#they’re just so gosh darn cute
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Kon x M'gann HC's Part 2 Pretty Please with All the Fixings?
Loving the story.
Alrighty! Part 2!
So, to start off, I’ll just ramble a bit more about M’gann and Kon’s dynamic, then finish up the story :) Also posting this again because I think it turned out SO GOSH DARN CUTE! X3 (P.S. listen to “Bewitched” or “Serendipity” by Laufy. I feel like it captures the ✨ vibes ✨)
So it’s no surprise, after reading part 1, that Kon’s biggest flaw is that he’s very immature. He can get pouty and possessive when M’gann is paying attention to someone else, or when she’s gone for a while. He’s also a bit of an attention seeker, and he loves compliments and positive reinforcement of any kind. The first time M’gann gave him a kiss on the cheek, his world changed forever. Pretty sure it took the other guys about five minutes to snap him out of it. But, thankfully, as the story goes on, Kon gets a crash-course in a lot of things, including curbing his immaturity. He learns that you’re not supposed to roughhouse with girls (unless they’re comfortable with that sort of thing, and even then, don’t hurt them—super-strength and all), and he learns that sometimes M’gann is gonna pay attention to other people or go away for a little while and that’s normal and he doesn’t need to be overly upset about it. (He still pouts and misses her, though. It can’t be helped.) But the thing that he still has a problem with, to this day, is being a bit too aggressive when it comes to defending M’gann. The first time they met another Martian who was horribly rude to her, Kon almost brought out the laser eyes! Like, that dude would have been dust in the wind if the other TT hadn’t stepped in. Kon just can’t stand the idea of anyone hating M’gann, and for such a superficial reason no less! She’s beautiful and should be treated like she’s beautiful! (His words, not mine :) Ultimately, Kon HAS to keep himself in check on that account or else he risks starting an interplanetary war, but boy it’s hard.
M’gann sometimes falls back on her old habits and becomes a “yes woman,” agreeing to everything Kon wants to do even if she secretly wants to do something else. Cassie and Steph are the first to take notice of this behaviour, and help teach her to say “no.” If she’s uncomfortable, Kon isn’t gonna realise it on his own unless she tells him. She’s got to learn to put her foot down on things or she’s gonna be miserable. So M’gann practises this and other types of conversation in front of her mirror at night, and the first time she ever said no to one of Kon’s ideas, she felt so proud of herself! She wouldn’t stop smiling for the whole day! Kon had no idea why she was so happy, but when she was happy, he was happy, so it was a good day all the way around.
The dates they like to go on involve taking long walks around Earth. Neither of them had ever seen an ocean before, so they went to go see the ocean. Neither of them had ever been to a cheese factory before, so they went to go see a cheese factory and got free cheese curds on the way out. Then they went to a real baseball game and ate real hotdogs—they went to a museum (which M’gann liked more than Kon did, but they made it fun in the end)—they went on hikes, marvelling at all the different types of trees and bushes and butterflies and spiders and ants and birds and they even spotted a deer in the distance—and all the while, they would take pictures. So. Many. Pictures. M’gann has this old-school Martian camera and puts photo albums together of all the stuff she and Conner do together, like they’re already an old married couple. lol. Then, of course, when both of them are too tired to go out anywhere, they curl up on the couch and watch some of those old sitcoms M’gann grew up on. M’gann’s favourite is “That Girl” and Kon’s is “Hogan’s Heroes.”
Okay, now I’ve thoroughly set up how much fun they had together, time to make it all come crumbling down.
In the last post I said that Kon kept M’gann’s secret about being a white Martian and her past from the NTT and the JLA, but there was one person he was obligated to tell: Lex Luthor. Being that he was secretly working for the bald maniac, and it was his job to report in with any new information he’d learned, he had no choice. Even when he tried to lie or exclude details, Luthor grew suspicious of him and forced the info out of him. So when the reveal of his betrayal happened, it was so much worse for M’gann. Lex used what he had learned to help take her down, and also create a rift between her and Kon, because he wasn’t supposed to be getting attached to M’gann anyway. Kon was ordered to forget about her because he was never going to see her ever again, and M’gann wanted to forget Kon for sharing her most sacred secret. Not to mention, he had been lying to her from the start about his past, about his intentions, and who knows what else. Had he been using her to get information about the Justice League? About her uncle? Yes, he had, and he wanted to tell M’gann that he was ashamed of what he had done, but Lex wouldn’t let them be in the same room, so M’gann was left to think all sorts of awful things about him. It was a dismal day. This event is covered in full in another post which I will link below.
Now, of course, this story has a happy ending (because happy endings are the best kind of endings). Lex is eventually defeated, Kon is freed from him and LexCorp, and for once he gets to call the shots in his life. The first is going to M’gann and trying to make things up to her in any way he can. Now, at this point, M’gann knows that Lex was twisting Kon’s arm to a certain extent, so her anger is a little softened, but she still feels like an idiot for trusting him so easily, and she’s nervous about trusting him again. He’s still such an immature person—who knows what kind of big mistake he’ll make next?
Kon plucks up his courage and makes a traditional Martian apology to her—the big ceremonial kind meant for state officials and royalty when they’ve severely messed up something BIG—and begs her to give him one more chance. He knows full well that he’s a bit of a dunce when it comes to girls and Earth culture and even being a good person (again, his words) but he wants to be a better friend, he wants to be a good hero, and more than anything else he wants to be the best boyfriend he could possibly be for her. When he was making his decision to finally stand up against Lex, he was afraid of what Lex would do to him… but then he thought of M’gann. He remembered how much she meant to him, and that Lex was planning on hurting her as a part of his evil scheme, and even if it meant Lex would go ahead and terminate him and make another clone, he didn’t care. M’gann mattered more. And she always would. So, with all of this before her, M’gann was quite stunned, to say the least. For a moment, she didn’t know what to say. Given the fact that Kon had partaken in much of Lex’s plan willingly, the JLA agreed that some form of punishment was only fair, so it had been decided that Kon would spend a year on the Kent farm, essentially doing community service by helping them with all the chores. He would be confined to the property during all of that time, too, so the two of them were going to spend the next year in different places. M’gann hesitantly answered Kon’s apology with a “Maybe… I could write to you… and we’ll see where it goes from there.”
Kon was so happy. He plowed through all his chores on the Kent farm each and every day—Ma and Pa, and sometimes Clark when he had the time—would teach him things and show him to do stuff, like carpentry. And then, every day he’d go and check the mailbox, waiting for a letter from M’gann, and when he’d get one, he’d race up to his room (Clark’s old room) and read it ten times over. Then he’d grab a paper and pen and write his response, filling her in on all the things that had happened on the farm the last week or so. They wrote to each other non-stop that year, eagerly, patiently waiting for Kon’s sentence to be up. And when it had been a full year, and Kon came back to the city and the NTT, he and M’gann went for a walk in the park, and without saying a word, they both knew… there was no one else they’d rather spend the rest of their life with.
(Then the picture is from a little party the gang threw in celebration of their victories over all their villains, including Lex, and everyone was encouraged to wear their home country’s traditional garb, and maybe even bring some traditional food or a traditional party game. It was a fun night, and M’gann and Conner got to see each other dressed up for the first time (probably. I haven’t written out each individual episode for the NTT yet, but I like to imagine this is the first time ☺️))
Part 1 👇
Kon’s backstory is included in this post… 👇
#art#fan art#dc#dc comics#teen titans#the new teen titans#m’gannxconner#m’gann m’orzz#miss martian#conner kent#kon el#superboy#miss martian x superboy
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Prose (part 1)
In which y/n's taking way too many units, and Harry's the graduate assistant for her Literature class.
It’s a gloomy autumn day, the sun nowhere to be found, the sky cloudy and gray. Y/n stands in front of Dr. Richmond’s door, nervously pulling back her hair and righting the state of her sweater.
The wind outside was not forgiving today, blowing harsh and cold and whipping her hair all over like she was caught in the middle of a god damn tornado. She tucks any stray pieces behind her ears and pats her wind-stung cheeks – oh gosh, she probably looks a mess.
She should’ve worn something more professional, she thinks to herself as she tugs her skirt down. Maybe trousers and a blazer– or at least a pair of jeans. Not this stupid little black skirt that keeps riding up, halfway hidden underneath her cream-colored knitted sweater. It keeps riding up, no matter how firmly she keeps tugging it down, and she’s got a horrible inkling that she might’ve accidentally flashed her bum at the workers in the street while she was walking to campus today.
She looks down at her shoes, a pair of black mary janes, paired with some lacy white socks to decorate her ankles. They looked super cute when she put them on this morning – but now she’s worried that she looks like a kindergartener. Is she too old to be wearing frilly socks? They’re just so darn cute… but she doubts the sixty-something year old professor that’s on the other side of the door would think the same thing.
Wiping her sweaty palms on her skirt, she takes a deep breath. It’s now or never. She lifts her hand up to the door, and nervously brings her knuckles down to knock.
It took all of her confidence to come to Dr. Richmond’s office today. She’s not a huge fan of talking to professors outside of class – drafting emails to them literally sends her into a spiral of stress, and she always feels like she’s gonna shit her pants when she goes to office hours– but she has no choice but to come and directly talk to Dr. Richmond today. She’d sent him two emails already (both of them had taken her over two hours to send because she actually despises writing emails and is always nervous that she’s gonna make a typo, or call the professor the wrong name, or accidentally attach her sex tape ((even though she doesn’t have a sex tape?)), but he hadn’t responded to either of those emails and she needs a response from him ASAP.
The door opens before her knuckles even make contact with wood, a short stout man walking out of the office with his briefcase in hand. He’s balding, with only a thin circle of gray hair lining the back perimeter of his head, and a pair of classes sit on his large, oily nose. Y/n stumbles, her eyes widening as she embarrassingly lowers her knuckles from the door and takes a startled step backwards.
“Oh– um, Dr. Richmond?” she stammers nervously, her voice at a much higher pitch than usual. She’d love to stick a pore strip on his nose and unclog all those blackheads.
“That’s me,” he grumbles, sighing heavily, not even looking at her. He’s the head of the English Language and Literature department, a busy man surely. Students probably pester him every hour of every day. Still, she wishes that maybe she could’ve gotten a more… enthusiastic response from him.
“Hi, sir,” she says, swallowing thickly. “I-I was having some issues with enrolling in your English 270 lecture and– um,” she’s starting to lose confidence as Dr. Richmond blatantly ignores her, rummaging through his briefcase for his keys. “I was… wondering if you had a second to, um, discuss it?” Her voice quietly fades towards the end, not sure if Dr. Richmond was even listening at that point– as he’d taken out his phone and started replying to a text while she had still been talking.
He takes a solid five seconds to type out and send his text before responding to y/n. “Take it up with Harry,” he mumbles, still not looking at her. “M’done for the day.”
“Harry?” she repeats, her voice confused and eyebrows pinching together. But Dr. Richmond’s already walking away from her, halfway down the hall. “Oh,” she mumbles to herself sadly, lips pouting. All that, for nothing. He literally just walked away from her.
She sighs heavily, ready to turn on her heel and walk back to her apartment from this failed mission – but then a voice sounds from inside the office. "In here!" it calls out.
She peaks her head inside timidly.
Behind the desk sits a boy, with chocolate brown curls swirled atop his head. “Hello,” he hums, putting the essay he’d been reading down on the desk and looking at her with all his attention. There’s a soft smile on his pretty pink lips, twisted to the side with a dimple poking at his cheek. His eyes are green and glimmer kindly, framed by a pair of dark tortoise shell glasses. “How can I help you?”
This man is much more attractive than grumpy old (and oily) Dr. Richmond.
Y/n struggles to find her voice. “Are you… um, are you Harry?” Her eyes flicker all over this attractive young man’s face, trying to figure out if this is a hallucination or if a boy that pretty actually exists in real life.
“Indeed I am,” he chirps, his chair squeaking as he leans forward. She briefly remembers seeing the name “Harry E. Styles” listed as the graduate teaching assistant, underneath Dr. Richmond’s name on the course website, and is finally connecting the dots. He’s dressed in a white button up, the top few buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to reveal tattooed forearms and an anchor on his wrist. His fingers tap against the desk rhythmically, and she finds her eyes drawn to the glittery rings decorating them. Her mind goes blank.
It’s clear that he’s a few years older than herself – but not in a bad way. He just looks taller and broader and… smarter than most of the boys her own age. He has just the slightest bit of stubble on his upper lip, and his eyes just shine with wisdom and intellect.
“Did you have a question?” he asks, voice a little teasing as he jolts her out of her little trance. She tucks her hair behind her ear, embarrassed, and quickly averts her eyes from his hands.
“Yeah, um– Dr. Richmond said you’d be able to help me with my enrollment issues?”
“Sure,” he crosses one leg over the other (y/n definitely notices the way his meaty thighs bulge) and leans back in his seat, hands folded neatly on his knee, “What’s up?”
