#they’re SO fucking cool and the man should be charging like ten times as much as he does
Today I went to my friends house and pet four dogs and four cats
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lucysinatizzy · 1 year
wisteria sneak peek?
I got you, anon!
“Is this a joke?”
“Do I look like I’m joking?” Eddie scoffs, flicking the cigarette butt to the ground. He glances at the guy’s letterman jacket, then back up to his eyes. “This isn’t the same shit as before. It’s a lot stronger. Thirty-five is my final offer. Take it or leave it, man.” 
“Derry said he got it for thirty.” The jock crosses his arms and frowns. Too bad. Being pissy won’t change anything. “Why am I getting charged more?”
“Derry needs to learn to shut the hell up before he gets cut. I just got this in, so none of your little friends tried it yet. The last stuff was some mid-grade bud, but this…” His ringed fingers tap against the old pail. “This is top-shelf dank. Makes the grass you had seem like reggie. It can easily go for forty-five. Maybe even more. I’m giving you a deal here, dude.”
Callihan stares at the pail, mulling it over. It’s a waste of time. They both know he’s gonna buy it. These guys don’t have any other options for getting weed. Not in this dump of a town. Plenty of the small-time dealers were scared off after Powell became the police chief and worked overtime to prove he could fill the role Hopper left behind. 
‘C’mon, man. Make up your damn mind. I got other crap to do.’
“Alright. If it’s as good as you say, then I’ll take a half. Do you have the little guys, too? Got a big test coming up and I need to focus.” 
“Yeah, I gotcha.” It’s the same every time. After counting the cash twice, he gives him the goods so they can part ways. “Just a heads up, it's a creeper. Don’t be surprised if it suddenly knocks you on your ass.”
“Okay. See you later.” Callihan says absentmindedly, looking around the long-abandoned parking lot in case anyone passes by. They’re all like this. Totally paranoid that someone might see them doing a deal. Committing a crime. It would completely ruin them. He shoves the bags and bottle into a pocket inside his jacket before taking off toward his own car. All the while turning his head every which way like he’s expecting the five-o to suddenly show up. 
These morons apparently don't understand that it looks way more suspicious when they act all sketchy. Even when he tells them to be cool. It’s like they can’t help it. The places they meet to do a trade-off are safe. That’s the point. After all, if something happens, he is the one who’s most fucked. His ass will go to jail while their parents do whatever it takes to get them out of trouble. 
He sighs and stuffs the money into a pocket when a drop lands on his nose. Looking up toward the sky, he groans in annoyance at the thick, dark clouds rolling in. She was right. The weather’s supposed to get real nasty tonight. It’s already starting to spit. 
“Shit.” That took up too much time. He quickly hops in the van and peels out of the parking lot. This is cutting it close. It’s messed up to make Chrissy stand out in the rain after getting her to agree to come. 
‘I should have enough now.’
His lips curl up at that. There’s one good thing about being a dealer in a place like Hawkins. If he’s strapped for cash, it’s easy to just charge a little more to make it up. Where else are they gonna go? That leaves it all up to his discretion. Selling to a well-off asshole? Well, that quarter that normally goes for twenty-five now costs ten bucks more. 
‘I’ll get it tomorrow.’
It doesn’t take long to get to the ritzy section from there. The van takes a sharp turn onto Douglas and keeps going until the familiar spot comes into view. Thanks to daddy big bucks coming home, he has to go back to sitting at the corner of Roseline. No more pulling up in front of their house. 
Eddie glances at the time before sitting up to mess with his hair in the mirror. There’s a few minutes to kill. Oddly enough, he has the same jittery energy coursing through him just like the first time they met up here. They saw each other only a couple of hours ago, but he’s already excited to hang out with her again. 
‘What a friggin’ loser.’
Tap, tap, tap. 
“C-Christ!” He jolts, almost tearing out a knot when someone knocks on the window. It’s Chrissy, waving at him from under an umbrella with a bright smile. The rain is picking up. Reaching across the seat, he quickly opens the door for her to get in. “I was about to hop out to meet you.” 
“That’s okay.” She says sweetly, climbing in and shaking the umbrella out before closing it up. The first thing he notices is her hair. It’s down in loose curls with the bangs teased out. A do he’s suddenly a big fan of. “So, how does this work? Do you have to pick the guys up first or are we meeting them there?”
“I, uh…” That’s a different outfit than the one from earlier. A thin white blouse tucked into high-rise jeans. She left a few buttons undone, giving him a view of the ‘86 necklace, and going down low enough to show off a little cleavage. That’s not the problem though. “We’re going… somewhere.”
‘Holy shit! I can see her nipples poking right through that flimsy ass shirt. Is she not wearing a bra?’
“I know? That’s why I’m here.” The cheerleader raises a thin brow at him, clearly confused by the response. But he barely hears it. His eyes stay locked on the small peaks aimed in his direction, even as she rubs her arms to warm up. That only makes it worse by pushing her tits together. Now he’s on fire and might have to toss himself out into the rain to cool off. “...What are you staring at?”
“Crap.” Eddie’s finally able to tear his gaze away when she quickly covers her chest. Oh, no. The accusatory look he’s getting says it all. “They started it. If something stares at me, I stare right back.” 
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The Brothers and Side Characters Play Ticket To Ride
Guess who just had a family game night and decided this would be a good idea? Meeeeee!
Last Minute Road/Track Buyer (Lucifer)
This smug son of a bitch doesn’t even complete his trip cards. He just amasses a massive deck of cards and then buys all of the five and six roads, effectively messing up everyone’s strategies.
Luci would have a good poker face if it weren’t for how giddy he gets when he sees the hope drain from his opponents faces as he takes the coveted fifteen point six road.
His main colour is black because he’s an emo bitch.
Lucifer can and Lucifer will take that two road you need to connect your trains, thus ruining everyone’s lives.
He basks in the chaos and rage like a god before Beel tells him that he’s eaten all the game night chips.
He’ll win sometimes, but his lack of trip cards will often be his downfall. Lucifer is just here to fuck everyone over.
Mammon’s greedy little heart sank when he heard that Monopoly had been passed over for family game night, but he caught onto the rules of Ticket to Ride very quickly.
Being the gambler he is, Mammon’s poker face is completely god-tier… except when he has all the cards needed to make his road or someone else takes the cards he needs.
Levi is often the main culprit and fights have started over this.
He argues with the rules a lot if he thinks they’re stupid, this gives Satan a migraine.
Mammon doesn’t save his cards, the moment he has all the ones he needs, he’s buying his road, which is good at the beginning, but often leads to him ending up with no cards by the end.
He is SO insufferable when he wins, please beat him so we don’t have to hear him gloat like an asshole.
Rule-Whore (Leviathan)
“That’s against the rules!” “You can’t have more than three wild cards in the draw pile!” “You need to take three trip cards!”
…so annoying…
Levi is such a rule whore he’ll try and take the instructions from Satan, which will usually result in Levi getting socked in the jaw.
He mains blue because obviously.
Levi tends to plan out his route ahead of time, but he makes it too obvious and his roads end up getting sniped, thus rendering all the cards he had amassed completely useless.
He gets super iffy about his trains being in perfect formation both on and off the board.
Beat his ass for being annoying.
Ha! I’ve Planned for This- Aw Fuck…(Satan)
You fool, you stupid human, Satan had planned out his route ten years before the first turn even happened!
…he’s cool, he’s calm. He can work around this. Satan just has to get the cards he needs- SON OF A BITCH MAMMON WHY’D YOU TAKE BOTH THE ORANGES?!
Worried about your asshole fellow players not giving you your points? Fret not, Satan has everyone’s points memorized and will adjust accordingly. He’s winning this fair and square.
Satan manages to win pretty frequently solely because he picks up so many trip cards and completes a good chunk of them.
Satan mains green because I said so.
Annoying Spectator (Asmodeus)
For the love of God Asmo, you aren’t even playing! Shut up and go away!
He leans over people’s shoulders and criticizes their choices like the world’s most annoying guardian angel… or demon.
“Pick up red.” “Asmo, piss off.” “I’m just trying to help, Belphie! Look, Mammon’s gone and taken your road!” “I DIDN’T EVEN NEED THAT ONE!”
When Asmo does play, he doesn’t play well at all, he just has the worst luck with cards and has the worst poker face.
If someone just took a card that Asmo needed, they are going to get glared at from across the table.
Almost never wins, but when he does, he’s INSUFFERABLE.
“It’s so nice to have the family together :)” (Beel)
Sweet man is just happy everyone’s together, he’s also happy about the multiple party size bags of chips that are on the table.
Beel builds his roads from point A to point B, no fancy skipping or strategies. This often serves him quite well because he can just shift where he’s going on the fly.
Though, he does get confused on where some of the locations are, he’ll end up accidentally cheating and looking at people’s cards when he leans over to see the whole board to try and find out where TF he’s going.
He tries to complete every trip card he has, and he mostly succeeds at that, buuuuut he never thinks to pick up more, which is his downfall.
He mains red, because Duh.
Overall, Beel’s a surprisingly formidable opponent, his resting bitch face serves him well.
“*Snrk* H-huh? What the fuck… what’d I knock over? Where am I? Whose turn is it?” (Belphie)
This little shit- THIS LITTLE BASTARD FUCKS EVERYTHING UP. He falls asleep and when anyone wakes him up for his turn, he “accidentally” knocks everyone’s trains off the board.
He’s doing terribly. Don’t help him.
Belphie loses motivation the moment someone ruins his carefully formulated plan, and making a new one’s too much work so… *snore*
He takes what he can get with the trip cards, he’ll complete the smaller ones and kind of eyeball the big ones and make it up as he goes along if everything goes to shit.
If Belphie gets bored, he’ll purposefully break the rules just to piss of Levi and Satan. He’s a little goblin…
Belphie wins when he puts the work in… which is never.
…Wait what? (Diavolo)
Diavolo is literally the worst at this game at first. He’s picking up two wild cards when he’s not supposed to, he’s buying roads when it’s not his turn, he somehow messed up the points, ugh…
He gets really confused about the rules, he’ll often interrupt people mid-turn to ask a question that spirals into a long explanation.
But when he finally understands the game… May the demon king have mercy on your souls…
He goes from zero to hero and crushes everyone without fail.
It doesn’t matter if he had shitty luck in the beginning because he’s come back to completely ruin your entire route.
Oh, Solomon needed that road? Too bad. It belongs to Diavolo now. Give him his fucking points.
Peace between the realms can wait, he’s got noobs to pwn.
The Wise Mentor (Barbatos)
Barbatos can see the future, he’s cheating by default.
When he sort of… turns off his powers, people still think he’s cheating because he’s just that good at guessing where people need to go and crushing their hopes and dreams.
Except for Luke. Barbatos is teaching him how to be as brutal a player as he is. He will not crush Luke.
As good a player as Barbatos is, one bad trip card will crush his entire strategy. This may be the one time you hear him swear.
It’s a very quiet “son of a bitch..”
Cheater. Asshole. Fight instigator. (Solomon)
Okay who the fuck invited this guy?
Better question, who the fuck let him be in charge of the cards?
Solomon cheats and lies about it, all with a smile on his face. Think you caught him? No you didn’t.
He peeks at cards before he grabs them, gives people the worst possible ones for what they’re doing, AND he gets potato chip grease all over the cards!
When he’s no my allowed to cheat, Solomon’s only half decent at the game overall. Luck is usually on his side, but sometimes luck isn’t enough.
0/10 kick his shifty ass out.
“No, stop,” *Pulls out popcorn* “Don’t fight, oh no.” (Simeon)
Fucking Simeon… he sits back and watches the fight even though he knows he can stop it.
When he’s playing the actual game, he’s pretty average, but when he gets on a roll, oh boy…
He doesn’t snipe roads on purpose, but he’s gotta get where he’s going. Sorry not sorry, may the good lord bless your loser ass.
Sexy shoulder-man’s poker face isn’t anything special, it’s 5/7 overall.
Simeon’s fatal flaw is that he picks up cards only when he needs them, he doesn’t plan ahead, so it’s super easy to swipe the cards he needs before his turn.
He is nice enough to move everyone’s points for them^.^ so he’s better than the rest of those dirty sinners.
So you know how everyone is an awful person? This is proven whenever the gang plays Ticket to Ride with Luke.
Luke demands/begs that no one takes the roads he needs and almost no one listens.
It’s heartbreaking to watch please give the little angel a hug.
But listen, listen, after a bit, Luke gets scary good at the game and very close to winning. His little victory dance is so fucking cute 10/10.
But oh my… it appears that Luke has one tiny road he needs to connect his trains… it would be a shame if Lucifer just… took that.
Luke gets petty, he just puts his hand over the spot and refuses to move it. This goes on for like five minutes until Levi brings up that it’s not even Lucifer’s turn.
Gasp! Hope! It’s Solomon’s turn- HE TOOK THE FUCKING ROAD.
Luke’s moving out. He can’t go back to Purgatory Hall. He’s going to become the little Victorian street urchin he was destined to become. He is packing his little rucksack and fleeing from this household.
I love family game nights… all of you should get together with your family and your squad and break out some board games. Just not Monopoly. Anything but Monopoly…
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leviiattacks · 3 years
How about Levi x reader, where they get set up on a blind date by their friends as a prank, but actually end up liking each other
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note :: honestly not my best at all but it was cute i guess T___T kinda an opposites attract thing also it’s a modern au !!
for some reason hange and sasha wake up one morning and decide they want to wreak havoc
it’s not peculiar coming from them
after all they are always up to something
like the one time sasha purposefully trapped herself in an elevator with a hot guy
or the time hange tried to make coffee with an energy drink mixed in it??
okay you’re getting sidetracked
but the point is they have no real reason for this new venture of theirs
when do they ever have a reason though?
somehow today their scheming has led to them begging you to go on a blind date
“he’s not my type i mean he’s old and whatever but you would like him” sasha’s stuffing her face with a buttery croissant
she doesn’t sound very convincing
then again, you have no objections to the idea
you’re single
you’re lonely
if it doesn’t end in love well ??? guess you could fuck
and if you don’t fuck well ?? you got to go outside and get some fresh air
the idea of blind dating makes you squirm
the uncertainty which comes along with the situation is intimidating
honestly, part of you is worried you’ll end up making a mortal enemy at dinner, not a lover
the other portion is petrified you’ll end up on a date with a murderer
what if it ends up like that one netflix show and you end up getting stalked????
you shudder at that thought
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levi feels the same way but his version of nervous is very different to your own
his fears are very different
what if his date appears prim and proper but it’s really just a huge facade hiding how their house is a pigsty?
imagine the third date in is a movie night in and he walks into a landfill site...
what if his date chews their food obnoxiously loud?
what if they just dislike him?
that’s why ideally he would prefer dating someone he knows beforehand
but there’s no one he knows already that he’s interested in
that’s exactly why when hange calls levi and asks him if he’s willing to go on a blind date on such short notice he scoffs and tells them that maybe if they got a life they would know that his answer is a straight no
he’s used to people not pairing well with him
he guesses it’s because of his sardonic personality, maybe it’s his occupation - he is constantly busy after all. perhaps it’s his foul mouth
erwin told him the last time he had a date that he should probably ease up on the cursing but it’s levi...
he isn’t going to change for anyone.
and really if him being little mean is that much of a deal breaker he won’t bother looking for anyone
he’ll go it solo he supposes
“LEVI. PLEASE. you both would fit together like jigsaw pieces.” hange is practically begging
then they stop for a second and wiggle their eyebrows “that can have many alternative meaningssss~”
levi purses his lips and shoots them a hard glare
“shut it, i’m not going. i’m busy.”
“busy doing.....?”
“cleaning i need t-”
“NO??? do it some other time please they’re smart, fun AND not boring at all.”
hange gives him a pleading look then explains how his mystery date has already agreed for sasha’s sake and he really can’t stand you up
“you want me to go on a blind date with one of SASHA BRAUS’ friends????”
he looks at hange in utter disbelief because that means you just have to be loud mouthed and annoying like jean or connie
or just be as stupidly unfunny
he shakes his head rejecting the idea completely
“i enjoy sophisticated people.”
hange sighs heavily
“give it a chance! c’monnn what if i bribe you?”
little does levi know hange and sasha have purposefully picked you out because of the way you’re both polar opposites
where levi loves order you’re disorderly, where he follows his own rules you don’t follow any at all, where he is disagreeable you’re agreeable in every way of the word
where he is cold, you are warm, he’s a night owl, you’re an early bird, you’re day and he’s night
everything about the two of you is different
that isn’t necessarily bad, but sasha and hange find it hilarious enough to set you both up on this date
if it fails it’ll still be funny
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you’re rummaging through your closet looking for your favourite perfume because to be frank you are NOT showing up unprepared
like?? what if he moves in to hug you and he smells the scent of the chicken you were cooking today
yeah you did have a shower but sometimes you wonder if the smell lingers
you KNOW it doesn’t but it’s a matter of principle
imagine he leans in and smells marinated chicken
you think you’d die on the spot if that were to ever happen
shoving a pack of mints in your purse along with your emergency pepper spray you give your outfit a once over
it’s nothing too extravagant but it’ll do the job
at this point, everything is great! you’re walking out of your door and you’re pumped up
you’ll be early for once and there’s a spring in your step
making a good first impressions is key here
you’re so close to your uber BUT
then you hear it
it’s almost inaudible but you’re sure you hear a mewl come out of the alleyway to your right
you’re about to ignore it because you aren’t even sure if you’ve heard it correctly
and it’s late you don’t feel like wandering into an empty alleyway
but the sound only repeats itself
cautiously venturing inside you see it.
eyes softening you look at the stray kitten in front of you and bite your bottom lip and scoop him up in your arms you’re debating if running back to your apartment and leaving him there is the best option
what’s the other option?
well you could bring the cat along with you...
it would be a funny story for the future if the date goes well
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now. unlike you levi is nowhere near late
in fact he’s ten minutes early waiting promptly outside of the restaurant in his white button up
he fiddles with his collar and wonders how the actual hell he got talked into doing this
hange offering to buy him cleaning supplies free of charge is probably it
8:15pm, you were meant to be here five minutes ago
if you’ve stood him up he’s going to end hange for wasting his precious free time
especially when he rarely interrupts his schedule for anyone.
a few moments of silence pass and he thinks
how do you look? 
not like it matters to him
but he’d just like to know
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okay, so.
it’s 8:30pm now
levi is royally pissed off that you even have the audacity to show up
you’re holding your knees as you puff in and out
“I’M SORRY. i know i’ve wasted all your time but i saw a stray on my way here and i couldn’t leave him”
the updo your hair is in is disheveled and fly aways stick out
you’ve ran here after your uber broke down that much is obvious.
to be fair, your explanation is believable and he would have let it slide if and only if
you had NOT brought the fucking cat along with you???
he’s eyeing it with disgust as it purrs up against you and you coo at it stroking its fur
“you want to sneak a cat into the restaurant?” he asks in pure disbelief
sheepishly grinning and scratching the back of your neck your response is “well i know we can’t but if you tried to i wouldn’t mind because i really like this cat :-(”
when hange said he’d have fun they were lying
but at least they didn’t lie about you not being boring.
he picks the cat up with one of his hands
looks it in the eyes
sighs then places him carefully into your purse
“don’t let him be seen.”
you light up and try to hide the grin forming on your face
he isn’t that bad
he’s a little too serious for your liking but you can handle that.
the two of you walk into the restaurant and fuck you because the cat has to start mewling and screeching
coughing rather aggressively to cover it up it miraculously goes unheard
he shoots you a sturdy glare because he’s able to hear the muffled sounds
luckily, no one else is standing near you or is within earshot.
gulping you realise this is not a good first impression at all
late to the date, bringing a cat with you, begging him to help you sneak the cat in
you feel guilty, he probably expected way better
“oi, move your ass” he snaps
you look up realising you’ve been too lost in thought to see levi walking in front of you
“sorry” you mumble
he doesn’t respond but he does look back at you
you can’t gather anything from his face because it’s either plain or he’s got his brows furrowed
currently it’s showing no signs of distaste so he must be accepting your apology
he’s kind enough, steps out of the way to offer you the space to sit down first
he sits after you and you have no idea where to look
then the cat cries again from your purse
“lucifer, shhhhh”
you’re patting him and try to silence him
“you’ve named it already?”
laughing to yourself you’re happy he’s initiated the conversation first
“he’s a little sneaky so i called him it. do you have any other names you’d like?”
“why would my input in this matter be relevant?”
“you’re basically his family now!”
he’s covering his mouth with his hands and you swear you can see the pink tinge of a blush creep upwards and flood his cheeks
but this man doesn’t seem like the type to blush over anything.
composing himself he sticks a hand out and finally asks “what’s your name?”
coming back to your senses you realize it’s been twenty minutes since you’ve met and you haven’t even had the manners to ask his name even after arriving late
“Y/N!! what’s yours?”
play it cool!!!
he doesn’t respond instead stares at your purse and points with his index finger
lucifer has escaped again and now you really are regretting bringing him along with you
whilst you’re grabbing the cat and hushing him your date hums “try to guess it.”
well, that’s spontaneous, he doesn’t seem like the type to entertain himself with games
you think hard, he’s serious but he is kind, you guess that’s why he reminds you of sebastian from the little mermaid
get it? because he’s sweet but he’s a crab so he’s crabby??
god that joke is AWFUL because it doesn't even take into account the actual character of sebastian the crab
but you have no other guesses available.
“hmm... sebastian?” you jokingly ask
“it’s levi.” he deadpans.
oh wow you couldn’t be more far off
playing around with your fingers in your lap you fidget nervously looking around for a waiter to interrupt the conversation
levi has to sense your unease because his tone loosens up
“...do i really look like a sebastian though?”
looking back up at him your bite your lip keeping a giggle in
you can sense the ghost of a smile on his face
“yeah like the crab from a little mermaid”
at that he scowls but he inquires what exactly that means
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the rest of the date goes without a hitch, sure there’s a few moments where lucifer attempts to sneak away but levi has no problems stopping him
it takes a while but the conversation flows easily after the awkward barrier from before is broken down
it’s lighthearted and calm.
he’s humorous in a way you can’t describe
levi’s mannerisms are cute, everything about him is endearing despite the serious front he has
and you can’t quite put your finger on it but his demeanor is charming
overall you find yourself enjoying the date even more than you expected
now the two of you are walking away from the booth and the fresh night time air hits your face as you step outside
turning to him you smile radiantly and without allowing him to get a word in you take your opportunity by the reins
“second date?”
you don’t normally make the first move but you’re eager
and to your surprise he’s just as eager as you are.
it doesn’t even look like he stops to think before he nods and agrees to meet with you again.
exchanging numbers with him you wave as you and lucifer part ways with levi feeling satisfied
and to his shock after you leave it settles, levi thinks he just might enjoy your presence
well, that’s a first for him.
he guesses what they say about opposites attracting is true
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cruciology · 4 years
Familiar Need
Requested by anon: Could you do a Sandor x reader she's one of Baelish's girls and Sandy is a regular and he takes her with him after the Blackwater battle? Idk if that made sense?
You sunk the pitcher beneath the surface of the steaming water, filling it to the brim before pouring it over the Hound’s head. Setting the pitcher on the wooden table next to the tub, you grabbed the bar of soap. The Hound let you run your fingers through his hair as you straddled him, both of your naked bodies hidden under the water. His hands held your hips, absently feeling the curves of your body as you scrubbed dirt and sweat and, most likely, blood from his hair. 
You had many odd requests from customers in your time; bathing together was a perfectly normal one compared to others. But you had heard many things about the Hound. You had been afraid when he paid for your services that he would be one of the more difficult clients, someone who took pleasure in hurting you, seeing you bruised or beaten. So you had been surprised when he had asked you to bathe with him. It seemed so innocent. What followed after was nothing but, but every time was the same. Every time, he wanted the same thing. Every time, he asked for you by name. 
He took the soap from you, taking his turn to wash you with his large hands. His thumb traced your nipple, making you suck in a short breath. In your line of work, you didn’t meet a lot of people that could make you do that. That was something else that surprised you when the Hound had first come to you. You assumed he would be like any other client, tossing some coins at you and finishing as soon as they could get their cock into you. But the Hound liked to take his time. He liked to hear you moan his name, to feel you come undone around him. 
