#they’re basically already a trio!!! there’s no reason they can’t just all love each other except the ones they invented themselves!!!
finrays · 11 months
The real tragedy of King Arthur, reading The Once and Future King from a modern vantage point, is that these three don’t realize what an absolutely KILLER polycule they’d make, and the throuple hasn’t been invented yet.
Like, the way Arthur and Lancelot are written in this SCREAMS “There’s something a little queer about this,” and if those perspectives and options were common, how would the outcome of the story change? Would Arthur’s rule still be doomed to fail if he and Guinevere just kind of decided “Well… the obvious solution here is that we both just bring Lancelot into our partnership.” He already confides in them both quite a lot and they all have a lot of big feelings for each other… maybe this would have been the best thing for all three of them.
Alas, it was Mid Evil times, where Sir Bedivere gets to chop his wife’s head off for just SUSPECTING her of adultery and still gets to become a knight at court, and they were too hamstrung by their own religious fervor and adherence to the codes of chivalry to find out that answer.
But damn if Arthur reaching over to squeeze Lancelot’s knee affectionately while they sit together under an arbor and watch the younger knights practice their archery isn’t stirring up the thought in my head, lol.
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strangesem · 1 year
Dropping in with a request!
Could you do either Miles or Hobie (you can choose) with a Spider person reader who everyone thinks is scary and intimidating but actually just really quiet and shy?
THIS IS SO CUTE (and also very much fits my spider-sona 🤭)
hobie brown x intimidating but shy reader
a/n: I took a brief hiatus bc I’m trying to get my license but I’m back and more feral than ever
FIRST OF ALLL I feel like part of the reason people think you’re intimidating is bc of your spider-suit?
like maybe the mask is “spooky” or it’s super dark or what have you
and if you have good posture that would definitely make you seem sm more intimidating? like you’re just standing there upright saying nothing
even though you’re only quiet bc you’re shy, no one knows that!!!
except for hobie
tbh I feel like he originally approached you to annoy you or knock you down a peg?
but when your response was so quiet and soft he was like ?????
he doesn’t believe in consistency soo you’re basically his new best friend
but genuinely you would both bond so fast, largely due to how well your personalities even each other out
but also because no one else really talked to you bc you seemed “scary”
I also feel like you’d end up forming a trio with pavitr bc he’s too sweet to be intimidating by your “rough exterior”
and pav is the number one supporter of you two getting together I’m serious
“I can feel the tension, you guys should go to dinner after this”
“DID YOU SEE THE WAY HE LOOKED AT YOU? he’s in loooooveee”
speaking or pav; when you first met he *did* get jumpscared a little bit with how quietly you move around, and compared you to a ghost
it really stuck with hobie bc he immediately started calling you “ghostie”
(you’re crushing way too hard at that point to care let’s be real)
once you get together he’ll probably start spending more time in your world; just chilling at your place
teasing you occasionally about how nervous you are to even just open your door and talk to a delivery guy (he WILL do it for you if you ask though he doesn’t care lmao)
he’d also want you to spend a bunch of time in his dimension bc he wants you to go to his shows! go to all his favourite pubs with him!!
but if that’s all to overwhelming for you, even just lounging in his bed is more than enough to appease him
he likes that it smells like you after you leave
also!!! he definitely would want his partner to wear his clothes
if you’re bigger and his “normal” shirts don’t fit you comfortably? he’ll steal some oversized shirts and wear them a bit before handing them off to you!
hobie loves loves LOVES taking part in conversations where people are talking about how intimidating you are bc it’s hilarious to him
peak comedy even
“nah they’re a little cutie pie; couldn’t hurt someone if they tried”
“[spider-sona name]????”
miguel absolutely despises you both though bc hobie’s full time job is already being a menace to him and then you just stand off to the side and stare? WHISPERING TO HOBIE??? he can’t.
peter b parker though? he LOVES you guys. you’re his otp and she will sometimes point to show mayday what “true love” looks like
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archived-kin · 4 years
caught in a twin courtship
note from kin: i’m going to be honest i only really wrote this because the title is fun to say, so it isn’t as cohesive as i normally would have wanted to make it
(this is an au where the twins aren’t separated by the unknown god! instead, just their world-hopping powers were stolen, and that’s why they’re journeying to find said god - to get their powers back so that they can go home. i’ve also excluded paimon since i kind of forgot about her while writing this haha)
(this doesn’t follow canon at all since reader and the twins just kind of start wandering about after the dvalin incident rather than heading straight for liyue oops)
fandom: genshin impact
character(s): gn!reader, lumine, aether, diluc, venti, jean
pairing(s): aether/reader/lumine
warning(s): i don’t think so??
genre: fluff with a little bit sprinkling of angst
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you first meet the twins in the aftermath of the stormterror battle. it isn’t a glamorous introduction by any means - it’s pretty unflattering, actually - but it definitely makes a powerful first impression.
the group - aether, lumine, venti, diluc, and jean - are on their way back to mondstadt city, making small talk here and there, but mostly just walking in silence.
then they hear a yell in the distance.
jean and lumine both drop into a battle stances, venti leaps to hide behind aether with a very unmanly squeak of fear… but diluc, who arguably should have been the most alerted by this occurrence, just gives a resigned sigh and pauses.
a split second later, a figure comes speeding up to the group. you barrel up to diluc and immediately punch him square in the stomach, yelling “why didn’t you tell me you were going after stormterror?!”
aether and venti both give matching gasps of horror at the blatant disrespect, but diluc only shakes his head and catches your fist as it goes for another blow, this one aimed at his chest, and chastises, “calm down, i left a note.”
“i left a note,” you mimic, an absolutely awful impression that has you sounding more like a mosquito than the darknight hero, “fat lot of use that is when you aren’t even telling me where you’re going!”
diluc evades another jab at his arm and firmly sets his hands on both your shoulders, effectively anchoring you to the ground. you contemplate swinging your feet at his knees and knocking him over, or maybe shocking him with your electro vision, but ultimately decide that you might as well try to preserve what little dignity you have left in front of those three people you’ve never met before
so you stop with a defeated sigh and turn to face said three people to introduce yourself
it turns out that you’re diluc’s cousin and he’s been having to baby-sit you for the last few years after your own parents left on a ‘business trip’ to snezhnaya that they’re still not back from
you’re pretty sure they’re dead, killed by the fatui, and you say as much during your introduction without even the slightest sign of distress, which is a little unsettling
lumine’s first thought is that you’re quite the interesting character, what with the casual way you treat diluc, and how you don’t seem to question whatever situation lead you to meet in the first place
aether’s first thought is holy shit, they’re cute
one twin greets you in return with a lot more enthusiasm than the other, and venti the bard wastes no time in asking whether you have access to good master diluc’s wine storage
(you’d be shocked by the audacity if you weren’t just as bad as him when it came to shamelessness)
strangely enough, the fact that aether likes you so much actually makes lumine more wary of you than she was initially
aether trusts too easily, and from experience, that usually leads to disaster - and your flippancy regarding your parents’ apparent probable deaths rather inclines her to think that you might be a very dangerous person indeed
the three of you don’t see each other for a couple of days after that - you and diluc leave for dawn winery together, while the twins depart with venti to wrap their whole situation up, and jean returns to her duties in mondstadt city
all this time, apparently unbeknownst to even himself, aether keeps finding ways to bring you up in the middle of conversation
you’d only spoken to him for a few minutes and somehow that as enough to get him absolutely fascinated
lumine would be lying if she said she wasn’t still curious about you as well, but it gets annoying after aether somehow manages to mention how ‘mysterious’ your black cloak is in the middle of a conversation about why mitachurls are able to randomly set their axes on fire
luckily for these two, they happen to run into you the very next day!
you’re in the middle of taking out a ruin guard stomping around the thousand winds temple -  a ruin guard that the twins had been meaning to take down themselves, which is why they’re here in the first place
at first they move to help you, only to stop short and watch in awe as you plunge down at the ruin guard from atop one of the enormous pillars, your polearm held steady in your grasp as your entire body seems to spark and glow with a deep purple electro energy
the sharp blade of your polearm goes clean through the top of the ruin guard’s head and shatters its core, and it sinks to the ground with a massive thud that echoes around the temple ruins, massive wooden limbs twitching and jerking as the last of your vision’s energy disperses from it
aether and lumine are basically star-struck
from there you spot them and call them over for a conversation, show them how to take apart a ruin guard’s circuits to get at the good parts, and somehow end up agreeing to journey with them across teyvat in their search for an unknown god who stole their abilities to hop from world to world as well as their apparent true power that allows them to wield all seven elements at once
the details are a little lost on you, but what you’re hearing is that you get to go on a cool adventure with a cool gal and a cool lad, so you’re pretty much all for it
diluc isn’t too happy about you up and leaving without so much as two week’s notice (partially because he has literally no friends apart from you and he’d get lonely without his little cousin bothering him all the time) but you simply tell him to deal with it and go anyway
(you do give him a big hug and promise to visit, you’re not heartless)
from then on you, aether and lumine become a dynamic trio like no other
it’s actually pretty damn spooky how well the three of you end of working together
aether and lumine had long since formed a style of fighting that meant they made up for each other’s weak spots and could attack in perfect sync, but then you come along and somehow manage to make their already pretty flawless formation even better
is it witchcraft? they honestly don’t know
considering you fit so well into their battle strategies, it follows that you’d also slot perfectly into their every day life
lumine is cautious at first, wondering if your presence would disrupt her and her brother’s long since pre-established routines, but you fit in so naturally that it’s as if you were there all long
maybe it it’s this that makes both twins slowly start falling for you - the comfort of being beside you and the familiarity that you bring are things that they struggled to find, being trapped in a world far from their own with no way to get out, and they unknowingly latch onto you like drowning men clutching lifebuoys
aether is the most obvious about his feelings - he starts waking up earlier just because he knows you do, sitting beside you as you stoke a campfire and keep watch for any approaching monsters, making quiet conversation as lumine continues sleeping. he tells you stories about his adventures in other worlds, including an encounter with a rather bigoted individual who is the reason that he keeps his hair so long while lumine’s has been cut short
he even starts taking his hair out of its braid before he goes to sleep so that he can ask you to braid it for him when he wakes up
lumine is a lot more subtle
she finds excuses to stand closer to you when, deliberately brushing her fingers against yours when handing you something. she listens far more attentively to you when you speak than anyone else, and she smiles far more in your presence, hanging onto your every word and gazing at you so intensely that it’s almost unsettling
of course, the twins notice each other’s feelings pretty easily
at first neither acknowledges it - it’d be far too messy for both to accept that they’d both fallen in love with the same person, let alone actually admit this to each other
but it gets to the point where it just isn’t ignorable anymore, and finally the twins decide to talk
it’s about as civil and sensible as they could hope for with the subject at hand, and they eventually decide to talk to you about it
and so, we come to an ultimatum. what will your choice be?
if you reject both, it’ll be hard to continue adventuring with twins who can’t look in your direction. neither resent you, of course, but the atmosphere has become so stifling that they can’t even make eye contact
it’s as if an enormous gap has opened up between the three of you. the twins are avoiding each other as well, unsure of how to handle the fact that they’re both in love with the same person and have now both been rejected by that same person. if anything, they should be becoming closer out of solidarity, but it seems that they can’t stand to be in each other’s presence as much as they can’t stand to be in yours.
the three of you still work together as seamlessly in battle as you did before, but once the final monster has been cut down and your weapons are sheathed, that connection seems to disappear again.
it’s aether who finally breaks the stalemate. he starts trying to start conversations as the three of you sit awkwardly apart from each other around a fire, and while the first few attempts end in stony silence and an awkward cough on his part, eventually you begin replying with some semblance of the humour you used to
from there things only improve - the three of you come to a silent mutual agreement to leave this behind you, and soon you’re all laughing and joking as you used to
lumine and aether both know that they cannot force you to love either of them, and they respect your choice. if anything, they’re the ones in the wrong for springing something like this on you so suddenly, and they start to feel a little guilty that they were essentially pressuring you into making a choice that you were never obligated to make
so they return to treating you as a dear friend, just as before. things are different now, of course, but they can only be grateful that you continue to travel with them and stay by their side; this situation doesn’t make them love you any less, even if you don’t love them in the same way.
if you choose lumine, aether will be understanding. the twins have been each other’s only support for longer than they can remember, and as the older brother, he’s well used to giving things up for his sister.
he’ll still be friendly and amicable, but he won’t seek you out as much as he did before. he starts braiding his hair by himself again, and stays in bed as late as he can every morning so that he doesn’t have to be face to face with you. just because he’s accepted this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt.
sometimes, when the sky grows dark and you and lumine have long since fallen asleep beside each other, he wonders to himself - why is it that he has to give everything to his sister? he’s given away so much, so why couldn’t the universe let him have this one thing?
but he knows, deep down, that this is nothing to do with the universe - you simply fell in love with someone that wasn’t him, his sister at that, and he’s struggling to come to terms with it.
he wants to hate you, hate lumine, hate the relationship that the two of you have formed, but he just can’t. he loves the both of you in different ways that are just as important as each other, and he can’t stand to lose either of you. he’d rather throw himself off of starsnatch cliff.
so he’ll smile and bear it, even if it’s a battle to keep himself from breaking down every time he sees the two of you lace your hands together, off in your own little word, so near and yet so far from him.
if you choose aether, lumine will become cold. at first, that is. she’s never been as empathetic as her brother, always holding grudges and developing dislike much more easily. it had taken a lot for her to open up to you in the first place, and now that you’ve rejected her, it’s going to take a while for her to return to the same camaderie with you that she had before.
lumine does not begrudge aether for being the one you chose. if anything, she’s glad - aether is always putting her first and himself second, and she’s happy that he has someone like you, who lights his eyes up in a way that she’s never seen before.
but our hearts often betray our mind, after all, and lumine can’t help but scowl and turn away every time she sees her brother wrap his arms around your waist or press a kiss to your cheek. despite her best efforts, all she can think is why? why did you have to choose him?
she can’t bring herself to hate you, though. as much as it feels like her heart is threatening to split down the middle when she sees you smile and is reminded of something that she cannot have, there is an equal joy in the fact that her brother can be with the person that he loves so dearly. if anything, the two of you deserve to be happy together.
lumine would never do anything that could take that away, and so she forces herself to accept it. it takes several days of tentative conversation and barely held back tears, but eventually the two of you seem to return to the way you were before - all friendly jabs and light-hearted banter and little jokes exchanged over crossed blades.
but lumine knows that your friendship can never be quite the same as it was before. she’ll forever be holding you at arm’s length, terrified to let you get too close lest you see how much your presence affects her. she can’t let you know how much she loves you because she will never be the one who links hands with you as you walk down a long, winding path, or the one who holds you close under a darkening sky filled with stars - because that person is aether, and she would sooner die before she takes her brother’s happiness away.
if you refuse to choose, the twins will be at a loss at what to do. they hadn’t considered this scenario - that you had somehow come to love both of them.
the confusion becomes joy soon enough, though. they realise what this means - they both love you, and you love both of them! isn’t this perfect?
neither are particularly thrilled at the concept of ‘sharing’ you with the other, so to speak, but in the end they both equally want each other to be happy as they want you to be, so the logical conclusion is that they both become your partners.
they’re not too sure how this should work, nor what sort of label to put on it, but they come to you tentatively with the idea anyway
to their joyous surprise, you agree!
and from then marks the point of no return…
aether is definitely the clingier of the two. once he realises that he’s allowed to show affection and be close to you for no particular reason, he won’t stop - it’s as if he absolutely has to be holding your hand or be standing or sitting  as close to you as physically possible. he’s always buying you souvenirs at every place you stop by, scaling trees to pick apples for you when you mention a craving for fruit, presenting you little treasures that he’s found with all the pride of a golden retriever.
lumine is a more subdued kind of partner, preferring to demonstrate her feelings with little things like making your favourite food for dinner or bringing you sprigs of flowers that she’s secretly been collecting in order to present you with them. of course, that doesn’t mean she isn’t physically affectionate at all - she presses perhaps even closer to you than aether when you sleep beside her, and somehow her hand finds yours at every opportunity she has.
the twins clash every now and then, as siblings often do, except that you’re usually caught in the middle. their arguments are little more than playful squabbles, though - things like play-fighting over who gets to hug you first after a well-fought battle, or who gets to hold your hand on the way to the next village (you have to step in and remind them that you do, in fact, have two hands)
in conclusion: why choose one when you can have both and prevent the unchosen from having endless amounts of angst?
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suguruverse · 4 years
hi!! i really loved your "being best friends with the inarizaki trio" and i was wondering if you could do a "being best friends with tanaka and nishinoya". thank you!!!!
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includes - nishinoya yuu and tanaka ryuunosuke
a/n - hi bub!! i’m so happy you liked my post about being bsfs w the inarizaki trio pls enjoy <33
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google search bar: ‘define loud and annoying”
- a pic of your guys showed up <3
- jesus christ these boys are so protective over you it’s crazy
- 2 hype men for the price of 1
- sneaking out and getting food with them at 2am
- tutoring them so they can go to training camps
- YALL BITE EACH OTHER SO MUCH its basically yalls love language
- they literally start complaining if you don’t go to their games
- they always fight over who’s spare jersey you should wear
- one time you got a jersey that had ‘9′ on it because it was their numbers but added together but they misunderstood and thought you were supporting kageyama
- kageyama was so confused why his upperclassmen where glaring at him whenever he entered a room
- tanaka and noya forced kageyama to buy them meat buns after practice
- poor bby was so lost but he still did it anyways
- they think you look hot when you’re mad
- so. many. petnames.
