#they’re a staple in pemmican iirc
excelsior9173 · 1 year
there is an old rail bridge on my walk to campus. it’s a lovely walk, just under an hour and full of lovely views and native fruits.
i’ve walked on the trails many times, but the bridge is a new addition to my route. i will admit that at first i was rather intimidated by it. it’s very high up and made entirely of wood.
however, i walked to and from campus today to pick some buffalo berries and had to cross the bridge twice. i listened to sleep token the entire way there and back (because what else would i put on) and it was a transcendental experience.
i don’t know if it’s the nerves over the bridge or vertigo or what, but walking on it today felt like i was untethered. unmoored, like i could jump just a little and float away. it was fascinating and kind of nice.
it was also just really good for my mind. i’ve been in a bit of a slump, and definitely not fixed right now, but that walk helped. walking is how i’ve always cleared my head, but sleep token is an excellent tool to add. i don’t know what it is about their music but it drowns everything out. i cannot think about anything, i simply exist in the music and that’s all that there is. i’ve never had such a quiet mind before and will be eternally grateful for finding a band that hushes and soothes everything. even if they make me cry
(edit to add the photos of the view from the bridge i forgot to share)
(a second edit to say that those photos were taken about an hour apart. love calling the land of living skies home. if you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes!)
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