#they're so goddamn cute i wanna just hug them both
octy-in-boots · 1 year
What I imagine for F.C.G. (Faithful Care Giver) with his upgraded chassis and (hopefully eventual) legs.
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Bonus image featuring his inspired blue jacket!
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imaginespazzi · 4 months
nivi, we need another chaotic family drabble with kk reacting to azzi's post for ice when she never got one for her bday 😂
Unserious, unedited chaos back by popular demand 🤪:
It takes 5 minutes between Azzi hitting the post button and deciding to take a much-needed nap, before her door is being slammed open and KK comes roaring through it, face livid, Jana on the tip of her heels, and Paige following behind them both with an amused smirk.
"What. Is. This?" KK asks, shoving her phone in Azzi's face.
Azzi squints, "it's my birthday story for Ice?"
"AND WHY DOES ICE GET A BIRTHDAY STORY?" KK yells, stomping her foot to go along with it.
Before Azzi can reply, she's being tackled into a hug by a 6'3 koala, which sends her reeling about five steps.
"I KNEW I WAS YOUR FAVORITE CHILD," Ice bellows and Azzi flinches from how loud it is in her ear, suddenly nostalgic for the silence.
"I cannot BELIEVE," KK paces as Ice clings onto Azzi's back, "that you would differentiate between your children like this,"" she turns to Jana, "tell her Jana, tell her how much that hurt you."
"That really hurt my feelings," Jana recites and Azzi has to stifle a laugh, Paige doesn't even bother.
"IT'S KAMOREA TO YOU," KK holds up a hand and Azzi rolls her eyes.
"Okay then Kamorea-"
"I just-" KK lets out a dramatic, "I just wanna know why you know? What does SHE have that I don't mom? Is it the extra 2 inches-"
Ice scoffs, "you're barely 5-8"
"THAT'S NOT THE POINT," KK yells again and Paige snickers which gets her a pointed glare from KK, "what are YOU laughing at? She posted Lou too, when's the last time she posted you other than to get photo creds?"
Paige reels back at that, smirk disappearing as she turns to Azzi, "that's not the only reason you posted right? Right? I looked cute in those pics and you couldn't help yourself? RIGHT?"
"Right," Azzi nods, trying to prevent herself from rolling her eyes again, "that's exactly why."
"Girl boo, Don't believe her. She's a liar and a TRAITOR," KK stands defiantly in front of Paige, "besides we have to go find me a stepmother."
"Not this again," Azzi sighs, wondering why she doesn't lock her door more often. She still has all of Ice wrapped around her and it seems like the younger girl has not intention of getting off.
"Do you see, do you see how little she cares about you? ABOUT US?" KK puts a dramatic hand to her heart, "she doesn't even care."
"I don't want a new mother," Ice presses a wet kiss against Azzi's cheeks and Azzi can't help but smile despite the insanity, "I like this one."
"Then we'll do it parent-trap style, you get Azzi and I get Paige," KK says, nodding her head like she's making the most serious decision of her life.
Jana guffaws, "hello? Who do I get? Am I an orphan now?"
"You can come with us Jana," Ice volunteers excitedly, "you and Nés both."
"Absolute not. I am not losing my children and-" Paige cuts in, turning to Azzi with big blue eyes, "I don't want a divorce."
It's on the tip of Azzi's tongue to make a remark about how they're not married but she knows reason and logic are not her friends when it comes to this situation.
"KK-" she begins
"IT'S KAMOREA TO YOU," KK retorts haughtily. sitting herself down on Azzi's bed and crossing her leg.
Azzi lets out a deep breath, trying to muster as much sincerity as she can, "Kamorea I am sorry I hurt your feelings. Next year, I will post a story-"
"A grid post," KK demands.
"Right. I will make a grid post for you-"
"Because I am your favoritest child?" KK gives Azzi a look as behind her both Jana and Ice burst into protests.
"Because you are my child and I love you," Azzi concedes, "and I have an extra bag of of trufru that you can have."
A grins burst onto KK's face simultaneously with Paige's face dropping, "SHE GETS THAT BAG OF TRUFRU? SHE LITERALLY JUST GOT HOSPITALIZED FOR IT?"
"You said to fix it so will you just let me goddamn fix it?" Azzi says exasperatedly as Paige continues to sulk in the corner.
"I'm still mad at you," KK says slowly as she lifts off the bed, "but I might be less mad after I've had some time to think over trufru."
"My trufru," Paige mutters under her breath, following KK out of the door, no doubt on a mission to steal some for herself. Ice detaches herself from Azzi, practically skipping out the door with a happy grin and Jana shakes her head, sharing a commiserating smile with Azzi as she heads out as well.
This time, Azzi does lock her door, getting ready to finally take her now well-deserved nap, when her phone rings. Seeing Inés's called ID, she picks up the phone with a grin.
"Hi Nésy-"
And that ladies and gentlemen, is why Azzi Fudd stays so far away from the grenade that is social media. Really, she'd much rather be asleep anyways.
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thewatcher-ofmedia · 5 months
(Can you tell that my portuguese teacher didn't come so I have 100 minutes without shit to do)
ANYWAYS, since I'm in the 4th episode I think it's a good time to see first impressions
I love him so much, like I was 10 minutes in and saying "I would die for you, I would kill for you, just ask and I'll do it"
Favourite character obviously
Wanna put him in a jar and protect him from everything bad in the world
He's brunette, has curls, is the sunshine character, has daddy issues and uses humour to cope so obviously he's also on the list of fictional crushes
Also something that I absolutely love about this show is that they pick this "stereotypical characters" and make them better.
Like, in this case the always happy character would have a ton of trauma but the show (or the characters, but that's a talk for another post) would not acknowledge this, they would show real depressed shit and then completely ignore it for the rest of the show.
Or just show it in the end of the series then kill him off.
But here they're letting people know from the beginning AND it's visible that the fact that he hides it is gonna be a major plot point in the show which makes me SO HAPPY
And in the loop scenes they made sure to focus on Charles face and reaction every. single. time.
Anways, I'm soo curious to learn more about his trauma and death and to see his character development
And he's so cute and trying so hard to make sure everyone likes him and lighten the mood and to not be a bother and to make everyone happy and I'm gonna cry
I also love him so goddamn much
He's also going in the jar, don't worry I'll protect you from everything
He's my baby (he was born more two hundred years before me and is my age BUT HE'S MY BABY)
Seriously someone needs to sit him down and say that everything is going to be ok (and get death the fuck away from him, my boy does not deserve hell, he deserves to be with his boyfriend best friend)
Also love this concept that everyone around him knows he's not straight, he knows that he's not straight but somehow he's still in the closet. Like, he never says he's straight, but he says to Niko that Mounty and him both boys, so one cannot be into the other and when Niko says that boys can like like each other he just turns the conversation around
I think they're writing that so well. It's subtle yet obvious, it's so good
Also, he's autistic, definitely in the spectrum. He obviously doesn't know because the first diagnosed case of autism was in 1943
And the dynamics that he has with everyone is SO GODDAMN GOOD
Someone give this girl an aspirin, a therapist and a bed
My girl cannot catch a break
One more in the protection jar, don't worry, I'll find your family for you, you need to rest
Overall great character, she's sassy, she's funny and she's the only emotional intelligent one
She's definitely gonna be the bridge for Edwin and Charles' romantically relationship
Like she's Miss "Edwin is acting weird because he's jeaulous of the sexual tension that we have, Charles" and Miss "Charles got stuck in the loop because he has strong feelings towards abusive fathers because he had one, Edwin"
Really love that we have someone to smack this idiots and say "You're in love with each other" because they are not gonna realise that by themselves
She's so cute, I wanna protect her from this cruel, cruel world
This means that I already have her in the jar, no one else is gonna get to her
At first I thought she was gonna be this really closed and introvert character that was gonna talk when absolutely necessary and was a bit emo. But like her hair her personality lightened up as soon as the parasites got out (she was sick it's normal that she was wuth a really depressed attutude but Bea's too focused on the story to remember how people act socially)
I really wanna hug her, I need to
Also love how eager she is to help and how she has nothing to do with the boys , she's a "cas closed" but even Edwin can't say no to her
I feel like her "almost dying" trauma is gonna be a bit underrated (although I see that they are not completely ignoring because of the 3rd episode where she felt like she couldn't deal with death since she almost met her the week before) but I want to believe the opposite because until now the show has not disappointed me in terms of traumas (or in other terms really)
I don't have much to say, I like her in the twisted "this is a fun villain" way
I'm really curious to know more about this Lilith and immortality thing
She did loose some points in my book with the whole torturing the crow thing
I am ✨️traumatised✨️
I'm so confused about his character
Like, he's a really fun character
And his outfits are great
But at the same time, get the fuck away from Edwin, in both the scenes with both of them I was so scared that he was going to the "no consent" zone
I do love that both the scenes where he's in he slays the outfit, tries to drag Edwin out the glass closet, fails, keeps him trapped so he can try to do this one more time and goes away
Like, he has one objective and one objective only and honestly, respect
My patient queen
I have not much more to say
She accidentally adopted two really weird teenagers and regrets that so much
I respect her so much
As an older sister, if she snaps, grabs a knife and kills them both out of annoyance I would support it
That's it 🫶
If you haven't understood yet I have way too many thoughts about this series
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rezzyromance · 3 years
Could I possibly request Heisenberg with a s/o who feels self conscious about they're weight? it can be sfw or nsfw, whatever comes to you naturally.
