#they're sleepy because i was so sleepy. battling for my absolute life to get any work done.
alackofghosts · 6 months
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dozing off
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Snailspace
Debut: Yo-Kai Watch 3
Wow. A regular, cartoon snail, huh? No frills, nothing? There is no clever concept on display here. I mean, a snail itself is a clever concept! A squishy, vulnerable creature that carries its own armor to retract into? That's awesome! But Yo-Kai Watch 3 did not make this concept. Animals made this concept. This is pretty much nothing but a cartoon snail.
And I love those!!! Yippee!!! You're telling me this monster collecting game lets me befriend a regular cartoon snail and train it to be a STRONG snail? And lets it follow me around town wherever I go? And lets me PLAY as it? Yowza! There must be a catch here... but there isn't!
Perhaps I am just very easy to impress in some regards, but I am very happy that Snailspace is JUST a snail, with no funny business going on. Nothing to detract from it. I can't think of an example of something that would detract. I'm tired. But Snailspace is perfect the way it is, is what I'm saying. ESPECIALLY because it has eyestalks! My favorite feature on a creature!
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I would like to talk about a different collectible snail monster for a moment. Hello Magcargo! You are a wonderful snail monster! A snail made of lava with a rock shell is an extremely awesome concept, and executed well! Magcargo even has big drippy mouth drips, reminiscent of a gastropod's tentacles! But it just doesn't have eyestalks, and to me, that is a very big deal. Magcargo's face looks like a frog's, and I love frogs, we all do, but this is a snail monster! I just always think that an animal-based design should take advantage of the unique features of the animal.
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In fact, I once did this little edit of Magcargo's original sprite to give it eyestalks, and I instantly love it so much more! Eye positioning does so much for a design's overall personality! Eyestalks are really just one of the coolest anatomical features a creature can have, and I don't know why, so often, they will be completely ignored in fictional snail designs, inevitably making the design LESS striking than it would otherwise be. I know not all snails in real life have eyestalks, of course, but they are really such an iconic feature, absolutely perfect for exaggerating in a design.
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Maybe it's not fair to spend so much of Snailspace's post talking about a different, much more known snail monster. There is stuff to love about Snailspace itself! I love its sleepy eyelids, I love its weird tall mouth, I love its color scheme! I guess it's not just ANY cartoon snail. You know... maybe there's not a such thing as just a cartoon snail. Whether intentional or not, any given person drawing a snail will put their own spin on it, however subtle. And isn't that wonderful? No one draws a snail quite like you do!
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If you are not familiar with Yo-Kai Watch, I would like to delight you with some Funny Facts. Firstly, Yo-Kai are organized into "tribes" that each tend to excel in certain battle attributes. Snailspace is a member of my favorite tribe, which is Slippery! A whole official category of slimy and/or wiggly creatures! Snailspace is right at home with snakes, fish, frogs, bananas, and even a bungee jumping teapot!
Snailspace is also classified as a 'Merican Yo-Kai. The third game features the protagonist moving from Japan to America, and meeting American Yo-Kai! The localization, however, had previously tried to convince he had been in America the whole time. How did they get around this? Instead of moving overseas to the USA, he moves further south to a different region, called BBQ! It is so stupid. I love it.
'Merican Yo-Kai are a weird category. Sometimes they're based on American stereotypes, but often it feels kind of like a meaningless title. I don't know why a Snail is specifically an American concept. I mean, I have certainly encountered many snails in America! I guess they're not wrong! But not every 'Merican Yo-Kai can be as iconic for the role as, for example, a baseball-playing chicken nugget.
Anyway, Snailspace is an excellent snail! It does not take much for a snail to make me smile! I hope this is true for you, too! Have you looked at a snail lately? Check under your local rocks in the dirt and maybe you just might find a marvelous mollusk to behold!
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
this might be a bit different from the asks you usually get but i made a joke about it and now this white collar au won't leave my brain
finally, things are going well for Matthew- working as a detective for scotland yard still sucks but ever since Dream convinced him to move into one of the flats over the New Inn, it doesn't feel like he's renting a prison anymore
even if now Matthew has Seen and Heard Way Too Much of Dream and Hob (that was his boss for ten years, for fuck's sake. Matthew never wanted to know That Much)
(admittedly, it's a small price to pay for knowing Dream is happy and well after the kidnapping- being a grumpy bartender in his fiance's bar certainly fits Dream's nepo baby tendencies more than detective work ever did)
that quiet life gets quickly overturned when Matthew's new boss tells him that scotland yard has proposed a deal to The Corinthian (whom Dream spent a decade trying to catch before succeeding) where he will help with their cases and return he'll get a nice, trackable ankle bracelet and be allowed outside
and Matthew will be the one to keep an eye on him
and also, they'll be roommates
"is it really such a good idea to send a criminal to live as the same house as the man who put him in jail?", Matthew asks his superior
"it'll be fine", is all the answer he gets before the Corinthian is dumped on him
The first week, Matthew doesn't sleep a wink, absolutely paranoid that Corinthian will sneak downstairs to try and murder Dream
Dream, meanwhile, sleeps with a gun under his pillow and is enjoying Hob being Overprotective and Pushy. their sex life was never boring but it sure got Intense now
and the Corinthian? well, the overcooked food Matthew serves him is almost balanced but certainly better than what he got in prison and the bed is pretty big, too
the best thing about his new living situation though is getting to watch a still sleepy Matthew walk around the flat in a shirt and those teeny tiny boxer briefs that hug his ass just right (and the way Matthew blushes bright red when Corinthian sidles up next to him)
The shenanigans are endless.
