#they’re both so glowing and happy and tipsy
“we don’t want to be known as the tank band”
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leclsrc · 2 years
This req is gonna sound weird but do yk that scene in friends where ross is hugging rachel by the legs? on his knees? could i have a charles drabble w/ that? ty!
the final frame – cl16
You and Charles move in together, among other things.
auds here... this req is from before christmas hahaha. i do not watch friends so i scoured the internet for this ‘scene’, i hope i was right and i hope i did this req justice! this is the last one for now and i’ll hopefully reopen them fr in a minute. title from this
The night’s colder than you anticipated, a cool draft sending goosebumps up your forearm as you inspect the fillet of salmon in the oven. You step forward, off where you’d been leaning on the island, to heave the window shut—the act usually requires all your strength—but Charles bounds into you from behind, pressing insistent, laughing kisses onto your neck.
“C,” you say, giggling yourself, a hand coming up to stroke at the nape of his neck. “Stop, there are people in the next room.”
He bites on your jaw a little and you laugh. “Next room, babe. Like, right in the next—just two metres—!”
Laughing still, he finally lets up and effortlessly shuts the window himself. He pecks another kiss, just on the tip of your nose, murmurs I love you and lets it settle into the herb-smelling air. “Are you tipsy?” You ask, teasing. He winks.
“No—really, though,” you press a little, lacing your hands together. “You’re fine?”
“Totally.” He smiles. “Bit nervous.”
“I was, too,” you start, squeezing his hand, “until I remembered these are literally just our friends. And they’re stupid, and they’ll probably love us even if we announced we murdered someone.”
He nods and smiles, slots your mouths together. When he pulls away, he murmurs, “I love you. You look beautiful.”
Really, you’re just in a two-year-old dress from a flea market in Provence, and your hair is dry and ratty and tied into a bun, but you appreciate the compliment. He’s being genuine, eyes gliding over you with ease as he presses yet another kiss to your cheek; you loop your arms around his neck, smiling up at him. This is so foolish, you think, to be so idiotically in love like this, but it’s Charles, and it makes so much sense.
“You’re glowing, really.” He doesn’t give, still spouting compliments like a broken fountain. 
“You suck.” You’ve never been good at accepting compliments, which seems ironic because you’re with a man who loves words, loves to tell you how much you mean to him, muffled by skin or said through a mic or in French or Italian. You tug him closer. “Should we go?”
He pauses, exhales. “Yeah. Let’s.”
Your friend group has gathered here, at Charles’ place, under the pretense that you’re trying to finish the ridiculously expensive bottle of wine Charles had purchased from France, but really, it’s for you both to announce your moving in together. Little milestones like these have always been celebrated by your group, and this is no different; tonight, Max has even volunteered to fix the clock that permanently reads 12:38 on Charles’ flat’s mantle.
You lead the way from the kitchen into the living room, where everyone is engaged in some kind of chatter or activity. Lily’s legs are draped over Alex’s lap and she’s coaching him through a Rubik’s cube. Lando is busy telling a joke to Carlos and Isa. And Max is three feet off the ground fiddling with a clock, turning deviously to ask: “Where have you two been?”
“Shagging,” you reply with nonchalance. 
“Your hair’s still perfect,” Lily says disapprovingly. “Don’t lie!”
You roll your eyes, stifling a smile as you lean into Charles’ arm that’s wrapped itself around your shoulders. In the future, you’ll tell yourself you should’ve noticed his clammy hand pressed against your arm, or turned and noticed his blank stare, his too-nervous gait. So many signs, you’ll think, and you ignored them all because you felt so damn happy. “Okay, I’m lying. The truth is…”
You turn to him, brows raising. “…you wanna go?”
“I wan—do you?”
“Sure, if you—”
“Just tell us!” Lando yells impatiently, sitting straighter, abandoning the joke in favor of this. “Tell us. Now!”
“Okay, um, we—well, a few months ago we decided we kind of. No, we definitely wanted to live together. And, to save you all the sexy details of getting leases and looking around Monaco for flats—we got one just two weeks ago. So this is—what it is, is it’s, uh, really a dinner to celebrate saying bye-bye to Charles’ flat. Okay? Right. Okay.”
You pause. The room erupts in whoops and cheers—many utterances of the word finally! float across the room. Immediately Isa and Lily are standing, demanding to see pictures of the new place, directions they can input into their cars and phones so they know exactly how to get there. Carlos, Lando, and Alex all cheer, offer alcohol as housewarming gifts. Max nearly drops the clock.
And this is it, you think, the rest of your life’s been decided. With this group, and your Charles, and the flat that will be yours by tomorrow morning.
Your house doesn’t feel much like home.
You know it’s an unfair statement, that it’s only really been two, three months of living together. But something has shifted, something you cannot name no matter how hard you try to. It’s just as cold tonight as it was the night you were in Charles’ old place announcing this one, but everything feels different now.
The move had started excitedly, with you sending near daily updates to the group chat with Isa and Lily, of paint swatches and ship-ins from IKEA. They sent flowers, came over to inspect the place, and so did everyone else—Max returned the now repaired clock, nailed it onto a spot on the wall the entire group agreed on. Slowly, bit by bit, the place began to feel like it was yours. 
But the nights without Charles grew long, and the days with him at work or at the gym or at a media affair—some of which he’d easily denied in favor of you before—grew more frequent. The flat, big and wide and lofty in an affluent neighborhood, felt bigger when he was gone. You were alone, a stranger in your own house, without him. 
You can’t pinpoint anything.
You can’t pinpoint the when, the how, the why, the if. To you, everything is vague, and that’s the worst part: how can you fix something you can barely understand? You haven’t shared a cup of coffee in ages, and the most you see of him is half his foot departing the front door in the morning. It could be work, it could be the preparing for the season, but in six years of being together nothing’s felt quite like this. You wonder if it’s deliberate. 
But your texts to Isa and Lily stay the same. Cream or eggshell? Cerulean or slate? And when they ask about Charles, you ignore the bite of guilt and lie instead. C and I just had brunch, he said eggshell, but the truth is, you’re the one settling on eggshell. You’d asked him ‘cream or eggshell’ three weeks ago and he said he’d think about it but he didn’t come home until four, and he hasn’t answered it.
He gets in on Saturday night earlier than usual, eyes dark with exhaustion. He’s wearing a suit, and you don’t know why. You can’t place half the places he’s been lately. His texts are choppy, standoffish. Here. Leaving soon. I’ll see you? “Hi, baby,” he croaks when he sees you nursing wine at the kitchen counter.
“C,” you say quietly. “Hi. When did you get in?”
“Just now, I was driven.” 
“Oh.” You pause. “Want a glass?” You raise the bottle.
He seems to hesitate, stopping in his tracks a bit before nodding defeatedly and pacing toward you. He presses a kiss to your forehead, then your cheekbone, then finally your lips. You relish this, because you haven’t had it in so long. This intimacy, this affection, this kiss that isn’t pressed onto you while you’re asleep and he comes home with apologies flowing from his lips.
You pull away, pour him a glass of red. “Isn’t it crazy to think we have a home now?”
His smile flickers a little, and you notice. You try not to sound nosy when you pry. “C,” you say, the lump rising in your throat. Here you are, celebrating one of the happiest chapters of your life, but Charles won’t even meet your eyes. This is it. After months of not knowing, you think, you have to know. Now. “Are you okay?”
The wine is only half-poured. He sighs shakily, shakes his head.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He sounds so, so far away.
“You’re scaring me,” you say, laughing. But you sound more nervous than amused. He sounds nervous, too.
“Baby,” he says suddenly, like a dam in his mind has broken and everything is spilling out, all the damage, all of it, and it’s washing onto you like a massive wash of water. “Baby, I—I fucked up.”
You cannot withstand the wave. Your eyebrows knit together. “Tell me,” you insist. Even more surprisingly, he crumples to his knees, hugs your thighs and leans against you. You press, anyway. “Talk to me, C. Please.”
“You can’t fix this,” he says resolutely, “you abso—you can’t.”
“I will,” you say. “I love you.”
“I slept with someone else.” This is a great, big, terrible feeling. You really can’t fix this. You’re back to being clueless. Your heart stops, and so does your breath, heavy and heaving. Words are dry when they try to leave your throat, leap off your tongue. Your hand, threaded into Charles’ hair, pauses. You feel him crying, but you feel nothing else.
“You what,” you ask. It’s so dry, everything is desert dry. A whisper, a breath, a murmur in the cold kitchen.
“I’m sorry.”
“C,” you say, and you can’t even cry yet. You’re stunned, struck with dizzy disbelief. “Was it—when, like, last season…?”
His silence answers you, and you stumble backwards, out of his grasp. You shake your head, like you’re trying to quell the tears, the lump in your throat, the nerves in your stomach that threaten to bubble over.
“Don’t say this year.” You shake your head, over and over, shaking and shaking, like it will rid you of the conversation you’re currently having. You think of the paperwork, of the nearly dropped clock, of signing the lease, of eggshell and flowers, of housewarming gifts yet to be unwrapped.
Tearily, you muster, “Don’t tell me, C. Don’t fucking do this to me, please. Don’t.”
“I barely even know her,” he says. “Once. It happened once. It meant nothing.” Your soul crushes, shot and wilted.
“No, it meant everything,” you say angrily. You’re angry now. Angry and sad, and furious and boiling with rage. You’re everything. You’re a house fire, right here in the flat. 
And you stand, feet bare on the tile, thinking about how you’ll have to live with this forever, branded like an ugly stamp. You loved and he did not. Get out, you say. Get out and don’t come back, I don’t care. Don’t fucking come back. You shove him weakly, but he gets the message, ushers himself to the coat rack. You’re not even yelling. You’re just breathing heavy, shaking your head, like you’re denying this ever happened.
You only cry when he’s left, loud, exruciating sobs. He wrestles himself outside still apologizing, saying he’ll be back tomorrow. You’re torn between hoping he will be and hoping you never see him again, crumpled to the hardwood of your brand new house, knees weak, heart weaker. You don’t get up until morning. 
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sometimesanalice · 7 months
Where did Bradley and Sweet Girl go for their honeymoon? I can stop thinking about them 🩵
They spend 3 weeks in Italy! They start in the North with Verona and Venice before working their way South, making stops in Florence and Rome, before ending in the Amalfi Coast.
They’re drinking good coffee and wine and eating pasta! There are lots of late nights and lazy mornings in bed. The morning light really is different in Italy.
Bradley is a bit of a history buff, so he is dropping tidbits as they explore Venice. (And while he’s happy for the couple they see get engaged under the Bridge of Sighs he’s also side eyeing it because that history is terribly unromantic). On their third night there, they both get tipsy off a couple bottles of Bardolino wine, and she flashes him on the Ponte delle Tette and later they get wolf whistled at because that secluded corner he’s crowded her into to make out afterwards isn’t that secluded. (Amóre!) 🥰
In Florence, they’re holding hands as they check out the Uffizi, picnicking along the river, and getting gelato at least twice a day. They buy Mav a leather jacket at the leather market as a thank you for watching Duck while they’re away. She surprises him with a cooking class. They really pack in all the exploring and cultural experiences in the first two weeks.
And the last week at the Amalfi Coast is spent at the seaside swimming and relaxing. Bradley gets to read a book cover to cover for the first time in what feels like years. And on one of their last full days there they hire a boat for the day, and take in the views with an aperol spritz (or two or three).
Bradley’s curls get all sunkissed in the golden glow of the Italian sunshine and he gets freckles on his shoulder. Even though she has the brush on powder sunscreen stick in her purse, his nose still gets sunburned and stays pink for most of the trip.
He loves seeing her sundress collection, and she thrives with him wearing those 5 inch inseam shorts. But she really does him in when they go to one of the beach clubs and he sees her high cut bikini bottoms with her butterfly tattoo on full display. (She absolutely knew what she was doing with that one, especially since now there’s a recently tattooed BB tucked next to them 🤗)
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chicgeekgirl89 · 8 months
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Rating: T Words: 6,934 Summary: In the hours after their wedding Carlos struggles to balance his joy with his grief. A/N: Please accept this in lieu of Seven Sentence Sunday! Thanks for the tags @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @kiwichaeng, @carlos-in-glasses, and @strandnreyes! Read on AO3
The reception has been in full swing for three hours.
Carlos smiles softly as he watches Ana swing his nephew around on the dance floor to Kanye West’s “Gold Digger;” a song that he’d definitely put on the no-play list and apparently T.K. had taken right back off again. 
In the end, the hours they spent agonizing over the playlist for the DJ, the color of the napkins, and the font for the invitations don’t even matter. They’re not what he’ll remember from tonight.
When he thinks of this night for the rest of his life he’ll remember the tears in T.K.’s eyes as he said his vows, the way it felt to hold him during their first dance, and the joy on their friends’ faces as they smeared cake all over each other. He’ll feel the ache in his heart over the way his mother’s eyes had gone glassy while she pinned on his boutonniere, the way Luisa had clung just a little tighter than normal to her husband’s hand, the way he kept looking for his father in the crowd only to remember that he’ll never see him again.
The joy and the grief are twined together in his soul in a way that he’s not sure he’ll ever be able to separate. And he can only hope that one day they bloom into something that feels like peace.
The day hasn’t been perfect; he’s not sure anything is ever going to feel perfect again. But it has been good. Their family, their friends, their love, it’s all so, incredibly good.
What’s not good is that he hasn’t laid eyes on his husband in nearly thirty minutes. Having T.K. by his side is the only thing that has made today bearable, and now that he’s not here Carlos feels adrift and exhausted.
His eyes search the crowd, taking in Nancy and Mateo who are slow dancing and both more than a little tipsy, his mom talking with one of the caterers about what to do with the leftover cake, Owen chatting with his brother and their family. But T.K.’s sweet face still eludes him. 
He’s about to get up and go conduct a physical search of the premises, but then a hand, its weight familiar even if the gold band on the third finger is still slightly foreign, squeezes his shoulder and T.K. drops into the seat next to him, a plate in his hands. 
His jacket and tie are gone, the top few buttons of his shirt open so that Carlos can see his medallion gleaming in the soft lights that illuminate the dance floor. His hair is a wreck, sweaty and all over the place, and there’s this glow about him, like the joy of the day has lit up his body from the inside out. 
He’s never looked more beautiful. 
“How many pieces of cake have you had?” Carlos asks, a fond smile on his lips.
“Three? Four? No idea babe,” T.K. says spearing another forkful. “It’s our wedding day, the calories don’t count. Want a bite?”
He extends his hand, but Carlos shakes his head. “I’m good thanks.”
Instead of eating it T.K. sets the plate and fork on the table then leans forward and puts a hand on Carlos’ knee, studying his face. “You’re tired,” he says softly.
“I’m okay,” Carlos assures him. “I’m—I’m so happy T.K.”
“I know you are. But you’ve barely slept this week,” T.K. says. “It’s okay to be happy and want today to be over.”
Leave it to T.K. to put what he’s feeling into words. He doesn’t want this day to end; he wants to stay here and dance and laugh and feel the sparkling joy of forever with those he loves. But he also wants to curl up in bed with T.K., wrapped in the quiet softness of his arms, and be alone together. 
Sometimes his husband knows him better than he knows himself. 
He must stay quiet for too long, because T.K. squeezes his knee. “Let’s leave.”
“We can’t leave,” Carlos tells him, checking his watch. “We still have another hour of the reception.”
“Is there a rule that says we have to stay for the whole thing?”
“Well we paid for the whole thing, so we probably should.” He looks out at the crowd again. Paul and Marjan are yucking it up on the dance floor while Asha laughs, Judd and Grace cheering them on. His mom is bringing drinks to his sisters who are watching the kids play with a bunch of glow sticks the staff just provided. It’s beautiful and bright and there’s no way they can leave it behind.
“It’s our wedding,” T.K. says. “We can do whatever we want.”
Carlos hesitates. It’s so tempting. It’s what he really wants. But T.K. is here, eating cake, and clearly having the time of his life. He can’t pull his new husband away just because he’s tired. “I’m really okay,” he says again. “Go back out there and dance.”
T.K. stands, but he doesn’t head back toward their family and friends. Instead he holds out a hand. “Come on.”
Carlos takes it and T.K. pulls him to his feet and then toward the building, away from where the party is. “T.K. where are we going?” he asks.
“We’re leaving,” T.K. says. “And before you say anything,” he continues, cutting off Carlos’ protest, “this is what I want. This day has been…it has been everything I dreamed it would be and more Carlos. But our marriage isn’t about today, it’s about the rest of our lives. And taking care of you is the most important thing I’ll ever do. So we’re leaving. Okay?”
He gives Carlos’ hand a squeeze and tugs him along down the hallway toward the rooms where they’d gotten ready this morning. It takes only minutes for Carlos to pack up his things. Everything is neat and tidy, just the way he left it. T.K.’s room on the other hand is a bit of a wreck and Carlos would tease him about it if he wasn’t so ready to get out of here. 
Instead he helps T.K. hunt for a missing sneaker, fetches his toiletry kit from the bathroom, and waits patiently as T.K. stuffs the clothes he came in into a duffel bag. 
He’s zipping it closed when the door opens and Ana walks in. She immediately yelps and claps a hand over her eyes, then drops it just as suddenly. “Sorry, sorry! I saw you two and assumed I was walking in on reception sex, but you’re both fully clothed so, obviously not. Or you were about to have reception sex and I interrupted. In which case sorry again.” 
“Ana what are you doing down here?” Carlos asks.
“The kids and I are playing hide and seek. So far I’m winning,” she says. “Why are you fully clothed? And packing a duffel bag? Are you about to make an Irish exit from your own wedding?”
Carlos looks at T.K. then back at his sister. “Yes,” he says.
Her eyes go soft with understanding. “Good. I’ll cover for you with Mom, okay?”
He opens his arms and she walks into them. She’s his big sister, but he’s been taller than her for years and he easily envelopes her in a hug. “Love you,” he mumbles into her hair.
“Love you too Carlitos,” she says, her voice a little rough, like she’s holding back tears. “And you T.K.,” she says when they pull apart, going in to hug him too. “Now go. Get out of here. Go start your life together.”
The Camaro is still where he parked it twelve hours ago and just remembering how long the day has been has Carlos sagging a little with fatigue. “I’ll drive,” T.K. offers, and Carlos hands over the keys without resistance.
They’re married now, the Camaro is half his anyway.
Funny how he thinks of everything they own as half T.K.’s except for his heart. That’s belonged to him fully since day one.
“Are you hungry?” T.K. asks as he starts the car. “We can stop and pick something up.”
“Not really,” Carlos says. “We can always order room service at the hotel when we get there.”
Owen booked them a room at some swanky place in downtown Austin where they’re staying for a couple nights before they leave for their honeymoon. They have the honeymoon suite which boasts a jacuzzi, a balcony, a king size bed, access to the hotel’s spa, and a butler. It’s incredibly generous of his father-in-law, and if it were any other time, Carlos would be looking forward to all the things they’re about to do in that hotel room. But tonight? He’s just so. damn. tired.
He must fall asleep on the drive because the next thing he knows T.K. is squeezing his bicep gently and he’s blinking gritty eyes open. Maybe it’s the lack of sleep or the emotions of the day, but he doesn’t recognize where they are until he stumbles blearily out of the car. He turns and looks at T.K. in confusion over the Camaro’s hood.
“My dad called the hotel and asked them to push the reservation to tomorrow,” T.K. says. “After he explained, they were more than willing to accommodate us. I thought tonight—“ He looks up at the brick building in front of them, “—it felt like you might just want to be home.”
This is what finally breaks him.
It’s as if the center of his chest rips open and he caves inward, wrapping his arms around his ribs to try and hold himself together. How is it possible to feel so elated and so anguished at the same time?
T.K. is there, his hands coming up to cradle Carlos’ face. “It’s okay baby,” he says. “You’re okay.”
“Thank you,” Carlos manages, his voice cracking over the words. “T.K. I—“
“Shh,” T.K. soothes. He presses a kiss to Carlos’ forehead. “Come on, let’s go inside.”
Carlos leans heavily against T.K. in the elevator. They’re halfway up before he realizes they didn’t bring in their bags and says as much to T.K. “We’ll get them tomorrow,” T.K. tells him gently. “There’s nothing in there that can’t wait until morning.”
Carlos clings to him like a child, tears still streaming freely as T.K. rubs his arm and murmurs sweet things into is curls while they wait for the elevator to reach their floor.
“Why don’t you go take a shower?” T.K. suggests once they’re inside the loft. “I’ll make us some tea.”
It’s ridiculous, but the thought of being separated from T.K. for even as long as cleaning himself up feels impossible to bear. “Come with me?” Carlos asks. “Please?”
“Yeah, baby. Of course.” T.K. brings Carlos’ knuckles to his lips for a kiss and then guides him toward the bathroom.
Carlos doesn’t realize his hands are shaking until he starts trying to undo the buttons on his shirt. He only manages a few before T.K. takes over, strong, capable, and steady. When he finishes Carlos slides it off, letting it drop to the floor without caring that it’s not anywhere close to their laundry basket. His undershirt, pants, boxer briefs, and socks join it as T.K. turns on the spray of the shower. 
Carlos steps in, the water hitting him in the face, not fully warm yet. He closes his eyes and lets it pour down, holding his breath until his lungs feel like they might burst. He only releases it when he feels T.K. step in behind him, his husband’s hand finding the small of his back. Carlos leans into him as T.K. presses a soft kiss into the skin of his shoulder before reaching around Carlos for the shampoo. 
“I can do it,” Carlos tells him. 
“It’s okay,” T.K. says softly. “I got it.”
T.K.’s hands work through his curls first, soft and gentle, and then down the rest of his body. The water washes away the sweat and the tears, but not the ache that now lives permanently between Carlos’ ribs. It hurts more with every breath and he struggles to try and push past it. He doesn’t want to feel this. Not tonight. 
“Go dry off,” T.K. says when all the suds have been rinsed away. “I’ll be out in a minute.”
