#they're girls bc i fucking love drawing women
iluvkmnr · 26 days
fem! cross guild
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xycuro-illuminati · 1 year
Why didn’t you like the current Daredevil run?
I'll do a speed round here we go:
- Horrible character assassination on everyone especially Matt and Elektra.
- Zdarsky was v clearly inspired by the mcu Netflix show so the run had a severe case of mcu-ification
- The way he wrote women was atrocious (examples: Elektra, Kirsten, Mindy, literally everyone else)
- The shitty retcon to Elektra's backstory going from the sheltered sweet girl that loved her father sm that when he died it broke her to the point of grief and revenge that she became an assassin and it shattered her worldview to the stupid fucking backstory the mcu tried pulling of her being a spy sent by the Hand to recruit Matt.
- Whitewashed Kirsten AND gave her blue eyes
- the obnoxious way of how Matt was written in terms of religion to the point where he went from caricature to straight up crusader colonizer preaching
- Matt is so horrible in this run this is the most OOC he's ever been it legit feels like reading an mcu dd fanfic from someone who barely watched the show and only took word of fanon and saw gifsets
- Zdarsky tried grabbing story plots from previous runs and executed them horribly to the point where he only grabbed the worst shit from it (the ableism, infantalization, and sexual assault)
- Daredevil Elektra as a concept; it doesn't work. I'm sorry, cool outfit and all, but the Daredevil mantle isn't like the Spider-Man one where anyone can wear the mask. Daredevil was specifically for Matt to process his trauma of losing his father and used it to gain justice where the system would fail for his city. His upbringing fits the mantle and the only person who would fit that mantle is Sam Chung. With Elektra it doesn't work and it's on par with the whole "wife takes the husband's last name" but worse. My friend @thosemintcookies has made better points about this.
- Whitewashed Sam Chung and made him just sit at a cave waiting for the Beast or some shit
- Speaking of the Beast, the Hand being the big bad guys of the whole run sucks. Can we leave the Hand behind please the ninja clan isn't the ultimate dd villain.
- Foggy is just there. He doesn't do much and he's just THERE. It sucks. And he throws around the term catholic guilt for no fucking reason. The guilt Matt feels is regular guilt please shut the fuck up Zdarsky.
- Brought back Mike Murdock and did some decent writing on him only to kill him off. Cool, what was the whole point of that.
- Pulled a gotcha on making us think that zdarsky killed off Kirsten in a train explosion but it turned out she was fine which was so foul. Daredevil comics are NOTORIOUS for fridging female characters so that shit was just unacceptable idc argue with a wall.
- Checcetto's art style sucks I'm gonna be honest. The novelty of it being pretty ended v quickly as soon as he drew poc and holy shit he cannot draw them nor can he draw any other expression.
- Did I mention the ableism? And the infantalization? And the fetishization of Matt's disability? No? Okay well this post covers it all here.
- It gets into racist territory too with how they write Sam and the Hand
- This romantic mattelektra agenda makes my skin itch they're not romantic they're tragic their whole deal is that they could never go back to how they were as lovebirds in college. Soule broke up Kirsten and Matt and they kept it like that for this shlop I'm gonna kill you zdarsky and I'm making Elektra a lesbian now.
- Back to Elektra's character; zdarsky takes the cake in "Let's make Elektra's whole life and character revolve around Matt and Matt only". Making her quit her ways and making Matt treat her like shit by calling her a murderer despite the fact that in previous runs he would NEVER do that and has ACCEPTED that this is who Elektra is.
- Speaking of the murderer shit; Matt is a huge hypocrite in this run and not in a good or fun way. Homeboy got rescued by the other Defenders but then got mad and called them murderers bc they've admitted to killing people and it's the most fanficy thing I've ever read. Zdarsky, did you know. That Matt has known Jessica, Luke, and Danny for years now? Did you know that he already knows that they've killed people before? Did you know that he's teamed up with killers plenty of times (see: Elektra, Natasha, Frank Castle) and doesn't make a big shit about it? Did you know that Matt has killed people before in previous runs?? Did you know that zdarsky?? Bc it's clear he doesn't know.
- Whenever Spider-Man shows up Zdarsky writes him better than anyone in the run and this is a Daredevil run mind you
- Shitty ass writing. Shitty plot bc we've seen it all and there's nothing done. OOC on everyone. Misogynistic writing at its finest. Whitewashed characters. Stupid religious pandering bs that only the mcu girlies would like. Terrible run overall.
@thosemintcookies @froggynelson @faacethefacts @xuanelle @daresplaining @briefcasejuice @evileyeamulet
Feel free to add more or elaborate more on my post I'm giving yall the stage if you want it.
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youremyheaven · 5 months
Hey! I'm really sorry if this is a dumb or annoying question, I get it if it is, because i'm aware compatibility is a very broad concept 😭 So... I'm ardra moon and Sun dk and Ive ALWAYS fell for sun nakshatra men (all of them in their moon) maybe mars and saturn too but always Sun. In Claire Nakti's rahu dominant women video, she explains why rahu dominants are attracted to yang planets and sun men so I get it. But in your opinion are rahu and sun dominants mutually compatible? because I always have this experience of getting obsessed with them but them not giving a special fuck about me and not understanding me. and i love every part of them except that. like we can be friends with no problem but i never feel special and i wonder if sun men like us rahu girls or not 😭😭😭 im fine if they dont but i really wanna know! so if you can give me your opinion at least in general, i'll appreciate it! ❤️
OoOoh this is a v interesting question!! Tbh I don't think these connections are very healthy in general and although individual synastry will also dictate the course of a relationship, I feel like while Rahuvians are drawn to Yang planets/Solar men because they're in the darkness and reaching for the light, the people whose light or energy they seek to absorb is bound to feel very ??? by their presence. They could feel drained by you or they could feel irritated bc they can sense you trying to draw them in and they don't want to give you their "light" if that makes sense? Sun in general is self serving, it represents the ego, Solar men do not have a very "giving nature" in my observations. I have noticed a similar dynamic with Ketu & Jupiter as well. Ketuvians are pulled in by Jupiter's expansiveness and Jupiter being very giving leads to a very obsessive but abusive and unhealthy relationships
Nodal people in general tend to be very obsessive in romance and the source of this obsession/limerence is their need to feed on someone's yang energy/light to feel stable. I had a friend with Rahu & Ketu big 3 who for a few years was obsessed with a certain celebrity to a creepy concerning extent and then finally she moved on but I always thought it was a way for her to hang on to something?? i think it's very easy to project onto someone and be completely obsessed with them when in reality the fact that they ignore u or pay u no mind is enough to lose interest in them entirely???