You toyed with the thick, dark hair that covered his chest as he ran his hands across your back. You leaned in, placing a kiss on his scarred cheek first, then his lips. 
“Almost didn’t think you were going to come see me tonight,” you said. You knew how you sounded. Needy. But you had come to look forward to the Hound’s visits. The first time he had chosen you, you had been frightened, but that was over a year ago. You knew him much better than that now. “You haven’t been here in days.”
“Been busy,” He said shortly. He tucked away a strand of your hair that had fallen loose from where you had tied it up. It was hard to believe that the hands that had taken the lives of so many men could be so gentle with you. The other women in the brothel were terrified of him. They didn’t understand how you could let him touch you, let alone how you could look forward to it. It wasn’t a secret that he was a killer and that he took pleasure in it, but that wasn’t the side he showed to you. You often found yourself aching for his touch. Like right then, when you sat on top of his thick cock, hard and waiting. You could easily adjust yourself and have him fill you, but you only had to wait a bit longer. 
“Been busy a lot since dear King Joffrey took the throne,” you said with no attempt to hide your disdain. 
“Keeping that little shit alive is a lot of work,” the Hound grumbled. He would never speak ill of his charge with anyone but you. He wasn’t stupid. 
“Is it true what they’re saying?” You asked. “About King Robert’s brother coming with an army?” 
“Do you really want to talk of battles and war?” The Hound asked, dropping the bar of soap into the empty pitcher on the table. 
“I don’t care much for war, no, but I do like to be informed,” You said. “It’s not a secret that Lord Stannis has no love for women in my profession.” 
“You do sound informed.” 
“If we manage to survive the attacks, I fear I don’t know what he’ll do with us afterwards, the godless whores.” It was a bit of a hot topic in the last few days. You had to assure the other girls that you were positive things would be alright despite having little optimism yourself. 
The Hound kissed your collar bone, then your throat, moving to your jaw, and finally kissing your lips. His hand caressed your cheek, his finger tips burying in your hair. He pulled your hair down, the ends of it grazing the water just slightly as it fell down around your shoulders. You traced your thumb along the burned side of his face as you kissed him back. He used to hate being touched there, thinking that it must disgust you like it did everyone else. Now, he enjoyed the feel of your soft hands against the ruined flesh. 
“Nothing will happen to you,” The Hound promised, his lips still on yours. 
“You can be so sure?” You asked. 
He stood up, holding you tightly against him with just one arm. Sometimes you thought he just liked to show off how strong he really was, but you didn’t really mind. You liked how easy it was for him to hold you. He stepped out of the brass tub, still dripping water. Taking you to the other side of the large room, he pressed you onto the fur blanket on the bed. In one quick thrust, he was fully inside of you. You never could quite get used to his size, it always made you gasp. Normally, he liked to take his time, exploring all of your body before entering you, but he seemed to know how badly you needed to feel him, all of him. 
“I’m sure,” He said, kissing you roughly. He took both your hands in his, drawing them up above your head and pinning them. His free hand slid down your body, following your curves to the point where your bodies met. He rubbed your clit with his thumb, making you arch into him, your eyes squeezing shut. 
“Sandor,” You gasped out. His grip on your hands tightened and his speed quickened. Each thrust of his hips slammed into you, making you feel closer to the breaking point. He knew exactly how to make you come undone. The stars of light burst behind your eyelids, your chest heaving as you came. The Hound released his grip on your hands, holding himself up on his elbows as he pushed into you almost violently. 
You pushed him back, rolling him over onto his back and catching him by surprise. He held your hips to guide your rhythm. It was his favorite way to fuck you. He was so much larger than you, he worried you’d be crushed under his weight. With you on top of him, he could focus on how good your pussy felt. You liked being able to watch his face as you fucked him. You liked seeing his eyes squeeze shut as he felt you slide up and down his hard cock. You liked the feel of him digging his fingers into your ass. You steadied yourself with your hands on his chest, rolling your hips against him. 
“Fuck,” The Hound growled as you rode him. He squeezed tighter to you and you knew that meant he was close. He would pull out of you just in time to finish on your thigh with a grunt, but very suddenly, you didn’t want that. You moved your hands over his where they still held you. 
“Finish in me,” You said. You heard him curse again before you felt him shudder, filling you with his hot seed. 
His chest heaved as you got off of him. You rested your head on his shoulder, finally feeling the cool night air on your still slightly damp skin. You lay in silence for a long time, just listening to his breathing. 
“You’re that afraid that you’re going to die?” He asked finally. 
“I wanted to feel all of you,” You said. You could still feel him inside of you, not just the dull but pleasant ache he always left, but also the stickiness creeping down your thighs. “Don’t leave tonight.” 
“I can’t-,” 
“Sandor,” You said, lifting yourself onto your elbow. He studied your face as you looked down on him. “Please, stay.” He didn’t answer. Instead, he grabbed you by the waist, pulling you back on top of him. You laid your head on his chest, letting him pull the blanket over both of you. 
Stupid. You were bloody stupid. You should be down in the basement with the rest of the girls, but instead, you were up in the brothel alone. Even Littlefinger was nowhere to be found. If he could be counted on for anything, it would be saving his own skin. 
You were only out of hiding out of sickening curiosity. You heard rumors of wildfire. You figured you would be safe enough, with the battle being mostly on the shores. If you had just stayed inside, watching from the safety of your room, you would have been fine. It was when you decided to step outside of the brothel. 
You weren’t even ten steps away from the door when you were pulled so hard you feared your arm would pop out of its socket. You immediately shoved back, but when the dagger pressed to your throat, all attempts to fight back were quieted. 
You couldn’t tell where the man had come from, what side he was on. It didn’t really matter. Both had bad men and any man threatening you with a blade was bad in your book. You were sure you knew exactly what he wanted from you. A man coming to a whorehouse wanted one thing. 
“Let’s step inside,” He said, smiling with a rotten mouth, reeking of ale. His weapon was still pressed to your skin. If you so much as breathed too heavily, you would bleed. 
“Please,” You said. “Just lower your dagger.” 
“How do I know you won’t run?” The man asked, keeping his dagger exactly where it was.
“Where is there to run in all of this?” You asked him. As if to make your point, a flash of green fire burst to the chorus of screams. 
Looking satisfied with that answer, the man pulled his dagger away from you, his hand still tightly on your arm. But with a flash of silver, his grip went slack and he was suddenly relieved of his head. It was your turn to scream. 
But your terror only lasted a moment when you realized who the sword belonged to. 
“Sandor!” You cried in relief, throwing you arms around the Hound’s neck. He hugged you back, lifting you off the ground, holding you so tightly you could barely breathe. “Are you alright? Why are you here? You should be-,” 
“I know where I should be,” The Hound said, setting you back on your feet. “And it’s not in that fucking castle.” 
“Won’t you be in trouble for abandoning the king?” 
“I’ll be in more trouble for telling him to go fuck himself,” The Hound said. You let out a surprised laugh. “I’m leaving. Tonight. Right now.” 
“What?” You felt as if you had been slapped. “Where?”
“Don’t fucking know, but I’m going,” He said. He grabbed one of your hands with his, dwarfing it. You always felt so small next to him. Small, but safe. Always safe. “Come with me.”
You studied his face. He knew what he was asking. This wasn’t a fleeting feeling. You belonged to Littlefinger just as much as the Hound belonged to the King. You would be stealing yourself away, but it would be in good company. 
You squeezed his hand and nodded. 
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 1] 
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; masturbation, daddy!kink. Hello! WELCOME TO CHERRY BOMB! Introductory chapter, so it might be a ‘lil slow to start. 🥰💕 Also just wanna say thank you to everyone who waited so patiently for Cherry Bomb! 💕 And also! The formatting of this might be a little different and seem longer, so excuse me for a bit as I figure out the best formatting for this as we go! 😅 If you haven’t already read the drabble this starts after, you can read it right here! You don’t necessarily have to, but it might not make complete sense if you don’t so if you have time, please start there~! 💕 yeehaw!
chapters; 1/?
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“Hi dom.cheol!
I just wanted to thank you for your constant support for me~ I’d be nowhere without you~! I’ve been thinking it over and I know I don’t really do private shows or anything… but I would really be interested in doing one for you, free of charge for my biggest supporter! If you’re interested, I’d love to hear back from you! I’m free right now actually, maybe we can even cam and get to know each other better? ;) Hope to hear from you soon! xx cherry_clouds”
Seungcheol can hear his heart pounding in his ears and his fingers going numb when he looks over your message for what has to be the sixth or seventh time now.
He figures he needs to say something but he doesn’t know what; only the sounds of his own screams filling his head as he reads the message again to make sure he’s not dreaming.
“Fuck! Fuck! What do I even say to this?!” He panics, raking his fingers through his hair. Checking the clock, it’s already been ten minutes since you sent the message and he didn’t want to keep you waiting too long for a response but he really didn’t even know what to say.
Seungcheol groans, palms slamming onto the keyboard without a second thought.
dom.cheol: aedeflkijl
cherry_clouds: oh! you’re alive!
“Shit!” He did not mean to send that keysmash.
dom.cheol: fuck, sorry i didn’t mean to send that
dom.cheol: my cat ran across the keyboard
Seungcheol doesn’t own a cat either.
cherry_clouds: aww! It’s okay! I love cats~ you should send me pics sometime! 🥰
A blush coats Seungcheol’s cheek; trying to not let the giddiness take over as he tries to keep his cool when talking to you. He cracks his knuckles, willing the nerves away to the best of his ability before he slips back into his ‘calm and collected’ online presence.
cherry_clouds: How’s your night? Did you enjoy the show~ 💖
dom.cheol: of course, sweetheart. you know i always enjoy watching and supporting you.
He leans back, a genuine smile on his face. Seungcheol spent most of his paychecks on gifts for you, whether it was monetary or clothing or toys for you to use during your shows. There were times when he wondered if this was the right thing to do, or if he was spending his money on something that wasn’t worth his time or energy. But he also couldn’t deny the happiness that he felt when he saw you using the gifts he’d sent or the shoutouts that you’d always give him.
Tonight had gone a little differently than he ever expected, but he didn’t mind.
cherry_clouds: ><;; i wouldn’t be where i am if it weren’t for you always supporting me… I’m really thankful!
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You bite your lip, giggling as you sit on your bed. dom.cheol seemed like a really nice person when he’d comment on your cam shows and you were hoping that he would be the exact same in private, which is why you finally gathered all the courage to ask him if he wanted a private show. 
There were a lot of risks you took with doing cam shows which you knew when you first started. You didn’t hide your face and even though you’d set up a different address for your mail and gifts, it didn’t stop people from sending you weird things as well. You also had your fair share of people who weren’t very kind and people who tried to get you to do things you weren’t comfortable with, but dom.cheol was always someone in the chat who always made you feel safe.
cherry_clouds: oh! About the private show… were you up for it tonight?
dom.cheol: can i ask for something different? I promise it won’t be something weird.
You quirk a brow, fingers hovering over your keyboard. In all honesty, there were only a few things you really knew about dom.cheol. You knew ‘cheol’ was part of his name because of his username and because he always sent gifts under ‘cheol’ and that he was somewhere in his 20’s. But other than that, you were completely in the dark about anything else about him. You were taking a really big risk by even offering him a private show; you just wished that it was the right decision.
cherry_clouds: um… what did you have in mind?
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Seungcheol swallows the lump in his throat, nervousness eating him up again in an instant. He knew that there were boundaries he couldn’t cross and he knew that there was only so much the two of you knew about each other so he wasn’t sure if he was crossing any sort of boundary by asking for favors.
dom.cheol: i mean, you’re probably tired so i didn’t want to force you to do a show for me… i thought maybe we could do a voice call? And just talk for a little bit.
cherry_clouds: oh! Are you sure? I’m fine with that but only if you are!
He bites his knuckles, screaming quietly at how cute and caring you were towards him, even when you contacted him first.
dom.cheol: yeah, of course! I just… i don't want you to be tired. And I would enjoy talking to you if that’s okay.
cherry_clouds: I’d like that too! Okay, let me just get all set up and put some stuff away and i’ll call you, okay? Don’t leave! hehe~ 🥰
dom.cheol: take your time, sweetheart. :)
You nod, although he can’t see it. 
Gathering your things and tugging the sheets off your bed, you quickly get cleaned up, tossing your dirty sheets in a pile to be washed along with your toys. You didn’t want to keep him waiting too long and figured you’d deal with it later instead.
It takes you about fifteen minutes to get cleaned up, tossing on a big shirt and panties as you hop back onto your bed with your laptop and clean bed sheets.
cherry_clouds: okay~ i’m ready!
dom.cheol: ready when you are ;)
You locate the call button, nervously pressing it and watching as the call attempts to connect. He answers it on the third ring, a deep voice on the other end.
It shocks you for a second, a shiver running up your spine with how deep his voice seemed to be. “H--hello? dom.cheol?” There’s a deep chuckle on the other end and you can almost visualize the smirk on his face.
“That’s me, sweetheart. But you can call me Seungcheol. I feel that’s easier on the mouth, hmm?”
You bite the inside of your cheek, unsure. You weren’t really comfortable with giving him your real name just yet and most often than not, your viewers just called you ‘cherry’ or cute pet names which you preferred.
“Sweetheart, don’t worry about giving me your name. I know that’s private, so don’t feel pressured.”
His gentle voice sends your heart fluttering, a shy smile on your lips at his words. “O-okay, sorry I just… you know how it is…” You trail off, twirling a piece of hair around your finger.
“I know and I’m really thankful you gave me this opportunity. It’s nice getting to talk to you like this.”
“Mm, y’know your voice is really deep, Seungcheol! It’s really hot~”
Giggling, you lean up against your pillows, placing your laptop next to you as you lie down. “Oh? What did you imagine when you thought of me, baby?” The drawl in his voice has thrums of arousal pooling in your lower abdomen; thighs rubbing together at the simple question. “Umm.. I dunno… I just… you mentioned being in your twenties before so… I’m just getting used to putting a voice to the name I guess~” His laugher pours through your speakers and you can’t help but fall deeper in love with his voice.
“You didn’t think I was some forty year old pervert, did you?”
This time it’s your turn to giggle, jokingly rolling your eyes at the ceiling. “No, never. And anyway, your taste in lingerie was too good. Which by the way, all of my favorite sets are the ones you’ve sent me!”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. I like to think I’m a ‘lil fashionable.”
“Oh? Can you tell me more about you? I like hearing you talk~”
Seungcheol hums on the other end, pausing to think about what he should tell you.
On most days, he worked at his local roller-skating rink and as boring as it was, it paid extremely well. Then again, that was mostly because nobody really wanted to work there so his boss paid him overtime to keep him there; not that he minded.
The only problem was that it wasn’t exactly a cool or intriguing story to tell; to him at least.
“Hmm, what should I tell you… I don’t exactly work anywhere fancy. But I will say, it pays well. So well that I can spoil you with gifts and donations without a problem. Which, thank you, for always using my gifts.” He pauses.
“By the way, can I ask you a question?” Seungcheol clenches his jaw; it was now or never.
“Mm? Sure~”
“Those things you said about me… That sometimes you pretend it’s my cock when you play with the toys I get you and you wanting me to cum inside your tight ‘lil pussy… Do you really think those things?” Seungcheol’s voice drops an octave and you feel yourself clench around nothingness at the sudden desire to get fucked by this man you’d only just started speaking to. 
“I---Y-yes… I have… I m-mean, I don’t know what you look like but--but I just… S-sometimes it’s hard to get off so I have to mentally visualize something…” You trail off, your hand already running down your torso before you start rubbing yourself over your panties. “Sometimes I imagine that you have really big hands when you’re guiding me down onto your cock... Or when they’re wrapped around my throat...” 
“Oh? So now that you’ve heard my voice, will you think about it when you’re thinking of my cock fucking your cunt? Hmm? Or when I’m telling you to cum and get my cock nice and wet?” You can hear the cockiness in his voice just as you slide your panties to the side, fingertips sliding through your wet folds.
“I--mmh, uh, y-yeah…”
“Sweetheart, are you touching yourself?”
You moan loudly, body already sensitive from the night’s previous activities but you can’t stop your fingers from rubbing circles around your clit. “Y-yeah, ngh, ‘m sorry, it’s just--you sound so good, ‘Cheol~ I like… listening to you talk dirty to me… It’s different seeing you type it out but god, it sounds so good when it’s your actual voice... I can’t imagine how handsome you are to match...”
If Seungcheol could do backflips right now, he would, but he keeps his calm, taking a deep breath before he continues. “Yeah? Do you like it when daddy tells you what to do? Hmm? Do you like when daddy spoils you rotten? Buys you toys that keep your pussy nice and filled?”
“F--fuck, yes, daddy! Please!” You mewl, toes curling against the sheets as you slip in a single digit into your throbbing pussy. “Do you already have your fingers inside that tight cunt of yours?” You moan in response, nodding at the air as your eyes flutter shut.
“I want you to add another finger, sweetheart. I know you can take it. You must be so sensitive from earlier, huh? And yet here you are, fingering yourself to the sound of my voice.” There’s an airy chuckle at the end that you commit to memory; the sound fueling your wet dreams of Seungcheol being ruthless in his punishments and the deep and dark chuckles that would flood your ears.
But you listen, adding another finger as you scissor them inside of you. The stretch feels good, but you can’t help but imagine how big Seungcheol’s cock really was.
The call is quiet for a few minutes; the sound of your moans and wetness being the only thing Seungcheol can hear. The adrenaline rushes through his veins and he doesn’t even care about the fact he’s already hard; just wanting you to get off on his voice before he deals with himself later.
“Bet you’re thinking about my cock now, huh? I bet I could get you to cum just from sitting on it, just like you said. Fuck, I bet you’d look so good riding me. Or maybe you’d like to sit on my face? Cum on my tongue first and then cum on my cock. And I’d let you have it all.”
You whine at his words, feeling the pleasure building up in your body insanely fast at Seungcheol’s filthy promises. “Yes, god, I want all of it, daddy, please let me cum!”
“Okay, princess, why don’t you touch your ‘lil clit for me. I know it’s not the same but pretend it’s my tongue on your clit and my fingers deep inside your pussy. I want you to cum on my tongue, let me taste how sweet you are.”
You thrust your fingers into you faster, thumb on your clit as garbled moans and broken cries of Seungcheol’s name spill from your lips.
“I’m cumming, f--fuck, daddy, I’m cumming!” You cry, back bowing off the sheets as Seungcheol praises you over the call; his voice music to your ears in the midst of your orgasm.
Seungcheol’s toes curl against his carpeted floor, heart pounding in his ears when he hears his own name rolling off of your tongue. I could get used to that, he thinks. But he quickly brushes the thoughts away, grounding himself again. Okay, but I shouldn’t ‘cause this was a one time thing.
“Sweetheart, are you okay?”
“Mmhmm… y-yeah…”
Your airy breaths pour out of his speakers as he waits for you to come down from your high.
“Fuck, ‘m sorry Seungcheol I--I didn’t… um, I wasn’t expecting that… I mean I was but--but not like that?” You finish with a breathy laugh, sliding your sticky fingers from between your legs as you wipe them on your shirt.
“S’okay, me neither, I feel like I didn’t tell you much about me.” He laughs, running his fingers through his hair.
“Mmm… I mean… I--I wouldn’t mind… talking again? I liked hearing your voice. And maybe next time we can actually talk and not… y’know…” You trail off, staring at the ceiling. 
If you weren’t tired from your show, you were definitely tired now; eyes threatening to slide shut from the sleepiness. 
“Oh... a next time? I don’t want you to feel pressured into talking to me, sweetheart.” Seungcheol offers. His mind is going a mile a minute at the prospect of a next time but he knows he can’t make you do anything, nor did he want to. 
“Hmm... well, how about this! Why don’t you... send me a message with your real phone number and---and a picture of yourself! And then I’ll contact you so you don’t feel like you’re botherin’ me or something.” You feel the adrenaline rushing through your body, ears and face hot now that you’d asked for his personal info. 
“I--I can do that.” 
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The two of you end the call before you can fall asleep on it; wishing each other a good night before you hang up. Seungcheol felt weird about not tipping you or paying you for the call, but you had insisted he didn't need to, since you were the one who offered at first. 
You lay in bed, catching your breath and thinking about Seungcheol and how that call went nothing like you ever expected. 
Not that you hated it, in fact, you only wanted to know more about him.
Seungcheol sends you a message minutes later, your inbox pinging on the screen as you lean over to open the message. 
The first thing you see is his phone number; a simple ‘sweet dreams. ;)’ attached. But the next thing you see is the photo attachment, which you click as quickly as you can.
You drool. You can’t help it, but you do. 
His hard cock the first thing you notice about the photo. The next thing are the veins on his hands and the way his hand looks small wrapped around his thick cock. You feel like your throat is as dry as a desert but your eyes travel up; heart beating even quicker when you see his toned torso that leads up to his extremely handsome face and silvery-blue hair.
“Holy shit.” 
Seungcheol was definitely not a forty year old pervert. 
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
(( Soooo Pokemon AU? Idk if you’re a fan of Pokemon but given all the cool snippets and stuff you’ve written I figured I’d return the favour in a way and write this and submit it to you! I included some notes at the end! ))
– Unstable Genes –
Billy knew Steve would have a preppy, rich boy Pokemon. He just knew it. Granted he expected it to be something more powerful and less, cute.
The Eevee was always at Harrington’s side, matching brown doe-eyes observing the school. It didn’t shy from the larger Pokemon that approached it, nor did it act sickeningly sweet. It stood it’s ground, head held high, matching Steve’s general disinterest in the bustle of the school or the gossip around it. It was so weird to see such a small ball of fluff regard bigger, tougher Pokemon with such little concern. Billy didn’t know a lot about Eevees but he knew Steves was… off. For one thing, the aloofness. For another, it was (apparently) strong as fuck according to Tommy and half the school. Tommy in particular wouldn’t shut up about the battles the little Eevee had won, helping to secure old King Steve’s crown before he lost it. The other thing was that it hadn’t evolved, despite Steve apparently having it since he was ten.
Billy knew an Eevee’s DNA was extremely fucked. They evolved if you so much as looked at them funny. Buy some expensive stone and shove it in your Eevee’s face? it’ll evolve. Take them aboard to some fancy place and rub it on a stone in a specific place? It’ll evolve. Give it a ton of cake and pet it a bunch? It’ll evolve. It’s not hard to get those things if you can afford the Eevee in the first place. There were no wild Eevee’s anywhere; they were all from breeders and cost far more than anyone should pay for a Pokemon, so if you could afford the Eevee, you’d evolve it. If you weren’t keeping it for a pet.
It just made Billy all the more curious. Curious about the once King Steve and his un-evolved Eevee. And Klaus - his Luxio, the only Pokemon he had managed to keep from Cali - was equally curious. It wanted a decent fight. It saw the little Eevee, heard the stories, and licked it’s teeth, eyes gleaming. Klaus always looked for that Eevee, always trying to catch it’s gaze, caught between growling for it’s attention and purring, letting eelctricity crackle in it’s fur with every step. Billy couldn’t blame Klaus. He saw Steve and ached for the fight. To see his eyes focus on them and them alone, take charge of the battle, hear him issue commands to that Eevee. To get Steve’s skin under his fists, under his hands, to scratch, to grip, to grapple. To feel him sweat and bleed. To press him down with his body.
Then came the Night. Billy got to face King Steve, staring him down after being sent on a bullshit mission to find Max. He’d wanted this for so long but not like this. Not when it was backed up with the shit from his old man. Not when he saw Max peered from the window. Not when Steve fucking lied to his face about his sister being there with a bunch of weird boys. Klaus snarled, and Steve’s little Eevee puffed up, digging kitten claws into the earth.
It was criminal Billy couldn’t remember the fight that followed, thanks to the drugs Max had shot into him (that shit was crystal clear - the rest of the tape, the good shit, was covered in static and fuzz). He remembered throwing a punch. He remembered getting punched back. He remembered smashing a plate. He remembered feeling a pair of canines sink into his ankle as the little furball bit him, evading his attempts to kick it off. He remembered Klaus lunging, electricity crackling in his teeth as he lunged at the Eevee. And then, jackshit. But he saw the results of it the next day.
