#they're all good kids and i hope they don't give up and find success in future seasons ;-;
shandian-go · 2 years
Deft's story is amazing! Seeing his face crumple after hugging a crying Keria was heartbreaking, especially after that interview where Keria said that when DRX separated, they all promised to meet each other in a bigger stage...
It really was an incredible and emotional journey ;A; I first started cheering for him in 2016 during his EDG days and the fact that he had to defeat so many of his old teammates at every stage is a knife to the heart;;; Plus in the finals he had to face off against both his closest friend (Keria) and also his high school classmate slash the greatest player of all time (Faker) and the entire thing honestly felt like the plot of an anime come to life 🥺🥺
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agustdiv1ne · 7 months
That’s all I’m gonna say… (also I’m really sorry if this isn’t something u write about, I didn’t see it on ur rules so feel free to ignore this :) )
oh yes. i've never written about this concept but...i rly do enjoy it......
dilf!soobin x fem!reader
warnings: soobin has a daughter, no established d/s dynamics, teasing, thigh riding, oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), on my big cock soobin agenda, mating press, unprotected sex (boo!), nipple play (f receiving)
dilf!soobin who wants to get back into the dating pool after so long, so he takes his chance on a dating app only to find dissapointment because all anyone wants to do is hook up...he's far past that stage of life, and he wants someone who is as well
dilf!soobin who matches with you one fateful evening. it's an immediate connection, and when he comes clean about having a kid, you tell him that you don't mind at all, that you're sure his daughter is as sweet as him. his heart begins to pound in exacitement as both of you begin to plan a date for the upcoming weekend, hoping that this time, it will be different, that you will be different
dilf!soobin who, after several successful dates, starts to tease you. there's been a flirtatious air to your conversations for a while now, and he knows that he's handsome — and better yet, he knows that you want him. he's a patient man, though, and he makes sure the build-up is as perfect as the real thing
dilf!soobin who is too good at teasing. he places his hand a little too on your thigh when he's driving, squeezing the soft flesh there; he lets you grind on his thigh while you make out, only you to make you stop before you can cum; he makes you tell him what you want before he makes you suckle his thumb, telling you that if you're patient, he'll give you everything and more soon
dilf!soobin who takes you to bed after one too many glasses of wine, both of you giggly while you swap spit with each other. he treats you like a queen, eating you out, fingering you until you cum twice...you end up having to shove him away from your pussy, pouting that you want his cock inside you. that gets him going, and soon enough, he's got you bent in half, long, slow thrusts against your warm walls, his big cock hitting you so deep that you swear you can feel him in your stomach
dilf!soobin who spills all over your stomach, your boobs, lips attaching to your nipples to "clean you up"....he doesn’t stop his ministrations to your tits 'til they're all swollen and messy with his spit, marks all over your heaving chest. he leans up to kiss you, the taste of his salty release apparent on his tongue <3
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flashfuture · 3 months
Also I'm not sure how familiar people are with this issue but
The Flash vol 1 #168 "One of Our Green Lanterns is Missing!"
It's a real good one. It gives a historical precedent for the Guardians trusting Barry.
For context 1967 and Barry and Iris have recently been married and moved in together.
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(The Flash vol 1 #168)
"While you're at headquarters see if there's been any word from Hal Jordan! He might have reached town this evening and left a message there for you !"
"Thoughtful of Iris! She knows I've been worried about Hal ! We received a letter from him last week saying he was on his way to Central City to visit Iris and me in our new house..."
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"But since then there's been no sign of him ! And that's not like Hal-- To act in such a manner !" But I suppose his duties as Green Lantern-- which Iris knows nothing about-- intervened! At least I hope that's the reason ! ... Either I'm having an hallucaination-- or I'm looking at one of the Guardians of the Universe Hal told me about !"
"I am one of the Guardians, Barry Allen-- seeking Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern of this sector of the cosmos!"
So Barry and Iris are incredibly worried about where Hal could be at since he said he was going to visit them and was a no show. Now one of the Guardians of the universe has popped down to see Barry and ask for his help.
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"You mean-- something is wrong? Hal is missing!?"
"Yes ! And his power battery too! In our efforts to regain contact with him, we thought of you! We are aware of course that from time to time you have teamed up with him as The Flash ! My mission is to enlist your aid in finding Hal Jordan!"
So Barry agrees of course to help find Hal and even tells Iris he's too upset about receiving no word from Hal to work tonight.
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The next morning Iris is just saying how she thinks it's "strange Barry, that there's still been no word at all from Hal--"
When on the tv they show off a fisherman with who could it be but Hal Jordan. And Iris in shocked starting at the tv says "Barry, get down to the dock-- on the double! What are you waiting for?" And Barry of course runs out faster than on the double to get Hal.
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So the Flash hits the docks says Hal Jordan ! And realizes Hal lost his memory and the Fisherman who found Hal is like cool go with the Flash kid
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Barry takes Hal back to the hotel he figures he's staying at and finds the Lantern Hal stashed away and tells him in the vaugest most suggestive way possible what they're gonna do.
"Hal, please do exactly as I say-- even though you do not understand! A great deal depends on what we're about to do-- believe me ! But we must do it right ! come-- this way--"
"Why are we kneeling down--?" Great question Hal I love that you do it anyways
"Hal, you must repeat after me exactly what I am about to say..."
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In brightest day, in blackest night and well you get the rest. Barry says the Lantern's vow while holding Hal's half up to the lantern and it fixes his memory. Hal gets dressed Barry lounges on the back of a chair.
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"Green Lantern, it may take the two of us to handle the super-crime! How about joining me?"
"If you didn't ask, Flash-- I'd insist!"
So they go beat up the bad guys Kabam
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And then Hal takes Iris and Barry out onto the boat to show them how to fish. And The Guardians are pleased The Flash was successful and clearly know they can rely on him again in the future.
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"Green Lantern, don't run out on me! Without you I'm helpless against these super-armed crooks!"
I'd also just like the point out this click bait dramatic ass break up style cover. Absolutely not what happened in the issue it's really good
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grandeoatmilklatte · 10 months
Pain and Pledges Pt. 1 (College AU!Ominis x F!MC)
Happy Friday! My first successful attempt at a Gaunt Friday post. The theme the Omi server picked was AU, so here's a college AU where Omi is a hot Frat boy!
There's no smut in this one sadly cause it was getting a little too long, so I had to split it up. The smut will be in part 2 but there is some good angst and tension in here, as well as some flirty behavior.
Also, I know nothing about frats and sororities (I went to a city college) so forgive me if I got something wrong.💕 The house names are movie/tv references!
Pain and Pledges Pt 1. - College AU Ominis Gaunt x F!MC || Summary: You just started college, and are attending a Frat party this weekend to win over some Sorority girls in the hopes of joining their house, but things don't go according to plan when you fall for a hot, blind Frat boy. 2.8k words.
Warnings: Slight NSFW, 18+ || teen drinking || dubcon kiss in a truth or dare game || mentions of bl0w j0bs || all charcters are college age thus they're 18+!
Part 2 here:
The shrill ringing of the bell snapped you out of your daydream, your fellow students getting up around you, eager to flee the lecture hall. It was officially the weekend, you survived your very first week of college. You made your way outside, eager to find Garreth so you could start making plans for your big weekend.
Garreth Weasley was your childhood best friend, a sophomore, and a member of the Fraternity on campus, Omega Beta Zeta. The Frat had a close relationship with the Sorority on campus, Kappa Kappa Tau, which you were planning to pledge for. The two houses were hosting a party at the Frat house on Saturday, where many of the Kappa girls would be present, giving you an opportunity to mingle and get even more in their favor, Garreth already having put in a good word for you. Freshman typically weren’t allowed at this party, nor were new potential pledges. But because you were so close to Garreth, he had managed to convince the presidents of each house to let him bring you.
“Are you ready for a crazy weekend!?” Garreth shouted as he threw his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into a hug.
“I'm a bit nervous. What if no one likes me?” You were normally pretty confident, but Sorority girls could be a little scary.
