#they were ramming their bikes and motorcycles into us and pushing people against cars to arrest them and getting on our ass the min we step
kethabali · 6 months
owie my legs i accidentally walked 9 miles today...
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bapyess1r · 4 years
Sunny Daze
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WARNINGS: cursing, violence
Pairings: Sam x OC
Tags: @desertvvitch
Sunny’s POV
‘Fuck, fuck, fuck!!’ I thought as I hopped on the back of the stolen motorcycle. After we fought a small army at the tower, a ridiculous amount of more men followed suit. We managed to steal a motorbike from one of the mercenaries and had been getting chased down for the past five minutes. Shots fired in our direction as I wrapped my arms around Sam’s waist, gripping his belt buckle so I wouldn’t fall off as he sped through the dried up valleys, red dirt kicking up at the spin of the wheels. I turned to look behind us and my heart jolted. Trailing behind us was a fleet of mercenaries in 4x4s and trucks, two people per bike. All of them were shooting at us and I groaned as I pulled my gun from my leg holster and began to shoot aimlessly. I was bound to hit somebody. “Shit, shit, shit!” I exclaimed as he weaved his way through the bikes and cars that began to surround us.
When we got too close to another bike, I would kick them over as hard as I could, our bike wobbling a little from the force; topping it off with a headshot to the driver, they’d flip or topple over, being left far behind by the chase. I could feel Sam’s muscles tensing under my touch as we managed to avoid being hit so far. The wind pushed against us as we sweat beneath the setting sun.
“On your right!” He called out. With quick reflexes as another bike approached, I pulled a rifle from the gunner’s arms but he just wouldn’t let go. Sam grabbed onto my thigh, gripping tightly every time I leaned too far to make sure I didn’t fall off of the bike as we fought. He tugged on the gun just a little too hard, making us tilt dangerously close to the burning hot dirt.
“Careful, Sunny!” He shouted above the noise, trying his best to keep control of the bike. When the man wouldn’t let go, I elbowed him in the nose hard, loosening his grip and turned it on him to shoot his partner in the foot. He lost control of the bike it flipped, crashing into a nearby boulder and exploding into flames. My eyes started tearing up as the dust filled the air around us. I pressed my forehead into his back to give myself a quick break. “Just keep shootin’, sweetheart!” I heard Sam shout above the gunfire. I tried my best to shoot as sharply as possible with airborne sand in my eyes. I shot until the clips in both of my guns were emptied, tossing them to the side as they were now rendered useless. I ran my hand down Sam’s back and pulled his pistol out, murmuring in his ear.
“Mind if I borrow this, sugar?!” I asked him in a sultry tone. He just chuckled and looked back at me a moment, his mouth hanging ajar.
“Do what you gotta do, baby!” He responded with a cheeky smile. I realized with my ammo going so quickly that I had to start being a bit more strategic now. I began shooting out the wheels of bikes and 4x4s until they flipped or dragged in the ground. I smirked, hearing multiple complaints from the enemy before their deaths. That’s when a behemoth of a black armored truck came plowing through the chaotic mass of vehicles. It was all fun and games until then. I exclaimed a slew of profanities as I turned back around on the bike. “What happened?!” He shouted.
“Floor it, Sam!” I shouted with haste. He turned his head a moment to look behind him and shouted.
“Shit!” He exclaimed before pushing the bike as fast as it could go.
“How do we stop it?!” I asked him, looking back at the truck as it’s massive bullets cut through the air. He reached into the basket on the side of the bike and pulled out a machine pistol.
“I snagged one of these before we left the tower! Should be full! You got three extra clips, Sunny! Make ‘em count!” He shouted. I groaned. My arms were beginning to get a little tired from holding so much heavy artillery. “You got this, sweetheart!” I heard him say to me as I checked my clip. A small smile appeared on my lips as he spoke. The clip was indeed full and I was now ready to continue slaying our competitors. I turned around to aim at the grill of the truck, firing repeatedly until smoke emitted through the bars. Sparks flew up a bit and the engine was starting to sputter. I reached for another clip and reloaded as Sam continued to navigate us through the chaos. I emptied another clip suddenly noticing there were more men than I thought. More would be coming even after this truck was gone and I began to let the gears in my head turn. I needed to think of something fast.
“Hold on tight!” He said before revving up again and speeding over a ramp. I wrapped my arms tighter around him as I noticed the amount of air time we got. I screamed when the bike landed; he took a hard left and drove along the cliffs. I looked back as 4x4s began to gain on us. Then a light bulb went off in my brain.
“Sammy, I got an idea! But it’s kinda crazy!” I yelled.
“Lucky for you, I’m a big fan of crazy ideas! Whaddya got?!” He asked as we ducked our heads to dodge bullets.
“Slow down a tick. I’m gonna try to steal a car!” I ordered. He smirked and nodded.
“Yes, ma’am!” He said as he eased up on the clutch.
“Keep it steady!” I shouted before gripping onto his shoulders and attempting to stand on the back of the seat. Once I caught my balance, I aimed for the gunner in the passenger seat of the 4x4 behind us. As soon as he went down I leaped onto the hood of the car. The driver tried swerving the vehicle a little to throw me off but he wasn’t getting rid of me that easily. I pulled myself up enough to grab the top of the windshield and hopped over and into the passenger side. The driver’s jaw cracked under my foot with a strong kick and pushed him over the side of the door, immediately grabbing the steering wheel and steadying the vehicle, never losing speed. ‘I can’t believe that just worked!’ I smiled to myself as a ramp came up, descending me onto the valley’s path behind the armored truck. I could hear Sam cheering in the background as I continued to execute my plan. I rammed the 4x4 into several bikes, making them crush beneath the massive wheels. Smirking, I threw my arm into the backseat to pat down the leftover mercenary for weapons, only to find an open case of what felt like grenades. I smiled to myself as I picked out four and sat them in the driver’s seat. I looked up to see Sam still riding cliffs above me and shouted over the gunfire.
“Sam! Can you get in front of the truck?!” I ask as he takes a ramp down onto the path, now riding next to me.
“I can try!” He replied. I picked up one of the grenades and tossed it to him.
“Throw it in the grill!” I ordered. Without further instruction, he sped up ahead of the truck, tossing the grenade and watching it wedge between the bars. He drew back a bit to continue riding beside me and the front end of the vehicle bounced up and slowed down at the explosion. I watched as hunks of metal began to drag around in the dirt, the machinery creaking and moaning so loudly told me it was on its last legs. I tossed two more grenades into the back of the truck and one on the turret before shouting out. “SPLIT!” With that, Sam drove left and I drove right as two explosions went off on the truck, finally causing it to flip. I grinned widely, laughing as I hit the steering wheel. Adrenaline surged through my every being as I looked behind me to see the heap of junk now burning in the middle of the valley.
“HELL YEAH, SUNNY!” Sam exclaimed as more Shoreline vehicles came into view. We were passing through the outskirts of the city and I was beginning to panic now; I was running out of ammo quickly and Shoreline’s fleet was only growing by the minute. Luckily, there was a bit of distance between us and them. This was our chance to escape. I closed in the gap between Sam and I’s vehicles and opened the passenger car door.
“Jump in, we gotta get outta here!” I shouted but he leaned into the bike with his body and closed the door back. I knew exactly what he was trying to do. I shot him a look full of warning. “Sam!”