(CW: body insecurities)
A sigh left your lips once again as you stared into the mirror, dissatisfied. You couldn't even stare anymore. Your insecurities left you unwilling to look at your body in the mirror more than a few seconds at a time. "No wonder he spends so much time working.." You wander over to the closet of the bedroom and grab one of the large shirts Karl frequently wore. All of your clothing hugged your body in ways that made you want to claw them off.
You looked in the mirror again. This time, the large shirt swallowed your body, leaving no obvious imprint of your body. For a second you could pretend you were shaped differently. You could pretend that the open space inside the shirt surrounded the body of your dreams. But reality was too real and you could only pretend for so long.
The door unexpectedly opens. Karl walks through as he stretches his arms above his head, groaning as his tense muscles loosen. You try to make yourself presentable before he focuses on you. You wraps your arms around your stomach in attempts to cover what you hated. "Hello Buttercup." His voice is strained as he continues to stretch his arms. "Hi.." You didn't mean to sound so uncertain. He turns his head to you and immediately his eyes light up at the sight of you.
"That's a mighty fine shirt you got on." He fiddled with the material between his thumb and pointer finger. You pull away slightly, still smiling to seem like you're in a good mood. He wraps a hand around your waist and rests it on your lower back before bringing his body closer to yours. "You look sexy as hell in my shirts." He whispers in your ear as his hands trail upwards. You squirm a little under his touch, uncomfortable but unsure of what to say.
He places a few kisses on your neck as his hands move and begin to lift the shirt off of your body. "Stop." You grab his hands suddenly. It was a reaction you didn't have much control over. His hands were now on your shoulders. He was trying to look into your eyes, but you avoided it. "(Y/N).... what's wrong?" He began to worry. He's inexperienced when it comes to comforting others, but he didn't want to fuck this up. "Nothing. It's nothing." You panic and try to assure him that everything is okay, but there's a sense of pain in your voice that gives it away. "We both no that's not true. C'mon tell me what's wrong." He begins to rub your shoulders gently.
Tears sting your eyes. "I don't want to talk about it." You say. Now he's stuck. He doesn't want to force you to do or say anything you don't want to, but he doesn't want to ignore your feelings. "I think you should. You're acting weird." He regretted his words a little, worried they may upset you even more. You could tell he was trying, and it meant a lot.
"I just... I feel...", your bottom lip begins to quiver. "I feel so ugly." You cover your face with your hands as you begin to cry into them. He pulls you closer and gently places a hand on the back of your head. You lay your head into his chest as you choke back the tears. Your words shocked him. To him, you were the sexiest thing he's ever laid his eyes on. "I think you look amazing. I think your smile brightens up every room in this gloomy shit hole. And I think your body is the sexiest thing on this goddamn planet." His words were able to get you to chuckle despite your mood. "Now, I don't mind you stealin' my clothes. You look too damn cute in them for to be mad about it. But, if you wanna keep wearin' em then you gotta admit that you look cute in them."
"What?" "You heard me. You have to admit that you look damn cute wearing them, or else you don't get to wear them anymore." "Karl." You groan. He grabs the shirt and slowly begins to raise it upwards. "Okay okay! I look cute." You give in. "There we go!" He places a palm on your cheek and wipes away any remainder of what once was a tear. With a gentle kiss, your insecurities aren't cured, but you can guarantee it's a start.
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hmnbd · 3 years
Hihi i absolutely ADORE your prompts. If its not too much to ask, may i request some coworkers to lovers prompts?👀
hi dearest anon, I'm so happy that you like them! I had actually never thought much about the dynamics of co-working, so this was a really nice challenge. below is a list of co-workers to lovers inspired dialogue prompts, and I also threw in a few regular prompts/scenarios as well. feel free to tweak with them to fit in with what you're working with. happy writing, and I hope these satisfy your request! ♡
— co-workers to lovers
always hanging out and gossiping together so the other coworkers think they’re secretly plotting against them
looking out for each other on really busy days
one of them getting sad on their day off cause they might not be at work, but that means they're not with them
chatting and splitting their meal at lunch/break time like two little kids on the playground
planning their days off together so they can hang out outside of work
waving and smiling at each other from across the office/store/working space all the time
excitedly waiting to get paid so they can do something fun together
getting scolded by their boss/manager because they spend all day playing around
"you're gonna get us fired!"
"I know you've explained this to me on my first day, yesterday, and this morning again, but could you do it just one more time? you're amazing at this so I wanna make sure I get the technique just right"
"oh awesome, we both got the late night shift. at least I'm with my favorite person on this entire goddamn place"
"would you like to grab coffee with me after we clock out? I would really love to know you better!"
"if any of these people are ever rude to you, just let me know and I'll handle it. would hate it if they made you dread the job you fought so hard for"
"don't you two work on separate departments? why do I see you together all the time"
"how did this awful place hire someone like you, seriously? it's like the universe heard my prayers"
"my to-do list keeps piling up, but you know I just couldn't do anything before bringing you coffee! have a nice day!"
"if you get fired, I resign, seriously. there's no point in staying if you're not here with me"
"I'm sorry for asking so many questions, but you're so nice and patient, and you're the only one whose explanations make sense"
"I love these motivational quotes in your office. wouldn't a picture of us look really cute on the wall too?"
"I'd really like to work on this project with you if that's okay! your ideas are always the best"
"good morning to my favorite co-worker only!"
"can I have your phone number? you know, to discuss our tasks and uh... things…"
"don't worry, let me take care of that for you. go take your break, you look exhausted"
"listen, you need to wait until we get home to e-mail me cute messages. I almost opened something titled 'hello, dearest ray of sunshine' in front of my colleague"
"no flirting at the workplace, we need to look professional, silly"
"I’m glad at least one of us looks extra cute in this hideous uniform"
"honestly, I never thought I would actually like the buddy system outside of preschool. guess I owe it to my partner!"
"can I have a hug before my meeting?"
"good job, I'm so proud of you!"
got any more requests? feel free to send them in
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
Imagine them staying on the island and Nagito is so protective over his little siblings hhhh they're all a big family now and the Warriors love themmmm
Despite having completely forgotten all that happened to her, Nagito doesn't allow Teruteru near Kotoko unless supervised and Nagito gets scary when he's supervising so he usually just stays away (nagi knows teru wouldn't do/say anything to the children, but he's very overprotective and low-key scared that they will remember everything someday)
Ryota is Jataro's favorite. They're working on a short anime together. He sometimes does artsy stuff with Ibuki (it gets a little crazy with all the paint and glue everywhere), and Kazuichi gets along great with both him and Masaru
Masaru and Nekomaru are nearly inseparable, and he loves Akane too (she has to be supervised because she doesn't understand how climbing and jumping off buildings could be dangerous and Nagito almost died the first time he saw them hanging out)
Kotoko adores Sonia, she's being taught how to be a little princess too. They play dress up together often and have tea parties. She likes Gundham too, but it's mostly just because of his cute animals. He got her a little bunny and she dresses it up in cute little outfits
Monaka's favorite is Izuru, and she likes Imposter as well. She likes solving puzzles and coding games with Izuru (I hc it's a hobby of his, in memory of Chiaki and all), and she's programmed a few of Kazuichi's creations
Nagisa sticks with Hajime the most, he helps out with the chores and they mostly just talk. They go to the library with Nagito at least once a week and read together. Hajime and Nagito are the only ones he's not afraid of asking help from.
Nagito is all the WoH's #1 fave. Monaka and Nagisa like to just chat, read or play puzzle-like games with him. Jataro likes to draw with and on him, and Masaru loves him dearly but prefers to hang out with the others (Nagito can't keep up with all the running around). Kotoko gives him makeovers all the time, she loves his fluffy hair and compared him to her bunny (probably put the bunny on his head once to see if it'd blend into his hair). He's constantly walking around with makeup, thousands of cutesy hair pins and random hairstyles and (a bit messy) nail polish. He never takes anything off, and Kotoko is very proud of herself for making him look "adorable" (he thanks her for her hard work). They've all called him dad at least once (Nagisa also called Hajime dad one time).
