#they're like come on Gil you can walk just fine
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hey :)
how about some intense action and angst for our beloved Thenamesh?
The Eternals are fighting deviants as always but this particular fight is different. They are stronger so for the first time Thena actually struggles against 2 pretty big and strong ones so Gil jumps in between them and fights both of them and telling Thena she should help the others because they are struggling too. It’s a hard fight and throughout the fight gets injured more and more without any of them noticing it. He kills both of them and when the others are coming to him to discuss future steps they realize how badly he is injured. (You know like broken bones,badly bleeding and more)
Thena pulled her staff from the head of the last Deviant of the pack. She looked around, taking in the full scale of the destruction caused. The city was in ruin around them, with crumbled buildings and spots of flame dotted around them. "Everyone here?"
Ikaris landed in front of her, watching for Sersi to emerge with the other Thinkers from the back lines of their fight. Makkari slowed to a speed their eyes could follow, walking back alongside Kingo. They all had some sign of the fight's toll in them.
"I've never seen so many at once," Ikaris addressed the team, looking around at them as the sun set. "Or ones so large. We should-"
The other Eternals looked over at the haunted sounding whisper.
"Where's Gilgamesh?" Thena asked aloud, although it was clear she didn't expect an answer from any of them. She walked forward, pushing past Ikaris as if he weren't even there.
"Thena," he growled at her as she moved him out of her way. His feet just barely left the ground, "we have to talk."
"Gil?" she called out, barely above a whisper.
"Hey!" Emerging from a pile of rubble, the Strongest Eternal waved at them. He had his usual smile on, but it had some other conditions along with it. Blood from his head was running down his face, making him close one eye against it. The hand that wasn't waving was lying limp--dangling at the end of a useless arm. He was hobbling.
The Warrior Eternal - the Goddess of War herself - ran, throwing herself forward before he could fall. She caught him, pulling his head against her shoulder, into the crook of her neck. She lowered them to the ground, letting him crumple around her.
"Gil," she squeezed his arms, although he groaned. She could feel the breaks in his bones, the swelling around his strained muscles. She nudged his head gently, immediately able to see where the Deviant had bitten or clawed his head through his thick black hair. His knee was probably all but shattered.
"Gil!" the rest of the Eternals rushed over in concern for their teammate.
They all stumbled to a halt as Thena held him to her, glaring at them the same way she would any enemy. They could all feel the air around them crackling with her energy.
"No one is coming anywhere near him," she ordered, holding them at bay from their own brother. "Go get Ajak. Bring her here."
"Thena," Phastos dared to reason with the most stubborn Eternal. "We can take him back into the temple. She can-"
"No!" Thena barked again, holding Gil tighter, instinctively protesting to anything that might separate her from him. "I'm not making him take another step!"
"We can carry him, T," Kingo suggested. He lowered himself down as he entered her periphery, as if approaching a wild animal defending its wounded mate. He half expected to get hissed and growled at any second now. "Please?"
She shook her head, though, her fingers splaying through his hair at the back of his head, her other hand firmly on his back. "He's hurt, Kingo. He's not going anywhere."
Sersi had yet to speak up, but rather found herself being looked at by the others. She did have arguably the most calming presence of the Eternals, Ajak aside--or maybe even included. She tiptoed forward. "Thena, what if..."
Thena looked at her sister, green eyes watery and fragile as frost. She held Gilgamesh tighter, "please, Sersi. He's in so much pain."
Sersi furrowed her brows. She understood both arguments--she really did. The team was firm in their belief in bringing Gil back inside to the Domo. It was how they did things. But Sersi only had to look at Thena, her resolute sister, curled up on the ground and holding the man she loved with screaming desperation.
Sersi placed her palms on the ground, growing a spot of thick, soft grass under the pair. "I'm afraid I can't do much more at the moment. Just stay here."
"Sersi," Ikaris frowned, but she shook her head at him, pulling Makkari with her to retrieve their Prime.
Druig let out a rough sigh, sounding just as done with it all as he always did. Without Makkari by his side, his patience left him. He walked forward, kneeling down in front of them. Thena judged exactly how close was close enough, and he respected her boundary. "Oi, Gil."
The Strongest Eternal let out a painful sounding wheeze.
"You wan'us to move you back 'nside?" Druig mumbled out with his lazy tongue. "Or you wanna wait here?"
Ikaris, Kingo and Phastos all traded looks, debating when they should risk their lives and try to separate Thena from Gil by force. Sprite was eager to watch the carnage if that was the option chosen.
Gil drew in a shaky breath, only to deflate on the exhale. He sagged against Thena even heavier, but the arm he could still used wrapped around her like it would a pillow. He nuzzled against her neck--the only exposed part of her in her armour. "Stay."
Thena turned her head, kissing whatever part of him she reached first that way. "I'm right here."
The others present rolled their eyes (Sprite faked a gagging noise).
Druig patted his knees as he stood again, "well, that's 'at. Nothin' to do but wait."
It wasn't as if it would be hours. Ajak was most likely almost back to them with Sersi and Makkari in tow. They gave their teammates some space, hovering around the created patch of meadow.
Druig sat himself a respectful distance away, back turned to the affections of arguably two of his favourite siblings. Ikaris and Phastos turned away by sheer uncomfortability. Sprite laid down on the ground, now fully uninterested. Kingo joined her.
Thena continued running her fingers through Gil's hair, listening to every pained breath he took and timing her own around them, as if it would help--as if she could alleviate his pain. Every second Gilgamesh suffered was another Deviant she would hunt down and annihilate. "Soon, my love."
Gil sighed, though. The minutes all bled together in his hazy mind, but he supposed it could be worse. For now, he was safely within the embrace of his sweet Warrior Eternal. She was soft, and gentle, and there was no safer place for him to await his healing than in her arms.
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isleofdarkness · 2 months
Can we have a complete list of all their allergies, including how they discovered them? I imagine on the Isle, someone has died from a severe allergy at least once & nobody ever noticed because they just revived due to the barrier (May Beast rot in Hell).
Oh no, it's so much worse than being revived. See, Isle kids can only die every other Thursday, when Thanatos is allowed to do his job on the Isle. Until he comes and frees their souls, they're just trapped in their bodies. This is why cremation is so popular- a soul can't be trapped in a body if there's no body to be trapped in.
Allergies are a terrifying thing on the Isle. A lot of kids have died to allergies, and those who survive adverse reactions usually don't even know what triggered it, because they don't know what they're eating half of the time. And for the people who had a sibling who died of an allergic reaction (Spider used to have an older brother, Worthless, who died of anaphylaxis,) it's even more terrifying because they know that there might be lethal allergies running in their family, but since they have no idea what triggered the episode that killed their sibling, they have no idea what to avoid in case they might also be allergic to it.
Jay is allergic to cats, mildly. He's always known that cats can cause him to feel weird, the allergies test just confirmed that it wasn't all in his head.
Mal is allergic to iron and holy water, as in anaphylaxis. She's always known- it's a fae thing.
Rose and Ace are both allergic to latex, on the more severe end of moderate. It's not lethal, but uncomfortable to say the least. You do not want to know how they know this.
CJ is allergic to dairy, on the more severe end of moderate. Her anaphylaxis hasn't been life-threatening so far (her throat swells but doesn't completely close,) but it isn't fun. This will not stop her from eating ice cream. She's known since she was around eleven, when it started. Harriet didn't know until CJ was twelve because CJ didn't think it was that important.
Harriet has allergies to dairy, soy, beef, and some legumes and seeds, though her reactions are on the milder side of moderate. She knows because her father has the same allergies and he confirmed that her symptoms were definitely allergic reactions. (None of hers have been tested due to distance issues but she figures if it walks like a duck)
Harry is allergic to peanuts and some beans. It was worse when he was little, but he's grown out of it a bit and his symptoms are relatively mild. He's also got a severe poultry allergy (allergic to consuming poultry, not the birds themselves,) but they think that's probably not "real" and it's just his immune system freaking out after his recent near-death salmonella experience from chicken, and it'll probably go away after a while.
Claudine is allergic to poison ivy. As in she gets an allergic reaction even if she doesn't touch it, even from just the pollen in the air, and she gets a pretty severe allergic reaction- two Epi Pens and 911 and ambulance immediately levels of severe. She learned this during a walk outdoors at Xavier's school, when the pollen from poison ivy caused her face and throat to start swelling. CJ was with her and recognized an allergic reaction, and thankfully she had the Epi-Pens prescribed for her own allergies with her. The reaction kept going once the epinephrine had worn off so she needed to be intubated and put on some serious anti-allergy medications, but she was fine.
Gil is severely allergic to most shellfish- allergic as in two Epi-Pens, 911 immediately, intubation, and as much as a two-week stay in the hospital because the reaction can fuck with his lungs and cause things like pneumonia or bronchitis. He's even allergic to non-crustecean shellfish (like clams and abelone,) and allergic to some types of saltwater fish (like swordfish, even though he's never even seen a swordfish,) though those aren't quite as severe. He found this out while eating dinner at the institute- Remy had made a seafood gumbo from New Orleans, Gil had some, and the reaction was pretty much instant. Thank the gods there were multiple doctors in the room.
Mischa has a mild nightshade allergy- potatoes and tomatoes, mostly, but other members of the family can cause issues if ingested. He just thought his stomach didn't vibe with potatoes, but no, he's allergic to several things. He discovered this during the allergy tests.
Andi is allergic to birch and, because of that, is also allergic to several types of fruits, most of them stone fruits. It's not a severe allergy- Benadryl bad, not Epi-Pen bad- but it still sucks because she likes apples. This was discovered during the allergy tests
Malcolm is allergic to pork, which is fine by him because he doesn't like pork anyway. He's also allergic to cats, which he's far more bothered by, but both allergies are minor irritants.
Ivy is allergic to most imitation animal products- fake leather, fake fur, imitation gator skin, it all causes skin reactions (she does not know what would happen if she ingested it, does not want to know, and why would she ever need to worry about that she's not about to eat pleather.) She's on a few topical ointments to help the skin recover in case of accidental exposure. She's always known (runs in the family,) but now she's learning which ingredients she's allergic to so she can avoid other things that use them.
Veronica and Carlos (and probably Diego, but he can't get tested yet due to distance issues) have the same allergies
Joss is allergic to chlorine. It's mostly a skin reaction but it can be a more serious allergic reaction if she were ever to consume enough chlorine for some reason (like if she were to drink too much tap water, which had chlorine in it.) She's figured it could be a possibility because it's a common allergy in part-merfolk people, so she asked to be tested.
Claudine, Tara, Polina, Nikita, Giles, Gordon, and Mora are all allergic to alpha-gal (red meat allergy.) Polina and Nikita don't have major reactions but the rest can. The Isle has a major tick problem. This was all discovered during the allergy test.
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stella-lesair · 1 year
Ranger's Apprentice Charcters at an annual family gathering
(yes, they are all a family now)
Will and Gilan: The cousins that pretend to not have seen each other for a year. In reality, they see each other at least twice a week. They greet each other extremely loud and hit each other on the backs in a way that leaves marks. After that, they run around, do impressions of other family members, or get up to other shenanigans.
Horace: Without fail, he's somewhere near the cake buffet. He talks with everyone near him, gives ratings on the different cakes, and after his latest victim left, he turns to Sandra and Pauline and asks how he is related with that person
Pauline and Sandra: They chat the whole time and agree on pretty much every topic. They also do the passive-aggressive children comparing (i.e. 'My son just graduated and started a business. What's your kid up to?') They always say they should meet up and chat more, but never do so.
David, Arald, and Duncan: As soon as the evening comes around, they're the dads that go BBQing outside. With a beer in hand, they will chat while making actually pretty decent food. Also, they will BBQ every year without exceptions. They don't care if there's a blizzard. It's just some cold water after all, that can't stop them. Also, Gilan and Will occasionally try to sabotage them, which always ends up being entertainment for all. The three also insult each other heavily, but brush it off like it is nothing.
Cassie and Alyss: From afar, they just look like two friends getting along splendidly, chatting away about their hobbies. In reality, they are not talking about their hobbies. Stories about local murders, rape, and breakup gossip get shared like they are conversations about the weather. If you don't need a therapist when walking away from their conversation, you are incredibly lucky.
George: He does not want to be there, he just has so much work to do. He just sits in a corner and is on his phone.
Crowley: He's that uncle with the mission to talk with everyone. He's always cheerful, can merge into any conversation (even Cassie and Alyss') and shares the gossip within the family. He also organises the family gatherings each year.
Halt: He 'hates' the family gatherings with a burning passion. He secretly does enjoy them, but he's got a reputation to live up to. Pauline knows of this, so she 'drags' him along to every meeting. Once they arrive, Crowley immediately starts talking to him and making him join him on his mission. On some occasions, Halt tries to stop Gil&Will's shenanigans, on other occasions, he helps them with them. Their suspicion towards him is one of his joys at this event.
Jenny: She brought the food. Afterwards she just kind of wanders through the room doing everything and nothing at the same time. Once the dads start to BBQ, she sometimes joins them, bringing them spices and such to improve their food. They don't really use them, saying that the way they've always been making the meat is just fine. Jenny is always a little disappointed by that.
Malcolm: Due to his work, he's only rarely at a family gathering. But when he is, he stations himself at one table and does not stand up until the whole event is over. In ways unknown to the rest of the family, he manages every single time to get to Will abandon his jokes, and sit down with him and listen patiently. Some family members (Halt) have been trying to find out how Malcolm does it for years now, but to no avail.
Erak: He's not part of the family, yet he shows up every year. For a very long time, most didn't even know his name, or what made him show up for the first time at the gathering. After 7 years, Arald randomly says in a conversation that he was the one that made Erak join them. When asked why or from where they knew each other, he responded with: 'From nowhere. He just walked by while Duncan, David, and I were outside at the BBQ. I saw him, offered him a beer, and he joined us. Got no idea where the fella exactly came from, but he's a cool guy, in'he?'
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tinyangryeddie · 3 months
no accounting for taste (i missed these guys, how are they doing?) ((can i also ask about evan needs a father?? jade?? 🥺))
I answered about Evan needs a father here!! Go look, friend!
No Accounting for Taste?? They are doing fine?? They're having some issues with their personalities (aka they don't have fully fleshed out ones) but I'mma post a later snip that you haven't read and who knows if it's gonna end up in the actual finished piece. Or if there will be a finished piece lol
Okay I know this is a lot of names but bear with me I like this snip and also it includes lesbians which is your jam.
-- -- --
Gil points, but sees Mara and Tory heading toward them. “My friends are just—”
“You must be Harry!” Mara all but yells, despite being only a few feet away. Tory shushes her, and Mara waves them off, and it leads to both of them almost stumbling over before Harry takes a fast step forward and catches Mara at the arm. It’s almost comedic, the way both Mara and Tory stare up at him, like their knight in shining armor, as if there weren't several solid objects within reaching distance that could have saved them instead. 
“Oh my god, thank you,” Mara mumbles, and Tory nods their agreement. 
“No problem, you okay?” Harry answers, concern in his eyes. Mara laughs, high and breathily, and Gil logs this for later. Neither of them are allowed to make fun of him for how he is around Harry. Never. 
“We’re fine!” Tory answers for her, and then shoves a hand out into Harry’s chest. “I’m Tory!”
Harry takes their hand, then claps the other on top. “It’s so nice to meet you, I’m Harry!” He pulls Tory closer to him and smiles warmly. 
Mara chuckles, offering her own hand, but also asking, “You’re not a hugger?”
