#they’re playing message in a bottle!!!! Taste!
tolerateit · 2 years
when a store plays taylor while i’m shopping
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I HAVE AN obsession with the color green. It’s a color of opposites. Green is life, growth, and health. It’s also sickness, greed, and envy. It’s good and bad at once. And it’s everywhere this afternoon as I sit down with actor, producer, author, and entrepreneur Sam Heughan — most recognized for his starring role in the Scotland-based time travel drama “Outlander.” His shirt bears a green tartan pattern, somewhere between jade and emerald. To my right, the glass bottle of his new gin is a transparent seafoam. Above my head is the leafy expanse of a tree, planted in the courtyard of New York’s Crosby Street Hotel. The gin we sip tastes green: grassy and alpine, fresh as menthol and bright as a sour apple. Most vividly is the green in my mind’s eye: the wet, rich, misty green of Scotland, a place Heughan speaks of with rapture.
Missing home is what drove Heughan to launch his spirits brand Sassenach, after the Scottish Gaelic word for an English person, or rather, an “outsider.” “When I was in London away from home, a jobbing actor, missing Scotland, I remember my first time trying a single malt whisky and I had such an emotional reaction,” he recalls from across the table, his bright blue eyes wide. “It reminded me of Scotland.”
I remark on the gin’s legs, thick and viscous, streaking the sides of my glass. Heughan nods, “I increased the strength. It just gives it a bit more weight. I love a bit of weight on my tongue.” Toasted oats give a creamy feel to the cornucopia of flavors present in the liquid: pine resin, heather, blackberry leaf, blaeberry — and, again, that sour green apple. “There’s no citrus in Scotland. That’s why I chose apples,” Heughan explains. “I remember as a kid, picking them and throwing them at people, eating them, then being really ill because they’re so sour.”
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Heughan’s family — his mother, brother, and uncle — still live in Scotland. His uncle used to have a ceilidh band. “[Ceilidh is] a traditional Scottish dance,” he explains. “It’s madness. Everyone’s drinking whisky and the dancers get faster and faster and there are lots of spinning people around.” Heughan listens to a lot of Scottish music. He later sends me a song called “Blackbird” by Martyn Bennett, known for mixing dance tracks with traditional Celtic music. I tear up at its aching slants. “It makes me homesick for a home that’s not mine,” I message him. “That’s Scotland,” he writes back. “It does that to people.”
Sam Heughan Is in Good Spirits Image Float
Heughan was raised by a single mother in the south of Scotland — the rural stretches of Dumfries and Galloway. “Spent a lot of time on my own pretending I was a knight or Robert the Bruce.” The land’s botanicals now flavor his gin. Courtesy of Sam Heughan.
“It’s one foot in the present, one in the past,” muses Heughan about his country, adding a splash of tonic to my gin, whose flavor now reveals a pleasant salinity. “The castles. So many great battles. You
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can feel the history. I think that’s what makes it so magical.” This history is inextricably linked to ritual, observed in Scotland to this day. Take Beltane, a pagan ritual beginning serendipitously on Heughan’s birthday, April 30. “You’re supposed to stay up all night and wash your face in the fresh dew when the sun rises, then go to bed and dream of your future spouse,” he describes. “It’s all about rebirth and nature.”
We talk about other parts of the world that have shaped him, as I remark on his fusion accent: a bit Scottish for sure, but mixed with something else, sort of American and British, too. America’s opportunity and diversity captivate Heughan. He came here for the first time at 18, hostel hopping in San Francisco. “I remember looking at the Golden Gate Bridge for hours, playing my cassette of ‘(Sittin’ On) the Dock of the Bay’ by Otis Redding over and over. I was living on $5 burritos — one a day. It’s all I could afford.” He speaks of Hawaii with reverence — the local culture’s connection to wildlife and the sea. He spent time with a fisherman and his family there who taught him the Indigenous way to fish: “Gut it straight away. Take out the heart, say a prayer, and throw it back into the ocean immediately to allow the soul of the fish to live on.” New Zealand also moves him. He was there recently and learned about tā moku, the art of Māori tattooing. “You sit with an artist and tell him your story. He chooses where it goes on your body and makes it there and then. He stuck [the initial sketch] on my left forearm here, and it was all about my mom and my brother and the absence of my father.” He wants to return to New Zealand and get the tattoo next time.
My gin has opened up even more, spreading out into softer, aromatic florals as Heughan uncorks a bottle of his whisky. “People have called you a global heartthrob.” I begin, “Is that a role you’re —”
“Who has?” His eyes grow bigger in feigned shock. (Fun fact: the Sam Heughan fanbase even has their own name — “Heughligans.”)
“Someone I talked to in the subway.”
“Right, right,” he nods gravely, pouring new glasses.
“Do you,” I continue, taking a sip, “feel comfortable in that role?” The whisky tastes like a spicy Werther’s caramel.
“My character is what some people aspire to, and I understand why. He’s this incredible human being who’s just so in love with his wife and does the most romantic things. Selfless. People then think you might be that person. I’m certainly not. But it’s something to aspire to.”
“Are you comfortable,” I press, “being an object of desire?” Heughan shares that in earlier years, he was treated in a way that would no longer be tolerated. “I’d be asked, ‘What’s under your kilt?’ or ‘How do you get your abs?’ I wish I did have abs! We were just in a different industry. I don’t have resentment or a grudge. But I would like to be seen for the work that I do, rather than my looks.”
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While he’s still based in Scotland, Heughan also has a house in LA, a city he’s not exactly sold on. He toys with the idea of New York as his next home base. He loves it here. “The cocktail bars. Cycling along the West Side. SoHo. The river. Getting a ferry. I’m so into ferries! I’ll go to Staten Island, then come back again. We got a helicopter the other day back from the Hamptons — I don’t like helicopters. They’re not meant to fly. However, seeing the Statue of Liberty from there, it’s so good. New York could be my city.”
I show Heughan around some local spots that evening. We sit at the bar of Superbueno for mezcal drinks and tacos. The music gets louder and so do the crowds. Mouth full of al pastor, I semi-shout a question in Heughan’s direction, asking if he ever gets overstimulated. “No, not really,” he replies simply, between chewing. At 6 feet, 3 inches, Heughan towers over seemingly everyone. Maybe it’s calmer up there. There’s an overall good-natured quality to him; it’s soothing to be around.
We head to another bar, Mr. Fongs. The air is thick with the smell of trash and rats dart to and fro. A subway thunders overhead as we walk below a bridge in Chinatown. “This is awesome,” Heughan murmurs. We order the bar’s specialty: salty plum old-fashioneds. “I want a place where the second I walk out my door, I’m right in the center of all of it,” he says decidedly, whistling a little at the (notoriously strong) drink. “Right in the middle.”
Heughan is noticeably unadorned. I suggest some rings and an ear piercing for his New York era. A candle light flickers against his cheek, evoking another world — someplace old and rural and rugged. At this moment, I see his character, a fantasy projection of the leading man. But really, we’re just in Chinatown, weighing the pros and cons of earrings on men. “Sadly I don’t think I’m quite cool enough,” he sighs, “to pull that off.” ▪️
Our Contributors
Sophie Mancini Writer
Sophie Mancini is an editor at Departures. Born and raised in New York City, she holds a degree in creative writing from Johns Hopkins University and has a background as a writer in brand and editorial.
Diana Markosian Photographer
Diana Markosian (born in Moscow, 1989) is a Russian-American photographer of Armenian descent. Her work explores memory and place through a layered, interdisciplinary process that uses photography and video. Her photographs have been published in National Geographic, the New Yorker, and the New York Times.
Robert Ormerod Photographer
Robert Ormerod is a photographer interested in telling stories. He is based in Scotland, working across the U.K. for titles such as National Geographic, The Guardian Saturday magazine, The New York Times, T Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg Businessweek.
Tom Craig Photographer
Tom Craig is a photographer and director whose work has been featured in Vogue, i-D, and Vanity Fair. His work is driven by a desire to tell stories and the urge to travel. His work often blurs the line between fashion photography and straightforward reportage.
**Full article from @departures www.departures.com
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loftylockjaw · 2 months
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TIMING: Current LOCATION: Pedro’s house PARTIES: Wyatt (@loftylockjaw) & Pedro (@rangervazquez) SUMMARY: Wyatt wants that vegetable lamb. Pedro isn’t giving her up. CONTENT WARNINGS: none
Plenty of people wondered how Pedro came into ownership of a veggie lamb. It was no word of a lie, what he said online. He and his colleagues went to clear up the highly Instagrammable greenhouse seating that people like to use in the winter. They’re less used in the summer because it’s too hot. The lambs didn’t seem to mind it, as they’d taken up residence in a corner. After some deliberation, the Rangers had decided they could be veggie lamb foster parents until they found some expert or another. Which sounded good to Pedro, right up until Baabara was sitting on his kitchen table and looking expectantly at him. He had turned to the good people of Wicked’s Rest when he’d tried and failed to google a care manual, and got some support. Wyatt told him they eat dandelions, which checked out in terms of them having survived in the town. Pedro had already watered her, and she wasn’t mad at him anymore…he hoped. He decided to send Wyatt a message about the offer to come by with advice. Thanks man, I’d be super grateful for any pointers with this little lady. Maybe I’m pushing my luck, but could you bring lamb milk?
Pedro was pushing his luck. Wyatt really had no intention of helping with this thing much at all, unless that feigned help would get the park ranger to relinquish guardianship over the stupid creature… so he decided to play along, assuring the man that he’d bring the milk. But he would only go so far for a bit, so the milk in question wasn’t that of a sheep. It was goat milk, because that’s what he’d had in his fridge at the time. 
Making his way over to the address given, the shifter waited patiently at the door to be let in after knocking. When it swung open, he did his best impression of a good samaritan. “Howdy there, neighbor! Hear you got yourself in a bit of lamb trouble!” He hoped that his southern accent (peculiar as the cajun dialect was) might win him a few points in the trustworthy category with Pedro, having found that to be the case in the past. Sounding humble, simple, and saying it all with a smile went pretty far for getting people to do what you wanted. 
Stepping inside as he was permitted, Wyatt followed Pedro to where the creature laid in a pot full of dirt, now looking between the two men with ears flipped forward and perked straight up. He had to admit, the creature was cute… not that soulful eyes or a pitiful cry had ever stopped him from eating what he wanted in the past, and now he had a real taste for these things. They were by far the most delicious meat he’d ever imbibed, and he wanted more. Needed more. He passed the milk (that had been warmed and switched to a mason jar that had no label) to Pedro, figuring that the request for a bottle was never part of the deal, and that he must already have one around here somewhere. 
“I gotta ask, friend… where’d you find her, anyway?” Where there was one, maybe there were more. And if he couldn’t get Pedro to give up this lamb, perhaps there was a nest of them somewhere in the woods that he could stake out and raid. The thought of it practically made his mouth water. 
He’d lived in Wicked’s Rest pretty much his whole life, and people often reminded him why he didn’t have any particular desire to leave. Sure, it could be weird - but it was their own brand of weird. There was always someone, or multiple someones, willing to help out. The fact that Baabara was adorable really helped, that was true. The feeling of relief when Pedro opened his door to let Wyatt in and saw the milk - finally, he would be able to feed her! They tried with some of the pet food they put out for four legged friends at the park rangers’ hut, but none of the veggie lambs were having any of it. “Oh man, thank you so much! You’re a lifesaver for real.” 
He set the milk down on the table near Baabara, who duly bleated at them both. “Okay! Diva. It’s like she knows who she’s named after.” She seemed to also know that nobody could resist a cute little sheep in a pot. “They just showed up out of nowhere! We found them in a greenhouse out in the park. Poor things must’ve wanted to get out of the weather. Janet from work was gonna call a friend who’s in the creature sanctuary business.”
“Streisand or Walters?” Wyatt asked with a chuckle. Ah, okay, so there were more. Living in a greenhouse in the state park—one that Wyatt was pretty sure he’d seen at least once before. “That’s wild! Are the others still there, or did all the rangers adopt one for themselves?” He really hoped it was the former, but had a sinking feeling that it’d be the latter. If that was the case, he was going to have to work extra hard to get this girl out of Pedro’s possession. 
He hadn’t decided yet if he was above shifting and just taking it by force, honestly. 
The smarter thing to do would be to get the name of this person who ran a creature sanctuary… there were untold goodies to be found in a place like that, after all. “That’s good, though, about the sanctuary,” he agreed through metaphorically gritted teeth, managing to maintain an upbeat and positive appearance. “Who runs that? Never heard of nothin’ like that out this way myself, but I spend a lot of time in the woods n’ find all sorts of troubled little critters… would be better to pass ‘em off to someone who knows what they’re doin’ than tryin’ to rehabilitate ‘em at my own cabin!” He never tried to habilitate them, of course. They were snacks, 100% of the time. Still… he glanced back to Baabara and clicked his tongue. “I do got a beautiful sunny patch that the last lamb I fostered seemed to just adore, though. Just the right amount of shade, sheltered from other things in that area, easy for me to water n’ feed…” As if to really sell the lie, Wyatt reached out and scratched the lamb beneath the chin, grinning when she let out a soft bleat and closed her eyes, leaning into the touch. 
“She fruitin’ yet?” The lamia leaned over the table to look around to her backside where there was more plant than animal, searching for those incredibly delicious sweet treats he’d scarfed up the last time. “They’re fuckin’ incredible if you ain’t tried ‘em yet, man.”
“Streisand, ‘course.” He grinned, rather proud of his naming skills. No ranger worth their salt would have left a small defenceless (they were defenceless, right?) lamb in a pot out to fend for themselves. Hell, the team lead Betty would have taken them all home to live in her veranda if it wasn’t for the fun conversation that would have ensued with her wife about why there were multiple veggie lambs sunbathing in there. If there hadn’t been people out there who knew how to handle them, perhaps she’d have got the team to write the manual on these little guys. “Yeah. we decided we’d all be good foster parents. Seemed like a better idea at the time…but this still works better than leaving them there by themselves with some food. Poor guys.” He’d figured Baabara herself would be the best judge of character when it came to deciding where she ended up, and she seemed pretty chill about Wyatt’s presence. “Never met ‘em myself. They’re an old college buddy of Janet’s.” For all he knew, they might have been a retiree who dedicated their whole house to the weird and wonderful creatures of Wicked’s Rest. It had been Janet’s sixty-somethingth a few months back. Pedro might have seen photos when he was sitting next to her on desk duty after his injury, but that was a bit of a blur. “I figure they kinda ended up doing it by accident when folks got word they had a talent for animal-handling.” Wandering around to have a look to see if Baarbara had been hiding some fruit, he didn’t think she had any yet. Although, he didn’t know if any of the others had fruit either. The whole species was kinda new to him. “Aw, cool! You got another lamb for her to hang out with? Didya give it a fun name?” Baabara should really go back to her - siblings, he presumed, but they didn’t exactly investigate the little guys’ family history. “Do you make fruit?!” He addressed Baarbara directly, who opened her eyes to bleat at him. He got the impression that the answer depended on who was asking. “I don’t see any, but I think she’s trying to say she isn’t down for sharing the fruit.”
Fuck. So they were scattered to the four winds, then. With a resigned, inward sigh, Wyatt accepted that he’d probably only be getting one lamb out of this deal. Though, as they spoke of the fruits the lambs often sprouted, he wondered if planting one of those fruits would grow another lamb… he’d have to have Mateo help him investigate, since the mare was the one with the green thumb, as it were. 
Nodding thoughtfully and doing his best to not look disappointed that Pedro didn’t have a name or any other kind of information on this creature-keeper, the lamia figured that finding Janet would be his next step on that particular ladder of overzealous hunting. He wouldn’t do this much investigating for anything other than vegetable lambs. They were just… so, so good. 
“Uh, yeah! His name is… Q-Tip.” That was a pretty good one, honestly. If he didn’t have every intention of immediately eating any veggie lambs he got his claws on, he might actually name one that. Lifting a brow at the lamb’s protest, Wyatt chuckled. “Maybe she ain’t old enough yet.” Maybe he ought to be patient… even though that wasn’t really his style. But he did have a decision to make: smash n’ grab this lamb and ruin and future opportunities of getting more info out of Janet later (at least in a way that wouldn’t end up with her hurt, scared, and/or dead), sweet talk Pedro into giving up Baabara, or be patient. Ugh. Patience. 
“They don’t live long, you know. They’re kinda like rats. Two, maybe three years tops.” He lifted his gaze to meet Pedro’s. “Hard to… say goodbye.” Eugh. “But it only gets harder the longer you wait.”
Was the fruit that good for it to be sigh-worthy disappointing that it wasn’t ready yet? He would have to convince Baabara to let him try some. If she wasn’t old enough, that was fine, she could take all the time she needed. Besides, he hadn’t even fed her yet. He didn’t have a bottle or anything, so he would have to try offering her it in a bowl. Maybe once Wyatt left; he wasn’t sure how well she’d take to eating around strangers.
Some animals didn’t like that. He himself was technically a stranger - one she was getting accustomed to, though. 
Pedro smiled. “Q-tip’s a good name. How do you tell how old a veggie lamb is? Apart from the fruit?” Janet’s contact might know. Mock-offence written on his face on Baabara’s behalf, he struggled not to laugh. “You’re not like a rat, are you, girl? You’re like a fancy little hamster. I had those as a kid. It’s sad, but…as long as they get a good life, right?”
Pedro wasn’t picking up what he was putting down, obviously. That meant that sweet talk was probably off the menu, didn’t it? That left patience, if Wyatt even managed to find this Janet lady, and… god, nope. Nuh uh. That was absolutely not a skill he possessed. He’d just keep this one alive until it fruited, then attempt the whole planting thing. And promptly have the most delicious lamb dinner of his life. 
“... listen, man. You seem like a nice guy, really. And it was awful nice of you to adopt this little snack, but I’ll be honest with you: I’m here to take it. So I’d really just appreciate it if you could make this easier for the both of us and give up the goat. Er, sheep. To me.” 
He’d really put his foot in it now. Baabara couldn’t possibly understand, and so it was his own guilt he was reading into the expression on her innocent, harmless little face. She did not look pleased. No wonder he got himself killed. He didn’t want to do that again. At the same time, he couldn’t just sit down and watch such a defenseless creature get taken away to become a snack. 
“You were supposed to help, Wyatt!” Pedro shouted, stepping in front of the pot. “Get out of my house. Before I call the cops.” 
Wyatt scoffed. “I am helpin’ I’m helpin’ me! You don’t get it. You’d get it if you fuckin’ ate one of ‘em.” He narrowed his eyes at Pedro, common sense abandoning him as he let them shift from blue to yellow, as crocodilian scales started to appear on his hands and up his arms, fingers turning long and webbed and tipped with sharp claws. He didn’t want to hurt the man over something like this, that was kind of ridiculous, but he was angry. And maybe there was more anger than was sensible that was coming from other sources, but regardless of the reason, it was an unfortunate truth that Pedro was now the target of that frustration. 
“I’m comin’ back for that thing,” he threatened with a snarl, deciding he could let it go today. He knew where Pedro lived, now. Knew where he kept her. Knew where to find more, maybe. Hopefully. As he stuffed his anger back down into the hole it should’ve stayed in, his features returned to normal. With an irritated huff, the lamia snatched the bottle of goat milk he’d brought with him and turned tail to stomp back to the front door. “Mark my words, couyon! You better keep three eyes on ‘er!”
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eunjiswrld · 1 year
🤍🫧… “Eun-Ji, what’s in your bag?”
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☁️💐… “Hi guys! I’m Eun-Ji from Stray kids, and I’m here with Vogue Korea to show you all what’s in my bag!”
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Headphones !
[🐏] “I’m really big on music. When I … *thinks for a moment* go on tour or just anywhere in general I bring these. I like to listen to music almost anywhere, I don’t really like the loud noise of everything around me, so I play music to drown it out. It’s easier to focus on one sound than multiple sounds at once! I carry around my Airpod Pro Max’s, and I decorate them with ribbons and stickers!” *She’d briefly slow the camera, chuckling as she spun them around in her hand*
Cell Phone !
[🐏] “It’s so simple and basic… *she laughs* but I always carry my phone in here. I mean — I think it’s a very essential item, I mean I use it to contact everyone so, I think it’s very important.”