Nagisa and Kotoko start secretly working together to make Nagito and Hajime start dating already, and soon all five kids are coming up with plans and scheming how to make operation komahina a success. The others on the island help out sometimes
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Cries..........this ask is everything to me hold on. This is so cute. Anon I love you (/p) your brain is so goddamn huge. I’m sobbing over literally all of the Nagisa hcs and Kotoko giving Nagito makeovers they’re all so cute
Ryota and Jataro 🥺🥺💞💖 I wonder what kinda anime it would be? My bet’s on a magical girl or mecha anime. Maybe a comedy? Idk man but I do know Ibuki and Jataro would rope Kazuichi into letting them dye his hair for him. He ends up with extra eye-searing neon strips in green and yellow. It clashes horribly with his jumpsuit and they all love it
Nagito panicking over Masaru and Akane is hilarious skfnskdnksbx I can just see him almost crying out of relief when Nekomaru finally gets them off the roof and Masaru back safely into his arms. (You clearly hear Masaru complaining about it but he does hug Nagito back.) Akane’s careful in her own way, she’s a big sister herself after all. Buuut Nagito still worries bc seeing her dangle Masaru from her bicep when they were on top of the barn was absolutely terrifying
Sonia Gundham Kotoko dynamic so real?? Gundham considers Kotoko more Nagito’s kid but he does let her run around with the Devas when asked. Also she basically just claimed one of the horses on the island and Gundham insists on teaching her how to “properly tame the dark steeds!!” (He means how to take care of them and not scare them. She’s like. 10, he doesn’t want her or the horses getting hurt.)
Also!!! Sonia and Kotoko playing dress up is so cute? I like to think they curtsey every time they see each other and it’s a little inside joke between them haha. Also them braiding each other’s hair!! Kotoko probably borrows a ton of ribbons from Sonia
Izuru and Monaca coding together!!!! I feel like she would be curious about the NWP, maybe they work on it together while Hajime rests. Also I can totally see her programming Kazu’s inventions to mess with him a bit because she thinks it’s funny how high he jumps skjfskdnksbx. He’s super suspicious of whatever she hands him now but she’s genuinely helpful a lot of the time so he isn’t too too hard on her. (She’s still not allowed to have access to any remotes though)
(Also Izuru making little games in honor of Chiaki has me so soft I’m in love—)
Nagisa calling Hajime “dad” has me 🥺🥺 your honor I am simply a sucker for these two...........him asking Hajime and Nagito for help and them only also made me kinda wanna tear up a little but me being emotional over him isn’t the point
Back to Matchmakers of Hope now huh dkfjskdnkd. I like to think Komaeda and Hajime look at each other after the kids slip up and reveal that they were trying to get the two together and both of them just snort. Their kids basically had to push them together smh
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
exhausted but wanna read
7 04 am have not slept need to go somewhere at 9
fuckkkk okay let's read
one day since Magnus left?
alec love calm tf down
still mad at you for how you reacted to shinyun so like sit the fuck down I am sleep deprived and tired I will not be holding back today
sigh checking his tabs was already crossing a line
dude ffs calm down
idk I'm tired so I'm extra salty. gonna try and be nicer
stop fucking smoking or I'm taking away your lungs
I'm sure I can get a nice price for them
dude this is called obsession <3
listen, love Magnus already has a lot on his plate with his asshole father so like calm tf down and oh my god
God, Alec is fucking spiraling. He is fucking losing his mind.
yes, I can tell. get a grip lightwood
oh wow okay then. if he chooses to leave then he leaves end of conversation
yeah don't drive in the rain
this one time when I was younger we were on the highway I think going to the neighbouring city? and it was fucking pouring and I started crying because I was terrified.
He knows he is being dramatic. He knows he went a little far earlier with Shinyun.
oh wow, now we're both spiralling about the divorce great!
"You need to get your shit together," she had told with a chuckle when they had parted that day.
Maia knows what she's talking about!
omg so cute the little note
Magnus weren't you in London-
well hello
I am sad
why is he sad
oh wait I remember why he's sad
Magnus poor baby come here lemme hug you
oof yeah been there shit hurts
omg he's kissing his fingers
oh shit
I'm so sad wtf
oh that's why he didn't want rafe to paint his nails yellow
oh fuck
I don't know what to say
“What my mom did,” Magnus elaborates. “Why do people do it?”
okay ouch this hit hard
sometimes all we can do is be there for them and hold them through it and hope that's enough.
“You are not hard to love,” Alec tells him. “Loving you is the easiest goddamn fucking thing in the world.”
He’ll never let Magnus cry again.
This hurts because he does...
I genuinely didnt want the starting to end :(
Thomas hello
you don't have shared assets? any at all?
I am not understanding half of the shit going on but okay
cool legal shit nice
He is a fucking weirdo.
Alec loves him so much.
Me too dude
Not after what happened.
“Nope,” Alec shakes his head. “It turns out he kept it. You know, it’s fine. Who doesn’t have a secret apartment you can run away to when you are mad at your husband, right?”
Uh babe-
Cool cool cool
I have no clue what those British insults mean and I almost messaged a person asking what they meant because this was our thing when I remembered she's a lying piece of shit who gave us all trauma then moved on with her life
what was the cost? what did you do?
Tf is rational choice theory
sounds disgusting
aww they're so cute
“I think we just put a shirtless pic of you on Twitter and say single and ready to mingle,” Lily points out.
Bitch do it
Also eat something you little bitch /affectionate
what the fuck are they doing lmao y'all're so awkward
y'all are so so awkward
uh Magnus I'm pretty sure alec didn't send those
sigh. shinyun
if someone sent me sunflowers I would have a panic attack no matter who sent them but that's my own trauma let's not focus on that
okay someone is fucking with them
and it's Max, isn't it?
I'm so confused
Rafael had explained that celebrity endorsements are a capitalist marketing technique and Max told him to go to hell.
I snorted
oh damn
probably should not be laughing but I have not slept and this shit is hilarious to me for some reason
I wanna hug him
“Tell me how it stops,” Max says. “Tell me how you can just wake up one day and be like I’m done loving this person.”
I don't think you can just stop all of a sudden. It happens. You fall out of love and you don't always see it coming but I don't think it's a sudden thing. You see it happening and sometimes you try your best to make it stop and other times you don't.
Sometimes love isn't enough.
where did it get you guys?
don't say ambiguous shit oh my goddd
“I’m never ever going to fall in love,” Max says like it’s a serious announcement. “Love is such fucking bullshit.”
It makes Alec smile. “Let’s not turn into a cliché.”
I know this is sad but I laughed-
Okay, what plan? Don't remember how the last chapter ended so like
People are more likely to go through heartbreak than get an STD.
okay accurate
There isn't one way to love though. Everyone loves differently
No wonder this world is a giant clusterfuck.
You can't control that though. You can't control falling in love
It hurts but we somehow come across on the other side. Most of the times
Who tf is hot stuff
"Kadir, my man," Max grins. "On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 getting grounded and 10 getting disowned, how much trouble would I get in if I try to kiss the Prime Minister?"
"Solid eight," Kadir replies without looking up. "Still going kiss the Prime Minister?"
"Mr. Safar," Max drawls. "I've dealt with worse odds than this."
Max please don't kiss the Prime Minister
“I’m sure by the end of tomorrow, we’ll be calling each other pet names,” Max winks. “What do you think about bubblebutt? I think it suits Justin.”
“I don’t get paid enough for this,”
Max NO-
Ohhh Magnus owns it? Nice
“Your parents would trade you for a ripe avocado.”
“I think so,” Max shrugs. “I mean. Is anyone okay?”
“Too deep,” Gabriel shakes their head.
No Max we are not
“The ideal outfit is nothing,” Gabriel points out. “I’d just walk in their buck naked.”
These two are made for each other
Max babe you have a type :)
aww you're in love
Kyle, I'll stab you in the eye
Max and he have a history?
Max you-
Oh god I love him
“My hand slipped and fell on his face,” Max informs.
Me likey
Do it again
oh no they're both mad at him
well fuck
oh damn David
also totally deserved
Although I don't see the appeal at all
be careful there love. water is no joke.
Oh my
max really did that huh when they were 11-
Oh my god they kissed
Oh my god them them them them them
I learned how to throw a punch when I was 11. Maybe that was fucked up but like I throw good punches.
oh my god my heart broke
Tell him you love him
realises my phone is in the other room and I should go get it because it's 8 30 am and I need to leave at 9:
My mother bingeing a show while also not having slept:
Me: Don't you dare tell me to not stay up late fangirling over something again
Yeah sure y'all should definitely fuck
wait omg David said this because Max is only interested in one-night stands and fuckkk
why is he crying omg omg omg what
I would fucking die for you
Max wonders if it’s a good idea to confess that he has jerked off just to the thought of David’s fingers.
