#they're both incredibly touch starved
v3nuskae · 17 days
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Give me a moment to find my style on how to draw these two I'm not used to it yet 😓😔
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adhd-merlin · 1 year
One thing Gwen loves about Merlin is that he gives himself so freely to those he cares about. His support, his advice, his affection — even his body, since this thing between them started. His mind, however. There are times when, looking at him, Gwen has the feeling that he’s holding something back. Like there is something just out of reach behind his eyes. She mentioned it to Arthur, once, wondering if he ever had the same impression, but he had laughed. “It’s Merlin,” he’d said, as if the idea was terribly amusing. “He's probably thinking about which of your gowns to nick when you’re not looking.”
Pillow Talk on AO3
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crowdsourcedloner · 1 year
16. If they had the ability to just spend free time with their partner, what would they do? Would they go out or stay inside?
For the G'raha/WoL you have!
They commonly just cuddle together in their free time, with G'raha given free reign to ramble about any interesting discoveries he's made and Nailah doing her best to keep up. She'll occasionally interject with stories or anecdotes that she's picked up since they've last met, but more often she just listens to his voice and lets herself relax for once in her life. Cuddle locations change regularly, however, with Nailah dragging G'raha out of the annex every chance she gets with the excuse of showing him some new allagan technology she found (and of course she can't bring it with her, it could damage something!).
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thepunchingbag · 11 months
I am such a sucker for Astarion x Karlach due to multiple reasons and I am going to list a few here:
Their stories are extremely similar in terms of being forced into servitude and their bodily autonomy being fucked with, their bodies being used as objects (Karlach's body being turned into an Infernal weapon, Astarion's being turned into an Infernal ritual component and as bait for victims).
They both value freedom to an incredible degree (understandably) - Karlach seems to abandon herself in the moment while Astarion is immediately afraid this freedom will slip through his fingers.
Effeminate man with macho woman. Hot and cold. Posh and working-class. Black cat and golden retriever.
Even if they romance other people, there is an undeniable warmth between the two of them. They're going to be friends regardless.
Astarion's response when Karlach falls in battle "Karlach! You can't die - I won't let you die!" He sounds like he's WEEPING, Neil Newbon really delivers the "his heart is breaking and he's panicking" perfectly.
Her pet name for him is "leech".... just... fuckin' hell, Karlach. I love her.
They call each other "darling" unironically when romanced.
However, I definitely think Astarion can be very hurtful towards her, and his comments come from a place of vulnerability. There is SO much subtext to their relationship, and the devnotes really shows that. She offers a chance to take things slow, to remove sex from the early stages of the relationship, and he desperately wants that. He has no idea how to navigate this type of relationship, and he lashes out. I also love Karlach can push him right back ("Want to try that again without being a jackass?"/"Enough. You can't talk to me like that."). The fact he apologizes and admits he enjoys just talking with her. I dunno, like other people have said, it feels healing...
They also compliment each other's struggles since Astarion literally cannot touch her, so his usual seduction routine falls flat. Karlach is touch-starved but it's a rewarding alternative to take things slow, that she can feel a genuine connection. She's spent a decade in the Hells where genuine connections like friendships and romance are essentially a death sentence - you can never let your guard down - and now she finally can. Like, they both basically have to learn how to take things slow.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 2 months
Could you write constant cuddles because they're touch-starved with boyfriend/husband Tony, with him being the touch-starved one?
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PAIRING || Husband!Tony Stark x Avenger!Wife!Fem!Reader
WORDCOUNT || ~ 950 words
SUMMARY || Tony has been touch-starved for as long as he can remember, but he has been doing a lot better since he met you. However, when you're gone for a long mission without him, it gets worse, and he's clingier than ever when you return.
RATING || Mature (M)
TAGS || Canon compliant. Angst with a happy ending. Touch-starved Tony. Mentions of anxiety, stress, and depression (non-descriptive).
A/N || This is written for my Summer of Drabbles. This was been the first time I dove into Tony being touch-starved, but it was such an interesting topic to explore! I hope to get into this more in longer fics at some point, but for now, I hope you all enjoy it. This is not proofread; any and all mistakes are my own. 🤍
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Photo: Source || Other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Tony Stark || Summer of Drabbles
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For as long as Tony can remember, he has been touch-starved. He may not call it that, persé, but looking at the symptoms, you both know that's precisely what it is, and it's even worse when you're not with him.
When you and your husband are together, in whatever capacity that may be, he's always touching you in one way or another—from lying a hand on your thigh when you're sitting next to him to wrapping himself around you like a koala bear and everything in between.
When you are not with him, however, it gets worse. He shows signs of depression, his appetite is a lot less as a result of anxiety about your whereabouts, his stress levels are through the roof, and he rarely sleeps - only falling asleep when exhaustion has taken over his entire being.
The past two weeks haven't been exactly easy for you, as you've been gone on a mission with Steve, but each moment you had a bit of time to yourself, you could feel your mind wandering to Tony and how he must be doing now that you're not there.
"Is it okay if I call Tony?" you ask Steve as he controls the QuinJet that's bringing you home. He nods with a reassuring smile before returning his gaze to the sight in front of him.
On the first ring, your husband picks up, and you're relieved to hear his voice.
"Hi, my sweet Angel," Tony says as he answers, and your heart beats so fast, it might as well leap out of your chest as you hear his voice. You love your husband so incredibly much, and to listen to his voice again is something you'll always look forward to.
"Hi, Handsome," you say, and Tony immediately smiles. Your voice always calms him down, and he's been looking forward to hearing it since you left.
"We're on our way home now, and I missed you so much," you say, followed by a sigh as you close your eyes. Memories of your husband flash through your mind as you do, and you can't help but smile.
"I missed you too, Angel, and I'll be right where I always am when you're home. How long will it be before you land?" Tony asks, and when you let him know, he hums in response.
"I can't wait to see you again, Handsome. I'm looking forward to holding you in my arms again and ordering take-out once we've taken a shower," you say, and Steve clears his throat, letting you know he can hear everything you're saying. You roll your eyes before you give him a playful swat against his arm, and he smiles at you.
"Hmm, I can't wait either. I love you so much, Angel," Tony says, and your cheeks heat up at his words. Even after so many years, his "I love you " gets you flustered, but in the best way possible.
"I love you too, Tony. I'll see you soon," you say before hanging up. The rest of the flight is spent mainly in silence, but neither you nor Steve mind. The anticipation of reuniting with Tony fills you with relief and joy. Once the QuinJet has landed safely, you quickly make your way to the exit, eager to see your husband again.
As promised, he's standing right outside the hangar where the QuinJet is stored for now, his arms spread wide. A smile lights up his face, though you can tell he's definitely been very stressed and tired when you were gone, as it's clearly visible on his face.
You also fall into his arms with a giant smile, and you wrap your arms tightly around your husband's waist, pulling him as close as possible. This moment has been on your mind since you left, and having him in your arms again makes every mission worth it.
"I'm so glad you got home safe, Angel. I have been so anxious and stressed when you were gone," he admits, and you nod as you pull back just enough to cup his cheeks. You lean in to place a small kiss on the tip of his nose, making him smile as you do.
"I know, Handsome, but I'm here. I'm safe, and I'm in your arms again. We can cuddle as much as you want now, okay?" you say, and he nods before putting his hands under your thighs and lifting you so you can wrap around him like a koala bear. The physical closeness brings a sense of warmth and security to both of you.
"I love you, Angel, and I'm not letting you go anytime soon," he says as he walks both of you into the Compound and towards his penthouse, where the first few hours will be spent with cuddles and kisses until it's time to take your shared shower and order take-out.
Now that you're home, Tony feels like the pieces of his soul have been put together again. He has his Angel back, and he will not let you go for as long as he can help it. You're definitely not one to complain about it, either.
"I love you too, Tony. And I'm happy to be home and be with you again," you say before nuzzling into his neck. Once you're in bed, you can feel the relief wash over Tony as he curls up against you, comfort and peace seeping into every fiber of his being.
It doesn't take long for him to fall asleep in your arms, finally getting the sleep he's been missing out on when you were gone. You play with his hair until you fall asleep, finally feeling safe with your husband in your arms.
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penelope-potter · 3 months
Small Box~
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Alastor x Fem! Owl Hybrid! Reader
Summary: You and Alastor are about to renovate the Hotel after the Extermination, so you tried to repair what you could. Including the big wooden closet, Charlie got from her Dad. Since she's Incredible sad that it's broken you two decided to help her. Unfortunate that the closet closed you two up inside.
Part two
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"It's all broken..." Charlie looked at her old closet, close to tears. The other residents and you watched her quietly as she went around the wooden doors and tried to push the broken hooks back in the right place. She looked so sad. "Charlie-" "It was from my Dad..." Charlie didn't let her girlfriend finish her sentence. Instead she turned around to look at us. "...I always hide in there as we played hide and seek." She wiped a tear from her cheek. "I'm sorry it-it's stupid. It's just an old closet-" "No i'ts okay." You said, stepping closer. "I know how it feels when something what's important to you got crushed." You gently stroke her back and smiled. "We can try to put it back together if you like. We have so much material left. With a few new screws this will look like new." Charlie smiled, her eyes all watery. "Really?" "Of course." "Well my dear don't you cry no more. I'm pretty sure that (Y/N) and I are perfectly capable of repairing this old...fond thing of yours." Alastor suddenly appeared behind you as you turned around, and froze. It was something in his presence that leaves you thrilled. His appearance screamed 'stay away from him' but all you could feel was the desire to come closer to him. The only thing what was not as terrifying as anything else, is his voice which was somewhat soothing. You know about his 'no touching' rule better then anyone, but as someone who was very touch starved, this was hard to control. Especially when you were so close with everyone else.