“Nonsense! You mainly have to impress Kappa’s president, Imelda Reyes. Once you win her over, you’re good! And she already knows about my amazing best friend!” He said as he nudged you with a smile. The only other person you’d want to impress is Ominis Gaunt, he’s Omega’s president and they both have a say on who gets into each house. He can be a bit of an ass sometimes. I mean, I guess you have to be considering what he’s dealt with. He’s been blind all his life. He’s also a legacy. Every male in his family has been in the Frat, and they’ve all been Omega presidents in their times here. Which isn’t entirely fair, but I guess it helps that his family is stupid rich and friends with the Dean.”
She rolled her eyes. She had heard of these legacy students before and had heard that they were typically stuck up rich kids, Garreth being the only legacy she had ever seen be an exception to this. His parents were fairly wealthy, and many of his family members had also attended the school. You weren't a legacy, nor were you a rich kid, but Garreth never treated you differently for that.
You began to discuss plans, as Garreth was one of the Omega boys in charge of party planning. He created a list of supplies, enlisting your help to obtain them. Once you had your list of supplies, you went on your way.
You decided to make a quick pit stop at the library first, wanting to pick up a book you needed for a class. It was fairly quiet in the library on this Friday afternoon. You grabbed the book you were looking for and were heading out when you noticed him, Ominis Gaunt. He seemed to be struggling a bit, trying to balance several books in one arm while using his other arm to hold his walking stick. Feeling bad for him, and remembering Garreth’s instruction to get on his good side, you slowly walked over to him.
“It’s Ominis, right? Do you need any help with that?” You asked softly.
“I’m doing quite alright thank you!” He barked at you, shooting you an angry glare. You were taken aback by his rudeness, mumbling an apology and turning to leave when he spoke again, his voice softer this time.
“Wait, I don’t recognize your voice? Do I know you?”
“No. We haven’t met yet.” You breathed a sigh of relief as you introduced yourself. He repeated your name to himself, as if he was savoring the way it sounded on his tongue.
“Are you Weasley’s friend? I’ve heard him talk about you? A freshman right? And you’re pledging Kappa?” There was a curious look on his face. As he questioned you, you couldn’t help but be lost in his eyes. They were a beautiful milky blue, and he didn’t have pupils. His blue irises seemed to be fused, likely the source of his blindness.
“Yep, that’s me! And yes, I’ll be meeting the Kappa girls tomorrow at your party. I’m hoping I make a good impression on them.” You let out a chuckle, feeling a little nervous under his sightless gaze.
“Fuck. He’s really hot.” You thought to yourself as you unabashedly stared at him, knowing he wouldn’t notice. He was dressed quite nicely - black loafers, a pair of dark gray trousers and a crisp white shirt on his body, likely all designer. He was tall and thin, towering over you, his blond hair was elegantly pushed back, and he had various beauty marks peppering his cheeks. You wondered if there were more beauty marks on his body, imagining your lips moving down, kissing the marks on his chest, down his stomach, below his belt…
His voice snapped you out of your naughty daydream. “I’m sure you’ll make a good impression on them. I’ve only known you for a few minutes and I already think you’re lovely.” He said with a chuckle. The comment made your heart flutter. “Come to think of it, I could use your help. Would you be a dear and help me put these away?” He passed you the books he had been holding. You grabbed them and put them back, eyes constantly jumping between the books and him as you did so.
“Thank you, love. I appreciate the help. I must be off, but I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. I’ll love to get to know you more.” He shot you a smile.
“See you tomorrow!” You sighed as he turned, leaving you with sweaty palms, a racing heart, and a wetness between your legs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You stood in front of the mirror, touching up your lipstick one more time before you gave your reflection a thumbs up and headed out to meet Garreth. You wore a black, spaghetti strapped form fitting dress that hit the middle of your thigh and displayed an ample amount of cleavage. You accompanied the dress with black fishnets, boots, and a leather jacket. Your long hair had a soft wave to it, and your lips were a beautiful shade of bright red.
You felt a little embarrassed, knowing you had dressed this sexy for a guy who couldn’t even see what you were wearing. But you still wanted to look good for him. He had been on your mind all day. You kept daydreaming about his blue eyes, his beauty marks, and his soft voice. If the night went your way, he’d certainly get a feel of your clothes before they ended up on his floor.
The party was in full swing when you and Garreth arrived. Garreth was correct that everyone in attendance was either a Kappa girl or an Omega boy, and you were indeed the one lone freshman.
You were promptly introduced to Imelda, a tall brunette with an athletic build and a severe case of resting bitch face. She looked you over with a scowl on her face for a second before her scowl morphed into a smile. “Well aren’t you just a cutie pie?! Come on, let’s get you a drink, freshman!” You were then hauled off to the punch table, Garreth giving you a smile and waving goodbye to you before disappearing to find his friends, leaving you alone with the girls who would hopefully be your sorority sisters soon.
You had been with Imelda and the rest of the Kappa girls for about an hour now, dividing your attention between the girls, and the rest of the party, your eyes constantly scanning around for Ominis. You had yet to see him, and you were beginning to get discouraged. The Kappa girls were all varying degrees of drunk, while you tried to stay as sober as possible, wanting to be 100% yourself when you found Ominis. Every now and then, you would catch Imelda watching you as your gaze roamed around the room, wondering who you were looking for.
After what felt like forever, you finally spotted him from across the room, him having just come downstairs from the dorm rooms You excused yourself, Imelda’s eyes glued to you as you made your way over to Ominis. You almost didn’t interrupt him, as he appeared to be in conversation with some of the other Frat boys, but he seemed to sense you before you even said anything, turning in your direction and saying your name.
“Hey! Great party huh? How’d you know it was me?” You asked.
“Well, you’re wearing the same perfume you were wearing yesterday, except it’s a little stronger today.” He had a smile on his face, that looked way too flirty. His next action froze you in your tracks, as you felt his hand come up to your back before he leaned in, whispering in your ear.
“I really like that perfume. You should wear it more often. It makes you smell so delicious.”
There was an unmistakable sultry tone to his voice. You felt a heat rise between your legs and your breathing hitch. Before you could respond, he was offering to get you a drink, once he had, he motioned for you to sit on a nearby couch.
Your nervousness began to dwindle down as the two of you began to talk and drink. His attention was locked on you as he asked you questions about your major and how your first week of classes were. He also told you some things about himself - his law major, how many siblings he had, the clubs he was in. The two of you were getting to know each other and everything seemed to be going great. As time went on, you involuntarily found yourself moving closer to him, your knees actually touching at some point. His hand then came to rest on your knee. He stroked the bare skin under your fishnets with his thumb, and you felt like you could have died right there.
As the evening progressed, you couldn’t help but feel like you were being watched. You took your eyes off Ominis and discovered you were, many of the party goers eyeing and whispering about you two. You tried to ignore it, focusing your attention back on the beautiful boy in front of you. You weren’t sure exactly when it happened, but at some point Ominis’s hand had moved further up your leg, resting right where your dress ended. You moved even closer to him, and as you did so, his hand moved a little further up, his fingers slipping just a tiny bit under your dress.
“Are you alright?” He asked, a playful smile gracing his face.
“Yes. I’m great. This is great!” You said breathlessly.
He leaned in, his hand moving further up your thigh as he whispered in your ear. “Your skin is so soft, I could touch it all day.”
You were left speechless as he pulled away slightly to resume normal conversation. You then caught Imelda’s eye. She was smiling at you, but her smile was eerie. Her stare felt uncomfortable as you watched her move toward the center of the room. She took a fork off a nearby table and began to hit it against her glass, trying to get the attention of the party.
“Hello everyone! Thank you so much for coming to the first Kappa and Omega party of the school year!” Imelda yelled, her voice echoing through the room, guests giving a cheer in response. “We have a freshman in our midst who wants to join Kappa house! Let’s give her a warm welcome!” She shouted as she pointed at you. You looked away, refusing to make eye contact with her. “Let’s play a game, in honor of our sweet little freshy! Let’s play truth or dare!”
Several people gathered around a set of couches, including Ominis, who remained seated next to you, and Garreth, who sat across from you, an encouraging smile on his face. The other players consisted of the sorority sisters, who seemed to all be talking and laughing amongst each other. “We’ll start with our newbie first!” Imelda announced.