At least a dozen times.
In the last month.
No it really isn't.
what is happening dude y'all
“Yeah, that’s me,” Max rolls his eyes. “Deflowering expert.”
Y'all I love you
Which makes sense because that bitch moisturizes like thrice a day and his body lotion is probably made out of unicorn fur and his cleanser is made of tears of newborn babies.
Thanks, dad! You make sex life so interesting!
I love them so much
Oh shit he's reading the entire thing boy-
David carried an inhaler for him I-
schools should really really teach us how to deal with grief. But isn't it the same as with love? You can't be taught some things. Some things you just gotta experience, things you can't prepare for.
Max bouta break every single one of those rules with David I know it.
Ofc Mallory
oh he was joking
You won't have to live without it.
He is ruined now, like one of those victorian ladies who have sex before marriage. 
This made me laugh way too much
Im sad now he's leaving
oof that anticipation
Loved this so so much <3
The unnecessary stress you put yourself through omg 😂😂
This is Max (and us)
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
acquainted | eight
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> series masterlist | series playlist <
summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: jungkook x reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 3.6k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, jealousy and slight possessiveness, making out
tags: @laurynne5 @yiyi4657 @miinoongi @teamtardis-notdead @bluesharksandfish @photographic-girl @yonkoghan @moonchild1​ @thebeebi​ (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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"Should we go to that charity event the school is holding on Friday? It sounds kind of fun." Ryujin sipped on her drink, while you went through your closet, showing her different outfits over the facetime call.
"What's it for again?"
"I don't remember, but the Golden State Warriors dj is going to be dj'ing. He's pretty good."
"Yeah he is. I mean, I'm down, especially if it's for a good cause."
"Okay, I'll grab us tickets when I head to campus."
"You're not even gonna ask Jimin or Tae?" You chuckle.
"Why would I? They do everything we do, they don't know anything outside of us." You shake your head.
"Cut them a little slack."
"Boohoo, they'll say yes regardless. Bring Jungkook!"
"I mean, I'll ask, but I'm not gonna force him."
"Oh quit, I'm sure he'd be happy to spend time with you." She looked at you through the camera. "K, let me see that outfit."
"He said casual." You showed her your outfit in the full length mirror.
"Absolutely, yes! You're fucking hot." She squeals, automatically solidifying your outfit for tonight. It, thankfully, wasn't too cold in the Bay today, so you throw on a grey distressed denim mini skirt, a low-cut light grey longsleeve, a belt and some heeled combat boots. You ruffled and fixed your hair a bit until you were satisfied with your look, picking up the phone once more to turn your attention back to Ryujin.
"Thank you."
"No problem, babe. I hope you have fun! Did he say where you two were going?"
"Nope, it's apparently a surprise."
"Ugh, I love him already." She gushes, causing you to shake your head. You dabbed a bit of lip gloss and pressed your lips together to spread it out before spraying a perfume cloud for you to walk through. Sooner or later, knocks came at the door.
"Okay, I think that's him. I'll talk to you later?"
"Call me as soon as you get home. I want to know how big his dick actually is."
"You're sick. You sound exactly like Tae, you know that?"
"We're not talking about him."
"Love you, bye!" You abruptly hang up on her, unsure of why the hell you deal with her and Taehyung's crude comments. You grab your bag and open the door to see Jungkook standing there with a small bouquet of flowers. He peeks his head over the bouquet with the cutest smile you have ever seen.
"Hi." He slightly scrunches his nose and pulls you into a hug. Goddamn, does he smell good. "These are for you." He hands you the bouquet.
"Jungkook, they're beautiful. Thank you." You take it into your kitchen and place it into a vase really quickly before stepping out. You eye him from head to toe, and boy is looking like a whole ass meal in the denim outfit he has on. Like, who in the world could pull off this outfit like that?
"You look amazing." You blush. "If you ever get cold, just let me know, alright? I can spare my jacket."
"You're so sweet."
"Just want to make sure you're comfortable." He shrugs. "You ready?"
"Depends on what you have up your sleeve."
"Nothing extreme, if that's what you're thinking." He laughed. "I hope you enjoy it, though."
"Thanks for planning all of this, by the way."
"No biggie. I'm just glad to finally spend some time with you." He does a little run to open the passenger car door for you before hopping into the driver's seat. Immediately, he gets the car started and turns up the heat to make sure you're comfortable. The radio is softly playing Zayn's sHe, with Jungkook softly singing along.
"Wait a minute," You chuckle. "Do you sing?" He smirked.
"Hey, that's not fair. Sing louder."
"No, now I'm shy." He chuckled.
"Why? It's just me."
"Yeah and I just wanna impress you and not make a fool out of myself."
"You won't! Please." You pouted, making him shake his head.
"Ugh, Y/N. That's going to easily become a weakness for me if you keep pulling that pout." You keep pouting. Eventually, he gets over himself and starts to sing a little louder than earlier, causing your heart to flutter at how angelic he sounds. He ends up laughing towards the end and shrugging it off, his cheeks tinted with a rosy tint as you shower him in compliments. Swoon. You were so into the moment that you didn't even realize Jungkook was taking you across the bridge to San Francisco. You and your friends don't come to the city much, strictly because there's too many goddamn hills, parking is expensive as fuck, there's too many one way streets and people just get crazy as hell [like crossing the street when it's not time to walk?!]. It was a little calmer back home and that's all you guys needed. You watch as he parks the car effortlessly on a steep hill before coming over to your side to open the door for you.
"Whew, that's gonna be a workout later." You look back at the steep hill that you're gonna have to climb after eating dinner, you assume.
"Don't worry, I got you." He laughs. There's actually a lot of people out for a Tuesday evening that you end up hanging onto his arm to get navigate the random sea of people. He walks into Brenda's French Soul Food - nothing too fancy, but nothing too casual. The waitress brings you both towards the back end of the restaurant and out into the patio, where there are christmas lights hung around the fence and outdoor heaters posted. He pulls out your chair before sitting himself down, the waitress putting down your menus and cups of water.
"Ohhhhh, my god." You say with heart eyes looking at the menu. You had heard about this place from so many people, and you were impressed that Jungkook was able to score reservations being that it's always so busy due to its popularity. "I'm so excited! I've been wanting to try this place."
"Goodjob, Jungkook." He says, patting himself on the back. "If you're happy, that's all I could ask for." The waitress comes back to offer recommendations, which you both include in your orders in one way or another. Although packed, the restaurant was able to pump out orders quickly and efficiently so you and Jungkook weren't sitting around for too long without food.
"So, how's Jin in class?" You almost choke on your food even though this is something you should have expected. You really wanted to avoid speaking about him tonight, but you knew it was inevitable being that you were out with his brother.
"Um, he's alright."
"Just alright?" He rose his eyebrow and chuckled.
"No, sorry. I mean, he's a really good teacher. Definitely better than our last professor. Everyone in class loves him."
"That's cool. Yeah, he's really smart and wise. I've always looked up to him."
"How long has it been?" You weren't sure how to ask the question, but Jungkook understood what you were asking.
"I was a sophomore in high school when my mom met his dad." You're silent for a moment, allowing him to continue on if needed. "I had a really hard time at first, you know? The whole stepfather thing. My anger was moreso directed towards my mom and my stepdad for awhile. But Jin helped me out a lot. He helped me come to terms with my feelings about everything and he stuck by my side, always had my back whenever I got into arguments or bickered with one of our parents." You nodded, suddenly feeling guilty even though you and Jungkook weren't a couple.
"So, you two are really close." He nodded.
"Yeah, we are. I really don't know what I'd do without him. He's taught me a lot and helped me grow. Plus, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi have been around too. They treat me like their own little brother.”
"That's sweet. It's nice to have that kind of relationship with your sibling and their friends." You chuckle.
"It is." He nods. "Do you have any siblings?"
"Ryujin, Taehyung and Jimin." He laughs.
"From the club, right? I met your friends, they're fun people."
"They're too much, honestly. I'm the only child, but we've all been stuck to the hip since freshman year in college."
"That's cool that you guys have been together since then." You give him a toothless smile. "I think it's pretty awesome that you guys are tackling grad school together too."
"Initially, we all had different plans, but Jimin had some big goals for himself including grad school, and it played a huge role in my decision to do grad school, too. Then Ryujin followed, then Taehyung."
"Speaking of friends, there's this charity event at school on Friday." You look up at him, a small smirk growing on his face.
"Uh huh?"
"And I was wondering if you wanted to come along with us. They really want you there."
