#they're a bonded pair
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canisalbus · 1 year ago
u dont have to respond to this but i find it both amusing and heartwarming to see people put vasco and machete together in every conceivable way. bread and napkin... fish.... gay renaissance dogs.... gay millennial dogs..... they would find each other in every universe and that makes me so happy lol
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glass-trash-bab · 2 years ago
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*old southern man voice* nothing quite like the bond between a boy and his dog
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gruesomejack · 1 year ago
Thinking about Vi and Charlie both turning to self sabotage after they separate
Charlie locking himself in his garage and leaving the car running and Vi breaking his sobriety and raiding Nick's room for all his pills
They uh,,, might be a little too codependent but it's FINE IT'S OKAY as long as you don't try to separate them
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waitineedaname · 1 year ago
not romantic or platonic but a secret third thing (bonded pair)
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samgirard · 14 days ago
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└ sidney crosby and nathan mackinnon | can vs. fin | 2.17.25
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smashy-headcanons · 28 days ago
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So I got my first amiibo
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serpentface · 3 months ago
You said that the Ulelilwa people are the only group fully permissive of intersophont relationships, in this case between Qilik and Elowey. But since the Elowey are mammals and the Qilik are avian and would thus have very different "equipment", I wonder how that would work.
It could involve pretty much any of the litany of non penetrative sex acts out there (with some limitations to oral and digital due to Teeth and Claws)
Elowey have the same basic anatomy as humans and the mechanical act of reproductive sex is basically the same. Their mouths are a little more intimidating than those of humans, but not really any More dangerous to have near your genitals and have similarly flexible lips and muscular tongues, so they would be capable of performing all forms of oral sex. Their hands are the biggest difference- their fingernails are much thicker (though can be filed down to the base) and their fingers are furred, so receiving penetrative digital sex from that might be uncomfortable. But other than that, any sex act performed by humans from Real Life could be accomplished by elowey in the same or similar ways, so there's a lot of possibilities on that end.
Qilik mate via cloaca contact and have no penis, so the external parts of the cloaca is where pleasurable stimulation occurs and their reproductive tract is not predisposed to receive penetration. VERY shallow insertion of a digit or tongue might feel good for the average person but that’s the full extent of it. There’s probably people who like putting things up their cloaca, it’s just not going to be a Common desire (and a qilik cloaca doesn’t have any internal structures like the prostate that are directly pleasurable to stimulate), and the difference in size wrt elowey would likely make penetration painful and potentially dangerous in most cases (it could Probably be safely accomplished for some people with practice/carefulness/substantial lubricant because elowey penises are pretty small and thin, but this isn't going to be all that common).
There are also obvious limitations to performing oral on the part of qilik, they don’t have mobile lips and their jaws are full of small, sharp teeth. You cannot put a penis in there in any way that will benefit you, and their tongues are long and thin and can't lick with that much pressure or finesse. A lot of qilik are more likely to perform oral-adjacent sex with the bare skinned tips and sides of their snouts, which is a notably sensitive area of the body (not in the Fetish World IF YOU TOUCH IT I WILL CUM way, just tactile and good for physical affection of all kinds).
Like Humans, sexual pleasure is not solely derived from the mechanical reproductive act, but this is PARTICULARLY pronounced in qilik. Exclusively reproductive sex is very rapid- the entire act with full sperm transfer takes about 5-10 seconds. Their pre-sophont ancestors would breed over a period of a few hours, cycling through periods of male display, mutual preening, and mounting with sperm transfer. Bonded same sex drake pairs/throuples cooperatively rearing young would also intersperse their greeting allogrooming with mounting and full cloaca contact, as an affiliative sexual behavior that strengthened social bonds. This translates substantially into how behaviorally modern qilik tend to enjoy recreational sex, for most the act is 95% about intimate grooming and physical affection While Aroused and 5% direct genital stimulation.