But you liked him, so you stay away from him as far as possible, only admiring him from afar. Only when he's talking with you you jump in, but you never found the courage to talk to him directly. That he's now dragging you both in this boat is more than nerve wrecking than you could have imagined. You stood there awkwardly, while the others came up with excuses to not help you both. You glared to Angel who was only grinning like an idiot as he shut the door behind you two. You sighed. "Alright dear! Any ideas how to start with this old thing..." He lifted the door with his cane and raised an eyebrow, his smile never fading. It bites on your tongue to tell him that he basically could just miracle the damage away, but you remain silent. It wouldn't be right for Charlie. You wanted to repair it the real way. "Well, How about we do something about the shelves first? They are loosen and look like they're about to fall every second." You said and walked in the direction already, he still stood there and watched you as you tried to pull them out. "Shit." You cursed as you couldn't found the grip to pull them out. They were smashed into the back wall and as you already were about to come up with a solution how to fix that, you could hear footsteps behind you. "Here, let me help you sweetest." You could feel the flush of your cheeks as he leaned against your back and grabbed the shelve with both of his hands, incredible close to your own. His back was pressed against you and you froze as you could feel every muscle of him flex. You was used to his touch when he wanted to. But this was something new. "Come on pull!" You jumped a bit but pulled, as at the same time you could feel his breath against your neck. You tried your best to ignore it but this whole situation made your hands sweaty so you lost grip of the shelve and bumped into him once more. He held you at your arms, steadied you for balance as you jumped away from him. "Sorry!" You said in a high pitched voice and turned your head away from him. The heat unbearable in your head. "I-I think we should try to rip them out from underneath it...o-otherwise we won't be able to pull them out." You babbled and took a step into the surprisingly huge closet. You looked up and tried to figure out how to push the shelves out as you could feel him next to you again. "It's alright dear. You look kind of nervous. Is everything alright?" You hit your head as you wanted to come up again. "Y-yes! Of course..." "Then tell me, why are you so nervous right now?" He titled his head like a freaking dog. "I'm not I was just careful. I know that you don't like to be touched. That's all. I don't wanted to make you uncomfortable..." You said embarrassed- suddenly very aware of how awful kind of a joke you made of yourself.
He laughed, which made the whole thing not easier for you. "Oh darling don't be silly. It's alright when it's you." He leaned forward and you stepped back until your back hits the back wall. "Very funny..." You smiled crooked and turned around to get a hold of the doors. "Well maybe we should-" "Is that the reason you are avoiding me dearest? Because you are scared of me?" He teased. "I'm not scared of you, I just don't want to cross your boundaries that's a way of showing respect!" You snarled back at him, he still smiling and looking like he was enjoying all of this while you still fumbled over the door. "How adorable...but it makes me kind of sad to see you being so touchy with the others but me..." You tried to ignore him as he stepped into the closed next to you, you letting the axes swung back into place. "I did it-" Your sentence broke as the doors of the closet swung back, pulling you two inside. "Shit!" You cursed and could hear Alastor fall back on the side and you tripping over his feet. The next thing that happened was that the closet fell back with you two still in it, and you two collapsing and ended up tangled with each other on the floor. "Outch..." You said, he groaning. You needed a few seconds to bring the picture into place, and the shock ran through you like a thunder. You fell directly on top of the demon, the doors right above you keeping you both shut in itself like a cage. "Oh fucking hell, I'm-I'm sorry I'll get us two outside of this thing..." You apologize and tried to push you up finding a spot for your hands other than his chest, but failed miserably. You knocked your elbow against the doors but nothing happened. "I think it won't open..." He said, but instead of anger in his voice, it was calmness. "Yeah I see that..." You sighed and blinked. The little gap between the doors let a bit of light in so you could see him smile teasingly. "Well, since we're stuck in here, this is a great opportunity to get along with each other." You only hovered a few inches above him, trying you best to bring so much distance between you as possibly as he grabbed your hips pulling you onto him again. You were glad that it was so dark in here so he couldn't see the red in your face. "You're shaking. God you are such a sweet thing..." He sung as you only gripped the collar of his coat tighter. "Stop teasing me!" You said, he chuckling. "You like hugging don’t you?" He sung and let his claws wander over your tights. It brought shivers down your spine. "Alastor..."
"You don't need to be afraid of me. You are far too dearly to me to kill you. I grew fond of you dear." He let go of you, spreading his arms as much away as possible in this little space you got. "No false formality's. Go ahead, we will stuck in here for a little while until they find us.” You started at him in this almost completely dark box and hesitated a bit before you raised an eyebrow but slowly placed your head on his chest. “You could just do one of your magic tricks and get us out of here.” You said, ignoring the fact that your head is burning and you were suddenly very aware of where your body’s touching. His chest rose relaxed up and down, but his heart pondering in his chest. You could feel the vibration from his laugh as he lay a hand on your back. “Oh yes I could. But I think the King of Hell layed a little magic trick on it, so it’s blocking my powers.” You raised your head to look at him. “Really?” You asked surprised as you could feel his nose was just a few inches away from yours. “Sorry…” “No need to.” He sung and his grin grew wider. Fucking tease. “And yes dear, so I think it takes a bit of time for the others to find us.” “They will ask us why we didn’t called for help.” “Oh we tried but nobody heard us, so we just waited…” He let it sound all so easy, when in reality every inch of your body was heating up as he shifts slightly to change into a more comfortable position. His legs were spread to make way for your own, and you could feel his hip bones against yours. You tried desperately to ignore the fact of feeling every body part about him right now and just tried to steady your breathing. “Oh so stiffed up. Tell me dearest why do you act so nervous around me? What’s the matter? Do I frighten you so much?” He asked and you let out a shaky breath. “No. Like I said before I just wanted to respect your boundaries. Plus I don’t know if you’re just playing with me and now I went straight into your trap and I’ll regret it once we get out of here…” You muttered the last part but it was enough for him to hear it anyway. Even though you were right about it, he was shocked that you thought he would do that to you too. He sure was teasing you and invaded your personal space often, but this was just the way of showing you he cares. Somehow. You couldn’t know it, he realized now. “I’m offended that you think so low of me…” He started, as his hands wandered to your hips again. You gasped and he chuckled. “I guess since nobody’s going to hear us I can say it to you directly.” He started and his gaze wandered over your face, taking every inch in his view. The bit of lights which falls in, was enough to let you appear like a holy thing that got lost in hell. Some gem he found in a rotten place and now he’s going to pick it up, not letting anyone who ever dare to lay a finger on it go away with it. You were far too pure, too kind and far too good hearted to let anyone else find you. He would keep you close to him. If you would only let him. “Don’t you see it in the way I’m always close to you dear?” He titled his head as far as he was able to.
“...you were just too busy trying to make up space for me that you couldn’t see that I was just asking you to come a bit closer.” His words slapped you like a brick. He actually wanted you to touch him? Be close to him? “Why didn’t you just told me?” You asked offended. “Why didn’t you just asked either?” You sighed and dropped your head on his chest again. “So you don’t mind my presence like the others?” You asked, a slight smile appearing on your lips. He grins mouth closed while he trailed his nails down your spine, which makes you shiver. “No, not at all. You just have to ask and I’m yours.” You laughed a bit. “What’s so funny?” “I don’t know. I desperately search for intimacy in others, but no one really felt this right like this one.” Silent was filling the space you were in and you already thought you did something wrong as he gentle took your head in his hands for you to look at him. “Oh dearest…” He started, his claws wandered over your cheek. “Although I despite physical touch, I might catch myself liking it a bit more now.” You eyes widened as his own started glowing. Your heart starts to race as the wrinkles on each side of his eyes started to get deeper as he laughed. “Only when it’s you of course.” You couldn’t do anything than just stare at him. “Uhm...I don’t know if I can believe you Alastor.” You said, he shook his head. “Why, of course you can. Let’s make a deal…” You instantly pushed away that your back hit the door. “I won’t make a deal with you.” “No not with your soul silly.” He waved it off and grabbed your hips again to pull you down on him. His voice suddenly very close to your ear. “I assess that words will be enough to keep your promise.” You almost forgot how to breath. In which kind of situation did you brought yourself in for fucks sake? Despite the strange atmosphere you couldn’t deny the fact that he had this effect on you. You would let him do anything in this moment, but you were still aware that making a deal with him won’t be on the list today. “And what kind of deal should that be?” You asked, still uncomfortable to use that word in front of him. “Let me think...you have the allowance to touch me every day. It must be a different spot and the time how long it last will increase each time. You don’t have to ask me for that.” You raised an eyebrow, his eyes lost the shimmer of red and you scanned his face in the darkness, in hopes to find the wrong intention. “And what will it bring to you?” You asked, he raising an eyebrow. “Excuse me-”
“I mean: you don’t have to do this. Where is the ‘But’?” He laughed a bit before pressing you against his chest, so that you could barely breathe. “My advantage is, that I’ll have you close to me for a little while without you running away anymore.…” He smiled softly and it made your head swirl. Was he serious? “You’re lying.” “I’m not darling. I adore you but I think you got the wrong picture of me.” He titled his head. “I would never do harm to you, so you don’t have to worry. I just want to know you better.” He looked at you for a while until his gaze lowered to your lips as you could made out in the dark. “I guess I’m not very good at courting…” For the first time there is something in his acting that just don’t make sense. Suddenly he’s all flustered, you could swear he even blushed a little, and his expression similar to a little boy in front of his first crush. You were amazed by him in every way possible and you were sure that you wanted to find out more about him too. How his real self was. Because you are pretty damn sure that there is another version of him he just doesn’t show to anyone. “I like that.” You said, he caught you smiling genuine for the first time since you were stuck in here. “Like what?” “Your true self.” You said, leaving him speechless for a moment. His hands innocently fiddling with the end of your shirt. “Oh but this is my true self dear.” You smiled crooked. “No it’s not. You may be smiling all the time, but I’m able to read eyes Al. You don’t have to pretend that you don’t have a side you just don’t want to show everyone. And that’s okay. Totally. I get it. Because...when we’re already about telling the truth to another… I want to learn more about you too.” You titled his head and allowed yourself to admire him and his startled gaze for a moment. “There is a reason I respect your boundaries. And I don’t know if you know this, but it’s because I really like you. But when it’s as important to you as it is for me to trust you more, then you might as well show me the real Alastor. And I will show you my true self too of course. But only if you let me.” He looked at you bewildered and came up to fully hug you. “Alright. I wonder how this will work out for us dear. It’s a deal.” You smiled. “Yeah it’s a deal then. Sadly I can’t shake hands right now…” “Oh there a many ways to seal a deal sweetest…” He raised his head and as you were about to ask him how, he already pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes snapped open as green light flashes the inside of the closet, so bright it brought you to close your eyes. You could feel him licking your bottom lip and the vibrations running wild inside you so you let him in. Your hands were shaking as your tongues danced together, and he could feel it so he took your hands into his and pressed them on his chest right there where his heart sits. You let go of each other, panting and the green light only a mist left. “I look forward to our little deal.” He winked at you.