One day Corinthian asks Matthew if he would like to get back at Dream and Hob for all the sex noises? They've been even worse, recently. Knowing what the neighbours are up to is so uncomfortable - surely it's time to get a little revenge?
Against his better judgement, Matthew agrees. He and Cori will try to beat Hob and Dream at their own game. The battle of the sex noises, if you will.
First off they try banging the headboard of Matthew's bed into the wall. Corinthian even moans in the most ridiculous way. But it doesn't seem to have any effect. Next day, Hob just asks if Matthew was moving furniture around last night?
So Cori suggests they make it more realistic. They can just make out a little but and make sure they're loud. It doesn't have to mean anything! After some persuasion, Matthew gives in to the pressure. If nothing else because he's horny. And there's been this gorgeous specimen of a man walking naked around his flat for weeks.
Hob and Dream do hear the noises, but they immediately assume the worst! Moaning and squeaking noises?! Corinthian must be torturing Matthew up there!!! They burst into the bedroom only to find Matthew with his dick in the serial killer's mouth. Oops.
..maybe the worst part is that for both Hob and Dream, the first instance is to join in!!
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zor-earp · 5 years
They're stronger, together.
Chapter 2: Battle Royal
The next morning, like clockwork, Kara awoke to the blaring sound of her alarm going off. She groaned and smacked it, lightly to make sure she didn’t break it, effectively hitting the snooze button. She rolled over and wrapped herself tightly in her blanket. “Rao I hate mornings…” she mumbled quietly before falling back asleep.
When she finally got up, Kara groggily made her way into the kitchen where Alex was quietly sipping her coffee.
Hearing her sister enter the kitchen made Alex glance up. “Morning sleepy head.” She chuckled as she looked at her sister who was definitely not a morning person. If she was being honest, neither was she but once she had a few coffees in her, the early dawn didn’t bother her as much. Caffeine was seriously one of her favourite things in life. Whoever invented it had her eternal thanks.
Kara let out a grumble as she shuffled over to the coffee maker. “Coffee.”
Her sister went back to reading the morning paper as she grabbed a cup for her coffee. “Milk and sugar on the table Kar.”
A peaceful silence fell upon them as Kara made her coffee. It was more like a drop of coffee with spoonfuls of sugar and way too much milk but the last time Alex had opened that pandora’s box she hadn’t been able to close it until she gave the insulted blonde twenty bucks to buy as many doughnuts she could get.
“You leaving for the DEO soon?” Kara asked after a few sips of her coffee.
“Yeah. I was just waiting to make sure you’d actually get up.” Alex chuckled as she finished up her own drink. “And now that I’ve had my morning wake me up, I’m off.” She smiled as she got up, placed her empty mug in the sink and left to go grab her coat.
“Be safe!” Kara shouted as Alex left for the DEO.
The older Danvers yelled back before closing the door and heading off to the DEO. “I will! Always am!”
Kara chuckled and shook her head as a peaceful silence came over the small apartment. She knew her sister’s job wasn’t the safest one in the work but who was she to comment on that when she was literally a superhero that would fly into any battle that came her way.
Once she finished her cup of coffee, the young blonde made her way back to her room to get changed out of pyjamas. She put on a casual button-up, one that could be easily torn open if any Supergirl duties came up, and some jeans. She grabbed her glasses and slipped them onto her face before grabbing her laptop and plopping down at the kitchen counter to get some work done.
She had just finished her article and had gotten some food out of the fridge when her phone rang. She jumped at the startling sound, dropping her croissant. “Dang it…” she muttered before grabbing her cell and answering it.
“Yeah Winn? Obviously, it’s me. You called my number. Obviously, I’d be the one who’d answer the phone.”
“Hey, easy there. Why so snippy?”
“Kara? Hello? You still there?”
“I dropped my croissant…” she mumbled into the phone. She let out a small groan as she heard her friend snicker on the other side of the line. “Stop laughing Winn. You know how much food means to me. It’s so sad… and because I answered your call it’s been way past ten seconds. So now I have to throw it out...”
“Sorry sorry. I’m done.” He chuckled before continuing in a serious tone. “Anyway, Supergirl is needed on the corner of East Plaza Boulevard and Highland Avenue. You need to get there ASAP.”
“I’m on my way,” she answered quickly before ending the call and super speeding into her super suit. She looked down at her sad croissant on the floor and sighed, tossing it into a trash can before leaping out the window and making her way to the location Winn had given her.
When she arrived at the scene, multiple black vans were blocking off the streets while agents rushed this way and that. She landed with a thump on the ground and looked around for Alex.
“Director Danvers!” she called out, walking over to her sister who was standing talking to a few people clad in heavy duty guns. Alex turned around, a small smile gracing her lips as she saw her blonde dressed in red and blue.
“Oh good. You’re here Supergirl. I’m glad Agent Schott managed to get ahold of you so quickly.” She said as she motioned to the agents to leave them to talk. “I hope this isn’t ruining your day of doing… well, whatever you do.” She chuckled and crossed her arms over her chest.
“Nope. I’m always available to help out National City when they need me.” The Super said, imitating Alex’s stance. “So give me an update. What’s so urgent that you needed my help?” She asked, glancing over at some agents trying to keep reporters away from all the commotion.
“We’ve got some deranged alien holding hostages in that building,” Alex explained, pointing towards the building that was currently being surrounded by agents with shields. “We don’t know what it wants but we’ve got it cornered. The problem is that if we make a move, we might be putting the hostages in even more danger.”
“I can hold off the alien while your people get the hostages out.” Kara offered.
“No can do. Winn- I mean Agent Schott has detected some kind of substance that may be kryptonite. We can’t put you in a situation where you’ll potentially be of no use to us.”