Carlos towels off, pulling on a pair of sweatpants before sinking down on the edge of their bed. He should do something. It’s their wedding night. He should pour sparkling cider or sprinkle rose petals or find the leftover chocolate covered strawberries his sisters brought to their family dinner that are somewhere in the back of the fridge. But he can’t make himself move. All he can do is sit and try to remind himself how to breathe. In, out. In, out. In…
T.K. steps out of the bathroom in a clean pair of boxer briefs, the scent of their shower swirling around him. He’s gathered up their soiled clothes from the bathroom floor and Carlos watches as he sorts them out according to their laundry system. It’s this small act of love that causes tears to well and begin falling silently all over again. He’s married someone so good, so tender hearted. A man who takes the time to care for the pieces that Carlos can’t right now. 
“I love you,” Carlos says, the words somewhere between a croak and whisper. He wishes for all the world that there were better words. Love is not strong enough for the feeling that lives inside him because T.K. Strand is his. 
T.K. closes up the hamper and comes to him, his hands cupping Carlos’ face and wiping the tears away. “I love you too.” He looks into Carlos’ eyes, searching for something, though Carlos doesn’t know what. “Do you want tea?”
Carlos shakes his head and tilts his chin up. T.K. understands his wordless request and meets him, their lips coming together in a brief kiss. “Let’s go to bed,” T.K. says softly, brushing his thumb over Carlos’ cheek one more time before leaving him to slide beneath the covers on his own side of the bed.
Carlos joins him in the middle of the mattress, hands reaching to pull T.K.’s body into his. He’s desperate to close his eyes and succumb to the oblivion of sleep, but his husband deserves something more. Something better.
He kisses T.K. once, then again, trying to say without words what he’s feeling, like maybe if T.K. can feel it too he’ll be able to help Carlos make some sense of the tangled emotions knotting themselves around his heart. 
T.K. kisses him back, his hand coming up to rest on Carlos’ side, unusually still, just his thumb moving back and forth in a soothing motion. Carlos takes a breath and pulls him closer, deepening the kiss, the warmth of T.K.’s mouth a familiar comfort against his own. 
He finds the waistband of T.K.’s briefs and begins to slide them down his hip, but T.K. covers Carlos’ hand with his own breaking their kiss. “Baby no, not tonight,” he says quietly.
Carlos feels like he’s grasping at straws. There’s a script for how a wedding day is supposed to go, and T.K. has been nothing but gracious as they’ve improvised the whole thing instead. But there are expectations about how the night is supposed to end and Carlos can’t stand the thought of T.K. being disappointed if it doesn’t. “But it’s our wedding night. It should be special. You deserve to feel special.”
His voice breaks as he says it, the words coming out almost like a whimper.
“Oh Carlos. You are in the midst of unspeakable grief and you chose me anyway. That is,” T.K. swallows hard, his eyes growing bright with tears, “that is more than I could ever have asked for. I don’t need your body to make me feel special tonight.”
Carlos inhales a shaky, uncertain breath. “Are you sure?”
“You’re exhausted and grieving. This isn’t the moment. It will be. But not tonight. Tonight we both need to rest.” He gives Carlos a watery smile. “I’m not exactly in the right headspace either.”
Carlos’ heart squeezes in his chest. He’s spent the last few hours so overwhelmed with his own pain that he hasn’t thought of T.K.’s. “Your mom?” he asks.
T.K. nods, his mouth twisting a little, like he’s trying not to cry. “I miss her.”
“I miss her too,” Carlos tells him. “I wish she could see you. She’d be so proud.”
“I thinks she can,” T.K. says. “I hope she knows that I chose right. That you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I hope she knows how incredibly happy you make me.”
Carlos absorbs his words and feels them touch on a something he’s been feeling for the last week but hasn’t quite had the words for. “I’m sorry,” he says.
T.K. furrows his brow and brushes a hand through Carlos’ damp curls. “For what?”
“When your mom died, I thought…I thought I understood. I thought I knew how deep your pain was and that I could be a part of fixing it for you. I didn’t know,” he swallows down a sob that gets stuck in his chest where it aches and aches, “I didn’t know that it’s unfixable. I didn’t know how deeply losing someone breaks you. I wasn’t enough for you then. I didn’t do the right things or say the right things and I—“
“Carlos, Carlos stop,” T.K. soothes. “You were enough. You were everything I needed, even though you couldn’t understand.” He bites his lip, his soft gaze full of compassion and sorrow. “And I’m sorry that you do now.”
“It’s too much,” he says, his voice cracking. “I don’t know—god everything hurts. I don’t know how I can hurt so badly and feel so much love for you at the same time.”
“It’s okay,” T.K. tells him. “Don’t try to figure it out. It will ease.”
“It doesn’t feel like it will,” Carlos tells him, giving voice to the fear that’s eating inside him. He doesn’t want to be like this forever and he’s terrified that he’s just forced T.K. into marriage with a grief stricken monster.
“It will,” T.K. says. “You can trust me, it will.” He kisses Carlos’ knuckles. “Turn over. Let me rub your back.”
He’s too tired and sad to protest, so he does as his husband asks. T.K. moves his fingers slowly up and down Carlos’ spine. Carlos turns his head so he can see him, focusing on the feel of T.K.’s fingers against his skin and his eyes immediately begin to slide shut. “I love you,” T.K. tells him again and again and again, the only weapon he has to wield against Carlos’ exhausted grief. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Carlos says, his words slurring with sleep. “I love you.”
When Carlos wakes in the morning he feels rested for the first time in days. His head aches, his eyes feel gritty, and his face is stinging and raw from the salt of last night’s tears, but he doesn’t have that spinning, dizziness that comes with lack of sleep or the immediate feeling his gut that something is wrong. He remembers within seconds, he always does, that his father is gone. But it’s immediately followed by a second, much more welcome thought; he has a husband.
He shifts a little and reaches out blindly, his hand landing on T.K.’s thigh. When he manages to blink his eyes open he finds T.K. sitting up against the headboard, smiling fondly down at him. “Good morning husband,” he says softly, brushing his fingers through Carlos’ curls.
“Good morning,” Carlos says, smiling back. He rolls onto his back and captures T.K.’s hand, staring at the gold band encircling his finger. “You’re happy?” he asks, looking up to meet T.K.’s eyes.
“So happy,” T.K. assures him. “So, blissfully happy.”
“Me too,” Carlos says. He shifts a little, brow furrowing when he sees what’s in T.K.’s lap. “Are you reading my book?”
“I am,” T.K. says. 
Carlos furrows his brow. “You don’t read. And you definitely don’t read my smutty romance novels.”
“That’s true. But you’ve been asleep for a long time and I needed a way to entertain myself because you seemed very reluctant to let me go last night. I didn’t want you to wake up alone.”
It’s crazy how T.K.’s words can light him up from the inside out. The level of care T.K. lavishes on him is unparalleled. “Thank you,” Carlos says softly. “What time is it?”
T.K. glances at the clock. “A little after eleven.”
“Eleven!” Carlos startles. “I slept for twelve hours?!”
“It’s good babe. You’ve barely gotten any sleep this week. You needed the rest.”
Carlos is still shocked. “How long have you been awake?”
“Since like eight.”
“You sat here with me for three hours?”
“I did get up and go to the bathroom,” T.K. admits. “But I was very quick. I wanted to get back and find out why Alex hates Henry so much.”
Carlos snorts. “He doesn’t hate him.”
“Oh I got that,” T.K. says. “The blatant horniness practically leaps off the page.”
“Don’t make fun of my book.”
“I’m not! I’m not!” T.K. chuckles. “It’s sweet the way they want each other.”
“That’s why I picked it,” Carlos says. “It felt like it might be fun to read before our wedding. Two young men falling desperately in love.”
“Just like us,” T.K. says, locking their fingers together. “I am desperately, desperately in love with you Carlos Reyes. Always have been. Always will be.”
“Soulmates,” Carlos says softly.
T.K. nods. “Soulmates.”
He pushes himself up so they can kiss, long and sweet. When he pulls back he grimaces. “Sorry. Morning breath. I didn’t brush my teeth last night.”
“Yeah I knew you were out of it because you skipped that and the seven step skincare routine,” T.K. teases lightly.
“Is this what marriage is going to be? You making fun of my books and my self care routine?”
“Absolutely,” T.K. says immediately. “It was a footnote in my vows. I vow to take care and nurture you heart for the rest of my life and also mock you mercilessly as is my right as your husband.”
“Damn,” Carlos snaps his fingers. “I knew I should have read the fine print.”
“Too late. You’re stuck with me,” T.K. says. 
“Stuck with someone who puts off our hotel reservation and stays with me in bed all morning. Not a bad way to be stuck,” Carlos says, partly to T.K. and partly to himself.
“How do you feel this morning?” T.K. asks.
Carlos considers this. “Better,” he says. “Lighter.”
“We don’t have to go to the hotel,” T.K. tells him. “We don’t even have to go on our honeymoon if you’re not feeling up to it. We can cancel the whole thing and just stay here.”
It feels overwhelming to try and make that decision. He feels okay now, in control of the grief instead of letting it consume him the way it had last night. But his hold on it feels tentative and he’s not sure what tomorrow or even the next few hours will bring.
T.K. seems to sense this. “One thing at a time,” he says. “Do you want to go to the hotel?”
“Yes.” Carlos is a little surprised by how quickly the answer comes, but the thought of spending time with T.K. in such an incredible space feels safe enough. They’ll be close to home, they can always come back if he falls apart. “Yes I want to.”
T.K. beams at him. “Me too. Let’s go.”
Their bags are still packed and in the car, they hadn’t planned on coming back home after the wedding at all, so they’re ready to go in a matter of hours.
Carlos drives this time, T.K.’s hand tucked into his most of the way. He keeps rubbing his fingers over the cool metal of T.K.’s wedding band. In so many ways it feels like they’ve been married since the day T.K. came home to the loft, but having this tangible, visible reminder of their love feels so incredibly special.
They pull up to the valet and Carlos brings T.K.’s hand up to his lips, kissing his knuckles. “All right, save it for the jacuzzi,” T.K. teases, making him smile. 
The joy he’d felt yesterday during the ceremony and the beginning of the reception feels like it’s rekindling in his chest. He’s married. For real this time. To a man who holds his heart and his body with care and love. It’s more than he ever could have dreamed of.
They check in and are immediately swept into five diamond luxury. Their bags are whisked away and they’re given fresh, fruit flavored water before being ushered upstairs by their personal butler Victor. It feels slightly ridiculous, they’re a paramedic and a police officer, not the Kardashians, and he catches T.K.’s eye more than once in the elevator, his husband looking like he’s about to burst into laughter at the poshness of it all. This absolutely feels like something Owen Strand would enjoy and is far too rich for the two of them.
“Mr. and Mr. Strand-Reyes,” Victor says as they reach the penthouse floor and Carlos bites back a laugh because of course Owen made sure the reservation went his way on the hyphenation, “welcome to your suite.”
The door slides open and they walk into a room so big the loft could fit in it three times over. There are floor to ceiling windows that highlight the downtown world of Austin, along with a king size bed covered in rose petals, a freaking chandelier hanging from the ceiling, a bottle of sparkling cider on ice, and a tray of handcrafted pastry treats. They can’t see the bathroom from where they’re standing, but Carlos has a feeling it’s equally as grand as the rest of the room.
Victor explains the call button to them and gives them a tour of the space (the bathroom is indeed huge and Carlos feels T.K. squeeze his hand when Vincenzo shows them how to work the jacuzzi), while a second hotel employee delivers their bags and begins to unpack for them.
It’s everything last night should have been and Carlos resolves to make up for ending their wedding night in tears. Tonight? Tonight things are going to be perfect.
“Well, your dad really outdid himself,” Carlos says when Victor takes his leave. “If Owen Strand was a hotel room, this is what he’d be.”
“My dad does enjoy going overboard,” T.K. says, hopping up onto the bed and bouncing a little. “How much do you think it’s going to cost if we break that chair over there?”
“More money than we’ll ever make in our lifetime,” Carlos says.
“That’s what I thought.” T.K. flops all the way down onto the comforter, rose petals fluttering around him. “Oh my god this bed is amazing. Babe, come here.”
He wiggles a hand and Carlos huffs a fond chuckle as he walks over to join him. They lie flat on their backs staring up at the crystals of the chandelier, sparkling with tiny rainbows as they catch the light of the late afternoon Austin sunlight. “We’re married,” T.K. says softly. He turns his head and looks at Carlos. “You kissed me in a honky tonk bathroom and then you married me.”
That night seems like a million years ago and yet Carlos can still feel every second of it in his bones. The instant he’d looked into those green eyes he should have known this was where they’d end up. It was inevitable. “This is a little nicer than that bathroom,” he says, his eyes dropping to T.K.’s lips. 
“It is,” T.K. agrees, leaning closer, that half lidded, wanting look on his face.
The kiss is soft, the perfume of the rose petals filling the air as they’re crushed beneath their bodies. Carlos doesn’t wait long before rolling so that he’s hovering over T.K. There’s an urgency thrumming through his veins, but he refuses to give into it. He doesn’t want to rush this moment. He wants it to be like that first night, so bright and sharp that it writes itself on his very soul so he can relive it over and over again in the years to come. 
“Let’s get this off,” Carlos murmurs, sitting back so that T.K. can push himself upward. They work together to remove his shirt and then he lays back down again while Carlos makes quick work of his sneakers and then undoes the button on his pants, slowly sliding them down his legs.
T.K. puts his hands behind his head, his eyes following Carlos’ every move. “Yours too,” he says when Carlos goes to rejoin him, still fully clothed.
Carlos shakes his head. “Let me take care of you first.”
But T.K. sits up again, his hands coming to rest on Carlos’ hips. “If you’re taking care of me, then you should give me what I want,” he says, tilting his head to the side and looking up at Carlos from underneath his lashes. When Carlos doesn’t move T.K. lifts the hem of his shirt with one hand and presses a kiss into the softness below his navel, causing the muscles in Carlos’ stomach to clench with want. He drops one hand into T.K.’s hair, tightening it when T.K.’s teeth scrape gently across his skin. “Okay,” he breathes. “You win.”
T.K. smirks up at him. “I usually do.”
Bastard. He always does. 
Carlos pulls off his shirt and throws it somewhere to be found later and then lets his pants join it. “Better,” T.K. says as he reclines once more, his eyes going dark as he drinks in the miles of bare skin Carlos has exposed. 
Carlos presses his knees into the mattress, straddling T.K.’s hips. He gazes down, memorizing the sight of him with a halo of rose petals scattered around his head. T.K.’s lips are already pink from their kisses, his cheeks flushed with desire even though they’ve barely started. He’s so achingly gorgeous that it takes Carlos’ breath away. 
T.K. reaches up to cradle his face. “You’re my husband,” he says. “We take care of each other.”
Husband. Carlos lowers his head and kisses T.K. once, then again. He breathes the word into his mouth, marks it into his skin with his teeth, paints it with his tongue into the lines of his stomach and hips until not a single part of him is unclaimed. Nothing about them has changed physically, but those two syllables make everything feel different. His mind knows and he ensures T.K.’s body does too. 
It’s soft and slow, the minutes melting into hours as they take their time finding their way through this new level of intimacy.
In between, when they’re catching their breath, they drink the sparkling cider and feed each other pastries in a tangle of bedsheets before falling back into each other’s arms again. By the time the sky turns pink with dusk Carlos feels boneless with pleasure. He never wants to leave this bed. He never wants to be separated from T.K. again. 
“I’m hungry,” T.K. says from where his head is pillowed on Carlos’ chest. He’s stroking his fingers slowly up and down in the space between Carlos’ hip and his ribs. “Let’s order room service.”
Carlos’ stomach rumbles in agreement, putting an end to his plans to stay in this bed forever. “Good idea,” he says, pressing a kiss to T.K.’s hair. “Go ahead and grab the menu.”
T.K. props himself up so he can look at Carlos. “Oh I have to be the one to leave the bed?”
“Well you’re on top right now,” Carlos reminds him. “And you did say you wanted to take care of me.”
“I believe I said we take care of each other,” T.K. reminds him, poking a finger into his stomach. 
“Well if you get up I promise I will take care of you any way you want when you get back,” Carlos says with a grin.
T.K. huffs but rolls off the bed, walking across the room without bothering to put any clothes on. Carlos sits up against the pillows, watching as his husband walks across the room and grabs the menu off the table. He smirks when he turns around and catches Carlos staring. “Like what you see?”
“Always,” Carlos says.
T.K. plops back onto the bed, turning the menu over and reading through it. “How do we feel about duck confit tacos? Or strawberry goat cheese crostini?” He looks up at Carlos. “Let’s get both. It is on my dad after all.”
“Whatever you want,” Carlos says and means it. God he would do anything for this man, his heart is so full he feels like he could burst.
T.K. orders half the menu in the end and insists on a glass of wine for Carlos even though he says he doesn’t need it. “We’re celebrating,” T.K. says firmly. “You should drink the fancy wine.”
“Okay,” Carlos agrees. “If it will make you happy I will drink the wine.”
“Good,” T.K. says. He sits back and looks at Carlos. “How are you feeling?”
Carlos’ heart twinges and he tries to push it away. He doesn’t want anything to poke at their little bubble of happiness. “I’m fine,” he says, smiling and settling back beneath the sheets. “I’m happy T.K. Really. I’m not…last night won’t happen again.”
“It would be okay,” T.K. says softly, “if it did.”
Carlos swallows hard. “I don’t want to feel like that anymore.”
“I know,” T.K. says, his face compassionate. He squeezes Carlos’ knee through the sheets. “I wish I could tell you that you won’t. That the worst of it is over.”
“I know you can’t,” Carlos says. “I know it’s…I know it’s going to take time.”
T.K. nods and then leans over and reaches into his suitcase. “I got you something.”
Carlos holds out his hand and T.K. drops a silver chain into it. It coils in his palm and Carlos looks up at him questioningly. “When I’m on shift,” T.K. says, “I’m going to wear my ring on the chain with my medallion. I thought you might want a way to keep our ring and your dad’s ring close too.”
Carlos looks down to where both rings rest on his fingers, one of them a blessing, the other a reminder of his loss. Tears clog his throat at the thoughtfulness of his husband. “Thank you,” he says. “God, I love you so much, you know that?”
Instead of answering T.K. leans forward and kisses him. “I know,” he murmurs against Carlos’ lips. “Always and forever I know.”
The warmth and weight of their bodies pressing together makes Carlos thrum with want all over again and he pulls back reluctantly. “We should wait,” he says. “Victor will be here soon and we don’t want to give him a show.”
“Are you sure?” T.K. asks, ever the bad influence in their relationship.
“Later,” Carlos says, giving him another firm peck on the lips to finish it. 
“Fine,” T.K. says with a roll of his eyes as he slides off the bed. “I have to go to the bathroom. Don’t do anything fun without me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Carlos says as he disappears behind the bathroom door.
His phone chirps and he picks it up, his heart immediately squeezing with a lightning flash of pain. It’s a reminder about their flights tomorrow. They’re supposed to be on a two fifteen flight to Mexico. And they still haven’t decided if they’re going.
A second reminder pings onto the screen about their hotel reservation. He taps it and watches as it opens up to the hotel’s home page. His eyes drink in the sight of blue water, white sand, gorgeous pools, and stunning sunsets. It’s beautiful. The stuff honeymoon dreams are made of. 
He hears the toilet flush and the water run in the sink before T.K. reappears, now dressed in a massively fluffy white robe with the hotel’s logo embroidered over his heart. “I’m never taking this off,” T.K. says, holding out his arms so Carlos can get the full effect. “This is the softest thing I’ve ever put on. I feel like a WASPy woman from New England.”
He catches sight of Carlos’ face and cocks his head. “You okay?”
“Will you be disappointed if we don’t go to Mexico?”
“No,” he says immediately. “We can do it another time. Or never. It doesn’t matter to me. All that I care about is you feeling safe. If that means staying home then that’s what we’ll do.”
“T.K. the entire last week has been about me and what I need,” Carlos says softly. “What do you need? What do you want?”
“I want to do what’s best for you.”
T.K. shakes his head and sits down on the edge of the bed. “Sorry babe. It’s all about you this time.” He flashes a smile. “Don’t worry, it will be all about me again someday.”
Carlos snorts. “I’m sure it will.”
“But for now you have to make the call. And if you can’t, then I’ll just tell you, we’re not going. I’m not taking you out of the country when you’re uncertain about it. If you barely made it through a vacation with your family out of state, we’re definitely not going somewhere that requires a passport to get back.”
Carlos’ heart tears a little bit. Hearing T.K. talk about them not going hurts. They’ve both used up so much vacation time, there’s no chance they’ll be able to go again in the next calendar year. “I think we should go,” he says, testing the words out to see how they feel.
T.K. looks at him intently. “Are you sure?”
Carlos glances down at the pictures again. “So much about the last few months has been us trying to scramble and fix things. We had to rush to plan the wedding and then we barely made it to the altar at all. This is one thing we can do that fits the script of getting married. I think it might feel good to do something normal. We need a break. We need time and space. I think,” he swallows, “I think that’s what my dad would want for us.”
“I think so too,” T.K. says.
It feels right. “Then we’re going.”
T.K.’s face breaks into that sunshine filled, elated grin that took Carlos’ breath away on that honky tonk dance floor three years ago. “Baby! We’re going to Mexico!”
He launches himself at Carlos, tackling him into the mattress and kissing whatever part of him is closest to his mouth. Carlos laughs and pushes him off. “Stop! Victor’s going to be here any minute.” He looks around and winces. “Maybe we should clean up a little.”
The room looks like they’ve been having a sex marathon. Their clothes are everywhere, the sheets and duvet are practically on the floor, and somehow they’ve knocked over the fake potted plant in the corner. 
T.K. rolls his eyes. “I’m pretty sure Victor knows what people get up to in here. It’s fine.”
