#they were totally setting up him and phee?
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leofromsomewhere ¡ 1 month ago
okay... i think i knew tech died. i think i read something tagged au: tech lives or no beta we die like tech or something like that, but... no. i do not accept this. no.
i reject your reality and i substitute my own.
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freesia-writes ¡ 9 months ago
Ch 12: The Festival
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~ Master List ~ Previous Chapter ~ WC: 3.2k ~ Featuring fanart by @ve-ti-ver!!
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“Your turn, Silver!” Luciana yelled over the music, holding a hand out to Crosshair after just having released Wrecker. The Town Square was packed with people from the entire planet, all enjoying the highly-anticipated lunar festival. Hundreds of tables and tents had been erected for a great variety of foods, activities, and wares, and huge screens and stages had been set up around Square as well as across the beach, allowing the party to continue beneath buildings and the palm trees alike. 
“Not a chance,” Crosshair said, folding his arms across his chest and not moving from his lean against the stone wall beside him. 
“Come on, you have to!”
“I do not.”
“Yeah you do!” Wrecker hollered, pushing his brother forcefully toward Luci, who dragged him out into the throngs of people dancing in front of one of the makeshift stages. She whirled around in front of him, grabbing his hands and placing them on her hips as she swayed with the music. Hunter elbowed Echo and tipped his head in their direction, both sharing a hearty laugh at the sight of an insanely-stiff Crosshair almost refusing to move as she danced against him, but there was the tiniest flicker of amusement on his staunchly grumpy face. 
“He deserves it,” Wrecker insisted, picking up his tray of food. “Aww man! Now my wraps are cold!” 
“Looks like he’s paying for it now,” Echo remarked, laughing again at Crosshair’s expression of shock as Luciana turned to face him, staggering her legs between his and slithering down to the ground and back up again. 
“She looks like a snake on a tree,” Hunter chuckled. “Can’t say I’m surprised though.” 
“If I were the betting type, which I am decidedly not,” Tech chipped in from his seat beside Phee, “I would estimate that it would take a longstanding relationship that included a great deal of depth and trust to convince Crosshair to dance without the need to portray a sour and unwilling front.”
“Well, don’t hold your breath,” Echo said.
“I wasn’t planning to,” Tech answered. 
They chatted and ate, tucked into a large table that was squeezed into one of the many nooks and crannies of the Town Square. The space had been totally transformed: it was filled with colorful tents, string lights, and sparkling mirror balls, and they’d had some time to explore the fantastic variety of goods from other islands on the planet. Omega had enthusiastically perused row after row, first with Hunter and then with her friends from the school, who she was apparently back on good terms with. So Hunter had returned to his brothers and Phee, who together had procured an impressive assortment of plates and trays from the food carts. 
“Well get a load of this,” Phee said, the rest following her gaze back to Crosshair, who now had not one but two girls grinding on him from both the front and the back. 
“Women have such weird taste,” Echo commented, and they all had to stifle their laughter to quickly look back at their plates and each other when Crosshair’s sharp eyes flickered in their direction. A few minutes later, he’d extricated himself from the situation, walking stiffly to the table with his hands clasped over his crotch. He sat down wordlessly, crossing his legs and shifting uncomfortably before pulling his jacket off and settling it in his lap.
“Can’t enjoy it too much, can you?” Phee jabbed, sliding a cup of the tropical drink they were sharing in his direction. Luciana was now dancing with the other girl and had been joined by a few others that seemed to know her, all bouncing around in a jubilant cluster. Hunter scanned the square, squinting against the strobing lights that reflected off of the mirrored balls that hung across ropes from rooftop to rooftop. 
“I have not yet seen Lyra, if she is the object of your search,” Tech informed him, and Hunter quickly rearranged the deer-in-the-headlights look that had popped onto his face. 
“I’m just looking around,” he said, forcing nonchalance into his voice. Tech leaned closer, his arm pressing against Hunter’s for a second from the close proximity of their chairs, and he pulled it away upon noticing. 
“It is not a shameful thing to feel attraction to another,” Tech said earnestly. “It is quite natural, especially for individuals like us who have spent most of our lives so far with little to no individual autonomy. There are entire realms of the human experience we are now able to explore… if we wish… that can be quite enjoyable.”
Hunter stared at him, wondering how they’d gotten to the point where Tech was teaching him about relationships and the human experience, and opened his mouth for some kind of retort. But he was cut off by Luciana’s return, bouncing over to their table with an exhilarated flush on her cheeks.
“Isn’t this great?!” she squeaked, simply beaming as she looked around before reaching out to Hunter. “Your turn, babe! Let’s go!”
“You already did me,” he complained, unmoving in his seat.
“Mmm, you wish,” she quipped, fixing him with a mock pouty stare. She had already danced with him, coaxing him into an awkward little shuffle of his own while she’d swayed against him and made him feel things that had been a distant memory since his “shiny” days. “Alright, fine. Looks like it’s up to you, Sparky.” She sidestepped over to Tech, massaging his shoulders for a second before he sat forward quickly. 
“I would rather not,” he said, almost choking over his words in the shock of being touched so forwardly.
“That’s what they all say… at first,” she winked. 
“Keep moving, honey,” Phee said, with just enough volume and edge to catch the attention of everyone at the table. Luci looked at her, each woman smiling pleasantly while a whole assessment took place under the surface. Phee lifted her chin slightly, reaching over with one hand to place it gently on top of Tech’s where it rested on the arm of his chair beside her. Her confidence was tangible as she gazed calmly at Luciana, who tapped the side of her nose, pointed at Phee, and gave her a little salute before scampering back to her group of friends.
“Was that part of the human experience I’m missing out on?” Hunter asked quietly, leaning back in his seat with a smug grin as Tech gave him a sidelong glare. 
Eventually, the music transitioned into raucous applause as the current performers finished their set and cleared off the stage. The screens went blank from the colorful display they’d been set on, then slowly loaded some camera views of the stage as the crowd quieted. The sound of drums began, growing louder as a procession of native Xyloans made their way up the street, the people parting before them. Their regal manes had been braided intricately, and their traditional tunics had been replaced with colorfully-painted regalia. They held drums and staffs, walking in a stately line composed of a handful of elders and a few younger males. Taking their places on the stage, a hush fell over the crowd as the chief slowly raised a hand. 
“We honor the island!” he said loudly, his sybillant accent accentuating his Galactic Basic.
“We honor the island,” the others repeated, tapping their staffs once. 
“The sacred will endures,” he announced, pausing for the others to echo. “We offer gratitude for its protection. None come who are not deemed so, and we rest in its wisdom, throughout the changing of the tides and the passing of the generations!”
“Their perception of the island as a sentient being worthy of respect and cooperation is admirable,” Tech commented, returning his gaze to the stage as Hunter nodded in agreement.
The elders continued, each rising to share a part of the story of the island, which had been around longer than any could remember. They insisted that the island protected itself through ancient magic and some other forces that were beyond understanding. Continuing to the story of The Alignment, they explained that it was a phenomenon that happened every couple hundred years, when the moons and planets of the system would line up in a particular way, bringing to life the old magic for some kind of new enlightenment that would be shared with a chosen few to benefit the people as a whole. The Xyloans’ time ended with a ritualistic chant, honoring each of the planets and moons in the system and inviting the island to share its secrets freely, and they ended with a kneeling prayer of gratitude. 
“That was beautiful,” Phee said in awe, watching their stately departure so closely that she didn’t notice Tech’s affectionate gaze fixed on the side of her face. 
“Indeed,” he murmured quietly.
An announcer’s voice drowned out the hubbub as he informed everyone of the rest of the evening’s events: more music, dancing, and debauchery would be followed by the lighting of the lanterns as the night turned into the next day, and they would be sent up toward the moons with everyone’s wishes for the next year. The music returned at full volume, string lights dancing in the breeze, and Hunter rose to his feet, rubbing his head at the throbbing of the bass that reverberated throughout his skull. 
“I’m gonna grab a snack and head home,” he said, nodding to the others. 
“But you’re gonna miss the best part!” Wrecker exclaimed.
“How do you know it’s the best part? You’ve never been to one of these,” Crosshair drawled, pointing a toothpick in his brother’s direction now that he had “relaxed” enough to uncross his legs. 
“It’s gonna be awesome,” Wrecker insisted, unfazed. 
“We’ll catch you later,” Phee said, giving Hunter a nod and a smile. He returned it, grateful for the indirect permission that quieted any other complaints or jabs that might be thrown his way, and pulled on his jacket, slinging his bag over his back before heading toward the rows of food stands. He was assailed by rich scents and sounds – sizzling meats, chopping and scraping, yelling in various languages, and more spices than he’d ever seen in one place. His shoulders were slumped in slight dejection as he wandered, squinting at each of the picture menus and feeling overwhelmed with the decision of what to eat. 
“Hunter!” a familiar voice called, and he perked up quickly, turning to see Lyra waving at him from the end of one of the many long lines. She beckoned for him to join, and he did, smiling warmly as he drew near. 
“I was looking for you,” he said, hesitating awkwardly at his own words. “I mean… We all… Anyway, how’s your night?” 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people here,” she said, leaning in to be heard over the cacophony. “This is the food from Plata I was telling you about! They’re these amazing plates with little triangles of pita bread and the most delicious mix of meat, veggies, and sauce. Did you eat already?”
“I picked on some stuff here and there. But I was getting ready to head home.”
“Oh,” she said, quickly recovering from a subtle flash of disappointment. “I get it – I can bring you a plate tomorrow, if you don’t mind leftovers?”
“No, it’s alright,” he reassured, glancing up at the menu. “We’ve just been here for a while, and it’s… a lot.”
“I get it. Well, if you do want to eat, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve to make it all a bit more bearable, if you’d like to stick around. But no worries if bed sounds better!”
“Let’s see what you’ve got.”
Ten minutes later, they found themselves at a small table for two that was neatly tucked into a narrow alleyway between two stone apartment buildings that blocked out a great deal of the sound from all directions. There were a few other tables along the edge, filled with fellow introverts, quiet-seekers, and lovers looking for a more intimate setting. Hunter’s stomach tightened as he noticed the couple behind Lyra begin to make out, languorously caressing each other as their open-mouthed kisses grew more passionate. He shifted his focus to her, tuning back in to the story she’d been sharing about her experience at last year’s festival.
“It was uncanny how much they could tell just by looking at me… Or maybe they were just really good at saying things that could apply to almost anyone, but still. It was quite the encounter. Did any of you go to the elders this year for a reading?”
“No,” Hunter answered, scooping up a bite with a piece of pita bread. “But one of them had some mystical words for me when I first got here.”
“Oh?” Lyra said, curiosity piqued. “Care to share?”
“That I was fragmented,” he shrugged. “And something about the smoothing of the sea.” It felt intensely personal to say it out loud, even though he wasn’t quite sure how he felt about the overall mysticism of the island and its native inhabitants. 
“Hmm,” she mused thoughtfully. “I love the way they see this place and everyone in it.”
Another loud announcement came, notifying everyone that the lanterns would be sent up in half an hour. Lyra’s eyes grew wide, and she looked at Hunter with a spark of excitement that lit up her otherwise calm features. 
“Do you want to see that?” she asked, a weird energy coming from her as though she were trying to disguise her eagerness beneath a front of nonchalance. 
“Um, I suppose…” He hadn’t planned to, but her sudden interest was somewhat infectious. “It sounded like it was going to be chaos.”
“Down here it is,” she nodded, beginning to eat the rest of her plate more quickly. “But I found an amazing lookout that gives you an entirely different view. We’ll have to ride up to the observatory though, and we’ll have to go quickly.”
Hunter nodded, finishing the last of his food and scooping up both trays to throw away. He’d enjoyed the island practice of using fathiers instead of speeder bikes for the most part, and he found a soothing presence in the tall, furry animals. Lyra smiled gratefully, pulling on her coat and slinging her purse across her back. She seemed more expressive than he’d yet seen, eyes aglow with anticipation as they wove their way through the crowd, getting bumped and jostled all around as they went against the flow of traffic. After a momentary separation, Hunter felt cold fingers against his own, a tiny thrill running down his spine as he looked up to see her glancing back at him with an unreadable look on her face, having grabbed his hand to keep them together as they pushed through.
“Sorry,” she said over the noise, letting go suddenly, “I just didn’t want to lose you in this–”
“It’s okay,” he said with a small smile, gently wrapping his warm hand around hers. He felt her wave of excitement and saw a flush creeping across her cheeks before she whirled back around, rushing to get outside of the hustle and bustle of the Town Square. 
When they finally came to the edge of town where the stacked flat roofs gave way to hills and trees, Lyra reached into her purse, pulling out two soft, thin ropes, and whistled loudly. Hunter had been scanning the area for any of the wild fathiers, pondering how he’d catch one, but he stared in disbelief as one promptly appeared from the trees, trotting up to Lyra with a cheerful nicker. She held out a flat palm with a cube of sugar in the middle, stroking the side of its neck as its fuzzy lips flapped around the treat.
“That’s… uh… That’s impressive,” Hunter admitted.
“One of the Xyloans taught it to me,” she explained, carefully weaving the rope around its neck and chest. “They’re amazing creatures… They’re eager to please and satisfied just to get some praise and love.” She peered into the forest as though hoping for another to arrive. The quiet was suddenly broken by a huge cheer rising from the crowd in town. “Ah! We’re going to miss it!” she exclaimed, whistling one last time. But no others seemed to be coming, so she shrugged, looking at Hunter with that buzzing excitement that he was beginning to feel as well.
“Want to ride behind me?” he asked, saying what she seemed unwilling to suggest.
“Seems to be our only option,” she nodded, throwing her purse back to its resting place between her shoulders as she led the mount to a huge fallen log nearby. “Grateful for this big guy at least.” She patted the furry horse-like creature, stretching on her tip-toes as it bent its graceful neck toward her, allowing her to stroke one hand down the back of its long, flat ear as Hunter climbed onto the log to swing his leg over the animal’s back. Lyra followed suit, her chest resting against his back for a moment before she scooted back to allow a few inches between them. But when Hunter nudged the animal into action, she inhaled sharply at the sudden movement, grabbing his waist and pulling herself fully against him. 
His hands tightened around the rope as the fathier broke into an effortless lope up the side of the hill, both of them having to lean forward and tighten their legs around its sides to stay on. The feeling of her arms sliding further around his middle and her front nestled against his spine was disproportionately dizzying. It was warm and soft, sending both comfort and tingles radiating throughout his core. He tried to focus on where they were going instead, guiding the steed with pressure from one foot or the other as they steered toward the observatory.
Lyra stiffened as the angle grew steeper, her thighs pressing against the back of his own, her forearms stacked one atop the other against his ribcage and stomach. Hunter was flooded with a yearning that seemed to come out of nowhere, a deep desire to be held and loved instead of always being the responsible one, the strong one, the dutiful one. And yet there came another powerful realization, that he couldn’t or shouldn’t ever have such a thing because he would age twice as quickly. Could he rob someone of the best years of their life and leave them far too soon? Staggering beneath the sudden onslaught of emotions, he leaned forward, separating the top of his body from hers a bit and taking in a deep breath of the cold air as it flew past them. 
Lights from below caught Lyra’s eye, and she turned, seeing the handmade paper lanterns beginning to rise from the beach and the Town Square at the same time. The wind in her ears and the rhythmic gallop of the fathier drowned out any other noise from the celebration, and her heart leapt in her chest as she saw the observatory coming into view. 
“Almost there!” she yelled, leaning close to bring her face closer to his ear, and his own heart skipped a beat.
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FANART BY @ve-ti-ver -- reblog and love on the post here!
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fanfoolishness ¡ 7 months ago
a rain that sounds like home (4/8)
After the destruction of Tantiss, the Bad Batch is safe at last. As Crosshair begins to recover from his injuries, it becomes apparent that not all of his scars are physical, and that guilt and grief are wounds that cut deeper than any blade. His family is determined to be there for him -- if only he can let them in.
Canon-compliant, focusing on PTSD, amputation recovery, and sibling grief, with plenty of whump, hurt/comfort, and emotional catharsis. Set shortly after the return from Tantiss and my fic Breaching the Wall. 43,000 words total.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
Chapter 4: Moving Day. Omega and her brothers move into their new home, but there are some stumbling blocks. ~5100 words, a Phee cameo, Crosshair & Omega POV.
Crosshair sat perched in the pilot’s seat of their stolen shuttle.  The cockpit was dark and close around him, unfamiliar and foreign, a different make than the shuttles he had been used to in his time in the Empire.  It took him a moment to find the comms.  When he did, he took a deep breath and flicked on Echo’s message, sent to his private channel.
Echo’s holo appeared from the chest up.  He’d found new armor, what seemed to be a combination of clone armor and stormtrooper gear.  He gave a crisp, military nod as the message began.  “Crosshair, Echo here.  Been working with Vik on this job with Rex.  He wanted to send his regards.”
Ah.  Vik.  CT-7243, as Crosshair had known him on Tantiss.  They had never been able to actually talk, but Crosshair couldn’t help but memorize the numbers of the other clones in the CX training unit, used when Hemlock mocked them for their failures.  Vik, like Crosshair, had resisted the training, even though it left him clearly weakened.  CT-8102 had washed out of training, his mind twisted, and had been diverted to other experiments.  CT-1744 had held out, like Vik.  CT-3392 had been a success --
He rubbed the scar at his wrist unconsciously, his heart rate speeding up for a few beats before settling back down.
“I’ll check this channel regularly,” Echo said.  “If you need to send anything privately.”
“If I need to,” Crosshair muttered under his breath.  Like Echo was expecting him to crumble, expecting him to be unable to figure things out.  He’d been through hard things before, and in far worse places -- the platform on Kamino, the icy wastes of Barton IV, the cell on Tantiss.  If he’d survived those, getting through a nonfatal injury with his family around him in one of the most beautiful places in the galaxy would be child’s play.  He wrinkled his nose, irritated that Echo didn’t think better of him.
“Keep at it, Crosshair.  Echo out.”  The holo flicked away into darkness, and Crosshair blinked.  That was it?  He sighed, leaning back in the pilot’s chair.
The door to the cockpit slid open, and Omega stood there in the dim lights from the rear cabin, holding Lula.  “I thought I heard something,” she said accusingly.
Crosshair crossed his arms over his chest.  “Shouldn’t you be asleep?  Big day tomorrow.  Moving in.”
Omega padded into the cockpit, the door sliding closed behind her, and sat down in the copilot’s seat.  She and Lula wore matching skeptical looks.  “Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“Hrm.”  He looked away and out the viewshield.  “Tried it.  Then I remembered Hunter said Echo left me a message.”
“Everything all right?” Omega asked.  “We talked tonight.  He couldn’t tell us much about the new mission he and Rex were heading on, but it sounded important.”  She heaved a sigh.  “I told him we’re moving tomorrow.  I know he’s got to do what he’s got to do, but I still wondered --”
“If he might come back to stay,” Crosshair said.  He turned back to her.  “I’m sure he’ll visit in between missions.  Isn’t that what it was like before?”  He’d picked up that Echo had left the rest of the team well before things went wrong, and had been gone for a few months before he’d returned.  
“Yes, but things are different now!  Tantiss is gone, Crosshair!  We did that!  How come -- how come that isn’t enough for him?”  She let out a vast sigh, squeezing Lula.  “I’m not really mad at him, not anymore.  I know him, I know he can’t rest when things are so unjust out there.  I feel like that too sometimes.  But I also feel like I just miss him.”
Crosshair swallowed, then hesitantly reached out with his left hand, laying it on her shoulder.  He squeezed lightly, and she gave him a faint smile.  “Thanks, Crosshair.”
He let her go, then leaned back in his seat.  “So why are you awake?”
“I woke up.  Weird dreams.”  She didn’t elaborate, but instead ducked her gaze from him.  He noted it, troubled, but wasn’t sure if he should pry.
“Come on,” he said, getting to his feet.  “Get some rest.  Big day tomorrow.”
“Same to you,” she said sternly, but followed it with a warm, gentle smile as she stood.  “Shh.  Don’t wake Hunter and Wrecker.”
“I’ll do what I can,” said Crosshair.  “But no promises.”  He herded her before him, right arm brushing against her back.  He was heartened when there was no phantom pain, just the welcome sensation of guiding his smaller sister back to bed.
“You ready for this?”
Omega turned to look up at Hunter, taking a deep breath and nodding.  “I’m ready.”
Their front door slid open, and their home beckoned them in.
Omega skipped through first, heart pounding, stomach swooping.  The pack on her back jostled with her bounding, and she forced herself to step a little more carefully, remembering what she carried in it.  An enormous grin spread over her face as she looked around and her brothers set down the loads they’d been carrying.
It was small for a house, but massive for a shuttle or the Havoc Marauder.  A little entryway opened up into a simple living area with a prefab dining table, chairs, and a soft sofa.  The walls were bare except for a small inset alcove in the east wall, an area to display something.  She thought she knew what might go there.  There was also a small communication terminal installed near the table, easy to sit at if sending messages to Echo or anyone else.  
She rushed forward to the windows opposite the entryway, whistling at the view.  The wide windows revealed a little patio with green shrubs and a patch of bare soil, the rocky shore down below, and past that the sea, an azure ribbon glinting in the morning sun.  “Batcher’s going to love being closer to the water,” she said eagerly.  Batcher jumped up to look out the window, then gave her a slobbery kiss of agreement.  “Okay, okay, I know!”
She turned back to wander to the kitchen, mouth hanging open slightly.  “It’s all installed!” she said in delight.  
Hunter gave her a slight proud smile.  “We’ve been busy.”
The kitchen was cozy compared to Shep and Lyana’s, but quadruple the size of a ship’s galley.  Clean counters with room for real cooking, not nuking ration packs, stood waiting.  There was a stove, a cooktop, a conservator, all of them real-sized, not the efficiency-sized versions for military life.  “We’ll have to figure out how to cook,” Omega said. 