- like at this point they don’t ever call you by your real name
- feeling insecure? sad? lonely? yeah not on their watch
- be prepared for cuddles, snacks and hugs galore
- if you’re crying they do 2 things:
1. threatens whoever or whatever made you cry no matter what is
2. hold you so tightly and declare their undying love for you and maybe a lil forehead kisses
- scares you as much as they can because they love your reactions
- they take up 80% of your free time because they insist that you can’t handle being without them
- one time you cancelled on them to hang out with saeko for a girl’s day and 20 minutes into your shopping trip you saw them running straight towards you
- you tried to run away but you were outnumbered </3
- always sharing snacks at the back of the classroom
- they always tell you to stay away from other boys because they’re gross and don’t deserve you
- but if you do get a boyfriend, 9 times out of time, they would hate him
- to them, you’re their soulmate, bestfriend and everything in between
- and this musty boy thinks he’s good enough for you? no <3
- they’re the type of people to give backhanded compliments 
- but they never take it too far because this is still the person you chose and they SOMETIMES respect that
- but if a miracle happens and they do actually like your partner then prepared to be teased 24/7 (as if you don’t already get teased)
- also for some reason if they ever post chaotic groups pics of you guys and they tag you? it’s not even in you, it’s on their buttcheek
- ceos of platonic flirting and i love yous
- at the end of the day, they are the most loyal, loving and supportive best friends you’ll ever have
- pls their comments on your ig posts *chefs kiss*
- its always them hyping you up
your comment section:
okay best friend, get it i guess
marry me??
please step on me i would do anything
for any of the boys in this comment section. go choke they’re mine 😋
did you take my hoodie?
choke me
lol sit on my face
gc name: soulmate shit *insert lip bite emoji* anyways this is a convo before a party
noya; hey hotties
tanaka; i just took a massive dump and i think i just lost 10 kilos
noya; what’s it like being a fucking idiot NOW WHERES MY BABY 😩🥰
tanaka; i thought i was your baby
noya; no ❤️
noya; babe
noya; my dear
noya; my love
noya; honey
noya; cupcake
noya; my sweet pea
noya; schnookums
tanaka; sweetheart please just answer
you; i have arisen from the dead
tanaka; lol same what are y’all wearing send pics
*the three of you guys send pics*
you; TWINS
noya; TWINS
tanaka; TWINS
noya; babe
you; yesss
tanaka; she’s even wearing the necklace we got for their bday 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
you; you guys like or should i change??
tanaka; pump ya brakes do not change you’ll be doing everyone a favour by blessing them with your looks 😌😌
noya; bubs pls don’t. we get free drinks when you dress sexy 😾
you; i gotchu
tanaka; glad doing business with you 🤝
noya; we on our way now angel
you; okay see you soon bubba 🥰
noya; okay see you
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luna-rainbow · 3 years
Hey, I am genuinely curious about what explanation the people from What If are gonna give to the Steve Winter Soldier, they kind of backed themselves into a corner, because when it was just the stucky moments before the war, they could just say we misunderstood the scenes, and just liked to imagine two hot guys kissing and any gay subtext we saw it was just in our heads. But with Steve being the WS they basically are saying that it was romantic UNLESS the robot isn't Steve, which is not happening because they are trying to sell us the idea that they are soulmates, so they can't be happy with anyone else. And I think this is going to be a corner they can't get out of, and i think this is the line that the stucky shippers are going to draw, and going to collectively drop MCU, or at least I am, love the fics and the drawings but not going to spend my money to watch anything else they do. What do you think?
Sorry I got completely off topic on this ask so had to delete and rewrite.
To be honest I get the sense most Stucky shippers have already stopped acknowledging canon since EG, no? LOL.
I honestly don’t know how they’re going to explain Steve being in the current timeline. How did he survive? Are they going to say he got the super soldier serum elsewhere? But if he’s in the mobile suit robot does that mean he didn’t go through the Winter Soldier timeline of torture and brainwashing?
And uh…the other thing is a fundamental misunderstanding of the dynamic. Like, personally I’m more than happy to take a non-romantic reading of Steve-Bucky, but that doesn’t minimise how special their bond was. The Steve-Bucky-Peggy trio actually consists of three very strong personalities. The reason it doesn’t seem that way with Steve and Bucky is because they are Steve and Bucky. If you take the two of them away from each other — you have Steve who won’t back down in front of someone like the director of SHIELD or the to-be-king of Wakanda. There’s less available of Bucky but we can infer from the fact he survived 70 years of torture with his morality intact and the way he deals with his recovery that he’s got a very stubborn streak. And then you have Peggy who’s quite bullish in her capabilities.
The reason Steve and Bucky seem fairly mild in front of each other is because of their long histories with each other. They’ve worked out how to love each other despite their stubborn tempers, and a big part of that is the fact they share much of their morality and values. They know their goals will align, which I think is part of the reason Bucky was happy to step back and let Steve into the leadership role post-serum and in all later encounters, because there’s an implicit trust that Steve will do what Bucky himself also believes in. And let’s face it, the trust also comes from the fact they know they have each other’s best interests at heart.
The same dynamic does not exist with Peggy. It can’t and it’s shown very clearly in the first episode of What If that she definitely does not have Steve’s best interests at heart. While we the audience might see Bucky as Steve’s sidekick (and maybe even Bucky himself does), Steve doesn’t. Bucky’s safety and personal choice are never treated by Steve as an afterthought. I may be wrong but I get the sense that WI!Steve is being written as an afterthought to Peggy’s own heroic conquests, the traditional MCU love interest, if you will.
WI!Steve is a disabled, second generation Irish immigrant from a single parent family who has to live with the consequences of Peggy’s choice in a world where ventolin and insulin were very new or did not exist. WI!Peggy is a well-off Englishwoman who had no concept of the privilege she already possessed and revelled in the added boost given by the serum. It’s ludicrous that their arcs can at all parallel CATWS, a situation where two people who had known each other their whole lives broke through the conditioning with their mutual trust and care for each other…romantically read or not.
Add: I feel like I derailed myself LOL What I was meaning to get at in the middle is that Steve and Bucky gets along despite their personalities because their morality align. Steve and Peggy’s don’t align (some of their goals might but they are so different in their experiences and perspectives, and the implicit trust isn’t there) that they’re bound to have a lot of friction and disagreements if the series actually wrote their characters properly.
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azurevi · 4 years
Fluff 49 with the octa trio please? Thank you :333
49. “Is somebody jealous?” with octavinelle
Thanks for requesting! I hope this is good enough 😔
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Your relationship with Azul is so secure that one might even comment about how laid back you are. But both of you know better than anyone that you love each other, and there's nothing to worry about at all.
Well, that's what Azul would like to think, but recently his heart has been betraying his words a lot. In his defense, you've been getting pretty close with someone else. It's not as though he doesn't trust you, no, it is your friend whom he doubts.
He's pretty sure he isn't imagining things, that the flirtations and sly glances and unneeded physical touches are signs that your friend wants more than just friendship from you. Although you've never responded to any of his attempts, he still feels a weird feeling boiling in his chest everytime they get a little too close to you.
It sucks more when he has to stay at Mostro Lounge and work overtime, because that means your friend can take the opportunity and snatch you away. He's grateful that you always come back to him after the day, but he can't get rid of the uneasiness. Perhaps he's scared. You may have told him times and times that you love him, but he admits that there's still something which your friend possesses and he doesn't. There's a constant voice in the back of his head, taunting him about how he isn't as good as them. Sometimes it's so loud that he just wishes to turn it off.
Your friend is getting bolder and bolder by day. Even when you and Azul are clearly having alone time, they will shamelessly join in, and being a nice person you never turn them down. Azul wishes you would though, but he doesn't want to upset you by being selfish.
You aren't oblivious though. It's clear as day how uncomfortable Azul acts around them -- his posture stiffens and his head tilts up slightly, eyes ever so cold but his fingers are always restless. He never confirms anything though, so for a while you just decide to let it slide, but he's been looking so bothered lately that you make up your mind to lure the truth out of him.
"Hey," you knock on the door to his VIP room. His eyes basically shine at the sight of you. 
"I thought you're going out with your friend," he says instead, once again lacking subtlety.
"I was, but I turned them down at the last minute,'
Azul flicks his gaze up. "You did? Why?"
"I don't know, maybe because someone is sulking?"
He doesn't have to say anything. His avoiding glances already reveal enough. "I'm not sulking," comes his futile, weak defense.
"Really? Then what's going on?"
After a moment of silence Azul puts down his pen, burying his face in his head as if in exasperation. "It's nothing… you've just been spending time with them a lot,"
Your brow arch curiously. "No way. Is somebody jealous?"
Blood shoots to his cheeks, painting the tips of his ears red. He looks like a child caught red handed for stealing candies during midnight. 
"I'm not- I- fine. I am a little jealous, alright? But I trust you. It's them I don't trust," he nudges his head to the side, as if your friend is standing right there. "I may be overthinking things, but I think they're interested in you,"
"Are they?" you recall the times you spent together, trying to pick up possible hints. At your serious expression Azul waved you off, "As I said, it's just me overthinking. Don't fuss over it,"
"That won't do, you're clearly troubled," you walk to his side, prompting him to turn to you. "How about we do this, I make sure to draw the line between us and spend more time with you. Will that make you feel better?"
"You don't have to. I'm not a child who whines when his mother disappears for a minute."
"No you aren't. What you are is my partner, and I am willing to do anything to comfort you, alright?" you plant a kiss on his cheek, noting how hot his face is. "I'm sorry for neglecting you,"
"You don't have to apologize…" he mumbles, although his originally furrowed brows have relaxed significantly. Knowing that you're going to be there for him no matter what is already enough for him to ease his worries.
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Jade adores you. It isn't anything surprising, basically the whole school knows about it. It isn't as if he tries to hide it anyways. He loves to shower you with affection even when you're in public, more so when you're having alone times. His affection is gentle and understanding, which is one of the many reasons you fell for him, but you've never expected these qualities to become the source of your plaguing worries.
Jade's smile is one of a kind. It can be benevolent and hostile at the same time, and it can be as venomous as it can be soothing. As someone who has to constantly deal with customers by Azul's side, he has mastered the ability to please someone with his appearance. And being the serious businessman that he is, he seldom acts recklessly.
That explains why he's caught the attention of one business partner, and for the past few days they've been asking Jade to accompany them around the campus. You shouldn't feel jealous about it, really, it's part of his job after all, but you can't help comparing the both of you and realizing how you lack the same charisma that they hold. However, you decide to keep it to yourself, not wanting to come off as a clingy and inconsiderate partner.
There's only one thing that you fail to realize, which is how sharp Jade's eyes are. It's true that he has been spending less time with you lately, but during the scarce moments when you're together he can already figure out what is clouding your mind.
"Good evening, my dear," Jade arrives at the Ramshackle dorm after work as usual, to steal more time with you. His workload may be burdening, but he never misses any chance to be around you.
"How's work?" you ask casually, trying not to bring up the fact that he was once again asked to entertain the client and had to cancel your lunch together.
"Work's fine," he reaches out and pulls you towards him just as you walk to hang his jacket, planting a long, deep kiss on your forehead. "How was your day?"
"Fine," you frown a little.
"Is that right? You seem to look upset though," he leans back to get a good look at your face, but you bow your head down in embarrassment. "I'm not upset,"
It seems that you're not going to give up your secret easily.
"Is somebody jealous?"
Your head shoots up, eyes widened in surprise. "What?"
Jade chuckles. "I asked whether you're jealous. I know I've been occupied lately, and I don't want you to feel lonely,"
"I'm not lonely. I understand that you have responsibilities," you mumble, still too stubborn to admit what's going on in your mind.
"That's true, but I am also your boyfriend, am I not? Making you feel loved is my responsibility too," he cups your cheeks with his palms, fitting your face in his hold and looking at you with the soft look that's reserved only for you. "Don't worry. Even when I'm busy, I'm always thinking about you,"
His honesty brings a blush to your cheeks and you wrap your arms around him in an attempt to hide your flustered countenance. 
"Thank you, Jade."
"Of course, my love."
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Dating Floyd means that you're going to be loved for every single moment in your life. Floyd is physically affectionate, and he's definitely going to give you tackle hugs at any given chance. Be prepared to have him stick around and shower you with kisses and touches. With his constantly overflowing affections for you it's really hard for you to feel jealousy and envy.
Well, that's before the rabbit comes between the two of you.
You still can't believe that you're jealous of a goddamn rabbit, but here you are. Perhaps you've been getting too used to Floyd and his intimacy that the moment he averts his attention, you immediately feel hollow.
The two of you found this fellow outside your dorm, shivering in the cold and seemingly lost. Floyd took an interest to the small creature almost immediately and seems to have forgotten about you. You're sure he doesn't intend to ignore you, but suddenly losing his fondness just makes you feel out of place.
You refuse to act on your feelings though. What will he say if he finds out how needy you are? Perhaps he will deem you too hard to please or even a nuisance… you shake your head at the thought, returning to watching him play with the bunny.
"Oh, aren't you the cutest~" Floyd buries his face into the soft white fur, giggling at himself. At your silence he turns to you, only to find you seemingly troubled as your eyebrows knit together. 
"Y/N~" he calls out and pouts when there's no response. He scoots over to you and pokes your face, only then is he successful in getting your attention. 
"Is something wrong?" he asks, resting his jaw on his palm with an interested shine in his eyes. 
"Nothing," you shake your head, nudging your head towards the rabbit. "Why don't you go and spend some more time with it? I'm sure it's getting lonely,"
Floyd is quiet for a while, face blank as the gears in his head work. After a moment, he breaks into a small smile. "I only left for a minute, it's not going to get lonely that easily…" you gulp at his words that suddenly seem to carry a hidden meaning. "What about you? Are you feeling deserted, somehow? Or better! Is someone jealous~?"
"I'm not," you quickly retort. Floyd laughs, throwing his head back carefreely. "I think you are though? Are you sad because I haven't been giving you love lately?"
You grunt, unwilling to answer any more of his questions which he already has the answers to. Seeing your annoyed expression, he decides to drop his teasing. "Alright~ I will show you more love, alright?" he wraps you in his arms, bringing you close to his chest and swaying you from side to side. You're not going to admit it, but you've missed this.
"Next time you want hugs and kisses, you only need to ask~" he says in a sing-songy voice, chuckling as you denies ever having such desires.
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cripplingaddictions · 4 years
Jealous Adult Trio
Chrollo, Hisoka, Illumi
Summary: What I think Chrollo, Hisoka, and Illumi would be like when they’re jealous. 
A/N: First post with these three, and first hxh post too!I tried to make each scenario different, but they’d probably just murder the person making them jealous tbh💀
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It depends on who is making him jealous
If he’s out on an undercover mission with you and in order to slip past the guards to get to the goods he wants you must seduce them, he’ll have to hold back his urges in order to not sabotage the job
He’ll keep his stone cold demeanour, eyeing you off front the distance
The boss will avoid the eyes of the pursuer, to not arouse suspicion 
Fists clenched throughout the rest of the job, he’ll keep quiet, until the job is over
He can’t hold himself back, using that tone that makes your knees weak
“You couldn’t help yourself back there could you, darling? Making me jealous like that?”
But if its some random, maybe a friend of yours...
And if you purposely ignore him to continue your conversation, oooo boy
He doesn’t pout, or get moody, he’ll respond to you condescendingly for the rest of the day
With his power, the way he answered so aloof made you nervous 
Which is exactly what he wanted you to react
The biggest extreme is if it was a bartender, waiter, etc
Let’s say they were getting way to familiar and touchy with you, Chrollo will shoot daggers through them
You can feel the bloodlust oozing off him, and the way he kept silent made it so much worse
You’ll return home for like five minutes and he’s got his coat back on and heading for the door
You’ll ask where he’s off to, and he’ll reply:
“I’ve got a little bit of unfinished business to attend too.”
You’re not dumb, you know he’s going to unalive that poor pal 
Shalnark had already found his address within minutes of Chrollo sending him a picture
Let’s say the deed is done, how do you make it up to him afterwards?
He wants nothing more than for you to pamper him before he falls asleep
Comb his hair with your fingers, read aloud to him, let him lay all over you
Basically what he does for you, but he wants you to return the favour
He gets so unbelievably petty but once again, condescendingly 
Forgives you nonetheless, but you should know that he knows you aren’t the one he should be forgiving
He’s got a reputation yall 🤚
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Oh heaven help you if you make him jealous
100% blames you, even if you weren't the one putting yourself out there 
Kills the other on the spot, no matter who it is, but he has to be really wound up
While Chrollo didn’t want to ruin his “boss” reputation, Hisoka’s reputation is literally being a creep, he’ll stop at nothing
His two approaches he uses, no matter the situation
One, he’ll try to get your attention
He whines, full on like
“Y/N, pay attention to me~ not this weasel”
Does not care what he says in order to get you to look at him, trust me
Even a bit nsfw if he feels like it, another that’ll make the other person get creeped out
Licks his lips at you, I really mean anything 
Gets incredibly more touchy, holds your waste, hip, thigh, anything intimate to possibly scare of who you’re talking to
If being creepy and whiny doesn’t make them back off, or if you still won’t give him the attention he’s craving, that’s when he’ll kill em 
Usually, it works, and you’ll excuse yourself just to stop this man from embarrassing you any further
His second tactic is to intimidate them
Questions them with the dumbest things ever like
“Have you ever heard that if you scratch your ear you can ease your tickling throat?”