Carlos starts to get up. “I’m just going to move—“
T.K. grabs his hand and forces him to stay. “Do not get out of this bed. We only have so many hours left and we are not wasting time cleaning up.”
Carlos gives him a look. “Fine then. What do you want to do while we wait that doesn’t involve sex or cleaning?”
T.K. flops onto his side of the bed. “Read me some more of your smutty book.”
“Yes seriously. I want to know what happens on New Year’s Eve.”
Carlos laughs as he reaches down beside the bed and retrieves the book from his bag. “I’ll make a romance reader out of you yet,” he says as T.K. snuggles into his side.
“One book,” T.K. says. “I’m not committing to liking an entire genre. Don’t invite me to your book club.”
“That’s how it starts. One book and then another and then another…”
“Not happening babe.”
Carlos smiles fondly. “Good thing I have the rest of our lives to try and convince you.”
46 notes · View notes
dorimena · 3 years
I seriously love Bakugou and Todoroki. Especially Bakugou in his tight winter costume in S5. And I love Dom reader and femdom more than a sub. Can I pleaseee request Todoroki or Bakugou where the reader is recording them playing with a vibrator or dildo but get overstimulated because they can't cum from the cock ring because it's their punishments since they forgot their anniversary so reader also forget to stop the toys even if they beg reader to stop in the camera.if you don't mind the request
I don’t mind~ May your sin be forgiven with this prayer (˘⌣˘人) This sounds really, really sexy, so I had a blast imagining and putting this into words.
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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯; bakugou katsuki & todoroki shoto
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱; 2.1k
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰; fem!reader, sex toys (dildo, vibrators, cockring), overstimulation, cam sex (recording), exhibitionism, semi-public, dom!reader, sub!character
𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔰; balcony sex (?), threesome, whiny Bakugou, weeping Todoroki, punishment, orgasm denial, aged-up characters, Bakugou and Todoroki are both 20+
𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢; Unravel Me by Sabrina Claudio and Fuck Love by XXXTENTACION ft. Trippie Reid somehow helped me piece this together. Sorry if there are any typos! It’s not proofread.
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𝕯𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖊 𝕿𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖊
“W-we! We-”
You watch as both men struggle to speak, trying to ask for forgiveness, once again. It’s the fourth time this hour, the way Bakugou tries to open his mouth wide enough to not slur his words and Todoroki tries to correct Bakugou while keeping himself coherent.
It’s cute how the smartest guys in your life seem to fail miserably in having a decent human conversation
Well, you can’t blame them either, not with the way you keep toying around with the intensity of the vibrators taped to their dicks, cum drying on the toy enough to show anyone who looks up on the balcony that these two men, with such stature and muscles, are easily falling apart.
“Speak better, sweethearts. Can’t have you guys sounding so dumb on camera, right?”
Oh yeah, and you’re even recording them, in case anyone else would want to watch the rising proheros break.
You’re not actually going to show them to the public, but maybe to their friends. Maybe Kirishima would like to watch? Kaminari? Sero? Or maybe Iida? Midoriya?
Heck, the girls might even ask some day.
But you know what makes you curious about showing this video to their friends?
The way both Bakugou and Todoroki are presenting themselves beautifully, as if they’re pro porn stars saving the wanks rather than proheros saving the day.
It’s cute, how Bakugou’s puffing his muscular chest in the air as if they were the juiciest tits ever, which they are, and how Todoroki is somehow sensually humping the air with every buzz against his furious red tip.
Your eyes stay on the screen, making sure the lighting is entering nice enough to make it seem like they’re glowing, other than their post-orgasm glow.
How many times have they come by now?
“Babes, how many times have you cum?”
They both shake their heads.
Of course they wouldn’t know. They just take what they’re receiving. They’re making up for their mistake.
You still pout, tapping the touchable screen to even out the weird lighting as another cloud covers the sun, again.
Maybe giving their punishment out on the balcony wasn’t such a good idea.
As you look down to the floor below them, seeing the once growing puddle of cum slowly be pushed by the wind to trail off towards the side of the balcony, seeping through the small opening and probably dripping feets below is what keeps you positive, happy knowing people will eventually look up and wonder ‘what the fuck is going on?’
Well, either the drying cum gives away your dirty activities or it’s Todoroki’s wailing as an orgasm is ripped out of him forcibly.
Pity nothing comes from his tip, not since some time ago.
They both thought they deserve to cum and be satisfied?
Maybe you should’ve put the cock rings on them before making them come the first two times, but their reactions and frustration with how little some cum leaves or how their body reacts with the dry convulsions makes you giggle in pride.
Pretty babes.
“Todoroki, shut up. You’ll make the neighbors look over- oh! Oh, that’s what you want? I understand.”
And poor Todoroki is just shaking his head way too fast, enough to give him whiplash, but you just snicker as you reach over to a white box.
An unfamiliar white box.
Bakugou’s eyeing Todoroki in pity, wondering what the other will have to endure as he keeps trying to fight off his orgasm.
How he’s doing it, he has no clue. But god his dick hurts.
He’s been wanting to cum for the past 30 minutes, but with the way he resents this stupid cock ring, he’d rather not humilliate himself in front of you and figure out how else to please you.
Maybe he should offer to eat you out?
The way his body is super tense and his breathing is shallow doesn’t escape your attention, less how much pity is showing itself on his face as he shakes his face in disapproval with Todoroki’s recent dry orgasm.
Good thing you invested in this double dildo.
Neither of the boys take notice with how you’re lubing the dildo that looks like it’d belong to you. It’s quite pretty, long and thick enough to hopefully please your boys.
Even if they won’t get to cum.
“Bakugou,” you start, smiling as you watch his once bright eyes suddenly darken as shock takes over his face.
What the
“Fuck is that?!” He yells out, accidentally letting his body relax as it finally submits to the vibrations of the toy, his yell turning into an unbroken series of high-pitched moans, his hips losing control with how incredibly close he is.
“A double dildo, baby. Look! It even looks like if I’d be fucking you two, isn’t that fun?”
Bakugou shakes his head, gasping ‘no, no, no!’ before he falls forward, balancing himself with his palms as he sobs through his first dry orgasm. Maybe he shouldn’t have held back for so long, not with the way his body unforgivably goes through waves of pure unsatisfied pleasure.
Todoroki, meanwhile, is nodding eagerly, eyes welling up in happy tears at the idea of getting fucked, in getting more pleasure and love from you, even if this is meant to be punishment.
But, why are you exposing them like this?
They forgot your anniversary.
Your 3rd anniversary as a throuple, the anniversary Bakugou swallowed his bite and pride to confess to you how much he loves you and how he’s falling in love with Todoroki too; the anniversary Todoroki finally let loose the dam of emotions and even if a bit tipsy, agreed he too was falling in love with both you and Bakugou, how he hasn’t ever felt so understood, so loved, so safe.
So, yeah, how dare they forget?
But if they wanna be dumb, you’ll help with that.
It’s been a while now since you’ve turned off the vibrators and since you’ve prepped them well enough to take the dildo together.
The scene in front of you is gorgeous, ethereal, sublime.
You just want to ruin them like this everyday.
“Aagh! Ugh! F-fuck! Sl-slow do-own! Haaah~”
“S-sorry! ‘m s-sorry! Ca-an’t! Nnah…”
It’s cute watching them argue a bit, how Bakugou can’t take how fast Todoroki is fucking himself back on the dildo while also pushing the toy deeper into Bakugou. And Todoroki doesn’t actually look sorry, not with how his eyes keep crossing everytime he manages to get the toy to hit his sweet spot.
He’s trying so hard to win your forgiveness by putting up with this, but it’s kind of sad knowing you’re not going to stop anytime soon, or take off the cockrings.
Not like they know anyways.
Bakugou might’ve known, might’ve noticed, with the way he’s trying to keep this dragging as slow and steady as possible; with the way his precum is struggling to escape the confines the cockring gives; with how much his red and miserably hard dick keeps jumping with every push Todoroki’s ass gives him.
You’re lounging about, resisting the urge to get off to the scene in front of you, or else they’d start begging to let them please you as apologies, and knowing how sentimental this day is for you, you know you’d immediately give in.
But this is punishment for their forgetfulness.
So, as the cherry on top of this cum covered balcony sex sundae, you’ll also forget about them.
It lasted for a while as you got bored with how neither of them seemed to be reaching another orgasm.
If only the dildo had a vibration option.
But the vibrators still taped on their dicks will have to do.
So you turn them back on, and oh would you look at that! The cockrings could also vibrate.
The pleasure-filled scream coming from Bakugou and the cute, drawled whine of your name Todoroki lets out makes you feel grateful for thinking ahead, kinda.
Now both boys are writhing against each other, different ways to let out their desperations and dying need to properly cum manifesting in either rapid fucking on the dildo to simply submitting to the minstruations of the other party.
To put it in better, shorter words, Bakugou took the reigns in fucking the dildo in such rigor and strength that made Todoroki lay on his chest, ass still up as he simply took everything Bakugou kept pushing into him, mouth opened as hiccups and drool escaped. His eyes settle onto your form, watering as more tears gather on his waterline before dropping to the ground his face is resting on.
It feels so good, so, so good he can’t believe this is punishment. Even if he hasn’t been able to properly cum for some time now, he still thinks you’re being nice with them. Must be because of the anniversary that you sadly reminded them of.
He’s trying his best to push back on the dildo, wanting Bakugou to feel just as good as him, just as fucked as him.
And everytime the toy hits him just right, Todoroki sees stars, feels an all too familiar tingly sensation as he tries to grab his dick, but when you turn the vibrator up even more, his hands just lay on the ground, nails raking as he tries gripping on something, anything.
He really, really, really needs to cum. He wants to cum.
Keep being a good boy for you.
But all he gets is a choked sob of your name leaving his mouth as his eyes roll to the back of his head, eyebrows furrowed upwards as the strongest orgasm takes over his body, he’d be convinced there’s an earthquake happening. Small whimpers of how much it hurts leaves his mouth soon after, his dick twitching pathetically as it slowly becomes purple, barely a dribble of cum managing to escape.
Bakugou is in no good shape either, loudly moaning and crying out how good you’re fucking him, how he’s taking your cock, how good he is being, to please, please, please let him cum.
But actually cum, to let him contaminate the floor even more with his sperm, to let him taste it even, if that would make you happy and forgive him.
He’s close to wailing by now, hips going impossible faster as he forgets all about poor Todoroki riding out his high.
And the moment you turn on the vibrators intensity, he gets dizzy, breath getting stuck in his throat as his brain tries to process the spiraling of his warm, hot orgasm growing too much, burning him everywhere as if it were lava.
Small sparks sound on his fingertips as he howls and gets hurled into his own orgasm, back arching and head thrown back as his eyes roll to the back of his head.
He didn’t even notice the tears rolling down his cheeks, not with how his mind only cares about how good yet bad this orgasm feels.
Not even how loud his high-pitched wails of how good it feels, how much it hurts, is enough to alarm anyone near the radius of this defiling act.
Both boys are left shuddering or twitching through their intense dry orgasm, the way their bodies react with the built up cum in their dicks, with how hot and how wreckless they’re becoming with their quirks.
Still connected with the dildo, neither move, unless it’s some pathetic hump to help drag the orgasm a little more before they try to even remember what letter your name begins with.
Bakugou’s whimpering.
Todoroki’s crying silently.
Both blinking the haze out of their vision as they remember about the buzzing, about the relentless feeling on their really, really sensitive dicks.
Bakugou’s crying now.
Todoroki’s just busy mewling like a slut by now.
And when they both turn to look at you, they gasp so loudly one of them begins choking on air and the other with saliva.
Where’d you go?!
Come back!
And ‘come back’ and ‘forgive us’ is the only thing anyone could possibly hear for the next few hours as they fuck the dildo and let the vibrators do their job in milking more and more orgasms out of them.
If only they’d look closer, they would’ve seen a post-it note stuck on the tripod of the camera telling them you went to the kitchen and that they better come crawling.
Oh well, you’re enjoying the view anyways as you sip on some liquor of your liking, turning off the vibrators as you slowly walk to the balcony.
The sun’s beginning to set. You’re not that cruel in letting them fuck each other in the cold.
The bedroom is much better, and comfier.
Perfect for you to finish the job and let them finally, finally, get their deserving orgasms.
You’ll be sure to milk out
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Tae’s first time with a virgin if your still taking requests?
A/n: Thank you for the request! It was fun to write. Enjoy xx 💜💜💜
Trigger warning: Smut, first time, oral, D/s themes, examples of a bad D/s dynamic, dirty talk, mild spanking.
You pull out your phone and type the message. Over and over. Deleting it and re-writing it about 30 times.
Until you see the typing bubble pop up on Taehyung's side.
If you have something to say, get it out. He writes.
Damn. You really should have written this on paper first. But too late now.
You had spoken with Taehyung for months and had met him in person for the first time last week. With clever wording, so far you'd gotten around telling him your secret. But you know you have to tell him before your first play session tonight. You don't know if a guy can tell or not, but if he can it's going to be embarrassing if he finds out that way.
It's not like you haven't done things before, you were probably more experienced than most when it came to other areas. You've played with other kinky people before, hooked up with girl friends and guy friends, and you've had a full D/s relationship that was filled with BDSM. It's just that you'd never done that one thing.
Really, you don't even know why you held onto it for so long. At first, you were trying to be smart and not give it away too quickly or easily, but then it almost became something you had a sense of pride in and tried to protect. But Taehyung was special. Someone you felt connected to. And you know, it's time to get it over with. Both telling him and the act itself. You have to simply rip the bandaid off and tell him. He shouldn't be mad. You didn't exactly lie about anything.
Its just about tonght :)
Please don't be mad. I ddnt know how to say it before
But you should probably knwo I'm a virgin
Three separate messages. Typed so quickly they're riddled with spelling and grammar errors. The words are not nearly as well prepared as you had wanted. But at least it was done.
The read symbol appears, and then nothing. Staring at your phone for what feels like 5 minutes, there is no reply. You're running over a dozen new messages, typing them in your head first. Wanting to explain that you didn't lie and that everything you told him, you really had done.
Typing the first word, his answer finally comes through. Only 3 words that make you relieved but also anxious from their conciseness.
See you tonight.
After spending hours getting ready, it was finally time to meet him. You came to his house and were perfectly on time. Although, you had a moment of concern thinking you were at the wrong address. When Taehyung said he had a big apartment you hadn't expected it to be a 2 story, riverside, penthouse in the middle of the city. He never wanted to tell you anything about his job, and now you were a little worried he's someone famous or that he runs a drug cartel or something.
Feeling a bit out of place and with the upcoming plans looming ahead of you, you start the night filled with nerves. However, Taehyung's confident demeanour as well as some casual conversation and a few drinks, eventually help you start to relax. And soon you're even beginning to get a little impatient.
A mix of anticipation of what is to come, steadily becoming tipsy, and having not touched yourself for a week, your mind is already running with all manner of dirty thoughts. But unfortunately, you're far too shy to initiate anything so you are entirely dependant on Taehyung's schedule. And he is taking it slow.
Normally, he would have a girl naked and on her knees by this time, but you were special to him, also. And especially now knowing that you're a virgin, he is determined to make the night last. Sat on the couch with him, there are small touches here and there, provocative topics of conversation, and his commanding tone of voice that makes you melt. Your excitement peaking as he passionately kisses you, pulling you onto his lap.
Nearing 2 hours of talking and teasing, Taehyung finally starts the main event. Taking you with him into the most stunning playroom you have ever witnessed. An industrial meets a minimalistic-modern theme. A beautiful king four-poster bed, with an x-frame top, a wooden headboard, and a white canopy. Making you think that this must be where princesses who liked to get spanked come to play.
Never parting his lips from yours, slowly and gently Taehyung undresses you. His delicate removal of your clothes and his tender kisses are in explicit contrast to the sharp, rough tugs on your hair that he uses to move you around. The combination making your skin burn with lust.
Sitting you in the middle of the bed, he remains fully clothed. A prickle of excited nerves shivering up your body. You're beyond needy and ready. Your hands starting to pull at his shirt, unable to refrain yourself any longer.
"Please," you whine. As his mouth comes off yours, you pull him into you a little firmer.
"What do you want?" Taehyung asks. His voice coming out deep and lowly spoken.
"I want," you gulp trying to think of what to say. Your face heating. "you?"
"That wasn't convincing." He moves forward, his hand pressing to your chest, pushing you flat onto the bed. "I asked you," Leaning over, his mouth comes to your breast, sucking your nipple. Your gasps turning to moans as he bites down before repeating himself. "What do you want?"
"Whatever you want, Sir." Your hands cling into the blankets trying to stop yourself from digging them into his perfect dark hair instead.
Looking up he smirks. "Mmm, when you call me that," he grabs your wrist, bringing it to his crotch. Pressing your open palm to the hard bulge straining in his pants. "it really turns me on."
You whine as he pulls your hand away. You'd been fantasizing for weeks about what he must feel like and now you were so close to having what you dreamt of.
"Don't worry about me, Y/n. I'm going to get what I want. But what I want right now," his hand suddenly cups your pussy making you gasp, "is for you- my horny, wet, little virgin," instinctually you spread your legs wider and his middle finger presses deeper, slipping between your folds making you wail. "to tell me what you want."
"Anything," You're trying to make yourself say more, but your mind is swimming and you're glowing with embarrassment thinking about actually saying what you want him to do to you. His piercing stare, his beauty, his hard cock, you're aching to have him. He knows what you want. It's not fair for him to make you ask for it.
"Y/n," your eyes lift to his face upon hearing his rumbling voice call your name. "Have I given you the impression that I tell you to do something so I can hear my own voice?"
Your eyes get big as you chew your lip, shaking your head. Even his light scolding is turning you on.
"Good. Then I'll ask you one last time, and if you make me ask you again, I'm going to put your panties back on, and they won't be coming off again tonight." he purrs making you whimper at his threat. "I was going to accept your little two-word answer, but now you've made me ask you multiple times, so you'll tell me in detail. What do you want me to do to you, little girl?"
You feel like curling under the blanket from shame, but you start to push the answer out. "I want... you... to," you swallow looking down, "fuck me." You can see his eyebrow raise, telling you to go on and give him the specifics like he asked. "I want to have you inside me, Sir. I want," you're thinking of the next words while feeling near to tears from discomfort. Unable to even glance at his face. "I want you to be the first man to fuck me." It's nearly inaudible by the end of the sentence, but you get it out. Hoping it's enough to make him happy.
Finally building the courage to look up, Taehyung is brimming with satisfaction and hunger. Looking ready to devour you.
His fingers gently hold your chin, lifting your head a little higher to meet him as he hovers over you. "Thank you, Y/n." He says softly, making your stomach swarm with butterflies. His warm reaction has you even more confident in your choice. "Put your arms above your head, and interlock your fingers." He instructs hushedly.
Too eager to follow his order your arms stretch above you, knocking into the headboard making your wrists bend. Holding your hips, Taehyung yanks you down the bed giving you the space to hold your arms out straight.
Pressing down on your wrists his face softly becomes more serious "You're not going to move your hands at all until I say. Not in any direction. Do you understand?"
With a little smile, you nod. Already having fun. "Yes, Sir."
"Good girl," he praises making you blush for what is surely the 100th time tonight.
He releases your hands and you push them down making sure to follow his order.
Slowly Taehyung shifts down your body, his fingertips lightly tracing down your arms and your sides, making you flinch and squirm. Fighting through being ticklish to hold still and keep your position.
Setting between your legs he continues to play with you. Your eyes clenching shut as his touch runs down your neck, your chest and stomach, gripping your thighs, tracing your lips. His fingers softly pinching your nipples producing a moan, your hips bucking up as your breathing deepens.
Moving lower still, Taehyung pushes your thighs wider. Lifting one of your legs he has you bend it upright, kissing from your knee down your thigh. Trailing lower until his lips touch your core making you bite your lip to stop from crying out. Needing to bite back even more vocal cries as his tongue flicks out, kneading against your clit. Starting to suck and lick you. Your legs spreading further on their own accord. Quickly losing your senses to pleasure.
His nearly painful grip on your hips jerks you down, pulling you into his tongue as it dives inside you making you cry out. Instinctually, your hands want to cling onto him and lift an inch from the mattress. Quick realization making you panic and slam them back flat.
Soon you're fussing, calling out his name as the flat of his tongue strokes you, eating you like a man starved. His long fingers deep inside you, massaging you in the same insisting manner. Pushing you to the edge without pause. Cumming with a yelp you bite your cheek in lieu of your arm. Your orgasm not stopping him, instead, he spreads your legs further lapping up all of the juice you spill. And just when you can't stand anymore and your body is starting to shake, he finally springs up smacking his lips with a satisfied open mouth grin. Wiping your cum from his face.
Flopping onto the bed alongside you, he rests over you again, kissing you deeply, letting you taste yourself. Leaving you breathless when he finally parts.
"How are you doing?" He asks, his mindlessly touch once more trailing along your skin. "Good?" he presses for confirmation.
"Yes," you giggle, feeling lightheaded in the afterglow. Wanting to touch him back you, accidentally lift your arms off the mattress again. "Oh," You gasp, settling them back.
Raising up, he leans on his elbow. Digging into your joint hands, he clicks his tongue. "How many times did you lift your arms? Hmm?"
"Um," You feel like your cheeks burning under his inquisitive gaze. In truth, you hadn't counted. But you think at least 7 times. "Seven," you whisper.
"And how many times did I say you could move them?"
Your mind races for a moment trying to remember exactly what he said. You don't remember him saying a number though. And you realize it's a trick question. "None?" you squeak.
"That's right." He hums.
Sitting upright, he abruptly sticks his hands under you, flipping you onto your stomach in forceful motions. Trying to not break position, you stay straight keeping your arms flat to the bed. With a last tug, Taehyung pulls you onto your knees, your elongated arms and aching your back makes your face burry into the mattress.
"Seven," He says. His large open palm smacking your ass harshly. He doesn't count down the rest, but in your own head, you do. Each stinging slap only worsening your hunger.