“I have to find Nathan!” He shouted. ‘Unbelievable!!!’ I thought as several annoyed expressions played out on my face.
“So then we’ll go together!” I reasoned with him.
“You’re not going!” He told me. He was doing it again. That stupid protective bullshit. ‘Oh no ya don’t…’ I thought angrily.
“Sam-” I deepened my voice as I warned him but he cut me off.
“Get to the hotel! Wait for us there!”
“STOP BEING STUPID AND GET IN THE GODDAMN CAR!!” I exclaimed, slamming my hands on the steering wheel, absolutely over his martyrdom.
“SUNNY FOR ONCE JUST DO AS I TELL YOU!” He snapped back, the both of us splitting up for a moment as a grenade was thrown between us. When it exploded behind us we came together again. This was too much. This was more than just a few boots on the ground.
“I’ll be fine, Sunny! Once I find my brother, we’ll be outta here!” He said to me. I looked at him with glassy worried eyes, my lips pursed together in anger with a slight snarl. His face softened into something delicate as he looked at me. “I’ll be right behind you, ‘kay sweetheart? Rain check, remember?” He grinned. My heart fluttered with concern for a moment before I groaned and reached behind me to pat down the dead body once again. My hands found another handgun. I tossed it to him.
“You don’t get to die, asshole!” I told him as he tucked the pistol away. He slowed his bike down and rounded my 4x4 until he was on the driver’s side. He leaned in real close and placed a kiss on my cheek. Suddenly, a barrage of bullets flew by us. We ducked our heads as the fleet drew near.
“Take that ramp up there! It’ll get you off road! Be careful, sweetheart!” He said speeding off.
“I MEAN IT, SAMUEL DRAKE! DON’T DIE!” I shouted before taking an off road path just as he said. A bike or two followed me but I easily shot them down. With that, I was on my own, the rural area slowly turning into a neighborhood that led to the city.
I was anxious beyond all belief. It was getting dark and I was chain smoking like it was nobody’s business. I hadn’t heard a word from either boys or Sully. My hands shook as I sat on the curb in front of the dilapidated motel. Every now and then a person would walk by and I’d flash them a brief but kind smile. My knee bounced avidly as I leaned my back against the metal gate to stare at the stars. I was suddenly understanding Sully's dislike for the whole “no news is good news” thing. That’s when I heard the rumble of a tired engine pull into the nearby alley. I stood eagerly with wide eyes to see Sully’s exhausted expression as he climbed out of the 4x4 riddled with bullet holes, sweat pouring down the front of his tasteful wine colored shirt. I ran across the street and threw myself into his arms, tearing up just a little bit. “Hey there, kid.” He groaned as his arms tightened around me. He was probably a bit sore from the day but I didn’t care.
“You’re okay.” I told myself out loud as my hands caressed his aged face and stared into those pleasant blue eyes of his. I fixed his silver hair as a few strands were out of place from his part. He just chuckled, patting my hands with his own as he towered above me.
“I’m fine, Sunny.” He said calmly.
“Where are the boys?” I asked. “Any word from them?”
“They should be right behind me. Last I saw Nathan, he was hanging by a rope off a bridge, goin’ after Sam.” I shook my head and rolled my eyes as he told me this.
“Of course he was.” I sighed. “Last I saw Sam, he was on a bike with an army on his ass, goin’ after Nathan.”
Sully chuckled as he pulled a cigar from his pocket and lit it.
“How in the hell did you get outta that?” He asked me with a smirk.
“Not by choice.” I grumbled, the soreness in my arm reminding me that I hadn’t stopped moving since I opened my eyes this morning as I lifted my cigarette to my lips. “Sam sent me away.” The words left my lips like a profane curse. I was absolutely going to let him have it when he got back.
Sully and I waited patiently for what seemed like forever when I heard the zip of a motorcycle nearby. Coming around the corner with Nathan planted on the back was Sam. Both of them were covered in more mud than they already were. The bike came to a halt and the boys hopped off and jogged over to us with massive smiles on their faces. Sam looked over the area for a moment to make sure they weren’t followed and his heavy shoulders dropped in relief. “Alright, I think the coast is clear.” He said, coming back to the group. I hugged Nathan’s neck tightly and he just chuckled.
“Good to see you two made it out okay.” Sully said, patting Sam on the shoulder.
“You’re okay, thank God.” He mumbled to me. I took a deep breath before releasing him and Sam opened his arms expecting a hug as well. I raised a brow at him dubiously. All of the thoughts and feelings I had were boiling in me as my fingers curled into a fist.
“See! Back in one piece. I didn’t- Ahooow...shit!” he exclaimed, coughing. My fist drove straight into his diaphragm before I could even stop myself. He gave me a face, asking a silent question as he doubled over in pain.
“You know what you did.” I said briefly before turning my attention to the other two gentlemen. “So! I’m going to assume that you two had much better luck than we did.”
“We might’ve found a little something…” Nathan smirked, pulling out his journal. Tucked between the pages were a few folded papers with what looked like tracings of a map. The four of us grouped together, looking at it intently as Nathan read off a few Latin words surrounding what I was guessing was where the treasure was. “Pro Deus quod licentia.”
“And that means….” I didn’t speak a lick of Latin but with the way this trip was going, it was encouraging me to learn more and more. Sam chuckled a moment as he thought to himself before speaking.
“‘For God and Liberty.’ It’s their damn motto. All those ‘paradise’ references.” He said, still rubbing his tummy. “I can’t believe we missed it…”
“Well I’m missin’ all of it. Y’all wanna fill in the rest of the class?” I asked with a slight attitude. A satisfied grin twitched onto his lips as he put my face in his hands.
“Sweetheart…. We found Libertalia.” He announced to Sully and I. I could see the wonder and excitement decorate his roughed up face as he smiled. This was huge for him and I could feel it in the way he looked at me. Sully gave him a look just as confused as mine.
“I’m sorry… Liba-what-ia?” Sully asked. I chuckled as Sam threw a lazy arm across my shoulders.
“Libertalia. It looks like Avery founded the legendary pirate colony.” Nathan said, scribbling in his journal as we headed for his hotel room.
“T-That’s an understatement!” Sam said to Sully and I as we walked. “It was more like a pirate utopia.” He was rather passionate about his pirates. It was adorable.
“Okay, so what about the treasure?” Sully asked. Sam stopped in his tracks and released me from his arm, talking excitedly and enthusiastically with his hands.
“So the story goes like this…,” he began and I crossed my arms to shield myself from the light breeze that cooled my sweat as I listened intently. “This place was like a safe haven for hundreds- maybe even thousands of pirates, okay. They shared everything; properties, resources-”
“Money?” Sully questioned. Sam gave a very nerdy smile.
“Exactly. And they kept it all in one common treasury building.” He explained. I blew out a puff of air and nodded with a raised brow.
“Sounds messy.” I commented. I knew for a fact that they had all turned on each other the moment they got it all together.
“Why do you say that?” Sam asked me, seeming genuinely interested in my opinion. I took a moment to pick my words and could only come up with one.
“Betrayal.” I said simply. He nodded with an impressed expression.
“You could be right.” He said with a smirk.
“So. Where is this… commie pirate sanctuary?” Sully asked crudely and I snorted at his use of words. Just as he asked, Nathan had turned to face us with a map in hand. He already worked everything out.