“Oh god,” Harry says, looking to Gil. “I actually really am,” and then Mara is pulling him into one of her tight, squeeze until you feel connected at the soul hugs, and Gil sighs. 
Alright, so. There might be some further swooning today. He wasn’t expecting the platonic swooning, but honestly, he should have. Luckily, that’s his favorite kind. 
Harry breaks from a second hug from Tory and turns to him, shining, dopey smile and fingers stretched out and wiggling. 
“What’re you, gonna tickle me? Please tell me tickle wars are not coming back into style here,” Gil says, creeping backward while Harry laughs.
“Shit, do you remember those?” The wiggles get more aggressive, and his smile turns devious. “I used to fucking demolish you.” 
“You did not,” Gil argues, shrinking further back until he’s backed up to a tree. “You cannot be as competitive as you were when you were fifteen.” 
“Oh, I certainly can. I can be worse, actually,” Harry says, closing the distance between them until Gil can feel his breath, until his hips sidle along front of Gil’s and Gil wants to be pressed into the bark of this tree until he leaves an imprint. “Whaddya think?” Harry asks, and Gil stares up at him, completely at his mercy. 
“Yeah,” Gil says, no idea what it means, and then someone yells behind them. Gil sees Jasmine and Therese, waving and walking toward them in the parking lot, and Harry moves naturally away from him, but Gil still feels plastered to the tree. My god.
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Tales of the Heart
Previous chapter
Genre : fanfiction, fluff, angst, slow burn, romance
Chapter 12 : Dinner
Words : 682 words
Verena's whole body shook as she was ushered into the palace by the maids. She was wearing a very pretty dark blue dress, and she had only a simple braid in her beautiful hair
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As he entered the dining room, she saw Thranduil and his father talking together. Verena felt even more nervous, because there was only herself, Thranduil, and the Elvenking Oropher in the room.
She gives curtsy to both of them
"Aah Verena, my child" King Oropher greeted warmly "come, little one"
Verena walked slowly, Oropher took Verena's hand, and he gave Oropher a deep curtsy.
"Now I understand why my son chose you. You are the perfect girl" Oropher complimented
"Thank you, Your Highness. You compliment me so much, I'm just an ordinary girl"
"Sit down, my child"  King Oropher offered
They all sat down, and the food began to be served
"So, Verena. How are your parents?" King Oropher asked
"They're good, but it's been quite a struggle in Lindon since several ports have been closed. And Númenor has cut off trade ties," Verena replied
"That's what I was just talking about with Thranduil. These Numenoreans.... I don't know what got into them to believe in Sauron. For the sake of the cursed Valar they are" King Oropher said angrily
Verena smiled
"And by the way, Verena. Have you told them about the wedding plans yet?"
Verena nodded "I wrote them a few days ago. Maybe they will arrive tomorrow" Verena answered
Suddenly Feren rushed in
"What's wrong, Feren?" King Oropher asked
"Forgive my impudence, Aran Nin, but you are urgently needed in the council room. it's urgent" Feren said
Thranduil and King Oropher looked at each other "Tell them I'll be right there" Oropher replied
Feren nodded and left the room
"Excuse me, I have to go. You both go on without me" Oropher stood up, but Thranduil held his hand
"Adar, is there something urgent?" Thranduil asked, worried
"I can handle it. You keep Verena company, show her around after this" With that King Oropher hurriedly left the room Verena and Thranduil looked at each other with worried eyes.
       Thranduil took Verena to his chamber
"This is your room?" she asked
"And soon it will be ours" Thranduil answered
Verena sits on Thranduil's bed, she sees a sketchbook on his bed "what is this?"
"THERE NOTHING!" Thranduil wants to take the book
Verena quickly stood up and opened the book.And how surprised she was when she saw the book was full of paintings of her face. "You painted it?"
Thranduil hugged Verena from behind "do you like it?"
"I look ugly. I'm embarrassed"
"No. You're perfect." Thranduil buried his head in Verena's neck
Suddenly there was a knock on the door
"Who?" Thranduil asked
"It's Gallion" He replied
"Gallion? What's wrong?"
"Apologize, Ernil nin. I was ordered to take Lady Verena home, and you were told to meet Aran Nin as soon as possible in his private chamber"
Thranduil and Verena looked at each other, they were both worried
"What is it?" Verena asked
"I'm afraid, I don't have the right to answer"
"Fine. You go and meet your father. I'll go back and rest" Verena rubbed Thranduil's face
Thranduil nodded.
   Thranduil entered his father's chamber, and he saw Oropher holding a letter in his hand, and his face showed concern.
"Do you summoned me, Adar?"
"Ion, come in" Oropher invited
"What is it?" Thranduil asked
"Numenor. They all perish under the power of the Valar"
Thranduil glared "what happened?!"
"Valar drowned all the cities of Númenor, and now Sauron has flown and declared war on the Eldar. Gil Galad needs us"
"But, Adar. What about my wedding?!"
Oropher sighed "if you can't wait, ask her to marry you in two days and after that we meet in lindon. Ask Verena if she will"
Thranduil confused "adar...." He slumped in his father's chair
Oropher approached his son "forgive me, we are on the verge of war. I have no other choice" Oropher hugged Thranduil's head tightly "let's finish this. And live in peace together after this"
@lady-of-imladris @queenmeriadoc @jordie-is-definitely-sane @jordie-your-local-halfling @sotwk @estel-elrondion
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doueverwonder · 11 months
Alfred going out of town and giving Gil a full list of all the ghosts and what they MIGHT do to bother him before he leaves;
they're ghosts so like, typical mentions of murder and sickness under the cut
"okay, we'll go oldest to youngest, first off is Harald, Björn, and Sigurd, brothers. Vikings died of hypothermia in the 1020s after getting lost and being left behind when everyone else went back to Greenland, or Iceland I don't remember don't tell them that though. If the room suddenly gets cold, like windows frosting over cold, it's them. Make sure their blanket fort didn't fall over and the space heater in their room is still on and they'll probably calm down after."
"Arthur is my great x8 grandfather, he died in 1779 from food poisoning. He built the house if you try doing any major changes while I'm not here to convince him into it or at least calm him down you are at his mercy. His major thing is he'll fuck up your cooking, but he'll also leave like trails of feathers sometimes cause he was tarred and feathered not long before his death for being a loyalist"
"Molly and Lorenzo are a pair, they're like always together they both died in 1904 of tuberculosis so y'know trauma bonding i guess. Molly was a maid and Lorenzo was a cook working for my great-great aunt, the one that left me the house. Lorenzo can move stuff but usually only when he's pissed or bored, so just leave like a soccer game or the food network on and he'll be fine. Molly is the one you can hear humming or singing sometimes, but like you should be used to that by now."
"Katya, Ivan, and Natalya. Second set of siblings in the house. They were russian nobility but fled in 1917 to the US. They came to a party held here in 1920 thrown by someone who supported "the Russian people" and were poisoned. Ivan doesn't have his head because when they went to get rid of the bodies they didn't check that he was completely dead, and cut his head off. If you hear clattering in cabinets it's Katya and Natalya looking for his head. Nothing will actually move don't worry. Uh... if you want them to be quiet they really like the movie Anastasia yes, I know it's stereotypical, make sure the switch it to Russian dub though, their English isn't top tier"
"Remember when we did a walk through of the house and they told us the floor supports were fairly new compared to the rest of the house because like 60 years ago they collapsed and some guy died in the basement? Ludwig, he usually stays in the basement and doesn't bother anyone, if you walk through him you'll end up covered in like constuction-ish dust so just be careful."
"Then there is Tolys, in 1978 he and his friends went camping somewhere around here all got high, one of his friends got paranoid didn't realize who it was and killed Tolys. They freaked out and we're pretty sure dumped his body in the lake on the other side of the property. If you walk through him you'll get high, but like super nervous and paranoid even if you're not usually like that when you're high. Y'know"
"Mei, youngest ghost in the house, was murdered while her and her boyfriend were messing around after prom. Kinda like Ludwig but she just sleeps in the attic, warning though if she does come down while i'm gone she'll start drama and again not my problem. I'm not actually sure if she has any 'powers', um just don't go in the attic and wake her up and you won't be finding out either"
Gil just standing there,,, why me,,, as predicted he's going to walk through Tolys like 3 times on accident and is going to so paranoid all weekend poor guy ;-;
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potassium-pilot · 1 year
FFXIVWrite 2023, Prompt 12: Dowdy
Few in Ul'Dah are privileged enough to have a fine house in the city itself, but Redolent Rose counted himself among the few lucky men with the coin. That said, he certainly didn't feel lucky.
As he pried his eyes open after a short night of sleep, he stared up to the ceiling and started his morning routine of questioning the decisions in life that led him to take a job at the Gold Saucer. Godsforsaken Manderville had far too much money- he may as well have come in with a wheelbarrow full of gil when he offered him the position to run the fashion report. For every gil the Guild earned, Manderville paid him five for his position; the Guild certainly wanted not for coin either.
Opportunity strikes and you follow through. That's how you get a house in Ul'Dah, he thought.
From his bed, he rose, wondering what it would be like if he could get more than five hours a night of sleep again and continued on with his routine. He wore his usual weaving outfit, then set to return to the Weavers Guild once again.
In the halls of the Weavers Guild, Redolent Rose stood in his corner and watched over his weavers as they delicately pieced together the lifeblood of the Guild. Behind him approached his most promising apprentice, carrying a package.
"Master Rose", Dia greeted, "I finished the request."
"Ah, excellent. Allow me to inspect it if you would." Redolent took the package, opened it and inspected its contents.
"Wonderful, simply wonderful! Look at the stitching! Flawless! These embellishments are well done, not a thread out of place. You chose a nice silk as well, and a perfect color to boot. Well done, Dia!"
"Thanks! So, who's the lucky customer?"
"I've grown weary of having to look at those rags on you, dear."
Dia shot a gaze down at her outfit, a linen smock colored pale blue, white woolen chausses, and a pair of gray thigh boots. "What's wrong with my current duds? They've served me fine."
"You described the problem just there: duds. These are duds. Though functional, Dia, 'tis boring to look at for long. You are an artisan, and you reflect my guild with your outfits. You needed an upgrade, and quick! How can a customer have confidence in their decision to use your services when you wear far worse quality than you would ever give anyone?"
Dia frowned.
"Don't worry, Dia. I'll only charge you for the cost of the labor."
"...I'm the one that did the labor."
"Exactly!" He grinned. "Now put on your new outfit."
Dia rolled her eyes after he gave back the outfit and she walked away. Using the changing room, Dia removed her old outfit and wore instead a Rust Red swallowtail, void blue trousers, and the black weaver's thigh boots given to her by Redolent Rose after she told him the conclusion of Wawarukka and Kokomo's tale.
Once she left the changing room with her freshly woven outfit on her, Redolent plastered a large surprised smile on his large Roegadyn face. "Now that's a weaver!" He walked to Dia and inspected it now that it was on her. "Good thing I gave you your own measurements."
"I should have guessed when you gave me my exact numbers. Pays to try and be more questioning."
"I say your silence, in this case, has done you far more favors. Look at the way it fits! It's like you have shape and curvature all of a sudden." Redolent circled around her. "Not to mention the color choice is stunning for your skin color. Really, you've made excellent decisions."
Redolent clasped his hands together. "This is perfection. You've outdone yourself! Now think of how a customer will feel knowing they're coming to a weaver who knows fashion. I would certainly commission you...if I were a different man, that is."
Dia smiled. "Well, thank you for the materials for a new outfit."
"Of course. Now, off you go."
Dia walked out of the Guild. Redolent normally wouldn't care about what his apprentices wore, but she was a different case. Most of his apprentices didn't destroy the Ultima Weapon and route the XIVth legion. Most of his apprentices didn't enter his guild with sad eyes and guilty souls. How could he say no to her conviction, however? She wanted to improve her weaving, and he would be damned if she didn't provide anything less than top quality for her skill level.
Out went his finest apprentice.
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witchofthescions · 2 years
Fray had been waiting a long time for her.
"I had a feeling you'd come by today, Ernastral," Fray said as she approached. "And sure enough, there you are, eager to pick up where we left off. Let's start with a question, then. You must be burning with several after that last affair."
"What happened to the old woman and her granddaughter?" Erna asked first.
"Oh, for the love of─" Fray let out an irritated huff. "They're fine, both of them. You solved all of their problems. Happy?"
Erna nodded, satisfied with that answer. "What about you? Why'd the inquisition nab you in the first place?"
Fray's golden eyes glared at her from the dark depths of her helmet. "Why do you think I was detained by zealous Temple Knights who see heretics around every corner?"
Well, when Fray put it like that...
"There was a girl. An innocent. They wanted her, and I objected." Fray folded her arms over her chest. "Now then, are you ready to stop dancing around the real question and just ask?"
"...What was that voice I heard?" Erna finally asked.
"Ah, yes, the voice. The one you heard when you first touched the crystal. An excellent question, but a difficult one to answer." Erna made a disgruntled face. "Some say it is a beacon, guiding the dark knight to her true calling."
"Yeah, but whose is it?"
"Only you can discover that, for each knight must hearken to a different voice. As you grow more accustomed to drawing upon your darkside, you will come to hear it more clearly." Of course it couldn't be simple or easy. "Communion will hasten this process─but we dare not conduct the rites here, under the watchful eye of the Holy See. We will make for southern Thanalan. For Little Ala Mhigo."
It was a simple teleport away. After paying the gil toll, she glanced around for any sign of Fray. She found the armor-clad knight standing between the front entrance to the settlement and the entrance to the, for lack of a better term, residential area. It was really more of a very large cavern that people had set up tents and beds in.
"Punctual as ever, I see," Fray remarked. "Communion, lest you worry, is rather simple. It is a ritual in which one nurtures the darkness within so that she may channel it more effectively in battle."
Sounded simple enough.
"Do not, however, presume the risks to be any less than before. Should you partake of it in excess, you will die. Or worse."
Erna raised an eyebrow. "Or worse?" How could it possibly get worse? But Fray seemed uninterested in dwelling on that particular point.
"So before we begin, I want you to do me a favor. I want you to kill something for me. Something feral, something fearsome which will push you to your limits. I want to see you thrive in that moment. That way, I will know you are ready."
Ernastral nodded. A simple enough request. And honestly, she had been getting tired of aimlessly pacing around the streets of Ishgard. The warmer climes of Thanalan agreed with her more, especially given her... rather revealing choice of attire at the moment.
"Ask Gundobald─he should know of a suitable creature."
Gundobald, she knew, was the leader of this little settlement. An older Ala Mhigan man, with graying hair and a rather impressive-looking mustache. She'd had dealings with him in the past, and she'd like to think they were on fairly friendly terms. He certainly seemed rather pleased to see her as she approached, though he didn't seem to notice Fray walking beside her.
"A pleasure to see you again, Ernastral," he said. "Do you require assistance?"
"I'm here to do some trainin', if you know of any beasties what are good for sparring."
"Training?" Gundobald repeated. "Well, if you seek dangerous beasts for that purpose, then..." He thought for a moment. "The Red Labyrinth is home to peistes notorious for their size and vigor. Our trappers take great pains to avoid their nests, and those who do not bear scars for their folly."
"These peistes sound promising. Tell me more."
Gundobald hesitated for only a moment. "They've attacked caravans loaded with aldgoat carcasses before. The smell drives them into a frenzy." 
Gundobald made his way over to some of their food stores and retrieved a chunk of what Erna immediately recognized as aldgoat meat. He handed it to her. "This should serve to draw them out of hiding."
"Thank you, Gundobald!" Erna said as she stored it away in her pack.