“Well, I wanted to enroll in English 270, the Romantic Literature and Society lecture–” Harry nods attentively, “ –but the class is restricted to students in the Department of English Literature… which I’m not.” His eyebrows furrow hesitatingly, and she’s quick to defend herself. “I’ve taken all the prerequisites, though! I did well in all of them, and I emailed the department coordinator and they said that it’s fine for me to enroll in this class. It would just be a manual enrollment instead of the standard enrollment but they’ve done it for me for all the other literature classes I’ve taken that were also major restricted. All I need is a permission code and the professor's approval!” She pauses, taking a breath after her big ramble. “Or your approval, I suppose,” she adds as an afterthought.
He’s silent for a bit, sitting there with furrowed brows and pursed lips, just staring at her. She shifts her weight from one foot to the other, squirming under his intense gaze.
Finally he asks, “What do you study then? If not literature?”
“Um– I’m a psych major.”
“And… why would a psychology major need to take an upper division literature class?” he presses. Not trying to be rude, but just to understand.
“Oh. I just… really enjoy books,” she says shyly. “It’s not for any credit toward my major. But I promise that I’ll stay on top of the work and participate and all that!”
He leans his forearms on the desk. His eyes are thoughtful, and he takes his time before speaking. “Your name was…?” he trails off.
“Y/n,” she fills in quickly. He nods.
“Miss y/n,” he sits up straighter, and looks her in the eye, “How many other units are you taking this semester?”
“Um…” she counts them off in her head. “16?”
“So with this class you’d be at 20?” he confirms.
She nods, nervously chewing on the inside of her cheek. That is a lot of units. The last time she took 20 units she had a mental breakdown so intense that she spent an entire night just crying to her roommate (Iris), incapable of doing any work or studying because she was just so stressed out and overwhelmed. She had to skip classes just to catch up on the work that she’d fallen behind on for her other classes, and found her weekends swamped with essays and studying and missed assignments. She only just barely survived, and as soon as finals week was over, she literally collapsed with exhaustion, her body and brain so burnt out that she was sick for weeks. She’d promised herself that she’d never do it again… and yet here she is not even two semesters later.
She can already imagine how stressful this semester is going to be.
“You understand, miss y/n, that this is not an easy class?” He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, and somehow it’s attractive. “We have weekly readings and essays and discussions, and the final paper is not a matter to be taken lightly. You truly believe you can manage that on top of all your other classes?”
She gulps nervously, but timidly nods. He can tell that he’s laid it all on a bit harshly.
“I’m not trying to scare you,” he says softly. “I’m just trying to be… realistic. You seem to be a highly motivated student – and I admire that you’re pursuing topics that truly interest you – but I’d hate to see you burn yourself out.”
“I think I can handle it,” she says, quiet but confident. “It’s something I enjoy so it’s more like a hobby than a class. And I think it’ll be fun? I saw on the syllabus that we’d be analyzing Frankenstein, which is one of my favorites…”
His lips twist in a soft, endeared smile. He also loves Frankenstein.
“Very well then,” he murmurs, his eyes glimmering thoughtfully. “What was it you needed to get enrolled? A permission code? I think if you just give me your student ID number I can get that sorted out…”
The weather today is better.
It’s still cloudy and gray outside, but the wind is much more forgiving, just a gentle breeze rustling through the trees. Orange and red leaves fall to the ground, crunching underneath y/n’s feet as she walks to class. They match the red sweater that she’s wearing today, soft and knitted with hidden tones of orange and brown woven between the threads. The colors of autumn, her favorite season.
A pair of wired headphones trail from her back pocket to her ears. She’s listening to her fall playlist, Lana Del Rey’s Season of the Witch setting the tempo of her walk to campus. In one hand she carries her book – The Secret History by Donna Tart – and in the other she carries her iced chai latte. Her fingers are freezing as she holds her iced drink, and a shiver crawls down her spine every time she takes a sip – but she doesn’t regret her drink order at all. She’ll have an iced chai in her hand no matter the weather.
Wanting to make a good impression on the first day of classes, she got up extra early today to get a head start. She washed her face so that she’d look extra bright and awake, ate a proper breakfast at her dining table instead of her usual banana-on-the-walk-to-class, and put on an outfit that she thought gave… studious. Her autumn sweater, dark blue denim jeans, and white sneakers. She even chose her book to match the academic vibe she was going for today (she was between The Secret History and Happy Place, and Happy Place just felt too summery for such a gloomy day… plus The Secret History has been on her TBR for way too long.).
She arrives at the lecture hall approximately… 20 minutes too early. But it was on purpose! She’s only taken a few classes in the literature building (most of her classes are in the social science buildings) and wanted to have enough time to find the room before class started. How horrible would it be for her to be late on the first day, when she’s desperate to make such a good impression on Harry? And Dr. Richmond, of course– but mostly Harry.
He was nice. And she wants him to like her. Ballad of a girl who craves academic validation.
The door to the lecture hall is locked, so y/n takes a seat on the floor right next to the door, and cracks her book open. She’s only 15 pages in, but she’s already enthralled. She can’t count how many times this novel has been recommended to her – always in those “best books to read in fall<3” tik toks, or the list of classics recommended by the New York Times – and she gets it. She zones in, her eyes flickering from one page to the next as her headphones softly play Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac. She’s not one to usually listen to music while she reads (she usually finds it to be too distracting), but she’s so engrossed in this world and these characters that she barely remembers that she’s still listening to music. The people walking past her in the hallway fade away, the fluorescent lights transform into the dark library her book characters are currently huddled in, and no sound passes through her wired headphones – not even the heeled boots clicking against the tile floors, getting closer and closer to her.
She only realizes that she’s not alone when those brown boots stop right in front of her, shining brightly in contrast to her worn out sneakers. She looks up suddenly, yanking her headphones out of her ears. Harry towers over her, key in hand, which he sticks into the lock. A soft smirk twists at his lips, and his green eyes flicker to where she’s looking up at him from the floor.
“Miss y/n,” he says with a pleasant nod, a hint of amusement in his voice, “You’re here early.”
She folds the corner of the page she’s on and stands up, gently shutting her book. “I didn’t want to be late,” she responds, fussing with her stubborn headphones, which refuse to tuck into her back pocket. “I don’t have many classes in this building… didn’t want to get lost or anything on the first day.”
He opens the door and lets y/n in first, following in closely behind her. “Punctuality is good.” He props the door open.
She looks around the lecture hall. It’s not nearly as big as the classrooms she usually sits in for her psychology classes – those classes are huge, usually filled with a bunch of freshmen from all sorts of majors trying to fulfill their lower division GE requirements and whatnot. Those lecture halls could fit up to 400 people. This one probably wouldn’t fit more than 60.
Not a problem though, considering that this class only had about 40 students enrolled (she checked last night).
She wonders where she should sit. Too far in the back and she’d make the wrong first impression… but too close to the front and she might be the annoying kid that asks too many questions. Third row is her best bet.
There’s still about 15 minutes before the class is scheduled to start, and she’s still the only one in the lecture hall apart from Harry. She feels a bit awkward, being the person in the sea of seats, but Harry pays no mind to her, shuffling through papers and logging onto the computer at the front podium. Though her book sits opened on her lap, she can’t help but stare at him.
He’s wearing brown trousers, well fitted around his legs and cutting off perfectly at his ankles as if they were custom tailored for him. Cream colored socks adorn his ankles and those shiny, brown leather boots click against the floor with his every step. Very professional, but also casual with the way his white button up is rolled up at the sleeves and unbuttoned at the top. He’s missing those cute glasses today, though.
She watches as he struggles to turn the projector on, his eyebrows furrowed as he presses all the buttons on the panel. The lights in the classroom turn on and off again, and the computer audio mutes and unmutes before he finally figures out how to get the screen to roll down and the projector to flicker on. Despite him being only a few years older, he looks like an old man toggling with the buttons and trying to get technology to work in his favor. She bites back a smile, and quickly looks down to her book when Harry’s eyes briefly flicker to hers. From her peripheral vision, she can see him laughing as well and shaking his head at himself.
She traces her fingers over the pages of the book, clearly well loved and worn out. She got it from the library just last week, after having been on the waitlist for the book for the past month. She can see why it’s so popular though, already so engrossed by the plot. The pages are old and yellow, the edges folded and ripped with years of use, and it has that old book smell that she just adores. How old is this book? It was published in the 90’s, wasn’t it?
Harry’s voice interrupts her thoughts. “Reading something good?”
She looks up at him with wide eyes. He’s managed to successfully display the course syllabus on the projector screen, and is now walking around the desk with a stack of papers in his hand. He stands in front of the very first row, leaning his weight onto one leg with a hand in his pocket.
“Oh, um–” she falters, “I actually just started it. I’ve heard it’s supposed to be really good.” She sits up straighter in her seat, “Have you heard of it? The Secret History?”
Harry purses his lips, “Sounds familiar… haven’t read it though. You’ll have to tell me if it’s worth reading, alright?”
She nods, smiling shyly. Call her delusional but… it feels like a bit of an honor for him to trust her with a book recommendation. That takes a lot of trust, doesn’t it? To trust that someone will recommend a good book to you?
She’s totally making a big deal out of nothing. She does that sometimes.
“How about you?” she asks, her voice embarrassingly quiet. She’s shy, and nervous, and she’s not that good at small talk, and Harry is looking at her with these intense, green eyes that make her feel like she’s saying the most important thing in the world. She clears her throat, forcing her voice to not come out scared and shaky, “Read anything good lately?”
He grins, and she can tell this is probably his favorite thing to talk about. “M’reading, like, five books at once,” he admits sheepishly. “Kafka on the Shore, if you’ve heard of it… Notes from Underground, by Dostoevsky for one of m’own classes…” he purses his lips in thought, “Started re-reading Paradise Lost as well. We’re analyzing it in one of the other classes im TA-ing, n’ it’s one of my favorites to teach,” he says with a shrug. His eyes are so thoughtful as he lists off the books that he’s reading, flickering green and gold. He’s just… beautiful.
“I haven’t read any of them,” y/n says regretfully, wishing that she could impress him with some sort of intellectual talk about one of these books. “I’ve had Kafka on the Shore on my list for a while, though.”
He smiles. “S’a good one.” There’s a dimple in his left cheek that pinches cutely, the glimmer in his eyes a sight to behold. His pretty pink lips purse thoughtfully, his heart shaped cupid's bow twitching as though he has more to say – but then another student walks in.
Harry’s head whips around. His jawline is sharp, and he nods politely at the new student. “Good morning,” he murmurs to the girl – that same welcoming voice that had made y/n’s heart flutter that first day that she met him.
He turns back to y/n, and hands her a paper from the stack in his hands. “The syllabus,” he says, his eyes kind and warm.
She swallows thickly as he walks away from her, enamored already.
“Classes will be Tuesdays and Thursdays,” Dr. Richmond lectures from the front of the class. His voice is croaky and old, so he has a tiny microphone clipped to his shirt pocket to project his voice to the back of the class – despite the small size of the lecture hall. “Thursdays I’ll lead the class,” he drones on, “We’ll analyze the romantic era… how their literature was a reflection of their politics… how they set the foundation of modern day consumerism, capitalism, patriarchy, globalism, imperialism…” he waves his hand passively. “The works.”
He takes a long sip of water, and his swallow echoes through the class, amplified by his shirt microphone. Y/n cringes at the wet mouth sounds as he smacks his lips together.
“On Tuesday’s–” his voice booms through the microphone again, “you will come to a class discussion led by Harry. This means that you’ll have the entire weekend to do the readings…”
Nearly all the eyes in the room flicker to Harry, who’s been standing quietly in the corner with his hands folded behind his back while Dr. Richmond continues to lecture. He gives a small, almost bashful wave to the class at the mention of his name, his eyes scanning the room of unfamiliar faces. Their eyes meet, and his lips twist into a smile. This is the third time she’s caught his eye during the lecture.
He stares at her for a second, eyes glinting as if the two of them have a secret that they’re not sharing with the rest of the class. It makes her heart race in her chest, smiling back at him secretly.
She breaks their eye contact when Dr. Richmond croaks out with the last of his voice, “Any questions?”
He’s met with silence.
“No? Okay good, class dismissed. See you all on Thursday.”
The class bustles with life, backpacks zipping and pull out desks squeaking as everyone slowly trickles out of the room. A line forms in front of Dr. Richmond’s podium, with students eagerly introducing themselves and asking questions about the syllabus, only to be redirected to the back of the new line forming in front of Harry’s corner. Harry smiles kindly at every question and speaks with eloquence, strikingly different to Dr. Richmond’s grumbling and groaning.
It’s glaringly obvious that Harry is going to be a class favorite.
In the middle of answering a redheaded boy’s question, his gaze wanders over to y/n, watching her as she packs up her things, eyes following her to the door. She tucks her book under her arm and plugs her headphones into her ear, throwing her bag over her shoulder.
Her drink is finished, just a cup full of melting ice at this point, so she stops at the trash can right at the front of the door. As she throws it away, she manages one final glance back at Harry. He’s already looking at her. He grins when their eyes meet, and gives a small wave goodbye.
She bites back a smile, then hurries out of the classroom before he gets the chance to see her giddy eyes and heating cheeks.
Y/n honestly doesn’t love going to office hours.