Steve was bruised, deep purple splotches darkening as his body worked to recover. On his pale skin they were beautiful, vivid proof that Billy had gotten his hands on King Steve and left a mark. Steve glanced over and for a moment, their eyes met. Billy didn’t look away. Steve didn’t either. Billy resisted the urge to lick his teeth. To make it another challenge. It was when his Luxio gave a deep, rumbling noise beside him, caught between a growl and a purr, that Billy turned, following his Luxio’s gaze to the Pokemon at Steve’s side. Billy wanted to punch something. Steve’s Eevee was no longer an Eevee. Steve’s Eevee had evolved, during or just after their fight, and he couldn’t remember it.
Billy didn’t know a lot about Eevee’s aside from them evolving at the drop of a hat. He didn’t know what it was, but it was not a preppy little furball anymore. It’s fur was sleek and black, with yellow rings on it’s legs and forehead, matched by bands around it’s ears and tail. The doe-like, black eyes were gone, replaced by knowing, red eyes. It looked directly at Billy. For an eternity, Billy stared at it as it watched him. The yellow rings glowed and dimmed in a hypnotic pulse rhythm. Yellow on black, like every caution and warning sign Billy had seen. Finally, it turned, following Steve down the hallway.
It didn’t take long to find a book on Eevees in the library, to find out what the hell Harrington’s Eevee had become. He found the page with a picture of the Pokemon, reading through it and freezing, ignoring the dirty look from the libraian as Klaus stood on his hind legs to look at the book, as if he could fucking read (Really, he was just staring at the picture).
“Umbreon, the Moonlight Pokemon. A well trained Eevee with a strong bond to it’s trainer can evolve into an Umbreon under the influence of the Moon.
A nocturnal hunter, it blends in with darkness by dimming the markings on it’s body. When excited and ready to strike, the markings shine brightly, startling it’s prey. It’s possible that it uses the glow of it’s markings to communicate with others… Not much is known about this Pokemon; Umbreons (and Espeons; see page 196) are unknown in the wild, and few trainers evolve their Eevees this way. Most cite that it is easier to evolve their Eevees through other means and train them appropriately according to how they evolve, rather than spend the time to attain these forms and then hone their training. Fewer still are willing donate their Pokemon for research on this elusive species…”
Billy looked down at Klaus, snapping the book shut. He knew Max had told him to stay away from her little weirdo friends. Which apparently included Steve. Which was still extremely fucking weird. But he wanted to know. He wanted to know what the fuck happened that night. Why Steve was there. What the fuck Max and those kids were doing. How Steve’s Eevee had evolved from some little bundle of fluff into a literal Pokemon of the night. “Klaus. We got some training to do.”
(( Steve’s Pokemon is an Eevee! It’s a rare Pokemon; in earlier games it couldn’t be found in the wild at all, and you’d only get one given to you. They can evolve into a total of eight different Pokemon, depending on what method you use, and each evolved Pokemon is a different type with different stats and abilities. So it’s very popular! It feels like the kind of thing Steve’s parents would give him and think “yep, we’re good parents, back to work/never being at home”. And given how listless Steve generally is, he wouldn’t have decided how to evolve it. Until it evolves in response to…well, the everything happening! Steve’s evolved into an Umbreon, a dark type, which has high defensive stats. Eevee evolves into Umbreon when it had a strong bond with it’s trainer and levels up at night-time - I feel like the events of Stranger Things would cause Steve to develop a very real bond with it and cause the evolution. And I can’t decide what he would name it or if it would be a boy or a girl (girls are much rarer than males - it’s like a 1/8 chance of obtaining a female Eevee).
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Billy’s Pokemon is a Luxio! It’s essentially a teenage lion, and an electric type. They’re not super rare but they look extremely rad and channel electricity into their claws/fangs when they attack! They also develop the ability to see through walls when their eyes gleam a golden colour, which they use to trakc prey or lost cubs of theirs… It evolves from a Shinx (a cub basically) and then evolves into a Luxray (the adult lion). It feels very Billy to me! I imagine he had another pokemon that was a water type/fish, so he had to leave them in the sea when he ended up going to Hawkins. I also took the name Klaus from the lead singer of the Scorpions cos I am not that good at coming up with names.
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God this ended up being massive, I completely understand if you don’t post this. I don’t really know how to sign this off cos this is literally my first contribution to the Harringrove fandom despite lurking for a while. But again, thank you for all the stuff you write! I hope that even if you don’t like Pokemon, this makes ya smile. I guess I should leave a name or something, URM
- that guy who made the stupidly long Pokemon AU submission
I LOVE pokemon this is so fucking good. I’ve definitely thought about Steve having an Eevee before, and I love it evolving That Night, especially into Umbreon, that’s so GOOD and POWERFUL. I also love the idea of Steve with Mimikyu for,,,, angst reasons. And I love Billy with Luxio. I totally see him with electric or fire types because he would really like the strength and energy those types bring. I’ve thought about him with Cubone (also for angst reasons), or even Growlithe/Arcanine mostly bc I’m more familiar with gen 1 and 2. Seriously, I love this SO MUCH and if you ever wanna write more 👀👀 I would LOVE to read it.
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agapaic · 4 years
[19 days] sin city
this drabble is a gift to one of my dearest and biggest supporters, @geoviki​, who requested a bonus ‘second kiss’ continuation scene between he tian and guan shan in the ‘sweet tooth’ universe (a crazy rich asians-inspired fic), and i sincerely hope you enjoy it, viki! all my love, xxx
Guan Shan hasn’t set foot in God’s house since he was a kid. His mother goes every weekend when she doesn’t have a double shift, but he can’t bring himself to go with her. Too busy, too cynical. He knows he can’t struggle with his faith when he’s lost it; he doesn’t know if he ever found it. He knows without a doubt that he sins.
As it is, he isn’t burnt in the service, isn’t poisoned by the communion. He thinks that if anyone were to be dealt retribution then he wouldn’t be first in line. Singapore’s elite have bigger, dustier skeletons in their closets than Guan Shan, half-disintegrated with age.
He tells himself this through the readings and prayers and hymns he’s forgotten the words to, glances routinely through the stained-glass windows for a glimpse of an outside reality he can’t see. He can hear it: the rush of mid-morning traffic beyond the grassy verges of the church, neatly protected from the central business district by iron fencing and a half-acre of flower beds and rain trees.
Beneath the lip of the pew, where copies of the testaments, old and new, have been neatly placed and the firm, embroidered hassocks hang off metal hooks, He Tian squeezes Guan Shan’s hand.
‘Nearly done,’ he murmurs, while Father Joshua delivers his sermon on godliness in children and parental obedience.
Guan Shan's gaze slides to his. It’s one of the only things He Tian’s said the whole service.
‘You believe all this?’ he asks, whispering.
‘They do,’ He Tian replies, his lips barely moving.
Fans move lazily above them from the high steepled ceiling, their chains rattling over the din of the priest’s solemn tone. They don’t offer much: the inside of the church is still sticky with heat, and members of the congregation attempt to cool themselves with the service pamphlets or paperback copies of the Bible with broken spines and annotations in the margins.
From the seat in front of them, Guan Shan watches a bead of sweat slide down a woman’s neck, dampness collecting at the high laced collar of her Chanel dress. She has her own bamboo fan, painted with pretty avian sketches.
Guan Shan pulls his gaze away. ‘Which godly child are you?’ he asks He Tian quietly. ‘Absolom or Samuel?’
He Tian tries to hide a grin. ‘Destroyer of kingdoms or a monk?’ he questions, angling his head as if looking behind him. His breath is cool at Guan Shan’s ear. Guan Shan lets him lean close, breathing in sandalwood and khus oil. ‘Are those my only choices?’
Guan Shan sets his eyes forward. ‘Nothin’ else seems to be acceptable.’
‘Yes—they’re a stern lot.’
‘They should put their money where their mouth is.’
He Tian snorts quietly. He releases Guan Shan’s hand, and Guan Shan says nothing when his hand moves instead to rest innocently atop Guan Shan’s thigh.
‘He Tian…’ he starts to warn.
He Tian keeps his expression plain. ‘I told you if you came I’d make it worth your while.’
‘That’s not—’ Guan Shan bats his hand away. The gesture elicits a harsh smacking sound, and a few heads turn. Guan Shan presses his lips into a hard line. When eventually their attention shifts away again, Guan Shan hisses, ‘I’m not doin’ that.’
‘I thought you didn’t care much for His wrath,’ He Tian says, pointing discreetly upwards.
‘That’s got nothin’ to do with…’ Guan Shan breaks off. He Tian’s eyes are glittering. He’s joking with him. Guan Shan clenches his jaw. Murmuring, he says: ‘You shouldn’t mess with people like that.’
‘But you make it so much fun,’ He Tian whispers.
Guan Shan glares at him. He endures the rest of the sermon in stoic silence. Absolom, he thinks. He Tian, the destroyer of kingdoms—and young men’s hearts.
They linger outside after the sermon. The air is thick and charged with the aftermath of a morning thunderstorm, the ground wet with rain and the smell of petrichor. Guan Shan breathes in deeply, stepping back while He Tian greets strangers and allows middle-aged women to offer both cheeks for him to kiss, their husbands noticeably absent. They run their eyes over Guan Shan and the suit he’s going to make He Tian return by the end of the day, and He Tian politely evades their desire for introductions.
He knows everyone, Guan Shan realises, but it doesn’t surprise him. He’s seen the He family work a crowd at a party or a charity function. The lingering congregation of a Sunday mass is only another opportunity to schmooze and gossip.
‘Just another five minutes,’ He Tian murmurs at Guan Shan’s ear. ‘My father will have my hide if I don’t show my face for a decent length of time.’
‘How long’s that? By his standards?’
‘He’d have me go to brunch with someone’s mother and their daughter if he had his way.’
Guan Shan fingernails bite into his palms. The thought of He Tian being palmed off to some socialite’s offspring makes him bitter with jealousy. He’s seen He Tian only a few times since the charity function at the She estate, communicated with him mostly in veiled text messages and late night calls.
It’s been weeks since they’d shared the feeling of each other’s lips in a quiet room at the She mansion, weeks since they’d shared kueh with their legs dangling over the edge of a jetty across from Sentosa island. Most nights, Guan Shan still tastes both on his lips.
He’s got little stake to claim over the young heir of the He fortune, but he can’t help himself. He goes where He Tian asks him to, wears the suits He Tian buys him. Fuck, he’s started smoking his brand of cigarettes, too. And if He Tian wants to take him to church one Sunday morning so he has better company than a band of middle-aged women wanting him for themselves more than their daughters… Who is Guan Shan to say no after the first three times?
‘What are you thinking?’
Guan Shan blinks. Another church-goer has come and gone, and they’re alone. He Tian is watching him closely.
‘I want a cigarette,’ Guan Shan says. Technically, it’s not a lie.
He Tian snorts. ‘In the courtyard of our Lady of the Veil? Blasphemy, Mo Guan Shan.’
Guan Shan shrugs. He remembers their exchange at the threshold of the church, where two children no more than ten stood with a coin bowl held out, covered in pool-table green cloth and more cash than Guan Shan earns from a month’s tips.
‘I’m not a Catholic,’ he’d told He Tian, feeling strangely compelled to tell him with an even stranger degree of anxiety about the fact, as if it were a make-or-break moment for something they had that could neither be made nor broken.
He Tian had snorted then, too. ‘Don’t worry,’ he’d said, stepping through the doors, palming the children a few bills to line their pockets. ‘Neither am I.’
Now, Guan Shan watches as He Tian reaches into the lining of his suit jacket and pulls out a carton of cigarettes from the pocket. It’s too warm to stand outside in their Sunday best for long, and He Tian tugs Guan Shan over beneath the shade of an Indian-almond tree, its boughs offering some cool relief to a small section of the church courtyard.
Guan Shan watches He Tian light a cigarette between his lips, the flame close to his fingers. It catches; there’s a cherry red glow. Smoke blooms between them, and then He Tian plucks the cigarette from his lips and holds it out as if it’s a newly picked flower.
‘Here,’ he says. A moment passes, where Guan Shan doesn’t take it. ‘I thought you wanted it.’
‘I do, I just—’ Guan Shan can feel his cheeks starting to redden. He swallows. His throat has gone dry. He can hear the voices of men and women standing before the church. He knows some of them are watching, wondering, eager to know who his family is and where he’s come from and how he has captured He Tian’s attention with such painful, singular attentiveness.
‘You’re not—’ He Tian breaks off with a laugh. ‘You’re not worried that I’ve touched it, are you?’
Guan Shan looks away, and He Tian’s eyes widen.
‘Oh,’ he says. His smile grows wider. ‘Mo Guan Shan,’ he croons. ‘I didn’t know you were such a puritan. How proud He’d be.’
‘Shut up,’ Guan Shan mutters.
He Tian’s stance shifts, intrigued. ‘If I’d known it took an indirect kiss to make you blush, Man Upstairs be damned, I’d have put my mouth elsewhere a long time ago.’
‘Shut up.’
He Tian’s laughter is deep as he takes a drag of his cigarette. Some of the women are frowning at him. The hot breeze carries the smoke in their direction, and they waft it away with their fans and paper service pamphlets, rouged mouths pursing tightly. He smiles at them, all affable apologies, and they can’t begrudge him long.
‘They want you to fuck them,’ Guan Shan mutters.
He Tian’s eyes flick to his, and his smile grows indulgent. ‘I know,’ he says.
‘You’re not gonna do anythin’ about it?’
‘Like what?’
Guan Shan grits his teeth. ‘Like—tell them to fuck off?’
He Tian snorts. ‘They’re old friends of the family. And you forget they haven’t made me an offer, sweetheart.’
‘And if they did?’
He Tian considers him carefully. His playfulness begins to fade. ‘You’re jealous,’ he says. ‘Of them?’
‘They’d divorce their investment husbands if they knew they had a chance with you.’
He Tian taps cigarette ash to the ground. He looks away, squinting at the skyline, considering something, before taking a step forward.
‘Firstly,’ says He Tian, his voice low, ‘if they had a chance with me they’d know it. Secondly, there’d be no divorce or marriage to a man twenty years their junior because their reputations wouldn’t survive the scandal. And thirdly: what the fuck would I want with them when I have the prospect of a whole indirect kiss with you?’
Guan Shan glares at him. ‘Gimme that,’ he says, snatching the cigarette from He Tian’s fingers before putting it to his lips. He nearly chokes on the inhale, eyes watering, and smoke seeps from the corners of his mouth before he can control it the way he wants it to. There’s nothing attractive about it, but he catches He Tian watching him with an indulgent smile.
‘It’s been five minutes,’ He Tian says, taking a glance at his watch. ‘We can go now. I promised to buy you brunch. You’re still happy with Orchard Road?’
‘I’m not finished,’ Guan Shan says.
He Tian’s brows lift. ‘You can’t smoke and walk?’
‘I didn’t mean that.’
He Tian tilts his head. ‘Oh?’
‘I meant—it’s not really fair, is it? It’s always—always you kissin’ me, and shit.’
‘Yeah, with the—distractin’ the guards at She Li’s house and with—’ He makes a vague gesture. ‘—the cigarette and—’
‘Guan Shan—’
‘—it’s only fair that I get to prove my own fuckin’ point too—’
‘Mo Guan Shan—’
‘So will you just shut up and let me kiss you?’
He Tian stares at him.
Then he swallows.
‘If you really want to,’ he starts, ‘I suppose I’m in no position to—mmphh!’
It isn’t tender or soft, and Guan Shan is vaguely aware of the cigarette burning to ash between his fingers. He lets it fall, hopes he’s ground it out beneath his foot properly and remembers to pick it up after or risk a fine, but first: this. His fingers tightly locked in the dark strands of He Tian’s hair; He Tian’s lips bruising against his own, the sharp gasps of the women loitering by the church doors.
It’s exactly as he remembers from last time. A crushing pressure, the sense of being caught unawares. No finesse. Guan Shan knows it could be slower, that they could take their time, a pilgrimage of vulnerability and one body learning another, but something possessive in him has taken over—this is a crusade.
He Tian’s answering kiss twists into a grin against Guan Shan’s mouth. Guan Shan swallows He Tian’s amusement down, finds the feel of He Tian’s smile against his lips unfairly alluring. He does his best to try and rid He Tian of it, crowding close until He Tian’s back hits the trunk of the almond tree and He Tian is groaning beneath the pressure of his lips. He tastes the acrid smoke of their shared cigarette and He Tian’s breath mints, feels the humid beat of the mid-morning sun—and He Tian’s hand pressing gently at his chest.
He pulls away, staggering and breathing hard. With satisfaction, he notes that He Tian is, too.
‘I think we’re even now,’ says He Tian, a slight rasp to his voice. His eyes are bright and he runs his thumbnail over his lower lip, which has gone swollen and red. ‘You’ve suitably convinced your audience.’
Guan Shan looks away. ‘Dunno what you’re talkin’ about.’
‘Oh?’ He Tian asks, amused. ‘That wasn’t you staking your claim?’
Guan Shan hesitates. Part of him can’t bear to look behind him. ‘Are you gonna be excommunicated?’
He Tian chuckles. ‘I’m sure I can find my way back in. Father Joshua is particularly fond of He Cheng’s hideously curvaceous Bugatti.’
‘Guess that’s somethin’,’ Guan Shan mutters.
In answer, He Tian sweeps a hand through the loose strands of Guan Shan’s red hair that have slipped down across his forehead. The touch is fond and familiar and makes Guan Shan swallow hard.
‘You know,’ says He Tian. ‘You can do that any time you want. Not just to prove a point.’
‘You haven’t,’ says Guan Shan, an accusation.
‘I didn’t want to scare you off. I realise last time I was a bit—’
‘Abrupt,’ He Tian corrects delicately. ‘But still—I don’t want you to think you’re any less mine.’
Guan Shan looks at him. ‘Thought you couldn’t have anythin’ you wanted.’
‘Ah…’ He Tian drops his hand, leans back on the heels of his Louis Vitto’s. Almost boyishly, he says, ‘I thought it was a done deal. You and me.’
Guan Shan neither confirms or denies. Instead he asks, ‘Who’d you trade with to get that impression?’
He Tian nods his head upwards. ‘Did it work? I sold my soul for it. ’
‘And they still let you in?’
He Tian’s look is sinful. ‘They let the worst of us through.’
Guan Shan rolls his eyes. He wets his lips. ‘Well,’ he says. ‘I think you’re on a decent road to redemption.’
‘Is that your way of saying it was a worthwhile bargain?’ Tell me it worked.
‘Is that your way of askin’ if I’m yours?’ Guan Shan asks. All these riddles and metaphors—sometimes he has to bring them back to the ground, make sure they’re on the same page.
Guan Shan nods, then jerks his chin in a challenge. ‘Make me believe it and I might be.’
He Tian’s eyes flicker towards the church just for a moment, but then he smirks, reaffirming their closeness with one step. ‘Mo Guan Shan,’ he murmurs, angling his head down, ‘I thought you’d never ask.’
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series masterlist
warnings: swearing, some confusing emotions 😳.
length: 3.4k
a/n: this continues straight on from part three. it should also be noted that i know nothing about coney island.
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“Look, just forget it alright? Let’s just move on. I’ll see you Friday.”
Your leaving statement replays on a loop inside Bucky’s head, loud enough that he barely registers anything Steve says to him throughout their entire session.
“That’ll do for today.”
Unhearing, Bucky continues to pummel the punching bag.
“Buck, I said that’ll do.”
“Oh.” Dropping his hands, Bucky shakes his head. “Sorry, didn’t hear ya.”
Steve hums in response, bending to pick up their equipment.
As his best friend, Steve knew everything, so of course Bucky had told him about what transpired in the parking lot earlier.
His advice had been simple - 
“Listen to her Buck. If she wants to talk about it, she will.”
Just forget it. Move on.
Could he do that?
Bucky couldn’t simply brush over what had happened in the past and act like it hadn’t been wrong, like you hadn’t deserved better. That wasn’t the kind of man Bucky wanted to be.
If you needed him to act indifferent for the time being, then he would. However, that wasn’t going to stop him from trying to make it up to you, or hell, even trying to get you to like him again.
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Your heels rhythmically click against the wooden slats of the boardwalk while a cool breeze swirls around the bottom of your dress, making it flutter around your thighs.
Steve had messaged you this morning with an address, stating to meet them there at half past five for dinner.
Google Maps had informed you that your destination was a diner - ‘Peggy’s’ specifically, the name which glows down on you now in large red cursive neon lights.
You can tell the diner is themed before you even enter, though the term ‘themed’ seems inappropriate after you’ve stepped inside.
If you were none the wiser, you could have been fooled into thinking you had just stepped through a time portal to the forties. Especially as some of the customers, along with the staff, are dressed to suit the era.
Everything around you seems to have been plucked from the past - everything except the stunning sketches and oil paintings decorating the walls.
Moving further into the diner, you glance over the artworks placed above each booth, slowing to a stop when your eyes settle on one particularly beautiful painting.
It depicts a couple dancing in a park at night, under the glow of a lamppost while the stars twinkle above them. The scene tugs at your heart.
Stepping closer to admire it more, you’re not surprised to find Steve’s signature sitting in the bottom right corner. The same corner a price tag hangs from.
So this is where he sells his art.
“You know, I reckon Steve would give ya a discount.”
There’s no need to turn around, you know who it is.
“Yeah? What do you think, fifty percent off?”
Nice. You praise yourself internally.
This was letting go and moving on. This was having a simple, harmless conversation.
Just like old friends would.
Bucky lets out a low whistle, “Nah, he’s too much of a tight ass… I’d say ten percent.”
A smile breaks across your face, laughter bubbling in your throat.
“Fuck off, like I’d make her pay.”
Now you turn around.
“Thanks Stevie.” You grin.
Knocking Bucky’s shoulder, Steve discloses “You on the other hand, I’d charge double asshole.”
“What makes you think I’d even want your shit art?”
The pair begin bickering, finally pulling the laughter out of you.
Some things never change.
“They’re worse than children.” A feminine voice states.
Is that a British accent?
Turning towards the speaker, you’re momentarily stunned by the woman you see.
Not one strand of her short, wavy brown hair sticks out of place. It just rests delicately against the shoulders of her dress, which is hugging her hips perfectly.
Matching many of the objects around the diner, her lips are painted a bold red, making them stand out as much as her big brown eyes.
You can’t tell if the emotion flooding you is envy or love. Maybe both.
“Absolutely.” You hope she doesn’t notice your brief pause. “You must be Peggy, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Likewise, I’ve heard a lot about you.” She smiles.
“Oh.” Flustered by the statement, you joke “Good things I hope.”
“The best.” Peggy promises, her lips twisting into a smirk that screams mischief.
Choosing to ignore it, you change the subject entirely.
“Your diner is amazing.”
Glancing around her fondly, she replies “Thank you, I’m very proud of it.”
“Yeah, the only letdown is the art choice.”
Both of you turn to look at Bucky, an equally unimpressed look on both of your faces.
“Easy,” Bucky soothes, raising his hands. “I was kidding.”
Steve smiles in triumph at Bucky’s surrender while Peggy suggests “How about we go sit down? I reserved the table out back.”
Out back?
Bucky falls in step beside you as Steve and Peggy lead the way and your curiosity must show on your face because he tells you “It’s real pretty, you’re gonna love it.”
Remaining polite, you tilt your head up and give a small smile.
You hadn’t actually taken notice of Bucky’s appearance until now and you realise that this is the first time you’ve seen him out of boxing attire.
His chest is covered by a black t-shirt that’s probably a little tighter than it needs to be. Combined with dark denim jeans, it’s irritating how good Bucky can make an outfit so underwhelmingly basic look.
Like that night in the ring, his hair is tied back in a low bun and his face is freshly shaven. Due to your close proximity you can smell his aftershave.
You decide to focus on the backs of Steve and Peggy until you’re escorted through to an enclosed outdoor area.