If that doesn’t work, he’ll get up in their face, humming like he’s observing their every move
Touches them, pokes them, invades their bubble completely
It gets to the point where you tug him away and you scald him about ruining your conversation
You have to prove that you still love him and him only the rest of the day because he won’t leave you alone until you forgive him or prove it to him
Please just do as he says 🙄
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Mr Mans over here has no idea what to do
He doesn’t even know how to name the weight and anger watching another get too familiar with you
He’d shrug it off, probably thinks he’s angry for some reason, watching you from a distance with his chin in his palm
If the conversation goes awry and you get uncomfy, he’ll call you over to him
You’ll thank him and make a quick exit 
Over the next few weeks, Illumi notices this feeling keep coming back when you pay more attention to someone than him
It gets so on his nerves that he genuinely gets frustrated and asks you one day what you think it means
You kind of just laugh at him and say that he’s jealous
0_0 “You can feel jealous of people?”
“Yeah, it’s probably because you love me~”
“Oh. Yeah.”
Now he’s even more angry about the feeling because he thinks that people will know that he loves someone
Uses his aura to chase people away from you, and tugs you away if that doesn’t get them away
People will definitely be able to tell he’s jealous if he’s doing that, dummy
That’s really with randoms or your friends, but if Hisoka ever makes him jealous (he definitely will)
He has nothing to hide as Hisoka is well aware that you’re dating
But with Hisoka being, well, Hisoka, obviously he isn’t going to let that stop him
Gets so mad that he does that thing where his hair flies up and the crows come flying
It takes a bit to calm him down from that, and you have to dismiss Hisoka yourself in order for Illumi to chill out
The fact he gets jealous is kind of heartwarming, knowing his background 
Settle him down and reassure him that you love him
He’s capable of love just give him time ☺️
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ask-hunterxhunter · 3 years
Helloo royal Guards as yandere please
But without the presence of Meruem because I find it difficult for them to fall in love with Reader while serving the King.
Mmmh, Neferpitou with a Reader male because my headcanon is that she is a infertile female uhhh I dont know how to explain it but I think that in the ant castes there are infertile females that are workers
Yeah, as far as I know, that's how it is with ants... I'm not an expert, but I think the female workers are infertile and care for the queen. Their development depends on how much food they receive when they're larvae. If there is abundance, some larvae will be "princess ants" (fertile and will leave the colony to start their own once the time is right).
Hmm... The Chimera Ants, however, seem to work quite different. Besides the whole "Ant Giving Birth to an Anthro Lion" and what not, they didn't end up starving once the queen died (which I read happens because there are no more larvae and the ants need them to properly feed) and many of them left to try starting colonies of their own (even some of the males seemed to want that, not just females like Zanzan)...
Perhaps this is more like some species of wasp? I've read that the queen produces a pheromone that keeps the others infertile. Once she dies, they battle for dominance in order to become the next queen. With the Chimera, however, they left for new territories rather than stay and fight...
Is there an entomologist in the house?
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The royal guards, regardless of Meruem’s presence, are not exactly easy to deal with even in their normal state (and I don’t think this is simply because they are not humans). Take them to Yandere level and, well, let’s just say it is not a pretty picture…
Pitou is not someone whose interest is easily aroused (she is the kind that “knows several people but regards only a few of them as her actual friends”) and, in a sense, the opposite is also true: It’s not easy to lose such interest, either. With her in Yandere-mode, well, it’s basically impossible. Once you’ve realized what is going, taking the usual measures to try dealing with it (such as moving, contacting the police, so on), don’t waste any time hoping she will “move on” or “change targets” as some stalkers do. It's not in her nature (both due to her personality and instincts).
Not that you would certainly realize what is going on right away. It would depend on her mood and how she decides to deal with her feelings (and she can’t change this decision): She may just go for the straight, extreme actions or keep a convincing facade of normality for a while… Regardless of whether this “normality” is you trying to kill each other or being friends (or she at least living in peace among humans)...
In the “enemies” case, Pitou would not spend days brooding about having fallen for an enemy and trying to get rid of those feelings. She would just shrug the situation off and start to debate whether it’s best to kidnap you right away or try to court you. If she’s working with other Ants for whatever reason or they just happen to be in the area, she would make sure everyone knows you are not to be hurt (and may God have mercy on whoever doesn’t listen). Her attacks would still be convincing from your point of view while being harmless playing in Pitou’s mind. After all, she lets you escape with no injures!
The “convincing facade” is more regarding how deep (and unsettling) her feelings are. In both scenarios, she would confess soon and, being what/how she is, likely act on it. No matter how much you explain you’re not interested or what arguments you use, Pitou would just wave her tail, perhaps ask what you mean exactly in that “innocently curious” tone of hers and… Completely ignore what you just said.
Well, okay, maybe you need to remember she isn’t completely human, so you can’t demand that she behaves like one, right?
Oh, boy, are you making a mistake… Not being human doesn’t mean that Pitou doesn’t understand that there are limits.
She understands.
She just couldn’t care less.
Remember when she probed Pokkles’ brain with him still alive? When Gon and Killua saw her for the first time? This is nothing next to how she can be when she’s obsessed with you.
I mentioned she would act on her feelings, right? Here’s another thing: She is also likely to do so in the manner of an animal trying to attract a particular mate. And because we’re talking Yandere-mode, I don’t mean the “bird dancing” or “penguin offering a pebble”. Not even the “cat giving you a dead prey”…
If you’re friends/she’s living in the human society, there would be some restraint at first, to the point her insistence would seem innocent… Then she would either grow impatient and kidnap you, or things would escalate, giving you hints to the darkness of her feelings until you’re forced to accept that this friend is a threat to you. Maybe after returning home, you find a note in your bed in which Pitou wrote that she loves how soft your bed is, how your home’s security is lacking… And, by the way, that person seems to have a crush on you… Hmm… Should she break their hands or their legs? The playful tone of the note only makes it darker.
Somehow you know she is not kidding.
If you’re enemies, well, she has no reason to restrain herself from the start. Her interactions with you would become far darker even if she miiight not kidnap you right away (for whatever reason) especially since she wouldn’t waste time playing by human rules. Pitou would find a way to make a claim (pinning you down, rubbing herself against you like a cat, and even leaving a love bite/hickey on your neck are very much on the table) or say it loud and clear in battle when there are other humans around. This isn’t just for the other humans, but for you as well: You’re hers, now. There is no room for discussion.
Also, in this scenario, it’s not impossible that Pitou’s “love” started with her deciding to make you her pet. Collar and all.
It should be said that Pitou is a cat in almost every sense, so the tendency to “play with her food” is very much present... Yes, she sees you as a “mate” rather than “prey”, but your attempts to avoid/hide from her consist of an opportunity that is far too good to miss! You change address and, after a few days, start to relax… Only for her to leave a new “present” at your door! It’s both funny and cute how you thought something so simple would keep her away! Awww, you’re so adorable!
Again, it’s true that some of her actions (such as this) have no malice whatsoever behind them, but I repeat, don’t let yourself be fooled: She is very much aware that what she is doing is creepy and wrong and why. I’m repeating this because Pitou can be as charming and cute as a cat… And as devious and sadistic as any human.
While some yanderes give you time (perhaps hoping you’ll eventually come around or because chasing you is so much fun), Pitou is among those who won’t take long before deciding to “take you home”.
Pitou loves having you all to herself and will be very affectionate, especially when it’s just the two of you. Maybe this sounds a little cute on principle? Yeah, trust me, it is not. It’s terrifying! Even when you reject her and she caresses your head saying you’re cute, you can see the insanity in her eyes, mixed with a sick infatuation.
It doesn’t help that, at times, her being “affectionate” involves brushing your hair, cuddling and even bathing together. Not only this invasion of space can already be uncomfortable, something about how Pitou does it makes you feel too much like a pet, especially when she talks about how much she loves you, how lovely you are, and how she is never going to let you go. In this situation, and the way she speaks, those words make you feel cold.
You should have realized by now that there is no reasoning with her and this isn’t because she is not human. Pitou is likely to twist your arguments or make points that would frankly make you think she learned from Illumi or Hisoka (and she only does that because she thinks it’s funny, anyway).
As for Pitou, well, she can’t say she is happy that you’re uncomfortable, but she believes it’s just temporary and you’ll get used to your new life… Hey, humans capture animals all the time to put them in zoos or circus. She isn’t that bad in comparison, now, is she?
She’s easily the kind of yandere that responds to pleas for freedom by caressing your head and saying you’re cute. How could she possibly let you go? You’d run away! Besides, she can keep you well-fed and protected. You say such silly things, love!
That’s not to say Pitou doesn’t have a limit to how much rejection she can take or her patience. And this is a line you don’t want to cross. It’s hard to say if Pitou would get to the point of physical punishment, but this doesn’t mean she wouldn’t make use of other means.
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It’s not easy to catch the attention of any of the Royal Trio, each for their own reasons. In Youpi’s case, it’s partially because he doesn’t have any human DNA on him, so despite being able to communicate and all, he doesn’t usually pay that much attention to people. It’s almost like he’s an alien (or we are, in his view). Even in a scenario when he is living in peace with humans, he doesn’t have exactly a clear opinion about them. They just exist. Maybe a few of them are okay enough, but that’s it… And in a scenario when he is still fighting them, well, they are the enemy. It’s pretty simple.
Youpi is direct, both in personality and as a Chimera Ant (in that he follows his instincts without hesitation). As such, like Pitou, he wouldn’t avoid his feelings once he comes to understand them. It’s a little strange, yes, but he accepts the fact that he loves you and that’s it. That said, Youpi would be initially confused (especially if you’re an enemy. How on Earth did he develop this sort of feeling for someone he’s supposed to kill?), and he wouldn’t make a move until he is sure of what he is feeling and what he wants.
Sadly, because this isn’t him in a healthy state of mind, this doesn’t mean anything good for you. This isn’t a shy monster-boy finding a human he considers special. This isn’t even “enemies falling in love” or “dark romance”. This is an “already dangerous individual” developing an equally dangerous obsession.
At first, Youpi starts to stalk you (if you’re his enemy/if you’ve never spoken before) or try to find excuses to spend more time with you (if you’re on friendly terms) in this attempt to understand exactly what is going on with himself. During this time, his feelings for you become stronger along with his desire to know everything about you. He’s curious. He’s fascinated. He wants to see you more often. He wants to talk with you… He just wants to be near you…
It’s pretty disturbing because, despite his size, Youpi will find the means to stalk you without anyone realizing it, just like an animal hunting. You may notice a shadow here and now, feel a chill up your spine, but it won’t be enough to make the danger clear enough. If you two are enemies, there are chances you’ll realize that there is something is wrong, as he either avoids fighting you (no issues with anyone else, though) or that he doesn’t seem to be actively trying to hurt you as much as before… Despite this, you’ll never, ever imagine he is in love with you.
Well, disturbing as it may be, it sounds almost as harmless as he can be in this scenario, right?
Not the case. You can’t forget how obsession grows, how it affects a person, and that it gets to the point when merely stalking isn’t enough. There is no such thing as a harmless yandere/stalker. So even if Youpi, at first, is satisfied with merely watching you from afar and making sure you aren’t hurt, it starts to not be enough. He sees you with your friends, smiling at them, hugging them, laughing… And he starts to imagine how it would be to have you doing these things with him, to be the one who makes you smile, to be the one holding you… And he realizes he wants it.
He loves you. He wants you.
And there is no reason to not act on those feelings.
Regardless of the circumstances between you, he seems to take the rejection well (if you manage to control the shock, act calmly and explain your reasons for it). At first, he thinks about your points and may even understand them… Only to find out that he doesn’t care. He can’t forget you. He can’t let go of you… And honestly, he doesn’t really want to. That you don’t feel the same now doesn’t matter. Don’t some couples start not feeling the same for each other, only for those feelings to change later?
In the case of “peaceful existence”, it might be easier to get a glimpse of his instability than with the Neferpitou, but it doesn’t make much of a difference. Even the precautions people normally take in those situations would only work for a certain time… The myth of the animal that “will pursue its prey to the ends of the Earth once it has its scent” is true when it comes down to Youpi (literally even).
Now, while Youpi is less likely to resort to kidnapping (at least right away), he would still find ways to inject himself into your life, so even then, you can’t say you’re free. He may not go straight to threatening your loved ones (and it’s hard to predict if he would follow with it), but there are many other tactics that he could and would use.
And being less likely to kidnap you doesn’t mean he wouldn’t if he didn’t decide it is the better course of action. After all, no matter how strong you prove yourself to be, it doesn’t mean you’re invincible. It doesn’t mean you can’t be hurt. If he keeps you, he can’t make sure you’re safe.
Either way, there is no way to be free of him.
If he kidnapped you, Youpi wouldn’t go so far as to place you in an actual cage or chain you up, but he would find means to make sure you can’t leave.
He is easily the most patient of the trio, including with your rejections and attempts to escape. It doesn’t please him and nothing can convince him to let you go, but at least Youpi doesn’t get angry, condescending, or twist things around. In fact, it gets to the point when you can lose control and try hitting him that he wouldn’t even raise his voice. He would just hold your wrists (carefully) and try to calm you down…
Now, just because he isn’t human, it doesn’t mean Youpi is unable to understand that what he is doing is wrong and why you’re so unhappy. Hey, animals also don’t like to be taken from the place they consider their home like that. He can relate, he can understand. But his obsession is too great for him to let you go and, instead, he hopes that you’ll adapt with time.
Not having human genes and understanding even less about humans than Pitou and Pouf, in his desire to make you comfortable (and make you accept him), Youpi would likely try to learn what he can about humans (probably even asking for Pitou’s help).
For Youpi, your presence alone makes him feel good. While he wouldn’t force you into things that make you uncomfortable or excessively invade your personal space the way Pitou might, there would still be times when Youpi would want to show you some affection. Chances are, he would enjoy holding you close (especially because, next to him, you feel so small and cute) and nuzzling you, which is not only a common expression of affection among animals, but it also gives him an extra opportunity to enjoy your scent.
Youpi might be less cruel than most of yanderes, but this doesn’t mean much. At the end of the day, whether he has kidnapped you or not, the situation is still essentially the same. You’re being hurt either way…
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Even in his normal state of mind, for all his apparent calmness and self-control, it’s been showed several times that Pouf can be actually quite intense with his emotions, to the point they cloud his thoughts (and that’s a polite way to say it). Well, multiply that by a thousand and you’ll only scratch the surface of how he becomes as a Yandere.
Even if, by some miracle, this is a scenario where Pouf lives peacefully with humans it doesn’t mean he likes them. It’s more that he “tolerates” and “accepts” their existence as an unpleasant fact and it’s very much unlikely he would have human friends (he would probably find a way to live with comfort and luxury while having as little contact as possible with them). In a sense, you can compare him to some yokais in Inuyasha… He doesn’t go out of his way to antagonize humans (and risk a fight), but he sure as hell doesn’t care for them.
Until you, that is.
Pouf will never be able to say when his feelings for you started to grow and it will take a long time for him to understand them. By the time this happens, well, he is way into “Obsession Land”. Once he can no longer deny what he feels and it hits him that he loves you, his first reaction is… Well, pretty much an emotional tantrum, followed by self-despise and intense fury. How could he ever fall for a human? Disgraceful! Terrible! How could he fall so low? He even tries to hate you for making him feel that way, only to realize he can’t.
This lasts for a while, with him trying to convince himself to bury those feelings, no matter what it takes. If you two are enemies, be prepared: Pouf may consider killing you as the only way to “get rid of this shame”. He soon realizes he can’t bear the idea of you being hurt, let alone by him (well, like this, I mean)… But at least you’re not having to deal with his obsession yet.
Sadly, it doesn’t mean this will last long enough for something to happen before things get out of control. Pouf can’t get you out of his mind, possibly deciding to “observe you” in order to “remind himself” that you’re just a human: Flawed, inferior, and unworthy. This evolves into stalking and has the opposite effect: He becomes more and more infatuated, as well as worried that you might get hurt. You’re so beautiful, so gentle… You should not be fighting! At all! Oh, you’re an angel. No wonder he fell for you! You’re perfect for him!
If this is the “peaceful scenario”, the course of events is still pretty similar, no matter how you’ve met. At first, wanting to get you out of his system, he may be cold whenever you meet and even a little nasty, but it won’t work. He will start to long for more of your presence and if he manages to spend time with you, to consider you only of the few (if not the only) human who is better than the rest of the masses.
Either way, once he accepts that he loves you, you’re screwed.
In the “enemy scenario”, Pouf may try once to convince you to come with him, speaking highly of you and how much he loves you… In his mind, it’s poetry. In reality? The words may be pretty, but the way he says them, the shine in his eyes, the way he insists to hold your hands between his… Well, it’s creepy. Pouf may accept you denying him for a while, but it won’t take long until he seizes the first chance he has to take you. He was just being polite, offering you the chance of doing so by choice (if he does that when you’re gravely injured in a battle, he will use that frequently to point out he saved you and how you need him to keep you safe).