But it doesn't matter how desperate you are, Taehyung isn't nearly done with you. Over the next 90 minutes, he touches and toys with you. You come serval times from his hands, his tongue, from toys, and even once from your own hand as he makes you get yourself off.
As the events go on, he gradually undresses. His own needs getting dire, he also cums, letting you suck him off and swallow his load. But soon after he is hard again. Getting too much enjoyment from teasing you with his cock, seeing you become a mess. And no matter how many times you cum, it is the part you want the most. At last, though, he addresses your needful craving.
Putting you on your back, you can see the switch in his eyes and the intent behind it. Laying over you and resting on his elbows, he lines up with your entrance. Your body almost shaking with expectation.
"What do you want little girl?" he repeats, his own breath strained with desire.
You no longer have any apprehension about saying it. You've never wanted anything, anyone, inside you more than you want Taehyung right now. "Please fuck me, Sir." you pant, tilting your hips up, your motion rubbing his tip through your dripping folds.
This time it's Taehyung whose exterior cracks. Dipping in your warm opening makes him groan. His jaw tensing, he has to restrain himself from slamming his dick inside you. He wants to do it. He wants to make you scream and writhe, and take his dick all at once. But he knows he can't be cruel. He knows he has overcome his baser instincts and be patient.
Pressing his lips to yours, slowly, carefully, he starts to edge his hips forward. His cock sinking inside you. Inch by inch. Allowing you the time and space to adjust to him. And you're grateful for it. He's stretching you and the deeper he goes the further you're being spread. The size of him, his thickness is larger than any vibrator you've used before. Or anything else you've had inside you.
Breathing lightly, shortly, your hands are clinging to the blanket. Your eyes fluttering closed. Feeling him fill you is beyond your wildest imaginations, and right now you wish it would never end.
"Fuck," Taehyung whispers, his entire dick buried inside you. Your virgin walls tightly constricting and twitching around him. With a few heavy breathes, he calms himself. "How does that feel Y/n?" He asks, half teasing you, half genuinely checking on your well-being.
Words have left you. Your mind is delirious. You can only whine and nod stiffly. Your hands wrapping his back draw his body against yours. Mutly begging for him to continue.
He gets your meaning and is all too happy to oblige. Keeping a slow, steady pace, he lifts his hips. The rubbing making you fevered. And when he sinks into you again, he sets up an even pace of long deep strokes. Rocking into your over and over and it isn't long before any hint of pain is replaced with pure euphoria. Your legs shaking and shivering.
"Such a good girl." He moans into your lips. "You're taking my dick so well," Starting to pick up the pace, your moans come out more unrestrained. A kind of vibrating static filling your brain.
As his thrusts become more empowered, the low ache returns. Hurting just enough that it's helping the incredible sensation build. After several minutes, one of Taehyung's hands lowers to your clit. The external pressure causing electricity. Enhancing the pleasure inside. Quickly the combination overwhelms you and you can feel pleasure in your core unlike any other. As if every single cell in your body were crying out in joy, you lift and fall, exploding in ecstasy. The sensation turning your stomach, aching the back of your jaw from how hard it hits you. Taehyung's tongue filling your mouth, he swallows the breathless screams of your orgasm.
"Oh god, Y/n, you feel so good." Taehyung groans, his thrusts not slowing any. Your body floating, your mind ringing in orgasmic relief.
The pulsing inside you seems to last for an eternity. And even after it fades your oversensitive body is still quivering from his unrelenting motions. You're exhausted and wrecked and now that you've cum, his size is starting to make you sore.
"Did that feel good?" He purrs. Your moans of pleasure turning into whimpers as his pace begins to pick up. Pushing on his chest a little, you're breathing too hard to vocalize your thoughts. But Taehyung can read your actions.
"You can take a little more, cant you, baby?" He coos, pressing deep and holding it, grinding his hips down. Making you squeal in pleasurable pain. "You wanna make me feel good don't you?"
He stops moving, pulling back a little to give you space to breathe and to hear him clearly. You nearly sigh in relief. The tip of him was pressing too far. Your eyes open as his hand comes to your face, making you look at him.
"Can you be a big girl for me while I fuck you?" he kisses you lightly, sucking your bottom lip. "Do you wanna be a good little girl and let me use you, let me fill you with cum?"
Even with your body depleted, you don't need to think twice. You want all of that. You want him to cum inside you. You want to make him happy, whatever it takes. Not looking away from his eyes you nod. A little scared, but mostly turned on and excited at the idea of him using you to get himself off.
Closed lipped, his mouth lifts into a smirk. His eyes getting prideful at your agreement.
Easing into you, his breath becomes shaky. Again he bottoms out inside you and you whine in pain. With your approval given he isn't waiting on a slow build this time. He's rock hard and your warm wet cunt is driving him crazy. He knows it's going to hurt you. But he also knows you won't need to endure for very long. He is already nearly ready to burst.
Quickly his thrusts get faster and rougher. Extending his arms he raises up and lifts one of your legs for leverage. His chest pushing down on the back of your thigh spreads you deeper and shoves him even further inside you.
You can't contain yourself at that point. Crying out with every thrust. Your skin is covered in goosebumps. You can tell he is still restraining himself, but it's easily too much. You're drained and tender. And he's too big and rough for you to handle.
But despite your discomfort, you force yourself to stay still. Repeating a mantra over and over in your head that you want to be good for him.
Sweating lightly, Taehyung is pounding you until all of sudden, with a final solid snap of his hips, his movements faltering. A chesty moan pouring out of him as his body falls heavier into you. Your raw sensitive walls twitching as they are flooded with warmth. Several small jerking thursts pumping all of his cum into you before he drops his weight.
Letting your thigh drop back down, he rests on his elbows on either side of your head, his heavy breath fanning your face. Lightly brushing his lips to yours he kisses you through a smile.
"Such a brave girl." He mutters.
You're so tender that he has you mewling even as he pulls out of you. The movement makes you wince.
Gasping, you're surprised you can actually feel his cum shifting. It feels like it's going to run out of you. Clamping your thighs shut, your face glows again with embarrassment. You're not sure if that is supposed to happen. You thought it would stay inside. But in any case, you don't want to make a mess on his bed.
With a last satisfied grunt, he drops onto his side, leaning on his arm while still hovering above you.
"I'm so proud of you. You did so well." He smiles warmly, brushing your hair off your face, wiping away your sweat. "How do you feel?"
How do you feel? Sore, exhausted, thoroughly use, but mostly,
"Good," You grin sleepily, leaning into his touch.
"Good." He whispers back.
Shuffling a little higher, he pulls a pillow down and nudges it under your head. His arm going under your neck he wraps his other arm around you, hugging you. As you roll to your side and cuddle into him, he takes the hint and draws you in tighter. His hands rubbing up and down your back softly.
"I had a really nice time tonight Y/n." He kisses the top of your head, his chest tightening against you. "Thank you for letting me be your first."
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f1united · 3 years
Secret - DR3 Imagine
Part 4 to Zoo!
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3
Daniel Ricciardo Imagine
Summary: You share your pregnancy with his family
This contains mentions of pregnancy so please do not read if this is something you may find triggering!
Ever since you and Daniel had taken the digital test, he hadn’t left your side. The confirmation that you were growing a mini Ricciardo inside of you made him smile more than he ever had before, something that you thought was borderline impossible. He had booked a trip for the two of you to spend some time together before he was thrown back into the busy f1 season. It was as though you had just met for the first time, staying up late talking and not being able to keeps your hands off each other wherever you went. When you’d flown back to Australia nothing changed and you felt yourself falling in love with him all over again.
Daniel laid beside you in bed, one arm around your shoulders and the other holding up the precious scan photo of your little baby that had been taken yesterday. Ever since you’d been given it neither one of you could seem to stop looking at it in complete awe. Truth be told there wasn’t too much to see, you weren’t too far along but that didn’t seem to matter.
“Have you thought about how to tell your family today?” you asked, diverting you eyes from the picture to his. Today was the last day Daniel would see his family before you both headed back to Europe to finish preparing for the first race in just two weeks’ time. The annual barbeque had become a tradition and was always a lovely way to say goodbye.
You hadn’t told anyone about your pregnancy yet. You were somewhat scared that if people knew your little secret it would burst this bubble that the two of you had found yourself in. However, you knew that he probably wanted to tell his parents in person, and it was uncertain the next time that would be.
“Not really I just think I’ll know when the times right, they’re going to be so excited” you knew he was right. They would be so excited, and you didn’t have to even doubt for a second that they wouldn’t support the both of you.
“We should probably get up, they’ll be here soon” you didn’t want to move, you could’ve laid like this forever, but you did need to get ready and start the food prep. You slowly lifted yourself up, placing a kiss on Daniel’s forehead as he unwrapped himself from you. It wasn’t until you were on your feet that you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and let out a small gasp.
“Daniel look” his eyes snapped towards you and watched intently as you carefully touched the small bump. You hadn’t started showing much and you were sure that this was just being you hadn’t been to the toilet yet this morning but none the less it all started to feel a bit more real.
“Oh my god” Daniel climbed out of bed and stood behind you, placing his arms and hands over yours to hold the little baby too.
“I suppose I should go and pick out a floaty dress for the day” you smiled. It didn’t take long for everyone to arrive. You had let them all in while Daniel stayed in the garden with his barbeque and his beer. They never came empty handed and you gave them a hand carrying the food through to the dining table outside. His nephew was the first one to greet Daniel, shortly followed by everyone else.
“What does everyone want to drink?” you asked as everyone began to sit down. You figured this way you could pour yourself a soft drink without anyone noticing you weren’t on the alcohol too.
“Another one of these please” Daniel waved his beer can towards you and you nodded in acknowledgement.
“I’ll have a glass of white wine if you’ve got one please” His mum asked, shortly followed with an agreement of his sister while her husband followed suit.
You turned your attention towards his dad.
“I’ll come in and give you a hand” he replied to which you gratefully accepted.
“Isaac what about you?”
“What have you got” he asked as he ran around the garden.
“Oooooo where do I start, fizzy drinks, fruit shoots”
“Why don’t you go with Auntie Y/N and have a look” His mum suggested to which he nodded his head and ran towards the kitchen while you and Joe followed behind.
You opened the fridge stacked with drinks as Isaac held his hands up for up to lift him up. You placed him on your hip as you went through the different options with him until he decided on some lemonade.
“Now can I trust you to give Uncle Daniel his beer without drinking it before you get there?” you asked. “And then I’ll bring out your drink with mine?” The little boy nodded furiously as you handed him the can and put him down on the floor before watching him run off. You grabbed the lemonade and wine from the fridge and placed it next to the glasses Joe had just got out the cupboard. You felt your chest get warm at the site of Isaac passing Daniel the beer and giving him a hug in response.
“How have you been” Joe asked, snapping you out of your little daydream.
“Good actually” you replied, “Really good”.
“I can tell” he laughed slightly at how smiley you were. “I take it you won’t be having one of these” he nodded towards the wine he has cracked open and started distributing between the glasses. Your evident shock made him laugh once more. “Don’t worry, I got you a wine glass for your lemonade, no one needs to know” he gave you a small wink.
“Is it really that obvious?” You asked him as you finished pouring yours and Isaacs drinks.
“Not at all you just have this unmistakable pregnancy glow, Grace had the same thing when she was pregnant with Daniel. I don’t think anyone else has picked up on it” you breathed a sigh of relief at his honesty.
“We were planning on telling you all today” you admitted
“I knew as soon as he sent us those pictures of you away on holiday, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so happy. Grace insisted you’d secretly got engaged or eloped” you couldn’t help but laugh at his comment. You were so grateful for the relationship you had with Joe, and so was Daniel.
“I hadn’t even thought about that if I’m honest. We had the first scan yesterday” You pulled open the drawer to the left of you and placed it on the side. You knew you would have needed it close by to show the others at some point this afternoon, you just didn’t realise it would be so soon. His eyes filled up with tears slightly as he brought you in for a hug.
“Oh Y/N, I’m so happy for the both of you”
“I can’t wait to see him become a dad” you admitted as you buried your head in his shoulder in an attempt to reduce the tears.
“What am I missing out on here?” Daniel voice shocked the both of you as you let go of Joe and looked at the Australian walking through the kitchen towards you.
“We were just talking about how great of a dad you’re going to be” Joe smiled at his son as Daniel looked between the two of you slightly confused. “Oh come on she didn’t tell me I can just tell, I don’t know how your mother can’t. It just takes one look at the two of you to know there’s something going on. Plus, the last few times we’ve seen you, you haven’t been able to keep your hands off her belly. Usually they’re on her arse”. You let out a laugh at his comment as he gave Daniel a hug.
“Now lets go and eat, Dan can you carry some of these out?” Joe asked as you watched Dan slide the scan photo into his back pocket.
It wasn’t long before you all tucked into the food and spent the afternoon chatting about old memories and making new ones. A badminton tournament had broken out at one point, then Isaac had decided he wanted to go swimming so hopped into he pool with Daniel for a while.
It wasn’t until the sun started to set that you remembered you had dessert in the fridge.
“Ill come and grab them with you” Daniel stated as he got up from the table and held your hand as you both walked into the kitchen. The second you were out of sight from the others he pulled you in for a kiss. You giggled slightly at the taste of beer on his lips.
“What was the for Ricciardo?” you asked him as he hugged you tightly.
“What I’m not allowed to kiss my girlfriend anymore? The mother of my child?”
“Keep your voice down” you reminded him as he trailed a few kisses down your neck and collar bone. “Seriously what had gotten into you?” You giggled as he looked up to meet your eye, you could see the tipsiness dancing around them. “Your mum brought over some champagne for a toast to you leaving, I was thinking we could open it with dessert and tell them then?” Daniel nodded in front of you, almost immediately appearing to have sobered up as he planted his hands on your belly.
“I love you so much” he told you as he rested his forehead against yours.
“I love you more” you told him as you shared a kiss once more.
Joe began to fill up the champagne glasses once you’d both returned to the table as you began to cut everyone a slice of the cake you’d brought and it wasn’t long until Grace stood up with her glass in hand.
“I just wanted to raise a toast, to appreciating the time we’ve had with Daniel and to wish him all the best in the new season” Before everyone could cheers, Daniel stood up to and you felt your body become nervous with excitement as he held onto your hand tightly.
“Before we leave we just wanted to say how much we’re going to miss you so we have a picture that we want you to keep while we’re away” Daniel dug into his pocket and handed the image to Isaac first who was sat next to you.
“What is it?” he asked. You point at the small shape in the middle of the image.
“That right there is a picture of Baby Ricciardo” you moved your hands to your stomach and rubbed it slightly. “Who right now is sat in here” Gasps were heard all around the table as Isaac passed the picture to his mum.
“So it’s your baby?” He asked
“Mine and Daniel’s yes, it’s your little cousin” you told him.
“Oh my!” you looked over to Grace who was making her way towards you both with her arms wide open as you got up from your chair to embrace her.
“I’m going to be a nanny again” she cried as the rest of the table got up to congratulate you. “Joe get up your sons going to be a dad”
“Oh I know, she’s been on the lemonade all day” He chuckled. After the evening had come to an end and everyone had said their goodbyes you climbed into bed with Daniel and you both just smiled at one another as you realised that nothing was going to stop the love you both shared and that your baby might just be the most loved person in the entire world.
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loving-inkpressions · 3 years
Waking Up In Vegas (#7)
A/N: So is it a date? Who knows. I don’t know. Do you know?
Jasmine and Bosco had snuck out of their apartment in the classic discreet look of sunglasses and hoodies, and had actually managed to get to the Italian restaurant down the street that Jasmine had mentioned without anyone recognising them.
Bosco being a regular at the restaurant had helped immensely as the waiter welcomed them both with open arms and ushered them to a private booth in the corner.
It had been fun and casual. Bosco had taken the time to point out their favourites and even ordered the two of them a bottle of red wine.
“A toast to us for managing to give the paps the slip.” They had winked as they both clinked their glasses together with a smile.
By the time they were done with dinner, there was a happy glow about them. Jasmine was just on the edge of being tipsy while Bosco was still sober, being entertained by how loose limbed and funny Jasmine was by their side.
She had dissolved into a fit of giggles at the joke that she had been trying to tell them, leaning against Bosco with her head tucked into the curve of their shoulder, and they couldn’t help but look at her with pure adoration.
“You are absolutely precious, you know that?” Bosco couldn’t help saying as they tapped Jasmine on the nose, which only sent her into another giggling fit, pressing her face into their neck.
“And you’re an absolute flirt.” Jasmine retorted good naturedly, absentmindedly squeezing their thigh and completely missing the flash of desire that showed on Bosco’s face.
Swallowing the urge to kiss her, Bosco instead nudged Jasmine’s drink away.
“I think someone has had a little too much to drink.”
Jasmine pouted, but then perked up after a moment.
“Can we get some ice cream then? There’s that parlour around that corner that just opened up. Pretty please?”
Rolling their eyes fondly at her childish antics, Bosco checked her phone for the time, frowning when they realised how late it was getting.
“Next time princess. It’s getting late and we should be heading home.” They said, taking hold of her hand and pulling her out of the booth.
“But I don’t want to.” Jasmine had pouted, but still let herself be led out of the restaurant.
They walked side by side back to their apartment building, hands tangled together. There was a pleasant hum in the air from all the alcohol and food that they had ingested.
“You know.” Jasmine said, wiggling her fingers in Bosco’s hold. “If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought that this was an actual date. Whoever gets to really marry you for real and forever one day is one lucky person.”
Bosco remained silent, choosing not to say anything in that moment, not wanting to tell Jasmine that the one that they really wanted to marry for real and forever was the one they were holding hands with right now.
Jasmine on the other hand was completely oblivious to them, humming random snatches of song under her breath instead.
As they neared the front of the building, Bosco halted, causing Jasmine to almost stumble next to her.
“What’s wrong?”
“There are some reporters scouting outside.”
“Where?” Jasmine squinted her eyes, trying to pick them out.
“Over there, behind the bushes.” They waved vaguely at the corner, but Jasmine couldn’t see anything beyond the thick foliage of leaves.
“Really? I can’t see them.”
Because there weren’t actually any reporters behind the bushes, but she didn’t need to know that. Bosco turned to Jasmine, a sly look in their eye.
“Hey, do you want to give them a show?”
Jasmine frowned, confusion showing on her face before realisation dawned on her as Bosco grinned.
“Come on princess, live a little.”
“Wouldn’t Daya and your team be pissed at us?”
“So what?” Bosco shrugged. “That’s what they’re there for. It’s their job. And anyways, we’re just giving the people what they want, right?”
She looked unsure and was about to argue back when Bosco gently pushed her against the brick wall at the side of the apartment building. They cupped her face, thumb stroking her jaw.
“It’s why we practised, right?”
Jasmine’s breath hitched as Bosco pressed up against her, her gaze flickered down to their wine stained lips then back to their eyes.
“Right.” She whispered. “It’s why we practised.”
Bosco grinned, tilting her chin up. “That’s a good girl.” And they slotted their lips against hers, smiling into the kiss when Jasmine immediately wrapped her arms around their neck.
The thumb that they had pressed into her jaw traced the curve of it and down to the back of Jasmine’s neck, tangling their fingers in her blonde hair while Jasmine arched her back, her front pressing against theirs. She moaned as Bosco gave a light tug at her hair, and they savoured it.
Bosco loved how perfectly their bodies fit together, letting their free hand slide to the curve of Jasmine’s backside and give it a little experimental squeeze, making Jasmine pull away with a gasp.
“Bosco!” Jasmine chastised, her face a pretty shade of pink and lips kiss swollen.
Bosco looked at her, blinking innocently. “What?”
Shaking her head, Jasmine peered over their shoulder, trying to look out for the reporters that Bosco had mentioned.
“Are they gone yet?”
“Nope.” Bosco cupped Jasmine’s cheek and turned her back to face them.
“Less talking, more kissing.”
And they pulled Jasmine back into another kiss.