“Now dearest, make yourself comfortable.” Your head dizzy from the kiss and speechless, you saw how pleaded he looked, dreamily placed his head back and his hands stroking yours a last time before wrapping his arms around your body. You lied your head on his chest again and relaxed. He sighed, almost in relief as you slowly relaxed. Even if you wanted to say something you wouldn’t have brought it over you right now. Suddenly you felt tired and his warm, soft body against yours was like a piece of heaven in this old closet in hell. It was the thing you always wanted to feel. The intimacy you needed. And he gave it to you. You only hoped he was serious and not just wanting your soul. But you trusted him. And if this would be your downfall, then you might as well accept the hell you grew fond of. The loud exciting voices which rang through the thick walls of the closet were only a distance sound for you both as you felt yourself slowly drifting into sleep. You never manage to fall asleep this fast and you couldn’t care less, because you only heard the demon’s fast beating heart.
Finished! You wanted the small space trope, so you got the small space trope! This turned out a bit shitty so I'm sorry if it's not like you thought it would turn out. :(
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mintaikk · 7 months
You Know What? Fuck It. Jealous & Clingy Vox Headcanons
"Angel quit?"
Come on. Yall saw how happy he was at the possibility that Angel quit. How can I not make my silly little- sometimes fucked up bcuz look at them- headcanons?!
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-Vox and Val aren't dating, but Vox would very much like for them to be an item, but either doesn't know how to voice it or just thinks what they have right now is fine. That doesn't mean that he won't get a little (a lot)! jealous when Val flirts with other people. But since they're on the same power level, he can't really do anything about it, so he just becomes quiter and does other things. Check his phone, wait it out, be a petty little bitch in the corner, etc, etc
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-When Val is done flirting with them and him and Vox are alone again, Vox has one of two reactions; be extra physical or affectionate or be a petty little bitch. It really depends on his mood. When he becomes extra affectionate, he'll cuddle up to Val or make out with him or they'll probably just fuck honestly. When he's being a petty little bitch, he'll sit there like a toddler and mope, sometimes ignoring Val. Val thinks both of this behavior is adorable either way, and sometimes flirts with people in front of Vox just to get a reaction out of him (read this person's comic to know what I mean, I love it sm)
-He's a needy, touch-starved bottom. Ya'll saw the way Vox pulled Val into a position where his arms would be wrapped around him at the beginning of their dance (and Vox arching his back-), right? Y'know how after Val kisses someone he leaves his weird red spit behind? That appeared on Vox's mouth when Vox started singing Stayed Gone. Like, "Hey babe, can you give me a good luck kiss before I sing a disstrack for my ex?". He wants/needs physical affection so much and so bad
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-I now also headcanon that he's embarrassed to ask for it in a romantic way, so he only does it 'accidently' or to fit the situation (like how he pulled Val in that position in the dance)
-Valentino has merch of himself and Vox bought some of it
-Yes, he stalks Val. That's actually canon
- Vox has so many cameras pointed at Val. Val is aware of this and sometimes performs for the camera in various ways. He honestly doesn't care surprisingly, since Vox isn't really gonna do anything with the footage other than be a voyeuristic little freak
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(Tysm @that-oneforkmod for pointing this out. Ik he's being creepy, but I laughed way too hard at where the cameras are pointing and how down bad my guy is)
- Despite Vox's clinginess, Val can also be incredibly clingy and it can get on Vox's nerves. He'll get pissy when Vox won't hold him or give him attention and Vox will be annoyed, but when Val stops being prissy, Vox will then give him affection. (Litterally just "not talk to me I angy" "Ok"*leaves* "wait no, come back")
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ihni · 2 months
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Bro, my first thought was that this would be HORRIBLE for Billy and Steve because the second Billy shoulder-checked Steve during basketball they would've hit the ground in front of EVERYONE. But then like. I thought more about it and it got worse.
Because Billy would kinda know that his soulmate is gonna be a guy, right. And he'd be doing everything he could to prevent anyone from ever finding out, so
He's been getting into massive arguments with Neil his whole life, every time his dad tries to get him into sports. When he's a kid his dad accuses him of being a pussy for shying away from really engaging with the team, never wanting to make contact with anyone, thinking that Billy's afraid of getting hurt while playing. Billy tries to push back as much as he can, he hates not being able to do anything to prove his dad wrong because he can't tell him the TRUTH, and he gets too angry to come up with a convincing lie.
He gets so paranoid about physical contact that he develops a reputation for beating the shit out of guys who so much as bump into him in the hallway at school. It happens a couple times. Some kid in his class will brush past him, not realizing who he is, and it scares him so much he lashes out.
Once he gets a little older he starts dating (girls) as much as possible. It's for his safety, he tells himself, and ignores the part where he just misses being touched so much he'll settle for whatever he can get. Which is not as much as he'd like, considering most of the girls his age are fucking terrified of him. (Moving to Indiana doesn't help much, he might have the advantage of being a relative unknown, but there's fewer girls who are willing to cozy up with a guy who isn't their soulmate.)
In short. Touch-starved Billy
And that fight at the Byers would go soooo differently....As in it probably would not happen at all, because up until this point they have not touched at all, and have barely interacted because they don't have basketball together and Billy's just been obsessed with Steve from a distance.
Then like. He shows up and Steve is being weird and Billy wants to touch him for all kinds of reasons, but he's also firmly against touching him for just as many. He's wound up and stressed and he can't lash out like he wants to, so he just ignores Steve and walks right into the Byers' house to take it out on the kids. He doesn't have the same hangups about pushing Max around, or Lucas. He knows neither of them could be his soulmate, so they're fair game.
But he's barely said two words to Max before Steve (who in this scenario has NOT been shoved to the ground and kicked, so was right behind Billy as he walked into the house) grabs his shoulder to get his attention, and they both hit the floor.
Which would be so interesting because it's technically the same result as the fight, both of them passed out (thought Max doesn't get to stand up to Billy), so the plot could continue as normal from there, except. Like. The kids are freaking out for entirely different reasons, Max is swearing them all to secrecy and worrying about what Billy's gonna do when he wakes up, and half of them are yelling about how much this does not matter right now because there's monsters to set on fire. Dustin's having a mild crisis about getting advice about girls a couple hours ago from a guy who might be gay now?? There's a debate about whether they should bring Steve with them after Max steals Billy's keys. Mike is uncomfortable with the idea and won't admit why. Dustin gets pissed at him. Lucas tries to breeze past the whole weird soulmate thing and focus on the fact that they'll need all the help they can get if they're gonna do this.
They do still bring him along, and leave Billy behind.
I feel like it would be so interesting for Steve to be trying to concentrate on fighting monsters and protecting the kids but there's this weird new soulmate bond thing distracting him, and he's so incredibly confused by it because it's with BILLY.
Meanwhile Billy wakes up alone in the Byers' house, and has a panic attack when he realizes what happened. His first instinct is to just get in his car and leave town because now this group of shithead kids know his secret and Neil was ALREADY pissed at him for losing Max, this is just gonna make things so much worse and he doesn't know how to deal with any of it. Except his car is GONE, and he has no idea where anyone is or why they took the Camaro. All he does know is that he can't go home right now, and he has nowhere else to go, but he just wants to run SOMEWHERE.
He'd end up avoiding Steve for as long as he can, and quite possibly just would not return home either. I feel like it would be incredibly awkward when Steve drives the kids back to the Byers' and Billy's sitting on the porch, chain-smoking and all hunched over like he's trying not to puke. No one knows what to say for a long moment, and then Billy just shoves past everyone, flees to his car, and drives off alone. I can see him trying to live out of his car for a good couple weeks, completely shutting everyone out, until Steve tracks him down and they actually talk.
(also side note, once they work their shit out and are actually settled into a relationship, Billy would be just. The clingiest. He spent so long avoiding touching people and now that he's allowing himself to he cannot get enough. He WILL be wrapped around Steve at all times.)
First of all, I love you. Just want to get that out of the way. Thank you for blessing my inbox thusly.
Second of all, this hits like half of all my buttons. Touch-starved, posing, secretly gay Billy who's hiding his fear behind a mask of anger? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP.
You got the kids' reactions exactly right, I could picture them so clearly in my mind. And Steve too, fighting monsters while trying to understand this new soul bond (which, how would that show? How would it feel and affect them?), and Billy freaking out and just ... "step one: need car. step two: who the fuck knows" and living out of his car because he's too afraid to go home. What would Neil do? Would he find out about it or would he just be angry that Billy ... left, and didn't come back? How does the soul bond affect Billy and Steve when it is new and they are avoiding each other, is that why Billy doesn't leave Hawkins? I suppose Billy would eventually have to go home since he's underage, how would that go? AAA SO MANY QUESTIONS, MY BRAIN IS ALIGHT WITH DELIGHT
In short; I'd like to order 80K of this please. Future clinginess on the side (to be enjoyed as a dessert <3)
Also thank you for this.
