#they're pathetic and silly and childish and i love them
dilfsuzanneyk · 11 months
while i'm talking about my ocs: one time on halloween, ace made jack watch alfred hitchcock's the birds despite knowing jack is terrified of birds. the next day jack takes her night light and hides it because she is even more afraid of the dark. both tried to pretend to Not Be Scared but were still very much on edge and about to shit their pants
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macethelaboratoryrat · 4 months
Finished Reading the Idiot
I'm not sure if I like it... but I also love it?? It's so interesting and complex, and I feel like even the stuff I dislike about it has a lot of meaning.
Below is a lot of rambling, so I feel like I need to put the cut here so that the post isn't too long. And since the cut is here, I can say: Spoilers for _The Idiot_ ahead!
First off: not enough Nastasya Fillipovna. It feels like she's described very frequently, by characters and the narrator in a way that demonstrates that she has a deep and interesting character. But her character choices after part one are repetitive and redundant, in a way that makes her character seem much more shallow than it was initially presented.
Secondly: Not enough Rogozhin. I love Rogozhin, he's my favorite character. He's so strange and interesting. I'm not sure I like how mysterious he is, like how he follows people around, but I think that's a personal opinion. (sidebar: everyone is taking the whole love question like it's life or death and I found that very silly *most of the time*) It seemed like he went to prison completely alone, which was really sad. There was something very lonesome about his sentence and him being sent off. There's something very lonesome about Rogozhin in general, despite his "band" of friends or whatever.
I suppose it was good for Dostoevsky to remind us that this whole time, Myshkin is not good nor morally righteous. I think him being "innocent", sickly and "cute" gave off the sense that he could do no wrong. And then he opened his mouth. First with the ranting about Catholics, which was hateful. And then he betrayed Aglaya. So it was a good reminder.
I'm so sad about the Aglaya thing. I didn't think I liked her as a character. Unlike Nastasya Fillipovna, who is presented with depth and proves to be somewhat shallow, Aglaya Ivanovna is presented as a shallow character (the pretty one, without any other virtues) and proceeds to be a very deep and complex character. The point being, I love Aglaya and I feel like she was mistreated, not only by Myshkin, but by her family as well. I don't think this is the Epanchins' fault, I think they were just trying to help and support her. I know Myshkin had better intentions, and he tried to make amends, but he was so committed to her, and he promised he was committed to her, and then essentially abandoned her at a critical moment. This was especially hard for Aglaya because she struggled with her feelings so much-- we can see that by how aloof she is, and how she constantly denies him. I don't necessarily think they should have gotten married, but the way she was treated wasn't fair. I think if Myshkin really was the pathetic little sick boy, who was unrelentingly submitted and in love with her as he presented, and as everyone thought he was, they could have been good together. I feel like we are made to believe, and the characters suggest, that prince Myshkin is shallow, hollow, and childish. In a sense, his character is merely babyish and cute, and his only weaknesses are his stupidity and his illness. But that isn't true. I don't think saying Myshkin has "a dark side" is an accurate description, but he definitely in a grown man, and a realistic human, who is flawed just as an adult man is.
Everyone seems to be running around screaming and then we have Varya and Ptitsyn. I love the normal couple who just decided they were fine being a normal couple. They're just regular people and I love that for them. Varya has such a level head with all this madness.
I thought the hedgehog bit was so funny. Of course Kolya showed up with a hedgehog, that's such a Kolya thing to do. And it wasn't even theirs. What happened to it after everything blew over? I don't know. A hedgehog.
I love Alexandra Ivanovna. She's so funny to me. She doesn't even want to get married. She's just chilling and she's so cute.
Ippolit attempted suicide and everybody said he faked it and did it for attention. That hurt my feelings.
The meaning of life... anyway
I was surprised by the murder, which seems silly in hindsight, given there's always murder. I was actually slightly disinterested through most of the main conflict, because the "who marries who?" didn't interest me. Anyway, that was sad too.
Rogozhin and Myshkin. Their interactions are so interesting. The tension between them is always so high. I love when they interact. I'm struggling to find words to describe it.
Back to Nastasya Fillipovna, I feel like they dropped a lot of her character development after part one. Even Totsky disappeared like it wasn't important.
Why does Lebedev insist that his infant child was born in lawful wedlock? No one asked him. Now it's suspicious.
I'm not sure I know what a "fancier of the female sex" is. Is that a womanizer? A male slut as it were? Because they ask Myshkin if he is one, and he says "no", and I was thinking "haha gay" or whatever. (I know that's not what he was referring to). Anyway, I just shrugged it off until the gathering at the Epanchin's where one of the guests was "a fancier of the female sex". Just wondering the difference between that and a typical heterosexual. I assume it refers to the extent... anyway, small detail, not particularly important.