Gundobald watched her silently for a moment. Catching her eye, he offered her a smile. "Ernastral, I'll always be grateful for what you did. Those young ones were on the verge of making a terrible mistake, so consumed with anger were they. I hesitated to act, even though I saw it burning within them—" His smile dropped, concern creeping into his features. "As I see it burning within you now."
"I'm seekin' to harness my inner darkness,'' Erna explained, with almost the same level of cheeriness as one might use when talking about picking up a new hobby. Gundobald, understandably, raised an eyebrow.
"You... you seek the darkness within?" Erna nodded. Gundobald studied her a moment longer, before letting out a soft sigh and shaking his head. "I will not claim to understand your meaning... but I wish you well in your training."
Erna thanked him one more time, before heading out of Little Ala Mhigo and making her way towards the Red Labyrinth.
"Show me who you are, Ernastral," Fray told her when she arrived at the designated spot. "Show me what you can do. I'm waiting."
A single peiste was no match for her, even as it tried to burn her with belched flames. Even with her awkward movements she ran circles around the beast. It may have gotten in a few good swipes before going down, but it was fine. Nothing she hadn't dealt with before. Fray, at least, seemed pleased with her display. "That wasn't so hard, now was it? To mete out justice─to protect the weak from the strong and so forth─you yourself must be strong. Strength is pain. Strength is suffering. Strength is sacrifice." Erna absentmindedly fiddled with the hilt of her sword.
"We must prepare for communion, but not here. Come, before more peistes are drawn by the smell."
Fray waited for her back at Broken Water, at the ancient set of stairs leading to the bridge. It was out in the open, where anyone could potentially walk by and see them, but not so well traveled that that was a likely outcome. Ernastral approached the knight, River standing nearby watching things unfold with her usual birdy curiosity.
"You look ready. Good. Now listen well. Close your eyes and hold out your hand towards me."
Ernastral obliged, shutting her eyes and holding out her hand.
"Breathe deep through your nose─let the air fill your lungs, then let it pass from your lips." A meditation exercise. She'd done it before when she studied conjury. "Slower, slower... Listen to my voice. Listen to your heartbeat. Listen for the other..."
With every breath, she felt herself grow lighter and slip further into the abyss.
One foot... in front of the other... over and over again...
To the ends of the world... and back again...
And if time has no end... still forward and onward... over and over again...
When Ernastral came to, she found Fray standing in the same position. River, meanwhile, was letting out some very alarmed chirps as she gently nudged her fluffy bird face in Ernastral's not so fluffy, not bird face. Erna reached up and scratched her bird's neck to let her know she was alright.
"So. What did you hear?"
Erna shook her head as she tried to remember, before repeating the words back to Fray.
"Interesting... but not terribly informative. But do not lose heart. That you were able to hear it once more is progress enough. I believe you will come to understand its words, and its will, in due time."
Erna nodded and got to her feet, taking a brief moment to stretch while River continued to fuss over her.
"I should mention that, in some instances, the voice is said to be that of another─one whom the dark knight is fated to seek out. If that is the case, you may have a long journey ahead of you..."
Erna grinned. "Bring it on!"
"Heh, so you would welcome such a journey? There is something to be said for it─and for travel, for that matter. To roam free and help those in need..." Fray fell quiet for the briefest of moments. "Yet no good deed goes unpunished, does it?"
Fray turned away from Erna, looking vaguely out over the desert. "...I knew a woman once. Wanted to be a hero, do great things. And so she did. The songs always end there. But life doesn't, does it?"
Erna's gaze drifted to the ground as she absentmindedly scratched River's neck. Fray turned back to her, voice taking on more of a chiding tone.
"There are temptations more deadly than the darkside, Ernastral. You should've learned this by now, but you haven't." Fray's eyes met hers. "You will."
Erna felt a chill go down her spine.
"The communion is ended, and with it, our time together. But we shall meet again, as we did before."
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 8 months
Sora x Tifa
Part 16
Part 15 below
Sora went back to the table, excused his new colleagues, left some cash and headed to the exit. Being at the door he made a quick look at Tifa. Their eyes met, she looked confused and worried, but he just nodded at her and walked out.
He decided to go to his place. “You're no match to Cloud, she'll easily choose him if he tries.” the voice came back again. “Piss off!” Sora thought, opening the door. As he stood in the middle of the room he felt completely lost. Should he go to her place and talk about his thoughts or not? It was still quite early, at least two hours till dusk, so he decided to clear his mind by slaying some beasts.
It was getting dark when he was walking back to slums with evidence that would give him money. He collected another 200 gil and back on the street he heard a group of men talking loudly.
- I don't understand why she closed the place this early? - one of them was complaining.
- Not your business. It's her bar and she can close anytime she wants. - the other one was clearly defending Tifa on her decision.
- I know, I know but you know…
The rest of his words disappeared in the distance. “She closed the bar already?” Sora decided to check if everything was fine so he headed to her place.
The moment he approached the door, it opened and he almost bumped into Tifa’s face. She jumped back at the last possible moment and gave him a look that was really hard to describe.
- Why are you here? - he asked.
- I was gonna go to look for you. I was worried, you went out so suddenly.
- Can I come in?
She moved aside, letting him enter.
- Look, Tifa, you don't have to worry every single time I go out alone. I'm a big boy and I can take care of myself. - Sora told impatiently.
- Oh I'm sorry that I'm concerned about you after I've seen you in some tough states. - she was getting angry.
- I got this. - he answered but with little confidence.
She shook her head. “Typical guy, always playing tough.” she thought.
- Why did you leave?
- I… I've had some… reasons.
Now Tifa got really mad.
- If you won't tell me, then leave now.
She turned her back on him and folded her arms. Sora felt helpless.
- Okay, okay, sorry… I, um… I was getting tired of all those jokes and laughing. And Cloud was…
“He was eating her with his eyes.” the voice ended his sentence in his head in a venomous tone.
- Was Cloud acting bad? - she turned back to him, clearly concerned.
- No, it’s just…
Sora didn't know if he was supposed to tell her his mind but it was too late to outplay it.
- Tell me, if Cloud was about to be your boyfriend, would you choose him over me? - he threw these words way too quickly.
Tifa’s eyes widened like never before.
- You're jealous?
“You're weak.”
- No, I'm just… afraid. - he whispered that last word.
“Yes, you're weak as a baby. You're afraid of your own shadow. You're no man at all.” Sora felt he started panicking but tried to show nothing. He felt his heart thudding hard.
She came closer to him and took his face in her palms.
- Sora, look. We have our past, me and Cloud, but it didn't work out. We're friends, nothing more.
“See? They were dating, he was first, he can easily become next!”. 
He crouched holding his face.
- No, no, no… - he was nearly crying.
Tifa knew what to do. She positioned herself in front of him and did the same thing as earlier to calm him down. In no time Sora felt better, his heart was back at normal rhythm, but he was embarrassed that it happened again during the same day.
- Hey, do you know what it's called? They're panic attacks, anxiety.
- Yeah, sure, what else could possibly happen to a loser like me.
- Look, you are not weak. - Tifa said patiently. - You’ve been through a lot, everybody can have a worse time.
Sora sighed deeply and looked away.
- What scares you so much? - she asked softly.
He decided to open up a little. She helped him a lot during these couple of days and she deserved it. Still not looking at her, he said:
- It’s like… a voice in my head. It’s… trying to get me down. It keeps telling me I’m worthless and miserable and that… - he turned his voice down to whisper. - that I don’t deserve you.
- Those are all lies, you are aware of that, right?
- Yeah, right. - his response didn’t sound very confident.
- Let me try to convince you, at least in the case of deserving me.
Tifa took his face in her hands and kissed him. Sora wasn’t sure at first but in a moment he kissed her back. She broke the kiss and whispered into his ear, hugging him:
- There is no one I would choose over you, you hear me? No one.
He cuddled up to her tighter. Tifa continued:
- I’ve been thinking about it for the whole day, whether I’m falling for you or I just feel an urge to help you. I made up my mind: helping you is the way to keep you.
She felt her heart pounding in her chest whilst saying those words. They stayed like this for a long time, saying nothing, enjoying the closeness of their bodies.
Eventually Sora broke the silence.
- Can I ask you something?
- Of course you can, darling.
He smiled to himself, hearing this.
- You’ve called me darling.
- That’s what you are to me, darling. - she stroked his hair.
For a moment he got lost in the meaning of this but he remembered asking a question.
- That song I played in the bar was yours.
- Well, that’s not a question. - she smiled playfully. - But yes, it’s mine.
- It gave me… hope. - a few moments later he asked. - Could you play it for me?
Tifa hesitated for a while before nodding in agreement. She stood up and helped him do the same. They went to the bedroom, where she sat by the piano, cracked her fingers and started playing.
[Now, thanks to the power of the Internet, you can find yourself in that very situation. Just click the link and become Sora himself :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qttJj4ATK1E ]
Sora was in awe watching her being focused on the melody. Somehow she looked even prettier than usual. When finished, she turned over to him with a blush and an embarrassed look on her face.
- That was beautiful, thank you.
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razzlerdazzler · 2 years
@lily-sinclair-2006 Hope you like it :)
Greg x Hurt Reader
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Summary: You and Greg get into a car accident, causing you to go into a coma. Will you ever wake up?
Trigger:Car accident, coma
Man you were starving. Your alarm didn't go off this morning and you woke up late for work. You were in a rush to make it to work on time and didn't have time to eat breakfast. However, it was finally time for lunch. You walk into the break room and go over to the fridge. You were too busy looking for lunch to notice that somebody was sneaking up behind you. You suddenly feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist. You quickly whip your head around to see the culprit is, only to see Greg smiling mischeviously at you. "Holy shit Greg," you move your hand to your chest, feeling your heart beating like crazy. You can't tell whether it's because of the surprise or because of Greg. "You scared the shit out of me." You say. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He says with a smirk that says otherwise. You shake your head and quickly look around to see if anyone's coming to the break room. When you spot no one you quickly lean in and give him a peck on the lips.
As you pull away, he tries to lean in and kiss you again, but you put a hand on his chest and stop him. "What if somebody walks in?" You ask. You and Greg have been dating for a few months, but you haven't told the others yet. You were worried about what their reactions would be, especially Gils, since he was your boss. Greg whines. "Just one more. Please!" He gives you puppy dog eyes, that he knows you can't resist. You groan in fake frustration. "Fine, but just one." You lean in and peck his lips again. He sighs in satisfaction as you part. You smile at him and grab both of your lunches. You walk towards a table and sit down. Greg quickly follows you, and sits down across from you. You slide over his food, and you both start to eat.
"How's the book coming along?" You ask before taking a bite from your lunch. Greg swallows the food in his mouth and says, "it's coming along well, still got a few more chapters to write before I'm done." You smile at him. You remember when he first told you that he was writing a book about Vegas. You were so proud of him, hell you still are. "Cool, tell me when it gets published so we can celebrate," You say. "You'll be the first one I'll tell." He says, he pauses eating for a few seconds before he asks, "do you think people will like it?" You look up at him, surprised by the question. You grab his hand and look him in the eye, "they're gonna love it," you say. He smiles at your reassurance, and you smile back.
As you both finish your lunch break, Gil comes in. "Hey, there's been a murder at the Cards Casino, I need you two to head down to the scene." After he leaves, you and Greg go grab your equipment. "I'm driving," Greg says as he grabs the keys. "I wanted to drive." You say, frowning at him. "You snooze, you lose." He says, and you shake your head, but can't help but smile at his childish behavior. You get in the passenger seat while Greg gets in the driver's seat, and soon you're on your way to the crime scene.
You both sit in a comfortable silence until Greg says, "Want to come over to my place after our shift?" You feel your heart quicken at the offer. Even though you've been to Greg's place multiple times, even before dating, your heart still races at the thought of being with him. You smile, "sure, did you have anything in mind, that we could do?" "Well, I was thinking that we could watch that documentary about the history of Vegas' old crime bosses." He suggests with a small smile. "You nerd," you say, smiling. He smiles back and says, "yeah, but I'm your nerd." "That was so cheesy." You groan, feeling your face turn red. "You know you love me." He says, but before you can respond you hear the sound of tires squealing . Something suddenly hits the van, causing you to hit your head on the dashboard. Your vision turns to black.
All you can see is darkness, but you can hear voices. "The doctor says that they're stable, but they're in a coma. They say that they could wake up in a few hours, or in a few days." That's Sara's voice! Your in a coma? "It should have been me." That's Greg! You try to open your eyes, but can't. "Greg, this isn't your fault. The other driver was drunk. They were the one who sped past the red light, and hit you. That's Gil's voice. "But it is! If I had just let them drive, then maybe wouldn't be here. They wouldn't be in a coma. If I had just let them drive, then maybe they would be safe." You hear Greg's voice break, and you feel your heart shatter. "You don't know that." Gil says. "The same thing could have happened, even if they were the one driving instead of you. We shouldn't think about the what if's, but about what we know now. We know that you are both safe, and that they will wake up." It's silent for a few seconds until you hear Greg say, "thank you...for everything." "Of course," Sara says. "Call us when they wake up." Gil says, and you hear them walk out of the room. You feel yourself start to fall back into the world of sleep.
You wake up to the feeling of somebody holding your hand, and to the sound of Greg's voice. "Please wake up Y/N. I-I can't do this without you. I miss you. I miss seeing your beautiful eyes. I miss hearing you laugh at my corny jokes. I miss seeing your beautiful smile. I miss the feeling of you running your fingers through my hair. I miss you cheering me up after a shitty day. I miss how you let me rant to you about the most random facts. I miss the ways our bodies fit perfectly against each other when we cuddle. I miss how you feel like home. I-" He breathes in shakily. "I love you," he confesses.
Your brain short circuits. He loves you? He loves you. He loves you! You need to wake up! You need to tell him that you love him too. You try to squeeze his hand, but your fingers don't move. You try again, and this time you succeed. You lightly squeeze his hand. He gasps. "Y/N?" He asks, his voice full of hope. "Y/N if you can hear me, please squeeze my hand again." You squeeze his hand with ease this time. He sighs in relief. "Can you please try to open your eyes for me sweetheart?" He asks. It takes you a few tries, but you finally open your eyes. You are met by a blinding light. As soon as your eyes adjust to the light, the first thing you see is Greg's face. Tears are streaming down his face, but he's smiling. He has a few cuts on his face, and a black eye. "There are those beautiful eyes." He says, which causes you to smile. He moves his hand towards your face and cups your cheek. You close your eyes and lean into his touch.
You both stay there for a few seconds until a thought suddenly occurs to you. "Greg, how long have I been asleep?" He doesn't respond. You open your eyes and look at him. He seems apprehensive to tell you. "Three days," he says. Three days? You've been in a coma for three days? "THREE DAYS!? You yell. You move to sit up, but Greg stops you. "Hey, don't sit up so quickly, you have a concussion." You stop trying to sit up after he says that. "I have a concussion?" You ask, surprised. Greg stays silent for a few seconds, as if he's thinking about how to word something. He finally asks, "what do you remember from the crash?" You pause, trying to think back to what had happened. "We were heading to a crime scene. We were talking, and then something hit the van, and then it all just fades to black." You say. He nods and says, "A drunk driver didn't stop at the red light, and crashed right into us. He hit your side of the van, which caused you to hit your head on the dashboard."