“That’s on you,” said Crosshair, raising an eyebrow.  
“We’ll see about that,” she laughed.  She moved towards the hallway, glancing in at the roomy refresher with an actual bathtub, when her eyes fell on the two doors at the end of the hall.  Excitement blossomed within her, but she forced herself to turn away from the hall and look at her brothers.
Wrecker stood in the middle of the living room, slowly turning with his arms spread, laughing to hear how his voice echoed in all the space.  
Hunter grinned at him.  “Look at that, lads.  We’re home.”  She’d never seen him look so happy, so unguarded.  The way the joy spread over his face made him look so young.
Even Crosshair wore a soft smile, looking from Hunter to Wrecker to her.  “Hard to believe it’s ours,” he said.  “But it is, isn’t it?”  He slipped a toothpick between his lips, rolling it back and forth thoughtfully.  He nodded to her.  “What do you think?”
“I love it.  It’s our house!”  She joined the circle they were standing in, looking at each of her brothers in turn.  She didn’t know what to say.  So she held out her arms, and they closed the circle, Hunter and Wrecker wrapping their arms around her, Crosshair squeezing her shoulder with his hand.  She closed her eyes, leaning against all three of them.  
They were safe, safe, safe.
“Maybe you should check out the rest of the house,” Wrecker said, sounding as if he was trying to avoid spoiling a surprise.  She pulled away from the embrace and nodded, her eyes bright.
She walked down the hallway slowly, reverently, her brothers following behind.  The starboard -- the right -- door opened for her, and Omega practically leaped into her room.
“Wow,” she said softly.  
They’d been in the house plenty before Moving Day, raising walls and installing things.  But she hadn’t seen what her brothers must have done yesterday while she was out with Lyana.  That was why Hunter had wanted to move in last night!  
They’d done so much.  A bed -- not a heated padded bunk, but a real bed with real handmade blankets -- stood in one corner.  There was a workbench with a small toolset all her own for if she wanted to tinker with tech or droids.  A colorful little rug of soft woven fabric from the marketplace kept the room cozy in yellow, her favorite color.  Several shelves were mounted and ready for Lula, or a dozen of her.  There was a whole dresser just for clothes, though the idea that she would have enough clothes to fill it was astounding.  Strings of tiny lights crisscrossed the ceiling, ready for nightfall.  
She slowly set down her pack on her bed, then turned around with her arms held wide, her fingertips still feet away from touching the walls.
“Wow,” she whispered.
“Like it?” Wrecker asked.  As she twirled around she watched her brothers enter the room, looking down at her with pleased, happy looks.  “I mean, I know it’s no gunner’s nest…”
“It’s perfect!” she gasped, charging forward and flinging her arms around his waist in a hug.  He leaned down to pull her closer, his huge arms closing gently around her.  “Thank you, all of you,” she said, pulling back from Wrecker and beaming at him, then Hunter and Crosshair in turn.  Even Crosshair grinned back at her.
“Well, what are you going to put in it?” Hunter asked her.  “We’ll have to get you a new bow, for one, but you’ve got room to expand now.”
“I don’t know!” Omega said.  “I mean I have my things, but… there’s so much space here!”  She opened her pack, pulling out Lula and resting her on her pillow.  Then she reached in, pulling out something wrapped gently in one of her spare shirts.  She hesitated, but it felt right to do this while it was just them, before the moving day party began.  
“What’s that you got there?” Wrecker asked.
“I -- I brought these, but I thought maybe they should be out there, where we can all see them.  It’s okay that I brought them, right?”  She folded open the shirt, lifting out Tech’s goggles.  “What do you think?” she asked, taking a deep breath.
Hunter’s face creased into something half like a smile, half like he might cry.  Wrecker sighed, nodding, a slight sad smile on his face.  A muscle in Crosshair’s cheek twitched, and his eyes darkened.  
“Yeah,” said Wrecker.  “‘Course it’s okay.”  He laid a hand on her shoulder, leading her back towards the living room.  “Let’s find a good spot.  Someplace he woulda liked.”  
Hunter stepped into place beside her at the end of the hallway.  “Maybe by those windows.  I think that’d be all right.”
“That’s what I was thinking, in the little alcove.  A place just for him.”
She turned around, looking down the hallway for her other brother.  “Crosshair?” she called.
He came out of her room slowly, rubbing the back of his head with his hand, his face gray.  Instead of joining them in the living room, he ducked into the refresher.  
She frowned, then looked up to Hunter for reassurance.  He laid his hand on her shoulder.  
“He needs more time, Omega,” Hunter said quietly.  “Come on, let’s see how these look over here.”  He led her to the alcove, and she carefully placed Tech’s goggles there, adjusting them so they sat straight.
“Looks good, kid,” Wrecker said.  He reached out to rub her back.  She nodded, her throat tight.  
The sun caught Tech’s goggles, and they lit up in golden-yellow, chromium gray, reflections playing over the walls of the little alcove.  They felt right, being there.  
It felt like Tech had come home with them.
So this was a party.
Parties were hard for clones to throw.  Difficult to have a party without an actual home, though he’d heard rumors of regs trying it in their barracks during lights out and getting extra refresher duty for their trouble.  But here they were with a real home around them, walls that belonged to them, and pockets of villagers standing around chatting, laughing, snacking.  It was an actual party, and it was choking him.
It wasn’t that Crosshair couldn’t appreciate what the villagers were doing.  They’d brought all kinds of things -- clothes in Omega’s size their children had outgrown, spare rugs, cookware, gifts of spices, even things like a painting of the sea and a woven tapestry to decorate the walls.  They’d also brought enough food for a week in addition to snacks and treats to eat today.  It was generosity on a scale he’d never imagined, and he was grateful for it.
It was just that there were so many people.
Laughter bellowed from the living room.  Mox and Stak were wrestling with Wrecker, while Deke stood by watching them, laughing uproariously.  “Go on, get ‘im!” he hollered, shaking his fist at his brothers.  Wrecker responded by picking up each cadet with one hand nearly by the scruff.  They scrambled to escape, trying their best kicks and grapples, but couldn’t come close to dislodging themselves from Wrecker’s grip.  He threw back his head and laughed.
Crosshair leaned against the hallway wall, teeth cradling a toothpick, smirking at Wrecker’s antics.  It wasn’t that long ago that Wrecker would still try to wrestle him down and pin him, which was a certainty if Crosshair couldn’t get away.  His long legs kept him out of trouble sometimes, but just as often Wrecker would catch him and crow, holding him down with as much effort as if Crosshair had been a tooka kitten.  
He sighed, shaking his head.  It wouldn’t be long before the cadets were nearly full-grown.  He’d spent some time with the boys before the Empire invaded, and since then the boys had grown several months’ worth of inches in the past few weeks.  It had seemed normal to him once, the rate they’d grown, what the regs had looked like at that age.  But now that he’d seen some of those kids from Tantiss, kids from around the island, the more and more he realized they’d been the strange ones.  All of them.
They had thought they were so different from regs then.
He gazed at Mox, and saw Rex and Cody.  He saw Echo’s face peering back at him from Deke’s.  He looked at Stak, and he saw Mayday.
These were brothers, just as surely as Hunter, Wrecker, Tech.  
He frowned.  He’d heard some of the cadets’ stories.  The boys had been from different batches, but each had lost the entirety of their batch or squad before finding each other.  They’d lost everyone.  They had seen terrible things.
But the cadets’ young faces still looked round and childish.  Shinies, all of them.  No scars, thick and fleshy at the temple, radiating starlike across the cheek.  No tattoos to mark a skill, a point of pride.  No blind eyes, no cybernetic implants.
No missing --
His stump brushed against his thigh, and he shuddered.
“Hey, Crosshair, want in on this?” Wrecker asked, letting the cadets drop to the ground.  “These guys are fierce!”  They bounced back to their feet, settling into combat stances with impressive scowls on their faces.  
“I’m good,” he said.  He lifted himself up from his leaning and wandered back to the bedroom he would share with his brothers, hoping for a little peace and quiet, but some kind of terrible racket was going on in there.  The left door opened for him and Batcher flashed past, hopping from bed to bed, chased by a howling, squealing tangle of island children in some kind of game.  Crosshair stepped out instantly and backed away, shaking his head.  Not an option, then.
Omega poked her head out of her room, followed closely by Lyana.  “Crosshair!  Tell them to keep it down out there, Lyana and I are trying to talk!”
“Yeah, is there some kind of battle going on out there?” Lyana asked.  The left door opened and Batcher came galloping out, a throng of children at her heels. 
“No, there is not,” said Crosshair, and strode out of the hallway before the kids could pass him.  He swung a left out of the hall as Batcher and the kids skidded out past him.  He let out a long breath, then rubbed at his wrist, his nonexistent hand clenching in ghostly pain.  He clamped down on his toothpick, grinding it between his teeth.  
He looked around the living room again, which was even more crowded now with Hunter, Shep, and the family that was fostering the Tarlafar baby from the lab.  The clone cadets had stopped roughhousing with Wrecker and were now discussing plans for some kind of island sport.  He glanced around at the walls, taking in the alcove in the east wall where Tech’s goggles now rested.  His eyes slid past them as if they were not there.
He slipped towards the front door, stepping out into the afternoon, and found himself on the patio in the sunny afternoon.
Their little patio wasn’t much, but it could be something.  There was room for a bit of furniture, a chair or two.  There was a sliver of shade from the house.  The patch of rocky soil lined with short beachgrasses was wide enough to stretch out on, and the whole little area was bordered by a ring of thick, lush green bushes up to his waist, glowing with pink flowers.  A short fence of dried beachwood at the edge of the bushes was just tall enough to lean on.  He rested his right arm on the fence, bracing it against the wood, massaging it with his left hand.  
He screwed his eyes shut, biting the inside of his cheek hard enough to taste blood.  The pain throbbed, an invisible vise grip coursing tidally up to his elbow.  He’d taken his medication this morning, but this was the hour between doses where the pain sometimes struck more severely.  He took a short sharp breath, then another, sweat beading on his forehead as the afternoon sun beat down.
Nothing’s there.  It’s healed.  It’s not real.  It’s in your head.
Like the tremors had been.
He shoved the fence away, breathing hard, anger flashing within him.  The rickety fence stretched backward, then swayed back into place still vibrating.  He glared at it, left hand curling into a fist, right stump held back.  His phantom fingers reached reflexively for a pistol that wasn’t there.  
“Argh!” he growled, now even angrier.  He paced in the narrow confines of the patio, ringing round and round, now counting paces back and forth.  Bigger than his cell on Tantiss, but not by much.  He counted them a dozen times before he slowed, coming to a stop again in front of the fence. The sensations in his arm had cooled and shifted back to nearly normal, leaving him spent.
He spat out his toothpick into the bushes and pulled out a fresh one, biting down until the ends splintered. He closed his eyes, worrying the toothpick back and forth between his teeth.
He wondered if a prosthetic would make these waves better. Maybe if there was something for the sensations to animate, they’d be less overwhelming.  He held out his stump, every detail writ large in his clear vision.  
A rippled sear of scar tissue, pink and roughly linear but thicker in some places than others.  The vibrosword blade had -- jittered -- when it hit bone.  The blow had chipped off fragments of some of the wrist bones, AZI had said, causing swelling and remodeling that was only now starting to improve.  All of it had left his right arm thinner and less muscular than the left due to disuse.
He sighed.  Would he feel whole with a cybernetic hand, mechanized fingers curling and uncurling, powered by gears and wires?  Would that fix him?  
He wouldn’t have to rely on Hunter to take care of his food for him.  Wouldn’t have to ask Wrecker to cut his hair.  Wouldn’t have to see Omega wearing that protective look of hers, every time she glimpsed his ruined arm.
But he wasn’t sure a new hand could fix the other thing.  The thing he didn’t have words for, the empty pit deep in the heart of him, the sleeplessness, the dreams, the way life felt so unreal these days.  He didn’t know what to call it, but it ached as badly as his arm.
“Hey there, Crosshair,” came a familiar voice.  He turned around.  Phee was carrying a crate, coming up to the front door.  She set down her crate by the door and edged past the corner of the house to the patio.  “You get lost on the way to the party?”
He stifled a faint snort of laughter.  She was sharp, he had to give her that.  “Not exactly.  Parties aren’t my… thing.”  He leaned against the fence, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Hm.  Can’t say I’m too surprised to see you out here,” she said.
“How’s that?”
“No offense, but I know being a sniper’s about more than just good eyesight.”  She drew herself up beside him.  “A good sniper’s at their best alone.”
Crosshair tilted his head in a brief nod.  “True enough.”
She smiled.  “Besides, I cheated.  Tech told me you weren’t big on crowds.”
”Or chatting,” he said, turning away, though his voice was without any real venom.  
“I can see that,” Phee chuckled.  “But hey.  Seriously though.”  He turned back to face her, and she saw her glance at his stump.  “You holding up?”
“Enh,” Crosshair said.  He ducked his head.
“Look.  I just wanted to say, I’m glad you all came home.”
He heard the words she didn’t say: This time.  He didn’t reply.
“All right, then… guess I’ll head in, since you don’t seem to be much for conversation.  You staying out here?” Phee asked.
“I -- wait,” Crosshair said, meeting her gaze.  She stopped, giving him a curious look.  “Thank you.”
“Thank me? For what?” Phee asked.  “Stopping by?  Checking in with you?  Just being a decent person?”
“For helping us,” said Crosshair firmly.  ”For Omega.”
She let him speak, her expression softening in surprise.
“We couldn’t have found Omega without your help.  If we’d been any later — or we hadn’t got Rampart — I don’t think we would have made it.”  His toothpick cracked in half, and he spat out the remnants, reaching immediately for another.  He rested it between his lips, biting down on it still harder than he meant to.  “So thank you.”
She gave him a bright smile, though there was a hint of something sad in it.  “Of course.  I love that girl, you know.  She’s special.  If I can do anything to help you boys with her, I’m there.”
He smiled quietly.  “She has that effect on people.”
She nodded, tilting her head as she looked closely at him.  “You know, I see the resemblance.”
He blinked at her, puzzled.  ”Well, we are clones.  We all resemble each other.”
She laughed, shaking her head.  “You and Brown Eyes, specifically.  You two were close, weren’t you?”
He went still.  We were, once.  But he couldn’t say that, not to an acquaintance like Phee, not to himself.  
“I heard the same about you,” he said instead.  
Wrecker had been the one to tell him, not long after the first escape from Tantiss.  Omega hadn’t even realized, but Wrecker told him Phee and Tech had been spending time together, watching the sunset, going on walks around the island.  Little things, but towering firsts for any of them.  Once he’d met her, Crosshair had seen why in an instant.  
She sighed.  “I wish — I wish there’d been more time.  We were just getting started, you know?”  She gave him a tight smile.  
More time.  
He could have been happy with her.  
But Phee and Tech hadn’t had enough time, Tech hadn’t had more time, and the weight of it pressed on Crosshair like a stone.
He swallowed, casting around to change the subject.  “What’s in the box?”
”Oh, this?  Just something I liberated.”  She brought back the crate to the patio, cracking open its sturdy lid.  “Not sure if you boys got to have toys back on Kamino when you were growing up way too fast, but turns out ships from the Grand Army of the Republic were pretty popular toys for younglings during the war.  I couldn’t get you guys a full-sized version, but I thought Omega might like this in her room.”  She pulled back the lid, and he peered down at a large model of a Marauder-class ship.  ”Not that it’ll be up to Tech’s specifications, but I think she’ll like it.”
Crosshair let out a long breath.  “She’ll love it,” he said with a chuckle despite himself.  “You ought to go give it to her.”
“Still trying to shoo me away?  You’re not exactly subtle.”  
He gave her a faint smile.  “No, not this time.  I just thought Omega would be excited.”
“I sure hope so!  Fine, I’ll head on in.”  She glanced at his stump, hanging at his side.  “But I was sorry to hear you fellas were hurt.  I know Tech said you were tough, but… that’s a hard blow for anyone.  I talked a bit with Echo about things before he left.  I’ll keep an eye out for prosthetics, too, if you’d like.  I got a lot of contacts, and if they can help you out…”
He didn’t want her pity.  Or her help.  But he thought of Tech here on Pabu beneath the weeping maya, maybe smiling at Phee.  He couldn’t even imagine it, and yet it had happened.  She’d been there for Tech; she’d made him happy.  And she’d helped them rescue Omega.  
He stuffed down his first response, a defensive no way in hell.  Instead he went with, “You don’t have to.  But… if you do see anything—“  He shrugged, gesturing around at the beautiful view.  “I’ll be here.”
”Fair enough,” she said.  “Now come on.  You want to see her face when I give this to her?”
”Yes.  I do.”
“Omega?” Crosshair said quietly.  She blinked, sitting up blearily.  
“Did I fall asleep?  Where are we?  Where is everyone?”
“We’re in the house, kid,” said Hunter.  “Our house.”  
“What about the party?” Omega yawned.  
“Everyone’s gone home,” Hunter said.  He knelt stiffly beside her, gently shaking her shoulder. She rubbed her eyes.  “Come on.  We should get you to bed.”
Wrecker stretched his back, preparing to reach down for her.  “I got her.”
“I’m not a little kid anymore.  You don’t have to carry me,” Omega said, still yawning, then broke into a tired grin.  She got to her feet, flinging her arms out in a big stretch.  “I’m going to go to my room.”  
Her eyes widened in delight.  “To my room!  There’s so much to do tomorrow.  I have to figure out the best way to show off the cool shells Mox and Deke and Stak brought, and where to put the jewelry from Lyana, and the ship from Phee, and my new clothes, and -- and --”  She broke out into sleepy laughter.  “I love all of this.  I love you, little brothers.”  She reached out, swooping Wrecker in a fierce hug, then turned to Hunter, throwing her arms around his neck.  He patted her, chuckling, and she turned to Crosshair.
He was ready this time.  It’d been the last thing he could have imagined once, Omega rushing to him, arms flung wide in a pure and emotional hug.  She’d known it was him, right?  But that night on the bridge he’d heard her weeping against his cheek, even through the rain, and he’d realized how wrong he’d been.
She reached out to hug him, and he hugged her back, cradling her briefly with his good arm.  He was getting better at this.  He closed his eyes for a moment, holding her close before releasing her, then bending down nearer to her level.
“Don’t stay up too late,” he scolded, half-smiling. 
“What he said,” said Hunter, though a grin stole over his face.  Wrecker laid a hand on Hunter’s shoulder as they watched Omega pick up the model of the Marauder from the table and carry it back to her room, cradling it carefully in her arms.
“Well, ‘spose it’s our turn,” Wrecker said.  “What a day, huh?  Man, when Phee brought out that Marauder… I gotta say, I got a little misty.”
“I think we all did.  That was special,” Hunter agreed.  “Kid loved it.”
“It was good for her,” Crosshair said.  “And thoughtful as hell.”
“Phee’s just like that,” Wrecker said fondly.  He rubbed his eyes.  “Shoot, I’m almost as sleepy as the kid.  You two coming to bed?”
“Yeah,” said Hunter.  “Having half the village visit us was uh, a lot.  It was good.  But it was definitely a lot.”
“You can say that again,” Crosshair said.  “You two go on.  I’ll be there in a bit.”
Hunter gave him a look, and Crosshair suspected Hunter knew what he was up to.  He waited as they both headed down the hallway.  Once the bedroom door had closed, Crosshair sat down at the table where their communicator was mounted.  He stared at it for a few moments, the sounds of the ocean in his ears, then reached out and picked up a commlink.  He adjusted the settings to where he wanted to call.
Echo’s signal beeped on the holo, but it was the code that indicated there was only a message option.  Of course, he’d told Omega this was around the time he was moving out with Rex.  Crosshair stared for a moment at the beeping comm, wondering what to say, knowing it needed to be brief.
He took a deep breath.  “The new house is ready.  There’s room for you if you need it.  Omega still misses you.”  
He thought about saying, Maybe you should look around for something for my hand.  He thought about saying, This is a real home.  I can’t believe it’s ours.  He thought about saying, Sometimes the phantom pain reminds me of Tantiss.  He thought about saying, Do you remember being young?
He swallowed, thinking of Omega’s joy, her shining face.  “It was a good day.  Visit soon.”
He nixed the connection, and sat there blinking until his eyes cleared.
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theflagscene ¡ 1 year ago
Let’s talk about Mr. Keng
There’s something I found really odd about the interactions between Non and Keng, besides the whole fucking each other thing. I’m not downplaying the misuse of power and the inherent wrongness of the teacher/student relationship here, but I am used to seeing it over the years in queer media so I wasn’t shocked by it tbh. I don’t know why but there are a lot of queer media over the many years I’ve been watching it that seem to pair an exceptional student with a teacher, or even adults with barely legal teenagers. It’s some weird taboo in queer media and I honestly think it’s because of how common age gap relationships are in the queer community, but we’re not here to dissect that.
So going back to Mr. Keng’s interaction with Non, in episode five, six and seven. It’s clear that he zeros in on Non’s exceptionality, the only student to actually understand his question and Non was barely paying attention. Mr. Keng’s interest was piqued right then and there, and my first thought was that they were going to make him a total creep. Which they seemed to be leaning toward when he put special interest in Non, then in episode six we get Non breaking down and finally admitting to him what was going on and why he needed the money. Mr. Keng offering the money so readily also made it seem again that he was a creep, it was a clear grooming tactic. Making Non feel like he owed him something without Keng even having to say; you owe me.
