or mikhail cooks instead in those cases because they all live together but they'll occasionally order food if they're all not feeling it. they usually just get fries and chicken :)
🌺 HIBISCUS - do they have any allergies?
vitali is lactose intolerant but also that means nothing. he will keep drinking milk he will keep eating ice cream. yes there's lactose free alternatives no he does not consider that even once. he's stubborn and stupid
📸 CAMERA - do they enjoy having their picture taken? what's their go-to pose? do they like taking photos? what do they take photos of?
vitali isn't necessarily against pictures but also he's not a fan of them either. he used to like them a lot and still has many selfies and pictures from when he was younger but nowadays you'll just catch him looking like the equivalent of the standing man emoji and :^|
he also doesn't take a lot of pictures except when it comes to the cats he and the boys have at home. he Loves taking pictures of the cats. his camera roll is full of cat pictures. he will never stop
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englishlotusflower · 5 months
I don't know if anyone reads my fic 'Look To Your Kingdoms (I Am Coming For Them All)', but honestly I don't care.
I just need everyone to know that Celegorm and my OC Isiloth (who for the record is not the main character, was not in the first four drafts of the fic, and was meant to have only one line in her original form in draft no. 5 or 6) are basically married. On the 'wear co-ordinated outfits to a feast (with extra Symbolism because Celegorm is a Noldo and therefore Isiloth wearing his colours is a Thing)'; 'adopt a half-feral child together'; 'go on family trips of them and their adopted child'; 'Isiloth gets ready for feasts with Curufin's wife who is wearing Curufin's colours while Isiloth wears Celegorm's'; 'Celegorm giving Isiloth a full set of jewellry without even asking what her dress will be because he knows her so well'; 'working together to rule Himlad the same way Curufin and his wife do' level.
Oh and neither of them know. They're both idiots who haven't realised they've been married since the Sun rose.
No one needed to know this but no one has picked up on it in 46,000 words of fic so I needed to rant.
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bobcatmoran · 9 months
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Do you think Ryan would ever be interested in / would be convinced to sing (either by himself or with Johnnyb/ the others) for a show?
What kind of song(s) do you think could fit him in that case?
Would he be secure in it or would Johnny get the role of being supportive and reassure him about it? (Kinda like how Nooshy and Ryan supported him in learning to dance)
Hello, thank you again for the asks, they're awesome! I hope you enjoy!
In the fic I am currently writing (I know it taking forever you guys, I'm just really busy, I'm sorry), Ryan does sing!
They revamped the show to be more of an actual musical and Ryan and Johnny actually now have one full duet and a semi duet. Now, that not to say Ryan is particularly enthused about the idea of singing. He doesn't think he can sing. And his perfectionism mixed with his sociophobia around messing up in public does not make it easy to convince him to either.
Can Ryan actually sing? Yes. Is it good? It's decent, not awe-inspiring but not like bad in any sense of the word. He just doesn't think it's good enough to be in the show. The only reason it is is Buster, who told the theatre managers that it would be a duet piece (of course without consulting either Johnny or Ryan, who wrote the scenes themselves) and Ryan doesn't want to go against his boss or have to get the show completely reworked again.
Because of this, he is enrolled in vocal lessons that Johnny is quite strictly banned from by Ryan for the first couple of classes. It wasn't until approximately two breakdowns later from both of them that Ryan actually opened up about it. Johnny does manage to convince him to keep trying however. He was extremely supportive of Ryan after that (not that he wasn't before, they just kinda didn't talk about it) and Ryan started letting Johnny tag along to his singing classes.
It worked out great for both of them in the end tho, as they both helped each other with their areas of supposed "weakness" and supported each other. It's one of the things I have as really starting to make the two grow closer over the first few weeks of the Majestic stay.
*** Their scene does go on to be one of the most popular in the show and their duet gets the most streams out of the album during the first week. So needless to say, it was better than fine at the end.
Thanks again, hope that answered your question! - <3 Gooseless
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morguerue · 5 months
in a few months this bunny might be coming back to live with me for a while, potentially indefinitely forever 💚
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cafeinnewdelsta · 1 year
Can I go one day where I don't call Tidus Hikari?
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i thought these templates were fun, so i gave them a go :)
(sorry for the shitty quality of the images, i tried lol)
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#story of seasons#rune factory#i started writing an in-depth analysis below explaining all of my choices but i accidentaly deleted it and i don't feel like retyping#everything again#so i'll just do a quick summary here in the tags#first with the boys#i didn't realise i had a type and that type was fishermen but i'll embrace it#joe is my fucking man like i played the wii version of mm so i couldn't romance him#but i got him to 10 hearts and he was my best friend he's genuinely one of my favourite characters in the series#gustafa the man the myth the legend. tbh i don't really like the bachelors for awl / cute#i think they're the worst of any games lol#but gustafa is fine i like him with his funky hat and his cool glasses :)#toby is actually the only bachelor i've married!!! and he's also my favourite story of seasons character ever he's the bestest <3#i'm not a fan of tott's bachelors tbh i picked hiro just cause#same with sos i'm not a fan of any of the characters in that game imo they're really bland#emilio is hispanic i'm hispanic what else can i say <3#joe is literally named after the best character of the series AND he's a pirate. 10/10#i haven't really played rf5 so my picks there are just based on the hour or so i've played#kross my sweet sweet child i will protect him at all costs <333#and bob <3 just bob#onto the girlies#i normally play as a guy so they were much more difficult to choose#i struggled a lot#mm was my first story of seasons game and ann was the first bachelorette i ever married :) but i like literally all mm bachelorettes#imo one of the strongest roster of bachelors / bachelorettes ever#they're all phenomenal#flora!!! an archaeologist!!! like me (kinda)!!!! the bestest!!!!#i'm still mourning the fact she's not a bachelorette in the remakes#tumblr ate my tags for most of my opinions on the girlies which were a lot™️ i hate it here#anyways if you want me to talk about them more leave an ask (or really just leave any ask about story of seasons)
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