You tried to remain neutral in your expression, but inside you were panicking. Imelda asked you first, “truth or dare”. You wanted to play it safe, choosing “truth”.
You watched her eyes dart between you, Garreth, and Ominis. “Do you have a boyfriend, freshy?”
Garreth’s eyes looked up at you and you could swear you felt Ominis tense up next to you. “No.'' You answered confidently and truthfully, the tension in Ominis dissipating immediately.
The game continued, multiple people being dared to do various silly things, and a collection of school rumors being confirmed or denied via the truths.
One “truth” from one of the Frat guys revealed that Garreth had the hots for their freshman year English professor. A truth from Imelda revealed that Ominis was into guys as well as girls, him having gotten caught in an empty classroom sucking off a fellow Frat boy. This didn’t bother you, but Ominis wasn’t happy about this truth coming out, and in retaliation, revealed that Imelda wasn’t particularly good at sucking dick herself. This led to a truth coming out that Ominis and Imelda had previously been dating, him having broken up with her over the summer. This did bother you, and provided an explanation to Imelda's behavior.
You were also being ripped into in the game. Anytime it was one of the Sorority girls' turn, they would all smile at each other before picking you. Almost as if they were up to something. You continued to pick “truth”, nervous about what would happen if you picked “dare”. They had already asked you some very personal things, and they continued to get personal as the game progressed.
“Is there someone in this room that you’d fuck?”
“Yes.” You answered far too quickly, the answer causing Ominis to stir a little next to you.
“Are you a virgin?”
You didn’t answer this one as quickly, hesitating for a moment before you gave a soft “yes”. This answer elicited an audible sigh from Ominis. You were too mortified to look at him, or anyone else at the moment.
Imelda had enough of your derailment of her scheme. When the game came back around to her, she shot you a devilish smile.
“Alright, freshy, no more truths, it’s time for you to do a dare. After all, you are looking to pledge Kappa right? Show us how badly you want to join!”
You knew this was coming. You had no clue what they had planned for you, but whatever it was you knew it would be humiliating. You and Garreth briefly shared a look of worry, but you smiled at him before looking up at Imelda. You were nervous, sure, but weren’t about to be bullied.
“Fine.” You said, looking her dead in her big brown eyes.
Another devilish smile formed on her face. You watched her eyes jump to Ominis sitting next to you before she spoke.
“Earlier you said there was someone in this room you’d fuck. I dare you to kiss them. Right now. On the lips. For ten seconds.”
Garreth looked at you, the look on his face screaming for you to kiss him, not because he genuinely wanted you to, but because he wanted to give you a way out of this embarrassment. You would have done the same for him. But you gently shook your head at him.
You turned to the blind boy next to you, and in one quick motion, before you had too much time to think about it and chicken out, you grabbed his cheeks bringing your lips to his.
You heard a commotion around you, but you were far too invested in the taste of his lips to care. When you felt Ominis’s hands come up to your waist, holding you in place as he deepened the kiss, you felt like you were in heaven. His lips were soft and gentle as his warm hands held you. His tongue entered your mouth, having just swiped over yours before you heard Imelda.
“Alright alright! Ten seconds is up, stop trying to suck her face off, Omi!”
“Sounds like someone’s a little jealous she wasn’t on the receiving end of that.” Ominis shot at her, his hands coming off of you.
The game concluded shortly after this. When the players had dispersed, you nervously turned to Ominis to say something to him, but he shot you an angry expression before he stormed off. You called out to him, but he ignored your calls. Your heart began to shatter as you watched him head upstairs. Garreth approached asking if you were okay.
You regretted ever wanting to pledge the Sorority.
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shihalyfie · 1 year
So uh...Digimon Seekers being a web novel will be interesting.
It's an interesting format for sure. I'm guessing they're trying to find a way to keep "constant content" going in light of the loss of the anime timeslot and all that (the card game's doing well, but there's only so much it can do by itself).
Speaking of which! Let's talk about the elephant in the room, which is Digimon losing its timeslot and Ghost Game not getting a follow-up anime! In previous occasions, every time Digimon lost a timeslot and the anime went on hiatus again, that meant the franchise was in danger of dying (again), but...as of earlier this year, Digimon is now Toei's third best-selling IP internationally. So it is highly doubtful that the anime is going back on hiatus simply because things aren't doing well.
So, what's actually going on?
We're used to the idea of "Digimon should run back to back if it does well," and that's true of series that are explosively popular (which Digimon is not right now, even if it's not on the verge of dying either), but in actuality, the Fuji TV 9 AM slot is a high-demand one to the point most franchises don't get to run for three years on it consecutively. That kind of thing is rare enough that Japanese fans familiar with the timeslot have commented that Digimon has probably accomplished a lot getting to keep it for the last three years. There are only two IPs that have ever gotten to run for four consecutive years or longer on that slot: one is Dragon Ball (I think "not being as profitable as Dragon Ball" is hardly something to freak out about), and the other is Digimon itself.
That financial report I just linked says that Digimon is Toei's best internationally selling IP including overseas sales. While we've had a lot of reports recently about Digimon's financial success, they all specifically note that it means internationally and not just Japan -- and, granted, that's still important especially because Toei and Bandai have been trying to aim for more of an international market in recent years, but that's what's telling us that the video games and card games are what's carrying Digimon now, not necessarily the anime, which currently has very little influence outside Japan besides the Crunchyroll simulcast (and probably some East Asian language dubs), and I imagine that doesn't contribute very much. And the Adventure: English dub doesn't seem to be coming out anytime soon...
Like I've said, the card game is doing great, and sets have been coming out in Chinese and Korean as of late.
So while I'm no financial analyst, I'm guessing they've decided to put a hold on the kids' anime right now because it's not a very good outlet for their current best option, which is to focus more on building an international market and solid base. That doesn't mean kids' anime will never come back, and it also doesn't mean the franchise isn't already in a much better situation than it was when Frontier, Savers, Xros Wars, and Appmon ended, because the recent success of the video games and card games gives them a lot more of a foothold to do more business ventures, and maybe they can funnel that into actually getting partnerships to dub future kids' anime if they want to do that again. Moreover, it's true that in the past, the franchise would hit life support every time the anime stopped, but that's because the franchise was dependent on having a running anime for attention, which is not the case now because the card game has been doing fine independently of the anime. So I think it's pretty easy to understand that having an ongoing kids' show won't be the best option for them at the current moment, and meanwhile Digimon Seekers is coming out in multiple languages at once, so you can see what the strategy is here.
Of course, I think much of Digimon's best content is in the kids' shows, so I hope it comes back (and I'm certainly not a huge fan of the idea of the only anime we get being from that pipeline that's focusing on nostalgia stuff with Adventure branding), but that's how I see it for now.
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katisconfused · 9 months
I feel like despite how popular it is to talk about conditions like ADHD and Autism that there's very little talk about the actual learning disability part? IDK it's very frustrating having people enthusiastically encourage taking new classes for hobbies or teaching yourself new skills when you struggle with being able to learn.
I've never been very good at self teaching, and for the most part when I try to get anyone else to teach me it doesn't go well either. Like explaining something once is one thing, explaining it three times is tolerable, five becomes annoying, then you get to the double digits and even generous teachers start getting fed up with you. "You still don't get it? Are you even listening? Are you trying to get out of doing it yourself?" they start thinking, or even saying out loud.
Like honestly I can't even blame them. I'd get sick of it too! There's naturally a higher tolerance for kids I think, but oh boy does patience wear thin when it's a thirty year old asking how to do something you explained a dozen times already.
But it sucks so bad when you're the one who just Can't Get It. Eventually you just give up because you can only emotionally take being given up on so many times, but from the outside everyone just thinks you are just unwilling to put the effort in, and that your lack of success is from insufficient willpower. A more hopeful me tried to start projects that now just loom over me with dread and regret, because everyone I could find to help gave up on me and now I'm stuck trying and failing to do it all on my own. And it's everything. I try to drop something I failed and it's replaced with something that immediately runs through the same cycle.