“Right here. On that island. Just northeast of King’s Bay.” He said pointing to the circled location. I could feel the optimism rising in the air.
“Thank. Fuck.” I sighed with a smile, tossing my cigarette in no general direction.
“But Rafe has a copy of this-” Sully began and the optimism that affected me began to dissipate.
“I’m sorry- what?!” I exclaimed, my nostrils flaring.
“We had a bit of a snag… he hacked our phones when I was sending a few things to Sam.” Nathan turned to tell me, walking backwards. I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. We just couldn’t get ahead of this guy. Sam just rested his large hands on my hips and stroked them with his thumbs as if to calm me. “But! By the time Rafe figures it all out, we will already be on our way to Libertalia!” He said sticking his hotel keys in the lock and turning it to let us in. “And then that treasure is good as ours- ssshit...” His voice trailed off as we entered the room. I looked past Nathan and Sully’s frozen tall statues to see a short blonde figure standing at the desk with her back turned to us. I could tell who it was by the way her hair was tied up in a messy knot. And that shirt…. I knew that shirt… I bought her that shirt… ‘Daaamn, Nate…’ I thought as I wiggled from Sam’s grip and stood near Sully. Sam seemed confused by who we were all seeing. He hadn’t met her. And I’m sure it sucked for him to meet her like this. My heart dropped for Nathan.
“How’s that Malaysia job goin’, Nate?” She asked calmly. I could hear the sourness in her voice, never turning to look at us; examining the desk of maps and the small one in her hands. “Seems like you and your team are just a hair off course.” The air thickened when she turned to face us. To face him. I ached for her. The look on her face was a mix of anger, sadness, and duplicity. The hurt that clouded her shiny brown eyes made me really feel it. I took a sharp breath as Sam scurried off into a corner, hoping to go unnoticed. Sully just took a seat and took it like a man.
“Elena, it’s… it’s not what it looks like…” Nathan began. I could see he was at a loss for words.
“Really?” The softness in her voice was chilling. She was trying her best to stay strong and not fall apart in front of us all. She sat the map down and turned to face us with a stone expression. “Because from where I’m sitting, it looks like you’re searching for Henry Avery’s buried treasure…” I could feel it getting worse for Nate as she listed off what she knew in her short time of being here. She walked over to his bed where artillery we had collected over the course of a few days sat in a pile. She lifted a rifle and gave it a once over. “And given the Shoreline soldiers that are all over town… I’m betting you’re not the only ones looking for it.” She set the gun down as Nathan gave a nervous chuckle.
“Well… I guess that’s kinda what it looks like.” He joked. ‘Now is not the time, Natey…’ I thought, kicking him in the back of the leg. I huffed as I watched the drama unfold before me. “But… I can explain. Look, this is gonna sound crazy-”
“Try me.” Elena fired back, her eyebrows knitted together as she crossed her arms. ‘Oof…’ I thought, leaning against the wall near Sully. Nathan stared at her apprehensively, trying to find the right way to start. He stepped aside and gave a soft gesture to his sibling.
“Well, for starters… This is Sam…. Sam Drake. My brother.” He said. Sam was fidgeting uncomfortably with his cuticles before giving her a small mousy wave.
“Hi…” he greeted, shyly. Elena looked at him a moment. Then her gaze turned to Sully and I. When she looked at me, I felt my heart beating hard against my sinking chest and my lip poke out a tad. I felt partially guilty about leaving her in the dark; I could’ve called her myself... There was absolutely nothing I could say to right that wrong.
“I’m sorry.” Sully said, firmly. There was no excuse for not bringing her into this at all. Not one. She backed up from us all, inching her way to the door to leave but Nathan tried his best to talk to her.
“I-I thought he died in a Panamanian jail years ago-” he started.
“But I was obviously very wrong...” Nathan was really trying. I mean really trying. But I could tell that right now in this moment, it was just too fresh and everything was beginning to sound like one gargantuas lie.
“Nathan…” I said, softly, chewing my lip as I walked to place a hand on his shoulder to stop him from talking but he kept on explaining our situation. Elena nodded her head, closing her eyes from the gravity of our little mission. It was all just too much, too soon.
“Okay, just stop…” Her voice was beginning to shake. “....was there ever a Malaysia job?” She asked him, her voice breaking a little. I was so hoping Nathan would answer her but he just gave a strained chuckle. He was in deep shit now. Elena took that answer as a no and began to play with her wedding band, twisting it thoughtfully as her face contorted into something hurtful. “Okay…” she whispered before storming off. As I looked at Sam’s face he seemed to display a guilty expression. He was the reason we were all here and it was costing his brother a lot.
I watched Nathan run after her pleading her to understand but she wasn’t having it. “I don’t get you!” She snapped.
“Elena, I wanted to tell you-” Nathan’s voice began to raise a few octaves as he spoke, growing frustrated.
“Nathan, enough-”
“But how could I?!” Nathan shouted.
“I don’t know- just say it?!” Elena replied. I could tell she was tired of this overprotective bullshit. It seemed to be a trait that ran in the Drake family. Nathan grew quiet for a moment before answering.
“But I…. I had to protect you.” He said gently, thinking that what he was doing was for the best.
“That is bullshit, Nate. You just didn’t have the nerve to face me. Again.” She growled, standing her ground.
“How can I when you react like this?!” Nathan argued. I made an O with my mouth. He just went there...
“How would you react?” She asked him.
I listened to them argue as I sat on the bed, my fingers clasped together, elbows planted into my knees as I stared intensely at the dirty carpet. When Elena finally left, I gave an audible sigh and ran my fingers through my hair, shaking my head. I’d never heard them talk like this to each other before. It was saddening. “I got a plane to catch. You do what you have to do…” I remembered what she said to him. Her words were genuine but harsh in tone. Nathan just frowned and walked to the desk to go over the maps. Sully’s face dropped as he approached him, gesturing to the door Elena just walked out of.
“Hey… what the hell is wrong with you?! Go after her!” He shouted. I’d never heard Sully snap before either. It was all depressing really.
“We’re not done here.” Nathan replied in a monotonous voice.
“Well, maybe we should be.” Sully said, boldly.
“What are you saying?” Nathan hissed.
“I’m saying maybe there’s another way to save Sam-”
“Such as?”
“We give him a new identity- put him into hiding!” Sully said, waving around the papers to Libertalia. I huffed, shaking my head. Even I thought that was a bit much.
“He’s been in prison for fifteen years, Sully- he’s not going into hiding!” Nathan snapped back. But Sully was a reasonable man. He could damn near come up with a solution for everything.
“Ok then. How about you go after your wife and Sunny, Sam, and I will head off for Libertalia.” He suggested, gesturing to the three of us.
“Without me? You’ll get yourselves killed…” Nathan mumbled. I raised a brow with a slight snarl.
“Wow, Nate. Tell us how you really feel.” I said looking at him incredulously.
“Sunny, I didn’t mean-”
“Kid, I’ve been doin’ this for a helluva long time. Okay? I think I might be able to handle-”
“You wanna be helpful, Sullivan?” Nathan interrupted, calling out his full government. I knew he was upset for real now. He pointed at the door and tuned up his face. “Why don’t you go look out for her?” He rested his hands on the back of the chair by the desk, tapping his fingers anxiously before picking up a map and studying it. Sully looked down solemnly at the papers in his hands and set them down on the corner of the desk with a nod.