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cios-correct-opinions · 3 months
big ol tl;dr for anyone looking:
if ppl "not appreciating" female characters by creating content for them bc they don't want to bothers you that much? there's only one thing you can and should do:
but if you don't wanna do that and you don't wanna pay someone to, then stop complaining.
(note re: the discourse thing/me wanting to "start discourse": i only reblogged onto my "discourse" sideblog bc i didn't want this on my main blog. not bc i think it's automatically discourse. political stuff just goes over here now so i can keep the things more separated for my own sake)
op of the post blocked me but im genuinely baffled at this response
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because how in the fuck did you gather ANY of that from me saying this
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brother all i did was define what the word means. like i am so baffled as to how you decided that i was implying op was transphobic or some shit bc i absolutely was not!
nor was i trying to start discourse. i was literally just saying that, in my experience in the circles i'm in and the people i've seen, doing both is possible and they often do both. i'm not a huge fan of cis genderbends myself in any direction because if i'm gonna genderbend they're gonna be trans given that i am also trans
and then theres this that i said
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which everyone seems to have completely ignored. bc that's the crux of this. it's not that they dislike the canon women it's that they want to take their blorbos they love the most and girl them because that's how fandom works. it's about self indulgence. fandom is supposed to be you doing what you love the most, and engaging with the characters you love the most, bc it's about fun
why are yall trying to force people to post abt characters they may not care for for a number of reasons? bc thats what this feels like. it feels like you want ppl to talk abt, post abt, write abt, draw abt, etc, characters they are not super passionate for, simply bc you believe they should, bc you think what they do in fandom is some kind of formula for their like, actual real world beliefs
i genuinely cannot stress enough to you guys that most peoples actions in fandom are almost entirely divorced from any political meaning. or at least, they were, until people started acting like that was a sin actually and that if you liked this character or if you liked too many male characters and not enough female ones that means youre secretly a misogynist who just hates women so much because you don't post about them all the time
most of my fandom blorboposting ends up being about a handful of any random assortment of characters because that's who my brain latches on to, but that doesn't say shit about my feelings about any other character. specifically in bsd, i mostly post and talk about literally two of the characters WAY more than the others bc they are my favorites. this includes ALL the other characters, just about. most of my fanworks are for them and will continue to be for them because they are my OTP and my top two in this series.
why is this important?
because someone genderbending a male character or multiple of them in order to see a CHARACTER THEY ALREADY THINK ABOUT 24/7 AND LIKE A LOT AND HAVE A DEEP ATTACHMENT TO, as a woman, does not mean they don't love and appreciate the canon women. holy shit. that's what i was criticizing in the original post.
also like. most of the ppl doing the genderbending i see are either women or like, somehow woman-aligned, or wlw/attracted to women in some way, etc. and most of them are making these genderbends bc theyre attracted to the canon character. it's self-indulgence it's ALMOST ALWAYS self-indulgence guys it's FANDOM that's what it's FOR you CANNOT FORCE SOMEONE TO CARE ABOUT A CHARACTER FOR ANY REASON AND STILL MAKE AN ETHICAL ARGUMENT OUT OF IT JFC
it wasn't meant to be discourse on my end either. i was trying to offer an alternate reason or perspective of approaching what op seemed to think was an issue given the wording of the post, by offering my personal experience. i also never said op was wrong, by the way, my expression of disbelief was also put alongside me going "maybe it's just the people i follow" because i tend to follow people who, when they do genderbends, are also avid fans of the canon women too, they just like the men they're genderbending more. hence why they're doing that.
this expectation within fandom that people must create content of female characters - or ANY characters - lest they be accused of despising them or not appreciating them is going to be the death of fandom and i'm so fucking serious. you CANNOT insist people spend their time making shit for FREE that they aren't 100% jazzed and excited about in FANDOM SPACES and then get mad when they don't do that and expect fandom to be something that continues for generations as it has in the past
and for the record seeing as how op reblogged with this which. where do i even start lmao. ik they've written me off as a woman-hating misogynist so i'm not expecting good faith arguments in response from them but, c'est la vie
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linabirb · 7 months
okay i think ive looked through linagram masterlist here is my review
not going to review these who im completely neutral towards like they're... just here... they exist
miki - i like her design and the savior complex is funny
akio - skrunkly, i think his average ass design is his charm point👍 also sorry about the homosexuality
aimi - i like her design and the ideas with bullying are interesting to me, also you should redraw her to a frame from carrie
shun - i find him interesting as a character, neutral about him as a person, a lot of things wrong with him for sure
naomi - gorgeous t2 design and i like her personality, i like the idea of a sort of childish adult. FUCK THEM KIDS 💥 i love when adult women go fuck them kids this is hilairous
eiko - the woman ever 👍👍 thank you for e-dating representation
asahi - skrunkly, happy that i got to draw him out of all people for the new year requests
yurika - i like her, idk why you all people are so mean to her, girls must be covered in blood at all times
riku - boy situationship with a person you're sick of much 👍👍 get it 👍👍 being idolized and because of that isolated since you're not Just a Person like everyone but also not ready to let go of being idolized since you cant experience affection in normal ways👍👍
i think my top of those i like the most would be like ... asahi > naomi > akio > riku > yurika maybes?