It's tiring to be nagged for help on something embarrassingly simple, especially from an older person who masks well enough that you can forget they're disabled, but god am I tired too, from all my useless efforts leading to dead ends. But I'm not allowed to quit, because it's my problem, and no matter how I wish otherwise, I can't walk away from myself.
IDK, I guess I just wish that was acknowledged more. Just enough to not automatically assume someone giving up is always them wanting to, and sometimes it's more for the people they're burdening with their failed efforts.
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harmonyckrs · 1 month
Act 2, Scene 3 of Twisted Veronaville: The Homewrecker and the Matchmaker
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Here lies the homewrecker of the arranged Capp marriages, now having taken the identity of a new man.
*DING. You have one new message.*
Albany: Hello.
Albany: Pascal?
Albany: I can see the green dot next to your icon. I know you're online.
Pascal: no i'm not
Albany: Please don't joke with me. I broke up with Goneril a couple of days ago. I wanted to ask if you wanted to move in, or at least visit?
Pascal: no
Albany: Please? Hal misses you. He wants to learn more about the stars, and I can't find anyone better to show him than you.
Pascal: astronomy101textbook9thedition.pdf, starmapvers42.pdf
Pascal: hope these help. let me know if he wants more. got some on aliens too
Albany: Pascal, I'm being serious. I did not break up with Goneril for you to ghost me.
Pascal: maybe you should've thought about that before dating a man who was deliberately ruining your marriage
Albany: I was willing to take the risk because I know you'd be worth it.
Albany: Please?
Albany: I'll pay you.
Albany: Goneril let me keep all of the money. She moved in with her sister. She doesn't even want the kids! She won't be a problem anymore.
Albany: I'm looking for something real now! And I know I can find it with you!
Pascal: can't say the same
Albany: I refuse to let something as beautiful as what we had be destroyed!
Pascal: got to go water my plants. goodbye
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Pretending to be his brother wasn't something that Pascal was really comfortable with. But there were people relying on him, and he had chosen to sacrifice his morals long ago.
Morals were only holding him back from the one goal he was now desperately trying to achieve.
Pascal: (That woman looks so much like Zoya.)
Pascal: (I should take a photo and send it to her later, once I figure out where Aktu and Sita are like she asked.)
Pascal: (Oh, is that Albany?...why is he at H&M?...he doesn't seem to recognize me. Think I should be good...I'll just buy some extra clothes for some new disguises. I wonder if I can pass as a girl...)
Ripp: That's my friend's uncle over there! I'm going to say hi.
Pascal: (Ripp's here! That means Aktu and Sita are, too!)
Ripp: Hey Mr. Lazlo! Do you remember me?
Pascal: Yeah, man! What's up, little dude? How've you been, bro?
Pascal: (Darn it! Too forced!)
Ripp: Pretty good! Dad sold me to ninjas but they've been pretty nice so far.
Pascal: (Ninjas? I thought you'd come up with something more creative, Aktu). Damn, that's rough! Glad you're in one piece though!...my guy!
Ripp: Yeah...oh, and one of them said he knew you.
Pascal: Did he, now?...Aktu, I'm guessing?...man, it's been, like...so long. A while. Can you give me his number, bro? I think he changed it.
Ripp: Yeah, sure! No problem.
Pascal: (HA! Success!)
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Aktu: Greetings, mortal...What brings you to the House of the Extra Terrestrials?
Pascal: Aktu, I know it's you.
Aktu: (PASCAL? How did he find me?) Pascal? It's been so long, man! What's up?
Pascal: Hamza, Zoya and Sana are in Veronaville right now, looking for you. They're not happy with you and Sita interfering with people's fates.
Pascal: They think I'm on their side, but I've been messing with people's fates too.
Aktu: How can I trust you?
Pascal: Ask Albany or Goneril for the name of the man who ruined their marriage.
Aktu: ...Woah. Pascal! How did you even do that?
Pascal: There's a lot of sexually repressed gay people here...do we have a deal, Aktu?
Aktu: (Well, he's a reliable guy. And plus, he's never let me down before.) Sure!
Pascal: Great! Talk to you soon.
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As Pascal and Aktu spoke to each other for the first time in a long while, Antonio had decided to pay his sister a visit. However, Bianca had "coincidentally" left for work, leaving him with just Kent.
Kent: Tried to make some pie myself, but I burnt it. Let me know how it is.
Antonio: It's...not too bad, actually, despite the charred taste. I didn't know you knew how to bake.
Kent: Had to do all the cooking and cleaning for Regan and Cornwall in exchange for letting me stay with them.
Antonio: Maybe we can bake together sometime...if you want to, that is. I still don't know what happened to Hero, but it would be unfair for me to take it out on everyone in your family. And I don't think it was you who did it.
Kent: Thanks, Antonio. And welcome to the dark side. Bianca and I welcome you with open arms.
Antonio: Ha, thanks...and I'm sorry about your date, too.
Kent: It's no big deal. I can just find another.
Antonio: (Yeah, but there's not that many gay people in Veronaville, is there? There's got to be some way I can make up for it...)
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Aktu: A coupon for Monty's?
Aktu: "Sorry about the incident that occurred to you at our restaurant as a result of the family feud. To make up for this, we have supplied you with a coupon for two free "date night" meals at Monty's for both you and your special someone."
Aktu: Hm...I wonder if Pascal would be interested in Italian food.
Antonio: (No, no! It's meant to be for Kent!)
Sita: (I can hear Antonio's thoughts from the bush he's trying to spy on us from.) Or maybe it's a sign that you should ask Kent for a second date.
Aktu: After what happened the first time, no way! You give it to Kent.
Sita: You know I'm not interested in that dating stuff. And didn't you tell me that Pascal was a huge health nut? He'd probably hate it.
Aktu: Hm...Ripp, what do you think?
Ripp: Beats me! What do you think, guys?
Tybalt: Kent could use a partner.
Mercutio: I say go for it! If you're still friends with him despite the fact that his presence at our family restaurant fucked up your date, then it probably had the potential to be a legendary date!
Tybalt: It wasn't his presence that was the problem! It was because your family were being stubborn assholes who didn't serve them food!
Mercutio: Normally I'd fight you on that, but you're probably right.
Aktu: (Huh, they're actually improving.) Well, alright then! I'll give him a call and see if he wants to hang out again.
Antonio: (YES! Thank goodness for that girl!...it was almost like she could read my mind!)
Sita: (If I wasn't trying to keep these powers secret, I'd make him owe me a huge favor.)
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anironnn · 2 years
I never believed i could see so much good shit and bad shit existing together in the same TV episodes untill I watched ST4 vol2.
Good shit first. (I love Eddie but I'm not Eddie. Lol
The film scoring? They absolutely ROCKED IT your honour.
The part when El chose to walk away from Brenner in the desert, with the strings coming in along with the typical synths?? EPIC. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL.
At the end of Episode8. That song. That vibe. SLAYED. You know they're marching into a last battle with hearts ready to die.
And towards the end of episode9, that Kate Bush rescore? That got me pounding my fists on my precious desk people. The music of volume 2 was amazing.
The character arc, the growth of most of the characters (not you Mike wheeler go away), is very intriguing. I especially want to talk about El and Max. One thing I love about their character arc is that they both learned to face what they did "wrong", say farewell to those memories with a smile, and not forgive. My power sisters.
Let's talk about Max. Her monologue in the Creel House attic was so brave. Billy to her was always a bully and would always be so in memory(kind of makes me think of Zoe hating her brother Conor in DEH but that's another story). And she said it out loud and showed us it's ok to not forgive people for what they did to you. It didn't matter that Billy died kind of saving the other kids from the giant rat monster. We are not obligated to worship the "heroes" that did us wrong. It's okay to hate someone's memory in peace. Max showed us that, and I think it's beautiful.
Now about El. El's whole relationship with Dr. Brenner has been both confusing and intriguing. I never knew what to think about Brenner myself as an audience. Should he be spared? He was indeed ever so sincere in helping El find her powers and did give her good life lessons. For El, I believe it's equally confusing. I don't think she hates or loves Brenner, the man who helped her so much but kept her in hell. So in the end, she chose not to compromise and say that she understands. Because she doesn't. What Brenner did to her in general was never something a human being should experience. That moment when she said "Goodbye, Papa" was the most powerful thing in Stranger Things history. I respect the duffers for portraying that.