In the “peaceful scenario”, again, it’s not that much a different course of events. Your attempts to make him understand you’re not interested are ignored and there is precious little that anyone can do to keep you safe and, yes, including the Hunter Organization. He would do everything to get you.
In his mind, he is not doing anything wrong. If anything, his actions are almost heroic and proof of his devotion to you.
When you wake up in an unknown location and start to freak out or try to escape, Pouf reacts as if this is just adorable, then going on about how he loves you and wants to keep you safe. And let me tell you, this isn’t a “flowery speech” or like his funny moments in the anime. At this moment you realize you’re in a lot of trouble and that the chances of Pouf ever letting you go are non-existent.
It's not easy to determine exactly how deep his delusion goes; if it’s only about the “perfect life” you two will share or if it includes you. It’s not impossible that Pouf isn’t really in love with you, but rather an idealized version of you. He may also believe that, deep down, you do love him and just need time to realize it.
Pouf is the “adoring” kind of Yandere. He would love to spoil you, care for you, and would want to lavish you with gifts. Perhaps you’d expect him to be the less dangerous of the trio, or at least the most manageable, right? You’re dead wrong. Pouf is actually the worst of them, maybe even on the list of the worst yanderes of all Hunter cast.
His personality also means Pouf doesn’t believe anyone is worthy of your attention and if there is anyone you like (or that he thinks you like), it’s just because they’re manipulative and toxic. It’s his sacred duty to keep you safe from such scum! Perhaps the better term for him, rather than “jealous”, would be “possessive”. As far as he is concerned, you have no need to get in contact with another human ever again.
You thought he hated Komugi? Trust me, that was nothing compared to this.
He would lock you in a room, which you’d only leave while accompanied by him (he can’t have you trying to run off, can he?). Actually… If that happens, you should be glad. This guy isn’t above placing bars along a corner of his chambers (they are certainly large enough), turning that area into your “room” (bed and all). It certainly would appeal to him, especially since it gives him more chance to watch you.
There are stories about how excessive love can be suffocating, the “The Chaser” episode from the “Twilight Zone”… Well, Pouf’s love wouldn’t follow this line. This would be just tiresome. His adoration is frightening, even for a Yandere. The way he’s so sweet to you is mixed with a certain darkness, not letting you forget you’re dealing with an unstable person.
He understands this is a time of adaptation for you and this change of life is a shock, but he wouldn’t be happy if you asked him to let you go every day. In the same sickly-sweet way of always, he will mix subtle (or not so subtle) threats with words of adoration. Maybe he should chain you up… Maybe you’re thinking about that person who (he believes) has a crush on you? Maybe he should make sure you never think of them again…
There is also the fact that Pouf is among the Yanderes who would have almost no respect for your personal space. For all his adoration of you, he can be quite manipulative and controlling: If he wants to hold you in his lap, brush your hair, have you sleeping next to him, dance with you, well… There is little point in fighting. You would have to choose your battles wisely and keep in mind that Pouf isn’t above tying you up if you “start to be difficult”. Some Yanderes are happy enough with having you with them and may have enough patience to “wait for you to love them back”… Well, with Pouf, it depends on his mood.
There would be times when his behavior is all “patient and loving” (more like he just smiles when you try to get away or lash out)… And times when he would basically “demand” that you love him. Not with words, though: You’d learn that there are times when it’s safer for you to act a little more loving towards him (within reason) rather than antagonize him.
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byuntrash101 · 3 years
Betcha, you're gonna be mine
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Pairing: Idol!Baekhyun x You
Genre: Idol!AU, smut 🖤
Tags: mild dom/sub dynamics, deepthroat, some dirty talk, a little plot (not much)
Raiting: 18+
Word count: 3.4k
Summary: Working at KBS is fun and exciting especially when EXO-CBX is having their debut stage here.
General Masterlist
Tag list: @lovebuginlove @ohh-baekhyun @bobohumyonlyboo @smolbeanmika @making-me-blush @wooya1224 @yixing-jaehyun @baekklove @lalalala-lav @deligxt @xofanfics @byunsugar @dixnysustae @to-all-the-stories-i-love @artisticcgroove @myexoobsession​
A/N: the inspo for this comes from this gif right here. If you wanna be tagged plase tell me I well gladly add you. Plus feedback is greatly appreciated ^^ my asks are ALWAYS open💖!!
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Betcha, you’re gonna be mine
You’re heading to the studio, it’s a regular Wednesday to you. Regular as could be as you ride your bike to the studio, just like you do every day. It’s nice and sunny out, still a bit chilly like it should be, it was early in the morning and spring was just starting.
You park your bike just outside and go through the glass doors of the KBS building. You greet your colleagues and smile. Everyone looks excited and just a tiny bit nervous today. Because today isn't so usual after all... EXO-CBX are doing their debut stage today.
Everybody is excited to see EXO because they are always funny and professional, without mentioning great performers. Basically they are a joy to have a on the set.
You, too, are kind of excited. But for you it’s usual since it’s a brand-new exciting job.
As a sound engineer, you know exactly what to do before the idols come in. You get the mics ready and pair them, check the sync with the monitors, make sure the mixing programs runs smoothly… You are so focussed on the job that you don't even notice Minlee, your best friend, creeping up beside you.
“Hey y/n, Chen Baek Xi is at hair and makeup” she says with a bright smile which doesn't keep you from jumping at the sudden outburst from your colleague.
“Awesome," you answer, holding your chest still slightly in shock. "The mics are ready”.
At this moment, the celebrity trio comes from hair and makeup. Still pretty focused on the monitors you don't pay much attention to them as you pass the three mics to Minlee.
“They’re there please mic them” you hand the mics without even looking at her because you spot something weird on the mixing program and you’re already trying to fix it.
Minlee gives you a nod and goes on her way. She approaches Baekhyun and smiles, presenting the mics. He lifts his gaze and recognizes her.
“Hey! Minlee!” he says smiling. Minlee giggles.
“Hi, she says, I have to mic you please turn around.”
He does as she says. His gaze sweeps the room, he nods and smiles at the familiar faces. Then, his eyes land on you. His smile fades away as his eyebrow lifts to let appear an intrigued look.
“Hum, Minlee, who’s this?”
“Huh?" She turns around to see you still occupied with the program. "Oh, it’s Y/N. She started working here around 2 months ago.”
“Huh, OK.” He says nothing more. But from this moment he is incapable of letting go of the thought of you. He observes you as you are busy on the computer. You don’t even notice his piercing eyes on you. An sly smirk progressively curling up his lips.
Baekhyun is not the timid kind. There’s a reason why he got as far and as quickly as he did in his career. Of course, talent and hard work was a big part of it. But Baekhyun’s secret was knowing exactly what he wanted and never missing the chance to cease the opportunity. 
And at the exact second, he laid eyes on you, you became exactly what he wanted. And the opportunity was right now.
As soon as he was done with Minlee and the mics he stepped down the stage and walked nonchalantly to where you were sitting now since being crunched over the monitor wasn't exactly the best thing for your spine. He stood just right in front of you.
“Hi” he simply says, flashing his charming smile.
Your eyes slowly leave the computer to meet his eyes. Dressed in this expensive suit, hands in his pockets, red shiny hair perfectly sitting on top of his head, smiling and looking down at you. You looked at him in awe. He chuckled, satisfied his entrance had the desired effect.
“You are new here, right?” he smiled again, being even more ravishingly handsome, which you really thought wasn’t possible.
You quickly regain your composure by slightly shaking your head, smiling back politely at him.
“Yes, I just started a few months ago”, you replied as you got up. Thinking that somehow the sitting position puts you at a disadvantage… But how wrong you were… because now you stood right in front of him. Dangerously close. Despite not being the tallest, he was still a good bit taller than you which you didn’t expect. You tried holding your chin up and looking indifferent, trying to ignore the frenetic thumping of your distraught heart. But that was nearly impossible.
“Oh, you did” he said slowly as he took a step in your direction, closing in the distance between the two of you. Out of instinct you tried stepping back but your calves were already pressed up against the chair you were sitting on a few seconds ago. He was so close that you were scared he was going to feel the heat burning in your cheeks. He smiled, flashing his glistening teeth.
“Yeah, I was just thinking that I never saw you before. And there’s no way I would have missed a beautiful face like yours” He said tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Feeling is fingers against your skin sent a shiver down your spine, making you weak in the knees. You couldn’t get your eyes off him, his presence was so alluring. The way his eyes pierced right into yours, the way his lips curled up in a flirty half smile, the way his deep honey voice sunk into your very being.
It felt like the world stopped. Time frozen still as you locked eyes with him.
Like there was nobody else around. Nobody else to see when he inched his lips closer to yours as his warm breath tickled your cheeks.
“Baekhyun!” Jongdae shouted from across the stage. Suddenly you were brought back to reality. Baekhyun closed his eyes and tilted his head slowly, pinching his lips. Looking annoyed he turned around and took the stares back to the stage.
You shook your head trying to collect your thoughts. You reached for your water bottled and gulped it down to cool you off. It worked to some extend and you were able to focus on the recording.
Right after CBX proceeded with the prerecorded stage for the music show of the evening. The whole time you couldn’t keep your eyes off Baekhyun as he was singing, dancing and of course flirting with the camera. No doubt, he was good, very good!
As soon as the performance was over Minlee took your headset off and smiled at you.
“Y/N, did I have a stroke, or did I saw you and Baekhyun flirting right before the recording?” you almost choked on your saliva.
“N-no, we were j-just talking” you stuttered. Minlee sighed.
“Y/n, you should go for it.” You almost choked, again.
“What are you saying Minlee?”
“Maybe this opportunity won’t present itself again y/n!”
“But…” you couldn’t finish your sentence that Minlee took you by the arm.
“Alright let’s get their mics” she pulled you to the three idols. Minlee rushed to Minsoek and Jongdae.
“Can you take care of Baekhyun please Y/N?”
“Y-yeah” you whispered almost. You walked to Baekhyun.
“So, you gonna take care of me? Huh?” he said lifting his arms and an evil smirk on his face.
“yes” you replied as simply as possible. He let out a soft chuckle.
“I can’t wait” he said licking his lips and making sure his eyes were locked onto yours.
You procced to wrap yours hands around his waist and untangling the wires. Your hands going up to his ears and unhooking the mic. The whole time Baekhyun didn’t even blink once. Like he was trying to memorize every detail of your face.
Your job done you were about to swiftly escape Baekhyun’s hypnosis, but he caught your wrist and pulled you in closer. Whispering in your ear.
“Let’s not lie to each other and continue what we were doing in my dressing room.”
You were about to politely decline but he interrupted.
“You can’t lie to me y/n” he then let go of your wrist and left the set. Your eyes followed him until he disappeared in the hallway. Hearing your name being whispered like this gave you chills and sent the butterflies in your stomach flying around. You didn’t even know how he came to know your name, but you didn’t care.
You brought your fingers to your lips. What should you do? Baekhyun was right… you … wanted him. But this kind of … meeting was a first for you, you were always a good girl. Never once in your life you thought you would be able to do that but… you addressed a puzzle faced to Minlee. To which she responded with an excited smile. She gives you a hand gesture to urge you to follow him.
“Well fuck it” you thought, and you proceeded to also disappear in that very same hallway.
Once in front of the door you knocked carefully. The door opened right away. He was there, standing right in front of you. He had taken his blazer off, his tight white shirt was letting you see how broad his shoulders actually were.
“Ah, y/n, you almost made me wait.” He motioned to invite you in. So you did and closed the door behind you. 
The room had no windows, the only light source came from the vanity mirror. The atmosphere was intimate… Suddenly you realized what your visit here implicates. You feel your heart jump up in your throat and your stomach sink to your feet. 
He walked slowly towards you. Soon, your back was pressed against the cold wooden door. Except this time, Baekhyun placed his hand on the door, near your head. His face was getting dangerously close to yours.
“You really are pretty,” he softly whispered, analyzing your face once again. His breath tickled your cheek.
“T-thank you,” you stupidly replied, unable to think of anything else.
You could feel the heat radiating from his body. His lips were so close yet so far.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked, tilting his head, like he wasn’t going to wait for your answer, but he did nonetheless. You nodded slowly unable to speak, your eyes fluttering between his lips and his unwavering dark orbs.
Finally, the last millimeter was no more, your lips met. You felt his free hand wrap around your waist and pulling you even closer. His breath was getting irregular as the kiss got deeper. His tongue and yours dancing with each other.
His lips drifted to your neck as he trailed his way to your collarbone. Nibbling on your skin and leaving his mark. His hands passed underneath your shirt making their way to your breasts. You gasped for air. Baekhyun’s hands were roaming your body like they were familiar with it, like he knew by heart every mole, every birthmark, every freckle, every sensitive spot. He knew exactly what to do.
Soon, lust clouded your judgment,making all your worries and your bashfulness vanish. You started to become more daring and started to unbutton his shirt. Baekhyun smiled at your newfound confidence. He helped you with your quest, taking the shirt off his broad chest and  sending it across the room. For a brief second your eyes landed on his perfectly sculpted body. He took your breath away with every glance at his smooth skin.
He lifted your own shirt over your head. Kissing your neck, he unhooked your bra with a dexterous and swift movement.
He took a step back to admire your details. You felt his gaze burn into your body, exploring you. You should have felt embarrassment, but strangely you didn’t. 
You, too, took the time to look at him. Now you could clearly see how broad his chest and shoulders were. His silky skin still glistened from performing under the heat of the spotlight earlier. He was lean and his abs were toned. His body was close to perfection. No, it was pure perfection, along with the rest of it. You exhaled deeply.
He licked and bit his lip. His breath was still a little short but he looked hungry, ferocious...
“Take the rest of your clothes off for me baby” his soft honey like voice contracted with the commanding tone. You felt your cheeks getting warmer as you unzipped your pants. Slowly you rolled the denim off your skin. Revealing the black lace underwear you decided to wear this morning.
Baekhyun brought his fingers to his mouth, playfully flicking his tongue at his fingertips.
“That too” he motioned with his chin to your underwear. You slowly took it off too. Being completely exposed like this to him. Showing yourself so vulnerable in front of him. All of that... It pleased Baekhyun. Greatly. A mischievous smirk stretched his lips.
“Get on your knees baby” he said quietly but firmly, hand on his growing bulge. You did as he said. He pulled a chair from underneath the vanity and sat on it, whipping out his member. You bit your lips witnessing such a lustful sight. Arousal building up in between your legs.
“Come here baby girl” he called you. You crawled to him, still on your knees. He licked his lips and smiled looking down on you, revealing his pearly teeth.
“Good girl” he whispered as you reached him. He brushed his thumb on your lips before pushing it in between your teeth. You playfully opened your mouth and started to lick the tip of his fingers. He let out a satisfied chuckle.
“Come on baby girl don’t make me beg for it” he said pointing at his bulging member. You nodded and approached closer.
His dick was red, slightly twitching from all the teasing and kissing, obviously longing to be touched. You carefully wrapped both your hands at the base. You approached your lips slowly and took a look at Baekhyun. He had a pained look on his face, eyes fixed on your mouth, eyebrows deeply knitted. Clearly those were the longest seconds of his life. You kissed the pearly tip that was already oozing precum. A small string linked your lips and his tip. You licked it all off. The salty taste filled your head. He was biting his bottom lip and holding in his breath, looking down on you and stroking your hair gently.
You took him passed your lips. He let out a muffled groan throwing his head back, his eyes tightly shut. You continued to swallow him till you felt him tickling the back of your throat. With slightly teary eyes you slowly moved your head back. We repeated the same movements, making him languish for more. He chuckled.
“You like to tease me, huh?” you looked up at him. He was smiling, but almost in a threatening way. He looked impatient, hungry, reckless.
“Don’t tease me too much, okay baby?” he said, ever so slightly, thrusting his hips, forcing open your mouth. He twirled your hair around his fingers firmly holding it, pulling it with just enough force to coerce you. The heated sting on your scalp made you meekly moan.
“You’re a good girl right?” he growled in a whisper. His dominant behavior lighted a fire inside you and you started sucking him vigorously. He sighed in pleasure.
“Yes baby girl, you know how I like it, right?”
Encouraged by his deep moans you gave him your everything. Forcing his girthy length even past the back of your throat and stroking with both your hands the parts you couldn’t reach with your mouth. Baekhyun groaned loudly, biting lip. You liked the effect you had on him.
“Hmmm. S-Slow down baby, I might c-cum.” He said a painful look on his face, his lips swollen and red from trying to restrain himself.
You felt him throb in your mouth and pulling your hair to force your tongue off his cock. You looked at him, his face was flushed, his bangs were stuck to his forehead with sweat.
“You don’t want the fun to end here, right baby?” he said out of breath. You shook your head. He got up and took off his pants and underwear.
“Sit there, baby,” he said, pushing to the side the empty plastic coffee cups, makeup palettes and brushes. You placed your butt on the cold wood of the vanity. Legs crossed. Baekhyun approached you, he swept his hair back, slightly soppy.
He admired the curves of your body once more. One hand stroking his cock, he looked at you with a menacing evil glint, shooting a shot of electricity down your spine.