“Gee thanks…”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it. Supergirl, we can’t risk you getting exposed to kryptonite. We aren’t even sure if it’s green or red. Either way, it looks like it’s in that building so you are to not go in it. Do you understand?”
“Director Danv-”
“That’s an order from your superior Supergirl,” Alex said, cutting her off with a hard look on her face. “I got Schott to call you here because we need you up in the skies looking into the building. I’m going to go in and try to negotiate with our alien friend.” She spoke clearly, making sure Kara was listening before she continued. “It’ll either go two ways. One, we talk it down and it lets the hostages go and we can arrest the alien with minimal charges because all it’s done so far is steal from the bank. Our second option would be for some of our stealth agents to come in while I’m talking to our notorious criminal and get the hostages out and then we can take out the alien without worrying about hurting the captives.”
“Alex... I mean Director Danvers… I think it would be a smarter move to let me go in. I know these aliens better than you all do. I’m also… well… stronger.” Kara said, trying desperately to get in on the action.
“Absolutely not. Not with possible kryptonite in there.” The older Danvers would not give in. She was not going to be responsible for Kara getting hurt because she was trying to be a hero. “You may be stronger but if there is kryptonite, you’ll be worse than Agent Schott.”
“Hey! Excuse me?! I’m still on the comms.” Winn said into their earpieces.
“Sorry Winn,” Alex mumbled. She had completely forgotten that Winn could listen in on their conversation.
“As hurtful as that comment was, she’s right Kara. We can’t risk you being close to the kryptonite,” Winn responded, agreeing with the DEO director.
Kara let out a defeated sigh before nodding. “Fine.” She muttered quietly, pouting slightly. “I’ll stay in the sky to be your… lookout then…”
“Thank you. Now let’s get this operation moving!” Yelling out the last part so her agents would get into position, Alex gave Kara a small smile before making her way over towards one of the black vans.
Before long, everything was ready. Supergirl was in the sky, keeping them updated on the alien’s movements in the building. Even though she couldn’t see any kryptonite with her x-ray vision, she chose to listen to orders, not wanting to stress out Alex more than the redhead already was.
“All set?” She asked through her commlink.
Alex answered with a simple “yup”. The eldest Danvers was clad in a black suit, looking highly professional. Her DEO badge looked like an FBI ID, thanks to Winn’s tech, which was then hung on her breast pocket. She glanced over at her agents who were all in stealth suits ready to get in and out without being seen by the alien.
“I’m going in.” She stated before walking past all the security and looking at the building. She entered cautiously and looked around. “This is Director Danvers. I’m coming in unarmed.” She said loudly, keeping an eye out for the alien.
“He’s in the room just ahead of you.” Both Kara and Winn mumbled over the comms.
“Thank you,” Alex mumbled under her breath. She glanced down at her watch. She had ordered the agents to go in if she didn’t give any signal in the next ten minutes. She didn’t have any time to waste, so she quickly made her way to the door in front of her.
She peeked her head through and her eyes widened significantly. The alien was huge. “Didn’t see that one coming…” She thought as she tried to determine her next plan. And here she was hoping that today would go smoothly for once.
“Hello? I’m Director Danvers. I’m here unarmed. Let the hostages go and we can come up with a reasonable compromise together,” she said as she walked into the room, arms up in a non-threatening way. “All I ask is we work together here. I don’t want any harm to come to any of us.”
The alien looked at her and glared. “I don’t trust you,” he stated, keeping a strong stance in front of all his hostages. “I’m not going down without a fight.”
“I don’t want to fight. I just want to help,” she explained. She wasn’t lying when she said she didn’t want to fight. She may be a good fighter but she doubted that she’d be able to take on this large beast alone. “Let them go and we can talk.”
“Let me out of here peacefully and no one gets hurt. All I want is the money.” He snarled, gripping the bags of cash he had in his hands.
“We both know I can’t do that. You broke the law. First, you stole from National City’s bank and then you took hostages. I’m going to have to arrest you but depending on how you cooperate, the charges might not be as severe as they could be,” she tried to reason.
“No way in hell am I going back to another prison. Fort Rozz was enough.” He growled, backing up closer to the hostages.
Alex glanced down at her watch. Shit. Her agents would start moving into the building in the next five minutes. If she didn’t want a blood bath on her hands, she had to get this massive alien out of the way so her people could help the hostages.
“Come on. I really don’t want to fight you. I’ve got backup waiting and you’ll be screwed if you mess with a federal agent,” she said, keeping a steady tone, though she was starting to get anxious. She really didn’t want to have to fight this damned alien. God, she could go for a cup of coffee right now.
“I’ll fight you if it comes down to it Agent. You really think I’m scared of some girl with a suit? You must be pretty dumb to think someone like me will just surrender to someone like you.” He muttered quietly, glaring at the woman in front of him.
“That’s Director to you.” She sighed, going to grab her gun from the holster on her waist. “And you really should be scared, because I’m Alex Fucking Danvers.” She smirked before whipping out her gun, which was set to stun, and shooting him right between the legs where… well, hopefully, you can guess where she shot him. And let me tell you, she did not miss.
His eyes widened and he howled in pain. “You bitch!” he yelled, dropping the bags of cash and lunging towards her.
She stepped back just in time to miss his oncoming attack. “Oof, you missed,” she said with a cocky grin. She stepped out of the room, hoping he’d follow her away from the hostages.
As she suspected, the alien’s pride got the better of him and he went after her, leaving the cash and the hostages in the other room as he moved to chase after her.
“Get in and get them out,” she mumbled into her commlink to the agents waiting outside as she tried to get as far away from the captives as possible. “Come and get me dumbass!” she yelled back at the alien, currently running after her.