You could say that Non was a willing participant in their first sexual encounter as he was the one who went in for the more passionate kiss, but again that is what grooming does. And while yes Non is sexually active, he’s 16/17 at the most, sleeping with Phee is completely different. Phee is older by less than a year considering he finished off 12th grade with the other boys after Non ‘disappeared’. Being able to consent to sex with an equal is completely different than ‘consenting’ to having sex with someone who should know that what they’re doing is not right!
Moving onto episode seven, there’s a new level to Keng, he’s working to bring down the illegal gambling ring with an undercover reporter. So he’s just using Non, right? He found out what Non was into and saw it as an opportunity to get names and information, so he’s a groomer and a manipulative liar. Great, send this fucker straight to hell!
What I found interesting though was that by the end of episode seven, we find him comforting Non about the video, Non sobbing in his arms and Keng reassures him that things will be okay. That… doesn’t seem like the reaction of a man who’s just found out that his entire career might be over, that he could very well face jail time. There was no blame, no anger directed at Non, just concern. And then Phee showed up, he attacked Keng, rather violently if the bruises on JJ’s back are anything to go by. Phee kept telling Keng to leave, to fuck off, to just go! He kept shoving him into chairs and walls, but Keng never once left. He stayed there, quietly, not trusting Phee to be alone with Non.
And after Phee broke up with Non, telling him to go die, Non has a full blown breakdown. He’s screaming, sobbing hysterically, hitting himself. What does Keng do? He gets down onto the floor and he grabs Non, stops him from hurting himself, shushes him, holds him, comforts him, rocks the sobbing teen in his arms. None of these things seem to be the action of a person who doesn’t care. Am I saying Mr. Keng is in the right? No! Absolutely not! The dude is a creep, he did terrible things and never should’ve done the things he did. But what I was hit with was that it seemed like Mr. Keng—in his own weird way—actually did genuinely care about Non and his wellbeing.
It was very odd to see, because for the previous two episodes there was a very clear set up of how you’re supposed to see him, how you’re supposed to view his interactions with Non. Then by the end of episode seven, he’s caring and concerned and refuses to leave Non in his moment of need even as Phee demands that he does. I think Keng genuinely liked Non, in his own weird highly illegal way. So it’ll be interesting to see who exactly kills him (my money is on Phee or Jin) and if he repents whatsoever or doubles down on his claim that he actually did like Non, as both a student but a lover.
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DFF - Character Reveals and Why Some Work and Some Don't
I have been thinking about Phee and Tan and why the Tan reveal was so amazing while the Phee character reveal post episode 9 destroyed the character for a big chunk of the audience.
It all started with a post from @mikuni14 here is the link with a couple of additions and back and forths, from me, op and @leconcombrerit and the comments in the notes by @kerrikins which I just say today and accidently helped me figure out why I don't like post episode 9 Phee.
Set Up to The Reveal
I think most of us can agree that Tan and Phee have been suspicious since episode 1. The key to the later reveals was for Phee to appear the one in charage as highlighten in this excellent post episode 9 post from @lurkingshan
So for 8 weeks of real world time, everyone who watched live spend that time with this image of Phee: A loyal, smart, leader oriented teen that made a mistake in anger and betrayal and is now trying to make up for it. Someone who is charge and on top of this revenge plan. Someone who is willing to get their hands dirty.
While Tan came across as someone who wants answears, who likes to get high with these people but is only for real close to Phee, and fades into the background unleass you are specifically analyzing his character.
Speaking from me only, even while I was obsessing over Mio's microexpression I was skeptical over the Tan is the brother reveal, I was coinvinced that I wasn't going to suspend my disbelief over Mio's age and that it didn't make any sense because Phee looked to be so much more in charge.
Writers don't know what the audience is going to like about the character before the reveal happens. And with every character you ran the risk of that reveal destroying the audience's attachment by changing the wrong things.
The Reveals in Ep 9
While DFF had other reveals, specifically with Phee, all those revealed only served to strengthen the audience initial perception of Phee.
Then came episode 9. And while the Tan is New reveal blew everyone including me out of the water over how good it was, seriously Mio was amazing in this role and the writing for him was insanly good, Phee's episode 9 reveals didn't work as much.
It's simple because Tan was very much non entity pre-reveal. If you weren't obssessing over everything like myself you barely payed attention to him.
There was no character for the reveal to assinate, Tan never came across as someone who was especially close to any of the others except for Phee, at the most he Fluke and Top were his weed buddies and that is the extent of the friendships you saw between Tan and the group.
The reveal strengthents the character, they make it better, they make you go back and appriciate everything you didn't notice. All the little moments of barely concealed disdain.
While with Phee it's the opposite. Phee was a strong character already, and everything that we saw seem to reinforced that.
But episode 9 changed that. Episode 9 destroyed all of it, and while it worked fine at the time, the cracks started to appear as soon as episode 10 rolled around.
Because everything we learn from episode 9 destroyes everything we know about Phee as a character.
Loyal = He flipped on the boys as soon as they were nice to him and Tan [Read: OUR FRIENDS NEED HELP - I haven't forgotten, OUR FRIENDS I wanted to kill him]. Falls in love with Jin in three scenes (and yeah I know that it might have been weeks of real world time, BUT FOR US it was 3 scenes, in 3 scenes he was over Non and totally lovey dovey with Jin.), Enables New's revenge and pretends to be on his side still all the while not doing anything to help or not even wanting to do anything that doesn't help his guilt anymore.
Smart = Are we really supposed to believe that Phee had no idea that New had the intention of seeing the boys die? Am I really supposed to believe that the son of a cop, saw New totally loose everything, ask to die, profess revenge [the flashback scene I'll Make Them Pay in episode 12] and then heard "This won't killed them" in that tone and not made 2 + 2??? Are we for real right now??????
Leader Oriented = Not in charge of their mission, taking New's lead
Teen who made a mistake and said something in anger = This one is still valid, but it lessened by knowing he never actually confronted that what happened to Non was predatory and a little more complicated then actual cheating. Or the fact that he dismissed Non's call or explanations. The fact that he seemingly gets over Non and totally falls for Jin within a week of meeting him fits with stupid teen boy, but really doesn't help.
In charged and on top of this revenge plan = Again, not in charge of the plan seemingly just going along for the ride.
Someone who is willing to get their hands dirty = He has ethics about muder completely OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE!! It is valid to not want to kill people but I'm sorry where the fuck were this boy ethics before? An incompelte lists of things Phee did that he was somehow totally fine with despite his so called "ethics":
Sleeps with Jin under false pretenses
Lied to his father and implicated himself in a crime just to help Non.
Ok with drugging people with a dangerous experimental drugs that causes fear and paranoia after New's reassurance that it tots won't kill them trust me bro.
Sleeping with Jin while he was definately 100% under the influence of New's drugs (the fail blow job in episode one) [We know they were still influenced because if the hand groping Tee was an hallucination then all the characters were still drugged]
Enabled New's revenge quest for three years whithout ever trying to get New to go back to his family (we didn't see it or have it mention so it didn't happen within the text)
Totally ok with sending Top with New post Uncle Dang getting his head chopped off while under the impression that New is responsible for said head chopping
Under the impression that New caused Por getting impaled but still not saying anything (we know that he could have said something because that is what he does later)
Learns that Jin filmed Non and posted the video and reacts with: So we were both hurting him and is fine with it in 5 minutes.
Apparently never fucking interrogated or contronted what happened to Non with Keng, never calls it grooming or abuse. Never recognizes that there were deeper motivations. In three years he manged to do 0 internal searching on it. Despite the fact that Por (who is a dick and the same age as the other boys and Phee) managed to come that conclusion right away.
There's probably more. His ethics come out of nowhere and feel like he is betraying New and being a dysloyal dick, because this character doesn't and has never come across as someone who gives a shit about ethics.
Like ok none of those things are muder fair enough, but a story needs to set up a character internal conflict over murder on a revenge quest a little better then a simple "This won't kill them right?"
Phee post episode 9 character falls apart because it is simply not the same character we thought we were getting for the previous 8 episodes. If you are not a PheeJin shipper there is not much post episode 9 to like about Phee. In the most charitable of read he comes across as bellyflopping follower who couldn't make a decision about what he wanted for 3 years.
I think somewhere along the lines something from the original idea got lost in the writing. To the writers who know this character inside and out and created him, Phee probably comes across as someone who struggled for years and was very conflicted and tourtured, unfortunatly the structure the chose for the plot doesn't have much time to show that to us.
Character reveals should always feel like they make sense, you should be able to go back and fit what you previously knew about the character with the new reveal. The reveal should feel like something that re-orients the puzzle, or helps you to put something in a different prospective. Not something that totally breaks everything that came before.
Reveals that are meant to make you feel like everything you knew about that character was a lie are much trickier to writer and balance, and crucially YOU MUST TREAT THEM LIKE THEY DO.
I never got the sense that the show wanted me to see Phee's betrayal and flipping on New as a bad thing, as something that goes against what the audience believed the character to be.
It just comes across that he is going from sympathic villain to tourtured anti-hero. At least that is what it feels like the writer wanted to show with that. Not that I see Tan or Post episode 9 Phee as sympathic villains. It feels like the writers saw them like that.
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skellymom ¡ 1 year ago
"Return to Pabu" Part 2
The Bad Batch CROSSHAIR Fan Fic
Companion piece to "Cup Of Caf"
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To read "Return to Pabu" Part 1
Background: The Batch returns to Pabu with Crosshair in tow. How will he adapt? What will life look like for the other Batchers as they settle into civilian life?
The reader (main character) from Cup Of Caf is mentioned. This story is from the point of view of The Batch and Crosshair.
My OC Maadienne "Mad Momma" Dax makes an appearance as Hunter's love interest. Since this story takes place in an alternate universe from "Vagabonds", Love, Sil, and Tiggy do not make an appearance.
(I started this fic BEFORE S3, so Tech lives, Crosshair still has his hand, Pabu was never attacked...and, sorry, no Batcher.)
Word Count: 1.5K
Warning: None. Angst, sadness, fluff, some alcohol use, babies. Affection and types of romantic relationships other than Cishet.
Lovely dividers by the talented @saradika
The next morning Crosshair was gone, his bed empty. Hunter, terrified of losing Cross again, was about to track him down. Echo intervened. 
“He’ll come back. Just needs time to sort out his thoughts...alone.” 
Hunter nodded and proceeded to Omega’s room. She was gone. He had forgotten she slept over at Lyana’s house. Wrecker spent the night with Shep. 
Mad emerged from their bedroom dressed and planted a kiss on Hunter’s cheek. 
“Bye Hunky.” 
Hunter mildly panicked “Wait. Where are you going?” 
“Phee and I are spending the day doing ‘Woman Stuff’. Probably don’t remember, you seemed pretty drunk last night.” 
She stopped, looked at Echo then Hunter. “What’s the matter? Lookin’ sad there Handsome.” 
“He’s sad because his squad up and left him.” 
“Now Echo...” 
“It’s strange not being totally in charge, huh? Gives you lots of time to do other things?” 
Hunter was silent, still sulking. 
Mad’s heart went out to him. “You want me to stay home with you today?” 
Hunter gave her puppy dog eyes. 
“Use your words, Hunky. What’s your head say versus you heart?” 
Hunter scowled. “Both say words are hard.” 
Echo chuckled. “Run away Mad, I’ve got him. Go have fun with Phee.” 
Mad smiled, hugged Hunter who took in her scent, and squeezed back. 
“You can’t ever leave Echo. This man needs you as an emotional interpreter.” 
She kissed Hunter then pecked Echo on the cheek before dashing out the door. “THANKS!” 
Both stood there red-faced grinning. 
“I LOVE that woman.” Hunter beamed. 
Echo clapped Hunter on the back. “C’mon, let’s go sneak Tech some caf at the Med Ward.” 
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And so, the weeks passed by with Crosshair disappearing all morning, finally returning by afternoon. No idea where he went. The Batch didn’t ask at first. Omega had theories, which she shared with her brothers, Mad and Phee.  
Then the rumors started around the island: The local potter, usually rather withdrawn, was making the rounds around the island. Purchasing food for “The Grumpy Man.” Rumors were confirmed as the skinny bald sniper started filling out. His skin and hair becoming healthy and lustrous.  
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Omega set out to start learning how to cook, roping Wrecker in as her sidekick. They packed up meals for Crosshair, insisting he share the food with his new friend. At first, he scoffed, then relented. Eventually Cross slowly started inserting himself into the evening cooking sessions in The Batcher House. 
Crosshair would imbibe in drink and eventually loosen up...for his standards. Sharing small bits and pieces of his experiences while away from the Batch. But nothing TOO deep. Cross was always content to watch the antics of his very happy family. 
Wrecker and Shep would bring in the catch of the day. Then sit and drink, sharing loving touches and sweet glances at one another. They announced their engagement and planned to wed soon. The whole island was invited to the ceremony and reception. They coordinated with Echo on refreshments and Wrecker planned the menu, wanting to cook for his own wedding reception...with Omega’s help, of course. 
Echo, in charge of refreshments, would open a bottle of Spotchka or throw together a Fuzzy Bantha or some other cocktail. Tech had built Echo a mechanical hand that could be switched out with his scomp. From that point on, Echo was the official Batcher Bartender. It wasn’t just throwing together a drink, it was a SHOW! He tossed bottles in the air, catching them, pouring with finesse, lighting the brightly colored alcohol on fire (for Wrecker especially), adding exotic ingredients that Tech helped suggest for certain palates, some of which Phee brought back from her travels.  
On the crazier nights, Echo would toss bottles and Wrecker cooking implements in unison while Mad and Phee sang and Shep hammered percussion on the wooden table with his large hands. Hunter would get up from the table to dance, dragging Crosshair with him. The competition was fierce as both men had an intense “Dance Off” to one up each other.   
Tech was learning the fine art of highbrow humor, especially after one (or several) of Echo’s cocktails. He and Phee would have constant banter at the table. They were hysterically funny when Tech reached the confused slurry speech stage. Phee enjoyed playfully teasing him while he rambled on, index finger raised...then trailing off as he had lost his train of thought. She’d gently slip her hand into his raised one and caress it. Tech would blush red(der) and smile. 
Hunter and Mad sat leaning against each other, shoulder to thigh. Basking in love, occasionally whispering something into each other’s ear. Things that brought their own blush and smile. They shared a secret...eventually requesting Echo make her drinks sans alcohol. Hunter instructed Echo to add Mad’s to his drink, making it a double. By the end of the night Tech and Hunter would carry on a drunken conversation that NOBODY understood except the two of them. Everyone would get hugs though. Even Tech would embrace the guests before everyone left...as Phee eventually escorted him to the sofa. Hunter never made it that far, choosing the comfort of the floor. Wrecker tucked Lula under his head, before leaving to spend the night at Shep’s place. 
Echo would help Mad and Phee clean up, then hug Omega goodnight. He would awaken early like clockwork the next morning, brewing caf in the kitchen. Echo and Crosshair would nod to each other, as Echo slid the packaged food across the kitchen island to him. Then smile as Cross quietly left the house. Afterwards Echo nudged Tech and Hunter awake to start the day. 
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Dinner came and went. The Batchers kept their drinking to a minimum tonight. Everyone just wanted a quiet evening. Hunter and Tech wanted to sleep in an actual bed again. Mad and Phee WANTED THEM to sleep in an actual bed again. 
Besides, Hunter and Mad had an announcement to make: Mad was expecting. While everyone was beyond happy and joyful, it was no surprise. A definite event to celebrate. Wrecker brought a cake to the table and Hunter handed Mad his vibroknife to cut it.  
“Uh...we don’t have something maybe...CLEANER to use?” 
“Made sure to wipe it down properly.” 
“Let me guess...this has some kind of significance, yeah?” Mad cocked an eye at Hunter. 
“Well, I WILL be using this knife...MY knife to cut our child’s umbilical cord.” 
“WHAT???” Mad frantically searching Hunters stone cold expression for any trace of total BS. 
“I’ll wipe the blade down properly beforehand. Especially if it’s a C-section.” 
Hunter’s face was dead serious...until everyone at the table burst out laughing. Then he winked at Mad. 
"Kriff! Thought the booze pickled your brain!!!” 
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Hunter gently took the knife from Mad, flipped it back and forth expertly one handed and slid it back into its sheath. Suddenly, he knelt down beside her on one knee. The laughter in the room died down to total silence. Mad could see from everyone’s face this was spontaneous and unexpected. 
“Mad” Hunter took both of her hands in his.  
He cleared his throat. Hunter’s expression was mixed: Intensely passionate but nervous. He was out of his element and not used to doing this sort of thing in front of others. 
“Ah...As you know, I’m not the kind of guy whose all about grand public gestures...but I was struck in the moment to tell you...in front of the most important group of people in my life to the most important individual who is carrying my child...that I LOVE YOU intensely with my VERY BEING.”  
Mad slightly cocked her head and gave him her veiled sassy “No duh, Hunky” expression. Hunter almost broke out in nervous laughter but caught himself. Clearing his throat again, he leaned in slightly. Mad got serious and mirrored this gesture. They were close enough to intensely look into each other's eyes and focus on one another. The rest of the room seemed to fall away into the distant background and disappear. Just two people declaring to each other their deepest desires. 
Hunter continued. “I know we didn’t plan for this to happen.” He lovingly stroked her belly. Mad squeezed his hand. “I also know we didn’t plan to be formally married...and I don’t expect that. Heck...” He looked slightly embarrassed letting it all hang out. “I don’t have a ring...or technically own ANYTHING...I’m...poor. But I have a life to give and I want to give it to you. I’ll be the most devoted father to this baby and the most devoted partner to you.”  
“I know the Nomaadi don’t stay in one place too long. And...if you’ll have me...If you want me...I’ll go anywhere and everywhere you want to go. I want both of us to be together for whatever amount of time we have left in this life.” 
Then Mad spoke. “Hunter...” Her voice caught a hitch and she inhaled sharply. She was touched deeply by this gesture of vulnerability and commitment. The baby, barely formed yet, fluttered sharply inside her belly...the first time she ever felt its presence. Everything seemed so REAL suddenly, not just the concept of being pregnant... 
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yoitsjay ¡ 8 months ago
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Death Clash (finale)
Pairings: Hunter x gn! Reader
Sunmary: the battle is finally over, and you can live your life with him by your side
Warnings: cannon violence, piercing injury, death, fluff
Word count: 1,645
The waters were calm and the wind was blowing in the direction you needed to go. Anchors had been lifted and your ship was sailing in front, while the ten other pirate ships sailed to your sides or behind you. You had a loose plan, surround the red death and wait for your signal to start firing. They didn’t know what you’d do before then, and you weren't even really sure what you were going to do when you got to him…
but at the end of this battle he would be dead, and you would have your heart back, and intact. That wretched witch's curse will be broken and you will be freed.
It took two days total to sail to the area you had last seen and heard of The Red death. you would have assumed the ship to have moved obviously, but you could at least pick up a trail and figure out where the ship would have sailed off too.
Hunter was there every step of the way, helping you track and find things that you definitely would have missed. And every time he found something, you'd smile and kiss him on the cheek despite the burn on your chest, and you’d continue on.
A few more days, and you could tell you were getting close to The Red Death, with the smell of blood lingering in the air, death and decay and body parts floating in the waters. It was a beautiful sunny day, but you could taste the oncoming storm… the storm of battle, and a thunderstorm.
And you were right.
As you caught the tail end of the Red Death it had started raining, getting heavier and heavier the closer you got to that dreaded ship.
“Hoist the colors!” You shouted, your order being carried off to the other ships surrounding you, and you watched as each ship hoisted their different colors. And finally you raised your ship's colors. You watched as The Red Death slowed its course, having spotted you and the fleet of ships behind you. “Start the surrounding maneuver!” You ordered, splitting off from the other ships, pulling up beside the red Death, sharing right into the Captain's eyes, spotting a white flag being raised above the ship. “Parley!” One of the crew shouted.
You frowned, but nodded to your men. “You heard them! parley!” You shouted, waiting until all the ships had stopped and surrounded the Red Death. No escape for them. “Ready the cannons!” Phee shouted as you grabbed a hold of a rope, preparing to swing over.
However Hunter quickly grabbed your wrist, pulling you into his arms as he kissed you passionately. A surprised yelp left your lips, but you quickly melted into his embrace before pulling away. “Take a dingy.” You breathed out, nodding your head towards the smaller ship which you assumed was Hunter’s Marauder. “Take control of the ship stealthily, and prepare to back me if I need it. But don’t sink The Red Death.” You ordered, and Hunter nodded, squeezing your hand.
“Be safe, please.” He muttered. You nodded your head, kissing his lips one more time before you swung over to The Red Death, looking around as you waited for Captain Red to step out.
When he did. you glared, and tightened your grip on the handle of your sword, watching the man cautiously. “Captain Y/n, of Death's call.” The older pirate drawled out, circling you before stopping in front of you. “You have us surrounded… impressive little fleet, how’d you convince this many pirates to join up against me?” He asked, studying your expression which had remained neutral.
“Gamshire’s deed.” You answered nonchalantly, hiding a smirk when Captain Red’s eyes widened upon hearing your answer. “Interesting… and did it burn away when used?” He asked, and you simply nodded. “It did… now i only have one request for you Captain.” You started, and you slowly drew your sword. “I challenge you to a duel. To the death. Winner gets the loser's ship and crew.” You set out the rules, staring right into the man's eyes.
Captain Red smirked, and nodded. “I agree to those terms.” He stated, before shouting at his crew. “Create the circle!” He ordered, looking back at you. “Only swords?” He asked, and you nodded, unclipping your gun from your belt, setting it down on the railing in front of the ship's wheel. Captain Red did the same and led you to the circle that had been hastily created in the middle of the ship.
Pirates from every ship in the surrounding area were cheering for you, minus the pirates on The Red Death, they were encouraging their captain, for obvious reasons. You looked over at your sister, who nodded to you, albeit concerned. You sighed, and looked at Captain red.