The vintage atmosphere is continued out here with soft oldie’s music and the furniture choices, but it feels like you’re at a garden party. 
Vines wrap around the latticework enclosing the area while flowers of various colours bloom all over. There are fairy lights strung along the roof and woven amongst the plants but due to the early hour you’re only left to imagine how beautiful it must look all lit up.
Bucky was right, you adore it.
A large circular table waits in the middle of the space, surrounded by white garden chairs. You choose to sit beside Peggy, leaving Bucky to take a seat on your left, next to Steve.
The moment everyone is seated a waitress appears with water and menus. Naturally you ask Peggy for her suggestions, only to end up watching with an amused smile as she orders for the whole table. 
You don’t mind in the slightest. If you were to trust anyone with ordering, it’d be the owner.
Once the waitress - Sharon, has left with the table’s orders, you take the opportunity to ask your most pressing question.
“Alright, how did you and Steve meet?” You look at Peggy, knowing she’ll most likely give the best recount of the story.
Steve smiles through a sigh.
“Well,” Peggy begins “I was going in and out of art galleries around Brooklyn trying to find an artist with works I loved enough to put up around the diner.” She shoots Steve a dazzling smile, “It was pure chance that Steve had his first show on while I was looking.”
“I fell in love with his work the moment I saw it, a similar feeling I had when I met the artist.” She teases, reaching across the table to give Steve’s hand an affectionate squeeze. “I was constantly setting up the most pointless meetings with him about the diner and his art hoping he’d ask me out, but after two weeks it took one rather big nudge from me before he finally did.” Peggy laughs.
Steve’s cheeks turn red as he rolls his eyes, murmuring something you can’t hear.
“At least she didn’t have to put up with his pining every single day for those two weeks.” Bucky mutters, taking a sip of water.
A huff of laughter escapes you quietly, the lovebirds too absorbed in each other to hear Bucky’s words.
“So, how long have you been in Brooklyn for?” Peggy asks you, looking away from Steve.
“I’m coming up on six months.”
“Where were you previously?”
“California,” You smile wistfully. “I was offered a job here after graduation and I wanted to be somewhere closer to home.”
“Your dad must be happy.” Steve remarks.
“He is, though I don’t really visit him as much as I should.” You admit.
Thinking on it further, you realise you haven’t seen your father since you first moved to Brooklyn.
Shit, that long?
Bucky hums, “I haven’t seen Ma in ages.”
“We gotta go visit Winnie sometime soon.” Steve declares.
Seems like all three of you owed your hometown an overdue visit.
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“College… in California?”
Nervous, you begin rambling. “It’s just an idea, I know there’s still two years of high school left but I thought I should start thinking about what -”
“Hey, hey.” Your father cuts in, resting his hands on your shoulders with a soft smile. “I was just surprised honey, California sounds great.”
Giving a hesitant smile, you test “Really?”
You weren’t being completely honest when you told him it was “just an idea” - it was your dream. There wasn’t any particular college you wanted to attend, you just needed it to be not here.
What better place to choose than somewhere on the other side of the country?
This town was your home and it always would be, but you wanted to experience somewhere that wasn’t “just down the road”. The biggest problem with living in one small place since birth was that life became predictable - boring even. 
You craved something different, something new and exciting.
Maybe your father could see that.
“Of course, it’s your life honey, I’m just along for the ride.”
Grinning now, you throw your arms around him in a hug, gripping tightly.
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The four of you step out onto the boardwalk laughing, the conversation still rolling fast from dinner, consisting mostly of funny and consequently, embarrassing stories.
You’re all heading down to the rides and games Coney Island is popular for, chasing some fun before having to head off at eight.
The wind has picked up since you first arrived, carrying with it the salty scent of the sea and sound of crashing waves. That is before it’s drowned out by the screams of thrill seekers and smell of popcorn.
“Should you be doing this sort of stuff before a match?” You ask Bucky, following behind Peggy as she drags a reluctant Steve towards the Cyclone.
“I’ll be fine as long as I back off around seven.”
You nod in response. It was almost half past six now, and a two hour rest period sounded sensible.
The line you join isn’t too long, a few minutes wait at best. Once again, Steve and Peggy are enraptured by one another, leaving you to carry a conversation with Bucky.
“Are you nervous?”
“Are you nervous?”
You both laugh in surprise before Bucky clarifies “I was talking about the ride…”
“I was talking about your match.”
Bucky ah’s, facing ahead. “Of course not.”
When a few moments of silence pass, he looks back down at you.
Your raised eyebrows inform him that you’re unsatisfied with his answer and clearly waiting for a better one.
Bucky laughs - a real one this time, and your lips lift in a smile, just like they always have at the sound.
“Maybe I should hire you as my manager,” Bucky jokes. “You’re showing more concern for my pre-match state than Tony is yet.”
The conversation is briefly paused while the two of you are directed by a staff member to stand behind a gate.
“I know I can win,” Bucky continues afterwards. “I’m quicker, so as long as I stay focused in the ring and read him right, it’ll be peachy.”
That’s a better answer.
“Now,” He says as the gate swings open and you both move forward. “Your turn to answer my question.”
“I love roller coasters.” You state, sitting down. “But I’m always nervous at the start.”
Bucky lowers himself down beside you and due to the small size of the carriage his entire right side is pressed against your left. 
He’s really warm.
“Wanna hold hands then?” Bucky teases, just like he always used to with you. “No shame in it, Steve held mine on his first go.”
“I did not!” Steve defends from the carriage in front of you.
You laugh so hard at the mental image Bucky has provided that your eyes water.
Gripping the lap bar after Bucky pulls it down, you smile “I prefer to hold onto this, thanks.”
“Alright,” He shrugs with a grin. “I’m here if you change your mind.” 
Holding onto the lap bar as well, he places his right hand but an inch from your left.
It’s there, in a cramped space overwhelmed by so much… Bucky, you almost forget everything.
You almost can’t remember anyone who isn’t the man looking over at you right now. You almost feel like no time has passed, like it’s still five years ago when you lived by the simple truth that life was perfect, even if it wasn’t, because you had Bucky.
You almost reach over and take his hand.
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“The Ferris wheel! We can’t leave without going on that.” Peggy insists, pointing at the giant rotating circle.
Steve looks down at his watch and nods. “We’ve got enough time, the line looks short and we’ll leave after.”
Peggy turns to Bucky. “It’s nothing crazy either, you can come with us.”
“Nah,” Shaking his head, Bucky pushes his hands into his jean pockets. “I’ll just wait down here with this one.”
Surprised, you meet Bucky’s gaze and he offers you a rare shy smile.
He remembers.
Peggy’s eyebrows furrow with confusion until you explain “I don’t like heights.”
You love roller coasters, something you learnt during your years in California. A discovery that shocked you, given your fear. Maybe it was because they went fast and you were harnessed, you weren’t exactly sure.
Ferris wheels however…
You were seventeen and the annual fair had come to town. Somehow, you had let Steve and Bucky convince you to go on the Ferris wheel with them. Well, Bucky had a lot to do with it, but that wasn’t important.
Wanda had been rightly surprised by your decision and opted to wait on the ground with a knowing smirk.
Steve and Bucky soon realised how much you had been downplaying your “dislike of heights” once you started crying when the cage stopped at the top of the wheel. The whole ordeal had been mortifying, to say the least.
The fact that Bucky still actively recalls such a trivial piece of information is unexpected.
“That’s right.” Steve recollects, a grin creeping across his face.
Yep, now he remembers too.
“Shut up Rogers.” You warn before he can utter another word.
“I wasn’t gonna say anything.” He sings, grabbing Peggy’s hand and whisking her off towards the wheel of torture, no doubt already recounting the story to her.
Sighing, you turn to face Bucky and jest “I’ll allow you ten seconds of laughter.”
Instead of bantering back like you expect, he simply states “There’s nothing to laugh about, you were scared.”
Bucky’s earnestness throws you off, especially with the way he’s looking at you, his mouth twitching like there’s something else he wants to say but knows he shouldn’t.
It scares you enough that you start looking around, searching for something to change the topic.
“Teddy bears.” You breathe out. “They’re so cute.”
Honestly it’s the most random thing you could have commented on, but Bucky doesn’t seem overly fazed by your words, simply twisting to look at them too.
“I’ll win you one.”
With just four words the tension that was rising seconds ago fizzles away, replaced by the friendly, teasing air that has been building over the last few hours.
“Strong words.” You retort.
“Good thing I’m about to back them up then.” Bucky grins.
Strolling over to the game booth, you hum “We’ll see.”
Bucky pays the attendee who then places four basketballs in front of him.
“Three balls in the net to win.” The pimply teen drones, not even attempting to cover their boredom.
Picking up a basketball, Bucky makes a show of taking a deep breath before rolling his shoulders and neck, clearly for no real purpose other than to amuse you.
It works because much to your horror, you giggle.
How long has it been since I did that?
When he finally throws the ball, it lands straight in the net.
You award him with a short round of applause. The attendee doesn’t even look up from their phone.
Bucky’s second shot follows the path of the first. His third however, hits the backboard and bounces off to the side.
“Uh-oh Barnes, guess you should stick with boxing.” You taunt with a smirk.
Lining up his fourth and final shot, Bucky offhandedly responds “Don’t give up on me yet angel.”
The pet name he issues you so casually catches you off guard and you miss the ball going in.
“Not to say I told you so, but I did.”
Blinking to break the stupor you had unknowingly entered, you take in Bucky standing before you with a wide, boyish grin.
“I got you the blue one.”
The one you wanted.
“Thank you.” Smiling genuinely, you accept the prize. “I guess you were right.”
Bucky laughs at the look of distaste you make after the words leave your mouth. 
Moving away from the game booth and back towards the Ferris wheel, he muses “I thought those words would taste bad.”
“Terrible.” You confirm as the two of you come to a standstill out of the way of foot traffic to wait for Peggy and Steve.
“How about we just call it luck?” Bucky proposes, looking down at you.
You can’t help but think he’s trying to make a reference to you, but regardless you quietly agree “Alright.”
Silence falls between you but it’s comfortable, not awkward or strained.
Intrigued by the individuals around you, your eyes are flicking from one spot to the next, hence why you catch Bucky as he scrunches up his nose and gives a small shake of his head.
After riding the Cyclone you had noticed that some of Bucky’s hair had fallen loose from his bun and this marked at least the tenth time you’ve caught him trying to flip away one particularly annoying strand.
You have no idea why he doesn’t just tuck it behind his ear or hell, redo his bun.
Dumb man.
Before you can even think about what you’re doing, you push yourself up on the tips of your toes and lift your hand to tuck the strand securely behind his ear, your fingertips brushing against his cheek in the process.
Bucky’s eyes widen almost comically at the action, his mouth parting slightly as you bring your hand back down.
Your skin flushes hot as you rattle your brain for something to say.
Why did I do that?
It feels like your heart is about to beat its way out of your chest.
“Uh, I could see it was annoying you.” You reason poorly.
Licking his lips, Bucky responds with a simple “Thanks.”
You can’t help but notice the deeper tone of his voice.
“Ready to go?”
Steve’s question startles you both, making you flinch.
“Yep!” You announce, a little too enthusiastically.
“Lovely bear.” Peggy compliments.
Gazing down at the bear that you’re squeezing awfully tight against your chest, you respond “Yeah, Bucky won it.”
Something tells you she already knew that.
“Do you know how to get there?” Steve asks you as you all start walking.
“I got Maps.”
“Nonsense.” Peggy intervenes, “I’ll be your navigator.” Strolling over to your side, she loops her arm through yours.
“Okay.” You smile, happy to have her join you.
The trek to the carpark is filled with idle chatter while you make sure to look at everything and everyone who isn’t Bucky.
With every step you take, you can’t help but repeat one question over and over in your head.
What have I gotten myself into?
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brokenjardaantech · 3 years
Blue-tinted Red Walls (Chapter 8: Into No Man’s Land)
my entry for the @dbhau-bigbang. also part of the groom lake aftermath series.
In the past, Fadia and Reyes argued.
In the present, Connor finds a sanctuary from the most unexpected source.
In the past, Connie woke up.
also on ao3
content warning for your typical violence from both games. in short: guns and biotics and people getting wounded.
also, special thanks to @fanndamnedibals for drawing the amazing piece of art for this story. it’s really fucking cool.
Fadia was greeted by a punch to her face. Her whole upper body swivelled from the inhuman force, but her lower body planted firmly on the floor still, and with a smooth swing, she stood straight as if the punch never occurred. 
‘What the fuck were you thinking?’ Reyes snarled. ‘Giving plans to Russia and China like that? What happened to me being in charge? What happened to androids being free? What happened -’
Fadia gave the other android a hard shove. ‘What else can I do?’ she yelled. ‘What do you understand about yourself? Do you even know what you’re capable of?’ A shake of her head. ‘Thanks to my father, CyberLife is now producing androids for the military for a price much cheaper than paying non-commissioned officers in the long run, and you think they won’t use it to secure their claim on the Arctic where all of earth’s thirium is? We need someone to keep them in check. China and Russia are the only answer.’
‘And enslaving more of us? More of my people? Pushing the world into war once more?’ the air crackled with static. ‘Have you ever considered anyone else apart from yourself?’
‘Watch your voice box, Reyes,’ Fadia took a step forward, her height letting her loom over the man. ‘You are standing here yelling at me because I care for my brother so cut the bullshit about me not caring. Look what caring did to you -’ indicated her metallic body - ‘to me -’ a wave of her arm - ‘and to the rest of the world. Listen,’ a thin layer of blue appeared between them, ‘just a quick walk around the garden. A farewell. Then I’ll go.’
‘“A farewell”? What is that supposed to mean?’
‘With luck, you won’t see me much for quite a long time. Years. A decade, even. There is something else that I’m… working on.’
‘Leaving a mess your own making behind now?’
‘My father made the mess!’ Fadia lit up. ‘And no, I’m not running away, but there are more important things to deal with right now. It will need my full attention, and I don’t want to leave without giving my brother closure.’ When Reyes’ hand moved towards the gun she knew was hidden underneath his shirt, she sighed. ‘Please. Do you want to see Scott asking where I am every day for the next ten years? Do you want him spending his days worrying about me?’
Reyes was still glaring at her, but at least he was not drawing his weapon. A few seconds of tense silence passed, and with a snap of his arm away from the gun, ‘What do you want to tell him?’ he said as he turned away from his creator, his expression filled with disgust. ‘I can… deliver the message for you.’
Fadia’s lips twitched downwards. ‘Must you?’
‘You wish to protect your brother, don’t you? Don’t you think he’ll be stressed out by your current state?’
‘My current -’
‘Your message,’ Reyes crowded into his creator’s personal space and managed to look imposing despite his height disadvantage, ‘or get the fuck out of here.’
Fadia looked at her first creation down her nose. ‘Tell him that I came to say hello and that it is perfectly normal from that point onwards if he cannot contact me. Tell him it may be years before he sees me again,’ a step back. The door swung open. ‘And it is your fault.’
‘Hold the fuck on -’
A crackle of blue, a flash of dark energy, a faint trail of dissipating tendrils. Sara Fadia Ryder was gone, leaving her creation standing at the door with a hand outreached hopelessly with nothing but thin air in his grasp.
Streets unsafe for androids. Sanctuary at these coordinates. Will deliver supplies to said location as soon as possible. I’m sorry.
The world has become a blur. Hank’s house, receiving the message, decoding the message for Hank, changing into another set of clothes, getting into Hank’s car, and they are off to the docks before they even know what is happening. The androids led by Markus marched. People - androids - were killed. CyberLife is setting up ‘recycling centres’ to recall all androids in the city and around the country with the help of the police and military. They have to act now or they will be trapped by one of the many checkpoints popping up in the streets. Everything, as Hank says, has gone to shit.
Are you going to be fine? Connor texts. I doubt you will be carrying out your orders.
I told my men they have the choice to leave and everything will be on me. If they’re staying, they’re staying on my side. On the android’s side.
And their response?
They’re packing up right now and I’m making sure that nothing will get to them.
How about you?
Meet me there. Hopefully. Vouch for a fleshy human later, can you? I’ll be bringing whatever I can.
They arrive at Ferndale after what seems like hours later, Hank stopping a few blocks away from the water in order to not arouse suspicion even though the area is deserted, but Connor’s scans reveal stray patches of evaporated thirium on the floor, which means that injured androids have been here… a few hours ago. 
Hank turns around. ‘Think I should stop here.’ He cocks his head at the area at large. ‘Go on. I won’t leave until you’re out of my sight.’
The image is not comforting enough. ‘Come with us,’ Connor begs. ‘We need you here.’
The human shakes his head. ‘I can’t. Someone has to keep up appearances at the precinct. Besides, Jeff seems to have something to say. I’ll give you an update later when he’s finished yelling at me.’
It makes sense in some ways. Splitting up, gathering information from both ends, and then creating a better plan to save all of them. Simple; at least, it should be. But he also has been with Hank for such a long time - most of his time on earth, really - that it will be strange to be alone with a much slower counterpart of himself in tow. It will be a challenge.
It is also their only chance.
‘I understand,’ he forces out of his voice box, and he opens the door and steps out of the car into the snow before walking around to help Connie get out. What surprises him, however, is that Hank steps out as well and draws Connor into a tight hug.
‘Come back,’ the human says, to me, he doesn’t say, but Connor hears it anyway, and he wraps his arms as much as he can around Hank’s body and squeezes, a silent ‘I will’ that he hopes that his partner understands. ‘I will fight like there is no tomorrow to go back to your side,’ Connor confesses as he catalogues everything there is about Hank, his smell, his proportion, his warmth, because it seems that things are going that way and he wants him to be the last thing he recalls when - when -
‘-nor, look at me.’
Hank’s hand is on his cheek already when Connor looks up. They are so close that Connor can distinguish the shape of each and every single one of the snowflakes in the human’s hair, his brows, his eyelashes, and he can feel every single valley and spur on Hank’s finger that uniquely corresponds to Hank as he brushes his thumb against where Connor’s cheekbone would be had he been human. ‘Most advanced prototype, remember?’ the human says, still holding Connor tight. ‘If there’s someone who can make it out alive, it’s you. I have faith in you.’
‘I -’ you shouldn’t. ‘All I’ve ever done is failing my missions.’
‘To save lives, I know,’ the hand on his cheek moves to the back of his neck. Connor shivers from the warmth. ‘No matter which colour we bleed.’
‘I -’
Thank you. For everything. For making me realise that I’m more than my programming. For being there even though you didn’t understand what was happening.
There is so much he wants to say but can’t due to the sheer amount of information filtering through his processors, but one thing is certain: they all advise him to throw caution to the wind. As if having the exact same thoughts, Hank leans his head forward at the same time, and they meet halfway through in a desperate kiss, a rough press of lips against lips that is all over too soon but conveying enough emotions to each other that they both deflate when they part, the tension in their body suddenly gone now that they are resigned to their fate. 
‘We’ll talk about this,’ Hank warns, but there is no malice in his tone. Come back alive.
Connor has to break their gaze and hook his head on the human’s shoulder or he’ll never get his words out. ‘You stay safe too.’
A large hand on his back, Connor’s thick, season-appropriate attire ridding him of the last human warmth he may get to feel. ‘I will.’
They finally pull apart. A hand that doesn’t belong to Hank brushes Connor’s arm, and that is when he remembers that Connie is here; as if seeing her expectant expression, Hank hugs her as well completely unaware of how close to tears the other android is. Connor moves to hold her hand. ‘Let’s go,’ he tells her, because someone has to be the more responsible one between the two, and they walk away hand in hand together towards the coordinates Louis gave them without a glance backwards.
Jericho. Cargo freighter. Abandoned ship. A sanctuary for deviants old and new, the latter far outnumbering the rest due to Markus’ actions. The bombs on stand by scattered around the place indicate that the freighter is rigged, but no one seems to care; there is a cluster of androids on one side where a holo is recycling the news, another on the other side checking and modding weapons on improvised benches, and another group sitting at a long table working on laptops still in their suitcases. No one seems to have noticed them, which is good considering his previous… reputation as a deviant hunter (even though he didn’t do a very good job at it); he can withstand cold looks and harsh words hauled at him, but Connie is innocent here, and he doesn't want her to suffer any more abuse.
He receives a notification from their intertwined hands that his sister’s internal temperature is falling below recommended levels, so he scans his surroundings, noting the broken grids and - there, a fire contained in a rusted metal barrel surrounded by a sitting area created from stacked-up crates. He spots what seems to be an improvised medical bay where broken androids are being repaired and thought of asking for some thirium for Connie, but from what he can see, the androids under repair are all in much worse shape than his sister, so all he does is giving Connie a quiet reassurance and… waits while he recalls what he just saw. Rupert. The Tracis. Other newly-deviated androids still in their uniform. It’s a miracle that he and Connie don't get spotted.
The drowsiness from the other side of the shallow interface plus the weight on his shoulder indicates that Connie has fallen asleep once more, and with no one to help take care of her, Connor can only sit there and do -
His free hand reaches into his pocket and fishes out a coin. It is not the one he is familiar with, but it makes for a good replacement after only a few tries, and soon enough he has it spinning on the tips of his fingers despite the gloves and low temperature and is using it to ignore the dropping thirium level warning from his sister’s HUD. It can be that he is distracted. It can be Connie’s fatigue getting into him. It can be the flickering light from the fire creating shadows that were not there some time ago. It can be that he is in a bubble; to him, nothing else apart from Connie matters.
All he knows when he lets the coin fall onto his palm and looks up is that Markus has been sitting there in front of them for quite a long time. He tenses, knowing that his cover is blown, and he knows that his fate is in the deviant leader’s hands.
‘You deviated,’ the RK200 states. It is not a question.
‘How do you know?’
‘A human contact passed the news to me through an android he rescued and asked us to not view you with suspicion. He goes by the name Lee Aaron, but it is, of course, not his real name. I believe you’ll have the chance to thank him later in person.’
Connor really needs to give Louis a hug. ‘I see.’
Markus indicates Connie with a slight jerk of his head. ‘And this one?’
There is only one answer. ‘My sister.’
The deviant leader raises an eyebrow. ‘Do I even want to know?’
Connor thinks of his creator, the way she kicked them out, the way she doesn't seem to care about their lives, how she seems to be on their side but let them die for the last ten years. ‘Later. It’s a long story.’
Markus studies Connie for a few seconds. ‘It’s still early,’ he says. ‘You can still leave the country by bus before curfew starts. One of our people used to work in the state department, and I can have modified electronic passports delivered to you.’
[Thirium level: 37%] flashes in front of Connor’s HUD. ‘We are under no condition to travel,’ We, more like Connie, but I will not abandon her. ‘The military has set up multiple checkpoints around the city for temperature checks. I doubt it is safe for us to go outside now, but thank you, for offering.’
Jericho’s leader nods in understanding. ‘Is there anything you need? Biocomponents, blue blood, systems checks?’
[Thirium level: 37%]. So why is he hesitating? ‘My sister… her blue blood level is extremely low,’ he admits. ‘It is currently at thirty-seven per cent, far too little for her to function normally.’
Markus looks horrified. ‘rA9, Connor, why didn’t you tell someone when you came?’ he shoots up from his seat as if forgetting that he can remotely send a message to the medics to call for some thirium. ‘I’ll get some for you. Stay here.’
‘You don’t have to -’
‘You’re one of us now,’ a firm hand on Connor’s shoulder prevents him from standing up. ‘We help each other out whenever we can and right now your sister needs it. We’re rationing our supplies, but I think we can spare a bottle. It will last until Lee arrives.’
Connor lets out a breath he doesn’t know he has been holding and puts as much gratitude as he can into his voice as possible when he thanks Markus, but the other RK-series prototype merely waves and places a firm hand on his shoulder, silencing him and, through a shallow interface, telling him to rouse Connie first. He brushes a lock of her hair back into her beanie, and her eyes flutter open in confusion.
We are in Jericho, remember? he reminds her. Markus is getting you some thirium. You will feel better very soon.
Connie sends back a vague affirmative and takes off her beanie with a frown. ‘No hat,’ she mutters as she clumsily shoves the piece of cloth into her pocket. ‘Not anymore.’