She led him out to the main entrance where there was way more room to maneuver in. She turned a corner before mumbling a quiet “crap”. She had run into a dead end. “Shit shit shit…” she whispered to herself as she hid behind a wall.
The alien wasn’t too far behind her but she had managed to get ahead of him enough that he didn’t quite know where she was. “What a great plan…” she thought, trying to come up with another strategy.
“Come out, come out wherever you are… so I can tear you limb from limb…” The giant alien growled as he made his way into the main entrance. He sniffed around and looked around. That’s when he heard a small squeak coming from one side of the room.
“Oh... crap…” Alex mumbled, having just slid slightly on a wet part of the floor. She glanced up and facepalmed when she saw a sign that read “Caution! Wet floor”.
“Found you girlie!” The alien exclaimed as he rounded the corner and went to grab Alex by the arm. The DEO director managed to dodge him and barrel-rolled over to the side. She grabbed her gun and shot at him but he managed to avoid each shot.
She looked around frantically trying to find some way to get herself out of this mess. She slid under his legs as he swung a large fist at her and shot back up onto her feet, kicking him in the back.
This made him lose balance and he fell forward slightly but regained his footing. Apparently kicking him wasn’t such a good idea for Alex because now he seemed even angrier than before. The redhead went in for a few punches and used her speed to her advantage, getting in some good hits.
Outside of the building, the stealth agents had rounded up all the hostages and were treating them to any wounds they had.
“Winn, I’m going in. Alex needs my help.” Kara had grown impatient, watching the whole fight from the skies. “She’s going to get hurt. That dude is ten times bigger than her. If you think I’m going to stand by and watch some monster beat up my sister you are out of your mind.”
“Kara you can’t go in there. There are still traced of kryptonite. If you go in there you’re putting yourself at risk and you might even put Alex at risk. She’ll have to protect herself and you if you end up being incapacitated.” Winn was trying to keep calm. He knew Kara should go in there but knew that it was a danger to both Danvers sisters.
“This is such a horrible plan…” Kara mumbled as she continued to watch her sister with her x-ray vision.
Back in the building, Alex had just flipped over the giant alien, avoiding a “hulk smash”. She knew she wouldn’t be able to hold him off for long. He was way bigger than she was and way stronger too. She had speed on her side but that wouldn’t last long if he managed to get ahold of her.
She gave a swift kick to his ribs and that’s when it all went downhill. He grabbed her leg and swung her into the wall.
“Oof…” she muttered. Thank god Winn had made this suit so it would protect her from big impacts. She went to get up but the alien was on top of her in seconds. He grabbed her and held her up against the wall. She struggled to get lose but his hold on her was extremely firm.
“You thought you could defeat me? Look at yourself! You’re nothing but a puny little girl!” His shit-eating grin was wiped off his face when Alex spat in his face. “Oh, you son of a bit--”
His eyes widened at the booming voice behind him. He didn’t even have a chance to turn around before he was smashed into the ground, effectively making him drop Alex who was quickly caught by Supergirl.
Kara was beyond pissed. The second he had laid a hand on her sister is when she saw red. Winn’s pleading to not go down there was drowned out by her anger towards the giant alien. No one touched her sister. Ever.
She gently placed Alex down on the ground, against a wall before turning her attention back to the alien who had gotten up and was dusting off some rubble.
“Who the hell are you?!” he shouted, staring at the blonde.
“I’m Supergirl and you just messed with someone I care for and now you are absolutely screwed.” She glared at the gigantic monster before charging at him. She punched him in the chest with both fists, making him fly to the other side of the room. “Don’t you ever, EVER, lay a hand on my sister!”
“Kara, get out of there. I’m getting a kryptonite signal and it’s getting stronger,” Winn said over the commlink. “Get Alex and get out. The other agents can handle him.”
The blonde chose to ignore whatever Winn had said and walked slowly towards the alien who was struggling to get up. She had stood idly by, watching the older Danvers fight, not being able to do anything and that had hah stressed her out immensely. But when she saw the alien throw her sister into a wall, that had been the final straw. She had rushed in, not caring about the warnings about nearby kryptonite.
She had lost so much in her life. Her family, her home planet. She was not about to lose the one person she loved more than anything. Her sister was her life. They had gone through so much together. She had always been there for Kara. And Kara had vowed the day she arrived on Earth that she’d protect the Danvers family with her life. And right now, she may be putting herself at risk but Alex was her sister. She would fight to the end if that meant protecting her from an arrogant alien.
She threw punch after punch, though many of those punches were avoided by the large alien. Her anger was getting the best of her and her aim was getting lousier by the minute.
She finally managed to get in a good hit right to the alien’s chest. He stumbled back and looked up at her.
“Okay. No more mister nice guy.” He let out a growl and took something out of his back pocket. He slid the sheath off and that’s when Kara felt it. Her powers were beginning to weaken. She knew she was screwed when she saw that familiar green glow.
“Didn’t see this one coming now did you?” He smirked and lunged at her. She barely managed to avoid the glowing green knife. She jumped back and got into a defensive position. He threw a hard punch with the knife in hand. She wasn’t fast enough that time and hissed when she felt the blade cut through her suit and into her arm.
She grabbed the part of her arm that had been cut and quickly dodged another incoming attack. She tried to think of a plan but was interrupted when she saw the alien’s knife coming down for another assault. She put her non-injured arm up in hopes of stopping the hard blow that she was about to receive. It worked… for like two seconds.
She looked him in the eyes and used her foot to kick him swiftly in the chest. Even in her weaker state, she was still able to make the huge alien fall back. With the alien on the ground, she did the first and only thing that came into her mind. She jumped on him and punched him in the nose.