You and Captain Red began circling each other, blades drawn as you watched, waited and calculated your first moves. Taking an opportune moment, or at least that’s what Red believed he did, he charged towards you with swift strikes. You used your smaller frame to your advantages, and dodged or parried each swipe he took at you. You didn’t strike at him for several minutes until one of your parries managed to knock him off balance.
You made your first strike out of several, dropping to your knees as you spun on the deck of his ship, slicing your sword against his leg before popping up behind him, sending a strong kick into his back before you swung your sword against his arm, hoping to disarm him or maybe remove his hand entirely.
You had managed to nick a portion of his hand, but he was quick to recover and he struck at you again. You parried, and took a few steps back, sensing a pattern in his otherwise reckless and heavy attacks.
Captain Red was skilled, you gave him that much, but as you dodged, parried then striked, you noticed an opening within his swings. But just as you found his weakness, Captain red seemed to find yours as you went to strike each other, your blade piercing his heart just as he pierced your stomach.
You yelped, and gritted your teeth as Red let go of his sword, blood leaking from his lips as it filled his mouth. You watched as life left his eyes and he fell to the ground, the sword slipping from his heart, and then from your hands as you also fell to your knees, putting pressure around the wound. Phee swung from your ship to this one, running to your side with fabric to press into the wound, holding you against her as she examined the placement in the sword. It wasn’t lethal, but if she wasn’t careful you could bleed out.
You stared up at her, offering a weak little smile. “Hello Captain.” You grunted, naming Phee in your place, just in case. “Oh Y/n, you fool.” She muttered, and called for Tech and Echo, who already had medical supplies and had swung over to help. The crew of Captain Red just stood, and watched, not totally sure of what to do.
Tech and Echo managed to stabilize your wound before pulling the sword out, packing it to prevent you from bleeding out. At this point, Hunter had swung around from his ship, landing in front of you with wide eyes.
“Y/n! are they okay?” He frantically asked Tech, who nodded. “They will be, with some rest. They have named Phee Captain… so the battle is over.” Tech explained, and Hunter took his place beside you, cupping your cheek in his hands. You grinned at him, and reached up to your shirt, pulling it to the side to show that the burn scar was gone. Your curse was lifted.
Hunter sighed in relief, pressing a kiss to your head before gently picking you up. He brought you back to your ship, bringing you to your room so you could get that rest while Phee delt with the rest. The other pirates who had come as backup had all now made their way back to pirates cove, or wherever else they wanted to go.
But Hunter had stayed by your side while you healed, and you were so grateful to him and Your sister who worried about The Red Death while one of your trusted crew followed behind, and the Marauder was being sailed by Tech, who was also close behind until an island was reached. Yours, phee’s and Hunters ship’s had all been docked, and you were able to walk around now, with minimal support. But Hunter wanted you to see a doctor just in case, so he came with you.
The doctor cleared you, and said you had healed nicely and to just take it easy so you did. And as you and Hunter walked along the beach back to your ships, you had tugged on his arm and paused, staring at him intently. “What is it?” He asked softly, moving closer to you as he pulled you into his arms.
You sighed happily, before speaking up. “I want to stay with you… join you on the Marauder. Phee can have both ships, and start her own little fleet if she wanted to, but there’s this island, Pabu… Phee and I have a mutual friend there… and I think- I think I want to settle down.” You explained softly, pressing your face into his chest.
Hunter’s heart rate picked up, and he didn’t say anything for a few moments before he nodded, smiling down at you. “I would love that…”
So, you settled down. Of course the pirate in you never left, and you and Hunter would treasure hunt every so often… But you had a home in Pabu, a family.
And you’d defend it till your dying breath.
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nightowl33art ¡ 8 months ago
So I totally forgot to post a bit. Apologies lol it's been a tough June I've got some more Monologue for y'all!
Minor infodump time:
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Marshall McCoy, born sometime in the 19th century! A jack-of-all-trades who lived simple. He was mainly known for being a wrangler and farmhand. When the chupacabra killed off most of the town's livestock, people were forced to hunt the beast down. Marshall heroically volunteered to use his acquired skills to join the hunt.
Along the way, he made a terrible mistake, fell off a cliff, and became mortally wounded. It's said he found the chupacabra, but nobody can really be sure. Its reign of terror ended in the following weeks. After his body was recovered, they buried him. That's where he lay for over a century.
Eventually The Substance seeped into his resting place, becoming one with his disturbed corpse, breathing new life into it. He made his way to the cesspit. He lives in the shadows and keeps to himself. The mysterious cowboy is often viewed as an outsider. He knows how he looks to others and prefers it that way.
-He refuses to open up or share personal information with many. if you try to interact with him, he'll silently stare, perhaps mutter a response. You need to slowly work your way into the sweet spot where he'll start talking. When he's engrossed in a conversation, more of his personality shows.
-Monologue is ambidexterous. He prefers his right hand for more tasks, and often hides any left-handedness, since back in his day, left-handedness was ostracized. A bit self conscious when he realizes he's using his left hand in front of others.
-His design heavily takes off of elements of his demise.
-He's mixed race! Haven't fully decided what's in his blood, but I'm currently thinking at least Black and Hispanic heritage.
-Cares about how he looks. Knows he's a cool, distant mystery and has always liked others to view him so. A lone wolf who sticks to his guns, literally and metaphorically. He'd much rather be a background perplexity than the center stage.
-Very determined once he's set to a task. Back in living days he'd neglect his usually maintained appearance to further himself in work.
I gotta post more of my toxicsonas-- you get this for now. I should say though that he does have connections to some of them!
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Good luck making sense of all this lol. The second image is kinda incomplete but I don't really care. I look forward to sharing more eventually. In the meantime I'll tide you over with brief descriptions on bonds with others.
-Vivi: I don't know what they are now and they probably don't know either! But whatever they have, it's positive. Vivi with her outgoing nature wants Mono to feel comfortable and appreciated, seeing his place in the cesspit. To her, he's mysterious and charming! His inner thoughts on her aren't known at this time.
-Hex: These two have lots of synergy. They work well together and get along. Mono has opened up to Hex a bit.
-Phee: Monologue may be clever, but he's not always the smartest. To him, Phee is a strangely social but pretty girl. She's been flirtatious with him and it has flustered the guy. While he's noticed her fixation on money, he hasn't pieced together that she only flirts with him for fun and is gold digging. She's not going to look his way nearly as much as she does now when she finds out there's no cash.
-Wattson: Interested in Monologue, feeling there are things they could learn from and about him.. especially pertaining to his death. Mono is neutral- not really caring about Watts but not enough to dislike him.
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silverwings22 ¡ 10 months ago
Song of the Sea: Chapter 28: Once a Temple, Now a Tomb
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Chapter warnings: questionable dietary habits, near death experience, injury, complicated feelings
Series Warning: explicit smut, alien anatomy (it's a monsterfucker fic, guys), major character injury, grief, canon typical violence, autistic meltdowns, and my terrible attempts at Mando'a
Previous Chapter:
Next Chapter:
“I think I found it!” Wrecker grinned, elbow deep in metal from the scrapyard with Omega and Shiani. “This is the compressor Tech was talking about, right?”
Shiani looked up from inspecting a couple pieces of scrap and nodded. “That’s it.” 
Omega grinned, hands full of stuff she’d found. “This is cool. Tech’s going to love it.” 
Shiani inspected the scrap in her friend's palms and chuckled. Tech was going to tell them most of this should have stayed here in the scrapyard, but he knew sending the three of them to find something involved a certain level of distraction. “This is interesting.” She plucked a sort of flat disk from Omega’s hands. “Wonder what this is.” 
“Tech might know.” Wrecker grinned, holding out the box they were putting every interesting thing they’d found in. 
Shiani traced her claw over the edges of it, eyes bright. It was a little adventure, finding things like this. It reminded her of when she first started digging through the scrap settled at the bottom of the ocean, when everything was new and mysterious. No wonder she’d ended up with a shrine of droid heads… AZI probably would have been even more terrified of her if he’d known. As it was, the little medical droid avoided her as much as possible around the bar. “We can go check with Tech, then.” 
“If he doesn’t know, maybe Phee will.” Omega grinned. The pirate was back on Ord Mantell, and Omega loved the stories she told. Even if Shiani thought they were mostly fantasy and embellishment, the siren had to admit she enjoyed the tales. She’d gotten over her jealousy about Phee, since Tech had very bluntly told the woman that they were married after another “Brown Eyes” incident. Phee was nice about it, apologized to Shiani, and gave her the mechanic’s overalls she now wore as a gift. Shiani wasn’t sure they were really friends yet, but she liked Phee more than Cid. And becoming friends with Phee seemed like a worthy endeavor. She was a fun, engaging kind of person who didn’t seem to get too bogged down in things like the guys had a habit of doing. They needed that breath of fresh air in their lives. 
“We can go ask.” Shiani nodded, watching Omega laugh with delight when Wrecker scooped her up onto his shoulders. The tough soldiers were so sweet with the little girl, and if Shiani hadn’t already adored all of the clones she would have fallen in love with the family dynamics here. She happily led the way back to the bar with the box of trinkets and the things Tech had actually asked for. “We’re back!”
Tech was seated at the bar, looking over his datapad and half listening to Phee wow Bolo and Ketch with a story about fighting an octomorph. He wasn’t totally sure what kind of creature it was, unable to find any data on it, but he imagined it looked a little like Shiani. He looked up when she walked over with the parts. “I am glad to see you safe. Did you find the compressor?”
She nodded, setting the box down in front of him. “We ound other cool things too.” 
He picked up the compressor and gave her an affectionate look. “The rest of this could have remained in the junkyard.” 
“I knew you were gonna say that.” She giggled, leaning in to lightly boop her forehead to his. “But this thing is pretty. Baby Mega found it.” She handed him the disk. “What is it?”
He brought it closer to his face curiously, scanning it as he did. “I am unsure. I have never seen anything like it.”
Phee walked over. “Hey, Shiani. What’d you find?”
“I have no idea.” The siren handed it to her with an excited look. “Not knowing is the adventure. Do you know what it is?” 
“Ooh. This is old. Look, these markings here are coordinates.” Phee pointed to a set of engravings as she managed to work the thing open. “It’s a compass.”
Shiani’s eyes sparkled. “Coordinates? Coordinates where?” 
“Looks like the Keldar Trinary system.” Phee said after letting her round little navigation droid scan the compass.
“I have no data on such a system.” Tech frowned, typing at his datapad curiously. “Nor have I ever heard of it.” 
“The best treasures are off grid.” Phee smiled, pulling Shiani by the hand forward. “What do you say? Let’s go on a treasure hunt. If we find anything, we’ll split it. 50/50.” 
Echo scowled. “Our last treasure hunt didn’t go so well.” 
“You didn’t have a professional like me.” Phee spun Shiani around as if she were dancing, then turned her to face the group of brothers. “Give ‘em the big eyes.” 
Shiani blinked and smiled at Hunter, waving for Omega to join her. “We can go? Treasure would be nice, since the War Chest was too dangerous. No Empire this time.” 
Omega gave her best big-eyed baby tooka expression. “Please, Hunter?”
Hunter sighed. “Tech. Your wife is using Omega against me.”
“She is very clever.” Tech sighed, looking at Shiani. She grinned, bouncing on her heels energetically. “She is using herself against him, and it is very effective. Should I begin getting the ship ready?” 
“Please?” Omega’s eyes got big with excitement, and Hunter had no defense against it. 
Wrecker grinned. “It’s not like we have a mission for Cid or anything.”
Hunter groaned. “Alright, fine.” 
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Shiani sat comfortably on the floor by Tech’s feet, watching Hunter as he watched Phee tell Omega a story. The sergeant was twirling his knife, eyes narrowed. “He doesn't like Phee.” She murmured, putting her head lightly against Tech’s knee. 
“You did not like her when you met her.”
“She was flirting with my husband. Hunter’s not married.” Shiani smiled as he rested his hand on one of her head tentacles. Squeeze squeeze squeeze. 
“No, but he is very protective of Omega. Of the five of us, he has become the most parental towards her.” 
“Hunter is her dad.” Shiani smiled up at him. “Makes sense, he’s the leader and oldest brother, right?” 
“Yes… I am the second oldest. Then Wrecker, then Crosshair. I believe Echo is older than all of us, but he was not originally part of this squad.” His voice trailed off in a way she recognized, a way that only happened when Crosshair came up. 
She put her head on his knee. “You miss him. Crosshair.”
“I do.” He admitted. “We were… very opposite. But in a way, we understood each other better than the others did. We… filled in places for the other. Other than you, I do not believe I have ever been so understood.” 
Shiani looked up at him, listening in silent but complete attention. Tech knew he could tell her anything and she’d accept every word with the same open expression she always did. He gently ran his fingers against the roundness of her cheek and sighed, debating over what to say to convey what he thought. Shiani gently nuzzled into his hand. “You can tell me.” She murmured. “I don’t know Crosshair, other than your words. Tell me about your brother, so I can miss him with you.” 
“He is quiet. And observant.” Tech said softly. “He used to tell me I talked too much, but he would still sit in the cockpit during my turn on deck and listen to whatever I said. He was the first to notice I required glasses when we were cadets, because I was often squinting and his vision was immaculate… He would keep me from walking into walls when I was on my datapad while moving, or remind me to eat when he noticed I hadn’t. Before you, he was the one who scolded me for falling asleep over my work… he’d take my glasses and bundle me in blankets so I couldn’t move until I fell asleep. He could be abrasive and confrontational, but when he cared for something it was obvious if you knew where to look. He… loved quietly.” 
Shiani wrapped herself around his leg gently, nuzzling against him. “He still loves quietly. No Empire has come after us since Kamino.”
Tech frowned. “I do not see the correlation between avoiding the Imperial radar and Crosshair-” 
“If Crosshair didn’t love you, he would have told the Empire we were still alive. He didn’t.” She looked up. “And all he kept asking, on Kamino, was for you all to join him. He ordered someone to put Omega in a shuttle off world, not hurt her. I think… he just wanted to be a family again, too. He was misguided, but I don’t think he really wanted to hurt any of us after what happened on Bracca. Maybe that was when the chip stopped working so much.” 
Tech frowned, brow furrowed behind his glasses. “He was burned by the ion engine on Bracca. It is… plausible. But he still made the decision to remain with the Empire.”
“You said he is observant.” She pointed out. “Observant nature is usually a cautious person. Maybe he thought we were destined to die, so he took the safe route. Even if it hurt.” 
“I hope you are right.” Tech murmured after a few moments. “I would like to think the Crosshair I know is still there, instead of replaced by an Imperial drone.” 
Shiani smiled up at him as the tension in his shoulders slowly relaxed, and she took his free hand to kiss his palm. “I believe he is. He’ll figure out he loves his family more than he’s afraid of leaving the Empire, and he’ll come back.”
Tech smiled, squishing her cheek lightly in a trio of pinches. “I think it will be entertaining, watching him adjust to you and Omega. You both are vivacious. You will drive him insane.” 
Shiani giggled. “Challenge accepted.” 
Tech glanced up at the instruments and sighed. “We are approaching the coordinates Phee provided. Are you ready for this?”
She nodded. “Always ready to adventure with you, Tech.” 
He smiled, bringing them out of hyperspace and starting the landing procedures on the planet that came into view. As they entered the atmosphere, Shiani got up from the floor with an uncomfortable feeling in her chest. The dust flew up when the landing gear made contact with the ground, obscuring the majority of her vision. Tech got up and waved for her to follow him once the ground security was prepped. “Come along, cyar’ika.” 
“There’s a weird feeling on this planet, Tech.” She got into the middle of their usual formation, next to Omega, as Phee led them out. 
“Tell me about it.” Hunter frowned, looking around. The entire planet seemed scorched and desolate, as if it had never recovered from some long-forgotten battle. 
Echo frowned. “How do you even tell if-” He jolted when the compass he’d been holding buzzed against his palm. “Well shit. Uh… “
“Turn in circle.” Shiani giggled. “Maybe the vibrations are stronger in the right direction?”
Echo rolled his eyes, but did a sort of exaggerated pirouette and gave her a disgruntled look. “You… are correct. It’s stronger this way, towards the mountain.” 
Shiani grinned. “My brain’s not full of bubbles, Echo.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” He led them the direction the compass led, still somewhat skeptical while Omega was delighted that this seemed to be panning out. She loved the thrill of adventure, and held onto Shiani’s hand as they made their way along. 
“What kind of treasure do you think we’ll find, Shiani?” She peeped.
“Dunno that there is any treasure on a planet like this.” The siren shook her head and gestured at the barren and scorched forest of dead trees. “Everything’s burned here.”
Omega scrunched her nose. “Well, I think there’s treasure.”
“I hope you’re right.” 
They reached a dead end at the foot of the mountain, and everyone looked up. “Do we go around it?” Omega frowned. 
“I think we’re supposed to go inside.” Phee sounded excited, and her little droid Mel booped at them as she inspected a seam in the mountainside. The pirate drew her cutlass and wedged it between two stones. When she wiggled it, they moved as if hinged but stuck, instead of as if they held the weight of the mountain on top of them. “Big guy, help me here.”
Wrecker, agreeable as ever, walked over and got his hands between the rocks. He shoved, pulling them apart like a doorway. Shiani and Hunter both wrinkled their noses at the smell of stale air coming from inside. “I don’t like this.” The sergeant muttered. 
“Nonsense. Follow me.” Phee stepped inside, and begrudgingly the little group followed her lead and walked inside as well. Her hands pressed to the cavern walls, where inscriptions had been carved. “I don’t believe it. It’s Skara Nal! There could be relics here from the time of the ancients?”
Shiani leaned over to look curiously. “Ancients? What ancients?”
Wrecker cocked his head to the side. “Like the Jedi?”
“Older.” Phee shook her head. “If this is Skara Nal, the treasure is known as the Heart of the Mountain.” 
Shiani poked at the wall. “Oh. This moves.”
“It’s a puzzle.” Phee nodded. “We have to align the symbols. Here, start turning them.”
Tech nodded, following her lead from the other side to try to align his symbols with Shiani’s. It seemed to be working until a massive boulder fell from the roof, trapping them and nearly squishing Wrecker to death on its descent. 
Hunter growled. “Great. We’re trapped.”
“Easy. There’s always a way out, tough guy.” Phee smirked. 
“Just gotta figure it out.” Shiani nodded, fingers brushing the stone walls again. “... The Temple in Acopit had runes like this. When sirens sang, hidden symbols would light up.” 
Omega looked thoughtfully at where the siren was touching. “Hey, Echo? Can I see the compass?”
He handed it over with a nod. “It’s not buzzing anymore.” 
Omega nodded back, putting it up to her eye curiously. It had a purplish sort of lens inside, and when she turned to look through it she saw markings that hadn’t been visible before. “Hey! We’re aligning the wrong symbols!”
Phee peeked over at the lens and grinned, flipping her lanturn over. “Put it over the light.” 
Once the cavern was bathed in purple light, Shiani had to resist the urge to scoot closer like a moth but they could see to property align the symbols. A doorway formed once it was done, and Shiani bounced on her heels and clapped her hands. “It worked!”
Omega squealed with delight. “We’re gonna find the Heart of the Mountain!”
Phee laughed. “It’s supposed to be a crystalline structure worth more than you can possibly imagine.”
Hunter sighed. “It better be worth it.” 
Phee patted Mel’s head. “Log everything and wait for me to get back.” 
They proceeded into the doorway, with most of them carrying renewed vigor for the adventure. Tech was scanning the walls, hanging near the back of the pack with Shiani. “Look at this, cyar’ika. My preliminary scans of the wall stones indicate this structure predates the Galactic Republic. Phee may be on to something.” 
Shiani leaned over to look at the datapad, bursting with followup questions about the age of the Republic versus the history she knew of Kamino. Before she could ask them, though, her ear fins flattened and head jerked up. Hunter was spinning around on his heel at the same time, both of them sensing danger. A huge reptile dropped from the ceiling with a growl and latched onto Wrecker, who was spared serious injury only by his armor and the split second warning they’d given him so he could grab it by the neck. 
When everyone else was pulling a blaster, Shiani just dove on the lizard and sank her teeth into its tail viciously, claws raking its back and legs. It let go of Wrecker and slammed her into the wall to dislodge her, skittering back into the ceiling it had come from. Rocks and debris rained down on them, everyone bailing one way or the other to avoid being crushed. Hunter, Omega, and Phee ended up on one side of the cave in, with Shiani and the other three clones on the other. 
Tech was already by Shiani’s side to check her over as Echo tried to communicate with the others through the new stone wall. When yelling didn’t work, he commed Omega. “You guys okay?”
“We’re okay, but the rocks are stuck pretty good. We can’t get back to you.”
Tech glanced at his datapad. “My scanners indicate a series of side tunnels. We will have to use them to rendezvous with them.” He looked back at Shiani. “Are you alright?”
“I’m okay. Think that lizard thing is in tunnels?” She wiped the reptile blood from her mouth and smiled. “It would make a good snack.” 
“You cannot attempt to eat everything that attacks us.” He smiled, relieved she was her usual self, and helped her to her feet. 
“If it tries to eat my family, I can.” She huffed. 
Echo chuckled. “You good, Wrecker?”
“Yeah, it didn’t get me. Thanks, Shiani.” He followed Tech as the genius started trying to find a tunnel to get them back to the rest of the party. He and Echo kept their blasters out, in case the lizard came back. Shiani just kept her eyes sharp, claws tapping lightly against her hips as she walked. 
“How’d you know that thing was coming?” Echo finally asked as they took another turn. “Hunter’s got those senses, but you keep predicting things coming at us. Like the nexu on Salucemi, or the Ordo Moon Dragon.”