Connor can pre-construct all the ways she can lose what little heat she generates. ‘It is to prevent you from losing body heat.’
She shakes her head, her braid falling apart. ‘No hat.’
An overwhelming wave of discomfort washes through him and yes, he would rather sacrifice his body heat to avoid the pain as well, so he lets it be for now and adds [Find a new hat for Connie] into his increasing list of optional tasks that, judging from the constant drone of the news from the floor above, he may or may not be able to finish in the near future. 
Markus returns with half a bottle of thirium and holds it in front of Connie, but all she does is staring at it instead of taking it; from their interface, Connor feels her processor (yes, somehow Ryder stripped all processing units but one from his sister’s body) straining itself to comprehend the other android’s action. ‘It’s for you,’ the deviant leader explains, and it is after an entire minute of processing that Connie slowly reaches out and takes the bottle with both hands. 
‘Thank you,’ she says. Then holds the bottle on her lap without doing anything else.
Connor accepts the link request. Is she alright? Markus asks. She seems… unwell.
Connor partitions part of his focus to the chat and diverts the rest to helping his sister. Sara Ryder modified her after retrieving my - the body, he says as he guides the bottle of thirium to Connie’s lips. Her processing power is incapable of computing large amounts of information. The liquid rolls and slides into Connie’s mouth. I intend to ask our creator about the full extent of the modification once this is over.
You didn’t ask her?
Connor recalls the power he felt radiating from Ryder. We could either leave unharmed or become dust rolling across the floor of her living room. We chose to live.
It is understandable, Markus nods. In reality, Connie seems to understand what the item in her hand is for and finally starts drinking without her brother’s aid. I’ve had… the displeasure of meeting her a few times. My… father - he doesn’t like her much. 
Connor thinks of the entire family, how Alec Ryder tried to flush his knowledge about his powers away, how Sara Ryder modified Connie and left her to suffer. A family trait, he replies, and it makes Markus chuckle. He opens his mouth as if to say something but seems to be distracted by something else. 
‘There are some issues I need to take care of,’ he said in the end. ‘Return the bottle to the med bay if you can.’
He leaves. A drop of thirium escapes Connie’s lips and rolls down her chin, and he wipes it away with the corner of his sleeve while adjusting his reception frequency into that matching the other androids’ channel just to find himself being flooded by information concentrating on ‘a human’, ‘supplies’, and, most disturbingly, ‘illegal weapons’.
He is an ally, Markus’ voice cuts through the chaos, and everything dies down. 
The precinct is still bustling with activity when Louis goes in under Hank’s request and in a bad way: the drizzle of rain before the wind picks up and a storm rolls in. He can tell that people are on edge from either the revolution or even civil war brewing at the horizon or, for those who have decided to stay, worrying about their loved one’s safety. One example is - Detective Gavin Reed, his nameplate reads - who is shouting into his phone with a voice loud enough for everyone to hear if he had been the only one talking. But right now, in the chaos of the office he rarely steps into, Louis can strain his ear and barely make out the details, his heart thumping from the familiar name on the call.
‘Cut that shit, Eli! You can’t tell me what to do!’ Reed yells. ‘You’ve got your duty, I’ve got mine, and right now I’m fucking staying in this motherfucking shithole. You understand me?’ An eye roll, then his eyes snap towards the direction of the entrance where a man who obviously doesn’t work in the force walks in. Everyone assumes that he is one of theirs, though, and he - probably Eli - manages to reach Reed without much resistance.
‘Gav, listen,’ he raises his hands in front of him as Reed pokes the screen of his phone so hard that Louis wouldn’t be surprised had it broken, ‘remember what I’ve told you? About me? Who I work for?’
‘What about -’ Louis can’t see Eli’s expression from this angle, but it must have shut Reed up. ‘Shit.’
‘Quite,’ Eli says drily. Then his voice softens. ‘Please, Gavin, I just want us to get out of this alive. Together.’
He tones out the rest of the conversation and instead focuses on the task at hand. An encrypted diary and a hollow statue. Shouldn’t be too hard, right?
Hank’s credentials are easy to guess, and he flinches when the evidence locker unfolds to reveal androids strung up like pieces of meat. He focuses on what he wants instead and quickly grabs both items Hank told him that can lead the FBI to Jericho because of course the first thing androids do after gaining sentience is worshipping a god and writing down the address of their secret hideout and -
‘What is a SWAT Captain doing here?’
He turns. Sees Eli standing at the door. Remembers the two empty spaces where the evidence he took should be. A flash of a long-forgotten memory: an interrupted project, a team gone missing, one last goodbye.
I know him.
‘I remember you,’ negotiate first, use force only when necessary. ‘You used to work with my sister. How did you get in here?’
‘Police departments around the world have… questionable security measures compared to the people I am working for,’ Eli - Ilya - Louis doesn’t know anymore - taps his watch. ‘Quite easy to break into, really. Now, what did you take?’
‘All evidence I’ve retrieved are under Lieutenant Hank Anderson’s orders,’ sorry, Hank. ‘You can ask him for confirmation.’
‘No need to be hostile,’ his tone is still condescending, and Louis feels his nerves tingle from both his emotions and the man in front of him. Fuck. Does that mean he’s like him as well? ‘If I were here for you, I would’ve subdued you a long time ago, wouldn’t I?’
Louis is still not convinced. ‘The hell do you want?’
‘I don’t have much time,’ Eli/Ilya takes out a… thing that seems to have materialised from his sleeve. ‘If you’re doing what I think you’re doing, you’ll need this later.’
Louis warily approaches the other man. ‘What does it do?’
‘It syncs with your nervous system. More specifically, the biotic nodes - both natural and artificial - in your entire body which are part of your nervous system. An amplifier, as we call it informally. Gives you a boost in a fight. Gets you out of tight places.’
‘How do I know you’re genuine?’
‘Me and your sister drifted apart a few years ago,’ hold on, a few years ago? Does it mean - ‘It doesn’t mean I want to hurt innocent people - android or human. I’d hardly want her to throw a fit after knowing that you died being shot at by the US military.’
But Louis isn’t quite listening anymore. ‘Hold on,’ he says even as he shoves the device into his pocket. ‘Anna is alive?’
‘We have little time left,’ the other man doesn’t seem to have heard his question. ‘It’s a matter of time for the FBI to find where the deviants are hiding. If you want to get to them, better do it quickly. Preferably armed.’
Louis gives Eli/Ilya one last sweep, memorising his features, his measurement, his clothing, everything that he can notice right now so that - ‘We’ll talk later.’
‘Get out alive first.’
He doesn’t allow himself to think as he methodically packs up, drives back home, refills the food and water dispensers for the cats in case he’ll be away for a long time, drives to the safehouse - deserted because not long ago the military just marched through and searched door to door for androids - to retrieve all the supplies he can carry - thirium, printers, guns, and finally brings himself to Jericho where he hopefully won’t get gunned down on his first step into the cargo freighter for being human. He taps into his powers - just in case - and hooks the amplifier over his ear.
He doesn’t know if it’s the energy or the power or just that there are so many androids in Jericho, but he manages to reach the heart of the freighter relatively undetected. Connor and his sister are probably among the clusters of androids downstairs, but first, he needs to have a word with the leader of the deviants.
He gets surrounded by what must be a dozen androids in less than a second, the LEDs on their temples - for those who keep theirs, that is - spinning yellow while they communicate silently through their channels. He follows their line of sight and there it is, his borderline-illegal, modded-to-hell rifle that he gets away from carrying openly only because he is a SWAT Captain, and he starts regretting his decision to bring it out in the open to deter the military.
The androids in front of him part like Moses splitting the Red Sea in half, Markus emerging with quickened steps and standing in front of him in an instant. Piercing eyes - one blue, one green - scans him from head to toe despite Louis being pretty sure that it’s just for show, and when their eyes meet, he decides to slide the duffel bag containing the printers and thirium down his shoulder and holds it towards the deviant leader with straining arms. ‘I brought supplies,’ he explains, feeling dumb. ‘Scan my bags if you don’t believe me.’ 
Markus’ eyes don’t move but Louis feels him scanning the contents of his luggage anyway. He doesn’t move at all, but then two androids emerge from the crowd to take the bags downstairs. ‘You are expected,’ he says. Then, gesturing the rifle on his back and the other weapons Louis hid underneath his clothes, ‘Not very discreet, aren’t you?’
The other androids file away, their anxious chatter having nothing to do with what he knows will come. ‘It gets the message through without words,’ Louis replies as he fidgets with the strap of his rifle in front of his chest. ‘I’m on a time limit here.’
‘For what?’
‘The FBI is coming. You have about one hour and a half to evacuate.’
And then everything becomes a blur.
FBI. Evacuating Jericho. Blowing up Jericho. Staying in Jericho to defend the last evacuees. People leave in groups of no less than three, taking crates, supplies, and, sometimes, injured companions away from the failing cargo freighter. Some, like Lucy, volunteered to stay despite being recommended to leave first, and some left with the friends they had made during these few eventful days. Holding Connie tight against his side with her hand in his grip and the shallow interface between them the only thing keeping her functional, Connor is torn between sending her away to safety without him, going with her to their next sanctuary, or forcing her to stay with him and face the dangers of potential firefights and massacres. He can tell from her panicked shiver and the way she tugs herself underneath his arm that she does not want to go at all and neither does he, but he doesn’t know if he can live with it if she died because of him.
Someone kneels in front of him, and when his eyes focus, Louis’ face comes into view. ‘Josh is leading the last outbound group. The rest of us are staying in case the FBI came before all of us can go.’
‘So Connie can come with us?’
Louis checks his watch. ‘If you want her to be safe, no,’ he rearranges his limbs so that he is sitting cross-legged on the floor. ‘We’re expecting confrontation very soon, maybe in a few minutes. We need to move now or else we might risk getting her in the crossfire, glowy blue superpowers or no.’
He doesn’t move from where he’s sitting on the floor. Connor watches his sister pout and her eyes water, but to his surprise, she nearly slaps his arm around her shoulders away and stands up on her own. Louis stands up as well, adjusting the rifle on his back by its strap, and leads her away presumably to Markus’ lieutenant. It leaves a large gap in Connor’s mind. 
Louis feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up before the rumble even starts.
‘Hurry,’ he transfers Connor’s sister from his arm to Josh’s. ‘They’re coming.’
‘What?’ the android has the nerve to look confused. ‘But don’t we -’
‘Just go!’ he can feel the full weight of all the shit he’s stowed on his body as he takes a step back, all the spare ammo and the four pistols and the submachine gun he somehow manages to keep underneath his winter clothes. Here’s to hoping that his powers are enough to keep him afloat. ‘We’ll catch up with you.’
He runs, feeling the shift of the small packages of thirium he left for himself in case he is trapped and needs to fight his way through, and it’s about thirty seconds later that he nearly slams into Connor who just turned the corner. ‘They’re coming from all sides,’ he says as he reloads his pistol. ‘Markus is detonating the charge in the hold. We need to find an exit and jump in the river.’
‘And the others?’ Louis knows they shouldn’t be standing there but he needs to know. The implication of jumping into freezing water in winter… surprisingly doesn’t scare him as much as it should. ‘Are they jumping too?’
‘North is leading them. I’m just here to find you.’
He doesn’t exactly have a choice now, does he? ‘Lead the way.’
He pulls his scarf over his nose and runs.
‘Hostiles sighted. Preparing to engage.’
Louis is pulled behind one of those watertight doors before he even registers the movement, and the next thing he knows Connor is dashing out of cover and immediately gets shot. Letting his instincts take over his body, a shield of blue tendrils shoots out of his hand and fixes itself in front of the android before he rushes out while slinging his rifle onto his shoulder and drags him as far as he can away from the soldiers by walking backwards, and as he feels the fabric in his grip twist and bend, he wonders if the soldiers pick up his face with the built-in tech in their helmets. Their facelessness does give Louis an advantage, however, because he feels no qualms about creating a blue sphere of energy in his free hand and lobbing it towards the shield, causing it to explode in a boom of bright blue mist. He also forces himself to not think too much about the horrible screech of rusted metal before the corridor collapses behind him as he drags Connor into another empty room to examine the wound.
‘You alright?’ he asks. The wound on the android’s shoulder doesn’t seem to be bleeding, but he knows it is an illusion created by the many layers Connor is wearing right now; of all he knows, the android can be soaking his innermost shirt. ‘How long until your self-repair kicks in?’
‘A few seconds,’ Connor’s jaw is tight when he uses Louis’ shoulder as leverage to stand up. ‘It will not heal properly until I have sufficient thirium in my systems. We have to go.’
‘Will the water get in?’
‘Not if I give my chassis priority.’ Connor freezes for a blink of an eye, the only indicator that he is scanning his surroundings now that his LED is hidden beneath his beanie. ‘We are safe for now.’
Louis steps outside first this time, his protective barrier tinting his world blue. The corridor smells of static and the unique smell of a mix of his powers and rusted metal, and they don’t run this time, Louis needing to concentrate on always keeping his powers on hand so that he can react as quickly as possible in case they got ambushed again and Connor distracted by both constantly scanning their surroundings and mending the gaping hole on his shoulder. They run into a few stray pairs of soldiers on their way, but nothing cannot be taken care of by sneaking away or catching them unaware with a stasis field. 
He is almost frightened by how easily he accepts his powers as his main source of offence and defence and uses it on people with no regrets.
‘Connor! Lou! You’re alive!’
They round a corner and are greeted by Simon and North. Both of them appear unharmed and North doesn’t look too happy that Louis is there, but one look from Simon is enough to urge all of them to run towards the exit on their deck, hurdling over collapsed walls and doors and leaping over gaps on the floor as quickly and smoothly as they can to get out of the place as soon as possible - and to outrun the footsteps behind them.
North takes the risk to look backwards. ‘Markus!’
Before Louis can turn to greet him, he hears gunshots and a surprised groan from Markus as he turns and discovers the leader of the deviants on the floor with two bleeding wounds on his back. The lights hum and go out, and they are left with the dim, far-away lamps mounted on the soldiers’ rifles as their only source of light. The rumble of helicopters outside seems so close now.
‘Markus!’ comes the panicked cry from Simon, and Louis raises his arm just in time to push him back to let Connor do his job. ‘Stay back,’ Louis says. ‘Let us handle this.’
He lobs a sphere of blue towards the soldier shooting at the two androids as the prototype slings Markus’ arm around his shoulders and starts limping towards the exit, knocking them into the wall with a thrum that resonates in the entire corridor. From the light of their rifles, two more soldiers join their still-standing comrades, and he knows he needs to up his game to be able to fight them all at once; instead of suspending them in stasis fields or using the old-school spheres, he swings his arm upward with his palm to launch an unending chain of explosive tendrils that tears through the soldiers, lifting them off their feet and illuminating the rest of the corridor with blinding blue light. Their position exposed, Louis cuts off the shockwave chain and lets it fizzle and dissipate behind him and runs with the others towards the exit as he shrouds himself in blue to protect himself from the freezing water.
More gunshots and shells hitting the ground. A ‘Run! Quick! Come on!’ from Markus. Louis leaps.
Everything beyond his barrier goes dark.
The remodelling was going well. The new programmes had all taken root in 51’s system, the body modifications were adapting to the original biocomponents and responding to the new system, and her vitals were steady if less satisfactory than what Ryder expected. Whatever. Her task was complete. This stage of her experiment was a success.
Deactivating the skin on her hand, she placed it on the other android’s shoulder and woke her up, 51’s skin rippling and flickering as the sudden increase in power usage. It stayed that way as she blinked her eyes open, and her mouth opened and closed as if she had something to say but couldn’t.
‘RK800, register name: Connie.’
51 - Connie - shivered.
the art!
link: https://www.deviantart.com/coakesam/art/DBHAUBB-2021-877769882
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mst3kproject · 3 years
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The Navy vs the Night Monsters
Of course, it’s not like bad things stop happening now that 2020 is finally over… we just get to start counting again from zero. Kind of like how I’ve started counting thirty-six Episodes that Never Were per year, beginning with this one. It was co-directed by Wyott Ordung from Robot Monster and features familiar faces like Russ Bender and Mamie Van Doren, the latter for once not playing a teenage delinquent.  It also has one really obscure MST3K connection: it was based on a story by Murray Leinster, which the sharp-eyed will remember as the name of the ship attacked by Evil Count Zarth Arn’s lava lamp weapon at the beginning of Starcrash!
A plane carrying specimens of Antarctic flora and fauna makes a rather rough and unexpected landing at a naval base on remote Gow Island in the south Pacific.  There appears to be nobody on board except the pilot and a few penguins – the former is in a catatonic state, and the latter are... well, penguins... so what happened to the rest of the passengers and crew is a complete mystery.  Did the pilot go mad and kill them?  Did the penguins?  Or did it have something to do with those mysterious ancient trees discovered growing around a geothermal spring in the heart of the frozen continent?
The first ten minutes of this movie are spent trying to be a comedy.  Before we get anywhere near the plot, we first have to listen to the guys on the plane try to be funny about their lunch and their tastes in women.  Then on the island, we watch a guy who can’t seem to figure out how to inflate a balloon, followed by a dude talking to his dog, and then a really icky bit where two women convince a man he had sex with both of them, which he buys because he was too drunk to remember.  Only then do we finally establish what’s actually going on.  The impression one gets from this beginning is that The Navy vs the Night Monsters is going to be peopled entirely by Jackass Comic Relief characters, and I actually turned the film off and sat on it for a couple of days to psych myself up to watch the rest.
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When I finally turned it back on, to my relief the movie turned out not to be quite that bad, but it’s still pretty damned bad.  The dull and unfunny opening is followed by an abrupt shift of tone, as a man maddened by terror jumps from the plane to his death!  The only thing set up by the opening that turns out to be relevant is Spaulding the meteorologist’s crush on Nora the nurse, when she’s in love with the base’s second in command, Lieutenant Brown.
I complain frequently about useless love triangles in movies.  This one is very useless, and all the more so because the script totally forgets to resolve it.  Spaulding hates Gow Island but stays because he’s in love with Nora – he wants her to go back to Miami with him and marry him.  When he puts this idea to her, however, it becomes obvious that Nora can’t stand him, and it’s clear enough why: Spaulding is an asshole and he treats Nora not as a partner but as a possession.  Never does he show any sort of tenderness towards her.  Every time they speak to each other, he seems to end up shouting, and his jealousy of Brown repeatedly leads to violence.
Brown, on the other hand, treats Nora with respect and actually shows vulnerability around her.  He’s been left in charge while the base’s commander is on the mainland attending an important meeting, and he’s really feeling the pressure as the base is surrounded by tree monsters in the dark.  He talks about his anxiety and Nora comforts him, and the audience rolls their eyes because it’s perfectly obvious which of these guys she’s going to pick.  And sure enough, at the end she’s in Brown’s arms… but nothing about the whole situation is exactly resolved.
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Brown and Spaulding did get in a fist fight, though it wasn’t explicitly over Nora, but nobody ever talks about the problem. Spaulding never realizes that he’s treated Nora badly, and it never seems to even occur to him that she might prefer Brown over him, or even that she has emotions or preferences at all.  He definitely never seems to understand that he’s lost.  Brown and Nora seem to feel a need to hide their love affair from the other base staff, but we’re never given a reason why (although I guess ‘Spaulding’s a dick’ is reason enough).  Nora never tells Spaulding that she prefers Brown… maybe she’s afraid he’ll assault her?  I hate everything about this situation, but nothing more than the fact that as the movie progresses we get hints that Nora may be warming up to Spaulding, as if she’s supposed to consider these two guys equal contenders for her affections!  Fuck everybody who wrote this, seriously.
It’s kind of sad to see Mamie Van Doren in a role like this after meeting her in things like Untamed Youth and Girls Town.  Those movies were gross and exploitative, but Mamie’s characters were central to their plots and she filled those shoes reasonably well.  She wasn’t Oscar material but for what the films were, she was enough to carry them.  The Navy vs the Night Monsters is a little closer to being a ‘real movie’, but in this respect it represents a step down for her, as she is relegated to being something for two men to fight over.  Furthermore, Silver from Girls Town and Penny from Untamed Youth were both characters who required some range – Nora the nurse mainly spends the whole movie being annoyed with the men in her life.  Van Doren could have done much more if anyone had bothered asking it of her.
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Let’s see… what else do I hate about this movie? I hate Private Chandler, the guy who stays a Jackass Comic Relief character once that opening is over. Shockingly, The Navy vs the Night Monsters actually kills him off, but he’s not nearly as annoying as Dropo or the guy from Outlaw, so his death merely feels mean rather than having any entertainment value.  The guy was just about to actually get laid by one of the women who’d made fun of him earlier – though she, like Spaulding, showed no sign of being sorry for past jerkitude.
I hate the monsters.  Normally I have a soft spot for plant monsters.  They’re a cliché in their own way, I guess, but they’re a fun idea.  The ones in The Navy vs the Night Monsters kill and digest people with acidic sap, and a character theorizes about how and why such a thing would evolve, which is cool. The execution, however, sucks. While the poster for the film shows us a humanoid Treebeard-looking thing, the actual monsters in the film are dumb-looking stumps that waddle along like a couple of guys trying to move a piece of furniture corner-by-corner because it’s too heavy to lift.  The result reminds me of The Creeping Terror, in that you have to want to get eaten by these things.  At one point a guy walks right up to one, inspects it, and escapes its clutches merely by backing away slowly!
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The trees reproduce using insect-like larvae that are, themselves, lethally venomous.  This is also a neat idea which is, once again, ruined by the execution. The tiny ones are being pulled along the floor by a sometimes-visible string, and then they grow into stumps that look like they should be stools around a boy scout campfire, which move even slower than the adult trees!  There’s a scene where the characters are holed up in the base under an onslaught of these, with planes arriving to napalm them just in time, and it is ludicrous in its attempt to feel threatening.
I do like that Gow Island is a bleak middle-of-nowhere rather than a tropical paradise.  The landscapes kind of remind me of the Falkland Islands, though the weather on Gow is evidently better.  You can see why some of the characters hate it here, surrounded by barren scrub inhabited mostly by ten thousand smelly, raucous seabirds. Unfortunately this backdrop makes the ‘comedy’ opening seem even more out of place, though it’s also kind of nice that they didn’t give us any stereotyped ‘natives’ as either comedy or monster fodder.
As for a theme… well, The Navy vs the Night Monsters is clearly about an invasive species.  The biologist, in suggesting how the tree monsters evolved, points out that they are suited to the hostile environment of Antarctica in ways that make them nearly unstoppable anywhere else.  We’re told that they devoured all the penguins the scientists were bringing back for study, and as well as eating the people, they wreak havoc among the Gow Island seabirds and reproduce out of control.  The parallels to things like cane toads in Australia, or housecats just about anywhere, are obvious.
This isn’t something the characters care about, though, even the ones who profess to be scientists.  At the end, enough of the trees are destroyed that the humans can safely evacuate, and what happens after that is clearly Gow Island’s problem, not humanity’s. I really would have liked to see the script go into this a little more, but then, The Navy vs the Night Monsters is not a movie that wants to go into anything, even stuff it sets up in some detail.
At the end, The Navy vs the Night Monsters feels pretty half-assed.  Somebody wanted to make a movie, and then put in the bare minimum effort possible to have all the parts present.  They clearly understood how movies work, but they didn’t have the money and didn’t want to go to the trouble.  The result is deeply mediocre.  There’s a few laughs out of the dumb stump creatures, but mostly it’s just bad.
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lesberrian · 3 years
take the shot
Chapter 1: lets kill this monster
Resting his chin on his hands, the principal sighs. “Listen, you two are my most brilliant international students here. Kiki Arata and Mio Rivera I’m willing to make an offer with the two of you just this once. Either you get expelled or sent to the E class.”
Kiki smiles on the inside, not letting her poker face break. “Doesn’t sound like much of a deal to me. I mean if I go to E class no school wants me and if I get expelled no school would want me.”
“I gotta agree with her sir, sounds like a lose-lose for us.” Mio yawns before rubbing the spot she punched him. ‘Not normally on the receiving end of her hits. Can’t say I’m excited for later either.’