Again, I wasn't necessarily invested in the tension over their romantic relationships. I haven't made it over to _The Idiot_ tumblr yet (I had tags filtered to prevent spoilers), so what I'm about to suggest is probably already there, and already well tread upon: Nastasya Fillipovna x Rogozhin x Myshkin. Yes, the three of them. I think it would be better if Aglaya stayed out of it. The three of them are a mess and I think they should be contained.
Wild how they made General Ivolgin a tragic character. That was interesting.
This one felt personal, I will say that. It definitely had things to say and... it said them. I think it reads as being very sensationalist, which makes sense because it's a commentary on sensationalism. *my interpretation. The idea of appearances, and not wanting to be "ordinary", but not wanting to be "eccentric" either. I did appreciate the "people will go out of their way to be 'not like other girls', even when they are like other girls. Case in point: Ganya" (inaccurate quote). It was also really a call-out.
I appreciate _The Idiot_, I definitely find it interesting. None of this is meant to read as "this book is bad" or "this character is bad", but more to share my opinion on reading the work and what I gleaned from it. I'll probably read it again. While I was reading it, I was having trouble concentrating, which has nothing to do with the novel itself, just that I may have missed something. I still like TBK and C&P better, because I find the topics more interesting. But yeah, still a good one.
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(Kakashi and Team 7 deserved more silly moments so i wrote this before taking a nap)
Kakashi never liked it whenever people would touch his hair.
Petting, Head ruffles, or just any activity of sorts caused him to have an irritable mood, The frizzier his hair the worse it get's.
But when three pairs of bright eager eyes stubbornly gazed at him he knew refusing was not an option, lest he wanted to get subjected to hours of whining and bullying.
"Kakashi-sensei your hairs surprisingly soft!" Naruto grins maniacally as he pulls back strand of hair and separating them into smaller sections, "With how you normally look, you'd think you haven't washed your hair in decades!"
It seems complying to their wishes didn't meant he'd get away from being their punching bag apparently
"I know he looks like a beaten up paint brush" Sakura giggled, twisting the hair on the other side of his head and seemingly putting them in tiny knots "And that's on one of his best days"
Damn it all, he didn't plan on spending one of his few days off getting bullied by his preteen students
"Hn. More like he looks like a pathetic wet dog" Sasuke adds in, the traitorous little brat making a rare show of comradely and Kakashi couldn't even be happy about it since the little tyke was eagerly handing his two teammates countless of colorful tiny bows and ribbons.
"You kids... I'm right here and can hear you all you know" The jounin's single visible eye twitches, as the three of then don't even bat an eye before giving their simultaneous reply "Yeah, We know."
Menaces, he couldn't help but think, but nevertheless giving in to being their guinea pig and setting back to relax. Appreciating their surprising thoughtfulness and consideration as they carefully try not to pull too hard and gently tweak his hair as they please.
They're all menaces in the first-degree Kakashi huffs, listening in to their loud hushes and gleeful conspiring. Holding in their laughter as much as they could but failing and letting small fits of joy slip out, But then again..
"We're done Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto declares, wiping his sweaty face gleaming with pride. Sakura and Sasuke quietly admire and take in their work as if it was a legendary masterpiece before Naruto steps in front of them and hands him an small mirror, "You should take a look Sensei!"
Kakashi muses at their appearance, childish features strained as they pursed their lips tight. Giving the impression of them pouting with shaking shoulders, not allowing a single sound to go through their mouth.
I guess i wouldn't mind, if they remained as cheery little brats, He thinks before lifting the mirror to his face to inspect the damage, the sound of them releasing loud and unrelenting guffaws plus holding their stomach in tears at the sight he beholded. Multitudes of small braids splayed across his entire scalp, connecting and tied together in a way that practically screams the long hours of him later attempting to untie them all without ripping all of his hair out. The bright irritating color of the ribbons mocking his eyesight was the final blow.
He could already feel his eye twitching again, Actually nevermind, i take that back
"You're all grounded" He cooly says, before dusting himself off and walking away from them. Ignoring as their screeches became even more apparent"Your not allowed to do that! What does that even mean?!"
Still he continued on his way, ever thankful for the comfort behind his mask as he couldn't fight the turning up of his lips as he sets to a jog back to his apartment, ignoring the stares and judgements of the people who had witnessed him.
Poor Kakashi'. His students are the absolute worst and he loves them.