“Everything has a feeling.” She explained. “An… energy. Sometimes you can hide your own, if you know how. Sentient beings can. Animals can’t, they don’t know how. But sirens can feel it when they come, especially when they have strong emotions inside, like hunger.” 
Echo glanced at Tech. “Sounds a lot like something my old general told me. Jedi stuff.”
Shiani shrugged. “Dunno anything about Jedi. Only heard about them from the Temple Tidedreamers.” 
Before Echo could respond, they approached a corner. “Keep alert for that creature.”
Shiani gently pushed his blaster down towards the floor. “Can feel Hunter, Phee, and Omega. No lizard this time.”
Tech nodded and they came around the corner, finding the other three standing in front of a circular door. His eyes lit up at it, and he stepped up to it. “What sort of puzzle is this?”
“Sometimes a door is just a door.” Phee snickered, looking at Shiani. The siren was smiling fondly at her clone, hands behind her back and bouncing her heels. “Ready to see the vault?” She asked, pulling a hidden lever into view.
Shiani nodded, eyes bright as Phee pulled the lever and the door opened. As they stepped through, she found herself looking at the walls of the vault curiously. “It looks like a machine, Tech.”
“No machine I’ve ever seen.” He agreed with a nod. “If this is older than the Republic, imagine what we could learn here.” 
Shiani booped his nose and giggled. “Imagine what I could build if I could get a look inside these walls.” 
“Hey, nerd lovebirds.” Phee snickered, pointing. “There’s what we really came for. The Heart of the Mountain.” In front of them sat a faintly glowing rectangle of glimmering crystal, inset with carvings and pulsing purple light from inside. 
“Pretty.” Shiani smiled, still looking at the wall for some kind of access panel. She wanted desperately to see the guts of this vault and find out what made it tick. If she could build something that lasted thousands of years, it would be strong enough to keep them all safe. A stronghold of durasteel and wiring, like a castle to keep out the Empire or selfish hearts like Cid.
Phee simply popped the crystal from its stone placeholder, grinning. “You two are made for each other. Looking at literal treasure and-”
No sooner was the crystal in her hands than every door sealed shut and the walls lit up with more symbols. Omega  took a nervous step backwards. “What's going on?”
The vault shifted at a crack of white-blue light and shot upwards, standing on four legs. Everyone went sliding, realizing in sick horror they were in the head of a dormant war machine that had come awake. 
Far more terribly, as it walked it let out a deafening noise and a blast that scorched the earth ahead of it.  
Shiani grabbed Tech and Omega as they went sliding. “Phee, put the Heart back!” She squeaked.
Tech nodded, dangling from her tentacle and working at his datapad. “It should theoretically disable the machine.”
“Do you have any idea what this is worth?!” Phee gasped. 
Shiani bared her teeth, startling the pirate who’d never seen her fact contort. “The whole planet looks like ash and you're worried about credits?!” Shiani growled at her. “What about your friends?!”
“If this thing destroys the Marauder we'll be trapped here.” Hunter snapped.
“Fine. But you owe me!” Phee groaned. 
Hunter looked like he wanted to punch Phee, but held his tongue. Shiani was considering giving her a smack with a tentacle when the loud  screeching wail from the lizard attack earlier rang out. She looked at Tech. “Help Phee. I'll deal with the creature!”
The lizard smashed its way into the vault, headed straight for Omega like she was a prized meal. Wrecker was clinging to its tail to keep it off her while the little girl tried to stand her ground with her bow. Shiani dove on the lizard's back, teeth sinking into its neck and claws hanging on when it started screaming and bucking.
“Omega, the window!” Wrecker yelled, and the perceptive little blonde fired off a couple shots to break the war machine’s eye out. As soon as it was clear, Shiani dismounted her shrieking opponent and let Wrecker hurl it out the window. 
“Bye snack.” She muttered, getting to her feet and skidding over to Tech, who was trying to interface with the machine and turn it away from the ship. 
“Nothing is working. It operates on no system I've ever seen.” He said tensely. “I cannot control it.”
“Shiani, catch!” Hunter yelled, and the siren turned and grabbed the flying Heart from midair. She all but slammed it into the spot it had come from, shielding her eyes when it flared bright and melted. 
The lights went out immediately, the beam of destruction petering out before it could destroy their ship. There was an eerie silence but for their overlapping breathing. “Is it… over?” Wrecker whispered. 
Under their feet, the machine lurched. Out of power, it couldn't keep itself upright and started listing over for a sharp collapse to the dirt. “Hold onto something!” Hunter yelled.
Shiani wrapped a tentacle around a piece of jutting stone, securing herself. “Baby Mega, grab Hunter!” 
The sergeant wrapped his arms around Omega, and Shiani caught him with another tentacle around the waist. She grabbed Wrecker and Echo similarly, then caught Tech with her legs and Phee with her arms, clinging for dear life as they crashed to the ground. The strain and jar was painful, but everyone bounced like a yo-yo instead of splattering into the ash of the desolate planet. The head they were in destroyed the better part of a hillside in the collapse.
When everything stopped moving, they were all dangling like marionettes. Shiani winced and slowly set them to the ground before kind of flopping down herself. “Everybody okay?” She mumbled. 
“We're alright.” Echo nodded. 
Hunter checked Omega and sighed. “No more treasure hunting, guys.”
“Agreed. Our track record is 0 for 2, even with a professional.” Tech glanced at Phee before he knelt by Shiani, checking her over.
“We proved it was real, even if it melted.” Omega looked undeterred. 
“At least no one can use that… whatever kind of weapon it was, again.” Hunter took his helmet off and looked at the desolation around them again. Sometimes he wondered how this kind of shit kept happening to him. All he wanted was to earn enough credits to look after his squads without something trying to shoot them, eat them, or blackmail them.
“So it's a good thing we came.” Phee, like Omega, was never one to be put down by a near death experience. She looked at Shiani. “You okay?”
“Pulled muscles in all my tentacles. And shoulder.” Shiani groaned, turning her limbs to display the already spreading greenish bruises at the base of all four tentacles. The muscles had torn from the sheer force of the fall and everyone's weight coming to a sudden stop.  
Tech scooped her up onto his arms. “We'll get bacta on that when we get to the ship. I have a couple e-bacta shots for subcutaneous injury.”
“Why didn't you tell me we had those when you broke your leg?” Shiani grumbled, but put her good arm around his neck. 
“I forgot about them. My apologies, cyar'ika.”
Omega snickered from behind them, walking with Phee. She knew good and well Tech never forgot anything. He just didn’t want to use the precious few e-bacta shots on himself when there was a chance anyone else might need them. The pirate body looked amused. “I'm sorry about Mel, Phee.”
“It's okay. I have his memory data backed up on my ship. He'll be back up and running by the time we get to Vadnay. I've got a lead on an ancient chalice-” Phee went right into her newest story as they loaded into the Marauder. 
Shiani let Tech give her a couple pinpointed bacta shots in her torn muscles and assure her shoulder wasn't dislocated before he put her arm in a sling. “You probably saved all our lives.” He kissed her forehead. “Though I do wish you would stop getting hurt.”
“Things happen.” She snuggled closer. “I'd do anything for the family. And follow you anywhere you go.” 
“I know that you would. You are the bravest siren in the galaxy. I do not believe that to be an exaggeration.”Tech wrapped his arms around her waist.
Squeeze squeeze squeeze. 
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I agree with you, the initial Tan reveal and the fact that Tan was the one that was really in charage of the revenge plan was amazing in the moment. But in hindsight episode 9 started to show the cracks in Phee's character writing.
There is nothing wrong with Phee having a change of heart or not wanting to kill people or even moving on from Non. But they way they wrote all of that makes the character appear flighty and stupid.
Phee should have guess that Tan had nefarious intentions, if there was really a last minute change of course from Phee we should have seen him struggle with the morality of it some more, but we couldn't get that because the show needed Tan/New to be a late reveal.
While I'm on the subject, I read a post that wrote stuff Dr Sammon said on twitter, and there it said that the original scripts called for a continous back and fort between past and present. And i'm not saying that would have been necessarly better or worse, but I know that we would have at least have more time to see Phee being conflicted over things and struggling to pick a side with that set up.
It's possible that after changing the writing they never considered the fact that now the audience doesn't have time to see Phee struggle with an choices so he looks like he flipped on Tan on a dime. And took no time to get over Non.
As a writer myself I know that sometimes it's hard to distance yourself from your story, sometimes something in your story makes total sense to you the writer because you know everything about these characters. Changing course from Past-Present jumping back and fort TO Present - Then - Past - Then Present with Some Past in Between might have caused the writers to assume that things that made sense in the previous version of the story still made sense in this one.
I guess that is more charitable read then: someone at the top demanded the Phee and Jin ship.
But now that I know that the script was originally meant to go back and fort before they changed it I can't help but feeling like not all their ideas got adapted to new structure all that well.
With a back-and-fort structure we could have gotten the Phee and Jin backstory first, priming us for shipping, intermix with the present. We could have know that Tan and Phee are up to something but not what until later.
We still could have gotten the Non-Phee reveal later and the cute scenes but they would be less the focus for Phee's character because we have already seen him fall for Jin. We could have seen him struggle with the plan and trying to talk to Tan alone while Tan discretely avoided being alone with Phee.
Again I'm not saying that a back-and-fort structure would have been better full stop, what I am saying that the structure they ultimately chose doesn't land itself to the ideas they had for Phee and Jin.
We spend way to much time with the idea of Non and Phee, and Phee as a guilt ridden hero on a quest. There were too many consecutive episodes of the story planting that idea in our heads. Phee choosing Jin in a single episode felt like a betrayal to us, because we had spend so long building Phee up as something else. Because that is what the story led us to believe.
I think that when they changed the structure they should have made sure all their ideas still worked with the new structure. The open ending is also something that would have worked better with the old structure. With the new structure I think there was too much emphasis on the mystery and getting answears and reveals that an open ending just feels out of place, unfinished.
Of course I could be completely wrong, I am merly speculating. These are just thoughts I had after seeing that post talk about how the story was meant to go originally.
How funny it is that throughout the entire series I didn't share or sometimes even understand the dislike of many viewers towards Phee and Jin, only to hate them literally in the last minutes of the finale 😁
I liked Phee and Jin's dynamic from the beginning and I liked this relationship more than PheeNon's. Phee, both in the present and in flashbacks, was a great character for me, very much my style, and I also had a lot of sympathy for Jin. I was also convinced that Phee was on his path of revenge/searching for answers, and that Jin didn't upload the video.
I was so confident in my opinions that even when Phee spilled the beans to Jin, I was convinced that he wasn't that stupid and mean and that it was all part of some bigger plan. Likewise, until the end I was convinced that Jin was wrong and he was not the one who leaked this video, also based on Fluke's words (who said to Tee for some reason that he "knows everything, INCLUDING the video").
So when the finale brought confirmation that yes, Phee was a fucking snitch, that he sided with his "friends", and that yes, Jin actually released the video like an absolute piece of shit, all my sympathy evaporated in the blink of an eye. Poof! 🥳
I understand Phee's concerns and his refusal to participate in Tan's plan, but that's not the problem, it's HOW he did it. Phee isn't trying to protect the group AND TAN, who is also his friend ffs! NO! Phee is constantly confrontational, aggressive, escalating violence, doing everything against Tan, treating him like HIS worst enemy. He openly accuses Tan when everyone is agitated and someone has a gun, provoking Tan (Tan, who according to him is a dangerous murderer!) without thinking about what he might do. Phee accuses him, Tan takes control and manages the situation so that Tee confesses what really happened with Non, so , you know, a big deal right? That's what it was all about, right? And what does Phee do? He ends the scene by pointing his gun at Tan. When Tan says "you wanted to know the truth about Non, now you know" how does Phee react? He punches Tan. I'm absolutely surprised and appalled that after 3 years of friendship with Tan, watching the nightmare that is his life, saving him, when it comes to choosing, Phee comes so easily to choose "friends", without offering Tan a single bit of kindness, a kind word, extended hand. As if their friendship, their cause, their shared past, Non, didn't exist, didn't matter.
THE MORE BAD HE FINDS ABOUT THE BOYS, THE MORE HE HELPS THEM AND THE MORE HE IS ON THEIR SIDE. This is something I just cannot understand at all! In addition, Phee shot Tan even though he had a camera stand right next to the gun, used successfully many times in the series! 😆 He could have hit Tan unconscious, he didn't have to kill him!! And, what really pisses me off, he shot Tan in defense of Tee!!! Then he helped Tee and Jin, people who ruined and led to Non's death with their choices and actions. I don't know how much more you can insult his memory!
The ending itself is the final nail in the coffin for Phee and Jin's reputation in my house 😎 As I understand it, the final scenes are their hallucinations. And these hallucinations are nice and normal, they have a nice life, they fulfill their dreams, they have a career, they go to college - everything that Non and Tan don't have. In their hallucination there is no room for reflection, for regret, or for any discomfort. They are selfish even in hallucinations that show their real feelings. They still have the nerve to analyze Tee, the only one on whom the events of this house left any impact. I'm not surprised that Non himself appeared in Phee's hallucination, since Phee didn't find a place for him 😏
Their hallucinations, the earlier ones, are also interesting. As much as I loved Jin's hallucinations, it's telling that even in his guilt, Jin still made everything about himself. HE is the victim in his visions 🤷‍♀️ In the same way, Phee wakes up from his visions because it is he who decides which Non is real and which is not. Which means that Jin, instead of feeling bad for what he did to Non, feels bad for imagining "what if it were me." And Phee's guilt is not deep enough to allow Non to dominate his visions, as it happened with Tee, for example.
So in the end, I'm sad to say that as someone who really liked Phee and Jin, that after the finale - fuck them 😈
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supersoldierfreak ¡ 6 years ago
Undercover ~ Part 2
HI everyone! I’m sorry that it’s been so long since I’ve posted anything but I’m hoping that changes this week. Also, I know that this is a short chapter but i wanted to get it done so I can move on with the main part of the story...
                                                                                           - Love from Phee x
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As you strolled through the MI6 corridors, you had your tea mug clasped tightly in your hands to warm them as you had come in from the cold winter air. Taking a sip, you used your butt to open the door to Agent Ford’s office.
“No, Agent Miller, it is unnecessary for you to participate in the Kabul mission and you most definitely do not have the clearance for the current high-priority mission.”
Agent Savannah Miller, a girl who was a couple years older than you with long straight black hair and sun-tanned skin stood rigid in front of Ford’s desk. Agent Alexander Ford, however, looked ready for the floor to swallow him whole as the young agent persisted in telling him about her ‘capabilities’.
“Hey Agent Ford, who now happens to be a single father with a daughter who’s an upcoming actress in the MCU, it’s lovely to see you.”
Savannah turned to glare at you. “Can’t you see you’re interrupting something?!”
You furrowed your brows. “If by something you mean you being rejected by Agent Ford for present and upcoming missions based on your clearance because you don’t qualify for the next level, you should totally be grateful for me turning up and giving you an excuse to stop embarrassing yourself.” You smiled sweetly.
She snorted and rolled her eyes. “Oh please, as if you weren’t going to do the same thing. And becoming an actress? You’re going to be burned.”
Flopping onto an armchair, you flung your feet onto the desk. “Oh you mean completing a mission assigned by the board which includes going undercover as an actress in the biggest film franchise as a part of the Beynin mission? Of course, I’m definitely here to grovel.”
The agent curled her fists tightly before rushing out the room with her file and slamming the door behind her.
Agent Ford looked down his nose at you from where he stood at his bookcase. “Was that necessary, L/N?”
You beamed. “Absolutely.”
He chuckled and shook his head. You had known Savannah Miller since you had joined in the same year and had gone through the training courses with her but she had always been overly competitive, despite the fact you were always one stage above her. Since then, it had been as if you were arch enemies and you always took great joy in annoying her in anyway possible, mostly just because it was funny for you to see her so wound up. Besides, if any agent was ever specifically given a mission by the board it was a big deal; they were like gods because they were never seen and you only got told things either about them or what they had said.
“Debrief now, L/N.” Agent Ford ordered, as he adjusted himself in the seat.
“The audition went great, I’d say considering the comments they said once I was out of ear-shot almost guarantee that I got the role. Sebastian Stan likes me because I speak Romanian, the directors liked me because of my unique skill set. They were all clean as well from what I was able to get.” You were blunt and to the point. “Oh yeah, and thanks for the suite by the way, it was definitely appreciated.”
Ford looked up at you from his files“That was a decision of the board, I only agreed.” 
“I suppose they’re trying to kiss up to me since they’re burning me.” You sighed and lent back in your chair, head tilted back.
“I am also concerned about this issue; it is unlike them to burn agents of your stature.”
You looked weirdly at him. “You mean they normally burn agents?”
Answered by a look, you simply sighed again and took a long, satisfying, sip of your tea as you closed your eyes. 
“Go home, Agent, you need your sleep and I will make sure that you are informed of any changes in the case.”
The next morning saw you reading quietly, wearing an over-sized t-shirt and warm fluffy socks. The laptop was playing music quietly as you awaited for any alerts on either the case or the results of the audition - realistically, those were far more important. Despite always having loved acting, you couldn’t help but wonder why you were going in as an actress to the operation when it would far more sense to pose as a camera assistant or a makeup artist or, quite frankly, just any thing that wasn’t on camera. 
Pulling you out of your reverie, your laptop began to incessantly ping as alerts and notifications began to come through.
You had gotten the part. 
As the iPhone next to the laptop began to ring, you quickly picked it up without glancing at the Caller ID. “L/N.”
“Miss L/N, I am calling to inform you that you have earned the role of Anastasia Rzhekaya in the new Marvel film, ‘Captain America: Civil War’. Congratulations. An email has been sent to you detailing all dates and places where you need to be and a copy of the script that you will need to have started learning by next Saturday afternoon which is when we expect you to be on set.”
You blinked. “Wow! Thank you so much for this opportunity and I promise i won’t let you down! I’ll be there. Thank you again for this - you won’t regret it!” You giggled down the phone at the woman. 
“Alright ma’am, Have a good day.”
“You too!” You squealed as she hung up before rolling your eyes. You were going to need to get that script ASAP.
You decided to ring Ford and fill him on everything that had happened as you packed bags that were organised by purpose (safe to say, your guns weren’t with your shampoo) and to tell him to get tickets booked so you could fly back out and re-acclimatise to Atlanta, Georgia because it had been a couple of years since you had been there last. 
Admittedly, your acclimatising included vast amount of retail therapy that happened to make you walk the city and memorise its layout whilst dining in fancy restaurants at the expense of a certain intelligence agency. In your defense, they shouldn’t have given you an agency card for ‘equipment and undercover purposes’ and failed to take it back, which therefore made it entirely their fault... obviously. 
Toast hanging out your mouth, you watched your printer print out your script, which you’d have memorised in a few days. Putting all of it in a ring-binder foler, you placed it in your hand luggage 
@nyxveracity @ariii287 @pointlesscasey  @tahiti-island-dream @jayzayy @kapolisradomthoughts @curlycals @castellagreen @chipz4dayz @the-obsessive-fangirl @darkmelodies1 @saltymaddiee @lalalahgh @sammysgirl1997 @woofstar64 @marvel-lously @madamrubrum @ailynalonso15 @laqueus-ludovios @evyiione @steve-thotgers @in-the-potterhead-know @ironspiderguy @natashasnight @marvel-at-stucky
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dmitri-smerdyakov ¡ 6 years ago
First Word - A Newt/Tina fic
About a year ago, an anon prompted “This is probably only enough for a drabble, but I could totally imagine the following: Tina is freaking out that their 2-year-old doesn't talk. Newt tries to reassure her by telling her that (according to his parents) he didn't talk till he was 4. This is not reassuring at all because: "Newt, you're 35 and you still barely talk!" and I’ve only just found inspiration to write it! I am so sorry for the wait, I truly am!
Set in September 1937.
Phoenix – b. 1931 - 6 Linnet – b. 1933 - 4 Leo – b. 1935 – 2
This fic can also be found on AO3!
“Tina, love, I don’t think you need to worry so much over this – he’s perfectly normal.”
But his wife just continued to pace the bedroom, gnawing on her lower lip and twirling her wand between her fingers nervously. “He’s two and a half now, Newt – surely he should be talking by now? I mean, Phee and Lin were talking by the time they turned two, you know? They never stopped talking, but Leo…”
“Leo’s just a bit quieter,” Newt tried to assure her. “He’s always been quieter than the other two, perhaps because he’s the youngest; I’m sure he’ll be talking soon enough, just the same as his brother and sister. We just have to be patient.”
“That’s what Queenie said,” She admitted half-heartedly, and she stopped pacing in favour of sitting on the bed beside him, clearly still anxious. “She said that Abel didn’t talk even when Ruth did…but even he was able to say something by two and a half. Maybe we should take Leo to a Healer, just to be safe.”
“Tina, I doubt he’ll need a Healer,” He disagreed. “He’s just a late bloomer, as it were. In fact, he probably takes after me in that respect.”
He nodded. “Yes; according to my mother, I didn’t say my first word until I was four.”
“Newt – you’re forty and you still barely talk!” Tina sighed, shaking her head; it was clear that he had not made her feel better in the slightest.
“Well…yes, that’s true,” Newt allowed, carefully placing a hand on her arm. “To be quite honest, I’m sure I said something before I was four – there was most likely no one around to hear it. But as for Leo, I honestly do think he’ll be fine; he’ll talk when he’s ready, and all we can do in the meantime is be patient. It’s not worth losing sleep over, love, I promise.”
Tina’s shoulders sunk as she deflated somewhat, though he knew by the look on her face that there were still lingering doubts. “Yeah, I guess so. It’s just… He’s so small for his age, so quiet, and I worry about him, Newt.”