It’s hard, because on one hand, she knows that she should go to them and form a relationship with her professors so that they can write her letters of rec in the future… but on the other, they’re so crowded and awkward! Every other student is there for the same reason as her, going into office hours to ask their silly questions and try to butter up the professor. There are usually at least a dozen college students in there, waiting for their one second interaction with the professor before they all get kicked out at the end of the hour. It’s annoying and a waste of her time. Plus, she doubts Dr. Richmond is all that into getting buttered up
That’s why she chooses to go to TA office hours instead. Usually much more quiet and much more intimate. Not that many people like to go to TA office hours for some reason, which means she usually gets to have one-on-one help. And sometimes (if the TA is really cool) they’ll basically give her the answers to the homework – a good thing, right?
Well… not when the TA is this ridiculously attractive and charming boy with curly brown hair and pretty green eyes that she can’t help but have a teensy little crush on.
Like… can you blame her? He’s smart and handsome, and so incredibly kind and sweet. His eyes glimmer when he talks about his favorite books and his lips are always curled into a smile that makes her heart bubble. Always so polite and respectful, doing gentlemanly things while his boyish dimples pinch his cheeks. His voice is slow and sultry like smooth honey – and you can just tell that his mind is a beautiful place just from the way he talks.
He’s just… endearing. Straight out of some romance book– and y/n loves romance!!! She can’t help but have a little bit of a heart flutter when she sees him standing in the corner of the lecture hall, especially when their eyes meet and he smiles at her cutely.
He’s just being nice – she knows that, and she is well aware that she’s very delusional and that nothing is going to happen… but still, the prospect of going to his office hours and potentially having a one-on-one conversation with him makes her giddy and nervous at the same time.
She pulls herself together and shakes away all the silly thoughts clouding her brain. Hoisting her bag up her shoulder, she enters the small office, the gold plaque reading Styles, H. shining proudly as she walks through the door.
Harry doesn’t hear her walk in, his brows furrowed behind his tortoise shell glasses. A red pen is in his hand, brutally attacking a freshman essay. He looks up, a tad bit startled, when she knocks on the door timidly.
The furrow in his brow immediately softens and turns into that familiar, kind smile. “Miss y/n,” his eyes shine like the nighttime sky filled with stars, “My first student of the day.”
“Oh,” she checks the time. “I thought office hours started like, thirty minutes ago. Was I wrong? Am I early?” She intentionally wanted to show up a little late, not wanting to seem too eager.
“No, no – you were right,” he hums, putting his pen down. “Not many students tend to show up to our office hours, is all. Especially not during the first week.”
She bites on the inside of her lip and wonders if she should be embarrassed for being the only one to show up, but Harry is quick to continue,“I wish more people did come, though. Like– if nobody shows up, all I do is sit here and grade for an hour.” His lips purse out cutely, a thoughtful pout, “And I hate grading.”
“Oh– I’ll probably be here a lot,” y/n says mindlessly. “I always have questions. And Dr. Richmond kinda scares me.”
Harry sputters out a laugh, and y/n’s cheeks heat up. Maybe that was inappropriate to say. But then Harry leans in and whispers, “He scares me too, sometimes.”
It’s these charming little moments that make him so endearing. She tries not to get too distracted by his dimples and how his fingers tap delicately against his thigh, hugged deliciously by another pair of well fitting trousers.
“Um– if it’s not a bother, I was wondering if I could ask about the first assignment? I was kind of confused about what's expected from us for the free-write thing…”
“M’all yours,” Harry murmurs, gesturing to the seat across from his desk.
Y/n’s fatal flaw is thinking that she can beat a rainstorm.
She actively knew there was an 80% chance of rain today. She saw the rainy streets. She heard the weather forecast. But did she bring an umbrella with herself to campus?
Somehow she rationalized in her brain that she didn’t need it. It was barely sprinkling when she walked out of her apartment, and the walk to class was only like 15 minutes! She’d make it to campus and then she’d be indoors all day and by the time she needed to go home the rain would probably have died down, and everything would be fine.
Oh how wrong she was. Silly girl.
The rain is pounding down on her right now. Big fat raindrops soaking through her hoodie and turning her light wash denim jeans into a completely new color. She has many regrets. What had started off as a cute little walk in the rain has turned into her running through a fucking monsoon or something. The slight, gentle drizzle had escalated to pouring rain in a matter of seconds. She had left her apartment with her earbuds playing Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer, romanticizing her little stroll in the rain – but now her wire headphones are barely hanging on as half-speedwalks/ half-runs down the sidewalk with her head down.
When she gets stuck at a crosswalk on a busy street, she glances frantically to her left and right, trying to find a tree or a building to take shelter under. But the sky is wide and open, no roof or canopy for her to hide under. She stands helplessly, the rain pouring down on her. The only thing she can do is pull her hood up and grip it tightly so that the rain doesn’t get in her face.
The rain pierces through her clothes, and the wind feels extra cold against her wet jeans. Thank god she at least wore rainboots today, she thinks to herself as she stares down at the ground. This would suck even more if her socks were getting wet. She had thought far ahead enough to anticipate the possibility of puddles – and yet still didn’t imagine the need for an umbrella. The hems of her pants are soaked and feel horrible against her ankles, and she knows for a fact that she’s gonna have to let her hoodie air dry or something during Dr. Richmond’s lecture. Ugh. She hopes the lecture hall is warmer than it is out here.
She readjusts her headphones, pushing the earbuds further into her ear after they nearly fell out whilst she was running here. She likes this song, and it’s kind of romantic to be listening to it in the rain (it would be even more romantic if she wasn’t SOAKED TO THE CORE). If there’s anything y/n will do, it’s romanticize the shit out of any situation.
Cars are driving past quickly, but she can’t hear them, her music loud enough to drown out their annoying engines. She stares at a nearby puddle, looking at how it ripples as each drop of rain splatters into it. She wonders if mother nature has a personal vendetta against her – if Earth had personally planned to make it rain super hard the minute that she stepped out of her apartment. Why does she always do this? This isn’t the first time she’s caught herself soaked because she was too lazy to bring an umbrella with herself – and it probably isn’t the last time either. She crosses her arms across her chest and hides her hands in her sleeves, hugging herself tightly as a feeble defense against the biting rain. Why won’t the stupid crosswalk turn on? Her slightly damp hair falls into her eyes as she looks back down at her boots, letting out an annoyed huff.
The shadow of a new person tickles her peripheral vision. They brought an umbrella. She scolds herself once more.
It takes her a second to realize that, although she can still see the rain drizzling around her, splattering against the ground and splashing onto her boots… she actually doesn’t feel the gentle patter of raindrops against the top of her head anymore. She looks up.
Somehow, she is now under the umbrella. And the person holding said umbrella… is Harry.
He looks gorgeous as usual, dressed in a dark blue trench coat, black trousers, and some sleek black boots with gold buckles on them. Standing to her left, he holds his umbrella up between them in a way that shields both of them from the rain. He stares forward innocently, pretending like everything is normal – like he hadn't just snuck up next to her and shared his umbrella with her. She can see a slight smile tugging on his lips though, and when she stares at him long enough, he peeks over at her with a glint shimmering in his pupils. His pretty pink lips curl into that sideways smile, and he says nothing.
Y/n can’t help but give a dumbstruck little laugh. Of course it would be Harry.
He winks at her, ever so charming and mischievous, then turns back to face the road. The crosswalk switches from Stop to Go, and Harry takes a step forward. Y/n follows in his stride.
They say nothing, and walk to their lecture shoulder to shoulder.
“So,” Harry says with a clap, his voice loud and strong, “I hope you all got the chance to do the first chapter of our reading.” Unlike Dr. Richmond, Harry doesn’t need a microphone to project his voice to the back of the class. All eyes are staring at him, ears listening intently. And all the girls are staring at his pretty pink lips, and how they curl over each word (y/n included).
“I know life gets in the way, so if y’ever don’t get the chance to finish the assigned reading… tha’s okay,” he says with a quirk of his lips. “M’not gonna be mad. I just ask that you don’t let it turn into a habit, and y’don’t pretend like you read it. M’gonna know if you’re bullshitting me… so just don’t even try.” The entire class laughs, and Harry’s dimple pokes his cheek.
“So– be honest– how many of you guys read the first chapter?”
All the students raise their hands, and Harry nods approvingly, “Nice… very nice.” He’s a natural at the front of the classroom, entertaining and intellectual at the same time – confident and eloquent. His words are thoughtful and slow, but not one student seems to be bored by his slow drawl. No – instead everyone hangs onto his every word, dripping soft and thick like golden honey. He answers questions easily and plays off of student responses like a pro, and everyone seems keen on impressing him with fancy literature talk.
“You might have seen on our course page that I posted a series of discussion questions… I’ll try to have these up at least a week in advance so that you can have them in the back of your mind whilst you’re reading. I always find it to be particularly stimulating to be reading a novel with a question in mind… dunno, makes me feel sharper while I read. Does anyone else feel that way?” He talks to the class as if they’re all friends, mildly flirtatious in the natural, charming way that he is.
The group of undergraduates nod back at him, enthralled by his smile and his wit and just everything about him. God, his smile is just so charming. “Okay... how about we get started with the first one? Wait– actually, before that… I’m just wondering, have any of you already read Frankenstein before?”
Two students out of the forty raise their hands – a boy wearing a Bob Dylan t-shirt, and y/n.
Harry’s eyes meet y/n’s for the first time since they entered the classroom together. They’d walked across campus together in comfortable silence, past the campus Starbucks and the Social Science buildings, and when they got to the Literature department building Harry had held the door open for her, while shaking off the rain droplets from his umbrella. They walked through the halls side by side as well, Harry’s shiny boots clicking in time with the squeak of y/n’s wet sneakers against the tile floors. All he had said to her during the entirety of their walk was “After you,” when he’d opened the door for her.
Now he looks at her for the first time in what feels like ages, and gives her an approving nod. He already knew that, from that very first day when she’d come to his office, asking for permission codes and what not. She feels her heart fluttering excitedly, just from that single nod.
“Interesting… so it’s a first read for most of you. Brilliant! We’ll have a good time reading it together, I promise,” he says, his green eyes gleaming. “I love this book – it’s sometimes called the first science fiction book, written at a time where technology was first being introduced, and it’s regarded as one of the most famous novels of the Romantic era. Mary Shelly, the author, was a prominent Romantic era writer who shared the common Romantic appreciation for the natural world and how art can evoke emotions, which we can clearly see in her novel. We’ll take a few different approaches while analyzing it. Most prominently through a Romantic lens – but we’ll also do a feminist reading and religious reading, as well as a biographical approach… which brings us to the first discussion question – ‘Frankenstein is ultimately a novel about creation– a new and terrifying exploration of bringing life into the world. Based on what you read in the introduction, how can we see Mary Shelly’s personal experiences with life, birth, and death in the themes explored in Frankenstein?’” He looks up from the sheet of paper that he just read the question aloud from with bright eyes, “Anyone want to start us off?”
The class is silent, the crowd of students suddenly much quieter compared to when they’d been going back and forth with playful banter to Harry’s jokes. Everyone’s a little too nervous to be the first one to say anything, and nobody wants to say the wrong thing. Harry holds his breath, and searches for a hand to save them from this awkward bit of silence. This kind of shyness is normal for the first day of classes – in fact, he’d expected it – but it still doesn’t mean it’s any less awkward. His eyes flicker from one side of the class to the other, from the front row to the back.
He almost misses y/n’s hand, timidly raising from her set spot in the third row. Harry’s eyes light up. “Miss y/n,” he murmurs, “go ahead.”
“Well, in the introduction we learn that Mary Shelly had a few failed pregnancies before writing her novel, and that her own mother had passed during childbirth complications. Shelly goes on to depict the cycle of life as destructive… Frankenstein’s monster is this disfigured creature that the creator is running from, which we see right at the beginning. The introduction implies that this “horrifying” birth and the death of the creator at the hands of what it created, might be symbolic of her own experiences.”
“Excellent. That’s exactly right,” his smiles meet his eyes, and they twinkle, impressed. “The reason we have this as the first discussion question,” Harry turns back to the rest of the class, “is because I want you guys to keep it in mind while reading. Look for the ways Shelly describes birth – take note of the strained relationship she creates between the creator and his creation. Also, recall how Shelly herself proclaimed this book to be her “hideous progeny” – to use such intense language whilst also calling it her “progeny” holds a lot of implications of what Shelly’s view on Creation is – whether is biologically or creatively. This is something that we’ll discuss further in depth when we get farther into the novel, so I want you all to start thinking about it now.”
All the students in the room nod intently, writing down what Harry said word for word.
“Furthermore, has anyone noticed that we’ve already seen a lot of references to fire? Pretty obvious symbolism, right?” The class nods. “Does anyone know why she chose fire, specifically?”
It’s silent again. Y/n looks around herself to see if anyone else might have the answer, but everyone stares up at Harry blankly.
“Don’t be shy on me now, guys. Promise m’not mean,” Harry smiles, “Just wanna get the discussion flowing.”
Y/n shyly raises her hand again. “It’s a reference to Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods – she even alternatively calls her story The Modern Prometheus.”
His eyes glimmer, a shine behind his irises that doesn’t show up when he looks at his other students – just y/n. As hard as he tries not to pick favorites… he can’t help but harbor a little bit of favoritism towards her. “Very good, Miss y/n,” he praises with a soft smile.