The smile on his face is something Kiki would describe as ‘the evilest look I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen some evil looks’. He pulls out a file and places it before them. It seems to have some octopus-like creature that weirdly resembles an emoji as well inside it. “This is why you started the fight, yes? So you had reason to be sent to E class and kill this thing off is it not?”
‘Shit… he’s fucking with us. He has to be! Goddamnit! He wasn’t supposed to know.’ Keeping her cool on the outside only Mio can tell just how mad she is.
“Welp, caught us red-handed, sir. Suppose you know the old reason we were here too?” Mio laughs, trying to play it cool when he’s just as upset. ‘Was he told? He couldn’t have figured it out. No that’s impossible he’s too closed-minded.’
The man glares at the two students in front of his desk. “I do. And if this were any other circumstance I would be much more upset. But I’m willing to drop this all and send you to E class.”
Crossing her arms and huffing, kiki rolls her eyes. “Yeah yeah, whatever. We know everything already can we switch classes next week or what?”
Gakuho’s eye twitches in anger. “Don’t forget I’m still in charge here. I could call this whole thing off if I wanted.”
Standing up she grabs Mio by the jacket and forces him up too. “We know you won’t though. See ya’.”
“You’re going to keep this class until the deadline.” Mio stares down at the principal. “Otherwise I’ll make sure the chemistry lab’s chemicals make their way into the city’s water supply.”
Kiki walks out of the office, slamming the door behind her. “Honestly boys can be so annoying.”
The two men in the office continue to stare at each other until Mio turns around. “Whatever. Don’t think I’m joking though.”
The door closes normally unlike when Kiki left. Gakuho closes his eyes for a moment to regain his composure. He wasn’t scared of them, they’re just children after all. As long as they are at his school he is the one at the top no matter what they think. No, he’s more annoyed and unsettled by the odd students.
Mio notices that Kiki was already gone from the hallway. Not bothering to catch up with her he turns the corner only to fall down.
“What the..?” Moving his hand to his nose he looks up. He got punched. She had punched him in the face. “The hell was that for, huh?”
Kiki shrugs, “Dunno. At least you’ll have a reason to hit me Monday.” Pulling him up by the sleeve for what he swears is the 20th time today, she heads off to go home leaving him behind. “I call not it on cooking!”
“Whatever just order takeout or something!” He catches up to her quickly, thanking God she wasn’t running. “Governments money we’re on anyways. Not like it comes out of our paycheck.”
Kiki smirks, “Even if it did, the 10 billion would definitely cover it.” She flips her hair behind her shoulder. “Once this is over I’m going to have a field day at the mall.”
Mio deadpans. “Don’t tell me you’re going to spend it all so quickly…”
“Don’t tell me you’re going to spend it all so quickly” She mocks in a high-pitched voice. “Man, knowing what we do there’s a good chance I’ll end up dead soon. I can’t feel pain so I could bleed out and not even know. Not like you could understand.”
Kiki was annoyed. She always got upset over the smallest things. Everyone always wishes they can’t feel pain no matter what she said. All the scars on her body because of her condition should be proof enough that life without pain is hell.
“Right, sorry.” Mio looks away from her, focusing on the ground. Kiki looks at him in annoyed confusion. “Guess if I was in your situation I would focus on right now too.”
She clicks her tongue. “Yeah, I guess you would.”
Walking off campus she keeps an eye on him, wondering what’s up with him. Before about two months ago, he would’ve fought back with her. They got along fine but because of her moods, arguments broke out pretty often. ‘Is he just giving up on the arguments? Decided there’s no point since it always ends the same way? Ugh, he’s so annoying’
Pulling out her phone she orders something to be delivered. “Hey, what do you want for-” She notices there’s a huge cut on her arm. “Oh. Good thing I have an extra shirt.”
Mio glances over. “When did that happen?” Looking behind them, he notices a sharp piece of metal sticking out of the fence she was walking near. He points at it nonchalantly. “Maybe that?”
“Sure, makes sense.” She agrees before going back to the topic before. “Anyways as I was saying what do you want for dinner? I’m thinking sushi.”
“Sounds good, what about the one over near the theater?”
Kiki’s face scrunches up in disgust. “Absolutely not. That place smelled so bad I think I felt pain.”
Mio starts laughing at her over-exaggeration. “Yeah, I think a skunk ran that store. But seriously this time the one on that corner street a bit from the house is good.”
“One by the house…” she mutters, trying to think of what he’s talking about. “Oh yeahhhh, that one. Yeah, let’s go there.”
Before they turn the opposite way of their house to go to the restaurant, Kiki stops and heads to the house. “Probably should bandage this up and change. Plus it’s still early.” Smiling a bit she laughs at the first time she didn’t notice she was bleeding and walked into the store. “You know, no matter how old I get, other people’s reaction never changes.”
After wrapping her arm, she heads over to Mio’s room. Knocking on the door she waits until he answers. Hearing a ‘come in’ she opens the door and leans against the frame. “You have the anti-octopus stuff?”
“Yeah, come here I’ll show you some of the things we get to use.” Standing up, he goes to the box they were sent and places it on the bed, grabbing what he made as well he starts prepping it. “We ready to kill this octopus monstrosity or what?”
“Hell yeah, that ten billion is ours.” Looking at what’s in his hand she fake gags. “Now hurry up and get this over with.”
“Yes, your majesty.” He bows with a goofy smile before doing what she asked. “Alright, let me grab my wallet and we can go.”
Arriving at the restaurant, Kiki notices someone from school. Nudging Mio she nods her head towards him. “That’s Nagisa. Goes to our school.”
“And we should care why? We’re in E class now, doubt he’ll talk to us.” Mio shugs.
Rolling her eyes, Kiki brings him over to Nagisa’s Table.
“Nagisa. Tell me how to kill your teacher.” She sits down in front of him. Mio stays standing. He’s caught on to the fact that Nagisa is in E class and decided to play along with whatever Kiki is doing.
Nagisa stammers, obviously flustered by this question. “I- I’m sorry- Uh- Did you just ask how to-”
“We’re in E class as of now and wanna know how to kill that thing.” Mio stares down at him. Kiki almosts laugh at him being so serious as he came crying to her about not knowing how to bleach his hair before the school year started. “And since us two have a better chance of killing that teacher than any of you combined, if you help us we might give you some of the money.”
There’s a silence between the three of them and Kiki sighs. “Listen, if you don’t know how to kill it then tell us some ways you’ve tried. Knock it off the list for us.”
Nagisa hesitates before bringing out his notebook with Koro-Sensei’s weaknesses. “These are his weaknesses I’ve gathered so far. Go ahead and look. Also, we call him Koro-sensei.” Handing the notebook to the girl in front she tosses it to Mio and stares at Nagisa, waiting to go on. “So far, Karma’s the only one who’s been able to land a hit on him. Cut up the knife and taped it to his hands. When he shook his hand, he got a tentacle. Don’t try a suicide method either. He tried to fall off a cliff so he would be forced to die saving him or let a student die. Koro-sensei just made a net underneath him..”
Mio smirks. “Smart kid. Did anything else work?”
Nagisa shakes his head. “No, I tried a grenade on myself-”
“Damn, Nagisa.” Kiki laughs. “Did not expect that from you, I like that.”
“Well, looking at you right now must mean it failed,” Mio says, making Kiki move so he can sit down.
Before they could continue, a waitress comes over. “Hello, is there anything I can get you?”
‘Oh yeah, we came here for food.’ Kiki realizes. The three of them order what they want and when she leaves the two assassins continue to integrate the poor boy. For the rest of the time they spent at the restaurant, the main conversation was about Koro-sensei. When the waitress came back with the check, Mio and kiki covered Nagisa’a bill.
“Payment for your information. Plus this is the government’s money we’re on.” Kiki says, taking the last sip of her drink before standing up. “See you on Monday, Nagisa.”
Leaving the boy in the restaurant, he questions everything that just happened while heading home. ‘E class sure is special…”
Over the weekend, Mio made sure they had everything they needed to kill Koro-sensei while Kiki did research on everyone in the class, even going and finding some of them in public to talk and see how they behave. Waking up early on Monday, they make their way up the mountain to the old building. Arriving slightly late so they were sure everyone was there, they see Koro-sensei through the window.
“You do have the first aid kit right?” Kiki asks. Mio nods and she smiles. “Good.”
Punching him straight in the jaw with her right fist before turning to the side and using her left foot to kick him in the side.
Getting up he mutters, “Little less hard, this is fake, remember?” Before tackling her to the ground, she slips out of his grip easily and runs to the classroom, pulling off her sweater. Mio grabs it before it’s fully off her head and slams her into the glass. Pulling her back her fully slams her into it, successfully breaking it and tossing her into the classroom. The class sits there in horror while Koro-sensei doesn’t move to do anything yet. Standing up with no issue, Kiki grabs Mio, making sure he doesn’t land in the glass.
“Get out of my way and let me kill him, Arata.” Mio spits some blood out and glares up at her. He grabs the knife dedicated for Koro-sensei and goes to stab him. Kiki pushes him out of the way and he pulls out the real knife and slashes her right side while going for the teacher.
Koro-sensei finally pulls him away and Kiki fakes collapses, pretending to be in pain. Slowly getting up she staggers over to him and he goes to touch her face to see how bad the bleeding is. Right when he does his tentacle explodes off of him. Both assassins take his moment of shock to attack. Mio cuts the tentacles holding him and aims for the head while Kiki launches her entire body onto him. Getting some tentacles destroyed, he realizes what’s happening and quickly moves using his speed. Neither hesitates to continue aiming for him. Mio with his gun and knife and kiki using herself and a knife.
“This is all your fault this failed you useless waste of space!” Kiki turns her attention to Mio, going to attack him instead. He blocks her attacks and goes to stab her with his real knife again and she decides to back out of the class. While Koro-sensei is taking time to recover from what just happened, the two new students left. Nagisa and Karma run to find them. Karma was impressed by the two and Nagisa was concerned for them both. Other classmates followed and so does Koro-sensei. Getting to the two, Kiki is backed onto the branch Karma jumped off of.
Karma’s eyes widen in excitement “Jeez, Nagisa! You really know these people?!”
“For fucks sake I can’t believe they thought that you of all people would be able to kill him! You can’t even kill me!” Mio laughs in anger, before walking on the branch to her. Kiki takes a step back and the branch snaps, causing her to fall.
Both teens automatically forget their act and Kiki screams in fear. Mio, in a moment of panic, jumps after her. Grabbing onto her and pulling her close to him they both close their eyes tightly.
“Guess I’m not getting that shopping trip…” Kiki tries to joke before they both hit the mountain ground and die.
Mio pulls her as close and he can, flipping himself to have his back against the ground. “I’m sorry… I lo-”
Both of them are wrapped in a large white sheet and brought back up being set down onto the ground, neither of them moves from their position. Mio sighs shakily and what happens finally catches up to both of them
“Holy shit...” Kiki mumbles quietly.
Mio grabs onto her in a panic. “Are you ok?! Jesus christ I almost killed you!” Picking her up he runs back to where they dropped their bags. He grabs them both and brings them into an empty room with no windows. Setting her down gently on a desk he grabs all the first aid, rushing back to her.
Before he can do anything, Kiki puts her hands on his shoulders, looking up at him from the desk. Before you try to play doctor I’m going to need you to take a breath. I don’t know what got into you but I’m okay. We didn’t kill him but we still have time. Don’t rush to fix me so we can try again.”
Mio closes his eyes and takes a breath, trying to calm his nerves. “Right, I was just…” Looking at her he realizes she’s going to need to take off her shirt for him to get all the glass out. “Uh, you’re gonna have to take your shirt off.”
“I cannot allow that to happen I’m afraid.” Koro-sensei appears next to them. “Sexual acts are not allowed on campus.”
Thankfully for them, Another teacher comes to help them out. Karasuma is there to get the octopus to leave them alone. Once he’s gone, Karasuma clears his throat. “I’m sorry about him. I would like to congratulate you on your attempt to kill him. You two have gotten farther than anyone else here has.”
“Yeah… we know.” Mio is still embarrassed by what Koro-sensei said. “Kinda our job to kill him.”
Kiki hides her embarrassment and goes back to her normal, uncaring tone. “Now, could you leave so we can finish this? Just cause I can’t feel it doesn’t mean I’m not bleeding.”
“I’ll leave now.” Shutting the door, he leaves the two teens sitting in silence not looking at the other.
“Well, he should hurry up, I’m sure the class has questions…” Kiki unbuttons her shirt and pulls it off so he can get to what he needs.
“...right. Uh let me grab the stuff, hold on.” While tending to her wounds, he tries to focus on only the glass and cuts, not wanting to make it any more awkward. ‘Damn octopus, if it wasn’t for him it wouldn’t be so awkward right now. I’ve done this plenty of times before. Why did he have to make her uncomfy?’ After 30 minutes she was completely bandaged up and put her other uniform on. “Have you seen my sweater?” Looking behind her as she fixes the last button she sees it in front of where’s he’s sitting. ‘Is he even listening?’
Reaching over him to grab it she quickly puts it on. Seeing he has earbuds in she purses her lips. ‘He’s so weird sometimes. He was all panicky and now he’s not even listening to me.’ Poking him he takes out his earbuds. “Come on, dummy. Gotta go to class now.”
“We should skip.” He looks at her. “I don’t know if I should even let you be walking. Some of the glass went deep into your leg and too much movement will mess with the bandaids.”
“Stop being such a mom. Besides, that’s less of a chance of killing him.” Grabbing her bag she opens the door, staring at him expectantly. “Besides, you were the one who was in a rush to fix me up for a second chance.”
“That’s…” He trails off ‘not the reason I was so scared.’ deciding not to say that he shakes his head “That’s fair I suppose.”
“Good,” Her eyes darken, “Now, let’s kill our teacher.”
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
things you never knew: one
A/N: So, I know things you never knew have been up, but I have decided to revamp it. It’s much different from before, but I hope you all will still enjoy it! I’ve decided to add a few more characters including a love interest for EZ. 
Snapshots should be posted by the end weekend and Misconstrued should be posted by the middle of next week. I’m also making my way through requests!
If you want to be added to the tag list, please let me know!
Tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic : @ifoundmyhappythought : @woahitslucyylu : @enamoured-x : @encounterthepast : @marvelmaree : @thickemadame : @carlaangel86: @iambabyharry​ : @gemini0410​ : @claytoncardenasbabymama​ : @sadeyesgf​ : @elcococruz​ : @chibsytelford​ : @everyhowlmarksthedead​ : @agirllovespasta​ : @jadert15​ : @trulysuccubus​ : @whyisgmora​ : @briannab1234​ : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass​ : @gemini0410
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Gif Credit: Bai-feng-jiu
Today was the day.
Angel has been counting down the days till Ailee was released.
His ex-girlfriend. His former best friend. 
The one he let slipped through his finger tips.
Well, it wasn’t actually his fault, to some extent. He held on to her even after she was sentenced, but she cut all of them off.
He couldn’t blame her.
They let her take the fall.
He was supposed to catch her, but he didn’t. He tried, but every attempt he made, he was blocked off.
She never forgave him and he couldn’t blame her.
He insisted on going with Creeper, Jin, Michael, and Vince, but they declined adamantly, not wanting to further upset her. 
But it didn’t make sense.
He knew who her family was connected to, he knew they could get her out, but she served her time and was released on good behavior. 
Every time he tried to see her, he wasn’t let in due to him being a part of the ‘no visit’ list. All of his fellow brothers realized that they were all part of this list, she didn’t want any of them to visit her. Felipe was able to visit her once, but he never spoke a word of it. He just told Angel to give her time and Angel just took that.
He never gave up, every weekend for two years he tried to see her, but he was never allowed inside. He even wrote her letters and no reply, ever. 
She took the fall for the MC, drug and weapons trafficking charge, a ten year sentence since it was her first offense.
“You didn’t go to Stockton?” EZ questioned when he saw his brother walk in the clubhouse.
“Nope, they wouldn’t let me.” He sat down across his brother, tapping his fingers on the table. 
“Never stopped you before.” EZ placed a beer on the bar.
“You’ve met Jin, he can be quite imposing.” Angel took a swig, sitting in front of his brother. “She wouldn’t want to see me.”
“Has she reached out?”
Angel scoffed. “No, but once she’s back, I don’t give a fuck. We’re going to talk whether she wants to or not.”
Ailee walked down the long hall outside the prison, fences on either side of her as she walked out. Carrying her bag that held the items she brought in with her, she internally groaned as she saw who was waiting for her by the gate. 
It was her cousin, Creeper. 
Though, she was glad it was only him. She blocked out all of the Mayans. How did he know she was getting out today?
Her eyes drifted to the side and saw her Tio Jin, who was in his prim and proper suit. Creeper and Jin got along well so he most likely informed him of her release date.
“Prima,” Creeper fondly greeted her with open arms.
“You shouldn’t be here.” She walked away from him and towards Jin, lesser of two evils, the one who didn’t betray her. 
“Lee, come on man, you know we tried to help you out.” Creeper reasoned as he followed after her.
“Still served five years, primo.” Her last word was laced with venom, turning to face her cousin causing him to halt his steps. “Stay the fuck away from me. You, Bishop, Taza, Hank, Coco, Riz, Gilly, and more importantly Angel.”
She handed her bag to Michael, her tio’s second in command. Slipping inside the car, she wasn’t surprised when she saw her older brother, Vince, sitting in the front seat. He smirked at her, handing her a cellphone.
“Welcome back to the outside world.” Vince smirked. 
“It’s not like I was in there long.” She moved towards the window, leaving room for Jin to sit.
“Yeah, how long were you there? Just for the dramatics, everyone believes five when in reality, we just dropped you off this morning.” Vince chuckled. “You know we could have looped them in, they’ve been riddled with guilt.”
“So you didn’t tell them that you let me get apprehended just so you can make me an offer I couldn’t refuse?” Ailee shook her head. It was complicated in some sense. She was truly arrested for keeping the drugs and weapons the Mayans had at the back storage of her coffee shop. But what they didn’t know was that her Tio Jin swept in before she truly was indicted, he offered her a choice. 
Jin entered her cell, making Ailee groan. This was the last fucking thing she needed. 
“Told you he was trouble.” He leaned against the wall opposite of her bed. 
“With all due respect tio, is there a point for your visit?” Ailee sat crossed leg on her bed. She’s been in jail for two weeks, refusing to see anyone. She couldn’t believe Angel could be so stupid to temporarily store drugs and guns in her coffee shop. 
“I tipped them off.” He nonchalantly informed her.
Ailee laughed. “Of course you did, may I ask why?”
“You belong with Maquina, Gracie. You were born and bred to serve our cause.” 
“And you saw this as an opportunity to screw me over? To offer me immunity so I have no choice but to pay my debt to Maquina?” She never truly hated Maquina. It had a good message, an ideal one that benefited the many, sacrificed a few. 
A loophole to democracy.
A government agency, much like in the movies, that was operated in the shadows to keep the balance of power in the world. At times, people had to choose the lesser of two evils and Maquina was the one who did it for them. A government agency that only the few knew about as having such a powerful hand could not be known by people that could easily be corrupted, that could become power hungry. 
“You trained with your brothers, excelled in every field, yet, you chose to stay in that god forsaken town for a man who could never amount to anything.”
“You like Angel.”
“I like Angel, but not for you. Your potential far exceeds anything his mind could wrap around. You shouldn’t let your talent go to waste, Angel will always be there.” Jin did like Angel Reyes, but he was also a hindrance to his niece’s potential. Ailee could be his top agent by now, the best, yet she chose to stay in Santo Padre and be with that punk kid that had her wrapped around his finger since they were children. “He left those drugs and weapons in your shop, this was on him, the MC. They let you take the fall, not even coming to your rescue. They’re ruthless killers yet they couldn’t kill Frankie when he arrested you?”
“You’re the one who tipped them off.” Ailee narrowed her eyes at her tio, not at all in disbelief by his actions. “Why’d you do it? You told me you would respect my choice.”
“I did, and I was, but things change Ailee, you know that. This was the only way for me to grab your attention.” Jin knew it was unconventional, but Ailee would never willingly work for Maquina again. He knew why Ailee despised the organization. She went through hell during training, and when she decided to step away, it wasn’t easy either. He understood that his niece never experienced a normal childhood due to the organization, which was something she could never forgive. 
“And what has changed?”
“Your brother, Theo, he’s back.”
“My half-brother.” She corrected him, leaning back against the wall. 
Jin watched as his niece remained cool, calm and collected, which wasn’t a feat for Ailee. Things always didn’t seem to bother her. After those last six months she spent with Theo, Ailee changed. She didn’t mind to be part of Maquina at first, as long as Angel and the MC would never be dragged in. But then Theo sunk his claws into her and things changed. He saw glimpses of the old Ailee, but when she would do a mission, it was like she turned a switch off and did as she was told. It was a benefit for him, but he could see Ailee lose her light with every life she took. That’s why she ran to Santo Padre, the light she was holding onto was still there. “Regardless, he’s back.”
“And this is my concern why?”
“He’s going to come for you and when he does, he’s going to do everything he can to sway you his way. If he has to indict the Mayans, put them in harm's way, he will.” Jin explained. 
“So basically, the lesser of two evils.” Ailee chuckled, shaking her head. “Both want to use me as a means to overtake the other.”
Theodore Kane was Ailee’s half older brother on her mother’s side. She got on well with Theo. He always treated her like his younger sister and was never angry at the circumstances they were placed. But Theo was also an asshole. He knew the worth of a life and capitalized on it. Currently, he had a weapons manufacturing company and was exiled from America due to his father’s past actions. It was strictly enforced that he was not allowed on American soil and Theo blamed his half-siblings for this, so called misunderstanding.
“I take offense that you see myself and Theodore as evil entities.”
Ailee shrugged. “It wouldn’t be offending if it weren’t true. If I won’t work for you, what makes you think I’d work for Theo?”
“You feel that you owe your older brother for the way things played out with his father, how his father was taken out by a Maquina agent. He feels betrayed and rightfully so, but we had to eliminate every threat.” Jin didn’t understand as to why Theo was so upset that his father was killed. Of course, that was his father, so in that sense he understood, but from what he gathered, Theo planned on disposing of his father as well. “What happened those six months, Gracie?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” 
“Ailee, you came back from those six months with Theo changed, I don’t know what he did, what he said, but you can’t keep it in. You have to talk to someone about it.”
“It’s convenient you care now, but you were the one who pushed me to Theo since he was,” she paused, finding the right words to describe the reason as to why Jin wanted her close to Theo. “He didn’t follow your blueprint. Theo made Defande as a means to gain allies. You wanted to know what he had, I told you what he had, Eastern Europe. No matter who we put in place in Eastern Europe, there will be another player that can overtake it. The instability there is far too great. Theo thrives on that, he pinpoints your weakness and manipulates it every way possible to get the outcome he wants.”
“Is that what he did to you?”
“Doesn’t matter what he did to me, my point is, if Theo is remerging, he must have something or someone backing him.”
“You were close to Theo once.”
“I was close to everyone once.”
“Ailee, your brothers need you, maybe Theo can still be salvage.”
“You’re not recruiting me to stop Theo, you’re recruiting me to assure Theo doesn’t get his hands on me.” Ailee sighed, tired and bored with this conversation. “Tio, just get to the point as to why you’re here in my cell, it isn’t about Theo, he hasn’t made enough noise for him to be the problem.”
“I’ll offer you immunity, but I want you to go to Europe. Things are unsettled there and I need someone to go, someone I can trust.”
“You have hundreds of agents to choose from, why should I do it?”
“Cause you’re the only one who Alexander Leon trusts, with his father growing weaker each day, I need to assure that Alexander rightfully takes his place as leader of the Leon organization.”
Alexander Cross Leon. 
The eldest son of the Leon Organization. They were based in Germany and Italy, controlling cocaine trafficking around the EU. They used prime real estate to hide their true business. A quintessential crime family. Drugs, legit business, and murder.