Lip balm !
[🐏] “I always carry a stick of lip balm on me. My lips they uh — get very chapped easily, so it’s important that I carry this around to avoid that problem. My favorite flavor… hmm… I say would be Caramel! It tastes good when I accidentally get it into my mouth.” *She’d give a loud laugh at the last sentence before showing the Camera*
Wallet !
[🐏] “It’s … *she’d laugh before starting her sentence* It’s so basic, but it’s so very essential! You should always carry your wallet with you, always! Mine holds my I.D, and any other important cards of mine as well as spare cash whenever I go to places. Carry wallets!”
Gum !
[🐏] “I just really love gum— *she’d laugh mid sentence* It’s good! My favorite flavor is um … I would have to say spearmint, is that right? Yes! I enjoy spearmint gum, is it’s yummy and it helps me focus when I am in dance practice or … producing music. Soo, yeah.” *She’d thumbs up the camera*
Small Perfume Bottle !
[🐏] “Stray kids is very active, soo.. when we.. when we practice, we .. sweat a lot! so in order to avoid the bad smells that come with sweat I carry a small perfume bottle with me.” *She laughs* “I use a small bottle of Dior perfume… smells like roses.” *She’d show the perfume bottle, spraying a bit of it into the air*
Notepad !
[🐏] “I normally carry this around with me, because I tend to take write little inspirational messages on the sticky notes and post them all over the place of the work building and our dorms. I think it’s really cute whenever someone finds a message I leave and they’re texting me about it, ‘Ohh! Eun-ji i found your sticky note, it’s so nice, Thank you!’ *She laughs* I really enjoy doing it, It’s a nice way to motivate everyone and to lift spirits.”
Polaroid Picture !
[🐏] *She’d hold up the photo, laughing at it and blushing a bit* “I carry this around with me, it’s a uh — a polaroid photo of me and the other members when we met up again after I rejoined. It’s been um.. years, but I carry it around because it means a lot to me. It carries a lot of memories and emotions, and every time I look at it, I’m reminded of everything we had to do to get where we are now.” *She’d show the photo to the camera, chuckling and growing shy* “It reads, ‘Our red strings will always keep us together’ at the bottom. ”
[🐏]… “There you have it, a little tour of my bag! I don’t carry a lot of things on me, which is why my bag is so tiny!”
[🐏]… “Thank you so much for watching! Make sure you subscribe to Vogue Korea for more content like this one! Thank you all for having me today, Bye-Bye!!”
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🪐 … (None of this is to portray a real interview made by the actual company of Vogue Korea. This is simply a made up script.)
©️ eunjiswrld
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arlaina28 · 1 year
The Girlfriend Experience- First Meeting- Jungkook’s Version
Fandom- BTS
Relationship- Jungkook/Reader
Rated- General
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“Hi.” I say and introduce myself.
“You can call me JK.” He smiles at me. “I’ll take your bags.”
“Thank you.” I reply as he picks my suitcase up like it weighs nothing.
He leads me into the building and we can hear some whispering and giggling from where the other band members are standing. I wave at them and they wave back but they’re all suddenly giving me intense stares. I gulp, understanding their unspoken message. Hurt our Maknae and you will pay. I give them a slight nod.
“I’ll show you to your room first.” JK says, heading towards the stairs.
I follow him, looking around as we walk. It looks like a lovely and huge building full of all kinds of things. JK shows me to a simple little room with a bed and a wardrobe in it and an en-suite bathroom.
“I know it’s not much but I’ll take you shopping for some nice furniture and decorations.” He says to me, looking a little shy.
“It’s great.” I smile back, not really happy with the idea of him spending money on me.
He nods and places my case on the bed.
“Have you had breakfast? I can make you something if you haven’t.” He says quickly, looking like an eager puppy.
“I had breakfast but thank you for the offer. So, you cook?” I ask him, standing in the middle of the room.
“Yes I do. Suga Hyung and Jin Hyung are better but I do okay.” He says sweetly, blushing slightly.
“I look forward to tasting your food.” I grin.
He grins back and blushes even more, looking at the floor for a second.
“So, I’m going to work out so you can come with me or you can do anything else you’d like to.” He says softly, looking back at the floor.
“Is there a gym here then?” I ask excitedly.
“Yes.” He grins at me.
“I’d love to workout. Give me a minute to change?” I ask.
“Of course. I’ll meet you downstairs when you’re ready.” He nods and then leaves.
I get changed into Lycra shorts and a short top and then head downstairs. He’s waiting at the bottom of the stairs and licks his lips as he sees me heading towards him. I smile and he hands me a bottle of water.
“Thank you.” I smile.
He grins and looks at the floor again and then leads the way to the gym. I choose to warm up on the treadmill first and he takes one next to me. I set a gentle pace to begin and put in headphones so I can listen to music as I work out. It’s a good workout for the first hour and then JK takes his top off to continue his. I find it hard to concentrate after that and choose low impact, harder to kill myself on, equipment. The way his muscles ripple and the sweat running down his body make me want to lick him all over.
He chuckles and winks at me, making me realise I’ve been staring and not doing anything for at least 5 minutes. I blush and look away, making him chuckle again. I decide to go to the opposite side of the gym and do some stretches instead so I don’t embarrass myself again. After another hour JK walks over to me, thankfully with his t-shirt back on.
“Let’s have lunch.” He offers.
“Okay.” I smile, downing the last little bit of my water.
He smiles and leads me to the kitchen where he makes me sit on a stool as he prepares lunch. It’s amazing to watch him here too. He seems so sure of himself and cooks with no hesitation. He soon serves us a wonderful tasting lunch and I can’t help but to moan as the flavour coats my tongue. He blushes but looks pleased at my enthusiasm for his food.
“You like it?” He asks, a slight smirk playing on his lips.
“It’s delicious.” I groan, taking another bite.
He smiles again and continues to eat. Every time I take a bite I can’t help but moan at the taste and every time I do, I feel his eyes on me. I glance at him and he’s staring at me, slightly flushed with his mouth open.
“What?” I ask softly, using a napkin to wipe my face in case I have something on it.
“Do you always make those noises?” He asks softly, licking his lips.
“Oh sorry! I don’t mean to, it just happens when I taste something really nice. I know it’s annoying.” I gasp, looking down in embarrassment.
“It’s not annoying. I-I like the noises.” He sighs, leaning over to lift my chin up gently.
“You do?” I whisper, losing myself in his soft brown eyes.
He smiles and nods, blushing again. I smile back happily.
“Any food for me? I’m hungry.” V states as he walks in, making me pull away quickly.
“Yeah, there’s plenty.” JK laughs, offering food to V.
V sits down and digs into the food happily.
“I’m going to have a shower.” I say, standing up.
“Okay. There’s towels and toiletries in your bathroom. When we go shopping for furniture I’ll buy you any bathroom products you need too.” JK says kindly.
V suddenly glares at me and I swallow.
“I can buy my own things. You don’t need to spend your money on me.” I tell JK softly, not wanting to insult him.
“I don’t mind.” He smiles widely.
I smile awkwardly back at him and head to my room. I stay under the hot water for a while, wondering how I can stop JK from wanting to spend money on me without making him feel insulted. I dry off, change in nice comfy sweats and unpack. After a little while there is a knock on my door.
“Come in.” I call.
The door opens and JK pokes his head in before walking in fully. He smiles at me and looks around.
“Do you want any help putting things away?” He asks.
“No, thank you.” I smile up at him. “I haven’t got much anyway.”
“I can buy you more clothes too then.” He grins happily.
“JK, don’t take this the wrong way but I really do not want you buying things for me. I have my own money and I do t want to spend yours.” I say, cupping his face so I can look into his eyes as I talk.
His eyes go wide and he blinks at me for a moment.
“But I want to.” He states softly, looking sad.
“That’s really sweet but I don’t like taking money from people. Okay?” I state.
“Okay.” He sighs, frowning with a cute little pout.
“Thank you.” I Sigh in relief.
He smiles and steps back.
“Did you want me by the way?” I ask, tilting my head.
“What?” He yelps, blushing.
“You came to my room. Was there a reason? Did you need to talk to me about something?” I chuckle at his reaction.
“Oh! I just wanted to see what you were doing. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?” He replies, looking at the floor shyly.
“Sure. What do you want to do?” I smile.
“I was just thinking of walking Bam.” He shrugs.
“Bam?” I ask curiously.
“He’s my dog.” He grins, getting excited again as he tells me all about him.
“He sounds lovely. I’d love to walk him with you.”
“Great!” He grins, grabbing my hand and pulling me along.
We reach his room and he calls a gorgeous looking Doberman. I can’t help but to coo over Bam. He’s so cute! We take Bam for a nice long walk around the local area, enjoying the sunshine and gentle breeze. We walk for ages before we head back to the building where Suga has cooked dinner. I thank Suga for the food as he serves some to JK and I, making him smile. I sit next to JK as I eat and realise he’s watching me closely with a small smile.
“What?” I ask softly, hoping the others won’t hear.
“You made more noises for my food.” JK smirks happily.
I blush and look away, making him chuckle. I playfully shove him and he laughs, making the others look at us. I blush at the attention and they all chuckle. We’re all soon chatting and laughing together as we eat. After dinner we all work together to clean up and then sit down to watch a movie. After the movie, I decide to head to bed. JK walks me to my room and I kiss his cheek.
“Goodnight.” I smile at him.
“Goodnight. If you need anything, I’m just down the hall.” He hums.
He leaves and I get into bed for the night, falling straight to sleep.
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shizuokadivision · 1 year
Sakura's Thoughts on Division Leaders
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Ichiro Yamada 
“So this is the most famous delinquent in Ikebukuro.” Sakura sighs. “Would you be surprised if I told you I met him once during his Stairway to Heaven days? One of their members, Mozuku Shito, had tried to cheat the Kito-gumi. So I went to Ikebukuro and beat the shit out of him for pulling a stunt like that. Ichiro tried to get involved, and I gave him one warning. ‘Try and stop me, and you’ll learn what happens when you cross me.’ I think he got the message.”
Samatoki Aohitsugi 
“Despite what many would think, Aohitsugi and I are on neutral terms with each other. As you know, females in the yakuza are extremely rare, so having one as a leader? Unheard of. So when he came down to Shizuoka with his boss for a meeting with me and as much as he tried to hide it, I knew he was surprised to learn that I was the head of the Kito-gumi. Even then, I know he's cautious of me. The story of how I came to power is well-known in the criminal underworld. So as long as he and his men don't try anything in Shizuoka, we won't have any problems.”
Ramuda Amemura
“I've dealt with a few of these fuckers. They’re like cockroaches popping out of nowhere.  Chuohku sent them to deal with Reika and me. I had four of them trying to attack me one night. They weren't expecting me to fire a bullet at their mics before they could say a verse. It was easy to deal with them afterward. They were so physically weak that it wasn't even funny.” Sakura lit a cigarette. “I left them with Kanon who looked delighted to have them. Kanon told me how they were made and to be honest? I’m not even surprised Chuohku is attempting to play god. I swear if I see another one it would be too soon.” Sakura sighs. “I have a feeling though we're going to be seeing them very soon.”     
Jakurai Jinguji 
“I'm not the biggest fan of doctors after watching them for years turn a blind eye to the abuse I suffered by my so-called family but Jakurai is one of the few I trust. He has this calming way of talking to his patients and he doesn't ask any unnecessary questions. So out of everyone in the first D.R.B, I was hoping for him to win and you know what? He won. I sent him a bottle of sake to him and his team as congratulations even if he's such a lightweight. It's always entertaining to see him when he's drunk. His teammates didn't appreciate it though.”
Sasara Nurude 
“How does a comedian somehow become partners with a yakuza? No seriously how did Aohitsugi find him? He's a clown. Although I'll admit he didn't do too bad as a gang member. I had the chance to meet Nurude back when he and Aohitsugi were known as Mad Comic Dialogue. Personally, his jokes aren't to my taste but you can't win them all I guess. From what I know he and Aohitsugi had a fight over something, broke up and Nurude went back to Osaka to continue his career as a comedian. He even came to Shizuoka once I believe.” Sakura snorts. “Reika says she would pay for him not to perform if he ever comes back. Perhaps I should take Kanon and Reika to his next show in Shizuoka as payback for all the stress they give me.”
Kuko Harai 
“He was Ichiro's partner with the Stairway to Heaven. If I recall correctly they were known as the Naughty Busters. Much like with Ichiro I met Kuko when I went to deal with that double-crossing Mozuku. He was much more feral than Ichiro at least. Last I heard they had a fight that caused them to break up. Wondered what happened to cause that. They seemed to get along pretty well when I saw them. Although, I’m still not quite sure how he's a monk. His mannerisms and behavior leave little to be desired but to each his own on what they want to be.”
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unicyclehippo · 2 years
3 and 8!
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
my writing setup is headphones on, orchestral/no lyric music playing (broken when i got Spotify, fixed now that i quit Spotify), snack, caffeine, huge water bottle, CLEAN DESK. clean my glasses. once i put my glasses on, i gotta go. idk if it’s cursed im very prone to distraction so sometimes i have to chuck my phone onto the armchair behind my desk & occasionally it comes very close to phone annihilation
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
i think i could do either but they would come out very different, obviously. a no dialogue story would be v textured to make up for a lack of dialogue, yknow sight smell sounds tastes, i think it would probably be a bit fairy tale esque like this is what happened. an only dialogue story i think would probably be like a phone call story or camp fire story, a story about a story yknow? or else idk i would consider a chat/text message based story to be entirely dialogue too that could be rly fun. but yeah my instinctual reaction is that a purely dialogue story implies there’s something important they’re not talking about. so it’s a talkaround story yknow like.. a eulogy, or they’re taking an elevator to the centre of the earth & it’s a seven day trip & it’s pitch black & they gotta talk the whole time, or it’s a walk late at night through a forest & you’re walking with a stranger. it’s funny it’s almost like the idea of using purely dialogue to me means there’s something SO obvious that CANNOT be said. like you meet a stranger to interview them for a job & there’s blood all over their hands & instead of asking about the blood you’re like. hi nice to meet you do you have a moment to sit down and discuss why you want to work for bragman and associates.
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giftingexcellence · 1 month
Luxury Corporate Gifts: Suvarna Perfumes Collection
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In today's fast-paced business world, where every interaction counts, choosing the right corporate gift can make all the difference. Whether you're aiming to impress a client, reward a hardworking employee, or strengthen business relationships, the gift you select speaks volumes about your appreciation and commitment. This is where Suvarna Perfumes corporate gifts come into play, and nothing says "thoughtful and exclusive" quite like a carefully selected fragrance from the Suvarna Perfumes Collection.
The Role of Luxury in Corporate Gifting
When it comes to corporate gifting, luxury items hold a special place. They’re not just gifts; they’re statements. A luxury corporate gift like a Suvarna Perfume doesn’t just express gratitude; it reflects the care and attention you’ve put into selecting something extraordinary. In the business world, where impressions matter, a high-end gift can help you stand out, creating a lasting memory for the recipient.
Luxury gifts are often associated with exclusivity, and this is a key element in corporate gifting. When you gift something luxurious, it shows that you value the relationship enough to go beyond the ordinary. It’s not just about the gift itself, but what it represents—your commitment to excellence and your desire to leave a lasting impression. Suvarna Perfumes, with their rich heritage and dedication to quality, perfectly embody this concept.
Overview of Suvarna Perfumes Collection
The Suvarna Perfumes Collection is more than just a range of fragrances; it's a celebration of artistry and luxury. With a rich history rooted in the art of perfumery, Suvarna has become synonymous with quality, exclusivity, and elegance. Each fragrance is crafted with meticulous care, using the finest ingredients sourced from around the world. This dedication to craftsmanship ensures that every bottle of Suvarna Perfume is a masterpiece in its own right.
The collection features a range of signature scents, each with its own unique character. From floral and fruity notes to deep, woody undertones, there's a Suvarna fragrance for every taste. The attention to detail extends beyond the scent itself, with each bottle designed to be a work of art. The luxurious packaging, often featuring intricate designs and high-quality materials, makes Suvarna Perfumes an ideal choice for corporate gifting. It's not just about the fragrance; it's about the entire experience.
Why Suvarna Perfumes Make the Perfect Corporate Gift
So, what makes Suvarna Perfumes the ideal choice for luxury corporate gifts? First and foremost, it's the personalization options. At Suvarna, we understand that every gift should be as unique as the recipient. That’s why we offer personalized packaging and custom messages, allowing you to add a personal touch to your corporate gifts. Whether it’s a message of appreciation for a valued client or a note of congratulations for a team member, these personal touches make the gift even more special.
Suvarna Perfumes are also incredibly versatile, making them suitable for a wide range of occasions. Whether you're celebrating a successful deal, recognizing an employee's hard work, or simply saying thank you, a fragrance from the Suvarna Collection is always appropriate. The lasting nature of a high-quality fragrance means that the recipient will be reminded of your thoughtfulness every time they use it.
Moreover, gifting Suvarna Perfumes can also enhance your company’s brand image. When you choose a gift that embodies luxury and exclusivity, it reflects positively on your brand. It shows that your company values quality and is willing to invest in relationships. This can be particularly beneficial in industries where brand perception is crucial.
Customizing Suvarna Perfumes for Your Corporate Gifting Needs
One of the standout features of the Suvarna Perfumes Collection is the ability to customize your gifts to suit your corporate needs. If you're looking for something truly unique, consider opting for custom scent creations. Suvarna offers the option to create a bespoke fragrance that reflects your brand's identity or the personality of the recipient. This level of customization not only adds value to the gift but also makes it memorable.
In addition to custom scents, Suvarna also offers a range of gift sets and bundles. These sets are carefully curated to provide a complete fragrance experience, making them an ideal choice for corporate gifting. Whether you opt for a single perfume or a complete set, you can rest assured that your gift will be well-received.
For those looking to make an even bigger impact, Suvarna’s special edition releases offer an extra layer of exclusivity. These limited-edition fragrances are crafted in small batches, ensuring that your gift is one-of-a-kind. The rarity and uniqueness of these special editions make them a perfect choice for high-profile clients or significant corporate milestones.
Case Studies: Success Stories of Suvarna Perfumes as Corporate Gifts
To understand the impact of Suvarna Perfumes as corporate gifts, let’s take a look at a few success stories. In one instance, a leading financial services firm used Suvarna Perfumes as part of their client retention strategy. The firm selected a custom scent that reflected their brand values, and the results were impressive. Clients not only appreciated the gesture but also reported feeling more connected to the brand.
Another success story comes from a technology company that incorporated Suvarna Perfumes into their employee recognition program. By gifting high-performing employees with a fragrance from the Suvarna Collection, the company was able to boost morale and foster a sense of loyalty among its team members. The personalized packaging and custom messages added an extra touch of appreciation, making employees feel truly valued.
How to Choose the Right Fragrance for Your Corporate Gift
Selecting the right fragrance can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. The key is to understand your audience. Think about the recipient’s personality, preferences, and the nature of your relationship. For a client with a bold personality, a fragrance with strong, woody notes might be appropriate. For someone who appreciates subtlety, a light, floral scent could be the perfect choice.
It’s also important to consider the occasion. If you’re gifting to celebrate a significant achievement, you might want to choose a more luxurious scent, possibly from Suvarna’s special edition releases. For everyday appreciation, one of the signature scents from the collection will do the trick.
Luxury corporate gifting is an art, and Suvarna Perfumes makes it effortless. With their rich history, exquisite craftsmanship, and ability to create lasting impressions, Suvarna Perfumes are more than just gifts—they’re a testament to the value you place on your business relationships. Whether you’re looking to impress a client, reward an employee, or simply enhance your brand image, Suvarna Perfumes offer the perfect solution.
What makes Suvarna Perfumes a luxury brand? Suvarna Perfumes is renowned for its high-quality ingredients, meticulous craftsmanship, and elegant packaging, making it a symbol of luxury in the fragrance industry.
How can I personalize a Suvarna Perfume gift? You can personalize your gift with custom packaging and a personalized message to add a special touch.
Are there any eco-friendly options available in the Suvarna Perfumes Collection? Yes, Suvarna offers eco-friendly packaging options without compromising on luxury and quality.