Big mistake.
With a bloody nose, he grabbed Kara by the neck and held the knife up to her face. He smirked as she struggled, her powers weakened by the kryptonite so close.
“I’m going to finish you off and then… I’m going to kill your precious sister…” he whispered with an evil smile.
Her eyes widened as he plunged the knife right into her abdomen. She gasped for air when he dropped her onto the cold hard ground. She fell to her knees, her eyes filled with tears from the pain. She looked up slightly to see him walking slowly over to Alex who was still sitting against the wall.
She had been watching the whole thing, trying desperately to get up to help her sister but her muscles wouldn’t budge. She was stuck watching her sister fight… and then watching her sister get stabbed… all because she had been too cocky when it came to fighting an alien ten times bigger than herself.
The large alien made his way over to the redhead and picked her, slowly crushing her neck in his mammoth hands.
“Say goodbye…” he whispered as his hold on her neck tighten.
“No. You say goodbye, you asshole,” he heard from behind him before a knife was plunged into his back. His eyes widened and he dropped Alex before falling to the ground. The knife had been pushed into his back, all the way in and had hit his heart.
He lay on the ground and looked up. Kara was standing over him, one hand clutching her stomach. She glared at him. Even in her weaker state, she could still look very menacing.
“Next time, go for the head,” she murmured before punching him right in the face, effectively knocking him out.
There would be no next time for him.
“Kara!” Alex yelled as she watched her sister collapse next to the dead alien. She stumbled as she made her way over to the blonde. She picked up Kara’s head and placed it on her lap. “You are not allowed to leave me, Kara Zor-El Danvers. Not like this!” She held her sister close, taking off her suit jacket and placing it on Kara’s wound, hoping it would stop the bleeding.
“I’m glad you’re okay…” Kara whispered, a small smile gracing her lips. “Look who protected who now…”
“Shut up you idiot… that was the dumbest thing you’ve ever done. You got yourself stabbed…” Alex muttered, shaking her head as she pressed down on the wound.
“Yeah well… I’d do it over and over again if it meant saving you.” Kara let out a small cough and grabbed one of Alex’s hands. The older Danvers squeezed it gently and Kara squeezed it back, a small smile forming on her lips.
Then everything when black.
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imagine-loki · 7 years
Title- Abandoned
Title : Abandoned
Chapter no/One-shot- Part 3 
Author: StarryNight35/StarryNightFantasies 
Original Imagine: Imagine Loki witness a person abandoning a pet, he pays little heed at first, humans, of course, are fickle creatures, but on hearing the human use words like “runt” and “worthless” something in him stirs. Looking into the box human has dumped the animal in, he realises it is a small black furball. 
Rating: G (Some Language) 
Notes/Warnings: Some languages- A few F-bombs 
You can read it on AO3 here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12152160/chapters/27743847
As soon as they were outside the store, Steve called Tony to beg for a ride back to the tower. There was just no way the three of them were going to make it back with all of their purchases and a kitten in tow. Tony hadn’t wanted to let a critter inside any of his vehicles, and neither had Fury, but when their situation compromised the team, they relented, deciding prejudices weren’t as important as security. 
When Tony arrived, he parked Fury’s SUV in the fire lane and opened his window to find Loki and Bucky standing on the sidewalk playing with Fennie. The two of them each had a different toy- both covered in ridiculous feathers and bells- and were teasing her until she batted at either. Whichever toy she chose was considered the “winner." 
"Oh hells bells, Steve. Don’t tell me they're both in love with her.”
Steve simply smiled and called for them to load up. 
“Okay, before we leave- Did you get a litter box?” Tony asked Loki. 
“Of course we did, Stark. Isn’t that why we came here?" 
"It’s an automatic!” Bucky said, excitedly. 
  When they reached the tower, Loki began assembling the feces collector, as he called it, as Tony stood over his shoulder. Tony’s constant stream of comments about Loki’s mechanical abilities was starting to wear on the god, but he kept his mouth shut for Fennie’s sake. He knew that one wrong word would be enough reason in Tony’s eyes to make him change his mind. 
“I could make this better. I could make this so much better,” Tony remarked. 
Loki rolled his eyes and turned to look at the metal man. 
“And why would you bother making a ‘shit box,’ as you so eloquently referred to it, better Stark?" 
"Because I can,” Stark replied haughtily.
  Two hours later, Fennie’s litter box not only automatically rid itself of soiled litter, it also refilled itself with state-of-the-art, biodegradable litter that had been reprocessed through a filter that Tony had added himself. 
“Sheesh Tony, were you that bored?" 
Loki looked up to see the archer standing in the doorway of Stark’s laboratory. He wasn’t too comfortable with Clint, not only because of the way he’d reacted when Loki had first arrived, but because of the way he continued to badger Loki.
Loki had made a solid effort to apologize to the archer after using his scepter to control him during the battle, even going so far as to offer to do his bidding for several days- basically what Clint had done for him. Even though the things Clint had done were a far cry from what Loki would have to do.
It was completely against Loki’s nature to do anything of the sort, but Banner had suggested the offer as a way to 'heal relations with those he hurt.’ However in the end, the archer hadn’t accepted, and Loki now realized he would simply have to put up with whatever verbal abuse Clint could throw at him. 
"I am simply offended by inferior technology, Barton,” Stark replied. 
“I’m offended by the fact that the prisoner gets to have a pet.” The archer glared at Loki. 
Loki rolled his eyes.
Bucky had been standing in the corner watching Tony in awe, but now wore a scowl. 