You feel your blood run cold, as you think about the other driver. "Is he-" You start to ask, but Greg seems to know where your mind is going, and quickly cuts off your thought. "He's fine, he walked away without a scratch." He says. You sigh in relief, happy that the man's okay. The relief is short lived however, as you notice a pair crutches near Greg's chair. Greg seems to notice your look of terror, and looks confused until he notices that you're staring at his crutches. "Oh!" He says. "Don't worry, it's nothing serious, I just sprained my ankle." He explains, while moving his leg, showing you the brace he has on it. You relax at his words, happy that nothing's broken, or worse.
You both sit there in comfortable silence, until you sigh. There's no better time to tell him than now. "Greg, I need to tell you something," you say. He looks up at you, curious as to what you're going to say. "What is it?" He asks. You take a deep breath and say, "I love you too." His eyes widen, in surprise at your words. "You love me too?" He asks, a large smile, appearing on his face. "You love me too!" He says with excitement. He leans in and starts to pepper kisses all over your face, causing you to giggle. He suddenly stops and pulls back, looking confused. "You heard me?" He asks, and you smile, nodding your head. "I heard everything," you say.
He looks dumbfounded for a few seconds, before he smiles and says, "So you love me?" You nod. He leans in until his lips are only a hair's breadth away from yours, and says "I love you too." He closes the small gap between you two, as his lips connect with yours. His lips are warm and soft, and you can't help but want more. He moves his hands around your waist and pulls you closer to him. You respond by wrapping your arms around his neck. You feel his lips part, as he lightly licks your bottom lip, asking for permission. You grant him permission and part your lips. You both groan as your tongues meet. One of your hands move to his head. You start to run your fingers through his hair. He whines at the action, and you can't help but smile at the sound.
You two keep kissing, until you hear a knock on the door. You both quickly seperate and look to see Sara, Gil, catherine, Jim, Warrick, and Nick standing in the doorway. "Sorry to intrude," Catherine says. You feel heat rise to your face as you think about the position you and Greg are in. You and Greg quickly release your holds on each other. They walk into the room, and Sara sits down in the seat next Greg. "Glad to see you're finally awake Y/N. You had us all worried for a little bit there," Gil says. "Thanks," you say smiling at him.
Sara decides to address the elephant in the room and asks, "why didn't you tell us you two were together?" "We were worried about how you all would react. We didn't want our relationship to affect the group, or our jobs," you say. "You mean you didn't know?" Sara asks. "Know what?" Greg asks, confused. "We kind of had a bet going on," Warrick explains. "It was about whether you two were together or not." Your eyes widen in shock. "And it seems Sara, Gil, and I won." Nick says, smiling. "How did you know?" You ask. "Well we all started to notice the looks you two kept giving each other, and how you both started to become more affectionate with each other," Gil explains. You blush in embarrassment. You thought you and Greg hid your relationship pretty well. Apparently not.
"You know, you two didn't have to hide this from us," Catherine says. "We would have supported you either way." You smile, happy that you have their support, and that you don't have to hide your relationship anymore. Greg smiles, and grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers. The group smiles at the interaction. "Now about that twenty dollars," Nick starts.
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artsyxloner · 4 years
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Not Just a Monster
Warning: None
15. Running out of supplies
We were running out of water, that's what Eun-Hyuk told me, there was a small Secret group meeting We had. I was Currently in the Storage room packing and dividing the rations.
With Ji-Su, Jae-Heon, Eun-Hyuk's and Hyun-Su he was finally able to come out and Socialize with others. I was happy he didn't have to stay Cooped up in that small room.
Coming out from the closet I saw Ji-Soo carrying a pack of water bottles it must have been heavy because she looked like she was in pain. And her face was more Paler now than before.
Going over I picked them up for her, this time I asked, I was getting concerned. " are you okay?" I whispered, laying the water down. She was caught off guard by the question.
" Pardon?"
I stopped at what I was doing, " I know there something wrong you should tell someone." We packed food and other Essentials, putting them in small crates and boxes. " I'm fine plus if there was something wrong no one will be able to help-"
She was interrupted when someone busted in through the door. It was Seung-wan he started to yell, getting angry. " Stop!" We all looked up at him.  Has he gone nuts already?
" did you think I wouldn't notice if you guys, ran away?"  I raised an eyebrow, we aren't Secretly running away, where did he hear this from?
Eun-Hyuk and came in, as did the other guys. " give me my share!" He ran towards Jae-Heon grabbing the food he was holding. Trying to take it away from him. " Fuck I can't trust anyone anymore!"
He screamed out like a mad man, Jae-Heon grabbed him trying to calm him down. " clam down, let's talk!" But Seung-Wan pushed him against the glass Freezer. " don't touch me!!" He pulled out a box cutter knife pointing it Jae-Heon's neck.
My eyes widened thinking he was going to cut him. " I'm not going to die here like this! I'm going to leave here by myself!" He then pointed it at Eun-Hyuk I started to walk forward but Hyun-Su grabbed my hand and shook his head.
"  give me the car keys." He pushed something pasted him it hitting the wall getting closer to Eun-Hyuk with the knife. " Give me the car keys you asshole! Give me the car keys you son of a-" he screamed, his hand shaking with the knife.
He was about to get cut Eun-Hyuk but was stopped by Sang-Woo. He pulled him away and punched him straight in the face. He fell, groaning in pain, but he grabbed him pulling the mad man up.
Dragging him away, I should have been shocked by what I just saw but in this world it was normal I wasn't Surprised but we humans shouldn't act like this towards each other, we should at least have some common courtesy.
Following them Seung-Wan was on the floor. " why don't you go out there then?" Sang-Wook Insisted, Seung-wan started to scream like crazy. " you don't know how it feels. To have your life and someone else's hands!!"
" what are you doing?" Gil-Seob came in to view. " do you want the kids seeing this?" He questioned, I turned my head to them. " Who cares what the kids see you're not? We're all going to die anyway!!" It all got quiet for a moment.
We all were staring at him until Gil-Seob began to walk towards him. " No... not all of us will." He crouches down to Seung-Wan level. " people who act stupid As you do. Just because they're afraid are the ones who die first!"
He then slapped his knee, " get a grip, and more importantly Take care of your own life." He told him the guy looked like he was about to cry. After that, it was silent and very awkward.
Like the air was on thin ice if you stepped on it, it could break at any given moment. Everyone then began to leave because of it. But before I went, I hadn't realized I was holding Hyu-Su's hand the entire time.
It was Firmly gripped in mine. Did Hyun-Su know we were holding hands? I mean it's not that hard to Acknowledge plus he was holding it tight. Taking a glance at him his eyes were peering down at our interlocked fingers.
A blush formed on his cheeks, eyes wide and big. Letting go, I was kinda embarrassed. He looked up my way, but I left before he could say anything. My stomach was feeling queasy like I needed to throw up.
I knew why though I was getting feeling for Hyun-Su and it was too many feelings for my stomach to handle. I said that I should live life but it's hard when you don't know when you're time is up and that you're gonna turn into a monster anytime soon.
Going to the bathroom, I splashed water on my face, trying to calm myself down. I can like him right? Even though we were both infected he just didn't know it yet. Is it worth it though, I would just end up getting my hopes up? 
Why is this so complicated, I grumbled.  Knowing liking someone in this Situation leads to trouble and never turns out good. When I was done having a two-sided conversation with myself I went back into the day-care-Center to clear my head.
But Eun-Hyuk stopped me, " I need to talk it's important." He insisted, Motioning for me to follow him we walked into the office and I saw, Gil-Seob and Du-Sik. What were they doing here?
" We need more supplies," Eun-Hyuk began, " food is running sort so is the water as you know it's Been Contaminated we need to get outside resources." He said this writing it all on a Chalkboard.
" first Mr. An has been scouting out the area to make sure it's safe for the person that goes out, Mr. Han is fixing the car and Reinforcing it. And Lastly Soo-Nico you will go out and get the supplies we need."
He explained as if the others already knew about this and volunteered me for the job. " I'm not doing this to use you Soo-Nico you are the best chance we have out there." He said as if I was the only one to do it.
I guess I was the only one able to do the job since I knew were every monster out there, including their whereabouts, how they kill, and how to escape if necessary.
Thinking it over, it was for everyone's survival including mine. So I agreed to it, not seeing I had a choice either. We all made our way to the Day-Care-Center telling everyone we were having a meeting.
I sat in the left corner of the room on a desk. While everyone piled in, seeing Hyun-Su he sat next to me on a stool. Things were still kinda awkward soon we didn't say anything to each other.
Soon Eun-Hyuk brought in the chalkboard I saw just a few moments before he stood in front of it, " we need to Venture outside, we only have five days' worth of food. We'll search the Convenient store first."
He told us, good for him I know a store that still tons of food. " isn't too dangerous?" Jae-Heon, questioned, well yes it was. " we've been preparing, Mr. An has scouted out the area And Mr. Han is working on the car." He explained.
" Hang on there, four eyes who's going then, I mean are we going to draw straws?" Byeong-ll wondered, wanting to know who will go out.
" it's an important mission only Who is likely to succeed will go and knows what it likes out there." He finished, they didn't have to guess they all knew. " Soo-Nico will go out there with her experience."
Everyone's eyes landed on me, including Hyun-Su. " but didn't she get caught up in that spider web?" Someone I didn't even know the name if asked. Eun-Hyuk nodded, " Yes but she got out on her own."
He defeated me, which I was shocked by. Soon the meeting was over and they all left, telling me good luck. I didn't expect it though. Going back outside, I don't know if I was ready?
" So you're going out there?" Hyun-Su spoke, it Startled me when he did. Getting over my mini heart attack I told him yeah. "I'm the only one so who else?" I laughed
I was expecting him to but he wasn't. His face was blank. " but do you want to?" As if he read my mind a few minutes ago, I didn't but there are some things you have to do. " I wouldn't do it if it wasn't necessary but it is." And it was, but Hyun-Su seemed to understand.
" Just be careful."
I smiled, " sure, whatever you say." I was happy he was genuinely concerned, but he shouldn't be, leaving him alone I walked out but saw Ji-Soo running to the restroom she was sweating badly, and she looked deadly pale.
Clutching her side, I knew something was wrong. Going after her, she was banging on the only working stall door. " hurry up, you're still not done?" She was bending over in pain Groaning.
Eun-Yoo was in the stall. She began to talk but there was a short pause. " –yeah I need more time." She said making her wait on purpose. Shaking my head I went over there.
Grabbing the doorknob I shook it violently. " hey open up she needs to go in there it's urgent!" I demanded, hitting the door. Ji-Soo wasn't looking so good.
" that's too bad for her, she should have come yesterday if it was so urgent." I couldn't believe her words, " Hey, do you have a death wish!!" I threatened, " what I'm using the bathroom to survive, you know." I rolled my eyes she didn't understand the situation.
" Hey, Eun-Yoo hey! Hurry up! Come on." She banged on the door. Leaning against it, like she couldn't keep herself up. I have enough of this bullshit. " Eun-Yoo! Open the door right now, she in pain." I heard her sign from the other side.
" I would be careful how your talking to me don't want a little Secret to get out." She laughed, Just as I said that she fell to the floor.
I let out a scream, moving next to her, " Ji-Soo?! Ji-Soo?!" I shook her trying to get her to wake up. Soon Eun-Yoo came out, staring at her she gazed over letting out a small scream.
She ran over, " Hey, what's wrong? Come on wake up!" Now that she was on the floor pasted out did she care? " are you turning too? Because you couldn't take a shit?"
She shook her harder, " Hey, wake up, Yoon Ji-Soo. W he acts wrong wake up!!" She cried, screaming, I was too tears fell my cheeks not knowing if she was dying or not.
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softquietsteadylove · 11 months
love the Thenamesh 10 Things (I Hate About You) AU, can we have some more
"Lookin' for someone, sweetheart?"
She knew it was a mistake to come here. Thena rolled her eyes, "the person in question is not you, if that's what you're implying."
"Well, you look pretty far from home," yet another metal shop monkey leapt down from working on the back of a truck to approach her. "You must be here for something."
"Nothing with which I need your assistance," she barked at them, but the garage boys were far less intimidated by her hissing and snarling than usual prep boys. She curled in on herself more but held her shoulders straight, her purse on her shoulder and a hoodie clasped in her hands in front of her.
"No?" the first one circled in closer, like a jaguar circling its prey. "Try me, sweetheart."
"Kind offer," she snapped at him, leaning away from his imposing body language (and odour). "I'll pass."
"How 'bout me, then?"
"What about me, princess?"
"Do not call me that!" She moved forward to hiss at that one right in his face. The rest of them laughed. She had walked too willingly into the wolf den.
"She's fiery, boys!"
"I'll be going, since none of you can assist me," she huffed, ready to turn up her nose and walk out."
"Not so fast, sweetie pie," the first one slapped his hand over the door frame, blocking her exit. "What kinda hosts would we be if we didn't even offer the lady some refreshments?"
"I do not want anything the likes of you enjoy."
"Not even a beer?" he laughed right in her face, back to encroaching on her personal space. "Cig? How 'bout the roofie special?"
"Leave her alone."
Thena backed up until she hit something solid, hands steadying her at the arms. She looked up, unsurprised to see the lower jaw of a familiar face. "Gil?"
"Back the fuck up, all of you," he directed the rest of the boys in the shop, still holding Thena by the shoulders. "She's not here for you."
"So, this is Gil's little princess, huh?"
"Come on," he whispered to her, refusing to dignify the animals' howls with a response. He led her out of the darkened garage and into the sun, "are you okay?"
"I'm fine," she scowled, adjusting her purse on her shoulder as soon as they were in the sun again. "I cannot believe they are offered employment."
"Well, they're not really," Gil answered her unasked question. "The owner does employ you if you're good, but mostly the garage is open for you to do your own work, if you bring your own parts and stuff. That's why they all hang out there."
Thena tilted her head, eyeing him, "I didn't imagine that was the crowd you ran with."
"I don't," he scowled at even the implication of it. He eyed her in return, "what are you doing here, anyway?"
Her back straightened and she huffed, "looking for you."
"Okay," he walked closer to her, his hand at her back, guiding her further still from the shady garage, "but why, Princess?"
Thena gripped the hoodie in her hands, "to return what is yours, of course."
"What?" she snapped at him, but he didn't even reach for the hoodie of his in her hands. "You did state that I could keep it last we met. Now I'm returning it!--or have manners of even that level escaped you?"
But Gilgamesh didn't rise to any of her snapping or sniping. He looked her over again, as if he could read her like a completely open book. "No."
"No?" she balked. "N-No?!"
"No, that's not why you're here," he chuckled, resuming walking whether she was following him or not. "You wouldn't go this out of your way for that thing."
Thena gripped it tighter and trotted a few steps to catch up with him. "Oh, and you know me so very well!"
"I know you pretty well by now, your ladyship," he chuckled right in her face. His teeth looked fine--maybe he hadn't smoked for that long before they met. "And that is not something you would do just to return some stupid sweater."
Thena twisted it in her hands, and Gil really didn't seem to care. She shifted on her feet and he raised his eyebrows at her. "I need a ride."
"Whassit?" he held his hand to his ear and leaned forward (bastard). "Can't hear you!"
She huffed, feeling the sting of indignity in her cheeks, "my car is in the shop and Sersi is at Dane's, can I please have a ride?"
"Oh, I see," he snickered, enjoying the idea of her being indebted to him already. "Your Highness needs a ride from li'l ol' Gilgamesh, eh?"
"Never mind," she growled, tossing his hoodie at his stupid wide chest, "I'll walk."
Gil caught the hoodie against him with one hand, grasping her by the waist with the other. His face lost the gleeful smile he'd had a minute ago. "You're not walking all the way home alone."