Can Suvarna Perfumes create custom fragrances for corporate events? Absolutely! Suvarna provides custom scent creation services to match your corporate event’s theme or brand identity.
What are the most popular fragrances in the Suvarna Perfumes Collection? Some of the most popular fragrances include [list specific perfumes], each known for its unique scent profile.
How do I place a bulk order for corporate gifts? You can place a bulk order by contacting our corporate sales team through the Suvarna website or customer service.
Are there any discounts for corporate orders? Yes, Suvarna offers special pricing for bulk corporate orders. Please reach out to our sales team for more details.
How long does it take to receive a personalized Suvarna Perfume gift? Personalized orders typically take [insert timeline] to process and ship, depending on the level of customization.
What packaging options are available for Suvarna Perfume gifts? Suvarna offers a range of luxurious packaging options, including custom designs to match your corporate branding.
How do I choose the right fragrance for my corporate gift? Consider the recipient’s personality and the occasion when selecting a fragrance. Our team is also available to help you make the perfect choice.
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Luxury Perfumes: A Classy Corporate Gift Choice
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When it comes to corporate gifting, making a memorable impression is key. You want a gift that reflects sophistication and thoughtfulness, and one that leaves a lasting impact. This is where luxury perfumes come into play. Not only do they exude elegance, but they also convey a level of personal attention that is highly valued in the business world. In this blog post, we’ll explore why luxury perfumes are an ideal choice for corporate gifts, how to select the perfect one, and how to present it in a way that enhances its appeal.
Why Luxury Perfumes Make Excellent Corporate Gifts
Impression of Sophistication
There’s something inherently sophisticated about Luxury Perfumes Corporate Gifting. They’re not just fragrances; they’re expressions of art and craftsmanship. When you choose a luxury perfume as a corporate gift, you’re sending a message of refinement and high standards. Luxury perfumes, like our exclusive range of [Brand Name] perfumes, are crafted with the finest ingredients and designed to make an unforgettable impression. Whether it’s a classic floral scent or a rich, woody aroma, a luxury perfume stands out as a symbol of quality and sophistication.
Personalization and Thoughtfulness
Choosing a fragrance shows that you’ve put thought into the gift. Unlike generic items, a carefully selected perfume reflects an understanding of the recipient’s tastes and preferences. Imagine receiving a bottle of [Brand Name] perfume, known for its unique blend of notes and premium quality. It’s not just a gift; it’s a personal gesture that shows you’ve considered what they might truly enjoy. This level of thoughtfulness can strengthen professional relationships and enhance your company’s reputation.
Longevity and Practicality
Luxury perfumes are not only a pleasure to receive but also practical. Unlike perishable items or temporary gifts, a high-quality perfume lasts for months, even years, depending on the frequency of use. It’s a daily indulgence that brings a touch of elegance to the recipient’s routine. The lasting nature of perfumes ensures that your gift will be remembered and appreciated long after it’s been given.
Luxury perfumes are versatile gifts suitable for various occasions and recipients. Whether you're celebrating a company milestone, recognizing employee achievements, or expressing gratitude, a luxury perfume fits the bill. It’s appropriate for both men and women and can be customized to suit different tastes. This versatility makes it a reliable choice for any corporate gifting scenario.
Choosing the Perfect Luxury Perfume
Understanding Fragrance Profiles
To choose the perfect perfume, it’s essential to understand fragrance profiles. Fragrances generally fall into several categories: floral, woody, citrus, oriental, and fresh. Each type evokes different feelings and suits different personalities. For example, floral scents, like those found in our [Brand Name] collection, are often associated with elegance and romance, making them a great choice for someone who appreciates classic sophistication. On the other hand, woody fragrances can be ideal for someone who prefers a deeper, more grounded scent.
Brand Considerations
When selecting a luxury perfume, consider the brand’s reputation. Brands known for their exquisite craftsmanship and quality will ensure that your gift stands out. Our [Brand Name] perfumes are renowned for their exceptional quality and unique compositions. Choosing a well-regarded brand guarantees that your gift will be appreciated and valued.
Packaging and Presentation
The presentation of the perfume is almost as important as the fragrance itself. Elegant packaging enhances the overall experience and adds an extra touch of class to your gift. Opt for a beautifully designed box or a stylish gift bag that complements the luxury of the perfume. Our [Brand Name] perfumes come in luxurious packaging that makes them perfect for corporate gifts, adding a final touch of sophistication.
How to Present Luxury Perfumes as Corporate Gifts
Personalization Tips
Adding a personal touch to your gift can make a significant difference. Consider including a handwritten note expressing your appreciation or congratulations. This small gesture can elevate the gift and make it feel even more special. A personalized touch shows that you’ve put extra thought into the gift, enhancing its value.
Presentation Ideas
Think creatively about how you present the gift. You might choose to pair the perfume with other luxury items, such as a high-quality pen or a leather notebook. Alternatively, you could present it in a beautifully decorated gift box. The goal is to create a memorable experience that reflects the elegance of the perfume.
Timing and Occasion
Timing is crucial when giving corporate gifts. Major milestones, such as company anniversaries, employee achievements, or holidays, are ideal opportunities for presenting luxury perfumes. By aligning the gift with a significant occasion, you demonstrate thoughtfulness and reinforce the importance of the moment.
Tips for Selecting and Purchasing Luxury Perfumes
Budget Considerations
While luxury perfumes can be an investment, you don’t have to break the bank to find something exceptional. Set a reasonable budget and look for high-quality options within that range. Our offers a range of luxury perfumes at various price points to fit your budget while ensuring top-notch quality.
Where to Buy
For authentic luxury perfumes, it’s crucial to buy from reputable retailers or directly from the brand. This ensures that you receive a genuine product and exceptional service. Check out our collection of perfumes on our website for a wide selection of high-quality options.
Avoiding Common Pitfalls
When choosing a luxury perfume, avoid common mistakes like selecting a scent without considering the recipient’s preferences or opting for a brand without a strong reputation. Ensuring that you choose a perfume that aligns with the recipient’s taste and a brand known for its quality will enhance the impact of your gift.
What are the best luxury perfume brands for corporate gifts? Look for renowned brands known for their quality and craftsmanship.
How can I choose a fragrance that will be appreciated by everyone? Consider classic and versatile scents, such as those from our collection, which appeal to a wide range of preferences.
Is it appropriate to give the same perfume to multiple recipients? Yes, especially if it’s a universally appealing fragrance. Ensure that each gift is presented thoughtfully.
What is the price range for luxury perfumes suitable for corporate gifts? Luxury perfumes can vary widely in price. We offer options across different price ranges to suit various budgets.
How should I handle allergies or sensitivities to fragrances in the office? Consider offering fragrance-free gifts or providing a selection of different options to accommodate various sensitivities.
Can luxury perfumes be customized for corporate gifts? Yes, some brands offer customization options, such as personalized labels or packaging.
What is the best way to present a luxury perfume gift? Opt for elegant packaging and consider adding a personal note for a thoughtful touch.
Are there specific occasions that are best for giving luxury perfumes? Major milestones, achievements, and holidays are ideal occasions for presenting luxury perfumes.
How do I ensure the quality of the perfume I’m purchasing? Purchase from reputable retailers or directly from the brand to guarantee authenticity and quality.
Can luxury perfumes be used for employee recognition and awards? Absolutely. Luxury perfumes make excellent recognition gifts, conveying appreciation and respect.
0 notes
Map | Floor 2 | The Workplace
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Back to Maps Floor 1: Living Quarters Floor 3: The Primordial Church
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The second floor expands into an open floor space, where pipes and ducts can be seen snaking through the ceiling. You get the feeling the guts of this building shift and move when you aren’t looking. Just below them hang rows of fluorescent lights.
The Office
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The space immediately in front of you can only be described as an office. You can hear the ambience of an office space– the hum of monitors, gentle clicking sounds, an occasional shuffle of papers or scratch of a pen. But each cubicle is empty when you look in– there are sixteen partitioned spaces in total, grouped in familiar quadrants.
Each cubicle is equipped with a computer, a keyboard, a mouse, a chair, a desk, and a white board.
The computers are modern, and they seem to be all-in-one desktops which don’t require towers. They all connect to the building's wifi, but of course do not go as far as to connect to the world’s internet. You can log in with your watch’s NFC technology.
If you open a terminal, you may be able to access some of Ascentsy’s files (message Juni in an RP or private channel to attempt to view them).
There’s also a network drive which houses the roster information for reference.
The local drive also has a number of folders:
RECIPES: contains various recipes from food you’ve tasted in your life
PICTURES: any photo taken of you in your life can be found here. If you try to show them to anyone else, all they see is static. You can apparently send them to the mailroom for printing, though.
VIDEOS: there’s only one video file here, and if you try to play it, you see a video recorded from above the cubicles a few feet behind your head. You move the mouse and you see your arm move on the video. You turn to look up for a camera, and see nothing behind you but the stilling coils of air ducts and vents. Again, if anyone else tries to look at yours, all they see is static.
GAMES: if there’s a game you’ve played or even heard about, you can rest assured you’d find it here. There are even games that shouldn’t have PC ports, though your mileage may vary as far as controls go. Apparently, the LAN works.
The wires for each station are routed to the back of each cubicle, where they’re neatly coiled and zip tied together to form a snaking tendril that winds through the office. If it wasn’t for this, you’d be able to easily relocate the computers elsewhere.
That massive cable disappears into the Computer Room.
The Computer Room
You can’t find the light switch in the computer room (that’s what the plaque just outside calls it). Inside, wires feed into a massive central server from the door, the walls, the ceiling, and the floor. There’s a single screen in this room, but all you see is the multicolor screen of a NO SIGNAL message.
If you listen close enough, you can hear static rhythmically pulsing in what sounds like the facsimile of a heart beat.
The Science Labs
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The far back wall hosts two doors, one of which leads you into the science lab. Frosted glass lets you see if someone is in, but doesn’t let you see what they’re doing.
There are large, heavy islands serving as counter space in the room, each equipped with a sink and a metal table top. Cabinets house any chemistry equipment you may need, from beakers, tubes, stands, hot plates, droppers, scales, and scopes, to low tech measuring tools.
One locked cabinet houses a myriad of substances in labeled jars and bottles. It seems to require the right authorization from the NFC of a smart watch.
The far wall of the room has a giant whiteboard, and stools serve as chairs. In one corner, you see an emergency shower and eyewash station, several fire extinguishers, and personal protective equipment hung up at stations on the third wall including lab coats and eye shields.
The Work Shop
The work shop is the other room neighboring the labs, and is set up in similar layout. Heavy, nicked and dented wooden tables are set up, and the one furthest from the door also features a circular saw. Each table has a hood for venting dust above it. Many tables have clamps already attached to them.
There is a standing drill press, a scroll saw, and even a computerized lathe.
The far wall of the room has a giant whiteboard, and stools serve as chairs.
In the corner is a stand for personal protective equipment, including aprons, eye shields, sound protection, and gloves. Lastly, there's a bin for waste under each table, as well as drawers for common hardware and little palettes for wood and metal (up to 2x2, anything larger will have to be requested through the company catalogue).
12/9/22: Sewing supplies have been added to the Work Shop, courtesy of Hinrik! This includes thread, needles, sewing scissors, and simple single colored cotton cloth.
The Corner Cafe
In view of the elevator is the corner cafe. It stands unmanned, though sometimes you’ll find Ithika stationed here. There’s espresso machines, cold brew, milk foamers, and other fancy implements for whatever coffee you might feel like making– as well as a display that always seems to house warm baked goods. Pastries, cakepops, tarts, danishes, and muffins seem to be the norm.
You can also find some bottled smoothies, kombucha, and other health drinks in the open fridge, as well as boiled eggs, cold sandwiches, and premade salads.
Emergency Stairwell
A glowing red EXIT sign marks the presence of a stairwell. A heavy door with a push bar opens to enclosed concrete stairs. The air smells like construction.
If you try to walk up, the stairs lead you all the way up to the ceiling and then stop. You can touch the ceiling tiles from here, and there are handprints betraying that someone’s already done so.
If you try to walk down, the air grows heavier and darker… heavier and darker… until you can’t see your own hand in front of you. No matter how far down you walk, the heavy doors only open back to the 2nd floor workplace. There’s a 10% chance of triggering the fire alarm of shame, though.
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bnha-dumpster · 3 years
Alright I’m back mate and boy do I have something. So imagine all of them (boys of the bakusquad) wanting Y/n, and they’ve talked about this together to try and come up with a way to get closer to him. So they decide that in order to get closer to him, one of them (you can decide) has to get into a relationship with Y/n’s sister. (Sister could be an OC, a character, or just a sister insert) This way, all of them can get into his their house without it being suspicious. Y/n’s sister doesn’t really think much about it, but the four of them always tease and borderline flirt with Y/n while they’re there. Don’t think they didn’t notice you blushing. So one day when his sister and parents aren’t home, they all decide to visit, knowing that Y/n is home from college that weekend, and all alone. Deciding that this will be the day that they bring him to bed, each have their turn with him, and milk him till he just can’t come anymore. (Dub-con? Y/n clearly wants it- who wouldn’t lol?)
Just realized that if you dislike some female character in the show, you could just use them as the sister lol. Also sorry my request is kinda long for this, but thanks if you decide to do it! I appreciate it.
oh i love this request so much! may have had a bit too much fun with this and got carried away
pairing: bakusquad (- mina) x male reader content tags: group sex, milking, double penetration, face fucking, male squirting, creampie, sex toys, praise, light degradation, electro stim play word count: 2.5k
The day Sero started dating your younger sister was a weird one. You’d never felt too protective over her considering she’s only a year younger and a hero, but seeing her hold hands with your classmate lit something inside you. It’s why whenever Sero wanted to come over, you’d beg for the rest of the Bakusquad to join him. You thought it was a way to protect your sister. You thought you were doing a good job. Yeah, you thought a lot of things.
Then they started teasing you- even Sero. The four of them love to tease you and act flirtatious with you. Even with Maiko in the room, they all find a way to tease you and not gain any suspicion from her. Their hands wander places where they shouldn't and you can't do anything but give them a stern look as you swat their hands away, blush apparent on your face. You don't know what they're doing but it gives extremely mixed messages.
But you think you finally understand when they show up unannounced, all four grinning as they push their way into your house.
“How long are we gonna let Bakugou eat his face?” 
As soon as the four of them got you in your room, Bakugou pounced on you. He’s holding you by your hips, grinding himself against you. His mouth is smashed against yours, teeth clashing as he devours your mouth with his tongue. You don’t have much of a choice but to go along with it. It’s not like you hate this. Rather, you’re enjoying this way too much. 
“We can get everything set up while they’re eating each other’s faces.” Sero shrugs as he pulls out the contents of the bag. Lube, towels, toys, said toys being Kaminari’s suggestion. “Why’d you bring a cock ring? I thought the goal was to milk him?” 
“It’s for us! Gotta last longer for him, right?” 
“For once you make a good point.” Kirishima pulls Bakugou away from you by his hair, earning a growl. “Stop hogging him, bro.”
Kirishima helps you towards the bed, sitting you down on the edge of it. He tugs your sweatpants down, slowly taking your clothes off. You definitely need a breather and the redhead is more than happy to give you one. He does all of the work for you, lifting your legs and body with his strength so all you have to do is sit there. You watch him with half-lidded eyes as you catch your breath. Besides your heavy breathing, you can hear the other three taking their own clothes off. The rustling of their clothes falling to the floor is as quiet as it’ll be from now on.
Your cock springs out of your boxers, almost completely hard from Bakugou’s actions. It’s a little embarrassing how quickly you’re turned on. They just think it’s cute.
“Denki, didn’t you say you wanted to taste him?” 
The blond in question nods eagerly and nearly trips over himself to replace Kirishima’s spot between your legs. He’s already excited, cock hard and slapping against his stomach. Does the thought of giving you head really turn him on that much? 
Apparently it does. He lets out a small moan when he grabs your cock and pumps it a few times. You can see his eyes dilate and his mouth is open slightly as he admires it. And when he finally takes it in his mouth, it feels like he’s practiced for this. 
“Fuck, Denki-” His mouth is warm and inviting, his tongue doing its best to wrap around the shaft as he bobs his head. You weave your hands into his hair and help him take you deeper. You’re not huge, but you do know it might take a bit to take all of you. 
Then he moans. The vibrations go straight to your core and your shove his face flush against your hips. He gags around your cock but doesn’t try to pull away. Instead, he looks up at you with eyes that scream for you to keep going. You’re not the type of person to refuse someone, so you give him exactly what he wants. 
You take hold of his head and move it up and down, using his mouth as a toy. Kaminari moans each time your cock hits the back of his throat. The two of you are caught up in the moment to the point where you don’t notice Sero coming up behind you. The hero begins to kiss along your neck, hands going to grope at your chest. Finger pinch your nipples harshly and you let out a surprised moan. 
“Hanta, what are you doing?” 
“Your chest looked a little lonely.” He hums and continues to play with your nipples, pinching and flicking them as he kisses your neck. You’re not sure what Kirishima and Bakugou are doing but you can’t focus on it, not when you’re reaching your end. Your hips stutter and you press Kaminari’s face against you as much as you can. The blond’s eyes roll back into his head as you cum, shooting ropes down his throat. You can feel him swallow it all and the sensation makes you groan. 
Kaminari removes himself from your cock with a pop, face red. Tears and drool cover his face and it’s oddly endearing. 
“Alright, Kirishima?” Sero grabs you by your hips and pulls you with him further onto the bed. He rests against the headboard and continues to tease your nipples. Kirishima crawls in front of you, a bottle of lube in hand. You know what he’s going to do but it doesn’t make you any less anxious.
“Hey, hey, it’ll be okay.” The redhead rubs comforting circles into your inner thigh, smiling at you. You watch him pour some lube onto his fingers and circle your hole gently. He watches your face as he begins to push one finger in. There’s a moment of surprise when it goes in without much protest, you looking to the side to avoid his stare. You’re thankful that he doesn’t say anything. Rather, he just pushes another finger inside you.
It takes a few tries before he manages to find that soft spot inside you. You let out a whimper and your hips move away. Bakugou is more than happy to sit on your stomach, keeping you in place. 
The blond takes this chance to devour your mouth once more. This time you moan and kiss back with as much need as he does. His erection grinds against your stomach as you kiss. You reach down to pump his cock a few times, enjoying the feeling of how hot and heavy it is in your hand. Bakugou swats your hand away and glares at you, pulling back.
Kirishima is eager to fuck you. He pulls his fingers out after barely prepping you and slathers his own cock with lube. You’re sure he doesn’t mean to, but he sheathes himself inside you a little too quickly. A small yelp leaves you and three sets of eyes land on the redhead. The three heroes stare at him for a moment before turning their eyes back to you. 
“Sorry he’s being so rough...” Sero leaves open mouthed kisses along your neck and shoulders as he soothes you, “We’ve just wanted to fuck you for so long.” 
Bakugou moves off of you, sitting beside you as Kirishima begins to move slowly. Kaminari has settled on the other side of you, one hand cupping your balls and the other teasing the head of your limp cock. 
A small shock goes through you. It’s from Kaminari’s hand, the blond stimulating you back to hardness with his hands. The shocks are sent through both your cock and balls. You squirm and whimper, the head of your cock twitching pathetically with each shock. Even if it’s not hard, it still weeps precum all over your abdomen. 
Then the redhead’s pace gets rough. His balls slap against your ass with each thrust, making sure your hips meet before he pulls out. Your overwhelmed by the stretch of your walls and how Kirishima seems to be rubbing against all the right spots inside you. There’s even a small bump that appears whenever he’s fully inside you. It pokes out of your stomach and the other three marvel at how hot it is. 
Kaminari’s shocks finally bring your cock back to life. It stands at attention, tip swollen and red. He lets go of it and watches it slap against your stomach, precum smearing over the skin. 
“Relax for us, Y/N.” 
You don’t know what Kaminari means until you see something in Bakugou’s hand. It’s metal and long but you don’t exactly know what it is. At least, until the blond begins to circle it around the head of your dick. There’s no warning for your when he prods the slit of your cock with it, slowly inching the rod inside you. It’s a strange feeling but it doesn’t hurt. For a moment you think it’s not so bad, but then Bakugou presses a button.