“Wait. This is inferior technology?! I had to scoop cat shit by hand! This is a masterpiece!" 
"It is now,” Stark said without humor. 
  Loki hadn’t been joking when he said he would turn himself into a cat for Fennie’s sake. In fact, later that night, he ended up doing just that. But it wasn’t because she wanted to play and had exhausted all of her options for toys. They had bought loads of cat toys.
Loki had given her a dish of milk in hopes that she would calm down enough to allow him to rest. However, as soon as he tried to turn the lights off, she began to whine. 
“What’s wrong darling? Is your bed not comfortable?" 
Steve had laughed at Loki for choosing ’the single most ostentatious cat bed in the store,’ but Fennie was his baby now, so he could do what he wanted. Besides, prisoner or no, Loki had money. He was a prince after all. 
Lifting Fennie from her bed, Loki cradled her in his arms and noticed that she shivered. It broke his heart. He knew she wasn’t cold- her body was as warm as a tiny heater. So she must be frightened. 
"What can I do, love? You’re so tiny…and you must miss your mother. To be quite honest, and only because I know you can’t tell anyone, I miss mine too." 
A bit of Loki’s hair hung down close enough for Fennie to reach, and she rubbed her face against it. It was then that Loki realized how he would calm her nerves. 
"I may not smell like your mother, but perhaps I can feel like her?" 
Loki set Fennie down on the duvet, made sure his bedroom door was locked, and concentrated all of his Seidr inward. Seconds later, Fennie had a very different sleep mate; a black long-haired cat with piercing green eyes. Laying down next to her, he gently brushed his newly formed paw over her back and she curled into his side and fell fast asleep; purring the entire time. 
Someone was banging on his bedroom door. 
“Come ON, man…let me in. I want to play with Fennie too!”
Bucky was banging on his door, and he was still in cat form. And Fennie was already at the door, scratching to be let out.
“He shouldn’t have his door locked in the first place,” Stark muttered. “I can fix this." 
Oh Hel.
The lock tumbled, the doorknob turned, and the door was open. 
Loki was on his feet, but that was all he could do. Evidently, cats were very sleepy creatures. He hadn’t counted on that. His eyes were glued shut, his back was arched, and he stretched involutarily. Yawning as wide as his mouth would open, he forced himself to focus on the scene around him…
"Why the fuck are there two cats in here? And where the hell is Loki?” Stark yelled. 
Suddenly, there were Avengers everywhere. In a panic, Loki tried to answer, but all that came out was a low hiss, so he leapt off of the bed and did his best to concentrate on returning to normal. 
“Is he missing? How the hell did he get out?!" 
”FUCK! I knew this would happen!“ 
Natasha…Clint…Bruce…Steve… Some of them were kinder than others- realizing that there must be something else going on; something besides the immediate conclusion that the 'supervillain’ had escaped. Loki idly wondered how long that reputation would last… or if it would last forever. Would he ever shake it here on Midgard? 
The voices all ran together while Loki gathered the magical energy he needed, and a few seconds later, he was standing on two feet again and fully capable of answering them himself. 
”Norns. Calm down. Why would I try to escape without her? I fell asleep trying to comfort her…“ 
  In the relative silence that followed, it was Bucky that finally spoke- through a fit of laughter. 
"You- you… You really did turn yourself into a— a cat!”
He howled and doubled over in the doorway. No one else was amused, the least of all Tony, who was glaring at Loki as if he had insulted his mother just before bragging about sleeping with Pepper. 
“You’re damn lucky I didn’t push the fucking panic button, Loki. If I had, we would have the Air Force swarming the tower right now, and I can’t promise they would let you live afterwards,” Stark shouted.
Loki merely rolled his eyes, knowing Stark would rather saw off his own dick than not be the hero when something bad happens- like his escape from the tower. Tony wouldn’t call the military unless it was the absolute last option. 
“Sure, Stark. We all know you’d never call them. You would rather risk your life and everyone else’s to play the hero,” Natasha muttered. 
Loki was certain Stark didn’t hear her because he didn’t react, but Loki had, and he could definitely use more leverage in this place. He cocked his eyebrow at her, subtly letting her know that she had been heard. 
  “Now that the panic is over, can you all just back out of my room? This has all been a bit of a shock for poor Fennie,” Loki said; rolling his eyes yet again on the word panic. 
Stark stepped closer to him. “Wait just a damn minute. Are you telling me that I’m going to have to put up with two of you running around here destroying property?" 
Loki looked confused for a moment, so Bucky interrupted. "Oh, I don’t think Fennie will destroy anything.”
When Loki looked up at the soldier, he felt a stab of jealousy as he realized that Fennie was curled up in Bucky’s arms. Bucky stroked her fur as she lay against his metal arm.
Then he had a completely different thought… at least if the Air Force did gun him down, someone at the tower cared about Fennie almost as much as he did. Although the likelihood of any Midgardian weapon having that kind of firepower was slim. 
  Hours later, after Loki had played with nearly every toy Fennie possessed; and Bucky had decided that the laser pointer was definitely the best one, they sat in the common room watching the tiny kitten eat her weight in cat food.
Loki had wanted to buy her the best he could find, even asking the sales people if they had anything better than Fancy Feast or 'this Midgardian gruel you feed your varmints.’ In the end, he’d only managed to piss off everyone he came in contact with, so Steve and Bucky made the final decision; painstakingly explaining every ingredient listed on each brand so Loki knew he was giving Fennie the best possible nutrition. 
“So James, may I ask you a question?”
Bucky knew that Loki only used his first name when he was about to ask him a very serious question, or piss him off royally. He braced himself for impact. 