She glared at him, making a point of wrenching herself away from him, "you've no need for the veil of chivalry. It is broad daylight, I'm sure I'll be-"
"You're not, Thena," he repeated, moving into her space again.
She gave him her most withering glare, "I don't need you."
He met her icy stare with his own, "no, 'cause you don't need anyone, right Princess?"
She pulled herself away from him again, wrapping her arms around herself, "forget it."
"Thena," he called after her, but she kept walking. "Thena!"
She huffed at herself; she knew she shouldn't have come looking for him. Not this time, and not that time on the beach either. So, why did she keep doing it?
"Thena, please."
She turned, maybe shocked because she wasn't sure if she could remember hearing 'please' from that mouth of his before.
"Please," he repeated, entirely serious and holding his arm out for them to cross the street, "Thena."
She sighed, adjusting her purse again. "Fine."
Gil waited until she was beside him again to even start walking. He hold the balled up hoodie in his hand, "you can keep this, y'know--if you want."
She eyed the hoodie she had actually been wearing in the comfort of her room for the past several weeks. "It's yours."
"Consider it yours."
"What if I don't want it?"
"Too bad."
Thena let him lay the thing over her shoulders again, trying to tell herself it wasn't familiar or comforting or nice and warm. "If you insist."
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4x12 - GSR fix-it fic
(A/N:  What the motherfuck- TUMBLR HAS A TEXT BLOCK LIMIT?!!!! UUUGGGHHH!!!! I guess this is gonna have to be in two parts. But, I guess...this whole thing is pushing 9000 words, so I'll split it 4500-4500. Yeah. I'm as tired as Gil now. I'm gonna go sleep with him. I was inspired to write this after watching that video.  Anyways, they're actually together in this one.  Aka when Gil FINALLY goes home, he can rest his forehead on Sara's and reassure himself that she's actually still okay, and that she's actually still right there, with him.  Because I crave this for them.  So, there are many and heavy contextual changes. Fyi, I'm not writing out every single piece of dialogue/action, hell no.  I'm just writing whatever's relevant to GSR. Oh and, warning - canon-typical ns/fw
{I'm sorry about the formatting but I would like to give} Special thanks to @addictedtostorytelling for...basically saving my ass with all the details of this fic. Thank you for answering my questions, no matter how inane, dumb, unnecessary, or worse. And of course @stokes-theorem got me out of a panic attack; it is much appreciated 🙏)
Gil walked through the house of the 419 of the night, having had to put protective coverings over his shoes so that he did not disturb any evidence he might accidentally step on. He had to keep his back to the wall and walk sideways as well. (The sound of his footsteps were adorable.) As he passed the spare bedroom, he noticed that the victim possessed a collection of butterfly-resembling trinkets, all displayed nicely on her shelf. He made it to the area of event at last, squatting down to take a closer look at the body.
His eyebrows jumped up in shock - the victim had a strong resemblance to Sara. For a few moments longer, he stared at his (secret) girlfriend's image, a dozen thoughts swirling around in his head but never aligning themselves. It was his unfailing sense of duty that allowed him to literally get his head upright and get back to his team, who was waiting outside. But when he opened the door, the very person in his line of sight was Sara; again he stared, this time at her actual self. Inside, there was a dead body, who looked so like her, but here she was, living, breathing and- turning her head to stare right back at him. But the one's gaze held such a different meaning from the other's.
Jim, who was past Sara in Grissom's line of sight, thought that he was the one the team leader wanted to see, so he stepped between the scientists. "Ready for us?"
"For now, no one enters this house except CSI."
Gil assigned Warrick to the car, but he assigned Sara to the perimeter, to which she shook her head in disbelief and questioned, "What? You just did a one hour walk-through. The perimeter cannot be a priority." On 'not', she shrugged and laughed wryly.
His gaze immediately turned beseeching. "I need you to work the outside. Catherine and I will be inside." He momentarily shifted his eyes in the direction of the door at the last bit but immediately looked back at her, his eyes even more pleading. Sara gave him an 'alright, fine' smile and went to do as he said.
Gil did not examine the car, but there was a fair chance that it would yield a fair amount of evidence. However, he had, as Sara remarked, gone over the perimeter, so he knew that Sara's scouring of it would bear no fruit. He deliberately did this; he wanted to dissociate Sara from the case as much as possible, in his own little way.
While Catherine went to interrogate the victim's friend, Gil took the opportunity to go back and stare the body for a bit longer.  He was (understandably) haunted that the 419 looked like the love of his life.
He was so lost in his thoughts that he did not hear Catherine walk in behind him; his head flinched to the side when she spoke, "One thing I can never get over with this job: anything can happen to anybody."
Gil clicked his tongue and responded, "That's why we're here," before going back to looking over the corpse.
Soon enough, Sara was let in a little more on the action when she had to crawl under the house and unscrew a pipe running from the bathroom to get the water that had been drained into it, as well as process the actual pipe.  However, Gil insisted that she was to return to the laboratory and test just those pieces of evidences as soon as she was done; his intent was that she would be occupied with something appertaining to the case but not in such a major capacity, thus satisfying her curiosity if only on a temporal basis.  Gil and Sara did not know it, but when she looked up into the pipe, Gil happened to be spraying luminol onto it on the other side.  (A/N:  Can I just take a moment to appreciate the cinematography here?  As well as the music <3)
The bugs helped the bug man out again; flies swarmed the dustbins that had pieces of corpse inside them.
After those were sent back to Al and David, Gil went back inside the house.  This time, he examined the victim's collection of synthetic butterflies.  He was turning over one that was blue, translucent, and had a base so that it could stand, a thoughtful frown on his forehead.  If Sara had been there to see him, she would have kissed it away.  He put the butterfly down and picked up a framed picture of Debbie.  With her arms straight up in the air and an open-mouthed smile that showed her top row of teeth, it was evident that she had been jubilant at the time of photography.  Gil shook his head; not because he pitied the loss of her joy, but because he was once again struck by her likeness to the greatest joy in his own life.  He tore his eyes away from the photo and looked at himself in the mirror, trying to collect himself.
But the adverse was achieved, because the bed was visible in the mirror, and he envisioned the victim sitting on it facing away from him, alive and well.  She then looked over her shoulder at him; the image was replaced with that of Sara.
Grissom clenched his jaw.  He stiffly tilted his head to one side, his gaze at himself hardening.  All in an reinforced effort to steel himself.
He was forcibly yanked out of his thoughts when his phone rang; his head flinched a little way in its direction while his eyes flickered down to it.  He picked it up and manage to announce in his normal voice, "Grissom."
"Hey!"  came the voice of the very woman who plagued him so, her voice cheery; she had dismissed any offence she had felt earlier from her mind and forgiven him, just being happy to hear from her man.
But her voice made him drop his mouth open in shock. Restraining the last of his resolve from flying out the window, he said, "Sara.  Uuuuhhh listen I'm in a bad area, I'll call you back."  He deliberately raised his voice a little to make his lie more believable.
Even though he could not see her, she gave a little nod; physical embodiment of her acknowledgment.  She responded by raising her voice just as he did when he next spoke.  "I got a skin tag off the bathroom drain pipe."
"Skin tag.  That's great.  Uh, give it to Greg."
"Yeah I did.  Hey do you want me to come over there and give you a hand?"
"No I'm-I'm-I'm fine," he stuttered, his free hand moving up then down again, as if he was physically dismissing (his emotions besides) her offer.  "I'll-i'll-i'll- uh...I'll talk to you back at the lab."  He immediately hung up after that.  He raised his head to glare at himself; he needed to force himself to push whatever emotions he had aside so that he could focus on the case.
As for Sara, she frowned in concern, but went on brushing what she put down as his typical eccentricity aside and went to help Warrick out with Michael Clark's car.  A third party would have enjoyed watching them work, especially with John M.  Keane's music.
After that, Sara and Warrick convened with Catherine in the break room to go over the course of the physical events of the murder.  Grissom joined remotely by holding his pager to his ear with one hand, while the break room's table had a speaker that his phone was tapped into; it was certainly much easier to communicate with Sara remotely and in a group where he could avoid speaking directly to her instead of communing in private where he literally had to face her.  Since Grissom was at the house, he walked through it himself in accordance with his team's narration.  When Sara spoke, he had to tilt his phone away from his ear, catching himself tripping again.  Since he was at the scene of the crime, he narrated how the deed was done.  As always, he had been envisioning the actual events, so it was difficult for him to picture such a thing happening Sara's likeness, but he pulled through; he did pause for extremely brief moments, and those could be put down perfectly as him taking time to think.
Sara, Catherine and Warrick finally went home after one and a half shifts.  As Sara approached the door to her and Gil's place, she could hear Hank scratching at it.  She smiled and opened the door. "Hey!" she called at the same time that Hank barked. Hank then stepped behind her and sniffed the air. "He's not here," Sara told him, gently pushing him inside with one hand and holding her kit with the other.  She sat on the couch and directed him to sit next to her.  She took her phone out of her pocket and showed it to him.  "We'll call him, huh?"  Hank had come to understand that that little slab of plastic with an area that would light up was something that humans used to communicate with each other.  There were frequent occasions when one of his humans was away, and the other would hold this object in between him and them.  Then, when the human pressed some things that made beeping sounds, there would be a certain tone for a while until the other human's voice could be heard from it; this was one such occasion.
Sometimes however, the other human's voice would not be heard.  In those cases, he and the human would just bark or speak into the slab by themselves.  After several hours, the slab would start up with a ringing sound, and when the human made a beep, the other human's voice could be heard.  He would always bark joyfully then and wag his tail.
So Hank smiled at Sara, tongue hanging out as he panted eagerly.  He watched and listened as she made the slab beep, and a tone followed.  Not too long after, the tone ended, and was replaced with a, "Grissom." He had had to turn away from the area of wall he was swabbing and take the phone out of his inner breast pocket.
Hank immediately started barking into the object, letting his human know that he was excited to hear from him and missed him.  Both humans giggled.  (At least Hank managed to cheer Gil up for a little bit.)  Sara absentmindedly ran her other hand down his ear as she waited for him to stop barking so that she could have her turn at speaking. The dog was aware of this, and let his mother have her turn in due time. "We miss you," she smiled.
He sounded forlorn as he answered, "I know... I miss you too...but I have to finish this." He was frowning sadly, and his shoulders were slumped. Sara thought that he was sad because he regretted not being able to come home to her. While this was true, he had another reason: that he had to deal with...this. And it was not that he had to deal with it; it was something that he had taken upon himself to. All he wanted was to protect his Sara, even if it meant hiding (fortunately minor) details of the case from her, and foregoing sleep altogether.
"Why not come home? Take a break. And you can continue tomorrow," she tried to coax him.
He shook his head even though she could not see him. "No. You go ahead without me," he said woefully.
She frowned in concern. "We gotta stop doing this." She was referring to the fact that they often stayed up for the whole day to work on cases instead of getting sleep.
"I know, I know," he sighed, his free hand squeezing his temples. "I promise I'll get more sleep after this case, okay?"
There was a period of silence when Sara nodded. "Okay," she said genially.
She heard her boyfriend huff a sigh; he dipped his head defeatedly when he did that. "Look, I-i-i'm sorry," he stuttered for the second phone call from her in a row.
She shook her head, "Don't be. It's alright. I'm guilty of the same thing." As well as she could hear that he was in dire need of sleep, she would not force him to since he did not want to. Plus, there was no way she could get Gil to come home without people questioning as to how she managed to get through to the stubborn workaholic; suspicion would be raised as to the true extent of their relationship.  He was at a loss as to what to say.  So, she rescued him as usual, "I'll see you back at the lab?"
He felt as if there were chains around his body that had just been loosened. Finally, something he could answer honestly! He felt as if he was ripping them off as he answered, "I don't think so. I still have to process the carpet-"
"The carpet?! Gil, that thing runs over every inch of floor!!!" Hank, who had been contently resting his head on Sara's lap, jerked his head up at the sudden interjection.
"I know," he groaned slightly, the vocalisation coming more naturally now that he was free. The boxer lay his head back down. "It has to be done though."
She nodded before saying, "I know. Don't run yourself into the ground, okay? I mean," here he could hear her snicker, "no more than you usually do."
For the first time in over a day, he smiled. A small but genuine smile that made the corners of his storm blue eyes crinkle endearingly; if Sara was there to see it, she would have kissed him. "I'll try not to." And, ah, how nice - she could hear the amusement in his voice.
"Take care of yourself. Remember to eat at least. I love you."
"I'll try. I love you too. I love you Hank!" His head jerked up again and enthusiastic barking ensued. The humans followed suit with more giggling before they hung up. With his spirits lifted anew from his conversation with Sara, he pocketed his phone and got back to work with a little more energy than he had before.
As for Sara, she put a hand on Hank's head and said, "Well boy, let's go and eat some breakfast huh?"  He gave a cheery bark and jumped off the couch.  Sara closed and locked the door, carried her kit and followed him down the stairs.  She hurried to put her kit away and then popped back to the kitchen to set out Hank's food, and then get herself food. They ate, went for a walk, and returned. Sara took a shower, and put on Gil's shirt after. When it came time for bed, Sara asked Hank to lie on the bed with her, and cuddled him. "Since Gil isn't here, I'll hold you tonight," she smiled. He seemed to understand as he nuzzled her face and lay his head back down.
A little after the phone call, Gil did go and eat. He shed himself of his coveralls, put them in his car, got in himself, and drove to the nearest diner. He ate there and then took away a second meal for his lunch, which he ate at the appropriate time. Sara went to the laboratory at nine o' clock that night, wanting to do all she could to help her boyfriend. She went to check on Warrick's progress.  Upon finding him sifting through the contents of the victim's vacuum cleaner with a pair of tweezers and coughing profusely, she teased, "He-he-heyyy. Blacklung."
"Ah...I've been sifting through this trash for about six hours." That meant that he had been working for the entirety of the swing shift. "You come here to rescue me or make fun of me?" the poor man retorted.
"I am just looking, relax." She pointed to one of the petri dishes Warrick had set out to sort the evidence. "What are these white fibres here?"
"They must be from the spare bedroom, because all the other carpets are green."
Sara looked at the plan drawing of the house. "Spare bedroom wasn't on his entrance or exit path."
"Look, all I know is that they were near the top of the bag, so it must've been one of the last things he vacuumed." Sara gave small nods of acknowledgment.
"I did manage to find this butterfly pendant..." Warrick moved his tweezers to the petri dish where it was and picked it up, "...with some white fibres in it. Looks like it's from a necklace, or a bracelet. And it has this link, which has snapped so I'm thinking...sign of struggle?" He straightened up a little bit to raise his point.
"Killer was in that spare bedroom."
Gil's panicky obsessiveness was certainly affecting a fair few of his teammates. Catherine went to the scene of the crime at the same time as Sara returned to the laboratory.  She knew that Gil was very stressed out about the victim looking so much like their dear friend, and so she wanted to help him.
(Poor Gil...he did not realise that when he worried, his team family worried too and would do whatever they could for him; he did not realise that they could love him as much as he loved them.  He had such heavy doubt about his own lovability, so much so that he even almost rejected Sara when she first asked him out.)
Catherine walked in to see Gil processing the carpet (to the amazing soundtrack). During the conference, he had mentioned that he had processed the carpet on the threshold of the bathroom, and at present he was processing the area of carpet just beyond that.  Her work-wife face on, she said to him, "Don't tell me you never went home."
Gil looked up at her, one hand still on the carpet and the other holding his filter paper. "Okay." Since she did not want to hear anything to that effect, he decided to water it down by saying, "I just got started in here.  I haven't even got into any of the rooms yet."