“Wha-” The rod is vibrating. Your back arches off the bed and tenses, a confused moan escaping you. Sero leans down to capture your lips, kissing you gently compared to Bakugou. Both blond heroes are tending to your nipples, each one has a nipple in their mouth. Bakugou’s hand is wrapping around the base of your cock, pumping it gently. Kaminari is once again fondling your sack, giving it small squeezes and shocks to stimulate you. 
And you cum, you cum hard. Strangled moans are muffled by Sero’s lips. Your cock twitches and cum leaks out past the rod, dribbling down your shaft slowly. It’s a strangle climax. It doesn’t come out like it usually does and everywhere is being touched. You don’t get to come down from your high either- it just keeps going. They don’t stop what they’re doing, the only thing changing being the way Kirishima’s thrusts grow erratic. 
He releases inside you and you can vaguely feel warmth filling you. It feels empty when he pulls out, your hole clenching around nothing. Kirishima takes a moment to spread your ass to watch his cum leak out a little. 
“Who’s next?” 
Sero releases your lips and removes himself from behind you, letting Kirishima take his place. He situates between your legs and ruts his cock against your ass. He can feel your hole clenching each time he brushes the head of his cock against it. Your body is so needy and he can’t possibly refuse you. 
He’s longer than the redhead, that’s for sure. Not as thick, but definitely longer. Sero reaches deeper and touches places you didn’t think could be touched. His pace is slow, watching the way your hole so eagerly swallows his cock. You’re clenching and trembling so much from the overstimulation, the vibrating rod still abusing your limp cock. 
“Good boy, good boy, Y/N.” Kirishima praises you as tears fall from your eyes. It blurs between pain and pleasure and you don’t know how to process it. You cling to his words, holding into his arms as he shushes you. “We’re so proud of you. You’re so good for us, so good. We’ll take such good care of you.” 
You’re mouth is left unattended. Moans and sobs fill the room, a line of drool coming out of your mouth. You can’t form any words either. They’re enamored by it, staring at how you’ve come undone just after two times. A thin layer of sweat covers your body and it makes you look shiny, you practically glow.
“Fuck, so tight- you’re so tight, Y/N.” Sero’s words barely register. Something is building in your core as Kaminari begins to send larger shocks through your sack. They make your cock twitch more than it already is. The constant vibrations inside your urethra are making your cock vibrate and twitch even when it’s soft. 
“Kaminari.” The hero fucking you catches the blond’s attention. He puts a finger in your ass and tugs it open a little more. “Think you can fit?” 
The absence of Kaminari’s lips and hands don’t register right away, especially when Bakugou begins to pinch your abandoned nipple. Your haze is lifted somewhat when you feel your ass stretching just a bit more. The blond is slowly pushing his cock inside, joining Sero in your tight hole. The stretch alone forces another orgasm through you without even getting hard, more cum leaking past the rod. 
As Kaminari sheathes himself completely, the other hero stills. They don’t move for a bit, they let you get used to having both of them inside you. 
“What a good boy. You’re taking them so well, taking them just like we know you could.” Kirishima’s words soothe you. “They’re going to make you feel even better.” 
Then they start moving. The two of them alternate thrusts, moving slowly and carefully. Your belly bulges from the stretch and Kirishima reaches down to rub the bulge, groaning at the feeling. His cock twitches with arousal behind you. But he’s had his turn and you need comfort. 
Your prostate is being pressed against constantly. It’s a never-ending stimulation of your most sensitive spots. You hold onto Kirishima as tightly as you can as a rush of warmth goes through you. The feeling isn’t the same as an orgasm and you lift your head up for a brief second to see clear fluid gush out of your cock past the rod. 
“Oh my god, he just squirted.” Kaminari stares down at you in wonder as he fucks you, grabbing your cock and pumping it. Your stomach is covered in whatever you let out. Bakugou moves himself down to lick at it, curious to its taste. It’s not pleasant, but not unpleasant either. 
And the blond is hard, impatient for his turn. As much as he wants to fuck you properly, he needs release. He turns your head to face him, his cock gently slapping against your face. Your mouth is already open and he begins to slide it inside. The moans and sobs you make vibrate around his cock, making him feel amazing. It’s difficult to keep himself from fucking your face like you did with Kaminari but he knows that a slow pace is better. 
The head of his cock presses against the back of your throat and you gag before he pushes deeper. Your face meets his pelvis for a few seconds before he pulls out. Bakugou is looking down at you as your eyes flutter closed, mouth stretched to fit his cock inside of it. You look so cute, so eager to please him. Your head must be a mess right now. 
“Damn, I’m cumming already. This is amazing.” 
The blond fucking your ass stills inside you, cum filling you. Sero is still going, his pace slow and deep. He’s nowhere near done and has more stamina than the other three. Taking it slow and thoroughly enjoying the warmth of your ass is how he wants to go. 
More cum leaks out of your cock and finally, the rod is pulled out. Cum practically pours out once the rod is fully out. It pools on your stomach and mixes with the fluids from your squirting. 
Your head is a mess, a haze of pleasure. You don’t know what’s going on besides how good you feel from all of them. You don’t care anymore. They can do whatever they want with you. 
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Stood Up
You (Y/N) get stood up from a date and Kaminari decides to do something about it.
Pairing: Kaminari/F!Reader
Contains: Fluff, Flirty Denki, Established BakuSquad Friendship
Warnings: 18+ Below the cut, Minors DNI! Swearing, Electro-Stim, Overstimulation, use of pet names (cuddle bug & cutie), oral (F receiving), consensual recording
A/N: Well, here we are with the third in my Stood Up series. There is also Bakugo & Kirishima if you're interested. This one took me way too long and it's also my first time writing Kaminari at length. I hope you all like it :)
Word Count Starting Below: 2,461
You slipped your foot into the silver heels you had picked out. Something a little fancier since this was a first date after all and you wanted to make a lasting impression. Not only that but this was your first first date in a while. Being a Pro Hero made life busy and dating difficult.
Practically the entire day leading up to this very moment revolved around you either getting ready or babbling with excitement to your closest friends.
An alert chimed on your phone with a text from your date, a smile sliding onto your face expecting to read some message about how they were on their way and that they'd see you soon, but that wasn't what you were met with.
Instead, it was a screenshot of your Instagram page, multiple of them actually, all of you and the ridiculous photos you took with your friends but mostly with one Denki Kaminari. The most recent of which was from a tea shop he met you at just earlier that day so you could show him the shoes for your date.
The message below was simple and more than enough to leave a sour taste in your mouth, this isn't what I want to see when I'm supposed to be taking you out tonight. What, one date a day isn't enough? Why are you even dating? Does your blonde boyfriend know?
You giggled at what they were implying, quick to explain how these were all your friends, they had been since high school! They are people you spent what little free time you had with. Especially Denki, your best friend since you were 15!
That joy you felt started dissipating within the next few messages. You hadn't even had a first date and they were already jealous, and that was something you didn't have room for in your life. So, you slipped the heels off your feet and put them directly back in the box to return when you had the time. Tight black jeans and fitted top were exchanged with a hoodie and sweats although your makeup and hair stayed done, you didn't have the energy to undo your hard work.
Instead, you slid back into your computer chair, your headset snuggly back on your ears and before you notified everyone you were back online, you took a moment listening to the chatter of your friends.
"Shitty Hair! Fuckin' pay attention!"
"Yeah, man! We're getting slaughtered over here!"
"Less yelling at Kiri! More shooty shooty!"
"All of you are hopeless..."
Eijiro chuckled out an apology that was accompanied by a lighter giggle also coming from his mic. "Think this is gonna be my last round for a bit, guys."
"You're so fuckin' whipped." Bakugo scoffed, before screaming profanities.
"Is it whipped if I'm the one who's wanting to get her into bed though?"
You clicked your mic back on then. "Hey, remember last week when Kats forgot his push to talk so we all heard him getting head and we party whipped because someone couldn't focus?"
"You better shut the hell up right fucking now!"
Everyone else roared with laughter. "Yeah! At least I have the decency to mute myself!"
"Hey, wait a sec, why are you online, Y/N!" Denki noted, "You should have already left!"
You screenshot your messages to the group chat because it was far easier than just explaining the ordeal.
"Cute shoes." Eijiro and Kyoka commented at the same time.
There was a lull as their game ended and the messages were read.
"Ya don't need 'em if they're gonna have their head so far up their ass like this."
"I agree." Hanta chimed in. "They're not worth your time."
"Still, sorry they turned out to be a shit." You could hear the frown on Kyoka's face, "I know how excited you were."
"Right, you doin' okay, Y/N? I can stick around and we can all shoot some things!"
"Thanks, Kiri but I'll be just fine! Go spend time with your girl!"
One by one, everyone signed off. You pulled up Spotify and Stardew Valley, something of a comfort for you to get lost in for the rest of the night.
Less than an hour later, you noticed your phone lighting up with your best friend's familiar smiling face. "What's up, Denki?"
"Open your door! I have my hands full and don't wanna put everything down to get my key!"
You sprang from your desk and rushed to your door. Sure enough, on the other side was Denki with bags in both hands and his phone tucked between his ear and shoulder. You grabbed it and a bag before he had a chance to drop anything like the klutz he was. "What's with all this?"
"I feel bad."
"Why? You didn't stand me up?"
He fiddled with the edge of a paper bag. "Yeah, but, we both read those messages and no one said anything but they didn't just call our group out, they called us out.
"Denks, it doesn't matter to me-"
"But, it does to me! You were so excited about this and I got in the way, unknowingly but, still! So, I gotta make it up to you now!"
He pulled out take-out boxes from your favorite restaurant. Two bottles of your favorite wine. Your top three favorite movies and video games, and a board game you both had been meaning to try. "I mean, if they think I'm your boyfriend I kinda gotta live up to the hype, right?"
You really wanted to insist that none of this was necessary. That just because some person that neither of you really knew that well, assumed something about your relationship that didn't mean he had to blame himself for it.
But, you had to admit, this was really sweet. It shouldn't have come as a surprise to you that he knew everything you liked but it was nice. Instead of sitting across from a stranger, making awkward small talk, and trying to learn about one another, you were barefoot in your kitchen, laughing with your best friend while he plated dinner and you poured the wine.
Formalities were out the window. Both you and Denki were eating dinner in your living room, laughing and drinking just as you'd done a million times before. You snapped a photo of the delicious food on paper plates, toasting good times with your cheap wine, ready to post them to your Instagram.
"Gonna make them more jealous..."
"I think they made it pretty clear they don't want to see me so why should I care?"
He shrugged. "I just thought they might, you know, come to their senses that they obviously lost."
"I don't really care either way." You wandered back into your kitchen, putting away the leftovers, "They can forget I exist or they can stalk my page like a creep. If someones' gonna try and tell me I can't be friends with my friends or just not listen to me, then I don't want them in my life. No matter how good-looking they are."
Denki watched you from the sofa, a bit of a lopsided grin on his face that had butterflies taking flight in your stomach. "What?" Laughing to hide the bit of a crush you always had on the man. It was unavoidable you told yourself. His personality was infectious and had 15 year old you head over heels.
He pushed back bright blonde hair back off his forehead and just shook his head. "Nothin'. Uh, what's next? Video game, board game, or movie?"
You peaked on the counter at the options. "Well, we probably should have checked this but the board game needs at least four people to play... guess we'll have to save that for our next game night. Is a movie okay?"
Of course, it was.
You brought over the DVD with a refill of wine and he pulled a blanket down off the back of your sofa.
It really didn't take long, just fifteen minutes or so, and you were curled up into Denki's side. You'd make grabby hands for your wine glass and he'd pass it over with that damn grin again.
And not long after that, he'd pulled out his phone, angling it to take a picture of the two of you. "What are you doing?" You could see him on his own Instagram, tagging you, with the caption, Check out my cute cuddle bug.
"I thought you didn't want to make them more jealous."
"I decided I don't care either. You're mine tonight, their loss. And since you're mine tonight, I get bragging rights." He snapped another quick picture of you rolling your eyes at him, and then he kept snapping them.
"Denki! Why!"
"Because you're cute, cuddle bug! I like having all the pictures of you that I can!"
Even as you tackled him back down on the sofa, pinning him below you, he still managed a photo. "Bet if I post this one, they'll really get the wrong idea."
You could have moved. You were the one on top of him and you had his arms above his head. You had the power here and yet you just lingered above him.
"Y/N? Not that I'm one to complain about having a beautiful person such as yourself pinning me down, like, it's kinda hot, but..." Looking down into half-lidded golden eyes, you wondered why you had to become best friends with such a damn flirt! "Are you gonna take advantage of this situation we're in or are we just gonna keep dancing around this for another decade or so?"
You couldn't have heard him right? No... no this was your brain playing tricks on you because he certainly hadn't had that much wine tonight. You sat upright on his lap. "Another decade then, Y/N?"
"You- ha- you should stop that, Denki."
He leaned up, moving his arms around you, "Gimme a good reason to and I will."
You didn't have one. And not just because you've been in love with him for ten years but also because he was your best friend. The only reason to not go through with it was the possibility of losing your friendship if something bad were to happen but, you really didn't think anything would.
Denki might have been a serial flirt but he was surprisingly loyal in all the relationships he'd been in, not that there had been all that many serious ones.
"I'm not hearing anything." He teased, his face getting closer to yours. You could count each and every one of the faint freckles that littered the balls of his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. "But, I promise, if you tell me no, I'll stop, won't push this any further."
This whole thing seemed like a frickin' whirlwind, happening faster than your brain could really process the situation but you didn't want it to stop either. You wanted to take it further, didn't want to say no.
Which was why you coiled your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. There was that small little buzz of electricity that tickled your lips when he'd kiss your nose or cheeks that was now playing on his lips, on his tongue when you welcomed him in.
He leaned back again, pulling you with him until you were both a pile of needy hands and breathy pleas. Everywhere his hands roamed you felt that faint trail of shock against your skin, making the little hairs on your body stand on end.
Clothes were shed, tossed haphazardly around your living room, both of you pausing to laugh when Denki managed to land your hoodie over a lamp. His attention was drawn back to you quickly though, still perched on top of him but now he had your chest on full display since you'd forgone a bra when your date canceled.
Electrifying tongue twirled around your nipples, sensitive normally, now it felt like you knew what it was like when he fried his damn brain. He was eager, relentless even, pulling and sucking, another hand giving your other breast a similar treatment. He had you so focused that you let out a broken moan when slender fingers found their way into your panties.
"Fuckin' hell, Denki."
The bastard winked up at you, nipple still between his lips and before you could retort, he sent another small jolt through you.
You were blatantly grinding down on his hand, reaching behind you, you found him completely solid, barely being contained in the tight black boxers he wore. You had enough sense to tug them down and wrap your hand around him making his teeth sink into your soft flesh, whining when you stroked him.
"Y/N..." He whimpered, his hand momentarily distracted from his ministrations gave you enough time to shift in his lap to scoot forward putting his cock in front of you. In one swift motion, you had his length between your slick. "Oh fuck, cutie!" Golden eyes were squeezed shut while you moved along him, feeling that pleasant curve he had, you could only imagine what it was gonna be like to have him inside you.
"You're being a little tease, ma-makes me wanna do all sorts of things to y-you."
He was kissing your neck, your chest, shoulders, and arms, anywhere on you that he could reach. His hips bucking up into you, just trying to hit that perfect angle.
Strength and agility were something most overlooked when it came to Denki Kaminari but when the man wanted something bad enough, he found a way to get it.
He had your ass rising up in the air with a harsh thrust of his hips and a small squeak from you, giving him exactly enough time to scoot down on the sofa so you were sat atop his face. If you complained, he didn't hear you. Denki already had your thighs around his head and his tongue devouring you completely.
Little shockwaves rocked you while you cried out his name, hands fisting blonde locks just trying to stay upright.
One orgasm from you apparently wasn't enough, neither was two but on the third, Denki finally relented, allowing your heartrate to come back down and your gasping breaths to come in more steadily.
You slid back down his body, his erection now smack against your ass. His hair was recked, face completely flush but he had the biggest grin on his face that you'd ever seen.
Denki kissed both your cheeks, "You are so amazing, cutie!" Kissed your lips, "You taste better than anything I've ever had!" And one more on the tip of your nose. "Doin' okay?"
You nodded, starting to really gather yourself again, and by this point, you really just wanted one thing.
"I wanna... Denks... can I take care of you now?"
"Sure, cutie! How do you want me?" The wiggling eyebrows had you rolling your eyes and pushing him on his back again.
It took little effort for you to position yourself above his cock, and with how slick you were, his bright pink head slipped right inside. He held your hands while you scrunched up your face, sliding all the way down him until he was completely sheathed within.
The curve was immaculate. Hitting in just the right way that had you moaning with just a couple thrusts from him. Before long, you were eagerly bouncing on his cock. Riding him hard so he filled you up each and every time.
You barely registered him reaching for the coffee table, his phone now in his hands. "What're you doin'?" You practically slurred, slowing only slightly. He tapped the camera lens with a wicked grin. "Seriously?"
"We could make 'em really jealous now..."
Somewhere in your brain, you knew your date wouldn't give two shits, in fact, this probably would have only validated their thoughts about your's and Denki's relationship but with his cock stuffed so deeply into you, kissing your cervix in the most beautiful way, you really didn't give a damn.
You and Denki put on the best possible show you could think of. You were overstimulated, sore, and completely elated! He balanced the phone against the wine bottle so neither of you had to try to hold it.
This way he could play with your breasts or squeeze your thighs while you dug half-moons into his chest. Shocked with the playful zaps he sent right to your core.
Your makeup you'd didn't feel like taking off now ran down your cheeks with tears. Your hair was a mess thanks to him pulling at it.
Denki had you howling through another two orgasms, telling you how perfect you were, how nice you felt squeezing him so tightly, your nails felt so good against his skin.
It was only when you collapsed against his chest did he hoist your hips up so he could ram into you, pulling out just at the last second with a strangled cry of your name.
He wiggled himself free, grabbing a towel from your bathroom and cleaning you both up before stopping the recording.
"You're, hey you're gonna send that to me right?" You asked when he handed back your hoodie off the lamp.
He dropped a kiss on your lips, plopping down beside you on the sofa again and you noticed your email already up and the video uploading. "Obviously, we share all our videos and photos. Why would this be different?"
929 notes · View notes
Leading Question
One shot (ish)
Benny Watts x Reader*
(* Reader wears a skirt, has hair long enough to pull (like anything longer than a buzzcut) and a vagina, so anyone who identifies with that: it’s free real estate. I am considering writing a copy that is fully gender-neutral, so if anyone wants that let me know (although I’m likely to do it anyway).)
Content/warning tags: NSFW, 18+, Smut (but it’s the slowest pacing smut, talking slow-burn but they’re both already in the bed, no joke), fluff?, friends to lovers, mention of alcohol, swearing, oral (male receiving), making out, heavy petting, really a whole lotta kissing, porn with no plot?, the porn is the plot, foreplay more like half the fucking play, hair pulling kink, mention of knife kink, sex, plotted during a figurative and literal fever, edited during a figurative and literal heat wave, we love it here.
Summary: Benny half-confesses to his attraction to the reader during a night at the bar and reader takes his clumsily put question and turns it into a homerun.
Word Count: 7k (this is what happens when you give me THAT and then take it away)
A/N: Entirely self-indulgent piece of smut thought out during two hours at 4 AM (and then throughout the rest of the day) the day after watching Fork, because I was frustrated and Benny is hot, whoopsie.
@go-catch-a-chickn showed some interest in what I was writing, but I bet you regret that now! Nonetheless, here’s your tag, have fun!
I’m open to criticism, just shoot me a message or an ask. Let me know if I’ve got errors or missed a warning.
You and Benny were friends since high school. Not because you also played chess, but because you had been making out with your boyfriend in the back of the library and Benny had come looking for a chess book that was on the shelf you were leaning on. You two paused, moved to the side so that he could pull out the book and then he was on his way.
A few days later Benny was in the cafeteria and came up a few cents short, when a voice next to him told the woman at the register that they would pay for his meal as well as their own. He looked over at you as the cashier added your things to the total and you smiled.
“Now you have money over for other things.”