And I'd like to pause and talk about Steve for a moment. I think this Season Steve finally realised what he needed. And I'm exactly talking about still having a thing for Nancy, because when he was talking to her in the woods, there's just something that tells me that: though he once wished, he had overcome his feelings for her, and now sees her as someone who ignited and initiated his personal growth and he is simply grateful for it. Telling Nancy about hoping she was the one to build the family with him was the final act of relieving the burden off his shoulders. Steve can finally live as a grown young man whole and brave without a girlfriend called Nancy Wheeler, and with a bosom friend called Robin Buckley. The final part of him smiling at Robin's successful hooking up with her crush was one of the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen on this earth.
Lumax relationship in volume2? THE BEST. I feel like there's no more to be said it's just beautiful sooooo beautiful. And please let's give a hand to Caleb for being the coolest actor ok??? All those repressed agony written in every line on Lucas's face had my heart shattered to pieces. No more to he said. Shout out to Lumax. Shout out to Caleb.
And let's talk. About. Eddie. FUXK I love this character so much. And Joseph Quinn was a stunning actor. I loved all the volume 2 Eddie&Dustin moments because they showed how a freak like Eddie could be the most lovely, childish, and authentic person. As a fantasy nerd myself I totally FELL for he and Dustin's design for battle outfits and weapons. Eddie brought his love for fantasy to life. He realised himself to be just a normal person and assured us it's completely ok to not be a hero. Yet at the same time he stood his ground facing the demobats, not to imply that we still somehow had to be heroic to deserve the title of a "lovable character", but to simply come into his own - being authentic about the fantasy nerd that he is. I wasn't that hard. He made himself his own hero. He wrote himself the powerful ending of his own tale.
Now let's talk business. The bad shit.
And I'm talking about YOU MIKE WHEELER.
In conclusion, I'm mostly just confused about what the Duffer brothers are on about regarding Mike's feelings for El and Will. I literally got my hopes up for getting "the beautiful monologue" and it's just a frickin confession to El.
Was that authentic? I actually don't think so, because Mike was basically following what Will told him to do. He was good at words Oh totally and that saved El alright, but considering El got her powers back, defeated Vecna, and rescued Max from memories with her mother, her own sufferings, and her girl time with Max, and not A SINGLE memory that helped her came from Mike, it's had me questioning whether El needed Mike as much as Mike thought she did. What's more, and pray people forgive me for saying this, but i DO not see love in his eyes when he talks to El. Words we're just springing from his mouth like he recited them. No camera focus on signs of softness or quite looking-each-other-in-the-eye moments. Moreover, "Two Days Later"??? What happened to a supposedly logical tender moment about him and El reunited when El narrowly escaped Vecna's mind? If Mike Wheeler really was the straight asshole hopeless unromantic character as he is, then why, after a big beautiful confession, would the episode not show he and El's reaction? It's sus to me, and i pray it's not just the duffers falling their standards.
So all this Mike-El-Will relationship, let's turn to Will. I am disappointed about how Will Byers was still almost a side character up to the end of the season. And his feelings for Mike? I almost stopped believing. I really did I was so distressed. But all those hints. They are there and I can't ignore them.
I will not stop thinking about Will teary eyed telling Mike how El needed him. How she felt so different. Because written plainly on this boy's beautiful face are the unspoken words "And me too, Mike. Me too." Did Mike never catch that? Did he never wonder why Will was crying against the van window? Was the following focus on Jonathan's troubled face indicating nothing? I don't believe it.
I will not stop thinking about Will's broken Voice when he answered Jonathan in the back of the kitchen. He did not come out to Jonathan as we so readily expected. Fine. But what I don't understand is all the crying.
Let's face it, Will's emotions have been so unstable in these two episodes that I am shocked that I didn't see an outcome to this. The writers built it all up to such an intensity that I was sure logically something is going to happen. The truth is, nothing happened. Nothing. How can a boy be acting so fragile through two episodes of TV when no reason of any kind resolved this mystery? It's not even unfair for viewers anymore. It's unfair for Will. You wrote the play out to reveal he's on bursting point with huge obvious hidden emotion and didn't give him a chance to speak.
I don't understand. If emotions, why the waiting to be ended in nothingness? If no emotions, why the hints? It doesn't make sense either way, and I'm not being delusoonal. I'm talking logic.
Anyways, I hate and love Stranger Things Season 4 Volume 2. Over and out.
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
Hello there! So I was the anon who gave an opinion about the MC's backstory being turned into a movie in the Devildom. And now that I'm thinking about it, when you said that there will be cringey moments, I started having flashbacks about my own cringey moments. I feel like I could cry from embarrassment but let's just skip those moments.✨️
I thought that before the devildom movies workers decide to produce a movie, the MC will be questioned by them, somewhat similar to an interview.
I believe everyone's life, including their MC, is amazing and interesting. Like songs, for example, Katy Perry- Part Of Me, The Score- Stronger, The Offspring- You're Gonna Go Far Kid, Sing For The Moment- Eminem's version. With a story that can change and evolve over time. For example, the story of a weak little boy who becomes a strong and confident MAN, or the story of a happy, immature, yet intelligent girl who matures and grows up but loses her happiness slightly.
It's all interesting about people's stories. My Mc technically resembles me and my tough life, and I never gave up, making me the successful and badass person I am today.
And by the way, about your life, no one's life is boring. If your life was boring as you say, then you would be a boring person, which you clearly aren't. I don't want to offend you or anything, but don't be insecure about your age. You're still young and have a lot in life. Bro, my grandma wears black sporty shirts, sporty caps, oversized shorts, and sneakers, sunglasses, and drives an expensive ass car like she's the gangster's boss. It's just her attitude! Is all about attitude!
Welcome back, anon!
I kinda think they would cut out most of the cringe. Assuming they're still trying to make a cohesive movie more than a documentary, the goal would still be to tell a good story! Sometimes you need cringe moments for that, but only if they're helpful to the story in general! I would hope they would leave out anything that was too embarrassing lol! Then again, if they're interviewing MC for the info, MC could just take it upon themselves to leave out anything too bad!
I find that most of the time, the stories real life people have seem completely unreal when you hear them. Like that would never happen in a movie or a book or something, but here this person is telling you all about it. I think it's because media only really gives us the suggestion of real life, whereas real life has everything whether you want it or not!
But I agree with you, everyone really does have an interesting story. My MC is nothing like me and their story is one I just made up entirely. I think it's great to have your MC based on yourself and I love that you never gave up!!
I suppose I just find my own life boring? But perhaps this is just hitting on my problem with low self esteem lol. I think everyone else has interesting and fascinating lives that I love to hear about, but when it comes to myself, I lose all that enthusiasm. It's a problem! But I appreciate you saying that I'm not boring!
I am not offended at all! Your grandma sounds amazing, I can only hope to be that cool someday!! I could get into the nuance of my age insecurity, but basically the people I'm around a lot irl are like decades older than me and have called me a baby which is funny. So I'm just not used to being in a space where most people are younger than me. I'm always like oh no I'm so old!! Then I just have to remember that relatively speaking, I'm not that old, but it's easy to forget sometimes lol!
Anyway, I like your idea and I think you're right about people's lives being interesting stories!
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silver-wield · 6 months
hmm in the premise that SE is definitely set out to be killing a non existent ship in the trilogy (preferably in part 2 already), I just don't understand how anyone can think the story would go astray from it's array of chekhov's guns. Tbh, when I first watched AC, as a kid, in my mind I just assumed tifa was his gf and z and a were like his comrades who died. The part where he called him "mother" did help tons for me to think of it this way. It was only after 15 years? That I discovered there was even a debate? So I spoiled myself and by the principles of storytelling, FF7 seems to have the trope of quite literally any amnesia tropy kdrama plot I've ever seen that also exist in jp media. Aka, anything that happened during his amnesia phase does not count after finding out who he is, because he was most party manipulated to not remember things by the narrative and its character. Mind you, this is just me spoiling myself for a small context of a game i haven't played yet and only have superficial understanding of the characters. Also, the part in lifestream really sells it lol, he gets himself back? Because he was false before? It's so weird why this is even confusing.