“Whatever you say, kid…” he murmured before walking away. My eyes teared up a little and I stood to look at him. I immediately ran to hug him tightly. “Look after these two idiots for me, will ya?” He whispered in my ear. I just nodded as a single tear fell from my eye.
“When you find Elena, text me her room.” I whispered back. He nodded as we separated and he left the room. I turned to look at Nathan with narrowed eyes, opening my mouth to say something and Sam placed a gentle hand on my elbow, shaking his head to tell me not to bother him. I shrugged him off. I’ll be damned if he got to act like that to everybody. He needed to be knocked down a few pegs. “Nathan, what in the hell was that?” I said, strongly.
“That was me not trying to make any more trouble for anybody else- do you wanna go too?” He fired back. I looked at him as if he’d lost his everloving mind. I placed my hands on my hips and flare my nostrils.
“I’m here to help you, genius!” I yelled at him. “Get over yourself, Nate. You can talk shit to everyone else but you know damn well you’re not gonna do that to me. I’m staying.”
“So then pack your bags, Sunny!” He snapped. It took everything in me to not knock some sense into him but Sam hooked a finger around my belt loop and pulled me back simply. I looked at him and tried to calm myself. With a nod, I backed away and headed for the door.
“See you in the morning, jackass.” I said before slamming the door behind me. I let out a throaty groan and stomped my feet a couple times before lighting myself a cigarette. I loved Nathan with all my heart but sometimes he could just be so damn stubborn. It was infuriating.
On the other hand, I hoped that Elena wasn’t too mad at him. And if she was, maybe I could talk to her and explain things a little better than he had. I walked up the stairs and leaned on the railing outside my door to smoke a cigarette or two more when I noticed Sully at the bottom of the stairs. He looked so tired. But we all were. We’d been at it from sun up to sun down quite literally. “Hey, you.” I greeted him as he climbed the stairs with creaky joints. He gave a weak smile.
“Hey, kid.” He replied.
“Goin’ to sleep?” I asked, simply.
“I think I’ve earned it.” He answered with a faint chuckle. I just smiled and nodded as he passed me to go to his room around the corner.
“I heard that.” I mumbled, rubbing my temple as I stared at the lit up pool before me. ‘God, what I wouldn’t give to be in that water…’ I thought to myself for a moment.
“Her room is 211. Lower level, around the back. Good night, Sunny.” He said before leaving.
“G’night…” I responded rather late. I decided that I would talk to her. I just needed a bit of time to figure out how...
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thejoeisthejoe · 4 years
Greatest Car Chase Ever
@getacluedrew is probably going to shoot me or throw something at me, but it’s almost 2am and I’m not sleepy ... I’m posting crap, may as well post our awesome amazing giant ass cross over that we wrote in college together. 
Episode: Hollywood Phantom Guest Stars: The Outsiders Original Characters: Kiba @getacluedrew and Sarah (me!)  Plot - Joe's been kidnapped and an awesome car chase follows.
This is probably going to be mary sue as hell but it was written this way on purpose. The goal is to rescue Joe. 
I promise, it’s worth it. It’s fucking hilarious. 
She woke up on the cold ground feeling her elbows burn from being dropped onto the pavement. Then she looked around and saw she was alone. "Joe?" Slowly she stood up and glanced around nervously. "Joe are you ok?" 
Silence answered her and she felt tears stinging in her eyes. "Oh god…." She began running back towards the hotel hoping she was freaking out about nothing. Sweat ran down her face as she realized the potential of something actually happening to Joe.  
This wasn't like the books, this was really happening.  
This was reality. 
The hotel came into sight and tears ran down her cheeks. She wiped them away with embarrassment as she walked towards the entrance. The bellhop opened the door for her and she tried to straighten her shirt as much as possible. Then she caught her reflection in one of the windows. She sighed and gave up trying to make her self look presentable. 
"Um, sir?  We have a problem! I need to speak to Nancy Drew or Frank Hardy as soon as possible, do you know where they could be?"
"They are in a meeting with the Lieutenant about the situation, is it urgent?"
Her green eyes widened and she gave him a frustrated look. Not wishing to make her cry he walked out from behind the desk and took her by the arm. "Now, now, everything will be alright. Come, I'll show you the room." 
"Thank you," she whispered. 
When she got closer, she realized that she'd have to tell Frank his brother was missing - or she thought that was what had happened. So far he wasn't here, but if he were here, he'd be with her reassuring her that everything was ok.  Her mask she'd been hiding behind broke at the entrance to the room. 
The desk clerk opened the door  and as 
Sarah stood in the doorway she was unable to make eye contact with Frank.
 "Nancy…," Sarah whispered.
"Sarah? Are you alright? You look like you were in a fight?" exclaimed Nancy.
 Frank was up quickly and put his arm around her shoulders, comfortingly.  "Are you hurt?"
Sarah felt another presence appear behind Frank.  She could only shake her head slowly trying not break down. "Sarah, where is Joe?" 
That did it! 
The flood gates opened and she began sobbing, "He's not here? Oh God, they got him." 
"The man…the person….I don't know. I woke up on the pavement and Joe wasn't there. I was hoping he'd be here…Oh Frank, I'm so sorry!!" 
"It'll be alright, Sarah, it will be." Nancy reached out and pulled her close. "Don't worry, right Frank?" 
A slight nudge in the side made Frank jump slightly and respond with "Yeh, of course…" 
 "I think we're lost." 
"Gimme the map!" 
Kiba and the boys were driving to meet Sarah at the hotel, it was dark around 8 pm now and seven people in one red Chevy was not going well. 
Darry strained his eyes trying to focus on the road in front of him. He could see the red lights of another car, meanwhile the argument over the directions behind him ensued. 
Darry slowed the vehicle down realizing it was a squad car. He watched the car lights letting his mind drift to the conversation. Then it faded when he noticed something strange. 
"So where are we?" 
"We're here." Kiba sighed surrendering the map to her companions. Maps never were her forte. 
"Hey," Darry said, pointing still keeping his hands on the steering wheel. "There's someone in that trunk." 
The conversation ceased and Soda Pop leaned over to the dashboard of the truck to see. Sure enough, the trunk wobbled a little and someone's face came into view. "Is..is that...?" He looked, "Isn't that Joe Hardy?" 
Kiba pushed past Two Bit and Steve who were sitting on the floor boards. She leaned between the two front seats to see and her eyes widened. "Oh my God, it is! It's Joe!" 
Everyone bolted up. 
"Drive, Darry, DRIVE!" She shouted shaking his shoulder. Darry punched the accelerator and the chevy took off. 
His eyes painfully opened and he realized with discomfort that one, he was moving and two he was tied up. He was still groggy from whatever had knocked him out as he tried to figure out where exactly he was and why he was moving. 
Then his mind went back to Sarah, was she in here as well? No this place was to small for both of them to be in here.  Then a car horn and shouting was heard out side, teenagers on a drive? Wait…a drive? He was tied up in a trunk?
Slowly he maneuvered to where his hands were at the end of the car. If he was right, there should be a way to get out.  His fingers grabbed the latch type thing and he pushed. Out of no where the top flipped open and the wind was rushing through his hair. He had to get out of here, alive and find Sarah. 