It continued like that for the rest of both of your high school stays. You would catch him in the corridor and strike up conversations before heading off for you next class. When your relationship with your boyfriend ended (mutually, it should be said; he was interested in another girl, you felt the spark wasn’t there anymore), you told Benny after he asked why you looked a little glum. He was supportive but didn’t bring it up again.
Now the two of you are sat at a bar counter, a bottle in front of each of you, as the day is winding down. You meet up like this between his tournaments and whatever else is going on your lives, touchdowns in the well-known amidst it all. The buzz of patrons has calmed down and outside the curtained windows the street is black, broken up by spots of the streetlights.
“Do you-“ Benny stops. He’s half turned towards you, left hand around his beer on the counter, legs facing you, but his eyes are currently at the bottles lined up against the back wall where the bartender is pouring a drink for someone down the line.
You put down your bottle after a sip, resting your hand on it just like he is. Benny starts again.
“What do you do when your dick tells you to sleep with your friend, but your brain tells you it’s not a good idea?” He’s still not looking at you. It’s almost a hypothetical, almost a thought about someone else.
You shrug, taking a last sip before turning forward.
“I don’t know, I follow what my pussy says.” With that you get up and put money on the counter to close your tab, seeing Benny jump in the corner of your eye at your answer. You’re pulling on your coat as you start for the door, slow enough that he’ll catch up no problem.
“Wait.” He’s at your side in no time. “I’ll walk you to your place.” Even in the slight shade of his hat you can see that he’s a bit flustered.
“You sure?” Benny nods. “Otherwise I could walk you to yours. It’s farther.” You push up the inner set of doors and Benny follows you into the dark airlock entryway.
“Why would you want to walk where it’s farther?” He asks behind you,  a frown audible in his voice, and you hold up your hand to signal for him to wait as you push up the second set of doors.
The air rushes against you and the hum of a road somewhere off campus reaches your ears. There’s no one on the walk path running between fields of grass and lines of trees. It’s still too early for the streets to be filled with people getting home from the bars, too late for any overtime workers dragging their feet.
“Honestly?” You turn to Benny, who’s standing with his coat still unbuttoned and arms hanging at his sides, like he isn’t sure what to do with them. “Because I’m hoping to get invited up, and if I’m going to get fucked, I want to be in your bed, surrounded by the scent of you.”
It takes a second. Then he’s a little bit closer. Not that he was far away before, but he’s close enough that when he leans a little forward you don’t have to take a step to close the gap. Your lips run against his, soft and slow, with the slight scratch of his mustache against your skin, warm cotton and leather so close now, and then you step back, absentmindedly swiping your tongue over your own lips to chase his taste. His eyes flicker between your eyes and your lips.
“Your place or mine?” Benny’s voice is a little rough; maybe it’s the drinking, maybe it’s the kiss.
“Again, yours.” You quirk your lip and reach to catch Benny’s hand, warm in yours. Pulling him into motion you start walking in the direction of his apartment, shoes echoing against the asphalt.  
“I’m not sure I will make it that far.” He sounds a bit tortured, and you laugh, squeezing his hand.
“Don’t worry, I’ll help you make it. And if you don’t, I’ll help you clean up and wait for you.”
Benny makes a noise.
“Tell me about Open Sicilian.” You look forward at the empty road as you walk.
“What?” He looks at you.
“To distract you, explain Open Sicilian to me.” He has explained that particular tactic to you several times before, not that it necessarily stuck too well.
“That’s not going to help!” Benny throws head back with a frustrated laugh. The sound makes your stomach flutter. “You’re going to make me tell you about chess, and then ask questions, to keep me distracted? Like you showing sincere interest in it isn’t going to just make it harder to focus.” He shakes his head, looking out over the empty street. “You’re gonna kill me.”
You would have gotten there quicker if Benny hadn’t stopped at every tree, stone wall, and doorway to push you against it and kiss you. He even sat down on a bench when you were halfway and pulled you down into his lap. You let yourself be pulled down but wouldn’t go along with his attempts to make you straddle him, despite his hand on your inner thigh through your skirt and his insistent, chasing kisses.
As you reach the building you let go off Benny’s hand so he can punch in the code for the door. He leads you up the hollow stairwell to his door, noisily unlocks it and lets you in before him.
It’s a short hallway with doors leading off to the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom, lit by some cool light falling in from the open doorway to the kitchen. There are hooks for jackets with a pile of shoes beneath it to one side, and a table holding a phone and newspapers further in.
The lock clicks behind you and Benny turns around, dropping his keys back down in his coat pocket. Just as he faces you, you push him back against the door. Shock flashes in his eyes and his lips part but when you place your against his he quickly responds, pushing back against you, his tongue running against your bottom lip, inviting you to taste it. It’s with difficulty that you pull back.
“Okay, I lied.” You admit as you get onto your knees, looking back up at him. “Can I?”
Benny’s breaths are unsteady, and you have to ask him to repeat it before you can clearly hear him consent.
You hum, pushing aside his leather coat to hold his hips back against the door, pulling his belt out from its loops so you can undo the buckle. Benny closes his eyes and groans as you let the belt with his knife still attached fall back against his legs and undo his button and zipper.
“Don’t be too loud, you don’t want the neighbors to hear you, do you? Even solid wood doors are thinner than walls.” You wink up at him and he repeats the sound, head leaning back against the door and hips pushing forward. If you didn’t believe Benny before, you definitely would now, as you feel how hard he is through the barriers of fabric. He’s solid and warm against your hands.
Pushing his jeans down, you move his boxers carefully until you can pull them down as well. Precum is leaking down the underside of his erect cock and his hips push forward again, impatiently this time. You circle your hand around him, the other resting against his hip so that maybe he’ll stay in place, not having the patience to start stroking before you take him in your mouth.
The sound Benny makes when your lips close around his cock is far too loud and not loud enough. His breathing audibly speeds up, encouraging you to run your tongue along the underside each time you pull back. Sucking down his cock, you match your movements with those of your hand, creating just the perfect rhythm that has his hips pushing against your other hand. You look up at him, meeting his eyes as you circle his tip with your tongue and he pinches his eyes closed, turning his head back up and cutting off the whine escaping his throat. You swallow around him, and the whine comes back, ending in a high pitch. You do it again. His hand pushes lightly against your shoulder, and you pull off him, sitting back and licking your lips as he meets your eyes.
“I don’t want to finish before we’ve even started.” His words are low, his hand falling back against the side of his coat. You shift your legs on the floor.
“Shame, I want you to.” You smile and bite your lip. “I told you I’d help clean you up and wait after. I’m in no rush.” Benny’s hips jerk forward again.
“Fuck” His eyes flutter shut.
“Can I?” You wait for the sound of his yes before you lick a line from the base to the head, reveling in how little he is holding back this time. Pushing his hips back a little rougher against the door to keep him in his place you earn a moan of your name which has your stomach fluttering and head spinning. One of his hands rest on your shoulder again but isn’t pushing away this time. He lets you decide the speed, albeit with the occasional jerk of his hips as he hisses and braces against the door.
“Fuck, I’-” You feel Benny tensing and look up to see him looking down on you, breathing heavily and clenching his jaw. “Fuck” He slams his head back against the door, hips pushing him further in, and you can feel the vibrations emitting from his chest all the way in the back of your throat as he releases into your mouth. You swallow it down, catching the whimper Benny makes at the feeling it gives his cock.
When you get to your feet, Benny head is hanging so the brim of his hat casts his face in shadow and he’s leaning so heavily against the door you’re not sure he’ll be standing much longer. His breathing is loud in the quiet apartment, and you can’t help the pride growing in the back of your mind. Still breathing heavily, Benny finally lifts his head enough to look at you. You meet his eyes and swipe your tongue over your lips.
His eyes flicker down to follow the movement and he groans, slumping back against the door. You smile triumphantly.
“Let’s get your clothes back on and then I’ll get water.” You help Benny get his pants back on, refastening the buckle. He’s not standing entirely stable, but enough that you can slide his coat down his arms and hang it up, followed by his hat, before you sit him down on a stool right by the door. Having hung up your own coat and switched on the lights you gesture to the kitchen door. “Do you mind?” Benny shakes his head, blond hair falling in his eyes.
You fill two glasses from the tap, throwing a glance at your watch, before returning to him. Handing one to Benny you drink the other, both of you listening to him regaining control over his breathing while you empty the glasses. As you take your last sip you place both on the hallway table and toe off your shoes.
“Want to move out of the hallway?” You hold your hand out to Benny and he’s standing before you’ve had a chance to blink.
You get precisely two steps into Benny’s bedroom before he’s kissing you again. His tongue runs softly against yours, contrasting with the scratch of his beard. He won’t even let you move forward, blocking you with his body until his hands have found their place on your hips, and even then standing stronger than you’d expect from how he looked a minute ago.
Every kiss he chases after you, when you move to the side so does he, when your tongue touches his lips his tongue comes to greet it. It’s overwhelming and intoxicating, his body heat rising and seeping through his button up and your shirt, the warm scent of leather still lingering in the air around him.
Then Benny moves backwards, pulling you with him three quick steps, refusing to let your lips part for even a second, and lets you fall on top of him on his bed.
You pull back, insisting despite his protests. He managed to switch some light on before getting lost in you, letting you full appreciate the shine in his dark eyes when he looks up at you as you brush blond strands out of his eyes. Flittering over you above him, they keep coming back to meet yours, a playful smile on his lips. You lean back down and let him capture your lips again, his hands splaying one on your back, one running up and down your side. Chasing his smile you kiss the corners of his mouth, dipping your tongue in to meet his. It’s like you’ll never run out of places to taste him.
Straightening back up and moving so you’re straddling him, you undo the first buttons of your shirt, but Benny’s hands stop yours, taking over their work with slow precision. He pulls you back down so he can continue kissing you even if it makes it harder for him to get the buttons undone, not that that seems his top priority. Sitting up and sliding the fabric down your arms Benny throws it in some corner of the room, pulling you closer against him by your hips.
“Easy, tiger.” You hum against his lips and Benny laughs a little, shifting further back on the bed and letting you both fall back against the mattress again, arms wrapped securely around your waist.
His necklaces are cool against your skin, but his hands are on fire. They run over your back and sides, up one down the other, and leave nothing but further fires under your skin. Even his rings don’t feel cold as Benny brushes his fingers up your arm to cup your head, tongue skimming your lip but withdrawing whenever you try to catch it.
Pulling back for the first time, Benny looks up at you with a mischievous smile.
“If I had known telling you I like you would lead to this, I would’ve told you already five years ago.”
Not that you’d really been open to anything at that time. Five years ago, and the five that followed, you had been entirely focused on your academics, and the only person you really hung out with had been Benny. He brought his chess books and sat with you in the library while you read up for exams. You’d chat about everything while trying to cram every bit of knowledge into your tired brains. That really only slowed down once you graduated, the hyper-focus on reading every book and spending hours writing notes over bad coffee.
“Do you want to like” You look up at the head pillows laying vertically to your bodies, and Benny starts laughing, luring you into doing the same. “move up?”
“Sure” He lets go of you so you can both get higher on the bed, but the second you’re close enough Benny pulls you back over him. “Better?”
“Much, thank you.” You smile and lean down halfway. Amused you watch Benny push up to meet you, hungry lips convincing you to push him back down into the mattress.
You can’t help the occasional shifting of your hips against his, underwear pushing against the friction of jeans below your skirt. His hands skim the hem of it, but never ventures below it, favoring to run up to your hips and draw you closer.
Running his hands up your back to hold you against him, Benny rolls you over onto your back. Settling between your legs, he braces one arm above you while the other cups the side of your head, lifting just enough for your lips to reach his.
“You know, for later, we’re still on your bed.” You remind him before kissing the corner of his mouth. Benny’s lips quirk and he follows you back down against the pillow.
“I know.” He runs his nose along the side of your neck, the chains around his sliding against your skin. Warm cotton and leather surround you, and this might actually be heaven.
Pushing back a bit Benny reaches up to undo his green button up but stops when you give him a look.
“Isn’t it my turn now?”
Benny lets go off the button and shows his hands, dropping them to your hips as you reach up, undoing the first button before pulling him down by his collar. His smile meets yours, and it only gets bigger for every button, as the release of each is met with the same celebration.
When there are no more buttons to open you slide the fabric out from his pants and down his bare arms. Holding the shirt out in one hand you look at Benny, whose eyes are locked on yours, his lips kiss-bruised.
“Does this have to be folded on a chair” You tilt your head. “or can I just throw it?”
“Throw it.” His eyes sparkle, his voice hitting a little lower and sending vibrations where your body is touching his.
The green fabric flutters to rest at the far end corner of the bed in your peripheral vision. You weren’t really looking where you were throwing.
“It didn’t even get off the bed.” You speak very seriously, as if it was a grave matter, but you’re absorbed by Benny, whose eyes are as stuck in yours as yours are in his. “If you want it off, you’ll have to throw it yourself.”
His arms shift above you, and without moving away from you or breaking eye contact Benny kicks the shirt, sending it tumbling of the edge with a soft thud as it hits the floor. You push your hips up against his, the hilt of the knife at his belt pressing against the inside of your thigh. Benny’s hips thrust back against yours and he lowers down to brush his lips against yours before devouring you again. Your thighs slide against his bare skin, and he reaches back to hook them further over his hips, swiping his tongue along yours. When Benny pulls back slightly the sound he makes fills the room, bouncing off the walls. The end of it mixes with the sigh of his name pulled from your lips as he dips the tip of his tongue into the corner of your mouth.
“Think we’ll wake the neighbors?” You lift off the bed to chase after him, not giving him a chance to reply, pushing him over onto his back. His hips shift against yours as he settles into the mattress.
“The walls are thicker than the door.” He looks up at you straddling him, his lips quirking up into a smile, blond hair falling over his eyes again. Satisfied with his answer you lower your body back down over his, occupying his mouth with yours again.
From slow, insistent kisses where Benny’s tongue runs against yours, you move to kiss the corners of his lips, his cheeks, the bridge of his nose, his forehead, and his eyelids as he closes his eyes. Continuing down his chin, alternatingly placing kisses on either side of his neck, and one at the dip at the base of his throat, passing over his chains, you shift back to trail down the right side of his chest. As your lips touch between navel and the top of his jeans, brushing along the fabric, Benny touches the side of your head.
“Don’t you dare do it again.” His tone is light and teasing, with just an edge of breathlessness and seriousness.
You move up to kiss his left hip and his hand falls back onto the mattress.
“I won’t.”
You trail back up Benny’s irregularly moving chest, out his right upper arm, and lift his hand. Pressing two more soft kisses to his inner forearm, you place one in the middle of his palm and one to the tip of each finger, before beginning again at his sternum and doing the same to his left arm.
Raising back up you push Benny’s hair from his eyes, inviting the light to dance with the sparks already in them.
“Benny Watts, you are a drug.” You smile a little breathlessly and shake your head down at him. The corners of Benny’s mouth start to raise, and he quickly swipes his tongue up to pull down his upper lip and bites down on his lower.
His attempts fail and when you kiss Benny, he’s beaming, a satisfied sound emitting from the chest pressed against yours. His heartbeats translate through your ribcage and your sentiment is repeated in your mind with a flutter in your stomach.
Ringed hands shift from your hips to your back to hold you closer against him. Somehow, you’ve forgotten Benny’s knife because you can’t even feel it at this point. You only feel the friction of his body against your, the pull of his lips.
“You should be in prison.” His tongue swipes into your mouth at that, stalling your continuation with a dizzying taste. “You should be in jail, and I should be in the same cell with you.” The vibrations of Benny’s laugh and twist of his lips reach your senses at the same time as the push of his hips. Combined they’re enough to make you say his name against his lips, repeating it when he does it again.
Lifting off the mattress Benny’s hands holds your hips down against his as he sits up, lips running down the side of your neck when they slip from yours. The scratches against your skin turn into fire running through your veins, out into your arms and fingertips as you run them over his bare shoulders, along the chains around his neck. You barely hear the sound of your name slip from his tongue against the crook of your shoulder, before Benny turns to make you fall first back into the mattress.
Benny’s hands run from your hips to the hem of your skirt, warm fingers tracing bare skin. You lift your hips against his and he pulls back, but only after sucking your lip into his mouth, swiping it with his tongue.
“Want me to get it off?”
“It’s mostly in the way at this point.” Having gotten his answer, Benny eases the skirt down, letting you lift your hips and moving so he’s not in the way. When it’s all the way off he throws the fabric the same way as your shirt, or maybe the opposite. You can’t remember.
Leaning back over you Benny brushes his lips against yours, meeting you when you arch up against him, then lets himself kiss you fully again. His hips push yours down into the mattress before he pulls them back up towards him. You roll back against him, crossing your legs behind Benny’s back, and he hisses against your lips. The sound of you saying his name causes the grind of his hips to stutter, restart, a low sound resonating in his chest, sending its aftershocks through your body as his hands squeeze your thighs a little harder.
One moves to skim the inside of your knee, hot fingers with warm rings running over equally heated skin. When it reaches the junction of your thigh and hip it slides up along the edge of your underwear and then drops beside your side to support his weight as Benny brings his other hand to hover between your legs and pulls away from your lips.
“Can I?” His dark eyes shimmer.
“Yes.” Since you can’t hear your own voice over the increased speed of your heartbeat you repeat it twice, catching the way Benny’s tongue darts out over his bottom lip as his eyes flicker down.
He runs his knuckles down the slick, wet fabric. You think you hear a breathed-out curse but are distracted when fingertips retrace the same path with just enough pressure to make your hips roll against them. The feeling is dizzying, your breathing skips. Benny’s dark eyes flick back up to yours. Then he does it again, sending sparks where the pads of his fingers almost touch you. Your eyes almost flutter at the way he looks at you when your breathing stops again to become what might have been a curse, or his name, or the curse of his name. The last one in particular feels likely as the sound twists and grows louder, and Benny’s eyes are locked on yours.
Pressing back into his bed you roll your hips against his, his hands planted back on either side of you as he lowers back down to press starved kisses to your mouth. Hips lift off yours, only to change their mind and push back down, accompanied by a curse against the corner of your lips. When Benny’s bottom lip slides against yours, you pull it into your mouth and lightly push down your teeth into it. His left arm buckles as you swallow the sound of his groan.
With little effort you coax Benny onto his back. He willingly falls down onto the pillow, rings sliding against your back as he tries to entice you into press against him. His fingers trail down, skimming along the edge of your underwear until they reach the front, barely touching the waistband, eyes flicking up to yours.
You give permission before Benny even has a chance to open his mouth.
The pads of his fingers push past the fabric, running softly your body until your breathing hitches as they lightly slip over your clit. You resist the urge to close your legs around his hand but can’t help the way your breathing audibly increases when it moves further down. Bare skin slides against your wet folds, stroking up and down; the movement slow and deliberate, and far too good for you hold it out for much longer.
You make a sound.
“Explain Closed Sicilian to me.” Your voice is strained, and you are trying very hard to not focus on every slight change in pressure Benny is subjecting you to right now. Another noise slips out and you bury your face against his chest, rolling your hips involuntarily against his hand. “Please, please explain it to me.”
“Now?” Benny’s other hand pushes against your hip.
“If you don’t, I’m going to come, and I’ve waited this long so I’d rather you didn’t do that before you’re actually inside me.” You lift your head to look up at him, quickly adding “Then again, you talking about that is just going to make it worse, so maybe don’t.” You did not need his eyes lighting up and his confidence going thrice its size because he was talking about something he really, really liked. That was bound to make your situation become much better and much worse really quick.
Benny looks like he’s about to protest before making a face and withdrawing his hand.
“Alright, fine.” He rolls you onto your back and kisses you hard, raising his hips as much as possible but keeping you down with his chest.
Letting you up to breathe Benny’s hands go to his belt, pulling it fully out of the loops this time. He catches the handle off his knife as it slides off the leather and off-handedly places it down on your stomach so he can roll the leather around his hand.
You must have done something as the sheath fell flat or as your eyes shifted up and back down again because Benny’s eyes flick from the belt in his hands to your eyes and then he smiles.
“Don’t tell me you’ve got a thing for knives too.” He teases.
“Listen” You’re a little too breathless for any type of denying being at all believable and it’s visible in Benny’s eyes how little he would actually believe you if you tried. “Messing with that takes practice and discussions, so let’s put a pin in that. I like seeing you get off, let’s leave it at that for now.”