He understood where her panic was stemming from; he had been ten weeks premature, for one, and he knew that she was constantly fretting over whether or not it would have long-term negative effects. To add, their oldest two children had had no problem when it came to being vocal – in fact, all they ever seemed to do was chatter and squabble, much to their dismay.
Newt was sure, though, that their youngest would start talking sooner or later; perhaps Leo was just the type of child to wait until there was something worth saying, or even just wanting to wait until the right moment. It was already obvious that he was shy, hiding his face when strangers were around and almost-never leaving his mother’s side when she was home; he could walk normally, he ate his meals and didn’t seem to exhibit any other problems – no, he would be fine.
He has to be, Newt thought to himself as he got ready for bed, If only because Tina won’t stop worrying over him otherwise.
“You know, Mummy, Dougal is my friend.”
“He’s soft. I love him.”
Newt chuckled as he prepared the pellets to feed the Mooncalves with; Tina just smiled to herself, watching as Dougal started to brush through their daughter’s messy hair with his fingers. “I’m sure Dougal loves you too.” Leo squirmed in her arms, eager to play with the Demiguise as well. “Alright, alright…but only for a little bit, and then you need a nap.”
Leo looked positively thrilled as he made his way over to his sister and Dougal; Linnet reached out her arms for him, cooing affectionately. “Leo’s my baby, Mummy,” She informed Tina as she took hold of her brother’s hands. “I’m going to look after him and play with him and rock him to sleep every night.”
At two-and-a-half, the youngest Scamander was perhaps a little too old to be rocked to sleep, but the sentiment was so sweet that it caused Tina to laugh to herself. “Of course, Lin, he’s your baby. You need any help?” She asked, turning to Newt.
“Hmm? No, I think I should manage,” Newt said, grinning to himself. “I’ve just got to feed the Mooncalves, and then I can settle everyone else down for the night. I might need some help with the Nundu again, though – he’s been rather restless.”
The door to the shed opened and Phoenix rushed in, face lit up as he presented something to his parents that was wriggling in his arms. “Look! I found Niffler! He was hiding near the Occamy nest!”
The Niffler gave a weak wriggle, looking rather put-out at the fact he’d been caught.
Linnet giggled, nose creasing up at the sight of the furry black creature. “Niff-Niff is naughty!”
“You’re right there, my girl,” Newt muttered, taking the Niffler from his son and looking at him sternly. “We seem to be doing this daily, you pest – and you know not to go near the Occamy nest. They won’t let you take their egg shells…no, I don’t care how shiny they are, you can���t have them! Now, let’s put you back-”
“I can do it, Daddy!” Phoenix announced, grinning at his father toothily. “Niff likes me, don’t you, Niff?” The Niffler didn’t look particularly happy at all, but didn’t squirm as Phoenix took him back into his arms gently. “Come on, Niff! It’s nearly bedtime!”
As their eldest son left the shed, Niffler in arms, Tina called after him, “Do not give him any of your pocket money, Phoenix Scamander!”
“He will,” Newt informed her, rather amused. “You know he will. Now, I’d better feed those Mooncalves – shouldn’t be too long.”
“Daddy,” Linnet began enquiringly as Dougal sat Leo down between them, softly petting his head. “Can I say g’night to the ‘rumpet with you?”
Newt honestly couldn’t help it – every time his daughter said ‘rumpet’ instead of ‘Erumpent’, he was unable to do anything but grin to himself in amusement. “Yes,” He chuckled. “Yes, of course – she’ll be happy to see you, I’m sure.”
Satisfied with this, Linnet returned to her playing as he left the shed; Leo was currently invested in clutching the demiguise’s fur, running the strands between his chubby fingers.
“See, Leo?” Linnet coaxed, repeating her brother’s actions. “Soft. Can you say soft, Leo?”
The toddler blinked at her, utterly non-plussed. Tina couldn’t help but worry just a bit to herself as she started to tidy up the mess in the shed – it had been over a month since her conversation with Newt, and Leo still wasn’t speaking yet. He barely seemed to make a sound, in fact, no matter how hard the family tried to coax him.
He’ll talk, Teenie, she remembered Queenie saying to her on her last visit, He’s just a quiet one – and he’s certainly not deaf! Why, Daisy barely speaks even now, and she’s the same age as Phoenix!
“Mummy?” Linnet’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts, bringing her back to the case and the shed. “I have a question.”
“Yes, sweetie? What is it?”
Her daughter was looking at her curiously, hazel-green eyes bright. “How come I’m the only girl?”
Tina nearly dropped the vials of Replenishing potion in her hands.
“Phoenix and Leo are both boys,” Linnet continued innocently, pulling a face. “Why am I the only girl? Can we get another girl?”
“It’s…” She didn’t know why she was stammering, why she could feel a small blush starting to creep up from under her blouse. “It’s not quite that simple…”
“Why?” The four-year-old pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. “Daisy’s got a sister as well as brothers, but I’ve only got brothers! I want a sister too!”
Tina put the vials down on the workbench, looking anywhere but at her daughter – she had no idea what to say to such a request, what she could possibly say. Finally, when her cheeks no longer felt warm, she cleared her throat. “Well…a sister isn’t very different from a brother, Lin…not really…”
“You have a sister,” Linnet stated. “Auntie Queenie is your sister. Daisy has one - even Alice has a sister, but I don’t! I really want one, Mummy, more than anything.”
Being honest, her and Newt hadn’t spoken about having another child at all – after Leo had been born, the stress of a preterm birth and struggling to balance three young children alongside work (in the middle of a war, for that matter) had been somewhat of a challenge. They hadn’t definitely said no to more children, just merely not discussing it altogether.
“Linnet, a new baby is a very…big responsibility,” Tina started carefully, not wanting to hurt the girl’s feelings. “There’s feedings, changing…there’s a lot to do.”
“I know,” Linnet agreed excitedly. “But I can help! I’m a big girl now, Mummy!”
Dougal had turned his attention from Leo to Tina now, silently inquisitive – with both her daughter and the Demiguise staring at her, it felt rather like she was being interrogated on the spot.
“Well, it’s not just up to me,” She managed. “It’s also up to Daddy – he has to agree to it as well.”
“Oh. Okay.” Linnet wrinkled her nose suddenly, not quite understanding. “Mummy? Where do babies come from anyway?”
Thankfully Tina was saved from having to answer that question by Phoenix re-entering the shed; his cheeks were a healthy pink, dark hair ruffled. “Lin, Daddy said that he’s going to put everyone to bed now – come on!”
Linnet stood eagerly and ran out of the shed after him, completely forgetting her earlier question; Tina couldn’t help but feel relieved as she turned back to the workbench, now aware that her cheeks were most likely a flushed red. When she cast a glimpse over at Dougal, he was still watching her curiously.
“Not you too,” She muttered, almost defensively. “Three is enough…hey, don’t give me that look!” She huffed when he tilted his head. “I don’t need to explain myself or…or anything.”
Here she was, a grown woman – a wife and mother – arguing with a magical creature who couldn’t even talk. If her sister could see her, she’d have never let her live it down.
Glancing at her watch, she realized it was fast approaching her youngest’s bedtime; tucking the last few vials away on the workbench, she went over to where Leo was sitting with the Demiguise and crouched down. “Alright, time for bed – you too, Dougal.”
Dougal gave her a rather reproachful look before patting her son on the head and leaving the shed; Leo looked saddened by the disappearance of his friend, though didn’t make a sound.
“Come on,” Tina said fondly, picking him up; when he realized she was holding him, his smile returned – her heart melted at the sight of him. “We’ll go say goodnight to your father and brother and sister first, and then you can go to bed.”
Leo was usually the easiest to put to bed – Phoenix and Linnet were both a different story, too excitable and active to go quietly – but tonight seemed to be a different story.
Tina had gotten him into his pyjamas and tucked him in, pressing a kiss to his forehead and leaving the door half-open so there was enough light from the hall to comfort him. Phoenix and Linnet had come up from the case with Newt shortly after, chattering about their favourite creatures and looking put out when she announced it was their bedtime too. Phoenix allowed her to tuck him in without too much complaint, murmuring that he loved her before rolling onto his side and attempting to doze off – Linnet put up her usual struggle, of course, and it took both parents to settle her for the evening.
“Not tired,” She complained weakly. “Don’t want sleep.”
“Come on, Lin,” Newt said encouragingly. “How about if I tell you a story? Will you go to sleep then?”
She folded her arms, considering this seriously. “Hmm…’kay.”
It took two stories and several extra kisses before Linnet finally agreed to go to sleep, much to her parents’ relief. As they made their way downstairs, Newt grinned half-heartedly at his wife. “Finally – some peace and quiet.”
“You got that right,” Tina retorted, though there was affection behind it. “I think I’m gonna have some hot cocoa and head to bed – I’ve got an early meeting tomorrow.”
“Fair enough, love; I could use a cup of tea myself. Go and have a sit down, I’ll make the drinks.”
They had only been relaxing for a few minutes, however, when they heard the sound of tiny footsteps on the stairs; Tina yawned, looking only somewhat disappointed as she put her mug down. “That’s probably Linnet; I’ll go and put her down again.”
“No, I can do it,” Newt insisted, already standing up. “You deserve a rest, Tina – don’t worry.”
She didn’t look convinced but didn’t stop him from going out into the hallway; he was fully expecting to find their daughter by the stairs, perhaps wanting a cuddle or another goodnight kiss – she was usually the one who was up during the night. However, he was surprised when instead he found their youngest son waiting on the bottom step, rubbing his eyes.
“Leo? What are you doing out of bed?” Newt asked, though he was unable to keep himself from giving a fond smile. “Come on, my little bowtruckle, let’s get you back to bed.”
Leo was silent as his father picked him up and took him to his room, merely looking at him with wide eyes. He was equally silent as his father tucked him back in and pressed a kiss to his head, bidding him a goodnight before leaving the room; for some reason, Newt couldn’t help but think that he looked vaguely unhappy for some reason.
Perhaps he’s just having a bad night – wouldn’t be the first time.
There were no disturbances until after they had both finished their hot drinks and were heading upstairs to their own bedroom; it was only as they entered their room that they realized there was already a small figure in their bed.
“Again?” Newt asked in disbelief. “But I just…”
Leo just gave him a curious look before his eyes drifted to Tina; at the sight of her, his face lit up with a smile, and he reached out his arms.
“Well… I suppose he wants his Mummy instead,” His father chuckled.
Tina was trying not to laugh as she took him into her arms, cradling and pulling him close. “Having a rough night, huh? I know the feeling. Alright, let’s get you back to sleep – don’t want you waking up cranky tomorrow-”
“Mum-my,” Leo cooed happily, fisting her blouse in his chubby fist. “Mum-my!”
Both of his parents were absolutely astounded as their son continued to repeat the word, staring at him with wide eyes.
“Leo,” Tina said quietly, not sure whether to believe her ears. “What did you say?”
“Mummy,” Leo said, more certain this time as he giggled. “Mummy.”
Newt’s face had split into a grin at the sight, even as his wife cast him a surprised look. “Well, I can’t say I’m surprised, to be honest – he does adore you quite.”
“Mummy,” Leo said again, now resting his head on her shoulder. “Bed? Mummy, bed?”
Tina wasn’t sure whether she was about to burst into tears of relief or if she was going to smile; after a moment, she compensated by beaming down at her youngest tearfully. “Yeah, okay. Bedtime.”
Later that night, just as she was drifting off, she heard her husband’s gentle voice from beside her.
“I told you there was nothing to worry about.”
“Shut up,” Tina huffed good-naturedly, but she allowed him to wrap an arm around her. “I was just…being cautious.”
“Of course, love,” Newt chuckled knowingly. “As I said, I’m not surprised that you were his first word – it’s obvious he feels very close to you.”
“Yeah,” She said quietly, feeling a sudden surge of emotion rise from within her as it sunk in. “I guess so.”
She was grateful that he didn’t say a word when a few joyful tears escaped, merely holding her tighter to show her that he understood.
Feedback is greatly appreciated! :)
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4 notes ¡ View notes
First of all I love how unhinged this theory is written like, I totally feel the vibe, this show is also making me going crazy.
I do believe is far more likely the brother was at University in the USA, both because I have seen thai bl do the going abroad in the USA thing for university but never for high school, at least not alone. I am not ruiling out a boarding school situation, it just feel for natural to assume university maybe a bit because of the pictures as well.
I love the adoption theory, I think it could work, I do know that IRL people who adopt because they have trouble having children sometimes end up conciving close to the adoption, like I know it's a thing. So it could work.
I am one of the people that thinks the person was Bible. But for me it's also because I had always wondered about a possible Ninth person.
My reasonings initially were that the mysterious guy that is supposed to be coming to get them feels like a set up. It just felt to me like it was hangling for a situation where this guy shows up and you think oh their saved, but the show pulls out the rug from under them as he is part of the killer team.
Of course that would have been more impactful if we had seen this person in that scene with Uncle Dang in episode one, maybe he was helping him drive the boys up or something. But it would make sense that they would keep him a secret if he was played by a recognizable actor from Kinnporsche, after all who would have believed someone like Bible (example) would just be there for a 5 minutes cameo.
Another thing that ended up fuiling my theory is just the posts talking about how it feels like there are at least two different plans in motions, two different hands struggling for the rain, Tan and Phee just do not feel in control, some of the actions from the killer feel like they are conflicting with the Tan and Phee's plan which seems to be angling for a confession (at least get a confession first then maybe murder, idk). That and as @shannankle pointed out it just feels like Uncle Dang murder was very brutal, nothing I have seen makes me believe that Tan and Phee could decapitate a dude. Of course Tan has been deliberately kept "boring" and shown as little as possible probably because everything would be a major spoiler, and I did notice all the microexpression Tan makes when the camera focus on him, the rage in his eyes feels very tangible.
That said, the ninth person doesn't have to be the brother, your post makes a lot of sense. I do think there has to be someone helping them, simply because trying to make everything fit the timeline with just the two of them required a LOT of suspension of disbelief. The ninth person could also be Non (althought I am still camp, Non is dead or in a coma. Because the boys feel too much like they are investigating what happened to Non for Non to be alive).
I am starting to wonder why we are waiting this long to see the brother, I understand the in universe explanation, but it just feels like if the brother plays a major role going forward why not let us spend more then one episode in the past with him? This doesn't really relate to other theories, I just have been asking myself that question for a while.
I do agree that New probably didn't know anything about what was happening because his Mom probably didn't want him to get distracted.
I think it's likely that either someone send him the leaked video and he got worried and started to ask about Non and then got told the truth about Non being missing, or that the parents caved and told him.
I am very curious to know how do New and Phee know each other, if they are working for the same team then how do they met? Non doesn't seem to be connected to his brother at all, no messages, no pictures in his room, in fact the scene in the last episode where he apologizes to his parents saying sorry I'm not like New might be the first time we saw Non say his name.
So how does he know Phee? How did they met? Also the lack of New until the very last possible episode set in the past means that we have only 1 episode at the most to believe that New loved his brother enought, and feels guilty and angry enough to go on a revenge quest. Is the lack of relationship between going to play a part in his feelings, like he didn't get to repair their relationship because he is gone missing?
Hello, fellow associates, I, local deranged man, bring you (by request of @ayansbff who said I should "go make a post and patent it fr." thank you, Naga <3) once again a theory as insane as whatever has been going on in the ASOIAF fandom in the last 10 years (but no, I'm not here to tell you Tan is a horse or New is a faceless man).
For this week's episode: Tan is New (but with some spice).
Pls beware, this will require a certain level of "bear with me", ok? Ok.
Also: long ass post, guys. Be prepared.
So, 1st things 1st: New is obviously studying abroad.
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This would mean that, in all the episodes we've seen of the flashback, we wouldn't have seen New. Because he's literally in a different country (cue theory: New is Mhok working as a cook in Hawaii ksksksk /j).
Nevertheless, in the latest events of the past storyline, Non has just gone M.I.A. Which is definitely something you'd tell the kid's brother about. I'd be pretty pissed if I as New and no one fucking told me about my brother vanishing.
(I think it could definitely be argued that their parents might try to hide the whole getting involved with money laundry and even the pedophilic child revenge porn sex tape on Twitter thing, especially their mother. bc, considering their treatment of Non this episode, it would definitely cross my mind that they'd think something along the lines of "New shouldn't be worried about what his fuck up of a brother is involved with, he should just focus on his study". And idk if Thailand's national news would arrive to New in the US just like that (maybe, maybe not, I won't try to speculate too much, I think it's too much of a wild card). YET, I still think, regardless, they'd have their limits even if the rest was true and they'd tell him about his brother being literally MISSING. So yeah...)
So back on track: sure, the police "think" Non has run away with Keng
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Or, was convinced by Tee's uncle to accept that storyline
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but Non's parents don't believe that shit
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("They're TRYING to make our son LOOK LIKE" not "They think our son HAS")
And I think the same feeling could've been passed to New by his parents or just by New himself. But even if not, I think it's pretty reasonable to assume he'd come back to Thailand after that news. Like, if my brother was missing, I'd feel pretty bad, my parents would feel pretty bad and I'd want to go back home and be with them a bit, follow things up close, at the very least.
So, assuming that's true, it's not weird to presume New could be back in Thailand by the time The Hidden Character (the film Non wrote, not the BOC reality show thing) airs. Which would lead us to:
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Now, I've seen people say it's Tan, I've seen people say it's White, I've seen people say it's Bible (?)... To me, that's Tan. The voice that calls "Phee" seems to me that's Mio's voice and the person we see in the door, albeit he does resemble Bible, reads to me as him as well.
Besides, we see him being introduced to the class in the ep.9 preview so, yeah, it could be to throw us off, but I genuinely think it's just bc it's Tan.
Regardless, even if not, Tan will appear next episode. So... There's that. Question is: why?
We see both Tan and Phee moving to the gang's class next episode, which the gang points out as "weird". Now, idk why it would be weird to see people change schools in 12th grade but fine, I'm not gonna argue, maybe they know something I don't. Ig you could argue it's bc it's the last year but I'd say people have issues all the time (being the last year of school doesn't change that) and people also move houses all the time. So I wouldn't question it but ok. Moving on.
We know Phee has a connection to Non (as his ex-boyfriend) but we don't know why Tan would be there too. Sure, we can argue Phee has to have friends. But, ngl, if my friend asked me to move schools bc he wants to find out what happened to his bf who mysteriously disappeared, I'd politely decline. I'd support him in his endeavours, of course, but I wouldn't change my entire life for it. I could even go as much as to help him befriend them and hang out with the fuckers but I wouldn't move schools, I think.
So Tan must have a bigger motive, right? And what bigger motive than being the brother of Non, am I right?
Furthermore, we have to consider legal matters. They're all minors. Phee's father, of course, knows about Phee being, at least, friends with Non. And, even if he told him to stay out of trouble and that he himself would not go around poking in the business for Phee's own safety, I think he'd be okay with Phee moving schools for grief reasons (a.k.a being close to Non because that was his school) or even bc he knew Phee was trying to talk to his friends (I don't think he suspects the kids too much and honestly that's a terrible lack of sight on his behalf but, I mean, they're kids, I think it's fair to assume they're innocent).
But what about Tan? Assuming Tan is not Non's brother, would his parents let him move schools to the school where all those nasty kids who keep appearing on the news study??? I don't think so. Sounds dangerous. Things change, of course, if Tan is not actually Tan but New.
Non's parents, despite their obvious lack of parenting skills, care about him. He's their son. They'd want to know what happened. And, sure, New getting involved would be terrible for them (bc he's their son and clearly the favourite child and god forbid he wastes his potential studying there bc of Non's failures AGAIN), but if New specifically requested that, would they go against it? Would they go against their talented son and his show of altruism and love for his brother?? Especially when the police are not doing anything and it's just trying to close the damn case??? I don't think so.
Thus: Tan is New.
"But what about his legal name???", I hear you say. "If they're siblings they'll have the same last name!!" And yeah. That's true. Especially in Thailand where most surnames are exclusive to a singular family. But I thin- "What about the age gap??? New is older than Non!! His mom even refers to him as Non's phi!!!" Yes. I know. That's where the spice comes in:
There, I dropped the bomb. This would mean that, maybe, his legal name wasn't changed from what it originally was. Sure, it could've, since he's now part of a different family but they also could've kept the original surname. Which is likely if New wasn't adopted in a normal fashion.
We have to consider how poor Non's family seems to be. Whether that's a new situation or it has always been like this we don't know. But that's something. Now, I'm not Thai nor do I live in Thailand but from what I read, income does factor a lot into whether or not a family can adopt a child (at least in theory). So I'd assume a poor family would struggle with it. Nevertheless, it seems Thai law puts a lot of value into family ties with the child so, maybe New was someone else's child originally like of a brother or a sister of one of Non's parents. Or maybe something else entirely, I don't know. I don't think it matters that much.
"That still doesn't explain the age gap though. Tan is only 2 months older than Non!!"
Well, that's still older. Would that qualify him as "phi", idk. But maybe that's just the way Pimpa talked about him to Non. We never actually see Non call him that.
Ok, yeah, I know. They make a compelling case.
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(I took the liberty to brighten them bc OMG WHY IS THIS SHOW SO DARK????)
And yes, in the picture further to the left it does seem like they have a huge age gap but also, in the picture right next to him, it doesn't seem so (in fact the kid in blue seems about the same age in both pics, only the other one doesn't). So maybe the kid in pic one is not Non, it's some other kid (could be, especially considering he's wearing blue and, as the fandom's most dear colour theorist @shannankle has pointed out on a lot of posts but most especially this one: Non's colour is red). Or maybe it is one of them and they just grew up at different paces, idk. It happens, man.