"You know you lose your edge after sixteen hours, and you're into your third shift. She brought her forearms out to her sides. "I mean I'm all for overtime but, this is just plain greedy."
He shook his head tiredly before reassuring her, "My knees can't take this anymore." As fuelled as he was from his food, it still physically hurt to remain on one's knees for an extended period of time.
"Have you eaten anything?"
"Ah," she nodded approvingly.  "Then, how about a shower?"  Gil shook his head.  Catherine raised an eyebrow in turn.  At Gil's look of horror, she clarified, "I mean at your place.  You need to go home."
"As soon as we find some evidence, I promise."
"With fresh eyes you won't miss it."
Her work-husband groaned as he stood up, his knees creaking.  "Just talk it through with me will ya?  What do we know?"
Catherine's eyes shifted to the side in thought.  "Alright."  She inhaled deeply before continuing, "The bathroom is where things got started. Candles, oils...steam shower...cleaned up, oiled up...sexed up."
"Let's go back to the bedroom," Gil voiced, moving his head a little way in the direction of the bedroom. They got their UV-protective goggles out of their kits, with Catherine taking the torchlight as well.  Cath shone the light on the topmost bedsheet, but nothing showed up under the fluorescence. "No, nothing on this sheet," Gil noted. He lifted that sheet to expose the one underneath, to yield the same result; he gently cocked his head to one side in acknowledgement (which was cute).
"She changed her sheets for her date; I would," Catherine remarked.
Since there was nothing to be found on the top surface of the bed, Gil let his gaze wander to the side of the bed. A ring embedded into the mattress caught his eye with a loop red cloth threaded through it with the rest stuffed under the mattress caught his eye; this time his head jerked a little to the side in vigilance. He squatted down and pulled it out, passing hand over hand.  When it was completely free and he could see what it was, he transferred it to one hand so that he could take off his goggles with the other.  He then looked up at his colleague with an uncomfortable expression and called, "Hey Cath..." When she looked at him, he held the thing up as if he was holding a dead rat and continued, "...got silk?"  His eyes shifted to the object as he asked that.  What he meant by that was if there was an identical finding on her side.
She looked down at her side of the mattress, and opened her mouth at the discovery and looked back at him.  Gil kept an inquiring gaze on her and took the opportunity to stand up.  She bent to her side while reaching an arm down and fished the cloth out.  "Why yes I do."  Gil looked back at the one in his own hand and shook it to see if anything would fall out; he was still disconcerted and frowning though.  His unease was turned into scepticism when Catherine said, "Iiii don't mean to embarrass you but um...some guys need leverage," as she stepped towards the foot of the bed and removed the sheets to uncover the barrier.
"They do?"  He was frowning a little bit harder; Sara certainly never complained.
Grinning in the hopes of finding something, Catherine gave a nod before saying, "I'll dust for prints."
While she did that, Gil's phone rang again.  He took his phone out from the same place he had when Sara called.  "Grissom."  He stuffed the hand not holding his phone comfortably into his pocket.
"It's Warrick.  I have somethin' for you - I found a butterfly link.  With some white fibres in it."
Grissom started walking to the other bedroom.  "Butterfly where?"
"In the vacuum bag.  You check all the rooms?"
"Lemme look again, and I'll get back to you."
"Alright." Grissom had reached the spare bedroom by then, so he put his phone away and got up to the shelf where the victim's butterfly collection was, a smile gracing his face at the sight of insects. He shone his (regular) torchlight on the contents of the shelf. When came across some more photos of Debbie, he drew himself back slightly, but quickly tore his gaze away from them; this was not the time to dwell on his feelings. His gaze averted to a blue jewellery box next to them, decorated with even more images of butterflies. He opened it; inside, there was an assortment of accessories, all butterfly-themed. He carefully used a finger to move them about, pushing them aside to see if there were any broken-off pieces. He did find one near the top right of the box.
In the meantime, Catherine had successfully made a print show up.  She tape-lifted it with a triumphant smile and proudly brought it to show Grissom.  "Hang one.  Toe print.  I'll have Sara compare it against both victims."
"Good."  Sara was the only unoccupied person.  "Warrick found a butterfly charm in the vacuum bag...I think I just found a piece from the same chain in this box."  He pointed to it.
"Butterfly huh?"  Catherine mused, her eyes moving to look over the rest of the trinkets.
"She had a collection." He seemed quite happy to announce that, and it was no wonder why.
"Gifts?  From her...gentleman callers?"
"Maybe the killer was taking his gift back.  As in, leave no trace.  Maybe he finally ran out of patience and got sloppy."  At the last sentence, his voice deepened, as if he was challenging the unseen and unknown perpetrator.  Upon shining his torch on the shelf below, he found a strand of hair.  Short and white, as would come from an elderly man.  He squatted, with Catherine following suit, and picked it up with his tweezers.  "And this is why I didn't leave."  His voice was soft with excitement and victory. Catherine left to bring the hair and toe print back to the laboratory, giving the print to Sara and the hair to Greg. Gil got back to Warrick and informed him of the matching butterfly.
Sara went to take the lower ten cards of both victims. Having finally gotten the chance to look at Debbie, she moved the swivel chair she was sitting on to draw herself up beside the victim's face. She stared down at it.  And suddenly, she understood.  She understood Gil's skittishness, understood why he had been reluctant to let her in on the case.  And she was, of course, haunted; it could very well have been her on Al's slab.  She glanced about, not knowing what to think; she could not articulate her emotions even in her own head. Eventually, they settled on one person: Gil. Gil, her protector; the person who had been 'protecting' her from this case at any rate.  She would speak to him to clear her head; she could always talk to him, and he would never turn her away. Well...he used to. But that was when his feelings towards her were even more of a mess than they currently were. He had progressed a lot with her help.
With that temporary comfort, she finished up and went to run the prints through AFIS. That took several hours. By the time that day shift roller around, both Debbie Marlin and Michael Clark were ruled out.  She then went to find Gil.  Or Catherine; whichever she found first. She went to the shift supervisor's office; nobody was there. And nobody was in the assistant shift supervisor's office either. But after some wandering around, she found Catherine in the locker room, sitting on a bench and changing her shoes. "Hey," Sara called, trying to seem cheery, "you seen Grissom?"
"He's still at the crime scene," Catherine responded, glancing at her as she did.
Sara nodded to signify her acknowledgment before reporting, "I eliminated both victims from the print you pulled off the bed."
"Well we know she was fishing off the company pier..." Sara responded with a look and a nod. "You uh, seen Debbie?" Catherine looked at her properly, wanting to gauge her reaction.
"Yeah," she said laconically, not wanting to give anything away.
"And?" Catherine enquired.
"Yeah I compared her...toe prints," she avoided still, her expression hardening.
Seeing as that would lead nowhere, Catherine decided to comment, "If I didn't know better I'd think that it was you on that table."
"I didn't really...look at her face," Sara denied. Noticing Sara seemed sad somehow, Catherine relented and just gave her a knowing look. Sara let her face fall, and allowed herself to sound as pleading as she really was when she asked, "If you see Grissom will you tell him?" Catherine nodded sincerely. Sara just walked off after that. The assistant shift supervisor convened with Jim and they went to Desert Palm print samples.  They did find a match; Dr.  Tripton.  Catherine phoned Gil and informed him of it.
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gay-salt-amber · 3 years
The phone call
Here's some notices or warnings before reading!
A trans man giving birth, Seungchuchu, Trans Phichit, Haikyuu x Yuri on Ice.
Seung-gil pov-
I entered the rink, sat down my bag and took a sip out of my thermos of coffee, "Hi coach." I greeted, tired and already done with my coach for the day.
"Greetings Seung-gil, sit down we need to figure out your skating routine for the next competition."
I nodded at my coach and sat down. I sat there, listening to my coach's instructions.. Well I wasn't really listening, I couldn't bring myself to focus... Phichit, my husband, had been really sick recently. I knew that he knew why but he wouldn't tell me, while some secrets were fine, it just felt to serious to be kept a secret. But if he wants to keep that stuff to himself, then I have no wish to pry into his business.
My coach, Min-so Park, must have noticed. She gave me a light flick on the ear and raised her voice by a inch, "Pay attention." She said.
I had to restraint myself from saying something else other then sorry, "Sorry, stuff has been happening at home."
"Don't carry that onto the ice, Seung-gil."
"..Sorry.." I said, trying to sound like I was actually sorry which I wasn't.
"Alright, now how about we do this song?" She said pointing to a list of songs she had written down.
"Sure, when are we going to figure out outfits though?"
"Probably tomorrow, we need to make sure this song is good for you before we figure out costumes."
She put the list down and walked over to the music-playing setup, "Lets start practice, Seung-gil."
I nodded as I re-tied my skates and went onto the ice, ready for a tiring day of practice. I just hope Phichit is doing alright.. I'm worried, so fucking worried.
Phichit pov-
I flushed the toilet, washed the disgusting taste out of my mouth out and exited the bathroom, I took my time walking down the stairs, holding onto the handle for dear life even though my feet were fine. I still don't wanna fall. Eventually after what felt like a lifetime, I made it to the couch where I flopped and grabbed my phone. As I massaged my headache, I hit Yuuri's contact, his nickname in my phone being 'bestie' I let out a silent swear as a sting of pain came but I hit the 'call' button and sucked up the pain.
Thankfully he picked up, even though he is at practice
"Hey Phichit, did you need something?"
I let out a small fake sob, "I feel like shit.."
"Oh, is Seung-gil with you?"
"No, he wanted to stay home but his coach made him come in.."
I could tell the Japanese skater was rolling his eyes, "Have I told you how much I hate his coach?"
After snickering I went back to the original topic, "But I wanted to ask you what you think I've come down with. Its been a week! I have never been sick for more then 2 days and I am scared!"
Yuuri clicked his tongue, "Ok.. Tell me more, I think I have an idea.."
"Well, I have been puking a lot.."
"That happens when you're sick typically.." Now that I think about it, yeah I do puke a bunch when I rarely get sick.
"Yeah.. And you know how I hate pickles?"
"I now wanna dip those in chocolate and have it for breakfast."
"Any body pain?"
"Well my stomach and hurt like a bitch and my back wants to break."
"...." Yuuri went silent.
"Uh, Yuuri? Bestie? What's wrong?"
"Don't think I'm weird for saying this alright?"
"We've been friends for like 19 years, nothing you say will make me weirded out."
"You never got a bottom surgery when you transitioned right?"
"No, I still wanted kids so I never got much done, you know, minus getting my breasts removed."
"So, I think you should go get a pregnancy test.."
My eyes went wide, "Wha?! Why?!"
"I just think that you have a lot of the symptoms that pregnant people have. I may be wrong but its better now then later, right?"
I went quiet before speaking again, "...What will Seung-gil think?"
Yuuri went out a little chuckle, "Well, if he's as good a husband as you say, he'll stay there and help you."
I chuckled along, "Yeah.. I'll talk to you later."
When I hit the end call button, I threw my phone to the other side of a coach. Upon hearing that, Seung-gil's Siberian Husky came running over and hopped on the couch to try and make me feel better by rubbing his head against my hand.
I smiled bright "Hi buddy.."
"You may be getting a human friend in a few months if Yuuri was right.." I chuckled.
This made the dogs head perk up, his tail started wagging and he went out a bork of excitement.
"I know! so exciting!" I gave him head scratches before walking to the door and grabbing my keys
I turned back to Snow, "Dads gonna go out for a bit, don't cause too much havoc while I'm gone, ok?"
After hearing another bark from the grey-white dog, I left the large apartment and started to walk down the hallway. Even when I was in the lobby and out the front door to my car, I couldn't stop opening and closing my husbands contact.. 'Save it until you actually know..' After taking a breath and by that I mean about 10 breathes, I put the keys in and drove to the store to get the test.
When I pulled into the parking lot, I unbuckled slowly and got my hat and my mask. I did everything slowly, I was just nervous.. I then thought of how lucky I would be to have a kid.. All the happy moments, seeing Seung-gil falling asleep with a baby atop his chest, and that babies adorable face.. With those ideas in my head I opened my car door and practically ran into the store.
Once I entered, I walked to the pharmacy section and after scanning the shelf like 4 times, my eyes finally landed on the pregnancy test, "Damn I must have been staring at it for like 2 minutes." I joked, I grabbed it and walked to the counter to pay, I walked back out to my car and went about 9 miles over the speed limit to get home.
Seung gil pov-
It was coming to be the middle of practice, which was when I was allowed a really quick water break before starting practice again.
"Ok Seung-gil! You can have a water break!" Coach shouted
I nodded and walked over to the bench, right when I was about to grab my water, I heard my phone ringing. When I checked the name.. It was my husband, Phichit.
"I told you to not have your phone out during practice!"
"My husbands really sick so I couldn't really NOT have it on or out." I retorted
"Just answer it."
I rolled my eyes and answered, "Hello?"
Phichit's voice on the other line was nervous, "Uh.. Hey Seung-gil.. Can you come home? Like right now?"
"Why? Are you ok?"
"We just need to talk."
"Now?" I repeated
"Yeah, sorry for interrupting your practice dear.." He sighed
"No, no! It's ok, I don't wanna be here anyway."
Phichit laughed which made my heart glow, "Alright, see you soon."
"See you soon." And with that I ended the call, grabbed my stuff and walked to the exit.
My voice went back to being cold instead of sweet like when I was on the phone, "Home."
The brown haired woman started running in my direction, "Oh hell no!" But by the time she said that the door was open and I was walking to my car and quickly on the road.
--When he got home--
Once I opened the door I hear the muffled tv in the background, I kicked off my shoes at the door gave the dog some love and went to sit on the couch next to my husband.
"Welcome home.." The Thai's boy was quiet.
"So what did you wanna talk about dear? You never call me back from practice...."
"Uh.. You know how I said I was trans? How I was born a girl not a male?"
Phichit stood up and walked in the direction of the bedroom, "Its best I show you, wait here.."
I nodded and waited. he came back a minute later, holding a something that looked familiar to me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Once he sat down he handed the long stick to me,
"Guess what.. You're a dad.." His voice was nervous
I looked at the pregnancy test.
Then back to him.
"I get it if you are mad if I didn't tell you sooner that this could happen but, I have always wanted to start a family with you so, please, help me parent our child."
I couldn't even speak, I just wrapped my arms tightly around Phichit, "There is no universe where I would pass up to take care of a child with you." I breathed before continuing to speak, "I love you so much. We are going to have a happy family here, ok? I will do whatever I can to support our family."
When I finally looked up at my husband, tears were streaming down his face, I panicked, "Why are you crying?! Did I say something?!"
He laughed, wiping his small tears away, "No, you're just fine. I'm just.. happy."
I gave him a kiss on the forehead, "Are you hungry? I was thinking of ordering pizza."
"Can you get me pineapple pizza..?"
I let out a snort, "Sure."
--After ordering pizza--
Once we sat down, we happily ate, I smiled as I watched Phichit devour his pizza and his cute little face have pizza sauce get dotted on the cheeks and his chin. After he chewed he started to speak
"Hey I have a question about your coach."
I put down my pizza and looked at the cute boy, "What of her?"
"Well, I think you either need to talk to her, or get a new coach."
"I mean I would love to, but why?" I asked
"She never lets you have any holidays off or anything, no special days, no calling in before hand, no calling in sick, nothing! The only way you get out of practice is just walking out. I feel like when the kid is born, that wont be an option anymore."
I nodded my head, taking a bite from my pizza, "Yeah, you're right. I wanted to find a new coach anyway, I just needed a reason."