He tilts his head like ‘fair enough’, finishes rolling up his belt and puts both that and the knife out of view to your left.
You reach up to brush Benny’s hair to the side where it’s over his eyes again, letting your fingers linger just above his ear. There’s something very recognizable about the slight way his eyes move at the gesture.
“Do you- like having your hair pulled?” You ask tentatively, and when Benny doesn’t answer right away you continue “You don’t have to say yes.”
It takes a second longer, and you start to pull your hand away before he shifts his eyes away and rolls his shoulders.
“So what if I do?” Benny glances back at you.
“I’ll tell you what” You smile encouraging, guiding the topic to focus on yourself instead to make him more comfortable. “you’d be in good hands; I like it both ways.” Benny visibly relaxes but you don’t move your hand back, favoring to slide it along his jaw to stop below his lower lip.
Softly tilting his head down, you give the slightest pressure.  He follows down to peck your lips before drawing back to meet look at you again, hands rubbing reassuringly over your thighs. The pad of your thumb rests against Benny’s bottom lip, and you tilt your head, trying to read out the thoughts that form and disperse behind his eyes. The corner of his lip quirks up and he dips his head down to catch the finger in his mouth. The flat of his tongue maps your fingerprint, a teasing glint in his eyes.
You make a noise, shooting him a glare as he looks far too smug when you pull your hand back to press it against his back instead. The expression doesn’t leave his lips when you push his side to get him down, as a matter of fact he looks offensively at home against his pillow, shuffling further into it before beaming up at you again. Unable to stop yourself you scoff, trying to look annoyed but failing spectacularly.
“Think you’re ready to go again, if you want to?” You look at your watch, pinching the face of the clock to keep it so you can read the time. “It’s been an hour.”
“You still have your watch on?” Benny reaches up to pull your arm down so he can look at it.
You laugh.
“Well, you didn’t take it off me.” You let him turn your hand over, undoing the watch and looking at it for a second before handing it to you. Leaning over him you put it on the empty nightstand to your left.
“I’m so glad you’ve got two nightstands.” You hum, leaning back to resettle over his hips.
Thinking for a second, Benny makes a face, a mixture between a frown and scrunching up his face.
“It doesn’t make sense to only have one nightstand.” He states, eyes flicking back to yours. Smiling at his answer you bend down to peck his lips.
“That’s what I like about you, Benny Watts. Things can’t just be for you; they have to make sense.” Continuing in the same light tone you add “I might even go as far as to say I love you.”
“Woah, you’re just gonna show your hand like that?” Benny mimics shock, before smiling, his hands rubbing your hips reassuringly. “Throw the whole game?” You snort a little, moving your eyes to the wall, schooling your expression to be serious.
“As if you didn’t show your hand back at the bar.” You tilt your head exaggerated, pretend thought.  “And earlier, now that you mention it.”
“I said liked.” Just like you, Benny is pressing his lips together to prevent himself from laughing, and even then, a smile cracks through.
“I’ll give you that, you did say like.”
Benny pulls you down, kissing you with a smile. Letting yourself sink into it you push down against him, swallowing the sound he makes and feeling his heart beating through his chest. His hands pull your hips closer to his to repeat the motion. His breathing increases as you do it infinitely slower this time, feeling you press against him, although you can’t say you are doing any better.
“Ready?” You laugh breathlessly and Benny groans, pushing his head back into the pillows.
“I was ready half an hour ago.”
“Well, good sex takes preparation. And this is going to be good.” Straightening up you putting the base of your hand on Benny’s chest, holding your index in front of his face to shush him. “No, no, it’s going to be, because I’ll make it so.”
Instead of arguing, with sparkling eyes Benny favors to bend his head forward and close his mouth around your finger, sucking while you talk. His tongue swirls around the digit and the corner of his lips quirk up when you make a sound, mind drifting before you catch it.
“Asshole.” Benny’s eyes light up mischievously at that, and when you pull your hand back, he raises his eyebrows.
“Oh you wan-?”
You cut him off.
“Shut up.” The bed shakes with Benny’s laughter, and you roll your eyes, shaking your head at him. He’s really having too much fun.
When his laughter calms down, Benny looks at you for a second before sitting up.
“Come on”
He nudges you sideways until you get the hint and get off him, letting him get off the bed. Benny offers his hand to pull you up after him. When you’re both on your feet he turns back and in one quick motion rips off the covers, throwing the corner to the middle so the bed is folded half-open diagonally but not all the way down.
You’re just letting your underwear drop onto the floor when Benny turns back around, and he catches up with you in the time it takes you to blink. He holds his hand out again, pulling you with him backwards.
Jut before his legs hit the bed Benny sidesteps, pulling you down first onto the bed and following, catching himself on his arm so he doesn’t fall directly on top of you.
Settling between your legs, Benny tilts his head with a cheeky smile.
“Comfortable now?”
You make a show of settling into the pillow, trying to divert his attention from the way you pull air deep into your lungs. It’s in the pillow, the sheets, the air vibrating around you with tension, but most of all it’s above you, radiating from him. The warm, slightly sweet, smell of clean cotton shirts pulled from the tumbler, a bed slept in until well past noon, and sun-heated leather in the first days of summer.
“Yes.” You smile up at him.
“Good.” Benny lowers down over you and presses his lips to yours, tongue running over your lip once before slipping into your mouth. You hum while he pulls protection from a drawer of one of the nightstands above your field of vision and pulls it on.
Fingers skim lightly over the wetness gathered between your legs, and then Benny pushes into you. It sends lightning through your stomach, sliding slowly, almost torturously, against sensitive nerve endings. His breath is slow and controlled, albeit a bit wavering. Solid warmth spreads from his body into yours and your body clenches involuntarily around him when he stills, breath warming the side of your neck. Your hands run up his sides to find purchase.
“You’re gonna mark me?” You ask the ceiling and Benny shifts, running his nose against your throat and giving you chills.
“You want me to?” His hips pull back slightly, and you close your eyes at the slow drag of his cock against your inner walls. As Benny pushes back in, one hand disappears from beside you, moving your hand from his back to his hair. Sparks dance up your spine when he thrusts a little quicker, igniting you both like a match against a striking surface. Benny makes a sound in the back of his throat before kissing you again.
Carding your fingers through his hair near his scalp you pull lightly. The way his hips jerk forward has you arching against him, moan mixing with his. Tension builds in your stomach and if the room was hot before it is blazing now. Benny presses against you, overwhelming and perfect, filling you. Your hips lift off the bed to meet his, legs crossed behind his back to pull him closer. The drag of his abdomen against you in just the right place has you whining against his lips. His next thrust is faster, causing your body to clench down, approaching the edge fast.
“I’ve waited this long to fuck a master; you better not make this be over quick.” Your hips arch against his despite your breathless words.
“You call an hour and a half quick?” Benny asks in disbelief, but the roll of his hips slows to delightfully slow, burning pulls. He closes his eyes, breathing becomes deliberately slowed. “I’m not going to last long no matter how slow I go.”
“That’s okay, neither am I.” You quirk the corner of your lip as Benny opens his eyes again and pull him back down to your lips. Trying to starve of your orgasm you focus on tasting every corner of his mouth. It seems to have the opposite effect on Benny, as he whines and his hips stutter. One of his arms buckle and you pull your hand free to direct his to your hair before going back to his.
The first slow drag releases a satisfied noise from you, and the slight sting of the next sends a thrill down your body, connecting with where Benny’s cock pushes into you. He slides his tongue against yours, pulling your head close to his.
“Fuck” The word falls from both of your mouths as your fingers pulls the blond strands they’re tangled in, and Benny’s hips jerk forward. You push your hand against his lower back to push him down, deeper, and he pulls your hips up with his free hand, grinding against you. His eyes glitter with pride when you arch, pressing your head into the pillow, mouth falling open.
Unsatisfied, Benny slows even further, changing thrusts for slow grinds, watching you trying to make a sound with a smile, heels pressing into his lower back. Your eyes flutter, trying desperately to stay open, pleasure coursing through you in unrelenting waves. Meeting his eyes, you jerk your hand a little harder in Benny’s hair, and the sound he produces almost has you falling.
His hand pushes between your bodies as he moves faster again. The pleasure is hot and fast, and as Benny pulls your lips to his it explodes, fire shooting through your veins in search of oxygen and shaking your entire body. He swallows the cries of his name falling from your lips, but then his hips stutter and slipping from your lips he repays the praise. It’s loud, it’s messy, and it’s so fucking hot.
Benny drops his head in the crook of your neck, weakly trying to hold himself up. Your chest pushes against his until both your accelerated breathing reaches the same rhythm. There is pleasant ache starting to make itself known, one you’re sure you’ll be feeling tomorrow, and perhaps the day after that.
Softly you push Benny over and he lets himself be rolled onto his back, still inside you. Head landing on the pillow he takes a few more breaths before his eyes pop open. When they meet yours there is a content smile on his lips, with only a hint of unsedated hunger still visible in his dark eyes. He reaches forward to meet your smiling kiss and lets you pull off him and roll onto the mattress beside him.
After a few seconds of just the sound for your breathing your voice comes alive again.
“I hope we didn’t wake anyone.”
Benny starts laughing, breathlessly and beautifully, and you scrunch your nose playfully at him.
“I hope we did.” He looks at you, eyes brilliant, and adds in a more serious tone. “I think they’re all asleep so they can get up at a reasonable hour tomorrow.”
You reach over and pull your watch from the nightstand.
“Two isn’t a reasonable hour to be up?” Benny snorts a laugh at your fake naiveté as you settle back into the bed.
There’s a few more seconds of silence before he talks again.
“I still only made you come once.” Benny looks at you, eyes flicking down to your lips and back up; the hunger more than unsated now.
“That’s okay” You smile teasingly. “I wouldn’t expect you to, you did all the hard work.”
Benny doesn’t find an answer to that, but you have a feeling neither of you think two is very late at all.
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Best Friends My Ass (one-shot)
Synopsis: Being in love with your best friend whom you’ve had since childhood can be tough. Being in love and being dumb can make it tougher. Meet the Reader and Harry. They’re the latter. And everyone’s fed up.
Pairing: Harry Styles x fem!Reader
Genre: fluff, maybe little bit of angst, tiny bit smutty, but not a lot
Warnings: swearing, two idiots pining for one another
Word count: 7524
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Even when Harry was little, he’d known he’d have an odd path in life. Just because it was odd, didn’t mean it’d be bad, but it would make him absolutely stand out in the crowd.        When Y/N was young she didn’t see herself having any extraordinary adventures. Sure, she’d travel and explore the world with its secrets, but she didn’t have any plans to draw the attention of the masses. That was until Harry’d come into her life.        They were both young, still kids in that tender age where childhood crossed into teenage years, when they met. For Harry, it was like one of those scenes in the movies where the pretty girl walks into a room and a billion fans make her hair look like the wind is sweeping through it, and her eyes glisten like gemstones. Also known as the 'love at first sight' scene.        For Y/N, it was hard to keep her breakfast down as she walked inside the classroom, twenty pairs of scrutinous eyes on her, trying to figure out if the new girl was a predator or prey.        Luckily for Y/N, the biology teacher wasn’t a total witch and didn’t make her present herself to the class, and just pointed to the free seat next to a curly-haired boy. Luckily for Harry, that free seat was right next to him.        With a sigh, she dropped her heavy backpack beside the chair, giving the boy a shy glance, and was surprised to see a genuine and large grin right back at her. It wasn’t the kind people gave when they had bad thoughts. It was the kind people gave when they were truly excited and wanted to give a good impression. Y/N’s chest grew warm at the thought she might actually make a friend that day. And she did.        “I’m Harry.” He extended his hand for her to take, the grin never leaving his face.        She gave him a big, relieved smile. “I’m Y/N.”        Ever since then they were not only lab partners in classes they shared (which was biology, physics and math), but also in mischief. Together they managed to enrage Anne, annoy Gemma and absolutely horrify Y/M/N, and whenever one went down, the other made sure to go down as well.        So when a few years down the line, Harry had told Y/N about his idea to audition for X-factor she wasn’t surprised one bit.        “I mean, as long as you don’t trip and break your nose on stage, you’ll be fine.”        For that, she received a slap on her arm from him.        “I’m just saying!” Y/N defended herself. “You’re great at singing, Mrs Aberdeen certainly thinks so, you don’t have two complete left feet, and you’re alright to look at.”        That for the first time since the decision and application had been submitted, made Harry smile. He loved how easily Y/N was able to lighten the mood, to take his thoughts away from the bad, and just erase them with her wit and smile.
       “Besides.” She nudged his shoulder with hers and then intertwined their fingers. “I, Gem and our Mums will be right there for you. Won’t even blink until the end of the performance.”        With how her insides trembled in excitement and fear for her best friend, it truly seemed to Y/N she hadn’t blinked at all on that fateful day. Her breath hitched when the judges were talking. She couldn’t even remember what they said, all of it turning into white noise.        And then he got through, and Y/N screamed so much she was sure she’d blown out Anne’s eardrums, and had hugged Harry so tightly she was afraid she’d broken a rib. But with his victory also came a fear, because, for the first time in Y/N’s life, she was terrified as to where she’d stand in Harry’s. Since day one it’d been secure, but now, with the newfound fame of X-factor and who knows what kind of an amazing future, she didn’t know if he’d throw her to the curb, simply forget about the mundane friend from high school or maybe use her for something.        But it wasn’t like that. Not one bit. After insane hours of rehearsals, Y/N was one of the three people he always called. It was her, his Mum and Gem. Always. And he loved to listen to her speaking of what was happening at school, how the lessons were, which teacher turned out to be hooking up with which. As much as Harry knew he was made for the extraordinary, he loved the ordinary Y/N brought in his life. She was his safe harbour. But what he never agreed with were her own thoughts she was meant for a simple life, so he took it upon himself to bring a little bit of eccentricity in hers, as he explained how he’d gotten united into a band with four other boys, now going by ‘One Direction’, and it was his mission to join his newfound friends with the most important friend he'd had.        “This is Y/N,” Harry introduced her to the guys after one of their late-night practices, one where they weren’t being filmed. “If you do anything that even mildly upsets her, I’ll kill you in your sleep.”        The slap against his arm made him let out an ‘Ow!’ while the rest of the boys laughed and welcomed her with open arms.        In a weird way, Y/N became part of the band. She didn’t sing or play any instruments, but she was always around, gave her input on songs and setlists. That kind of closeness made all of the fears and doubts about losing a place in Harry’s life disappear. She was his personal hype-man while at the same time knocked him down a few pegs whenever the fame started to get to his head.        She was there for his highs and lows, for the break-ups and break-off in the band, and watched as he ventured into a solo career as much as she could with school and all, but when summer break rolled around it was like Harry couldn't get rid of her even if he tried. Not that he wanted. Sharing the success and happiness with his best friend was one of the biggest rewards he could have.        And Y/N would never admit it because it’d boost Harry’s already elephant-like ego, at least that’s what she said, but she kind of liked the attention she received because of him, especially because most of it was pleasant.        Had she been terrified that being known as Harry Styles best friend would make people think she was just a gold-digger, seeking fame and leeching it off from him? Yes. And there were people like that. But ninety-five percent of what people said on her social media accounts was actually nice, some even said ‘thank you’ that there was a person like her in Harry’s life to keep things real, and most importantly – cared about him through it all.        Harry also saw those comments; he loved to read about how people saw just how much Y/N cared, and it kind of stirred something in him. He didn’t know when exactly, but it was around the age of twenty-four for him and twenty-three for Y/N when he started looking at his friend in a different light. And it bloody terrified him. He didn’t know if she felt the same, and the thought of putting his heart on the line like that only for the possibility of it being crushed was the scariest thing ever.        He did, however, have an inclination as to what incident had prompted them to surface. The feelings that were. It was a night after a party. Y/N was on winter break from her master’s at uni, which meant he used every opportunity to spend time with her.        The hangover was real, I mean it’s what you got by mixing vodka, tequila and beer into an empty Sprite bottle and chugging it. Harry stumbled over sleeping bodies on his way to the kitchen in search for some leftover pizza he was sure he and Y/N in their drunkenness had ordered, as well as to make two cups of black coffee. He knew she hated the taste, but cold junk food and bitter coffee always did the trick with her. That was when he’d found her.        Although he’d woken up in Y/N’s room, she hadn’t been next to him. Instead, as it turned out, she’d gone on a food search sometime before him and had passed out on the couch, a Cookie Monster onesie on her body, but most importantly his signature pearls around her neck. And one of her hands even rested against her collarbone, as if scared someone would take them away from her.        That’d been the first time his heart had flipped in his chest at the sight of her, but most definitely not the last.        He did however keep this change in his emotions to himself. He wasn’t really sure what it was, so it would be unfair to dump that on Y/N and have her figure it out for him because he didn’t know where she stood on her own, let alone do the work for him.        Luckily, despite the tornado of feelings, their friendship didn’t falter, and when his Vogue cover came out, he was incredibly nervous for people to see it, but especially for those who mattered the most to him, like his Mum, sister and Y/N. Especially Y/N, for her opinion had become the most important one outside his blood relatives. After all, all his thoughts went to – if we dated, would she be as proud of me as she was of me as a friend?        Her support meant the most because he was away in the middle of filming; he had no way of getting physical comfort, so all of the messages, calls, social media posts and FaceTimes was the world to him, especially when Y/N sent a picture of herself with three copies of the magazine, two beside her head as she laid on her bed and one clutched to her chest, which she also posted on Instagram with the caption ‘Can’t hug you for real right now, so this will have to do. When I do get to you @harrystyles, I’ll crush your ribs with my love. And that is a threat.’        Then the comments came in from the rest, and one stood out more than the others.        Bring Back Manly Men.        At first, he felt odd about it. It didn’t really bother him, but at the same time, it made him sad. He knew that he was seen as somewhat of a controversial figure, as he painted nails, wore frilly blouses and now full-on dresses, which were all typically categorized as feminine things, but he never understood why a nail colour or the shape of a shirt suddenly became exclusively for just one gender. Which is why he was so grateful to have Y/N in his life.        “I mean, anatomically speaking, men should be wearing dresses and women trousers. It’s you who have all the dangly bits,” she said through a bite of food. “The Scots have been onto it since the beginning.”        Harry threw his head back in a laugh, shifting an arm behind his head. “So I assume your favourite pic is the one in the kilt?”        “Well, it did remind me of that awful punk phase I had back in school with all those safety pins, only in a more tasteful way, but no. My favourite one is you in that brown, grey off-shoulder jacket thing.”        “Why?”        Y/N wiggled her brows at him. “Shows enough of your cleavage but leaves enough for imagination.”        “Of fucking course.” Harry snorted, shaking his head. “Objectifying much?”        “What? I’m not going to deny that my best friend is a sexy beast.”        He wouldn’t say it out loud, but when she called him her friend, it made his heart clench in a painful way. Harry had been trying to be a bit flirtier around her, but given his open nature as it was, Y/N hadn’t seemed to notice it, nor had she seemed to notice how he looked at her while she was frowning at her computer screen.        Harry’d had relationships with some women who could be considered the most beautiful in the world, but if he’d had to say, in his opinion, who’d receive that title, it’d be Y/N. The way she snorted when she laughed too hard, the way small crow lines had already appeared next to her eyes from how much she smiled and the way her forehead creased when she was concentrating. It enthralled him to no end. He could read her life’s story on her face, how she’d lived and thought and experienced, unlike so many people he met who couldn’t move a muscle.        Though the reason she was so concentrated in that moment was because thousands of people had tagged her in a tweet of a woman, she’d heard of for the first time in her life (because Harry had been trying to keep that one off her radar), and what she saw made all the blood boil in her body more than any other hate comment had.        Without hesitation, Y/N atted her and tweeted “Bring back manly men. Please! Millions of people would let him raw them WHILE WEARING THE DRESS. I mean you tried, so I’ll give you the gold star you so desperately want, but that was pathetic.”        At that same moment, a notification popped up on the screen of Harry’s phone. He only had notifications on for one person, and when he saw what was written, he gasped, looking at Y/N. “You did not just do that!”        “What?” Y/N shrugged biting down on the chocolate bar she’d been savouring for the last half hour of their conversation. “I just said what everyone was thinking. Besides what the fuck does ‘bring back manly men’ even mean? Go chop some wood? Fight a bear in the Siberian woods? Have your ‘friends’ stab you to death at a political meeting?”        “You’re a menace.”        Y/N winked popping the last bit of the chocolate in her mouth. “Only to those who dare go for the people I love.”        His heart fluttered at the last word, but all he could do was mask it with a large grin and shake of his head.        For another hour they spent talking, Y/N kept hyping Harry up, tried to get as many plot details of the movie he was filming, while he avoided as many spoilers as possible and attempted to steer the conversation somewhere else, but when that happened, Y/N jumped onto his music, which he had told her all about. In fact, there wasn’t a music video made without her approval, and neither would his next one be. “You’ll fly out to see me film for ‘Treat People With Kindness’, right?”        Y/N sighed, giving him a sad smile. She hated disappointing Harry. “I’d love to. But you know with everything going on, I don’t think I’ll be able to.”        “Phoebe Waller-Bridge will be in it.”        She gasped, in real excitement. “Well, why didn’t you say so from the start?!”        “So that’s what this friendship has come to. I’m just your gateway to celebrities?”        “Harry you’ve always been just my gateway to the people living in LaLa Land.” But she let out a small breath much like she’d done before. “I really do want to come, Harry. You know that; I miss you like crazy. But Phoebe or no Phoebe, I don’t think I can.”        Harry bit his lip nodding, but he still needed to try one more time. “Is there anything I can say or do to get you here?”        “Get me a private jet and a quarantine mansion?”        “Deal.”        “Woah! Wait!” Y/N pretty much jumped up from her position in bed. “That was a joke! Harry Edward Styles, I swear to God, if you try an –“        But with a giant grin, he just blew Y/N a kiss and ended the call.        She was quite terrified if she was being honest, that Harry would do what she’d asked. He already had once. It'd been around Christmas time while she was still in First Year at uni, and she’d seen a glistening necklace at a jewellery store display. She hadn’t said anything, hadn’t even uttered a word, but just seeing the sparkle in Y/N’s eyes, was enough for Harry to make the decision and gift it for her.        When the next day, around five AM her time, she got a call from Harry’s manager Jeff, she was ready to rip both of them a new one, an e-mail with a plane ticket popping up in her inbox.        “I swear I’ll poison your drinks when I see you,” she’d grumbled, but couldn’t hide the excitement as she threw everything she could in the suitcase. “And no one will find your bodies, mark my words, Azoff.”        He snorted. “Yeah, tell that to the FBI agent listening in on this call.”        “Fuck. Gave myself away,” she said softly, giggling right after.        “You know he’s stoked beyond belief.” Jeff piped up. “He literally jumped out of the bed this morning, and during the dance rehearsals he didn’t miss a step.”        That made Y/N’s heart warm. “Well, you can tell him to curb it a bit. Otherwise, I’ll just stay at the fucking mansion – which, by the way, it was a joke, Jeff! I’m pissed enough he’s spending money on me as it is, let alone such a chunk on the plane, you didn't have to get me an actual mansion.”        “You know, for you, he’d give away all of it.”        “Yes, well, he might need it for his funeral, if he keeps spending it on me and on shit like this.”        The man shook his head but didn’t say anything else. He wasn’t the only one trying to drop hints to Y/N that Harry felt something more, but he’d leave it to the man himself. He didn’t need to possibly ruin everything, and have her decide not to come. His client was nightmare enough without her around, because Harry was like day and night when Y/N finally arrived on set for ‘Treat People With Kindness’.        To say he enveloped her in a hug would be an understatement as he didn’t let go of her for ten solid minutes, having grabbed her by the underside of the thighs and sat down on the ground just so he could prolong the feeling of being with Y/N.        The fact that she’d actually gone for it and hadn’t scolded Harry too much for spending that insane amount of money, for having brought a small piece of home to LA with herself where they were filming, made him now fully acknowledge the true extent of his feelings, especially as she didn’t pull away from their embrace, rather hid her face in the crook of his neck.        I mean, in the end, he did have to let her go because everyone had to get back to shooting, but not before Y/N had stripped the meticulous jacket from him, and went to have a glance at herself in the large mirror, one of the costume designers playing along and adjusting the clothing on her body, as if she was going to be the one performing.        Harry felt someone slide up to him and he looked over to his left, a smiling Phoebe standing there. She nudged his shoulder with hers. “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”        He nodded, looking back over to where Y/N was still looking at herself in the mirror, wearing the heavy jacket as if it was nothing like it was made for her. “I’m a cliché, I know. But I can’t help it.”        “Of course, you can.” She squeezed his side. “All you gotta do is tell her.”        But it wasn’t that easy. Comparatively, getting Y/N to appear in the video was easier than coming to terms with the fact, all they’d ever remain would be friends if he didn’t do anything.        Yet the shoot for the video ended as quickly as it had started, and Y/N needed to fly back to the UK to defend her PhD paper, and Harry had to go back to filming ‘Don’t Worry Darling’, thousands of miles stretching between them once more. And Harry was a romantic, he couldn’t confess over FaceTime. Besides, he wanted to make it a special evening for her, plan something out, rather than risk a shitty connection cutting him off mid-word.        He hated it though. It’d been almost four years since Harry had realised his feelings had developed from just friendly into romantic, and still, he hadn’t said anything. Even the people who’d never met Y/N in person like Florence Pugh saw what was going on.        But unlike the cast and crew of ‘Treat People With Kindness’ who had to deal with his pining for maybe a couple of weeks, it’d been almost half a year for her at that point. Did she just want to call Y/N and tell her how Harry felt? Sure. She’d had enough of him coming into her trailer only to fall down onto her pillow and whine. But it wasn’t her place. So instead, she was going to figure out a way to get Y/N to the set and make him tell her himself.        Getting Harry’s phone away from him should’ve been the inspiration to the next ‘Mission Impossible’ script though, because it took her literally a whole day to fish it out from his coat's pocket, and she only had about ten seconds to find Y/N’s number (which wasn’t that hard given how it was the number with literally hundreds of calls next to it) and put it in her own phone.        Once their filming was done for the day, Florence rebutted Harry’s invitation to a movie night, saying a massive headache was coming on, so he wished her a good night and with slumped shoulders went to sulk on his own. Which is why she practically sprinted to her own trailer to finally call Y/N        An unsure ‘hello?’ greeted her ears before she responded. “Hey, this is Florence… Pugh.”        That stunned Y/N into silence for a few seconds before she spluttered out a greeting and said ‘hi’ as well. “Not to be rude, but how did you get my number?”        “Stole it from Harry’s phone. Look, he’s miserable. Keeps moping around, and I can’t take it anymore. Last night I found him crying in his pillow with your shirt over it.”        “What? Why?”        “Because it didn’t smell like you anymore.”        Y/N’s heart broke. “Why didn’t he tell me anything? We just talked, and he said he was fine. God, that man is so dumb sometimes.”        “Is there any way you could find a way to get here?” Florence asked biting down her lip.        She heard Y/N sigh at the other end of the line. “I’ll – I’ll try and figure something out. Have to know what’s going on at work, I mean it has been like two months since the video, so maybe…” She was more so talking to herself, but then remembered about Florence. “Listen, can I give you a message when I find out if my boss will let me?”        “Of course!” The actress was excited about the possibility of Y/N getting here, as long as it got Harry out of his depressive mood.        “Oh, and I’ll need to know what kind of restrictions are on set. I’ll figure something out with flights and quarantine, but I have zero clue as to what’s it like where you’re filming.”        Florence waved her off, even though she couldn’t see the motion. “Leave that to me. Just get your ass over here before the guy cries himself dry.”        It was a struggle though on all three ends – Harry was still moping, because not only had Y/N’s shirt lost its smell of her, but homesickness was hitting full force, Florence was getting more and more desperate as she attempted to take his mind off of things, but nothing seemed to work, and Y/N was trying to get on any possible flight to Harry while arranging two tests and an AirBnB she could self-isolate in for two weeks while attempting to set up her work from afar at the same time.        Two days after Florence’s call, Y/N sent her a message ‘Flying in tomorrow at 4 AM. Don’t tell Harry. He’ll feel even shittier cause I have to stay alone in quarantine. First test came back negative.”        She sighed in relief at the message and immediately texted back ‘i’ve got you a set pass ready, just need a picture. selfie will do. also, masks are mandatory on the lot, so bring those.’        Immediately Y/N sent a thumbs up, and a picture of herself she didn’t absolutely despise to be used on the ID card. All that was left was to pack. And spend two weeks in an attempt of not going crazy with anticipation before seeing Harry.        Those two weeks turned out to be worse than the two months between the music video shoot and going to the filming lot. Because throughout then, Y/N knew her only access to him would be through FaceTime, but to be about twenty minutes away from the man without the ability to touch him was pure torture, but at least Harry seemed completely oblivious to the change in her surroundings.        As they still continued on with their calls, not once did he mention her background, or how the paintings suddenly had managed to switch positions or the fact that Y/N didn’t even own paintings. She was sure she could’ve been missing an arm, and he wouldn’t have mentioned it with how tired he looked.        “Have you even slept, Har?”        “Not really,” he groaned, getting more comfortable in his bed. “We’ve had a bunch of early shoots and then late nights, ‘cause we need to get the continuity for the scenes, and then the day’s full of Zoom calls, and well, I can’t not call you.”        Y/N scoffed, scolding him. “You know damn well I won’t be offended if we sacrifice a couple of calls for you to get some proper sleep.”        “I know, but I will.”        Y/N sighed, knowing in a way it was her fault. She could tell him she no longer was hours of time zones away, but rather watched the same sunset and sunrise as him, but she also knew Harry, and he would be unable to stay away from her until her quarantine was over.        She was quite happy she’d sat through the fourteen mandatory days, because when she got on set, even though Harry was usually good at keeping his composure during a scene, despite the mask, he’d recognise Y/N anywhere, and all of the lines flew out of his head.        “Jack?” Florence’s hand came to cup Harry’s cheek, trying to bring him back on track. “You alright?”        But he didn’t even care about improvising to get out of the flub as his lips were split apart by a grin, and he dashed away, a loud ‘CUT!’ ringing throughout the set, but Harry already had Y/N in his arms, spinning the girl around.        “Best friends my ass,” Florence murmured as she went to the two.        Harry was speechless, Y/N’s face in between his hands as he looked her up and down. “How are you here? What? Why?”        “Thank Florence.” Y/N gave an attempt at motioning to the actress with her head. She set the whole thing up.”        Harry’s head whipped to his scene partner. “You knew Y/N was here for two weeks and told me nothing?”        “Your brain short-circuited when you saw her! You wouldn’t be of no use on set at all if I had.”        Harry scoffed, throwing an arm over Y/N’s shoulder. “Come on, let’s get away from this meanie.” But as he walked away, he looked over his shoulder and mouthed a grateful ‘thank you’ to her.        All Florence could hope for was that he’d get it together and confess, but it didn’t seem like he was in any sort of a rush. Y/N was set to be there for three weeks, but the thought of the woman leaving without knowing how Harry felt, leaving him in a sea of his own heartache, made her miserable, especially after a night they’d all spent together.        Harry really wanted Y/N to get to know the people he worked with so he invited the ones closest to him for a movie night, during which he himself had been the first one to actually fall asleep, of course.        For most of it, as ‘Westworld’ ran on in the background, he spent curled up in Y/N’s lap, his head resting against her chest with her fingers weaving through the shortened locks. She had to get used to the length, motion automatically wanting to go on longer than it was possible to. Soon enough, the soothing motions lulled her to sleep as well, their bodies leaning into one another and perfectly fitting together.        As tired as Florence was of seeing Harry, a person who’d become her friend now pine for someone so hard, it was absolutely heart-melting to watch the two interact. Everyone could see Y/N had the same feelings as Harry did for her, only she hid them a bit better. A little, but not by a lot.        No friends acted the way those two did around one another. Sure, people could be touchy, but not like that, not with such intimacy behind the motions. She felt like she was being a little creepy as she pulled out her phone to take a picture, but it was too cute not to.        A loud noise from somewhere outside set made Y/N shoot up straight, and Florence held her breath as she clutched onto her phone, having swiped it accidentally into video mode and filming the whole thing.        “No,” Harry whined, a hand reaching up for Y/N and grabbing at her elbow. “Come back. ‘S too early.”        She just nodded, grumbling something unintelligible but possibly along the lines of ‘don’t make me throw hands’ before laying down and snuggling into Harry’s chest.        Florence let out a large sigh of relief and decided to get some sleep as well before their annoying four AM alarm woke them up for set.        This time it was the other way around, as Y/N whined for Harry to ‘come back and keep her warm’.        Florence watched as Harry slipped out of Y/N’s grasp, but not before pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead and a whispered a promise to ‘see her when the Sun’s up’. The second the trailer door was closed, she slapped his shoulder, and Harry gasped in shock. “What'dya do that for?”        “Stop that! Stop that stupid dance!” She stomped her foot on the ground. “I’m sick and tired of watching you watch her with that dumb longing expression on your face. I can’t take it anymore. Why do you think I went through all that trouble to get her here?”        “I told you I would!”        She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Look, I know it’s not my place or anything, but she does like you. A lot.”        Harry threw her an uncertain gaze. “And how do you know?”        “Because that woman spent two weeks in self-isolation just to see you! She’s gone through how many of those awful Covid tests just to go and visit you! She’s dropped everything for you, has supported you through so much, and never fails to boost you up.”        “That’s what friends do.”        “No.” Florence shook her head. “That kind of loyalty… that’s what people in love give. I haven’t talked to my best friend in like a month. What’s the longest you’ve gone without speaking to Y/N?”        And with that question, she left Harry to ponder not only his feelings but the girl’s he was in love with as well. Because if he had to be honest, the reason he’d been dragging everything out, the reason he’d stayed pining for Y/N for years on end was that he tried to write everything she did off as something a childhood best friend would do.        The truth was more terrifying than anything because once that came to light, it’d change everything, and Harry didn’t know if he was ready. He wanted it, desperately so if it meant Y/N becoming someone he could love freely and openly, but not if by the end of it, she'd disappear from his life, leaving a hole the size of his heart in his chest.        His thoughts were cut short as someone knocked on the ‘Hair&Make-up’ door, and an assistant let in a pouting Y/N. Well, he couldn’t’ see the pout behind the mask, but he definitely knew it was there, making a smile come on his own face.        She plopped down in an empty sofa and crossed her arms. “I was cold.”        Harry snorted, wanting to shake his head, but didn't as to not ruin the hair stylist’s work. “You’re always cold.”        “And you’re a living furnace.”        “ ‘S that why you like cuddling? Leeching off my warmth?”        The same assistant who’d let Y/N in handed her a cup of coffee, which she was ready to kiss the woman for, but opted for a ‘thank you’. “We’ve established I only use you to get to other celebs. What makes you think I wouldn’t use you for those sort of things.”        For a moment, the trailer settled into silence, as Y/N enjoyed her morning coffee while the crew kept doing their own work.        “It’s so weird,” Y/N piped up, eyes racking up and down Harry’s body. “Don’t even wanna really look at you like that.”        He let out a mock gasp of hurt. “What d’ya mean? Am I suddenly repulsive to you?”        “No!” she let out a laugh. “It’s just odd seeing you without the tattoos. They’re such a huge part of you, even the dumb ones. Can’t really imagine you any differently.”        “Would you love me any differently without them?” The question was bold, even though he knew she did love him, he had to start making moves.        “No,” Y/N shook her head. “I don’t think so. I believe I’d be a different person then as well, but I’d love you all the same. As long as you’d do the same with me.”        Harry nodded looking down at his hands then back up at her, catching her eyes through the reflection in the mirror. “Don’t think there’s a dimension out there where I don’t love you.”        “I mean that is a bold statement,” Y/N said, sipping on the remnants of her coffee. “What if I’m like a weird, cat-skinning psychopath in one dimension? Would you love me even then?”        “Jesus Christ, Y/L/N, do you just normally come up with those gruesome scenarios or is it a hobby?”        She wiggled her eyebrows, standing up and throwing away the paper cup. “There’s a reason I have a VPN and clean my search history. I’ll see you in your trailer?”        “Yeah.” Harry nodded and smiled. “I’ll be there in thirty minutes.”        The next half-hour he kept hyping himself up, about how he was actually going to do it, but Florence intercepted him right as he was turning down the way his trailer stood. “How are you gonna do it?”        “I – “ Harry huffed and placed his hands on his hips. “In the beginning, I had like a whole romantic outing planned, but… I’ve dragged this on long enough, so I think I’ll just tell her.”        “Okay, good.” Florence nodded and slapped his shoulder in approval. “And if I don’t hear that trailer rocking, I will throw you in a ditch.”        Harry’s eyes widened at the statement, fully knowing she meant her words, but she was already half-way down the track, blond hair swishing behind her back.        It was then or never.        Slowly he opened his own trailer door as if it was Y/N’s place not his, but by the looks of how she’d sprawled out on his bed, she had made herself right at home. Just like she’d done it on the first day of school, but just with his heart.        “Hey!” She smiled looking at him. “You ready to film?”        “Yeah, but umm… I kind of wanted to talk to you beforehand.”        Y/N’s brows furrowed at Harry’s serious tone, so she sat up, nodding. “Sure. Is everything alright?” “It’s nothing bad, at least I hope you won’t take it in a bad way... I’ve actually been wanting to tell you this since that winter’s break party you had while doing your masters...” He let out a small chuckle but seeing Y/N’s eyes widen in a panic he stopped. “Oh, God,” she moaned. “You have a kid! Oh my God.” “What? No!” Harry spluttered. “Why the hell is the first thing you assume that I have a kid?” “I don’t know!” She was now standing facing him completely. “We’ve never had secrets between us, especially for as long as you’ve apparently kept them, what am I supposed to think? Maybe one of the girls you hooked up with got pregnant, and you’ve been hiding the fact you’re a baby daddy because you know I wouldn’t be able to keep the fact I can be the cool drunk aunt to myself.” All of that came out as is she’d prepared it ages ago. “Well, no.” Harry shook his head stepping closer so he could be chest to chest with Y/N. “I’m not anyone’s baby daddy. At least I don’t think so, but umm... when that moment would come... when I have a kid...” He looked up at the ceiling and sighed before lifting a gentle hand to cup her cheek. I wouldn’t want you to be the drunk aunt. I um...” There goes nothing. “I’d kinda like if you were the mom.” “Of course, I’ll be the Godmother!” Both of them said at the same time, making the other’s brain stumble over the words said. “Wait, mom?” Y/N’s question was breathless. “Like donate my eggs or some shit?” “No like, I’ve been in love with you for close to four years, and I wanna try and build a future with you, where you’re more than just my best friend.”        “Oh.”        That was all that managed to escape her mouth as he fully opened his heart, and Harry couldn’t lie – it shattered. He didn’t know what he was expecting, but it was more than that. “That’s...” Y/N huffed sitting down on the bed. “That’s a lot to take in Harry. Like a lot.” “I know.” He sighed and sat down next to her. “Which is why I’ve been pushing this away for as long as I could, but... it was time. It wasn’t fair to you or me to keep on living like that. Look.” Harry took her palm in his. “Whatever you want us to be, we’ll be that. I - I mean I’ll be heartbroken if you say you don’t feel the same, but no matter what you tell me now, I won’t let you leave my life. I love you, and I’m in love with you. This is your choice which way you chose to go with.” Y/N shook her head, interlacing their fingers and finally looking up at him. “I don’t want you to be heartbroken. It’s the last thing, I’d ever want to see you like. And umm well, if it takes me using the pair of ovaries I have to admit I’ve been in love with you too to change that, I guess I’ll have to say it. I’m in love with you too.” Harry’s eyes glimmered with unshed tears of happiness, as he looked at Y/N like she’d hung the stars in the sky. Not that it mattered. He always looked at her like that. “You mean it?” “Yeah,” she chuckled, wiping away a few stray pearls from her own cheeks. “I guess I always thought I’d end up the drunk aunt in your life, so that’s why I thought you’d ask me to be whatever future child’s Godmother. But I love you, and I’m in love with you too.” “Can I – “ Fuck, Harry was too giddy for his own good. “Can I kiss you?” And when Y/N chuckled, nodding he swore he already was in heaven. “Yes, please.”        At first, the touch of his lips was gentle, almost afraid, but the second he pressed them to Y/N’s, and she gasped at the sensation, it became full of lust as passion, years of pent-up pining and angst and just plain old stupidity surfacing and morphing itself into a steamy make-out session.        In a split second, she was sprawled out on Harry’s bed, his toned body leaning over hers and teasing hands moving along her sides, making her squirm and ache for more of his touch, but she wasn’t the only one who wanted to explore a body with a new mindset of what was possible.        As Y/N moaned from Harry’s tongue invading her mouth, her hand couldn’t help itself as it slid down his chest, and her finger flicked against the button of his trousers.        “Can I touch you there?” Y/N whispered against his mouth, and Harry eagerly nodded.        “Please. Been dreaming about this for literally years.”        Smiling, she allowed him to continue and explore her mouth with his tongue, intoxicated on one another’s taste. In fact, Y/N was so far gone just from the kiss, she forgot how a fly worked and needed Harry’s help to open it.        “Get back here,” she grumbled as he chuckled, having leaned up a bit to make it easier for her to get the offensive piece of clothing off. “We’ll see how you fare with a bra.”        “Oh, I’m an expert.” His hands trailed to her shoulder where he snapped one of the straps against her skin, making her yelp.        “You do not want to do that when my hand is an inch away from your dick.”        But the threat had no merit to it, as she dipped her palm behind Harry’s boxers while his mouth went to soothe the sting and leave a little mark on her skin, which he’d get to admire later on.        The second, Y/N wrapped her hand around his cock an involuntary moan escaped into the air, as she gripped him. Fuck, she couldn’t wait until he was inside her, because, and it might sound a little cliché given how they were best friends who’d fallen in love with one another, but she was one hundred percent sure, he was made exactly for her.        But no matter how much she twisted her hand or how gently or roughly she rubbed the tip, he couldn’t get hard, and Harry was on the verge of tears, which Y/N saw and instantly pulled away, cupping his face.        “I’m sorry,” he choked out. “Fuck, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”        “Hey!” Y/N cooed. “None of that. It’s alright. Shit happens.”        Harry nodded understanding that she was right, but he still felt shitty and well, he felt insecure about it. “I just. Fuck. Usually, when I think of you, I’m hard in like a second.”        And although all Y/N wanted to do was smirk and tease him about the fact that he thought of her while wanking himself off, that wasn’t the right moment.        “I promise, you turn me on, you do." He sniffled. "This had never happened before.” But Y/N wasn’t offended or sad, and her laugh wasn’t mocking or trying to hurt him.        “Harry you’re dead tired.” She cupped his cheek with one of her hands, and if he’d been ice cream he would’ve literally melted. “You had to wake up at four in the fucking morning and won’t go to sleep until two the next day. Let yourself rest a bit.”        “But,” he whined and then huffed. “But I wanna love on you. Wanna show you just how crazy I am about you.”        “And you will. You know I’ll always hold you to your word. But this won’t be fun for either of us if mid-fuck you suddenly collapse on me asleep. I don’t need to go to the A and E and explain the broken nose is because my boyfriend decided to take a nap while shagging. A nap on my face.”        But Harry hadn’t really heard anything she’d said after Y/N mentioned the b-word, a dopey smile on his face. “I’m your boyfriend? You really want me like that?”        “I mean I would prefer if you were Phoebe…”        Harry pinched her side, making her squeal before tackling her in a hug. “Shut up!”        And that’s how the two fell asleep (and were woken up twenty minutes later by an assistant in a panic given how Harry was supposed to be on set in five minutes)  – wrapped up in one another’s arms, smiles on their faces, and no longer best friends, but lovers.