Alexander was the eldest of three sons, the most cunning and untouchable of them all. His younger brothers were too caught up at the romanization of their crime organization. They used it to adhere to their means, to obtain status around the cities in Germany and Italy. But Alexander wanted to grow the business, to make it untouchable. He saw the benefit of allying himself with Maquina, but he also didn’t want to sell drugs any longer. He wanted the family to be clean, something his father himself wanted. The only problem was, it’s what they’ve known, it was hard to break profitable habits. 
“You want me to infiltrate their family.”
“No Lee, the Leon’s are already allied with us, I want you to make sure it remains that way.”
“The Leon’s need us, not the other way around.”
“Things change Ailee, the last thing we need is Theo sweeping in.” Jin sighed. “I’m on your side Lee, I can’t let you go to jail. They would gun for you.”
“No one knows of my connection with Maquina.”
“That’s not the point Lee.”
Ailee knee there was no escaping this. She knew Maquina wouldn’t actually let her lead a life without her at least being part of it. She didn’t want to stay in jail. 
It was the perfect plan. 
“I never wanted to be a part of this world.”
“I know, but it’s in your blood. You would have eventually come Lee, Maquina is ours, it provides for us.” Vince reasoned. 
“Yeah, at the expense of what? Our souls?”
“You never had one.” It was a joke between him, John and Ailee, but as of late, it felt like she didn’t have one anymore. Killing came so easy for her. He rarely worked on missions with his sister but when he did, he saw the damage that’s been done and he would forever be ashamed of it. He wanted her to be a part of this world, while John was heavily against it. 
John believed that she was better off in Santo Padre, living a life they always wanted for her, away from Maquina. She always thrived well around the Reyes family, maybe it was due to the fact that they showed her what a true family could be. A loving mother and father, pesky sibling quarrels, and just a true family. John and Vince tried to provide that for their sister as their parents were highly ideal. Then they added Theo into the mix and it was a whole different fucking ball game. Their half-brother that their mother insisted they visited every summer. They were fine at first, like all siblings, they fought, but the way Theo dotted on Ailee, the way he was so kind to her, it never sat well with John and Vince. Maybe they were envious, but after what occurred all those years ago, it made sense. 
Ailee lost a part of herself during her time with Theo, it was when they all began the joke that she didn’t have a soul.
But she did have a soul, it was just unfortunately tied with Angel Ignacio Reyes.
Opening the car door, she smiled when her eyes landed on her best friend, Olivia, who was waiting outside her new home in Santo Padre. 
“Liv!” Ailee enthusiastically greeted her.
“Look who's back.” Olivia always knew that Ailee wasn’t in prison, but she’s also been in Europe the last few years. She sporadically saw Ailee, but it was rare since her family didn’t want her back in Santo Padre. Which was why she found it odd that not only was she back, Maquina provided a permanent residency for her. “Your shadow isn’t here.”
“Yours isn’t either.”
“Ezekiel didn’t want to upset you.” Olivia grimaced. “He knows the situation.”
“He just got out, of course I’d want to see him.”
“He’s prospecting for the Mayans.”
Ailee chuckled, shaking her head. “Following in big brother’s footsteps. Being a Mayan seems so,” Ailee shrugged, “beneath Ezekiel.”
“Things are different now.”
“It is such wasted intelligence.” Ailee always felt terrible for Ezekiel. She asked her Tio Jin to help Ezekiel out, to offer him the same deal he offered her, but he said that he had no use for EZ. “What are you doing here Liv?”
“Came to surprise my best friend, she just got out of jail.” Olivia gave her a playful smile. “And well, I have the paperwork for the coffee shop.”
Olivia was EZ’s best friend much like Angel was Ailee’s. However, she remained just EZ’s friend even though she was in love with him. Emily has plagued EZ’s mind for so long that Olivia lost hope. Even now, it upset her how Emily still had EZ wrapped around her finger.
She was going to help Ailee run the coffee shop, which would serve as a front for the Maquina headquarters in Santo Padre. Due to the recent border issues, Jin thought it was time to set up shop and what better place than a place they were familiar with. Every coffee shop under Maquina was a front for their facilities. Ailee helped establish the coffee shop job for trainees and new agents. Working at a coffee shop or in the food business helped develop patience, efficiency, balance, and discipline. Many of their newer agents had trouble with said fields, so Ailee developed this training process. They had to work at a coffee shop for a minimum of two years to assure they have perfected their craft. 
Olivia was not a Maquina agent, she was Ailee’s right hand though. She continued to live in Santo Padre and traveled to Europe often. She remained friends with the Mayans and they tried to break her when it came to Ailee, but she kept her mouth zipped. Her loyalties would always lie with Ailee. Olivia did work for Maquina as a hacker on Ailee’s team. She didn’t need to be in Europe, but if there is a mission, she had to be available to assure the team’s success.
Ailee has five people in her team including herself. Olivia, her lead IT and hacker. Oscar, her sniper specialist, proficient in hand to hand combat as well. Andrew, the muscle of the group. Janine, her second in command, proficient with knives and hand guns. They all served a purpose and were a valuable asset to the team. 
Olivia always remained away from the action, Ailee not wanting to further involve her. Olivia could fight and could defend herself, but Ailee was very protective over her best friend. She was untainted, regardless of the exposure she got from Maquina. 
“Where is it located? Where are we at with the construction? Has it been checked by engineering?” Ailee fired off all these questions and Olivia just chuckled.
“Do you not know me? Everything is done, it is ready to open whenever you are.” 
“Just testing ya,” Ailee laughed, wrapping a shoulder around Olivia. They walked into the home Maquina had provided for Ailee.
Olivia whistled, shaking her head. “Maquina always provides.”
“Yeah, as long as you follow the rules, right Tio Jin?” Ailee knew it was a snide remark, but her tio seemed to let it slide.
Jin smirked. “Well, you’re the best at the agency, I have to provide for you.”
“I resent that.” Vince glared as his tio, flopping down on the couch. “So, when do we start?”
“Aren’t you going back to Europe?”
“No, Tio Jin and I felt that it would be better I’m here with you as well, just in case this isn’t a dead end and Theo truly is at the border.” Vince always worried for his sister’s well being. They all had expiration dates with Maquina, it’s hard to remain an agent for long. He knew his sister was itching to get out, but he also knew she had nowhere to go. “Is Alexander coming in?”
“Cross has to stay in Europe, he’s being groomed to take over, remember?” Ailee took off her jacket, sitting beside her older brother.
“Are you going to answer his proposal soon?” Olivia teased, sitting on Ailee’s otherwise.
“Proposal?” Jin turned towards his niece, raising an eyebrow. He sat on the couch across from the three, crossing his legs and leaning back. “Do tell me about your upcoming nuptials.”
“Haha,” Ailee flicked them all off. “There is no proposal, so no marriage.”
“Why are you still holding off, for Angel?” 
Olivia and Jin both cringed on the inside, they knew how sensitive of a subject Angel Reyes was for her. 
Ailee turned towards her brother, who already appeared apologetic. “Let’s do one round in the ring, I’m sure there’s a gym downstairs.” She stood up and went to her room to change, knowing everything was already set up for her.
Vince looked at Jin and Olivia who were both glaring at him.
“Yeah, I know, I deserve it.”
Creeper walked into the clubhouse, all of his brothers anxiously waiting for his arrival. They all looked disappointed when they saw him walk in alone.
“Come on, you know her. She holds a grudge like no one I know.” Creeper walked up to EZ getting a beer from him. “It doesn’t make sense to me.”
“What doesn’t?” Bishop knew that Ailee would never forgive them. They let her rot in there. Every attempt they made to make amends with her was blocked off. He wasn’t sure if it was Jin or not, but he didn’t push it. 
“The way she walked out from that prison, she,” Creeper paused and took a swig out of his beer. “She didn’t seem rattled or excited to be out.” He couldn’t put his finger on it, but it just didn’t make sense to him. 
“Well Lee doesn’t scare easily.” Coco pointed out.
“Something is just off.” Creeper shook his head. “She went with Tio Jin so willingly, it threw me off.”
“She always has had a good relationship with Jin.” Hank added, but he understood Creeper’s concern. Everyone knew that Jin and Ailee stopped seeing eye to eye when she decided to stay in Santo Padre. Jin thought it was a waste of time, waste of talent. He never had anything against the MC, but his niece had a better future than whatever the MC could possibly offer her, well better than what Angel could offer her. 
“Something changed after she spent time with her half-brother.”
“You mean psycho McPsycho?” Angel chimed in. He knew how much she changed. He remembered how she knocked on his door, so softly that he almost didn’t hear it. She looked up at him, face bruised, cheek swollen, left eye shut, Angel was livid. But he knew she didn’t need that, what she needed was him. He had wrapped his arms around her, gave her a bath and held her the whole night. He called off for the next two days, all he had to say to Bishop was Ailee and that was that.
“Yeah,” Creeper sighed. “She asked for us to stay away from her.”
“Well tough shit, we don’t always get what we want.”
“Angel,” Bishop hissed in a warning tone.
“No, I’m sorry Prez, she shut us out while she was in prison, whatever, that was something she could control. But out here, she can’t do jack shit. Whether she likes it or not, we’re going to talk.” Angel walked out of the clubhouse, not wanting to further discuss Ailee.
“Did she go back to Los Angeles?”
“No, she’s setting shop in Santo Padre, she’s opening a coffee shop.”
Taza, Hank and Bishop looked at one another. They knew Maquin’a forte, they set up a coffee shop as a headquarters and operated from there. What business did they have in Santo Padre? Most importantly, why did Jin mention to them that Maquina was setting up shop?
Whatever it was, Bishop didn’t have a good feeling about this.
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theuntamednarrator · 4 years
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Thank you @mika--82​ for the question! I’m sorry it took so long but since I really enjoyed plotting out my Cangse Sanren lives au, and I think a lot about the women in The Untamed who didn't get to see their children grow up, strap in for round two of TB Revives the Mothers of the Untamed. This week's episode: Save Mama Lan by killing Lan Qiren \^.^/
(Many thanks to @drwcn​ for letting me borrow her hc names for Mama Lan (Qui Baiti) and Papa Lan (Lan Cenrong). You can read more about them on her blog here and here.)
(Warning for an unsuccessful suicide attempt)
QBT has been isolated in the Jingshi for a decade. She only sees her sons once a month, she isn’t allowed her sword, and her spiritual power is kept sealed
But LWJ inherited his stubbornness from his mum and she's determined to escape, one way or another
LQR is walking by the Jingshi when he feels a massive surge of energy and breaks his first ever Discipline (no running in Cloud Recesses)
He wrenches the Jingshi door open and sees an array that wouldn't look out of place two decades in the future in an alternate universe in a dingy shed behind Mo Manor
LQR breaks his second Discipline in as many minutes (do not make excessive noise) when he screams for his brother before he grabs QBT and drags her out of the array
LQR didn't have time to think, let alone study what the effects of that might be, all he knew was that it was killing her, and that her death would kill the brother he loves more than anything else
The backlash strikes him and he keels over
QBT gathers him up, sobbing and asking why he did it, she wanted to die, why did you do it Lan-er-gongzi? what were you thinking? Your brother loves you
LQR meets his brother’s eyes as he appears over her shoulder, the terrified disciples flanking him a white blur
He smiles and says I know
Curtains on LQR
(alternatively, we can just kill JGS again because ngl that was real satisfying the first time around)
Now the Elders are in a pickle because this may have been an accident but QBT has now been responsible for the deaths of an Elder and Second Young Master Lan
It's decided that the only option is exile
QBT is forbidden from setting foot in Cloud Recesses and the territories of Gusu Lan for ten year and forbidden from speaking to any Lan disciple during that time
She bows, accepts back the plain sword she had yielded when she came through the gates to be married, and is gone before the dawn. LCR watches her leave and then goes to wake their sons
Now, QBT was a wandering cultivator long before she was Lan-furen and actually really enjoys returning to life on the road
I wandered once! I can do it again!
Five years later she meets XXC battling a ferocious demon snake and together they defeat it
QBT definitely doesn’t feel her heart beat a little faster at the youthful face, white robes, and elegant jade-and-silver sword
She answers XXC's graceful bow with one of her own and the two spend a week clearing out the fierce nests of demons on the mountain
The next time their wandering brings them together she is introduced to my good friend Song Lan and hides her smile in her sleeve
Meanwhile in Cloud Recesses without LQR to pick up the slack LCR is forced to step out of seclusion and actually run his sect and parent his children
He does a very good job
QBT has to fight back proud tears every time she hears Twin Jades of Lan spoken of with awe
Ten years to the day of her exile QBT is grinning as she climbs the long flights of stairs towards the gates of Cloud Recesses
Part of that might be the entertaining company she walks with
A young man clutching two bottles of Emperor's Smile and talking so fast she’s only half listening while she tries to figure out if he’s actually taken a breath since introducing himself
Talking at breakneck speed of the young master who had been so strict with him at the gates, aiya Auntie! He was so cold! you should have seen his stony face
QBT only grins harder as WWX climbs the wall, is challenged, and blades flash over tiles (it might bring back fond memories of her own youth)
She slips over the wall while they are distracted and once WWX is silenced she reaches out her hand
You handle your sword beautifully, may I?
LWJ can't even say why - it's too dark to see her face and the voice is roughened after 10 years on the road - but he hands Bichen over without a second thought
She sighs as she runs a finger over the blade and the steel glows, lighting up her face (solely because I think glowy Bichen is very sexy and we should have had more of it in the drama honestly)
Bichen suits you better than it ever suited me, ZhanZhan 
LWJ is emoting all over the place (so embarrassing)
(luckily his back is to WWX because if baby disaster bi WWX saw that smile he would've died on the spot)
WWX of course is still a troublemaking rule breaker and LWJ is still charged with overseeing his punishment
QBT and LXC are united in their LWJ should make friends agenda and LXC inherited his sense of humour and delight for teasing LWJ from QBT
Between the two of them LWJ soon has more friends than he knows what to do with
QBT and LXC co-captain the good ship Wangxian
Of course plot stuff still happens including accidental-marriage-before-a-Quest-Ghost
XXC and SL meet them in Yueyang and when LWJ introduces himself they're thrilled because hey we know your mum! she’s real cool!
They don't trust the clans and they might've heard of NMJ but they know Qui-jiejie and they trust her and so they decide XY will go to Cloud Recesses for judgement
N-wow the twin jades are really deserving of their reputations-HS insists on a Qinghe representative going too
oh me? no no Wei-xiong this has been quite enough adventure for me. Meng Yao you'll go won't you? Dage trusts you and Lan-gongzi admired your *delicate cough* capability *innocent smile*
my.blush.com/embarrassed/yearning agrees
QBT is delighted to see XXC and SL again and happily introduces them to her elder son
SL and LXC almost immediately get into a heated debate over ahistorical fantasy chinese philosophy and/or politics and are instantly bonded
QBT may or may not have instigated said debate with a well-timed quote from a well-known (re: divisive) text
Basically QBT shares my get LXC more friends agenda
SL is, again, the first person (apart from LXC and his parents) to laugh at LWJ's jokes
WWX still refuses to believe this actually happened (the joke and SL laughing) (XXC swears it’s true)
XY is locked in the back hills and eventually a) dies trying to use his hidden piece of the yin iron to break the seals OR b) is rehabilitated by the power of bunnies and become an outer disciple (reader's choice!)
XXC and SL accompany WWX and JC part of the way to Lotus Pier
Cloud Recesses is attacked, QBT and LCR send LXC and MY away with the sacred texts, MY promising he knows somewhere safe to hide
LWJ refuses to leave his parents. The losses are not as bad as in canon, the Wen are beaten back, but LCR and LWJ are both injured
No Good Very Bad Summer Camp with World's Worst Head Counselor WC
No Good Very Bad Turtle Cave of Love
WWX wakes post-rescue with LWJ still there
(Because his parents are holding Cloud Recesses and he knows LXC is safe so he doesn't need to rush off)
JZX, JC, LWJ, and WWX spend a day planning before they split up
(this is hilarious and JC says "fuck" not less than 219 times)
(WWX only almost punches JZX and it only happens twice honestly people should be grateful! he was so restrained!!)
They all return home, LWJ promising to bring reinforcements from Cloud Recesses to Lotus Pier (because it's the most obvious next target. no other reason. just. strategically it makes sense)
WQ sends WN to Lotus Pier to warn WWX when WZL's forces are on their way
When the Wen attack, they're met with a prepared force of 1) YZY and the Jiang Disciples 2) QBT, LWJ, and a contingent of Lan Disciples AND 3) JC and WWX and a gaggle of archers (seriously why tf show the Jiang being so good and then only give us two archery fight scene moments and it’s heart breaking sixth young master jiang dying and some rando ouyang disciple shooting WWX?)
Things get a little hairy but between YZY and QBT they defeat WZL and the rest of the Wen quickly surrender
JFM and JYL arrive just as the battle is ending, escorted by Madam Jin, JZX, LQY, and all the Jin Disciples who were at Cloud Recesses
(WWX: MianMian you came you must have been so worried about me! LQY, ignoring him: Lan-er-gongzi are you okay? WWX: ah Lan Zhan you MianMian really likes you! that’s lucky! LWJ, screaming internally: mn)
(JGS was furious when JZX announced he was joining the campaign but what could he possibly say in front of his battle ready wife without looking like the utter coward of a wet biscuit he is)
Once again WWX is left with a screaming sword, too much curiosity, and too much time on his hands (due to his adopted family being not-dead)
But worse he has now also access to a woman who created an array powerful enough to kill even with her spiritual power sealed
Poor WRH doesn't stand a chance, even without MY spying for the Sunshot Campaign
After the battle QBT&LCR and YZY&JFM shut JGS's bullshit power grab down real quick and JGS sulks like the baby he is (probably in a brothel) while Madam Jin and JZX take over Lanling Jin
JZX hears about MY and the way he helped LXC and NMJ sends a letter of support and JZX is already quite jealous of all these sibling bonds and welcomes Ziyao with open arms
(All of which goes slightly to waste when JZY marries out to the Lan clan slightly less than a year later but hey, at least it's a good alliance.)
WQ takes over the Wen Clan but tears down Nightless City and relocates the capital to Dafan
(WQ: have you been to Nightless City? It’s built on an active volcano. Do you know how bad sulfur ash is for open wounds? Do you know what medical herbs grow in lava slurry? None is the answer. My family are all fucking morons)
(WQ: Not you a-Ning you’re a delight and we’re thrilled you’re here)
Rumour has it a certain immortal was so impressed with the stories of the medical techniques of Dafan Wen that she paid WQ a visit
(Disciples are so reckless after all! One never knows when one might need to be capable of transplanting vital organs!)
Each year WWX and LWJ spend 3 months at Gusu, 3 months at Lotus Pier, and 6 months wandering with XXC and SL
They get "fake married" no less than four times in three years (for the investigation xiongzhang! absolutely no other reason shishu! no other reason at all!) before LXC, MY, XXC, and SL get fed up and barricade them in their room until they talk to each other dammit
(LXC is very grateful MY has gotten so handy with the silencing talismans because the 'conversation' gets uncomfortably loud real quick)
Side note to say Clarity works very well to avert a qi deviation when it's not being actively corrupted, thanks very much, and NMJ lives many, many, many years which would be entirely happy if only NHS would pick up his saber once in a while
He would tell NHS this if he could ever find him
Happy ending!³
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epic-potato-crisp · 4 years
Caramel Syrup
Note: Dear @gingerrhd, I was your secret santa this year! You mentioned KouKei, autumn, sarcasm, and the worst coffee date ever in the prompts, so I decided to go with a coffeshop! AU for the story. I hope you enjoy!  ^-^
The bell jingled over his head as Kei pried open the heavy door of “Fantôme.” There weren’t many customers around, which is what he had been going for for when he decided to pick a small, secluded coffeeshop to study in favor of the larger franchise store down the road. It had been his go-to-place, before Kei discovered just how many students from his High School spend their free hours and afternoons there.
No thank you. Kei could do without the obligatory socialization every time he tried to get ahead in his homework. Also, their management had changed and for some absurd reason he had a strange feeling about the new shift manager behind the counter, an old man approaching pension age who graced him with a downright unsettling smile every time they met. So Fantôme it was. As it turned out, not only was the store empty, and offered “Free Wifi” if one were to believe the obnoxious signs plastered throughout, it also held a large amount of seating opportunities. That was welcome news to Kei, who despised encountering his classmates almost as the lack of free tables. “Welcome!” The red-haired boy behind the counter shouted as soon as he spotted him, bowing promptly. Kei grimaced at the ear-splitting volume. “A gingerbread latte please.” he ordered, after a customary glance at the menu. “That will be 600 yen.” Kei nodded, and handed over the required amount. “Alright. Please take a seat. Coming right up!!” the barista responded, flashing him an irritatingly cheerful smile. Kei rolled his eyes and went to find a table.
  “Here you go, sorry for the delay.” A good ten minutes later, a steaming cup of coffee was placed in front of him. Kei had already spread himself out over the desk, his laptop turned on and class notes on his side. “Thanks.” Kei graced the barista-server-whatever he was with a court nod, before turning back to his screen. “Oh, what are you doing there?”
Someone save him.
“Homework.” “Oh, cool, for what subject?” The redhead didn’t seem the slightest bit deterred by the venomous look Kei shot him, sliding into the empty next to him. On the contrary. “History.” “Oh man, I hate that subject. But you know what I hate even more?” Kei did not remember asking, but the barista generously provided him with an update anyway. “Biology. Seriously man, I didn’t know there were so many complicating things to know about plans. Don’t you just water them?” He gestured wildly as he spoke. “Oh, and don’t get me started on Japanese Literature-“ “Don’t you have work to do?” Kei cut across him. “Nah, actually, my shift break just started. Lucky, eh?” the barista grinned.
Oh God, he should have gone to his old place. Not even his classmates talked this much.
“I’m Nakano Kou, by the way! Nice to meet you!” He held out his hand. Kei grimaced, but forced himself into the polite response and shook it briefly. “Likewise.” He replied monotonously. Nakano tilted his head, his bushy eyebrows travelling skywards. So much for privacy. “I’m Nagai Kei.” Kei grumbled, “And I have work to do, so if you excuse me-“
It was at that moment a tall man with glasses and silver hair appeared behind the counter. “Nakano!” he barked, as soon as he spotted the pair of them, “If you have time to harass the customers, you might as well get to work! The tables won’t clear themselves.” Nakano winced, caught and got to his feet with a sigh. “Sorry, my shift manager is no fun. I’ll see you around, yeah?” Kei didn’t dignify that with a response. He got to work.
  “Welcome! Oh, Nagai, it’s great to see you back!” “Likewise.” Kei ground out between clenched teeth, cursing his luck. The shop was fuller this time, the tables being occupied by elderly people enjoying their afternoon treat and college students typing away at laptops alike. Did the Fantôme not employ anyone else? Either Nakano was the epitome of obliviousness, or he purposefully ignored Kei’s hostile tone. He took his order- Kei went with his regular, with an extra helping of caramel syrup- chatting away merrily as he did. “Honestly, I’m really glad you chose our store. You know, the bigger franchise one down the road?” “Hard to miss.” Kei deadpanned. “Yeah, that one! So, they drive away most of our customers. But Hirasawa-san- that’s my boss, you know- he says not to worry. That the Phantom has its own unique charm, ya know?” The coffee machine beeped shrilly. “Oh, whoops, gotta refill the water tank. Just a second!” “It’s Fantôme.” Kei couldn’t help himself. “What?” Nakano appeared genuinely confused, as he filled a large container under the sink. “The shop. It’s pronounced Fantôme.” Correcting other people’s pronounciation had always been one of Kei’s biggest pet peeves. It hadn’t exactly helped him in making friends at school. “Sure, if you say so! French confuses the heck out of me.” Kei was about to spitefully remark what doesn’t, but held his tongue.
Nakano, who had meanwhile successfully managed to get the machine working again, turned his back on the cup filling with coffee and grabbed a chocolate pastry from showcase, placed it on a tiny plate and handed it to Kei.” “Voila!” “I didn’t order that.” Kei said. “Yeah, I know. Consider it on the house.” Kou winked and rang him up.
Kei managed about an hour of successfully typing away at his essay before a certain redheaded menace decided to join him again at the table.