Y/n’s cheeks turn hot and she ducks her head down, unable to stop the reciprocating smile from spreading on her face.
“Miss y/n,” Harry calls out to her as the students file out of the classroom. “A word, please.”
Y/n hoists her bag over her shoulder and makes her way to the podium where he stands. He’s packing up his own things, his own beat up copy of Frankenstein being placed delicately in his bag, along with a stack of other papers and things that he has to grade. A few other students have approached him, asking questions that they were too shy to ask during class, but with a sly smile he tells them to ask their questions at his office hours (Thursdays at 5 – but y/n already knew that!). Her fingers twist nervously behind her back as she stands awkwardly by his side as the rest of the students ask their questions and trickle out.
He waits until all the students have left, and it’s just him and y/n standing by the podium, before he says anything to her.
“You were making some excellent points today in class,” he looks up at her briefly with a smirk, “I appreciate your participation. Class is always more difficult to lead when students don’t participate.”
“Oh,” she blinks. She’s never been thanked for participating in class. “Erm– yeah. I-I’m happy to participate.” She readjusts her bag, tugging it higher up her shoulders, “S’just kinda like a big book club if y’really think about it.”
“It is, isn’t it?” he agrees with a quirk of his lips. He zips up his bag, and pulls it over his own shoulder, “How are you planning on getting home?”
A strange follow up question, she thinks to herself. But she responds, nonetheless, “Oh, I was just gonna walk.” Harry peers out of the window, then looks back at y/n, his eyebrows raised. She follows his gaze, and realizes that it is still raining like crazy outside.
A heavy sigh escapes her lips without her permission. Of course. “I guess I’ll just wait it out,” she shrugs, walking towards the door alongside Harry.
He locks the door behind them, with her lingering closely by, waiting for him. “Do you live far?”
“No, not really. Just a 15 minute walk.” They walk towards the building exit, and Harry pulls out his umbrella. “Not too bad, as long as there isn’t a monsoon going on outside,” she finishes with a petulant grumble.
Harry chuckles lowly, his dimples shining brightly. “I was just going to offer… y’know, since it’s still raining and you’re umbrella-less…” his eyes twinkle teasingly, “I could drive you home? Wouldn’t want you to get soaked again when you’ve only just dried off.”
“Oh!” she bubbles, looking at him with wide eyes. “Really? You would do that?” He nods, but she presses, “Are you sure that wouldn’t be a hassle? I mean– like, really I could just stay here and read until the rain dies down–”
“S’not a hassle,” he reassures. “Y’don’t even know when the rain will be gone– could be all night. It’ll be cold, n’dark… it’d make me feel better knowing you got home safe, yeah?”
“Gosh that’s… that’s really nice of you,” she says, almost pouting.
He just smiles, pushing the door open and opening his umbrella for the two of them to huddle under. His car is parked in the graduate student parking lot, so it’s not too far of a walk (although they’re doing more of a brisk speedwalk, trying to get out of the rain and wind as fast as possible). The rain patters harshly on top of his umbrella, but they manage to stay dry, shoulders brushing together and their warm bodies radiating heat onto each other.
He unlocks his car and opens the passenger's seat for her, making sure that she’s covered from the rain as she slides into her seat. He then runs over to his own side, quickly shutting his umbrella and throwing it into the backseat. His fingers are numb as he turns the car on, and he immediately blasts the heat for the two of them, putting his frozen fingers in front of the warm air. “God, not even three minutes out there n’ I’m already freezing m’bits off,” he mumbles to himself. He turns to her, and smiles when he sees her copying his actions, “Isn’t this so much better that walking home?”
All she can give is a nod, wriggling her fingers in front of his heaters. Her teeth are chattering as she barely manages to chatter out, “S’freezing.”
“Wind would’ve blown you away before you even made it home, I reckon.” He plays with the windshield wipers until they’re on the highest setting, but even then his windshield is blurry from the rain. He makes sure to drive extra slow and cautiously, reversing out at the speed of a snail and turning his high beams on.
It’s only when she’s sitting in the front seat of his car that a somewhat important thought floats to the forefront of her mind – “is this allowed?”
“Is what allowed?” He's half paying attention, half checking both sides of the road before turning left onto the street.
“Like– I mean you’re sort of my professor, I guess,” she stumbles over her words, “Is it… would you get in trouble? For like… giving me a ride?”
Harry’s eyebrows pinch thoughtfully, “Well, first of all– Dr. Richmond’s your professor, not me. Secondly– I don’t see why it would be against the rules. S’just a car ride,” he shrugs.
She relaxes in her seat, nodding. She supposes he’s right. It’s just a car ride.
“But– if anything,” he adds on with, turning to her momentarily with a mischievous glint in his eye, “I won’t tell if you don’t.”
Y/n’s lips curl. “Okay,” she giggles.
It’ll be their little secret.
HOPE U GUYS LOVED IT!!!!!! part 2 is up on my patreon already, and will come to tumblr next saturday (oct 14) pleeeeaaaase lmk what u rhink and give her a rb and a comment i love u guys so so much!!! more tarry to come!
Prose (part 2) is already posted on patreon! : In which not many students attend Harry's office hours, and y/n's kind of burnt out
Prose Masterlist
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Hey! I got one for digital circus! If you’re not wanting to do it thats totally cool!
With Caine being AI and not having a previous life outside the circus, I think he would be rather confused and intrigued by tickles once he found out about it. And knowing Caine, he’d probably wanna test it out on all the circus members just cause their reactions would be amusing to him and fluffyness would ensue!
That is all, have a wonderful day Lovley!
Smile For Me
Summary: Caine's a bit fed up at the fact that his circus crew just will not smile. So he takes it upon himself to make them smile, and along the way, he finds out some very useful information about each of them.
Word Count: 2.2k words
Warnings: censored swearing, Caine is a teasy AI, cute alert.
A/N: ahhhhh nonnie i'm so sorry this is late! I've been so busy, and then I got sick which took me out for a while :( thankfully i'm no longer bedbound and managed to complete it this morning <3
Caine was a bit fed up today. Everything just seemed so dull. His circus cast weren’t having fun at all. His adventures weren’t being well-received, and everyone just seemed so gosh darn grumpy! Caine tried to get everyone used to the circus when they first arrived. He assumed wacky fun was how to make anyone laugh or even a smile to appear on their faces. But Caine didn’t hear a single giggle from anyone, nor see a grin. And it was starting to frustrate him.
Sure, he might only be some lines of coding and a program within a game, but why was it so hard to bring smiles to these kinds of people?! Something had to give, and Caine pondered this even as he worked on his top secret project in the Void, his Wacky Watch beeping occasionally to track the crew’s movements, ensuring they were staying in the bounds of the circus. And luckily, they all were.
Maybe it was the project annoying Caine, but his fingers twitched as the AI pulsated with extra energy. This sometimes happened, but it felt worse this time. He needed a way to get out this jumpy energy, so out of impulse, he left the project alone and teleported into the tent. Right near Ragatha, who was walking by.
The doll screamed and hit the floor pretty hard, landing with quite an audible ‘OOF!’ noise. Caine gasped and flew to her side, the AI checking if she had been hurt.
“Gracious, my dear! I’m so sorry if I startled you! Are you hurt? Oh, what am I saying? You hit that floor most hard indeed!” Caine rambled, his gloved hands softly checking for sore spots.
“I’m fine Caine, plehease just- AHAHAHA!” Ragatha squealed, as she felt Caine poke into her side, right above her hip. Caine retracted his hands.
“Is that a sore spot? Oh dear, Ragatha! I’m so very sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
“No, no. You didn’t hurt me, Caine.” Ragatha assured, biting her tongue against further giggles.
“Well, then… what was that noise that left your mouth, if not a pained noise?” the ringleader asked.
“Oh, I’m just kind of ticklish there, Caine. You got me by surprise.” Ragatha explained. Caine blinked, taken aback. A question mark appeared out of the top of his head to further display his utter confusion. That was a word he didn’t know.
“Tick-lish? Tick-uh-lish? What is… what is tick-lish, Ragatha?” Caine asked, sounding the word out slowly, to try and get a deeper meaning of it.
Ragatha sighed, a small smile pulling at her mouth. “Okay, so the plural is called tickling. Basically, you touch someone and if it makes them laugh, it means that they’re ticklish. And when it comes to tickling someone, you can try mostly anywhere. There’s different tickle spots for any person, if they are ticklish. Like a person’s sides, hips, ribs. Anything, really. It just kind of differs between different people.”
Caine could feel his digital fingers wiggling on instinct the more that Ragatha explained to him. It sounded fun, plus it sounded like a surefire way to make someone laugh! Which was exactly what Caine was after when it came to his circus crew.
“Might I tickle you, Ragatha?” Caine asked, his voice very blunt and to the point. Ragatha’s smile turned wobbly as she softly held her hands up in front of her.
“Caine, don’t be silly. I-I’m not ticklish.” she lied. Caine didn’t believe her at all.
“My dear, you just told me you were. I don’t think lying to me is going to get you very far.” he said, even as he snapped his fingers. His ringleader outfit changed to a cowboy outfit, complete with a digital rope appearing in his hands. He lassoed Ragatha like a cowboy and pulled her into his arms, the ringleader holding Ragatha in a soft hug, her back pressed against his hip as his gloved hands snuck along her back.
“Yee-haw! I got me a ticklish dollie in my hands! Whooooo, boy!” Caine cheered, his AI voice switching to a Texan accent very briefly. Ragatha pursed her lips hard against the laughter bubbling in her throat.
“Y-You sound rihidihiculous, Cahahaine!” Ragatha teased, wriggling softly in the ringleader’s grasp. Caine gasped in mock offence.
“Oh, how very rude! Why, such rudeness is not permitted in my circus!” Caine declared, as his hand that was not holding the doll squeezed into her left side. “Is it ticklish here?”
Ragatha gasped and clamped her hands over her mouth, muffled giggles going into her hands as she closed her real eye, the button one remaining stubbornly open. Her shoulders bounced softly as she fought to keep her laughter quiet. Caine’s eyes shone a little. There was some laughter, that he coaxed out of the ticklish ragdoll. Good gracious, finally!
“Why, your laughter is sweeter than angel food cake!” Caine stated. Ragatha couldn’t exactly blush, but she felt her face grow warm all the same.
“Hahaha, Cahahahaine! Lehehehet gohoho of mehehe!”
“If you say so.” Caine said, letting her go as requested. Ragatha sighed as she dusted her dress off. She really had not expected that to work. She thought for sure that Caine was just going to ignore her and keep tickling.
“This is most intriguing. I must go test this on the others!” Caine said, his AI mind buzzing with theories as to the other members’ tickle spots.
“Go do that. But leave Pomni alone. She hates being touched. Like, she really hates it.” Ragatha murmured softly.
Caine could see she wasn’t joking and he nodded. “Alright. I shan’t touch Pomni. But the others are fair game, right?”
Ragatha nodded, and Caine’s eyes shone with mischief. “Lovely. Bye now, Ragatha.” he said, flying through the circus, on the hunt for another circus member to tickle silly. And then he saw a purple ear disappear around a corner, and he chased after it.
“Hey, Jax!”
The purple rabbit turned around. Upon seeing Caine, he looked very irritated. “What do you want, Caine?”
“I want to ask you something, Jax!” Caine said, adjusting his gloves a small bit as he looked upon the taller one.
“Which is? Make it snappy, I’m a busy guy.” Jax responded.
“Are you ticklish, Jax?” Caine asked, his mismatched eyes focused entirely on Jax’s face. Of all the things Jax was expecting Caine to ask, that most certainly was not one of them.
“I take it that’s a yes!” Caine said. “So now I’m gonna tickle you.”
“Oh, no the (SPROING!) you’re not!” Jax called back, running off. Caine flew after him, the ringleader chuckling mischievously.
“Running was a bad idea, my friend! If you just stayed still, this would have been so much easier~”
“(HONK!) YOU!” Jax shot back even as he turned a corner, panting softly as he turned his head, rapidly looking for somewhere to hide. But to his dismay, when his head turned back around, Caine flew towards him and trapped the rabbit in a tight backwards hug.
“Gotcha, Jax!” Caine declared, his fingers immediately going to work, spidering up and down Jax’s sides. Jax spluttered out a string of incoherent curses before the bunny fell into laughter, squirming desperately in Caine’s arms.
“CAHAHAHAINE, STAHAHAP!” Jax cried out, hiding his smile. Caine saw him doing this and tutted, the AI chuckling to himself.
“Let me see you smile.”
“CAHAHAHAINE, YOU LITTLE (SPLAT!)” Jax cursed. Caine sighed. How rude.
“Now, is that any way to talk to me? Where’s your manners, Jax?” Caine asked, one hand grabbing Jax’s hands and pulling them away from his mouth.
“Your laughter is oddly endearing. I think I may just have to tickle you forever.” Caine stated clearly. Jax spluttered in protest.
“FOR (DOING!) SAHAHAHAKE, STAHAHAP!” Jax pleaded. Caine chuckled and let go of the rabbit immediately. Two down, two to go. He wasn’t going to touch Zooble or Pomni, so that only left Gangle and Kinger.