"That's sweet. But, what matters the most is that you want me there."
"I wouldn't be inviting you if I didn't, right?" You bit your bottom lip.
"Touché. Of course I'll go with you, beautiful." He does a small nod before sipping his water. "Should we show up in matching outfits?" He joked, causing you to snort.
"Honestly, that seems pretty entertaining. Cute, and entertaining."
"I'm down if you are." You stuck your tongue out playfully.
"I'm game too."
"Let me know what you're wearing then."
"I will, whenever I figure that out."
"Take your time. Just know you'll look good in anything." You blushed. You both continue to talk over the remaining bits of your food before Jungkook calls for the check. You watch as he scribbles his signature onto the receipt before standing and sticking his wallet into the back pocket of his jeans. While exiting the small and crowded restaurant, you hold onto his hand, feeling him grip it tighter as you both successfully make it out. The night isn't too cold, and you sure as hell knew it wouldn't be after you conquered the hill that Jungkook parked on.
"Fuck." You say as you stand on the street, eyeing the steep hill in front of you.
"Come on." He says, slightly bending down for you to hop onto his back.
"Ouu, I don't know if that's a good idea--"
"Y/N, I promise it's okay. Come on." He laughed. Hey, if he was willing to do this, then why not? You hop onto his back, his arms wrapping your legs tightly around his waist, while you clung onto his neck. "See, not so bad, right?" He says, sprinting up the hill, making you laugh and hold onto him tighter.
"Shit, I am so sorry. That was probably a workout. Right after we ate, too."
"Nah. It wasn't anything." He scrunched his nose. On the way back over the bridge, Jungkook is heading towards Lake Merritt. You both are singing along to songs and joking around about topics that pop up here and there. When he parks his car, you notice a whole crowd of people gathered by the lake, which was a little unusual for this time of night. He grabs your hand and gently caresses the top with his thumb as he walks you over towards the crowd. To your surprise, you realize people are gathered here for a water lantern festival. Your eyes light up, making Jungkook smile at how excited you look.
"Jungkook, what the hell! How did you know about this and I didn't?" He shrugs.
"I have my ways." He says, his voice low and deep. You playfully shove him before you make your way over to grab lanterns to decorate. You and Jungkook sit off in a more quiet, calmer part of the lake, silently decorating your lanterns and writing your wishes along with it. What exactly did you want to wish for?
Happy friends, happy family. Happy you.
Whatever happiness meant to you.
To have Chance look over you.
Jungkook is done pretty quickly, but he waits for you to finish, not questioning what you've written since he figures it's a private matter. He shows you his lantern and his cute little stick figure drawing of his family and friends. You giggle, watching him gently lay his lantern in the water, giving you leverage to do the same with yours. You stand closely to him, his body providing you some warmth as you watch your lanterns float off into the lake and illuminate the night along with the others.
"Ready? We have one more thing to catch." He snakes his arm around your waist and gives your side a gentle squeeze. You simply nod, following him back to his car. He takes you about 30 minutes away, exiting and pulling right into a lot two street lights down from the exit. He pulls up to the ticket booth, buying 2 tickets for Tenet at the drive-in movie. You squeal and clap in your seat excitedly, also not knowing this was still around.
"Did you really do your research to plan this date?"
"Yes and no? I've been here before, and I thought it would be fun to take you. The restaurant and the lantern festival though, yes." He parks his car as instructed, turning the radio to the correct channel in order to hear the audio. "Wanna hop in the back so we have more room?" You nod, getting out of your seat just to hop into the back. He leans over into his trunk, grabbing water bottles and assorted gummy candies for you to snack on in case you wanted some. "I hope you're having fun so far."
"I am." You respond softly.
"Okay, beautiful. If you say so." He chuckles. He moves the driver and passenger seats forward so that you both have room to spread your legs a bit. At first, Jungkook made sure to give you enough space so he wouldn't make you uncomfortable, but over time, you felt yourself sinking closer and closer to his body until he had his arm draped around your shoulder, while part of your body rested on his. His hand gently caressed your arm, occasionally sending goosebumps through your body at how soft his touch his. You glanced over, admiring at how focused he was on the movie. He must have felt you looking at him because he quickly looks over and blushes as he nibbles on a gummy worm. "What?"
"Nothing, it's just cute how focused you are."
"Damn, are you not into it?"
"I am, but it's kind of hard to follow sometimes."
"Yeah, it's definitely one of those movies." This time, his gaze on you is a little longer than before. You don't know what takes over you, but you plant a kiss on him, making him smile into the kiss. He doesn't say anything, but proceeds to rest his free hand on your neck, pulling you close and into another deep kiss. Your hand grips onto the side of his shirt, your tongues slowly fighting for dominance. The sounds of wet kisses fills the car and tunes out the movie audio. You can feel the moment intensifying, both you and Jungkook letting out breathy moans in between kisses. Suddenly, the thought of Seokjin quickly flashes in your mind, the past nights you've spent with him and the nasty shit you both have done to each other.
You lightly gasp as you pull away, but it wasn't obvious to Jungkook that something had disturbed your peace.
"Sorry, I—" He tries to save face just in case he was in the wrong about something.
"No, I just— I wasn't expecting it to get that intense." You lied. You knew damn well.
"It's okay." He chuckled. "I would never rush you into anything, Y/N. Okay? We can take this slow." He gives you a genuine, warm, reassuring smile that causes you to swoon. Why the fuck was he so good? Just why? How was this even fair right now?
All you do is simply smile and lean back onto him. He's back to caressing your arm and shoulder, giving you small pecks on the top of your head every now and then to reassure you. Part of you wondered if this is what Seokjin had taught him over the years - how to properly love a woman and be a gentleman. But then, that quickly fades when you remember the situation you're in with him.
Well no, you're not in anything with him. You needed to stop doing this to yourself.
When the movie ends, you both climb back into the front seats to make your way back home. You feel the exhaustion hit you, all the fun and adrenaline you felt today slowly come crashing down. Jungkook parks in the passenger loading zone, throwing on his hazard lights before walking you up to your apartment.
"Jungkook, thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed it and had a ton of fun with you."
"I'm glad." He cups your face and gently places a kiss on your forehead. You weren't satisfied with it though, so you tippy toe as you hold onto his hand and kiss him on the lips. He leans into the kiss, deepening it for a quick second before pulling away. "Let me know the details about Friday, okay?"
"I'll call you tomorrow. Sleep tight, beautiful." He smiles and licks his lips as he watches you walk in, feeling utterly content with how the day went. You feel the same way, smiling to yourself as you throw your bag onto the floor and prance into the bathroom to get ready for bed. You felt the butterflies in your stomach every time you thought about Jungkook and his smile, or his soft lips against yours.
Butterflies that kept your mind off of—
[jin] 10:04pm: Are you still with Jungkook?
You roll your eyes at the text. You hadn't pulled out your phone all night, so you're also seeing the numerous messages from your friends in the group chat, too.
[jimin] 7:45pm: have fun tonight, Y/N!
[taehyung] 7:50pm: ^ ditto. use protection, young lady
[taehyung] 7:50pm: think about mr. kim's feelings
[ryujin] 7:56pm: taehyung kim, shut the hell up. do you have anything better to do?
[jimin] 8:01pm: i really hope she doesn't pull out her phone during the date -__-
[taehyung] 8:05pm: lmfao you guys, chill out
[taehyung] 8:06pm: i'm sorry y/n, im just kidding. have fun tonight and be safe, love you
[ryujin] 8:10pm: CALL ME WHEN YOU GET HOME Y/N! i wanna know deets, remember! and ask him if he wants to join us on friday!
Unbelievable. Your friends were unbelievable, and that was an understatement. You don't respond to the group because you figured you'd call Ryujin in a bit and update the boys over the week. But to Jin's text - fuck.
You were literally just tucking him away in the far, far, far dark, deep depths of your mind.
[y/n] 11:38pm: I was, but now I'm home.
[jin] 11:39pm: Yeah, he just texted me back. Sorry.
[y/n] 11:40pm: It's okay.
[jin] 11:43pm: Okay. Have a good night.
He hates this. Why the hell would you do this to him? Grace is upstairs sleeping while Jin is trying to clean the kitchen up like he promised. Suddenly, his phone goes off, signaling a call coming in.
"Oh shit, yes! You're awake!" Jin chuckles a bit.
"How was the date?" Not only was he asking out of curiosity, but wanted to know how you were doing during the night. Completely none of his business but he couldn't help himself.
"God, she's fucking amazing. A-and-and beautiful." He yells into the phone excitedly. "She's so exciting. I can't wait to take her out again. I just wanna keep spending time with her." Jin is pretty unamused on the other line. Thank God he isn't on Facetime so he didn't have to fake this facial expressions hearing about Jungkook's feelings for you. "S-she- I mean, we kissed."