The bright lights of the teens car was beginning to annoy him, if only he could get their attention.  Then the car he was in bumped up and he was able to turn his head around. Behind the bright lights he saw Kiba in the head space between the two seats. 
Kiba was Sarah's friend, he was saved. 
Now he just had to find a way to get out of here with out killing himself. He leaned forwards and twisted to where he was laying long ways with his head on the wheel covering. Dizzyness was still taking him for an entire different ride of his own. 
Then he heard his father and his brother's voices in his head. 
"Just stay calm."
"There is always a way out." 
Easy for them to say, he said to himself. Ok, I can do this. Another bump came and he felt his gag loosen and the string around his ankles got caught on something at the other end of the trunk and this time Joe yanked hard with all of his might. Finally the string snapped and his legs were free. 
Next he got on his knees steadying his back up against the popped trunk hoping another bump wouldn't send him flying out of the trunk. He tried to hurry and began rubbing his wrist bands against the corner of the trunk. 
After they got weaker Joe tried to pull them apart. His third time trying the car he was in went around a steep turn and he was thrown to the opposite side flat on his face. He lay there for a few seconds feeling the throbbing of his head from the impact then he pulled one more time.  They broke and he pushed himself up slightly. He undid his gag and coughed up the dust. 
Now what? 
In the meeting room Sarah had somewhat calmed down. She was sitting beside Nancy who was holding her hands tightly in her own. Frank was pacing the tiny room as he worried about his brother. 
Finally Nancy spoke up, "Lt, you don’t understand, Joe could be seriously injured and if we don't act now he might not get the help he needs!" 
Frank was speechless as what Nancy said swarmed around in his head, she was right. He watched as tears began streaming down Sarah's face. 
"Miss Drew, we have been over this there is nothing out of the ordinary, I'm sure the boys just lost and is on his way home. Either that or it's a practical joke!" 
"Practical joke?" Nancy exclaimed fuming. Before she could offer a rebuttal the desk clerk came in. 
"Um, excuse me, Miss Drew you have a call. It sounds urgent. You can take it here." He said pointing to the phone on the desk. 
Nancy nodded towards the LT and he pressed speaker phone. "Hello?"
"Nancy, we found Joe he's been kidnapped in the back of a trunk of a squad car. We.."
"We're in hot pursuit! We're in hot pursuit!" 
"Two Bit give me back my phone! ARGH! We're on a one way street in the mountains. Get the cops! We're on Route 95 west. We'll follow 'em for as long as we can but they've caught on! You'd better - ahhh! JUST GET DOWN HERE!" 
"Kiba, how does Joe look?" Sarah exclaimed jumping from her seat. 
  "He's untied but he looks slightly…"
"He looks drunk."
"Shut up, Steve." 
"I'm just saying." 
"Shut up! Anyway, yeh route 95 west! Hurry! It's getting' pretty tight around here." Nancy turned back to the speaker phone, "Alright, we're on our way!" 
"Route 95? That's the worst road out there and in the dark." 
Sarah and Nancy watched as Frank's eyes widened with fear and he ran out. They got up and ran after him. "Frank, let us come with you." 
"Why not?! You can't take care of him all by yourself!" 
"There is no way I need two more people to worry about."
"Two people to worry about? We'll see about that!" 
"Look, Nancy just take the van's keys. I'm taking the dirt bike so maybe I can catch up faster. Follow carefully."
Nancy sighed and nodded. 
Joe faintly heard the sound of a motorcycle coming their way. Great. How many other people were going to join this crazy chase? He leaned over the side of the trunk to look to his left and see a drop of pure darkness below him. 
His mind reeled as he realized he was on a one lane road, in a trunk, going up a mountain. 
 The squad car swerved dangerously around the ever tightening curves as the red Chevrolet kept close behind it. Darry jerked the wheel, rocks skidding and dust flying then punched the accelerator and bumped the car trying to make it stop. 
However with the sheer rock face on one side and the guard rails next to the 100ft drop off made this stunt almost suicidal but there was no other way. He pressed the gas again ready to ram the squad car again but the squad car veered around another tight curve just before he could. 
"Shit!" Darry muttered jerking the wheel hand over hand turning the car. The tires squealed as rubber burned, the car grazing the guard rail as they skidded around the curve. 
Kiba screamed and the boys hollered as the truck tipped then revved up again.
"I think I'm gunna be sick," Ponyboy gurgled, cupping his hand over his mouth. 
"Don't you dare throw up in this car Ponyboy Curtis, don't you dare!" Steve ordered. 
Pony burped hunching over, then opened the car door only to gaze down at a sheer drop. His eyes widened and he felt someone grab his shirt then pull him back into the car and shut the door just before they rounded another curve. 
"What the hell is the matter with you?" But before Dallas could finish the car jolted and the Chevrolet slammed the squad car again. 
Frank geared the bike to go as fast as he could get it. He had to reach his brother before something happened, especially if Joe was as bad off as they said he was. 'He looks drunk'. That probably meant Joe was just slightly conscious with a possible concussion, he had to get Joe out of here. He slowly reached up and pressed the side of his helmet. His built in radio turned on. "Nancy can you read me?" 
"We read you Frank." 
"Call back down to the hotel and ask them to have medics sent up here."
"Already done, Frank." Sarah's voice answered a little stronger than he'd expected. "Just get him out of there alive."
"I will, Sarah, he'll be fine." Then he neared the next turn and saw the red chevy. Then he said "Call Kiba." He heard a dialing sound as his helmet's phone dialed Kiba's number. 
"Kiba, there is a truck safety stop not one mile away from here, see if whoever is driving can push the car into there. Make sure not to hurt Joe. He sounds already beat up."
"Darry.. is ….driving, Frank…. we're…. fine. Of course….. I ….wouldn't."
"I never said you would," Frank replied telling Kiba exactly what she was thinking. 
"They wouldn't either. They don’t want to face Sarah's wrath."
"Oh and let your friends know, once Joe is safe-" A smile crossed Frank's lips. "They can beat the crap out of the bad guys. Just keep 'em alive."
A round of cheers were heard and Kiba laughed manically, "Don't worry Frank they've done this before! And yes that is a good thing." She answered for him knowing he was puzzling over that fact. 
Frank held back and let the car do its work. "Just hang in there, little brother. We're coming." 
The cars bumped into each other waking Joe up slightly from his pained half coherent state. Why were people running into them? 
The next two bumps weren't as horrible as the next one. The fourth ram sent Joe backwards into the car, his head cracking against it. He slumped forward unconscious.  
"What did Frank want?"
Kiba grinned, "Frank says we can beat the crud out of the kidnappers once we save Joe!" 
"Hell to the yes!" Two Bit exclaimed. 
"I could go for that!" Dallas agreed. 
"Ok, boys, lets get these suckers!" Kiba said that evil crazy glint in her eyes, a maniacal grin slithered across her face. 
Darry pressed the accelerator and rammed the car, HARD! The squad car was no match for the Chevy's greaser power. All of a sudden. 
"Holy Hell, they're shooting at us!" Soda exclaimed as a bullet ricocheted off the top of the car. 
Two Bit nudged Johnny aside and leaned his head out the window. "hey give us back our friend you mother-" He ducked back inside just as bullets went flying by. 
