#they’re on my mindddddd
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electric-plants · 5 months ago
i think cyno and alhaitham would keep their relationship secret for a while solely as an experiment/to challenge themselves to see how long they could last before the rumor mill sussed them out
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angelforever · 11 months ago
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emmaspolaroid · 6 months ago
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chainsaw man is crazy good this week
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anastasiadalia · 8 months ago
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oh my god its him its the champion
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ike-mcswains-mortician · 1 year ago
I shall start of with the couple of all time- magnus and songbird!
So since this is an idea from the start of this year, i have no clue where all the art is so i have one very old reference for songbird and that is this one!
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He looks a bit different now but everything’s basically the same. So fun fact! Magnus was only invented to stop one of my irl friends from trying to date songbird.
She was like ‘let my character kiss him’ and then magnus appeared to be like ‘girlie i did that and now i’m cursed so don’t’ but knowing her she’ probably find a way around that hehe
Magnus was kind of pulled from his easy life as a worker for the government's research unit and into a life of luxury and things due to him dating and getting engaged to Songbird. I should probably say that Songbird isn’t his real name and i forgot his real name soooo i’ll tell you once i find it again.
Also Songbird was part of the government's inner circle which is made up of six (once seven) people that they think ‘hmm you guys have a lot of resources and/or power in the community so be part of this group so you don’t fuck up our plans’ and once Songbird committed his first murder, they threw him out but in secret the group’s members have been keeping in contact with him for tibits on the criminal lifestyle lmao.
ALSOOO the scar across magnus’s mouth/face is due to a little scenario i have made up (which i love and have put in my mind forever) is that in the ‘final battle’ for these two, if you can call it that, magnus was trying to convince songbird to report the murders to the police since magnus didn’t know that songbird did them and he ended up kissing him and akdhkd while that was happening magnu’s brain is connecting the dots and is like ‘oh shit my fiance’s a murderer’ and casted fireball but it backfired and hit him in the face as well as songbird.
rotating songbird in my mind WHAT WAS HE DOING IN THE GOVERNMENT INNER CIRCLE HUHHH also love that they’re still in contact like.. do they swap information?? he doesn’t give me the vibes of someone who would give up information to ppl who kicked him out for free so what’s in it for him??? hmmmm
ok now! (claps my hands together and screams) THE SCAR???? HELLO????? holy shit bro i straight up got lightheaded reading that ITS SO FUCKING COOL RAHGHGHHH I AM LOSING MY MINDDDDDD
can. can i draw the sillies. can i PLEASE draw the sillies. oh my god you’ve given me so much brainrot /pos
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anachronistic-falsehood · 2 years ago
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immaanimationnerd · 4 years ago
never seen something embody “mutual pining” more in my entire life
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potetosaradas · 2 years ago
Pray do tell more about these AUs 😳😳 Also hnnn yeah that Daisy fic is a gutpunch already can't wait to see you make it worse 🥴
And LISTEN. I LIVE FOR THE ANGST. I EAT THE ANGST. I BREAAAATHE THE ANGST!!!!!! You bet your ass im gonna try and make it WORSE >:3c
The other AU i have that im working through is Twin AU and its about how close Prime and Rick are as brothers… until they get closer (WINKWONK😌😏) … due to unfortunate circumstances they are separated as teens and when they reconnect when they’re older, Prime is furious to see that Rick has moved on to someone else… (cant divulge more BUT am working on an outline for this AU as we speak!!!!)
Theres one more AU but this is my friend’s idea so im not sure if i can reveal tooooo much BUT i will say that this AU is called Teacher’s Pet and it features Young!Rick as a high school teacher and student!Prime 😏😏 too hot for teacher HHSHDHDJ this AU is particularly gut wrenching but oh so fuCKING HOT AND IM LOSING MY MINDDDDDD HHHRGGHHG
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wakkoroni · 2 years ago
You have read my mindddddd
When Jon and Alfred are gone it’s just Damian sitting in the middle of the room with buzzing energy and no way to express himself. The internal dialogue of him info dumping to himself-
(Or just going into a deeper deep dive)
Damian would get soooo jealous and one time he even asked casually like why they will listen to Tim and not him. Like what does Tim have that he doesn’t? It’s not fair- and they’ll be like
“Don’t compare yourself”
“Don’t be dramatic”
And just making it seem like it’s not a big deal but it’s a big deal to Damian. He just wants to talk and be excited. They’re always like “be a kid, act your age” and the moment he does, they ignore him.
Bonus if like Damian will be the person that everyone goes to to infodump like Damian has the mentality of “treat others how you want to be treated” and so he listens in hope that when he wants to info dump they will listen to- but they never do.