So, I had a conversation with my bro about this and he's a debater, I told everything about the "LTD" and it's a long talk but he says, it's a non-debate. Since cloti is sourced explicitly in the game and sources, answering cloud's feelings as the main question.. the ltd asks "what does he feel for a?" But the thing is, it can also be asked "what does he feel for z?" Easily can be romantic IF we base thier "logic" of ca on zack + cloud. Canon wise both are stated as friends to him. But romantic? For both, it LITERALLY doesn't exist. It's not as to make it vague per say, but that the writers, story, and characters have no idea that it's even needed to be answered. Aka it is by default platonic. Not vague, it's platonic as stated by canon sources as it's the only one that exists. The LTD is a cult like idea that continued to persist in the fandom of FF7. But never in the mind of it's creator. This is their mistake. They find this as an activity of the fandom, but reality is, it undermines their work greatly. Destroying all the characters, and story they've made and for what? Cheap pity fan service? That's lazy. This isn't a charm of the game, but a mistake of its delivery. I mean as evident as how many pitied tifa in AC. Essentially it's like 1+1=2 (canon) but someone says it's 3. In short it's BS, but a lot are biting on "maybe it is 3" and ignoring all the proof for the sake of negating. Hence a non-debate because canon has already won and will always win.
Now, I saw a zerith point out how they're so happy they're even getting anything. Tbh I found this strange, a good story would utilize the successful built up if zack and they are thank god. But why do I see this as a random person? And they don't? I feel there's trauma in this fandom, and I hate that for all of you and a story that has intense potential. Which leads me to a "funny" thought. It seems for so long, cas have been going on about their way to misinform everyone, thus encouraging incels, dudebros, bandwagoners alike. This does not seem to sit well with devs, I sure hope so. I feel like the fact that they've been this toxic, is the reason why SE is extra mean to them and is even planning to finally give them an answer to the "what does c feel for a?" After all these time? A question that was never important to begin with because it's already platonic by default but copers want more. It is because of this desire, most likely "he doesn't feel romantically inclinde, even if you as a player did, he does not, never will, never did" would be the answer. SE could have let them have their merry way, but they've been pos. So they made the compilation, imperfect, but there's Zack, now Zerith is coming around and with closure, Cloti is being emphasized. They added stuff for cloti and more important, reduced what was "theirs". Had cloud's mocap actor emphasize cloti and downplay ca. We even had a trailer quite literally exposing to the whole world how disgusting the idea of ca is, and if you liked it? Lol get help , your morals are astray. There's so much much more, and for some reason if this is successful, if SE actually gives a shit for art and not cheap money? Then lmao, cas made all of this happen just because they can't stop fcking things up. The existence of a problem, that needs to be fixed. Because of that, ZA will be pushed on their faces, and they will definitely not like CT more with all the sexual built up in part 1. I'm obviously joking to " thank them", of course, the devs who lost their patience are to be thanked as they've been inspired to take responsibility for their shortcomings as well. But yeah, if everyone understood OG on the get go? And AC didn't get much shit? Nobody pitied tifa? doubt we would be even getting this much content for cloti, maybe cloud, and quite especially tifa.
It's a strange journey, but I hope I'm right about them having integrity. I sure hope so. I hope they don't leave room for pity, I hope they are ruthless with it. I don't think I ship anyone but I am a sucker for a masterpiece, and I very much want this to be one.
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None of the devs have ever thought about that ship, and even when asked point blank Nojima was all "idk" and had to come up with something on the spot but even that was negative because he stated Aerith cares more about the planet than she would Cloud
Which is obvious from how she has zero respect for him
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drunkonimagination · 2 years
hi!! hope you're doing okay! Your tags on the thomastair childhood friends to lovers post got me thinking about them again and I hope you don't mind me sharing ahh: one of the ways they're both so similar is how much they care for and are protective of their families. Imagine Tom training with Cordelia, two people with the same reckless drive to prove themselves who share this fierce love for one person, and asking her for pronunciation help when he starts learning Farsi, or poetry/book recs 1/?
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anon. id be lying If i told you that i didn't spend this last week drawing them repeatedly like it was a matter of life and death. my mind is literally no thoughts, just thomastair childhood friends to lovers au
(this morning i even woke up with the purpose of finishing my little silly sketches and guess what? i added two more instead of polishing the old ones 😭 im too far gone)
anyway THIS. thank you so much for sharing, all these additions are gold
taking care of each other's family is thomastair's love language.
no literally. this one sentence makes me so emotional bc i can totally see it. they just care so much about their families/friends (even thought they both like to fake annoyance at them and pretend it's not true), so seeing each other interact and feel safe around their respective close ones would make both of them so happy.
tom would easily befriend cordelia and he would definitely ask her for pronunciation help. then he would surprise alastair saying smth in his mother's language with perfect pronunciation making it appear totally casual (with poor success), but alastair wouldn't even notice bc his little heart would start beating so fast that he couldn't help but put the biggest smile on his face and ask thomas for more.
and alastair taking care of tom's friends/cousins and spending quality time with them? YES. i love everything you pointed out, especially about kit and alastair ahhh, im quite fond of their friendship and i bet they would have been such good friends if they met as kids!!
also i'll never stop believing in thomas/lucie friendship supremacy and as their bond is totally underrated so is the potential friendship between her and alastair. i just have this odd feeling that despite the very different personalities and attitudes they would get along great. pls, imagine little alastair giving her suggestions for the beautiful cordelia (especially when it comes to thomas's character) like 'no luce, i think the perfect role for tom is the knight! he's just so brave, kind, honest....you need to make him the knight!! and give him a nice armour too, okay? oh and don't make him eat celery in your story, you know he doesn't like it-'
jakdjsj okay im done, one more little addition bc i have too. what about their relationships with the adults too? like... little alastair being fascinated by sophie's immense strength and patience? him wanting to spend time with gideon bc he treats alastair with so much care and love that makes him want to cry?
thomas surprisingly befriending risa (feat that no child has ever accomplished before)? her finding tom the cutest and kindest child she's ever met and always slipping him sweets when no one is looking?
yes i think a lot about this.
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pynkhues · 2 years
I know you're a fan of Joey/Pacey as well. If you were to write a one-shot where are they now episode, what's their relationship situation / status?
Oh man, I love Joey x Pacey, anon! They were such a formative ship for me, and I rewatched the series at the start of lockdown, and while parts of the show have aged, I don't think their relationship has? If anything, it almost feels more modern than ever, particularly with the way it's such a satisfying slowburn, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers that builds on genuine chemistry, mutual respect and empathy. It's just!! So!! Good!!!
Overall, I actually liked where they ended up in the finale too. I loved that Joey was working in publishing in New York, and I liked that Pacey was successful as a chef, even if he was unhappy in it and in being back in Capeside, and I, of course, haha, loved that they ended up together in New York.
I think if I was to write a fic, I'd keep Joey in publishing, but have Pacey struggle with working in restaurants in New York. That the pace and the people and the culture of those kitchens would grind him down and that he and Joey would find themselves circling these conversations of what his future looked like more than what their future looked like, because the latter they just know. They're each others now, after all, have made that choice over and over and it's Joey who reminds him, now, then, always, that she loves who he is, not what he does. That they'll figure it out, and Pacey doesn't know how he got this far in life without her.
Doesn't know how he struggled through school and work and life without the room Joey gives him, without the space to figure things out with unwavering openess and empathy and support, and maybe he starts to try and bring that to the junior chefs. Tries to offer them what he never got - little bits of advice, but also room for trial and error, for them to figure things out on their own, and these kids balk and try to one-up each other (and sometimes him) and snark, but slowly maybe they warm to it. To him. Start to bring him their ideas first, start to tell him what they want to do, their goals, their hopes, and then they even let him help them, and it's that that surprises him most of all, because somehow it just fits on him.
And he's expecting Joey to be as surprised if not even more so when he comes back to their dinky little apartment and tells her he thinks he wants to be a highschool teacher, be for some kids what no one in Capeside ever was for him, but Joey just smiles at him, that bright, rising sun one that always cleared the dark, and when she kisses him breathless, says Mr. Witter has a nice ring to it, he falls in love with her all over again.