“Uh, yeah… I guess.” He closed his eyes and waited, knowing Loki had a tendency to say things in the worst possible way.
“You said you had a cat, and it…passed a long time ago, correct?” Loki muttered.
“Yeah, man. Why?”
“How long… I mean, did it live a good, long life?”
Loki was almost stumbling over his words, which was completely out of character for him. He was always sharp as a tack, and Bucky didn’t know where this line of questioning was going.
“Well, if I remember correctly- I mean it was a long time ago, Loki- she was around fourteen years old when she died. Old age. Nothing too terrible. She just… didn’t wake up one morning. But I knew it was going to happen soon. She was having a hard time walking… her joints were achy… sometimes I had to help her up…" 
"That’s enough,” Loki interrupted. He wasn’t being harsh, but Bucky could tell he was upset. 
“What did I say? I don’t… oh. Oh, I get it. That’s such a short time for you. I guess I shouldn’t have told you." 
Loki looked down at Fennie, who was still slurping up wet food. Why did everything on this planet have to be so fleeting? Human lives were so short, but he had never considered feline lives would be even shorter. He smiled sadly for a moment, but decided if she only had fourteen years, he would make them the best fourteen years ever.
"No, I’m glad you did. It just means I have to make the most of my time with her. Or find a way to stop her aging. I doubt Idunn’s apples work on felines though.”
  Suddenly, something hit the countertop in between them. It was one of Fennie’s fluffy kitten toys. Loki looked up and scowled at Stark, who was standing in the kitchen; a tall glass in one hand and Fennie’s laser pointer in the other. 
“Hey, you know I can make every one of these toys better, right?” Stark yelled from the kitchen. 
Loki rolled his eyes at Bucky. Stark was always completely oblivious to serious conversations happening around him. He just barreled through the area like a rolling cannon. 
“Let’s let him do it. Fennie deserves the best,” Bucky grinned. 
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fortheloveofeos · 7 years
Older Noctis x Reader are married and while they're on a date, Ardyn shows up and wants revenge on Noctis so suddenly Noctis leaves to get desserts and Ardyn appears and kidnaps the reader and takes her away. Then Noctis finds out and goes aftet Ardyn to get his wife back. And Ardyn almost beats the reader for not telling him where the crystal is.
I changed this a little to work in my crazy brain, I hopethat’s okay.
Major warning here. This story contains some Ardyn x readerabuse and just some general Ardyn being an absolute creepy freak. I honestlygot chills writing this. Please don’t read this if any of this bothers you. Don’tworry, Older! Noct is there to save the day.
(Also, sorry I didn’t post this correctly the first time.)
Becoming a queen had never been part of your life plan.Hell, falling in love had never actually been in your plan either. Then, onedark haired, sleepy prince with a smirk that could break hearts and a smilethat could cause the Astrals to swoon had passed through your sleepy town allthose years ago and everything you had ever wanted for yourself and every planyou had ever made flew out the window just like that.
You had denied your feelings for months as you traveled onand off with the young King and his friends/personal guards. The two of youflirted, stole kisses, and reveled in the innocent love that blossomed andthrived between you. When things got tough, you were right there to fight anddefend your king along with everyone else. It was standing on the undergrounddock at Cape Caem with Iris and Talcott that finally broke down the walls thatguarded your heart. Your threw your arms around a very surprised Noctis astears poured from your tightly shut eyes. He stumbled but managed to catch youand hold you closely while the tears fell. He reassured you that no matterwhat, he would come back to you and that he felt everything you did for him aswell. His kiss stole your breath before he was forced to part with you and headfor Altissa and ultimately Gralea where he would begin to fulfill the prophecy.
Those ten years were hard. You lost nearly everyone close toyou and found yourself in Hunter HQ with Gladio, Prompto, and Ignis where youlearned to fight and to be a proper hunter. All the while, you kept the hope inyour heart that you would see Noctis, that he would return to you just as hepromised. When he finally did return, you refused to allow him to face his futurealone. It was by the grace of the Six that Noctis survive the final battle withArdyn against all odds and finally took his throne and his kingdom.
The wedding was beautiful and small with only a handful offriends – just the way the two of you had wanted. You found the crown weighedheavily upon your shoulders, though not nearly to the same degree as yourhusband, and the two of you found strength in one another in the darkest oftimes. Nightmares still plagued you from the journey that had left you with thelove of your life and a title of your own. Noctis usually found himself, withthe help of a certain adorable fox-like creature, within your dreams world andwas always the one to pull you out of the night terrors.  
Ardyn Izunia was the monster you couldn’t shake. The way hehad sneered when he saw you enter the throne room just behind Noctis with alook of determination made your skin crawl. He had attempted to entice you tochoose him over your love, promising that he would protect you from thedarkness Noctis could never hope to dispel. His words still filtered throughyour mind and made you want to wretch with their forced sweetness. The worstpart was that it was always so hard to know when you were dreaming.
The word “exhaustion” took on a new meaning after you becomequeen. You did everything in your power to lighten Noctis’ load and the two ofyou often fell into bed during the late hours of the night only to rise withthe sun a few hours later. There were the rare occasions where the two of youwould shirk your duties and find time to yourselves. Your favorite place was asmall restaurant that specialized in pastas and desserts, tucked into abackstreet of downtown Insomnia. The small shop was rarely too busy and the twoof you enjoyed the near privacy the shop afforded you. The twinkling lights ofthe patio mimicked the nearly invisible stars of the night sky blocked by thelight of the rebuilt city.
“I’ll go in and grab our dessert,” Noctis kissed you sweetlyfor a moment before pulling back. “Do you want the usual?”