This would actually be a fairly agreeable circumstance for a qilik/elowey pair, as both species have allogrooming as a basic behavioral drive (with layers of cultural convention tacked on top of it). Allogrooming feels nice in general and can be enjoyed in a sexual context.
So like bottom line for what would commonly be on the table:
Horny allogrooming
Other physical affection (licking, nuzzling, cuddling, etc)
Non or lightly penetrative oral/digital sex
Non-penetrative genital contact
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Charged allogrooming moment between Ulelilwa men. Guysrule, beautiful romance, etc
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nightowl343 · 10 months ago
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Cat tax
As always, best way to meet new folks is to send them cat photos. Works every single time.
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yourfavesaysfag · 6 months ago
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Billy Loomis and Stu Macher from Scream (1996) say fag!
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maryasmorevna · 11 months ago
can't believe a show based on a videogame (usually games adaptations are notoriously bad, which isn't the case here tho) gave me the beauty and the beast/twisted mirrors/enemies to traveling companions/ruthless antihero+optmistic but still badass heroine who takes none of his shit/age gap but make it sexy dynamic of my dreams. as much as i love maximus and i think he deserves the best writing ever because 1. he's a clever deconstruction of the aspiring Knight bro who's actually a bit of a loser and, as much as lucy, sees the world in black&white at first and then doesn't get what he thought he wanted but what he needs (or at least i hope he'll eventually get it), and 2. he's a cutie and i want an epic love story for him too, it's very funny how they tried to give us a puppy kind of romance and the tumblr girlies still fixated on the "toxic ~she bites his finger off and he cuts hers off and sews it on his hand in what we'll pretend it's a symbolic marriage rings exchange or whatever~ asshole who used to be a nice guy/good girl™ with a lot of spunk and hidden anger but unshakeable morals" kind of relationship.
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nofacednerd · 2 months ago
genuinely Mariner and Boimler BOTH ending up as the (provisional) first officers of the Cerritos was the least expected ending but also the only one that could make sense and feel satisfying
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naamahdarling · 3 months ago
One of y'all would take in a matched set of Jasper and Junie's baby brothers? Yeah? They aren't quite ready to go but will be soon. We really need to place them when they are ready, this is not a great situation. Let's talk.
We can get the daddy but are trying to get the mother. :/
Backyard breeders suck. So bad.
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read-write-thrive · 5 months ago
how much would I need to fuck with Niko and Monty’s genders to ship them
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Okay, so I wasn't considering it until #76 confirmed the disbanding of the diamond cutters and that the main center of the restoration needs rebuilding, but this really means that Surge and Kit's apartment from the 2024 annual is actually a new room?
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Compare their room in the restoration from Sonic the Hedgehog issue #69 and the 2024 Annual.
The light levels of the two rooms aside, the "curtain" in the first image being a single panel, while the one in the second image is two. The room on the right is visibly smaller, with the bunk bed perpendicular to the wall, versus the one on the left being parallel. There are visible differences in the bunk bed frames and bedding. There's a lack of a glass coffee table in the restoration bedroom on the left. Etc etc.
While we know via #76 that there are other branches of the restoration, so it's not impossible that Surge and Kit ran there for support, given how distanced they've been from Restoration affairs since #75 I'd almost endeavor to say that their apartment from the annual is theirs.
As in...I don't know how they'd get the money for it for sure (maybe Kitsunami does odd jobs for cash when there's no hero work to be done?), but they really may have ponied up and gotten themselves their own apartment to live in in the city. Honestly no matter which is the case probably the sweetest thing to me is that they continue to choose to live together and sleep in bunk beds despite how small the room is. They...really don't want to leave each other's sides, do they?
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 2 months ago
Yah yah dundy makes some expressions like fitzjames but have you considered fitzjames makes expressions like dundy sometimes
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saturday-byte · 1 month ago
For the assumptions about OCs thing:
I think buzzer is like a cartoon character in that he has a closet full of the exact same outfit
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It owns exactly three jumpsuits , one belt , two pairs of shoes and 277 makeup pallets
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