And it’s the same buzzing energy waiting to be expelled but probably never will
Some Damian angst as a headcanon for the soul
Damian being really excited to tell his family something about something he learned during his deep dives in school (he just wants to infodump) and all of this family just doesn’t care. Like mixed replies from
“I’m busy, tell me later”
“Are you trying to teach me something?”
“If I cared I would’ve taken the class myself”
And then other responses that just humor him and listen or at least pretend that they listen, but I mean Damian wasn’t looking for anyone to listen he just wanted to talk about it. He got the gist that no one cares so he’ll text Jon or write about it in his notes app.
I feel like Alfred would listen and actively listen while he’s doing house chores. Damian will help him while talking and Alfred will ask him questions and Damian will answer and it’s a whole conversation rather than a one-sided talk
Until Alfred is gone (idk if he’s gone as in dead or on vacation) and Damian has no one to talk to
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junisfics · 4 years ago
oh my god i think i remember you saying that eren absolutely loves touching his partner when they’re being intimate, but imagine how nice he feels when you’re just as touchy? hands on his abdomen as he’s slowly thrusting into you, fingers trailing up and down his chest when you’re riding him (maybe even leaving shallow scratches) he would eat that shit UP, i believe
so true bae yes
eren would lose his mindddddd. to have you wrapping your arms around his neck, nuzzling his jaw, smoothing over his shoulders all while he's cupping your face, palming your breasts, caressing your waist would make him go crazy.
he's in looovvvveeeee with intimacy and physical touch
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dandaelions · 4 years ago
yukika’s “timeabout,” album thoughts!
GUYS I’VE BEEN SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS ALBUM!! my plan this morning was to sit down and dig into this BUT some kpop guys decided to actually. do stuff *gestures helplessly* so FINALLY I gave it a listen this evening and I NEED TO SPLURGE so this will likely not make any sense alfjskndms
anyways! I discovered yukika by chance after @englishbunnyrocks reblogged a very beautiful photoset of the “soul lady” mv! I was so curious that I decided to check out the album and OH MY GOD I LOVED IT! and from there I’ve discovered soooo much more citypop music and artists I never would’ve known about! so moral of the story, don’t be afraid to check out new stuff bc you never know :)
also I’m sensitive to caffeine and I had a large bubble tea this afternoon which was a mistake bc it’s 11 pm and I’m still WIRED and it’s been Quite A Day! tomorrow’s going to rough lmao but anyhoo here we go
leap forward (intro): ok anytime an album starts with an instrumental intro you know they’re going to be dropping some muzak and BROOOOOOO this intro is so incredible! I feel like it’s the theme song to one of those old science videos we would watch in school! buckle up kids!!! it sets the atmosphere so perfectly for the rest of the album. this is just pure retro goodness, I could listen to 10 hours of this stuff!
insomnia: THAT FUNKY GROOVE!!!!! OH MY GOD that’s such a killer bassline!! and I love how all the elements on top are so floaty and sparkling, I feel like I’m walking through a fancy bejewled cloud! literally the definition of a “chill bop”, if you don’t bob your head to this there’s something wrong with you idk. compared to how in-your-face “soul lady” was as a title track, I actually really liked the subtle nature of this song and I think it really plays to yukika’s strengths! 
lovemonth: YES YES YES I loved this song when it came out as a pre-release single a while back, and again other k-artists do citypop but no one does it quite like her! I LOVE the melody in the chorus, it’s so damn catchy! love the synths happening all over the place here, this is just such a fun song
time travel: omg wow that intro is SO interesting! a little heavier on the percussion than the previous songs, the baseline is more prominent here. god I just want to drive with the windows down and BLAST this, absolutely perfect vibes for summer! it’s quite complex with some background vocals, synths, and horns going on at the same time and the layering is so interesting!
secret: grab your platform heels and sequined jackets, she said we’re going to the DISCO! I’m just dancing around in my chair woo hoo party of one!!! it’s nice to hear something more fast-paced after the previous songs. OH MY GOD THAT CHORUS IM LOSING MY MINDDDDDD I literally don’t even know what to say, I’m already caffeinated and I feel like I just took another espresso shot, this song is releasing some neurotransmitters babey! absolute BOP.
pung!: don’t know what the title means but we’re going to go with it! ahhh the intro sounds so magical and dreamy! an easy-going song that’s not trying too hard, just vibes. her voice is so beautiful :’) I love how all the elements are just swirling around each other and it really helps to give it that nostalgic glow. a perfect way to close out the album!
overall: YUKIKA. DELIVERS. AGAIN. this is such a cohesive, well-made ep and you can tell every element has been so thoughtfully placed! I really love retro-sounding music - no one did synths like the 80s! but when it comes to actual retro songs, I like the vibe but often times the production seems dated, which I know is the charm for some people, but I prefer a little more “oomph” when I’m listening to music. yukika has filled that gap perfectly for me, pairing those retro influences with some juicy modern production and I’m honestly SO GLAD I’ve discovered her! I’m definitely going to jamming to this stuff all summer!