Giggling you brushed some of his eternally messy hair fromhis dark blue eyes and nodded. “How about we try the strawberry this time,though?”
“I like the way you think,” he stole another quick kissbefore slipping back inside the small diner to purchase a dessert for the twoof you to share. You couldn’t help staring lovingly after your king as he went,resembling a loves truck school girl as you rested your hand on your head.
The door had no more than shut, leaving you on the isolatedpatio when chills raced down your spine and your breath hitched as the voicethat whispered so softly into your ear. “Come now, my sweet little queen, donot let such an…unfortunate king keep you from me,” Ardyn traced a finger alongyour exposed shoulder and up to your neck. Terror kept you frozen beneath histouch and your fear widened eyes remained locked on the door Noctis had justdisappeared through. “I’m going to take you away from here and when your dearlittle prince comes looking for you, he’ll be forced to tell me where thecrystal has been hidden.” The power and the dark joy hidden in his singsongvoice nearly had you gagging.
Finally coming to your senses, you opened your mouth toscream when a large hand covered your mouth and pinched your nose so that youcould not breathe. “Ah ah,” Ardyn tutted into your ear, “can’t have youspoiling our fun before it’s begun.” You struggled beneath his grip as yourheart hammered into your chest. You could feel the oxygen in your veins wearingthin as you began to feel dizzy, your efforts to free yourself only making itworse. “Sleep, little queen, and I’ll be waiting when you awaken,” he lickedyour earlobe as your world faded to black.
It was the feeling of a hand on your cheek, gently caressingyour sleeping face that woke you. Your eyelashes flutter open as you pulledyourself to sit, surrounded by the plush covers of your bedding. You expectedthe navy galaxies of sprinkled silver that were Noctis’ eyes but were met withthe frozen golden depths that haunted your darkest moments. You gasped andattempted to flee the room but found yourself chained to the bedpost.
“There, there, my little queen. No need to be frightened,”Ardyn dipped his head slightly as he offered you a trademark smirk.
You had to swallow several times before you could finallyfoce words from your throught. “What do you want? Why are you doing this?”Tears of anger and frustration leaked from your eyes. “Why can’t you just leaveme alone?”
The façade Ardyn so often kept of an eccentric gentlemanfaded as his eyes hardened. A slight frown pulled at his lips and his voicedeepened to a near growl. A hand wrapped around your throat as he forced you tolook at him. His grip tightened enough to restrict your air supply and hold youin place. “Why am I doing this?” he scoffed. “Because this,” he swept a handwide as if to indicate everything around you, “was meant to be mine. Was mine,until it was all taken from me.” His grip tightened around your throat and youknew there would be bruises later. “Tell me where the crystal is and I will letyou live. You can even keep your crown and be my queen once I’ve taken backwhat was supposed to be mine.”
Mustering every ounce of strength that remained in yourbody, you managed to spit directly into the face of your enemy even as yougasped and clawed at his hand for release. “I would never betray Noctis,” youstammered and gasped between each word.
Ardyn laughed and tightened his grip enough to cause yourvision to crumple around the edges before releasing you. Falling into a gaspingheap onto the bed you cradled your neck. You were jerked forward by a firm gripon your hair and tears stung at your eyes once more. Your face snapped to theside as Ardyn connected the back of his hand to your face in a swift smack, themetal of his ring splitting your lip in the process. “You are trying mypatience, little queen. I will not ask you again,” he seethed through histeeth.
Licking a drop of blood from your split lip, you stillattempted to even out your breathing. The burn in your neck was nearly as muchas bad as the stinging of your face. “No.”
There was no stopping the whimper that escaped you as Ardyn’shand connected with your face once more. This time, the pain centered aroundyour left eye, certain a blackened eye would be in your future. Ardyn seemed tobe in a daze as he struck you several more times. His face never betrayed anysort of emotion as you accepted your punishment, your body too tired and oxygendeprived to put up a proper fight. You closed your eyes and awaited the deaththat would surely meet you at the hands of this crazed man.
A bright light sparked just behind your closed eyes beforesoft hands cradled your face and you were enveloped by the comforting scent ofyour king. Trembling fingers wiped away the tears that naturally leaked fromyour eyes. “Shh,” Noctis hushed you, “I’ve got you.”
Sitting up with a start, you glanced around the darkned roomof your royal bedchambers. Noctis immediately wrapped you into his strong armsand pulled you against his chest. “He was here, Noct. I-I, oh Six,” you sobbedas you clung to him. “I was going to die. He was going to kill me.”
You could feel Noctis shaking as he held you so close it wasdifficult to know where you ended and he began. You could tell by the silentwracking of his body that he was also crying into your hair as he rocked thetwo of you. “I would never let that happen. It wasn’t real. I promise you’resafe,” he mumbled again and again to reassure you both.
One the two of you had calmed, Noctis released you enough tolook at your face. He traced an unsteady finger over you lip and you wincedthough there was no physical mark. You lip throbbed exactly where you werecertain Ardyn has struck you in your dream. “You looked so broken,” Noctisbreathed. “I thought I was too late this time,” he hung his head in shame.
A breathy laugh escaped you as you snuggled against his chestonce more. You were beginning to regain some sense of composure as the remnantsfrom your dream began to leave you. You inhaled deeply the musky scent of yourking and tangled your hands into his shirt. He was warm as his arms encircledyou carefully and the two of you lie there. “You always find me.”
“I made you a promise once. One that I will always keep. You’remy queen, my love, and my life,” Noctis breathed against your forehead beforekissing you there, his mouth gradually trialing southward in a wake of kissesbefore taking your own lips with his. He kissed you with enough gentle passionto chase away the lingering pain and fear of the dream.
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