And I think it's hard work, but I think Joey and Pacey always make it work. I think they choose not to have kids, because they spent too much of their lives fractured by their relationships with their own parents, and in Joey's case, too long helping raise her nephew, and they have enough kids in their lives to get their fix where they need to. Instead, they shift into adulthood in a world surrounded by books and learning and growing and always each other and the freedom and support of a life that's theirs, and one day they'll sail again on a ship called True Love, because that much, at least, has never changed.
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helenofsimblr · 2 years
11, 26, 42, 50, 60 for Francine, Kane, Arnold! ty
Francine: Oh me again!? Wow!
Kane: Wait this is anonymous, how do I tell if they're hot or not? C'mon, bet you're a cutie.
Arnold: Hmm... *looks up from phone.* What the fuck do you want? I'm busy I haven't got time to answer stupid questions.
Francine: Oh C'mon Arnie, it'll be good publicity for the company.
Arnold: Will it? Fine, make it fast. I'm busy and I got shit to do!
Who’s the most important person in their life?
Francine: Arnold of course, he means the world to me and I'd be lost without him.
Kane: Right now, its my contact at city hall who is preventing an inspection of my club. Motherfucker did a good job of fobbing off the clipboard crew so far.
Arnold: What was the question? *looks up from phone again* Oh uh... Francine, obviously.
What’s one topic they could never get tired of researching or learning about?
Francine: Ooh, I think itd have to be Selvadoradan culture. Such a fascinating topic to cover there. I mean the Genesis Wars were a big deal and lasted decades. I love how they are our immediate ancestors and most modern people sprung from them. Its really fascinating to think as well that a lot of things we take for granted now sprang from them.
Kane: The centerfolds of playboy I guess? Well all jokes aside my late father left me a lot of books years ago about how to run a successful business. Pity he didn't read them as thoroughly as I did.
Arnold: Fuckin' research? I'm tired already at just hearing the question. If I had to, I'd pay some fucker to do it for me.
What’s the typical first impression after meeting this person?
Francine: Positive I hope. I try to be as polite and friendly as I can be. But I also want to be fun too. Hopefully people look at me and don't think "bitch."
Kane: Nah, that's what happens when they meet Kira Francine. I think my first impression is good, they think this guy is suave, debonair, classy, good looking well dressed, interesting, and I'm modest too.
Arnold: I think the first impression when they meet me is fear, and respect. I command, and expect both. Simple as that. Next fuckin' question come on, lets get this shit over with.
Do they have any insecurities?
Francine: Um... I think just feeling like I won't be as good a lawyer as my mom, its some big shoes to fill. I mean, she totally betrayed me but, still, big shoes. Maybe as well that Arnold might find a more pretty girl than me... I guess that's the main ones...
Kane: Insecurity? Nah. Don't do that shit. "Fake it till you make it" motherfucker.
Arnold: Yawn...! Couldn't you have asked about my favourite gun or something instead. Insecurity, right uh, Francine will leave me, but we're tight and together right babe?
Francine: Right!
What are some of their simple pleasures?
Francine: Well for me I think my simplest pleasure is a coffee and a cigarette or a nice drink and a cigarette. I know! I shouldn't smoke, and even though I only have like 10 cigs a month, I wish I never started but, since I did, yeah, I do like it. Don't smoke kids. Um, lounging about in bed on a cold day, love that. And I also like hanging out with my buddy Sarah ( @sparkiekong ) she has been a true friend to me.
Kane: For me cigarettes ain't a simple pleasure, they're a fuckin' essential item! I ain't gonna lie, since I got the club open, I love watching the girls work, I love watching the money flowing. A good bit of weed too now that's where its at. Also, most simple pleasure of all, being right when Kira is clearly wrong! Fuckin' love that.
Arnold: I'm a billionaire's son, so my simple pleasures are my Range Rover Sport SVR, my G wagon. I like my gun collection too, gives me great delight. *looks at Francine sideways a moment.* Oh and cuddling up with Franny on a cold day in that bed. Amphetamines are high on my list too. You get me? Right... this shit is done.
Grabs Francine's hand and walks off with her.
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loorain · 3 months
Sims 4 Fontenot Legacy - Childhood Begins
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The morning after the birthday party, the house is still in disarray. Scarlett wakes up first to start dealing with the mess, followed by the other adults and eventually the kids. The girls have another big day ahead of them, as it is their school orientation day. They're excited to meet other students and find out what elementary school is all about.
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While the girls head off to school and Sigrid assists with the day's clean-up process, Robin borrows Sabrina's computer to finish up something he's been wanting to do for a long time.
As the family's youngest residents gain more independence but more costs, Robin decides it's finally time to get a more traditional job to support his family. After a few emails, he's able to secure a job at Dewey, Cheatem, & Howe! It's an entry-level job, but he's confident he has the skill set to work his way up the corporate ladder quickly.
It's not the only big thing happening today. Oh no, the family is having one more big event to celebrate the start of a new chapter in their lives.
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The girls return from school with the neighbors' kid, courtesy of Audrey and her ever-friendly personality. However, there's also some additional guests at the house, unbeknownst to them.
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Sigrid: Well look who it is! You have a good orientation day? See you've already invited a friend over.
Audrey: Mom, what's this? Why is there a carrier here?
Sigrid can't help but chuckle at the complete ignoring of her comment.
Sigrid: Oh, this old thing? Well, your dad and I thought it might be nice to invite someone over ourselves.
Audrey: What... do you mean-
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Alma: A PUPPY!!!!!
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Without another word, Alma is rushing to the puppy at the speed of light.
Alma: Hey there, little guy! I'm Alma! You and I are gonna be best friends!
Audrey: A puppy?! Really mom?!
Sigrid: Well your father and I thought it'd be nice for you to have a buddy to play with. You know, someone other than your sister when you two get on each other's nerves.
Audrey: This is the best day ever!
Sigrid: Now remember, caring for a puppy is a lot of responsibility. I need you both to help take care of things, okay?
Alma: We will! We'll go on walks, play with him, train him, everything! Promise!
Audrey: Yeah, what she said!
Sigrid: Okay, okay. Well, don't waste any more time talking to me. Go talk with your sister and decide on a name for him!
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Robin has been quietly watching all of this unfold. As the girls greet and play with the puppy, he walks over to his wife.
Robin: Think we did good?
Sigrid: Pft, I think we just earned ourselves "Parents of the Century".
Robin: Ooh, I like the sound of that. Think they'll erect a statue of us in honor of this moment?
Sigrid: If they do, I hope they take some creative license and sculpt a few pounds off my waist.
Robin: Think they'd pump up my muscles a little bit? Oh, maybe a majestic beard would be nice too.
Sigrid: You going full Viking on me now?
Robin: Hey, I'd look good in a tunic! Hand me a sword and shield!
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Alma interrupts the banter between the two and comes rushing over to her dad, giving him the biggest hug ever.
Alma: Thank you, thank you! You're the best!
Robin: Aww, you're very welcome, baby.
Sigrid: So have you two thought of a name for him yet?
Alma: I think so!
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In the chaos of the new arrival, Audrey's buddy Jalisa gets pushed to the wayside. But, of course, Audrey never abandons her friends.
Audrey: Jalisa! We just got a new puppy! Alma and I decided to name him Ziggy!
Jalisa: So cool! I wish my parents let us get a puppy. Mom's allergic to their saliva, though. Says it gives her the "heebie-geebies".
Audrey: Well you can come over and play with Ziggy as much as you want!
Jalisa: So cool!
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Audrey and her pal celebrate the day by spending some time in the treehouse! (Alma was there too, actually, but decided to play by herself in the enclosure. Typical Alma 😆)
All in all, the twins first full day of childhood was a success! A great orientation day, new friendships, and a belated birthday present so wonderful it'll leave a lasting impression on the entire family!
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And of course, let's formally introduce the newest addition to the legacy house: Ziggy Lay!
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nellie-elizabeth · 7 months
Bob's Burgers: Wharf, Me Worry? (14x08)
Aww, an episode about the kids' grandpa! That's a fun concept.