also i really like the idea with two (well now three) wardens, that makes the vds much more lively, and the verdicts more, thought through? since you can actually see how the arguments went in their conversations, and you dont have to twist the warden's personality to adapt to the verdict since each represents only one verdict
have you ever made smth like a popularity poll i want to know what is the general rating among the linagrammers im new to the fandom
"sorry about the homosexuality" made me scream you're so right.. sometimes i think about how if akio was straight maybe all of this wouldn't have happened /j
and yes, when i started thinking about naomi's character more, i actually had this idea that like.. "what if we had a character who's an adult woman and who doesn't like children, but she has no idea that she's actually still a child on the inside". her third mv will focus a lot on that too..
thank you for summarizing riku's character 😌😌 the guy actually probably has a god complex that's worse than akio's but his story isn't about that. he's also a god who's kinda tired of his followers but knows he won't be able to do anything without them so.. what a dilemma.. kurae ban ban ban..
actually yes, i kinda went with multiple guards bc i did have only one guard oc at first but when i started to think about the vds the conversations sounded very awkward.. so i was like two guards it is! well now three. it's okay to forget hinode exists btw i forget about him sometimes too writing him is agonizing bc this guy is just linagram komaeda
i think i haven't really made any polls like that and i don't think linagram has like. a really big fandom hdjkskssk i think people were more active when i just started, but i remember making a poll that was like "hey if linagram was a dating sim, who would you date" and kei and eiji got the most votes. sanada brothers are overall very popular i think? and i think if i made a poll like that kei and/or yurika would win djsksls
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luvuwite · 7 months
Hihihi TDTC ask!
Was wondering if there was a reason why the majority of the cast/world are female? Was very curious about that :0
Ofc no reason is also a good reason it's really cool to just have women lead for once I find it really neat :)
OMg!!! YEAH OK!!!
IVE BEEN TRYING to do more male ocs but overall woman are just so much more 😊😊
the actual only ocs that are. importantly. woman?!?!???? Idk if that's how i'd word it LOL but Elyisan (basically God) actually is just a fat lesbian tbh. she thinks the woman anatomy is genuinely a beautiful design so she mimics her appearance off of it :)
the Queens are all woman since in order to pass down the card symbol, it has to come directly from the mother (pregnancy/birth basically) so the kings aren't really as important as the girls, ESP MORE NOW THAN EVER SINCE THE QUEENS.... THEY'RE NOT EXACTLY.... NOT ALL OF THEM ARE STRAIGHT. my woman lovers.
other than that, the other ocs are just all girls bc i fucking love women (i am terrible at drawing men) BUT i'm trying my best to try and... make more men????? I JUST i also enjoy just evil woman/women in power, imo i think there isn't much attention of that trope and IDK its just fun doing it!
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there's no worse place for queer discourse than tiktok bcs why am i seeing chronically online lesbians on there gatekeeping chappell roan from bi girls and saying weird shit like 'only lesbians experience comphet none of you fake gay bitches can relate' and then 3k comments like 'yeah why can't they let us have this one thing' or 'hi i recently came out as bi and don't wanna offend anyone can you explain this to me' followed by and avalanche of biphobia in the answers or better yet bothering bi girls who are speaking about their own relationship with comphet and telling them 'if you don't wanna have that problem just divorce your loving husband of 20 years and go date a woman'
what truly gets me about that is how we as queer people know full well that our identity is not limited to who we fuck and we're the first ones to bring that up when homophobes hit us with that 'as long as you do it in your own four walls' type shit and the whole reason why stems from the fact that heterosexuality itself is a set of rules and regulations 'normal' people are meant to follow rather than just man woman penis vagina sex it is literally a whole lifestyle and you don't even have to be queer to be breaking those rules
like straight culture literally can't process a relationship where a woman is slightly taller than the man they will call michelle obama a man because their brains are so marinated in the heterosexual sauce that they can't even imagine a woman who's not soft small and delicate they see a woman cut her hair short and immediately imagine she's either having a breakdown or a lesbian etcetc
heterosexuality is so much more than who you have sex with and because of that comphet can hit anyone it's not a uniquely lesbian experience there's plenty of fully straight women who'll wake up next to him in the middle of the night and realise they've sacrificed all their hopes dreams and aspirations to get married to a man birth him children and wash shit stains out of his underwear and have an existential crisis because two days ago they were 22 and had their whole life ahead of them and now they're pushing 50 realising they're nothing more than his wife
y'all gotta fight the obsession to draw neat little circles around queer identities where everyone is having a completely unique never before seen experience only those inside can understand or relate to and feeling attacked if someone you placed outside shares in whatever thoughts and feelings you've laid claim to
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wildernezz · 6 months
"It's Different For Girls" -- of Montreal
ALSO SOME OTHER SONGS BY UNDERRATED WOMEN AND NON-DUDE ARTISTS BC YES (also they're all punk bands, i couldnt find many other small artists from other genres and that better change soon or istg):
"So-Called Str8 Grrrl" -- Gina Young
"Kill The Boy Band" -- She/Her/Hers
"Get Loud" -- Kitten Forever
"Corporate Realness" -- Dream Nails
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anightydragon · 6 months
Here are some old sketches of my oc, they're digitigrade but I drew one of them with human legs since the pose was already hard to draw so idk
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(The rest of this post is mostly a rant abt me, my identity, my sexuality, horny shit and my sexual preferences btw, it's very much personal but it's anonymous anyway none of y'all know me irl so feel free to read)
They're aroace, like me, except they could in fact, fuck with anyone, not like me, for the simple reason that I can't even get myself to socialize so fuck someone, even less
They also somewhat have a gender identity, which is probably genderfluid which basically mean that depending on the way I draw them, they might look more feminine or masculine and so idk but they're probably like me and just don't give a shit about gender so you can't really misgender them and they don't really have gender dysphoria since they're just whatever.