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dance-like-an-idiot · 21 days
t4t whizzvin/dykesettos my children...
i have come bearing gifts...
set around thrill of first love where marvin isn't quite sure about his gender and accidentally asks whizzer (his girlfriend(?) who keeps telling him that she isn't a girl all that much) about it while they're both shit faced
1.1k words, whizzer's pov, whizzer uses all (mostly he/they in this one shot) and marv uses he/him (for now)
if you want more of this au check out the full plot i wrote!
under the cut is my writing screenshotted, then written out :3 enjoy!! (and reblog with your thoughts mayhaps?)
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whizzer knows they're far too drunk when marvin asks them "what is it like to be transgender?"
whizzer, utterly baffled, sputters out a laugh that catapults her forward on the couch and he nearly hits his head on the coffee table because of their newfound drunken power. he laughs for far too long and laughs directly into the floor and their weight is slowly falling off the couch with every new laugh that racks her. "oh marv," he starts with a giggle. "i just hallucinated the funniest thing."
she keeps laughing and marvin teasingly punches their side —marvin's drunken power pushing him off the couch, whizzer was barely on it anyways— whizzer starts laughing even harder when his ass hits the ground and marvin's cute but upset pout doesn't alleviate it. "was that a hallucination?" he says with pretty, even while narrowed, eyes. he huffs from the couch and crosses his arms. "answer my question."
whizzer stops their laughs and has to physically steady himself for a moment while she tries to remember what he asked in the first place. something out of character, but funny, but something whizzer knows about... oh shit right. oh. oh. okay. yeah. thats pretty out of character from a transphobe, however charming this one is.
he blinks a few times as they leave their thoughts and he looks up to marvin. he meets his gaze and starts crawling back to her place on the couch, slightly dazed from the weight and firm reality of that question. they don't get up on the couch though, it's too far away and her (his) body seems too heavy for that right now. unfortunately marvin still sits on the couch a few feet opposite to him, and whizzer sits in front of him. it's a very familiar position, but surprisingly his mind doesn't wander. "um," he starts lamely. "bad." yeah, thats an understatement. "yeah." they nod their head, agreeing with himself. "yeah.”
marvin frowns and slides himself off the couch to sit next to whizzer. he pokes their arm and scoots incredibly close. he wraps his arms around whizzer's shoulders and drapes his legs across whizzer's lap. it feels like every part of their bodies touch, to whizzer's drunk, touch-starved delight. god, very, very drunk then. "tell me more, asshole." and whizzer's thoughts are snapped closed.
he pouts, facing marvin again. and well, he doesn't want to think about their gender or... anything at all actually. so he kisses him, attempting to shut their mind up.
marvin drunkenly reciprocates and it gets very heated very fast and once marvin starts unbuttoning his shirt the very idea of having boobs, cleavage, breasts, curves, bullshit on his body seems very revolting and he pushes marvin off very fast. "no. not now." he says and rebuttons the single button marvin undid on his shirt.
"why?" he asks. whizzer wraps his arms around his chest and subconsciously squeezes because marvin is so fucking smug its clear he thinks he's found something, and honestly, upsettingly, he has. he's impossible. and a bitch. and hot. ugh.
whizzer groans and flops their face into marvins open lap, squishing their breasts and all thoughts of them. "my boobs are revolting right now.” he drags his arms out from under him, if he's talking about it he'll be comfortable damnit. “sometimes it's fine, the days i don't wear my hair up or actually put on makeup. but its usually just when i look hot that i like my boobs.” whizzer stops themselves, but doesn't think, only talks. “i wish my chest was flat cause it doesn't look like me. especially when my hair is up and i wear your shitty masculine-full-of-urine clothes. cause i look and feel like a man then.
“i wish i was. but also not, like not a man man. dammit i wish i had a dick! a flat chest! god it would be so nice. i wish i could look like a man to justify feeling like a man. i feel like i'm just imagining it sometimes, cause i know tomorrow i’m not gonna feel like a man anymore. tomorrow i very well may love my boobs and pussy and have my hair down and go full glam.” whizzer takes a heavy breath, somehow sober enough to not speak his next thoughts; “am i a fake?” maybe. maybe she is.
they sniff back their tears and its the only sound in the room. the two of them just sit there, whizzer face down in marvin's lap for –surprisingly for them– non sexual purposes, and marvin…
marvin slowly relaxes and his hands caress whizzer's tense shoulders. it feels so fully like permission that he relaxes too, and keeps talking. “i wish i didn't always have to pass in order to not get punched whenever i go out. i wish i could go out into the world with a packer under a skirt, and my hair up, the hot makeup i can do so i look facially like a guy, a bubblegum pink polo and my goddamn leather jacket. i wish i could feel like myself, to everyone, without having to look over my back so i don't get hospitalized.
“i love looking like both of them so much, its so fucking cool and nice i’m too drunk to describe it right what the fuck…” whizzer trailed off in his endless ramble. he shifts his head to the side so their cheek was pressed against marvins ankle. "what was i saying...?"
"a lot," marvin responds with a light chuckle and whizzer just now notices that his hands have stilled. his hands climb up his back and he slowly starts to pet whizzer's hair. whizzer melts into him with ease, though marvin starts to melt too, entranced by whizzer's increasingly heavy breaths. whizzer notices marvin's legs part minutely, and marvin's arms feel heavy on them and they hear a soft groan from the coffee table.
he really is relaxing, then. good. these moments are rare, and lovely and seconds later whizzer can't say he's surprised when marvin's hands tense suddenly. "baby..." marvin starts but stops himself. that pet name is definitely surprising. good surprising. wonderful, but surprising.
whizzer turns around fully. his head is seated in marvin's lap still and he makes eye contact with marvin's tense face that is inches above the coffee table. he must have been resting on it.
marvin's face moves above him and calloused hands comb back into his hair, soft, slow, and only once. his thumbs brush softly through his undercut and whizzer is so content with this gesture that they don't even think about the face he makes, with their eyes shuddering shut. but it makes marvin speak again, quietly; "you're so handsome."
thats. thats a surprise.
whizzer doesn't know how or when but he's suddenly and passionately kissing marvin. he's so struck with joy from this person he loves (oh, sober him would never admit that) that he returns that joy in the way he knows best. because he may not understand this euphoria, or marvin's actions, but he understands sex pretty well.
when whizzer feels up marvin’s chest and the other man winces, he wishes one day he'll understand marvin better.
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bunni-v1 · 11 months
Congrats on the 500 followers!!<3<3 may i request full list of the sfw abecedary for azul maybe?? 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️
🍓YAY!!! I love Azul sosososososososo much. I've been politely waiting for this for a while, and since you're the only one who requested sfw for Azul, I get to do yours first. God, though, writing out the whole Alphabet has been such a challenge for me...
A - Affection: See, Azul is a private man. He enjoys his time alone and his personal space, so it might shock you when I say he is a very affectionate man. He adores you so much, he can't help himself. He's also incredibly touch-starved, so he very much needs this affection. He won't be caught cuddling up to you in public, but goodness he's all over you when you're alone.
B - Best friend: Honest to god friendship with him feels like a business transaction. He's constantly on edge acting like you're holding a knife to his throat to get him to do something for you, but you're just vibing. Still, he's quite fun to be friends with. You hear all the latest gossip, and he's very sassy and goofy - casually dropping the funniest jokes you've ever seen.
C - Cuddles: Oh he loves cuddles (in private). He loves to be held and snuggles up into your chest without a care in the world. If you want to do the same, be his guest. Please let him hold you, he feels so big and strong. He runs cold, however, so you'll never quite get a comfy warm snuggle, but he's very comfy to lay on so it's not a big deal.
D - Domestic: Azul? Settle down? Please. He has a business to run... starting a family with you does sound nice though. He wants both power and love, so he has to find a balance between both -- he'd love to include you in his business schemes if you'd be willing. Makes things easier on him. Furthermore, at home, he is such a good househusband and father. Attentive husband, takes care of cooking and cleaning when needed, and spends all the time he can making sure his little ones know they are perfect to him as they are.
E - Ending: He SUCKS omg. He's so awful, and you won't even know it. If he doesn't want to be with you anymore, he doesn't really care about how much it hurts you (he does). He finds a way to twist the situation so that you're the problem. He picks and prods until either you break up with him, or you force his hand to make him do it. Afterward, he really doesn't feel relieved, but he's glad it's all over.
F - Fiance(e): Like I said earlier, he has a complicated relationship with commitment... but he does want to have that commitment. He does want to get married one day - for love, and he only wants to do it once. So it takes a long time for him to propose, but when he does you don't have to worry, because he's been locked in for a long time this is just his final sign that you're the one.
G - Gentle: He is so gentle with you. He has quite an iron tongue and is known to be sly as well as condescending, but not with you. Yes, he's sassy and a bit sarcastic, but he's soft on you. Everything he says is playful and light, and he makes you feel as though you are the most important thing in the world. (You are, in his eyes).
H - Hugs: As I've said, Azul loves all affections. Hugs, however, may be his least favorite? Surprisingly. It's not that he dislikes them, but once he gets to hold you he doesn't want to let you go. Hugs are brief, they end too soon. He wants you as long as he wants you. On another note, his hugs are amazing. He doesn't give them out to anyone but you and they are heavenly. They engulf you fully into his body, and they're perfectly tight and snug, and - ugh I want him to be real so badly.
I - I love you: Azul and "I love you," do not have a good history. He is so afraid to commit to you, so saying that he loves you takes a long time. It's not that he doesn't, it's just that he doesn't want to commit too fast. He doesn't want his hearts to be hurt. He waits a long time, and he has a huge plan on how he'll first say it, and then... he flubs it and says it out of the blue (we'll talk about it later).
J - Jealousy: Jealous, jealous little octopus man. When he was younger he didn't have much that was his, so now when he has something for himself he needs to keep it to himself. He gets huffy and grumpy and watches you from a distance as you talk to someone who is clearly coming onto you without a care in the world. He won't intervene as it's happening, but the person you're talking to quickly makes it to the top of his list of victims-- I mean, clients.