I don't have a ton to say in the "con" category here, to be honest. The gift of this show is that if certain characters take the a backseat, we know we'll see a bigger focus on them soon enough. So the kids didn't have a TON of character moments in this episode, it was really mostly about Bob's feelings with his dad, but that's okay because we'll get back to the youngsters more in another episode!
I guess I'll start with the subplot here: Linda helps Teddy back at the restaurant to take an actually good picture of himself to advertise his business online. I loved the comedy of both Bob and Linda grimacing in horror when they'd seen the pictures he'd taken so far. He's holding a hammer and it looks like he's a serial killer, not a handyman! This is deeply relatable to me as a person who is bad at getting my picture taken! The bit with the woman in the diner who was shown example pictures was funny too. She tried to push back against her instincts, but yeah, based on what she was seeing of Teddy, she wasn't about to let him into her house alone. In the end, the key to success proves to be to snap a picture of Teddy right after he's taken a bite of a burger! I thought that was sweet, a way of focusing in on the fact that Teddy is their most regular customer and really gets some true happiness out of the food and company.
Then the main plot: Bob's father, the kids' grandpa, takes them for a day at the wharf. It's sweet how excited the kids are to go, since a day at the wharf isn't exactly a super rare occurrence for them. But they're excited for some fun grandpa time! Bob is concerned, however, because his father is very doom and gloom about the world, constantly talking about how everything is falling apart and how we should be bracing ourselves for the worst to come. Bob doesn't want this attitude to infect his children, and have them become pessimistic and down-trodden about the state of their futures!
While at the wharf, Grandpa sends the kids off on their own with some cash, and they quickly get themselves into some shenanigans by finding the booth with the camera in it that controls the talking clam statue, on display to tell people's fortunes. The kids have fun for a while yelling out at passers-by, but when they go to leave, they find that the door has been jammed and they're stuck inside!
Bob comes to the wharf to check up on the situation, worried about what his dad might be saying to the kids, and eventually he finds where they've run off to, and after a long struggle, manages to get the door open and free them! He uses the talking clam to have an honest conversation with his own father about his behavior, and Bob Sr. actually ends up saying that his grandkids are one of the only thing that actually gives him hope about the future, despite all the reasons there are to feel pessimistic.
It's quite sweet, and also delightfully absurd, that Bob has a real and meaningful exchange with his father here, but only through the lens of a talking clairvoyant clam statue at an amusement park on the wharf.
So that's that! A really cute episode, with a focus on a character we don't get to see a lot. I did wonder, though, watching this, why no Thanksgiving-themed episode this year! Maybe there will be a late one next week?
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grappel-writes · 8 months
Part 2 of Orion as a companion: approval/disapproval, how to make him leave the party, recruiting/dismissing, and some unique dialogue from interacting with the story.
Political maneuvering. An alliance now, a betrayal later. Helping someone not necessarily out of the goodness of your heart, but because they could potentially help you later. Playing a situation to your advantage. This can be influenced as you guide him, to either use that sort of maneuvering for good for others, or to use it exclusively for selfish means.
Taking a moment to have fun. Orion comes from a life of leisure, and treasures his free time. Throw the ball for scratch, humor a kid, get on a stage, tell a bad joke. This world sucks, and finding the fun in it is the only thing that makes it worth living. He'll also approve if you send him on stage with Dribbles.
Succeed medical checks: help the paralyzed gnome, resurrect Gale according to his instructions, fix the owlbear cub's hurt paw. He admires healers, and any successful attempt at aiding another will win his approval.
For his personal quest, encourage him to follow what he actually wants to do, and not what he feels he should do. There are a lot of influences and responsibility put on him in his story that he can step up and handle - it's up to you to decide if he should or not though. Let him live his own life, and he'll appreciate it.
Doom and gloom responses: pessimism and a defeatist attitude won't get you far with him. Between his unwavering optimism and sense of invincibility, he only sees this as a waste of time.
Encouraging him to do the right or responsible thing with no justification. He'll do it - but needs to be given a reason. Good leaders always explain why, draw the full picture, and demanding his support or obedience for no reason other than "because I said so" will piss him off.
Stealing the Blood of Lathander, or anything else that mocks, desecrates, or belittles a religious practice. While he doesn't consider himself to be a good representation of the faithful, he respects those that are.
Trying and failing to get him to accept the tadpole's powers. Similar to how Karlach and Wyll feel, Orion doesn't trust these things one bit. He could care less about the powers they provide, he's sure he's strong enough without them.
Evil aligned decisions in general: jumping to kill, being cruel, many Durge exclusive options all fall under this. When asked, he explains that he doesn't mind being self serving, but does it always have to involve mindless violence and gore? Surely all those people would be more valuable alive? (Bonus: he really dislikes grossness. He'll disapprove of touching slimy things, dumping blood on him, and complain loudly the entire time they're in the sewers.)
Can he be made to leave the party?
Yes, but not right away. Even with very low approval, he won't leave until the beginning of Act III. Once you're at Wyrm's Crossing, you'll find a note in your camp (like Arabella's and Volo's) explaining that he's gone ahead and gone home. Please, don't follow him, and no he won't be giving you the address. Like a good politician, he used your party and resources to get him this far despite how he feels about you, and now that he doesn't need you anymore, he's gone.
Durge specific: "I don't know what you are or what you're trying to do anymore. I thought we had a plan, an idea to save ourselves, but you've been sidetracked by bathing in blood. Best of luck with whatever game you're playing with the dead three, but I'll go it my own from here. For your sake, I hope we don't run into each other again." Additionally, during his storyline, if you kill his brother when he appears in Act III (either just to see if you can or to remove him as a political opponent), he'll leave your party. Defeated and broken, he'll tell you to finish your journey on your own, and if you ever cross paths again, one of you isn't walking away from the encounter.
Recruiting/Dismissing Lines
>Come with me, I've got people for you to hit. "I love when you say that. Ready when you are, just point and say march." >I need you to stay in camp. "Ah, sending me back to guard our friends and valuables? >I am. "I'm honored you trust me with that. I'll see you there." >Actually, never mind. Stay with me. "Of course, you're probably carrying all the good stuff anyway." Unique Dialogue Reactions (For Now) If you steal the blood of Lathander: He'll look genuinely sad for the first time at this point in the game. "Well... that's. I don't even know what that is. Probably the worst thing I've ever done, is what that is. I always did wonder if praying did me any good, now I know for sure it won't. No coming back from this one. Whoever holds my soul now, I just hope the take mercy on me." Trying to force through his sadness, putting on a smile. "But the mace is a sight to behold. I'm glad I get to see it up close like this."
After killing Minthara: "Just dead weight in fancy armor... I can't stand her type, you know. You're only as good as the men you lead, and acting like you're above them, not willing to get on the ground floor and help them when they need you... Well. Not like she did anything more than hide in the shadows anyway. No one's going to miss her."
Finding Volo: "Volothamp? The Volothamp! Oh-ho! I would throttle you if I wasn't raised better than that! I had to read every single one of your rambling tomes! So many lost hours to the most menial, and dubious, details!" laughs, taps his chest with a fist, he's in disbelief that he's meeting his childhood tormentor. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sorry it isn't under better terms."
Saving Oskar: "Do we really think he's going to make it on the road by himself? I guess if we see a trail of canvases, mediocre portraits, and paint we'll know where to find his body, at least. Do you think his patron would want him delivered if he were dead?"
The Reveal of the Emperor: "I feel... dirty. All this time, he was under our skin, swaying us and telling us everything we wanted to hear. All for his own benefit. I go back to what I said when we thought he was just a friendly guardian: I don't trust it. I don't like it. And we don't need him."
Gortash's Inauguration: "I heard about the Steel Watch, but never knew it would get this big this quickly. I know my father voted in favor of it, and knew I usually disagreed with the things he supported, but this is a new level of disgusting. Whether it happens amongst the patriars, or at the end of my blade, we have to see this taken down."
Saving the Duke: "Duke Ravenguard, pleasure to finally meet you. And save you. No worries - I won't cash in this favor until you're well and recovered, and the city doesn't have the looming threat of destruction hanging over it anymore."
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