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myonepiece · 4 years
Buggy, Kid, Killer headcanon- seeing you dance with someone else
You’re already together btw
Sorry they’re kinda long
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•My poor love I just want to hug him and kiss his nose
•You have been together for 1 1/2 months but of course he’s liked you way longer
•Buggy had dropped you off at an island a little ways away from the one he & the rest of the crew were heading to
•You had gotten into a fight with an already mad Buggy & he insulted you including calling you weak for giving him a flower you had found & you were still very angry which is why you had asked him for time alone
•Once in the village, you were invited to a party on a ship that was going to be staying close to the island- it was a fancier party, thrown by one of the rich bachelors in the village, so you bought a nice long blue dress and some silver heels in one of the village shops
•Later on into the night the band started playing a slow song, and it just so happened that the bachelor who threw the party asked you for a dance & you accepted for distraction from your depressing thoughts
•You had always loved slow dancing and wanted to ask Buggy but you were too scared to because of the whole “pirates don’t do weak stuff” and you classified slow dancing as something pirates would call weak
•The man led you to the center of the parted crowd and rested one hand on your waist and taking one of your hands in his other (or traditional slow dancing position) and he started to lead you
•Meanwhile, Buggy and his crew had boarded his ship and were sailing towards where you were- it was now midnight and Buggy was very worried about you and missed you
•All Buggy wanted was to have you back in his arms laying in bed in your shared cabin whispering apologies and trying to make you smile & smiled just thinking about it, but his smile and his heart quickly broke as he spotted you through binoculars, dancing in the arms of another man
•His mouth straightened into a thin line as his heart squeezed at the thought that 1 fight had ended his relationship with the woman he loved more than anything
•The closer they sailed, he could make out the mans grip on you & your smiles as you looked at each other while slowly moving in the romantic setting
•Buggy’s heart felt like it was being ripped apart as he remembered that he had called you weak for giving him that flower, surely you thought he wouldn’t want to do something as cliche and “un-piratey” as slow dancing in the moonlight but he would love to do that with you, to have you smile at him the you were smiling at the rich man holding you
•Of course someone like you would never really love someone like Buggy, a stupid clown pirate with a giant red nose- Buggy’s thoughts turned against him as he fought to hold back tears, he told Cabaji to get you into the ship and then he left to hide in your shared cabin
•You saw the ship but didn’t see Buggy, you figured he saw you dancing and your heart hurt at the thought of hurting the man you love
•You got right on the ship and ran below deck into your cabin where Buggy was sitting on the bed sulking
•Your heart broke at the sight and you locked the door behind you as you hurried across the room and sat in front of Buggy and took both of his hands in yours apologizing profusely “I’m so sorry my darling I promise it meant nothing”
•You explained your thoughts and reasons to a teary eyed Buggy and after you finished he nodded and said he understood but he would dance with you anytime and didn’t mean to call you weak, he actually loved the flower you gave him
•You took off your dress while buggy turned and closed his eyes, then gave you his coat to wear to bed
•He held directly on top of his chest and looked you in the eyes telling you “I love you do so much Y/N, I promise I’ll do anything to make you happy” to which you respond with kissing his nose before following with a “I love you too my clown king” then falling asleep as he cradled you to his chest with a bright blush and huge grin
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•You’ve been together for 7 months
•It’s no secret Captain Kid doesn’t do romance, so when you ask him to slow dance with you he says no
•You’ve asked on multiple occasions but he always makes a disgusted face and says “pirates don’t slow dance”
•Kid said slow dancing is weak and he was too strong for that
•Kid is a violent, cruel, & aggressive man so you can’t say you expected him to say yes to any of your requests
•When you heard about a fancy little party going on at island you landed at, you decided to go and get some food & dance a little
•You asked Kid to come and dance, but of course he said no and that he and the rest of the crew were going to find a bar
•You found a beautiful long dress in one of the town shops and set out to the party at sunset a little after the crew had left
•All eyes were on you at the party, as you walked around and had a few things to eat and a few drinks
•A slow song started and you wished Kid was there, but you realized he would’ve scoffed and continued getting drunk
•You just wanted him to hold you close as you swayed to soft music, you wanted him to be soft instead of crude and pervy
•So when a man asked you to dance you accepted with only a tiny part of your brain worrying about Kid
•Kid had seen you follow a path into the woods, wearing a dress that complemented every part of your beauty
•He just couldn’t help but smirk and tell Killer to watch the crew as he went to follow you
•He was also angry that you were going out to a party alone wearing that
•The path led Kid to a small courtyard lit with lanterns, with music playing and people dressed in nice clothes
•He looked through the courtyard for you but he didn’t see you until the guests all moved and made room for a couple slow dancing, the couple being you and the stranger
•As soon as he saw the man’s arms around you leading you in a slow dance & the wide smile on your face showing that you were enjoying this, Kid felt his heart clench
•He didn’t feel all anger for once, he felt an ache in the pit of his stomach
•He hadn’t realized how much you would have enjoyed slow dancing with him, you had asked him many times but he always saw it as weak
•He knew he was violent, aggressive & scary, and seeing someone make you smile so beautifuly by being so gentle.. so opposite him made him feel... insecure
•Kid felt like he was losing you and he hated that feeling, like the one thing he loved was being ripped away from him in front of his eyes
•He snapped & barged into the courtyard grabbing you by the hand and tearing you away from the man then leading you into the woods to a clearing where the moonlight cast a spotlight-like glow
•Kid rested his hands on your waist and looked into the distance with a solemn expression as he started to sway
•You didn’t know what happened but you were finally getting to slow dance with Kid so you placed your hands on his strong shoulders rested your head on his chest
•You mumbled a “thank you” into his chest and after a few moments Kid whispered a soft “I love you Y/N” into your hair as he rested his head on top of yours
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•God I love this man
•You had only been together for 3 1/2 months
•Killer would’ve said yes if you had asked him to slow dance with you
•He didn’t mind doing romantic things for you especially when it made you so happy
•He’s in love with you and would anything for you
•You had never asked Killer to dance with you because you had assumed he would say no because you were pretty sure pirates don’t slow dance and you didn’t want him to think your were weak or pathetic for asking for something so cliche
•So after having a few drinks in a bar, you were feeling particularly soft and in a romantic mood
•You weren’t completely drunk but you were tipsy enough to think it was okay to go outside to slow dance with a man who had asked you and who was not your boyfriend
•Killer came back from the bathroom and asked Heat where you went, to which Heat responded by pointing towards the door with a skeptical and somewhat nervous expression
•Killer walked out of the bar hoping to find you alone so you could spend some time with you alone, so he was not happy at all when he walked out to see you swaying slowly in the moonlight shining into the alley around the corner with your hand in the hand of another man
•He had his hand on your waist and his other hand holding yours (in a traditional slow dancing position)
•Killer felt his heart drop immediately and his heart clenched as he took in the sight of your contempt smile
•He was very insecure about himself, his laugh, his appearance with his mask, and the way you couldn’t look into his eyes like you were looking into the other man’s
•Accompanying the jealousy and hurt that clawed at his heart, there was an anger and possessiveness and a few drinks but not many that caused him to rush into the street and grab the man by his shirt and throw him to the ground away from you
•Killer waited for the man to run away before he turned back to you and pulled you towards him with his hands on your waist
•You placed your hands on his strong chest as he swayed slowly with you looking down at you through the holes of his mask
•”I really wish you had asked me to dance with you if that’s what you wanted to do” Killer said in a quite voice laced with hurt
•Your Heart broke at the sound of it and the realization of what you had done “I’m so sorry Killer, I just thought that someone like you wouldn’t want to do something so... weak”
•”I would do anything for you sweetie” Killer said softly as he hugged you to his chest, you looked up and kissed his chin lightly before settling your face in his chest
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jeoseungsaja · 2 years
This is nothing new, being greeted by his dear friend once they’ve arrived at Incheon International Airport. Patrick has been through it more than enough times and Elise and Hiro, over the years, have joined him in the same boat. But this time, when they meet his dear friend at the gate, Patrick’s first instinct is to let go of his luggage handle and tackle Hyuk in a tight hug. Breathing in the scent of coffee, fresh soap, and hot chocolate, he then kisses his dear friend on the cheek before pulling back for a better view. Gods, how he’s missed seeing his dear friend, how it’s so much better to see that familiar, warm face, pinched like an overripe lemon or not, in-person than thru a screen and-
Patrick freezes, noticing both Hiro and Elise staring at him. And then it hits him: he just did that in front of everyone and- movements stiff, he lets go of Hyuk and takes a step back. Face ablaze, Patrick chuckles, albeit nervously as he coughs into his hand and grabs his luggage handle again. “A…apologies for my, ah, excitement there, but um,” he scratches a cheek before looking up at his dear friend. He can’t help but grin albeit shyly. “It’s good to see you, Hyuk-ah.” ( HI ALEX!! this is so late, but here is another...unprompted ask!! and this time it's patrick who was so happy to see hyuk he couldn't contain himself 😂 hope this works and if not, feel free to ignore!! have a wonderful day alex 😄😄😄 )
@ofgentleresolve ♚ hyuk having the ultimate dokis? more likely than you think---
♔ ———–  
   All of these things he’s done before. Make a 30-minute drive from Seoul to Incheon, walk under Do Ho Suh’s brightly colored houses that float over airport’s roof; stand near the sliding doors which allow passengers to come out like a swarm of ants holding onto their luggage whilst frantically looking for a familiar face. And he’ll do it over and over and over again, even traverse longer distances and stay for hours on place, if that means he’ll get to see the one he’s waiting for at the moment. 
    His best friend, Patrick.      The only person who knows him like no other. 
    All of these things he’s done before, but today he’s...well. He’s feeling slightly different. Of course, he’s always happy to see his friend, for it is nice to be able to talk to him in person and see him face-to-face rather than through a screen, but somehow, his whole body feels so undeniably electrified, with a type of thrill that’s been potentially heightened; with a sort of nervousness that hasn’t left him ever since Patrick accepted his invitation of traveling to Jeju Island with him. 
   God, when was the last time they did this?    Years ago, he thinks; during their youth.     Two souls throwing their backpacks on the sand without much care.    When Hyuk’d get tipsy and tug his dear friend toward the shore. 
    Now they’re all grown-up, with jobs and responsibilities and other things to take care of, barely having time to breathe with ease. Needless to say, Hyuk hopes they (Patrick, Elise and Hiro) have a good time here, away from all that heaviness. He can’t say he’s the best host out there, but he’s been certainly trying; making plans for the journey to Seogwipo so all of them can be as comfortable as possible. 
   A rather timorous sigh leaves him as he looks at the clock on his cellphone. It’s been twenty minutes since the flight was marked as ‘Arrived’. It’s only a matter of time, isn’t it? A matter of time for Patrick to come out of those doors and--- 
    There he is, his height making him stand out amid the crowd --- or is it the glow he constantly emits, no matter where he goes? Akin to comfortable luminescence that peeks between green leaves when swaying side to side with the wind; a gleam that has the detective’s heart pounding erratically, hitting rib-cage with anticipation. Swallowing thickly; a rapid, unconscious bite of bottom lip happens as he saves his cellphone in breast’s pocket. He takes a few steps forward, peeking so he doesn’t lose sight of Patrick and his children, Elise and Hiro, who seem to be right alongside him. 
    Lips cannot help but stretch into a close-lipped smile, waving Patrick’s way so he can be easily spotted.
    A sudden grunt leaves Hyuk when he’s greeted by unexpected motions; rush sending him into a spiral of unforeseen delight as Patrick’s arms wrap him into a tight, warm embrace. His own limbs respond almost immediately, an answer to the longing drumming silently within. The detective hugs him back; eyes closing for a moment as nose unconsciously grazes best friend’s neck, as if wanting to hide his face upon crook. Whatever worries he was holding, they all melt away here, in the comfort of his hold, in the scent that’s a mixture of tea leaves and ink from fountain pens; paper of thick books and the sweetness of chocolate. 
    The shape of Patrick’s lips is left on his cheek, leaving Hyuk quite dumbfounded. Heat begins to crawl up his neck; blinking as his own arms loosen up, fingers still lightly grasping Patrick’s shirt as they both look at each other when pulling away. There’s this urge of using his hand to caress dear friend’s cheek, this secret need to tell him that he’s been dearly missed, the concealed wish to whisper if he could do that again because it felt nice, much like the kiss placed upon his forehead once upon a time---
   Train of thought is broken when hearing voices calling Patrick nearby, eyes widening when noticing that this isn’t their private bubble but a public setting where his children are in, watching. Hyuk lets go of Patrick’s garments; clearing his throat as a shade of pink manages to stain his cheeks. Well, this is...quite awkward. Not that he minds doing these things in public sometimes, not really...it’s more so the fact that Hiro and Elise got no clue of what’s been happening...or do they? Both are so utterly smart and observant, so it wouldn’t be surprising if they’ve picked up on some clues. 
   Taking a few steps back, he attempts to be as casual as ever, even adjusting the lapel of his blazer whilst going to address both Elise and Hiro. He feels they’ve grown so much ever since the last time he saw them.
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    “Hi, Elise. Hello, Hiro. I’m glad you...uh, decided to come with your dad. It was a long trip, wasn’t it? Are you tired?” 
    He then peeks to see Patrick, who seems to be bashful about the whole thing. The way he shyly grins and uses that nickname only he can use has Hyuk’s heart doing somersaults. The detective chuckles, one of those free, fond titters that he doesn’t usually release unless he means them. 
    “It’s good to see you too, Dae-yah. Here, let me...help you with your luggage---” 
   Hyuk’s hand reaches out, trying to get a hold of luggage’s handle but landing on Patrick’s knuckles instead. Was this done on purpose? Perhaps. Hyuk’s gaze lifts to look at his dear friend with a little, crooked smile dancing on lips, squeezing Patrick’s hand for a swift second before Hyuk’s touch deviates to actually take the handle, pulling the luggage to his side without much of a hassle. 
  “Elise, Hiro...do you need help with your luggage? Give it to me, I can carry it. Ah, have you eaten anything? Plane food is no good these days, so I’m taking you somewhere...what do you feel like eating? It can be anything---” 
———– ♔
#ofgentleresolve#♔ || the puzzle of our friendship is the most comforting (patrick).#♔ || answers.#♔ || answered.#♔ || verse three.#NOT ME GOING ALL 🥺 WHEN I SAW THIS WIUEDHKASHDIWUEDH#THE WAY PATRICK DIDN'T EVEN THINK BECAUSE HE WAS TOO EXCITED---HE JUST WENT FOR IT#THE WAY HYUK DIDN'T EVEN THINK EITHER#THE WAY THEY MISSED EACH OTHER#THE WAY THESE TWO DESTROY ME WITH THEIR MOMENTS OF WHOLESOMENESS WIEUDHIWUEH#But also Elise and Hiro getting all confused over what Patrick just did (whEEZE)#it makes me wonder if...Elise and Hiro have...an inkling about Patrick's feelings#Sorta going 'that seems sus Papa/Professor but okay' IUWEHDKJASHDWUIEH#BUT ALSO NOT ME....imagining them eating all together and Hyuk asking Elise something about the last project she's been working on#Or anything that could lead her to talk about the things she's interested about because even if Hyuk might not know much about those topics#He does enjoy hearing her explain these things IWUHEDWUIHD#and also asking Hiro how's everything with him / if he's been doing well#since Hiro is a bit...more reserved Hyuk doesn't really try to prod much...he understands#but he's glad that he also decided to join in ;W;#BUT ALSO THIS WHOLE!!! BEACH VACATION!!! (I hope it's okay that I linked this ask to the other one ;W; IF NOT LMK AND I'LL CHANGE THINGS)#HYUK IS SO EXCITED AND HAPPY AND I JUST IWUEDHKASHDWUIEDH#and Hyuk indeed goes softer near the water so 👀 we'll see what might happen IUWEHDH#I adore them your honor#aND I ADORE YOU ;W; <3#ANYWAY I RAMBLED BIG TIME HERE IWHEDIWDEH BUT I HOPE THIS IS OKAY!!! IF YOU'D LIKE ME TO CHANGE ANYTHING DO LET ME KNOW AND I WILL!!#PLS HAVE A NICE DAY FERRE!!!#also this took me a bit to get to BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WAITING/FOR YOUR PATIENCE ;W; I HOPE THIS IS?? A NICE READ WIEDUHWEIUDH---#♔ || queue.
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elrw24 · 3 years
When I first laid eyes on you...Part 1.
Summary: Your friend/neighbor invites you to a party where he invited Scott Evans and Scott brings Chris Evans along. Chris sees you singing karaoke and feels like there was an instant connection between you two.
Chris Evans x Reader
Fluff, implied smut
*Side Note: this my first post ever, sorry if it’s so long. I’ve just been playing with this idea. Let me know if you guys like where this is going and I’d love to write more :)
It was a bright Wednesday morning and you were walking your French Bulldog, Blue and you could see your friend/neighbor, Mark walking his Frenchie too. He waves at you from afar and you meet him halfway to have your Frenchies play while you two catch up. “Y/N!! Good morning pretty girl!” Mark says. “Morning Mark, I haven’t seen you in a couple of days, how have you been?”. “I’ve been good, I just got back from LA a couple of days ago, that’s why I haven’t been around. Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you...I’m having a get together on Friday night, I have a couple of friends coming in from LA and some friends from my old hometown in Massachusetts. I wanted to see if you wanted to come over!” Mark asks. “I don’t know Mark, I’ve been feeling bummed since I called off the engagement...” Mark cuts you off and says, “Exactly why you need a night out Y/N. It’s been 6 months....that’s half a year, I think you deserve a night out to let loose and finally leave that bullshit behind. He’s a piece of shit who cheated on you and doesn’t realize what he’s missing out on. So, I’m begging you...please come on Friday! We’re going to have drinks, dinner, some card games, and karaoke. Plus, you never know maaaaaybe you’ll meet someone that night!”. “Yeah...I’m not holding my breath on meeting someone...but I guess you’re right. I deserve this. Just let me know what time you want me over and what you want me to bring.” “You’re a doll, Y/N! Can’t wait to see you on Friday!” Mark says. You guys continue to chat and let the Frenchies play before heading off to your house to go get ready for work.
The week flies by and Thursday night, Mark texts you “Hey doll, just wanna remind you, party starts at 8pm. Don’t worry about bringing food, just bring yourself and your alcohol of choice! And don’t forget...there’s gonna be tons of good looking guys at this party, so get your flirting game back up lol!” You laid in bed and groaned...you loved your friend Mark for wanting to see you happy again and getting you back in the dating field, but you were so nervous to get your heartbroken again. After all, you did spend 10 years of your life with a guy who you thought you were going to marry and grow old with and he turned around and cheated on you. You decided to reply to Mark, “Oh great...I think my flirting game is outta shape Mark...thank goodness for tequila cause that’s what’s going to get me through your party! Can’t wait to hang out though and meet your friends!” You there and decided you weren’t going to think too much about it and just go with the flow.
Your day at work on Friday goes by quickly and before you know it you’re at home by 4pm and with time to spare to get ready for the party. You get home and go about your normal routine of feeding Blue and taking him for his evening walks. You shower and you’re in your room wrapped in your fluffy pink towel, curly hair dripping wet and staring into your closet. What the hell do I want to wear to this party? It’s casual...but you still want to make sure you look good... you pulled a few outfits from your closet and and tried a few on, Blue laid on your bed watching you try on your outfits. You decided on some skinny jeans cuffed at your ankles, a black v-neck shirt and your go-to white low top converses. You decided on your favorite ankle bracelet, you always found it sexy to see a cute bracelet hanging off your ankle. You fix your hair, leaving your curls loose and decided on some light makeup. Your beautiful almond shape eyes stood out with the brown and gold eyeshadow that you had on, light blush and your glossy lips. You spritz on your “Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue” on turn to face your dog, Blue. How do I look bubba? Momma is nervous to meet some new people...tell me I’m gonna be fine. And as if Blue understood you and on cue he barked and licked your nose. You grabbed your jean jacket, just in case it was cold walking back home at night, grabbed your purse, keys, phone and how to forget your favorite tequila.
You walk across the street to Mark’s house, you see a couple of cars in his driveway and parked in front of his house and before walking in you take a deep breath...you’ll be fine...time to let loose. You open the door to Mark’s house and shout his name, you’re instantly greeted by his Frenchie, Lola. Mark comes up, clearly already tipsy, gives you a big bear hug, “Y/N! You look good girlllll, welcome to the party!!!! Come on, let’s go into the kitchen to put your stuff down and let me introduce you to my childhood friend, Scott. He’s making some mixed drinks and let me tell you...they’re the fucking best!!” You laugh and just slap his arm, “Alright, mister party host let’s get that drink.” You walk into the kitchen and see this tall guy mixing drinks and looking so adorable, gives you the biggest smile, “You must be Y/N! Mark couldn’t stop raving about his friend who was about to come over and I’ve heard that you have an amazing voice for when it comes to karaoke. We’re gonna have to do a duet! What’s your poison? What kind of drink do you want?” He asks. “And you must be Scott. Nice to meet you, I’m not a picky drinker, how about some tequila with pineapple juice? But before we start anything...we need to welcome my presence with....TEQUILA SHOTS!!!!” You laugh as you grab your bottle of tequila and pour 3 shots for you guys, you chop up some limes and grab the salt. “Alright boys, here’s to a very fun and much needed night!” You say and you all lift your shot glasses up, lick the salt off your hands, take your shot and then suck your limes. You all shiver and laugh as the shot starts to make your insides feel warm. You start to think, hey this isn’t going to be so bad. This is gonna be a fun night. You see tons of friends in the yard, some in the basement, so many games going on. You stay close to Mark and Scott for the night, you decided to go into the kitchen and make some more drinks for you guys and when you turned your back to make them you hear Mark shout, “AYYYYY! Cap you made it!!”, Scott jumps in, “Bro, I thought you got lost!”. You hear the deep voice say, “Hey man! Thanks for having me, and yeah bro almost got lost...had to swing by and pick up some beer. Hope you all like Heineken!”. Scott says, “Since you made it bro, you gotta have a welcome tequila shot, as my new friend Y/N, likes to call them!” You come back into the dining room with your drinks and stop to look at the tall man standing with Mark and Scott. He was tall, had dark hair slicked back, a perfectly trimmed beard, the most beautiful blue eyes you’ve ever seen. He wore jeans, a blue t-shirt that fit perfectly around his strong arms, classic converses and stood there with his hands in his pocket. When he looked up at you with those deep ocean blue eyes and beautiful smile, you felt like the world was moving in slow motion. It wasn’t until Mark said, “Y/N...this is Scott’s brother, Chris. They’re my good friends I grew up with in Massachusetts. Chris, this is my amazing friend, Y/N.” As you put the drinks down, Chris extended his hand out to you, “Nice to meet you, Y/N.” He gave you the biggest smile, so genuine and sweet. You reached your hand out to his and shook hands, and you immediately felt an instant spark and connection in your handshake, and as if he felt the same thing you looked up and his deep ocean blue eyes looked up and yours and he stared at you. “Nice to meet you too, Chris.” You shyly said back.