Same for me, I'm pretty much a girl for anyone around me but I might be somewhat not but since I don't mind being a girl it's not a big deal. I'm somewhat a girl anyway
Idk if they'd fuck only men or maybe women too, like if they're like me, the little romantic attraction I have is more toward women and the little sexual attraction I have is more toward men but since they would fuck with people they aren't sexually attracted to anyway (or only slightly) they'd probably also fuck women (get fucked by women :3)
I feel like their body type would be exactly like mine (I love my body man I'm so pretty) which is aphrodite body type I think, it's kinda similar
They'd probably have no boobs except if it's to get fucked by a women, then they'd have little ones bc I feel like the gayer, the better, I think I'm allergic to straight people.
I feel like I'd be a sub and a bottom with women and probably a switch with men. I'd rather have a dick when I fuck with men and a vag when I fuck with women
Since I already have a vag, I'd very much like better to have a woman as a lover if I ever somehow fall in love one day or have a friend with benefits relationship, and women are overall better
Or even better yet, a trans woman with no bottom surgery so she can fuck me without strap
Or a trans man maybe? Idk but probably not a cis man, no thanks
Oh and also about my kinks huh well huh I really like being taken care of but I'm also sadistic I think
At first I though that I was just reading too much sadistic gay porn (I'm talking about no one in particular ^v^) but then I remembered child me rp-ing torture in animal jam after "trapping" someone in my den and wondering what that weird feeling was and never questioning why I liked it so much (I must have been like 6yo)
Now looking back at it, I'm wondering why I was so fucking weird but I'm worse now
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ziegenkind094 · 2 years
hello i saw on ur twitter that you read alot and do you have some book recommendations? im open for anything
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1 The Prince of Milk by Exurb1a = if you're like me and can't read any mr. gaiman books bc his writing style bores you to death then this might be for you. really fun cosmic horror/ scifi book. there's some gore, lots of death and a character who's been battling constant suicidal thoughts with several suicide attempts under her belt, so pls be careful
2 The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly = it's about the dark and twisted nature of fairytales, plays during WW 2 and covers difficult topics like loss and death. There's also some murdering and sick experimentation going on, like sewing a human's head on an animal's body etc.
3 Prosper's Demon by K. J. Parker = quick and fun read with an interesting take on exorcism and demon handling. loved the main character's interactions with the demons and how he solved his problems in the book lol
4 Afterlove by Tanya Byrne = sweet book about girls falling in love and then unapologetically staying in love for the rest of the book. srsly, they're so sweet :')
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5 All of Us Villains by Amanda Foody and Christine Lynn Herman = YA about teenagers killing each other in a blood tournament with an intersting magic system. pretty dark, lots of blood and injuries, actual death and, of course, feelings. funniest straight bait i've seen in a while, promising gay romance (not confirmed yet but it's hinted at and I hope we'll see it come true in the sequel). it's a bit of a pynch situation, just with more murder :)
6 The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern = it was recommended to me as a love letter to literature and it really didn't disappoint. one of my favorite books I've read this year. also gay with lovely characters and a stunning world, but has unfortunately one-dimensional and flat villains. it's literally about being gay and liking books (didn't like the pop culture references at the beginning but thankfully that stops after a few chapters)
7 Bunny by Mona Awad = AHHHHHHHH I LOVED IT SO MUCH. really, really, REALLY fucked up. I srsly don't recommend it if you don't like horror and gore and murder. feral women becoming even more feral, committing some actual atrocities most dark academia books don't dare to mention. the main character is bi. the book even made me tear up at the end bc of how it handles the topic of loneliness and despair
8 If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio = you probably witnessed me losing my mind over this book on twitter when i live-tweeted my reading journey. nothing has changed, i still think about this book daily. it's one of the books i'm gonna draw fanart for once i'm done with all of my exams. i can't put into words how much i love it, it makes up like 60% of my personality by now. oliver and james are the bitches i will still cry about in 30 years. the book has one of my favorite endings of all time tbh
9 The Secret History by Tonna Tartt = We've all read it. It's one of my favorites
10 Piranesi by Susanna Clark = it's one of those books you shouldn't know ANYTHING about when going itt, which makes it hard to recommend bc I refuse to say anything about it. If you like dark academia then maybe give it a try. I loved it a lot. it's weird but has a very special place in my heart. pls don't look up th plot. pls don't. srly
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11 Wicker King by Kayla Ancrum = it has a really interestng fantasy concept i wish we would've seen more of. it's about two best friends becoming more and more obsessed with each other while losing themselves in their.... uh.. "game". really felt for them and their desperation to stay together
12 Horseman by Chhristina Henry = a dark retelling of the legend of sleepy hollow with a trans main character who i ADORE and still think about daily. again, lots of death and gruesome, gory scenes. really cool concept. have i mentioned that i love the main character? bc i really love him
13 Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro = if you're interested in scifi that's not a grand and overwhelming space opera than pls give this book a try. it's about AI and the appreciation of life, how do deal with sickness and destiny and loss without losing hope Hope these help a bit. idk why but i prefer reading about unhinged and sad characters in summer. makes me feel good somehow <3 sorry if these are too depressig for you!