K - Kisses: Goodness, Azul is quite the kisser. He'll kiss you all over, all the time, whenever he feels like it. Is he good? Eh, it's fine, he'll get better. Kissing is a odd ritual that humans have, but he's become obesses with it since you started him on it. He favorites are cheek kisses, because he can give them quick and in passing without others drawing attention to it.
L - Little ones: As I eluded to earlier, Azul wants kids. He likes kids, believe it or not. He knows they can be cruel, but he also knows that they can be just like him, and he feels for them. They didn't pick the way they are, so why should they be outcasted. He drifts toward the quiet ones, and makes them feel seen and adored. It's quite cute to watch.
M - Morning: Azul's mornings are busy. He not only has morning classes, but he has to ensure his dorm is up and running before that. He gets up early to start everything, and he dressed and ready by 6:30 am the earliest. He makes sure not to disturb you, and actually has breakfast made and ready for you every morning when you wake up. While you hardly get to see him, he makes sure you're happy and well rested in his own way.
N - Night: Nighttime with Azul is considerably better than mornings. He's got a lot going on still, but it's things that he can sit down and do like paperwork or homework. Frequently you spend your nights in his office doing a number of different things quietly alongside each other. It's peaceful and sweet, especially when you doze off and he carries you over to his bedroom <3
O - Open: Azul is not an open man. He's too nervous you won't like who he actually is, so he puts on airs for a very long time. You sort of have to chip away and the front he puts up, and eventually he will crack. And once he cracks, he shatters, and he tells you everything all at once. All his feelings, his stressors, and his dreams get entrusted to you.
P - Patience: Azul has a lot of patience, he has to for his line of work after all. He can keep a level head through a lot of situations, but dear god can he get annoyed. He's easy to poke and prod at if you know how he ticks, and you know how he ticks. If you pick on him enough, he'll get all grumpy and huffy, but he won't really get angry at all. It's when you cross boundaries or really get in the way of his goals that he blows up - which is rare, anyway.
Q - Quizzes: Azul has like... a file on everything there is to know about you. He writes every single thing that he finds important about you down and stores it in a little file he can look back on for date ideas. It's part of why the two of you got so close, he just memorized everything you liked and made sure that he knew enough about it to talk to you.
R - Remember: It was the first time he said I love you. He'd been planning a huge date for months on months, ready to make the moment perfect, and you went and screwed everything over with your cute face and charming personality. You were reading in his office while he was working, it had gotten late - much later than he wanted, and you had come to his side to try and urge him to sleep. You were massaging his shoulders, talking about how sleepy you both were, and he just let it slip. You just... returned the sentiment, and continued to try and get him to go to sleep.
S - Security: Goodness, Azul is so very protective. You're an easy target to get to him, and lord knows how many people hate his guts. He can't do much but wave a contract over their head... but he has a secret weapon... It's the twins, duh, of course, it's the twins. They keep an eye on you - because he asked, but also because they like you. If someone goes too far, they have a nice little meeting with Azul later that day. He also wants you to stand up for him and his honor, it makes his heart soar that you love him so much.
T - Try: He's mister above and beyond. He makes sure every date is a standout and tries to outdo himself every single time. He wants you to know how much he listens to you and how much effort he puts into caring for you. He's so attentive and sweet and makes you feel like you are the most loved person on earth.
U - Ugly: He's very picky... about everything. He picks at food, his own appearance, and the way other people act and hold themselves. He likes things a certain way, and he sticks to his brand hardcore.
V - Vanity: Azul cares about his looks a lot. Not in the way it would get in the way of a relationship, but he's just very concerned about what people think about him. His appearance is one of his main concerns, and he pays very close attention to ensure that he remains attractive and good-looking.
W - Whole: Azul doesn't exactly feel incomplete without you, but he really does miss you when you're not around. You are, in his opinion, his second half, and of course, he misses you when you aren't around. However, he views you as two very separate people with different lives dreams, and ideas and he would never try to push the idea that you are half of him. Half of his heart, surely, but most certainly not of him.
X - Xtra: Azul takes great care to cover up the... less than human aspects of himself. See he's got a lot of octopus-esque traits about him that he would rather die than let other people know of. He's got three hearts, ovular pupils, and absolutely horrific eyesight above water (hence his glasses). He wears gloves to hide the fact that he has, uhm, what can only be described as suction cups on his fingers. He finds all of this so humiliating that he hides it as much as possible.
Y - Yuck: Too naive. He cannot handle having someone who has no grasp on other people at all. Sure, his partner can be a little dumb and not always understand other people's motives -- that's okay, that's what normal people are like. But if they can't ever read people's intentions and get themselves into bad spots he can't stand it. He's your partner, not your lawyer.
Z - Zzz: He is SO CUTE when he sleeps. He curls up into himself, and he sleeps in a tight little ball. He got used to doing that underwater, and he does it subconsciously on land because it's what's more comfortable for him.
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eustassslut · 1 year
If we're talking full Stockholm Syndrome what does the reader like about our Yandere boys? Heat and Killer obviously give gifts and treat the reader decently but do Kid and Wire care if they're liked and what do they do to win affection?
this is a very good question actually. i think what the reader likes about each boy would depend on the individual experiences shared between all of them.
with Heat, i think the reader would like how eager he is to please them. Heat is so desperate to have his affections received that he'll do anything for the reader, even if it means breaking some rules and giving them gifts he's not supposed to buy. falling into this twisted love with Heat guarantees the reader with more safety and stability than with the others, despite the fact he is definitely the most delusional. the reader would also like that Heat naturally runs hot and lets them hug him when they're cold, as well as that he waits for them to initiate physical contact and doesn't try to make it sexual unless the reader wants it to be.
Killer's main selling point for the reader would be how easy he is to talk to. despite his long list of insecurities and his hatred of talking about his own feelings or emotions, Killer is extremely observant and knows exactly what his crew is feeling or thinking. he doesn't like to gossip and tends to just keep anything he's told to himself unless he feels it's a threat to the crew. so whatever the reader tells him, stays between them because he likes feeling that they have such a special bond that the others will never understand or relate to.
Killer also knows when punishments are going too far and because he has the most authority on the ship since everyone listens to him, Killer can step in at any time to help the reader without them getting in trouble. the reader would like how dependable he is and would begin to fall for him because of how he treats them with such respect and care after each punishment, making sure they're fed and looked after properly.
with both Heat and Killer, the reader would like how similar it is to having actual boyfriends. both boys are clearly insane and have trapped the reader on their ship forever but during the quiet and peaceful moments it's easy to pretend like this is a proper relationship with communicate, gifts and physical affection.
Kid and Wire however, are significantly harder for the reader to find something to bond with them over it or to feel anything positive because of how cruel and abusive both boys naturally act.
on the surface Kid and Wire both like to pretend they don't care about having their feelings reciprocated and that the reader refuses to touch or look at them unless forced, but secretly it really upsets them. they are both incredibly touch starved and just want to be liked by the person they love. when the reader first 'joins' the crew, neither of them give a shit about receiving affection or building a relationship. but when the reader starts giving Heat and Killer affection as the Stockholm Syndrome begins to take place, Wire and Kid naturally start to get jealous of the others.
suddenly Kid wants to have quiet moments in his workshop with the reader where they just cuddle up together doing their own things and wants the reader to sit on his lap whilst he creates them pretty gifts from scratch. so he starts putting in the effort to find out what they like and figure out what their hobbies are. it doesn't matter whatever the reader's interest might be, Kid wants to know it and will happily sit listening to them talk about it for hours. however, he's not going to approach this properly and will basically just yell at the poor reader to tell him about themselves out of the blue. so unfortunately for Kid it's going to be a slow process until the reader fully starts to experience the effects of Stockholm Syndrome for him but when they do, the reader would like how Kid prioritises whatever they have to say and takes whatever they say (only about their hobbies/themselves) on board.
the reader would also become more drawn and attached to Kid if he ever showed his more vulnerable side, which is usually reserved for Killer, to them.
with Wire, however, it is a lot harder to find things to like about him. he's just too mean and horrible to the reader, there's nothing to really like about how he constantly bullies and ridicules them. but that doesn't mean it's not possible to experience Stockholm Syndrome for him! it would just take a lot longer to begin developing compared to the others because he's so confusing and difficult to get along with. it wouldn't happen until the reader starts to notice just how sweet and caring Wire can be towards his crew members in the relaxing moments. suddenly the reader begins to hyper-fixate on this soft side that Wire has to others and starts putting in some subconscious effort to please him.
it would take them a while, but within a year of living on the Victoria Punk, the reader begins to develop an understanding of Wire and becomes increasingly happier to play along with his cruel games for the rare moments where he's so gentle towards them. whilst this want to be liked by the other would probably be one sided for the reader, Wire would increasingly grow eager to trade a nicer version of himself to the reader in exchange for the things he feels he needs. if giving the reader privacy or the opportunity to cry in peace makes it so they take his cruel version of affection, then he's happy to make the trade. therefore, the only instance i can really see the reader beginning to fall for Wire is through how he openly treats others around him and that is what they would like the most about them.
overall, like you mentioned, Heat and Killer would be the ones to obsessively give gifts of things deemed valuable to the reader for any affection they can get due to being so incredibly touch starved and lonely which results in a very quick Stockholm Syndrome scenario. however i also think that Kid would also give them gifts that he made for affection, but this would only happen if he had begun to want to have his feelings reciprocated by the reader/when he decides he is also in dire need of affection and would only result in a Stockholm Syndrome scenario with the reader if he made the first move to be more gentle. Wire however is too mean to truly ever give proper gifts since he doesn't really care about being loved back by the reader but his versions are the most valuable when remembering how mean he is.