"Oh?" Jin asks, tongue pressed against his cheek. What the fuck.
"Yeah, we were making out during the movie. It got pretty intense, but it didn't get any further than that. I didn't wanna rush her into anything."
"You think it could have escalated?"
"Yeah honestly, but I wanna do right by her, you know?" Jin can tell how serious Jungkook was starting to become about pursuing you, and he had never felt more competitive until this day. He just wanted you to himself, and he wanted to be the one to kiss you and make you feel things you've only dreamed about.
Not his brother.
He, too, wanted you just as bad. If anything, more.
"It sounds like it was a pretty successful first date." Jungkook is beaming through the phone, he didn't have to see his face to know that.
"It was. It was such a good night." Jungkook chuckles. "By the way, I'm going to that charity event on campus on Friday. Are you and Grace going?"
"Probably not."
"Well, if you both are free, you should swing by. It'll be nice to see Grace."
"Yeah, I'll ask and see what's up." Jin sighs. "I should probably get to bed, I'm pretty tired. I'm happy to hear the date went well, kid."
"Thanks, dude. I'll talk to you later, get some rest."
"You too." Jin hangs up the call, silently hitting his fist against the kitchen counter as he lets out a deep sigh. More than ever, he wanted to keep you wrapped around his finger. He wanted to keep you there, no matter how selfish that sounded. There was no way he was going to let you unravel.
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peachbearies · 4 years
omg ion know if ur taking. Requests rn but I was wondering just a cute lil imagine bout zion in which the reader and him are dating and it's they're one yr aniversary or sum idk lol but just zion being a cutie and telling how much he loves her and shiii (because we all know that his ass acts all big and bad but he is a 6'4 teddy bear irl) yaa ik that was supper cringey but shehej yee okay byee (ur an amazing writer btw I've read all ur work and may I saY I stan 💖)
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Promise: Z.kuwonu
›› Synopsis: it’s your first anniversary with Zion, around this trademark period it makes you apprehensive but Zion reminds you how much
›› Genre: Fluff
›› Paring: Female Reader x Zion Kuwonu
›› Warnings: Slightly hinted nsfw, lots of cursing (I mean it Zion so…), a little glimpse of toxic behavior.
›› A/N: what?! This is not cringe at all baby! I admire cheesy romantic headcanons/ imagines like this. My likes and drafts are filled with fluffs or angst to fluff🤧. I’m sorry this is a tad bit delinquent And thank you for reading my work that means a lot I’ve been exploring a lot of vocabulary words to scrutinize my writing, this may be a long one I apologize I got too into it.
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The marvels of what a year could do. From going through a hurricane of songster roaring at each other, the strikes of austere comments leading up to the thunderstorm of a anguish. Your ex-fiancé cheated on, with considerable women before you found out. The ring on your finger was nothing but a reflector and leverage for him, he wanted to appear a saint to the kingdom, but a devil in the moonlight. Apologizing and buttering you up like a slice of bread, didn’t make you dawdle.
Your lucidity and rectitude were more caliber than staying, so you moved out of your shared apartment a week later, during the rotation of moving haphazardly you’ve incoherent yourself from the boys' realm, nor have your inner circle heard of you. You dissipated from the earth. And if you had to be adequate, you relished it that way, what was anyone overlooking anyways? but you were silently asking for space, you would give your leg for it.
Zion stirring in disgruntle, pushing profanities in between his gritted teeth. Don’t get mistaken he wasn’t mad you were ignoring him, just by the way your handling things on your own, he knew it had to be really fucked up if you couldn’t come to him. The veins crawling up his proffered hands outstretched for the keys. The boys jumping up in fear he may do something reckless, Brandon putting his hand in front of the boys to halt them. “Listen—even if we stop him, say anything to him or follow him, he will remotely do exactly what you think he’s going to do, you know how much he cares about (y/n), all we can do is have faith in him” Brandon confirms, but deep inside that rickety heart of his fear was kicking his ass too. They all discern Zion, once the peak of anger overflows his eyes only opines vermilion.
Zion parked in the lot, not noticing your car ghosting its rightful place. His mind was set on figuring what was wrong with you. Climbing the flight of stairs, he knocks on your door, his foot tapping the pallid base. When the door swung open it was ex-fiance, their eyes met in pique just burning to throw punches and a few sparks of curse words. “What do you want?” Your ex tempts him.
For your sake, Zion never snapped in front of him the way he should’ve. “Not you that’s for sure” commenting on his current attire, which was shirtless and some sweatpants. “Where’s (y/n)?” He queries, a scruffy ‘tsk’ pass through his lips. “Not here, that bitch moved out after she broke up with me”
Zion looked at his watch the time read 9:35 pm. “Cool, all I need is nine minutes of your time” Zion tranquility explains to him. Swinging and docking him in the throat; the girl that was staying with him bolting into the living room finding the source of the thump. She screams for Zion to get off him, after give or take six punches, Zion walks away not giving him or her the slightest sight. “If I catch you or her around y/n, better make sure you have good health care insurance and dental”
The next day he waited outside your classroom leaning his foot up against the wall; few girls noticed him but that wasn’t on his mind. When your silhouette appeared, he excused himself in a rush to catch you. “Pretty rich seeing a smile from a ghost” your heart dropped; the voice you were scared to dump your problems on.
What lie could you conjure? “Hey Zion” you breathe, turning in his direction. “That’s my fault I’m sorry, dealing with classes and moving I lost track of time” which was half correct, but it wasn’t the biggest factor. Zion tilted his head, signature hand in hoodie pocket. Closing your eyes with a heavy sigh, you knew he didn’t believe you nor did he want to push you. “Zion—“ he groped your wrist pulling you to the parking lot, he leaned on his car's hood without saying a drop of words, he wants for you to stream all your worries.
“Well, that’s half the reason. Okay, I didn't mean to go completely ghost, life just wasn't easy for me lately, I didn't want to add more dead weight to your shoulder. Sorry” zion scoffs pushing himself away from the car with no hands. But they followed the path to your jawline. ”burden on my shoulder or not, they're made for you to cry on. Stop going through things on your own alright?, as long as I'm here you don't have to sink”
Ever since you and zion grew close, a year later and he still gazes at you like a diamond. Even after a year, the astonishment gets the better of you. The insecurities start raging in, fighting in a war of love and hate. Your phone was laid upon the cherry wooden table, the vibrations frightening you, the goosebumps crawling up your arms. The name it read was “Love🤍”
“Hello?” You answer still shaken up; Zion lets out a soft scoff that vibrates through your body “you’re still in bed mamas? you should be awake beautiful” rubbing your eyes slightly, the clock flashed the numbers ‘ 2:30 pm’ your groan only makes him smile bigger.
“Goddamn I love you, look how ravishing you are in the morning” Zion's eyes shimmering in adoration. Those eyes always reflected his emotions, deep down you knew Zion loved you wholeheartedly, but the fear of having something good taken from you. That is what kept you hesitant. “No, I don’t stop lying” you stroke his ego.
“Me? Lie? Babygirl, I can’t and won’t lie to you stop playing” Zion said in a low octave, your stomach stirred in feelings “do me a favor baby” “Which is?” You reply, Zion looks over on his nightstand smiling. “Why are you smiling? Are you being mischievous again?”
“Who me? Nah” Zion shrugs off. The ringing of the doorbell distracted you from his spreading grin “answer that” sighing you walk towards the door, propping your phone on the counter, Zion moans out loud. “Maybe I should’ve slept over last night! Who told you to look that good mamas?” Ignoring his flirty antics you open the door, glimpsing at fresh bouquets of your favorite flower and a self-care basket. “Baby!!!” You screech, Zion simpers at the brightest smile on your face. The sun doesn’t shine as bright as you did at the moment.
“Why?, why are you so loving to me” you start to happy cry “Nah baby none of that, I love you too damn much for you to self-deprecate” Zion shuts your negativity down. Flipping the card over you read the message. ‘You thought I’d forget the day you changed my life? I’ve always loved you and I’ll continue to love you, but it’s not your love that I adore the most, it’s those gorgeous eyes that look back at me. Like I’m some type of angel when we all know that’s you, it’s the way you’re compassionate about others, I love your free spirit baby you’re a dove to me, even though I get under your nerves, I wouldn’t want anyone else to deal with me or my problems happy one year’
You look up at Zion, his eyes were already glossing by admiring your figure. Oh, how you wish jumping through a screen wasn’t just a cartoon thing. “Fuck” you whisper covering your face “angel, you are beautiful” Zion reminds you “stop!!! I’m in my feelings!!” You Jokingly spat at him. “What you wanna do for our anniversary it’s up to you” Zion smiles.