I can't even add to this, it's already too perfect 💜💜💜
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its-tie-kir-ra · 3 years
Isn’t it funny that shipper love to preach that fiction doesn’t affect reality and that anti should get a life yet here they sending anons and saying horrible shit. I been in many fandoms before but this fandom takes the cake for being the most delusional and pathetic individuals I ever seen. This is what antis mean when we say that shipper self-insert themselves into rin. No one should get this mad over a ship or people opinion of said ship. However, these shippers take it so personally. It sucks even more that people can’t even have an opinion on the show because if we do shippers will complain and say we are fake inuyasha fans. Even though yashamine contradicts everything in inuyasha. Yashamine is a horrible show, sessrin is portrayed horribly in yashamine which shippers should be more mad about, and finally the show and ship will never be canon.
I've been in a ton of fandoms too (I'm like 720 in fandom years, lol) and maybe i've just had really bad experiences with fandom, but i don't see this ship war (for lack of a better term) as something that's the worst of the worst. Like there's been some godawful stuff that's been done in the name of fandom.
In terms of your other point, personal anecdote time:
My first ship EVER was Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. My mum would rent the VCRs for me and I'd wear them out (i didn't have TV channels growing up because we lived so far out of town, so my parents would rent out old kids cartoons for me, I grew up with the original pokemon series from the 90s rather than the one that was airing when I was a kid). I have vivid memories of pestering my mum into rewinding the scene where they discover each other's identities over and over and over again until she finally just showed me how to do it. One of my first memories watching TV is when Mamoru (or Darien, depending on the version) was angsting over who Sailor Moon is.
Like they were my Inukag. I loved them then, I love them now. They're the reason I am a sucker for opposites attract and I'm 99% positive that the only reason I like tall, awkward, geeky, dark haired men is because of Mamoru Chiba (he's such a loser nerd, I'm smiling, I love him). I have very personal feelings for them. And I won't lie, when I see personal headcanons I don't agree with, I'm extremely petty about it (internally, I wouldn't ever say something nasty to anyone over it). I know it's childish, I know it's silly. If a show came out that had the two of them breaking up, I'd be absolutely heartbroken. It's a very personal, intense feeling that makes no sense and I know is absolutely nuts. And I'd wager a bet that a lot of us have a ship like this to some extent.
I'd imagine a lot of SessRin shippers starting shipping it when they were very young, maybe even Rin's age themselves, and she was the character they related to the most. Moreso, they liked the idea of just wandering around the forest with a tall, pretty demon protector, which like, I get it, that sounds cool. But they also had to deal with the idea of being attracted to him too. Like they didn't want to be Sess's child, they wanted to be his spouse (and there's just the whole thing about how a lot of people often find the concept of a completely platonic relationship between a child and an adult is wrong because why would an adult want to hang out with a kid it must be sexual to some extent but we don't have time to unpack all that and also the glorification of romantic connections in the media we consume across the board because platonic, who?). They wanted to grow up and marry him themselves. So, they start shipping him with Rin. And this attachment to the ship continues throughout adulthood because why wouldn't it?
So, when it becomes canon, you have this overwhelming need to celebrate it. Because this is what you wanted, right? This is the thing you've been waiting for your whole life? No matter if it makes sense or not. No matter if people around you are saying it's terrible. Your ship is CANON and that's what matters. The word "canon" means a lot, no matter how much we scream about how something being canon doesn't matter. We're emotionally attached to some ships, it just is. Who/what we ship can say a lot about a person, and a lot of people have shipping patterns (for example a lot of people who ship Inukag also ship Edwin from FMA, two idiot hotheads ships where they're also extremely protective of the other). Emotional attachment to ships just happens, just like how we're emotionally attached to stories.
And in that situation, it doesn't matter whether things make sense, whether you like it because you feel validated by the creator. It's why you see people jumping through hoops over the whole "hogosha" thing even though, like, language doesn't work like that. Words mean things, friends. You're high off of being canon. Like we've seen this happen before where ships are badly written but it doesn't matter because being canon matters.
Shippers should be mad about how it went down. I'm angry for them. They deserve more than what it turned out to be. It would be like if Usagi and Mamoru got married at the end of the manga without seeing their relationship over time, when no, that moment was only so great because we saw how it went.
sorry for the ramble. and sorry but I am adding gifs of my heart, because a re-read is almost in order and I'm in a mood. 🌕❤️🌏
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Thank you for the ask!
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radiantseraphina · 6 years
During the war Nightmare finds out that Jecra and MK are dating and immediately decides to break them up. His plan is basically wait for a night where they're sharing a tent and send MK a REALLY bad nightmare so that he wakes up screaming and terrified because "Haha! That silly boyfriend of his will think he's a foolish coward!" But instead Jecra goes into protective coddling boyf mode and is just "shh hey it's ok you're safe I'm here" and they have a nice bonding moment. Nightmare is pissed.