"Two can play at this game." Dally muttered. Then he pulled out his 45 and jammed the cartridge in. Leaning out the window and began shooting. 
The squad car swerved, then Soda had a brilliant idea, "Aim for the tires Dallas! Aim for the tires!" 
Frank's eyes widened as he realized he was getting shot at. His eyes caught sight of a dirt path leading up the mountain, probably the hiking trail. He veered off on to it and began to climb the mountain dodging trees and other things in the way. 
Finally the forest cleared and he saw a drop. He pushed his foot down on the accelerator and hoped for the best. 
"Kind of busy here!"
"I didn't think Motorcycles could fly.."
"What are you talking about?" 
Silently  pointed up above them as the motorcycle grew louder. There was a loud crash on the hood of the car and then Frank rolled down their windshield and out in front of them. 
"Holy," Kiba began. 
"Shit." Johnny finished. 
"That was AWESOME!" Two Bit shouted.
"I think I'm gunna be sick," Ponyboy whispered. 
Dallas squinted one eye, "Keep her steady, Darry!" He called as Kiba gripped his brown leather jacket so he wouldn't fall out the window. Darry gritted his teeth as they wound down the road, his eyes totally focused on the car in front of them as he tried to steady the car. 
A straight away appeared just ahead, Dallas' fingers twitched on the trigger. "Not yet, not yet…" Kiba muttered to her self."
The next time Joe woke up he heard gun shots. Wait, Gunshots? He opened his eyes now curious to know why and HOW exactly these guys had gotten guns. 
Frank looked up and saw Joe was moving again.  "JOE! NEXT TURN JUMP OUT!"
Was Frank crazy? This car was going at least 50 miles per hour. There was no way he'd survive.
 His brother had never let him down before. Joe took a deep breath and got prepared. His head was still reeling but he knew he could do this.
"Now Dallas! NOW FIRE!" Kiba shouted. 
"That ought to slow him down!" Steve said trying to stand up so he could see. 
The one aimed shot pierced the right tire. The car swerved and slowed down just enough for Joe to jump out.  
 The next turn came and Joe jumped landing in the dirt rolling far away from the road. At first was afraid he would do down the steep cliff but then he realized he was rolling the opposite way.  The last thought he had was "Frank, that hurt." 
Frank slowed down his bike and veered off into the emergency landing watching anxiously as his brother weakly jumped out and landed in a heap of limbs near the mountain side. "Joe?" The bike screeched to a stop and Frank threw his helmet off running towards his younger brother.  "Joe, answer me." 
The red chevy pulled over for a split second, "Frank, is Joe ok?" Soda asked hanging out the window. 
"He's fine, keep going! I've called the cops, they said keep going up the mountain and they'll cut you off." 
"You got it!" 
The car sped off and carefully Frank knelt down and turned his brother down over onto his back. Nothing looked to seriously injured, they'd been lucky.  Slowly Joe's face contorted in pain as he came back to reality. "Frank," He croaked. 
"Yeh, it's alright. You're safe!" 
Joe relaxed into the ground this time in a more painful state of unconsciousness. Frank busied himself with getting the bleeding to stop on Joe's arm. 
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avengers-nextgen · 6 years
AU Propositions
So, I have been thinking about doing an AU along with the main series. Below are the theee options I’m willing to write! Each has a snippet or sample of material for that given AU. Please vote on which one you’d like to see based off of wha I’ve written.
— — —
Factions, were all that remained. Years ago the government was overthrown, the world dissolved into chaos, and loyalty became an illusion. Patriotism no longer existed, one governing body was replaced with many, maps were re-made, and alliances dictated territory.
Ram shackled buildings made up towns, and once superior technology was now lost. The wars had ravaged scientific advancement putting the world’s technological timeline in reverse.
Enemies lurked at every corner as nations tried to re-establish themselves. Safety didn’t exist.
The only hope anyone had was the next generation-the offspring of surviving fighters. Tides were beginning to shift, and alliances were converging to form four powerful states. Keeping peace was increasingly difficult, but the few unattached townships were looking to restore America. If one nation could rebuild itself, then others could too.
— — —
A bullet ridden sign held a few straggling letters naming the town NEW O, also known as ground Zero.
Smoke wafted into the sky, streaming up in plumes from piped chimneys.
“The stables aren’t far,” James assured, stepping aside as a barefoot kid ran past, “we take a ride down south and check on Havoc Sector.”
“Right, my favorite place to be,” Piper sighed, adjusting her backpack.
“It’s just a quick round up,” Alex tried to brighten the mood, “nothing major. Get the medicine, distribute it, and head home.”
“Last time we sent someone to distribute supplies they were killed.” Piper reminded the two siblings.
“Which is why there’s three of us.” James pressed his lips into a thin line.
— — —
Havoc Sector was a shit hole. The only reason none of the states wanted its service was because of its poverty. They had nothing to offer anyone. In fact, Havoc Sector was lucky they even had support from New 0.
“It’s infected,” The Doctor pursed his lips, “I’m not sure there’s anything we can do.”
“There has to be something,” Bianca insisted, looking at her discolored arm. The large cut from a work related accident had become severely infected.
“I’m sorry, no medicine can treat this-let alone if we had any.” Part of Bianca wanted to kill the man. He claimed to be medically certified, and maybe he was once upon a time, but the equipment now just wasn’t the same. His abilities were limited.
“I’ll go somewhere else then,” Bianca decided.
“And where will that be?” The doctor frowned.
“The Skids,” Bianca’s assertive tone surprised the doctor, but he was more surprised by the selected location.
“If you go to the Skids you’ll die for certain.” He made no move to stop Bianca from stumbling to her feet.
“So be it.”
— — —
A fist rocked into her face pushing her back against the dusty wall. All around people crowded and yelled at the scene before them. Just beige her opponent could take the advantage, Sage slammed her foot down against their knee.
With a sickening pop the other girl dropped with a cry of pain. Using the back of her arm, Sage wiped the blood from her face, and grasped the unfortunate competitor by the front of her tank top, “Yield.”
“Not a chance.”
“You know what happens if you don’t.”
“That’s why I’m here.”
The crowd roared angrily and slammed their hands down upon rickety wood tables.
“You heard them,” The girl smiled thinly. Sage nodded and quick as a wink she snapped the other girl’s neck letting her drop to the ground. With the thud of the body the room dissolved into complete chaos.
Sage scampered from the ring and snatched up her winnings before heading off.
She’d changed quickly, and was now pedaling swiftly towards home. Her mother was sick and dying, if she’d gathered enough money there was a chance she could afford a hospital room. The Skids was a cutthroat place. A place for criminals, but because of that-they had the best health care possible.
“Throw the ball!” Piper yelled, tapping the bat on the base outlined in the dirt. James brought his leg up slow, making the movements grander than they needed to be, before throwing the mall. It whistled through the air in a perfect spin as Piper swung the wooden bat.
A loud crack resounded signaling a solid hit. James glanced at the sky trying to follow the ball as Piper took off to where Scout stood prepped at first base. Orion charged in from the outfield sprawling out flat in an attempt to catch the ball. Recovering he slung it towards second base forcing Piper into a dive.
Nathaniel snagged the ball from the air, stopped over to tap Piper, and cursed when she beat him. “Safe.”
“Yes!” Thalia clapped. Piper stood to dust herself off, all the while taking a bow.