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johannestevans · 2 years
i just think house and Wilson should fuck and that
Wilson should top
House should think Wilson throwing him around is great and keep commenting sarcastically about what a big strong man he is
Wilson should be torn between pride and insecurity about it
I also think said pride/insecurity mix should manifest in precisely the way it always does with Wilson: Wilson out loud talking rapidly to justify how him being demanding or whatever as a partner is "manly" and theoretically appealing if they're gay or at least attracted to men
and house who, whenever he manages to get Wilson into one of these insecure rants, keeps grinning and saying, "did I say I didn't like it?"
which just freaks Wilson out MORE
Is Wilson having a little panic about acting on his attraction to men and of all people to house at his age?
yes, a little bit, but not as much as you might think
is he panicking about how House with this new insight to wilson's sexual habits keeps not psychoanlysing him and his past relationships, but tricking WILSON into psychoanlaysing his own?
ABSOLUTELY, and house KNOWS it
and every time wilson tries to turn it around on house and goes well you like it!! what does it say about you that you like when I go out of my way to control you!
and house is like, well i guess the same thing it usually says about our relationship, that we're codependent and I trust you a WEIRD amount, and the same thing it says about my relationship with hookers, that I like my slap tickled and vice versa
wilson: …
house: do you disagree
Wilson: SHUT UP
the Thing I love about house is that as much as I absolutely do feel he's insecure about his relationships and would ultimately assume that Wilson is going to get tired of him at any moment and abandon him, like
his desire to shock and mess with people trumps anxiety every time
house: just because we're having sex with each other doesn't mean we're gay
Wilson from the depths of his new identity crisis: yes it does!!!
house: … (mildly) okay, yes it does
wilson: … (loud, wordless frustration before walking out)
house: (to team) what's HER problem?
also house would apply for literally everything he could bc he's a gay doctor now
and Wilson keeps going, but you keep saying we're not gay
house: but you said we are
wilson: you can't keep saying you're gay just when it benefits you
house, sarcastically: what, you think i should only tell people I'm gay if it'll get me discriminated against? have you decided to have sex with me as a roundabout way of punishing me?
wilson: you can't only be gay when it suits you
house: what about when it suits you?
wilson, backed into a corner and unable to retort:
house: :)
but also you know damn well that Wilson can absolutely humiliate house (lovingly) with loud, public declarations of devotion and affection, serenades, etc, and that he can win literally any argument he wants by doing this bc house can always by defeated this way
house, unable to say a word, shoulders tight as a draw string, stifling a weird embarrassed smile because wilson is literally serenading him?
house, without moving his lips: you know you're gonna give gay doctors such a bad name if you make me kill you
wilson: you keep flirting with women
house: I'm sorry am i not being gay enough for you. i can flirt with men too if it makes you feel better
wilson: well maybe what would make me feel better if you stopped… fishing in other ponds
house: what if I reel one in, are you saying you don't want to share
wilson, squinting: … for a man or a woman
house: does it make a difference which one
wilson: is it homophobic if I say yes
and Wilson responds by reaching out to house's mother, which leaves house somewhere between vulnerable, which he hates, and outplayed, which ofc he loves
if house's parents were homophobic he'd love that, but i feel like his step dad would be like. gruffly supportive
which ofc would send house SPIRALLING bc there's nothing he hates more than that man's approval
chase: if you're gay why have you never tried to fuck me as well as cameron
house: …? do you want me to try to fuck you?
chase: well, no, I'm just saying, I know Cameron is attractive, but so am I, and even, well, I--
house: you're asking me if you're prettier than her
chase: no! I'm not! I'm just saying--
house, to foreman: do you feel upset that I've never tried to have sex with you
foreman, who is not playing this game, and doesn't look up from his paperwork: no
house: I can ask Wilson, I bet he'd say yes
Chase: …
house: you WANT a threesome with me and Wilson
chase: no i don't!!! i just think I'd be the obvious choice if you did!
and I feel like Cameron would be Weird about it and get upset whenever house and/or wilson flirts with women and would say weird things about how they don't show their affection properly or something
and just. i can absolutely see her regularly trying to be Earnest and Meaningful about stuff like wilson and house pranking one another and house like
you know that just because we touch each other in our fun places doesn't mean we can't have OTHER fun, right? in fact--
i just think that half of the people they've ever met would think that house and Wilson are pretending to have sex to troll people
and I think that would infuriate wilson and delight house on every human level
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myonepiece · 4 years
can I ask what are your thoughts about people on tiktok cancelling oda for being "misogynistic"??? I'm a woman and misogyny is a huge word so I got shocked and see what they were talking about and its about this interview where female fans are complaining about the girls characters design and fanservice and he said he cares more about his male audience thats why. One piece is shounen and is male dominated, and you know how they like the non realistic big boobies and hips though I agree that there's too much fanservice and nami and robin's old design were better. But the fanservice criticism is understandable as a woman I would also like a diverse body image for women like how Isayama creates his fem characters which is chefs kiss. Oda draws them poorly (in my opinion) but I like how THEY ARE WELL WRITTEN. I love their mommy milkers but I agree the new fans or anime watchers who's gonna start watching it might feel uncomfy but setting aside their design THEIR BACKSTORIES ARE GOOD. And he writes Zoro as someone who sees women snd men equal so I don't see how he's misogynistic 😅 Misogynist hates women, Oda doesn't hate women he just said that his target audience are men bc op is shonen after all.
I literally love female characters in op they're well written comparing to other shonen that's the same age as one piece that has the same fan service but the girl is just quirky, submissive and has no personality at all. Like Naruto the women are so poorly written and could've had more potential.