Phichit chuckled before gasping, "Hold on! I need to go call some people!"
I rubbed my forehead, giving a small smile, "Who are you calling?"
"Y'know, Guang-Hong, Leo and Yuuri! Imma tell them they're uncles now!"
"Alright! Don't take too long!"
A few minutes later I could hear excited gasps and congratulations coming from the kitchen
---A few months later--
Phichit pov-
I was on the phone panicking, Seung-gil couldn't be here, his coach wouldn't let him leave no matter how hard he tried so I was on the phone with Yuuri.
"Stay calm till I get there! I'll get you to the hospital Phichit."
"It fucking hurts!"
"I know just hold on!"
A few minutes later of trying to talk to keep the pain away, the door swung open with Yuuri behind it, he came over, helped me up and we got into the car.
"You're going to be a dad.. Mom? What do you wanna be called anyway?" Yuuri asked
"Whatever the child prefers."
"Do you know the gender yet?"
"No we decided to wait till he's born, which I guess is soon!" I was excited but also nervous.
"..Seung-gil will find a way to get to the hospital to see you, even if he has to jump out a window or something."
I snorted, "Victor did that didn't he?"
"I mean, yeah~"
We finally made it to the hospital and after circling the parking spot a few times, we got out and walked through the entrance.
"When I come out my life's gonna be so different.."
"Mhm! But that's a good thing!" Yuuri reminded me
--About 15 minutes later--
Seung gil pov-
Once I finally got away from my coach by jumping out the window of the boys locker room and was able to maneuver my ass through the rush hour traffic, I arrived at the hospital. When I entered I instantly spotted Yuuri Katsuki, my husbands best friend and ran over to him.
"How is he?!"
"Thank god you're here."
I sat down and panted, "Yeah, my coach forced me to stay at practice, I had to crawl out through a window."
"Knew it."
"Anyway, is Phichit doing ok?"
Yuuri nodded, "Yes, they have him back there now."
"Can I not go in?"
I started tapping my foot from nervousness I didn't notice Yuuri get up but when I did he was holding coffee in his hand, "Here. They had a coffee cart over there, I figured you would want something to drink."
I took it from his hand, "Thanks."
"So what are you hoping for?"
"Heh, Phichit was hoping for a boy and I would be dead if I said a girl." I laughed
"Do you have a name in mind?"
"Not really, we know we want to change his last name so he can live a normal life though."
"Any ideas for that?"
"We'll figure it out. Phichit is a spur of the moment person, y'know?"
"Oh I know that too well." Yuuri took a sip of his drink before speaking again
"So, you remember when I was watching your dog at my house?"
"Our dogs cuddled."
My mouth went wide, "Do you have photos?!"
about 4 hours later-
"Family and friends of Phichit Lee may come in now." The doctor called
I looked at Yuuri, "You go by yourself first Seung-Gil he wants to see you more then me."
I got up and walked to the room and sat on a chair next to the hospital bed,
"Say hello to your son!" Phichit said, a smile from ear to ear on his face.
"He's adorable." I said, reaching out my pointer finger, which the little boy grabbed and held onto with his tiny hands.
The child blinked a bit, "He has your eyes." I pointed out
"Just as cute too." Phichit added
"So, what are we thinking for names?"
"Uhh.. I was actually thinking about it in the car."
"Oh? What did you come up with?
"I was thinking of naming him Sakusa Kiyoomi."
"That sounds good."
"Do you want to hold him?"
I reached my hands out and Phichit handed me my son, "I'm really a father.."
"Mhm. I love you so much."
"I love you too dear," He reached out and booped Sakusa nose
"And I love you too, Sakusa."
-16 years later-
Sakusa pov-
I was texting Atsumu, my boyfriend about practice and such.
'Tsumu: Hey sweet, adorable love of my life ♥♥! I have a question
Omi: Please use normal pet-names
'Tsumu: Nah
Omi: 😶😑Yes, dear?
'Tsumu: When am I gonna meet your parents? 🤔
Omi: You can come over after practice, if you want.
'Tsumu: Woah! 😲 Really?!
Omi: Sure, I don't care.
'Tsumu: Wait, aren't you at practice too?
Omi: Yeah we're taking a water break
'Tsumu: Well, I'll leave you alone! Love you! See you later tonight Omi-Omi! 😍😘💗💓
Omi: See you then, 'Tsumu <3
When I turned off my phone I didn't realize my cousin, Kimori, was standing right over me reading my texts.
"So, hows the married life?
"CHRIST!" I yelped
I regained my composure as the rest of the team looked over, "Great, how are you and that snake boy?" I was referring to Suguru Daishou, who was the captain of the Nohebi Academy volleyball team.
Kimori let out a gasp of betrayal, "Rude!"
The coach called us back onto the court, I stood up and ran back to the court with my team.
--After practice--
I sat there at the train stations coffee shop and sipped on a thing of tea while working on my laptop. I wanted to finish up school work before 'Tsumu got here, after all. While I was typing away on a writing assignment, my phone buzzed, it was one of my dads, Phichit Lee. I finished typing the paragraph, I placed a period, picked up my phone and went to answer the message.
Pops: Hey Kiddo👋, me and your dad will be late coming home from practice. Stop by the rink ⛸⛸ if you need anything! ♥♥
Kiyoomi: Will do. Also I will be having my boyfriend over.
Pops: Oh! 😲 Me and your dad can stay out later if you need us to😁
Kiyoomi: No, he wanted to meet you and dad.
Pops: We'll try to get home early in that case!
Kiyoomi: Alright good luck with that pair skate practice
Pops: We're gonna need it 😗
After about 15 minutes I looked out of the store and saw that Tsumu's train was pulling in, I got in and waited closer to the train for him. Once he got out I called out for him.
"'Tsumu!" I called
When I did that he ran full speed at me and wrapped his hands around my neck, with my hands wrapping around his waist.
He started placing kisses on my cheeks, "Its been so long!"
I laughed, "Its been a week."
"Same difference!"
I gave a final smile before I grabbed the fake blondes hand and led him to my car.
"So, I'm meeting your parents today?"
I nodded, "They may be late home, but yes."
We got into the car and kept talking about what was going to happen tonight,
"I'm so nervous, y'know?"
"Heh, you don't need to be, don't worry."
I then remembered something, "Also my uncle is dropping by so you'll get to meet them."
"Oo! Cool!"
I plugged my aux cord and handed the phone to 'Tsumu, "Its your turn for music this weekend dear, please don't play The Bee Movie sound track the whole way home."
"Awh! You're lucky I love you Omi!"
He put on Shinedowns new album Amaryllis, so I was happy.
"Nice song choice."
Tsumu rested my hand on top of mine which was already resting on his thigh.
"Do you want me to stop and get coffee or something? Or do you wanna head straight to my place?"
"Meh I had coffee earlier, we can head to your place."
"Oh you haven't been to my place before have you? It's always me visiting you."
"Yeah! That just makes me more excited!"
I smiled.
We finally pulled into the garage of the apartment complex and exited the car. When we entered the lobby Atsumu spoke up, "This is a really nice looking place."
"Yeah my folks make good money so we have a good sized apartment." I explained as we walked to the elevator
I hit the '8' button and waited till the doors re-opened, we exited as an elderly couple entered and walked to the apartment as the numbers went up across the doors, 801, 802, 803, 804... Finally we reached the apartment, with the silver plaque reading 810. I twisted the key and was instantly greeted by Snow and Makkachin. Makkachin was staying here just because Victor and Yuuri were in Russia and Makkachin was getting too old to travel, y'know, being 15 and all.
Atsumu instantly got down on his knees to give Snow head scratches, "Oh my god! You have dogs! Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Snow is my parents and Makkachin," I said pointing to the dogs as I mentioned them, "Is just staying here till my uncle comes to get them today."
"They're so pretty!"
Me and Atsumu took off our shoes, I went to the kitchen, filled up the dogs bowls, washed my hands and then crashed on the couch.
Once Atsumu noticed my presence he laid his head on my lap "Your place is nice, Omi-Omi."
"..Can I change positions so we can both be comfy?" I asked
Atsumu nodded and sat up so I could lay down, Atsumu then laid onto my chest, listening to my breathing and heart beat.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
-10 minutes later-
After we laid there and watched tv for a bit, I heard a knock on the door, "That must be my uncle." Atsumu shot up, and followed me to the door.
When I opened it, I saw my uncle, Nikiforov-Katsuki Yuuri and his husband Victor standing to his left. Once they took a step in the door Makkachin came bolting towards them
"Makkachin! My baby!" Victor called out as he lifted Makkachin into his arms.
Atsumu stood in surprise for a minute while I talked to them. Does he know that they're famous figure skaters? No, I think his twin brother Osamu and his team captain Kita are into that stuff.
"So, before you go I want you to meet someone," I started, I gestured to my boyfriend as I spoke, "This is my boyfriend, Atsumu Miya."
Yuuri smiled and shook his hand, "Its a pleasure to meet you, Atsumu."
After Victor did the same they turned to leave before Atsumu spoke up, "Wait! Can I get your autographs? My captain and brother are big figure skating fans and they would kill me if I passed this up."
Victor and Yuuri laughed and nodded, "Sure! We'd love to!"
Victor and Yuuri signed the autograph to Osamu and wrote below it, "Your brothers cool!" and the one to Kita with "The best captain ever! Kita!"
"Thank you."
"Of course! Your family now after all!"
After we said our goodbyes, Yuuri and Victor left me and my boyfriend alone again. I looked at Atsumu, grabbed his hand and we walked back over to the couch to watch tv while Snow slept on her bed near us. Atsumu kept insisting that we watch Gilmore Girls until I finally gave in and we ended up binging to season 3.
"I'm telling you! Luke is the best!"
"Aand why do you think that?"
I shrugged, "Meh Lorelai is better."
We kept bickering like children for a few minutes before I pulled my lover in for a kiss, that managed to shut him up. But his red face was too cute to not kiss over, and over, and over again. So that's exactly what I did.
"A kiss here." I said giving a kiss on his cheek, "And a kiss for the other side," "A kiss here," "And a kiss here,"
I laughed, stopping my kissing spree after I kissed every spot on his face, "I love you."
"I love you more, baby dearest."
I smiled, "Just call me baby or dear. Baby dearest sounds weird."
"Awh but its cute!"
Snow barked as they awoke from their nap
"See? Even snow agrees that its cute!"
I looked over at Snow with a deadpan look, "Really? I know you like my boyfriend because he gave you belly rubs, but, really?"
--When Seung-gil and Phichit got home--
I was too focused on the snoring Atsumu on my chest to hear the clicking of the front door, the removal of shoes, or the hanging of keys. It was only when I was a flash off a camera did I know that my parents saw my boyfriend laying on my lap.
My dad started rapidly typing on his phone, "Seung-gil! Get in here! This is adorable!"
The black haired Korean walked into the room, "Phichit, lets let them relax and get dinner started ok?"
"OK!" After that, Seung-gil was walking to the kitchen and Phichit speed walking to keep up.
After a few more minutes Atsumu woke up from his nap with a yawn, "Hey Omi-kun."
"Good morning dear."
I started petting his head when spoke, "Did your parents come home?"
"Shh.. I just wanted you to sleep, its fine."
Then I heard a gasp from the kitchen
My dads had came peaking out from the corner 2 seconds later, "Atsumu, this is my dad."
The cheerful boy sat up and shook my dads hand, "Hi, I'm Atsumu Miya."
"Im Phichit Lee."
"Hold on im gonna go get your other dad." My dad said before leaving the room to go grab his husband.
"You never asked."
"Humph." Atsumu huffed, turning his head.
"Oh come on.. Look at me dear."
"I'll let you see baby pictures of me later." I offered.
I sighed and grabbed his hand, "We'll go get fatty tuna tomorrow with Kimori and his boyfriend."
Atsumu head perked up, "Yes! I love you!"
After that, my dad came in the room with my other dad, "My name is Seung-Gil Lee." He greeted before shaking Atsumu's hand.
After that we sat down at the dinner table, with me and Atsumu on one side and my parents on the other.
"So how long have you two been together?" Phichit asked
"Since our first year of Highschool." I answered
My dads smile grew, "Wait! Are we the first ones in the family to know?!"
"Nah, Uncle Leo and Guang-Hong know."
He gasped dramatically and put a hand on his chest, "My own squad betraying me like that, so tragic~"
"Also heres a question." Atsumu started
"Whos your favorite character in Gilmore Girls?"
"Luke." Seung-Gil said
This caused my dad to look at him with bewilderment, "Am I just getting betrayed tonight?! Lorelai is SO much better!"
After we finished eating we went to the living room and chatted.
"So what happened at practice?"
"Oh I got a story," Seung-gil started, putting his cup down.
"So you know how me and your dad are skating on the same rink as the Russian team till our rink gets redone?"
"So apparently Georgi is dating that one French skater."
"Which one?"
"Jean.. Douche? Y'know that Akaashi boys dad."
That comment made Atsumu nearly spit out his drink, Phichit's dark eyes went wide, "Are you ok?!"
"Yeah, my best friends just dating Akaashi so it was just surprising that he's part French."
"Wait, I thought Oikawa was your best friend?"
"I have multiple best friends, Omi."
"Anyway, so, I heard that Kimori got a boyfriend~"
"Phichit, dear, love of my life, please don't tell me your using your sisters kids life as blackmail."
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Yeah he does." I answered
"Do you have photos?!"
"Dad, I wouldn't be your child if I didn't have blackmail."
I quickly pulled up a photo and showed it to my dads,
(Here's the photo, credit to the artist)
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And with that my dad started gushing over the photo, "Awh! Thats so cute!"
"Speaking of cute, do you have Sakusa's baby photos?"
"Oh you bet I do!"
For the next half an hour they looked at baby photos.
Once Atsumu got ready to leave, he asked for a final thing, "Can I get your autographs? My captain and twin brother love figure skating and you two are some of their favorites."
They nodded and signed the papers, and with that, I gave Atsumu a kiss on the cheek and he left.
"Sooo whens the wedding?"
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Harry Hook's Daughter -Chapter 1
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Hello. I'm Harry Hook Son Captain Hook and First Mate To Uma daughter of Ursula and I have a two-month-old daughter name, Abaddon Harriet Hook.
My life change when Abaddon was born but I'm still the pirate that people are scared of on the isle and everyone told me that love is stupid but I thought so before Abaddon my little pirate princess came into my life.
Abaddon Mother is an ex-girlfriend of mine. When Abaddon was born her mother wanted to put her up for adoption bc she wasn't ready to become a mother yet.
When I got to hold Abaddon for the first time. I knew that this little girl is going to be my entire world and I was already wrapped around her finger.
Her mother told me to choose her or her daughter. I choose our daughter and I think that I'm made the right decision.
Her mother threw a fit like she was saying that our daughter was a huge mistake and it was my fault. Um, It takes two make a baby but something in me snapped that day.
Uma had to hold me back from Slicing her with my sword and I wanted to hook her so bad but when I thought about my daughter that hook her mother isn't worth it.
I told her to get off the isle of the lost and if she doesn't. It going to be a lot of blood everywhere and I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty.
Next time I see her, I'm going to let Uma have her and she can be fish bait or she can walk the plank tied up and feed to the sharks, Idc what happens to her, she is dead to me and my princess.
Abaddon doesn't need her mother in her life, she has me, aunt Uma, uncle Gil. Her mother is better off dead than in my life and my daughter.
People had told me that I'm cold-hearted and I don't care about anyone, they are wrong my heart already belongs to my daughter and I only care about her.