“Tell me what you want baby girl” he said in a rough, husky voice. You smiled teasingly, pulling your lips in a half smirk. You spread your legs slowly, provoking him. Revealing your sopping and quivering center.
“I want you inside of me Baekhyun” you said in a pleading tone. “I’m all wet and ready for you”. Baekhyun chuckled.
“Good girl”
Baekhyun took a step closer and playfully rubbed himself against your folds. You let out a small whimper. Baekhyun looked at you right in the eyes and smiled as he slipped into you. This time you couldn’t help but to moan loudly, sighing in pleasure as you felt his warmth inside you.
He started out slowly but quickly picked up the pace. You felt the pleasure radiating in your entire body. This full feeling soon clouded your head and you couldn’t think about anything else, malong your mind completely blank.
“You like that baby girl?” he asked looking at you.
“I love it. You feel so good inside me” you whined in pleasure. Your hands desperately searching for some kind of grip to hold you in place as Baekhyun slammed his hips into you forcefully. Making your messy hair jump to the rhythm of your skin clashing.
“Yes baby” he said in a groan.
You could feel yourself coming closer and closer to your release. Your breath was hectic as tension started building in your legs and you threw your head back in a lingering moan, trying your best not to be too loud.
You lifted your head back to look at Baekhyun. Him, too, seemed close. His hair was damped, droplets of sweat forming shiny wet paths on his broad chest. His expression was rough, his eyebrows were frowned and his jaw slightly pushed to the front.
Baekhuyn notices your legs shaking.
“Y/N are you gonna cum?” he said in one short breath. You nodded. He smiled devilishly before laying his hand on your throbbing center and circling your clit with his thumb.
As soon as you felt his fingers on you, you knew your orgasm was closer than ever, goosebumps running across your body, your legs shaking irreplaceably.
“What’s my name baby? I want you to say my name when you cum” Baekhyun said in a low husky voice, half groaning, half moaning.
Hearing his hoarse voice combined with his skilled fingers and rough trusting was enough to send you over the edge.
“Baekhyun!” You shouted planting your nails in the wood of the vanity. Your entire body shaking, giving in to the pleasure he was gifting you. You closed your eyes shut as your walls clenched around Baekhyun's thick length, desperately twitching in a powerful and long-lasting orgasm. The sensation spreading to your entire body, it was a first for you. Still cumming you managed to open one eye to look at Baekhyun.
His face was bright red, droplets of sweat dripping alongside his ears. His expression was rough, wild. His eyebrows deeply furrowed, and his mouth half opened, inhaling and exhaling rapidly. His thrusts were stronger than ever. Finally, you felt him release.
“Oh baby” he said in a low moaning voice, his nails digging into the side of your thighs. He delivered long ropes of thick and sticky cum inside you.
He started to move slower and slower. Before pulling himself out. Drenched and out of breath he looked at you still dazed and laying on the vanity. He was smiling happily, almost innocently, turning into a completely different person than the one that was relentlessly fucking you seconds before that.
“Y/N, I can’t wait for our next comeback.” You looked at him, he was a mess -a beautiful one at that-, and you too probably.
“Me neither”. You said smiling too.
General Masterlist
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Fake It Till You Make It - Rose Lavelle x Reader
Prompt: Hey. What about Reader & Rose, where R is basically Rose's best friend outside her soccer bubble. Sam and the other youngins were getting on Rose's nerves talking about her love life so that Rose in affect says that she's in a relationship so that they stop. Anyway, Rose is still single and Sam and the others want to meet her GF, so that she convinces R to pretend to be her GF. (Spoiler: Ending could be that they realise that they don't just pretend to be in love)
 “Stupid, so stupid,” Rose muttered to herself, “please don’t answer, please don’t answer,” she kept mumbling to herself waiting for her call to connect to Y/N.
“Well hello to you too,” Y/N smirked when she connected the facetime call.
“Fuck,” Rose’s eyes went wide when she saw her best friend on the screen, blushing a little bit.
“Oh Rose, you say the sweetest things to me,” Y/N continued to smile at her friend.
“Y/N!” Rose exclaimed, almost surprised to see her.
“Rose!” Y/N mocked, the two sat and watched each other, Y/N grinning and Rose’s expression shifting to guilt, “you going to tell me why you called?”
“Oh, uhh, yea, I missed you?” the soccer player attempted
“Of course, you did, I’m awesome!” Y/N continued to smile at her friend, “but you and I both know that’s not the only reason you called me,” her tone softened.
“I kind of did something stupid,” she started hesitantly, eyes off the screen.
“This is my serious face,” Y/N stared back with a blank expression, “what did you do Rose?”
“Uhh everyone was bugging me about not being in a relationship for so long and I was tired of it, then Linds said something about maybe I’m just not telling them. And I wasn’t paying attention just kind of agreed, so now they think I’m seeing someone.”
“Alright? I don’t see the problem,” she looked at her friend.
“Well, the problem is, I was texting you and they asked for a name, so I said yours,” Rose bit her lip, tugging her sleeves over her hands and covered her face.
“Aww Rosey, you want to date me?” Y/N started teasing her again.
“Stop! It just slipped out.”
“I’m not easy Rose, I expect to be wined and dined, flowers, the whole thing,” she smirked, “and I definitely don’t kiss on the first date, maybe the second if you play your cards right,” she ended with a wink.
“Y/N, stop,” Rose begged, her cheeks completely pink.
“Alright, I’ll stop,” she softened again when she saw how flustered the brunette had gotten, “it’s all good if you drop my name when you need.”
“Yea…” she trailed off, “they kind of took your name and already creeped your insta.”
“No worries,” Y/N shrugged.
“But yes, worries Y/N,” Rose said exasperated, pulling her shirt collar over her mouth, “they think we are dating. They know who you are and want to know why they haven’t met you yet.”
“Rose, it’s all good, pretend for a bit, then you break my heart or whatever you need to get them off your back.
Rose nodded but wouldn’t look up.
“That’s not all is it Rosey?”
Rose shook her head, “they want to meet you. They couldn’t stop gushing about how hot you are and how cute we look together, so yea, they’re kind of expecting you to come to the game or supper or something this week.”
“Ahh now I see the worries,” Y/N nodded, smiling softly, “I kind of thought I was going to your game already, you gave me a ticket to sit with your family.”
“But now everyone wants to meet you, so you can’t just leave after and they will hunt you down if you do escape. Mal was ready to message you herself to make sure you were coming to the game.”
“Rose it’s all good, I’ll meet the team after the game. And I’ll be the best damn girlfriend you could want.”
“You don’t have to Y/N, I can tell them I fucked up and just said it to shut them up.”
“Really, Rose, it’s all good. I’m sure you do enough other stuff to get teased,” Y/N shrugged casually, giving her best friend a dopey smile.
“You’ll really come meet them?” Rose lowered her hands from her face slightly.
“Of course! How else will get some of the embarrassing stories they have?”
Rose had never dreaded the three long whistles more than she did that game. She knew Y/N was in the stands with her parents, which was fine, her parents loved Y/N and had know her for years, but now Y/N would be meeting the rest of her team. She could dodge it, say she had some crazy fan encounter or Y/N couldn’t make it, but she knew that would only delay it.
This is clearly payback for teasing all her friends for years, logically she knows its fair, that it her turn to be teased, but that doesn’t make it any better.
“Where is she Rosey?” Sonnett shook the brunette’s shoulders as they all cleared the field.
“She’s with my parents,” Rose grumbled, leading the blonde over towards the family section.
“Ahh come Rose, be more excited to see your girlfriend!” Lindsey joined the teasing, pulling her into a quick head lock.
“Trust me, I’m excited to see her, its you with her I’m not excited for,” she continued to scan the stands to find her family and current fake girlfriend, “at least try and behave while we are in public, I don’t need the whole world knowing about us.”
“Hi Mr. and Mrs. Lavelle!” Sonnett pulled away when they got to the stands, her southern charm coming out, no hint of her teasing left, “you must be Y/N! Rose has told us so much about you,” she shot the midfielder a sly wink, reaching a hand up to shake Y/N’s hand.
“And look! You’ve met Y/N, time to go see your own families,” Rose gently nudged the blonde away.
“I’m Sam,” the tall blonde reached over Rose to shake Y/N’s hand as well
“Where did you even come from?” she turned around quickly, seeing a few other players approach them.
“Be nice Rose,” her mom began to chastise.
“Yea Rose, be nice,” Y/N winked at her, reaching down more to shake another hand, introducing herself.
Rose could feel her body blushing already, this was a terrible idea, she was regretting ever opening her mouth, she knew better than to not listen when her friends are all teasing her.
A few the players talked with her parents before continuing into the tunnel, her core group remaining, making small talk with Y/N and her parents. Y/N was seamlessly talking with the few that remained, including her parents and giving everyone their desired attention. Her mind continued on how much of a bad idea this was, it was hard enough keeping her feelings to herself as it was, but now watching how flawlessly Y/N interacted with her friends challenged her even more. This was such a bad idea.
The group continued to talk before a staff came to collect the players, ushering them away, Rose telling her parents she would call them after and meet them for dinner.
“Why’d you keep her hidden so long? She’s awesome!” Sonnett shook Rose’s shoulders again, “worried one of us would steal her from you?”
That was exactly what she was worried about. She knew Y/N would hit it off with everyone on the team, and with her inability to be open about her feelings, Y/N was bound to connect with someone on the team, someone that wasn’t her.
“You’ve seen her, and you’ve seen me, she clearly upgraded,” Rose did her best to sass back, hoping her face matched her tone.
“Sure she did,” Sam rolled her eyes, gently nudged the brunette.
“Did you see her arms? Those alone are an upgrade compared to you,” Lindsey teasing squeezed Rose’s bicep.
“And you wondered why I didn’t invite any of you to meet her,” Rose rolled her eyes at the trio, frustration beginning to leak out, “now you’ve met her, you can find something else to make fun of.”
“Still you,” Sonnett nodded.
“Tomorrow at lunch,” Lindsey added.
“After recovery,” Sam joined, tilting her head to the side, “weren’t you listening?”
“Fuck,” she whispered to herself, “uhh guess I didn’t hear it.”
Rose now started at the ceiling, she had gone for supper with her parents, Y/N joining them, she was practically family at this point, had been for years really. And she loved watching how Y/N interacted with her parents, her sister, grandparents. She seamlessly fit them all, laughing at her dads bad jokes, her grandmas old stories she’s repeated multiple times, returned her sisters relentless teasing, she charmed her mom into letting her sneak bits while she cooked. Rose loved it all, she had hoped being away for soccer all the time, that distance would ease some of her feelings.
But it didn’t. They only seemed to grow. Every time Y/N would ask about soccer, let Rose rant about her injuries, lack of playing time with Manchester City, was easily the best friend she could ask for. For some reason though, the friends never talked about their relationships, so Rose had no idea how to navigate her feelings.
The entire time for recovery the next morning she was interrogated by everyone on the team about the secret girlfriend she had kept hidden from them all. Rose could easily answer them all, as much as she knew it was a fake relationship, it was nice to imagine that it was true, she could pretend for the day.
Y/N tentatively entered the restaurant she was meeting Rose and her friends for lunch, giving them all a smile when she saw them.
“I’d like to keep my lunch down, so if you could tamp down the disgustingness, that would be great,” Lindsey sassed, smirking over the lip of her coffee cup.
Rose blushed, and forced herself to look away from Y/N. She knew she had a dopey smile on her face as soon as she saw Y/N walk in, but she just couldn’t help it after spending the morning talking about her fake relationship with the woman.
“Hey guys,” Y/N greeted, waving slightly before pulling a chair out next to Rose, “hey babe,” she leaned over kissing Rose on the cheek, causing her to blush even deeper.
The group all laughed at how flustered the midfielder was. But quickly got over it, the waiter coming over to take their orders. Each taking turns to ask the newcomer the same questions they asked Rose, turning the conversation to embarrassing Rose stories as soon as they could.
“So picture this smooth human being,” Y/N sarcastically gestured to the brunette, “goes on an entire date, not knowing it was a date. Then had to awkwardly explain to the poor dude after that not only did she not know it was a date, but did not want to date him even if she did.”
The table burst out laughing, Rose shrinking in on herself, blushing again.
“How many dates-not-a-date, did you go on before they became real dates?”
The fake couple made eye contact, both thinking about their response, deliberating what the other might say.
Y/N bit her lip and looked at her plate, before looking shyly back at Rose, “too many,” looking back down, pushing some food around on her plate, “I don’t even know how many hints I had to drop, how much ass kissing to her family I did, but she never got it. I kind of gave up, was just going to be the best damn friend I could be. Then I got lucky,” she blushed, watching Rose as she kept talking, “she gave me the opportunity of a lifetime, invited me to a game, got to meet her friends. But, she’s worth the wait.”
Rose’s eyebrows shot up, Y/N telling her everything without saying the words. Y/N slid a hand to rest on Rose’s thigh. The pair made eye contact, neither knowing what to say, Y/N’s feelings were in the open, but Rose’s weren’t. And now Y/N felt incredibly exposed, the rest of the table didn’t know the truth behind her story, but Rose did, and she wasn’t saying anything.
“I’m not even surprised, that sounds exactly like Rose,” Sam chuckled across the table.
“I’ll catch up to you guys,” Rose stopped outside the door if the restaurant, motioning her friends to go ahead so she could talk to Y/N alone.
Y/N shuffled on the spot, nervous about Rose would have to say, she hadn’t said anything at her confession during lunch, “Rose I’m sorry, that was a little too honest, I should have just made up some kind of story.”
“Was it true?”
“Uhh yea,” Y/N nodded, “I get you probably don’t feel the same way, and that was why you weren’t engaging anything. That’s fine Rose, I accepted a long time ago I would just be your best friend.”
Y/N tried to show how sincere she was, staring at Rose.
Rose shook her head, “no, I’m an idiot,” she took a step forward, closing the distance. She wrapped both hands around Y/N’s cheek, firmly pulling her in for a kiss.
Y/N was shocked, not immediately responding, when she felt Rose begin to pull away, she curled her arm around Rose’s waist. The kiss escalated quickly, teeth clashing, both too excited, unable to slow them selves down.
“We’re in public!” Sonnett yelled at the couple.
They both pushed apart, taking a couple steps away from each other, both blushing and looking at their feet.
“Uhh I guess this means you feel the same?” Y/N shyly asked.
Rose nodded, “I just thought you were a really good friend.”
“I am, but I want to be more than your friend,” Y/N took a step forward, “I’m going to kiss you again, then I’m going to take you on a date.”
She waited for Rose to nod before stepping forward again, closing the distance and cupping the back of her neck.
This kiss was much softer, more controlled, both trying to convey how they felt. They pulled apart when they both couldn’t contain their smiles anymore.
“I really fucking like you,” Y/N rested her forehead against Rose’s
She giggled in return, “I really fucking like you too,” she tilted her head and kissed Y/N briefly again.
The group, unaware of the change in relationship, cat called from down the block.
They pulled apart, Rose taking steps towards the other soccer players, “I’ll call you.”
She took quick steps, kissing Y/N quickly again before running away to her friends.  
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blabrina · 3 years
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Sunny Tennyson Redesign 
(Click for higher resolution)
Please don’t repost! 
Thoughts under the read more!
Back from my long-ass hiatus to post my Sunny Tennyson redesign! I don’t even remember if she was in omniverse, but her character design - much like Gwen’s - REALLY annoyed me. Also, I feel like it’s such a missed opportunity to do some girl emo/goth designs. (And who doesn’t love a good emo and/or goth character???) All these look are very e-girl inspired!!
The first look is definitely my favorite and it’s e-girl slash early 00′s mall goth. The bob works so much better for her than Gwen imo and gosh... any excuse for space buns and piercings...
Also I’m going to use this as an excuse to dump some of my Sunny headcanons:
Her character used to always bother me because she’s LITERALLY just Blackfire from teen titans (recolor of redhead protagonist who’s evil) and I hate when writers take easy way outs like that. However, she’s started to really grow on me because I feel like she could be a great foil to Gwen a la Kevin. 
She’s three years older than Gwen. (Because I really hate that they’re all supposed to be the same age? Like mix it up) But her parents always compared her to Gwen growing up so she resented her.
She’s Gwen’s maternal cousin, while Ben is Gwen’s paternal cousin. (Also ties into my headcanon that Verdona is Gwen’s maternal grandmother and had no relation to Max.) This ties into further headcanons I have but basically: Gwen’s dad is brothers with Ben’s dad (canon) and Gwen’s mom is sisters with Sunny’s mom (headcanon). I headcanon Gwen’s mom as super preppy/ country club-esque and Sunny’s mom as more chill, type B personality. 
I have to competing headcanons about her witchcraft and I really can’t decide which I like more. 1) She realized her powers WAYYY later than Gwen. (Gwen realized hers at 10 but she realized hers at 15.) But by the time Gwen’s ~19 y/o or general college age, Sunny has WAY surpassed Gwen in skill. This makes Gwen really jealous. The reason is Sunny has always been into witchcraft so she came in with a ton of more knowledge than Gwen, who’s more preppy. I also headcanon Gwen to have not trained from post original series to fifteen years old because she was suppressing that side of her life. 2) Alternatively, Sunny’s whole aeshetic is witch-craft and gothic stuff, and she’s SUPER jealous that Gwen, her preppy cousin has witch powers but she doesn’t. (She finds out Gwen’s a witch and Ben’s an alien at 18 and is like WHAT?) No matter how much Sunny studies, she will *never* be a witch, which reallly pisses her off. This adds to her already heavy resentment of Gwen for things she can’t control.