“Where’s Gangle and Kinger, Jax?” Caine asked, still feeling that ticklish itch in his fingers. Jax scratched his head a bit as he calmed down from the giggle fit that Caine had unceremoniously shoved him into.
“And why the (SPLAT!) should I tell you?” Jax asked defiantly. Caine just shrugged.
“If you like, I can just tickle you again, since you seemed to enjoy it~”
“Uh, I think I last saw ‘em chatting to each other at the main stage.” Jax said, immediately spilling to avoid a round two from Caine. Caine was a good tickler, and Jax didn’t exactly want to get on the wrong side of that again.
“Good. Alright, bye.” Caine chirped, twirling his cane as he went to go find the last two at the main stage.
Kinger and Gangle were engaging in a conversation about bugs it seemed. Gangle had on her tragedy mask again, and Kinger was talking about butterflies.
“-See, Gangle, there are about 17,500 species of butterflies known to us, 750 of those species in the United States alone. This one is a tiger swallowtail, or known to us as Papilio glaucus, native to eastern Northern America. You can recognise them by the black and yellow marking on their wings!” Kinger rambled, getting a bit lost in his insect hyperfixation while Gangle let him carry on.
Caine came up and waved to them. “Hello, you two!” he greeted. Gangle squeaked and her hands instinctually came up to cover her face, while Kinger turned around.
“EEK! Oh, h-hi Caine…” Gangle murmured.
“Hi, Caine.” Kinger greeted. Caine flew down to meet them.
“What are you two doing on this fine day?” Caine asked.
“Oh, I was showing Gangle my butterfly collection! I have tiger swallowtails, skippers, metalmarks, monarchs. You name ��em!” Kinger chirped happily. “Anyway! How can we help you?”
“Are either of you two ticklish?” Caine enquired.
Gangle squeaked and hid her face deeper in her ribbony hands. Kinger hummed and then nodded, not seeming to catch the teasy tone in Caine’s voice.
“Well, we both are, yes. Gangle more so than me. But why do you ask?”
That was all the answers Caine needed. He grabbed one of Gangle’s hands and one of Kinger’s hands, gathering them in the same hand to hold them each tightly. Preparing to go for Gangle first, he chuckled as he softly began to spider along her ribbony stomach. But to their shock, Gangle squealed and wrapped herself tight around Kinger’s abdomen, already squirming a little with anticipation. But then Kinger started to softly laugh.
“Hahaha! G-Gahahangle, stohohop! Thahat tihihickles!” Kinger pleaded softly. Caine begun to have an idea. If he could play his cards right… he could tickle them both at the same time.
Kinger or Gangle? Kinger… or Gangle? Hard choice. But considering Gangle was right there… yeah, she would work.
Caine chuckled mischievously as he switched his focus to Gangle, walking his gloved fingers along her ribboned hands. The red ribbons she was made of felt soft on his hands, and the giggles he heard from her indicated that Gangle was feeling all of this as well.
“C-Cahahaine! It tickles, it tickles!” Gangle squealed out. Caine laughed along with her as he kept up the tickles. Kinger was getting tickled too from Gangle’s wriggling, which ended up tickling him.
“Who knew you two were so ticklish?” Caine teased, smirking. He didn’t even have to tickle Kinger, Gangle was doing that for him!
“GAHAHANGLE, STAHAHAP!” Kinger cackled, the two falling back onto the floor. Caine followed them down and kept tickling Gangle, which caused the poor ribboned miss to laugh harder. Which in turn meant more squirming. And THAT meant more tickles for Kinger.
“I CAHAHAN’T!” Gangle argued. “AHAHAHA! CAHAHAINE!” she screeched. “NOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE!”
“Oh, not here? Not on your ticklish little ribbon legs? Why ever not?” Caine asked, where he was tickling the backs of Gangle’s ribbony knees. “They feel so soft here! I could tickle them forever.”
“PLEHEHEHEASE NOHOHO!” Gangle shrieked, squirming for all she was worth. Her high pitch laughter intermingled with Kinger’s deep chuckles, creating a melody of laughter that Caine adored.
“Hah! Okay, okay. I’ll stop.” Caine said, gently letting go and helping Gangle unravel herself from Kinger. Caine felt happier seeing his circus crew smile, if only for a fleeting moment.
“I’ll leave you two to it.” Caine grinned, that ticklish energy in his hands finally dissipating, with the ringleader making to leave. Only to be caught by Kinger’s hold.
“Uh-uh. What about you, Caine? Are you perhaps ticklish?”
“Preposterous, Kinger. I am just AI. Lines of coding. Impossible for code to be ticklish.” Caine declared, trying to put on a bravado. In truth, he didn’t know. But by the look on Kinger’s face, he was going to find out one way or another.
“You sure about that, dentures?” came a voice from behind him. Caine was filled with a sense of anticipatory dread as he saw Jax and Ragatha slowly approaching, their hands outstretched and wiggling. Kinger grabbed him and hoisted Caine in the air, as the circus crew took their places around him, ready to all rally against the ringleader. He gave them laughter, so they were gonna dish it right back.
#rosa writes fics#tadc tickles#lee!ragatha#lee!jax#lee!gangle#lee!kinger#ler!caine#we keeping to the canon that pomni hates touch with anyone she don't trust#tadc tickle
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I think Camilla and Rita are absolutely beautiful. But I also really like Marcelo. These 3 will be the death of me!!
How would the cast react if MC were a bit of a fashion guru and would knit and sew the things they wear themselves and then would make the LI a custom accessory/item of clothing that would match them?
Btw the VN is really cute and eerily comforting and I really love that.
Oh my gosh, thank you so much for the kind words! It really means a lot to hear that you love Rita, Camilla, and Marcelo! (They’re definitely the healthiest options out of the LI’s LOL ) I also find it really sweet and flattering that you find the VN cute and eerie at the same time, it’s definitely the general vibe I'm going for so It's a huge relief that it’s translating well! <3
Garret would be surprisingly touched if he received something handmade by you. It’s no secret that he came from money, a lot of money. Everything he was ever given was top of the line and brand new. No one had ever bothered to make him anything before. So the fact that you of all people were the first and only person to make something for him? To spend countless hours thinking and working on something for him? It would bring tears to his eyes and he would give you the warmest most grateful hug imaginable as he tried to reign in his emotions and not overwhelm you with them.
Marcelo would be thoroughly impressed with not only your fashion tastes, but your ability to craft something so well made! He’d proudly wear it every day ( if possible) and if anyone commented on it, hell even if they didn’t, he’d brag about how you made it just for him. It goes without saying he’d be happy with the gift and do everything in his power to return the favor and shower you with your favorite foods/ deserts the next few times you visited the bakery.
Camilla would be stunned by the craftsmanship and just how cute/fashionable it was! She’d try to convince you to open up an online shop and sell it to the public. However if you refused she’d still proudly rock it and give you a shout out ( if you allowed it) in all of her social media posts that somehow included it. ( Lets just say there would be a lot from that moment on.)
Much like Garret, Rita would be incredibly touched by the time and effort it took you to make it for her. She would stare at it for a while, complimenting what she specifically liked about it and how well made it was. Growing up in a traditional household she was taught the basics of sewing, mending, knitting, crocheting, darning socks, etc. So while she doesn’t do it much any more, she can tell when something is well made and has a rough idea on how much work went into creating it.
Teagan would be over the moon if you made something for them. Since they’ve known you for a while, there’s a good chance that you made something for them previously when you were just starting out / still refining your craft. They would comment on how much you’ve improved and shower you with compliments, refusing to put it down after receiving it. If this was in fact the first time you ever gave them something, they would probably have a more emotional reaction towards it.
#yandere#original character#yandere visual novel#yanderes#male yandere#yandere vn#visual novel#crimson hydrangea#ask#crimson hydrangea vn#teagan conners#garret belmont#rita miller#marcelo aguilar#camilla bellos
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My favorite “controversial” ship is Klemapollo because the idea of Ema hate-fucking Klav on a regular basis, while coming over all the time to talk about her day with him and snuggle on the couch with him and his boyfriend who she also occasionally makes out with, is just so gosh darn cute and fun to me. I’m one of those annoying hardcore Klapollo shippers through and through but I sincerely enjoy throwing Ema into the mix because she’s the best girl and I love her dynamic and love-hate relationship with both Klavier and Apollo individually.
I imagine there’s a lot of flirting, teasing and playful bullying in that relationship, and a lot of staying up late watching sappy rom coms and crying because they’re all emotional af. I’m obsessed. I wish there was more fan art. I’d make it myself but I can’t draw and I’m not asking anyone to draw a throuple for me. 🤭 No one asked for my shitty opinion but here it is. Now, about Langworth….
#ace attorney#aa4#klemapollo#apollo justice#ema skye#klavier gavin#klema#klapollo#poly ship#controversial ship#polycule#more like pollycule#ajaa#multi shipper#emapollo#aa ships
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a scenario with a baker!reader gifting Joshua a little cake… which he happily eats (it’s carrot cake and he has no clue lol)
Idk but I wanted to share my silly little thought because I enjoyed your writing :’3
pls, this idea is so freaking cute!!! i'm so glad i finally got to write it, thank you so much for your request and patience, i hope you enjoy
The Trojan Cake
Joshua Rosfield x Reader
I might write another, shorter version of this where the reader bakes him a carrot cake without knowing about his carrot aversion, but, idk, let me know if anyone wants to see that. It would have to be a bit further in the future because I have some other things I'm working on that you can learn about here.
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1.5k
Tags: Baker!Reader, Finally Getting Joshua To Eat Some Gosh Darn Vegetables, Fluff, Teasing, Unedited, Lots Of Appearances From Other Characters, Fun, Cutesy, Joshua Is Just A Big Golden Retriever
A new shipment of baking supplies was due to arrive today. You sway on your feet as you wait. Water laps at the wood beneath you, but you pay it no mind. Cursebreakers and laborers work on moving boxes off the ship and onto the Hideaway’s Pier.
“Carrots? Again?” Gav’s voice sounds from nearby. “And what are we supposed to do with all of these? We still haven’t gotten through the last shipment of them. There’s only so much carrot bisque a man can stomach. Soon enough, half the Hideaway’ll have orange hair and orange skin.”
Otto sighs. “Food’s food, Gav. We’ll find some use for them.”
Gav’s disgruntled expression doesn’t fade. “Unbelievable.”
Your attention is caught by someone calling your name. Mid waves you over from the ship’s deck. “You’ve got to come and see this! You’ll be grinning from ear to ear when you see how much stuff they’ve sent for you!”
You’re already grinning from ear to ear by the time you reach her side. Crates of flour, sugar, and yeast are tied down to the deck with sturdy rope. “And this is all for me?” you ask.
“You’re the one best suited for it,” Mid points out. “Now, I don’t mean to rush you but I’m pretty sure everyone at the Hideaway can already smell all the fresh baked sweets!”
“Oh, certainly,” Cole agrees as he and a handful of other Cursebreakers approach. “We’ll get these supplies to the Ale Hall,” he assures you.
“What are you going to make?” asks Mid.
You miss a beat before answering, “it’s a surprise.” In truth, you have no idea. You know the people of the Hideaway would be happy with anything you baked, but you didn’t want to fall into a boring routine. You wanted to try something new, even if you didn’t need to.
Mid only makes an excited sound from behind sealed lips. “The suspense is killing me!”
You laugh, but you know how she feels. The frustration of not knowing what you’ll bake weighs on you as well. “Well, best get to it.”
You descend from the boat and make your way back up to the main floor of the Hideaway. There are plenty of boxes that still need to be moved, so the lift is somewhat crowded. You wait for a path to be cleared before darting out.
“Have you tried chopping them up and hiding them in a stew?” Tarja’s voice catches your ear. She and Jote are crossing the Boarding Deck, clearly on their way to the Infirmary.
“If he sees them, he’ll claim he’s not hungry and refuse to eat,” Jote replies. “Not to mention, I can’t say I feel very comfortable trying to deceive His Grace.”
“They’re just carrots, Jote. I’m sure your decree says nothing against ensuring the Phoenix eats well.”
“If it were up to His Grace, I’m sure there would be.”
You continue your way into the main hall. It’s not uncommon to hear Tarja complaining about Joshua’s bad habits. You suppose this time it’s his aversion to vegetables. Especially carrots. Unfortunate, given that seems to be what the Hideaway has most of these days.
You’re halfway across the Main Deck when someone else calls your name, their voice sounding from your left. Speak of the devil. Joshua approaches with an easy skip to his step. The smile on his face tells you that he’s heard about your new arrival of supplies, but not that of the carrots’ reinforcements. Well, he might’ve and is simply choosing to ignore it. In fact, that is more likely to be the reality of things.
“I heard about the shipment of goods. Will you get to baking soon?”
If he were a dog, his tail would be wagging uncontrollably despite his cool disposition. You nod, your own smile creeping onto your face as an idea begins to form. “And you’ll be the first to get a taste.”
“Really? I will?”
You nod again. He’s always terribly eager to sample your new recipes.
