#they‘re MRAs
burningtheroots · 1 year
Any opinion on users like hadeantaiga and spacelazarwolf? Aka "Gay Trans Mascs" who are really dead set on handmaidening deffending men as actual active victims of the patriarcy in a comparable level to women, along with claiming that men can and are oppresed and not inherent oppresors just because black/gay/jewish/ect men exist?
"Gay Trans Mascs" are heterosexual women with lots of internalized misogyny & probably deep-rooted trauma, and on top of it comes the dysphoria.
They think promoting MRA ideology will help them, but they should become aware that men don‘t see them as one of them, no matter how much they kiss their feet.
I looked up the posts from the users you mentioned (fun fact, they already blocked me but thankfully that doesn’t stop me ;)), and I think that that they‘re willfully ignorant. No one, literally NO ONE, from the radfem community says that men who belong to marginalized groups can‘t face oppression, BUT they do not and will never face oppression due to their sex, and every man holds male privilege over women.
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I think she explained it quite well. Just because men can & do face oppression, which was created by other men btw, doesn’t change the fact that male privilege is universal and can easily top the rest.
What bothered me the most is that:
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She completely disregards the trauma of these women & ignores the fact that the lesbians in these situations are rape victims.
A lesbian = a same-sex attracted woman (adult human FEMALE)
Using the most marginalized and oppressed lesbians as a gotcha to prove your TRA rhetoric is pathetic.
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yuri-for-businesswomen · 11 months
I can’t fucking stand when tra’s and dumb ass libfems comment on your posts. You have so many insightful, well thought out posts and instead of acknowledging your points they stick their fingers in their ears and throw a tantrum. It’s almost like they’re encouraging their own oppression???? Anyway, I appreciate all of your words. 🩷
oh thanks dear that is nice to hear! yeah i often feel like people dont engage with what i said like. at all. they just have a knee-jerk reaction because they‘re uncomfortable. mras i usually block because they‘re the worst and once your post has made it into that side of tumblr the notes get insufferable. trying my best not to feed the trolls so sometimes i will delete asks and comments
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burningtheroots · 1 year
Liberal feminists who accuse radical feminists of being or supporting NAZIs are not only wrong, but also hypocritical.
NAZIs are NOT part of radical feminism. And self-proclaimed "radfems" who support them (which I haven't come across but just in case) don't belong with us.
Why do libfems get to say "this person invades our space BUT they aren't actually part of our movement" yet we don't?
If a "radfem" supports NAZIs and is antisemitic, they are not part of our community.
These people invade our movement and spaces to use it for their own ideology. Libfems always say "if you are xy or do xy, you are NOT a feminist" , and the same applies here.
These people are abusing our cause, they are NOT part of our movement.
And let‘s not forget that liberal feminists have
misogynistic fascists
porn addicts and rapists ("sex-buyers")
TRAs who use misogyny and literal rape threats to silence disagreeable women
TRAs who support autogynopilic men
people who sympathize with sexist men
within their rows.
The men who align with liberal feminism only do so because there was a space created for them which caters to them despite them being our oppressors.
Women are expected to listen to and coddle their oppressors like no other marginalized folk is expected to by libfems (e.g. black people, poor people, trans identified people).
And these men nowadays don‘t even have to invade their spaces … they‘re deliberately INVITED because "men have it bad under patriarchy, too!" (which is simply NOT TRUE, men‘s issues are NOT sex-based and men‘s issues affect women just as much or more DUE TO misogyny and patriarchy).
Example: The claim that there are more homeless men than women and hence poverty affects men worse. Truth is that there are more women in poverty, but they‘re not "homeless", they‘re forced into sex work/prostitution and get trafficked. Such a privilege! /s
Or: Women are "allowed" to cry but men aren‘t allowed to express their emotions! Also false. Yes, the "men don‘t cry" bullshit is a thing, but it‘s the crown men put on their own heads. Are women REALLY allowed to cry without consequences? No. us. Our softness and emotionality and tenderness have been proof of our inhumanity and our place two steps behind men! Women are "allowed" to cry because we‘re EXPECTED and DEMANDED to be "weak". And men show their emotions through anger and taking it out on others, especially women, all the time.
Women‘s pain is literally romanticized and fetishized, turned into JOKES (and yes, there are more than enough libfems who also think "as long as it‘s a joke, it‘s fine").
Do I need to go on? Anyone who took the time and effort to actually learn about radical feminism (there are already countless reports, statistics and studies spread on Tumblr/Radblr) would understand that we‘re not evil. And above all, we aren’t hypocrites.
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