Chris POV:
Shit...I’m running late, I still gotta run to grab some beer for the party. Our old friend, Mark is having a party and mentioned that he’s going to have some card games and karaoke, not that I plan on singing karaoke...that’ll be more of Scott’s thing tonight. Maybe if I have enough drinks and the right song is playing, I’ll be bold enough to sing. I pull up to Mark’s house and walk in and immediately hear his voice “AYYYY! Cap you made it!!” and then Scott voice “Bro! I thought you got lost!”. I laugh when I see how they’ve clearly been drinking for a while now and are both tipsy, looks like I’ll have to catch up...I chuckle to myself. “Hey man! Thanks for having me, and yeah bro almost got lost...had to swing by and pick up some beer. Hope you all like Heineken!”. Scott says, “Since you made it bro, you gotta have a welcome tequila shot, as my new friend Y/N, likes to call them!”. As he says this, you see this beautiful Latina woman come out of the kitchen with 3 drinks in hand. She had the most beautiful olive complexion that almost glowed, beautiful dark curly hair, almond eyes, plump glossy pink lips. She had on a black v-neck shirt that showed a bit of cleavage, but in a tasteful way, her skinny jeans and white chucks. She had a little sway to her walk, showing her voluptuous hips that he almost wanted to grab on sight and pull her to him. When she walked up, she made eye contact with me...her eyes were dark brown, almost black, but her eyes had a sparkle to them and they were mysterious, they looked shy but sassy at the same time. She smiled and when she did I swore my heart ached in a way it hasn’t in a very long time... It wasn’t until Mark said, “Y/N...this is Scott’s brother, Chris. They’re my good friends I grew up with in Massachusetts. Chris, this is my amazing friend, Y/N.” As she put the drinks down, I extended my hand out to her, “Nice to meet you, Y/N.”, she took my hand, I could feel how small and soft her hand was in mine, I felt a spark that I can’t explain, it was almost scary how I felt when we shook hands. It was as if I’ve known her all my life or in a different lifetime...Oh my God..what am I talking about? I’ve just met this girl. This can’t anything..Until she finally spoke... “Nice to meet you too, Chris” her voice was so soft, yet strong. She gave me a smile again, that made my heart once again ache. It was a smile that I never want to go away and see everyday. I’ll make it my mission to see that smile for the rest of the night...
You instantly snap out of your shyness, by telling yourself...tequila shots...this will make this go better.. “Ah...Chris since you’re just coming in to the party it seems that you’ve earned yourself my famous tequila welcome shot!” You laugh as you grab a tequila bottle, 4 shot glasses, limes and salt. You pour out the shots, pass out the limes and pour salt on everyone’s hands, “Here’s to the rest of the night and new friends!” Scott says as you all lift your shot glasses up to clink. You all take your shots and shiver again. You all begin chatting away, mixing a couple of more drinks, played a couple of card drinking games. It wasn’t until you hear Scott say “Well, Well, Y/N! It’s time...” you laugh, “Time for what, Scott?” “You owe me a karaoke song or a few! Let’s go to the basement guys!!” Chris looks over at you, “You sing karaoke, Y/N? This is gonna be great” as he chuckles. “Well...Mark seems to think I have this great karaoke voice and decided to tell everyone that I was going to sing tonight...I’m starting to think he just thinks I sound good because we’re always drinking when I end up singing karaoke...warning you now Evans...this is probably gonna be the worst singing you’ve ever heard!” You laugh as you grab your drink and follow the guys to the basement for karaoke. He laughs, and you think Oh my God..his laugh is amazing, it’s so contagious “I don’t know, Y/N...you’re gonna be singing with Scott...he can sing amazing when he’s sober, but drunk Scott is hilarious and his singing is more like shouting so you can’t be that bad”...he grabs his drink and follows behind you. You all make your way into the basement along with a couple of other friends and set up the big screen for karaoke. Mark looks at you and says “You’re too humble, Y/N, you have a great voice...and we’ll all be here to witness it”, you look at your friend and give him a sarcastic smile and shoot him your middle finger “Yeah thanks, Mark...you’re just about to set me up for embarrassment!” Chris and Mark start laughing at your comment and sit back ready to watch you guys sing. Scott is searching for a song on karaoke and stumbles across “Kiss” by Prince and says “Yup! This is it...you ready Y/N?” I groan at the song choice, knowing how much you’re about to get into this song... “100% Scott let’s do this!” And you chug down the rest of your beer. The song comes on and you both immediately get into the song, singing at each other and at the rest of your friends. You look over and caught a glimpse of Chris, he was sitting back with his legs spread open, beer in hand, smiling and laughing as both of you were singing and being very animated with the lyrics. You turn to him at one point during the song and sang the lyrics, “...you don’t have to cool to rule my world, ain’t no particular sign I’m more compatible with, I just want your extra time and your kiss!” And as you say the last part you blew a kiss towards Chris and Mark. You see them both laugh, Chris blushes and smiles before they both start singing the rest of the song with you and Scott. You laugh as you see all of them getting into the song.
I followed Y/N down to the basement to meet the rest of them for karaoke. She grabbed a beer, tequila bottle and her pineapple juice as she made her way out of the kitchen. She seemed humble and shy about doing karaoke, but since she promised Scott a duet she intended on keeping that promise. I joked around with her about how Scott’s singing wasn’t the best when he was drunk and encouraged her that her singing couldn’t be that bad. She gave me a breathtaking smile and laughed at my comment. She threw her head back as she laughed and all I could see was her beautiful neck that I wanted to sprinkle kisses on and down to her chest. Her laugh was like music to my ears, it was something that I wanted to hear over and over again. I imagined how the other sound I wanted to hear come out of those glossy plump lips would be her moaning my name...but I shook my head and tried to reel myself back because all I could feel was my pants tightening. I followed her into the basement, watching her beautiful ass as she walked away, she was curvy in the most perfect way, her ass almost begging to be palmed and squeezed. Again, I had to shake my head and stop my thoughts. I sat back on the couch with Mark and a couple of other friends as she and Scott set up their song. Scott went with “Kiss” by Prince. Of course he would pick such a flirty song...it’s like he knew what he was doing, knowing that Y/N would probably sound amazing singing this...Mark looked over at Y/N and shouted at her “You’re too humble, Y/N, you have a great voice...and we’ll all be here to witness it”, she looks over at her friend and gives him a sarcastic smile and shot him her middle finger “Yeah thanks, Mark...you’re just about to set me up for embarrassment!” Her sarcastic comment made me laugh, she seemed so funny, sweet and sassy all at the same time. She definitely had that little Latina spice that I liked...she seemed to keep all of us on our toes. Scott and Y/N began singing to each other, they were so animated as they were singing. Scott definitely shouting at the top of his lungs, Y/N on the other hand, had a beautiful voice. She was actually singing compared to Scott. At one point she turned over to face us, but making eye contact with me... “...you don’t have to cool to rule my world, ain’t no particular sign I’m more compatible with, I just want your extra time and your kiss!” and as she said this, she blew a kiss our way, but it felt like it was meant for me as she stared into my eyes. Her lips looked so kissable and plump and all I could think was how I wanted to pull her on my lap and grab her face and kiss those lips...Mark and I laughed and joined them in finishing the song.
Scott and I end up singing a few more songs, from oldies to recent music, upbeat music to some sad/romantic songs. Mark and Scott and a few others all made their way into the yard to play some corn hole and beer pong, leaving you and Chris behind chatting for a few before making your way to play beer pong with the others. Chris looked over at you with those blue eyes, at the moment you don’t know if it’s all the alcohol you’ve had or not but you felt like those eyes were going to turn you into a damn puddle. He was still sitting with his legs open on the couch. I couldn’t help but think about how I wanted to straddle those legs and kiss his lips and feel his hardness under you. He sat there with his beer still in hand and looks over at you and says “Y/N, Mark was not kidding, you have an amazing voice...”. You smile and take a sip of your beer, “Eh, thanks Evans...Maybe you’ve just reached the same amount of drunkness that Mark is at when he tells me that” you laugh. Chris smiles and says “Nope, I’m not drunk yet...but that was the best performance and I must say, your little kiss throwing for Prince’s song was great..”. You feel yourself blush and say “Thank you, I like to keep you all on your toes with my performance” Chris stands up and walks up to you and offers you his hand to help you up from the couch, his hand feels so strong and big in yours and all you keep staring at are his arms, his eyes and those pink lips. His lips looked so soft and so inviting but no way, he’s thinking the same thing. As I stand up all I can smell is his cologne, it smells so fresh and clean, it was almost intoxicating. You looked up to the man who was at least 6 inches taller than you, and looked into his eyes, he was staring at your eyes and back down at your lips, almost waiting for your signal for him to kiss you. It’s been months since you’ve kissed someone else, well, years since you’ve kissed someone else’s lips than your ex-fiancé. You don’t know if it’s the alcohol or this energy you were feeling between the two of you, but in that moment you did something you never would have done before. You leaned up to this man’s lips and pressed your lips lightly on his, to test the waters and see if it was okay to kiss. His lips were as soft as you imagined and you pulled back and looked at him and he smiled, “I’ve wanted to see how your lips felt since I saw you come out of the kitchen, Y/N.” He leaned in and kissed you again, this time he placed his hands on your hips and pulled you closer as he kissed you longer, this kiss felt intense and passionate. You wrapped your arms around his neck and put your fingers at the nape of his neck playing with his hair. You felt his tongue at your lips, wanting to taste more of you. You open your mouth inviting him in. His mouth tasted like mint and beer, in the best way. He lowly groaned into your mouth as he pulled away. He looked at you and said, “I can stay like this all night, kissing your lips, but if I don’t stop myself now I know Scott will probably burst in here looking for us to play beer pong with him.” You laugh and said, “You’re right...the night is still young, Evans..” as you leaned up and pecked his lips, grabbed your beer and walked away.
Scott and Y/N finished up their karaoke and Mark looked over at me and whispered, “We’re gonna go upstairs to the yard and play beer pong, we’ll leave you two alone for a few. Don’t think we haven’t felt how thick the air has been around you two. Talk to her a little, I’ve known her forever and I know her so well, I’m glad she opened up as much as she did. She must really feel comfortable around you, Bro.” My stomach tightened up, was it that obvious that we were into each other? Not that I wanted to hide it, she was beautiful and all I wanted to do was kiss her and get to know her more. Scott, Mark and the others all left little by little to the yard leaving me and Y/N on the couch together, I looked over at her and she had her legs crossed, as she was shaking her foot up and down I couldn’t help but stare at her ankle bracelet and how I wanted to grab her legs and sprinkle kisses from her feet to her ankles, calves, thighs and into her center. I kept thinking how I wanted to see her ankle bracelet on my shoulder while I held her legs up over my shoulders while I pressed my tongue into her center...once again I had to stop my thoughts before I went over to her and pulled her on my lap. She looked over at me with that sweet sweet smile of hers and I had to compliment her singing, it was absolutely beautiful. She blushed, something I engraved into my memory...I told her that I loved her performance for “Kiss” by Prince and that I loved her little kiss at the end. She blushed and told me she liked to keep us on our toes. I decided if we stayed down there any longer it would end up with me pulling her in for a kiss, so I stood up and walked over to her and extended my hand to help her off the couch. She took my hand and we were standing dangerously close to each other. I could smell her fresh, yet floral perfume and I took a deep breath wanting to remember that smell. She looked up at me with those beautiful chocolate colored almond eyes, her lips looking delicious and plump. She looked into my eyes and looked down at my lips as I did the same, she licked her lips and I couldn’t help at how kissable they looked at that moment. I refuse to cross a line and I didn’t want to kiss her without her permission, as I was going to ask her if I could kiss her she gently placed her lips on mine and gave me the most gentle and innocent kiss ever. She pulled away and looked me in the eye, almost to see if it was okay to keep going. I put my hands on those voluptuous hips and pulled her close to me, she wrapped her arms around my neck and put her fingers in my hair...I reached down and kissed her again, this time with more passion, wanting her to know how much I wanted this all night. Her lips felt amazing, soft and everything I imagined them to be. She tasted like mint and beer, so delicious. I touched my tongue to her lips and she invited me in, it was passionate, intense and I wanted to keep going...I lowly groaned into her lips because I knew that I had to break the kiss off before Scott or Mark came bursting in ruining our moment....I pulled away slowly and sadly, looked into her eyes hoping that I didn’t disappoint her and said, “I can stay like this all night, kissing your lips, but if I don’t stop myself now I know Scott will probably burst in here looking for us to play beer pong with him.” She laugh that sweet laugh I liked and said, “You’re right...the night is still young, Evans..” as she leaned up and pecked my lips one more time, she grabbed her beer, smiled at me over her shoulder and she walked away. She swayed those hips that I was just holding and I couldn’t help but stare at her ass and I had to palm my boner down in my pants...I followed her up and out into the yard to meet the guys for beer pong. We all played for a while until I saw Y/N getting herself ready to leave. I didn’t want her to leave without getting her number, kissing her one more time and at least walking her to her house...
We all played beer pong for a while, drank a little more. Mark still had good music playing and Chris and I paired up to play, we beat Mark and Scott many times. We definitely made a good team, Chris and I kept up the flirting up throughout the game. Mark looked at me at one point and raised his eyebrow at me, I just laughed and shrugged my shoulders, “Hey, this is what you wanted!” I said, Mark just laughed and said, “Damn right!”. After what seemed like hours I checked the time and noticed it was 3am and that it was time for me to home. I started to help Mark clean up and pack up, there were people passed out on the couch and people who had left hours ago, but I wanted to help as much as I could before I left. After all, I live right across the street. Chris and Scott also helped clean up, they look over cleaning the yard, while Mark and I cleaned the kitchen. He looked up at me and smiled, I said “WHAT?!” Mark said, “I see you and Chris got along really well...” I smiled and said, “He’s sweet, is it weird to say I feel like I’ve known him forever? Oh and he’s verrrrrryyyy good looking....why didn’t you tell me he was that good looking?!” Mark laughed and said, “Oh, he’s an awesome guy, genuinely a good guy. That’s probably the vibe you’re getting from him. He seemed smitten by you, you know? You should see where it goes..” I looked up into the yard and see them cleaning up. You all finish up cleaning and you walk over to them to say bye, Scott leans in to hug you, “It was great meeting you, hope to hang with you again soon! Let’s trade numbers!” You smile and trade numbers, you walk over and say bye to Mark, hug him and thank him for a good night, and tell him to stop by for lunch tomorrow. Lastly, you walk over to Chris, “It was nice meeting you, Chris”, he smiles at you and leans in to hug you. He felt huge in your arms, he smelled amazing. You felt the spark again... “It was nice meeting you too. Can I walk you to your door?” You smile and say, “Sure!” You silently walk together to your door, it was a comfortable silence. “Well, this is me...”, you say. He looks down at you and smiles before leaning in to kiss you again, he grabbed your face gently and gave you a passionate kiss that left you both breathless. He smiles on your lips, “I want to do this again, Y/N. Can we see each other again, soon?” You kiss him one more time before giving him your number, and he waits for you to open your door and walk in safely. You close the door behind you and smile to yourself... Shit!! This guy is amazing...
To be continued...
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perriewinklenerdie · 3 years
Anniversary (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Claire Herondale
Word count: 1,5 k
Summary: Claire and Ethan celebrate their anniversary.
Warnings: Alcohol, tiny allusion to the adult situations, the rest is so fluffy I’m gonna die.
A/N: You may ask yourself “Does Perrie have any self control when it comes to fics?”. And the answer is ‘no’. Always a ‘no’.
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It was a rare sight, two doctors walking home from work at noon. Their hands were full. Literally. After leaving the hospital, they stopped by the store to get everything they’d need for the next two days and they got a little too excited on their shopping spree. Two bags of food, swinging slightly from Ethan’s right hand, and a bottle of expensive wine, held tightly in Claire’s left. Fingers of their unoccupied hands were tangled loosely, and they walked closely together, not wanting to take up too much space on the sidewalk.
“How did Naveen even pull this off?” she asked, turning her head towards him slightly.
“I think we have your friends to thank. They volunteered to take our patients, not even Bloom could argue with that.”
“They’re your friends too, you know?” Claire teased, pressing a kiss to his arm. The gesture made him smile thoughtfully.
“I… suppose can agree with that.”
The apartment was bright when they walked in, curtains pushed back to let in the sunlight. Claire left the wine on the counter, stretching her arms above her head with a broken sigh. Meanwhile Ethan, even though he still held two heavy bags, watched her with wonder. She fit right into the picture of his home, like she’s always been there. He wanted her to be there – all the time.
He set the bags down in the kitchen, then turned towards the cabinet to grab two glasses. The burgundy liquid set a shadow, tinting the white marble red. Ethan passed his girlfriend a glass, smirking at her surprised expression.
“It’s noon.” Claire argued, eyeing him suspiciously as she accepted the drink.
“It’s happy hour somewhere.” He shot back, taking a slow step towards her. “And besides, it’s our anniversary – we have to start celebrating sometime.”
They clinked their glasses, taking a sip. Claire eyed him, her finger tracing the rim of her glass, which she set down on the table, humming under her breath. Climbing onto the tips of her toes, she pressed her palms to his cheeks and kissed him gingerly.
“Happy anniversary.” She whispered against his lips, giving him a vivid smile. Ethan couldn’t fight a smile of his own if he wanted to – and he didn’t, because he was happy like he’s never been before.
Brushing his thumbs up and down the column of her neck, he whispered right back. “Happy anniversary.”
Slowly, the day progressed. Two people moved around the apartment together with the comfort of a pair that’s been doing this for years. When the time came for them to begin cooking dinner, Ethan immediately sat her down on the counter, having assumed that she’d want to watch.
She didn’t.
Almost immediately, she jumped onto the floor, scratching his forearm with her nails as she declared that she wanted to help. They divided tasks and got to work, sipping on their wine. Claire got through her tasks without a hitch, wandering over to Ethan to look into the pot. The strong aroma of spices wafted over them, filling the room with warmth and comfort.
She stood on the tips of her toes and brushed her lips against the shell of his ear. “I’ll take care of the dishes.”
Wordlessly, Ethan watched her walk away from his side, a hint of a smile present in his eyes. Not for the first time, he realized that not having her in his life wasn’t an option anymore. He simply had to have her by his side, nothing less would do.
The sun illuminated her, bringing out the freckles on her face. Amplifying the highs and lows of her strands of hair that brushed the skin of her neck with every move she made. She was glowing – his very own ray of light.
As soon as their dinner was on its way to be done and could be left unsupervised for a moment, he joined her by the sink. His arms wrapped around her, their bodies fitting like two puzzle pieces. The feeling of familiarity came back with a breathtaking force, squeezing his heart.
In that moment, he felt invincible. In that moment, he felt like everything was possible. Because she made him see that everything was possible.
In that moment, he couldn’t hold himself back anymore.
“I love you.” he muttered into her ear, barely above a whisper – the moment too fragile to break with anything louder than that. Claire didn’t freeze in his arms, just slowly grabbed the towel to dry her hands, then turned around in his arms so she could face him.
Her eyes were shining with emotions so powerful that he felt as though she put all this force into his heart and made it beat again, faster than before. Ethan smiled – a blinding and beautiful smile that he kept hidden from all but her. He leaned down, pressing their foreheads together so he could remain in their little personal bubble, his eyes never losing hers.
“I love you.” he repeated a bit louder, voice full of certainty and faith. His hand cupped her face, thumb stroking her cheekbone so softly, it seemed as though he was scared she’d break. But she wouldn’t, he knew she wouldn’t.
“Ethan…” she whispered as her hands traveled up his back and onto his shoulder blades, her words shaky but filled to the brim with affection. It felt right, like they were finally in the right place, at the right time. Everything coming together to form a perfect picture. Her green eyes stared into his blue ones, searching for any sign of fear. She found nothing but love.
“I love you.” once more, he said it, his lips brushing against hers as he did. Now that he started saying it, he couldn’t stop. He would never stop – as long as she wanted him around, he’d always tell her just that.
“I love you too.” Claire mused, tilting her head upwards, their lips meeting in a breathtaking kiss. Their bodies were already close, so much so that they didn’t think they could get any closer. Still, his arms, looped around her waist, tightened their hold, hauling her onto him with enthusiasm she’s seen in him only a handful of times before. With a giggle, she threw her arms around his neck and nuzzled her nose against his.
“Again.” he bit her lip playfully, voice deep and velvety.
“I love you.”
“I. Love. You.” she punctuated every muse of a word with a kiss, leaning back against the counter and pulling him onto her.
Ethan’s hands grabbed her hips, using them as leverage to hoist her up onto the counter. Claire shrieked in surprise, laughing at his carefree behavior. Standing between her legs, he kissed her again, taking a deep breath of relief. There was nothing that could potentially stop him from losing himself in her.
Except for the insisting sound of the pot that demanded their attention.
With a disappointed sigh, he let her go, rushing to check on their food. She observed him, amused, but didn’t dare to move a muscle. Seconds later, he returned to her arms, resting his head on her shoulder.
“Not the best time?”
“I’m afraid so. But think about it this way.” she giggled, running her fingers through his hair. “We have two days before we have to go back to work. And I already told everyone to not contact us until then.”
“They’ll all think we didn’t leave the bed for two days.” Ethan argued halfheartedly, his lips now pressing soft kisses to the juncture between her neck and shoulder. A shiver ran down her spine at the sensation.
“Will they be wrong?”
“Absolutely not.”
It was far later in the afternoon when they finished dinner and retired to the couch for some much-needed rest. For the past hour or so, the screen of the TV was occupied by some show neither knew the title of. Neither could also say what the show was about, as they very much preferred talking to each other and finishing the bottle of wine they bought.
Claire stood up and headed towards the kitchen to grab a second one from his liquor cabinet, just lightly tipsy. She returned not long after, placing both the wine and the bottle opener on the table, then turned towards her boyfriend with a smirk full of mischief.
She extended her hand wordlessly, wiggling her fingers. He eyed her palm, then her, suspicious of her sudden idea, but found nothing that stopped him from joining her in the middle of his living room.
His own movements were slightly off balanced as he himself was intoxicated, but nevertheless, his arms embraced her and pulled her closer, holding her gently as they began to sway. Claire pressed her ear to his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
“There’s no music.” He pointed out, looking down at her with a crooked grin. The light of the late afternoon enhanced the features of her face, giving her green eyes a golden hue. She hugged him tighter.
“I don’t need music.” Claire muttered, kissing his jaw and snaking her hand up towards the back of his neck.
“Then it’s perfect.” Nodding, he let her guide his head a bit lower so that their foreheads would touch. With a smile, he added. “Because I don’t need it either.”