He’ll have no idea. “Ah, my love, you’re brilliant.” He places a hand on either side of your head and plants a kiss on your forehead. “I’ll look forward to it.”
“You should.” You certainly are.
As he disappears on to the Boarding Deck, you dart over to the bar.
“Psst. Cole.” You wave the cursebreaker over.
“What is it?”
“Could you acquire me a crate of those carrots that just arrived? I have plans for them. Oh, but don’t let Joshua know. Keep this between us.”
He gives you a curious look, but does as you ask without question. You ask another of the cursebreakers to keep Joshua distracted for the time being. Your plans would be ruined if he were to walk in midway through.
“What, exactly, are you planning?” someone asks from behind you.
Jill runs her finger over the wooden boxes on the counter. You can’t help the little, proud gleam in your eye. “I’m going to get Joshua to eat carrots and like them,” you declare.
“A carrot cake! He won’t even know they’re there.”
“I’m not sure if eating carrots in a cake counts as Joshua getting a proper intake of vegetables,” she points out.
You shrug. “Gotta start somewhere.”
“Anything I can do to help?”
You, Jill, and a handful of other helpers get to work immediately. With no time to waste, the work is made lighter with more hands to share in its labor. The only thing you can’t speed up is the time of actual baking.
“Do you truly believe this will work?” Jill asks.
“I do. Although, it would be a little funny if he could tell anyway. Like some sort of carrot-sniffing bloodhound. A carrot-hound.”
“Who’s a carrot-hound?” Clive stops at Jill’s side.
“Depending on the results of this experiment, Joshua.”
Clive gives you an almost pained look. “Please do not tell me you’re planning on experimenting on my brother.”
“I promise it won’t become a regular occurrence. Probably. Most likely.”
Clive only sighs and shakes his head.
The cakes finish baking and the air is filled with the scent of freshly baked sweets. You and your assistants–now including Clive–are just finishing spreading the frosting when Joshua arrives, eyes alight with excitement. He says your name with a boyish eagerness that makes your heart squeeze. He truly has no idea. “I hope no one has prevented you from keeping your promise to me.”
You do your best not to roll your eyes. He can still be so childish at times, despite himself. “No, of course not. In fact, you’re just on time. I was about to cut the first slice.”
He smiles. “Excellent.”
He doesn’t even seem to notice how everyone pauses to watch as he takes the first bite. He closes his eyes to savor it. You press your lips together to keep your mischief from showing. “This is delicious, my love, as always.” Your heart soars. You’ve done it. And he’s none the wiser.
You exchange a knowing glance with Jill and Clive. Jill looks mildly impressed while Clive simply seems to be marveling at his brother’s obliviousness. “Alright, everyone,” you announce, “you’re all free to dig in!”
Gav arrives about a half an hour after everyone has already begun eating. He and Otto approach, standing on the other side of Clive, who has taken a seat at the bar beside Joshua.
Gav takes note of the remaining cakes. “Ooo, carrot cake, one of Otto’s favorites.”
You, Clive, and Jill freeze, eyes darting to Joshua. You practically see the life drain from his face. He turns a betrayed expression on you, like a pup who’s found his medicine at the center of his treat. By now, he’s already finished two large slices and is halfway through his third. You can’t help, you begin your apologies but the laughter in your voice steals any sincerity from them.
He practically whines your name, saying, “how could you?”
“But you liked it, didn’t you? Before you knew what it was?”
You can practically see his invisible tail and ears drooping. You’ve never seen him look so unlike the Phoenix before. It only makes you giggle more.
“I’m sorry, alright? I’m sorry.”
“I don’t know how I’ll recover from this.”
“Alright, my love, no need to be so overdramatic.”
He pouts. He actually pouts. “You’ll have to find a way to make this up to me.”
“Up to you? I did all of this for you.”
“You did all of this for yourself. I hope you’ve had your fun.”
You lean over the counter, smug as one could be. “Oh, I have.”
“Mhm.” He leans forward and places a soft kiss on your lips. You can still taste the frosting. “You better have. Otherwise, I will have eaten this for nothing.”
“You would have, at the very least, learned that you can stomach carrots. Isn’t that something?”
He laughs. “No, absolutely not. Just promise you won’t do something like this again.”
“I promise,” you draw out the word, “that it won’t become a regular occurrence.”
He rolls his eyes, but a smile toys at the corners of his mouth. “What did I ever do to deserve this?”
“Something really good, I imagine.”
His smile grows. “Must have been.”
#ff16#ffxvi#final fantasy xvi#final fantasy 16#ffxvi spoilers#final fantasy 16 spoilers#final fantasy xvi spoilers#joshua rosfield x reader#joshua rosfield#ff16 spoilers#fanfic
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Untilted Katamari Reflections
Content considerations for the following include:
Parental abuse
Worldly anxiety
You're welcome back another day if that's too much right now.
It’s fall of 2015.
You and your virgin college friends drink shitty cocktails called the “Slutty Will Rodgers.” They’re just Pepsi rawdogged with indeterminate amounts of grenadine and Captain Morgan. When you bought the mixers a Wal-Mart stocker yodeled “OOOOoOoooOH, maKIN sOMe DRINKS?!?!” and you knew it was time to leave.
We Love Katamari is on the Telly. It’s a sweet, trippy game you first bought to cope with high school. On Dark Fridays at 1am, when your inbox was barren and your balls were full, you’d drive to the empty gym downtown and sprint six miles. Then you’d come home and replay the firefly level until you fell asleep with your pug.
Your college friends are bad at the game, so they pass the controller. You’re playing the underwater stage. A spaceman falls in the pond of people gunk and stacked crabs. It’s going really well if you’re honest. You point to the screen and say “this’ll be Florida if Trump wins.” See Fig. 1.

Figure 1: Rick Desantis has big plans for Disney.
Your friends don’t reply because they soon won’t be virgins and their tongues battle each other’s. It’s a different game they play, one with fuzzier rules, but greater industry respect. You wish the campus gym was open 24/7.
. . .
Your skills as the prince are not inherent. You first meet him in 2005, when your dyspraxic hands can barely tie a shoe. Your parents catch you lose shit for the Toonami review of Me and My Katamari. They buy it for Christmas, hoping to steady your nerves while your father’s in therapy.
Dr. Flam is a Neo-Freudian hitched to your mom’s guy, Dr. Flim. She’s deep in your dad’s dream journal and makes him watch movies like Cool Hand Luke to really reign in his ego. He gets the DVDs from the Netflix site, then through the mail. As a family you watch your dad’s therapy films and reruns of Inyuasha.
In the waiting room you barely navigate the sticky ball through Namco Bandai’s Satoshi Kon parade. See Fig. 2. You’ve only seen adults express anger verbally, so when you mess up you grunt a lot and let out those Leopold Butters Stotch swears like “crap,” “shoot,” and “gosh darn.” You’re not particularly self-aware, so you probably just say “god fucking damn it” a few times and don’t remember. Years later you realize there was probably a secretary behind the glass watching you do all this.
Figure 2: Bwahbwahwabhbawahbwaaaaah.
Sometimes there’s a girl in the room with you, just around your age. She’s stuck while Dr. Flim teaches her mom about what dream snakes mean for her fear of male puberty. That's what he did for your mom, anyway.
You think the waiting-room stranger is cute, but you won’t admit you like girls yet, especially not to yourself. To cope with the cognitive dissonance, you do your weird shit louder while refusing to make eye contact with her. If you get real stressed you crank up the main menu track and yell “ahhhhh that’s so relaxing” while the “nah nah nah nahs” play through your headphones.
At one point the girl stands against a wall and stares at you with her arms crossed. You bet she thinks you’re cool, but she’s probably just annoyed and hopes you’ll notice, or maybe just ask if she’s OK. It’s probably good you don’t talk with her. You might ask something stupid, like if she's seen the roach corpse in the stairwell. It’s been there for a year straight, isn’t that crazy?
For better and worse, you power through your little game alone. Every time you lose the King of All Cosmos beats, shoots, and belittles you. See Fig. 3. It reminds you of when your own dad shattered your Harry Potter wand over the kitchen counter because you dropped a mini pizza.
Figure 3: The King of All Cosmos offers little constructive advice, all things considered.
You fail quite frequently. Eventually you drop the game because it’s getting stressful and you have the power to relieve yourself of the situation—not the Freudian lobby, just your fake dad.
It’s 2012. PlayStation Network uploads The Prince’s primeval outing: Katamari Damacy. Within, Padre Cosmotic flaps his gums over too much hooch then slams his dump truck ass through the better part of our solar system. He dislodges every recognized constellation and even the moon itself.
Cosmos sends Prince to Earth—the last brick left in the shitstorm—to make slop of our planet and bodies. With the slop space itself will be made anew. The Good Son does as he's told, and every living entity experiences euphoric ego death within the bulbous heaven of the Katamari.
As a Real Gamer Teen you lose a lot less in this one. You really go in and fix Fake Dad’s mistakes, no problem at all. This is why a year ago you hailed “gaming journalism” as your calling. You write clean and play tight; should keep the lights on. It’s the most concrete idea you’ve had since 7th grade when you outlined a YA novel called Tooth Pocket. Even you didn’t think Scholastic would buy that one, though. It was just too hot for the book fair.
One day you’re cranking through FFVI and your real dad swings by, mad you're young. He grills your ass and says “I bet you can’t even tell me the biggest thing happening right now.” It’s some real “What’s a gallon of milk cost?” shit, he could mean anything.
Surprisingly, you can’t think of a good answer. You and your friends are actually pretty informed because John Stewart is still at the desk and y’all chime in every day. See Fig. 4. You also spend hours each week tearing through MSN slideshows in your Graphic Design class because the Photoshop takes five minutes. You’ve seen a staggering amount of the Syrian civil war.
Figure 4: Sometimes in Snapchat you draw glasses on your cat to make him look like Mitch McConnel. You wouldn't do that without this guy.
Still, you’re a little stumped. It’s the middle of a phenomenon native to moralist presidencies known as "a slow news week.” You actually ran out of war shit the other day and clicked through some slides about Pakistani wrestlers. The seniors who offered you Jack Daniels in the Whataburger lot saw it and laughed. They thought you were peeping dong in class. You really weren’t, but they didn’t believe you. They graduate certain you were bricked up in the Dell Lab over big guys in spandex.
“I don’t know,” you tell your dad.
He throws his hands behind his head, hard, like an orangutan chucking logs at a poacher.
“It’s the fucking carbon tax,” he yells. This comes as a surprise, you think, because that shit is last month’s news. It really didn’t go anywhere.
“Do you not pay attention because you don’t give a shit, or are you just a nihilist and think you can’t do anything?” You can tell in his eyes he thinks there’s a real answer. “Seriously, which is it?
You don’t remember what you said. You probably just stammered until he walked off.
A month later he picks you up from marching band. Your phone is dead, so he had to wait twenty minutes longer than anticipated while you found his car. He punches the rearview mirror until the windshield cracks then screams of how your birth kept him from New England.
It’s 2016. A rockin’ MILF in the Psych department gets you really into Hamilton. See Fig. 5. Every day you wake up on the grind and blast “You Aaron Burr, sir?” through your shitty 7-11 cans. While cramming foreign language Quizlets and McGraw Hill Online you do this thing called “Hafilton.” It’s where rock up to “Nonstop” and quit listening just before Hamilton decides what he will stop is being a good husband.

Figure 5: Like Kojima, you know "MILF" is a mindset, not a factual inquiry.
It’s 2018. Your grades are notably better and you’ve snuck into the honors program. Like Hamilton himself, you really flourished at 19 and thought about running for office. You immediately abandoned this idea after remembering your allergy to recordings of your image or voice.
You cohabit with the Psych MILF, and she offers some advice: she’s really had her boots on the ground with this whole “clinical psych thing” and honestly, respectfully, she loves you, but dear God it might not be your scene. It’s taken a real toll on her and the friends, and she can’t imagine you going through that shit.
At 1am in your living room you boot up DOOM (2016) and listen through some Hamilton. Angelica is thirsty on main when you remember that you, yourself, could be a lawyer. You don’t have to run for Congress to fight the establishment. There’s just the common law, and it’s right there. You can just get your grubby little hands in that shit and work your magic.
. . .
It’s the last semester of undergrad. Your Western Thought professor says Hamilton wasn’t really a huge deal and really James Madison shat out the big parts of our faction-proof empire. Yes, there was, in fact, a civil war, but the caplock rifle worked it out. After the Federalist papers he has you read the Bill of Rights but no Supreme Court cases. There’s a lot of talk on negative liberties.
Just before finals, the learned doctor says your generation only has two things to worry about: the climate and the poverty. Yeah they’re big, he says, but they’re just two things. You’re crafty kids, smart as the framers, even.
. . .
The state decides law school is your jam and lets you come inside.
There’s the negative liberties but you actually read Supreme Court opinions when the big boys aren’t shaking fists for Valley Forge. They have you listen to Hamilton for context. You feel dirty. An LRW professor puts on the “I’m Just a Bill” video and your sectionmate with Ivy degrees gets really, really mad.
. . .
The Federalist Society has a comfy presence at your law school. Along with Big Oil they sling out free pizza to every Little Scalia with a rumbly tum tum.