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sunlessea · 3 months
“ you need to learn patience. be good and i’ll give you what you want later. ” - plot twist! nestsegg / nestsely :clown:
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all i had for this ship was s.mut so uh 🤡 / @londonfallen
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cassius helsing, now ashburnum, does not belong in the company of vampires. least of all their elders, the masters of the bazaar who had spread their curse among humanity with lacking remorse. he's their inevitable end, or at least that's what his family says. raised nearly from birth for the sole purpose of hunting and killing them, one by one : he's hardly a revolutionary, but the way the masters of the bazaar are prophesied to fall by his hands, one would think the name cassius to be a war cry for london's rebels.
he tries not to think about how disappointed anyone would be, if they knew. his own heart pounds 'gainst his chest in equal parts guilt, humiliation and excitement that he can't quite bury, even 'neath anger at this point half feigned. here he lies, the master's greatest enemy — and it's mr nests with his wrists pinned down, claws pressing as deep into his skin as its other hand is deep 'neath his slacks. they're tangled in a mess, the two of them, his own clothes ripped and ravaged to expose him, one leg half wrapped 'round its waist where he'd attempted to kick it and had ended up with one of its legs 'tween his thighs instead.
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" — get off of me," his voice is torn between harsh growl and pathetic whine, his ears flat 'gainst his head in the same breath his tail is fluffed up a few sizes. no matter how hard he writhes against its hold, it just ends up with his blood on its nails, and every time his body moves, it purrs louder. he knows it's making fun of him, because they both know he truly could fight back harder if he wanted to ... but he doesn't! and that's largely the issue here, what makes his heart ache every bit the same as his body when its palm wraps 'round his erection and makes him whimper.
he's incredibly sensitive. touch starved at his best, completely untouched generally. the feeling is so intense he ends up kneeing it in its side with his leg, and all he can do is glare up at it at the same time he's blushing mad!
"this — this is morally reprehensible, get off of me! i don't — i don't want anything from—" its thumb presses against the head of his cock and he winces, voice choking up 'fore he can continue to protest too much. they would kill him. the garou would kill him if—this is illegal, this is against their— "a—ah—" all it takes is a little more pressure in the movement of its hand along his length for him to wilt proper, breath stalled and lip caught 'tween his fang. why! this is pathetic! "this is wrong—"
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howlsofbloodhounds · 25 days
You got me thinking about all of Killer's Stages somehow getting to interact (I'm sure some code manipulation bullshittery could make this happen somehow) and, man...
I think Stage 3 would immediately tackle the others into a hug and then would just... not let go. It starts growling if anyone approaches. It's being very polite too, because usually it would just stab anyone who dares enter its line of sight, but it's got the other three there now and fighting would mean letting go and that's about as far as it's thinking.
Stage 4 is just sitting there extremely confused. Though the poor guy is so incredibly touch-starved and lacking in the positive attention department that it's keeping its mouth firmly shut and sitting there. It's gonna do that for as long as Stage 3 holds it because there's the fear that if it speaks up the others will realize it's there and push it away and it really doesn't wanna be alone again with only the Chara in its head for company.
Stage 2 is visibly disgusted by the contact and is the first to get away. They aren't happy about this new situation, but as they are all one person still they are stuck with these cringe ass people until they find a solution. They're still gonna keep the interactions to a minimum and probably will try looking for any way out of this that doesn't involve asking outsiders for help because this is the most vulnerable they've ever been and they're not gonna tell people about it.
Stage 1 is confused, scared, a little pissed off at Stage 2's stand-offish attitude, happy with the cuddles, feeling guilty for the state Stage 4 is in, and overall a mess. Two minutes in, my guy is dissociating and staring blankly at a wall and asking for Color. Stage 2 keeps repeating that they gotta keep Color out of this and Stage 1 really wants to punch them in the face. He even tries to at some point, which gets both of them bonked in the head by Stage 3 and sat in different corners to think about their actions like misbehaving children.
Just, these 4 could have such a dysfunctional family dynamic together. Why's the one acting like the voice of reason basically a feral raccoon of a skeleton??
The idea of 2 thinking of them as “cringe” made me giggle lmao. Makes me wonder if 2 would do some bullshit like bully 4 and torment it and order it around only for 3 to continually hit him over the head every time. 2 would probably treat 3 and 4 as less than animals if it got away with it. He’s the school yard bully except the bully knows literal torture techniques and would probably bite.
Honestly I’m down to talk more about the Stages either with eachother or with the outside world (color/nightmare/delta & epic/murder & horror) and just in general yalls various interpretations of what exactly the Stages are some more if yall want.
{ @stellocchia }
(Although my replies might be a lil slow i think my social battery is a bit drained rn lmao)
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madame-fear · 2 years
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hello all !! 💖 so, since requests are open, i had to make 90+ (might edit and make more) prompts and scenarios in case you'd like to use them when requesting c: if you're going to use them when requesting, i'd highly appreciate if you also gave me a small insight on what plot you'd like/had in mind for the request/prompt/scenario.
i believe there are some that might not be fully original because i'm not entirely sure if i imagined them, or read them somewhere and it stuck to my mind and i don't remember where & when i read it; so if you see a non-original prompt/scenario, feel free to tell me so and i'll delete it!
💖 requesting rules + characters/fandoms i write for // suggested reading !! 💖
💖 — last updated : 06 / 12 / 22
anyways! on to the prompts and scenarios :
1. “you have no idea how badly i need you.”
2. “jealous? who, me? impossible” *is actually seething with rage & jealousy*
3. catching [character] staring at you, and they immediatly look away blushing when you notice them.
4. “hold your breath, we'll be just fine.”
5. “you're so, so stupid, and so incredibly blind to not see it.” “see what?” “that i'm so in love with you, for gods sake!”
6. “would you fancy to sleep with me tonight, in my bed?” “only if we cuddle.”
7. [character] wakes up breathing heavily from a nightmare, and you soothe them by bringing them to your chest, and whispering sweet things to their ear while your hand caresses their hair.
8. “i saw this and i thought of you.”
9. “what would i do without you?”
10. “shut up and love me.”
11. “i love you so so much, you're my sun and stars, but if you don't reciprocate i understa–” “i love you too” you reply. “well, i hope we can at least be frie– wait, WHAT??? You love me back??? oh my–”
12. “i wish i could gift you the sun, the stars, the moon, and all the planets that exist.”
13. “what are you doing in my room?” “oh, you mean, our room?”
14. tracing [character]'s features while they sleep, and vice versa.
15. “you look lovely today. May i have this dance with you?”
16. “i am head over heels for you, and you deserve to know... i can't hide it anymore. I. Love. You.”
17. intense kissing session while cuddling, and getting caught by someone.
18. “your eyes shine when you smile. I love it.”
19. “gods, your lips are so sweet. Please kiss me again?”
20. goofily smiling in between kisses.
21. goofily smiling in your very first kiss.
22. “are you certain you want to do this? i mean, i don't want to make you uncomfortable.”
23. “and who are you to tell me who i can and can't be with?” “i'm your future husband, and probably, father of your future children.”
24. [character] slightly tilting your chin to make you look up at them when you lower your gaze out of shyness.
25. doing flower crowns for each other.
26. “you look pretty when you blush. Do it more often.”
27. “if only you knew the effect you have on me.”
28. “please, don't ever leave me alone. I could never stand being far away from you, my love.”
29. “i could smooch all your pretty little face right now.”
30. playfully wiping away their kiss, and getting tackled with more kisses by them.
31. “if only you saw yourself the way i see you... such a pretty angel on earth.”
32. “you occupy every single thought in my head, and every single dream.”
33. “i know this sounds strange, but you smell really good. You smell of... raspberry and citrus.”
34. taking care of [character] when sick, but they're so touch starved for you end up cuddling on bed together, but you end up sick as well.
35. Same as prompt 34, but vice versa: [character] takes care of you when sick, but since you end up cuddling and kissing on bed together they become sick as well.
36. “kiss me again. I dare you.”
37. teasing looks with each other in public. As soon as you're all by yourselves, you both fall into an intense, loving makeout session.
38. “is that... my shirt that you're wearing?”
39. “stay in bed a little bit more with me, please...”
40. “you're so distracting... i love that.”
41. “i don't think i'll ever let go of you.” *while cuddling*
42. “your hair is so silky. Can i braid it?”
43. “i will always be by your side, no matter what.”
44. [character] playing with your hair, occasionally twirling a strand around their finger.
45. [character] warming you up with a cloth of theirs when they notice you're cold.
46. “you're cold! i can see you shivering – here, have this. You'll feel warmer.”
47. “as long as i am by your side, nothing nor no one will possibly hurt you. I'll fight for you till my last day, i promise.”
48. singing/humming/reading to each other before sleeping. [ a/n : if you'll request something for this, specify whether you want the reader or character to sing, hum, or read. ]
49. “you're voice is like honey to me. Please, don't stop.”
50. “i don't recall asking you to stop. Keep kissing me.”
51. [character] get jealous because they think someone is flirting with you, but it's actually a relative they didn't know about and the two of you have re-encountered with each other after a long time.
52. “gods, you're such an idiot.” “and yet, you still love me that way.”
53. “the different shades of colours in your eyes are hypnotising.”
54. “have i told you how perfect you look?”
55. “you deserve the world.”
56. being reassured by [character] that they love you just the way you are when you show signs/tell them about your insecurities.
57. “you're perfect just the way you are, my princess, and you'll always be.”
58. “who told you that? I'll fight them.”
59. “you don't need to change nothing for no one. I love every small thing about you, and every inch of your precious being.”
60. “i will vow my life to you, my Queen.”
61. “let's run away together: leave all of this behind, and make a new life where it's only the two of us.”
62. “the sun is getting jealous about you, by the way you so brightly shine.”
63. “have i told you to stop? no. Keep going.”
64. “oh, no! your hands are so cold! here, let me warm you.” *[character] warms your hands with theirs*
65. “oh, thank god– my family likes you!”
66. “i know i make you nervous. Don't try to hide it. Say it.”