Once again, thank you so much for being here, every single one of you. It’s a privilege to be able to create for you, I can’t stress this enough <3
Time to go back to my corner and cry some more. Or write smut, who knows. Well, I do, but that’s beside the point.
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inkedwarrior · 3 years
Prompt #1
AN: So, I have had this prompt forever and never gotten around to writing it. But now it's done. I did change some things because they fit easier with how I write. It got way longer than I intended and I'm still not super happy with the ending, but still, I hope you guys like it. Thank you @silvafox for the inspiration. Prompt: You've always hated your power to reveal people true opinions of each other, it got your parents divorced, after all. But after jokingly using the power at a work party while drunk, you realize your partner/spouse loathes you. But your worst enemy, an asshole coworker, loves you. Pairing: Saul Silva x reader
In general, being a mind fairy wasn’t the easiest. When you were younger, you had a hard time coping with your gifts. Your mother, being a mind fairy herself, tried her best to help you, but while she mainly focused on dreams, you strayed between the mind, dreams and thoughts. But it all paled in comparison when you discovered another part your gifts around your twelfth birthday. It was a normal morning, you and your parents eating breakfast together before the start of the day. Noticing a weird aura around them, you closed your eyes to delve deeper. You wish you never had.
What followed were the worst minutes of your life and from that moment on, you hated that part. You hated the fact the their divorce was your fault, because if you hadn’t delved deeper into their bond, they never would have revealed their true opinions of each other. You couldn’t stand to know that your parents loathed each other and the fact that they found out was your fault. Over the years you’ve tried to find other fairies with the same ability but so far you’ve come up short. There wasn’t much information in books either, so you could never put a name to ability. It didn’t matter, because after what happened to your parents, you vowed to never use it again. So you secluded the part deep within yourself and tried to live your life as best as you could.
You went to school, met your partner, who would later become your spouse and eventually got a job offer to teach at Alfea, a very prestigious school for fairies and specialists. You jumped at the chance when Headmistress Dowling contacted you with the offer and since your partner could work from anywhere, you packed up your things and moved to Alfea. The pain and guilt of what you’ve had done as a child was always there but you learned to live with it. You had told your partner of what had happened but asked them no never speak of it, and noticing what a discomfort the subject brought you, had dropped it.
Teaching at Alfea was everything you’ve ever dreamed of except for one thing. Or rather one person. Saul Silva. The headmaster of the specialist had made it his personal mission to make your days a living hell. He was always getting on your nerves, complaining about this or that, making comments under his breath when he thought you weren’t listening. If the two of you ever had to work together, you spent more time arguing than anything else. Farah quickly noticed and tried to keep the two of you apart as much as possible.
“Hey Y/N, wait up,” looking behind you, you notice Ben Harvey juggling several plants at the same time. Laughing, you offer to take some of them off his hands. He generously accepts and the two of you continue to stroll towards the greenhouses. Arriving there, the smile on your face disappears quickly, seeing Saul leaning against the wall with that cocky smirk of his.
“Ben, I need advice on a couple of things, do you have time?”, he follows the two of you inside. Wanting to get as far away from him as possible, you put down the plants on a bench and noticing Ben doesn’t need any help, you hurry away, pushing past Saul and closing the door behind you. You would never admit it out loud, but despite getting on your nerves most days and just in general being an asshole towards you, you couldn’t help but to notice the fact that Saul Silva was attractive. You hated yourself for even looking at him like that, but there was something that stirred a feeling deep in your gut every time you looked at him. You always shook those feelings away, reminding yourself that you were in a loving relationship, with a partner who loved you.
The thought of your partner halted your steps. How long had it been since the two of you slept in the same bed? Shared a kiss? Thinking back, you couldn’t remember. Lately you had been working late with Farah, planning a new lesson plan for next year, and more often than not, you had opted to stay in you overnight suite that you vacated at Alfea. And your partner was constantly working, traveling. But had it really been that long since the two of you saw each other. Checking your phone, you noticed that your last phone call was over 2 months ago. Arriving at your door, you went inside and sat down. Staring at the phone, your finger hovering over the call button. Despite the feeling telling you to not call them, you pressed down and held the phone to you ear. Several dials tones pass by before they pick up, sounding slightly out of breath. They almost sound surprised to hear from you and the feeling grows worse. Not wanting to argue you nicely ask them is they’re still coming to the annual Alfea Christmas party, hosted for the teachers each year. Agreeing to a time and date, you quickly hang up, neither of you uttering any words of love or comfort. Curling up under the covers, you close your eyes hoping that sleep will come soon.
Two weeks later
You were drunk. Or maybe tipsy. Either way, you had consumed far too much alcohol and decided to maybe switch to water for the rest of the night. Your partner was chatting up someone on the other side of the room, and even though there’s a lot of people around, you see them flirting. Somehow, it doesn’t bother you. It should bother you that the person promising you the future, forever and always, is flirting openly, but it don’t. When did this happen? When did you fall out of love with each other. Noticing you watching them, they make their way over to you. Sitting down, they take your hand, asking if everything is alright. Looking at them, you decide that no, everything is not alright.
And that’s when you notice it. The orange aura surrounding them, the same aura that once had surrounded your parents. Through the haze induced by the alcohol, you stare at them, unconsciously delving deeper into their mind. What you find should leave you in tears, but it doesn’t. The feeling of anger, loathe and tired is spreading throughout their body, and it is all directed at you. You let go of their hand.
“So, where you ever going to tell me?”, you stand, looking them in the eyes. You’re just tired now, and you want straight answers. You pull them to a quiet corner, out of prying eyes.
“Tell you what?”, they look confused for a moment, but you see the understanding slowly dawning in their eyes. Anger quickly surfaces and you don’t even have the strength to defend yourself.
“You said you never wanted to talk about this, and I never thought you would ever read me like that,” they’re upset and you understand. But you don’t care. Exhaling slowly through your nose, you take their hand.
“If you want out of this marriage, you should have told me,” they look down at your joined hands. Eyes meeting, you know this is the end. They take a few steps back, fiddling with their ring. Making the decision for them, you slid your ring off, handing it over. Sharing one last look, they turn on their heel, walking away.
“Hrm,” a quiet cough startles you and turning around, you see Saul watching you with a look you can’t quite understand. But it isn’t what catches your focus the most. It’s the warm red aura surrounding him, all while watching you. You choke on air and he steps towards you, a hand stretched out.
“Are you alright?”, gone is the usually cocky facade he sports around you, instead a genuine concern etched onto his face. You try to utter something but it gets caught in your throat. Spluttering you sit down, trying to make sense of what you’re seeing. You know what the red aura means, granted you haven’t seen it much, but you remember it surrounding both you and your partner, former partner, in the early days of your relationship. It doesn’t make sense. Saul hates you, of that you’re pretty sure. He’s always an asshole and he never gives you a break. He should not be surrounded by the warm red light around you. Not knowing what to feel, you do the only thing you can. You bolt.
“Y/N, wait up,” you can hear his footsteps behind you and you turn around so quickly the two of you almost collide.
“Why do you care Saul?”, you don’t intend for it to sound so harsh, but you’re tired and confused. A lot has happened in the span of a very short time tonight. You stare him down, waiting for an answer.
“Why do I care? I know I haven’t exactly been very nice towards you and Ben told me off a couple of weeks for it,” feeling even more confused you continue to look at him. A blush is rising on his cheeks and he’s claps his hands together, so far from the person you’re used to him being.
“I’m not good at this, and I know you have no reason to believe what I’m about to say,” he takes a step towards you and the look in his eyes have you standing still.
“Good at what?”, you cock your head, and then the red around him glows even brighter than before. He seems nervous all of a sudden and clears his throat.
“Talking about this, eh, talking about feelings,” you gape at him, feeling speechless.
“What feelings?”, you remember that he doesn’t know about your ability, so you ask the question, despite that fact that his aura says everything. He cares for you, no he loves you.
“I care about you. I know that I haven’t exactly shown it, but emotions isn’t my strong suit and when I felt this way about you, I panicked. You’re married and I didn’t want to ruin anything so I thought the best way was to act like an asshole,” he speaks clearly and you want to laugh out loud. This situation is more messed up than you would like it to be but the feeling you usually get around him stirs in your gut once again.
“My partner just left. I gave them my ring back,” holding up your hand, you show him the blank spot where your wedding ring used to be. Explaining that your marriage has been over for quite some time and this was only waiting to happen, you see him smile, and you can’t help but to smile back. Feeling that this conversation is far away from being over, but something tells you that it can wait. Taking a step forward, you grab his collar before he can react and rise on your toes to press your lips against his. The red swirls around the both of you and for once in your life, you don’t hate your ability.
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babbushka · 4 years
It’s All Worthwhile
Lawyer!Kylo Ren x Reader
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3k, mostly fluff based off the song Baby It’s Cold Outside, with some NSFW (vanilla sex [PIV, lots of kissing])
Available on AO3
It’s snowing gently, when the last of the guests leave through the door of Kylo’s penthouse apartment. You can see the flurries passing across the great big windows that span across the living room, Manhattan a glow of golden lights. Windows, traffic and the little illuminating bulbs on the bridges twinkle in the dark, evening finally turned to night. Though it may be dark out in the world beyond these windows, inside Kylo’s apartment is comfortably lit and cozy.
Decorative lamps and of course the flame of the candles in the large menorah on the mantle fill the living room with a warm orange glow, one that has you hating the thought of leaving. But it was Kylo’s apartment, and you didn’t want to overstay your welcome, so you push yourself off the couch and make your way to the foyer where Kylo is closing the door behind the last of his guests.
He turns towards you, looking painfully handsome. It was a work party, upscale and exclusive for the top lawyers in his circle. Why Kylo decided to host the Hanukkah celebration at his place rather than the office he holds in the Freedom Tower was obvious – he had a damn good apartment and you could tell he was eager to show it off, to impress.
As much as you hated to admit it, you were impressed.
“I’m really glad you came, you know.” Kylo approaches you, leans up against the wall of the hallway.
He took off his suit jacket, loosened his tie. There was something about the more casual appearance that make you blink quickly, remembering that this was your greatest rival, your biggest enemy. He wasn’t handsome, he was a pain in your ass…or so you keep reminding yourself half-heartedly.
“It was a great party, I’m exhausted.” You lie, “I should probably head out.”
“You don’t have to.” Kylo’s eyes are hopeful, especially as he doesn’t even spare a glance to the giant windows before trying to come up with the excuse of, “I mean, well, look at this weather.”
There is nothing in your body that tells you to leave, and everything that is screaming at you to stay. One look at Kylo, and you can read in his body language that he doesn’t want you to go either, and that’s a comfort. Still though, he is on the other side, he’s on the rival team, he’s your competition. Did you have strong feelings for him? Of course! But…
But lately it was becoming harder and harder to figure out exactly what those feelings were. You had been convinced in the beginning that it was hatred – because damn Kylo really managed to piss you off sometimes – but now, now you’re not so sure.
“I really can't stay.” You say slowly, carefully, hoping hoping hoping that he’ll pick up the game you want to play.
Maybe both of you can get what you want without having to admit to it.
Maybe, just maybe, neither of you have to wear your hearts on your sleeve.
“But baby…it's cold outside.” Kylo catches on immediately, a great big grin slowly spreading across his face.
He approaches you, rolls the sleeves of his dress shirt up over his forearms. The act is so casual, and yet your eyes are drawn to it instantly, unable to look away from the thick cords of muscle that flex as his hands reach for you. You’re all alone now, just the two of you, no one is around to see if maybe you should kiss, if maybe you should allow Kylo to hold you close.
“I’ve got to go away.” You allow him despite the words, allow him to slip an arm around your waist, pulling your bodies together.
“But baby, it's cold outside.” He shakes his head, biting at the inside of his cheek. He wants you desperately, wants you more than he’s ever wanted anything in his life. You are the first and only person to ever match him so well on so many levels, it’s absolutely intoxicating.
“This evening has been – ” You start, pulling away from him, finding your pulse beginning to race, your lungs beginning to squeeze as you hold your breath. You were so sure he would kiss you just then, but then he hadn’t, so away you go, just another step in the dance.
“I was hoping you'd drop in – ” Kylo talks at the same time as you, the two of you always did have a problem with interrupting one another, he hated that about you. He loves it.
“ – So very nice.” You begin to search for your gloves, taking a real long time, surely they haven’t gone too far. Maybe you spot them over by the long couch, and maybe you ignore that, maybe they weren’t yours after all.
“ – I'll hold your hands they're just like ice!” Kylo’s fingers twine through yours as he grasps your hand, spins you around and pulls you close to him once more.
His eyes are brown and sparkling in the warm glow, his chin tucked in to look at you properly. He had a good couple inches on you, even with your heels on, and you find that you don’t mind craning your neck up to bite back a smile at him, not one bit.
“My secretary will start to worry,” You say, licking your lips, your eyes on his mouth. They flick back up to his gaze, and he notices, of course he notices.
Kylo leans in, presses his forehead against yours, your noses rubbing together.
“Beautiful watch you're wearing…” He murmurs, turning your hand in his so he can see the diamonds catch the light. You’re so elegant, everything about you makes him sweat in his Louboutins.
“So really I'd better scurry.” You tilt your chin up a little, just barely a little, your bottom lip catching his ever so briefly. It’s not a kiss, not really – someone could come back in, couldn’t they? Maybe one of his friends forgot something behind, maybe someone was watching from a building across the way, maybe --
“Beautiful, please don't hurry.” Kylo brushes his lips back against yours, his eyes slipping closed, hand cupping your jaw, your cheek.
Beautiful? That was a first, your heart leaps in your chest. Kylo had called you a lot of things over the years that you have been butting heads together, how strange that this time, with your foreheads literally touching, he calls you something so sweet?
“…Well maybe just a half a drink more?” You finally start to show your cards, finally start to give him some proper leeway that he can take and run with.
And run with he does – he steps away from you abruptly, clapping his hands together once with excitement, already making his way to the elaborate home-bar that he has set up. The bartender he hired for the party is long gone, but Kylo knows his way around his spirits.
“Put some music on while I pour.” He gives you a cheeky grin, and you have to hide your face in your hands, chuckling out your happiness.
He could be such a jackass sometimes, but he could also be so incredibly thoughtful and charming and funny and smart and – oh no, you can practically feel yourself falling for him. You find that maybe, you don’t necessarily dislike the sensation of the butterflies in your stomach, as you step out of your heels to be more comfortable, and go over to the smart speaker mounted to the wall.
The baby grand piano sits comfortably in the corner of the great room, a few guests having taken a turn on the ivory keys, and you think that maybe one day you’d like to hear Kylo play. For now, the speaker will have to do, as you select a seasonally classical playlist of soft romantic music that immediately resonates through the room.
Kylo offers you a cocktail, and much to your surprise, there’s no alcoholic taste to it at all. You appreciate that, appreciate him not pressuring you to get tipsy or anything. Kylo wants you for you, wants you to be with him because you want to be with him. Still, you give him a bit of a hard time, even as he wraps one arm around your waist, the two of you slow dancing to the music.
“You know, the neighbors might think…” You raise a brow at him, and that makes him laugh out loud – he doesn’t have any neighbors, certainly not any that would matter. He’s all alone up here in this beautiful box in the sky.
Well, not entirely alone.
“Baby it's bad out there.” Kylo just shakes his head, giving you a spin that has you nearly missing your footing, the two of you giggling over the silliness of it all.
“Say what's in this drink?” You tease, knowing full well there’s nothing in it at all other than some sprite and pomegranate juice.
“Don’t joke like that.” Kylo stops moving entirely, grasps your jaw in his big hand and gets your attention with a scowl. You smile, both an apology and an understanding, not wanting to have caused him any offense. He rubs his thumb across your lip, the crease between his brows already slipping away, “In any case, you’ll never get a cab out there.”
That has you laughing again, just the realization of what you’re doing.
You’re in Kylo’s apartment, just the two of you, and you’re having fun. No yelling, no arguments, no name calling or temper tantrums for once, and it’s so nice. Now why couldn’t he be this agreeable all the time, you can’t help but wonder?
I wish I knew how, You think, casting a gaze over to the menorah that’s starting to burn down to nothing, to break this spell.
 Her eyes are like starlight now, Kylo thinks, regarding you softly, watching you watch the candles. He walks away from you and blows them out the rest of the way, not wanting his apartment to burn down if he leaves them unattended – and he was getting tired of staying in the living room.
He wants you in his bed, if you’ll allow him that privilege, if you want it too. Only if you want it, but fuck does he.
“I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell.” Kylo offers, holding a hand out for the beret that’s fastened to your head with a couple pins. He wants to touch your hair, wants to card his fingers through it, wants to caress and kiss and fuck you, if you’ll let him.
“I ought to say no no no, sir – ” You duck your head, unpinning the beret anyway, shaking your hair out from underneath it. Trying not to think about the possibility of hat-hair, you hand him the beret, his big hands folding it gently, resting it on the big glass coffee table.
“Mind if I move in closer?” Kylo steps out of his dress shoes, leaves them right there on the plush rug in the living room.
“—But maybe just a cigarette more.” You grin, taking his hand when he extends it to you.
“Never had such a blizzard before!” Kylo beams, practically pulls you up the stairs, leading you down the hallway to the master bedroom.
You don’t have much time to really look at any of the furnishings, but it’s neat and clean and well kept, the sheets crisp, everything varying shades of white and cream. Finally finally finally, Kylo surges forward to kiss you, his hands on your face, your neck, wanting you everywhere, wanting his hands on you everywhere too.
Kissing Kylo was always everything you thought it would be, you think as your hands fumble with your outfit, trying to get your clothes off and away. You and Kylo had had sex before, hard angry fucks in offices behind closed doors – but never anything like this. Never these soft laughs and gentle groans as Kylo helps get you naked, wanting not a single stitch of clothing on either of you.
Once your body is exposed to the slight chill of the air, you shuffle yourself under the covers of Kylo’s pristinely made bed. It’s a silent signal for him, one that tells him you’re spending the night, you’re not going to get out from under these blankets and sheets once you’re in them. Kylo reads you loud and clear, and practically trips over himself to get naked too.
He crawls under the covers with you too, and immediately you roll to face him, to get as far into his space as you possibly can. His hands grasp your face again, kissing you and kissing you and kissing you some more, sucking on your lips, your tongue, swallowing you whole. His hands move all over you, grasping at your body, wanting to feel every inch of you.
You throw a leg over his hip, his hard cock brushing against your stomach. It’s hot and throbbing, you wonder how desperate for you he must’ve been all evening. Kylo lowers one of his hands to your pussy and thrusts a couple of his thick fingers up inside you, stretching you just enough to take him, kissing you, breathing hard. Your head sinks into his soft plush pillows, and your body opens for him, especially as he rolls over on top of you. Legs falling apart, Kylo thrusts his cock into your wanting cunt with ease, the two of you letting out a moan when he finally bottoms out.
You’re both electrified by this, both wanting it, having wanted it all evening – wanted it for years. But that was a scary thought, so you stick to something safer like just tonight. The way he was such an effortless host, champagne glass in hand, laughing and smiling with ease at his guests, the way everyone was comfortable and not a single person had a single complaint was so sexy to you.
You had no idea, how could you have, but he threw the party for you.
Just for you.
Kylo grunts into the crook of your neck as your legs wrap around his waist, his arms caging you under his body as his cock rocks in and out of you, feeling too good, feeling right. It just feels right being here, and if he were to ask you, you know you’d agree.
“I got to – oh don’t stop – get home.” Still, the game isn’t over yet, there isn’t a clear winner, not yet.
Was it you? Or was it him? You both wanted the same thing for once, were both on the same side, what a Hanukkah miracle that was!
“But baby you'd fucking freeze out there.” Kylo pants as he speeds his hips up, watching the way your breasts bounce from the effort, from the sheer momentum of his thrusts. He shifts up enough to grasp the headboard for leverage, and your back arches up into his touch, mouth falling open and eyes pinched shut as you take the pleasure he so eagerly gives you.
“So lend me your coat – yes!” You’ve got so much spirit, so much stubborn strength, Kylo can’t help but laugh at your remark. You always have to have the last word, don’t you?
“No way, it's up to your knees out there.” Well, so does Kylo, and he smacks your thigh a little, watches as the flesh jiggles for him, your pussy soaking wet and velvety and tight around his cock, wanting nothing more than to come deep in you, claim you as his and let you claim him as yours.
“Look, you've really been great – ” You stumble and bumble and hiccup around the words as your toes curl, chest heaving, pleasure washing over you in waves and waves, “– Oh fuck, please?
“How do you do this to me?” Kylo groans out, dropping down back to your neck, worrying the skin there as his hips rut against yours, shallow thrusts with his cock practically buried in your hot pussy, not wanting to be anywhere else other than right here.
“There's bound to b-be talk tomorrow…” You moan, pinching at your nipples, trying to get some more friction as your orgasm builds builds builds, Kylo moving the whole bed, the entire mattress shifting on the supports.
“Think of my life long sorrow – ” Kylo grunts, thrusts growing erratic as he gets closer, pushing into you deeper, harder, faster, more more more until your whole body shakes and rattles and trembles.
“Oh – oh yes, yesyesyes right there Kylo!!” You’re loud, practically shouting out his name, the word echoing and bouncing around the ceiling.
“ – If you caught pneumonia and died, ohhh fuck.” He comes then, hearing his name on your lips, on your tongue, that frantic beating of his heart making him dizzy, making him sweat. He can feel his come spreading through you and your body goes limp under him, star-fishing out on his mattress.
You’ve got a big blissed out smile on your face, and Kylo thinks that as much of a fucking thorn in his side you are, he’d do anything to keep that smile there.
Not that he’d ever tell you that. You were rivals, after all.
“Hey Kylo?” You pant, wiping the sweat away from your brow.
“Mhm?” He’s collapsed down on top of you, and he’s half expecting you to tell him to get off, that he’s crushing you, that you can’t breathe and you’re dying and a million other things.