She’s constantly like whyyyyyy does my preppy cousin have a cool alt boyfriend but I don’t??? How is that fair??? To me??
I feel like she’d have a HUGE tiktok following for spiritual advice, funny but mean videos, and do all the sound trends. (Maybe fandom stuff?) Huge on witch tok, ironically.
WLW (lesbian or pan, im not sure)
Because she’s cousins once-removed with Ben, they’re not close at all. Both feel neutral towards each other. (But she’s way nicer to Ben than Gwen.)
Also, maybe Gwen always felt jealous that Sunny’s mom was wayyy less judgmental than her mom. (e.g. I imagine that Gwen’s mom would NEVER let her dye her hair or dress alt). But Gwen never told Sunny this.
Their relationship is a vicious cycle because Gwen assumes the best in people so she’ll always be nice to Sunny and this just adds to Sunny’s resentment of her. (”Why does she have to be Miss Perfect? Just get mad like a real person.”)
I also have this really detailed headcanon about her bullying Gwen, but it would probably fit best as a fic, so I’ll post a link if/when I write it!
I’m definitely gonna work on Gwen redesigns because... her omniverse design is AWFUL!!
Also, at some point, I want to draw the anti trio of Sunny, Ken (Gwen’s brother), and maybe Rook as the third character?
Anyway, I am nothing but a wealth of Ben 10 opinions 
Oop, also, I made her boobs smaller because I HATED how omniverse designed female body types lmao. Like your boobs are usually proportion to your body weight, so it wouldn’t make sense for them to be huge the way they are drawn.
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
Natalie Holt's timeline was turned upside down last fall when she landed the highly-coveted composer gig for Marvel Studios' Loki series on Disney+.
"My agent got a general call-out looking for a composer on a Marvel project," she tells SYFY WIRE during a conversation over Zoom. "So, I didn’t know what it was. It was [described as] spacey and quite epic ... I sent in my show reel and then got an interview and got sent the script and then I realized what it was for. I was like, ‘Oh my god!’ It was amazing ... Loki was already one of my favorite characters, so I was really stoked to get to give him a theme and flesh him out in this way."
***WARNING! The following contains certain plot spoilers for the first four episodes of Loki!***
Imbued with glorious purpose, Holt knew the score had to match the show's gonzo premise about the Time Variance Authority, an organization that secretly watches over and manages every single timeline across the Marvel multiverse. The proposition of such an out-there sci-fi concept inspired the composer to bring in uniquely strange sounds, courtesy of synthesizers and a theremin.
"I got my friend, Charlie Draper, to play the theremin on my pitch that I had to do," she recalls. "They gave me a scene to score, which I’m sure they gave to loads of other composers. It was the Time Theater sequence in Episode 1. The bit from where he goes up the elevator and then into the Time Theater ... I just went to town on it and I wanted to impress them and win the job and put as many unusual sounds in there and make it as unique as possible."
The end result was a weird, borderline unnatural sound that wouldn't have felt out of place in a 1950s sci-fi B-movie about big-headed alien invaders. Rather than being turned off by Holt's avant garde ideas, Marvel Studios head honcho Kevin Feige embraced them, only giving the composer a single piece of feedback: "Push it further."
Holt admits that she was slightly influenced by Thor: Ragnarok ("I loved the score for it and everything"), which wasn't afraid to lean into the wild, Jack Kirby-created ideas floating around Marvel's cosmic locales. Director Taika Waititi's colorful and bombastic set pieces were perfectly complimented by an '80s-inspired score concocted by Devo co-founder, Mark Mothersbaugh.
"To be honest, I tried not to listen to it on its own," Holt says of the Ragnarok soundtrack. "I didn’t want to be too influenced by it. I watched the film a couple of times a few years ago, so yeah, I don’t think I was heavily referencing it. But I definitely had a memory of it in my mind."
After boarding Loki last September, Holt spent the next six months (mostly in lockdown) crafting a soundtrack that would perfectly reflect the titular god of mischief played by Tom Hiddleston. One of the first things she came up with was the project's main theme — a slightly foreboding cue that pays homage to the temporal nature of the TVA, as well as the main character's flair for the dramatic. "He always does things with a lot of panache and flair, and he’s very classical in his delivery."
She describes it as an "over-the-top grand theme with these ornate flourishes" that plays nicely with Loki's Shakespearean aura. "I wanted those ornaments and grand gestures in what I was doing. Then I also wanted to reflect that slightly analog world of the TVA where everything has lots of knobs and buttons ... [I wanted to] give it that slightly grainy, faded [and] vintage-y sci-fi sound as well."
"I just wanted it to feel like it had this might and weight — like there was something almost like a requiem about it," Holt continues. "These chords that are really powerful and strident and then they’ve got this blinking [sound] over the top. I just came up with that when I was walking down the street and I hummed it into my phone. There’s a video where you can just see up my nose and I’m humming [the theme]. I came home and I played it."
As a classically-trained musician, Holt drew on her love of Mahler, Dvořák, Beethoven, Mozart, and most importantly, Wagner. A rather fitting decision, given that an actual Valkyrie (played by Tessa Thompson) exists within the confines of the MCU.
"I would say those flourishes over the top of the Loki theme are very much Wagner," Holt says. "They’re like 'Ride of the Valkyries.’ I wanted people to kind of recall those big, classical, bombastic pieces and I wanted to give that weight to Loki’s character. That was very much a conscious decision to root it in classical harmony and classical writing ... There’s a touch of the divine to the TVA. It’s in charge of everything, so that’s why those big powerful chords [are there]. I wanted people almost to be knocked off their socks when they heard it."
With the main theme in place, Holt could then play around with it in different styles, depending on the show's different narrative needs. Two prime examples are on display in the very first episode during Miss Minutes' introductory video and the flashback that reveals Loki to be the elusive D.B. Cooper.
"What was really fun was [with] each episode, I got to pull it away and do a samba version of the theme or do a kind of ‘50s sci-fi version of the theme," she explains. "I can’t say other versions of the theme because they’re in Episode 5 and 6…or like when Mobius is pruned, I did this really heartfelt and very emotional [take on the theme] when you see Loki tearing up as he’s going down in slow motion down that corridor. It was cool to have the opportunity to try out so many different styles and genres. And it was big enough to take it all. It was a big enough story."
The other side of the story speaks to the old world grandeur of Loki's royal upbringing on Asgard, a city amongst the stars that eventually found its way into Norse mythology.
"I went to a concert in London three years ago and I heard these Norwegian musicians playing in this group called the Lodestar Trio," Holt recalls. "They do a take on Bach, where they’re kind of giving it a folk-y twist … [They use] a nyckelharpa and a Hardanger fiddle — they’re two historic Norwegian folk instruments. I just remembered that sound and I was like, ‘Oh, I have to use those guys in our score.’ It seemed like the perfect thing. I was like, ‘Yes, the North/Norwegian folk instruments.’ It just felt like it was the perfect thing for his mother and Asgard and his origins."
That folk-inspired sound also helped shape the music for Sylvie (played by Sophia Di Martino), a female variant of Loki with a rather tragic past. "Obviously, we’ve seen in Episode 4 what happened to her as a child," Holt says. "I just feel like she’s so dark. She’s basically grown up living in apocalypses, so she has that Norwegian folk violin sound, but her theme is incredibly dark and menacing and also, you don’t see her. She’s just this dark figure who’s murdering people for a while."
And then there were all the core members of the TVA to contend with. As Holt mentioned above, fans recently lost Agent Mobius (Owen Wilson), may he rest in prune. We mean peace. What? Too soon? During a recent interview with SYFY WIRE, Loki head writer Michael Waldron said that he based Mobius off of Tom Hanks's dogged FBI agent Carl Hanratty in 2002's Catch Me If You Can.
"There’s this thing that he loves jet ski magazines," Holt says. "I had this character in my head and then when I saw Owen Wilson’s performance, I was like, ‘Oh, he’s actually a lot lighter and he plays it in a different way from how I’d imagined.’ But I was listening to Bon Jovi and those slightly rock-y anthemic things. ‘90s rock music for some reason was my Mobius sound palette."
Mobius is pruned on the orders of his longtime friend, Ravonna Renslayer (Gugu Mbatha-Raw), after learning that everyone who works for the TVA is a variant who was unceremoniously plucked out of their original timelines. A high-ranking member of the quantum-based agency, Renslayer has a theme that "is quite tied in with Mobius and it’s like a high organ," Holt adds. "It doesn’t quite know where it’s going yet. But yeah, we’ll have to see what happens with that one."
Wilson's character isn't the only person fed up with the TVA's lies. Hunter B-15 (Wunmi Mosaku) also became disillusioned with the place and allowed Sylvie to escape in the most recent episode
"Hunter B-15 has this moment in Episode 4 where Sylvie shows her her past, her memories. I thought that was a really powerful moment for her," Holt says. I feel like she’s such a fighter and when she comes into the Time-Keepers and she makes that decision, like, ‘I’m switching sides,’ so her theme is more like a drum rhythm. I actually kind of sampled my voice and you can hear that with the drums. I did loads of layers of it, just like this horrible sliding sound with this driving rhythm underneath it. So, that was B-15 and then her softer side when she has her memory given back to her."
Speaking of the Time-Keepers, we finally got to meet the creators of the Sacred Timeline...or at least we thought we did. Loki and Sylvie are shocked to learn that the red-eyed guardians of reality are nothing but a trio of high-end animatronics (ones that could probably be taken out by a raging Nicolas Cage). Even before Sylvie manages to behead one of them, something definitely feels off with the Time-Keepers, which meant Holt could underscore the uncanny valley feeling in the score.
"When they walked in for their audience with the Time-Keepers, it was like this huge gravitas," she says. "But you look up and there’s something a bit wrong about them. I don’t know if you felt that or if you just totally believed. You were like, ‘Oh, this is so strange.’ I just felt like there was something a little bit off and musically, it was fun to play around with that."
Holt is only the second solo female composer to work on an MCU project, following in the footsteps of Captain Marvel's Pinar Toprak. Her involvement with Loki represents the studio's growing commitment to diversity, both in front of and behind the camera. This Friday will see the wide release of Black Widow, the first Marvel film to be helmed solely by a woman (Cate Shortland). Four months after that, Chloé Zhao's Eternals will introduce the MCU's first openly gay character into the MCU.
"I just feel like it’s an honor and a privilege to have had that chance to be the second woman to score a thing in the MCU and to be in the same league as those incredible composers like Mothersbaugh and Alan Silvestri. They're just legends," Holt says. "Another distinctive thing about [the show] is that all the heads of department are pretty much women. Marvel are showing themselves to be really progressive and supportive and encouraging. I applaud [them]. Whatever they’re doing seems to be working and people seem to be liking it as well, so that’s awesome."
Holt's score for Vol. 1 of Loki (aka Episodes 1-3) are now streaming on every music-based platform you could think of. Episodes 1-4 are available to watch on Disney+ for subscribers. Episode 5 (the show's penultimate installment) debuts on the platform this coming Wednesday, July 7.
Natalie isn't able to give up any plot spoilers for the next two episodes (no surprise there), but does tease "the use of a big choir" in one of them. "Episode 6, I’m excited for people to hear it," she concludes. "That’s all I can say."
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jerryb2 · 3 years
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I mean….you all knew this was coming ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ : the Star Wars Art of one Mr. Drew Struzan. 
And look, the man has done so much and has such a diverse portfolio that Star Wars is only one very small part of his career. If you want to explore some of his other works, then might I suggest that you check out his website. 
As for me here, we’ll be sticking strictly to his SW art. Now, with that out of the way, here we go…
*cracks knuckles*
I have to admit that before I really started to dig into this, I didn’t realize just how many Bantam Era (and beyond) Star Wars books this man has illustrated. Nearly 50 titles, ranging from novels to comics, short stories & even an RPG supplement. 🤯 
And so, after much consideration, I decided to just pull all the titles that feature his art off my bookshelf and take a few pics for you guys:
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First off, I just want to point out that I don’t have every book he’s ever illustrated. Some of them are just harder than hard to find, are hilariously expensive, or I just don’t have an edition that features his art prominently - you’ll see what I mean. Right off the bat though, you can see that he was really hitting his stride in the mid-90′s, with all but a handful of these coming out between ‘94 & ‘99. One of the highlights from this time for me, is The Callista Trilogy.
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I just want to stress that The Callista Trilogy is a highlight for me only because of its gorgeous cover art. 🤣 Other than that, this book series needs to go lay down. 
Anyway, the designs are all really striking and even after all these years, absolutely iconic. And you can really see Struzan’s distinct visual style at play here; not a painting in the same vein as something from Dave Doorman, and not a simple trace. Rather, something that is stylized in a very particular, very subtle way, almost to the point where it appears photo-realistic at first glance. Beautiful.
Next up is this trio of trilogies (good use of words, me), collected in these Science Fiction Book Club (SFBC) hardcovers: 
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Once again, these covers are just striking, particularly The Black Fleet Crisis. This is actually what I was referring to when I said that I don’t always have the best editions for a Drew Struzan appreciation post. 😅 
Because these are hardcover collections of paperback books, we actually miss out on a good bit of the art. For these SFBC special editions, the publisher just took all three and basically photoshopped the best bits of each one together. The one that suffers the most here is obviously The Corellian Trilogy, where they didn’t even try to blend everything together, and instead just separated everything into columns. I don’t personally mind it (and I do love having the hardcover editions of these books) but if you want to see the covers as they were originally intended, just pickup those mass market paperbacks. 🙂
There’s a lot more to get through, so I’ll just hit the highlights here; even though he didn’t illustrate The Thrawn Trilogy (that was Tom Jung, who I personally think did an okay-ish job at best), he did an absolutely amazing job with the follow-up, The Hand of Thrawn Duology in ‘98 & ‘99:
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I’ve always loved these covers. And narratively speaking, they really do serve as one last hurrah on the Bantam Era. Oh, and also please note, Mara Jade on the cover of Vision of the Future, just as Zahn originally described her. ❤❤❤
If you step back and look at Struzan’s work as a whole, it’s all incredibly unified. I bring this up here because even though some of these are books relatively ‘meh’ worthy, Struzan maintained a level of quality that belied the mediocrity contained within. And also to say that he was definitely busy, particularly in 1994:
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That’s right - all of these released in ‘94, within a few months of one another. These covers man… *chef’s kiss*
And look I’m sorry, I just can’t help myself: The Crystal Star was a hilarious joke until we all realized they were serious about it. 😳
Alright, that’s a little on the harsh side; it’s not nearly as bad as most make it out to be, and Waru as a source for unlimited power (citation needed 👀😉) isn’t any more ridiculous than the 50 other post-Palpy, hair-brained Imperial schemes that everybody else cooked up, so I guess it fits. And besides, I really wanna be nice to Vonda McIntyre here, but this book was just so so boring. 😴
*clears throat* Moving on, here we have a couple Barnes & Noble hardcover collections of The Jedi Prince Series:
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The same thing applies here; cover art photoshopped from across 6 different YA novels to get these. They don’t look bad, far from it. But rather this series has some things that people would rather forget about, namely a supposed son of Palpatine (spoiler: he wasn’t) named Triclops who had - wait for it - 3 eyes. 
Like Tien. From DBZ. Yep. 🤦‍♂️
Moving further down the list, we have yet another pair of iconic cover designs, being I, Jedi (the only Star Wars novel written in the first person, and an appropriate riff on Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot - yes ladies & gentlemen, that is as clever as Star Wars gets) and The New Rebellion.
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Classics, no doubt….but for reals, did anybody else ever wonder why the X-Wing on the cover of I, Jedi is missing an S-Foil? Or how that one slipped through??? 👀
Ah, at last we arrive at what is arguably Struzan’s most famous work; the covers for Shadows of the Empire & The Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition.
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It’s hard to overstate just how important Shadows of the Empire really was for Star Wars as a brand. In an era where SW books were already extremely popular, the Shadows of the Empire Multimedia Project basically served as a breakout hit and reignited interest in SW media across the board. This was in no small part due to the striking imagery captured on its cover - are you seeing a pattern here?
This success actually renewed Lucas’ interest in a theatrical re-release of the OT in 1997….which of course, feature more beautiful art from Drew Struzan:
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These are my OG Special Edition VHS tapes from back in the day. I watched these so damn much as a kid. In fact, they’re basically the whole reason that I’m here, annoying the shit out of everybody today. 😁
After the Bantam Era concluded & the Star Wars publishing license went to Del Rey, Struzan did progressively fewer pieces for SW media. Here we see his contribution for the latter half of the Last of the Jedi YA series, and his kick-ass cover art for the Darth Maul comic: 
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And when I say that Struzan did progressively fewer pieces for Star Wars, I am of course omitting his turn as the poster artist for the freaking Prequel Trilogy: 
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Say what you will about the films, but these poster designs are nothing short of genius. 
