jeoseungsaja · 2 years
This is nothing new, being greeted by his dear friend once they’ve arrived at Incheon International Airport. Patrick has been through it more than enough times and Elise and Hiro, over the years, have joined him in the same boat. But this time, when they meet his dear friend at the gate, Patrick’s first instinct is to let go of his luggage handle and tackle Hyuk in a tight hug. Breathing in the scent of coffee, fresh soap, and hot chocolate, he then kisses his dear friend on the cheek before pulling back for a better view. Gods, how he’s missed seeing his dear friend, how it’s so much better to see that familiar, warm face, pinched like an overripe lemon or not, in-person than thru a screen and-
Patrick freezes, noticing both Hiro and Elise staring at him. And then it hits him: he just did that in front of everyone and- movements stiff, he lets go of Hyuk and takes a step back. Face ablaze, Patrick chuckles, albeit nervously as he coughs into his hand and grabs his luggage handle again. “A…apologies for my, ah, excitement there, but um,” he scratches a cheek before looking up at his dear friend. He can’t help but grin albeit shyly. “It’s good to see you, Hyuk-ah.” ( HI ALEX!! this is so late, but here is another...unprompted ask!! and this time it's patrick who was so happy to see hyuk he couldn't contain himself 😂 hope this works and if not, feel free to ignore!! have a wonderful day alex 😄😄😄 )
@ofgentleresolve ♚ hyuk having the ultimate dokis? more likely than you think---
♔ ———–  
   All of these things he’s done before. Make a 30-minute drive from Seoul to Incheon, walk under Do Ho Suh’s brightly colored houses that float over airport’s roof; stand near the sliding doors which allow passengers to come out like a swarm of ants holding onto their luggage whilst frantically looking for a familiar face. And he’ll do it over and over and over again, even traverse longer distances and stay for hours on place, if that means he’ll get to see the one he’s waiting for at the moment. 
    His best friend, Patrick.      The only person who knows him like no other. 
    All of these things he’s done before, but today he’s...well. He’s feeling slightly different. Of course, he’s always happy to see his friend, for it is nice to be able to talk to him in person and see him face-to-face rather than through a screen, but somehow, his whole body feels so undeniably electrified, with a type of thrill that’s been potentially heightened; with a sort of nervousness that hasn’t left him ever since Patrick accepted his invitation of traveling to Jeju Island with him. 
   God, when was the last time they did this?    Years ago, he thinks; during their youth.     Two souls throwing their backpacks on the sand without much care.    When Hyuk’d get tipsy and tug his dear friend toward the shore. 
    Now they’re all grown-up, with jobs and responsibilities and other things to take care of, barely having time to breathe with ease. Needless to say, Hyuk hopes they (Patrick, Elise and Hiro) have a good time here, away from all that heaviness. He can’t say he’s the best host out there, but he’s been certainly trying; making plans for the journey to Seogwipo so all of them can be as comfortable as possible. 
   A rather timorous sigh leaves him as he looks at the clock on his cellphone. It’s been twenty minutes since the flight was marked as ‘Arrived’. It’s only a matter of time, isn’t it? A matter of time for Patrick to come out of those doors and--- 
    There he is, his height making him stand out amid the crowd --- or is it the glow he constantly emits, no matter where he goes? Akin to comfortable luminescence that peeks between green leaves when swaying side to side with the wind; a gleam that has the detective’s heart pounding erratically, hitting rib-cage with anticipation. Swallowing thickly; a rapid, unconscious bite of bottom lip happens as he saves his cellphone in breast’s pocket. He takes a few steps forward, peeking so he doesn’t lose sight of Patrick and his children, Elise and Hiro, who seem to be right alongside him. 
    Lips cannot help but stretch into a close-lipped smile, waving Patrick’s way so he can be easily spotted.
    A sudden grunt leaves Hyuk when he’s greeted by unexpected motions; rush sending him into a spiral of unforeseen delight as Patrick’s arms wrap him into a tight, warm embrace. His own limbs respond almost immediately, an answer to the longing drumming silently within. The detective hugs him back; eyes closing for a moment as nose unconsciously grazes best friend’s neck, as if wanting to hide his face upon crook. Whatever worries he was holding, they all melt away here, in the comfort of his hold, in the scent that’s a mixture of tea leaves and ink from fountain pens; paper of thick books and the sweetness of chocolate. 