I would never change life for the one that I have now with my daughter.
I pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Abaddon crying. I'm coming to my pirate princess I said as I put my hook on my belt as I bent down over the crib.
Hey, What Wrong I said as I pick up my two-month-old daughter from the crib. I put her on my hip and show her my shiny hook and she stops crying.
Is that what you wanted I asked with a smile. She reached out to grab it with her little fingers. I'm taking that as a yes I said.
You are my daughter all right since I like shiny things to I said with a grin.
She just giggles.
We are going to see Aunt Uma and Uncle Gil Today, aren't you excited Princess I said.
She just throws her arms down and started giggling.
Let's get you dress I said.
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Now your dress, let's go see Uma, Gil I said. I grab her Pacific any case she started to cry and if she does Gil can do something weird and she will start gigging.
( Ursula Restaurant )
Finally, You are here Harry Uma said.
I would have been here fast if this princess didn't start crying I said as I look down at my daughter.
Aw, don't blame Miss Pirate Abaddon Uma said with a smile.
You want to go to Aunt Uma, I said.
She reached out for Uma.
Hey Miss Pirate Abaddon, Aunt Uma Miss You, Uma said with a smile. 
Harry Come on Uma yelled.
Coming Captain I said as I follow her and my daughter. 
Here You Go Uma said as she hands Harry his food and hands him Abaddon.
Hey, Princess did you have fun with Aunt Uma I asked?
She just threw her arms up and down and start giggling.
I take that as a yes I said as I eat another fish stick.
Uma turns on the tv and sees Mal and Ben.
Hey, I said as Uma took a fish stick and threw it at the tv.
Poser, She Yelled.
You wanted to throw one, my pirate princess, I said as I grab a fish stick and move it intAbaddon' son's hands and help her throw it at the tv.
Great Job it landed right on KinBen'sen face I said with a smirk. My daughter continues to giggle at the tv cover in food.
Traitor I yelled but nobody, not even Gipaysay attention t.
Hello?! Uma yelled.
All of the restarts booing and throwing their fooonat the tv. I walk over to the tv with my daughter on my hip. I would love to wipe their smiles off their face as I wiped the sauce and was about to eat it when my own daughter bet me to it.
Ugh, that snooty little witch who grabbed anything she wanted and left me nothing Uma said.
What my name Uma called out.
Uma I sad.
What my name Uma asked Gl.
,  U  m Uma Gil saidwitha h mouth full of food.
This is all hands on deck
Calling out to lost boys and girls
I'm gettin' tired of the disrespect
We won't stop 'til we rule the world
It's our time, we up next! (Next, next)
Our sail's about to be set (set, set)
They ain't seen nothing yet
Tell 'em who's in charge so they don't forget
What's my name, what's my name? (Uma)
Say it louder
What's my name, what's my name? (Uma)
Feel the power
No one's gonna stop us soon the world will be ours
What's my name what's my name?
What's it, what's it, say it, say it loud
(Uuuuuuma, Uuuuma)
All eyes on me, let me see 'em (Uuuuuma, Uuuuuma)
What's it, what's it, say it, say it
(Uma ah ah)
I'm the queen of this town
I call the shots, you know who I am
don't need to wear any fake crown
Stand up to me, you don't stand a chance
It's our time, we up next (next, next)
My crew's as real as it gets (gets, gets)
The worst is now the best
And leaving us herWillll be their last regret
What's my name what's my name? (Uma)
Say it louder
What's my name What's my name? (Uma)
Feel the power
No one's gonna stop us soon the world will be ours
What's my name what's my name?
What's it, what's it, say it, say it
You know what they say Bad girls have all the fun
Never learned how to count 'cause I'm number one
Ready here, we come We always get our way
It's a pirate's life, every single day (hey!)
She's the captain, I'm the first mate
Enemies seasick can't see straight
Call 'em fish bait, throw 'em on a hook
Uma's so hot they get burned if they look
It's all eyes on me, let me see 'em
I see your eyes on me boys, hey
You know what my name is
Say it, say it louder
Ho, woah
Come on
What's my name what's my name? (Uma)
Say it louder
What's my name What's my name? (Uma)
Feel the power
No one's gonna stop us soon the world will be ours
What's my name what's my name?
What's it, what's it, say it, say it
(Uuuuuuma, Uuuuuma)
All eyes on me, let me see 'em (Uuuuma, Uuuuma)
What's it, what's it, say it, say it
Oh, say it louder (Uuuuuma, Uuuuuma)
Oh, say it louder (Uuuuuma, Uuuuuma)
What's it, what's it, say it, say it
I set my change to rain down on Auradon, I will take it, they're going to forget that girl and remember the name.
Shrimpy! Gil said.
Even Abaddon sent a death pout to Gil as Aunt Uma glared at him and look at me.
Come On I said with my daughter on my hips as I pushed Gil outside with my hook.
I walk back outside and warned him again with my hook by his neck.
Uma we will be right back I yelled as Abaddon and I walk off the steps and into the town of the isle.
I move Abaddon to my other arm and trying not to wake her from her beauty sleep.
Never wake up my daughter from her sleep, bc it's not pretty and she will give death and mad pout at whoever woke her like Gil did one time.
I watch her lip turn into a little smirk, I just smile at that bc she already acts like me and she is only two months.
I'm walking through the isle with my sleeping daughter and taking whatever I wanted.
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I walk back to Ursula Restaurant with my sleeping daughter.
I walk in and I was about to put my sword in the bucket but I held on to it, bc Ik that Gil going to do something bad and it going make angry that I'm going try to kill him
I look around for Uma and Gil but I can't find him or her. They must be on the ship I said as I walk back outside to the ship.
( Uma Ship)
I finally found Uma sharpling her sword.
How did Miss Pirate Abaddon like the walk with her dad Uma asked with a smile on her face?
I think that she likes it since she slept the whole time I said.
Well, it was her nap time Harry Uma said.
Here can you hold her, bc I need to sharpen my sword as well I said?
I don't mind at all watching this cutie and she needs to spend time with her aunt Uma, without her father Uma said as she takes still sleeping Abaddon out of Harry's arms.
Uma!! Harry!! Gil yelled as he got onto the ship
Wah! Wah!
Thanks a lot, you woke her up, Uma said glaring
Oops, Gil said
I walk up to Gil with ann evil look in my eye and I just smile at him before I grab my sword and start chasing him with it
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I'm TO KILL YOU GIL FOR WAKING UP MY DAUGHTER I said as I continued trying to slice his head off.
I'm sorry Gil said before ducking from me swing my sword over his head
Get back here you little shit I said as I continued trying to kill him.
Uma!! Help Me!! Harry trying to kill me !! Gil said as he runs for his life
Nah I'm good and It would have been worst for you if I chase you, bc I will have tied you up and you would be fish bait for waking her up Gil, Uma said with a Smirk
If I catch you, I might slice off an arm or one of your legs I said as I chase him around the ship.
Uma!! I don't want to be murder by Harry, Gil said as he ducks again as Harry swings his sword at him.
This is your fault Gil isn't that right Miss Pirate Abaddon Uma said with a smile as she kisses the baby's forehead and watches Harry trying to kill Gil.
Hiya!! I finally Got You little shit, I said as I have my sword by his throat.
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( Later that night )
Harry goes home now Uma said. Captain, I can't, I have to work the night shift I said.
Please Go Home Now, Your Daughter can't even hold her open anymore that how tired she is Uma said.
Fine Captain, I will go home but what about the night shift I asked?
That is Gil Job now since he woke up this cutie Uma said as she rubs sleeping Abaddon's forehead.
Thank You, Captain,I said as I say goodbye.
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shslflamingarrow · 6 years
if you're still looking for flaming arrow prompts... the ship they're on somehow crashes and the gang gets stuck on a snowy planet. maggie and gil are off somewhere (probably searching the surrounding area, but most likely lost and arguing which way to get back), while odin and ava have just finished setting up a temporary base/shelter type thing. odin is badly injured from the crash but he's trying to hide it. it's also really hecking cold but luckily ava is a human radiator.
During a crash, everything happens too fast to process. Your mind stops, and is focused on one thing. Maybe it’s the sound, the feeling, sometimes it’s just the shock of a crash. Only one thing invades your senses. 
“Is-is e-e-e-everyone okay!?” Odin shoots up first. All he remembers is his grip on the steering. His brain screaming pull up! pull up! pull up! He was pulling up as hard as he could on the steering wheel. This one wasn’t as bad as the last. He’d been in control. Their tumble out of the ship gave them an easy but cold landing. Their fall was broken by the powdery snow around them. It was soft enough to break in his hands but how many inches? His arm shot deeper into it as he moved. Looking over his shoulder, he realized they were surrounded by snow.
“I’m okay!” Maggie is rubbing her bottom, but she’s standing. She managed to find solid footing on the ships wing, detached from the flaming mess that they were previously in. All she remembers is screaming. 
“Fine!” Gil shouts, trying to wrench himself from a snowbank. He was struggling in the powder to get up. His memory of the crash fills him with the sight of pure white, getting closer and closer. TiTIAN, he had thought. Just snow.  Not really fine, but alive so Odin moved on with the headcount. 
“A-Ava?” The three of them looked around. 
“Sorry! Sorry, I’m down here! The snow... melted.” She was down the hill from them a bit. A glowing orange dot, under the surface of white. Odin and Maggie were both chuckling, but Gil was still to busy to notice. 
Getting up, Odin first hoisted the taller male out of the snow, planting him steady on his feet. If Gil was thankful, he didn’t say so. But Odin kept walking, sliding down the slope to where Ava was. 
As he does, there’s a sharp pain in his side. He now realizes, as he’s rubbing it on the snow and ground, there’s a cut in his leg. Figuring more snow is probably what’ll numb it, he shoves a fistful of the stuff, packed over it. 
“Th-there you are,” he says reaching Ava. Above them, Gil has made his way to Maggie and they’re talking pointing in the direction of the trees. Probably wondering where to go next. Odin doesn’t know if he can hike on his leg... 
“Here I am.” She’s glowing, but there’s also a glisten of moisture on her skin. Everywhere she steps is melted mush, and she keeps trying to move, only worsening the situation. 
“W-we should f-f-find...” He pauses, and his face winces as he looks around. “S-shelter.” Ava nods quickly figuring that’s best. 
“Are you hurt?” She asks, trying to peer around him to find the source of his grimace. 
“It’s a scratch.” Ava recoils at his words. Something feels off, but she can’t detect anything wrong with him now. She’s not a medical professional like... She looks up the hill. 
“Hey, Gil!” 
“There’s mountains around, so there’s gotta be caves, right?” It’s a logcal assumption, and as it turns out, not too far off base. 
“Hey way to go Maggie, this is perfect!” It’s still freezeing, and everyone is shivering in the darkness but Ava doesn’t seem to mind. She dims the parts of the cave she enters, and though it’s not really enough to see it’s something. Of course she doesn’t mind. 
Everyone else is left rubbing their arms, trying to find some friction to relieve them from the chill. 
“This isn’t just a scratch.”
“I knew it!” Ava said at Gil’s conclusion. 
“It’s a puncture wound. There’s a stick in it. Not pretty, don’t look.” Ava doesn’t need to be told twice, though they’ve all seen their fair share of gore by now. “He can’t walk on this.” 
“So we’ll leave him here, and go see if this planet is inhabited.” Maggie gets to her feet, ready to abandon the cave in hopes of finding a building.
“We can’t leave him by himself, he’ll freeze here,” Gil points out. He does have a point. 
“It’s not that cold.” Ava says looking at them incredulously. Both pairs of gem colored eyes fall on her, and then to one another. 
“We’ll be back in an hour. Two tops.” 
“No!” Ava says. She doesn’t want to be left alone with someone who’s injured. It makes more sense for Gil to stay. 
“You have to keep him warm.” Maggie shoots back, reminding her of this for the dozenth time. 
“No!” Ava parrots. 
“He might die if you don’t.” Gil points out. She falls notably silent, and they take it as a yes. Maggie takes her by the shoulders, and walks the now awkwardly lanky Ava to where Odin is slumped on the wall. 
“Just sit right here.” Maggie drops her in the spot next to him. Maggie looks at her with an inch between her and Odin. She shakes her head and scoots her closer. 
“Your warm, but you’re not a heater. You need to touch him.” Her green eyes are expectant and Ava’s maroon look at Odin. His face is already looking pale. He’s obviously exhausting, his breathing shuddering. Her arm moves unsure, like a teenage boy on a first date, with a small quiver to snake around his neck.
Despite Ava’s protesting, Gil and Maggie leave her with Odin slumped on her, under the only blanket they salvaged from their things. His puncture wound is on the leg furthest from her. Gil says it’s keeping the blood in, and to leave it for now. 
“S-s-shit. You’re h-,” Odins voice hitches, not a stutter, but like he stopped himself “warm.” He’s pressing closer to her, almost internationally. She’s the only source of warmth, and she’s like a camp fire.
“Uh.” She doesn’t know what to say. “It’s the vengess in me.” Yeah that. Sure. 
“H-huh.” It’s not a question, but a statement. The acknowledging of an interesting fact. Mostly he just looks tired, with his eyes drooping more and more each second.
“Are you supposed to sleep?” She asks him. “Is this like a head injury?” Did that make sense? His eyes continued to close though, as he pushed more and more of his weight on Ava’s side. Her lips tremble as a nervous whimper escapes. His arm is dangling, in a limp way like a rag doll, over her abdomen. “S’fine.” He mumbles before his head drops with a dangerous sense of finality. Ava is pretty sure he’s out cold, but she still can’t stop the blush rising under her skin. It only makes her hotter and hotter, even if it is too much for Odin, he can’t really move. She shouldn’t be embarrassed but this is the closest she’s ever been to anyone, let alone a boy. 
His forehead is tucked into the crook her of neck, to practically shove his whole face flat on her. If she still had a chest (made of actual flesh, not wood) it would have been even worse but... 
He’s just seeking warmth! Ava chides herself, forcing her eyes to look away. But there’s really nothing else in the cave. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to close her eyes too?
“Hey we’re in luck we-,” Maggie came into the cave they’d left behind shouting, but faltered upon seeing them.
“Maggie they’re sleeping,” Gil chides her, looking at the pair. Their slumped position only slid further, Odin now leaning almost his full weight on her as he tries to take up any warmth. Meanwhile Ava has clearly taken her job as space heater seriously as she’s accepted his presence on her with an open arm.  
But that was disturbed now, as Ava’s eyelids fluttered with consciousness. 
“Huh...? What’s-, Where?” She’s looking around with her eyesight blurred, as her hands hit the solid mass weighing on her. Foreign but it smells... nice.
“Ava! You’re awake. We gotta get Odin to the-,”
“Odin?” She parrots sleepily. “Where’s O-, Oh.” He’s there. The mass. Suddenly her body jerks awake, wrenching away from him. How could she let herself get so comfortable?
Her sudden movement woke Odin up, instantly reminding him of the pain in his thigh. 
“S-shit.” His voice is hoarse from sleep, and his hand moves to rub his back, aching from the awkward angle he’d been leaning at. 
“Well you two sure looked cozy,” Maggie tells them, as both teens sit blearily in the haze of having just woken up. “Come on we gotta get you down the hill. You can lean on Ava. Since you’re so keen on it.” 
“W-w-w-wha-, hey!” Odin tries to protest, fighting the drowsy feeling with sudden shouting, but he’s tired. “I wasn’t-,” 
“Whatever, let’s just go! It’s freezing.” We don’t all have a human hot water bottle. 
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