Maybe its because I'm already used with the way he drew them but I really love their timeskip faces, they got more drip before I still love them especially Robin
ooo yes interesting, I hope I covered everything in this <3
TW- body image
I’m going to start by saying this is a touchy subject because my body/self-image issues are pretty bad and I don’t like talking about bodies, but I have a lot to say about this specific topic. I do not think Oda is a misogynist, as you said he does write Zoro as someone who views men and women as equal, and a mysoginst wouldn’t do that. he hasn’t done anything in the show that says he hates women, it’s simply his portrayal of them- and more specifically their bodies. that being said, I have a problem with the way he has his female characters look- of course the details and overall animation are amazing, and yes their bodies (especially boobs) are drool worthy, but he could definitely... tone it down a bit. in japan typically are skinny and have low body fat, but the more curvaceous aspect of Oda’s characters are pretty far-fetched. I get why he does it for the men watching, and while that does sound slightly misogynistic, mostly like a stereotypical misogynist, it isn’t- at most it’s sexist. I think that the way the characters look will cause a lot more body image issues in young girls (or just people in general) and that definitely isn’t his plan. it’s giving an unhealthy and unrealistic expectation of women, and maybe more specifically asian women. if he could simply make their boobs a little smaller and overall make their body shapes a little less “perfect” because seriously ALL of them have hourglass bodies except for a few of the villains. and honestly Oda, stop making the glow up so drastically!! Alvida, the large round women who Cody was sailing with when he met Luffy (the very first episodes for reference), was punched by Luffy and flew away, only to show up later and team up with Buggy but she had “glown up” because of Luffy’s punch- she lost all body fat and was left with an hourglass body shape and was then called one of the most beautiful woman in the sea. I mean COME ONE- a fucking punch, Oda?! more statistically speaking, Oda is making his characters follow the beauty standard, I realized this was accurate when Robin’s skin tone changed so drastically as well as Usopp’s, and really all of theirs did- we could have done without that. 
so back to the misogynistic aspect, Oda writes all of his character’s backstories the same, and they’re all awesome. also they typically all show power and fight, if he was a misogynist then I’m willing to bet we owuld get a lot more sorrow and weakness from the females, lots more battles fought exaggeratingly horrible and lost, or always being saved by the men (when in fact some of the men have been saved by the women). while we could do without so much “princess/female needs help saving kingdom/town/something” it’s not too bad. the fanservice is a bit extreme, I hate how they have to show so many bath scenes for the girls and how Nami usually has sideboob/boob in general showing, I find it kind of insulting myself but that’s only my self esteem issues- which I’m sure other people have and feel the same way, so you’re not alone if you do feel that way about it. and when Nami’s boobs tend to pop up from her top, I’m thinking of those scenes in the outfit she wore during the episodes she met Sanji’s brothers. and the fact that when she hugs people their faces go directly into her cleavage doesn’t need to be so drastically pointed out, we don’t need a close up or anything Oda but... thanks? 
one big thing that proves he’s not a misogynist is that a lot of high ranking characters are female; Portgas D. Rouge, Charlotte LinLin (Big Mom), Boa Hancock, Tashigi, Tsuru, Catarina Devon, Alvida, Jewelry Bonney, ect.
he also has a lot of powerful female characters that had large impacts on characters (ex. their mothers) such as: Kuina, Olvia Robin, Bell-mere, Nojiko, Toki, etc.
he also has a number of male characters that are extremely anti-misogynist like Sanji and Zoro as well as Luffy. while Sanji is slightly sexist, he shows no hate towards women, he literally worships them. Zoro and Luffy are much better example because they’re neither sexist or misogynist, neither have any problem fighting a woman. in fact Zoro hates that women are seen as weaker and his whole childhood ass well as life was impacted by Kuina who was trying to prove herself because she was a female and eveyone underestimated her and thought she couldn’t be/wasn’t a swordsman- Zoro expressed his anger at that because he doesn’t see why anyone would think that. and Luffy simply just couldn’t care less about what gender someone is.
so all in all, Oda is not a misogynist, his portrayal of female characters is sexist at most but he is no woman-hater.
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momochimchim · 3 years
I'm curious who are your favorites out of your ocs?
I'm not sure what the series are that you're drawing them for, but they're all very elegant looking. So full of life 🤍
What are your favorites like if you have the time to explain?
Right now, i personally like Neo, the crazy(?) younger brother of one of my histories 🤔 He's a little childish, a little too Immature. Also he's obsesive over a girl who crearly shows her despise towards him (i think i didn't showed her yet), He kind of wants a motherly figure but twisted. He has a lot of traumas and his brother is in love with him so yeah ... Why my histories are so fucked up oh god. I like Than, the older brother, too<33 both of them got serious issues-
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I like Yuu (Or Yoru? 🤔) too! He's a vampire king of a mixed kingdom! I actually don't have too much decided for him, whether he's a noble vampire or a converted one... I like him bc despite being small he's without doubt better than most of the adults out there💪🏻. Also even when he looks cold, he's indeed very kind hearted, loyal too<33 Truly a capable and trusty one
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From the same universe of Yuu, I like YanYan and Mirai(I might change his name tho)<33 YanYan is so oblivious 😭😭😭 They're just dumb and i love them, they give me serotonin
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Also my alien girls, Thelgex and Melmex! Thelgex is the one who has shorter "hair", Anyways. They came from a planet where the population got reduced to only women! They have such high quality technology, even their bodies are so refined, they're top on all. BUUUT, They have almost no emotions. Despite that, there are no crimes, they're perfectly behaved and distinguish between good and bad. Anyways, the girls can have emotions! Though, they're considered anomalies in their planet, and aren't allowed to leave (They consider it dangerous, and actually it is, because they feel more intensely). Melmex is part of the few who has emotions. She slipped away when Thelgex was leaving the planet and got away with her dnkdfkfm.
