#they’re just not fucking
t0ast-ghost · 4 months
Can’t explain it but they’re really cunty in this photo
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officialbabayaga · 6 months
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the way this is phrased to avoid confronting the reality that people can’t afford food anymore
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blueskittlesart · 7 months
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i hope everyone in nintendo’s management department dies and goes to hell no matter what and i’m not kidding
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wolvndmouth · 18 days
Okay but this Logan and this Wade
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And also this Logan and this Wade
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As well as this Logan and this Wade
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And then this Logan and this Wade
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And then this Logan and this Wade
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lilislegacy · 3 months
people always make jokes about percy making these crazy plans and annabeth being super against them. but i’m fairly very sure that 90% of the time, it’s the exact opposite?? there are literally book scenes where annabeth has a crazy plan and percy absolutely DREADS it and thinks she’s gonna get them killed lol. so please allow my take on this:
annabeth: i have a plan
percy: thank the gods. what is it?
percy, narrowing his eyes at her:
annabeth, biting her lip:
percy: i swear to- wise girl whatever it is i’m not doing it
annabeth: no no i really think this plan will work! you just can’t die if we want it to
percy: oh ok sorry, im so stupid because i was thinking not dying IS THE PLAN!!
percy, accepting his fate: what is it
annabeth: okay so you see that bottle over there that says demigod poison, instant death, do not drink?
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Probably a smart move on the localization team’s part lmfao but it would have been SO FUNNY if they’d kept it
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rogueshadeaux · 6 months
“I hate the script, the vault dwellers sound so cheesy—“ my Brother in Steel you realize that’s the point, right? They were bred to act like the physical embodiment of an HR e-mail. Did you not catch the memo that Vault-Tec put out regarding their experiment facilities?
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8pxl · 5 months
PSA 🗣️ another scammer using genAI without disclosing it
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pixlgirl has been posting generated AI (targeting fandoms) without disclosing it, passing it off as their genuine art and has apparently scammed at least one person into ‘commissioning’ them. this is a public PSA so yall can block them, and not interact. please do not harass them!
it’s incredibly shitty to be disingenuous while posting AI but even shittier to scam people with it 🤢 stay diligent yall
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AU where the others find out Jon is going to explore the tunnels in Season 2 and forcefully tag along (Sasha is alive and everything is fine)
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frownyalfred · 7 months
I think several members of the Justice League hate the Batfamily because every one of them — every single one — has the same, Batman-esque look on their face when they know something you don’t. Which they do. Frequently. Just like the fucking Bat.
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transmascissues · 8 months
it’s so funny to me that people used to try to warn me “if you go on t it won’t make you androgynous it’ll just make you look like a man” because 1) i do want to look like a man, that is famously a major part of being a trans man but also 2) t literally has made me androgynous?? like they were wrong on both counts. i got most of the looking-like-a-man changes that i wanted (deep voice, broader body, hair all over my body including my face) and i also give every single cis person in a five mile radius a stroke every time they try to figure out my gender. the assumption that trans men wouldn’t actually want to look like men and the assumption that cis people are good at correctly gendering us once we’re on t are both weird as hell.
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heartless-aro · 3 months
One of my least favorite responses to discussions about arophobia in fiction is “That character isn’t aromantic though! They’re just a psychopath/sociopath/narcissist/[insert relevant stigmatized disorder here]”. Being aromantic and having a personality disorder — including ASPD or NPD — are not mutually exclusive. The trope of “This person doesn’t feel love, therefore they are evil” doesn’t stop being arophobic the moment it’s directed towards a character with a personality disorder (yes, even if they have one of the “scary” personality disorders). Ableism and arophobia often intersect in this way, and that doesn’t make the arophobia any less arophobic
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romijuli · 1 year
It’s not that I don’t LIKE the Fandom Popular Pairings, it’s that I find the assumption that everyone ships them and the general all-consuming nature of said pairings to be kinda exhausting,
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theswedishpajas · 2 years
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Just take it from me.
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wawataka · 2 years
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they fucking did it again they baby-fied mob bones give me the middle schooler id be terrified to run into at the store back
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
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did somebody say dadkarios
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