On your way to class you hear what the pizza boys feel. They hate Europeans, those social democrats with the rotten armories and clumpy cash. The Euros, they think, give too much wiggle room for the mentally ill, and by that they mean they mean gay people and probably just women overall.
There are more than two things to fix, you think.
. . .
The pandemic hits. You and some pals start a Google Doc to stay afloat. It barely works. In the Zoom review for the property final your professor catches multiple people crying. "You don't have to be here," he tells them, “there are other jobs.”
. . .
A year passes. You’re in a niche public interest class you do all right with. The professor looks you and thirty-five others dead in the eye and says how sorry he is that law school is traumatic. You shed a single tear in your little window. You're pretty in the shit and haven’t worn pants to class in months.
Then public interest prof takes a big, big drag from his long, fat spliff. He spins his desk chair and baseball cap at the same time, never letting go of the joint.
“Hey,” he says. “It’s not your fault, really, but the world is fucked. It’s time to fix what your parents did.”
The next week he gives a practice exam where the best solution is to sell an old lady’s house to Nestlé.
It’s 2022. After throwing your whole gooch at it, you fail the bar exam.
You fall back hard into exercise. When you’re not slamming Barbri you’re at the gym binging curls and cranking the Chainsaw Man soundtrack. One night on the way to squats you finally hear “Black Parade.” Just like you, Mr. Gerry Wayland is stuck between global disrepair and the desire to write Funny Little Books.
You just started an FLB yourself, actually. It’s spin on a Story Break episode you love. In your version there’s a fucked up civil war horse that moves like a spider and is covered in bugs. Rich people kill the planet then the horse gets lost in space. It’s compelling, you promise. There’s body horror and pirates dressed like Gorton’s Fisherman. See Fig. 6 It’s about the horrors of the contemporary world state. It’ll be fun.
Figure 6: An untapped horror icon. Imagine blood contrasting that yellow.
Big problem, though: you remember rich people love hiking. There’s no grass on Mars, not that good shit anyway. Would they really fuck all of it?
You edit. In the last few years, the real breathless ones, the oligarchs cash their tab. A cartel, they think, could really muscle those stragglers, the tragically common. There’s one city left with both breathable air and refugees. They level it. The few survivors are spread amongst the stars, so their loves and languages may die.
. . .
It’s the middle of Bar Prep Round 2. You and the patient MILF see Hadestown in the Big City.
There’s a juke joint on stage flanked by devil trombones. A sad little guy slinks in from the janitor’s closet. His name is Orpheus and, just like you, he’s a sad, short writer who likes a lady so much it comes out weird. He has a vision, he says, for a little ditty. It’s compelling, he promises, and shit’s gonna change. His love is functional and realized, worth the investment of a hardened woman displaced by capital’s torture. She believes him.
You cry because you know where this goes.
It’s just a single tear.
Don’t worry.
Nobody sees.
. . .
There’s this game you like, by some corporate anarchists who hate themselves. They’re Scandinavian, from the spot in Tallin where you stopped for a cruise. Every gift shop there had swastikas and gas masks leftover from the bloody years.
In the game is a liberal yacht MILF. She thinks you’re stupid but someone’s helping with your gun, so you’ve got that on her. And yet, she pins you, re your whole writing thing. See Fig. 7.
Figure 7: She sucked, but it still hurt when she left.
Your favorite Supreme Court podcast says the ocean’s last hope is other countries. But those countries’ people cry to the Disco game, and their ministers also bought The End of History. You meet them on the subreddit. You're all geeked out, waiting for the tide.
. . .
It’s the era of desert cradles. God thinks you’re disgusting, so he sends his better kids with a memo: the flood was too much work on his end, it’s time for something different.
“Just keep walking,” he says.
Your skin bares his figure. So do the corpses. You little birds among billions, gassed out and screaming, move to clean.
It’s 2023.
We Love Katamari is up on the PlayStation store. You sit with the cats and mow down some crabs. You don’t need it so much these days, but it’s nice.
There’s a Bar card in your wallet, just below your gym tag. There are two interviews in your Google Calendar. Good stuff might happen, hopefully soon. You crawl into bed and wrap an arm around your wife’s rib cage.
Everything matters and nothing is safe.
You are loved enough to sleep.
#gaming#actually mentally ill#disco elysium#fuck freud#writing#satoshi kon#2000s anime#law school#environment#hamilton musical#aaron burr#politics#marriage#philosophy#the daily show with jon stewart#bad parenting#my chemical romance#gerard way#existential despair#katamari damacy#we love katamari#succession
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helloo!! Hope you're doing well, I just saw your Narancia hcs about him being a stay at home dad and it's so gosh darn cute, aghh!!! If you could, do you think you could do hcs of him being a dad in general?
Knowing his past and how empathetic he can be, he would be such a great dad, it's just plain adorable thinking about it 😭
Masterlist here <3
Hello! I’m doing well what about you? Narancia as a dad would be so wholesome and heartwarming. His past would absolutely shape him into being a compassionate and attentive parent. I just adore him <33
Also I deeply apologize for the late reply, I hope you enjoy this! :)

Narancia as a father general headcanons

- Given his childhood and how much he was hurt by abandonment and betrayal, Narancia would want his child to feel safe at all times. He’d always keep an eye out but wouldn’t smother them, knowing how important independence is
- If his kid ever faced struggles, Narancia would be the first to remind them that they’re never alone. He’d be the kind of dad who sits with his kid for hours, helping them solve their problems, no matter how small
- Narancia has the vibe of a dad who’s always up for playtime, whether it’s a water gun fight in the yard, building pillow forts, or dancing to music in the living room. He’d match his child’s energy, no matter how exhausted he might secretly feel
- While he might not be the best chef, Narancia would insist on making meals with his kid. He’d let them crack the eggs, stir the sauce, or taste-test everything. “You think this needs more salt? No? Okay, Chef, I trust you.”
- Narancia would be incredibly in tune with his kid’s emotions. If they ever felt sad, he’d immediately know and do whatever it takes to make them smile—whether it’s cracking jokes, snuggling, or just listening
- Having faced hardships himself, he’d encourage his child to be brave but would remind them that it’s okay to cry or lean on others. He’d balance teaching them strength and vulnerability beautifully
- Even if life gets busy, Narancia would make sure family comes first. Movie nights, trips to the beach, or just lying in bed talking about their day would be a non-negotiable routine
- From macaroni art to acing a test, Narancia would hype his kid up like they just won an Olympic gold medal. He’d show off their work to everyone with a huge grin, saying, “Look what my kid made/did!”
- If anyone ever tried to hurt or belittle his child, Narancia wouldn’t hesitate to stand up for them. His protective side would kick in full force, but he’d also teach his kid how to handle conflict
- Narancia might not be super book-smart, but he’d find creative ways to teach his kid life lessons. Whether it’s through music, stories, or practical demonstrations, he’d make learning fun and memorable

I hope this meets your expectations <3 If you’d like anything specific added/changed message me and I’ll fix it!
If you enjoyed this make sure to check out my other posts, and if you’d like anything specific written for a jjba character/squad you can request it if my requests are open!
#jjba scenarios#jjba scenario#jjba#jojos bizarre adventure#jojo no kimyou na bouken#bucci gang#narancia ghirga#narancia ghirga scenarios#narancia scenarios#narancia ghirga headcanons#narancia headcanons#narancia#narancia x reader
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9-1-1 Lonestar SPOILERS
Aw Jonah and TK 🥺
Mama “I bet that car costs the same house in some places”
Owen and Enzo are this close to acting like school yard boys 🙄
Poor Judd trying to do business stuff and Owen going off
Owen offering to break bread and TK does not believe him but he’s still hopeful and then Owen turns to Judd and was like I’ll show TK and rub it in Enzo face
Weren’t you just it saying that TK and Gwyn fell for it when Enzo was manipulative???
Wyatt using his story to save her life 😭😭😭
Nancy with Tommy at the appointment 😭
Dang girl
My mama “dang she don’t mess around”
I like that Izzy seems comfortable with Nancy which implies that maybe Nancy (and hopefully TK) hang out with Tommy & the girls
Tommy that’s too much pressure
On yourself and Nancy
Mom got a kick out of Enzo knowing Owen’s rent
TK and Jonah having a contest 🥹
I love TK, he’s such a sweetheart, especially with kids
My Mama never watches the sneak peeks and as soon as they started talking about the arm wrestling contest and then TK was like let’s just let it go my mama goes I dont think they’re gonna let it go lol
Bleh 🤢
That’s a nasty break
$350, 000 car
My mama “DAMN we could buy condo for that”
Carlos really still wants to be on Owen’s good side lol
TK snapping at Owen 😭
To be fair though, Owen needed to hear that
Nancy trying to help get Tommy rest days 😭
And Tommy not wanting Nancy and TK to get stuck with an awful temp-boss 😭
Tommy snapping at Nancy 💔
Aaaahhh 😭😭😭
“Nancy WALK”
Mama “She is STUBBORN”
Did TK just appear? Did he run ahead of the others?
Aww for that guy and his future stepdaughter
Oooh god, I really thought we were gonna have another burst gut (911 last week)
And mom was like dang why is that getting popular because apparently it also happened on Chicago Med or Fire recently
I wonder the whys on that
TK’s party is really cute
I love Carlos calling TK out and bringing him on stage with his baseball song
Omgod TK bringing Enzo and Owen together
Them singing together 🥺
Oh gosh darn it
At the PARTY?
Booooo 😭
Also Owen reassuring TK that even if Enzo is bad for the things he’s done to others he’s still good for raising TK right and I think that’s really important for him to hear
Oooh, Carlos really wants to get him that car doesn’t he, lol
Owen and Carlos are so gonna come together to buy a RED mclaren next year lol
Also how many parties/get togethers has that been that’s been runined/tragic for them all now?
Tommy stop, please
You’re gonna hurt yourself
And that’s exactly what happened
Oh poor Izzy and Evie
They’re doing so well and Wyatt is coaching them so well 🥺
I’m not sure they know they’re talking to Wyatt so being told “my dads gonna meet you at the hospital” is probably really out of the blue lol
Tommy telling Judd to call Nancy 🥺
I’m sorry, this is so silly but why did she give Judd her purse? Is she not allowed to have it?
The girls being asleep on the hospital waiting chairs and Judd watching them
The Ryders and Vegas are an extended family unit fr
Tommy 😭
Nancy trying to reassure Tommy 😭
“You’re wise and patient, which is more than I can say for myself right now”
My mama “that’s for sure”
I love Tommy wanting Nancy being interim paramedic captain
I know people have been calling it for a while but I really wasn’t expecting them to go down the adopting Jonah route
The ceiling is bleeding?
Soup man got shot?
#911 lone star spoilers#tk strand#911 lone star#owen strand#carlos reyes#enzo#jonah morgan#tommy vega#nancy gillian#wyatt harris#judd ryder#marjan marwani#paul strickland#mateo chavez#tarlos
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Hello! I've heard you're the person to ask for all things Holbrook Character-related? I have to know, Ms. Darth, if they're engaging in petplay, what kinda pet would the members of the collective choose to play?
Steve Murphy: Ooh you know, I bet it’s pony play for Steve. He could get so into the dressage and the presentation - it’s precise! It’s showing off how in-tune he is with his owner! There’s a physicality he embodies even while he’s relinquishing control!
Donald Pierce: Aw, Pierce’s ideal pet play is when he’s a skittish cat. He wants to get to be a nervous pet that’s lured out with patience and affection and treats! He wants someone to handle him carefully – no unexpected groping or manhandling. Maybe eventually, but they’ve gotta earn his trust first! By the end of the night he might be curled up on his owner’s lap purring… but he’s always a little fidgety, and he likes the option of getting to pull back whenever he wants. Nobody blames cats if they want to keep some distance!
Cap Hatfield: He’d be a very serious working dog. He doesn’t really need training - he knows exactly what he needs to do, and he’s on *task* at all times, so please, no distracting him with random petting and belly rubs! I think in some ways Cap doesn’t fully understand the difference between this pet play and how he is the rest of the time, except Nancy is having him put on dog ears and calling him “puppy” now! He could totally get into kneeling next to her after he’s done for the day, or sleeping on the floor between her bed and the door. He’s a good guard dog!
Clement Mansell: A kitten! Clement would get to be needy and affectionate and positively adorable, but also, he’d be allowed to be unpredictable and a little wild too! Nobody blames a kitten if they suddenly wail like a banshee and charge around the kitchen, or push a glass of water off a counter - they’re *kittens*, and gosh darn it, they’re so cute! Nobody can stay mad at them!
The Corinthian: Well, the easy answer is a dog - but honestly, the Corinthian’s already so dog-coded, I think it’d be funny if his ideal pet play was him as a raven! He wants to be preened and pet like Dream does with his ravens! He wants to be trusted with messenger jobs, that sounds fun! He wants to be able to eat roadkill without anyone looking at him askance!
Eli Klaber: Totally a cute little lap dog! He can do basic tricks and bark on command, but really he just wants to be happily cuddling his owner and adorned in pretty bows. Cages are out for him - he’s a princess, he absolutely gets bed and couch privileges.