Look guys, it would be pretty easy for me to downplay Struzan’s Star Wars portfolio as just one small part of his incredible career. But my dudes, this is literally just the tip of the iceberg. The man has been a professional illustrator for over 50 years, and his art has delighted and inspired generations. From Star Wars to Indian Jones, and from Back to the Future to Blade Runner - Drew Struzan has played an integral part in shaping popular culture. 
Here’s to you, sir. 🍻
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supercorp-hosie · 3 years
My thoughts for Legacies 315:
1) for the Star Wars, I have no knowledge about it, I saw some parallels of characters after the episode, it seems accurate, but I still have no idea why Hope’s characters in it didn’t even have a backstory or name lmao. I’m just overall unfazed;
2) the background of the trio and Alaric! There are like so much to address and I don’t know how to fully share my thoughts in-depth organisedly. I’ll try;
3) facts first: so it’s canon that Lizzie’s mental problem is diagnosed at earliest 11, but specific time unknown;
4) Jed activated his curse earliest at 11, since Lizzie had a crush on him for two weeks. I mean who would’ve thought that, common headcannons seem to incline on Josie x Jed tho😂. That just doesn’t randomly cross my mind🤣. Anyway, it doesn’t deny that Jed and Josie could be a thing too, since the twins often have the tendency to crush on the same person? I’m feeling like 60% of the time? I mean they obviously have the same preferences for LI, bad girl or bad boy type, anyone? Rafael, Sebastian, Jed, Jade, Penelope, Hope, Finch. They kind of have this thing with new people to their lives, for Josie, Rafael, Finch, Jade(it’s arguable but I think people tend to have a whole new lens when reconnecting with a disappeared person in your life for years when you’re very young. The perspectives are not the same, like you’re meeting a new person especially you don’t really know them before);
5) especially Lizzie, she definitely has a thing for new people that seems like bad boy/girl. I emphasised on the new people here bc I don’t think ethan is exactly that type, it’s just how Lizzie imagine him to be in that AU. Raf, Sebastian, Ethan....(maybe Jed was new when she crushed on him too, who knows), more specifically, it’s Strangers to Lovers trope for her romance department, so she can imagine as much as she wants and have the wildest dreams (bgm intended). Maybe Josie’s it’s not as much like this considering we don’t know how Posie happened, and with Hope her crush is canon when she was 12, but we don’t know how long exactly the crush was and when did it started, I just have to count that not being new person into her life. But I do get that why Josie said Lizzie always get the boy/girl Josie crushed on too, mostly they have the same type and preferences. Though they can randomly blurt out characters that we all don’t even know as more solid examples.;
6) Alaric and the fact of him being quite an absent father since the twins were 11 is solid canon. I understand the need to care for Hope because the world can’t afford a tribrid went uncared for and went around killing people, but still, the different perspectives of Hope and Lizzie to Alaric are very sad. To think that your father would betray you for another child, is very sad, even for Lizzie, the more dramatic one. So I understand that Caroline wasn’t there for the twins either, another absent parent. About the mother figure being diminished here, I’ll address it in another point. What’s left for Lizzie? Josie.
7) So basically Josie had to handle herself and Lizzie’s all by her own? That’s very hard! My BFF is bipolar, we are not living together, but before, my whole situation [for being in love with her + her situation] had really been hard for me too. I couldn’t imagine what’s it’s really like for Josie. (Another point that I need to address is the real mental problem that Lizzie has) Sure Alaric might not always be absent, but the intensity of Lizzie’s perspective begs to differ. Josie had to understand what is Bipolar at a very young age; had to be there for Lizzie when she had her outburst; had to be the one constantly check on Lizzie whether she had taken her meds; had to digest the emotion impacts from Lizzie after the outburst; had to understand how Lizzie functioned when she was down. None of that are easy, and there’s no one there to ask of what Josie really feels. How Josie pent out? What does she need? Josie might feel the need to be not wanting things and always be good so that she can get the love from Alaric (I remember in season 1, Josie felt the need to lose the game to get on Alaric good side) . So she just started to suppress her voice and her needs, because Lizzie need them the most. Over time or years of suppressing in front of her dearest family, she most likely felt unneeded by her parents, and forgettable to her parents(the girl that’s so quiet that her parents forget about her, the girl that Penelope won’t fight for anymore). She needed to feel needed, so she just let Lizzie take all of her, from whom she felt needed the most. So all of these from Josie’s perspectives, it started a vicious cycle for the twins. And leads to how the twins dynamics and how Josie are in present days. But her problem was never solved, they just accumulated day by day, year by year, leaving the good and dark side from Josie being so separated and unbalanced. The inner turmoil is always there. These lead to the extreme polarity of Josie’s good and bad side. When she’s doing bad, Josie would be especially aggressive than she needed to be because that’s an instinct to compensate the lack of action before. After long suppression, once being released, the instinct would be stronger than usual and harder to get it under control. Under the influence of dark magic, Dark Josie felt like another personality inside Josie here to take over the whole Josie and protect their interests that true Josie are neglecting. Kind of like dissociative identity disorder but not really it?? It’s just an understanding that I’ve been wanting to express, but so hard to organise it, because it’s so complex. By this understanding, I do still think that Josie should still be held accountable for her actions, even when dark magic was influencing her, like even people with mental health illness should be instituted and lost their freedom. I just think that it’s not fair to think she’s straight up very evil and do nothing good for people. It’s not like she’s being dark for no reason at all. This just mean that the dog that doesn’t bark can be more harmful than people think. These doesn’t mean that when Josie goes dark, she doesn’t deserve any leniency at all while holding her accountable. (And it’s not like she’s not beating herself up for most of the things she had done) Oh and sure, Josie should do the healthy way of voicing out these needs and all, to encourage a healthy dynamics between them like she’s the only healthy one between them, but still the problem is, they both lack the environment and guidance to make a healthy working relationship between themselves. How could they know what is healthy when the environment was already lack thereof.
8) Reading Lizzie’s diaries is bad, I understand, because you literally need to understand what leads to what, to gain control when your life is a chaos, but still. It’s even worse when you have that need to confide in another person to get things out wrongly. (I was having a phone call during the diary sharing review, but this is what I vaguely get) a) Josie is confiding the contents very specifically to another person that Hope can somehow reconstruct a sequel to it? b) Josie chose the wrong place to confide it since when she gets emotional, people can probably hear what was shared. At least from what I guess I got, it isn’t stated that she spread it to the whole school nor it was spread to the whole, even if that’s the case, it may not be on purpose, and she chose the wrong person to confide in. Like about the reveal in 112, she made up that Hope talking bad about Lizzie to the whole school, but it doesn’t mean that she spread it nor the whole school actually knows. Another case is, even if the school knows, it could easily be known by any passerby to Lizzie outburst and spread in the school. From what we saw from 101, the kitchen is a public space, the utensils and cutleries breaking should be very alarming, and there are students with intensified senses in the school. By that fact itself, it doesn’t really help Lizzie in being discreet of her illness. Still, sharing your sister’s diaries after reading it is really bad. But I do get that, sometimes you really need to talk to someone that know some of the situation but don’t really know the person in question to recalibrate yourself. But that person have to be like the dead end of all school gossip but not close to Lizzie, so it can do no harm (because he/she/they literally have no use to talk to someone with all these, usually there’s this no name policy, but with Lizzie being her sister, it’s useless hiding, maybe) when you disclose something related to her pertaining your own issues. Josie should apologise for sharing Lizzie diaries, even if Hope was not meant to know that, despite her werewolf hearing. For the reading part, did we get the apology tho? I guess we had? If negative, apologies needed.;
9) From Lizzie perspective, we can see her does Josie wrong but didn’t apologise either. Like Lizzie being princess but Josie being her android, personalised valet? It just showed that during that period of time(specifically from when until when tho, that’s a question), after what Josie had been enduring, taking care of her, Lizzie thought of herself being princess but didn’t actually think Josie as her equal? Like how the Android was programmed to bow to Lizzie? That’s just the habit of the twins dynamic showing, also partly Josie mistake, but Josie does deserves to be perceived as more than that, even when she’s derogatory to herself, Lizzie should uphold that for her. Their dynamics is just sad because it’s not entirely the twins fault, it’s also due to the absent parents in the household, they didn’t know better, they can only depend on each other. They’re orphaned like Hope in a way when their parents are still present. Even though they have privileges as Alaric’s daughters, but that doesn’t help with their real situation. This is just a perfect example of how your family shaped you, but we can still fight to shape ourselves after the power that our parents have over us gradually diminished, like how they’re starting to shape themselves more now as they’re coming to age.
10) What really warms me from the Android situation, despite Josie feeling like she’s being degraded the whole time, a subject to Lizzie, is that from how Josie is the combination of two Androids, also shows that how Lizzie actually looked up to Josie. Maybe it’s not addressed, but I see that. For Lizzie, Josie can really do so much things for her, take care of her so closely that Lizzie can count Josie as her personal valet. Derogatory, yes, but that place is also very important to prince and princess, bc they can literally do nothing to take care of their daily lives themselves well, like Merlin for Arthur (I mean the actions, not the presumably romantic relationship). Without Merlin, Arthur life is a mess! And the knowledge for Android part, it means that in Lizzie’s mind, Josie actually is like the person who knows everything😂 usually that figure should be our parents😭, but for Lizzie, it’s Josie, like she knows the answer to all. It’s sad and warming at the same time. Just more appreciation will do! And the fact that the special sword that they’re finding the whole time was in Josie’s thigh, just show how the trust that Lizzie had in Josie, not even their parents can triumph it, because Josie was the one being there the whole time. So they really deserves each other despite all the shitty things they have done to each other.
11) about Lizzie mental illness, I was recommended a post informing people about how Legacies fucked up Lizzie’s illness. After my own research, I do agree with the OP, I think that Lizzie situation is more like borderline personality disorder rather than bipolar, but that doesn’t make the whole situation easy. I can provide the table I made the next time regarding that.
12) Hope being Lizzie’s villain is really fitting, lmao, the intensity of Alaric care for Hope is so much that even Lizzie thought that Alaric would betray the twins for Hope.
13) I like Hope’s look. Josie being the Android that malfunction sometimes is funny too, especially when Josie is angry the whole time, cuz it’s infuriating too🤣🤣
14) Hope and Josie during Lethan kiss is me. How they’re totally in the same team when Lizzie being like that? Hosie are both wary of their characters and backstory? Hosie rights. Hhhhhh, oh Hope might be jealous of Ethan😂 Hizzie rights.
15) Another Hizzie rights, Hope wrote a sequel to Lizzie fanfic. And..... is Hope officially a nerd too???? I can’t! Hhhhh but maybe not, or else Hope would have known who she was.
16) Lizzie says, maybe deep down I still feel that you’re the chosen one (IN HER OWN STORY)
17) Younger Hope kind of break my heart more. It’s so sad😭😭 how she’s in denial of their parents death, and blame it on herself.....no baby. How Hope just have to tell herself all that again. And about Hope being scavenger, I think it’s fitting too. Her life, like the twins, is in pieces too. She had to pick them up herself, and build a world where her heart and hope can rest safely, and that just make her not mad at Josie burning down her room gayer. She was so closed up to herself that her room is like another world for her. So forgiving Josie just because of her crush, is like Josie and her crush on Hope meant the world to her???? Hosie rights! Anyway, Josie still messed up with that.
18) Having Younger Hope saying those things to Josie, oh my heart! Josie is a protector for Hope! Hosie rights! And Hope knowing the truth to stop Lord Marshall! Malivore, and Josie just stop talking because she doesn’t want to encourage Hope to die😍😍 Younger Hope actually wants to be best friends with the twins!!!!
19) Hope literally just stop growing taller after 12/13 like I did, is fact! And I’m comforted by that, sorry not sorry, lmao!
20) For real I don’t understand why Hope is suddenly full tribrid at the end. When she fights with Malivore.
21) The gun fight and sword fight is so weird! It’s like the gunners don’t know how to shoot at all, like they’re in slow motion, difficultly level easy to the audience, it’s so fake. I’m for Hope being badass, but it seems like the show doesn’t know how to portray a good fight scene. The sword fight is like in slow motion. And if Hope is to combine magic with sword fighting, she should combine them more. I don’t feel she’s badass at all, cuz it’s literally level easy😑
22) Star Wars AU have brought up so many childhood unresolved for the trio to understand each other more and be a better team. I love them ended up being all supportive and the panda promise🤣🤣 I love that the twins just agree not to let Hope die like that. But they’re like promise that a little later than Cleo and Landon? My team Sowanby! Applause to Handon, but please don’t be together again! Strike three, no is no!
23) for MG, Jed, Kaleb, they really need to make up with each other, I’m glad that they finally made it. And Kaleb being jealous of Methan? Lmao! And MG didn’t even say Ethan name? I love Maleb bonding, and MG never left his man behind!! Another things is, what’s wrong with those boys fighting scenes? We saw them throwing valuables to distract the monster again?! What if the keys are damaged? How are you going to go home? Oh and Jed being useful!
24) Jed last name is Tien, 田/填 in Chinese, I’ve shared enough in my other post. But still WE DONT ACTUALLY HAVE JED FIRST NAME! Give us that!
25) Still, I don’t understand how the wendigo is not dead yet. And how come it’s defeated by fire this time??
26) I don’t quite actually know what’s happening with Dorian. Is he okay? I bet he is, so Emma is coming back, right? Based off what the conversation is? We need Emma, really.
27) regarding Emma, is the lack of mother figure that I want to address when stating the twins dynamic. I don’t actually know a lot from TVD or TO, I just happen to know some general things and snippets from edits. But I know Hayley’s words before she dies, like “I’m not going to teach my daughter it’s okay to let people she loves die” and paint art, have at least one epic love? But for real, in legacies, all I get for Hayley is 103, Josie paying her respects, but none other than that. It’s all Klaus. I believe that Hayley is an important figure to Hope too. But she’s not mentioned enough, it’s kind of erasing her impact on Hope?? Like Caroline too, we get her phone calls, the twins trip to Europe to treat their problems off-screen, the letter for Lizzie in 302, the recommendation for Lizzie to go to the witch retreat, but not vetted by Alaric.....yes she get all these and Jo Laughlin being there in 106 (I cried so hard). But still the mother figure is still being minimised. Like in Lizzie’s fanfic there’s never a place for Caroline? How surreal? It doesn’t make sense. (I understand the actress is just not returning). But still these doesn’t change the fact that the show is lacking a mother figure as a whole. Emma should be that.
28) Clarke!!! Like it’s predictable! But what’s unpredictable is that he went straight to shower🤣🤣🤣 I love his snarkiness! Clarke meeting Hope half naked! Holarke! Hhhhhh
I’m too tired, sharing this episodes thoughts is exhausting me. There must be something I left out, please feel free to remind me!
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dykeseinfeld · 3 years
u asked someone to remind you to post about your pjo dual protagonist thalia/bianca au and i am SO intrigued by this idea please say more
anon asked: hey queen hope your homework went good yesterday 🌸…now what were you saying about thalia and bianca 😳 ?
ok y’all i’m here...the moment almost none of y’all have been waiting for....bianca/thalia protagonists with alternating pov’s au
warning it’s kind of super long and may or may not read like a 2nd grader’s semi-coherent game of pretend so under the cut it goes!
so the main things you need to know about this au are 1. thalia survives and 2. annabeth’s + luke’s ages are a lil diff bc canon is my sandbox 3. i can’t decide if percy exists in this au or not (maybe y’all can help me decide?)
so the first book:
would start a few months after grover brought thalia (12), luke (13), and annabeth (10, not 7)  to camp half blood. they were chased by monsters sent by hades on the way, and thalia almost didn’t survive, but ultimately she got lucky and managed to send a bolt of lightning through her spear for the first time and they made it into camp
it’s been some time so annabeth is happy as a clam in the athena cabin doing her 10-year-old-with-severe-mommy-issues thing and luke is actually pretty popular with the hermes cabin bc he actually Met Their Dad Holy Shit and also he’s getting pretty good with a sword
at the same time, thalia is alone in the zeus cabin. everyone has been freaking out bc they all saw the huge bolt of lightning that incinerated a couple hellhounds as they made their grand entrance and What The Fuck Child Of The Big Three???
she’s also further isolated because chiron will take her for private training sessions sometimes, since she is clearly really powerful already and also Hades Himself was trying to kill her (chiron told her the reason was the big three’s pledge not to have kids, and maybe about the great prophecy? if he tells her that then she’s sworn to secrecy)
once grover leaves on another protector assignment, thalia mostly hangs out with luke, and annabeth. luke + annabeth both will try to eat meals with her at the zeus table but annabeth doesn’t want to get in trouble and luke is genuinely making friends in the hermes cabin so thalia will feel bad sometimes and send him back
kronos, seeing this bitter isolated child of the big three’s dreams: it’s free real estate
hades is Pissed that thalia survived and zeus got to break their oath And get the glory of a prophecy child
so he sends someone to take bianca (12) and nico (10) out of the lotus hotel and casino a little early.