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astraltrain · 5 years ago
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tarantulas4davey · 4 years ago
first of all “big red” pls-
i am,,,,,,, gonna cry meet cutes are all i live for
how do you always exceed every expectation i have i love you with my whole soul omg
dance her home as javid
okay so my favorite, FAVORITE thing abt living in a small town is the fact that the bar is,, so much more than a bar?
the ones in my area have square dance competitions, karaoke nights, line dance classes, etc. (and im sure this is a common thing but i havent really heard a lot abt it so idk)
but just. they’re so lively and everyone is dancing and having a good time !!
cue Jack Kelly.
jack, the town’s golden boy, frequents the bar pretty often; mainly because it’s owned by some of his best friends, Antonio “Racetrack” Higgins and Albert “Big Red” DaSilva.
race and al basically bought the bar from the old owner and COMPLETELY flipped the atmosphere. it used to be a dusty hole in the wall and now it’s the most popular place in town most nights
jack goes into the bar one friday night. it’s pretty busy, there’s a live band, people are dancing and having a blast.
and, all of a sudden, in walks the most gorgeous man Jack has ever seen, looking like a LITERAL angel in the dim lights and the smokey atmosphere.
i feel like i’m legally obligated to describe jack: functionally muscular, with golden brown skin (and freckles) and medium-length, dark brown wavy hair. he’s about 5′10, has a bit of scruff going on in the way of ‘i’ve-been-too-busy-tO-shave’ and he’s wearing dark, starched blue jeans, a pearl snap button up (white with black accents), and a black cowboy hat.
now, this is in STARK contrast to the man who just walked in, who is wearing a simple t-shirt, an unbuttoned blue flannel, ripped jeans (cuffed), and white converse. but this guy........ WOW.
olive skin, brilliant blue eyes, brown hair that looks perfectly messy, a prominent nose, cheekbones that could kill a man... and he has a bracelet on his left wrist: black beads, save for seven consecutive ones making up the rainbow.
“Racer,” Jack calls out, and within seconds, the blonde is leaning over the bar in his direction. “Who... Who’s that?”
“Hm?” Race looks over, and it only takes him a few moments to realize who Jack is talking about. “Oh, that’s... Hm. I wanna say his name is David. Just moved into town. New college graduate, gonna be teachin’ at the school. He came in earlier this week.”
“Go get his drink. On me.”
“Got it.”
so, while race goes over to talk to david, jack uses all of his strength not to just. go up to the man and ask him to dance
bc that’s kind of jack’s Thing; he likes dancing, and he likes dancing with the people he likes, and he’s sure liking this guy across the bar.
they’re too far away for jack to hear what race is saying to david, but david’s gaze snaps to meet jack’s and, OH, he has the most beautiful smile jack has ever seen.
then david is smiling at race and standing up and walking over to jack and jack is on the verge of passing out at this point
“Do you often buy drinks for the strangers in the bar?” David asks as he sits on the stool next to Jack.
“Only when they’re as pretty as you,” Jack responds, and he’s only had one drink; he can’t blame his feelings on the alcohol just yet. “You’re David, right?”
“In the flesh,” David grins, breaking Jack’s gaze for just long enough to tell Race thanks for the drink. “And what’s your name, huh, handsome?”
“I’ll tell ya if you get out on that dance floor with me,” Jack responds with a smirk.
davey SLAMS his drink back and like not even thirty seconds later, they’re dancing together. and it isn’t just a simple little thing; no, they’re like, DANCING dancing.
for example: this video
and YES in the small town au they can dance. shut up
and it’s literally so funny bc you have Mr. Brown Cowboy and Mr. ‘I Went To College In New York City And Also I’m Gay’ just,, GETTING IT on the dance floor.
and obviously they kiss and make out a little bit because duh, they’re attractive strangers at a bar.
they leave that night without ever knowing each other’s last names, but, again, small town. the don’t meet up with each other until they see each other at the gas station like two weeks later and jack is FINALLY able to give Hot David From The Bar his number.
please i just,, i love meet cutes like this
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uglygirlprettyboy · 2 years ago
SPOOPY!!!! GUESS WHAT!!! AAAAAAA i just found out that this summer, im gonna get to see one of my favorite bands, which is sososososo huge for a few reasons, namely that they’re british, i am Not, and they’ve never come to my city
losing my MINDDDDDD
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