    The shape of Patrick’s lips is left on his cheek, leaving Hyuk quite dumbfounded. Heat begins to crawl up his neck; blinking as his own arms loosen up, fingers still lightly grasping Patrick’s shirt as they both look at each other when pulling away. There’s this urge of using his hand to caress dear friend’s cheek, this secret need to tell him that he’s been dearly missed, the concealed wish to whisper if he could do that again because it felt nice, much like the kiss placed upon his forehead once upon a time---
   Train of thought is broken when hearing voices calling Patrick nearby, eyes widening when noticing that this isn’t their private bubble but a public setting where his children are in, watching. Hyuk lets go of Patrick’s garments; clearing his throat as a shade of pink manages to stain his cheeks. Well, this is...quite awkward. Not that he minds doing these things in public sometimes, not really...it’s more so the fact that Hiro and Elise got no clue of what’s been happening...or do they? Both are so utterly smart and observant, so it wouldn’t be surprising if they’ve picked up on some clues. 
   Taking a few steps back, he attempts to be as casual as ever, even adjusting the lapel of his blazer whilst going to address both Elise and Hiro. He feels they’ve grown so much ever since the last time he saw them.
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    “Hi, Elise. Hello, Hiro. I’m glad you...uh, decided to come with your dad. It was a long trip, wasn’t it? Are you tired?” 
    He then peeks to see Patrick, who seems to be bashful about the whole thing. The way he shyly grins and uses that nickname only he can use has Hyuk’s heart doing somersaults. The detective chuckles, one of those free, fond titters that he doesn’t usually release unless he means them. 
    “It’s good to see you too, Dae-yah. Here, let me...help you with your luggage---” 
   Hyuk’s hand reaches out, trying to get a hold of luggage’s handle but landing on Patrick’s knuckles instead. Was this done on purpose? Perhaps. Hyuk’s gaze lifts to look at his dear friend with a little, crooked smile dancing on lips, squeezing Patrick’s hand for a swift second before Hyuk’s touch deviates to actually take the handle, pulling the luggage to his side without much of a hassle. 
  “Elise, Hiro...do you need help with your luggage? Give it to me, I can carry it. Ah, have you eaten anything? Plane food is no good these days, so I’m taking you somewhere...what do you feel like eating? It can be anything---” 
———– ♔
#ofgentleresolve#♔ || the puzzle of our friendship is the most comforting (patrick).#♔ || answers.#♔ || answered.#♔ || verse three.#NOT ME GOING ALL 🥺 WHEN I SAW THIS WIUEDHKASHDIWUEDH#THE WAY PATRICK DIDN'T EVEN THINK BECAUSE HE WAS TOO EXCITED---HE JUST WENT FOR IT#THE WAY HYUK DIDN'T EVEN THINK EITHER#THE WAY THEY MISSED EACH OTHER#THE WAY THESE TWO DESTROY ME WITH THEIR MOMENTS OF WHOLESOMENESS WIEUDHIWUEH#But also Elise and Hiro getting all confused over what Patrick just did (whEEZE)#it makes me wonder if...Elise and Hiro have...an inkling about Patrick's feelings#Sorta going 'that seems sus Papa/Professor but okay' IUWEHDKJASHDWUIEH#BUT ALSO NOT ME....imagining them eating all together and Hyuk asking Elise something about the last project she's been working on#Or anything that could lead her to talk about the things she's interested about because even if Hyuk might not know much about those topics#He does enjoy hearing her explain these things IWUHEDWUIHD#and also asking Hiro how's everything with him / if he's been doing well#since Hiro is a bit...more reserved Hyuk doesn't really try to prod much...he understands#but he's glad that he also decided to join in ;W;#BUT ALSO THIS WHOLE!!! BEACH VACATION!!! (I hope it's okay that I linked this ask to the other one ;W; IF NOT LMK AND I'LL CHANGE THINGS)#HYUK IS SO EXCITED AND HAPPY AND I JUST IWUEDHKASHDWUIEDH#and Hyuk indeed goes softer near the water so 👀 we'll see what might happen IUWEHDH#I adore them your honor#aND I ADORE YOU ;W; <3#ANYWAY I RAMBLED BIG TIME HERE IWHEDIWDEH BUT I HOPE THIS IS OKAY!!! IF YOU'D LIKE ME TO CHANGE ANYTHING DO LET ME KNOW AND I WILL!!#PLS HAVE A NICE DAY FERRE!!!#also this took me a bit to get to BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WAITING/FOR YOUR PATIENCE ;W; I HOPE THIS IS?? A NICE READ WIEDUHWEIUDH---#♔ || queue.
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