67. [character] accidentally calls you a dearly nickname (love, sweetheart, princess, etc) and realises what they've done when you blush and giggle at it. Ends in a love confession.
68. “come dance with me under the rain!”
69. desperate, needy and forgiving kisses with [character] after a bad argument/fighting.
70. “who hurt you? i'll fight the hell out of them.”
71. hugs from behind when you're distracted. Ends with makeout and cuddling session.
72. “you live in my head, and heart! yet you can't see that?”
73. friends to lovers situation. Getting hit with realisation that they're enamoured with you when [character] sees you laughing at someone else's joke, or flirting. Ends in love confession, too.
74. “oh my god– are you... jealous?”
75. “jealous? no, just curious.” *with clenching jaw, in between teeth*
76. “you're my first, and last. Thank you for all the love, i appreciate it, my sweetling.”
77. “don't cry, please. I hate seeing you this way– i'm here for you, and i'll always be.”
78. “you're so... breathtaking.”
79. “are you comfortable with this? i mean– i'd hate making you feel uncomfortable, or forcing you to do something you don't want.”
80. [character] giving you knuckle, hand, and palm kissing.
81. [character]'s family/friends/relatives notice the mutual crushing you have going on, but since you're too scared of doing anything, they set the two of you until you confess.
82. “i've realised, i'm slowly falling for you... and it's painful. So, so painful.”
83. “you should've said it earlier, idiot. I love you too, can't you see?”
84. star gazing with [character]
85. “the stars are pretty tonight... but you're prettier.”
86. “you're stunning. I'm so lucky to have you.”
87. “show me, then.” “show you what?” “you just said you loved me, didn't you? Prove it, and come kiss me.”
88. “did you really just buy me... [insert gift] (specify when requesting)? Oh my– thank you! You shouldn't have.”
89. “gods, you're going to be the death of my with all this... love smothering.”
90. “but they like you, [name]!” “oh, they like me? Too bad, i am so in love with you, and no one can compare to you.”
91. “please...” “please what, love? tell me what you want, angel.” [ for smut ]
92. “tonight, i'm yours... i'll be at your mercy.” [ for smut ]
93. “sometimes i can't help but wonder, if being so pretty hurts?”
94. “oh, fuck me.” “ok, when?”
95. “promise me you'll be more careful next time, alright?” [ please specify scenario for request ]
96. “you drive me so fucking crazy. i want you... now.” [ for smut ]
97. “i would kill, and get killed for you, my love.”
98. [character] randomly picking you up from the floor, carrying you bridal style to their room, and throwing you to their bed just because they're needy for your cuddles.
99. “you're such a needy, good girl, aren't you?” [ for smut ]
100. [character] sees you crying, and holds you in their arms as you cry on their chest and they whisper sweet things until you calm down. Ends in cuddling, and lots of fluff.
101. “you're such a dork.” “yeah, but i'm your dork.”
102. talking with [character] about dreams, and they accidentally confess they dream about you often. Ends in love confession.
103. [character] sees you being nice to little children and how much they adore you, and they can't help but daydream about those kids being your own. Ends with both of you talking about starting a family together.
104. “oh, fuck- we should be quieter, otherwise they're going to hear us!” “let them hear, love. i want them to know you're mine, and only mine.” [ for smut ]
105. “i shouldn't have touched you in such inappropiate way, i-i'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable-” “shut up, and keep going. i've been waiting for this for a long time.” [ for smut + fluff ]
106. “you look so pretty when you're wet.” [ for smut ]
107. “please, sing me a song, love. i can't sleep.”
108. “you're doomed to be my pillow now, for the rest of my living days.”
109. “did you... cancel all your plans just to be with me???”
110. you call [character] – your life time best friend – an endearing nickname for the first time, and then they realise they're slowly falling in love with you.
111. “i think... i love you. I love you like i never loved anyone else before in my life.”
112. “has anybody ever told you how pretty your eyes are?” [ specify who says this to whom if possible ]
113. “i think it's getting hot in here.” “you think?”
114. flashing teasing winks and smiles once you find out [character] has a crush on you.
115. a relative of [character] confesses that [character] loves you because they're too shy to do so... while [character] is witnessing the moment.
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witchthewriter · 10 months
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𝐎𝐬𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Warnings: violence, nsfw section, mentions of blood and battles
a/n: okay so i did a bit of research and in this time, it's only monks who were not allowed to marry and i think remain celebate? nsfw included...it will all be explained
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Lawful Good turned Neutral Good
Pisces Sun, Libra Moon, Cancer Rising
・When Osferth first met you, he was incredibly frightened of you...but did his best to hide it.
・Well, even Uhtred was wary of you at first. You had come off the battlefield, covered in blood, a sword in both hands, and a fucking grin on your face
・Out of three of the four men were practically having heart palpatations when you looked their way and your smile grew.
"Oh fuck-" Finan said, practically frozen.
"Shit shit shit, in coming, Uhtred-" Osferth was by his Lord's side, not ... hiding behind him, only merely standing beside him.
・It wasn't until Sihtric stood up, opening his arms wide that the men let out a joint sigh.
・Even though both of you were covered in blood and had considerate wounds (although none too serious), you hugged each other as hard as you could.
"Um, not to ... break up this beautiful picture," Finan started, "but who exactly is this Sihtric?"
"This is my cousin!"
・Osferth's attention never left you. His eyes constantly seeking you, he needed to know where you were at all times.
・His crush on you, which took a few weeks for him to realise, made him obsessed with you.
・Osferth yearned for you.
・But little did he know, you felt the exact same way.
・You travelled with Uhtred and his crew for months, and you fought in many battles (saving the lives of each men around twice; but whose counting?)
・Finan was the easiest to talk to - with Uhtred always galloping off to do Lord things, Sihtric usually spying for him, which left Finan, Osferth and yourself.
・The monk took a while to speak to you, and the first few times he stuttered.
・The black khol around your eyes, Viking markings and tattoos were enough to make any Saxon quiver.
・But he'd seen you in battle, and his heart fluttered every time.
・So Finan was the only person to talk to. And talk he did.
・You listened to the Irishman, but your eyes often wandered to the monk, whose gaze would quickly avert from your own
・Everytime he did this, you smiled. And of course, Finan caught on.
・So one night he decided to meddle.
"Argh! I've hurt me ankle - Osferth and y/n, can ye get the firewood for me. God this hurts!" He near shouted as the two of you walked off together.
・Was Finan an idiot at times? Yes. But a brilliant idiot. Because the asshole actually got Osferth to talk to you. And once you got talking, you both opened up. As if you had known each other all your lives.
・When Uhtred and Sihtric returned, they were stunned to see the two of you so close. Emotionally as well as physically.
・Sihtric especially, since he felt rather protective of you. Even if you could beat him in a fight.
・Osferth had never known love, not romantic love, and he knew he would never feel it to this extent again.
・He has your eye colour memorised, as well as your smile, the way you like to do your hair, your favourite colour etc.
・He's tentative and sweet, emotionally mature - although he can be a bit naive at times.
・Osferth never thought someone like you; someone as intimidating and strong and fierce as you, could ever look twice at him. Let alone love him.
・And he swore to himself that he would do everything he could to make you happy.
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Sun (Osferth) x Moon (You)
Love language is physical touch (You) x Is touch starved (Osferth)
 Confident & Flirty (You) x Has Never Been Flirted With Before, Thinks They're Just Being Nice (Osferth)
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Opposites Attract
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
A New Beginning by Alexandre Desplat
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point.
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・We know that Osferth isn't a virgin, as he had two GROWN WOMEN physically fighting over him!
・He has the same dedication to his partner's pleasure as he has faith in God
・The first few weeks of your relationship, Osferth was always shocked that you kissed him.
・Often you asked him if he was okay, if he wanted to stop and then this fire would overtake him
・The kisses turned heated, passionate, almost overwhelming
・His large hands like to wander from your face, to your back, then down to your backside.
・There never goes a day when Osferth hasn't squeezed your ass, or at least pinched it
・You can get Osferth to agree to anything if you suck and nibble on his nipples. They're very sensitive, (and a lot of men do like this).
・There was a growing guilt whenever you two fucked, (no I am not using their word for it. I will not use 'hump' - I cringe every time.) He felt as if he was going against god somehow.
・But you had had enough of it after 4 months of being together.
"If this is causing you anguish, then we will stop."
"It's complicated love, I - what I want and what's expected of me is two different things."
"Then you will have to choose."
・Osferth told you a needed a week to make up his mind. Because if he chose you, then he would no longer be a monk.
・You agreed.
・And when those 7 days were over, he came into your tent, fell to his knees and begged for your forgiveness.
"I believe in God. And you believe in your gods. It is difficult, but I have made up my mind."
・When his eyes met your own, your breath was taken. Almost stolen from you.
"I am yours y/n. I cannot see God, nor touch him. But when I am with you... it feels like I am in the presence of the Divine."
・And that night he fucked you like he never had before.
・Orgasm after orgasm, he made love to you until the sun came up.
・He loves leaving love bites and teeth marks on your thighs and chest. There's something so primal about that action. As if he's marking his territory. Although he knows no one could be your master.
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brewed-pangolin · 2 years
After playing both the campaign and warzone, I have come to the simple conclusion that there are two very different sides to Mr MacTavish. Something that I am lovingly referring to as...
The Highland Coin Toss
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How he reacts and treats you is purely dependent on the relationship and what he's more comfortable with you calling him. And if you are lucky enough to gain access to both sides, flipping his coin turns into an all out 'spin the bottle', color me horny fuck fest. So, without further ado, let us begin....
18+ MDNI under the cut
CW: Just some personal headcanons sprinkled on a giant heap of smut. Sub/Dom Soap. P in V, Fem receiving.
AN: This is the first anything I have written in over 5 years, so apologies if it's absolute shit. Honestly, though, had so much fun with this double-sided Scottsman! Much Love 💛
'Heads' Johnny MacTavish
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Walls? Yeah, he's got 'em. More to protect himself from those around him. But patience will prevail. Give it time, and you'll begin to see those barriers slowly crumble down.