grover is still their protector, but since the Stirring hasn’t begun in earnest yet and hades is lowkey determined to keep them safe, they make it back to camp half blood with no escort/incident
bianca + nico are put into the hermes cabin, and luke kinda takes them under his wing bc while he’s not bitter he still needs therapy bc this 14 year old has never met a pre-teen he couldn’t try to parent
luke introduces nico and annabeth since they’re the same age and they become really good friends!! she Loves mythomagic and he thinks her dagger is super cool and they’re both just really excited about camp <3
bianca is more reserved and resistant to the whole thing, and she wanders around alone exploring and runs into thalia in the zeus cabin
at this first meeting they get into a bit of a fight bc bianca is still in shock/denial about the gods being real, but thalia at this point has zero patience for this
anyway after that and maybe another scuffle during capture the flag or something they hit it off and become best friends in the way girls can, especially bonding over how they’ve both had to take on raising annabeth and nico basically on their own at the age of 12
thalia is given a quest for [unspecific reason] and chooses bianca and luke, they go off leaving annabeth and nico frustrated at home
quest hijinks etc, bianca is trying to figure out her parentage + her weird mysterious powers? and thalia is arguing with luke because he’s settling into camp/hero life really well actually but she’s getting progressively angrier with the gods for trying to kill her and also keeps getting dreams from kronos and doesn’t get why he doesn’t seem to remember all of the shit that the gods have put him through
bianca + thalia have las-vegas-style-heart-to-hearts where thalia shares her tragic backstory about her mother and her brother and how hades tried to kill her and even about the great prophecy and how she’s trying on this quest bc of that and her dad but at the same time these dreams are making her suspicious that he might’ve been responsible for her mom’s death.
bianca then shares her own stuff, about how terrified she was being on her own with nico having to protect him but also not remembering most of her childhood and not remembering her parents or how she ended up in the care of this lawyer and just the absolute mindfuckery that her memories/past are
luke is asleep in those scenes i guess lol 🧍‍♂️
anyway eventually they finish their quest in this massive climactic battle where bianca discovers her powers in a huge-showy-”i’m the ghost prince”-way and is formally claimed by hades which thalia sees as this Massive Betrayal obviously and bianca is horrified too because she knows what hades did to thalia but at the same time she’s just so happy to finally understand at least part of her past
thalia just reaches a breaking point though because everyone around her just doesn’t understand her anger and just when she thought she had found another sympathetic person who understood what she was going through she joins hades??? no. no fucking way. kronos reveals that he’s the one who has been sending her dreams, prob by sending some messenger who he possesses or smthing and when he offers thalia the chance to join him? she does (dun dun dun)
main beats of the rest of the series:
thalia and bianca on opposite sides of the war training to be the prophecy child, they come together a Lot and have like melodramatic fight scenes where they talk out their anger and try to get the other to join them bc they don’t want to kill each other
luke is extremely conflicted/betrayed and there’s a titan’s curse moment prob towards the end of the third book where they’re fighting and thalia is trying to get her to go with him but here he actually does go to join her (gasp!!) and is evil for at least one book but his heart’s not in it and he goes back to the good side eventually
by the point of luke’s betrayal, annabeth and nico are growing and developing and old enough to go on quests w bianca and by the last book they’re a main trio of sorts and their hypothetical character development is already making me emotional
there’s just a lot of general sexiness with foils and inner conflicts and bianca doesn’t even want to be the prophecy child but she needs to for the fate of the world and bianca is so angry at thalia bc thalia is a daughter of zeus and could control her powers and is perfect and just meant to be the prophecy kid, not some daughter of hades who they didn’t even have a cabin for before
hm maybe by either the last or second-to-last book thalia + bianca are close to reconciling or at least their interests are aligned for the moment and they read the text of the prophecy together and things go Wild bc they both think “single choice shall end his days” either is about luke or nico and it turns up the gas to their fighting both of them care about both of them and yeah
and then i can’t decide if there’s romantic arcs at all but if there were it would go like this:
just a dash of thaluke where at first it was luke having a one-sided crush but thalia misses him a Lot after she goes to kronos and wonders if it’s that she misses him or if it’s something More until to get him to defect there’s like a melodramatic moment in the fight where thalia kisses him and they go off to be Evil Together but it ends bc luke doesn’t believe in the cause and only joined her in hopes of getting thalia back to his side
once luke leaves/is kicked out thalia realizes that she didn’t love luke she just wanted a family and also in the second half of the series she realizes she’s a lesbian as a parallel to her redemption arc
bianca meanwhile is unconcerned w romance until she has her botl-hoe-moment where within one book she 1. runs into the hunters on a quest and has a thing with zoe nightshade who tries to get her to join plus tells her about that time she met thalia, 2. she goes to calypso’s island and falls in love w her in the moonlight or w/e and has her what-if moment, and 3. when they meet up that book thalia somehow knew abt zoe + calypso and seems almost angrier abt them  than the war?? weird bc bianca knows that thalia is Totally Straight right??
my main point is that bianca/thalia is our friends-to-enemies-to-lovers endgame thank you i will take my pulitzer now
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shima-draws · 4 years
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Hiro is here!! We've all been waiting for him!!
You know the drill by now, all the yummy details about his background are under the cut ;) Also be warned it is VERY long I went a little feral writing his backstory lmao
Age: 17
Hair color: Orange
Eye color: Pink
Element: Psychic & Forest
Okay so a lot of this is gonna be stuff I'm pulling from posts I've already written to make it easier on myself and so I don't have to repeat anything.
Before he was born, the Novune Forces approached Hiro's parents because they knew that he would be born as a dual elemental. Part of their goal was to raise several dual type children to become human weapons--they targeted dual type babies specifically because they're said to be more powerful since they can use more than one elemental type.
It was the perfect opportunity for Hiro's parents because at the time they were not ready for a child despite agreeing that they were going to have it. Ofc the Forces did not reveal their plans so to them it turned into a nice surrogate parent situation where Hiro's mother would give birth to him and he'd immediately be given up for adoption afterwards. It was definitely hard for them to part with him but they trusted he'd be in good care. Well. That turned out great, as you can probably tell :')
Hiro, along with Kaz and Mallary, became the Forces' iconic trio, with Hiro considered to be the golden child and the most dangerous between the three of them because of his high intellect and skill in combat. He grew up under a very strict regimen and would spend hours each day dedicated to training both his mind and his elemental powers. He's an extremely gifted psychic elemental and took to his abilities almost immediately--he’s able to read his opponents movements and set up traps before they can even get to him. He’s usually airborne for most battles he’s in; he finds it easier to strategize from a higher vantage point, and he also just likes to float around and dodge enemy attacks and act like an ass lmao. He’s a pro at immobilizing his enemies so they can no longer move, ending his battles swiftly and cleanly. Physically he’s not very powerful so he uses a magic staff to fight. His intelligence more than makes up for his lack of super strength!
He has a special power like Kaz’s extra dragon typing (and, like Kaz, he has a streak in his hair from the experimentation)—Hiro gets visions of death, basically predictions of the future, and his visions are never wrong. He’s able to see who dies in battle and the Forces use this to their advantage so that they can prepare around any casualties. Hiro hates getting these visions because he doesn’t like seeing people die, he witnesses their last moments and it’s certainly traumatizing for him;; and like Kaz, this power was something he only unlocked through lots of experimentation on him, so he usually passes out for hours after getting a vision since it’s not a “natural” ability he was born with.
As for his second typing, it was something he never really clicked with. Forest elementals have to be very attuned to nature and are generally more kindhearted and gentle people, but since Hiro grew up in a base with only limited access to the outside (and because he’s forced into acting as an antagonist), his forest elemental powers were repressed over the years. He’s already powerful enough as a psychic elemental so he doesn’t feel the need to resort to a second power, especially since his superiors viewed his second typing as useless and he never received proper training on how to use it. He's already a huge threat as he is so they said good enough. The Forces believe that if something is useless, throw it away, so they eventually abandoned any hope of him succeeding in bettering his forest powers, and focused solely on enhancing his psychic abilities and making his death visions clearer.
Before Hiro became the cold-hearted and snarky colonel that the Forces know him as, he was actually a very kind child with an aversion to violence, and cried often. That got forced out of him pretty quickly though--he learned right away that disobedience means punishment and the only way to pay for his mistakes is by verbal and physical abuse. Poor baby :'( He and Kaz and Mallary go through a LOT of unfair shit as kids. The event that really drove home his intense determination and flawless record was the first mission he was ever sent out on.
This happened when he was around 13. Usually members of the Forces don't get to go out on solo missions unless they have a high position or are old enough to, but he was the exception because of his talent and because it was an experiment to see if he could handle it. His mission was to infiltrate a small, family run guild and basically gather intel and find out what their agenda was, as there were rumors they knew of some of the Forces’ plans. Upon Hiro’s arrival to the town where the guild was situated, he ends up rescuing the Guildmaster’s daughter, Lorelai, who is around his age. Unknowingly, he triggered his forest elemental powers, which caused them to land in a field of flowers he’d bloomed. Because of this, Lorelai starts to call him Flower, since he couldn’t come up with a codename in time and he doesn’t have a real name anyway lol
A couple weeks pass and Hiro spends more and more time with the guild, growing closer to Lorelai and being lulled into a false sense of security. He becomes extremely jealous of how the guild lives, and is very emotional at how much of a family they are, and how sweetly they treat him. Hiro starts to ponder over whether or not he should be sneaking around behind their back, when one day the guild is attacked while he’s out. When he returns, the village is set ablaze, and when Hiro demands what’s going on, his superior informs him that he was merely a decoy to get their defenses down, since apparently the Forces had definitive proof that they knew of their plans. His superior orders Hiro to search the village and kill anybody who was left.
Hiro, panicked, searches for Lorelai, and finds her hiding in the forest nearby. He apologizes to her and has a mental breakdown, blaming himself for all of her misfortune. Lorelai realizes that he’s being kept in the Forces against his will and begs him to run away with her. Hiro knows that he’ll be hunted down if he does, and Lorelai could get hurt, so he tells her he has to stay with them. In the midst of this, they are confronted with the current colonel of the Forces, who encourages Hiro to kill Lorelai. Hiro refuses, and the colonel calls him out for insubordination. The colonel then decides to kill both of them in order to get a promotion. Hiro leaps to defend both Lorelai and himself, and in the scuffle, receives the scar on his head, and accidentally kills the colonel. Traumatized, bloodied, and terrified, Lorelai is the one to apologize to him as he cries his eyes out. Hiro numbly reassures her and tells her to run while she can. Lorelai admits that she loves him and bids him farewell, hoping that they can meet again, and that she’s sorry she can’t do more for him.
This is when Hiro decides to become the perfect agent—dangerous, cruel, and flawless, so that something like this never happens again, and so that he can have enough power to make the decisions rather than just following orders to mindlessly kill people. From then on out he does what he’s told without any complaints and has a record for never failing a single mission the Forces have given to him. Any enemy considers him to be absolutely ruthless because he does not hesitate in battles and will neutralize with no questions asked. He’s a cocky little bastard around enemies lmao he loves to snark them and tease them. He’s strictly against killing after what happened to the colonel, so instead, if it’s a high risk operation, he erases the memories of his targets to reduce the threat. Because he’s so uncomfortable with the thought of death in general he reasons that losing your memories is better than dying, and that makes it easier on the Forces as well since they’ll leave less of a trail rather than just killing people left and right. 
Growing up, Hiro didn’t interact with Kaz very much, and they usually just saw each other in passing. However they both respect each other a great amount, and they sympathize with each other, being in the same sort of situation. Both the Hiro and Kaz hate their upbringing and hold a grudge against their superiors for their treatment and experimentation on them;; As for Mallary, Hiro became enamored with her because she reminds him a lot of Lorelai (who he later admits to being his first love). He finds her strength captivating and the way she doesn’t give a shit about other people’s opinions admirable. Hiro eventually falls prey to her manipulation and falls over himself to please her, which bothers Kaz because he knows Mallary’s just toying with him.
After the Forces’ plan to kidnap Ginni and use her as a hostage blows up in their face, Hiro finds out that Kaz had escaped with her, and commends him on the extremely smart decision to do so lol. He wonders if he should start considering leaving the Forces as well, seeing as he’s mature and responsible (and smart) enough to make it on his own. He’s ordered to retrieve Kaz which was a HUGE mistake on the Forces’ part because they didn’t realize Hiro’s loyalties lied more with people on the outside. Hiro meets up with Kaz and Kaz eventually convinces him to desert the Forces and work with him to stop their plans. Hiro agrees to work as a double agent for a while, leaking all of the Forces’ information to Kaz, Ginni, and the guild. In the midst of all this, Hiro meets Olivia, who pretty much calls dibs on him and she’s like “Listen Ginni got to give Kaz his name so can I give the colonel a name?? Please???” So she starts calling him Hiro! And finally baby boy smarts up and starts crushing on a girl that actually gives a damn about him and god dammit it’s the cutest fucking case of puppy love since Dusk/Nozomi. Hiro absolutely adores her, but he’s too nervous to actually do anything about it because he’s got huge abandonment issues (thanks again bad parenting! And Mallary!) and doesn’t want to ruin one of the only genuine friendships he’s ever had. But he is head over HEELS for Olivia and it’s so……softe.
Mallary finds out that Hiro’s acting as a spy, and retaliates. Hiro realizes just how awfully she’s treated him and defeats her, allowing him to escape and officially join up with the guild.
After that it’s a whole bunch of crazy action stuff as plans come together and they get to take down the Forces. Hiro falls harder and deeper for Olivia while she remains oblivious (at least, for a little while, until she finally starts noticing). He grows closer to Kaz and Ginni as well, and begins connecting with Kaz on a deep level because of their shared history. (They’re kind of like brothers, and Hiro considers him to be his best friend :’) )
Once the Forces are defeated, Hiro and Kaz both decide to go on a journey of self discovery in order to better themselves and learn more about the world they haven’t seen due to being locked up for so many years. Kaz and Ginni are already on the verge of forming a relationship, but with Olivia and Hiro it’s still tentative since she’s unsure and he still feels inadequate as a romantic partner. Olivia admits that she likes him and Hiro is so happy he’s ready to burst, but then he realizes it’s not the right time for them to be together so he gently rejects her. (Olivia takes this as an actual rejection tho not a “I’m not ready to be in a relationship with you yet tho I WANT to” and Ginni’s like YA’LL ARE SO DUMB I S2G).
Hiro and Kaz go their separate ways, and Hiro travels around for a while! He eventually settles in a lovely little village where he learns about his forest elemental powers and how to use them better. He’s finally able to connect with other people and essentially becomes way softer around the edges, revealing the true personality he had when he was a kid. A year or so passes and suddenly Kaz, Ginni and Olivia show up to reunite with him, and not long after that Hiro and Olivia FINALLY get together and start dating 😔👌 (Ginni: TOOK you look enough, god)
At some point the four of them go on a journey together and Hiro runs into his biological parents again…!! And he finds out he has a younger sister and they all reconnect and it’s SO EMOTIONAL
Other than that I think that’s all I have 🤔 Thanks for reading though this epic rollercoaster ride of a story plot lol!
Extra personality traits
-Hiro’s sarcasm and snarkiness is a defense mechanism to prevent anybody from seeing his vulnerable side, and also a way to trick the fear inside of him. Kaz is the one to point this out actually lol
-Despite that he does enjoy teasing people lightheartedly and being sassy, once he gets comfortable enough with them! There is a difference between his snarkiness towards enemies compared to that towards friends
-Is EXTREMELY loyal to the people he cares about. At first he tends to act prickly and kind of standoffish towards people he doesn’t know well. Over time he becomes more open to trusting others. Once you earn his trust and he deems you worthy of his friendship he instantly becomes softer and kinder haha, it’s like a switch
-Often dismisses people that he thinks aren’t worth his time or aren’t smart enough to hold an intelligent conversation with him
-Spends a lot of time reading and gathering knowledge. He is very book smart—but not very people smart :’D He and Kaz will spend hours in the guild’s library, since they’re both very thirsty for information outside of what they studied during their time in the Forces
-Touch starved as FUCK. He flips his shit every time somebody touches him in a friendly way, and will melt into a puddle if he gets hugged
-He can be very nosy and insensitive sometimes, prying into other people’s personal affairs if he thinks he can solve the issue
-Absolutely a tactics expert. He calculates all of his moves very carefully, and uses prediction tactics to leave no room for error. He enjoys coming up with mock battle situations to challenge himself.
-Very self-sacrificial;; he views the lives of those he cares about to be far more important than his own. He’ll lay his life on the line for his friends in an instant
-Is the person in the group who is the least fond of violence. If he can find a way around injuring someone, he’ll do it. He prefers to restrict his enemy’s movements or slow them down so they can’t fight back. He is VERY good at neutralizing opponents before they can even register it
-SUPER speedy. Due to his small size he’s very quick, most people don’t see him coming
-He’s really sensitive about his height fjmaksldmas he snaps at people who make fun of him for it
-Tends to levitate when he’s in deep thought. Olivia finds this very cute
-Blooms flowers when he’s happy/embarrassed
-He’s actually. A very talented dancer :0 During his year away from the guild he learned a lot of folk dances at the village he was living in, and when the others witness it they get really starstruck because it’s super mesmerizing!! He blooms flowers as he dances
-At his core he’s a very compassionate character!!
-After escaping from the Forces, he’s able to express his emotions more openly, and goes back to the way he was as a child. He’s a crybaby :’) He cries whenever someone he cares about gets hurt
-The only person in the group with the fucking brain cell, and the most rational one. Unless Olivia gets involved, then he gets stupid and flustered lmao
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