TBH I'm not greatly concerned about the pics. What I am concerned about is the narrative implications of this. That his parents's (and, as previously established, especially his mother's [who is the most present parent in his life, as stated by the parents themselves in ep.8])
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favourite kid is the one who isn't even theirs by blood. That their favourite son is the one that is not actually their son (I obviously do believe adopted kids are as much people's kids as biological ones, family is made not inherited, but I mean this as strictly talking about the blood relations of these people)! That no one ever loves Non enough to actually save him from doom (bc, like a fairytale princess, the thing that could prevent Non's demise was love).
If his peers had loved him enough he wouldn't have felt the need to cling to that awful gang. If Jin had loved him enough he would've helped him get away from Tee in this episode, at the very least. If his parents had loved him enough, they would've prevented him from falling prey to so many people or, at least, would've been trustworthy for him to talk to and helped him get out of the situations he was getting himself into.
This would also play well with the character's names:
Non. That which/whom isn't.
Who isn't seen, who isn't heard, who isn't loved, who isn't perfect, who isn't who people expected him to be, who isn't the gang's friend, who isn't his parent's perfect son (not blaming him but that's how they see it), who isn't the boyfriend Phee hoped he would be (not blaming him for the sexual assault he suffered, just seeing it through Phee's eyes, pls don't misinterpret).
New. That which/whom fresh, original. That which just arrived.
Who is a prodigy, a talent, one of a kind. Who is so different from Non and his "crooked ways". Who arrived at the family later. Who just arrived in Thailand, who just arrived in Non's school. Who is a new person, who has a new identity, who has a new life goal.
So, yeah, it is a bit crazy and depends on a lot of circumstantial and potential facts that have not been hinted towards AT ALL by the show. And I recognize that. But I think this is what is fun about theories and speculation and, even if this is not true (likely), I still had fun crafting this and showing it to you guys. At the very least it's entertaining and keeps us thinking.
Pls feel free to add stuff or question stuff in this post, I'd love for us to work together as a community for our little murder gays show. Hehe.
Also, I'll leave you a question myself: if this is true, does it mean Phee and Tan are working together as the killers, only one of them is killing or neither is committing murder? 🤔
59 notes ¡ View notes
see-jess-write ¡ 6 years ago
Crescent || Matt & Phoenix
Tagging: Matthew Davidson & Phoenix Williams ( @shamelessly-yours​ ) When: August 8, 2019 Where: A house party  Notes: They meet and get to chatting.
Matt was getting a little burnt out on these parties he kept getting dragged to. It didn’t help that there were some people at these things that wore buckets of cheap perfume and cologne so it left him with the loveliest of headaches. He wanted to take off but one of his friends asked him to come and after only being there an hour would probably result in hearing all the whines about it later. He tried to make the best of it and after stationing himself outside with his sixth beer; it wasn’t too bad. He chatted with some people her and there, checking them out and flashing that goofy, charming smile of his. Maybe he’ll take one of him home later. Hard to tell with the night being so young...
Phoenix was quite frankly bored. These kind of parties weren't exactly her cup of tea, she'd sooner have a strawberry smoothie than a Coors light. She'd settled somewhere in the middle with a fruity cocktail some guy had been making in the kitchen. Her girl friends had all scattered now, no doubt chatting to guys or dancing their hearts out. Good on them. But that wasn't her scene either. The noise was too much and she decided to escape outside. The cool air made goosebumps raise on her exposed skin, the low cut emerald dress hardly doing anything to protect her, but she didn't mind. Outside was where she was happiest, in all weathers and conditions. Her eyes scanned across the area, everyone seemed happy enough, chatting away to each other. One guy sat alone, beer in hand. He had a nice smile, that he flashed in her direction. Fuck it, she thought, the cocktail going to her head a little and headed towards him, adding a little sway to her hips as she walked. "Lost your friends?" She joked, laughing at herself a moment later.
Matt been in the middle of drinking his beer, which was practically water to him, and eyed who came up to him. The drink sat on his thigh and a warm smile spread, “Funny of you to assume I have any. Could he the total lone wolf kind of guy,” he teased, still lounging comfortably in the patio chair. “What brings you out here? Wait, let me guess. You got to missing me in there and went on the hunt to find me...” he knew that wasn’t it but still went on, “Yeah. I think that’s what happened.”
Phoenix quirked her eyebrow at the cocky guy. Sure, he was pretty handsome and seemed comfortable being alone, but was there any need in that? "Wow," she breathed and gave another laugh, "You're big headed," she stated with a shake of her head. "The music was too loud, actually. I saw you all alone and figured you might like some company but if you're happy alone..." She drifted off and took a sip of her drink while slowly starting to turn away, giving him chance to call her back.
A hand went to the side of his cheek, than the top of his head; "Am I? Figured my head is pretty normal size, so maybe I should check in with a doctor to make sure everything's okay." It took a lot, a loooooot a lot to really phase him. "Hey now. I may be putting out that leave me the fuck alone vibe but I wouldn't actually mind some company. You've been to one house party you've been to them all. But Jamie over there begged and begged for me to come so..." he motioned to himself and leaned forward with an easy smile. "You look familiar...." Matt looked at the red hair and a name popped in. "I think I know. Last name...Williams.....?"
Phee quirked an eyebrow as he checked his head, obviously unimpressed by his antics. Why did she have to choose the most childish guy at the party to talk to? Still, she stayed as he continued and sleuthed out her last name. "I am impressed." She ran a hand through her long hair, pushing it behind her ear. "Hm..." She looked over her shoulder, "The idiot playing beer pong and missing every shot? That's my brother, Leo." She admitted and looked back to the lazing guy in front of her. "Think he's buddies with your pal Jamie too. I haven't seen you around before though," she admitted. "You new to town?"
There was this type of expression, one he's seen before and most people would find this discouraging Matt practically lapped it up. He was a what do I've got to lose type of guy. Something he's grown accustomed to with his type of lifestyle, plus boring made him itchy. "Ah. Leo. Figured so. And you must be Phoebe, right?" He knew it was Phoenix,  because of the whole bird from the flames reference and the fact the light behind her made some of those long strands look aflame. "It's a good thing I'm not playing against your brother. Would have made it into strip beer pong and he'd be flashing his bits about now." Matt motioned to the seat next to him. "Guess you can say I'm new. Moved here about six months ago. I've seen you around but your Leo doesn't exactly invite you out to our little gatherings."
"Phoenix." She corrected quickly, "Most people call me Phee." She glanced to her brother again, pulling a face as he missed another shot. Not that she's be any better, hand eye co ordination wasn't a strong trait in their family. "I'm very glad you're not playing against him then. I do not want to see my brother's dick hanging out." She glanced at the chair, then back to him. She'd rather stand than settle in beside him, just incase. "No, he doesn't. He'd probably kill me if he saw me here. Apparently I'm bad for his rep," she laughed and shook her head, red hair moving back into her face again. "I came with my girlfriend's. But they are all... Preoccupied at the moment.". She pointed to a brunette who was currently locking lips with some beefed up guy.
“Ah. Phee. How could I not remember that? Bet you get a lot of people bringing up the usual River Phoenix reference with you, huh?” He’d be fucking floored if she actually knew who that was. “And there. That’s what I want to hear. I actually had one chick tell me she’s see her brother’s junk and I noped out of that conversation so fast.” Matt shook his head slowly and leaned back again. “Aren’t you cold in that dress? I’ve got a jacket on the back of this chair if you want it. Just have to promise not to go through the pockets. I keep my treasures in there.” He looked to the girl making out with Andrews and laughed. “Oh, I have a feeling we won’t be seeing those two for awhile.”
River Phoenix. So funny. "Actually you're the first person to ever bring him up," she pointed out before laughing at the next comment. She'd have noped the fuck out of that conversation too. "I don't want your jacket, or your treasures," she air quoted the last word. Was that lame? Maybe. Phee didn't keep up with these things. "That's exactly why I'm here chatting to you." She realized something then. "And you are...?"
“You’re shitting me? He was one of those one in a life time actors from the 90s. How can people not jump to that?” Matt shook his head, tsking this. “First you don’t take that seat that I so generously offered, was even about to clear all the crap off it for you. Now no jacket or what’s in my pockets; which you would have seen was a pack of gum and my phone.” He sighed dramatically. “Worried I’ve got cooties or something. I’m caught up with all my shots. Scout’s honor.” He finished his beer and set it next to another empty. “I’ll let you take a wild guess. If you get it right I’ll head in and get you whatever that is you’re drinking. Smells like something fruity. Strawberry daiquiri?”
Phoenix moved her eyes to the empty cans beside him, then back to his face. "I don't want you getting any ideas, drunk guys do that sometimes." A hint that she knew he'd had a fair few. "As for your name..." She hummed, pushing her hair back again. Her brother hardly spoke to her these days, but she knew all of his high school buddies, which this guy was obviously not. "Matt? You know my drink. Fetch." She grinned at him deviously.
He twiddled his thumbs, expecting her to get it wrong right off the bat but his jaw dropped and the man had to laugh. “You sneaky sneak. Over there acting like you don’t know who I am.” He shook his head and got up his feet. “It’s basically like you played me. But,” he ran his hand through his tussled auburn hair. “A deal’s a deal. I’ll go and fetch your daiquiri since you never told me what you’re drinking and now you’re stuck with that choice.”
Phoenix dampened her lips because yeah, she'd never seen him before, but she knew the one name her brother had only just started mentioning. Phoenix shrugged her shoulders, proud of herself for beating the cocky asshole at his own game. "It is a daiquiri. You have a good nose." She replied with a half smirk as she sat down in the seat he'd just vacated to watch him head back towards the house. The space still smelled like him, or maybe it was his warm jacket hung on the back. Woody and musky. Not floral or over the top, not the stench of after shave or cologne, just a natural scent that made her insides quiver, just a bit. Fuck. She leaned back, inhaling his scent again because God did he smell good. Phee loved the outdoors and Matt smelled like the woods and growth and petricore. Refreshing. She drank the rest of her cocktail while she waited. Before long he was headed back towards her and Phee sat up straighter, crossing her long bare legs, leaning an elbow on her knee. "You took your time," she commented with a quirked eyebrow, challenging him as she held her hand out for her drink.
There were more people at this party than before and Matt had to give it to Jamie. Kid acted like he didn’t know a lot of people and most of the city was crammed in this tiny ass house. He moseyed his way to the kitchen and grabbed a couple tequila shots while the blender did his thing. Matt even got an ass grab from an unknown person but he didn’t think much about it since he was currently annoying someone new. The shots warmed him for the most part but his high tolerance made it such a fucking pain to feel more than a slight buzz. He returned to the backyard and walked through someone’s vape cloud which made him grimace. But when he saw Phee in his seat he laughed and stood in front of her with the drink. “Hmmm. Since you’re fine with taking what’s mine, maybe I should do the same with yours.” Matt acted as if he was about to drink her daiquiri but he handed it to her. “Even added an umbrella. Flared it up.”
Phee enjoyed the banter, her pink to give darting over her bottom lip. Even one daiquiri was enough to give her more confidence than usual, but she didn't react to him pretending to drink her cocktail, just took it and looked at the umbrella he'd added. "Well ain't I a lucky girl?" She asked with a grin before plucking the garnish from the drink and taking a long sip. "Except these things are a nightmare for the environment you know? Next time skip the fancy stuff,"
Matt cocked his head to the side and crossed his arms over his chest, “Is it? It’s made out of wood and paper so why not toss it in the recycling bin?” He moved the plate from the chair next to her and sat down. Matt relaxed and did a bit of people watching, Well, more listening since he could pick up a lot of conversations happening around them. He leaned over and asked, “You see that guy over there? The one in the red shirt.” Matt motioned at him with a chin point,
Phee pouted at him, "Just because you can recycle something, doesn't mean it's good for the environment. Think of how much energy and how many trees had to be killed for this tiny novelty one use thing," She sighed sadly as he sat beside her. "Hm?" Phee glanced to where he was indicating,noting the guy in the red shirt. "What about him?"
Matt nodded along and thought about what she said. “Makes sense there, Phee. I never got into doing too much when it comes to recycling or environmental things but I’ll keep that in mind.” He said, turning to look at her and meaning it. If he hadn’t picked up at how the color in her cheeks reddened or the accelerated heart beat he might have dismissed it but her passion got him thinking at least. “So,” He said, returning his attention to red shirt guy. “He was on the phone with someone. Girl I think,” He knew it was a chick for sure because he heard her loud and clear. “Apparently they hooked up and he stole her panties. He doesn’t want to give them back.”
Phee quirked her head in the direction of the man, brows drawing together. "I have so many questions right now,"she said with a little laugh, "Um, first of all, is that the kind of thing guys talk about? How they steal girls panties and won't give them back?"
“Apparently that’s the kind of thing Mr. Red Shirt’s talking about. Can’t speak for all guys but I know the only time I get panties is if they’re given to me. But here’s the real question...” he let this drag on, a finger pointing at the guy as he turned to face her, leaning in just enough for only her to hear. “Do you think he’s wearing it right now?”
Phoenix couldn't help it, she burst out into laughter, her whole face lighting up, hand trembling with it so her cocktail half ended up on the floor next to her before she managed to put it down. "Oh my God, Matt. That's fucking bad. I don't know. Maybe he is. Maybe it was a red pair to match his shirt," she grinned wickedly, "Oh, oh look..." The guy scratched at his ass and Phee laughed hard again. "Musta been riding up,"
As soon as she laughed Matt joined in and it intensified when he glanced and saw what was happening. “Dude’s definitely wearing something. A lacy thong. Red like you said. Maybe with that tiny sweetheart bow on the front.” He’d been too busy laughing to notice the drink spilled and Matt pointed at you, grinning. “I fucking slayed a dragon and seduced a troll for that drink and now it’s just there. There Phee. For shame.”
Phee laughed and laughed, unable to help herself because fuck, it was funny imagining some beefed up jock in a pretty red thong he'd stolen from his latest conquest. Where the fuck did this guy come up with this shit? "Then..." Phee had to stop because she was breathless from the laughter Still, "Then maybe you should t have made me laugh so much! You're lucky I didn't get any in my dress, or then you would be in for it," she warned with a playful wink and a grin.
“Oooooooh would I? What would you have done? Taken it off and told me to get it to the dry cleaners stat. Or had me whisk you away to the closest sink to try to get the red out?” He smirked, going for a beer but remembered he never got another for himself. He was actually real good at removing stubborn stains, something he leaned over the years. “You thinking about keeping here awhile longer because as fun as this party is, I’m kinda in need of a scenery change.”
Phoenix pointed again at his teasing. "You are such an asshole," she said with a soft laugh. Was he asking her to leave with him? She glanced around, but Katie was still locking lips and Leo was lying on the floor, probably spinning from drinking too much, regardless of his defeat at beer pong. "I'm thinking the same thing. Things are getting a little too... Messy for my liking," she admitted.
Matt feigned a shocked expression and laid a hand onto his chest. “That’s Mr. Asshole to you, missy miss.” Not two seconds after saying this his face split into a smile. “Awesome! Let’s do what the trees do and shake a leg.” He stood up and leaned over her, getting close for a few seconds, to pull his jacket off the back of the chair she stole from him. “Thinking a walk around the neighborhood wouldn’t be too bad. Won’t reek of this place that’s for sure.”
When Matt leaned in, Phee got another word of that natural scent of his and God, was it intoxicating. She wanted to bottle that smell and carry it with her everywhere. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth as he pulled away,swallowing to compose herself and giving a nod of her head. Getting away from the noise and the stench of stale beer sounded like a dream right now. "Sounds good," she said, standing. "Just... Let me check in with Leo." Her brother had made it to his feet but he was clinging to the wall for dear life. She was going to tease him so much tomorrow. She headed towards him with a grin. "Hey big bro, that your new girlfriend?" She asked, coming close and placing a hand on his arm. "Phoenix? Urg. Fuck off." He groaned and looked away from her. She giggled, shaking her head at how very drunk he was. "You gonna be alright? Want me to get Greg to give you a ride home?" She asked and her brother shook his head. Unlike her hair, his was dark in colour but they both had the same eyes. "No, just fuck off," he groaned again and Phee sighed. "Alright. Don't day I didn't try." She dampened her lips. "Me and Matt are gonna go for a walk. I'll see you tomorrow alright? Don't do anything fucking stupid, okay?"
Matt didn’t need to move from his place to hear the exchange was between Leo and Phee, but if he wasn’t able to tune in it would have been amusing as hell to only watch the body language and movement of arms. He grinned for a moment and went over to where they stood. “You doing okay there, Le.” He asked, dropping the o in the guy’s name. Only he would shorten an already short name.
Phee glanced to Matt as he joined them, she rolled her eyes. "He's fine. Just can't handle his beer." She teased and Leo wafted an arm in her direction, "Fuck off Phee." Phoenix laughed and shrugged her shoulders. "Right." She laughed and headed towards the house. Before Matt could follow her though, Leo had grabbed hold of his arm, seemingly sobering up for a moment. "Stay away from my sister." He warned, fuzzy eyes trying to meet Matt's.
Matt was glad Phoenix wasn't nearby to see this and he knew Leo forgot his place with the grab, what with the massive amounts of alcohol he had to drink to even reach this level of intoxication. His hand went to Leo's and pried it away from him. "Think you're forgetting your place there, pup." He said in a low voice. "Your sister is in good hands. Don't worry about her." He moved away from him and added. "Get yourself cleaned up and help Jamie with the rest of this party. It's getting out of hand." Matt walked towards the house, in the direction Phee went and returned to his usual, good natured self. He didn't like to flex his power like that but he wasn't one who like others to tell him what to do. "You good to go?" He asked, easily finding her at the front near the door just by tracking down that sweet perfume she wore.
Phee had only realized half way through the house that Matt was missing, she held still by the front door, sending out a mass text to her girls to let them know she was heading out. By the time Matt appeared, Phee was already getting replies but she quickly shoved her cell away in her little silver bag. They could wait until later. "So ready," she said with a sweet smile, tilting her head to the side just so and making hair fall down her shoulders. "You get lost on the way?" She asked with a little laugh as she opened the door and headed back out into the cool night air. Once more, goosebumps rose on her skin, but she didn't mind. She headed towards the sidewalk, her heels clicking on the pavement.
“That’s because you didn’t put out a trail of bread crumbs so I had to go through this journey and happened to discover the true meaning of happiness has always been within me.” Matt added, “Wait. Should have spoiler alerted that.” He held the door open and waited for Phee to pass through. “Did you happen to let your friends know you left with one of the hottest guys at that party?” He asked while they walked down to the sidewalk. His jacket draped over his arm, ready to hand it over as soon as she needs it.
Phee couldn't help but giggle about his explanation of getting lost along the way. It was silly and over the top, but kind of endearing too. Phee glanced over at him, "Not quite, " she replied, shifting her bag higher on her shoulder. "I told them I left with the guy with the biggest ego," she grinned and shrugged her shoulders. "Wonder if they guess who I mean..."She mused with a little chuckle. A breeze passes by and Phee felt herself shiver, but honestly she was too stubborn to ask for his jacket.
"You think this ego is bad, you should have seen me when I was in my early twenties. It was so massive, Phee. So. Massive. I could hardly fit it through the door at most places." He couldn't help poking fun at this since he knew it was pretty bad. But he was a confident guy and didn't see anything wrong with flaunting it 24/7/365. There was that breeze, one Matt knew was destined to make its way to them as soon as they hit the sidewalk. He saw the shiver but didn't say anything about it. Instead his jacket freed his arm and he stepped behind her and set it around her shoulders without a word. "Do you live with Leo?" He asked as he went back to walking by her side.
Almost without breaking step, Matt was placing his jacket around her shoulders, enveloping her in his warmth and woody scent and Phee honestly felt a quiver of something wonderful in her stomach. Not that she was about to admit that to this guy. "Unfortunately," Phee said with a soft laugh. "I can't really afford to live alone right now. College is pretty tough money wise," she said with a soft chuckle. "Leo had a spare room and he's barely home anyway, so it just worked out." She shrugged her shoulder slightly, the chain on her bag clinking. "Do you live alone?" She asked curiously. Matt was the one friend of Leo's that she didn't really know much about. Maybe that was because he was new though.
"A-ha. College girl. Didn't think you were that young but it's not like I'm a grandpa here." He stuffed one hand into his pocket and looked from her to the houses they passed on either sides. He lived a neighborhood over but it looked somewhat identical to this. Cookie cutter. "I do. When I moved here from Alabama I made sure it was when I could afford my own place. Do you know where the fire station is off of Marinette and Parmer? Right near this spot. I live the street behind it. I actually work there."
Phee scrunched her nose. "I'm not that young,"She protested softly, "I'm 24, doing my Masters Degree if you must know," She said rather indignantly. At that, Phoenix felt her brows rise high. "You're a fire fighter?" She asked with a half laugh, unable to believe it. She'd never met one before, despite living in town all her life. "Woah, that's... Just wow." she said, honestly impressed.
"You sure about that? I mean, you've got that whole look kinda young thing happening for you. It's okay to admit you're under twenty one. I won't tattle." Hearing her age actually set him at ease. It was hard to tell how old people were and he didn't want to run into issue if they decided to steer this into something...hotter. "Why do you look surprised by that?" he asked, clearly amused. "Been doing it for about nine years now. Started right out of high school and been doing it since. Used to do those awful twenty-four hours shifts but those stopped about five years ago. Thank God." Right around the time when his life took a drastic and unexpected turn for the wild.
Phee pouted at his teasing about her age. She knew she looked young, but it had been a while since anyone had said she looked that young. "I swear, I'm twenty four. Leo is twenty six. Two years difference." Again, Phee was surprised to hear how long Matt had been a firefighter. Nine years would make him twenty seven, just a year older than Leo. But way more sensible it seemed. "I know it's a different world completely, but in my work, twenty four hours awake is almost a daily occurrence." She chuckled softly, shaking her head. "I'm a programmer," she revealed a moment later, "I've gone fourty eight hours on energy drinks and cheetos," She admitted with a soft laugh.