Danny Maguire: You know? I bet Danny would do best as a puppy. He’d get patient training and gentle discipline (which he absolutely needs), but he’d also get so much love and praise too. No, no biting – aw, yes, exactly, we lick instead of bite! Good boy! Here’s a treat!
Ty Shaw: Haha Ty would be a high energy dog. He’s not the most obedient thing, but he’s very good-natured - he just wants the excuse to run and play! He’ll absolutely tackle his owner and lick them all over, and probably hump their leg!
Vic Owen: Vic’s ideal pet play would be where he’s a dickhead cat that changes his mood on the fly. Sometimes he’s yowling and taking a swipe at his owner if they touch him in a way he didn’t like! Sometimes he’s nuzzling against them and purring! Sometimes he’s swatting their stuff off the table just because! Similar to Clement, Vic really likes having permission to do what he wants in the moment, and have that be okay (and his owner doesn’t love him any less for it, even if they might get a little irritable! They’ll still cuddle him when he demandingly pushes up against them!).
Quinn McKenna: He’s so Malinois coded. He plays a very well-trained but high energy dog that needs tasks and stimulation! He likes learning new tricks and showing off his tricks! You know? I bet Quinn could get into being put in a cage too. Crate training feels like something he might find unexpectedly cozy.
#bonus Vic!#boyd holbrook#donald pierce#the corinthian#steve murphy#ty shaw#quinn mckenna#clement mansell#cap hatfield#eli klaber#danny maguire#vic Owen
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i’m still thinking of the ‘oblivious giant who sees the tiny as so cute and harmless’ and ‘deadass serious and dangerous tiny who’s over it’ but i pushed it to the far extreme and now i’m imagining a pleasant suburban middle aged woman who occasionally sees tiny people in her house and, aren’t they the most gosh darn cutest things. just adorable!! she pats their heads and send them on their way with a cookie. the borrowers are all part of an active cult trying to resurrect an unfathomable ancient evil. they’re like, building altars and summoning circles on her coffee table and she’s just like “oh!!!! very creative :) i love the red !!!! oh, its “blood”? *winks* sure it is ! thats so fun, honey! good job!”
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Teach Me, Maria-sensei! 7️⃣
Sunny: I haven’t heard you talk about your family, like, ever. What’s up with that?
Maria: None of humanity’s institutions are defensible, but ‘the family’ is by far our worst creation. It is the root of all evil, the ancestor of all hierarchies and unearned authorities, and thus deserves a slow and painful death.
Sunny. Neat. So you totally want to complain about your family, don’t you?
Maria: I’d really rather not.
Sunny: Then you want to say something nondescript about them?
Maria: No! Why do you care so much about it?
Sunny: Because you usually want to share your opinions about everything and everyone, so if you don’t want to talk about it, then I must be poking a nerve.
Maria: …
Sunny: Poke poke.
Maria: …
Sunny: You know it’s only a matter of time. I can do this all day.
Maria: [sighs] Right, I forget sometimes that you’re evil.
Sunny: I’m not evil! I’m just good at what I do. Now gimme the details. Gimme gimme.
Maria: It’s… ugh, I can’t believe I’m telling you this. By any chance, have you ever heard of the ‘skuman project’?
Sunny: Nope, but it’s in quotes so it must be important.
Maria: I had just described how the billionaire class retreated to their bunkers, private islands, and company towns back in the 2030s. Once they were settled, they unfortunately were not content to stay idle, and set to work on a number of experiments previously considered off-limits. The ‘skuman project’ was one of those experiments, or rather, a collection of related experiments that would have previously been rejected as unethical and physically impossible - exowombs, genetic engineering, tailored hormone therapies, the list goes on. They tried anything that would bring them closer to a future of eloi and morlocks, deific übermenschen ruling over obedient, unthinking worker bees.
Sunny: Sheesh! I mean, I am also trying to make people into my obedient and unthinking servants, but I just do that by bein’ so gosh-darn cute! [wink, peace sign]
Maria: But, as always happens with such grand ambitions, the billionaires behind it were deeply in denial. There’s a reason that such experiments were off-limits - back then, our knowledge of human genetics was woefully rudimentary, and their ‘experiments’ were akin to doing surgery while wearing oven mitts. They were throwing darts in the dark, often with live human subjects. The majority of these experiments were straightforward failures. Their exowomb experiments never produced any viable offspring, and the only thing their gene-tailoring therapies did was give children genetic disorders… hence why I’m stuck in this wheelchair most of the time.
Sunny: Whoa. So you’re telling me…
Maria: My ‘parents’ were a human breeding-sow and the supercomputer that wrote my DNA. I was raised by nannybots that followed the whims of their corporate masters. I am a skuman.
Sunny: That is, and I do not say this lightly, wowsers bowserinos. There’s no way it’s still going on, right?
Maria: Correct. The Global Logistics Network came in and shut the whole thing down back in the 2050s, then paid off all the surviving skumans to keep quiet about it, though by this point it’s become an open secret.
Sunny: Why did they want to keep it secret? If I were in their shoes I’d love the chance to show off other people’s bad ideas.
Maria: My guess would be that the GLN wanted to take a look at the results for themselves, see if there was anything they could learn from it. Mistakes can also be valuable information. Who knows what they’re doing with it now, it’ll probably be decades before anything is officially released to the public. If there’s one thing the GLN is good at, it’s giving people money to keep them quiet.
Sunny: Hey, it’s a form of wealth redistribution.
[long pause]
Maria: They thought they were making the future of humanity. And instead, they made a genetic train wreck. A woman-shaped pile of endocrine disorders. It’s like making pancakes, you know, the first one of the batch always comes out wrong. And you know what the worst part of all this is?
Sunny: [quietly] What’s that?
Maria: There’s a part of me that admires what they were trying to do. I don’t agree with their aims, obviously, but… whenever I tell people about all this, the first thing they do is whimper and coo about how hard it must be to not have a family. Then they turn around and talk about how much they hate their parents. In a way, us skumans are ex nihilo, free of ancestry and thus free from original sin. There’s a part of me that hopes the GLN gets some good data from all this and by 2100 people themselves are just one more mass-produced commodity.
Sunny: Why?
Maria: I don’t know. Because it’s what we deserve.
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Her Blue Sky
I just finished watching Her Blue Sky and I LOVED it!! This movie was so cute and my heart is so full.
“But Crow,” you might be saying, “why are you watching that instead of watching the last four episodes of Haikyu?” Because I’m a wimp and I don’t want Haikyu to end. Also I want to watch it when I really have the emotional energy for it, not just reserves. It deserves all the emotions I can spare it.
That said, moving on to talking about Her Blue Sky! Spoilers below.
Okay first of all, let’s get this out of the way. Aoi is a brat. I kept thinking so all throughout the movie. Do I love her anyway? Yes. But she’s a brat and I got irritated with her self-centeredness.
Akane, on the other hand? I love her so much. She’s so sweet and I was rooting for her and Shinosuke the whole time. Honestly I admire her. She’s got such a good heart and an amazing work ethic and she’s so selfless. It’s inspiring!
I’m gonna mention Tsugu because I loved him throughout the whole movie. He’s probably one of my favorites. I could tell pretty early on he had a thing for Aoi, and I was glad to be proven right. He’s a good kid and he’s good for her and when he‘s older I think they’ll be a great match! (When I tell you I turned to AO3 and was crushed to discover that not only are there no fics about them, there are no Her Blue Sky fics in general.)
I don’t like Shinosuke. I just can’t bring myself to. He’s an arrogant jerk and a drunk. But the scene where he played for Akane and made her laugh made me happy. And if she still loves him and he makes her happy and if he’s going to get his head screwed on straight and treat her right, then I’m happy they’re together.
Now, time for my favorite character…
OH MY GOSH I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. WHAT THE HECK. He’s such a sweet guy and he cares so much about Akane and he’s such a good big-brother-figure to Aoi!! He’s such a goofball and so optimistic and a bit childish and he’s got so much golden retriever energy, but he’s also really mature.
I think I have a new fictional crush, y’all.
Look at this idiot /affectionate




have I convinced you to watch it yet?
Seriously. It’s well worth it even if only for him (Akane and Tsugu are so worth it too btw. I love them both.)
9/10 movie, will absolutely be watching again and Shinno will probably live in my head rent free for a while after this.
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Wonderful Precure Episode 35 Review - Satoru's Feelings
I’m still a fledgling when it comes to Precure lore, so it’s sort of unusual to see an episode dedicated prepping Satoru up for a confession. The last time I watched an episode about love, it was in Episode 14 where Takumi was confessed to by a girl and a whole topic about first loves came to be. However, unlike that episode where it wasn’t about Takumi but the girl who had a crush on him, this one is fully about Satoru and his feelings for Iroha. Heck, this is actually a Satoru-focused episode as well, so I’m all for this.
While Satoru is a popular guy who receives his fair share of love confessions at school, his heart is only set on Iroha. They first met three years ago when he rescued an injured Daifuku who was hurt badly from a snake attack. He was worried about him, but a young Iroha approaches him and tells him that everything will be okay. Younger Satoru wasn’t too well-versed with animal trivia as he had no idea not all rabbits had perky ears. In fact, Iroha had more knowledge than him, but the moment she called him kind and smiled at him, he fell for her HARD. The fact that it’s symbolized by flowers blooming and that Satoru started researching animals just to impress her was adorable as heck. He was down bad at eleven.
It was cute seeing the biggest IroSato shipper Mayu trying to help Satoru. Yuki helps out too. It was funny how they snuck into Iroha’s house to see who this “Keiji” is, only for him to be a German Shepherd training to be a K9 dog and his owner Keiichi being a frequent visitor. Though, this part of the episode did feel a little weird as Satoru is usually very good at guessing the identity of Iroha’s vague descriptions, so the fact that he didn’t put two and two together that the “man” she was talking about was actually a dog felt out of character.
Getting the help of Mey Mey wasn’t a good idea at all. Not only was Mey Mey clueless about Satoru’s feelings for Iroha, but he legit spilled the beans at the end. Gosh darn it, you darn sheep. Though, it was comedic to see him being a scorned hypotenuse when it comes to Satoru. It’s funny how he acts like he has feelings for Satoru. I also love the shocked black and white shots of Satoru, Niko and Mey Mey being shocked and then another one with Mayu and Yuki with the 70’s Shoujo shocked faces.
The Gaogaon segment with Torame felt really shoehorned in for the sake of formula, but it was shocking to see the kangaroo actually kicking Friendy HARD. I do like that using the Lillian Net reminded the kangaroo of its mother’s pouch.
The episode was cruel for ending it there. I wonder how Iroha will take it. I do wonder what will happen next. What’s the purpose of having Satoru’s feelings for Iroha be a part of the story? It doesn’t feel like he’s going to transform? Who knows…the preview for next week’s episode actually gave us nothing, meaning they’re hiding something major! I know that human Niko has been revealed, but is there more? What are your thoughts?
#wonderful precure#precure#satoru toyama#Daifuku Toyama#Mayu Nekoyashiki#Cure Lillian#Yuki Nekoyashiki#Cure Nyammy#Iroha Inukai#Cure Friendy#Komugi Inukai#Cure Wonderful#Niko#Mey Mey#Torame#review#anime#anime review#ecargmura#arum journal
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spider noir as a dad
headcanons i cooked up on the spot
definitely would show you a few tricks up his sleeve. could be quite literally anything he would always want you to be 2 steps ahead of people.
as a dad he would show you how to protect yourself. he showed you self-defense and while you and noir were practicing some moves…a punch connected. 💀 you literally punched him in the stomach at full force. he literally groaned and grunted as he fell back LMAO “gosh darn..” he would say as he rolled on his side and clutch his stomach.
such a silly dad oh em gee, he is a sucker for dad jokes. he’d purposely say random dad jokes throughout the day just to annoy you. and would probably say some more dad jokes if you were around hanging with friends…he loves to embarrass you in a good way of course!
he’s very overprotective of you. istg if someone bullies you, he won’t hesitate to defend you and fight them little kids himself. he doesn’t care if they’re kids or adults!!! he’s gonna protect and defend you at the end of the day since you’re his kid!
favorite endearments to call you would probably be “kiddo, kid, sunshine”
he loves to give you piggy bank rides all the time, very cute!
“you wanna go for a swing kid?” you and your dad, noir, both swinging through the city of NYC is such a fun time for y’all. family bonding at its finest.
always bringing you to hangout with the gang which consists of miles morales, gwen stacy, peter b. parker, peni parker, and peter porker! you are all like one big family and everyone treats as the “baby” of the family.
you would think your own dad would be the one to give terrible advice because of his own nature but nope, he actually gives pretty good advice. may be the hard truth but he would never lie to you or give you “false” hope.
he loves and appreciates so much when you color code anything in purple. whether it be in drawings or pretty much gifting him items in purple 💜
tags 🏷️: @kairiscorner
#spiderman atsv#spiderverse noir#itsv noir#spider man noir#spiderman noir#noir as a dad#you know he’s a dad to peni too#spider man in other media#spiderman into the verse#spider man into the spider verse#itsv headcanons#fluff#spiderman itsv#peter parker#viralpage
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