“Can we go to a petting zoo then get tacos?” Your eyes sparkling as your lips turn into a pout, Zion looking up towards the ceiling as his Adam’s apple points at the camera. “Yes, how could I say no” twenty minutes later Zion was at your house, complimenting you the whole car ride. Protectively and passionately rubbing circles on your knees being careful not to raise his hand any further.
“Look! Rabbits” Zion follows your finger pulling you in that direction, you sit on the bench holding the rabbit in your lap feeding it the food. Zion takes pictures of you getting the best angles, falling in love with your beauty, even more, the way the golden light bounced off your skin. It made him think twice if you were real or just a lucid dream. Feeding the monkeys were the best part, they hugged you and Zion; even gave you two kisses. The giraffes were the most exciting to you, joking to your boyfriend “wow look something taller than you”. Walking into a blue-lit aquarium a class of fish surrounded the both of you. Your finger softly touching the fish that was pressed against the glass, it followed your every move. Never realizing Zion detached his hand from yours, it hasn’t hit you until a ring was slid on your finger.
“Not an engagement ring, but soon don’t worry this is a promise ring, and I promise that you’ll feel nothing but comfort and love with me” his fingers gripped into your waist “with a side of pleasure too” you smack his shoulder while smiling ear for ear. “You promise?” “Of course I do, I wholeheartedly promise, I will never hurt or disrespect you baby, you mean too much to me”
Once you were back to the apartment your body couldn’t even make it to the bed, but Zion helped you to the bathroom. To wash off the dirt and sweat, even helped you with your skin routine. His fingers padding over every inch of your back, your soft snores in the crook of his neck. “I’m so glad to be the girlfriend of your dreams” you whisper “oh lord she’s finally figured it out!!” Zion pushes your buttons “should I send you back home?” You test him, “you wouldn’t dare, you need me tonight” Zion teases his swollen lips attacking your neck upwards your jawline, a low gruffly growl trickles down your spine.
“So is this the side of pleasure?” You press your teeth into your lower lip “if that’s what you want”
“Well, you did make a promise” wasting no time Zion straddles you, your legs wrapped around his waist, giggling at how he fumbled to remove his shirt.
“You damn right I made a promise, and I’ll show you how serious this promise is” Zion kisses up your stomach “I love you”
Your hands cupping his jaw the breathing becoming erratic “I love you too”
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all-things-haikyuu · 8 years
Hellu! What about a fluffy scenario with Bokuto where he and his fem s/o go to a wedding together? Like they're dancing and casually chatting and then they spontaneously make the decision that they also wanna get married?
Hellu to you to Anon~ Firstly, I am extremely sorry  that this one is too late. Secondly, you have no idea how much fun it was for me to writhe this one. Hope you enjoy this . 
Admin Em
Spontaneous [Bokuto Koutaro]
When you started datingBokuto , the first trait of his that you came to know was that he wasspontaneous. And not just simply spontaneous , spectacularly and unimaginablyspontaneous. In fact, you knew it when you went on your first date with him. Bothof you were at a party which was thrown by your senior and being thespontaneous person that he was , he had come up to you , introduced himself andasked you out on a date out of nowhere. In no time you had found yourself atthe Rainbow bridge,his hand in yours, your head on his shoulder. He was spontaneous when he threw stones atyour window on your one month anniversary , beckoning  you to jump out and took you on a long rideafter which he surprised you with a self-constructed mini burger cake at the24hr fast food joint that he took you to. He was spontaneous on that one day when he wanted to spent time with youso badly but  both of you were alreadyinside college and he grabbed you and both of ran outside as though ghosts werechasing you.
It has been almost six yearssince and today you are  at Bokuto’s veryclose friend-Kuroo’s wedding. It is at a chapel not far from Tokyo andhonestly, it is the most beautiful palce you have ever seen. The roomwhere the vows  are going to be exchanges  has a beautiful overview of the gardenoutside. The benches are all white and adorned with pale ivory lace and white hydrangeas. The decorations are really minimalistic yet sophisticated. There are already a lot of people inside and as soon as you enter Bokuto   isn’t able to keep his hands off his pantsand keeps dusting the area near the pockets.
 “Stop being so figity , Kou. Comeon . Lets go in .” you say, taking is left hand and waling in. “ I am not beingfigity . Its just that I am not comfortable wearing such a costume.” , he says.Bokuto dusts his pants once more before  tagging you around as he goes and greets many people. You spot Akashi andhis girlfriend standing near  a pillarand beckon Bokuto to head their way. “Akaashi! I missed you a lot! How have youbeen?!” , Bokuto semi-screams, hugging him.  Akaashi  and his girlfriend greet  the both of you with their matching  calm smiles. “I am doing good,Bokuto-san.Thank you.It has been long.” The four of you exchange pleasantries and head towards Kuroo to congratulate him . Honestly, you feel like you are at your relative’s wedding ratherthat a friend’s because  Kuroo and Bokutohad been and still are really close friends. He was practically family.  As soft music starts to play , indicating thatthe bride is about to enter the room you and Bokuto excuse yourself and go andfind a seat for both of you.
 “It’s happening [F/N]-chan! Kuroo is finallygetting married ! I cannot believe this !”, he exclaims animatedly while takinghis seat.
The ceremony goes on reallywell. Hoots and flower petals are in the air and  Bokuto  is hardly able to contain himself when the priest announces that the bridegroom can  now kiss the bride. Adult , my ass. You arestill a kid at heart, Kou, you think to yourself. After the ceremony , all ofyou are made to occupy a super huge banquet hall . Kuroo and his wife come outto the center and Kuroo gives a  speechthanking everyone for their blessings and for attending the wedding .He thenannounces that the DJ would be playing music and exits after asking all of themto dance their hearts out. “I’ll be right back “, Bokuto says , as he let’s goof your hand and walks towards the newly marries couple. The three of themexchange  and Bokuto comes back with agiddy smile on this face.
[F/N], let’s go! Its dancing time !”, heexclaims before tugging you to the middle of the dance floor. “Oh my god,Kou! Iabsolutely cannot dance with these shoes on . They are already killing me.And Ihave my clutch too. How can I even dance ?” , you say while pouting . “Okay,come here .” He takes you by your hand , the other wrapped around your lowerback as  makes you sit on a chair .He bendsdown to remove your stilettoes  , takesthem along with your clutch and places it near Akashi’s girlfriend’s things andcomes back to you with a silly smile. “That’s all settled. Now let’s dance!”You give a giggle as you are pulled into the dancing crowd by him and startswaying your body to the beats.
You hardly feel the timepassing by . Both of you lose yourselves in the music when the fast beat –popsongs play. During the slower - romantic ones, Bokuro’s hands find themselves around your waist as the both of youexchange long , blushing gazes. At one point of time,  both of you are so exhausted that you go andsit down for sometime . The waiter next to you serves some champagne and somesweets and treats and Bokuto speaks up ,” [F/N]-chan. Look at that.” You lookto where he is pointing and find yourself looking at the just-married coupledancing with big and shy smiles on their faces. “ They look really goodtogether, don’t they?” ,he asks you. “Hmm….” , you hum. “They look like theyhave been made for each other don’t they?”, he asks again. You hum once more inreturn.  “[F/N] , you and me will looklike that too,don’t you think?” Bokuto says this time ,staring at you softly as he gulps some champagne. You turnyour gaze to him and smile softly. “Kou, they are obviously made for each other. Jus-just look at them! Being all lovey-dovey and cute in front of all theguests. Gosh. They are completely adorable.” “Right? We would look adorablelike that too. You and I ~ You would look really adorable in a wedding dresstoo.  “, he exclaims , a little to excited.You narrow your eyes.
 “Bokuto Koutaro, what to you mean by that statement youjust made ?”
 “ Ah , [L/N]-chan. It’s nothing . Nothing actually. Umm…. Do youwant to go dance for some more time?” , You notice that his cheeks have a lightred tinge to them and you find him completely adorable.
 “Koutaro, if you wantto get married , you just have to tell me . Why are you beating around the bushso much?” You notice that his blush had deepened even more. “I-I am not beatingaround the bush. I just wanted to know if you wanted to get married. Its lifetime commitment , you see. Um..  I just thought you wouldn’t be so comfortablewith it.” 
“ With what?”
 “Getting married.”
 “Why would I be uncomfortable?Infact , I  do want to get married toyou. We have been dating for like six years now? And in those six years , Ihave had so many ups and downs . But when I am with you, I feel that I can takeon anything that comes my way . And now I feel that I cannot get married toanyone else but you. Because you have been there for me , whenever  I needed you and you are such an amazing guy, an absolute sweetheart  , the bestboyfriend that I could ever ask for. After going through all that has happened, I really don’t think I can live without you Koutaro, because Ilove you so much.”  Bokuto slouches , dumbfounded for the next fewseconds .