Tags (crossed out wouldn’t take):
Everything tags: @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64​ @supernaturalbaesduh​ @breezy1415​ @crazy--me​ @thatawkwardlittlefangirl​ @sea040561​ @staryeyedgirl​ @deathbyarabbit​ @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91​ @dalilx​ @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns​ @averyrogers83​ @in-the-end-im-still-trash​ @gallifreyansass​ @dewy-biitch​ @avxgers​ @unlikelygalaxygiver​ @magicwithaknife @ollyoxenfrees​ @bnhvrdy​ @tvwhoresblog @celebsimagines @thatkindofgurl​ @sj-thefan​ @teenwolflover28 @lestersglitterglue​ @im-squished​
Harry Styles tags: @sarcasticallywitty15​ @breezykpop​ @girlboss99​ @harrystylesdoesntknowiexist​ @alliyjane​ @sirtommyholland​
A/N: I loved writing this so much :)
P.S. my tags are always open
P.S.S. I don’t take requests, sorry. Also, please don’t repost my story on other platforms (wattpad etc) without specific written permission. 
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hooniee · 4 years
 — ꒰‧⁺ making lunch for them*ೃ༄ 
↷enhypen x reader ⋯ ♡ᵎ
↷ genre: reaction | fluff⋯ ♡ᵎ
↷warnings: mentions of food hence the title! please proceed with caution ⋯ ♡ᵎ
⇢˚⋆ ✎ this was super fun to write and i might write so more reactions/headcannons like this! please enjoy <3ˎˊ-
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .*
-ˏˋ~ heeseung lee ~ˊˎ-
“okay here’s a lunchbox for you! all of your favorites, make sure to eat all the veggies so that you can be healthy. i packed two water bottles so that you don’t get dehydrated. i also packed a bunch of snacks for the boys so make sure they eat too! oh and-”
heeseung laughs at you rambling, making you halt and feel shy under his gaze
“too much? sorry, you know how i am”
heeseung shakes his head, “not at all babe, thank you”
you dating the oldest in the group automatically made you like a mother figure to the 6 boys you adored
you had packed heeseung lunch ever since you found out he never had time to cook anything besides ramen packets :((
it wasn’t healthy for him and both of you knew that
he loved your lunches and it had just become a routine
the boys started to pout and get sad that you didn’t pack them anything 
or as heeseung says, “they’re hungry little monsters too”
from then, you started putting loads of snacks in his lunch bag so that the boys could have something to munch on, occasionally making seven lunch boxes as a meal packed with nutritious foods.
heeseung complained about how heavy it was to carry all of them
but in reality, he wanted to be the only one who had the special heart shaped sandwiches. 
-ˏˋ~ jay park ~ˊˎ-
(tasting the potato) “a little too salty” 
(picking up the heart shaped onigiri) “why is it cut in a weird shape?
(staring at the ratio of chicken and rice) “could have added more chicken to balance out the amount of rice-” 
“jay if you don’t like it, just say it,” you pout, moving to take the lunch box away from him.
*glaring at you* “who said i didn’t like it?”
jay is definitely  the type of person to love cooking
from enhypen&hi, you can see him taking the lead in making dinner with the members
he critiques your cooking, like a mini gordan ramsy, but in a more loving way
honestly your food is amazing but he doesn’t want to be seen as soft so he pretends to play it off as
“it could be better but it’s still edible”
on the inside, he was screaming at himself
“this is so good! my cute s/o made it for me and look at this cute heart shape! oh veggies too! i should eat these so that i can be healthy”
he’s grateful that you take your time out of your day to cook for him
and who are we kidding?
jay swallows your food
even if it tastes like expired makeup
-ˏˋ~ jake sim ~ˊˎ-
“what is this baby?” jake asks, pulling a yellow bento box out of his practice bag.
he had never seen this box. it was labeled with “with love, enjoy babe!”
jake had woken up late or more so, you wanted to give him some more rest, and you decided to pack his bag and make him a lunch box while you were up.
“that’s your lunch jake,” you laugh at his adorable confused face, putting the ingredients back in the cabinet.
“lunch ?that you made for me?” jake’s eyes widen as you nod your head.
you didn’t know how he would react from the way his face stayed in shock, did he not want it? was the note too much?
that was before he rushed over to hug you and plant a kiss on your forehead. 
jake was a simp for you
you were the light of his life, his one and only, his whole world, etc.
you could have grabbed something from the top shelf and jake would cheer like you just won a grammy
he was grateful for anything you did for him, cuddling him when he was tired, packing his bag when he need those extra 5 minutes of sleep
to say the least, he never would have imagined that you would make lunch for him
you had usually packed snacks in his bag since you were also a busy person but it was the first time you had made a whole meal for him
your cooking was the best, next to his mom’s of course
jake almost didn’t want to eat it from how pretty it was made
“why is jake hyung looking at rice like that?” 
“because his OH SO precious (y/n) made it for him”
“ahhh makes sense”
-ˏˋ~ sunghoon park ~ˊˎ-
“sunghoon! wait up, wait up,” you yell out, running after him. 
maybe it was because sunghoon was blessed with those super long legs but man, does this man walk fast.
sunghoon turns around, baggy white tshirt and black sweats, a black duffel bag hanging off of his shoulder
he corks his eyebrow at your figure that’s panting after chasing after him.
he checks his pockets and unzips his bag, “did i forget anything?”
“here,” you place a bento box with a pink cloth tied in a knot in his hands.
he squints, turning it in different ways, “what is this?
“it’s a lunch box! i made it for you,” you smile.
no thank you came from his mouth but you could tell as his cheeks started to glow pink like the cloth
sunghoon is confused when you make him lunch?
don’t get him wrong, he’s thankful but why?
i see sunghoon as a person to ask why questions for anything his s/o does for him
not is it to just annoy you, but he can feel the love behind the words when you explain WHY you did that thing for him
he loves affirmation over physical touch
sunghoon seems to be someone more introverted and quiet in the relationship
listening to his s/o, nodding to them when their ranting about something
he feels really grateful to you and eats his lunch with a big smile
he attempts to make you lunch too
if jungwon hadn’t called the fire department, you guys probably would be burnt to a crisp </3
-ˏˋ~ sunoo kim ~ˊˎ-
“oh my gosh (y/n)! what is this?” sunoo squeals as you place the newly prepared food in the bento box.
“it’s your lunch, bub,” you smile, seeing his face light up when you mention his lunch.
“for me? for real?” he questions
you nod your head and he starts doing a cute wiggling dance.
“my (y/n) is the best!”
sunoo loves to eat!
he loves all types of foods from all different palettes
sunoo didn’t mean to wake up so early
after a long night of practice, the last thing he wanted to do was go wake up early
but he couldn’t help it
the smell of cooking had instantly made him rise from bed
he took a little peep out to see you rushing around the kitchen
there was an egg, frying in the pan
you were packing rice that was freshly steaming, into a blue bento box
in your (f/c) apron, hair out of your face
he smiles at the sight, pretending to be asleep when you awoke him
-ˏˋ~ jungwon yang ~ˊˎ-
“wonie? are you here?” you softly call out, peeping your head into the practice room
“i’m right here,” jungwon comes from behind you making you jump, almost dropping the lunch box
“hi won,” you smile
“hi (y/n), what’s up?” he smiles, softly giving you a forehead kiss
“i wanted to drop this off, “ you hold up the box
he tilts his head in confusion, “bento box? for me? i didn’t order anything though?”
“idiot, i made it for you”
jungwon is the leader
even though he doesn’t have to, he always makes sure that his members have eaten or are staying hydrated
he always is worried about his members than himself
and it takes a toll on him as the hyungs said
it made you sad when you heard a report from heeseung that jungwon had been skipping lunch as much as he preached about the topic
enough was enough for you
you got up extra early and got to work
you had prepared a lunch bento filled with protein, veggies, carbs and a small chocolate bar. making sure to pack a water bottle, you packed it in a tiny backpack
you felt proud of your final creation
and from then on, you had decided to start making jungwon lunch everyday
from that day on, jungwon hasn’t skipped lunch
-ˏˋ~ nishimura riki ~ˊˎ-
riki enters the practice room again, cutting his break short while his hyungs take a nap, continue to eat, etc.
as he’s about to start to warm up, a purple bento box catches his eye. it was placed on the speaker.
he didn’t remember that being there before? maybe it was one of his hyungs. he should probably give it to them.
to his surprise when taking a quick glance at it, it said his name
“for your lunch riki! (y/n)”
he quickly pulled out his phone and snapped a picture, sending it to you with the caption “is this for me?”
your phone buzzes and you see the notification from riki. you laugh, opening his message
you respond “yes babe! enjoy <3”
just like jungwon, ni-ki had been skipping meals :(((
and you weren’t happy to hear that
ni-ki was still growing and needed nutritious meals to be able to stay healthy
his only excuse was that he needed to practice to be better in dance
ni-ki was already amazing :((( 
why did he need to sacrifice his precious lunch time to practice?
you became anxious about the way he wasn’t taking care of himself
he already doesn’t get enough sleep
now not enough nutritious food?
that was not going to pass by you
you wanted to drop the lunchbox in secret, he didn’t need to see your flustered face anyway
you signaled to sunoo in the lobby as he guides you to the practice room
ni-ki was too busy playing on his phone to notice you
you dropped it off but you didn’t expect him to find it so fast
he was glad that it was just a drop off, so you couldn’t see the fire growing on his cheeks
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Elevate Corporate Gifting with Luxury Perfumes
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Corporate gifting is more than just a tradition; it’s a powerful way to strengthen relationships and make lasting impressions. When you choose a gift, you’re not just offering a token of appreciation but also communicating your company’s values and commitment to your clients, employees, and partners. If you’re looking to elevate your corporate gifting game, Luxury Perfumes Corporate Gifting offers a unique and sophisticated option. In this guide, I’ll walk you through why luxury perfumes are the perfect choice for corporate gifts and how you can make them truly memorable.
The Significance of Corporate Gifting
Corporate gifting plays a crucial role in the business world. It’s not just about handing over a present; it’s about building stronger relationships, enhancing brand recognition, and showing appreciation. A thoughtfully chosen gift can strengthen your business relationships, boost employee morale, and create positive associations with your brand.
Why Luxury Perfumes?
Luxury perfumes add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your corporate gifts. They aren’t just scents; they’re experiences. When you give a luxury perfume, you’re offering more than just a fragrance; you’re giving a piece of luxury that can make a lasting impression.
The Appeal of Luxury Perfumes
Luxury perfumes are a timeless gift choice. They embody sophistication and exclusivity, making them an ideal option for those who appreciate the finer things in life. Perfumes, especially those of high quality, have a way of reflecting personal style and taste. By choosing a luxury perfume, you show that you’ve put thought into selecting something that aligns with the recipient’s preferences.
Personalization and Unique Appeal
One of the most compelling reasons to choose luxury perfumes for corporate gifting is the ability to personalize. From custom engraving on the bottle to selecting a fragrance profile that matches the recipient’s taste, there are numerous ways to make your gift stand out. Personalization adds a unique touch, showing that you’ve considered the recipient’s individual preferences.
Long-lasting Impressions
A fragrance is more than just a scent; it’s a memory. The right perfume can evoke powerful memories and emotions. By choosing a high-quality, luxury perfume, you’re not only giving a gift but also creating an experience that the recipient will remember. This makes luxury perfumes an effective tool for leaving a lasting impression.
Selecting the Right Luxury Perfume
Choosing the right luxury perfume involves more than just picking a scent you like. It’s about understanding fragrance profiles, personalizing the gift, and ensuring high quality.
Understanding Fragrance Profiles
Perfumes come in various fragrance families, each with its own distinct characteristics. Here’s a brief overview:
Floral: Light, romantic scents featuring notes like rose or jasmine.
Woody: Earthy, warm fragrances with notes of sandalwood or cedar.
Oriental: Rich, exotic scents with notes of vanilla or amber.
Citrus: Fresh, zesty fragrances with notes of lemon or orange.
To select the right perfume, consider the recipient’s personality and preferences. For example, if they have a classic and refined taste, a floral or woody fragrance might be ideal. If they prefer something bold and adventurous, an oriental scent could be perfect.
Personalization and Customization
Personalization can make your gift even more special. Consider custom options such as:
Engraving: Add a personal touch by engraving the recipient’s name or a special message on the perfume bottle.
Custom Packaging: Opt for unique packaging that reflects the recipient’s style or your company’s branding.
Tailored Fragrance Choices: Choose a fragrance profile that aligns with the recipient’s personal taste.
Quality and Brand Reputation
When selecting a luxury perfume, quality is key. Opt for reputable brands known for their high-quality fragrances. This not only ensures that you’re giving a product that meets high standards but also reflects well on your company. Our collection of luxury perfumes and attars is crafted to meet the highest standards of quality, ensuring your gift is both elegant and memorable.
Creating a Memorable Corporate Gifting Experience
The presentation of your gift is as important as the gift itself. Here’s how to ensure your luxury perfume gift leaves a lasting impression:
Presentation and Packaging
Elegant packaging enhances the overall gifting experience. Consider options like:
Luxury Gift Boxes: Use high-quality boxes that add a touch of sophistication.
Beautiful Wrapping: Opt for wrapping materials that match the occasion or recipient’s taste.
Special Touches: Add decorative elements like ribbons or custom labels to make the gift stand out.
Including a Personal Touch
A personal note or card can add a heartfelt touch to your gift. Take the time to write a thoughtful message that expresses your appreciation or congratulations. This small gesture can significantly enhance the recipient’s experience.
Timing and Delivery
Timing is crucial when it comes to corporate gifting. Choose occasions like holidays, anniversaries, or significant milestones to present your gift. Ensure timely delivery and handle the gift with care to avoid any last-minute issues.
Tips for Effective Corporate Gifting with Luxury Perfumes
Budget Considerations
Set a budget that aligns with your company’s financial situation. Luxury perfumes can vary in price, so choose options that offer both quality and value. Our collection provides a range of luxury perfumes suitable for different budgets, ensuring you find the perfect gift without compromising on quality.
Avoiding Common Mistakes
Be mindful of common pitfalls in corporate gifting. Avoid choosing gifts that are too personal or overly extravagant. Ensure that your gift aligns with the recipient’s preferences and cultural norms. By selecting a luxury perfume that reflects thoughtfulness and quality, you’ll avoid these common mistakes.
Building a Gifting Strategy
Develop a coherent gifting strategy that incorporates luxury perfumes. Plan and schedule gifts throughout the year to maintain a consistent level of appreciation and engagement with clients and employees. This strategic approach ensures that your gifting efforts are effective and impactful.
Luxury perfumes offer a unique and elegant option for corporate gifting. By choosing high-quality fragrances and personalizing them to suit the recipient, you can make a lasting impression that enhances your business relationships and reflects positively on your brand. Remember, the goal is to create a memorable experience that communicates appreciation and sophistication.
1. What makes luxury perfumes a suitable choice for corporate gifts? Luxury perfumes are elegant and sophisticated, offering a unique and memorable gifting experience that reflects refinement and personal consideration.
2. How can I select the right fragrance profile for a corporate gift? Consider the recipient’s personality and preferences. Choose a fragrance profile (floral, woody, oriental, or citrus) that aligns with their taste.
3. Can luxury perfumes be personalized for corporate gifting? Yes, luxury perfumes can be personalized with custom engravings, unique packaging, or tailored fragrance choices to make the gift more special.
4. What are some popular luxury perfume brands for corporate gifts? Our collection includes high-quality luxury perfumes and attars that are ideal for corporate gifting, ensuring a touch of elegance and sophistication.
5. How should I package luxury perfumes for corporate gifting? Use elegant packaging, such as luxury gift boxes or beautiful wrapping, and consider adding decorative elements like ribbons or custom labels.
6. When is the best time to give luxury perfumes as corporate gifts? Optimal times include holidays, anniversaries, or significant milestones. Choose occasions that align with your gifting strategy and recipient’s preferences.
7. How can I ensure the luxury perfume gift is well-received? Choose a high-quality perfume that matches the recipient’s taste, add a personal note, and ensure timely delivery and proper handling.
8. What are some common mistakes to avoid when gifting luxury perfumes? Avoid overly personal or extravagant gifts. Ensure the perfume aligns with the recipient’s preferences and cultural norms.
9. How can I develop a corporate gifting strategy that includes luxury perfumes? Plan and schedule gifts throughout the year, select perfumes that reflect thoughtfulness and quality and maintain consistency in your gifting approach.
10. What are the benefits of including a personal note with the gift? A personal note adds a heartfelt touch, expresses appreciation, and enhances the overall gifting experience, making the recipient feel valued and special.
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