“I’m really glad I came too.” You whisper instead of all of that, and that wasn’t something that Kylo was prepared for, not really.
So he doesn’t say anything at all, grateful that you chose to be here with him, chose to accept his invite, chose to make this entire party worth it.
Because it was worth it, just getting to be with you.
 Oh baby it's cold,
Baby it's cold outside
 (tagging some lawyer!kylo friends, I hope this is alright no pressure to read of course! @safarigirlsp​ @direnightshade​ @barbers-glimmerin-darlin​ @steeevienicks​)
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catch in the dark
Word Count: 1,879
Warnings: angsty feels, unrequited love, an ending that might hurt you a bit, mentions of characters drinking alcohol - all assumed to be of legal age!
Pairing: Sugawara Koushi x Fem!Reader 
A/N: as usual because they’re amazing, thank you to @satan-ruler-of-hells and @thisnoodlewritesao3​ for reading this for me before and letting me know your thoughts! I appreciate you both so very much <3  Also, I’m sorry for the sad feels guy haha that’s just how we’re feeling today.  Inspired by: Catch in the Dark by Passenger
Haikyuu Masterlist
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Your name flashed on Sugawara’s phone screen and he immediately gave a small smile. He wished he could hear from you more often, but that smile slowly turned sad, because he knew that you only called him when you were broken.
“Are you alright?” He asked softly after hearing your small “Hi” from the other end.
There was a pause but you just sighed and your voice weakly got out, “I know you’ve got work soon. But can you leave your front door open again?”
He told you okay, because it was okay. This had happened a few times before and he always wanted to be there for you. But he hated that this was the only time he would see you. When your heart was at its lowest, your eyes fragile, dull, no more sparkle that he used to see.
Suga closed his front door, leaving it unlocked just as you asked. And as he walked his way to work, he wondered if he really was as dumb as everyone thought. Everyone always told him that his love for you was toxic, that it wasn’t a good friendship to only be called when you needed him to console you. But wasn’t that what friends were for?
It was his fault for falling for you anyways. For letting you run away with his heart and disappear with it, only to get your own broken and return to him.
By the time he got home, you were on his couch, curled up in some old pjs you kept at his place and a blanket wrapped around your shoulders. Your eyes focused on the old reruns playing on the TV, barely even noticing him come in.
“Are you alright?” He asked, the words feeling like a mantra - something that was always repeated when he saw you.
“I wish I knew what it was like to be hopeful,” you told him softly and Suga could tell that you’d been crying. Your voice crackled with tears and heartbreak and he wanted nothing more than to wrap you up in his arms. “I’ve always been hopeless at hoping... always really bad at coping with this kind of stuff.”
Suga never knew if his words made a difference, but he pulled out some ice cream from his freezer and climbed into the couch with you, holding your hand and gently rubbing your back as you cried over and over again.
“Maybe I’m just not worth being loved,” you joked after you had finally shed your last few tears for the day. Your laugh sounded so genuine, it made Suga’s eyebrows furrow. You were laughing as if you were really joking. How was he going to tell you that you were worth ten times the love that you’ve chased? That you were the sole holder of his heart and that he would give his life just to see you smile for the rest of your days.
“Why don’t you just confess to her already?” Asahi had asked earlier today when Suga told the guys that you were back at his place. 
Suga smiled sadly, looking down at the work in his hands, “She’s never wanted me. It’s always someone else.” He thought for a moment and glanced out the window as he realized how difficult it was to love you. Loving you was like playing catch in the dark, unsure of where you were and unsure if you knew he had thrown something at you. Unsure if you would ever return or if you ever would throw something back. Suga had known since the first moment he had met you that he wasn’t even in the realm of your love life. He was a tear drop in an ocean of flames.
It was Wednesday but Suga knew that it didn’t matter. He pulled out the alcohol and poured you a drink, watching you greedily swallow it down, as if the burn in your throat would make you forget the burn in your heart.
“Men suck,” you mumbled quietly after a few shots, burying your head into your arms. Your watched the liquor in the bottle swirl around as you poured yourself another shot, sighing softly.
“I know,” Suga told you gently, brushing your hair from your face so he could see your eyes. He loved your eyes. He loved how you seemed to carry the whole universe in them, how looking in them was like an adventure.
“Why don’t they ever stay? Why do men always leave?” You seethed in anger, gripping your glass just a bit too tightly. “It’s always the man that leaves.”
Suga’s words were like a broken record, words you had known far too well because it was everything that your other friends said too, “You’re perfect, Y/N. Men come and go but don’t you blame yourself. They’re just trash,” he told you softly. But maybe you would never know just how much he meant it. You were perfect to Sugawara Koushi. 
You just shook your head in response, huffing, “So perfect I haven’t had a stable relationship since high school. I’m so tired of putting my heart out here and getting no where,” you grumbled, banging your head against the table with a pout. Suga winced as you hurt yourself, pulling you up from the hard surface and checking your face for any redness.
“Just got to wait for the right man,” he told you softly, holding your face in his hands and just watching your eyes. How a guy could turn you away he would never understand. He didn’t get why the men you always met up with turned out to be assholes, why you always seemed to be attracted to red flags and toxic behaviours.
“I don’t even think a right man exists,” you murmured, eyes fluttering shut as the alcohol slowly started to take its sleeping potion effect on you.
Suga gave a small smile and laughed out gently, “Probably not,” as if he wasn’t wishing he was your right man. He helped you out of the chair you were practically slipping out of, letting you lean on him while he helped you to his room.
Suga’s apartment was small and only had one bedroom, so every time you came with another broken heart, wanting to be consoled and wishing you could forget whoever you just spent your emotions on, Suga would give you his bed, tuck you into his covers, and take the floor.
Today was no different. He tucked you in, noticing how late it was getting. You were both probably going to be hungover tomorrow and he considered calling in sick for work tomorrow. He pulled his spare pillow and blanket onto the ground with him, sighing as he stared up at the ceiling.
“You’re going to have to tell her eventually,” Daichi had told him, tired of watching one of his best friends take a back seat in his romance life because of someone who only used his heart for comfort.
“If I do, I might lose her,” Suga insisted quietly. “I’d rather stay here in the darkness, waiting for the fact that she might, than lose her forever.”
He was being pathetic, Suga knew this. He shook his head clear of his drunk thoughts, wondering what would happen if he confessed to you now and blamed it on the alcohol. Then he could see how you would take it. Would you be happy? Could you have been waiting for it? Or maybe you’d ignore him from now on, avoid talking to him... your friendship was everything to him, even if he was your designated breakup friend. Even if it was only sometimes, Suga liked having you around. And he didn’t want to give that up for a maybe she likes me back.
“Suga?” You whispered, his eyes shooting over to your direction in surprise. He had thought you had fallen asleep already.
“What is it, darling?” He asked gently, shifting on his side so he could face you.
You gave him a tipsy smile, eyes closed and a slur in your words, “If we’re both single by the time we’re 40, let’s just get married okay?”
Suga’s heart hurt a little hearing those words, “Sure, love,” he told you, even linking pinkies with you when you begged for a pinky promise. He watched how happy you seemed with his promise, flopping back into his bed and mumbling something else about how men sucked. He did, Suga knew they did. But he wished he could show you that sometimes, there were a few guys out there that didn’t suck all that much.
Your promise stuck in his head all night while he tossed and turned. It didn’t matter that it was some drunk promise, Suga finally convinced himself. Because you would never want him anyways. He was used to taking a back seat, being a last resort. He was okay with it, really, he told himself as he squeezed his eyes shut to try and keep any tears at bay. He just wanted you to be happy, even if that didn’t include him.
But what if...
What if he told you he loved you? What if you gave him a teary eyed laugh and shoved his shoulder back, scoffing. What if you’d say, “Took you long enough, idiot.”
What if he kissed you, tasted what that chapstick of yours tasted like? What if he held you in his arms and promised to try and mend the broken pieces that others had left behind? What if he was the reason behind your smile, what if he got to wake up to seeing your sparkling eyes every morning, what if he got to see that face you made when you were really concentrated or when you were talking about all the things you were passionate about?
And what if you loved him back? What if you had been waiting for him to confess this whole time? What if there was a fairy tale ending to this story?
What if there was a future for you two?
All of the what if’s remained in Suga’s head from the time he closed his eyes to sleep to the time he woke up. Maybe... just maybe... it was worth to tell you because what if you two could be happy together?
Suga’s eyes blinked opened slowly as he made up his mind. He wanted to tell you how much he loved you, that it had always been you and that he wouldn’t leave you like every other guy had. 
He glanced at the alarm clock glowing in his room, the one that read 5:15AM. It was now or never. He wanted to tell you. 
Suga shifted to sit up, rubbing sleep from his eyes with one hand and trying to make sure his face was presentable. He was ready. If you two could be happy, it would be worth it right? He turned and reached for your arm in the bed, wanting to feel your warm skin under his fingertips.
Only for his fingers to find empty sheets instead.
“It’s always the man that leaves”, you had said. But this time, you had left him without any warning. 
And just as fast as he got his hopes up, they fell.
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@al0ehas​ @aurumk​ @devilkittymusic​ @thisnoodlewritesao3​ @satan-ruler-of-hells​ @trashy-simp​ @jeppiet​ @lucyheartfilias-wife​ @darkvadeeer​ @haikyuutothetop​ @wolfishwriting​ @livy384​
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superfrumpkin · 4 years
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You always knew this day would come. In fact, you knew you had many of them ahead of you. And yet, when your necklace starts glowing, you feel the dread creeping up, the fear of finding out who's turn it was. 
As if she could hear you, Pike's broken voice comes through in your mind: "Kiki, it's Grog. Please, come to Whitestone".
As quickly as you could, you let your father know, open up a portal, and you're out of the Sun Tree. Vex'ahlia, tears in her eyes, and Percy, holding her by the shoulders, are waiting for you there. 
You hug them both tight, and you head to Sarenrae's temple, where Pike and Scanlan are standing beside a lifeless Grog. 
He looks peaceful. His hulking form isn't menacing with his eyes closed, and his mouth so relaxed. It was time. 
You let a few tears fall, hold the gnomes, and you have a small service for the goliath. 
You then head to a tavern and drink his beloved ale in his honor, reminiscing of all the good times. 
"To Grog Strongjaw, Grand Poobah de Doink of All This and That" a slightly drunk Percy shouts "a great fighter and an even greater friend!" 
"To Grog!" You all cheer. 
Just as the day begun, it comes to a close. You're all tipsy, and teary eyed. You say your goodbyes and head back to Zephrah, your heart a little heavy.
You carve a space for a cup of ale next to the shrine to the Raven Queen, and head to sleep. 
A few years go by, you visit Whitestone from time to time, get to see all the De Rolos grow up, share a knowing smirk with Percy when Cassandra finally introduces her girlfriend to all of you.
You participate to all the great events, the weddings, the births, the tearful final goodbyes to your allies.
Allura introduces you and the Tal'Dorei council to a group of colorful individuals from Wildemount, called the Mighty Nein (but there's eight of them? No one says it but you all think it), who apparently had saved the World and managed to let it go undetected. 
You recognize them from your mother's stories, they are the ones who brought her back to you. 
You thank them profusely, and you catch the redhead wizard blush as the white haired drow next to him smiles and rubs his shoulder, and stifle laughter knowingly when you see the dark skinned woman, the pale and tall one who was holding her hand and the blue tiefling all looking at Vex with their mouth open. The yellow clad halfling smacks them subtly as their half orc friend politely smiles at all of you. 
It's funny, you knew the feeling of being caught staring at Vex'ahlia very well.
You see Percy grow a beard that makes him look older and cheer loudly alongside Vesper when with an excited "Auntie Keyleth, look!" she druidcrafts a snowdrop in her hands. 
 A few years later, as you're tending to the needs of your people, the necklace pulsates again. You have a suspicion this time, and your heart clenches. 
Coming out of the Sun Tree once again, you can see the whole atmosphere is somber. Black flags with the Whitestone crest glowing gold wave in the breeze, falling from the Castle's large windows.
You lean against the Tree that's become like a friend to you.
"Hey, Keyleth. It's quite the sad day. I can feel the grief of the whole city in my roots."
Tears fall and you ask what you already know.
"It's Percy,isn't it?" 
"It is. You might want to go to Lady Vex. I know she might need you." 
You find them once again, gathered in the temple. The De Rolos are surrounding their mother, who's sobbing loudly. You'd seen her this broken only once before, for her brother. 
Only this time, it was your brother, laying limp and quiet, with Pike performing the last rites.
You see Taryon held by Lawrence in the large crowd, but you make a beeline to Vex.  
"Mom, aunt Keyleth is here," Vesper whispers. 
Trinket is next to her of course, whining in pain too.  
Vex'ahlia opens her bloodshot eyes, looks at you briefly and runs into your arms. 
You feel her pain, all of it. You try to convey everything you can in that hug. 
I'm here. I know. I feel it too. I've felt it too. She holds you like you're the last thing keeping her standing. And you hold her like she held you many years before. 
Drinks are had, words and stories are shared. You decide to stay at the Castle one more night, you let Korrin know through Pike. 
Everything goes quiet. In the dead of night, you hear a knock at the door of your guest room. You already know who's going to be on the other side, and yet when you open it and the dim candles show a shattered Vex'ahlia, her cheeks wet with tears, her eyes sunken with exhaustion, your heart aches. 
"Keyleth..." she says with a barely audible whisper. 
No more words are needed. You let her fall into your arms, and hold her through the night, let her sob in your arms until she passes out. 
Eventually, you fall asleep too. 
Vex gives you the raven skull you made for him before you leave, and you make sure to place it next to the mug of ale, with a pocket watch. 
Years keep passing by, you see Vesper's magic thrive and see the proud look in her mother's eyes. You know you must share that same look. You see her become every bit of the leader Percy was, with her mother's wits and her father's strong willpower.  
Eventually you have to go to Deastock and say goodbye to Taryon, that's another hard hit on Vex. He was her best friend.
This time you carve the logo of his Brigade in what has become the Vox Machina tree in Zephrah. 
You and Vex grow closer. She reminds you of him in so many ways, and yet she's so different. A few wrinkles are starting to appear near her eyes, but as you keep observing her, she's never been more beautiful. 
Many things start to become usual occurrences, like you visiting the Castle, and her coming to Zephrah with the help of her daughter. 
Everytime you see each other, it seems like the pieces start falling back together.
One day, as regular as any other, you're watching the sun setting on your tribe and you catch her looking at you intensely. 
"You're so beautiful, darling."  
You're taken aback. She doesn't give you time to reply. Without even being able to register it, her mouth is on yours, and her hand is in your hair. 
You'd lie if you said you hadn't ever dreamed of this. 
Suddenly, she stops, touching her lips in shock "Keyleth, I'm so-" this time you cut her off, shaking your head and catching her sorry with your mouth. 
You're not sorry. You're glad she did that. You would have never had the guts to make the first move. And Gods, her lips are so soft, her hands tangle in your hair and you don't know what to do, but bask in the comfort her body pressed against yours gives you.
She must be feeling something similar, cause her breath becomes shallow as she whispers "Key" in between kisses.
That night you make love and it's sweet, and calm and slow, nothing like you thought Vex would be. You both needed this so bad, you know you've loved her for a long time and if only an ounce of her felt the same, you'd be happy with it. 
Waking up next to her is nothing short of magical. She's peacefully sleeping, her dark, naked back warmly lit by the sunrise creeping in. You softly brush your fingers along her spine, and her eyelids flutter to reveal warm hazel irises, looking at you with a small smile. Your breath catches.
"I love you," you whisper, unable to keep it in anymore. 
Her smile widens. She kisses you and your heart races fast when she says "I love you too, Keyleth," brushing your noses together. 
You feel happier than you've been in a long time. 
Life goes on between Zephrah and Whitestone, you both have responsibilities you can't run from. 
You say your last goodbyes to Allura, and shortly after Kima, who are buried together as they always asked. 
Once Vesper is ready to take the helms of Whitestone, Vex decides that it's maybe time to leave, not without hesitation.
"Mom, go. I get it,okay? We will visit all the time, you won't even have time to miss us".
Vex gives her a teary laugh, kisses her forehead, and with an "I'm so proud of you" she comes to Zephrah with you. 
Korrin and Vilya treat her like their own, and you look at her in adoration when she tells you they're like the parents she always wanted. 
Vesper keeps her promise, and the De Rolos come visit all the time. You don't catch when Percy IV, their youngest, calls you mama, but Vex does and maybe sheds one little happy tear. 
Zephrah is always buzzing with life, thriving under Keyleth's leadership, and Vex's advice. 
Their necklaces glow once more, and they know it's time to say goodbye to Scanlan this time. 
Kaylie plays a sorrowful piece in honor of her father, as you and Vex hold Pike. They both know what it's like to lose a soulmate. 
As always you gather in the tavern and share stories of Scanlan the bard. 
"He died as he lived," Kaylie raises her cup "hard and fast!"
You all share a teary laugh and get drunk as you say goodbye to another friend.
You show Vex the Vox Machina tree for the first time in years, as you carve a space for a miniature shawm. 
She holds you as you both look at the Raven Queen's shrine.
"I hope they're all together," Vex whispers. "I hope he doesn't hate me for this," she chuckles and kisses your cheek.
Just as she says that, as if out of nowhere, a large raven lands between you two on Vex's shoulder. It nuzzles her. 
"I guess you have your answer," you smile and scratch the top of the raven's head. It leans in your hand. 
Life goes on, the kids aren't kids anymore, Vesper leads Whitestone fiercely, you say goodbye to Gilmore a couple of years after Allura and Kima, but you have each other to lean on. 
One day, Vex feels too tired to get out of bed and Trinket lets out a long groan. 
You quickly message Pike, who comes to Zephrah with the children. 
She does a quick scan of her body and confirms what you already know. 
There's nothing wrong with your Vex, nature is claiming her. It's time to say goodbye. 
A sob wracks your body, you knew it was coming. You saw the wrinkles getting more prominent and her hair going gray with the passing of years, but it still hurt to know. 
You can never be ready. 
You let the kids say their goodbyes, not wanting to intrude on such an intimate moment. 
When your turn comes you try to be strong, but your heart is in too much pain. 
She lays a hand on your now wet cheek, and strokes it with her thumb, wiping away some tears. "Kiki..." her flebile whisper is full of love.  
"I don't know if I can do this without you,too".
"Of course you can. You're strong, and caring, and kind. Your people rely on you. You don't need me to succeed. I will always love you, Key. I will always be with you. Far, but never gone, remember?"
You kiss her hand. 
"I love you. You're every bit as beautiful as the day I first met you."
You lean over her to kiss her lips, and with a smile, she lets out her last breath. 
You can't help but hold onto her a little longer. 
Trinket plops down next to you and lays his head on Vex's stomach, breathing heavily. 
You know he must be close as well. 
You clutch his fur, as he breathes one last time, too. 
All the kids and Pike kneel down to hold you, and together, you mourn the loss of Lady Vex'ahlia. 
You take her blue feathers, tie them on your staff, with the black ones you had from Vax. 
In the tree, you leave the tip of an arrow, and one of the pink bows you and Vax once put on the bear. 
The De Rolos go back to Whitestone, Pike spends some days with you. 
It will take a long time to heal, but you have plenty of that. 
You'll outlive them all, it's your tragic destiny, you signed up for it. It doesn't hurt any less. 
Pike is of course the next one to go, the worshippers of the Everlight all gather to say goodbye to her Champion, you look around and see just how many lives Pike's kindness had touched. It's beautiful. 
Your tree has another spot, with the symbol of Sarenrae and a miniature mace. 
You carve one last spot on the tree, that you know won't be filled for many years still. 
You leave instructions for your antlers to placed there. 
You're thankful to have your parents by your side, as the days blur together. 
Eventually you feel happiness again, when Vesper brings her firstborn to you and you get to see new life blossom in every corner of your tribe, the Ashari growing and leaning on you, the love on your mother's face and the pride on your father's. 
Years, and years, and years pass but you never forget them, not once, not for a second.
Vax'ildan, with his smirk and his daggers, and his wings that held you in safety. Your first love. Forever and ever and always. 
Vex'ahlia, matching smirk on softer lips, the best of hagglers, witty and beautiful and quick with her arrows. The lover you got to keep. The lover that got you through. 
Percival, your very best friend, your brother and partner in crime, a quick draw, the smartest of you. A loving husband and father, a fierce leader. 
Grog, big and strong with a heart of gold, with his smile and fun in fights and taverns, his gentle hands with small creatures. Not the smartest, but still one who thought you so much. 
Scanlan, the embodiment of fun and laughter, always ready to pick everyone up and help out, cheering and inspiring with his voice and his charm. 
Pike, the kindest of spirits, her heart bigger than her small frame could ever contain, sweet and loving like a mother to all. 
Taryon, flamboyant and fun, with his desire to be accepted and his mind full of ideas, always accompanied by his thousands versions of Doty, faithful companion. 
Trinket, friend of Vox Machina, her Vex's best friend, as much of a member as everyone else.
You never forget any of them. You feared it would happen after meeting Sprigg, it felt like looking in a mirror of your future. 
But you keep them in your heart until you're old and gray, tell your stories to your tribe, make sure they are spread across the world so that Vox Machina may never be forgotten. 
As you close your eyes for the last time, you dream of them and hope that the Raven Queen will be kind enough to let you see them once more.
On the other side, what you see surprises you. It's them, all of them. Vax, with his wings spread, in the middle, smiling bright. Vex is next to him, looking like the day you met. None of them is old and gray. Percy's hair is even black, rid of the stress and weight of the world.
Pike's hair is black as well, like the day you first called her to help you with Grog. 
Everyone looks young, and happy. You feel yourself crying. As you look down, you notice your hair are long and flowing, a fierce red. 
"You did so well, princess." Vex'ahlia winks at you, and you suddenly feel surrounded by all your family's arms. 
You smile in the cuddle pile, think back to your adventures, and realize that everything was worth it, after all. 
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