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Uhh i like Ryuu too 💞 He's hot, yeah 😫💖
I actually like all my OCs, but THEM, they're on another level 🛐 It's probably their history 🤔
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cattles-bians · 3 years
damie vibecca exes au pt 9
post directory
obsetress: ready ok ot4 hc incoming
em: ot4! ot4! ot4
obsetress: after dani breaks up with her viola cuts all her hair off n it's the first impulsive thing she's ever allowed herself to do in her whole life (which should also tell you exactly how fucked up she was by it) n so then we have
obsetress: short curly hair viola
em: what is wrong with you
em: oh i love a dramatic haircut as a motif
obsetress: by the time she and rebecca start hooking up it's grown into a long bob and she keeps that for a while tbh because like
obsetress: viola has impulses all the time but she either: suppresses them, or thinks about them and then does them to the point where they can no longer be considered impulsive
obsetress: vs um
obsetress: dani has impulses all the time and used to suppress them but then fully leaned into
obsetress: charging headfirst into whatever the fuck (vp speech ref sheds a tear)
em: OTP: dont you wanna go apeshitt
obsetress: and thinking about how people change u and rub off on u for the better even after they leave
obsetress: viola: wants to go apeshitt
obsetress: viola: thinks about going apeshitt, thinks about all the ways it would benefit her, thinks about how she would enjoy it even if it did not in any way benefit her
obsetress: viola: yes ok don't you wanna go apeshitt
em: no but i am i am thinking abt like. dani and viola as both sort of? dragged into being housewives and homemakers because Women n viola didn’t really have the power to change her situation (even if she got isabel out of it!) and dani actually managed to call it off
obsetress: YEAH
obsetress: grits teeth
obsetress: once again crying over very intentional very deliberate danvi parallels that no one else wants to talk about and i think even in this au right
obsetress: viola is socialized in such a specific space that this can very much still be true
obsetress: and i think like part of what draws her to dani is exactly that––that dani had the freedom to do that much sooner––but also she resents dani for exactly that too
obsetress: even when they're together, and that's the possession piece too
obsetress: i think a part of her thinks if she can't do it for herself she can have it for herself and that's close enough
obsetress: like she v much covets dani
em: ah the unique way that lesbians fuck each other up bc of living in a homophobic and misogynistic society
em:i mean who doesn’t covet danis ass
obsetress: literally and metaphorically
obsetress: and part of dani definitely knows that but part of dani (at least until she doesn't) likes it
obsetress: (also this is kinda what i was getting at w my insane lil pwp alfjadslf but i think it tracks here too)
obsetress: because she's like "well this is what it's supposed to be but it didn't work with eddie because i don't like men but now i'm with a woman and this is how it's supposed to be"
obsetress: "and i like being wanted it's nice to be wanted by someone i want for once"
obsetress: but yeah thinking a lot about the danvi dynamic once again
obsetress: viola short curly hair to viola long bob
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obsetress: YEAH I JSUT
obsetress: AND THEN GOT
obsetress: SO DISTRACTD
[em note: edited out a 30 minute tangent going through pictures from kates instagram]
obsetress: so anyway the whole point of this. long bob viola
obsetress: rebecca loves long bob viola she rly loves um. sitting on her lap and running her fingers back through her hair
obsetress: when she and dani see each other again for the first time dani's all "oh. you cut your... hair" and vi's like "i did" and dani's like "it, um. looks... it looks... good?"
em: i think it’s nice when viola does something for herself :)
obsetress: it's nice :)
obsetress: i'm happy for her :)
obsetress: wish she didn't have to look so much hotter though :)
obsetress: don't make that face, babe, it's fine :)
obsetress: you know i love you :)
em: WAIT
em: dani had a fucking moment. she’s like
obsetress: oh dani likes her girls w curly hair huh
em: counting on her fingers. how many ppl has she dated w
em: YEAH
obsetress: OH MGOD EDDIE TOO
obsetress: NOT JUST GIRLS
obsetress: aw baby has a type
em: so actually it is DANI who ends up w the strongest routine
em: just short bob hair viola sitting next to jamie and dani has a fuckjng. out of body experience. perceives herself a little too hard
obsetress: she's just. staring
obsetress: mouth def hanging open
obsetress: then someone's like "dani? dani?" and she's blinking like five times in a row and sitting up straight
obsetress: but she does def have that moment at brunch
em: jamie doesn’t twig it
em: violas like. violas got a keen eye for anyone ‘copying’ her style. raises one devastating eyebrow
obsetress: dani and vi devastating eyebrow partners n crime
obsetress: later that night, in bed: jamie?
jamie: wot?
dani: do i have a type?
obsetress: jamie immediately wants to jump to no because how could she have anything in common w––
obsetress: oh. oh
em: jamie’s lil wispy premature greys set her apart
em: ‘jamie HATES it when she has things in common w viola’ is my favourite bit sjddkhd
obsetress: jamie "not sure how viola has no greys n she's how much older than me again" taylor
em: dani realises she actually has. no idea how old viola is
em: barely even knows a birthday
em: maybe viola even has like. a decoy birthday
em: queen of being mysterious for the drama of it all
obsetress: "she's just too stubborn to grey is all" "i'm stubborn!" "mm" "wossat supposed to mean" "you're..." "i'm what" "you like to... pretend? you're stubborn" "pretend i'm–– i am!" "jamie, i asked you to repark the car because i didn't want to get out of bed and it's street cleaning day and you immediately jumped up to do it even though you can barely parallel park"
obsetress: jamie's quiet for a long time then, softly: "can parallel park just fine"
obsetress: "mm"
obsetress: whipped as hell
obsetress: this led me to everyone making dani or viola parallel park all the time when they go anywhere
obsetress: hc dani is a Very Good driver. idk why but it tickles me
em: i think um. dani is v independent and wants to be able to do things herself
em: and i think she probably got her license before eddie, but as soon as eddie got his....
obsetress: and dani's better than him n got a better score than him, and yet
em: and yet!
em: they swap out being deso driver if they’re gonna be drinking. or jsut call a taxi lmao
em: i’m so endeared by Extremely Good Driver Dani
em: dani does a reverse park without thinking
obsetress: viola loves her martinis n dani is drunk off of half a glass of sangria
obsetress: same!!!!!!!