With a sigh James took his place on the mound once more. Adjusting the cap on his head he wiped at the glistening sweat with the back of his arm.
“Hold up,” Scout called, checking his watch, “shit. We gotta go! School is soon.”
Nothing else was said as they all picked up the baseball equipment. An onlooker would have laughed watching a bunch of teens scramble across the dusty field, up and over the hill, down the other side, and disappear in the neighborhood.
— — —
“You have to work on your pitching,” Nathaniel joked accompanying his younger friends to school. College had yet to start for him so he enjoyed the morning cycle to school without the anxiety of having to do any learning.
“You pitch next time,” James huffed, taking the corner sharp into the parking lot. Kids were scrambling out of cars and racing up the steps to meet friends.
“That hit though,” Alex winked at Piper who puffed her chest out in pride. They rode past a car blasting U2 and shortly after another playing ABBA.
“The music tastes of some of these people,” Orion shook his head in dismay.
The conversation was interrupted as an engine came screaming by, a motorcycle sped past sliding into a parking space with ease.
“Hey! Watch it!” James yelled, “You yield to us.”
“Says who? It’s a parking lot. Everyone yields to everyone dip shit,” James’ brows arched in surprise as the biker jerked off their helmet to reveal an intimidating girl with short choppy black hair.
“Attitude,” Alex hummed earning a snicker from Piper. Shaking his head James lead the group to the bike rack.
“Some people have serious nerve,” Scout frowned.
“You get used to it,” Orion assured him hopping up onto the nearby wall, “see you all later.”
— — —
“Glad to see you decided to turn up,” Bianca turned to see her friend climbing the steps to the front of the school.
“I’m still a bit nervous,” Bianca admitted. She’d managed to snag a prosthetic but it wasn’t exactly the most function-able or attractive device.
“Don’t worry about it,” Sage promised holding the door open for her, “I’ll kill anyone who says anything about it.”
“Murder on the first day seems a bit excessive,” Bianca laughed.
“So does getting math homework,” Sage countered.
— — —
“This place is ghastly,” Penny frowned.
“Why? Because you learn stuff?” Chloe asked, arching a brow.
“It’s a prison.” Penny insisted.
“Thanks for that, I can finally cross going to jail off of my bucket list.” Penny rolled her eyes at Chloe before turning her attention to Arthur.
“How’re you holding up?”
“Honestly I am terrified,” Arthur mumbled. The news was all over the place with people who’d been beat up or killed for being gay, lesbian, and trans.
“Just remember to be careful,” Chloe warned.
“Why the fuck wouldn’t I be?” Arthur glowered.
“I’m just saying-“
“Yeah, you don’t want to move schools again I know.”
“Arthur, I’m not mad at you.” Chloe looked a bit offended, “but not everyone is like us. Some people are cruel.”
“The newspapers made me well aware of that,” Arthur swallowed hard, his heart hammering in his chest at too fast of a pace. He was pretty sure he was already sweating.
Capture the flag was the olympics of camp half blood. The winner didn’t earn a week of chores, gained honor, and best of all-bragging rights. There was nothing worse than watching people fume over defeat.
Even the campfires were fun if the participation was high enough. Maybe the music wasn’t the best but it got the job done. If anything, it allowed people to be completely unhinged.
Dinner was wonderful too, there were people to laugh with, tell stories with, and simple talk too. It was a vibrant atmosphere meant to be welcoming, but it was also a lonely type of place. There were those who felt confined, restricted, and unwanted.
Chloe hated her cabin. The perfume gave her a headache, the gossip was annoying, and they didn’t value a whole lot. Of course, not every child of Aphrodite was like that, but stigmas existed for a reason. The only one who’d gotten anything good out of the deal was Arthur. A perfect body, the one he always wanted, and with none of the pain.
Even Piper was dissatisfied. There was only so much a person could do with the limited equipment. She had big plans, big desires, and being confined to share a forge was infuriating. Her only solace was Siyanda who seemed to understand the struggle.
As for Scout, there was more to being smart than knowing facts. He was stuck in a cabin full of one uppers. Nothing anyone did was good enough, and someone always came up with something better. He was sick of it. Not to mention everyone’s ideas seemed to follow the same pattern. Originality didn’t seem to be valued as much as tradition did.
Penny and Orion were stuck in the most crowded cabin where something was always missing because someone always took something. You could barely even trust your own siblings with objects for fear they’d take it or sell it for something better. Personal possessions weren’t much of a privilege for them.
James and Alex had a relatively empty cabin. Everyone was pretty alright until it came to intense competitions, then all hell broke loose. People would argue over athletes about who was better or not, and it could go on for days. No one ever admitted defeat, that they were wrong, or that they weren’t as good as their ego said they were.
Violence was quite the go to response for people in the Ares cabin, but it didn’t come naturally to some. Thalia refrained from unseeded conflict at all costs, and instead advocated for peace more often than not. Bianca just wanted to be left alone. She barely spoke to anyone, and they all assumed it had to do with the age old incident.
Being a child of Nemesis meant no one wanted to befriend you. Not to mention the history of Nemesis children at camp. Fox found herself trying to be as detached as possible, but it was hard when people tried to piss you off to see what would happen.
As for Nathaniel, the poor boy didn’t catch a break. He taught archery every chance he got or helped out in the medical wing, but there was one cot that no one touched. It was practically forbidden, but that almost made it worse.
Enzo fit right in with the other peppy magic kids. He went about practicing his powers all day, loved to participate in group activities, and cabin bonding moments. Sage, however, kept to herself on the top bunk in the dark back corner of the rather unpopulated cabin. She found their happiness sickening, and spent most of her time curled up staring at the wall. No one bothered to drag her into activities anymore.