Honesty goes a long way with Johnny. He can generally read people like a book (please don't bring up Graves, he's still sore after that traitorous bastard) If he does catch you being untruthful to him or any of the 141 or Voqueros, good luck getting back on his good graces. Book's closed, done.
Beneath that hardened exterior, Johnny is incredibly affectionate. And not just in a romantic aspect. He doesn't see 141 and Voqueros as soldiers or troops, they're his brothers.
Don't try to get in between him and his missions. Johnny is a military man through and through, and nothing is more important to him than the completion of the task at hand.
Loyal to a God damn fault.
Johnny is the fighter of the coin toss. Calculated, thorough and eyes on every detail, no matter how insignificant they may seem.
Once those walls are dust, this man will be nothing but putty in your hands.
Now, on to the fun stuff...
Johnny is 100% a switch! If you want him to be in control, he'll gladly take the reigns. But if you're feeling a bit more frisky and want to be in control, this man will be in absolute heaven (he won't deny it, Johnny loves watching you ride him)
Is absolutely obsessed with your body.
No matter the time, place, or scenario, he's going to have a hand on you (leg, thigh, arm, hand, neck, ass, foot, head...) And those hands like to wander...simple caresses turn into deliberate touches with one goal in mind.
And Johnny knows ALL of your pleasure zones. Will either focus his fingers on them or dance around them entirely just to drive you wild. Once his touch has been satiated, his mouth will go to work.
Kissing Johnny is an experience in sexual nirvana. His hands will cradle your head as his tongue explores and tastes you. Only when you're a breathless mess will he give you reprieve and move on. Every inch of you will be peppered in starving kisses. Loves your neck and inner thighs the most (mainly due to the reaction and moans you elicit in response)
But his main prize is the deliciously warm cavern between your thighs. Is nothing short of methodical when eating you out. Torturously so at times.
Starts with long, languid draws of his tongue along your folds. Quickly followed by precise and deliberate attention on your pulsing clit. Loves to oscillate between these two maneuvers, purely out of satisfaction as you all but lose your mind beneath his salacious mouth.
Johnny knows exactly where that special bundle of nerves is, he knows how much you can take and will push you to your limit. You'll be on the verge of insanity, and all you'll see between your legs is victorious glacial eyes beckoning you to break and come apart on his tongue.
He is so atuned to your body it almost makes you wonder if soul mates are a reality or just a long told fairy tale. This thought always creeps into your mind as he enters you. So slowly, you feel ever inch of him, and once he's fully seated, you swear you can feel his rapid heart beat within your welcoming cunt.
Slow and steady wins this race in his mind. Johnny is fully aware that it is not the pace that gets you off, and is willing to spend all night getting you to the ecstasy you both so desperately desire.
Don't count those determined hands out when he's thrusting balls deep within you. He'll find that pulsing bud and match his determined circling fingers with the pace of his hips.
Speaking of hands, Johnny never keeps them in one place for too long. His fingers will traverse and explore your curves like meandering, sexually driven pilgrim.
King of Priases! "Y'So beautiful hen." "Good bonnie. Feel so fucking good." "C'mon, I know ya can give me another one."
Will talk you through your orgasms.
"Keep your eyes on me, bonnie."
"That's it. Cum for me. Cum for me, hen."
His voice will be soft, slightly above a whipser with just enough strain in it to send you over the edge.
You'll know when Johnny's close. He'll hold you tight, desperately so, to the point you'll feel like he'll suffocate you. His pace will stammer and with one last thrust you'll feel him empty himself within you.
Johnny is in heaven when he cares for you post romp. He'll pepper you in soft kisses while his fingers dance across your still trembling skin. And he's always prepared; damp washcloth within arms reach because he knows you both can get quite messy.
You'll fall asleep first, because that's what he wants. Soft whispers of how beautiful you are, how good you make him feel will echo into your ears. The last thing you'll remember is strong arms wrapping around your waist and the slow beating of his heart as you let sleep take you over completely.
'Tails' Soap MacTavish
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Walls? Yeah, no. Try fucking skyscrapers. Only way you're getting to this side of the Scot is by proving you're not a complete waste of time and flesh. Even if he has opened himself up to his more accepting side, don't push your luck trying to figure out what he hides behind closed doors. Soap will read through those lines within seconds and shut it down. And he'll be a locked vault from then on.
Assertive. Especially during and immediately following missions (it takes Soap a day or two to get back to civilian life).
Bit of a control freak, particularly when it comes to his routines. (Yes, he has a very specific hair regimen. So if you value your life, don't touch anything. And no, he's not going to talk about it)
Patience. Patience. Patience. Let Soap open himself up to you. It may take a few months, maybe even years. You may need some help from his brothers in arms to get to this man (Gaz especially, he's such a softie). They're truly the only ones that know Soap for who he really is.
Complete trust is necessary to gain access to Soap, and once that element has been reached, you'll have your own personal body guard at every beck and call.
Soap is the protector of this flip of the coin. Think of a 200lb, military trained pitbull. God forbid anyone looks at you the wrong way.
Smexy time!!
Soap can be a bit aggressive at times, especially if he's been without any release for a long period. But make no mistake, Soap is a pleasure Dom to the absolute max! He'll get off, no doubt about that. You on the other hand, depending his mood you'll have either one mind blowing orgasm or several. (Good luck trying to walk after those nights)
While Johnny has a routine while being intimate with you, Soap is all over the place. He may start by fucking you relentlessly for hours, followed by eating you out and finish with devouring your mouth. Then start all over again in a different rhythm, and will probably throw in some shower sex just for good measure. Soap's unpredictability is what drives you to insanity. You can't keep a handle on him, and in that, your mind goes blank and purely enjoys everything he gives to you.
Ultimate grabby hands. Can get a bit carried away at times. Don't scold him for leaving bruises, consider them ultimate fleshy love notes.
Formidable make-out extraordinaire. While Johnny is affectionate and somewhat desperate, Soap is aggressive and all-consuming. And he won't give you a break from his mouth until he's had his fill. (Cue your grabby hands so you don't fall to the floor)
Hickeys. Hickeys fucking everywhere. Obsessed with leaving them in the most random places. Your calf has become his new favorite, and you strangely enough can't get enough of it.
Three words: Teasing. Fucking. Bastard.
Loves to watch you squirm beneath him, whether it be to his mouth or to his hardened and precise cock. And his hands, God damn his hands! You've started calling him your 'Clitoral Beethoven" since he can make you sing by the sheer power of his fingers alone.
Soap is ravenous with his mouth on you. This fact is proven time and again when he is buried between your thighs. His vigorous workings are only magnified by his vibrating groans that tantalizingly work their way up your spine.
Soap is the epitome of messy when he's eating your pussy. He'll all but swallow you whole, covering his stubble and chin with your juices. Those gorgeous blue eyes disappear between your thighs, replaced by darkened orbs filled with needy hunger. Your breaking point is when he begins to seesaw his head from side to side, the friction of his mouth combined with his determined tongue will having you screaming his name within seconds.
No flat surface is safe with this man. Can and will bend you over at any moment, especially if you're alone. (If not, expect a fair amount of borrowing stares and even a firm grab of your ass if he's feeling extra horny, which is pretty much always)
Speaking of horny, Soap is so needy for your pussy he can't always wait for you. But this man is resourceful, and almost always prepared. You don't know where he keeps it, but somehow he's got lube in his hand and already stroking his cock and you've barely pushed your pants down for him. And there's nothing gradual about how Soap enters you, he's balls deep first thrust. But he does hold and let you get used to him, purely for the feel of your cunt quivering around his cock.
Loves, loves, LOVES doggie style! Not only does it give him the most perfect view of your ass, but let's him have complete control of the pace. And whoa mama you're gonna need to mentally and physically prepare yourself, cause Soap is gonna fuck you senseless!
Have a mattress warehouse on speed dial. Just do it!
Mentioned that Soap is assertive. That's an understatement when he's having his way with you. He's strong, Godlike when he so desperately wants to feel your pulsing cunt around him. So expect a fair amount of man handling and body contortions (cue you turning into a human pretzel fuck toy; yoga may become a necessity before any Soap sexathon)
And that Scottish accent will only thicken as he pounds himself in your molten core.
"Be a good lass and scream fer me. Want e'eryone to know yer MINE."
"Takin me so well, aren't ya?"
"Can't get enough, can ya bonnie? Always so fuckin hungry fer my cock."
"So fuckin wet fer me. Yer a dirty girl, aren't ya?"
You're going to either have a strong hold on him or anything with a firm base, because Soap is going to completely ruin you. The room will be a cacophony of skin slapping, pleading moans and reverberating growls. The sounds will tempt you to poke the bear, but do so at your own risk...
"Harder, Soap. Fuck me harder."
His calloused hand will firmly grib the back of your neck, and the other will give your ass a hardened smack. You'll feel his body weigh down against yours, hips contuing their assault as his mouth ghosts the cusp of your ear.
"Fuckin needy little thing, aren't ya lass?"
Consider the bear, poked.
Soap will undoubtedly fuck you through your orgasms. He may be talking, but it will probably be some overly gratified Scottish that you don't understand. It's the growl of his words that make you go over the edge, blissfully cock drunk as your body convulses around him and your mind goes completely white.
Aftercare with Soap will almost always end in a bath. One to clean the excessive amount of fluids, and two to help soothe your blissfully overused body. As rough as he can be during the act, Soap is incredibly tender and gentle afterwards. Only thing on your mind will be when he came during the deed. His repsonse is always the same...
"Non of that now, bonnie."
Want to give some massive kudos to @yeyinde, @irnbru32, and @mvtthewmurdvck for their inspiration to get me back to writing. Y'alls fics are so unbelievably well done and immersive, I honestly can't get enough! Glad to be back and part of the Soap Squad 🧼 💛
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