“Hey, hope you don’t mind!” He declared energetically, before taking a seat next to Kei, armed with a piece of cake and sparkling glass of soda. Kei did mind, but apparently that was obsolete.
“So what are you doing today?” “History again. Citing my sources.” “Ugh, that sounds boring.” Nakano said emphatically. “Tell me about it.” “So you’re going to Kaisei?” Nakano said, with a nod to his blazer. “I guess.” “Isn’t that crazy hard to get into?” Kei shrugs. “Maybe. I didn’t think the entrance exam was that difficult.” “Woah!” If Kou’s eyes widened any further, they would have popped out of their sockets. “You’re really fucking smart, aren’t you?” Kei, much to his disagreement, felt his cheeks warm at the unexpected praise. “So, you’re in High School too? What year?” Kei asked, in an attempt to redirect  the conversation towards Nakano himself. “Year 2.” “Same as me.” Nakano groaned pitifully. “End of term exams are going to kill me once I start studying for them.” Kei stopped his typing. “What do you mean once you start studying for them? They’re in February.” “Yeah, so? “It’s December.” Kei knew it wasn’t his place to advise the other boy on study methods, but he was adept at spotting a train wreck in the making. Or perhaps, that was just his OCD talking. “When were you going to start?” “End of January?” Nakano responded. It sounded like a question.
Oh dear God.
“Anyway.” Nakano said, misinterpreting his stunned silence for agreement, “You know how I said that the larger store drives our customers away? Know why that is?” His eyes sparkled excitedly. Kei glanced at the counter, hoping the coffee machine would decide to act up again and save him from the rest of this conversation. “Other than that they’re an internationally renowned franchise with stores all over the world? No. Couldn’t possibly imagine.” Kei replied sarcastically, which went right over Nakano’s head. “Nah, that’s not it.” Nakano said, dismissing Kei’s perfectly logical statement with a wave of his hand. He grinned conspiratorially. “Listen to this. There are rumors that their new manager is cahoots with the yakuza. The Yakuza! Crazy, right?” “Wow.” Kei said, not knowing what else to respond to this. Indeed, the grandpa behind the counter did look like he could murder his him in his sleep and get away with it. It would probably a merciful death by comparison, he thought, side-eyeing Nakano, who rambled on as though there was no tomorrow. A few minutes later, he was saved by the same sour-faced shift manager that had come to his aid the other day. “Stop trash-talking the competition, Nakano! Table 3 wants to order!” “Ah, yessir!” Nakano yelled, making Kei wince. He jumped up and gave a wave. “Laters!” Kei pinched his forehead, and returned to his sources.
For someone who had vowed to never return here, Kei thought glumly to himself, as he walked into the Fantôme a week later on a rainy Thursday afternoon, he was really bad at keeping promises. Even to himself. The lady behind the counter was tiny. “Good afternoon.” She greeted him monotonously, staring at him with dark, soulful eyes that looked like they’d seen enough. “What would you like?” Kei thought decisively that he didn’t miss the exciting chatter that had accompanied his earlier orders, and got out his wallet.  
“Oh, hey! Nagai! Izumi-san, I’m taking this one.” Kei didn’t know what exactly possessed him to return the very next day, but there was work he had to yet finish, and the atmosphere of the coffeeshop had provided to aid his levels of productivity. Well, for the most part. “Alright.” The petite woman from yesterday replied, eyes even more weary than the day before, and moved on to the next customer. Fridays were busy, even at the Fantôme. “Gingerbread latte?” Nakano asked, as soon as Nagai reached the counter. Nagai nodded. “And, one of these pastries, please.” he said. “Coming right up! And, sorry, but I guess I’ll have to charge you for the pastry this time. Tosaki-san- that’s my shift manager said I’m not allowed to give out freebies.” He shrugged. “That’s fine.” Kei said. “But I’m starting to convince him of the fact that you’re a regular, so that might change!” Nakano winked. “Don’t count on it.” “Yeah, yeah, that’s what they all say.” Nakano said teasingly, and rang him up.
Kei was impressed to learn that even a rush on a Friday afternoon was not enough to deter Nakano from bothering him at his table. Strangely enough, he found himself not really minding the company. Even if it did keep him from his statistics homework. “Fun fact.” Nakano said, “You know that this store was originally gonna be called IBM? But you know, that’s trademarked, so Hirasawa-san didn’t go ahead with it.” “What the hell would IBM even stand for?” Kei shut his laptop screen, deciding that perhaps a small break would not completely ruin his progress. He took a bite out of his pastry, which tasted more delicious than it had any business being. “I don’t know, man. International Brewery Masters?” “You literally have one store.” “Point taken.” Nakano grinned.
Kei rolled his eyes. “Shouldn’t you be at the register?” “My coworker’s handling it.” Nakano said, making large puppy eyes at him, “I have a double shift on Saturday, give me a break.” “Your coworker?” “Well, yeah, Izumi-san. You’ve met her, right?” Nakano’s voice picked up, excitedly. “She’s really hot, isn’t she?” “What exactly is hot, Nakano-kun?” a quiet voice asked behind him asked. Nakano choked on his soda. The woman in question had approached with the stealth of a panther. She narrowed her eyes at the younger employee. “I-Izumi-san!” Nakano responded, flustered, “I, uh, I meant the coffee! Right, Kei? It’s really nice and hot, isn’t it?” “It’s very good, indeed.” Kei responded, after a delighting moment of watching Nakano struggle in embarrassment. Izumi left, but not without shooting last glare in Nakano’s direction. “I feel like she doesn’t like me.” Nakano whined, as soon as she was out of earshot. “How on earth did you reach that conclusion?” Kei asked, raising an eyebrow. He glanced at his watch. It was already close to 6 pm. “I’m sorry, but I’m leaving in a bit.” Eriko was home from the hospital for the weekend. And as strained as their relationship might be, Kei did feel guilty for not spending as much time with his little sister as he probably should have. “Oh, that’s perfect!” Nakano replied, “I’ll get off in half an hour. Want to walk to the station together?” Oh well. He needed to catch his train either way. “Sure.”
   Nakano, predictably, talked the entire way to the station. Which suited Kei well this time, as it saved him from having to make awkward small talk. He learned that Nakano had been working at the Fantôme for a year already. He was one of two High Schoolers the shop’s owner, Hirsawa-san had employed. Most other employees were college students. There was Tosaki, who was studying for his masters at Keio University, and Izumi, an undergrad student at Sophia. He also learned that Nakano lived on his own, and had barely scraped by his first year in High School. When asked about his parents, he shrugged. “They didn’t pay the rent, and got us kicked out of our place. My uncle’s helping me pay for a room, but I’m pretty much on my own with all other expenses. Sucks, but that’s the way it is.” “I’m sorry.” Kei answered, not knowing what else to say. “Don’t be.” Nakano gave him a smile that seemed genuine, “I do like my job. Even though Tosaki-san can be a pain at times.” An awkward silence fell between them. “Want to exchange LINE ID’s?” Nakano asked, just before they reached the station. “Sure, whatever.” “You can call me Kou, by the way. Nakano’s so freaking formal. And can I call you Kei, too?” “Whatever.” Kei repeated, ignoring the pleased feeling in the pit of his stomach when he realized Nakano had bothered to remember his first name.
Ten minutes later, on a crowded train heading back home, Kei muted his phone notifications when Kou wouldn’t stop spamming their chat with rilakumma emojis.
  Despite his better judgement, Kei started showing up at the Fantôme once a week. His visits fell mostly on Mondays, which was coincidentally also the day that Kou was on his regular shift. Kei blamed it on the workload the school assigned with the beginning of every week.
He had slowly developed a craving for the Fantôme’s coffee specials, and the place did offer a rather peaceful study atmosphere, if he left aside Kou’s chattering during his impromptu visits at Kei’s table.
But even those, he secretly grew to like. Not that he would ever admit to it.
  “Welcome! Your order?” The barista at the counter was not Kou. A shadow fell over Kei as the man towered above him at what was easily two meters of height. The Fantome’s signature apron barely reached his midriff. The accompanying cream-coloured frills provided a striking contrast to his perpetual scowl. Tanaka, the name tag read. “I, um-“ “Oh, hello Kei.” Izumi greeted him, emerging from the kitchen with a rare smile. He did know when exactly she had learned his name, but somewhere between his first and his fifteenth visit, he had apparently made an impression. It was what came with being a “regular” , he supposed, which wasn’t nearly as beneficial as Kou made it out to be. Even though he enjoyed the occasional complimentary pastry. Where was he, anyway? It was a Monday like any other. “Nakano’s not working today.” she said, apparently having read his thoughts, “He’s at home studying. His exams are coming up soon.” “Oh, I see.” Kei said, “Then, well…” he glanced at the mountain of a barista that looked like he could take him out in one ill-timed blow, “I just wanted to get drinks for takeaway. One gingerbread latte, please.” he said. “600 yen.” “Actually, can you make that two?” Tanaka grunted, which Kei understood as a confirmation. “Visiting a friend?” Izumi-san asked, a knowing look in her eyes. “Just for my sister.” Kei responded. His heart was racing, which was a little odd, he thought. He was yet to consume any amount of caffeine. “I see.”
  This was most likely a bad idea, Kei thought. In between spamming him with memes, links to prank compilations on youtube and various emojis, Kou had also written his address.
“What would I need that for? ”Kei had texted back. “In case you ever wanna hang out!” Kei had left him on read.
Now, standing in front of his door, he considered turning around. But he had already come all this way, to a ward on the suburbs of Tokyo. Also, the coffee was getting cold. He sighed, and pressed the doorbell. “Kei!!” Nakano’s surprised expression gave way to a joyful one when he noticed his unexpected visitor. “Come in, please!” He beckoned him inside eagerly. “Please excuse the intrusion.” Kei mumbled, taking off his shoes and stepping into Nakano’s apartment. It was tiny. There was bed and a dresser, a floor table and seating pillows. A fridge, and a single stove with a microwave took up one corner of the room. Kei spotted a door in the another one, probably leading to a bathroom. Also, it looked like a bomb had exploded in here. “Please have a seat. Sorry, it’s not very tidy.” Nakano said, That put it lightly, Kei thought, stepping over books, socks and empty bottles. Nakano brought him a glass of water, and they sat down at the table. “I heard you were studying for exams.” “Yeah, I have some tests coming up.” Kou sighed, “Tosaki-san told me to take the week off and study. When I came into work this afternoon, he yelled at me, so… I guess I’m here.” He laughed embarrassedly. “When are your exams?” Kei asked, with an impending feeling of doom, taking a sip of his water. “Thursday. Friday.” Nakano said. “This week?” “Yep.” He should have just gone home. “Do you have trouble with any of the material?” Nakano flashed him a saccharine smile. “Perhaps you could tutor me?” Kei could feel a headache coming on. “Depends on the subjects.” “Math, I can mostly do, but I am struggling with biology.” Nakano said, giving him the largest puppy eyes Kei had ever witnessed. “Alright, fine. Let’s do this.” Kei agreed with a sigh, opening a textbook. How hard could that possibly be? He aced biology every time. Surely tutoring someone else was not that vastly different.
One hour later, their styrofoam cups were empty and Kei was about to lose his sanity. “What exactly are you not getting about the polymerase chain reaction?” He snapped, twisting a pen in his hand, ink smudging all over his fingers, “It’s not that hard!”
“Yes, it is.” Nakano yelled, desperation clawing its way into his voice. “Well, what part?” “Everything.” Nakano moaned, burying his face in his hands. “Oh man, I’m sorry. Nagai. I’m a lost cause. You should just go home.” Kei felt very tempted to do just that, but he took a way at Kou’s room and the tense way he hunched his shoulders and the staple of bills on the corner of the desk, and felt like an asshole for even considering it. But wait. He still had an ace up his sleeve. He stepped out onto the balcony, and made a call.
“I came as fast as I could.” Kaito leaned against the doorframe, motorcycle helmet underneath his arm, “Lucky I live nearby.” “Thank you. I owe you one.” Kei said. Kaito waved him off. “No, believe me, you’ll call in that favor once you see what I mean.” Kei said dryly. Kaito laughed at his pained expression. “It’ll be fine.” “Kei, are you leaving?” Nakano called, emerging from the bathroom. He paused in his tracks once he saw Kaito. “Oh, hi, you are-“ “Your new biology teacher.” Kei said coldly. Kou tilted his head in confusion. “A friend of mine. Who’s good at biology. He agreed to teach you. That’s all.” Kei grumbled. Immediately, Kou’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Hey! Wow, thanks for doing this! I’m really an idiot, so sorry in advance for taking up your time. I’m Nakano, by the way. Come in!” “Kaito. Pleasure.” the blond replied, giving him a warm smile. “I’m gonna go and get some food from the conbini down the road.” Kei responded, “Have fun.” “Get me some tuna onigiri, yeah?” Kou called after him. “In your dreams.” Kaito laughed.
  Three hours later, they sat at Kou’s table together, feasting on rice balls, soba noodles and lemon tea. “Kaito, you’re seriously the best.” Kou said, mid-chew. Kei turned his face away in disgust. “I feel like I really understood the stuff for the first-time!” “You’re welcome.” Kaito replied, “And by the way, Kou, don’t be so hard on yourself. You do understand more than you think. I think you just have trouble remembering the detail, but that’s okay. It’s what you study for, after all.” “You’re so nice, Kaito.” Kou fawned, “You’re much nicer than Kei.” “Hey. Remember who got him here in the first place?” Kei snapped, irritated. “I know, sorry. That was pretty great of you.” Kou said apologetically, grinning at him cheekily. Pretty great of you. Kei felt his cheeks heating up. “Bathroom.” he said, leaving as quickly as he could, and ignoring the smile on Kaito’s face.
  “So, what’s the result?” Kou’s shift manager had apparently been waiting for them already when they walked into the store on Monday. “Hello, Tosaki-san, nice to see you too.” Kou said, rolling his eyes. Tosaki glared at him. “Okay, okay, fine!” Kou held up his hands in defeat. “I passed. Both exams. B in maths, C in biology.” “Just a C, after all the tutoring that Kaito gave you.” Kei comments acidly, “Were you even trying?” “Hey, I passed, okay? Wasn’t that the goal?” Kou pouted at him. Kei sighed, wishing that his puppy eyes didn’t have that much of an effect on him.
“I guess you did. Well done.”
Kou smiled at him. Kei felt his heart flutter, and looked away. “Well done, Nakano-kun.” Izumi said, who’d apparently overheard a part of their conversation, “Nagai’s drink is on me.” “Thanks.” Kei said. “Well then, get to work.” Tosaki adjusted his glasses. “Seriously, that’s all? Don’t I get a reward or something?” “Your reward is the tables you’ll be clearing.” Tosaki says haughtily, crossing his arms in front of his chest, “You’re late, so get moving.” “Yes, boss.” Kou sighs. “…Well done.” Kou turned in his tracks. “What was that?” “Move it!”
“Your regular?” Izumi asked, just as Nakano trudged off to get changed, “It’s on me.” “Is the gingerbread latte even a seasonal item anymore?” Kei said, seriously. “We make exceptions for our frequent customers.” Izumi responds, lowering her voice secretively. “Well, then I won’t say no.”
Izumi hummed and got to work preparing his drink. “Oh, in case you were worried. Nakano-kun still has all his vacation days. I guess that’s a type of reward, isn’t it?” “Hadn’t crossed my mind to be worried at all.” Kei answered, too quickly for it to be true. “I see.” Izumi said, with this knowing smile Kei hoped he interpreted too much into. “Here you go.” “Thank you.”
Kou came out from the staff room at this very second, wearing his work-shirt and apron. “Grab a seat, yeah?” he told Kei, “I’ll be with you as soon as I get a free minute.” “You don’t have to-“ His voice cut off, his brain short-circuiting in shock once he realized that Kou had kissed his cheek. “I-“ “That’s your reward.” Kou said, smiling at him, gentle and invigorating like summer rain, and for the first time in months, Kei was speechless.
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ziracona · 4 years
Dwight/Jake wedding headcanons maybe? They deserve it.
For sure!
It’s a couple years down the road. They’ve been living in the Indiana house with Adam, while the others orbit in and out from Springwood and Lockport and Haddonfield and Indianapolis and Bloomington and New Jersey and Missouri and New York and such every few days. It’s peaceful and fun there for them. Woods, big house, familiar smells and people and memorobelia and Ron’s grave and markers added nearby for Vigo and Alex and Lisa and Sujan and the person from the lab with no name and the survivors who came before them and never got to be buried. It’s home. They’re just chilling, Dwight and Jake talking with intent but also very relaxed about something while Adam edits a sequel in his easy chair, deep in edit mode, when Jake calls over, “Hey Adam, do you want to be a best man, or do you want to marry us?”
Which Adam hears the wrong homophone for for a second and almost takes him out before he realizes they meant the other version of ‘marry’ and remembers how to breathe again.
He stutters out a, “Well, I, uh—I mean, I can do whichever you’d prefer, but I’m not ordained. In. Anything. I know I did Min and Nea’s, but—”
“—Yeah, we know, but we just need it to be legal,” Jake shrugs, “and we don’t want a stranger at the wedding period, so someone’s getting ordained.”
“I think you can get ordained online in like an hour,” adds Dwight helpfully, “and we’re not religious either, but—and now that I’m saying this it was Meg so that means I should make sure becuase sometimes her memory for numbers is uhhh bad, but she told me like a week ago you only need ten people to officially get your new religion recognized. And we could be ‘the survivors’ or something. I don’t know I believe in much, but I believe in that.”
Jake nods. “Whatever is true, this group of people can rip a hole in the fabric of the universe for each other. I’d ascribe to that.”
“I kind of like that,” says Adam, “I would too. But if we have a spiritual ‘leader’, wouldn’t Ace be a better choice than me? Or Jane?”
This is considered a good point and they debate between Adam, Jeff, Tapp, Jane, and Ace for a bit, [Philip is also briefly considered, but they realize just as fast he’d be overwhelmed and stressed by having to do it & mercifully swap him to another role], then decide on Ace, who’s always been the kind of...not exactly dad, not exactly uncle, but not not those things, and certainly some kind of an early spiritual or morale core for them, parentish figure, and a comfort and hope leader for them all. Also, they know he’ll get a fkn kick out of being ordained for this.
Dwight takes Quentin as his Best Man, Claudette his Maid of Honor, and Jake takes Nea as Matron of Honor, Andrew as Best Man, and Meg as Maid of Honor. They decide fuck it, and it’s kinda Parks & Rec (an argument used by and against Jake many times the next few weeks) anyway, and also both take Adam and Philip as Best Men because fuck it, it’s too hard and also wedding rules are arbitrary and made to be broken, and so then Jake adds Kate as a bridesmaid, Dwight adds Laurie, they realize the number of survivors is dwindling dangerously and decide fuck it, our wedding is for us might as well be fkn weird and cool, and add David, Min, Tapp, Jane, Jeff, and Laurie as groomsmen and bridesmaids too. This still leaves Michael, Anna, Sally, Benedict, Susie, Jeff’s three Legion kids, and everyone’s families which is like fkn a lot of people, to be audience party (sans Nancy, who is pleaded with to be wedding party and run the music pre-reception because the number of people that they want involved /and/ who won’t give in to or be tricked by Meg into some kind of terrible flash mob stunt is very small, and in fact, basically is just Nancy. She is happy to do it and thinks their desperate reasoning is hilarious).
They break the news to Meg and Claudette and Ace first (after Adam), ask Ace to marry them, and tell Meg she can run post-weddding/reception music however she wants, except the songs for a couples dance & parent dances. She is /thrilled/. Claudette is very happy and cries. They call up Quentin & Nea to add to the conversation and Jake says Nea and Meg and Susie are in charge of setting up the wedding because he knows they’re gonna fight him for the role anyway, but they have to throw whatever they can together with only the stuff they own already and $50, they want only family & the other survivors/their families at the wedding, the service short and sweet, and to have it at the cabin, by the river. Meg loses her mind with indignance and joy together, and goes buckwild. They hit thrift shops for fairy lights and streamers and more.
Everyone is thrilled to be asked, Jane says “about time,” and Philip can’t think of anything to say and gets overwhelmed emotionally and taken off guard to be asked to be a groomsman. It’s sweet. Everyone with fashion sense takes everyone else shopping or through their wardrobes for fun wedding clothes and to at least have accent pieces that match a color theme. (Complimentary blues, yellow/gold, and pinks to the grooms’. More on that). It’s super fun & they make a fashion show of it. There’s no matching in form, just color, which is just the best version anyway there’s really no goddamn reason to spend thousands of bucks on a wedding when you could just have a funky cute good time with the people who love you & no stress.
Jake picks a deep blue hanbok (bc the hottest Jake I’ve ever seen is the one @eggchef did for lunar new year & the note in the tags about an actual hanbok has been banging around in my head ever since), and when they’re going through stuff for Dwight, he comments a pink one is surprisingly nice because it’s not the color he’d expected to think about, and Jake remarks offhand that if they do deep blue and pink they’ll be stealing their girls’ looks, and the second he says that, they both know there’s no other choice now. Dwight gets a light pink suit and a tie that matches Jake’s blue. They’re adorable and both look exceedingly handsome.
The wedding is short and perfect. Ace does a great job, it’s a nice day, and Meg works wonders with her $50 budget and (notably obscenely large) preexisting store of party supplies, + help from her mom who is passing down the legacy of being the best tiny budget party planner on earth. It’s very open, but with near arches and dangling glass and prisims that cast rainbows everywhere, lots of meaningfully chosen for their blessings and symbolism flowers and flower chains from Claudette. It’s a little reminiscent of the birthday decorations Min and Nea did plus the prisims, and that accidentally makes all the survivors super emotional like 1 minute in.
Only the moms get to speak in the wedding (besides Ace and the grooms), and Andrew and Meg and Nea and Quentin and such all gotta save their roasts for the reception. It’s sweet. Ace knows them super well and it shows in the best way. The grooms write their own vows, and both echo their statements in the hatch tunnel without knowing the other was going to do so too. Jake starts with an “I am deeply, unendingly, ridiculously in love with you,” and Dwight brings in a, “I wouldn’t be who I am without you.” They end it with Dwight saying, “Will you still stay with me, now that it’s all over? Through whatever we’re thrown to next?” And Jake replying, “Wherever you go, I’ll always follow.”
I cry.
The reception is a party by the house. It’s just a huge prepared buffet made by the family who can cook, so no one has to sit and wait. Meg starts the music with Cascada’s Evacuate the Dance Floor because she doesn’t “want to see people dragging their feet like a bunch of fuckin weenies, I want asses on that dance floor!” There’s a lot of 90s and early 2000s pop, but also many many classic dance songs. Lots of ABBA. Lots of it. Everyone has great fun. Min, Nea, Susie, and Meg made the playlist, except for a few of the specific dances. Muriel Fairfield’s mother-son dance with Dwight is to Song For Ten by Neil Hannon because he knows she’s a sweet big emotional nerd and it’s the song she wants, and he’s willing to do it, and she sobs and is a mess but also the happiest she’s been since the day she got the call he was alive.
They have literally zero idea where they’re going when they drive off for a honeymoon. They’re like “Uhh so I’ve been looking at our complete and utter lack of wedding structure and planning as a good thing? But we might have overstepped that a little here....”
Dwight drives while Jake searches the web for LGBT safe honeymoon locations because there’s nothing that would ruin a trip more than that not working out, and reads off a list and Dwight is like, “Wait wait holy fuck, I though you meant what US cities or maybe Canada. Switzerland? Do we even have cash for the plane fare somewhere like that?” And Jake just looks at the page silently for a few seconds, shuts the laptop, and without expression says, “...I really hate this, but I’m gonna let myself be a rich boy, just once.”
They take Andrew’s jet to New Zealand (Jake calls him and listens for 2 minutes then just monotone goes “Okay but you owe me for being a dipshit for fifteen years,” and they get the ride). Jake picks a relaxed pace and some scuba diving, some hikes, but no overnight camping. Lots of just seeing the world and holding hands and grinning at how absolutely breathless and shocked Dwight is at every chunk of nature like nothing he’s seen before. They are disgustingly, blissfully happy.
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