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onehellofaroleplay · 7 years
"Suck It Up Winchester,you're in love." Dean x Demon!Reader
Yay I’m finally writing something! If you guys like this one, I was thinking on writing more parts of it? Please enjoy! ~Rose)) (Dean’s POV) I drove in Baby,alone. Sam was having one of his ‘man periods’ so I just let him do his thing. I stopped at a red light, listening to ‘Back In Black’. A woman with (Y/H/C) locks and a damn good figure stopped at the light a bit abruptly. ’ God damn… ’ I thought as my eyes scanned her body. It was pretty easy to see. She was riding a motorcycle and fuck did her ass look nice. I couldn’t see her face,but if it was as gorgeous as her body… I certainly wouldn’t be alone tonight. The woman drove at top speed as soon at the light went green. I grinned, noticing that she was blasting AC/DC. ’ Good taste in music too.’ I chuckled and drove fast. I had a case with Ellen and she’d kill me if I was any later. I pulled into the Roadhouse and saw what looked like the previous woman’s bike. ’ Well, aren’t I lucky.’ I thought and smirked. I nodded at Jo in greeting and went over to Ellen so she could tell me about the case. “ Hey Dean.” Ellen smiled and Jo nodded back to me. “ Hey Ellen.” I glanced over at motorcycle girl. “ What’s the case that was so bad you couldn’t tell me about it over the phone?” Ellen nodded toward the girl. ’ Dammit…’ She pursed her lips. “ Bobby and I have known her for a while. She’s grown to be almost like a daughter to us. But…” Ellen turned her head to her. “ Cristo.” She whispered and the girl flinched. “ Badass hunter,but only known to the things she hunts. She’s only hurt those who deserved it. She is,however a demon.” I pulled my pistol out and pointed it at her. ’ God dammit, always the hot ones.’ “ So, what’s stopping me from killing her?” I said, making sure I had the perfect aim to kill her. “ She’s a demon Ellen. Why is she still alive?” The woman smirked at me and it was fucking sexy. She snapped her fingers and the guns flew out of my hands. “ Nice try pretty boy.” I growled. “ Son of a bitch…” Ellen smirked at me, looking a bit triumphant. “ She’s half human. Crowley’s sister.” I stood there, stunned. “ There were so many things wrong in that sentence, all of which made me want to kill her more.” I grit my teeth and glanced over at the demon. “ But you and Bobby are closest things I have to a Mom and Dad right now, so I’ll keep her breathing. For now.” I say, implying that it doesn’t mean I won’t keep check of her. “ So why am I here if she’s good?” The wo- no,not a woman- demon’s hips were swaying to the music being played and I forced myself to look away. “ We think she can help kill the thing that killed Mary. She knows his name is Azazel and they aren’t on the best page.” Ellen smirked. “ And as I said before, she’s a badass hunter. She could help you two. Why don’t you go talk to her?” I busted out laughing. “ Us working with a demon? Yeah right. I’m on my own for a bit while Sam’s off being a girl. Plus if I get anywhere near that girl I’ll end up killing her.” I said walking over to pick up my gun,but stopped as the demon appeared in front of me. “ Don’t insult me. I’m only half of those bastards,so don’t group me with them.” There was venom laced in her tone and her eyes were a stormy (Y/E/C). I stepped back, acting disgusted. “ Y'know for a hot chick, you sure are an awful demon. Why don’t you hurry up and do your evil thing,so I can kill you. ” I clenched my jaw, feigning anger. “ Cause I’m pretty sure you and I both know you aren’t a good demon. There ain’t no such thing.” I said, putting my gun inside me jacket. “ Excuse me asshole? I’ll have you know that the only people I’ve ever hurt are the things I hunt and you sure as hell know that’s they aren’t people.” She glared and her eyes flashed black. “ So I advise you take that back and go back to Sammy. Yes, I know your brother. We’re actually quite good friends,so deal with it son of a bitch.” I stood there shocked and as much I hated to admit it… I was impressed. “ Sammy would want me to do what’s right. And you are a thing. We hunt things. It’s my job. You could know God for all I care. You give me any reason to kill you, I’ll do it. You understand me?” I said smirking at her, but I really was very serious. She licked her lips and smirked right back at me. “ We’ll see. You can’t kill me if I kill you first.” I could tell that she was completely serious as she gave me a piece of paper. “ Call me if I’m needed.” She walked out of the Roadhouse, waving goodbye to Jo and Ellen. I nodded at her slightly. “ Damn… That’s one crazy hot chick.” I chuckled and called Sam. I made sure to check the paper first, seeing it had her name and number. ’ (Y/N), huh? Cute.’ Sam picked up after the fourth ring. “ So, when are you going to tell me about (Y/N)?” I said, ready to begin and argument. “ The katako? Oh… Yeah, I know her. We dated before. What about her?” I was pissed. Real pissed. “ You weren’t ever gonna talk to me about her? What happened to being honest to each other Sammy?” I began driving south and started to see odd marks through some tracks. “ Imma have to call you back Sam.” He let out an annoyed sigh and hung up. “ Bitch.” I muttered and got out of Baby. I followed the tracks and soon realised they were werewolf. “ Shit… Should I call… I really don’t… But I need help… Help is overrated… Right?” I argued with myself before giving in and calling (Y/N). “ Oh, so you decided to pull the stick from out of your ass. That’s nice. What do you want Winchester?” I could tell she was smirking. “ Oh shut it. I think I may have a case and apparently you know Sammy,and he’s having one of his lady problems.” I said slightly laughing. “ I’m three roads down from the Roadhouse.” I could hear (Y/N) chuckle. “ Ah yes,the dreaded man period. I’ll be there in five minutes.” She hung up and was here in about two. “ What’s up Winchester?” I looked at the girl, scanning her figure. “ We have a small problem. ” I said pointing at the tracks. “ We have some wolf tracks… In the middle of the night. I’m sure if we walk up the road we’ll find some bodies missing their organs.” I said, getting in Baby. “ You coming?” I looked from her to the motorcycle. “ Or are you going on your tron bike?” (Y/N) smirked and snapped her fingers, making the bike disappear. “ Well, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Alone with the oh-so-fabulous Dean Winchester.” She got in the passenger seat. “ Oh and nice car. Chevy Impala '67. Dream car.” I couldn’t help,but smile at that one. “ Thanks. She’s my Baby,so if you do anything to her, I don’t care if you’re God himself, I will kill you.” I said as I drove. I meant every word. “ Got in Captain.” She kissed my cheek and I felt the smirk on her lips. “ Just a good luck kiss sweetheart.” I sat there, kinda shocked. “ Um… Okay, sweetheart.” I said, mimicking her. I pulled over when we reached a dead cow. “ And here we go Sherlock. First piece of evidence. ” I said as I got of Baby. (Y/N) followed suit and inspected it. “ No heart, just as we thought Watson.” I fidgeted when she began to bite her lip, concentrating on the case. I liked the girl’s taste in… Everything. “ Alright. Let’s go ask the locals about any deaths and kill ourselves a werewolf. ” I stated, getting in the car and waited for her to get in as well. “ Let’s go beauty and the beast.” (Y/N) got in a bit eagerly. “ Let me guess, you’re beauty?” She turned on Metallica and grinned, signifying she liked it. I was shocked to be honest. We were just too alike. “ Obviously I’m beauty. You’re the only monster here.” I laughed and even after I finished laughing, I couldn’t get the smile off of my face. One more thing in common was going to make me lose my mind. She takes offense,but laughed as well. “ Hey, after this we should go to the diner for some pie.” I stopped the car suddenly and got out. “ Get out. Right now. Who put you up to this? Is this some kind of Crowley joke?!?” (Y/N) got out of the car, looking furious. “ What the hell Dean?!? I haven’t talk to Crowley in three years! I was just trying to make conversation and you a gun on me,so as I said before Dean Winchester, what the hell?!?” I kept the gun pointed at her. “ So you loved all the things you loved? You aren’t joking?” I asked, kinda confused. “ Well, duh! One, pie is amazing. Two, Metallica is the best band out besides AC/DC. I would never be able to choose. Impalas have spectacular gas mileage, are extremely good cats in general, and are overall beautiful. I could go on,but I have a feeling you wouldn’t listen.” She growled, fury in her eyes and venom seeping out of her words. I couldn’t help it anymore. I walk over to her quickly and rammed my lips into her. (Y/N) just stood there for a minute,but soon started to kissed me back. I pushed her up against the car, forgetting the previous argument. We kissed for about four minutes before I pulled away and got in the car. “ Come on beast.” (Y/N) was still overcome with shock. At least I hope it was shock. She got in Baby hesitantly. “ Yeah… Okay beauty.” Did you like it? This is one of my first, so no hate please. If you want I’ll do more parts and you can also request. Just put it in my ask box and I’ll gladly do it as soon as I can. Please tell me if you enjoyed it!
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