This…was not supposed to be this long. What have you done, anon?
Despite how selfish and cruel his nature, the Nightmare Wizard did legitimately love Meta Knight, who was the eldest of his creations. Well, perhaps, experiment would be a more accurate term. But whatever Meta Knight was, Nightmare did bear a bit of disturbingly human affection for the puffball. Nightmare liked Meta Knight’s spunk and tenacity. And of course, Meta Knight’s cunning and sharp wits, both traits that Nightmare himself possessed. And because they were so similar, Nightmare had no doubt that his dearest, wayward son would someday return to him. Meta Knight was young, and it made sense that he might need some time to find himself. Eventually, Meta Knight would come to his senses and accept his role as Nightmare’s second-in-command.
But Jecra was infuriating. Nightmare hated the way Jecra’s cheesy and immature jokes made Meta Knight’s eyes soften and his cheeks pinken. And the way Jecra’s casual flirtations made Meta Knight lower his defenses. And it was sickening how someone as gallant and strong as Meta Knight could be seduced by such a pathetic, childish thing. So Nightmare decided to the best course of action was to break them up. And Nightmare knew Meta Knight very well. 
So Nightmare waited for nightfall and twirled a long, slender finger across the threads of his loom. It wasn’t an actual loom, but a sort of metaphysical loom, and with it, Nightmare could weave the fabric of dreams. As Nightmare moved his finger, up and down, across the loom, shimmering and opalescent thread followed his movements. This was a good nightmare, one that would leave Meta Knight thrashing and whimpering in his bed.
Cruel, yes. But it was no less cruel than allowing Meta Knight, his dearest, most precious creation, pursue this fool. Nightmare knew that Meta Knight was a very brave child, but he’d known Meta Knight for centuries. Jecra hadn’t, and because he hadn’t, Nightmare was confident that the knight’s opinion could be easily swayed. Surely, Jecra wouldn’t still be so flirtatious after seeing Meta Knight so distraught over a nightmare. The knight didn’t understand nightmares like Nightmare and Meta Knight did.
The wizard’s lips curved into a smile that was equal parts malicious and fond. “I’m sorry, dearest. This is for your own good.”
Jecra woke slowly, unsure at first what had stirred him from his sleep. Something soft tickled his nose. Jecra rubbed the spot and furrowed his brow at the white, downy feather he found there. 
“I’m sorry,” Meta Knight said.
Jecra was suddenly wide awake. He’d never heard Meta Knight sound so disheartened before. When Jecra rolled over, Meta Knight sat upright, surrounded by slowly falling feathers. 
“Did you lose a fight with your pillow?” Jecra teased, as he edged closer.
Meta Knight averted his gaze. His normally bright gold eyes, now a dull gray, looked longingly towards his armor. The tip of Meta Knight’s tongue flicked out; he looked like a cat blepping. Jecra wasn’t sure the significance of the gesture, but Meta Knight’s distress was apparent.
“Hey, now,” Jecra said. “No need to be so distraught, blueberry. Did you have a bad dream?”
No more blepping. Meta Knight nodded curtly. “I know it’s pathetic. I’m sorry I woke you.”
“It’s not pathetic,” Jecra said. “Everyone has nightmares. Heck, I had a nightmare once. It was terrifying! I dreamed I was short.”
Meta Knight’s eyes brightened almost imperceptibly. 
Jecra grinned. Sometimes, he had a hard time telling when joking was inappropriate, which was unfortunate because Jecra’s instinctive reaction to trauma and uncomfortable situations was to make the other person laugh. But it was so easy with Meta Knight, especially without armor to hide his face.
“It was terrible! To get something on top of the fridge, I had to throw you at it!” Jecra exclaimed. “And you bounced and came back and hit me in the face!”
Meta Knight’s eyes flickered blue. “That’s not helping,” Meta Knight said.
Jecra sat beside Meta Knight and bumped his shoulder against him. “There’s nothing wrong with being upset,” Jecra said. “You’re still the bravest blueberry I know.”
Meta Knight scrunched up his face and hesitantly, awkwardly nestled against Jecra’s side. 
“I guess we’ll have to snuggle, though,” Jecra said, feigning a disheartened sigh. “You tore up your pillow, after all. Now we have to share, and I’ll bet that was your plan all along, wasn’t it?”
Meta Knight’s eyes shined. And in another realm, Nightmare internally screamed.
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