There was a pout, one Matt deserved and he wanted to tell her to put that away but he knew better than poking fun at a woman’s age. Having a mom and three sisters taught him better than that. “This forty-eight hour stretch. Were you at that point towards the end of it where you felt you were a type of God? Nothing felt normal and you were convinced you absorbed powers from a greater being?” Matt’s been through various mind trips due to exhaustion, shock, smoke inhalation...you name it. “Now you’ve got me wanting Cheetos. Thank you for that.” There was a convenience store walking distance from here and he decided to steer them in that direction. “Want to go and get a midnight snack with me? We can take it back to my place if you’re down for a hang there.”
Phee laughed as he asked about her state of mind after the fourty eight hours. "Honestly, I don't even remember. I;m usually so exhausted by the end of it, sometimes it's like I wake up and someone else has done my work for me," She admitted with another little laugh. She raised her eyebrows as he asked her if she wanted to head back to his place. That was forward. And as wanton and adventurous as Phee could be, she wasn't quite that drunk yet. "You haven't even asked for my number and you're asking me back to your place? That isn't exactly gentlemanly. I expected more of you, Matt. I'm disappointed," She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, a hint of a smile curling her lips. "I'm a lady, y'know? I expect a little more than Cheeto's before I go to a guys house."
“Oh. Well, my apologies, m’lady.” He bowed and tried not to smile but this was a change. Most people he brought back didn’t even bother with the number exchange. “Does it help I ate least know your last name? And that I’m not just buying Cheetos but slushees, too.” Matt started the walk again and had to laugh at this. “But, hey. Glad you jump to the idea of us fucking when we go to my house and not just playing a video game or watching Queer Eye.”
Phee had to hold back another giggle as he bowed. He was an ass, but a pretty damn cute ass. She rolled her eyes at the offer of slushees too. "Well in that case... No." She replied with a grin, "And I never assumed we'd be... Y'know..." Her face flashed red almost as bright as her hair, "I just don't go to guys houses without knowing them first. My Daddy taught me better than that."
“Fair enough,” he said not at all bothered by her turning down the invite. “I’ll still get the snacks though. Consider it me wanting to see you on a sugar high.” The bright light from the corner shop loomed ahead. “How does your daddy feel about someone you don’t know walking you home?”
Phee smiled at the fact he still wanted to get snacks, "Stick around long enough and you will," she teased with a soft smile, glancing down as they walked. She was so glad she'd wore her comfortable silver heels tonight. Walking all this distance in anything else would have been agony. She wasn't really used to heels at all. "Hm, considering Daddy doesn't live with us, I don't think hed ever know," She said with a coy smile. "Leo though? That's another story. He doesn't like me knowing, but he's pretty protective of me," she said with a small laugh, looking back to Matt as they reached the store, purposefully waiting for him to open the door.
“Well, alright then. Not that it makes much a difference with me know where you live since I’ve been to Leo’s before.” He said with a playful teasing tone. “But I’ll pretend I’ve never been. Even awe at the sight of the house as if it’s the first time.” Matt tugged the glass door open and waited for her to go through before following. “Yeah, Leo can get that way but I understand. I’ve got three sisters of my own. One just started college.”
Phoenix was surprised to hear that Matt had been to her and Leo's place before. Leo had never mentioned it to her which was honestly a little odd. She shrugged it off and headed into the store, wandering slowly down the first aisle. "Yeah?" She hummed and picked up a packet of candy from the shelf, inspecting the back, "What's she studying?" Phee asked with a smile, glancing up to see if he'd waited for her to keep moving.
He stayed at the foot of the aisle and looked at the jerky selection. He liked this place because they made their own jerky and it tasted leagues better than the packaged crap. “Fashion design I think. I’m sure there’s an actual name to it but that’s how I remember it.” He used tongs to get a few thick strips and then joined her in the aisle. “What you got there?”
Phee hummed and nodded her head. Fashion design was interesting and creative but not exactly her thing. She showed him the packet of nerds she was holding with a small smile. "I know they're awful for you, but they're my favorite." She said with a laugh. "I always check the back though, you never know if they’re going to add a couple hundred more e numbers." She started to walk towards the end of the aisle. "What did you pick up?" She asked, eyeing his hands.
“I have to say, you’re the first person I’ve met they actually likes that candy. Not ripping on you but now I want to call you Nerd Girl.” Matt showed her his jerky and then went to pluck a couple Cheeto bags. “Gotta our drinks, still feeling a cherry slurpee for myself, and then we can boot, scoot, and boogie.”
"Whaaat?" She extended the word with a laugh."Who the fuck doesn't like candy? They lying." She shook her head and headed down the next aisle, back towards the counter. "I could go for a cheery Slurpee, it'll go well with my candy," She grinned and dampened her lips softly. "Boot, scoot and boogie?" She asked with squirmed brow, "What time zone are you from exactly?"
“Hey now. I told you I wasn’t knocking on it. Just don’t usually see Nerds unless it’s when I’m giving candy out for trick or treaters.” He laughed and her reaction to it and went to tug a couple cups from the walls. Matt set the clear dome lids on both and poured the slurpees into each. “I’m offended by you picking fun at my lingo. Got me weeping on the inside here, Phee.” He handed her one with a red straw. “I’m from this time. I just like to use random shit to describe things. Keeps everyone on their toes.”
Phee accepted the drink and took a slow sip, even with Matt's jacket still hung on her shoulders, her arms rose in goosebumps. "Keeps everyone confused more like," she said with a laugh as they got the counter,placing down her items and glancing to Matt with a sly grin. "My gentleman friend here will be paying," she informed the clerk.
He handed over his debit card, which had a picture of Bugs Bunny on it. Matt opted for a bag for them to carry everything in and as they walked out he looked at her with such a grin. “Gentleman, huh? And here I was thinking you viewed me as some type of scoundrel.” Matt opened the door for her to go through, loving how she looks in his jacket.
Phee did notice the picture on his card, but she didn't mention it - yet. She shrugged her shoulders slightly, but the movement was pretty well hidden by his jacket on her shoulders. "I'm not sure what to make of you yet, Mr... Oh!" She laughed, "What's your surname?" She asked with another giggle, now moving to slide her arms into the arms of his jacket, the cold settling in once more.
“I made it a point to say I know your last name but you didn’t think to ask me mine. Now who’s the one not being a gentleman?” Matt have her a light-hearted smirk at that and said, “Davidson. Matthew John Davidson. But I get called Matt. Matty by my sisters.” He shared before sucking through his straw. “Want some of my jerky? I got the mild type.”
Phee pouted softly, her full bottom lip poking out. "I'm a Lady," she pointed out a moment later, "Usually others tell us those details, friends and mothers and brothers," she said with a soft laugh. "Matty is cute," she said with a soft smile. She could see him being so gentle with his sister's, so protective the way Leo was with her and it was so damn endearing. "Thanks but no," She said while shaking her box of nerds, "Jerky and Candy don't quite mix well," She poured some of her sweets out into her hand and then transferred them to her mouth but not before giving Matt another grin.
Jesus Christ that pout. He didn’t even really do anything to deserve it but it made him want to lean in and kiss it away. “Fine, fine. Leo should have said something about me but looks like he’s just being awful when it comes to talking about the new guy. Or he doesn’t want you messing with the likes of me.” Matt let the weight of that linger before laughing. “The world may never know.” “You would think that’s cute. It totally takes away from my badass look I’m aiming for whenever that name is dropped. Can take a Matty serious.” He knew that whatever name he was given he continued as the same, carrying the same weight as before. “So you’re going to smell sweet and I’ll be meaty.” He said as he bite a hunk out of the jerky. That alcohol did very little to get him drunk but it still swirled around in his stomach in the most unenjoyable way. “How long you’ve been messing with computers?”
Phee was so going to quiz Leo about Matt when he got home. She had to wonder for a second if it was true that her brother had never spoken about him for a good reason. But that wasn't like Leo. She let it go for now along with the idea that you couldn't take a Matty serious because to her,that wasn't such a bad thing at all. Phee grimaced as he bit into the jerky, looking away. She hated Jerky honestly, dried meat? No thanks. But thankfully Matt asked her about something she was passionate about next. "Um... My whole life?" She said with a laugh, "I got my first computer at 12 I think and I've been programming pretty much every since then." She glanced to him with a smile. "You always been a fire bug?"
He ripped some of the jerky off and ate it bit by bit as she talked about computers. “Was your first computer one of those brand new ones at the time or did you go with one of those ancient machines like Packard Bell?” He wrapped the rest of his meat into the white packaging and tucked it into his back pocket before focusing on his drink. “You bet your hot ass I always been. Ever since I was a kid. My parents said I went everywhere in my little firefighter uniform. Had a truck, too. It always spoke to me.”
Phee chuckled at his comment about the computer she had. "It was a HP one, fully installed with the brand new windows XP. I still miss that OS." She grinned thinking about it and then even more as Matt told her about his childhood. It made her laugh, and she nodded her head. "Did you ever set a fire just so you could put it out?"
“That was one of the best operating systems. Though I can’t remember which one was before that, back in the floppy disc days and when everyone wanted those After Dark screen savers. That was all when I was too young but my parents talked about it and how that was awesome technology at the time.” He stopped sucking on his straw and looked at her with an amused fire. “My dad did for me. He made sure it was in a controlled area and it was when I was about twelve. Nothing compared to the first real fire I put out during training. But there was still that stomach-flipping excitement.” He brought his drink to his side as they went to the other side of the neighborhood towards where she and Leo live. “Do you do any hacking like they show in the movies?”
Phee laughed at the throw back to the early 90's computing. How easy things were back then. Back then there were maybe three or four programming languages, now there were hundreds. You tell someone your a programmer and their first question is usually 'What language?'. Still, she enjoyed it and when her grin had died down, she took a sip of her drink and carefully started to open her candy. Phee liked listening to Matt's story, finding it interesting that not only had his Dad helped him with a fire, but that he'd known what his dream job was his whole life. "You're braver than most people, I tell you," She said softly, shaking her head. "Or more stupid. But either way, you do something not a lot of people could." She found that quite endearing, actually. "Hmmm... hacking isn't exactly how they show it in the movies. And... sometimes it isn't half as illegal as they make it out to be in movies," She chuckled, "You know company's actually hire hackers to try and break into their websites and systems so they can fix any issues before someone bad gets to it? And honestly, it takes.... days, to hack into something these days. Not the quick two lines of code you often see on TV," She explained with a soft laugh.
“I just don’t think too much about it. I like to help people when they need it the most. My mom isn’t thrilled I’m a first responder and wished I went into law, like my dad, but that makes me want to drill a hole between my eyes.” Though if he had gone with that office job he would have never encountered a call which changed the course of his life. Her and Leo’s house was just down the street now but Matt didn’t hurry his pace. “Damn. I was about to ask if I can watch you hurriedly hack into some high secure area to try to bring a doll to life ala Weird Science.” Matt bumped her with his hip after he said this. “A buddy of mine mentioned people who are paid to do that. White hat?”
Phee couldn't see Matt in an office either. He had too much energy, too many comments that were a little risque. She liked that though. Her familiar street came into view and Phee was kind of disappointed she was almost home. She chuckled at the reference to weird science. "Shame. I'd need a good day to hack into anything interesting," She said with a shrug of her shoulders. "Yeah. Thats what they get called online. Or sometimes 'Ethical Hackers',"She chuckled softly, shaking her  head. "I'd rather build something myself than spend time breaking into someone else's shit to be honest,"
“Something about Ethical Hacker kind of takes the mystery away from it. I mean, if you tell people you’re a White Hat they’ll think it’s some nick name for some type of espionage thing your a part of. Matt looked up to the sky, the clouds finally parted and he could see the sliver of the moon. It was a nice night. Cool, too. Which meant a lot of these Heat was on its way out. “Think Leo’s made it back?” He better not because it meant he didn’t stick to doing what he was told.”
"True," She conceded with a sigh. White Hat did sound way cooler, her house with just a few doors down now, and she was almost dreading leaving. "I dunno," She said softly in reference to her brother, "He's out most nights, honestly." She shrugged her shoulders. "I'll give him a call if he's not home when I get inside. Make sure he's with someone and got a ride home..." She chuckled softly, "I guess I can be pretty protective of him too,"
“That’s good. You’ve got each other’s backs.” Matt wondered just how much of Leo’s life she knew about. He had to keep a good portion of it away from his own family, which he hated but it needed to keep that way. Matt opened the gate which went up a walkway. “How much school do you have left?” He thought about taking Emergency Management classes but that could be done online.
Phee stepped into the space where the gate had been, heading up the walk way. Her garden was coming along nicely, and she was hit with the scent of her flowers. Even in the middle of the night, she could smell them. Things weren't as pretty as she wanted, nor as useful, but given she'd not long started, she wasn't doing so bad. "I have my last exams in December," She told him with a half smile, "Then I'll be Phoenix Williams, MA." She grinned, quite looking forwards to having the title. She reached her front door and realized she still had Matt's jacket on. "Oh," She shrugged her arms out of it, sliding it off but almost immediately missig it's warmth. "Here," She said holding it back towardsh him.
Matt didn’t take his jacket back, instead motioning to the steps. “We don’t have to call it a night, yet. I kind of want to sit here a bit, take in the smell of the flowers. Which is a nice addition to this place, by the way. But I’ll admit I’m not ready to stop talking to you. Make fun of me if you want but I had a better time getting to know you than the whole time I was at the party.”
"Oh," Phee wasn't exactly opposed to the idea, she was just concerned what Leo might think should he arrive home and find her chatting away to one of his friends. But then again, Leo wasn't the boss of her, she was a grown ass woman, right? Maybe. She still liked her brothers approval, as much as she pretended she didn't. "Um, Sure," She said with a smile, taking a seat on the top step and carefully draping Matt's jacket over her knees to protect them from the wind in the air. "How did you meet Leo?" She asked curiously after a beat, realizing how very little she knew about not only Matt, but her brother.
Matt settled on the next step down and leaned his back against the railing. “God...” he said as he thought about this. He knew exactly how they met but the story was one which needed some tweaking. “I’d been here a couple of weeks and was hanging at the bar. Some fight broke out and I got in to break it apart.” That part was true but the fight carried over to the back alley and it went from bad to worse real fast. “It’s how I met a few of the other guys, too.”
Phee listened to the story, taking a slow sip of her drink and pouring a couple nerds into her hand to eat. "And which side was Leo on? Yours or the bag guys?" She asked with a soft grin.
He didn’t expect this question and had to give Phee this look, “Damn, over here asking if your brother was on the bad guy’s side.” This amused him so fucking much. “On the good side. Turned out some guys that were banned from the bar showed up and they wouldn’t leave.”
Phoenix gave a shrug of her shoulders. Her brother was generally a good guy, but she knew he had a tendency to get mixed up in bad shit, usually by accident. Phee smiled softly, nodding her head at the rest of the story. "I'm glad he was on the good side and not one of the banned people," she said with a smile, popping another candy into her mouth. "I worry about him sometimes," She admitted, "He can be a bit of an ass, but he's my ass, yknow?" She said softly with a laugh.
Matt felt pretty mellow now and he knew it was because he could chill for a bit before heading home. He took that moment to look at Phoenix and the way her expression softened while she spoke about Leo. “He’s a tough guy, that I’ve seen. But he’s also someone that knows how to use his head.” Matt chuckled as his hand went through his hair. “Seeing the way you are with him makes me homesick.”
Phee wasn't so sure about Leo knowing how to use his head, he did some pretty dumb shit, like getting so drunk tonight. She took a sip of her drink again, closing her eyes and then placing it on the step next to her. "Does your family love far away?" She asked as she flickered open her eyes, a nice way of finding out where Matt's home town was.
“They’re a good seven hour car ride away. I used to live on the same block as them for a few years before I packed up the ol’ jalopy and made my way out west.” He sighed. The move was necessary. It was a way he knew he couldn’t put them in danger. “We talk and shit everyday. So, there’s that but not seeing each other a good few times a week was a huge adjustment.” Matts fingers pinched the red straw and he moved it around to mix the last of his drink. “What about you? Is it just you and Le here?”
Phee was surprised to hear how far away Matt's family where. She and Leo had always been home birds. When he'd moved away for college, Phee had missed him like crazy and as soon as he could, he'd moved back home. She knew how hard it was being away from family and felt sorry for Matt, being here on his own. She popped the last few candy pieces into her mouth and shook her head. "Our Mom lives about three blocks that way," she pointed, "Dad died about five years ago." She felt that pang of hurt in her chest that always rose its head whenever she spoke about her Dad. She missed him like crazy, the way he made her feel safe and loved just by being in the same room as her. "He had a heart attack. One minute he was there, the next just... Gone." She breathed and had to bite her bottom lip for a moment to compose herself. "I go see my mom as often as I can. But she texts me like, ten times a day." She said with a chuckle.
“Oh, hey. That’s awesome. Tell me that means you get to go over whenever you want and raid the fridge or she takes care of dinner or your laundry. Not because you asked but because she wants to do it.” It was when she mentioned her dad that Matt’s features softened and his hand went to her knee. “I’m sorry, Phee.” His hand squeezed her knee slightly. “Was it a heart attack?” His dad had one last year and it was hard trying to be there during certain times but he managed to make it work. Matt brought his phone out and opened WhatsApp. “My mom likes to spam me with everything she finds online.” He leaned back against the railing and smiled some. “I’m glad to know your close with you mom. Don’t come across too many people who are or feel they have to hide it.”
Phee nodded her head, she was forever at her Mom's place, making herself at home, cooking and drinking and taking her things to do to keep her busy. "It was," she answered about the heart attack, the feel of the gentle squeeze to her leg enough to soothe the ache in her chest. Not many things did that for her. "Why would anyone hide it?" She asked curiously. "Honestly, my mom is my best friend, sad as that sounds. I mean, I have the girls but no one quite gets me like she does," she said with a soft smile, sipping the last of her drink slowly. "I should get going," She said with a soft sigh. "Find out where Leo is. Make sure he's got a ride home," she said with a soft smile.
He and his family were lucky. It took his dad time to bounce back, which he was completely, but he was still there. Still making his comments and expressing how he felt his son would have been a great asset to the law firm. But Matt didn't voice any of this. "People get weird about showing how much they dig their family. You'd think you were about to accuse them of being incesty." Matt shrugged and watched her expression about calling it a night. Matt knew Leo tend to stay out late some nights and if he had a feeling Matt was out with his sister then he could very well be watching them from a distance. Except Matt couldn't smell him. "That sounds like a good idea. He could have fallen asleep in someone's bushes on the way back home." Matt grabbed their cups and stashed them in the plastic bag. The unopened Cheetos were still in there and he handed them to her. "For your next all nighter."
Phee imagined falling asleep in the bushes was exactly something Leo would do and she was surprised it hadn't happened before. Or maybe it had but she had yet to hear of it. Either way, she needed to call her brother. She was surprised when the Cheetos were placed on her lap, giving him a soft smile. "Oh. Um. Thank you," her cheeks blushed nearly as red as her hair, the small gift making her stomach twist. She carefully lifted his jacket off her knees, handing it over to him and starting to stand. "Want me to put those in the trash?" She asked, eyeing the plastic bag.
It might have been dark on this step but Matt knew a blush when he saw one. He would have teased her about it but he decided to be good and smirked instead. "No problem. Just think of me when you eat them." That was when he tossed a wink in her direction and took the jacket from her. "Sure. Saves me from lugging this until I find a dumpster." Matt slid his jacket on and dragged a hand through his wind tussled hair. "We should keep talking. Tonight was good and it felt easy shooting the shit with you. We can exchange numbers."
The wink made Phee feel like blushing even more, maybe she did a little, it was hard to tell since her face was already so warm.  God, he was handsome when he brushed a hand through his hair. She pushed the bag of Cheetos under her arm,the plastic bag going to the floor for a moment while she held her hand out to him. "Give me your cell then," She said with a soft, playful grin, clasping her hand and unclasping like a child who wanted a toy, hoping it would confirm to him that she'd agreed it had been fun chatting.
"This makes me feel like I'm at a bar," he joked as his phone fished out of his jacket pocket and Matt unlocked it. There was a picture of him dressed up like the 80s version of Teen Wolf as his background, a running joke with he and his friends. "You should take a pic of you so I can place it as the contact one." He added after it was handed to her.
Phee noted the image in the background. It said a lot about the guy - that he was fun and willing to participate and not afraid of making a fool of himself. She keyed in her number, "You want a photo of me already?" She asked with a soft laugh, quickly brushing her fingers through her hair to smooth it out before switching on his camera. "Just don't watch me okay? I'll laugh if you do," she warned and switching the camera to front facing, she blinked at her image on screen, angling the camera just so and smiling ever so slightly before clicking the button to take the photo. "Here," she said, handing the phone back.
He was gonna say something to that but Phee was already posing and he made it a point to turn around completely so she could take the picture in peace. When it was done Matt turned around and looked at the picture. "I like it. Maybe I'll put on one of those filters and give you bunny ears." He grinned as his fingers tapped a few places on the screen and saved everything. "I'll text you in a couple days. Might be a meme. Might be me saying hey. You never know." He took a step down the step, moving backwards. "Until we meet again, Phee." Matt bowed at the waist and looked up with a playful smile. "You have a good night."
Phee found his playful antics cute and endearing. "Bye Matt," she replied, giving him a little wave before turning her back when he reached the bottom of the steps and heading into her home. Inside, she rested her back against the door and gave a happy sigh before kicking off her heels and tugging her dress off over her head. Now she just had to find out where her pesky brother was.
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