 In a split second he on your side, hugging you so tightly that italmost chokes you. “[F/N]! Oh my god! Yes yes yes. Lets get married.Lets getmarried !!!” You laugh at his silliness .This guy may be in his twenties but hesill acts like a silly child. There is a contended feeling in your heart, nowthat you have told Bokuto how you feel. You look to you side at him and thatgoddamn smile of his hasn’t disappeared. “AHH!! [F/N], wait here for a second.I’ll be back.” , Bokuto tells you before disappearing off into the crowd. Noteven two minutes have passed by when  gentlytaps your shoulder and you turn to see Akaashi’s girlfriend standing  behind you. “The bride is about to throw thebouquet. Let’s go try our luck.”, she says with her gentle voice and hersignature  soft smile. You get up ,wearing your shoes and taking your clutch in your hand.
 “ Umm… Did you seeKoutaro anywhere ? He told me he would be back in a minute or so and heisn’t.”, you slowly whisper into her ears. She gives you a weird look beforesaying, ”Um.. No, actually. I was with Kei all this time.”  You search a littlebit more for him before sending him a text saying that you  were joining the other girls for the bouquetthrowing ceremony.         
When no replycomes from him , you give up and join Akaashi’s girlfriend, who is standingnear the front row. The bride announces that she is throwing the bouquet andyou get ready. She throws it and you turn to see who got it . A chorus of eehsand oohs follow as you turn to see that she had faked her actions before and isstill holding the flowers in her hand. “I am throwing it guys , this time forreal . You guys ready?” she says.  Thegroup yells a big yes. You laugh really hard at her silliness and how she ismaking the whole group restless. She fakes her trough once more before turningaround and walking towards the group. Ooohs and yooos and all other forms of exclamatorycomments are thrown loudly into the air as she stops in front of you and handsthe bouquet in your hand.
By now , you are blushingreally hard.  She moves a bit to her leftand  you see Bokuto waking towards you , giggling , with a bright smile on his face.  His face is a light shade of red, so is his neck.His hands , you can see ,  are sweaty . Youare a full on mess now and you become an even more of a smiling , blushing messwhen he kneels in front of you  with avelvet box in his hand. Your eyes sting as tears threaten to fall . But you haveno control over them  when Bokuto finallyaskes you with his broadest smile  ,
 “[L/N][F/N], will you marry me ?”
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the-origin-story · 7 years
Origin Story Character Text Posts +Cyra, Jean and Kira and The Squad
Kira: Someone: *tries to guilt trip me* Me: the jokes on you!! i feel guilty 97% of the time for Everything I Do!, if i didn't have have depression no one could fucking stop me. i only have depression because otherwise im too powerful., please don't flirt with people i secretly like it's rude and disrespectful, i have three moods: fuck off, fuck you, fuck me., im cute and small and ready to brawl, "talk about" hahah, no no, i prefer to internalize all my problems so they eat away at me from inside until im unable to function in any way, no offense @life but can a have a breather...a break...some slack..., yea boys are cute but they disgust me and constantly disappoint me, she's beauty, she's grace, she'll punch you in the face, 5'2 but my attitude 6'2, "If I don't have calves of steel or abs of iron by the end of this trip, I'm going to feel so cheated.", "No offense, but I just can't process the fact that someone might actually care about me.", night time would be so beautiful and fun if all men had a curfew. me?? using sarcasm as a defense mechanism???????? what?????, When a girl says she has experimented with girls, that does not necessarily mean she's bi. She may just be an evil scientist., the bible said adam AND eve so i slept with them both, list of people i'm going to fight: everyone. put your fists up i'm coming for you, stale cinnamon roll, been in this world too long, too cynical
Jean: i don't have a nervous system. i am a nervous system., pick your battles. pick...fewer battles than that. put some battles back. that's too many., Wakey wakey eggs and social anxiety, enough about sex positions has anyone discovered a reading position which doesn't get uncomfortable after 5 minutes, i'm actually pretty cool just me like 5 tries to get it right, i love freckles theyre skin stars, never underestimate my ability to find shit out, "I don't feel that sore right now, but ask me again tomorrow and I'm sure I'll have a more colorful answer for you.", my life is constantly an inner monologue of "why do i do this to myself", 90% of my day is me being nervous., every friend group has the mom friend, if you don't who it is you're it.
Cypress: biology more like BYEology because I'm out, Highest form of art: girls, i don't want to look "pretty" i want to look otherworldly and vaguely threatening, things that make every video game better: give me nice outfits to wear, let me be gay, give me a pet, yoU THINK YOU'RE REAL CUTE, DON'T YOU???? REAL FUCKING CUTE RIGHT???? i think so to, "Your aim's a little off - now look at that. You just smushed the ant. Now it can't crawl anymore.", appreciation post for broccoli, thanks for being so tasty you tiny trees, there are people out there that are the embodiment of the sun like the things they say and do light up the world and make you feel warm they are human sunshine, I slept for 8 hours straight and then 2 hours gay, fuck dating girls who are "naturally pretty". date girls who are supernaturally pretty. date a hot ass ghost. date a fucking alien., Current mood: wanting to have a hooded cloak and to be in misty forest., You Want To See Some Goddamn Optimism?, "guys prefer-" that's nice i don't care, how to look cute but like you could kill someone
Liam: ive been annoyed ever since i was born, members of my squad: me, I may seem like an asshole but deep down im a good person and even deeper down im a bigger asshole, I came out to attack people and I'm honestly having such a good time right now, me, introducing myself: it is i, your local asshole, my kink is when everyone shuts the fuck up, *at a job interview* Oh yes, my criminal record? The only illegal thing I've done in absolutely KILLIN it on the dancefloor. Haha, just kidding! I have killed a man., The worst part about kissing a perfect ten is the cold feeling your lips get from touching the mirror., i don't want a friend w/ benefits i just want the benefits keep your friendship away from me, Ur what we call in the scientific community a "lil bitch", have u ever met the human version of a headache, *barges out of coffin at funeral yelling sike*, i'm permanently emotionally damaged, but its chill, I'm chill, no addressing our problems we downward spiral like men, I'm wasting my youth and beauty being a mysterious eccentric loner and I wouldn't have it any other way, im alive out of spite
Beckett: world's okayest friend, Do you ever look at someone and you're like how, "What are you twelve" Yeah on a scale of one to ten bye, having 3 friends is a lot of work, "Yeah I'm going chug four servings of this entire energy drink so I can crash later and actually get some sleep.", when you see a person smile and it's like...holy shit...what is this magic...please do that again, Stop taking advantage of people with good hearts & who are emotionally vulnerable, "you're so sweet!" thank you i have abandonment issues, IF YOU'RE THE KIND OF GUY WHO KISSES A GIRL ON THE TOP OF THE HEAD WHEN HUG THEM THEN YOU ARE DOING IT RIGHT MY FRIEND, beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world, too pure, why is everyone so mean. How aren't you tired
Cyra: When a grumbly grump who hates everyone and sees the world as dark and cold and unforgiving loves a sunshiney optimist. When a sunshiney optimist who sees the best in everyone thinks the grumbly grump is the best thing out of the whole beautiful world., do you like sleeping because so do i we should do it together sometime, love yourself so we can have something in common, how many eye contact until date, beING SUPER IN LOVE WITH YOUR FRIENDS BUT IN A FRIEND WAY but also a little bit in a gay way but also in a friEND WAY, anyone have that friend that you REALLY wanna fuck but you're never gonna say anything about it, listen i didn't come here to ship it lightly ok i came here for it to consume my soul, you could take me on a date anywhere and i'd be happy. like it could be the movie theater, or watching a movie at your house. fuck you could take me outside and we could look at clouds and climb trees i do not care as long as we hold hands or something at some point., my mom thought otp meant "oh, the pain." what's the difference., My way of flirting is looking at the person I'm attracted to and hoping they're braver than I am., i;m feeling...what's the word...........gay, I AM GOING TO PUNCH YOU IN THE MOUTH WITH MY OWN MOUTH Softly Because I like you
Jean and Kira: i would follow you to the ends of the earth with only mild complaining, does anybody else have that friend that your pretty sure is your soulmate but in a friend way, friend(jean): fuck off stop punching me me(kira): it's called platonic bdsm, when ur best friend says something weird and ur just like...I love you but what have I gotten myself into with this friendship, do you ever look at your best friend and just "who the hell blessed me with this dork, i am the luckiest loser in the galaxy."
The Squad: "what are the chances of EVERYONE in a friend group being queer" do you realize that we all tend to flock together like penguins huddling for warmth in a cold heteronormative, world right
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