obsetress: also just like. imagining
obsetress: dani checking all her mirrors
em: no
obsetress: and adjusting everything so fastidious
obsetress: OH GOD
obsetress: i didn't––
em: i jumped
em: phew it’s actually cute
obsetress: yeah! dw i'm not sick
em: well
obsetress: she just goes through her whole lil checklist and is so meticulous and precise
em: jamies like ‘we’re the same height’ and danis like ‘well.’
obsetress: oh god the four of them driving to the seaside for a vacation together (lots of content to mine here, will have to put a pin in most of it because i am getting sleepy) but they end up taking the truck much to vi’s chagrin just because it can hold the most
obsetress: (like viola doesn’t have a range rover but listen it needs to be dani n jamie’s car for this to work)
obsetress: and vi and rebecca are sitting in the back and then rebecca’s frowning and blinking and digging a headband out of the seat between them and viola immediately just. knows
obsetress: she’s like “dani?” “mm?” “you and jamie... have cleaned your car recently, right?” (jamie’s chiming in: “i’m right here, vi, you can address me too,” viola pointedly ignores her) “um... maybe a couple months ago? why?” “well,” and vi pokes her disdainfully with the headband, “can you at least tell me you’ve had it cleaned between whenever this got stuck between the seats and rebecca and me sitting here now?”
obsetress: dani just GRINS sheepishly
obsetress: “i could tell you that, but...” “but?” dani mumbles “it would be a lie”
obsetress: anyway dunno why vi’s that upset about having to sit in the backseat where dani n jamie hooked up, like, last week when it’s not like she and rebecca haven’t been inside the two of them respectively but it’s absolutely the kind of contrarian shit she’d choose to be pressed about and it makes me laugh so
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groovenians · 5 years
i'm so fucking sick of sexy girl characters everywhere constantly. i am so sick of seeing underage girl characters put into tiny skirts with nothing underneath and shorts higher than mid-thigh. i am sick of fabric clinging to and suctioning onto skin in the most impossible ways. i am not saying i don't enjoy seeing a sexy OF AGE character every once in awhile everyone loves a cool sexy lady character they're cool. i love you jessica rabbit. but everywhere??? constantly????? for no real reason???? like character designers can't make women dress and look like actual people. and then you have all these braindead morons defending it bc they're 1) horny and are afraid of having their sexies taken away 2) take any critism they see personally for some reason or 3) are really just so pathetically whiny and locked into their rose colored world that even the tiniest bit of """negativity""" puts them into a meltdown. and i am sick of it. i have to see fuckheads saying that characters can't be fucking gay trans autistic or of color for no reason but what's the reason for you putting booty shorts and a tube top on every single one of your lady ocs, kyle????? why do you draw the unova girl protags like that???? die
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IMO it's not anything particular about pale, darkhaired boys; most of his better looking characters aren't even darkhaired, and Sai was a deliberate (lesser) "copy" of Sasuke. I like that he drew male characters baring skin, bc he never sexualized female chars to an impractical point - even when they're supposed to be sexy, they're quite covered up - his story is sexist, but not his design. (As for the anime/manga comparison, yup, the anime took it further, just like Orochi's sexual undertones)
// I have to disagree on the first part of your post. Of course, you (and I), as readers, can have our personal opinion about which characters look good. However, I was talking about characters that the author intended to look good, the ones he drew, in his opinion, as good-looking characters. Now, I don’t know about all the character Kishi wanted to be gorgeous, but I know he actively tried to make Sasuke “handsome”, Sakura “pretty”, and Haku “even prettier than Sakura”. 
And I think there is a pattern of Kishi drawing black-haired, fair-skinned males as pretty, sometimes with feminine attributes, and often quite bare (Sasuke, Sai, Haku, Orochimaru, Madara), which is why I believe he might have a thing for them. I’m not saying I’m right, it’s just something I noticed.
That being said, I agree with the rest of your post. I love that he didn’t sexualise girls more than boys, I love that Sai bared his stomach just as Ino did (aren’t Sai and Ino “lower-res” versions of Sakura and Sasuke anyways?). Actually, I would say he sexualised boys more than girls in one aspect: we see Sai and Sasuke being sexualised in a Sexy Jutsu when the female SJ only showed random females and not characters. 
Naruto is a very sexist manga but, weirdly enough, I think Kishi was actively trying not to be sexist. I think he made efforts to create female characters that were interesting (in his mind) and not sexualised, and male characters that could also be sexualised (don’t forget about how Naruto turns into females to arouse males and into a naked bunch of guys to turn Kaguya on). I also think he failed because he, as a person, genuinely think women are less interesting than men. He tried not to be sexist but his mindset is too sexist for him to succeed at that. 
I’m still giving him points though, because Naruto, as a character, is one of the few who doesn’t shy away from his own sex-appeal, who truly thinks outside the box and who talks people into hoping for a less violent future instead of only punching them (he still punches them. It’s mandatory in a shonen. But he wins through talking and understanding the other, not violence). 
If you don’t acknowledge Boruto as a sequel, Naruto is a pretty good role model for boys, in my opinion. Sure, he has his flaws, but he’s good-hearted, kind, empathetic, and totally bi (aka: not saying boys should only like girls because people say so). Sasuke never even acts in a sexist way. Only Shikamaru deserves to burn in the pits of Hell and, ironically enough, he’s the one with the more credible love-story. *sigh*
I still don’t know what to think of Orochimaru. He’s one of my fav’ characters (until he resurrects and reboots as who the fuck even??), and he’s really creepy, but I have no idea if he feels like a pedophile to me because I’m projecting western symbolic on him (especially the snakes) or if he’s actually intended to be read as such. The “I want your body” part is still super creepy. 
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